jjj pj jjj l| jji jjj
Oh, to know the joy of work and the happiness that comes from doing good to others!
H! fit ill || I
The moral man is the man who makes the Golden Rule a part of his dally life.
jm_ •
VOL. L—NO. 38.
Entered as 8ecoDd-\ postoffice at Omaha;
matter on Jannary 27th, 1921, at o « . :a, under the Act of March S. 1879.
A. L.-issues* Warning | Clubs Here Promise || H. I. for Immigrants. ] Much Actioi Burin the Coming Season O
The Warsaw office of the Hias has issued a warning against forwarding prepaid tickets to relatives abroad. The trouble with prepaids is that many immigrants, owing to the 3 per cent immigration law, cannot get their passports and visas, and consequently can not make use of these tickets to the United. States. .If money is sent them, they* can use the money to go elsewhere. Persons here are therefore" advised • not- to send, prepaids. The prepaid tickets may be redeemed in the United States but this entails a great loss of .time as well as a loss of money.
Composer of "Eili, Eili" is Now Poor—a Messenger; Song is Famous
Mrs. Fels'-to ..Hove Home to Palestine, Says sHer
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. ERRED IN HEBREW Enrico Caruso wrote Hebrew but he wrote it incorrectly. A plaque moulded by Caruso himself, showing the tenor in the part of Eleazar in "La Juive," was signed by Caruso in Hebrew —"Enrico Caruso-Eleazar," but in writing "Eleazar," he began the word with an "Ayen" instead of an "Aleph."
Few : songs of special 'character The song was now famous and lave ever made such a record in their known the world over, as songs with composer's lifetime as Sandler's "Eili, a folk-song tendency have a way of Saving of Jews in Europe, ZionMany Organizations Hold First Eili." The most curious feature of its becoming, but its author was abso- Returns After Six Months* Trip; ism and Anti-Semitism are Meetings Sunday and Followpopularity is the fact that Mr! Sand- lutely unknown, Sandier never having Tells of Pioneers and the' Big Questions, Acing Week to Draw Up ier has never received any profit from dreamed of copyrighting his work. Their Struggles. cording to Newshis famous song. • Programs. The following season Bertha Kalich papers Twenty-five years ago Jacob-Kop- sang "Eili, Eili" in the Thalia Thea- New York, Sept. 1.—Back from a six month's visit "to' Palestine, her Great activity for the coming year pel Sandier was the composer and tre on the Bowery. 'reRs Assooiatlon.) is promised by the heads of organorchestra conductor of the old Wind- With.no royalties on his music, the first glimpse of the land to which New York, Sept. 1. — American izations affiliated with the Y. M. H. sor Theater on the Bowery, where a compensation for Sandler's work was she has dedicated her life and her Jewry is confronted with three greai A. and the Jewish Welfare FederaYiddish company was presenting limited to his small salary as directed. fortune, Mrs. .Mary Fels is even more devoted to the cause of Zionism than problems of the present time, Bays tion. Yiddish plays. During the month of He drifted from the theat: J, devoting New York. (Jewish Press Asso- the New York Globe. Three and s . Within the coming week the various April, 1896, the management under- his time to synagogue music and choir before she went away. "I am thrilled by what I saw in ciation.) We have received the fol- half million Jews in the United clubs and organizations will hold took in one week to produce a histor- training, and.the song became a thing their first meetings of the season. ical drama entitled "Brocha," or the of the past with him. He thought no Palestine," she declared. "People re- lowing details of the recent pogroms States, with the exception of those. "Jewish King of Poland." Mr. Sand- more of it, never even having it copy- turning from there have spoken only in the neighborhood of Bobrausk thousands who may be classified as The Y. M. H. A. plans two dances ier was directed to prepare a few righted. Had he done so when he of the'land. They have never empha- from the Parts office of the Commit- unorthodox, are organising and de- ^ a month and many special meetings. liberating, seeking a solution of thes« songs and choruses for the hasty pro- wrote it, he W^puld now be a compara- sized the people of Palestine and the tee of Jewish Delegations. The Flowers of Zion will hold its problems. part they are playing and are to play duction. . For one of the songs the tively rich. man. He still composes, In Kozlo-vcitc <prior to July 10th) killed— first meeting at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Aaron Kaplan. 75; Joseph IVrshitz, (55; The greatest of the three problems," The first meeting of the young Vienna (J. T. A.) Dr. Gaster of author of the play, the late Professor however, and for several months re- in its development. The land is Isaac Tcherniak, 45; wonnded—Frnme Tcliernisk, 00; Chanc Gnttermau, C3; Mi- the one giving most concern, is the Women's Welfare Organization will England has brought upon himself Hurowitz, wanted something sad and cently has been at work on a new wonderful, but the Jewish pioneers riam 47; Gite Gurbitch, 60; Jothere, those brave," faithful spirits, slmrt Gnrbitch, Karabelnick, 65; Anron Hnrbitch, 50 saving of the many thoixsands ©ibe held at 3. p. m. Sunday. These a storm of protest from Roumanian appealing for the martyr, a Jewish hymn. are the one sure evidence that Zionism and a child of two-and a half years d S . Jewish refugees scattered in different' meetings will be held on the first Jewry by a statement made to a re- girl, who was to be crucified for her* Now s. Messenger. In Kudabelka, killed—Joseph Mcrdecai - 3 ; Shiine Gifel Finkel, 24; Joshua parts of Europe, homeless wanderers, Sunday of every month. This is a new presentative of the Czernovitzer faith and while hanging on the.cross But there is an epilogue to the can not fail when its standards are Finkel. Katzelneson, 24; liishe Xamen, 1!>; Jacob without means, waiting for a leading being carried by the inspiring heroes girls' organization and although only "Mor,xenblatt" that the Roumanian to sing a pathetic prayer. Llpahitz. 50. Sandier story that no one has yet In Glubfcowitchi (July 10th), killed—Is- hand to guide them to a haven of in existence for about a year, its mem- Jews should not regard . themselves When Mr. Sandier asked for a sce- published, writes the Hebrew Stand- who are .building up the Jewish Na- rael FnndaminEki, 45; his -wife Mnrisha, iO; their two children Solomon finri Kiba refuge. Thousands of them who fled bership is very large. as a separate nationality, but as nario of the play, the author suggested ard. Mr. Sandier had drifted away tional Homeland." 14 and Fnnda- from Eussia, the Ukraine, and Poland It was difficult to get Mrs. Fels to m i n s t o . 6-• years old; Aaron ' ' Jacob The Young Men's Welfare Organ- Roumanian citizens of the Mosaic ! that he look up a few of the Psalms from the theatre. In his old age he is - "- • *i*"-l discuss anything but those splendid Funaamenski, 22; .Toshna Galkin. 52; are waiting, they know not for what, ization met at.8 p. m. Tuesday for persuasion. Roumanian Jews would! o f David and draw from them his in- was forced to make ends meet by Samuel Dnvid F;ibrro\v, TO: .his wife Frrnne in almost all the European ports, in types of Jews who have risked everyRede, 4ii; their Eon Z-»vi, "17; Abraham Fnrits first meeting of the season." At then not find it necessary to protect spiration for "the crucifixion prayer, working as a salesman in a store and 45; Ids? son and dnuslitivr, Mendel Constantinople, and in Italian centres, this meeting teams were organized to their peculiar Jewish interests, but for Sandier usually wrote both the conducting a synagogue choir dur- thing, life,"personal fortune, family,-to beroTV. and Freidel. 9 and 12 years old: Nanmn regarded everywhere as unwelcome 17. "Wounded—Cliaye Funassist the Jewish Welfare Federation would be in the same position as the words and music of his songs. Turning ing holy days. But even store sales- show themselves into the great work Friberkin, daminski. 15; Zwi FHn<V«in5nski, I."; Tovil strangers. Most of them are women in the collection of funds. This is a Hungarian Jews before the war. over the pages of the Bible in search manship requires sprightliness, and of colonizing the Holy Land. She Kund.iniinnki, 8: KIk? FundnminsUi. 5->; and children with their men supportF»rl>eror, 45; Jos-nh Fnrbpror, 10. new organization also, having been In the same interview, Dr. Gaster of a theme his eyes fell upon the at the time he was acclaimed com- spoke of the exemplary bravery of Eshke - In Badka {July 12ihj. killed—Chime I>:il» I ers m America, beyond their reach. the colonists, in fighting off Arab Zrenkin, Sarah Zvenkin and two unidonti- ' It now has criticized the Versailles Peace Treaty words "Eili, Eili, Lomoh Asavtoni," poser of one of the world's most organized last ApriL During the war separated families attacks, although ^greatly outnumberfamous songs he lost that position or Lord, Lord, why hastThou Formore than one hundred members. which provides for special national In Charjniitchi (July 11th), killed—Mer- had no communication with one an-. ed and poorly armed. She told of decai Nozick, 55. The Woman's Welfare organization minority rights -for Jews in Poland saken me?'