December 29, 1921

Page 1

If thou hast commenced a good deed, leave" it not incomplete.

VOL. n.—No. 3.

He-who induces his neighbor to perform « good action, shares the merit.

Entered as second-class mail .matter,on January 27th, 1021, at

postofflce at Omaha. Nebraska, nnder' th,e Act of March 3, 1879.

Elaborate Reception Being Planned For Sokolow Delegation Committee on Arrangements Includes Representatives of All Groups in City.



THE JEWISH S P I R I T IN PITTSBURG. Excel Z _ a letter to David A. Brown, S-g" al Director, $14,000,000 appeal: % t. . . "Ft % p • stretches of Eastern Europ g. w ,e hills of Judea there comes w g. a song of praise and thankj 2. ° i to American Jewry for tf. £ inite generosity, for by. thj _ have our sorely stricke; ren been able to keep .body ana'soul together. Now we cannot leave unfinished the noble work we have undertaken. The new campaign for §14,000,000 which has 'just been launched has raised the hopes of the stricken Jews, and has renewed their desire for life,—for this means to them not only physical rehabilitation but also a spiritual regeneration. . "It is the duty of every Jew to encourage ? the National Director, who has so nobly responded to this great task,' so that the entire amount be raised. "We are sorry we cannot be present to lend assistance when the campaign is made in Pittsburgh but we will be with you in spirit. Sometime ,ago we pledged to the Relief Work $10,000 regardless of whether or not there was any campaign. We now desire to raise that sum to $25,000, because now more than ever the need is pressing. We feel sure that the Pittsburgh community, as it ever has, will answer with its customary whoe-hearted generosity and good-will. MR.. & MRS. SOL ROSENBLOOM.





.Teheran, Dec. '24,-^-(J. T. A.) 10,000 Jews who, because of anti-Jewish massacres 80 years ago, were compelled to follow the Islamic faith, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Rabbi Kornfeld of Columbus, Ohio, American envoy to Persia. The protection which they hope the American Minister will accord, will enable these Jews, living very much as their forefathers lived in Spain, practicing their Jewish faith in secret, to publicly reembrace the Jewish faith. Numerous attempts made by them within the last 80 years to reenter the Jewish faith were frustrated by threats of massacres made by the neighboring wandering tribes. Despairing of their chances at home, they recently despatched a representative to London to take up with the headquarters of the Zionist Organization there, the question of their protection as Jews, at home, or the granting of facilities for their emigration to the Holy Land.

Subscribes 10% of All .....,-.-.,, Raised in Lancaster County in Non-Sectarian Drive, JEWS OF NEBR. RALLYING TO AID OF SUFFERING IN EUROPE.

