November 3, 1921

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Any man can learn to do anything that any other man has done if he will apply himself to the doing of it.— Chas. M. Schwab.

VOL. I.—NO. 47

that rises again quickly and c e n t i n u e s the race is as if he had never fallen. —Molineux.

Entered as second-class inall matter on January 27th. 1921, at ' . ttofflce at Omaha, Nebraska. Tinder the Act of March 3, 1879. ""



- m

Cause of • World J e | WI be f resente^ Armament Conf em 9




In Vienna



Leading Jews of America Plead for Religious Toleratio as Basis for World Peace.

Vienna.—(J. T. A.) A stirring football match, attended by 25,000 visitors, took place here between the Jewish Sport Club, HaKoach (Strength) and the Prague \ team Sparta, which until now has been the European champion. The struggle was a long and exiting one, but finally the Jewish teani came out the victor" and is proclaimed by the local Christian press which declares that the day was-a day of honor to the Jewish Athletic club. '. • The match was attended by celebrities from Czecho-Slovakia and by many prominent members of the Austrian governmentl HaKoach was officially declared football champion of Europe. -


Starts Campaign InHolland

"Morning Post" Revives Protocols Issue



Also In Vienna Vienna. (J. T. A.) Dr. Rosenberg, the director of a large English bank here, has refused the post of Extraordinary Minister offered him by Premier Schober, to save the country from its distressing financial condition. Rosenberg was originally offered the portfolio of Finance Minister, but owing to. strong anti-Semitic objection.the offer was recalled. The government, however, is seriously in need of a man of Dr. Rosenberg's caliber, experience and influence, and created ER office for him, but Dr. Rosenberg felt that this was a slur on him as Jew and refused the preferred position. In local Jewish circles, Dr. Rosenberg's stand is regarded as a dignified defence of Jewish honor, and the Jewish press praises him highly for his action.

