What can defeat a strong i man who believes in himself and cannot be ridiculed, t a l k e d H: 2: down, or written | down? :
tji pj J I!
The difference jjj between failure In a n d success i s jl{ doing a thing: 1 nearly right and | doing it exactly jjj
* *
<«d as second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1321, at . co at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1878.
VOL. L—NO. 34. %
Sam Leon Fifth In l Cleveland Orphanage 9 Directors Election
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. GET FURLOUGHS. Washington. (J. T. Agency.) Wherever possible, Jewish soldiers in the American Army will receive furloughs for' the coming Jewish holidays in October, according to an announcement of the War Department published last week.
'Good'Work done fry Social - Workers in
Is the rabbinate a failure? Is the By S. H. S. modern preacher of Israel's Law a July of 1918, at Camp Cody, New Helped to Make Immigrants Omahan Lacks But Few Votes To Make Appeal t o . League of voice that calleth in the desert? Has' Mexico—"tha hottest place • in the the rabbi become a piece of orna-j world, 111 tell the world" as every Into Good Citizens; Plan of Reaching First Place Nations to Aid Ukrainian mental tapestry, a soother of jaded j doughboy in the 84th Division called National Federation in National Contest. Refugees. nerves, a "beautiful but ineffectual it hundreds of times'each day. Here, of All Agencies Special to "THE JEWISH PRESS". London. (By Jewish Telegraphic angel beating in vain Ms luminous i in the training camp of the Sandstorm (l".<rte— S. H. Schapfer. enTOrint^naent »C ;s in the void?" Is the ministry i Division, I came to know Rabbi Harry Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 3.—Sam Leon Agency.) Lucien Wolf, secretary'of wings the Jewish Welfare federation here recent; ©f Omaha, .grand i 0( jg e committeeman ly attended the 'national convention of Richmond intimately. the English-Jewish "Joint Foreign of God futile? Rooial workers, held1 in Milwaukee, Tlie of the B*nai B'rith, No. 6, was elected Committee," left for Geneva to ap- Yes, says; Eabbi Harry R. Rich- I had heard of him in Cincinnati, following interesting nrticle vras written especially for The JewiBh Press,—Editor.l to the board of directors of the Clevepear before the Second International mond ,the brilliant young preacher of j while he was still a student at the land Orphanage, taking fifth place in Gommission on Immigration' of the Paterson, N. J., who, after filling sue- j University and at the Hebrew Union By S. H. SCHAEFER. the national eontest. League of Nations on behalf of the cessfully,the post of rabbi of the Bar- ; College. I knew of his high scholar- London. (J. T. Agency.) In his j What are the outstanding features Mr. Leon ran ahead of many of the thousands of Jewish immigrants that nert Memorial Temple of that city for' ship, of his eight year fight for an opening address as chairman, of the j in present-day Jewish social service? more than a year and a half, has just'education in the rabbinate, sad of Board of Deputies' meeting held on veteran ^members'of the board. His are not being admitted anywhere. The best answer to this question given up the calling to which he had. the splendid idealism of his student top position was a great surprise. Sunday, Sir Stuart Samuel, brother Mr. Wolf has with him abundant probably can be found in the annual He has been a member of the or-r I sermons. It was no surprise to find of the High Commissioner of Palesmaterial on the pogroms of Jews in consecrated his life. meetings of the National Confereace "I have come to this bitter de-'him carrying out his idealism in the tine, reported at length on conditions phanage board of directors for the Ukraine and the condition of-the tens of Jewish Social Service. Here, each past two years. Mr. Leon received of thousands of homeless and desti- cision," he writes in his letter of res- [ service of his country—as a private of Jews throughout the world, dilat- year, there gather together profesignition, ."because of the growing' in the ranks of its army. 22,563 votes, Adolph Landauer of Miling particularly on conditions in Pal( tute. It will be his task to ask that the sional and volunteer workers in Urn waukee, Wis., who was first, received doors of America and the British colo- realization upon me of the futility of i From his congregation at Trinidad, estine as he saw them during his re- ranks of Jewish social work from all 24,594 votes. nies be opened to the families of the ministry in the life of today. . . • Col., he had"- applied for appointment cent visit there from which he re- parts of the United States, here the I want to be spared 4the high privilege ' as a Chaplain, but the "red tape" turned only a fortnight ago. Following are the candidates in ornaturalized citizens. SAM LEON experiences, the failures and tb« of being God's deacon, of reforming I which encumbered the appointment of der in which they ran: Sir Stuart declared that the Jews achievements of the various Jewisfc the world. I t can't be done!" Jewish chaplains at that time was so in Palestine were not a burden to the A-dolph Xandauer, Milvraufcce. • Wis. Wm. F . AVolfner, Peoria, III. : In the course of his farewell serj entangled, that the young rabbi, <haf- British government; that on the con- communities are related, new theories Emil Joseph/Cleveland, Ohio. " '--•; mon, delivered Friday evening," July ji n g u n der the delay, resigned his rab- trary, they contributed far more to in social work advanced and ol<i Adolph Finsterwald, Detroit. Mich. Bam J . Leon, Omaha, Nebr. 1, he amplified this point as follows: .binate, waived his claims to exemp- the expense of the Palestine ad- methods re-evaluated. This is t&* Morris H. Lempert, Toledo, Ohio. o ;; clearing house for the year's work am! Charles Hayer, Xiincoln, Nebr. "The people of Israel came unto the . tion and enlisted in the ranks. It was ministration than was their propor- j for the energies of the workers. Alex Mincer. Chicago, 111. Morris Gcst, the theatrical manager, London. (Jewish T. Agency.) Dr. prophet Samuel and asked him to ap- Jn o t until five months later that Gen- tionate duty. Though constituting Couis Loeb. Akron, Ohio. 1 dJex Stern, -Fargo, No. Dakota. and Hcrxazn Bernstein, writer, reChaim Weizman, president of the point a king and master o%-er them. •e r a l Pershing's urgent call for twenty- only 10 per cent of the population of Work For Development. Samuel Folz, Kalamazoo, Mich. turned Saturday on the Cunarder World Zionist Organization, demand- Samuel, bewildered by their petition, • five Jewish; chaplains found him at the country, they paid one-^ixth of the A-dolph "Weiner, Chicago, III. Bernard A. Xange, Sprinsfield, 111.; Acquitania from an unsuccessful at- ed the immediate formation of a Jew-_ withheld their request, saying unto j Camp Dix, on the point of embarka- current expenses of the administra- From "the 1921 meeting, held reBen Stranss. Hamilton. Ohio. cently in Milwaukee, this one Samuel W.-Trost, Cincinnati. Ohio. tempt to enter Russia. ifeh Legion for Palestine in his address them: 'Know ye not that the Lord ' tion for France, and made him official- tion. He asserted likewise that the stands out above all others: Mrs. Manuel Halle, Cleveland, Ohio. Bernstein said he got as far as Riga before the meeting of Cabinet. Minis- God is your ruler, your king, your jiy a wearer of the silver shepherd's necessity of maintaining large mili- there is existent in the great consw Samuel Wtekelman, Chicairo. 111. - j Isaac Goldberg,: Detroit, Mich. in Latvia when he received a tele- ters on Tuesday. The conference was master; why seek ye then a man of j crook—the military insignia of the tary forces tti Palestine was not d«e nmnity <sf American Jewry a fences Mrs. A. Mosenfelder, .Rock Island. m: Albert J . Strauss, Cincinnati. Ohio. gram from the Soviet Government in attended by Premier Lloyd George, flesh .to lord over you?' But the voice , Jewish chaplain. . • to the Jews, nor to the Zionist pro- striving ceaselessly for the physical, Ralph Clark. Ft- "Wayne,- Indiana. Moscow stating that he would not be Winston Churchill, Arthur Balfour of the Lord came unto Samuel, say- But, even as a private in the ranks, gT3m of the government. He declared mental and moral development of k Herbert K. Bloch, Cincinnati. Ohio. Edward Sachs, Louisville, Ky. admitted. He said that the people in a^d Sir Maurice Hankey. ing: 'Samuel, Samuel! withhold not he was no less a leader of men. I that large sums will have to be forth- Jew, and that this force is greatest , Abraham "Weiner, Cleveland. Ohio. Central Europe^weue returning to Ira Ciralfiljy, Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Weizman outlined the present the request of the people. Give them have seen him, wearied in body after coming in the nearest future to in the small communities, in tliosS Robert Thai,. St. I^ouls, ITo. work and thst food and general living situation of the Zionist Movement and a king of flesh" and blood, for in ask- a day of intense drilling, or just back finance the immediate development of cities whose Jewish population ntenSamuel Seitner, Saginaw. Mich. conditions there.had improved since, of Jewish affairs in Palestine, ad- ing for a kinglof thsir own they have from a 20 mile hike, the center of an Palestine and the colonization of the bers from 5,000 to 15,000. In 1 last year. '..''•'• /' ' " vocating serious changes of policy and not forsaken thee bu, ; me as their God ; enthralled group of fellow-doughboys, Chaluzim wKo were in the country communities the tie between the in.All the nations/he said, had started the introduction of numerious reforms and King.' Similarly I say unto you not preaching, .for the doughboy hated end of those immigrants for whom the dividuals is stronger, the relationsMp to readjust • themselves, especially which would make, possible more tonight: I nave not forsaken Israel/that, but speaking quietly and earn- possibility of settlement would hsxe more intimate, the sense of working since they, had found that they would rapid Jewish development in Pales- but Israel'has forsaken me. For i n e p t l y of the Jew, his relation to tbe to be provided. towards a common goal of communal effectiveness of spiritual leadership in (-war and his constant "fight for pliysichave to do it by work alone. There tine. ,.-. ' ., ' In the same speech, Sir Stuart achievment more immediate. Many York. <J. C. B. Service.) Last was no indication of any genuine At one dramatic moment, Weizmaa America may well be expressed as al and' spiritual freedom. Boys there Samuel crged that an exhaustive re- such commiaHtfes have taken acha7?t] were in the crowd around Mm, from port of conditions in Ukraine and &ge of this fact and are using i( a. I •i «eek the Jewish "t)aQy Forward of gratitude'to Americ^he-added, f ?r all faced Balfour and solemnly pleaded zero. if this, city: published a -cable from its thatthis country"bad doneforEurope. that the Balf our Declaration be inter- "It is not long since I spoke from t i e Dakotas, from.'Iowa and Nebras- Eastern .ESurops be .psesen£ed..