December 1, 1921

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Hie man whose thought te1 the happmess of. others is as near goodness as It Is l»ssible to get.

•"> If you would have things come your w a y g o after them.

VOL. L—NO. 51


Busy Mothers Learn English In Neighhorhoodiomes

econti-class mall matter on January 27th, 1821. at Omaha. Nebraska; -anger-the' Act of March 3. 1S78.

. Romance to Tragedy, j 'lrom Tragedy to Romance, j •a >s Irma May, daughter of a Pol5 lanker, vras running a soup 1 . . a in Lemberg for Polish refugees last year. Here she met Dr. Bernard Cantor, young American rabbi, who had been sent to Poland by the Joint Distribution Committee. The two relief workers became affianced. in August of 1920 - the sympathy of Jews the world over went out to Miss May in the tragic death of her fiance at the hands «f Bolshevik marauders. - - .. After the death of Dr. Cantor, Miss May came to America to visit with his parents, and to condole with them in-the loss of "their son.


SUBSCRIFnON PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. Marshal Foch Commends Valor of Jewish Soldiers \ . 0


New York, Nov. 25. (J. P. A.) Marshal Ferdinand FocJh. today re-

g% ve

ceived a delegation of Eabbis who

v0lI@€O0II III 1 1 W S


AP fj


greeted the Generalissimo in the name of American Jewry. The de-| throughout ofC i t y ' Cto o mInsure m i t t e e sContinuai}ce legation consisted of Dr. Joseph ^_ „ *_• Work, ._ _*• T Social Service Milord, General Howe, rode a mag- Throughout the: Revolution this Tory lished the Benevolent Society of Rudolph- Grossman, Dr. Simon R. Silverman, Dr.. Clifton H. Levy, Dr. nificent horse, and fashionable Phila- belle drew widespread attention. A'. Women, the Fuel Association, the Cohen, Dr. Alexander Lyons, Dr. IN ' 12 BAYS'* IS PLAN WILL PROMOTE RAPdelphia lifted the corners of its.eye- public controversy raged over a poem Sewing School, the Charity Kitchen, Nathaa Stem, Dr. Ephraim Frisch SLOGAN. • brows and smiled knowingly each day which she had written The Times, the Widows' and .Orphans' Home, the and Dr. Joel Blau. In greeting them ID AMERICANIZATION. when it passed the house of David signed by CanalEd Querno,poet Isu-^ Foster Home, and as early as 1815 £he Marshal said: Twelve thousand dollars m twelve "I greet you as representatives of days, for the Jewish "Welfare FederaFranks. For there was the general's reate of Congress. She coresponded, founded - the Philadelphia Orphan English and Americanization "will charger, fast to the _ hitching post, with all the prominent personages of Asylum; Yea, verily, she led the hxa- the Jewish people. I thank you for tion, > • be taken directly into the homes of and, indeed, where could the general the day, including General Lee. Of * gryj-clothed the naked, warmed the what the Jewish people did in the Thirty women set out Toer^Ssy immigrants, under the plan just perbe, but in David Frank's drawing- her wit many stories are told. A shivering poor, sheltered the orphan war. They displayed great valor oii morning to collect this amount* It fected by the Americanization comroom admiring the. wit.and beauty of young patriot who sought to win and33jiQW, and all through the life £hi field of battle, taking the offensive represents the subscriptions of same mittee of the Council of Jewish "Womthe very popular Miss Bebecca, the her in the coat of a Britisher -was of Rodeph Sboloa congregation she I as "men throughout the entire struggle. five hundred Federation members en. center of a gay throng of adorers, who the butt of one of her quoted witti-' moved, its central - figure, dignified, Yoa have reason to be proud of..your which must be paid before December This committee, of which Mrs. Announcement has just been made swarmed about the lovely Jewess. cism, "An ass in lion's clothing". devout, sincere. Yet, in this austere race." Nathan Mantel is chairman, has ar. Sabbi Silverman said in reply: of the; marriage of Miss May to Rabbi Of the scores of charming be-wigged she called him in curt dismissal, life of devotion to the public weal, >r The women, under the general diranged to conduct neighborhood classand hoop-skirted ladies ,who made When her sister, Fhila, married Gen- there were romance and love. The We feel that we have only done rection - of Mrs, David Feder, • have Nathaniel Cantor, brother of the late es for mothers who are not able to : our duty as citizens of our country Philadelphia the social as well as the attend the public • evening classes, Dr. Bernard Cantor, and assistant to geographical center of- Eevolutionary era! Delancy, a relative of the. Van all-too-human tragedy of Rebecca and to God and humanity. We are beer, organized into 18 teams, coverGratz*s love may have prompted her Cortlandts, and went to live in New Dr. Stephen S. Wise. ing every section of greater •because of household duties. "Mrs. America, the name and fame of Ee- York, Rebecca "Visited them and re- to consecrate her life to the service Teady to do the same again in a They will call on IxsdMflualis Mantel has secured a corps of teachbecca Franks has remained bright on peated her triumphs. The Philadel- of human-kind—-may have made her similar emergency.." have already pledged to the Federaers drawn from, the Council's memthe dusty, pages of history, for hers phia belle married Lieutenant Colonel more tender and sympathetic. She tion's fund of. $30,000 for' 1921, but bership, who will meet with a small was a dual gift of wit and beauty, (afterward General) Henry Johnson j loved, so T they say, Samuel Ewing, who still owe part of their pledges. group of women in a home in their who shared the honors of Colonial and went to England to reside- at son of the provost of the University*'It is absolutely* essential that" this neighborhood, from 2 to 3 o'clock, one beeldom, with the Shippens and Wil- Bath. ' There are some, who claim • of Pennsylvania.-. Because of the difmonejbe collected before the middle a day of each week, and give them ingB. She was admired, envied, imi- that Sir Walter Scott met.her there;ference in their religious faith they of December," said Morris l#vy, instruction in spoken and written tated, but how many of today's de- and modeled the "Rebecca" of his | decided against intermarriage. (An president of the Federation, at the English. butantes would turn their fluffy Ivanhoe after her. Indeed, at the interesting contrast to that other luncheon at the Brandeis restaurants The first classes will be held next bobbed heads for a second's thought time, when it became known that Philadelphia Jewess who became Monday, when the teams were orpatiTuesday at the following residences: Editor of "Tagehlatt" Speaks of her? The glory that was hers America had furnished Scott's hero-1 Lady Johnson.V When Samuel Ewing ized," and we are • looking to- the laon Eastern European Jew2536 Seward St., 2618 Blondo St., has gone—the glory, too, of scores of ine, every Jewish, girl named Rebecca j died Rebecca Grstz was a spinster cf National Conference of Workers dies to help bring this moner in. ish Situation. For Fund Report CoSection 2523 N. 18th St. Women living in daughters and mothers in Israel was considered a probable original. I f orty-ni •nine, but romance was not dead December is the hErdest month in the of §682,000. these neighborhoods who are interwhose mirid and spirit went into the But tradition seems to have set-! in her heart, for-she sought and seyear for the Federation, Our local DECLARES H I S IMPRESested in the work are urged to attend ^ Moise, Esther Etting Hays, tied upon Rebecca Gratz, a somewhat cured from Ewing's mother permis- BASIS FOR' CONTRIBUTIONS expenses are greatly increased beSIONS CONTRARY TO this first meeting. GraceSeixas, Eichea Gratz, Anna younger Philadelphia girl, as the sion to place three rosebuds in the cause of the winter season, and we FIXED. REPORTS. "There are many advantages to the Ottendorfer — half - forgotten Dolly original Rebecca, Miss Rebecca had coffin of the man she had loved. must make our contributions to the plan," said Mrs. Mantel, to-day. "The New York. {J. C. B.) The first national institutions that look to us Madisons. been the friend from childhood of There had been other Jewish belles New York. (J. C. B.) One of the time of the classes permits a mother rational conference of representatives for help. We need every penny thai Matilda Hoffman, beloved and be- of Philadelphia, before these two. The present has that very egotistito attend while her children are at latest to return from Europe is Mr. Keren Hayesod committees has b©en pledged, and we need it trothed of Washington Irving. Miss Rachael Jacobs, widow successively of cf school, and the