Men are inexcusable if they do not pursue that which their judgment tells them is the most laudable. — Joseph |!i Addison.
VOL. I.—NO. 42.
Jjj 1 am always ji for the man who HI wishes to work, jjj |]| —Abraham Lin- tf pf pf
• as second-dags mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at » at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1878.
29, 1921.
Jewish Soldiers THE ETERNAL FEMININE Omaha Boy is To Get Furloughs Installed as Rabbi Shy and Coy at 112. For High Holidays in Pittsburg
Heart ericanJew
George Bernard Staw, having arRabbi. Fred Eypins (H. U. C. "21) rived at that pericd in life when was installed as Associate Eabbi of climbing up one flight cf stairs causes Congregation Eudolph Sholein of heavy breathing, set about .o dis- Pittsburg last Friday night. cover solace for his advancing years An unusually interesting note was and found it by writing "Back to lent to the ceremony through the Methuselah," the philosophy of an presence of the young Babbi's uacte, old man, unwilling, to admit grey hair Eabbi Louis Bernstein, also cf Oma- Notable Gathering In CIticago Hears Tales Of Keren Hayesod, Now Being Raised Throughout and reading, glasses. ha, who occupies the pulpit of ConBonce de Leoa^soffle. years before, gregation Mt. Sinai at Baltimore, and Appalling Woe—Work Of Joint Distribution Country, To Be Used in Constructive W o r k s attempted the .saass thing in .Florida, who conducted the installation serv•'• Committee Narrated—Fourteen Million Intensive Development Of Natural but had to give it up, as the Fountain ices. . of Youth was not ^discovered until Eabbi Rypins was bora in Omaha Dollars To Be Raised In America Resources To Be Undertaken— enterprising Chambers of Commerce twenty-seven years ago, sad was edu' To Relieve European Distress Education To Be Furthered put Palm Beach and Miami on the cated in the local schools, graduating map. from Central High School with honors • What are the undertakings and ac- transformed into forests. This will By HENRY MONSKY To G. B. S., the late Mr. DeLeoa in 1912. He left immediately theretivities which are the special functions lead to the conservation of the rainSeveral weeks ago, Julius Rosen- have possibly entertained th« and other advocates of perpetual j after to enter Hebrew Union College of the Keren Hayesod? Briefly stat- fall, the preservation of the soil wald, that magnificent and outstand- thought of abandonment of war reyouth and longevity is recommended in Cincinnati. ed, they comprise the following: - against erosion and sand invasion, and visit to the Harlem Home of the In Pittsburg he will be associated ing character in Jewish pMlanthropy, lief work. the decrease of malariaDaughters, of* Israel at 32 East 119th with Eabbi Samuel Goldenson,' and issued a call to men in every communMany Millions Spent. Agricultural Colonization. Other activities which come under street, where -these gentlemen will will have charge -of the Sunday School ity who have been active in War BeWe were informed that since the Only 10 per cent of the soil of this head are those of general sanitafind much to bring Jpy into their department of the Temple, which is lief Work to attend a conference to beginning of the activities of the Joint Palestine is at present under cultiva- tion, which includes the drainage of lives, in the shape of 60 men and said to be one cf _the largest in the be held in Chicago, Sept. 25. Distribution Committee, a fund of tion—a cultivation which is largely marshes; the conservation of the wawomen of ^ages varying from 80 to country. The purpose of the conference, as more than Forty-seven Million Dol• primitive in its methods and corre- ter resources through "the canalization 112, enjoying to the limit this munRabbi Eypins is also a nephew of stated in the call, was to consider the !lars was. raised from American Jews, spondingly meagre in its yield. Two of rivers and a system of reservoirs, dsno sphere. Nathan Bernstein and Miss Ease advisability of s drive or campaign j and that all of it was wisely and thousand years ago, the now barren cisterns, and wells; roadbuilding, and There may be someone at the Home Bernstein cf t2sis city. for funds to finance the work of the j beneficially expended in the war•, • hillsides, marshes, and dunes were the construction. of workers* houses. b y . " older than. Mrs. Urdang, born in Joint Distribution Committee in the; stricken sections of Europe and Palesrich.,with vegetation- Galilee was a Courland, 112 years ago, but that war-stricken zones, and if determined tine; that .the only section in which net-work of towns and villages. The Public Services. person- is yet; to make that confesto have soca & drive, then to plan intensive relief work has not beem acJordan Valley, today fever-ridden and Another third -of the remainder of sion. In fact, Mrs. Urdang may be i complished is that portion o£ Kussia ways and means thereof. deserted, was; teeming with life and the Keren Hayesod, after deducting a few years older than 112, for the ] known as "White Russia" and the • Omaha represented by Messrs. H. labor. the 20 per cent for land purchase and secretary of the Home" said that the' Ukraine under Soviet control. In A. Wolf, Harry E. Lapidus, A. E. Al] The Keren Hayesod must be the preparation, is to be applied for pubwomen are as shy and coy in telling tae "latter territory, conditions as B pirn and the writer, and it is my L • chief instrument for the redemption lic services, among which those conthe truth aboot their ages as the privilege, upon the request of the described by Dr. Frank Rosenblatt of and resettlement of this soiL It must nected with immigration and educasingle girl who quit "having birthdays 8 Editor of the Jewish Press, to make New York, wao made a persons! tour, S* 1- purchase those tracts which are held tion deserve first rank. The present after 21. Mrs.* Mashe Brafman and this report, which in fact will be but at the risk of Ms' life, were ms& con^.""V-by private, non-Jewish owners, who school system of Palestine, which has Says Germans Are Making Best Mrs. Pesiie Breitaan confessed to a Dr. Prilutzki Claims "Majority-of a brief summary of the events of the tinue to be as might be imagined, Headway-—Monument Craze youthful 105' years, while two other Polish Jews Anxious to Fig&t. j | are willing to selL It will, no doubt, achieved the remarkable feat of rethe most deplorable and distressing cesfereace. . at Highest Peak. l«nce It proves itself competent, secure viving the Hebrew language on the for Rights in PolaacL women are at least that old; according that one could contemplate. ArrangeAt eleven o'clock of the dsy for i the right to develop the large tracts lips of 90 per. cent of the Jewish to' Barnet ScMissel, manager of the -Dr. Noah PriiutsM, of Poland, ^dach t i e conference was called, there ments have been made, the details -ef Eabbi Nathan Krass of the Central Home, but they wm*fc admit it. led by the state, the former Tur- school children, must be strengthened •which sppeax TO page 3 of this igsse* ?lash crown lands, which comprise over and extended. Higher institutions, in- Synagogue, New York, s. {member of "At what age fees a woman begin noted throughout Eastern and Central responded to the roll call, men Tdio, whereby frails being available, palliaEurope as an editor, scholar and from fee • standpoint of leaderships cluding technical schools and the Uni- the Joint Distribution Committee, re- telling her rigte age?**'is a question 1,000,000 dnnams. tive relief csa now be dose on an exThe Jewish National Fund is the versity in Jerusalem, must be added. turned from Europe last Saturday that one asls upon visiting this' re- statesman, arrived last week in New- standing and reputation'not only of s tensive scale 'in this diseage-iaSecMT York. local but of a national . character, ^-particular agency through which the •-. Of course, the parents of Palestine markable Jewish institution. Another He said that all the countries of EuDr. PrilutzM stated that he had f orxaed the finest assembly" that i€ nas and epidemic ridden territory. will contribute towards the education .• Keren Hayesod "will operate for the question, promoted "by the agility and evea been the writer's privilege to atcome to America for two reasons. ' purchase and preparation of land. of their children,.but the task of xe- rope had coma to realize that treaties Bpryness of; these remarkable old Keeeisary. tend. One is to plead for changes in the For this purpose, 20 per cent of the ~viving--SDd* modernizing Hebrew cul- and legislation were useless, without Jewish "womea is answered by'the In the other sections, those in wkfcb ; ^85- S t s t o EepreseBtei. Keren Hayesod will be turned over to ture in Palestine is a Jewish national production and therefore had got care aad - treatment $ne finds-" they present iaimigration law, and Use active relief work has been csrmd «m ether " to .assist in the raising cf teoly an isspira&oE to wittask. I t is too great-aad difficult to the Jewish. National Fund. receiva thsa&»--TEe Jewish-Ledger.:.; dovm to work, the hum of'industry page fands ;Icx jkigrom sufferers. p : oofgrfgaee. ceaspxMB&K -.«boat. .;& aii^n^lisb^il^i^^imrjenta ja ay., ^ i i g h e r In' •<Jermany; -I want to" clear" "op i i e ISO delegates cozrdag from more than I t is for the benefitof all -JGwry : One-third of the Tremainaer of the sdSl Jewry, must /bear; ^e^burdeti, ana" anywhere else. Dr. Krass visited tion question in .tHfi' Bands- of your 35 states : in t i e Union-and represenKeren Hayesod TOH.~IJ© applied for bear it joyfully, people," he stated'to' a,reporter Jfoff tative "of,: the-.--.entire. .country, _ ftem Czecho-Slovakia, Austria,- Germany, ,; essential public works without which Little need be said to make clear England and France. t i e Jewish Tribune. " Y o u Iselieve "Washington to' Maine," and from tlie ?--<* BO colonization, agricultural or in3us- the importance of regulating- and. or- "Many tourists," He said, "gain an that all the Jews in Poland wsnt to Gtslf to Canada, axid to knew that trial, is possible in-Palestme.' Among ganizing the stream of immigration erroneous impression of the European • Eabbi-Frederick Cohn-^-Temple Is- come to America. That is not true these men journeyed to Chicago, at the most important is afforestation. which will .flow into Palestine ' tfee capitals, particularly London, Paris &i alL The Jews want and •will stay their own expense in the interest of this, perhaps the most sacred, of all WILL MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY The naked hillsides, the sand dunes moment the country offers the neces- and Berlin. All are crowded with rael: Sunday Evening—"Judaism in the ia Poland to fight for their rights Jewish - causes. The. atmosphere and the marshes, can and must be ary opportunities. Organization /work visitors, but the marked display of NIGHT. of citizenship, which were guaranteed Balance." seemed to l>e. surcharged with an to tEem under the minority rights' is necessary at the sources as well as wealth and prosperity on every hand Monday Homing—"The Spirit of clauses of the' Versailles Peace earnestness that betokened the seri- Win. L. Holaman, Chairman of the the landing points. Eeceiving stations, is superficial, for the masses still.are ousness of the task these representa- War Relief Committee of Omsfea, to*the Jew." emporary dwellings, medical relief suffering from the effects of the war Rabbi Herman M. Cohen—Cong. Treaty. tives cf Israel had come to perform. nounced to-day that he would csll a Must Grant Equal Eights. and employment, are some of the and there is much poverty. In Ger- Bnai Sholem: . ' The mere mention of a few of the things -which will have to be provided. many I noted, besides an intense feel- Sunday Evening—"A Glimpse Back"Poland will give, must give these many names that could be listed will meeting of the Committee on next rights, must" enforce and. live up to suffice to give the reader some notion Wednesday niglit, October 5, at the Will be Used For Palestine University Our pioneers are not demandinglusu- ing of bitterness towards France,that ward." YMHA rooms. industry was being pushed day and ries, not even comforts. Is It not Monday Morning—"Time Reckon- the Versailles Treaty if she wishes of the character of this conference. The purpose of this meeting will be night imthe effort to recuperate. the duty of all Jewry to provide them to attain power, to fight successfully Among others, there \rere present A committee of prominent physiingto hear the report of the Omaha deleAustria is dead, economically and with the most elementary human Signifor her existence. cians interested in the work of the Louis Marshall, Cyrus Adler, Jacob gates to the war relief conference at Tuesday Morning — "The otherwise. Vienna is thronged with "It is not necessary that you have Billikopf, Dr. Nathan Krass, Colonel' American Jewish Physicians' Com- needs before they assume their sferh ficance of the Trumpet's Blast." tourists. a quota limiting 4he number cf im- Arthur Lehmann, Felix Warbcrg, Dr. Chicago last week, and to consider mittee which is raising a fund of a tasks? Eabbi Morris N. Taxon: "I arrived in Carlsbad just as the Monday-Morning at 18th- and Chi- migrants permitted, to land in Boris Bogen, Adolf-Krans, General what actioa shall be taken. million dollars to establish a Medical Other public services to be furEvery organisation in Omaha is College as part of the Hebrew Uni- nished by the Keren Hayesod include Zionist Congress was opening, and cago St. Synagogue—"The True America, for few Polish Jews propor- Abel Davis and Henry Morgenthau. represented on the central War relief talked -with dozens of men from Rushospitals, and, with the co-operation versity in Palestine, met last week at Significance of Memorial Day" tionately want to leave Poland. They the Hotel Pennsylvania to devise ways of the Mandatory •Power, a system of sia and Poland. I 'was told that the want to stay there and fight for Many of the, delegates had come committee. (in Yiddish). Jewish defense. . BolshevLt form of government'was Tuesday Morning at 19 and Burt their rights. Poland. cannot exist to the conference -with a firm con- Mr. Holsman, in a statement issued and means for the Fall campaign to-day, said, "The urgency of ^ the The American Jewish- Physicians' Revenue-Bearing Enterprises. undergoing a great change, due to a St. Synagogue—"The Shofar's as a republic, if part of her people viciton that a drive or campaign European situation is very evident realization by the rulers that they at this time, and under present conare oppressed. She must be made Committee was organized by Dr. NaMessage." the informal report of our dele» The remaining third of the Keren must use capital. All are looking to than Eatnoff, who conceived the idea to understand that power and prestige ditions, •would probably not meet from Services at the Temple will comgates, and it is highly essential tft»t • Hayesod, exclusive of the funds used America as the savior. with the saccess experienced in of the medical department of the Hemence at 8 o'clock Sunday Evening, will only come with the granting of every organization in Om&hsfoerepfor the purchase and preparation of previous drives, but after hearing brew University. The committee is and at 10 on Monday morning. At equal rights to all General Morale Low. resented at'our meeting next week.* land, is to be devoted to undertakings collecting funds for the presentation the synagogues the evening services "Economic conditions are bad in reports from "the men 'who had ac- The present officers and methbera which may reasonably be expected to "The general morale in Europe is of a Medical College as a gift from will commence at 6:45, and the morn- Poland now. It* is necessary that tive personal charge of the work of of the committee follow: American Jewish physicians to the yield dividends. Chief 'among' these' much lower than that in our own ing services at 8. the people all work together peace- the Joint Distribution Committee in oppressed students of their race in are credit institutions for the devel- country, accounted for by the differfully and harmoniously to better the •war-stricken ilmrope, for the past ?m. Holssman, Chairmen. opment of agriculture, industry and ent attitude of Europeans- toward Henry Monsfcy, Vice Chairman. Southern and Central Europe. LAUD EFFORTS OF SIR ALFRED situation. You see it all comes back few years, there was not a man in Geo. BrancSfeis, Treasnrel\ commerce. Special mortgage banks the conference, I am sure, -who did S. H, Scherfer, Secretary. The .money is being collected to extend long-term" credits to small- life, aggravated by the war. I ob- "MOND FOR UNEMPLOYMENT. to equal rights for all. throughout the country and Commit- holders and -house-builders will have served that many of the countries Members KeprewBating; O*K»Bt«*tl»m. "You ask me when Poland will not feel ashamed that he couM ever Bnai Ami Clnb, Irving 8t«Umaet«t. tees are actively engaged in co-oper- to be established^ The capital of the which have been appealing' to «ie London. (Jewish Press Association.) grant these equal rights ? I am not Brttfc Abram, John Feiaraaft. „ ating in Chicago, Pittsburgh, Phila- Jewish Colonial Trust, and , Anglo: United States for funds have the In connection with the question of un- a prophet." City Talmaa Tomb. Dr. Philip Sftet* monument craze, and are spending employment which is a subject of Cong. Ajma$tti Aehim, Joe r«Tine. ' delphia, and St. Louis. Other cities Palestine Company, for \.the credit Dr. Prilutzki is Editor of "Der Cong, Beth Hamlfi. Sag., B. Mey«l'. are now in the process of organiza- service of general trade and industry, thousands on monuments to their he- general concern, the local press lauds Cong. Bnai IsraeS, B. Bavit*. Moment," the largest Yiddish, newsroes. Even. Austria is erecting monConp. Bnai «TRCO&, K. Martwrlt*. the efforts of Sir Alfred Mond, who non. must be greatly increased.' Cons Bnai fkiholero, N. W. «»Keo, paper in Europe, uments." \ is Minister for Eeconstruction. C o n l lerasl SO. SIDE, rMl. Grecnbcrg. Already more than twenfy five Many Have Secured Pulpits. Cone. Tifirlth Israel. «T. Sh-u*«*. • One of the .first works to be underthousand dollars have been collected Council of Jewish Women, Mm Fn»a taken is the execution of plans alIn cash and a hundred and fifty thouNew York, Sept. 22.