September 8, 1921

Page 1



The idle man is" like an idle | machine. It li destroys i t s e l f j III very <*uick!j% —

Ill The.reward of IH Hi a thing well done jjj Hi is to have done - lif '§ it.—Emerson. 1





•ttl^-'AVAT \KJXJ.

T X m ' QO ' \ 'tt. S • Entered as second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at x.—iw. a». \ Q . pstofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1878.

imority Zionists Sroiipt About Palestine Mandate Role. Played by Brandeis, Mack and Associates in Connection with Historic Document Revealed

Congress Given Privileges Concessions in the way of special privileges, made --by. city officials of Carlsbad, Czecho-Slovakia in behalf of Zionists attending the World Congress, this week, have more than usual significance in the light of information recently given by an Omaha girl, as to the manner in which' Jews are generally treated in the new !zech republic. • The Omaha girl was Miss Catherine Gavin, daughter of P. T. Gavin, 1602 Military avenue,' who was home for a brief visit last week, after three years of "Red Cross work in Prague, the capital of Czecho-SIovakia. •"The Czechs have no love for the Jews, whomthey regard with special disfavor :because of their commercial success. -They accuse them of war profiteering and treat :with greatest contempt the orthodox Ruthenian Jews, whom they consider a narrow and fanatical sect," she said. In view of this statement, the Czechs must indeed recognize the world-wide importance of the Zionist Congress to have consented *-> the privileges mentioned in news dispatches.


YIDDISH STAGE A NEW CONFIDENCE RESTORER Bertha Kalich Recovers from Illness Through a Return to Scene of Early Triumphs.

Omaha Girl Honored

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. THE TALMUD Beautiful old -stories, Tales of angels, fairy legends, Stilly histories of martyrs, Festal songs and words of wisdom; Hyperboles, most quaint it may be, Yet replete with strength, and fire, And faith—how they gleam, And glow, and glitter. —Heine. HIAS



