Nothing comes c h e a p in the economy of the world.
• Pain is the price we pay for results.
NO. 1
Entered as second-class mail matter on Jan-nary 27th, 1921, at poatofflce at Omp^ •'\ebraaka. nnder the Act of March 3. 1879.
Sokalow, Jabotinsky, Warburg aid PatersoR m Omaha Next Month
Wai &* •** -An outpouring of Jews and no/" £ r s, whose numbers are estimaterie? 3 100,000, followed the funeral £' •ession of Dr. Abraham U Posnans^ e Chief Eabbi. AllJew- | J
ish shop , , re closed as a sign of mourning,',-• deputies, government representatives and delegates from all organizations, including many out-of-. SLONIM, OF ST. LOUIS, MO., town Kehillahs, joined the procession. TALKS SATURDAY NIGHT The British consul sent an expression of condolence, and a large number of Nahum SokaloW, Vladimir Jabot- telegrams arrived from abroad. insky, Prof. Otto Warburg and Col. Budapest.—Ignaz Goldziher, profesJ. H. Paterson will come to Omaha sor of oriental Studies in the Univeron January. 11, in the interest of the sity of Budapest, died here in his Keren Hayesod. seventy-second year. These internationally known ZionBy the death of Professor Goldists are members of a delegation now ziher, Judaism "and the "world of Oritouring the country to assist, in raisental Studies have sustained a loss ing the nine million dollar fund of the Keren Hayesod for the year 1922. that cannot adequately be estimated. Announcement of their coming to The deceased was a scholar of interOmaha was made today by I. Gold- national renown and a master of Semstein, local Zionist, and" a member itica, Iranian, Rabbinica and Comparof the Executive Committee of the ative religion, though Arabic was his Southwestern District of the greatest subject. Prof. Abdallah Miskoni, famous Keren Hayesod, on his return from a regional conference at St. Louis. Arab scholar, in a statement published The local .committee, under the in the local press, declares that the chairmanship ;of Eabbi Morris Taxon, Arab nation had lost an apostile in is already at work to accord the the death of Prof. Goldziher., Goldizher, says Miskoni, interpreted visitors a city-wide welcome. Arrangements are being made to secure the Jews to the Arabs. At the same the city Auditorium for a mammoth time he was an apostle of the Arabic public meeting, to which neighboring, culture amongst the western peoples. The Arab nation regarded him as one communities will be invited. of their own. Mr. Goldstein also announced that a conference of the Southwestern Keren Hayesood district will be held in Omaha on March 5 and 6. This district comprises th'e states of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, "Oklahoma and Kansas. On Saturday of this week M. J. Slonim, of St. Louis, member of the national executive committee of the Keren Hayesod, will speaK at a I ^solutions Favoring Boycott meeting in the. Jewish. Community and Expulsion Adopted by Center. • National Meeting,
European Commission for Keren Hayesod to Stop Here January 11th.
|j It
o' "Die Tote Stadt," by the young Jewish composer, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, was brought out a week ago by the Metropolitan Opera company in New \ork. Korngold is exactly twenty-two years old, an age when most musicians have just graduated from the conservatory and are carrying about to the publishers a fresh-laid sonata and a new-mown symphony. Korngold was an "ultra-modern" at the age of twelve, a startling product of the late days before the war, a patriarchial child, a philosophical infant; in short, what Nietzsche might have termed a Korngold is a native of Vienna where his father has been famous for the past quarter of a century as music critic of the Neue Freie Presse. Young Korngold is a conductor as well as composer, and during the past year has led orchestras at Hamburg-, Lelpsic and Vienna.
Directors of Community Rooms W i l Provide Entertainment for Grown-Ups.
there and in the streets'of Paris. treal he organized a Jewish singing Prom the detached and Oxonian 'In other cities it was completed class at the Jewish National School, fastnesses of Forest Hill, England, PLAN OPEN HOUSE BEFORE as far as hmnanly possible.' : which in six months increased from Edward J. O'Brien selects each year FIRST OF YEAR. Profession; organist. Chief infive to 500 pupils. Three concerts a the all-American short stories, which year, which he directed, kept the to his mind represent the best work, terest: people, horses and garAdult recreation, in "the form of dens. First short story printed school going while he was there and done during the year by American public dances, concerts, lectures and at the age of 12 in a Eoumanian it is still prospering. short story writers. For seven years entertainments, will be promoted magazine; Author of 'Crimes Of There is probably no other figure Mr. O'Brien has been doing this and Ioca3l3' immediately after the beCharity' and 'Dust of New York.' I in American letters with a record as his "The Best Stories of 1914," etc, ginning of the new year. Lives in New York." | unique as Bercovici's. Although he etc., have come" to be looked forward The Board of Directors of the wrote sporadically from time to time to as eagerly in this particular field To find out more about this writer Jewish Welfare Federation at its as a youth in Europe, he never as the all-American selections in whose profession is that of an organmeeting Sunday authorised the seriously and steadily to writquite a different profession compiled establishment, as one of its affiliated ist and who numbers horses and gar- ing"untiTnm7years"ago~when"he ... annually by Walter Camp. organizations, of "The Jewish ComIn fact, the folk that inhabit that dens among his chief interest, I went 30_ A n d t h e n s t f f l stranger, he wrote munity Center," and defined its purto see him in his home at 44 St. Yiddish, which he did not learn in wide expanse of the North American poses to be "to supervise and have Marks Place in the heart of the low^ y , u n t i l c a m e t o N e w o r k A b o r n continent, south of Windsor, Canada, full charge of the Jewish Community and north of the Eio Grande, seem to er East Side. A giant of a man, his i i n g u i s t j a i d e d hy M s experiences as Center headquarters, and all activities massive body encased in a tan dressGypsy a youtIl in Paris a n d witn t h e regale in all-American choices, no connected therewith, and to promote ing gown, a shock of dishevelled tribes, he acquired Yiddish with as matter what the field. They enjoy adult recreational activities, comthe arbitrary opinions of those bold black hair crowning his tanned and 2 i t t L e dif f i c u i t y a s he had learned his munity meetings and assemblies, enough to declare, -"'These are the rugged face, mustache a fit counter- o t h e r i a n g u ~g e s. When he came to classes and the like, in connection part for his shaggy locks, arose from he .could read English, tllis c o u n t r y 10 best plays of the year," "Here are with the Jewish Community Center." a long bare wooden table at which . b u t c o u I d n o t w r i t e i t H o w w e I I h e the 11 best football players in the "Our community rooms in the land," and there, "The best short he was working over a manuscript -writes English needs no emphasis and greeted me cordially but quietly. w h e n t h e b e s t m a g a z 5 n e s in this i Lyric Building will be a real cornstories of 192L" Big men physically are usually either c o u n t r y print his stories. And his Strict Enforcement of National! munity center," said W. L. Holzman, So that whatever value and honor boisterous and forward or quiet and s p o t e n English is perfect with just Anti-Beer Law is Intimated chairmaa of the Advisory Board of there are in these all-American: lineretiring. They rarely strike, the me- t h e s l i g h t t r a c e o f a n a c c e n t . i n a c j the Y M H A, which will continue by Official. ups, and there are a distinct-value to have charge of the rooms until h e i s a t home i n Roumania, and honor as no one will deny, be it dium between the two extremes. Berknown to all these present that Kon- covici is the latter type, modest and n a t U rally, numerous Gypsy dialects, CLAIM .. RELIGIOUS . QUES- Jan. 1, today. "We will have the rooms completely decorated and TION INVOLVED rad Bercovici, who never wrote in so softspoken that many times his p^nch, and German. voice was drowned out by the girl furnished before the end of this English until four years ago, has typing in a corner of the big, bare Twentj^four Stories in a Week. . Washington. (J. T. A.) That the! rao:nth, and will then turn them over been accorded first place in Mr. O'room, whose only decorations were a During his career as a Yiddish request that sacramental wine be ex- to the Board of Directors of tho Brien's short story rolls of honor for 1920 and 1921. No other have been few pictures and a book case jammed journalist, he wrote for every paper empted from the operation of the Wil- Jewish Community Center, full of papers and books, many of in New York except the Wahrheit. lis-Campbell law, prohibiting the im"We have every possible facility so honored twice. Included among them rare old volumes. ; At one time he was musical critic portation of wine, will most likely be for their use by all the people in those chosen once are Anzia Veziers- "My interest in Gypsies started for the Tag:. His first book in Eng- refused, is the impression one gath- Omaha, and have made provision for ka and Benjamin Rosenblatt. with my nurse, an old Gypsy in lish appeared in 1917. The 24 sto- ered at- the hearing yesterday before the comfort and entertainment of Koumania," h& said. "She used to ries and sketches comprising his sec- Mr. Vize, counsel for the Pi-ohibition young and old alike. We will dedicate An Authority on Gypsies. the new clubrooms with an all dayTwo Gypsy stories were selected tell me the thrilling and exciting ond volume, "Dust of New York," Bureau. After listening1 to a large number open house, and we want every one by Mr. O'Brien as the best American stories of the Gypsies of Rpumania, were all written in one week, an acshort stories written during the past the legends that have been handed complishment almost beyond belief, of counsel for wine importers, Mr. to visit the Center. It will ha two years, for Bercovici draws the down in the tribes. These stories Which brings us to his working Vize intimated that the Willis-Camp- Omaha's club." ONFERENCE ESTABLISHES wild romantic life of the Gypsy with fired my imagination and^ when still methods. bell Anti-Beer law will be strictly enThe official opening date of the ANTI-SEMITIC INSTITUTE- a touch so rare and yet with an a boy I ran away and Joined a tribe - "Every one of ray stories is writ- forced. Jewish Community Center will be announced • in-a forthcoming- issue - of imaginative._quality -so J&ne, that the- nearjjur; home, I sgerj several years ten at -one sitting," ..he -.- explained, j ' ' Will Be Taken to Courts. "Warsaw (J. T. A.). What \ stories rise above bald tales of ad- with them in the- Dobrugea. It was "The story is written ' in'my mind Should the Prohibition Bureau rig-/"The Jewish1 Press", tantamount to an open declaration; venture and become 'life itself, a liv- then that I learned to know them before I put it down on paper, I idly adhere to its present intention, PBEFEfc BORDER EXILES TO of war on Polish Jews has been ing picture of the untrammelled, so intimately, to learn the wealth of never go over a story and edit it. the only hope of securing permission . THOSE COMING FROM dopted in a series of resolutions lerce existence of these barbaric legends of this romantic race. I have If I am not satisfied with the finfor the importation of wine from PalRUSSIA. at. the closing sessions of the Anti- ;ribes of the Dobrudgea. spent many weeks with them since in ished product, I tear it up and write estine and other countries for sacraSemitic Conference, convened by the various parts of the Continent and it again. But I never work over a mental purposes, would lie in secur"Ghitza" was the O'Brien choice • r England and in America and often story. I write it from beginning to London. (J. C. B.) At the month- Eoswoj Party. ing the passage of an amendment at EMBODIES MANY FEATURES or first place among the American go off for a trip with them. end. If I do not like it, I write it ly meeting of the Jewish Board of The resolution provided for the short stories of 1920. "Fanutza" was the next session of Congress, repealFOR SHOPPERS' COMFORT Deputies, presided over by Sir Stuart topping of Jews from Eastern "Later'on I went to Paris to study again. That, to my mind, is the best ing the present provisions. It is also ranked as the best short story of Samuel, it was learned that the Jew- Europe and demanded the expulsion music, specializing on the organ. I method for securing the unity of possible that the question will be Central Market No. '2, located at 114 ish Kehillah. of Eoumania had ad- of Jews already resident in Poland, 921. am really a musician, an organist by effects I strive for. It may not be taken to the courts, on the grounds South Sixteenth street, opened fordressed an appeal to the Board for whose residence is regarded as illegal. A Condensed Life History. profession. I would still be an or- the best method for other writers, that ./the operation of this law would! mally on Tuesday of this week. As« twenty million lei in order to carry The Aryan peoples are interested Who is this Konrad Bercovici, ganist, if I were not loathe to ap- but it is for me." sociated in the ownership and manageout the decree of the Roumanian gov- n defending themselves against the what is he like, this writer who in pear in public. My unwillingness to Bercovici loves horses and gardens. result in the restriction o2 religious ment of the new market are M., R.» freedom, and constituting \vhat is ernmemV restricting the residence of. conspiracy of the international Jew- he short space of four" years can play .before an audience turned me He has gone away from New York on it was J. H., L., and A. I. Kulakofsky. > several occasions to raise horses and practically an embargo, Jewish refugees from Eussia to spe- sh capitalists, one of the resolutions rise to such a preeminent.. position to writing.' ' The new market embodies the latlearned here today. cified territory. In connection with reads. Native Polish citizens must n American letters? O'Brien's volj to garden. "I raised horses several est features for the convenience and Demands of Wine Co. this telegram, Lucien Wolf declared herefore unite to deliver the Polish me for 1920 gives the following ' Taught Jewish Folk Songs, years ag0» he said with a sni fl e , The Carmel "Wine Company, the comfort of the general public. All that he had taken up the matter with economic positions from Jewish ;hort but interesting account, obBercovici came here from Paris 14 "an unfortunate financial experience largest importer of Palestine wine, departments are equipped throughout r Mr. Kahn, a representative of the supremacy. This can best be achieved, iously supplied by Bercovici himself, years ago to continue his profession for me. I seem always to find some was represented at the hearing by with marble and glass, so that alt "Joint," but that the J. D. C. had re- the Conference decided, if Christians or, it bears the taciturn bluntness of organist. All but four years of fantastic scheme bv which I lose all Mr. R. Lewen-Epstein, manager, and foodstuffs are. handled in the most fused its assistance because it regard- would give preference to Christians md modesty, which are so character- that time was spent in and around the money I make from my writings. by counsel. The Union of Orthodox sanitary manner. All bins and drawers New York, but from 1912 to 1916 he I suppose next I'll be attempting to ed the action of the government as in all transactions, and if in the istic of him: was in Montreal, teaching music. As breed some fantastic type of animals Rabbis was also represented by at- are made of quarter-sawed oak, finunfair to the unfortunate refugees. urban elections care would. be taken Born June 23, 1882, Doa- musician he devoted much time to never before conceived."—The Jew- torney, Rabbi J. T. Loeb, of Washing- ished in grey-green silver. . Mr.~Kahan declared that the "Joint" to" vigorously oppose Jewish canThe market comprises ten departton, made a strong plea on religious Eoumania. Educated Jewish folk songs and while in Mon- ish Tzibune. is ready to help the refugees, but has didates. A suitable slogan for that ments, including meats, groceries, grounds. no intention of coming to. the assist- purpose would be, to remove Jewish dairy, fruit, fish, cigars, bakery, deliThe Prohibition Commissioner's deance of the Roumanian government teachers from Christian schools; The cision with refei'ence to the exemp- catessen, vegetables and candy. Its in its work of deporting: them. The Conference also decided to compile tion of wine for sacramental uses will spacious aisles, lofty ceiling and beauBoard of Deputies decided to refer the statistics of crimes committed by President Harding Appeals be made known at an early date, it tiful display windows add much to tlte matter to the committee for war suf- Jews and to establish a permanent for Jewish Relief j general attractiveness of the etoi'e. 'was announced here today. ferers, .for action. institute charged with finding ways Fund. In the stormy debate on Lucian and means of solving the. , Jewish UiEAT NUMBERS OF WOMEN SPANISH GOVERNMENT New York (J. P. A.)—Mr. Wolf's attitude with regard to the problem. DECEIVED AND EXPLOITED ' " ' ' * ': s : EXAMINES NEWLY David Brown, chairman of the 250,000 Jewish refugees who are at These resolutions were ratified at DISCOVERED PROOF 14 million dollar relief drive present distributed along the frontiers a mass meeting held at the close of Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The large of the American Jewish Relief of various eastern border states, it ap- the Conference, which, took a col- number of defenseless girls and young Madrid. (J. C. B.) A special com- j Committee to aid the Jews of peared that Lord Rothschild is in full lection for the establishment of the. women among the Jewish refugees, mission to investigate newly discovEastern Europe, received the accord with Mr. Wolf. Lord Roths- Anti-Semitic Institute, a certain Dr. both here and throughout the rest of ered documents purporting to show If you want "THE JEWISH PEESS" to come following letter from President child stated in this connection that Rapiel of Wolynia dopating 100,000 Poland, have become the prey of a re-, that Columbus was a Jew has been Harding: into your home each week without fail—renew your vived white slave traffic. Reports are the care of thsse 250,000 Jewish refu- marks. appointed by the Spanish • governcurrent about- many girls who have gees was of more importance than "It is indeed a pleasure subscription AT ONCE. ment. been deceived into so-called marriages, that of the 50,000 Jewish refugees to write to you and your The documents, •which are said to "THE JEWISH PRESS" gives you the latest {Si of numerous others who have been from Russia. MARCONI TO INSTALL fellow-workers and to send have come to light, tend to indicate and most authentic news of Jewish interest the j PALESTINE WIRELESS decoyed abroad to be sold, arid also of you my assurances and Lord Rothschild stated that the that Columbus was obliged to hide Londcn. (J. C. B.) The Marconi a large number of disappearances pross committee of the Board of Jewgood wishes for the noble world over. Every Jew should be informed and the fact of his Jewish origin from ish deputies is watching the anti Wireless Telegraph Company here is without any trace. undertaking -which you have should keep informed of Jewish happenings in Omaha, the Catholic monarchs of Spain in or•negotiating regarding the construction 'Sn--")!> propaganda in the press. initiated for the suffering, The situation is becoming so alarmi der to obtain their aid for his voyin the United States, * and ' in all the countries of unfortunate Jews of Th« renort of the.Shechita Board of a wireless station in Palestine. Rep- ingly serious that the "Joint," "Hias," , 1 age. Europe. "THE JEWISH PRESS" will do this for jj resentatives'of the Marconi Company er "~r"intT the recommendation of the Europe. Their pitiful conand other Jewish organizations have | j Various drawings and portraits you. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT j): j , , - ' ; . - . - , to Ani-rr>als Society for thft are in touch with lqcal Jewish organ- been roused to action. Warnings have ] dition has been brought to ] seem to show that • the discoverer of izations and with English merchants been issued to the Jewish women and by guillotine my attention and made a : hd "THE JEWISH PRESS". Clip and mail the attached s ioii-v^ r of/animals I America had Jewish facial features. doing business with Palestine, so as rescue work on a large scale has bedeep impression upon me. was rejected. It is also shown that his mother's coupon to-day. to learn their opinion of the commer- gun. Workshops for the training of It is good to know that name was Shushanah, and that her cial possibilities of the project. A Jewish women in various trades have such an organization as Kt'n«:arian> Government father's name was Jacob. Like a wireless telegraph station in Palestine been established an<j employment buyour own is continuing the I large number of Jews of his time, CoPersecutes Journabsts will mean not only an improvement in reaus are making desperate efforts to RENEWAL BLANK the splendid work that in : lumbus practiced Judaism secretly. Budapest (J. P. A.)—The Hungar- the business possibilities of the coun cope with the trying situation. the past has been very Jewish Press Publishing Co., | It is believed that Columbus told ian government fears publicity, 'Freie try, but will make Palestine fruitful of humane and 482 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Omaha, Ncbr. , ; Queen Isabella and her consort, Ferdcorrespondent of the Vienna ' and center for the Near East. MORE CHALUZIM ON praiseworthy results. Gentlemen;— I inand, that he was a messenger from Presse", Carl Morgenstern, Michael Levy, journalist, were arrestWAY TO PALESTINE Enclosed is check for $2.50 <o renew nty subscription to " T H E Jehovah. One of his plans was to Very sincerely, ed for spreading news abroad which JEWISH ACTRESS MUST PLAY I? JEWISH PRESS" for one year from date of present expiration. Trieste (By Mail^-J. P. A.) — wrest the. Holy Land from the infidel (Signed) POLISH. were injurious to Hungary. The During the first two weeks of Nov., Turk with the riches he set out to WARREN G. HARDING." A.) Esthe Bialostok. (J.T. culprits were sentenced to" 15 days 306 Chaluzim passed this city on find in India. Name imprisonment and fined 2000 kronen Rachel Kaminsky, well known-Jewish their way to Palestine. '-Among them actress, was given the.option by/tht each. Morgenstern who is a forwere many distinguished Zionists in the Hebrew Gymnasiums of Haifa Your subscription to the Jewish . Address .-.......: t eigner will most-probably be interned municipal authorities of either playin such as Professor Pik, leader of the Press for 1922 is due now. Send in 1 and Jerusalem, Dr. Greher and Isenin, one of Hungary's infamous intern- in the Polish language or cancellin Mizrachi, tine famous sux-geon Profesyour renewal. stein the Yiddish performances entirely. ment camps. - •. sor Dolshansky, and the instructors