—TheYeshiva Of Israel AM Society, mi. ». sand dollars has been pledged. It is ready approved for hydro-electric {the Eabbi Isaac Elchanan TheologicBaTitz. systems. The plans call for the utiliexpected that New York will contriSociety. Mrs. L«uie g « al Seminary), 801-5 East Broadway, Deborah Hafiassafe Society, Mrs. Ben HanStef. tmte half a million dollars before the zation of a portion of the Jordan in held graduation exercises today at the vicinity of Lake Tiberias. About »nd .of this year. e Oheb Zedek congregation, 18 W. Jewi'sli "wonjen's Welfare, Mrti. B 100,000 horse-power could thus be ob116th street, New York city, where •r£8u Welfare tained immediately, and transmitted Jewish Workers Allteac* < £• » ™ M » I Sermon by Dr. Frederick Ctohn to - Jaffa, Jerusalem; and other cities nine of its students were ordained. Woodmen ©it America, J* M«tIncluded in Annual Publication for industrial, as, well as lighting and Sepresentstives of different nation- M OmSS" HebnnFr Chlh. N, S. Taffi». Eabbi Frederick Cohn has a sermon heating purposes. Thus Palestine; al organizations and prominent rabbis Omaha Jnnk I'Pd<5 rre Inlon, S. Vai*, . -.. n the Holiday Sermon Pamphlet for which, has no mineral fuel resources, from every section of "the country Poalae Sion, 7.1. MlnKln. S. Omaba tralm«fl lorah, Mrs. A. i e year 5682 (1921-22) which has would secure from its water resources were present. lust been published by the Tract Com- the power it needs to drive the wheels The graduation was a great demonH«rry Bo.nission of the Central Conference of of industry. . stration for orthodox Jewry in this Mrs. K M«aIsrael Sunerican Eabbis and of the Union of ;cotaitry. The Sabbath preceding the American Hebrew Congregations. ^raduatioii, services wiere held in the •orthodox synagogues of Greater New The Pamphlet is published annually, 150,000 DOLLARS FOR BROOKLYN JEWISH for York and the country, in which the Zionist OrgaaiEKfion, I*. Kneeter. t s purpose being to supply congrega CHARITIES work of the Yeshiva and its place in ;ions in the smaller communities, that Jewish life, hx America was explained. H. H. Anertmols. New York, (J.. P. A.)—A banquet ire without rabbis, with suitable reOn Sunday the Alumni Association I>r. Frpaetick Cohtu 'igious discourses to be read in the arranged at the Hotel Pennsylvania T. II. of the 'Yeshiva met. and, discussed .Harry for the purpose of aiding the lynagog on important festivals. p Mon-is Milder. problems affecting Judaism in AmerThe Pamphlet contains thirteen ser Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charll ica. Most of the graduates have alrnons of which Dr. Cohn's, entitled ities was attended by 300 guests and l33rafi3|gramtl^ MorrSe ready been elected to prominent pul- Harry A. VA •The New Year and the New Life" ii netted in donations and pledges pitr to be read on Rosh Hashonah. Harrj B. 150,000 dollar? .. -•Washington. (J. T. A.) Wherever possible, Jewish soldiers in the American army will receive furloughs for the coming Jewish holidays in October, according to an announcement of i&e War Department published last week. The announcement of Secretary Weeks follows: "The Secretary of War desires, in order to permit soldiers cf the Jewish faith to participate in the celebration of high holy days* (Bosh Hashonah), beginning at sundown down October 2 and continuing until sundown October 4, 1921,'and of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), beginning at sundown October 12 and continuing until sundown October 13, 1921, that members of that faith be granted furloughs for such time as necessary to permit them to be at their home, when practicable, or at places where these celebrations are held, from September SO to October 6 and from October 15 to October 24, 1921, provided no interference with the public service is occasioned there-
Dr. i t s s Reports That M Europe Expects fkr
oted Pdish. lew to Plead !§r Claiges Law
New York Physicians To Rajse_Balf IDion
The Jewish Press
extends to all its readers sincere wishes
Prosperous and Happy Year
• * ' I -t/j/'
, . ^rKZ
<"* * " • * i
' s . - K
xtms JEWISH PRESS:THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 192L In short, a study of the reports has been engaged, a business man of COLORED JEWS IN AFRICA and on the Day of Atonement, th< presented, concerned every ,one jjettpife, Mich., who gave almost one . During the early part of 1920 this Falashas accompany their prayer: present at the "conference, year, of his time during a previous country was visited by Dr. Jacques with drains, bells, zithers and othe: that neVer before ; m 3 i t more campaign, free and without cost to Faitlovitch, who came -to ask the Jews instruments.—Jewish Tribune. New York* (Jewish Press Associaessential ' that the largest pos- th« committee, was implored at the of America to help him in his work tion.) The New York World which sible ambunt of funds shall be conference by those who know his among the Falashjas, a tribe of colwas the first publication in the counraised for this very necessary work, 1 capabilities to undertake the director- ored Jews in Abyssinia, in eastern Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A delegation of Jerusalem Babbis will leave short try to start an expose of the Ku Klux and it Was unanimously determined ^ ship-xsf-the coming campaign. Mr. Africa. {Continued <from page 1) Jy for the United States in an effor Klan, the anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic, that a Nation-wide campaign be Brown informed the committee of a It is said that there are more than Federation of anit-Negro organization of the South, in a most admirable and laudable- launched Yor Fourteen Million Dol- contemplated trip to Europe with ! 100,000 to interest American Orthodox Jewr; President Falashas in that land. Thoy Hungarian, Jews in America yesterday published the:£ollowing let! in the religious educational institu lars. Five Million Dollars of this hs family, for which he had engaged observe the religion of the Bible, just manner by the organizations created makes startling disclosures of ter from Dr. Stephen S. Wise. The delegatioi amount will be utilized for im- passage for the first week in Novem- i as it was observed thousands of yezrs tions in Palestiae. and established by the Joint DistribuHungary's reactionary policy. "The World has rendered many tion Committee, palliative relief is no mediate service and relief in Rus-ber, and in anticipation of which he | ago. These Jews are called Falashas, consists of the Rabbis Scharlap, Ep services of importance to the nation longer necessary. The necessity now sia. The remainder is to be used in had arranged all of nis business af- ' a name given them by the Abyssin- stein and Hmntiiz. REGENT HORTHY CHARGED within fairs. ' He informed the conference ians. In the Abyssinian language it recent years, but it has ren- to provide a rehabilitation fund, a the other section for rehabilitation ; WITH OPPRESSIVE ACTS. dered no service more important than is thsit'weue it not that his family had means "stranger," "exile," or "immifund which will enable the reestab-? ' purposes. made all preparations for the trip grant." This would prove that these that which it has performed in bringFOR RENT—by! young couple New York, s(Jewish Press Asso- ing to light the hidden and unknown iishment of fhose wrecked and ruined Unions of All Elements Necessary. tfcgft he personally would forego the ' colored Jews have come into Abysby the war, and the conditions that nicely furnished room in their ciation.) The New ". York American facts concerning the Ku Klux Elan. Interesting facts were disclosed in planned, trip to Europe and undertake sinia from another land. home. Gentleman preferred. has published ^tTxe following contri- After this malign and anti-American followed it, in their former homes, in response to an inquiry made by the this great task, but requested the 1139 North 19th St. Phone bution from Dr. Samuel. Bucnler, Pres- scourge has been wiped out, as wiped their former trades and where no privilege of consulting his wife, re- I The Falashas believe in one God; Webster 404S. ident rf the Federation of Hungarian out it must be, men will find it less tradewas hitherto the possession of a representative of one of the commit- serving the right to decline the call, ; refuse to make any picture of God; j Jews, in America, and a Deputy Com- easy and less profitable to organize Victim, to give such vocational train-'tees, regarding the relationship be- if' his arrangements could not -' be and do aot bend the knee before iming as shall fit him for self-support. tween the American Jewish Relief ages, as commanded in the Ten ComStnissioner in the Department of Pubcampaigns of hatred and ill-will and his own maintenance. Committee, the Peoples Relief Com- altered. mandments. Their Bible and their lic Markets. against one group or another of mittee and \the Central Relief Com"There is a reson for the general Americans. America and Ku Kluxism The point was made clear to the mittee. What has been commonly ',Within ten minutes after this state- ; other sacred books are written in satisfaction of everyone that a noble FOK. RENT—nicely furnished ment, a long distance telephone com- ,'! Gheez, the classical Abyssinian landemoralized, conditions" in Hungary- cannot co-exist. ' understood was first learned, viz., that munication was effected guage. They observe the Sabbath work had thus far been done in the between room" in strictly modern There is cause for the organized ex- *tf thank God that the World has pressions of unrest and complaints nad the Insight and the courage to saving of the lives of many thousands these three comniittees are represent- Julius Eosenwald, Louis Marshall, ' and the holy days. They still offer home. William Schall, 704 from the business and professional take kip this fight for the Republic, by furnishing food, clothing and'tem- ed upon the Joint Distribution Com- General Abel Davis, the Chairman «jf animal sacrifices upon the holy days, North 23rd St. Atlantic 5258. mittee; that regard is had in the disIhe conference, and Mrs. Brown, at ' as the Jews did at the Holy Temple men of Hungary, from the men and and I have no doubt that the World porary'shelter, but that'the time had ; tribution of funds for the special ' of Jerusalem. Except on the Sabbath Detroit, the result of which was the women who work for -wages, from will see it through to the end, what- come when such a practice continued .would result in pauperization of the functions" and-specific work of each! cancellation of all plans Tor the v trip .• Jews whose commercial enterprises in ever be tiie consequences to it." several committees., That while • to Europe snd the acceptance by Mr. entire Jewish community . in war- of the Hungary are curbed to the bighest exBoine P a rts x>S the United States] Brown of what he deemed the great"' : tent and from farmers who are finding tionand inquitious political disabili- stricken Europe, and thus the great ** necessity for rehabilitation. They! separate drives have in the past been est privilege and the most coveted it more and more impossible to proties. 1 must now be helped to help them- held by these several committees, it honor of his whole carreer. That duce. of laborers are in the selves. Thousands : : was the expressed attitude of the moment was, in my opinion, the most "Complaint comes from the patriot- prisons of Hungary, confined •without leaders ©f the conference, and the final! tense of any during the entire conA Elfrh-Gr«tle m i n d s Coal Thoroughly Screened ic Hungarians in the United States cause, notice or trial. These are Half Million Refugees. for EStfter Domestic Cleaned Before X*BTwho sav«d and sacrificed to buy Lib- thousands of Jews left without food The refugee problem was then dis-. expression of David A Brown, of Terence. •ep Steam ' ing tl«e Yard— erty Bonds- to help win the war andas a result of outrageous assaults and cussed and astounding figures were Detroit, Michigan,- that every effort No more inspiring example of a will be made on the part of headwillingness to forego pleasure and to who now find Hungary an orgy of robberies "by the "Awakening Hun- cited in advising the conference of riotous, pogroms conducted under the garians.* Commercial licenses "held by that condition. It seems inconceivable quarters, to effect a complete amal- make a real sacrifice in the interest - autocratic policies of Regent Horthy the Jews •were Tevoked by th6 Teleky and yet it is the fact, that from three gamation between the three commt- of" such a cause could be produced, tees, and a full and complete co-opera. and his administration. to five hundred thousand' refugees tion in the matter of campaigns, and and every breast at the conference Government Ms first official act. was filled with emotion caused by "I charge that Horthy is directly "The present Hungarian -Govern* literally wander from town .to town, • responsible for these evils. The peo- ment censors newspapers owned "byf r ° m village to village, live in the that every effort should be strained in sentiments of admiration, for and - jile of Hungary, freed from his yoke, Jews out of existence, believing the fields, in box-cars, in caves, and areevery individual community, to effect gratitude-to Mr. and Mrs. Brown for T E E BEST, rSAKKI.I2f COIT3CTT, ILLINOIS, COAX. 3STSED. i will repudiate him and his autocracy, only 'way to kill the Jewish press is to threatened with extermination by the same condition so that one single the splendid and unselfish spirit of A GLEAN, THOKOtTGHM SCREENED COM. campaign may be held for this worthy -'• willfulness and false promises and object to everything they publish. hunger and disease. They have no cause, thus insuring the maximum of helpfulness manifested by this act. AT S:HE tOW PRICE OF S 1 S . 0 0 J?EE ' T O J ' ,•• unsound theories of hatred against "Aside from causing Jews great fi- means of self-support and are being success with the 'minimum of effort Totna «OASJ NOW. ©•© NOT WATT TOR TWS. F A U . BTTBH, Jews and laborers. A Religious Jewish Boxer ; nancial hardships, the Hungarian supported in connection camps, and and expense. .; " O f E E B GBAMES OF COA5C AT TAItlOTTS PBtCES. : . "Nearly four years ago the darkest Government- administers a death bWw they^have no way. of becoming re• The Jewish Correspondence BuI want to .emphasize the thought '.,. regime in ; the history .of Hungary to the artistic growth of the country, established in their former homes bereau tells the story of how Ted !; trame into -complete control on th Otto Hailer, Minister of Education, cause the cities of their former homes expressed in the above paragraph and Lewis, England's Jewish boxer, ; •claim that the country was in the some time ago passed a bill through represent heaps of brick and mortar. to congratulate Omaha upon its past lost the Welterweight championrecord with respect to the working ship to Jack Britton. At the time /hands of Bolshevists and profiteers, "BETTEB COAL F O B LESS MONET" «•• what | J is i very apparentt from f h t has h tind proclaiming a new freedom* the Hungarian parliament, limiting to j been said that there is also great nec- out of differences between the repre- of the bout Lewis was champion* E. A2O0 CHAtXES STS.<—ATXAXTHJ three per cent of the registration of : Hundreds-of thousands, of Jews and essity for the medical unit of the sentatives of different comniittees and and bis manager arranged the • faardtoiling laborers were punished for Jewish hoys'who enter Tiigh school. Joint Distribution Committee in order its constant and continuous effort to contest to be held on Kol Nidre ' ihe sins of the Bolshevik regime under " . •"Almost every Jewish official, in that there may be brought about the bring about that co-operation that night. Lewis objected strenuous£ela Kun» Tvho happens to be a Jew, the employ of the Government'.'was proper conditions of Sanitation to should, in the interest of the cause at ly" to desecrating this holy day, A E»Rb-Gra<2e Co3ora<5o Coai. \ but publicly "renounced every allegi- 'fired' "without notice, or cause. Jews avoid the loss of many lives from dis- all times prevail between these dif- and the fray was postponed for A Semi No smokt, K« Soot, JTcE t»I •SSa and laborers afike disappeared, to 66 ance to the Jewish race. ferent units. the following night—Yom BlipHeat, JMOS Jousting— Screened—* . found the Danube next ease and epidemic "Thousands, of Jews and laborers, morning. More detailed ieports will be mad6 pur night. After fasting all day . • , 150,000 Orphans. ft* who •'-went forth to fight £or £bie coun- "There are to-tlay twenty-two cities at a Subsequent tame, by «ther repre- he entered the ring, tired and exPer Tea Several Another very important work that sentatives who were present at the hausted. Katurally he lost. He try they loved returned to their native closed to Jews. Those who lived in has been carried on by the Joint Disland only to see their fathers . and those cities conference, but before concluding, I • sacrificed ids prestige for Ms = the time of the tiecree soothers maltreated by the, "Awaken- were drivenatout tribution Committee is the child care • ask your indulgence to read the re- -faith. by officers. 3nose ing Hungarians" whose actions can who lingered because •work, there being upwards of 150,000 port of one Incident that transpired «f family ties g ^ ,She l :Black.Hun H orphans who have lost bofe.-parents conference, worthy, of consider-.', r. be compared; byiihe and r were lied- -to-are homeless, and without means at ion and indicative of the spirit that fe dreds t)f Eussia'In • the of fee of sustenance. A detailed description Czar. Inefficiency, •incompetency,' hangman's'rope. off maltreatment *>f in-of the manner In.which the Joint Dis- prevailed all through its deliberations. waste and fraud of the grossest kindj nocent ntett, •women and children reafch : A True Woman of Israel. were perpetrated by the-Horthy re- the Federation of Hungarian Jews in tribution Committee has been handgime upon Jews and laborers.. ... = ••America daily. Horthy and his agents ling this problem and plans to handle David A. Brown, reputed for his ' T i e ^Awakening Hungarians' com- are snaking unsuccessful effort to ^en- it in the future, cannot but bring forth efficiency in campaign organization posed mostly of detached active offi- lighten* t&e American public on tha commendation from the most skeptic- and for his phenomenal success in cers. of the Hungarian army, waged a situation.'* every such undertaking in which he al war without mercy on the Jewish inhabitants and fiie laboring classes for • voicing their thoughts. The Hungar- YOUTHFUL SCOUT WINS DISTINCTION. ian Government aided these ruthless enemies to slay Jews and laborers and David H. Sher, aged 13, son of Dr. to burn homes and factories of those and Mrs. Fhnip Sher, established; a record foT himself a t Camp Gifford, not aOied-with them. the Boy ^Scdufc encampment, this sum"As long as the Jews In America mer. Sher entered the camp a ten-' had to rely on press advices .the. Horderfbot, and left seven -weeks later as thy Government accused the press of a first class scout. The training and exaggeration and bias, apologizing tests necessary to attain this position hereby for the bloodshed.. A cry of usually require from nine months' to protest went forth from the United -..•;' WEEK WEEK States, echoed -by Jews and non-Jews a year «f work. In addition Scout -Sher earned October 2nd. of October 2nd. alike. the twenty-one merit badges arbitrarily twelve of "Systematically and 5 &6turn Engagemfent to become an eagle scout, the Jews and laborers were persecuted to required highest honor whifih a scout can atthe limit; they were, and still are, sub- tain. Of twelve hundred scouts in TflE GERSDOHF CO. mitted to unjust discrimination in Omaha only six are at present eagle 12 PEOPLE 1 2 business, unfair restrictions in^educa- scouts. Sher expects to earn his remaining Photoplay Attraction Sir Ernest Cassell, Jewish merit badges within a year. ,
garian Outrages
Dr. Wise Would Wipe ; Out Ku Klux Kian
Tragic Story of Misery iifixrif e Grips leaf t of&jerylmericanJew
Operated by EWorld Realty Co.