Madame listened with interest, but REPORT gave him little /encouragement. Then, Newark Jewish little by little, she was gently led Judge Leon Sanders, dh'ector of the. into a discussion of the plays in Chronicle Scores Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant which she hs4 made her first success ZIONIST CONGRESS CONHungarian Antisemke Aid Soeietj-, and chaimmn of the spein this country. She dwelt lovingly cial commission which invesi gated VENES upon the roles in "The Truth," Charges Against Count Teleky Stir j conditions in Mexico in regard to tlte "Sappho" and "The Orphan," recall(Jewish Correspondence Bureau Service.) Jews in AH Parts of Country* Jewish refugees of foreign countries ing with glowing pleasure these early Forty-four countries, art represent—; ! "who have come to Mexico in the hope triumphs when, as a mere girl, she ed in the 12th Zionist World ConNewark, N. J. (Jewish Press Asso- f that they would be able to enter the had. swayed her first American gress -which opened in Carlsbad, ciation.) The editorial of the Jewish, United States and join their relatives, audiences. Czechb-SlovaldS, Sept. 1. Jews from Chronicle of this city published in a, reported to the society that Mexico is "Then why not try one of those the Russian Caucasus, from South recent issue, and expressing regret.j not a suitable p?ace for the Jewish, roles again?" asked the doctor. Africa, from Egypt and India and that Count Teleky, the Hungarian j immigrants, "But they were in Yiddish, which countries of the Orient mingled with politician should be a member of the J The special commission also I had to learn when I came to this Jews from Europe and the Western Williamstown (Mass.) Institute of.tigated conditions along the El country from Roumania, even before Hemisphere. The American delegaPolitics, appears to have created j line, where it was reported that many tion, headed by Louis Lipsky, early I began to learn English," she ancountry-wide interest. The . office of Jews have been arrested in the atT assumed a prominent role in the deswered. the Jewish Chronicle has been flooded tempt to smuggle across the border. bates. President Chaim Weizman, in "But ' you could play them now with letters from Jews all over the JIn Juarez, the commission found thst his opening address expressed the without rehearsal, couldn't you?" country, congratulating the editor there were thirty-nine Jewish imtr.jSuffers Breakdown. hope that the Jews of America would Madame admitted smilingly that upon the attack made upon one, who, J grants—thirty of these are sin£l<* Mme. Kalich, after a continuous these roles were indelibly stamped understand the great duty and the according to the facts submitted by, men, four married with their grave responsibility which was theirs, engagement in New York and on tour upon her memory. the Chronicle, is one of the worst; and one child. The commission and that they would at this time take of more than two years in "The Ridanti-Semites Hungary has produced, j found that of the thirty-nine immiGreat Idea Born. the place of the Jews in Eastern and dle: Woman," suffered a complete President Garfield of Williams Col- grants, twenty-five of them are supThen it was,that the great idea Central Europe who were in no finervous breakdown one year ago. lege has .requested some space in the j ported by the El Paso Jewish comand Mrs. David Gross, nas been nancial position to help the Zionist: Many specialists were called into was born. A.iYiddish stock com- appointed member to the faculty of columiis of the Chronicle for ths pur-! mnnity across the border line. pany was playing .at-the Irving Place cause. consultation, and for two months she the University of Michigan and will pose of ail explanation which will be j Many Are Deported was a patient at the Post-Graduate Theater and thejmanagement joyfully leave in about- three -weeks for published in the next issue. I_ Member of Federation Sir George Clarke, British Minister welcomed the suggestion that Kalich Hospital, so tha* her case could be The commission has perfected plans fco Czecho-Slovakia, was present at should appear in her famous charac- Lansing. studied with greatest care. The Hebrew Sheltering and Immiby which it will get in touch with the Congress and greeted the deleMiss Gross taught in the Central B. M. Baruch Made Possible ters for such performances as she grant Aid, Society of America, 425-437 It was finally decided that she was gates on behalf of Great Britain.^ High School for the past" six years, .Bryce-TIttoni Lectures. I American relatives of the refugees wished. It was not so easy to get The report of the Executive Com- Lafayette Street, New' York, is suffering only from the tremendous Kalich's consent, but finally she en- during four of which she was head New York, t J. T. A.) A gift from \ Mexico. Its members reported mittee of the World Zionist Organiza- launching a campaign, for a Million strain imposed upon her by her de- tered into the experiment, although of the Domestic Science -department. Barnard M. Baruch made possible the many of the Jewish immigrants who! tion was presented at the first session Collar Emergency Fund to begin on votion to her art, for it is known to insisting that it Was-useless. She also conducted the cookery recent course of lectures delivered at. had been arrested near the border hadl her intimates that, unlike many other and copies distributed among the dele- September 15th. And thus it happened that one column of the Omaha Bee and had the Institute of Politics of Williams been sent to New York for The million dollars are needed to prominent artists, Kalich believed in tation to other countries. The gates. Friday nightv several weeks ago, at classes at the Social Settlement. College- by „ Viscount BTyee, Tomaso tigators stated that ways and enable the Society^ to carry on its im- "living the part" she was to act, and Miss Gross is, a graduate of the Meets English Opposition the Irving Place Theater, the audience Tittoni, -ex-Premier of Italy, Count will be taken to spare the imir>ie-vaTi?>J The report which is of historic mediate work here and abroad and .to few roles have called for greater that had come to see the local lead- University of Chicago, and also at- Teleki, Baron Posen and. other extend its activities with, a view of emotional strain than that of Lilla „. , , _ the anguish of being deported, LvJ value gives highly interesting deaails ing woman in Gordin's "Sappho" was tended summer classes at Chicago an4 Columbia University. as to the Balfour Declaration and the finding new immigration centers for Olrik in "The Riddle: Woman." steading figures who came from.-Eu- J g e n d i t h c m b a c k t o Mexico> astonished to find the great' Kalich Complete mental and physical rest, According to the commission, at beginning of, a new era in Zionism. Jews who must leave the countries in to participate inmade the eocrse. The, who so long ago had deserted the ' At the University of Michigan she rope announcement was public by The report says that Dr. Weizman which they now live and. who cannot the experts declared, would quickly Yiddish stage, back among them. will have charge of the practise President . Harry Garnf&jU at the nest regular meeting of the restore Mine. Kalich to her full powSheltering and Immigrant had made piany efforts to gain the come'to America. . They did not know why she was house of the home Economic Depart,e£ tS* season. ciety, plans will be made to support of English Jews for Zionism. "The campaign is; to be nation-wide ers, "but the actress' active brain there. And , they accorded her an ment of the Agricultural College, . $t t«a?t a passive attitude if not-ae- and is to be carried on simultaneausly yielded stubbornly to Ser. regime. -, .of HUJCGAEY-rtO • CIXSSE IKKHRS:- - ' ' coisisBinity tease* its th^Jarper '-a . Finally;- however, Kalich gave; herself pleasure , taa£jvfc£6Bshiu can - cities,. especially, m Mexico Ciir • live participation. HedML-nofr succeed, aU-over the.:;country.-,.J to the* pale cheeks of the :. _ ^ TO JEWISH REFUGEES. In this, English Jews being openly op-, been issued to the Jews of-America up to the task ..of recuperation and star, while in the wings the group Vienna (JewishTelegraphic ••Vera .Cruz snd Jttarcz. posed-rto: theiideai of -interesting .the ;in which it- Is' pointed that insofar soon the physicians declared that she of physicians watched with- eagle Agency.) The Premier of Hungary, Warns Against Further It-ntrdprrfin; British Government in the realization as Jewish immigration affairs' are was completely restored and ready to eyes the miracle that was being in a statement in Parliament, de-. MeanwWIe the society stronply vn 1 of Zionism. Thanks, however , to Mr, concerned, the Jews of Europe and of return to her beloved work. ^ worked. i Services Will be Modern Orthodox dared that Jewish refugees from v i s e g against any turthcT S. P. Scott, editor of the '^Manchester this country look to the Hebrew ShelWhen the final curtain fell that Galicia are not being admitted into Lost Confidence. of J e w g i n t o Mexico> U n d r r p rrP or.. Guardian," Dr. Weizman was intro- tering;.and Immigrant Aid Society of Then, to their amazement and dis- night,- the doctors knew that they Special interest .will- attach itself Hungary and that the Government c o n d i t i o n s t h e COUntry is not PuitsWc duced to English political circles and America, and that American Jewry had won, but when the excitement to the services to fce. held here on was considering extending-the p r o h i - ' ^ a c e n t e r f o r J c w i s l l immigratior, may, Madame insisted that they were specially introduced to' Mr. Lloyd alone has within its power to solve George and Mr. Herbert Samuel,.th< this, immediate -and most urgent of wrong. She could not believe that wore away the reaction " came and the approaching holidays by the bition to include Jewish refugees from •I t i g o n l y n o w b e g i n n i n g t o retUm te normal conditions. How long ifcis last mentioned of whom, was1 then -a Jewish problems-ahd thus come to the the cure had been effected. She had Madame again protested that she Congregation B'nai Sholem, of which aUcountries. The influence of the "Awakened Ip e r i o d o f ^ , , ^ 0 0 w i U l a s t , i t i s aif. member of the Briish Cabinet. Mr. •aid of thousands of Jewish refugees lost confidence in herself, and insist- was not yet her old self. The doctors A. Moskovit? is President. ed that it wouUi be impossible to only smiled and asked her to go on Herman M. Cohen, who was Rabbi Magyars" Party on the Government j ficult to d e t e r m i n e T h e industries George and Mr. Samuel expressed thi and wanderers. >'• again face an audience, especially in again the next night. of the Modern Orthodox Congrega- has been strengthened of late and is h e c o t J T t t r y mea nwhile axe not deepest sympathy with Zionist purIs Subsidized Locally a new role, with all its attendant tion in Kansas City, will conduct the marked by a tendency to keep all d e v e r ^ a n d t h e o p p o r t m i i t i e s poses and particularly did Mr. Sam Cheered by East Side. The Hebrew Sheltering and Im- study and rehearsal. ael give Evidence of his willingness migrant Aid Society is 'a constituent By that time the news had spread services and preach the sermons on foreign Jews out erf the country and | o r k f o r immigTants are Tery The doctors then found themselves' through the East Side that the ador- Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur". to discharge Jewish citizens holding wFor strangers unaccustomed to to help, bringing Zionism Vithin the member of the Jewish Welfare Fedgovernment posts. Deputy Budavsry living conditions are impossible. realms of practical politics. Sir Marks eration of Omaha. The Federation face to face with an entirely new ed Kalich was again among her Rabbi Cohen,. resigned his pulpit in problem. The brilliant woman who friends and on that Saturday night Kansas1 City to " enter business in yesterday demanded in Parliament Sykes wa§ then the head of the that the government clear all governDepartment for Middle Oriental af- will make an appropriation of ?500 had enthralled millions of theater- the theater was packed to suffoca- Omaha last May. ,; ment offices, courts and schools, of AMERICAN CONSUL-IN to Hias this year of the total $50,goers during her years on the stage, tairs in l i e British Foreign Office. "My work during the holidays will tion by an audience that made the 000 budget. This arrangement as- who had held audiences spellbound, walls fairly tremble with their be in no sense of the word a return Jews and Free Masons.. He suggested WARSAW STOPS ISSUANCE: The first formal session with Sir sures the society its funds without or moved them to laughter or tears that Jews should not be permitted to V 'OF "VISA NUMBERS'. Marks Sykes took place on February any expense of collection whatso- by the exercise of her own will, had applause. Again the doctors* were in to the rabbinate," Rabbi Cohen told enter the universities,, and that they Warsaw. Jewish T. Agency.) I t e 17, 1917* at the residence of JDr. ever, and fulfills 'the Federation lost faith in herself. In vain they attendance and this time Madame's the Jewish Press to-day. "This is should be tried in special courts. American Consul here has stdppsl Moses Gisteer. There were present principle of one campaign annually tried to reason with her. But they protestations of failure were fainter. an emergency call which, in the inissuing visa numbers to persons wishterest of the development , of a Lord Rothschild, Herbert Samuel, Sir for local philanthropic! work. could not overcome a condition that A week later, after a rest Kalich Modern Orthodox.. Congregation in Vienna; (J. T. A.) Th# American ing to emigrate from Poland. Marks Sykes, James de Rothschild, threatened to baffle all their science. was induced to return for two per- Omaha, I feel I must answer.1' The practice in Warsaw h&s consul in Bucharest has promised formances in "The Truth." The cure Nahum Sokolow, Dr. Weizman, Joto issue waiting numbers to Rabbi' Cohen is a graduate of the the office of "HIAS" there that he was working. With each appearance Suggests Yiddish Cure, seph Cowen, Herbert Bentwich, and will vize the passports of Jewish or-! desiring to leave Poland. These " Mr. N. Sacher. I t was at this point that Dr. her confidence in herself was becom- Jewish Theological Seminary of New ! phans below the &ge of 14 without bers correspond to those on a \&tm ing more and more restored. Another York, founded by the late Solomon Samuel W. Bandler, specialist and The negotiations in respect to the" waiting for special permission from! waiting list held in the' Amerfc*i) rest, and then three appearances in Shechter. He occupied a pulpit in author of many authoritative works Balfour Declaration dragged on 1 Consulate. . , , ... :' American Jews; should prepare on nervous diseases, suggested the "The Orphan," and Madame agreed Des Moines for four and a half Washington. amidst many difficulties. First, the with the doctors that she had been years, and for two years was in British Government was not very themselves to meet the call of help remarkable experiment. Since Ma• strongly inclined to issue a : specific from their Russian brethren when the dame felt herself unable to prepare but the victim of a delusion. She was Kansas City. again Kalich, the superb, and began herself for a new role, he suggested Service Appeals to AH " statement;. English assimilators were" soviet government falls. to talk of her plans for the new that she try an old one. Instead of "The Modern Orthodox service,' at pains to prevent that. Various forThis is the advice of a government mulas were drafted. Some of these agent, stationed in Omaha, whose undergoing the strain of eight per- season and the new plays already he said, ,"is- the traditional' service were very clear and detailed. It was, position is such that it places him formances a week, she was to try awaiting her decision • with which to with such- minor changes as would return to Broadway. make it intelligible to the average however, evident that the British Gov- in touch with much secret informa- two or three. American audience. We find at ernmeiii would not agree to issue tion possessed by Uflcje Sam. The practice cf sending New. Year's Greetings to friends these services a large number of more ihan a statement embodying "Pogroms in> the past will be mere Appoints Additional Workers in the younger and relatives through the local Jewish paper is general folks in-attendance, and , general principles. Then a formula child's play to the massacres -in store UKRAINIAN ORPHAS ON Keren Hayesod Campaign throughout the country. Its advantage over the old individual THEIR WAY TO AFRICA the entire congregation remains in for thi declaration was proposed, and for the Jews when the soviet colmailing card is evident in the saving of time, expense and London, (J. P. A.).-^Twq-auncired A a special meeting of the Keren the synagogue throughout the whole showfi to Sir Marks Sykes, Baron Ed- lapses—as it is bound: to do shortly," worry ever forgeti-ing a friend. and fifty Ukrainian orphans are passervice. The fraditional Hebrew mond de Rothschild and Woodrow he predicts. Hayesod Committee called last Wed• -. • ' sing through this city on their way to nesday by Chairman Rabbi Morris N. melodies, .which form so beautiful Wilson, all of whom gave their- conThe fact that the bolshevists admit- South Africa where,; arrangements Grating Cards in the "JEWISH sent. On the 18th of July 1917, Lord Taxon, initial steps were taken to a part of the Orthodox service, are ted Jews to equal rights and privilegwill take 4his fornu have been made for their adoption by carry on the drive about to be retained in their original form in RothS&ild sent the draft to Mr. ArMr. and Mrs. William K. Abrams and family of our service. The origin and signithai fialfour. At that time, the Brit- es will give the Russians a chance to private families. - They arc being launched for the Keren Hayesod. 9765 West Grand Boulevard extend their best ish dabinet was in ^receipt from prom- say, "See where the Jews have got- taken acrocs by arraBgeraent with the "Emphatically, the Keren Hayesod ficance of the prayers are explained wishes to their relatives nnd friends for a Happy Je'wish orphanaga of the Cape Prov- is a strictly non-political movement," and they are read ia both Hebrew inent English, Jews of memoranda in ten!" said the federal agent. >ppo&ltion- and consequently changed , He advocates a strong- organization ince, and Mr. Isaac Ochberg, Presi- declared Chairman Taxon. "It is a and English. and Prosperous New Year, , ;he tfrsft making proposals of its own. of American Jewry-- to^ xaeet this dent of the Orphanage -is personally cause in which every Jew, as such, "In one respect, however, the MAIL TEE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAtf rhe flew draft was submitted both to problem and that of incoming for- supervising their transportation;.. must be interested." Modern Orthodox Congregation difWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. eigners. •,':"• 'he Zionists and the anti-Zionists. Chairman Taxon announced the ap- fers radically from the traditional "H you're going to .do any AmeriThe Jewish Press. pointment of the following com- Orthodox. This is in the encourageBrandeis Intervenes • canization work, prepare to do it now, TO CONFER ON PROBLEMS 4S2 Brandeis Thestre B\6gn , OF JEWISH EMIGRATION mittees, who are already at work: ment of social activities within the A long time, however, elapsed be- before the radicals get a chance at Omahfi, Nebraska. congregation. Every Modem OrDanzig. (Jewish Press Associafore'the Declaration wasy issued be- 'em first," he advised. V • Gentlemen:— * Steering Committee: thodox Congregation in the country taufce within the Cabinet there was His name is withheld because of his tion.) Representatives of the Hias, L. Kneeter. I. Goldstein, Enclosed fmd $1.00. for which please insert my New YeftrV has a flourishing Women's AuxiliSimon, the Central World Relief of Paris Frank Dee, opposition. Then came the support official position. Greeting Card in year Rosh Hashona (5682) Number. ' B. A. Simon. ,T. B. Robinson. ary; these are organized on a natron* America. Thanks to the influand other organizations will meet Mrs. Kabbi Herman Cohn Wm. Grodlnsky, A. Cohn. Ben Handler.' tional scale and form the Women's snee* of Justice Louis D. Brandeis, • Morris Jacobs Leaves Press at a special conference which will Mrs. P. Sher, Ben t-nstgaTten. League of the United Synagogue of NAME: President Wilson sent a personal letMorris E. Jacobs, Business Man- take up the more important problems Publicity Committee: America." ter to the British Government in connected with the present emigraMrs. Ben Handler, Rabbi .Cohen is married to Miss whlfeh he expressed his agreement ager of the Jewish Press since De- tion of the Jews. The conference is Henry Monsky, Irvin A. Stalmaster. cember 1, 1920, resigned this posiHannah Kulakofsky, daughter of Mr. •wit|i the idea of a proposed Zionist planned for the latter part of SepAssessment Committee: and. Mrs. M. Kuiakofsky, of thi Declaration. tion on September 1, to enter the tember and will take place in Carls- Dr. Philip Sher, -Morris Mlnkin, Harry LapiduR. Dr. A. Greenberg, city. bad. publicity and" advertising fields (Continued on page 2) Barry A. Wolf. New York. — The announcement several weeks ago that Mme. Bertha Kalich, the eminent actress, who for many years had queened i t on the English-speaking stage, was quietly appearing at the remote Irving Place Theatre in performances is Yiddish of some of her old-time successes, caused amazement and tremendous speculation on the part of her army of friends and admirers. The true story, now revealed for the first time, is that of the happy culmination of one of the most remarkable psychological erperiments ever recorded in the history of medicine—:an experiment that restores to the English stage a. great actress and is a triumph for the brilliant scientist under whose advice it was directed.

