. * \ •;, -V.'
Tour friend has a friend; and your frientf's f r i e n d has a friend. Keep your secret to yourself!—The Talmud.
VOL. L—NO. 45.
'*I am convinced that the Btble becomes ever more b e a u t i f u l the more it is understood." — J, W. Goethe.
Entered as second-class mall matter on January 27th, lf>21, at tf"- e at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3.. 1879.
Death of Doctors D^|ianiDeiitsch, Two of Country's Leadi^|¥ibbis5 Occars During Past f e e M | * \Jewry Mourns Loss Dr. S. .'N. Deinard, Well-Known "..., Dies on Yom Kippur Day. Dr. Gotthard Deutsch, Famous Jewish. Historian and Author, *'' Stricken Last Friday.•— Death Halts Active and Fruitful Careers. DETAILS OF DR. DEUTSCffS FUNERAL FOLLOW PLAN ARRANGED BY SELF.
AFTER 429 YEARS London, (J. C. B.)—Dr. Angello Puellido, a member of the Spanish Senate, has published a r e m a r k a b l e booklet in which he appeals for a reconciliation between the Spanish and J e w i s h peoples, and attempts to explain that much has changed since the days of the Inquisition and the Expulsion in 1492. The Senator especially urges Sefardie Jews to return and assures them of excellent treatment.
New York, Oct. 14. 1921. Editor, The Jewish Press. Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir:— We desire to express our By BERNARD A. BERGMAN in "The Jewish Tribune". heartfelt appreciation of your editorial entitled "The Keren Hayesod," in your isIt was. in Chicago, the city of con- is still preeminent, not only in Detroit, sue of October 7. ventions, where these 200 delegates but throughout the country, in diIt was one of the best of from every part of the United States versified . humanitarian accomplishits kind and we are delightmet.. The fate of a people /was in ment ed to number you among their hands and the tremendous Staris'Right to Work. the champions of the Palesresponsibility •weighed them down. No sooner was the memorable con- i tine Foundation Fund. There was none of the levity that vention' of the American Jewish ReCordially yours, characterized other conventions in lief Committee, called by Julius Ro(Signed) Gershon Agransky, Chicago. The delegates were tense senwald, completed in Chicago, than Corresponding Secretary and serious and solemn.. _ *• . ' for the Keren Hayesod, Mr. Brown made a flying trip to New"Who was to lead them? Who was York to confer with Henry H. RosenHeadquarters for the the man who could insure success to felt, National Director of the ComUnited States.
School Girls Will es
i Recreational Classes of Jewish] Women's Welfare Organization Extended to Include Essential Branches. CLASSES IN SCHOOLS OPENED THIS WEEKl
"Aiothereraft" will make its f\i%<~t appearance in Omaha within a iuonib.1 "Mothercraft" is not the naniR <n§ a sensational movie, neither is it breakfast-food, nor a new type < dress for-women. very short tune. "Mothercraft" is the newly df't Dr. Deinard is most lovingly remembered by Omahans oped science that teaches gins their cause, whose leadership guaran- mittee. He was in New York for a through the splendid addresses he gave when last in Omaha, help themselves and others, and in-i teed success? That was the man few hours only, when he returned to and through the cordiality and simplicity of his character. He eludes a knowledge of home hygiene,! needed, for success was vital, the reDetroit to put his affairs into shape addressed the annual meeting of the Jewish Welfare Federation diet, home nursing and various oLln sults of failure were too appalling to until next March. For he will be in on January 30, and the Zionist organization the following night. useful information'tending to develop! consider. For the fate of a people was New York until then, as national About a month later he returned to Omaha and again addressed the efficiency of the girl within tbfi| Ilabbi Jacob Singer Tells Fort«t stake. chairman of the $14,000,000 appeal the Zionists. home. ' nightly Musical Club That to place the stricken Jewry of EastDr. Deutsch's name is familiar to all readers of Jewish The One Man. Jews Have preserved ""Mothercraft" is the newest brand*! history*. For many years he conducted the foreign news departs The delegates knew that this one ern Europe and Russia upon an inRacial Spirit. of study which will be introduced in ment of the "B'nai Brith News". man was there. He had proved his dependent economic footing, so that the recreational classes for girls thi:these sufferers who have been mainAmerican Relief Administration We give below brief histories of the deceased rabbis. PLEADS FOR LIBERTY IN leadership hundreds of times in the tained by the generosity of American Perfects Plans for Individual year by the Jewish Women's Wei fart past, for this cause and dozens of | Organization, It will be taught once MUSIC. DR. G. DEUTSCH. DR. S. N. DEINARD. and in Soviet Territories. others. He was always ready to jump Jewry all these years since the outT each month at a general meeting- oi Minneapolis. (From The' American .Cincinnati. (Jewish » Agency.) break of the war, may regain the life in and with his impelling personality, "Ernest Bloch and Leo 'Ornstein all the girls who are enrolled irs i\ Dr. Gotthard Deutsch, world-famous Jewish. World.) The many friends , , , , . , . . his dynamic strength achieve the goal that once was theirs and return to a ARRANGEMENTS TO BEN- . are counted among the foremost comv Jewish savant, Bible student and his- of Dr. S. N. Deinard, in fact the EFIT DESTITUTE CHILDREN I s n o u s Masses conducted by this . i!1 where others had failed, -where others self-supporting basis. posers in America," Rabbi Jacob Sintorian, died at his home here on entire Jewish community were grief"The Jews of America must be ganization. Mrs. Dolly Eigutter v dared not even strive. But this time Friday evening after a severe attack stricken at the sad tidings that, early ger of congregation B'nai Jeshurum, he would not be available. He and aroused to the responsibility that is Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Com- take charge of this work, and Lincoln, told • members of the Fortof pneumonia which began a week Yom Kippur morning, Dr. Samuel N. his wife had already booked passage theirs, to do now the constructive merce, and Chairman of the American demonstrate her talks with a life Deinard was stricken at his home. nightly Musical Club, at its meeting on the Olympic, to spend the winter work in Eastern Europe which natur- Belief Administration, announced to- doll. before his death. Of Great Educational Valu<* Funeral services took place on Dr. Deinerd's fllnes, which began the Tuesday afternoon." in Italy, to rest from the many de- ally follows the palliative relief that day that plans had been perfected with "The work that will be given is- oi Rabbi Singer, who is a recognized Sunday, October 16, at the Cin- latter part of September, just before mands made upon him during the past has been carried on since 1914," de- the Soviet authorities whereby food the highest educational value," naid authority on synagogal music, and the celebration of his twentieth ancinnati Crematory. Burial service packages may h# sent from individuyear, to each of which he had given clared Mr. Brown. Mrs. Elgutter to-day. '3Ve shall t r y took place first at the Deutsch home. niversary as Eabbi of Temple Israel, connected with the music department his alL His wife required the win"To do this, every man and woman als in America to individuals in Rus- to teach the girls to learn what i* of the University of Nebraska, was =At the express request of the late was not regarded as serious. The ters' rest, it was largely for her that who feels his and her Jewishness sia. scholar, his name was not mentioned shock of his sudden death cast a asked to come up from Lincoln to he was going. It is estimated that there are over best for themselves in the matter "f must give freely of his and her wealth, throughout the services. I n fact, gloom over the services in all the open the series of lectures for the three million Jews in Russia whose correct carriage, proper dress, reguand of themselves. This is not a job club. Felix M. Warburg, Louis Marshall, for one man or 100 men. It is a American relatives have been unable lated diet, etc., but we shall also try they were carried out according to local synagogues. Speaking on the subject "AmeriJulius Rosenwald, Henry Morgenthau job for thousands and thousands of to give them material assistance to teach them to be of assistance with• ' - an outline which he prepared some- It is difficult to evaluate the loss in the home in caring lor other memtime ago. No eulogy or address of which the Jewish community of Min- can Composers," Rabbi Singer traced and others of the delegates implored Jews. Ail over the country, in every throughout the period folio-wing the bers of the family." the development of musical~ compohim to make the sacrifice, to renounce state and in,every.city, our people are Br«Et-Litovsk peace, and the rise of praise for Mm and his work was neapolis,, and-beyond it, all American sition in this country and accented the trip to Italy and stay behind and going to be asked to give in the same the Soviet regime. To them and to Combined with this work there wIU permitted. A special prayer -was Jewry, has suffered in the death of direct the cause. The man wavered— generous spirit that was in evidence a million. Jews in America this an- j be added a recreational feature in th* recited which was. not the ordinary Dr. Deinard. Although- only, forty- the contributions of foreign groups. "Of these," he said, "the two he was always willing to sacrifice, "but during the war." nouncement is most heartily welcome, j form of story-telling at each monthly Jewish prayer for the dead, and eight years old, his has. been a notar ; Details of the plan are given below, I meeting. Miss Laura Goetz and Mrs. 4 chosen passages of Psalms, Job and ble career, which was cut short in Jewish musicians Bloch and Ornstein what of his wjfe? Julius Eosenwald in that - they'_ have telephoned JdTiiBrT at Detroit -and she *rid'It is significant .fh'at'no Charge is i B.