November 17, 1921

Page 1


Advice i s not a popular: thing to give.—r Disraeli.

There Is no educatioit H k e adversity. -- I 4

Entered a s second-class mail icatter on January 27th, 1921, at postofflce at Omaha. .Nebraska, nnder the Act of March 3, 1870.

VOL. I.—NO. 49

yy ^ l o i of!srad larls Istiei Step in Com! | | i t y Progress; hlitstaniliSveit of Year Clfei h


Citizens of Denmark Honor | Georg Brandes—The Jew !


Berlin (J. T. A.) The fiftieth anniversary, of Georg Brandes' first lecture is being celebrated by all Copenhagen. Fifty years ago Georg Brandes delivered his first,lectureJn Mammoth Public Meeting at Brandeis J tater on Sunday Copenhagen. Even then he evinced Morning Will Close Three-day Pro, of Services that independence of spirit that has always characterized him both in his and Entertainments. literary criticism and his social views, FORMER RABBIS OF CONGREGATION TO DELIVER and as a result -was expelled by the government from Denmark for his SPECIAL SERMONS AND ADDRESSES. "revolutionary" views. Years later he was asked to come back to DenAll arrangements have been perfected. to make the celebration in commemoration of tlie fiftieth7 anniversary of the mark by the .government, and "was organization of the Congregation of Israel, one of "the most given an honorary post, at the impressive and inspiring events in" the history of Omaha Jew- University, together with a pension.

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2,60. Citizens of Poland Honor Nemoyevsky— The Anti-Semite

