January 5, 1922

Page 1


Industry keeps the body healthful, the mind clear, the heart whole, and the purse full.

To be fond of lealning is to beat the. gate of knowledge. *

VOL. n.—No. 4.

Entered ,


5? id-class maU matter: on. January 27th, 1021, at lha,

Every Jew in Om] Givf Royal Visitors Dim

Nebraska, nnder the Act of March 3. 1879.


essages of Vital Importance

Jabotinsky and Warburg, Outstanding Figures in World Jewry, and Patterson, Christian Fighter for Jewish Rights, in Omaha . Next Wednesday and Thursday ; PUBLIC MEETING AT BRANDEIS THEATER I AND KOSHER BANQUET AT BLACKSTONE v< FEATURES OF COMMUNITY RECEPTION The Nahum Sokolow delegation will receive a royal welcome to Omaha. The delegation to Omaha consists of three men. One is a scientist, a student and a calm, deliberate scholar. One is a poet, a man of vision, yet a man of action,—brave, militant,'but idealistic throughout. The third is a staunch lover of the Jew and a firm advocate of Jewish rights, yet himself not a Jew. They come in the interest of the Jew, and they bring messages of gi-ave import to all Jews. Coming as co-workers with and associates of Nahum Sokolow, who is undoubtedly one of the world's greatest Jews, the delegation, which includes Lieut. Vladimir Jabotinsky, Col. J. H. Patterson and Prof. Otto Warburg, must, by reason of the achievements of its members for the cause of Jews the world over, command the respect and admiration of every Jew. ; Sketches of the members of the delegation, would be incomplete without a brief history of its chairman and guiding genius, I^ahura Sokolow. . Nahum Sokolow is a brilliant Hebrew publicist, a veteran of Hebrew journalism, founder and editor of ."Hacefirsh" in Warsaw, the leading Hebrew daily in the Diaspora, the • publication of which is continued to ' this day, due largely to Sokolow's tenaciousness, determination and undying love of the Hebrew world. He is • a noted Hebrew author, loved and folnoted Hebrew author, loved and followed by all to whom the Hebrew language is is not not aa sealed sealed book. book. He He is is laneuace u2, orator, 4. a pleasing, i • „ ilo\ing ,., n v i M I pera subtle r , o






Two cards exchangeable at the Brandeis Theater box office for reserved seats for .Wednesday night's meeting have been mailed to every Jewish family in Omaha*. The committee on arangements wishes to announce that any family which does not receive these cards by Monday noon may apply for them at the headquarters of the committee in the Jewish Community Cen^ ter, from 2 to 5 p. m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Reserved seat tickets will ..be given out at the theater box office, beginning Monday, January 9. Admission to the theater will be by reserved seat tickets only. ' ; Reservations • for the Kosher dinner which the Zionist district will give at the Blackstone on Thursday, must be made with Mr. I. Goldstein, 218 S. 19th St., not • later than Monday night. No places at the tables may be had which have not been reserved through Mr. Goldstein.


••• "

Central Organization Will Make Reports and Elect,Officers at Fontenelle.

FEDERATION BOOKS TO BE CLOSED ON JANUARY 15. Sunday eyening,. January 29, has been selected as the date for the annual meeting of the Jewish Welfare Federation by the Executive Committee of the organization. The Fontenelle Hotel ballroom has again been secured for the meeting, arid it is expected that the attendance will greatly exceed that of last year.


AT THE ATHLETIC CLUB—; Cream of Tomato Soup .25 AT THE BRANDEIS •RESTAURANTS— Marinated Herring .40 Results Throughout the Country Indicate Goal Will t>e AT THE FONTENELLE— Reached. Fried Spring Chicken 1.25 HERBERT .HOOVER ENDOR31 AT KING FONG CAFE— Head Lettuce Salad 50 •ES••NATIONAL CAMPAIGN." AT THE BLACKSTONE— With the American Jcwisl Pastry and Coffee: 40 Relief Comrnittee,. the Central Jewish Relief Committee ' anc IN POLAND the People's Belief .Committed AT KAMENETZmaking, a-united effort under thi PODOLSK— " leadership of David A. Brown, ojj A Crust of Bread ...A Luxury Detroit, the campaign' to raisl $14,000,000 in the United Stated by March 1 is now in full stride! Undertaken amidst darkest lore] bodin'gs of failure because of economic depression prevailing throughout the country, there ii every indication that the goal fixed-at the historic conference in Chicago last September wilj be reached, and left fai- behii Louis Marshall Urges Stricter before the allotted time. Rules in Dry Law EnThe first indication of the great] forcement. I'esponse that the apfieal which went SUPPORT " OF AMERICAN forth from this conference will elicit from' the Jews of this country, comes - JEWISH COMMITTEE from Chicago itself, where a cn.rr,~ ASSURED.