£6-.£be the foundation for & steic&ure 63 cowwas . recovering ".,Berlin correspondent, j£eted in. acts, so that jit may not' be- this platfoiei-on- the •theme cfr"The'ka, ami from,-far'oiff KewTferFCitj% British Foreign Office and that that plete and perfect community service. corresponde, sstating t g tthat, tha. Germany, he ._ said, ~;..-•_„ c o m e a me ,re scrap, of diplomatic" Jews of Paterson.' There were some | He made friends of them all, and bfet- office be urged to-Bdopt diplomatic From Paterson and Memphis, fro •; ' -goverament ^S.had- - jreceiveak i&pidly* ^anii•wotili ^dan ; be ' : a in our midst who agreed and some !,ter Jen's. I have heard him conduct measures to prevent the recurrence of Des Moines and Seranton, fro'hj Tothrough its ambassador in Washing- competaor in the'wotid markets. p a p e r . , ' '. • •. ton, a letter signed byJLouis Marshall, "As for-Russiai'* Mr. Bernstein con-" Lloyd George promised ' that the who disagreed wrfti me. One man in' Sabbath Evening services in the Jew-the horrible tragedies that have af- ledo and Norfolk, from Minneapolis The heat flicted the Jews in those regions. Ex-Ambassador Morgenthau', and Dr. tinned, "There is every symptom, not- proposition of a Jewish Legion, as Jarticular-seemed t o agree with me.-.ish Welfare Board/tent. and Oakland, and scores of cities Stephan S. Wise, thanking the PoHsh withstanding- the trade agreements well as other suggestions, would re- He congratulated me" on my humbl»jtmder the canvas would be stifling them, come messages of achiffvemest Government for guaranteeing religi- with England, Germany, Italy, Poland ceive serious and immediate consider- efforts, adding that his only fear was and just down, the road would be the FUNERAL OF MRS. LEON in one line or another of social and and other countries, "that the Bolshe- ation. that-my remarks about the Jews of i seduction of a. "show" at the camp ons minority rights. HELD FRIDAY. communal service that indicate .tibfi vist regime is nearing u^ter disintePaterson-might find an echo in the' ( theatre or a movie at the Y—yet Jew- .Mrs. Mr. William Edlin, editor of The Sol Leon, mother of Sam strength of the social energies local ,vpress. Yet the very same man: ish boys from all over camp, tired as and Mark Leon, who died at the centrated within them. This stateDay,' wired Mr. Marshall as to the gration. There is widespread famine feX-CONGRESSMAN said -to another before he had yet left • they were after" the fatigating duty family home here last Thursday, was ment is not meant to minimize these correctness of this report, and in in Russia. The crops are very poor. GOLDFOGLE GETS IMPORTANT POST this house of God: 'I would have pre-! o f the day, would crowd the tent to buried in Des Moiaies, last Friday. same forces for communal gttcx! a$ reply received telegram in which Mr. Lenine's new concessions to the peasferred to be in the club tonight and j its capacity listening to the* beauty Marshall denies ever having made ants is his last card, ana" it is hardly Mrs. Leon died -rhursdsy after a work in the larger centres of «Jewisfc: New York. (J. C. 13.) Ex-Consuch a statement or ever hav- likely, to ""save the Soviet Government gressman Henry M- Goidfogle was ap- hold four aces in my hand.' There- J of his message and drawing inspire- short illness. She had >een a resident population, but New York, Bo«to% tion from the sincerity of the speaker. of Omaha for only a few years, com- Philadelphia, Baltimore and Chicagi' ing acted with any other gentlemen from this most .critical stage of its pointed by Mayor Hylan to the im- fore I say unto you: It is not I who 1 Onjy another allied leave you. It is you who leave me. in issuing such announcement. The existence. He was counsellor, guide and friend ing from Des Moines, where she had have so long been looked upon as the * portant office of President of the full text of Mr. Marshall's telegram blunder can save . i t . ' Only another Board of Taxes and Assessments of fotmtainheads of the stream of Jewish Here is food for serious thought.!*0 the.men about him. resided many years. to Mr. Wm. J. Edlin, the editor of war or attack against it from without Neew York City, hitherto filled by For this is not a case of a young i One year after bur first meeting I communal development in this eoim» can prolong the life of the Soviet The Day, follows: «.v«u~ ~ » , m e t W m a*8™- ^ « were both return- MIZRACHI TO try that it is refreshing and inspirthe late Jacob A. Kantor. The office . u ^ x , * , B1WW1. "It is not true that I have ever regime. Born of war, Bolshevism has an annual salary of J£8,000 at- first efforts to reform the world didiii n S f r o m FFr a n c e o n ^^ L t h ing to know that elsewhere, in wlial HAVE 100 DELEGATES Leviathan. sent or authorized my signature to came into being in Russia under the tached to it. Mr. Goldfolgle, who is a not meet with instant success. Rabbi j He-was fall of enthusiasm and hope, our metropolitan friends have looked AT CONGRESS such e. letter as you have described. pretext of peace. It has maintained member of the law firm of Goidfogle Richmond is made of sterner stuff j anxious to take up again his work as upon as the frontiers of Jewish com* London. (J. C. B.) The Central My only connection with the Polish: itself these years by wars, and now and Dorf, will retain his connections than that. He was already seventeen a civilian—inspired - anew in his Bureau of the MizrachI World Organ- munal existence, the Jews are keeping1 that the. wars around Russia are ambassador has been: and active participation in that firm. when he came to his country from c a l l i n * - a s a l e a d f v m T I s r a e l ^ y * e ization announces that the Mizrachi up with the needs of their own comintense idealism of the Jews whom he have already sold 200,0000 shTcolim munities, and are many of them set1) The transmitting to him of the ended, Bolshevism seems to be dying Mr. Goldfogle's very interesting Russia. • ''..• had met and known in the training throughout the world. He further an- ting standards for a higher and more Berenson letter which is printed in in peace. career includes such bits of loeal color This is quite an advanced age for. camp and on the field of battle. full in. the last annual report of the "The Bolshevlki have modified their as being born and bred:on the Jewish nounced that the Misrachi expected purposeful means of "Taking care of theories and changed their ideals. East Side, attending the New York a man to begin his schooling, yet it j Jewisfc American Committee. === that by the time the Zionist Congress their own". did not deter him from entering \ ••• .2) The address delivered at Waldorf They admit that their hopes of kindl- public schools and colleges. . school and making his way through i We hsve effected a. complete separa- at Carlsbad opens they would have ing an immediate • world revolution Is Stimulating Thought. Astoria, on the occasion when you and the University of Cincinnati and the! tion of religion and every day life, 100 delegates elected to represent are shattered. They are bankrupt, but many other were present, the subthem there. This is indeed a stimulating though*-. i :• Union Hebrew College, in both of i which is quite a different thing from stance of which is also contained in as yet- there is no receivership in LLOYD GEORGE for American Jewry, and for itg AND CHURCHILL HEAR which he established a record •' for a separation of Church and State. Russia ready to take over the reins t i e report mentioned. future. And it is vital, y AMERICAN RELIEF STARTS REZIONIST LEADER brilliant scholarship. How much per-j We have shut religion up in the tem; 3) A discussion with the Polish of government." future of the Jew's relation to Amer* CONSTRUCTION WORK IN London. (Jewish Gorrep. Bureau.) severence this requires thsy know! pie and shut it out.of our hearts and Mr. Gest said he had managed to High-Commissioner and the represent ica. For hand in hand with Jewish POLAND. who have gone through a similar ex-1 homes and shops. We still go to the tatives of the ambassador at the New .get as far as the Russian frontier to Dr. Chaim Weizman, president of the perience, and those who have not may j synagogue from sheer force of habit, Warsaw. (J. C. £.) The American social service gws the concept Zionist Organization of the."World, try and get his parents out of the York Bar Association to consider Joint Distribution. Committee, of the ideal of American social eervle€ means of improving conditions—econ- country, but could not get any farther. addressed a special sitting of Cabinet find out by leading, say, Mary Antin's or because it offers relaxation to the which Mr. Felix M. Warburg is presi- and American social unity. In thfi He sent in a courier- with money who Ministers a t which Lloyd George and "Promised Land." And as for cour-jt. b. m.. but we are too worldly wise omic and otherwise. small community, with its close i telegraphed Jiim later that his .father Winston Churchill, British Colonial age, he gave a rare example of i t ' t o . heed the admonitions gp-en us dent, has inaugurated a campaign of action of civic forces, properly direct* 4) My letter read at the Paderewsreconstruction activities among the when, following America's entrance • there. We respect our rabbi but not Secretary, were present, and outlined and mother were safe and he would ed, the Jewish settlement, the moders fci dinner. • - -" : bring them out'in a few days. At the the demands Zionists have to make of into .the war, he waived his claim to! his teacnings. We say to him in ef- Jewish communities in Poland. Fol- ghetto, cannot exist for long. This I have signed no communication lowing the arrival here of its special the British government to insure the exemption from military service by feet. Be good for us, for we cannot whatsoever in conjunction with Mr. frontier of Bessarabia, Mr. Gest said, possibility of the establishment of a virtue of being a minister and joined afford to be good ourselves. , Commissioner Landesco, a conference Jewish district or neighborhood will he was detained for two hours because < Morgenthau, and the only time that Jewish Homeland in Palestine accord- the. army as an ordinary private in j Into such an atmosphere of cold in- was held which decided to take irn-^ always exist, but this can be changed I acted conjointly with Dr. Wise was his passport was not-properly stamp- ing to the decision of the Supreme the infantry, from which, however, he j difference comes the young rabbi, mediate steps against the ravages on from a close, self-sufficient, foreijpn • • at the Waldorf Astoria Conference." ed, but he got away finally. was detached by order of the War De- j filled with youthful ardor and fired by the Jewish population by sickness and unit into a^center surcharged equally Council at San Remo. with old world traditions end Dr. Weizman emphasized that re- partment and promoted to chaplain {his own exalted notion of his mission epidemics. Delegates from various world ideals. This the small comRAISE ENDOWMENT FUND GOES ABROAD. parts of the country depict hsxrowing IN FREIBERG'S MEMORY cent developments in the Holy Land while already on the way to France.; in life. The effect upon him is chill- tales of the sanitary conditions. It is munity, with its single communit!?, Morris E. Schlaifer left Sunday, Nor is this a case of lack of harmony j ing deadly. .For. the minister is inprecipitated a crisis in Zionist affairs, An endowment fund to continue the building and its compact population) July 31, for New York, from which and that future Jewish development between rabbi and congregation, for tensely social—his mission would be estimated that the mortality among can do, and seems to be doing" morf: work and perpetuate the .memory of Jews in Poland reaches 400 in every ''.'