__ "What can dej | feat a s t r o n g jjj HI man who believes jij Hi in himself and jjj |ji cannot be ridi- j!! 1 culed, t a 1 k e d 1 H down, or written, ir M down? ',
VOL. I.—NO. So.
$ The differeifie | ||| between fsilifje | III and , success :(s Hi Hi doing & Hsi^g iji
| nearly right <sad'fj | doing it exactly j§
as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at tP-7-r -e at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Streets Crowded Double Fimeral Of Victims 01Tragedy
Imaha Vacationists Killed in Automobile
Soldiers Were Present. As the body of Fonarow was lowered to, its resting place, a squad of uniformed soldiers from the local American Legion fired a volley of four shots over the grave. It was their last farewell to one of their "buddies." - , Fonarow's companion in death was then lowered in a grave paralled with Ms..
: :
Continue To Murder In "White Russia"; Death Toll Still
Mother Dead From Starvation—Five Children Cross Ocean To Join Father
Two Children of Family of Seven Die Also While Waiting . t o Get Into This Country. Two Hundred Killed and Wounded m One Town; Four JewAfter trying; for eight years to ish Families Massacred. bring his family of eight to Omaha
Phii Singer and Joseph Fonarow, Who Were Killed in Auto Accident, Buried; American Legion in Attendance. -More than 2,000 men and women and hundred of automobiles blocked all streets leading to 225 North Nine-* teents street Monday afternoon during the funeral services of Joseph FonarbTV, one of the two young Jewish men lolled in an automobile accident Sunday. ' • •. • "While t h e services were in progress the funeral p a r t y of Phil Singer, 22, t h e other Jewish youth who m e t his fate in the Sunday-tragedy, made its appearance at the Fonarow home. • Hundreds who lined the streets and sidewalks around the Fonarow home wept as the double funeral cortege began its journey to the Golden Hjll cemetery, north of Florence. • It was the first double Jewish funeral since the death-tolling tornado of 1913. Both funeral services were marked by utmost simplicity and great grief. Both were well known among the younger Jewish set. The Singer youth was born and raised here, and Fonarow served overseas.
P a r i s . (J. T. A.) New details have been received in Jewish circles here regarding the pogrom movement in White Russia now being carried on > by the military divisions which were organized by the well-known Russian revolutionary—Boris Savinkov's "Russian Committee" in Warsaw. Incomplete details tell of a pogrom ! in the town,of Pokatkelitsch, in the district of Mazir, with 200 Jews killed and wounded. The Jewish colony Kotshitzi, in the district of Bobrosk, was completely destroyed, eighty Jews being killed and 100 wounded. In the pogrom on Pokovitehi, in the district of Minsk, twenty Jews -were killed. Of twenty-five Jews taken by the bands as hostages, eleven were shot. In Storova in the district of Slutszk, four Jewish families were massacred. • -
AMERICAN STUDIES UKRAINIAN CONDITIONS Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The representative of the International Immigration Office at "Washington, Mr. Wagner, visited the Ukrainian Committee and asked for information xegording the Ukrainian-Jewish immigration: their numbers, how many A Fund Committee was organized of- them want to emigrate, whither by the Keren -Hayesod for a Cam- they want to imigrate, and how paign to be held some time in Oc- many of them want to come to America. Mr. Wagner stated that tober. — •.:•-.•:-• he would forward, the report to Following are the committees: Washington. Advisory Committee:— ' Wm. L. Holzman, Chairman; H. A. .C^airman;rHairy Lapidus,
* 7vti<3.fotu\
Name Local Committees
Fonarow, friends said,* had planned to go to Russia this summer to bring his mother to this country.- '•' • ;]., IThe two met their death when an A . B;:«-Ailpirn>•• :Mr&r. B. ... jautomobll.o in which- they Trere.ridinff- J turned turtle six miles east of Oak- "Kulakofsky, Mrs.' Philip Sher, Hiss Diana. Gross. _' t ' * land", la., on the White Pole road. Both men were pinned beneath the • Executive Committee:— Rabbi Morris Taxori, Chairman; L. car on an embankment. Fonarow, who was driving the car, was caught Eneeter, Vice Chairman; B. Handler, beneath the steering post and suffered J. Woof son, N. Minkin, A- Conn, L a crashed chest. Passing autoists ex- Goldstein, A.* Marcus, ' A. Silverman, tracted both men from the wreckage S. H. Shaefer, Rabbi Levinson, Mrs. and removed them to, Oakland. ' 33. A. Simon, -Mrs. S. Robinson, Mrs. B Handler, Mrs._ S..Ravitz,'". Dr. A. On Vacation Trip. Romm, I. Stolmaster, J. Robinson, M. Singer and Fonarow left Omaha at Fickle, M. Hurwich, Mrs. M. Hirwich, 9:30 Sunday morning for Chicago. Mrs. A. Maizel,- S. Altschuler, Jake They were on a month's vacation. Robinson, I. Shukert, J. Komawski, Fonarow had boasted before they left Frank Dee. " that he would make Des Moines''by 4 o'clock. The accident occured at BOSTON JEWISH SINGERS 11:30 a. m. CREATE STIR IN VIENNA William and David Singer, brothers of Phil, went to Oakland by Vienna. (J. C. B.) Two Jewish automobile as soon as the family singers from Boston, Mr. Kalish and was notified of his death and re-' his wife Mollie Pichon, are being widely acclaimed since their first apturned with the bodies. Mr. Singer formerly was president pearance in the Roland Theatre where of the mailers' union. He is sur- they sang Jewish " operettes. The vived by his father, a sister, Eose, municipal authorities hero have invitand four brothers, Emil, William, ed both to participate in, a special performance for the benefit of the relief Morris and David. of orphan institutions.in this city. Had Premonition of Death. 1 Fonarow, who operated a tafloi shop at 13055 Douglas" street, pre- POLISH JEWS IN SOVIET RUSSIA dicted his death in a joking manner MUST WATT FOR EVACUATION. Warsaw. , (J. T. A.) It is learned on Saturday, according to Isadora Abrahamson, 2041 North Twentieth on good authority; that the Polish amstreet, who took a suit to the Fona- bassador to Moscow, Philipowitz, has received instructions that in the row shop to be pressed. "Be sure and get this suit today," evacuation of Polish subjects from Abrahamson says Fonarow told him, Soviet Russia to'Poland, p\>les are to "because I'm going on my vacation be given the priority. and I may never come back!" 185 IMMIGRANTS-LEAVE FOR PALESTINE FROM CONJEWS OF JUGO-SLOVAKIA STANTINOPLE. ADOPT UKRAINIAN ORPHANS Constantinople. (J. T. Agency.) On Paris. (J. T. A.) The Jewish July 28, 185 Jewish immigrants in•-' committies of Jugo-Slovakia are concluding 100 Chaluzim and the Hebrew centrating liheir efforts in the in- writers Driyanoff, Ravnitsky, Wilonsterest of the Jewish orphans of Uk- ky, Feierstein, and Simyatitsky left raine. Many - of these have heen here for Jaffa. This-despatch seems adopted by, well-to-do families or to disprove a previous item that implaced in the care of public institu- migration into Palestine from Contions. The; propaganda for the stantinople "had been* stopped. adoption of the orphans is being conducted by the newly organized JewORTHODOX VICTORY IN RIGA. ish World Relief Organization. Riga. (J. T. A.) ;>At the elections for the Jewish community, the OrthoPROPOSE COALITION dox ticket was vicEoriqus. The OrthoGOVERNMENT FOR VDLNA dox Jew, Dublin, was electeed PresiVflna. (J. T. Agency.) The Polish dent of the Kehillah). ; Democrat Party in Vilna hashanded General Zeligowski a memorandum "OBT" TO BRANCH OUT INTO .. opposing the convoking of a parliaWarsaw. (J. C. Bureau.) The ment for Vilna until the status oif Vilna is determined by the League "Ort," an organization seeking to of Nations. The Democrats urge in- settle Jews in agricultural pursuits, stead that a temporary coalition gov- is seeking incorporation in Lodz, Pioternment be formed to include repre- rokov and Czenstochovo (Poland) sentetives of the Lithuanians, Poles, where it is prepared to begin activities immediately. ' Jews and White Russians.
fcpgeFs Soldiers
Cbnstantinople. (J. T. Agency.) Officers and soldiers of Wrangel's AntiBolshevik army are still at large in the Crimean peninsula, according to reports that have reached here from Odessa. Soviet military forces are powerless to prevent their terrorizing the local population. The soldiers operate in marauding bands, feeding en the sparse crops and forcing peasants to vacate their homes so as to provide lodgings for them. Jewish inhabitants in the towns are again the subjects of attacks and pogroms."Near Simeropol and Alushta, twenty Jewish traders were kidnapped. Their whereabouts have not been disclosed. As reports of a possibility of the overthrow of the present Tegime in Russia continue to multiply, thousands of destitute Wrangelists in this city make preparations to return to Russia. Many of them are still armed.
