October 13, 1921

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O u r greatest III glory is not m never falling, but in rising every time we falL ._ jij —Confucius. iii

"leaves; And where they mpst abound Much f r u i t of If sense beneath ' if is rarely found. —Pope.



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VOL. I.—NO. 44.

.Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1821. at postofflce a t Omaha, Nebraska, nnder the Act' of March 3, 1878.

BOY-PAGE MISTER FORD Washington, D. C— ( j . T. A.) President Harding '. announced, the appointit of Lewis Einstein as new United States Amador to Czechoslovakia. Einstein was formerly ! ! Omaha Goal Practically Reached ster to Costa Rica and eg held several appoint-. Through Day's Work by Members of Local importance to iff< speariof and Committee. Latin-Amer. countries. He is a C A M P A I G N SUCCESSFUL graduate of Columbia University and is known as a THROUGHOUT COUNTRY gifted diplomat, author and Omaha Jews have responded geneditor. .

Yom Kippur Appeals For iereii Hayesod Bring Fine Results


Dr. Victor Levine, OProfessor at Creighton -University, sends this very interesting letter from Labrador, where he went in June with a party of scientists to study health conditions among the! Eskimos, for the Association of Arctic Explorers for Research Problems. Rigolet, where the letter was written, is approximately 1,500 miles north and east of New York Qity. "Where the,keen wan'peaks, in frigid pride unbending, Jut up against the/abysmal blue of night, When the red aurora/,at-the world's wild ending Opens in heaven its.-awful fan of light, A part of all the inviolate peace around Mm,- • • • Calm amid mighty quietudes did he rest, The fierce cold for a .manacle that bound .inn. The arctic stars to. sparkle on his crest.

erously to the appeals of the Keren from the campaigns made in the various synagogues on Yom Kippur indicate that the full quota of §25,000 will be subscribed without a doubt. $13,500 were subscribed in six synagogues where the appeals were mads. This sum, together with the $8,500 which had been sec^ired before' the start of the drive, practically assures its success. Pledges: secured at the synagogues were as follows: 19 and Burt 4 $5,350 18 and Chicago..! .... 4,500 24 and Nichola... .-_ 1,200 B'nai Sholem . ~ 1,125 .25 and Seward .... 1.10Q 11 and Center 250

Story of Told at Atonement Services

$13,525 Speaking last night to the Jewish Press, Kabbi Morris Taxon, chairman of the local Keren Hayesod Committee said, "We are most heartily satisfied with the response on the part of our people. They realized the necessity, for the money and they. gave to their fullest power. We have a sufficient number of people who did notpledge in the synagogues, and whom •we will call on, to make up up our remaining $3,000."

LOUIS SOMMER DESCRIBES PITIFUL CONDITIONS. Mr. Louis Sommer, well known resident of Omaha, who recently returned from a two months trip' through Europe, Tuesday evening at the Yom Kippur Eve services at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synnagogue, told of the conditions that now exist in Europe. Sommer left Omaha on July 12 to visit his parents and relatives in Humene, Czecho-Slovakia, whom he had not seen for 22 years. Mr. Sommer, with tears in his eyes, told of the many troubles the- people, especially the Jews, were forced to go through in order .that they may live. "At every little station can be seen barefoot children begging for a bite to eat," said Mr. Sommer. jtown Half-Ruined. On arriving in Humene, formerly a town of 5,000 but now half in ruins, Sommer found that his parents and family had survived many of the troubles that were forced on the Jews. "Three times my parents and their family fled from.' the village,"

Cites Two Notable Examples. "Every- congregation gave generously, in funds and in workers," said Dr. said Sooner. Humene was the A. Greenberg, secretary of the com- central battlefield of the Slovaks and mittee. "Every congregation respond- the Bolsheviks^. Sommer-* told how ed nobly. Two of them, however, the Slovaks cm • the;; day that they stantl <Bit^a.&'ov& alt'otiiers, and I be- -had- gained their independence as.; 3 lieve we. can point, to • .them ydthout • .free..republic went from village to slight to .the others. One.is the little Tillage* persecuting' the Jews. Sommer' also visited his brother, congregation that meets at 25th and Seward"-which is composed almost Morris, who formerly lived in Omaha, entirely, of tradesmen, small merchants but who went to Europe in 1910 and and peddlers, This congregation who was not able to come back to this country, because of the worldpledged $1100. war.According to Sommer, his the Congregation "The other is B'nai Sholemj which, although it had brother Morris is attempting to come just last week pledged $5500 for a back to this country*. synagogue in Omaha, still pledged aver $1,100 to the Kefen Hayesod." Speakers at the various synagogues included Rabbis Morris Taxon, Herman Cohen* E. Levinson and E. Fleishman; Henry Monsky, Louis Sommer, L. Kneeter* I. Goldstein, J. Shukert UKRAINIAN REFUGEES MUST GO and Harry Lapidus. Among the Warsaw. (J. P. A.) An order has workers at the places of worship who been issued.by the Polish government aided so materially in the success of the drive Were, J. J. Friedman, N. W. to expel all alien Jews who have had Naken, A. Monsky, Sol Cohen, Dr. P. special permission from the authoriSher, Ben Handler, Frank Dee, J. ties to remain in Warsaw. '. Feldman, Dr. A. Greenberg Harry A* The New York office of the Jewish Wolf, Wm;~ Grodinsky, Sam Beber, J. Press Association has been informed Maisel, Jac6b Malashock, Harry Mala- by Mr. Noah Prilutzky that he reshock, B; feraude, Mrs. S. Robinson, ceived a cable from Warsaw to the Mrs. J. Mffler, A. Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. same effect. The cable addressed to A. Horwitz, B. Hirsch, S. Nichols, S. Mr. Prilutzky states that all UkrainAltshuler, E. Block, M. Minken, I. ian Jewish refugees at present in Poland must abandon their homes and Wintroub and A. Wolf son. move into small towns in the interior. The refugees will not be allowed to Reports compiled by the Jewish remain in the district of Warsaw or Correspondence Bureau indicate that in any of the border towns of Poland. the appeal throughout the synagogues Permission has been granted them to of the country has netted unexpected- settle in such centers where there is ly high sums, and the total is estimat- no industry, no trade, and where the ed to be between four hundred thou- scarcity of homes would make thensand and a half milion dollars. presence a physical impossibility. In one hundred synagogues in New About 42,000 Jews will be affected by York $120,000 was pledged one the two this new move on the part of the days of Rosh Hashonah. At Averne, authorities. , L. I., $10,000 was pledged. One synaThe Central Committee of Ukraingogue in Pittsburgh reports a total of ian refugees in Warsaw has leased a §10,000, and others are expected to do number- of houses in Woloinin and a as well. Cleveland with $65,000, Can- few houses in Kovel, in all of which ton with $13,000, Akron $22,000, and 2,000 Jews can be accommodated. The New Orleans $11,000 are among the committee can do nothing. for the larger-cities reported by tha agency. other 42,000 homeless unfortunates being without funds. ' • " • • .

42,000 Jews Ordered Expelled From Poland



"•• New York. (J. P. A.) Ground was broken yesterday for the new Beth Israel Hospital which is to be erected at a cost of $3,000,000. The new; hospital will be non-sectarian, and will acconiddate 500 patients. When completed the hospital will be, one of the largest and most commodious of its kind in existence. The hospital will have ten large operating rooms and an entire floor will be put aside for laboratory and research work. There will !j>& special accomodation for the orthodox Jew

MAX SCHULMAN, PRESIDENT OF CHICAGO BANK Chicago. (J. T. Agency.) Max Schulman, a leader in Zionist affairs here, has been elected president, of the Community State Bank of Chicago. Mr. 'Schulman has indicated that this new post will not interfere with his Zionist work which he intends to continue with undiminished energy.



Here silence, like a monarch, reigned immensely, The quintescence of cold was here, no less, > ; - Each utter as before God spake intensely And visible things 3,eapt out from nothingness; A land wherewith no "living sign was blendedr ; A white monotony of; weird devise, " ' One towering boreal ikpor, chaste and splendid, " : : One monstrous immobility of ice."