fact that.the classes Gedaliah Bublik, editor-in-chief of the cal trait of attributing to itself all Hoffman contracted consumption, and | David Machadb and Israel Jacobs, throughout the country, which was, within the nest fifteen days, Withare in her own neighborhood, prob- "Jewish Daily News," who spent three the achievements of the past—the through. th& last six months of her«who died in 1799, was a wcnian of held in New York on November 19 out this money our work must stop." ably in. the home of one of her friends,! months in Austria, Poland, Galiria, aspirations of the future. We live in life she was tenderly mtrsed fey J many accomplishments, versed in. and 20, has decided to endeavor to; Figures given by Marry Lapidus, will be an added inducement to en- Lithuania and Latvia, after attending oday. All that was yesterday was Bebecca Gratz. ; Washington' Irvrag, - several languages, a great beauty, and raise $9,000,000 by January 1, 1923,: chairman of the Federation finance larbarian; tomorrow visionary. Yet roll. We have plenty of teachers the Zionist Congress.. heart-broken after her death, went j s. widely admired leader of Philadel- towards the minimum budget, of Si2,- committee at the meeting, showed century and a half ago Jewish Interviewed by a J. C. B. represenready to take over classes as rapidly 000,000 required by the Zionist Orto England. There he told his friend,, phia Jewry. that -$45,QQQ has been pledged to date, as they are formed, and can thus tative as,to,the_ conditions of Jewry sromanhood was, even as Jewish Sir Walter Scott, of the splendid Jewganization for its activities "in Pales_ ,. . n i l . j«f which $S3,000 has been, collected. Jewish Revolntionsry Heroine omanhood is today, winning adregulate the membership in them. In abroad, Mr. Bublik said: tine. There were 4o3 -delegates from S , r . . , ., , -,,,., ish girl who hath-comforted his be__ , . .• ._ ... j . jMr. Lspicras useapea. that the m^n on 'WJbile, I've, written jpl. miration by its mgntal and physical this, way each student Trill .get per'-•My general impressions are conS7 states: sad 140 cities,--representing' ., - « * - -.^ • i>"j=l.v i-ili. loredis."tiyisg When.""*1vs.|ithe finance committee would g*t fw —who" possessed'yfiie sonal instruction. trary to what has been said and writ- charm; esteem and honor for its; inthe most active workers for the Pales^ ^ remaining $3;000. 'tellectual attainments, its charity and hoe".was written t i e character of the ^ ^ ^ ^ tine Foundation Fund. "Although we are starting with ten^ Conditons are much improved. sympathy. Women wore lovely gowns Jewish heroine foEowed the outlines l a c k o f C o l o E i a l J e w e s , Hie women's campaign wHl fend on sess ot The first session at the Hebrew three classes we would like to.have it This, is true" physically, economically; and costly jewels, gossiped, coquetted, that Washington Irving had- given to Dec. 10. Members of the committee?! ^ T g r e s t patriotism. Technical School for Girls, presided known that we - will start additional- .and morally. The. - Jews of Eastern kept house, raised families, • sewed, the author. The American RevoluHays -svas a prosperous - farmer at o v e T b y j u d g e Henry J. -Dan-nenbanin include the following: Europe are not the degraded creatures classes whenever there is a demand ilfpstL-ime*: David F*<ter. Chairmatt r read, went to college, raised -money tion was almost over when Rebecca Bedford, in-Westcheste^Countr. _ K e | 4 i,o will be re-. Nathan Mantpll, TV. I.-. HolrmsB, N. J*. from at least four women in a neigh- they have been depicted.. Physically or the synagogue^ helped the poor, Gratz was born, and her interesting a n d j ^ SOJlj J a c o l ; > h a d ^dertaken to o f H o s t o n j T e x a s > w Fell, J. B. Itobinson, H. Q. Msi-s, 1. : "" ' " ^ membered as the chairman of the Rosehthfll, J. Simon. A. n«rgber£, M. borhood, and when a neighborhood they are strong and. healthy looking. aivied and tried to enter the sphere career belongs to the days when the ^ ^ 3 h e t d . o f c a t t J e They have rosy cheeks and thus do last Zionist Convention at Cleveland, Herzbwg, M. M. Eownlilftft, Bavid Hsh«whome, for one hour a week, will be mnn, .T. H. KnlakofRkr. S. ROWUKOB, 11. Republic-was young. The Grata famj Britisll Iines into fte not bear out the tales of physical if masculine activities. was addressed by Nahum Sokolow, A. Wolf, I'liilSp Khrr, Cor« Vfolt. -Vltittv assured us." ily was not wealthy! They belonged; ^ ^ ^ . prevent p I a i m e d a r a i d to I^npidus. Snrn S. A. Hires, I. 0ansky« ruin of which we have heard so much. head of, and Professor Otto War- Hnrry E n ' t e aWolf. n . A. SHvprman, C h a The Council members who have rather to the aristocracy. this. David Hays' wife — who was The Original of Rebecca of Ivanhoe. "Economically conditions have much burg, member of, the Zionist Delega- JU>vinson. H. Hirgeh-man. volunteered to teach include the folEarly Social Service Workers Esther Etting—was on. a sickbed at tion to this country. Rebecca Franks, for example, who improved. In Poland, for instance, lowing: Mesdames Paul Schaye, Richea Gratz, a sister of Rebecca her home. She had just given birth there are several manufacturing cen- as born about 1760 (one cannot be On the' following day, at the sesSimon Meyer, Harry Wolf; Arnold ters directed by Jews. In fact, there too sure of even a colonial dame's who later married Samual Hays, at-! to a son. She had with her her babe, sions at the Hotel Astor, reports Browar, Carl Furth, Samuel Nathan is very little unemployment in that birthday), no doubt would be a lead- tended Franklin College^ now Frank- her daughters and a pair of old negro w e r e Eubm itted by representatives and S. Kosenblum. country. Business has picked up and er in the Rittenhouse Square set were lin and Marshall , in 1787. She was slaves. Tory neighbors came into her f r o m PhiladeMiia. Baltimore. HartMrs. Mantel can be reached at Har- exports are being sent to the Ukraine she alive today. David Frank's wealth one of the first of American women home and confronted her, demanding from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hartford, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and QUOTA IS OVER ONE THIRD OF ney 5711. and to Soviet Eossia. THe prospects and social position alone would have to obtain a college education. Re- • information. about, the . dangerous m a n y o t h e r p o i n t s . T h e reports inNATIONAL FUND. for Poland are very fair. The only his_ daughter popular, but she chose becca Gratz, at nineteen, was sec-1 venture in which her husband and son i< y cate< j a w e | j activity in trouble is that the Polish government to stand on her own very evident retary of the Female Association for .were engaged. . She steadily refused, all points where the work of raising New York. <J, C. B.) ' Five-million is helping ^ the boycott against , the merits. The sentiments of the young Relief of Women and Children, which and when they saw that she could not the fund has commenced. dollars- is to be raised by the Jews Jews. This is doing z. great deal of lady were proBritish, and when the she had helped to found. It was she be cajoled or bullied they snatched a of this city for Jewish EsLief in Rus"Ma&ser* Made Obligatory injury, not alone to Jews, but to, the English troops under General Howe who established the Sabbath School, firebrand. from her own hearth and, A series of resolutions was adopt- sia and .other coufitaies of Eastern ASKS SUPPORT OF CULTURAL entire population. Unfortunately the occupied Philadelphia she was in her of Temple Rodeph Sholom, eighty- before the helpless women's eyes, set ed, the most important of which were Europe, according to an announcePoles themselves do not realize it. ;lory. A great ball—Misehianza they four years ago. This was the first fire to the house. .The old slaves car- those AND EDUCATIONAL making the payment of ment Et a dinner' in the Biltmorc at; "Morally conditions are-very good. called it— was given in honor of the Jewish Sabbath School in America, ried Mrs. Hays, to a shelter in the "Maaser" obligatory upon all who •which were a 'hundred representative ACTIVITIES. Jews in Eastern Europe are standing redcoats. Miss Franks; a-glitter with Rebecca Gratz was its head for thirty- woods, where she remained until her would support the Zionist program Jews. New York.—A commission of prom- higher morally "than ever before. jewels and spangles, was its leading two years. Her charity was as great family was summoned to her aid.