December 8, 1921

Page 1



He who enters

A stroke of-the tongue is wotse than a stroke of the sword.

VOL. L—NO. 52

here, as & friend. never comes too early, bat rafli^r to® late*

Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 15)21 at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1878.

HeroQardiigg aid Balfeir r f 'Siicago—Jewish ism Rewarded. Confer on ftiestioi s-e of Jewish Eomeleii


SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2J0/ In-Berlin—Jewish Art Sustained.


i «' . 3,—The award of a Carnegie met"" jr • heroism to Dr. Max "Wolfe, seni % S" ise physician at the Wesley Hospital, of. Chicago, has been'<'< nnced by the Carnegie President Expresses Approval of Foun . The award carries with Zionism to Author of Britit a gift of money, which Dr. "Wolfe ish Declaration. may use in continuing his medical studies in Euror-.~ Dr. "Wolfe rescrul SOKOLOW RECEIVED three children from drowning in Lake BY STATE DEPARTMENT Michigan in January, 1918, while he "WasMngton. (J. T. A.) The 3. T. was student in the medical departA. correspondent learns from the ment of Marquette University at Milmost trustworthy sources that Presi- waukee from which lie graduated. He dent Harding has, -within the past is a Kussian Jew, and only twentyfew days, on his ovm initiative Tiad a four years old. He has been in this special conservation regarding Zion- country only since 1914. A news the time of the ism with the Honorable Arthur J. rescue commented: "The bravery of Balfoor, Tanking head of the British Delegation to the Disarmament Con- the act cannot be 'commended too ference, in -which the Chief Executive highly. The water at the spot is bad told the author of the famous Zionist enough in the summer time, but in declaration, of his deep and favorable the •winter, -with all the loose ice, it interest in the" Zionist movement and is very' dangerous. Very few men expressed his approval of the activi- would have jumped into the -water at the place. The water goes straight ties of the Zionist Organization. down for ten feet, and it required a This is the first time that the head great deal of courage to take the of the American Government has been plunge. Wolf is entitled to great known to personally take up -with a credit." foreign government, the question of the Jewish claim to Palestine. President; Harding's sympathy towards Zionism first became known in his letter of June 1st, on. the occasion of Dr. Weizmann's visit to Wash-% ington. In that letter, the Chief Executive made the strfking: statement that "It is; Impossible for one who lias studied at all the services of the Hebrew people to avoid the faith Youthful Genius of the Violin that they will some day be restored to Adheres to Religious their historic national home."