l a s Launches Million Dollar Campaign

Federal Agent Predicts Outrages on Russian Jews

New Year's Greetings



Graduate From Commerce High last, here in America, such a combi- who care for particulars, let it be #ak THE OLD NEST that Rupert Hughes na»' '«writt** * Four Jewish members of the gradu- The forces that coalesce in a fin- nation has achieved what film audi- story with universal appeal, that h« 6682—iffiSI. • , Published every Thursday at Omaha, Kcbraaka, by Year's E r e . ences have long wished and hoped Yom Klppur.... £S u,n ,gOct. 3 ating class of the High School of ished film are the author, the direc- for. %£>:••'•• TEDS JEWISH'PEESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Sacrotli (First Day) MOD Oct. 17 Commerce will take part in the class A genuine photoplay achieve- has found in Reginald Barker a direcit concrete form. Moreover, the auSoccoth ( l a s t Day)—Shlroln! y OBce: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. ment has come to pass. To the un- tor with the sympathy necessary tc High Atzeretli ~: -Mon., Oct. S play to be given at Central SJmchath Tornli. .Taes... Oct. 3 School on Sept, 13 and 14. They are thor has found a producer in Gold- initiated, it will be known by its catch the pathos and humor of the SJm dh Ch Kosh-Chodeseh Chesvan... -Weil, > O T . .. .wyn, with all the facilities to make a Subscription Price, one year. .. .....— ——?2.50 stoiy, as well as the ability to give KosU-ChodcscU Klslev. -Fri,. Dec. 3 Rosella i Esther Brown, Hyman complete, unstinted production, and title, "The Old Nest." But to those Chanukah (Feast ot Dedlca» Advertising rates furnished on application. and Eugene Cooper. a cast of such excellent merit that tlon) ; .. JVIon., Dec. 36 Rubenstein 5682—1922. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaRbsh-CIiodesch Xebeth———Sun., Jan. 1 Graduation excercises will be* held every scene is played as though it _Tues., J a n . 10 Sept. 15, at Central High School. In i tion at The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. Fast ot Tebeth Jlon., J a n . 30 Rosh-Chodesch Shebat were the only one in the entire pic_ \ V e d . . Mar. 1 addition to those named above the Kosh-Chodescli. Adar.__.. CHANGE QV ADDHESS—PJcase glva both the old and address; ture,. And in this cast, the leading Tnes., Mar. 14 Purim CFeast of Esther)... • ' be. anre and sign your'name. _Thurs., Mar. SO following will also receive diplomas: Hosh-Chodesch Nissan. :Thurs., Apr. IS Baylia Frieden, Pauline Selicow, Bes- character, an old mother who sees her Passover (Pesach)..... Fassorer (Seventh Day) — .~"lVed., April 10 six children leave the old nest one by I WHY CHANGE YOUR NAME? Kosh-Chodesch Iyar—:..— _.....Sat., Apr. 2D sie Wixshbo, Pearl Swartz, Eva Ches__Tues., May 16 b'Omer.. \ _ We have met, rather recently, among our younger folks, Bosh'chodesch SiTan no, Mark Babier and Hei~an Segel- one, is played by Mary Alden, an Sna» May 28 actress of long experience and of such 'with a host of Shir leys, Bennetts, Irvings, Lloyds, and others Shabuoth <Conflrinatlon Day) Fr., J u n e S man. T^-n^TTHjy Xue&^ June 23 Jvhose names would be equally foreign in a roU-call of Jewish Ro&li-ClHMtesclz versality that she plays equally well Rosh-Chodesob. Ab Wed.. J u l y 26 [persons. And we have asked ourselves, in the phrase of the day, Feast ot Ab_......i: :.™Thurs.; A u g . 3 the young wife, the middle-aged Kosh-Chodesch Ellnl JFri., A n s . 25 OPENS NEW CAFE fHow do they get that way?" • matron and the old grandmother, SC83—1822. Sept. S3 Nathan, "Duke" Levinson, former tor, the cast, and the producer. At I For- we Remember rather vaguely of an old Jewish custom New Year's E v e all state guard and star on the High pf perpetuating the given names within a family, of bestowing on. the newborn child the name of some departed blood relative, SPECIAL SCHOOL FOB ORPHANS School of Commerce basketball, has the memory of whose life and deeds, though mayhap still green opened the Coney Island Cafe at 115 IN RUSSIA. •in the hearts and in the thoughts of the living, would Danzig. <J. P. A.) Reports re- Nortb. Sixteenth- street. Mr. LevinSTATIONERY -OFFICE SUPPLIES Itranslated into eternal life by those who bore that name again-. ceived here from Jewish sources in son is a member of the Y. M. H. A* > Plioae Jackson 0770 3?his material age may judge the custom sentimental, yet it is Russia bring the fact that the Jewish and the Thorpeian Athletic club iiot typical itself of the perpetuation of the Jew throughout the communities are making special ef- "All my friends are invited to visit No Springs—Honest Weight 118 So, 17th St., BAIED BLDG., Betw. Dodge & Douglas ages? forts in providing proper care and my place," said Mr. Levinson. HOBART ELECTRIC \ Hundreds of thousands of Jews have suffered insult, wrongs, training for pogrom orphans. 'fBbu'se and death that Judaism might live. It is only the great In the province of Honiel, almost GRINDERS, CHOPPERS martyrs, whose names have come down to us in song and story, every Jewish community has estabAND MIXERS. who live in the history of our people. Countless hosts, unhonored lished special technical schools where and unsung, shared the fate that hallows them. Can we doubt the orphans are being trained for a Service and Sales: that these, obscure and lowly as they were, were not strengthened trade or profession. In Odessa, one lSlh AND JACKSON STREETS in spirit and inspired, in purpose through the memory of those institute alone accommodates. over Phones: ;whose names they bore? Before them, too, were others who had one thousand pogrom orphans. Plans gathered fervor and courage from those who had preceeded them. on- ths- part of the Jewish Committee Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 We sell wholesale and retail. iBack into the dawn of Jewish thought and Jewish life this golden include the establinhment of 25,000 Hobart Electri: Doug. 7396 . OUR BREADS ARE LARGER . . •strand unwinds itself. Who can doubt that the prayer in the such schools. The authorities are asOUR P R I C E S ARE L O W E R hearts of thousands of Jews in the past as they faced infamy sisting in carrying out the project. We have on hand Used and






Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies, twice daily


death for their religion was "May this act be worthy of thee, toy sainted ancestor whose name I bear"? | Why then all our Bennetts, Irvings and Jacks? Must all our ANNOUNCEMENT. good Hebraic names undergo a transition of Anglo-Saxon, French, HARRY BRAVIROFF has reiEtalian and various other makeshifts? Shall we in the next gene- sumed piano teaching at his studio ration lye a people of Semitic surnames and polygot given names? at 305 Lyric Building. Appoint• J? _ Our friends of the exotic names include adults as well as ments now being made. Telephone: /Bhildren. So, we deduce that, Eke fame, some achieve them while Douglas 8162. pothers have them thrust upon them. But mostly, we believe, it [is the young mothers who are to blame. "" : • What's wrong- with Sarah, Leah, Benjamin, Iacob and all the ftrther tried and true Hebraic names? Anglicize them if you will, 1 but even then, what's wrong with them? For the Best Line of 3. The offenders will quote Shakespeare: "What's in a name?" = s Well then; why change your name ? I CHILDREN'S ^Minority Zionists Brought SIDNEY NYBURG WRITES i; About Palestine Mandate OF HIS LIFE AND WORK. '•:

(Continued from page J.)





Those who have read "The Chosen 55 1511 Jforth 2 i t h Stret, Tel.: Webster 1531. People" will have more than a pass- S '-. During the years 1919-1920, the jing interest in the following delight- = Shoes for the Whole Family = Zionist leaders negotiated with the ^e jj fully •whimsical excerpts from a let- = at Low Prices. |" British and Grench Governments *n ter written by the author to an 5 -Same location tor Thirty-one Tears. ; | ter written by the author to an regard to the fixing of the boundaries ; Omaha admirer, some time ago. ~ Corner Alley. -~ of Palestine in accordance with the The author is Sidney L. Nyburg, ^rightful and necessary frontier de- young Jewish lawyer of Baltimore, riMuniuiiiiiiiiiiuuiiuiuuunmiiiuiiur: mands of the Jewish people. In a Bid. ; conversation which Mr. Balfour had His book, with its graphic portrayal • irar B U Y SAFE jwith Dr. Weizman and Justice Bran- of modern American Jewish life, :deis, the British statesman promised created a sensation on its publication WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY his full support.' Similar promises several years ago and incidently preFROM US, YOU "BUY SAFE" were made by Lord Milner and Lord cipitated a storm of criticism on the Our guarantee and our word is iCurzon. France, however, insisted young writer's head. as good as a bond. upon the terms of the Sykes-Picot "There are two possible explanaWe have satisfied hundreds of •Agreement. tions for my combination of sonie your friends. \ In February 1920, the greatest ef- facility in fiction writing with the forts were made to secure better practice of law." he writes. "It may border conditions for the Holy Land be that youiare mistaken in supposing through the influence of Jewish and 1514 Dodge Street. I write well, or on the other hand, -Phone: Douglas 5619non-Jewish popular opinion in Amer- perhaps, I'm not a very efficient ica. The American Ambassador was lawyer! I never could decide which instructed by his Government in of these solutions was the accurate Washington, to intercede diplomatic- one and I'm afraid I don't want to; \ Go to the ally on behalf of the~ Zionist cause, either would wound my pride beyond and thanks to that American influ- repair. Brandeis Printing ence, the French Government yielded, "But I'm not one bit like David Ho Ipngei; demanding the performance Gordon. I wish I were. I'm disgustDepartment pi the Sykes-Picot Agreement, and ingly affable. My stenographers and . for your agreeing that the Palestine frontiers office boy view me with affectionate Shall stretch from Dan to Beersheba, tolerant; superiority, my little son fcnd this was agreed' upon at San rules me with, a rod of iron—even the H e m o . ••;•.•, ' . . • household dog realizes he needn't be 1 ~ American Zionists Active v afraid of me, and my wife —! j The report then goes on to tell of On the First Floor "She has a' sense .of humor which ?he jaego^ations leading iip to the she needs desperately to live comPompeian Koom—By the Bank. Palestine-Mandate. The first project fortably in the same house with a ibf a mandate was drafted by the Am- creature like myself. .Zionist leaders, Professor FelOmaha's Frarikf urter''. and Mr. Howard Wife Best Critic Newest and Finest Equiped The draft ;was submitted to the '"There wouldn't have heen any Batk-House. ;*Britisa Government en the 15th of books published If it hadn't been for 1 Baths, Massage,. Hot Packs, jJTaly 1919. This project forsaw the this most stimulating of Jay critics. Electric Treatment, ;vtaeation of "a temporary Jewish 1 scribble and allow the stuff to lie Inhalatorium, ; . ^Council" which shall present Jewish around in my desk and she cleans up Paxten Hotel Turkish Baths : jpopular opinion both in Palestine and after me and forces roe to drag-my I'jtelsewhere and which should have lazy self off to interview publishers. CONCANNON BROS., Props; gpbroad powers to carry on • public If she didn't prod me into action, I'd 1401 Farnam St., Basement . Entrance, Svorks. "The historic connection of shirk that parijof it. Telephone: Tyler 5731. . "As to my knowledge-of *he Jew the Jew3 with Palestine" and Hebrew OMAHA, NEB. an official language, will i e recog- and the Labor question: For a numfafzed. Other proposals were made, ber of years I conducted the free legal clinic of the Jewish charities in %s well, " . "When Bord Curzon became British Baltimore and I ought to know the Earry H. Lapldus: Pres.-Treas. ; SForeign Secretary, many alterations Ghetto dwellers here reasonably well. Jos. Pepper. Vice-President. jjqpite •unfavorable were made in the I have lived through so many garment W. O. Dre. Secretary. Mandate. The phrase "historic con- strikes I hate to count them up and I nection of Jews and Palestine" was have listened with "real sympathy to I Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. deleted, and instead of "self-govern- the woes of both sides in every enj commonwealth" the words "self- counter. COMPLETE STORE AND "Also I happen to be~illogically and ]governing institution" were., substiOFFICE OUTFiTTERS Jjfcuted. The creation of a national absurdly fond of human beings of alWe occupy over 70,000 square feet | home in Palestine disappeared as well most every. kind and descriptionSouthwest Corner Eleventh end Donefaa Streetf. I s s the paragraph giving "the Jewish Jews whether Eussian, German or Phone: Donirlag 2T24 S&gency" jurisdiction in matters of Americanized, Gentiles and mongrels OMAHA. U t, Vacation. The stipulation that Sat- and I think its becavise I'm so fond •*Brday -was the day of rest was also of 'em that it seems to be they can f&mitted. Many-efforts were made to be painted without buckets of white! improve the ;Mandate. At that time wash, talcum powder and rouge." "If we can't love them with all jHie Zionist Organization of America j ftiade representations to the British their blemishes we don't really care -f'Ambassador at Washington. Among for them at all." 1 those -who seconded these efforts were • Nyburg also wrote "The Con'Lord Eobert Cecil, Major James de queror" and books of short stories. j Rothschiia, Sir Herbert Samuel, and London. (Jewish Press Associafc group of members of the British g Parliament. Many improvements were tion.) Replying to a question in the Meal Ifsmily Lssf" % Jtoiade. The Mandate has not yet been House of Commons to-day, governYour. -. jatified by the League of Nations. Be- ment officials stated that within the • eaose of the attitude of America, the past eighteen months, 15,000 Jews BSSUB BASSHG CO; Ijad been admitted into the country. ' Mandate question is still awaited.



