A -wishbone do yon ito good unless yon have a backbone to put with It.
VOL. I.—NO. 46
Ute* firs* «£«§»
E as secana-claBB mail matter on Jannary"i!7tli, 1B21, a t -postofflce at Oraaira, .Nebraska, TindEr the Act ol March 3, 187E1.
Curious Did Jewish Custom is Observed
iji\\jewisn h o m e Lite bhines ! j | 11 in Delinquency Survey
A curious old Jewish -custom -was 'he exemplary character of Jew-! observed recently in Edinburgh, when IU | ish home life was -shown in a report > Impressions of a Trip Tiirougn the Holy Land a number of Hebrew volumes, scrolls 4 §•: on juvenile delinquency in St. LouiF , Made By Sir Alf redMond and his Daughter Mary of the law, phylacteries and syna1H! presented at a .meeting g in the Plant- ;; Philanthropist ti c gogue utensils, no longer in use, j ers Hote BT MAST M 0 X D = = ^ = = = = = = = = the Advisory Committee Meetmg; were publicly buried in a Jewish f p ' on the St..01 Louis Social and "ReligionE !j Mass Detitles -£®'i H e l l JjRSk -S Children in Educational \ | l Pnblis&eS from Advance Sheets of -the "Asiatic EeyieV. -of London by 'Arrc IM j Survey of the Church Federation 'by j f o r &HsmHn!tT &" section of the city. The intention Spiritual Growth. Ijf j the Eev. Howard Biliman. ' i ^^—• • "' of the law is to- prevent the hooks Through the Jewish Correspondence Bureau. I I | Of • the- 1.199 delinquency -cases I B E L E G A 1 E S F M 1 M and appurtenances of the Judaic reIS BROTHER OF OSCi £ R ! found > the survey there v^as only,] BESCEIBiS LOCAL, WQE3S. ligion being treated disrespectfully, $ ng| r-ijr? fn3"pj; p3 fc aJi'ni; pJf r TJtpj)pipJmiirJirJfH y ij-ij fJ j ] ^ : nJj £• j 7^ STRAUS. . two per cent in the solid Jewish I •———• > and also to secure their preserva* id Garrison avenue, north? LineolE i s te Imve u FB&BXBtiOB. * New York, Octoher 25;—The elec- tibn. Three Jewish synagogues in .It is at Kantara .that the change of the boys look pale and thin, some j sunset sky, fading into-a purple night ,,eirf-g, a tion is announced of the Hon. Nathan the city have recently been ^amalga- begins slowly to dawn. TSgypt, .the of the men wear glasses, and pinched | hung with -stars, have power to cast of Eastern nverrae ana Fimth vf Jef- i Jewish Charities, modeled Straus as Chairman of the IBoard of mated, and the sale of one of them land of flesh-pots, sat like :an emerald features stnl "bear obvious marks of I a magic spell.* "Uglmess and -incon- jf e r S Q I 1 a v e n u e . This was ascribed to'] alone the linro of Oraab»'K deep love and respect voachsEfed j "Welfare TFetlesstion. Trustees of the Young Judaea Organi- made ; it necessary to decide "whether in the goldeii. desert, EHems-left, an scholarship. Ths huts are divided graity melt into the last glimpse of i&r and the curved with few exceptions by -Jewish cliil- j TMs v.'£E' decided, a t E smsg many books and articles used in itsinfinite distance behind by tiiexross- into sleeping ceSx, small, clean, fur- the mosque of: zation ior the year 1921 to 1922. s ancient walL From dreti to their -parents 'in accordance j ing of Lincoln Jews held 5CTKI&% .«£ Young Judaaa is an educational club worship should he stored or buried, ing of the narrow Suez Canal. At nished with bare-necessities. A com-line of !erad the point of :view of the new I'ales- with the Mosaic- commandment and I which -fell details of the ©malm fhe squalid Casfcrms Housn of Sanmon dining-rooin and kitchen, worked organization for American Jewish and it was decided that they should ™ eratitm -were given. 'The -meeting -was boys and girls. It lias over one thou- be consigned to the earth, in accord- •tara the first sign of Judaism emerges .by the women In Tegular shifts, com- tine—that is, of the Palestine rrowin the di-m figures of a lew Pales-.' pletes the settlement. Thsse new laj ing "under the Jewish immigrant?— held raider the .auspices -T?£ the " sand clubs and twenty thousand mem- ance -with custom. -ri-ni^-n Jews returning to -Jercs^Jem. boursurs de terre and stone-breakers | Jerusalem is the _least alive of the of limcbln sna WEB sttendei • bers throughout the United States, The ceremony was a . unique one, es -of <erary 13 of which are in Omaha. Nathan so far ^as the Jews in Scotland are They stand grouped together, a patch form an interesting experiment. They ! cities. Here the .Palestine Jev is to of dark colour in their narrow "black come in from the fields at noonday, ] be seen walking the streets on a Sab} in the city &nd Straus has long been an active and concerned. coats, their broad "hats shading finely- carrying picks, shovels and spades, j bath in his close fur cap anfl fiecoramembers of the devoted supporter of the Young cut features in pale faces, softened brown with the EUH, shining vdthltive flowing robes, or pfa%-ing at the Tells of Lli?cote K« Judea movement. : a little by the two silky brown-curls sweat, laughing End singing, and if j Availing Wall." "This costume adds not I*&bbi Jacob Sissger, in the: In accepting the office, Mr. Straus that hang on -either cheek. A pair ni you care to glance on the shelves or]a little to the picturesrpienes,. of the address o± the .sftemooa, spote • said: "Who can resist the appeal of Jewish, situation .ae it mffw sslsts fe "blue eyes raised, unseeing and ab- ] table? near their beds you will dis-j streets of Jerusalem, but it is a naour TDOVE and girls? Happily it is UnoDin and stesssefi "fclie nccesBiij?' 4air Eorbed, have the inscrutable depths of cover books of philosophy, metaphys- ] iional dress that lias adapted itself to not for bread that they cry here in i the f onnaticm of s. f ederatiom <^ sH mysticism and faith. Faith that is ies, classics. An intellectual peasantj the climate and conditions of Poland ; America. Bnt the mind and soul of the keynote of the Jewish spir% which ry! Ideal, if in the'^nature of things ; .snd Russia, and has been .brought j Drylands Hefcssl' to -Change | activities. "**What LincelB. needg,* -3M the child also needs Btimulation, and. I said, '"is to eradicate the finds expression in the breaking of ;it can be expected to* last/ jlrom the Jewish communities'in .those) Zionist Policy fease For at is such club organizations as Young Arabian Bitterness. | in relief vsrsrfc that "we -wyw iaem, Stones on the roads of Galilee, and! The directors of X>ilb are esperi-j countries. "It is, therefore, not wells Judea that give the.child the desire Thousands of Jews Awaiting 'lorni'BlBte .E po-Ticr srafi jmoit&gni drives men to a leadership -of an al; menting in a process of terracing the j suited to the. climate of Palestine, and ; for spiritual and cultural acquireEEPETITIOK OF JAFFA EX- j f^>r commxraitv work. "We Tixm>& "to Turn to Enter America Af- most desperate cause. I stony hills of Judaea. ' Vegetables are j is not worn by .the young -generation. \ ments. It also implants ' i n their fected hy Drastic CESSES AEEB | ^ Yet their .hope does not ssem un-'j being planted; • figs, peaches, straw- \ of Chaiutsim, who are csomg the | iearts a love for their Tace and a tiDSE Order. founded when i&e express from Kan' berries are to be .grown, the vine culj spadework for the Jewish ' national j ^ ^ come te vs (J. C. B.) •desire to be of service in the restorai ^ ^ e r s t r from*!! parts rf other sectionE of Pal- \ tion of Palestine. All honor to the SERVICE AT HARD LABOR tara slips out of the El-Arish des-rt ° tivated; and the hillside should "be j home. There arises, in 'these circuit;- j __. EBa into the fertile coast-land country. W « ™f-& *• a movement has !