November 24, 1921

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S- * 9:1

If you would have things come y o u r Tray go after them.

VOL. L—NO. 50


Kntered ' as £• 3* 1-class mall matter on January 27th. 1921. ~at post office ai ^ <~ la, Nebraska, nnder the Act of I March 3. 1878.

MemoMi at ColinMa' Nameo Felix Warburg Makes Gift of §100,000 to Further Civic Education.

The man whose only thought Is the happiness of others'is a goodness as It to get.




' ^ f sMain Street ! f %.••-;.-.• for Half Million


a a L. o" ' ' — - • ;—. *< alem.—Mr.' Barzel, a Sefar- a di ' o f Zfdon, has purchased the m, -.--pjeet in Jaffa from the well known Arab effendi, Sursak Bey, for the sum of §500,000. - The street (Bustrus street) is the main street of Jaffa, on which the largest stores and most important business firms are located. Mr. Barzel is a tobacco dealer in Zidon and one of the wealthiest Jews in Palestine. Sursak Bey, who resides in Beirut, was at one time the owner of a large part of Emel Izrael. The recent purchase by the National Fund of 60,000 duham near Merchayia was made from... him.




I 13

Temple Israel has celebrated i its 3olden Anniversary, and the spiritual oys of the event will linger in the hearts of .those who. participated in it for many a day to come. Rarely has it been the fortune of any community to receive the soulstirring messages that were sent out from, pulpit and platform on last Friday, aturday and unday—rarely indeed have men and women spoken with the sincerity, the frankness and the arbor as did "those who were on the program of these three' days. Tolerance, sympathy and a world-encompassing humanity marked the addresses, which in thmeselves reflected the spirit of the time and the occasion.

Provides for Dr. Herzl Tomb in Palestine London. (J. C. B.) The executors of the will of Dr. David Wolfsohn, late president of the World Zionist Organisation, announce that he has bequeathed his entire estate of 150,- j Fund of 58,000 Raised in Five G00 florins (£75,000) to the' Jewish Days Through Plan of Memopeople. His wish is that part of the rial for Deceased. money be expended in transferring the remains of Dr. Theodor Herzl, SISTERHOOD CONTRIBUTED Mrs. Wolfsohn and himself to Pales-. tine, where suitable monuments Ere to j ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS be erected. ! In the presence of S50 people, The greater part of his estate is left | fruests at the Anniversary Banquet to the Zionist Actions Committee, to of Temple Israel -last-Saturday night. be spend as it sees fit. the mortgage of S8.000 on the Temple

