October 6, 1921

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And then thy* sins shall be pardoned when tfaou prayest." Ecdeslastes,

"Forgive t h y n e i g h b o r the jjj hurt that he hath jjj done thee;—



1 — 3 . '•


VOL. I.—NO. 43.

Entered as aseond-clasa mall matter on-January 27th, 1921, at postoffice at Omaha,' Nebraska, under the Act-of March S, 1879.


'f The Jewish Press" ^Receives Thanks of Hias

/esodat.i%. Jewish Press Teceived the wing telegram Monday from .."• Bernstein, President of Yom ffippur Semces \ L.Hebrew Sheltering and ImOmaha's Quota of $25,000 to Be Raised on Day. of Atonement.—One-Third AlreadyPledged. CAMPAIGN IS NATION-WIDE

; it Aid Society of America:

Please accept our deepest appreciation for the splendid support you have given Hias at all times. Your influence is of inestimable value and we are- deeply, appreciative of all that you have done for the cause of the unhappy'Jewish wanderer. May the new year bring you the fullest .measure of success. Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Societty of America. John L. Bernstein, President. Joseph E. Eron, Hon. Sec'y-


A Bulwark of Ancient J In Midst of a Changing City In the heart of the ever-changing, swiftly moving city there is an institution that for nearly, three quarters of a century has remained unchanged. While all about it—on the busy East Side, the men and women have been shedding their old world garments and habits, and modeling themselves after the*.custom of the new world, the building known as the Beth Hamedrash Hagodol has sheltered customs and traditions that are as old as the oldest prayer. • Thrice, it has followed the trend of modern invention, in the matter of building and sanitary improvement, but in its work the Beth Hamedrash Hagodol of 64 Norfolk Street has through three quarters of a changeful century housed and fostered traditional Judaism—unabridged, unchanged, unaltered by so much as the curtailment of a. single prayer. Through its 70 years of existence it witnessed the rise of reform Judaism and the building of great temples. But nevertheless it has remained the picturesque bulwark of YO 1 ^ 1 0 0 ^ Judaism-—an oasis of friendliness to the immigrant in a desert of strangeness. _ ' .. • .:""

ism has as its chief tenets—Pray to God, Study . of the Talmud and Torah, and Help lite Poor. In this last, too, the Beth Hamedrash Hagodol is not deficient. It has distributed $250,000 in individual charity. It aids destitute Hebrew teachers and distributes food to the poor.


President Marking's New Year Greetings NEW YORK, (Iewistf1 Press Association). — "The J e w i s h Forum", the educational Jewish monthly, published in this city, Holiday Services of Congrega- has received the . following American Jewish C o u f r e s s tion B'nai Sliolem Result in message of greeting from Pres- American Jewish Committeeident Harding: Securing: $5,000 in PreliI. O.-B. B., and Other'Naminary Pledges. tional Jewish Organisa"On the occasion of the celebrations Meet to Discuss; tion of Eosh-Hashona I am glad HOPE TO COMPLETE EDI- to express my sincerest good wishSame. ' FICE WITHIN YEAR. . es and good will for the .Jewish Initial - steps -looMng toward £he people of, the United States &n£LV A R I O U S -NATIONALITIES UNITE m OPPOSITION. building- of a fynagogue to house - their coreligionists throughout the