•**** hundreds of young men and young IS ALTERNATIVE. is cultivated sparsely en certain elements women who as volunteers have led P ^ ? ? « e ^onfiaw m -mr .orArab cultivation, and the hs Arab •poTsulstioE of "Sis counthese groups of boys and .girls for Warsaw, October 24.—(J. Press be seen here^and there plougliing with hills ready to undergo the same procrssaonsi ntstEtutaom^, JMIG t© sollow . ry t o "begin' a Beries •so rrnny years and 'have thereby Association.)-—An order just issued Acrricultnral Research. donkey or ox or camel and his prim-- ess, provided tii". land .can be p r o \ ewish colonies 'and city sett. T--lpcd to -mould their characters a t lay the Polish authorities calls ior the aitiye v/ooden plough. His .method'cured, and there'is money to procure] If the active-growta^an d xruir? s a c H£ vicini*T' We need tr- establish -contacts • r.? most impressionable period. 1. Expulsion -withm 14 days of all alien- scarcely turns the soil, Dut he seems; it. I t ali sounds possible when it is : be found in Jens\ occnTreo • "i Judais T^-I^---^ ^ - D -n^ *r, +.p 'n^ f the -coxmfacy in -«riisr' ph.:-. 11 be me si lhappy-tp be the God-emigrants and refugees possessing to get good .results from his crops,' remembered that ]the Jadaean liiTis | salem, it is there a t Jeas.t tha: '7" " - ••'W the "L1. h~r of the .movement, and to do passports and visas to proceed "to thethough, .of coursfi,'he supplies only'. were originally lEicldy forested, and; xaachinery7 for^-prair i ..tilled or 4 for -promoting' tiie-grov-tn -^ -"— .rf an.«ax f all I can to hold up the lianas of "United States. Others not inposses- minimum needs. I t is difficult as yet sre srid now- ably because the Turks I is centered. The.Zionist riot ^ave .is a « f f l a f - filand f - | ^aR , - ADUX ^ 1 fassacss CDn"iini~Hion Z your active leaders. I l o p e ; that sion of £nch documents must Jeave bitternesE wnicij -prevaiii? becssise i ^ p 3 } i n . J t > x i J p-j IP JT^
c a r e f ; i l
l a
ey£r;" Ainerican Jev: will stand be-' "within.a xaonth. Pailure to comply hind me in ray, task of bringing sup- yrifh this order will lay these acmforand guidance to IToung Judaea." and jragrom -victims ili tunate to the alternative of being drafted A Leading Philanthropist. Saih'-in StrciTS, who is a brother DI into a lahor corps which "will be under Oscar Straus, is one of the. leading, the •"e-notmce their claims sne where young Hebrews, "pliaarithropists of our day. During j thorities tm of the FecterRtion, ent-growth created by the immigrants' j A Picture ef Jerusalem. f E-talisticallj* ~! who made to .themselves no images, the war his bsrLEVolcnce in relieving ••• This_n£"w order is a distinct calam- .own efforts, and stands like an oasis < "How to Oi-gjmize •& Federation " Bar„ • _ . . . There must needs be a tremor oi suffering bucn~e a blessing t o .our ity for the ^refugees'-especially those 3n the desert." Here are whitewashed • ,„. _. . ,, , , . • .can be f otaid ausiiy -etapicyec r _ cummng m tlie last piece; ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ =-n",-^ -n™ stricken nrethem in the v.-ar-ridden who after "many months of struggling farmhouses, with,red-tiled roofs, nest- ; excitement ^ e and -painting, silver o f " r o a d % v l , i c i l discovers Jerusalem imilil countries. Ee gave up luxuries, sold and -waiting^ lave already^ obtained ling in the midst of eucalyptus groves, • executed, with consiaeraois : b e d d e d amo^g the hills. The right - " ' his ~achi zv.u coveted the proceeds the necessary documents to proceed vineyards, almond groves, orchards : i skill. And here, again, are the build- : road is walled by high'Tocks; on \ j e w » and Henry Mon** on T h e to,the z£-?dinE of the war orphans in to America. I ings of the Agricultural Sesaarch and Ditteriy -lncennes golden with oranges, l i g h 'hedges of t h g l e f t a _ teeI) ^ e v ^aris A0^ to \ | p i a ^ ^ ^ FederotioB in a sosition Department, an institution •refusing to sseede to Aral) P.alertin^. ^ m0Ie T 0 U n d e d | mimosa, low partitions of cactus—a r i v e r ^ b e d to' ^ great value, wTiich seeiis to disand plan disturbances on £ 'large scale j Community.'' His name came first into national AUSTSALTA DOES NOT KESIEE true Garden of Eden—and they.have ^ j l s s-j-g-tcfrinr; ^ | cover the fruits, vegetables, flowers to force England into a more concilia- i The meeting closse. wiiit * JEWISH EEFUGEES. promincw/e in connection with Milk Xondon. (J. P. A.) Hesponding to learned here to tie down the ever-;] ^ ±i~st nninpse of the city isf ^ ! and trees most suitable to the cii- tory -position. Pasteurisation, which is really the I tiHC xegaestinE the B'naS. B'xith the efforts of the ICA to get some advancing sand dunes. There are impressive. Outsicie the hoar °~ *^P : mate, both those indigenous and those most important of all the important I a meeting of sfl 'local wrganimtJOBS? -*O services he has rendered humanity. of the Jewish refugees settled | \m heifl -withia the coia In Ihis icve for childi-en the high Australia, i t was learned officially, I plans for the lancobi death rule o£ twenty-nine years ago that the Australian Government does made him feel keenly this slaughter not favor these Jews as immigrants. •On the coast road t o Jerusalem ' and hospitals buiit by the Italians and T O t m c . -r a r n i e r i s thus given an opporof the innocent. By what has .been MEN OF ALL CEEDS TO ASSIST ( there are a couple of small Jewish the French, are overlooked called "prophetic insight," he found ,e the extensive possr FATHEK FLANAGAN. I <X T A.) colonies, living at chose quarters with the main CEU.;:e to be contaminated j Hording has o5ered SsbM the Arab villages. One of the newest, milt—and he also discovered the Ministers of every creec and j E.ornIeM of CffEgregstioB IBTS^ « i remedy—Pasteurization. He estabM b , is a real pioneer settlement. nomination in Omaha vail "be csfeefi jj Colnifeuss, Ohio, Ohio, a post s s lished stations in many cities in the -workers, for the most part from Eus- [ cafes. The roads are not good, and . honey from T»IILLION DOLLAR PALESTINE to deliver special sermons, on "Father •, s t a t s £ . R E A a B s a fi O T * United States and Europe where this sia and the Ukraine, are of all sorts' often foully muddy. To appreciate-Jewild thyme, the ooffer, 'bx£, -It .is .*«* .DEVELOPMENT- COMPANY Flanagan's iiome" on the Sunday j. ,has , „ .accepted ^cm±P.& the milk -was dispensed at a nominal and classes—students, doctors, peas-' rusalem it is best to mount^the .hnl apricots, >oth inxli'lrenous •preceding the drive for $300,000 for | , 3 ^ 5 ^ , ^ ^ a g yet in. -which ^ ^ POKJIED IN ENGLAISTD. from the price or given Iree to those who could ants. Thev have built -wooden lints, behind it, and to 7oo"kj -not afford to pay. By this means London. (J. C. B.) The first meet-: he has prevented ;much sickness; saved The drive will be launched °^- i aiplomstic Telations ing of the ^British Economic Board in .better nealth than the men, broad- the future Hebrew University. Seen i •innumerable lives and caused to grow •November_14. to last one week. ! United Ststes sa& 'ITorb^F « » (Continued on are - ) into -vigorous manhood and "woman- for Palestine, generally known as shouldered, stout and Strong. Some thence, the lines of the city against a ] Since i-ather Flanagan's Home ! gj-j^g^^ ^ ^JJJ |,g •%&&. , « the "Economic Council," met yester-: hood many who otherwise would have was founded in December, _191T, ne ^ j ^ t o ^ ^ ,,e0HS*ry. •*<? day under the chairmanship of Sir : succumbed. QUAKER PROTISIONS !