itself most beautifully to coception ] with us, but more especially when as the Biblical fiftieth year of jubilee they. are with 'Gentiles, as it is our —of liberty and rejoicing. duty to guide oar spiritual lives. For in such people the material has alTemple Israel's celebration was a together • transcended- the spiritual— ENDOWMENT WILL PROcelebration, not only" for Temple and this the Jew dare not permit," VIDE FOR CITIZENSHIP members, but far all Jews, orthodox. said Dr. "Simon! TRAINING. 4 reformed • alike. It was. truly The Jew among the nations of the gratifying ta sse the spirit o£ the •world New York.—The Trustees of Teachwas ' discussed by Rabbi occasion - taken; up and shared so Frcnklin and R^obi Simon on Suners . College of Columbia University whole^heartedljp fay members of the day, morning at the Srandeis theater, announced at a.meeting last^Treek a other synagogues in the-city. In the when sis hundred -people came to hear structure was hurried, gift of $100,000 from Felix M. WarFriday evening-Services at the Temple their inspiring-, addresses. Speaking on burg, one of that board, for the Leo Kosenthal. treasurer of- the was a goodly number of members of the subject -"The Jew and Moia.1 Dis•founding of-a chair of Civic^ EducaTemple, who conceived the pint* the orthodox- wing of Judaism. Cer- armament" Rabbi' Simon traced first tion, in memory of Jacob H. Schiff. whereby the- funds • were secured fi! tainly on that night and on the suc- the attempt'of, man. to bring about •'.-~Mr. Warburg's gift, at vfas anliquidate, the. mortgage, applies!' the ceeding day and especially on Sun- world peace, and then the Jew's rela- j nounced, will provide special considerThe money i match to the document. day morning Temple Israel "and its tion -to those attempts. "The world ation for the training of American i was raised in five days through thr celebration was the magnetic center asks us—the Jews—to disarm. Of -what school children and foreign-born adefforts of the trustees of the Temper, ouf our community. • ' • ults'in the duties of good citizenship shall we disarm ourselves ?. Shall -vm . . . . . , . _ . . . . n, i *i ®nB ifoousahd dollars was snbA group.of people had met to in the American democracy. "This Judaism, pure, undiluted, funda- throw' off'• our; Got',-'our Bible, oiir Attitude_of_Zipr.iste_inMestiiie| s c r l J b e £ ! % the: Sisterhood, and th*solemnize the fact that fifty years mental Judaism, the Judaism Source of Irritation togift," the announcement says, "enthat prophets," onr'psalms?. What then? j remaining S7,00D'by "members of tbr had passed since their forefathers had finds its inception in the 'true Jewish Tjj'i world: woat<i no', want us. We Arabs ables the college to make more vital J Temple, Under the plan, Bubscxib^v-s than, ever before the -work it is now Both Harding and Hughes Give come together to serve God as a con- home, was the keynote of every ad- '•vould--be-as nothing. For we have nrt{ doing in. training for better citizenApproval to Work of New gregation in Israel. A group of peo- dress made by all the speakers. waited for God to tome dovm TO US— of deceased members of tbf?s?~ ple—a mere handful of the earth's HAKJltlM. ship, "which includes (1) special cours" I t is through your home that'you he have reached vp the Heavens. I families, which' will be engraved vmoTi Organization. 1 millions—rejoicing in their possession es for teachers of scouting and. recrepreserve the possession of Israel," am taken Him from the elemental La bronze memorial tablet to fee of that faith which had persisted London. (J. P. A.) The British SAMUEL GOMRERS, HONORational leadership, where the opporsaid Rabbi. Abram Simon. - "I call forces of nature—and we cannot |in the Temple, Kaddish. will b throughout five thousand years of the government, has made public the reARY CHAIRMAN. tunities are equally rich for making you back t<* your homes, fathers and j shake him'off. But we, and other peorecited on the Yahrzeit of those world's history! Fifty years—reckport issued by a special commission j "X""" - pupils aware of their relations to mothers. Jewish men must remember j pies too, must disarm ourselves of names have been thus 'peroned as but a moment of time in which investigated the pogroms made) (By 3MAS KHOADS, special representative their civic and social groups; (2) their responsibility: and Jewish women hatred and prejudice. The world has of t i e Jewish Correspondence Bureau at the uncounted .eons of the world's by Arabs upon the Jews of Jaffa and j courses for training teachers of Engtheir duty." , so. many' religions we have lost reContributors to the fund were as Washington.) , existence—yet to the celebrants marksome of the colonies during last May.! lish, for foreigners, and (3) courses ligion. So "many fraternities we have follows: "The Jew must build his Spiritual While the report concedes thatj Oscar S. Straus, former ambassador ing the life and the passing of a life himself," said Eabbi Leo M. lost fraternity.. So many fences built for instructors in the Americanization Sisterhood Temple Israel, generation of men, for of the founders there is no Bolshevism among the to Tarkey and cabinet member under of thejforeigner, in co-operation with Mrs. Teresa Arnstein, > Franklin. "Less danger hovers over; for offense, not dfense. Just "enough of the congregationnone remained! Jews in Palestine, it does in a gen15. Jolm Brnnil-eis, the Department of Education of the President Roosevelt, has accepted the the Jews that leave Judaism to join religion' to hate each other,: not love." Albert CishB, eral sense blame Zionist leaders for post of permanent chairman of the A congregation in Israel—a single in -worship with others, than in the State of New York. Martin Cabn-Clucago, "We must all disarm our own hosti" C o l i n , -• • • •• recently formed general committee on unit of that people who for fifty cen- Jews who ignore all religious worship. lities, forswear our own prejudices the happenings and in a specific sense it puts the burden of responsibility j SopMe gFnyman. ; Will Promote Citizenship. limitation of armament which was turies had preached the fatherhood within the limits of rationality; we Franklin, and of God and the brotherhood of man, The Tabbis cannot make Judaism. It m i l s upon the Jews who took part in the j Rabbi nnsl Mrs. Leo M. ! "This gift to Teachers' College has created under the auspices of the Oberfeiaer Family. is the pew asd not the pulpit that! t recognize that there is a place in one whose concept of "universal love May demonstration. j EmJS Guns, special significance for civic, education, American Federation of Labor and the world for every religion, as well I. Gluck. and tolerance had been rejected by builds the synagogue." The attack "upon the colonies is i Mrs. 8. Goetz, . . . since the college is in a position ma- other bodies to conduct activities in as every nation; that others have the "The value of 'the past is. reflectTave Gross. all other peoples of history! said to.have resulted from the rumor terially in' making any' new program the interests of reduced armaments "Gladstone Family, same right to moral . dignity and which spread among- the Arabs that Mrs. Goldsmith, Went Point. Neblv, At Washington the spokesmen of ed in the best.we have to-day," said for civic training effective, in the near during the international conference in as we have, beGoklsirom Children. Eabbi Wm. Eosensu. "Just as what spiritual expansion Jews were killing Arabs in Jaffa. The the world powers were in session— Washington. Mrs. Meyer Hellman, Baltimow, future, through its many advanced fore we c a n Clasp freedom 131 OUT we have to-day is built upon what Henry Hyman. : "' report admits that quite a number of students who are accepting each year ! Samuel Gompers was elected hon- trying, after the crudest war of all hands." Jlerzberjf Brothers, • we had in the past so what we shall & m s of police force isoij Wm. : 1... Holzman. positions of leadership in schools all orary chairman of the committee. times, to realize that ideal of huEabbi Franklin speaking along the] Mrs*. Ssismel'Xats, "1 have tomorrow will be builded upon only failed to restore order c-r : over the country. This year the col- iRabbi Stephen* S. Wise,is a member manity that Israel's prophets had ,T. B. .Kate. • - . - • " ' -f broad lines cf international what we have to-day. Judaism in the E B preached. tect the Jews, but'actually aided'the lege. Has enrolled ovzv. 3,300 students, of the governing board. Mrs. JTscob ICJeitt. not,,-cannot Past, present and future, as if by a future, will Arab, riotgrsi Among1, the. «rvSJaus.- -Wwrris .l.wy. - • of.whom over 1,000 are advanced sturr : generatfon.' * '*-•"-"-• Approval of President. _ . . crafty-••trick ~of fate,"linked "hands at j , j on the other hand, the report o«i«» dents taking-; post, graduate! studies in M. S. Miller, • ._ j lenge." ' "We are on I have now secured authoritative Temple Isrela's celebration. Joseph Poliact. j | there were many Arabs who made EH •Simflarly Mra. Abram Simon, in 1 "^7" h e "J l d ' education leading to higher degrees. MYK. R, A. PollnelS, " , , -, - *_.-IT- - effort to pacify the crowd. Israel's past, illustrious and splen- her address to t h e members of t h e i - " ' • , >!rs. IS. Prod. These figures show that Teachers' inclination that Gompers consulted , , . ., _ : , - _ , ' o f seeking world domination, w e QO CK o. . Ilac-Iinimi* " , , .. . . .... , . . , The reflection upon the attitude j Iltirry College has enrolled, this year more both the President. ."and.•• "Secretary did, becomes more clearly an integral Sisterhood of t h e Temple on SaturII. XifUfetd, temporal j !„-,.•, for . .,_..: to .- -^ . sim.... —but it is spiritual,, not tempera Hughes before "taking any steps to Sirs. Flora Itoseustock. day, pleaded a rfeturn the part of the world's future than ever and policies of the Zionists is made ] post graduate students in education dominion, we seek and have sought for "Pave I>ospis8toek. VT, awl Mrs, Charles Kosewnter, than, all the other colleges and univer- effect an organization, and tnat his it had seemed to be before;; and Is- plicity of the old home life of the 5,000 years. Pray God we attai that by the commission in the following Henry Kosenthal, subsequent action was in pursuance rael's present becomes the pathway Jew, and urged adherence to the i terms: sities of this country combined. The Max Koseittli&l. height. .SfolSn Eosentbnl, i "The attitude of responsible Zionpossibilities for helping the cause or* of- their approval. Darwin Kingsley, leading from the one unto the other traditons of the Jewish home. "I Both rabbis received splendid ovaFlora KoKentljei, president of the New York Chamber through the significant confluence of honor and respect above words," she ists is not negligible, as it is one of good citizenship are apparent." tions for their masterful lectures, and Kidner siiipcr-ijoe'Angeles. of Commerce, is the treasurer cf the the world's events. . said, "that Jewess • whose home is a the irritant causes of the present dis- ..Tny f>ine?r. at. the conclusion' of Dr. Simon's committee which now seeks to raise Mrs. Ernestine Kotholz, For- a broad survey of the position kosher home, despite the hardships thrilling address the entire audience content. It arises perhaps from the Xonnnn Rofliolz, $100,000 for its work, the main ob- of world Jewry to-day reveals at the incident to keeping it so. There is habit of regarding Palestine as a deMrs. B. lleuben, jective of which will be to support one extreme nations of the world no ceremonial so beautiful as lighting rose to thank, him. serted, derelict land, -sparsely inhab- j Mrs. I. Kosenglpin-Kioux City, Mrs. Jacob -Rothschild, the conference according to the pur- harassing, despoiling and 'exploiting our Sabbath lights. There is no place The Jew. in Omaha, the Jew in ited by a population without tradi- j Dr. A. Snclis, poses outlined by the present ad- the Jew, and at the .other extreme, on earth quite so restful, quite so America, the Jew in the world, the tions of nationality, where political J Frederick S. Seligsohn find FamUy, Slosberg. ministration. At the same time, by nations of the world meeting in tem- spiritually peaceful, as a true Jewish Jew among Jews, the Jew among Gen- experiments may be launched without j Jacob Mrs. Louis SoiiLTiier and Jolins Nevra»a». PUBLIC OPINION means of public meetings, publicity porary harmony to bring about a per- home." Max Sotntnprs, tiles—the Jew, these were..