erous Curve
financier and'Philanpist, Died in London MAKE MHOVEftE
London. <J. C B.) Sir Sanest CEMETERY. Cassell, well known millionaire and Various improvements at the Beth philanthropist, died here recently at Hamidrosh Hagodel Cemetery ar6 the age of 69. Sir Ernest was often practically completed, according to an dubbed "the English Rockefeller." annouhcement made by the committee Sir Ernest Cassell has had an ex- in charge of the burial ground to* tremely interesting career. He wasd a y . .•'.. ' . born in Cologne, Germany, on March All cinder paths between the graves 3, 1852, the son of a small Jewish have been laid and the cement walk banker, Jacob Cassell, a pious Jew leading to the entrance will be comand Talmudist. At 16 he came to pleted this tveek. England with his parents. He! started as a clerk in a wheat concern in WANT DB. NORDAU TO COME TO Liverpool, but several, years later he AMERICA was employed by a large firm where Nevr York. (Jewish Telegraphic fee showed great financial abilities. Agency.) Th6 editors of a majority He soon established an. independent of the Yiddish dailies of Oils dty,' tobanking bouse with branches in all gether with prominent Journalists, countries. H e has advanced large met last week at the invitation of the loans to Argentina and Mexico and Keren Hayesod Bureau of America has great financial interests in China and decided to cable to Dr. Max Nor and Egypt,; H<2 was an intimate dau asking; him to come to America friead and -financial; adviser of the to workCfor: the /Keren Hayesod. A late King Edward. message iwas likewise despatched to Dr. Chaim Weizmann, urging him to •use all his efforts to get Dr. Nordau HIAS GIVES FOUR MILLION to Come to the tJnited States in the MARKS FOR EMIGRANTS fall as a member of fee Keren HayeHOSPITAL,, sod mission which, as announced, conNew York. (Jewish Press Associa- sists"tit^Jabotinsky, Bialik and Sokotion.) The local office of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society Mir." Reben Brainin w?is supported of America yesterday received cabled by i&t Baruch Zuckermin of the information, from, its director in War- "Zatn^&ad Mr. William Edlit, editor saw that the European Commission of the "Day", in explaining the great Df the Society assigned 4 mill'on services' Dr. Nordau could render to marks for the support of a Jewish the Zionist cause if he came «, America. emigrants hospital.
— in — • .
"One Man In a Million"
RUPERT HUGHES' sparkling' comedy of married life,.
,: . • Last Summer a Good Gitizen of a certain town not over a hundred miles ttGtn almost Eversrwhere, Wilt a Woodea house for a Women and tier Children. He built the Chimney of Brick because he had to. The Chimney was able to Stand Alone, so he did not have to prop it with Wood. But the Floors of the '- house would not Stay Up without props. The Good Citizen saved a dollar by . using the Chimney as a support to the floors,. He nestled the ends of the Floor Joists nicely in the brick of the Chimney. Be twvered up the job and got his'money. The Rains fell and the Winds blew In the most Bibffcai manner, and Winter came after its fashion. 'The Chimney Settled a little; and there was a tiny Crack.
One morning the Woman wofe up with Fife all About her. She tried to get to her children. If she got to them no one Ever Knew it. The Good Citizen who built the house was Not Arrested for Manslaughter. He is building Other houses of the Same Kind for Other women and children. He is making his Living by it. .
Chas. J. Goldstein Fur Go.
about them «r iMiythlns wMch cannot b«
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURRIERS 16th and Douglas, Over Frys Shoe Shop. Tel. Jackson 1132.
to the staff of workers stationed in race, religion, political or social affi- at the very start, and we must be York, in which he callB upon the Britthe pogrom districts of the Ukraine liation. Nevertheless, the participa- prepared to act as soon as the re- ish government to give the Jews fax and White Russia, whence he will re- tion of the Joint Distribution Com- ports of our representatives make more than is at present offered tijieiE port to the director on the special mittee as a special Jewish organiza- clear to us the extent of our task, BO in Palestine. Dr. Magnes also call* work that ought to be undertaken on tion-will not only assure the special that every step we take may mitigate upon the Zionists to hold out for all he From the German of Dr. Albert Einstein behalf of the Jewish war and pogrom Jewish phase of the work done by the the suffering. victims. The first of our representa- A. R. A j but will make possible the One thing must be understood considers they are entitled te. Up till about a generation ago way to a safe existence, -was made tives has already been selected. He launching of such Jewish measures above all: our present venture into Jews in Germany did not regard impossible for them. This refers Nine Organizations United in is Dr. Joseph Rosen, Director of the as the A. R. A. would not by itself Russia is the beginning of an enormWe wish to thank oar themselves as belonging to the Jew- specially to the Eastern-born Jews Baron de Hirsch Agricultural School, undertake at present. European Relief Council ous task, fraught with great responmany friends for their ish people. They felt. themselves living there who were exposed cona noted .authority on agriculture and We cannot as yet tell just what sibility. With every step we advance Dispense Aid in Soviet co-operation In maMng only members of a religious com- tinually to provocation. I do not bean expert on Russian affairs, who special Jewish activities will have to in Russia there, will unfold before us Countries. the first annual dance of munity, and many of them still -to- lieve that their number is a large leaves for Moscow on September 20. be undertaken and what their scope an ever wider view of the appalling the season a success and day hold this point of view. They one in Germany as a whole. Only By FEUX M. WARBURG will be. Once in Russia, our repre- Jewish misery there, and once in that take this opportunity of First Aid to Children and Sick. are, in fact, much more assimilated in Berlin are they at' all numerous. (Chairman, Joint Distribution Committee) sentatives, who under the Riga agree- afflicted country we shall not be able wishing them (SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH FKESS) Thus at the very inception of the than the Russian Jews. They have Nevertheless, their presence has bement will enjoy complete freedom of to get out until we have done all that | been to mixed schools, and have thus come a public question. At meet- New York, Sept. 16.—The Joint general relief work in Russia provi- movement, will study the situation on it is in our power to do. A HAPPY adapted themselves to German na- ings, conferences, and in newspapers Distribution Committee has recently sion has been made for the Jewish the spot, and from their detailed reAND PROSPEROUS , tional and cultural life. Nevertheless, there is a movement for the dispos- contributed §700,000 to the American part of i t As is well known, the ports it will be possible to assertain London, (J. P. A.).—The Jewish NEW YEAR. and in spite of the equal political ing of them quickly or for the in- Relief Administration, under whose American Relief Administration has the full extent of the work that must Chronicle to-day publishes a contriburights which ' they have - secured, terning of them. Housings difficulties direction it will hereafter carry ,on for the time being had to confine its be untertaken for the relief of our tion from the pen of Dr. Judah L. The Herzl Clubactivities to the relief of starving Russian brethren and how it is to be Magnes, the Kehiallah leader of there exists in Germany a strong and the economic depression are used the relief work in Russia. movement of social anti-Semitism. as arguments., for these harsh meas- Facilities for conducting extensive children and the sick. The Russian arranged. But even from the reports And it is just the educational circles ures. Facts are being exaggerated operations in that country have been disaster is so great that even the already at hand we know that food who have set themselves up as car- intentionally, in order to influence assured to us both by the agreement united efforts of the largest relief or- for the hungry and medicine for the riers of this anti-Semitic disease. public opinion. These Eastern-born arrived at by the representatives of ganizations are inadequate to solve all ?' * are by no means the only things They have built up for themselves Jews are made the scapegoat of all all the American relief organizations the problems created by it. This was the Jews of Russia are badly in need a "culture" of anti-Semitism, while ailments of German political life of in conference with Secretary Herbert pointed out by Secretary Hoover in of. As we set but to distribute food Hoover, the head of the American Re- his opening speech at the aforesaid , the educated Russians, at least be- to-day, and for all the after effects lief Administration, and by the under- conference, and the affiliated organi- and medicine, we shall soon discover -fore the war, were on the whole of the war. Instigation against these standing we reached with CoL Wil-zations had to agree that first con- ' that hundreds of thousands are with' philo-Semitic, and made, frequent and unfortunate fugitives, who only just liam N. Haskell, the director of the sideration be given to the childrea,and out the most essential clothing, that .honest endeavors to fight the anti- saved themselves from that hell A. R.. A.'s activities in Russia, at a the sick. The representatives of the whole communities are wandering . Priced One-Third Less Than Last Year! -Semitic movement. This phenomenon which Eastern Europe represents to- special conference prior to his depar- A. R. A, have for some time now homeless and aimless upon all the highways of Russia, that among the -in Germany is due to several causes. day, has become an' effective political ture for Europe. been in Russia and are studying every millions of -starving Jewish children THE MASTERPIECES of the world's finest clothes I Partly it originates in the fact that weapon which all demogpgues sucmakers—clothes built up to the highest standard known phase of the situation. The exact there are some two hundred thousand : Nine Organizations Co-operate. • the Jews there exercise an influence cessfully .use. When the Government and priced down to the lowest limit—fully one-third less program of the work will be made than last year. over the intellectual life of the Ger- intended the expulsion of these Jews, At t i e conference which took public immediately upon the arrival war and pogrom orphans who need a man people altogether out of propor- I stood up for them, and pointed out place in Washington on August of CoL Haskell in Moscow, but one home and someone to look after them Thousands Upon ThonsEnds ©f Men's, tiori to their number. While, in my in the Berliner Tageblatt the inhu- 24th under the chairmanship of thing is certain, no famine-stricken no less than they need milk and mediYoung Men's and Younger Young Men's Secretary Hoover, there were twencine.. We shall meet with these and "opinion, the economic position of manity and foolishness of such: a ty-one representatives of nine Amer- district in Russia will be overlooked. other horrors of Jewish life in Russia the German Jews is very much over- measure. ican relief organizations. Our com- Relief to All Parts of Russia. .rated, the influence of Jews on the Together with some colleagues, mittee had three representatives. press, in literature, arid in science Jews and non-Jews, I started uni- After a. thorough discussion of the The activity of the A. R. A. will not Omaha's in Germany is very marked/ as must versity courses for the Eastern-born situation, in Russia, "the conference be confined to the Volga provinces, Newest and Finest Ecpiped to % •he apparent to even the most super- Jews, and I have to add that in agreed upon a number of terms which/ but will extend to all parts of Russia, Bath-Heuse. ficial, observer. This accounts for the this matter we enjoyed official re- while coordinating the activities of including South Russia, the Ukraine, Last Year TOE Paid $35.00 to $TS.OO Baibs, Massage, Hot Packs, fact that there are many anti-=Semites cognition and considerable assistance the various organizations in • Russia and White Russia, where the majority Electric Treatment, there who are not really anti-Sem- from the Ministry of Education. New Fall Top Coats New F a l G&ber&nes Inhalstorium. the direction of the American of the Jewish sufferers are centered. itic in the sense of being Jew-haters, These and similar happenings have! Relief Administration, yet leaves each Even if the Joint Distribution Com$25.00 to $45.00 $25.00 to - S35.OO and who are honest in their argu- brought about in me the Jewish Na- of them a considerable measure of mittee, as a special Jewish organizaCONCANNON'BROS., Props. ments. They regard Jews as of a tional sentiment. I am a National independence in carrying on the work tion, did not directly participate in COMPAEE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. the work, the Jewish sufferers where1451 Farnam St, Basement nationality different from the .Ger- Jew in the sense that I ask for the that is its special concern. Entrance. ever they might be located, would man, and therefore are alarmed at preservation of the Jewish, as of Those terms confer upon the Joint still receive their proportionate share : Telephone: Tyler 57S1. the increasing Jewish influence on every other, nationality. I look upon Distribution. Committee the right to OMAHA, NEB. their national entity. Although per- Jewish nationality as a .fact, and I have special representatives on the of the A. R. A/s relief, as the A. R. j haps the percentage of the Jews in think that every Jew ought to come staff of the A. R. A. director in Rus- A. does not discriminate against any I OMAEA. England is not greater than in Ger- to definite conclusions on Jewish sia, to avail itself of all the privileges rCOEEECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN many, English Jews certainly do not matters based upon this fact. I granted by the Riga agreement as exercise the influence on English look upon the rise of Jewish self- well as of all the facilities of the A. society and culture that German assertion to be, too, in the interest R. A. The subsequent negotiotions Jews do in Germany. This not- of non-Jews. That was the main with Col. Haskell before his departure withstanding that the highest pro- motive of my joining the .Zionist served to bring out more clearly the Let Us Do' Your Painting and P&perihanging fessional positions are accessible to movement. For me Zionism is not methods of our common work. Among them, and a Jew—which in Germany merely a question of colonization. other tilings it was decided that the is unthinkable—can become a Lord The Jewish nation is a living tiling, Joint Distribution Committee dispatch Chief Justice or a Viceroy of India. and the sentiment of Jewish Na- forthwith two representatives to Rustionalism must be developed bothMn sia* one to serve on the staff of CoL •'-...- Liberals Oppose Anti-Semitasra. Haskell and the other to be assigned Palestine and everywhere else. : . In many instances, anti-Semitism (From the London Jewish Chronicle.) ts a question capable of a political JJIllIIIIIIIIlItlllllllllllllllUillllllllllllUtlU Select. Them From Out Complete Stock. ^solvent. _ It often, in other, words MORGENTHAU DECLARES on, the political party to SECRET MISSION For the Best lane of X "which a man belongs whether 'hie STORY INCORRECT CHILDREN^ becomes a professional anti-Semite. New York. (J. T. A.) In response _ A Socialist, for instance, even if he to an^inquiry from the Jewish TeleSHOES Is a convinced anti-Semite, would graphic Agency, Ex-Ambassador I SCHOOL FRIED & KUKLIN, Proprietors. GOTO not make his creed known. or act up Henry Morgenthau declares that the C. J. C&BXSOX; 214 South 18th Street Telephone J&C&SOB 0041 1613 North 24th Street Phone Webster 4830. 1514 North Slltx Stret, to it, because it is not in the pro- story printed in September issue of TeL: Webster 1EH. ALL WQEE GUARANTEED gramme of his party. Among Con- "Current History" regarding a secret Shoes for the Whole Family servatives, however, it is different. mission he undertook in 1917 in an at Low Prices. Anti-Semitism in their case arises effort to effect a separate peace beSame location for Thirty^jae Tears. from a desire to exacerbate for their, tween Great Britain and Turkey, is Corner Alley. party purposes the ill-feeling, in- garbled and incorrect. herent in the populace. In a country Mr. Morgenthua's letter reads: fnimmiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiinEiiif? like England, this influence is'smal"Mr. Frank Jewettfs article is so ler than in many others, "while thi garbled a statement of the facts, and existence of old, deep-rooted liberal so incorrect in many respects that I Go to the We have the largest and best assortment traditions hinders the rapid growth have refused to take any notice of it, of New Year cards and Booklets in the city. of anti-Semitism. I say this without and, as you know, it is not customary Brandeb Printing Come in and be convinced. any personal knowledge of the coun- for a diplomat to disclose the details Department of a secret mission." try. I have never until now been for your •? in England. That I would add, in From information received from parenthesis, perhaps accounts for the Dr. Albert H. Putney, in charge of BOOKS AND STATIONERY SHOE enthusiasm- with which 'my theories the Near East Section of the State Department during the war, and now 1411 Farnam Street, were received here. But in Germany dean, of the American University in the judgment of my theories depended on the party politics of the press, Washington, it appears that arrangeOn the First Floor while English science has not let its ments for the mission were handled Pompeian Room—By the Bank, directly from the White House and sense of - objectivity "be disturbed by that no documents exist L DANSKY, Manager. political views. The English peo1401 Douglas Street Phone Jackson 3260. p l e have; had a great influence on The secret mission, consisting of the development of science, and so Morgenthau, Major Frankfurter, and have tackled the examination of the Mr. Wertheimer, left this country in theory of relatively with particular July, 1917, en route to Palestine Morgenthau.expecteed to conEnergy and particular success. Whilst where fer with Enver Pasha, but they were . In America again, anti-Semitism met at Gibraltar by Dr. Weizman, the knows only social forms, in Germany Zionist leader, who, according to Mr. communal anti-Semitism is much Jewetfs article, moved them to give sad boy at stronger-even than social. I look up the scheme. upon the latter thus: The fact of the racial peculiarities of Jews is bound POGROM VICTIMS to have an influence on their social HOUSED IN PETROGRAD 319 South 16th Stra* ' Intercourse. I believe that German Riga. (J. T. A.) The Soviet auJudaism is thus being influenced to thorities in Petrograd have estabPhong Douglas 3400 a great extent • by anti-Semitism. lished three homes for destitute JewWith increasing wealth and increas- ish pogrom orphans. ing education the religious customs which formerly prevented the mixing Df Jews have tended to disappear. There was thus nothing but the antithesis which Jews represent, and which is called anti-Semitism, to : preserve Jewish separateness. Without this antithesis assimilation in Germany would have been complete krag ago.