Berlin. The prosecution, of Arthur Shnitzler in connection with the pro- j duction of his famous play "Eeigen" j* concluded with his honorable discharge. ' Not only was the great States Thousands of Lives Save dramatist exonerated, but the develThrough Funds of Joint opment of the trial showed that the (COPYRIGHT BY NATIONAL JEWISH PRESS ASSOCIATION, INC.) Distribution Committee entire prosecution was the result of a deliberate effort on the part of lo- URGES SUPPORT OF EURO! cal anti-Semite:, to discredit ShnitzKELIEF'CASSPAIGN In these days of specialisation it these boys acquitted themselves now ready there are a goodly number of ler and the race he belongs to. falls to the lot of few men to crowd forms a proud chapter in Jewish his- them in that country today, that type, New York, Dec. S.—"Uncount In freeing the accused, the court into one lifetime such a multitude of tory. On arrrrsl in Galipoli General free in spirit and sturdy and vigor- declared that if all politic' and anti- • thousands of children in Europe accomplishments, such varied achieve- Hamilton offered Paterson an impor- ous in body. His head high, shoul- Semitic interests are excluded, one t l r e i r v c r 3 T ilveE; t o t h e J o i n * ^ ^ ments, as have crowned the efforts of tant post but the Colonel has now ders squared and chest forward he cannot help tat recognize the real t i o n Committee and^ to the orpsni Colonel John Henry Paterson. Like become so attached to the Zion boys fearlessly faces the lurking dangers literary and ethical merit of the play. ] tions raised the money for all men of achievement the Colonel that iie chose "to" go through the entire of Arab and Beduin, a-complete-refu- When the drama was put on the Dr. Afiolph L&renz, the noted Vr tation that the Jew of the Goluth is stage several -weeks ago, s number nese surgeon, whose present Writ is extremely modest and prefers to campaign as their leader. talk of others and their good work When Vladimir Jabotinsky inally naturally a-shrinking, cringing in- of anti-Semites charged the Jewish America is to pay a debt of rather than himself and his past.. He prevailed upon the British government dividual. If Jews there are who are management with demoralizing- the] an.S *® render aid to the crippled.poftj waxes particularly eloquent when to create a Jewish Legion for Pales- bent in body and bowed in spirit they German stage, and brought the case ] children of America In return for it talking of his experiences with the tinean service, Colonel Paterson, who are but the result of Christian per- to court. The -management has now j relief that this country has afford' Jewish boys that served under him was serving, with the Irish Fussiliers secution and Christian injustice which been cleared of this charge and can *o:;Oie starring: children of Attstri during the Great War. was called npon to take command of are both tra-Christian and un-Godly. continue with its -production of the m ^de the above statement -today Remarkable as an individual Colo- the 38th Royal Fussiliers, one of the From my earliest youth I have corns drama. he: heartily endorsed the $1,000,' nel Paterson is decidedly unique as a three b.attalion into which the Jewish to realize the tremendous debt we campaign of the American Jewish Zionist. I t is safe to say that within volunteers were drafted. Subsoqnett- Christians' owe to the Jew. Have they lief Committee. . the ranks of modern Zionism there is ly Patersoa had occasion to be with not given us the Bible? Have they '"They tell me that the Jews not another individual who holds the these boys under fire and in the not given us our Lord? Have they America sre to give $14,000,000 position he now occupies towards the course of their weary experiences in not given us the Apostles ? Are not to aid the people of Eastern Europe practical efforts of the Zionists, nor the valley of the Jordan, this British these the cornerstones of civilization ? I t is a, nol>le gift," said Dx*. Lorem yet one who is imbued with such a soldier learned that courage and hero"I -have bees, in Vienna ever since fh< No Real Trouble Between Arab warm spirit for the regeneration of ism were not confined "to any class of war. Until jTour president's pr& and Jew*. Jew and that in the face of trial all' the Jewish people on their own soil. clamation & few slays since I was Paterson traces back his Zionism to of them were soldiers in the truest "I have found that invariably when technically speaking an enemy o his very childhood. Almost from the sense of the term. Paterson was one Christians speak ill or conceive poorly Little Prospect ©f Open im- j America, but there is no enmity moment he was able to read his at- of the last war-officers to leave Pal- of the Jew, it is merely the result of-j my heart. I am brimming over w migration After Jane 30 tention was turned to the study of estine and throughout his stay in that gross • ignorance 2nd utter lack o" Jove and gratitude to America So the bible. •> This study increased with country he associated with bo <3i Brit- contact with' them and a prejudice what she lias done for my couhtrj his growing years and greatly mould- ish and American: Jews and his con- based upon misrepresentation* - the NEW N A T U R A L I Z A T I O N LAWS ALSO FORESEEN ed his chareacter. And it was this tact with .them has only served to sort of misrepresentation which has e American Jewfch EeIief enhance his Biblical ideal of the Jew study of the bible which developed given the impression -abroad that the mittee-has my heartfelt thanks ft' j Washington. (J. P. A.) The -first j * in Paterson a deep feeling of rever- and taught him the full meaning of Arab- and "the Jew canaot work harj o f others. O: t h s n k f i of Traditions. regular session of the 67th congress j modern Zionista and the spirit which ence for the past of the Jew- and a moniously together. As a matter of .Baceese in t h e p M f s e a t Confers With State Department* actuated a great number of the volunBaceesein the pMfseat £ippea Nahum Sokolow, chairman of the FATHER TELLS OF CONDI- thorough appreciation of the present teers to make the Balfour Declaration fact there is no truth in this at all. matters -which are of great interest which, opened Monday, will^eal with \ injustices which were being commit&14mQfim p e n d t h e l i fno e BW Racially, the Arab and the Jew have comfort of otherd e thousand? Executive Committee of the World TIONS IN AUSTRIA. needy. . I sm net- of their faith a good deal in common. There are Jews. ted against them. ' Nevertheless the [ a reality. Zionist Organization, here as iead of The question of immigration is onej fcnoVB. n« race On being-demobilized Colonel Pater- however tremendous differences beimmediate surroundings of the Colonel the delegation for the. Keren Hayesod, of the first on the agenda. The pres- when there is a work of mercy dof*g son placed himself entirely at the disSeventeen year old Erika Morini, tween them. The Arabs are not a were such, that until the, great war •was received by Acting Secretary of ent S percent immigration law ex- Therefore, I say, "God bless the Jew State,' Henry P. Fletcher, last Wed- acclaimed by critics-.the world.over broke out he hardly met any Jews posal of t i e 'Zionist Organization in people in any distinct sense. They pires June SO, 1922, and it is gath- 6 f America and prosper thorn in England and parried on a most active are a.. collection of tribal groups. I in the flesh, and really "knew very asone of the most remarkable nesday and was assured that"! the ered from individuals interested in' n £ j w task-" campaign among Englishmen in the have found in the course of my conlittle about them beyond the ideal women violinists that has ever lived, United States government stood the measure snch as Jewish .congressBritish Isles. Few men are better tact, with Palestineans that the mere that he had formed in his own mind. .remains, with all her fame and her ready to do everything to facilitate equipped today to. talk of Zionist mention to an Arab of a member of men and officials in the Department consumation of the official status of artistic triumphs, just a siiaple JewOrganizes Zion Mules Corps. problems an&jPsterson is .cot only- able another..tribe- ef-Ms,-efe.-people:-will of Labor, that Congress wSI not perish girL . . . . . . . _..P«lsatine....^s_ the ^National. Jewish, mi ;" -W-ben- -fee ^Grest -War- broke - out to agitate among Ms fellow-Christians drive him into a rrage. ~~. 3Ess Morini came to Oshaha * io" g ' Moreover the jj * the- law to iexpire but will either homeland: ' WKiIe no formal stateand the . British were preparing to for the .rebirth of a new Zionist state a m equl rigidity iidit Arabs being very shrewed are, not a t | P a s s a a e * measure off equal ment was forthcoming as "to-what give a recital at. the.. Brandeis send their ill-fated expedition to Galtranspired at. the Department, it- is Theatre" for* the Tuesday Musical lipoli, Colonel Paterson was in Alex- but can well propagate modern Zion- all unaware of the possibilities which or adopt a resolution extending tie U 0 SENWALD SUBSCRIBESism among' Jews. will be realized by letting the Jews term of the present law. It- is exEIGHTH OF CITY'S understood that the interview, -winch, Club, to-night. ' andria, Egypt, with no prospect of Last Monday Colonel Paterson arrebuild the country. The Arabs know pected that as a result of difficulties QUOTA. lasted over an hour, was of a satis"I try as hard as I can to live up any immediate military engagements. ^ N e v r Y o r k ^ h e r e h e J o i n e d only too well that wherever a Jew has and hardships met in the administerfactory. nature. Mr. Sokolow was ac- to the religious teachings of my Naturally a man of peaceful inclina- rfved i Chicago,, Pec. 4.