— in Palestine. A graded scheme of This amount is to be made New inent Hungarian Jews," arrived here They are studying, a great deal and figure. In a mock tournament a and broad as the need for its was Zelda F. Poppin in "The American payment of the tithe was adopted, York City's quota of ihfe $14,000,000 . last week, consisting of Ferenz Scze- they are more idealistic than we Jews soldier-knight battled for- her favor. widespread and varied. She estai>- Jew.*" providing for the annual payment of fund being 'raised by the American kely, a banker of Budapest, and Pres£ in America. They are thoroughly a Tniriinram of S25 for those with an Jewish Belief Comniittate. The dinident of the Kultus Gem^inde, Eabbi Jewish the.vnational:. spirit is SAYS BRAZIL UNFIT FOR New 1York Kosher--Butcher - - income of S2,OO0 or less, and S150 ner was arranged by Lois.te .Marshall, Dr. Elias Adler of the' Komba'ch Syn- strong with them/ The fact- is, that • '•••' Workers Strike minimum for incomes up to $5,000; Nathan Straus and Felix M, Warburg' JEWISH COLONIZATION agogue, and Dr. Emi! Zahler, Presir the conscious Jews are leading now; New York. (J. Press Association,) Jews with incomes in excess of S5,000 I to enable' leading Jfews ' of the city Vienna. (J. T. A.) Dr. Maas, edident of the Ninth District, who come The assimilationists have lost their tor of a Jewish daily in Buenos Aires Announcement was • made yesterday are, by these resolutions, required to to meet David A. Brown, Detroit, busito the United States to enlist the as- one-time influence within the Jewish who has traveled recently in the rethat 2500- members of the Kosher pay regular "Maaser," subject tc the ness man, who is Chairman of the FUNDS FOR NEW JEWISH COMButcher Union affecting 1500 Jewish government income tax. sistance of American Jewry, through j community and outside of it, The na- gions where large numbers of Jewish national campaign'.MUNITY CENTER ASSURED. the 'medium of the Joint Distribution tionalists are now the dominant fac- refugees are congregated, states that Butcher shops in "this city'; have gone j S e p o r t e we re-presented by Emanuel Mr. ^Marshall said the worst place Committee, in aiding in the re-habili- tors-. The Jewish consciousness has Brazil is in general unfit for the setout on strike. The strikers demand j Neuman, temporary secretary of thej™ Europe today was ; the Uktfeme, Philadelphia, Pa.—The amazing a minimum wage of* $40.00 rand' a re- Fund, and Hermann Conheim, treas- where hostile armies .-had beea fight« tatioa of the activities of the Jewish developed in a most healthy fashion tlement of Jewish refugees, •and the story of one of the most economical newal of the union contract. Union urer, showing net cash receipts of ing for seven years and * large part Institutions of Old Hungary and Cen- among all classes of Jews, and this is Jewish committee should move, warily and most effective drives: in the histral Europe. true even of the radicals. In this before advising anybody to settle tory of modern fund raising was re- leaders declared "that -15&- employers $682,000, exclusive of over three mil- of the Jewish population Kafe disapMr. Sczekely, speaking in behalf of regard conditions in- Lithuania are "there. OIJ the other hand, he main- vealed last week at a meeting of were already desirous of settling and lion in uncollected pledges in various J peared. • \ Among those at the dinner were the Commission, declared the purpose better than they are in Poland for tains that Argentina could well re- the Executive Council of the Jewish they believe the .strike-will be over parts of the country. in a few days.: ' [ _ jjudg-e Benjamin N. Cardosa,' "Wilof the visit was to unite the Hunga- the reason that the Polish Jews speak ceive large numbers of %Fews. Welfare Board, in a report by Leon a m Fox rian Jews in America, and to secure Polish-'while those in Lithuania speak NEW ITALIAN MIMSTES A R > Judge, Alexandra GeisJ. Obermeyer, president of the Philamar, Isaac Gitttbel, Samuel €Sold» from them their support in the work Yiddish which has been recognized Dr. Goldstein Succeeds Pogrom Organization delphia Young Men's Hebrew AssoJEW. win, Dr. Nathan Krass, Colonel Her. , in Germany Financed of re-habilitating the institutional, officially. . ...' ciation. Mr. Obermayer announced Eome, (J. T. A.) AnuotiTiceiiient bert Behman, Judge Otto-A. Eosalsky, Mendes as Rabbi of "The situation in Latvia is very •-." by Americans educational and social life of the that a drive for $750,000, for the ereehas been made of "the appointment of Dr. Samuel Selmlnraft, B. & Moss, NotedPress Synagogue Berlin. {J. Press .Association.) Jews of Old Hungary and Central bad: The Jews there are doing everyNew York. (Jewish Associa- tion of Jewish Community Center had Senator Ludoviici Mortara, president Cyrus •Sulzberger-and Nathfeft Straus, T5 a "Minchensr Post," P- publiEurope, as well as to aid those Jews thing in their power to maintain tion.) The Rev. Dr. Herbert S. Gold- brought forth from the Philadelphia of the Supreme Court, to the post of Jr. ' ' • cation with a political reputafrom Hungary in Palestine, whose their position, but persecution stein will succeed Dr. H. Pereifa community $892,000, and that the Minister of the Interior. Senator ti in recognised -throughout the help from Hungary has-been cut off driving them mercilessly. The Jewish Mendes as spiritual leader of the dpive which had been scheduled to Mortara has at one time occupied the country makes the sensational community of Eiga, for example, is Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, run from November 1 to 8 had been by the low rate of exchange. position of Minister of Education. His CARNIVA. HOUR WILL announcement that there exists •doing excellent work, and there is BE FEATUBE OF THE present position is the highest that j it was learned here today. The above officially ended two days hefore the Shortly after its arrival the delein Munish' an. '-anti-Semitic orB'NAI B'RITH DANCE harmony among Jews throughou the government can bestow. Of the | named congregation is one of the latter date, $ 142,000 above the goal gation conferred with Felix M. Warganization which' is, deliberately live Ministers, two—Luzzati, and now, j The year 1S22 will be ushered I n oldest in the city, being founded 271 having been secured. This sum, he burg, Chairman of the Joint Distribu- Latvia." planning lie. massacre of the •with true spirit of festivity afid jttbil«« Mortara—are Jews. years ago, and Dr. Mendes assumed declared, was raised at a cost of aption Committee. at the second annual New Year's Jews. The' organisation, aeRUSSIAN ZIONISTS OUTSIDE its leadership in 1877. proximately $18,000, less than two eording to the report is providRiga. (J. P. A.) A special insti- dance, to be given by the B'nai per cent, a figure which experts in RUSSIA TO ORGANIZE. Danzig. (J. P. A.) Anti-Semitism ing itself with arms and is gentute for the study of journalism has B'rith. Kovno. (J. C. B.) The local gov- social service financing state is the Carlsbad (J. T. A.) The Russian in Latvia is assuming alarming proerally preparing-: Its members been opened in Moscow, it is reported Mr. David Greenbcrg, chairman of portions, according to s^me Jews who delegates to" the forthcoming Zionist ernment has granted a subvention of low mark for a drive of this charfor an early eventuality. 'Jfhe the dance committee, has here. It is the first school of its % passed through here on their way Congress have called a special preli- 100,000 marks for the aid of needy acter. report further asserts that kind opened in that city. Owing to that because of the attractions of the from Eiga. Jews, they say, have had minary conference to" discuss the rabbis in the district. Americas anti-Setaftes residing the fact that the greater number of evening, an. unusually large A conference of Yiddishis! school Berlin. (J. T. Agency.) Three special taxes imposed upon them and matter of organizing those Russian in Berlin are the chief financial I Russian journalists are out of the snee has been indicated. Thiss this has forced many of them, out of Zionists now residing outside Russia. representatives is in- session here new B'nai B'rith lodges have been supporters of the Munich organj country, the need for trained men made :it necessary that ' business. Even in the higher schools The impetus for such an organizatio with forty attending.. The program formed in Berlin, and there is genizationj has been greatly felt in Soviet cen- Temple Ball room be secured for the Jewish students are forced to pay comes from the large Russian-Jewis of the schools and many technical erally a marked tendency to join this occasion. • .* .• •» f iters. - - — — —_—..—.*-». higher fees than other students. colony that has grown np in Berlin. questions are under consideration. Order-