Jews- -Offer Help to End Abuses in Sa -of'SacranentdWine

youth, all of whom took to their place personal friend of Colonel Patterson. With the complete federation of all ^ t h e British ranks, were It was he who was responsible for organizationsin the city into one ky's reward. His efforts in that di- sending President Roosevelt out oncentral body it is estimated that over his hunting expeditions after haying 4000 men and women are directly instayed at the "White House" as a terested in and contributing to Jewpersonal visitor, and exciting Presiish social service work in Omaha dent Roosevelt's enthusiasm for South through the Jewish Welfare FederaAfrica hunting expeditions. /_-/. tion. _. These figures include the During the Great War he was-sucmembers of those organizations which cessively in command of the'Zion have become affiliated with the FedMule Corps, the Royal Irish Fusiliers eration, and who still retain their and the Soyal Dublin Fusiliers., He membership in the original organizapublished in 1916 a book entitled tions. paign, originally designed to rais "With the Zionists in Gallipoli"—-the New York.—Louis Marshall, pres- $750,000, terminated on Morris Levy, president of the Fedstory of the Zion Mule Corps. Later eration, today appointed Dr. Philip ident of the American Jewish Com- 27, with a grand total of $1,810,0004 he commanded the 38th Royal; FusiSher, Carl C. Katleman and J. J. mittee, 171 Madison Avenue, in a letliers (First Judeans) and the "PatterDuluth Comes Across, Greenberg, members of the board of ter sent last week to David H. Blair, son Column" of Jewish troops in the Another "sffcraw showing how Commissioner of Internal Revenue in directors of the Federation, as a comfinal advance which drove the Turks Work as Vice-president Earns mittee to arrange the progTam for Washington, said that the Jewish peo- wind blows" is Duluth. Its delegates out of Palestine. : Him Highest Honor of the annual meeting. No efforts will ple were practically unanimous in to the Chicago conference declined to Lodge. Colonel Patterson has written a be spared by the members of this demanding .the stamping out of the wait until the state effort for -Minnebook now in the press, giving a hisO M M I T T E ¥ " APPOINT- committee to make the meeting the abuses which had arisen in different sota was organized, but launched theisj tory of the Judeans in the Palestine most inspiring of its kind ever held parts of the country in connection own campaign and by December 17,' MENTS campaign ("With the Judeans in Palwith the distribution of sacramental had raised 818,500, which is $4,000| locally. • TERM ANNOUNCED. estine"). '... • •': wines under the Volstead act, and of- more than has ever been raised inl Books Close on January 15. . Colonel Patterson is a keen Bible Irvin Stalmaster, for the past six fered the aid of the organization com- that city before for European relief! The finance committee of the Fed- posed of same of the most prominent purposes. The campaign in Duluthl LIEUT. VLADIMIR • JABOTINSKY scholar, a first-rate shot, and a great nonths vice-president of the local horseman. Very popular among the lodge of the B'nai B'rith,-was unani- eration, through the chairman Hsrry •, ., . - . , . . and influential tnen of the country, in is still on, and will not terminate un-g Jewish- people in Palestine, Egypt, mously elected^•;<> the presidency of Lspidus, has set January 15th ss the rection were'recognizedand, as fount i l the end of January.,, if .then. ider of the Je\yish . i Legion . . •formulating- regulations-'-which Jewish Legion, wasgiven was,given,, -Bngland,;-etc., he has often stcod up the organization last Thursday night. date whenthe books'or the Federation o The small town of Port Huron,! not be so easily evaded as those at the honorary'commission of-Lieuten- energetically against aiiti-SeimCes in Stalmaster, who until six months will be closed. The annual report present in force. Mich., was among th« first to send Jn| ant of the British.Army by the King, Palestine. ago was a comparative novice in I. O. book containing the names of the its returns. . Here there are only ft£»* Mr. Marshall had previously urged an "exceptional •hbflor considering that B. B. work, made himself felt as a Federation subscribers will go to some change in the regulations, which teen Jewish families, all of them m OTTO WARBURG. very few non-Britishers have ever atpress immediately thereafter. would make it more difficult for the moderate circumstances, but these Otto Warburg, a member of. an in- power in the order during his vicetain ad to it. .' ". ;•" All subscribers to the Federation, iresidency, setting new records in the unscrupulous to violate the law, and fifteen families gave S3,000. fluential and wealthy Jewish family, With the disruption of the Jewish imount of dues collected, members and all members of affiliated organ- in his letter he pointed out that sufis a member of the First Zionist ConBattalion, he has settled down to consecured, and attendance stimulated at izations are therefore urged to pay ficient data must now be in the hands Indiana Governor Speaks for Appes5n structive work in Palestine", but soon ;he weekly meetings. His candidacy their 1921 dues' before January loth, of the prohibition authorities to conIndiana, with a quota of S400,000, Arab recalcitrance became vocal, and so that their names may appear upon ibr president was unopposed. begins its drive on January 8,. with a, vince them that new methods, with Jabotinsky organized in Jerusalem a the list of subscribers. This list will big mass meeting in IndianapolisGreat interest centered in the concivilian defense corps, for which he also be published. in a forthcoming greater safeguards, should be adopt- Louis J. Borinstein is chairman of the test for the vice-presidency, in which ed. and his nineteen comrades were senissue of "The Jewish Press." campaign and the first shot has been Dave Greenberg was victorious over tenced to long months of imprisonfired by Governor Warren T. McCray, Max Fromkin. ment by Sir Herbert Samuel. He is who has issued the following public Harry Silverman and Harry Friednow a member of the Executive of the statement: man were re-elected secretary and World Zionist Organization, an inde"This is truly a most deserving treasurer respectively. fatigable worker for the Keren Hayeworthy undertaking and J. sincerely; Nine delegates to the grand lodge OMAHA HEBREW CLUB, MODERN sod (Palestine Foundation Fund), and trust the people generally will real is* convention which will be held in DAY OF FESTIVITIES PLANNED WOODMEN AND I. O. B. B. the editor of the "Keren Hayesod fully and respo'nsively the great need Omaha in May were elected, on whom PREPARE FOR NEW ADFOR IOWA LODGE. Book." . and make their contributions accordwill fall the task of arranging the deMINISTRATIONS. To those to whom the finer arts ingly." tails of the convention, including the Council Bluffs is all set for one of have a greater appeal, Jabotinsky is entertainment of the visiting deleA call will go out shortly for the Newly elected officers in three of the biggest B'nai B'rith days in its known as the man who succeeded in NAHUM SOKOLOW.. gates and other guests. Delegates great conference of Zone No. 2 whir.); Omaha's largest men's organizations history to be held next Sunday after; rendering into other languages the from Omaha lodge include Ed Simon, will have been installed before the will be held in New York City on eonality; ingratiating yet withal a inimitable verse of C. N. IBialik, the noon and evening. Arthur Rpsenblum, Harrj Lapidus, January 15, for the territory comproud and consistent defender of Jew- Hebrew poet laureate. A. B. Seelenfreund, secretary of the beginning of next week. Harry Maloshock, Dr. Phil, p Sher. Dr. Omaha Hebrew Camp No. 4944, prised within the States of New York. ish rights. International order'of I. O. B. B. will A. Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg and As Chairman of the ^Committee of JOHN HENRY PATTERSON. be the guest of honor and will make Modem Woodmen of America in- Connecticut, northern New Jersey and Wm. Grodinsky. Jewish Delegations, he had the opColonel John Henry Patterson, D. the principal address of the evening stalled officers for the coining term Rhode Island. The quota for the zone is. Other officers elected Thursday in- meeting, to be held at Eagle's Hall. last night, and the newly elected of- 16,000,000, of which New York City., portunity of being the spokesman at S. O., is of Irish Protestant Descent. clude Abner Kaiman, Dr. N. Dansky Henry Mpnsky,, president of District ficials of Omaha Lodge No. 354, I. O. and State are expected to furnish the Peace Conference of the •tortured He was Engineer .jn the Uganda bePROF. OTTO WARBURG. 1 Jewish masses in the lands of persecu- fore the-.Boer war, building railway gress at Basle, and is a director of the and Fred White, trustees, Sam Beber, No. 6, which includes the state of B. B. will be installed this evening . $5,000,000. guardian, and Dave Feder, warden. The new officers of the Omaha HeDavid A. Brown has received a cor Iowa, will also deliver an address. tion, besides appearing with Dr. bridges. He has hunted. ~*rig game,Jewish National Fund. ",'•'.'.[• President Stalmaster today appoint- Other numbers on .the evening's pro- brew Club will be formally inducted dial letter of support from Secretary Chaim Weizmann and Mr. M. Ussisch- and is the author of the '-'Man-Eaters He is a keen observer of the devel*kin as the official- representative of of Tsavo" and "In the Grip of Nyika." opment of Palestine, having watched ed the following committees to serve gram include a vocal solo by Miss into their work at the meeting next of Commerce Herbert Hoover, head Rina Snyder, accompanied by Miss Sunday afternoon at the Swedish au- of the American Belief Administrathe Zionist Organization in pressing During the Beer War, he served as a it with loving care, but' also with the until June 30, 1922: tion. Mr. Hoover wrote: Membership-Finance Committee Janet Gilinsky, and selections by the ditorium. . _hpfdre the Peace Conference the Jeweye of a scientist. ' He has brought J. J. Gre*nberg, chairman: J "Each year when the American Dr. • Greenberg will be president of Fromkin, vice-chairman, in charge Krasne trio. Dancing will follow the ish title to Palestine. It is due as to his woTk in behalf of Palestine, be- of Max finance. Jewish Relief Committee has , fluids the Omaha Hebrew Club, with Arthur much to him as to any living man Atie Silverman; program. , sides his influential name and personits appeal, I have had the honor oC Ben StlefJer; Abner Kaiman; Rosenblum vice-president; Sol Rosenthat Allied statesmanship recognized meeting of the At the afternoonality, the gift of a noted "scientist in Dr. A. Greenberg; William Alberts. the justice of the Jewish claim and Lodge, a class of twenty candidates berg, secretary; and Sam Npv-itsky, commending its work to the American. Intellectual Advancement Committee Botany, especially equipped to.underPave Greenberg; put its stamp of approval upon the will be initiated. Many members of treasurer during the next six months. people and likewise each year I hav« stand and to solve the problems. of Max Fromkin: Sam Beber; British Government's promise to faciOm$ha Lodge are planning to attend New trustees to be installed are A. observed the continued necessity ami Aaron Davidson; Fre<l White: tropical and sub-tropical countries. H Max Wezelman; M. C. Monheit. litate the establishment of the Jewish both the afternoon and evening meet- Cohn, A. Richards and J. Ricklin. M. the continued high efficiency of its was instrumental in bringing//, into Social Service Committee service. Blank is past-president. National Home in Palestine. Dr. Philip Sher. chairman; ings. the ranks of the laborers . 'for'-Zion Rabbi Frederick Cohn; It has always maintained a broadNew officers of the Modern WoodMr. Sokolow is no stranger to Rabbi Morris N. Taxon: Mr.'Seelenfreund'will arrive Sunsuch men as Franz Oppenheinier;. . mindedness in the; matter of race am! Samuel H. Schaefer; Henry Monsky ; men of America lodge are: Louis HarAmerican Jews, having first visited day morning and will spend some time He has now, at his ripe age," UnderHarry Silverman; Leo Rosenthal. religion and has given its support, this country in 1911, when he left Vigilance Committee with local B'nai B'rith members ar- ris, consul; J. Lieb, worthy advisor; both financial and moraj, to every eftaken to reorganize the Agricultural "William Holzmnn, chairman; Sol Rosenberg, secretary; M. L. Wolfthen the impress of his personality, ranging for the district grand lodge Experiment Station at Zichron Jacob Rabbi Frederick Cohn; fort in the alleviation of human dissincerity and lofty idealism, upon all Edward Simon; convention which will be held in Oma- son, treasurer; A. Weiss, Sam Rosen- tress. abandoned through the. prematur Carl C. Katleman; Harry Silverman; thai and Jos. Bernstein, trustees; A. those who had the fortune to.meet Harry Lapidne; Edward Krnus. death of its founder, Aaron Aronsohn, ha in May. I trust the Committee will have the Richards, inside guard; and Yale Dubor to see him. He comes to America Central Council Committee Omaha Lodge will hold its annual Edward Simon, chairman; same support again that it has had All plans have been completed fo noff, escort. Drs. H. Hirschman and now at great sacrifice. J. J. Slosberg; J. J. Friedman. B'nai B'rith day on Sunday afternoon, a reception by the community;. tha A. Greenberg have been nam«d camp hitherto. Publicity Committee January -15,. when a large class of VLADIMIR JABOTINSKY. Aaron Davidson; (Sgd.) HERBERT HOOVER." will be worthy in all respects of th Joe Jacobs; Samuel H. Schaefer. candidates will be initiated, This meet- physicians. ' Vladimir Jabotinsky, the orator, the high position which the members o House Committee ing will be held at' Efie Jewish Comlinguist, the publicist, the_ poet, and William Klein, chairman; the delegation hold in worldsJewry Arthur Friedman; Meredith Kenyon. munity Center. finally the statesman, is known to all and in world affairs. With a re By-Laws Committee • RENEWAL BLANK Arthur Dosenblum, chairman: "Jews who follow the course of Jewception committee embracing eyery Max Fromkin; William Grodinsky. THOUSANDS JEWISH Jewish Press Publishing Co., ish events. organization in the city, with, me: , COL. J. H. PATTERSON. Denver Hospital Committee 482 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Qmsha, Nebr. ' STUDENTS WITHOUT Harry Lapidns, chairman; Fearlessly, single handedly almost, and women who have been especiall; H. Friedman; Harry Mala shock. Gentlemen;— FOOD AND SHELTER Colonel commanding the Yeomanry he has pressed the need of a Jewish selected as representatives of. ;ever Cleveland Orphans* Home Committee Enclosed is check for $2.50 to renew my subscription to T H E Warsaw (J. T. A.) The condition Sam .T. I^eon, chairman; fighting unit in Palestine under the Regiment, and was mentioned in Dis- element in the community in charge JEWISH PRESS" for one year from date of present expiration. Samuel H. Schaefer; M. Fanger. of thousands."of Jewish students here, British army. He was opposed by patches three, times. For his war of the arrangements, it is no exag- • I>evl Memorial Hospital Committee as well as in Lemherg and Vilna, is Dr. H. Hirschman, chairman; friend and oponent alike, but tri- services he was awarded the "Distin- geration to state that Omaha/Jews Dr. A. Romni; appalling. Shelterless,, the students Name umphed in spite of it: all. At first guished Service Order." Dr. Sol. Ravitz; Dr. M. Grodinsky. will turn 'out as a solid body on are obliged to spend the nights in Colonel Patterson has traveled all next Wednesday and Thursday,, and Initiation Committee one battalion of English Jews and Sam J. Leon, chairman; then two battalion of American Jew- over the world, including several trips will'make the visit of these guests Harry. Address Malashock. Arthur Dosenblum; railway stations. The help which the local Jews are able to provide is \ Resolntlons Committee ish youth, and in the course of time, to America, Canada and Alaska. Dr. Nathan Dansky, chairman; (Continued on page 2) entirely inadequate. , — a battalion of Palestinian Jewish • The late President Roosevelt was a Sam Beber; WUliiyn Klein.