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that all Jewish Victor E*cords can be obtained from our most complete stock of the latest numbers. The popular and operatic records are also at your disposal, by calling1


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•;.-' "We deliver the free trial packasrea to ynur home. Just received the following ntimbers:— IJabet Mishomaim by Rosenblatt •• (Look Down from Heaven) Achanl Coll- Bais Israel J . by Rosenblatt These two masterpieces should be in. every Jewish home. Also complete list of September records. Trade your old phonograph for our new style Victor Victrolas. REMEMBER OUR, TEEMS AKE EAST.

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24th and Clark Streets. 5

Sunday Evening, September 11th, 2921. |g Lincoln (Nebr.) Jazz Orchestra. Subscription: One Dollar.


Corner 21th and Parker Streets.

LET BRODKEY'S SYNCOPATING JAZZERS Furnish your next dance with the best music obtainable

Upon completion this entire building -willfoeoccupied as the

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103 Btt MAW ST. -*

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OMAHA LOCALS For Miss Eorschbraun.


•'•' . • " • • '

- M E E T I N G .

. - ,^


A very important meeting of the board al directors of the Jewish Welfare Federation 'will be held Sunday morning at the Federation offices. Every member is urged to be present. ' .

OPENING MEETING OF B'NAI BRITH PROVES INTERESTING, There were about seventy-five members present at the first meeting of the B'nai Brithto hear Brother M. Monheit read a manuscript on the life and work of Dr. Theodore HertzL No one who had any regard for the memory of this great Jew could help but appreciate Brother Monheit's carefully prepared manuscript. The Intellectual Advancement Committee's program for the year .•'••mil include a series of lectures on the lives of Jewish men and women who have contributed to the advancement of civilization. A liberal contribution by the Lodge was made to the relief of the Peublo flood sufferers. In general, this year promises to be one of the biggest in the history of local B'nai Brithdom, and interest should increase as the weekly meetshould increase a sthe weekly meet-

JIany affairs are-being given for Miss Verna Kirschbratin, daughter of VIr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun, whose marriage to Mr. Alexander Rabe'l of Minneapolis will take place jjj September 15 a t the Kirse&braua WILL HOLD SPECIAL MEETING lonie. The Junior Welfare Organization Julius Rosenfeld entertained Mrs. •will'hold a special meeting on Sunwelve guests at her home on Thursiay, Friday Mrs. Nathan Mantel and day afternoon, September 18, a t the Miss Lena Hehfeld entertained this Lyric building when the offices of bride elect at luncheon and Miss president and vice president will be Blanche Frank entertained at filled. This election has been brought luncheon at her home on Saturday. about by the . resignation of Miss On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Morton Diana Gro_, president, on account Degen entertained at a bridge party, of her approaching marriage to Mr. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Fred. Sol Novitsky, and the recent marRosenstock and Mrs. H./Z.. Kosen- riage of the former vice president feld entertained informally at the Miss Hannah Greenblatt to Mr. Dahome of the latter, Thursday after- vid Cohen, which took place a t Linnoon Mil s, Corinne New entertained coln pn August 18. The meeting is at her home, and on Saturday af- scheduled to take place a t 2 o'clock ternoon, the Misses Jessie and Lorene promptly. Rosenstock will have a few guests for bridge. The Sunday night club Troop 62, Boys Sctmts, (the Y. M. wilt give a dinner at Hillcrest on H. A. troop) held its first monthly Sunday evening, and on Tuesday Mr. party and entertainment last Saturand Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun will en- day night at the YMHA. club-rooms. tertain at a dinner at their home 30 boys attended. They came chocked •wheii Thirty-five guests Tvill be pres- full, of enthusiasm for the new year's ent. . Mrs. M. Jacobs, Mr. Louis work, and left chocked with even Kirsclibra'on and Mr. and Mrs. Her- more enthusiasm, and good things, to beit'Heavf-nrich will give a dinner eat and drink. Dr. Philip Sher, of the at tha Fontenelle followed by Advisory Board, gave a short talk and theatra party Wednesday evening. Prof. Devers, a professional contorThe wedding will take place at the tionist, gave his act, to the great enhome of the bride's parents and will tertainment of the boys. be followed by a dinner-dance at the The troop meets every Saturday Blackstone hotel. Mrs. H. J. Cohn night at the YMHA. D. M. Newman cf Chicago, formerly Miss Lillian is scoutmaster and Isaac Sternhill asMeyer, of Omaha, will be matron- sistant scoutmaster. . of-honor, and Miss Ruth Pflanm o: Minneapolis will be maid^-of hono Many affairs are being given for for >uss Kirschbraun. Leonard Hel Miss Estelle Lapidus who leaves ler of St. Paul will be best man. soon to « *-er Eockford College for Girls. Saturday afternoon Miss Mrs. Carrie Livingston is visit- Anne Selicow entertained sixteen ing with her daughter, Mrs. Julius guests at her home. Sunday afternoon Miss Blanche Altaian, enterWell and Mr. Weil at Lincoln. tained informally at her-home. On Mrs. H. Grodinsky and Miss Rose Tuesday the X.T.C. club entertained Grodinsky returned Sunday after at the YMHA club rooms and on speeding several weeks in Minnesota Wednesday Miss Rose Felhnan and Miss Gertrude Tatle gave a dancing party at the home of the latter when Mr. and "Mrs. Victor Rosewater and thirty guests were, present. Saturchildren returned Sunday after day afternoon Miss Tina Altschuler spending the summer in Baltimore will give an Orpheum theatre party, and Washington. THey visited also when Miss Rose Minkin, who leaves for several -w^eks at Atlantic City. soon to attend school at .-Lincoln, will share honors with Miss Lapidus. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller and Sunday Miss -Lillian Steinberg will Mrv Morton Hiller motored to Des have an informal afternoon party for tfoines for the weekend. Miss Lapidus.. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lewis had as iheir ^guests for the weekend, Mr. . Harold S. Lewis and "Mr. Walter Hart of/Chicago, who have been, at Estes Park for the past several weeks.

la., will take place Sunday evening at the Blaekstone hotel. The ceremony will be performed by Rabbi Taxon at 7:30 p. m. Miss Faye Hirsch, sister of the bride-to-be will act as the maid' of honor, while P a d Steinberg, brother of the groom- will act as best man. The Misses Toby Steinberg and Molly Grossman ^will be the attendants. Messers. Paul Bernstein and David Ravitz will be the ushers. Little Beverly Miller will act as the ring bearer, while Xola Chasson will carry a huge basket of flowers. The ribbon stretchers will be the Misses Reva Gilinsky, Reva Snyder, Leah Krasne, Gertrude Marks, Gertrude Cherniack and Frances Nogg.