Four Hundred and Sixty-one refu- increased." A young-man arriving in back to the Ukraine. The hunt for gees from the Ukraine, who re- Canada and being admitted, after the Cuban Consul General began. He JANUARY 11TH DATE OF ceived their Polish passports' af- many difficulties, must give bonds was found in Montreal and he agreed MAMMOTH PUBLIC ter having signed a guarantee that that for three years after, his admis- to visa the passports of the refugees. MEETING. they would never come back to Po- sion, he will attend school and not Then, a new difficulty was experiland, have been saved from being de- go to wprk. In the. ease of a girl, enced. The Cuban "Consul in Halifax, The first contribution towards "Save January 11 for the Sokolow, ported from Canada" to the Ukraine she must furnisbrbonds that for three where the immigrants were, said that braska's quota of $125,000 for the delegation." . Inferno. This happened after- they years she will be in domestic service. he alone had a right to visa these fourteen million dollar appeal for the This is the message that the comwere all ready rather to seek, a grave Every immigrant, of the age of 18 passports. His objections were overJews in Central and Eastern Euro? mittee on arrangements for one of the in the ocean than again undergo the and above, must have $250.00 and come. ,The Minister of Immigration has been made. " most important communal events in terrible miseries from which they had money for every member of the of. Canada insisted that the Cuban Morris Friend, of Lincoln, at the history of Omaha wants delivered escaped.. After a long struggle they family. In addition thereto, a man Consul sign a guarantee, drafted by meeting- of workers held in that citjf to every Jew in the city and in surhave been permitted to land in Cana- with a family must give bonds that the former, and • in this, the Freimans last night, announced that ho woult rounding communities. da. he and all the members of his family and Mr.- Barondess succeeded too. contribute 10 per cent of, the total "We will spare no effort to have will settle on a farm. These are only This fight was waged by the aid of New Problems. amount raised in Lancaster county] the distinguished men who will come a few of the severe regulations. a few of the most prominent Jews of Mr. Friend's munificent subscription here in January receive a welcome Canada, who were interested in the The bonds are from $500 to $2,000.- The First Battle had been won, is a splendid start for the state drive| from Omaha Jewry that will be ; in when new difficulties" loomed up on Agents of the Government see that sad plight of their co-religionists, by and was greeted with cheers by the keeping with their high positions," the well known communal workers, the terms under which .the immi- the horizon* Mr. Albert Rosenblatt, meeting-. Lincoln and Lancaster counj said Wm. L. Holzman, general chairthe Hon. Joseph Barondess, by the grants are admitted are kept. $60,- Vice-President of HIAS, and its Comty contributed $20,000 in the non-secj man of the committee. Mr. Holzman missionerto Europe, pointed out that Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Ca- j 000 worth of bonds, mostly given by tarian appeal of 1919. The quota foJ was elected chairman at a meeting of nada and by the Hebrew Sheltering Jews, were forfeited in the course of Cuba could B«t at this time receive 1922 is $25,000. Mr. Friend has con] the committee last Saturday. Arthur and Immigrant Aid Society of Amer- three months, because the immigrants any more Jewish, immigrants because sented to act as first vice-chairm&r Rosenblum was elected secretary, and of the unfavorable economic condicould not possibly ' live up to the ica. for Nebraska, with Wm, L. Holzmsnl Dr. Philip Sher, treasurer.. tions there. The Rev. H. Masliansky terms stipulated. And the wanderers Some idea of the desperate condistate chairman, and George BrandpisJ similarly warned against such a step Brand eis Theater Secured. tion of the refugees may be 'gauged were deported. state treasurer. being taken/ Mr. Barondess therefrom the fact that prior to their leav- The Freimans Aid Their Wonderful upon left for Montreal for the ex"We have secured the Brandeis In both Omaha am! Lincoln organJ ing Poland > the Canadian Consul Theater for Wednesday Evening, Jan. Self-sacrifice. ization for the appeal is rapidly bet press purpose of urging Sir Mortimer warned them against going to Cana11, and we want every Jew who can Mr. Barondess went to Canada in Davis and other Jewish leaders to ing perfected, and other communitie^ da ancf warned the steamship com- behalf of his wife's relatives who fled intercede with the Canadian governpossibly attend to be there. This is throughout the state are working Famine Stricken Hordes in. that all arrangements to start the ap| panies too from taking them. The j from the - Ukraine after having ex- ment on behalf • of the refugees. •a community-affair; by the community Russia Assured Temporary peal will be completed by January ll refugees^ homeless and countryless, and for the community. There will perienced pogroms and exile. He Relief. had no other alternative but to seize saved . them, from deportation. Whilst Accompanied by Mr. Perlmari, Manbe a splendid program, and inspiring Selwyn S. Jacobs v."as elected hold of the straw which .meant to ; in Canada, he learned that there were ager of the Jewish Philantropies of addresses by these leaders of Jewish chairman for Omaha, Henry Monsky] Montreal, Mr. Barondess called uponj JEWISH REFUGEES IN CUBA vice-chairman, Dr. Philip She'd them the only possible rescue. The 461 more immigrants" ordered to be j life, and by Col. Paterson, who has ALSO ADDED. officials of the steamship companies i deported. . He at once realised that Sir Mortimer Davis, who was about | done much for the cause of Judaism. treasurer, and S. H. Schaefer, s were so touched that they took upon jthe Canadian Jewish Immigrant Aid to leave Montreal for England. Sir "Our committee wants to emphasize Mortimer said that he had only ten The sum of over $550,000 for relief tary, at a meeting of the local cot themselves the risk of transporting Society, notwithstanding its devotion | again the fact that positively no funds minutes to spare, but in reality it work in the countries that suffered mittee Monday. Omaha's minimal" back the wanderers. will be solicited during this meeting to and work for the immigrants, was { was three hours later that Mr. Ba- from the war, particularly in Eussia has been set at $62,500. or at any time during the stay of the The complete story of the suffering not strpng enough to wage the fight rondess left : the office. And the re- and Palestine, was appropriated by Chicago Goes Over The Top, -Mr. Holzand subsequent rescue of these wan- single-handed. He therefore, enlisted sult was that Sir Mortimer Davis the Joint Distribution Committee at Mr. Jacobs returned this morning derers is toH _n a report by the lion. er-of=_ssssig?a--«s==oKeE znan. 4_»i-u=suJbAn_t0_ChicaBo. where h. Structure Will Be Erected "Joseph Barondess, Special Hias ComHebrew Sheltering and Inarrigrant Further plans for the entertainthe telephone that he was Teady to day. Besides the leaders smd offiThrough Efforts of missioner to the Board of Directors Aid Society* of America. . Mr. John give bonds to the value of $1,000,000, cials of the Joint Distribution Com- conferred with Ghas, Rubens, dTrect*| . ment of the visitors will be announced S5,000 Women.' of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immi- L. Bernstein, President, and Mr. Leon for the immigrants and that if nec- mittee, the following peopls partici- for Zone 7. "Chicago's slog&n vrs, next week, following1 a meeting of 'Let no Jew escape'. Chicago tsdM the general committee and- of Tepre- OMAHA SISTERHOOD WILL grant Aid Society of America at its Kamaiky*. Chairman of the Foreign 'essary he would cancel his reserva- pated in the session: Messrs. Mar- S30O,OOO in excess of its quota of last meeting. The story called forth Relations Cpmrnittee, convened a tions '. and remain'- in Montreal until shall, Lehman, Bemh.eim, Dr. Adler sentatives of every Jewish organizaSl,500,000. The Jews of CWc-tp .,,_• RAISE $1,000. .. . ; : tears^-tearsof sympathy and of fel- specialmeeting of t i e Board of Direc-tion:- irr-Onraha,- which, .will be heldthe immigrants we're- permitted to and Sulzberg-er, from the American didn't try to ecsape—they didnt* wf-t; low-feeling in the fate of the wantors, at which Mr. Barondess was next Tuesday evening, at the Jewish remain in Canada! Thirty-fire, thousand women,- memJewish Belief Committee; Messrs. to escape. Jews in Omaha are "/• Community Center.^ . : bers of the national- federation- of dering brothers and sisters and tears designated Special Commissioner in Meanwhile- Mr. Barondess, with Fischel, Ketnaiky, Rabbi Teitelbaum different. I know, well go over »-J» Every Element Represented. Temple Sisterhoods, are now engaged of joy that HIAS was enabled to charge of this particular work, and the aid of Mrs. Freiman and Mr. Jo- and Engelman, from the 'Central Re- top. We've got to. The Jews o, bring relief to them. Too much the Society's entire machinery was The reception and arrangements in raising a fund of < §250,000 for the praise cannot be given to Mr. and placed at his disposal for the purpose shua Zivian, Jewish Canadian War lief Committee; and Dr. Morris Roth- America vho escape this appeaf committee as now constituted repr_s erection of a dormitory to house rab- Mrs. A. J. Freiman of Ottawa, who of -preventing the deportation of the hero, who is j now attorney of the enberg from the People's Relief Com- m&ke it impossible for the Jews o| Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of mittee. sents every possible element in com- binical Students at the Hebrew Union untiringly and unceasingly labor for 461 refugees. Europe to escape the desih tbati COT Canada, interested- the most impormunal life, and to this committee will lollege, Cincinnati. fronts them daily." For White Russia and the Ukraine. the welfare of Jewish refugees; to In Ottawa, Mr. Barondess received tant Labor Unions, Jewish and nonMrs. Abram Simon of Washington, be added the official representatives At the meeting in Lincoln Is Sir Mortimer Davis, the Jewish phiThe larger part of the appropriated of the city's organizations. The fol- honorary president of £he Federation, lantropist of Montreal; to Mr. S. B. the heartiest co-operation of Mr. and Jewish, and : the political leaders to night C. Mozer was named Mrs. Arthur J. Freiman. He describes sura $350,000, was assigned for relief the end that the refugees be admitlowing are the present members of the is chairman of the campaign, and Haltrecht, Manager of the Jewish chairman, and S. B. Aaronson, s them as the most remarkable Jewish ted into the country. work in Soviet Russia, to be used as local chairmen have been appointed committee: tary. The meeting-, which was *<j Immigrant Aid Society of Canada; to types he ever met in his life. They follows: $200,00® for immediate reIn the event "of failure, arrangeDr. Frederick Cohn, Rabbi Morris K in every community in which a sisMr. J. Perlman, Manager of the Fed- are. the incarnation of Jewish good- ments were made with the Steamship lief in