-the'in- arousing local opposition. Such a con- ! .Tohn Sonin-Frerp.ont". FAVORS STRIKERS in the press, distribution of pammanent reign of international toleThe place of the American Jew struments upon which the music cf ception is considerably at variance! 8pipsrH->rpfr TTantny, phlets, etc., the committee will seek rance, love and peace based at the ,Tulfs "TTTicar, among his fellow Americans was dis- Temple Israel's Golden_ Anniversary with the spirit of authorized Zionist | Mrs. New York. (J. C. B.) . Sixty thou- to arouse the country to recognition MorrlE WoloY.if z;. very heart upon the teachings of cussed at length by the speakers, "If was played.- The Jewish home, the policy as defined in the declared in- j Mr. nn<1 Mrs. Pnm sand Jewish cloakmakera have an- of the necessity of lessening armaPaniiiy^ Israel's prophets.. And. between the. there are those among us who are Jewish soul, these. were the m&lodies tention of the Secretary of State and I -V,"irtlis*?j3fiftf-f>r !Hrs. <7ora Wolf, swered the strike call issued by their ments. ' two, lies Israel, self-perpetuating loud, who are ostentatious and vul- that rang our clearest. Jewish fervor the local government. Much, we I Miss Minnio Wolf. union, thus paralyzing the entire Isidore &:igler. through the rugged strength of his gar in the display of their possessions and Jewish spirit, these were the S3TTL- feel, might be done to allay the exwomen's clothing industry in New Co-operation of Peace League. indestructable faith. and accomplishments, if there • are phordes that arosfi. May they echo isting hostility between the races if York. The strike was called after The league to enforce peace, of In Omaha a congregation in Israel those among our women who make and re-echo through the years in a •responsible persons on both sides i the Manufacturers' Association had, which Straus is a prominent official celebrates half a hundred years of of themselves perambulating jewelry never-dying strain-; that shall pro- could agree to discuss the questions j in-violation of the agreement to rewill co-operate with the committee existence—and breathes prayers and shops, I say to you that it is as much claim throughout the ages the ages— arising between them in & reasonable 1 main in force till June, 1922, put in and it is also expected that similar sees visions of a roseate future. our duty to teach them dignity, re- old song of the Jew "Israel's Mision spirit on a basis that the Arabs demands some time in October for a bodies will lend their support also. should accept implicitly the declared Truly this fiftieth anniversary lends —S. H. S. serve and simplicity when they are is Peace." . ' ALL CLASSES OF JEWRY GREET piece-work system, a forty-nine hour Mr. Straus has stated that he intends policy of the government on the subworking week, airil a reduction in NOTED LEADERS. to take up his residence in Washingj ject of the Jewish national home., HUNDREDS ATTEND wages, insisting that this was to go 26,000 Russians to Marshall Elected Chairman of I and that the Zionist leaders should _ ton in connection with his chairmanSome FREIBERG SERVICE <j. .P., A.). The Keren #into effect on November 14th. Enter United States ship duties. .. ; American" Jewish'; Committee j abandon and repudiate all pretensions ] time last June conferences began beCincinnati, Ohio.—More iljan fifdelegation headed by M. Before July 1922 Dr. Stephen S. "Wise, besides;GomNew York. . (J, C. B.) : At a meet- that go beyond tween the International Ladies' Garteen hundred people came to pay a Sokolow and including ProNahura pers (who is.honorary chairman) and The report which bears the signaDanzig. (J. T. Agency.) The ing. of the Afflerican' Je^*ish Commitment Workers' Union and the Mantribute of honor and spiritual debt to fessor 'Otto Warburg, former presi1 . . . , , Straus, is. the other Jewish member of J. Walter Freiberg, late president of American Consul in Warsaw an- tee, faeld last Sunday In the Hotel tures of Sir Thomas Haycroft,- Sir dent of the Zionist World Orpamsmufacturers' Association with regard t h e c o m r a i t t e e . the Union of American Hebrew Con- nounces that according to quota ar- Astor, Louis Marshall was elected Edward Luke and Major Sfcubbs also tion, Vladimir. Jabotinsky, foutider of to increasing production in the trade. gregations at a joint religious serv- rangements of the U. S. Immigration president, Dr. Cyras- Adler and Ju- has the official endorsement of Win- ( the Jewish I«gion and advocate GoWSub-committees were appointed to inice of all the Cincinnati Reform Tem- Law, 26,300 Russians will be permit- lius Ht>senvrard, vice presidents, and ston Churchill. Color.ial Secretary. j stein were given an enthusiastic revestigate and report back to the en- REPORT OPPRESSION OF to enter the United States before Isaac W. BemBeim, treasurer. tire Conference Committee on NovemJEWS BY HUNGARIANS ples held in memory at Eockdale ted WARSAW JEWISH j ception on amivaLin this city last the end of the present fiscal year, in The meeting •was. held in executive j Avenue Temple Sunday, November ber 1st. The Association however, K E H I L L A H L I Q U I D A T E S j Friday. A special committee hetoled Vienna. (By Mail—Jewish Press 6. The service was featured by July 1922. Russians will be permitted session, but a statement issued subdid not wait to receive the findings Warsaw. {J. T. A.) The local I by Mr* Joseph Barondess, met the Association.) Eeports have been redevotional reading, music and inspir- to proceed to American ports regard- sequently told.of a. report Mr. Mar- Jewish Kehillah has decided to liqui-1 delegation in the bay and^ brought of the committees. ceived here of numerous attacks made less of whether they have relations in shall had read in -which he indicated date all its activities. Schools and j them ashore whew; thousands of New Last week Secretary of Labor Da- recently upon Jewish communities in ing addresses on the personality and the United States. . generally, that .the condition of. the institutions recently controlled by the j York Jews gave them a rousiij? w«lachievements of the departed leaaer vis offered his services to the Asso- Western Hungary by bands of MaThe American Consul, in Warsaw Jews throughout, the. world was imciation in an effort, to bring about a gyars. On the eve of Yom Kippur, made by noted men. Kehillah will be closed. Ths direc-jcome and escorted them through the likewise announces that the Polish proving, .and expressed the hope that J t o r s o f t h e K e h i l l a h commend that! East Side to the -Hotel -C peaceful settlement before the ex- the Jewish community "of Eisenstadt i V I E N N E S E START quota has been filled and that no with the amelioration of post-war pected strike on November 14th. was ordered a million kronen} Committee of Jewish scholars and (where they are staying POGROM AGITATION visas can be issued for persons de- conditions the hatreds and animosi- acommun; Twelve senators, headed by Senator to avoid having all their stores and .1 workers be organized.' t o ! No less cheering and cordial was Vienna. (J. T. A.) The local anti- siring to enter the United States ties engendered by the world conflict France, appealed to them for peace homes plundered on Yom Kippur. The the institutions. j the reception accorded the "Gentlemaintain the before July, 1922. There are, however, would gradually die away. in the trade.. The demands, however, community could. raise only 400,000 semitic association has placarded the It will be remembered that several j ment of the delegation at a fomrt5,500 persons who have already re.Among those' present. at the meet- months ago a strike of Kehillah em-1 dinner tendered them at t i e ivere <aot withdrawn, and the strike kronen and it was with the greatest entire city with signs calling upon ceived United States visas but have ing were Leo/Weil, Justice Irving Christians to make pogroms on the Astor on Sunday night. :vas called for Monday morning. ployees broke out, followi difficulty that the Magyars were preJewish inhabitants of Vienna. .'Many not yet passed through the Immigrant Lehman, Cyrus Sulzberger, Dr. Lee ] " d j to grant an increase i tive .lews of everj' class and o f t h e r e c t o r s Benjamin Schlesinger, president. of vailed upon to wait until after Yom of the placards show vile and insult- Stations in America. K. Frankel and Her.ry M. Goldfopc. .;,, ^ a p r , s - Th 0 .^, r i[- crt - cicmand v eve ' " " "'"""" w c y e r e the International Ladies' Garment Kippur when the rest of the money ing drawings and are marked with inThe Bureau of Foreign Language in j th"sc won. The guesfcs Workers' Union, has been elected could be provided. In Kabers and -;:;.?.', r.s iu scriptions of a similar nature. On New York states that the quota for chairman of the Strike Committee. other small towns, the Jews were Lorn? Marshal. inHus lloLondon. (J. C. B.) Jev^ :v. Te- ; the KchiV.ah of LcmVrg is?t?d c rub- i" Sunday, the society arranged a mass Palestine for the present fiscal year Rev. The strikers claim that their funds compelled to leave their synagogues heran and other Persian citiec have ! lie statcmor.t tc th^v clYcc:.' Fervor,. Xcihati meeting in Sifia Hall, the largest has been exceeded and that none other ! mt>1 ! B will carry them through twenty during service on Yom Kippur and greeted vi-;th much satisfaction th? | tlie c:rc-cl--? fcr the!; aC.or.. SufcS.-muri Pchnlmnn of « ' ™* ^ meeting place i nthe city. Speeches than students will be. allowed to enweeks without difficulty. forced to chop wood and do similar news of the appointment cf Sabri! secpsr.t to that, attacks v-frc mars Rev. Dr. Jowph Silvonnan of Tetepte were held by members of Parliament ter this country. Joseph Kornfield cs V. S. Ambassador j or. zhs Kchillch fcr its r^sin-.ilr.ticrV ^.rvv ifl. Vv. .Tudah f- MajfMis, Ed-r • The, New York press, non-Jewish work. In the large leather factory and by leaders of the Cnristian Soto Persia, "according to despatches i r.^turc, ii bo-ir.j; declared that \l-.c i"i-. *'*•?&Lrnierhach. the Hon. Abram as well as Jewish, agrees in calling of Schpitzer, all the leather was tak- cialist Party.. An active fear actuates London. {J. C. B.) A Jewish al- which have been r e c d \ c i here. The j rectors were *.ot to he trusted v : t H I. Ariolph Lcv--itjolmr <Judi» _ the action of the Association- "un- en away together with some members local Jews that serious outbreaks may derman, David Davis, has been elected wise" in breaking the terms of the of the firm, who were returned after condition of Jews h£E l»een far from ! the fupcn-is'.-n o.* Jew*"! schco:?- It j Eoswlsky, Jurigf Strah*. I tof. *.. occur at any moment. The Jewish Lord Mayor of Birmingham, one cf POSV, and the presentee in the country I aopear^ that the decision to liquidate | Kaplan. Harry Fischrl, biamiel <, agreement before its expiration in an absence of some days; One inself-defense corps is recruiting Te-inths strike | Lamport, and others of eqfealJune, thus turning public opinion dividual has not been traced. All were forcements and is preparing itself to the largest industrial centers in the of Eabbi Komf ield will -do much to !j lias come as a result of 1 nence in the comKitraitv against itself. seriously ill-treated. and it? aftermath British Isles strengthen their morale. protect tb.2^ Jewish quarter.

