T h a t man is' happy, who can face poverty and misfortune with cheerfulness and courage.
" T h a t man Is happy* who values honor and good name above riches.
Entered as second-class mall matter on 'January 27th, 1921, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, tinder the Act of March 3. 1878.
VOL. I.—NO. 48
At Seven—a Rival of Sammy Rzeschewski
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AT Thirteen—' Called "America's Most Promising Child"
•k Cleveland, Ohio, has a chess prod-, New York. (J. P. A.) The school 44 A NARRATIVE OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE FIRST GRADUATES OF igy perhaps more marvelous than board of this city, is making an efi l Sammy Rzeschewski. This new world THE HEBREW UNION COLLEGE TO AMERICAN LIFE wonder is a 7-year-old girl, Celia Nei? f fort through the courts to compel AND AMERICAN JUDAISM. Florence Stern to attend public Committee Arranging \ mark, with Deautifill eyes that remind . ; xm II school. The case is most unusual, of Interest to All Me\ one of Sammy, and with charming, r.nd many prominent men sre now and Public modest manners. trying to adjust the matter to the ty-two years of labor. The National agogue enriched with a century of Four adventurers in Israel set out The chess veterans who are en••JEWISH PRESS" TO ISSUE gaged in the contest for the.Western one July evening in 1883 on a diffi- tradition, where^he began Ms great Farm School has trained hundreds of satisfaction of all concerned, "B'NAI B'RITH NUMBER" championship in Cleveland sat around cult journey along the highways" of work of spreading the message of Jewish farmers, practically and thor- Florence is thirteen and, in the the six, tables at which the little child" Judaism. Theirs was the great re- Judaism. The rabbi's task—he and oughly, without charge, and has words of Professor Leopold Aner, the Omaha's annual B'nai B'rith Day Was conducting as many simultaneous sponsibility of bringing together Re- the three • others, who graduated helped to-establish them on farm, noted instructor of the violin, "the 'will be held this year on'December games; arid' they wondered how it all form Judaism and American' Jewry. .with him believed—is not merely to thus contributing:; much to the solu- most promising child in America." IS. ". " •.". _;,;." And they hardly guessed at the ob- expound the ideals of Israel in the tion of the problem of the Jew that Testimony given by others who have was possible.' The committee, consisting of Sam Celia. played carefully, pondering, stacles that lay ahead.. A chary word of God from the pulpit on Sab- has been engendered by urban life. examined the child declare she is possessed of unusual intelligence, quite Leon* Chairman, Harry Malashock, over every move about a half minute welcome awaited them, for. the com- bath and holydays. It is the larger The Scholars Way. apart from her musical gifts. The Wm, Hqlzman, Dr. A. Greenberg, and running with her, tiny fingers munities to which they were to come task of carrying Judaism to every Rabbi David Philipson's path has child practices five hours on the vioWm. Grodinslcy and Harry Silver- through her blonde bobbed hair while were still, enchained to. age-old tprar Jew everywhere by word of mouth, been the scholar's way. After four lin, and teacher and parents alike deprinted pagu and force of example. man, is exerting every effort to make thinking out her reply. dition. clare that regular attendance at the years -ki Baltimore, he returned to in 1893, he founded Accordingly, this ^celebration an outstanding event Dr. Isaac M. Wise, founder and After two-hours the games.were in local B'nai Brithdom and in the adjudicated by Edward Lasker, West- president of the Hebrew Union Col- the Jewish . Chautauqua Society, Cincinnati in 1SS8 to become Eabbi public school would interfere with her musical training. The school "board. city generally. .'...- 5 ern ..champion, although Celia. claimed lege, conferred the-'degrees'and pre- which- has, for more than a quarter of Congregation Bene Israel, in who->e basement class-rooms he had on the other hand, appears to think Present plans, of the committee in- she was not tired and would play on. sented the diplomas when these- four of a century, by lecture and publithat her musical education must be studied during his^ first years at the cation, carried r Jewish education clude initiation, of. a. large class of. Lasker found that three of the games adventurers set out on their life-long held over until she has completed her Hebrew Union College. He was inthroughout the land.Rabbi Berkowitz candidates, a banquet for members, were wonfor her, two draws and one, pilgrimage. Rabbi Henry Berkowitz, and a public meeting for which, a lost. Celia learned the game only Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, Rabbi has'been vice-president of the Phila- structor in Bible," Arabic and Assyr- public school work. The case,-is still speaker of international prominence seven months,ago. David Philipson, and the late Rabbi idelphia Playground Association, on the ology, at the. College,. and later was i pending in the courts, as a -writer and lecturer on Jewish Israel Aaron, were the first four men Board of Recreation, vice-president of its professor of Hornilities for seventeen. years. This scholar rabbi— subjects will be secured. to graduate from the Hebrew Union the Universal Peace "Union, and active whose writings <m Jewish topics, in the Social Purity Alliance. He The issue 6f "The Jewish Press" College. Their'names are among the books, magazines and newspaper arof December 15, to be published just most illustrious in modern Jewry. toured the counties of Europe in an ticles are numerous and notable, was before B'nai B'rith Day, will : be Their achievements for Israel, for investigation trip, as a member of one of the founders of the Central Philadelphia's vice commission, .studyinown as "B'nai B'rith Number" and America and for their own communiConference of American Rabbis, sad ing social conditions and their re••will contain many feature articles ties in thirty-eight years of minisduring his presidency effected arof special interest to B'nai B'rith try, are the unmistakable answer to meJles in many lands. rangements with, the Jewish. Publicamembers. those who argue "The Rabbi's callPublication Society Formed. S
Facilities to Aceomoclate AM Ciabs and Organizations in the City Assured. IMPROVEMEWTSTO.BE COMPLETED WITHIN SIX •
The extensive growth of club life and recreational work in the city during the past year Las made it neeessaiy t h a t larger quartet's he secured-to serve as the Jewish com« muuEl center for Omaha, For some time past the Jewish Welfare Federation has been studying this problem, and it is hoped that it has solved it for some time to come. Announcement was made during the past week by Wm. "L. Holzroan* Cfagirman of- the Advisory Board of the YMKA,-which directs the activities of the "club-rooms, of the acquisition for community of practically the entire third floor of the Lyric Bldg. In addition to the present quarters. s large dance hall and three smaller rooms frill be leased beginning December 1. Present plane Call for decoration of .all the rooms by the owners of the bxiilding, and a rctkon Society for a translation of the 'Registration of Jewish Emi- •fumishing of the entire club-room space. Bible. He was" one of the seven! grants Begins ThrowgfeWhen completed the YMHA rooms out Soviets. will consist of two commodious has served,, too, as" president of the! Jewish Historical Society and was a {WIVES _ A N D _ C H I L D R E N O F lodge rooms, with anterooms, a gymnasium snd play room, a library, AMERICANS consulting editor of the Jewish Enfive, class and club rooms of various cyclopaedia. His devotion. to JewTO LEAVE* sizes, a dance hall, a small kitchen ish classics has. not diminished this: Berlin. (3. T. A.) The local office ana s large lobby and rest room. Rabbi's zeal for human welfare. of the newly created Jewish EmigraThe increased quarters will provide The Buffalo Jewish Community recalls with affectionate memory, the tion Committee has received as offer i meeting space and social facilities quarter century . of devoted sen-ice from the Soviet Government to pro- for every communal group in the
Mark IMfersary of Jalfeiff Beclaration
ing is futile.- Nothing can be ac"While the Rabbi -at "Rodeph.. Shocomplished by the ministry for God WRS thus enriching the glory of or man." • " -• his Alma Mater, at Temple Keneseth. Israel in Philadelphia, too, his colStudied in Basement Rooms. league; Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf was PALESTINE OFFICIALS AP- As proof of the discouragement engaged in different, but equally PEAL FOR PEACE. that beset the Rabbi's career, i$ the BAClAL AND RELIGIOUS SUBfact that of sixteen men who en- fruitful endeavors, directed toward JECTS BEYOND CONJerusalem, Nov. 3.—(J. T. A.)—rolled in the Hebrew Union College the identical ''goal. The young Rabbi FERENCE SCOPE. Four Jews and one Arab were killed, in. • 1875»1S76, only the above named of Kenesefli Israel deemed it his Washington. (Jewish. T. Agency.). and 25 Jews and 14 Arabs were four were in the first graduating function to..."bring the, young people wounded, in slots which took place in Simon Wolf l a s authorized our "cor- -Jerusalem on the morning of Noyem-. class. They, met for their studies in to the 'synagogue.