foodstuffs, clothing, medica- tended by 35 of Lincoln's most prc Taxon. A. B. Alpirn. Dr. A. Greenberg, terhood exists. B. Handler. Selwyn Jacobs. J. Katleman, minent men, was addressed by eration of the Jewish Philantropies Harry T-apiaus. Milton IAvinsston, Harry Mrs. Nathan Mantel,'.'president of of Montreal; to Mr. Hugo Lederer of ness, nobility and devotion to the Company with the view of having ments and other things for the vicin- Rosenthal and Harry "Wolf, Malaehock, J. B. Kobinson, Harry Eo8eaunfortunate of all peoples irrespective the immigrants transported to Cuba. ity of Minsk and other Jewish refeld. H. Itaritz, Ed. Treller, Nathan Yaffe, the sisterhood of Temple Israel, has Omaha. the TJnited-A_nerican Steamship of race or creed. They personally Mr. Lederer of the United American gions of White Russia. Hnrry A. Wolf, A. Cohn, E. Fleischman, appointed Mrs. Cora Wolf chairman 3. Goldstein, Xi, Kneeter, Sr. Kulaiofsky, $100,000 is to be given to tne Amer-Morris I-ievy. "Win. L. Holzman, Leo of the committee to raise Omaha's Lines; to the Jewish Unions of Mon- went to the Ukraine and brought with Steamship Line, Inc., was the medium ItoRenthal, Sam Leon, Henry Monsky, treal and to the Jewish leaders in the them hundreds of Jewish orphans, ican Relief Administration for emerthrough which this was effected. Arthur Iiosenblum. Dr. A. Komm. A. quota of $l,D00r Complete details retwo great political parties of Canada. one of which they adopted and is beSllrerman. S. H. Schaefer, Louis Simon, gency relief to the Jewish population All this time negotiations were beT>r. riiilip Sher. Harry B. Zimman; lative to the methods of raising this ing brought up together with their ing carried on with the Canadian Gov- in certain regions in Ukraine. Mosanmes J. B. Eoblnson. S. Ttavitz, B. money here willbe determined upon Handler. S. Robinson and Miss Sopnye Canada's Rigid Immigration own children. The others, in con- ernment. The Prime Minister of $50,000 is to be used for seeds for . "Wcinstein. at the next meeting of the sisterhood Regulations. sequence of the example set them, by the Jewish colonists in Ukraine. Ur- COERCION . OF GALrCIANS.. A>. \ Canada was "induced to make an apon January 9, at Temple/Israel. JEWS CHARGED AGAINST Many communities throughout the Mr. Barondess began his report the Freimans, were adopted by well- pointment between Mr. and Mrs. gent appeals in behalf of the Jewish ' POLAND. Minister of colonists in the reg-ions of Ekaterinoscountry have already .raised their with the statement that the main to-do Je-nish families. The Freimans Freiman and the Canadian ; are idolized both by Jews and Genlav and Kharkov has recently aptrouble in Canada' is the fact that Immigration. . quotas, and others have gone over the peared in the Jevrish press. The Washington. (J. P. Association,} top. . Notable among the later are there are no immigration. laws but tiles. The- Happy Finale. lengthy memorandum was submit'/" colonists in these Ukrainian provinces From the moment their attention immigration regulations issued from WILL ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OP Cincinnati,-with a quota- of $8,000 time to time, so that it is never was called to the unhappy lot of the The last act might have been a are in great distress. to all delegates to the Disarm am-"* and subscriptions to date o*f $15,000, RECENT IMMIGRANTS ON tragedy; instead it ended happily. Mr. Conference by the diplomatic xep-' To this relief work in Russia should 461 wanderers, the Freimans did not known what the next regulation will and Louisville with a quota of f 4,000 JANUARY 12. Barondess returned to New York, and tentative of Galicia praying that i! also be added the sum needed to prorest. On Saturday, the refugees were be. Much depends upon the immiand subscriptions of ?6,000. he has received from the Freimans conference recognise the independent vide 300 Jewish orphans of Ukraine to be deported. On Thursday the gration officials. Canada; is sufferThe drive ,it is'stated, will* have 1 The B'nai B'rith women's auxiliary this telegram: of Galicia. Among the argument; with clothing and underwear. AcFreinians began to work. The plan ing from bad times : and unemploywill open its doors, and its arms, direct bearing upon the present ment is very great. In consequence, was to obtain permission to have the "Maze-tow At last successful. All enumerated is the statement that cording to a communication from Dr. figuratively speaking, to young wom- shortage of rabbis for reform pulpits antagonism towards immigrants has immigrants sent to Cuba instead of immigrants may land in Canada." Jews of Galicia agree to the reqt Rosen, these orphans were recently en immigrants who have come here throughout the country since Hebrew that Galicia's independence from P< brought to Petrograd and are being in the past year from foreign lands. Union is the only college for the kept there by the American Relief land be recognized and that the Jet President of Gentian Republic training of reform rabbis in this Thousands of Turkestan Jews "We have extended all privileges of Galicia will always endeavor ALL MEMBERS ARE Receives Zionist President Administration. Starving at Batoum and of membership to these young women country. It has no halls of residence free that country from Poland. Th Next to Russia in the relief sums Tiflis. Berlin,.Dec. 22.—(J. T. A.) Dr. URGED TO ATTEND and we hope they will accept it in among its buildings, and students memorandum calls attention to ii appropriated is Palestine for which Chaim Weizmann, president of the Constantinople. (J. T. A.) An inthe same spirit in which we offer it," must reside with private families, THIS MEETING. fact that Poland organizes rmh'fat| the Executive session has confirmed World Zionist Organization, had an said Miss Ruth Levey, president of in the Y. M. C. A.'s, hoteis and board- cessant stream of refugees from the pogroms .upon Jews. All members of the Jewish the loan of 5Q,00%,,p&und sterl. (over ing houses. The new dormitory will Ukraine and Crimea -has been pourinterview with President Ebert today. Women's Welfare Organization the organization. When asked their opinion On fch not only provide proper housing for Although no , details were forth- 2200,000) to the Co-operative Bank, memorandum, the Polish legation are urged to attend the next ing in at Batoum and Tiflis, every "We feel we should be the first which is being founded by the Palesstudents^ but will help in the creation meeting on Tuesday, January 3, coming .of what transpired at the insteamer arriving from Odessa bringones to offer comradeship and helpfused to make any comment on at the Jewish Community Centerview, it is understood that Dr. tine Development Council and the saying that this question will not fulness and at our last meeting, of ~ school social, life which has ing an additional contingent of refuter. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, presiPalestine Economic Council in London Weizmann was pleased with the redent, emphasizes the fact that voted unanimously to take this ac- hitherto been lacking.- It is believed gees, mostly aged, women and chilwith the aid of the Joint Distribution handled by the Washington Conic. that the erection of a dormitory will sults of his talk with the President. this will be the last opportunity dren. tion." ence. Unofficially, however, membatj greatly stimulate' enrollment in the At Tiflis alone, a few thousands for delinquent members to pay A more friendly understanding of j Committee and the ICA. T-ie "new Americans" will be honor college. of the Polish delegation avcired' §3,500 is to go to special funds for their dues in order that their the Zionist problem is expected as a Jews have arrived from Turkestan guests at a program arranged by the names may be published in the the memorandum on Galicia'p i the refugee relief as follows: $2,000 result of a movement in Catholic and are said to be starving. The conannual report of the Jewish intellectual advancement committee pendencc contains many tmfnjU to help the Jewish refugees, who recircles here, following Dr. WeizWelfare Federation, which will for Thursday evening, January 12, at B'NAI B'RITH MEMBERS TO dition of most of the refugees is first and foremost of which is mann's • interview " yesterday with cently arrived in 'Cuba, and Sl,500 for the Jews are not in favor of DANCE OLD YEAR OUT. desperate. Lack of housing accom- be issued in January. 8:30, in the Jewish Community Cenmedical instruments for the refugee "Our contribution of $2,000 to 'Chancellor Wirth. The New "Year's Eve dance of the modations and food may bring on the ter. ' ing Galicia from Poland. physicians in Poland. the Federation last year, repredeath of thousands unless help comes B'nai B'rith promises to be one of "EVery Jewish girl of recent arsenting the membership dues NEW YORK RADICAL of our organization, is a goal rival in the city is invited to be pres- the most largely attended, as well quickly, reports say. that we must exceed this year. ent," said Miss Levey. "Those who as one of the most enjoyable affairs No organization is coping with the BARRED FROM RUSSIA The Federation needs the money situation. The Jewish communities RENEWAL BLANK know girls who may profit by the of its kind ever given locally. Riga, Dec. 22.—(J. T. A.) Baruch badly, and it is the duty of evfrom the Ukraine and Crimea have With the beautifull ball room of Jewish Press Publishing Co., mutual exchange of ideals and hopes ery one of our members to see Zuckerman, representing the Jewish 482 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Omaha, Nebf that her share of this money is are urged to take steps to insure the Masonic Temple,, excellent music, sent delegates to Constantinople and People's Relief Committee on a mispaid, not later than next Tuesconfetti, streamers, horns and all the Batoum but they are unable to obGentlemen;— their presence." sion to Russia to bring Relief to the day," Mrs. Kulakofsky stated Twenty young girls of the Ameri- other "joy makers of carnival nights tain any relief as no Jewish relief orEnclosed is check for $2.50 to renew my subscription to TP drought victims, has been denied adtoday. JEWISH PRESS"' for one year from date of present expiration. canization class at Kellom school, assured, the arrangements committee, ganizations are represented there. mission, to Russia by the Soviet auwill attend with their instructor, Miss headed by David Greenberg, promises thorities, a Moscow despatch states. JReval. (J. T. Agency.) In a fire the Jewish population who escaped Ella Thorngate. Miss Eose Bern- every one who attends a festive and Mr. " Zuckerman is a leading SoName which practically demolished the death and loss of property during the cialist Zionist 'in/" New York and secstein, who instituted Americanization a joyous celebration. Hundreds of B'nai B'rith members town of Chernobyl, 120 Jewish houses recent pogrom thus find themselves retary of the Jev.ish People's Relief work among foreign children at Cass Address school, will also take part in the are planning to attend in groups to were swept by the flames, a Kiev homeless as a result of another disas- Committee. -with offices at 17-5 175 E. usher in the New. dispatch states, - The remainder-of program. ,..___^_------^.-.»^--. L.--—~. Broadway