feeral feimittee Anns Limitatioi

\ ^ 5?f


Garment Strike Meets Sixty Thousand Jews



PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PKESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1921 touching contribatfonB by Ihfe author shoulders trembling convulsively. 1 JEWISH CALENDAR Duffield & Co., have just published of "'Farm Ballads." Critics, friends At the door came a gentle knock. 5652—1921. the first novel "The Outsider," from and admirers besieged She Michigan "She-Jumped up, dried her. eyes and e KIsIcv Dee. S the pen-of Maurice Samuel, a young PnbUshed every Thursdayat pmofca,: Nebraska, fTy (Feast ot Dtdlcabard demanding to. know the source asked to come in. but capable and well-known Jewish . T H E JEWISH PRESS PUJBLISHING COMPANY^ : :•• • Slon. Dec. 88 Philadelphia. (J. T. A.) The Uni- of his inspiration. 56W—1823. On the threshold stood the stuauthor who attained prominence Office;. 482. Brandeis Theatre' Building:—Telephone: Jac&son 2372. Jon, 1 Roih.Chodeaeh Tebctli versity of Pennsylvania publishes a Carleton wrote verges for several dent, the violin in his hand, He was Fast of Tebeth.. Jan. 10 through his work with the Morgen- [ Jan. SO Rosh-Chodesch Shebat letter received from Dr. Clarence S. years before he turned his pen to Subscription Price, one year........ a young man with a long ihin face Rosh-Chodesch Adar... - , Wed. Mar. 1 thau Mission to Poland in 1919. The Fisher, head of the University's arch- "Over the Hill." "I -waited these few Parlm (Feast of Esther) Toes- Mar. 11 volume is based largely Advertising rates furnished on application. and large feverish eyes. on Mr. KoBh-Chodeach NIssan~___Thur8., Mar. 30 Apr. IS Samuel's experiences with the Ameri- aeological expedition in Palestine, vears," he explained, "to be sure that , " A m I disturbing you?"began; the. J l | g g < j * ( g ) ^ NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profita from the publicaApril 10 which tells of the discovery cf a I was in the correct mood and until Passover (Serentb Day) student. Apr. 20 can Army in France, and those he tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. Jtosh-Choilegch » large stone slab on which are en- I • had satisfied myself that I could May 1 < T Lap b'Otner •'. N<v No! You may come in, said K h C h d met with subsequently in Paris, BerKosh-Chodtsch SiTan—.... .....•••Son.. May 88 CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please plve botb the old and new address; ' graved some thirty parallel lines in. do justice to the subject." the pale girl, smiling, and instinctiveShabnoth (Confirmation Day) Fr.,June 3 lin and Vienna as attache to the Unit• ba »qre and alya jppy hieroglyphics. The stone was tm« "Over the Hill," presented by WilKosh-Chodeseh Tsmmnz.,™_.Tae8.. June 27 ly began to fix her hair. , Rosli-Cbodeicb Ab—...... , Wed.. July 26 ed States Reparation Committee. "The earthed at Beisan, a comparatively liam Fox, will be the attraction at . Thnra., A n c 3 Outsider" has been compared with the Carefully placing the violin on the Feast of, Ab THE R^D HANDKERCHIEF BRIGADE. Bpdh-Chodesch EilnU An*. 25 large town in the ancient Valley of the Sun Theatre starting Sunday. much discussed "Three Soldiers" by The Jewish Welfare Federation of Omaha is today a com- table he sat down. Anna mutely £683—1922, Sept. S3 John don Pasos and will probably give Jezriel, not far from the Ri%"er Jorplete social service organization, doing1 its worfc quietly, system- stared at him, not knowing Just what New Tear's Eve.. dan. Dr. Fisher's expedition has rise to considerable comment. atically and sympathetically. It has many phases of work to do,to say. His visit was so sudden, so been conducting1 excavations' at the unexpected. She barely knew him. walked alongside the procesion, and and is doing them to the very best of its ability. Mr. Samuel has contributed to the spot for some months and has pre- WANTED—Experienced Sales: Its relief work has for many1 years been a source of pride As neighbors they had merely ex- murmured to himself: Freeman," "Current History," viously reported interesting finds, ladies for General Depai-tto the community. No deserving case has gone unattended, and changed a few casual words, while ' Suicide is an awful sin, awful sin, "Smart Set," and the "Maecabean," consisting of art subjects, pottery ment Store. Star Store, 24th our children learned that from our and is preparing a translation of no aid has been withheld where the need for it had been shown. meeting in the hall. and mosaic pavements dating back to neighbours* ' and Parker Streets. In every case the best interests fof the beneficiary have been con- The young man glanced about: Bialik's Hebrew poems which will ap- the Roman period, as well as strstif ied The cemetery reached, the hearse sidered, and steps have always been taken to lift him and keep Nasty rooms in this house; so pear shortly. debris which indicated that seven him out of the class of the "professional schnorrer." • damp that I am always coughing. stopped at the entrance of a small cities had stood on the present site. In spite of these facts there appear occasionally groups of He touched a string, and softly field where two high pillars pointed Eeisan is the biblical "Beth Shan" bleakly to the sky. individuals, to all appearances well-intentioned and altrustic, looked at Anna. mentioned once in the Bible as the healed by some leader, himself possessed seemingly of . even A strange, pleasant and vague Several people took the coffin from dwelling place of one of Solomon's greater altruism, who set. out to do social service work of their tremor went through her whole being. the hearse, 1and carried it to the open military chiefs. Chiropodist, and Beauty own accord, and in keeping with their own plans and notions of It seemed to her that in, a moment grave. The mother wept bitterly, and Albert Cohen, Junior, a Jewish boy, Shop how it ghould be done. Plunging into the very heart of a case all her tormenting longing "would the • treeg gloomily bowed their fifteen years old, ol Memphis-Tenn., WILL CARLETON'S POEMS BASIS 15th and Harrier Stree branches. All stood solemnly with that may have been: treated for years, knowing nothing of itspass. v Phone DonKlae £333 OF GREAT MOTION PICTURE bowed heads. An old Jew repeated was the youngest soldier to serve past or present history, they absolutely tear down and destroy Both grew silent. «OYER THE HILL". the work of the Federation. They are the greatest enemies to A mouse was heard scratching the prayer for the dead. They made with the A. E. P. across the, seas "Over the Hill," the William Fox haste, they were all anxious to return and to die for his country. His constructive and orderly-social service that any community-may against the wall somewhere. film representation of the famous be bur^en^d with. . And* in most instances they are not them- The student did not stop plucking to the> city, to their warm cozy body has just been brought back. to Will Carleton poems, not only met 0P.ITJ- H. t,£ip3<fos, Pres.-Treas. his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert selves-members of BOX contributers/iTo thCFederation.^ " X the strings, while the wind dashed homes. gm- Pcpppr, Vice-President. Cohen, 1873 East Beard Street, with -universal favor at its first W. G." Ure. Beeretary. A prominent social worker told an Omaha audience recently the rain against the window panes. showing on Broadway in New York Memphis, Tenn. Books Worth Beading, that the "red 'fachalka' (bandana) appeared before the Red Cross Once more yesterday's hall came When only thirteen years old, Al-City last September, but« was proas a, social service agency," meaning by that evidently that pri- to the girl's mind, the intoxicating The announcement that another bert enlisted at Birmingham on Maynounced by many Gotham critics as vate charity work existed and flourished long before our present fragrance of the flowers and the book by Dr. H. Berkowitz of Phila- 1, 1917, just twenty-four days after one of the most wonderful and COMPLETE STORE AND plan of organized relief giving-agencies. music now came, back to her. Now delphia, has appeared will carry to declaration of war with Germany. beautiful pictures that have graced OFFICE OUTFITTERS But the day pf the red handkerchief, circulated without she longed for at least one moment his friends throughout the country the the screen. Their verdict was enOn the day of his enlistment he was We occupy rhyme or reason, dispensing aid indiscriminately to deserving of. happiness! She will go over to he welcome assurance that his re- thirteen years and six months of age. dorsed by the fact that it has been ever TO.wifl square feet and undeserving alilte;;should be past and the method forever the student, embrace him tenderly, ;irement from the post of active Rab- He was assigned to daty at Fort Og- on Broadway ever since. Snnthwest Corner Q«Ten«h and Doneis* Street*. like a mother> pass her fingers i has brought him restored health. done away with, • ; The famous poem first appeared in Phone: Doujrlss 2724 and spent several months Here in Omaha, there is no room for it. And those who per- through his hair and spsa]c to him Last June the Hebrew Union College lethorpe, OMAHA. NEB. the SO's, and was at once accepted in training at that post. Early in sist in flaunting the red "fachalka" in the face of the. community kindly. Press published his "Intimate Glimpas one of the most beautiful and 1918 he was ordered to France as a can b§ it ag working, not for the^interest of those But she sat there, her head bowed, ses of a Rabbi's Career," which has member Company H, Twenty-sixth whoza they would help, but for their own interest—in the aquire- her hands lying listlessly on her been well received both here and Infantry.of This was a part of ment of a larger share of earthly "keyed" and heavenly grace. lap, not knowing how to continue the abroad,' and has been hailed as rank- the First Divisionunit and was composed Such, people hinder.the Federation's work, Their appeals conversation. . ng with_ the kindred messages of chiefly of regulars, with a few reshould be absolutely: ignored. ;Unahle to pick upon.a topic, the Philips Brooks and Henry Ward placement troops picked up after the student lingered a while longer and Beecher. outfit went abroad. went back to his room. "Sabbath Sentiment," his other Young Cohen, a favorite with the We wish to advise you we sre now paving 5 ^ on Time CertiAnna bitterly reproached herself book, is a delightful little family ficates of Deposit written for six or twelve months. older men in his company, went for having allowed him to leave so treasure, and has proven most helpIt is our belief that a thrifty bank depositor should have more soon. Perhaps he too longs for some ful since 1898 in fostering the finest through most of the'heavy fighting interest as all living costs have advanced. It makes no particular one near and dear to him. Several domestic ties in Jewish homes. On in the