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"* ~"
It is mach. - e a s i e r to- be critical than to be; correct.
VOL. II.—NO. 2 ,
It isn't calling y o u r neighbors names that settles a question.
Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1921.. at ' poBtofflce,-;-'•• Omnha, Nebraska, - nndcr. the Act ot' March 3, 187».
Entire Community to Welcome Sokolow and His Noted Associates
From the big Philadelphia zone zone meeting December 18, David A. Brown, -chairman of the §14,000,000 WHY $14,000,000 ARE NEEDED ' -< appeal of the American Jewish Re: lief Committee, jumped on a night • •'•/'••:'/.:. - . / . ' " ' ' . * By J A C O B B I L L I K O P F \ ;- • train for the West, and the next day Delegates From Eleven States,! Tribute to Leaders in Jewry Will he was back at his old job of selling be Paid by Omahans ne&t in U. S. and Canada, to Meet. newspapers on the streets of Detroit. 1=5] Month. * Here May 29 and 30. Whatever phase of the' great Jew- gen. relates should be .known to every call it,, and this. "Huehner Krankheit" Once every year, just before the holi"NO COLLECTIONS AT ish tragedy of Eastern Europe one Jew because it illustrates the point I is claiming its;victims in the scores day season, prominent citizens of FIRST B'NAI • B'RITH CONVENTION IN OMAHA IN ' MEETINGS" SLOGAN OF momentarily regards as the most ag- am trying to make. He tells of a of thousands among,the Jewish war Detroit who once were newsboys give a day to selling papers at their old TWENTY YEARS. onizing, others' press' upon your group of Jewish children whom he orphans of Europe. ; • LOCAL COMMITTEE thought with equal poignancy. In saw" at play. They were playing i a Ninety-five thousand of Jewish stands, and the proceeds of their sales The fifty-fourth annual convention,! .Omaha.is expected to turn out en other words, the tragedy is as.multi- new game. There were two "sides" children, out of a" total of 200,000, in are devoted to providing holiday cheer masse to welcome Nahum Sokolow, form as the "galuth." Yet, it' seems of players. One "side" represented the Ukraine: alone, are : doomed to for the poor kiddies of Detroit. James of District No. 6, 1. O. B. B. will be] Vladimir Jabotinsky, -Prof. Otto Warto me that, when all of the great deal Jews, the other' "side" represented death during this winter. And I am Brady, vice president of the Ameri- held iff* Omaha next May. This announcement was made by burg and Col. J. H. Paterson when that can be said has been uttered re- "pogromchiks," and the game was for wondering; whether the fate of these can State Bank of Detroit, is chairthey arrive on ..January 1 1 . ... garding all of the phases of the trag- the "pogromchiks" to assault the Jews 95,000 will not some" day be envied man of the "Old Newsboys Goodfel- Henry Monsky, President of the Dis^ Aside from their'official connection edy, there is one that" stands out .in and for the Jews to save themselves. by those who survive. At arfy rate, low Fund" as it is called, and in his trict, on his return from a meeting I with the Keren Hayesod, which makes boldest, starkest relief. It was in my native town of Wilna, nothing more appalling has ever con- letter summoning Mr. Brown to the of the District Grand Lodge in Chi-j their stay here of deep interest to That is "the tragedy, of the chil- which I revisted the summer before fronted the Jews in all of their long, iield day, he enclosed a check. for cago this week. This will be the first j thousands, of Palestinian sympathizers, dren," the tragedy of 300,000 Jewish last as a commissioner of the Joint Dis- terrible history. This one phase of S100, for the American Jewish Relief time in twenty years that the con~j vention has come to Omaha. the Jewish members of the delegation children orphaned in consequence of tribution Committee, that the tragedy the situation "alone, should be suffi- Committee. occupy a position in world Jewry that the war. One contemplates this trag- of the' children was brought 'to me. cient to make the Jews of America • This was Mr. Brown's first day off District No. 6 is the largest in the I commands the respect and .admiration edy with special horror, even if he is With a noted correspondent of the eager to help, even to the point of since he assumed the chairmanship order in point of membership, and | of all ' Jews. Col. Paterson, a not: a sentimentalist.. He contem- New York World, I was returning to sacrifice. Perhaps ; they will be able of the campaign, at the beginning of comprises the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, WisconChristian Zionist, has held high miliplates it in its present agony of hun- the hotel after a meeting of the relief to visualize the extent of the "chil- October. : sin, North and South Dakota, Illinois, | tary positions upder, the British govger and cold to which' these waifs are committee. From a dark alley we dren's tragedy" when I tell you that and the Canadian provinces of Mani* j ernment. . exposed; he 'shudders with horror heard a dismal, heart-rending sound, there are about 10,000 children in all toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Realizing the honor which will be when he realizes that death will claim the sound of the children wailing. We of the Jewish orphans of the United The 1922 convention 'will be Iield | conf erredTon Omaha through the visit these babes in terrible numbers; but, penetrated the alley, but it was some States combined., But these 10,000 on May 29 and 30.- It is estimated of these' distinguished guests, the he contemplates this tragedy also in time before we could locate the source American Jewish orphans are in asythat over one hundred delegates wiil of this wailing. ;And then we found local Keren Hayesod committee, a t terms of the future. -And, for those lums, in" institutions where they are attend, who will bsing with them an whose invitation they are coming, who would peer into the future, there two children, a brother and a sister. fed, clothed, sheltered, protected, eduequal number of visitors. took steps Tuesday night t o make is a terrifying picture of the genera- They told us between sobs that cated snd give an-opportunity to beGeneral sessions of the conventioB seemed chronic that their father had their, stay here, an event of comtion of Jews that may result from the come useful me. and women. There munity-wide significance. present- tragedy of the children. For been killed in a; pogrom and their are in Europe" thirty times the num- The J. D. C. and Other Large are open to the public, and the community is always invited to attend Neighboring Communities Invited. these children, most of whom have mother had disappeared. They ' had ber of Jewish :orphans that we have them. Organizations Co-operate in All elements of the city will be seen their brothers and sisters and not eaten for many days, and that in this country, .but the orphans of » The local committee on arrangeBig Enterprise. Qsked to join in receiving the visitors, State-wide Appeals to be Made parents slain before their very eyes; they, had no place to sleep. We roused Europe sleep iri the' fields and in the ments for the convention will bo to Raise Quota in and in making the program of their most of whom have lived through the the family on whose doorstep we forests, they eat roots and grass, and $14,000,000 Drive. two-day, stay here one of interest and hells of war and pogrom, are • not found these, waifs, and persuaded their last rags' :are dropping away I N.S T I T U TION TO START selected at ,-£he meeting oi Omaha Lodge tonight. feppeal to every Jew in Omaha. Neighonly unsheltered, unfed, unclothed, them to give the children shelter over their bodies. ; Surely, American BUSINESS WITH $500,000 COMMUNITIES IN but they are without feeling, without night. : The next morning we took from boring communities will be invited to MANY Jewry will come'to their rescue! IOWA ALREADY participate also. any conception of right and wrong. these orphans to the Wilna Orphan New York. (J. 