- To popularize the respondent to state that the report is ber 2nd, the fourth anniversary" of the basement schoolrooms of Temple temple, he. organized a choral so- which. Rabbi fsraei Aaron gave to 1 ? d e ! p e c i f r e l i e f t o t h e t h o E s a w i s o f city. B'nai Israel for two years, and for ciety, a. crrculisting library and read- C •untrue that the United Hebrew Con- the Balfour Declaration. B H ^ h refugees in m the region around j M Mr. Eolsrman stated todav that four years after that, in Bene Yesh- ing-rooxnsr groups for the study of Congregation Beth Zion, before the Dniester River and in South Eus- he expected all remodelling and degregations nas asked himto;take up J- At about Iff o'clock" a large, group death i s 1912—the courage with sia and Ukraine. Food, clothing and with, the State Department, the de- of Arabs, armed with stones, sticks urun Temple. It was not until 1881 Current- history and literature, a n d jwhich he overcame corating1 to be completed .by Jaauaiy the obstacles that the Personal Interest Society. T« -acthat a residence was purchased to shoes are'to be introduced across the inands. for Jewish rights and 1st, .- . and "weapons,- started a demonstraquaint non-Jews, s.s well as Jews, confronted -.the •-reform; minister, the Bessarabi&n frontier, and ..distributed i at the Disarmament Con- tion near the Jaffa gate of Jerusa- be remodeled into the Hebrew/Union with mentation, foresight with which he l /Jewish aipo5-,.Knd ideals, he pub!' directly^ ter-Tfre-. -3ewist""" refugees' t ference, * Miy Wolf, further declared lem, 'The: police hurriedly"'appeareS lished for- free distribution, a series' b r i l l I : ; Jewish representatives, " ,. * -• t h a t the idea 'df"sucTi aTstep-ias' been on-".thfe~scen^ and accompanied; the Onlhe evening of. July n t h ; 1883, tion, the esteem he left in the hearts ^ ;: p dropped:by this organization p^Bethese.four adventures set out, and of discourses which he w a s then de- of his. fellowmen of everjr faith. The Esugrsticn Gcaimlttee lias livering on ..Sunday afternoons an indemoDstraiors up the; Jaffa road to forni-TFfinrples and/thai there1 sterns you shall hear_how they- fared: wired its acceptance to Moscow: and novation in Philadelphia 'Judaism, wards,the postofficel Here the spirit Four- adventurers" of Israel—these a- reply from the Central Soviet govto be no' intention of carrying the At Mobile, Alabama, RabbiThis -was the seedling from which were the paths they took. Who shall of the-Arabs, became dangerous, and suggesion-any "furthers -'' ] ••••-••. ernment, giving final and definite MARSHALL AXD UCTERMEYER witz first sought to exemplify his the Jewish Publication Society took say that; they left no great monuwhen they--refused to disperse they HEAP RECEPTION COMAt the same time it is reiterated in. ideals of religious devotion and sopermission, is expected here. root and became a mighty brancli- ments along their journeys—or that were fired upon by the police: Sub MITTEE. official • quarters here, as" heretofore-' cial service. There, in addition to Your correspondent had an interAvith fourteen thousand mem- the great school from which their sequently, and throughout the ;day reported, that there is no apparant hisr Rabbinical duties, he organized? view with one of the executives of published learning and inspiration came was many attacks on Jews took place prospect or present intention of takthe humane movement for the pro- \ Pe^» ^ n t * ^J15 the Berlin branch of the Eussian j New Torlc, (J, T. A,) Samuel Vm~ within the old city. In. one of these not repaid "manifold? Through them, ing up any Jewish question, whether tection of children and animals from books, including a translation of-the Jewish Social Committee who in- j termeyer, who will head the Board of a bomb was thrown. One-house was and those for whom they paved the racial or religious, or American rights cruelty. At Kansas City, where he Bible, • to its credit. . formed me authoritatively that the Trustees of the Keren Hayesod, or looted. The funeral of the victims way, the teachings of the Hebrew : •While he gave his thought and enerunder the Palestine Mandate* at the next was called,. he organized the Soviet government was prepared to Palestine Foundation Fund, and Louis took place on Friday afternoonigy to the Jewish Publication Society, Union College were spread through- legalize and facilitate the emigration 'Marshall, are heading, the committee Armaments Conference, because that first bureau of charities. V '. Throughout- November , 2nd th the National Farm School at Doyles- out the land. -. Greater even than their of economically non-productive p e r - j o f fading Jews' in this city and it outside the scope of the agenda of OrganizesChaiitauqua Society. Governor, high military officialsand ton, Pa., may be accounted Dr. Kraus-. geographical influence, is that these sons who had relatives abroad who throughout the country to welcome tne Conference, which-is restricted to prominent Arabnotables patrollei Immediately after the young kopf's greatest individual achieve- adventurers, reached ...the hearts of were citizens of a country. The So^ the Zionist Delegation, wiivh is due Far East, Pacific, and Limitation of the streets of the old and new city Rabbi came to Temple Rodeph ment. To this school for the free tui- men, who, in turn, gave and are giv- viets are prepared to establish con- to arrive on the Aquilania on NovemArmaments questions. There is little and were instrumental in aiding th Sholem in Philadelphia, a syn- tion of Jewish" farmers, he gave twen- ing themselves wholeheartedly. likelihood of Jewish interests, as such, tact with' an authoritative Jewish" or- ber 11. -arising in connection therewith. Fur- military to restore and maintain The dgleg&tion • includesganization, In whose hands will be - • ther,—participation in the Conference quiet. Sofcolow, • chairmari of Executive DR. MORGENSTEBN' placed the task of transporting the JEWISH EXCESSES Five Hundred Children is limited to nations already invited, HEADS HEBREW •emigrants in Russia and through Committee of the World ?iionist OrArab Officials Regret Incident. IN BIAL0ST0K at City Talmud Torah and other delegations to Washington, g»R5Kationj Chsim NachTrinn , • UNION COLLEGE neighboring countries. The President of the Executive Bialostok. (J. P. A.) Only the including the Polish, come uninvited • Committee .of the- Palestinian Arab and Sunday School Cincinnati.—-Dr. Julian Morgenstern ttie greatest living' HebiTW national Emigrant Registration Begun timely intervention of the police and have no recognition or status, at | CongTess, together with the Grand saved- the Jews of thig city from the ; Five hundred children are being «of this city was chosen recently to be The local office of the Russian- poet; Proffssor Otto Wai'burs;; exMufti of Jerusalem^ the .President o serious consequences of a,ppgrom. educated in Jewish history, literature, acting president of .the faculty of the Jewish Social Committee has in- President of the World Zionist Orthe. Conference. the Moslem "Court of- Appeals, and Trouble started when a number of ethics and religious matters general- Hebrew Union College by the Board formed the" Executive of. the Jewish ganization; and Dr. Alexander Goldof Governors. He will succeed Dr. Emigration Committee that Soviet of- stein, a noted Russian'Zionist. P o.l i s li Government Admits many. Mohammedan, Catholic and Jewish expressmen entered into a dis- ly at the City Talmud Torah and at Ka-ufmann Kohler, who resigned some ficials have already begun the regis- are sailing- with, the British Protestant notables, have signed a pute-with Poles. The.Poles immedi- the Sunday school, .which is conducted . Responsibility for Pinsk' time ago, - and is to be President tration of Jews who desire to. emi- tion to the Disarmament letter to Sir Herbert Samuel which, ately started a fight and followed it under the auspices of the Deborah Massacre. Emeritus of the.college. A l a r ^ program is'beine: p from cable reports, "reads'asi follows: grate from. Russia, and who have relup by attacking all Jewish; passers-by. Society, the women's auxiliary of the Warsaw. (J. P. A.) The Polish Dr. Morgenstern is 43 years old. in New York and throujrhont ih*= of our. people, atives naturalized in Amexica. • Wives Premier, Ponikowski, in the Seim, has "On behalf . . "we -wisfi .. ..to* . As the'crowil of Poles:grew, it grew Talmud Torah. •and a graduate of the University-of of naturalized American citizens con- conntrj'- for the welcome anri rcreption officially stated that the military an- express our deep resentment over .the bolder and started hurling stones inta . These figures were given in a report thorities had brought in a report re- I regrettable incident which--occurred Jewish homes and stores." At this at the fourth annual meeting of this Cinciniiati.'r -Hfe was ordained a rabbi stitute the first category which will of the Zienist guests. . Thci?- tif-Pt pubat Hebrew Union College in 1902. be" mad*' t>i be permitted to emigrate. Next to lic appearaiicc garding the 34 Jews who were shot yesterday and which caused the death point thcr police appeared and re- organization held Sunday evening at Hotel- Astor on Svinday eri'er,inp, Nothese are children .below the &ge of of innocent persons. «We appeal to stored order, arresting three leaders in Pifisk, and that the investigation the Nineteenth und Burt streets SyALUMNI AID H. U. C. IS whose, parents are United States vember 13, ."•whete they ynV i>p made evident that the murder was the' inhabitants to remain peaceful, of the "crowd.nagogue by Rabbi M. N. Taxon, chairA gift of one thousand dollars to citizens. tained a t din.uet • "by owr for we are convinced that only committed as a result of abuse of
Anns Meet Wffl J o t Discuss Jewish Question
Murder and Looting Occur in Jerusalem as Result of Arab Uprising.
authority by the officials which then controlled Pinsk. The War-Ministry has already ordered that one hundred thousand roubles which was then exacted as a contribution from the Pinsk community should be refunded , that the families of all sufferers and victims should officially notify the government the amount of damages wbich they believed they are entitled to..