Pki To Eiiiie l i p
fed Beassores Jews e! Britain's
Jewish Religions' has housed icrty-five -Jewisn. Beys Jiobert Waley-'Cohn. '"" Sir Alfred; Inadvisable to Send RECEIVED IN MINSK until a Jewish home could "be found Mond, who was absent "because of h.is; " Food Parcels to Russia l'Taking Pwiga. (J. P. A.) A large consignEMIGRANTS TO AP.IEPJCA ministerial' duties in* connection with' for them. •SEMITES iace In SUFFEFJKG IN ENGLISH he unemployment .crisis, -wrote a! Higa.' (J. T. Agency.) The new ment of provisions chiefly intendcri Overlook Farm, "which consists of for the relief and succor of children. AKD FSENCH POSTS letter assuring the members of fhe Latvian customs regulations, estabKeval, (J. T. A.), A •strong reli- j 160 .acres acres of fine tillable SDII, is Tienna. Loncion. (J. C. H.) Je^vish emi- Council that the British Government lished last Tveek "by the Latvian gov- has been received in Minsk. The con- "rrious revival is noticeabls among the | .twentv minutes ride west on t h e 1 „,*.) Owing to lack •<£ E t grants bound for America are in favorably inclined towards -Jew- ernment, are so prohibitive that many signment has come from the relief or- Jewish population • of -"Soviet Sussia j .paved Dodg-e road. 'The iioys 11 committee here -sppoiirteS to^ great distress in English and Prench ish economic development i a Pales- persons t o whom parcels of food and' E l a t i o n oi Quakers wmch has been a n d - g f e ^ e . Despite the orcier x>i jp r e S eiu are being housed m tern- _ the forticnniiBg' aa.ti-SBBH&; ports. The steamship companies, have tine and asserted that ^England -views clothing been sent from America a a d i n S various communities by r ^ s i ^ 5 0 T i e t government that all Che- -. porary wooden -structures -which P.TS j for has introduced strict medical examina- with all seriousness the pledges made are-:not in a position t o accept them : dorim and Tesliivoth be closed, per- [ HOT^ taxed to their capacity. Our tions BO as not to carry to America to the - Jevs';.in the Balf our declara- from the customs .officials. This is Jewish .medical men in Hovno have j j . E I ! S because of the order, a nioveBecause of this uniortunate i dent learns tjist such passengers as win "not he ad-tion and the San Eemo Decaion. ciitioTi, at true of parcels sent to residents in i organized a permanent^ medical or-{| at an average of ten t i s o n f o o t f o r the rejuvenation mitted into the "United States, and Sir Eohert Waley-Gdhn opened the Latvia and of parcels passing through ! ganization, -we are informed from of Jewish -religious life.' .Synagogues less -waifs a dsy are turned awsy. who -will nave to he taken hack on meeting "with a statement in which Latvia for persons in; Soviet ,Hussia. Hovno. and 'Beth ' Hedi'oshim .in all parts their steamers. of the country are filled, not only on he emphasized the importance of car- A parcel vkined at 10 American Sabbath -and "Holidays, but every day are 'homeiess and without i i Many men, -women and children rying out the_ Sutteriberg irrigation' dollars is taxed fabulous thousands Choose .Sussia •e:q>enses thereof. are Jiot passed on Dy the steamers'- project and of financing house huild- • of,-rubles, which few people receiving Otiota I§ T?ot H S e d iof the -week. S;.ii!i?:ogiics that ad j They hare no place to go, and physicians Imcause of the increased ing operations in Palestine. He 'in- relief packages from t h e United Warsaw. (Jewish T. Agency.) In j been closed lor a time nave been th^-T are turned away, tbe streets and TRIP strictness' Df the examinations, and timated that these two undertakings States a r e in a position to pay. The ! the frontier districts, between Eussia | re-openea, re-decorated and . . . . many sad scenes follow the accept- -would De the first to be handled' by general concensus of opinion i s that j and .Poland, where the population has j appointed. Scribes are busy -writing ; ir.als are made, is their only altems- j ance of one member of a iamily as the Economic Council. He spoke of i t i s much more advisable ' t o send j the Tight, according to t h e Riga j new scrolls of ttfe l a w to take the " The now Home, to he erected with i low. ehsh-mtr c& Thr ^ m\n Zu>m& a passenger, while others are re-the American Economic Council or- money drafts t o individuals in ^Russia,! Treaty., t o choose .Russian or Polish j place of those that were burnt, or M turned hack. In Liverpool, Plymouth ganized "when James de Sothschild l a t h e r than parcels of food -and cloth-[citizenship, many Jews, although bit-j torn, or desecrated miring distur b - ,• t monev raised in the drive, will j E ^ C V ^ T COSBT.WK, * il; m a a n * house 500 bovs and will fnnusfa |ta-iuxr CTC hu dcntr.urc >or A m e n * and other parts, there are large was in the United States and ex-i ing or other more or less valuable a r - terly opposed to the present Bolshe- ances of one kind or anothei rood school and recre&tion facilities I as -.tir hp&t. n4 tx \.VT?V i.aycsofl aeH?numbers of emigrants, "who wander pressed the hope that the American tidies. Groups . among t h e older vik government, have chosen liussian stndy Tabnud, and the; for them. Useful trades will 1« j E&t.or. ha* Iscn. pDKncm»c to Governfrom the office of one steamship "branch would fulfill i t s duties and citizenship because Eussia'E ixnrai- orgc movement'."tausrht. It will be a factory where | i>cr i>ih. company to another in the hope that hegin activities immediately. Of "NatioiiS 3s Informed gration quota to America is not filled \ itecrew .language. thr.t Ciicni Nachmav. I'-iaiik, the- B®•will some physician will finally pass on The meeting decided to organize a Of Treaty Breaches Affectland they may thus "have the opportun- j has spread, net only to old men and good port, will their physical qualifications and per- corporation "with a capital of 200,000 ing J e w s . ! ity to .emigrate to'America. . j children, but -to- .young in.es and tured.' x r •J. i.. Davidson is in charge of the mit them to go to America. London. (J. P. A.) It• was learned . — ; women from .15 to 1(0 years of age. pounds sterling. This is to be used of the &drive, and prominent-men of all creeds exclusively to finance industrial en- here-that l a d e n "Wolf, secretary ofj liiga. (J. P. A.) The relief com-I orrunir.ution. V>-IlE HESiSl. . t l i m . {J. P. A.) entire Jewthe Joint Foreign Committee of Or- j mission which is registering the starv- i TJiit: Warsaw. (J. P. A.) A t a confer- terprises in Palestine. • Father Flc iiagan has issned an in- j TUTX} act ganized Anglo-Jewry, has placed "be-, ing in the Voles, famine district? "re-1 ish sect ion- of Tcharnubcl. in the provence lield hers, in -which representato ; vltation to the preachers of all faiths ! tion. Sniokow and his- BO-1 fore the League of\Nations informaport that among the registered are a j ihee of Sier, lias been tives of the Joint Distribution ComDanzig. (J. P. A.) The Polish or; y •e- m Omtha to raxne to the Farm at Swill p probably remain ir, the pr^^a-ioi' ~uin<. br -~> • a ^ r t t a mittee, Hias and Committee of Uk- ganisation in Galietchev "has expelled lion regarding the failure of Austria, Iar-e nanifaez- of J States fm- three -months and tnon?cn<i ' sr^ time and pivc instruction* rainian Jews, participated, plans for one of its members when it was Hungary, Latvia and Finland to com- to tbi? eflect har been received here'port received IK Ba> rel'gions to boys ol' similar all their time to united action in T)ehalf of the refu- learneel ttot he hi'jj ^gld his home to ply with the Minority Eights provis- from fhe headquarters of the Helief IJCWJ have bi;en .ctz literally homeless j 1 and wi'Jiout of sustenance. ! faith ion of their Commission in Samara, aiscusseu. gees "were formulated
^•a^taaiMsitiSEOSZ B*aeWfei*SiSJB*Bt
2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27,' 1921 The -wedding of Miss Alke WesscJ ant! appealing to the British to Gabc Werthfejtner took p!ft<;e Wed* in/ to protect the Arabs against the -who are menacing them. nesday afternoon at the hotne of the • ' Pnbllsbed every Thursday at Omaha, !lJ _TYed.,* Nov. S Bosh-Choaesch Chcsrar bride's parent*, Mr. &itd Mrs. S. WepKosh-Clioaesch KlslevJ?rl., Dec. 2 THE JEWISH PEESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. The Agudas-Achim of Council Channkah (Feast of Dedical «f the sel. Only member* of the immediate te-") ' _ _ Wnw,, Bee. 28 Bluffs wall give the first public dance ' O f f i c e : ^ Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. '!•;»• j I : \ V I S M lint'ion, ctp 6682—1W2. families were present. Mr. and Mrf for Oet Jstj nWliflhed v.1 of the season Thursday evening, No.Sun., Jon. X Bosh-Chodesch T e b e t h — H. .$2.50 «fluff .I'M! Wertheimcr will be at home in Lin 1K1. Subscription Price, .one year..... .Tues.. Jan. 10 vember 3 at the Eagles Hall. ProFast of Tebethm V r>iS7lie,Ti/'r«. [on., Jan. 30 Kosh-Chodesch Shebtu coin, after a wedding trip, spent m Advertising "rates furnished on application^ : N. <V>,. Ornnlin. .Wed., liar. 1 ceeds of this dance will go towards I Bosh-Chodescb Adar ishock. Hnrry J s n r t . v I/iiT»i>the west. Parim (Feast of Esther) .-Toes.. War. 14 bringing a family from war-stricken V,t,)f, Tir-rrnnn Anortiuch. Morris I^vy, NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaBosh-Choaesch Nissan Thnrs, Mar. SO i II. B. ZimMr. and Mrs. Morris Pol sky left W. \J. MUVMIVAM, i'liilifj K)(i % Passover (Begach)., _ Thnrg.. Apr. IS Europe. According to the committee tion of The Jewish Press are tp be given to worthy communal causes. Passover (Seventh Day) Wed.. April 19 Simon, Sum i r% MoiiNky, T B Sunday for Eedalia, Missouri, vrhnc in charge of the dance, a novel enKosh-Chodesch y ^ »+ . Apr. 29 c 1) r I * ! T T r nmi' I ' J'l r<» m o r t CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address: Las b'Omer,. . ,". ...„•• . . . . . T t A H w IS tertainment will be given. Miss Agnes they "will visit v/ith Mr. End Mr be gore and sign your name. Eosh-Cliodesch Slvoh __—~_..San., May 28 r l o i n ' Binount o l J. Waldman. They will ppent some* it . 