Rigolet, Labrador, Sept S, J921. Warmest greetings from the'coldest north! \- I am still alive and carrying on, and have already made away with six hundred miles of the Labrador coast. There are fields of iceyto the left, to the right, in front of aqad behind you here. The first impassion that you get of the northland'ds;.that it is bleak and barren, but onyjcloser observation you find that, it is instructively and delightfully interest ing and full of life—Eskimos, Eskimo dogs, foxes, seals, whales, polar bears, etc. " Hardships there are many, ^but in the glamour of new experiences physical sufferings lose their> keen edge. My most trying times are,not with the biting winds or witS/'vthe cutting colds, but with the fobcL. I have already been introduced }t» the gustatory delights of dog meat; bear meat and whale meat, frozen or cooked. And I have already^ consumed niany a piece ofr hard, "frozen, luscious seal fafc.«. I t takes the; eonr-age of a Spartan to make a savory meal out" of combinations such as these. And I believe it takes a hero ta finish up a meal with a pound of frozen seal fat, hard as a rock, by way of dessert. So well, do 1 stand these new. delicacies that I am beginning to think that my stomach is .made''', of brick, lined with cast iron. But then, you have to eat a whale of a lot (and a lot of whale) to keep yourself warm. • . -_-<•. I am living in a cold, bleak^but nevertheless deliriously interesting world. The interest waxes stronger the further north I go.' It is getting a little "chilly" up here. ^Bift.M don't mind as I am already dressed in Eskimo style-r-skin boots, - snow shoes, sealskin gloves and full' dress that: is so very popular with polar society. If you had a*chance -to see me now you would see a chap bred in the warm atmosphere of college halls miraculously transformed'-into a free lance of an Eskimo. I am bringing as much of my outfit as I possibly !can back to Omaha. = • ' ' • The Eskimos are a very interesting lot—very sociable, very hospitable. They like the "Kabluna""(white


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man) very much, and" do not differ from us markedly. The only difference I find is in the lack of the veneer of civilization. They are a healthy lot, and very happy looking. It is a wonder, indeed, how well they get'along physically, morally and socially in an environment that offers so little. • Our ship stops at every settlement, which is made up of whites, halfbreeds and pure Eskimos. I have had dinner ashore quite often. I wish you could see our ship. It is built for Arctic 'waters. It carries an icebreaking device, and is very narrow to enable it to pass in and through the "polar tramps"—the big and little ice-bergs, so much dreaded by the mariner. To write you about the equipment of the boat and of its interesting crew, and of the many, many things of more than considerable interest would mean a young, plump volume. So I will reserve this literature until I get back to the "every-dayness" of civilization. . We encotmtej^^an^. ice-berg almost every, cfayv .TheyTare- of aJbluisltbr greenish hue, and present a beautiful example of God's almightiness. Perhaps' I can no better present to you their gorgeous majesty and" the wonders of this- frozen land, than through the quotation, with which I have opened this letter. ' Excuse the shortness of this letter—I could write much of the crowdings of years of trial and experience into a few short weeks. But I have much to do, and must soon be packing my "komatick" (sled) and getting my dogs in readiness, and then I shall be howling "Mo-o-sh (hurry up) at my dogs. Ill close by saying "Regards to Omaha" and "Auck-shin-ei" (goodbye). , It is" the unwritten law of the north that a passing vessel must offer assistance or take mail. I am able to send this note because of the presence of a boat belonging to the Hudson Bay Company that is proceeding southward. It will I hope be turned over to the post-office, at the first port of call. Sincerely yours, VICTOR E. LEVINE.

AMERICAN RELIEF ACTIVITIES OF THE LEADERS GO INTO JOINT DISTRIBUTION. FAMINE DISTRICTS COMMITTEE ABROAD New York. (J. P. A.) Cabled- information received by the local office of the Joint Distribution Committee states that Dr. Joseph Rosen,- the committee's special representative who will join the American Relief administration workers in Soviet'Russia, left London for Riga. Dr. De Sola Pool cabled from Jerusalem that Dr. Feitlowitch, the discoverer of the black Jews, who spent some time in Abyssinia in behalf of the J. D. C , returned to Palestine -and will soon make public, the results of his investigations there. ' ' A number of the executive members of the J. D. C. in Europe have left for Lithuania and Latvia in order to personally acquaint themselves with relief conditions there, says a -Vienna cable. Another Vienna cable confirms the report that the Rumanian authorities insist that the Ukrainian refugees be removed from their present-settlements in Bessarabia to the interior of Old Rumania.

Riga. (J. P. A.) Col. William N. Haskell, director of the work being done in Russia by the American Relief administration, accompanied by Professor Kitchensen and Dr. Golder, are leaving for Santara for a personal investigation of conditions there, according to a Moscow dispatch received here.


Berlin. (J. P. A.) The local office of the O. R. T. (Jewish Welfare Committee of Russia) is organizing a special relief transport for the starving Jewish colonists in South Russia. Provisions and winter clothing are the chief items being sent. At the same time the O. R. T. has appealed to Jewish colonists in the United States, Canada, Brazil and Argentine for seed and machinery which the colonists will urgently need next season. New York. (J. P. A.) Madam Alma Gluck, the noted operatic soprano, .returned recently from a trip to Europe where she spent some tijjie. The singer was met at the pier by Efraim Zimbalist, her husband, who The Vilna administration is about stated that about the end of the year to, expel 10,000 aliens from the city. they would tour the Pacific coast.


MORE INTERNATIONALISM? London, (J. P. A.) Provisions of the will of the noted British financier and philanthropist. Sir Ernest Cassel, just made public, show that he left an estate of over six million pounds. Heroic Stand Taken by Harassed Among others mentioned in Menacing Letter Against Intci national Organization is Rased | Jews in Newly Acquired the will areMortimer SchifE, on Claim of 100% AmerPolish Provinces. Paul Wsa'burg and Felix icanism. Warburg who are to receive fflREATENED WITH HEAVY valuable gifts from the GRAND GOBLIN WRITER PUNISHMENTS testator's art coEection. POOR YIDDISH.

Jews ofGalicia,

Resist Polish Census

Lemberg, "Oct. 10. J. P. A.)—The Jevrs of Zufovna, Busk, Komarno and many-other smaller towns in Eastern Galicia have almost unanimously decided not to take any part in £he census now being ; made throughout the Polish provinces by fee authorities. These Jewish communities have taken this step as a result of the manner in which the authorities insist that Jews should register themselves as Poles and give as their mother tongue. Polish instead of Yiddish or Hebrew. In some of these towns the resistance of the Jews amounts almost to a complete boycott on the census enumerators. The local authorities are greatly excited over their attitude and threatened them with heavy punishments. Orders From Warsaw. It is stated in spme quarters that the local authorities^ in trying to force the Jews to deny their nationality are not- acting on their own initiative but are carrying out secret orders received from Warsaw. It will be remembered that Eastern Galicia has been, given to the Poles for 25 years as mandatory territory. The anxiety of the Poles to register as many as possible in the name of their own people can therefore by readily understood.

JewMi Scientist-low It a -


London. (J. C. B.) The. c&se .of Dr. Oscar Levy, well known English translator of .Nietsche, who lost his German citizenship through prolonged residence in England, and is now to be deported from England as an alien, has created much interest here. George Bernard Shaw and H. C. Wells have consented to act as members of a delegation which is to wait on Lloyd George and request the premier to permit the scholar to remain in the country. Dr. Levy is now a citizen of no country and is not able to proceed anywhere because no consul will vise his passport. The Morning Post urges British Jews to use their influence in favor of the "man without a country," while Hans Herzl, son of the great Zionist leader, Theodor Herzl, suggests in a letter to the Jewish Chronicle that Dr. Levy be sent as the representative of the Zionist organization to the League of Nations. Beatrice, the ten-year-old daughter of Dr. Levy, who was born in England, will be permitted to remain here, though her father must be deported. She has written to the home secretary, however, stating that she will follow her father into exile. Dr. Lev? resided in England from 1894 until. the outbreak of the war, when he returned to Germany, staying there, however," only two months. During the war he lived in Switzerlsjid where he * engaged in international Red Cross work. His excellent work there secured him permission to return to England, through the influence of the British Foreign Office. ' His deportation has been brought about through the Home Office, acting under the Alien Restriction Act". Foreign dispatches state that Dr. Levy was deported without trial, and without means of appeal.

Philadelphia -Y."M. H. A. Building to Give Employment to F i ^ Hundred Men Philadelphia. (J. T. A.) The Campaign ' Committee of the Philadelphia Y. M. H. A. which intends raising a fund of $750,000 between October 25 and November 5 for the purpose of •erecting a new Y. H. H. A.. building announces through Jerome H. Loucheim that continuous employment will be given to 500 men for at least 4 months If the campaign is successful


New York, Get 11. (J. G JR.) TV Cleveland office of the Keren Hays?* has received a threatening lettex- fnva the Ku Klux Elan, commanding Bureau to cease its activities unless if is ready to accept the cons The report is taken from the "Ciev« land Jewish World" which prints full text of the Elan's letter, as f«X lows: "As 160 per cent American beg to inform you that you m% close yonr office* in this city * in the country. We give you dsys in which to cease your tions. If you fail to do so, we act without pity. We believe tHiM§ you will carry out these before if is too late. Onr organirarf tion means business. It hss a clea record. We are opposed to cc tion with foreign lands."