It will be noted that the government says nothing about punishing those that; according to its own find-, ings, have been proven guilty of murder. . ' • . .."'."..'•:
PRAY FOR SUCCESS OF ARMS CONFERENCE London. (J. C. B.) ' : Special services for the success of the Washington Arms Conference will be held in all Jewish synagogues and temples on the Sabbath preceding the opening of the Conference. Dr.. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, has asked all flabbis and Ministers to, discuss the question of disarmament in special sermons on that occasion.
through peace will we be able to protect and assure our rights. The gov-ROUMANIAN JEWS HOLD ernment will certainly do its duty. We NATIONAL CONGRESS beg all persons to help the adminis-. Vienna. (J. T. A.) Representatration in the performance of this tives of all Jewish communities in task."
. • •
' • ; • • •
Conference of Kehillas Called to Protest Against Extra Taxation of Jews. Lodz. (J. P. A.) As a result of a decision by the local Kehillah, a conference of representatives of all Kehillas in this province will be called in order to express the indignation.of the Jews at being forced, to. p a y ' a double tax for the. maintenance of public hospitals. This action is being taken as a result of an order recently issued by the ministry forthe; interior in which the Jews are ordered to pay for the admission of "all Jewish patients to public hospitals. This order is in direct contravention of ~ a previous order issued on the! same subj e c t . L o c a l leaders are planning to send a special delegation chosen^by the conference to Premier Ponicovsky. " ——.-
man of the board of education of the! t i e fund that is being raised for the Talmud Torah. T l d T h erection of a Dormitory Building to
hfists, including Samuel Unfermeyer, m Mos • < . * , - , • , ~ Locia Marshall, • Peter J. Schweitzer, instructed local, represents- j • • • • ' -• • *
The Jewish Commissariat
Election of officers also t c " jlace adjoin the Hebrew Union College has tives of the Jewish Social Committee! at this-meeting, N. S. Yaffe being i been .made by..the Alumni Association lin; Judge Jacob S. Str&hl, and hunreflected president; treasurer, Jacob of the College^ This donation. repre- to begin the registration of prospec- dreds of other' leading Jews. tive Jewish emigrants throughout Greater "Eoumania held a conference Shukert; secretary, A. Davidson; and' sects the '-first pledge made, t o ; the Russia. at Bucharest lasting three days and directors; Herman Cohn, M. Braude", j Hebrew- Union College for the erecPOLES IN VILNA DEMONSTRATE. devoted largely to the question of L. Dorinson, M. Rabinovitch arid"Mrs. tion of a building that will provide HIAS TO OPEN • Daifjsig. (J. P. A.) Vilna JCWB bud L. Neveleff. a. home for rabinical. students at the Jewish refugees. BRANCH'IN MOSCOW & period of anxiety when the Poles college. I t is estimated that S250,A. Fildermann declared that the inRiga. (J. P. A.) Mr. Kowalsky, ] 000 will be required for the erection one of the directors, of the Hias for of that city Recently dpmotrstsrated ternment of the Jewish destitutes in ;heir protest sgaanet the unfavorable | of the new dormitory; The campaign Europe, ..reached this city today on j decision Roumania had been carried out by the SOVIETS COMBAT CHEDER of the League of Nations, is AND YESHIVAH now in'the hands of the National his way to Moscow where he will ne- j according to information received Roumanian general staff and that Jewish intervention would be of no, Riga. (J- T. A.) The Soviet Com- Federation. of Temple Sisterhoods, and gotiate with the Soviet authorities j here from thg$ city. Fearing a disavail. On the other hand, Chief; missariat of Education has issued a Mrs. Abram Simon of. Washington, regarding the establishment of a j turbanee, mojrt of tr-;e Jewish shops Rabbi Nemierower proposed that the circular to local soviVets instructing D. C , is chairman of the committee. branch, in that city. He anticipates j were closed on the o»y of the demonRoumanian Jewish communities ap- i.them to register all Jewish Chedorim no difficulty wife the Eussian Gov- stration, J i other countries to -in- ] i Y Yeshivoth which are to remain THERE WILL BE KO peall to Jews in err.ment, and hopes that & little later ] POGROMS IN. LITHUANIA. it will be possible to open branches BRITISH ANTItervene against the. inhuman treat- under the strict control of local comPREMIER ASSURES JEWS in other Russian centers where the ment accorded Jewish refugees by the' missars. The order forbids instrucSEMITES ACTIVE' Danzig. {J. P. A.) The LithuanRoumanian high officials.; tion in the Chedorim other than on passage of Jewish emigrants will London. (,T. P. A.) The local soian premier had occasion "to visit the Rubenstein, representing the Amer-' religious subjects. The teachers in it desirable. small town of. Kashidar, where he ciety of Britons, an antl-Semitfc orican Joint Distribution Committee, as- the schools are henceforth not to be - FOOD DRAFT BLANKS. ganization, is reported to have sured the conference of the moral and exempt from conscription in military visited the local synagogue and adfinancial assistance of American Jew- or labor battalions. It is further or- dressed the Jewish.community. In the j The Jewish Welfare Federation has deled at its last meeting to protest, to ry,'wh'le:Silbert, representing "Hias," dained that the Yeshivoth are not to course of his remarks, the premier! received a supply of food draft blanks the government against the libers! suggested that the difficulties of the accept students below the age of 18. assured the Jews that in Lithuania for Russia from the American Relief manner in which Jews are given ^ refugees might be ameliorated if lo- The schools are not to receive build- they would never know the meaning Administration. Full information rel- appointment^, Thsy will also cal Jews supplied them with employ- ings, and pupils are not accorded the of oppression nor be ever subjected | ative to filling out these blanks can at what they claim is the p ment. { ordinary food ration= Jewish control ©X the English press. I be secured at the Federation office. to pogroms
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PEESS THtlESDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1921 . The' general opinion in Russia is that a change of government at this time would" lead to twenty-five years ISbsh-CIlOfiesch Klslev. J__Frl.", Dec. at least of anarchy and disorder. A Chnmikali (Feast o r Dedication) _., . ; _. Mon.,. Dec*. ! great many Jews in Russia are op, " - • • • 5CS2—19S2. V nosH-Cliodesch Teboth- .._.Sitn., Jon. posed to the Soviet idea of governFast of lebeth.-..._Taes., Jan. to Itosh-diptlesch Shebat.._ _.JIon.. Jan. 30 ment, but they support- it because Bosh-Chodesch Adar. _AVe«Ji, Mar. 1 they know its overthrow would be a Purlin" (Feast of Esther). _.Tnes.. Star. 14 _Thurs.. Mar. 30 catastrophe and they fear a resumpRosh-Chodcsch Nlssan. Thnrs., Apr. 13 Passover (Vesach} XVca., April 19 tion of pogroms and wholesale assasFassover (Seventh D Kbsli-Cliodesch" ,:Sst.. Apr. 2S" sination of Jews if the control" of b'Omcr. ^-_Tnes» Slay 16RosU-CUodesch Slvan.. ^^....Sto» May Z8 Lenin and Trotzky- is' broken. Shaliuoth (Confirmation Day) Fr., June 2 ' " A m o n g the informed: in Russia Uoslt-Chodesch" Tamnwr^___ToeB;, Jane 87 nosh-Chodesch. Ab: TVed., July 20 there is universal; belief that the Feast of Ab .-. ,-,..„ Thurii., Anpi 3 Bosh-Chodesch Ellul ..'. 3?ri.. Aug. 23 country is' on the' eve of tremendous 0G83—1923. industrial expansion. Lenin, in a New Sear's Eve _Fri.,. i S«pt. ZS talk with me;, expressed this belief and said the Soviet government would do-all in its power, to hasten and promote it. JEWISH CALENDAR 5682—1921.
THE JEWIS H PRESS Published every Thursday nt Onjaho; Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. . Office: 482 JBrandeisr; Theatre Building.—JTelephone: Jackson 2372. Subscription Price,-one year.—_™._...-^ ._:...__.-—.™..§2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application. -
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UnKriowri AmerfeartSotdier Within this Nation-hallowed Tomb An "Unkndwh Soldier lies asleepi • Symbolic comrade of all those . ,, Who on Jhe land, on; sea, in air, In that red" death across the seas Sealed with their blood the sacred truths • For which our country evei* stands;: \ That Righteousness is all the" £aw— " That Justice is true government— ,.' • Man's -Liberty the gift of GOD— ,, ' "' In- memory of the faith they kept, ~ ' / Here through-the ages all the Istrid As Honor Guard on watch will stand7! -' • —Annette'Kohn.
Was Christopher Columbus a; Jew?