-F.'Lewis, willfee.in } i S l i t L ' its prime; and at t h e ' penoS :;of its ^ , _ _ preserved in their worH the -true —imbued with the same self-sacrific'•'It is clear to me/* he continued j •made other than that twenty-five per- 'branch. The first meeting will be hold Dr. Deutsch" is survived by his greatest promise. Born in Li|£uania, spirit of their forebears, Bloch espe- ing spirit that has made her husband "that there is an evident resistance cent of the food which is sent will be (November 5, at the Lytl••>! Inf.. wife and five children, two daughters he spent his- childhodd in Palestine; cially, in his 'Three Jewish Poems," one of the outstanding figures in on the part of the people to give be- turned over to the canteens of the (from 2:30 to 4:30, and is open to *i: md three sons. Mrs. Deutsch an- getting the best training of these has transplanted in his- work as no American Jewish life, gladly gave up cause of the socalled "hard times.' A. R. A. for general distribution. } public school girls, in atldi on txnounced after her husband's death two centers of Jewish learning. At other American composer has done, the trip, to stay behind for the cause, j There is no question that some have The following plan has been estab| those enrolled in the regular clas-st".. that friends and acquaintances were the age of seventeen he went to the race- sopl of the Jew, with his suSered financial losses through the lished which will also provide addi- j Begins This Season, The Dynamic Dave Brown. asked not to send flowers, but to Germany, enrolling as a student at high spirituality, alternating with the form of depression in this country. tional support to the destitute Russian ; • This recreation work of the Jewish tontribute to a special Deutsch Heidelberg University, enjoying the sense of despair. These works have This was at 11 o'clock Sunday morn- Yet, if there was ever a time when children. Under this plan:— j Women's Welfare Organization, unMemorial Fund which will be used instruction of some of the most emi- most certainly been inspired by a ing, September 25. At 11.05 David the people are called upon to make (a) Anyone may remit funds by I der the direction of Mrs. E. nent German scholars. He next came for educational and charitable insticomprehensive and sympathetic A. Brown of Detroit (for that -was sacrifice, it is now. Few of us, even mail only, payable to the American k3% President, and Mrs. Millard Lang" tutions in Palestine. This, she to America where he studied at the knowledge of Jewish history ' and the man if you have not already though our incomes have been re- Eelief Administration on New York feld, started its third year this week,' stated, was arranged at the wish University of Pennsylvania and later Jewish* life. Ornstein stands out guessed it) was already directing the at Chicago, and " Purdue University1, primarily as one of the modern im- 1921 appeal of American Jewry for duced and our principals attacked, draft, money order, or certified check with classes in Kellom, Lake, Long, V.r late husband. have given up any of the luxuries in sums of not less than $10 and in Lincoln and South Central Schools, , Dr. Deutsch is especially remem- while occupying pulpits at Chicago pressionists in music." the Jewish -war sufferers in Russia and pleasures we have been accus- multiples of $10 through the Ameri- Instruction is given in sewing, crochbered as a great Jewish historian- and Terre Haute, Indiana. Just twenFollowing out these thoughts, and Eastern Europe. It was charac- tomed to. Compared "with the suffer- can Relief Administration offices in eting, embroidery, darning, elocution*' He was the Dean of the Hebrew ty years ago he was called to the Rabbi Singer pleaded for a greater teristic of the man that immediately Cincinnati and Union College of pulpit of Temple Israel of Minneapo- liberality on the part of music lovers after his appointment he had started ing in Europe, our lot here is a para- New York, 42 Broadway, for the bene- dancing and millinery. dise while theirs is a literal Hell. fit of any person or group in Russia. taught History and Bible to the Rab- lis. He pursued studies at the UniClasses in millinery will form the to work "with the dynamic^ energy and in the acceptance of new and untried "I believe that $14,000,000 for this (b) These remittances must be ac- newest edition to the work, having binical students there. He has writ- versity of Minnesota, from which he ten many volumes on JewishvHistory secured the degree of Doctor of Phi- musical forms, asking that the com- matchless enthusiasm which have year is the irreducible minimum that companied by full name aid address been extended this year to all th& and on various Jewish topics, and losophy. For several years he oc- poser be given full sway for his made him in a • comparatively few must be raised for the work in. of beneficiary in Eussia and such re- schools. All of the work has received has even been a regular contributor cupied the chair of Semitics at racial consciousness. "The Jew, as years one of the leading manufac- Eastern Europe and Russia to be mittances will be advised to the head- the unqualified endorsement of the to many newspapers and periodicals Minnesota. During the last few well as all other racial groups, grows turers in this country, an authority properly done. By March 1, 1922, the quarters of the American Eelief Ad- Board of Education as combining J in America, writing on questions of years Dr. Deinard made notable imitative only when he is forced to on economic subjects, particularly in- results of all the appeals throughout ministration in Moscow. worth-while recreation and education,' (c) The Moscow •office will direct the in useful arts and sciences. Five hunthe day and showing remarkable contributions to Jewish and secular be untrue to himself, and our Amer- dustrial relations, for which he is al- the United States will be known to the knowledge and understanding of all periodicals. He was editor and one ican civilization needs the true spirit ways in demand as a speaker and people of this country. Success, in various American Eelief Administra- dred girls were enrolled last year, am! writer, and a philanthropist, who my judgment, means 814,000,000 plus. tion children's warehouses to get in it is expected that this year's enrollcomplicated occurances in Jewish of the founders of the American of every one of its elements." Rabbi Singer has been signally gives equally of his effort and his The Jews of America would not'stand touch with the beneficiaries and ment will exceed that number. public life. Jewish World, of which he was the for failure of any kind. There is too deliver food to them corresponding In Dr. Deutsch was born in Austria editorial. contributor at the time of honored in being asked to prepare a money. The following women are engaged It was only a few years ago, for he much at stake. It must be done—it amount to the money paid. in 1859, received the degree of Doc- his death. He was an'ardent worker treatise on "Jewish Contributions to in the work this year: American Music" for the Internais still a young man, that Dave Brown can't be put off. There is no other (d) If beneficiary can not be found tor of Philosophy from the University in Zionism, and member and officer • KELLOM SCHOOL tional Music Festival, which will be answer." was the best newsie in Detroit. He •within 90 days, remittances will be of Vienna, and studied in France and in. many communal organizations, director; held in New York this winter." refunded to the purchaser. Advice Mesdamee ' X. Germany. He came to the United both Jewish and non-Jewish. Vent, M. Fanpcr, I. I,evy. 4of delivery of the food, will, wherever .T. B. Hobinsoii. B. F. Boiib-nere" find States in 1891 on the invitation of 1 JEWISH WOMEN Blotcky. He is survived by his aged father the Hebrew Union College and taught possible, be sent to the purchaser. ASKED TO AED NEEDLE ! LARE SCHOOL History at that institution from the (in Jerusalem), his widow, two sons (e) Food will consist of a selection, 8. 0RK Gmw ! MetxUmes KaihHn Man tell and ,M and a daughter. year he arrived here. according to stocks available, from Miller. the following1 commodities: Flour, Rera Kulnkofsfcy. Hatw) Detren null Moitf The annual local exhibition of the CONSTANTINOPLE CENTER FOE bacon, lard, vegetable oil, tea, canned 800 BESSARABIANS LEAVE FOR Needle Work Guild of America^ will DESTITUTES OF EASTERN KABBl KOPALD ALD milk, hominy, sugar, cocoa, rice, LINCOLN SCHOOL HOLY LAND. be held on Nov. 2 and S a t f t h e EUEOPE. Mrs. HMITV McDonald, director. (Steffi beans. Food will be furnished at not completed.) COMPLIMENTED Central Congregational Church, *36th One hundred sixty families com- Ave. and Dewey. Constantinople. (J. T. Agency.) cost, but one-quarter of the food LONG SCHOOL purchased with each remittance will posing in all 880 individuals have The Needle Work. Guild is a non- 12,500 destitute refugees, members of Meadames VT. I.. Holaimnn, I». HUter. ABANDON COMMISSION GOV- Zion, Buffalo, New York, was unique- left Barshide, Bessarabia, for Palesbe handed to the canteens for the Simon. S. Goldstrom. 