What can de- HI| feat a s t r o n g HI man who believ.es Hf in himself and. HI | cannot be jjj | culed, t a l . J%% down, or wri 3T 3 1 down? ^.^
VOL. I.—NO. 36. \
I between failure *W _ arid' success is r< g. dmng;.a thing ^•i nearly right and.
?§ |? ii
I doing It exactly; , |
If "Entered as second-class .mail matter :<m January 27th. 192i, at ostoffice at Omaha, Nebtasba,\un"der the Act of March-3, 1879.
Reunion Of Menorah
Police Cooly Watch Pogrom Fiends Kill Jews-Destroy Homes
Press l o i n s -••/ \ . -News;Agency
Nebraska City, August 17.—Isador "THEIR EYES SUNKEN AND HALLOW; THEIR Tusker, merchant, is lying in a hosFACES BLACK AND CONTORTED; THEIR HALFpital with a bullet in his abdomen, NAKED BODIES DRY TO THE BONE, THEY fired by Policeman White Handley, APPEAR ~AS" CREATURES FROU - ANOTHER' Nebraska University Members while attempting to capture an es- Polish Soldiers in Posen Make WORLD."—THIS IS WHAT REPORTS- SAY OF Prof. "Warburg Will Co-operate caping prisoner. to Hold All-Day Session; JEWISH REFUGEES IN WHITE RUSSIA. As 'presiding Officer? ,1'ntcr- v Several Attacks on Jewish Handley discovered.a,stranger late Leading Publications Join MovePublic is Invited. t J Dignitaries, to Population. last night attempting to break into ment to .Create C l e a r i n g Attend. House "for Entire Jewish Warsaw. (Jewish Correspondence Bureau.) White Russia The third annual reunion of the the rear .of a junk shop, and when he Warsaw. (Jewish Telegraphic Newspapers. has become the center for thousands of refugees, among Menorah Society of the University attempted to take him to jail he Agency.) Polish soldiers in Posen Carlsbad;. .(J. T. A.) It fc them many Jews, who are fleeing from the'.famine.in. Bolof Nebraska-will be held Sunday, broke loose and started to run. made a mid-day - attack upon the noTmeed here ; that Lord Walter When the man' reached Second ave Jewish population in the Galician The Jewish Press wishes to make schild '.will be" the'' presiding officer shevik Russia. . ..•'• • - • August .21. announcement that it has joined the of the Zionist" -Congress wliich <em> The program is to be divided into nue, Tusker was coming out of a towns of TTushtch and Malkin, broke Day by day crowds of them presenting; a most.horrible two parts—a picnic in the afternoon gate and as the officer .fired he step- into Jewish shops and carried off human, spectacle, straggle into the towns1 and*hamlets and new National Jewish Press Associa- venes here on September 1. Protion organized for the; "purpdse of fessor Otto. Warbnrg will for members and friends at Elm- ped between the fugitive and) the large loads of merchandise. The lay themselves wearily in the streets awaiting-the slice of giving the entire Jewish-, press a with him a* »president. wood Park and an open meeting in officer bread and bowl of soup with which the local relief organizaJews, some beaten, some horrorTusker's condition is serious. the evening at the Y. M: H. A. club tions are in position to supply them, thanks to; the financial reliable news service ,an3 generally The vice-eBairjnap. .who' will stricken, fled the towns. • A posse scoured the northern part i rooms. assistance from the American Society of Friends ..and the bringing those connected with Jewish side, at sepafeje sessions; are Louie Other attacks were perpetrated in publications more closely together. of the city, but no trace of the fugiA large delegation is expected from American Joint Distribution Committee. ; '. Lipskjy-secretary, of <the_ American Lodz. The police cooly witnessed tive was found. The new organization which has, -Zionist Organization, David Yellin .of Lincoln for the day. Reports from-'Minsk, where the greatest • number of the proceedings and turned a deaf Mr. Louis B. Finkelstein, Lincoln,, refugees are congregated, describe the state of the famine- its offices in New York, is the result -Palestine, Pro!'. Pick' of thr ear to the ^appeals, of the beaten president of the Mehnorah for the stricken as appalling. Many of them when they arrive ap- of the effort- of many leading Jewish rachi, and Dr. "Arthur Har.ke. Jews that the guilty be apprehended. coming year, will "be in charge of the pear as creatures from another world—their eyes sunken and newspapermen, who have long been • T h e Congress; bureau there has Many died after suffering for planning some ' institution ' which' ready been ejfessed and many afternoon program. The members hollow, their faces black and contorted, their half-naked hours. should-serve-the whole Jewish press .gates • are. : arriving. DT% 'will meet at the Y. M. H. A. club bodies • dry? to the bone. Every day the situation grows In the town of Kobrin, near Brisk, and enable those interested in Jewish James, de Efttljs/eMld, Prof. Ignsi*. Tooms at 2 p. m. worse. • • ' ' - • " ' MASSACHUSETTS ALLIANCE TO the Jewish population was denied publications to cooperate in all those Sollshan, Ussisclibin, and Engineer Meeting at 8:30 P M. The food supplies for relief are exceedingly limited. PLEDGE MEMBERS OF CON- the privilege "of opening an eyedirections in which cooperation is Tiomkin are •-expected within a few : In the evening Morris Margolin, Authorities in Minsk state that unless immediate transports possible. hospital for the treatment " of the GRESS BEFORE NEXT '' "" days to- spend a .short vacation, s.;. Omaha, former president, "will preof food are despatched to White Eussia they will be unable rapidly spreading disease, this in ELECTION. Among those identified with /the the watering placei side. The program, which starts at to cope with the situation. spite of the fact that the Jews had initial steps of organization are men It is r learned-ihatiDr. Nordau, I5rr 8:30 p. m., will be as follows: a building and the necessary mediSpecial to The Jewish Press. occupying-the most prominent. posi- Marmorek, RoosofC, "1 Julius ^imon,"Boston, Mass., Aug. .17.—To agit- caments. Piano Duet tions on the Yiddish and the Anglo- and De Liema. will not participate in Saint a Pesth " Kownlski tate against" the present three per Miriam. Rnbact Jewish press, and the choice of those .the Congress. Noami Ruback ' cent immigration' law and to prewho are to direct the "activities of the Address of Welcome Henry Monsky vent the re-enactment of the existA telegram from Jerusalem F-l&t&p Reminiscences. . Morris Margolin Association guarantees its .!future that the Austrian consulate there' h Yiloin Solo ing temporary lawwhen it expires The activities of the Hebrew Shel- JEWS ARE HOMELESS FOLLOW- welfare. - . Meditation from "Thais" _ Massenet making difficulties for the delegate*; Tarantella : Drdla next summer, are the purposes of tering and Immigrant Aid Society ING HUGE CONFLAGRATION; Harry Oland to the Congress. In several CSISP*, Seidmsn, Genera! Msnager. the Free Immigration League of Accompanied by Miriam Rubacfe LIVING ON RIVER Vienna. (Jewish Telegraphic Agen- furnish some interesting figures. visas have "been refused, neccssitst." The. Work of the Menorah Greater Boston which has just been M. ' F...Seidman, • who {has-been - - " " . . - BANES. " In July there arrived at New Letter from E. Y. Lipetz, es-Presideat. formed through an alliance of 165 cy.) The foundation has beeii laid ing a round-about trip to Czechs engaged as General Manager,. was Menorah in the Future : for a world association of Jewish ex- York, 4,740 Jewish immigrants.. The Louis B. Finkelstein Massachussets organizations. the first to inaugurate-a service for Slovakia from Trieste, probably, By Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Roll Call. soldiers, whose special purpose is the steamers was met by guides. SixRefreshments. Petitions are to be circulated in colonization of the frontier districts hundred fifty-nine immigrants were Warsaw.