RELIEF IN RUSSIA. We have all become rather accustomed, since the war, to the nation-wide organization" of men and money on unprecedented scales, so.that-the knowledge of the wholesale massing of forces for the performance of a given task seems to us to-day as commonplace as the shilling of the sun. The war developed American efficiency in organization to its highest form, and it is nowhere so evident to-day than in the relief work which is being done in Russia through the American Relief Administration and its constituent organizations. Consider these facts:—the Riga agreement between the ."United States and the Soviet authorities for" the alleviation of the famine in ^Russia was. entered inta early in August. On August; 24, Herbert Hoover, Chairman of the-A. R. A. conferred .with his nine affiliated organizations and developed comprehensive relief plans and working agreements. On September 1st, Col. Wm. N. Haskell, Director of Russian relief, left for that country.- : On October 15th the A. R. A...was feedifig 114,000 children daily in sixty-two kitchens, which had been set up in the very heart of the famine district. One week later, Secretary Hoover announced that plans had been perfected whei-eby food could be delivered to Russians living within-an outlined territory embracing one million square miles .of European Russia, and serving a population estimated at one hundred million souls. A breath-taking achievement, Yet in the day's news it gets .two or three inches of space!
• •
GERMAN CABINET -Berlin. (J. T. Agency.) Anti-Sem3tic influence in Germany has succeeded in keeping Dr. Walter Ratenau, well-knovTii industrial expert, out of -the new German ' Cabinet. In the last hours Before the filial completion of the Cabinet, Dr. Ilatenauys opponents succeeded in preventing his name from being presented for the post'of Minister of Eeconstruetidn, which he has occupied heref of ore. The office is still unfilled and in government circles here it is expected that, sindg no rnore capable man is likely to b'p fduadi the government will be forced icr appoint Dr. Eatenau.
Grgaiiizatidtis Discuss
Possibilities of Emigration • i6 Argentine.
"The Hoover" relief project is very popular in Russia and has inspired Who was Christopher Columbus ? among the people a deep feeling of Where was he born and what was his gratitude toward the United States." nationality? Was he Spaniard or Italian, Jew or-Gentile, Genoese navigator or Greek pirate ? ' T/hese ^answers may be announced within a few weeks, according to an article released by the- International London. (J. C. B.) A report in Feature Service. The Spanish Gov- the "Englishman" published at Calernment has appointed a commission cutta: tells of the discovery of an anconsisting of distinguished students cient inscription in square Hebrew and savants,, to unroll the veil of four characters under the wall of the house centuries and establish the. facts of of- the' richest Jew in the town of Christopher Columbus' birth and fam- Sftittoncherry. The house is the oldily-tree. The commission is already est in the Jewish quarter of the city. holding its preliminary sessions in the Its owner has carefully removed the ancient'city of Castille. clay with the inscription and forwarded it- to an archaeological expert in Birthplace trnvertain the Madras government who will- give 'ASnong- the claims the commission it special study in the hope of making will consider are these: The old story. some important revelations regarding long credited^ but of late proclaimed the earliest Jewish settlements in Infalse, that- Columbus was born in dia, before the time of the destruction Genoa; newly discovered documents of the Second Temple. indicating- he was born in the Province of Galicia, Spain; the claim of fifteen Italian towns that each was the explorer's birthplace; evidence that he Charles Spencer- Chaplin had an was a Spaniard; evidence that he was an Italian; evidence that he was a uphill struggle in his early days, playJew; JVIolloy's theory that he was ing small parts in cheap London . Irish; Goodrich's asertion that he vaudeville. But his humble beginning and that was a Greek pirate, and much other of many other Americans who have interesting evidence. since achieved distinction on the According to evidence presented by screen are shaded by the start and Dr. Celso Garcia de la Reiga, a rioted meteoric rise of Pola Negri, the brilhistorian, Columbus was born in Pon-~ trevedra in 1436^ his father was Dom- liant European actress who is a Jew-
NET OF ANTI-SEMITIC •! SOCIETIES IN FOSEN Warsaw. (J." T. A.) An immense mass meeting of t h e : anti-Seniitic League of Posen was held in Posen recently. Three thousand persons were in attendance. In his opening speech, the chairman of the meeting stated that a whole net of anti-Semitic societies existed in Posen and that they were working- under various names and guises against Jewish-interests; The meeting issued a call to all Polish patriots to conduct a holy Christian war against the Jews and sent resolutions to the Polish government demanding that all Jewish officials be discharged and that the' Polish frontiers be closed to the» stream of Jewish refugees now'pouring into the country from Russia. JEWS DO FIND EMPLOYMENT IN PALESTINE London. (J. P. A.) The problem of unemployment in Palestine J is gradually, solvingJtself, says a Jaffa report received here. At present only the most recent arrivals are still idling, all others having already found something; to. do. *: f
' Rovno. (J. P . ; A.) . Representatives of the J pint Distribution Committee, Haias and the Committee of . Ukrainian Jews in Poland, at a special conference discussed the: possibilities of Jewish emigration to Argentine. Mr. Moss, the representative of.Argentine Jerwry, who specially cain;e-to Europe in this connection, reported" ajt length "on the openings ':' afforded bi? the Argentine republic. • JEWISH SCHOOL FOR POLITICAL ECONOMY OPENED : Polish* Peasant Party Inaugu- •Riga. (J. P. A.) A Jewish school for the study of politics and economrates Cainpaigiiwith Afltiics has .been, opened ofi November 1st "~ Semitic Agitation. in Homel, according to information Warsaw^ (J. P. A.) - The Polish peasant party has already. Btarted a received here., All subjects studied • campaign for the next parliamentary will be examined in the light of the ; .'.-,•' "; election*- Its leaders:inaugurated the Socialist idea. campaign with a fresh .agitation against the Jews of Poland. The Lemberg Universities Still Refuse party leaders are particularly bitter Admission to Jews. against the Zionists and declare that Lemberg. (J. P. A.) Despite the the latter at a special conference de- recent order of the Polish Department cided' to do everything. within their of Education, that Jews henceforth be power to destroy the peasant party. freely admitted into the Lemberg University and other educational inSOUTH AMERICA: NOW stitutions, Jewish seudents are still A HAVEN OF REFUGE barred by the authorities of these inParis. (J. P- A;) information re- stitutions. Hundreds of students, who came ceived by the local office of the Jewish Central World relief regarding here in the hope of joining the uniconditions of emigrants in Italy show versity, now find themselves in a desthat a great number are trying to perate condition, the greater majority make their'way to the different re- of them having given up suitable popublics of South America, With the sitions before coming here. All apexception of the Argentine represent- peals to the rectors of the university ative, the various consulates are doing on the part of local Jews to the stuall.th.ey can-to facilitate the emigrants.. dents were in vain..
Ancient Hebrew Inscription Discovered in India
Struggling Shop Girl a Star
ingo the Colon, a wool stapler; his mother was Susanna Foriterosa, who belonged to a Jewish family converted to Christianity. Dr. Reiga brings to the Spanish | 5 Government's commision ample evidence supporting his claim. The great astronomer;" Tdscanelli, gav6 Columbus the famous map he-1 took on his first voyage in search of a shorter Toute to India. Toseanelli, the records show, believed Columbus to be a Portuguese, as one of his letters to the navigator "shows. It was evident Columbus had not begun at that time to claim Genoa as his birthplace. \ Mother May Have Been Jewish Why did he later lead people tober lieve that Genoa was the city of his nativity?- The answer to that question involves still another issue—the possible Jewish parentage of Columbus on his mother's side. '-.-. It was wisdom to hide his Galician extraction because, if it wera known that he was part Jew, the Catholic monarchs would never have helped him. Again, the writings of Columbus are pointed out as showing a marked influence of Bible study in a period when the Bible was read scarcely at all in Spain, save by priests and a veryjfew intellectuals, although every Jew knew the Old Testament from cover 'lo cover, t h e letter's and books of travel -written by Columbus abound in Biblical phraseology, chopped syntax such as used in the Bible, short and flowery sentences, fantastic descriptions of nature, extravagant metaphors, invocations to the heavens and Biblical names, such as Israel, David, Jerusalem, Judah and the King of Israel. Columbus even wrote a "Book of Prophecies," all- of which, declare* historians of this school, indicate a Semitic origin.—Jewish Gazette.
ess. Her real name is Paula Schwartz and the translation from Schwartz into the English "Negri" gave her her stage name. But a few years ago, Pola Negri was a little shop girl earning fifteen marks a week. At that time fifteen marks amounted to about $4 in United States money. Now it would bring about forty cents in American currency. Pola was employed at Wertiheim's, one of the largest department stores in the world, located on. Leipziger Platz, in Berlin. She was talented; could dance and play the violin to perfection. She learned these things in her native city of Posen in Poland. Friends urged her to use the talents which were being wasted in the great department store. She obtained an engagement to go on a concert tour and quit Wertheim's. Her tour was a success. Then she had an opportunity to join the Imperial Russian Ballet and was for some time a dancer in that famous group of terpsichorean artists, appearing before the late Czar Nicholas. Pola returned to Berlin and then the war broke out. She could not arrange any more concert engagements and so took her old job back at Wertheim's. The ambitious little shop girl was not contented with her lot. She made the rounds of the motion picture studios, hoping to land a job. She got one as an extra, and then Ernest Lubitsch, also a Jew, who is called the Griffith, of Europe, discovered her. That was six years ago. Today the former little shop girl is the talk of two continents.