* the second verse of the also. Today Mr. Sandier is employed In HalHfitchi (July 12th). kUlefl—2'.Tows. by the-New York' Times as a messen7 thair heroism in the Jaffa riots, which In Slsrkoviteh (July 11th), - killed- -P other, and even now many husbands twenty-second Psalm. will hold its first meeting of the and Roumania. and wives and mothers and sons arc' she witnessed. '.She described the spiJews. ger—the only ' position, in justice to season on September 6. This club Was Instant Success. Dr. Gaster is severely criticized In Zapelie-. killed—Shemerl Levin, ol; Jn- still lost to eacK other. ' ritual strength and faith of these 55. meets every Tuesday. This organ- for this statement by the Jewish It seemed to Mr. Sandier that these that organization, that it could pos- Chalutzim, in working against mighty robIn Ii^ristatlt, Bobnorkn. killed—1 Jews. The second problem is that of antiisation.-was formerly the Ladies Re- press of Roumania, Boukevina and words were ideal for the purpose, and sibly find for an elderly man without j In LetKchita—Jacob Shulman, 5Ti;'Efra5iu 20. Semitism in some parts of this conn-' obchOTEky, 20. lief Society and'is the largest Jewish Bessarabia. Many Jews condemn him during that night the "Eiii, Eili," was a commercial profession or finished odds in building up their colonies. On the way between Chlusk nnfl Eob, 40: try. Prominent Jewish leaders ascribe women's "organization in Omaha. Returning in Spring. as an. enemy of_ the Jewish people written, and composed, and later sung knowledge of English* t this anti-Semitic movement to the The Zionist District holds meetings who has- caused serious harm by his during the play by Mrs. Sophie Karp, So now you can often meet the tall, Mrs. Fels is returning to Palestine 2a Between S t and End n fifth named David coming to. this country of a large every Tuesday evening in room 301 visit to. Roumania and his unsolicited who' was the prima donna. The song dignified figure of the grayhaired next' Spring to take up her permanent ers killed on July 8tn. . number of Russian monarchists, who Lyric Building. negotiations- with high government was an instant success. composer walking; slowly along the | residence in either Jerusalem or one of are secretly fostering a .feeliag Hadassah." will resume its regular officials. Like the incidental music -to doz- streets of the downtown and* Forty- the colonies, more probably. Jerusalem. NEED WOMEN TO • . - . . . . • against Jews through more or less meetings Wednesday, September 7 at * (Note: "On August IStli we published an ens of "other plays,. Sandier forgot second street factions with a bundle "I ,-wa.nt to. establish, .-ja, home -. --there • """.. 'SEW FOE ORPHANS innocent Americans. These Jewish item to the effect that the. government was "Eili,. lEili"-when ''Brocha" stepped of. advertising 'pi-oafs' under: fiis arm." wh3re I can remain part of the year," 2:30 p. m. . ; prepared to Bee the JCTTS recognised ~as a "Tiny nnderaffGrisfted ptpfeaned leaders, however, rely on the The _first .regular meeting of the national minority, ana that thereupon 13r. off the boards, and be was unaware When he gets these proofs "OTcd" by she explained. "I have a residence Gaster declares the Jewish, ' problem in children in Palestine need trader- sense of the American people to the advertiser he. returns to the oftJinaha Junior HadassahUnit 1921-19S2 Koumania non-existent. of .its notable existence until his here, and in London, I want to have garments. Hadassah will furnish the counteract this propaganda. will be held Wednesday evening, Sep- In connection with the Item given today* daughter returned from the.Metropol- fise and waits until new proofs are one in Palestine too." of l>r. Gaster'6 criticism of the VerThe third problem is Zionism. Jews tember 1 at 8 o'clock. An interesting telling Until she returns she will devote all material, but women willing to sew sailles Treaty, it should be mentioned that itan Opera House one Sunday evening ready. program has been arranged. neither the Koumanian Treaty nor the Po- and excitedly reported to her father This is the story of the "Eili Eili" her energies to advancing the Pale- and make garments must be found," are still' divided on this question,. .Treaty calls for the organization of said Mrs. Ben Handler, general secre- though they all agree it is necessary The opening Jewish dance of the lish Jews as a national minority. This, we are that "Eili, Eili" had been sung that that you all love so well—a tragic stine Development Council, the organseason will be held Sunday evening informed on good authority..}' night by Sophie Braslau and was chant in content and also for its ization formed by the former admi- tary of the Omaha chapter of Ha- that a 'home state for the persecuted September 11 at the Kel-Pine dancing vr jA' received by the audience. nistration of- the Zionist Organization dassah. At the present time Hadassah Jews, of Europe.be created. author. MAKE MEMORIAL GIFTS "We are not out to create a Jewish academy by the Herzl club., A special of America. "Palestine needs plenty is clothing 4,100 orphans in Palestine, while Junior chapters raise money for courtry for American Jews," said a Jazz orchestra will be brought here of banks so that the' immigrants and TO JEWISH CHARITIES competent Jewish authority, "but to from Lincoln in order that the initial old inhabitants may help themselves the support of the children. Mrs. Handler has recently been in help the homeless and persecuted dance of the year may be an assured In memory of her husband and of to economic independence through an correspondence with Mrs. E. Soloman Jews to find a land where they tnay success. . . . " . " their father, L. Rpsenblam, who elastic credit system," she said. "This is to be the first aim of the Palestine of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who reports that feel at home and work without th«s At the last meeting of the Club passed away last week, Mrs. Rosenelection of officers was held and blum and her children have pledged London, (J. P. A.) Lucien Wolf, Philadelphia. (Jewish Press Asso- Development Council, to establish a the chapter ,at Tulsa completes 200 danger of being massacred. Tlis' American Jew has found his haven." several applications for membership the following bequests, totaling ?610, Secretary of the Joint Foreign Com- ciation.) The Brith Sholom com- credit system so that the people can garments a month. Although the Omaha Hadassah c£ refuge and cannot be grateful it was announced today:— were considered. mittee, has returned from Geneva mittee appointed for the purpose of develop the country. Mrs. RoBenblnm pledged $50 to the where he handed over to represent- trying to stop the sale of Ford's- In"The hope of Palestine is in the Chapter held no meetings during the enough to America for it." Cleveland Orphans* Home; and ?25 each to atives of the League of Nations a dependent in this city, to-day called young Jews of the country, who have summer months, members of the the Talmud Torah and the -Tewish ConProportion of American-Born, TO ERECT $75,000 HEBREW Bumptives' Relef society, Denver. on Mayor Moore and explained to memorandum asking them to aid organized themselves into a league sewing group have completed a numOf the three and a half millions *A daughter, Mrs. • Mauriee Chipkin, SCHOOL IN SIOUX CITY. pledged ber of garments. Mi's. J. B. Robinson, $25 to local synagogues; n son, Jewish refugees from Russia. Mr. him why it was desirable t o ' stop for mutual self-help. Captain Alexof Jews in the" United States, 1,300,Harry Rosenblum. $25 each- to the follow- Wolf states that he is hopeful of its sale. The committee was headed (Special to Jewish Press.) ander Aaronsohn is the head of this who holds the record for having made 000 ©f their number arc American ing: Old People's Home, Cleveland J . C. R. S. anil Russians or- the results this is likely to bring.! Tsy Mr. Joseph Kuhn, Chairman of organization. Sioux City, la.—A $75,000 Hebrew orphanage, These native sons of the largest number of garments for born.' And the others Ere not till phans' fund; another Eon, Joe, $25 each to Representatives of the ICA, accordthe local Kehillah. The Mayor ex- the country, born in the Homeland, 1920 has already completed fifteen Yiddish" in' language or affiliation. school will be constructed at Four- the J. O. K. S. and Russian orphans, $J0 to the Talmud Torali and'-515 to Keren ing to information received here, pressed his regret that he had- no are inspiring figures, through their garments this summer. Mrs. A. Weiss, teenth , and Jackson streets next Hayesod; a daughter, Mrs. Sarnh Fromro, $15 each to the Talmud Torah, Keren lave addressed a similar request to power to forbid the sale of the pub- intence idealism, their courage and Mrs. S. Nitz, and Mrs. Charles Lei- Most of the German, American, spring. Hayesod and Russian orphans, and $."