SOVIET RUSSIAN ZIONISTS EN ROUTE TO CARLSBAD Kovno. (J. C. Bureau.) A group of Russian Zionists including Engineer Brutzkus and Epstein have arrived here from Russia. They are on their way to attend the Zionist World Congress. Special permission for their trip was obtained from the Jewish Commissariat. ARABS SEEK TO PROHIBIT ZIONIST ACTIVITIES IN NORTH AFRICA. Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Following the recent anti-Semitic outbursts in Constantine, Algeria, in which native Arabs attacked and killed Jewish inhabitants, Jewish -notables suspecting that the excesses were an expression of anti-Zionist feeling on the part of the Arabs, submitted a memorandum to the Prefect of Tunis declaring Zionism a Utopia and separating themselves from any activity for the movement. As a result of this move, the anti-Semitic Arab press, as well as the French, is appealing to the French government to prohibit Zionist activity in the country. ' THE UNLUCKffiST OF ALL. Rabbi Abraham Ben Ezra was unlucky in everything he attempted. He would laugh dismally and say: "If I became a maker of graveclothes, I believe that people would stop dying; and if I became a candlemaker, I am sure that the sun would begin to .shine by night as well as by day, in order to make me give up the tradel"
Berlin. (J. T. A.) Count Bernstorff, German Ex-Ambassador to word that his wife and .seven other the United States, will shortly begin children were starring. He came to to publish a daily newspaper in me weeping and asked me to help him. Munich under the name "Sued-DeutI sche Presse." One of the claimed I purchased tickets for them.
ie was unest a
"But just as they received them the purposes of the new publication is to j Secretary Christian Says Chief Executive' Happened to be war broke out and they could n o t j c o m b a t anti-Semitism in Bavaria, Guest a t Same Place As leave the country. Then for three Detroit Manufacturer. from Austria, William Schall, 518 No. years we could not hear from them. Sixteenth street, soon will be joined My brother-in-law was nearly crazy. by &ve of them. ' -' I even interested W. J. Bryan in the The mother and two children died case and he cabled, over there but could not get information. of starvation. . "Near the end of the war we got The five children made the trip tion Modeled Upon of the President in accepting: Henry across the Atlantic ocean, wearing the terrible word that Mrs. Schall had Reserve Syr-tefe. j Ford's invitation to camp together tags, reading "Omaha,, Nebr., U. S. died—of starvation. for a limited' period, has stated thst A." They are now at Ellis Island and The American Jewish Eelief Com- Harding was not Ford's guest but that Two Children Die. will be brought to Omaha by Sam mittee announced yesterday the com- he was visiting the same place where "Some time ago we bought transGoldblatt, son-in-law of M. Fanger, pletion of a new method of adminis- Mr. Ford was camping. portation and sent money to the total who has been aiding Mr. Schall for tering financial aid to the Jews of The Yiddish newspapers, notably the past eight years in getting his amount of $1,900 to bring the seven Poland by an organization modeled children over. Then we got a letter the Jewish Daily News, rejoice at this children out of war-scarred Europe. after the Federal Reserve System of that two of the children, daughter, 19, statement which takes cognizance of Schall came to America about eight banks and backed by capital of and son, 9, also had died of starvation. the view of American Jewry, and reand a half years ago, accompanied by $1,000,000. moves what was looked upon as an "A short time ago the other five three of his ten children. At once he The plan, which has just been affront to Jews who consider that the children got their passports and now solicited the aid of Sir. Fanger, his adopted by the Executive Committee highest oScial of the country ought soon be i brother-in-law in bringing the rest of j t can't wait until the children of the Joint Distribution Committee, not accept the hospitality of a man the family here. it is said, was devised by - a New who has insulted three million citizens get g here," Mr. Schall said Wednesday. York of the United States and raade conSays Case a Sad One. • It grieves me very much that their formation of The Jewish attenapte to blacken the. "This is the saddest case ever mother and the other children won't struction Company of Poland." brought, up in Omaha," Mr. Fanger be with them, but it has to be acceptname. said. In 1913 my fcrother-in-law left ed as one of the tragedies of the great company which will finance destitute i Lemberg, Galkia, with three of Ms war. Many others suffered the came Jewish artisans and small merchants children and came to Omaha. About we have. All we can do is to make in that country. Alexander ' Landesco of Warsaw, the time he arrived here ne received the best of i t "
Seier b Qika
British British- ffinpter's Sfeech
Director General of Reconstruction, in conjunction with leading Jews of Poland, worked out the details of tie New York.—"Detailed reporte of organization. Before sailing from the Jewish Welfare Board Seders in New York* several days ago Mr. Manila and Tientsin, China—the first Landesco announced that the com- military Seders ever held in these : I pany would avail itself of the ma- countries—have just been received Boston. < J. T. A.) Jewish .organizations of Boston acting through the chinery and .good-will of the Hebrew by the Jewish Welfare Board . sad . Peoples' Belief Comsnittee met last Loan and Credit Societies, which be- were made public today by Dr. CyniB week to discuss the situation, arising fore the war flourished not only in Adler, chairman of the army a»d Joseph kagaa out of the new law limiting immigra- Poland, but in other Eusian pro- aavy committee." wrote for the Jewish soldiers with tion into the Untied States. It .was vinces. The war reduced the means felt that the work of Jewish organi- of these institutions to such an ex- the CMna expeditionary foi-ce, U S. zations throughout the country'should tent Chat they have been unable to sfemy. centre on a campaign against the render assistance to impoverished "By order of the commanding officontinuation of the law now In ©Sect. Jews for several years. cer, e&eij; company was sent a inemThe Conference decided to get the. co- Mr. Lsndesco took "with Mm $250,-1 ©random, to be posted on the bulletin, in;;- /the to ©pen the new inst&ofuMi ittars, 'Sa'"xpgfird''tSo'""£heise'Ti6fi3ay8. It operation. j Unlte~d' States and together carry en and ihe xenrainder, $770,000, -will Ire stated that all men of Jewish faith Ul~d' S propaganda against making thfe Dil- available, it is announced, when he would be. granted passes from r.oou. lingham Law a permanent one. In requires it. The treasures of the April 22, 1921, to ntfdnight, April 24, the eight months that reinaia for the local credit societies, mil be replen- 1921, and also from noon, April 20, law to operate, the Peoples' Belief So- ished, it is said, through seven dis- 1021, to midnight, May 1, 1921. cieties of Boston will strive to prevent trict federations in Lamberg, Cracow, "We received the case of Matzahs the enactment of a new bill which Warsaw, Brest-Litovsk, Vilna and and the Haggadahs sent by the Jewwould limit immigration into this Rovno. Each district federation, Mr. ish Welfare Board, and these were country for a more extended period Landesco said, will announce its read- distributed among* the men, With than one year. iness to extend a loan of 1,000,009 the co-operation of Chaplain Fisher
London. (Jewish Correspondence Bureau.) In the House of Commons yesterday, Commander Kentworthy asked why • the British censor in Palestine refused • to permit the Jerusalem newspapers to print in full a speech made in P&riiainent on June 14th by Winston ' Churchill, British Minister of Colonial Affairs. Commander KentwofSafe stated that t i e Palestinian censor vttd^geleted parts ..of, Great Britain's policy in Mesopotamia and the Holy Land. - In reply, Under-Secretary of Colonies, Mi". Wood, stated that he had no information on the specific matter mentioned but that in general it was -necessary .to maintain a strict censorship in the country because of the agitated state of mind that prevailed there -at ths present ,time. The censorship, he said, was being maintained • at the expense of Pales- ENGLISH JEWS ATTEMPT TO tine citizens-; and was no burden on WEAKEN ^BALFOUS DECLAthe British tax-payer. RATION.
ARABS AND ZIONISTS TO CONFER London. (J. C. Bureau.) It is stated here that the Executive Committee of the World Zionist Organization will confer with the Arab Delegation sent by the Palestine Arab Congress to demand from the British Government the withdrawal of its Zionist policy, in an attempt to reach an amicable agreement between tie Arabs and Jews in the Holy Land. The delegation is expected here tomorrow, and much interest is being evinced by the British Colonial Office in the proposed conference with the Zionists, where an attempt will be made to arrive at a basis for reconciliation between the two rival elements in the Palestinian population. English Zionists recently appealed to General Smuts to help them effect such a reconciliation.
Arab Delegation Arrives in Home. Paris, (J. C. B.) The Arab delegation sent to Europe to inaugurate a campaign of anti-Zionist propaganda, arrived in Rome recently. The head of the delegation, Musa Kazim Pasha, president of the Arab Congress, issued a statement thanking the Pope for his opposition to Zionism. It is practically certain that the Christian members of the delegation will be received in audience by the Pope and his cardinals.
Anti-Zionist Lords in Constant Communication with Arabs. London. (J. C. Bureau.) It is learned that Lord Lamington and Lord Sydenham, well-known for their opposition to Zioiusnv are in constant communication with certain Arabs residing in London, from whom they obtain material for many questions and sj>eeches_ of criticism against England's policy in Palestine which they have made in the House of Lords.
' London. (J. C. B.) The League of British Jews through, its ex-presidest Claude Montefiore has recently made representations to the British Government with the view of obtaining a re-interpretation of the Balf our Declaration which might weaken its significance. It is learned en good authority that official statements recently made :and amounting to a minimum interpretation of that Declaration are due in some measure to the pressure brought to bear on government departments by Montefiore. of the At the l*st annual League of British Jews, Mr. Claude Montefiore, then its president, announced confidentially that he was making efforts to have the Balfoar Declaration weakened in significance and potential content. , These facts, made public only a short time ago, have engendered bitterness among English Jews, natioaalistically inclined. .
marks to ten loan and trust companies of its district as soon as they can justify being entrusted veiti. working capital. Each district federation will act as the federal reserve bank for ten. local lean and trust companies. The federation will release the funds to each of them according to their current needs; at its discretion it will be able to use the surplus of one of the local branches to fill the deficit of another and will act as the necessary liTiV between them and the reconstruction company or main organization. Long-term loans will be made to individuals at lite rate of 12 per cent per annum, 5 per cent of •which will go toward the payment of the operating expenses of the local loan and trust companies, 2 per cent to the district federation, S per cent to ( the main organization and 2 per cent toward the formation of & reserve fund against possible losses. To these local loan and trust'companies ?700,000 will be allotted, while $300,000, the remainder of the million-dollar capitalization, mil be used in subsidizing co-operative associations. As soon as the system is established in Poland and demonstrates its workability it will be extended, it is said, to include Latvia, Czechoslovakia and other countries of Central Europe.
FURTHER ATTACKS' :ON JEWS. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Unheard-of excesses against the Jewish population are. taking place in the region of Rurzhanov, Galicia, for the past three weeks, but the Polish police take no measures to quell them. Bands, who remain unpunished," attack Jewish Russian Trade Delegation in homes and rob them cf all their conLondon Denies Pogroms. tents. Jewish passengers sre horribly London. (J. T. Agency.) The Soviet beaten. The Jewish .population has appealed to the official. in authority, Russia Trade Delegation issued a but he has done nothing in answer to statement denying that^any pogroms were made on Jews because of the their appeal. present famine. Recently, there have English Newspaper Defends been rumors that due to the saortage in food, Muzhiks in Samara and other Herbert :SamtieL ' provinces attacked and killed Jews. London. (J. T. A.) Yesterday's isThe Soviet representatives here deny sue of the "Daily" Telegraph" contains the whole story. an article on the occasraa M the end of a year's activity of High-Commissioner Samuel in Palestine, praising his handling of affairs.there. They are especially well pleased with his new interpretation of the Balfour Declaration, and censure the Zionist extremists for criticizing tee .OoQunissioner's position.