Facts About the Jewish Population of New York There are' 1,600,000 Jews in Greater New York, nearly SO per cent of the entire population. That equals the total population of Philadelphia, or Detroit and Cleveland put. together, or Buffalo, San Francisco and Pittsburgh combined, or twice the population of Boston. The 1,600,000 are distributed thus. East Side of Manhattan, 33,000; Harlem, 232,000; Bronx, 311,000; Williamsburg, '203,000; Brownsville, 191,000; East New York, 10S,000; Borough Park, 66,000; Queens, 23,000; Richmond, 5,000, and scattered, 127,000. The population is Jewish in . the fullest sense of the word with its own banks, retail stores,. restaurants, etc. It supports twelve Jewish theatars, 5,000 grocery and delicatessen stores, 300 stationery, cigar and cancfy stores, 2,400 meat shops, 800 drug stores, 700 shoe stores, 275 hardware stores, 250 paint shops, 240 furniture stores and 150 electrical dealers.
BENDERLY CHARTERS TWO COMPANIES IN PALESTINE Jerusalem. (J. T. Agencj-.) Dr. S. Bcnderly representative of the American Palestine Company, left here yesterday and is due to arrive in America on October 29. Before leaving the country he stated that ha had been granted two charters by the Palestinian Adminis-, tration, one for an Industrial Credit Company and another for an Urban Mortgage Bank. He declared that the government had been very helpful to him in his work and that conditions in the country were favorable to immediate industrial development projects.
Hsrry H. LnpidnB, Jos. Pepper, Vlce-PreeWent. W. Q. T/re, Secretory.
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Don't Forget the
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The Thorpeian Athletic Club § Thursday Eveaing, November-24th, 1921
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Sidney Hillman Foresees Great Industrial Boom In Russia New- York." • (J. P.' A;) '; Sydney Hilimaii, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers;of America,has returned to this country after spendr ing some months abroad. . Mr. Hillman spent four weeks,in Russia and, speaking to newspaper men, is reported to have said: "I came in contact with all shades of opinion in Russia, anti-Soviet as well as pro-Soviet, and I am reflecting prevalent anti-Soviet opinion when I say that the Soviet power is established on a permanent basis, and Lenin and Trotzky will probably hold their places for 'a' long time to come. "Russian today is the safest investment proposition' in Europe outsid6 Great Britain.' There is ' absolute freedom of speech there. Anybody can get up on a street corner and damn Lenin and Trotzky, but if one threatens' to throw' bombs the ja.il is right around the corner.
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NOVITSK¥-GKOSS. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Newman- and not here to attend the funeral* Kut- has been active In Jewish work, hav- trict are among the most vivid ever day. A love story of compelling • | The marriage of Miss Diana Gross, jMr. and; Mrs. N, W. Naken spent er left Council- Bluffs last. May to ing been associated with the religious shown In a photoplay. Thfe Great sweetness,', powerful drama, mystery, / ittempt to bring his relatives to this schools of tha Free Synagxig. She is White Way is just that when flashed. suspense, and intrigue; a. sparkle of , daughter of Mrs. Malcia Gross, ta .the week end at Lincoln. Mr. Sol Novitsky - tpolJ place at the : ountry. No word has been received the daughter of Benjamin Franklin, on the screen. fun and Iitlitior throughout, and a Mr. and Mrs. S. Eavitz have moved a well known lawyer-.of New York home of the bride's mother on Sunday into their new home at 720"South 37th rom Kutler $6r'- the last six great, thrbbbingly human theme at ; ' • . • . and his relatives here have been tin- city. ' .-. •evening m the presence of- the im-street. A photoplay that more thari does the base ef. it all—those qualities | able to locate him. mediate- families; Rabbi M. -N, i justice to the splendid novel from sum up "The Mysterious" Rider." Riga. (J: P. A.) The use of ra- 'which it was filmed is "The Tason. officiated^ Mrs. Herman Orschel returned OMAHA GIRL HONORED. The bride wore a sleevless gown of Wednesday after spending some time" Jewish Americans are forging to tion cards for the-distribution of food Mysterious Eider," Benjamin B. ; Miss Minnie Eabinowitz, formerly ivory satin embroidered in pearls and in Detroit and/New York. the front in Athletics. They have and" other products which has been Hampton's photodramatization of the Ottiahfi's of Omaha, who served overseas for a very long tulle veil caught with furnished quite a number of success-* prevalent throughout Russia has been best seller by Zane Grey, the newest Newest and Finest Eqxiiped the Jewish Welfare board during the orange blossoms. There will be special patriotic serv- ul prize fighters of all classes, and abolished, according to a Moscow dis- Hodkinson release, which is presented Bath-House. She carried a •war and is now with the Travelers' shower of Ophelia roses and swan- ices at Temple Israel on Friday even- ut quite a creditable figure in other patch received here. Baths,Massage-, Hot I'acks, at the Moon Theatre, starting* SunElectric Treatment, Aid society in New York, has been sonia. Miss Flora Bienstock as maid ing, Armistice day, when Rabbi Fred- branches of athletics. Recently in Iniialatoriara, invited to-represent the Jewish Wel- of honor was gowned in silver cloth erick Cohn will speak on Disarma- Sew York City H. Moscowitz, of the Frank Lloyd, director of the new fare board at the burial of the un)2nd St., Y. M. H. A. led the field Goldwyn picture, "The Grim Come- j FOK KENT und rose tulle, carrying Columbia ment. n the first scratch road race of the dian," by Rita Weiman, which comes known soldier at Arlington field in roses. Miss Bose Fried was the CONCANNON BEO0., Props. Eoom and B-oard in private Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg left Sun- season under the auspices of the Washington on Armistice day; ; '• ' bridesmaid and wore apple-green 1401 F&rn&m St* Basement day t o spend several weeks at Ex- brkville Athletic League. Oscar to the Sun Theatre, for one. week,i Jewish family. beginning Sunday, November 13, EB trance. celsior Springs. • The Junior Welfare Organization chiffon and carried Russel roses. 3G21 Jiarcy St. fhillipson, in a road race of the again proved • his ability to obtain Telephone i Tyler 5731. Mr. Philip Monsky acted as best •will hold a meeting on Wednesday OMAHA, NEB, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Harris ronx Glub Members, lowered the unusual mass effects with the Barney 2543. to Mr. Novitsky. Little Thelma evening at the Lyric' Building when record by running 4£ iniles in 24 minimum of effort. Several . night have returned from their wedding sewing for the Wise Memorial Hos- Gasper carried the ring and the bride minutes and 15 seconds, which pital, "work in "which this organization was given in marriage by her broth- trip and are at the Blackstone Hotel. eclipsed the best previous record by scenes in New York's theatrical dfswas especially interested last year, er, John Gross. Free citizenship classes for men seconds; In sports as in most other •will again be resumed. Mrs. N. P . A reception followed the ceremony. arid women, preparing for" final pa- lines of endeavor that the Jews enMrs. ,mu Novitsky have guiiuj_gyg gone Feil and Mrs. Dolly Elgutter "will be Mr. and lin ^ujio. vitality iiarc will held on Tuesday and ter, they figure at least a little above in charge of the "work this year and south on a wedding trip and will be!Thursday the average. from 7:30 to 8:30, Chiropodist aisd Beaaty me. after December 1 at the beginning K ^ ; ^ ; , , ^ November 15, at the City are urging all members to attend at home. Shop Marianna Apartments. these meetings and assist. Hall and on the south side at the Pub- Miss Ernestine P. Franklin of WilEstablished 1S98 liamsbridge, Bronx, New York city, I3tli and Hamey Streets. Miss Fannie Brodsky will be hos- ic Library. These classes are enrtione DoDfflas 2333 '- A benefit card social will be given who was awarded a two-year fellowdorsed by the, board of education. on Sunday afternoon, November 27, tess to the Ra-Oth Soeiety on Sunday ship in classics b y the American at therL6yal Hotel by the local Junior afternoon. At the first open, meeting of the Academy in Koine, recently sailed HadassaH Unit. This' is the. second Mr. and-Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky /ongregatioa B'nai Sholem lield Sun- from New York on the steamship BUY SAFE of a series of socials to be given by day evening at the Swedish Audi- Providence, to take up her residence this, organization in order to raise have as their house guest Miss Bess torium, in appreciation of his services at the school. She is a graduate of Fried of Milwaukee. Miss- Fried will in officiating at the services during money to adopt Palestine orphans. also spend.some time as the guest of the high holidays, Herman M.'Cohen the public schools and Hunter College At the meeting of the Junior Ha- her aunt, Mrs. Saul Levy and Mr.was presented with a gold watch. f New York city. Miss Franklin Otir gnaxantee and our word is as good s s a bond, dassah unit held on Wednesday even- Levy. Mrs. Levy entertained twelve Following the, presentation a musical . We have satisfied hundreds of ing, November 2, Mr. L. Kaufman guests at the Athletic club on Tues- program was given consisting of vioFred R. Shaw Flower Shop your friends. day complimentary to Miss Fried.