•• port he sails on the Olympic August J. Walter Freiberg, late president^ of in Palestine was impossible without shortly before Rabbi Richmond's res- unthinkable without social life—and thousand. The report of the con- effectively and more rapidly than [ 13 for Cherbourg, France. ignation his congregation extended he craves for sympathy, for appreciaa removal of the recently imposed the Union of American Hebrew Con\<r Mr. Schlaifer expects to visit at gregations, will be raised from one limitations against immigration and Tiim a unanimous vote of confidence, tion of his efforts by others. When, ference describes the situation as larger cities. It. is this conservation y 'k Paris, before proceeding to Vienna, thousand leading American Jews, it the granting of favorable conditions Finally, it ^annot be maintained that therefore, he discovers, as he soon catastrophic. Field hospitals are be- of Jewish tradition and Jewish vitality, on the one hand, and this blend" where he^will represent a New York was annonced to-day by Mr. Mann j ' t o Jewish settlers. this is an exceptional case, for we fre- does, that he is regarded as a mere ing erected for the summer, and ing of the Jewish cultural traits witls American physicians will be sent to ' export house. quently hear nowadays of rabbis giv- spiritual figurehead, that, men "pay Strauss, chairman of the Freiberg daily American life, on the other, thtet | He was formerly in the consular Memorial Committee. Each one will BULGARIA PAYS EXPENSES pF ing up their calling, although Rabbi him only lip service, that he is living important centres to take charge of ig coming.to be the unique contrils*» Richmond is the first, so far as we in,, a kind of Doll's Houste, that he is sanitary activities. . JEWISH. SCHOOLS. service at Stockholm and Vienna. be asked to" contribute $50,' and the r tion of the small Jewish community are aware, to advance the futility of speaking in a A W H I H , is it any wonVienna. (Jewish Tel. Agency.) A total, of §250,000 will mark the estabto Jewry itself and to America. REFUGEES PROTEST LAW. lishment < of a J. Walter Freiberg despatch from Sofja slates that the the ministry as his reason for resign- der that he fiaaMy loses heart and de- "ICA" STARTS IMMIGRATION WORK Federsti6n Movement Spreading • Warsaw, July 24. (J. T. A.) Memorial Fund. This fund will con- Educational. Budget, Bill just passed ing it. How then shall we account cides to give up a ministry that to him appears wholly futile? London. (Jewish Corresp, Bureau.) tinue and help to expand the Jewish by the new Bulgarian Diet provides for it? Several thousand Ukrainian reHand in hand •with this develop* Whether this is the true explana- The "lea" has finally decided to start ment of the social service spirit Communal' -ai]d Religious activity for the payment of the expense of all fugees, now temporarily domiIn our opinion it is due to the gross which the1 Union is carrying on, and Jewish parochial schools in the coun- materialism of the age. God is no tion of the present and other cases, doing something on the immigration the small community the "FederatiiMBL** .;] ciled in that city, held a large The administration of • the longer enshrined in our hearts; we no we-do not kst>w. But there can be no question and directed itself to the movement throughout the country in which Mr. Freiberg was a leader try. protest meeting against the schools and the expenditures of all longer think of His Law morning, doubt that the resignation of Rabbi London-Jewish "War Relief Commit- making itself felt. This calls fotf for more than a/decade, A large numclosing of the doors of the ber of leading Jews from all parts of the government moneys remains, as noon and night; our life is no longer Richmond constitutes a challenge to tee" for assistance in its activities, es- uniting of United States and of Palestine j ^ the United States have already, en- heretofore, in the hands of the local actuated by a high ethical purpose, every serious-minded Jew in America. pecially is the work of trying to settle to Jewish immigrants. (Continued on page $,) ~;, Jewish, committees, Jewish immigrants In Argentina. rolled on the committee* and pleasure are pur sole aims. . The America
Stuart Samuel Denies
Morris Gest and Bernstein Demands Formation Were Haired By Russia oi Jewish Legion
Louis Marshal Denies > He Thanked Poles
THE JEWISH PRESS -Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH: PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. • • . MOERIS E. JACOBS, Manager. " Office, Four* BairdBldg.—Telephone Jackson 2372.
[Good Wotk po»6 b? Social in Ainerica bating
(Continued from page 1.)
London. (J. T. A.) From a censored report appearing in the Palestine papers which arrived here, it is gathered that High-Commissioner Samuel recently received a deputation of prominent Arabs who demanded of him that the Balfour Declaration be rescinded and that the immigration restrictions against Jews be mc.^s permanent. Samuel's reply was definitely in the negative. He told them that «cch demands were out of place, that the Balfour Declaration cannot under any circumstances be recalled. He further declared that it would be impossible to close the doors against immigrants.
By Led Kenlg
WITOS KNOWS NOTHING OF "RE* CENT EXCESSES. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Premiei Witos yesteMay announced thafc officizilly the government had no knowledge of reported excesses that have taken place recently in the Lodx district. In the same statement he decl&red that the negotiations? for 8 Polish-Jewish understanding would begin soon.
I agencies within a city into one cenCopyrighted by Jewish Correspondence Bureau. tralized body, such as was formed in Omaha this spring. .?2.50 Subscription Price, one year _ ;.---. i .............. We do not imply that the federation The Whitechapel Ghetto is proud of to. speak of a fighter, there is someAdvertising rates furnished on application. movement is in any sense of the word its Israel Zangwill, the great "Drea- thing not quite Jewish about, it. But NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from tne publica- ' a new one, nor that every city in the mer of the Ghetto", and of its Rufus they cannot help themselves. Their tion -of The Jewish. Press, are to be given to worthy communal causes. country . has established a complete Isaacs, the British Viceroy in India... children speak such a lot about Kid federation—but the tendency and And Whitechapel is probably no less, Lewis—too much in fact—&nd inCHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please sire both the old nnd new aadresa; .be sure land sign jour name. .. trend of organizetions is to that end. proud of its Kid Lewis, the champion voluntarily they are affected by the „ ' younger generation. The truth is that A decided forward step in this direc- boxer. HARDING/THE FORD APOLOGIST. tion is the attempt, initiated at the There is no need to shrink from as- they, too, are inwardly, in a quiet According- to Webster's dictionary "an apologist is one who last Conference, to form a federation sociating these names, for the drea- way, very proud of this "Lane boy." of national institutions, such as the mer, die politician and the fighter The tricks he gets up to! The way in u*gues in defense of a cause or a person.*' President Harding', when he spent three days recently as the: Denver Hospitals, the Hebrew Shel- are, all three, expressions df different which he goes for an anti-Semite, and guest of Henry Ford at his summer camp, became, consciously or tering Society, the Cleveland Orphan directions of the powers of the Jewish the gentle fashion in which he deals Home and others, the object being to people, and of the tremendous vitality with a Jewish opponent! And then Unconsciously, a Ford apologist. Tlie visit,of the-President of this country with Ford was bulk the needs of these various in- of the Whitechapel Ghetto, which only he is one of the greatest fighters in TREATY OF SEVIERS MODIFIED. London. (Jewish Correspondence H a very beautiful assortheralded in the public press for days, and this information is now stitutions and then apportion them intelligent mediocrity despises. That the world The a champion. Bureau.) We learn that Article 120 being used by enemies of the Jewish race and allies of Ford to equitably among the various com- community would be unhealthy which Jews of Whitechapel feel mote safe of the Treaty of Seviers will be modi- ffl tnetit of "L-oshona Tova" , dignify "the attacks of tfie Detroit manufacturer in his Dearborn munities of the country. These insti- produced oily Zangwills or Lord Read- when they speak of him. , cards just received. fied in such a way ss not to make it 6 tutions at present operate on the basis ings. Without its Kid Lewis, White[ndepen'dent. • obligatory for British citizens of JewPresident Harding sometime ago affixed his signature to a of separate and individual campaigns, chapel would be anaemic. Whitechapel has even created a ish faith settling in Palestine to be- I SELECT YOUR CHOICE * * * statement prepared by John Spargo in which Jew-baiters and each taking from a community -all legend about its Kid Lewis. Of come Pelestine citizens. The demand 1 NOW. persons spreading the propaganda about the Protocols and that it possibly can get, except, of Jewish mothers and fathers, sitting for this change was voiced in the course, Whitechapel says it is a fact. "Jewish conspiracy" were branded as un-American, intolerant, course, in cases in which, the local on Saturday evenings on their whiteHouse of Commons by Sir Philip federation includes national institu- washed front-door steps in White- Anyhow, it is certainly one of the Magnus, and elsewhere by other and enemies of humanity. . . finest and most characteristic legends Why President Harding, in face of