Meuse-Argonne offensive, in difference what a bank pays on deposits as it makes this adjustwhich the First Division played such times she stealthily apprpached his the occasion of his retirement from ment on loan rates. door, ached to call him, but instead the pulpit of Rodeph Shalom Con- a prominent part. He went through As your Certificates come due, vre shall be pleased to have you r would shyly return to her own room. gregation, Philadelphia, after 29 that awful hell of gas and lead with •'• - " • ByTALXJSH ' i:;; exchange them, so you can have the advantage of the higher rate, the famous Twenty-sixth and always or, if you desire, present them and we will pay the interest up to date Finally, the student's room grew years of service, Dr. Berkowitz reAuthorized translation. Copyright 1921 by National Jewish Press Ass'n., Inche stood up and fought like a redand renew same for sis months or a veer at STf. dark and quiet. ssued this little book which has been In our Savings Department we psv 4SU interest, compounded and Anna opened the, window. She out of print. He sent a copy as a blooded American. On the morning of October 5, 1S18, added to your account quarterly. The privilege of \1 ITHDRAWAL • felt suffocating $nd feverish. The w" Year's gift to -every family in WITHOUT NOTICE in oar Savings Department is also an _ while facing the enemy at the very wind'blew the cool rain into her face, Anna's life in Switzerland, was one greeted her; a few familiar stuhis Congregation as a- token with the added advantage, ' ' first line of the advance, he was like an endless, path' <jn a dreary "au- dents were d ^ -with other girls. playfully wavii.g her hair. She drew request that i t be used to foster those killed by machine-gun fire^ from the In addition, our depositors are fully protected by the Depositor's deep breaths of the wet night air. ideals his ministry had aimed to tumn day. . S h e . was ; a political $ ^ $he-^became gloomy ^nd : depressed, Guarantee Fund cf the State of Nebraska. p , enemy trench. At the tender age of refugee,, frail, onpretentions,.. without Then she blew d i the lamp, and emphasize. .> and moved >in$o a, corner near a latfifteen years his life came to an end, beauty andrwithout- friends,, passing leaving the window wide open, threw This new edition-.contains an in- but into those fifteen years were ticed, booth, where 'a .pretty darklife unnoticed by those around her. herself tm; the bed. The wind teresting and informing Introduction eyed girl played the TQ!& of^ a gypsy crowded a series of events and a Her loneliness weighed upon hen All palmist;1 .^-;;c 18th and Farnara Sts., Omaha, Nebraska. .' -".:/.:' %.. '•> vaded the room; .and.from the street on the poetic charm and priceless ped- record of deeds nobly performed, that ; people "seemed to lher dull and coarse. came th^ dreary. rustling of the. bare agogic value of Jewish ceremonial D. W. GEISELMAN, President. D. C. GEISELMAN. Cashier. ••••]&' Anna-mpved frpni;. corner to Unable-to find peace or rest, the-girl corner.-writhitis little -gjroyps, she trees moaning with no hope of practices as adapted to present day seldom come into the • lives of men H. M. KROGH, Assistant Cashier, who live the . alloted three score languished .and faded from day to again sadly' reflected: Why- have I spring. uses, -There is also a Miscellany of day. • .. • • • . •• / Anna lay with open eyes blankly fascinating Readings beautifully illus- years and ten. come here ? V, Every ; little while the That; evening Anna was particular- music would 'step and"• then again staring into the darkness^ Then, it rated and an original excursus on the News of the fate of their boy did ly unnerved. She sat near the win-break forth in some gay tuneful seemed to her that she was in prison, ancient "Habdalah" w- "Farewell to not reach his parents until November SO, 1918, when the war Department awaiting execution the next day. the Sabbath Day." • . . dow in her.little room and listlessly melody. advised them that Albert was "misgazed into the street. I t was an. She reached- the, buffet. Small She heard heavy trudging steps apThe Jewish Ch&i|tauqaa Society, sing in action." Then a letter came proaching in the.corridor; they come autumn, night. Without, the air was' groups sat drinking around little 1305 Stephen Girard Bldg., Philadeldamp and a light drizzle slowly made tables. Some were already intox- for her. And suddenly it seemed to phia, received from its Chancellor the it&m his' company commander, telling its -way to earth. At:intervals the icated, and their voices sounded bold her that she was home, ill in bed, gift of this new edition to be sold at of the lad's death and detailing the What ceuW fee more approwind would blow- in heavy gusts, and sometimes abusive. A young lad her'old mother bending over her One Dollar per copy for the benefit of manner in which he made the suppriate a« a Chriatma* gift thRn • whirling/ dead yellow leaves aimlessly in. a blue shirt, pounded his breast worried and concerned. She complains its University. Lecture Courses on reme sacrifice. a Hart'«nnn Wardrobe Trunk? of her miserable-destiny, her vanished about the street, • with his fists and shouted: Jewish topics. Patronize Our Advertisers. They are renowned in the estihopes, the futility of it all, and her . Beyond the wall in the next room, mation of thousands of owners —We are the martyrs of the na- mother whispers: God will have merfoir theSr serviceability. a consumptive student was .playing tion! •' cy on us all. . violin and coughing continously, AnAnd another in shell-rimmed glassPriced at And such profound and eternal faith na thought of the dance she had at- es shouted back at him: tended th& previons evening. She had —You- lie. You are all a treach- is reflected on her wrinkled face, that she too begins to hope and repeat: been dressed in her best clothes, erous lot! and better. with a flower at her breast, and had At another table an old man sang God-will have mercy on us all. Including tex gone through the streets^ her eyes in a hoarse, and trembling voice about downcast, her head drooping, and the glorious peasant: The next morning when the stumoving close to the walls as though " T h e r e he stands the noble bread- dent reached the" street, he heard a she were blind. When she came in giver, and groans beneath the •bur- dull thud, as if a ;heavy automobile 5 1803 Farnasra St.—Om&ha view of the large, gaily-lit hall where den of his chains, and the au- tire had burst near by. A. woman the political refugees: always staged tumn night is gloom and starless, not walking past shrieked hysterically, and raiii"toward the tree that stood their entertainments, she- suddenly a ray of light in sight." —^Ah, dearest, chimed, in another near Anna's window- On the ground thought: -*.•'••• . voice, youthful • and tremulous. lay the dead Anna.. Her face was as Why have I come here? ' But from, the: open door came Anna.felt her heart convulse like if she were in an unearthly dream strains of alluring music, ; strains a wounded.bird.- Tears came into her The student covered his face with that seemed to caress her weary soul eyes. She would have sat down, but both hands and burst into tears weepand lull all thought, transporting her an uproar began a t the next table. ing like a child. for the moment into a world of un- Many people rushed forward and a Three days later the funeral was , earthly dreams. The LONELY GIRL general fight began. She could bear held. At the gate of the morgue a suddenly felt a sharp and painful der it no longer and went home. group, of political exiles gathered sire to plunge into the gay and noisy And she had not left the house and quietly conversed. When . the crowd and whirl awajr into a mad, since her return. 1 WE FURNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. | coffin was brought out, the mother of wild dance and laugh hilariously in Beyond the wall, the student con- the suicide, Mho had, just come over I PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH I sheer abandon. tinued playing. Anna closed the from Russia in time to be witness to She bought a ticket and entered window and began to pace the room. the tragedy, made an effort to contro | POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL | the hall "/3omepne spoke behind, her Heir thoughts were in a whirl and herself,' but burst into loud and .back. gave her no rest. In her ears rang mournful lamentation. ^; "What a homely creature! Where the words: "I have no faith in your Two young women tried to quiet ao they come from.? ideals. You shall not herald the e.o.6. her. The funeral procession started • The girl stopped and for amoment coming dawn to the new world." 5 5th Floor Saraders-Keimedy BIdg, = off for the outskirts where lay the mint. felt dazed and faint. She wanted to • She often stopped in the center of 5 Tel. Tyler 3160. 1 turnback, but the strains of the music the room and looked around as though Jewish cemetery. The day was dreary. The river furiously foamed floated out enticingly, and she went she had just entered for the first ^HIIIflKfIlIIIlItIIfKlfIHIIIll!Iil|llIlilSiItlElI!l£UliI!IiitIIIIilill!l!lllIi!llll|IlfBI!lEI8i;illlS and splashed, and wound its way into Ckevrdef "Pmr-Mme®*'' Chevrolet "FB" forward as in a mist. time. The dreary bare walls, the the distance. «An old gravedigger • Af©«W? • • Models The'hall was bright and noisy. iron bed, the table covere with PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. TouringCarSff Ra&aster$525 TouringCar or Roadster $97S Many colored damps cast a festive newspapers, two chairs—and that was Coupe or Sedan - - • 875 Coupe or Sedan - - l 5 » profusion. of light.. The walls were all. Like a- prison; she thought—but Omaha's U$k% Delivery Wugon <one seat) • $525 decorated with gardands of flowers, there one still /has hope and' faith Newest and Finest Equiped ' 0.& fitmt, exhaling an odor of field-lilies. Their in the good and beautiful. Bath-House. fragrance filled the air, intoxicating I t seemed to her that of the walls Baths, Massage, Hot Packs, and waking a tender longing for the would only-fall'away, life would beElectric Treatment, N CHEVROLET MOTOR CO..A DitHsion of General Meters Cf>rP-_ Xnhalatorium. past that is no; more. Under the come better, and she would no longer melodious strains of the orchestra, be lonely, nor. feel so cruelly huwhirled young couples. Givls, wom- miliated^' Now; she felt as if her soul CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY CONCANNON BROS,, Props. en, dressed in thin, transparent pale were dead/ and dead and vanished 3659 Fatsssra S«xe<?t. Tel. Harnejr 7280. 1401 Farnam St., Basement rose dresses, revealing the lines of were all dreams, and gone is one's Entrance. tlieir bodies, appeared beautiful and faith in man. Telephone: Tyler 5731. almring. She threw- herself on the bed and - OMAHA, NEB. CCKHESCJAl PRimnS . $miO!E£M8fi$SE&* Anna walked about the hall, but no burst into sobs, her frail delicate eeviccs