Warsaw (J. P. A.) In order to honor and perpetuate the name of the recently deceased anti-Semitic An Historical Sketch by Rabbi Frederick Cohn. leader, Jan Nemoyevsky, an antiJewish organization is taking steps Former Omaha Girl __Writes of. Impressive Armistice Day to further Nemoyevsky's plan for the Serrices. dence is held over our nation as establishment of a Jewish research Israelites, we are' prompted by a institute. It will be the object cf .sense of duty, and to -promote our this institute to study and investigate DR.- CYRUS ABLER OFFEES PRAYER. j' interests and material ' assistance all' facts pertaining to Jewish life \ for the welfare, happiness and pro- and history in ordeT that it may be . Karchiiig- in military formation for tection to each other; and as t i e exploited for anti-Semitic propaganda. 1 \ .jeven miles behind the body o£ tJ republican laws ' of the -United *2 I The .organization has appointed a U n l m o w n American Soldier on Armasj States, founded on -equality and tolspecial committee to go ahead with . workers of the Jeweration, all men, either so- preliininarj7 work and Nemcyevsky's t i c e D £ J f f o r m e r ish Welfare Board paid the tribute «>£ t joumer or citizen, the right to as-. son is one of its members. 1 American Jews to the Nation's herory, and^ one which will in all ways reflect the great imsociate for lawful and good pur& 'After his death it was learned i Thrilled by the solemnity ar>d portance of the occasion, . .-'• . • poses; . that- Nemoyevsky M-as at one time grandeur of the ceremonies honoring The most interesting feature, in connection ^vith this "Therefore, We, the undersigned,- a liberal and lover of Jews, u n one j t h e Unknown, Miss Minnie three 3ay program, which commences Friday night, will ^ be do associate ourselves to provide, in occasion,, however, he had a falling j w i t z _ f o r m e r Omaha girl, writes lorai the presence of three former rabbis of the Congregation, time of health, for each other in cut with a Jewish publisher. His I fiends f the impressive tribute. o Rabbis Rosenau, Franklin and Simon; and their wives. • tirae of need, to. which the human .anti-Semitism dates from that day. j M i g j _ Kat,i now jtz was a member of frame is liable, and to pay the last the- delegation pent by the Jewish duty and horaage in. that which all : Welfare Board from New Torti X 4%'&~ *-&'r living men must fall, and being anxpay the last token of respect and Declares That Anti-Semitism ious while we can, to do good, and honor of .three million American and Intermarriage Are to assist <rar felknv creatures while Jews to the soldier dead. With the Increasing. life shall be granted to us, we have prayers of the delegation were voiced formed ourselves into a body corthe prayers of all Jews that war PROFESSOR HONORED BY porate, by the name and style of might be no more. FRENCH GOVERNMENT the Society B'nai Israel, of Omaha, "Surely this age will never again in the County of Douglas, State of New York.—Judaism is dying in witness such an event," writes After Course in National Farm RABBI FREDERICK COHX, Nebraska." France. School, to Devote Life There' Kabinowitz. At Temple Israel since 1904. The original members were: J. A. This was the answer of Prof. Richto Agriculture. *Ten minutes was allowed each Hart, M. Goldsmith, Abraham Adams/ ard J. H. Gottheil, professor of Semidelegation for placing- .its floral tribThe Congregation of Israel, of L T B - Gladstone, J . N ewman, S. Bloth tic languages at Columbia University, AND MRS. ute at the bier. Dr. Cyrus Adter Omaha, Nebraska, was first organized s c M d j j . Reinhart, E. Simon, Andrew when the great scholar was asked for STRAUS PROVIDE HERO offered the prayer for tlie Jewish as the Society B'nai Israel (Society of pv0Sew-ater, J . C. Rosenfeld, S. Jacobs, his impressions of Jewish life in the Sons of Israel) in 1871. WITH FARM. Welfare Board. J. Shiller, 11. Abrahams, L. Schwartz, France, based upon his year spent as "The casket rested on a black There had been Jews in Omaha, j a c o l 3 , Samuel -Friedlander, exchange professor at the University Abraham Krotoshimsky, who saved with emblems sad flowers banked ever since 1856, when Meyer Hellman s . Refchenberg, Ph.- Gottheiner, E. of Strasbourg. Dr. Gottheil just reand Aaron Cahn came, only two years Bundschuh, Abraham Israel, Albert the "Lost Battalion" in the Argonne j a r o U nd, and upon it a cushion tir cently returned from, his professorafter the city itself was founded. As A b e l > P - H a r t > Samuel F. May, S.forest at the risk of his life and the^-hich rested the medals of honor RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN, ship at the old French university, his of much ] stoved'by many nations, AU r>5f-bt At Temple Israel from 1892 to 1898. selection to this post being a signal the. Jewish population increased, in- Lehman, M.. Hellrasn,' A. impaired health, is about to emigrate j a n { j <jay the throngs passed 1- ^ Now at Temple Bethel, Detroit, tribute to and recognition cf his formal services were held in private Aaron Cahn M. Froudeuh _ Danid to Palestine, there devote Ms life;t ? while the guards stood liVr fl homes and in various public halls, Bernstein, Jufius Eieh, k Goldstein, Michigan. * • scholarship. . ; particularly xnthe Jewish Holy Days.-^_ Goldstein, M. Klein, Morris Green- and bring his knowledge cf agricul- i ^ a s j i e n c e so deep, that ever ;• sip*RABBI WILLIA3I ROSENAU, "There is little hope for Judaism There were attempts at religious i n - . b a B n i j . & B n ) w n , M. . Rosenthal, Jacob ture to the working of the sacred j reverberated, GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY At Temple Israel from 1889 to 1S92. soil. With, him will go his sister, a!{ jev.-irii XVelfare BoarJV u in France," Dr. Gottheil declared. struction • of the. children. As early • Phillips. Now at Congregation Oheb Shalem, CELEBRATION "As for Zionism, it is dead in France. as September.. 16, 1871, Rev. Alexaxi^ f * i r s t o ffi c e r s w e r e . j , A . K a r t , young woman who but a year or so jw a s a simple, but effective i-<-j v-ea"h. Baltimore, liarjland. Following i s the complete program Not even in the universities is there ago was brought to this country from j - ^ - j ^ r e Q j w'jiite and blue rf.ih<.-.s MSJ der Eosenspits confirmed a class con- p r e s jdeiit; M. Goldsmith, vice presiof the three day celebration of the any hope for Zionism. .Poland. pended from the center and inpfi-IV>c Eisting of Esther Jacobs (Mrs. A. d e n t . j . c." Eosenfeld, secretary; E. founding of Congregation of Israel of •Abraham Krotoshinskjwas a prio n jts streamers "In Memo-Wini'" &i "The French Jews are more French Cahn, Eva Eawr--Simon, ••treasurer; N. Easenthal, B. vate in Co. K., S07th Infantrj-, when j "Jewish Welfare Board," Omaha, as announced by the commit- than Jews. There is. a general indif-[ Eosenbefff),Emannel itzer, Bertha Eeinhart, Albert Cahn, Gladstone, S. Jacobs, trustees. tee during the" •week. - . . ..'