Yom Kippur services at Temple Israel were made doubly impressive through the sense of bereavement that was felt by every member of the congregation in the sudden death Tuesday of Mrs. David Gross, 2968 Poppleton Ave. The kindly spirit that had pervaded all of Mrs. Gross' activities in the Temple since its organization, still made its presence deeply felt throughout the Kol Nidra service and the beautiful Memorial Service of the following day. Mrs. Gross came to Omaha fiftythree years ago and made her home here. The letter, here translated from One of First Confirmants. As Addie Gladstone, she was a Yiddish, is signed "Ku Klux graduate of the first class of the Cen- Grand Goblin, J. W. S." It is tral High School. Last year when the in ungramatical language and poortjj Alumni Association of the Temple Is- typed. The letter has been forward? rael Sunday school, was formed, Mrs. to Cleveland City Police Officials am Gross, as a member of the first con- an investigation will be made. firmation class of Temple Israel and as a teacher of the Sunday school for a number of years, gave her reminiscences. She was STJ active member of the sisterhood of Temple Israel, and last year was recording secretary of the Council of Jewish Women. She LAY ' CORNERSTONE FOR NEW] was also a member of the Omaha TE:.;PLE. Women's Club, being active in the departmeiit of public' spe&kingv . I Detroit, Mich.—Congregation Beth* She -is survived by her htssband, I El, of Detroit, Mich., laid the cornwwho is now visiting his relatives in I stone of it* new Temple at Wood-i Htrngsrj-,"fey-a tteagfeter, -InBa-Or»ss.l three brothers, Victor, A. H-, and Max day afternoon, Oct. 4th. The prmGladstone, ,snd three .sisters, the cip&l '^siildresB was delivered by D-. Misses Rose and Eva Gladstone and, Samuet/^Goldensohn, of P'itlsbm-K Mrs. FsTinie Simon, all residents of The BeltiVEFs. nevr Temple IF to 1 Omaha. one :«f.: .the finest in the city. A | Funeral services will be held from pleasant'incident of the occasion y$ Temple Israel, at 2:00 o'clock, Sunday the receipt of a letter from President j afternoon. Harding, which read as follows:.. White House, Washington. Emigration from Poland Stop- My dear Rabbi Franklin: ped — Quota Exceeded Having the most pleasant recoltec*^ by 35,000. tion of my meeting with you at th«l New York, Oct. 5. (J. P. A.) The time of the Central Conference at\ Brooklyn Daily Eagle yesterday pub- American Rabbis last spring, I tiro.I lish sd the following copyrighted dis- writing this note to congratulate. yOB.j patch'from Warsaw: and your congregation on the oce««-j "America's open imigration sion of the cornerstone laying of ii door yesterday was officially annew house of worship of Tempk j nounced that in view of the fact Beth-El. that more than 60,000 American The occasion seems? to tse an s; vises already have'been placed on propriate one for a recognition <<] Polish passports, while the new the great contribution of our JewSs American immigration law allows population to the advancement < the entry of only 25,000 Poles up our common country. The Jew in I to June SO, 1922, no vises would America has not only been a pa**-] be given. Minor children of ticularly. industrious and useful citiAmerican citizens and domestic zen, but has demonstrated an wv»j servants of Americans visiting swerving national loyalty and p&~ in Poland are the only persons tiiotism. The race has given WP & j to whom vises can be given. The fine example of the broad charity Poles are accepting the ruling and generous tolerance that mufit h& stoically, but the Jewish people the invariable aim of our people. have filled 90 per cent of the Comprising as our citizenship- do«&, Polish quota are most indignant representatives Of so many races snei over the rule, announcing that creeds, it is obvious thai only by the they intend to appeal to American exercise of such an attitude can. vt; senators and also plan to visit hope to establish a truly national Canada and South America." " conception of citizenship anS itfe duties. DR. ABLER TO HEAD t Very sincerely, SEMINARY AGAIN Warren G. Harding, New York. (J. C. B.) Dr. Cyrus From a congi'egation of : Adler of Philadelphia who, after the to which Babbi Franklin came 2f-. death of Dr. Solomon Schechter, accepted the office of president of the years ago, Temple Beth-El today Jewish Theological Seminary tempo- ranks fourth in point of r f rarily, has again consented to act as among the Jewish congregations ftf head of the institution for the com- America, numbering approximately ing year. Dr. Adler will retain his 1,000 families. The religious school position at the Dropsie College in ot the Temple has an enrollment of Philadelphia and will visit New York over 1,000 children. The new Temple, which will co*2t regularly to attend to his duties at a .quarter million dollars, will tw* the Seminary. built of Indiana Limestone in classic style. The main auditoiium will eesx. LOUIS WILEY IN 2,200 people, and two smaller auditoriums have been provided. 4 LEGION OF HONOR New York. (S. C. B.) It i» Rabbi Frsnklin occupied the pulpit learned here that Louis Wilqy. of Temple Israel in Omaha gome business manager of the "New twenty years ago. He will visit i« York Times," has been appoint- ! Omaha on November lSth and l&tfe ?d "Chevalier of the French Leas guest of Temple Israel during tbg gion of Honor" for distinguishcelebration of its fiftieth anniversary, ed service rendered to France Dr| Wm. Eosenau of Baltimore, *wS during the World War. I>r. Abram Simon, botii former here, will »bo attpna.

, K.J— V>'-.•V Jf.'• W-."




Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis .Thesitre Building.-—Telephone: Jacksor 2372. ,.|2.50 Subscription Price, one year ...—.._.—:..—...—-— Advertising.ra^es| furnished on application. H NOT.PRINTED FOR: PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaItion of The Jewish Press ar#.to.be given to worthy communal causes.


CHANGE OP ADDltESS4-Piense gUi both tfce old i n d new

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JEWISH CALENDAR 5682—1921. t (First Pay) 3Ion^ Oct. 17 Succoth CLnst Day)— Shlmlnl AtzcritU.— ^__...Bion.. Oct. 24 SImcIitttli TorrtA_;._.; ; ..Tnes., Oct. S3 RosU-Chodesch ClieBvaiL_._™.\V&cl.. Nov. S Kosh-Chodesch Klslev. ; Frf., Dec. 3 Cfmmiknli (Feast of Dedicatlon)—„—u—;.. _ Jlon., Dec. 28 * E682—1022. "IiosTi-ChoiIesch Tebcth _~Sun., Jnn. 1 ._m Pnst of Xebeth._ ;_Tues.,, Jan. 10 m ftosh-Chodesch Shebat _Mon., Jan-"S0 fth M Rosh-Chadescb Adar.__ VTed., Mar 1 gnrlm (Feast of Esther) __Tues.. Mar. X4 ISoslj-CIioclescb NIssaii.. .Tlinrs., Mnf. SO Passover (Pesadi)-.^ i_i TInirs.i Apr. 13 Passover (Seveiitll Day) Weil.. April IS* Rosh-Chodescli l ._.Sat.. Apr. 29 ff ^A?i, ~ — T i e s , May 16 sh-Chodfsell SIvan._^ ^.Snn.. May 38 Sbabnoth (Confirmation Day) Tr^ Jdne * Rosli-Chodesch Tamiijuie™ Tties.. June 27 Rosh-Oiodescli Ab :^___1__.Wed., July 26 Feast of Ab . __i Thurfi., Aug ' 3 Uosh-Chodesch EHnl...... _JFrl., Au% 25 6683—1022. New Year's Eve _™_.__Fri.. Sept. tS

on the work of the Council's 21fields, of activity, an article by Miss Rose Brenner, president; a page devotee to "Woman's World," and includes many attractive photographs, featuring the several phases of the Council's program, such as its farm work immigrant aid, European reconstruction and its religious schdtils. "Tlu Jewish Woman" is edited by Mrs Henry Sterhbergef and is issued iron the office at 305 West 98th St., New York City. The Council of Jewish Women sip-' peals to all its Sections to dfevote special consideration to the problems: of unemployment in view of the Conference on Unemployment at Washington, D. C. It is urged that the "The Jewish Woman** Appears. October program include provision foi The first issue of "The Jewish a speaker on the subject. The cooperWomaii/' official organ of the Council ation of the "Council has been requestof Jewish Women, has just made its ed by many national organizations ir appearance. This New Year number order to increase thoughtful interest contains a message to the Council Sec- in this serious situation upon the part tions and their officers; a symposium of our women citizens.

under the name of "Hatikwah" and this production, too, is not without its novelty. The star of this theater is Boris Tor.iashev&ky who owns and directs a larger playhouse of his own on Second Street. The Jewish theater season has really opened with much promise and some of the more important productions will be dealt with separately. Suffice it to say here that in the general Jewish life of this city the Jewish theater has come to occupy an important and worthy' place. One feels that iii this direction the Jewish creative spirit is alive tod that some of the creations are of more than passing value.