3. § « * " • H. feectarian organization that has done all nationalities and creeds, have ly honored by members of his conERNMENT, general feeding of destitute children; Kamen, Jess Pregler and H. Ctowwn tine. This group organized by Issigned a petition to the American very useful and necessary work in gregation on the New Year, when thrse-qaurters being delivered to the SOUTH CENTRAL SCHOOL The commission form of govern- they presented him with a §1,000 rael Gondelman have gone to Palestii.e this city for many years. It collects nation, which describes the plight of beneficiary of the remittance. Mesdatnes A. E. ttotbsohtld. for the purpose of foundiug a coment under which the BethHamedrosh certificate of ownership in the new annually hundreds of garments which the homeless is Constantinople and SpM'BtMH-geir, V( . I J O T J " (£) The Relief Administration has Mever Block. M." IJ. Walowitz and O r Hagodel has been operating for the Buffalo Athletic Club. The gift was operative colony for which ground are in turn distributed to every begs that relief for that quarter be so far established warehouses at past year, was abondoned at the given as a tribute to his interest in was recently purchased in their be- hospital and social'service organiza- not discontinued. The refugees have annual meeting of the members of civil matters, as the new Buffalo half from the Jewish National Fun<l tion in the city. Last year some taken alarm at the recent liquidation Petrograd. Moscow, Samara, Simb- TALMUD TORAH SUCCOTB the Congregation Tuesday night. Athletic Club is regarded as a civic and the "lea." The group included 650 garments were so distributed. of the American Joint Distribution irsk, Kazan, and Saratow, and while PARTY. In its place was substituted the enterprise of great importance. A a considerable; number of tailors, Many individuals prefer to contribute 'Committee, and the decision of the orders will be accepted on other Six hundred children enjoyed « bootmakers, tinsmiths, carpenters, cash in lieu of garments, and this American Eed Cross to discontinue regions their executiocm will depend Succoth party and entertainment at direct vote for the various officers, new clubhouse, costing a minimum, cabinet-makers and blacksmiths. It upon arrangements for extending the its activities. Constantinople has money is used to purchase -wearing the system which had been in of $2,000,000, will soon be erected on the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodd long been a center for refugees from Wardl0U S U be operation previously. Under the Niagara Square, opposite the new also had one medical man, one den- apparel. ^ f S V f ^ r f r synagogue lust last ragnx. night. »o«, They r tist, one eye-specialist and three en» of t h e City T a t m u d present plan the entire membership Statler Hotel. Ownership, certificates The various Jewish organizations Soviet Russia, the Ukraine, and established in the course of extension! ^ geh;ol. A will meet semi-monthly, whereas are limited to one-thousand citizens, gineers. The initial capital of each in the city, especially the Jewish neighboring countries. Hygienic con- of the general relief to children andj ^ ^ ^ family consisted of 12,500 lee, toif demands for food remittances ditions are almost intolerable and under the commission form it had of whom a great number are Jews. program of playlets in Hebrew ami Welfare Federation and the Wise met but twice a year. This is particularly, significant in gether with all necessary provisions Memorial Hospital, have each year employment is either scarce or non- warrant. Yiddish, and readings from for the journey and. suitable "clothThe Joint Distribution Committee existent Soldiers of the army of The new officers are: E. Fleisch- view of the fact that in some of the ing to last them at least three years. received hundreds of useful articles Baron General Wrangel constitute a announced today that all of its relief Jewish writers was given. man, president; S. Reikes, vice- foremost cities Jews are not eligible In addition almost every head of a from the Guild. Every Jewish wo- considerable percentage of those in work in Russia will be done through fruits and nuts were president; M. Adelson, secretary; I. for membership in the large athletic Ctaildreu partieipailnp it> ih* pw family had private funds while some JiieludfHi: A. Fellmwi, Alo-\ Sltnftou, • man m fes city is urged to con- need of relief. Many of these await the A. K. A. Kulakofsky, treasurer, and A. Rich- clubs. Itohpnstein, I<*H?n SUM! J. FfW'UMin, of them carried away a great deal i*f tribute to othe Guild in furthering the earliest opportunity to return to Fellmnn. 3". Ksno&kj-. Si»liw>v KaUenutti,. ards, Chas. Liebowitz and P. Lillian 'Rosenblatt. Israel Utinton. Aiusts wealth. All of the members of the its very humanitarian work, and are their homes in Russia. A large -numThe Zionist District will hold £ I Hothenimrs, arider, trustees. The Council of Young Judea is givtJertrnde Kaplan, Majj group are healthy individuals, very ber of the destitutes are immigrants meeting on Saturday evening, October Kaplnti, Ho.«dlin«> Holnlterg. <^«roHa© ing a program on Tuesday evening, enthusiastic and idealistic, and the asked to call Mrs. David Feder: •vho are not able to proceed further 22, at 8:30 o'clock at the synagogue roond, id« HaUitiv, Tt>ble Brown. The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity will give Zier. How Sf ^JnlSIf fitul a Halloween dancing Darty on Mon- October 25, at the Lyric building. The entire colony will be built on a Harney 3301, for complete details •>n account of the entraccc restric- on Nineteenth ami Burt Streets. liaiiin. Stcrnhin. liuvi strict, cooperative basis. day, October 31. public is invited. Election of officers will take place. relative to contributions. ions in the Holv Land.
Jewry throughout the country sustained, an irreparable loss in the death of the two notable rabbis, Dr. S . N . Deinard, of j Minneapolis and Dr. Gotthard Deutsch of Cincinnati, during the 1 past week. Dr. Deinard died on "last Wednesday, Yom Kippur Day, and Dr. Deutsch died on Friday. Both had been ill but a
Jewish Composers in Foremost Rank of American Musicians
lo round looporative Colony C l in i PPalestinef
Hew Officers Elected For Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel
Refugees of All nations
tHIE JE WiSH PRESS, 'Published every ^Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY.' Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jacksbn 2372. ] }t
Subscription Price, one year...:...—. . _„..„......„.—...—$2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application.
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AFTER FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE YEARS. On pa£e 1 of this issue we publish a very interesting cable dispatch from London in which a member of the Spanish Senate is quoted as urging the Jews to return to Spain and assuring I them of excellent treatment, j What, miracle is this?. Spain the arch-eneniy of the Jews Since earliest Christian times pleading for their return! •
The Jew would like to forget the history.of his treatment at the hands of Spain, but how can he? It is indelibly engraved oh his memory in fiery letters that scorch and sear as did those flames and scourges that were applied to Jewish dwellings and Jewish bae&s when Spain was a power among the nations of the world. . , ' The Jews settled early in Spain and authentic Records show their existence there in the third century of th6 common era. The Hi'st khbwii persecution of the Jews oceured in the sixth century, and was followed by others, more or less rigorous, until the Edict of Expulsion in 1492,' which was itself followed by the horrors of the Inquisition. For a brief three hundred years alone, while Spain was under Moorish rule> did the Jews enjoy undisturbed security and complete freedom, tinder so-called Christian rulers their life was veritably a series of achievements and disasters. Attaining power and'position under one monarch only to lose all they had through the greed and bigotry of his successor—such is briefly the history of the Jews in Spain durihg gight hundred years. And now they are asked to come back!
JEWISH CALENDAR 5682—1921. Succdth (Lust
.i Oct. 21 SliuchnSh SliuchnSh Tnrqh Tnrah , .. Tttta , Oct. S3 Kosh-Chodesrh Chi>STan_ -Wed. , Nov. S Kosh-Cllodescli K l j fcec S Ghanuhah (Feast of Dedication). Ion., Dec. 28 C682—1933. Rosh-Chbdesch Tebeth.._ Son.. Jan. I Fast of Tebeth r> Tarn Jan. 10 Hosh-Chodesch Shebat Mon.. Jan. 30 Rosh-Cliodescli Aiin* W r j Mar. 1 I'nrlm (Feast of Esther) Tnes!, Mar. 14 Rosh-Chodesch Nissan _«_.Thurs Mar. SO Apr. 13 Passover (PesarJi)___ Thnrs, Apr!) 1» Passover (Seventh Day>i__^_.Wed- Aj>r, id Kosh-Chodesch tvn» g a t May 10 lag b'Omwf—.. SIvan . '"'TIPS May 28 Rosh-Chodesch ...Sun., Shnbtioth (COHHrffiiniloh Day) !>..June 2 Rosh-Chodesch Tammnz Tnes., Jnne 27 Uosli-Choilegch Ab___^____ TVed. J a l y 26 3" Feast of Ah • - — 'i Aoff. Aucr. 23 EoBh-Chodesch Ellnl_ 5G83-—1023. New Tear's Eve. Sept. 22 Aiierrtli..-..."...