Bftter War on Jews in Poland Urged by Anti-Semitic Party
British Jews Plan Help J o r furope's Refines
Refugees in Poland Prey of White Slave Traffic
Investigate Documents ' Showing'Columbus- a Jew
Notice to Subscribers
*>*! r
PAGE 2—THE 3TEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1921 PROFESSOR MICHELSQN WILL ROUMANIAN JEWS STILL . light of different, colors. "While wait- Memorial Services for TEST EINSTEIN THEORY DENIED THEIR RIGHTS, ing, some of the tourists intoned their Dr. Solomon Schechter Chicago. (J. P. A.) Professor respective state songs, to discover SUFRIN DECLARES New York.—Services in memory of thereby others of. their state. Texan the late Doctor Solomon Schechter, Michelson, the noted Jewish scientist, New York. (J. P. -A.) Solomon answered to the songs of Texas, scholar and educator, has returned to the Chicago Univer- Sufrin, one of the leading Jews of In order to further promote and encourage the work of the Ohioan to that of Ohio, Californian world-renowned be held in the Synagogue of the sity from Mount Wilson, Cal., where the Roumanian colony in this city, various Jewish organizations which are now affiliated with the to that of California, each song tell- will Jewish Theological Seminary of he has been making preliminary in- has just returned from a trip abroad^ Jewish Welfare Federation, the Board of Directors of the Fed- ing of the glory of its state. At last America, vestigations of the Einstein theory. 531 West 123d Street, New He will remain in the university until Most of his time was spent in Roueration-at its meeting last Sunday adopted the followingthe geyser burst forth and presented, York'City, Monday evening, December July, when he will return to Mount mania and Bassarabia. Speaking of England's. Opposition to resolution:—- ----; _ ' ' conditions in that country, Mr. Sufrin under the different colored lights an 12, 1921, at 8:15 o'clock. Poland Caused by Jewish Wilson, to continue his experiments declared that Jews are not yet reawe-inspiring sight. For a while not Influence. "BE IT RESOLVED, that, whereas it is not only Doctor Louis Finkelstein, a former which are finally to establish or -disthat treatment to which they highly desirable but essential to the best interests of the a sound was heard beyond the hissing pupil of Dr. Schechter, will deliver a prove the correctness of the Einstein ceiving are entitled in accordance with the of steam and rushing of waters. Sudbrief address. Rabbi Israel Goldfarb, -vOTED J N V E S T I G A TOR i Jewish Welfare Federation and of the community which it provisions «f the Versailles treaty. denly as if commanded by the baton of New" York, will read the service. theory. MAKES REVELATIONS •'- -serves, tftat allljeheficiary organizations of the Federation of an invisible Jeader, all rose, and The general Jewish public has been and aJl local philanthropies supported by it and their intoned in common our National invited to attend these services. ^ York. (J. P. A.) In the respective auxiliaries or affiliated societies, shall maintain Hymn, "My Country 'Tis of Thee." course' of a series of Articles which aseparate, and disiiiiii entity or organization, and hence a Kentuckian, Pennsylvanian, Rhode Is- PETLURA'S AGENTS WARN the New' York. America -of this city sepaiate and-disquiet membership; therefore the Jewish is publishing from the-pen of Colonel JEWS. Welfare Federation recommends that all such organizations lander had ceased to be. All (alike were Americans. Casimir Pilenas, a Scotland Yard in- •""shall-.endeavor.,to continue their membership, requiring as Bukarest. (J. P. A.) Petlura's repEven so, however much men may resentative in this city issued a warnvestigator who has been doing interan obligation of such-membership and as an evidence thereof sing their songs of- praise of their ing to Jews who oppose his chief. In national work for more than a quara nominal dues, which, in order to avoid the possibility of respective creeds, once within Heav- his statements he said that the Jews ter of a century. Some startling reveprejudice to the demands of the Federation, shall not lations are made regarding the work en's gates their different songs will and the Ukrainians must unite to deexceed §3.00 per year per membei." and attitude of leading Polish" antimelt into one grand common hymn of stroy Bolshevism. He cited instances This resolution, it'was'explained by Morris Levy, President praise of the common Father of all. j of evs voluntarily aiding Petlura and Semites. In the instalment published yesterday it is interesting to find that of the Federation, presents any misconception on the part of the I have read of. a convent church in e v e n forming special battalions for while the Poles fear_ the influence of community jegarding- the relationship between the Federation which the two sexes worshipped in that purpose. One of these battalions 3. P. Morgan they appeared to enter- and its constituent societies. "We want all organizations, regard- common, ' b u t were separated from i s commanded by a Dr. Rabinowitz tain at the period that the', author less of whether they "be men's'or women's, to continue their f r o m Podolia speaks of,'no misgivings, about lead- membership, and to enroll new members. These organizations each other by a. wall sufficiently high to prevent the monks and nuns seeing ing Jews in America." Not less in- are the life blood; of tfte; community's social work. ^ We want to each other, but not so high as to pre- SKa-SHnisSSinHUSSiUJiHKaKSiHS'SiHniHSSi teresting -is the attitude -of leading encourage all w6mlen".tb join the women's auxiliaries "of the veiit their voices from mingling, as i Poles towards the Jews-of England. Federation in addition to their husbands' membership in the the Latin chronicler wrote Murus The writer relates a conversation he Federation proper*' ; ; - . . ADAPTED FROM had with Kobylinski..,^ Jeading NaThe organizations now affiliated with the Federation include corpora, non voces -disjungit. tional Democrat ofPuland-andlas'the': the City Talmud Torah' and i^s auxiliary, the Deborah Society, Whatever the walls be that separate THE STORY writer put it "a very--thorough hater the South Side Talmud Torah and auxiliary, the Jewish Women's creed .from creed they must never be j HI t>f the Jews." The convex*sation in Welfare Organization, the Daughters of Israel Aid Society, the so high and so forbidding as to prepart fallows: __ r-;~ Junior Welfare Organization, the Young Men's Welfare Organ- vent the hands and hearts and voices Sunday Thro Wednesday of- their respective followers from >" "Are you quite sure," KobyliaskI ization. tKe Wise Memorial Hospital Association, the Y. M. and joining in every cause making for the ~ ~ ••',:.-;•..• -- " ' \\.----asked, "that you can't tell me any- Y ; w ; i i A. ennoblement of self, for the betterthing more abodt the Jewish problem • ment of mankind. in Great Britain?"^ I -;•••.-:..* : ; in 1 1 In the tearing down ,of forbidding "I can tell you little~of- the - Jewish " A Prominent Jewish Writer. •walls and in the opening of pathways problem as it affects Great Britain i>etween his and t>ther creeds, yeur since it exists only in a very slight The 'Irish' Woman Who Worshipped in a Synagogue and honored Cardinal has rendered disOF INTEREST TO EVERY JEWISH FAMILY degree." .- ' Other Remarks on World Brotherhood ' tinguished service in the past. And "Look at Lord Reading, a Jew," Thursday Thro Saturday i IN OMAHA. By Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf. he will render yet greater service in said Kobylinski, "gone in. the face of altar and recited . her prayers.. The 4he future. The more I see and hear The following address was all precedent, as Viceroy of India; made by Rabbi Krauskopf at the sexton walked up to her, and, touch- of. him the more assured am I that Jook at Sir Alfred Mond holding an recent reception in Philadelphia important position in the. Cabinet; "by the Fourth Degree Knights ing her gently on the shoulder, re- the spirit of God is in his soul and sHu-HHn-nnTHnnnniniinniUHsnHnisinniKH look at .tffe Montagues and the Saof Columbus of the First District : marked: "You have made a mistake. the love of man in his heart. Every This is a synagogue, not a church." inch, of him betokens the priestly of Pennsylvania and Delaware. muels all holding hight positions; look The little woman looked *»nfusedly man and the manly priest. I honor at Sir Alfred Stern; look at all the Standing in the presence of His 3bout;her for a moment or two, and his Church because of him and I honor other rich Jews who wield great in- Eminence, the Cardinal, and of 'ipie fluence in politics and business in other 'distinguished^ prelates and' then said: "And sure,,God is here, him because of his Church and I to honor you. Knights of Columbus, for London, and above.all, - look at Sir priests . o£ the Church of Some, .-as too." I should have been glad f honoring your Church by honoring ve met that little woman,' and td; Philip Sasoon, the most dangerous of guest of the local ; order of the him. iiave told her that she had expressed them all." Knights of Columbus, that has forlrts Saturday Thro Tuesday "Well, Kobylinski, I thought you mission the strengthening of the -more of true religion in a few words By tiie sarnie; traits—greatness'of wanted to ask me .questions about the benevolent work, of the Mother Chris- than is contained in many a voloine heart and soul'. aial "mind—by whica BUCK JONES Jews in Great Britain but it seems tian Church, I, a son of Israel, feel -tjf theological lore. Abraham Lincoln raised himself from .-.Creeds differ because parentage •""Hat you are telling me much more more inclined to offer a prayer than log cabin to White House, Dennis • • • in. • . '"n you are asking. Is there any- to make speech, a prayer of thanks- differs. Had I been born of Catholic Dougherty raised himself from colparents I might have ministered to* "-•.•* I can do for you?" giving that I have lived to see the lier to Cardinal. And he may raise '-;-: f'lf you haven't any information day when a Cardinal and a Rabbi day in one of Cardinal Dougherty's himself higher still. About this time, , . ut the Jews of. course you can't can meet and.greet as friends, when parishes. Had he been,born of Jew- seven years ago, I witnessed during Wednesday Thro Friday .',"/,? me any, but my point is this: you the honor that comes to the one is. as ish part, .its, he might have established a Consistory at^iRome the raising'io a; cardinalate in theJewish' Church. fit , :.'va doing this work for the Polish heartily enjoyed by the-other asViif the cardinalate of t£e present Pope. William Russell 1 Creeds differ because minds differ; • ;'^?5s Agency and the Jews hate Po- it had come to himself—a prayer of I may yet live to see "Our Own Car' ^.d. They know, too, that Great thanksgiving that, under the spiritual Had God wished all men to believe dinal" raised to the dignity of the ; Britain will do all she can to defeat leadership of such Godly t men as alike, He coulu as easily have made first American Pope of the Churcli of the Poles' object, so that if you do Archbishops Ryan, Prendergast and all minds to think alike. As harmony Rome. know anything you will serve the Po- Dougherty, i t has been made possible amidst diversity is a law of nature, lish cause by telling-me." in this city for Catholic and Jew to so should harmony amidst diversity be "But do you think that Great live peacefully side by side, each re- a law of religion. There is room in Britain is opposed to the Polish view specting .the other's faith.and people, Heaven for every man who has room simply for the purpose of pleasing the each ready and eager to labor with in his heart for his fellowman, wheththe other in every cause that makea er he worship in Greek or Latin, in Jpws?" Arabic or Hebrew or English. No "Most certainly, I do. Great Britain for the good of humanity, for the. man's . creed can be wrong . whose is so much under the influence of the peace and welfare of our beloved deed is rrght. , ••••. Jews already that she will do her ut- country: and call * .'* most to bring about Poland's defeat All Contribute. 510 South 1Oth St. Phone Jackson 3332 | A time there was when the pres.merely for the sake of giving the Jews ence and participation of a Rabbi at a When all is said and done, it is the the pleasure of seeing their friends, gathering such as this could not even deed that counts. What1 matters it the. Germans, - raise their heads once have.been thought 'of,,when it would whether the color, of the cow is red more." have brought ignominy or excom- CJ: black, or tawny as-*long as the milk munication or suffering upon the one is white and pure? What matters it Hungarian Government Must who attempted to make it possible, where "the wheat is grown, as long as it makes wholesome bread ? No matCarry Out Will of AntiPhone JAckson 1984 1004 W. O. W. Bldg. A time there was when people of ter how many and different the riversSemites. diflerent religious faiths looked upon , ;. -W£#ng Life, Accident, Health, Fire, TornBudapest (J. P. A.)—The Hungar- each other as enemies, ascribed to that empty into the' ocean," the clouds ado, Burglary, Plate Glass and miscellanIan Premier, Bethlen, today addressed each other all sorts of devilish deeds born of it .catter blessings far and * eous line. . Parliament on the Jewish Question and fiendish traits. There may 'still wide. No matter how many and difand the Government's attitude toward be readers of such vile papers: as The ferent the denominations each conit. The premier declared that the Menace or Henry Ford's Dearborn tributes its share toward the civilizaA Dozen Stores for Men Under One Hoof Are Here Catholic and Protestant clergy" foster- Independent who believe that Catholic tion of the world. Our soldier lads sailed overseas from the North and ed the growth of anti-Semitism. At and Jew are hoofed and horned and T h e N e c k w e a r Store— the same time the premier pointed tailed. I recall having been told that from the South, from the East and The brilliance and beauty of the world's finest Silksout that Jews are revolutionary and when Archbishop Ryan, of sainted from the West; there was no recogthousands to choose from and five great sp'ecials at nition of State line in the Argonne that the doctrine they propagate memory, was stationed as a young and offend Christian ideals. The Jews, priest at St. Louis, a lady was thrown woods. There they were all alike, true WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF the Prime-Minister said, tolerate .almost into spasm upon being unex- and brave and victorious Americans. Worth 75c to $2.00 "treacherous elements" in their midst, pectedly introduced to him at a public One night, years-ago, I was sitting DAVID BERG'S KOSHER MEATS all of which caused anti-§emitic feel- reception. Father Ryan, observing with other tourists in the" natural The Shirt Store— (Chicago, Illinois) ing among the masses and the her stepping backward trembling, amphitheater. about Old Faithful in A world-wide showing of finest weaves—Eagles, Mangovernment can do nothing save bow took off his cap, and, bowing low, Yellowstone Park, to witness an eruphattans, Bates Street, Yorke and many other makers. FRANKS AND WEISEL SAUSAGES Prices range to the will of the people. tion of that geyser under a searchsaid: "Madame* you observe that I (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Premier Bethlen in an interview have no homs." "Yes, yes," she. • IMPORTED DELICACIES recently given to foreign cor- stammered in reply, "Yes, yes, I see, respondents evinced a liberal attitude but you are young yet." • . $ 3 . 0 0 , $ 3 . 5 9 and KP • Everything for the Dutch Lunch Except the Beer toward the Jevy in Hungary. The Great Silk Shirt Special, $5.25. The Little Irish Woman. Premier was evidently then in need Thank God, that people who are pro• of foreign support which accounts The Glove Store— fessing religion . are becoming relig2412 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEBR. Phone Douglas 4874. for the position he then took. Here you iind Perrins, Fownes, Adlers, Dents, Hallers, ious, that both Christian and Jew Daniel Hays and many other leading' flove makers' are beginning, to understand that such finest productions in all wanted styles. Prices range It; Jews Only People Capable of teaching of the'Old. and New TestaRestoring Palestine—-Writes ment as "Love thy neighbor as thyPHONE HARNEY 2763 at the" to self," "Do as'ihou wouldst be done III "Manchester Guardian".. by" were not intended mere|y to be Irjj London. (J. P. A.) The liberal and In influential "Manchester Guardian," in the pulpit or to Be xnumThe Hosiery Store— the course of a brilliant article on ibled in the pew, but to be practiced Every man folds hosiery a rnost acceptable gif t-^-tt "'riiostine, says that the Jews only can [in our daily lives, in our relationship make'sure of our patrons finding just what they want here • -VvvJop. and rebuild the land. The • with our- fellowmen-, be their race or weVe assembled a great display—Interwoven and Holeproof Headquatters. 'Ai'.'c prooves with figures and data 'creed what it may. Thank God, that prices Rangc t0 .•••.••; the Jewish minority in Palestine ; people are beginning to realize that r present as much in the Cathe. )ti a short time contributed more See our windows today.—Compare ourvalues always ; "^rd the restoration of the country dral as in the Abbey, in. the Mosque CORRECT APPAREL FOE MEN AND WOMEN un the entire" Arab population dur- as in the Synagogue. Wherever man Liig all- these years. If. is therefore in worships with a pure heart, there he the interests of England, the writer kneels, or bows, or prostrates himthinks, to support Jewish undertak- self in the presence of Gcd. To my Work Guaranteed~Furs Stored During Summer. ings in Palestine.- The article is il- synagogue there came one early morning a little Irish woman with lustrated ' "with interesting pictures of 2818 Leavenworth St. Omaha, Nebraska. '• iii I Douglas Street. the life of the Chaluzim in Erez Is- market basket on her arm, proceeded rCOEBECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN up the sentre aisle, knelt before the rael, •-•'•-'
Polish Anti-Semites Bate And Fear Jews Of Great Britain
Federation Encourages Work o/AffiliatedOrganizations
Wanda Hawley
"Sure, God Is Here Top
Modernized Accuracy
v '.