-... his battalion,.raider the- command of! - ."The entire delegation V-:**V.PCI th Addie ferenee'to things'Jewish throughout The public is invited to attend all Col. Whittlesey, was surrounded itij^even miles from the city t r " "' Gross). A Jewish Sun SunFrance. Conversions and intermar- \ stone (Mrs. D. Gross). Fxam t h e Societ B Eai services and meetings. "Doors a t the the ArgoTine. They were short of ra- ton cemetery amphitheater, day School was organized July 14,! ? ' Israel, a riages are many. Temple will be opened at 7:30 on Fri1872, by the following young ladies: ^ e a r o r t w o l a t e r ' orgamzed along dis- tions. They tried to get word back tc the President, spoke. Prayer? French Jews Indifferent. day evening, and at 9:30.on Saturday Miss Addie Gladstone, superintend- Actively religious lines, sprang the the rear, but their men never got recited and the national anthem morning. The auditorium of the Tem"Of course, the war left France so ent;. IVEsses Bertha Reinhart, Eva Congregation of Israel. The Pream- through. Paralysis and stupefaction Then the memorable taps was b 3 eo f i t s ple will be reserved for members un- scarred and hurt that the people are Rawiteer and despair were in the air. And ed. On the still cleat- air, the sweefc Rawiteer and Constitution reads: and Esther Esther Jacobs. Jacobs. 'Sarah Sarah FF o r tt h h e til ten minutes before commencement giving their greatest attention to ref perpetuating when the hour was darkest, and allnotes seemed like the tender caress! Jacobs (Mrs. S. Kohn) C. S. Elgut-I " V^rpose of of the services. storing their country, which accounts ter, Victor Gladstone and Max Glad- the cause of Judaism, in all its seemed lost, Abraham Krotoshinsky ] of a mother who -lulls her babe to essential purity, and that we may stepped forward and said he would j sleep, so pulsating were they vnth th& for much of the indifference of French stone attended this Sunday School. cherish and promote its great and try to get through. H© tried, he was j prayers and longings of a mightyJews to Jewish questions." GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY The First Constitution. fundamental -principle—the rock wounded, he had to creep and crawl, a bereaved nation, as they bade SERVICE Dr. Gottheil, one of the pioneer The Society B'nai Israel, like so upon which our undying faith is but he got through, and he saved martyr peace in his eternal rest." ; TEMPLE ISRAEL Zionist leaders in America,' organized FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 18 Zionist meetings at Strasbourg, but many of the early Jewish congrega-! founded-—the belief in, and the.wor- "The Lost Battalion." Although he "We consider ourselves privileged • S : 0 0 V. M. ; • •' while the meetings were largely at- tions of this country, was organized ship of one God, we have estab- may justly be ranked among the to participate in this memorable tended and his reception cordial, he for the purpose of visiting the sick lished this Congregation under the greatest heroes of the war, nothing j historic event," Miss Eabinowite comAnthem—"O Be Joyful in the IiOrd" and burying the dead. As the Pre- name and style of the Congrega- in Ms manner has ever suggested that eludes. ""The President's .speech wans Galbraith held out little hope that any permaamble of its Constitution says: tion of Israel." he did anything unusually different beautiful and I do hope its sentiments CHOIK nent results for Zionism would be Friday Evening Service., Forty-five names are signed to the "Whereas, The hand of Provifrom the service of any ordinary will be fulfilled. The whole ceremony achieved. 1C-51 _Union Prayer Book. Constitution as..follows: Isaac Ober- douga-boy. HABBI FBEDE1UCK COH was so simple, yet so beautifully. For his services to the cause of the Solo—"Ho-nr Beautiful Upon the Mounfeldsr, Isaac Rubin, Louis Rubin, Leon solemn snd grand, 1 hardly think tains" —Allies during the war, Dr. Gottheil EABBI ABRAM SIMON, Student at Farm School. Kopald, Julius Rothhols, D. A. Saly, was made a Chevalier of the Legion At Temple Israel from 1898 to 1904. It will be remembered that, follow- there was a soul in Washington vrhn C. Shaw, M. Elgutter, J. Harris, J . Now at Washington Hebrew Con- . . ~MR. ISIPOR ZIEGLEE of Honor by the Government of ing his discharge from the army, be- remained untouched by it," Merritt, M. "Goldsmith, Moritz Meyer, France. His fearless denunciation of gregation, Washington, D. C. iO u r G o l ™ ^ ^ ^ _ . _ _ ing desirious of following agriculture j Ferdinand Adler, A. Heller, 'Sol •{ , , _ _ , 11ABKI FREDERICK COHN German policy both before and after FORESEES CLOSER UNION Prince," Ei Klein, Ph. Gottheirater, M. as his life's work he applied and was | the declaration of war by the United The vifeltmg rabbis and Dr. FredIlabbi Temple Israel, Omaha. Xeb. OF JEWISH GROUPS i Hellman, Wm. M.. Grunebaum, Jacob admitted to the National Farm School, erick Coin will deliver sermons at Address _RABBI WILLIAJIROSEXAU States, caused published threats to I _ | , - ' _ ., . , Rabbi Congregation Oheb Shalom, k, H... Phillips, E. Simon, 'A. where he proved to be one of its most the Temple on Friday evening and Baltimore, aid. be made upon his life if he ventured "I foresee a closer union between ( R a b b i Tem le aahu Kl H. • Spigle, S. Jacobs, B. exemplary students, bringing the Saturday! morning. The service on P $g}js$ ' into Germany. He. visited, therefore, the two great wings of Judaism in same earnestness which he brought ANTT-SOVIET RISING Ui lo— Saturday morning will be a special organ Solo—"Meinories"..: st. Ciair only the occupied territory of Gerthis country, within the next ten or to the grim business of war to the M R vV. < r P J ? t I 1 t Brash, B: Kellner, Henry SinUKRAINE GROWS, "ChildreA's Service", when children ^S S° ^ many, where he found French troops fifteen years," said Eabbi Wm. Rosework of the great agricultural army 1 saa vl Jose e r e urs bearing themselves with.tact and giv- nau of Baltimore, to the ' ^ R°senstein, cf peace. He will now contribute hiss! Jewish ^ ' ^ f ^ & L o n ( | 0 I 1 ,(j.C. B.) The iuiuuo-ivinpiF isec/iei, ijecroic. mica. 1. . " .. Kzhsh, J. Brown, M. Press" yesterday. (Eni)bi Temple Israel. Omaha, Nebraska, j mg the Germans an excellent adminpractical and scientific knowledge of j l j p r j B i n g j n the Ukraine and Soatfer The Anniversary Banquet for Temple , A • H. Gladstone, Julius The theJ The Eabbi Rabbi was speaking of the '•• : Solo—"Andante" ' ' 1802-1898) -rtr;n V,n Violin . —Ti —TVieniawski istration, which has resulted 'm- ~ ant agriculture to the cause of Zionism p t B S s i a , 3 e f 1 t,y General Pettora, P e e r b e r and tneir ^ Jewish yg young, man and woman,, and,, P P & Saimie.2-Kate. Isaac S hifl, splendid spirit of good feeling. wan r>e m ssss HELKN HELKN SOMMEK in Palestine, and Mr. and Mrs.