. • • - • • •
. »
LUZZATTI Italy's Representative at the Conference on Disarmament.
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR SYNAGOGUE ATTENDANCE By Rabbi H. D. Ettleson, Philadelphia, Pa. ing, even as thy leaving before I am the Synagogue, thy congre- services are over, will disturb the gation's center, which can bring devotions of others. Therefore, thee out of the bondage of worldly thou shouldst come always on time. cares and into the freedom of higher thoughts ahd feelings. Honor the decorum of worship, and in order that its best standII Thou shalt have no other dates ards be maintained, promenade or engagements before mine. Thou thou not down to thy pew while the shalt not make unto thyself any :ohgregation is standing for prayer. poor excuses or would-be reasons . vi • *• for staying away, either on acThou shalt riot kill the spirit of count of a little rain from above the responses by helter-skelter or a little slush and snow under foot or some things to attend to reading. around, for I, the Synagogue, will VII not accept excuses, that would not Thou shalt not adulterate thy be given in the case of theatre, devotion with needless whispering concert or other engagements. or idle conversation.
Judaism will be represented at the Disarmament Congress at Washingin ton by one of the most eminent and VIII Thou shalt not make claim in universally respected members of its Thou shalt not let thy thoughts race in the person of ex-Premier Luigi vain that thou art as good a Jew go stealing to other subjects durLuzzatti, who according to official even without Synagogue attend- ing the services. announcement from Rome, is to head ance, for the Synagogue is the religious home of the congregathe Italian delegation. IX Eighty years of age, but still won- tion, and thou with thy family Thou shalt not falsify the true derfully alert in physique and intelli- shouldst be at home in it. neighborliness of religion by thy gent, Luzzatti, -who has served Italy iv action to a stranger in the pew. in" turn as minister of finance, as minRemember the hour set for the ister of the interior, also as chief of X' service and keep to its time wholly. the department of agriculture, indus^ All the rest of the week thou hast Thou shalt not covet a muchtry and commerce, and above all, as for other -things, but the Sabbath abridged service; thou shalt not Premier, conies from a famous Hebrew hour of worship is for the Syna- covet sermons whose sole merit is 1 family that has given rabbis, physi- gogue alone. On it thou shalt not their shortness nor the introducIn the sixteenth century Spain became mistress of the seas cians, poets, scholars and financiers to be tardy—neither thou, nor thy tion of anything not in keeping &nd ruler of the world. The Jews had be'en gone but fifty years. Italy for many generations. Indeed, "son, nor thy daughter. But thou with the decorum and devotion of "To-day Spain is unknown among the powers of the earth. Luzzatti has been continually in dabi- shalt remember that thy late-com- a House of Worship. She has no voice in their deliberations, and no seat at their net office during the last three decicouncii table. She has lost the material greatness which was ades and enjoys an international impuhers. She has lost the spiritual and artistic greatness which tation as one of the greatest authorimight have been hers had not the Spanish forefathers of Spinoza, ties in Europe on finance in particular had suddenly come to an end. The been developed more expensive materthe Disraelis and the Montefiores been driven forth. and economic problems in general. . * • ' * • ' * . t .second letter informs Sir. Strauss of ials for the preparation of better But-.the Jew is not vindictive. He does not forget—but he This has been recognized abroad by the formal opening of his mother-of- quality buttons will be given. There his election t-> membership of the In- pearl button factory and tells of the are twenty-two workmen employed in iean, and does, forgive Ms enemies and oppressors. stitute of France and at home by his pleasant little celebration consisting the factory at present, but an inThe "excellent treatment" which the worthy Spanish* Senof drinking to the prosperity of the crease in number is expected in the ator assures Sefardie Jews if they return to Spain smacks of > undertaking, and of the happiness to near future. diplomacy. We suggest that the Hebrew Sheltering Society \ see the macr'-t- at work and the appoint, a commission to investigate the opportunities for" Spain , and workers busily occupied at them, in A number of Arabsj living near the in the Jews. ancient and venerable University of this letter Dr. Pool describes the dif- city of Hebron "in alestine, asked the Padau. He has made a lifelong study ferent types of workers, the number Jewish Board of Education to admit af tariffs, has been the principal of vrorkers getting their experience their children to the Hebrew sehools. author of most of the existing treaties and skill on the cheapest material in Their request was granted. These of commerce of Italy with foreign preparing the cheapest kind of but- schools are built and supported by the countries concluded during,the last tons. When aptitude and skill have Zionists. forty years or more; and some twelve An Editorial In The New York. Evening Journal years or so ago achieved the feat of successfully converting the Italian On the Jewish New Year Day in could not pay, the very best of pure debt from 5 per cent to 31-2 per cent. synagogues throughout the country, milk and milk prepared "modified" Oh at least fo\ir occasions he averted there will be read a letter from Na- under the direction of scientific men. panics by securing legislation that than Strauss appealing to his co-re- In this work he had associated with saved the feank of Naples and three Hgion.Ets to help relieve sufferers him Dr. Jacobi, the greatest specialist other great nation 1 financial concerns ;!;• ANNOUNCES THE from famine and persecution in Eu- in the diet and care of children, and from failure. rope. others of almost equal rank. Luzzatti -(has done more than any SECOND OPEN PROGRAM OF THE SEASON Many eloquent appeals have been In "public institutions and in the other one inan to restrict the undue j made, but Mr. Strauss' appeal will poorest quarters of the city, the issue of paper currency, and regards Thursday Evening Oct. 21\ Si 15 Sharp come backed with particular author- death rate has been cut down, be- as his principal achievements the sucity. What he advises others to do, cause Nathan Ctrauss taught the peo- cessful negotiation, Jointly with his Large Hall—Third Floor—Lyric Building. he has done in an extent that no ple, the mothers* and doctors, thfit old friend, Camille Barrere, of the Mr. John T. Yates will deliver the principal address. other citizen, probably, has equaled milk that should only build up chil- treaty of commerce with France, in proportion to financial resources. dren was poisoning thousands of which put an end to the virtual moSir." Strauss illustrates in his work, them for lack of "pasteurization and nopoly of Italian trade by Germany past and present, the admonition of cleanliness. imposed by the latter in connection James. Musical Numbers. Other Entertaining1 Features. j Nathan Strauss' service to poor with. the Triple Alliance. "Be ye doers of the word, and not mothers and their children has not Since the questions -with which the FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR FRIENDS. * hearers^ only, deceiving your own .been confined to his own city—his International Congress on Disarmaselves." . j work has spread to Washington, Chi- ment at Washington will be tailed To listen, to talk, to advise, to cago, and as far as San Francisco. upon to deal will be far more of an preach, all that is good. But to do He has established stations for his economic than of a political and milis infinitely more important. And benevolent work in many places in itary or naval character, Italy could doing has been all his life the spe-Europe. To this work he has de- not have made a more felicitous choice cialty of Nathan Strauss, whose ap- voted not only his time and energy for the presidency of her delegation peal should call forth a generous re- T for more