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Albert Cohen was the Baby of the Army


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PAGE 3—THE_ JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1921 Dr. • Charles Bosevatea is at the Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Shamberg enThe Mogen-Dovid Young g Judeaj Sir. J. Shapiro,' president of Con- aberration, of abnormal conceit that! BRANDEIS' DAUGHTER Clarkso'rf Hospital. tertained twenty guests at dinner at club held a Thanksgiving program gregation Tif ere th Israel, was BUT- J believes that because it runs., a L» g •HONORED. their home on. Thanksgiving for Miss prised by the presentation of a silver business it can run the ranch bigger.{ New York. {J. C. B.) Miss Su*»n Thursday afternocm. Mrs. E. y . . Lorig is ill at the Lillian Levy and Mr. Samuel Zlotky, loving cup' by members of the con- World. What I am surprised a t is Brandeis, daughter of Supreme Court Ford Hospital. Mrs; Ike ICrasiie of Oakland, Nebr., gregation. whose marriage will take place on that in American Christian life there Justice Louis D. Brandeis. has bf*>n December 25 at the Blackstone Ho- spent the week end with Mr. and are still sufficient people to permit j appointed special assistant ip the Mrs. M. Krasne. "' ' " . . , Mrs. A. Waxraan of St, Louis, tel. Rabbi Jacob Singer addressed the the Fordian filth to flow and thus United States District Attorney, with History .and Literature classes a t the Dr. Louis Snitzer, a Tecent grad- Missouri, is the guest of Mr, and Mr. Gustave Rosenstock left MonThe Blossoms of Zion club will Lincoln High School on Monda/. Over prevent or postpone some of the finer | an assignment, to investigate the rouMrs. Charles Horwich; She will relate of. the Palmer School of Chiroday to visit with his sister, Mrs. Harhold its regular meeting Sunday one thousand listened to his lecture realizations of Americanism., Chris-'] ditions of the building trades in aractic, Is visiting -with Ms parents, main until after the Kramer-Hortianity, Judaism, and other noble as- York, Miss Brandeis graduated 1'rom ry Eosenstein, and Mr. Eosenstein at afternoon. At this meeting plans on The Jew in History. Mr. and Mrs. M. Snitzer. Dr. wich wedding. pirations of spiritual and moral up- the law school at Radcliffr Coilcjro, Gainsville, Texas. will be made for a Chanuka party: SnTtzer expects to locate in New lift. Until such time as the slander- studied subsequently 3n thr TirnvrrAnnouncement has been made of - Mrs. M. S. Miller left .Wednesday York. . MORALITY AND LAW. ous sewerage of a Ford journal is Bity of Chicago, and has been practicThe meeting of the Afternoon card the engagement of Mr. Laurence to visit with her sister, Mrs. George Efforts are being 'made here and forbidden by public sentiment if not ing- law in this city for several years. Einstein's theory of relativity was Pfaelzer of Chicago, to Miss Edna M. Harris, a t Denver. She will be club, which was to have been held I there to prevent the continued pro- by legislation because of its limitalast Tuesday afternoon at the home discussed by Nathan Bernstein in aLyons of Kansas City. Mr. Pfaelzer gone several weeks. paganda of prejudice perpetrated .by tions, we may. be within the requireis known in Omaha, having resided of Mrs. A, Gilinsky, has been post-, H ££"7% F Y T v p ZT Ipara- ments of law but we shall be without special lecture open to the public a t I to next Tuesday. Mrs. Sherman Lowenstein enter- poned here several yeara^ ago. ^ t , « t n , « t o Henry Ford and his pestilent n University of Omaha gymnasium sites in the pages of the Dearborn In- the requisites of morality.—The Suptained at a bridge luncheon at her -Tuesday. dependent. Scant success appears to plement At the first meeting of the Y. M. home on Monday complimentary to \ Bernstein was a former physics result. The mechanical manikin of Miss Zenia Wolfson of Miami, Florinstructor at Central High school and H. A. Juniors, an organization comMichigan is within the law- That Xovno. {J. T. A.) At the Conida, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. was speaking a t the invitation of posed of young Jewish boys under O. P, Wolfson. At the first meeting of the Brother- the law in the case is moral none ference of the Jewish National Coun- j the leadership of Irvin A. Stalmaster, Glen - Reeves of the University of will maintain who properly regard cii .being held a t present, Dr. Solo\ and buy them at 'hood of Temple B'nai Jeshurun held Morris Falk was elected president of Omaha. The third annual linen shower, to Thursday evening, the Rev. Dr. Wil- morality as a conservator of the "vrecjik, Lithuanian Minister for Jewthis club and Philip Mandel, seh be given by the local chapter of Ha- uam ^ u i a u w iianujiuic was me > ,, . „.. , . , ish Affairs, rtated that the LIthuani-. Following the business The Junior Hadassah "will give a cretary. dassah, will be held' at the Burgessn d 1 meeting, there were two boxing con.pMto. Th. m m b e « . o flaw i " "Henry ' f " iFord " r ;is ' ! purveying ! : . . Z ' ' *to! some * ! ! ^ G ™ ™ 1 " P-J.-edtoreeogbenefit .card party at the Loyal Hotel Nash. Auditorium on Wednesday aft- nize "Yiddish" as one of the official S19 South 16th Street the Brotherhood and the ladies met tests; the first between Philip of the worst passions born of untruth languages of the country and-that ernoon, December 7th. on Sunday afternoon, to •which the in the Lincolnshire Club for a dinner Mandel and Aaron Chesno, the Phone Douglas S40D At the shower given last year linen given in honor of Eabbi R o s e n a u , f ^ C . *"* P » * f <*• He is sowing this recognition will be incorporated public is invited. second between Morris Eeiss and J valued at $500 was collected. " who took for the subject- of his ad- ' suspicion, hatred and antagonism in the new corstitotion. Abe Handler. The next meeting will . Mr. and Mrs. David Newman will be held on Monday' evening, Nov. Seven hospitals and four clinics in dress "The Kind of Brethren Sought." where'.amity and accord should obHe is doing this through entertain a t dinner followed by an28, at the YMHA Club rooms. • Palestine are entirely maintained by Dr. Eosenau defined the position of tain. Orpheum party on Saturday for their • Following are the charter members the Hadassah. Unit and will be. the Judaism in the world and the con- maligning in the mass men, women,! house guests, Miss "Florence Wolff of the Y. M. H. A. Juniors: recipients of all hospital equipment crete task outlined for the Jews in and children, no one of whim he I and Miss- Theresa Hyman of Mincollected this year. A good program "galvanizing our people _ spiritually. would dare to treat thus singly. He j Have Beber, Sam Handler. neapolis. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Max AltBcliuler, has been arranged to be given at the The race Jew and the national Jew is dares not slander an individual al- '•• Abe Handler, S\rartz, Hymie Goldman. Newman will entertain sixteen guests Art shower to which the public is. in- not the type to be held up for emula- though what he says of Jews genBam Eustein, Aaron Chesno. Morris lleiss. at bridge a t her home and onMorris Falk, vited. tion or commendation, but rather the erally includes even the most saintly Louis Fiilk, Dave Bleicher, • among them, and yet he may use the "Wednesday afternoon she "will give Jack Stein. PUilip Mandel. Bennie Friedman, Moms B10om, Dr. Jules H. Stean of Worcester, Jew who is self-conscious religiously. "United States mails, for which his a theatre party for her guests. Benny Goldware. Eddie Green, Mass., has been visiting with his sis- To realize this high aim, we must once Arthur. Green. more kindle the flame of faith in the ™<«ent- victims must pay, .and he ter, Mrs. Samuel Firikenstein. -Miss Fay Mitcher entertained forty hearts of our people, we must revive may otherwise persist in his poisonThe interment of the body of Mrs. •OUB preachments-because he is within guests a t a dancing party a t her The B'nai Israel club of Young the inspiring ceremonials in the David Gross was held Sunday afterthe law! I am not surprised at Henhome on Saturday evening comhomes, and we must fortify ourselves noon a t Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Judea is the only local club- of its plimentary to Miss Celia Miller whose ry Ford. He is evidently an individthe presence of th§- immediate fa- kind to be incorporated under the by more knowledge of our history engagement to Mr. Joseph. Eosenthal ual whose crass conscience has been and literature," said Rabbi Rosenau. mily. Eabbi Frederick Cohn gave laws of the State of Nebraska, Irvin lias recently been announced. On replaced by a cheap car. He is an the prayers. Burial had been with- A Stalmaster, leader, announce'' to- Rabbi Jacq£> Singer, who. is an intiSunday, Mr. and Mrs.- H. Oruch will mate friend of Dr. Rosenau, in conheld, awaiting the arrival of Mr. day. This club, which was organized give a dinner for Miss Miller and Grogs, -who had been abroad for the last Sunday at the Lyric Bldg. by clusion said, "The splendid message' Mr. Eosenthal. BUY SAFE past several months. Miss Irma fifteen young boys has for its pur- of Dr. Bosenau will remain ac an in- j spiration in the hearts of the comGross arrived Saturday morning, re- pose the promotion of a "higher Omaha Lodge No. 354 I. O. B. B. M turning to Lansing, Michigan, - on culture among its members along munity for time to come." •will give a dance on New Years Eve social, educational, and fraternal Monday. The Ivre Club will hold their reguat the Masonic Temple ballroom, Our guarantee and our wcrd is lines." lar meeting on Wednesday evening in i as good as a bond. Mrs. Ben Kushner will leave Sunthe new club rooms of this organiza-' The Priscilla Club will meet next We have satisfied kandreds of 482 Brandeis Theatre Building, day to spend some time in New York. tion on the third floor of the Amer- J your friends. Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Dave ican State. Bank Building. The leas- j 'Green. Miss Helena .Lois Heller,, of Los ing of these club rooms is the first j The Council Bluffs branch of the Mr. Leo Rauh of Chicago will Angeles, who has been visiting with Council of Jewish Women will hold step towards a.permanent home for! 1514,DoSge Street, spend, the weekend as the guest of her aunt, Mr?. M. Heller, left Satur- its annual dance, Tuesday! evening, this organization and for other Jew-Phone: Douglas 5615 •—day for New York. ish organizations in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Newman. December 13, at Eagle's hall. AcComplimentary to Mrs. S. J. Wal-cording to the' committee in charge At Temple Israel on Friday evenler of San Francisco, -who is the a novel entertainment will be given ing, Eabbi Frederick Cohn "will speak guest of her sister, Mrs. S. J. Leon, at this dance. on "True Americanism." On SaturMesdames Azthur Eosenblum, H. D. day morning his subject will be Marowitz of Council Bluffs, and S. The Misses Janet and Ada Gilins"Woman, in Israel." J. Leon entertained eighty guests a t ky have .returned- from New Orleans, La., where they" attended 'the EirschMrs. Myron Kahn, who underwent a bridge pf,rty', at the Blackstone Zemurray wedding. Hotel on Tuesday afternoon. The an operation a t the Wise Memorial out-of-town guests included Mrs. BenHospital, is reported improving. Miss Leah Krasne and Messrs. jamin Achtenberg of Kansas City, Mrs. Arthur Cohn of Minneapolis, Imie, Hose and Lawrence Krasne left Mrs. Harry Malashock will have and Mrs. Philip Koolish, formerly of Wednesday afternoon for DesMoines, as her house-guests Miss Eose SaferChicago, who leaves soon to make la., where they will attend a dinner stein of St. Joseph, Missouri, and OPENS SUNDAY SIX DAYS in honor of Miss Esthyr Levitt, bride her future home in California. • Miss Eose Eosen of New York. They to be of Imie Krasne, to be given Wm. Fox Wonder On Wednesday Mrs. Koolish will StartiRg Sunday will remain for several weeks. entertain twelve guests at luncheon Wednesday evening by. Miss Effie Photoplay Aliber and Miss Lillian Rothschild. For Miss Bose Horwich, whose followed by an Orpheum party for Mrs. Waller and on Saturday Mrs. marriage to Mr. Nathan Kramer will take place at the Blackstone Hotel E. J. Kraus and Miss Eose Grodinsky Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop on- December 4, many affairs are will entertain a t luncheon at the 104. Athletic Club for this visitor. being planned,' . Ilio Best ol Everything in Flowers and On Saturday the Misses Etta Confections at Jsloderaty Prices. Numerous affairs •were given folCorenman and Ida Manwitz enter545 W. Broadway, Next I4berty Theater, lowing the fiftieth anniversary cetained at .an Orpheum theatre party COCNCH. DLPFFS. IOWA. followed by a Tea for Miss Horwich. lebration of Temple Israel for Rabbi PRICES-rThis engage•Mrs. Charles "Nathan entertained and Mrs. Leo Franklin, Rabbi and ment only: Eve^ 50<J twenty-five guests at a Bridge- party Mrs. Abram Simon and Mrs. Meyer Mat. (Except Sunday), INTRODUCING OUR NEW PACKAGE Hellman. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. at the Blackstone Hotel on Monday. 35C> including Tax. dinner Miss Euth Brown will entertain for Morris Levy entertained at "* Blended, roasted and packed by : Miss Horwich on Saturday at the at the Blackstone. Hotel. In the No Springs—Honest Weight Burgess-Nash Tea rooms. Miss Mollie evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller Horwich will give a dancing party entertained at supper followed by on Tuesday evening . at Hanscom an informal reception- at their home. HOBART ELECTRIC Park for her sister when there-'-will On Monday a, luncheon was given at GRINDERS, CHOPPERS be one hundred and twenty-five the Fontenelie for Mrs. Franklin, AND MIXERS. guests. Mrs. Harry Malashock will Mrs. Simon and Mrs. Hellman." by entertain, on Wednesday afternoon^ members of "the Friday. Bridge Club Service and Sales: •when she will have thirty-five guests followed by a, bridge party a t the 13th AND JACKSON STREETS for bridge a t her home. Mrs. J. home of. Mra. Charles Kirschbraun. We sell wholesale and retail. Malashock will have an Orpheum Eabbi and Mrs. Simon left MonPhones: „ OUR BREADS ARE L A R G E R party for Miss Horwich on Thurs- day evening to, return to their home Toledo Scales . ^ _ Doug. 7682 OUR P R I C E S ARE L O W E R . day afternoon. • in Washington. . Hobart Electri; _ „ Doug. 73S6 ' On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun Sam FYank entertained ' Eabbi•', and We have on hand Used and W. Perlmutter and J. Bomber, Proprietors. left Tuesday to spend, Thanksgiving Mrs* Franklin at dinner at their home Rebuilt Machines. 742 W«st Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Telephone 570 with their.daughter, Mrs. Alex Eubel and on Tuesday Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld entertained a t a luncheon for and Mr. Eubel at Minneapolis. them. Rabbi and Mrs. Franklin left Several bridge parties are being Tuesday evening to return, to their planned to raise funds for the' sewing home in Detroit. groups of the Sisterhood of Temple Mrs.~ M. Blank of Sioux City, la., Israel. Mrs. Pau^ Schaye's group had fifty at the bridge given at the is.the bouse guest of Mrs. S. Weinhome of Mrs. Robert Levy on Mon- berg, She "will remain for several When compelled to be absent froin^a, day. Mrs. Clarence Bergman will weeks.! wedding, graduation or other happy affair, give a bridge at her home on there is no letter or other message that can Mr. and Mrs. J. Waxenberg. enterSaturday : afternoon for the benefit equal the sound of your voice. ' DOHEE BROTHERS tained thirty guests at dinner on of the gropp under the direction of Sunday complimentary to the out of Extend your compliments by "Long 5 ED AH Mrs. M. A. Wolowitz. On Friday "V? town guests who were here for the Distance." afternoon, December 2, Mrs. Charles Schlaifer-Stein wedding, On MonSchimmel, Mrs. J . Lipsey and Mrs. day Mrs. William Milder entertained Sam Berkowitz will give a bridge these visitors at a lunchson a t the for the benefit of Mrs. Ed. Lang's Fontenelie Hotelsewing group. The proceeds of these bridge parties aro used in purchasing Mr, and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer left materials to be used in making Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving at articles for the bazar to be held be- Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, where their fore the Christmas holidays. sons attend Northwestern Military - "Long Distanee" is Academy. always the best way. Mrs. Minnie Jacobs and Mrs. H. S. Heavenrich will entertain at a The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity- gave a luncheon and bridge at the Fon- surprise party Sunday evening on Mr. NORTHWESTERN BELL tenelie Hotel on Saturday for their and Mrs. B. B. Hene, who have reTELEPHONE COMPANY guest, Miss IJdith Heavenrich of cently .moved into their home at 520 Detroit. > louth Fifty-first avenue.