Means Efficiency and Increased Profits
MONEY WEIGHT Scales and Slicers
'From a man's store for a man
45c, 65c, 95c, $1.35
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50,
"Hot "& Good Time"
Bnal Brith New Year's Eye Dance I December 31, onic Temple
$1.00 $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, •; •; .$3.00, $3,511 $6 JO
4fk $L25 .
Tas giving-. Witness his splendid efOur correspondent learns that the against the severe interpretation that ;j forts during the war drives. And was being siven to the immigration High Commissioner is well pleased | particularly during the Jewish relief limitations. Dr. Thou stated that the with the sttittude the recent Zionist campaign of 1917. He spoke of that strictness of immigration officials Congress took towards the Arab quesfeelingly in his Interview. Then he prevented the utilization of the excel- tion. Being the Life Story of an Orthodox Cantor's Son who has electrified campaign workers by his lent prospects for employment that nations. ; Conditions of Jews in Ukrainia Soviet-Sanctioned Emigration become America's most popular comedian generosity and his zeal. now prevailed in the country. SamBegins. Improving. That was Asa Yoelson, the 'Asa Constantinople. (J. T. A.) The Your subscription to the Jewish Danzig. (J. P. A.) , Prominent in- uel heard the charges sympathetical- Press for 1922 is due now. Send in Yoelson who still says Kiddush ev- first large group of emigrants which dividuals passing through this city ly and promised to investigate matyour renewal. The biggest-salaried, most popular for him in his dressing room before ery Friday night when he's in Wash- left Soviet Russia with the permis- state emphatically that within the ters in the very near future. ington.—Jewish Tribune. past two months no pogroms took sion and aid of the Bolshevik authoractor in these United States at the the evening performance. The interities has arrived here after a trip place in Ukrainia, the greater numpresent time is none other than Asa view was staged in the dressing from Ukraine and South Russia, Ba- ber of bandits having been shot or, Yoelson, son of the Eev. M. K. Yoel- room, as the press representative exson, orthodox cantor of Washington, plained, because Jolson- would prob- A Warning to Americans toum, and then across the Black Sea. imprisoned. At the same time ecoably escape from any other place. Having Relatives in Russia The refugees, most of whom are Jews, nomic conditions are improving and D. C. are in a sorry plight and their straits Jews are beginning to revive trade in Asa himself, by parental decree, Run away to talk to a riewsie, exare such that the International Red a small way. Most of the trading is The Joint Distribution Committee change dialect jokes with an.old negro was slated to follow in his father's footsteps and did, at an early age, cabby or talk to one of-the thousands has received the following important Cross here has recommended its de- being done with Poland. The Bund is-issuing a Jewish daily sing regularly in the synagogues. But of persons who number him as good cable from Dr. Joseph, Rosen^ its rep- cision _to liquidate activities and will in Riga, according to information reprovide for the orphans. The newly resentative with the American Relief friend. Asa, as he himself now admits, castceived here from that city. The Bundarrived immigrants brought the inAdministration. ing a retrospective eye over the perists are also increasing the number of Jolson's Early Training; '. formation that innumerable groups, Moscow, Dec. 5.—A large number iod of his youth, was not a dutiful Jewish schools in Riga. comprising many thousands of perof Jewish families in Russia are reBut as we set in .his dressing room child and at the age of 13, shortly sons, are soon to be expected from ceiving applications for visas" from and Al Jolson began to assume the after his Bar Mitzvah, he resigned surreptitiously from his father's choir complexion and clothes of "Bombo," their American relatives, often only- Russian provinces, especially so since NOTED POGROM LEADER CAPTURED and plunged boldly into the dramatic he talked of his early religious train- recent declarants and they take these the Soviet authorities place no obstaing and what it him now.applications for real visas. They cles in their paths. Many of the! Riga, (J. P. A.) The authorities life-of the nation's capital. refugees intend traveling to the'•| of the Province of Vitebsk are rel|s5"?f||§iy ready for your car—a permanent That is to say, he dipped, rather "I guess I'm not a good Jew," he thereupon sell their entire belongings, United States or to Palestine. Since ' ported to have captured at Lepel a come to Moscow with their children said, "unfortunately I'm typical of so than plunged, for he was discovered | | § | | | | | | M Sedan type top that will give you band of pogromists which has terrorby the Rev. Mr. Yoelson three days many men who have broken away and stay here homeless and penniless, the Russian quota, according to the ized that vicinity for more than two I PllitaWiy' rea ^comfort every day in the year. after he ascended the Thespic boards, from the early Jewish training they expecting to receive immediate pas- United States 3 per cent immigration years. A considerable number of the f 1 sage to America. law, has not yet been filled, many of playing the heavy role of a Hester received. But Tarn mighty glad I got ^iiljjllUjiihilijJ Buick Cleveland Essex : Hupmobile Hupmo Reo eo Cadillac Dodge Franklin Nash StuJehakei street urchin in a street scene of, t h e thorough Jewish training my fa- The applications sent there by the refugees are hopeful of the pos-band were shot while an effort was Chandler Dort Hudson Oldsmobile Velie made to round them up. _ The band Israel Zangwill's "Children- of the ther gave me, for I haven't forgotten American relatives, especially by the sibility of entering the country. SoW at prices which make it extravagance not to buy was under, the leadership of the nodeclarants who are considered Russian I still receite the Kiddush Ghetto." Asa's father, unapprecia- a lot of it. Prices: 2-pau. $185; 4-5'-fiats. $275; 7-paas. $285; torious outlaw, Borisenko. Special Cadillac 4-pan, $375; 7-pan. $390 tive of his childs 'contribution to the when I'm home in Washington on subjects are practically useless. It is NOTED CHISTIAN LEADER Prtcn t. o. b. Racine, Wit. War tax und tnttajlrtion txtn therefore necessary that the Jewish Friday nights and I'm mighty happy CONDEMNS FORD'S dramatic wealth of the city, took him press in America make this point ANTI-JEWISH CAMPAIGN HIAS TAKING Automotive Manufacturer home and while the histories are and proud I can dc it. "Last year when I was campaign- clear to the American Jewish public, London. (J. P. A.) Reverend Lee,' CENSUS OF IMMIGRANTS Factory p * silent on that part of young Asa's that Americans who" wish to send apFOR NEXT YEAR 906-907 \ r . <). IV. Ttulldins, life, there is a deep probability that ing- for President Harding I made plications for visas to their relatives a well known Christian leader, bitOMAHA. XEBK. Warsaw. (J. P. A.) The local ofTelephone: Jackson 4300. Asa received disciplinary action long several speeches on the East Side and in Russia, must not send such appli- terly condemned the recent growth of it did me good to be able to address anti-Semitism, in the course of a ser- fice of the Hias has commenced to associated with woodsheds and patercations direct to their relatives, but mon before a large congregation at register all emigrants who wish to nal belts. Anyhow, Asa returned to my audience in Yiddish." And that reminded Jolson of' a to the nearest American :Consul (at Newcastle. He particularly scored the immigrate to America during the comthe choir, .and while the histories are Reval or Riga), or to the American anti-Jewish agitation in the fi;ee and again silent on this important phase story. He's full of them, he loves to Relief Administration at Moscow. democratic America, brilliantly ana- ing year. The names of their relatives and frinds in America are taken also, it is said that Asa for a week tell them, on or off the stage, and Simultaneously such persons should that's another reason why he's so lyzing Henry Ford's activities, and tives and friends in America are taken or so was diffident and bashful as to inform their Russian relatives of this concluded: "And this is the man who j prepared in order to facilitate their difficult an interviewing, subje-t. He'd GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Satney. Phone Jflckson 2468 Bitting down. much rather tell a* story than tell by letter. However; the relatives in dared offer the world universal peace departure, NATIONAL ACCESSORIES CO., 2C12 Farnam. Phone Atlantic 5524 Asa Runs Away. about himself and his interviews usu- Russia should be instructed not to in the midst of the great war." These dealers can show this top mounted on a car. As the sub-titles used to say, ""Two ally are a succession of "good ones I leave their place before they are no'tified;by the Consul or by the Ameri- The Anglo-Jewish Association and Herbert Samuel Promises To Also supply literature and prices. Years Have Elapsed". andr Our Hero"— j just heard." Investigate Jewish Complaint. can Relief Administration that they well we find Asa at the age of .15 the joint" board of Jewish Deputies (Jewish Telegraphic may come,, and that visas are awaiting are continuing to protect against the Jerusalem. Mad at\ Wilson. running away from home to enter the Agency.) On his return from an exthem. This one was about his father. JolSpanish-American war. He went to provision of the mandate declaring! tended tour through Lower and Upper The best thing to do for Americans Middletown, Pa., where naturally he son, as is generally- known, was a that British Jews settling in Pales- Galilee, High-Commissioner Sir Herwas rejected because of his age. But; close friend of President Wilson; desiring to bring their Russian rela- tine become, thereby, citizens of the" bert Samuel received Dr. Thon, just fearing to return home, because o f j Whenever he played Washington, he tives to America is to apply to the latter country. back from Carsbad, who complained that part of his life, upon which t h e l ^ a l w a y s i n v l t e * t o ttaf: White- State Department in Washington, and H o u s e request that the department itself histories are silent,.Asa sang around j ' sometimes for breakfast, the troops for two months. He w a s | sometimes for luncheon, sometimes seiid its permission to the proper so successful as an entertainer t haatt|| f o r &1*, together with hunting and Armerican Consul. Only when the hobbies Russian relatives will have received n-""ffiissMMnn£ « * W s Principal hobbies. when a circus came to town he connected for vocal entertainment in the ! c o m b i n e d with newsies and such a permission, they may leave " "grand concert" that one who pays j negro cabbies. During the Harding their places. Mere applications taken in error for actual visas, result in an additional 25 cents, is privileged many families breaking up their for Harding. And when he played in to stay behind, hear and see. homes and thus increasing the disWashington last spring, his photoThe circus, sad to relate, dropped . . tress among the Jewish population Asa from the payroll at York, Pa., * « ! * , vfach used to be shown with here. All amall accessories purchased here whereupon that young man got to * h a t °i W U s o n ' w a ? P u b h s h e d o n a11 T h r o u g h two thousand years the installed free of charge Baltimore via a cow catcher. S o m e ™ * p a g e s ' t o S e t h e r ™ t h Harding^ Chnstmas spirit has found its' finest" The* Njew .fe r C e as beyon JoI s ; 4 says, if the railroads everj Tlus new Jew, is not asking for ^ ^ ^ ^ l f?^ ,, ? ;=day, he says, if the railroads e v e r jeK> expression in the giving of gifts-rlower the fares, he will reimburse the j'•"-— . . "What's the matter, uU ?" he.alms, but for the opportunity to work. 1 uired 'are you and B. & 0. for that trip. In Baltimore i °<* ™nderingly, The old Jew and; the; old missionary For; THIS Christmas you will want he passed the tragic time as a newsie W l I s o n m a d a t e a c h other?" We carry a complete stock of war Then Jolson told two more stories, your gift to y o u r f a m i l y to : be and singing in saloons, until his fait may come about in some miracuexpressive — beautiful — serviceable ranted House Lamps ther, by the aid of detecitves, found then he apologized for not havijig lous way; the new- Jew is trying to given us more, was just about to start and brought him back home again. —and lasting! make that Vision real by working on another story when his . valet Joins a Burlesque. warned him of the lateness of the hard for it. The old Jew and the ; Why not a CADILLAC, for delivery But he wasn't home long. Soon he hour. Then he was gone and a few old. missionary never gave Palestine good harbors, better schools, modern Christmas morning? was in the chorus of Al Reeves bur-! minutes later we saw an entirely diflesque show, but Asa, always frail; ferent individual, a Jolson who washospitals, etc. The new Jew has deDelight the whole family, Make this and unhealthy, broke down and came. everywhere, who was the whole show. cent colonies, quite modern; good LEO ABLER BUD COHN homes,, schools, hospitals and baths. Wfl their, happiest Christmas! home, this time on his own accord. • o played with his audience and The baths a r e a rare luxury in Palesor 2012 Farnam Street. Phone Atlantic 5524, He was 17 now and after he had re- f it." tine. This new Jew is not very gained his health, he came to New Jolson's Income. popular with the native Christians York singing anywhere he could for Al Jolson is just 39. His income is because he looks and acts like a enough to give him three meals and ! variously estimated at figures up to European and stands erect and means $10,000 weekly, including royalties on to make of this dirty, modern Palso it is related, along the river records and sheet music. No. actor estine, so much admired by those who fronts, where sleeping quarters are receives such contracts, including a would divorce cleanliness from godliOMAHA—LINCOLN. most specious, if not always comj- percentage of the total receipts of the ness, a place fit for human beings.— "•• fortable, clean and warm. This conshow, yet no actor has his tremendous Rev. Amos L. Dunshaw. •; tinued for some time, until Asa got drawing power. None of his shows into cheap vaudeville and finally a stand out, they're seldom above the five weeks' contract on Poli time. average. But they're always crowdThen in 1909 at the Colonial Thea- ed, because of his tremendous draw-:i ter in New York^ where he went on ing power. In Chicago, when "Sin-!' in place of a regularly-scheduled act, bad" was running, receipts were over; he made his first real success—and $7,000 nightly. Jolson felt indis-! at this point we might digress ,far posed and ran off to Palm Beach for j enough to advise you, one and all, a few weeks. Receipts dropped to j - that Asa Yoelson, son of the Rev.§500 nightly. And if he hadn't rushed :M. R. Yoelson of Washington, D. C, back, "Sinbad" would have been play; is of course other than A' «ol- ing to nothing nightly. One Lot Men's AH $60 Men's AH §50 Men's All §40 Men's . son, America's most popular come- There is none more charitable than Suits and Suits and Suits and Suits and dian. Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Jolson, but his charity consists in The Shuberts just recently built a working for good causes just as much Forced-to-Quit Price Forced-to-Quit Price Sold Up to §30 Forced-to-Quit Price theater for him at 59th Street and $29.83 . $24.85 $21.00 $19.75 Seventh Avenue, -where the good people of the city are paying substantial 1 sums to see him in his newest show, j All-Wool French" FlanLeather-Lined V e s t s , "Bombo," that merely being the 15th! nel Shirts, values to with full sleeves, good weight, while they Century Spanish translation of Jolson,! $8.50 :.........._.$2.95 at ;.. $4.98 AUTO CO. for every Jolson show, no matter' Regular 20c Hose, to go at, $3.50 and $4 Fine Dregs Shirts, what it's all about, is always all per pair ....9c to close out, at $1.49 about Jolson. 35c Garters, while they last, Unionalls, our Quitting Busiper pair :.....14c ness Price, oniy $1.79 Al's Drawing Power. Fiber Silk Hose, all colors, Kibbed Union Suits, go at 98c Some people arched their eyebrows at ; per pair 44c 312 high grade Dunlap Shoes, Wool Eibbed Union Suits, all Arrow Soft Collars 12c to close out, at, per pair $6.00 sizes, per suit $1.98 when they learned that the Jolson Men's Slippers, §2.50 values, We were forced to accept §15 finest Dunlap Shoes, to Theater was to be off the beaten at ....:.$1.29 large shipment of Dunlap Shoes close out, at, per pair.—$7.50 Broadway paths, but the Shuberts re$12 to $15 All Wool Sweaters, and Overcoats; they must go $10 high grade Dress Shoes, alized that the populace would come extra heavy, at $4.95 regardless of cost. to close out, at, per pair $4.89 to see Jolson if they had to commute All Wool Caps, with earlaps, Pure Silk Knit Neckwear, blue serges included, at....48c $2.00 values", at ..._ 98c on the Erie in so doing. Any Felt Hat in the house, -High grade $2.50 Dress Shirts, Fine Cashmere Hose, pair....48c With all his success, and it's unto close out, at ....$2.45 to close out, at $1.05 doubtedly the most phenomenal that the American stage boasts of today, Jolson is quiet, unassuming and modest to an extreme degree. 'The Jolson ; off stage is a far different person than DODBE BROTHERS •the black-face comedian who is the MOTO* CARS whole show on the. stage. It's difficult to make Jolson talk about him19 Douglas.Street. 1312 FARXAM STREET. self. The Shubert press representative emphasized that as we waited
Al Jolson or Asa Yoelson
Here It Is
Ic Luxe"
National Accessories, lie.