—The big C3rica£i companied by Mr. Ah. Goldberg*, of parents," she told " T h e Jewish tions adventure has made a soldier out the Keren Hayesod delegation. He settled, Ms land has gone up in price ing of the present law some improve- campaign dinner of the Americas the Zionist Administrative Committee, Press" this morning. "Our home in of Paterson.and experience gained in. will remain in this country for some to an extent he never dreamt of. The ments will be put in the bill such as Jewish Relief Committee VSF. a rows and Eabbi Glazer of Kansas City. The Vienna: has always been a real Jew- the Boer War fitted him for distin- time cooperating with the other mem- only ones causing any trouble today a provision that wives may join hus- iing success and resulted in a Zionist leader was introduced by Sen- ish home. My violin is silent on guished service and • gave him that bers in the country-wide campaign are some'of-the.large land owning ef- bands without regard to citizenship of golden pledges for the ator Selden P. Spencer of Missouri. Saturdays and on the Jewish holi- desire for actual combat which only being made for the Palestine Founda- fendis who are short sighted enough or excess quota. Another change that stricken portion of the Jrwish r w to believe that their interests will will probably be made is a provision Warren D. Bobbins, chief of the days. Of course it is extremely dif- those who have learned to do their tion Fund. in Europe. "Upwards of halt n mil Near-Eastern Division of the State ficult when travelling to keep all the- duty and do it well can appreciate. His Hopes For a Jewish Palestine. suffer because with the arrival of the that minor children whose parents are lion dollars was subscribed 1 Jew the price of. labor is bound to dead may be brought over by relaDepartment, was an interested par- observances, and it is always a joy Paterson appealed to the commanding- Seen at the Hotel Commodore, New counting the munificent offer ticipant at the conference. Sokolow for my parents and myself to come officer in Egypt to let him join the York by a representative of the Jew- rise and the Arab will no longer be tives." Julius Bosenwald. There is an immigration "bill pendis said to have described recent prog- to a city where we can get food Gallipoli expedition but that officer ish Press Association, Colonel Pater- at their mercy for their personal exThe climax of the evening ^ ploitation. • To those of us familiar ing from the. last session which proress made by the Jews in Palestine, that is Kosher." found that the British forces were al- j son, the author, soldier, adventurer with Palestinean conditions there Is vides th'at the selection of immigrants with Mr. Rosenwald'fi tplendid and referring to the American restric"You ask about the Jew. in music," ready, on their way and could not see < and big game hunter, •were a'l com- not the slightest doubt that as the be made on the other side so' that nouncement that if S2.C0G.tfO0 tions on immigration, pointed out that said Miss Morini. "I have found any possibility of sending him. across. pletely subdued by John Henry Pat- country begins to progress, Jew and there wiE not be so many deporta- raised in Chicago, he would giv Jews by hundreds of thousands in A little later however, Paterson was erson, the Zionist propagandist. Arab "will cooperate for its prosperity tions. It is understood thst that bill $250,000, or he would give a Eastern Europe, now persecuted and that the Jewish artist tends to be informed that if he cared for a minor "All the centuries of persecution will meet with little opposition. The tionately .smaller Eirni if homeless, are eagerly awaiting the more interpretive than creative. The post until he reached Callipoli, . he and oppression," he said, "have not and welfare." raised less. The city's qxxjla one is as important as the other, for chanca to enter into Palestine; as Next to the founder of the Jewish present session will also discuss new already been accepted at could arrange for his going. All Pat' suppressed the Zionist spirit of the through the interpreters the great naturalisation plans and probably soon as the final act of the ratificaerson had t& do was to gather those Jew and with that spirit fully awak- Legion few men are better qualified pass a new naturalisation law. Hear- bat tender the able cnairm*ns.hip tion of the Palestine Mandate takes masters live on." ened, nothing on earth can prevent the to talk on this widely, debated subject ings have already been held on this Jjacob M. Loeb the higher figure The young virtuoso is accompanied hundreds of Jewish Young fellows Jew from taking possession of than is Colonel Paterson. He is not j question. who had fled in order to escape the now be striven" for. place. by her father and mother. Of the is rightly his own and of a country cruelties of the Turks and were only a soldier of distinction, he is not. Talks With Balfour. position- of the Jews in Austria Mr. In the evening Mr. Sokolow was Morini said: "The great mass, of anxious to join the ranks for the Brit- which none'but the Jew can once more only familiar with conditions in Palreceived by the Hon. Arthur J. Bal- the Austrian citizens of Jewish faith ish in an effort to' repay the Turks convert into one of milk and honey. estine but he.has every opportunity four, head" of tr* British delegation are. relatively well .situated. The for the sufferings imposed by them It is my belief that within our own to observe the Jewish youth from all • • • ' ' " ' . . • • ' • • i and author of the famous Balfour poverty and - the misery that one upon their kin in Palestine. Pater- life-time the* Jew will not only hare classes under varying - circtantsnees. Declaration, at the l.-tter's residence. hears so much about do exist, but son immediately organized what was regained the Holy Land and redeemed It is the unqualified opinion of ColoAt the interview Mr. Sokolow had are almost entirely confined to the officially afterwards known as the to quite an extent its great possibili- nel Paterson that the Jewish Legion . Hundreds of subscriptions ' to •:. "THE with Mr. Balfour, it is reported that refugees who have been driven into Zion Mule Corps and took them over ties but they will have developed a Mr. Sokolow reported to Mr. Bal- our country through the war. In to Gallipoli. The manner in which generation of true Palestineans. AI- j in Palestine is absolutely essential. PRESS" expire with the next issoe^ Many more four the results of the Galicia this situation is -very bad." expire before January 1st.. • \ I, ', ' - \ Y . with Mr. Fletcher, Acting secretary of certain what form of alleged perjury "Jewish artists, through .their . - If yon want "THE JEWISH PRSSS" to come State, and a\so told him of the growhad been committed. ing sentiment which he found erist- talents, are combating anti-Semitism. Steamship companies are said to into your home each week without fait—renew your ing among high American officials True art knows no distinction of race be implicated in attempts to secure or creed," concluded Mr. Morini,. who subscription AT ONCE. . . at Vashir.gton, that the doors of PalAmerican visas under false pretenses. ASSOCIATION MOST - SUCCESSwas the first instructor of his talentLAW VIOLATORS 'MAY NEVER "THE JEWISH PRESS" gives you-the latest estine be thrown open to a large im. . FUL IN SOUTH AMERICA. The Polish Government, in proceeded daughter, RECEIVE AMERICAN VISAS. migration of Jews from Eastern and most authentic news of Jewish interest the ing with the drastic investigation, London. (J. C. B.) The annual is demanding that the steamship Europe. Mr. Sokolow is also under,-»•-,. „ • * world over. Every Jew should be ..informed and* i report of the 'lea" (Jewish ColonizaWarsaw (J. T. A.) A blacklist of companies refund the emigrants' price stood to have emphasized the neces- J e w s a nHindu d Christians Victims of should keep informed of Jewish happenings in Omaha, s. *= tion Association) for the year, 1920, would-be emigrants seeking the Uprising of passage. sity of an early ratification of the contains an optimistic survey of the American consular visa under, false in the United States, and, in all the countries t>t London. (J. C. B.) According to Mandate for Palestine. Association's ''accomplishments. ParEurope. "THE JEWISH PRESS" will do this for reports from Bombay, the, followers pretense, has been issued, by . the ticular gratification is expressed over of Ghandi have been attacking Jew- American Consul liere. The names Budapest University Expels you. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BIS WITHOUT B'NAI B'RITH DAY the results obtained in Argentine, ish and Christian inhabitants. These of those who had attempted to secure Jewish Professors POSTPONED. "THE JEWISH PRESS". Clip and mail the attache where 5,000 Jewish families are now an "American visa under false B'nai B'rith Day in Omaha has attacks, constituting part of - the re- pretenses, either by- Polish citizens Budape?t. tJ. P. A.) Continuing employed at. agricultural labor. The coupon to-day. ~t been postponed until some time in prisals against "the British govern' its persecution of all Jews connected Association is'also pleased with the ment, with peaceful; Christian and I claiming Russian nationality, in the J January. The celebration was to have with tha local university, the author- work accomplished in Brazil, where been held on December 18, .but due to Jewish citizens as innocent victims, knowledge that the Polish quota is ities of the institution have expelled 106 Jewish families have been settled RENEWAL BLANK an important meeting of I. O. B. B. are not confined to Hindus alone, the filled, or by other means, < will be the Jewish professors, Emairael on the land." In New York the work lodges in Chicago on that day, the Mohammedans taking an equal share. entered in this blacklist among those Becke and Dr. Geza Revis. Accord- of the trade schools and Industrial Aid Jewish Press Publishing C c • local committee has been obliged to A brutal assault on. Jews and Chris- who may never receive an American ing to Hungarian laws governing such Society as progressing satisfactorily:, 4S2 Braitfielg T t e a t r e Bldg., Omaha, Nefcr. : advance the date. Definite announce- tians is reported to have been made visa. appointments, university professors says the report. At the same time 500 emigrants ment will be made, later through "The in* Bombay during : which Jewish Mbscriptton _,_„,,-„ .s check for $2.50 to renew Concerning Palestine., the report shops.were pillaged and pedestrians on the way to Canada are in danger are appointed for life, and in order to Jewish Press." JEWISH PRESS" for one year from d»te is less cheerful. .There, the Associabe able to rid themselves of these of being returned because they had attacked on the streets. tion had been hampered in its work London. (J. P. A.) Unconfirmed .Ghandi, the leader of the. insurrec- shown false §250-checks, Polish im- Jews, the. university authorities had by reason, of the -difficult political situto trump up some chargps against migration ofiicials announced today. Name reports have been received here that tion, has published an appeal to his ation. Nevertheless, the culture and • The Polish Government has inihem, thereby putting them in a pofollowers, declaring that he would dethe rioting mobs in Vienna have massacred a number of Jews and have prive himself of all food until such structed its immigration officials at sition where they even forfeit a mod- export of oranges, encouraged by the Address _ —«— —-».—., drowned many of them in the Danube time as his followers learned to let Antwerp to strictly examine the re- erate sum for compensation which is Association, has proceeded without interruption. peaceful Jews and Christians alone. turning immigrants ia order to as- otherwise due. ' -.—.... Canal. : ' . * «HB tmm mmm « M • » ^ » • " • mm* m"m mmm ""•• * * •