—-The city of Pinsk, Po- Jewish news, Esd. in the past : five through Italy, Switzerland, and xnanv. A special invitation is extended to every congressional and senatorial of Palestine. discharged at the dock, having land, containing 80,000 inhabitants years, everyone, connected with the . Jewish press in this country .has all college and prospective college district, asking support in the fight. The association which calls .itself been received. by the Society's rep- was completely destroyed by a fire Twenty-five of the forty-one men and women to attend the eve- * "We will not confine this move- "Cheruth" (Freedom), was, original- resentatives. One thousand one hun-which started- late Sunday evening come to appreciate his efforts in that direction. S. Zuckerman, yrho Tsall gates elected to the International ment solely to our own' race," says ning program. This is to afford an ly, founded by Jewish prisoners in dred forty-six, were received at the and soon got beyond the control of opportunity to these. people- to be- Secretary Regensberg, "but will in- Siberia and has branches in Austria, Hias Home. Of these eight hundred the poorly organized fire department, assist Mr. Seidman in the. manage-. Siomst Congress "in Carlsbad, tim come acquainted -with- the work of vite all societies of foreign-born peo- Eastern and Western Galicia, Rou- sixty-eight were discharged to rela- ' The entire population, 90 per cent merit of "the Association, is equally first since the war, sailed the Menorah organization. .... T h e ple to work with us. It is not sur- mnia, Hungary, Jugo-Slovakia and tives in New York City. One hun-of whom are' Jews,- is encamped well known to men of the Anglo- for Europe on the White Star member^ desire especially to meet prising,' however, that this campaign Czecho-Slovakia. The organisation dred ninety-June were sent to desti- along the River Pina which fiows Jewish, press, as well as to leading' Olympic, headed by members of ils*j incladinf; those "who expect to enter Nebraska should start in a big aggressive way has started collection for ji .fund to nations outside of New York. Sev-j through Pinsk,'- -snxionsly awaiting jnen of the general American press. Zlonisfc AdiaMstfation, s -university this-falL. •""-•• >:"':..:• '-.•-*• -ainong vthe.: JowSyr-for-it-4s--tK^-^TewsthV food" sn£ • clotMxrg'-iireaSf^-^B^' enty-five gffis, included 'In the total "establish Jewish ; colonies •- on land berg, Louis Lipsfey, Louis Robinson The Nebraska Menorah is a,mem- in the ~<war-stricken countries of which is to belong to the Jewish Na- number, were sent to the Hannah patched from' here by the American Jewish news. and-Peter S. Schweitzer. Dr, ber of the Inter-collegiate Menorah Europe who have suffered most from tional Fund. It demands from its Lavenburg Home. Two hundred sev- Joint Distribution Committee. The Sails for Europe. rys Levin snd Dr. Ben 2!&n Moscin* Association,-whose aim is the ad- this inexorable law. damage to property is estimated at enty-nine immigrants were met by members that they should relegate Combining the resources of the sohn, both of Palestine, v/h© c&mr vancement of Jewish culture. several billion of Polish marks. Many the Society's guides at the requests their private opinions about - the entire press, the management will be hsre several months ago as member*, lives were lost. • . JEWISH WORKERS method of building up Palestine to of relatives. enabled to give Jewish publications of the Weisanann-Einstein delegation* NOT REPRESENTED ON MOSCOW SENDS RADIO the background, as long as the Jews At the Ellis Island Bureau, itwen- The Central Jewish'Synagogue of superior to any. Mr. Seid- also sailed yesterday. The other ADVISORY COUNCIL have not attained a majority there.- ty-two cases of deportation were the city, "an ancieist edifice built in a service APPEAL. is just leaving for Europe where members will leave on the Imperst©? London. (Jewish Telegraphic , Jerusalem.r^Sir Herbert Samuel The association intends to establish stayed. Of the total number of Jew- the twelfth century, was razed to the he will engage the best available men on August 17. ish immigrants arriving at New York, ground. Many-large business fciild for correspondents and will make Agency.) The Jewish Correspondence appointed well known colonist branches in the United States. Samuel Untermeyer, " who ings were burnt to ashes. only thirty-three were deported. Bureau here is in receipt of-a special Eisenberg, of Rechovoth/ as a memarrangements with the most eminent elected a delegate to the Congrcii% I i ber of the Advisory Council, to . radio message from Moscow adfor regular contributions. TRY WELL-KNOWN already in Carlsbad, conferring1 dressed by the Jewish Social Demo- succeed Ben Zvi, the Poale Zionist, ZIONIST EXECUTIVE The Association will be supervised COLLEAGUES HONOR Zionist leadei'g on the problems JEWISH WRITERS cratic Party Poale Zion to the Jewish who recently, resigned because, he by a Board chosen by the newspaper- are to come.up before the CALLS CONFERENCE DR. SHMARYA LEVIN Jerusalem. Dr. Glickson, an old was not in „ accord with the Highworkers of the world; appealing to London (J. C. B.) The Zionist New York. (Jewish Press Associa- men which will guarantee its them to aid the starving and famine- Commissioner's policy. Ben Zvi rep- Hebrew author, and lawyer Pann, Executive has called a conference of tion.) Prior to- his departure for management and safeguard it against BOLSKEVIKI ARREST stricken • provinces in Soviet Rossia. resented the Palestine workers who will shortly be brought to trial at every form of propaganda. now remain without a representative Haifa for contributing articles to the colonization experts to work out a Carlsbad where he will participate The Radio reads as follows: POGROM FIENftg It is the belief of some of t i e "Soviet Russia, the Mother of Lib- on the Advisory Council. Samuel at suppressed organ of the "Achdut plan for settling Jews in Palestine in the Zionist Congress opening there founders of the Association that the Riga.—The Bolshevik! have arresfcerty and "Citadel of proletarian eman- first refused to accept Ben Zvi's Ha-avodah" which appears under the in the best and quickest way possible. the beginning of September, friends Jewish press in Europe will follow ed the most powerful hetmen in Ukcipation is passing through the pass- resignation, but when he became name, "Choveroth." The trial prom- The experts invited to the conference and admirers of Dr. Shmarya Levin the example of its American con- raine who, In the past few ing through the hardest moment, convinced that.Ben Zvi would under ises to be a sensational one, because are riot all Zionists. Some of them tendered him a banquet at the Hotel temporaries and in this manner, the conducted pogroms against Jews since the Revolution without having no circumstances "withdraw his resig- according to the law the defendants are Christians. Some of the best Commodore. In replying to the National Jewish Press Association are responsible for the terrible had time to recuperate after years nation, Samuel asked the "Waad may be condemned to deportation or known among the experts are Profes- toasts of his friends, Dr. Levin will in time come to be a "Clesriug ditioB of the Jewish population. T&© sor Ballod of Germany, Dr. Auhagen, spoke with confidence" of the future of war, blockade and counter-revolu- Ha-Leumi" to suggest another Jew- 15 years' imprisonment. Dr. David Tietch, and Dr Arthur of Zion, declaring that nothing can House" for all Jewish publications. Soviet authorities have ish representative. The Waad Hation. Now Russia faces the menace taken severe measures against tfee Ruppin stay the course of Israel's history. of famine just when the wounds Leumi, however, decided not to do SAYS PALESTINIAN robber bands operating througtwat It will be the task of the experts At a special meeting of the Amer- ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT EX- the country.' They have arrested the were beginning to heal. The work- so, so Samuel himself appointed Mr. GOVERNMENT BRITISH, PELS JEWISH REFUGEES. ! to work out a plan of colonization to ican Zionist executive held prior to ers of the -world must not forget Eisenberg. NOT ZIONIST be Paris (J. T. A.) According to re-i hetman Risizi of EWtomer district, presented by the Zionist Executive the departure of the delegates, it what they owe Russia. Jewish workAt yesterday's session of the Ad-' London (J. C. B.) Sir Alfred Rees, ports received by the Central Com- j •fee hetman Ltttshanko of the Nikoers must not forget that the fate of visory Council, the~ Jewish members