1 r ' ' ' ' i - i < i' >/>*' Shabnoth (Confirmation Day) Vr., June 8 Britton, head of the Britton School < ft < u r i f i e g : Rosh-Chodesch Tqmmut....... .Tots.. Jnne 87 time at Excelsior Springs, before ) > ' i if thin itftfc* of Dancing in Omaha, will furnish Kosh-Chodftsch Ab_ ...Wed., Jnly 86 LINCOLN FOLLOWS SUIT. ! i l lpuucn H . _Thnr«., Anff. S the principal number on the program. Feast of Ab _ their return. i f r v N s ii ( \ * c >uiiui8biOB Fri The ne\y? of the organization of a Federation of Jewish Bosli-Cbodcach Ellnl_ Miss Britton will sing several selecMiss Irene Adeison was hostess t) Charities in our sister community of Lincoln to be modeled along New Sear's Eve_6683—1023. _Frt, Sept. 12 tions. the Bluebirds on Sunday afternoon at the lines of Omaha's Jewish Welfare Federation comes as very the Bellair. After seven years of separation, good news indeed, to both Omahans and LincoMtes. PALESTINE—THE At the first social meeting of tlif Mrs. M. D. Richman and daughters, To the members of our own community it is gratifying to LAND OF THE PAST Menorah Society of the Unlvcrsitj, Eudice, 16, Eva, 14, and Rosella, 11, know that pur plan" of organization is deemed worthy of emulation AND THE FUTURE arrived Sunday in Council Bluffs to of Nebraska, twenty three new memand that our efforts in the past are producing results that are bers were \enrollcd. Abe Goldcnbe? g make their home with M. D. Richso fai'-reaching. • (Continued from page 1) was elected the new vice-president man, father and husband. The family To the members of the Lincoln community who have labored and Rose Minkin of Omaha was apfleft war-stricken Europe six weeks so long and faithfully with the limited means at their disposal Remodeled and Repaired In this sphere alone lies a great pointed on the publicity committee. ago. Richman is the owner of the] in the solution of their community problems the announcement Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Waserman means more than encouragement in their future work. It means source of wealth if cultivation is ex- Mid-West Auto Parts Company. celebrated their tenth wedding an(J. P. A.).—The "Morning a step forward, a clearing of the road and tools with which to tensively enough carried out. and: har- A Simchas Torah party was held niversary on Saturday evening when London, 1 bours with transport facilities offer Post' to-day publishes a cable from work in making their way to a higher plane of social effort. Monday evening at the Chevra B'nai the out of town guests were, Messrs. Rabbi Singer of Lincoln is quoted as saying that a Federa- an outlet. But the museum is not re- Israel synagogue. Members of the Julius, J. L., and Max Orkin of Oma- the League of Arabs in America, ex512 So. 16th St. Doug. 9399. tion of Charities m Lincoln will give that community both a stricted to examples of fru5ts and ce- synagogue presented a silver loving ha, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Orkin, Sioux pressing appreciation of the aid the reals; it displays flowers and trees, "Post" xs rendering the Arab program and a policy in social work. This is true. A federation cup to I. Gilinsky, president of the ity, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Orkin, which really federates all the active and latent energies of a and provides an almost complete ex- synagogue. New York; Mr. and Mrs. D. O. community clears the atmosphere of the conflicts and jealousies hibition, of the native birds and" fauna. Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rothwhieh arise when many groups are engaged in the same activity, Here the growing youth of Palestine The first regular meeting of the schild of ^Omaha; and Mr. and Mrs. H. co-ordinates their efforts, points out the problems that must be may be taught to make their land Hebrew Educational club was held Friedman of Sioux City. flow once, more with milk and honey. Monday evening at the home of Miss solved and directs the forces which will solve them. Libbie Markowitz. A special commit- Mrs. A. Davidson entertained the The Hebrew University. members of the Entre Nous Bridge A particular obligation rests upon the Lincoln community. The academic spirit of the museum tee has been appointed to make ar- Club . on Tuesday when Halloween It must conserve the Jewish spirit and the Jewish soul of its own is gathered up in the ideal of a great rangements for a Halloween party. decoration* were used. inhabitants, and must keep closely within the folds of Judaism Hebrew University of Jerusalem, still Misa Jennie Katelman was appointed those students of the Jewish faith who attend the University, perhaps, a castle in the air; but the reporter of the club. The club also At a regular meeting of the Hebrew and who in the midst of the seductions of college life and away chosen site on the bill above the city announced the following donations: Educational Society held Sunday, from the environment of home are in imminent and increasing is already procured and a rough out- Keren Hayesod, $10; Jewish Con- Miss Edith. Nissousen gave several danger of losing that contact with Jewish thought and Jewish line set oil paper. The materialization sumptive Relief Society of Denver, songs. tradition which alone will keep them Jews. Once graduated from of this project is a matter of time and $5; National Jewish Hospital for Pour Days WEEK the University they must go back to their communities trained money. It raises once more the ever Consumptives, $5, Starting Sunday Starting Sunday, .to take their places in the fields of endeavor in preparation for recurrent problem in a country where Mrs. Harry Monsky entertained Why Did Prices Advance? JAMES OLIVER which they have spent the best years of their youth not merely everything is still to do—the problem Tuesday afternoon for fifteen guests October SOth. Prices went up in 1916 to CURWOOD'S as leaders, but as Jewish leaders, Jewry cannot afford to lose of what must be done today and what in honor of Mrs. Louis Heeger and 1919, because the United States HAROLD LLOYD in these _young men and wdmen. may, with infinite regret, be post- Mrs. P. Koolish. loaned ten billions of dollars to Here is an opportunity for the Jews' of Lincoln to render real poned until tomorrow. The power of The Semi-Monthly card club vrill the allies. The allies needed and lasting service to Jews. The leaders of the community have such an institution as the University hold its regular meeting Wednesday munitions, food and all kinds of ft shown a marked desire to grasp the opportunity. It remains now to embody and keep alive the present at' the home of Mrs. H. Krasne. supplies. They offered advanced in Three Days for the hundreds of other Lincolnjtes to follow their example and ideals and spirit of new Palestine is prices for our grain and farm Starting Thursday, Morris Kutler, small son of Mr. and to giye of their time and of their money—-graciously and without unquestionable. It would be of improducts, and our own consum... and... November 3rd stint- With the will and the wherewithal to do. no task is too mense value. Yet agricultural la- Mrs. H. Kutler, is reported to be ill ing public had to bid still higher BEBE DANIELS in bourers are more in request than stu- at the Mercy hospital. Mr. H. Kutler, great and n o Problem insoluble. . SESSTJE to retain enough for their own dents. Perhaps an approach is of ne- father of the child is now in RoumaHAYAKAWA in needs. Again the Europeans Omaha congratulates Lincoln on her move and wishes her cessity, being made to a partial de- nia, where he is attempting to bring raised their bids, and again the intellectualization .of the. Jew, At back Mrs. Kutler's relatives. success. . , people at home had to meetand present the would-be students of such The Junior Auxiliary of the Council raise the bids. Repeated bida University are breaking stones for of Jewish Women will hold a Halding against the European marroad-making and are cultivating the loween party this evening at the home .-I* ket put prices of everything out land of the colonies. \ of sight. Now, when the world of the Misses Rose and Anna Pill. Tiie supreme charm of Palestine is war closed, Europe stopped buythe immense variety of climate and The Bi-monthly card club -will hold ing, which really stopped our exscenery within an area smaller than its first meeting Monday evening at ports until Europe could catch Wales. From the crisp, cold air of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Aginsits breath, financially speaking, a student at the Hebrew nothing if not democratic. He provec Judaean hills it is a couple of hours kee. thus throwing back on the marUnion College when Dr. Deutsch Emerson's saying, "To be great is tc motor run into the port of Jaffa, into ket all the increased output of came to Cincinnati to be Professor be simple." One of the greatest Jew- warm sunshine and golden sands, miour farms and factories. Surof Jewish History at that institution. ish scholars that ever lived, he hac mosa, hedges, roses and ripe orange Pred R. Shaw Flower Shop plus began to accumulate in all Phonn 104. I remember his first appearance hosts of friends among the plainer groves. This strip of coast-land holds lines, lack of a market slowed among us, with his long white beard, people. For a most loving heart the most flourishing and prosperous The Best ot Everything- la Flowers and. all business. The effort to mainConfections at Moderate Prices. like a patriarch, making lum look fully matched a most brilliant brain of the Jewish colonies, savouring, pertain prices resulted in stagnahaps, too much of the Garden City, 545 TV. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater, old, though^ tion—then followed both buyer h he ,%ya's a young I COUNCIL BLC1TFS. IOWA. One caught. glimpses of the beauti and exhibiting a tendency towards the strikes and seller strikes, until man, in the, prime of his life, old dire necessity compelled the ; only in learning, and a- TT-ost piaryeW ful home life of Dr. Deutsch, the per- easy acceptance of "spoon-feeding." fect husband and father, companio These colonies, nevertheless, have fine movement of all products (grain IQUS erudition. As- JSangwili only included) at lower price levels. recently £ aid ahoutPiv. Deutsch, "he and friends of wife and children. Oh results to show, and fill the heart of A big crop in 1920 made the • took omniscience for his -province." . a most noble man has gone from us the Utopian idealist with a desire to fall in grain ^more pronounced, I Was prjviledged tp .hear his first .Dr. Deutsch was the incarnation 1 see them occupying every fertileand another bumper corn crop address on the occasion of his instal- of charity. He took of his slender square mile of Palestine. makes recovery in grain prices lation before the students and faculty means and literally scattered them Keenness for the Cause. even more difficult. of the College. Dri. Deutsch had g'ust to the four corners of the earth. In come from Ifcrunn, Austria, but, his all lands Jews and non-Jews will There is an abundance and a welland buy them at The present visible supply of use of English was remarkable. He mourn the • passing of Dr. Deutsch being among these people that is not nearly 123,000,000 bushels of to be found among the leaner and not merely as an international scholhad an exceedingly brilliant mind and grain would push prices to the "wag the master of many languages, ar and writer but as a benefactor and hard-worked Chalutzim, but even here zero point, without the support the growing generation of young men friend. 