Miss Stella Trochtenberg returned: Altsohuk* of Omaha, mho $i Sunday evening from a fcws weeks guest of Mrs. A. Davidson. On Sunvacation at Des Moines, la, where The Ivre Club gave a dinner at day evening Miss Bsrriice Diamond she visited with Mi's. Ben Musnkin. the Lincoln Hotel on Monday, Angus' and Miss Tl-uth Zolat entertained at Mrs. H. Marowitz entertained the 2ft, when Mr. Lester Heeger of the a picnic flipper at Braces Grove fo9 Afternoon Club at her home this af- Sioux 'City chapter of this organiza- this guest and on Thursday, Mist tion was gttest of honor. Elsie Poska entertained at a -theatMS ternoon. party. A special meeting of the Council Miss Norms Frosh left Saturday of Jewish Women was held Tuesday for Iron Lake, Michigan, where she 2«Ii\ and Mrs. Harry Ginsberg cJ afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. will teacli the coming year. Little Rock, Arkansas, announce th8 Bernstein. * birth of a daughter. Mrs. Ginsberg Mrs. L. Goldansky and sons of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack, left McGook, Nebraska, are the house was formerly Miss Hilda Folleste* last Thursday for Meriban, Conn., guests of Mr., and Mrs. David Dia- of Lincoln. where they were called by the sud-' mand. The Hebrew Educational Societj den death of their brother, Mr. N.' Mrs. II. Schembeck and Miss Rat gave a picnic at Bruce park la& Cherniack. .Schembeck left Sunday for Detroit, Sunday. Miss Frances Nogg entertained Michigan, where they will make their The remains of MJS. CharleB Saturday afternoon at a one o'clock future home. Miss Rebecca SchemYanow of Sedalia, Missouri, vet* jciieon at the Fontenelle hotel in beek iias gone to Laurel, Nebraska, brought to Lincoln Wednesday tot Services will be resumed at Temple honor of the three brides to-be, where she. will teach in the High bitrial. The Yanow family had Israel on Friday evening, September Misses Euthe Brown, Mattie Hirsch School. made their home in Uneoin for » 16, when Rabbi Frederick Cohn will and Rosaline Goldenberg .and Mrs. number of years before movJRg te Miss Maxine Frosh entertained at speak on "The Joys of Religion/' Leo Krasne, formerly Miss Evelyn a luncheon Friday for Miss Helen Sedalia. .„ • y Regulars Saturday morning services oodson. The other guests present were, Misses Edythe Frieden, Gerwill be held on September 17. trude Cherniack and Gertrude FogelMr, and Mrs. N. P. Fell are son. A theater party was held after j ing at Cleveland for several weeks. The regular meeting of the Deborah society will be held Tuesday, the luncheon. Mr. and Mrs, Charles. Meyer of September 13, at 2:80 p. mi at the Mr. I. Gilinsky, who had been ill New Yorkj formerly of Lincoln, are YMHA club rooms. All members at the Jennie Edmuttdson hospital for visiting with their daughter, Mrs. are being urged - to be present at the past five weeks, is now reHerbert Arnstein and Mr. Arnstein. this meeting. cuperating at his home. The City Talmud Torah held a We have the largest and best assortment The first Jewish dance of the SCHOOL WORKER LEAVES meeting Sunday afternoon at the of New Year cards and Booklets in the city. season will be given Sunday evening, Mrs. Mabel Miltonberg, accompa- Synagogue. September U, at the Kelpine danc- nied by her mother, Mrs. Carrie Levi, The Mogen-Dovid club will hold ing . academy, by the Herzl club. and her sister and brother, Miss Ag- its regular meeting Sunday afterCome in and be convinced. This club was recently organized by nes and Mr. Clarence Levi, will make. noon at the Synagogue. All mema group of young men for the pur- a short "visit with Mrs; Levi's daugh- bers are urged to be present. pose of studying the history of great ter, MTS. Arthur Heineman at San Messrs. Harry - Krasne, Nathan Rafael, Cal., later going en to the Jewish leaders. • . Nogg and Maurice Gilinsky will According to the committees in southern part -of the -state. BOOKS AND STATIONERY SHOP leave Tuesday morning on a motor charge, several novelties have been Mrs. Miltonberg was in charge of trip to Excelsior Springs, Mo. TSsey 1411 Farnam Street. arranged. A special Jazz orchestra the millinery work In the recreation ll be gone for two weeks, during has been secured from Lincoln, Nebr. classes conducted by the Jewish WomThis dance will afford an oppor- en's Welfare Organization. Millinery which time they will visit Kansas tunity to college men and women classes were conducted at Kellom and City and St. Joseph, Mo. PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. leaving the city to hold a final get- Cass schools during the past year and Mr. Philip Krasne returned Wedwere very successful. During the nesday from Fort Snelling, Minn. together. • spring and early summer Mrs. Mil- Mr. Krasne was the only Jewish boy Mrs. R. Miller and son, Isadora, tonberg directed an eight weeks' to leave Council Bluffs for the govwho have been spending the summer course for teachers of millinery which ernment training school which was vacation with her sisters, Mr. B. was attended by a large number of held at Fort Snelling. Stock, Mrs. E. Jacobs and Mrs. M. women. These women will be in The Council Bluffs lodge of the Green and her brother, Mr. B. Shaf- charge of the millinery classes in the I. O. B. B. will hold its regular ton, returned to her home in New schools during the coming year. meeting Wednesday evening at the York City, Monday evening. Danish halL


New Year Greeting Cards

The Women's Welfare Organization' held their first meeting of the season on Tuesday afternoon when Mr;. S. H. Schaefer gave a short talk. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for a card party to be given during the Succoth holidays in November. The nest monthly meeting of this organization will be dispensed with by reason Mrs. George Gasper entertained of its conflict with Rosh Hashona. sixteen guests at her home at dinner Thursday "when the "complimented , The marriage of Miss Mattie guests were Mrs. Morris Traeger of Hirsch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and Miss Diana Gross, Benjamin Hirsch of Council Bluffs, whose marriage to Mr. Sol Novitsky will take place on November 6.

The ydetesiCIub will meet next Mrs. A. Leibowitz entertained Tuesday evening, Sept. 13, at the Y. twelve guests today, at luncheon at = Most Sanitary Kosher Market = M- H. A. rooms. her home for her guest Miss Sara S. • in Omaha. •- S Messrs. Maurice Gilinsky and Robinson of Kansas City. Oh FriFresh Meats S Nathan Nogg and the Misses, Edythe day evening Mrs. Leibowitz will have S • and Delicatessen.. . = Frieden and Ruthe Brown, returned twenty-five guests at a dancing Dressed Chickens Our 5 Monday from a motor trip to Fre- party at her home for this visitor. Specialty. = mont, Nebr. FRIED & KUKLIN, Owners. = Irvin Stalmaster, vice-president of 1813 North 24th Street. = The Misses Jessie and Lorine Ro- the B'nai Brith, has taken charge of 2 Tel.; Webster 4330. = the Newsboys Club of the YMHA. ~ senstoock spent several days with We deliver to all parts = their sister,/ Mrs. Delvin Becker, at This club meets every Monday night of the city. s at the Club-rooms from 7 to 8:30, and TilllUIIIllllIIHUiHIItmiflllHUfllllllllillft Mitchell, South Dakota. is planning many interesting meetMrs. H. Rubel of St. Louis is e ings for the winter. pected ( Wednesday. She will visit Mrs. Sam Block of Fremont left with'her daughter Mrs. i . B. Katz for Chicago yesterday after spendand Mr. Katz. ing several days in Omaha. Miss Gertrude Tatle spent the The Progresse Club of the YMHA weekend at St. Joseph with her and buy them at gave its first private dance of the gi&er, Mrs. J. W. Leibowitz. season at Hanscom park. on. Tuesday About 35 couples attended. - Mrs. Henrietta Adler and daugh- night. ters, the Misses May and Sally Ad- The club will hold a regular meeting 319 South 16th Street ler, left Thursday for San Fran- one week from Sunday, on Sept. 18, at the Club-rooms. cisco, where they will make their Phone Douglas 8400 future home. The marriage of Miss Minnie Mrs. Frank Krasne" and daughter, Fairer, daugter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Lucille, of Fullerton, Nebraska, are Max Fairer, to Mr. Aaron Levine, visiting with Mrs. Kra'sne's mother, took place Spnday evening at Beth Mrs. S. Hirschberg. They will re- Hamedrosh Hogodol Synagog. Rabbi M..N,.Taxon' officiated. Miss Sarah main indefinitely. Fairer was maid-bf-honor for her sister, and the bridesmaids were the who attends Miss Bernice Solig, the Art Institute at CNcago, " i s Misses Marie Racusin, Ida Pearlman her and Pose Fairer. William Racusin spending several; •weeks served *«8 best man and the ushers mother, Mrs. H. Solig. MiitCw Simon and John Fairer, and Mrs. Levine will be at Mrs. Millard Langfeld and son Omaha after a wedding trip Millard, Jr., returned Sunday after ' spending several months in Colorado soutlv 18 and California. A gecfisal conference of the repreMr. and Mrs. Morris Levy are ex- sentatives o? the various Jewish orc<o » : r»r »ected Wednesday after summering1 ganizations has been called by the Peoples Relief Society to consider n Maine. measures for the relief of the Rusnyn 1KB Miss Hortense Rosenstock is visit- sian Jews. Each organization has been asked to send three delegates tng her sister, Mrs. D. T. Becker of to this meeting which will be held Mitchell, South Dakota. 23 on Monday, Septemeber 12, at the Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Bolker of YMHA rooms at 8;30 -p. m. The Misses Annette Fanger, Sara Chicago are spending several days $2,00 Segelman, and Ann Fanger spent iere with Mr. and Mrs. A Bolker lk $2.50 last weekend at Sioux City. and Mr. and Mrs. D/vid Bolker Bolker before her recent marriage lir.-'D. Blumenthalleft Saturday National Jewish Press was Mis3 Lillian Goldstein of Chitlpn, Inc. to spend the "Week in Kansas City cago, Mr. Bolker formerly resided New York City in Omaha. They are being exten- •with his daughter, Mrs. Carl Studna I 15 Park Bow -•and Mr. Studna, sively entertained.