Jewish Nationalism and Anti- ' Semitism: Their Relativity
29, 1921.
Jewisti Activities of lassian Relief Work Cared for by ID.C.
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kNTI-Semitism Strengthens Judaism 1 have noticed this sort of thing in. myself. Until two years ago I lived in Switzerland, and during my stay there I did not realize my Judaism. There was nothing that called forth any Jewish sentiments; in me. When I moved to Berlin all that changed. There I- saw the trouble "many young Jews were in. I saw -how, amid anti-Semitic surroundings, a well-ordered study, and with it a
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
318 Sooth Fifteenth Street. TeL Jackson 5030. ARCHIE JACOBS. •. JAKE KATLEMAN.
Fifth Floor—Saunders-Kennedy Braiding. Phone Atlantic 3160.
^ _ " : ~e
j "V
THE JEWISH^RESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. ...$2.50 Subscription Price, one year..... Advertising rates furnished on application.
We are on the threshold of another New Year. The old year , Oct. is passing again. We say "again," for it seems but yesterday 9 ct since we welcomed the year that is now going. How quickly R^OHMSeseh; Chesvan. Wed., Nor. « pass the years 1 And with increasing age, time seems to pass Kosh-Chodesch Klslev Frt.. D«c. 8 <Feast of Redifamore swiftly. The New Year is hardly here before it is gone Cl.anuUnb ti ) „ Mon« Dec. 16 a%ur..»-»- «.".=—• Tebeth Son.. Jan. 1 again. The new becomes the old, and the old the new, with. Fast of Tehrtli _..T«I«B.. <?an. 10 startling rapidity. . jShdmt Mon.. Jan. 30 .Wed. Star. 1 Yet this swift succession of the years .shou-ld xtot cause "us PBritn <F«ast ofArtar... Esther} Toes.. Mar. 14 Eosh-Chodesch ?«'i«»iin Thurs., Blur. ZC, sadness. It should be, as our New Year is, an occasion of joy.Pasnover ffeBSfrH Thnrs.. Apr. IS We wish each other "a Happy New Year," and rightly we may,•paesewr (Seventh Bee; 1f«d« ApHl 11 KoRh-Chodescli lyar Sat.. Apr. SS for every New Year is a new opportunity. We can make a new Hay 1« fc'Onaw start. We can begin afresh whatever we may have neglected or Mar !8 S Hhabnnth <Confimi»tiei3 Bay) Pr^ .Jnnr omitted in the past. The New Year is thus a season of hope. JJosh-CIiodesch Tsnwiin TneB.. Jane 21t Wed.. July 26 We can lift our eyes unto the hills and receive help and inspira- Boi»Ji-Choflesch Ab of Ab_! Tbom^ AUK. S tion and strength. The purest thoughts, the tenderest feelings Feast Kosh-CIiodesch Kiln! — Jrl., A us. 2u and emotions, are awakened by the New Year. We resolve upon 6«83—I83S. Sept. *2 Frl, the noblest course for our individual selves. Our festival be- New Year's JEve_ comes thus a time for high decision. We pray God to translate DENY ANTI-JEWISH EXCESSES it into worthy action. Kovno. (J. T. A.) The Jewish The world, too, needs a New Year. As a great poet has sung: Ministry^ of Kovno issued s stateOB
NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be worthy communal causes. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address: ,"" : b» Bare and sign yonr name.
Mock on, mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau, • Mock on, mock on, 'tis all in vain; You throw the sand against the wind And the wind blows it back again. And every sand becomes a gem Reflected in the beams divine, Blown back they bind the mocking eye But still in Israel's paths they shine.
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A new year in Israel approaches. -.\ The Jewish New Year's Day is not a day of rejoicing at the beginning of a new calendar year, for Rosh Hashonah occurs on the first day of the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar. The day has no secular significance, such as marks January 1st. I t (1757-1827) is entirely a religious holiday, a pay. of Memorial, a Day of Remembrance. . It is a day of holy convocation, on which the Jew is reminded ment denying the recent reports of " 'Tis time new hopes should animate the world, of his duly and responsibility as a member of the House of Israel. stiti-Jewish excesses in Kovno disNew light should dawn from new revealings According to rabbinical tradition, our New Year marks the tricts. To a race bowed down so long, forgotten so long." anniversary of the creation of man. All humanity has therefore an equal share in the common heritage of a universal birthday. It is time that the hope of a better humanity should take But it is Israel that celebrates the day, alone of all religions A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE firm possession of all hearts. It is time that the new light of an in the world. On the Jew rests the task of making that day, "THE SYNAGOG" era of peace and good-will should dawn upon the earth. We need which he observes so distinctively, mark the beginning of a year new revealings of reason and of righteousness. The race "bowed of spiritual effort, that will translate itself throughout each sucWith the approach of the Hign Holy Days of 5682 Israel's .down so long, forgotten so long," should be set free a t last and ceeding day, into physical deeds and accomplishments. religious consciousness, comparatively dormant throughout the take triumphant possession of a glorified earth. year, is reawakened. The synagog, therefore, will again become, Judaism must play its part in the coming world order; and * * i The year 5682 looms up with many problems for the Jewfor a brief duration, the spiritual center of gravity for thethe thought of every Jew and Jewess on this eve of the Jewish various elements in Jewry. Men and women of all shades of New Year should be how he and she may lend their full influence "to meet and to solve. s I The anti-Jewish propaganda, sponsored and disseminated by Jewish religious conviction, on the coming New Year's Festival, in the realization of all of life's desirable ideals. As we wish each Ask your grocers. Henry Ford, still continues to appear each week. The Ku Klux will wend their foodsteps in the direction of their, respective other "a Happy New Year," let us help to make good our wish synagogal premises, to hold special communion with God. There, Elan, with an anti-Semitic program, is attaining national proporby contributing to the happiness of all in that we do.our full duty we will soon meet, en masse, in public worship of seasonal in all the relations of life and by all the agencies and organisations. Each must be combated. Millions of Jews are starving in Russia. They look to Amer- penitence, prayer, and praise, cherishing the hope of relieving tions that minister to the higher welfare of man, civic, educa,. ican Jews for help. Thousands more are in other parts of Europe, tho soul jwithin us, from! its burden of sin, so that we maytional, communal, philanthropic and religious. enter upon the new year 5 with light and joyful hearts. I t is and their lot is a precarious one. Then will the New Year indeed be a NEW year for us and Palestine must be reclaimed and made into a haven of refuge the synagog or temple therefore, at this particular period, that all humanity. Then will the Jewish New Year 5682 be long and for the famine stricken Jews of Central Europe. Emigrants, peculiarly captivates the mind of the Jew, and commands his ^gratefully remembered as one that marked a new era for Israel fleeing from the intolerable conditions in their home lands, musi most earnest and profound attention, and for all mankind. = 24th and Claris Streets. I be aided by the Jews of America to find hew homes, where they A Happy New Year to one and all! Some time ago Sargent's artistic painting "The Synagog" may live in peace and quiet. , . . FREDERICS COHN. depicting the decline of the synagog and its replacement by the Locally, our sick and poor must be helped—our social service rise of the church, was placed for exhibition in the Boston agencies must be strengthened. Public Library. Boston Jewry, prompted by its keen sense of : We Extend to Our Many FRIENDS AND PATRONS Our temples, our synogogues and our religious schools must ironate religious pride, resented this public display; vehemently. Anti-Semite Czarists be supported, not merely on special occasions, _but all the year Leading American Jewish publications also registered their Have Office In New York round, by our people. . sentiments of protest, by quite a bit of editorial comment. New York—Herman Bernstein, Our lodges and fraternal orders need the help that is their It is self-suggestive, however, that the synagog and church tie well-known Journalist Just redue, and without which their work must'fail. in this particular canvass, by no means portray mere individual turned from Europe, publishes the And above all else, the Jewish home must continue to be,denominational institutions. They are rather symbolic of twostartling revelation, substantiated by as i t has been throughout "the ages, the sanctuary of the Jew. complete religious systems. They represent, respectively, Judaism authentic documents, that the Mon1408 Douglas St., Moon Theatre Buflding. * * * andjChristianity in their entirety. As such, the aforesaid protest archists of Russia plotted to replace Most of these things require money—but more than money and criticism were justifiable, for Judaism as the universal a Czar on the throne of Russia by do all of them require men; men who shall be strong in the con-mother religion will never concede surrender of its historic perpetrating the wholesale massacre sciousness of their faith and of their race, and who shall impart superiority. Judaism is a natural and progressive living religion, of Jews. that strength to their wives and to their children. in perfect harmony with all ages, and consequently ever-lasting He charges that the Monarchists The problems that confront the Jew in America can be solved and never-failing. However, in the light of an interpretation Organization with offices in New; only by workers, by virulent, active, aggressive men and women. of the present status of the synagog, as a distinct and single York, is closely in touch with the! There never was room here for the passive Jew, and much less so institution in Judaism and likewise independent of comparison scheme to re-establish the absolute is there room for him now. A Jew, to be worthy of the name, with that of the church, Sargent's painting does not present monarchy and is part of the "net must be a Jew in act and in performance. He must be a Jew of to us an artist's illusion merely; but rather a sad yet veritable which is spread throughout the! Jews, with Jews, for Jews—three hundred and sixty-five days-in truth. world.' ' the year. We can not ignore the true fact, painful though it be to us, Bernstein was successful in obtain..: :•. A noteJewish poetJias written, 4 .. . _._ I..,••.'.._-,:..,-..,: that of late the synagog or.temple is gradually declining in ing reproductions of documents, one : THANKS for yensr generous patronage "No man is born intothe world whose work. _ standard. I t is comparatively deteriorating' in its complex of which is a stenographic report of daring 1921—for the orders, the remitIs not born withhim.". "V . ; mission and former paramount position in the community. a conference that took place in ConEspecially true is this of the Jew. v , The founders of the synagog or temple did not conceive it stantinople, from Feb. 5 to March 8, tances, tlteJosKl words, the criticisms.. to serve as a house of worship only. Its very Hebrew name 1921, where prominent Russian. Czarists spoke openly of the plans to ex• A new year in Israel approaches, and there is much work for "Beth Haknesseth," literally meaning "A House of Assembly," terminate the Jewish population of I am grateful for them tSL Each and indicates a far broader intent on their part, at its very in- Russia. Israel to do. one has bcaaefifedl me. I am ception. The synagog was not instituted to function as an General Elemovitz, arch plotter, organization, but rather as a complete living organism. I t was NEW YEAR GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT the sowing of hatred ambitions, not alone for myself, bat for to be the Jewish clearing house of all religious, social, and advocates against Jews and spoke glibly of the OF THE JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION philanthropic ideals—the spiritual power-house of the respective forceful death of tens fend hundreds iny_' patrons as well It is only by With the approach of the Holidays, I desire to extend to community. As such, throughout its glorious past, the synagog of thousands of Jews. The docuevery member of our community my very best wishes for "asponsored all worthy communal endeavor. It emanated joy ment Mr. Bernstein acquired quotes niaking good for you that I cap make and assuaged sorrow. Being closely affiliated with the "Beth him as saying: Very Happy and Prosperous New Year." .good for the YAFFE PRINTING CO. With the commencement of our New Year, I am pleased to Hamidrash" or "Houuse. of Learning", it als% radiated light of "The massacre of tens and even announce that the Jewish. Welfare Federation is a complete Fed- wisdom, by disseminating the word of God, and a knowledge hundreds of thousands of Jews In that Spirit I solidt yoar continued of His Holy Torah among the masses. The synagog thus en- may guarantee our victory only eration in fact as well as in name. • compassed all angles of Jewish life, thought, and virtue. We received the highest kind of a compliment wnen Dr. for a time. We will be guaranpatronage. Spivak of Denver; attending our September Board meeting, deThe synagog or temple of today, tq our extreme sorrow, teed against the inherent Jewish clared that Omaha had the most complete and best organized is gradually being reduced to but a grim shadow of its former tendency for world supremacy only | Federation that tie had ever come in contact with. He congrat- self. Unless effectively and timely retarded, its ancient potential when we have torn out of their ulated our entire community upon the efficiency of our Federa- significance may eventually vanish, and its sparkling jewels of bands their main weapon—money. tion. communal usefulness tarnish. The synagog, seemingly, is losing We must .wage against them also I know that the officers and members of .our Board are more somewhat its general public aspect. It is being ignored, through- an economic war, we must drive' than willing to share this credit with the members of our Feder- out the year by the masses, and is only visited by them on them out of every domain of out: ation, as their assistance placed our Federation upon its present auspicious occasions (such as festivals, confirmation, marriage, native commerce and industry. etc.) Youth and joy are also foresaking its portals, and it is Undoubtedly this struggle is weakhigh plane. The Federation budget for 1921 amounted to Fifty Thousand therefore, frequented mostly by mourners and the aged. Thus, er ^and harder, 'nevertheless we Dollars, and I regret to state that of this sum only Thirty-nine instead of ministering to the living, the synagog is commencing must devote our attention to it. I Thousand Dollars has been pledged. I know that every one isto minister more so to the dead. It is ceasing to exist for us do not mean to say at all that in willing to assist in taking care of this balance in order that our as a "House of Assembly," and much more so as a "House of order to accomplish this it is nework can be properly accomplished, such as taking care of theLearning." Should our present indifference continue to permit cessary to stop sowing hatred for poor and needy in Omaha through our Federation, the sick the true historic^ spirit of the synagog to flee, it stands to reason, the Jews. On the contrary, this through the Wise Hospital, the aged through the Old People's that the synagogal organism may ultimately become petrified. agitation must be accorded thjs Home, educating the children through the Talmud Torah and Y. place, for this alone can preFrom this particular standpoint, Sargent's painting should first M. and Y. W. H. A., and in addition supporting the national inpare the ground for our further M US South 17th St., Ground Floor. Phone Jackson 0770 8 not be subjected to our criticism. Contrarily, American Jewry work." stitutions that are affiliated with us. The Cpmniittee in charge of the Finances of the Federation may welcome it, in the light of a timely warning of an imminent ' Father Voctokor of the Greek has found it impossible to call upon every one, and if YOU have religious danger, that must be immediately checked." Let usOrthodox Church supported the Gennot. been visited, do not regard it as a slight, but show your in- all cooperate then in the moral and pecuniary support of theeral's views and declared that "it is terest in our work and mail your check for your 1921 subscrip- synagog. These lamentable conditions of the synagog, as hereto- not necessary to remind them (the fore presented, are in no. way of a locaU nature. .This serious tion to the Federation and do it now. problem is met within each and every community in this vast priests) of their duty." He saw the Erev Yohtoy is the time to contribute, and your assistance in land. It is therefore, to be dealt with as a national calamity, first task, of the monarchists. as be-raising our required balance will enable everyone of Us to receive ing "the uprooting of the Jewish -and convey the greetings, "LASHONA TAVO," with better feel- of which no individual is immune from extending a helping heresy." hand, to relieve .this grave situation. Nor should these sad ing and spirits. .-...;• facts, pertaining to the synagog, be construed in the spirit of a General Krivoshein, the chairman Wish Their Friends and Patrons With best New Year ^wishes, -I am public indictment against. the respective synagog administra- of the conference, was of the opinion Sincerely, tions. Under the present difficult circumstances we are con-that "our main enemy are the Jews fident that the officers of every synagog the country over are against whom all our efforts must MORRIS LEVY, deserving of our most hearty congratulations for their un- be directed." He urged a doublePresident,:Jewish Welfare Federation. tiring zeal in the earnest interest of Judaism. However, there edged eword against this diabolical enemy—"sowing hatred and • ecocirculation, especially among non- can be no king without a people; no general without an army; nomic boycott." BOOKS WORTH READING.' and no synagog without the masses. "•'•••' "That Bogey Man, The Jew," by G.Jews. Mr. Herman Eernstein promises to Frank Lydston, M.D., D.C.L.— May the new year see us all imbued with that true synagogal make further charges and * revelaBurton Publishing Co., Kansas City, A Jewish' Chaplain in France. By spirit, so essential toward the accomplishment of those aims, tions in subsequent issues of the Lee J. Levinger, M. A. Cloth. 12 which we have endeavored to set forth. Let us make our banner "New York Evening Journal," to Missouri. Thfs little book,, the work of a fair- Mo. The McMillan Co., New York. resolution for the coming new year the Rabbinic maxim which his first article waa contriminded Christian, is a defense of the Rabbi Levinger is executive direo- (Abot H, J5) "Separate not thyself from the congregation." buted. In connection with the arJew against his detractors. Its tone tor of the Y. M. H . A . in New York True to its very name, may the synagog then once more flourish ticle, the newspaper publishes photois judicial, at times humorous and not City. Hewas a chaplain in France, in our midst, as a citadel of true piety and religious fervor; and graphs of the document on which altogether free from criticism of theand no Jewish chaplain has as yetas a torch-bearer of pure Judaic culture and enlightenment,, Mr. • Bernstein's statements a r e Jew, which, is not altogether unde- written "of his work with the A E. F., based-. —MORRIS N. TAXON. served. Dr. Lydston'E book is a wel- nor has much attention been given to some addition to the defensive litera- the role Jews in the army 1615-19 North Twenty-fourth Street. Our Advertisers made this editure -which the recent unwarranted and navy of the- United States, and only .twelve Jewish chaplains in thehave important bearing on the genIt will pay you to visit our millinery department. tion possible. Please patronize •m_
| Fresh Milk Crust | 1 Bread Daily I mm
Alder &Forbes I . * Bakery | MM
A Happy Prosperous New Year' ' R-B SHIRT SHOP ' *
To My Friends-
iN .