.B.C. Appropriates Half Million Dollars

Sisterhood Memkrsto Provide Dormitory for Rabbinical Students

Diplomats Ask Conference

LO.B.B. Auxiliary Extends Welcome to New Americans


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1921 I Heroic efforts, It is said, may not only the" home for that period, lighting one day evening, for members of the' ' Jfail to change the present gloomy on the first night, two on the second, Bicha Chalim society. and so on. situation, but so intensify the rePublished every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by The Junior Auxiliary of the CounAll stories, however, recount the strictionists with particular reference THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. cil of Jewish Women will hold a loyalty of the people of Israel to their to Jewish aliens, that future liberaliOffice: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. zation would be rendered even more religious heritage and awaken in the social meeting, Thursday, January 5, ...$2.50 hearts of their modern descendants a at the home of Miss Jennie Kateldifficult. } Subscription Price, one year.—. . Faced with this pessimistic outlook conscL usness of th ultimate triumph man. Advertising rates furnished on application. —and Jewry in this country nnd the of righteousness over the aggression Miss Evelyn Marks, who has been l NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica•whole world will gain nothing by of tyranny and might. That man iition of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes." attending the Chicago University, is closing eyes to the grim facts—one's does not prevail by the exercise of spending the winter holidays with her might, but by the spirit of God workCHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old «n<J new address: thought irresistibly pass to our flesh be aure and sign your name. parents. ing for justice and fair play is the and blood who are submerged in a great sea of economic, physical and keynote of the feast as celebrated toMr. Philip Romanov left last THE FESTIVAL OF CHANUKAH. moral suffering in Poland, the Uk- day in Jewish homes and schools and Thursday afternoon for Sioux City, Jews of Omaha, in company with Jews all over the world, raine, Roumania and the other East- synagogues. la., where he will spend the •winter celebrating the festival of Chanukah this week. • - • ern. European lands of concentrated holidays. The celebration is observed by lighting one candle the first misery for the Jews—one asks, pight, two the second and so on through ,the week. ' whither? Whither shall they go? Miss Sarah Kesselman left Satur! The holiday commemorates the victorious fight in 165 B. C.What shall they do ? Despite the fact day night for Minneapolis, Minn., .by the Jews under Judah Maccabee against the Syrians. The regular meeting of the Coun- where she will remain for several that this country is more "Jewishly" 5 The holiday should possess significance for the whole world. organized than in the past, the situa- cil Bluffs lodge of the B'nai B'rith weeks as the guest of her cousin, Had the Syrians triumphed, there would be no Christian civil- tion fails to arouse the great reac- was held Wednesday evening at the ization today, for the Hebrew culture, in which Christianity tion .of help and constructive solution Danish hall. Election of officers was Miss Marian Frust. -Sound its origin, would have been destroyed by the Syrians. of £he problem •which should be mani- held, which resulted in the following i Judah Maccabee did more than drive the Syrians out of fest. American "Jewry continues for! being elected for the ensuing term: Mrs. Wm. Slosburg of Los Angeles, Calif., is visiting with her sister, ohe temple at Jerusalem. He saved modern civilization.-— the most part to, enjoy its theaters Aginskee, president; Leo Mrs. A. Rosenberg. /Omaha Daily News." and automobiles. I am not permitted Krasne, vice-president; Jay Cherniack, J • " — :—_ _ _ to be propagandist, so I cannot, an- recording secretary; Jack Freiden, . Miss Molly Saltzman has left for A CHANGE OF FRONT. swer the question, but can only ask financial secretary; A. Aginskee, Sioux City, la., to spend the holiday v It is rather interesting to note the ^change of attitude that it^—Reform rabbis,, orthodox rabbis, treasurer; Mose Bernstein, assistant with relatives. Ilias recently come upon, many of the Christian churches in re- presidents and communal workersr monitor; Maurice Gillinsky, guardian; Miss Shirley Friedman will entergard to the evangelists of the Billy Sunday stripe. Especially Jewish "leaders" and Jewish dab^ Philip Saks, Sam Steinberg, and tain at a box party at the Orphetnn Harry Perimeter, trustees; O. Hoch- Theater, New ear's Eve. "aoteworthy is the pronunciamento of the Federal Council of man, Harry Cherniss and Hose BernMiss Sadie Bloom has returned WHITHER? WHAT? ;he Churches of Christ in America at its annual meeting restein, delegates to the grand lodge. from a two months' trip, which she iently held in the City of Chicago. There a definite stand was The installation of the newly elect- spent in Minneapolis and St. Paul. : iaken that the evangelistic campaigns that have been recently ed officers will take place at the staged, are far too expensive for the results that they acB'nai B'rith day open meeting, which —iomplish. To quote from a report: "The fact that at the last will be held Sunday evening, January Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop •"Evangelistic campaign at Pittsburgh with a tabernacle, mulFhonn 104, tiple choirs and newspaper headlines, it cost more than five Chanukah,' sometimes called the 8, at Eagle's hall. The public is inTFiundred dollars per person saved, was cited as showing the Feast of Lights, will be observed, be- vited to attend the open meeting. The Best of Everything In Flowers and Confections at Moderate Price*. *2xpensiveness and futility of the Billy Sunday, Gypsy-Smith ginning Sunday: evening,. December Broadway. Next Uberty Theater. v;nethod of gaining church members." All of this leaves out 25th, and for eight days thereafter. Pupils of the City Sunday School 645 W.COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. ; of account, too, the fact that there is no assurance that those The years 1 R * to 165B» C. E., were will present a Chanukah play SunCounted among the converts will remain converted. eventful in Palestine, even epochal. day afternoon at the K. of P. hall. ; Even more ridiculous, however, and very much more ex- In those stirring ; yeais Antiochus Epi- The entire public is invited to attend :bensive^-if published statistics of conversion societies are to phanes, of Syria, ambitious to this celebration, which will be in ;oe regarded; as reliable—are the efforts which are still being unite allKing provinces of his domain into charge of the Sisterhood. Floral : -put forth by some Christian denominations for the conversion one nation* resorted to the crude corsages will be given to the teachers :i;bf Jews. The stupidity and the futility of such campaigns has method JANUARY 29, 1922 to use one language and wor- of the Sunday school for the work, py d b pil Th ti tyl t litt There ship in one estal-ished and certified which they have done during the KEL-PINE DANCING ''oeen many times proved but apparently'to little avail. ACADEMY. ^ those who believe that to save the soul of a Jew is the religious ritualism of his model, the past term. Candy and prizes will 'ghest mission of the good Christian. .Guileless to a degree,- Greeks. ...--•' • be given to the pupils of the Sunday h believe the reports of their so-called missionaries to the The enforcement of this royal de- school. who invariably tell of the Jews converted a thousand! cree was mandato'ry o" all peoples inmiles away but very seldom have living examples of their ef~ cluding the Jews. The Temple of A meeting of the Jewish Sister-forts to produce in or near the place of meeting. Jerusalem was defiled by the erection hood will be held Wednesday aftervC Perhaps the stand taken by the Federal Council of the of altars wherejdols -wexe worshiped noon at the home of Mrs. D. Fox. ; Churches of Ghrist in America in regard to the evangelists of and Greek religious /practices, intro^ h e Billy Sunday type will open the eyes' of some of our friends duced not. only .hostile to the".sensi- Mrs: Joe Gilinsky of Woodbine, la., ^ .the folly of their missionary efforts in general and particu- bilities of the Jewish people, bnfr re- is spending the week end with her larly of those addressed to the Jews. Is it not time at the end garded by them, as abominations sister, Mrs. Charles Saltzman. •If the year 1921 of the Christian era, for all denominations to which had been uprooted from their {realize that the program of converting their own is rather a religion many centuries before the A baby girl was born to Mr. and {large one and is likely to be more permanently profitable Syrian tyrant plotted to restore them. Mrs. Ben Seldin, Saturday night. 4for all the churches to lift the lives of those who logically be- The enforcement of these idolatrous Hebrew Educational club held __Jlong within their ranks than to widen too far the ropes of their ceremonials, coupled with intense op- a The social meeting Monday evening at .tents with the idea of dragging in by main force the heathens pression, germinated hatred in the the home of Misses Gertruda and rid the Jews?—"Detroit Jewish Chronicle." hearts of the Jewish people of Pales- Reva Gilinsky. A Chanukah program tine which burst into a revolt and in- was given by the members. The next i stantly led to' war; against the mad regular meeting will be held January despot of Syria. Miss Stella 9, at the home This insurrection was instigated by Trochtenberg. Mattathias, a priest of Modin, who Mr. B. Meyers of Sioux City, la., rallied his*: countrymen around him . A; Preliminary Comment on and defied the King of Syria* to force is the guest at the home of his the Immigration Situation them to bend the knee before an. im- daughter, Mrs. Charles Saltzman. : age made by man instead of the one W" ' By MAX RHOADE, •>A Chanukah dinner will be given and only Creator who made heaven Washington Correspondent of "The Jewish Press". byMr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky, Sunand earth. (Copyright, 1921* by Jewish Correspondence Bureau.) j Sustained by his son Judah, called the Maccabee, and Ms four heroic BUY SAFE brothers, the mighty armies of Syria The now almost annual source of would be made. anxious Jewish interest in WashingWhile it is true that in Congress were defeated after successive cam- j ton— immigration restriction — has the attitude toward alien entry is paigns cove-'ng a r^riod of four years.' The final victory of the Maccabean again taken its place on the legisla- harsh, the information is interesting Our guarantee and our word is tive agenda in Congress. The hear- and heartening that in the executive armies Over all the hosts of Syria as good as a bond. ings befone the. House - Immigration branch--the Labor Department,— happened, according to the Hebrew We have satisfied hundreds of your friends. Committee on proposed further 're- there is now an attitude of willing- calendar, on the 25th of Kislev, which of Decemstriction against the entry of j aliens ness'to do everything possible to re- corresponds to the month T into the United States have begun. lieve the situation, whatever may be ber, in the year 165 >. C. E. On this The aim and purpose of the restric- the stories that emanated in the past eventful day the various images and 1514 Dodge Street. iionists was'released and is typified about the policy of the- Bureau of ritual paraphernalia ^brought into the Phone: Douglas 5619—— Temple at Jerusalem were removed in the bill introduced by Represen- Immigration. tative Albert Johnson, chairman of Only today I learn that Assistant and the altar rededicated to the worz< the House Immigration./ Committee; Secretary Henning and CommiBsioner ship of the God of Israel, who is the •providing for a complete suspension of Immigration Husband, in a con- symbol of truth and Justice, love and :'._... 'of immigration, excepting only close ference with Mr. Siegel regarding the mercy. ; ^relatives. ' , exclusion of the 700 Polish aliens now Many legends; have been preserved No Springs—Honest Weight I Depressing and hard as it is the on Ellis Island—for the most part in post-Biblical literature concerning prospect, the truth nevertheless must Jews—on the ground of the exhaus- Chanukah. The martyrdom of Hanbe faced that the situation is more tion of Poland's quota, promised him nah and her seven sons is the most HOBART ELECTRIC ithan. discouraging. Instead of making assistance in the proposed endeavor popular. This story relates the heroGRINDERS, CHOPPERS ;the present drastic law more liberal, to influence members of Congress to ism, of a devoted mother who, rather AND MIXERS. a majority of the Immigration Com- pass emergency legislation permitting than submit to the defilements of paJjnittee, fallowing the lead of John- the entry of the unfortunate group. gan worship on the part of her sons Service and Sales: 'son, would, if possible close the doors They will personally approach mem- and herself, is finally put to death l together with her sons. 6f America altogether, departing bers of Congress with this end in 13th AND JACKSON STREETS 'completely from all the traditions of view, in cooperation with Mr. Sisgel. Among the old legends recounting Phones: Ithis country. ; *•'• As for the present enforcement of the the miraculous intervention of ProviToledo Scales Doug. 7682 I I t seems that the ultimate result law, the Labor Department is not to dence in behalf of Israel is the story Hobart Eleetri; Doug. 7396 jof the present movement to further blame, for it is the duty of the Exe- of the preservation of a single cruse of undefiled oil found in the Temple cutive departfnin'ts to follow the i restrict will be a retention of the We have on hand Used and jquota system—there, is no chance words of the statute. The fault lies a t the occasion of this rededication, Rebuilt Machines. Ithat this system will be abandoned— with Congress, and had the legis- which burned fox eight days. In re|with the additional feature that im- lative branch enacted liberal legis- cognition of this lights are kindled in Jmigrants will have to pas physical lation, the Labor Department would lexaminations abroad and bring with enforce the law accordingly. fthem their medical certificates upon In the absence of definite knowledge arival at the port of entry. of the purpose .or lack of purpose of According to. present information, the Jewish . immigration protective no Jewish representatives will appear group, it would be premature and this week before the Committee at the perhaps unfair at this. early jucture hearings which have, commenced. Repr to undertake a criticism of a possible iresentative Isaac Siegel, of New York, lack of counter-preparation and •member of the Committee and leader counter-activity on the Jewish part iof the forces 6pposing restriction, against the impending danger. But i who usually voice the Jewish, inter- one thing is clear—insofar as any ; ests, is rather non-committal regard- public knowledge is concerned, no j ing the plans of the Jewish group heroic Jewish effort is being organ318 South Fifteenth Street. Phone Douglas 5030. I which concerns itself with the immi- ized to change the sentiment of Con! gration problem. From this attitude gress. Of course, it must be con.; one would judge that there is some ceded that the argument that counter Reserve Your Tickets f or, the Morrie Schlaifer—Bud Logan i hesitation as to whether Jews shall agitation might only concentrate at\ : Boxing1 Contest, January 9th. I make a loud protest. He however tention upon the Jews and make the j said that the problem was bejig dis- whole immigration restriction movecussed, and that in due time, an an- ment appear anti-Semitic, is one We, will hold tickets until 6:00 P. M., the day of the fight. nouncement of the steps to be taken which is worth considerable thought.