UNVEIL MEMORIAL TO TCHLENOV. London. (J. C. B.) On Sunday, a memorial will be unveiled in the London Cemetery in honor of Dr. Jechiel Tchlenov, the Zionist leader who died here several years ago.
and Mr. MeNallr, of the Army Service Club, we arranged for the Seders on April 22 and 23. Everything was strictly "Kosher" and the r&en. observed the holidays ia a most suitable manner. On the mornings of April 28 and 24 we attended eervicei" in the synagogue, which were held by the Jewish community of Tientsin. "As a representative of the Jewish," Welfare Board in this expedition, I want to state that each and every Jewish Koldier appreciates your co-;. operation and courtesy." "Polish-Jewish ^Negotiations For Foreign Consumption Only," Say Jewish Deputies, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) In the Seiia debate on the g-ovemment budget, spokesmen, of the Jewish deputies were not permitteed to participate. They had declared their intentions of attacking the" government for its attitude to the Jewish problenn In a written declaration made in liew of the oral, the deputies Btated thst the Polish government pui^poses to enter into negotiations for an understanding • with •. Jews • only becaase it is desirous thus to impress favorably •democratic elements in Europe and America, The announcements as to negotiations were for foreign, consumption only,, declared the deputies* since they are convinced that the Cabinet has no real and sincere desire ©f arriving-at an agreement and understanding with the Jewish inhabitants of the country.
CONFERENCE OF JEWISH NATIpNAL COUNCILS Warsaw. (Jevdsh T. Agency.) A conference of the Jewish National Councils that exist in Snanj countries in Europe' is • being called »\ Carlsbad for the middle of Septem^ ber. Jewish H&tjonal Cocncils are organizes in Poland, East Galicia, Austria, Czecho-S^vakia and JugoSlovakia. Dr. Leo Motzkin wii! be the temporary chairman. The conference will deal with th« questions of minority rights in East European countries, relief, immigration, and the refugee" problem.
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH ERESS THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1921. RUSSIAN JEWS IN P A P S ACTIVE Paris. (J. C. Bureau.) The Russian ' " • ""• • j;| . O P E N S N E W L A W FIRM ff Jewish colony here is participating jlij . New York. (J. T.' A.) Bernard A. Published fivery Thursday at Omaia, Nebraska, by actively in the general relief work Rosenblatt, a member of the Zionist THE JEWISH .PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. now in progress to help the famineHOBBIS E. JACOBS, Manager. stricken in Russia. "La Tribune ^xdve" Office, Four,: JSaird Bldg.—Telephone Jackson- 2372. the '- recently received by President Hard- publishes a special appeal urging 1 Russian Jews to be first among those ing, has opened a new law office toSubscription Price, one year. _.v _ 42.50 away, won't you? My Mary's getting home to. dinner—no, I won't put my- gether with Felix H. Levy. Mr. RoTime—The present. senblatt who until recently acted as who lend a hand to Russia no matter : Advertising rates furnished on application. Place—Any congregation in any so independent she may leave any self out a bit—" Miss Dusseldorf: "I wouldn't imNew York City judge, resigned that what its government. ime. I was saying to Mr. H. just NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits-from the publica- provincial town. (We know it is the rabbi's study be- this morning that I'd be glad to let pose on anybody else at such short office to be in a better position to tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. cause there is the inevitable silver you have her if she won't stay with notice, but as the rabbi's wife, I sup- devote himself to Zionist activities. 'CHANGB OF ADDRESS—Please giv« both the old and new address; , laying cup upon one bookcase and the me and you lose your next girl. I've pose you're used to it. My love to the Slesiis. . - •; b» jnj-a and sign your name. equally inevitable copy of Sargent's got a good heart, if I do say it rabbi. Good bye till tomorrow." ill Parts ot tie WuM | Mr. Rabbi (foaming with rage, "Prophets" over the other, both gifts myself." x FORD'S FAITH. VTe assist yon in getting pansjjj after hearing a verbatim report): "I of grateful but unimaginative conill ports and give you expert advise j'j Son (indignantly): "WoWrW-o-w!" Faith as taught by the Hebrews helped him "fool" Wall won't spend another half day with T on European conditions. jjj Street bankers and saved his company from expected ruin, firmation classes. A flat desk, over- Mrs, Hirschfeld: "I can hear that Jthat No Springs—Honest W e!gfst pest I won't have her sit and flowing waste basket and bookshelves, VTe help you to Ret your Tela::: Henry Ford recently announced in one of the many statements poor baby over the wire. Your downfives in l-:«rQi>e to this country. ::: •which his army of publicity men have been daily carrying to several chairs and a telephone stand stairs neighbor, Mrs. Turner, told me giggle at me all through dinner; and HOBART ELECTRIC you're not running a boarding house complete the furnishings. From the the press of the nation. it was real pitiful how you let him Val. J. Peter & Co. - || GRINDERS, CHOPPERS across the hall come the cry sometimes. I know y$u don't and had no right to make yourself exFord's publicity men have been working day and night, bathroom STEAMSHIP TICKETS AND tra trouble by inviting her." of splashing and orating as AND MIXERS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE writm.? news stories to dignify Ford and in that way to throw sounds mind my saying it, but I would be| rabbi kills two birds with one Mrs. Rabbi (unheeding, as she ISC" Howard. St., Omaha, Kef?, j;i a veil of truth and dignity around his articles attacking the Jews the awfully careful not to get her talkPhone ATlantic 0340. stone, bathing and shaving and rewrenches from son the'manicure scisService and Sales: which are appearing in the "Dearborn Independent". his Friday night sermon all ing. Why make rishus among the sors his father had given him to quiet ::::::;:;:::;:::;;::::;;::':;:;":;:;;":;:;;::;:":;:::!!::::; They even took advantage of the visit of President Harding hearsing at the same time. Mrs. Rabbi passes :oyim, and as the rabbi's wife you him): "Try to get him to sleep. If | XSth AND JACKSON-STREETS at the Edison-Firestone-Ford camp and made people believe that through the study, pinning up her have to be careful. But I'll have to I don't get into the kitchen soon you'll Phones: Harding paid a special visit to Ford! This was denied by George hair with one hand, picking up Son's hurry—I'll be late as it is." i go to services without your supper." Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 Christian, secretary to the President. He said that "Harding toys with the other. She is about to (She Tings off hastily, releasing Mr. Rabbi: "But ray sermon—" Hobart Elected: — Doug. 7B96 happened to visit the same place where was present. follow the trail of blocks and tin sol- Mrs. Rabbi, who rushes to warm a Mrs. Rabbi (who is only human, and In one of Ford's statements which was printed generally in diers to the bedroom where the young MOVED TO • o$ milk for her howling off- has to be nasty to somebody): "Just We have on hand Used and -the press, the Detroit manufacturer' quoted this line from household tyrant now sits howling for bottle Z2li Cumins Street. spring. From the ba'thrqsm issues rehearse it to Sonny and hell fall Rebuilt Machines. Hebrews: . ." his supper, when the telephone bell the rabbi's pulpit voice). asleep sooner." (Dashes toward the "Faith is the substance of things hoped for—the evidence rings.) .. • of_things not seen." And then he went on to explain: "I had Mrs. Rabbi (glancing through force Mr. Rabbi: "There is such a thing kitchen, but is recalled by telephone. faith that the country and conditions in our industry would of habit at the clock on the mantle as a civic conscience, my friends; a Here in breathless succession she conscience peculiarly modern, yet as promises Mr. Kara that shell surely right themselves—and they are doing it every day." * piece, which,, being a wedding presHe was attempting to drive home to the reader the idea ent, can't be prevailed upon to run): old as .the prophets who fearlessly tell the rabbi that the hymnals he that because he had "faith", he succeeded in obtaining enough 'Heavens, it's late now and I haven't faced priest and potentate, who—" ordered a month ago tron't be ready wpney to help his' plant pass through a crisis and so saved half started to dress for temple or— The Telephone: "Ting-ting—darn for the holidays; tells Mrs. Turner of the Episcopalian Ladies' Guild that his company from the "talons of Wall Street". We have opened u p the most up-to-date garage in yes, Ferndale 2433 (her face falling: it—hurry—ting—" Ford would give half of his vast fortune if he could speak her voice growing more cordial as she Sirs. Rabbi (from the baby's crib): she'll take two tickets for their conthe city and the vicinity, known as the OMAHA cert, though she knows she can't afand write the English language as expressed in that statement. recognizes the voice of the leader of "Dear, please answer the phone." GARAGE at 1517-1523 North 24th Street ford 'em; suggests the Jewish EnHis explanation was undoubtedly the work of some smooth news- the Sisterhood and the uncrowned Mr. Rabbi: "I'm all lathered and cyclopedia to Mrs. Cone, -who has a paper-reporter-publicity-man who understands what the people head of congregational affairs in genWe carry a full line of auto accessories, higfcest I've got two more pages—" paper to write for the Sisterhood the like to read arid believe. eral.) Oh—Mrs. Hirschfeld. Yes, I following Monday and wants to know (Mrs. Rabbi hands son his bottle grade of oils. Be: that as it may, Ford admits he has faith. And to prove am a. little busy just now, but—" that he quotes from the Hebrews, The quotation which in- Mrs. Hirschfeld: "But this Is im- with serious misgivings, as he likes to "where to find something about Spincw » corporates his faith is a very strange one in view of his attacks portant. I conld wait till tomorrow, hear it smash against the dresser, and za and other Jewish musicians"; j Day and night service. give the busy signal to Ted Franklin,, j rushes to the phone.) on the Jews. but I want to get it off my mind Washing, draining, painting* and general repairing of What is his faith, we wonder, in regard to his scandalous Mrs. Powers (impressively) yes, Mrs. Genevieve Perlberg: "I forgot what a reporter on the morning paper, •who ! cars is done by competent mechanics. attacks *)n the Jewish race? Does he expect the meaning of Powers, the president of the Women'; page our Sabbath ^School lesson's on. wants to know what the rabbi, "as a i the quotation "faith is the substance of things hoped for" to be club, asked me to suggest one, of our (Indignantly) The rabbi's busy and Hebrew," thinks about an independent j Jewish state in Palestine. About to carried out in 1'espect to his defaming of the Jews? Your patronage is greatly solicited. We tKanlc you representative Jewish women to be can't be disturbed? You think he escape, a plaintive voice arrests her). v ' Just what does he hope for—pogroms, reign pf terror, in the receiving line when we give mightn't know, anyhow, and I'd better for your past favors and hope to irive you the best horrible assaults on innocent girls; slaughtering of babes? Is our tea and reception for Madam call up my teacher? Why, Miss Mrs. Magnin: "I've been trying to of service in the future. • feat what he means by "the evidence of -things not seen"? Denne next month. I like to do a per- Daniels never lets; us bother her, so get you for the last hour. I suppose j j The situation just mentioned followed the "faith'' of the son a good turn when I can, so I I thought you'd oblige me this once. you're busy—" SAM GOLDWARE and HANS DANSKY, Props. ' Jew-baiters of Europe. That was what they hoped <for when suggested you. So when she calls up, Well, I just can't learn it tWs week, Mrs. Rabbi (almost frantic as a1 they began their anti-Jewish writings, That was the conse- be sure to accept. It will Iqok good that's #11." (Rings off aggrieved to sound of sizzling from the kitchen 1517-1523 North 24th Street. TeL: Webster 0300 to the goyim to have one of us in make room for Mr. Bettleheimer. He warns her that the hungry rabbi has' quences pi" their actloijs !