M. Pi, yesterday asked the Colonial to the Congress at Carlsbad The was decided to recommend to Con- mittee of the World Relief Con-; lai district, Simonenko of Soviet Russia involves the liberty requested that the proceedings be Minister whether he was informed request for a conference of experts gress .that the. World Zionist Exe- ference, the Roumanian Government' Tereshtienko of Kremintslragv and life of millions of Jewish toilers. translated into Hebrew. Samuel that thousands of Bethlehem Christ- was. made by Rosoff at the last cutive be increased" from five to nine, has issued orders calling for "-hej Kamenik of the Raehrmit district. In the hour when danger threatens called them aside and explained pri- ians were leaving Palestine for South meeting of the Actions Committee. and that the headquarters of the evacuation of all • frontier towns by i The arrest of these poproiaiste organization should. be transferred the world's, first Labor Republic, you vately that they were within their Africa because of their dissatisfaction promise that the condition of the Ukrainian refugees. Large from London to Palestine. JEWISH FARMERS will fulfill your duty to workers' soli- rights in making, such a. request with the Zionist government now bers of them must wander anew the Jews in Ukraine will improve. darity. Jewish workers must muster, since Hebrew. waa one of the recog- ruling l i e countryDEMAND LAND Commander into the interior. Eottmanian anti- The BolsheviM are making every eftheir, strength and appeal in the nized, official languages of the coun- Kentworthy interrupted - him and Vienna (J. T. A.) .Jews in the AMERICAN ARABS OFFER HELP Semites have started an agitation fort to put s stop to the activities name 6f tens of thousands of Jewish try, but that.-' practically, it would appealed to the Speaker of the House Karpotto-Russ district, which is now TO ARAB DELEGATION. against the refugees, naming them of the robber bands in the coutofery. workers in Russia and Ukraine. be rather difficult to comply -with as to whether the Palestinian'govern- ^a part of Czecho-Slovakia, decided London (J. C B.) The Arab as the cause for the rising cost of Fulfill your proletarian duty and their request: - Finally, they com- ment had been correctly described. to present a memorandum to the Delegation, at present in London, has living. This agitation is .likely to SOVIET GOVERNMENT TAKES help starving Russia!" promised on the following: The pro-The Speaker did not think so and Czecho-SlovaMan government, de- received „ an ^ offer of financial and bring serious results, as most probabMEASURES AGAINST ceedings would be translated into when his explanation was completed, manding that national minority rights moral support rfrom the American ly the refugees will not be permitted POGROMS. Hebrew, but "in sotto voce, .at the Churchill, speaking for the Govern- be,respected; also to add a Jewish Arabs, particularly' the Arab colony to settle even in those towns that Riga (J. T. A.) According to « POLICE HONOR same time that, translations into ment, stated that there was.no truth representative to the Government in New York. The Delegation is are at some distance frora the report in "Novosti." the official organ NOTED CHAPLAIN other languages were being made. in tile alleged news about the emigra- Commission for the apportionment of invited to America,; where, they are frontier. of the Soviet Government, Soviet tion of the Bethlehemites and land, because the Jewish farmers assured, much «sn be accomplished. Police Commissioner Enright of authorities have called a special declared that the Palestinian ad- living in the district are in dire The committee that sent the telegram the Greater City and representatives "JEWISH GUARDIAN" ference in Minsk to take 'ALLIANCE ISRAELITE" WINS IN ministration was British and not distress because they are in need of to London is ready to' pay part of of all departments of the force for putting; a stop to the pogroms on ATTACKS MORGENTHAU Zionist. The Colonial Minister added land. They therefore demand that the expenses of the delegation should FIGHT WITH CAIRO ZIONISTS* turned out in numbers to pay final London (J. C. B.) A Cairo civil»Jews in White Russia where they are London, ' August 6.—The "Jewish that Herbert Samuel was being the Jewish farmers, together with it come - to America. tribute to Rev. Abraham Blum, who Guardian," in this, week's issue court has rendered a decision which] still going OB. acted as chaplain to the New York makes a severe .attack on Henry severely criticized by certain elements the others, shall be given land. forces the Jewish community of that,! The conference decided not t6 ©*» forces for more than twenty-five Morgenthau for his latest article within the Zionist movement. GREEK CATHOLICS IN JERU- city, controlled by the Zionists to ganize a special Jewish. self-defeno« PALESTINIAN COMMUNISTS years. Rabbi Blum was popular with against Ziofnism. The "Guardian"1! is SALEM COMMEMORATE CSAR relinquish, a building owned lbs the corps, but to apply to the Soviet ORDERED DEPORTED. the protectors of law and order. NICHOLAS' DEATH. TO START BUILDING. Jerusalem (J. T. A.) The Govern'Alliance" but used by the Kehillah Government to send the not at all pleased with Morgenthau's Jerusalem. <J. T. A.)' Rabbi TeiJerusalem {J. T. A.) The Creek for the past several years. The military fores there. ment has ordered the deportation of interference with >England's policies BRITISH OFFICIAL IN INDIA in Palestine, and the paper makes telbaum, interviewed by the "Doar all Jewish' Communists and members Catholic patriarch and members of building was used as a school, a SPREADS ANTI-SEMITISM. the very unexpected remark that it Ya-Yom" here, stated that he was of "MOPSI." The edict is applicable, the Russian "colony here last week center for the "Maccabees" (gym- TO COLONIES UKRAINIAN Ldndon (J. C. B.) Commodore is too late to destroy Zionism* deep- preparing to start building corpora- not only to those who have arrived commemorated the death of the late nastic sodety), and evening classes ORPHANS IN PALESTINE.Frazer, in charge of-", the British rooted as *t is. " The English Jews, tions, in Palestine with funds of the in Palestine since the British occupa- Czar Nicholas of Russia. in Hebrew were conducted in it. Warsaw (jr.- T. A.) A committee garrison at Bombay, has distributed continues the publication, have fre- American-Palestine Building and tion, but also to those aliens who has been formed here for the brochures of an anti-Semitic nature quently and for many years tried to Promoting Company, organized in settled in Palestine. ' TO HOLD PICNIC. TCHLENOVS WIDOW ON HER of transferring the Jewish among the Indian population of the do it, but they finally realized that New York by him and Mr. G. StolYoung Judaea, will hold its annual orphans to Palestine and to create WAY TO PALESTINE, city, according to the "Israelite," a it is foolish to oppose the policies berg, at present a director of the ORGANIZE IMMIGRANT AID. picnic Sunday, August 21, at ElmRiga; <J. .T. A.) ' The wife of the the '' facilities for making weekly of .that city which vigorously of the English; Government. We are corporation. Rabbi Teitelbaum anParis. (J. C. B.) A Jewish Im- wood Park. All the clubs will meet late Dr. Tehlenov, Zionist leader, has colonists of them. protests the action. It is worthy of not much surprised, says the "Jewish nounced that he had obtained the migrant Aid Committee was or- with their leaders at the Lyric build- arrived here from Soviet Russia, This is the first sign of mention that the native Indian press Guardian," that certain, English pa- services of a number of construction ganized here with the purpose of ing, at 9:00 a, is. and from their will where she was one of the victims of on the part of Polish Jewry ttx either ignores the pamphlet or treats triots hasten to proclaim Morgen- experts who voui-1 r<-si<=t him in the lending a helping hand to all Jews go to Fifteenth and Famam streets the famine. She will leave "shortly the larg« numbers of it with contemptuous comment. thau a prophet in Israel. to board special carspassing through France. orpha- "• , « for Palestine.