In the House of Learning. The Keren Hayesod city-wide camThe time far Study is either after paign will be held in Omaha on Yom Shochrith or between Mincha and Kippur. 'Moriv. In the morning after services, This announcement was made folafter the collection box has gone the the Congregation Bnai Sholem were world. We cannot too often re- Washington, Oct. 1—(Jewish porremind ourselves of the great servrounds, the stadsnts of the Talmud taken Monday during the services lowing a meeting of the local Comices the Jewish people have ren- spondence Bureau.) A draft is now or those who study the Mishna gather of the Congregation at the Swedish mittee on Tuesday night. Appeals dered and are still rendering the available of a bill which will be placed around the long table, wearing their Auditorium. will be made in every synagogue in world. It is good to know that before the coming- session of Congress, Tphilin and their Talith. A venerable ?5,300 was subscribed by those the city, and every Jew will be urged we live in a day in which ancient aiming to further restrict i: looking, patriarchal Jew with a long present for a modern orthodox synato give to the utmost to the cause prejudice arc fast being obliterat- into the United States, This bill flowing beard and with eyes set far gogue. , • of rebuilding Palestine. become operative after the year proin his head, reads before the others "We are most gratified by the re- ed, and that the usefulness of the vided for by the Johnson-DiMingham Omaha's quota has been set at Jewish people to all mankind is and starts the discussion. In the sults of our announcement to build," $25,000, one-third of which has albeiag constantly increased by rea- measure, would continue the S percent winter, when the;light which enters said A. Moskowitz, president of the ready been subscribed. quota arrangement, and in addition son of this fact the vestry-room is poor, the devotees Congregation, today. • *This is really as much a war REFUSES TO HANDLE DEARwould provide for examination of'imWAKREN G. HARDING. of the Oral Law guide themselves relief drive as the ones we have "Our appeal on Monday was made BORN "INDEPENDENT" AS migrants at the foreig-n port on emby the. flickering? light of candles, as an experiment, to see jost how conducted in previous years," said A FORD PRODUCT. barkation, and would establish in often held in the iands of those who, Rabbi Morris Taxon, Chairman of strong the sentiment for . a Modern this country a system of alien regwith wrinkled' brows, carefully listen Orthodox Synagogue was locally. Barish Bros., for five years the Committee, to-day. "Thousands istration and a scheme for the sur~ to the words of the' speaker. Our services were attended by many of Jewish families are loolring toward authorized agents in Sioux City for j veillance of aliens during the first The daily " cares of life are for- who are not annual members of the Palestine as a haven of refuge after Ford automobiles, today severed con] ten. years of their sojourn in the gotten, the straggle for existence Congregation. The proportion cf the EMIGRATION BANK WILL their tribulations in the countries of nection with the Ford interests, owing ESTABLISHED. j United States.' becomes insignificant and the whole entire amount which was subscribed Europe, and since the doors of to attacks made on the Jewish race Prague, Czecho-Slovafria. (Jewish, • It is learned here that represenA visit to the Beth Hamedrash world shrinks, as it were, until it is by those who attended our services America have practically been closed through the medium of Henry Ford's tatives of Polish, Italian, Czeehothe Dearborn In- Hagodol will repay the visitor who contained within t i e four walls of for the first time proves conclusively Press Association.) Under the sa- i to them. Palestine rebuilt will not publication, finds interest in the rare ingredients the House of Learning. . If the spirit that there is a large number of spices of the HIAS and the World j are much alarmed by the proposed only provide a home for them, but dependent; According to Enchul Barish,. pres- that go into the melting pot of of the Jew is, walled in by tall, Omaha Jews who are interested in Central Relief Committee a con- bill and are beginning: to coordinate will also fulfill the two thousand year old prayer of the Jew for the ident of the company, the matter of America. He finds there the old somber looking, tenements, it has at the Modern Orthodox movement and ference opened here yesterday for their forces BO as to ijring pressure creation of a Jewish homeland. A canceling the sales agreement with world types, venerable patriarchs, least-been allowed him to* let his soul whoare ready to help it financial- the purpose of considering problems upon Congress not to legislate the affecting Jewish, emigration. „ . . - . ' twofold obligation confronts the Jew- the Ford company has been' under dark-bearded, hungry-looking "Hel- soar between the rows of populated ly." S5 delegates representing 25: or- act into1 law. These nationalities are masonry until it reaches the heavens ish people in America at this time; advisement since'the inception of the amidin," and wrinkled mothers with seeking the cooperation of Jewish A city-wide campaign for a build> to provide a permanent home for the anti-Semitic campaign about one and their wigs and shawls—as well as that his eye discerns, encompassed ing fund of not less than $75,000 will ganizations are participating is the organizations. Last week in New !k Jews of Europe, and to demonstrate one-half years ago. Nothing definite the well-groomed, well-dressed modern as they are by these walls. The be undertaken . immediately, and it deliberations of the conference. .York, a. conference took place to disto the World Powers that the Jew was done in the matter, he explained, American Jew. There is no organ, sages say that since the Temple in is hoped to have the new synagogue Among these are representatives of cuss the impending measure. The can meet the obligation •with "which, until theDetroit sales office requested no choir, and the women sit. up- Jerusalem was destroyed God has ready for occupancy "by nest Bosh Jewish National Councils of Poland American Jewish Congress was repLithuania as well as the Zionist the Balfour Declaration, has con- dealers throughout the. country to stairs.. All through the day and no other dwelling place than "the Hoshonah. " The building will prob- organization.- Various reports were resented by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, the four ells of the ."Law." And these night, from 4 A, M. to midnight, force the publication on customers as fronted him. Only a successful Keren ably be located west of 30th Street heard and interest was aroused by American Jewish Committee by Louone of the "Ford products," Mr. there is almost continous prayer. Jews of the "old' school" are daily between Dodge and Gaining. , Hayesod Campaign can do this." the announcement that the Soviet is Marshall, and the Independent When services are over, the hours creating the habitation of God. U&rish declared. authorities were ready not only to der Brith Abraham by Judge Aaron The Jewish. ZEribune, New York. Appeals in All Synagogues. J. Levy. The Ukrainian Federation, Following is an excerpt.from the of study begin—for Orthodox Judajpenait -Jens to leave the In many sections of the country 'cancellation letter, explaining the Order Bnai Biith but to «id "'their" Emigration. The and other large Jewish organisations the appeal was made on Kosh reasons for severing the business announcement, was.-made by _,& Hashonah, In 500 synagogues in connections: /.. Yom • Kippfjr Sermons were likewise represetoteC • • 1>er.r~asE.;.ihe' Central, relief, .and, greater Ne^v; 5ork sad in 1000 more -of- -various iiations-'Uties fin order that you" may be" fully supported 'by."'Dr. Joseph Braisin, & Rabbi Frederick Cohn—Temple Isthroughput ihe-country speakers for advised as to. our ifasdhs for taking in Washington are making efforts to JOSEPH KESSLEE TALKS ON leading Jew from Petrograd. It was .^21:— the Keren Hayesod paintea' pictures this'jitep, we are enclosing herewith : enlist the aid of labor organizations, .; "SHYLOCK." ' also stated that the movement of Tuesday Evening—"The Voice of of the misery-in Europe, and recalled a brief "review* of the; treatment af- HIAS COMMISSIOJsEB REPORTS sod appeals from Polish, Italian, Jerusalem." Omaha will have a season cf Yid- some 12 thousand Jewish refugees -Checho-Stovakian and other societies to the worshippers the/prayerful forded us by you for the past five ON ISLAND CONDITIONS. yearnings of sixty generations of years, but the straw that broke the Mr. Albert Rosenblatt, Vice-Pres- Wednesday afternoon—"In the Val- dish theatrical performances begin- from Kiev who are at present throughout the country are being, ley of the Shadow." ning next month, acording to plans .stranded in the vicinity of the Dnies- sent to members of the House of Jews for the re-building of the waste camel's back is, your Tecent appeal ident of the Hebrew Sheltering and ter, would be facilitated. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon :— places in Palestine. j [Representatives, urging them to to dealers to. endeavor tb boost the Immigrant Aid Society of America Tuesday evening—18th and Chicago anounced by Joseph Kessier, eminent The conference resolved to found fight the bill and to vote against it. Yiddish actor, yesterday. The Keren Hayesod plans td •raise circulation of the Dearborn In- and its Commissioner to Cuba, has Streets, "The Redemption of a $100,000,000 in five years, of which dependent by persuading customers now reported upon conditions in that In an interview with "The Jewish a Jewish Emigration Bank with Pledge." American' Jews are asked'- to give to subscribe for it, emphasizing the country and the opportunities it afPress," Mr. Kessler stated that he is headquarters in London. Central Wednesday afternoon — 19th and fords for Jewish immigration. one-half. The local campaign is for point that the magazine is decidedly now making arrangements to appear immigration headquarters will be Burt Streets, "Ideal Purity." twice a month in Omaha, Des Moines, established in Paris with branches in the first year's contributiton' only. a 'Ford product/ and that it is a Mr. Rosenblatt's .conclusions are: .!• Evening • Services at the Temple Sioux City and surrounding cities London and Berlin. Small represen"In general, I believe, ^ Cuba is a .,; The World Zionist Congress* which wonderful organ of knowledge and tative committees will be formed -in will commence at 8 o'clock, and at during the winter months, presenting convened in Carlsbad last month, set information. If trying to discredit good country for a limited- number the "maaser" "or biblical title, as the Jewish nation before the eyes of of immigrants. During the first year the Synagogue at 6. Morning services a repertoire cf high grade dramas many other centres. An emigration New York. <J. C. B.) Beginning council consisting of representatives a basis for subscriptions to the the American public by prejudice, about one thousand could \ settle at the Synagogue will start at 7 and musical comedies. October 29 and continuing til! N*- • of local immigration committees in Keren Hayesodj and a ^manifesto is- hatred and intrigue is what you con- there, the number to be increased o'clock, and at 9:30 at the Temple. 'Mr. "'• Kessler*s company sppesred East-European countries will also be vember 15, an immense festival and Memorial Services will be held at here last night in "The Merchant of sued to the Jews of the World by ceive as laiowledge,* then the saying every year by a few hundred.- established. Its main purpose will exhibit styled "America's Making** 3:30. "It is a *young man's country,' the Congress further urged on every Ignorance is bliss,' is quite apVenice.1" Commenting on the charac- be the regulation of Jewish emigra- will take place in New York City. devout Zionist the; fulfillment of this propriate. Since you choose to that is, young men with-plenty. of ter of Shylock, Mr. Kessler stated: tion from Europe and it is to contain The circular sent out by the Arrangeenergy, determination and the powobligation to tthe utmost. ments Committee organised by the "1 believe that Shakespeare, classify your magazine as one of er of endurance, can establish them- AMERICANS FIND ANCIENT not more than 50 members. State and City Departments of Eduwriting the character of Shylock, inFord's products, you are wefcome to selves and succeed there and thus RELICS IN JORDAN To Utilize Jordan River. cation of New York calk the affair tended that the portrayal of the charPOLISH CENSUS POSTPONED VALLEY. The plan of the "Keren Hayesod" all of the Ford products, and you be of help to those who may follow. 'an exhibit of three centuries of imacter be left entirely to the imaginaBECAUSE OF BOSH HASHONAH may count us out. None of your is one o£ great scope. It seeks to Philadelphia (J. T. A.)—The Arch- tion of the actor. This accounts for Cuba is very liberal in its immigraWarsaw. * (Jewish Telegraphic migrant contriDUtions to our nationsupplement. the work undertaken by honey, and none of your sting!" tion laws and the people are hos- aelogical Department of the Univer- the great diversity in the types of Agency) Due to the intervention of al life" and under the plan of organthe Paleestine Administration, which sity of Pennsylvania has made pub- Shylocks that one sees on the stage. pitable. • ' the Jewish Sejm Deputies, the Polish ization gives the names of S3 governs the country, on behalf of the "LEAGUE" TO AID "When the Jews, who are there lic a letter from Dr. Clarence S. Fish- An actor can let his own attitude Government has .postponed the na- j ferent racial element* in the COTOBritish Government as the MandaJEWISH REFUGEES now, fully realize the importance of er, head of its Palestinian expedition, towards the Jews influence his delini- tional census, which has bees set to munity including the Jewish as tory for Palestine. While the PalGeneva. (Jewish Telegraphic the work and know what to do, they who writes of important and interest- ation of the character. •Playing.it in well as such peoples as the Letts, estine Administration's activities are Agency.) The Committee of Jewish will be able to accomplishiriuch good ing archaeological excavations made the Yiddish jargon, as I do, I believe start Saturday, October 1 to October Icelanders, Carpatho-Russians, Uk» 5. The postponement operates only inteneded to benefit the entire popu- Delegations in Paris*and the British for the Jewish immigrants. at Beisam, the Biblical "Beth Sham," I am enabled to invest more of the rainians, Portuguese, «tc. •; ' lation of 800,000 Jews, Christian Joint Conference : Committee have near the Jordan, in the valley of Jez- comic side into the role than is or- in those districts where the Jews arc "The present population of- Cuba New In certain Jewish circles in and Arabs, the Zionist Organization forwarded to the Council of .the is less than three million ' and ten' rael. According to Dr. Fisher's let- dinarily given to it. For after all a majority of the population. •York considerable opposition which is to administer the Palestim League of Nations, detailed'memo- million people can easily be main-j ter, the excavators have already "The Merchant of Venice" is a comeAn investigator has discovered that arisen to Jewish participation-in this' Foundation Fund on behalf of tb randa regarding the situation of tained there. During the 'harvest reached the stratum of the pre-semit- dy, arid is so included in the lists of of the members of the various Coun- exhibition. It is understood that th.te Jewish people, also contemplates its Jewish refugees in' various coun- and the tourist seasons, labor is im- ic period which dates back to 2500 Shakespeare's works. try Clubs cf New York and vicinity, opposition is being led by Dr. Sattt- . activities so as the benefit the entire tries and explaining the danger that ported from other countries. Many | B. C. The work thus far has dispredominantly Jewish, where the cost xiel Schuhnan and other reform r§k? population, Jewish as well as non- threatens them if new steps are not of these only remain for the/season closed strata of seven or eight an- "Further I believe that the famous of membership is anywhere from $250 bis. Last week, the United ^Syna"pound of flesh" upon which the play taken to insure thejr safety* . Jewish. ' : and return to their homes. . Cuba cient cities, built on the.site of BeiDr. Friedjhof Nansen was there- would welcome immigrants; as per- ram. Among the finds are many fine hinges, was named by Shylock only to $1,000 per year, 40 per cent do not gogue of America issued an invitain a jocking mood, in order to frighten contribute a penny to the nearly one tion to representative Jews to atOne of the projects contemplated upon delegater to deal**, with the specimens of pottery with rich and Antonio, and that Shyioek Was in no hundred charitable organizations of tend the meeting where this question by the "Keren Hayesod" is the irri- question in its political aspect's and manent settlers." . . . , • r. Mr. Rosenblatt went to Cuba in highly polished surfaces which, ac- way at all vindicative-tor revengeful." New York City, and of those who do was to be discussed. Most of the gation of the Jordan Valley and the to investigate the .possibility of new contribute, the large majority give larger Jewish orfr&aizations as -well harnessing of the Jordan waters for fields for immigration. He is also accordance with the policy of the cording to Dr. Fisher, correspond to vessels made in Egypt about 300 B. less annually than their Country Club as many prominent Jewish idi+i& Society, to find new outlets for Jewelectrical power. It is intended to authorized by the Council to propose costs them. Speaking of the subject, u a l g a r g. a e { | the question pro rebuild some of the oldest highways measures that might solve the pass- ish immigrants. While _ there • be C. Operations at Beisam will be con- ARABS REFUSE TO , • CONFER WITH SIR succeeded in uniting both elements tinued by, the expedition until the the American Hebrew calls them in history. The Zionist also propose port difficulties of ,the refugees. A final decision was postpone*' of the Jewish community, in evening heavy rains fall in December, when to reclaim the waste lands of PalesHERBERT SAMUEL "Sportsmen who are not Sports."- eon. •until after the High .Holidays. an immigrants home and in-estab- they will be discontinued until next The American Israelite. tine by planting eucalyptus trees London. (J. P. Association.) More lishing a Free Loan Fund for'immi- spring. on the sand dunes- As more land Would Have ExBERLIN JEWS HONOR -BlALXtL than forty representative Arabs in grants. . ^The budget for this "work becomes available, and as the settlePalestine who were invited by Sir Berlin. (J. Press Association.) has been set at §7000 for the first pelled .Si* Weekment upon the land becomes closer, Wooden Homes' New Polish Premier Presented Herbert Samuel, to conference at Friends .and admirers of th«s noted year, of which Hias contributes half it is estimated that Palestine will be Old Refugee Used For FireWith Jewish Demands. which he would hear their grounds Hebrew poet Ch. N. Bialik gave Mm and the Jewish community of Cuba able to house a population of four for complaint about the present PalDanzig. (J. Press Association.) a great reception upon his arrival to the remainder. '••.-• . wood in Odessa to five million instead of the present Berlin. (Jewish Press AssoThe Jewish National Council of Po- estine Administration declined to acthis city this week. The poet appopulation . of less thtan a million. ciation.) The following highly land has ^presented the new Polish cept the High Commissioner's invita- ,- London. (Jewish Press Assopeared .very grstefal for the iharacteristic incident is reportciation.) A number of refugees ed to have occurred recently in premier, M. Ponikowsky with a tion, according to information reWarsaw Poles Search accorded him. ; who arrived here_ from Odessa Munich. -A Jewish family adoptmemorandum enumerating the vari- ceived here from Jerusalem. The HAIFA HARBOR • •. -Refugees." • • ' • • y relate that conditions'there beged a six week old infant from, Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Sys- ous demands of the Jewish ' people Arabs explain their refusal to come OPERATIONS BEGUN gar all description. Wooden a family of refugees in Vienna. ZANGWILL DRAMATIZES to the conference by the fact that houses and trees of the one time tematic searches for JewisTi refugees in Poland. The Munich chief of Police Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) The "KING OF SCHNORRfeSS*1 similar . conferences in the past j beautiful boulevards of the city of-the fact ordered the are being conducted by ,the Polish The Rabbi of Radzimir has obPierson Construction Company has . learning London. {J. C. B.) Israel %«&%> ' child expelled on the ground . j are used by the inhabitants for police. Yesterday, police agents en- tained a promise from the Polish au- proved fruitless. begun to. carry out its contract for firewood. Electric and water that Bavaria, wants no' Jewish will has just completed a dramatisaA, conference of Arab delegates j •thoritiesthat during the week of the tered numerous Jewish hotels and the "construction of a modern harbor works do not operate, nor do refugees.. It was only with the tion of bis well known book, ^Wfcn held at Jerusalem considered the j Jewish New Year,, special permission private dwellings where many emitramways run. Thousands of greatest effort. that the Munich at Haifa on the Mediterranean Sea. King of Schnoi*H?r6f" which tpiU'J« roubles are paid for a small pall grants aand destitutes without spe- will be given Jewish storekeepers to educational problems of the Arab It is7 anriounceed that the > expenses Police-President, was dissuaded of water. produced shortly in English iSt ti& Erom effecting his decision. population and the adviseability of j open on Sunday, being the eve of w cial permission to live in Poland of the operations will amount to 10 National 'Jewish STh Kosh Hashona. were arrested. establishing an agrarian bank J million English pounds