• is one pf the most expensive grocers started to fry the fish): "I am!" Fpr months national Jeiyisii leaders have attempted to find the receiving line for a change." put just what Pord expects to accomplish. by his continuous Mrs. Rabbi (weakly): "But, really. in town, but as he's a member of the Mrs. Magnin: "Well. Mrs. Hirschattacks. They have failed to uncover this? information. I can—you know I don't go ou congregation, Mrs. Rabbi must trade feld said you didn't have a girl and I with him and nay the piper). Even friends of Ford have sought his reasons for the Dear- much—" wanted to tell you about my maid's born articles and have failed tp obtain this information. Mrs.. Hirschfeld: «'And everybody Mr. Bettleheimer; "I'm afraid your sister—she'll come cheap. She's never It seems that Ford is. the "only one who knows-and he talks about it, too. Your husband fish is going to be a little late, but I'm worked out before, but you're such a won't tell". never misses a Rotary luncheon and all out of salmon steak so I sent up young housekeeper it'll leam you to "ins But that doesn't prevent us from speculating. Maybe he you never get out of the house, ex some red snapper for a change. It's teach her all you know, and you can doesn't really know either, but expects his "faith" to act as cept' to temple, and, of course, you a little more expensive, fret—'! save on her salary; she won't dare the core pass in pointing out to him the right course to'pursue. have to do that just to-keep up ap- Son (raising hisivoice and the bottle charge as much as my Rosie." We believe that his articles vn]l only lead to shame and pearances." at the same time): "O-ooch." (A Mrs. Rabbi (as an unrabbinic oath condemnation for him. We hope p that it wi|l | not'lead to any y Mrs. Rabbi (remembering that she crash which brings his mother to his and the clatter of china suggest the tracGdies racGdies fpr thq Jewish people who are Innocent of all his hi has promised her husband to be polit side to find the rug covered \rith bits destruction of her pet platter):' "If ridiculous charges. ; ; , '.•,'.-• . ;- ; • .* . '" •''" to the congregational tyrant wh of bottle and pasteurized milk. With ] 'i\ call up later—" EegardlesS;4t has been.a mislprtune; for the Jewish people nearly drove the last rabbi to an early" an air of resignation she hurries backj youM r ? _ jjagnln: "But I've been tryand has caused us ;harm..and inconvenience—all", ofthis probably grave): "But I haven't a maid and to the phone.) Jing to get you so long and the line brought about by. the'zmisguidedreiiergieS'Of-r^/^nw'eRsely rich I can't leave the baby—" Mrs. Rabbi: "Then send—" ( S h e , w a s busy and my Rosie wants to tell IE most intensely interesting combination of man who is of the;firm-belief that he naust mpuld the world Mrs. Hirschfeld: "Let the rabbi half rises in her agony of impatience f jj i ter tonight What shall I tell Cr s s smart style, super-fabric value to fit .his petty whhns, fancies and "faith". '• . ' look after him once^—he's got plenty as son hbwls and the rabbi, who has my Rosie?" ordinary quality that has been offered to clothes of time, hasn't he? (Severely) With- cut his lip -while shaving, . demands Mrs. Rabbi (as another dish smashout a girl again? But I was telling why-there's never any sticking plaster es and son awakens to howl from his buyers in years. . one of the ladies downtown only-yes- in the house). HI crib); "Tell her to go to Jericho," terday that it's no wonder yout girls "Mrs. ;Rabbi (fiercely): "I tell you I (Rings off and dashes to the kitchen.) always run over you when you humor bought some, but my son chewed it up Mrs, Magnin (more in bewildertil Press)::::!fi::::::i::|::::ii::::::i:i::iH:i::::::i::::::::::i them so. Why, your Lizzie was brag- —oh, I beg your pardon, Mr. Bettle- menfthan anger): "I wonder what 5H:iHSnH:::HK:U:::n::::"::HH:::::::::::"::::i(Sf>eCTaI, to ging to my Mary last week that you heimer, you were saying—" ailed her? I heard she had terrible JE\VS HAVE 12 REPRESENTA- JOINT" SEJfPS, let her have the key to the ice box— Mr. Bettleheimer: "And I hope it temper ;no wonder she can't keep any Seleet your Fall clothes Early. The TIVES QN KOVNQ TOWN TQ UKRAINE and butter at seventy cents a pound, won't make you late at your dinner. help. Anyhow, as the rabbi's wife, too. God knows what she must have New York. (J. C. B.) The Joint chill of Fall is in the sir—prepare •y.. COUNCIL, Mrs. Bettleheimer was saying last she ought to be polite to the ladies of Kovno. (J. T. Agency.) The Town Distribution Committee of America cost you when your back v/as turned." week she wondered whether jt wasn't the congregation, especially if they're Council of thjs city recently elected, has despatched a transport of $100,- .Mrs. Rabbi (with dangerous polite- hard for you to get through on Friday- trying to <lo her a favor." counts 12 Jewish. • representatives 000 worth of food and clothing to the ness): *'I was saying I couldn't leave night, 'cause you're nearly always among its 42 members. Of the re- pogrom victims of Ukraine and White the baby—" late to temple," maining. 14 are Lithuanians and lg Russia, through the agency of the Mrs. Hirschfeld: "If "you refuse Mrs. Rabbi (forgetting her position American Society of Friends (Qua- Mrs. Powers, it will make rishus, and for a moment and speaking as spitePoles.7 . ' " kers) which is the only agency car- as the rabbi't wife, you h2.ve to be fully as any layrwpman); "J wonder j COMMITTEB; TO AID rying relief activities in Soviet Russia, careful. Ill send my, Mary over to how Mrs. Bettleheimer knowg I'm late, CORRECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN "White Russia and Ukraine. look after the baby while you're when she's always later thau I am." REFUGEES. Berlin. (J. C. .B.)- Russian Jews The Joint Distribution Committee gone." . Mr. Bettleheimer (in majestic; resident i*1 this city have organized a has likewise instructed its representa- Mrs, Rabbi: "Really, I couldn't. I wrath): "My wife has four little J jjj fpcigty for the purpose of raising re- tives in Reval to transfer to the never trust sonny to strangers." children to dress and sepd tP the pic- j jjj Ifef funds on behalf of Ukrainian pr^ Quakers' organization all its motor Mrs. Hirschfeld (in righteous indig- turee show before she gets g away, and, j JIj! phaned pogrom victims. The society lorries, automobiles, and transporta- nation): "We thought when "we hired anyhow, she expects you, as the rap-!j:: is sending a Relegation to Ukraine, tion facilities, as well as all supplies a .married rabbi, his wife would be a bi's wife, to set a good example to the a very beautiful assortwhich }s in a position to expend funds on hand. congregation and be there on the |ij ment of NEW YEAR help to us; but you went and had a fliere. ;'. ."•... • baby right away and tied yourself GREETING cards just JEW BECOMES PREMIER down to the house, and, as I was say- (He rings off and Mrs. Rabbi dashes received. ANTI-SEMITES SEEK TQ IN CANADIAN PROVINCE ing to one of the ladies at the Lu- to bedroom to tie her husband's tie; NEW TROGPLE lipntreal. (Jewish T. Agency.) A theran chicken supper the other night, then flies to "warm another bottle for SELECT YOUR despatch frqna 'Calgary, province of before' we know it you'll be having* the baby; then to talk to Miss DusselNOW. Warsaw. (J. C. B.) The Polish Alberta, Canada," states that H. another baby. I suppose, thpugh? I dorf over the phone.) emitie parties have inaugurated Grgenfeld has been elected premier pf do think the rabbi's wife ought to Miss Dusseldorf: ''Of course, you jjj an active campaign against the Ukrai- the province. Mr. CJreenfeld is a consider the congregation first and don't remember my voice. I'm ,the j Jj| •alan refugees'in Poland. The Naro- well-known Jewish farmer and will try to, help put when she can, even young lady soliciting funds for -the j jjj dova democrats (DmovsM's party) head, a ministry consisting almost en- if she is devoted to her family* (She Home for Infirm Jewish Clerical jtave called mass meetings where, the tirely of land cultivators. pauses for breath, while Mrs. Rabbi "Workers. I had such a delightful j ;JJ PRINTING— STATIONER! -agitation is carried on and resolutions finishes pinning up her hair with her little visit with you last year—reOFFICE SUPPLIES are adopted against the ^'Influx of free hand). Then you won't help member? Suppose the rabbi's busy AUSTRIAN CHALUZIM ARE <s B0CK" JONES in NORMA Jews." The Supreme Council of the Mrs.'-Powers out?" as ever, but he'll have to find time to FIRST. TALHADGE Christian-rDemocratic Party in f'SeJm'? Warsaw, July 24, (J. T. A.) Major Mrs: 'Rabbi: "I'm afraid not, borrow somebody's.machine and take brought in a severe indictment of "the Morris, head of the Palestine Immi- b u t — " •• :; me aroundr—it saves time and maybe sinister march of strangers into Po- grafipn Department, now in this city, I'll make the evening train. So I'll go % land." Th,e society of the Poles who states^ #iat Chajgzim ip Austria will Mrs,- Ifir^chfejd; "I hope you'll to services tomorrow if I -get up in think; it over; I must tell you to your 4 Bays Starting Vjjaye; risjwneij frqm $pyjet Russia de- be given time and meet him afterwards. (Sug^ tT^e preference in the grant Sunday. -i mands that a fight be initiated against be given tT^e preference in the grant- face that I'm disappointed. I thought, gestive pause); And I'm dying to'see Sunday to Wednesday the Jews who are destroying both Po- ing pf vises to Palestine because he as the rabbi's wife, you'd be glad to you and that lovely pshy I'y$ heard do: Mrs, Powers a f ayor." land and Russia. Thursday, Friday and Ipun4 %P qpndition of. Jews ;n Pplanfl ; (A wild shriek from the bed- so much about." Mrs. Rabbi (as though she still had 'Saturday" rnpre tplerable than that in Austria. room.) a maid): "The rabbi must bring you Omaha's-finest neighborhood theaJews? Ifot Permitf?d to liand TOM' MOORE Mrs, Rab^j. (starting up): "You'll ROUMANIAN p tre Opens' Sunday, August 14th. hava to' excuse me—it's son again. I. New equipment. Newly.tjecorated. Jerusalem. VJ.% A.) 28 Jewish Warsaw. (J, T, A.) MrV Adolph He's so lively I can't leave, hinv a 3 Pays Starting passengers whq arrived in.?affa on a Held has Jus}; returned to this city Thursday. Two furnished rooms for ,.. -.--.:., . --.:steamer were not permitted, to land, from a trip of several weeks through m i n u t e . " and were'forced to proceed tp Haifa. Roumajiia arid Bessarabia where he Mrs. Hirschfeld: "You'd better bo young couple in m o d e r n established branch offices of "Hias." tending to him instead of keeping mo Onjy two passengers, a certain Dr. "THE MOTH" Onjy two p g , home. 2115 Burdette St. d h f Mr UBJBSJI Jewish communities will cooperate in when I ought to be dressing for, •Weinberg and the, gon of .Mr. UBJBSJI-* Sunday to disr the work under the direction of Hias dinner. And if you happen to hear zns up right
\\?A\\\\V;.\\VJ$^ ::
A Bit of Gentle Satire
By Elmo, Bhrlich Levinger ...