New Kosher Meat Market



Mr. Roy Rosenthal of Norfolk, Nebr., spent the' week end with friends and relatives" in the city. Mr. A. Topkis of Wilmington, DeL, spent,the week end with Mr. Arthur Snyder.

Fred R/ Shaw Flower Shop Phone 204. The Best of Everything ia Flowers an4 Confections at Moderate Prices. 543 W. Broadway. Kext Liberty Theater. COITXCII- BI-TJFFS. IOWA.

WANTED, by young man room in private home. Good location desired. Would also like board. Box 470, Jewish Press.

FOR RENT—Modern furnished j rooms for rent in a private ?! •f-"*"** References. Phone: family. Atlantic 1777.



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THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT.


fumes, bursting shells and maiming Discouraged at last, they are seek-/ devices of the Hun. ing other means and methods. COAL - COKE - HARDC0AL. Michael Aaronsohn and Abraham And that should tell the story. "The plight of Germany," moans Krotoshinsky and thousands of other —"Jewish Independent." the Ford hired writer o£ anti-Jewish young Americans of the Jewish faith are not only expensive from the standpoint, of resetting the glass, Telephone Office sailed overseas when the call to arms creeds, "is entirely due to the forces ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL but because-yonr-windows• are rendered -ageless. Jackson 0268 209 South 18th Street from which the United States has was sounded. No cover nationality MYSTERY. Place your Plate Glass Insurance ' where your' claim will be only narrowly escaped; and to was theirs. quickly adjusted. It was open, plain, loyal and fearhearken to international Jewish plans Here is a mystery that should tax P. MELCHIORS & SON for the rehabilitation of Germany is less American Nationality. the keenest sleuthing-hounds of the MACHINE WORKS to be in danger of approving plans And no one hears today of that anti-Semitic persuasion. Reports KeTV Location above Dan's Shoe Industrial and Automotive Machinists. which will fasten Jewish domination "international" flag which was dis-emanating from San Francisco conand'Clothing Company, Carburetor and Icnltlon Repairs. more strongly on that unhappy coun- played in court-at Mt. Clemens some vfey the information that on October Starter King -Gears for Auto Fly Wheels 640 First National Bank B2dg. Phone Atlantic 0360 1415 Douglas St.—rSecond Fl 417 South 13th Street. jEntronce through Btore. try'than it. is now. Germany has years ago in the famous trial in 1st the building of an aquarium to Telephone: Jackson 2550 Jackson 3171. paid dearly for her Jew." which benevolent Henry Ford was a cost §275,000 •will be commenced in Germany has paid dearly for herwitness. Nor is that flag over the Golden Gate Park; the money was Steamship Ticketstemi hem Junker cutthroat crew,"and there are Ford factory,, although, according to provided by the late Abraham SteinDAVENPORT DOUGHNUT those in Germany who have awak- a statement made in court at that hart. The question is: Why should Does It Need Cleaning all Parts of Ac World COMPANY. ened to an understanding of that same trial, benevolent Mr. Ford once a Jew spend so vast a sum on an or Repairing? We assist yoii in fr^ftinp passBISJUECKS,- CiKE A S B STGAR told an interviewer that after the UNDERTAKERS aquarium? What has a Jew to do fact. • porr? and ci^e yon expert ndvise IS THE TIME TO KATE DOt'GBTNtlTS OTJR SPECIALTY. World War he was going to haul with an' exhibition of fishes that canon European court IT ions. Acceptance of the Potsdam ProtoMOVED TO KXPEKTS DO THE WORK, We Deliver the Real Goods. down the American flag over his not be commercialized? Index finger You'll Be Surprises at Onr Kates. We help you to tyt yew rr!ncol propaganda circulated in EuroS334 CtTMIXG STREET. Cleaning done by Vacritnm •vrittiPhone Webster 0343 f'veK in Europe to fins country. pean capitals for the purpose of re- factory and put up an international to forehead—there's a mystery here! ont cniisinc filrt. We hare satisfsetoTily --tied over 100 furnaces Add to this news the unexpected unvealing the terrible Jewish "menace" flag. the past inontfc. Val J. Peter & Co. which confronts the people when not There was no cover nationality in earthing of -Lord Rothschild as one ...CAX.T. 5ACKSON. ADVO COFFEE STEAMSHIP TICKETS • AXD : Ofi the most distinguished ' living governed by royal autocrats, will the flag under which blind Michael VACUUM € L E A » C . FOHEJGX EXCHANGE naturalists and you can see how the FURNACE' Aaronsohn fought. fasten Potsdam and Romanoff and • IBM Cunning- Street. ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS ISOt Howard St., Omaha, \ > b . San Francisco mystery becomes "We iJTstsH Gilt Edg-e F u n u c o . Hapsburg domination on,Europe once It was the American Flag. Fbon« AT lantif OX4O. again and the glorious era of feu- Liars must have good memories, international. A museum of natural dalism will come again. but the crowd that is "getting the history- in England maintained by a jack" from the benevolent Ford fam- Jew! An aquarium in San FrancisIn Europe. • Y o u r position is That domination will not gain a ily for grinding out weekly gutter co built by a Jew! It should be as KEMEMKEB . Visit Our correct, and should outbursts is growing a bit indifferent plain as day that here is another foothold here. . Of the international Jew plots; an be s u p p o r t e d fey <t Karl Huszar, emissary of the or careless. Hapsburgs^ was kicked back to Bu- On page 8 of the recent issue of attempt, no doubt, to capture all the every fair minded Do away with drudgery and make dapest. The other members of the Henry Ford's organ is reiterated the specimens that grow on the earth, person. house-work a pleasure by the use gang," including that former agent favorite Ford assertion that a Jew- that fly in the air and inhabit the With Yonr Order lor of modern electrical appliances. depths of the seas, in order to of the late Czar whose literary work ish plot brought ruination to the ANYTHING is so ardently admired by Henry realm of the Czar. On page 4 the capture the Golden Gate (money is The "Electric Shop" is on the always in the backgraund) and frusIN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric build- Ford's secretary, according to Editor good Editor Cameron in an editorial trate any settlement of the Pacific entitled "Holding On To Their Jobs," . . .of... ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth E. G. Pipp, will also be returning to PAPER LINE problems which might be peacefully and Farnam streets.' their native shores. They will not speaks as follows: Hoffmann Funeral Home. find the spirit of America helpful to "The humane side of the question, solved at Mr. Harding's Disarmament D s!» Lutor* Conference. Or, is this the phrase of their purpose. of course, should not be overlooked. Phone Douglas .6109 world-revolution schemed in the proIt is asserted by Edsel's man InIt might be only fair to give even tocols of the Elders of Zion which is the recent • issue of the Ford organ to the incapables weeded out in theto make propaganda for Bolshevism that the .Jew's, loyalty is "to thepublic interest a month's extra pay among the flowers, the birds and the ""Buy "Midwest Milk" Jewish nation" and that "what the when they are fired, so that they fishes?—(American Hebrew.) (PALMEK GRADUATE) Jew himself refers to as his 'cover shall have opportunity to find other nationality' may-count or not as he jobs. But the entire situation is Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson S072 one that offers a glaring illustration THE WORLD'S DEBT TO ISRAEL; himself elects." The recent convention of Disabled of the perils of bureaucracy—of the We: Gentiles owe our life to Israel. J sort of thing that proved the dryVeterans of the World War took It is Israel who has brought as the HOLCOMB ' Kten place in Detroit, • quite close to. the "rot sapping the strength of the Rus-message that God is one, and that. FOOD CHEMICAL; home of benevolent Henry Ford and sian Empire and at last toppling it God is a just and righteous God, and j Biscuit Xc. PRODUCTS CO., INC. into the dust, as it is today the demands righteousness of his . chil- j his valiant son, Edsel. MamsTacturei-B cE SNOW WHITE At that convention Michael Aaron- canker at the heart of republican dren, and demands nothing else. It j , FOOBS ASH CHEMICAIiS. 2002 Poppleton Ave. France." BAKERIES sohn, student at the Hebrew Union FLAVORING EXTRACTS. is Israel who has brought us t h e : <K<!£. T . P. Yd. \ Atlantic 3680 College, who went overseas to fight So now we have it from Ford's message that God is our Father, It 818 X . 16th 5«. r h o n e Atlantic 4664 Office.) the German autocracy and received man. is Israel who, jn bringing us t h e ; injuries that resulted in total blindBureaucracy •was- the dry-rot that divine law, has laid the foundation NORTHWEST READY ness, was elected national chaplain sapped the strength of the Russian of liberty. It is Israel who had the'; ROOFING CO. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES' of the. organization. Empire. first free institutions the world ever [ . Heady Roofing- over old shlng-Jes. APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Also asphalt sbingleB anfl build-tip Bureaucracy is going to make no saw. It is Israel who has brought Throughout the war exempted Edroots. • Fire resisting and awrable. : The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. sel Ford, the- present secretary of inroads in free America. Granden Electric Go; us our Bible, our prophets, our apos- All Tvork jruarnnteeci. Easy terms. . - "GARMENTS iCJUEAKED 1 1 K E T H E TOUCH OF A FAIRY.' 1 Phone HatTwjr 25*4 B£TEX1)ABLE ELECTRICAX, ' > the Dearborn Publishing Company, Let those who doubt ask Karl Huz- ties. , j Office and AVarehonses SI22 lueavenworth , KERCHAXniSfi. • ^= PHO>TE KEXYFOOD 0203. 3410 AMES AVENTE. remained far from the poisonous sar. toll Hf»WR»-fl Pt. Fhoiw Atlantic '06*1 —Lyman Abbott, j Let them ask the anonymous authors of the numerous Protocol ediTIRES TUBES tions. Let them ask the busy Czarist agent in New York and that emiACCESSORIES Best Home Cooking- at Very ReasonMade by MAKXJFACTtTREK S. Chiropodist ar.d Beauty nent but indicted doctor who knew able Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed. and Faraam Ptrpet. Shop UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST • MEY-MER-CO. Brand that an anti-Jewish campaign was Established IS90 FOOD CO. I Tile Home of Good Ice Cream R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor Beverages ,and Syrups. on t h e way. I5th aisd Harney Streets. OMAHA, 3TEBKASKA. 316 South 15th Street—Up Stairs. 319-m So. 14th St.. Omaha. Uebr. and Home Made Candy, Fhone Douglas 2S33