1 WE FURNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. all of which he employed in his inof the future buyers on the and women is full of the restless ac319 South 16th Street defatigable, exhaustive research in- We shall miss his writings, his il= PERSONAL. SERVICE WITH EACH open Board of Trade. luminating articles, his summaries of tivity that makes for progress, and a to the records of Jewish history. Phone Douglas 3400 keenness for "the cause" that is the •I POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL F. J. TAYLOR. Unlike so many European scholars, Jewish history, his brilliant exposi- stable foundation of all Zionism. Life tion. His death is a distinct loss to particularly of the old school, Dr. has developed for them into a rural Deutsch despite his tremendous American Jewry, for he was one of routine centered particularly in the scholarship w&s not pedant, but on the living forces of American Juda- synagogue and the school, but it is the contrary a most lovable man, ism, a well of inspiration as well more than that. The cleanness of 5th Floor Saundcrs-Kennedy BIdg. with most human qualities, most asa a fountain of wisdom. Oh, truly, every neat f aruhouse, the planting of Tel. Tyler 3160. pronounced among which was an e x - j " prince and great man has'fallen every fruit-grove and field, the very thi d i r traordinary wit "and an exceptional;' tlu 's day in IIsrael"—too soon: nott l " t .tumor,' - He was the life" of parties, ! merely for wife and children, but for sandy freshness of the streets, has We -wish to advise you we are now paying B'yo on Time Certiof us, his colleagues, his friends, risen under their hands, and has deconventions and gatherings "where ficates of Deposit written for six or twelve months. disciples, among whom are in- veloped into the especial pride and the people were assembled, not merely. It is our belief that a thrifty bank depositor, should have more especial care of the whole community. * professional and rabbinical,-but secu- • eluded all Israel! Not merely by his interest as all living costs have advanced. It makes no particular lar or for whatever purpose. His ; writings, his research, but by his own It is a crowd, of healthy-looking difference what a bank pays on deposits as it makes this adjustment on loan rates. was a. rara combination of genius . noble personality he has written his children, happy men and women, and and geniality. . • name high on the roll of Jewish his- contented old people that greets you As your Certificates come due, we shall be pleased to have you X exchange them, so you can nave the advantage of the higher rate, • During my six years stay injury which he has beautifully en- whole-heartedly in Richon le Zion— or, if you desire, present them and we will i>ay the interest up to date i\ Cincinnati I -was often a" visitor and nched. May the God whpm. he ever "First in Zion"—-the oldest of Rothand renew same for six months or a year at 59*. schild colonies. It is with a communguest in Dr. Deutsch's home,' for honored receive him into His loving al pride that they show you 'round, Savings Department we pay 4 % interest, compounded_atid H - among his other qualities was that bosom:—there may his brilliant brain and, above all, bid you taste of the addedIn toouryour account quarterly. The privilege of WITHDRAVt'AL of a most whole-souled hospitality.; ^ d rest, there may his loving heart WITHOUT NOTICE in our Savings Department is also an e wine of their famous cellar. Richon I marvel now how such a great man • U still! His memory will be a added advantage. • specializes in vineyards and has the could put himself on a level with \ blessing to all humanity. In addition, our depositors are fully protected by the Depositor's largest wine manufacture, with an exGuarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. his students. But Dr.. Deutsch was FREDERICK COHN. port trade limited, of course, by the still undeveloped state of transport facilities. The most convincing experience of 18th and Farnara Sts., Omaha, Nebraska., Henry. Ford's Dearborn Independ- knowledge that the Jewish congrega- the possibilities of the development of ent is exceedingly aggressive in ex- tion of Winnetka desires to observe the Jewish race from a physical standD. W. GEISELMAN, President. D. C. GEISELMAN. Cashier. f.o.6. tending its circulation throughout the solemn religious festivals on the eve- point was furnished by the colony of Tlint. H. M. KROGH, Assistant Cashier. middle west and it is keeping up its nings of October 2 and* 11 and on Petach Tikvah. There we were greetviolent attacks upon the Jews. So the afternoon of October 12 of this ed by a guard of honour^—20 young far as appears it is having no effect year, and that they'lack a suitable men on horseback. Their Arab ponies Chevrolet -Chevrolet "Pour-Nine®" at all upon the attitude of our Pro- place for these observances, and were all good, with one ,or two real Models Models PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. • testant churches toward the Hebrew "Whereas, we desire in all things beauties, and their horsemanship ingCarorRoadsterSKS Tourin^ar or Roadster g W race. The action of our Winnetka to express the hospital spirit of our would have held place in competition W Sedan - - - 875 Coupe or Sedan -_ lSTS (Hi.) church is quite characteristic of faith: with the best. Here, in three gener;; Light Delivery Wegon (one seat) all our churches. Rev. J. A. .Richards,, "Be it resolved, that we, the coun- ations, from meagre formed grandparAH Pricv B. a B. Flint. Mkk. the pastor, suggested to a prominent cil of the Winnetka Congregational ents, bent with the stoop of the ghetOMAHA Jew of Winnetka that it seemed a church, cordially invite the Jewish to, had developed tall, bronzed, PfSIMTING pity that the Jewish people' should congregation of Winnetka to use our straight-limbed, good-looking young MOTOR COMPANY men,, frank in their laugh and their hold their most Eapred annual- serv- church at the times needed." OUIUl ices in the school house when- the Dr. Richards calls attention to the speech, quick of mind and athletic of SKIBHff l»BGtst 13%. and truant Congregational church might be at fact that the church took this action body. owsuat CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY' their disposal. As a result the mat- in loyalty to its faith and offered not * « . Barney 7280. 2659 Fanxam Street. (To Be Continued.) '• ter was brought to the attention of a building,but a church to the Jewthe .church, which passed the follow- ish brethren. Such action as this [registers our progress toward brothing resolution: Please patronize our COMMERCIAL PRINTERS-LITHOGRAPHERS * STEEL OlS EHBOSSERS LOOSE LEAP ©EVICES advertisers. "Whereas, it hrs come to mir erhood.—Congreeat.ionalist.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Heeger'and son, Wednesday, left for their home at Sioux City, la. The Ideal Six will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Max Cohen, 3000 Avenue B. A special meeting of the City Talmud Torah will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. sharp at the synagogue. Election of officers will be held. All members are urged to be present. Mesdames H. and S. Meyerson entertained for fifteen guests Thursday afternoon at an Orpheum party, followed by a luncheon at the Brandeis Renaissance room, in honor of Mrs, M. Grossman of Manhattan, Kans., and Mrs. B. J. Dershum of Schuyler, Nebraska.
i < =
Operated by
ld Xealty Co.
"God's'Country and the Law"
roperty Protected
"Say It With Flowers"
FIRE O TORNADO • ire Yei I i i Faifly Protected Against
= in* *»•
5 % Interest on Time Deposits
Progress Toward Brotherhood
' ',
At Temple Israel on Friday evening,
The funeral of Miss Frances Adler,
Mrs. Morris Levy returned Wednesday after several months spent in the east. The regular meeting of the Ra-Oth ; Society has beer postponed until Sunday afternoon, November 18, when Sadie Levy and Rose Shafton acted Miss Fannie Brodsky will be hostess. as pall bearers. Miss Adler died Please patronize our Thursday morning at the home of her advertisers. sister at St. Louis, Missouri, after a brief illness. '
ENGAGED PROGRAM. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will take for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler, TIONS ELECT OFFICERS Social, Club o_ I Ms subject "The Centenary of Dosto- was held Friday afternoon from the Following is the program given by The engagement of Miss Blossom Frank Dee Heads Zionists. and Religious yevsky." On Saturday morning, the Cogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Frank Dee, 5116 California St., was Young Judaea Tuesday evening at the subject will be "The Power Behind family residence. Six close friends, Misses. Faye Gerelick, Ruth Brown of Minneapolis, to Dr. A. elected president of the Omaha Dis- Lyric Building. Activities Cogan All." Edithe Freiden, Dorothy Zucker, Greenberg of this city has been an- trict of the Zionist Organization of
Hatikroh by audience, piano solos by Anne Kuback. Daughters of Zion Group, Miss Bess Greenbergr, leader; A Snceoth nounced during the past week. America, at the meeting held last Story by Miss Mary Moseoe, Toung Judaea JUNIOR WELFARE TEA. Seniors Group; Yiddish Folk Songs by Miss Cogan is known in Omahaj A "Bridal Afternoon" in the form having visited at the home of Mr. Saturday night. Mr. Dee is. a com- Sadie Drerich. Flowers of Zion Group. Sara Kuback, lender; Recitation by D| a Tea will be given Sunday after- and Mrs. H. Greenberg last winter. parative new-comer to Omaha, hav- Miss Caroline Diamond, Lallies of Zion Group. Tena Altschnler, leader; Kussian noon a t the Blackstone Hotel by the Dr. Greenberg, who is very active ing moved here from Chicago six Miss Dance by JStnel siekes. Flowers of Zion Junior Welfare Organization compli- in Jewish communal affairs, is a months ago. He has during this time, Group. Miss Sara. Knback, leader; Violin Solo by Miss Irf»ona Perils,. Young Jndaea mentary to those members of the or- graduate of the Medical School of thehowever, become a very active worker Junior Group, Mrs. Ben Handler, leader; in communal affairs being especially Song and Dance "Farmers in Palestine" ganization who are either recent University of Nebraska. He was interested in the work of the Zionist ^ by Clara Weiner and Ethel Lackman,- of the Herzl Girls Group, iliss Anne Greenbrides or brides elect. A program overseas with Base Hospital 49. organization and of the Jewish Wel- berg, leader.
The Misses Doras and Minnette Gross will entertain sixteen guests at a luncheon at the Brandeis Restaurants Saturday for their sister, Miss Diana Gross, a November bride.