> each Austrian, Hungarian, French, and to Beth Hamedrosh. Hngodol, Jewish "Wel- the League of Nations , and have lication, but promised to see that hardiness. It is they who make one bowite each made six garments during Two lots at the street intersection fare Italian Jews <lo not speak or read Federation and Old Peoples Home; asked that in this connection the the summer months and Mrs. Handler those handling it on the Streets realize that Zionism can not fail." a son Sam, §30 to the Russian orphans, $20 have been purchased by those spon- each Yiddish, ar.d they are not listed as completed fifteen. to the.J. C. R. S .and Beth Hamedrosh League establish a special depart- should not employ any terms derogasoring the movement from Harriet P. Hagodol synagogue, $10 to the Talmud a rule among the Jews forming the Gave Big Contribution. and 55 to B'nai Jacob sj'nagogne: ment to deal with Jewish affairs. tory to the Jews. and Henry P. Nourse, of Sioux City, Torah great community of the Yiddish and a daughter, Mrs. Sam Preisman, $15 While in Palestine, Mrs. Fels cabled "DAILY TELEGRAPH" SAYS element. They ' themselves classify for $10,000. The deal was consum- to the Enssian orphanage and $10 to l i e the minority group of the Zionist orT O Ti. ^ "" • PALESTINIAN JEWS SOP- their kin according to the languag* mated today. ganization $50,000 for its development Two iittie grandchildren, Milton Fromm J. D. C. MEMBERS ATTEND TO CELEBRATE OPENING PORT BRANDEIS AND Abram Hirsch Rospulilum. son of The purpose of the new institution and they speak. The largest section, of RUSSIAN RELIEF CONOF ZIONIST CONGRESS work. She indicated that the election Sam Rosenblum, augmented these subMACK. will.be to teach the Jewish language scriptions by $10 donations each to the course, is the Yiddish speaking one, of Justice Louis D. Brandeis as a A celebration meeting to remind FERENCE IN WASHLondon (J. C. B.) Perceval Lsndon, hailing mostly from Russia. Poland, and traditions in Sioux City, Record- •Cleveland orphanage and Russian orphans. delegate to the _ World Zionist ConOmaha Zionists of the World Zionist INGTON. ing to Jack London, one of the pringress, by Palestinian Jews, was an the Jerusalem correspondent of the and the Ukraine, and in a small part" NOTED JEWISH SCHOLAR Washington, D. C, (J. P. A.).— Congress opening at Carlsbad Sep- index of h'ow the Holy Land stood in "Daily Telegraph," states in an from Eouman'ia. cipals in the movement. 4 will be held in Omaha; MonSEVERELY CONDEMNED Felix M. Warburg, Louis L. Straus tember "The school will in no way interfere day, September 5 at S P. M., at the the recent fight in America which article in today's' issue that the.) Q f & n the J e W 6 i n A m e r i c a 95 p e r Vienna. (Jewish Press Associa- and J. N. Rosenberg representing the with the public schools, even so far as 19th and Burt Street Synagogue. culminated in the defeat of the former majority of Palestinian Jewry sym- cent, have collected within the borJoint Distribution Committee particition.) A storm of protest has again administration at the Cleveland con- pathize with the former American ders of twelve states, and only 5 pes the Jewish children are concerned," pated in a conference which Secretary Former Rabbi H. M. Cohn of Kansas broken over the head of the well Zionist leaders, Justice Brandeis and cent, are divided among the remain-, " ' Mr. London declared. "Classes in the of Commerce Herbert Hoover, held here City and Rabbi M.N.Taxon will be the vention. known Jewish Scholar Dr. Moses Judge Mack. ing thirty-six. The largest numbers "I found Palestine the most alluring new institution will be held after to-day with representatives of the principal speakers. There will be no Gaster, because of remarks attributLandon finds that Sir Herbert are living in New York State, New land in the world/' sb.e continued. "My collections. A musical program will public school hours, probably from 4 various organizations who are covisit there convinced <me that my Samuel has found favor with all York City is the largest Jewish o'clock' in the afternoon to 8 o'clock ed to him in the Roumanian press operating with the American Relief be given. in the course of which he is said people are not of Semitic, but an except those th~i regard him as a community in. the world, having a at night. to have declared that Jews can now Administration in rendering relief in tool through which the Balfour De- million and a half, almost 28 per Aryan race. "The desire to teach the language renounce all anti-nationalism. Jews, Russia* The conference adopted a SECRETARY DAVIS SUPORTS claration is to be realized. Samuel, and traditions to Jewish children here outside of Roumania are also con- program for the complete co-ordinaANTI-EMIGRATION MEASURE "I have in: my heart such a deep says the correspondent, has £ dif- cent, of the nation's entire Jewish population. Th's next greatest numappreciation of that wonderful counhas been growing for some time, demning Dr.. Gaster as a traitor to his tion of all efforts and. agreed upon Washington. (Jewish Press As- try now. It has become for me a ficult task before him. and his path ber, 380,000, live in Pennsylvania, finally culminating in the purchase of the points which will govern the rela- sociation.) Secretary of Labor Davis • • • ' . } • is beset by many obstacles but he The other ten states having a conthe property and plans to erect an people. tions between the representatives > of to-day expressed himself as favoring stimulus and an inspiration. The has shown Jews is so beautifully brave and selfhimself an able ad- siderable number of Jews are: New institution for this purpose." the different organizations and the the new anti-emigration measure inZANGWILL LAUDS ministrator. Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, sacrificing there. Now I can underRelief Administration. Representa- troduced into Congress by CongressArchitectural plans for the new Mr. Landon contends that the in- Michigan, Missouri, California, Marystand why my people are working so LONDON TIMES tives of each organization will be man Johnson. The measure proposes building have not been provided for London, (J. P. A.).—The Times to- assigned to the headquarters staff of to utilize the vise system for the earnestly to fulfill the dream that has temperate seal of certain elements land, Connecticut, ar.d Indiana. as yet/ according to Mr. London. among the Zionists is, to a large About 50-VOO RJ'e exclusively enday publishes a letter from Israel the American Relief Administration restraining emigration at the source endured for thousands of years." extent, responsible for the unrest in gaged in the tailoring trade, and Mrs. Fels " declared Bolshevism Zangwill expressing' his'_ appreciation in Russia; all relief negotiations with on the other side. ARABS WILL NOT . would never secure a foothold in Pa- the country. The trouble, is caused large numbers work in at the manner in which th- Times the Soviet authorities will be conthat lestine. She also expressed the hope by extremist? among the Jew;!, fee specifically Jewish industry, the fur is exposing the forgeries of the ducted through the Administration ARABS DISPLEASED WITH RECOGNIZE BALFOUR of working out a single tax system says. He cites al an example the trade. Many afe painters,, papwof the Zion'Elders": ZangDECLARATION "Protocols PALESTINE LAW CHIEF for Palestine. It was as a single tax demand of the Jews that Hebrew hangrers. carpenters, barbers. In the will declares that the Protocols are and the manner in which funds are London, (J. P. A.)-—Replying to chiefly responsible for the terrible .to be collected is left to the individual London. (Jewish Press Associa- advocate that i e r husband, the late be reeogniaed-as an official language.) B 0 U t h e n ; p t f i t e s a l l J e w s a r e in _ the published statement of Dr. Weiz- pogroms committed" during the past methods of each organization. tion.) The "Morning-Post", to-day Joseph Fels, 'millionaire soap manu- The correspondent admits that the dependent traders, as is the case of man that Zionist leaders would confer two years in Ukrainia. ' The local publishes a cabled demand from a facturer and philanthropist, was best Jews have contributed to the im- those scattered in other less develop-' -. with members of the Arab delegation anti-Semitic publication the "Morn- Danzig, Aug. 24. (J. T. A.) The group of Palestinian Arabs that Nor- known. - :. ' : ; provement of sanitary. conditions in in this city on condition that they ing Post", which some time ago sen- famous cantor, Gershon Sirota, left i man Bentwich, head of the legal de- Israel Blumenfeld, a Palestinian, the country but he thinks they spend ed states. - Their Newspapers. ] recognize the Balfour Declaration, the sationally featured the -Protocols, is for America yesterday. It is re- partment in the Palestine govern- was brought back by Mrs. Fels. She too much money on schools, and. not Some comparisons may be drawft ' leaders of the Arab delegation replied now trying to recede from the posi- ported here that he ias sigmed a'ment, be forced to resign. The Ar- is sending him to California to study enough on industrial enterprises. that this condition makes such a con- tion and deckras that it will in- $10,000 contract to act as cantor in' abs claim that he is too devoted a agricultural methods so that he can Every week, he says, a new school between the Jewish iotfeign-bora awl?. > ference impossible, since they can if the revelations of the u<a New York Synagogue during the" Zionist to occupy such an important make a better .farmer in Palestine springs up, but the economic -develop- other immigr&nte in this country, -.* £ never recognize the Balfou. Declara- Times are really, correct, (Continued on page Si. ,, ment is a much slower pr. ;es& hieh holidays." .when he returns. tion.