HULSE & EIEPEN Undertakers
For Men, Young Men and Younger Young Men
ENTERTAINS WAR WOBKERS j TO PLAY NASHVILLE 1 "But I also found Princeton fiae. . Miss *EllarFleishman had a s her The. Y..M. H JL baseball team win A pipe as yet unsmoked. ^Loung and NEWS/ guest pyer the week-end Mr. and Mrs.play Nashville, Nebr., Sunday afterfresh. Much is to be expected from i On TKORPEIAN By ARTHUR LEHMAN, America's youth. For even though , July 31, the Thprpeian A. L. Rosenthal •who were enroute to noon at Nashville. The Nashville town President "Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Athletic Club met the local B'nai Ami their home in Chicago from Estes team is one of the strongest teams in life by no means plays CITES IT AS EXAMPLE OF SUC-intellectual • Societies of New York City". Club in a game of baseball, which "was Park, where they have been for their the»state. I t is composed pf a num-. any role ; as yet, there is, neverthe(Copyrighted by-Jewish Correspondence Bureau.) CESS OF SERIOUS EFFOKT j ber of Omaha Class A players. less, a group among the younger •won byi the Athletic Club. The pitch- wedding trip.IN AMERICAN LIFE. ing of Leo Konecky, who allowed but Mrs. Rosenthal before her marriage j Manager Nathan Green of gr Prohibition has come to the United generation that is striving to, elevate It has been proverbial that in allyentions for the care of individuals two hits and struck out fourteen bat- was Miss Rose Weisman and' served M. H. A. team caused a general^Hiake- countries and in all times the Jewrecognised as legitimate public States to stay, said Professor Albert the spirituaZ level, and its efforts ters, and the heavy hitting of Coren- with Miss Fleishman in France with up in.the "Y" team, having released has cared fpr his poor, and nowhere charges. Substantial sums occassion- Einstein in an interview -with, the are sure to suceed. (Here the Tagejnan were the features of tlie game, the Jewish Welfare Board. three players, Louis Rasnick, former is this more elearly evidenced than ally come to the individual institu- Berlin correspondent of the Niemve blatt writer inserted a note to the the final score being 10—0. Mr. Rosenthal was one of the three captain pf the team, Sam Green, and at the present time in the United tions in the shape of legacies or Rotterdaxnsche Courant, excerpts of effect that Professor Einstein meant In a return game on August 1, themen who were sent by the Peace Con- Israel "Goodman., Manger Green has States. endowment funds. Hospitals are inwhich were cabled to this .cptmtry, the so-called New Republic group.) Thorpeians again defeated the B'nai ference Into Silesia and Russia for signed Abe Smith, who iplds the • During the past twenty or thirty receipt of income from private pa- where they created considerable stir Everything that is taken up seriously Ami "with the score of 9—5. In view. investigation. He was sent especially record for knocking the longest hit years, the distribution of funds for tients, from special laboratories, X- because of the relativity expert's as- in America succeeds. Look at the of the fact that the B'nai Ami wasto investigate conditions of Jews. He n the amateur diamond. Smith will Jewish philanthropy in America has Ray and similar clinical activities. sertion, that American men took no prohibition of alcohol, for example. It beaten by both the Thorpeians and was one of the first Americans to go day in the center garden and will be undergone a complete change. Prior Educational societies sometimes re- interest in anything but work, and certainly can't be said that tlie great majority was for the complete doing - used also, as a relief pitcher. the Y. M. H. A. and that -when the into Russia after the war. to that time, th$ elementary chari- ceive modest fees for their class, club for the rest were only the toy dogs away with strong drink; there is still Thorpeians "were beaten by the Y, The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Bernstein who has been suffering table needs, such as the care of theand gymnasium work. of the women. they "were handjcaped by the absence senthal was an A. E. F . romance as with anMnjured finger on his pitching sick, the orphan, and the granting of Professor Einstein's remarks about a great dsa.1 of inveighing against New York Has Federation. of a few of their strongest players, they first met at the Jewish Welfare hand, is repprted to be in first class Immediate material relief to the desthe scientific life of America, as quot- it, but it will stay put, too." In the case of the New York FedeBoard Clubhouse in Paris. they take this opportunity of again ondition and will do the hurling for titute were supplied by individual soed in the Berliner Tageblatt of July Several days after the publication ration for the Support of Jewish 7 from the interview of the Dutch of the interview in Holland, Germany challenging the Y. M. H. A. to a re- Mrs. Rosenthal was a guest at the ;he "Y" team Sunday afternoon. cieties, generally competent through Philanthropic Societies, the total extlie United States, Dr. Einstein Women's Overseas . Service League turn game. the knowledge and ability of earnest penditures of about 20 institutions reporter, reporter, do do not not turn turn out out to to to to as as On Wednesday Aug. 3, the Club gave breakfast at Happy Hollow Club on Mrs. H. R. Goldstein and Mrs. J. volunteer members of the community. make up the grand total of approxi- harsh as they appeared in the cabled j gave out a statement to the effect, an informal dancing partyattheHans- Sunday morning. Hahn entertained ten guests Saturday The large growth in the Jewish mately $5,800,000. Of this amount, report. For instance, after savins]that it had not conveyed a correct com Park Pavillipn. Outside of the afternoon for Mrs. F. Perlson pf Chi* populatipn of this country, brought about one-half represents the subthat he was sorry at having missed j impression of his views regarding GREENBERG-MILLER. regular program of dancing the Gercago and Mrs. E. Hill of Lincoln, who about by the immigration due toscriptions of individual members for meeting Professor Michelson in Chi-the American public, and that he had never made any unfavorable comstein brothers gave several-banjo se- Invitations have been received: here is visiting with her daughter Mrs. L. conditions in Russia and pther parts the year 1921, obtained through the cago, Dr. Einstein continued: ments upon life in the United States, to the wedding of Miss Sadie Lillian of south-eastern Europe, has however Federation, vrbile the remainder is lections and Louis Freiberg and Bill Mandelbaum. Two Different Worlds. where he had been so warmly welMiller, daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Jacreated new problems, involving a Monahon gave quaint songs and the estimated income from, other ' But to compare the general scien- comed. cob Miller pf Seattle, Washington, to ;Mr. and Mrs. S. Gutfcman and substantial extension of philanthropic sources, as above enumerated. The tific life of America with that of •witticisms. Mr. David Greenberg of this city. The daughter Miss Rose and sons, Sam, activity, both in kind and degree. large sum of close to $3,000,000 (the Europe would be nonsense, just as marriage will take place pn August jr., and Max, left Sunday on a motor As a result, more highly organized pi-esent approximate income of the ^ POSTPONE MEETING. one cannot at all cojapare the rest Oma'ha!'s The" regular monthly meeting of the 21, at the home of the bride's i>arents trip to Chicago where they will re- methodse e n of handling the problem Federation represents voluntary sub- of the life of Europe with that of. Newest and Finest Equiped have b developed, and there have scriptions and donations from over Board of Directors of the Jewish Wel- in Seattle. Mrs. I. Greenberg :and main for several weeks. Bath-House. America. They are just two • quite been drawn into the work new ele-35,000 contributors. Those contribufare Federation which was to have sons, Mr. Herman Greenberg and Mr. Baths, Massage, Hot Packs, ElecA. Greenberg leave Sunday for Seattle ments in the. community and more tors are from every walk of life, and different worlds." been held Sunday, August 14, has tric Treatment, Inhalatorium. particularly, the professional social Federation is gradually widening the After telling of the deep and fabeen postponed on account of o attend the wedding after which vorable impression made upon him worker. Tishab'Ov and will be held'one week they will spend spmetime in travel on boundary of its source of income as by the scientific life of England, j the coast. • • • • later. it is the sphere of its usefulness. which he found more intensive and' CONCANNON BROS., Props. Is a Community Problem. Mr. Greenberg and his bride will *The Ivre Club held a banquet initiaThe amount referred to does not in-more pleasant than that of Germany, j 1401 Farnam St., Basement Mrs. B. Blotcky and Miss Ann Blot- ie at home in Omaha after October 1. tion and installation of officeis at the Of late years, it has been apparent clude such bequests as may be receivEntrance. Professor Einstein spoke with great, cky left Sunday to spend several Victoria Hotel Wednesday, evening. to those who have led in our philan- ed by either the Federation or by theappreciation of Oxford University1, Telephone: Tyler 57S1 Miss Rose Fried and Miss Fannie Ben Fpgelson was initiated as a new thropic activities that all parts of the individual institutions, -which are usuweeks at Kansas City and Exelsior and its traditions, and went on to j OMAHA, NEB. 'alk will le^ve, Saturday to spend a member. President Eli Eynen of thework represented a single community ally retained in the form of permaSprings. . say: ' month in Los Angeles. Miss Etta grand lodge installed the following problem;—that the care of the sick, nent endowment funds yielding an Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Cohn will tofenman will leave next week to join officers: Harry Snader, president; the orphan ,the needy and the immi- annual income. leave Monday for Yellowstone Park, :hem. Dave Davidson, vice-president; Na- grant were simply different phases The New York Federation is, of •>£' where they will spend several weeks. than Moger, secretary; Jack Chesen, of the same question, and that it Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ideb and daugh- treasurer^ Ralph Dvorsky, sergeant- was the responsibility, not pf anycourse, the largest of its kind, and by virtue of its size, is not altogether Mrs. Sam Frank has as her guest ter, Miss Annette Lieb, returned at-arms. The following committees particular group, but of the entire typical of the Federations throughout H Mrs. Sidney Ranger of Kansas City, Wednesday. They have been spending were appointed: Entertainment, Wil- community to see that all these the country, but for the same reason, Eeanomi®B$ f tori, who arrived Tuesday to spend a week. ;ix weeks motoring, •visiting Des liam Wolff, chairman; Harry Leab- elementary needs were met, and that it represents the widest extension of Moines, Kansas City« and Exelsior roan, Harry Finsod; Excuse, Abe Pp-in addition, proper social, recreation- Jewish philanthropic work. Miss Esther Belmont leaves Satur- iprings. lick, xhairman; Hyman Bucker, Ed- al and educational facilities be proday to spend several weeks at Coloward Snader; and Ben Shapiro, re- vided fpr the proper training of the CKief Rabta Hertz Due in New young, so that they might avoid Mrs. R. Snader and Mr. and Mrs.pqrter. rado Springs. York on August 12. the dangers of city life in the new H. Marx of Lincoln spent the week K E Chevrolet '•'F'ou environment, to. which, most of them New York. (J. C. B.) The Chief Mrs. Sylvan E. Burkenroad - and end with Mr. and Mrs. Julius New- The Hebrew Educational Society at at fee new price Is fee talk had been §o suddenly transplanted;, small daughter, Audrey Leeta, of San man. their meeting last Sunday elected the, and furthermore, to provide for theRabbi of Great Britain, Dr. Joseph Hertz, will arrive in New York city Francisco,' California, will arrive q£ the autospobSe world. This following officers: Gertrude Fogelson, on August 12 and will remain here Tuesday to spend a month as the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Heyn returned president; Tillie Polsky, vice-presi- early Americanization of the newmode! places the comfort sad effor a fortnight. Rabbi Hertz is one guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mas Burkenr Sunday frqm Charlevoix, Michigan dent; Jay Pollack, treasurer; and comer. • ere they have been spending the Minnie Krechefsky, secretary. road. ; • . - . • . . . • •',..