Sioux City Firm Gives up Ford Sales Agency



^ tor ImndgraEts I CaM









Published every Thursday at Omala. Nebraska, by

_VTect.. Oct. 14 Klppnr -BI«n.. Oii; 11 Smooth (1'lrst Day) Saccoth (I/nst Day)—Shlmlnl Man.. Oct. Si ..TatS.. Oct. 85 SlracUath Tbraii... [ Kosh-Cliodcsrh Chesran .TVed., N'OT. 3 ...52.50 . SubscriptioTT Price, one" year. .....„„„_„—_—. :.-Pri» Dec. 3 - Kosh-Chodesch Klalev. Clianukah (Feast of DedlcS^ Advertising.rate3 furnished on application. tion) ______ „ _„„ . Jtton., Deci 26 SG33—1022. • " • NOT PRINTED" FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Proi5t3 from the pubh'caRosh-Chodcsch Tebet Son.. Jan. 1 f of. Tcbrth Tues.. Jan. 10 tionjof'The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy .. Jan. 30 Mat; t CHANGE 01? ADDfiEis'S-^PtDaSe fflT«i tiottl tbe old and new address; . Ha*. 14 llrurs.. Mar. 3Q •• . .; : ".-.' be iure and-sign yqnr name, ;......'._.,...^.,,. ,...-.„ „.... tarts;; Xt>t. IS .Wed., April IS . Fiissover (Seventh D a y ) . .Sat.. Apr. 29 I Rosh-CJioiIcRcli. I ^ ^ THIh KEREN HAYESO&

THE" JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANlFT Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372.,,

ent "To Thee we give ourselves to-day, Forgetful of ,the world out : side; We tarry in Thy 1house, O Lord, From-Eventide to eventide.

Xing b'

The annual appeal ^hich wUl p& made this Yom Kippur in our various houses of worship will be in the interest of the Keren Hayesod—the .Palestine Foundation Fund; It is eminently fitting that the Day of Atonement should be set aside as, as. the occasion upon which to make an appeal; the" answer to width \vill fee an embodiment of the prayers which the Jew offers on that day. . . For the Keren Hayesod is so broad in scope and so. inclusive in function as. to draw all elements iii Jewry, regardless By Fred &.- Levin of Melbourne. &t th§ii* faetidiial affiliation^, to its support. Th6 Keren Hdyesbd may rightfully be termed'an: ideal made Passing along Dalhousie Street, practical.' It seeks to re-establish Palestine as "Ere'tz Yisfoel", one of Rangoon's business thoraighthe home of Jewish cultm'e, Jewish art^ Jewish literature and r f ares;, _a rperson ._is immediately Jewish science, and.at, the same time to inalce it a home for; struck by the large number of -T"J:- "i;*r ihO^e hundreds of thousands Of Jews Who are nowjish names that placard the leading 'g- thei ravaied g p places of Central Eiirdpejseeking p^ g onlyy a shops in this busy and prosperous


The Jews of Biirmsi .


place f o r . t h e i r t ? e a r y b o d i e s , asking Only t h a t they^^ permitted— business place. n ^ M l i v & i n p e ^ c e ^ b t i t t o die-in peace. peace •••>>•• Burma has a large Jewish populaA.g a Foundation Ffirid for the upbuilding and restoration tion, the majority centralized in- Eariof Palestine' frb'ni a Waste land}, with stretches of arid desert, goon, and this is largely composed into ^ land that \vill be truly, with milk and honey", y "flowing g y , of "Bagdad _..„_..... Jews," with a sprinkling ?