Three Former Rabbis of Congregation to be Honor Guests. BANQUET, DANCE AND PUB-

Sitting in his cozy library, in Wash- came to Washington the next year, r can history for the last sixty or sevLIC MEETING, FEATURES. ington—it is a warm room with a when the capital was seething with enty years.- He has known-public men "homey" atmosphere which is nowise the turmoil of civil .war. by the hundred and his activities have The congregation of Temple Israel lessened by the many photographic brought him into intimate touch with is planning a three day program of A Pardon front Lincoln. portraits of distinguished men upon activities in celebration the fiftieth Mr. Wolf-has* told on frequent oc- them and the event in which they figSpecial to The Jewish Press. its walls and other evidence of assoanniversary of the founding of. the casions the story-of a dramatic experi- ured. His real career did not begin Cincinnati, Ohio., Oct; 27.—The ciation with great personalitiesuntil he was. well along in the twencongregation on Friday, November ence with Abraham Lincoln.The Jews of the world will endeavor to Simon-Wolf, diplomat, public benefac- story has formed' the basis for tributes ties. His first public office came to 18, Saturday the 19 and Sunday the have ]their case—the question of relitor, orator, lawyer and leader in to Lincoln's life and character and him under President Grant, who ap20. gious equality and racial prejudice— measures for the good of mankind, a phase o f it has been used on the pointed him Recorder of Deeds of the The three former Rabbis, Dr, Wilbrought before the conference on the -talked interestingly of his long, life stage. Seated in Ms oflce in Wash- District of Columbia. liam liosenau of Baltimore, Maryland, limitation of Armaments and World and the things that had brought ^satis- ington one day during the Civil War, With reference to that appointment Dr. Leo. 11. Franklin of Detroit, Peace when that body meets in Washfaction to Mm in his ripe oldageV Mr. Mr. Wolf received a telegram from he said. ."I was the first, public ofMichigan, and Dr, Abram Simon of ington on November 11th. Wolf was 35 years old on October a town in New England asking him I ficer to give a colored man a. clerkWashington, D. C, will be guests or A movement to obtain a hearing of 28. A slight indisposition has warned to wait for & letter that was coming . ship. This man was the son of Fredthe congregation and will participate? the question of Jewish rights was set him that he must be careful-.of his by express. The letter, stated that a j erich Douglas, and I appointed him in the celebration. under "way of the Union of American health, but he is otherwise In ex- young soldier, American born, of the | after he fcad been rejected by the Will Bold Special Services. Hebrew Congregations at a meeting cellent condition, considering his many Jewish faith, had "been condemned to ! Typographical Union. A Jew must The activities win commence with of its. executive committee here yesyears, and full of an optimism indi- be shot and the execution was to take j not have any' prejudice." While & special service on Friday evening: terday. Simon Wolf, chairman of the cative of an intention to celebrate a Grant was. president Ms. Wolf per1 when the visiting Rabbis will be the Committee on Civil Rights of the j place on the fololwing morning. succession of birthdays. create the Rumanian speakers. On Saturday morning-, the Union, and representative at Wash- Hatred of Jews Urged in CounAt that crucial time, when every jj ^^a ,d e d The library itself tells the story of Union soldier was needed at the diplomatic mission at Bucharest children of the Sunday school will ington of the Independent. Order B'nai. try Which Sheltered: Span-' a room that is lived in. The books M Wolf W l f is one. off the. th best-known btk Mr. participate in the sendees. B'rith, has communicated with the front, Secretary Stanton had threat• ish Exiles. " \ ' there are only a small portion of Mr. On Saturday evening there will b« state ; department tc arrange • for the ened to resign ffesi the Cabinet vn-; men in Washington, where he is unappearance 01 a committee of prom- FIFTEENTH CENTURY AC- Wolf's collection, for he possesses ap- less President lincoln stopped par-, questionably the foremost citizen of Wanderers, Denied Entrance to a banquet and dance in the main proximately 15,000 volumes, hundreds doning deserters. The young man in , the Jewish faith. His friends are of America, Will Go to Famine- dinting" room of the Fontenelle Hotel inent'-Jews before the Conference. The CUSSATION REVIVED. of them bearing the~autographs of the whose behalf Mr. Wolf was asked to . all classes,. sects - and parties. The Stricken Constantinople. and on Sunday morning there will br case of'the Jews will be presented by. authors. . late Father Walter, a popular Cathoa public meeting: at the. Brandeis* a group of "nationally known: Jewish appeal failed to obtain a furlough to ! Berlin. (J. T. A.)—-The well-known "To what do I attribute my long visit his dying mother and took lic clergyman,. who was for many SOUTH AFRICA PREPARES Theatre when. there •will be lectures leaders, representing every stratum of Dutch Philosopher and Professor of TO SHUT OUT EMIon subjects of special interest to American Jewry end all leading na- the University of Leyden, Bolland, life?" The answer came on top of French leave. He was arrested and years the. rector .of St. Patrick's the question without a moment's hesiGRANTS. Church in W'ashington, said of him Americans and Jews by the visitine tional organizations. condemned to be shot as a deserter., "has started and is prosecuting a tation. "First, to the good health of publicly: "The. best .Christian in Eabbfs., -.'Babbi Frederick Golm will bo strong anti-Jewish campaign in both my parents," he said. "They. Mr. Wolf sought the good offices of Peace Bests on Toleration. n is.Simon Wolf,.the Jew." The plight o' f the Jewish refugees chairman of this meeting.: Thomas Corwfn of Ohio, an intimate "Any feasible plan for world peace, Holland, a -country hitherto free of lived to be older than I am now. Sec- friend of President Lincoln, who j is.proud of that tribute. in. Europe is growing steadily worse. Saturday noon the Sisterhood ci! ond, to letting the other man "worry. rather reluctantly agreed to. ask the i naturally must rest upon a keystone any semblance of anti-Semitism. Earns I. O. B. B. Medal. Cable dispatches bring each day the Temple Israel will entertain the wives ; Prof. Bolland has delivered several Third. I've been an optimist all my of toleration and equality of reliPresident to see Mr,, Wolf. Corwin j Mr. W olf was the recipient of a tes- news of their forced departure from of the visiting Eabbis at a luncheon gions," Charles Shohl, president of lectures -at hi& university effort life. The happiness- of others has was doubtful that the appeal would timonial dinner given by citizens of various countries on the continent at the Blackstone .Hotel, after which the Union, declared today. "Civil and to prove that ihe Jews are • an • in- been the chief motive of all my ac- be effective. "The President has been New York at the Savoy Hotel in 1916. which had heretofore given them Mrs. Sam Werthehner will flTttertain religious liberties are still denied to ferior race. * He has attempted to tions." at a Tea at her home for th? visitors maligned for being too liberal in this This was an acknowledgement of the refuge. Jews in lands -whose representatives revive some mediaevil accusations to to wMcJi members-^f the congregatio-n Last week Poland ordered the expul"Taffy and Epitaffy." respect,"- he said. But Corwin's re- work he had done in behalf of humanwill sit at the Conference in Wash- the, effect that the. Jewish religion are invited. sion within two weeks of all Jews who quest for an interview was granted ity. .The medal awarded ington, and in still other nations which permits the breaking of pledges and There was a twinkle in Mr. Wolfs and he and Mr. Wolf were received by. the independent Order of B'nai were not Polish citizens, .pith the are not sending representatives, but guarantees ta Gentiles. Thus, after eyes as he added: "I'm opposed to by "President Lincoln at the White Brith to the man who had done the cessation' cf American emigration of U •which will be participants in the find- Tom Kippur;-he wrote regarding the flowers for the dead. I'm opposed to House at 2 o'clock in the morning, i most unselfish work was bestowed on Polish Jews. it would seem that the ings of this conference. Before na- Kol Nidrei prayer, which he main- all expensive funerals. Some people "Impossible to do anything." said Mr. Wolf. .The only;other .recipients condition, of, all Jews-living in Poland. tions can even discuss universal peace .tained.was proof.of the accusatiqn. bankrupt themselves fpr it. I'd rath- Lincoln, -when Corwin had stated the are Chief Justice Taft;. ex-President is~ most precarious'. •with*some" semblance- of- reality, they Mr. Ascher, a well-known Jewish er' have a~sticK of 'taffy,'while I'm" case, but there was a twinkle in his Wilson and Henry; forMust Leave After November 15 must help to wipe out injustice and attorney, and president-of the Dutch living than a columji of epitaffy when eye as he added: "Stanton has put mer Ambassador, to Turkey. During the week the Jewish Tele- MEETING HELD SUNDAY FORMS prejudice within their boundaries. The branch of the ''Alliance"/ challenged I'm dead." PERMANENT BODY. graph Agency has released the news his foot down and insists upon one j In addition his record shows that he ideal of Brotherhood must find its Professor Bolland to public debate, That erpresses his philosophy, to do -of two things, either that I must quit prevented the deportation of more that Jewish refugees are being orderfirst realization at home, before it but the challenge was not accepted. good on this earth and obtain one's or he will quit" Corwin, remarking than 125,000 immigrants. He inspired ed from Bessarabia and Bukowina, One hundred persons voted to work becomes a nationally accepted princi- Prof. Ornstein, _ president of the reward by learning from others that that it was hopeless started to leave the Statue of Religious Liberty by two provinces of Eotrmania. Novem- in a campaign to bring back the yoang ple, and the rights of all men to cit- Dutch, Zionist Organization, has one's efforts have been helpful. He the room. Then Wolfr began to plead. Ezekiel. • He founded the Hebrew"Or- Ijer-15 has been set as the date when people to the Synagogue at a meeting; izenship, regardless of their religious issued a call, for the formation of an is frankly proud of the terms that He laid stress; on. the dying mother, phan Home, at .'.Atlanta and was its the enforced emigration is scheduled held at the Fentenelle Hotel last Sunday night. The meeting v.