-On spoke of his. experiences with the Fhonr 104. lin selections by M. Magzanin, dances Jewish" Legion in Palestine. A pro-Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kula- by Miss Rose Rabinowitz, recitations Xhs Best of Everything in Flowers and gram of songs and dances by Ann and kofsky entertained at a theatre party by Miss Rose Rubin.. Mr. Louis Mann Confections a t Hoclerate Prices. Ethel Hurwitz and recitations by Rose for their guest and on Thursday eve-, sang a group of Yiddish; songs, and 543 W. Broadway. Jf est liberty TUester, 1514 Dodge Street. Fairer completed by meeting. Five rung they will entertain at an infor- talks were made by Nathan Bernstein cocrscti. Bi-inrrs. IOWA. -Phone j Douglas new member3 were admitted tp this mal patty at their home. and J. Friedman. A Leibowitz was organization. chairman of the evening. Mrs. Harold Zidelle will entertain ' Bfrs. J. Rosenberg entertained thir- twenty-five guests at a bridge tea at The Congregation B'nai Sholem are ty guests at a bridge Wednesday af- the Brandeis tea room for Miss Kose anticipating holding regular Friday ternoon at the Blackstone Hotel for Horwich, whose marriage to Mr.; Na- evening services at an early date. ' E! her guest Mrs. Philip Mervis of St. than Kramer will take place on De- "Resolved that Sunday services be cember 4 at the B.lackstone HoteL Paul, Minnesota. Last Saturday Miss Rose Block en- inaugurated a t Temple Israel" was Fontenelle Hotel Admission $\> 50 Couple Mrs. Eva Browar of Chicago is the tertained fifteen guests at a luncheon the subject of, a debate held following the monthly supper of the Brother'guest of h e r son, Mr. A. M. Browar for this bride-elect. hood of Temple Israel on Wednesday and Mrs. Browar. Mrs. Browar is Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun evening. Messrs. Sam Frank and enroute" to California, -where she will have as their guests, Mr. and: Mrs.Eugene Blazer put forth the affirmaremain for the winter. Bert Lissner of San Francisco. Mr. tive discussion and William Holzman The- Eriscilla Club met Thursday: and Mrs.. lissner -went from Sail and Martin Sugarman the negative WEEK WEEK with Mrs. Sam R6senberg. Francisco to New York via the Pa-argument. No~"decision. was rendered of November 13th of November 13th The local Hadassah unit-will- give nama- Canal and are now returning as the debate was purely for entertainment, r • ' ••••' S Tea at Burgesh-Nash tea rooms, on- to their home in California. Wednesday afternoon, December .7, ' The Herzl/GirVs Club will give a for tha purpose of obtaining linen to "Grown Up:-Party" Saturday evening be sent to Palestine. November 12, at the Lyric Building. ~. The "Aleph"' club, a university or" Mrs. Max Block will entertain on Of the eight thousand garments Wednesday afternoon at bridge for collected by the Needle Work Guild, ganization, gave a dance at the Linher mother, Mrs. H. j , Abrams. Mr. one^ thousand" wers collected for thedell Party House, Monday night. Fresfe Coal-..Arriving Dally—Phone -Your and Mrs. Abrams and-Hiss'Charlotte Jevrisi - Women's 'Welfare Organiza^ Mrs. Sarah Poska entertained mem. . . With . . . AbramS are a t the Blackstone Hotel tiojt and four hundred'.' ninety, gar- bers of the Naomi club Wednesday Are. you aware of the fact that we are . . for a month after which they : are ments for the "Wise Memorial HosJACK HOLT planning to return to San Francisco. pital. Mrs. S. Greenstone, and Mr. Sam. • offering -a better and harder grade of Greenstone left Tuesday for Califor. . . • ' coal 'than the MUNY COAL COMPANY • and an All-Star Cast, William Eosenati, 6f Baltiboys, aged from nine t o nia. ' at the same price? more, Maryland, wha will come to twelve years, members of the junior Mrs. S. Engleman of Des Moines on Friday, to attend the cele- scout troup- of the YMHA took a five WE ALSO SCREEN OUR COAL—THEY DONT. bration of Temple Israel, will address mile hike last Sunday afternoon, ac- is visiting her daughter,, Mrs. Al the Rotary Club of Lincoln on Thurs- companied by their leader, John Sandlovich. day and will also speak before ' the Beber. This group meets every FriThe Hebrew Educational Society Brotherhood of Temple B'nai Jeshu- day afternoon at 4 o'clock af the held an open meeting1 Sunday even run at Lincoln. YMHA" rooms. Mr. "Beher announces ing. Several vaudeville acts were Phone Douglas 05S0. ' , A. f t Ifaskin, Sales Mgr» On Saturday the board of directors there are vacancies for five additional given. . ' will give a luncheon at Athletic Club members. PHONE YOUR ORDEE TO "US for the visiting rabbis and the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will give a lun- Mrs. Philip Koolish entertained'. at cheon at the Blackstone Hotel in luncheon at the Brandeis Restaurants; honor of Mrs. Abram Simon, honorary on Wednesday complimentary to Miss A surprise stag party was given on president of the Federation of Sister- telia Eichards of San Jose, Califor- Mr. A. Gilinsky by fifteen : of his nia. Miss Kichards, ^who has been hoods, and the wives of the visiting friends Saturday evening in honor of rabbis, Mrs. William Rosenan, Mrs. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben his fiftieth birthday* Leo M. Franklin and other guests. KuiJakofsky, leaves for Chicago on Following the luncheons a reception Thursday. She will visit in New- York The regular meeting of the Council •will be given a t the home of Mrs.and Washington and will stop in Bluffs lodge of the B'nai Brith was Samuel Wertheimer, 1320 South.34th Omaha to spend the Christmas season held Wednesday evening at th< street. In the evening there-will be on her return to her home in Califor- Danish halL a banquet and danee at the Fontenelle nia. The Semi-Monthly card club hel< Hotel. On Sunday following the pubMrs. Abe Davidson ~ and small its meeting this afternoon at the hom< lic meeting to be at, the . Brandeis Theatre, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy daughter' of Des Moines, Iowa, are of Mrs. L. Bernstein. Starts Thursday, November 10th." •will entertain at dinner at the Black- the guests of Mrs. Davidson's paThe Ladies Eight club.met Tuesday rents, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy. stone Hotel. afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sam Mrs* J. D. Kendis and daughter, Gross. DQDBE BRQTHER5 The following were elected officers Evelyn, who have been visiting Mrs. Anniversary Soyvenirs of • t o ' t h e Young Judea Council' at. at Kendis' parents,' Mr. and Mrs. I. The Blossoms of Zion, Young Judes SBHAU meeting on November 5: president, Pearlman, returned to their home In club held a literary entertainmen Ann Greenberg; -vice president, Sunday afternoon at the Synagogue Sadelia, Missouri. Philip Handler; secretary, Ben Cohn; The Mogen Dovid club "was invited t treasurer, Sara Kurtzman; and Ella Mrs. Edward Treller left Sunday attend this entertainment. Aeeorc Cobien, reporter. An executive com- for Denver where she. will visit-with ing to the executive committee of the mittee consisting of Tina Altschuler, her sister, Mrs. Walter Apple and club, this is the first of a series of Ann White, Mary Marzif and' Sara Mr.. Apple. Mrs. Treller plans; toeducational entertainments that vrill Ruback were appointed. ' remain- about six weeks. ~ be given during the coming winter months. The following program was S&5 gold pieces free with $5.O& gold pieces free with -Mrs. N. S. Eothenberg will be hos- Mrs. Carl Sessel and children are given: . "•' individual cash pureJifiKep individual cash purchases tess to thirty guests at a bridge tea visiting at St. Louis. . $ of $25.00 ot more throughTalk by leader... Fnrcnle of $50.fl0 or more through* on Saturday at the Brandeis - Tea "Geographic Chil&"~ Ida Hoffman out the store. Shop on out the store. Shep on "Tivo %ViJ]s"_ Many social affairs are being plan.._.