Cadillac for Christmas-
"Everything for the Auto
National Accessories, Inc.
J. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. We Quit in Just a Few Days. Take Advantage of These Slaughter Prices
Low operating cost
Dunlap Shoes
Bnai Brith
December 31, Masonic Temple
. r ** r
THE JEWISH PRESS PnbllshejJ every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, b r
Hosh-Chodeseh ,KIsIeT._ U Dec. 2 Cbannkuh {Feast of Dedlea'tlon). -Hon., Dec. 28
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. • Office; 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372.
•'• 5682—1823.
Subscription Price* one year.. Advertising rate9 furnished on application. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. CHARGE OF ADDRESS—Please jrlve both the old and new address; ' b« sure and algn yonr name.
OUR ANNIVERSARY: r This is Number 1 of Volume 2 of "THE JEWISH PRESS". Just one year ago today this paper made its first appearance. We have striven during the fifty-two weeks of our life to give our readers a broad survey of events of Jewish interest in (the world, to bring to them, every seven days, the story of (the achievements and the glories, of the suffering and the misery, of the triumphs and the tragedies, of all Israel. In these days of almost Universal anti-Semitism we have striven to bring to our readers in our own humble way the message of the dignity and the honor of Israel's heritage, and the sense of Israel's everlasting duty to his God and his fellow-men. . | Birthdays are, after all, a matter of self-concern. To ujs it means a great deal to have launched an enterprise such as purs in times when many papers are suspending publication; to you-— well you probably didn't realize that "THE1 JEWISH PRESS" had been coming to you for only the short space of one year! We cannot very gracefully congratulate ourselves. It is jyou -—our subscribers and our advertisers—who should be thanked and congratulated. There is a way for you to congratulate us— a way that we will appreciate. Renew your subscriptions, advertise in our columns and -patronize our advertisers. Make our "JEWISH PRESS" your "JEWISH PRESS".
JEWISH EDUCATION During the conference-"of Jewish spect them. This is particularly true Social Workers of New England, held in homes in which the children' are in Hartford last Sunday, there was already "full Americans"—having discussed a paper on the subject "Ju- come here a few years before the rest venile Delinquency and Jewish Edu- of the family—while: the parents are cation.". When the discussion was still un-Americanized. Instead of beover it was generally agreed that ing guided by. proper respect, i they education of any sort should be help- regard their.parents as out-of-date, ful in avoiding many cases of juvenile peculiar and ridiculous. This \situadelinquency, and further that Jewish tion is particularly, aggravated if it education is particularly important happens to be a home in which, the in dealing with delinquency of Jew- "American" son has to help support ish children. the "foreign" parents. It was pointed out, for example, Jewish education is essential that while Jewish education could not both for parents and children. In fact, prevent feeble-mindedness, physical it is so necessary and important that defects or poverty—important causes in our opinion it is; a matter that of delinquency—yet it could, if prop- should have the close : attention of erly instilled in our Jewish children, each Jewish community in the same exert a great influence on the other manner as the question of charity is causes of such delinquency and could looked after—only much better. If help remove or soften many cases we wish to avoid many cases of discaused by the first. obedience by children, suffering— Real Jewish education emphasises mental and physical—by parents, de^roughout respect for parents, obedi- sertion of wives, and commission of -ed, th* difference between right ; crimes, we as communities must see 1 wrong and the Ten Commend- (to it that there be again emphasized ts. These matters are taught in those principles which teach respect 'ition to the academic subjects giv- for parents and fellow-men, obedian'V they form the basic ideas in ence, kindness and morality. Let the V mind of-^the student. This being Bible cease to be discarded but let i case, 'it is easy to see why the it again occupy the place which it TVS were able to set a, high moral should. Let the Book which brought standard and maintain it. light to the world again, cast it's rays We regret that, due to the weaken- far- and wide. : ing of Jewish education, our children generally have not the same deep reWe do not wish to be understood as spect for their, parents as did their saying that the conditions TefetTed brothers years ago. The outward rea- to above exist_ in all, or even in the sons for this may be various, but we greater part of Jewish families here, believe they all come back to the but we do say that they are found same cause. We do not today teach in many—in enough, in fact, to jusour children as firmly and consistent- tify our communities in treating the Iy as we should according to Jewish subject as one of communal interest. Let each community ask itself; standards the importance of respecting properly our parents. This teach- 'What are we doing for Jewish eduing lacking, the children ridicule their cation? "—Connecticut, Hebrew Rec•* parents and gradually learn to disre- ord.
England's Ellis Island •
•; • By PEABODY SWIFT. (Copyright: 1021: By The Chic. Tribune.)
Rosh-Chodesch Tebeth.._____Sun., Jan. Fast of: Tebetl£. _.„ . •• Tnes.. Jan. Rosh-Chodesch ShebnH Mon., Jan. Rosh-Chodeseh Artar^__;___"\Ved., liar. Purfm (Feast fit. Esther)»_..Tuos,. Mar. Bosh-Chodesch Nissan.,..-_..Thors.. Mar. Passover (Pesach)M._______Thnrs., Apr. Passover (Seventh Day)___^VFe<I.f April Jtosh-Chodescli I y a r _ _ _ ^'_.Sat« Apr. Las b'Omer. Tn-w .. Mny Rosh-Chodcsch Slvan Son.. May Bhtibnoth (Confirmation Dor) Fr., June Rosh-Chodesch Tamnittz Tnes., Jane Uoah-Chodesch Ab _ _ ™ _ . . W e d . , July Feast of Ab * Thorn., Aug. Rosh-Chodesch ElInI_______JFrf^ Aug. 5083—1923.
New Year's Kve_
1 10 SO 1
30 IS 19 23 16.
2 »7 20 3 25
The Jewish Welfare Board in Peace Time Three years after the armistice finds the Jewish Welfare Board still meeting welfare needs of service and ex-service men. Dr. Cyrus Adler, chairman of the Army and Navy Committee of the Jewish Welfare Board, from its headquarters, 149 Fifth ave-" nue, announced that the Board- at fifty-six military and reconstruction hospitals where those disabled .soldiers for whom the war is not. yet over, are finding that the spirit of service which war engendered is still alive and active. Full time and part time, and volunteer representatives and women's committees are helping to aid and cheer former soldiers in forty-nine United States public health service hospitals and five marine and naval hospitals. These workers distribute supplies, such as cakes, candy, fruit, cigarettes, jellies, books and magazines and stationery, make personal visits of cheer, take the men for automobile rides, provide entertainments and, where possible, arrange for religious services. Compensation claims and other personal service matters of the disabled men first receive the attention of the representatives. For this purpose, departments are maintained by the Jewish Welfare Board in New York and Washington. In New York women's committees, headed by Mrs. Jerome J. Manaeur, Mrs. Max Scheuer, Mrs. M. A. Appel, Mrs. Simon Gottschall and Mrs. E. G. Greenwald, visit the men at Ward's Island, Polyclinic Hospital, Reconstruction and Fox Hills Hospitals at least once a week, distributing comforts and conducting personal service work. For the^regular enlisted men, the Jewish Welfare Board camp program centers about religious activities, the conducjt of religious services, celebrations of holidays and festivals, arrangements for Kosher meals for these holidays, when the men are granted furloughs, provisions for lodging during these days, the distribution of Matzohs and Haggadahs on Passover and greeting cards on New Years, Passover, Chanukah and Purim, and other necessary supplies such as Prayer Books, Bibles, English Jewish books, .magazines, newspapers and writing materials.
THE JEWISH CHILD He-is a child, and yet he is "Much older than his years; He laughs, but in his laugh is oft : 'More sadness than in tears. He frisks and sports, but 'mid his pranks He stares; and in his face •• You read, as in an open book, The drama of his race. And iit his deep, dark, sparkling eyes You-see his people's doom: They mirror both bright eastern skies Arid northern mist and gloom. : He plays,, he capers like a child, But of t i t seems to you That in a moment he will grojv An old, a wandering Jew.
• • .
He, frolicsv but his very glee With pathos is entwined; He's child and man, he's young and old, He's joy and gloom combined. —PHILIP M. RASKIN.
Mr. Gus- Friend, who has been seriously ill for the past three weeks, is Diplomatic Conference to reported improved. Consider National Minorities Brussels (By Mail—J. P. A.) — Mrs. Simon Nefsky entertained six- A committee of 15 appointed by the teen guests at a bridge luncheon on League of Nations to consider the Tuesday. Mrs. L. Siegel of Elbow rights of national minorities, wilt Lake, Minn., was an out-of-town meet here shortly, commission guest. will define the relations of the various governments to their nationaJ r Mrs. M. Perlman has as her guests ities in accordance with their treaties Mrs. Louis Siegel and children of Elbow Lake, MUUL, who are en route to and will prepare a report on this question to the international congress California. o? "National Minorities", which will Mrs. A. Lowenberg of Waco, Tex., take place in Prague the coming year. There is no doubt that the is the guest of Mrs. Herman Speier. Jewish question will be on the A number of social affairs have been, agenda of this conference, given honoring Mrs. Lowenberg, and Mrs. A. Wyler of Salisbury, Mo., who is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Victor Friend. FOR RENT—Furnished room, in home of small family. The Ladies' Aid Society held a baWest Farnam^ district. Call zaar Wednesday, December 14, in the evenings Harney 3911, Nebraska Material Company building. Mrs. Ed. Guggenheim was in charge.
U. A. H C Telegram To Harding Hopes For Era Of Peace
at a special dinner being arranged in his honor by local relief -workers.
Cincinnati.—The hope of the Jews of America that President Harding may be the instrument of God to hasten the dawn of a new era of peace and concord was expressed by Charles Shohl, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, in a telegram to the president, congratulating him on his efforts to bring about an end of all wars. The telegram follows: "Speaking for the Union of American. Hebrew Congregations and its constituent membership in all parts of the United States I beg to offer our sincere and heartfelt congratulations upon, the splendid achievement of calling together the nations of the world to consider plans for beating their swords into- plowshares, their spears into pruning hocks and learning war no more. From the beginning of Israel's history until today its priests, seers and prophets have visioned the coming of the day when each man shall sit in peace under his own vine and fig tree. The hopes and prayers of Israel are that you may be the instrument of God to hasten the dawn of the worlds' new era of peace and concord."
New York. (J. C. B.) The families of two renowned Hebrew authors and scholars were united in the marriage, celebrated last week, of Mr. Joseph Brainin to Miss Sholomea Neumark. Mr. Joseph Brainin, himself a writer of parts and contributor to magazines, is the son of Reuben Brainin, known as the "dean of Hebrew writers" in America. He is the recognized biog-( rapher of Theodor Herzl and has published some forty volumes of Hebrew works. Miss Sholomea is a composer of blank vers^ poetry who has seen : her productions printed in literary journals of first rank. Her father has written numerous philosophical woi«os in Hebrew and is recognized, as one' of the pillars of Hebrew culture in America. . j
New York, (Jewish Press Association.) Annonncerii'ent was made yesterday that the Joint Distribution Committtee has assigned a million dollars as a revolving fund for Jewish reconstruction work in Poland. A special body will administer the fund in that country. On November 15, David A. Brown, the head of the Campaign Committee of the American Jewish Relief to ceiving better treatment than they raise $14,000,000, will be entertained •would in the average boarding house.
Scions of Hebrew Scholars Marry.
AMERICAN STATE BANK Omaha, Nebraska. STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 5,1921: Resources Loans' and Discounts.Bonds, Securities, Judgments and Liberty Bonds_ Furniture and Fixtures Expense, Taxes and Interest Paid666_ Real Estate CASH ; Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits. BILLS PAYABLE or RediscountsGuaranty Fund DEPOSITS . „
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We invite your account and have the facilities you would specify for handling your banking business. AD our depositors are fully protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. 0 . W. GEISELMAN, Pres. D. C. GEISELMAN, Cashier. H. Hit KROGH, Asst. Cashier.
"Royal Nardi Gras" Bnai Brith New Year's Eve Dance
Decemeber 31, at the*
Masonic Temple 19 Douglas Street.
They Are Deloused. Immediately on their arrival in London they are deloused before they are permitted to enter their dormitories, but Assistant House Manager Eisemanj an Englishman, explained the necessity for the utmost sanitation due to the danger of typhus and other infections which are spread by cooties. "We look on the immigrant," said Mr. Eiseman, "as a passenger of the Steamship company of the line by which he is travelling, and also as a guest of this hotelj and we are treating him as such. We are inspected daily by Dr. Burr Ferguson of the United States public health service, and we try to follow out his instructions."
New York.—Rev. Joseph Corcos, of London.—"If they are good enough the Shearith Israel Congregation, this to be received in America, they are city, is the author of "The Birth of good enough to be treated like AmerAmerica," a gigantic . film spectacle icans," is the motto of the London compiled from historical data. officials charged with the supervision Rev. Joseph Corocos is a noted au- of the continental "transmigrants" thirity on history, a close student and bound for America via London. writer, who has given years of study I saw the spirit of this motto in and research to compiling the facts operation today when I visited the which are the basis of this great film Atlantic passenger hotel, better story. A staff of directors, noted for known as Kalian's hotel, at 193 Bow their screen successes, will be used road, East end, London. Irish Paper Hopeful for Arab in the production, and indorsement of j Jewish Settlement. the story has'already been given by Unlike Ellis Island. Dublin. (J. P. A.) The 'Irish many prominent members of the In sharp contrast to the abuses and Times" editorially and clergy and laitly of all creeds; indignities of Ellis Island, as exposed ximes tamonauy appeals appear to «, Jews uewsanu W Miss Mi« Forbes T?nrW in ,•„ The Tha Tribune, T V ; W , O is ;c> Arabs m Palestine to come to a peace"The Birth of America" will not be by a story for the Jews of America the consideration and respect, with ful understanding. The paper, howalone, but it will be a story for the which immigrants are treated here. ever, does not prescribe a way of hundred-odd millions of Americans, Kahan's hotel is the London link in reachingi a settlement. whose forebears worked with the the chain of the immigrants' passage Jews and with whom the Jews worked in their long trek from middle Europe. for the establishment of this great While privately owned it is" superHarry H. Lnpldus, Pre«.-Trea». Jos. Pepper, Vice-President. nation. It will not be a defense of vised by the allied steamship comW. G. Cre. Secretary. • the 'Jew. It will not be an attack on panies—the Cunard line, White Star, Omaha Fixture & any creed or race.. It will be an ela- and Royal Mail Steamship company, boration of the great "carry on" spir- who farm out the immigrants to Supply Co. it which has. preserved the Jew and Kahan's hotel for accommodations COMPLETE STORE AND his customs despite the unwaranted while awaiting the date of departure OFFICE OUTFITTERS attacks that have been made on him of their ship for America. • We occupy through the ages. over 70,000 sau&re feet There is no charge to the immiSouthwest Corner Th? facts screened in "The Birth of grants, as their accommodations ;: Eleventh and Dbuclas Streets. while amazing are irrefut- while they are waiting is included in Phone: Jackson 2721 • Si' O3IAHA. NEB. the lump sum of the original passage • ' he operations involved in the monef. - ; . • ' 'Jrig of this great screen spectacle Kahan's is a big, modern, five story ' c a r r y the actors, and directors brick hotel, accommodating 600 per.•••->' many corners of tha world. The sons; is built with separate dormitor••:"s, wh°re Columbus first planted ies for men and women; is spotlessly h^ flag of Spain—at all time the im- clean and is "well ventilated. Ample Chiropodist and Beauty pJ.i'r'able enemy of all things Hebraic meals of good food are served in Shop —the castles of Spain and England, good style, and the immigrants—who Established 1800 • and Hartley Streets. early Manhattan and modern Amer- are of a higher type than before the 13thPhone Douclas S333 war—are living in conditions and re*. ica, will all be shown.
The B'nai B'rith. will give a dance on Tuesday evening, December 20, at (Rosewilde Party Home.
ack. knew w The Eternal Feminine always responds to the gift of an acknowledged quality stationery. For here is the utilitarian Holidaypresent, beginning its gracious mission as dusk falls on the merry Yuletide, and letters of appreciation are penned. Men nearly always find it embarassingly difficult to select g^fts for their fair sex. But any man as well as any women may be sure, in advance, that a. gift of
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and Christmas Gifts for your Christian from
We have all kinds of smart Luggage at a wide range of prices—ready for your selection.
Omaha Printing £5 Farnam at Thirteenth
Stationery—Printing We cany a full line of
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» I J
. M. H. A. Tied for First Place in Commercial League; Thorpeians Lose Close Game.
Mrs. J . Berkowitz entertained a t a ' bridge party a t her home on Wednesday. She will also entertain a t a simThe Y. M. H. A. basketball team ilar party on Saturday.