-as called beliefs, must be recognized," all-Jewish Association to combat the have been bestowed upon him by the The President touched a bell and . president for twenty-five years. to start. people of his race and faith, "The new anti-Semitic tendencies. Thousands of Jews are affected by at the instance of a. group of men Grand Old man in American Israel," John Hay, his' secretary, appeared, j Publishes Jewish War Record. who for gome time have been giving Rabbis Endorse "the Jewish Nestor," "the Ambassa- To him the President gave directions J i n 1896 '.Mr.' Wolf published "The the order. It is assumed that they attention to the problem of retaining^' dor for the Jews at Washington." that a telegram be sent to stop the' American Jew as Patriot, .Soldier and will be transferred to Constantinople, the young people of Omaha in the Non-Sectarian Home • • Citizen." This was an answer to a a city already overcrowded, and one ranks of traditional Judaism. "But all these are mere phrases com- execution. ,', The boy was restored to duty and challenge to the Jews of America to in. which disease and famine are runpared with what Roosevelt and SenaAfter the adoption of a resolution Eabbi Frederick Cohn and Rabbi tor Gallinger said,'*, he commented. fell at CoW Harbor. When Mr. Wolf prove by producing the names of the ning riot. pledging support of the movement the : Morris Taxon, in statements issued Simultaneously with these an- following committee was elc ted t» told President Lincoln of his death, regiments in which Jews served, their LONDON SHEET CONTINUES said, "No better American this week endorsed the work of FaThey nouncements comes the news that ANTI-JEWISH SLANDERS. ther Flanagan's Home for boys, the lives.' His great pride is in being the great emancipator said, with deep claim to having fought for their South Africa is attempting to restrict emotion: "I thank God for having adopted land. an American. Born in Bavaria of 5300,000 campaign for which will be p Jewish emigration to its shores. Pro- permanent organization: Harry London. (J. C. Bureau,) The local Jewish parents, he came to this coun- done what I did." One of his sons, 'Adolf V. Wolf, bs- posed legislation would make it nec- Herman Cohen, Dr. Philip Shcr, Haiv held in Omaha for one week beginMinister to Egypt. I came an Associate Justice of the Su- essary that every Jew entering the ry Lapidus, Dr. A. Greenberg1, Morris ning November 14. Both Rabbis spoke "Morning Post" is beginning to pub- try as a child, worked in a country lish a series of articles on the causes President Garfield appointed Mr.' preme Court .of Porto Rico. His store at Uhrichsville, Ohio, and never Rosenblatt, A. B. Alpirn, Harry Mala- .-• of the benefit of the work to the j daughter, Mrs. Fred Gotthold of New country be in possession of not less shock, Henry Monsky and Sam Leoti, community in making useful citizens of the present world unrest, giving attended school until he entered the Wolf minister to Egypt in 1881. than 2,000 pounds (approximately To hear Mr. Wolf tell of his experi- York is an accomplished artist. additional evidence of a Jewish world Ohio Law College of Cleveland. He Henry Monsky presided as temper--. of the boys. $7,500), a requirement which the Euconspiracy. The "Post" announces :nces is to obtain a sketch of Ameri' . .—Chicago Israelite. was graduated in law in 1861, and ary chairm&m Sunday. "It is not ths Henry Monsky, who is a member of ropean Jew is absolutely unable to the Executive Committee for the drive, further that its Petrograd correspondpurpose of the men who sent out meet. was last week, appointed in charge of ent, Marsden, has himself brought, a call for this conference, nor "will i f FORD BLAMES RAILROAD B'nai Sholem to Give be the purpose of the organisratie© the speakers' bureau, and will ar- copy of the "Protocols of the Elders TO PARTICIPATE IN .STRIKE ON JEWS ARMISTICE DAY Tells of Palestine's Needs. range and direct all the speaking of'Zion" from Russia and these have which may result from it," said Mr.. First of Series of Open New York. (J. C. B.) During a now been translated- into'English. during the campaign. CELEBRATIONS "Three things must be done in Monsky in opening the meeting1, **te Meetings Sunday visit to this city, Mr. Henry Ford Palestine", Dr. Louis Kaufman of enter into competition wit'i any existThat the "Morning Post" has reExtensive preparations are being made a startling statement to news- New York, told s meeting of con- ing, religious institution, nor to rob vived the entire issue of the "ProtoFELIX M. WARBURG'S cols," after the London "Times" had made to stage one of the - most The Congregation B'nai Sholem, paper reporters that he saw, back of tributors to the Keren Hayesod any group, which may now 1MB- <&oiag MOTHER DEAD definitely established their falsity and elaborate holiday celebrations ever through its president, A. Moskowitz, the threatened railroad' strike, the Tuesday evening at the Lyric Bldg. the work which we contemplate doing, New York. (J. C..B.) Mrs. Char-; forgery, is the cause of considerable held here, on November 11, Armistice is inviting the general public to at- sinister influence of international "These things are: first, the Jews of any of its functions. This body may lotte Oppenheim Warburg, mother of consternation here. Practically the Day. Every organization in the city tend an open program meeting at the Jewish.bankers, who, he believes, have must populate the country and decide ss a result of its investigations Paul and Felix M. Warburg, died, in entire English press and • much ofs is being invited to participate: Many Swedish auditorium on next Sunday indicated their willingness to finance Judaize it, second, money must be to combine forces with all groups Hamburg, Germany, according' to in- English public opinion lauded; the of the Jewish organizations have al- night, November 6. Several musical such a strike. supplied to develop and improve the may be working toward tlte same «ttd. formation which reached here several "Times" for its expose, and it.was ready responded to the invitation numbers and interesting talks will be The statement was reprinted in the public utilities, and third, the Jewish Our one and only purpose is to- find days ago. assumed that the '^Protocols" were ac- and will have decorated autos in the given, in addition to other entertain- "Public Ledger" of" Philadelphia, and people must learn to actually till the ways "and means of interesting1 in the Mrs. Warburg is survived by six cepted as unauthentic and manufac- parade, which will start at 2:00 P. M. ing features. A. Liebowitz *s in in other dailies throughout the counsoil, if they would redeem Palestine." j Synagogue those who have drifted This will be followed by a general charge of the arrangements and pro- try. children: Aby M., Profesor in the tured for a vile purpose. .....'•.• ' Dr. "Kaufman served in Palestine I away from it.'" mass meeting in the Auditorium at gram. University of Hamburg; Max M., head for eighteen months as sergeant3:45. of the Hamburg banking house of M. DR. OSCAR LEVY TO BE Sunday's meeting will be the first New Bolshevik Policy •;Attract* PERSECUTION OF JEWS IN ing Jews to Russia. major in the Jewish Legion. Any organization or person who. of a series of public entertainments M. Warburg & Co., Paul M., formerly HUNGABY ON THE INCBEASE ADMITTED INTO FRANCE Warsaw. (J. T. A.) It becomes wishes to join in the parade is member of the Federal Reserve which the congregation is planning to Berlin, (J. F, A,},—A group of J e w •clear from reports that have reached WEIZMANN COMING Board; Felix M., of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., London! (J. C. B.) Dr. Oscar asked to communicate with Mrs. Ida give during the winter. from Budapest who have reached this city that a strong -movement is Fritz M., a lawyer associated with Levy has, after personal negotiation Levin at the City Hall. Mrs. Levin TO AMERICA FOR this city confirm recent reports about with Premier Briand, obtained perdeveloping on the part of Jewish is/a member of the Committee on TALMUD TORAH TO MEET. his brother in the Hamburg Bank; A. SHORT VISIT the renewed persecution of the Jews and Mrs. Derenburg of Hamburg, who mision to establish his future resi- Arrangements. The Fourth Annual meeting of the refugees from Russia to return to had latterly directed many of her dence in France. Up to Saturday London. (J. C. B.> it wn? learned in Runpa-y. They declare that City Talmud Torah will take place their former homes in the hope that mother's charities. here yesterday on good authority thai' KcHhy'K officers and soldiers fmtrder morning, the day on which Dr. Levy the new economic policy recently Sunday evening at the synagogue at the Washington Disarmament Cor.-; and ill-treat Jewish families and no was ordered to leave England because Hoover Rapidly Extending elaborated by Lenin will permit them Nineteenth and Burt streets. Russian Relief no further extension of his stay had ••"BROOKLYN JEWS PLAN to carry on their petty trade and Iference will utilize Jaraee, Arthur Eel- J effort is mack to f-top them or punish merchandizing as in former times, and four's presence at the Conference ic ! them, ANOTHER HOSPITAL been granted, all negotiations on his The American Relief Administra—• part for a future home had been of tion, Herbert Hoover, Chairman, anthat they will thus be able again to discu&s the question of rr.r-rdatcs- un- j "Humoresque" Greatest New York. (J. P. A.) Plans have officially. " ] Warsaw. {J. T, A.) In reply & no avail. no cmces from its offices at 42 Broadfind a place in the economic structure been completed by the Bikur Cholim Photoplay of Year It is learned further that D:. Chain: .an interpolation by Jewish Sejm d.e£* way, that it now has established 22 of the country. hospital of Brooklyn for the erection RUSSIA WOULD KEEP YOUNG Weizm&nn. president of the World j utiea regarding* a number of Jewish warehouses and child feeding centers New York, (Jewish Press of a million dollar structure, accord/ MEN ABOVE 18. Zionist Organisation, will pay a sho~l j immigrants who had arrived in CanEmil Berliner, Myer Cohen, Simon in the Kazan, Simbirsk, Samara, Ufa, Association.)—A vote conducted ing to an announcement made public Riga (J. P. A.) With the idea Orenburg, Saratof, and Tzaritzin disKahn, Philip King, A. Lisner, Julius ! visit to the United- States during the i ada and who were in danger of b^ity^ by Photoplay, said to be the by Superintendent Feinman. AccordI. Peyser, Leon Tobringer and Alexan- month of November. He wl" net, recunied by the Canadian authorities most widely read motion picture ing to the plans the new hospital will of letting a number of Jewish tricts, thus covering the heart of the families in Soviet Russia emigrate to der Wolf are among the Citizens' however, accompany the delcpntior. because their passportF did not show famine area of Russia along the publication in the country and occupy a site of fourteen city blocks Committee of one hundred appointed which sails for America on Novem- tl-^t the}- were Polish citizens, tfae and will have accommodations for 620 America, wives and children* of Volga river. In the Tartar Republic claiming a reading public of by the Commissioners of the District bor 5th. That delegation as at pres-] Polish government has published .* naturalized Americans are being reof Kazan alone the American Relief patients.' It will also have a training two million, ' voted Fannie of 'Columbia for the purpose of enter- ent const'tuted, consists of Naham ! reply in which it declares that it bag school for nurses. The Bikur Cholim gistered. Young men above 18 are Administration was on October 16th Hursfs "Humoresque" as the taining the hundreds of. distinguished Sokolow, Chaini N' Eialik, Ot- wired its ambassador in Canada to' hospital -and dispensary has now been not included in the registration since feeding 114,000 children daily in 62 greatest photoplay produced in .visitors who will be in Washington to Warburg and Dr. Goldstein. For; take the necepssry measures to it is understood the Soviet authorities kitchens.'-, In addition there are warein existence for fourth"- years, and 1920. in November for the Conference on the time being, Jabotinsky remains [able those immigrants to its present quarters are found to be have no intention of permitting them houses and, feeding stations in>Petrothe Limitation of Armament in Europe. .Canada..' grad and Moscow. to leave the country* inadequate.