Stalmaster to Head Local B'nai B'rith for Next Half Year FOR COMING

ffany ( M a t e toAttend Hew Officers Installed at Bluffs B. B. Day Sraday

V y



1Z — •• Zm mi


THE JEWISH PRESS Pnbllsbwl evet? Tbnrsday at Omana, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372.

Jew Honored As First President of Siberia Union


Gertrude Gilinsky, Dorothy Aginskee. Molly Saltzman, Freida Goldberg, leattette Gilinsky, and Mr. Philip Romanov. The following program was also given. '; ' : ... I. .

Subscription Price, one year _.. Advertising rates furnished on application.


That Krasnochenkoff.the first pres- Channkttli Vfelcoine...-...-. .— — „ , •_„ , .By Helen Whitebook ident of the Far Eastern Republic, is II. b Donald B Bernstein,. Morris Kathanson. PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- a-Jew, born in Russia, and rising to SI? Little Clarence Yudelson, Jay Goldberg, political heights in Siberia, via Amer|tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. Morton Adler, Marvin Koolish, ica, is the story that Orrin Keith tells III. CBAKGE OP ADDRESS—Please glv« both tbe old and new address: the Voice of Israel s itt a recent issue, of the Japan Adver- Sonff—"Hear Eiders" „_, „._——J3y School be sure and sign your name, . . . IV. tiser. The Spirit ot Chanukah .i According to Mr. Keith, KrasnochenBy Paul Brandeis THE SOKOLOW DELEGATION, V koff emigrated to the United States and the Traitor" No Jew in Omaha should fail to attend the public meetings from Russia when a mere lad about Tableau—"Mattathias JJy—Max Kramer, Harold Sales, for the Sokolow delegation on next Wednesday and Thursday. sixteen years ago. He is now not Charles Goldberg. Coming to America primarily in the interest of the Keren more than thirty-five. VI. layesod, the Palestine Foundation Fund, members of the com- It is wholly fit'" ~, says Mr. Keith, lission have been asked to visit Omaha, not to make collections that he should have been chosen by lor to initiate campaigns for Zionist work, but to leave with the first government of the new Rethe citizens.cf this city that broad view and keen vision of Jew- 1 '•1?c to be its head, even though he ish problems which their position and experiences in affairs of is not a Siberian by birth. He has iroiid Jewry have given them. worked to the poini, of exhaustiofl for All thoughts of the original purposes of the commission's the Russian people of the Par East Isit will be .dropped by its members when they come to this city, for the last five years. funds which they are seeking in their travels throughout Siberia is the only part of Russia country have already been assured them, and no collections in which he passed some of the years rill be made, nor will pledges of any sort be appealed, for, at of his. maturity, "having come there eir meetings here. They come as leaders in their several fields direct from America. >f activity, two of them Jews, and one a non-Jew. - They come Arriving in • the United States, is men who have .fought, suffered arid triumphed for the Jew rasnochenkoff -went to Chicago and and for Jewish rights and Jewish peace. Poet and statesman,- worked a t his trade of painter and soldier <vnd traveler, scientist and scholar,.the three members of ecorator, all the ' 'me organizing Sothe commission who will come here are themselves symbolic of nets, lecturing, studying law and edthe Jewish people,:—a diversity of interests united for one central, iting a Kussi: paper. 1-compellitig purpose. He was practicing law -when the To Omahans the delegation will not be tinged with any; hews of th Revolution came to him, spects of Zionism or Zionistie propaganda. The ardent Zionist,; ,nd he left for Russia immediately, the Jew indifferent to Zionism, and the anti-Zionist, can each: anding at "ladivostok in July* 1917. Ifind qualities and deeds in the lives of the commission to demand; From that time to this he has>een |his attention and respect a marked-man. His adventures-durJabotinsky, Patterson and-Warburg, men of .heroic mould, ing the Kolchak regime would" make land brilliant minds, with marvellous records in the fields of art thrilling story. land science, of statemanship and diplomacy, and in the sphere; A year ago he was issuing proclalof scholarship, will personally deliver messages of tremendous mations as the provisional president land vital importance to all Jewry at large, regardless of political of the Far Eastern Republic at a time J affiliation or lack of it. ' when his adherents controlled only a Every Jew of Omaha owes it to himself and Ms fellow Jews small strip of territory.

Ilae Bernstein, Hose For, Leo N e s Paul Hoffman, Sadie Endelraan, Mil ton Yudelson, Meyer Mnltz. Sonia Saks, Leo Meyerson, Helen Mae Saltzman. VII. Bong—"Chanuka Lied" -By School VIII. Tableau—"Hannah in the Death Chamber" „„,„ By—Morton Richards, Ida Hoffman, Arthur Friedman. IX. Story of Chanukah....—By Helen Steinberg nnr.ny, celt— —Mildred and Gwendolyn. Meyerson XI. Tableau—"Judas and His Army"— jjy—Harry Rosenthal, Tale Meyerson. ,Julius Bernstein. Leonard Krasne. Henry Mentlolson, Milton Krasne.

Mrs. Ben Gershun of Schuyler, The Misses Gertrude and -Keva Gilinsky entertained for twenty- Nebr., is visiting with, her sister, guests at their home Monday even- Mrs. Mary Meyerson. ing. Mrs. P. H. Koolish and family and Children of Mrs. J. Katelman gave Dorothy and Isadore Aginskee left a surprise party in honor of her today for Sioux City, la., where they birthday Sunday evening. At this will be the guests of Mrs. L. Koolish. party, announcement was made of the The party will then visit with Mrs. engagement of Miss Jennie Katel- B. Manflelstan at Walthill, Nebr. man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Katelman, to Mr. Samuel Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Schwartz of Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Kansas City, Mo. Fhon« 104.