Here Saturday flight
Form League To Fight Present Immigration Law
Jewish Ex-Soldiers To Colonize Palestinian
City- Of Piisk, Hebrew Skeltering Aid lave Interesting Report - Bestrojed i y ii;
;,, X- J« *
JPnWished every Thursday at Omaha. Nebraska, bjp
••S THE JEWISH PBESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. : - : • ; MORRIS E. ; JACOBS, Manager. Office, Four,- Baird Bldg.—Telephone Jackson 2372. ji
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edition was "to do justice to the race TO FIGHT YIDDISH LANGUAGE. who have settled ia Latvia back in which had found Christianity." Riga (J. T. A,) A report from the '80s and to. put a stop to the Moscow state? that the Jewish Com- expulsion of alien Jews, An Effort of Ridicule. The Jewish Deputies pointed out missariat of the Soviet Government Christianity Disraeli regarded as has decided to start a campaign the uninterrupted anti-Semitic agitadeveloped. Judaism^ In the attempt against the Yiddish l&ngu&ge, believ- tion carried on by the official Latvian to vindicate Judaism, looked upon as ing that only the Russian language press. They also thought to his the- precursor of Christiahity,he creat- can unite the Jewish masses in attention the anti-Semitic attitude of ed the character of Sidonia, an em- Eussia. the Latvian consul in Petrograd, bodiment of the qualities that Disraeli Krumin, to the. Jewish-Latvian homeadmired in Judaism. Of course the less in Petrograd. The Premier LATVIAN PREM3EB EVINCES character is a highly idealized type. promised to order the matters inSYMPATHY TO JEWS. He is a paragon of learning'vho "had vestigated. Riga (J. T. A.) In s conversation exhausted all the sources of human knowledge; fabulously rich," heir to with the Jewish deputies, the Latvian Berlin. (Jewish Press Association,) the greatest fortune in Europe; and Prime Minister stated thst reports incredibly influential. To treat such of the Rnti-Semitic tendency of the Travelers from White Russia report a superman as if he had embodied Latvian government are without that an organized Jewish self-deDisraeli's ideas of conditions actually foundation. The Premier promised fence force is doing a great deal to existing is as ridiculous as it would to settle the question of those Jews prevent pogroms there. be to regard Lemuel Gulliver as embodying Shift's conception of the eighteenth century Englishman. Because of the evident unfairness of this article, because it misrepresents Disraeli, and because the perversions and misrepresentations are a part of an infamous propaganda for the promotion of race hatred, I protest against both its untruthfulness IRST because the great clothes buying public and its malice. has found that this store offers the West's most wonderfully complete showing of the finest clothes made in America.
JEWISH LAWYER AND THE ; / ^ CATHOLIC PRIEST. By EDWARD €HANNING BALDWIN, Ph. D., A Jewish-lawyer of Chicago woke up the Catholic citizenry throughout, the iength and breadth of this country the other • of the University of Illinois. : day when it becamer known that he was paying from his own O THE WRITER there, came recently through the mail parse the expenses of a young Chicago Catholic boy who is Vqlume II of the International Jew, being a collection of studying for the priesthood. . . reprints of articles which had appeared in "The Dearborn Monsignor ^ a r i d s C. Kelly of the Catholic Church Extension Independent". Accompanying the volume was a subscription Society made^the; announcement to the Catholic press and nearly blankonwhich was printed an excerpt from a review declaring every Catholic periodical in the United States carried column that the articles {'are written with a fullness of knowledge and after' column: of; praise and tributes for the man who was broad- a temperance of expression-that are beyond praise." Opening minded, liberal"and .munificent enough to, help a young man the book at randoiny and reading the first article that caught my obtain an,education iit a religion much different than his own, attention, I was impressed with the fact that the writer had ; . Monsignor Monsiornni* ^Kelly" TTbTlir" said CQT/^»r • • ' written neither intelligently nor temperately; but that through "I tellcthis story not to praise the lawyer—, ignorance or malice he had presented certain facts in a way for he would resent any public thanks for his likely to mislead an unintelligent reader. act of charity—but to shame Christians; at least The article is entitled "Disraeli, British Premier—Portrays those of them who would think it too great a Jews." Here Disraeli is described as a Jew who "gloried" in his Savinkoff Deities sacrifice to <fo for their own as much as. this Jewishness, and a man whom the jews themselves "delight to man did gladly for a little boy of a creed which honor." He is declared to have portrayet "in his book, Conings. is so far removed from Ms own." by, _ _ L from the wealth of his traditions as a Jew, and the height ofnis observations as prime minister the method of the Willing To Be Judged By Jewish The story of the Chicago lawyer may have been a pleasant * Jew in peace and war, exactly as others have tried to describe rise to the Catholic's of this country. It merely proves the ^ Court. surprise argument made by many Jewish leaders" that the American Jew .it-" Then follow a number of quotations from Disraeli's romance Warsaw. (J. C. B.) Boris Savinis not really known. Acts of kindness and munificence as shown!in which the Jew, as "lord and master of koff, the well-known leader of the , Sidonia,, is represented p by the Chicago Jewish lawyer is common among the Jewish the money market of the world," and of course virtually lord Bussian Social-Revolutionists and at people. and master of everything else. Throughout the article the im- present chairman of • the Russian The Jewish'conception of charity is not limited by any pression evidently meant to be conveyed is that Disraeli, himself Committee here, has issued a statebounds of nationality or race. It is the true conception of cheer- a loyal and patriotic Jew, had in book form portrayed "The In- ment denying the charge that he had ful giving of aid to one who is worthy. ternational Jew _ _. the Protocolist wrapped in mystery." " any connection with the pogroms The story of the Jewish lawyer and the student-priest . A Writer of Malice. erful combinations menace your insti- perpetrated against Jews by General is a lesson in itself. Read-it: Never once does the writer betray tutions, you find the once loyal He- Balachovitz, and is ready to appear , . • • •
• First' Among Western . Clothing Stores
Pogrom Charges
How a Catholic young man, without means of his own, has been sent his knowledge, of three important brew invariably arrayed in the same | through college and is now being educated for the priesthood through the facts that invalidate his whole con- ranks as the leveler and the latitudI ' jnunificence of a Jewish lawyer, was told today by Monsignor Francis C. tention—namely^ that Disraeli was a inarian, and prepared to support th*e I Kelly, president of the Catholic Church Extension Society. In the ordinary Christian, that his opinions of modern policy which may even endanger his ] course of events, Monsignor Kelley said, this young" man will be ordained Judaism were utterly at variance with life and property, rather than tamely | iwithin a few years. ; . those attributed to him in the article, continue under a system which seeks | ~ "Some years ago/' Monsignor Kelly said, "I received an urgent message and-that Coningsby is not A dispas- to degrade a system which t fim-ET 1 from a well-lmown Jewish lawyer to meet him at lunch. I had no clue as to sionate political treatise, but a ro- to degrade him, . . Yet the Jews, 1 the object of the summons. . mance. Coningsby, are essentially Tories." •\ We were seated at lunch and he drew a letter from his pocket and To cite Disraeli as a Jew who glo- Of this paragraph the writer quotes ] handed it to~me with the terse injunction: 'Bead that/ ried in his Judaism and whom the only the reference of the leveler and ! "The letter was from a boy, and read something like this: . ;, Jews themselves delight to honor is the latidudinarian. "Consider that," he I ••' Dear Sir:—I have read of your generous donations" to—. I wonder if -yoil absurd, because he was baptized as a cries triumphantly, "LatitudinarianI •would help a boy who has set his heart upon becoming a Catholic priest and Christian at the age of thirteen, with ism is the doctrine of. the Protocols in | of devoting his life to God? My father works in th& stockyards and is too the consent and approval of his fa- a word. It is a break up by means of j . poor to send me to. college. Will you help me? ther, who had himself severed his con- a welter of so-called liberal ideas • "When I had read the letter I'looked up and saw that tears stood in the nections witth the synagogue in 1813, which construct nothing themselves, ; eyes of my Jewish/frfend; Toil seens to be touched by this letter/.I said. four years before. If Disraeli's testi- but have power to destroy the estab, "'Good (iod/ said the laiwyer, *when- a. little Catholic boy has enough mony as to the character of Jews were lished order." '•• faith in God .and humanity, to tra^a. for help in becoming a priest to a man as damaging as .the article alleges, it Resorts to Subterfuge. I of say race—^to a man ;he knew to be a Jew—I think it is tima to show some; would be discounted by the fact that it ; emotion/ - "_.;'. was the testimony of an apostate Jew "Now every intelligent person knows 1 that the term "latitudinarian" meant j "And v.hat do you want iue to do?" I asked. regarding a faith he had abjured . [ ''I.Y.aut you to help me. I'want you to find that boy. You will see that This testimony, however, the article merely a {'broad-church Anglican," ' h- forfeit to give his address. If the boy is.as good as his letter he will completely misrepresents. Instead of that it was applied to men holding I becocio a priest if my money can help him. Will you try?" regarding the Jews as radicals in tem- liberal views on the religious quesof the day, and that the term i Monsignor Kelly described his experiences in the stockyards parishes in per, secretly arrayed against govern< his search for the boy, who was ultimately found in a parochial school. His ment, Disraeli-looked upon them as 'donated nothing of the political radicalism ; pastor and his teachers spoke well of him. • / the writer attributed to one of the strongest conservative . [ "I had asked my Jewish Iriend," said Monsignor Kelly, "what he wanted th ? Je 1£ te P . T, \ f ?I"v •t J ..v. I to do for the boy. Did he propose to pay for his board and lodging? *Board forces in modern society. In his "Lifel 5, Fina rt E h o u l d c ted o u t tha oi Lord George Bentinck" he says of' " y ^ P°f * and lodging, nothing/ he replied ..."'. them; 'The native tendency of the ! Coningsby, instead of being a por>• "'I-will pay for his education, his clothes, everything, and he willhave Jewish race is against the doctrine of trayal of life as it is, or as it was m i • a nallowance/ . , • " " ' . ' ' . ' the equality of man. They have also DismeU's day, is of intention a poh'••' ' "That boy," added Monsignor Kelly, "is now in the seminary after a another characteristic-^-the faculty of, t l c a l romance, portraying life as one ; good college course. His tills are sent regularly to the Jewish, lawyer and acquisition. Thus it will be seen t h a t ] 1 * ^ imagine, it to be, but making • they ere met by his check. all the tendencies of the Jewish race | no^claim to realism and scarcely to are conservative. Their bias is to i credibility. The author's purpose as religion, property and natural aris- stated in the preface to the fifth EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. On the back page of today's is^sue of The Jewish Press., a tocracy."