B. Korney—Signs



The Brinn & Jensen Company

'Electric Shop

Leo A. Hoffmann












Carpenter Paper Co. Dlstribntors of



TRY SUXDGHEK'S Nutritious Home Made

PIES and COOKIES Sealed in Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Xour Grocer.

Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery OMAHA, NEBRASKA. •


27th and Martha Sts. Harney- 1663 Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze, Alnmland Soft Gray_- Iron Castings, are assured•• of .soft tastings, as machine some from every heat in our own shop. Standard size cast Iron bushings l a stock. .



Sundgren Pie Baking Co. Mth-and Hickory.

Made from Tonr Own Feathers. Warm in winter; cool in summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples ol ticking and estimates. . 1007

ICE CREAM CO. Rich and Smooth. 1423 N. 18th St.

Phone Webster 0406

Cumlnpr Street.

laker Ice Machines

"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.

Jackson 2467

Wholesale Distributors tor

SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer

OElce and Warehouse: 917 So. Main St. Telephone 142 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.


Real Estate :: :: Insurance 1517 Harney St.

Phone Donglas 8707



Vinegar-Piekles-Cooperage Pure Food Products


• . 3?hone Donglas 4607. ... . 20th and Fierce St., Omaha. Nebraska.

Have Your Furniture Registered

TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables

N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts.



"We mate It look like new. Call Douglas 0097 A man will call •with samples.

AMERICAN UPHOLSTERING CO. 617 South 16th Street.

• OTJB HEW LOCATION Coiner 19th end Uonjrlas Streets. Masonic Temple Bids:. • Our Line BALDWIN, ELLINGTON. HAMILTON HOWABD^HIOHISGKANDS p


Call Atlantic 2364 ...for...


'Crimlngr St.,

Omaha, Nebraska.


528-32 Securities Building, lGth and Farnam Stg. Telephone: Jackson. 3706,

Omaha. Nebraska.

Dayton fctey Weight and

S16 N. IGth St.

Douglas 6887

Amhul&nce Service Equipped with Folmotcr. All Calls Answered

-JOHN-A. GENTLEMAN S i l l Faraam Bfc. Stelner Electrle Ilest* Chopper ftn3 Coffee EHH. Used Scales of All Makes *or Sale.



"Make Warm Friends" v

2308 Cumins St. Phone Douglas 4726

Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Cumlngf St. ' Phone Atlantic 1S47 DISTBIBTJTOBS JACK SPBAT FOOD PBODUCTS. Omaha, Nebraska.

Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. SAVES yOTJ MONEY.


Jackson S873

City EepresentatlTo 513 So. Xtrtb St. Phone DOczIas 3S32


Phone Jackson 1SSB

Est.. 1831.

Joseph Polack & Son Wholesale Dealers in Butter, Eg-grs and Poultry. 1813 Howard St.

Omaha, Nebraska.

Tension Mores'

So, tlfh gt, Phone Market 0480


ACUTB Practice £-5noe 1S1©.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: BranSels Theatre Ectl t* and Douglas Streets. Phone Atlantic S836


G? E

Checker Cab

E 3 " 4 E f ' D • ATUmIC 4622'

Omaha Office: • 813 Douglas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 3556

Ford Transfer & Storage Co.

E. A.. FORD. President and General Manager. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office S3* So. Main Street. Phone 365

CONTBSCB YOU OF OSXR SCER Trust Department. Safety Z>epos!t 'Boxes.


An Ideal Washing: Combination.

Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS

All that the name implies.

Wholesaler* of


O. E.' Engler & Co.



1104 Dong-las St.,



Phone Atlantic 28S9

55% to 85% saTed-on parts for all makes of cars. Wfe. carry a complete line of new ring "gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car. 1318-1330 TTest Broadway, COUNCIL BI.TJFFS. IOWA. PHONE 444.

Atlantic B211


Estes Laundry Tablets ..".•with-... WHOX.ESAUE

Druggists and! Stationers 401-403--SC5 South 10th St.

Estes Soap Chips . and

Water Softener (Combined)

218 K. letfe St. Braa«4ies «* Cerafee S nxti FJWKS Cectm.

At all Grocers.

f WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302

Phone Jackson 3066

DON'T BUT COAX! . - , ' • O U . 1 8 MUCH CHEAPER Let TJs'•• Kemove t h e Door..rrom

Your Furnace ana Insert a.

LnHBRIDGE O i l VAPOR BURNER Bee Demonstration 31G So. 10th Street.

Rates for Space on this S p e c i a 1 Page given on application.

Jewish Press 4 Balrd Bldsr.

Phone Jackson 2373

Always Ask for



WHOLESALE FRUITS 823-931, 'West Brosdway,

cotnsrene BI-CFFS. IOWA. , Telephone S163


IS jrera call t h e

J815 Fhoue




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