the KSren Hayesddr not onlyy deserves the support df all Jews,, of high* officiais and merchants froni y pp it Foir the Jews of Europe will bbee ' tBe ^ - i7C -:-i!-^ TJewry. —English but should eo^iriiaiid it. dependent tin Anierican aioMormany years to come, and every Bagdad Jews are strictly 6'rtfiofhniily-tha"t will be established in Palestine will dimiliish the dox, and closely follow out the anmimbe¥ Of dependents and will make of it not a recipient but'dent rites and customs of Judaism Ito ie letter. They:ciose their shops a donor of charity * The second result of the work ..of the Keren Hayesod, that] from sunset on Friday till sunset oh which will ine'vit^bly -fo'Hovirthe first, .will be that of actually (Saturday, and also' for tKe" whole ten redeeming-Palestine aiid making it fit to axxjoinodate the yast.aays ^t New Year and Passovef, aha Jewish institutions, whose presence there will makei Palestine; f~*"•«- *n~u~i~ i,.ia^. oii 6ther festivls arid- ^holidays. as Sb many millions of Jews hope it may be made, the center There is a fiiie shul at RanM a strong and virile Jewish thought and Jewish culture. goon, of massive, tropical design, Relatively few American Jews will return to Palestine, and •with: alt the; comforts that c6u1d.be hope for the renascence of Jewish culture there is not in- designed in a- trpi>icat country* The consistent with" the highest principles of true Americanism. The seats are "wide and far, arid the Return to Palestine, prayers fof which arie ho ardently repeated building-"is furnished with hundreds :-bjr the Orthodox Jews'bh Yom Kippur, ,i§ not meant so .much of electric fans, to mak§ the at•as a physical return,- as it is as a spiritual one. The Keren mo'spliefe'as cdolahd as pleasant as possible for the congregants"; aiid is Hayesod will translate the ideal into th£ actual. 'lit -with beautiful





. on .the basis of the biblical thithe, will adbpit6d. in securing pledges for. the Keren Hayesod. This is ai Service begins on a Shabbos at system that will bring forth the very, best or,the very worst ff:3G a. m., arid is conducted in Bagthat is in the1 Jew;; Hbw caii it bring, forth anything but good? j dad style, which is totally different THe hbliest day 62 the year—the.holiest cause that the Jew j in many respects from the English has e"vir been asked to support—and a sacrificing spirit-asked style; for instance; the Jewish ladies do not come to shuL on ~Shabbos, fbrbttth--: .... ,•: , t ,.;.' ., . ,, " " 4 Kereil' only on festivals and holidaysi and Untjer such, conditions will Omaha Jews let the A the congregants all Sing out aloud Hayesod fail? ' and ciant with the "Chazan" the dif-

1 -


*'O may we lay td hfiart how swift The years of life do OnWafd glide; So learti to live that We nlay see Thy light at && life's eventide." 6. GOTTHEIL. (1827—1903.)

Poland arid Palestine In "Current History*' Kew York (J; C. B.) The galaxy df •writers of every iiatidnality who contributed to the October number of "GSurfent History/' published by the' "New YorS Times," includes two Jews; one Maurice Sainuel, a mefnber of the Morgerithau mission to Poland who writes on "Poland and the Jews"; and Gershori Agranski; for several yfearl attached to the Zibnist Gommissioii in Jerusalem and now active for the Keren Hayesod in this country, 'who writes on Zionist problemi in Palestine. Mr. Samuel's article i§ written &§ a reply to a cbntribution by Jairies Jay Karih in the August number which defended tHe attitude of the Pok3 towards J6w8. Mr'. Samuel writes convincingly because he adduces established facts and undisputed figures to controvert statements made by Mr. Kahn. In reply; for instance, to a passage in Mr. Hann's artiele which says that the report of the Morgenthau M:ssion shows that instances of violence to the- Jew were rare, the Jewish contributor who helped draw th6 Slorge'nthau report gives details of the many massacres which it recounts. After devoting some space to denials in this tenor, Mr. Samuel tackles

the structure of defence put tip by Mr. Kann to support Polish hatred for the Jew and succeeds largely because of his intiriiate acquaintance with the situation in P*olarid, to show that neither Polish patriotism* .nor Mr. Elann's ailegatioris of Jewish separatism, Jewish Bolshevisrii of Jewish comriiercial tendencies, form a correct of just basis for tHe Hatred arid i>ersecution of jews by the Poles. Bin Agranski's Article. Mr. .Agranski's article deals generally with the difficulties the 2ion"sts have to face in their problem of reconstruction in Palestine, and particularly with the causes of Arab urif est which, he maintains, is based "oii a .jiiiscdricsptidri of the Zionist amis and couid be overcome;'* He shows

Relief Worker Speaks Of Palestine Conditions. JSTrvr York. (Jrwifih Press Association.) Chas, V. Vickrey, General Se cretsi-y of the Near Esst Belief returned yesterday from a trip to the Near East. Speaking of condition! in the Near East, Mr. Vickrey gmong other things said: "In Jerusalem in September I founc much discontent among the Moslems and Christians. There vfJtt ffoi much business there, feiii I Chink c"6lklit!6ri£ will improve in time. There is BK outbreak agg'Inst the Zionists ev'Srj' now and theri^ but it dies away and •under the rule of Sir Herbert Samittl. the KigK Cbtamissioner, Zitwiisns seerrts to have planted itself firfnlj iii the cociltrT.*" f *

Jos. Pepper, Vice- Ptes\S«B». W G. Ots, Secretary.

I Omaha .Fixture & f Supply Co. | ]



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"Who could endure, shouldst Thou, O Gad, Ais We deserve^ forever ehids? We therefor seek t h y pardening grace Froni eventide to eventide.

Please pstronize adrertizers.