From "Songs of A Wanderer"—Jewish - Publication Society of America.' I, too, have built enchanted towers And phantom castles in t the air, "I, too, have dreamt of fragrant flowers '"' That ever sweet remain,,and fair.

) THOUGHTS ON SUCCOTH. E| Longfellow, in His *'E V a ii g e 1 i n,e h , has pictured this seaI> too, believed in treasures hidden—s o n of the year in these \ybrds, •-..'..In love* and youth that,iiever fade; ^i'Now recommences the reigfn of rest and jpeade arid affectipttj • But in the flowered groveg>qf Eden TiDay with its burden of heat has departed, and twilight How short a time, 6 friend, i stayed! at f descending/-. ,IS^Brings back the evening-star to the sky'i arid the herd t o the ere I'ciimbed youth's magic steeplej itic homesteadi"' I fc.:w life's sorrows, tears and paine; erii We, speaking of this season, of the 5te]ar for the Jews, might I Saw a great and ancient people-^ js^r keep Longfellow's words for our theme. For now, in the That freed the world—in servile chainSi New York, Oct. 11. (J. P. A.) Ad; ijridian summer and early autumn, the reign of rest and peace "•"jcomes for the Jew. The High Holidays arcs over, arid t h e at-dressing the Free Synagogue congreI saw it racked, and cursed and banished ^ d a n t spiritual forces which they have evoked, having reached gation yesterday, Df. Stephen S. Wise . For teaching mankind love and truth, f climax of their fervor on Yom Kipptii', "have pnce more r e - severely scored the K*u Klux Klan as And oiriei by one my sweet di^ams vanished re^urned to their normal place in the consciousness of t h e Jew* a "loathsome apparition." t with my yo'uthl^ss youth. •onieaving; him, i t is to be hoped, stronger,"finer arid niore riarly ap- "I deal with it a& an American problem,": Dr. Wise said, "that is, as the ddivine. And iii the sound of fetter's rattle" Sh ii And-in the groans of slaves .And now> within1 the, week, comes Succoth, t h e last of the a great anti-American organization. I hea* a voice: "In life's fierce res Festivals. We enter into t h e quiet tratiquility.that marks That Jews are among those groups . . O chiid, there is rro rodni for dreains.'' e observance of th& Feast of Weeks as a vessel that has with- made.the objects of hatred on the stood t h e mighty storms of unfathomedseaS finds rest in. apart of Ku Klux Kianismis incidental and secondary in importance, Comtranquil, land-locked hai'borv . ' : " ' , uc . ^ . T M s is the.season o f t h e harvest, of the ingathering of thepared with the primary fact that it is an organization. resting upon hatred, ifEits of the field, and of thanksgiving. This is the season when j building : upon prejudice and making -Tthe Jew returnsTin spirit to the time when Israel \V'as an agric.ui- for enmity, Bertha^Kalisch is appearing' in a new layvmghtsV J ^ack of all the miserable, j^ taral.people that Hyed by tilling the soil* As out boys and girls! theivish capitalization Jewish play written by the two ^fot'far- frofii the Irving Place of race prejubring to th6 synagogues and temples their olferiiigs of fruits for dice and all |ts sordid exploitation sisters Kose Schomer and Miriarr Theater, the new 14th Street Jewish of tile poor,symbolic of the harvest that. shall feed all people, Schomer-Zuhser. There is therefore theater opened with a play by the worst instincts of humankind, iff scenes of the pastoral life of t h e early Hebrews come to mind. the in this production a double novelty, noted; brother of the- two sisters iies one thing that makes much The. beautiful tales of Israel's patriarchs who were shepherds, there Madam Kalisch. and two Jewish wo- meritKmed. Abraham S. Schomer is iii of it possible. And that must be tt Kuth' and Noami* gleaners.in the fields, of David, the Shepherd eradicated men making their appearance as producing a new nationalist play, life of the AmerKing, are recalled W memory, arid it is good to think again of ican people.from.the I have reference to the e.* this idyllic side of Israel's history. And Isaiah's vision, so much feeling of great of American needed now on the eve of a worid-wide conference for the limita- that there is nonumbers crime quite as grave tions of armament, of a time when all peoples "shall beat .their' as that of otherness or difference. Let Us Do Your Painting and Paperhanging swords into plow-shares*, and their spears into pruhihg-hobks" . "The one thing that Ku Klux Klanstrengthens our belief 1 ^ Israel's mission oh earth—that of peace ism is not is a Jewish question. I do and universal brotherhood. not deal with it on those grounds. I Lovers of the soil; a;nd[workers with it, were the. Israelites. am not"~in the least concerned about . I that spirit of restT-and peace, which good Mother .Earth its relation to Jewish life in Ame| instills into her lovers and devotees^ has always been theirs, in rica. The security of the Jews of America rests upon foundations so Jthe highest sense: - . Select Them From Our Complete Stock

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Kuppenheimer Good Clothes FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN

firm as to be unassailable at the hands


, With Succbth comes the sound of the hamrher throughout of Ku Klux madmen in America. the dwelling places of t h e Jews> and much sawing and joining "It is not by accident or design that .and nailing of timbers to build the foul- walls of thfe "Succah"— Ku Klux Klanism began as an antii t h e roof of which will be formed of closely interlaced branches Negro conspiracy, that it subsequent- j I of. autumn leaves. Here, as near to nature as a city-dweller may ly included the Catholic Church as one | come,, under a canopy pyof green, g , scarlet e and gold, g , through g which of the objects of its hatred, later the j '; t h e distant stars may he seen twinkling, arid surrounded by the Jewish people, and that in California j . fruits of the harvest, OyxhodbS: Jews celebrate the'Feastof Weeks, i ^ takes the form of aa anti-Japanese j ; asdid didttheir h i ffore-fathers f t h b before f ttKemV h /giving i i tthanks h k tto t h heGGod d .confederacy. All these things are in\ i_; of Israel for His bounty. . evitably sequent. One hatred follows I f' A beautiful custom following a still, more Beautiful tradition. another and grows out of another . May it continue through manyy y years and g grow stronger 'with and becomes a habit of soullessness, as love is the habit of the soul." each repetitiori. vthe^^ elder Disi-aeli has,said> .'••} "The vineyards of {•Israel -have • Ceased to exist; but the .eternal Law enjoins theAcj*ildren of Israel stiil to celebrate the vintage..- A race t h a t ; B ^ | s t s iri celebrating its vintage, although The Yiddish Theatres it hasribfruits to gath^iv%ill ifegairi its vineyards." In New York

rCOREEGT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN ~== Stttttb iStK Street Telephone Jacksofi tO43 ALL WORK GUARANTEED .

Security an4 Confidence Are Two Qualities Which Have No Substitutes

Your Property Protected 10;