- Ka- to 'have taken on serious proportions* (Continued on page 2) held at jthe Fontenelle on Saturday Address .. RABBI ABHAK-SIMON* ( C t i d 2 refuting the charge so often made 11 Increase of Anti-Semitism. thaxi Straus, who because of then- The Moscow "levestia," according-.t*!J night, 4 which time addresses y r i U B ^ ^ ^ ^ against them, that they are losing! ~~ ' • ~ interest and faith in him, had planned "All over Europe, anti-Semitism (Itabbi Temple Israel. Omaha. Nebraska. a despatch received here, admits thfttf be made* tracing the growth 1S08-1904) their Jewish consciousness and drift-. Professor Ashkeztazi t o Quit a s to .supply him with a farm in northPetlura has occupied Zhitomer »n4j velopment of the Congregation dur- Anthem—"America" Hymn Book^ Xo. 139 has increased to an alarming extend," ing from Judaism. •Polawd's "League" em New York state, will now see that has swept the Eecl Army out of thfe^ Dr. Gottheil continued. "There are P l d ' " L a " CHOIR AND CONGREGATION ing the (fifty years of its existence,. Representative. "This fact is not at all true," said he 5s provided with a suitable tract many reasons for this naturally. , . Benediction. entire Province of Podolia. Tte* The ceremonies will conclude with the Eabbi. "The figures of the con- Warsaw.. (J, T. A.) Euinors here in the Holy Land. There is the perennial reason, the German '"Vossische Zeitung" prints; a public meeting at" the Brandeis tributions made by our young folks have it that Prof- Simeoii Ashkenazi, distaste for the Jew. And then as a a, report from Lemberg: according **>" Theater on Sunday morning .at' 10:00 to Jewish charitable causes absolutely i Poland's representative to the Assemresult of the war in all the countries which Petlura's force? ^ CHILDREN'S SERVICE o'clock.' Addresses of special imdisprove the charge. I maintain that; bly of the League ef Nations, will H E B R E W W A R V E T E R A N S of Europe there has grown up an exS E E K I N G MEMBERS J Berdicheff, Proskwroff, and portance to Americans and to Jews the Jewish, consciousness is alive when ' shortlj" resign that position. In potreme nationalism which looks with New York. {J. P. A.) The Hebrew j enfca. near Kiev, last week, but were will be] delivered by Ilabbi Franklin SATURDAY MORNING, NOV. 19 it answers an appeal-for help from • litical circles"! It is thought that Ms disfavor upon any people • which and Eabbi Simon, each of whom has fellow-Jews who; are needy and suf-: Place ^ will be taken by John Kuch- Veterans of the Wars of the Republic | driven o\\t several days Inter. 10:00.A. Si. . ..J doesn't shout the national cry which a national reputation as a powerful fering. Our young people are not lost : aczevski, well known anti-Semite, to ja r e about to start a drive for mem-j Conflicting reports reach I doesn't become r>uper-nationlists. One Processional—"March of therriests" of th* and compelling speaker. Eabbi whose election to the Russian dunia I b e r s covering the Jewish sections o.,. as to the pogrom j of the greatest crimes Tor which Ger- to us. Frankl|n will rake for Ms subject , . SCHOOL. BEAMING FLAGS in 1912 Jews "in Poland were bitterly Brooklyn, it was announced recently. contending armies- The Vienna "It is true, though, that there is A^D FLOWERS ' many is guilty is this wave ef inter"The Jew's Answer to the World's Hymn—"Lord, What Offerinc Shall The organisation is composed of vet- carries & despatch from national hatred it started."—The Jew- today a gulf between the orthodox opposed. Challenge", and Rabbi Simon will erans cf the different wars partici- which says that soldiers of We Brine:?" _ _^ „ Xc 40 ish. Tribune. and reform wings of Judaism, but CHII,I>KEN. CHOIR AXD pated in by the United States, and all made pogroms in the cities speak fon "The Jew and Moral DisFRIENDSHIP BETWEEN ARABS this is due to the Orthodox Jews and eONSREGATIOX men of the "Jewish faith who saw serv- Kiev occupied by them. armament". Eabbi Frederick Gohn Saturday'- Momlns Service.-.— ..-..AND JEWS WILL RETURN, to the Reform Jews themselves. But . __.TJnIon Prayer Boot, pp. 5G-101 ORTHODOX KABBIS WOULD will b l chairman of the meeting and ' ' •• '-' SAYS YELLIN ice in any war are entitled to member- j merits of Petlura's army this, gulf will be closed as SOOJ* as EeEAEBI FREDERICK COHX there 'will be an impressive musical Solo—"The Lora is My Lislit:"-..-.^ Marsh FOUND NEW YESHIVAH form Jews will realize the spiritual Vienna.. (J. T. A.) David Yellin ship. The organization recently went j Husyatin, an important center in '' 1UISS LAtJItiVi GOETZ program. ~ valuo of many of the so-called Or- of JenisaJem addressed, a Jffizrachi on record as favoring preference for \ Ea?t, Galicia, and perpetrated attack*; New York, Oct 10. <J.P.A.) A numSermon. . .KABBI ABEAM SIMON j on Jews. Eabbi Win. Rosenau was the first Soprano Duet—"I "Waited For the ber of orthodox rabbis of the East thodox customs, and as soon as the; mass meeting here, and assured his veterans in civil service. Lord" '. . . Mendelssohn j On the other hand, the yz&m of tlie visitors to arrive, having Side, most of them of the Chassidic Orthodox Jews will stop regarding auditors that the recent disturbances MRS. WALTER II. DALE. \ Berlin tiates that the Red r:.:MiGRAXT GIHL reached Omaha Wednesday morning. the Reform Rabbi as a public leeamong the Ar-bs in Palestine were! fellowing, at a special meeting last OJISS LAURA GOETZ AXD CHOIR KAUBI LEO M. FRAXKLIS night, conferred on the problems of turer, a dancing master and a what- due to avoidable riiF-jaderstanoipprs j Rabbis Franklin and Simon will ar- Sernion_._ Forman, aped £0, cE.uph.ier of • flcelnc in panic before the arujies tft Anthem—"Fear Xot O Israel" _...Spicl:cr orthodox Jewish education in this city not, merely because he believes in | and that in the r.ear future it could j Mr. and Mrs. Irs Forman, il.lOS N.' IVviura, is making pogroms In rive Friday morning. CHOIR . • Arrangements for the entire cele- Sermon RABBI WILLIAM ROSEXAIX and decided to appeal for the establish- modern innovations as a branch of, be expected that the friendship of the jj 21rt St., who died JP a &anito:-ium in, large Jewish settlements. It was buriod yr^ter-Uhat r n r e of pogroms by ment of a nsw orthodox Yeshivah on congregational life." Arabs io the Jews would rcMiir.. Yd-i Dc-.ver r'T bration were in the nands of the fol-Adoration ami TCaddish being circulated by the ..'. Union Prayer Book, pp. 30'-107 th= East Side. They also decided to Ilabbi lowing committee: has earned for hiinlin declared that z proper iiar.diiiigcf jciay d Golacn Kill cemetery. Hymn—"En Kelohcnu" ^"P '•'1 appeal to President Harding for a self the name of "the balance wheel the Arab situation would obviate most Miss Formar., v h c came to Amer-, shevists in oi-der to divert „,, Pnvb Rosensiock, General Chairman; J s . JJInfiic; CHOIR AXD CONGREGATION S^^ S. i more sympathetic interpretation of between the orthodox and the reforrr 01 tlie diificult^et; which, in his opin- ica from TolLnd on June CO of this]from their dAvn anti-Semiti* \V. iL.Jacobs. Holznmn.I lleeepliou: - Benediction Hl T^o« Uogenthal. Publicity; 1 the immigration laws. ion, are not fundamental. elements cf Baltimore.' year, was ill but two iaon!«ni. ities. II. Z. Ilosenfeld, Program and (Continued on page 2)