ferent prayers of importance, and follow out certain formalities which are" not practiced in English syna"ih large retters, so _t£at eveii ,.he .ly. sin,; but its grave and graveyard gogues. that runs may fea3; abes^^bni kip- with Itt -•••-..-- " f ; It was interestin;g to look; around pur spell forth the fundamentals of ^ dfeaf ^ a ^ ^ m n i s tllte fthe shul and see all Jews of many from the Judaism, of n, of the higher third and greatest teaching of Ydmj colors d life of man. Sin is hot an evil power Kippur: man himself must prepare very "dark skin" to the "brunette," whole cfiiiiri's the chHdren of flesh himself for atonement and no priest and even to the fair skin," all weaft'eading the must helplessly drag towards a weary mediator can prepare or work I e*rs. Although these may hot . be tomb. We caii always shake off its or atonement for him; Virtue is victory yoke'; and, what Is inorej we ii'e'ed by the individual himself over temp- identical, yet they are distinguishanever assume its yoke. An ancifent tation that assails him. The battle ble even by the "English "Jew." fable fells • iis of distant oceans witli cannot be fought nor the victory won The Kabbi ^ho I was introduced mountainous rocks of magnet of such by another. The human soul> wander-, to cannot speak a word of English or terrific power that wreck and ruin be- ing oh the devious labyrinthine paths Yiddish; but is well learned in Hefell any js&ip venturing near them. In- of sin, must itself essay to forsake the brew arid Arabic, and looked exceed-j stantly the iron nails would fly. out Way of Sorrow and proceed on the " . . . ,. ius on of the shipj bolts arid fastening would Waj of Salvation. This is the most ^ / be torn away by that magnetic force; spleffdidj ihi most momentous fact" in broidered "tallis. the vesel would-become "nothing more human life: that though man cannot I happened to visit the shul on a thaii so many planks of wood, and all always even half control his destiny, Shabbos when a rOhoseh" was called tfn Mard fall a ptey to the linger^ God has given the reins of man's con- to the Torah, and Jt custom' waters. Sin* there are that, likewise, duct altogether into his hands. impressed me greatly was this: Nuts, j unhinge aH 'bur stays of character, aiid: sp'ces were handed round ! "No wonder that the Synagogue to each of the congregants, and as rot) us of the restraints of past habits and 'education, and leave Iis helpless has ever ldbked upon this day of the Chosen walked round the shul i>laythings on the billows of tempta- prayer, fasting, and humiliation as a every one threw after him .the nuts, tion arid passion. Yet a man is the festival. A generation or two ago seeds, and spices as a "raizwah" of piibt of his life!s barquei and. can a t ; pur forefathers stood attired in white good luck and happiness. all times steer it ^ a s never to come'from evening to evenirigrih the Syr Situated in the. shul buildings is hear' those mountains of destruction*-' nagogue, during the "entire Atonement a deep well bath, known as a "michDay. Originally these white gar- va," which is regularly used by the darkness, and death. "And, secondiyj there, is ari ato'ne- ments were not worn as reminders' of married Jewish woman, according to mdnt for man's sins; We may re- the grave; they Were an outward sigh the ancient Jewish customs, arid pair the ravages of sin, rebuild the of the festal character of .this' Day,. many other strange customs are carshifting foundations of character, and appointed for life's spiritual renewal. ried out according to th£ rites and join again tBe suhdereU strands of our 'When, men are surinrioried before an teachings of orthodox Judaism. The Jewish people of Burma are spiritual fabric. We spurn the old eartnly ruler,' "says the Jerusalem pagan, fatalism which de'clares that Talmud, 'to defend themselves against clever and shrewd business people, thete is no forgiveness for sin. Na- soine charge, they appear downcast but kind and hospitable, and always 'tuire provides sbine escape from phys- arid dressed in black like mourners. pleased to meet and entertain Jewish ical •disease; shall the soul,- injured by * Israel appears before God on the people, especially "British. Jews," teinptatlon^s ifife, scarred by sin, not Atonement Day dressed in white as if whom they look on «s "deliverers be abte to fecover its pristine strength going to a feast, because he: is conii- and saviors" of their co-religionists an'd beauty ? 1^6 matter how harsh dent that as soon as he.returns peni" [from the unmerciful and tyrannical nature and man may seem, the God tently to his Maker, He will not corir \ hands of the Turk.—Israel's Mesof Eternal Eight Holds a deep pity demn, btrt will abundantly pardon'." j s e n g e r (Shanghai). that can ;atomj and save, bury not onJ. H. HERTZ, 1900. stowed on these artists wherever they have appeared in concert, arid BtTSINESS WOMEN'S Feb. 20^-Cherniavsky Trio, : piano, this is substantiated by several local violin, violincello, formerly musi- musicians who have he'arfi them at LtJB P R O t P ^ S EXCELciafis to the Imperial Court of Rus- Various tiriaes. iMtv Mtrsrfc AT POPUsia. LAR PPJCES. It would seem that everyone who March 30—Margaret Eomaine, lyric loves music should take advantage of in promofihg a series of popular soprano, of the Metropolitan Opera this opportunity to hear the best price'd concerts by artists of interCompany, New York. actional fame, 'the Omaha Business One doliar buys a season ticket at reasonable prices, and those in Women's Club is endeavoring to put good for 'five concerts, and seats may charge hope to see the Auditorium packed on the opening night, Oct. 7. music in reach of every music De r e s e r v e d a t io c , 25c or 50c per lover in Omaha. concert. This makes the highest URGES PRESIDENT TO The series consists of five concerts, p r i c e vh}. c o n d e r t o m y 77c> £nciuding TRADE WITH RUSSIA to be priven given at tlie Blunicipal Audi- w a r tax, while good seats may be Washington. (Jewish Press Assotoriumj as folows: secured at the lowest price, 33c per Oct. 7—Cyrena Van Gordon, prima concert. ciation.) Max Rubinow, formerly di"donna mezzo-soprano of the ChiSeason tickets are now being of- rector of the Chicago Opera Comcago Operd Association. fered for sale by members of the pany, and one of those who stood near Nov. 18—Nevada Van der Veer and Omaha Business Woman's Club and to the Kerensky government, Was yesReed Mffler,, <?ontr£Sitov "and tenor, can also be procured at the music terday received by President Harding. Mr. Rubinow, who has just in joint recital. stores of A. Hospe and E. D. Patton returned from an extended tour pc%, S—Arthur. IGddletqn,^bass-bari- « 1 a ^ t h e E d i s t m S h °P a t 8 1 3 So. J through* the Baltic"statesrurged™tli"e - ±oncr of- the , Metropolitan-, Opera. ' president to make trade relations with The very highest praise is be- Russia possible. Company, New Yorli


"From Thy al!-searehing,- righteous eye Our deepest heart can nothing hide; It crieth tip to Tttee f or peace From eventide to eventide.

that the good-natured, uneducated Arab is being Used as a dupe by Arab politicians, £nd by members of the landed class or eSendis^ but that the movement aga'rist the Zionists has little hold on the Arab peasant masses. Mr. Agranski's proposition, is that "Had the Zionists been in a position te give free play to t"ho • powers;- m$ given a stable form of administration tBSfe ' woifiQ be n6 more liostH'ity against Ziotdsts and ZioKfsm." The peace that could thus TS£ frocured awaits two tliirigs: First, the ratification of the BritisS Mandate for Palestine by the League of Nadonsj snd Becofidly^ a succegsful Mereri Hafes&d which would tiiske possible the eiplmtation cf the natural resoiirces of the c&Britry, i^ie iittrodHctioa cf thoasands cf imniigratits, the creation of inany indispensable instittifioiis and ilie prosecution in general Of Sibitist activities. Putting his af'gumgrit in t ri'utshfelt, lie says in s conciudlng sentence, "They (the Zionists) want the Mandate to 1)6 ratified, tiis Keren Hayesod td: gneceed, arid ss a result of fee two, the Arabs .to be fecpriciled.'*

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fc bring it f&mily from Warsaw to NOTED HEBREW WRITER America.