Mr. and Mrs. V. Zucker
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
attack upon the Jew has called forth. the Jewish contribution to the morale entire A. E. F. The personal experi- eral subject of* army morale, and a It "should be given the widest possible of the forces overseas. There were ences and, conclusions oJ one of them most readable and interesting storv.
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1921. Singer, with Mrs. ML S. Mifler chair-f ENGAGEMENTS ] I Yiddish Players Will Present 1 flay W the Department of liabcr ft m a n o f ^ e n t e r t a i n m e n t committee] Mr. B. Shames announces the en- y "Merchant of Venice" lustrate how effectively the new im« and^Mrs. Sam Wertheimer chairman gagement of his daughter, Jeannette, Joseph Kessler, famous Jewish migrfitioB law is -xvorkiag. The lavs Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hene Tiave of the chapel committee. to Mr. Harry Kavich of tMs city. actor, •will appear Wednesday evening went iuto effee 6n lane Srd and durmoved into their new liome at 529 Both Miss Shames and Mr. Kavich at the Municipal auditorium, in ing that month only 16,853 immi' South Fifty-first avenue. Mr, and Mrs. O. Rips and small [ are well known locally being active in Shakespeare's greatest -masterpiece, grants were admitted into the ccmntrj son of Tulsa, Okla., are visiting.-with "Shylock", or "The Merchant of as against 52,619 during the montl. Miss Frances Cohn of Des Moines, Mrs. Rips' mother, Mrs. Mary Swartz. various communal organizations. Miss j Shames is the present secretary of J Venice." j of May. Iowa, has been a guest at the A. Mel-: the Junior Welfare -Organization. | Kessler, who has been on the Jew-.; tier home during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Redman and Mr. Kavich is president of the Food ] ish stage for Bome time, is supported i UKRAINIAN REFUGEES IN son, Leland Alvin, of Ottumwa, Iowa, Center. Miss Shames has been emGALICIA TOLD TO MOV* by a large company of Jewish* Bernhardt Wolf and Sam and How-are the guests of Mrs. Redman's parployed as cffice manager for the Berlin. (J. P. A.) Steps are being stars. He will appear only on this] ard "Wertheimer left Tuesday for Lake ents,; Mr. and Mrs. A. White. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., for taken to expel the large number o1 one eight's engagement at the city. Geneva, Wisconsin, where they will auditorium. . jj Ukrainian Jewish refugees in the borattend Northwestern Military Acade- Mrs. Harry* Fellheimer will «nterr t i e past eight years. Eessler's special orchestra will. der centres of Galicia, according: tc my during the coining year. tain ten guests at luncheon at her Mr. and Mrs. Mdrris Passovoy anfurnish the music for the play. I information received here from Lemhome on Friday for Mrs. Hattie Bu7 nounce the engagement of their | berg. Appeals have been made to ths Mrs. Sylvan Burkenroad and small bel, who is visiting with her daugh-: daughter, Sarah Ida, to Mr. Sam HalPolisli auiiiorities' a t Warsaw, but BC Washington, D. C. (Jewish Press | daughter, who have been spending the ter, Mrs. J. B. Katz. ' igman of this city. Association.) Figures made public tb-' far these have been without avail. past six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Max Burkenroad, returned Tuesday The mariage of Miss Sophia Stein- The engagement of Miss Corenman, to their home in San Francisco. berg to Mr. H. Ravitz will take place daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. CorenFriday afternoon at the liome of, to Mr. Edward Kushner, son of Mrs. Max Marx of Sioux City, Iowa, and Mrs. 3. Kushner. Rabbi M. N.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kushner, of this has been spending the week with her Taxon will officiate. city, was announced during the past •son, Herbert E. Marx, and Mrs. Marx. week. The first meeting of the BrotherRose Baron and Miss Eunice hood of Temple Israel will take place Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zucker anTHE FLOWERS OF TH E BLUE AND WHITE. Sampson spent the -week-end as the [on Wednesday evening, October 19, nounce the engagement of their Top Row, Left to Right—Jennie Kosofsky, Etta Frisch, Mollie Grossman, gnestsv of Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky. and will be preceded by a supper in daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. William A. Frieda. Novey, Rose Bauia. the vestry of the Temple. On account Racusin of this city. No wedding Center Row—Mary*Shanon, LEQian Frieden, Dora, Ella Altschuler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobs are in their of the recent election bf Mr. Selwyn date has been set. . .. Mellia Marks. new home at 5614 Emile street. Jacobs to the board of directors of Bottom Row—^Lena Chesno, Bertha Batt, Rose SosMa," President, Leah Temple Israel, a successor in the presGoldberg, Sadie Drevich. ZIEGLER NEW The card party to be given by the idency of the Brotherhood will be ISIDOR PRESIDENT OF TEMPLE ISRAEL Penny by penny these fifteen girls shower" at which they decided, that Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza- elected a t this meeting. Election of officers of the congre- saved their spending money, fore- they would contribute the money to tion: will be held on Thursday aftergation of Temple Israel held Sunday going movies, sundaes and the other the Jewish Welfare Federation. The noon, October 20, at the Brandeis Tea The regular meeting of Hadassah delectable attractions of youth, until contribution •will be made 'next Rooms instead of on October 19 as elected president, Mr. Ed. Treller rethey had accumulated five hundred Wednesday, at the very beginning of previously announced. holidays' and will be announced later. elected as vice president, and Mr. Leo of them. Then they had a "penny the New Year, At the meeting of the Sisterhood The Ra-Oth Society was entertained Rosenthal as treasurer. The directors Messrs. Harry Z. Rosenfeld, Selof Temple. Israel held Monday afterwill be the complimented guests. At Sunday School noon Mrs. Carl Furth was appointed the meeting of this organization held Nathan Mantel and Dave Enrollment Doubles last Thursday, Miss Iafbbie Frelden head of the sewing groups with indi- Esther Nathan and Miss Martye | -was elected vice president to succeed vidual circles to be held under the Weinstein. The next tegular meeting I Rosenstcck,- and Ganz continues as Attendance at the Sunday Schools; jj ^^gg cc ee u direction of Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld, will be on October 15 at the home of secretary. u aa Cooper, Cooper, who who declined declied this this Mrs. Ed. Lang, Mrs. J. Singer, Mrs. Miss Sara Lewis, at which time elechas increased tnore thaa 100 per cent office# -j^e Misses Ella Fleishman, A son was born to^Mr. and Mrs.over that of last year, according to Celia Cooper, Rose Grodinsky and LibDavid Wells, Mrs. M. A. Wolowitz, tion of officers will take place. David Epstein at the Stewart Hospi- figures given out to-day. j t j e jYieden were appointed to serve Mrs. Leo Rosenthal and Mrs. Paul The total enrollment at Temple Is- io n ^e intellectual advancement comSchaye. Mrs. Dollie P. Elgutter will Miss Sophye Weinstein accompa- tal last Wednesday. rael Sunday School and at the Beth mittee. A membership committee conhave charge of the programs for the nied Miss Martye Weinstein to AmeSj coming season. The new directors Iowa, where Miss Martye Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Max Levin have taken Hamidrosh Hagodel Sunday School, •s i s t m g o f Mrs. Max Levin and the is now approximately three hundred - - -. Fai*_ . &re Mrs. H* Rachman, Mrs. Ed. Trel- will attend Ames College. Miss So- an apartment at The Roland. Nettie Abrahams, Sarah children. *,er, Mrs. Max Sommer and Mrs. J. phye Weinstein returned Wednesday. er, Flora Beinstock, Anna Green and A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Credit for this fine showing is gi?en Bess Stock was appointed. ji Max Davis last Wednesday at the by both Rabbis Cohn and Taxon to Stewart Hospital. . the work done during the summer by Rabbi and Mrs. H. Grodinsky will the ReUgious Committee of the Coun-- h a v e a s t h e i r over the holidays] T 1 Sanmel Samuelson, son of Mr. andcil of Jewish Women Miss Helen Grcdinsky of St. Paul,: •' * ™ k Mrs. S. Samuelson, left Tuesday for Minnesota, and [Messrs. Abe and Da-] Boston where he will attend the Bos- Next Wednesday night vill be the "" Grodinsky oi Chicago Mr. Nathan E. Green, 204? ton Institute of Technicology. He is last Registration Night for classes inj Mr. and Mxs. Reuben KulakFlorence Blvd., extends to all eighteen years old and was graduated Religious Study to be organized by we ading of Miss Edith Siegel, ofsky and family wish their his friends best wishes for a last June from Central High School, the Council of Jewish Women. Young 'daughter of Mr. and M Mrs. Aaron SieSi relatives and friends 0. Very Happy and Prosperous New where he received the highest average men and women who are interested in g e l t o ^ Joseph LorMs took place Happy New Year. Tear. in his studies ever given at the High!these classes are urged to report at on Sunday, September 25, followed by School. He has been in America but the Lyric Bldg. at 8 o'clock on Wed- a dinner for seventy guests. Rabbi FRANK DEE, City Representative nesday evening* October 8. ten years. Grodinsky officiated. Afte? a Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirn Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Feil, Ardwedding trip Mr. and- Mrs. 510 g&utli Tfe&tii St., Omaha! Nebraska. T and family wish to express tnore Terrace, extend their At the regular Friday evening servMrs. Ben Taxmaa and daughter, of, Lorkls -will be at home at 4229 Mayto their relatives and friends Phoae Douglas SS32. ices at Temple Israel Rabbi Frederick Eldorado, Kansas, Is visiting with bet j berry Avenue, Omaha, jest wishes to their friends _ their, best jwifittes for the Cohn will preach on "The Covenant parents, Mr. and'ltrs. J; Milder. • "or the coming year. coming year. of Judaism." On Saturday morning Miss I d a Feinberg of Chicago is he will speak on "The Nearness of The meeting of the Junior Hadas the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsky, Religion." sah Society will be held at the Lyric Rochman. Dr. and Mrs. O. C* Goldner, 431 North 39th street, exBuilding on Wednesday, October 5, i — M. Cohen Phil Saks 142 North SSth street, wish press to their friends best Rev. J. Levinson of Brooklyn will at which time election of officers will FINDS ANTI-SEMITISM GREATLY their relatives and friends a wishes for a Happy New officiate as cantor at the synagogue be held. A special program has been - INCREASED IN GERMANY. Year. Very Happy New Year. at Nineteenth and Burt Streets during arranged. There will be readings by London. (Jewish Press Association.) the forth-coming high holidays. In Dorothy Reuben, dancing by L o ^ Beaverbrook, who has jiast reconnection with the regular services, little Hermine Hirschmann and piano turned from am extended visit to the Rabbi and Mrs* Fredeiick Rabbi and Mrs. M* N. Taxon, Rev. Levinson is planning to sing sev- solos by Celia Azorin. j continent, in the course cf an article Cohn, 1802 Park avenue, take eral traditional, selections of some of 3559 California street, wish —— I in to-day's "Sunday Express," - dethis opportunity of wishing the greatest composers A luncheon and miscellaneous showdares that anti-Semitism has greatly their friends a Very Happy all their friends a Very Haper was given Saturday at the Burgess spread in Germany, and no class or and Prosperous New Year. py New Year. Miss Pauline Selicow spent the Nash Tea-room by Mrs. Louis Felt- element is BdW free from it. this -means of past week with Miss Sara Krupinsky j man and Miss Flora Bienstock com- , = ' ' i "—— ' '•• • of Fremont, who entertained at a Mr. and Mrs. William L. plimentary to Miss Diana Gross, a • &H their friends andp&trofis . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Handler, dancing party at her hoMfe oa Mon- bride elect. Fifty guests were presHolzman, 304 So. 38th St., 115 Turner Blvd., greet their We WisK Our Friends take this opportunity to exday. ent Among the out of town guests press " their best wishes to friends and wish them a1" wer« Miss Leah Solig, of London, tmd Patrons their friends for the coming Mrs. Victor Viener and daughter of England, Miss Bernice Solfg, formerly Happy New Year. year. Nebraska City are visiting in Fremont of this city but now of Chicago, Miss with Mrs. Viener's parents, Mr. andIda Feinberg of Chicago and Miss Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wolf exMrs. A. M. Krupinsky. •Irene Adelson of Lincoln, who was the Dr. Max Block, 434 Brandeis tend to their friends very guest'of Miss Martye Weinstein. i Theatre building, wishes to Mrs. Ben Tatle entertained twentybest wishes for a Happy and his friends a Happy and Sucfour guests at lunchepn followed by Women's Auxiliary to I. O. B. Successful New Year. bridge on Wednesday for Mrs. J. W. B. The cessful New Year. Lodge 354 will give a dancing parGENERAL INSURANCE Liebowitz of St. Joseph, Missouri, who ty at Hanscom Park Tuesday even1004 W. O. W. Building. is the guest of her mother Mrs. Elate ing, October 18, when the brides elect Phone Jackson 1984 Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher and Dr. A. Greenberg, 434 BranTatle. and recent brides of this organization - son, David, wish to their rel; deis Theatre building, exatives and friends a prosperMiss Minnie .Rothschild of Denver, tends to his friends his best Colorado, spent several days here as ANNOUNCE THEIE HOLIDAY SERVICES ous and altruistic year. wishes for the coming" year. the guest of Miss Sophie Weinstein. for ———> . Miss Rothschild left Tuesday for Hf. and Mrs. L / Kneeter, points in Canada from whera she will Sunday, Oct '2—6:45 P . Dr. M. I. Gordon, 514 Bran2111 Chicago street, ;wish go to New York to spend the winter. deis Theatre building, wishes' Monday, Oct. 3—8:00 A. M. that the coming new year a Very Happy New Year to may bring to their friends, and «s§0 P. M. • . . joy, health and happiness. his friends. BUY SAFE - » • Taesday, Q&. 4—S:08 A* M,
They Begin the New Year Right
We Wish Our Friends and Patrons • ' " •. A H a p p y
.. ,
and Prosperous -New. Year Consumers Goal and Supply Co.