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PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921 {the lake, is a big camp of Chalutzim, be given a. safe foothold. To fly from f Karl Brandeis; vice-president, M. Mr. and Mrs. M. Krasne and family [I whom we found one evening after pogroms in the Ukraine merely to beHoffman; recording secretary, B. Ba- left Sunday to spend several dayg at 1 labna; financial secretary, I. Brandeis; Des Moines, la., as the guests of Mr. Published''(every Thursday a t Omaha, Nebraska, b y Kosh-Choflesch JUSUT—-.....-.Pri.', Dec. 2 their day's work crowded 'round a murdered in Palestine is scarcely an Chanukah (Feast ot Dedicalecturer in their recreation room, men acceptable option. And whatever may treasurer, S, Shyken. Board of Direc- and Mrs. J. Levitt. THE JEWISH PKESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. tion) _ _ . • Man.. Dec. 26 and girls together, attending a history be the atitude of the British admin- tors, B. Simon, A. Gilinsky, A. AfinsOffice: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. C682—1032. • The Jewish Women's Benevolent Bosh-Choilesch Tebeth—",_. Sun., J a n . 1 lesson, their faces thrown into deep- istration, it must turn to the Jews kee, B. Gilinsky, H. Saltzman, A. Fast of Tebeth. : Tnes., Jan. 10 Society will hold a meeting Tuesday ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year..—.--—.. ;..„„._.. .... Kosh-Chodesch Shebat Jlon., Jan. SO shadowed relief by the light of an oilfor that aid in the practical develop- Perimeter, A. Molts, G. Whitebook, D. ^ afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ethel Rosh-Chodesch Adar. Wed., Mar. 1 Fox, J. Katelman. Representatives of Advertising rate3 furnished on application. ment of Palestine which the Arabs Purlm (Feast of Esther) Taes., Mar. 14 lamp. Hoffman, 1014 Avenue A. Rosh-Choilesclv Kissan.: Thurs., Mar. 30 These people hold the future of have already shown their inability to the Jewish Sisterhood to the Talmud NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaPassover {Pesacli>.._. Thnrs.. Apr. 13 Torah, Mrs. A. Gilinsky and Mrs. L. Passover (Seventh Day) Wed., April 19 Palestine in their hands. ?<lrs. S. Steinberg entertained at a Whatever afford. tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes.. Kosh-Chodesch Ij"nr_; Sat., Apr. 29 Cherniack. I dinner party Sunday, folowed by a mistakes are made by the organization New life is" stirring in this eastern Imff b'Omer. : Xues., Slay 16 CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address] Bosh-Chodesch SIvan : Snn., May 28 at their head, these young men and corner of the Mediterranean. There, Bridge, in honor of Miss Gertrude be oure anti algq your name. Shabnoth (Confirmation Day) l ? r., June 2 Mrs. Herman Krasne entertained Stein, whose marriage to Samuel Bosh-Chodesch Tammaz Tne9.. Juno 27 women should be able to preserve almost 2,000 years ago, sprang up an the Auction Bridge Card Club Wed- Schlaifer will take place November Bosh-Chodesch Ab Wed., July 2G Feast o t Ah ; Thurn., Anff. S their- ideal clean and unimpaired, and influence which changed the thought nesday afternoon. I THE CITY TALMUD TORAH. Rosh-Chodesch ~EUnl.__ Trl.. AXJE- 23 to make true at last the ancient dream of western nations, which bore Europe 20. Fo the Editor, C683-rlO22. of their race. The development of a into th« new civilization of mediaeval Sept. 23 The Hebrew Educational club held Tear's ETC The Jewish Sisterhood of Council ; The Jewish Press. stable, healty peasantry by means of religion, which created a new concep- a Halloween party Monday evening at Bluff s will hold a card party Wednessalem. It holds now any traffic that work on the land is a sound founda- tion of the relations between peoples, the home of Miss Molly Saltzman. The fourth Annual Meeting of the City Talmud Torah of comes to Palestine, and is the port day afternoon at the home of Mrs. maha will be held on the.coining Sunday evening, November 6, of immigrtion. In the immigrants' tion for the building of a Utopia. But which thrust out the great artistic M. Nogg, 1600 West Broadway. All Miss Marion Cohn, who has been in practice there are always problems and intellectual branches of the Re: the Nineteenth and Burt Streets synagogue at 7:30 P. M. quarter of this town the Chalutzim members are urged to attend. spending the past eight months in his meeting marks the entrance of the local Talmud Torah upon can be inspected in the condition in demanding immediate solution. The naissance and the Reformation. The California, returned to her home in s fifth year of successful and efficient endeavor to disseminate which they reach the country, for the largest number of people possible have eyes of Europe are turning again the Bluffs last week. to be employed in the smallest space; eastward. No man can yet tell what jligious education among the children of our community. most part in rags and half-sarving. .-.- "This announcement is of utmost significance to us. It Here they remain, eating out their enough work has to be found to em- new light will be shed upon the world Messrs. Sam Steinberg, Phil Troch- I FOR RENT—Five room house, ipuld be welcomed with extreme gratification and enthusiasm hearts for work, until a job can beploy these zealous Chalutzim, "who from this shiall country where the tenberg, Louis Passer, and Louis H. I s e v e n room aecomodations, have undergone the greatest hard- creative and constructive spirit, Katelman, left Sunday for Kansas t 'y all who truly claim fellowship with the House of Israel. The found them. xievlv decorated. Close in. ships, and run the risk of death not strengthened by unquenchable faith, City, Mo., where they will attend the almud Torah, as the communal institution for the religious • once but many times to reach the has at last won through to its .op-American Legion convention. Mr. Remarkable Growth of Tel-Aviv. istruction of youth, is of paramount importance in our,midst, I Adults only. Atlantic 4504. portunity. Jaffa is itself a small town, but in land of/their dream. y its standard and success we usually can estimate the Jewish Katelman will be gone for two weeks, Life must be made possible for the pirit of the community. Not only does it mould sound character the last 1Q years the remarkably rapid enthusiastic Roumanian Jew, who is growth of the Jewish quarter, Telnd foster true ideas and ideals in the new generation but, more Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop jiair that, it-preserves our very Jewish consciousness and identity, Aviv, has enabled it almost to double trying to start a tobacco factory; for 104, the Canadian farmers, who wish to 1 HELP WANTED—Young man "The bitterest foe of Judaism in general, is the lack of its size. The energy and enthusiasm The Best of Everything: in Flowers End f to work in grocery store, At the meeting of the City Talmud sligious Knowledge. In the final analysis of pure Judaic thought, which has brought into being in so import whole families, with their own Confections nt Moderate Prices. i Also girl cashier. Golden1 stock, their own agricultural impleTorah Sunday afternoon, the followshort a time wide streets, well-built ael owes his spiritual, survival among the nations of antiquity * berg's Groceries and. Meats, 545 W. BroaCwar. Next Mberty Theater, his persistency in instilling religious fervor into the hearts houses and gardens, growing, as it ments, and, above all, their own cap-ing members were elected to fill ofI 8412 North 24th Street. BMJFFS. IOWA. From all parts of the world fices for the ensuing term. President, posterity. To teach religion to our children is to keep religion were, actually out of the sand, is hard ital. 1 men flow in eager to build^ and help. to realize. A walk to the end of a jlive both in ourselves and-in them. • These zealots must not be disappointwell-paved street of Tel-Aviv reveals I "General history shows that many branches of knowledge lave been lost and many Arts and Sciences utterly forgotten, the transformation in progress. Here ed, and yet they must not be admitted because parents have neglected the natural duty of teaching are houses still t n course of building. into Palestine if there is no work to heir own children. This happened with the Egyptians, greatest The street turns abruptly into a road be found for them. The actual work if all ancient peoples, in the arts of Construction, Science and of sand, and from the dunes out ofto be done in the country.would abBuys a Beautiful 'hilosophy. Their knowledge is lost to the "world because in- which the little city is springing rise sorb numbers enough, but the organWe wish to advise you we are now paying 5% on Time Certiization of that work is not simple in •tructiori. was in the hands of a privileged and dominant few. the howls of lurking jackals. ficates of Deposit written for six or twelve months. ; view of the division between British, £hey kept their learning to themselves thus leaving the multitude \ Haifa is a very different town, far It is our belief that a thrifty bank depositor should have more more picturesque, and climbing from Jews and Arabs. But, as a guarantee a ignorance and superstition. interest as all living costs have advanced. It makes no particular difference what a bank pays on deposits as it makes this adjust\ "A similar sad fate would have awaited Judaism had it not the sea onto the lower slopes of Mount of the country's future, the Jews must Complete with ment on loan rates. feen for the strict practical interpretation accorded by us to the Carmel.. I t is less modernized and 12 Selections—6 Double As your Certificates come due, we shall be pleased to have you )road Mosaie principles of education, especially to that Law less subject to Jewish influence. The Disc Records. exchange them, so you can have the advantage of the higher rate, Injoining. every Jewish father to impart religion to his own Jewish houses are beginning to grow V Harry H. Lapldas. Pres.