Speciai to the-Jewish Press by the Jewish Correspdndenee Bureau. * AH of the Jewish theaters in .the city are now, open. Not all of them Thfe anti-semitic" campaign.in the these qualities make him the model are drawing Crowded houses, but be\ United States has proved a fiasco. A father ,bf a.family. At the same, "5 __ sinister importation, fruit of the jeal- time; they keep Win from great tween, the various productions ,we have a large .selection of new plays, 5 '; ous. class system of the continent it wealth. On the fingers of a single """ was marked in. this country by un-hand one may name all the outstand- some of which; really enrich the 5 G known men of manifest means. The ing American Jews wh<j have made a realms of Jewish art. Morris Schwartz, deserves first s • absurd and puerile forgery .known as moderate fortune and have continued mention. He is producing' a new J the - Protocols .was .distributed . foroad-thereafter to seek riches. §' play by the recently deceased author . ; cast by the publishers. A" rabid series Simultaneously j in the free air of . i Ansky. The play which the author - : of articles styled- ''The Cause;of .the America^ the Jew has made the posi; World Unrest" had a- mote limited tive application of the Mosaic law. has named the "Dibbuk" furthers 13": WE FURNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. ' but somewhat gratuitous circulation. When asailed, he can strike b a c k - and enriches the field of Jewish | spiritual and religious legend lore i Henry lord's Dearborn Independent yes, "an eye for an eye/' But when he PERSONAL SERVICE WITII EACH j has given much space to wild and in- is treated 'fairly he does not shun the and gives it permanency. The play I characterizes the life of the people M^ sane- attacks upon'. the. Jews* All other obligatibn the ancient mandate .§• POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL • W*; Blike failed utterly, to awaken.ihter- iirip"bses. Hence it is that when a during the period of the earliest appearance of "chasidism" and the we: esbf'.-mach less to , arouse hostility Jew believes in you>. nothing can shake fantastic sketches drawn as well as bni !*l>4"1^' me!** °^ Jewish blood-i v him; that wh&n he ldves you he will —_1 I t .Was inevitably, so, in jthe long never forsake you; arid that when his the original dialogue aiid action are ; view* for the spirit.that spreads anti- honor is pledged^ it is riever betrayed. simple.and delightful. They charm 5 ~. 5th Floor Sauriders-Keihtedy fildg. S ; Semitism and the spirit that feeds on In public servicej the American has the spectator and bring him into | Tel. Tyler 3160. I | i t cannot grow in America. \ The light foufid his Jewish fellow-citizen as ah.enchanted world of purity, nobility of democracy destroys it. Iminediate- zealous as active,, in small things as and beautiful phantasy. That which iiiaiiitiiiiiiiHiiHHiiiiiiitiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiifiiifiiiiiiiiiftiiiniiiuiiiiiiiitiiiiiiill i ly,.however, the absolute inability of in great. Hei niay be d, PaulHymahs, Faust is to the Germans and Hamhrt j j this dark and hateful feeling to at- heading a league bf nations; he may to the Danes,, the Dibbuk will-surely j (.. tract even passing •attention is to bebe a Mbhashj leading the magnificent come to mean to the JTews. All due j ! taken as a. tribute to the J e ^ s of the troops rrif Australia; he may be s pres- eredit and. appreciation is due to Mr. j CTiujied States—to • their. character, ideht bf a great nation—for Millerand Schwartz for the suitable staging of | " j j their patriotism and their • services. has Jewish blood in his veins; or he the play. a man, in pondering the strange may be assigned some humble task in In the Irving Place .Theater Madam i pheiibmenoh. of anti-Semitism; has a city's interest. The spirit always is been led- to .new admiration of those same; No citizen of' Richmond qualities that; have ih'ade th'e Jew what the who has ever had a share in any of New Kosher Heat lie is in American life today... the "campaign drives" and has Most Sanitary Kosher Market ^—1 Weli-woithy. of study and of emu- watched the-work of individuals has It is not very long when you will have in Omaha. ; latitin; many of those qualities are. failed to notice the thoroughness, the to use it. Fresh Meats ' Take a Jewish boy, put him to work loyalty and the enthusiasm of the Are you ready for your supply now? and Delicatessen. ' and you. find him untiring. He neither Jewish members. £ven in such things Dressed Chickens Our " 8p2tre9 himself nor his hours. Ambi- as a tag day, it may be set down as a We have ready for your delivery, the Specialty. M ; tioh sputs him on; he labors to excel. fact that never has a Jewish girl following:— * If he is poor, lie save3. K' he is failed to meet her appointment and FRIED & KUELIN, Props. -"—* "tirell-ta-db, he does not squander. Yearto work hard at her station until re1C13 Xorth' »4th Street, " T in, year out, he toils unremittingly, lieved. Tel. AY>b»ter 4330. We deliver to all parts of the city. coi Then; when a competence is made, he To dwell upon these things in Rich- retires from business or passes on the mond, of course, is superflous. This BALI,1 detail or-others and gives himself to' old city owes too many of its indus9 the pleasure of his family and of his tries to Jews, too much of its prosperOmaha's, • friends. His alleged love of. money ity, too much of its spirit, and, in Newest and Finest Equiped Bath-House. is a myth, or at least it is a love that war-time, too much of its safety, to ' serves a gTeater love—that of his fail in righteous resentment of any Baths, Massage, Hot Packs, Franklin County, 111. in all sizes, Electric Treatment," household. He wants his wife to have attack upon them. But it is the same, Inhalatorium. conif orts. - He will stint himself until in Varying depree, throughout the CALL US AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. ne attains that which suffices for his country. Anti-Semitism can never Paston Hotel Turkish Baths then he stops accumulat- spread here. Sooner or later, its CONCANNON BROS., Props. patierit self-control and this wretched advocates will realize th;« 1401 Farnam St., Basement » persistence ,are the in-and wil' leave in thn enjoyment of Entrance; Tel. Jackson 0115. p 2306 Cuming Street. "centuries of!th^ir riehts men who spvve -+h°ir Telephone: Tyler 5731. tfe&tance of those under ( pou.nb*v and their Hod.—The NewsOMAHA; NEB. reiJressfotr anil of cfh fruitioui Leader, Richmond, Va. •which the Jew suKcr:d. S\'-


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Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilinsky of Wood- bridge-luncheon Monday, in honor of held Sunday, Oct. 9, at which time the1 attractive terra cotta front. It BRITH TO GIVE The store embodies the latest in* bine, la., are spending the week with Miss Wessel, and Mrs. N. A. New-held Sunday, October 9, at which the ! covers tvventy-six thousand square provennents to be found in etfufitereg NEW YEAR DANCE