Social, Club and Religious Activities


"Say It With



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and associations who are waging a'f

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.TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables •'•




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make salutary examples of the men, d U F f c i l l l l i l l l l l l i i l l I CO.


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ZZZ " ~ ~ ~ ~ | within t«eir comity and, if necessarj-,

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° ***successf(il

looking up further than the;gutter of

Cost less ana last loccer than cotton.

' — • *•—•—=—•

UiZaW n

= intolerance erected as an institution1

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Atiantto sail } bit of a necromancer, alchemist and


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J ample • excuse fur


'F E A T H E R ' M A T T R E S S E S

? ^Ju^^soi^S^^ SWngSin.Btock.

lour correct,


Omaha, *•

. rhme * r lautio «t«h

' . . . position is a n d should

" return of same all around t h e '

races. Indeed their versatility has in •r r h e D e a r b o r n l T . d e B e n d e n t , t a t e _ place as champion of the oppressed .a thousand; instances triumphed over i^^^^^^^i and leaders in broader world-thought

^ ™Z l


iso: nowara St..

Hoffmann Funeral Home.

military, artistic, scJentLfic and com- Spaniard. town, State and Nation if t>e iraer-A m o n g M o d e r n M a l i e r s o f G o t l i a m - icail peop ie E r e to pWserve their



' v

;.»««w. P^ciivities noted in other

PIESandCOOKIES \ iitix, ana m^ory.