Social, Club and Religious Activities
gained another step towards the Commercial League pennant, when it de- Miss Marie Goldstrom will give a dancing party at her home on Saturfeated the fast De Molay,-team day evening, December 24, for memWednesday evening by a score of 30 School vacation holidays "will bring to 3. The victory for the Y. M. H. A. bers of the school set. Miss Dorothy _ back many members of the younger and the defeat of the Thorpeian Ath- Goldman of Denver, who will be the set for whom there are a number of letic club places the Y. M. H. A. team houseguest of her aunt, Mrs. M. S. Miller, and Miss Brownie Erlich of parties planned. and the Council Bluffs high school St. Joseph, Missouri, will be the comMiss Estelle Lapidus -will return on team in tie for first place. These Saturday from Rockwell, Illinois, jt w o team3 p l a y a g a i n s t e a c h o t h e r plimented guests. Miss Erlich will be where she " attends school. In her next Wednesday evening a t the Y . M. the guest of Miss Beatrice Rosenthai. •" ;.••.:• •••••• honor, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- C. A. ry Lapidus, are planning a dancing Mr.' and Mrs. Ben Ross entertained The Y. M. H. A. team displayed a party. brand of basketball that puzzled many at a party for their son, Ernest, to Howard and San Wertheimer, Mar- critics of t h e indoor game. '"Duke" celebrate.his eighth birthday. vin TreKer, Max Holzman and Bern- Levinson, former all state guard, was hardt Wolf will return from Military in the Y uniform. Eavitz of the Y A surprise party was given on Frischool on Saturday. Ealph Cohn and team was the chief point getter. Fol- day for Miss Baylia Frieden to celeRonald Gladstone will return on Fri-lowing'Is t h e lineup: • brate her birthday. Ten guests were present. day from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ed: De Molay. win Katsfcee, Louis Somberg, Meyer Y. M. B . A. Beber, Millard Krasne and Abe Gol- Ravitz .... _...«LF..^«_.._.v Savage denberg wfll return on the twenty- Garelick „„ ;_.JRF....™..™_. Larseri C .. Sch'ooley third from Lincoln, where they attend Kneeter Kooper LG-. -. Zellers The annual dance and entertain-the University of Nebraska. Levinson _-~..-....R&-—..„..._ Shuttuck ment of the Council of Jewish. WoRG men was held Tuesday evening at The regular monthly meeting of the Solig Brotherhood of Temple Israel, which The Thorpeian Athletic club, last Eagle's hall. The proceeds of this was scheduled to be held on Wednes- year's champions, m e t defeat a t the dance will be used for the mainday evening, December 21, has been hands of the World-Herald team by. tenance of-the war-orphan whom the 'postponed. This organization • will a score of 11 to 10. Up to the very Council adopted last winter. The have no meeting during the month of last minute of play, the ball was kept Junior Auxiliary of the Council of December, but will continue in Janu- in .the game. The Thofpeian's inabil- Jewish Women gave the following ary. ity to shoot a number of fouls was musical skit: i n t . *nun.
A n
«-. I I n • • •? .
FINE CAST IN "THE LOVE CHARM" HIS NAME TO CHARLES Wanda Hawley, who is to be seen Having attained fame as an actor of marked talent, 3S well as ,for ex- in "The Love Charm" s t the Sun for treme daring and skilful riding for the 4 days, starting Sunday, has the supscreen, Buck Jones, Fox star, has port of an unusually fine, though abandoned the name Buck and been small, cast. formally christened Charles. Hence- Warner Baxter, a newcomer to picforth it is to be Charles Jones. He tures, is leading man, and others in is said to have celebrated the change the picture are Mae Busch, Sylvia by doing more breath-taking and hair- Ashton, Dick Rosson, Carrie Clarke raising stunts than ever before in hisWard and Molly McGowan. "The Love new picture, "Riding With Death," Charm" is a story by Harvey O'Hifi:which comes to the Moon Theatre next • gins, which was scenarized by Percy Saturday for 4 days. ) Heath. BUCK JONES CHANCES
Blackstone Hotel—Sew Year's Eve Celebration DIG PARTY — GOOD MUSIC — GOOD TIME — PLENTY FUN. AUSPICES, K R. PLEASURE CLUB. $3.00 Per Cover
Mrs. D. Abrams and .children; will leave Saturday for Chicago and Benton Harbor, Mich., for several weeks. Mrs. M. S. Miller returned Monday after visiting in Denver for the past several weeks.
BLACKSTONE HOTEL BALLROOM. Scene from "No Woman Knows", the Film-Story of Edna Ferber's Novel "Fanny Herself."
I. '.'The
Bowery ShQp." Featurthe chief reason for their loss. Corening Bongs and selection, with th following cast: Misses ttina the. man of the Thorpeian team made 8 of Snyder, Bera GlUnsky, S'lteva their points. Following is the lineup: Snyder, Janet Gilinsky and Zelda Marks. World^Herald. ACT H Solo- I)ancer.;__..Kuth Bernstein Thorpeians. Songs and Jokes .... Snygg ACT III. S'Keva Bernstein . Snyder and Zelda Marks Walker Freiberg The regular meeting of the Hebrew Mueller Corenman Educational club was held Monday Russum eveia n Wintroub Carnero ^ S at the home of Isadore Konecky ....
latter part of this Week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilinsky and family, of Woodbine, la., spent several days' with relatives and friends in the Bluffs.
At Temple Israel, on Friday evenAginskee. A. program and Chankafr. Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop ing, Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak Phono 101. on 'The'"Jew and Ethical Culture." Mr. and Mrs. M. Giventer enter- grab bag was held; Plans are under On Saturday morning the subject of tained at their home on Friday even- way for a public entertainment* The Best of Everything in Flowers, and Confections at Moderate Prices. the sermon will be "The Struggle of ing for their daughter, Miss Lottie which will be held next months 545 W. Broadway. N«xt Liberty Theater. Life." Giventer, who will leave Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. J. Levitt and daughCOUNCIL BLUFFS. lO\VA. l visit in New York. ters, Esthyr and. Nettie, left Thurs- j Mrs. Sam Bialec returned Friday after having spent several weeks at Miss Eva Arnstein of Chicago is day morning for their home at Des St. Paul where she visited with her the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Boas- Moines, la. Sunday evening, Mr. parents. berg-. She will remain for two weeks. and Mrs. Levitt were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. M. Krasne.. Mr. and Mrs. S. Davidson and Miss The Sigma Delta met at the home Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack entertain Inez Kubinson motored here Sunday of Dorothy Shapiro on Sunday after- ed on Monday evening and on Tues from Des Moines, la., to spend sev- noon. _ Prizes were won by Ida Sha- day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Levitt eral days with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. piro and Sarah Snitzer. Miss Ann were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. ... ana... Kulakofsky. Cheploff will be hostess for the next Harry Kulakofsky of Omaha. meeting. The Council of Jewish Women will Mrs. B. Handler of Omaha will be hold a meeting at the Jewish ComMrs. S. J. Waller of San Francisco, the principal speaker at the" meeting' munity Center en ->nday, December California, who has been the guest of the Junior Auxiliary of the Coun29, at 2:30 p. m. Hemjan Cohen of her sister, Mrs. S. J. Leon, . will cil of Jewish Women this evening will lecture on "1* .imud andMon- leave Wednesday for Kansas The meeting will be held at the home ey-Lending." Mrs. S. H. Schaefer will where she will visit with Mrs. B. M.of Mips Marion Cohen. speak on current Jewish, events and Achtenberg before returning to her Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walton, of there will .be some musical numbers home in California. Corning, Ia. r arrived in Councr by the Junior Musical Trio. Mrs. Max Burkenroad, who has been Braffs to spend the- New Years wit? A .spnr jwas born to Mr. and Mrs. at the Wise Memorial Hospital, is fc Mrs. Walton's .parents, Mr. tod Mrs ! A.'^A. Marks on Tuesday at the Clark- convalescent at her home". E . GilirisTjy. •' son Hospital. The Blossoms of Zion dob" will Mr. and Mrs. Ike New were called The Herzl club will hold a business to Chicago on Saturday by the death hold a regular meeting Sunday afterYou are invited to come and meeting on Sunday afternoon at the of Mr. New's~~bro£her, Aaron New. noon. listen to our December Jewish Jewish Community Center. They will remain in Chicago for the and Domestic Victor Records. A house warming and surpriso - You may call Webster 2042 for week.' • ' party were given in honor of Mr ; Miss Frieda Werner was hostess to a selection on approval. Among a meeting of the Daughters of Zion Mr. and Mrs. Charles, A.- Goldstein and Mrs. S.' Meyerson Sunday eventhe December records are pieces on Sunday afternoon. A Chanukah entertained at a bridge suppe* at their ing. Ten guests were present. by the well-known J e w i s h party to be held on December 29 atihome on Sunday evening for twelve comedian, J. Jacobs. Mr. Hyman Noddle of South the Jewish Community Center was guests. • Africa, who has been travelling •'I'm Going to be planned and Sophie Binstein was _No. 73117-A Married" — Sis Nit Dos taken'into this organization as a new A new club has been organized un- through Europe for the past three der the -name of the Junior Etude months, is in the Bluffs visiting with "Stepchild of the member. _ X o . 73110-A World" Musical. Miss Edythe Garfinkle is his sister, Mrs. J. Mendelson. Mr.Folfc Lieder. — 85e Noddle will leave for his home the The. December meetings of the' President of this organization and A Treat by Kandells Famous Orchestra Daughters of Israel Aid Society will Miss Lea Gross is secretary. "Sha Dance" No. TSU3-B Miss Miriam Ruback, who organized be held next Tuesday, December 20, 'Patch D;mce"_ 85c the club, will be the hostess at the a t ' the . Old People's Home, 2504 The folio-wing- n u m b e r by . next :neeting to be held on Saturday, Charles street. Mordechay Hershman, celebratDecember 24. ed Jewish cantor, surpasses all Sara Krupinsky of Fremont Miss Mirinie Rabinowitz, connected of his former songs; • spent the weekend here. with the Travelers' Aid in New York "Boruch Adonoi Bayom" at prices arid terms to The Temple Players • presented an City, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Blessed be the Lord).~~TSo. CSS76 suit £very Xmas purse. "Borueh Snmei" (Blessed - original vaudeville performancp in Morris Rosenblatt. This is her first be the Name) : $1.55 E a c h instrument has seven acts for the benefit of the Sis- visit home since she returned from C o u n t r y orders given our been overhauled and we terhood of Temple Israel on Wednes- overseas service with the Jewish Welprompt attention. Ask for our guarantee them in every day evening in the vestry of the Tem- fare Board. She is an honorary memcatalogue. See US before you respect. ple. Twenty younger members of the ber of the First Division society, havbuy your new victrola. congregation assisted the Temple ing been stationed- in Coblenz, Trier Players under the direction of Mrs.and Montaubar and marched in the Isidor Ziegler, who wrote most of the procession honoring the Unknown Sollines. The program follows: dier in Washington on Armistice day. 1824 No. 24th St.; <)m4ha, Neb. OVEUTUKE. .Hr. Hugo Heyn . Many afairs are being given for Tel. Webster 2042. Miss Rabinowitz, the largest of which A. INDOOB ATHLETICS At Hie New Country Club was a dinner party followed by a reBen Lewis Eugene Blazer Milton Livingston Dave Itosenstock ception at the home on Mrs. RosenB: TItB GltKAT A3CERICAN" HOMEblatt on Wednesday evening. A I>ramntic Chop Sucj" (Home Urcw) Miss Rabinowitz will remain for Omaha's CAST: The Sister-.Janet Gilinsky about two weeks. Newest and Finest Equiped
Victor Vietrolas
Victor Records
High Grade Used Pianos and Players
UMie IVIff-
Nora Wolfson
The N5Klc~irZ:Z~fflirPefie?
The Flowers of Zion will celebrate
Her iiusb-md .. ; — A I . Gilinsky t ^ c j r fifth anniversary by presenting • (Iii order of appearance) . .v .. c. A SONG ANI> DAXCES a program at their next meeting I—Goldie Kien-rxwiR _ si'iESisBunBR-^ojaie w h i c h ^jj! b e h e l d a t t h e J e w i s h C o m . mid E.Vl'JCKSSIOXS TTrom Insiito n m l O u t s i d e . •: M a r t i n ' S i i £ A r i n . i u N o H a r d lfeiMin^s bfcuse I t P l e a s e JE. S A Y IT MTTH SONGS Hortcn&o SlUJAllM.VN JACOBS—Sfrlwyn F. "rlEKilKTTJE and M K U K O T " A O n e - A r t TUiT CAST: •
nTaira^^^ O.
IUcklie Zion Boasbers ..Klca Orscliel Lewis
.'SCKXK; -I'lVK .iMprrot^s
KIXG OK HKAIITS—THE •%.> . « «n v tn'fnc ™ u JOKER lAiriin A Musical J'antaor The. M.iu _ . . . . . . . . . . . Sidney Mevcr Tht" SoiiurfiiTfal Girl Evejlyn Schnnfarber The r^iir'-h Cirl T-oo Hnnillor Tlie .T'r« flirl Zcnin AVolf?on Tile Wnlt-jr. _.._ TTnrry Goetz (T'nsscd by lio.iril of Censors— Our Kuslmnds)
THJII'IiT. VIAVTES: Mrs. Ilarrv JlownMd, >rr<;. Isidor
On Thursday evening, December 8, the* Women's Auxiliary to I. O. B. B. 3 4h e l d a n ^ open meeting. Recitations were given^ by Miss Ray Bercu, and Miss Bess Bercti. an^ Miss T5PRS Greenberg OrpenTifirtT gave cave 3 review of The Melting Pot by IsZangwill. Miss Esther Solomon and Miss Rose Weinberg played her accompaniments. The Auxiliary will hold a program meeting the first Thursday of each month for members and their friends.
Mrs. Ed. Treller will return on Monday after having spent the past six ?Irs. TJerm. Knmen. weeks in Denver, where she" was visitA ing with her sister, Mrs. Walter ApJlosentehl.
Mrs. Vnrfln Siis.jnnan. Mrt. Ben Tjewi<;. Mrn. IJf-n L Mrs. Hr-rliPrt llcivi-nrirh,
Cecelia rnlcr.
munity Center on Sunday,: December 18, at 7.30 p. m. The public is 'invited. "
p S •PJ.ino: MTSJ' IT:irr.v Vlolln::51iss Helon Sommers. Xylophone: Mr. Hugo
Chickering Upright...... $. 98 J. & C. Fischer Upright- 145 Schaff Bros. Upright .:. 165 Bush & Gerts Upright...... 175 Vose & Son Upright:_„..._ 185 Bailey Upright 195 Schm. & M. Upright 210 Smith & Nixon Upright- 225 rtingsbury Upright _._ 250 Hartford Player..-.335 Artemis Player J 365 Solo Concerto Player _. 425 Terms as low as §5.00 down on some Uprights and $15 down on Players.
Sckioller I Mueller Piano Company
1514-16-18 Dodge Street. Phone Douglas 1623.
FROM 11:00 P. M. TO 2:00 A. M.
Bath-House. Baths, Massage, Hot Packs, Electric Treatment, lnhalatorium.
Paxtoa Betel Turkish Baths CONCANNON BROS., Props. 1401 Farnam St., Basement Entrance. Telephone: Tyler 5731. OMAHA, NEB.