Council of Jewish Women Provides Teachers—Students Provide Class-Rooms.

Coiit iois Of. Jews b Europe Steadily Improviitg, Says Bublik


European Relief C i i p i p

Delegation of Hungarian Jews Seeks American

FMadelpMaY.CEA.dits IiSkiays




ceeded, by the glory and usefulness of ' luncheon in honor of Mrs. Philip Kool- and' the Misses Pearl end Clara Mrs. Barpnan was formerly . Misa Cherniss at home, two sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Sandusky of this city. the restored Jewish nation under the ish of Chicago, O. Hochxaan of this city and Miss Lilsway of David's greater Son. I PobKshei every Thursday at Omaba, Nebraska, by Miss Jeanettc KrapinFky has reKosh-Choaesch KUlev Tri.V Dec. 3 Mr a d Mrs SaltB Channkah (Feast of Dedlca-_'• lian Cherniss, and three brothers, turned to her home in Fremont after V THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. The voice of prophecy is speaking ; ? : f ™ tlon>_______._ ^i. aipn., Dec. 20 Shai, of- Los Angeles, 'Calif., Henry having visited with Miss TilSie Polsky l today, d Office:"482" Brahdeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: -Jackson 2372. DG82—1922. loudly and Jewry is awaking nosh-Chodeach. T e b e t h _ _ H Jan. 1 Gilinsky of Woodbine, la. of Omaha and Louis -of this city. Tnes., Jon." 10 all over the world, God is calling and Miss Irene Adelson, Fast of Telietli-. -...$2.50 Subscription Pried one year...—.— :on.. .Tan. 30 again the scattered hosts, and who Rosli-Chodesch Shebat... Burial was in Oak Hill cemetery. The Afternoon Bridge club met d* Mar. 1 Bosli-Chodescb A<lar_ Advertising rates-furnished on application. Miss Rath Polsky is visiting with l'orlm (Feast of Esther). Tues.. Mar. 14 can- tell how soon the voice of Him, Wednesday afternoon at the home of Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha ofRosk-Chodesch Xlssrcn ,,, _Thnrs.. Mar. 30 her aunt, Mrs. Victor Gladstone of ficiated. Xbors., Apr. 13 whose right it is to reign, will sound Passoxer (Pesach) ._ _Wed« A p r l l l S NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaMrs. Sanv Snyder. Passover (Seventh Day) Omaha. tion of, The Jewish Press are to be. given to worthy communal causes. '•.. forth, and the nations of the earth :.8at.. Apr. 20 Kosh-Chodescli I y a r _ _ _ Tuts., Mny 18 will once again find peace at the feet Tag b'Onjer_ Mrs. Issadore Fonarow will return CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please ^lve both the old and new Sun., May C8 Announcement has been made of Kosh-Chodesch Siran _. LINCOLN , . be gare and flga yonr name. Shabnoth (Conflrmatton Day) I"r., Jiine 3 of the Lord, the Prince.of Peace? , Sunday after having spent some time the marriage of Miss Dorothy Geisen* i n KosU-Chodesch Tammui Tats., Jans. 37 Colorado. Rosh-Chodesch Ab ^—.IVed., Jnly 26 Let us all, Jew and Christian, pray feldt of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Rabbi Jacob Singer occupied the Feaitt ot.Ab __„ .Thuro., Anff. 3 and work together for the hastening TO 500 OMAHA JEWS. The Hebrew Educational club held a pulpit at Temple Sinai at Sioux City Sir. Lewis Polsky of Lincoln, The Rosh-Chodescli Ellnl _^_Frl« Ane. S5 of that glad day when the kingdom of social meeting Monday evening at the Several months ago one thousand-people of this city signed New Tear's Eve-6683—192S last -Sunday. During his absence Mr. marriage took place in Chicago on Sept, SS God shall no more be a prophecy to a note to pay $45,000.before the end of this year. They gave home of Miss Freida Goldberg. R. V. Pepperberg addressed the Con-November 28th. be dreamed about, but a reality on no Security for this note other than their names. But the people Playlet was given in which the fol- gregation at Temple B'nai Jesliuinea. to whom the note was given had come to know their names as The World Would Go earth to be enjoyed."—The Jewish lowing took part: Mrs. Max Katleman entertained at Ledger. standing for the highest type of Jewish manhood, and had no a bridge luncheon for the members Bathing Girl Rebecca Gilinsky Mr. and Mrs. Morris Eargman of Bankrupt Evening Gown Shirley Freidman fear that the note-would not be paid when due. of the Entre-Nous Club on Tuesday. Chicago spent Friday in Lincoln. Twins . rhil Trochtenberg Latvian Government Will Permit .and Jennie Katelman Hundreds of people rejoiced when they learned that the note "If the world tried to pay its debt Jewish Emigrants Through Bride™. _ Stella Troehtenb«g had been signed and that at least.$45,000 .would be loaned them. to the Jews for the good things they Adam and Ere.'. . Isidore Aeinsltee Country. __ and Gertrude Gilinsky They needed, and still do:need $50,000, and they are sure that have given, to all the _ races,, ~-time Berlin. (J. T. A.) Represenatives School scene— they will get the other. $5,000. They rejoiced—.and with reason. Teacher. Gertrude Gilinsky not be long enough to-do it, of the Emigrant Organization recently Pupils—Esther Chernlss, Shirley FreidTo many of them—to most of them-^-this money meant life it- would Hebecca Gilinsky, Jennie Kateland bankruptcy would ensue before organized at Prague have made ar- man, self, arid the hope of; a bright future. Widows, orphans, aged, could be done," declared Dr. Eobert rangements with the Latvian govern- man, Ike Feblowitz, rhil Trochtenberg, Wardrobe' as a Gift Isaddre Aginskee. infirm, patients in hospital wards, all rejoiced. For.the $45,000 itArthur in a recent sermon' in ment whereby Jewish emigrants from What couM be more «ppro« was to be loaned to them from these thousand good souls through AtlanticElwood Cityi New Jersey. His text Russia and other countries bound for The funeral of Isaac Cherniss, 59, jsriate as a Ctfistma* gift th»n the Jewish. Welfare Federation which- had secured the signatures was from John 4:22/ when Jesus said, Trans-Atlantic ports " and especially who died Thursday at his home, was & HsrtmanB Wardrobe Traak? to. the note.. was to be given back, not in so much, money; "Salvation is of the JewsJ' "Let us for Argentina, will be permitted to held Friday afternoon, from the. famThey are reno-»ned in the estibut through the medium of a finer, healthier and stronger citizen- see what'the Jew has given to thepass through the country without hin- ily residence. Mr. Cherniss had lived mation of thousands, of owner* for their shipvfor Omaha.' ••-' - . 1 world and then think what a loss if drance, provided the Emigrant Exec- in,Council Bluffs since 1882 and was Five hundred of. these one thousand signers have not paid these benefits had never been given. utive guarantees that they are not to one of the first Jewish settlers in the Priced at their share of the ; note. -„•- Five-, hundred people still owe all orThe Bible is a Jewish production-un- remain in. Latvia for more than a rea- city. He was a member of the Chevra part of their 1921 subscription to the; Jewish Welfare Federation. der God. Both the Old Testament and sonable period. B'nai Israel Synagogue and the Coun- $47.5ff -$61 As you read this, you will know whether you are one of them. the New are the gifts of Jews'to the cil Bluffs Hebrew Society. and better. H you are, consider these facts: world. No single book, aye all other JEWS START FARMING He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Including t&x You .and the o£her.four hundred and,^ninety-nine'debtors books combined, have never equalled Eta Cherniss, four sons, David, Harry IN MICHIGAN CENTRE owe.'a total of §12,000, -If all of;you .pay what you promised, the the Bible in benefits to mankind. Take Chicago, Nov. 16.—To keep the and Will of Council Bluffs, and Fred Federation will be able to finish the work which it started this it as literature, it's matchless; take young people "down on the farm," B. of Omaha, and three daughters, yea* on the strength of your promises. If you do not pay, any it as God's Work for the devotion of and thus prevent departure to the Mrs. Goldie Adler of Council Bluffs 1S03 Famam one 6r:aHpf the following things will happen: ' ,- _ men's lives, it's powerful, and thecities, and to relieve the monotony of Sayenty-eight Jewish children in Omaha will be without food, wonder of it is that ^ s time goes on farm life for their parents, a Jewish shelter, or, clothing; •its power grows greater. The world three miles southeast of Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Twenty-eight Jewish, parents, fathers or mothers of these can never forget that salvation community South Haven, Mich., has built a synPhone 104. children, who are how looking to youfor help, will be without through God's Work is of the Jews. agogue and community centre, the The Best of Everything In Flotrers anfi means of existence; " -'-":\ ; Let us all, Jew and. Christian, find first Jewish undertaking of its kind. Confections at Moderate Prices. Half the children of the Omaha Talmud Torahs will be daily help in the pages of this World Until announcement of the dedica- 545 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater. turned away; ; . • COUNCIL BLCFFS. IOWA. of God, and learn life's duties there- tion was made it was not generally The Old People's Home will close itsdoors; , in. • ' , • • ; "••••; known that a prosperous community Hundreds of young boys and" girls who come to the Y. M. 1 „„„_.„..„..._..„ „„... 1 of Jewish farmers has been develop- !...........'.„_.... H. rAi for clean, wholesome recreation in a Jewish center, will "Another gift of the, Jews to theing in the vicinity of South Haven, jjp :•• world is the cloud-encircled summit Harry H. Laplflns. Pres.