fice Day, at

$&&$• s&offid ibe 4if#etwt t» COMMITS SUICIDE The congregation of Temple Israel The Mogen-Dovid Ytfurig Judea club Mrs. David Sherman and Mrs. Vienna (J. P. A.).—Isaac I. Lubetz- Richmond, Va. (Jewish Prefes coSer«aei : ffign to open at Washimgr* is piafiHin^ a large celebration to beheld its regular election Sunday afMoiifis Wiener entertained-at-a bridge held during the middle of November ky, well known as & Hebrew writer Eociatlon.) A letter by Dr. E. N. toft. R&btiifc are also reqwesteed to party Saturday afternoon . at tie' to observe the fiftieth anniversary tertioozi Th,e follotrarg members were many years &ga, committed scidde lisch, Pfesideist of the Central Con- preach on thft subject of the linvffcaensuing term. PresBrandeis Tea Eoom for Mrs. Simofc of tEg foTtndiflg1 of the corigregatidru elected for the by taHisg poison. Lnbetaky whti ference of Asterieaa Rabbis, 3ost ident, Nathan1 Gilinsky; vice-presiMrs. JtfsepH Einstein of Ar&p&htie,was a writer of much ability, found made public, calls upon all American tioto of fetfiiamentE on one of the GalitifcM Of Topeka, Kansas, and for TfiS t S r w former rabbisj. Rabbi dent/ Arthur Freidmas; secretary, Nebraska, and Miss Edith A; Hene Mrs. David Greenbearg, a recent rabbis to arrange for a special serv;, jttefefably the Pay of William Eosehau/ now of Baltimore, Charles Goldberg, treasurer, Harry of-New York, are the guests of Mrs. himself at the outbreak of the warice on or about Neveafef 11, Airsilsbride. Tables were placed for forty in a helpless condition. A Russian quests.. . : ...: . . • . . Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of Detroit, Troehtenberg; sergeant-at-arms, Mau- N. Liebefinan. subjeet, the government permitted afid ISabbi Abratn Simon of Wash- rice Freidmani him to remain in the country on conirigtoh, Di C , have been invited to Mr. Carl Greenstone, who has been dition that he would completely Mrs. Julius Kendis and daughter attend. .. The Hebrew Educational club will visiting h:s mother at Lincoln, re- abstain from .writing or appearing in Df sSadelia, Missouri, are the guests Let Us Do Your Painting attd P&perhanging There will be an impfesdvS Service hold its first regular meeting, Mon- turned Wednesday to his home in public^ As the war continued and D£ Mrs. Kendis* parents, Mr. andon Friday 'evening, & special religious day evening, October 10, at the home Sionx City. he found himself without means of Mrs.- L Pearlman. Service 6fi Satttrday morning and inof Ike Feblowitz, 2414 Fifth evenue. existence, he tried Ms hand at selling the evening a banquet followed by All members are urged to be present. Rabbi SMoti Glazer of Kansas provisions. Luck was ,with him, he Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and a danca The cliib which was organized last City was a visitor in Lincoln durisg continued to prosper and at the conchildren left Sunday to Spend the dusion of fee war was reputed to New Year -holidays with Mrs. PBOMISE TO ATTEND SABBATH winter, disbanded during the summer the past wefek months. The club has many program l>e a millionaire. Recently he Kulakofeky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. SERVICES. features in line during the coming Mrs. P. Kline, Miss Ida L. Kline speculated in American dollars. The Select TTietn From Our Complete StOfclt EL* Davidson at Des Moines. Mr. Following a sQrring Eosh fefihonah falL Among these will be a debate ana Mrs. Isaac Newton Frost of dollar wss low when he made a KtSakofslcy retro-ned Wednesday* Mrs. sermon by.Rabbi Frederick Gohn at with the Aleph Y team of Omaha. Casper, Wyoming, are visiting in transaction involving the sale of a bMakofslcy will remain for several femple Israel Sunday evening, the Lincoln, where they formerly resided. million dollars at a given price. Then congregation rose end pledged itself Mr. and Mrs. J. Levitt of Des the dolMr suddenly rose, Luhetzky pg Mr. and Mrs* J* Kadis and children could Eot supply the dollars without Moinesj la., announce the engagement to..make' a greater effort to attend Sirs. PMIip Rosenblatt entertained of their daughter, Miss Esthyr Levitt, of Des Moines are the guests of Mrs. an enormous loss and he committed 214 Sooth Uih Street TelcplsORe J*(*i*B «•*! at a luneheon at her home on the sabbath services for the coming to Imie W. Krasne, son of Mr. and S. Adelson. suicide. . .' Wednesday £6r Mrs. Simon GalitiisM year. Mrs. M. Krasne, of Council Bluffs. ALL WORE GUARANTEED Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Orloff • and ofi Topeka, Kansas, who is visiting Miss Levitt arrived to-day to remain children of Maukato, Kansas, were NOVlfSEY-dROSS NUPTIALS* Please patronize eat her motfierV MrSi IL Greenberg. Mrs. over the Yom Sippur holidays. visitors in Lincoln daring the past The Wedding.of Miss Diana G*6ss David Greenberg was also: a comweek. to Mr. Soi Nbvitsky will take place plimented gaest. . . Mrs. Barney Brin of Webster City* at the home of -Miss Gross* mother, la., arived Friday to spend the holi- CaftUftal Bottrne Warns British •.... At.. the - feguiaf Friday evening Mrs. SL Gross, On SiiHdayj November days with her daughter and son, Mrs.Against Zionist Policy Kislsf service at Temple Israel, Rabbi 6> in the presence of the immediate As Gilinsky and Henry Nathanson* London. (Jewish Press AssociaFrederick Cohn will take as • his family. Rabbi M. N. Taxon will in Omaha. tion.) A statement attributed to theme" "The Greatest of all Revolu- officiate. Miss Flora Beinstock mil Friends Of Mr. and Mrs. S. Snyder, Cardinal Botirfie, head of the CathoFresh Meats , A KItrb-Grade' rfBnoSB Coal tions." On Saturday morning he be- maid ©f honor and" Miss Rose Thursday evening gave a surprise-in lic Church in this country, which has for ESth«r p e t a e s t t c and Delicatessen. Fried will be bridesmaid. Mr. o r 8tean> Us will speak on "The Eaabbath of been infiSe ptiblic" here, quotes Mm Dressed Ctuckess Our honor of the'r twenty-sixth wedding Philip Moiisky will be best man : Repentance." Specialty. and Mr. Ben NovitsityV brother of anniversary. The evening was spent as saying that the Balfouf DeclaraVet tion should be withdrawn otherwise the gr6bfn> will be one of the ushers. in playing bridge* FRIED & KUELIN* Props. .A novel party was given on Saturit will lead to serious and unhappy d&y evening at the home of Miss 161S KortlJ 4«h Street. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack of Coun- cOnsetJuences. The cardinal is fur* Tel. Webster "«S3fl. SPECIAL SERVICE. ther quoted as blaming England for Iibby Minkin for Miss Mary Yabroff AIX We deliver to all rarts of the city. cil Bluffs, who are now in New York having wrested the holy land from oi Wichita, Kansas, and Miss Rose At a special afternoon service at City, donated a silver wine cup to the Minkin, who is here for the holi- the B'nai Isfttel Synagog at 18thSynagogue in commemoration of thethe Turks baly to give to a people who have driven Christ from them. days from-Lincoln, where she attends and Chieagd Sts.j on Saturday, Js ew Year holidays, A C t E A K . TBOKOTJGSXT 8CKEESTJBB VO&Xt" ~~? The statement- has created cjuite a the University of Nebraska. A September 8, which is the Sabbath ' vaudeville performance was given in of Penitence, Rabbi Morris N. Taxon Miss Evelyn Marks left for Chica- stir. TOVM COAX. KOTf. DO >'0T WAIT FOB 5 B B VAXX will deliver a sermon on "Practical participated: AX.SO e T E E S GfeA&Eg OF COAI. &X T&Ei«»Wl which the following go, HI., where she will enter the Chi;i cago University. No Springs—Honest We%ht Misses Mary Yabroff, Bess Green- Penitence." Modern Room and Board for berg, Rose Minkin, Emily Radman, This is aft annual service which Rabbi Taxon conducts to enable The Blossoms of Zion club will hold and Tina Altschuler. . rent. HOBART EtECTEIG members of the various synagogues its regular meeting Sunday afternoon* 16iO No. 2Sth Street. GrMNBERS, CHOPPEES Mrs. Y. Schonberger and daughter, to attend. All girls between the ages of twelve Webster 1212. AND MIXERS. Miss Louise Schonberger, " are and fourteen are urged. to join this planning to leave later in the mbnth. OMAHAN ON C " • COLLEGE O L G AN- club. Service sad Sales: for Chicago, where tfiey will make STAFF. thel* future home. The Agudath-Achim dub will give Jacobs of Omaha, nthAND JACKSON STREETS Nathan E. Room "and Board will be | ' fi. Eifrh-GrsuS* toToi-e<3» Coal. student of journalism at the Uni-a Benefit dance, Thursday eve&'ng, Phones: That. U T l l K« 8mn&«, H« pMtt. Fall fit given to refined boy or man | j Dr. Frederick Cohn will deliver an versity of Missouri, has been selected November 3 at the Eagle's hall. The Heat. Toledo Scales Docg. 7652 address before the Political and as one of ten Sophomore assistants proceeds of this dance will be used V7h& -vrill attend furnace, lawn, | i Eobart Eleetri: Don?. 7395 Social Science Department of the for the Savitar staffs The Savitar stc Haraey 2726. f! Ten DellmnC Fer Ten Woman's Club of Omaha on Mon- is the University year book. Jacobs We have oa hand Used $.n& day afternoon, October 10. Rabbi worked on the staff last year as a! Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Rebuilt Machines. Cohn will speak on the work of thefreshman' assistant. • Thorn* I(H. Board of Public-Welfare* of which To ybtlflg woman Who will Ibe Best of EverTlhinj: In"Flowers ah3 appreciate a nice home* an atorganization he is president. ENGAGED. Confertioas at Moderate Prices. tractively furnished sferictly Mr. &nd Mrs. Himott Lincoln an- 545 W. Broadway. Next liberty-theater, modem room is being offered tCi BLUFFS. IOWA. > H. Marx of. Lincoln spent nounce the* engagement of -their for rent.-Weil located. Harnsy the week #ith her sisteTi »Mrs. j daughter, Eva, to Arthur Levy, son of 3462. Julius Newman and Mr. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Satfl- Levy* No wedding date has been steti ijiiitiiiiiitniitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniffintiHiu At the regular monthly meeting -'BUY-SAFE Mr, and Mrs. Henry Q. Marx, who of the* Nebraska Association of Chiropodists Dr. George S. Cohcan- returned -after . spending several non, -204 Bushman Block, was elected months in Louisiana with relatives, were. accompanied by Mrs. A. GoudBBgfetarp-treasurer. chaux. Mrs. Goudchoux willfeere«tnd tsar W©Itl i* as sootl as a boM. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Davicison and membered here as Miss Mbllie Srnger, We feave satisfied hunSte*; ot fenlail daagnter> Mary Deborah, of daughter of Mr. and $&ts. A. Singer, with whom she will visit for your friends* Des 'Mt}ines» spent several days ak : some the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis time. Ji RDILIN, Ptop. 1611. No 24th Street Kniaiofsky. TeL: Webster 6270. 1514 Dodge Street. A regular meeHng of the Aleph -—-Pfeose: Douglas 5619—— Mr. \ and Mrs. • Max Burfcenroad Y ivill be held Monday^ evening, have talxTi an spartr/icivfc at the ] October 10, at the YMHA club rooms, j This -will be the first t)f & series of 'Tadoiisac. ' educational ancl instructive meetings Miss Elizabeth Mason; of Sioux which this organization has planned Crfey, spent the week as the guest of for the winter. The club paper, "Y's Cracks," will also be distributed. Sii Esther Zalk. .


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I Ftesh Bread, Cakes and Pies, TwiceDaily

Mr. M a i Fiiikel left Wednesday to make Bis futore home in Blair, Nebf., "where h e will enj|"age in businesBi

We sell wholesale and retail. Many affairs are being planned for Hr. and Mrs. Ben Taxman, of OtJfr BREADS ARE L A R ' G I E R . Eldorado, Kansas, who &rs spending OUR P i t i G E S ARE L O W E f i several weeks with Mr. and-Mrs. J . Milder. Tuesday evening, Mr. i&nd Oscar Weinstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Milder entertained has been a p twelve guests at , dinner >. at. the Mi*s. W. Perluratter and J. Bomber, Proprietors. Fontenelle followed by a theatre pointed •quarterback on t b e football 742 W^esl Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Telephone 570. Military ' School. •party, for Mr. and Mrs. Taxman. <saln_ _ of Kempeir p -Mr. :..H. M. Milder gave a dinner Mr; Weinstein M s &l£b sliown much ^ s a boxer, and i s toot*- workparfy a t tiie -Braiideis= -Restaurant on .Wednesday evening when there ing for &e 'light weight champion: *erei fifteen guests^ ;and on Thurs^ ship> vi We Bchbol. •day-Mr, and Mrs..Ir. Stalmaster will A iegular meeting of the Junior entertain -at dinner at their home. Wel&re OrgaiiizaHon wifl be held _ 3Vfr. Blax Frpinkin left Tuesday f6r Sunday, October S, at t i e YMHA &in extended trip in the east. He Club 3ro6ms. A very good program 'ijfeei arranged for, S i s ineeting. will visit with friends in Chicago, Boston and NewYork before re- Members Sre -nrged to bring their friends-. •• -. . burning. ' -


Cream Crust Baking Company



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& son, Charles Mayer, was trotn Mr^ and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein.