•Under the plan as it existed up of the first graduates of the Jewish ficiency of motor transportation past month. till a few years ago, each separate Theological Seminary, and it is underwithla reach of everyone. Miss Esther Newman is at Kansas Mrs. Dave Nef sky entertained twen- agency endeavoring to supply any stood that a special reception in the Seminary is being arranged for Mm. Miss Carlyne OrMn will leave SatCity where she will remain forseveral ty-fpur guests at bridge Thursday of thege needs found itself in compeDr. Hertz is returning to England urday for her home in Los Angeles afternoon complimentary to her tition with all the cither agencies in weeks with friends. CHEVROLET MOTOR^a from extended trip around the worid any given city, bo,th for the necesdaughter, Mrs. Edward" Nathan of (A Division of 'General ,%*cr£ Ccr-!---."."-f,) visiting almost all the British doMiss Ruth Bernstein was surprised Julius Rayman entertained Vigo, Spain, and Mrs, David R. Cohen sary funds, and for the proper volun- minions and colonies. He spent the teer workers to administer the acsixteen guests at bridge a t her home by thirty friends at her home on Sun-of,Portland, Oregon. CHEVROI^T MOTOR CO. last two weeks in Canada addressing tivities of the various societies. Thursday for her cousin, Miss Racjia- day evening, to celebrate her birth2659 Farnam St. ^ Harney 7286 gathering-s in. most of the._ larger Jewel-ilayman of Pittsburgh. day- " ". -• Mrs. Hairry Garscm entertained thir- As a result of-these • conditions, ish communities. On Monday of last ty guests at her home on Saturday there has gradually developed a form week he arrived in Montreal and was of communal organization in most Mrs. Isadore Sominer returned Sun- Miss Esther ZaBtovitch" left Satp- for these visitors. day to spend a month in Calif orna. of the important cities throughout met at the station by Rabbi Meritt of day, from Ne^r York,; Temple Emanuel. He was the official : Miss Norma Frush gave a luncheon the country, representing in each guest of the mayor of the city and Frederick and Jerome Heyn left case the same general principle, Mrs. J. Milder is visiting Iier daughSaturday for Miss Beck Wittenstein ter, Mrs..Ben Taxman at Eldorado, Sunday to spend several weeks at Of Des Moines, who is the guest of her though differing in minor details, ac- visited the important Jewish comKansas. cording to local conditions, These munal institution?". On Tuesday he Minnesota lakes. sister, Nathan Karpin. organisations are generally termed left for Quebec. - Mr. and Mm Abe Somberg have as Mr. Isadore I. Levinson left Thurs Mrs. Anna Poska and Miss Rebecca Federat'ons, and they consist in a tlieir guests Mr. and Mrs. Herman day for Colorado Springs for several Poska returned Monday from Manitou unity of the hitherto independent so- ASK FOR PERBIISSION FOR Maich^el of Chicago, who arrived weeks. He will also spend some time and Denver, where they have spent cieties in one central group, through* UKRAINIAN REFUGEES. Chevrolet "Foar-Niitciu" Toarrnp Cor. $525. / - o. £. Flint Saturday. Mrs. Somberg entertained in Denver ^nd Estes Park." whom all the charitable funds are Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Engineer the last two months. at a bridge luncheon at her home on collected, and in turn dispursed, in Teitelbaum, a member of the AmeriWeijnesday for sixteen guests, com- Mrs. Arthur A." Levispn and son I Miss Jeanette Krupinsky of Fre-accordance with the budgetary needs can Ukrainian Jewish Federation, PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. plijnenting Mrs. Maichael and wilLennie, returned Saturday from New mont «is the guest ' of' Miss Tillie of the various societies. Roumanian Foreign waited on the entertain the same number of guests York, where they have been visiting Polsky. By this method, the individual con- Minister, Take Jonescu, to ask peron Saturday at a bridge luncheon.* for the pa^t several monies with Mrs. tributor is not constantly approached mission of the Roumanian GovernI sTOtqsijs tesr Offics &$$&£ afc Levison's parents, at Bensonhurst. Mr; Mr. Paul Berman of Jpplin, Mipsou- by every Jewish institution in hisment for the Ukrainian refugees to A son was born t^? Mr. and Mrs,and Mrs. Leyison came here from New ri, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Charles community, but makes his Jewish settle in Rpumania. Take Jonescu Jbgeph Gilbert on Sunday at the York a little over a year ago and areShire and Mr. Shire. philanthropic subscription, for the promised to find work for the refuPRINTING Stpjjrart Hospital. Mrs. Gilbert, was now making their home in this city.' most part, in' one check, apd is re-gees. The question, of the naturalizafpjinerly Miss Elsie Cphn. Mr. and Mrs. Weiler of Salisbury, lieved from any further appeal on tion of the Ukrainian refugees in 13^. tai. Mrs. -H. S. Kamtn and' daughter, Missouri, are visiting their daughter, f part of the societies affiliated Roumania is under the Jurisdiction of A spn, Robert Max, was born tp Mr. June, who have been visiting in NewMrs. Charles Simon. with the Federation. There are, andthe Minister of: the Interior. and Mrs. Harry White of Ottumwa; Yprk and Chicago -for the past month doubtless always will be, in each f»i [owa, pn last Friday. Mrs. White be returned last week and with Mr. conamunity some philanthropic en1% r™4~^ ' » Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shire of Salisare at.present at the Hotel j her marriage " -^£srs??* "'" pj£ g was Miss deavors, which for good and sufficient We want live wires to sell pur bury, Missouri, are the guests of Mr. OpMMIBCSAt. Pmmms -LfiWIAPHEf S ll high, grade toilet -preparations Alpersbn of this city. Mr. A. Whit Fpntenelle, reasons, are not in the Federation, and Mrs. Eli Shire. to the trade. Men with car fcOOSC S.F.AF ©EVICES of this city returned Sunday from but these are very decided exceptions preferred. Liberal commissions. Mrs. Sol Zjen and children of MilOtttjmwa, where he spent several day tp the general rule. waukee are •the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Fannye Epstein left Tues'day with hi? soil and Mrs. White. Centralizes Support, for New York, where she will spend B. Hi Boasberg for several weeks. '* 2219 Leaventrprth St.' several Veeks. Each institution rtceives all of its Mrs.;Charles Gidinsky and children support, as far as.it cpmgs from inof? Kansas ^City - are spending several Aibirt Finkel, 14, son pf Mr. and wee£s with'Mrs. J. B. Gidinsky of this Mrs. C. i*inkel, won the city tennis Mrs. Purt Polsky is visiting in Kan-dividual subscriptions, from the cenchampionship of Kountze' park. The sas City. tral agency, presenting at the begincity. •' Office Hours 9 to 12 a. » . ; ning of the fiscal year a statement Finkel youth also won the tennis 2 to 6 p. m. • Mrs. Julius Newman entertairie' championship of Central High school. The Misses Belle and Ann Gordon of its needs, and obtaining an allottwplve guests at her home Tuesda; He is entered in the open state junior left for Chicago Sunday, where they ment in proportion thereto, in ac* afternoon 'for her niece, Miss Celia tennis tournament at the. Field club will join Mjss Agnes Gordon, who has cordance with the total sum available Marx of Lincoln, who is visiting.Mr. t h i s we<?k. .'-...'•.'• •?•••' been attending the summer session at fpr the entire city. The Federations and Mrs. Newman. Chicago University. ' CHIROPODIST t have taken as their central thought that the care of the poor is distinctly -Fred White and Meyer and, Sam Telephone Douglas 3165 The Misses Lillian &i.d Goldie Cohen Beber left Sunday for a camping trip. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Cinberg and a community problem and should be of Pep'ria, ijljnpis, are the guests of They will be gone two, weeks. family left Sunday for Philadelphia, handled as such, and that, moreover, Room 204 Bushman Block Mr. and Mrs, A. Jacobs. They will where they will make their future moneys contributed for charity shall 16th snd Douglas Sts. be given specifically for that purpose, rejnain about two weeks, - Mrs. M. Freiden entertained at a home. S . . . . _ • • • — and not indirectly in the form of dancing .party for her grandson, g % • ; • • • .,. - « payment for tickets to bazaars, card Leonard Luttbege, Monday .evening at Miss Sara Baum accompanied by parties or any other form of enteris ine. guest uj. iici piptc*, ««=. •->.. Hanscojn. park. Fifty couple were Lqnclon acd of her niece, Mrs. H.present. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hprwich her. nephews, Irving and Preston tainment, which formerly made such polsky, left Sunday for Grand Island drains upon the time and energy of 9 yvon theprjze. wait?. .... STjEgman. to visit with Mrs. L. Blsom. the individuals who conducted the same. " This leaves a very much AH, FO.BMS GF The engagement of Miss L^a Frajik, Miss Ruth Brown returned frpm a .Mr. Ed Snader 6P.ent several days greater degree of opportunity for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank, six weeks trip to New York City. . PERSONAL SERVICE in Qmaha with Jiis sister, Mrs. Julius those who previously labored in beto Mr. Maurice Bernstein of this city, F0I4CY — LARGE OR SMALL Newman and Mr. Newman., half of these entertainments to,, dewas announced during the past week. Mrs. B. A, SinW left Sunday for and bay them at vote their entire time %o the iiirect Excelsior Springs, Mo. She will be -Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Shostak accom-^gupport and government of the chari@; Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Jacobs return- gone two weeks. panied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chap- table activities. ed- Friday from Chicago, stopping at Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldberg annaunce man, and Mrs. -R. Snader, Sunday The funds received from individual Des Moines and Davenport. S ' '" 5th Floor Sannders-EeB^dy BI$g. • S19 South 16th Street the engagement of their daughter, motored to Eselsior Springs, Mo.subscriptions of members areusually by receipts from either Mrs. Leonard Ressler of San Fran- Jeannette. to Mr. Harry Rochman of They will be gone for two weeks. They i Tei l^ter 3X§Q. Phone Boaglas S400 cisco, f ormer^Miss Ann Kully of this this city. No date has been set forwill also visit with friends in Kansas sources. In some cases, state pr 1 wedding. and St. Joseph, Mo. municipal governments make subi k here. city, spent tHff1 week
Jewish Philanthropic Activities
Sap if. Einstein
" > v > .