Jewish Spirit Deep Factor in life and . .Ait of Erite loriii

J ^



Notice to Subscribers •

Illegal Visa Seekers BlacklistM at Warsaw

I. C. A.




THE JEWISH PRESS • PnbiishefJ every Thursday at Omn^ia, Nebraska^ by




- THE JEWISET PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Subscription Price," one year...Advertising rates furnished on application. 1 NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. i ;

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Kosh-Choilesch Klslef Fri., Dec. 3 Chanuluih (Feast ol pedlca." tlon)__~ _...-. ' . _....JIon., Dec. S3 . 6G82—1032. Rosh-Chodesch Tel>etIi____.Snn.. Jan. 1 Fast of Tebeth .____Tues., Jan. 10 Hosh-Chodesch Shebat __Mon., Jan.- 30 Rosh-Chodesch Ailar _._ .Wed., Mar. 1 Purim (Feast of Esther) Tues.. Mar. 14 nosh-Chodesch Nissan..._., _Thnrs., Mar. 30 Passover-(Pcsacli) .. _Thnrs.. Apr. ltf Passover (Seventh Bay)— Wed., April 19. Kosh-Chodesch Is'ar. : Sat.. Apr. SS t a g b'Omer ... '' ' T""'-' M ° y iO Kosh-Chodesch SlYan«.._._.__..Sun.. May 28 Shahuoth (Confirmation Day) Fr.. Jnne 3 Kosh-Chodesch Tammu»__ Tues.. June 27 Kosh-Chodesch A b _ _ _ _ _ . Wed., July 26 Fe^st of Ab •.... . Thnrs., Anj?, 3 "Uogh-Chodescli Ellul Fri., Aug. £3 5683—1023. New Tear's Eve—— - _ . Fri., Sept. S3

that every manifestation of this evil spirit will be deemed treason." At the close of his address Mr. Spargo answered questions from the audience. One person asked, what should be done with Henry Ford. "Leave him alone," replied Mr. Spargo, "let him . talk. Invite him to the Town Hall and let him tell you why he is opposed to the Jews, if he will."

Hugarian Clergy Launch Campaign Against Anti-Semitism. Vienna. (J. P. A.) The Hungarian bishops have decided to issue a Christmas appeal "calling upon the population to promote peace among the different creeds and religions, a dispatch from Budapest states. The appeal is made in the name of Humanity and the safety of the future of Hungary. This appeal is understood to be the commencement of a campaign against anti-Semitism which has flooded Hungary and which the leaders of the church are anxious to combat.

DR. NOAH PINE HONORED BY BELGIAN GOVERNMENT Taris. (J. T. A.) It is reported PRODUCTIONS IN POLAND from Brussels that Dr. Noah Pine, Warsaw. (J. P. A.) The "Dwamedical officer of the Ukrainian JewGrosha" has initiated a campaign for ish Federation, has been appointed a the founding of a special theater chevalier of the "Ordre Couranne wherein anti-Semitic productions Belga," in recognition of his services would be staged. The "Dwa Gro-in rendering medical advice to the sha" assures its readers that such an masses of Jewish emigrants and refundertaking would prove a great r-.a- ugees. terial success. The same publication is now printing a series of Jew-baiting articles in connection with the anti-Semitic conference which is about to be held at an early date. No Springs—Honest Weight