The fear MitirFah of Sidney KattleDansdg. iS. P. Associatiton.) At nan, son of 3VIt. and HTS. S. Kattle^ nan, 929 North 27th Street, took the conference of Jewasii.inerchants ?lace; Saturday. . • in Poland just teld in lJemb%rg,_it:j • S was decided to lay before the govWord has just been received here ernment the demand that the boycott i a t the Misses Rcsemaxy and Clata against Jewish traders be removed i .sisters of Mary Antin, wiio and e p a l opportunity with Polish | . : •W i here -last year,- are now in traders be afforded thenf. f The h d Walchain, Mass.,; Miss Rosemary is mand will also Be inaM that the :e?ching in ttife Junior High Schdbl restrictions on Sunday 'liading at vn»2 Miss Clara in the Kindergarten pi-esent in force be removed. -lasses. Miss Rosemary Antin is Alter the attempt made upon the •Iso taking special -scork at Boston life of President PilsudsM, relates .Jniversaty for th« degree of Bachelor the "Lfembergere Tageblatt," someone spread a rumor that ~t&t»- perpeif Education. trator of the outrage was a Jew, = • Mrs. Esther Barish of Sionx City and the ramor almost leS to a po- 5 .. »\ the .gttest •oft-Mr., ana.Mis. S. grom upon the Jewish cormnunity of, = Lemberg. -. • ILittlcmai}

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i 21*Jiij

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THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF- DEFENSE.AGAINST THE. ATTACKS <DF.HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE, The-advertisers in this department axe Leaders of thekresp'ectivelines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT. THEY GET iT. the people of the United States with the tocsin' of alarm in view of the adthe engine of war that turned the vance of internationalism! In the COAL - COKE - HARDCOAL We find nothing in the substance in scale on the naval side in the Civil words.of Uncle Jaboz, "Wai, h' gosh!" —''America, at Work." Mr. Ford's attack on thf Jews which War.' One more illustration: A man was has any flavor of originality. This is are. not only expensive from the standpoint of resetting the glass, Telephone - Office a bit disappointing. The Ford auto- born in Iowa forty-seven years ago. Jackson 0268 209 South 18th Street but because your windows are rendered useless. mobile is nothing if not distinctive. He was educated in California in minPlace your Plate Glass Insurance where your claim will be I At the farthest limit of vision, it may ing engineering. His first important quickly adjusted. , be distinguished at a glance from all job, if we recall rightly, was on the P. MELCHIORS & SON other makes, from the Dodge to theArkansas Geological Survey in 1899. MACHINE WORKS Eight years later we find him in AusPierce-Arrow. * New Location above Dan's-Shoe Industrial and sAutomotive Machinists. and CUotUlng Company,* The substance of Mr.' Ford's charges tralia. Two years later still he is Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Starter Kins Gears for Auto Fly Wheels THE SPECTATOR. 1415 Douglas St.—Second Floor— against American Jews may be re-exploring the mineral resources of in640 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0360 417 Sonth 13th Street. Entrance through store. terior China. Then follow many years The Constantinople correspondent duced to two propositions. ' The first Telephone: Jackson 3550 m Jackson 3171. that they are greedy-of power, and in London. From 1915 to 1918 this of the Times has unearthed the litedisposed to run everything that they man was the chairman of the Com- rary source of the notorious Protocols can get their, hands on; and second mission for Relief in Belgium; he isof the Learned Elders of Zion, proSteamsip Tickets to and Irsm DAVENPORT , DOUGHNUT that they are essentially international today Secretary of Commerce of theduced by a Russian official, Sergei Does It Need Cleaning all • Parts' of the Werld rather than national,, in their ideals United States. We know.no worse Nilus, in 1905 as the secret proor Repairing? BISMARCKS.-CAKB V case of "internationalism" than HerUNDERTAKERS gramme of a band of Jewish conWe assist you in petting pass-and conceptions. - —r- NOW IS THE TIME TO HATE ports and give you expert advise DOUGHNUTS \ QCB SPECIAfcTY. bert Hoover's. spirators seeking to overthrow civiliEXPERTS BO THE WORK. MOVED TO Let us for the* moment admit the on European conditions. Be Surprised at Onr Rotes. We Deliverthe Real Goods. whole case, ajid, see;-where that leads Let us come back a moment to Paul zation. The pamphlet, which we dis- tfou'Il We heip yon to pet yocr rela2324 CXJMIXO STREET. Cleaning done by Vactsum with;/WebBter .'094Stives in Europe to this country. out causing dirt. We have satisus. As we look at the first count in Warburg. The service rendered to cussed a t length on its republication 5 cleaned over 100 furnaces the indictment, "America at Work ' is tLa United .States by John Ericson's here last year, proves to be in the factorily the past month. wholly unable to see that in this re- Monitor was not greater than the main a free adaption of a French Val. J. Peter & Co. .CALL .JACKSON 1813. ADY0 COFFEE political pamphlet of 1865 attacking spect the most intensely Jewish Jew service rendered during the World STEAMSHIP TICKETS AM» rOIUEIGN EXCHANGE differs in any-manner from Henry War by the Federal Reserve System; the-Second Empire. This work, Di- FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. ADVO FOODS 1307 Hov?ard St., Omaha, Neb. alogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel: 181* -CnmingStreet. • himself. .'...* and the work which took a bare We- Install Gilt.Edge Furnaces. rbone AT lactic 0340. et Montesquieu, was published anostatute, and upon it as a foundation Mr. Ford's second charge against nymoTislyat Brusels; but the author, the Jews is internationalisin. Paul developed a working organization Maurice Joly, a Parisian lawyer, was Warburg, for example, came to this which has carried the finances of this traced and sent to goaL The Times - , ' - • Y o u r position is country, as Mr. Ford demonstrates, nation safely and steadily through correspondent has shown by many BEMEMBEB Visit Our the worst tempest in the history of hoping; to be able to help remake the correct, and should quotations that the larger part of American banking system—revotion- international relations, will always Nilus's book is a shameless plagiarbe s u p p o r t e d by ize it in fact—so that i t would fit bear the unmistakable impress of the ism of the French original. The every fair minded Do away with drudgery and make better into the international- finan- mind and heart of Paul Warburg. Protocols, - therefore, are not what person. house-work a pleasure by the use cial structure. .•-'.:••••.-•.• The real root of the Anti-Jewish they profess t o be. Machiavelli's With Your:_Oraer: tor • •, of modern' electrical appliances. ,We f eel that Mr. Ford makes his movement is to be found in the op-imaginary plan for strengthening ANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on thepoint in this case. The Jewish group position developed by Jewish single- Napoleon III.'s despotism has been IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric build- in finance is international. Only two hearted intensity. As* a recent critic transformed, by Nilus or another, ining, South-east corner of Fifteenth points remain to be established in said, "He has not the gift of non-to a plan for setting up a Jewish • • • vl • • • PAPER LINE V v and Farnam streets. order to make this charge against the chalance." The writer's memory goes world-despotism, which, as we said Hoffmann Funeral Home. Jews a damning one: That interna- back to a time when he was interro- at the time, is "a piece of malignant 1112 BARNEY ST. Distributors tionalism is a bad thing, and that it gating a high school boy about his lunacy." - ''•',." Phone Douglas '6403 is peculiarly Jewish. .' standirig. ."Will you win one. of the We are reminded in.this connection honors?" he asked. "Why, I think I THE BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE of an "internationalist,'* who came to might," replied the boy, "if it weren't •"Elders of Zion." " "Buy Midwest Milk" this country a* good tnahy years ago. for those Jews; they just study all the Everybody is laughing over the (PALMER GRADUATE) ' He came from'England, where he had time." Then with savage intensity, exposure of the great "Protocols of tried to establish himself permanent- "I don't think they ought to be al-the Elders of Zion" hoax by the Second Floor, Elks' Building. Jackson 3072 ly. He was a Swede. He had tried to lowed to compete!" There you have "Times." The flesh of the aristocrait. make the English Admiralty see the cy has been made to creep by the importance of marine warfare of a We find that we really have proved revelations in the "Morning Post" of new mode of .propulsion .of ships—by Henry's indictment. The Jew is! HOLCOMB the "Jewish-Jeril," and now it turns • Iten a screw propeller below the surface greedy of power—as greedy as Henry out that the whole thing is merely a - FOOD CHEMICAL . •• of the water, instead.of a pair of is himself—and further than that one reproduction of a composition of a PRODUCTS CO., INC. iBisciiit Co. paddle wheels above it. He arrived could not go. Kamifaetnrers of STOW WfflfE Frenchman, who took this means of FOODS AND CHEMICALS. 2002 Poppleton Ave. • in the United States in time so* to Meanwhile, Mr. Ford's outbreak has attacking Napoleon III., and went to FI-AVORIXG EXTRACTS. impress his propeller ide3, along with shown how little there is in the hearts j prison for. his trouble. There' is a (Keg. V. S. Pat. .;••• •,, . A t l a n t i c 3680 ,... . certain ideas about heavy guns arid and minds of the people -of America j legitimate grievance against Sergie BIS N. 16th St. Phone Atlantic 49«4 Office.) the application of armor to fighting corresponding to the bitterness and Nilus, the Russian Government offivessels, upon the American naval au- prejudice that have written the awful cial, who first published the book NORTHWEST READY thorities,' that a boat embodying these chapters of the story" 6£ anti-Jewish in .1905 as his own account of the ROOFING CO. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES" ideas—the Monitor—was,ready just in propaganda in Europe, from the days Jewish plot, of which particulars had EeaSy Roofing over old shingles. APPLIANCES .& SUPPLIES time to meet the Merrimac at Hamp- in'the Middle Ages when the houses been communicated to him, but it Also asphalt shingles and build-up The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. roofs. Fire resisting and durable. ton Roads. Modern naval history be- of London Jews were sacked to find will be difficult to inflict punishment Grander! Electric Co. AH -vrork guaranteed. EaEy terms. >GAKME>"TS CLEANED U K E : THE TOT7CH OF A FAIRY." DEFENDABIE EIJSCTBICAXi gins with that conflict. The "internaPhon* Harney 2574 "Greek fire," down to the pogroms on him. • Meantime we may be grate"'•• PHOXE-'KENWOOD-0203. . 2410 AMES AVENXJE. MERCHANDISE. Office and Warehouse: 3122 Lesvecworth tionalism" of John Ericson provided which have disgraced Russia in re-ful for the "comic relief." 1511 Jlowss-d St. rbone Atlantic 0681 cent years. Meanwhile, also, we are treated to the diverting^ sight of the man who, desirous of regulating EuTIRES TUBES rope, equipped and dispatched the .Made by. Best Home. Cooking at Very ReasonACCESSORIES Chiropodist and Beauty able Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' . M A N . - TtTREKS. "Peace Ship" with a living freight 24th and Farnam Street. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Shop MEY-MER-CO. Brand unequaled for infinite variety since ; FOOD CO. R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor Established 1890 "The Home of Good Ice Cream Beverages and Syrups. the sailing of Noah's Ark, sounding totli and Harney Streets. OMAHA, NEBRASKA.\-S316 Sonth 15th Street—Up Stairs.