We Wisk our.Friends and Patrons • •;
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
New Year Greetings
Dayton Money Weight Scales
Rosh Hashanah
Mr. and Mrs. L. Altman, 4327 South 22nd street, wish their friends and relatives a Hap* py and Successful New Year.
Mr. Morris E. Jacobs wishes to express to his friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel .Schaefer, El Beudor Apartments, express to all their friends sincere wishes for a Happy Year.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyerson and family of 1060 Fifth avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, •wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. :. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Feder extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Successful New Year.
Rabbi and Mrs. H. Grodzinsky, 2639 Davenport Street, extend their best wishes to their friends for the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Leibowitz and family wish their friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Dee, 5116 California St., extend to all their friends best wishes for the coming year.
V 'IT' /Tawita^, Oct H—«:00 P. ML Y o m R i p p U T ^Wednesday, Oct. XS-8 A. M. . . . . . at *.«'•*'
Our guarantee and our word is as good as a bond. We have satisfied hundreds of your friends. •••
HARRY MAL4SH0CK 1514 Dodge Street. -—Phone: Douglas 5619——
Barry H. LapSflus. Pres.-Treai. Jos. Pepper. Vlce-President. W. G. Ore. Secretary.
Omaha Fixture Supply Go.
' COMPLETE STORE AND .. OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy orer 10,000 square feet Southwest Corner ' Eleventh and Docdas StretU Phone: Donsrlag 27U4 OMAHA..
MR, JOSEPH KESSLER For the first time in this City in Shakespeare's Great Masterpiece
I J Or the Merchant o! Venice
Sixteenth and Chicago Streets The services will be conducted by RABBI HERMAN M. COHEN, formerly of Kansas City. Rev. A. Monsky and Mr. L. Harris •will officiate as cantors. Our services will be modem orthodox, some of tht features df which are: ' 1. Sermons ta English. •„ 2. Ke^^inf of some of the prayers in English as well as Hebrew. 3. A uniform prayer book, copies M which may be obtained at the hsH* 4. Proper decmura at the services. Admission to all the services S2.00 per m-rson.
Tickets msy k procured at iU Hall Ssadsf afternwm
' » = . < *«,-.. ,r. . V * ' , ' ^ / B j S V I i - i . W - , . -
on n-Vt
T V T % I?rk
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council amirsgtna lowa i^ews t _ _ ^ ^ -•: " /
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^yous R e u ^ a f Family Long ,
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f ™ ^ " S i ™ " ^ I f ^ 1 n° ceivefe™rableresponses.
.TO^»Z£S ^ T ^ f ^ ! ,^^SSSS^ ant
,T ? ^ REFUGEES i2ation ofJewish atudents. ^
f ™ = " ^TSS^K
Separated Will Mark NeW YearS ? y ' J* ™ • ° .*°Tm6a, F^ Kevutsky, former Mmister of Jewish' Warsaw. (Jewish^Telegraphic Agen__ _ _ •T yy, , j •..• x n .1 n i f £ Council Bluffs it has reached across Affairs in the Ukraine and leader of cy.) The Polish People's Democrat HOMEL COMMUNITY
decision of the Russian Jewish . mittee to directlv airoeal for he
; -
C e l e . b r a t l O n 111 C / O U n C l l B l u r r S the Atlantic ocean to the little city the Left Socialist Party Poale Zioni Party has forwarded a memorandum AIDING STARVING American Jewrv a S i i w tb • — — ^ • '^s=^=^ in Palestine, was cleared todayof• a Danzig, (Jewish Press Association.) reports received here. The , ( to^theMinister offoterior RadzkeAmerican Customs Sttd Education Being Rapidly Acquired by . j^Zf&F?!5^ ctons* against him for wrifang a vitch, demanding that the Polish fron- According to information received stores of the Jewish committee v
Recent Arrivals.
^ S t f e f * ^ ^
' pamphlet ^ni which he attacked the tier be closed against the influx of here from Homel, the greater number said to be greatly depleted.
'' " . : ' * J^80I$M&%&V\ policies of Sir Herbert Samuel. j Jewish refugees from Ukraine and o fJ e w s ^ t h a t d t are caring , By«R.G." • rf&i!^9&^M&:\ The court found that the paper was Soviet Russia who continue to pass f o r children o f starving Russians, a. = published Rosh Hashonah w%be truly a Eighth street, .the two girls were ' / ^ ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ h ' "^ote the *ensorriiip be- into the country despite the recent n u m b e r o fw h o m ^ ^ r e a c h e d S_ 0 1 S d z &S t h s t city dajr of "holy: convocation" for brought to Council Bluffs. Both are fj^^m^'-^-f^^lk 1 7 ^ ? ?" ^T ^^ A ^f ^ * ^ ^ < * " * entatl eS many families in Council Bluffs. now attending local schools. « I I | f -12? •'3WE^£** ^ ^ F* i^fv°"S ^ ! H V ^ **? ? ! ° * ***•?* Y havmsWORLDu
" t^is^rJtst"
SughS'M^^^lS^d P
Su^rVt S
* » - BeCla?tion;and elaborated; ^e^tly, the Peoples ' Demo-
otbe^S | ^ | ^ ^ f e «
re shafl continue our studies a t col^t^l'^/y^^°{^Ee\N^wa\1^^^ a m v e d from Koumania
ege," said Anita today. In perfect
^ ^ £ 2 5 2 ?
J ge continu.Uy inc^a sin/^enaceof =
to be signed; seemingly endless to enjoy the coming of the new year' \'*ttt&ffij&%&tt*®l K is maintained in local circles that ; Germans, Bolsheviks and Jews. The Bt has been the "red tape" thathad ^nt*fesr of molestation. Mr. and V $ ^ ^ j m S j $ $ 3 § fh e™& 7^rJft ^ r e l e a s e d Jews are accused of fomenting the Val1 robabl to be unwound, and. slowly, but Mrs. Somit are the parents of Mrs, W^^&W-*P^^hV/ P y ^ Sported from the numerous strikes now taking place in lovingly, have the dollars been Balaban. Somit is now engaged in •\0g£gg£$$F*'}7/ country toget^r withradical fteother mem- Poland.^ The appeal urges all Poles b e r s o ft h e M o earned and saved, that were nee- business and is on the road to recover ^"^rC^t^P^"'),'/ P| P a r t v - to r e P o r t t o ^ e volaee all Jews who essary to bring about the happy the losses which he sustained at the xsl'^'W '•'•^V'T'J^ " arrived from Eussia and the Ukraine. reunions of this New Year. hands of the pogromists. ^&^'^"'-^^ Russian Emigrants Obtain Vises. The first emigrants to arrive dur- After suffering many hardships in " ^ ^ - ^ Danzig. (Jewish Press Association.) League of Nations Asks For ^ The 11 C o n s a l m ag the past year were Aaron Gluck- war . st ricken Ukrainia, Mr. and Mrs. - • P.a d• o•m • „ , and , a nJdw.„ . A*"*"* Warsaw has| Palestine Information L lU b n n g t o nan and his two motherless children, p pitch and daughters, Marion and °f , .' f°} ' announced that he will vise the pass- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Council ^ t a , 16, and her brother Martm, 14. BeulaTwmcefeS^^^^ lie^iildrai arrived'in Co. Bluffs last £tlonah in America, in Council l«»P^-Bosh Hashonah. neighborhood, because he considers itself to the Palestinian government February and are at present making Bluffs. They are at the home of „Nel ech is the orphan, which the .them as Russians and not Poles, and for information regarding sgrictdheir, home with their aunt, Mrs. J. their son and brother, Leo Pitch,2800 Co^cil Bluffs section of the Council the Russian quota still leaves room.tural, industrial and commercial conIcharf 810 First avenue, Council West Broadway Jewish Women has adopted and for further immigration, according to. ditions in Palestine. Special inquiries duffs.' Both are already advanced S e v e _ v e a r s * f serjaration were W h ° ^ b e - a i d e d . ^ - ** J ^ ° « t h e Warsaw information received here. ,were made regarding the proportion p ranils in the Council Bluffs High j e J \ 7 ^ L I f ^ n c , - Q J ^ J remaining years of his childhood . The local Warsaw authorities have of the different elements among the
SMTJSSSES S 3 S S S S ^^£ttZ3Z~'*-v°~-
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ T
CQTATP I M Q I T O A M r i ? I HANK K L A L L b 1 A IL , H ^ i a U K A ^ i L l J , L O A N ^ < O 5 F O W A RF A T T V P O M P A M Y l\J W t \ I X H ^ L . 1 I ^ V J i V i r / \ i N I r Lc m ? E N T A O T O
p C H E E ^ K ) F „ w ™, r E v e r e t t Bid S-> Corner Pearlr a md Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. one6 v ^ ; ; • ' -; —
—„. „. „,
T!rSKJ?Si™ED ------M-r 1 ^.
^ T ^ - ^ / t ' ^ ^ ^ ^ w w ^ l S I m - ^ -snSLrtSaS^ts:^s^s^-a?'
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New Year Greetings
This information is being gathered
wander tiirough the devasted towns NOTED RABBI AND FOLLOWERS in order to facilitate matters in the
Snglish the girl told of her happiness The last arrivals are Mrs. Joseph m Poland, until he was placed in an coming consideration of the question m DIFFICULTIES. a being able to celebrate the coming Baron and two daughters. For many orphanage through the .effort of the B e r l m > J e w i s h p r e s s Association.) of the Palestine Mandate. lolidays in this country. The father months the trio had attempted to Councfl. j ^ ^ . S h n e i e r s o n > the celebrated . committee of the 3 at present employed m Cincinnati, join their father and husband, Joseph - The executive leader f L u b a w i t c hto. FURTHER DETAILS OF PO)hio. "Both pupils are exceptionally Baron. Immediately after his arrival Council "(Planning to bring the or- • ^ ^ ^ &n Q m b e rrfh i s d e y o t e d G R 0 M S m WHITE RUSSIA .right," said Miss Davis, teacher' of in this country, seven years ago, Ba- phan to this country, and also expects | o l l o w e r s ^ reported to be suffering Berlin. (Jewish Press Association.) Snglish at the Council, Bluffs High ron had made plans to bring his fam- to adopt another child during the Iatprivation and have issued an Details made available by organiza;chooL • fly here, but the world war prevented ter part of the year. • ^ a j T c h a i i d ^ mtoaid S J ^ T h e | tions in White Russia have been reFollowing them came Sonia and Sa- his doing so. Baron had purchased — • .: .- , • Rabbi is at present reported to be ceived here and show tiiat pogroms •ah Balaban.. Through the efforts of and furnished^ home for his family B R J ^ D E I S S H E L T E R S W I F E in Rostoy. took place* in seventy different placheir uncle, Ben Balaban^ 900 North long before their arrival.. ^ p j ^ y ^ j CONDEMNED «&• About 500 Jews were killed,
X oOllT M a n V F r i e n d s a n d PatrOHS J tmv* A a u u i o
— . T-*rN"KT-r A r> r -
*^ A. GILINSKY, Proprietor. 606 West Broadway. Tel. Black 560. Council Bluffs, low* _ = = '' —
•'• •"' •• ' '. ' --'' "' = = TO DIE REFUGEES FLOOD CZERNOWITZ j many hundreds were wounded and - ^ r W / * L f~\ C ' J J O The City Sunday school of Council daughters ' Mrs. T. C. StaH, of Boston. (Jewish Correspondence Vienna. (Jewish Press Associa- over 200 Jewish women were illW e W I S H KJUX r n e n C I S a n d r a t T O n S Jluffs will begin its faU semester g e a ta e ,. Wash., Mrs, P. D. Simth, of Bureau.) Justice Louis D. Brandeis tion.) Czernowitz is overrun with J treated. Jewish organizations are Sunday. A large number of pupUs Anita, la., Mrs, Dave Fried; of New has given shelter in his Boston Jewish refugees according to infor- doing all they can to he.p vhe ncA 1 1 ire expected to enroll during " the York Cily, and one son, Louis Simel, home to the wife and children of mation received here from that city. tans. . ** •«• -E.OI.ppj :oinmg week. The Sunday .school will o f Seattle, Wash, internment was Nicolai Sacco, an Italian radical who The large number^ of Ukrainian refu_ FORrP<5 *r*A P m o n n m n o M^TAT V^-»*neet this year^in the Ki-of'P.Hall in a t & eO a k Hill Cemetery, Council with a friend Vanzetti, has been gees which the Bessarabian author- ^ l T O E ^ ^ ^ 5 \ ^ 1 , f t M T Q T « s ailCl JriOSpeiTQUS i N e W I £&X he Odd Fellows building.- The teach- B l u f f s .. condemned-to death in a casethat ities expelled from the border towns, . r u m a n rutrKUJHlOKj. ng staff: will consist of "Rabbi Philip " has been compared to the famous have made their way to that city. •v^aa%' •1e?s7 Z r T A s s o " a ' r ^ jf r i n / f / ^ r v r - f Somanov and thVMissegFreidaGold- m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mooney case in San Frncisco. . . „ ,P A W C v n pP A T T r g > r m p tion.) General Budenys forces after 1H t M U U I l L „. M Mrs. Rosina Sacco was left penni- M ? E E ? A N ?f *°?s J??F?JmUch .trouble . iave succeeded m 3erg, MoIly'Saltztiian, Gertrude Gi- § tx.1 mT inskyandSaraKesselz^, : I . . SlOHX % HCWS i . less ;Jand ^ o m e ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ O U M B E . ^ r i e t o r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The Aguda^SnThelditsregu- U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I Z T ^ ^ t ^ ^ Z l™*?^..^erable^ wy | Jews of White Ru^a, according to ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s s r S
Danish hail.
S u n d a y ^ e r n o b n a t the
r* - - ^ ~ -
- was a ^ - l o s s a ^ . , h a ^ ^ ^ S j ^ ^ d T i f h t h o n 1 6 1
^ G- S S ? ^
iltmoon at tie home of Mrs. A. Gi- l>™&, H. Lwin and Edward Baron
two a m a u t t « w .
g ^ n ^ b a S g ^ti^wSch ^ S S ^ l J S S S L S^owS P
t the instance of Julius Rosenwald
hr^ia^^B^S'lo^Sy f iTJSStf T^ZS
, ; . _ __ _ ^^ _
New York. (J. C. B.) Dr.Joseph H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of Great » Britain, is" at present visiting his family in this city. He leaves for.Eng- • land on August 23rd on the "Aqatania."