Playlet—"What's To-Nignt" By—Isadore rerlmeter, Lillian Steinbers, Bcrnice Adelson. Salexvin Miehnick, Helen CUerninck, Dorothy Saltzman, Nathan Gilinsky, Rose Shyken. HATIKVOH

The Hebrew Educational club will hold its next regular meeting Monday evening at the home of Phil Trochtenberg.

rue Best of Everything in Flowers and Confections at Moderate Trices. 54f5 W. Brontjwajr. Npxt Liberty Theater. COCttCUL ntVFFS. IOWA.

"Save January 11th for the Sokolow Delegation" Make all arrangements now to be at the


iio hear them, and to take their messages to heart. Royal guests are these. Let Omaha; give them a right j royal welcome. : : ^ i ;



Details of Sokolow Reception. ; (Continued from-page 1)

SHALL JEWS SAVE DOLLARS OR LIVES IN 1922? here ah event" that will be long The following New Year's message to Airierican Jews was remembered. I issued by Felix M. Warburg of New York onjbehalf of the The feature of the two-day pro1 American Jewish ^Relief Committee:' v gram will be the public meeting at "In1 this season of hopes renewed American Jews are faced the Brandeis Theater on Wednesday I by the duty of extending aid to their stricken brethren overseas, night, for which invitations have been in lands where the normal securities and opportunities of exist. sent to every Jewish family in the I ence are in dissolution. In these countries hundreds of thousands city. Delegations from Lincoln and lof Jewish people are destitute and starving. We have felt only a Sioux City will also attend this | ripple where they have been swamped by a tidal wave. We have meeting, and a large representation felt the pinch of temporary economic depression; they have seen of residents of Council Bluffs is a whole industrial fabric rent to tatters. We live in warm houses; expected. | they shiver in unheated rooms or huddle together in caves or On Thursday evening at 6:30, the trenches for warmth. Our children are healthy and happy; theirs Zionist district of Omaha will give a are crippled, wan, misshapen, showing in their drawn faces and kosher banquet a t the Blackstone for • hinted bodies the effects of starvation. In the wake of indus- the visitors. Reservations for the : rial chaos have come poverty, disease, starvation and death. banquet can be made through Mr. L "Over there are upwards of 200,000 Jewish orphans who Goldstein, 218 S. 19th St. • mst be cared for or they die. There are 400,000 Jewish refugees This affair had originally been driven from their homes -by starvation or murderous raids, who planned as a luncheon, but the commust be repatriated and get an opportunity to re-establish their mittee felt that a banquet would eflives. The American Jewish Relief Committee has asked for s fort a, better opportunity for many minimum of $14,000,000 for this work. With Mr. David. A people o meet the guests. Brown of Detroit and my other associates on .the Committee 1 Other plans for the delegation in-i urge every American Jew to support this appeal to the uttermost, clude a luncheon at the Chamber of "When the books are closed for the last time and the final Commerce on "Wednesday and a balance sheet made up,, wouldn't it be better to credit a few lives public reception on Thursday evening, saved than a few more dollars in the profits account? Yjou wish following the Blackstone Banquet, your friends a Happy New Year. Will you help to make it according to Wm. L Holzman, chairhappy New Year for the friendless?" man of the reception committee. "However, these two affairs are dependent upon the time of arrival and departure of our guests", said Mr. i Holzman, today. "Announcement relative to them will be made through the newspapers at the London ( J, P. A.) — The local Jerusalem (By Mail—J. P. A.)—earliest possible moment." publication.; "Morning Post", known American Jews in this city are formfor its bitter hatred of Jews, carries ing a special organization. Jewish a despatch of the conference of Polish American citizens only are entitled merchants now being held in "Warsaw! to membership. The constitution of At the meeting of the Council of According to the "Morning Post" the the organization was; forwarded to Jevjish Women held last week, plans conference decided to "clean" Poland the government with a request for were made and a special committee of Jews, this being in their estima- a charter. - • was appointed to make a house to tion the only solution to the grave crisis Poland is now living through. London (J. C. B.)-—-An organiza- hotise canvass of all the Jewish tion to come,to the.assistance of the homes in the city, to seek clothing Vienna? (J. P . A.)—rThe-Renaissance Rabbis in Eastern ^Europe, by ob- and toys for. Jewish children that Publishing Company in this city has iaining appointments for them or are now stranded in Ellis Island, been authorized to translate the fol- rendering relief on the spot, has and for those that are in the Ellis lowing works of Professor Albert been formed at a conference held Island hospital. Mrs. A. Gilinsky, Einstein: "The General and Specific here. Rabbis of many countries Mrs. M. Bernstein, Mrs. E. Marcus and Mrs. Fred Cherniss comprise the Theories' of '.Relativity", "Ether and participated: iri this conference. committee. All those that have clothRelativity", "Geometry and Experience'.'. 'The translation of these Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Prof. Otto ing and toys to give to this comworks has already commenced. Wasburg, former President of the mittee, are asked to bring them to World Zionist Organization, now Marcus Clothing store at 546 YVest London (J. C. B.)—Jews in the with* the Zionist Delegation in the Broadway or call Red 3949 or 1779. During this meeting it was also vicinity of Kiev are reported to be United States, and a noted botanist decided that a series of card parties fleeing in great distress owing to the and author, has been appointed as renewed fighting said to be taking head of the Institute for Agricultural should be given, the proceeds of which will go to the upkeep of the place between rebel bands and the Research in- Palestine. war orphan, whom the Council Soviet army. The insurrectionary forces are bombarding Kiev with Berlin. {J. T. A.) A propaganda adopted, last year. The first of these heavy artillery, according to some bearing the ear-marks of anti-Jewish series will be given Wednesdayreports. agitation in Poland, is becoming in- afternoon, January 11, at the home creasingly manifest in Germany. .A of Mrs. S. Snyder, 300 Oakland ave. Warsaw (J. T. A.)—130 Jewish boycott against Jews is "proposed with The hostesses will be Mrs. S. Snyder, emigrants, • deported from America, a frankness. and fierceness strikingly Mrs. M. Nogg, and Mrs. A. Marohave arrived at Antwerp, a report suggestive of similar proposals in Po- witz. • • .i from the Belgian port states. These land. There is an especially marked visiting with her parents during the emigrants had been promised by of- tendency in Central Germany, towards winter vacation, returned Monday ficials of the Red Star Line that they that direction. The "Provinz-Blatt" evening to Chicago where she is would be allowed to enter America, has come out with an open call to attending the University of Chicago. !.;-iota regulations notwithstanding. German Christians to boycott Jewish 'i "••9 condition of these deported merchants, workers and even physiOver 200 persons were present at .••.'.''rants... is desperate. cians.' ••.-•• the Chanukah celebration given by the Sunday school, Sunday afternoon London. (J. P. A.) Reports re- The Polish minister for public wor- at the K. of P. Hall. The pupils oived here state that Petlura's bands ship has informed the recently found- of the Sunday school were given are advancing toward Zhitomir. They ed organization of Polish rabbis that large bags of candy by the Jewish defeated Bolsheviki forces near Keros- he fully approves of its constitution Sisterhood. The following teachers and celebrated" their victory by and officially ^sanctions the existence of the Sunday school were also given g and pillaging the neigh- of the organizations. The society of gifts in appreciation for the work Jewish communities. _.___ rabbis now has a membership of 266. done "during the past term: Misses






Messages of Vital Importance to all Jews G


T ~





,- formerly Commander of the

ol. J a m e s H e n r y Jratterson,

iShOrator Legion m JeW Noted and Linguist—.