Demands Jews Give, Up Nationalist Aspirations
Philadelphia Mayor Can't Lulien WGI? Lays Hope On League Stop Sale 01 Ford's Sheet
ANTI-SEMITES DRIVE Admiral of the Flag Horthy. In HUNGARIAN JEWS Hungary thousands of Jews were FROM POSEN PREVENTED FEOM BATHING PnWished every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by interned cr arrested on ridiculous Danzig. (Jewish Press AssociaVienna (Jewish Press Association.) THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. charges of conspiracy at the time of (Continued from page 1) tion.) Anti-Semitic elements in Budapest reports received here show . MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. the Bolshevik revolutioi two years Posen are doing their utmost to rid Constantinople (J. T. A.) — Thethat the persecutions of the Jews in the provinces of all Jews. So seriOffice, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone Jackson 2372. For--the 4,000,000 Poles in America ago. These people wero never tried Hungary "by the soldiers continues there are 122 Polish newspapers. The by court, and most of them have Inter-Allied High-Commissioners in unabated. The most recent instance ous are their anti-Jewish campaigns Subscription Price, one year.... ._.... _...._..™...U«..?2.50 have issued an 3,5CO,000 Jews have twenty-two news- never even been charged with any Constantinople Advertising ratesfurnished on application! ordinance that all passengers landing of this practice is the fact that Jews that numerous Jewish families are papers, of which ten sre daily specific offense. They were arrested are everywhere prevented from deserting' then* homes and emigratNOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicapublications in Yiddish. The ex- simply because they were Jews, or i n , Constantinople must , have a bathing in the rivers in Hungary. ing to Germany. specified sum of money. If they tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. planation is that the Yiddish papers because one or the other of the cannot prove that they possess this are read only by those "Jews who military detachments wished to get CHANGE OB1 ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; : sum, they are to be sent back to . .. ' ba-Boro and sign yonr name. . - •. do not understand English, or those hold of their money. It is asserted, the country whence they come. Many who are, closely identified with Yid- however, that conditions are imJewish refugees from different coundish life. One of these Jewish daily proving and pogroms have gone out tries will therefore be unable to land of fashion. papers has a circulation of 225,000 in Constantinople. Steps are being copies. I t is the only foreigntaken to obtain permission for those newspaper reaching that SLOMIN REPORTED DESTROYED . Here are "Four. Things to Think About" as brought out by language refugees who are recommended by BY FIRE Carl H. Getz, non-Jewish writer in a recent article, "Public figure. This is the Forward. the Palestine Office in Constantinople, j The other Yiddish-language publicaDanzig. (Jewish Press Associa- or the "Joint," to land in ConOpinion and the Jew":— * tions, too, have comparatively large tion.) Fire destroyed a great por- stantinople. , 1. "There.is no such thing as an anticirculations, showing that _ the Yid- tion of Slonim, Poland, according to Semitic movement in America." ; dish worker is a reader, and interest- information- received here from WarLondon (J. C. B.) A representative •'...••.. 2. "The Jew should a b a n d o n the ed in the events about him. There saw. Thousands of Jews have been of the Palestinian Arab delegation are five daily papers in New York left homeless and many have their defensive." left yesterday for Geneva to confer City,' one in Philadelphia, one in business. ..:. -v 3^ "The Jew should realize that he is with Dr. Drummond, secretary of Cleveland, one in Los Angeles, and TRADE AMONG JEWS IN STATIONERY—OFFICE SUPPLIES morally obligated to devote a certain amount the League of Nations. two in Chicago. Besides these, there of time and energy to creating an adequate Phone Jackson 0770 UKRAINIA REVIVING are eight weekly and two monthly ^understanding of the Jew, his contributions Danzig. (Jewish Press Associa118 So. 17th St., BAIRD BLDG., Betw. Dodge & Douglas ANNOUNCEMENT. to society, his hopes and ambitions." • • papers at the disposal: of Yiddish tion.) Ukrainian Jews passing readers. 4. "The Jew.must be willing to recognize, The fact that only 50 per cent, of through this city declare that in the limitations of some of his own people and HARRT BRAVIROPF has resumed the foreign-born Jews read or speak some parts of Ukrainia, Jews are piano teaching at his studio at 305 • to be willing to.help those people." developing trade again. In cities Lyric Building. Appointments JIOTV Yiddish is mainly due to their rapid such as Yelisovetgrad, fine stores being made. Telephone: Douglas 81C2. assimilation. The second ganeration PLAIN FOLKS. ANZIA. YEZIERSKA is thoroughly Americanized .already, have been opened. I like to.mix with plain folks, WHITES OF GHETTO LIFE inasmuch as it only reads English. With regular sun-and-rain folks, dramatizing Her Stories for Movies Yiddish leaders wliorii I have seen With folks whose hearts are sound In an interview with Anzia Yezier- during my investigation of their conGo to the . and who .'" ', . ska, the New .York-novelist, Miss ditions all emphasized with-considerl&re straight and simple through and" EdythH. Browne tells entertainingly Erandeis Printing for your through. .*„'•'" in a recent issue of the American; able pride that Americanization with them is a natural development. They Department Hebrew. She writes in parts r Such folks are truly fine folks', call it "self-Americanization" and "I found her alone in her cozy re- point to their 106 national organiza.The same-rih-shade-and-shine folks; for your Also Men's and Women's treat in the shadow of- Washington And, howsoever fools contemn, Oxfords and Pumps. tions, every member of which is doI'm surely most at home with^them. Arch, Anzia Yezierska—she who has ing something to develop the Ameribeen dubbed.'Queen of the Ghetto' in Friedman Bros. jSome like the putting-on folks, recognition of her work as short-story can spirit among the race. There are all kinds of "societies" among these JThe here-awhile-and-gone folks, chronicler of immigrant joy and sorFamily Shoe Store On the First Floor iThe insincerely living crowd , row, she whose 'Fat of the Land1 head- organizations, most o£ them benevo1504 North 24tlt Street. Pompeian Room—By the Bank. lent associations. Through their cenWho ape the rich and. please the proud. ed. O'Brien's Year Book as 'the best tral organization, formed in the intershort story of" 1919"—has returned JSuchinake-believing-grand folks, from'a ten-week stay at the Gold- est of suffering brethren in Europe, Such get-the-upper-hand folks^ wyn Studios in California where she they collected more than §31,000,000 {Whatever i>lace they occupy was revising her "volume of stories* for relief worli. A very small part JAxe not l i e folks for such as I. 'Hungry Hearts/ into, scenario form. of this wa3 expended on organization. "The Lost Beautifulnes' and 'How, I jBe mine the toil-and-moil folks, They Resent Suspicion. Found America are to be blended into >The sturdjr near-the-soil folks There is ono thing the Yiddish peo[Who kno\v the sorrow and the strife, one big fiuman story for the screen ple very much, resent. Most of the •vyitii many .others from the.book t o .'And fairly play-the game of life. people I have talked with on the follow. And from her weeks of conJThe tender-and the-strorig folks, tinuity work she makes a prophecy subject wish, to make the point clear [With pitjF« for the wrong folks, that, because of the radicalism of for the motion "picture future. "' INTRODUCING OUR NEW PACKAGE What climbing1 parasite can please the Jews as a race and the fact that "The motion picture is the newest The; honest heart like one of these? in many instances the foremost EuroBlended, roasted and packed by language of. democracy" she said. pean radicals are Jews, certain sus—Dennis A. .McCarthy. "RicK and poor, educated and un- picion is felt regarding the American educated,-meet and mingle by-means of the movie. I feel ihat my great Jew. This suspicion is entirely unas opportunity has come-^-my opportu- founded, for there is no Communistic Mrs. T7. I. Chapman and Mrs. Ju- nity to place before the -world's or Bolshevik movement among the lius I. Cohen entertained at a Bunco greatest audience a y impressions of Yiddish people that ehould be taken £>.nd Eridge'party Sunday afternoon at the immigrant soul—the immigrant's seriously. There are but a few Jews the former's home, 1125 Tenth Street, need of America and America's need in the Communist organizations, who, I am informed, do not even consider in. prenuptial compliment to their of the immigrant." niece, Miss Irene Qberstein, whose Miss Yezierska is famous now. Yet themselves Jews. By race they remarriage to Mr. Jerome A. Rosenberg only a few years ago Anzia Yezierska main Jews, but they have severed all I VVE FURNISH ALL FORMS