Henry Ford vs. The Jews

Broken Show Windows



The English Press on the Expose of the Protocol Forgery bythe London Times






The BrinnTSc; Jenseu "Electric Shop" Company

Leo A. Hoffmann

Harle - Haas Co.


the! f k i i Maltby J . t


, Inc.




TBY SUNDGBEN'S Nutritious Home Made

Carpenter '• *-•"•• >. D i s t r i b u t o r s




Western Bond-—and High Grade « Stationery OMAHA, NEBRASKA. . .

Sealed in Sanitary Waxed "Wrapper at Your Grocer;

Sundgren Pie Baking Co. 24th and Hickory.

Atlantic 5241


PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 37tb and Martha Sts. Barney 1002 Manufacturers of Brass, Bropzo. Aluminum' and Soft Gray Iron Costings. You arfe assured of soft.' castings, as we machine .some from every heat in onr own shop. Standard size cast iron busbings in stock. . . . '

Meyer Mr

Made from Your Own Feathers. Warm in winter; cool in summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.'

OMAHA PILLOW CO.2467 Jackson

1907 Cumins Street.

55% to 85% saved on parts for all makes of cars. ' We carry a complete line of new ring gears, pinions, asle shafts and springs for almost any make of car. 1318-1330 West Broadway, COTJNCII. BtTJETS. IOWA. . FHONE 444.

Baker Ice lacMnes 'Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.

319-3n So. 14th St., Omaha. Kebr. • Phone Atlantic 2889

ICE CREAM CO. Rich and Smooth. 1423 N. 18th St.

Phone Webster 0408


Distributors for

^ .

SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer

Office and Wdrehonse: 817 So. Main St. Telephone 142 ' * COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.


1S17 Harney St. • Phone Douglas 8707







A.F.BAARWNHFG.CO. Vinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products

Fhono Douglas 4G07 20th and Fierce St., Omaha, Nebraska.

Have Your Furniture Reup&olstered


We make it look like new. ; Call _ Douglas. 0097 A man will call with samples.

Wholesale'Fruit and Vegetables ;

N. W. Cor. Eleyenth^n^Howard Sts.



1 .i - OtfB NEW LOCATION Corner lOtb and Donclas' Streets. - fltasonio,Temple .BldfT. - i - i O u r L.lhe—^~: ; rBAI/DWIK. BLLFNGTON. HAMILTON • HOWAUD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS. PLAYH% PIANOS,


Call Atlantic 2364

CHEES&BUTfEi-BUTTERMILK OMAHA PURE £OOD CO. 3419 Cumins St.. Omaha. Nebraska.

Phohn Jackson 3060


• •






























TAILORS 528-32 S e c u r i t i e s Bnlldlngr, • ' .• 16tb a n d F d r n a u t S t s . T e l e p h o n e : J a c k s o n 2706

2203 Coming St. ' Phone Douglas 4726

Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Coming St. Phone Atlantic 1247 DISTRIBUTORS JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Omaha, Nebraska.

Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. .


1117-19 Dodge St.

Theodore Volz & Son ' , •

_ OMAHA TOBACCO CO. 1*04 Dou£latT Street. Distributors of M Cigars.

Dayton Money Weight aid Detroit Automatic Scales and Meat Siicers


and Home Made Candy.

Phone Bonglas 23SS

SUPE that the nr-tne . implies. 916 N. I6ih St.

Douglas 6887

Ambulance Service Equipped with Pnlmotor. All Calls Answered Promptly.

JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St.

Phone Harney 03§2

Stelner Electric MeatChopper and Coffee BH1I. Used Scales ot All Mates for Sale.


"Make Warm Friends"


617 South 16th Street. •'.',

We are now ready to supply IMPOkTED' BUSSIAN and TURKISH cigarettes, tobacco and tubes


G. E. Engler & Co. Real Estate :: : : Insurance

tile Co., Ipc.

Jackson SS73

E.1 E. Bruce & C©.

9Z7 So. Sith St. Phone Market MflO

401-403-403 Booth 10th St.

Phone Jackson 1680

Est. 1891.

Joseph I?olack & Soti Wholesale Dealers in Butter. Egrtr8 and Poultry. 1213 Howard St.

Omaha, Nebraska.

LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1010.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Brandeis Theatre Building. l"th and Douglas Streets. Phone Atlantic 8S36


I • decker Cab ATLANTIC 4522

Omaha Office: 813 Donelas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556 •

Ford Transfer & Storage Co. •R. A. FOED.

President and. General Manager.

Council BIraffs (Iowa) Office 931 So. Main Street. Phone 363

OCR •TREATMENT WIM. CONVINCE YOV OF OCB SINCERITY. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.

Estes Laundry Tablets Estes Soap Chips and .

Water Softener (Combined)



An Ideal Washing Combination.


Druggists and Stationers



City Representative 5x5 So. tvtii St. Phone DOnglss S333

aie s . ictu St. Branches »S Cenfaral Market, T»Me Snpply and food Cente*.

At all Grocers.



WHOLESALE'GROCERS Phone Jacksdn 1302

DON'T BUY COAL! OIL IS MDCH CHEAPER. Let Us Uenioyo the Dnor from, your Furnace and Insert u

LULIBRIDGE OIL VAFOK BURNER See Demonstration 316 So. IVtii Street:

Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.

ft wish Press 4K2 Bcandcifl Bids:.

Tel. .Jnoksnn 2372





IOWA FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. (Incorporated)

WHOLESALE FRUITS 3-23-931 West Uroadway. COCNCIT, BMJTFS. IOWA. Telephone S1C3,



y g If yon call the

Frontier Towel Supply 1S15 California Street. Phone Douglas 6291



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