'C. B.) A credit unJewish' Pride Asserts Itself. ORGANIZED Uneducated, except alas, in that bru- Asylum, three mean little buildings ion and co-operative bank with a A committee of five, consisting of Beyond any doubt, the Jews of tality which is characteristic of post- in which there were 286 children. working capital of 1QO,000 pounds to Harry Lapidus, A. Cohn, I. GoldAmerica have dorte much, very much Jews of Nebraska and Iowa'are bellum Europe, without any ethical Stein, L. Kneeter and Henry Monsky, since 1917, for the relief of their Eu- begin operations in Palestine by the Blinking; Blinking, Hideously 'all set" to answer the appeal of or moral concepts, "beggars, gamins Was- appointed Tuesday to select an ropean brethren. The colossal sum of first of the year, is being organized RABBI JAMES G. HELLER SUCBlinking. Europe's J e v s for help. ?300,000. will and worse, • the residue' of that vast by four leading Jewish organizations arrangements and • reception commitbe raised in these two states for the horde of orphans may grow up with And there we saw another phase of $47,000,000 has been raised since the of America and Europ^e, according to CEEDS HIM IN B'NAI' tee of fifteen men and women, repfirst relief confeVence was held in fourteen, million dollar fund of the hatred in their hearts for all man- the tragedy. We saw hundreds of YESHURUN PULPIT. an announcement issued yesterday. resenting every "element . of, Jewish New Yqrfc .city.. No one: will.ever be American Jewish Relief Committee. kind. children sitting in the courtyard of " ' " • ' •' These organizations are the Reconlife in Omaha, on whom will devolve The campaign in both states-will " It -is this from which they must be the hospital, rythmically, hideously able to compute how. great was. the struction Committee (Col. Herbert H. Rev. Dr. Louis Grossman, for manv the task of arranging a. program and number of Jews "who were "save' d from begin' officially on January 15, and savedyBven as inuch as they must be blinking- their" eyes. At first we years rabbi of- Congregation B'nai Lehmaft,.chairman), of the Joint Disreception befitting the honored posi_will close twor-weeks Jater.' \ : - ~ saved from hunger, from told, from thought that this was some new pas-death by .this, remarkable . munifi- tribution Committee (Felix M. War- Yeshurun, of Cincinnati, O,, has re• " t i b n ^ "Held Pby the guests. cence. But—and this brings me to signed from his ministry owing to ill Bernard B. Burg, of ChicarjS state death. It is because I fear th~e future : time, but we learne/1 that these chilWill Give $5,000 For Palestine. „ . the second phase of the problem. The burg, chairman), the Palestine De- health. At a meeting of the bo?mi dren had been afflicted with a peorganizer for. Iowa has been busy for even more than the presentj so far A feature of the program will be Jews of Europe are not, they never velopment Council (U. S. Supreme of directors of the congregation last the past two weeks"and reports, that •as these children are "concerned, that culiar ailment due to malnutrition and - a mammoth public meeting a t the were ^chnorrers.. To them the soup- Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, hon- week it was resolved that the resignapractically all of. the larger com- I regard this phase of the Jewish even starvation, which caused them to orary chairman; Judge Julian W. Municipal Auditorium on January 11'. munities are r e a d y to begin 'their lose control of their eyelids during kitchen and-the'bread-line are as irktion of Dr. Louis Grossman-as rabbi No funds will be solicited at this campaigns a t once. Des Moines, problem of Europe as the most im- the hours of dayligLt and compelled some, are as humiliating as it would Mack, chairman), the Palestine Econo- of Congregation B'nai Yeshurun te perative for solution. • • ' . ' : . ' ; • mic Council of London (Sir Alfred meeting, nor a t any time during the Davenport, Sioux City and Council them to blink, blink, blink until the be to you and to me. While the great Mond, Minister of Health, British Cab- accepted from and after December 4, stay of the delegation here. darkness came and with it a partial emergency was on, while it was inet, chairman), and the Jewish Col- 1921, and that from and after that Bluffs are. among the cities that have . A New Game for Children. The Keren Hayesod committee has been organized.. The local committee I have seen some .of this tragedy cessation of that hideous blinking. merely a desperate .struggle to avoid onization Association of Paris (ICA— date he shall be rabbi emeritus of the pledged itself t o collect at least $5,000 for Council Bluffs includes O. Hoch- with my own eyes, and I know where- This is one of the plagues which the death from starvation and the Jews 1 congregation—that he be entirely and on the pledges made last Yom Kip-man, chairman, B . Gilinsky, Vice- of I speak. That remarkable young Joint Distribution Committee medical of Europe accepted the bread-line and D. Avigdol Goldsmith, Esq., London fully relieved of any and all duties pur for -resentation to Prof. Soko- chairman, Julius Rosenfeld, treasurer, man, James Becker, of Chicago, has unit is grappling with. As I trav- the soup-kitchen, on the principle that representative). and services; and further, that, in low on h j arrival here. This money and A. Aginsky, secretary., Officers seen it in other phases. Dr. Bogen eled through Galicia and Congress "needs must when the devil drives." $150,000 Capital Stock. appreciation of his many years of will but immediately forwarded t o of the state committee are Jacob L. has seen it, and so have Dr. Frank Poland I saw thousands of children But, now, when hunger has been loyal service to the cause of Judaism Under the preliminary agreement, Palestine, for use in reconstruction Sheuerman, Des Moines, chairman; Rosenblatt and Judge Harry Fisher of blinking in that hideous manner. assuaged somewhat; the old Jewish which has already been arranged, the and to his congregation, the board work there. Twenty-five committees :; Davidson, Sioux City, E. P . Ad- Chicago. One incident which Dr. Bo- "Huehner Krankheit," the Germans bank is to have capital stock of at of trustees, he authorized to pay him (Continued on page 2) have been organized to eollect this ler, Davenport, and H. Smulekoff, least 30,000 pounds to be subscribed $10,000 forVhe year 1922; and farmoney before January 5. edar Rapids, vice-chairmen; M. by the Palestine Co-operative Com- ther, that it recommends to futurenumber of 1 eading Yiddish playMandelbaum, Des Moines, treasurer; pany, the first business corporation boards that proper and ample proviwrights, novelists and poets, and also GOVERNMENT NOT and Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer, Des established by the Palestine Develop- sion be made in accordance with the writers of the daily Yiddish and HeTO AUTHORIZE VISES Moines, secretary. • i ment Council, whose treasurer is Sol spirit hereof. brew press, who regard Mr. Sokolo\v PER CABLE Louis I. Kaufman, of New York, Rosenbloom of Pittsburgh, and by the Rabbi James G. Heller, who had as the dean of the profession as •well Washington. (J. P. A.) The State has been named state organizer for FAMOUS WRITERS ENTERTAIN as their guide and leader. A. B. SEELENFREUND, CHICAGO, Palestine Economic Council; 70,000 been serving as Dr. Grossman's asHEAD OF KEREN HAYESOD Department announced that hereafter Nebraska. Mr. Kaufman will leave TO SPEAK-AT OPEN pounds is to be loaned to the bank sistant and who was formerly assistA number of prominent journalists COMMISSION. it will not send any cables to consuls Monday for a tour of the state, visMEETING. by the Reconstruction Committee of ant to Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf at. invited to the luncheon could not atauthorizing the granting of vises to iting every Jewish community and the Joint Distribution Committee and the Keneseth Israel Temple, Philatend but sent their greetings. Among ; New York. —- About seventy-five aliens desiring to come here. It was getting everything in readiness* for The annual B'nai B'rith day celethe Jewish Colonization Association delphia, was promoted to rabbi and them were Herman Bernstein, Bruce formerly the practice, of the depart- the start of the campaign. He has journalists, including some of the Bliven, Donn Byrne, Frank I. Cobb, bration of the Council Bluffs lodge for a long period of years at a nomi- placed in charge of the active work ment to authorize vises by cable when been in touch with local chairmen of most prominent writers of the Jew- Irvin Cobb, Herbert Croly, Hamlin of the B'nai-B'ritb will be held Sun- nal interest. of the congregation. the necessary expenses were paid by the various communities, and has ish and English press, were present Garland, Norman Hapgood, William day, January 8, at Eagle's hall. The Equal Representation. relatives here. Hereafter such au- been assured of the heartiest co- at a luncheon, at the Hotel Breevort, Hard, Hamilton Holt, George A. Ko- entire day will be filled with affairs OMAHAN WINS" ; New York, which was tendered in Each of the four organizations is thorization will be sent by mail only, operation of every Jew throughout for the B'nai B'rith. HIGHEST SCHOLARSHIP honor of Nahum Sokolow; head of the hut, Isaac F. Marcassan, Albert Jay In the' afternoon, a class initation to have equal representation on the the State Department declaring that the state. AT HARVARD . . . Zionist Delegation visiting this coun- Nock, George Paks-Ochs, Henry L. the sending of cables gave an advantwill be held for the members only. Board of Directors of the proposed Stoddard, Samuel Strauss, Mark Sultry and well known Hebrew journalist. bank; it was stated. An organization age to persons who were in a position Sol A. Rosenblatt of Omaha won This luncheon was arranged by the livan, H. E. Swope, Augustus Thomas, In the evening-there will be an open meeting will be held in London or the highest scholarship award at SOVIET WANTS EMBASSY to pay the cable expenses. meeting for' the entire public, when Louis Untermeyer/Samuel UntermeyIN HOLY LAND pnblishers of the Jewish press. -The Harvard university, according to a er, H. J. Wright and S. L. Mencken. the newly elected officers will be in- Paris : within a few days. Constantinople. (J. T. A.) The So- Jewish Morning Journal, the Day, the The Palestine Ccf-operative Comnews dispatch from the east. JEWS AS VICTIMS OF stalled., at ' which Henry Monsky, viet Government intends to^ establish Jewish Daily, the Zeit, and the pany will be represented at this meetHe is the son of Mr. and' Mrs. president of'this district, will preside. PETLURA INSURRECTION consular offices at the more important