It is seldom that a motion picture Goldwyn lot was, "If you can't find a set attracts the attention of employes fellow, g» out to stage six I" in a motion picture studio. In 'The Night Rose," however, a Goldwyn picture, coming to the Sun Theatre, BRODKEY'S . for one week, commencing Sunday, SYNCOPATING there is a ball room scene which not only every member of the Goldwyn BUFFOONS Studios visited, but which brought obWISH YOU servers from other studios as well. It was made as a setting for the "A HAPPY bachanalian revel, which: is the climax NINETEEN—PLENTY of the story, and cost a fortune—to TOO." be exact, $8,000. During the five PHONE: JACKSON S260. days spent in photographing this un* usual ball room, the slogan on the










. • • • • "


Chanuka)i— Feast of Lights



1 iH :::




Does Your Policy Cover You in Sufficient Amount in Case of Large Judgment in Court? INSURE WITH

H. A. WOLF CO' 582 Sawders-Kennedy Bldg. Phone Atlantic 3160. _ PERSONAL SERVICE W I T H - E A C H POLICY— III LARGE OR SMALL. , jjj g^^jn^~:»Sn:n:tns»::^:::»:::S»::::^:::»:::::n::HS::nSK;SHH»^^

'Save January 11th for the Sokolow Delegation"



And Every Other Jew in Omaha are Invited to Participate in the

Further Closing of America's Doors

Communal Reception



Nahum Sokolow Delegation



for the

including formerly

CoL James Benry Patterson Jewish


Lieut. Vladimir Jabotinsky

1 i

Commander of in Palestine.

Noted Orator and Linguist— called "The Jewish Garibaldi", Distinguished Scientist and Economist.

These Men Will Deliver Messages of Importance to all Jews




JANUARY 11th, 1922

Returns of all Sporting Events Cigars, Tobaccos and Candy

B r a n d e i s Theater, 8:15P.M. It isYour ADMISSION FREE-No Fun


Save January 11th for the Sokolow Delegation"



' ^ •*_',- "• fc


Social, Club and Religious Activities

! Many Guests from Omaha and Mrs. B. B. Goldberg of Denver, game, when he tallied all the fifteen Mrs. I. Berkowitz entertained 12 Financial Secretary; Morris Polsky, Faye Gerelick, and the Messrs. Julius Council Bluffs to Attend Colo., is visiting with her parents, points made by his team. The Thor- guests at bridge at her home on Tues- Treasurer; Max Katleraan, Monitor; Gerelick, Abner Warshaw, and Sam Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilinsky. peians defeated the B. A. I. by a score day afternoon. Krasne-Levitt Nuptials. Max Ellinger, Dave Nefsky and H. Swartz of Omaha.