than twenty-five years, but than old Prof. Luzzatti, whose opinBp'ohse from jews whose race he hon-. ions will carry great weight and the pis, and from Gentiles, for whom i a fortune each year. most respectful consideration by reaNathan Strauss' philanthropic work j In addition, in proportion to his son of his unrivalled experience and personal wealth, Mr. Strauss has has saved the lives, of tens of thousbeen by far the biggest contributor of his acknowledged authority, as well ands of children. ~ to sufferers in the famine districts of as Ms universally recognized integriEverybody read recently "that in Europe. • The Greater Nebraska is Never Undersold ty., intensely patriotic though Luza certain hdghborhood of New York in the Selling of World's Best Clothes. zatti may be, Ms honesty is such When his appeal is published, it that he Will never become a party to •Cfty> ion the far East Side, where only the poor live, the death rate should meet with a most generous any policy that is hot honest and among children "was lower than any- response;.' thoroughly straighforward. — New where iise in the icity. . /Nathan Str&uss' life has been an York Sun. ' To that. should have been added honor to good American citizenship, the faet thaf Nathafi. Strauss* work, showing gratitude for opportunity by NATHAN STRAUSS' PALESLast Year You Paid teaching mothers to take care of their helping the unfortunate. He has TINE PHILANTHROPIES i&ilebren,' providing them at his ownbeen ah honor to his race, and the $ 3 5 , 0 0 to § 7 5 * 0 0 The great Jewish philanthropist, cost with mak •properly prepared^ most pcw£rfu\ rebuke to. vicious .stuNathan Strauss, has received two letYounger Young Men's Smart Suits........... JjsSJO *P| fcas/Beeft carried on especially in the pidity that' expresses itself in race and religious Hatred. ' ters from Dr. David de Sola Pool, poorest districts. . Fall; fop Coats, great showing at..„_.._._„,....§25 t o §50 Regional Director for the Joint DisIn /out of the way places, where A Jew who is able to say that he tribution Committee in Palestine. the'"prosperous rarely or never go, has saved the- lives of tens of thouGabardines, in high favor; fine values™. -$25 and §35 Nathan Strauss for a quarter of a sands of Christian-children is a suffi- These letters concern Mr. Strauss' free Out-of-Doors Men: Warm clothes, galore. are here. centpry hasi distributed to the poor, cient answer •lo' the vicious, lying of soup kitchens and, his mother-of-pearl factory, which he established in the for -less than cost when they could a Ku Kluk Klah, or the fabrication Holy Land and which Dr. Pool is so •pay; vahd absolutely free when they of those Jealous of useful success. efficiently supervising. The first letter thanks Mr. Strauss for the main part of descendants of most heartily for $6,000, the budget Spanish, Portugese and Italian Jews for the kitchens for August* Septemwho .migrated at the time of the ber and October, This will help to Inquisition. To this day the service's save from starvation the seventeen to OMAHA. I«t£iSr insa recent letter to the Depart- in the beautiful little synagog, which eighteen hundred oid, sickly and .desCORRECT APPAltEL FOR MEN AND WO^EN = ~ ment of Synagogue and School Ex- was built 10b years ago, when the titute people vrhosa relief allotment tension} Mr. Moses D. Sasso, a re- community numbered one thousand sident of St. Thomas, in the Virgin Jews, are conducted according td Islands, beseechs aid in the cause of Spanish and Portugese rites. Mr; educating the twenty-five Jewish Sasso led the service oh Rosh. children of the community in the Hashannah and Yom Kippur, as he faith of their fathers. has for the past, seven years. " I f these little ones do not learn of their Treligion, • they will think . . . OF... nothing of adopting other•' religions APPEALS FOR DR. OSCAR and buy them at when they attain to manhood and LEVY Fail. WoWanhood", Mr. Sasso writes. London (J. C. B.) Appeals by In response to this appeal the De-Jews and Gentiles on behalf of Dr. paiiriient sent text bdoks to Mr. Oscar Levy who has been sentenced 319 South 16th Sasso for his religious' school and to deportation from the country have 1 2506 North Twerity-fourth Street Phone Douglas 3400 aisri'the Home Stud-/ Magazine. failed, except that the noted scholar "Tnte Jewry of St. Thomas consists v:as granted a two-weeks' extension.
• Mrs. Julius Arkin of Omaha visMr. and Mrs. Sidney Shostak anited for several days at the home of nounce the birth of a daughter, Naher parents, M*. and Mrs. M. Brodkey. talie Mae, horn on October 6. Mrs.Brodkey entertained friends at an Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Simon anauction bridge, Saturday evening, nounce the birth of a son, born Octocomplimentary to her daughter. ber 12. Mrs. Fred White and small son of Mrs. M. Theodore of Omaha has Ottawa, !&., are visiting at the hofrre been visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. of Mr. and Mrs. David Priseman. Shostak. A meeting of the Sisterhood of Mt. The Hebrew Educational1 Society Sinai was held last fo-iday afternoon entei-tEined Sunday evening fof the in the vestry roc-m'of the Temple. The Jewish, students who are attending the following program was given: A pa- universitv. per was read by Mrs. Eoseiistock oft "Saul," by Corinne Lowe. Mrs. B. \V. Miss Sadye Samuels was hostess to Priseman read a paper on "Eeligious the Mizpah Club on Monday evening. Influence on A Child Before the Sun-Mrs. Isaac Newton Frost of Casper, day School Age." A piano solo was Wyoming, was an out-of-town guest. given by Miss Gertrude Blank. Mr. and Mrs. Edwavd Gugenheim The second social dance of the sea- left Thursday for Chicago, III. son was given Wednesday evening, when the Ivre club were hosts to 100 Ml*s. Y. Schor.berger of Omaha is guests, in the ballroom vt the Martin visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Juiius hotel. Many of town visitors were Spigle. present at the affair. JUga. (J. T. A.) In Retjesta, Mrs. M. Baron entertained friends near the Hyssian frontier, the Bolat a tea, in honor of her daughter, shevik authorities have shot six planMrs. Edwatd Davis, who has recently tation owners who v'ere charged with returned from her honeymoon trip to urging the peasants to make poCalifornia, groms on Jews.
We wish to advise you we are now paying 5% on Time Certificates of Deposit written for six or twelve months. It is our belief that a thrifty tank depositor should have more interest as all living costs have advanced. It makes no particular difference what a bank pays on deposits as it makes this adjustment on loan rates. *• As yotsr Certificates come due, we shall be pleased to have you exchange them, so you can have the advantage of the higher rate, or, if you desire, present them and we will pay the interest un to date and renew same for six months or a year at 5%. In our Savings Department we pay 4 % interest, compounded &nA added to your account quarterly^ The privilege of WITHDRAWAL WITfiOUT NOTICE in our Savings Department is also an added advantage. In addition, our depositors are fully protected by the Depositor's Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Supreme Clothing ValuesAlways
18th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Nebraska. D. W. GEISELMAN, President. ' . D. C. GEISELMA1S\N Cashier. H» 51. KROGH, Assistant Cashier.
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Social, Club and Religious Activities
The engagement of Miss Edythe Freiden, daughter of Mr. ^nd Mrs. Morris Freiden, to Mr. Maurice Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky of Council Bluffs, has been For Miss Stein. announced during the past week. The marriage of Miss Gertrude Miss Freiden is an accomplished Stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob I violinist, having very r often played
JUNIOR HADAASAH TEA. I A regular meeting of the Omaha Junior Hadaasah Unit was held Wednesday evening at the Lyric Building. There was dancing and songs by Miss Hermine Hirschmann and recittations by Miss Dorothy Reuben. Plans were completed for a Tea to be given on Sunday afternoon, October 23, at the Blackstone Hotel when a interesting program has been arranged, All members are being urged to attend and bring their friends.