Lieut. Vladimir Jabotinsky, called 'The JewishGaribaldi' Di$ tinguish ed Scientist and Professor Otto Warburg, Economist -, Will appear in person

ftiidwl inspire you as they have inspired tosandsol other people throughout the country IT IS YOUR DUTY TO ATTEND

et the date and place Don' Wednesday Evening, January 11, Brandeis Theater 8:15 SHARP

No Funds Will Be Solicited

Admission Free

Cards exchangeable for reserved seats may be secured at the Headquarters of the Reception Committee in the Tevrish Community Center, Lyric Building, from 2 to 5 P. M. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday


' •



Mrs. Joseph Pepper and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Sam' Babior enter- of the club were Mr. and Mrs. I. H.where she was the guest of her Vienna (J. P. A.) Dr. Chaim more than 20,000 of whom assembled Rachman entertained twelve guests tained thirty guests at dinner Sunday Steinberg and Mr and Mrs. C. H. Ab-brothers for New Year's and also Weizman,, president p of the World at the West Side Railroad Station at luncheon for Miss Estelle Lapidus evening at their new home,; 3523 bott. from Council Bluffs,. la., where she Zionist Organization, who came here to greet him. Dr. Weizmati will at the Brandeis Tea Rooms, .followed Davenport St. The marriage of Miss Rose Mozer remained for a few days as the guest from Berlin to attend the conference today confer with several important by a theater party, at the Sun. of the Greater Zionist Actions Com- government officials and will then Miss Bess Stalmaster will be. theto Mr. Harry Stein of Omaha took f Miss Frances Nogg. mittee, was given an enthusiastic attend a meeting of the local Zionist Mr. and Mrs. Max Drevich wish to hostess of the Ea Oth Society on place Monday evening at the Lindell Mrs. S. Greenstone returned last i W e I c o m e hyt h e J e w s o f t h i s Clty> Executive, announce the marriage of their son, Sunday, January 8. Hotil in the presence of two hundred week from California where she spent Miss Celia Eichards of San Jose, arney, to Miss- Frances Fox of and fifty guests. Preceeding the ceremonths visiting with her Calif., who was ths house-guest of .venel, N. J., on New Years Day at Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon at mony, Mrs. W. Tullup sang "Because" several daughter, Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, is now visiting he Avenel Congregation at Avenel, Temple Israel for Friday night will and "I Love You Truly." After a in New York City with Mr .and Mrs. ST. J. Rabbi B. Klein of New York be "The Future of Judaism." Satur- short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. day morning, his subject will be, Stein will make_ their home in Oma- New York. {J. P. A.) Examination Simon Kendis, formerly of Omaha. iity officiated. Mr. and Mrs. B. of the will of the late Philip WaldMiss Richards will return to this city Drevich will make their home in. "All's Well That Ends Well." ha. " • " K heim, leather merchant, discloses the the latter part of January. Avenel, N J. Miss Sophie Kutcher of Sioux City, Miss Lena Orloff of Grand Island is fact that the deceased left $75,000 for Miss Blanche iUtman entertained Mr. Max Drevich left December 24 Iowa, spent New Year's here as thethe guest of her Aunt, Mrs. S. Shos- a public forum to be patterned after Cooper Union. for Miss Estelle Lapidus at the Bur-for the East to attend his son's wed- guest of Miss Etta Grossman. tak. "Old Man Winter Is Here at Last gess-Nash Tea Rooms followed by a ding. Before returning home he will Sir. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky visit Mrs. Drevich's brother and niece But Clear the Store at Once." theater party a t the Strand. The "Blue Birds" entertained ten in Toledo, Ohio and he will also stop entertained thirty-five guests at din-couples at a dancing party on New My only thought now is to clear the store and clear ner on Tuesday night, complimentary Years' Eve. at the lose Club Rooms. A special election meeting of thein Chicago. it to the limit—cost, loss or value are as nothing to their daughter, Beulah and Mr. Junior Welfare Organization will be Mr. and Mrs. Max Katleman and Mr. to me. Now you buy a winter suit and overcoat Master William Handler of 115 TurMax Langman, whose engagement and Mrs. Harry Garson chaperoned held on Sunday, January 8, a t 2:30 at the original price of one. nre Boulevard won the first prize and was announced a few weeks ago. Mr.the pr.rty. sharp, at the Jewish Community CenLeopold Feltenstein of 3318 Jackson and Mrs. David Langman of New ter; All who- wish to be recorded as „-- THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF Miss Minnie Greenstone left for members of this organization in theStreet won the fourth prize in theYork City were the out-of-town MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Sioux City, la., on Thursday to be the ONE WEEK annual report book of the Jewish Wel- Junior Humane League's salesman- guests. ship contest. The awards will be guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenstone. fare Federation, must have their dues presented to these boys at the meetStarting Sunday paid up to January 1. f ATHLETICS °\ Rabbi L. Weiner of New York City ing of the Junior Humane League at O- =—-— - 4 ~ — : '• O the Burgess-Nash Auditorium on SatMr. and Mrs. Samuel Rabinowitz AMERICA'S :The Y. M.: H. A. basketball team and their son left for New York City urday, January 7,, at 2 o'clock^ upset the dope in the Commercial to be the new Rabbi of Congregation ORIGINAL Tuesday, after a two weeks visit, here Now that the winter holidays are loop, when it defeated the fast Thor- Tifereth Israel. with. Mrs. Rabinowitz' parents, Mr. over, many members of the younger peian Athletic Club team Wednesday Miss Rose Grushkin of Sioux City, and Mrs- Nathan Spiesberger. set have returned to their respective evening by a score of 11 to 10. Many la., spent New Years with her aunt iii followers of both teams turned out .and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro. ;• <_;• •'-.. ' ' ] Dr. Victor Levine has returned from Schools. to see the game. The "Y" team took Miss Estelle "Lapidus left Tuesday Brooklyn, N. Y.j where he spent the the lead one minute after the whistle The Perfect Picture. Miss Rae Burque of Council Bluffs for Rockford, Ills., where she is atwinter holidays with his parents. All Sizes for Men of All Proportions blew for the start of the game and its Iowa, was the house-guest of Miss tending "the Rockford school for girls. •>•Finest $75.00 to $93.00 Imported OverThe Council, of Young Judea will Mass Helen "Robinson left .Monday lead was never overtaken. The Thor- Johanna Garson for New Years. Many coats going now at 8 3 7 . 5 0 to $ 4 5 . 0 0 peiari team felt the loss of Corenman, meet on Saturday evening, January 7 for-the University of Minnesota. affairs were given for Miss"Burque. Superior XJnion Suits, Eagle Shirts, Hats, Sweaters, Gloves* at the Jewish Community. Center. Edwin Katskee, Louis Somberg, its star forward who was not on time. At the end of the first half the score Neckwear, Fiannel Shirts Miss Minnie Greenstone returned Miss Brownie Ehrlich left for herMeyer Beber, Millard Krasne, Abe s t o o d At Greatly Reduced Prices. ' , Wednesday from Sioux City, Iowa, Goldenberg and Miss Rose Minken re7 to 5 in favor of the Y. M. H. A. home in St. Joseph, Mo. She was the With the victory of the Y. M. H. A. house-guest of Miss Beatrice Rosen- turned to the University of Nebras- over the(;:rhorpcians the Y team and ka. thai for the winter holidays. the World Herald team are tied for Ralph Cohn and Ronald Gladstone 1 f\ DAYS Members of the Jewish Ladies' Na- left for Ann Arbor, Mich., where second place. These teams will settle their dispute next Wednesday evening, 1 U STARTING tional Progressive Club were hostess- they are "enrolled a t the^university. while the Thorpeian will attempt to ^CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN SATURDAYes to their husbands at a C&anukah BRODKEY'S party held at the home of Mrs. S The following Chanukah program oust the Council Bluffs high school ( SUL7*ANS OF Maizel, on Sunday, January 1. Mrswas given by Young Judea Wednes- team from its first position. M. Lochmar, who reported on tin day, December 28, at the Jewish ComPHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. j SYNCOPATION . organization during the past year, munity Center: . Music furnished by the Misses JMarj" LINCOLN was presented with a gold ring, wit! zel, Tena Altschuler, Anne Rutiack. \ FURNISH Banner—Bess Greeriberg "the organization's signature on it, inStar Spangled a h • Members of the Happy Holow Whist appreciation of her work as secretary. Columbia-Posed by Saaie Stein. YOUR MUSIC Daughters of zio, Group. ... .—- Club entertained their husbands at a | : ..Miss Bess Greenberg, Leader j _ . , ,, Phone Jackson S260 Miss Dor-othy Goldman, who wa:Lighting the Chanukah Ligths watch party on Sat. evening at the! the house-guest of Mrs. M. S. ^Mi WharSe-Canlles^^^^ Mrs. J. Steinberg. The guests THMJ Segal, Marjorie Kaplan, Esther' for her winter holidays, left, for her Steinberg. Mildred Lnifefz, Ida BercoTiM, home in Des Moines, la. ' . . ; Ruth Obludzinger, Mildred Falk.