The regular meeting of the Hadassah will be held Wednesday, November 3, at 2.30 o'clock at the Lyric aas been arranged and all members Building. • Plans for the annual linen The Hativoh Girls will hold a weiner fare Federation. j are being rarged to attend by the roast at Ehnwood Park on Sunday "Other officers elected are as folMrs. Morton L. Degen left Mon- shower will be discussed. following little verse which is inmorning, October 30, regardless of the lows. L. Kneeter and Ben Handler, day to spend several weeks in ChicaMrs. N. Kort and Mrs. Henry Q. sluded in the invitation. weather. vice-presidents; Dr. O. C. Goldner, go with her parents. Marx entertained twenty-five guests "Hail to our brides and brides to be! financial secretary; Mrs. Ben Handler, The marriage of Miss Leah Frank, at a bridge luncheon today for their In their honor we'll meet at a grand The regular meeting of the Jewish corresponding secretary; L Goldstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander sister Mrs. Abe. Goodchaux of Big Women's Welfare Organization will treasurer; J. B. Robinson, chairman, jubelee Frank, to Mr. Maurice Bernstein will Cane, Louisiana. Mrs. P. H. Koolish, At the Blackstone Hotel, next Sunday be held next Tuesday afternoon at the membership committee; and A. Cohn, take place Sunday evening, November who is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Lyric building. Members are'being chairman Jewish National Fund comat two, 6, at the Blackstone Hotel. Rabbi Aginskee of Council Bluffs, was also Everybody welcome, your presence is urged to attend as a nominating com- mittee. Taxon will officiate. A reception will a complimented guest. mittee will be choosen to select can, due. "Two1 thousand Zionist members in follow the ceremony. On Saturday Mrs. J. D. Stine en(It took an hour to make up this didates for the new election. Omaha" will be the slogan and the Miss Ruth Bernstein will entertain tertained ten guests at luncheon at poem Messrs. Edwin Katskee, Louis Som- goal of the new officers for the com- at a Halloween party at her home the Brandeis Restaurants followed by So don't disregard it by staying at berg and Meyer Beber, who are at- ing year, said Mr. Dee last night, on Sunday evening, complimenting an Orpheum party for Mrs. Goud;i home.) B'nai Israel Retains Commission chaux and Tuesday evening Mrs. tending the university at Lincoln* Miss Frank and Mr. Bernstein. Government. Joseph Zitfel entertained at her home spent the week-end here, coming up to Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Leon had as for this visitor. The opening meeting of the Omaha attend the Y. M. H. A. dance on Sat- Members of Congregation B'nai Israel at a meeting held last Thursday their guests over the week-end Mr. section of the Council of Jewish Wo- urday evening. Mrs. Morton Marcus and small son, decided to continue the seven-com- and Mrs. S. J. Waller of San Franmen-will be held Honday, October 31, Mrs. R. Lewis of Chicago arrived missioner plan of government. The cisco, who were enroute to New York. Jerome, and Mrs. J. Wright will leave at 2:30 o'clock in the vestry of Temple Wednesday to spend several weeks as Israel. Dr. Cohn will give a talk on the. guest of her son, Mr. B. F . Lewis following were elected to serve for Mrs. Waller is a sister of Mrs. Leon. \ Sunday for Kansas City, where they the" coming year: A. B. Alpirn, M. They will remain here for some time ' will spend several weeks with Mrs. Jewish literature and Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Lewis. I Marcus' sister, Mrs. A. L. Hoffman. Blank, A. White; A. Wolf, S. Ravitz, on their return to California. Letovsky, an Omaha boy recently- reJ.Katleman and A. Cohn. A number of friends of Mrs. D. M. turned from several years of study in Europe, will, give piano solos. Mrs. Newman surprised her on Monday afElect New Brotherhood Head. Frederick Cohnj as president, will ternoon by giving a liouse warming. Milton S. Livingston was elected give introductory remarks, Mrs. J. B. The afternoon was -spent in playing president of the Brotherhood of TemKatz will give a report of work done cards and a floor lamp was presented ple Israel at the meeting held in the by the religious committee, and a mes- to Mrs. Newman. vestry of tJie Temple on last Wednessage from the national president, Miss We sell wholesale and retail Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Katz have given day. Rose Brenner, will be .read. A social up their house and after this week OUR BREADS ARE L A R G E R Junior Hadassah Club. hour will follow. OUR P R I C E S ARE L O W E R . wil be at the Blackstone Hotel. A special meeting of the Junior Miss Laura Givot has returned from Max Rehfeld left Sunday for New Hadassah. was held, Sunday afternoon, an extented trip to California, where York, where he will remain for sev- October 23, at the Blackstone Hotel, in the form of a tea. . she was the guest of the Misses So- eral weeks. W. Perlmutter and J. Bomber, Proprietors. 742 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Telephone 570 phia and Jeanette Seminoff, formerly Miss Dorthy Reuben gave several Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosberg enter- recitations, and Miss Gertrude Smith of Omaha. tained twenty guests at dinner at their sang several songs, accompanied by The City Talmud Torah Confirm*Mr. M and d Miss Ann Weyman. ' f 1922 rvill nold a meetag , tion Cl Class of Taxman of Kans., Miss Sophia Weinstein, past presiSunday afternoon at the synagog at complimented guests. dent, commended the efforts of the ^ Eighteenth and Chicago streets. . entertained at a members and encouraged them to per• About threa hundred guests attend- for Mrs. Taxman on Saturday. severe in their good work. ed the card party given last Thursday Mrs. Ben Handler was instrumental The Young Judea Junior Club will afternoon at the Brandeis tea rooms ic Sunday morning at Elm- in arousing a new spirit in the activby the Jewish Women's Welfare "Orities of the elub.' yjageA members ganization. . j to meet a t the park kitchen at eleven The principal business of the afternoon was the election - of officers, Jewish "Women, are'being urged to I0»cipC^ p r o m ptly. •'• ; which resulted as follows: send in their gifts to the Needle Work Miss Florence Wolf will entertain Guild not later than Wednesday of sixteen guests to celebrate her birth- President, Ethel Pweuben; vice-president-, Sara Riseman, corr. sec.* Annette jiest weak. They are also asked to day on Thursday afternoon. Fanger; fiiu sec, Libby Minkm; treasattend the exhibition of .the Guild Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rothschild urer, Esther Katleman; reporter, Sawhich will t e held at the Central rah Abrams; entertainment commitCongregational Church on next spent the week-end in Chicago. Thursday afternoon, which will be Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rice entertained tee. Laura Givot, chairman, Anne Greenberg; Rose Faier and Emily folowed by an informal tea. twelve guests at dinner a t her home Radman. 'Mrs. Herman Orschel is in New on Tuesday complimenting H r . and The next regular meeting of the This Company has not 2. dollar's worth of York, visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Phil Koolish, who are enroute to Junior Hadassah will be held in the make their future home in California, "watered stock." Isaac Mendelson. and Miss Celia Richards of San Jose, Y. M. H. A. club rooms, Weihiesday Mr. Julius Sherman is spending the California, who is the guest of Mr. evening, November 2, at 7:30 p. m. Invested in the property of this Company week with his parents at St. Paul. He. and Mrs. Reuben Eulakofsky. Wed- An entertaining program is being are 100 cents for every dollar's worth of capital will spend several clays in Chicago be- nesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Rice will planned and all members art urged stock, bonds or other securities outstanding. fore returning. entertain at a card party at their' to attend, also all others that are interested in this organization. Mrs. Carrie Livingston returned home for Miss Richards. The full value of securities is represented Monday af Ler spending several weeks Miss Hortense Rosenstock returned by telephone property and equipment owned with her daughter, Mrs. Julius Weil Tuesday after spending several weeks end used by this Company in its telephone at Lincoln. with her sister, Mrs. Delwin Becker, operations. . : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsky, Mr. at Mitchell, Sauth Dakota. Chiropodist and Beauty and Mrs. H. A.' Wolf, Miss Jessie Shop Our books and the records of our trans, Rosenstock, Mr. Carl Katleman, Mr. GIRLS' EVENING CLASSES OPEN Established 1S00 actions sre at all times open to the public and Harney Streets, and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, Mr. and Mrs. The Advisory Board of the Y- W. H. 15thPhone through its accredited representatives. We wet Douglas 2333 Harry Malashock, Miss Jeanette A. announces, t h i opening of the Ascome the utmost publicity. Shames, Mr. Harry Kavich, and Mr. sociation's Dramatic Class on- next Samuel Schaefer motored to Lincoln Monday night, under the direction of Omaha's Sunday, where they attended the Mrs. B. P. Boasberg, and of the Girls' Newest and Finest Equiped PHONE COMPANY NORTHWESTERN 8 meeting held there in the interest of Bath-House. Gym Class, directed by Miss Catherine the formation of a federation' of Baths, Massage, Hot : Packs, Carrick, on Tuesday evening. These charities. Electric Treatment, classes are open to all members of the Inhalatorium. ' The fourth annual meeting of the Y. W. H. A. City Talmud Torah has been postponed and will be held on/Sunday CONCANNON BROS., Props. FOR SALE—Clothing and evening, November 6, at the-syna1401 Farnam St., Basement Gents Furnishings store. Has gogue'on. Nineteenth and Burt Streets*. Entrance. to be sold on acount of owner Telephone: Tyler 5731. being in ill health. Cheap rent, : ©IVE NOVEL SUCCOTH PARTY OMAHA, NEB. good lease. ','-,. Over-one hundred members ofHh M. Markowitz, 1109 Douglas S t Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. were entertained a t a Succoth party and dance, at the club rooms Saturday night. A novel SAFE touch of color was given to the eveFOR R E N T WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY ning's activities by a miniature "Sue-, TWO rooms, three room accab." which had been constructed in FROM US, YOU "BUY SAFE" commodations, for light houseminiature style in one of the club -Our guarantee and. our word is keeping. 1524 North 17th Str. rooms, and in which appropriate- reas good as a bond. Webster 1909. freshments were served. We have satisfied hundreds of your friends. A feature of the evening was the presentation of silver pencils to the members of the Y.. M. H. A. baseball team. Young men who received the 1514 Dodge Street. WANTED—By Mother and souvenirs are Robert Hooper, George •—Phone: Douglas 5619 Son two" light hoose-keeping Bernstein, Louis Somberg, Leon Mendelson, Arthur Swartz, Louis Rasnick, rooms in all modern home. AtDavid Slobodisky, Israel Goodman, lantic-5315. Abe Smith, Sam Green, Rubin Brown, Leo Weitz, Nathan E. Green." •
Harry H. LRPMDS, Pres.-Treat. jos. Pepper, Vice-President. W. G. Urer Secretary.