new department, to be known as the "Educational Department", has been launched. . , On this page each week there will be printed especially prepared articles. dealing with the anti-semetic question in this country, T h e attacks of Henry Ford will be answered from time to time, .. Some of the most learned men of the country, most of them Gentiles, will write special articles for this page. The chief article today is from the pen of one of Illinois' most illustrious scholars; ; • This page wiU be mailed each week to Gentile-leaders in business and professional life in this city, so they too, as well as the JJewish readers of this newspaper, can acquaint themselves; with the Jewish side of this most unfortunate situation, In this manner, in our humble way, we hope to do our share ing the leaders of thought in this community that the ^ t g r of: Fprd'a paid propagandists are lies and unfair to
Extorts Wrong Thought. Instead, however, of recognizing these opinions of Disraeli, the writer, | by quoting here and there a sentence, and by misapplying the quotations, contrives to extort a meaning quite J contrary to that which Disraeli intended. In Chapter XXXVII for example, of Coningsby, Disraeli makes Sidonia say: "The Jews, for example, independent of the capital qualities for citizenship "which they possess in their industry, temperance and energy and vivacity of mind, are a race essentially monarchical, deeply religious, and shrinking themselves from converts as from a calamity, are ever t h e . J e w i s h r a c e . ,' - "" . • • ' • • [ ' • ' . . : " • ' ' • • ' ' • - • ••••/•,•••-••>' ^ •.';.:•::•;-• anxious to_ see ihe religious systems of This special page is made possible to a great extent through the countries in which they live the •. advertising which appears on the page. These advertisers flourish; yet, since your society has openly record themselves opposed to the Ford propaganda of lies. become agitated in England, and powl
London. (Jewish Press Associa' Vienna (J. T. A,) :According to a tion.) Jewish periodicals received reply from Bucharest, Dr. Gaster of here from Vilnji teil the story of England, now in: Spumania, stated the manner in which a Jewish youth to the representative of a Boumanian wjas killed there.. A soldier entered newspaper that he. regards .the Jew-the; store of Reichel, a well known ish ' problem. in./ Roumania as satis- storekeeper of that city, and purfactorily solved since the promulga- chased some cigarettes. He than tion of the government edict, where- sat down on some proyisjons. Reich^ b y the Jewish inhaljit^nts of" Rou- el's boy, a youth of 18, asked the mania become naturalized citizens, soldiey not to sit on the provisions as he might spoil them, whereupon of the country, en bloc. the soldier hit the boy over the head. ARAB DELEGATION PEMANDS The boy died some hours afterward and the soldier is being held ior A9AB LEGION. trial. London (J. C. B.) - The Arab Delegation announced yesterday that when it "will ba received by the KOVAL DESTROYED BY FIRE. Warsaw (J. T. A.) A terrible fire British Government'it; will request swept the town of ' Koval, near the formation of an Arab Legion for Palestine. Tho -Axaba fire ready to Vlozlovak, destroying almos.t the pay part of tae expenses of • the whole Jewish quarter. Hundreds of legion and wouldbe satisfied to have Jews are without food and shelter.1 'English officers take charge of the The damage is great. Immediate is needed :
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before a specially constituted court of Jewish notables and prove his innocence. Savinkoff announces likewise that he is preparing to issue a book which will contain evidence to show that he took energetic measures against Balachovitz. The military forces still under Savinkofff's influence in White Russia are even now combating the bandit bands operating against Jews but the position is becoming increas ingly difficult due to the renewed activities of Balachowitz in those districts. A recent dispatch, indicated tha the Polish government would arres and prosecute General Balachovitz, but from the above, it appears that he is still at large continuing Hs fiendish work.
What comes after the purchase price?
- f
Berlin. (Jewish Press Association.) Receiving a Jewish deputation from organizations trying to aid the settlement of East-European Jewish refugees in Germany, Minister of the Interior Gradnoover, declared tiiat the government will make no efforts to expel the refugees, but that no fresh refugees will be admitted into the country. It is claimed that there are close to 100,000 Jewish, refugees at present in Germany.
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"The Singer Midgets Scandal"
ALL WEEK <f: Starting Sunday, August 21st
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MARGOLIN-ROSS. The marriage of Miss Celia D. Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.""H. Ress, to Mr. B. F Margolin, • is scheduled to take place on Sunday, • August 28, a t the Ross home, Eabbi Morris Taxon -wilt officiate. The ceremony -will take place in the presence of the family and -will be followed by a reception for "which one hundred and fifty invitations have been issued. The marriage of Miss Eoss and Mr. Margolin, is the culmination of a University of Nebraska romance %. and both Mr. Margolin and his bride plan to continue their studies this winter at Lincoln, where they have * taken an apartment.
^'" i *p' 'X's;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller, Mrs. HELP NATIONAL FUND . The following took part in the col-M. S. Miller and Mr. Morton Hiller lection for the Jewish National Fund will motor Saturday to Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Hiller-will remain for last Sunday. Gertrnfle KommSara Bialac the weekend, and Mrs. Miller will reGertrude White Elsie Hurwitz main for two weeks. Mr. Morton Molly Nitz Eose Kaplan Ida Minkin Nellie Snitzer Hiller will remain for the reunion of Marcia' Hurwits Dorothy Klein the Eighty-Eighth Division which Zena Malzel Ruth' Wtoietrob Anne Rutaaek Mary Maisel will be held on the 26-27-28 of this Clara "Welner Jerome Diamond Miriam Ttuback onis Diamond month.