Social, Club and Religious Activities

will"Man Says

" Clean


$ 2 5 to $ 7 5 Suits and Overcoats




lilllleS of Zion, Group—..... Miss Tena Altschuler, Lender Miss Rose Minken entertained six- Story of Chanukah .Philip Handler . . teen guests at a bunco party at herYoung Maceabeec, Group.....: ilax Tromkin, Leader home complimentary to the. visitors Solo Dance _....,.. , .Ethel Hurwitz Lillies of Zion, Group. from Lincoln. Dialogue—Misses Bess Handler, JIargerutte Rosenberg., Mr. L. Brown, National Field Sec- Toung Judea Juniors, Group . Ben Handler," Leader1. retary for the Jewish Workers' Alli- Yiddish Folk ..Mrs. Songs—Dorothy Cohn, -Ida Lillian Rosenblatt. ance, spent Sunday and Monday, De- Fairies Tennenbaum, of Zion. Group cember 25 and 26, in Omaha as the .Jliss Mary Maizel. Leader Trial—Rebecca Segal. Gertrude guest of the Chapter in this city. Mr. Mock Itomm, Gerfrnde Perils. Zona Sfnizel. Gertrude White. Esther Ferer,, Anna '3rown is making a tour of-the United Hnspel, Gertrude Moskovltz. States for the purpose of reorganiz- Hatlkvoh Girls, Group-.. V Mrs. Ben" Handler, Leader ing clubs and for assisting in. the fur- Playlet.—"A Chanuknh. Mntonnh"—Pnuline Oackin. Dora Kalmonson. Sara Blalnc. therance of their work. ' Elsie Himvitz. ' In his honor, the Jewish National Herzl Girls, Group . . i _. .....Miss Anne Grpenberg-. Leader Workers Alliance of this city,, gave Hatikvoh... .Zion, posed by Sadie Stein Sung by Audience. •'' t - '' a banquet on Sunday, December 25,

a t the Swedish Auditorium. Lester and Ramona Slosburg re"turned from Chicago, where; they spent the holidays visiting with relatives.

WANTED—A man that knows the clothing and jewelry' business. Must have from three to five thousand dollars. Good opportunity for the right man. Write Box 359, care of the Jewish Press.

" The Sisterhood of Temple Israel •will have a luncheon on Monday in the vestry rooms of the Temple, preceeding a short important meeting. A social afternoon -will follow the meeting. AH members are urged to attend,

They Cover You! We Cover Them! The Crook to-day has modernized the Work of - . 4he former Western Bandit with f t h e Atitomobile, Automatic, Acetylene *Torch, Acid, Pneumatic Tool -with Muffler, aided by inadequate police. .


S- i . , _ f


,582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. Phone: Atlantic 3160. As INSUKANCE AND BONDS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.