Information Wanted Information is wanted regarding the •whereabouts of one Herman Glafeser or Oblukush, vrbo came to Omaha from Hungary about 15 years ago. Persons kno"wing this man or his family are asked to communicate at once -with the Editor,. The Jevrish Press.
Omaha Fixture &c Supplf Co. COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy ere* TC.000 aouara fe«t Bonthwegf Corner Phone: DonclRB g OSIAEA. NEB.
Of A
HELPLESS WAIF Ten boys, orphans, homeless, aslc for admission every day to Father Flanagan's Home for Boys. They are boys of every nationality, every, religion—-Good boys, but without a home.
BUY CREAM CRUST BREAD Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies, Twice Daily
. •.-••'••.
ROOM F O R THEM. The price of their love ie a little aM in building a new Home for them. Oat on Overlook Farm, there are some temporary w o o d e it structures, large enough for only 125 boys.
Cream Crust Baking Company
/ -
A new Home must fee built out ther* for these waifs that can't get in. In the four years of its operation, 88S non-Catholic and 335 Catholic boys have passed through Father Flanagan's Home and have been placed in good homes and given good jobs.
- '•
Beginning ^prember 14, for ONE WEEK there will be conducted a drive for §300,00®, to build this new Home. Every person in Oroa&a will be asked to help. It will be an investment in good citizenship.
No "Water
"I received a most pleasant snr p r i s e •vrhen I asfcea the p r i c e of one of yonr -window hats VPhici I purchased", said a lafly visitor from Kansas City who tras attracted onr p r e t t y 'TThr the same hat v o t l d cost me $35 ijs. auy of o xi T exclusive shops at home and to think yon only asfced $18. How do you do It", she inquired. — Nebraska Millinery S e r v i c e offers you the best always at the lowest possible price. Investigate!
Faxton Hotel Turkish Baths
Over 6OD,OQO owners
. FOR WOMEN WHO CARE. La Charme Facial or Scalp treatments, ?1. Combination of Facial or Scalp masage, Chest and Spinal massage and Electrical treatment. Beautifies and Invigorates. Relieves headaches, eye strain, stops falling hair. We treat successfully Skin Affections, Constipation, Rheumatism, Nervousness etc. , Marcel, §0.75, shampoo, §0.50nhair bobbing, $0.25. " Natl Skin and Scalp Specialists, 504 South Sixteenth St. Telephones, Atlantic 4819 and Harney 2890. Open Wednesday and Saturday nights. —Adv.
No Springs—Honest Weight TO WHOM IT MAY CONV CERN— L. H. Stern is now located at 3055 Omaha Building and Loan Association Building, Fifteenth and Dodge Streets. Atlantic 4295.
Jewish Nurse will take any case. Telephone Harney 7476.
Always Showing the Newer Millinery Fashions at reasonable prices. Our constant aim Is to present at nil times millinery In terras of the wearer's individuality. That we are successfully doing EO is attested by the remarkable growth of our business.
Wonderful Assortment to Select from
At $10 $12.50 $15 Showing the Newer Styles and Materials for.Winter Wear.
HOBART ELECTRIC GRINDERS, CHOPPERS AND MIXERS. Service and Sales: 13th AND JACKSON STREETS Phones: Toledo Scales Doug. 768? Hobart Electri: Doug. 7396
In The Metropolitan Millinery Store.
FflrTrinssted ihts—BrocadedHats—Ihiretyn Hats • For Milady's Finest Winter Apparel.
We have on hand Used .and Rebuilt Machines.-
' THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE THE ATTACKS ATTACKS OF OF HENRY HENRY FORD FORD AND AND OTHERS OTHERS WHO WHOARE ARE ATTEMPTING ATTEMPTING TO TODEFAME DEF THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective, lines and are co-operatingwith us in this endeavor.1 They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT.
Telephone Jackson 0268
Office 209 South 18th Street
B. Korney—Signs
New Location above Dan'a Shoe and dotliingr Company, 1415 Douglas St.—Second FloorEntrance through stoic Jackson 3171.
Industrial and Automotive Machinists. • Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Starter Kins Gears for Auto Fly Wheels ' . • • 417 8onth 13th Street. Telephone: Jackson S550
We Deliver the Real Goods.
Fbonn Webster 0943
Visit Our
The Brinn & Jensen
Electric Shop1
Do away with drudgery and make house-work a pleasure by "the use of modern electrical appliances. \_
With Yonr Order * tor" "
The "Electric Shop" is on the ground floor of the Electric building, South-east corner of Fifteenth and Farnam streets.
1112 HARHEY'ST.'
Shone Douglas ii
"Buy Midwest Milk"
MAX L*WALKER, Inc. The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha:
. "
b y
fiest Home Cookins at Very TKeasonable Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed.
E. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor
316 South 15th Street—Up Stairs.
I K I SUNDGBEJi'S Nutritions Home Made
Distributors "of
Sealed In Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Your ' Grocer.
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery
Leo A. Hoffmann
| Aarle - Haas Co.
Ethel fei Haltby, i . *>.
izmrei i
«4th and Hickory.
Mnde from Tour Own Feathers. Warm In -winter; "cool in summer. Cost less and last longer tltair cotton. Phone ns for samples of ticking and- estimates.
27th and Martha Sts. • Hartley 1663 Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze, Aluminum 'and Soft Gray Iron Castings. You are assrared ot "soft castings, as we machine some from e.very heat in our own shop.- -Standard size cast iroB bushings in stock.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. ID07 Cumlnsr Street.
Rich and Smooth. 1433 N. 18th St.
Atlantic 5341
Sundgren Pie Baking Co.
65% to 85% saved on parts for all makes of cars. We carry a complete lice of new ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car. 1318-1330 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA." PHONE 4M.
Jackson 2467
1517 Harney St.
Phone Douglas 8707
Vinegar-Pickkn-Oooperage Pure Food Products
Phone Douglas 4607 20tb and Fierce St.. Omaha. Nebraska.
Hare Your Furniture Reupholstered
TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB.
'We mate It look like new. Call Douglas 0097 •-*. A man will" call with samples;
AMERICAN UPHOLSTERING CO. 617 South 16th Street.
Call Atlantic 2364 •••
THATCHER PIANO CO. DON'T BUY COAL! Xonr Furnace and- Insert a
ULDBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER See Demonstration 316 So. lBtb Street.
. . . . f o r " . . . '
"Make Warm Friends" 220S Cnmlng St.
Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 CnmlnB St.J Phono Atlantic 1247 DISTRIBUTORS— JACK SFKAT FOOD FRODTJCTS. Omaha, Nebraska.
Tel. Jnckson 2373
Phone Harney C38S
Phone Jackson 1680
' Joseph Polack & Son Wholesale Dealers In Butter, Eggs and Poultry. 1313 Howard St.
Omaha, Kebrnska.
'' LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1S10.
Dr. Frances H. Turner an Theatre Building', ©See: h and Docglas Stiwets. Phone Atlantic S836
.for .
Omaha Office: SIS Doug-las Street. Omaha Flione Atlantic SSS6
Ford Tranter & Storage Co. .R. A. FOKD. President and General Manager. Coanril Bluffs (Iowa) Office 834 So. Slain Street. Phone SS3
OtTB TEEATlfiENT CONVINCE TOB OF OVR SXSCWIItV. Trost Department. Safety DeposH Boxes.
i?honc Blairkei ©196
Estes Laundry Tablets
Jewish Press
Equipped with Pulmotot'. AU Calls Answered Frompfly.
An Idea) Washing Combination.
AI nays Ask for
483 BrnnilelN Bids'.
Est. 1891. .
Ambulance Service.
Theodore Volz & Son
The Home of Good Ice Cream • and Home Made Candy*
City Representative , . • . 515 So. I0tl» St. Ffcose DQuglas SSS2
Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes.
Druggists and Stationers
Rates for Space on this S p e c i a 1 Page ;'• given on application.
Douglas 6887
Stelnet Eleetrl« Eeat, C&opper • • •nd CoCce Kill. VseS Scales ot All Makes tot Sale.