Part Played by Jewish Women in Rebuilding of Zion. THE RED CROSS. New York. (J. P. A.) Dr. Celine One phrase, of the, many that the war brought into popular Sokolow, companion, advisor and sec«se, .clings to the memory, these three years later. It is "The retary to her distinguished father who greatest Mother of-Them All". Hebrew and Yiddish Classics in came to this country with the Keren HOBART ELECTRIC The American Red Gross earned that honorable name dur- Spargo Sees Ford as Italian Hayesod delegation brings us a mesag the war, had earned it years before, and still continues GRINDERS, CHOPPERS Rome. (J. T. A.) A revival of Tool of 'Antisemites sage from the Jewish women of Palp deserve it. AND MIXERS. interest in works of Yiddish and He; Wherever help is needed/ in time of peace or in time of ' New York (J. P. A.) John Spargo, estine. brew authors is manifesting itself in "I know of nothing in the history of 'attle, the Red Cross is -first on the scene -with skillful, scientific Socialist author. and lecturer yesterService and Sales: Italy. The Yiddish and Hebrew •n'd loving care. When disaster comes, the Red Cross appears day in .addressing a meeting of the the world," said Dr. Sokolow, "that has works of Sholom Ash and the late ISth AND JACKSON STREETS -nd stays until the wounded are healed and the ravages of flood, League for Political Education on been so soul-stirring as the women RECENT POGROMS IN I. L. Peretz have already .... -ed in in Palestine. This spring as I stood ^re or hurricane, of nature or of man, are removed and order The Antisemitic Spirit in America", Phones: UKRAINIA REMINDER Italian translation and have been ;'nd tranquility are' restored. The Red Cross is everywhere said that there was a campaign on the highways at Dilp, between Lud OF FORMER MASSACRES welcomed by Italian literary critics. Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 and Jerusalem and saw these young ^nd is always r e a d y . . * ••••'•; of organized anti-Semitism in this woman cutting stone for the roadbed, Danzig. (J. P. A.) The few re- The publication in Italian 01 rinsker's Hobart Electric , Doug. 7396 q The Red Cross needs members and wants every man, woman country' which was part of an interports : received so far from Ukrainia 'Auto-Emancipation," together with jnd child in America to be a member of this greatest of all national system, with headquarters side by side with strong, stalwart give fvevy indication that the recent selected essays of Achad-Ka-^Tr UsJratemal orders. It is the only charitable organization that in Berlin- It is the duty of Jew men, I marvelled at the spectacle. pogroms made upon the Jews by the sischkin, and Martin Buber, is ex- We have on hand Used and Rebuilt Machines. ielongs to all the public. _It is an American" institution. Its and Gentile to combat the anti- Full of vigor and youth and hope these Petlura forces in their effort to force pected. young women did their work with one *ues are v/ithin the reach of every one. One' dollar will make Semitic prejudice, Mr. Spargo said. back the Red soldiers are of the gravyou a mernber for one year. One dollar will help lighten the He reviewed the race prejudices purpose in view—-the upbuilding of est nature. A large number of Jewjurden which "The Greatest Mother of Them All" is bearing which had existed in America in Palestine. ish, communities have suffered and "There is something in the eyes of |o patiently and so well. other years and in his analysis of those girls that would melt a heart the communities of many other cen.\ •' Answer the Roll Call of the Red Cross in Omaha next week. them said: "It is always difficult to ters deserted their homes in an efof stone—something big and fine and fort to save their lives. In Kazatin, 3e a worthy child of an honored parent. avoid suspicion of the different inspiring. I fancy that the prophetes groups we have drawn from other of old, when they captured their Jeru- the province of Kiev, a large number countries where there has been a salem in the various ages in the past of these Jews are now gathered. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early%•'.'.• AMERICA AND DR. LORENZ. barrier of language, creed or 2,000 years, must have looked like Yoztlt Ptesse "MJM" With S Div.Adolph: Lorenz is to return to Vienna as soon as possible, customs." that on the days following the return Affidavits Required From Recording .to announcement made by him inl New! York 5=esterday. Passport Applicants On the main topic of his lecture, to the homeland. You cannot kill it j The eminent Austrian surgeon came to this country a short Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Applicants Mr. Spargo said: —this great enthusiasm among the ifiime ago to conduct free clinics for orthopedic cases, giving of "We have always had the Jew youth over there—working under the for passports to leave Poland will be gds skill and science, as a thank offering for the aid that AmerJew with us, because essentially he most difficult conditions, engaged in required to furnish, sworn affidavits ica had extended to the starving children of his fatherland. Filled showing that a steamship ticket had ;i>nly with the spirit of gratitude, casting aside all thought of is a wanderer. In years gone by the most "laborious work, but unfail- been purchased and the consent of ing." Rancor and hatred, he typified that ideal of world brotherhood for we had the Jew only in numbers ; Dr. Sokolow herself is interested in the Polish consul in Canada or the Yes, extra good quality J'yhich the war was supposedly fought, and which many of us capable of assimilation. There were United; States secured before the passthe sanitation of Palestine and will Silk SMrts, fine Jersey Jews interested in the voyage of 'Jxeamed would emerge from the conflict. port would be vized, according- to an devote her life to that noble purpose. Silks, Heavy Broad&ctlis, Columbus, if we are to believe H His coming was hailed with joy by thousands who looked announcement of the Immigration OfEnglish. Ldoza Silks, Gen#o his ministrations for relief from bodily ill and pain. His fame history. Certain there -were Jews fice. This new provision will go into uine Eagle Crepe, Satin BRANDEIS DISCUSSES j-*s a surgeon had preceeded him, and Ms, accomplishments during interested in the American Revolueffect on January 1st. Stripe and King's CIcth ZIONIST WORK tion. Washington knew several on She short tune in which: he labored here, fully justified that fame. Silk Shirts—the kind of WITH SOKOLOW whom he could depend and whose | Bufrin certain cities of the country hostih'ty to-his; works Silk SMrts you "will be Washington. (J. T. A.) Justice ADOLPH LEWISOHN fcose, and were voiced openly, - Groups- of physicians, speaking fortunes were at his disposal. DONATES $150,000 FOR pleased to give to "Einr' Certainly not in the name of the medical profession, opposed his "It is a good thing to remember Louis D. Brandeis, former leader of MOUJNT SINAI HOSPITAL American Zionists, visited Mr. SokoCnethods and his manner of laboring, and his nationality. Of the that there never was any time in New York. {J. P. A.) AnnouncePre - Christmas Sa le fethics of the medical profession which ;Dr. - Ldrenz may or may the history of the country when it low at the latter's hotel, last Wednes•not have Tfiolated, we -are not qualified.:to speak. : The objection vas possible to. distinguish a citizen d a y afternoon, where the two con- ment has been made that Adolph 5>nthe grounds.ofhis Teutonic origin caii be classified only among of Jewish birth from a citizen of ferred for over an hour. Mr. Bran- Lewisohn, the Jewish magnate of this |.?hose chauvinistic statements which in themselves breed -race non-Jewish birth. I say that, bear- cleis* call was of his own accord, no city, gave $150,000 for the PathologConflict and are the causes of war..,. . "V ing especially in mind the accusa- effort having been made by Mr. Soko- ical Laboratory of Mount Sinai HosWounded deeply by this expressed Hostility, Dr. Lorenz feesls tion made against the attitude of low or his party to bring about this pital. Mr. Lewisohn donated an equal ithat he cannot foist himself upon the American public and is the Jew in the great World War. meeting. Mr. Brandeis is reported amount for the foundation of the laboratory ar.d lias made many other g homej. I went with Premier Clemenceau to to have manifested a distinctly cordial gifts to Mount Sinai Hospital in past For $1.50 Silk For §1.00 Silfe For 75c Silt attitude and, without referring to the And what a blow to those visit the wounded of our men and What a pity, and what a shame! STeckwear Neckwear years. hopes for a world brotherhood. Are Americans coming to one could distinguish no distinction recent controversy in American Zion: that they, above all peoples of the world, are the best, of service to our'country among ism, displayed considerable interest in id that only they amount to anything at all? Was the war them. Mr. Sokolow's reception at the State NOTED JEWISH SCHOLAR DEAD u g h t f o r- t h i s ? . " ' • ; • ' " : • .-...,-•. . . ,. : . : • "We forget that the Jew comes Department and. the attitude of the Berlin. (J. P. A.) Professor DaWhat,,too, of the thousands of cripples whom Dr. Lorenz to us virtually helpless. He doesn't American Government towards the vid Hoffman, for many years rector For $2.50 For $2.00 Silt yaight have restored to normal life, had lie been given that understand our language; he doesn't Zionists cause. Mr. Brkndeis was also of the local Rabbinical Seminary, died •Jfeckwcar Neckwear .whole-hearted cooperation and help, which on the very face understand -"our - laws and customs. interested to know of the political here today at tha- age of 77. ProWonderful collection O f patterns, colors and combma•bf things were his due? How is he going-to know? -He takes achievements and is .Said to have been fessor Hoffman was considered the tions—UndonlJtcdlr the greatest of all our annual Silk Neckwear sales. You'll want to give neckwear for up his home among his own. people curious about the progress made by greatest Talmudic student in this Christinas—nc-w Is the logical time to select at our who have preceded him. If he be- the new American Zionist administra- country. tion. money-saring prices. The famous Hebrew write!, Bercomes successful and learns the ways Your correspondent's information ditchevsky, was buried recently and of America he is likely to move elsewhere. Your, -task and mine " is. to leads him to believe that Justice practically every Jewish writer in '. During recent times, we have by of Judaism nor the creed of Chris- see that in. the administration of Brandeis was particularly anxious to this city was present at the funeral. bhance been thrown with .several peo- tian Science. As logically might one cities we do not permit our politicians impress Mr. Sokolow of his unflagged p l e born- of Jewish parents who, fail- say that by accepting the basic doc- to take advantage of the temporary interest in Zionism, and even gave the : CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN ing to be cured of real or imaginary trines of Roman Catholicism* he be- condition, of the peoples, evolving into benefit of his own knowledge and experience in fund-raising for Palestine. , dlness by their physicians,.have found comes a .better Protestant,- as to say American citizens." £J5olace and what they construe to be that by following, the creed of Chris- Sir. Spargo brought out the friendreal help in Christian Science. At- tian Science he,becomes a better Jew.. ly relations that exist among the Hunger Death Inevitable for Five Millions, Says Haskell - tracifed to the cult—as the We have no quarrel with those of people of this country in citing the jority of its" adherents ar&—through our people who find comfort in the Thanksgiving service in which, Jews Eiga,, (J, P. A.) In an interview ...and... purely physical conditions, they have new cult though we believe that they and Christians jointly offered thanks.. your correspondent had with the come to" regard as a religion, a cult are grievously mistaken and we re- Going back to the existence of American Relief director for Russia, |jwhich from the medical standpoint gret that a cult which is essentially anti-Semitism in America, Mr. Spargo Colonel Haskell, the latter stated that despite all relief measures undertaken -•may have' certain just claims to con- physical should seem to them suffi- said: cient to replace that faith which is «i dislike to hear of Jewish or- for Russia by t h e ' various governIt-is not our purpose in this article essentially and altogether spiritual. ganizations going to court for in- ments, not less than five million peo3to discuss the merits or lack of them We only quarrel with those who try junctions against Henry Ford and ple will inevitably meet with starvai [B£n Christian Science. If there are to carry water on both shoulders; who his Dearborn Independent. We can-tion. T Jthose who find in it help and com-seek to accept the new faith and yet not save ourselves from anti-Semit- Mr. Haskell has come to this-city •fort which they cannot elsewhere qb- to hold on to the old. It simply can- ism by suppressing free speech. The in order to organize the "relief to be tain, it would not only be foolish but not be done. ; only safe* thing for Jew and Gentile administered by route of Riga. a even wrong, we believe; to urge .them. To be sure, we hold that there alike to do is to let them come out to turn from what to us sgems to be source of help fn-Christian Science or in the open and not compel them to Hungarians Organize National a mistaken conception. The time has in any other faith; that there is no Body for Rehabilitation definitely, come, we believe, when inspiration in Christian Science or in operate ia subterranean channels. Announcement was made recently neither*Judaism, nor any other relig- any other faith; that there is no. ele- "A few days ago a mart came to of the/formation* by leading HungarYou' are invited to come and ion Should exnect to strengthen it- ment of moral grandeur and of ideal- New York from. Yokohprna by way ian Jews here and in other cities of listen to our December Jewish iself by picking flaws in other forms ism in Christian Science, or in any of San Francisco. He was, introduced the American Economic Council for and -Domestic Victor Records. to a friend of mine to whom he |of ifaith. All religions must justify other faith that Judaism, does not hold Hungarian Jews, a permanent body, . You may call Webster'2D42 for Sthemselves • by the spiritual influence fqr those who, honestly- and conscien- said, and the first nation-wide organiza. a selection on approval. -Airroiig He exhibited pamphlets printed in tion to be formed in the United Ithat they exert upon their own ad- tiously seek to find it there. S the December records are pieces most of the modern languages acI WE FURNISH ALL ,PORMS OF INSURANCE, gherents. But for all that,'we do. hot seek to cusing the Jews of most every un- States, having for its purpose ecoby the well-kno^n J e w i s h a comedian, J. Jacobs. gj What therefore concerns us at this coerce any manor woman to call him- toward event that has ever happened. nomic and other aid for the Jews of PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH = , Mtime is simply, the attitude of- those self or herself by our name. All that He admitted that he had brought the, Hungary and Central Europe. 'Til!- Going to. be ': POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL The new organization plans no apMarried" „.„ . No. 7S1I7-A we, ask is consistency, and honesty. —jborn -withnv our own faith who pamphlets here for distribution. The Sis Nit Dos 65c S _{turned? to .Christian Science. Such Without these, no religion, can flour- pamphlets were printed in; Yokohoma peal or collection gf funds at this "Sfepchild of the ' time, but through a large national World" No. 7S11G-A I persons, take one \ of two ' positions, ish. They who, claim,, that allegiance through funds provided by monarchist Folk Lteder 85c membership will worli in co-operation Most commonly' they assert that since to another faith will make them bet- groups in Germany. with the Joint Distribution CommitA Treat by Karnlel'a Fnmous ''going1, into Science"—as they phrase ter Jews and Jewesses are neither 5th Floor Saanders-Kennedy Bldg. Orchestra . "This group desires the- restoraifc__they. have, become all the better consistent nor honest; Let them be tion of the old: regime- in Germany tee of the American Funds for JewTei Tyler 3160. "Shn lumce" _» —No. 73113-B "Patch Dance" 83c ||.j Jews and Jewesses. Others—a small one thing or the other.—Detroit Jew- and. Russia. If. they are to succeed ish War Sufferers, of which Felix M. Warburg is chairman, and will par• 1 minority;, however—assert that -aL- ish Chronicle. The following n u m b e r by in Russia bf a coup d'eat they must ticipate • in the , $14,000,000 drive, -4lefpa.nce to Christian Science is incomMordechay Hershman, celebratturn tho peasant. Eussian men. andwhich is now in progress by that —ipatible with allegiance to Judaism Hias Saves Jewish Refugees . ed Jewish cantor, surpasses all : women: against those in . authority. PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. J and-that accepting the one, they must of his former songs. Through the /intervention of the Nobody has suffered under Bolshevist committee. ? logically-, reject the other. It were ' Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant So- •rule quite as hard as the Jews, for "Boruch Adonoi Bnyom" (Blessed be tbe Lord) .No. 68370 .1!.••••iiter,'••we believe^ for all parties con-jciety of America, which recently sent they belonged to the small trading 'Bornch Shmcl" {Blessed BUY SAFE be the Nnme) , H vr6d, if this "'latter' position were • commissions to Mexico and Cuba, Jew- class which those now in authority ] ":ly assumed by all who take up! ish immigrants who went to Mexico set out to destroy. It is a libel OMAHA C o u n t r y orders given our ) i-lElian Science as a religious entered,.the United States ille- against the Jews and a treason prompt attention. Ask for our PRINTING - i is the only honest position that may' gaily have been, permitted by the De-against America when people try to catalogue. See US before you Our. guarantee and our word is e taken. Anyone who reads the partment of Labor to go back to Mex- foster hatred because of what tho buy your new victrola. as good as a bond. "" creed of Christian Science as it is ico and Cuba instead of being de- Bolshevists did in Russia. We have satisfied hundreds of ! printed in Mrs. Eddy's book must at ported to Europe. your friends. You and I as Americans worthy . once understand "this. " " • It will be remembered that the He- of Washington, Lincoln and Roose' Those who hold that they can con-brew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid velt must set ourselves, against this 1824 No. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. JI sistently- be Jews and Christian Sci- • Society of America succeeded in se- attempt to divide- our citizenship Tel. Webster 2042. COMMERCIAL PWIITERS-LITHOGRAPHERS ie< 1514 Dodge Street. ! entists at one and'the same.time, un- curing, the, stay of deportation in along the lines of religious and racial .-—Phone: Douglas 5*519—-_ toosc tc*e ©evices ~ derstand neither the basic principle, most of these Mexican cases. hatred. Let it go out to the world