of 15 to 9. The wedding of Miss Esthyr Levitt, Fogelson, Trustees; Sid Poska, MorMr. and Mrs. B. Schwartz of Des Mrs. H. S. Novitsky entertained ris Friend and Rabbi Singer, Dele- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Polsky had as daughter of Mr; and Mrs. J. Levitt The Y and the Thorpeian team will their house-guests for the week-end, of Des Moines, la., to Mr. Hyman W. Moines, la., will spend New Years clash in the initial game next Wednes- eight guests at the second of her tea gates. Mr. and Mrs. Max Levin of Omaha. series on Monday afternoon at her Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.visiting with Mrs. Schwartz' sister, day evening. Mrs. Morton Marcus, and Mr. Marcus. home at the Marianna. Miss Phelps Miss Mildred Nefsky had as her Sunday evening Mrs. Polsky enterKrasne of Council Bluffs, will take tained thirty guests at bridge for Mr. Morrie Schlaifer, local Jewish of Minneapolis was the out-of-town The Sunday Evening dancing club place Sunday evening in Des Moines Mr. Leon Jerald Gross of Kansas boxer, will meet Bud Logan, Omaha guest and Miss Fannie Grodinsky house-guest for the week-end, Miss and Mrs. Levin. which was recently organized under at the Hotel Fort Des Moines, in the City* Mo., will arrive here New Years Faye Gerelick of Omaha. the supervision of Jake Crounse presence of over three hundred guests. Day to visit with his parents Mr. fighter, at the Municipal Auditorium was the prize winner. Mr. M. C. Perlman was called to St. Tom Mix as a tenderfoot sounds announces that it will give dances Rabbi H. Berger of Des Moines and and Mrs. H. Gross. He will remain on Monday, January 9. Paul, Minn., by the death of his fa- tempting. He goes to the West in Schlaifer is rapidly coming into every Sunday evening at the Keep's Rabbi Herman M. Cohen of Omaha for a few weeks. search of his father's slayer, and ther. v LINCOLN national prominence as a skillful and Dancing Academy. will officiate. shows the cattle men how hard a Mrs. E. Levitt, sister-in-law of the The Hertzl Girls had a Chanukuh speedy fighter. He and Logan are Mrs. Henry Schlessingr of San Mrs Samuel Nefsky entertained at tenderfoot can be. Takes avra.5* a The meeting of the Board of bride, will act as matron of honor, Party Wednesday evening at the evenly matched for their coming Francisco has announced the marriage a dinner at her home, Sunday, De- girl from the toughest gunman in bout and followers of the fistic aft Trustees of Temple Israel, which was while Mr. Tom Levitt, brother of the Jewish Community Center. cember 25, for her ^on, Mr. A. Joseph town, almost razes a ranch and— anticipate a worth-while battle when of her daughter Henrietta to Mr. Mil-Nefsky, who is home for the winter well, see "Trailin'," the William Fox scheduled for Sunday, January 1, will bride, will serve as master of cerelard / Klein, on December 20. Mrs. Mrs. Harry Levy left for Chicago the two meet. opening at Moon for sevbe postponed until Sunday, January monies. Miss Leah Kvasne will be Ejchlesinger was formerly of Lincoln. holidays from the Whaiton School of production, where she will spend about one month en days starting Saturday, DecemFinance^—University of Pennsylvania. 8, on account of the holiday. the maid of honor and Mr. Moevisiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. Branch Curtis entertained Mr. Klein attended the University of ber 31. The out-of-town guests were Miss Krasne will be the best man. The fourteen guests at a lunchebn at her Nebraska and was a member of Beta ' Chanukah was celebrated a t the Misses Nettie Levitt, Helen ChapMiss Brownie Ehrlich of St. Jo- home complimentary to Miss Zenia Theta Pi. Jewish Old Peoples' Home Wednes- man; Lillian Rothschild, -and Sarah seph, Mo., is the house-guest of Miss Wolfson of Miami, Fla. « ,.. ,! Mr. Adolph Kroner for many years day with a program of music and Lurie will be the bridesmaids. Messers, Beatrice Rosenthal. II if? Mrs. Morris Savad is spending the a resident of Lincoln, died at his short addresses. Talks were made Lawrence Krasne, Joe Krasne, Philip Miss Bertha Newman entertained holiday week in Lincoln, Nebr., as home in Kansas City, Mo., on Tues* by Rabbi Morris N. Taxon, Mrs. S. Krasne and Abe Seff will be the GOOD TIME •— BIG PARTY — GOOD MUSIC Ravitz, Dr. Philip Sher and Harry groomsmen. Millard Krasne and Jay at her home Monday evening •for Miss the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. day. He is survived by one daughT Bertha Dworkowitz of Kansas City, PLENTY FUx\ . and Mrs. S. L. Shostak. ter, Mrs. Ruth Kroner-Frisher. Lapidus. Eev, J. Fleischer blessed Cherniack will act as ushers. Little AUSPICES, K. R. PLEASURE CLUB. ary 12. the Chanukah lights, Max Guttman Muriel Krasne will be the ringbearer. The Annual election of the B'nai 53.00 Per Cover played violin solos, and Jewish folk After a several weeks wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zidell and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky will have as B'rith took place Sunday, December HOBS D'OECVRES PARISIENNE songs were sung by Dorothy. Cohen, through the east, Mr. and Mrs. Hy-their son, Francis Billy, left Sunday her house-guest for New Years Mr. 25. : HEARTH OF CELERY, SALTEB ALMONDS, OLIVES The following officers were IOJIATO ' BOUILLION. W H i r T E D CREAM: Ida Tennenbaum and Iiillian Eosen- man Krasne will make their home in for Dallas, Texas, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. B. Baron of Sioux City. . .••; CHEESE STHAW? elected: Saul B. Arinson, President; ?-•' IMPERIAL PUNCH Council Bluffs. Zidell's • parents for several weeks. Watfc J. S. Waxman, Vice-President; Meyer J,5 BONELES ROTAL SQUAB A LA ROTHSCEILO A special train has been secured Before returning home, they will also Mrs. Alexander Pollack, Mrs. Beeber, Secretary; Samuel Nefsky, PtJMWES VICTORIA m CBO0SIADB OF PEAS AND PBKSH MUSHROOMS Samuel Katz and Mrs. Dollie ElgutThe Misses Esther Newman and for the large number of out of town visit in the East. : • •••'-*;•• -•••-• • • - - • . S A L A D M A R T G A R D E N VJeSCX FORMES OF ICE CREAK ter will entertain at a New Year's si: T Annette Pizer mil entertain eight guests who will leave, from Omaha PETIT FOtfRS v>A'-. The City Talmud Torah Sunday Reception, Monday afternoon, Januguests at a.dinner at the home of and Council Bluffs early Sunday . .... - ' DEMI TASSE '^"S Miss Newman-, New Year's Eve. The morning to attend the wedding; Fol- School has arranged a Chanukah pro- ary 2, at the home of Mrs. Pollack. FROM 11:00 P. M. TO 2:00 A. M. ''''V out of town guests will be Mr. Fred- lowing are the guests from Council gram at the 18th and Chicago St. All friends are cordially invited to Hi BLACKSTONE HOTEL BALLROOM, erick Brandenstein of San Francisco Bluffs: Mr. and Mrs. J. Krasne and Synogogue for Sunday morning at 10 attend. ::: a. m . The public is invited. ' and Mr. Eollo Davies of London. An son, Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. H. r Please make early reservations.—Harney 0945. -* Miss Miriam Moser will entertain Orpheum Theatre Party will follow. Krasne and family; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Miss Etta Corenman left Monday at the Brandeis Tea Rooms, Friday Mri Davies will entertain these guests Rosenberg; Mr. and Mrs. E. Marcus; night. ONE WEEK at a dancing party at the Brandeis Mr. «nd Mrs. Leo Krasne; Mr. andnight for a visit to Chicago. Starting Sunday, Mrs. L. Cherniak and family; Mr. Tea Rooms after the theater. The next regular meeting of the Lester and Ramona Slosburg, who January 1st. and Mrs. Meyer Freidman; Mr. and are visiting with relatives in Chicago, Hadassah will be held Wednesday Miss Ruth Silverberg. of "Chicago is Mrs. H. Marowitz; Mr. and Mrs. M. afternoon, January 4 at the Jewish the guest of her sister Mrs. David Krasne and family; the Misses S'Reva will spend the week end in Grand Community Center. Rapids, Mich., as the guests of Mr. Marks, She will remain fo« several and Rina Snyder; Mary Scott and Mr. and-Mrs. Bernstein. Miss Rose Shafton left Saturday weeks. W. C. Droge. Guests from Omaha for St. Paul, Minn., where she will include: Mr. and Mrs. Harry KulaMiss Dorothy Goldman of Des Rabbi Frederick Cohn will. use as kpfsky; Mr. and Mrs. B. Pred; Mr. Moines, la., is visiting with Mrs, M.visit for several weeks with Dr. and. his Friday Night sermon at Tem- and Mrs. Henry Horn; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leon J. Tiber. SB ple Israel •The Jew and World M. Kulakofsky; Rabbi and Mrs. Her- : Miller. Civilization." Saturday morning he man M. Cohen and Mr. Sam Wolf. Mrs. A. L Kulakofsky has as her Special Midnight Show Mr. Nathan Jacobs left Tuesday will speak on "The Afflictions, of, the house-guests Mrs. A. I. Saxe, Mrs, New Years Eve. for Kansas City, Mo., where he will Other out of town guests expected Sighteous;" , . : O. Lesser and her daughter Miss Berare: Mrs. W. Slosburg of Los Angeles, spend several days before returning nice Kulakofsky of Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. David Stern have as Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. B. Gershum of to the University of Missouri. their house-guests Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Schuyler, Nebr.; Miss Ruth Krasne The regular monthly social meetMiss Irma Wells . will entertain ward Rosenberg of Des Homes. of Fullerton, Nebr.; Miss Carrie Eo- Monday night at her home for mem- ing- of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel which is scheduled for Monday, senthal of Norfolk, Nebr.; Mr. G. Mr. Max Levine has returned from Pred and son Mike of Pender, Ne_br.; bers of the school set. , January 2, will be postponed to Mon.a week's visit in Chicago. Miss Eose < Pred of St. Paul, Mian.; Mr. and Mrs. Max Sommer wflU day, January 9, on acount of the : Mrs. Nathan Porte • wfll be hortess Mr. Oscar Mankbwitz of New York entertain' eighteen guests at the Ath-holiday. : %p a meeting of the Priscilla Club on City; Mr. Sam Weinberg and Miss letic Club New Year's Eve. SEVEN DAYS Anne Verbitf of; Fremont, Nebr.; Mr. Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldstein of Starting Saturday, Barty H. LapWrra. Prei.-Trea». and.Mrs. JJ.jKr^sne' of Oakland, Nebr.; J c i Pepper. Vice-Presldent. .- Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg of Dec 31st. ^ rF*. E. Krasne pf Ere- Missouri Valley, la., are spending W. G. Ore. Secretary. Grand Island, Nebr., are the guests mont, Nebr.; • Mf. arid Mra. Mick the holidays with Mr. Goldstein's paOmaha Fixture & of Mrs. Greenberg's mother, Mrs. S. Krasne: of Fremont^ Nebr.; Mr. and rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein. (Jraetz. • ; Supply Co. Mrs. D. Geffen of Albion, Nebr. ATHLETICS COMPLETE STORE AND ' -Mr. and Mrs. Max Miller enter-: : OFFICE OUTFITTERS . P i e ;Y» M, H. A. and Thorpeian Jtained twenty- guests at a "dancing - - r . Temple i 10 W« occupy "party Monday evening at their home A large gathering attended Jthe Athletic club basketball teams re•ver 70.000 sans re feet Soatbwest Corner for their daughters, the Misses Mil- Temple Alumni-dance, which was held tained their hold on second p^ace iri Xlerenth and Donsrlas Streets. Wednesday evening in the vestry of the Commercial League, Wednesday -•dred and Beulah Miller. Phone: Jackson 2724 the Temple. A musical skit was giv- evening, when both teams defeated ZSZf OMAHA. NT2B. ''. Miss Yetta Nathan left for Chicago en by members of the Junior Auxil- their opponents. . on Thursday evening, where she will iary of the Council Bluffs Section of The fast team work." of "Duke* the'Council of Jewish Women, f o l - Levinsph, Brown and Ravitz was remain "for several weeks..-: : ••, lowing is the cast of the program: '-. Mrs. J. J. Slosburg entertained ACT 1—"A Bowery^Sicene". featuring the featured in the victory of the Y. M. 'Misses j Rina Snyder. Keva H. A. over the McKenney . Dentists "eighteen guests at a 'dinner and card team by a score of 24 to 9. " Gilinsky, Frances Kogg, Zelda .party Monday night at her home. "Sid" Coreman was the outstandMarks, S'lteva Snyder, and Miss Janet Gilinsky. '" ing star in the Thorpeian-B. A.- I. -Rabbi Frederick Cohn will address S e l e c t i o n s-^Mlss Kina the Literary Department of the Oma- ACT HT—Vocal Informal Dances Snyder. and Sayings", featuring ha Women's Club on "Richelieu" next ACT in—"Konps iliea Zclda Murks as th&.'Queen Every Sunday Night .••:• - • ; Omaha's of Broadway", and Miss S'Reva Tuesday afternoon. : Snyder as the "Tuxedo King". Newest and Finest Starting January 1,1922 Bath-House. .- Miss Irma Gross of Lansing, Mich., by the Baths, Massajje, Hot Packs,ia spending the winter holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goldberg anOMABA.Mil*. nounce the return of their daughter, her father, Mr. David Gross. Electric Treatment, Bess, from an extensive trip of eight rCORKECT APPAKEL FOE MEN AND WOMEN Inhalatorium. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Treller will months' visiting with friends and reentertain at a dinner-dance for their latives in Philadelphia, New York Faxton Hotel Turkish Baths v son, Mr. Marvin Treller, at the Ath- City, Washington, Atlantic City, ChiCONCANNON BROS., Props. letic Club, January 4. 1401 Farnam S t , Basement cago and St. Louis; also that their 1 Entrance. cousin,' Mr. Samuel J. Getis of Phila"Mrs. J. Eaymon is confined to her Telephone: Tyler 5731. delphia and New York City is their home'by illness. OMAHA, NEB. house-guest; ; Mrs. B. Blotcky and her daughter will leave after New Yenrs for New York City and Palm Beach, Fla., where they will spend the winter. 1