OP INSURANCE. | of Mason City, takes place September wondered if she would ever be able to religious ties with their brethren. I tried to get an interview with a Bol11th. lift her head above the factory roar. I PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH 1 Fifty relatives and friends of the But then, she hitched her wagon— shevik Jew, but I could net find one. = POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL | Unemployment does net seem a honoree presented Miss Oberstein with not only to a star, but to a story as serious "part of the Jewish problem well." V a shower of miscellaneous gifts. today. Most of the Jews are "season Among the out-of-town guests workers," as they style themselves, Svere Mrs. Anna Kramer Blotcky of working for eight or ten months a Spartenberg, S. C, Miss Rose Block5th Floor Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. = year, and are not engaged in any of S tean of San Antonio, Texas and Miss | " TeL Tyler 3160. a the. industries, like steel, textile, or Jessie Taube of Minneapolis. Mrs. Harry Luttberg and'daughter, iron, where unemployment is wideiniiiiiimiuiiiiiufiniiiHiiiiuuiHiiiiiiniiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiinniiiiniuiiiu!!; Mary Ann, of Kansas City are visitinB We wish to announce to our many friends ;! Miss Jessie Taube of Minneapolis with Mrs. Luttberg's parents, Mr. and spread at present. In the clothing and other needle industries there is that we have opened a new up-to-date Kosher |was the guest of Miss Sara Kramer Mrs. Louis Berkson. work during the season. lover Sunday. Delicatessen and Butcher Shop at 1613 North In another vray the Jews are in a Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mozer announceunique position as compared with the Twenty-fourth Street. Chapman-Simon. ''"'''•'•r the engagement of their daughter, other foreign born immigrants; there The rose room at Hotel LaSalle in Rose, to Mr. Harry T. Stein of Omaha. is no re-emigration among them. We invite the Jewish public to visit our Chicago was the setting for a late There is nowhere to re-emigrate to establishment. afternoon wedding Sunday, when Miss Mr. M. Wasserman is in New York as far a3 the Jew is concerned. He Mary Chapman of this city was on a two weeks business trip. loves America not only because it touted in marriage to Mr. Frank , General Insurance, representing, United States Fidelity, has given him refuge and home, but § v JSimon of Middletown, O. Miss Elizabeth Sandlovich motored also because he can and will never I ' Glens Falls, National Fire of Hartford, Bankers'Life and At 5 o'clock Eabbi Charles A. Levi to .Des Moines 'with .Mr. and Mrs.think of going back to where he other reliable companies. . f ' of Milwaukee officiated in the Joseph Gottstein, who have been started from to reach these shores. Telephone: JA ckson 1984. 1004 W. O. W. Bldg. presence of a number of relatives in- visitors in the city during the past America to him is an asylum where cluding the bridegroom's parents. week. Miss Sandlovich will be the he can live without being persecuted, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Simon and brother, house guest of Mrs. Gottsten while where he can earn a,decent living, 3uliU3 Simon of Middletown, O.: in Des Moines. share in the opportunities of others Mrs. Carrie Yassenoff of Dayton, O.; and enjoy ths liberty of a free and" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rosenbaum and unmolested citizen. Boss, of Chicago; George and Lou Leon and Milton Rosenbaum are Wolf of Mason City; Mr. A.'Chap- spending a few weeks at Lake OkoPersecution Abroad. man of Cleveland, O.; Mr. and Mrs. S, bojL • •• If America would think as much Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Chapman. of her Jews as her Jewa think of The bride's gown was of white Mr. Sidney Foska motored to Oma- America, the Jews would have baronet satin and she wore a lace ha for the week end. nothing to complain of, and as a .veil. Her bouquet was a shower of matter of fact they-have little cause *—tVERY successful man knows the value of good clothes ."white orchids and valley lilies. Preand every man who knows good clothes Values knows Mrs. B. Gross, Miss Diana Gross, for complaint. All their sympathy ceding the ceremony Miss Lillian Mra. M. Traeger and daughter, Fay, goes*to those who cannot share the this Greater Store leads them all. Jacobson of Des Moines sang "O and Mr. Sol Novitsky motored from happiness o£ being in America with •We have had considerable experience in Promise Me" and Miss Ida Greenfield, Omaha to Bpend Sunday with Mrs. them and who are still the victims GREAT FALL SELECTIONS the Kosher meat business. Cleanliness and formerly of Des Moines and now of Ben Polsky. Mrs. Traeger will re- of racial hatred on the other side of "your money's worth plus quality" will be Chicago played the wedding march on main for several daysl the Atlantic. Their only concern the violin. The only attendants were our working motto. the twt> bridesmaids, Miss Ruth. Chap- Leon Nefsky returned Thursday here appears to be a desire to save man, sister . of Miss Chapman, and from Atlantic City, where he has the brethren on the other Bids from t0 persecution, which seems to be going Try us once and you will be convinced. Miss Tillie Haskel, both of Des been spending the summer. on unabated, especially in Poland and DRESSED CHICKENS OUR SPECIALTY. Mones and Lou Wolf of Mason City, Fine Quality at the -, . . . in Hungary. sewed as attendant to the groom. " price of the ordinary . . In Hungary- the Horthy adherents Rotchild, will attend as bridesmaids. Mr. Herman Engman wilj say they are squaring accounts for Beckerman-Engman. • serve his brother as beat man. the misdeeds of the Bela Kun BolThousand of other good suits law priees • Sept. 4 has been chosen by Miss S, The bride will be escorted* to the shevik government, composed mainly $20, $ 2 5 , $ 3 0 Rebecca Beckerman, daughter of Mr. canopy by Mr. and Mrs. L. Zinger- of Jews. The Jewc, on the other 1613 North Twenty-fourth Street. and Mrs. J. Beckerman of 927 West man, the latter her sister, witfle Mr. hand, declare that those Bolshevik SEL1ECT YOUK FALL CLOTHES NOW PRIED & KUKLIN, Owners. and Mrs. S. Hanrdler will accompany leaders persecuted Jews as well as Second Street for her marriage to the groom. Gentiles, and that it Was the Jew I»hone Webster 4330, Mr. Sam Engman of Des Moines. The h wedding will take place on the lawn • A three piece orchestra will fur- who had to suffer most from the illWe deliver to nil parts of the city.. of the Beckerman home with Rabbi nish music for the dancing which treatment of ono as the other. The will be held indoors, following a old saying is being repeated there: Zeichik officiating. . . "If you hit ray Jew I will hit your Mrs. Herman Engman will serve •wedding supper. OMAHA. KIS Mr. Engman and his brldevwill be Jew." In old Europe the only one the bride as matron' of honor and rCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN = four friends, the Misses Ethel Green, at home after their marriage at 1917 to suffer is the Jew, whether tho governor be called Bela Kun o:' 'Ethel-Handler, Ida Green and Sarah Tenth Street
Jewish Refugees Cannot Land In Constantinople
American Jews Have 3 Great Problems to Solve, Says Globe
Four Things To Think About
Very Beautiful Assortment Nowflnland
Children's School Shoes
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Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nathanson and • The condition of L Gilinsky, who Mr. and. Mrs. Sam AgTanoff are A MARRIAGE RECEIVES GOVERNOR : The marriage of Miss Gertrude Cas- family of Webster City, la., have has been confined. to the Edmunson Spending the month at Machinac, WisLondon (J. C. B.) The Pope received At the Zionist District meeting The X. T. C. of the Y. W. H. A.tleman, nineteen years old daughter of arrived in Council Bluffs, to make hospital for the past month is much consin. Governor Sir Ronald Storirs of Jeruheld Tuesday evening at the Lyric will give a farewell, party to Miss Mrs. R. Castleman, to Mr. Max Wezel- their home. < ' •' improved. salem in private audience. Govenioi building, Dr. A. Eoxnm presented the Esteile Lapidus, one of its members, man, 22, son of Mr. arid Mrs. I.~Wezela bridge party at her home on Mon- Storrs is influential in church cirfilef district with a check for $19.60 for on Tuesday evening, September 6, at man, comes as a complete surprise Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hegar and son SIOUX CITY NEWS day evening for her guest Miss in England and much sig-niLcanc* ii the Jewish National Fund to plant the Cjlttb foo:jB. Miss LapidUB leaves o their friends. Miss Castleman left of Sioux City, la., spent the week end Mr. Morris Pickus, son of Mr. andBlanche Frank of Omaha. attached to his visit to the Vatican. trees in the Dr. Herzl Grove. This on September 18. for Rockfi .-d, 111., ast week to visit with her sister in with Mrs. Hegar's parents, Mr. andMrs. H. W. Pickus, left Wednesday gift was made in celebration of the where she will attend the Rockf ord -hicago and Mr. Wezelman left Sun- Mrs. S. Freideh. for New York, where he will attend 6ar Mitzvah of Dr. Komm's son, College for Girls. Columbia University. day, presumably on his vacation. The Arthur. Mr. J. Krasne and son, Lawrence, The X. T. C. 