-Trem. or, if you desire, present them and we will psy the interest up to date Jos. Pepper, Vice-Presldent. jhlld. Thus, the injunction, "And Thou shalt teach them on the higher ground just above the W. G. Ure, Secretary. and renew same for six months or a year at 5%. •liligently unto thy children", and its application throughout the main part of the city, but as yet they In our Savings Department we pay 4 % interest, compounded and |ges, veritably constitutes the secret of Israel's eternal exist- re few. One large building, the Tech- ! Omaha Fixture & J added to your account Quarterly. The privilege of WITHDRAWAL ence as a distinct nationK>'«,,vi; nical School, has been begun by the WITHOUT NOTICE in our Savings Department is also an Supply Co. S added advantage. , I "With these thoughts.'m mind an enthusiastic response to ews. I t stands at present still unCOMPLETE STORE AND| ll to t the th FouthA^irii^Meeting of the City Tahnud Torah finished for lack of funds, and is used fliis call Fourth/^^ In addition, our depositors are fully protected by the Depositor's in part for immigrants' quarters. But OFFICE OUTFITTEES | Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. . . . ?5 urgently requested.; \ •*•**-*/ We occupy I ;he school is excellently fitted, and MORRIS • N. TAXON." over 70,000 Eauars feet I Sonthwtrt Corner f ihould form in the future the central Eleventh and Donclas Street*. A Phone: Douglas 2724 1 \ Rabbi Taxon's timely letter deserves the earnest perusal and mechanical college of Palestine. O3IAHA. JfEB. I 18th and Farnam Stsu, Omaha, Nebraska. toijtsideration of every Omaha Jew. Shepherd Country of Galilee. D. W. GEISELMAN, President, D. C. GEISELMAN. Cashier. l\ ! The Talmud Torah as the educational institution for our After the dramatic austerity of Ju' H. M. KEOGH, Assistant Cashier. Vbuth is the very cornerstone upon which our structure of Jew- daea and the typical eastern type of ish life rests. Its welfare and its progress should lie close to sandy coast land, the valley of Esiie heart of all Jews. ._ •,.'. \ . . , . . , . " ; ; draelon and Galilee, with, its rolling : Our own Talmud Torah is situated peculiarly. As a constit- green hills, breathes a soft pastoral •ient organization, of the Jewish Welfare Federation its finances note* One can well imagine them ire provided for to the extent that the Federation guarantees as the home of the njystic shepherd, ;he difference between the normal, operating expenses of the Jesus of Nazareth. Here is a gentler institution and its normal income, thus providing from public country, which can well be a wealthy Remodeled and Repaired amds for the religious training of those children from whom no country. At present the valleys are puition may be expected. The arrangement, however, makes it overrun with malarial swamps, 'but Sends one to your home— Obligatory on those parents who can afford to pay tuition, to once drained they offer grain-growing Records and all. soil, and the wide-spreading valley of 3oso. . You can save $40.00 on this style. But the affiliation of the Talmud Torah with the Federation Isdraelon is the grain source for the 512 So. 16th St. It is the famous E-2 Model, the Doug. 9S99. should be neither the excuse nor the reason for a lessening of whole of Palestine. I t is here that favorite in thousands of Omaha popular interest in the former institution. It should be rather are found the camps of the Chalutzim homes, and formerly sold at $125. working on the walls, men and girls :he very opposite. For the Talmud Torah is now truly a comThere is no reason for any home World's Best Fall snd Winter munal institution, in the-widest sense of the word, if, it never iving under canvas, and sitting by to be without a Grafonola. Your the wayside munching their breakfast t before was; so construed." • :••,•. ' -. credit is good with us. Greater than this consideration is the one which looks upon of black bread and jam. There are,' of course, cases of malaria, but on Call tomorrow and make your the Tahnud Torah from its functional side, as the training school selection. Out-of-town o r d e r s for American Jewish youth. The Talmud Torah needs, for its the whole good health prevails, and, above all, these people have the spirit filled promptly. best development, the personal, as well as the financial, interest bf the people. It is a human institution dealing daily with with, which to work. I shall never forNOVEMBER RECORDS human souls, and it needs the human touch to make it reach jejt leaving a Chalutzim camp in the and buy them at NOW ON SALE. fullest perfection. This personal equation can be supplied only last rays of a purple sunset with 50 young men marching behind us down by the individuals in Omaha's Jewish community, i^' Priced $15.00 to $80.00 Less the slope of a field, singing with Than Last Year, itrong voices and great faith the words of the Hatikwah, their national 319 South 16th Street anthem. I t was deeply moving, beFinest Hand-Tailored Overcoats Phone Douglas 3400 1514-16-18 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. :ause it. was full of^ the meaning of Phone Douglas 1623. By MARY MOND. ;ruth. This was patriotism not only in words but in deeds. (Concluded from Last Week.) of the ancient language. Hebrew is 4 The road that crosses the coast to •••' In glancing over all the colonies and now generally spoken among the 111 Bll the newer Zionist institutions, one Jews, although i t has meant learning Tiberias runs through Nazareth, climbs among the hills, and falls at a new language for the older people, '• yery important factor js particularly -'• noticeable^ It must be kept in mind who are still apt to speak Yiddish last into a low valley, muddy and •that these are- people gathered, and among themselves; but with their stony. The country has a deserted air, : gathering in, from all the four cor- children even these speak Hebrew, and is ill-cultivated. At some distance CORRECT APPAREL FOS MEN AND WOMEN ( Hers pf the world, with different lan- which is now the mother-tongue of apart there are a few small, hardAt an average ten homeless waifs daily are living •colonies. Finally, ' the road ? iguages and different national cus- every Jewish infant in Palestine. descends very' steeply into the old turned away from OVERLOOK FARM, Father toms. Here the difference between Round About Jaffa. tace and nationality may be closely Flanagan's* new home for homeless boys, because The district round about Jaffa can watering-place and small town of Examined. A Russian Jew is as much not be dismissed without mention of Tiberias. The lake lies enclosed in there is no room for them. . . Russian as an English Jew is Eng- Mikweh, the agricultural college mountains, Palestine bordering the 'lish or an American Jew American. founded by French Zionists. Unde: west and northwest, with Trans-Jor• IThey have all absorbed the character- ideal conditions—for it is a delightfu dania looming opposite. The actual istics of tha nations in which'they spot where one can sit in the shade o: boundary between the British and iihave lived for generations. The Sla- a eucalyptus grove and quench one'; French domains, cuts right through A building at Overlook Farm is necessary so that vonic .temperament of the Russian thirst on huge oranges (the best in the centre of the lake, which lies like these homeless waifs may be given shelter and jDew, full of imagination and imprac- Palestine) brought still on their a sheet of silver under the full-orbed education—to make them-assets instead of liabilt ideal Idealism., lacks the characteristics branches and glowing among their rising nioon, or with its water ruffled ities to the community,—good citizens instead of $1 common sense and organizing pow- green leaves—young men and boys and darkened by the passing winds criminals. . der belonging to the.English Jew; yet, are trained for three years in' alland the great black clouds, presaging !'despite this Babel of nationalities, branches of agriculture. The boys rain. At the southern end •of the These boys learn farming and other trades. Over|£here are current racial distinctions can be seen in the fields learning to lake,, where the Jordan flows out in look Farm, with its 160 acres of tillable soil and \ and feeling which are purely Jewish, plough under the instructors. Other shallow waters, is the site of the fine stock, is an ideal school for them." The new *y?hicli are common to all Jews of boy's are to be seen working in thedam. which forms part of the great building will: furnish them class rooms where j whatsoever country, and which act gardens and among the plantations of Jordan irrigation scheme. By this various trades will be taught. as a bond amongst them when they young trees, but half the college is scheme the whole country of the Jor\ are brought together once more as at theoretical work in the school, while dan, will be rendered, fertile, power »a race with common sentiments and the other half works on -the .land. stations foi: electricity,will be estabJ ideas, ready .to suffer and work for Cows stand in the stables, and rows lished, and the level of the Dead Sea ) each other and for the good of their of bee-hives produce the fragrant and . lowered, the water being forced into I WE FURNISH ALL PORWG5 OP INSURANCE. delicious honey. | the deeper part of its basin, and the 4 cause, The most important factor in bindIn the centre of this district is shallower edge exposed for the quest I PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH The drive starts November 14, and will last 1 ing people together and in stabilizing Jaffa, the- tiiost alive and the busiest of minerals.' : S POLICY * - LARGE OR SMALL i so diversified a race as the Jewish race town in Palestine. A project for one week. When the solicitor calls on you, Co-operative Farm Colony. •' has become, is the factor of language. building the port is already in proc-. Near the site of the "dam is a Jewsign' one of the pledge cards. It will only take : TT - widest and most indisputable act ess, and it possesses a good natural ish farm colony, Dajania, run entirely a • small payment each six months. . - of the Zionist organiaztion was theharbour, but Haifa, which is even upon co-operative lines. Another farm BUY THE LOVE OF A HOMELESS WAIF. 1 immediate establishment;^ Hebrew more fortunate in this respect, stands colony, built by the enterprise of a 5th Floor Saunders'Kennedy Bldg. THE PRICE IS REASONABLE. sas the national language of the new rival a little farther north. Port pro- single man, and in a most prosperous Tel. Tyler SI 60. • Jewish home, the ousting, of the 3 ar- jects are making progress in both condition, is to be found at Migdal, « gon of Yiddish and the creation of an towns. Jaffa is, however, far more] the native village of Mary Magdalene. • immense enthusiasm for the revival central, and the obvious port for Jeru- Here, too, settled along the shore of ' JEWISH CALENDAR ..-. 5682—1921.