Blackstone Hotel—New Year's Eve Celebration




















I :::



"/ Will" Man Says


Men's and Young Men's

Suits and Overcoats






$25 to $75 Now

$12.50 to $37,50

Sunday Night Dancing Club

Keeps Dancing Academy

£ Miss Ruth Cohen has as her house iguest, her cousin Miss Rose Felsenberg of Minneapolis. : Mr. Sam Rabinowitz of New York City wui arrive here Friday to spend the holiday with his wife and son who, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Spresbergetv


CHEVIIOILJET at a New ILow Price

; Mrs. I. E. Stone of Des Moines, la., is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ida :Barmish»

Miss Ethel Gladstone a luncheon

d a y . ' ••.••••

Two Orchestras and Continuous Music. J. CROUNSE, Secretary.

Admission: 40c Person, including: war tax.

-toAg AUTO



at her h o m e

-.,- : . - . • " : • • . -.'

A good time is assured.

Miss Minnie Rabinowitz left last. :Thursday; evening.for New York City after a two weeks i^isit here with her sister Mrs. Morris. Rosenblatt. at

Farnam Street. .

Low operating cost



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v SALON L'CHABME, corner 16 and Howard streets, Har. 2890. Manicure, 50c; bobbing, 50c; water wave, 75c; niarcel, 75c.« Sanitary best m aterial. Open evenings and Sunday.—Adv.

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Monheit's Chiropodist and Beauty




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THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this, department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with .us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT.




Dear Mr. Ford:helped rob you of the name you ence Jackson 0268 There sits in Detroit tonight, as had among all men of being a man this is written, a little Jewish mother, of kindness only. ' and as she looks about her, tears Let it touch some of those finer well in her eyes, tears of joy and feelings for which you were known. P. MELCHIORS & SON tears of sorrow.* When you have discovered mistakes MACHINE WORKS Industrial and • Automotive Machinists. Tremblingly she grasps the hands in your machinery, you have never Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. of the son who crossed the ocean four hesitated a moment to correct them Starter Bluff Gears for AuUt Fly Wheels 41? South 13th Street. times to rescue her and bring her to —you could understand them. 1415 Douglas St. Tel. Jackson 3171 Telephone: Jnckson 2350 the comfort he has for her in this Pride has not kept you from land of promise, and when she can changing your sales plan or. your bring herself to realize that that financial methods when you thought comfort is for :her- for. all time, the a change would be for the better. DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT trust comes before her eyes, and she Isn't it a false pride that keeps COMPANY. UNDERTAKERS BISMARCKS. CAKB AND SUGAR weeps for the very joy of it. you from admitting that you were BOCOHXCTS OCR SFECIAI/TT. wrong when you said you would And when she thinks of the other MOVED TO We Deliver the Real Goods. prove a financial conspiracy? son who was back in Russia, whose S224 COMING STREET. Fhono Webster 09-13 Isn't it a false pride that urges life, -was taken as a sacrifice to the mob spirit engendered by those over you on to libelling !and abusing the there who would set one race against Jewish people as a penalty for being ADVO COFFEE another, when she thinks of the innocent for that of which you hoped hundreds who went down to death to convict them? ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS as the result of slander spread in A few years ago you were braving race hatred, when she thinks of the the ridicule of the world in your massacres through which she and efforts to carry on a demonstration hers went, again she weeps, in sor- for peace. You had not stepped a row, that they, too, had not come to foot on foreign, soil before you BE3IEMBEB ', :,: Visit.Our the land of promise before it was realized that instead of getting out too late for them. of the trenches by Christmas the When she thinks, of the* hunger and men in deadly combat •- over there Do away, with drudgery, and make misery that stalk abroad, when she were bound to fight it to a finish, house-work a pleasure by the ase visualizes the suffering of even the and you turned back and came home With Xour Order for of modern electrical appliances. little children for the want of that to help your government in carrying ANYTHING which would keep life in now frail on work that would enable people The' "Electric Shop" is on the ground floor of the Electric buildIN THE WRAPPING bodies, when she sees plenty here to finish it right. ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth and thinks of the want there, want Now that you are the only notable PAPER LINE and Farnam. streets. through which she has just come, her apostle of strife and hatred that this 1112 HARNEY ST. heart aches that -there,-must'be so country has, can you not show equal much suffering, and tears cannot be courage and turn from your camPhone Douglas 6i00 held back. paign of abuse, the. same sort of Hatred can bring only onevharvest, campaign as ended to frightfully in and that is a harvest of" misery. the old world, and consecrate your "Bay Midwest Milk" You started 'out in your campaign wealth, your abflity, your future to with the declaration thftt you were that cause you had in mind when going to prove an international com- you entered into the field of publicity, bination of Jews to bring on war the cause of peace and good feeling for profit. among men. You 'had no proof ;then,' and you E. G. Pipp. know i t That others made/yoji believe- they During the recent campaign in could furnish the proof* can he said New York City one1 of the Ford 2002 Poppleton Ave. to your credit. ' x .slejiths talked with a Jew, and found But -they haven't furnished., the that particular Jew against Mayor Atlantic 3680 proof. • Hylan. They- misled you when they told Immediately the whole Ford force you ".they- could. scented a conspiracy, and on SepTo. save .their jobs .and to save tefliber 34, the Ford paper printed your face they have led you on -still this statement: further on to" draw from your milTUe Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. "What Mr. HyHri, the present lions to engage in just such a Jew"iGABMENTS. C1EA>"ED LIKE I H E TOUCH OF A TAIBTT." mayor of. New York, has done PHOXE KENTVOOD O3Q3. 3410 A3IES AVEJiCE. baiting- campaign as was carried on to merit chastisement, is scarcein .Russia. ly clear to a non-partisan inThere every possible- twist .was vestigator. But the fact that the given to everything that would put "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Jews have set out to 'get' him any Jew or group of Jews in an and buy them at for something -is evident on " ' Made by unfavorable light. ' UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST. «very side." ROGERS That is just- what you are doing FOOD CO. 319 South 16th Street. here. The Ford paper had given yards OaiAHA. KEBHASKA. Phone Douglas 3400. There the religious Issue was raised, of space to showing that the Jews to set Jew against Gentile and controlled the moving picture business Gentile against Jew, in New York in all details, and TTtV SUNDGBEX'S That is what you are doing here. claimed the business was used to the Nutritions Home llmle Carpenter Paper Co. the campaign was carried, advantage of the Jews. Distributors of PIES and COOKIES onThere by a rich man wl\p ownftl a And in the campaign the moving Sealed in Sanitary Wased Western Bond—and High Grade "Wrapper at Tour Grocer. publication. : „'. " picture houses were printing the. ' Stationery That is: what you are. doing here— pictures of Hylan, evidently favoring Sundgren Pie Baking Co. OMAHA. but your work is more extended, the him. 24th and Hickory. Atlantic 6241 writings by your men' more-clever • Either forgetting their claim of and more dangerous. September 24 or caring nothing for FEATHER COMFORTERS PAXTON-MTCHELL CO. There the efforts resulted inmurdei- consistency the Ford publication of Made from 1'our Own Feathers. 27th and Martha Sta. Hartley 1603 Renovated, re-made or made to order. of thousands. , . : ' Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze. AlnmlNovember 19 contained the following : Ail liand-filled. AVe call and deliver. unm and Soft Gray Iron Castings, What will be the result, here? you are assnrefl <jf soft castings, as "Motion picture houses in New OMAHA PILLOW CO. we machine some from every heat In Head the article that follows, about our own shop. Standard size cast iron York "City showed Hylan news 1907 Cumins St., Omaha, Nebraska. that little Jewish woman, and think bushings in stock. . •; Phone Jackson 2467, pictures only during the election about it. " campaign, all attempts by the Think about it luird! Don't steel-yourself against it. Den't listen to those who have TIKES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES Office 209 South 18th Street



McCord-Brady Co.