'Club was organized oung couple announced in a telegram Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pill and Miss last-October and now numbers twenty- ;o their parents this morning that the returned Sunday from- a five-weeks • Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg and Mrs. five girls from 15 tp 18 years of age. marriage took placa yesterday in trip to New York City. Rose Pill have returned from a three M. S. Miller motored to Des Moines It is one of the most successful in Ihicago. weeks visit in Minneapolis and in and the Opening of a New Department in Our Store. and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for the the Association. Blanche Altaian is Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stein and Wisconsin. week. Miss Rose Bernstein has returned family of Sioux City, la., arrived president. from Wichita where she has been Sundy to spend the week with Mr. The Ivre Club have arranged a series of dances to be given during and Mrs. L: Cherniack. - Mrs. B. Blotcky and Miss Ann Blot- Invitations have been issued for the visiting with her sister. Here Are a Few of Our Specials. the social season, the first of which Brooms cky returned Tuesday after spending wedding of Miss Verna Kirschbraun, lie .....29c Fine White Linnen several-weeks at Excelsior Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lane and Mrs. has been announced to take place Aluminum Roasters Mrs. M» Herzberg and daughter, 95c Unbleached Muslin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 9c September 11, at the Martin Hotel. 95c Kirschbraun to Mr. Alexander Hubel Pauline, left Wednesday for v'heelingj J. Slosburg who hve. been spending Invitations have been extended to the Aluminum Percolators Felt Bondoire Slippers 95c Mrs. J. J. Friedman, who has been of Minneapolis which will take place West Virginia, where Miss Herzberg their vacation in Council Bluffs and BEAUTIFUL NEW MILLINERY GOODS visiting with her parents.. at Wash- at the Kirschbraun home on Sep-will continue her studies ai Mount de Omaha with relatives left today for Ivre Chapter of Lincoln, arid to friends of the club members. We give only the best for the money. ington, D. C , for the past several tember 15. The ceremony will be ihantle. their home in Los Angeles, Calif. months, has returned to her home. followed i y a dinner dance at the Miss Elizabeth Braudeis, daughter Mrs. J. Krasne entertained Monday Blackst-Jtie Hotel. Marvin Treller leaves Tuesday to of Justice Brandeis. of the United afternoon at the Orpheum theater for Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop 1615-17-19-19'/z North Twenty-fourth Street. Phone 104. twelve guests in honor of her house resume his studies at Kemper Military Between Seward and Franklin Sts. Mr., and Mrs. Philip Blazer of States supreme court, has just been guest, Miss Rosalie Nekritz. Miss The Best of Everything In Flowers end School. appointed secretary of the District Springfield, Illinois, are spending Confections at Moderate Prices. Nekritz left Tuesday evening for her several days with their mother, Mrs. of Columbia minimum wage board. home in New York City. 545 IV. Bfoadtrey, Jfext liberty Theater, Mr. Ben Cohn is at the Clarkson L. Harris. Mrs. Harris entertained at She succeeds Mrs. Clara Mortenson COCKCH- BIXTFS. IOWA. Hospital, where he underwent an a dinner party at Hillcrest Tuesday Beyer, who resigned. Miss ..Brandeis Miss Faye Hirsh will give a dancing operations He is reported improved. evening fat thirty guests, compliment- has been Mrs. Beyer's assistant. The party this evening in honor of her position carries a salary of §2,500. ing Mr. and Mrs. Blazer. sister, Miss Mattie Hirsh, bride-to-be Miss Sara Krupirisky of Fremont is of Mr. Irvin Steinberg. Over seventyvisiting with Miss Bess Handler for Mr. Izzy Rosentbal "and. son, Ed- Mrs. J. R. Marcus returned Friday five invitations have been sent for the several weeks. Miss Krupinsky is ward, have returned from Dayton from Minneapolis and the Minnesota enroute to her home after~an extended Ohio, Where they were visiting -with lakes where she has been for several affair. : visit in New York. Miss Rose Segal Mr. Rosenthal's mother, Mrs. M. J weeks. " . Mrs. H. Marowitz will entertain the entertained at an Orpheum party on Rosenthal. card club Thursday, afternoon. Wednesday for this visitor. Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Mrs Miss Leah Krasne returned Sunday ill The Misses Rose Hertzberg and Cohn returned today from YellowSent by our Council Bluffs News from a.. two weeks .vacation at Des Beulah' Mittleman entertained twenty stone Park where they have been for bureau. Moines, la. guests at a dancing party a^ the"the past several weeks. home of the former on Sunday The Mogen-Dovid club of the Mr. George and Millard Krasne svening. . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Koolish and son Young Judean clubs of the city held that all 3"etrish Victor Becotds can ! David, of Chicago, spent Tuesday and its regular meeting Sunday^ morning. motored to Excelsior Springs, Mo. be botalned from out most complete • They will be gone ^for two weeks. Mrs. Louis Sommer entertained Wednesday here. They are returning stock of the latest nnmbers. The : 1 WEEK WEEK popular and operatic records ere ; Immediately after the meeting, .the eight guests at luncheon a t the to their home in Chicago from Lo club held its first outing at Fairalso at your disposal, by calling • r of September 4th The Blossoms of Zion club held a of September 4th Athletic Club followed by on Orpheum Angeles, where they have; been WEBSTER 3042. party for Mrs. I. Hirschberg and Mrs. { waiting with Mrs. Koolish's parents mount park. The club, which was theater party Sunday afternoon. The Vfe deliver the free trial packagres to your home. Just received the organized last February with but tenBlossoms of Zion. club also held it Harry Bloch of El Paso, Texas and following nnmbers:— v and Mrs. Sol Brodkey. members, now has a membership roll outing Wednesday afternoon at Fairfor Mrs. G; Kahn of Evansville, InHabet Mishomaim.-r by ilOBenblatt of more than thirty. Many races and mount, park. The character artist diana, who ;is the guest of Mrs. Sa- Mrs. Joseph Cohn of «Chicago (Look Down from Heaven) contests were held at the picnic. The muel Friedman. • •. . HOBART . Aebani Coll Bais Israel '.. inimitable in visiting with her parents Mr. andfollowing members received prizes in ..... by Rosenblatt HENLEY'S Mrs. Mpritz Meyer. These two masterpieces should be the various games and contests: Sa"Wanted by couple with tenTroop 62 of the Boy Scouts (the in every Jewish home. Thotight-Film of pear old son TWO ROOMS in muel Shyken, Paul Brandeis, Charles C.Y. M. H. A. Troop) will start its Also complete list of September Mrs. Henry Monsky- and children Goldberg, Max *Krammer, Abe Saltz. Real Life. home with private family. Use records. Swinter activities with ^a party and eturned Tuesday from Los Angeles, of kitchen desired. Must be in Trade yonr old phonograph for ppread after the meeting this Satur- where they have been visiting with man, Joyce Froiden.' According to good location. Box 46S JEWEvery adult should out new style Victor Vietrolas. |pdny night. Any Jewish boy over 12 Mrs. Monsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs.the committee in charge, plans are ISH PKESS. EEMEMBEK OUR TERMS see it. Any child now being made for another outing to , years of age wishing, to Join should A. M. Lasser,. . ABB EASY. be held Labor Day. can Beet it. *pply to Mr. Schaefer at the Y. M. 3. A. Club rooms. Mr. an,d Mrs. A. Cohn and daughter, The Agudas-Achim club held its reMrs. A. Glickson of Devils Lake, JEWELER The Newsboys Club, composed of North Dakota, ffleft Monday to spend gular meeting Sunday afternoon at Harry H. LaplSus. Pres.-Treas. -?p^ Pepper, Vice-Presiaent. Corner Slth and farter Streets. the Danish hall. Jewish nov/aboys is now meeting at several weeks at Excelsion Springs. «J . • W. G. Cra, Secretary. ihe Y. M. H. A. every Monday night J Omaha Fixture & from 7 .to: 8:15 .p. m. Any newsboy Mrs. I. E. Goldman of Des Moines Experienced Business Man over 12 years of age can join this s spending several days with her j Supply Co. 5lub* '•""?•'."••"'" ••'•"••. around $10,000 in an EstabI COMPLETE STORE AND sister, Mrs. S. Weinberg. Mrs. Gold- lishedInvest Wholesale Business where his k OFFICE OUTFITTERS man is at the Fontenelle. actlre services can be used. Mr3. Hyman A. Cohn entertained at * We otcnpy All communications strictly confidena ever 70,000 eguore feet in Orpheum party followed by a tea Howard Greenland Nathan Jacobs tial. Reply Box 22, % Jewish Press. I Soothwest Corner it the Athletic Club on Friday for eft Friday for Columbia, Missouri, Elerentb and Donclas Strectf. Mrs. A. Glickson of Devil? Lake, ivhere they will resume their studies Phone: Donelas 2724 OMABA. NEB. k North Dakota, who' is the guest of at the University of Missouri. her parents Mir. and Mrs. A. Cohn.