this, accepts the hospital- tions in its budget. chapel, boast among themselves of created in modern times. It is remi- prominent English Jews. We learn ity of the man whom he indirectly denounced when he approved their Israel 2angwill, that "giant inthat the change was made after conIs A Logical Step. of ttie statement, is beyond the normal man's capacity of thought. tellect" who tells the truth unflinch- niscent of some of Perez's most beau- sultation wits Sir Herbert Samuel. This movement—the federation of PRINTING — STATIONERY There is no question about this: President Harding made a ingly in the face of kings and minis- tiful folk stories. OFFICE SUPPLIES grave mistake. We believe that his closest admirers and advisers national institutions—is a most logic- ters and of the whole world; of their How Kid Lewish last the Champional step in the development of the "JOINT" SENDS AID TO GEODNO. ship of the World: in Washington will admit it, now. Rufus Isaac, the "Free School" boy, Balrd BIdg, 17th & Douglas . No doubt, President Harding should be permitted, and he has federation idea. A strong, well (or- who is now India's Viceroy, and before "An American boxer challenged him Warsaw. (J. t . A.) The local Phone JAckson 0770 the lawful right, to enjoy all the privileges of an American citizen. ganized and thoroughly functioning that was Lord Chief Justice of Eng- to contest the title, and the Aldgate Joint Distribution Committee branch But even so, as President of this great country, it is his duty to federation is the surest, means by land and wore the finest wig in the "Jew-boy" accepted the challenge. has sent clothing and medicaments to maintain the respect of the citizens ,of the commonwealth, and he which communities can be made to land; and even so, they boast of their The respective managers, both non- the Jewish fire victims at Grodno. can't do so by lending Ms presence in adding t<i the importance realize the full measure* of the needs Kid Lewis ,the world-famous fighter, Jews, fixed the affair for Kol Nidrei and credulity of one who without cause, or foundation of truth is of. Jewry as a whole, aiid local and whose mad pra&a are still fre*sh in night—Goyim would—Kid Lewis got national needs should meet, within it, defaming a wholeTace^of people. on a common ground. Separate cam? their memory, and they tell of the to know of it, and angrily told them Loyal B. Oohn, Sec'y.-Treas. President Harding is niore than a common citizen now. paigris made by national institutions trouble he was to his mother and ho"W, that he would not desecrate the holy Joy Sutphen, President. Since his election as President, he has become leader and spokes- within A community create in the as a youngster ,he used to climb over night by entering' the ring. It was* man of American citizenry and bis every uttered and spoken of the giver a distinc- the roofs to escape from the police.; * impossible to postpone the fight for .word and his every action it watched and interpreted by the^ Consciousness tion between the needs of his own city The shopkeepers in the Lane bo&st long, so it was decided that it should populace. those of ^he country as a whole, of him, aad point with pride to her come off on the following night, imMen of his standing do not, usually, and never publicly, seek and and destructive t»f that complete who was blessed in giving hi iabifth, mediately after the end of Yom KipBRANDEIS THEATRE BUILDING. the company of one who is being branded as a national liar. Henry unionare of spirit and will in vrhich.alone or any of his relatives, just as they pur. The Whitechapel Jews go on to Ford is being branded not only as a liar, but also as a murderer of can be found OMAHA, NEBRASKA. are proud when they come into consay that Kid Lewis may be whatever strength and purpose to reputation and a traitor to this country—not by a few people— meet all demands. tact with anyone who was lucky he is, but one thing he does observe, but by a whole race tmd many, many other citizens of high and Jewish social work in Europe, tinder enotfgh to know ZangwilPs parents, and that is to fast on Yom Kippur. So low standing in-this commonwealth. • the direction of the Joint Distribution or who had gone to school with him he fasted, and exhausted at the end And when lie* visited Ford, Harding publicly put his official of the day, lie entered the ring to de?t the Hebrew Sheltering or Lord Reading. O,. K." stamp on Ford as a man and as a citizen for in the eyes Committee, fend his title. Now, of course, it is Even pious Jews, sitting in SyHow muck advertising can you btjy and the Council of Jewish of the public if Ford was a liar and a traitor, the President of the Society understood that, after fasting all day nagogue, waiting between Mincha and Wonien, financed by American for $200.00? United States would not share his company. , Mariv, when the Maggid has already Yom Kippur, leaves an effect, even on money and carried on by American The populace has a right to believe this way, for it is not Telief workers, completes the list of finished his sermon or has not come such an iron constitution as that of Do "you know thai you can get only a little over one-half , their-fault, but the fault of their chosen leader." at all, and they have exhausted * the Kid Lewis, so the American, who a page in only one paper for only one edition in any one •what appears to the writer to be the . Qua Karger, the Washington political writer, recently wrotfe outstanding elements in American subjects of Zangwill's wisdom, Roth probably "ate like a horse", gained of Omaha's big newspapers. That means the ad works for in The Jewish Press that Harding can say sincerely: "My best Jewish schild's ot Joel's riches, and Lord the .victory. . . . Kid Lewis lost his \ social service. Social service you but one day for this price. friends are Jaws," but in the same breath he can also say: "Some must be construed always, not only Reading's greatness, begin to speak championship for the sake of Yom of my best friends are unmerciful defamers of the Jews." Do ..you know that for $200.00 you can get at least, eight a little Kippur; he sacrificed his prestige for its effects upon the receiver, but of Kid Lewis' prowess Maybe it is his "better political judgment being displayed— in his faith. Had it .been otherwise, the shamefacedly at first,—after all, the beautiful painted billboards in all parts of the city workalso in the light of its reaction upon straddling." ' House of God is not the place in which non-Jew would not have won." the giver. For five years now the ing for you twenty-four hours every day for entire month. The Dearborn Independent has a mammoth circulation! Jews of America have been opening Tfcat sounds pretty reasonable doesn't it- Call us up and their hearts and theirv hands to the let us give you particulars regarding this kind of advertising. HURODEAIX suffering in Europe and have set up One hundred and ten heroes of the world war came "back there, foir the alleviation of want and Constantin Kerstitch-Luboff is an ing all Russian refugess irrespective " All Oct-Door Advertising is <?ood-~Oars is Better. home" the other day. Just a short time ago, amidst the blare of deprivation, all the machinery of old Eussian savant, who escaped of creed. trumphets, the patriotic airs of many bands—torrents of tears, child care, relief»* health service, and from Bolshevist Bussia to Paris. He And so this Ukrainian familycyclones of cheers and hurricanes of hurrahs—-the boys marched otfter' preventive measures that have was born in the Ukraine, that part of refugees themselves, are the guests off to battle a common foe. ., won -for Jewish social service, a th's- Russia famous or rather infamous for of Jews. Their return was very much different. As their plain pine tinct place in American philanthropy. the terrible pogroms. • caskets 'draped with -the flag for which they gave their life's The fuibure program of these organ- Constantin. Kerstitch-Luboff, to- "SUPPORTS HERBERT SAMUEL. blood, were lifted by calloused but gentle hands of freight truckers, izations is'an elaborate one-*-hundreds London. (J. T. A.) Yesterday's with son, daughter-in-law,and FOUNDED 1837 'Omaha hustled and bustled unconcernedly with its daily routine. of thousands of lives are dependent gether little grandson arrived on the steam- issue of the "Morning Post" contains There was no music—only the faint tolling of a few church on its completion. The education of the ship Plympic several daj-s ago. They a defence of Sir Herbert Samuel's bells and the smothered sobs from sorrow-torn mothers' hearts past few years will not ^easily desert were in possession of proper pass- policies in Palestine—especially of his broke the silence of,the railroad station. American Jews, they will respond to ports carrying wfth them the visas position in regard to immigration and When tliese heroes went away, the crowds lined the route of the appeals and the work will go on. the American consul. Unable to the Arab situation. It has nothing march ,for blocks and blocks. Thousands crowded the "Union At the basis of all social service is of speak English and but a little Ger- but praise for the liberalism of the Station and_the viaducts were covered with swarming' humanity. old Talmudic injunction "Where- man, they were helpless in New York High-Commisloner, and severely cenMilitary music in all its splendor rent the air and the cheers of the ever there be among you a poor man, and so the immigration officials dis- sures hi3'critics. the multitude echoed and re-echoed from the Missouri to the thou shalt not harden thy heart to charged the family into the custody far-off hillsides. ., : him, nor shtit thy purse, from him." of the Hebrew Sheltering and ImmiBut when these heroes returned—greater heroes than when In the interpretation of the. whole grant Aid Society of America and they marched away—only a handful of relatives and a few phrase^ and esptecially of the word they were sheltered at the Hias home, representatives of patriotic and civic societies were on hand to "among" lies the genius of present- 425-437* Lafayette Street, New York. honor them. Jewish social service and its And this is what the aged scholar As the hearses, conveying the red-white-and-blue draped day greatest manifestations are tliese who is an intimate friend of Henry caskets, wended, their way through tHe busy Omaha thorough- three:—its presence and its strength fares •."'there were no crowds along the route standing with bowed ill the lesser centers of population, its Sliesberg, the eminent Russo-Jewish { and buy them at. heads, paying last respects.. No one was seen to. even doff their union of all small forces into one leader, had to say: hats as the '"hero-hearses" slowly passed through the crowded great power for the solution of its "You may understand my feelings streets. But only a few even noticed the procession. Once or particular problems, and