AT TEMPLE ISRAEL* : mark entertained Thursday at the following officers were elected for the feet and is beautifully finished in of this kind. Mr. A. Herzberg made A regular meeting of the I. O. B.Mr. and Mrs. Sol Saltzman. On Friday evening, at Temple IsB. was held Thursday evening, OctoAt a" regular meeting of the Agu-Brown Betty. Miss Marian Levy en- ensuing .term: President, Herman solid mahogany. The first floor is several trips both east and west in rael, Babbi Frederick Cohn •••will iake ber 6, at the Lyric building,. das-Achim, held Sunday afternoon, tertained • Friday 1at a theater party, Speier; vice-president, R. V. Pepper- : given over to. departments of lingerie order te incorporate newest ideas for his sermon, ' ' t h e GoS Of Israel," A special committee consisting of Philip Romanov was appointed secre- complimentary to the bride-elect, and berg; treasurer, M. Maserrnan; finan- and blouses. The shoe department in ready to wear shops intd the arid on Saturday morning, "TemptaDave Gi-eenberg, Maat- Wezelmai), tary of the club to fill the vacancy Mrs. E. B. Finney was hostess at the eial secretary, Gus M. Friend; record- and attractively finished beauty Omaha store. tioti of Prosperity." "Lincoln Shire" in her honor". Satur- ing secretary, Ben Gradwohl. Mem- parlor occupy the mezzanine, with The store will be open to th< Oh Sunday evening, October J6, WilMam Klein, Irving Stalmaster, caused by the resignation of 0 . Hoch- day Mrs.-IL-Lawrence entertained. Mr. bers of the Board of Trustees, Nathan itiillinery and clothing on the upper public tm Saturday evenings whes mah. Fred White, J. j . Friedman, and Sam : celebration of ihe Feast of SuccbtE and Mrs. M. Aach will entertain next Gold, Morris Friend, Ed Gugenheim, floors. there will be music and souvenirs. Beber, "wac appointed to arrange for Miss Gertrude Cherniack will leave Sunday at a dinner jointly honoring Sam Nefsky^ M. Aaeh, will be held. This service begins promptly at 7:30 and "will be par- the annual B'nai Britfc dance. It is this evening for New York city, where Miss Wessel and Mr. Wertheimer and ticipated in by the children of theplanned to hpld this dance January 1, she will attend the Harriet Mellissa also celebrating their twenty-fifth Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levi have as Sunday school/ who "will march in 1922, at the FonteneLe hotel ballroom. Mills school for girls. wedding anniversary. The following their house guests, Mrs. Levi's sister, .„ -.... „. . . ..,...._..; Mrs. F. Goldberg of Shenadoah, la. bringing baskets of fruit •which are Members of the committee state {Eat Monday, Mrs; Charles Shire and Mrs. Sirs. M. Bernstein entertained the placed in the Succqth on the altar. a very unique and hovel evening's en- Bi-Monthly Card club at her home Victor Friend will entertain at a tertainment will be arranged in keepThe fruit is later distributed to. the luncheon at the home of Mrs. Shire. HERGBERG BROTHERS OPEN this afternoon. The presence of yourself and friends is NEW STORE. The same evening, Mrs. Wertheiiner, hospitals and among. needy families. ing with the spirit, of the New Tear's celebration. • 'Mr. and Mrs. I. Krasne and -Mose most earnestly requested The Herzberg Brothers who have mother of the groom-elect, will enterRabbi Colin -will take as his subject, Krashe of Oakland, Neb., spent fhs tain at dinner in honor of her son been operating the Herzberg Women's "Just as in the JDays of Old," and A regular meeting' of the Daughthere •will be special music. There ters of Zion was held October 9, at the Tom Kippur holidays m Council and his bride. Tuesday evening Mr. Toggery for the past fifteen years, * *. at t h e . . . and Mrs. Samuel Wessel will entertain will open what is said to be the most will b6 a morning service at ten hoiae of Gertrude' Wintroub. Election Bluffs. o'clock when Eabbi Cohn "will speak, on of officers resulted as follows: Sarah Over seventy-five children nave al- at a pre-nuptial dinner at th'e Lincoln- modern and exclusive women's and shire la honor of their daughter and children's ready to wear store in the "The Feast of the Lord." Morgan, president; Sylvia Bernstein> ready been enrolled and entered into Mr. Werthe'imer. middle west, on Saturday evening. the City Sunday school. According to vice-president; Gertrude Wintroub, The building which has just been the teachers of the school, it is exsecretary; Anna Rubach, treasurer; TO GIVE CARD PARTY. completed at 1519-1521 Douglas The annual congregational meeting pected-that the attendance list will be This The Jewish Women's Welfare Or- and Frieda Winer, reporter. of the Temple B'nai Jeshurun was street is a five story structure with increased to one hundred by next Sunclub will give a Saecoth party on Ocganization will give a card party next of the day. Owing to the heavy attendance Thursday afternoon a t the Brandeis tober 16. Miss Bessie Greenberg is this year, the teaching staff, of the Tea Rooms. They are urging that leader of the girls. Sunday school has been increased. tables be aranged before hand so that : Messrs. A; and M. Herzberg will there will be no delay and playing canA daughter, Toba Edith, was born begin promptly at 2:30. There will be entertain- the' employees of the store to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Bubfr -at prizes for each table and it is expect- and out-of-towhs friends at a supper the Nicholas Senh Hospital on Frir ed- that there will be a large number dance at the Athletie Club on Satur- day. Mrs. Bubb was formerly Miss Saturda> , October ftfteentK, day evening after the formal opening Rose Share of Muscatin, Iowa. attending. of the new Herzberg store. Nineteen Hundred Twenty-One ' Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schotiberger, The regular meeting of the Junior The Ra-Otii Society will meet Sun- whd have been making their home Eight until Eleven P. M* Welfare Organization will be held at Tarkio;'Missouri, for the past two day with Miss Sara Lewis, Wheit elecSunday afternoon, September 16, at years, have returned and will reside the Lyric Building, instead of as pre- tion of officerswill be held. A rare style exhibition. in Council Bluffs, where they have viously announced. The YMHA will give a SuccotH taken, ah apartment. FOUR DAYS WEEK No merchandise will be sold. Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Mayer of dance at t h e club rooms on SaturBeginning Saturday, Beginning October i6 New York, who have been visiting day evening, October 22, at which October 15th. time appropriate souvenirs will be with their' daughter, Mrs. Herbert THOMAS H. INCE'S Souvenirs Music BUCK IONES in A^nstein. and Mr. Arnstein, will spend given to the players of the first FOR MISS WESSEL. the week in Lincoln, their . former YMHA baseball team. A mimber of parties have been ".home. 1519-1521 Dmiglas Street given during the week in honor of Omaha* Nebraska. Messrs. Edward and Harry Snader Miss Alice Wessel, whose marriage to spent the holidays with their cister,' Four Days Starting Mr. Gabe Wertheimer will take place The Agudas-Achim club of Council Mrs. Julius Newman and Mr. New-Bluffs will give the first public dance .Wednesday, October 10th. Sunday, Wednesday, Oct. 19th man. of the season, Thursday evening, No- I the Misses Sarah and Pauline Friend WILLIAM RUSSEL Mrs. A. Goldstein has as her guest vember 3, at the Eagles' hall. Ac- entertained at a dinner in honor of Miss Wessel arid Mr. Wertheimer. her sister, Mrs. Ai Gottstein of Den- cording to the committee in charge, a ver, Colorado, who will remain for large program has been arranged to Mrs. Al Speier -washostess at a help intake the evening's affair a sucseveral weeks. Miss Celia Richards of San Jose, cess. The proceeds of the dance will OMAHA GRAIN CalifattaZj will arrive Tuesday to visit go towards bringing a family from Europe to this country^ EXCHANGE with Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky. Miss Coal Jot- Either Potnestie INVESTIGATION. Richards will be remembered in Oma- The wedding of Miss Fannie Gilincr Steamt Van— ha as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. sky, daughter of Mr. L Gilinsky, of The Omaha Grain Exchange L. Richards, who resided in Omaha a Council Bluffs, la., to Mr. Harry ShulPer ton #*•< regards the farmers of Nebrasnumber of years ago. Mrs. Eulakofs- kin of Sioux City, la., will take place ka as co-workers in the job of ky will be at home for Miss Richards this evening at the home of the feeding the world. The system nest Wednesday night. . bride's sister, Mrs. L. Simon. After now in operation is the climax AX.X. SIZES tizts At the regular meeting of- the a short wedding trip through the east, of economy and efficiency,- and Fairies of Zion held Sunday the fol- the couple, will make their home in in order that you may be satisYou Owe TEE BEST FSAXKXIN COC5TT. ttXIXOTS, CO.Jt, MIXED. lowing officers were elected: Bella Fort Dodge, la. fied that this* is true, you are It to A CX.EAK, IHOEOTGKU SCREENED COAL Goldberg, president; Celia Levihe, vice Mrs. B. Brin, who has been spending cordially invited to come, or j AT TE3S LOW PRICE' OF S 1 2 . O 0 r K K T O ! * *»FXIVERE1>. Yourself* president; Bessie Haspellj secretary; the holidays in Council Bluffs with send your representatives,- to 1 BTT TOUB COAX* XOir, BO NOT WAtT TOK TBE r A U KCSH. Yotn;. Libbie Kovitz, treasurer; ' and Ruth her daughter and son,- Mrs. AV'Gilininvestigate in "every detail the ALSO OTHER C&ADES OF COAX, AT VAElOff! PBICES. Green, reporter.. progress of your grain through sky and H. Nathanson, will leave SunFamily this market on its way frtttn and Your The confirmation class of 1921 ofday for her home at Webster City, la. your farms to the city consumthe City Talmud Torah held its first The Semi-Monthly Card club Trill Friends— ers. Omaha Grain • Merchants •meeting last Monday when the follow- meet Tuesday evening at the home of YOUR will receive you into their of••BETTER COAt, TOR EJiSS StOXEt" ing were elected as officers: president j Mr; and Mrs. Sam Rosenthal. , PHOTOGRAPH fices and* open to you their ATI-AKTIC 367013TH ASD CKAEI4ES PTS. ATI4AXTIC 4J98. Mollie Grossman; vice president, ElThe Jewish Sisterhood of Council books in ordar ihat you may Better arrange by phone er iaer Gross; treasurer, Jos. L-issitz; Bluffs will hold the first public card thoroughly understand tha baseletter fer & sitting— and secretary and reporter, Nellie party of the season, Thursday even©IB1 M lessness of the charge that -exMarks. The next meeting will be held ing, at the Danish hall. Everyone is isting methods are unsatisfactoMIS J A E e m t - A t i t h r a e H c C«m! A ^Elgb-S3rt Thursday, October 20, at the Talmud invited id this party. That *s Thoronghly ry"—you can see that there is ' Ko Soot, IFal! Torah. ,• . I no "duplication of effort"—no Mrs. Sol Began and Mrs. Morton "lost motion" in the Marketing Fetf To* Per Tom Degan will- entertain fifty guests at a Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop machinery —- ho appreciable bridge luncheon at the Brandeis Tea "manipulation," that ho "wastePhOhP 104.' 1306 North 24th Street. Booms on Friday. ful" methods exist so that furThe Best of Everything in Flowers ana ..3 Phone Webster 6701 ther savings would be imposConfections at Moderate Prices. Mrs. Harry Superior of Wheeling, sible. You are welcome to a West Virginia, is visiting with Mr; 545 W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater, COUKCH. BI.VFFS. IOTVA. full initiation into the1 supposed and Mrs. A. Herzberg and Mr. and "mysteries" of the'trade in orMrs? M. Herzberg for several weeks. CLIP" THIS COUPON, ITS WORTH ON THREE 4x6 der that you may understand Mrs. Ed Tfeller entertained this visPHOTOS FIFTY CENTS. that no real mysteries exist itor at luncheon oh Monday. Mrs. but that the grain trade as now Harry H. tapidus. Pres.-jreas. William Isaac entertained at an. OrJos. Pepper, Vice-President. conducted in the most thoroughW. G. Ure. Secretary. pheum party on Thursday and Mrs. ly competitive of all : lines of M. S. Miller will entertain Mrs. SuperOmaha Fixture & trade and hence is the most ecoior at luncheon on Saturday. nomically handled bringing fo Supply Co. The City Talmud Torah will give a the producer the largest possible whefic it's abotit tiiae; to have your car or truck examined COMPLETE STORE AND Succoth entertainment and play for result for his- toil. Therefore, and adjusted or perhaps overhauled lo get good restfltst OFFICE OUTFITTERS the children of-the Talmud -Torah, it no doubt is the DUTY of PVbe sure to call us. their parents and friends on WednesTO.0O0 square feet eryone to acquaint himself with day evening, October 19, at the SynaSootlrtrtdt Corned the workings of the Grain ExEleventh ana DonElns Struts. gogue, oh Nineteenth and Burt streets. change before, trying to replace Pfcbns: Dooclas 2724 There :will be a play given in Hebrew it with an untried experiment. O5IAHA. NEB. and Yiddish arid musical numbers. 'The —Adv. entertainment is to begin promptly at.