Its Origin, Growth and Development

fir- Gottkil/Reports. --Judaism'b'France- \

"A /

Is iapiiy-Byiig


Jewish Spirit not Dying,





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PAGE 3--THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IT, 1C21 SCHLAIFER-STEIN. The marriage of Miss Sophia man. She Is survived by two daugh- ' ler and Mrs. J; Grsenstsin . of Sioux ys isn't quite sure how he does e ..marriage of Miss. Gertrude Levey of London,; England, t o ' Mr. ters, Mrs. Nathan Selsman, and . Mrs. City were the guests of honor. . . it; but he takes a flying leap out of COUNCIL BLUFFS Stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Crounse will take place SunRose Gablow of New York City, and the window of a moving train or gets Jacob Stein, t o . Mr. I. Samuel day afternoon at the- Synagog at three sons, Barney of New York City, Members of the Ivre Club enter- into the' center of a real free-for-all The Hebrew Educational club held! Schjaifer will take place on Sunday Eighteenth and Chicago Streets, with tained fifty couples at a dancing party evening a t seven o'clock at the home Rabbi. M. N, Taxon officiating. The its regular meeting Monday evening: Adolph of Oil City,. Pa., and Max of on Monday at the Lindell Party fist fight with equal ease. Buck is Pittsburgh, Pa., and one sister, Mrs. at the home of Miss Jennie Katelman. | certainly a live-wire proposition where of the bride's parents. 3Iiss Stein ceremony will be followed by a reMinnie Goldberg, of Chicago. Burial House, will be attended by her sister, Mrs. ception at the home of Mr. and Mrs.A public entertainment program darin is concerned. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES FOE was in Oak Hill cemetery. N. S. Rothenberg as matron-of-honor. J. Hahn. .Mr. Crounse and his bride soon be given by, this club. Miss Annette Fanger of Omaha is THE VISITING RABWS {the guest of Miss Dorothy Lettveen, AND THEIR WIVES Rabbi M. N. Taxon will officiate. A have taken an apartment at 3016. The Afternoon Card club will hole*. 'and Miss Freda Goldberg of Council reception at the Blackstone Hotel Pacific Street. LINCOLN The Golden Anniversary of the Orits next meeting Tuesday afternoon , Bluffs is the • guest of Mrs. Harry ganization of Temple. Israel is the oc-with dancing will follow the cereat the home of Mrs. A. Gilinsky. Mrs. A. S. Sandlowich left ThursFmsod. Miss Johanna Carson, entermony. Among the out-of-town guests casion for many social activities. The Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will have day for Des Moines, where she will Ltained at a breakfast Sunday morning who. Will attend the wedding are: Mrs. A. Aginskee entertained last announces various functions-which will be given for Thanksgiving week as her guest, for the visiting rabbis and their wives Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Taxman, Miss Miss Rose Rubinson of Des Moines. Thursday evening for her niece, Miss visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Gott- 'for these visitors. the removal of his piano studios : Celia D. Richards, of San Jose, Calif. stein. .form the; outstanding events of theZqra Taxman, and Mr. and Mrs. J . Miss May Fresham entertained for from the Lyric Building, J. Taxman, -af Kansas City, Mr. and week's social calendar. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Philip Freidman and Mrs. At a meeting of the B'nai Brith the members of the Mizpah Club on Mrs. Ben Taxman and Mrs, I. Officers and members of the TemTO SUITE 18 AND 19 Edwin Kirschbratra on Wednesday. Morris Yudelson entertained Wednes- held Sunday afternoon plans were Sunday afternoon. ple Board will act as hosts to the vis- Scinopsky, of Eldorado, Kansas, and made for a dance to be given in DeBALDRIDGE BUILDING, day afternoon at the home of the latitors throughout their stay in Omaha. Miss Rose Mozer, of Lincoln. -Mrs. Joseph Cohn, who underwent ter in honor of Mrs. AI. Freidman. cember. COMING TO THE MOO'S. 20th and Farnam Sts., On Friday, Mr.. Dave Eosenstock an operation at the Wise Memorial Buck Jones, star of the William Friday afternoon Mrs. Morris Pol•will entertain at a luncheon a t the A group of the Senior girls of theHospital on Monday, is reported im- Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack enterDouglas 8162. tained the Evening Card club Tuesday sky and Mrs. Abe Davidson were hos- Fox picture, "Bar Kothin'," at the Athletic club. In the -evening Mr. and Y. W* S. A. met Tuesday evening, proving. ' tesses at a Tea at the 'Lincolnshire Moon theatre, four days, starting evening. Mrs. Isidor Ziegler will entertain at November 15, at the club rooms, to Mr. David Gross returned Monday complimentary to Mrs. A. Altsebuler dinner a t the" Blackstone Hotel, pre- organize an alert, wide awake dub. Miss Esthyr Levitt of Des Moines, from abroad where he has been for of Omaha, who has been visiting at The following officers were elected: ceding the r services at Temple IsraeL IMMMMMMMMSMMilS^^i^l^^^ la., spent the week at the home of the home of her sister,. Mrs. S. Adelthe past four months. President--Iva Siegel. On Saturday a luncheon will be Mr. and Mrs. M. Kfasne. son. On Saturday Mrs. Samuel Nefgiven by the Sisterhood, when Mrs. Vice President—Betty Fine. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky entertained sky entertained at an Orpheurn party Secretary—Gertrude Passovoy. Abram Simon, honorary president of at an informal party at her home on Mrs. Ben Kooler entertained for followed by Tea at the Lincolnshire, the Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, Treasurer—Rose Kraft. Tuesday evening, when her house fourteen guests Tuesday afternoon at will be the principal speaker.' Mrs. The membership committee con- guest, Miss Celia Richards, of Sana 1 o'clock luncheon in honor of Mrs.and cm Saturday Mrs. Harry Carson Frederick Cohn will give the prayer, sists of Belle Siegel, chairman; Jose, Calif., and Mrs, Philip Koolish, Philip Koolish, who with Mr. Koolish gave a breakfast when Mrs, Altschuand Mrs. Nathan Mantel, president of Sarah- Passovoy. and Minnie Eisen- formerly of Chicago, were the com-will soon leave for California. the, local sisterhood, will welcome the stadt, v There are vacancies for five plimented guests. FOR SALE — Clothing and The Ideal Six met Tuesday evening visitors. Mrs. Ferdinand Adler, as girls. •'-' Gents Furnishings store. Has A daughter was born to Mr. andat the home of Mrs. M. Gross. the first president of the Sisterhood to be sold on account of jrsmer of Temple Israel (1903-1904), will The first annual package^ party of Mrs. Morris Milder at the Nicholas being in. ill health. Cheap rent, The funeral of Mrs. Murel Silvergive.a short talk. More than eighty the Ladies Free Loan Society will Senn Hospital on Tuesday. good lease. man, 78, who died Saturday morning, reservations have been made for the be held Sunday evening, November M. Markowitz, 1109 Douglas St. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan" Mantel, Mr. was held Sunday afternoon from the 20, at the Swedish Auditorium at luncheon to date. iand Mrs. H. Rehfeld, Miss Lena RehMr. Henry Rosenthal will be host eight o'clock. The entire proceeds feld and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levy home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Solzat luncheon to the Rabbis and to the go to the Peoples Relief Committee spent" the week end at Lincoln, where ' officers of the Temple at the Bran- for the benefit of war sufferers. Mrs. they motored to attend the celebraTo Obtain Subscriptions and , Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop N. Barson is president of the ordeis Restaurants on Saturday. tion of the twentieth redding anniPbonp 104. ganization. There will be a reception in the Chiropodist and Beauty Secure Renew&ls to the versary of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy. The.Best of Everything In Flowers and Shop afternoon for the Rabbis and their Mrs. Levy is a daughter of Mr. and Confections at Moderate Prices. Established 1S90 wives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman Mrs. Rehfeld. 15tH nnd Hartley Streets, 545 W. Broadway. Next lAherty Theater. spent last week in Chicago. Phone Doaglas 2SS3 Sam Wertheimer, 1320 So. 34th street, COUNCIL nWlFS. IOWA. from 3 to 5 p . m . Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky and On Saturday evening at the Hotel Mrs, S. Robinson will entertain family, formerly of Sioux City, have Fontenellej the Golden Anniversary thirty guests at a musical at hermoved to Omaha and taken up their Omaha's Banquet will take place. Reserva- home on Saturday afternoon, when residence at 2501 Fowler avenue. Apply at Harry H. LaplSns. Pres.-Treas. Jos. Pepper, Vice-Presioeut. Newest and Finest Equiped tions' for three hundred have already the guests of' honor will be Mrs. W. G. Ore, Secretary. Bath-House. Philip Mervis, of St. Paul, Minne- Mrs. Herbert E. Marx and 'small been made. Baths, Massage, Hot Packs, son. left Sunday to spend several sota, Mrs. S. J. Waller, of San FranOmaha Fixture & Following the public meeting onj Electric Treatment, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy cisco, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. weeks at Sioux City. Inhalatorium. Supply Co. 482 Br&ndeis Theatre Bldg. will entertain at dinner at the Black- S. J. Leon, and Mrs. Walter B. Mr. and Mratf Harry White and COMPLETE STORE AND Achtenberg, of Kansas City. Mrsj Paxtea Betel Turkish B&tte stone Hotel. family, who have been in California OFFICE OUTFITTERS CONCANNON BROS., Props. Besides the three Rabbis anc| their Achtenberg, who has been visititfg for some time, are now at Hollywood, We occupy over 70.000 sawire feet wives, many former Omahans are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.. Robifir where they have taken a bungalow 1401 Farnam St., Basement SonthweBt Corner planning to return to participate * in son, will return Sunday to her home T l j end OooBla» Streets. for the winter. They are planning to r Entrance. in Kansas City. . Phone: Dosclss 2724 the Temple celebration. Mrs. Jacob Telephone: Tyler 5731. return to Omaha in the spring. <niAKA. NEB. O3LAHA, NEB. Klein of Sioux City will spend the Mrs. J, J. Jacobs and son, Albert, .week-end here, staying at the Black- The meeting of the Daughters of stone Hotel, Mr. and' Mrs. "William Israel Aid Society which was to have left Sunday to spend several weeks in Harris, who now are residing in Chi- been held on next Tuesday has been Chicago. cago, will arrive Friday to spend two postponed until next month. Mrs. E. E. Mayer; of Chicago, -who weeks here. They also will be at the has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Cohn, of Minneapolis, Blackstone. Mrs. Eugene "Levy of J. J. Singer, and Mr. Singer, -will reLincoln will be the guest of her par- Minnesota, is the guest of herturn to her home on Saturday. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rehfeld and parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Trustin. Given by _ Itabbi and Mrs. Jacob Singer of Lin-Mrs. Cohn was before her marriage - ; $tiss Louise Schonberger leaves' coln will be the guests of Mr. andMiss Naomi Trustin. Saturday for Chicago, where she 'will Mrs. Nathan Mantel for the weekvisit for several, months. end. Mrs. Meyer Hellman of Balti- Rabbi Frederick Cohn has been to deliver the memorial admore, mother of Mrs, William Rose-; invited r^mm Patronize Our Advertisers. 1 For the Benefit of nan, .arrived on Wednesday, with Rab- dress in memory of the late Rabbi FOUR BAYS FOUR DAYS bi Rosenau and is at the Blackstone S. N. Deinard ~at the next central conference of American Rabbis, which Hotel. Starting Sunday. Starting Sunday. Iswill be held during the last week in si? "BUCK" JQNES in A daughter was born to Mr. andJune a t Cincinnati. sit as Mrs. I . Cohn at the Fenger Hospital m 'IP: Miss Edith Heavenrich of Detroit last week. mi will arrive Friday to be the guest of a as her brother, Mr. Herbert S. HeavenA. daughter "w from to Mr, and Three Days Starting ; and buy them at Three Days Starting Mrs. Jack Selinsky on Armistice Day. rich and Mrs. Heavenrich for several i —. Thanksgiving Day weeks. Thanksgiving Day 16th and Chicago Sis. No Admission • a Mr. and Mrs. Milton 33. Newman CONSTANCE if and children and Mrs. Herman New- Miss Florence Wolff and Miss WILLIAM BINNEYin 319 South 16th Stree* man leave Sunday for an indefinite Theresa Hyman are expected WednesRUSSELL in stay in Los Angeles, California. Mrs. day to be the guests of Mr. and Phone Douglas 3400 w I. New entertained at luncheon for Mrs. David Newman for several ; " Mrs. Newman on Wednesday at herweeks. home, aad . on Friday. Mrs. Hubert Sloman will have eight guests for luncheon and bridge complimentary Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of Detroit will speak to Mrs. Newman.