its interna- that at a time when the newspapers are full of reports of horrible potwice some child would cry out: "There's a dead soldier, Look tional scope and extent. Sl9 South 16th Street groms upon Jews in the Ukraine that at the flag on the casket." representatives of a Jewish Society One of the hearses became stalled in a traffic jam. in one of Phone Douglas 3400 the downtown streets of Council Bluffs and delivery trucks and COMMONS TOLD MITAIN'S should have received me so friendly at ZIONIST POLICY REMAINS. Ellis Island and given me and mine private automobiles held up its jourhey for many ininutesi. • 1 It so happened that there were no Jewish dead among those London. (Jv C. B.) In answer to the best of everything. And I am a the other day. Sometime-ago when'the body of ^Jewish soldier- a question by Sir Johnson Hicks as to Russian, a Christian and a Ukrainian hero arrived, special funeral services were held and a good whether the present Zionist policy of to boot." Office Hours £> to 12 a. m.; representation of Omaha Jewry turiied out to pay last respects Great Britain in Palestine was not a It was truly pathetic to watch the 2 to 6 p. m. contradiction to the spirit of General to one who made the great sacrifice. . old man as he said this. But not for proclamation, issued on h £ The bodies of other Jewish soldierTdead,-whose parents reside AUenby's triumphal into Jerusalem, which a moment were he and his children in Nebraska will arrive here within the near future. Let us not stated thatentry government should derive made to feel that thfey were in any permit time to dim our thought,of what these heroes did for us. its power from CHIROPODIST the free will of the way different than; the thousands cf They made the supreme sacrifice for humanity's cause! people governed, jir. Guest, Under- Jewish immigrants; who were being Telephone Douglas 5 All honor to them! secretary for Foreign Affairs, de- taken care of by Hias. It was a case of giving bread for stones, clared on behalf of the Government Room ttoi Bushman Block Constantin Kerstitch-Luboff is Well TO AID UKRAINIAN* REFUGEES CONFERNGE OF UKRAINIAN that^ Alleriby's, declaration could hot 16th and Douglas Sts. be regarded as abrogating the earlier known abroad as a scholar, Journalist London. <J. T. A.) Dr. Gaster, the REFUGEES OPENS* and lecturer. He was for some time r well-known Sigfrad Yesh'ar Cha'chum, Warsaw. (J. C. B.) The Con- pledge made in November 1$17 and editor of a newspaper in Tashkent^ '-tes been appointed as a special repre- ference of the representatives of tens known a sthe * Balfour -Declaration. sentative of the local Ukrainian com- of thousands Ukrainian refugees Mr. Guest stated, however, that al- Turkestan> and always fought antimittee to visit Ebumania and Beesa- opened here yesterday, to consider though Palestine was not specifically Semitism. H6 carries with him cliptabia in birder to investigate the eon* ways and means of improving the mentioned in* Allenby's "declaration, pings from his newspaper to bear this dition of Ukrainian refugees who fled condition of the homeless, who, be- the Colonial .Office was now formulat- but) as well as a edpy of a letter bf to those countries. Dr-. Gaster is cause of the immigration restrictions ing a scheme to admit elements of the sympathy he Sent to Russo-Jewish No Springs—Honest Weight Rduhiahiah born and is intimately ac- in America and Pelestine, find them- local Palestinian population into the leaders expressing his detestation of the sufferings Jews had to undergo administration of the country as^far quainted with Roumanian men of af- selves in a state of despair. *8 HOBART ELECTRIC Many delegates participated in the as that wasj compatible with the Sal- 'during the Cfcar's tegime. fairs, hdlh Jewish and Gentile. GRINDERS, CHOPPERS "I always knew,^ he said with tears Conference. The well-known Hebrew four Declaration, streaming down bis wrinkled cheeks, AND BIlSERS. author Czernovitch (S'fog), who re| WE FURNISH ALL FORMS OF MONEY FOR SlAINTENANCE cently arrived'as a refugee from 150 Ukrainian Orphans on Way to "that jews returned bread for stones, PURPOSES. I ' '' • ' • ". PERSONAL SERVICI t M EACH but never old 1 realize this In so perService and Sales: .-., •-'" .;_::' •• C a n a d a . "' . ' In the case of prospective inuni- Ukraine, was elected chairman. = POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL sonal a manner as, now. At a time Paris. . (Jewish Correspondence B.) ^ants who are registered with Hias 13th AND JACKSON STREfifS when Jews stretch out to me the hand Despatches have been received here to "KEREN HAYESOD" SUCCESSin Warsaw and who cannot start the Phones: the effect that '100 Jewish orphans of brdtherhood arid give me food and FUL IN BULGARIA. Journey to America because of visa or Toledo Scales -...„ Doug. 7682 shelter, my fellow Christians in the other conditions, relatives here may • Sofia. (J. C. B.) The work of the from Kovno arrived at Dresden, GerUkraihB are murdering defenseless Hobart Efectrh • Doiig. 7396 send them money for" maintenance Keren Hayesod is being" carried on many. - From there they go to AntJewish men, women and children." 5 5th Floor S&une'ers-Kennedy Bidg. werp where they -will meet ahother purposes only through Hias, 425-437 very successfully in Bulgaria. 1,750,We have tra hand Used and fifty orphans, and together will pro000 leys have already been collected The old 'man further said that Jeu-s 5 , .. • ,. Tel, Ifrter S160. Lafayette Street, New York City. * Rebuilt Machines. This -money, will .be. paid, to) the people and it is expected that the amount ceed, lo .Canada under the care of the had, too, 'befriended Mm - and „ his .Canadian.' Relief, wfli reach three fii family in ^afis-, ftirere Jews are i abroad in dollars.
Mr. Merchant:-—
"Jews Give Bread In Return For Stones**
Vacation Our
"Say It With Flowers"
Travelers* Cheques
Your Property Protected
1. «L S.
FIRE *> TORNADO f Are You And Family Protected Against
Mr. I* Selgel and daughter U r s . An engagement <>f interest to the Barry R. Milder and Howard Milder Omaha Jewry "will "be that of the left -today for Denver and Colorado jamouncement by Mrs. M. Gross of Springs for a month. her daughter'l Diana- Selene, to Mr. Sot -Novitsky,; son of Mr. and -Mrs, Mr. Gustave Rosenstock is confined " lo the Wise Memoerial Hospital due S. Novitsky, of this city. •- Miss Gross is' and has. been very to an attack of the grippe. active in Jewish communal affairs Miss Anfl Minkin entertained six- for the past few years. Miss Gross teen guests at a dancing party at her is a former President-of the Women's Auxiliary to the Independent Order ^ Saturday evening. of B'nai Brith and i s n w President of the Junior Women's Welfare OrMiss Lillian Harris had seven ganization of this city. She is* a Jouples at her home for dancing on graduate of the Omaha High School Wednesday evening. of Commerce. Mr. Novitsky is also active. *in The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity is plancommunal affairs. : ning an outing at King's Lake over The wedding trill take place some ftie week-end. times this Fall.
Mr. Sam "Wolf, •who has been spending several weeks in New York, returned yesterday. . Miss Lillian Naken of Chicago will trrive tomorrow to spend the remainder of the summer with her brother) t&vtf. W. Naken and Mrs. Naken." Mr. and Mrs." S. M. Levey returned Sunday from a . motor, trip through Colorado. They, also attended the Frontier Days Roundup Celebration *t Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mr. I. H. Brown of Norfolk, Mr. 8am Block of Fremont, and Mr. Harry Block of North Platte spent the weektad in Omaha. They are all going to Kew York on-business. A daughter was born to Mr. and Urs". A. Wolpa at the Stewart HosBital Saturday. Mrs. Wolpa was f ornerly Miss Rose Kaplan. Mr.~ Maurice Guller, who has been 3ie goest of Mr. and Mrs*. Harry Fellnan for the past two weeks, left SunJay for his home at St. Louis.
COUNCIL BLURS HEWS Seat by our Council Bluffs News bureau.
The Sisterhood of Mt. Sinai Temple held an ice cream social, Thursday evening upon t i e !L. Weinberg lawn. A specialty dance was given by the Misses Hartzell and Gooch, and movie pictures were shown during the evening, The fund will be used for the * "Mrs. A. I. Bloeky of 1608 Twelfth new construction to the temple. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Katelman will I street entertained at a luncheon Sst-
entertain at a reception Sunday afternoon in honor Qf their son, Abe, whose Bar-Mitzvah will be held Saturday at the Synagogue.
ASHER-KEN¥ON The -engagement and forthcoming marriage of Miss Madeline-Kenyon, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. S. JKenyon, to Mr. Mortimer Asher of Sioux City, has been announced during- the past week. Mr. Asfaer, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs.^ Harry- Asher of this city, formerly made his home here. Fifty invitations have been issued'for the wedding, which will take place on August 14, at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Edith Kenyon will be her sister's bridemaid and Mr. Arthur Asher will be best man. Rabbi Cohn will officiate. Mr. Asher and his bride will.be at home after a trip north at Sioux City.
arday noon in the Harris-Emery teaMr. and Mrs. Maurice Pill and Miss room, honoring her house guest, Miss Rose Pill are visiting in Minneapolis Sadie Siegel of Boston. Covers trere and points in Wisconsin. They will laid for twelve guests.
in, Miss Sadie Siegel of Boston. Music la., and Mrs. Meyer Freidman, for- for the dancing was furnished by merly Miss Stella Woolfsan of Oma- Rubinson's orchestra. ha. Fifty guests -were present. Other visiting guests, who shared the courtesy were Miss Florence Miss Nettie Levitt of Des Moines, Shames of Omaha, Miss Rose Blockla., arrived Sunday to be tKe* guest man of San Antonio, Tex., and Miss of Miss Gertrude Cherniack. Miss Marion Mosc<?witz of St. Paul. Levitt will remain here for several weeks. . In prenuptial compliment to Miss Mary Chapman, whose marriage to The Mogen-Dovid club of the Young Frank Simon of Middletown, O., takes Judea clubs' held its regular meeting place August 28, the Misses Esther Sunday at the Talmud Torah. The and Freda Berlovich entertained club has made plans foT a picnic and Thursday evening at the home of the outing which will be given Sunday at latter, 504 Clark street. Big- Lake. . All the young boys, - Twenty-five guests were included in whether members or not are request- the courtesy and during the evening ed to attetJ^the outing and are re- presented the bride-to-be with a <juested to meet at Synagogue at one* shower of beautiful - handkerchiefs. o'clock. The hostesses, gave.^their. guest her wedding handkerchief. Miss .Florence Mr. Abe and. Miss Libby Markowitz Shames of Omaha was an out of town returned Sunday from a two-weeks guest. vacation at Chicago. They were also visiting along upper Lake Michigan.