Hadoar. The gathering included London. (J. P. A.) Sir Alfred Lemberg. (J. T. A.) Ukrainian points in Asia Minor and the Medi- such prominent writers as Arthur Mond, minister of public works and Folowing the installation a program ing by Major James de Rothschild, Morris Rosenblatt, 401 South Thirtywho visited America about a year ago eighth street. . refugees airiving here state that durBrisbane, Adolph S. Ochs, Simeon chairman of the Zionist economic will be given during which Mr. Seelen- in order to organise in this country terranean sea-ports, including PalesThe young Omahan also has won ing the Petlurist insurrection, 38 JewStrunsky, S. S. McClure, Lester Mar- council, will have the title Lord con- f reund will make the principal address a branch of the Palestine Economic distinction on the. college debating tine, the Soviet ambassador told a ish villages were partially destroyed, kel and Heywood Broun. ferred upon him at the commence- of the evening. . Dancing will follow Council; the J. D. C. by James N. Ros- team. many killed, and a great number of representative, of "Pravda," the offithe program, • Included in the gathering were a ment of the coming year. enberg, Esq., chairman of the Eurocial Bolshevik organ. Only 21 last Sunday, Rosenblatt houses ransacked. pean Executive Council, and Morris is a senior in the arts college and is L. Ernst. carrying his first year of law at the 1 The purpose of the bank, according same time. He completed four years' to the plan drafted by Mr. Rosenberg, work in three. He is u. graduate ofis "to enter Palestine as a stimulator Central High, edited the High School of thrift and purveyor of capital and Register arid led the local school decredit. bating team. Our solicitors-are out in These-are-bui a few of the "Enclosed is.my. renewal. I ' the: field. . They will call many notes we have received will look forward with as much on you, for your renewal, from • our . subscribers. "The pleasure to receive "The Jewish this* week. Save your time -Jewish" Press", keeps them in RENEWAL' BLANK • Press" in 1922 as I did in 1921." and theirs, -Mail in your touch with all the events in 'M. Monheit, 1512 Harney'St. Jewish Press Publishing Co., renewal today.. Jewish life, locally-and through- • out the entire world. They do ' 482 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. "Your paper is very fine. I not want to,miss a single issue am glad to renev/ my subscripGentlemen:— of the paper. tion for 1922." Enclosed is check for $2.5© io renew my subscription to "THE Mrs. A. Gilinsky, JEWISH PRESS" for one year from date of present expiration. Can you, as a Jew who wants 725 Mynster St., Council Bluffs. to keep abreast with the times, as a Jew, who .wants to be in"You are publishing a good Name •formed of the happenings in paper. Enclosed is_ $2.50 to reJewry the world over, afford to new my subscription for the be without "The Jewish Press"? coming year*" I Address Think it over. Emil Ganz, 2960 Harris St. -* «£'uesday evening • five, hundred ,*§ % workers engaged in raising in % ~ £o two million dollars for relief . i 'ople of their race'in-Europe assei _ .:;• to .enjoy a banquet for which they had paid $8.50 a plate, as a means of boosting the campaign. Arrived at' the banquet hall, they were confronted with a picture that enabled them more clearly to visualize the conditions they are laboring to assuage. - -. - • They found wooden tables, bare of food or other decorations. - There were no electric lights, only, candles. They did not e a t Their .chairman, Jacob Loeb, explained that they had met to dine but would not do so because the cost would be sufficient to constitute a crime, in the face of the starvation 'in' Europe. . The fund was thus enriched by $4,250. .- . . : : That's charity.' To deny oneself in giving to others is to faiow satisfaction. .To gorge Avhile raising-money with which to buy soup for the starving is to create a satire on the spirit that inspires real charity.
Co-aperative Bank And Credit Moit For Palestine Organized
Nebraska and Iowa to Conduct Relief Campaigns Next Month
Sokolow Given Reception by American Journalists
Council Bluffs to fold B'nai trith Bay Jan. 8
1 i
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PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1921 The Jewish Educational Alliance gathered his "children abouthim and the co-operative and loan banks which iting with her sister, Mrs. S. Shostak. A. Gilinsky, during the past week, will hold their sixth annual banquet told them of the events giving rise were already in existence in Poland, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berkson have left for her home at Webster City, Sunday, January 8, at the Hebrew to the story of the holiday. He re-the country has been divided into returned from. Kansas City after la. Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Institute. A program is being arlated how the wicked ting Antioehus seven zones, in each of whicir there spending several weeks with their THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ranged. daughter, Mrs. Harry Luttbeg. Philip Romanov will leave Friday have been set up or selected a certain had tried to make the Jews give up Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. their religion; how he had ransacked number of co-operative banks or so- The Daughters of Israel will give evening for a short visit in Sioux Mrs. Barney Baron entertained for-..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year... the Temple and polluted; everything cieties for producers, consumers and a dance, Thursday evening, Decem- City, la. ty women at her home, Saturday Advertising rates famished on application. but the little jar of oil, which, through artisans, heading up into a union of ber 29, at the Knights of Columbus evening, December 17, for Miss Esther co-operatives, all federated - into the Hall. ,a miracle, burned eight days; and he SIOUX CITY NEWS. Goodsite, a December bride. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaRabbi Jacob Singer was the speaker described the wonderful deeds of the Warsaw Reconstruction Corporation. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rabonivich left tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. Maccabaeans. The children were The corporation is supplied by theTuesday noon at the weekly luncheon last week for Los Angeles, Calif., FANNY HERSELF. CHANGE 0 7 ADDRESS—Please give both the old And new address: Joint Distribution Committee with of the Lincoln Rotary club. "Organ- where they will remain until June. listening with great interest. bo tare and Digs your name. When Molly Braiuleis crossed toil''And now, children, did you just capital on which artisans in the small ized Religion and Community Conworn hands on her breast and closed Temple Mt. Sinai gave a vaudeville communities can draw at the lowest sciousness" was • his subject. As a see me put out the little shr.mess ? dim eyes in eternal Test, Fanny, her FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN. show Wednesday evening, November possible rate of interest for money sub-head, he said, his talk might be When I was a child I always condaughter, cried; then smiled. She We are wonderung how many of our good Jewish friends will sidered it an injustice to do so, andwith which to buy tools; the seam- termed an every-day sermon to SO at the Central High School Audismiled because the world demands a take advantage of the prqximity of Christmas to Chanukah this I still consider that it "is wrong, but stress, sewing machines; the mer-Rotarians. It was a plea for the torium. smile, and it was her task to battle vear to introduce a Christmas tree into their homes, and toI have one great consolation, and I chant, stock for his store, and the"scrapping" of class consciousness °substi'tute thereon the yellow candles of the Jewish festival for wart you always to remember it. manufacturer, credit with which to which carries with it misunder- The . Jewish Educational Alliance the world. held a meeting. Sunday evening, De-the polychrome lights of the Christian holiday. "It was the Jews, your ancestors, purchase raw materials and start the standing, suspicion, distrust and hate. cember 11, at the Hebrew Institute. Not particularly for herself; for her 3 For we have known, and still do know, Jews in whose homes that first gave to the world the Tenwheels of industry' humming. wants were few and her mother's litA dance followed. »the decorated evergreen finds a place on December 25. AndCommandments-—the liglit and fire of One million dollars has already tle store in Wisconsin furnished a 'since these people still pride themselves on being Jews we cancivilization. They were the little been set. aside by the Joint Distribu- COUNCIL BLUFFS Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha meagre living, but to keep faith with believe that the Jewish festivals are still observed in their homes/ shamess that lighted the candles that tion Committee for the purposes of her mother. To keep her promise At the semi-annual examination of officiated at the services at Mt. Sinai that she would care for her brother, Why should they then not use the Christmas tree with its tinsel drove away the fog and darkness of this credit-loan system in Poland Temple Sunday, December 11. ,jand its gilt ornaments for the little wax tapers of our Feast