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•?:••."^~.>':•',:-• i':^ -

PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 [ Deborah Society to Elect Officers. JEWISH ATHLETES UPHOLD Zelcla Marks, Janet Gilmsky, Reva screen actor and director, ists recentlj- officially admitted th&t i-f JOINT DISTRIBUTION / Officers for .the. coming year -will HONORS IN COMMERCIAL Snyder. Proceeds of this dance will nounced soon thereafter. it failed in its mission. In a ptate• FOUNDS BELIEF be elected at the fourth annual meetgo towards the upkeep of the warLEAGUE GABIES I N POLAND went made public the secretary ot ing of the Deborah Society, to be held 'The Y. M. H. A. and" Thorpeian orphan, whom the Council had Th& spectacular Fox special, "Aj. ' Warsaw. BANK {J. P. A.) The Joint delegation declares that its mem* .next Tuesday, December IS, at the Athletic club basketball teams again adopted last winter. Virgin Paradise," by . Hiram Percy] Distribution Committee for American are no further now in the atYMHA rooms. upheld their laurels when both teams Maxim, which, created a fcror in Jewish Belief will establish a bark tainment of theif purpose than they 1 This organization is the women's defeated its opponents on'the Y. M. Mrs. L. Bernstein entertained for New York, is coming to the Moon for constructive relief of T'ol'sh Jewwere upon arrival in England. auxiliary to the City Talmud Torah, H. A. floor Wednesday evening. thirty-six guests at a luncheon Tues- Theatre, commencing Saturday, Dec. ry, it was announced here. The bsiik TEMPLE ISRAEL PLAYERS. and ha§ active direction of the Sun- The Y.'M. H. A, team blanked the day afternoon at the Brandeis Tea 10. It is the story of a half wild will start off with a capital of '200, ] Temple Israel Players -will present day School. -•• room, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Omaha's a vaudeville performance of seven All members are being urged to at- Bureau of Animal Industry Team by Sam Pepper's tenth wedding an- girl who grew up in the jangle, with 000,000 PoY:st marks, 15 per cent of j a score of 12 to 0. Coach Burkenroad's wild animals as her only companions, which will be subscribed by wealthy j Newest sn-ti Finest Equip'ed acts, musical and dramatic, a t the tend, as this is the-most important Bath-House. players thus far have the honor of be- niversary. and then was brought into civiliza- Jews of this country. j Temple vestry, on Wednesday even- meeting of the year. Baths, Massage, Hot Packs, ing the only team this year that has tion, where she found much to dising, December 14; under- the direction Electric Treatment, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder enterheld an opposing team scoreless.-Sevplease her. J. Searle Dawley directed of Mrs. Isidor Ziegler. Alumni Dance. Inhalatorium. ARAB DELEGATION The Temple Israel Alumni are plan- eral times did the B. A. I. players at- tained the Bi-monthly carl club Tues- the production. These players -were organized last tempt to gain a point, but all efforts day evening at their home. OFFICIALLY ADMITS Paxtoi lite! Tirkisk Batk year and will be remembered for pre- ning a dance to be given in the vestry were in vain, for the Y-players broke Louis Marshal ITS FAILURE CONCANNON BEOS.^ Props. senting an entertaining and interest- of the Temple on Wednesday even- up play after play. Ravitz and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky -will be London. (J. P. A.) The secretary ing production last year. For this ing, December 28, for members who Brown -^rere the chief point-getters at home Sunday afternoon and even1401 Farnara SU Basement to Aid Detained •« . j of the Arab delegation which has year's performance, the stage has attend school out of the city and will Entrance. i m m i g r a n t s ] spent months in this country' and for. ths Y-team. Following is the ing for their son Nathan, in honor j< been enlarged and a beautiful curtain be here for Christmas vacation. Telephone; Tyler 5731. of Bar-Mitzvah. j other European countries in an eflineup of the game: OMAHA, NEB. has been the BrotherNew York (J. P. A.) The H i a s j f o r t t 0 n a r t t h e c a u s e o f t h e Miss Rose Poska. of Lincoln, Ne- Y. M. H. A. B. A. I. hood. Zion . braska, spent the weekend as the -RF ._. Brodner The Jewish Sisterhood of Council has enlisted the help of Louis > • The performance will be given for house guest of Miss Ann Blotcky. Ravitz Kne'eter . ..LF.._ Maxwell Bluffs held its regular meeting Marshal for the 1200 immigrants' the .benefit of the Sisterhood. The C. Rein Wednesday afternoon at the home of from Poland. and Jugo-Slavia who players include Mesdames. B. R. "Shall We Transfer the Sabbath to Brown ...„ are not permitted to land because . LG. ', • Stolba Mrs. Henry Maduff. Boasberg, B. F. Lewis, Herbert Heav- Sunday?" will be the subject of the Solig the quota from these countries under Kooper ~RG Marple enrich, H. S. Kamen, H. Z. Rosenfeld, sermon given, by Rabbi Frederick , A meeting of the Hebrew Educa- the three, percent immigration law LF Martin Sugarman, Isidor Ziegler and Cohn on Friday evening. On Satur- Goodman tional club will be held Monday even- is already filled. The detained imLG Miss Cecelia- Feiler. These and oth-day morning Rabbi Cohn will- speak Garelick ing at the home of Isadore Aginskee. migrants, who are all Jews, are in AND Immediately after the victory of ers, totaling- twenty-five young peo- on "The Dreamt All members are urged to be present. great despair and are imploring the the Y. M. H. A. team over the B. A. pie, -will appear in this year's perHias officials to use their influence Rabbi and Mrs. M. N. Taxon and L team, the Y players elected Robert formanee. and save them from deportation. Mrs. Louis Heeger and son Myron children left Tuesday for Columbus, Kooper, captain. The Y's opponents .The directors of the Hebrew ShelterMr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosburg enter- Ohio, where Mrs. Taxon and children next Wednesday will be the DeMolay are visiting at the home of Mr. and ing and Immigrant Aid Society, Mrs. Sam Freiden. tained "-eighteen guests at a, dinner will' remain,-for some , time. Rabbi team. GIVEN -BY Leon Kamsiko, John L. Bernstein, dance at their home on Saturday Taxon will return on Thursday. The Thorpeian Athletic club, last Mrs. B. Brin of Webster City, la., and Rev. Masliansky, have thereupon evening. Holiday deaorations "were year's champion's toyed and played Mrs. Harry Fellheimer will enter- with the Western Electric Co. team will arrive Friday to be at the Bar-presented a memorandum to Mr. used and dancing was followed by K cards. On next Saturday evening, tain -twelve guests at bridge luncheon and defeated them by a score of 29 Mitzvah of her grandson, Nathan Louis Marshal stating that the detained immigrants are victims of Mr. and Mrs. Slosburg will entertain at her home on Friday. to 1. The Thorpeian's threatened to Gilinsky. OF THE religious persecution, homeless and at dinner at the Athletic Club for Mrs. Miss ^Angela Herzberg, who under- keep the Electric's scoreless, but a without means of support. Mr. S. J. Waller of San Francisco. went an operation at the Wise Me- foul committed by one of the Thor- Oddly enough when Leatrice Joy Marshal is going to Washington topeian players, alowed the Electric's Mrs. Max Burkenroad is reported morial Hospital last week, is reported a free throw at the basket, which cut the birthday cake in "Poverty of day to plead the cause of the" unRiches," a Goldwyn picture coining improving at the Clarkson Hospital improving. netted them their lone tally. Frei- to the Sun Theatre, commencing fortunates with high officials in the Labor Department. •where she'underwent an operation on Miss BerniceKulakofsky, daughter berg and Konecky were the mainSunday, December 11, she drew the Monday1 EAGLE'S HALL. stays of the Thorpeians. Sid CorenTUESDAY EVENING, of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben" Kulakofsky, cherished wedding ring—for which Mrs. Sol Degen. and Mrs. Morton who is attending school in California, man, former Cenral High school star, every girl secretly hopes. This was Admission: $1.00. December IS, 1921. Degen entertained sixteen guests at will spend the holiday vacation at | strengthened the Thorpeian lineup. coincidental with the fact that Miss bridge luncheon at the home of the an Jose, California, as the guest of The Thorpeian Athletic club will meet Joy was supposed to draw the ring, the fast World Herald team next and to be married in the next scene. Chiropodist and Beauty former on Monday for Mrs. William Mrs. L. Richards. Shop Wednesday evening. Following is the "Now I wonder if the hand of Fate Harris, Mrs. Meyer Hellman .and Miss Established ISfX) and Hanwy Streets. Edith' Heavenrich, out of town visi- At the regular meeting of Women's lineup: was in this, and if it really means 13thPhone Douglas S333 Welfare Organization, held Tuesday, Thorpeians Western Electric anything in my young life?" the tors. the following officers were re-elected: Konacky LG — Conner pretty actress wanted to know. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stern announce Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky,, president; Bernstein RG _ Sullivan Her engagement to Jack Gilbert, the marriage of their daughter, El- Mrs» L. Zievy and Mrs. Henry Rach- Eosencrans . _...C Doyce Sarry 3 . Lapl<5ns. Pres.-Tress. sie, to- Mr. Aaron Schechtman of man, secretaries; Mrs. Sam Rice, cor- Freiberg „ ;___LF _. Adams JOB Pepper, Vice-President. W. G. Ure, Secretsrr. Chicago. The wedding took place in resjpondin secretary, and Mrs. J. J. Corenman .........:..EF......_ Bowers i Room and Board offered in the Chicago on Monday. Greenberg, treasurer^ Mrs. Hairy Wintroub LG I Omaha Fixture & Home of private family. Box tapidus was elected vice president, Brown ...... Rabbi Frederick Cohn has been re- There was an; unusually large at445 Jewish Press. Supply Co, elected, secretary of the Omaha Chap- endance at this meeting. Mr. S. fl. j COMPLETE STORE AND ter of- the American Red Cross. Dr. OFFICE OUTFITTERS Cohn. has served in this capacity since Schaefer spoke on the work of the j We occupy. ewish Welfare ; Federation. orer 70.000 square leet the first year of the World War. The annual dance of the Council Southwest Corner FOR RENT—Nicely furnished Bluffs section of-Jewish. Women will Eleventh and Donjrlas Streets. room in home of small faMiss* Flora Beinstock will be hostess A daughter, June Theo, was born be held Tuesday evening, December Fbone: Jackson 27"! mily. Harney 3911. to the Ra-Oth Society on Sunday af- to . Mr. and Mrs.C. H. Spigal of 13, at Eagle's hall. According to OMAHA. NE3S. Davenport, Iowa. Mrs. Spigal "was ::: I ternoon, December 18. the committees in charge, this dance for your car—a permanent formerly Miss Sylvia Orloff of this •willbe the feature entertainment of type top that will give you Following his address on Jewish city. . the season. -A special orchestra has fort every day in the year. Ceremonials before tho Sisterhood of At the regular meeting of the been, secured to make the evening a Temple Israel on Monday afternoon Young Judea. Junior Club held < ongala event. «.":!:.j:"£4:j:::-:iij? Suick Cleveland lussex Hupmolnle Rco in the vestry of the Temple, Rabbi Sunday at the home of Miss Fannie A Musical Skip will be presented tri:::-.:^:!:;-; Cadillac Dodge Franklin Naak Studcbaket Frederick Cohn'presented the Sister- /evinson, the following officers were a t this dance by members of the Chandler Doit Hudson Oidsmobile Velie hood with a copy of a book on cere- elected: Bess Farber, president; Junior Auxiliary of the Council of Sold at pricea vrhicli make it esttravajcance not to hvy monial objects in Judaism "by Rabbi Besse Handler, vice president; Rose Jewish Women. The following memPrices: 2-pass. $185; 4-5-pass. $275; 7-pasa. $285; Special Cadillac 4-pass, $375; 7-pass. $370 Will-am Rosenau. This volume was Segal, secretary; ,Xenia Perlmutter, bers will take part in the entertainPrices t. o. h. Racine, Wit. War tax anil thulali-presented with an idea of starting a treasurer; Fannie Levinson, reporter. ment: Rina Snyder, Reva Gilinsky, collection of ceremonial objects to be Miss Sarah. Fish. was.appointed proMais!sct kept in the Temple library.: gram superintendent," and Bess Farber ©06-90'.' W. O. TT. O5IAHA, KKBR. Mrs, Philip Koolish will entertain and Besse Handler were appointed Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Telephone: *S"flck*»0i4. 4306. at a-bridge luncheon at the home of council representatives. SIX DAYS ONE WEEK Xhe Best of Everything In Flowers and her mother, Mrs. A. Aginskee, on Mrs. J. P. Cohn, who has been Confections at Moderate Prices. Starting Starting Wednesday for Mrs. S. J. Waller, of at the Wise Memorial Hospital, has 515 W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater.. San Francisco. Sunday, Dec 11th Saturday, Dec. lOtk COUNCIL BXUFFS. IOWA. Be Luxcf now returned to her home and is Miss Lucille Goldstrom will leave convalescent. Wednesday for Louisville, Kentucky, The Sisterhood of Temple Israel GOLDSTROK AUTO SALES CO^ ISIS Efirncr. Fhone Jacksjon 246S where she will.visit for several weeks. is reporting about $550 as proceeds NATIONAL ACCESSORIES CO., 2C12 rarnsm. Phow Atlantic 5524 Rabbi Frederick Cohn will occupy of the bazar held on Monday and These dealer? can scpplj" litcrstnre vxtiL prices. the pulpit at Temple Mount Sinai at Tuesday of this week. The' articles .HI-, Sioux City, Iowa, on Sunday morn- sold were made by the. various ing. On Monday evening he will ad- sewing groups under the direction dress the annual convention of Re- of Mesdames Paul Schaye, F. B. A Story Only at prices and terms to ligious Liberals which meets in Sioux Rosenstock, Julius Rosenfeld, Ed. Lang, M. A. Wolowitz, and Leo City. Women Will suit every Xmas purse. RosenthaL Mrs. Carl Furth was in E a c h instrument lias Understand. : Mr. I. Goldstein left Saturday for charge. St.. Louis to attend the meeting of been, overhauled and we ths directors of the South Western .The funeral of Mrs. Yetta Bramr guarantee them in every Keren Hayesod Unit., Mr. Goldstein, son, wife of Mr. Av Bramson, -was respect. -who: is offe of the directors for Ne-held on Tuesday with burial at the braska, will' invite the South Western cemetary -of - the Beth Hamedrash Keren Hayesod Unit to hold its next Hagodel congregation. Mrs. Bramson meeting in Omaha, had resided irt Omaha for forty-two .years and is- survived by her husMr. Meyer Horn left Sunday to band and sevent children, L. L. and Omaha, Nebraska. spend the winter in California. Morris Bramson of. -Kansas City, O. STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 5, 1921: Omahans will be interested in the H. Bramson, Mrs. Meyer Burnett and following criticism which appeared Mrs. Morris Burnett of St. Joseph, Resources in a Chicago musical periodical: "Sel- Missouri, and Mrs. Robert Jacobson of this city. ; Loans and Discounts... $ 977,089.52 dom indeed has any . young artist Bonds, Securities, Judgments and reaped greater or more deserved meed 94,232.24 Liberty Bonds .— of applause than,did Joe Harding, A Tegular meeting of the Bnai 10,000.00 il! Furniture and Fixtures : •who is exceptionally talented and Israel club was held Sunday, Dec 4, CMckering Upright. .-., $ 98 51851.05 Expense, Taxes and Interest Paid666 . must be "a 'l devoted student." : Mr, at the Y. M.' H. A. rooms. The J. & C. Fischer Upright.... 145 19,750.00 Real Estate Harding is the son of Mr. and Mrs.scheduled six round bout, which "was Schaff Bros. Upright . 165 149,580.91 CASH David H. Harding, who resided in to have taken place at this meeting, Bush & Gerts Upright-.™. 175 Omaha formerly, leaving about twi was postponed until* the. next meeting Vose & Son Upright.-..„_.„.„ 185 years ago to make their home in of the club. The club plans to .Bailey Upright...... ..._ ;. $1,302,503.72 195 Kansas City. Mr. Harding is at pres- organize * a junior' basket-ball team. Selnnoller & Mueller Upright.. 210 Liabilities . Capital ent studying in Chicago and recentSmith & Nixon Upright,..™-... 225 __„ .___ : ;_ , ,„..§ 200,000.00 ly appeared in concert at the Ziegfiet A. regular meeting of the Aleph Kingsbury Upright ..„.__„__ 250 Surplus and Undivided Profits 57,823.07 theatre. .•••' • ••'...-." Y club will be held-Monday evening 'Hertford Player._.... ___.. 335 BILLS PAYABLE or Rediscounts...—. NONE at the Y. M. H^ A.-- club, rooms. Artemis Player: .....„..'. .... 355 Guaranty Fund" -__ 2,946.93 Mrs. S. A. Rice-will be hostess Mon< Solo Concerto Player....._._......l 425 day evening to the members of th DEPOSITS -._ 1,041,733.72 For, . Falling Hair, our 'scientific Terms as low as $5.00 down Monday Reading Club and their hus Swedish Massage, and ,Electrjc.. Treat' $1,302,503.72. on some Uprights and $15bands.. , '• • ' : . •• ment, Begins with-eyes, over foredown on Players. We invite your account and^.have • the facilities you Mrs. David Bolter is spending sev- head, scalp, - and down entire spine. would specify for handling your banking business. Invigorates whole system. A ?3 treateral weeks at Excelsior Springs. ment for $1. Shampoo 50JC, Marcel • All our depositors are fully protected by the Depositors' Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Fleishman en 75c, Water Wave. 75c,' Manicure 50c, Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. tertained twenty guests a t their homt Electrolys $3.50 hr. Evening . and Piano Company •D. W. GEISELMAK, Pres. D. C. GEISEL3XAN. Cashier. on Tuesday evening for their daugh- Sunday appts. -Salon- La Charmc, 1514-16-18 Dodge Street. ter, Harriet, -*>ho celebrated her fif. S. W. Cor. 16 and Howard. At. 4819. H. M. KROGH, Asst. Cashier. • Phone Douglas 1523 teenth birthday* H. 2890.—Adv. ,