-Tress. be forced - to go elsewhere; ; • They now number 150 families and Jos. Peprer. Vice-Presiaent. W. G. Ure, Secretary. The charity work of the Wise Memorial Hospital will have of Sinai, whose thunders'of the law their holdings total approximately are still reverberating round the to be reduced; ; : , • -• Omaha Fixture & 9,000 acres of Van Buren County The tuberculosis hospitals in Denver, three of -them, the world. In the capitol at Washington farming land. the statue t)f Moses with the .tables of Supply Co. Cleveland Orphan Ht>me and the ( hospital at Hot Springs, that have taken care of hundreds of Omaha, cases, and are even now the law in his arms represents the COMPLETE STORE AND carmg:for scores of them/will^get from Omaha less than one- majesty of the Law. Blackstone's OFFICE OUTFITTERS third of their just share,of Omaha's funds—and their work will Commentaries are interpretations of i COUNCIL BLUFFS We cccnpy the Mosaic laws and today the civilover 70,000 Eg care leet be decreased in proportion; _ Southwest Corner • The helping hand to the unfortunate "down-and-outer", to ized nations of the world live by The second annual dance of the Eleventh and. Douclas Streets. laws .that find their basis in the Mo-. Council of Jewish Women will be held the immigrant, tothe wayward boy or girl, will be Withdrawn. Phone: Jackson S"2i saic "Code.- Can anybody improve on Tuesday evening; December 13, at OMAHA. N E B . Ten Commandments? Time i a s Eagle's hall. According to the comDo you want these things to happen, you who are one ofthe not aged: them nor changed their mittee in charge, this dance will be the five hundred?* Can-you afford to have them happen? They need, and we need their power today the feature of the social events that Avill—if you withhold the help Which you have promised themore than «ver for all peoples. will be held in the Bluffs during the Federation in its work. coming winter. "Where did we get our Sanctuary A committee of women will call on you within the' week, to get your check in full-payment of your pledge. Have it ready laws? From the Jews. Whence came All profits of ther^ance will go for for them. Give it to them with a smile. Help them in their our thrift campaign? From the Jews. the war-orphan whom the Council had labor of love. Among Christians today there is a adopted last winter.- Plans are now An enormous purchase of fines!; of fine silk lot of talk about proportionate giving. being made by the Council Bluffs Well, I just want to say if the Chris- chapter of the Council to adopt anothshirts. Jersey silks, broadcloth silks, English ••/MR. PIPP'S LETTER. tians gave in proportion as the Jew- er war-orphan this winter. loom silk, genuine eagle crepe silk, heavy satin The 'Letter to Mr. Ford" by E. G. Pipp, printed on page four ish laws set forth for the Jew, then Mrs. Harry Krasne entertained for stripe crepe. Wondrous weaves, beautiful of this issue, should be read by every one who can read, and it there would never be an oyster supper twelve guests at a Thanksgiving dincolorings. Last year you paid ?*!2.50 to $18.00. should be given the widest circulation possible. Throbbing with or bazaar or fair to, for ner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herman the deepest breaths of tolerance and good-will, coming, as it does, even the tithe from Christendom Zuber of Fremont, Nebr. Stock up for Christmas. He wants silk shirts. at a time when the thoughts of the entire-world are concentrated %vould flood the' treasuries and make on the hopes of world peace, it,stands as.the gravest indictment God's worlc easy as far as the money Mrs. A. Perimeter entertained this of Ford and his system of hate-breeding that has been penned end of it .is concerned. I know of no afternoon for 18 guests at a bridge in many a day. people in past or present history as Bead it—and pass it on to your neighbor. generous in their giving as the Jews. OXAEA. ISKk., Jews ought to take pride in observing WANTED—Young1 lady to work the law, for salvation by law is of ^CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN = of Israel. Books Worth Reading cause the Jews. In Ladies' and Men's furnishThe Year Book contains also an ing store. Apply at Jewish article on Dr. Abram S. Isaacs, some "Another great benefit given by AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK the Jews to the world is the Weekly Press, Box 442. of whose books were published by the You are invited to come and The Jewish. Publication Society of Society. Rest Day, known as the Sabbath. listen to our December Jewish America has-just published the twen- The discussion about the immigrant There was a Sabbath before the Jews, and Domestic Victor Records. ty-third issue of the American. Jew- and his place in American life having but it was left for Moses under God You may call Webster 2042 for ish' Year Bookbecome general within recent years, to make the\Sabbath Day a real in-r a selection on approval. Among It addition ±o the usual features of the Year Book. considered i t impor- stitution for ttre^help of his people FOR RENT—Nicely furnished the December records are pieces calendars, records of events in thetant to give a survey of those agen- and the benefit ahtaankkid. When by the well-known J e w i s h room in home of small past year, directories of Jewish Na- cies which the Jews of• the United the Jews observed it^thej? prospered. comedian, J. Jacobs. tional Organizations, list of Jewish States have established for the pur- When they desecrated it they suffered. family. Gentleman preferred. Federated Charities, periodicals,. Jew- pose of helping their immigrant This is true for the nations that have "I'm Going to be Webster 7076. ish, members of Congress, statistics brothers to adapt themselves to condi- been given God's Word to enlighten Married" No. 73117-A Sis Kit Vos 85c of Jewish.; population, in the United tions here, to imbibe American ideals, them. When they observe God's Rest "Stepchild of the States and. throughout the world, it and to make their own contribution Day they prosper, but when they World" . _ Ko. 7311G-A Folk Lieder..: .. 83ccontains a number: of very interesting to these ideals.* Dr. Charles S. Benn- desecrate it, they, too, suffer. We A Treat b y Handel's Famous articles. • ; heiiner's article on this subject show need a Holy Sabbath Day for spiritual Orchestra ' The leading article in the present that the means,created -for this-pur- development, family righteousness "Shft Dance" _' No. 7311S:B FOR RENT— Pleasant room 'Ttttcfc Dance" — 85c volume is a biographical sketch of the pose are numbrous and varied and and to bring the nations Godward. But reasonably priced, to Jewish late Jacob H. Schiff, from the penare being intelligently and efficient- let us not forget that the greatest The following n u m b e r by girl. Box 232 .Jewish Press. of Dr. Cyrus Adler, of Dropsi Col- ly administered. gift the Jews have given to mankind •Mordechay Hershman, celebratlege. I n the passing away 'of Jacob is the knowledge of God, or pure reed Jewish cantor, surpasses all H. Schiff the entire Jewish people The Year Book contains also the ligion. When other nations were idol of his former songs. :have been bereft of a.staunch cham- report of. tha American Jewish Com- worshippers the Jews found the true "Borucli Adonoi Bnyom" •••mittee. This report gives some inpion and a worthy representative. (ISiessed be the.liord).—No. CSaiG God and gave themselves to His wor•'Boruoh Shmei" (Blessed Omaha's His influence in ^America and teresting correspondence passed be- ship, or rather God chose the Jews, be the Name).. $1.SS. tween Mr. Louis .Marshall,. President Newest and Finest Equiped throughout the world was so farrevealed Himself to them and led Bath-House. of the American' Jewish' Committee, . . C o u n t r y orders given our reaching that both Jews and nonthem as a people. Christians have Baths, Massage,' Hot Packs, and Major Putnam, concerning, the prompt attention. Ask* for our Jews will long cherish his memory. cause to be grateful to the Jews, for Electric Treatment, catalogue. See US before you I t is natural that the, leading place publication of certain anti-Jewish Jesus Christ was a Jew -and not Inhalatoriunu books calculated to spread prejudice. buy your new victrola. in this volume should be given; to ashamed of it. There should be no Paxton Hctc-1 Turkish Dri^ the inspiring life of this great'Amercause of friction between the Jews CONCANNON BROS., Props. and learning. Dr. Adler traces Mr. 'TOST" FEARS JEWS WILL and Christians because we have the CAUSE BRITAIN'S 1401 Farnam St, Basement close friend of Mr. Schiff and his same Heavenly Father, enjoy the enthusiastic co-worker in many entersame religious Guide Book, glory in Entrance. DOWNFALL. 1824 No. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. prises,, especially those dealing with London. . ( J . C. Bureau.) Com- the common heritages of historic* Telephone: Tyler 5731. Tel. Webster 2042. OMAHA, NEB. the' promotion of Jewish education menting;: on the; recently published truth; and look to the final triumph and lernirig." Dr. Adler traces Mr. official reporj; of the Commisison on of'the Messiah in the world's life. ??X"S DJJDS1S p 7 p Schiff'S early life and describes his the May riots in Jaffa, the local No true Christian hates the Jew, for PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. manifold activities . ' a s financier, "Morning Post" declares that though hate >is not Christian, and no nation philanthropist, .Jiumanitariani and' British bayonets mayhaye been suf- can prosper that persecutes the Jew. communal worker. Dr; Adler has cer- ficient to put down - that, .outbreak, Read'history and let it speak Egypt, tainly drawn a vivid picturi? of: a' they will numerous enough to Babylon, Greece, Rome, Spain, Rusmany-sided man of > affairs *and of quell -a general insurrection which sia.' These tall the story of mad Jew OHAHA good deeds, always anxious to. be of may occur. The Zionists, says the haters and failures. PRINTING use to his fellow-men and ofj service paper, are quarreling among themto his country. selves, and the time will soon come "A nation that can produce the • warriors and statesmen, poets andRabbi Jacob Kohn, a friend and when Jews will be a serious menace , musicians, seers and prophets that Isstudent of Prof. Israel' Friedlaender, to the very existence of England. jrael has, need not fear persecution, contributes an article regarding Prof. Further, we read, that many of the , and liks every studenjt of the Bible, Friedlaender and in an attractive best Jews are convinced that the • I am sure the golden age of Jewry ananner portrays Dr. Fried&ender as Zionist program is steril and doomed is yet to come, when the glory of the -LITHOGRAPHERS - STEELCl£ tS'BOSSERS t scholar and Jealous worker in the to failure.. kingdom under Solomon will be oeviees