heathenism, barbarism and polythe- Three hundred thousand dollars has the City Talmud Torah the followwhose musical education had cost ing pupils were awarded prizes for Announcement has been made of them every comfort in life; whose inM Lights? ism. And since then, wherever these thus far been appropriated for like * They will tell you that they observe the Christmas season new candles burn an:! shine, every purposes in Roumania and §80,000 in the highest grades attained during the engagement and apprrching mar- cessant demands were met unselfishly the past semester: Class 1—Bernard riage of Miss Esther Goodsite and and who, in return, gave nothing. -"for the sake of the children1". For the sake of the Children; effort is made t J put out forever the Lithuania. Bernstein and Lillian Kutler; Class Mr. Joseph H. Levin. The wedding ftoo, gifts are exchanged with the "same enthusiasm as they are. little shamess that made their light Fanny went to Chicago to work in 2—Elizabeth Kutler and Bernard will take place on Tuesday, December Other Phases of the Problem. in the homes of their Christian neighbors. : possible. Everybody has, throughout a mail-order house. She arose to a 3 Why do our people follow after strange gods, and play with" the ages, tried to exterminate the There are other phases of the prob- Balab'an; Cla'ss 3—Leo Meyerson and 27. position of prominence by her own •jfire, as-they do? weak little shamess—the Jew. It is lem. There is, for instance, the prob- Ruth Shyken; Class 4—Izzie Perl- The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood voted at merit an dthen— wrong; it is as unjust as can be, and lem of repatriation. No one knows meter, Toby Katelman and Ida Hoff1 last meeting to adopt a Jewish What happened to Fanny and her For the sake of the children the -Jewis have preserved In" it.is not a fair and square deal, but how many Jews were driven from man; Class 5—Nathan Gilinsky, Abe their Orphan in Palestine. Mrs. Barney heart? their homes since 1914 by war and Katelman and Albert Fox. jtheir home life the beautiful customs .and^ceremonials of their nevertheless it iz so* Baron was directed to correspond You will know when you have seen forefathers. We have our -owns seasons .and our own stories. "There is however, one great con- pogroms. But there are 400,000 refwith the Zionist Organization in re- "No Woman Knows," an epochal story ugees from Russia and the Ukraine The wedding of Miss Sarah Krasne, iFor the sake of the children at this season.*of the year, the solation , that We have, and this is of a woman's heart which comes to jlegends of Chanukah should be recounted, the stories of Judas' something that I hope you children who have crowded into Poland and daughter of Mr. S. Krasne, to Mr.gard to this matter. fMaccabees and of Hannah and her seven sons be retold, and thewill always retriember» The Jewish Roumania. Refugees are to be found Ben Krupinsky of Fremont, Nebr., Mr. Edward Pill, eldest son of Mr. the Sun for one week, starting Sunin every European country, including \ Chanukah lights be kindled. people has lived through ages of op-Italy, Austria and even France. Con-will take place Sunday evening at Max Pill, was honored at Columbia day. Eagle's hall, in the presence of re- University by being elected into a , Christmas trees- and Christmas gifts among Jews are steps: pression and persecution because their ;down the pathway that leads from Judaism to unbelief. No1 national and racial feeling has kept stantinople holds thousands, and so latives and immediate friends. Miss high fraternity. Leah Krasne will be maid-of-honor, •matter in how secular a manner Jews may indulge in Gentile their religion and them alive, and does every European seaport. BRODKEY'S i ceremonials, the fact remains that these ceremonials are linked vice versa, and if only they will con- These refugees have only one de-and Mr. Ben Weinberg of Fremont, The Mount Sinai Temple spent a SYNCOPATED with religious observances, and Jews who persist in observing tinue to remember that they are Jews; sire: to return to their native towns, Nebr., best man. Miss Carrie Rosen- considerable sum of money on improvithem degrade themselves and insult the religious convictions of if only they will do all they can toand there, on the ruins, to begin life thai of Norfolk, Nebr., will be theing the Temple. Two of the features SIX the new Sunday School rooms and the Gentiles. Let the Jew iiot think that he will find favor strengthen both their Judaism and again. And such ruins as they will attendant and Mr. Lawrence Krasne are . . . and... •among non-Jews when he prates to them of his Jewish Christ- themselves as Jews, they will be asfind if ever their heart's desire is usher. The flower girls will be thethe installation of a pipe organ. gratified and they return! Firty per Misses Pauline and Rae Bernstein. jmas parties. The sincere Christian will loathe him for it, and.indestructible in the future as they Fascinating Five Jascha Heifetz, the famous violinist, will hate his children after him. • have been in the past, and all the ef- cent of all houses belonging to Jews Rabbi M. N. Taxon . of Omaha will wiH give a concert in January at the forts of their enemies to put them in Eastern Europe have been de- officiate. Auditorium under t heauspices of the stroyed, and in Roumania, Galicia, For the sake of the children.let us forswear this,senseless out of existence will be unavailing. Eastern ARTISTIC Sioux City Concert Course. Poland, Southern Russia and aping of things which do not concern us, as Jews. Let us stick" Do you want an excellent proof of Lithunia the total is close to 90 per The regular meeting of the Junior DANCE MUSIC Auxiliary of the Council of Jewish The Messrs. Will Goodeite, Abe to our own traditions and our own beliefs, our own ceremonials this, my children? H,t is furnished us cent. CALL EARLY Women was held Thursday evening Brodkey and Abe Baron arrived last JACKSON 3260. and ^ our own legends.- Let us rid ourselves of parents who areby the little shamess itself in the week from Michigan University. Jewish Gentiles, and of children who can be neither Jew Chanukah ceremony. . 1 at the home of Miss Marian Cohen. $14,000,000 Mast Be Raised. nor Gentile. "Remember, that | n spite of the Fourteen million dollars must be Plans were made to aid a poor fafact that the little shamess is despised raised by the end of April if we aremily during the Chanukah celebraand is not allowed to show; its light to do something of any value toward tion. as it should, each year •wfieni it comes the mitigation of this horrible tragtime to have the other candles show edy. That is the irreducible mini- The Ladies Aid Society will give their light, the first thing that is al- mum. No lesser sum will suffice, just a card party Tuesday afternoon at A STORY FOR CHANUKAH ways done is—what? Why, it is a as this sum in itself will be but barely the home of Mrs. G." Whitebook, 715 simple performance. Before he other sufficient for the great need. The First avenue. The public is invited By Dr. George H. Cohen. candles can get any light, they, the money must be raised. honored and 'beloved and revered The Blossoms . of Zion, Young - Little Simchah was but seven years use it in order to light the other can- carriers of flame must get their light Judea club, will give a Chanukah ;' ' • old and possessed the intelligence na- dles." T h r o u g h two thousand years the LINCOLN and fire over and over again from party Sunday afternoon. tural to" boys of his age, and yet, one "Of course," and_ little SunchaK year to year from that wretched, Christmas spirit has found its finest evening, he asked his father—a man proudly rubbed a match on the match'; despised and hated, but in* spite of Kabbi Jacob Singer spoke before The regular meeting of the Hebrew expression in the giving of gifts—: of forty—a question which the latter box, lighted the shamess, carefully all, the everlasting little shamess." the Menorah Society, Sunday evening, Educational club will be held Monadmitted was logical, one which he put out the match, to show that fie December 18, at the Faculty Hall. For THIS Christmas you will want day evening at the home of 'Miss attempted to answer as well_ as he appreciated the responsibility with His subject was "Jewish Music." THE JEWISH TRAGEDY Gertrude Gilinsky. your gift to y o u r f a m i l y to be could, but which utterly failed to sat- which he had been entrusted, then Mr. M. J. Slonim of New York City, IN EUROPE isfy the' child. The reason for Sim-slowly lighted the five candles one expressive — beautif jl — serviceable Field Secretary of the Keren Hayesod, Mrs. B. Brin, who has been visiting (Continued from page 1) chah's dissatisfaction was that his after the other and with a loud.and spoke before the Zionists of the city, <—and lasting! sense of fairness—inborn in the firm voice repeated after his father self-respect, the fine, traditional Jew- Sunday evening. Following the talk, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. American child—was offended. The the holiday blessings over the little ish "koved" is beginning to assert it- an election of officers was-held:—S. L. Why not a CADILLAC, for delivery answer given :him by his _ father in- dancing flames. •; self. Indeed, it was begun—o to as-Shostak, president; H. Aunson, viceChristmas morning? creased the pity which he felt in his "Now, my son," said the father, ert itself when I was in Poland and president; J. Shapiro, treasurer; S. Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Phone 101. heart for a certain object, made him "let the shamess burn a little while in Galicia. It has now becon.c a new Aiden, secretary. Delight the whole family, Make this The Best of Everything In Flowers and feel more keenly than ever before and then put it out." ry of agony—not agony, of the body, The marriage of Miss Rose Mozer their happiest Christmas! Confections at Moderate Prices. that the- treatment accorded it was "Father," said little Simchah, "why but agony of the soul. On every side to Mr. Harry Stein of Omaha will 645 W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater. unjust, and almost made him. promise do you put out the little shamess? heard the Jews of Poland say: take place Monday evening, Janury COPNC1X. BLUFFS. IOWA. himself to do all he could to remedy I should Jhink that you would let it "If we can get back on our feet, if 2, at the Lindell Hotel. About 250 this state of affairs. burn with the other candles. It is we can begin to earn our daily bread, invitations have been issued. A supjust as good as they are, isn't.it?" :ach in his own way, we want to par-per will follow the ceremony. A youthful but important question "No, my son. The little shamess ticipate, with our American brethren, Mrs. Nathan Levy left Sunday for 3iad been asked; an unsatisfactory YOUNG MAN desires room and answer had been given, and this is must be put out because its light de- in caring for those who may still Los Angeles, Calif., where she will OMAHA—LINCOLN. need the soup-kitchen and the breadtracts from the glory of the other spend the. winter. She was accomboard with refined Jewish how it all happened. • line." candles. They are the holiday canpanied by her daughter, Miss Marian I t ' w a s Chanukah. Simchah's fafamily Box 355 Jewish Press. ther had returned from his day's work, dles and their number designates the The same cry i s heard from the Levy and her son, Mr. Marvin Levy. and the other members of the family night of the festival. Nothing must Jews in Roumania, of Hungary. And Mrs. L. Theodore of Omaha is viswere also at.home. No one dared to be permitted to interfere with them. the "Chalutzim" in Palestine", want leave the house before the Chanukah So put out the little shamess. It has only work. • •. -1 Helpless Help the More Helpless. candles had been kindled, as this cere- already burned long enough." . And, indeed, a recent report to the And then came the question that mony had practically become a family ceremony. During the week of received an answer which failed to Joint Distributing Committee tells •Chanukah special pains were taken satisfy and which filled the. child's the story of a Jewish community in by everybody to be at home when the heart with the feeling that a grave Poland, which, helped by a loan from symbolic candles were to be lighted. injustice was being committed. It the Rehabilitation Committee, began at once the erection of an asylum for This particular evening was of spe- was simply: "But, pa, do you think it the shelter and education of some of is right to put out the little candle cial importance, however, to little that vast horde of orphans whom I Simchah. It was the fifth night f>f which gave the light and the fire to described awhile ago. the other candles? What'harm does the holiday and his father had promEven as I regard the "children's ised him that if he would be a par- it do the other candles if it does keep on burning? Isn't i t lighter if an tragedy" as the most poignant phase ticularly good boy during .the first extra candle is burning? Do you of the problem, so I regard the plan part of the festival he would let him TO BE think it's right, p a ? " that has been developed by Col. Her-ihimself kindle five'real wax candles. jis bert H. Lehman, chairman, of the Re"You are only a child, Simchah," AT THE Yes, he had told him that he would let him do it all himself right in said his father, caressing his head. habilitation Committee, of the Joint front of the- whole family, and of"Some day when you grow up youDistribution Committee, as the first course, i t goes without saying that will understand and you will not askfinest work undertaken for our people Simchah was very eagerly looking such foolish questions. You have across the sea. The thought that Col. forward to this wonderful occasion. clone very well tonight, and now take Lehman has given to the cry of Eua Jewish history and read about the ropean Jewry that it be given back At last it had arrived, and before, heroes of the Chanukah story, and its self-respect, is another indication performing his. part, of- the ceremony when you go to bed tonight, pray that of the lofty character -of this distinhimself, his father said to Simchah: you, too, may grow up to be as good guished man who has brought all of "Well, .Simchah, since mother tells a Jew as Judas Maccabaeus." his experience in the fields of finance me that you have been a good boy so Little Simchah obeyed, but as he and social service as a freewill offar during this holiday, 1 am going read he would raise his eyes to thefering to his people. to let you light your five candles first. little candles, and within1 he felt— A Great Loan System. You have seen me do it up to now.well, he did not know just what it In brief, the plan. of the RehabiliDo you think that you will know how was. He knew, however, that some« "IJDIJJB arty "i Evening, tation Committee, which is endorsed to doit yourself?" thing was wrong. The little shamess by Felix M. Warburg, Louis Marshall Of course Simchah knew how. He was not getting a square deal. . 31 1921 Julius Rosenwald and others:who are flew to the closet, took out the candle- And in his childish mind lie wished he •prominent in the relief effort, is the stick and the little box of wax can-could help to right the wrong. establishment in Poland, Roumania dles, picked out-five of them' and Temple, and in other parts of Europe, as well INS placed them carefully In the.candle- ".. Years passed. Simchah's father as in Palestine, as soon as conditions and • * stick. "See, I have them all ready," had gone the way of the world. The warrant, of a great co-operative bank JIB ie said proudly. ' ' ,-. members of the family, were scat- system, which will enable the merStreets "Oh, but you need .another candle,", tered, and Simchah now had a house- chant and manufacturer to resume said the father.- "You have forgotten hold and family of his own, and when business, the artisan to utilize ' his the little shamess^-the little service Chanukah arrived be, too, like his fa tools, and the day laborer to earn his candle which; we use in orderto light ther "before him, lighted the little brcjf\d by the sweat of his brow. Althe others. Now then get one quick- candles and blessed them. ready this system is in operation in ly, light it with a match, and then One Chanukah" night, Simchah Poland and in Roumania. Utilizing
A Cadillac for Christmas-
SUNDAY (Dec. 25th-All Week)
Greater than "Humoresque"
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,PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1921 ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alperin andf ing, December 28. During the .1- Miss Sadye Levey had sixteen guests Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky of Miss Eva Alperin will spend next! ing tha Junior Council of Jewish on Saturday afternoon for her sister 319 N. 88th Ave. announce the en- neek in Sioux City, Iowa, where they | Women of Council Bluffs will present at her home. gagement of their daughter, : Beulah, will attend the Levin-Goodsite wed- a sketch in two acts. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kramer reto Mr. Max Langman of Ionia, Mich., ding. ''..'.'. The wedding of Miss Lillian Levey, turned Sunday from their wedding the son of Mr. and Mrs. David LangMiss Ann Verbin of Fremont, Ne- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey, trip, which they spent in St. oLuis man of New York City. Miss Kulabraska, is visiting a t the S. Handler to Mr. Samuel Zlotky of. Fremont, and Chicago. cofsky is well known in Omaha as a A Chanukah. party and entertaini<eb., will take p'ace ^ f the Blackstone home. musician and Mr.. Langman was forMiss Cecelia Laz- res of Des Moines, ment will be given next "Wednesday Hotel on Sundr- evening. Rabbi M. Miss Ruth Wilinsky will be hostess M. Taxon will o* .-iate and two hun- Iowa, •will arrive Friday to be the evening a t the Jewish Old Peoples merly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Home t 2504 Charles St., under the Kulakofsky will be a t home for their at a luncheon a t the Athletic Club dred and fifty invitations have been guest of Miss Esther Zalk. auspices of the Daughters of Israel daughter and Mr. Langman on Sun- followed by an Orpheunv party on issued. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Goldenberg of Aid Society. Tuesday for members of the- school Mir- SaJye T -ey --ill act as maid 4112 South Twenty-fourth street anDuring the past week, Mr. H. set. Miss Ethel Gladstone will have of honor to her sister and Mr. Lewis nounce the marriage of their daughThe Young Judea Council has ar- Grawoig of Chicago, HI., announced a luncheon at her home on Friday. Zlotky will be be^4- man io rV-'s brothranged a Chanukah program for the the engagement of his daughter, Miss Helen Robinson, who is at- .er. The bridesmaids will be the ter, Rosalind Inez to Mr. Harry Lennett Sher of Los Angeles, Calif. public, for Wednesday evening, De- Beatrice, to Mr. Nathan H. Sherman, tending the University of Minnesota, cember 28, a t eight o'clock in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sherman arrived today to spend her winter's Misses Frieda and Esther Berlovn.ii, Mrs. Sher is a graduate of South " azarus of Des High School and spent the past year large hall of the Jewish Commun- of this city. Miss Grawoig is a sister vacation here. She will have as her and Miss v^ecer ity Center. of Mrs. Jesse Pregler and Mrs. H. houseguest, Miss Delia Bookman of Moines, and Miss Esther Zalk of at the University of Southern CaliOmaha. The ushers will include fornia where she w»s a member of Diamond of this city. Minneapolis, Minn. Messrs. J T -ur'-- Kattleman, William the Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority. " Mr. Oscar Weinstein, who is attending the Kemper Military AcaMiss Rose Bernstein entertained at The Thorpeian Athletic club will Levey, Jarvis Frieden and Harry BerMr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus will demy, is arriving today, to spend his luncheon a t her home on Tuesday, hold a Chanukah Festival dance Sun- lovich of Des Moines, Iowa. After a wedding trip in the east, give a dancing party •= ' the Castle •winter's vacation here. complimentary to Miss Minnie Rabin- day evening at Kelpine Dancing Acaowitz of New York, who is visiting demy. Many features have been ar- Mr. Zlotky and his bride will make Hotel on Tuesday evening for their Mr. and Mrs. David Langman of with her sister, Mrs. Morris Roseritheir home in Fremont. daughter Miss Estelle Lapidus. ranged for this dance. New York City are the house-guests blatt. . Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt of Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky. The Sunday School of. Temple IsThe Ra-Oth Society held its regular Miss Rose Grodinsky entertained Many affairs are being planned in for Miss Rabinowitz a t the Athletic meeting Sunday afternoon at Phelps rael will have a Chanukah entertain- will entertain a t a dinner party for their honor during the next two club on Wednesday followed by a Hut, when Miss Flora Bienstock ment at the Temple on Sunday after- their daughter, Miss Ann Rosenblatt, weeks. was hostess. The next reg —ar meet- noon. The following will take part on Monday. Sixteen guests will be theatre party a t the Brandeis. ing will be held January 8, a t the in a sketch, "The Modern Maccabees:" present. '. The Omaha Junior Hadassah Unit' The Young Judea Senior club will home of Miss Bess Stalmaster. A t Alvin Friedma Harold Pollack, HerWinter Vacation Affairs. sent a Chanukah box to i t s adopted give a Tea at the Brandeis Restaura special meeting of the Society, this man Rosenblatt, Hermine Green, Many parties will be given during orphan in Palestine. ants on Monday afternoon. The afternoon a t the Jewish Community Helen Sherman, Stanley Simon, Lewis the next two weeks for those who guests of honor will be Miss Estelle Center, Chanukah boxes were given to Mosher, Louis Zieiljr, Jeanette NaThe Flowers of Zion celebrated have returned from eastern schools to Lapidus and Miss Rose Minkin, who than, and Cecil Snyder. Katherine the -Federation for distribution; their anniversary a t t h e Jewish Comgu**«r will ; ve the invocation and spend their vacations in Omaha^ On munity Center, Sunday, December 18. are spending their school vacations Miss Rose Lincoln, who is attending the following will light the Chanukah Friday evening, Miss Beatrice Reichhere, Mrs. Irvin Marsh,' a recent Members of the Club participated in bride*, and Miss Ann Ackerman, a the University of Nebraska, will nc'iMorris Tapper, Verna Sing- enberg will be hostess and on Saturthe program. arrive Friday for the winter holidays. bride-to-be. er, Harold Spiegal, Helen Beeson, day evening Miss Marie Goldstrom will h a - e twenty guests a t a dancing . A son, Philip Morton, was born to The Zionist Organization will hold Charles Rachman, Selma Berkowitz, party at her home. Sunday Samuel Mr. and Mrs. L. M, Cohn returned Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sokblof, WednesStanley Jacobs; and Jerjiette Mosko* a Chanukah celebration Sunday evenand Howard Wertheimer will enterday, at the Swedish Mission hospital. on Tuesday after having spent the ing, December 25, a t eight, a t the witz. past three months in California. ' tain at dinner at the Blackstone Ho19th and Burt Streets Synagogue. Mrs. B. I. Cohen of Chicago, forMrs. M. L. Horwich entertained on tel, followed by a dancing party at Mrs. M. Brodkey i s spending- the The public is invited. merly Misa Ida ELubby, is visiting with Wclnesday at ; bridge luncheon for the home of their parents, Mr. and holiday weeks a t Sioux City, Iowa, Tier uncle, Mr. M. D. Richman of Leonard Marx of( Sioux City, Iowa, Miss Lillian Levey, a bride of this Mrs. Samuel Wertheimer. Monday •Council Bluffs. She will remain for where she will visit "with her brother, week. Forty guests were present. evening Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Miller Mr.' Max Brodkey, and her niece, Mrs. will spend the holiday week a s the several weeks. guest of his cousins, Messrs. Dave auu J. Brodkey. Gustave Rosenstoclu - . Miss Bess Cheploff was hostess to Mrs. J . J . Jacobs returned on Monthe Sigma Delta last Sunday, Prizes The Alumni of Temple Israel will were won by the Misses Cheploff and day after having spent several weeks give a dancing party in the vestry "". BIG PARTY GOOD MUSIC — GOOD TIME — Dorothy Shapiro. No meetings will i a Chicago. of the Temple on Wednesday evenbe held until after the Holidays. PLENTY FUN. • Lester -and Kamona Slosburgy chilAUSPICES, K R. PLEASURE CLUB. dren of Mr. and Mrs. J. J . Slosburg, Miss Dorthy Lettween of Lincoln ?3.00 Per Cover is spending lier winter's vacation with left Monday to spend the holiday HORS D'OEUVRES PARISIEN>rB _ m weeks in Chicago. '; the Misses Libbie MinMn. and AnHEARTS OF CELERY. SALTED ALMONDS. OLIVES. ^ ^ TOMATO BOUILL.IO.N. WHIFFED CREAM nette Fanger. There'are many afThe Misses Pearl and Martha Cohn CHEESE STRAWS . ' fairs being planned for her. IMPERIAL PUNCH entertained on Friday evening a t - BOKBLES KOTAL SQUAB A LA ROTHSCHILD PUMMES VICTORIA • - The Misses Libbie MinMn and Sara their home for Miss; Lottie (jiventery H -1CROXJSTADE OP PEAS AMD FRESH MUSHEOOMS • SALAD MART GARDEN Segleman will give a dancing party who left Saturday to spend several E FANC1* FOR5IES OF ICE CREAM ONE WEEK E a t Hanscom Park Pavilion for Miss months in the east. PETIT FOURS E DE3II TASSB , : Lettween, Wednesday, December 28, f Mrs. H. S. Kamen and Mrs. A. Ai E —Starting Sunday— FROM 11:00 P. M. TO 2:00 A. M. when there will be one hundred guests Levison entertained a t a bridge lunchk present Miss Annette Fanger will BLACKSTONE HOTEL BALLROOM. • eon a t Burgess-Nash Tea Rooms on entertain, a bridge party for 12 a t the Valley of Sweets, Monday afternoon. J Saturday when Mrs. Sw J . Waller of Please make early reservations.—Hamey 0945. Mr.' and Mrs. Jacob Gordon will en- San Francisco and Miss Eva Arnsteiii of Chicago were the complimented tertain for Miss Lettween a t bridge, Adapted from the Story guests. ' Sunday evening, December 25. V "Fanny Herself* Miss Madeline Cohn was hostess on by E d n a F e r b e r . Miss Minnie K. Willens of Denver, Wednesday evening when she enters Colo., is the house guest of Miss So- tained for her brother, Ralph Cohn Greater than phye Weinstein. She will stay until who is spending the holidays here. "Humoresque". after the holidays. Mrs. S. R. Rabinowitz and smal Miss Martha Weinstein, who as at- son arrived on Tuesday to spend th$ tending the University of Ames, is holiday season v i t h Mrs. Rabinowitz? arriving today for her winter's vaca- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Spiesf tion. berger. -
Social, Club and Religious Activities
Blackstone Hotel—New Year's Eve Celebration
"No Woman Knows"
will entertain at their home for their club New Year's Eve, and OB New Year's night Mrs. Cora "Wolf will endaughter, Miss Mildred Miller. Miss Beatrice Rosenthal will be hos- tertain at her home for her son, Berntess at a dinner party at her home hardt Wolf. on Tuesday evening, for her guest, Miss Mildred Blank of Des Moines, Miss Brownie Erlich of St. Joseph, Mo., and Miss Dorothy Goldman of Iowa, will arrive on Friday to be the Des Moines, Iowa, who is visiting i guest of Miss Rose "VVeinberg. Sfte jwill remain for two weeks. with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller. Mrs. M. L. Goldenberg, who has Mr. M a s Holzman will entertain at a dinner dance at the Brandeis Res- been visiting in Los Angeles, Calif., taurants, followed by an Orpheum with Mrs. S. G. Schlaifer, will soon party, on next Thursday, and on Fri- return by way of Sacramento and day, December 30, Miss Merriam Mo- Denver, in which places she will visit zer will be hostess for twenty guests with friends. Mr. and Mrs. David Green have as at the Brandeis Restaurants. Miss Mildred Cohn and Miss Harriet Rose- their houseguest Miss Bertha Dwovwater will entertain r.t the University kowitz of Kansas City.