The Brinft & Jensen Company

"Electric Shop"





ffid-West Aito Parts Co. We carry a complete , line of new

Dayton Money $ $ Scales and Meat Slicers ¥


ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and Springs for almost any make-" vt car. M. TO. RICHJtAJf, Manager. 1318-1330 Wmt Broadway, COIWCII/ BXCFFS. IOWA. l'HOTTE 444.



•Wholesale Dealers In Butter, and Poultry. 1213 Howard St.

OGK NEW LOCATION Corner lirtu and Domilus Streets. Masonic, Temple Uldf. ' Our JJne BALDWIN. ELLINGTON. ilAMII.'CON, HOWARD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS, PLAYER PIANOS.

THATCHER PIANO CO. Phono Jackson S0G6 * *

Mrs. Sophia Mandel, Prop.


316 Sooth Fifteenth Street—lp Stairs.

OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. 2419 Cumins St.,

Omaha, Nebraska.

Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.


imiBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER See Demonstrotlon 31G So. 13tlr StTeet.

Jewish Press 482 Brandels Bids.

Help Fight Ford—Ii-..

Tel. Jnckson 2S72

U. A. FORD. President and General Manager. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office, 921 So. Main Street. Vhone SS3

Washington.- (J. P. A.) Mr. Henning;. Assistant Secretary of Labor, left this city recently'for New York in order to spend several days at Ellis Island for the purpose of reviewing special cases and relieving the situation caused by women urn children that bame to husbands and fathers and are being detained due to excess of quota from their respective countries. The Department of Labor is planning to incorporate into the naw immigration bill a provision that after monthly quotas are exhausted a limited number of meritorious cases be admitted' from each country every above their quotas.

9 % Nebraska District Warrants ScottsbluH and Morrill County Backed by the Sugar Beet Industry. Legality passed on by competent Attorneys.

The HARRY A. KOCH CO. •••-'-

LITHUANIAN CONSUL TO PALESTINE TO BE JEW Kovno. (J..T. A.) The government has decided to send a permanent representative to Palestine. It is a foregone conclusion that a Jew will be chosen,, for that post.

. Incorporated.

How About Your Furnace? Does It Need Cleaning or Repairing?

NOW 18 THE TI3IE TO HAVK KXPEKTS DO THE WORK. roo'II Be ftarprised at Oar' Rnt««. Cleaning done by Vncnum ^Khont causing <Iirt. We have satisfactorily-cleaned over 100 furnaces the past month. CALX. JACKSON 1913.

FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 1914 Coming Street. We Install Gilt Edxe Furnaces.

• • . t Of . . ,

Hoffmann Funeral Home.

Second Floor, Elks' Building.



8TEAM8HIP TICKET 8 AND TOREIGN EXCHANGE 180T Howard St., Omaha, Xeb. Fhone ATlautlc 0340.

Harle-Haas Co, Distributors

Phone Jackson 3072

"Baker Ice Mechii "Maimfaetnrd ii dmaha" BAKER ICE KACHINE CO. Iten Biscuit Co. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES

Heyer Mercantile-Co., Ine.



MEY-MER-CO. Brand Beverages and Sjrups. 319-331 So. 14th Stt., Omaha, Isebr. Thone Atlantic 2880

. T. !?. Pnt. Office.)

Grander! Electric Co. CETEXDABI.E EI,IOCTRICAI» MERCHANDISE. 1511 Howard St. rhone Atlantic 0«81

AH that the name implies. 91€ N. 16th St. . Donglas 68S7

"Ambulance Service •

Equipped with Pulmotor. All Calls Answered Promptly.


JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St.

Fhone Barney 0393

. F. BAttHAin HFC CO. Yinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products

Phone T>otiglafi 4607 29th and Pierce St., Omnha, Nebraska.

LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1810.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Srandeia Theatre Building. 17th" and Douglas Streets. Thone Atlantic 38Sff

. . . for . . .


AND MEATS 4027 So. Siih St.

"Make Warm Friends" Fhone Donglas 4T26

Wholesale Grocers Specialiies 1BU Coining St. rhone Atlantic 124

VaLJ.Peter & Co..

R«Ulr Eoofin? over oia shingles. Also asr<h£Jt shingles and build-up roefs. FU'e resisting BTKJ Curable. All -worfc g-uaranteed. Easy terms. rhonr Harney 2574 Office »»S Warehouse: S122 Leavenworfh

SCHMIDT'S , Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer

Sherman Mercantile Co.

We assist you In getting passports and give you expert advise on European conditions. We help you to pet yonr relatives in Europe to this country.


\7bolesale Distributors {or


Steamship Tickets to and from all Parts of the World .

Leo A. Hoffm&rih


olland Furnaces

Phone ATlantic 0360.

Y o u r position is ^correct, and should •; be s u p p o r t e d by £'•:.•.: *very* fair minded '.': person.

Einstein Declines Invitation to Visit Japan. Berlin. (J. T. A.) A strong wave of enthusiasm for Prof. Albert Einstein, of "Theory of Relativity" fame, has taken hold of the Japanese, a report in the "Vossische Zeitung" says. The Japanese press expects Prof. Einstein, to visit their country next spring. Prof. Einstein declared, however, tb^t while German scholars are maintaining scientific communication with Japan, he should be unable to undertake the journey.

; ••

First National Bank Bldg.


rhone Market O490


Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.



An Ideal Washing Combination.

Theodore Volz & Son

Estes Laundry Tablets ... with... Estes Soap Chips and Water Softener (Combined)

TAILORS 528-32 Securities Batldlnff, 16th and Fnrnnra Sts, Telephone: Jarltson 2MB

At all Grocers.


Always Asfc for

You will like



Omaha, Nebraska.

Ford Tran^ier & Storage Co.



I,ot Os liemovo the Door from Yoar Furnace and Insert a


Call Atlantic 2364


Omaha Office: 813 rxnieJas Street. Omahu Fhone Atlantis 3556

Best Home Cooklnic at "Very treasonable Trices — Satisfaction Guaranteed.



Will Investigate Conditions On Ellia Isfend.

S03 C

Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables

N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts.

Budapest. (J. T. A.) With the practical standstill in Hungarian trade and industry and the daily depreciation of the exchange, due mainly, it is believed, to the commercial inactivity of the Jews, governmental circles are endeavoring to approach Jewish representatives -with a view to having the withdrawn Jewish capital put into .circulation. Jewish life and property still being unsafe, the government is understood to'have promised some of the leading Jews at a secret conference to persecute the terrorists and guarantee Jewish prop; erty. Sevejral Jewish delegations, similar to that which-is already in the United States, should proceed abroad to help restore the prestige of Hungary, the government proposes. Popular Jewish opinion is inclined to distrust Admiral Hortliy and the promises made on his behalf.

O£3e* and Warehouse: 617 So. Blatn St. Telephone 142 COBNCDC BLUFFS. IOTTA.

Joseph PoJack & Son

510 South 10th Street. Phone Jackson 3332.


Phone Jackson 1680

Est. 1891.


Curran people to obtain like publicity failed. The Jewish gentlemen in control of the news weeklies and exhibitors' association explained that the featuring of Hylan "was intended as a rebuke to Governor Miller for the latter's espousal of film censorship." . Anything the Jew does is wrong according, to the Ford paper. It merely .shows how "unbiased" the Ford reports are on anything that has to do with the Jewish people. Some day the Ford writer may learn that the individual character is strong among the Jews and that each Jewish citizen usually thinks things out for himself.—Pipp's Weekly- . . .

BUTTER Made by — I

Kirachbraun & Sons

Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee In Tubes.

S16 K. IStlJ St. Branches at Central , Sspply and food Otmtme.




Jackson S873

•E. E. Bruce & Co.. WHOLESALE .

CLEAN LINEN Every ff If yon call the

1815 California Street. Phone Douglas 6201

eg & Schoeiitgeii WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302

Diuffgists and Stationers • <Ul-iM-<03 South lOtli


Help Fight Ford—Patronize These Firms.

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