mm _
Hike!! Mpiatoiig Co.
our f rsperty Protected
| TORNADO j Are You M Family Protected Against |
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1921. An eastern visitor in the city is Miss Florence Hobinson of Philadelphia, "•yho is therguest;of her cousins, Mr.f i Mrs. A. Block. Miss RobinSent by our Council Bluffs News son is en route from a.six months sobureau. . % . journ in San Diego, Cal., and will remain in" DeF Moines several weeks. The waiter carnival scheduled to be held by the members of the Hebrew Mr. and.Mrs. M. H. Cohen left SatEducational Club during" this month urday -night for a two weeks' cruise has been postponed because a large on the great lakes. number of the members of the club are away on vacations. The committee Mr. and Mrs. Will Fjreeman, 2803 in charge of activities announces that Grand avenue, and their sisters, the the club soon will select the debating Misses Cecelia and Ruth Elman, left team to represent Hebrew Educational Saturday evening for three weeks in Club in its debate against the Aleph Minneapolis. Y Club of Omaha..The exact date and subject of the debate is not yet known The Junior Hadassah will entertain but it will be held in the Bluffs. its members at a picnic, to be given August 18 at Frase Park. Each mem.The Afternoon Bridge Club met ber will be privileged to bring a guest this afternoon at the home of Mrs. who is a prospective member for the E. Schonberger. Twelve members coming year. were present. .
KOVNO JEWISH JOURNALISTS London. (Jewish Tel. Agency.) A despatch from Kovno states that the Jewish Journalists of that city have organized into a society and have elected the well-known Jewish author and critic, Dr. Eliashev (Ba'al Mach« shovos) as their president.
London. (J. C. B.) The resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Agudas Yisroel in Vienna on . * Gfreat B r i t i s h P u b l i s h e r Can't/Understand W h y J e w s . A r e Barred March 31st regarding the change pro' •"•• - \ • j f r c j m Clubs a n d W h y There A r e Anti-Zionists. ' posed by the Agudas in the composiBy B E R N A R D A. BERGMAN " (Written f o r "Jewish Tribune".) tion of the "Jewish Agency," as provided in the Mandate for Palestine, > has been submitted, together with all | Warsaw. (J. C. B.) The Polish" the necessary explanations, to the Government has at last ordered that 1 "The Zionists are" much more in British Government as the Mandatory an investigation be made of the conLord NoAhcliffe Avas holding open as he called them with genuine affection, what they were after. Many harmony in England than here, al- Power in Palestine. The Agudas Yis-j tinuous attacks on Jews on the railhouse at the Hotel ; Gotham to his who came to see him were American though, of course, they have their roel anticipates that it will be suceess- road line operating between Sosnovitz American friends;and newspapermen correspondents for his string of pa-differences there, but nothing like the ful in securing the legal right of co- and Warsaw. The Government stater as his farewell' to.^the United States, pers. Others had formerly worked split that has taken place in Amerioperation of the organized orthodox that the guilty ones will be severely preparatory to leaving on his trip with him eithw in England or were ca. In" England .the movement is j Jews in the restoration of Palestine. punished. ' associated with him on his lecture more solidified, because it seems to around the world. The suite was. crowded with edi- tour in this country in 1917. "Hello have a much more official backing. JEWISH COMMUNISTS CONFEE However, there is little discussion of tors, reporters,, magazine writers, Chief" was their greeting to him, ON RUSSIAN EMIGRATION. public men and personal friends of for around the "shop" it's always Zionism in England. You don't hear JOB, Pepper, Vice-Preelflent. I Riga. (J. T. Agenc3'.) The Jewish nearly as much about it as you doSection of the Russian .Communist the great British publisher, all there "Chief," never Lord Northcliffe. W, G. Ur«, Secretary. f "One thing I can't understand in this country." to have a word withjthe most powerParty is holding a conference on the ful personage in England and oneabout this country is the social dis- Lord Northcliffe said he had noquestion of the emigration of Jews of the most influential men in thecriminations against the Jew," the idea when the Palestine mandate from Russia. COMPLETE ETOEE AND great publisher said during the fewwould) i e adopted. world today. The regular meeting of the Council f LORD AND LADY OFFICE OUTFTTTEES minutes' private conversation he held There is nothing formal about English Jews Contended. Bluffs lodge of the B'nai B'rith was | DR. KRIMSKY IN KISHENEV. READING. We occupy with the representative of The JewLord Northcliffe, from, his disarming : 1— "If you've ever been to England 'Warsaw. (Jewish •!. Agency.) Dr. held Wednesday evening at • Danish O : ©rer 70,000 «erare fe«S ish Tribune. "I mean the manner in : Southwest Comer You will have noticed how full the smile to his red polka d,ot necktie. or have ever met any English Jews, Joseph Krimsky, representing the Hall. " Eleventh Knfi JOonel** Stnwto. papers have been lately; of Lord He had a cheery greeting.for every- which they are kept out of clubs, the I am sure you will have noticed how American Ukrainian Federation, has Phone-: Donsrlas 272* bars raised against them merely be-'j contended they are with. England," OMAHA. NEB. ' .. Miss Libby Freiden returned Sun- Reading's advancement and even this one and while a hot, stuffy day, spent arrived in Kishenevand is conferring cause they are Jews. This condition he continued. "English Jewry loves in answering questaons^from a steady journal has paid many lengthy day from a six. weeks' vacations. Miss with the local relief committees. is not found in England. I t makes its country. Freiden visited at Kansas City, St. i tributes to his extraordinary pro- stream of interviewers, isn't Congress, butI have not read much ducive to good humor, the smile and no difference with us what the man's, "When I came to America to lec; Louis and Exelsior Springs, Mo. about' Lady Heading and yet that hearty manner never once deserted race or religion is. ture in 1917, I was told that I would "I was surprised to learn that HenMr. Harry CoHn will leave Tuesday Lord Reading is now British Viceroy h i m . • • •-• • • • "•-.: \ * . find all American Jews pro-Germans. ry Morgenthau is an anti-Zionist. I Has a Story for Everyone I found nothing of the sort! The for New York city, He will be gone of India is in a large part due to the great love and intuition of his The proprietor of the London can't understand why he would be attendance of American Jews at my about six weeks. wife*, who has been the guiding star Times, the Daily Mail and a score -of an anti-Zionist. In fact, I can't un- lectures was heavy and they -were in derstand why anyone would be an sympathetic accord with roe. There Mrs. Leonard Resler of San Fran- of bis career. The story of the role other newspapers and magazines, the anti-Zionist" played by the remarkable American man who has made and anmade govwas certainly none of the pro-Gercisco, California, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. E. Kulakofsky. at Omaha }. Jewess who shares viceregal honors ernments in Grea€ . Britain, whose Why Not Palestine for the Jews. man about the American Jew." and with Miss Stella Trochtenberg of with her distinguished husband is strength and power are felt the Asked for a more specific stateLord Northcliffe was just about to Council Bluffs. Mrs. Resler was for- told by Robert E. Livingston in -the world over, saw everyone from the ment about Zionism, Lord Northcliffe amplify his statements with some merly Miss: Ann . Kulakof sky. Mrs. March number of "Gas Logic." quaking cub getting his first big in-answered: "Palestine, to me, seems further remarks on the part Jews Resler wilf remain^ here for" several! When they were married, Rufus terview to- the editors of the New too poor a country to Bupport any played in the Allied victory, when his weeks and will then leave for Minnea- j Isaacs was a stock-peddler m Wall York dailies and . the' leading maga- large number of people; too poor in secretary came in with the next inStreet, selling "tag-ends," and "odd zines, who came to extend their per- its resources to absorb any large terviewer and Lord Northcliffe arose, polis, Minn. •lots" picking up commissions often sonal greetings, : Everyone got acolonization scheme such as the excused. himself for being forced to Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky and fam- not more than a dollar a day. Mrs. few minutes and everyone who want- Zionist plan. cut the interview short, shook hands ily,. Wednesday motored to Glenwood, Isaacs soon become convinced that, ed it, got a good story for publica"But why shouldn't Palestine be and while we were leaving the room, Iowa, where they are visiting their although he was making a fairly tion, for Lord Northcliffe is a news- opened to the Jews for them to de-he was already chatting amiably with son, Nathan, who is at the Boy Scout comfortable living, his career was paperman and be gave the "boys," Jvelop, if they want to go there? his next questioner.. not in the field of finance. encampment. Her love was so deep, her faith in Reading and' also Vicerene of India. CHALUZIM REFUSED Mr. and • Mrs. J. Katelman enter- his ability so strong that she felt' -"Years ago, ; as Miss Cohen, the ADMITTANCE INTO tained at a reception Sunday in honor more and more certain that his ef-Lady Reading of today sometimes acPALESTINE forts in struggling for small commis- companied her father on business of their son, Abe's Bar-Mitzvah. Constantinople. (J. T. Agency.) The sions on small sales were misspent trips which he made to America head of the Palestine office here, Mr. Miss Marian Fust of Minneapolis in an. unwisely chosen sphere. She about twice a year. In addition to Tiomkin, issued a statement to the decided to induce him to forsake the arrived Sunday to spend the week other American properties, Mr. Coeffect that Sir Herbert Samuel's exwith her cousin, Miss Sara Kessel- brokerage business and take up law. hen was the owner1 of two or three planation to the "Waad Ha-Leumi" Wm UomAfrWS SefefttlMS Husband-like he thought her of the old brick dwellings which forman. • - .