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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1921 PRISCILUk DEAN'S GREATEST HAOASSAH LINEN SHOV/liR Mrs. John Corby returned Thurs- Y. M. H. A. AND THORPEIAN DEATH OF POUR OMAHA EMIGRANT BARRACKS Following is the program tqbs: giv- day after visiting for some time at TEAMS WIN FIRST EASKET "IN CRACOW'SU RESIDENTS OCCURS ; PICTURE en at the third annual shower Kansas City and Excelsior Springs.- BALL CONTESTS OF SEASON DURING PAST WEEK Warsaw. ;J. T. A.) A large fire At the height of her screen career, of the local chapter of Hadassah at destroyed almost a*, the bar;;icks. in PxisciU* D«&n will be seen, at the Mrs. Edward Schonberger enter-, Jewish teams in the Commercial the Burgess-Narh Auditorium on1 Four deaths in the Omaha Jewish Cracow, erected, to house the Jewisli Moon Theatre .starting Saturday in tained at dinner on-Thursday compli- Basket-ball league carried off the community were reported daring the refugees from the Ukraine. Thft br-.r-' Wednesday afternoon, December 7: "Conflict," the Univeraal-Jewel feamenting Mrs. M..Blank of Sioux City honors at the opening games a t the past week. racks were of wood, and, the fire ture produced by Stuart Fsft*», rePiano Solos, Miss Sadie Levey. Y. 11. C. A. floor last night, when the who was the guest of Mrs. S. WeinDr. Charles Rosewater, who was a spread rapidly o\ri..g to the lack of: Readings, Mrs. B. R. Boasberg. All members of the Jewish WomDerg. Mrs. S, Snyder entertained at Y. M. H; A. and the Thorpeian Ath- resident of Omaha for the past thir- sufficient v,-ater mjpply. No lives,; membered for his direction of Miss Son£s, Miss Sophye Weinstein. en's Welfare Organization are a theatre party at the Brandeis on letic club teams defeated tehir op- ty-four years, -died on Thanksgiving however, Nverr; lost s.nd most of the Dean's preceding suecftss, "Reputaurged to attend the December meet- Solo Dances, Miss Mildred Jaque. ' Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Blank. tion." In the role of Dorcas Remponents.V - -- • morning after a lingering illness. He property of the refugees was saved. I Articles collected are sent to the ing, to be held next Tuesday at The Y.. M. H. A. team, which. was was born in Cleveland, Ohio, 62 years Temporarily the home;ess are being-\ alie, Miss> Dean enters the story as 2:30 at the YMHA rooms, when hospitals in Palestine for which this Mr. Max Levin is visiting in Chi- organized Tuesday night and with a pampered child of wealth, who* in ago and was graduated from the put up in and hotels. organization provides. An earnest cago. election of officers will be held. accordance with, her father's will, is but only fifteen minutes of practicing Cleveland Medical school and later sent to live with an uncle in the Big Every member is urged at the request has been sent out to the efunder Coach Leslie Burkenroad, Mrs. I. Levy has as her guc-tMiss studied in Germany and Austria. He HER FILM CHILDREN AND HER North Woods. Complications or t&e same time to pay up her dues for fect that towels, table linen and bal former. Central High .school star and Ida Altschuler of Pittsburg, Pennsylwas one of the leading physicians of OWN CHILDREN | most dramatic sort enter her life. the year, in order to insure the linen are especially needed! a£ this vania, for whom she entertained on well-known basket-ball player, piled Omaha and was for many years proOne of the unusual features of the ( publication of her name in the Fed- ;une. up the largest score of the evening, fessor at Creighton Medical College. William Fox production of MQver the' Wednesday afternoon. • eration year book. Names of memwhen it defeated the Western Electric Dr. Boeder at Temple Israel. Dr. Rosewater took an active part Hill/' showing &t the Sun, is the fact bers whose dues are in arrears will .Dr.- C. A. Roeder will address the The Sisterhood of Temple Israel Co. team by _a score of 28 to 3. in early philanthropic work in Oma- that the actress who enacted the role not be included. congregation at Temple Israel on will hold its annual bazar on Monday Brown and Ravitz of the Y team ha and was a member of the B'nai of Ma Benton actually has four of her arid Tuesday in the rotunda of the were the outstanding stars of the own children playing- the parts of her Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson enter- Friday evening in the interest of the B'rith, and Temple Israel. Court House, when many attractive game. At ;no time throughout the tained fifteen guests on Thursday at campaign being conducted-throughout " Mrr. Sam Rabinowitz, 1818 North filmbrood. Ma Ber.ton is portrayed entire game were the Y players in dinner : complimenting Mrs. S. J. the country for the control of cancer. articles will be offered for sale. 21st Street, died on Saturday morn- by Mrs. Mary Carr, for years one of any danger of having their lead His subject will be "A Layman's LecWaller of San Francisco and Mrs. ing. She is survived by her husband the most popular actresses on the Master Samuel Carmell, a-youthful overtaken. . • ] and buy them at :1# ' tures on Cancer" and will be in con- Jewish violinist, will be heard: in D. M. Achtenberg of Kansas City. and five children, the youngest of American stage. Her children in reelFollowing is the lineup of the which" is but two weeks old.' junction with the regular Friday; recital at the First Christian Church life are Isaac, Thomas, John, Chailes, :> _ Rabbi Frederick Cohn will address evening service. •": ' ; game: Rebecca and Susan. These children Mrs.-Julia Nemes, sister of Mrs. L. on Monday evening, December .5. the ~ Sisterhood of Temple Israel at Western Electric in real life are Stephen, Rosemary, 1 Cohn, 2426 Blondo Street, died on Mrs. L. Altman has returned from j Master Carmell, who is . but eleven Y. M. C. A. its regular meeting on Monday afterLF. Estleton- Monday at Lincoln where she had May Beth and Lcraelfo. The. latter Ravitz years old, has been heard frequently i.oon in" the vestry of the\ Temple on Excelsior Springs, where'-she has LG „ Gerdeman been receiving treatment at a1 sana- has already achieved a unique screen on programs here and has filled sev- Solig 'Phone Douglas S403 spent the past three weeks, "Jewish Ceremonials." , Brown . C._— Adams torium. Burial was in Omaha today. reputation, wliile Stephen, the youngeral out-of-town engagements. On the following Monday he will • The second monthly assembly of Goodman .RF Conner On Wednesday morning, Mrs. David est, is only tour. go .to ^ Sioux City, Iowa, where he the children attending the recreational ..RG. Stolinsky Brown was found dead at the home Mr. and Mrs. David Newn-an enter- Kneeter will speak before the National Fed- classes in the public schools'- tinder tained at dinner at their home on Substitutes for the Y team, Gare- of her daughter, Mrs. Ben Posley, eration of Religious • Liberals, his the auspices of- the Jewish Women's Sunday vening when the out-of-town lick and Mendelson. with whom she lived. Mrs. Browi was subject being "Life's Highest Ideal." Welfare Organization will- be held guests included: Mrs. J. Groc^, Mrs. The Thorpeian Athletic club easily or>T,o-f> tiy in good" health, having atn Louis Friedman and Mr. Leo Eaugh, defeated the -McKenney Dentists The Junior Welfare Organization Saturday afternoon at the Lyric all of Chicago; Leon and Milton Ro- team by a score of 17 to 12. The tended a party on Tuesday evening. •will hold a. regular meeting on Sun- Building. "Mrs. Benjamin R. .Boas- senbaum of Lincoln and the Misses Thorpeian Athletic club was in the F"-art failure was given as the cause day afternoon in the club rooms in berg" will be the" storyteller and Mrs. Florence Woolf and Theresa Hyman game; until up to the" very last of death. The funeral will take place from the home of Mrs. Posley, 117 Dolly Elgutter will give the second the Lyric Building. lesson in Mothercraft, using a, life of Minneapolis. For the Misses Hy- minute of play, for t-e McKenney South 50 Avenue, on Friday- afterForty friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. size doll as a model. This instruc- man and Woolf who are the house team was threatening to ring several noon. Internment will be at Pleasant Robinson surprised them at their tion in Mothercraft is a distinct fea- quests of Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Max baskets up till the close of the game. Hill cemetery. home last Wednesday upon their re- ture of these meetings and is evoking Sommers will entertain at the Bran- Sam Freiberg and Paul Konecky turn from Rochester, Minnesota. much interest on the part of the chil- deis Restaurants on Friday evening were j the mainstays of the Thorpeian dren. More than one hundred and and Miss Amvtte Pizer will give a team. Following is the lineup of the .The X. T. C. Club* are planning a fifty children attended the first meet- bridge party on Sunday. MissEsther gamei party for the brides elect of this ing. Newman entertained for these vis- Thorpeian McKenney Chiropodist and Beauty organization to be held soon. itors on Tuesday evening when twenty Bernstein LF Rand Shop guests were present. Mrs. Alexander Pollack and Mrs. Hathoot Established 1890 Wintroub LG.. Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld entertained Dollie Elgutte* entertained twelve Rosencrans . .C... ..„ Wersenberg 15th and H*rn*y Streets. at luncheon and bridge at her home Phone Doosias ES33 guests at dinner Tuesday for Mrs. M. London. (J. C. B.) Lord North- Freiberg 1.RF. Cohilt On Wednesday for Miss'Edith. Heavencliffe, editor of the London "Times," Konecky .RG. ^ . Padrick Hellman of Baltimore, formerly oi rich, of Detroit, Michigan. The teams play every Wednesday Omaha, and for Mr. and Mrs. J. B; is expected" to arrive shortly in Pales.••'••"'"• evening at the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Henry Rosehthal will enter- Katz, who plan to spend the winter tine. BUY SAFE tain, sixteen guests at abridge lunch- In the south. -The same hostesses eon at .her home on Tuesday for Mrs. will entertain at a bridge lancheon at their home Friday for Mrs. HellWilliam Harris of Chicago. man. ' ^ Oar guarantee and our word is | Mr.'and Mrs. H. S. Kamen have Mr. and Mrs. Katz and children ] < r as food as a bond. taken an apartment at Terrace Court, leave Thursday. We have satisfied hundreds of 846 Park Avenue. • your friends. ^ Mfs.,'J. JI- Arkin was hostess for INTRODUCING OUR NEW PACKAGE The wedding of Miss Rose Horwich, the first meeting of the Monday Afdaughter of Mr. and Mrs..Charles ternbon Reading Club. Blended, roasted and packed by Horwich, to Mr. Nathan Kramer is 1514 Dodge Street. scheduled to take place at the BlackMr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller leave ——Phone: Douglas S61S .— stone Hotel on Sunday evening, De- Friday, for California where they will cember 4, in the presence of two remain, for the winter. They will -NOW SHOWING ONE WEEK hundred and fifty guests. • spend most of the time at' Los William Fox \. .Miss Horwich has chosen for her Angeles. _ :'. Starting Saturday attendants the following: Mrs. Harry Wonder Picture Miss Ann Blotcky will entertain Malashock, matron of honor; Miss • Mollye Horwich, maid of honor; and thirty guests at a dancing party at 'as .bridesmaids the Misses. Ruth her home on Saturday evening for vBrown, Rose Block and Lillian and Miss Zjnia Wolf son of Miami, Fla.' "Irene Fisher of Des Moines. Mr. Mrs. A. Romm entertained sixteen Ttfose. Krasne of Oakland, Nebraska, guests on Tuesday afternoon at a ' Avill act as best man to Mr. Kramer. card party at her home, when Mrs. The ushers will be Messrs. Nathan i. J. Waller of San Francisco, who is • Nogg, Morris Arkin, Nathan Horwich the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. J. PRICES This Engage,'and Louis Liebowitz. Rabbi M. N. Leon, the guest of honor. On ment O n l y—Matinee i-Taxon will officiate. (except Sunday), 3 5 d Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry E v e n i n £ s, (includ. After ..a wedding trip in the east, Lapidus will entertain at - dinner at ing loges), 50«*« "'Mr. Kramer and his bride will be their home for Mrs. Waller and on at home at the Theodore Terrace Wednciay afternoon Mrs. Lc , apartments. ris will give a bridge at her home for The:" Sisterhood of Temple Israel this guest. will present the Temple Players in a During the past week, the. engageSIIHIIIIIIUIIIEIIIIlIIIIIIIHIIIIIIlIIfllllllllllilllillHIIIIIIinHIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIlIHHIENa vaudeville performance in the vestry ment of Miss Rebecca Bercovici, rooms of the Temple on Wednesday daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Bercoevening, December 14. vici, to Mr. Herman Wise of Tulsa, Mrs. David Wells will entertain at Oklahoma, has been announced. The an afternoon bridge party at her home wedding will take place in the- late winter. on Wednesday.