.»••«..« H»~»-«.


5 % Interest on Time Deposits.


w*w a





SacHsin I Dondey

Suits an

"Say It With



SchmoIIer & Iieller Piano Co.

Palestine—Land of the Past and Future

Homeless, Friendless, Penniless Ten Boys Seek Shelter Today

Cheaper To Build Homes Than Jails For Them

I FIRE | TORNADO i Are You Md Family Protected Against

You Have Two Years to Make Good Your Pledge.—The First Payment Is Not Due Until June 1922



. / / ; •



^ENGAGEMENTS At a regular meeting -of the Worn- Speier described the need for ® new Mr. James Greenstone of Meridian, JUNIOR WELFASE TEA. 'Mxs.'~F. London announces the" en- -A novel feature was the mock wed- en's Auxiliary to L O. B. B. Lodge Temple toward -which all must work- Mississippi, visited with ME mother/ gagement of l e r daughter, g g g , -Fanule, le, to ding given Sunday. afternoon at the No. SM, held on Tharsdsy, October in or&er that suitable accoiaods.tions Mrs. S. Greenstone, during the past Mr. Ben "MitiYnpn. 3$o date has been Blackstone Hotel when the Junior 27'Lh, the final reading oi the Con- could be afforded to the religious edu- week, leaving Sunday for Sioux City, "Welfare • Organization complimented stitution took place. It was decided to cational End social activities of the where l e will visit with Ms brothers. set for the •wedding. AimoTincement "has ieen "made during theirmembers who are xecent brides make the first regular meeting of congregation. Mr. Hoy V- P-epper- 3Vil lton . BoseiibEian attendea Jie the past "week of the engagement of and brides elect by giving a Tea in each month, open, and the fctel-!berg, the Tics-President of t i e Con-] Barte Hall, ™>*uaL f. th* - ^ ^ ^ ^ g i o n at Miss Anne Ackerman, daughter of their honor. Miss Ivy Seigal acted iectual Advancement Conrmittee is to jgregatkm, dwellt upon the "spiritual :SsBSBS - BROTHEEHOOL SUPPER. 51st & Underwood Ave. C l T y dariD arrange a program for that occasion. as the bride at the mock wedding, Temple"'which -consiste of the type \ « the past week. The Brotherhood of Temple Israel TW-P. and Mrs. Louis Ackerman, -to Mr. Miss Ecbecca Bercovici as the groom These meetings will "be open to mem- of life -which Trill "win the respect 2.13d .DESDUNES OECSESTEA • ' • Trill gkve a stag supper i n the "Vestry Herman White. Morris Solat entertained members "bers and their friends. and Miss Rose Davidson as the raoa&mirationjsof £Cu Babbi Jacob Singer of the Temple on "Wednesday evening, of iiis 'Sunday School class at a .FEIDAT, NOT. 251H. On November 23, 1921, the Auxi- concluded by HxsnMng the boys ana Halloween party en -Sunday evening. Mrs. Jess Pregler is -visiting -with binette. Mr. 'Harry Eolimson conNovember 9. A debate by fouxanemAfimissinn, "bers of "the Brotherhood on a subject her sister, Mrs. 2?athan Bernstein at tributed violin selections to the pro- liary will give a Thanksgiving Eve girls for their Joys! support in all dancing party a t Hotel Fonteneile, Je-sriEh -wor*fc, sad he assured them Mrs. Fairnie Deutsch o d, ' gram, Elaine Beriowitz gave of especial interest to members t>f Missouri YaTley, Iowa. redtetions; and Miss Anne Bosenblatt to which the public is invited. The that such loyalty added to Ms en- OLio, "who has been visiting with Miss Temple Israel is scheduled to follow The Sisterhood . of Temple Israel danced. Mr. H. A. Wolf spoke on the committee in charge of arangements j thusiasm in ids sacred calling, Sara Friend, left for California, where the. sapper to Trhich the w r e s and Patronize Our Advertisers. will give a Thanksgiving dance at work of the Junior Welfare Organiza- is putting forth every effort to Two SOIDS -were rendered during the she will spend the winter. families of the members of the Broth- the Blackstone Hotel on Wednesday make the (Hub's initial dance of the service. Miss Kissenson sang the tion. . erhood are invited. evening, November 23. "EHi, E2i," sad Mr. Xoby Sirlnsky The guests of honor -were Mrs. M. season a success. The next xegalar meeting -will be played the "Oriental*" of Chn. P^bhi The Junior "Welfare Organization Levine, Mrs. David Cohen, Mrs. J. The wedding of Miss Leah Frank, held on Thursday, November 10,1921. Singer played the organ accompanivnH lold a regular meeting at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Eosenblatt, Mrs. I. Marsh, Mrs. S. l y r i c Building on Sunday afternoon, ments. Eothenburg and -the Misses. Diana Frank, to Mr. Maxirice Bernstein will Novembers. Gertrude Gross, Jeanette Shames, take place Sunday evening at the Mrs. S. Greenstone was surprised and Dorothy We sell -wholesale and retail Sunday evening by sixty members of " On "Friday •evening at Temple Is- Blackstone Hotel in the presence OJE Stein, Sara Passavoy Zucker. OUTl BEE ADS ABE ' L A E G E R two iundred guests. Mrs. P . J . Alrael, Eabbi Frederick Coin •will speak JTJlSiIOK JKELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES. the Daughters of Israel of w£icla orOUE P S I C E S AEE L O W E E . berts will attend Miss Frank as maganization, Mrs. Greenstone has been an "The :Centenary of Dostoievsky, The Young People's Rally at TemA Tegular meeting of the 3L T. C tron of lonor, and Mr. F . J. Alberts dub was held at the club rooms on ple B'nai Jeshurun held last Sunday president for the past four years. She the Russian Healist." Trill "be best man for Mr. Bernstein, Tuesday, November 1. -was attended by more than fifty -was presented -with a silver tray. and Mrs.* Louis The other attendants will "be Misses The -following people were -unani- young men and "women, -with a grotaW. P-erlmntter sxt& J- Bomber. "Proprietors. Miss Dorothy Letrween entertsinefi { •presented "the City Talmud Torali Kuth Bernstein, Ula Alberts and 3?aye mously voted into the club: . LiTTian fying representation from the Je-wish 742 West BroadwET, COUNCIL BLFFFS, IOWA. Telephone W*9 at her father's farm on j Sunday" School -with a piano, an aras bridesmaids^ the Misses Eubenstein, Mary Moscow, Betty j students of the University of Nehrasticle •which has been much needed by Jeanette Pitlor, Esther-Davidson, Mol- Brown and Sarah Rosenblatt. Ika. Mr. Herman Speier, the Presi- Sunday evening. lie Grossman and To"by Steinberg, who the school for sometime. will stretch ribbons, and Messrs. Al- An amendment was made to the dent of the congregation, was introTwenty-five friends surprised Mrs. bert Piflor, William Alberts and Paul •constitution that the Omaha's num. age duced by Miss Adele Aach, the. PresNewest and Finest Equined Mary Blotcky Tuesday afternoon the Bernstein as ushers. Little Leonard limit should DB eighteen years. ident of the Junior Congregation, Mr. BEth-Honse. occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Marks wiU be the ringbearer, and Bev- After the business of the clnb was Baths, Massage, Hot Packs., . Blotcky, -who, •was presented •with a erly Miller and Harriet Bernstein will transacted, a very good program was Electric Treatment, FOE EENT—^One or two rooms, floorlamp. The afternoon "vras spent be the flower girls. EaKblM. N. Tax- given. Inhalatorrcm. in playing bridge, MrsI J. J. Friedman on will officiate. S. Robinson,-who went to Rochester, furnished or •unfurnished with TWfnTi., some -weeks ago to undeigo an and Mrs.. M. Detch -winning the home and kitchen pirvfleges. Mr. Bernstein and his bride ~mR operation, is Teported as convaleseirsg. prizes. CQNCANNON BEOS., Props. 