316 South 15 th Street, upstairs
at the
New Year's Eve Dance
Witt open Friday, December 16, under the management of Mrs. Sophia Mandel
given by the
Bnai Brith New Year's Eve at
Masonic Temple
Good Meals
Code! Service
19 Douglas Street. i=rU-SH-=:£nSaS-;:Kpi™Hs^^
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Jewish Press Publishing Company Use the Blank on Page One
PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1921 tel did not seem to fit her hand, and ised to meet" Mrs. Winchell at lunch, Becky's letter was unfolded, and the more for the present one—that would I'd find what some one else lost!" "An' what was"that?" Becky said all she had learned of letter-writing ; There was a mistiness about his eyes rich viands went untouched, and the be eight! She'd pay the eighteen cents and the fifteen cents—that that out loud, btu kept repeating in when she had been at school seemed i as he passed through the outer office graven waiter wondered inwardly would be—well, she wasn't sure, but her. heart, "Nobody lost that—God suddenly to have taken flight. She | —and the men looked at him wonder-. what could so have moved the usuallooked in the bureau drawer for the ingly. And little Mrs. Winchell, ly impassive Mr. Winchell. It was there'd be heaps left—and she'd buy sent it!/' letter which her mother had received ' whose sad, pretty face was almost a strange lunch—but Mr. Winchell's "Last night," explained Jimmie obmeat for her mother—and milk every By ISABELLA R. HESS. day for a week—and other ^wonderful ligingly, "one of the big bugs of the) from one of the shop girls who had'hidden in the depth of her great sa- eyes, when they met the blue ones luxuries. Then, suddenly, her breath , railroad from New York was up, andvisited in New York some time ago, j bles, saw too that something unusual of his wife, so strangely like the had stirred the depths of the heart, baby's, looked forth an unspoken uncame faster! "T&i money—ain't— just before the train ran into the tun-and carefully copied the salutation. derstanding. whose depths only she guessed. "Deai* Friend, I tage my pen in nel he dropped out of the window a mine!" she whispered to herself! She If one carefully picked one's way crumbs of bread joined in" the wail"What is" it, dear?" she queried through the narrow gangway that ings. And as her mother was asleep clinched her hardened little hands. little pocketbook that he'd been show- hand to let you know i am well and They themselves could hardly 'ave softly, when they^had slipped into a separated Grogan's saloon from Gios- and must not be awakened, Becky "It is mine! I don't know whose it is ing to a man. He ain't sure how much hope the same of you." told how it happened—how they simpcia's Italian grocery' store, and then immediately put them both to bed, and —it fell out the train window—and was in it—and he dont care—but he But surely the rest didn't fit her cozy nook of the great restaurant ly like two children, had run away went diagonally across the little yard the waitings soon died into sleepy my mother is sick—-and it must be says he'll give a hundred down for the case, and after long thinking, and de-and the music from the hidden band from busy New York, early in the liberate spelling of words, she man-had wailed into a grey monotone. upon which both had back exits sniffles, and then into deep regular mine!" Twelve-year old Becky, with picture that was in it!" afternoon, and had found themselves "It must ha' been- a fine picture," aged to tell her story as best as she And because they were compara- in the smaller city far up the river, Cwhich were entrances for the deni- breathing of childhood's slumber. her lips tightly pressed, crept into bed tively alone—the solemn waiter seem- when the early dusk had fallen. How . zens of the yard) one might pass Then Becky rested ner face against to try and forget her ethical struggle observed Becky, looking absently could. down to the tunnel. in sleep. "Jimmie Dolan what fireman on the the panes of the one window, • and ing a part of the indispensible fur- they frightened honest Jimmie Dolan through the very narrow, very dirty train lives near me and told me you "It was his kid's picture, an' the watched the gas light on the corner nishing—he drew forth the picture almost speechless by sending for him She arose with the sun the next gangway that led out to the tracks. i t o n the table before her. to come to the private office of the And facing the tracks were, the un- flicker on the wall of the big build- morning, and the sun arose as early kid is dead, and it's the only one he lost your pocketbook out of the win- a n c j as it dared, as if to make up for the ever had, an' he was crying, the boss dow and i found it by the track cuz i j Her pretty head dropped lower and manager, when his local drew into painted, rambling, ramshockle, wood- ing across the way. Every little while a great train utter gloom of the day before; but thesaid, when he told him about it. He saw it fall out of th window and i j i o w e r , until her lips rested upon the the station; and smoke-blackened and en shanties known as the Track Tenements. Becky Lipschitz, who lived on would thunder past, and Becky would sunshine brought no smiles to Becky's sent a'man. down the track this morn- love the baby. I never did see such a ,s m i i j n g o n e s o f the child, and her oil begrimed, he had stared •vonderin' to look, an' they went through the nice baby before and i went and spent •m u ff w e n t u p to hide the fast falling the first floor of precisely the middle hear it rumble into the mouth of the freckled face. (Continued on page 7) "You're better^ this morning?" tunnel, too—but sure it couldn't be some of the money cuz i owed ateen tears. They fell even faster when tenement, there being three, on each tunnel not far away. Where could layin' there waitin' to be found!" and cents to the Eyetelyan and fifteen' Becky scanned her mother's face anxall these wonderful people be going, side of her house, knew every brick, and every" spot where a brick should she wondered—those people who satiously as* she spoke. And her mother so Jimmie sauntered off, whistling, to cents for meat an my mother is awifcia^a&aa^'3i=ia^iUa^i^ij3biij^^^ ful sick and i bought her some meat ibe, and wasn't, from Grogan's back in the light by the windows, and seeing the drawn look ~ on Becky's his night's work. to eat. An Tillie and Max are awful Becky's eyes were wide and scared own, tried to answer cheerfully. "Yes, looked so happy and comfortable? Sflio the track. Why shouldn't she, "Come Once, You'll Come Always" when five- of her twelve years had Did they guess that she, Becky Lip- better. By and by maybe I'll sit up as she watched him. "You're a thief, good young ones but they aint had Beck Lipschitz. You're a thief! A Jew much since my mother's sick and i , been lived right there in the' two shitz, brave of heart and valiant of in a chair for a while.' ' little rooms that opened out on the tongue when her mother was awake, When her mother slept during the and you stole! And next week's Rosh bought them milk and bread. An i, rickety stoop? Once in. a while, on was crouching there at the little win- morning, Becky drew forth the wal-ha Shanah!" she repeated under her was ag"oin to pay the rent but i don't i Sliabbat, she made believe she was a dow, hungry, tired, heart sick ? They, let from its hiding place under the breath. "The baby is an angel—she's want the dolly baby to think i am like lady, and then she didn't go through in the warmth and the light of the floor. She held the picture close to dead and gone to heaven—and she that so i sent you all of it back but EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE ears coudn't even guess that there the window, to see the dimple and knows you're a thief!" Her breath the two dollars what i spent. I hope! : the yard, where dirt paved the way, came faster and faster, and she shook was only twelve cents in the match laughing lips. "Little baby, don't you you wont get me erested cuz there and inumerable odors assailed' the I am—my as if cold when she went indoors to aint any one to take core o^ my senses; instead she gaily pirouetted box for tomorrow! Arid it was rain- think I ain't honest! 16th and Douglas St. 16th and Harney St. down the tracks, to where they led in- ing hard, and the girls werne't likely mother says Jews must be 'special the cheery fire that the wonderful two mother and Tillie and Max. An im Atlantic—5490. Douglas—1796. dollars had paid for. awful sorry the baby is dead but i to another street, an infinitely longer t o d r 0 P i n - Twelve cents! Becky, honest! But the rent ain't paid— and I owe to the grocery—and she Her mother was brighter that eveguess shes an angel now and is loving way, but also infinitely more consist- with her meager education, wasn't ought to have milk an' things." Mayent with Becky's ideas of Shabbatj very good at figures, but she could be God sent the money, just a purpose ning- than she had been for a long you anyway same as my mother says while, and Becky sat in the corner about my father. And next week! fitness. ' • • • ' • • ' reckon that eight cents for a loaf of for me!" listening to the merry chatter of the comes New Year's cause im a Jew." bread, plus four cents for a half-pint But Becky iadn't played "lady" for girls who dropped in. "She wouldn't And still the baby's face smiled up Becky read it over carefully and several weeks now: ever since that of milk, would use up 'the twelve smile if she knew! She never would trustingly into hers." "Maybe you're dropped many a tear upon it before day in October when her mother had cents. And even if she didn't eat a touch a thing if she knew!" Then rean angel, an' God put you in to make she copied the conclusion of the letter bit herself that amount of food would tripped" on the car tracks on her way belliously came the thought, "But I me know He sent it!"; whispered spread out before her. leave the children hungry! "And I home from work, she had had little owed eighteen cents an' fifteen cents!" "With regards to all i am your true time for. lay. For her mother had owe eighteen cents to the Italian for Becky. Becky Lipschitz." lain ever since on the little cot in the groceries, and fifteen cents for meat." She took the two dollar bill and hur- And then slowly crept in a thought of friend, the dimpled face. "But maybe he ried out through the yard, and paid It was done. Before her- courage As the immensity of her debts imcorner of the bedroom,white and painThe New Central Market, Sixteenth and Douglas ridden, and the city physician had pressed itself upon-her, Becky leaned the little debts." And then the milk does need that! Maybe the baby's should fail her, she hastilly addressed , This new institution, this wonderful market, is made and the bread that she could buy and sorry, too, 'cause she aint with him! it and ran with it to the letter box upspoken of the hospital, if she didn't her head on her arms and cried. possible. through the utmost confidence, that Omahans Maybe she aint smiling in heaven just on the corner. pay for! and. a bit of butter, and of improve very soon. Becky shut her But an engine going down th© track hare so generously placed In the original Central Market. teeth grimly and waited day and night tooted three times, and she sat up, and tea, and the little meat for her moth- 'cause her father is missin' the pic- It was a quiet Becky that eveningupon her mother, while she minded peeped into the rain. It meant that er! And a red apple for Tillie and ture." . Then her eyes filled with tears, no cheery words for the girls—no In the Heart of five-year old Max, and kept six-year that was Jimmie Dolan, who lived another for Max—for ajinoment she and she. poked the little stove to hide stories for the children—a heavy-eyed Omaha's Shopping District pale Becky who was urged to go to old Tillie at school, and washed3 and down the track was fireman on the dreamt of buying one for herself— them from ths others. This new market bids you welcome. A center wherein ironed and cooked, when there was local line; Jimmie Dolan, with his but her throat seemed to close up a t "I- could give it back anyway—" bed early, and rest, lest she too be•we hare assembled from far and near the choicest the very thought. ill. So she crept "wearily to bed, anything to cook! Of course her shock of red hair and cheery laugh, the thought, after the girls had gone, ocome In foods. Varieties EOT great, so comprehensive. Jhnt nl t o lie Her motherwas awake when the mother would be better soon—then it was a favorite with Becky, and he aland her mother and the children were y awake and wonder as to the the C e n t r a l ' s slogan, "EVERYTHING KOR THE TABLE", means all that these words imply. would be all right! Her mother- would ways tooted three times that she meat was cooked, and Becky sang a asleep. "I don't know his name—an' fate of the letter, and of the girl who gay street air to stir her heart. wrote it. go back to the big factory and bring j might come out and shake her hand I couldn't tell Jimmie—an' anyway— 3 A Market of A Market of - the - wages that at him. All the neighbors smiled afc "You'll eat meat today," announced I aint got the two dollars any more! And while she lay there and wonhome every week Rare Beauty Becky gaily. "There never was so dered, her letter was speeding down ] Dependability ; Mayba I'd get arrested and then who In beauty of appointments, meant life to her and the three chil-j the friendship between the big Irish The New Central, as has in facilirtps for p l e a s a n t would take care of the house and the river, and in the morning was' dren. Meanwhile, the four dollars chap and the litle Jewish girl. Some- much in the match box before." always been trne with ihe shopping, in equipment for old. shall relentlessly mainthe maintenance of sanitary rent remained unpaid, and each day! times he threw her an apple—once in j "But Israel wasn't here? And last mother, and Tillie and Max?" She laid on the great oak desk in the big • tain that policy of honest perfection the Xew Cenlriit office where John Winchell spent a ! night no girls came!" answered the bbed aloud at the misery of it all. a while a penny,—but pennies were Tallies, honest service nmi ranks as A m e r i c a ' s first so Becky counted anxiously- the pennies troth in merchandising *nd market. ; few hours each day. His secretary j -: in the match, box on the mantel. Mrs., scarce—and Jim Dolan had cause to mother wearly, with eyes, that filled j :j.Or comfort, she looked again at advertising. : opened the business mail as usual but know how many it took to make a box was | Lipschitz's brother brought her each j the baby's picture dimpling in the stared at the strange childish writing This new store was established "with the iden that •~* Saturday night a silver dollar—he dollar. She coudn't see him tonight, the CESTRAI/ MAKKKTS won! 3 be in a position nvr, •>» J J J r> i «rm_ ! faint gleams of the little lamp. Idly which zig-zagged across the envelope l Nu ?» demanded Becky.. "They, fi rf t h e to serve the Srreatest number—SIiop at' the one most Jlet •g h e ? ' had a family of his own, and twelve but she waved her hand anyway, just convenient to 3'ou. •« dollars a- week was ail too little, and for the comfort of feeling that he got sisters and brothers to run their thing-else within and drew it-forth. It in an alarming manner. It was unusual at least, and he might see it. As she peered, she saw. errands in the rain and wasn't you the girls who worked in the shop was a. card, and Becky carefully spelt handed it to Mr. Winchell, who stared with her, who came in noisily in the a man reach his hand out of the winat it too, and remarked, "Another evening to sit awhile and tell her dow to shake the ashes from a cigar, begging letter, I suppose!" But even the jokes and doings of the shop, and she saw, or perhaps idly fancied, i Maybe God put the card in just to find that something fell from the window. "I'll never be able to pay the girls' • f . y 7 * C t as he spoke, the baby's picture slipped never went by -that a coin was unos,,v.» M™ TA^U* JVWJ ~1 o u t rf s h e w a s h o n e s t Mrs. LipschiH sobbed out tentatiously dropped into the box that She forgot it in a moment, as over back!" the money back! Wasn't this the time from its folds, and as he glanced at • the curving lips and the dimpljthey knew held all the meager house- wearied, she rested her head on her right. OF COURSE! — | of year when Jews must look inside hold money. Particularly on Thurs- tired little arm and gazed dully into "You will!" Becky set the lunch on their hearts and see if there is sin cheeks, he abruptly turned from his day evening they came—did not; every the gloom, but, later, when another the chair beside the cot and held the there! Becky shivered at the thought. secretary and bent his head upon his Jewish household require special pre- engine tooted its way down the track meat up so that her mother could But surely God must know and under- hand; and the secretary knowing his chief ( well, turned softly and closed catch "Soon you'll T* Tlhow badly -Z M she V needed 1 7-1 paration for the Sabbath ? Becky al- into the tunnel, she began to wonder ••• ,- the . odor. , -,-.••. 1 - work—. .. . stand it. the door of the private office behind ways knew what her mother would idly what it could have been that she and me too! Eat it now before it gets All night long she tossed about her j. Mr _ W i n c h e l l p u s h e d a s i d e a l l say after they -had gone—that Jews had seen fall. Likely a piece of paper cold." bed s h a r e d w i t h Tillie a n d M a x ; s h e Will be featured in the another cigar! Anyway it was count it; a mitzvah to give and to take Becky's eyes, glistened as s h e le n v i' e d t h e i r the mass of letters Vhich" dealt of right in front of the house, and the hatched her mother eat—and w h e n deep-slumber, as, wide-1 i i nt things as stocks, and charity, still Becky winked hard somesuch nsi&n fica watched ..__ .... times to keep from crying," and her rain had ceased beating against the Tillie and Max came inland, danced '***& and sleepless, her sin-burdened the details of a great railroad system, mother turned her face away when window; she would go and see. With in glee at the plentiful supply, of l i t t l e s o u I a r ^ u e d o u t t h e t r u t h - A n d and slowly read every word of Becky Jersey Cream, Pasteurized Milk, she asked Becky every morning how^ her little • shawl held tightly around bread and milk, and the red a p p l e s , : d r e a m h e r s e l f i n a narrow greated Lipschitz's ill-spelt, ill-written letter. Buttermilk. Whipping Cream, much there was for the day's-food. her with one hand, and clasping a few then she had to blink very hard to i w h e n s n e d i d f a l 1 asleep, it was to And when he had read it all he blew c e l 1 %vith t h e b a b s And sometimes Becky told the truth, matches with the other she stepped keep the tears back.* y ' accusing eyes his nose vigorously, and felt someand they ate dry bread for dinner, lightly forth into the mist. One after "Aint you hungry?". queried Tillie fixed u p o n h e r ' W i t h t h e d r e a m a f r e s h thing creep into his throat*that in a while she told Max wonderful fairy another her matches flamed, then wonderingly. "Why don't you eat? ( i n h e r mind, she arose early the next weaker- man would be called a soh. "ALWAYS AHEAD" and hurried through the Then the letter and the picture were stories to still his complainings—and quickly died out, and she was turning There is enough today, aint there, Phone Douglas 0409. 26th and Leavonworth Sts. back, when her foot stepped, upon morning's work; she had made up her ar sometimes she lied bravely, and trustBecky?" softly thrust- into his breast pocket, something imbedded in the mud-— mind what to do—perhaps she would ed a t the grocery store for ten cents "I always have enough to eat," lied and he remembered that he had prombe arrested and sent to jail—but she worth of butter, or a.quarter's worth whatever it was had been trodden up- Becky bravely. iiit show the baby that she really of meat, or a quarter pound of tea. on. '0—o-r-oh! Becky!" Tillie pointed wwould as Then Becky wasnt hungry enough to If took only a moment to creep back an accusing finger at her, and gazed honest. And beyond all else, how ^eat, and sang a gay song very loudly to the house—she was almost too tired at her severely. "That's a story! we, c o u l d she face Eosh Hashona and "• " jj Yom Kippur with that sin on her in order to still her heart. to see what it was; she held it close don't never!" o u l ?•> of what use would her to the little lamp—only a little old The house was never so well cleaned !,s„—i ha "Say, Beckie," Tillie, who was ers ^ struggling through the intricate pages faded wallet. She was tossing it aside before—Becky scrubbed all afternoon j >ff, wh i a picture dropped from it The to keep from feeling a heartache. Two cents for a stamp—one cent hi of the First Reader, in the big brick edges were slightly wet with mud but When duskcame, and she sat at the for a sheet of paper—and Mr; Gioscia 'tr school a few blocks away, was always a dainty little baby face looked up inill full of numberless tales as to the do-to 'her own—the lips were curled up little window, she saw. Jimmie Dolan had obligingly thrown in an envelope pass, looking searchingly along the which, although rather dirty and flyng ings there. "I learnt a new piece toin a faint smile, and there was a dimtrack. She could feel her heart thump j speckedy was certainly cheaper than day, Mizzevens learnt it to us. Want ple in the fat cheek. Becky held her madly as she went out on the stoop, j buying a clean one. When the few ; ) : to hear i t ? " And without awaiting a breath;—then put the picture to her "Did you lose anything, Jimmie?" j dinner dishes were done, and her I reply she sent it her shrill lips, '"Oh you sweet, sweet, uarling [mother was asleep, Becky spread her she asked curiously. »4 tones,, in stacatto breaths: baby," she whispered. Hei little "Hello, kid!" Jimmie stopped at the materials out upon the table, and with >e f "It's a beautiful world we live in, dear woman heart swelled at the baby steps and ran his fingers through his haggered eyes, thought out the best charm and her- eyes filled with tears.; red hair. "I ain't lost nothing but way to write the truth. The bit of The beautiful sky is blue, If only you smile at the world, my "v awful gk.d I got you—I never part of me supper hour. But I wish lead pencil which she kept on the mansaw any baby so sweet—maybe you dear or EISISJBI3^ The world will smile back at you!" are an angel—I love you!" and she .held it lovingly against her cheek. "Humph!" Becky stopped wiping T h e Pallet, neglected, lay half openl Fei dishes for a moment, and glanced ) O n t h e table; Becky glancing down, | scornfully a t Tillie. "You could n o t ; s a w a b i t o f . g r e e n p a p e r sticking out. look at the tracks a month without She looked at it .fascinated, then laid ' smiling once! It's ^only a story—this ^Q picture carefully down, and pulled ! ain't no nice world. t h e p a p e r o u t # A five d o l l a r b i l l ! a n d I "Is it so!" Tillie was sure, however another! and a two dolar bill! Becky much Becky might know, the beloved felt herself stiffen out as she reckonteacher knew more. "Mizzevens said ed—twelve dollars! Her mother turnit is! Mizzevens said it's awful nice, ed and moaned—and instinctively all full of flowers an'—birds an' grass Becky swept her treasures under her i . . . CONSULT.... an' white snow an'—an'—every-•_ I apron. But the mother didn't waken thing!" '•'-. so she carefully put the picture and "Miss Evans don't know!" Becky's the money back into the walet, and ••'•g :he tone was sharp. "She ain't like us!" hit it under a loose board beneath the ;hin But Tillie was tired out and half table. ; 1511 HOWARD ST. PHONE ATLANTIC 0681. ngj hungry and began to cry; and Max She was dizzy from excitement— lust having vainly sought an excuse to cry twelve dolars! She could pay four she; - ever since he. had picked up the last dollars for last mgnth's rent, and four Si raei ijjflgglgjgfjgfaiBfg^^
itamito Dairy Products New Centra! Market
Alamito Milk White Dairy
tA&f please in ike Home.