take place Sunday, November 20, at Gilinsky is active in Council Bluffs the Blackstone Hotel. B'nai B'rith. affairs. No date has Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rosenbluih been set for t i e wedding. entertained at dinner Sunday for Miss Stein and Mr. Schlaifer. The engagement of Miss Jeanette I. O. B. B. PROGRAM. Monday Mr. and Mrs. P. Schlaifer Goldsmith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Omaha Lodge, No. 354, B'nai Birth gave a dinner. Louis Goldsmith, to Goodman Pill, son Tuesday Miss Stein was one of of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Pill of Coun- will give its second program of the season, Thursday evening, October the honored guests at a dancing party cil Bluffs, has been announced. 27, at the Lyric building. Mr. John given by the I. O. B. B. Auxiliary at T. Yates will be the principal speaker Hanscom Park. Thorpeian Athletic Club . of the evening. Several musical and Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg of The Thorpeian Athletic Club f ootbaU other feature numbers will also be en Council Bluffs will entertain at a team defeated the Blair, Nebraska, the program. bridge party this evening. Friday evening Mr. Harry T. Stein "Eleven" Sunday by a seore of 7 to . "will be the host at a supper dance at 6. The game was a hard fought Irvin A- Stalmaster is now asthe Brandeis Restaurant for Miss battle, the feature being the field run- sociated in the general practice of ning of Leo Konecky. law with the firm of Jamieson, 4 5tein and Mr. Schlaifer. The players* acompanied by about O'Sullivan and Southard. -Mr. StalV Saturday Miss Rose Moser will enjourney in master is vice president of the local tertain the bride elect at a luncheon at thirty rooters, made the automobiles. Due to 1 an accident to chapter .of the B'nai B'rith and chairthe Brandeis Tea Room. ~" Mr. Abe Moser will entertain at a one of the cars, Sam Steinberg 'and man of its intellectual advancement motor picnic, Sunday. Miss Rose Duke Levinson were injured • to the committee. Moser, who will be a December bride extent of not being able to take their Miss Anne Leaf, who left someplaces in the line-up. vrill also be an honored guest. The teamv travels to Diinlap, Iowa, time ago to join the Orpheum circuit, Many affairs are being planned for next Sunday for a game with a team is now rehearsing in Chicago, prior to Miss Diana Gross, whose marriage to of going to New York, where her act Mr. Sol Novitsky will take place durwill open soon. ing the first week in November. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kippur- of Wednesday Mrs. W. Fried entertained Chicago are visiting with their daugh- At Temple Israel on Friday evening, Rabbi Frederick Cohn will take sixteen guests at dinner at her home. On Thursday Mrs. S. Meyerowich will ter, Mrs. Isidor Ziegler and Mr. for his sermon "Salvation according to Judaism-." On Saturday morning entertain at an evening party for Miss Ziegler. Miss: Eva Goldstein of St. Louis, his subject will be "The King as Gross. Mrs. Max Levin will have Missouri, is visiting with the Misses Philosopher." a tea at her home for Miss Gross on Sunday afternoon. Segelman. Miss Goldstein has' Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Cohn left today Miss Rose Fried will entertain at a number of "friends here, being for California, where they will redinner party on Saturday, October 22, j former resident of Omaha. main /until the first of January. -Sit the Brandeis Restaurants for Miss.] M j ^ D a v i d E e d m a a son re- Dr. J. A. Weinberg spent several Gross and *for Miss Rose Horwieh, turned to their home in Ottumwa, •witpse marriage to Mr. Nalkan Kra- Iowa, after having spent the holi- days in Chicago where he delivered mer will also take place in November. days with Mrs. Redman's' parents, a lecture before the meeting of the Association of Railway Surgeons. The guests will be members of the Mr. and Mrs. L. Segelman. Mrs. L Perlman entertained thirtywedding parties. • Mrs. Morris Cohn left Monday for five guests at a bridge party WednesMrs. Max Meyer of Iowa City spent Excelsior Springs, where she will day afternoon when her. daughter, the week-end as the guest of Mir. and Mrs. J. D. Kendis, of Sadelia, MisMrs. L New. Mrs. Meyer was the remain for a Jnonth. souri, was the complimented guest. k principal.speaker for the Federation ;• At a meeting of the Ra-Oth Soof Women's Clubs of Iowa, which held ciety held Sunday afternoon at the The Misses Hazel and Celfa Kooper its meeting in Council Blttffs. on Mon- home of Miss Sara Lewis, Miss left last week for an extended trip day and Tuesday. Mrs. Meyer is OD Sophye Weinstein was re-elected through Colorado. They will visit with the faculty of the University of Iowa president. The other officers elected relatives in Denver for some time. and was formerly vice-president of were Miss'Flora Beinstock, secretary; the National Federation of Women's Miss Charlotte Hirschberg, treasurer, and Miss Bess Stalmaster, reporter. Clubs. The next meeting will be held on . Miss Rose Moser, of Lincoln, Neb., October 30, at the home of Miss whose marriage to Mr. Harry T. Stein Fannie Brodskey, 2010 North 20th ] 7 will take place in December, is the - -• "-' house guest of Mr. and Mrs.- Jacob Street^:'. . s •--. B. Fleishman, who formerly operatStern. ed a tailor shop at Twentieth and FarThe Thorpeian Athletic Club will give" a Halloween dance at Hanscom nafli streets, has taken over the shoe Professional organizers and proPark on Monday, October 31. There and ^merchandise store at Twenty- moters ate telling the farmers vvfll -be special entertainment and an fourth and Lake -streets. Fleishman ahd grain growers that the grain on the grain exchanges want sxcellent Jazz orchestra has been has had much experience in these men the price of grain down. This is lines. ' promised. not true as any farmer can prove for himself if he will invEstigste Mr. and Mrs. J. Marcus are moving the present system- o£ marketing: Vo Council Bluffs where they have FOR RENT—Room with or grain. without board in nice private aken an apartment at Oakland Court The grain commission men get home for one or two people. a per cent of the amount of money The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity will give West Farnam district. Garage each shipment sells for. Not a if desired. Box 166 c. o. Jewish a . dinner Thursday evening1 at the flat charge per car or per bushel. Press. 3randeis Restaurants for Herbert The higher the price of grain the Harris, whose marriage to Miss Hulmore money the grain man receives up.to a certain price and 3a Traxler will take place in Daythen the charge is stationary. ton, Ohio, on October 25. Mr. Harris This is true of all grain dealers 'eaves for Dayton on Friday.. on the grain exchanges. 5tr. and Mrs. Irving E. Stone left When the price of grain is high, and Beauty memberships on the exchange are Monday for Des Moines, Iowa, where Chiropodist Shop ^iigh and hard to get. When the • Miey will make their home. Established 1S90 price of grain is low memberships are low and several may be on The following took part on a pro- 15th and Hartley Streets. Phone Douglas 2333 the market. The grain dealers gram for the X. T. C. Club on Tuesrealize that their prosperity "deday evening: Leona Perils, violin pends absolutely on the prosperity solos, Sarah Warsaw accompanying; of the farmers so when grain goes Omaha's 'up there is often /the wildest enLottie Zivett, Russian dances; Ethel Newest and Finest Equiped thusiasm on the floors of the exGreenberg, selectioris for the piano. Bath-House. changes. Mrs. Louis Mantel of St. Joseph, Baths,. Massage, Hot Packs, Promoters could not make Electric Treatment, Missouri, is visiting with her son, farmers believe false statements Inhalatorium. •Mr. Nathan '.Mantel and Mrs. Manif farmers would investigate the present system- of marketing grain. tel. ,-./- . • _ • . . : Faxten Motel Turkish Batiis When grain is marketed for a There will be a special meeting of fraction over 1 per cent and most CONCANNON BROS., Props. other commodities are , marketed' the" congregation, of Temple Israel 1401 Fatnam St., Basement for 33 per cent.it seems as if the on Sunday, October 23. The meeting Entrance. agitators could find other-fields for is scheduled to. begin 'promptly' at their so-called efforts to help the Telephone: Tyler 5731*. l Mee o'clock. . farmer^ '." . OMAHA, NEB. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kamen have .'. It is the duty of every grain grower to learn both'sides of the aken an apartment at the El Beuddr. grain marketing question. Come • Mrs. L. M. Cohn and . Mrs. Cora to Omaha and investigate t>r write BUY SAFE at once for information. W'olf entertained at luncheon at the Srandeis Restaurants - rOn. Tuesday jvheh Mrs. Harry Superior of Wneel-. Bug;'" West Virginia, and Mrs. A. J." Our guarantee and our word is ScEanfarber, of Cleveland, Were the as good as a bond. complimented guests. Mrs. Clarence We have satisfied hundreds of; • Bergman will be hostess to these your friends. guests at the Orpheum on Wednesday. .
M.r. and Mrs. Charles Mayer, who have been visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Herbert Arnstein and Mr. Arnstein, returned Tuesday to their home in New York. Miss Hortense Gutfreund of Des Moihes, Iowa, spent the weekend 3s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will give a dinner in the vestry on Simchath Torah, Tuesday, October 25. Mrs. A. Eisler and Mrs. Cora Volf are in charge, and promise an excellent meal. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treller left Sunday to spend several, -weeks at Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Mrs. L. Resler of San Francisco, who has been visiting with • her mother, Mrs. E. Kulakotsky, returned to her home. While here she spent some time as the giiest of Miss Stella Trochtenberg of Council Bluffs. The J. H. Hansen Cadillac Company announces the following promotions in its service department: S. J. Alexander to the position of service manager and C W. Butler in charge of the parts department, stockrooms and accessories. Mrs. J. B. Katz spent the week in St. Louis with her sister, Mrs. Edwin Glaser. Mrs. Max Block spent the week at Innman, Nebraska, with her parents. Patronize Oar Advertisers*
Mr. and Mrs. J. J.'Slosberg entertained &t dinner at the Athletic Club iast Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taxman, of Eldorado, Knnsas, who are risiting with Mrs. Taxman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder. Mr. and Mrs. Milder had twettty-fiye quests at dinner on Wednesday at their home for their guests.
Harry H. Lapians. Pres.-Treaa. Jos. Pepper, Vlcfe-Presldent. W. G. Cire. Secretary.
From Lost River'9/
COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy over 70,000 sauare feet Southwest Corner Clerentb and DAncln» *Rfr«t». rfione: Dousing Z!2i . O3IAIIA. VKR.