—ItutU Bernsfeia a transfer. rooms, when her sister, Miss Gerta transfer. "All for Her " _.Toby Katelman _. . —Dorothj- Saltzmnn rude Stein, a bride of this month, ned for the visiting rabbis and their "Battle of laneoln Park" ^-Lillian Stein will "be the complimented guest. Miss wives who come to Omaha next week "Johna.y'8 History t<esson"_ -Rose Shj-ken .-By Audience Esther Solomon will entertain for to participate in the fiftieth anniver- "Hatlfevoh" : Miss Stein on Sunday evening at her sary celebration of tKe organization Philip Saltman of Sioux City, la., That Will Electrify the City "home. On Thursday Mrs. Simon of Temple Israel. On Friday Mr. spent a few days with his parents, Whitebrook jof Council Bluffs gave a Dave Rosenstock will entertain the Mr. and Mrs. M. Saltzman. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF PHONE: DOUGLAS 2798. luncheon, followed by an Orpheurd memebrs of the board of. trustees of MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Temple and the, visiting rabbis at The Jewish Sisterhood of Council party for this bride-elect. . luncheon, at the At&letie Club. On Bluffs held its card party Wednes: ;Miss Zenia Wolf son of Miami, Fla. Friday evening, preceeding the serv- day-afternoon at the home of-Mrs.. M. : THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF is. expected Saturday to visit with ices at Temple Israel, Mr. and Mrs.Nogg. Over thirty-five members were WOMEN'S AND MISSES1 Mr. and Mrs., O. P. Wolfson. Miss Isidor Ziegler will entertain at din-present. Wolfson will be remembered in Oma- ner at the Blackstone Hotel, when The funeral of Morris KuVier, 7 ha, having visited Mrs. Mayer Spies- the guests will include the trustees of the Temple, their wives • and the year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kutberger previously. ler, who died Tuesday afternoon "at rabbis and their wives. Mrs. M . S . Miller has as her guests the Jennie Edmundson hospital, was her sister, Mrs. Milton D. Goldman, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Steinberg have held Wednesday morning" from the and Mrs. Waiter St. John of De_returned from their weeding trip family residence. The boy's father, rCOKRECT ArPAREL FOR MEN AN*;* WOMEN Moines, who are spending the "week ar/d are "at home at the Coronado JL Kutler, who, it is feared by relaCOMMERCIAL PRINTERS- LITHOGRAPHERS here. tives, is lost in Roumania, was __.-._ Apartm*-' LOOSE
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THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF E[ENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. advertisers in #iis department are Leaders of their respective lines and are-co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT. SOME QUESTIONS' AND ' THEIR ANSWERS
N1/ i <
In view of the oft-repeated statement in the Dearborn Independent are not only expensive from the, standpoint of resetting the glass, that the Jews do not originate anyTelephone Office By ELBERT HUBB ARD, II. thing, the following* questions and but because your windows are rendered useless. Jackson 0268 209 South 18th Street answers, taken from the-American Place your Plate Glass Insurance where your claim will be With horn a-tootin.' and giving her difference between choosing and be-Hebrew- Magazine, are sent us for quickly adjusted. publication: P. MELCHIORS & SON lots of gas, Henry Ford is again Don .ing chosen." Quixoting "The Dearborn IndependQ. Who was the Jew who kept MACHINE WORKS Ford a Gats Paw ent" in his tin Elizabeth 'Rosinante, President Madison from starvation ? Industrial and Automotive Machinists. So we take it that Henry Ford Carburetor ond Icnitlon Repairs. and Sancho Panza Cameron is the A. Haym Solomon. Starter B i n s Gears for Auto F l y Wheels comes to the task of Jew-baiting not Phone Atlantic 0360 640 First National Bank Bldg. guy who supplies the gasolee and 417 South 13th Street. Q, At what Jew's home was the 1115 Douetas St. TeL Jackson 8171"" freely and of his own choice, but Telephone: Jackson SoSO cranks the critter. American Red Cross established? And when the Duke of Detroit goes merely as the - cat's paw of anti-SeA. At the home of- Adolphus Soloon a crusade, newspaper correspond- mitic propagandists whose product is mon." Steamship Tickets to aid frem ents sharpen their trusty Dixons and created from prejudice, poppycock and DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT Q. By what Jewish doctor and in persecution. Does It Need Cleaning there is joy in the camp of the car-i all Parts el the World COMPANY. Ford has again* embarked in a what Jewish hospital was the typhus : .or. Repairing?. t o o n i s t . • ' * • • . • • '••• " * i \Te assist you in petting p BISMARCKS, CAKE AND SBGAIS UNDERTAKERS germ isolated ? W I S T E E TI5£E TO HAVE porrs and £ive you expert advise DOUGHNUTS OCK S P E C I A M Y , Henry is aware of this. And know- leaky boat. A. Dr. Louis Plotz succeeded in on European conditions, EXPEKTS DO T E E WORK. MOVED TO ing the value of publicity, he, with a" The Ford flivver' has never been isolating the typhus germ at Mt. We Deliver the Real Goods. Ton'l! Be Surprised nt Onr Kutes. %Ve help, you to .trot yonr re!aput to such a test as will this Ford Cleaning? done by Vacuum withS231 CUMEKG STREET. Fhono Webster 0943regularity and precision which should ti%-es in Kurooe to this country. Sinai-Hospital. out causing dirt. We have satisbe an object lesson to the timid ad- activity.which so bitterly assails the factorily cleaned oter 100 f ornaces Q. What famous piece of sculpture the past month. vertisers-stages peripatetic perform- rectutude of our Jewish fellow-citVal. J. Peter & • Co. made by, a Jew is in the White House ? r : CAI.X/ JACRSOK ISIS. izens* - .' ' .; • ' •• ' ances arranges pilgrimages, conducts •••" ' ; • ; A D V O C O F F E E STEAMSHIP TICKETS AND Every j nation from the time of Who is the sculptor? FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. campaigns. ' . ' . ' . ' r O B E I G X EXCHASGE A. "The Exile," by Jules Buten1307 Ecwarfi St., Omaha, Neb. A D V O J E L L •:. '•- ' ADVO FOODS 181* Ccmlng- Street. "Ford's Follies" have become a rec- Moses down has sought to heap scorn sky, is in the White House. We Install Gilt Edge Furnaces. on the Jew. Why? I think the anThone ATlantic 0340. ognized institution. They add to the Q. How many Jews have served in gaiety of the nations. The world has swer is "Because he dares to excel!" not forgot, nor ever will forget, the Martyred, persecuted, whipped, re- the United States Supreme, Court ? A. .One—Justice Loais D. Bran"Peace Ship." Even though hearts viled, ostracised,, "beaten to. the dust, - /.'-', Yd-ur.". position ' is the Jews Have kept the spark of hope deis. .. . . . EEUESIBEK were breaking and faces were drawn Visit Our ' • ; . , : correct, - &n&. should Q. /What Jew gave India its first and tense, we were forced to smile.ati fanned in their breasts. •ft " ." ' . b e . s u - p p o r t e d by Although they are a people withconstitution ? . the childishness and the foolishness! out a .country, they-have woven the A. Sir Edward St. Montagu. --. •• • . every fair Blinded of that Ford project. weft of their hopes, aims and ideals Do away with drudgery and make Qi What two great scientific conAnd now Ford, the paladin, is after person. house-work a pleasure by the use TVlth Your Oriie* for the Jews. He is taking them in hisinto the warp of the fabric of his- tributions to modern warfare were of modern electrical .appliances. bare hands and using the same tory. Upon the life and thought of invented by Jews? ANYTHING A. (1) The tank was invented by The "Electric Shop" is on the weapon Samson used upon the Philis- all nations they have made an indelible impress. ; •- IN THE WRAPPING R. Sterne; (2) TNT" was invented by ground floor of the Electric build- tines. ing, South-east corner, of Fifteenth . . . of..« Chaim Weizman. PAPER LINE Is Henry Envious A Professional Jew Baiter and Farnam streets. Q. Who was the Jew who made Before he and his henciii..an. have And in every line of art, science Hoffmasm Funeral -Home. done .'ith the Jews they will make or statesmanship the Jew has ex-possible the erection of the Bunker Hill Monument? Phone Douglas 6409 the starry-eyed houris in Aphrodite celled. And "no crime," said Pliny, look like Esquimaux in comparison! the Younger, "is so.great to the en- 'A. Judah Touro. Q. What percentage of Jews was The "Dearborn Independent" will vious as .that of daring to excel.'