Albert Finkel, 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Finkel, won the all-state junior tennis championship. The young Jewish - lad competed against some of the. best -young Now is the time, before the cool weather sets in to buy your winter furs. When tennis players in the state. the snow begins to fly^he prices of furs begin to flj*—but upward instead of downHe also won the Kountze park ward. As • the weather becomes colder, the price of furs becomes higher. Muny championship and" also the Ethel Fisher Philip Handler tennis championship of Central High Gertrude Goldberg William Handler school. At the state tournament held Pearl MoEkoit "Y" is Beaten. last week, Finkel displayed great The Y. M. H, A. baseball team JOINS UNION FUEL STAFF form and defeated' several of his Harry Stein has joined the sales met its second defeat of the season opponents with ease. He also won force of the Union Fuel .Company, Sunday afternoon, when they were the men's double contests. He re- 209 South Eighteenth street. He is handed a trimming by the Nashville, ceived a large silver loving cup and connected with'the city sales depart- Nebr., team by a score of 8 to 4. The Y team, greatly handicapped several other prizes for winning ment. • • '" by the illness of George Bernstein, first places in the different contests. Mr. H. Levey left Sunday to join ace of the Y pitching staff, met its Miss Libby MinMn will entertain Mrs. Levey and daughter, Miss Sadie defeat ° f for fifty guests a t - a dancing party at Levey, at Detroit, from -where they ;ame, when Brown in the box BLASSER-ROHEN. Hanscom Park Friday evening for •will go to New York for several the Y team, weakened and allowed The marriage of Miss Anna Rohen, her house guest, Miss Bessie Hers- weeks. three free passes to the initial bag. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Theodore kowitz of Minnepolis. Thursday The Y team was .previously deon every fur in our establishment. This Includes Rohen, of St. Paul, to Mr. Max Bias- evening, Mr.. Edwin Altschuler enfeated by the Iowa School for the ALEPHYNEWS Deaf team. ser, of this city, take place tertained twelve guests at a card Hudson seal coats, mink capes, Alaska seals, ALPH Y TO MEET. Sunday, August 21, at St. Paul. party for Miss Herskawitz. SaturThe Y team will be greatly all kinds of chokers and others furs. After a .wedding trip at the Minne- day evening Miss Tina Altschuler The Alep> Y club of the Y. M. H. strengthened in their next game sota lakes, Mr. Blasser. and his bride entertained at a slumber party at A., will hold its first regular meet- against the Maccabees of Council Today you can bey an Alaskan seal coat cheaper her home and on Friday evening ing Monday evening at th~ Y. M. H: Bluffs. Manager Green of the Y will he at home in Omaha. than you could have bought it fifteen years ego. Miss Emily Radman will entertain at A,- club rooms The meetings of the team has signed three more players In fact you can buy aa Alaskan sea! fur today St the same prices cskecl for a Hudson seal coat Aleph Y have been postponed during to take the place of the three playa card party for this visitor . STERN-KANTOR. a year ago. the summer season, but.according to srs, who previously handed in their The marriage of Miss Fannie Kantor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs". . A. A daughter was born to Mr. andplans that are now in progress, a resignation. EVERY FUR CARRIES OUR GUARANTEE Kantor of Sioux City, to Mr. Harry Mrs. *Louis Epstein at the Stewart large number-of affairs will take The Y team will also play the fast OF GOOD QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP. place during the coming administra- Fort Crook team, Sunday, August Stern, of this city, took place Mon- Hospital on Tuesday. tion day evening at the "home ox Rabbi 28, at the Fort Grodinsky. They will make their Miss Hulda Hart and M;ss Merriam 'The committee in charge of arOUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT JUST-RECEIVED A FULL home in Omaha. YOUNG MEN TO MEET. Mosher are spending the month in rangements under the present administration have outlined a large The executive committee of the LINE OF THE LATEST CREATIONS. BECAUSE OF OUR Colorado. program and entertainment for the Young Men's Welfare Association FALK-LOHRMAN. SMALL SHOW EXPENSE AND OVERHEAD, WE ARE ABLE The marriage of Miss Minnie Miss Rosella Verbin of Fremont is meeting Monday evening. Nomina- will hold its first meeting, Thursday TO SELL OUR MILLINERY AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. F a i t , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the guest of Miss Anna Zalk for two tion of officers for the ensuing term evening, August 25, at the Y. M. H Frank Falk of Sioux City, Iowa, to weeks. Miss Zalk entertained twelve also will be held. All the members A. club rooms. Mr Herbert H. Lohrman of this city, guests at a dancing party at her are urged to be present at this meeting. took place in Lincoln on August 16. home on Friday for her guest. Rab"bi Gordon read the marriage lines. After a wedding trip to the Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler had as Dr. and Mrs. A. Romm will be at Sent by our Council Bluffs News Minnesota Lakes, Mr. and Mrs. .Loluv their guests during the past week th< home Sunday afternoon and evening bureau. man will make their home in Omaha. Misses Sarah and Rose Handler and for the Bar Mitzva of their son, Miss Lena S. Handler of Oskaloosa, Arthur. The Agudah-Achim club of CounMrs. J. Spiesberger and nephew, Iowa. cil Bluffs will give its first annual t* THORPEIAN NEWS Bernhardt "Wolf, motored to Eeokuk basket picnic Sunday afternoon at 203 South Fifteenth Street Saturday/where they will remain for Mis Ruth Perlman entertained at a On Sunday, August 14, the Thor- Big Lake park. According to the coma week. dancing party Tuesday evening fo peian Athletic Club met the Omaha mittee in charge of arrangements, Miss Rosalind Goldenberg, whose en Musicians Club in a close baseball the day will be celebrated with nun> Hyman Davidson and Norman Chap- gagement to Mr. Harry B. Sher of game at Miller Park. The Music- erous contests for all the guests. the Synagogue. man of Des Moines spent several Los Angeles, California, was recently ians put up a game fight but in the There will be contests for the grown- The Mogen-Dovid club held its days with Mr. Davidson's sister, Mrs. announced. Thirty guests were end the score stood 9-5 in favor of ups and for the young ones. The regular meeting Sunday afternoon at J. H. Kulakofsky and Mr. Kulakof- present. the Thorpeians. Pitcher Iieo Korte- entire public is invited to help make sky. They have been spending the cky allowed but four hits while the Mr .and Mrs. J. Pill of "Fort Dodge, past month motoring in Minnesota Mr. and Mrs. J. I. LeBowski of New slugging of Robinson and Coreirman the picnic a success. la., arrived Sunday on a motor trip. and with Mrs. Kulakofsky left today York City arrived Monday to spend Mr. Karl Brandies is seriously ill Mr. and Mrs. Pill will remain in and the good support of the team as for Des Moines, where Mrs. Kulak of- several weeks' as the guests of Mr, a whole made this victory possible. at the Mercy hospital, according to the Bluffs for several weeks. sky will spend a week with her par- a n ( j JJ. Fahger. reports from attendants at the hosents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Davidson. j. Miss Rose Shafton entertained pital. Mr. Brandies is suffering Miss Levitt Krasne left Sunday for Mr. Joe Rabinowitz, who has been twenty guests at a dancing party from a spider bite, which later Des Moines, la. She will be gone - Mrs, H. G. Fleishman is entertain- visiting here for the past two weeks, at Peony Inn, followed by a supper caused a swelling of the arm. He far about two weeks. Miss Krasne *ing at a series of supper card parties will return Saturday to his home in party at her home on Tuesday eve- was immediately taken to the Mercy •was accompanied by Miss Nettie at her new home in Dundee. The Oakland, California. THE SPORTSMAN, under the m&r££c-ning for the Misses Lillian and hospital where he was attended l y Levitt of Des Moines, vrhc has been first v.-as given last Saturday evethe house guest of Miss Gertrude CJoldie Cohen, of Peoria, Illinois, who Dr. A. V. Hennessy. ment of Jack Katieman and Archie Jacobs ning when twenty guests were presMrs. Julius Traeger, formerly of are visiting with Mr. and MTS. A. Chemiack. is EOW ready for business, ent. The house was attractively Omaha and now residing, in Cleveland, Jacobs. Mrs. Mas Cohen entertained at a decorated in red and green. Mrs. is ;visiting with Mrs. M. Gross and party Wednesday afternoon, in honor Miss Marian Frust, who has been Fleishman is planning to entertain Miss Diana Gross. She will remain The Y. M. H. A. picnic, which-was of Miss Bettie Cohen, who is to "be the house guest of Miss Sara Kesselon the next four successive Saturday for about a month. postponed from August 7, will be married Sunday, August 21, to Mr. maa, returned Monday to her home evenings. Herman Zuber, of Fremont, Neb. ;The in Minneapolis, Minn. held on Sunday, August 28. Miss Esther Brown entertained at afternoon was spent in playing card a "Bunco" party Wednesday evening The Hebrew Educational club will games. Over twenty guests were Miss. Lena Bellman is spending EXPERT DRESSMAKER for Miss Rosella Verbin of Fremont, hold its first picnic Sunday, August present. several weeks at Kansas City. who is a guest of Miss Anne Zalk. Specializing 28, at Big Lake park. All members are urged to be present at this picin Fashionable Gowns. Mrs. J. Robinson of Norfolk, Nebr,, nic is visiting with Tier parents-, Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein ' 2803 Wfrt Street- Phone Webster 6865 Mrs. E. Jacobs. We hope to make THE Nathan Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky, returned Monday the sports' headqiiarters of Omaha. Pcfi from the Boy Scout Encampment at FOR RENT—A large, pleasticker service and baseball scores will bo Glenwood, la.