To Insure Maximum Lighting Efficiency at Minimum Outlay,
Granden Electric"Co.:
First Rabbi Diplomat is Tendered Impressive Farewell Tribute
tion active in the community par-j Persia.''—The "pass word" in the ticipated in the meeting and present-- form of a $10,000 check was presented ed resolutions of gratitude and tare-j to Rabbi Kornfeld at the meeting. He (Continued from page 6.) well greetings to their spiritual lead- "Was also presented' with a golden ! at Mr.. Winched and the dainty er. ..•••. ; plate which bore the inscription "This golden plate is an evidence of love apparition by his_ side. Columbus, Ohio.—Columbus Jewry We are really ^orry for the Morn-j Joseph Schonthal, the well-known A work of about 3,000 pages, in 1,455 in Crafcow, and so en. No in" A t l d y ° u a r e Jimmre Dolan?" Mr. ing Post, though we are inclined to will Jong remember'the remarkable local philanthropist, assisted by the and affection for Dr. Joseph S. Korn: _ _ nine volumes, OTJ Jewish economic vestigation on such a large scale Winchell held :f-orth his hand as if gathering held at the local Temple heads of the various communal insti- feld, who has in his 15 years of faithbelieve that the Spanish paper which j e in .Poland is now in preparation was ever before carried on in thai B'nai Israel, on JBryden Road, last tntions was. the guiding of the gath- ful leadership in Temple Israel en- grasping such a begrimed hand were recently quoted it* under'the title of\^ a th Sunday morning. The usual morning ering, and through his personal and deared himself into the hearts of ev-;, his usual custom. Jimmie only nod- the "Moaning Past" indited better i * e Statistical Department of the country; although it was of an cr.that it knew. Our sorrow for the '•Joint Distribution Committee, and tirely unofficial nature and there v ain return. services were turned into .an im- arduous efforts, unknown to the. cele- ery man, women and child of his conpromptu farewell meeting in honor of brant of the occasion, contributed gregation." "And—you-—you know Becky Lip- Morning Post exceeds our own satis-[will soon be published in three Ian-' no power behind it to compel the [K.VRabbi Joseph S. Komfeld, the newly most to its success. At bis initiative • . - • • • - faction in finding that our own view, guages, English, Polish, and Yiddish, pie to answer questions, it coverRabbi Kornfeld is the first Amer- schitz?" Judging by the first printed sheets nearly 90 per cent of Jewish, Busiappointed minister* to Persia who will and under his direction a successful ican rabbi upon whom the distinction Then Jimmie lifted. his eyes and of the so-called Protocols of the Elshortly leave for Ms new .post at personal campaign was made among of representing the United States in bent his eyebrows heavily. What ders of Zion so completely justified that have reached the Joint Distribu- ness enterprises. Teheran. The questionaire had been drawn j the members of the congregation to a foreign'country has been conferred., could the great John Winchell want by the exposures of the Times. tion Committee Office in New York It was an outburst of. communal raise ten thousand dollars for a purse The appointment is, therefore, re-, of little Becky Lipschitz! Mr. Wrn-. When these horrific revelations of and by the general plan of work, this with a view to obtaining informapride and enthusiasm, tinged with for Rabbi Kornfeld. Every one affi- garded not only as a personal recog- chell saw his expression and held out the wickedness of Israel were print- will be the most extensive and thor- tion on all aspects of Jewish Ecosadness at the departure of a leader liated with Temple Israel contributed nition nition of of Rabbi Rabbi Kornfeld's K o n l d abilities,' , the letter; Jimmie Dolan carefully ed we remarked that prejudice has ough account of Jewish economic life nomic activity. Here are some of the questions it contained: Nature of the j i i h d hi toward the fund. The campaign was and was a popular demonstration of but as a distinct honor to the rab- j wiped his hands upon his greasy over- \ seldom a difficulty in providing its that has ever been published. Some the esteem in which. Rabbi Kornfeld is conducted under the slogan "Let us binical profession as a whole and to'alls and held thejetter with two fin- own evidence, In fact, the "Proto- interesting details with regard to the establishment, its size, number of were never credible. The preparation of the work are found in windows, etc.; is it in operation the gers as he read. Perhaps .„ American Jews' in ogeneral. jjg p it didn't af- cols held, by all classes of Columbus Jews furnish. Rabbi Kornfeld with a pass the whole year or only part of the year ? Times has now proved to the hilt its the preface to the first volume. word when "he knocks at th'e gates of ' The new American minister to Per- j feet him quite as much as it did the and Gentiles. Every Jewish organizais any work done on Saturday ? what sia is 45 years old. He graduated first readers—he knew the life and its case that they are simply plagarized As it is pointed out by Mr. E. Helof machinery are used? numfrom the University of Cincinnati in trials, and its hardships, and he f-lt from an obscure French book called ler, the editor of the work, the lack ber of Jews and non-Jews, men and The German Dialogues, attacking 1898 and from the Hebrew Union Col-. the bitter truth throbbing, in every Napoleon III., which was published of a survey of this kind has since women, adults and children emlege as a duly ordained rabbi in 1899. [word. He handed the letter back in B. KORNEY JACKSON 3171 in .1865. The "Protocols" contain long been felt to be a serious defi- ployed? Wages and mode of payHe further pursued his studies a moment, and only said, "The v ciency, not only by Jewish public in Semitic^ at th e University little kid!" Then he looked Mr. Win- some original matter, but in the men, but by all those who are in- ment? how are raw materials obof Chicago in 1905-1906 and took a chell boldly in the eye. "She's a main they are paraphrases of The terested in Jewish problems, espe- tained? Condition of the plan before post graduate course in English Lit- mighty good girl, is Becky Lipschitz, Geneva Dialogues, and the Times cially because there are no official the war, during the war, and now? The answers to the questionaire erature and History at McGill Uni-iand she wouldn't, steal a cent if her has performed a public service in statistics available on the matter. unmasking 'an impudent and mishave supplied the material for versity in Montreal, Canada. In 1898, life depended upon it. Her folk's is chie\*ous fabrication. But at what a The need of information of this kind publication. The nine volumes will he received a call to Pine Bluff, Ark., Jews and she's straight as a die." cost! The spirit of duty must have became particularly great whan plans cover, respectively, the following sub"Oh, we know that, indeed we do!" where he served as Rabbi till 1904. had a grim struggle with that of for economic self-help for the Jews jects: The two-years following he occupied a Mrs. Winchell put on a dainty gloved journalistic freemasonry, before in Poland came under consideration. The raised letter metal signs for the new Central hand and ,Jixnmie shank away from Volume I. The city of Warsaw (360 j pulpit a t Montreal, ^Canada, and since Printing House Square could decide Market were done by us. Also the glass signs, for Several attempts to conduct a or 400 pages). 1906 • has beerf with the B'nai Israel it hastily. "And we want you to take so roughly to shatter the novel founthe Subway Shoe Store. similar investigation had been made Volume II, Lodz. City and district. | us there to her house at once! Mr. Congregation of Columbus. dations of that Strand palace of The textile industry, . In addition to his purely religious Winchell offered a hundred dollars re- ferrcr-concrete which forms so incon- before, but it was only through the work Rabbi Kornfeld has teen prom- ward and she must have i t tonight, gruous a home for the most British aid of Dr. Boris Bogen, Director Gen- Volume III. Bialystock. City and | eral of the Joint Distribution Cominent in many communal affairs. He the poor child.' Please take os there and true-blue of London papers. district. mittee, that the plans could be carried Volume IV. Congress Poland (outside has rendered valuable service as a at once!" For the Morning Post believed out this time. Dr. Bogen fully 'Unmember of the Charter Commission, * "At once,"" Jimmie repeated aghast! the district just named; includes the City Department of Recreation, and "I cant! I got to go out on the next fervently in the Protocols. It had derstood and endorsed the idea that tanning indxistry of Kadom). perfect faith in the Jewish con- in starting reconstruction work the j Volume V. Eastern Galicia <includ Board of Trustees of the Library. For local!" against Christian civilization J firstTask'ls ' t e n u r e information'onj ing the oil industry). "Well, you mustn't." Mrs. Winchell spiracy years he was a member of the Board p g existing conditions, and that this Volume VI. Western of Education, and in 1918 was elected spoke with an air of authority. "An- m general and agajnst the most president of that body which position other man will have to go, won't he?" VII. Volhynia. tistical investigation conducted on a Volume VIII. Central Lithuania. he still holds. He has also made him- turning to her husband, and to the self popular as a lecturer on social manager, who. gave one admiring tentous happening of the time in large scale and without bias with a Volume IX. Detailed investigation arid literary topics. His personality glance at her determined face and said terms of vast Jewish plot with world- view to obtaining precise data on the of the question of the Jews in the and constructive leadership gained for any number of men would be placed wide ramifications. It looked at Mos- subject. textile industries in Poland, cow and Petrograd, and saw nothing him friends in both political camps. at her • sole and immediate comThere was accordingly established a | The investigation was entrusted t o | but the triumph of the Jew. It looked . . It is a known fact that when his ap- mand. at Paris, and saw the Jew scheming statistical Department at the Warsaw special committees appointed In pointment to the diplomatic post at And so Jimmie Dolan took them for Germany and against Poland. It office of the Joint Distribution Com- district and formed, of persofts comthe Court of Teheran was submitted down to the track tenements, debatsurveyed London, and in every hole mittee, and a questionaire covering petent to deal with the problems unto the Senate for approval, the two ing >in his mind whether Mrs. Win-) all aspects of Jewish economic life der consideration. The material is leading Senators from Ohio, Willis, chell's dainty feet had better be led; was sent out to all territories which now being edited by Mr- E. Hellet, Republican, and Pomerene, Democrat, through the gangway and the ward.. Udences of Israel. Its glance crossed now constitute Greater Poland. The The first volumes will soon be ready 1 , „ .. ;were heartily in "favor of it and or down the track, either way being the Atlantic, and there again the Jew! and will be sent to America. The j worked for its confirmation. Rabbi quite impassable for the automobile, worked through the Irish and the investigation covered all cities and chief Importance of the material will Germans for the destruction of the towns hanng a Jewish population of I Kornfeld was found to be "highly which halted before Gioscia's grocery British Empire. Worse still was the over 3,000, or a total of 210 localities. natiirally lie in its bearing upon the j satisfactory" to the Persian Govern- to the intense excitement of the prospect Eastward. A Jew reigned It lasted seven months, from Decem- work of economic reconstruction, but ment aa official correspondence re- loungers there. in Delhi; another Jew issued decrees ber 1920 to July, 1921. A total of at the s?tme time the scientific invesvealed. Becky Lipschitz stiffened out with at Jerusalem. As for Ireland, who about 70,000 factories and work- tigation which the Joint -Distribution | dread as she saw them, and had a could ,doubt that Sinn Fein was en- shops were investigated, including 12,- Committee has carried out owv th"! SOVIET MINISTER PROTESTS entire area of Greater Poland v"" AGAINST POGROMS sudden vision of jail and policemen— gineered by the implacable enemies 414 in Warsaw, 6,322 in Lodz, 1,721 be of considerable value to all th : of the British Empire? True, Parthen she held: out her hands appeal/Riga. (J; Press A.) The Minister in Lublin, 1,210 in Eadom, 1,154 in who are interested in Jewish pi nell was. not a Jew; Redmond and ingly and lifted her eyes to meet the Mor'Foreign: Affairs-;of Soviet; RusCzestochowa, 1,823 in Bir'ystock, lems. j ; sia, Tchitcherin, sent a note, to the tear-filled ones, of Mrs. Winchell. Justin McCarthy were/not Jews, and 1,265 in Grodno, 2,512 in Lemberg, ' Roumanian Government in which he Heedless of the almost .priceless sa- yet we have had trouble ivith them. expresses his protest against Rou- bles, and her own accustomed dignity, But De Valera—was there not someU-iHg suggestive of the Portuguese Ismania's support of pogrom-bands and that lady took white-faced Becky inraelite in that name? And was it to 'her arms and held her against Petlura's expeditions. not certain that only the imagination her-child-hungry breast, and sobbed. - Small••*"•* TEMPLE ISRAEL~CELEBRATES And Tillie and Mr. Winchell, and of a Trotsky could direct a cam; -ign GOLDEN JUBILIEE. Max and his sick mother, and Becky so merciless as that of Sinn Fein. Appropriations made .since its inception by the Joint Distribution Com. New York. (J. P. A.) Temple) and Jimmie Dolan and Mrs. Winchell, I only one particular did the Morning mittee show how widespread have been its efforts. Wherever misery has "Israel," one of the oldest Jewish and Rosh ha Shanah and Yom Kippur Post-yield to a temptation to see confronted the Jews, American relief Jias been extended, in proportion with congregations of New York, is cele- all seemed to mingle together into one Viiiainy and Jewishness apart. It was the need and the resources available. "T'he figures given here show also th«t always polite, not say effusive, to the appropriations made during the year ending June 30th of this year. brating its 50th anniversary. A ban- vast Babel of sounds. Disbursement* j memory of Disraeli on Primrose Day. quet in honor of the occasion will be Amounts Disbursed Since Inception I There really -isn't any need to tell More Than Twenty-five And now the "Protocols" are as given tonight at Hotel Astor and to- the rest of the story! How Mr. WinCountry During Year Ending of €ommittee morrow morning a parade of children chell 's lawyer proved to the street little evidence as what the soldier November, 1914 June 30,1921 ? 11,704.86 from Jewish schools will present the railway attorneys that Mrs. Lipshitz's said. The Morning Post will no doubt Abyssinia Alexandria, Egypt' (Refugees) 68,851.5$ adapt itself to this terrible discovery. "history of the Jews in America." injuries were due to the railway's It will continue to see Jews every- Algiers, Tunes and Morocco (Kefugees) (Prior 1920) 2,881,591.10 negligence, and literally forced them where—and, " indeed, they are to be Austria-Hungary Austria u.— _ £ 590,947,36 899t425.7t! to pay for a private room at the hos- seen in most places—and to connect Baltic Provinces 320.76 66,317.01 pital and doctors and nurses, and them with things sinister and of ill- Belgium 2,500.0* NO SPRINGS-^-HONEST WEIGHT other unheard of luxuries. How omen to the Empire. But we are Bulgaria and occupied territory of Serbia (Prior 1920) 26,600.00 Becky marshalled the children out of afraid that the splendid vision of a Central Europe 388,461,63 Installed in CENTRAL MARKET No. 2 the tenement, into a sunny little hierarchy of pure evil, working in and Czecho-Slovakia 190,972.67 316,008.73 apartment in a far different neighbor- on Gentile communities, from Tomsk Danzig (Refugees) 10,112.26 10,012.25 l,?OO.O0j hood, and proceeded to take up the to Turin and from Dublin to Delhi, Denmark 7,996.55 129W6S tangled ends of her education where will no longer inspire its leading col- France (Refugees) Germany ...• 204,750,34 424,'?6S.$2! she had left off. And «/ ' s Dolan umns. It is a pity. Where faith is Greece, Turkey, Serbia and Syria (Prior All Far-Sighted Merchants Use shattered joy departs, and we are who mac' rapid advance in the-rail1920) 1,365,884.88 ~ 19,000.00 road's service, says that Mrs. Win- afraid the Morning Post will not en- Greece (Matzoths) •V TOLEDO SPRINGLESS SCALE EQUIPMENT (Refugees) 92415.70-1 chell .will "sure look after Be -k; !" joy itself— or cause joy to its readers Holland Hungary 303,092.63 M 25,998.99 And * Becky tried once to ut- —nearly so much as it did but yester- Italy (Matzoths, War Prisoners, Refugees) 29,998,00 day. It is poor fun attacking a BritJaDan (Refugees) ter all the gratitude in her breast in 326,002.*©! ish Jewish Minister simply as a Briton Jugo-Slavia (Refugees) ' one great burst of incoherent words, 35,000.00 112,381.10 or a Jew as a Minister. The whole Latvia 1VIA92M Mrs. Winchell whispered, "For the Lithuania 154.487.17 zest lay in believing that, stuttering 214*384,281 Palestine 939,108.66 baby's sake, Becky—it's only bit of 5,194,802.0(5 through his dull estimates in the Persia what I'd do for her!" 35,700.06 House of Commons, he was the .dis-1 Poland', ... - -,q o s wr oc Lithuania & Kurland (Prior ll,622,007.0» * And Becky understood, and whisp19 Douglas Street. 55029S "(<? ered back, "I know it! I'il try, to ' e guised agent of the same hidden force (Rournania f• 6,4 ,0 & 3 J ? p ov ao oa 4,000,300.00 which has dethroned the Czars and j Russia ( ™l 1920) "* ^ good and deserve it, for her sake, too; Russia and Ukraine I6L,ZVO.QD 1,168,448.72 and my mother says the baby know! made once—proud Russia a "hissing Siberia (Refugees, War Prisoners) 19,599.84 498,494.41 and is glad, too!" and astonishment." Spain (Refugees) 18,000,06 Switzerland (Refugees) 20,781.77 37,281.7? From the mantel, a baby face looked 20,004.84 49,956.34 Vamping other women's husbands Syria Store No. 2 down upon them—the blue eyes shinTurkey 177,335.48 349,541.99 is a common enough practice, says ing with light—the lips curved in a , not ot classified assified 675.15 May Collins, who plays a very young Miscellaneous, Equipped with the Paid to ORT, Paris, on account of $100,000 smile.—(The Ark.) T l appropriation iti and unsophistical bride in "All's Fair Tool „ 44,008.95 44,008.95 in Love," a Goldwyn comedy, coming Medical Commission on account of $2,000,179,024.01 to the Sun Theatre, for 3 days, com000 general appropriation 179,024,91 mencing Thursday, December 15. As Natalie in the picture, Miss Collins Totals $6,271,399.56 MADE IN OMAHA believes she is the first and only wom* . and Sold Everywhere. Includes. *$250,000—Loan Kansas. |$300,000—Reconstruction "Work. an who has deliberately set out to vamp her own husband. She does it Outdoing even the wonderful char- screening of this photo-drama for tlh* r After having operated a Baker System thoroughly, utilizing most of the fur- acter work of Vera Gordon in "HU-rabbis and leading professional :. in their Store No. 1 on Barney Street, niture and hangings in her boudoir as MORESQUE," now comes to the and women of the Omaha near 16th, since its opening three ^rid part of her make-up. screen another famous actress, por- community.