Warsaw. <J, T. A.) J«ws a here from Minsk tell of a pogrom that occured recently !ti W! tebsk. Fifty Jews were killed and S9> mere injured. Jewish community lift. in the town has become imposalfete The entire Jewish population is tar gently ia n«ed of immediate relief.
Office j lettering | Glass & Metal j Signs '! Card j and Muslin , Signs j
Riverside. The regular business matters were discussed at the monthly meeting. Mrs. Julius Arkin of Omaha visited for several days with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Max Brodkey.
Pictorial Work a Specialty.
Mrs. Ellis Levitt and Miss Esther Lewitt have returned to their home ia Des Moines, after a week's visit in the M. Seff home.
Abyssinian Jews are Enslaved.
What comes after purchasa price?
drink a crazing herbaceous liquid. tainment committee of the club, plans are being made to hold a water car- CONDITIONS IN WHITE RUSSL\ nival and outing at Lake Manawa IMPROVING. Report Pogrom in Astrakhan. during the later part of August. Riga. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) The debating committee of the club is also making preparations to challenge the Aleph Y club of the Y. M. H. A. to a debate to be held at the Bluffs sometime during the first *part" of September.
Friedman of Council Bluffs.
Morris Mr. I. dilinaky who. was spending bridge Miss Lena Silver of Sioux -. City, his vacation at Fort Dodge, Iowa, Rosen- spend several days in Iincolr. as the during the past week, suddenly beguests. guest of Mr. arid, Mrs. Julius Spigle.
Harry H. I*sMns. Pres.-Trea*. Jos. Pepper, viee-Presidem. tT». G. Dre, Secretary.
Dayton Hoiey Weight m& Betrcit Automatic Scdes and Meat Slicers
and Coffee Mill.
Used Scales oi All Makes tar Sale.
City Eepresentatt^*
. ^Ve occupy over 70.000 cottar* feet Socthweit Corner . Eleventh and Doccla* Street*. PJsone: DoorUs 2724 OMAHA. NEB.
Stetoer Electrie aieatChopptir
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
| Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Handler have Mrs. Rose Kati of Kansas City is fekea an. apartment at the Coronada. visiting i.eT sister, Mra. A. J. Goldllrs. Handler, before her marriage berg. pxly; this summer, wias Miss Lee Mr. and Mrs. Perry Arenson of Des Moines, Iowa, motored to Lincoln i Mr. Morris Cohn and son, Bennett, Sunday., They were accompanied by jotored to St. Joseph. their two children and. Mi*. David Horvitz. | The Flowers of Zion held a picnic kfc Elmwood Park, Sunday afternoon, Miss Elsa Pplska entertained When, games, dancing, and music were luncheon Friday for Miss Frances Jijoyed by. the little girls. Mar&s of Omaha, who is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs:. M. Polsky, I Mr* and Mrs. Nathan Spiesberger and for Mrs. David R. Cohen of 'frill return tomorrow from Ne^f York, Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. Edwin Vhere they have been for the past six Nathan of Vigo, Spain. jeeks. ' . The Entre Nous Bridge Club and • Joe. Nefsky of Lincoln spent several their families motored ' to Seward lays in Omaha with friends. ; Sunday for an all day: prcnic. •''•"MtSi Reuben Melcher entertained Mr. H. Fogeison and daughter) oxteen guests Wednesday for her. Dorothy, left Sunday for New York. gster, Miss Rose Lebrecht of Kansas City. The guests first attended a The Misses Johanna and Helen twimming party at Carter Lake, fol- Garson are visiting theit aunt, Mrs. Wwed by luncheon and bridge at the I.-Greenblatt in Chiciago. \lackstone Hotel. Mr, Ed. Snader has returned.for an :'-M<iss Annette-Fanger, daughter of extensive trip through -Missouri, Kan* \te. and Mrs. L: Fanger, gave, a daftc^ sas and Oklahoma, spending a fewks party at her home Friday for Says at Ozark Beach on Lake Taney^ feiss Nina Shostak of Lincoln, who is como. " ' Bie house-guest of Mr. and Mrs. A* lir&odore. Mrs. Edwin Nathan and son, Cyrus,: of V!f (>; Spainj ate the guests of Mrs. i-Mrr.. Joseph Kcsenfeld and children Nathan's parents, Mr. and Mrs, David tho have been spending the past few Ne£sky» Mr.' Nathan is* Amejricati feeks zt Oncma La!:c, Michisan, are consul.at Vigo. now . at Cleveland, vrhere. they will te for \h2 remcindcr of Ui5 summer. Miss Sara Frichd, who has been spending the past several months in Uev." York, has returned.
Warsaw, July 21. (J. T. Agency^ The Moscow Bolshevist "Pravda" re- The Polish newspapers report a poports that the bandit attacks on the grom on Jews in Astrakhan. Jewish population in White Russia are weakening, due to the successful self-defence,of 250 Jewish workers in Borisovian -and Ithumian districts.
Miss Bertha Goldberg of St. Joseph, Missouri, is visiting Miss Shirly
Window Backgrounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe P21, Misses Mollie and Nettie Erueger have returned home after a three week's stay in their cottage at Lake Ohoboji.
DAKSKY-GREENBERG Rome. (Jewish TeL Agency.) Abyssinian black Jews, known as Falashes, The marriage of Miss Ruth Greenare being driven from, their homes and berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. enslaved, according to a report which Greenberg, to Mr. Sam Dansky was has reached here. Dr. Feitelovitch, announced during the past week. The who discovered the Falashes and first marriage took place at Lincoln July; CATHOLIC PRIEST established their Jewish origin, after 22. Mrs. F. J. Alberts and Dr. A, CHARGED WITH Mr. K. Barnett of Denver, Colorado, a close observation of their religious Greenberg, accompanied them to Lin? AGITATION rites and traditions, has entered a coin. Mr. and Mrs. Dansky will make is the- guest at the home of Mr. and Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Chair- complaint to the Abyssinian PrinceMrs.' S. Snyder. their home in Omaha. man of the Polish Socialist Party in Regent because the falashes are the Posen district, Labishen, has come forced i y the government to work on Mrs. L. Kroloff returned Sunday WIN BY FORFEIT. from a week's vacation at Fort Dodge, out. with the demand that the Polish their holidays and oa the Sabbath. The Y. M. H. A. baseball team woft Iowa. government punish the Catholic Rumors have recently been spread by • by forfeit Sunday "morning, from the priest, Kloss, who has been carryicg the Abyssinian population that the Nonpareil team <rf Cornell Bluffs. Plans are being made to continue on an agitaiton against Jews and who Falashes practice cannibalism. Many the meetings of the Hebrew Educa- mistreats the Christian children work- have been falsely accused, brought to TO BATE PICNIC trial and punished by being forced to tional clab. According io the enter- ing in his institutions.
FREMONT NEWS. Sir. Micky ferupensky' returned f from a two-weeks visit in New York. L'I-J. II. L.t"3»- r.-id c'aughtcr, Ltisr. Ho was accompanied home by his '.-Zio L'cvc-', liT: CurA-cy Tcr Dctivsit sister Sara, who has spent the hd ih? I-.I.,, i; rc-.i:: icr rcvcral .last 18 months in tho east, visiting vrilh relatives.
Warsaw, July 24. (J. T. A-> Returning soldiets of Korfanti*B insurgent army attacked Jewish passengers near the Lodz railroad station. The railroad guards observed these activities is perfect calm ssd refused to interven*. Many Jews were brutally beaten and some seriously wounded. Latere ,the same soldiers organized an attack upon Jews in Zelns Street, sn important business thoroughfare in Lodz. Jews -who attempted to defend themselves were arrested fey the police.
1S98 JEWISH IMMIGRANTS ARRIVED, London* <J. C. B.> It was ar» notmced that during the ' months «& April, May and June, 1S9S Jewish immigrants arrived in Palestine.
spend a two-weeks outing at Green
Miss Francis Robinson> daughter Josepii Margules entertained of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Miss Shirley Friedman entertained flirty guests at her home Sunday Norfolk, Nebr., is -visiting her grandat a theatre party followed by a din>rening at dinner - for Miss Rose parents, Mr. and Mrs." E. Jacobs. ner at King Fongs Cafe Sunday in Rosenblatt of Winnepeg, Canada, who honor of Miss Bertha Goldberg of % the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. t. Joseph, Mo.
Monday afternoon, Mrs. Jhnmenrtah entertained at a Warty a t her home for Miss flatt, when there were twenty
Bay, Wisconsin, before returning Mrs. M. Bernstein entertained Fifty couples attended the dancing home. Wednesday afternoon at a luncheon party given at Greenwood Park on and bridge party in honor of the two Wednesday evening by Miss Rose A meeting of the H. L. F. Society recent brides, Mrs. J. Arkin, formerly Eubinson, complimentary to her cous- was held Tuesday afternoon at North Miss Sarah Brodkey of Sioux City,
Sioux City News
A meeting of the City.Talmud ToMr. Philip Krasne, son of Mr. and rah will be held at three o'clock SunMrs. H. Krasne, left Sunday evening day afternoon.at the synagogue. for Fort Snelling, Minn., where he will enter the government training DES MQINES NEWS school."
Mr. Frank Dee, who has been spending the past week in Chicago, will T ^ jura Saturday, accompanied by his iacghter, Miss Sophia Dee. Mrs. Dee tad children, who are now at Benton Harbor, Mich-, will Join Mrs. Deo naitetmi© later in the month here The Senior and Intermediate f roups where they, trill make their future of the Y. "M. and Y, W. H. A.-will tome. hold a picnic SSnday at Armbrust's grove.on West Center street. This is >:• Mrs. Frank Perlson of Chicago is an ideal plot of ground, consisting of Hhe guest of her daughter,- Mrs. L. 40 acres, with plenty of picnic faciiiKandelbaum and Mr. Mandelbaum. ties. Y. members may register with Mr. Schaefer in the Lyric Bldg. up h MTB. A. Barker entertained four to Saturday noon. . . teen' little guests to celebrate the jirthday of her son, Norman. Frank Rubel, Junior, .of Minneapolis, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Ed; Mrs. A. Monsky and son, Mr. Philip, win Kirschbraun and Mr. KirschUoflsky, left Monday for Denver and oraun.
came seriously ill and was brought :back to the Jennie Edmundson hospij-tal in the Bluffs, Wednesday morning. Mr. Gilinsky became ill late Sunday evening.