Formal Opening


New Herzberg Store

World Slealiy Co.


"To a Finish"





The Batters Stadio f d l

16 JO „>





-.'" -•••'•

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Miller entertain^ ed fifteen guests at a surprise party at their home on Saturday evening for their daughters, the Misses. Beulah .ind Mildred Miller. Mrs. Henry Rosenthal and Mrs. fames <5oetz will entertain thirty-five -quests at luheheon followed by bridge1 ih the.home of Mrs. Rosenthal on fuesday.



Mrsi Harry Fellheimer entertained Vwelye^ guests at luncheon at her home ?riday. Mrsf M. Solomon has as her guest luring, the holidays her mother, Mrs. \I. Eamerman of Chicago. Mf^and Mrs. Williain Epstein ehiertained at dinner at their home on Sunday evening for Miss Leah Frank, ivhose marriage to "Mr. Maurice Bernstein-will take place on Noveirber 6. Ann. Ackerman was hostess to the memBers of the Young Judea Senior Club.last Sunday at which time the club's new officers were installed. I The V/omens Auidliary to I." O. B. I B; will' tivfir a dancing party sit* Hanscom Park on Tuesday'evening.

"Say It With Jy

•••• K ^ * BUY SAFE " ^ g

Over BDO,QDD owners

319 Sbtith 16th Sti-eev Phone Douglas 3400

And to your Advantage we will PLE4SURE


At a special low rate wniie yours is ill our shop (of repairs

1514 Dodge Street. -Phone: Douglas 5615M—^


I 1 0 cents per mile " DDDBE BROTHERS

srastss iMtctst I3is end tmssanas «tan«s " 2 ' , „ tua FAREAJi



Ren tr A-Ford Co* OUR SERVICE IS DEPENDABLE ! 9th St. at Farnatm Doughs 7390



We are capable to do it for you oilly expert workmanship is guaranteed* only Genuine Ford Parts used.


WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY FROM US, YOU "BUY SAFE" Our guarantee and our word is as good as a bond. • We have satisfied, hundreds of your friends. - -'

and Buy- tBemat



7iS i '






THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE O HA I: ACT* ;.*.'. (A* Ti?*- }VM-ri?M EACE. The advertisers i n t h i s department are Leaders of their respective lines and. are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your -patron^, M-.K'fifA'i 'i i'.TV CiTT IT. and then you will not need to ask the question, "Why pick on the Jew?" COAL - COKE - HARDCOAL Take your police court records in THE WESTMINSTER 1 .Unscrupulous Jews were at the your cities of Texas. Take the records GAZETTE. head of the baseball scandal that has of your criminal courts. Names of are not only expensive from %\& #Uxttdi*iint of. r*w*tting the glass, "The Jewish Peril," the English Telephone arisen over the cheating of the White Jews as offenders are as rare as the Office Jackson 0268 translation of the "Protocols of the but because your windows an-. r<?ra-<3ww5 us«i««s$. 209 South 18th Street Sox out of the.games between that appearance of white blackbirds in the Elders of Zion, by Sergei Nilus, has club and Cincinnati. Some of thenative forests. Place your Plate Gk>?;< tmur&nw' v?h*>re four elmm wfTJ be same sort of Jews are muddling up -Question your beggars on the eify become a weapon in all political conquickly adjusted. % which concerns itself with P. MELCHIORS & SON the moving picture business' .mighty streets or your paupers in the places troversy bad, also. There are some very honest of refuge for the friendless and penni- the Jews. It is part of the regular MACHINE WORKS New Location above Daa's Shoe j Jews in the game of baseball and less and there are no Jews among •armoury of the Morning Post, and is Industrial and Automotive machinists. and Clotting Company, flourished almost daily. Now a corCarburetor and Ignition Repairs. also in the moving picture business, them. Starter Ring Gears for'into Fly Wheels 1415 Douglas Stw—Second Floor—. Phone Atlantic 0360 640 First National Bank Bldg. ; of course, but there are some of as Go read the story of Texas from respondent of the Times has dis417 Sonth 13th Street. Entrance thronfjh store. covered that the book is no more Telephone: ,Ja<-kson 3550 Jackson 3111. * big scoundrels among them as Godthe days of Stephen F. Austin to the iAlmighty ever turned'His back on reign of Patrick Morris Neff and es-than a plagiarism of an obscure years back down the- track.—The certain if the Jew has been an asset pamphlet written by a Frenchman in 1865, and aimed at Napoleon III. The Steamsbip Tickets, te and from Stamford Leader. ' DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT as a builder or a- liability as a para- volume is, in short, a literary hoax j Messrs. G. L. English and J. S. Da- site and exploiter. The verdict is which has, gone undetected for a re- ' ' Does It Need Cleaning an Parts of the World COMPANY. s or Repairing? ley are the publishers and editors of sweeping and in his favor. BIS5IARCKS. CAKE AND SUGAR We assist you in g-etting pasfiUNDERTAKERS markably long time. And never •NOW 18 T H E TIME TO HAVE jioris mid give you expert advise DOUGHNtJTS OUB SPECIALTY. The Leader. They are veteran newsCame the great war. Were there again* will the Morning Post be able im European conditions. EXPERTS D O T H E WOKK. i MOVED TO We Deliver the Real Goods. paper makers; they are long time slackers among them in Texa?? Were finally to clinch the argument with fonil Be Surprised at Onr Rates. We help yon to fret yonr re!n2234 CCMESG STREET. Phono Webster C9« citizens of Texas and they have a there deserters among them? Those an opponent by hurling at him a Cleaning done by Vacuum withiives in Europe to this (.'ovmtry. out causing dirt. We have satisreputation for being fairminded men. who were subject to the draft were quotation from the Protocols. factorily cleaned over 100 furnaces i But why pick on the Jew? the past month. trained for service in the camps of . Val.J. Peter & Co. THE TRUTH. CAX.I. JACKSON ISIS. | Why select the Jew.as a target? Texas and hundreds were volunteers. ' , * -ADVO COFFEE STEASCSHrp TICKETS ASD The Protocol's Forgery. ; Why single him out? What is theThose who were too old to fight were FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. •FOREIGN" EXCBAXOE ADVO FOODS ADVO JELL A sad blow has befallen all who IBM Csrmlnir Street. provocation? Where is the demand? prominent in all the war time activi13(17 Howard £f., Omaha, Neb. - We Install Gilt Edsre Furnaces. ' Phone AT lantlc Is it right? Is i t fair? ties and among the largest buyers of are engaged in the propagation - of j "There are fifty thousand Jews in the government paper pledge? to pay. the great myth -of a worldwide JewIn Texas they have been ouilders ish conspiracy for the overthrow of I Texas. In their ranks are .found some of the foremost merchants, law- of cities as well as empire builders. Gentile' civilization. The Times has Y o u r position . is SEHEMBBB Visit Our yers, physicians, publishers, writers, In Texas they have been builders of proved beyond a shadow of doubt -. correct,. and should I thinkers, humanitarians. There are colleges and schools and hospitals. In that the socalled "Protocols of the ' be s u p p o r t e d by giving they have never asked the Learned Elders of Zion" , are a I hundreds who are not newcomers. forgery based on clumsy plagiarism _' ' ' ' 'eveiy ' fair- minded There are Jews in Texas who in thecreed or the birthplace of the recipi- of a book written by a French lawDo away with drudgery and make ent of their bounty. person. house-work a pleasure hy the use long ago fought for the flag of the yer in 1865 as a veiled attack on the "_•_•£ ^Vltll ioar. Order for There are scoundrels in all climes, despotism of Napoleon III. The of modern electrical appliances. planters' republic and the stars and bars. There are Jews in Texas who under all flags," in all the tribes and --•-' ANYTHING -. The •'Electric Shop" is on the* fought for the stars and the stripes families of men. But why pLk on the forgery was perpetrated by the Russian Secret Police so long ago as IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric build1905, and even since the Russian Reing, South-east corner of Fifteenth in the long ago and the imperishable Jew? ...«of... PAPER LINE There are scoundrels of all nation- volution of 1917 the fictitious Protounion of states. and Farnam streets! Hoffmann Funeral Home. Go to three cities of Texas and the alities. There are scoundrels who cols have been used everywhere as 1112 HARNEYST. Distributors profess all creeds. There are scoun- evidence that a mysterious and powbuilding achievments of the gangers Phone Douglas 6109 drels of all colors and conditions but erful Jewish organization is responis a lasting monument in the Jew— again, sible for alK sorts of political and the American Jew. industrial troubles. To the Morning Go to the cities of San Antonio and Why pic> on the Jew? The Record News has no brief to Post the exposure must be particu"Buy Midwest Milk" Galveston and the schools founded by (PALMER GRADUATE) defend the Jew. - He needs no Jefense. larly embarrassing. However, though Jews for the education of all the The editor of the Record News is a this document has to be dropped, I ! children of all the people regardless Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 ! of nationality"or creed, speaks vol- Gentile, an all-American, but thedo not suppose that the weird theory •Record NewsbeFeves in justice to all, of the .Hidden Band of the Hebrew lumes for this singularly gifted and fair play for all and even charity for in everything that goes wrong will be centuries' persecuted race. HOLCOMB Why, in Texas, the name of Sanger all, ever recalling those i-mmortal given up. .Iten FOOD CHEMICAL is synonymous with all and for allwords of the Gospel giver, "To err is THE STAR. Biscuit Co. PRODUCTS CO., INC. that stands for good citizenship and I human, to forgive divine." .The Nilus Forgery. Slannfaetorprg of SHOW WMTE faith and hope and charity and in theI Those incomparable fathers who The "Times" has performed a •pubgave the people of today the DeclaraFOODS • AND CHEMICALS. 2002 Poppleton Ave. cities of San Antonio and Fort Worth "IS lic service by its crushing exposure FLAVOKISG EXTKACTS. j the name of Nat Washer represents tion of Independence and the Consti- of that discreditable anti-Semitic B18 Ji. ICth St. riione Atlantic 4984 (Beg. V. S. Atlantic 3680 Office.) that which men love in ccmmircial tution of the United States, did notforgery "The.^ Jewish Peril," - issued pick-on the Jew who was in their integrity and developing energy. in London last- year, toyed with by NORTHWEST READY It is not necessary to name the lead- midst. In those memoretie times the "Spectator," and at last whirled wh'ch tried heroic men's soul?, they ers of these people in Texas, in all ROOFING CO. ELECTRICAL' FIXTURES up into the "Morning Post," sirocco i fields of endeavor and in all walks of -weighed the Jew and ••hey did notto support its "World Unrest" camReatfy Roofing1 over old shlnpies. APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES find him wanting.—Record News, Also asphalt shingles and build-up life. Go read the rosters of your roofs. Fire resisting and finrable. paign. The Dry Gleaner of North Omaha. Grander* Electric Co, All trork guaranteed. Easy, terms. welfare societies, your relief associa- Wichita Fals, Texas. The work was a very mischievous "GARMENTS CLEANED t I K B THE TOCCH OF A FABRT." BCTEXPABtE •El.RCTKICAl, Phone Eariir.T 35T-1 tions, your day nurseries for the chilXKRCIIA .VD.I8K. PHONE KENWOOD' 0303. S « 0 AMES AVENUE. one, and was severely analyzed by Office and Warehouse: S122 X.eaTenxrorth 1511 Hon-nrct St. Phone Atlantic 0681 dren of the poor, your hospital.boards Danzig. (Jewish Press Association.) Mr. Lucien-Wolf. I". The Municipality of Warsaw at its meeting yesterday, expressed its pro. * TIRES TUBES test at the decision of the Leajpie of Made by Best Home Cooklnjr at Very ReasonNations regarding Vilna. Many CounACCESSORIES Chiropodist and Beauty * MANTTFACTTTREKS. able Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed. 24th and Farnntn Street. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST cillors demanded, that Prof. Ashkenasi Shop MEY-MER-CO. Brand > FOOD CO. •who now represents Poland on the R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor Established ism The Home of Good Ice Cream Beverages and Syrups. OMASA, NEBKASKA. 15th and Harney Streets. 316 Sooth 15th Street—Up Stairs. League, should be recalled.