Social, Glub and Religious Activities

Harry Braviroff




The Jewish Press Publishing Co.' ..§




Operated by ^fMbrU

Realty Cq

Ladies Free Loan" Society


'Say It Wkh

Sunday, Nov. 20, at 8 P.M. .• SWEDISH AUDITORIUM '



" Mr. and Mrs. George Wright are expected Sunday after' having spent five months abroad in travel. They will remain with their daughter Mrs. Morton Marcus and Mr. Marcus for some time. . :

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fox of Avenel, New Jersey, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Francis Fox, to Mr. Barney Drevich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Drevich of this' : city- Miss Fox is a sister of Mrs. Benjamin Ross of this city. The ; wedding will take place i n the late winter. . . • The; Aiepli Y Club 'of. the Y. M. HI A. held.its regular meeting Monday evening at the Y /rooms. After much discussion, members of the club voted upon a general reorganization of the club for the ensuing term.' New- officers were elected, which resulted in the following: president, Israel Goodman; vicepresident, Sam Beber; secretary, Edward Soligj treasurer, Fred White; reporter, Jack Laserowifcz; sergeantsat r arms, Louis Abramsqn and Louis . Rasnik and special representative to ttip executive committee, Nathan E. Green. Marcel 75c, shampoo 50c, bobbing 25c, manicure 50c, electrolysis $3.50 hi. "We treat headache, eyestrain, nervousness, or any rundown ' condition. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Solon L'Charme, 504 So., 16th St. At 48JL9. Har. 2890^Adv..

on "The Jew's Answer to the World's Challange" Rabbi Ab ram Simon of Washington will speak on "The Jew and Moral Disarmament" ,,.at the...


g •


I Forced to Quit Business

The first cost is practically the last the...

§35.00 Men's Suits and Heavy Sveaters 98c Overcoats $16.75 j Fall Caps 98c §2.00 Ribbed Union Suits Celebrated Dvmlap Shoes, go at _._..PSe $12,00 values. -.$6.00 Arrow Goiters l i e j Bur.Iap Shoes. $1-5.00 values? $7.50 20c Cotton Socles _....?<c D u is i a p Shoes —• Arrow Men's Suit? and Gvereortr.. Shirts find Collars—Union $50.00 and $55.00 value;., Suits — Pants — Ties and Hose — priced far below manufacturer's cost.

Theatre SnndaYt Nov. 20, 10:00 A. M. Special Program—Good Music You Are Invited :- .


Auspices of Temple Israef* 3JSJSI2EEJSE!3MIS!3ISI35EEEElSJSI33iSjSISISEf3I313iSISI3I3!Sri2


Is Our Almighty Cry*— We're


§ m







oe vices


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..-•; THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD ANDTOTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME,THE CHARACTER OF THE'JEWISH• RACE, The-advertisers in. thig department ase. Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating witli us in* this endeavor.- They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT, & &,


UNION FUEL COMPANY Telephone Jackson 0268

Office 209 South 18th Street zimmmwzi^'m


B.KORNEY 1415 Douglas St.


Tel. Jackson 8171

Industrial and Automotive Machinists. Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Starter Bins Gears for Anto Fly Wheels 417 South 13tTi Street. : Telephone: Jackson 8550




We Deliver the Real Goods. Webster 0943



' ' "r „ ADVO COFFEE . ":. - V AB>¥O JELL , ADVO FOODS

Visit Our


1112 HARNEY ST. Phono Douglas 6409


'Electric Shop


Do away -witli drudgery and make hoose-worfc a pleasure by the use of modern electrical appliances. The "Electric Shop" is on the ground floor of the Electric building, South-east comer of Fifteenth and Farnam streets. *.