Tel. Har. 0123.
2709 Harney St.
Si5 So. ICLII St.
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, AUGUST- 4, 1921, Jewish Girl Tours Land to Publish Father's Books.
Traditional love and devotion ~of a I Discovering the 24-Hour Day § Jewish girl to her parents is exempli-
• • .QimiHiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiE. fied in the beautiful spirit of self-
TO FORM WORLD ORGANIZA- Arabs Protest Against French Policies. TION FOR JEWISH ORPHAN Jerusalem. (J. C. B.) The Arab RELIEF. London. (J. C. Bureau.) Mrs. Club in Jaffa telegraphed its protest Freiman, delegate of the 'Canadian to the English government and thf Relief Organization, stated here that League of Nations, against the policy attempts would soon be made to or- of France which is opposed to an ganize a world organization whose Arab state. purpose it would be to aid Jewish children orphaned during the war and since. Mrs. Freiman, together with Mrs. Prince of Canada, are proceeding to Antwerp, when 150 Ukrainian orphans will be taken to Canada. ::: We assist you Jn gjotting paw-
sacrifice displayed by a girl who hasMINORITY RIGHTS FOR started on a tour of the country to JEWS IN ROUMANIA perpetuate the name and good works NOT YET GRANTED Warsaw. (J. C. B.) A delegation of her departed, and distinguished Vienna, July 24. (J. C. B.) A re- from the Central Ukrainian Commit-. ^ ^ 11111 i 1111 M i: 1111 i 1111111111 u 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii 11111111111111111 s 1111111111^3father. port from Bucharest states that the tee, headed oy Rabbi Perlmutter, Miss Fannie Friedman, ah Indian- Jewish Deputy Straucher took - the waited on the Polish Minister of the A poet who is a business man, a force, the men virtually fire him them- apolis girl who at present is an officer occasion of a discussion on the gov-Interior and presented a memorandum .business man who' is a musician, a selves. • They force him to leave." in the Marion County Juvenile Court ernment budget 'to attack the govern- in which the Polish Government is musician who is a: factory-manager, a I Spending a half hour interviewing and Hebrew teacher at the Indiana- ment for" not having provided equal asked to revoke the edict calling for :|: ports and give yon expert advise factory manager who' is a: literary Mr. Untermeyer (we can think of no polis Hebrew Congregation Sunday privileges to national minorities, re- the evacuation of Poland by Ukrai::: on European conditions, [•• We help you to pot your reiacritic, a literary critic who is a. jewel- more delightful occupation on a hot school, left the city for a tour to the siding in Roumania and its newly ac- nian immigrants. The Minister of the Jewish PoMceman In Jaffa ••; fives in Europe to thiK country. Ty designer, a jewelry designer who afternoon) one quickly comes to the Pacific coast. She will stop at all quired provinces. The Deputy de- Interior promised to refer the matter Sentenced. is a poet. j conclusion that his sense of humor principal cities en, route to,further the clared that though the King had defi- to the Cabinet. ; Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) The ; Well there we are, back to the poet j has a lot to do with his success in sale of her father's book, the "Stories nitely promised such minority rights, STKAMSlKr TICKETS 'AKD Jewish policeman Kushnir, who was again, which is pardonable even if we j business and his ability to start an- of Talmudic Rabbis." The book was they had not yet been incorporated in Rumor That Polish Frontier FOKEJGK" EXCBAKGE arrested at the time of the May riots have omitted some, of Louis Unter-j other hard day's work after dinner in written by the late Rabbi R. L. Fried- the constitution and he therefore op13CT Howard Bt., Omnlia, K*b. May Be Reopened. in Jaffa, was sentenced to six months deyers diverse activities, for. the j the evening. He lias a flashing, pene- man, who had a national reputation posed the granting of certain items in •• AT lfmtlc Oo40. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) It is rumored imprisonment. Louis Untermeyer, who is the vice- jtrating wit, armed with a keen,-biting as a Talmudic scholar and authority the budget for cultural, educational here that the Polish frontier may be president of the Untermeyer-Robbins j satire. He flits lightly from trade on Hebrew literature. Miss Friedman and social activities. reopened to admit refugees from jewelry manufacturing company, man-1 unions to art, from salesmanship'1 to is devoting all her savings of the past Soviet Russia and Ukraine, who* are ager of its chief factory at Newark j the Bible with a deft sureness of few years to the publishing of all of fleeing religious persecution. An order and designer of its articles, is after sound opinion that is a delight to her father's works. She has worked British Colonial Office Favors issued'recently closed the Polish-RusJewish Legion. all, always Louis Untermeyer the listen to. hard for several years to accumulate sian frontiers, beginning July 1. London. <J. T. A.) . The British poet. King Solomon, in his opinion, is funds to help publish the first edition "Dwa Groshe," the notorious' antiColonial Office views with favor the And for the few who • may not'the greatest, poet that ever lived. of her father's book. She has been Semitic daily, urges the Ministry of GREATLY' UNDERPSICED 4I know it, Mr. Untermeyer ,in spite of David of tJie Psalms is to my mind given leave of absence from the immediate establishment of a Jewish Interior to issue a statement dispellLegion in Palestine, it is learned here EN who go vacationing in August the fact that he is occupied all day at the second greatest poet. My third Juvenile Court for two months to aling the rumor and thus to calm on good authority. The Legion is to are discriminating men who £o business, is one of the leading as well choice is Heinrich Heine." low her to tour the country. as one of the most prolific of con- [Returning to the Jewish spirit as The "Stories of the Talmudic Rab- consist of five batallions of 1000 each. agitated Polish opinion which would correctly dressed. The question of a strictly Jewish not countenace, it says, the admission temporary poets and critics. reflected in contemporary literature, bis" is one of the most interesting Bay "America's military force in Palestine has been a of Jewish homeless. Mr YUntermeyer continued: books of its kind that has been writ- much debated subject and now seems - Only 24 Hours in a Day. "The present age reflects the Jew-ten for both young and old. It conBest CMhes Knowing, that in spite of d a y l i g h t , - , . . . ., ., . , tains the beautiful and inspiring to be settled. Some months ago. the Confirm Jewish Accusations Here Today, at +1, ^.-ii i OA T, ~. l s n spirit more than any other period stories of the Talmud so often quoted British government announced its in- Against German War Prisons. laving, there are still only 24 hours . ., , . = ... -,, , Berlin. (Jewish Te3. Agency.) An . j , ,, , ... .1 , , in the history of the world has ever by rabbis in their sermons in order to tention o£ recording a mixed Arabin a day and that until the Messers , • ™. : , , ^ , . Our prices S3 1-S<?c below the new lower Jevels—and _. T, IT. " , r, -. J • done. This is true, and not onlv m illustrate points of conduct of human Jewish unity, but the proposition investigating committee appointed by our selections offer every wanted style from partly Drs. Bowlby and Crafts succeed in I., . . ' , . . „ „* . evoked much opposition on the part • Sunday, c j> there i-u will -ii be v but v J. the lined to full lined for every comfort in every clime. suppressing . realm , , of poetry, but m all fields affairs. The stories are short and of the Zionists and was finally with- the • German government has substantiated the accusations made by complete in themselves.'One can open , . ., , i j of art endeavor, KUPPENHEIMER GOOD CLOTHES drawn. Jews that Jewish war prisoners were the volume to almost any page and in seven days in the week, we asked J And a Score of Other World beaten and starved in the war prison a few moments be rewarded with a Mr. Untermeyer how he does it. Jew Is Race Conscious, Famous Clothes Makers camps at Stuttgart. It is stated that Kunning a factory employing 120 have «Thintensified become con- beautiful lesson. It is as absorbing as UKRAINIAN REFUGEES e j e w has the race race conscioussome of the officers responsible for any book of general fiction and inasmen and these, ness scious. Recent enough todesigning keep anythe one articles man occupied SENT OUT OF POLAND these acts will soon be brought to of the Jew. conditions Thus theand Jew events in art 120 men manufacture, ought., to be these turbulent times. Turning out is now at his best, as any creature is much as it deals with Hebrew literaDanzig. (J. C. B.) Further des- trial. Conditions in the camps are poems and critical articles in the lead- at his best when he is tapping the ture it ought to occupy a prominent patches from the eastern Galician and improving, but it is expected that they OMAEA. ing magazines and journals, a book j vital springs of his life. When the place in the library of every Jewish Ukrainian frontier towns, where the will be disbanded shortly. home. fever and anon and an anthology of j Jew unconsciously draws of the rich Polish government continues to deCOKEECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WO^IEN 'American verse which is racked as fountain of Judaism it is then that he port those homeless Ukrainian immi- Two More Steamship Companies tone of the best, would also fill most expresses himself most -completely Information for Relatives of grants who have arrived in Poland Immigrants to ten-hour days.r •• \_ Immigrants Issued by Hebrew since October 20, 1920, report that in- Refuse to Carry and fully. Palestine. "Business is not the terrible prob- "In contemporary literature and Sheltering and Immigrant describable panic reigns among the Constantinople. (J. T. Agency.) Our Iem it is made out to be," Mr. Unter-1 poetry there is being manifested a Aid Society of America. helpless, homeless Jews all over Po- correspondent at Constantinople remeyer explained in his manner of (certain truly Semitic strain. A trouland. There seems to be no promise ports that the Khedival Mail Steamtrying to make you believe he really bled energy, a grouping dissatisfacMax Meyerson, vice-president and of improving the situation. ship Company and the Service MariIsn't doing anything extraordinary. tion and an unrelenting analytical European Commissioner of the YIDDISHISTS APPEAL TO JEW- time Italienne, have refused to carry "The average business man is not scrutiny mark the spirit of current Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant ISH WORKERS. Jewish immigrants to Palestine, even Searly as busy as he