?. there in the military and naval service leave them, naked and ashamed! Is envy, therefore/ one of the in-in the United States during the World "Boy Midwest Milk" (FAL3-IEE GRADUATE) Henry Ford has entered the ranks of spirations of this Ford Jew-hating, War? .the; professional Jew-baiters; he hasJew-bating campaign? Plioue Jackson S072 joined the line of persecutors and de- The greatest asset of the Jew is his A. Five per cent, which was 2 per tractors; mayhap he already feels adaptability—his flexibility. He is a cent more than any other nationality. Q. What Jew is called the Modern upon his shoulder the blade, of the cosmopolitan with views and sympaGalileo? sword of some phantom sceptered thies that are wide and a capacity HOLCOMB A. Professor Michaelson. , bigot, whose throne was stained with for hard work, constructive thinking f*P Pt FOOD CHEMICAL Q. . At the home of what Jew did the blood of the Jews, giving him thearid "quick action. til PRODUCTS CO., INC. accolade—"Arise! Sir Henryr'r Poor, He is an analyst,; a "critic, a psy- most of the Supreme Council meetMsmifactnrers of ings take place? . .. ! beknighted—and benighted—man! chologist; He knows'men and meth. • FOODS - AJTD . CHEMICALS. 2002 Poppleton Ave.:; in A. At. the home. of Sasson at In Henry Ford's make-up is some- ods. "He possesses prescience and per- Hythe, England. . ,: '• FLAVORING EXTRACTS. ' • Atlantic 368'0 918 ST. 16th St. r&one Atlantic 4&S4 thing of the Hohenzollern. He be-sistence which he tempers with a deQ. What Jewish sculptor did Preslieves; he is "chosen"—for what, he gree ' of cautiousness that insures ident Wilson send abroad to make isn't really sure; but undoubtedly success. He prepares, plans, gathers busts of leading statesmen of the Al- ] NORTHWEST READY from1 time to time his advisors, men- up the loose ends, abhors waste, is lies? • 'Biscuit €©» ROOFING CO. ; tors and variets will supply the sub-frugal and provident;'-' 1 JReaar Roofing over oM A. Jo Davidson. j ject and the ammunition. ' ; Also asphalt shiEfries and buJlaTip Education and development he be- Q. What Christian order was The Dry- Cleaner.pf North Omaha. roofs. Fire resisting: ETIS durable. Interesting in this connection is thelieves in and supports" lavishly. Life founded by a man whose mother was AH. "work guaranteed. Easy terms. "GAK3IENTS CLEANED JUKE T H E TOUCH OF A FAIRY." V. 8,'Tmt, following culled from "Mr. Ford's to the Jew is full of possibilities and a Jewess ? Hartley 2514 - P H O N E KENWOOD 0203. 2410 AMES AVENUE. .• . I Office nnfi Phone Office.) Warehouse: S12JS I Page" in the "Dearborn Independent" promise, and he avails himself of A; The Salvation Army. Booth's of March 5: • every opportunity to-prepare himself mother was a Jewess. i "Some day there may come to you for their fulfillment.- ' ELECTE1CAL FIXTURES * Q. What is the highest government the'duty to do a disagreeable task, to What has made the Jew so strong position in the world held by a Jew ? j APPLIANCES -& SUPPLIESMAStHFACTTKEBS. take 'up a cause that will yield you and self-reliant? Persecution. The Who is the Jew? • • • liest Home CooUinpr ot Very BensonMade b y : .'' i able Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed. Grand en Electric Co. no reward, which will, at first, en- Jaw-baiter - has sharpened the Jew's SAM BREAKFAST A. Viceroy of India; (2) the po-; .MEY-MER-CO. Brani BETE>T).4BLK EI^ECTRICAX. Beverages' and Syraps. FOOD CO. velop you in misunderstanding and wits and bound the race together in sition is held by Lord Heading. R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor JJEKCHAXDISE. j 'S10-321 So. 14th St., Omolia. Kebr. 1511 EOWKTCI St. rhone Attnntio ««8t OMAHA,-NEBRASKA. >" abuse, which will make you look like a brotherhood bond that will last the 316 Soatli lDth Street—Op • Stairs. Q. To what Jew's estate is the ] Phone Atlantic SSS0 a fool before men. You: will shrink ages. '.—The Roycroft. ; United States Government still in- j from i t naturally, yet If you are the debted for money loaned during theTRY SCND'KBEX'S person Selected for the task, some American Revolution? ! Nutritions Home Jlailo Carpenter Paper Co. way it will make itself known to you TIRES-TUBES—ACCESSORIES A. The estate of Haym Solomon. •.-•-'...'-Distributors .of ' tiih and Farnam Stree*. PIES and COOKIES as a serious proposition regardless of All that the name Q. What Jew gave the American Sealed In. Sanitary Waxed your likes and. dislikes. A man's real implies. Western Bond—and High Grade Government the idea for the War The Home of Good Ice Cream . Wrapper at your Grocer. Stationery work is not always what he would Saving Stamp? -• • Sundgren Pie Baking Co. sad Home Blade Candy. Douglas 6887 016 N. 16th St. have chosen to do. There is all the OMAHA, 'inSBRASUA. A. Manny Strauss. 34th and Hickory. Atlantic 5241
The Brinn & Jensen Company
'Electric Shop
Leo A. Hoffmann
'Harle - Haas -Co.
Eftd Tlfci! Kdtbr, P. C-
kftirei in inala".
PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and' Martfia' Sts. Harapy 1C62 Manufacturers ot Brass, Bronze, Aluminum and Soft Gray Iron CastJnRS. Yon are~ assured: of soft castings, as •wo machine some from every heat in our ovrn shop. Standard size cast iron bushings i n stock.* '•.•••:.•
Mail© from Your Own Feathers. Warm in winter; cool in summer. Cost less ana last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples-of ticking and estimates.
Cumins: Street.
Rich and Smooth. 1423 N . 18th "St.
Phone Webster OtOC
Real Estate :: : : Insurance ' K Z>>£&£<>' 1 T H E B E S T
1517" Barney St.
Phone Pongloa 87D7
Phone Douglas 4607 SOth and Fierce St., Omaha, Nebraska.
Fruit and Vegetables ?
N . 1 . Cor; Eleventh andHoward Sts.
Have Your Furniture Renpholstered '
We make it look like new. Call Douglas P097 •. A man .will call with samples.
OUR NEW LOCATION Corner 19th and Dowrlnti : Streets. ;"• Slnsonln Temple Didc. •••'••'—-Our
DON'T BUY COAL! OIL IS SJDCH CHEAPKR Let Us tiemove tho Door from Your Furnace and Insert n
LILLIBRIDGE, OIL VAPOR BURNER See Demonstration 310 So. tflth Street.
Call Atlantic 2364 ... for...
Omalm, Nebraska*.
Rates for Space on this S p e c i a I Page given on application.
Jewish Press Crnndels Bldg-.
1318-1330 West Rroailvnr". L BLUFFS, IOWA. l'HOSE 441. .
Tel. Jackson 3373
Distributors for
SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer
Offlcs ancl Warehouses C17 So. Ma'n St. - Telephone US COUNCIL B t C F F S . W
Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS 028-32 Secarltles Balldlns. 16th and Farnam g t s . • Telephone: Jackson 3708 •
City Sepresectatire 513 S«."WEB'SfSOcflas 3SSS
Phone Jaekson
Dealers En Ratter, and 1313 Howard St.
Omaha, Nebraska.
ion Stores
Activp Practice Since 1S1O,
Dr. Frances H, .Turner Office: Bramleis Theatre BnIIdin£< 7th and Donsrlas Streets. 3»hotie Atlantic SS38
. . . for . . .
" So. S4tJi St.
Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. Oraaha J?hone Atlantic £356
Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Orocers Specialties 1511 Cutnin? St. Phon» Atlantic 12i7 '. DISTUIBCTOKS JACK SPKAT FOOD PKOD0CTS. Omatan,
Ford Tranai'er & Storage Co. R. A. FOKD. President and Geaeral Manaper. Council Bluffs (lon-a) OfSce 834 So. Main Street. Phone S65 An Meal Washing
•JEstes Laundry Tablets
Estes Soap Chips ana Water Softener (Combined)
Fhona Slarfcet 049©
OUE TREATMENT. CONVINCE \OV OT OTTR • SINCEBITT. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes. a*
I* i
Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes.
1117-19 Dodge St.
Phone Doaglas
. . . with . . , Branches Rt Central Market, Teb5« Snpply Bid F€ta& Center.
At n!i Grocers.
AHvnys Ask for
.-•/FRANK D E E . '
Joseph Polack & Son "Make Warm Friends"
Flione Haraey ©382
Stdaer JEJeetrlo MeatChopper aT5l3 Coffee- ?<Ti5i. Scales of All for Sale.
E»t, 183J.
3203 Coming: St.
E<£olppefi with Pxilnsotor. AH Calls Answered Promptly.
MAX OLSEN & CO. Wholesale
Ambulance Service 3411 Farnam St.
A.F.HMRHANBMF6.C0. Vinegar-Pickles-Cpoperage Pure Food Products
oney Weight a i i
M, D. Richman, Proprietor.
Jackson 3167
CX E. Engler & Co.
.55% to S5% saved oa parts for all makes of cars. We carry a complete line of now rihjr gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car.
Druggists and Stationers 401-403-405 South 10th St.
Every morning: !f you vail the
Frostier Tercel Supply 1P15 Caltforniu Str«?t. Phone noM^Itie «!3»1
Groneweg I Schoentgen WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 13D2