The Testing of Becky The London "Outlook" On "The Protocols'
Nine-Volume Work on Jewish Economic Life in Poland
The Central Market 2
'Is protected with every coverage known to the Insurance World » . BY -
H. A. Wolf Company 5 th Floor Saur.ders-Kennedy. Bldg. Atlantic 3160 . : . \
Appropriations Made By The Joint Distribution Committee
Personal Service with each-Policy— ^
Toledo Scales
To Protect Youon All Purchases /of "Everything for the Table"
Bnai Brith Hew Year's Eve Dance '
• • • • - • ,
• • * - •
December 31, Masonic Temple
Central Market
"Yon Know What That Means"
Baker System of .Refrigeration
a half years ago, it is only natural they would insist upon the Baker System for their new market.;
Biker Ice Machine Company, Inc. O h N b
W&did the Sheet Metal Work on ' the New Central Market
pavenport Street Phone Jackson 2575.
The Cunard Steamship Company has erected a memorial to its employees who were killed during the war. The memorial is a monolith granite column, of Doric -design, decorated with bronze prows from a Roman ship copied from a model now in the Louvre, at Paris. The shaft occupies a. commanding position in the sffuare on which the Cunard offices front.
traying the part of Molly Brandeis in a picturization of Edna Ferber's "Desert Blossoms," & Willn' story "FANNY HERSELF" which photoplay starring William Iu- , will be shown soon at the Sun Thea- began a run at the Moon Tli tre under the title of "No WOMAN KNOWS". John Pavidson plays with Wednesday, December 14. It ig ;•"•.-. realism the part of the father, Theo- nouneed as a stirring stoty of art- , dore Brandeis. D. A. Warren makes venture and love, presenting- 'tfes the character of Rabbi Tholman live sturdy Fox star in the role of a again in motion pictures. struction engineer attached to 6ne t»t' On Friday of this week, the Sun the Government's big irrigation e»tfr* Management has arranged a private prises, i " " • 'Vfctw^'
EDUCATIONAL P^ARHTMENT OF THEJEWISH PRESS . THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT-THEY GET IT.
UNION FUEL COMPANY Telephone Jackson 0263
Office 209 South 18th Street
9 % Nebraska District Warrants
Scottsbluff and Morril) County
FORD AND THE B'NAI B'RITH. service to our fellow man. Misfor- Recognizing that to be the case Backed by the Sugar Beet Industry. In a recent number of Henry- tune wears manifold garb, and it be- with many thousands, they opened up legality- passed on by competent Attorneys. Ford's Dearborn Independent is this hooves us to give timely and gen-the hospital absolutely free for those P. MELCHIORS'& SON erous help as well as brotherly sym- who are unable to pay, and for them expression: • MACHINE WORKS "And it was not a pawnbrok- pathy." alone. Industrial ana Automotive) machinists. ers' movement either, unless the .In fact one of the rules of the hosIncorporated. Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Brotherly Love. B'nai B'rith and the American Starter Ring Gears for Auto Fly Wheels pital is, "None can pay who enter; First National Bank Bldg. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as Phone ATlantic 0360. 417 South 13th Street. Jewish Society are composed of, none may enter who can pay." 1115 Douglas St. Tel. Jackson 3171 Telephone: Jackson 3550 thyself." pawnbrokers." They know that fresh .air, wholeIn other editions of his paper Mr. "Brotherly love admonishes us notsome food, plenty of rest and freeFord has had attacks made on andto labor for ourselves alone, but todom from worry are the essentials DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT slurs thrown at the B'nai B'rith, the be. helpful to others and contribute of a cure and those they try to proDoes It Need Cleaning COfllPANY. general tendency of all being to leave to their happiness. Brotherly love vide for .the afflicted who, cannot unites man to man, and in the exor Repairing? ' BISMABCKS, CAKE AND SUGAR UNDERTAKERS get them elsewhere—and they have with the reader an unfavorable and We assist you In getting pnssDOUGHNUTS' ODB SPECIALTY. escise of this virtue we realize the provided for thousands. NOW IS THE TIME TO HATE porrs and give yon expert advise false impression regarding the organMOVED 1"O on Europenn conditions. EXPERTS DO THE WORK. common, fatherhood; of God and the We Deliver-the Real Goods. ization, and its purposes. People of means are forced to go You'll Be Surprised at Our Rates. We help yon to pet your relaS2S4 COMING STREET. Webster 0943 _ . Cleaning done by Vacuum withtives in Europe to this country. The work of the B'nai B'rith has common brotherhood of man." elsewhere, to institutions that can out causing dirt. We have satisHarmony. been so good and so unselfishr\ so and do give them care for pay. I factorily cleaned over 100 furnaces the past month. "Behold how good and how pleasant It is the B'nai B'rith merely carmuch in the interest of humanity that Val. J. Peter & Co. CALL JACKSON 1018. one must almost feel like apologiz- it is for brothers: to dwell together rying out the benevolent principles STEAMSHIP TICKETS AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE ing in printing anything which in in unity." of the order. f FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. 1914 Coming Street. any way may appear like a defense "Not the contest and measure of And if the comparisons that the Fhone AT Iautlc 0340. We Install -Gilt Edge Furnaces. strength, but co-operation, makes a of the organization, and yet so perFord paper indulges in so often are sistent is Ford in his determination beautiful life possible. Harmony, carried out in this case, it is not out to discredit everything Jewish that among its citizens is the source of of place to state that in the appliit i s well for the general reader to strength unto a people." cation of this principle the B'nai Y o u r position is Visit Our understand a few of the fundamental "The spirit has given unto Israel B'rith hospital stands out in marked correct, and should principles of the B'nai B'rith and the power of its past and the prom- contrast with the operation of the be s u p p o r t e d by ise of its future." Ford hospital, where pay is required some of its practical workings. every fair minded from those who enter, where responThe words B'nai B'rith means Sons Do away with drudgery and make Truth: sible men, often have to make a cash person. house-work a pleasure by the use of the Covenant. - ' v With; JTonr Order for deposit before their cases are treated. of modern electrical appliances. The workings of the order are no (The center candle.) "Truth is the seal of God." longer secret, and by reason of that We have seen the B'nai B'rith carANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the "Truth is the heart of life. With- rying out their principles, visiting it was possible for this paper to seIN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric buildout it no labor has value; no word ing1, Sonth-east corner of fifteenth cure a copy of one of its rituals, in has credence; no character, respect; men in prisons and making their PAPER LINE ...of... lives lighter, have seen them take and Farnam streets. which are shown principles on which no talent, power. the man released and give him a it is founded. Hoffmann Funeral Home. "Israel has born the banner of new start in the world, and that apEHstnbutors On the lapel of the coat of a B'nai Phono Douglas ,6409 truth in the dark ages of the world's plies to helping the Gentile as well B'rith member you will see a button formed of the emblem of the order. ignorance, and its mission still is to as the Jew. That emblem is called the Menbrah, uphold and maintain this banner, the Knowing many of these things is "Buy Midwest MUk" one of the reasons why the writer is made up of seven candles and each seal of the living God." These then are the basic principles of this could not stick with the Ford (PALMEK GRADUATE) candle stands for something. of the. B'nai B'rith: Light, Justice, paper and join in the genreal attack And what each stands for is shown Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 ! in the following words taken from Peace, Benevolence, Brotherly Love, on the Jews. the ritual for the observance of Harmony, and Truth^ and an organ- When you read slurring reference ! ization founded on those principles to the B'nai B'rith in future issues Memorial Day. They are: surely must prove a power for good of Henry Ford's Anti-Semitic WeekHOLCOMB in the land.* Light, ly, don't let him lead you to think FOCD CHEMICAL "Iii the beginning* darkness : was In the back of the book are print- of B'nai B'rith membars as schemPRODUCTS CO., INC. upon the face of the deep and ; God ed songs for use in their exercises. ing men in secret conclave, trying Manufacturers of in full there to deprive some of the Americans of jsaid, 'Let there be light, and there The three songs printed 2002 Poppleton Ave. FOODS AND CHEMICALS. are: . " :' / " " . " was light.'" ~ FLAVORING EXTRACTS. their rights and endeavoring to start Atlantic 3680 "Columbia, The Gem of The a row with Christians, but think of 918 X. lGlb St. Phone Atlantic 4984 "This was the decisive action, of ,. :-,,-.'... . . creation. It fashioned a universe and Ocean." them in their true light, as plain;! made brilliant and warm with light. "The Star Spangled Banner." red blooded men, joined together in Item NORTHWEST READY "America." Since the first day nature testifies to works of benevolence and patriotism, Biscuit Co. ROOFING CO. Poems printed in-thg same book for sending committees out to find the a living God." . j Kendr Hoofm;,' over old shingles. reading or recitations are along the needy, and supplying their neecb; SNOW WHITE Also aspanlt shingles and liuilrt-up The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. -• * Justice. same patriotic line. roofs. Fire resisting and durable. of men having good times socially at •'GAESIEXTS CJDEASTED U K E THE TOCCH OF A FAU BAKERIES All work frnaranteef'. Easy terms. "Justice, justice shalt thou pursue." times and at others singing patriPHONE KENTVOOD 0262. 2410 AMES AYENTJE. (Reg. V. S. Pat. Hnrnej1 2374 "Justice upholds the world and The Real Work of the B'nai B'rith. otic songs, observing Flag day, Me- Office and r*hoDP Office.) TVnrehonse: 3122 Ijeavenwortta orders the affairs of men. It supports Helping the less fortunate of life morial - day, Mothers' day and other the weak and restrains the arorgant. is the real work of the B'nai B'rith. days, the observance of which makes "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" It holds the balance between equal This writer has observed their ef- men's hearts more mellow, their ELECTRICAL FIXTURES rights and strengthens us for equal forts, especially among- the sufferers deeds kindlier, th,eir loyalty to their and buy APPLIA.YCES & SUPPLIES Made by MANUFACTURERS. from tuberculosis, members of the country stronger, their regard greatduties." •.'-•' '.••••' UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Granden Electric Co. MEY-MER-CO. Brand B'nai B'rith individually and the or-er for the sacred rights of others.—. FOOD CO. BEFEXDAHLE ELECTRICAI. Peace. ganization collectively work to help Pipp's Weekly. Beverages and Syrups. 319 South 16th Street. MERCHANDISE. 1 313-321 So. Hth St.. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Omaha. Nebr. 1511 Howard St. I'lione Atlantic 0681 Phone Douglas 3400. "The work of righteousness shall eradicate that of plagues, rhone Atlantic 2889 be- Peace, and the effect thereof quief and a t the same time,, give relief to 'ness and rest forever." •' .-• the afflicted.Zion Commonwealth Buys TKV SCSDGKES'S i "The labors and employment of Every member permits himself to 13,000 Dunam of Land Nutritions Home Made Carpenter Paper Co. men and the enjoyment of the fruits be assessed annually for the upkeep Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The AmerDistributors ot PIES and COOKIES of their handiwork require the guar- of the Tuberculosis' HospitalN main- ican Zion Commonwealth has purAll that the name Sealed in Sanitary . Wared Western Bond—and High Grade antee of peace. The safety of the tained by them in Colorado. implies. •Wrapper at Sour Grocer. chased 13,000 dunam of land in the Stationery Home and its sanctity, and the mainTheir experience as individuals Valley of Jezrael. The purchase price Sundgren Pie Baking g Co. OMAHA. NEBRASKA; tenance of Virtue are assured under working among the affficted has is $250,000. The land is one of the 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 and Hickory. Atlantic 5241 j the smile of Peace alone." taught them that tuberculosis is most fruitful parts of Palestine and among the most cruel of all diseases, joins tSe recent National Fund purBenevolence. FEATHER COMFORTERS PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. in that it comes onto the patient, unAmbulance Service Made from Tour Own Feathers. "He that hath a benevolent eye awares and in the fight to save the chase" of 60,000 dunara. According 27th and Martha Sts. Hnrney 1662 TlenovatecJ, re-made or made to order. to the plans of the Commonwealth, Eqnippeil lvifh Pulmotor. Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze, Alnmlshall be blessed for he giveth his life the family purse is often trone All hand-filled. We call and deliver. EUD and Soft Gray Iron Castings. All Calls Answered Promptly. : bread to the poor." ; by the time the sufferer is most in several garden cities will be built on You .are assured of soft castings, as OMAHA PILLOW CO. the newly acquired property. we machine some from every teat tn JOHN A. GENTLEMAN "God graces every life. l a divers need of aid. our own shop. Standard siza cast iron 1907 Coming' St., Omaha, Xebraska. bushings in stock. 3-m Faruam St. Phone Harney 0392 ways each of us can render some Phone Jackson 2467.
How About Your Furnace?
Steamship Tickets to and from all Parts of the World
McCwd-Brady Co.
The Brinn & Jensen Company
"Electric Shop"
Leo A. Hoffmann
OF £
Harle - Haas Co.
Ethel Th a 1
Heyer Mercantile Co., lie.
Dayton Money Weight and Detroit Automatic Scales and Meat Slicers SKINNER BAKING COMPANY DOUGLAS -1862
TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables
N.W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts.
Steiner Electric SleatChopper and Coffee Mill. Used Scales ot All Makes for Sale.
THATCHER PIANO CO. Phono JaoUsou 3066 -
DON'T BUY COAL! OIV IS MUCH CHEAPER t e t . Ua Kemore the Door from Soar 6'uruace and Insert a
LILUBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER See Dermhjstration 316 So. IOtb Street.
Call Atlantic 2364 .*.for...
City Representative 530 So. xCtxt St. Phone DOaglm 333*
2208. Cumins St.
We make It look like new. Call Douglas 9097 A man will cal» with samples.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Jewish Press 482 BrumJeis Bldff.
Tel. Jackson 23J2
id-West Auto Parts Co.
We carry a complete line of new ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any mate of car. 3r. » . RICH.11.1K. Managrer. 1318-1530 West Broadway". COCXCII. BLUFFS. IOWA. PHONE 444. Phone Jackfon 1680
Joseph Pplack & Son Wholesale Dealers in Butter, Eggs and Poultry. 1213 Howard St.
Omaha. Xtbraska.
Vinegai-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products
Phone OOUKIXH 4607 201U and Fierce St.. Omalio. Nebraska.
LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1910.
Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Brandeis Theatre Bnildinc 11th and Donelns Streets. rlione Atlantic 3836
1'hone Douclas 4T2G
Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1511 Cumins St. Phone Atlantic 1247 DISTRIBUTORS JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODCCTS. Omaha. Nebraska.
United Provision Stores QUALITY GROCERIES AND MEATS 4927 So. "Uh St.
Omaha Office: 813 Dontlas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic -556
Ford Tranter & Storage Co. K. A. FORD President and General, Manager. Council Bluff's (Iowa) Office 02* So. Main Street. Phone SS3
Cciiiiicil luffs SaYiEgs Bank OtR TREATS!EXT CONVINCE VOC OF OCR S>CEKITY Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.
Phone Market 0491
Checker Cab CALL
An Ideal Washing Combination.
Theodore Volz & Son
OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. Rates for Space on , this S p e c i a l Page given on:^ application.
Office and Warehouse i 917 So. Main St. Telephone* 142 COONCII> BLUFFS. IOWA.
"Make Warm Friends"
Have Your Furniture Reapholstered
SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer "
Holland Furnaces
'61? South. 16th Street. OUB NEW LOCATION .Corner I9th and DQUSIUH Streets. Slasonir TVmpIp B i d e -. . Oar Line BALDWrN, ELMNGTON HAMILTON HOWAKII UI'HIGHTS GRANDS. PLAYEK PIAJ&1S.
Wholesale Distributors for
Ept. 1891.
Estes Soap Chips
528-33 Securities Balldlnr, 16th uruj Fornam Sts.' Telephone: - Jackson 2706
Water Softener (Combined)
Always Ask for
Estes Laundry Tablets
Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes.
1117-19 Dodge St. '
Jackson 3873
E. E. Bruce Sc Co. WHOLESALE
Druggists and Stationers 401-103-105 South 10th St.
. . with . . S16 N. 16tb St. Branches at Central Market. Table Snpplr and FoexS Center.
At all Grocers.
You will like
Every morninsr If you call the
Frontier fewel Supply
Made by
Kirschbraun & Sons
ISIS California Street. Phone Doug-lo» 6291
-Groneweg I Sdioentgen WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302
S " '''