2513 Seward Street. Telemake their nome in Omaha. v 14B1 Farnian -fit. Basement Mr. Morris E. Jacobs attended the Miss Eate McEugh "will _give a sephone Webster 7111. Helena Lois Heller of Los AnEntrance, American iiegion EexmiDn at Kansas ries of lectures on the modern drama geles, Calif., will arrive Monday to before the Literary dub. The first Telephone: Tyler 5731. City. OMAHA, NEB. spend several weeks with her aunt, meeting will "be held on Friday, after- j At a meeting of the Daughters of Mrs. Mas Heller, at the El Beudor. noon a t the home of Mrs. Frederick j BUY SAFE Zion Ixeld on Sunday a t the liome Miss Heller is on her -way to New Rosenstock. Last year Dr. Frederick; of Miss Ann Bender, the Misses. York, where she will continue l e r Conn gave a series of lectures on cur- j Sadie Stein and Mamie Temin •were voice studies. rent topics before'this organization. I taken into the club as new memberE Our guarantee and our word is The Lamt3a Sigma closed its soas good as a band. No Springs—Honest Weight Mr. and Mrs. $F. A. Spiesberger will cial season Friday evening by enterWe have satisfied hundreds of leave Friday for New "York where taining at s i Orpheum theatre party. your friends. HOBAST ELECTRIC they win spend several weeks. This club w".n be remembered as a soChiropodist - and Beauty GRINDERS, CHOPPERS cial dub o" the younger set.. Among Mr. and Mrs. J. J« Slosburg enterShop those pre£ .Tit were: Misses-Pauline AND MIXERS. tained at a dinner, party at the AthISstabiisheS UB90 1514 Do2ge Street. letic Club on Saturday evening, "when Selicow, l"Iith Xenyon, Anne Gere- 15th anil HarMj- Streets. -Phone; Douglas 561 Service and Sales: Phone Douglas 23S3 Mrs. J. D. Xendis of Sedalia, Missouri, lick, Mim :.tte Cross, Esther Brown, Anne 'Far._;er and Anne Zalk; Messrs. and Mrs. E. E. Mayer of Chicago IStit AND JACKSON -STEEETS were the complimented guests. On Ben Eavii , Herbert Eobinson, Hyman Phmtes.: Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Eabinster*,. Ben Frank, Harry Xneeer, May ard Greenberg and Sidney ToledoScales Doxtg.TSSS INTRODUCING OUE NEW PACKAGE Slosburg entertained eighteen guests Morris. . • . ' . Hobart Hectri-r Doug. TS9S sfc ffrnnpr a t their home. These dinBlended, Toasted and packed by ners are in a series which Mrs. Slos- Babbi Frederick Cohn addressed We have on hand Used burg is planning. members of the Thorpeian Athletic •SebidTt Machines. Miss Esther Zalk will "be nostess to Club Dn ' Yednesday evening, when H.Marlis ' fifty guests' at a" bridge-tea a t the he -spoke on "Problems of the Jews." Ttiwrwflmg Tea Hoams on Saturday afWe Tvish to arm-ounce to our friends and patrons Charles S. Elgutter nas reopened ternoon when Miss Celia Eichards of his law offices and is now located at that "we-have teen forced to moveirom 1S02 San Jose, California, and 70T-W- GL..W. building. NoriJi Tweniieth Street to 1552 North TwenLevy and Miss TDiana Gross,- "briHes tieth Street, (cne-half block south of Clari St). The Goblin Day Dance, -which -wiU elect, TVIQ be the -complimented guests. be given Priday evening, ^November We have one.cfjSie Cleanest, Most Samtary :'£. mnnber of friends surprised Miss 25, at Harts Hall, 51st street and Markets in Omaha. We handle the finest Gladys Meyers at her home "with a Underwood avenue, is the first of a "quality of "beef, veal and lamb. HallcrwEen party on Saturday even-i series of -dances io "be given every ing. The evening was spent in danc- Friday evening at this "hall. Come in to look and yonil stay to buy, and ing. A novel feature of these dances Trill if you can't come, call us up,- WEBSTER 2196. Miss Gertrude Cohn of Denver is be the entertainment offered during the intermission. the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bernard ISewman. Mrs. S. "E. Gilinsky and children left today for New Orleans, where Mrs. .Messrs. Abe and Hyman Greenberg •are a t Los Angeles, California, where Gilinsky will attend the -wedding of her sister, Mias Anne Zemurxay, to they will remain indefinitely. Mr. Herbert Hirsdh. Miss Zemuxray "" . 1552 NORTH TWENTIETH STREET. . = Mrs. J. J. Singer has as her guest wiU be remembered in Omaha, laving her sister, Mrs. E. E. Mayer of Chi- visited here two years ago. The Misses Adah and Janet Gilinsky left cago."Wednesday for Chicago, where they Miss Lottie Hirschberg wiU enter- will remain several days lef ore leavtain twenty-fire guests at her home ing far New Orleans. oh Friday evening for Miss Celia Kichards of San Jose, California, who Mr. and Mrs. J. Corby -were called is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben to Kansas City "by. the death of Mrs. Corby's aunt, Mrs. D. Marcowitz, EuiakofEky. which occurred on Monday. •Mrs. M. A. Wolowitz, Mrs. O. P . "Wolfson and Mrs. Mayer Spiesberger Mrs. S. Goetz and "Mrs. James Goetz opened their homes for a ""Sisterhood entertained at a luncheon at the home Bridge" last Saturday afternoon when of the latter on Tuesday. tables -were placed for forty guests. Proceeds of the bridge go toward the The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will WEEK WEEK purchase of materials for articles to give a bridge party at the vestry of : be made by the sewing groups and the Temple on Monday afternoon. of Norember 6fch of November 6th sold at the bazar to tbe conducted by Thg Misses Yerda Jacobsen andldell the Sisterhood of Temple Israel some- Friedman entertained at a Halloween time In December. Mrs. H, Z. Uo- party at the home of the latter on card party Sunday, evening, when twenty, guests senfelt wiH have a s a t i e r nome on Saturday. were present. The evening was spent - : Mr! Morris Friend and Miss Pguline in games and dancing. Friend are spending a few -weeks at Miss Blanche Frank: will leave SatExcelsior Springs. urday for Chicago, where she -will TBAt a meeting of the Progress club main for several weeks before going : lelft Sunday the folio-wing officers on tD New TTork, where she will "be were elected for the ensuing term: the guest -of Mrs. Isadora "Wltmark, formerly Miss "Viola Cahn of Omaha. With an Ail Harry lineeter, president; Joe Lintzman, vice president; John Beber, sec^ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treller" enterStar Cast. retary and treasurer; L Stsrnhill, re- tained thirty-five gnests at dinner at porter, and Herbert ssr- the Brandeis Eestaurants Ta .geaTtt-at-arms. evening to ' celabrate Mr. .Treller's FOE WOMEN WH6 CARE. "birthday. La Charme Fac:al or Scalp treat, At the meetiujr of ihe Jewish PHONE^ BOUGLAS 279S. ments, ?1. Combmatibn -of Facial or ^Women's Welfare Organization held Scalp massage, Chest and Spinal mas- Tuesday the folio-wing committee -was sage and Electrical treatment. Beau- selected to present the names of tifies m d Invigorates. Eelisves hsad- •candidates for the coming election: aches, eye strain, stops falling hair. - Mesdames Philip. SheT, DOTE BrodWe. treat -raccess'fnily Ki-in Affec- •Icey, :'Sam Nathan, Devid Peder jtn'd tions, Constip=.tidn, h t Charlss LevinBon. Hembers cf the orgpE.]oisB.tipn : are asked to iCcmivrn.--.»1? 75c; dn.-=poo, ^0; hzir "bob- 2nniup-te -with -the .above-named if they . htrre dry preference ior - ccn35r. ">cilp Sn-cialir-tc tndatos. Election of officers will "bo l Sh n ieM; sA the DErcn:-ibnr meeting r.t :. "Eomh "•TChieh time fcxthcr nsmlnaSsns TV-TJ aE.Tr.r-