Social, Qlub and Religious Activities






ere it Is

Operated by

brld Realty Co.



of Riches"

High Grade Used fiiaos and'Players


Low operating cost



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: S~13W»v:»l^~?i."<*k'-'.."1-^fc *KW



EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF/DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH EACE. The advertisers in this -, department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET XT.





Telephone Jackson 0268

Office / 209 South 18th Street


Pastor of the First Unitarian Church; Pittsburgh, Pa.


Scottsbluff and MorrilJ County

• •

Backed by the Sugar Beet Industry. Legality passed on by competent

B.KORNEY 1115 Douslas St. Tel. Jackson Sill


We Deliver the Real Goods. Phone JWebBter 0043


Inal: •Ha],

Up to the present we have had) Why did they puu^sh such a cruel cunning and subtlety directing a reason to be proud of the American; and stupid falsehood ? secret movement to bring about the record in its treatment of the Jew. Ev- I Because it is a part of the tactics overthrow of all non-Jewish governery Ipolitical and legal right accorded they are taking bodily from Europe. ments, and in their stead to establish to others has been freely and un- -In Munich, an editor by the name of a Jewish world government. And in questioningly guaranteed to him.- Echart, one of two scores of anti- order to accomplish this ambitious The storms of anti-Semitic-hate Jewish journals in Germany, offered program they are to use every means whibh have always raged at short through his paper a prize of oneto weaken present governments and intervals in Europe have * not pene- thousand marks to any one who would to subvert all.the institutions of civiltrated our shores. Americans have prove that during the war any Jew- ization. According to these Protocols, UNDERTAKERS been proud of the" fact that in their ish family had furnished for the space the principal- agency through which MOVED TO country the Jew was not persecuted, | of three weeks as many as three sons the Jewish conspirators have worked 2224 CUMING STREET. that he could worship according to for service in: the trenches. He wasis the Masonic order. The Masonic the dictates, of his own conscience and promptly confronted with masses of orders throughout the world have been at the same time be protected by ev-;evidence, of as high as seven and the blind dopes of this arch conery; political and legal safeguard; eight Jewish brothers at one time in spiracy. which surrounds American citizens. ! the attacking columns, and naturally In this country, that is, in the But now, perhaps as an aftermath an editor engaged in that kind of articles in the Dearborn Independent, of the hate-engendering war, this vile campaign was sufficiently lacking in this menace of Freemasonry has been old disease of anti-Semitism has been manhood to refuse to pay over the soft-peddled, but in the Russian and transplanted to pur shores, and weprize money until he was compelled even in the French translation, the stand in danger of having another to do so by the court. Masonic lodges are put quite in, the blot on the page of American history. Visit Our This eruption of anti-Jewish feel- class with Bolshevism as the effective We need to remember that, should ing which we are Ttow witnessing in instrument of this world conspiracy. (t outrage or injury come to the Jews America is an old, ever recrudescent If the sweeping charges were made as a, result of the spread of this experience in parts of Europe. It does in English against Freemasonry that Do away with drudgery and make morbid passion, the disgrace rests on not need.any special incident or ex-the French edition contains, it would house-work a pleasure by the use us,; on America. cuse to quicken it into being. But have rnade the whole story only a of modern electrical appliances. just as war has to have some incident, little less absurd than the Russian Therefore, if you wish you may! The "Electric Shop" is on the think of me as speaking out of accidental or designed as an excuse, statement that the English and Saxon ground floor of the Electric building, South-east corner of Fifteenth selfishness, out of jealousy for Amer- j so every anti-Jewish outbreak sets people are Jews and in the league to ican honor, and the spirit of fair-' forth some incident or special grounds overthrow Christendom. According and Farnam streets. to these "protocols" all the revoluas the cause for such action. play. I am not going to speak from the What are the grSunds of the pres- tions of modern times have been instigated and directed by Jews. All standpoint of the highest sentiment, ent campaign? ". —that admonition of our faith which Certain so-called "Protocols of thepolitical and national disturbances are invokes us to treat all men as broth- Elders of Zion." This little booklet the outworkings of their designs. ers {personally-! believe that that is; was first published in Eussia sixteen "Buy Midwest Milk" This, then is a momentous docuthe supreme social law). But to some years ago. It was not translated or ment offered as evidence for the conthat is mere sentimentalism. I am published in German, English and viction of a race as guilty of all mangoing to speak not from the stand- j French until two years ago. And it ner of crimes. point of love, but of justice—I might was not all translated. Prof. G. F. What is the evidence for the gensay from the lower ground of com-i Moore, of Harvard University states uineness of these "Protocols" as the mon decency. • jthat if the whole of 'the Russian book records of Jewish secret councils? I am aware of the fact that the had been translated into English, in- When we take into consideration the Dearborn Independent is unwilling! stead of proving a scare monger, or of gravity of the charge we would supto accept the name of an anti-Semitic! furnishing pogrom fuel for us, it pose that an attempt would be made agitatoj*. It makes a great pretense would have awakened hilarious laugh- to offer circumstantial and positive 2002 Poppleton Ave. of merely setting forth a matter of ter ,it would have proved the literary proof. What is our surprise then to Atlantic 3680 Because those find that there is not a vesitge of anygeneral public interest. But that is joke of the year. a very hollow sham. In it we get not original Eussian "Protocols" include thing that a court of law would cononly the echoes, but much of the the English as Jews. The A:nglo- sider for a moment as evidence. very stuff now being- given out in Saxons it is stated are one of the The reputed- author or editor in the Jew-baiting campaign going on in lost tribes of Israeli It calls atten- Russia, Sergei Nilus, tells a different Europe. The purpose of the articles tion to the trading instinct and skill story about them each of the three of North Omaha. in the Dearborn Independent is to of the English which identifies them times that a new edition of the "ProTHE TOUCH OF A create suspicion and hatred of the with the Jews, and that the very tocols" are published.—The Jewish 2410 AMES AVEXUE. name Saxon is derived from Jacob's Ledger. Jews. j For the most part the articles are Son. [written adroitly. In statements of We can understand* why that part fact it is not often that objections of the original book was omitted RABBI BROUGHT HERE AS A STOWAY | Rest Home Cookinjr nt Very Reason- can be made to them, and rarely are when it was translated into English. able Trices — Satisfaction Guaranteed. . those statements of fact in any way New York. (J. P. A.) It was These so-called "Protocols" are ' discreditable to the Jews; it is in thegiven as the evidence of a world-wide learned a t Ellis Island recently that R. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor inferences, the gratuitous assump- conspiracy more threatening and Isidore Smolner, a rabbi •who recently 316 Sonth 15th Street—Up Stairs. . tions that the discreditable things more far-reaching than anything else reached this country from Poland, had ' are asserted. But occasionally the of the kind ever known in history. come here as a stowaway. A board TKV SUNDfiEES'S venom in the heart the writer gets This is the charge and these Proto- of special inquiry at Ellis Island orNutritions Home SJad» the better of his discretion and he are given as the proof of a Jew- dered him deported, but the reprePIES and COOKIES makes preposterous statements of cols ish imperialistic program; that the sentatives of the Hias are taking up Sealed In Sanitary Waxed fact, such as: "There are no Jews Jews in all lands are united and or-the case with the. Washington outhor- , Wrapper at Your Grocer. among our soldier graves in France." ganized; and that they are with great ities.: Sundgren Pie Baking Co. And ,this unfeeling, unprincipled as24th and Hickory. Atlantic 5241 j sertion is given out at a time when Paris. (J. T. A.) The d.ath.of j | day after day, Jewish parents along "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Maurice Goetschel, the only Jewish( FEATHER COMFORTERS with others are "making" the sad jourme"'her of the Swiss Parliament, "is { and buy them at Made from Yonr Own Feathers. •Renovated, re-made or made to order. : ne.v to * Washington to receive the reputed from Zurich. The deceased; All hand-filled. We call and deliver. i returned bodies of their sons, and was 62 years of age, and — ~ death ! see them interred with the honors of OMAHA PILLOW CO. 319 South 16th Street. was sudden. war, in our national shrine at ArPhone Douglas 3400. 1007 Cnming St., Omalin, Nebraska. 3?hone Jackson 24G7. | lington.'