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Phono 104. The Best of Everything in FlowerB and Confections at Moderate Prices. 543 tT. Broadway. Ses^ liberty Theater. COUNCIL BLUFFS. tOVTA.
Your Photograph You owe It lo Yourself, YotaFbmily and Your Friends— YOUR
PttOTOGRAPH Better arrange by phone or letter for & sitting—
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Jamieson, O'Sullivan & Southard 4824 SOUTH 24TH STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA V
PHONE: DOUGLAS^7©3. *IKD<pip\ber Office
3id Floor Lyric Buiidmg ^^^ms^xmM^^
A GREAT SELECTION OF1 SCARFS* WOLVES, FiOSfe LINX, FROM $3.00 UP— Also Fur Repairing anti Remodeling Our Specialty.
RASCOSIN & DONDEY Tel. Douglas 9399.
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"Tke Manl
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. -
Fred R. Shaw Flower Snop
spent in playing cards. Mr. and Mra. Heeger and son, will be in the Blttffs for .about ten flays. Mrs. Leo Krasne entertained fifteen guests at a luncheon Thursday noon, folowed by an Orpheum party, in honor of Miss Leah Frank.
WEEK STARTING J Sunday, October, 23rd 111 1CAT1IARINE KEWLtN I
Miss Sophia Marcus, age 39, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Marcus,.died Tuesday. Miss Marcus left for the east two weeks ago to consult specialists. After an operation, complications set in which proved fatal. -She is survived by her parents, two brothers, Louis and Ezoch and two sisters, Mrs. L. Katelman and Mrs. L. Bronstein. The body will be brought to Council Bluffs for burial. Miss Esther Levitt left Wednesday for her home at Des Moines, la. Nathan Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky, entertained the members of the Young Judea club, of which he is president, at a succoth party.
Maurice Nathiansori, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Nathanson, entertained fifteen guests Saturday afternoon in honor of his eighth birthday. Mrs. Sam Freiden entertained Sunday for lier daughter, Mrs. L. Heeger Of Sioux City, la. The afternoon was
1514 Dodg* Street. -PhoneJ Douglas 5619
The I. O. B. B.- Lodge No. 688 of Council Bluffs will hold its second open meeting Wednesday, October 28, at the Danish Hall, under auspices of $ie Intellectual Advancement Committee of which L. Katelman is chairman. Rabbi Frederick Cohn, who is director of intellectual advancement for district No. 6, will be the principal speaker of the evening. The public is invited to be present at this meet-
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schanfarber-of Cleveland, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and-Mrs. A. Herzbergv Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsky and Mri'ahd Mrs. Reuben Kulakbfsky will entertain Saturday evening at dinner at "the Athletic Club ifof Miss Celia Richards of San Jose;'' California. "
We wjsii to announce that the Grocery Department is not connected With the Washington Market "Meat Department or the Omaha Wholesale Gtocery Conipany. We Trill continue to give you the rritie-good service as In the past. M. FRIEDEN.
is not very !bng Hvnen to use Are you ready for your supply have ready for yoar delirery, f©Bowing::—
EDUGAJIONAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE. AGAINST THE. ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. j advertisers in this department are Leaders of their, respective lines and are «o-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET-IT. Klan, since it concentrated on antiSemitism, is the answer. Those who COAL -COKE - HARDCOAL have joined are grown-ups. Maybe "The Investors Review," a -well- with, more circumspection and less Mr. Ford has joined. If not, he ought known Londoa periodical, r,ecently avidity than the power of any other 1 to be satisfied with the way in which Telephone Office Jackson 0268 devoted considerable spac§ to an ar-class among the people. Some of the the labors of his Dearborn Independ209 South 18th Street ticles based on three contributions ;reat Jewish financiers and their ent and the labor of the Ku Klux Klan on the Jewish problem by Mr. Georges habits and principles of business we dovetail. the idea that a man is all good P. MELCHIORS & SON Batault, which have appeared in thedo not and never have admired, but with or all bad, all sound or all hollow. It "Mercure de France." even the hardest of that class of fi• MACHINE WORKS Dealing with Mr. Batault's aser- nanciers is prone to be less ruthless simply will not work. Anybody who New Iiocatlon above Dan's Shoe Industrial and Automotive Machinists. • and Clothing Company, Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. tion that hatred of the Jewish race than, the so-called Christian. We have wishes to think independently must Starter Bins Gears for Auto Fly Wheels" 1115 Douglas Stv—Second Floor— ' appears now to be profound all over witnessed in the City deeds sanctioned get this idea into his head once for 4K.South 13th Street. r Entrance through store. Telephone: Jackson 2550 Central Europe, and is growing hotter or performed at the instigation of all.. Jackson 3171. and hotter, the writer in "The In-Gentiles, of which the best class "To Mr. Ford I recommend two vestors' Review" says: among the Jews would have been lines from Emerson: "Indeed, everywhere on the Conti- ashamed. And the Jew can undoubtDAVENPORT DOUGHNUT nent outside France hostility to theedly be a patriot and self-sacrificing " 'I see all human wits are measured COMPANY. Jew seems to be on the increase, and to a degree not excelled by any ther . . - but a few. BISHARCKS, CARE AND SUGAR UNDERTAKERS we began to think last year that the class of citizen, Christian or pagan." Unmeasured still my Shakespeare sits DOUGHNUTS OUR SPECIAI/EY. lone as the blessed Jew.' MOVED TO feeling was extending to this country -—The Jewish Gazette. „ We Deliver the Real Goods. when we saw a pamphlet, issued ap3824 COMING STREET. Phone Webster 0343 "I presume Mr. Ford will recognize parently on Government sanction, if what Jew it was to whom Emerson not by Government authority, depictreferred. An author named Houston ing the machinations, said to be JewChamberlain' before the war, underish, aiming at the submersion of all took to prove that Jesus was a Prusauthority in the world, and the trisian, or of near Prussian blood, and umph of the Israelites as Satanic mas- New York. (J. P. A.) Norman possibly the Dearborn Independent ters of mankind. We bought that Hapgood, the noted publicist who nowmay wish to take up that line of repamphlet and tried to. read it, but regularly contributes to the New York search. , , • .• found such a mass of wild passions American on political topics, writes "A better plan, however, would be and absurdities that we had to give $hat a Jew has written him asking for it to. drop its Ku Kluxism altoVisit Our up the attempt, and it apparently has why he is always running down Henry gether and find a topic more worthy found no echo among our population. Ford and why he never mentions S( of American ideals and - also of the "But hatred of the. Jew is a fact Ford's virtues, which he goes on tovague idealism Mr. Ford has shown Do away, with drudgery and make /with which we must reckon, even in enumerate. To which Mr. Hapgood when he was leading the fight for house-work a pleasure by the use Britain, and therefore the question as in replying points out that he is not peace instead of the fight for hatred." With Tour Order ior of modern electrical appliances. to what is the foundation for this a Jew, but a pro-Jew, and goes on to say: "I shall continue to object to ANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the •hatred and the corollary thereto, how Mr. Ford's attitude in that field, as it is to be conjured away,"are matters A few months ago Dr. Hagberg IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric building, South-east corner of Fifteenth well worth our attention. For how-heartily as I shall continue to praise Wright tore to pieces in these -colt APER LINE and Famam streets. ever we may try to ignore the Jew,him for setting standards that keep umns the imposture called "The Prohe is too great, and has too mighty a other business on their toes and shake tocbls of the Elders of Zion," and hold over the springs of human prog- them out of lazy superstitions. showed that anti-Semitic Europe was Phone Douglas 6403 ress, to be put on one side in con- "Has Mr. Ford ever apologized running wild after a "will-o-thetempt." since the' complete exposure of thewisp." Now the "Times," with an Mr. Batault attributes the attitude idiotic protocols, of which he made eye perhaps on its much-loved broth"Buy Midwest Milk'* of the non-Semitic world largely to so much? Not so that I have been er, the "Morning Post," has lit on the source of this gross concoction, the fact that it does not understand able to notice it. "Surely Mr. Ford knows by nowand found it in an old anti-Napolethe Jew. This statement calls forth from the reviewer the following on that in the British Museum there ex- onic screed of the middle of last centhe "whole striking tribute to the Jews: ists a complete copy of the book from tury. That is very clever of the 'It has been our fate to be brought which some cheap skate of a plagiar- "Times." For I seem to remember in contact with Jews through many ist made up the famous 'protocol.' Yet that "The Protocols of the Elders of years of our life, and that contact he makes no acknogledgment and no Zion" was treated in its columns to an article giving rather solemn as• began on our part with, all the Calyin- apology. "Far from apologizing he goes on surance of its genuineness. I may istic prejudice of the Jew strongly implanted in the mind. But gradually printing equally forced and imbecile be wrong, but I thought I detected 2002 Poppleton Ave. these prejudices have given way until attacks on the race he has selected the hand of the gifted editor. The Atlantic 3680 today, while we recognize still that for his venom. The last piece of "Times," however, may claim that in some way the Jew is not in har- brain work that my eye happened to it only flirted with the Elders. But the "Post" at least was so gravely mony with the best spirit of the fall on was to this effect: Christian, he is nevertheless among "Barney Dreyfus was responsible compromised with them that I am the most important and valuable citi- for getting JudgeLandis into his pres- wondering what it will do to reeszens that we have in Westei t Europe, ent position at the head of basebalL tablish its character with the faithThe Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. and often foremost' among the lead- But this was a good thing to do andful. . As for poor Mrs. Webster, I "GAK3EENTS CLEANED LIKE THE TOCCH OF A FAIBY." ers of progress. His financial power Dreyfus is a Jew> So there must be cannot bear even to think of her PHONE KENWOOD 0203. 2410 AMES AVENUE. . . is great, and, on the whole, it is used some explanation. Oh, hete it is! The state of mind. Here were the Jews motive was to get Landis off theand the Anarchists walking together bench, so he could no longer sentence down the road to Hell, lighted by the Jewish criminals. Only this part of Dead and Red Hand of the "IllumiTIRES TUBES nati," and come to life again in the the plan failed. Made by Best Home Cooking: at Very SeasonACCESSORIES able Prices— Satisfaction Guaranteed. "I am asking you If this is stuff "Protocols," wickeder than ever. The UNCLE SAM. BREAKFAST FOOD CO. for grown-ups. Yes, unhappily it is. "Post," I suppose, will find a new R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor The recent growth of the Ku TOux wild goose, and hunt it to the death. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. 316 Sonth loth Street—Up Stairs. —"The Nation."