? O ^ ? G 5 "XCHYNGE1™

bank and how to insure. The Dutch The Test of Americanism. j £ ° ^ J T ; ^ S ^ # a^syflut™^ BAKERLS ^ ^ ^ H J ^ere the giants of Elizabethan com"Propaganda damning at once the rhone Harne? sen \ < K ^ . c . s rat. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ! ^exxe and exchange. Today it is j e w a n dt h e Catholic, the negro and j o®<*> »pa. warehouse; 31S2i^avenwortb , . umce-> ^ ^ ^ * said there are relatively few Jewish the Japanese has awakened a score _ _ _ « « _ _ _ _ « _ _ _ _ » » « , ^

and erudite appearance, the Jew was

Lnufact-nrers^oi Brass.,Bronze. Alnml-


: —


circle T h i s

irSLfS M

Credited-from the start with being a


&?• C

Vai. J. r e t e r <x V^O.

Permitted • to develotj hatumlly, they merchants in South America, because o foW prejudices and added new ones, m . ttZZZI-lTTlI fTTl FTFfTRK'AT vreTllK-F .would today display.the minglinr of they cannot compete with the astute "Individually and collectively, by 1 ^ l e r d i W tO., I l € . 'A ppTf?N<^4 ^ T T P S ? S

Nutnoons'Home k n .

—l!• ,

l t sa n

f drCUm

^,-ed the mediaeval world how to

A People-Essontially.Versatile. f, Contrary to old popular; fallacy, •j [ ffo;.Wtt-";»- o not Cf an exclusively •'•' money^making bent. If they had been : :

Seaiea in Sanitary Wand


has outlived centuries of j

Stone Age, were ms . neC essary elements of progressive civ-«

wrapper ut Your Grocer.


V 1 TP t

We.install cut Edge rumaces.


Sundgl'en P i e B a k i n g Co.

' ' '

i n g episodes

— -jcrampmg chcumstances wWch would there are something Hke a million and ^

TBr, spyDaKEX



' t h e past month.

> but: rather the natural outcome children, the children associate con- ; ^ i - T 1 , _ r % A 1 % _ . F ^ A r f e centuries of compulsorj- specialized j tmuously with parents and grandpar-j j r H | P | | P P I f T | | R

Stabonery: 1


for bus- "A* ideal oiTfamiiy life is presented

Western Bond-and High Grade, OHAHA,


.We.teipTOto pefyasr te:


nt?vp niiWiVaHnn •h'nwto/i nn B T O ,r

a m n g US

R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor . « ? » « * « * ; • Str e C t-iip stair,.

1—" —

£naV*°%oS £ £ £ * aSv on Europe™ conditions.



Inc. •*..w-****•«>• ^..i. ^ T S ^ ^ ^ i t ^ ^ ^ L T ^ ^ ' ^ ^ i

Very Reasonanest b I e Home SCookinR f a C at " O n Gnaranteedw^r^ S


€ p( £ s

manifested by many b ? the Jewish people. The married | , | P;»tr:butor. _ _ t0(J ay is not a malign phenom- couple want T»ot only a child, but PiiKJBaaa^tsasgBSBtss?--. _i22SIS3S3S5SS:SSSSXSSSZ3SK332S=SSaSHB

eral,Salient,Pointsforwhichwemay S t ^ t i !

. - • :'V : '

IftQUFR tF^TATOAMT IWbnUl R I ^ l i l U M R i




ciie"nh!g do^'by*Vacuum with-*'

™^ **« Young.

w^fsireetof ^ S e S e B ^ S ^ ^ ° ********* *«»•* example S Ss^ery 1 ™ ^ ^ ^ a S b ^ - S S f S ^ ^ ^ T * 1 * ' rf ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o r n o t o n l y s t a m p i n g o u t t h e ignorant ^^^^n^!^ ^ ^ ™™ f, ' T ? °? ^ H a n t W e - s h propaganda now ran,s

r ^ ^

The Dry Cleaner of 'North Omaha.

MflF^flMiFfilTHFfiOn ntLL:dALTl;nCALlH rUUII •


A n0 ! d P

1/ * • I * * I E


^ general attention to a few of thesev

"GABaiBsxs CXEAKED LIKE THE^^ TOCCH OF A FAIBT." :-» • PHONE liENTVooo 0203. 2410 AMES AVENCE. . — i • ' ; ~' - ' - " ' • — .- ' r- . ' ' ' . ' . "



i^ C^3 6^8 °r ' '•r^ftSSSS-Sl-S^n ^ ^ ^




CO-OPERATIVE A C Q A T T A TirMVT .-' Ab&OGlA HUN-' 29M9 O O•Pn.mpt A

w » ' <»iK_4t " 1 '• RhSt llailQIIili ! • , " W^nS£«- ' i


MeaHSHip IICKedS 10 <81Ul IFC &H PflltS of th a Wfirld

«uawest aum . y ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ r e s o u r c e s > ^ ^ ^ , e n d e a v o r along lines for which their ents, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces: I V r l l l i i U i i l M v i U l l A / f i n X Y / C Q T M I T k " organization and tremendous eclat to Qualifications were recognized by, and cousins are like brothers and sis-j ] I V I I L / W L O 1 i V l l L r l S . the prosecution of a prolonged out- Powers sufficient to enforce their com- ters. Family ties are held not only t SiXondTloor E l b g . BuUdin«PRnnTTrTTDQ right attack upon the Jews, pushed P^nce. sacred m principle, but of a practical j b(xoM *lQQr> fe{ks- B«^-°«.ri\^L/U^lLKD bymeans of an otherwise representNever a Money Monopolist. binding sort necessitating regular vis-j ^ -




Testament with a thousand engross-.;


WfilMUlDaflL f U W M t U . :

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«Ie: . . ' named is by no means a preponderat- significance of that warm-hearted- ! be s u p p o r t e d bv > s . n c e ^ J s s u e o fw r C i v i 1 ^ ^ i n g portion, nor can the influence be ^ s s for a society in full swing and i every fair minded assured the personal freedom of s i l 0 W n injurious. T h e Rothschilds growth cannot be over-rated. The ! [ ever perSOn y law-abiding. inhabitant of the a r a danced by the Morgans, the more deliberate and colder types may ' ^ ^^ ^ • ^ A i n e r i c a n p e o p l e merchandising genius of a Straus is be -efficient in retaining and develop, ! have not been summoned to meet a e«loaUed ^y a Field or a Self ridge, mg and conserving, but the ardent LeO A . r l o t r m a n i l • more serious attack upon the basic a n d t h e r e i sn o Jewish magnate who man "gets the goods." . •. j P^ciple of the Republic than is in- ^ " f satisfactorily with EockeOut of Families Comes the State. ...Of.'.. I

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The ScoP De of Jewish Wh Influence

states on.the morrow. We find in a

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J recent issue a long and valuable ar- . A certain portion of the financial depression and seems as P-;sPTit.ianr j • tH M ,' "ntftl?d "Understanding the ^ ^ e ^ t s of the world are today either youthful today as when Joseph tested ^ w : Some Thoughts for Mr. Ford." dir ectly or indirectly within the scope his brethren-or David cast an tin-J We cite-some extracts from thearti- o f Jewish influence; but the portion tamed eye from his housefop. The,


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commonly repeated throughout the

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MOW ADOttt IOUT lOTIULOGi Does It'Need Cleaning or Repairing?

frequent recourse moters.



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eluding the Wall Street Journal His P device of knocking out a The Jew is warm-hearted. The efferCAM. ,JACKSQN IOIS. ' " e e k l y ^ W Baton's/enjoys a ligli tooth for each day ftat ^delayed in v^cent passion whicn lightened the ' FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. reputation, and what it says today is undertaking the required financing, semed• step and measure of the Old, m i d d n stmt .

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^ in about-half• a dozen, journals, in- Pledging of valuables,-sometimes by

AOVO COFFEE . j W A i nI • A n V n m n n S ^AD¥O. J E L L . ADYU POODS _^


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sitated his having a vast deal of gold One who knows the metropolis will

most influential newspaper proprie-

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lAVENPORT DOUGHNUT U T TT-CC DTCDE'ltt' " M r -C' W. Barron-is the editor, and stored away in house or shop and remark how largely its stupendous COMPANY t l U J - i ! 3 ! i ! i & - K I J C i J r t ! i l N - Mr. Hugh Bancroft is the publisher moused pleasurable. anticipation of development during the past decade ot mwBWiMUBimgnrAii'1-' ' TTNDERTARFR<i Barton's The National Financial ^vying tribute upon him for portions can be traced to the expansive energy S SOTOTISKS ^ r a f SP£CIA£T£ U«Itt,KlAltii,KS> Weekly/at 44 Broad street, New o f ^ unhallowed wealth. By hook of its Jewish financiers, manufacturJe Deliver "the Real Goods. MOVED TO . y o r k c i t y > jfr. Barron, one of the a n d c r o o k t h e military powers about ers, merchants and real estate proPhone Webster 0943

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