During the next thirty days A SPECIAL REDUCTION OF
Meet your friends at
We handle, a complete line. cf Cigarets, Cigars and Package . Candies. Box Cigars our Specialty.
N E W YEAR GREETING CARDS A Very Beautiful Assortment low On land
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maintained at all times.
Miss Evelyn Marks returned Tuesday evening from a week-end trip, at Lincoln, Nebr.
and buy them at "
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"We want live wires to sell our high grade .toilet. preparations to the trade. Men with _ car preferred- Liberal commissions.
I&ell Manufacturing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lane of Los Angelas, Calif., are the guests of their i sister, Mrs. E. Marcus. They vrill remain here for several •weeks.
Phone Jackson 0770 118 So. 17th St., BAIRD BLDG., Betw, Badge
2219 Leavenworth St.
Benjamin Franklin Said About Savings: \
"A man may, if he knows not how iQ 5OVe as he gets, /feep^/nVnose to the grindstone and die not TV ofih a groat at last."
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I S t h and Faraarn. Streets D. W. GEISEIJSSAN. President D. C. GEISEDMAN, H. M. KROGH, A»5t. Cashier
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fox will be at home Sunday aftemoea. at a reception in honor of their son, Albert's BarMitzvah.'
SPORTSMAN 318 South ..Fifteenth Street. A few steps south ©f Famam Street.
The Hebrew Educational Society held its bi-Eaar.th!y meeting Sunday PHONE: DOUG-LAS 2793. evening. Mrs. Harry Arenson left Sunday for Chicago, -where she was called by the serious illness of her father. Miss Evelyn Marks of Council Bluffs spent the vreek-end in Lincoln as the house guest of Miss Ruth : Folsky. Miss Tillie Polsky entertained at a dinner danca at her home Monday evening for Miss Martha Weinstock of Omaha and Miss Jeaaette JSxnpqnsky of 'Fremont. Wednesday after- s m i i E EMBOSSERS noon. Miss Evelyn Polsky gave an fe.CCSE, &,E4ttF Orpheum party complimentary to thf sam§ visitors. Tuesday cwaisg she was enter* tainet! at dinner by- Mrs. Libbie Mr. I^w Pelsky motored to ChiMiss Ida Oppenheim entertained £ Eebiasoa at the latter-s hojne and cago Saturday. He win be gone few friends last Tuesday evening a,t wa Wednesday evening a card party two weeks. hex home in honor of her house •was' gjven by her cousin, Miss Sarah guest, Miss Flora Snitovsky of Livingston, 1067 Third Street. • CALINBAS Chicago, 5ggl—1828-4.821 Miss SppMe Selnberg of St. Lotus, lEss Saslie Siegel of 1S2X ' • r*osh-Chodesh, Saturday-Sun- Mo., is visiting Whs Beatrice Loeli, ioBom! at a one o'clock lunch2105 Cottage Grove Avenue. day, September 3-4. eon Saturday, A y ^ s t 6, given by •• Miss Floyeaes Bobinsos of Rtlla- Misf Jane Bioteky m the Younker . \ .. 5S82 ' . . Tisari, 1 Sosh Hashana, Monday, Oc- cklphia, •who was ike Jsotase guest df Tearoam. The gurtg included t|i« Mr. sad Mrs. A. Block, was the Misses Rose RtAias&a, Irene tober 3, Tishri, 10 Tom Juppar, Wednesday, guest of honor at s nainTscr of social lalliaR Fisher, Sfesdames 3aek -October 12. ,-. affairs the past week. aosLA,
ENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS charity or to what extent he has in-ST. LOUIS PASTOR creased wages. I don't care how SAYS THERE IS NO much he. talks of his Americanism. JEWISH CONSPIRACY Any man who can deny the right of religious freedom to a race is a dis- "Is there a Jewish Conspiracy?" are not only expensive from the standpoint of resetting: the glass, grace to this republic, an. enemy of .was answered in the negative re- but because"'your windows arc rendered useless. the country. Insurance jcently in. a sermon by Rev. D. V.. Place your- Plate Glass Insurance where your claim vnU be "All of his charitable acts sink Bush, of St. Louis, Mo. He said in quickly adjusted. into, insignificance when he assaults 1869 ! part: the foundation of liberty on which ; "How absurd to think that a group Missouri Senator Speaking at our government rests. [ of Jews' or any other people number"Why did men and women come ' ing only 16,000,000 could secretly Synagogue Exercises, Beto this country with its rocky coast 'organize and take up by. force of Phone Atlantic 0360 "640 First National Bank Bldg. littles Henry's Charity and expanse of forest? . The French ' arms or otherwise all of the governGifts and "Amercame here because they were burned ' ments of the world. It is as foolish icanism". at the stake. Catholics came be- as we used to be told that the 16,cause they were persecuted in some 000,000 of Catholics in America had Visit Our countries. The Puritans came be- arms stored in their churches ready Henry' Ford is "the most conit temptible character in public life to- cause they were expelled from their for an'uprising at a given signal to Does It Need Cleaning day," in the opinion of Senator native land. Quakers came because usurp the power of our government. or Repairing? TTe EPPlsrt: vTou Jn getting psssDo away •with drudgery and. make James A. Reed, of Missourri. The the kindly doctrine of William Penn "This is a propaganda that cannot NOW IS THE TTOE TO KATE portR and give yon expert advise house-work a pleasure by the use on European confiifions. EXPERTS DO THE WOKK. Senator so told his audience in the was execrated. where he lived. The flourish and endure in Americ. It of modern electrical appliances. Tcm'H Be Snrprinecl at Our Kates. "We hpFp ron to trrt )f«nr re!«course of an address in Kansas City Irish came beca.use they -were per- would grow on the fertile fields in. Cleaning done by Vacuum withtiveK in Europe to this The "Electric Shop" is on the Monday afternoon at the laying of secuted then as they are now. Po- ignorance as in Russia, but never out causing dirt. We hare satisground floor of the Electric buildlitical systems denied men religious can its roots sink deep into the po- factorily 'cleaned over 100 furnaces the pest month. ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth the corner-stone for the Keren Is- freedom. .Gentiles came here be- litical consciousness of our country. . Val. J. Peter &-Co. ,' rael Synagogue. CALL JACKSON 101S. and Farnam streets. STEA3ISKIP TICKET? AM) "We as a nation are pledged to see "The man who can deny the right cause they preferred the hardships FOREIGN EXCHANGE FURNACE VACUUM CLEM1S ' C O. I3C" Eowarfl St., Omaha, Neb. of religious liberty to. the Jews is of forests and the danger from wild that the Jews and other well-behaved 1BI4 Cnroinp Street. Phone AT lantic a disgrace to the republic, an enemy beasts and savage tribes to persecu- seekers. for freedom shall have a We Install Cilt Edge Furnaces. of the people," Senator Reed said. tion. The Jews came here for ex- square deal. "The poorest American is one whoactly the same reason. •will condemn a fellow American on "We find in the Jew the same ele"Buy Midwest MiHi" Y o u^r position is account of his race or religion. The ment of success as in other races. most contemptible character in pub-But in the Jew there is no divided correct, and should lic life today is Henry Ford. I don't allegiance. He has no other counbe s u p p o r t e d by care how much he has given to try to love except America."