B. Korney—Signs
Norman Hapgood on Mr. Ford's Virtues
The Brinn & Jensen Company
Electric Shop
TRY SUNDOREN'S Nutritious Home Made
^Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors of "
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery -* • OMAHA, KEBBASEA.
PIES and COOKIES Sealea in Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Your Grocer..
Sundgren Pie Baking Co. «4th and Hickory.
27th andv Martha Sts. Harney 16C3 Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze. Aluminum, and Soft Gray Iron Castings. Ton are assured of soft. castings, as •we machine some from every heat in our own shop. Standard size cast iron bushings In stock.
55% to 85% saved on parts Ior all makes of cars. We carry a complete line or new ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost .any make of car. 1318-1330 West Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. PHONE 444.
ICE CREAM CO. Rich and Smooth. 1433 N. 18th St.
Phone Webster 0406
Atlantio 5241
Baker Ice HscMnes
M a e from Tour Own Feathers. Warm in winter: cool in summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.
"Manufactured in Omaha"
1907 Coming' Street.
Jackson 2467
Wholesale Distributors for
SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer Office and Warehouse: 917 So. Main St. Telephone 142 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
1517 Harney St.
Phone Douglas 8"07
" Vinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products
- Phone Douglas 4607 20th and Pierce St., Omaha, Nebraska.
TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables
N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Hsward Sts.
Have Your Furaitnrt: Renpholstered We make it look like new. Call Douglas 909T" A man will calJ with samples.
617 South 16th Street. ;
OUR NEW LOCATION Corner tdth and Donjrtas Streets. ; ' ainsbnie Temple Bldj:. - — b n r
THATCHER PIANO CO. . Phoni»r JnckRon 30G8
DON'T BUY COAL! Oil! IS MUCH CHEAPER Let Us Remove the poor • from Your Furnace and Insert a
LELIBRIBfiE OIL VAPOR BURNER See Demonstration, 310 So. I'Jtb Street.
Call Atlantic 2364 • •for...
Omaha. Nebraska.
328-33 Securities Bnlldlnr, 16th and Farnam Sts. Telephone: Jacbson Z'OS
Donglas Street. Distributors of Ai Cigars.
Dayton .Honey Weight and andMeatSlicers Hill Stelner Electric Mtot-
are not only expensive from. the standpoint of resetting the glass, but because your windows are rendered useless. Place your Plate Glass Insurance where your claim '-'ill be quickly adjusted.
HARRY A. KOCHCO. 640 First National Bank Bldg.
Jewish Press 483 Brandeis Blilff.
Tel. Jnckgon 2373
Always Ask fop
Phone Atlantic 0360
Steamship Tickets to and front Does It Need Cleaning or Repairing? SOW IS THE TIME TO KATE EXPERTS DO TEE WORK. You'll Be Surprised at Onr Rates. Cleaning done by Vacuum without causing dirt. We have satisfactorily cleaned over 100 furnaces , , the past month. CALI, JACKSON 1813.
FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 1914 Cumlne Street. We Install Gilt Ed^e Fnrnaces.
We assist rou in setting- pnssliortB and give yem expert advise on European conditions. We help you to ppt your relatives in Europe to this country.
Val. j . Peter & Co. STEAMSHIP TICKETS AXD VOUEIGK EXCHANGE tSOl Howard St., Omnlin, Neb, Phone AT lantic 03!0,
Y o u^- position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair • teinded person.
Leo A. Hoffmann . . . of... Hoffmann Funeral Home.
H-arle - Haas Co.
(PALMER GRADUATE) Second Floor, Elks' Building.
NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO. Readv Kooflng orer old g Also asphalt shingles nnd build-tip roofs. Fire resisting end durable. AH -work guarantees. . Easy terms. PhoiiP Harney 25"4 Office and Warehouse: E122 X.eeTeimorth
Phone Jackson 3072
Item B i s c u i t Co. SNOW MUTE (Res. t?. S. Tat. Office.)
Granden Electric Co. 1511 Howard St.
FXECTRICAI. NI>TSE. Thone Atlantft 0681
MEY-MER-CO. Brand Beverages and Syrups. 319-321 So. 14th St., Omaha, Nebr. Phone Atlantic 28S9
24th nnd Farnnra Street.
The Home of Good Ice Cream and Home Made Candy.
AH that the name implies. S16 JST. 16th St.
Donglas 68S7
Ambulance Service Equipped with Pulmotor. AU Calls Answered Promptly.
JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St.
Phone Earner 0392
Chopper and Coffee mil. Csed Scales ol All Mates tor Sale.
"Make Warm Friends'* 2S0S Coming St. Phone Douglas 4728
Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Coming1 St. Phone Atlantic 13« DISTRIBUTORSJACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Omaha. Nebraska.
Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. SAVES SOU MONEY.
Jackson 3873
City Representative 513 So. 1GL«I St.
Phou« BOnsIa* S3S2
4937 So. 24th St. Phone Mtvrket Phone Jackson 1GB0
Est. 1891.
Joseph Polack & Son "Wholesale Dealers In Hutter, Egrgrs and Poultry. 1313 Howard St.
Omaha, Nebraska.
LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1810.
Dr. Frances H. Turner
Office: Branfieis Theatre BnU 17th and Pongta* Streets. Phone Atlantic 3836
Omaha OfSce: 813 Dooglas Street, Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556
Ford Transfer & Storage Co. E. A. FOED. President. and General Manager. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 834 So. Slain Street. Phone SG5
OUR TREATMENT' TTH-Ir CONVINCE VOV OF OtIE SINCERITY. Trust Department, Safety Deposit Boxes.
An Ideal Washing: Combination.
Estes Laundry Tablets WHOLESALE
Druggists and Stationers 401-403-403 Sooth 10th St.
.. . with . . .
Estes Soap Chips ana Water Softener (Combined)
£16 >:. 16tli SS. ch sfc Central Supply and. X'ood Centcs.
At all Grocers.
Rates for Space on this S p e c i a I Page given on application.
Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS
O. E.Engler & Co. Real Estate : : : : Insurance
We are novr ready to supply IMPORTED KUSSIAN and TURKISH cigarettes, tobacco and tubes
Broken Show Windows
IOWA FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. (Incorporated1)
WHOLESALE FRUITS 023-331 West Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. TeJenhone SI63
Groneweg I Setoeittgen WHOLESALE GROCERS , Phone Jackson 1302 . i
Erery if you call the
i Siipi! 1815 California Street. Phone Douglas 63B1