Mr* Ike Krasne and fainily, and Institute, when plans were mada for '-•''-;,•..• Mjise Kramer of Oakland, Nebr., will meetings.and social work for they . arriva Sunday to spend, the.Rosh- coming season. . 1HW» « W P « HW'IM]
About fifty couples will ioin in the
N P W YpAr
^ r
l\ll a k "\A7' I^IV^VY' «L ^
Mr. and Mrs. A. ZIotky of Fretnont, Nebr., spent several, days with
xT x t n w r n
Mrs. Joseph HoUand and daughter,
sweer. visiting relatives in Lincoln during • '••„ • ••• ,, the past week. • The Council Bluffs lodge of the '.
" w nx
Uf3 t
" '•"•» " * " ^
^ ^ i ^ s ^ Ga^s-^^sr Bekard's/hospitai, was held Tuesday where .theyhave been Siting S from Cutler's Funeral Home. Mrs. their aunt, Mrs. J. Greenblatt.
Simel had: been confined-^ to the •• hospital forthe past ;seventeen years. The Menorah Society: held its first
t t V[lA \Y/^k O u r r»nianriQ VYC W I S l l V/UI I IICIK-lO
<mA Pol-v™-»o
a n d Patrons CUIU. 1 a L I V / H O
M M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ # 1 i ^ V i i
PKJDMK n , : B ) » i - f c L W M t t ^ PK OV HK. jnpi? t»w p J 1 J 7 " .© isuncwK BP» *wj?yii ejj»«»o' »
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• JD , > ' rt11o anCl 1 lOSDerOUS U
912 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Telephone 1785
' ^ S ™ ^ ^ ^ - , :,
National Jewish Press A^od* | tion, inc. | ;
Af T «—•• r \ i l 3 . M M y ^ i ' . * "^
We also carry a" good line of fresh smoked meats.
' f , B1),| l | ( »»• ' . « w . W 5 » i 8 '
Everything in Pure Foods for the Table.
" S W ^2? ,| "i" i * ;
« trniis-'Jsb K. DP'B- ninu
# 1 ' •
• ^ Y /Bat TB » ! S ? 5 S " t " S '
n™v*sr>n PTTTTTPC; T O W \ Tel 1487. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Tel. — • • " " • <_ •' "~~ " -. "
1 o vJur F n e n c l s a n a J T a t r o n s
Bnai B'rith held an open meeting Mrs.M. ET Harris and children ^ ''Zff^P^n^S^'Wednesday evening at the- .Danish Preston, Minn,, are visiting, at the
^ r^\__ *™*"*?>
&1FI DIN riFAT ft IlRftfFRY lift ULLII1I1 £ MhUl & ULUUtWlI... V U .
• ,
M -kTRA^NF ' 1V1. I V 1 X ^ \ K J I ^ I - I Exclusive Women's and Misses Toggery
- 1WJP*
~ ^^ . ' W ^ . ' J ' V wwwn^ ! W , t i *
...;.:, . • , , ' ' . : - , ; : ^ .
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with relatives mMeridan, Ctonn", and Talmah Torah. New Yorfc City, wiU arrive home — — X
__ 4 lA SW e s t
^ 1 " ^^^
.; : ... . v •. : ; . - .' ,
,, .:
Ehree table card club Thursday-after- Tahnah Torah home at Fourteenth l ^ y & \M *t t » 1 Dooxu *'.'.' ' and Jackson streets during the holiPP> « • • » . . 1 ^ • t J § j . — - day 8 ' The proceeds donated by the ~~ ^ ~ n J W , n ..DJ8t, Mr. and Mrs. L« Cherniack, who participants of the sewices will be twans' n no n U 3 2 T l b " ^ i haye been spending the past month used toward the building of a new iwoiiy IK I»D JP« K Wi'iMxa^ W--
• • • ; . " . ' . . cn> . €?
Y P ? I T C flT*#a^f"ITI C T C J. V^CIX V J i l i o ' o l I l l g O , _ ,
T ^ Or*i*" FTM'^M J
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A Happy and Prosperous
R RiFNr) *->• *-"^.*-«A ^ « - ^ 711 W. Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. TeL 5342
IT* « . B W " »W W
Mrs. J. Krasne entertained- the religious services to-be held in, the ! I f f W R i n f f j
* ¥W
1 W1V4L UPilL.! , W e sell retail o r Wjhplesale. _ ^ _ _ W e deliver, t o all p a i i s o f j t h e city . ^ v . • . . - ^ _ - _ ' _ .t r N •
a » Gakes and Pies
Consumptive Hospital a t Denver, Davidson, chairman of. the last local harbor during the month of;July, onColorado The debate "Resolved that •dxivet to rise before the conference ly about one half remained in New the Second Term is Better Than the s o *hat "the representation a t the York city, while the remainder traFirst Term," proved most^^interesting conference may see the leader of a veiled to^ various parts of the country. to the members of the club. The community who did accomplish as Some of the immigrants have, xelanegative team composed of Morris much-and more than many conimiini- tives m different dties throughout the ind Arthur Friedman and Abe Katel- ties : "* approximate size," as the United States whUe a number have man,-won the debate.-Election of of- chairnian;General Abel Davis, stated, t i e means to settle on.farms. One leers for the ensuing term- will--be Tb^xty-iive states were represented a t hundred ninety-nine were sent by the fcield Sunday. All members art urged this conference. Sioux City repre- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Societies to to be nresent. sentatives are instituting plans 'for destinations outside of New York.
,•"-:•••• - — another drive for th,e Jewish War _ _ . Mr. William Seff of Newark, N. J., S o f f e r e r s ' . CHIEF BABBI HERTZ^IN NEW was the guest of Mr. Arthur Snyder. _ ' . •- „ „ .m XTv ' , 7r°^r> ^ ^ T T.
„ _ _ " F
_ «-^ # '
F r e s h Bre d
dub voted to donate. $10^ th* Jewish City; by the^designation of Mr. Dave grants who arrived in the Ne^ York
Eashona hoUdayi in Council Bluffs.
^" '
from the Adrisory Connca.Upon being captoed were dwt
i&SSf&SSZ& -3r^.£-5£V^S
— The Sisterhood of Mt. Sinai Temple Tie Council Bluffs-lodge of the will hold the first meeting of5 this Bnai Brith held, its regular meeting season on the first Friday of next Wednesdas; evemn^ a t the Danish month, October 7. [lalli ' An Alliance executive meeting was . —— held Tuesday evening at the Hebrew
Greetings to Our Friends andPatrons .
TVT « n TSmTii VAWI^ Jndea dnb ^ ^ Louis Marshall, in" the interest
^ d^lopxnent'of the and his followers who were respon-
srenrged toBe ^ ^ S ^ j T a S d T m e t S ONLY ONE HALF OP JEWISH a
\- ' - '
s h o u l d h e l to
C r e a m CrUSt B a K l H g C O O i p a H y ' W. Perlmutter and J. Bomber, Proprietore.
T ., .yn .L i n f f S tDtOYe ore ?
L i b e r t y L/iOtJling ««« ««m
rnnTifil T?luffs Iowa.
720-22 West Broadway, - Council Hlurts, io — leiepnon 4005
We Wish
Our Friends and Patrbns
SOL LEWIS Webster 2042
COLORADO LUMP GOAL Smokeless—Sootless—Re-Screened at the Yard
Consumers Coal & Supply Company "Dealers in Good Coal" Douglas 0530. Douglas 0530.
*1t is curious that "while studying Bertha Salich On my new Yiddish part I have noticed that ray entire mode of life has "He Jewish Theatre" changed. Unconsciously I have begun
SIMON BROS. WHOLESALE GROCERS AttD JOBBERS, DISTRIBUTORS. 11th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Nebr. TeL Douglas 4889
it's about time to have your car or truck examined and" adjusted or perhaps overhauled ,to get good results: foe sure to call us.
We are capable to do it for you only expert Workmanship is guaranteed, only Genuine Ford Parts used.
At a special low rate while yours is in our shop for tepaiis
cents per mile GAS AND OIL EXTTIA
OUR SERVICE IS DEPENDABLE 19thSt atFamam Douglas7390
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
Four of the leading cartoonists in the United States are Jews. They are Hy Mayer of Pack, Edwin Marcus of the New York Times, Eube Goldberg of the Chicago Daily I have been asked to write upon have been patient and lonfr suffering. News, and Harry Hershfield of the "The Jew in Music" And although, They have lived under frightful op- New York ^Evening • JournaL I am a Jew and a musician, and have pression—-and survived. They have JEWISH GIRLS HIKE 15,000 MILES always been with both, and am de- worked against fearful odds—and sucNew York^ {Jewish Press .Associascended from parents who, also were ceeded* They were browbeaten and tion.) Beatrice Cohen, Hannah Daboth Jews and musicians, it "was not tortured by tyrants—and they kept vis^ Anna Ginsberg and Bertha Eountil I sat down to reflect upon my the faith! govis, all four of this .city;, returned topic that I came to the almost overyesterday., from a hike in the course And as further, even more convincwhelming understanding of the naturof which they; say they have covered al relation, the unbroken connection ing, proof of the Jews' love of music,- 15,000 miles. .The.four girls, all of and their understanding of music, and-the absolute affinity of the Jew examine the personnel of any audience whom: are graduates of Cornell with and his music. at opera, concert or recital in parquet, supplementary training at:Columbia His music! The Jew's music! Could box or dome. There you will find the and in business, left here •during May we go far enough back to know, to Jews iind Jewesses who know as well of last year making their way to the hear the Jew's first music, I wonder as those "who wish to learn to know. Pacific coast . From there they went what it would mean to us? I wonder It is apropos and will doubtles- prove to' Ganada, and British Colombia, just how far back that would take interesting to know what one of the then back to San . Francisco. Then us?: How many people realize to leading- musical papers said on this they headed south, looked" in on Mexiwhat dim and far-distant ages the subject only u few-months ago. The co, crossed iheLMejava Desert, came memories of music bark back? Long following editorial is from the Music- through Arizona,' northward to Cobefore what we call civilization, with al Leader, a Chicago publication: lorado, back to Texas, on to New. the crudest of "noise makers," our Orleans, through the Gulf states and "According to James Whitaker, .who northward, crossing Alabama, Georsavage forbears produced and loved their music I t was associated "with notwithstanding his recent marriage gia and the Carolines, to Washington. their tribal festivities, their religious to a lovely and' distinguished lady And then through Philadelphia on rites, with all the invocations and in-.maintains his reputation as a wit, their last stretch home. The girls are cantations to their various deities. Henry Ford of Detroit wants all Jews all very happy over their experiences Music. was the power which swayed in America to return to Palestine. If and say they have at no point entheir goods and music was a stimulant such & thing were possible the con- countered any dangers. to their 2eal and ferver. I t drove out seqences to music would be untheir evil spirits and propitiated their thinkable. I t would be necessary to Turkish Crows Prince Praises Jews. benign spirits, and in very truth transport also all musicians, since there is not enough of a sustaining Constantinople. (J. T. A.) Chaim soothed the "savage breast." And the Jew ages back—but never public apart from the Jewish popu- Beirana Effend, Chief Rabbi of Tor- • savage—incorporated into, his worship lation to •warrant symphony orches- key, visited the Turkish Crown] of "One God—One Lord" chants and tras, opera or concerts. Music is the Prince. Speaking of the condition of ! melodies, but calculated, since they Jew's natural heritage, and but forj the Jews in Turkey, the Crown Prince j 1 were considerably different from or- him music would make a poor show- said: "I have inherited a y sympathy dinary speech and conversational ing in Chicago. A good piano jecital, prayer to hold the attention of the a virtuoso violin program, a fine sym- towards the Jews from my ancestors. worshipping people and to appeal for phony; and even bad opera will find My grandfather, Sultan .Machmud, the attention of the Almighty to their his people present in large numbers, was l i e first to declare that all elesupplications and thanksgivings. Even and as the race is keen for education ments in the country, regardless of today some of the earliest chants are i t follows that the young Jewish peo- creed or race, should enjoy equal still discernible in our Hebrew music. ple fill t i e studios. That a clever] rights. My father, Sultan Ezis, was As civilization rose and marched man like Henry Ford would declare ] of the same opinion. I remember, in forward, so music marched in the himself so unethically is beyond my childhood -days, often hearing Mm vanguard. And there developed among credence, for the. suggestion, apart praise all elements of the Turkish the Jewish people certain melodies from its cruelty and coarseness, is empire, especially the Jews, who had which have become traditional, hav- stupid. We hold no brief for the Jews made a particularly favorable impresing been handed, down from age to lor for any other denomination, but sion on him becaust of their intelage, from generation to generation. i simply as a matter of justice to the ligence, ability and conscientiousness. Those melodies axe our music, pur ] most generous patrons of art in Every sensible Ottoman," continued people's origination and expression, America it is in order to state facts. the Prince, "is convinced that the our folk songs. They haveiaeen used In an article 'concerning the situation Jews in the Turkish Empire are a wherever the Jews in their wander- in the Eastern metropolis Mr. Whit- loyal element and an important factor ings have halted; wherever, openly or aker states emphatically that the'Jew in its progress." in secret, they have worshipped their is half the patronage and much more; ^'One God;" wherevera Jewish boy or than half the performance of music girl ,'bori; to Jgeniusy has disclosed a i s New Yor&T-*While it is not th» same proportion Mre, yet,without the glorious voice or a wonder-hsnd. Tbre Jew and music! Can they by Jewish attendance audiences would any stretch of imagination be disso- 'be sHm indeed. Let us be thankful ciated? No! a thousand times no! for Qua music-loving race."—The Since the beginning of time the Jews Jewish Daily N«ws.
• ' * , " ; •-- y~.
Per Ton
We Wish Our Friends and Patrons
By Edwin Franko Goldman
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
1824 Nor* 24th St.
London, who was welcomed by Israel' Zang-will with an enthusiastic speech, 1 is another JewisH sculptor, Henry K-! Glicenstein. His best-known work is I the "Messiah."