Social, Club and Religious Activities



Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies, Twist Mf


Cream Crust Baking Company


Faxta Mi TirkiEi Baths



HeCord-Brady Co.


1 Up-To-Daie Koslier Market §


What will your car be worth a year from today?



Operated by ^^World Sleatiy Co.


T.Ttll »^I1—ixT'i—r?.^1



; ;' .

-- -.' , ^

tO'DSE 1 I A 5

it- _



"+ • I



THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD, AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT. •• • • • 1 1



UNION FUEL COMPANY Telephone Jackson 0268

Office 209 South 18th Street

B. Korney—Signs

iI ii ii




• •»••»..« I ! « » . » . . » « » • » . . » • . » • . « . . « , .




are not only expensive from the standpoint of resetting" the glass, but because your windows are rendered useless. Place your Plate Glass Insurance where your claim will be quickly adjusted.


I wish to say a few words about vengeance, or holding before her blind has taken permanent possession of the contribution Israel has made to folded eyes the poised and pendent the human mind! Torn .asunder by1415 Douglas St.—Second Floor— 640 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0S$0 the worlds ideal of justice. Justice is balance. The Hebrew went beyond faction, driven from his country, Entrance through storeJackson 31"1. • undoubtedly the" dearest interest that all that With the boldness of the,scattered to the.four winds of.heaven, men possess. There is o^ily one thing seer he cried, "Justice and judgment scourged up and down the highways more important than' to: get justice, are the habitation of Thy Throne,' as of the world, stretched upon the rack, rteams. and that is to do justice.- The race much to say, "God's very throne is.burned at the; stake, massacred by the DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT Does It Need Cleaning that- has done most to* elevate and built upon his justice, and if God hundred thuvsjind, a wanderer, friendCOMPANY. &H Parts of the Werli or Repairing? widen the word's sense of justice has himself could fall away from justice less and homeless, through the cenBISMAKOKS,- CAKE AND SUGAR UNDERTAKERS We assist you tu getting passDOUGHNUTS OCR SPECIALTY. NOW IS THIS TIME TO KATE ports end give you expert aflvige rendered it the greatest service. And He ,would in that same moment fall turies, despised by the world he was EXPERTS DO THIS WORK. on European conditions. MOVED TO We Deliver the Real Goods. let me say a t once tljat the reading away from power." When has thought liberating from its idols, Israel has STou'H Be Surprised at Oar Rates. We he!f rou to eel your relaCleaning done by Vacuum withPhone Webster 0943 3331 CUMING STREET. and reflection of a lifetime have led soared to, a more daring height, or stamped his ideal of justice upon the tives in Europe to this country. out causing dirt. We have satisclothed itself in language more magme to believe that that supreme dishuman consciousness itself, and lives factorily cleaned over 100 furnaces the past month. tinction must be accorded to the Jew. nificent? Compare that sublime con- in every upward movement of the Val. j . Peter & Co. CAX.I- JACKSON 1B13. ception of the Jew with the vacillating race. I do not forget though for the ' V ADVO COFFEE What is justice? Certainly it is not deities of Olympus—creations of the STEAMSHIP TICKETS AND FOREIGN •EXCHANGE that thing which in a", childish and most brilliant intellect the world has moment I may seem to do so—I do FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 180" Bovatil St., Omaha, Neb. not forget what other races,, have ADVb JELL ADVO FOODS JS14 Cnminp Street. partial view some men mistake for ever known. riienc AT.lantlc 034#. We lustaif Gilt Efiee Eiirnaces. contributed to the common store— justice—the deserved punishment of And then he saw that justice was Athens and Italy their sense of beauguilt, or the. reward of merit. Rather let us- say i t is that .harmonious ad- eternal.- All things about him were ty, Sparta and Rome their love of justment of all relations that comes in flux. Races might, come and go, discipline and order* Gaul and GerY o u r • position is of a keen and controlling sense of empires might rise and fall, but what many their zeal for liberty, England Visit Our . correct, and should what is right. Justice is "a universal was right-yesterday was right today, and America the ever-blessed union •of; liberty: under law. I do not forget be s u p p o r t e d by concept. It is not in conflict with and would be right tomorrow. There what your/ own gifted race has he took his stand. The earth might every fair minded mercy.- Mercy is only.another name Do away with drudgery and make for justice. It-is only another expres- shake and tremble, the mountains wrought in- other ways—in war and person. Tiouse-work a pleasure by the use sion of the same infinite and divine might skip like young rams, but jus- state-craft, in music, art, poetry, sci.With ~Soxrr Order for of modern electrical appliances. face. If we ever think of mercy tice would never fail him, and .under- ence, history, • philosophy—but, comANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the and justice as warring with each other neath him were the everlasting arms. pared -with the meaning and majesty IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric) build- it is only because our view is too nar- God gave him to see through the of this achievement, every other work ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth row and contracted. Take it in athings that are ever changing, the you have accomplished, every triumph ...of . . . PAPER LINE and Farnam; streets. of every other people sinks into incourt of justice. It is never a question things that never change. Hoffmann Funeral Home. significance. Give up every other whether mercy shall be shown. Mercy 1112 HARNEY ST. And one thing more he saw—saw claim to the ^ world's gratitude before Distributor* ought always to be shown. The ques- it with a ' clearness of vision never Phone Donglas 6469 you surrender this: The world owes tion is, how shall it be shown, and to granted to any other, and held to it whom it shall be shown, to the one with a courage as stubborn as ever its conception of Justice to the Jew." or to the many, to the guilty or to stood against the tide of battle—he "Buy Midwest Milk" the innocent, to the murderer or to saw that no matter whatjhg apparent (PALMEE GRADUATE) him who may be his next victim if power of the oppressor, justice was FORD SHOULD STICK TO HIS OWN he shall go free, to the-individual suf- sure to triumph in the end. That is Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 ferer or to that great number who the vision and the*faith that have LITTLE BUSINESS may be restrained by his example? made his record glorious. Those are New York. (J. P. A.) An ediAnd" even to the offender some the wings of song. -That is the burn- torial writer in a recent issue of the measure • of punishment may be the. ing coal of prophecy. The reign of New York .Times comments on Ford's HOLCOMB truest mercy. latest venture into print regarding the FOOD CHEMICAL the Messiah what is is after all but question of higher salaries for the 5 Si the final, the permanent establishment PRODUCTS CO., INC. Now it is the glbry_of the Jew, judges of this country and, after Slanofactnrers of of justice. That is the glorious future that he clearly perceived this uni2002 Poppleton Ave. FOODS ACT CHEMICALS. pointing out that he is not altogether versal quality of justice. That un- that is drawing to itself the hearts of right in his "conclusions, ends his reFLAVORING EXTItACTS. Atlantic 3680 818 K. I6th St. Phone Atlantic 496-1 rivalled gift of spiritual insight that men, and towards it all eyes are turn- marks with the following: enabled him to stand in the crowded ing. Thousands of years ago the He"If Mr. Ford only would stick to pantheon of pagan gods, unbewildered brew saw it and proclaimed its comthe making and selling of cheap autoing. When all the world round lay NORTHWEST READY by their sublety, •unenamored of their mobiles, and not venture into so many buried in sleep and darkness he stood ROOFING CO. beauty and proclaimed the everlastEeactv Roofing over olc! B f c g ing troth that God is one—that same upon the mountain summit and caught fields which his experience has not SNOW WHITE Also asphalt shingles and build-up * The DryCleaner of North Omaha. gift enabled him to see that God's the earliest ray of ^ascending dawn. qualified him for ' cultivating, he roofs. Fire resisting and chirable. would invite criticism less often." In prayer and psalm, and prophecy, in "GARMENTS CrjSANED 1,1KB THE TOUCH OF A FAIRY.'" All work guaranteed. Easy terms. character is one and perfectly con<KeR. r . S. Pat. . PHOSE k l W O O B 0203. 3410 AMES AVEXUE. Phone Barney 2574 Office.) sistent. He bowed down and said, the matchless splendor of oriental Office BBS Warehouse: S123 E^eavcnworilj "Our God is a.consuming fire," and speech, he delivered his message and LLOYD GEORGE'S JEWISH j then lifted up his face in child-like taught the world his truth,:—justice, SECRETARY COMING TO U. S. confidence and said, "His mercy en- universal, eternal, triumphant. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES London. (J. C. B.) Sir Philip Sas- \ dureth forever." He saw that two No people was ever oppressed like soon, well-known young Jewish milAPPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Made b y -•-'..• Best Home Cooking at Very SeasonMANUFACTURERS. truths were not really two but one. these people. No people was ever lionaire who is private secretary to able Prices — Satisfaction paaranteed. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST BIEY-MER-CO. Brand He thought of God as a king who so persecuted, so trodden upon, so Premier Lloyd George, is scheduled Grandeii Electric Co. FOOD CO. KIJECTKICAI* R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor Beverages and Syreps. wraps creation round him like a garMERCHANDISE. prostrate. Yet none has triumphed so to come to this country to attend the SIS-321 So. t-tfi, St., O3IAHA, NEBBASKA. 310 Sooth 15th Street—Up Stairs. Omaha, Nebr. 1511 Eowgrfl St. Phone Atlantic C681 ment, and yet he felt him to be. a magnificently. Israel's ideal of justice Disarmament Conference. Phone Atlantic £889 father, who leans down to catch the lowest whisper of his} child. And •TRY SCTNBGRES'S Nutritious Home Made his idea of God was one and the same Carpenter Paper Co. TIRES-TUBES—ACCESSORp -with idea of justice. Other peoples Distrlbntors of PIES and CQOKIES have his pictured justice as an angel AH that the name 24ttuand Farnam Street. Sealed in Sanitary Waxed ' Western Bond—and High Grade Wrapper at Your Grocer. •> . implies.standing beside the throne waiting Stationery The Home of Good Ice Cream with glittering, unshe'athed sword of Sundgren Pie Baking Co. OMAHA, » and Home Made Candy. 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6S87 SitU. and Hickory. Atlantic 5241 New location above Dan's Shoe and Clothing Company, .

Industrial and Automotive Machinists. Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Starter Kins Gears tor Anto Fly Wheels 417 South !3th Street. Telephone: Jackson 2550

The Brinn & Jensen Company

"Electric Shop"

Leo A Hoffmann

- Haas Co.'




PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts. Homey 1662 Manufacturers. or Brass, Bronze, Aluminum and Soft Gray Iron Castings. You are "assured of soft castings, as tve machine some from every heat in •our own shop. Standard size cast iron bushings in stock.


Made from Tonr Own Feathers. Warm in winter; cool In summer.. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates. 1423 N. 18th St.

OMAHA PILLOW CO. 100? Cumlng Street. '


55% to 85% Bared • on parts for all makea of cars. We carry a complete line of new rins gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car.

Rich and Smooth.

M. D. Richman, Proprietor.

Phone Webster 0406


Real Estate : : : : Insurance 1517 Harney St.


Phone Douglas .8707

yinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products

Have Your Fnrnitarc tenpholstered


Vegetables OMAHA, NEB.

We make It look like ne-w. Call Douglas W9T . A man will call with samples.

AMERICAN UPHOLSTERING CO. 617 South 16th" Street.

OUB NEW LOCATION " Corner 1'Jth and Donjslas Streets. filasonio Temple Bldcr.. - — - O u r Line—— • BALDWIN. EL.LIKGTON. ^HAMR-TON. HOWARD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS, PLAY.ER PIANOS.

THATCHER PIANO CO. Phone. Jnckson 30G8.

DON'T BUY COAL! O a IS MUCH CHEAPER Let Us Remove the Door from Xour Furnace: and Insert 3

IJLLIBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER So. 19th Street. See Demonstration

•' b

••'•'• Call A t l a n t i c 2 3 6 4


. . .lor . . ,

Theodore Volz & Son




828-32 Securities Building, IGth and Farnarai' Sts. Telephone: Jackson 8708

S419 Cmnfnsr St..



Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.

Jewish Press 482 UrundelH. Bids.

TeJ. Jackson S373

MAX OLSEN & CO. ' Wholesale Distributors for

SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer

Office and Warehouse: 917 So. Main St. Telephone 143 COUNCIL. BLUETS. IOWA.

2208 Cumins St.

Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Cumins St. Phone Atlantic 1347 UISTRIBUXOKS JACK 8PKAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Omaha. Nebraska.

Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. SAVES XOU MONET.


Jackson 3873.


r fJ t v


Druggists and Stationers 401-403-403 South 10th St.







_ •

m- -M

FRANK DEE Representative 510 So. IGth St. Phone DOuglas S333

Phone Jackson 1680

Wholesale Dealers In Butter, Egrgrs and Poultry. 1S13 Howard. St.

Omaha. Nebraska.

LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Retire Practice SSnce 1010.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Branflels Theatre BuHcHng. l~th and Kong-las Streets. Phone Atlantic 3S36

. . . for . . .


Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 3556

Ford Transfer & Storage Co. R. A. FORD. President and General Manager. Council Bluff's (Iowa) Office 834 So. Iffiain Street. Phone SS5


Phone -Market O48«



Cieeicer Call CAM. if LAWK

An Ideal Washins Combination.

Estes Laundry Tablets . . . with . . .

Estes Soap Chips and

Water Softener (Combines!)

316 >". 16th St. Brunches at Central Market, Table Sopply ea& Food Center.

At all Grocers.



M _


Always ABU'•tor


Phone Harney 0382

Stef tier Electric EleatChopper wa6 Coffee Kill. Used Scales of AJI Makes for Sale.

Phono Douglas 4726

Sherman Mercantile Co.

Eqnlpped "with Prclmotor. All Calls Answered Promptly.


Joseph Polack & Son "Make Warm Friends"

Ambulance Service S411 Faruam St.

Est. 1891.

A.F.HAARMMH1FG.C0. Phone Douglas .4607 SOtit and Pierce St., Omaha, Nebraska.

W holesale Fruitand W. Cor..Eleventh and Howard Sts.

1318-1330 West Broadway,


Jackson 246T

O. E. Engler & Co.

Dayton Iraey Weight and





morning' call the

Frontier Teve! Supply 1S15 Caiifornla Street. Phone Douglas 6391

WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302


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