Sherman Mercantile Co.
916 N. 16th St.
Phone Douglas. 4736
1117-10 Dodge St.
CT1IE1 Ail that .die name implies.
3-411 Farnam St.
538-33 Securities Building, 16th and Farnam sts. Telephone: Jackson 2706
Dayton-Hooey Wei;
Office and Warehouse: S17 So. Main St. Telephone 143 COPNCI1. BLUFFS. IOWA.
1404 Douglas Street. Distributors of .44 Cigars.
SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer
4419 Coming
Phone Jnrkson 3036
Oil* IS MDCH C M E A I ' R B Let Us Uemove the Door from
Flume Webster 0406
Real Estate ::> : : Insurance
We arc now ready to snpply IMPOKTED RUSSIAN and TURKISH cigarettes, tobacco and tubes
Wholesale Distributors for
O.E. Engler & Co.
are' not only expensive from the standpoint of resetting the glass,
There is one article (in the Dear- i Read the clever method by which hounds, sniffing over the world, trying but because your windows are rendered useless. born Independent) which Ford must they have taken "it might have been" to turn up anything and everything Place your Plate Glass Insurance where your claim will be have known about before it appeared and "here arid there indications," and in present-day acts of the history of quickly adjusted. • • . _ ' • in print, and it appeared last week. "what most probably was," and "al- the past that will injure the Jew. The subject of Benedict Arnold and most certainly," and have thrown them They have tried to fasten Tammany 1776 is a touchy one vnth other mem- together to make you think there real- on. the Jew, and now it is Benedict bers of the Ford family,.and I can't ly was something to their claim that Arnold. They plan to go into the imagine the Dearborn Independent Jews were back of Benedict Arnold. Phone Atlantic 0360 courts to find whenever and however 640 First National Banl% Bldg. force, or even the.Ford secretary, darHere are their own words of the a Jew.won a case in a civil court or jng to open up' the old sore without flimsy basis on which they build a was acquitted in a criminal court, and Ford's, consent.' '•' ' whole first page headline. Was the try to. prove an undue influence on Steamship Tickets to and from But even at that, if it was cruel for profession of journalism ever more the part of Jews over our courts. ! the Tribune attorney to expose Ford's wantonly debauched? Read their They plan -work in the South, and Does.It Need Cleaning all Farts of the Watt ignorance at Mt. Clemens, how much words from Ford's Dearborn Inde- sleuths and writers are asked to fur.We assist you in petting piv»sor Repairing? • . more cruel is it for his own employes pendent: . • • • •. . nish -proof' that the Jew has put poi-f-R find give you expert ndvise NOW IS THE TIME 'TO HAVE on European conditions. to lead hiiti into a course that -will "How this change was effected is Southern chivalry out of business; EXPERTS -I>O TEE WORK. Von'll Be1 Snrprieed at.Onr Kates. We hoirv you to pet your rela-bring back the old ridicule, and add not explained in the records. There they have taken offices in Chicago, Cleaning done by Vacnum withtives in Europe to this country. to. it much more to leave him belit- is a moment of darkness, as it were, and that will be the ground of future out causing dirt.. We have satisfactorily cleaned' over 100 furnaces tled in the eyes of people who are at in which this 'quick change' was attacks, attempts will be made to the past month. Val. j . Peter & Co. all informed as to American history! made which transformed the young show that the-Jew has had a detriCAIX gWnSOTS 1C1S. STEAMSHIP TICKETS To think of Henry Ford, who, not Montreal Jew from an army con- mental effect on Chicago politics. FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING rOBEJGS EXCHANGE so many months ago, sat in a court tractor for the British army into an Pay for Prejudice. ,530* B c « « l St., Omaha, Neb. . Cr.mitiE Street. room and didn't know, who Benedict officer of Benedict Arnold's staff. AT Inntic 0340. We Install GSlt Efige Furnaces. And so one section after another of Arnold was, now trying to tell the "But as it is impossible for every the country is to be taken,' 'to set world that its information about the fact to be suppressed, there are here neighbor against neighbor, to poison I arch-traitor was all wrong and that and there-indications of what might individual against individual* to' sow • position is Ford has something new- which have been, what, indeed, most prob- the seed's of hatred of Christian for changes history!. . . ably was, the basis of attraction be- Jew and Jew for Christian. ' •••• .•". -.correct, - znd shpujld With, his discovery that there was tween the two. It was very probable 'Men "are" sent out to get one class be s c-p p o r t ' e d • fey a Benedict Arnold, comes the discov- —almost certainly—the opportunity of material only, and that' is the maevery fair minded ery that the Jews were back" of him. fev graft whicn could be capitalized terial that will put the Jew in bad, person. His article proves that all-his "in- by a combination of General Arnold's and the. men are trying to keep on the vestigators" have to do-is to come to authority and young Frank's ability pay roll by getting what is wanted. him with any sort of misinformation in the handling of goods." Outrage • history, what of it ? * involving the Jews and he will allow Play-on prejudice, what of it? , No Evidence at All. them any amount of money with ... of... Question Jewish womanhood, what Not one bit of evidence, nothing but which to spread'the calumnies. guess all the way through.. They of it? - And ,the pity of it all is that he has take what "might have been" and Henry Ford is. doing it in the name . Hoffmann Funeral Home. ;f Distributors so much money with which to spread hitch it up to "probability," and put of an "unbiased investigation of the the slander and they can dish up the it forth as a rewritten history, sup- Jewish question," and many of those misinformation so cleverly. planting the work of historians who about him. feel that his money gives Brazen. were "blind," and with it all try to him license to go to any length. I surely thought they would never make you believe a Jew worked a And they seem inclined to go as far •: ? i , (rALIuEE GRADUATE) be so brazen as to- have him try to graft with Benedict Arnold and there- as he will, pay. give out information on—of all sub- by strive to bring your present-day Conferences Daily. Phone Jackson 3072 Second Floor, Elks' Building. jects—Benedict Arnold, but they have Jewish neighbor into disrepute. There have been daily conferences » * * * * sent out two pages of it and promise by the Ford forces of late as to methmore. , Ford has any European anti-Semitic ods for'spreading Ford's attacks on HOLCOMB Just think of the nerve of this movement beaten in three ways. They t h e J e v i r s . < . • • • • - . statement being sent out under, Henry are: FOOD. CHEMICAL We could not help sympathizing 'Ford's name: * The amount of money available for with Henry Ford when his ignorance " -PRODUCTS CO., .INC. "You will read any history of Ben- the purpose. EUanutiwlurers ot of history was made so apparent and FO0HS A X 0 CHEMICALS. edict Arnold without perceiving the The thoroughness of the organiza- in such tragic fashion before a court : i€E MAC ES.TKACTS. Jews around him. The authors of ac- tion. room full of-people, and before the. SIS N.FLAVORING 16th St. Phone Atlantic cepted "histories were blind." The cleverness of the writing. •whole world in press dispatches. Of course, writers, rewriting his- Ford recently had a conference with But when the same Henry Ford at. lien tory-for the money there is in it for some of those responsible for carrying tempts to peddle history, rewritten to NORTHWEST READY themselves—even rewriting it to sat- out his desires. Biscuit Co. suit his purposes, when he pretends to .ROOFING CO, isfy the hatred of their employer"If you had managed things right, enlighten the public on the subject Ready -Hoofing crer oM shingles. oAun tluJUL Also nspbalt shtnples and busl&-nji would hot think of putting such stuff the Dearborn Independent would have about which he proved so densely igroofs. Fire TeslsticR and durable. over on any man who was not so ig- a million subscribers by this time," he norant, can one heip it when a feeling All wort guaranteed. Ensy terras. {Reg. r. .?. ratnorant as to real history, as is Henry told them.' PUohP Harirey 2574 of disgust rushes in to supplant the Office) Ford. • And their retort about the cost met former feeling of pity? Or should OfBce ancJ Wars house: EI22 They are trying to connect up a with the instructions, "Go the limit" one go on pitying the man who, with young Montreal Jew of the name, of And they are going the limit, not all of the fine opportunities', he has !|' ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ; Franks with Benedict Arnold. There only in expenditures, but in methods. for doing good with the great fortune APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES MASTCFACTtrilERS. is a fatal link in their connection, imThey are going after the million; which has become his in so short a mediately they make. a dark,. deep they are not one small pup yelping at time, he permits men to use his money Granclen Electric Co. MEY-MER-CO. Brand Jewish plot by which, they would have the heels of the'Jews; they are a for such evil purposes as spreading Beverages and Syrups. you believe that which never had ex- whole pack, several packs of sleuth race hatred, of making the world less S19-321 So. I « h St.. Omaha, »l>r. , i ir,ll Howard St. Fhoiie Atlantic 068i Phone Atlantic 2SSB ! isted at all had been suppressed. kindly, and encourages them in it?
Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA.
Broken Show Windows
« Estes Soap Chips ana Water Softener (Combined)
401-403-405 Sontii 10th St.
At all Grocers.
WHOLESALE FRUITS 933-031 West Broadway, COPJfCIXt B t C F r S . IOWA. Telephone S163
216 N. 16tU St. »t Central Bl»?ket, T»bSe SappJy w»di Woo& Cent**.
Bv«>?y morntnjr If yon tall the
IS1*> C»!iforni« Strpet I>hone Orraslas 6291