Lon Chaney
E^ Oscar Weinstein will leave MonMrs. E. Philip Wolf son wJw underday to resume- his studies a^ the went a slight operation at the Wise Kemper Military School. Memorial Hospital on Tuesday is now ioflvalescent at her home. The regular meeting of the Ra-Oth Society will be held Sunday afternoon, Miss Esther Newman returned September 11th at the home of Miss Sunday from Kansas City, where she Lottie Hirschberg, 2758 Chicago has been visiting for the past Street. . several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein have Mrs. J . J . Slosburg entertained moved into their new home at 102 sixty guests at a dinner dance at North Fifty Fourth Street. Hillcrest Monday evening when Mrs. J.'< Slosburg, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jacobs left TuesAlbert Lane of Los Angeles, Califor- day for Excelsior Springs where they nia, "where the guests of honor. will remain for three weeks. Before returning, they will visit in Kansas •The Alep Y club of the Y, M. H. A.City, St. Joseph and Manhattan, held its regular meeting Monday Kansas. evening at th club rooms, Reports ; of the committees were held', and Miss Sylvia Fox entertained one according to these, the Aleph Y club hundred guests at a dancing party at plans to stage 'many entertainment Hanscom Park Tuesday-. evening for affairs for the coming season. The Miss Gertrude Stein whose engageelection of officers of the club will ment to Mr. Philip Schlaifer was rebe held at the next regular meeting cently announced* Monday night. All the members are urged "to be present at this meeting. The program committee has also arraigned a large program for the jyening's affair.. ' Over seventy members of the •• . 1 3 8 3 Various clubs that are affiliated with the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. met Sunday morning at the Lyric building to M K I K D JJftt H-fSH»J"»1W3S ?n< hold their second ennual picnic. Ehree large trucks were used in transporting the merrymakers to the *sn picnic grounds at Ambrusts Grove. jt IJ;»J K o ' The entire afternoon was spent in playing games and staging many .M81W1 "«t"J K IMS 3 ' novel races. Among these jwere: the WPS? B'J )iK DJ>, ;BJt*t K -ma girl's slipper kicking contest, crab n B'B BJKPJO;IW P»T IS race, wheelbarrow race and the slipper hunting contest. The following PK os »K inyt? persons received prizes in the various UB B contests: Ida Lewis, Juda JacobsQn Dave Slobodisky, Arthur Swart? and Rachman. 843 , 23 " Mrs. S. H. Schaefer and'baby re turned Tuesday after, visiting fo $2.00 sometime in Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. 1 $2.50 $chaefer have taken "an apartment a Tin vhe El Beudor.
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R. GOLDSTEIN,,Proprietor
316 South 15th Street—Up Stairs,
them be ? Not religiously "liberal," but religiReligious Tolerance ously "tolerant"? The American boast is that Jew, From the Louisville Courier Journal. Catholic or Protestant may, in AmerJudea gave tlie:-world religion— ica, profess • and practice without the concept of unity in the Godhead. restraint or criticism the religious Greece gave the world philosophy-^- faith that pleases his conscience. "all philosophers are disciples either Is this boast justified by fact? of Plato or of Aristotle." Propaganda aspersing var'ous reRome gave the world institution- ligious faiths is abroad in the United alism. .T States. Basically, the purpose of this Spain inherited, and in the days of propaganda is political. its power illustrated, the Roman idea Through religious prejudice certain of dominion. vicious men seek power—power at Franca gave the world a sease of the expensive sacrifice of American beauty unexcelled since .Attic days. institutions and in clear violation of England gave the world a concep- the constitution of the United States tion of orderly liberty wisely regulat- each American citizen is obliged to ed by law. obey and to defend. * What distinct "contribution has The pcint need not be either arAmerica made to world civilization? gued or demonstrated. It ia recogPopular, education ? In a sense, yes. nised by all sober-minded Americans. The democratic ideal that "respects The thing to do is to reckon with it not merely what is thought to be promptly and intelligently. respectable, but only what is respectEnemies of the American spirit of abel?" In a sense, yes. Other things thought to be peculiarly American religious tolerance. work covertly. Friends of American institutions may come to mind. and of American laws, to combat sucAmerica's unique' contribution to cessfully this insidious propaganda, the net sum of human progress, howneed to work openly. ever, is religious tolerance. . It is time to do so—:time to reeoThe first amendment to the Ameriforce throughout the country tho sjrircan constitution had this point in it, as well as the letter, of the first view. ' '_ • _• amendment to the constitution of the Jefferson enforced the idea ir. his United States. fight to disestablish the Church of Englsnd in fhf» state of Virginia. On his tombstone, his epitaph, written by "himself, include? "the statute of religious liberty in Virginia,' as one of the three things he wished to be known as the author of; the other two being the Declaration of Independence and the University of Virginia. • • •- : Is this precious deposit of American faith—religious tolerance — being properly safeguarded? .Are Americans as religiously tolerant as once they were, or as men like1 Thomas Jefferson would ' have
NOT PREJUDICED? Could anyone read the following reference to the Jewish race and say truthfully that it is not an attempt to prejudice the world against the whole'race? The Ford paper refers to the Jews as: • ••• "Swarthy swarm," "Swarthy tribe," ! "Swarthy crowd," "Swarthy ring," "Swarthy local committees," "Swarthy ruling race," "Swarthy New York ruling race."
Broken S 'how Witi clows are not only expensive from the standpoint of rese ttinpr the glass. but because your windows are rendered useless. Place your Plate Glass Insurance where your claim will be quickly adjusted.
HARRY A. KOCi r CO. i ! S.
640 First National Bank BIdg.
"PLEASANT WORDS" .Whatever pleasant words Mr. Ford may say while he is away from home,' the,fact remains that his paper, his writers and his managers and his money are doing all within their power to stir up race hatred, to set the world against an entire people, and are engaged in the unholy task of setting one religion against another in America—the land of freedom for men of all religious beliefs.
Does It Need Cleaning or Repairing? NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE EXPERTS DO THE WORK. You'll Be Surprised at Our "Rates. Cleaning done by Vacuum without c:uisi!ig dirt. We have satisfactorily cleaned over 300 furnaces - the past month. CALL JACKSOX 1913.
FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 1C14 Cumins Street. We Install Gilt Edge Fornaces.
JUST TALK When Henry Ford was on his camping trip in the East, he gave out an interview on the Jewish question, saying that he is not engaged in an antiSemitic campaign, that he is after only the international Jew, the' one who would bring on war for profit, that he has nothing against" the average Jew. That same week, Mr. Ford's paper, the Dearborn Independent, gave, an extra page to the Jewish question, and that extra page, along with the two regular pages on the subject, descended to plain namecalling in the treatment of the- Jewish race.