Sweaters For Christmas Gifts Men's and Young Men's Sweaters
to 1 5
MEN'S CORDUROY SHIRTS in brown and pearl gray, coat style, two pleated pockets. jpi ,| 50 Ideal gift for the out-of-doors man, at.... Tfc Men's Wool Men's Flannel Shirts Vests $3 to f 6 $6 Men's Heavy Twilled Moleskin Shirts, olive drat*., S3.00
Chanukah Program
Miss Sophye Weinstein entertained a t a luncheon a t the Brandeis Tea Rooms complimentary, to her guests, Mrsl C. S. Rips of Tulsa; Okla., anct Miss1 Minnie Ki Willens : of Denver, Colo".
y .._••
Rabbi Frederick Cohn will take for his sermon "The Jew and Christian-; ity" Friday evening a t Temple Israel On Saturday morning Rabbi Cohn will speak on "The Joseph of History."
At a regular meeting Sunday at the Jewish Community Center, the Jolly ettes changed their name to "Yo Wo Heas." The folowing were voted into this club: Bess Handler, Esther Blumenthal and Leona Perlis. • Mrs.. N. Rosenbaum and Miss Edith Rosenbaum gave a party at their home for Miss Ruth Rosen of El Paso, Tex., last Sunday evening, a t which ten couples were present. The evening was spent in playing games and in dancing.
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By DR. S. M. MELAMED, in The Sentinel
Backed by the Sugar Beet Industry.
The Jews of America, and in fact has suffered terribly from the Jew-producers should not retire from the Legality passed on by competent Attorneys. P. MELCHIORS & SON the Jews all over the world, have ish domination of medicine. The stage. Why should they arouse your finally come to the conclusion that world has suffered greatly from a anger? If it gives you pleasure to B.KORNEY MACHINE WORKS you are not.only the.wisest man of man like Ehrlich or from Wasser- see the Jews removed from the stage Industrial uiiil Automotive Machinists. Cnrburetor mill Ignition Kepuirn. our .age but the. greatest sage of all man or Weigart or Israel or Flexner. why should they not leave 1.he stage Incorporated.Starter Hlng Cents to? Auto Fly Wheels the ages and that, besides being the These men you think had no right to and do as you want them to? It is First National Bank Bldg. Phone AT lantic 0360, « 7 South 13th Street. 1115 Doufflas St. a'el. Jackson 3171 Telephone: Jackson 5350 producer of cheap cars, you are also live, had no right to be active in really incomprehensible to see the entitled to rule our planet as well as medicine and the activities were un- Jews still attached to the stage and the cosmos at large. You are thecalled for. Maybe you are right. The active on and around the stage al1 I Steamship Tickets to End frera embodiment of human wisdom. Yours treatment you and your friends are though you have ordered them to DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT leave it. I find it very impudent on is a gigantic mind, ableto penetrate meting out to the Jews should have Does It Need ,C!eaning COMPANY. all Parts of the World into all the mysteries of life and you caused Jewish scholars to lay their their part. They should comply with or Repairing? B1SMARCKS, CAKE AND SCG.MV UNDERTAKERS We assist yon in fretting pnssBODGUKDTS OUR SPECIALTY. are in adition a living library. A instruments aside and not do any-your request and if they have not NOW IS THK TIMK TO HAVE porrs and give you expert advise MOVED TO EXPERTS BO THK WORK. on European conditions. .man of your knowledge and wisdom thing for science of humanity, but done it yet, they are sure to do it We Deliver the Real Goods. Von'II Be SurpriMil at Our Rates. We help you to pet your rela2231 CK31IXG STREKT. is entitled to rule the universe and we Jews are still .the only ones who very. soon. For what more pleasure ! Cleaning done by Vacuum withPhono Webster 0013 tives in Europe to this country. • out causing dirt. Wo have satisyou also deserve that people listen to still observe more or less the teach- can a Jew have than to give you I factorily clf.iiied over 100 furnaces you and take • your advice. Since we ings of the founder of your religion pleasure, you, the son of the stars! tlie past month. , VaL J. Peter & Co. CALL JACKSON 1013. Jews are so thoroughly convinced of and we do not subscribe to the doc- and the choice of the Almighty on' ADVO COFFEE STEAMSHir TICKETS AND your wisdom, earnestness .and ethical trine an eye for an eye, otherwise this earth? FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. FOREIGN liXCHANGE ADVO JELL ADVO FOdfiS consciousness, we have decided to Jewish scientists and Jewish physi1914 Cnmingr Street. I30T Howard St., Omaha, Neb. You have also been accusing the XVe Install Gilt Edge Furnaces. accept your # advice and abide by it. cians would not have been so busily Phone AT labile 0340. Jews again'and again that it is their'. You have been advising us that we engaged in improving upon condishall give up banking, medicine, the tions of life and would not be busy desire to dominate music. Of course stage, the sciences, literature, and discovering cures for diseases and I find' it very impudent on their part T o u r position is many other useful and pleasurable healing powers for the various afflic- to have such desires and I hops that' - Visit Our -correct, and should human activities. In fact, you have tions of the body. But since it is they too will comply with'your re-' be s u p p o r t e d by been advising us to retire from life your wish that the Jews should not quest that the Jewish musicians will. altogether. You think that we Jews be active in medicine because being give up their instruments and .will ] every fair minded Do away with drudgery and make are superfluous in this, "world ' and, active in medicine means in your also become agents of the Ford Motor j : person. house-work a pleasure by the use , With Your Order for '- ' being superfluous, we should not opinion dominating medicine, the Company. Jascha Heifetz, Mischa of modern electrical appliances. Elman, Zimbalist, Kreisler and all the J mingle in worldly affairs. You areJewish physicians and surgeons all ANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the very logical in this respect and youover the world have decided to give other Jewish fellows of the same' IN, THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric build- will probably be elated and delighted up medicine, to give up their work caliber will do you the favor and '• ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth to learn that your advice is sacred to and their laboratories and clincs and break their violins and do as youi . . . of... PAPER LINE and Farnam streets. , us and that xrc mean-to follow it. hospitals and just become agents of want them to do, for haven't they too every reason in the world to do \ Hoffmann Funeral Home. 1112 HARNEY ST. Distributors You have been accusing us time your motor company. your bidding ? I personally find that j Phono Donglas G40D" and again of conspiring against white You have been accusing the Jews you are perfectly right in your de- j man's civilization and of being desir- again and again • of dominating the mand that a man like Elman and j ous of swallpwing all the wealth and stage. In your opinion the Jews in Heifetz. Kreisler and Zimbalist and all the power to be found in our America as well as the Jews all over scores of others of their equals should ! "Buy Midwest Milk" planet because in your opinion Jews the world have demoralized the good not be desirous of playing first fiddle, j (PALMER GRADUATE) VllllVUl liftV1 Vll iPALMER GRADUA are dominating every branch of hu- Christian stage and were it not for That is impertinence, pure and simj Phone Jackson 3072 man life. You, say that the Jews the Jews, classicism on the stage Second Floor, Elks' Building. OF engaged in banking are not nly re-would still be supreme. Since Jewish pie. Mr. Ford might be satisfied to I sponsible for the World War, for theactors and playwrights, actresses and see Jewish boys playing in saloons t miserable foreign exchange situation, musicians and painters consider y^ou for a quarter an evening. Then they! AND HOLCOMB for all the strikes in Euro}, during the greatest and wisest man living would be useful men and innocent' men, then they would not try to do; FOOD CHEMICAL the last three years, but also for the they have also decided to retire.from unpleasant railroad situation in this the stage, to give up stage life and minate music. But now that there' PRODUCTS CO., INC. country. The only proof for your to become agents for your motor are among the Jewish violinists boys' Manufacturers