Social, Club and Religious Activities


"Say It With




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Mr. and Mrs.. Ben Reinschrieber Mrs. E. R. Lustig of Kansas City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jules announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Max Blotcky Rosenbaum. of this city. The Herzl girls club will meet -with On. Sunday evening, December 4, Miss Sara Bialic on Sunday after- Mr. and Mrs. Reinschrieber will be at noon. home to their friends for the betrothDr. and Mrs. Nathan Rosewater of ed couple. Cleveland, who were hereto attend Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohn entertained th6 funeral of Dr. Charles Rosewater, at a birthday party for their daughreturned to their home on Wednes- ter, Eva, on Thursday, Fourteen day. ' -• guests -were present. A debate was given by the Misses Sylvia Burnstein and Sarah Morgan at the regular meeting of the Daughters of Zion held Sunday afternoon at the home of Miss Sadie Stein. Miss Rose Stein gave several readings.^


The Lillies of Zion will hold their regular meeting at the Lyric Building on Sunday afternoon when any girls from the age of nine to twelve years who are interested, are invited.

Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Simons will entertain members of the New Ulfet A regular meeting of the Progresse Club at their home on Sunday. Club of the" YMHA .was held last A regular meeting of the Young Sunday, when complete arrangements Judaea Junior Clutr will be held Sunfor tliis club's first invitation dance of the season, were made. This wil day afternoon at the\home of Miss be held at Hanscom Park Pavillion Fannie Levinson, at which time elecon December 7*. The Progresse Or- tion of officers will take place. chestra will furnish the music. Mr. Max Rosenblum spent several The Jollyettes, a club of girls from days here visiting with his parents, 16 to 18 years of age, is the' mos Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenblum. recent addition to the YMHA chum Mrs/ H. Rachman will entertain my clubs. Officers and members in- forty guests at a bridge luncheon at clude the following: Bertha Hoffman her home next Thursday. pres.; Helen Altshuler, vice-pres.; Celia C^eenspun, sec; Dorothy Rosen' Mrs. M. L Gordon will entertain at thai, treas.; -Ruth- Herman, reporter luncheon at the Athletic Club on WedMarion Goldstein, Margaret Green- nesday for Mrs. S: J. Waller of San field, Dora Rick. *.-ena Racusin, Jenny Francisco and Mrs. Philip Koolish, Liebowitz, Ida Sha#»«»7a. who is the guest of her parents, Mr. The next meeting will be held ai and Mrs. A. Aginskee" of Council the club-rooms on December 11. Bluffs'

I Ai


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5 th, Floor Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. ,. TeL Tyler 3160.


5 |


To the Jewish Public of Omaha You are cordially invited to attend the opening of the


ALASKA FISH COMPANY 1114 NORTH TWENTY-FOURTH STREET. A full line of Fresh, Smoked and Salted Fish and <•" Staple Groceries will be carried. Business Phones-Webster Goi2. J. FINKENSTEIN, Residence Phone—Douglas 9414. ' Proprietor.



ARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS THE JEWISH; CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH- RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this„endeavor. They are entitled to your-patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT. ^EEjsjaoTEEEigjsiaiiaaaEE^



Office 209 South 18th Street

Jackson 0268





Scottsbluff and Merrill County "Backed by. the Sugar Beet Industry. Legality passed on by competent Attorneys.



MACHINE WORKS Industrial and Automotive Machinists. Carbnretor and Ignition Repairs. Starter Bine Gears for Auto Fly Wheels -• 417 South 13th Street. Telephone: Jackson 2550


bor or nation against nation. Dear Mr. Ford: to save that same civilization, when First National Bank Bldg. 1115 Douglas St. Tel. Jackson S171 It was just the other day that this And this brings me directly to that soldier who fills the unknown iiiKiBiaiaiaiaiaiaisisaiSJeffi whole nation paused for a funeral. you. grave went forth in the vigor of In this time when all the nation young manhood to do his share, and The flag-draped coffin was followed to its burial place-by notables of our wants peace, when men want their his share meant the end of life for DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT movement to save lives made strong him. land. ; ' i Does It Need Cleaning COMPANY. . Cabinet officers walked solemnly in by the solid backing of good will I am thinking of you and the talks or Repairing? BISMAHCffS, CAKE AND StJGAB UNDERTAKERS that procession in honor of the dead. among all the people; a survey of all we had then, of the day when you SCOW" IS THE TIME TO KATE. DOCGHNtJTS OtJfi SPECIALTY. MOVED TO EXPERTS DO THE WORK. In that coffin was the body- of an our states discloses just one conpointed to that magnificent plant of We Deliver the Real Goods. Xonil Be Snrpri»ecl at Our Bates. spicuous disturber of; the feeling of unknown soldier, taken to our nationyours and said you would rather tear 2224 CXJSH5TG STBEET. "CMS '...'. Cleaning fione by Vacnnm withal cemetery} and buried with all thegood will, one man scattering seeds it down brick by brick than use it out causing fiirt. We have satisfactorily cleaned over 100 furnaces honor that could be shown one of the of discord, one man sowing the tares to carry on the works of'hatred, how the past month. greatest in our land, because in that of bitterness, one man who has notyou would become a living apostle of CAIX JACKSON 1S13. . ADVO COFFEE ' coffin was buried one of the really learned the lesson of the great strug- peace and good will if the cruel war FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. great, one who had given his all, hisgle for which so many paid dearly would ever end. JELL ADVO FOODS 1814 Cnminsr Street. in treasure and blood and life, and life for his country. We Install Gilt Edge Furnaces. I am thinking of you and your YOU ARE THAT MAN. It was a fitting tribute. present-day works, how from the adAnd over this land there were You know'that the voice silent in vocate of harmony and good will you mothers and fathers, many of them that tomb in Arlington cemetery is have become the one apostle of dis. Y o u r position is whose sons had died in the glorious not your son, for he did not go; I cord and hatred, how from that very Visit Our correct, and should defense of their land of freeddm, and. know that it is not my son, for heplant' you draw the profits and use be s u p p o r t e d by went and came back unhurt. How whose sons lie somewhere among the them to engender ill will, to dissolve much more grateful should we be friendship, to make neighbor hate unknown dead. every fair mindei Do away with drudgery and make And each mother and each father then to the fathers whose sons went neighbor, to peddle suspicion and person. house-work a pleasure by the use felt that, perhaps it was their son and never returned, or returning raise religious and racial strife. .: ynth Tour Order -for ">^ of modern electrical appliances. who was; being thus honored by a came back in flag-draped coffins. Mr. Ford take an inventory of ' ANYTHING ~" The "Electric Shop" is on the grateful people, and it was in fact How much more earnestly should we what you have done and what you are IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric build- their son, for that body represented work then for a feeling of kindliness doing. ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth the spirit of all the sons who perished among those who remain, for cement- For eighteen months what you an• • • ©i * • • PAPER LINE and Farnam streets. :; in that greatest of all struggles, and ing this nation into one unified wholer nounced was to be a disclosure in the Hoffmann Funeral Home. 1112 HARNEY ST. whose sacrifice enables you and me to one free people, working in harmony interest of humanity has degenerated . Phone, Douglas 6403 live, free men, in the land "where the for the betterment of all, bringing into a vulgar attack upon men, womStars and Stripes still wave their neighbor to a better understanding en and children, your neighbors and signal to the world that human rights with neighbor, making this one na-countrymen. tion, 'one flag—the land which the Good names have been assailed by are held sacred. "Bay Midwest Milk" forefathers intended it to be, a land your penmen, unimpeachable busiAnd with the burial of the body where every man shall respect the ness reputations have been dragged of that unknown soldier, the body rights of others. through the mire by them, the sancithat represented all who had made Second Floor, Elks' Bdlslis?g. For more than two years now you ty of homes has been invaded, wives the great sacrifice for country's sake, it was hoped that bitterness of feeling have had your hired workers spying and daughters have been held up to was buried, that we as a nation would out the land to discover that which scorn, fire has been set to the tinder -.HOLCOHB cast aside . contention and unholy would set the fire of hatred of oneof religious controversy—hatred, haFOOD CHEMICAL' strife and emerge from the ceremony part of our people to burning against tred, hatred, has ever been the harvest PRODUCTS CO., INC. sought in your sowing, but you have as men with kindlier feelings ,.and another part of our people. Mscntactcrers of make this a better nation, that all of For eighteen months now you have not proved the conspiracy your adI"OOI>S AJTD ' CSETSXCXLS. 2002 Poppleton Ave. us would bend ourselves more to theprinted the result of their findings, visors made you believe they could FL&VOniXG EXTJRACTS. Atlantic 3680 pro\-e for you, and you cannot prove E18 N. I6th St. Thorns Atlantic 4S64 task of helpfulness, of bringing about ,and what have you proved ? a real peace. You have proved that the sons of it for it does not exist. And the next day there was a gath- Israel are human beings, simply that You now have passed the middle NORTHWEST READY ering,, in our national Capitol, men and nothing more, beings living, milestone in your life's journey. You ROOFING CO. sacrificing, are now on the other side of the from all the great nations of thebreathing, struggling, Eeady KooSng ever ©13 g earth were there, and thu. set about most of them doing g-ood as individu- slope. You are in the years that Also asphalt sliing5es1 SB(5 build-up The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. roofs. Fire resisting Eng dnrable. the task of paving the future sons of als of other races do, as one great should be mellow with kindness, and AU work E-acranteeti- Easy terms. "GABXEENTS CLEANED I.1EE THE TOUCH OF A FAIRY ."cur land and of their lands from pay- whole striving ever to make their each day finds your soul filled more Phon<> Hansey 25"4 : ,-.. \ PHOSE KESTVOOEH 0203. 2410 AMES AVENUE. ing the great rrice paid bj the sons thoughts purer, their deeds nobler, and more with bitterness, finds the Office and Varchonse: who fill unknown,, graves and those their works greater for the good of world the worse for the doctrine you are scattering to the four winds. ! who fill known graves; they ngaged humankind. Think of that young American j in worki of peace, in a conference to I am thinking back to those dark "buried in the unknown grave. Think , save liver by limiting the instrudays when the clouds hung low and Best Home Cooking at Very ReasonHANtJFACTUKERS. .Made by of the thousands of others who made able Prices—• Satisfaction Guaranteed. ments of war that take lives. hatred held sway, when wounds were SAM BREAKFAST! MEY-MER-CO. Brand But back of the acts of legislators, inflicted that left a cruel red gash the same sacrifice he made. Think of TOOD CO. Beverages andSyrups. R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor back of the parleys of statesmen, across the face of civilization, when the millions who perished in the 310-S21 So. 14th St., Omaha, Kebr. O3IAHA, 2TEBEASKA. 316 South 15th Street—Up Stairs. must be the will of the people. To nations were forced to take up arms greatest of all conflicts, and think Thone Atlantic B8S9 that all this came about because of I have a lasting peace the people must the bitterness sown in the hearts of TRY SCKDGBES'S willrfpeace, and to will peace the peoNutritious Home Made men years and years ago. Carpenter Paper Co. ple must have a feeling of kindness Distributors of PIES and COOKIES j in their hearts, andto' keep that T I R E S - TUBES—ACCESSORIES . One can sow the seeds but cannot .AH tibst the r.arse always know how great the harvest Sealed in Sanitary Waxed feeling of kindness alive men must Western Bond—and High Grade Wrapper at Tour Grocer. implies. will be, but one can know that from i not sow seeds of bitterness and strife, Stationery Sundgren Pie Baking Co. the seeds of bitterness only a harvest OMAHA, NEBRASKA. i-Jth and Hickory. Atlantic 5241 iinust riot set neighbor -against neighS16 K. 16th St. Bcuglas 6SST of wretchedness can grow*.