believes himself literature. Aid Society of America, who recently Warsaw. (J. C. B.) The Executive such as have received their vises from to be. Hell spend the afternoon in "The poet of Jewish extraction returned from Europe, has made cer- Committee of the Yiddish School Or'duplicating what he did in the morn- differs just as essentially in his ex- tain recommendations in - regard to ganization of Poland has issued an the English Consul • and. special pering. He wastes time in discussing pressions as the average Jew differs necessary information to be given to appeal to the Jewish workingmen mission from Major. Morris, the direcflings which don't require discussing, in his facial characteristics from his American relatives of immigrants. He throughout the world for assistance tor of the Palestine Immigration Board, now in Europe. • We recently which aren't as pertinent to his' busi- fellowmen. The idiom of James -Op- suggested the following: in establishing Yiddishist schools and reported that the Lloyd Steamship ness as he thinks they are. penheim is purely Biblical,-while that Persons calling to their relatives seminaries, in publishing books, and "I don't feel as if my energy has of Longfellow is purely hymnal. But in Europe that they Have sent for a carrying on of the struggle Company had announced a similar been expended when I get home from one must remember that it is the age money by cable are advised to state against religious and Hebraic ten- decision. Wealthy Jews here are hard at work, trying to organize a' Jewish fche factory in the evening, so that Vmthat makes the poet and not the poet through what bank the money is be- dencies in Jewish education in Poland. steamship company. perfectly able to start in on my writ- the age." ing , transmitted. ' Many persons hmg. Busine'ss doesn't exhaust me. It j Although his recent poems show a content themselves with cabling NORTHCLIFFE SEES shouldn't exhaust any business man." i deep knowledge of Hebrew literature, "cabling money" or "cabled money" ZIONISTS. Here is the ir.slcJe of s telephone receiver. Tt;s ear And somehow or other, in discuss-1 Mr. Untermeyer confesses that he re- and their relatives. not knowing piec* has been removed snd the diaphragm slipped as id* fng business and poetry with Louis J grets he doesn't know Hebrew. "I'd where to go and get ths money suf- London. (Jewish T. Agency.) A delegation of Zionists consisting of to shew the'little magnets. .Untermeyer, getting his fresh, sharp' tfke to learn it yet, for it's a great fer in the meantime. Messrs. Louis Lipsky, Judge Rosenview of things as widely, apart as the language and to my mind, when I Addresses should be distinct and More than 2QU feet cf cepper wire, ?ess than 1-160 of Fordney .Tariff bill and T. S. Eliot, listen to the cantors singing the an- clear. A great, deal of money is blatt, Morris Rothenberg and Beran fnch in diameter and carefully vyrar>p«d .with si'k, }s one just naturally feels that business cient songs, the most musical, and being lost by reason of faulty ad- nard G. Richards met Viscount Northcliffe at the Gotham Hotel in New wound around! ttie two rnagr»e«!. These magnets cause the might be better if there were more poetic of tongues. But I'm almost dresses . York on Wednesday afternoon, July diaphragm to vibrate in front- of them «nd s® reproduce poetry in it and that poetry, too, could too old to acquire another language s&ifidavits if they are notfilledout 27th, and expressed to him the thanks the sound of ths distant wiee. profit by more business men of the now." in one of the Hias offices must be Order of Louis Untermeyer. Which brings us to Mr. Unter- filled out in some other reliable of Zionist for the sympathetic attitude the Northcliffe press, especially the Because the telephone receiver is % pteee of vsry meyer's age—35. Truly as Amy place and must contain the follow- London "Times", has taken towards Jewishness Brought Home. intricate mechanism, it i« sensitive to rough usage. Some Lowell wrote about him last As with many other Jews of his there is no other man of his age with ing data: the Zionist movement and to the parts cf it may be loosened or broken if it is dropped er lype, Mr. Untermeyer says he was such diverse accomplishment to - his . The correct age of the European problems of the iews in Palestine. ptaced ©n the hook with « "fesng,* relative; made to realize his Jewjshness large- credit. BUY SAFE The correct relationship; ly because of the recent anti-Semitism UKRAINIAN REFUGEES Care in placing the receiver on the hcok, snd fn But the poets do not stop with the Whether the affiant is a citizen or In this country. "That which was ORGANIZE. handling your telephone, w!H do much toward keeping the merely taken for granted was sudden- male side of the Untermeyer family. not; Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Repreentire instrument in proper working order. Jean Starr Untermeyer, his , wife, Occupation and amount of earn- sentatives of the Unrainian refugees, ly brought home to me as with others Our guarantee and our word is Df my kind who had never had any stands out among the younger Amer- ings. , who are now in Bessarabia, Roumania as good as a bond. ican poets. Amy Lowell commended U! SELL. particular Jewish training," he conAn honorably discharged soldier and Bukavina, have come to attend So-ir isa- r< » We have satisfied hundreds of tinued. "Then this is a deeply self- her work for its unrelenting honesty should state this fact in the affi- the Conference of Ukrainian Refugees your friends. analytical age, which is reflected in and austerity. davits, enclosing a certified copy of which is now being held here. Neither do Mrs. Untermeyer's days his discharge papers. Hie spirit of modern literature. How A plan has been submitted to orBm I different from Robert Frost, begin and end in writing poetry and Relatives cabling money through ganize a society of all the Ukrainian !; 1514 Dodge Street. 'Amy Lowell and others of my con- critical articles for magazines. She, Hias are advised at the same time refugees, with headquarters at Wartoo, is a splendid musician, while if Phone: Douglas 561 temporaries? We all use the same to write a letter to Hias, Warsaw, saw. tools, the same grammar. I am dif- you still harbor doubts as to whether Muranowska 34, stating what disferent because of my Jewishness. This a woman can have a career; and a position Hias is to make of the Is something I never would rhave successful career, and still be a suc- remittance if the immigrant cannot thought of five years ago. .But in this cessful mother, page Dick 'Untermey- come to America. Bge we get down to these fundamental er, age 13. Mr. Untermeyer, who attended De- Supress Excesses Against Jews 'differences.'? <; • s: witt Clinton High School, has been "delivers this b e a u t i f u l iii in Lqdz. , This Jewish spirit is reflected in the in the manufacturing jewelry business cabinet Grafonola to your Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Returning later writings of Mr. Untermeyer. since he,was 17, starting in "sweephome, Your choice of: ill His next book, whose tentative title ing the floors" in his late father's soldiers of Korfanty's insurgent army maliogany, w a I n xi t or Is "Waters of Babylon," will be-char- factory. Among his numerous books, have' again been guilty of brutal ongolden oak finislies. This acterized by,an even more pronounced "Challenge" has gone into a "second slaughts on Jews at the Vienna Railis the most popular of all ill road Station and Kosciusko street, in Tewishness. — and Other Lodz. Due to the intervention of Columbia Grafonolas and •Si : The Untermeyer-Robbins factory edition, while "— has been reduced from K .was jone of the first in this country Poets," ;placed him in the front rank Deputy Rosenblatt before M. RszewsS120 back to old-time : ki, the Socialist president of the town, to adopt the 44-hour week. "I don't of parodists. prices as before the war. jjj the execesses were suppressed. believe in a shorter day," Mr. Unterill Herbert Samuels Receives meyer continued, "because I feelthat American. the 30 or 45 minutes lopped oif the Jerusalem. (J. C. Bureau.) HighHay will merely be wasted, that the men will derive no good from the Comrnissioner Samuel received a deleMARY MILES CHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY £xtra time given them. • I told the gation of American Jews, including Harry Fischel, president of the HeMINTER •• • • SHOP. ' v toien that and said we'd solve Pay the balance at $1.50 per week. There is no reason for any Established 1S0O problem in' a different way. We brew Immigrant Aid Society, and • ••in • • • * . . . in 15th and Horary. Dons Jail 8S33. home to be without music when we oiler such a wonderful saving Rabbi Teitelbaum, president of the wouldn't work on Saturday!" as this, and our terms of $1.00 down are in reach of evety purge. And so the Newark factory gives Palestine "Building and Promotion Call tomorrow, select your Grafonols and records and we deliver Company of America. Samuel exIts employes Saturday and Sunday to the complete outfit to your home. pressed ' his pleasure at the readiness 4 Days Starting Today Omaha's themselves. That a poet can be an of rich Jews to invest money in PalNewest and Finest Equiped Excellent manager as well as an exBath-House. Thursday—Friday Zellent poet is evidenced by the fact estine and advised that the most 5,000 Columbia Double Disc Retired Eecords, former Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Elecurgent needs of -the country today Saturday %at the factory has never had any price §1.00, latest song and instrumental hits trie Treatment, Inhalatorium. : were house building and the founding by the world's famous artists. — Vibor troubles-' , WANDA HAWLEY of a mortgage bank He declared that NOW ON SALE at • • «in, • • • Popular Government in Factory. the construction of several thousand "The men ;vote. on everything. They houses was a mo^t pressing need. CONCANNON^ BROS., Props. Entire Week. an opportunity to consider every Later, the High-Commissioner receiv1401 Farnam St., Basement Entrance. thange of policy," he said.,., "I've ed Rabbi Teitelbaum alone and disnever had to fire a man. I don't have cussed the detailed plan of the Pales-' Telephone: Tyler 5731 1514-16-18 Dodge Street. Phone DOraglas1623 to. If a man's loafing on the job or tine Building and Promotion Company OMAHA, NEB. r . apt keepinc uo with the rest of the with him S s5
Louis Cntermeyer, One of the Leading Modern Poets and Critics, = Tells How.Easy It Is to.Manage a Large Jewelry Factory = and Then Do Another Day's Work at Night. . 5
Steamship Tickets to and Irons j | all Parts ©I the Worfi
Val. J. Peter & Co.
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Tie Teleile;
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