The Brinn & Jensen Company .With Your Order for


1112 HARNEY ST. Phono Douglas 6409



Industrial and Automotive Machinists. Carbnretor and Ignition Repairs. Starter King: Gears for Aato Fly Wheels « ? South 13th Street. Telephone: Jackson 9530



First National Bank Bldg.

Does It Need or Repairing? NOW IS THE TIME TO HATE EXPERTS DO XKE WORK. Xon'51 Be Surprised i t Onr Rates. Cleaning done by Vacuum icitbfactorily cleanefl" orer lOO fnrnaces tbe past month. CALL JACKSON 1D13.

FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 1814 ConilliR Street. TTe Install Gilt Edge Furnaces.


Made bar


Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors of

Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery , O3IAHA. NEBRASKA.


27th and .Martha Sts. Hnrney ICG2 Manufacturers oi Brass. Bronze. Aluminum: and Soft Gray- Iron Castings. Yon are assured of soft castings, as we machine some from every heat in our ovva shop. ; Standard size cast iron bushings in stock.

Phone "AT I«nik

Y?e assist rots in peUlng- passports End £n-e ro-n expert advise on European conditions. •VTe help yon to c-pt yonr relatives in Europe to mis country.

. Val.JJ. Peter & Co.

STEAMSHIP TICKETS FOKEIGX ESCEA.VCE 130" Howard St.. Omaha, Keh. Thone AT lautic 0340,

Leo A. Hoffmann ...of... Hoffmann Funeral Home.


E M TbtK Htftky,». C (PALMER GRADUATE) • Second Floor, Elks' Building.

Phone Jackson 3072




The Dry Cleaner


Your position is . _ . correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by • every fair minded person.

Electric Shop



Heady Roofing- over old shingles. Also asphalt shingles and bulld-np roofs. Fire resisting- and ficrable. All work guaranteed Easy terras. Phone Earney 2574 Bee and Warehouse: G122 Learenworth


MEY-MER-CO,'Brand Beverages and Syrups. 319-321 So. Hth St., Omaha, Xebr. Phone Atlantic 2889

Iten scuit ' SHOW iUTE . r . S, Tat. Office.)


Grand.en Electric Co.

BEPEXBABCE KI.RCTRICAXi MERCHANDISE. 1511 Howard St. Fhonc Atlantic 0681

All that the name implies. S16 N. 16th. St. .

Douglas 6887

Ambulance Service Equipped with Pulmotor. AH Calls Answered Prompt!?-.



Phone Homer "385



Dayton Money Weight and Detroit ktomatic Scales and Heat Slicers SKINNER BAKING COMPANY

T' ,


TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables

N. 1 . 6 r . Eleventh and Heward Sts.


Stelner Electric Meatchopper and Coffee Mill. Scales-of All Makes for Sale.

.-".•'".•••-. — r - y u r . L i n e — —



DON'T BUY COAL! OIL, IS MUCH CIIKAPER Let Us Ueruove tbe Door from Your Fornaco and Insert a

ULMBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER Sen Demonstration 310 So. 19th Street.

Call Atlantic 2364 V



Omaha. Nebnuiha.

Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.

Jewish Press . 482 Brandels Bldg.

Tel. JacUsan 2372


SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer

Offico and Warehouse: 917 So. Hnln St. Telephone 143 COUNCIL BLXJFFS. IOWA.

City Representative 516 So. ipth St. Phone DOaglas 3332

Have Your Furniture Reupholstered We mate It -look fike neir. Call Dojiglas P037. A man will call with samples.


Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS 528-32 Securities 16th und Farnain gts. Telephone: Jackson S"OG

We cirry a complete line of new tins; gears, pinions, axle shafts ana springs for almost any make of car. M. P. RICH3IAST. Manaser. 1318-1330 West Broadway. I* BLUFFS. IOWA. PHONT3 44*. Est. 1S91.

"Make Warm Friends"


Phone JacUson 1G80

Joseph Polack & Son


611 Sonth 10th Street. OUR NEW XQCATION Corner . 10th and Donjrlas Streets. Blusonlc Temple BUnr.

Wholesale Distributors for

Wholesale Dealers In Butter, Esss and .Poultry. 1313 Howard St. Omaha, Nebraska.


In Active Practice Since 1B1C.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Brandeis Theatre Building. l « h and Donglas Streets. Phone Atlantio 3836

8208 Cumins St. -Phone Douglas 472G

•- Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers Specialties 15U Cumins St. Phone Atlantic 1347 DISTRIBUTORS JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Omaha. Nebraska.

A.Vinegar-PicklesF. Cooperage Pure Food Products

Phone Bonglns 4B0" 20th and Tierce St., Omaha, Nebraska.

United Preiisioi Stores . .


QUALITY GROCERIES AND MEATS 492" So. Still St. Phone Market 0100

ha Office: SIS .Donjrlas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556

Ford Tranter & Storage Co. ..• A. FORD. . President and General Manager. Cosncil BJuffs (Iowa) Office 624 So. SSaisi Street. Tbone SS5

OCR TREATMENT W i l l . COSVIXCE YOU OF OCR SINCEKITT. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.



An Ideal Washing Combination.

Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. SAVES SOU MONET.


Jackson 587»

Estes Laundry Tablets Estes Soap Chips and Water Softener (Combined) At all Grocers.

You will like

Always Ash for

truce & Co.


Druggists and Stationers


401-403-105 Sonth lOtli St.


BUTTER — Made Vy —

Kirschbraun & Sons

£16 3i. lfitSi St. - Branches at Central Table Supply »mfi JPood Center.


CLEAN. LINEN Every e IS. yoa <ta!I the 1S13 JlJTerna S Phone Douglas 638!


WHOLESALE GROCERS SPhoae Jackson 1302 -


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