The Brinn & Jensen Company



Phone ATlantic 036C,

Steamship Tickets to mi Imm all Farts of the World • We assist yon in petting passports and give yon expert advise on European conditions. We help you to jret yonr relatives in Europe to this country,

Val. J. Peter & Co. • . STEASfSIUI" TICKETS ASTtt FOREIGN EXCHANGE ISO* Howard St., flrnnha, Neb, rhone ATlaatlc ©340.


Leo A. Hoffmann

Harle - Haas Co..



Etiel Tlral Haltby, D. C (PALMER GRADUATE)



Meyer lercaitie Co., lie.





Made from Your Own Feathers. Warm in winter; cool in summer. Cost less and last locser than cotton. Phono us for. samples of ticking and estimates.

2«ilr .and Martha Sts. Harney 16C3 Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze, Alom!nuin -and Soft -Gray Iron Castings. Yon are assured of soft castings, as we machine some from every heat in our oiyn. shop.' Standard size cast Iron bushings In stock.

OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1007 Cuming Street.

RIcb and Smooth. 1433. K.-18th St.

Phono. Webster 0106

55% to • 85% saved on parts for all makes of cars. We. carry n complete line of new rin? gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car.

M. D. Richman, Proprietor. 1318-1330 West Broadway. COUNCIL, BLCFFS. IOWA. 444.

Jackson 2467


Real Estate :: : : Insurance 1517 Harney St.

Phone Douglas 8707

Dayton Money Weight aid Detroit Automatic Scales and Meat Slicers

Wholesale Distributors tor

Stelcer Electric KeatCteapper sod Coffee Mill. Usea Scales of All "MaSes for Sale.

SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer

City RepresentatiTe SIS So. I'ttii'St. Fhone BOoftas S339


Phone Jackson 3072

Biscuit Co. SNOW WHITE (Beg-. V. S, Tat. Office.)


Granden Electric Co. MERCHANDISE. 1511 Hotrsrfi St. Phone Atlantic 0G81

snfl Fj»rnai» Street,

The Home of Good Ice Cream £nd Home Blade Cundj.

Ambulance Service Egnippetl with Potmoior. ' AU CaJJs Answered

JOHN A. GENTLEMAN Harney C394 ; ,-

S-S1I Farnam St.


Office and Warehouse: 01? So. Main St. Telephone 142 COUNCIL BUOFFS. IOWA.


Vinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products •

Phono Douglas 4607 20th and Pierce St.. Oraohn, Nebraska.

XiV^JMBI^ BROTHERS • ; Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables $%^jMs^^^Mfa)' OMAflAN , EB.

Your Fnrnitiirc Reupholstered We inake It look like new. Call Donglaa O097 A man will <-ai1 with samples.

AMERICAN UPHOLSTERING CO. 617 South 16th Stree$.

••--•• O B B N E W liOCATIOK. Corner I S t b a n d , Douglas Streets. •••-' " Btosohlo Tempi* *TOdjr.r ; •-'•••'••

; • - • • • • • ; — - O n r ' L I n e — r ^ - ' • ; ,

Call Atlantic 2364 '. v. •'. '•

' . : • • -











phono Jackson 30B6. :






' ,












2419 Cnmlng St.,

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.'. -for."..

DONT BUY COAL! OJL IS' MUCH CHEAPER Xet 0a Remove the Door from ' Soar Curaace. and "Insert a" .

LHJJBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER Sea Demonstration "310 So. lOtb Street.


Omaha. Nebraska.

Est. 1891.




Joseph Polack & Son "Make Warm Friends" 220S Cumins St.

Wholesale Dealers tit Batter, E and Poultry. 1213 Howard St.

Omaha. Nebraska.


ActiTf r-rnctice Since 1910,

Dr. Frances H. Turner •

Ofiice: Branfleis Theatre Bnl 17th and Douglas Streets. Phone Atlantic 8830

Phone Douglas 4726

Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Cumins St. Phone Atlantic 1247, DISTU1BCTOKS JACK SJ?ttAT F.OO0 PRODUCTS. Omaha, Nebraska.

•102? So. S4th St. rhone Market 0480 Omaha Office: S13 Donslas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556

Ford Tranter & Storage Co. B. A. FORD. President and General Manager. , Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 82t So. Main Street. Phone 365

OPS TKEATKENT CONVINCE IOC OF OUR SINCERITY. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.

Jewish Press

482 Brandeis Bids.

Tel. Jackson 2373


? E C

Clecler Cab O


An Ifleal Washing Combination.

Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS . 528-33 Securities Bnlldinff, " 16th and Farnam Sts. Telephone: Jackson 2708

Why Buy Tin? Bay Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. SAVES rotr MONEY. MID-STATES WHOLESALE GROCERS 1117-19 Dodge St.

Jackson 3873

Estes Laundry Tablets ...with...

Estes Soap Chips and

Water Softener <Combined) •; •

At all Grocers.

E16 N. 16th St. Blanches e t Central Market, Table SnjJpiT aaii I'eosS Cent*?.


Rates for Space on . t h i s S p e c i a I Page given on application.


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E. E.Bruce & Co.



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1KVS California Street. Phone Dauglns 6291


FOODS fironeweg & Setestpn WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302

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