NEBRASKA POWER CO. "Buy Midwest Milk"


MAX 1 WALKER, Inc. The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha.



" Made b y


KOSHER RESTAURANT Rest Home Cooking: at-Very .Reasonable Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed.

R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor 316 South 15th Street—Up Stairs. •

Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors of

"Western.Bond—and High Grade Stationery OMAHA. NEBRASKA.


- 27th and Martha Sts. Harney 1663 Manujfacfnrers of Brass. Bronze, Aluminum and Soft Gray Iron Castings. Yon 'are assured of soft castings, aa Tve machine-Bpme" from every heat in our own shop. Standard size cast iron bushings in stock.


Energy wagged and perverted is a old, a Semitic people that led the "Those that misrepresent Jews say calamity. - Waste and perversion of world in daring, to Yankee and Ja- they are creators in industry, that energy mark the attacks that Henry panese conquerors of today, there has they live by getting part of profit Incorporated. gl ^ 1 A 1 • Ford ' so systematically carries on been no love wasted on winners by produced by someone else. As -well First National Bank BId& Phone ATlantic 036(5. . {§ against his American fellow citizens those whom they overcame. say that Henry Ford is not a creator ijajsisiaisjgj&^sisjsiaiaj^^ of Jewish birth. Individually he is "Romans, Normans, Spaniards, in the automobile business, but simply not to blame, he knows nothing of the Englishmen, Prussians, Goths, Mon- draws profit from the men who insubject that he discusses. And, wise- gols, in their days of conquest were vented the gas engine. ly, does not' pretend any knowledge. never popular. Does It Need Cleaning "In modern industrial and commerHis employes deceive him. or Repairing? "The Jew's conquest in his own field (cial progress the railroad stands at We nssigt yon in getting p n ss. "Recently those that impose" upon ' NOW IS THE TISCE TO BATE ports nni3 pive you expert advise has run through centuries, beginning j EXPERTS DO THE WOKK. him and use him for their own vicious more than 2,000 years before our for the railroads of the world? on European conditions. Vouil Be Snrprlsed at Onr Rates. ends, and serve him poorly, began the era, and running up to this day. EvV,"c help ron to pot your relaCleaning dooe by Vacuum with- . "The Rothschilds carried the load tives in Europe to this country, out causing dirt. We have sstispublication of a silly yarn seeking ery other successful name that you in building the Great Northern Railftictorily cleaned over 100 furnaces to-associate -Jews of a past century i-see, in a great city,' is a Jewish name. roads of France, and the principal the pa6t month. Val. J. Peter & Go. with the"-* treachery of Benedict ArCAM. JACKSON 1D1S. railway in Austria. "Jews, numbering less than 1 per STEAMSHIP TICKETS AJfD nold. '•'-.•• "Baron de Hirsch founded his FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. VOKEIGN EXCHANGEcent of the earth's population, possess "That -was a; particularly unfor1307 Howard! St., Omaha, Neb. fortune by establishing the railway 101* Cnmlns Street, tunate slip for Henry Ford's collec- by conquest, enterprise, industry and system in the Balkans. Like many We Install Gilt- Edge Furnaces. . I'honc~&Tlnnile OS-JO, . tion of salaried Jew-baiters. They intelligence 50 per cent of the world's other Jews, he left all of that fortune should have remembered that in nis commercial success. They are dis- to be. spent in good work after fcis Chicago .Tribune law suit only recent- liked by those that seek, excuses for death. • Y-oitr position- is ly, Mr. Ford testified that Benedict failure. "The German-Jewish banking house, correct, sjid -should Arnold was 'a writer,' and that t i e "This does not apply to Henry of Bleichroeder was the backbone of American War of the Revolution oc- Ford, who could buy, •with perhaps the Prussian railway system until b e . s u p p o r t e d "by curred in 1812. They should have two or three exceptions, the richest government took it over. ereiy fair postponed-a little longer any attempt Jew in the world once every year and "The Biscnoffheims built up the person. to rewrite with authority the history have plenty left. railroad system of Belgium. Th3 of Benedict Arnold, in the name of . "Those that misrepresent Henry Pereires, also Jews, built the southern Ford's real character and historical Henry Ford. facts in Mr. Ford's weekly newspaper railways for Russia. Ask the ghost ''Mr.'Ford's attacks on the Jews of E. H. Harriman how the Jewish wi'l not injure them, however much are repeating what they have heard, firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. enabled • »• O i • • • m not what they know or believe. it may offend them. If some one him to develop his lines, making it "Mr. Ford should remember how Hoffmann Funeral Home. vicious and ignorant suddenly began j possible to change them into real Distributors attacking Henry Ford and his ante- he himself has • bean ignorantly o r j railroads to the tune of 50,000 miles and hated. cedents, in the face of his magnificent maliciously attacked "You are told ; that Jews reajf the of trackage and $12,000,000,000. industrial accomplishment, it might "Jewish enterprise that runs pracsLhnoy Henry Ford, but could not in- harvest of those that dare, that they tically every manufacturing sewing jure him. ; . i do not take risk oii their own account. machine in the United States also (FALMES GRADUATE) "What about the Phoenicians ? They "What Ford tries today has been started running the. biggest locomotried for the last two thousand years, were of the_ Semitic race. They were tives of the world. Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jcrlfson 3072 and not with weak, provincial writing, | the first to sail from the Mediterrane"Those Pereires that developed .the an through the Straits of Gibraltar in & feeble little weakly, but with, railroads in South Russia also'devel-i out into the wild Atlantic fire, sward and torture. "They were first to open the tin oped railroad systems in the north HOLCOMB "Jews'that have outlived Tormines of England, first daring ex- of France, and they were the creators FOOD CHEMICAL quamada and the mediaeval robber of ihe Credit Fonsier and Credit MoPRODUCTS " CO., . INC. barons will quite easily outlive the plorers in many lands. bilie? that "became the chief pilars Manufacturers o£ aggregation of second class Jew-bait-j "And they were first to navigate ef financial strength in France. > FOODS ASD CKESnCAlrS. g of land,, travelingg at night g t "Men like the Pereires and others ers that are spending Ford's money out of sight P-AllTP W FAflW FXAVOBIKG EXTRACTS. to make dangerous enemies for him, by the stairs—they" had no compass— were not -merely *busines men.' One, £18 X. Ifith St. rhone Atlantic 4931 among other things to make impos- risking shipwreck in fog or cloudy Jacob Rodrig-uez Pereire, vrss first to j sible the realization of political am- •weather. "Does that show lack of enterprise teach deaf, mutes, which is not exactly Itesi bition that was properly his, and that NORTHWEST READY a money making enterprise. ! OT physical courage? might have been realized. .' ROOFING CO. Biscuit €tpc "Men ask, "What have Jews- con- "All of that family were earnest "The proper reply to falsehood is Eend.r Eopfinp over old shinplcs. radicals, by the way; and making milSN0WWEE Also nspha't sbingles and build-up truth. Readers of the Detroit Times," tributed to.the intellect of the world?" lions did not cure them of radicalism ronfs. Fire- Wsistisp attd dnrabic. "Three books have influenced the for a change, are invited to consider All work guaranteed. Easy terms. and original thought. -) (Keg-, r . P, fat. rhone Harney 23T* a few facts'concerning the Jewish human mind above others—Homer, "Widows, orphans, aliens, Jews, Office.) Office fln<i Warehouse: SiSZ X-eurenworth people and their history, published by Aesop's Fables and the Bible. lunatics' and later the 'printing press' "The Jews wrote the Bible and this writer" when Mr. Ford's-attacks gave Christianity'to the world. The were under the control of the monfirst began. U ELECTRICAL FIXTURES arch. "Mr. Ford, presumably willing-to mother of Christ Was a Jewess—espe- "Jev>:s and the printing press comI APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES' SIAVCFACTCRI2RS. learn, should study with open mind, cially chosen, undoubtedly, for nobil- bined hare done a great deal to' put JVIEY-MER-CO. Brand I Granden Electric Co: as he studies gas engines and trans- ity of character and purity of soul. the monarch out of date. Jews have FtKCTKICAI, "That fact alone should make Beverages and. Syrups. . portation, the history of the Jewish E. Omaha. Kebr 'Christians' hesitate to condemn Jews been leaders always, in courageous, SIB-SSI So. 14th St., AHantlf OflSl. St. people. 1511 radical thought That is why the Phone Atlantic S8S9 "Jews are disliked because they indiscriminately. Czars butchered them. They outlive have been successful. In lines that the Czars. have been open to them, not closed BUI "Hatred of Jews and ignoi-ance ire r r I by hatred and prejudice, they have TIRES - TUBES—ACCESSORIES concerning them that marked the been" conquerors. Hith find 1 Street. AH that the nsnie Middle Ages, disgraca any man in implies. "World conquerors have never been this age, and are especially unworthy Home of Good Ice Crcani liked by thooe that studied their exof such a man as Henry Ford."—The 916 N. 16th St. rsd Home Made Candy. Douglas 6SS7 cellence. From the Phoenicians of Deti-oit Times. . ,,. j