England aid the Protocols

Broken Show Windows


'B. Korney—Signs



The Brinn & Jensen Company

''Electric Shop"

Leo A. Hoffmann






319-331 So. 14Mi St., Omaha, Kebr. Phone Atlantic ESS9

. TRY STJNDGKEN'S Nutritions Home Made

Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors of

Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery OMAHA. NEBRASKA.

PIES and COOKIES Sealed In Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Your Grocer.

Sundgren Pie Baking Co. 24th and Hickory.


87U» and Martha- gts. Harney 1663 Manufacturers of Brass. Bronze, Aluminum and. Soft Gray Iron Castings. You are assured of 'Soft castings, as •we machine dome from every beat, in. our own shop. Standard size cast Iron bushings In stock. .'

55% to 85% saved on parts for all, makes of cars. : We carry • a complete line of new rine: gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car. 1318-1330 West Broadway. COtTNClIi KLtlFFS. IOWA. PHONE 4 « . "

Baker Ice MtcMnes

Made from Vour Own Feathers. Warm In winter; cool In summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.

'Manufactured in Omaha"



1907 Cumins Street.

Jackson 2467


Real Estate : : : : Insurance .1517 Harney St.

' '* -




Phone Douglas 8707

A.F.HAARPiMiriflfG.CO. Vinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products

Phone Douglas 4607 20tb and Fierce St., Omaha, Nebraska.

TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Pruit and Vegetables

N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts.


Have Your Furniture BeophoUtered Vye make It look like new. Call Douglas 0007 A man /will call with, samples.

AMERICAN UPHOLSTERING CO. 617 South 16th Street.


THATCHER PIANO CO. Phone' Jarlison 30G0

DON'T BUY COAL! OIL IS SlUril CHKAPER 3Dct DB Remove Llic Door from Your Fnmoce and Insert a

LfLLIBRIBGE OIL VAPOK BURNEFf S68 Demonstration 310 So. 10th Street'.

nirh and Smooth. 1«3 SJ. 18th St.

Fhone Webster 0406

Atlantic 6841




Call Atlantic 2364: ...for . . .


Theodore Vblz & Son TAILORS 528-32 Securities Bnlldlne, 10th and Farnam Sts. Telephone: Jackson 2706

- We are' now ready to supply IMPORTED RUSSIAN and TURKISH cigarettes, tobacco and tobes

All that the name implies. •

OMAHA TOBACCO CO. 1404 Bong-las Street, pistributors of .44

SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer

Office and Warehouse: SI* So. Main St. Telenhone 142 cocarcii. BLPFFS. IOWA.

ioliand Furnaces "Blake Warm Friends" 3208 Coming: St. Phone Douglas 4736

Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Cumins St. Phone Atlantic 124* DISTRIBUTORS—— JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Omaha, Nebraska.

Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. SAVES YOU MOSEY.


Jackson 3873

Douglas 68S7

S16 N. 16th St.

MAX OLSEN & CO. Wholesale Distributors for

and Home Made Candy.

Phone Douglas S3S3

Ambulance Service

Dayton Honey Weight mi

Eqoippefi with Pnlmotor. All Calls Answered Promptly.

JOHN A. GENTLEMAN S411 -Faraaza St. SteSner Electric MeatChopper aad Coffee SOU. Used Scales of All Makes for Sale.

Phone Harney 0SD3

t ••*!

•\ v . .

.. > .


. . . for . . .


Representative 5XS So. Juih St. Phone DOcflas S3S3

QUALITY GROCERIES' AND MEATS TSn So. 24th St. Phone Market «W9ft

Eet. 1891.

Phone Jackson 1680

Joseph Polack & Son Wholesale Dealers in Butter, E -anti Poultry. 1313 Howard St.

Omaha, Nebraska.

LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1010.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: BranfleiS Theatre Building-. I"th and Douglas Streets. Phone Atiantie 3836

Jewish Press 483 BrandeiH HUlg.

Tel. Jackson 2373

Ask for



Omaha OfHce: 813 Dantrlas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 3556

Ford Tranter & Storage Co. R. A. FORD. President and General Manager. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 834 So. Slain Street. Phone S8S

OtHR TREATMENT COJiVJXCE fOC OF OW3 KIr Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.


An Ideal WashJns Combination.

E. E. Bruce & Co. WHOLESALE

Druggists and Stationers 401-403-403 South 10th St.

Estes Latindry Tablets ... with...

Estes Soap Chips '


Water Softener (Combined)

216 K. 16tb St. Breac et- Ceutral M Table Snpply trnfl Food Ccnte*.

At all Grocers.

Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.

United Provision Stores

IOWA FRUIT/& PRODUCE CO. (Incorporated)

WHOLESALE FRUITS 923-D31 West Broadway. COUNCIL BZ.CFFS. *OWAT / Telephone 3103 '



Every morning It yon call tlie

Frontier Towd Supply 1815 California Street. Phone Donjflns 6391

^WHOLESALE GROCERS Pfeone Jackson 1302

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