Martin Bros. & Co. Dependable r Since
The Brinn & Jensen Company ;.'
Barker Block
TVith Tour Order for
1112 HARNEY ST. ,' '; Phone./S.ouglnir 6409 -
Steamship Tickets to &ni Mm
Electric Shop"
lore idticatatal Depart
R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor
316 South 15th Street—Cp Stairs.
Carpenter Paper Co.
TRY SCXDGBES'S Nutritious Home Made
Distributors • of -
Western Bond--and High Grade Stationery ; OMAHA, NEBRASKA-
PAXTON-MITOKELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts- . Harney 16G2
Manufacturers of Brass,' Bronze. Aluminum and Soft Gray Iron Castings. You are, assured of soft castings, as •we machine 'EOJne from .every heat In onr^mvn shop. ' Standard: size cast Iron bushings In stock. .
•, •
PIES and COOKIES Sealed in Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Yonr. Grocer.
Sundgren Pie Baking Co." 24th and Hickory.. Atlantic 5241 FEATHER MATTRESSES
Made from Yonr Own Feathers. Warm in •winter; cool in summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 . Cnmlnff Street.
Jackson 2467
Frontier Towel Supply 1815 California Street. Phone Douglas 6291
4927 So. 24th St.
916 N. 16th St.
319-321 So. 11th St.. Omaha, » b r . Phone Atlantic 2889
'The-Omaha Tobacco Co.
Ice Machines
"Manufactured in Omaha"
We Deliver the Real Goods.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Phone Webster G943
But. 1831.
O. E. Engler & Go. TSXESTSIESTCS 1423 N. 18th St.
Wholesale Dealers In Bntter, EITKS and Poultry.
Phone Webster 040S
1213 Howjird St.
151? Harney St. , Phone Douglas 8707
Ford Transfer & Storage Co.
"Make Warm Friends"
Phone Doaelas 4607 20th and fierce St.. Omaha. Nebraska.
2208 Cumlng St.
President and General Manager,
Phone Douglas 4726
Council BIoiTs (lovra) Offic* E3-J, So. Slain Street. Phone 365
Sherman Mercantile Co.
Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS 628-32 Securities"Building, " 16th and Far&snx Sts. Telephone: Jackson 2706
Office 209 Sonth 18th Street *
Telephone Jackson 0268
Cor. Eleventh M ieward Sts. OUB NEW LOCATION ; •r Corner 19th and Douslas' Streets. . Masonic ' Temple BIdgr.
THATCHER PIANO CO. Phono JocUeon 3038
CHIROPODIST "AND* BEAUTY SHOP. Established 1SJK? 15th anfl Harne;-. Booplss 2SSS
HOLCOMB ' FOOD CHEMICAL PRODUCTS CO., INC. Manufacturers of FOOJOS AXI> CKE5IICAX.S.F L 4 V O K I \ 6 ESTBACTS. SIS 5f. 16th St. Fhone Atlantic 4984
SNOW WHITE <Kegr. U. S. f a t . Office.)
Granden Electric Co. 1511 Howard St.
B Thone Atlsntic 0SS1
. : NORTHWEST READY ' ' ROOFING CO. • Reafly Roofing _ over old Bhlnsrles. Also asphalt shingles1 and build-up roofs. Fire resisting sn<2 dnrsWe. All -work guaranteed. Easy terms. Phone Harney 2S"4 Ol&ce and IVarehonse: S122
S4th and Fftfnsm Street.
The Home of Good Fee Cream and Home Made Candy.
At all Grocers. Stelner EJectrio BleatChopper BDS CoITee Mill.
Why Bay Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes.
Use<S Scales «1 All Mates for Snle.
Jackson 3873
Omaha Sign Company 1
"Builders of Better Signs'
Druggists and Stationers
ELECTRIC?—COMMERCIAL Modern,Factory, 1118-20 North 18th St. 8 Phone Webster 0729
401-403-405 South 10th St.
DON'T BUY COAL J O i l IS MXJCH CHEAPER Let Us Kemove the Door. from Yonr Furnace ana Insert a
City KeppesentatiTe 5iB Sol IO1& St. Fhose EOcRlas S332
Ambulance Service E<juipp*tl with Pnlmotor. All Calls Answered Promptly.
JOHN A.- GENTLEMAN .3411 Farnam.St.
. Phone Earner 0392
WHOLESALE FRUITS 923-931 West Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Telephone 8163
Baths, Massage, Hot Packs, Electric Treatment, Inhnlfitorhm. 1401 Farnam St., (Baaero«nt Entrance). Telephone: Atlantic 67S1
SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer
Jewish Press
4 Balrd aide.
Omaha, Kebrasta. _ ....
Phone Jackson 2ST2
In Active Practice Since 1810.
Dr. Frances H. Turner
'."• Rates for Space on tiiis S p e c i a l Page given on application.
...for.. •
Office: Brsndeis Theatre Bnllding. 11th and Douglas Streets. Flione Atlantic S83S
Call Atlantic 2364
2419 Cumins St.,
Wholesale Distributors for
Office and Warehouse: 617 So. Main St. Telephone 142 COUNCIL'-BLUFFS. IOWA.
55% to 85% saved on parts for all < makes ol cars. , We carry a complete line of new ring gears, pinions, ax!a shafts and springs for almost any make- of car. 1318-1330 West Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. . PHONE 444.
OTJK TEEAIMEST W COXVES'CE TOC OF OCR . SINCERITY. Trust Department. . Safety Deposit Boxes.
See Pemonstration 31S .So. 10th. Street.
WholesaleFruit and'Vegetables
Phone Jacfrson 3672
• Second Floor, Elks' Building.
Water Softener (Combined)
Always Ask for
Estes Soap Chips
Estes Laundry Tablets
017 South 10th Street. .
An Ideal Washing Combination.
Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Cumins: St. Phone Atlantic 1247 !
Omaim, Xebrtwka.
Omaha Office: SI3 Douglas Stre«t. Omaha Phone Atlantic 3556
Vinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products
Phone Jackson 1680
Joseph Polack & Son
• KIrh and Smooth.
Real Estate. :: : : Insurance
Douglas 6887
CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES 1404 Doaglait St.,
• "We make it look like netr. Call Douglas 0097 A man •will call with samples.
. . . of... Hoffmann Funeral Home.
Wholesalers ol
Rave Your Furniture Reupholstered
Phone Market 04M
Leo A. Hoffmann
All that the name Implies.
MEY-MER-CO. Brand Beverages and Syrups.
Best Home Cookliifr at Very Reasonable Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed.
...for . . .
•Harle-'Haas Co,-
Meyer Merca|iile Co., Inc.
United Provision Stores
T s If yon call the
Jmlnwtrlal and Automotive Machinists. Carburetor and Ijrnltlon Repairs. Starter Ming Gears for Auto Fly Wheels 417 South 13th Street. - Telephone: Jackson S550
The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha.
every fair minded .' person.
£ 21c >;. iGtu st. Breaches at Central Market, Table Sopply and Tood Center.
.WHOLESALE GROCERS Piione JacksGn 1302