'XllT SCNDfiHEN'S Nutritions Home Made

PIES and COOKIES Sealed In Sanitary VTaxed ' Wrapper at Your Grocer.

Sundgren Pie Baking Co. *4th and Hicfcory.


Atlantic 5241

Leo. A. Hoffmann

le-Haas Co.


Made from Your Own Feathers. Warm in winter: cool in summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.


Rich and Smooth. 1423 X. 18th St.

Phone Webster 0106




Real Estate :: ;: Insurance 1517 narney St.,


Phone Douglas .8*0?


Vinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products

TRIABLE BROTHERS Wholesale Bruit and Vegetables


Hate Year Funutprc Eenphclstered We make It look like new. Call Pouglas 0097 A man will call with samples.



.617 South 16th Street..



Let 08 ftfmove the Door from Your P^ruaco and Insert a

LHIIBRIDGE 0!L VAPOR BURNER See Demonstration SIB So. 10th Street.

Call Atlantic 2364 '


' . . . for...


Omalm. . Nebraska.

Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.

Jewish Press 482 Brandela nidg.

Tel. Jackson 33"2

Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS 328-33 Securities Building, 16th" and Farnam eta. Telephone; Jneitson 2700

Dayton Money Weight and

Ambulance Service

M. D. Richman, Proprietor.

Etinippeii with Fulmotor. AH CaOs Answered rromptly.

T3I8-1330 Wrst Broadway. COCXCIZ. • BLUFFS. IOTVA. JPHO>'E 4 « .


MAX OLSEN Be CO. Wholesale Distributors for

SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock. Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer

Office and Warehouse? 811 So. Main St. Telephone 142 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.

3411 Farnam St.

S208 Curaliiff St.

Phone Donelni i7S6

Phone Jackson 1680

Wholesale Dealers In Butter, E and Poultry. 1213 Howard St.

Omaha. Nebraskn.

-Omaha Oiflce: 813 Douglas Street. Omaha PUone Atlantic S556

Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1.511 Cuming St. Phono Atlantic 124?

Ford Transfer & Storage Co.

Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes.

R. A. ITOKD. President and General Manager. Ccsnncil Blum's (Iowa) Office S24 So. SlBln Street. Phone -"85

•. LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1010.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Bramleis Tiiestre ISmldhiB. l«t!i on<5 Pon^las Streets. Phone Atlantic 3836

OTJR TREATMENT WI£T» CONVINCE VOl; OF Ot'K SCEKIlTrust. Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.

. . . nith . . .


Water Softener (Combined)

and '

£16 >'. iOtfe St. Branches »t Ccntrui Msu-fcet, T»bl» Supply and Foofl Center.

At all Grocers.


Always Ack for


Druggists and Stationers


4U1-S03-403 South 10U> St.

United Provision Stores . . for . . .


Estea Laundry Tablets Estes Soap Chips

Jackson 3S"3


rhone Market 040ft

LOW FARE Sjtfj&&j



An Meal Washing: Combination.


U17-J9 Dodge St.


Cify KepresentatEve oiu So. 10tE» Sf. Pbona DOcslas S332

Sherman Mercantile Co. D1ST1UBETOH9 JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Omaha. Nebraska.



Joseph Polack & Son "Make Warm Friends"


Phone Hnrney 0S8S

Ste!ncT Electric KeatChopper and Coffoe Min. Used Scslcs of All Maires tor Sale.

Est. 1B3I.

. CO.

rhone Douslaf) 4607 20tli and Fierce St., Omaha. Nebraska.

N. W, Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts.

WiTo to S3% saved on carts for all mnkes of cars. We carry a complete line of' now rin? gears, pini&ns. axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car,

Jackson 24G7





1D07 Cuming Street.


feyer Mercantile Co., lie.

G. E. Engler & Co.

OUR NEW LOCATION 'Corner 19th and Douclas Streets. Masonic Temple Bids. — O u r Line—'-":'"• • BALDWIN. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON; HOWARDj-DPRIGHTa GRANDS. . PLATER PIANOS.

Backed by the Sugar Beet Industry, Legality passed on by competent Attorneys.

Steamship Tickets to ani Irem


Scottsbluff and. Merrill County



Every tnorning" if you call the

IK!5 CalifornU Street. 1'iione POURIHS 6381


FOODS Groneweg .& Schoentgen WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302

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