• . C«r$US5 wrong, the story goes on, and there merly stood on-the site of the pres- regarding the Chaluzim who were refused permission to land in Palesr were many.earnest and almost heated Mr. and Mrs. Max Katelman of Linent Pennsylvania ailroad Terminal. tine, was incorrect. Sir Herbert coln, Nebr., were the guests at thearguments on the subject, the wifeWhen that property was being acSamuel told the Waad Ha-Leumi that quietly, lovingly, yet always firmly home of their brother, Mr. J. Katelquired, it will be remembered, the insisting that she was wholly right sellers of the old dwellings were ig- the Chaluzim were refused admission man, 412 Oakland avenue. in her estimation of his capabilities norant of the fact that the magnifi- because there were a number of Bolshevists' among them. This, Mr. TiomAccording to reports, the condition and always pointing to the law ascent railroad stations of today was kin denies. Of 500 immigrants, Major the field for the best display of his BUY SAFE of Mr. I. Gilinsky, who has been serito be constructed. Morris, head of .the Palestine Immitalents and for real achievements for ously ill at the Jennie Edmundson CARS 5'As can. well be believed from the gration Office, examined by 150; of hospital, is improving. Mr. Gilinsky a brain such as his. He was firmly story of Lord Reading's wonderful these 72 were granted vises and the suddenly became ill while visiting opposed for a long time, but finally rise, in the world, Mr. Cohen was yielded ever so little and, having rest refused because they were too old, Our guarantee and our word is with his daughter, Mrs. B. Glazier at as good as a bond. yielded at all, soon began to give glad to have his: daughter's counsel without any funds and without the Fort Dodge, la. in his business dealings, and together ground rapidly. • • We • have satisfied hundreds of possibility of working, but "Bolshevthey, carried on the negotiations ism" was not mentioned a t all. TeL ©138. your friends. . 2709 Harney St. which resulted in the sale of the old To Study Law. "You are going to study law," the Manhattan dwellings."—"Gwen" in S. EN ROUTE TO PALESTINE An eight o'clock breakfast at Green- young wife said" one evening when A. Jewish Chronicle. . London. (J. T. A.) 100 Jews wood Park, was given in honor of the argument was under way for the 1514 Dodge,Street. from Bohkara have arrived at Bom• •- Phone: Douglas 5619 '—•; + Miss Sadie Siegal of Boston, Mass., hundredth time, "and I am going to POLISH ZIONISTS MEET bay, India, en route to Palestine. who is the house guest of Mrs. A. I.study law with you. Well take it up Warsaw. (J. C. B.) The annual Blotcky. together." • • convention of the Polish Zionist FedThose enjoying the courtesy were That hint of actual co-operative eration • opened yesterday at Lodz the Misses Rose Rubinson, Lillian work proved the final and deciding with 10 delegates and iOOO visitors j Fisher,. Jane Blotcky,' the honored straw and he assented. Equipped attending. Hundreds of telegrams of guest, Messrs, Sam Dietz, ^Arthur, with the somewhat meagre savings ;ood wishes" were read by the ChairCHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY Isadofe and Dave Rubinson, Ben from the now. abandoned brockerage ,..,. r . SHOP. ; £ ; > ; man Dr. Klummel." . Hurwitch, Aubrey Fisher, Mrs. Jack business the two began their legal Esai 18S0 A wire was received from Dr. 15th tad Borne}-. DofiSK* StSS. Polan and Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Blotcky. studies. It isn't at all necessary to Chaim Weizman assuring Polish Jewgo into the details of this phase of ry that the Balfour Declaration was Rabbi Ado4ph Burger, of Tiferefh their lives. They worked thoroughly not in danger of .being modified. Israel synagogue, returned last and advanced rapidly and in a surThursday from a six-week vacation in prisingly short time were ready to SOUTH AFRICAN ZIONISTS New York and vicinity. seek clients and begin their upward ELECT WEIZMAN AND . During his vacation Rabbi Burger climb in the legal profession. JABOTINSKY. ' was married to Miss Martha LefkoThe world knows the result; the London. (J. T; Agency.) The South wite of New York City. They will unsuccessful young stock peddler now African Zionists have elected six delis the time totonyBS&OQI make their home here. Striner Electric Heatholds the post of which a famous egates to the coming Zionist Condeposit mil bold any az*ft£e xssffl Chopper British historian said: "For an Eng- gress. Among them are Weizman and j and Coffee Mill. Miss Rose Blockman of San Anto- lish statesman one. cannot conceive of Used Scales of All Jabotinsky.' The declared purpose of i nio, Texas, was honored at an after- a higher place on the earth than that Makes for Sale. lecting those two Zionist leaders is noon party last Saturday given by her of Viceroy of India." to signify confidence in the present' DEE sister, Mrs. M, L. Sherman, whom she "And what about Lady Reading— eadership of the Zionist organization' City Representative is visiting. The affair was held in the she was Miss Alice Edith Cohen, the 510 So. lGt!i St. ( and advocacy of the Jewish Legion Phone DOnglas S332 Younker tearoom and took the form daughter of a London merchant?" idea. of an informal bunco party. Miss Sa- asks the author of this interesting die SiegeL of Boston, Miss Marion s£ory. And he answers: "Well, to Moscowitz of St, Paul and Mrs. Jesse answer that would be to once more Robinson of Sioux City were out ofopen that moot question, does,a wife town guests. Others who shared the serve to buoy and stabilize, or is -she Joy Sutphen, Presiden Loyal B. Cohn, Sec'y.-Treas. courtesy were the Misses Ethel Sher- just domestic ballast? And that man, Marcja Sherman,. Minnie Fried- was not all the purpose in this man, Mary and Helen Chapman, statement of facts concerning the life Jeanette Lutz, Ethel Miller, Rose of Lord Reading, whose career as a Rubinson, Libbie Garver, Sarah Sher- jurist has been almost meteoric, who A SS-HMSS 8teB€sr£ size man, Lillian Fisher and Mrs. L. Sher- in the last ten years has held all the trunk, covered -with fibre, cretonne lined, man. two trays, was ?S<U>0, now. important legal posts at the disposal BRANDEIS THEATRE BUILDING, of the British government, who was OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Friends of Miss Celia Burnstein and the first Attorney General ever to A Hartmann wardrobe trunk as illusbaft Mrs. Herman Ingmah were surprised go into the Cabinet and thefirstJew trated, was $60, lined, now , . . by the announcement that they had ever to be elevated to the supreme now . . $75 Hartmann wardrobe txnufes (includbeen married; at • Davenport a week pogt of Lord Chief Justice of EngIt b«« he«n H ing tsx), land, who was knighted in 1910, and We can't all be a John Wanamaker in business, but stant aim of this «rm now Mr. and Mrs. Ingman spent their for whom the first Earldom of Read$83.00 Hsrtmana -wardrobe tnmfcs (ta- 1or 15 years to emro tor we can learn a lot, by using his methods for an example. honeymoon in Chicago. Mrs. Burn- ing was created ten years later. needs »t cludtog tax), . - - Toot. i t possible stein, mother of the bride, lives at 621 the He says: "The first day I was in business as a storenow . . . . — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we afe In •; ' Used to Visit America. Third street. . . . - , . position to keeper I took in $24.67. The next day I spent $24.00 of A" 20% discount on Suitcases fitted with a better f'ln the first place Mrs. Daniel A good dnrable *15 Walrus Toilet Articles. This includes every serve Too now it for advertising—the best investment I ever made." bag, leather-lined, now Mr." and Mrs. Sam Brien and chil- Rufus Isaacs demonstrated that she fitted Suitcase in the house. before. dren,and Mr .and Mrs. Ben Resen- was quite one hundred per cent right • John Wanamafcer ought to know—shouldn't he? berg, 1426 Court avenue, left Sunday in | her estimation of her husband's for a two weeks' motor trip, to Den- abilities and her determination that Have you seen those big beautiful Wanamaker boards ver, Colo. En route they will visit he; quit the brokerage business for . around New York City and Philadelphia? They are used Boulder, Pueblo and the Yellowstone the law. Her faith to him was ento BACK UP and PUSH his newspaper ads. Her* 15 Years park. .While i » Denver thew will be tirely justified. And if that isn't 1803 Farnam Street the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Revis reward enough in itself—well, there's the added fact that she is now Lady and Mr. and Mrs. Paul L b r i t ::::::::::::•->••«•••••••••><<:
Omaha Fixture SL
What comes after the purchase price?
Dayton Money Weight and Detroit Automatic Scales and Meat Slieers
John Wanamaker s' Success
a g o .
•" . .
• . . ' " .
. ' , • • ' . • • . ' • •
Of Tmnks, Bogs* Suitcases 'Hattmann