of 2002 Poppleton -Ave. accusation is that there are Jews company. Why should they remain like Heifetz and Elman, Kreisler and FOODS AND CHEMICALS. : BAKER ICE - Atlantic 3680 : FLAVORING EXTRACTS. who are engaged in the banking busi- on tits stage and thus arouse your Zimbalist, and many others, the Jewness. Therefore the Jews have de- anger,, the anger of a great man ish musicians are guilty of the crime i 018 N. 16th St. rhone Atlantic 49G4 cided to give up banking business and of a great sage? The stage of attempting to dominate music and j Iten NORTHWEST READY altogether. All the great Jewish can exist without the Jews as medi- the only way how to be freed from! this guilt is for the above mentioned ROOFING CO. bankers in America, from Kuhn, Loeb cine can exist without the Jews, just Biscuit Co. & Company down to the most modest as science can flourish without Jews boys to smash their violins and io: Ready Hoofing <over old shingles. SNOW WHITE Also asphalt shingles and build-up The Diy Cleaner of North Omaha. Jewish banking. firm on the West just as banking can thrive without place themselves at the disposal of : roofs. Fire resisting and durable. BAKERIES All work guaranteed. Easy terms. "GAHMBXTS CLEANED LIKE THE TOtCH OF A FAIRY." Side of Chicago, will close their doors Jews. For what are the Jews needed Mr. Ford's manager. He is sure to (Keg-. T. S.'Pnt. Phon<" Harney 2574 PHONE KENWOOD 0203. 2410 AMES AVENUE. give them good jobs, as bricklayers just to please you. Office.) on tha stage or around the stage? or tinsmiths or whatever the case Office and lVarehonse: S122 Leaven worth You Tiave been accusing the Jews Who needs Warfield? Who needs may be. j again and again that they are do-Bertha Kaiich? Who needs Nora "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" minating the medical profession and Bayes? Who needs "Rosa Raisa? You have proved to be. *'such i ELECTRICAL FIXTURES and buy them at APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES that humanity is suffering terribly And of course nobody needs men like a wise man, such a good man, such Made by MANUFACTURERS. from this Jewish domination of medi- Belasco, Hammerstein, Wood and thea sincere man and such an idealist j UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST MEY-MER-CO. Brand ROGERS Gran den Electric Co. FOOD CO. cine. The Jewish physicians all over other great American producers v;ho that they are -ready to make every Beverages and Syrups. t>EFENT>ABL,E EtECTKICAJj 319 South 16th Street. , OMAHA, NEBRASKA. MERCHANDISE. the world, recognizing the greatness happen to be Jews by race and intel- sacrifice to please you. In short, to 319-321 So. 14th St., Omaha, JCebr. 1311 Howard St. Fhone Atlantic 06S1 Phone Douglas 3400. •Phone Atlantic 2889 of your mind and the sincerity of ligence and often even Jews by con- do you a favor the Jews will go out viction. The work of these men is your motives, have decided to give of medicine, of banking, of art, litup medicine. No longer shall a Jew superfluous. You can do it much erature and science, of work and TKV SCNDGBEN'S Nutritious Home Made Carpenter Paper Co. "be a physician because Mr. Ford does better, for you can do everything business. Ara you satisfied, sir? better and in fact you know And will not the world be happy if Distributors of PIES and COOKIES not like it, and if Mr. Ford does not much All that the name everything better than anyone else. like it the Jewish physicians are Sealed In Sanitary Waxed Western Bond—and High Grade • implies. the Jews will comply with your res •Wrapper at Your Grocer. . Stationery bound to give up their profession. Didn't you only recently say that in quest ? I suppose, sir, this is elat-1 Sundgren Pie Baking Co. Since you, Mr. Ford, are a great your opinion education, art and lit-ing and edifying news to you. I 916 N. 16th St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Douglas 6887 24th and Hickory. Atlantic 5241 scholar, you are certainly aware of erature, etc., are tommyrot and that hope this will make you happy and • the fact that if the authors of med- all a modern man needs to know is I also hope that you will wait for! ical books should eliminate the de-just to read and write or to have ex- your happiness as long as it will FEATHER COMFORTERS PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. Ambulance Service scription of medical innovations, in- actly your knowledge of books ?- Thera take you to get this news confirmed. Made from Tour Own Feathers. 31th and Martha Sts. Harney 1662 Equipped with Pnlmotor. Kenovated, re-made or made to order. is no earthly reason why the Jewish Manufacturers of Brass. Bronze,-Alumiventions and improvements for which All hand-filled. "We call and deliver. With all the respect you deserve, num and Soft Gray Iron Castings. All Calls Answered Promptly. actors —and actresses, why Jewish the Jews are responsible, the book You are assured of soft castings, as Dr. S. M. Melmaed. OMAHA PILLOW CO. •we machine some from every heat in would consist of two covers or ninety- playwrights and Jewish theatrical JOHN A. GENTLEMAN bur own shop. Standard size cast iron 1907 Cnminsr St., Omaha, Nebraska. nine out of a hundred pages . would ZiIt Farnam St. Phone Harney 0302 bushings in stock. Phone Jackson 2407. have to remain unprinted. The world TIKES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES
How About Your Furnace?
McCprd-Brady Co.
The Br inn & Jensen Company
"Electric Shop''
Leo A. Hoffmann
Harle - Haas Co.
fHIR APRftf TftR
Ethel Thl al Mtl>
Baker Ice M
Meyer Mercantile Co.-, fee.
USED SCALES OF ALL MAKES FOR SALE. 510 South 10th Street. Phone Jackson 3332.
TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N.W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts.
KOSHER RESTAURANT J^-st Homo < ooKhn: al Very Kcasonasbln 1'rtces — Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Mrs. Sophia Mandel, Prop. 316 '.South T?iftren»h Street—Up Stairs.
DON'T BUY COAL! OIL IS MtJCn qnEAFEIi '• Let Us Ilemove the Door from Your Furnace and Insert a
ULLBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER See Demonstration 316 So.^lDth Street.
Call Atlantic 2364 . . . . f o r. . .
Omalui, Nebraska.
Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.
Jewish Press 482 Brnndeis Bid?.
Tel. Jackson 2372
Wholesale Dlstribntors lor
SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer
Office and Warehouse: 917 So. Main St. Telephone 143 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
id-West Auto Parts Co.
We carry a complete line of new rinsr gears, pinions, oxle shafts and springs for almost any mate of car. 31. D. KICHMAX. Manager. 1318-1330 VTest Broadway. COO'CII- BLUFFS. IOWA. * PHONE 444.
Phone Jackson 1C80
Est. 1891.
Holland Furnaces "Make Warm Friends" 2208 Cuming- St.
Joseph Polack & Son Wholesale Dealers fn Bntter, and Poultry. 1213 Howard St.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Vinegar-Picklcs-Cooperage Pure Food Products rtionp Donprlns 46C7 20th ami Pierce St., Omaha. Nebraska,
LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1910.
Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Brandeia Theatre Bniiaing. I7th and Donglas Streets. Phone Atlantic 3836
Phone Douglas 4726
Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale (iroccrs Specialties 1511 Cumins St. Phone Atlantic 1247 DlSTKIBCXOnS JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Oinulia. Nebraska.
Omaha Office: 813 Doujtlas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556
Ford Tranter & Storage Co. K. A. FORD. President and General Manager. Council Bluffs (loiva) Office OSl So. Main Street. Phone 365
OUR TREATMENT CON VII". OH YOU OF OUR SINCERITY. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.
rhone Market 04M
*"il ATLANTIC 4522
An Ideal Washing Combination.
Theodore Volz & Son TAILORS 528-32- Securities'' Building:, 16th and Fnrnnm Sts. Telephone: Jackson 270G
Always A*fc for
Estes Laundry Tablets
Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes.
. . . with
Estes Soap Chips
Jackson 3873
Water Softener (Combined) 1
At all Grocers.
You will like
E. E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stationers 401-403-403.South lOtlt St.
516 >\ letfa St. Branches at Central Market, Table SuppUr and Food Center.
CLEAN, LINEN Ev«*ry xnornJngr it you call the
BUTTER Mnile by
Kirschbraun & Sons
Frontier TowelSuppIy 1815 California Street. rhoue Douglas 63S>1
WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302