"I believe that the Jewish' theatre to speak Yiddish to my folks at home, can accomplish a great deal by help- have acquired Jewish mannerisms, ing create a melting poiriftr ^ur^own and I «ven! eat in Yiddish,* she added people, -where there wffl b&%#tofeger laughing. any Rumanian, German, Bussian, Galician Jews, but where all will be JEWS IN ARTS AND American Jews," Mme. Bertha Kalich. SCIENCES. said in an interview in her Central Eva Aptaker, a Philadelphia JewPark W. appartment shortly after her return from her summer home. "And ish girl, is the only girl to "win a that is why I am so eagerly waiting scholarship at the University of for the hour when the curtain is to Pennsylvania this year, tnrt of a rise on t i e premiere of *3<Jine fun hundred high school students who Folk" COne of the Many,') a new competed. She is another example "Yiddish play by Hose Shomer and of the Jewish,, immigrant, who got "lynriflW Shomer-Zunserj in which I her whole education in this country, am to appear at the Irving Place and is already making good with it. Theater on September 29." " ' *wThe new play is not a piece which Benf Druckerman has been apgives one a chance to display beauti- pointed by the United States Deful gowns or to indulge in grandil- ipartment of Agriculture to the oquence, but it is what I "would call Federal Horticultural Board. a drama of heart and soul, and I am certain that it is just the sort of play Mr. Albert Schneider, a recent in which my Jewish audiences will graduate of the High School of Comwant to see me. I merce, New York City, "defeated "When I made up my mind to give i three former thsmpions and the a few Yiddish performances this largers number of •writers~«ver eaterseason, as I had done in the past, I | ed m the snorthaiKi championship promised to myself that it^will not contests a t the Twenty-second Annnal be a play translated from the- Russian Cotftffention of the National Shortor Hungarian or adapted from any hand Reporters' Association at Niother literature, but that it would be agara Jails, OniariOj August 25. a Yiddish play, by a Jewish author, He broke two world's records, and dealing, of course, with the probtaking straight literary dictation for lems of our present life.". . five consecutive minutes at 215 "words "Do you intend to return to the a minute, and transcribing it "with English stage?" she "was asked. an accuracy of 98.3 per cent perfect "By all means," Mine.. Kalich re- —the highest net speed and accuracy plied, "by all means, I certainly 'in- on literary matter ever attained in tend to be seen again -on the Ameri- any contest. can stage because, € am proud and happy1 to say, I have always-continued The American Museum of Natural on the American stage the work I began in my pioneer days i n the Yid- History has awarded its first prize dish theatre—that*-of uplifting the for a cover design for its magazine dramatic s i t to a higher, level of to a Jewish girl,' Miss Bertha 3SL genuine realism. . JaSe, i "That is why," Mme. KalicK smiled, Jacob Epstein, a prominent Eng*% must have my few performances in Yiddish every now and then,- be- lish sculptOT, really marks i2ie highest causethey give me not only a much- l»oint to which Jews have yet attained -needed relaxation, not only the greet- in that type of art. He mil visit ings and applause of my old-time in New York in the near future. His friends, but even more so because "the most famous statue is the "Christ,'' Yiddish theatre is the stage where I in which he represents the founder began to realize mj- early dreams and of the Christian religion as a pale, aspirations. weak ascetic A recent visitor to
* FRIEDMAN BROS. FAMILY SHOE STORE 1504 North Twenty-fourth Street, Omaha, Nebraska. ••
• ' < * ' • *
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Levinson and the
STAR STORE wish all their' friends and customers
A Happy, Joyful and Prosperous •
ginning Friday Mornin;
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Used Car Sale
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J. H. HANSE For weeks we h&ve iaeea prepari&g ©mr used tars for this sale. We have Cadillacs you can't tell from new, some in such perfect condition that we guarantee them as new. ••-•• •• ;:'Weliave other cars ©f sS sizes aad at s i prices ftom f 250.00 up. . ' • ., _ • " .."••.• '...'••
H i e y - s s - e g o i n g ' t o s e l f a s t — S • ~M~
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!Ehe public has leaiiaea to Imow and sales because our cars are EIGHT*
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*The coaditaon of the hrawimls ©f vtsei. cars we have «o!d has built an enviable reputation for us iaifl «a ever4fr• creasing1 demand for oar ears. Ask the users of our rebuilt , cars about oar policies.
A SAFE PLACE TO BUY • J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Farnam at 26th Street.
Phone Hamey 0710.
EDUGATKMAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT. court trial -would bring out many Vienna Press Protests Against FORD ON TRIAL aineresting things and would devulge Austria's Exclusion of Jews
Office 209 South 18th Street
Jackson 0268
B. Komey—Signs New Iiocatlon abore 'Dan's Shoe and Clothing Company, . 1415 Douglas St.—Second Floor—' £otrancei throtieh store. Jackson 3171.
Indnstrlal and Antomotlve Machinists. Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Starter King Gears for Auto Fly Wheel* 417 South 13th Street. Telephone: Jackson 8550
sap» - •
We Deliver the Real Goods.
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Visit Our
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Electric Shop
Do away with drudgery and make house-work a pleasure by the use of modern electrical appliances.
The "Electric Shop" is on the ground floor of the Electric building, South-east corner of Fifteenth and Farnam streets.
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MAX L WALKER The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. ••GABMENTS CXEAKED;: U K E T H E TOUCH . OF A T&1SYS1 P H O N E KENWOOEi 0203. 8410 AMES AVENUE.
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Nutritions Home Hade
Distributors of
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery ' x
Stmdgren Pie Baking Co.
27th and Martha Sts. Harney 1663 Mannfecfnrers of Braes, Bronze. Aluminum , and Soft Gray Iron Castings. Ton are assured of. soft castings, as we machine some from every beat in oar own shop. Standard size cast iron, bushings In: stock.
Sealed in Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Xonr Grocer.
B4th and Hickory.
Leo A.
Harle-Haas Co.
lever Mercantile Co., lie. Monlielt*s
55% to 85% saved on parts for all makes of -cars. We carry a complete line of new ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car. 1318-1330 West Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
- Made from Four Own Feathers. Warm In winter; cool in summer. Cost less and last longer tban cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.
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Baker Ice Machines
"Manufeotured in Omaha" BAKER iCE MACHINE CO.
Jackson 24«7
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TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables
Have Your Furniture Reupholstered We make it look like new. ' • Call Douglas 9007 • A man wlll ; call with aample3.
617 Sonth 16th Street. OtJBvNEW LOCATION" Corner rtOtb and Domrlas Streets. ; Masonic Teniple Bids.
Call Atlantic 2364
Phono Jackson S06S
DON'T BUY COAL! j OIL IS SrOCflt CHEAPER i Let Us Kemovo toev. Door .Irom ! Ydur Furnace and and Insert Insert ,,aa
E o a VAPOR VAPOR BUR uLUBRroGEoa BURNER See Demonstration Slfl So. 10th Street,
OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. 2-J1& Cnmlnff St.,
Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS \
Omaha. Nebraska.
Rates for Space on . ; this S F 2 c i a 1 Page ;" given on application.
Jewish Press 482 Brand" a Bf-If!,,
ICE CREAM CO. Rich and Smooth.
1«3 3f. 18th St.
Phone Webiter <M08
We ere,now ready to supply IMPORTED RUSSIAN and TURKISH cigarettes, tobacco and tubes
OMAHA TOBACCO CO. 1404 Douglas StreetDSstrlbntors of .44 Cigars.
O. E. Engler 6c Co.
W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Ste.
319-S31 So. l « h . St., Omaha. Nebr. Phone Atlantic S889
. Atlantic 5211
Tel. Jackson 3372
Broken Show Windows 1
Henry Foijd's anti-Semitic secrets and From Citizenship. According to the reports pub- the sources of his anti-Semitic, prop- Vienna. (Jewish Telegraphic Agenlished in the Chicago press, States At- ganda. This, in itself, is already very cy.), The whole liberal press of Vien- are not only expensive • from • the standpoint of resetting the fffsse, torney Crowe has ordered Assistant valuable, because if we could con- na has started a campaign, against States Attorney, George E. Gorman vince the public that Henry Ford is the present government for rejecting but because yocr windows are rendered oseless. to take up the case of the "Dearborn spending, hundreds of thousands of the application of Jews for Austrian Place your Plate Glass Inrorsac® whert jww «Wae «fl! ft* Independent," and to investigate the dollars for his anti-Semitic propagan- citizenship, although they were born quickly adjusted. anti-Semitic -and pogrom propaganda da, and is connected with the darkest in Austria or have lived there for 50 of Henry Ford's sheet. States Attor- forces,in the European countries, we years and have the right to become ney Crowe is anxious, to find out would gain ; great deal and he would citizens according to provisions in the Ford's connection with the "Dearborn lose everything. Of course we know Peace Treaty. 640 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0S9t Independent," as well as the motives that Henry Ford is not alone in the The local "Sunday Afternoon News" and reasons by which Ford is animat- game. We know that he is connected ed and inspired in his program pro- with many people and groups of peo- makes public an article by a Viennese paganda. The formal charge against ples and organizations of all sorts, author, Herman Blumenthal, a Jew, the "Dearborn Independent" editor and that he keeps up an organization who submitted his application for Does It Need Cleaning and publisher will. probably be that for the purpose of inspiring against citizenship and was rejected, although J . farts of the World or Repairing? of criminal libel. A prominent Chi- the Jews. It may be that many Gen- he is the author of 7 literary works "We assist yon in getting H » NOW IS THE THEE TO KATE cports and give you expert adviM cago Jewish lawyer has called the at- tiles know that top, but if all these in German, has lived in Vienna for EXFEETS BO TEE WORK. 25 years, and was an official of the OB European conditions. tention of Mr. Crowe to the pogrom things should be brought out in Tonil Be Surprised at Our Kates. Austrian Mortgage Bank. IntercesWe help you to jret yewr Ml** Cleaning <2one by Vacuum •with| propaganda of "Dearborn Independ- Court, they would make a deep im1 tire* ia Europ* t« thig conntiy. out censing dirt. We have satission on his behalf by the Austrian ent" in its incessant blackmailing of pression on the public, and the imfactorily cleaned over 100 furnaces the PBBt month. Jewish notables. The anti-Semitic pression thus created would make Minister of Education, who submitted j VaL J. Peter & Co. ' JACKSON ISU. i article published weekly in Henry Foi*d's anti-Semitic propaganda non- that Blumenthal had made a serious; TICKETS AKI> contribution to German literature, • I Ford's "Dearborn Independent,": war- effective. We are not so much inFURNACE VACUUM CIEAMS CD. FOREIGN JEXCKANGE was of no avail. • | rant criminal proceedings against the terested in seeing Henry Ford con1SCT E « ™ ? « St., Omaha, 3£14 Craning? Street. TT« Install GHt Efijre Furnace*. Fhone &T turtle 034(5. editor and publisher of that paper, victed and punished, as we are inOf course we have a number of and it seems that Henry Ford and his terested in seeing him demasked. The Jewish people in America who have pogromist agents will soon Jiave to world at large must convince itself answer questions in a Chicago Court that Henry Ford is the greatest hypo- a trivial million or two. In these Y o a r position is of Justice, and to explain why they crite who has ever lived on God's hard times and in comparison .with the enumerated holders of $100,000,correct, and should made a specialty of pogrom propa- earth, and that he is affiliated with ganda, . . be s u p p o r t e d by the scum of humanity n his campaign 000 to §500,000,000 such little people with- one or two. million should be ap"We have already pointed out weeks against the Jews. We are afraid that propriately meek and not put on the every fair minded ago. that the only way how to silence even those Gentiles who take issue "airs" of those who really are millionperson. Henry Ford and his gang of pogrom with Ford regarding the Jewish pro- "aires" or billionaires. propagandists, secret agents, and paganda, do not know .yet that this Rockefeller, of course, heads the conspirators, and go-betweens, is to producer of cheap automobiles is an "noble" list, in •which b ^ some sue Henry Ford for libel and to make arch conspirator and an unscrupulous strange distorted human reasoning it his task as difficult as possible. We blackmailer. An American Court of • • • 0X • * • is viewed as enviable to be classed. think that it was entirely wrong on Justice could make the public see Pitiable is a better word—but if Hoffmann Ftmeral Hosae. our part to let Henry Ford have his Henry Ford in his true life, and that we say it—no one would believe and way all the time, without even at- is the reason why we are so anxious tempting of calling him to an ac- to have Henry Ford and his gangsters it would of course be counted as &n countability. In the course of his tried. We believe that this will be expression of "sour grapes" in us! campaign of murder and pogrom the only effective means to make en • Just how Henry Ford can reconagainst the Jew, he has blackmailed end to this criminal propaganda cile his claim that Jewish financiers attempt to dominate America, in the (PALMER GRADUATE) so many Jewish leaders, and has against our people everywhere. face of the verified fact that the main slandered so many Jewish personages Every friend of liberty and justice Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 of influence and reputation that were will be thankful to the States Attor- wealth (as symbolized by money) is in the hands of Christian gentlemen the victims of Henry Ford's libels and ney for the courageous step he has slanders, to sue him in. court he would taken in connection with the "Dear- (including himself) is ,snch an abtruse • HOLCOMB"" ' certainly be in Jail by this time. No born Independent." We believe that enigma that his marvelous brain alone FOOD CHEMICAL impartial Jury would find him not i States Attorney Crowe will succeed in is capable of solving it! Can a tail Bisect Co. M guilty of criminal slander. Our peo-his task, and will help the American wag a dog?—The Modern View. PRODUCTS CO., INC. SNOW WHITE H ple, however, and especially those af- to learn who Henry Ford Is.—The POLISH GOVERNMENT FOODS A>T> CTEESMCAI-S. fected by his campaign of libel, be- Daily Jewish Courier. BAKERIES W F2LAYOBESG ESTEACTS. WARNED TO CURB lieve it to be below their dignity to (See. IT. S. Pat, XK SIS N. leth St. Fhone AO&ntie 4&64 POGROM AGITATORS Office.) ^S sue Henry Ford. This is to our mind ARAB. DELEGATION APPEALS TO Danzig. (J. P. A.) The Jewish HARDING. * a false -notion of" dignity. It,is true NORTHWEST READY London. (J C. B.'jj The Palestinian deputy, Hartglass has addressed a that most of, the Jewish leaders at\ ' ELECTRICAL FIXTURES . \ ' ROOFING CO. tacked by Ford need not defend their Arab delegation h i s sent a cable to warning to the Polish government Eeady Eoofing crer old •;' APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES honor and dignityj but their silence President Harding appealing to him not to allow Jew-baiters to carry on Also CEphalt Bbingles anfl p only encourages Henry Ford and his on behalf of the Mohammedan and their pogrom- propaganda. He also roofs. Fire resisting end dnrsble. | Granden Electric Co. All work gnaranteefi. Easy terms. gangsters to continue their criminal Christian population of the Holy advised the government. to curb the X>E3?3EnSTDABX.E EI.ECTKICAX< Phon« Harney SB14 j \' anti-Semitic press which makes MERCEAXBISE. V activities, and to create a poisoned Land, to use the moral force of the Office and Warehouse: S1S2 tearenwortli • ' -,U EowmH St. riione Atlantic 0<Stt atmosphere in this country. Besides, United. States in opposing the British peaceful relations between Jew one Pole impossible. Mandate for Palestine. The same message to the President urges him to request the League of Nations to TIRES TUBES grant Palestine a parliamentary govChiropodist siid Beauty S4th BUB FaCTian? Street. ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURERS. ernment and to protect the MohamShop MEt-MER-CO. Brand medan population from what the teleThe Home of Good Ice Cream Established 1890 15th and Karncy Streets. Beverages and Syrups. gram calls "the Jewish peril." Home Made Candy. Phone Don&las SS33
MAX OLSEN & CO. Wholesale Distributors for
SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer
OSlce and Warehonse: S17 So. Main St. Telephone 145 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
Hand Furnaces '- "Make Warm Friends" 2208 Cumins • St.-
Phone Douglas 4726
Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers Specialties . 1511 Cumins St.'-. Phone Atlantic 1247 DISTRIBUTORS JACK B F B A T F O O D PRODUCTS. Omaha. Nebraska.
Why Buy Tin? Bay Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. SAVES XOV MONET.
Jackson S873
E. E. Bruce & Co.
i a y t a Money Weight and Detroit Automatic Scales and Meat Slieers
Phone Jackfon 1GSO
Est. 1891.
Joseph Polack & Son Wholesale Dealers in Butter, E g g s and Poultry. 1213 Howard St.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Ford Transfer & Storage Co. K. A. FORD. President, and General Manager. Cosncil • Blnffs (Iowa) Office 931 So. Main ftreet. Phone 305
United Provision Stores QUALITY GROCERIES AND MEATS 40S7 80. K4th St.
LADY CHIROPRACTOE In Active Practice Since 1(510.
Dr. Frances H. Turner OCSce: Branfleis Theatre BnU 17th and Potrgrlas Streets. Fhone Atlantic 3636
Phone Market WOO
Otnt' TREATMENT " W i t t CONVINCE SOV OF ©UK SINCERITY. Trust ©epartment. SaJetr Depogtt Boses.
An Ideal Washing Combination.
Estes Laoadry Tablets ' • -'
.. .with . . .
Phone Hansey 0SS2
Omaha Office: S13 Doniclas Street. ' Omaha Phone . Atlantic J356
-Always Ask for
JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 34ll Farnam St.
Representative Sio Go. 16th gt. • Phone DOnglas SS33
823-631 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Telephone 3163
Eonipped with Pdmotor. AH Calls Answered Promptly.
Druggists and Stationers
Ambulance Service
.»• f o r . . .
528-32 Securities Building-. 16th and Ifariiam Sts. Telephone: Jackson 3708
Douglas 6SS7
Estes Soap Chips
916 N. 16th St.
Stelner Electric MeatChopper and Coffee Kill. Used Scales ot All Hakes for Sale.
WHOLESALE 401-403-405 Sooth 10th St.
All thzt the name Implies.
Water Softener (Combined)
218 S . l«th St. Broaches »t Cestiral Mffirfcet. TaJde Supply tm& Toe$ Oentes.
At all Grocers.
v y mornJnir If y o o eaJS the
Frontier TvwdSnppIjr 1815 California Street. Phone BOUKIBS 6281
WHOLESALE GROCERS Phoue Jackson 1302