Y o u r ' position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.
B. Korney—Signs
FLWOKIXC EXTKACTS. O1S X. 16th St. Phone Atlantic 4864
.417 Sooth 13th Street. -• * '; Telephone:. Jackson 2550
•Steamship Tickets tc and from aK Parts of tie We nspist you in KPttfnjr passiiorts iind jrive you expert advise on JJiiroppnn coru'.it ions. We help you to jret. your relnlires in Europe to this country.
Val. j . Peter & Co. STEAMSHIP TICKETS A \ D roni'AiiN EX en A>"(.;K I3C7 Howard Si., Omaha, Neb. Phone AT laiif.ic 0340.
iel Cigars Harle-Haas Co.
Leo A. Hoffmann
.,. TIMES REPORTS London. (Jewish Press Association:.) A Palestine report appearing Hoffmann Funeral Home. in the "Times", to-day indicatec that residents in Ncrthen; Palestine are utterly uncafe r.nd unprotected against attacks by robber bands -3 which prey upon the communities London (J. C B) Herman Landau, there. The report blames the weak- well-known philanthropist, social ness cf • tha Palestine government forjworker and artist, died here yesterthis condition acd points out the de- day at the age of 82. f. .Srcorid Floor, Elks' Building. fence force now being organized will be totally inadequate to cope with the oituatioh. The report also cugHOLCOMB gests the need to bring about a betP. MELCHIORS & SON ter . FOOD CHEMICAL understanding between Arabs and New Location above Dan's Shoe MACHINE WORKS 'and Clothing Company, PRODUCTS CO., INC. j Jews, which it is claimed, the govIndustrial and Automotive Machinists. 1415 Douglas St.—-Second FloorJIannfa«tnrers of ernment alone can do by certain Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Entrance thronjrh store. FOODS AND CKE3HCAL&. Starter Bine Gears for Aato Fly Wheels changes in policy. - Jackson 3171.
Fhone Atlantic 0360
* Distributors
<PAL::ET; GRADUATE) .Phone Jackson 3072
Iten Biscuit Co. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES (Keg:. F. S. Vat. Office.!
TRY STJNDGBEN'S Nutritious Home Made
Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors of
PIES andCOOKIES Sealed in Sanitary e§
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery OMAHA, NEBRASKA.
Wrapper at Your Grocer. '
27th and Martha Sts. Homey 166? Manufacturers of Brass, Bronre, Aluminum and Soft Gray • Iron Castings. Yon. are assured of soft castings, as TVB machine some from every heat in onr own shop. Standard size cast Iron bushings in stock.
Pie Baking Co. 24thSundgren and" Hickory. Atlantlo 5241 FEATHER MATTRESSES
Made from Yoar Own Feathers. Warm in winter; cool in summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cnmlng- Street.
Jackson 2467
Meyer MeHiaiitile Co., Inc. ' United f remii Stores MAKTrrACTtrRERS
MEY-MER-CO. Brand Beverages and Syrups.
31O-321 So. 14th St.. Omaha, Nebr. Phone Atlantic 2S89
Baker Ice Machines
"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
The Omaha Tobacco Co. .
VlTiolesalers of
Real Estate :: :: Insurance 1517 Harney St.
Omaha. Nebraska.
IJich and Smooth. 1423 >*. 18th St. Phone Webster 0406
rn»o: MARK
A.F.HMRNANHMFG.CO. Vinegar-Picllles-Cooperage Pure Food Products
- Phone Douglas 4607 20th and Pierce St., Omaha. Nebraska.,
Have Your Furniture Reupholstered
„•' "We make it look like newCall Douglas 0097 A man will call with samples.
Office :. 209 Strath 18th Street
Telephone Jackson0268
Fhone Slarket (M9H
SUPERIOR All that the came v implies.
NORTHWEST READY • ROOFING CO. Ready "Roofing over old shinprles. Also asphalt shinjrles and bu5M-np roofs. Fire resiptinR uncl durable. All work guaranteed. Easy terms. Fhon* Harney 2374 Qiffk* end TV'arehonse:
We Deliver the Real Goods. Phone Webster 0943
TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Friiit and Vegetables
N.W. Cor. Eleventh and Beward Sts.
Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS 528-38 Securities Bnlldlngr, 16th and Farnam Sts. Telephone: Jackson 2706 * '
Always Ask for
OUB NEW XOCATIOH , Corner 19th and < Douglas Streets. Slasonlc Temple Bids. ' •• . ^ Onx -Line *• ' BALDWIN.' EM-INGTON,- HAMILTON, HOWAED -UPRIGHTS. GEANDS. PLAXER PIANOS.
"Phono Jackson 3066
Let tftr Remove the Door from Tour Furnace and Insert a
LHJJBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER See'Demonstration 318 So. 19th Street.
Call Atlantic 2364 ...for....
Omaha, Nebrasl.ia.-
Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.
Jewish Press 4 Balrd Bldg.
Phone Jackson 2372
DEPENDABLE ELKCTBICAX. JIERCHANDr.SE. 1311 Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0681
iCTMNERY 21'h and Tarnam S^r*1^!.
SteJner Electric - KentChopper and Coffee Mill. Used Scales o* All Makes for Sale.
The Home of Good Ice Cream and Home Made Candv.
FRANK DEE City Representative 510 So. luiit St* Phone DOnplas 3333
Wholesale Distributors for
SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer
Office and Warehouse: 917 So. Main St. Telephone 143 COCNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
Chiropodist and Beauty Shop Established 1890 15th and Harney Streets. Phone Douglas 2333 Est. 1891.
Equipped with Pnlmotor. All Cnlls Answered Promptlj". i
JOHN A. GENTLEMAN S411 Farnam. St.
Phone Harney 0382
Piione Jackson 1GS0
Paxtoi Hotel Turkish laths
Joseph Polack & Son
2208 Cumins St. Phone Douglas 4726
, Wholesale Dealers In Butter, "EB* and Poultry. 1213 Howard St. Omaha, jfebraska.
Sherman Mercantile Co.
Omaha Office: 813 Donplas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 25S6
• Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Cnmlne St. Phone Atlantic 1247 .. DISTBtBTJTOBS . JACK SPRAT FOOD PKODUCTS. Omaha, Nebraska.
Ford Transfer & Storage Co.
"Make Warm Friends"
Ambulance Service
COXCAXXOK BROS,, Prop*. Baths,- Mnsssngc, Hot . Packs. Electric Treatment, Iisliolnto^fum. 1101 jFnrvmm St., (Hnwemetvi Kntrance). Telephone: Atlantic E731
017 South 16th Street.
Granden Electric Co.
iayto Ifsiej Weight
Donglas 6S87
916 N. 16th St.
Phono Douclas 8707
55% to 83% saved on parts for all makes of cars. "We carry a complete line of new ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car. 1318-1330 West Broadway, COUNCIL BMTFJFS.' IOWA. PHONE 441. -
Why Bay Tin? *Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. • SAVES 3TO17 MONEY.
Jackson S873
E. E. Brace & Co. WHO:LESAIE
Druggists and Stationers 401-403-403 South 10th St.
IOWA FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. (Incorporated)
WHOLESALE FRUITS 023-031 West Broadway, COUNCIL BUTFFS. IOWA. Telephone 3183
K. A. FORD. President and Genera! Manajrer. Council BlnfTs (Iowa) Office 824 So. Slain Street. Phone 3G5
' LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1910.
Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Erandeia .Theatre Building. 17th and Bonplas Streets, Phone Atlantic S83C
Checker. Cab V
An Ideal Washing Combination.
Estes Laundry Tablets ' ...trlth . . .
Estes Soap Chips and
Water Softener (Combined)
OCTt TREATMENT W i t t CONVINCE TOU OF OUB SINCEKITY. Trnst Department. Safety Deposit Boxes. •
At all Grocers.
S16 N . X6fli St.
Bnutehes at Central Market. Table Stspply and Food Center.
Omaha Sign Company "BuHders of Better Signs" EtECTRIC—COMKEKCIAt Modern Factory, 1118-20 Jforth 181 h St. Phone Webster 0720
I J very mornintr it j-on cnll the
Frontier Towel Supply 1815 California Street. Phone Dougrias 6201
WHOLESALE GROCERS; Phone Jackson 1302 - ;