A dbad'name ^.' -**



Miss Reva Kulakofsky entertained eight guests at a bunco party at her Chiropodist and Beauty Shop home complimentary to Miss Bernice 1800 Kulakofsky of Sioux City, la., and I5th Established and Hofimey Streets. Miss Estelle Lapidus. Phono Dongrlas 2333 Anyone desiring to join classes in English, conducted by the Council of Jewish Women, phone Mrs- N. Mantel, Harry H. Lapidus. Pres.-Treas. Jos. Pepper, Vice-Presiaent. at Harney 5711. W. G. Dre, Secretary.

A daughter was born on December 28 at .the Ford Hospital to Mr., and Mrs. Horace Rosenblum.

Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.

SALON L'CHARME, cor. 16 and Howard streets. Har. 2890. Shampoo, 50c; manicure, 50c; bobbing, 50c; • - tfater wave, 75c; marcel, 75c; electro' lye, J3.50 per hr. Sanitary best materials. Evening and Sunday service.


COMPLETE'STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy Over 70,000 square feet Sonthwest Corner Eleventh and Donglas Streets. Phone: Jackson 2124 OSIAHA. NKB.

Your Voice At &e Otker End When the family is gathered together at the old home for a reunion on anniversaries, holidays or other delightful occasions, it's wonderful to be there. I But if you cannot be there in person, a long distance call is the next best way. Station-to-Station service from 8:30 p. m. to midnight coats about one-half the day rate; from midmeht to -4:30 *. to. about onefourth.

Tha station-to-station rate, which 13 considerably lower th&n for petson-toperson service, »&. plies when you will talk to anyone st the telephone called.

Wherever you are, drop into your home for a few minutes each day via Long Distance. NORTHWESTERN B






• • • - . -



, • The following officers were elected BUY SAFE * by the B'nai Israel Club of the Y. M. ' H. A. at their meeting of January 1: Isadore Soskin, President; William -.Haiman, Vice President; David ChuOur guarantee and our word is --^ydacoff,; Secretary; Edwafd Ruback, as good as a bond. We have satisfied hundreds of "Treasurer; Maurice Fine,. Reporter; and Joe Nitz, Sergeant-at-Arms. The your friends. next meeting will be held at the Jew.; ish Community Center on January 15. 1514.'Dodge Street. Miss: : Gertrude Adelman of Des —~Phone: Douglas 5619—— Moines, la., was the house-guest of - ' hef sister, Mrs. J. Lieb, for the winter - holidays. In her honor Mrs. Lieb entertained at "bridge last Friday. -

No Advance in Prices. lij Matinee (Ex. Sun.) : I Evenings „ _ — Tax Included. !!|

„.„.,.„.„ Jv


' Miss Tillie Rice entertained twenty ' quests at her home complimentary to . Miss Bernice Kulakofsky of- Sioux City, la.


You may have modem aims with you, or at ' y o u r home, but the Crook has you covered— A surprise party was given for knows your habits, and has your valuable Mr. Joseph Margolin by bis- children and grandchildren in honor of his '<*& possessions before you realize your loss, or seventieth birthday. He "Was present- j ja. have the opportunity to use your weapons— I ed m t h a victrola. together with the fact that you might err and plug the innocent party. ,.

Miss Helen Altschuler entertained fifteen guests at a bunco party Thursday evening, complimentary to her guests, the Misses Elsie Poska and Maxine Srosh of Lincoln.


' "" .



1DUCATIQNAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS • THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE; AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OP THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT.




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Jackson 0268

209 South 18th Street

9% Nebraska District Warrants Scottsbluff and Morrill County .


B.KORNEY 1115 Uongln» St.


Tel. Jackson 3171


Industrial and Automotive Slschlnlsts. Carburetor and Ignition RBP«!?». Starter Rtne O a r s tor Antn Fly WbecM 417 Soatb 13th Street. Telephone: Jar.kson 2550




We Deliver the Real Goods.






law About Ycur.Furiiace?


XYlih Your Oriler for


1112 HARNEY ST. Phone Douglas 6409

TTP -may tin oV»nnf if- pprnnr-aTTy

and he may pay the money he makes lieve he would put the Jews to torture from the Ford cars to others to lie today if it were in his power. He i t about it, too, but hate sticks out all has completely lost his balance and over him, and he seems to, be so des-he eagerly seeks every opportunity to Do away with drudgery and make house-work a pleasure by^ the use j perately driven to do anything that bring some hurt to the Jews. In fact even worse characters than Ford his condition is such that no one of modern electrical appliances. I would hesitate to do, in order to get knows, not even his closest friend, The "Electric Shop" is on .the jhis hate satisfied. Do you know that what he is likely to do next. One ground floor of the Electric buildthe leading Ford agency-jn Baltimore, day he tells the world that he has ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth owned by two Jews, Eugene I. Rosen- fifty ^millions of dollars in the bank, and Farnam streets. feld and Gilbert Liberles, for ftrc the next day he tells the country that years the authorized Ford dealers in he is the only man who knows how Baltimore, were asked to solicit sub- to run a railroad, and the third day scriptions for the "Dearborn -Inde he is going to raise the pay of the pendent," and because they refused Supreme Court justices, the fourth the agency -was cancelled ? Do you day he is going to defeat every sen"Buy Midwest Milk" know that the "Dearborn Independ- ator who votes for Newberry, the

Electric Shop"




The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha.



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Distributors or


Western Bond—and High Grade .Stationery OMAHA. NEBRASKA.

Sealed in Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Your Grocer.

Sundgren Pie Baking Co. iith

PAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. •i'tli find Slnrilm Sts. Hnrnfy 16C3 Mpnufnctorers <?f Brass, Bronze. Aluminum and .Soft Gray Iron Castings. Von nro nssnred. nf soft castings, as n-e mnchino sohie t'rom every heat In our own shop • Standard size cast Iron bushinsrs in stock.

and Hickory.

Atlantic 5241

KOSHER RESTAURANT Hest Home Cooking at Very Reasonable 1'rices —• Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Mrs. Sophia Mandel, Prop. 316 South Fifteenth Street—t*p Stairs.

called Jewish question, This article, written by a resident of Russia, who is certified as familiar with the facts is a fair and just presentation of the truth relating- to the connection between the Jewish people of Russia generally and the Bolshevists of that country. A large part of the news that has come out of Russia during the past four years has been clearly doctored to make -a very bad case still worse.- And it has long been evident to any person having a competent knowledge of European affairs in general, that many of these reports could not be true. Especially is this so about the reports spread broadcast over the world, by Russian reactionaries and monarchists, to the effect that Bolshevism is in the main a Jewish movement, and that the Soviet government at Moscow is, with the exception of Lenine, predominantly made up of Jews. This the writer, who is vouched for by the National Review specifically denies. Under ordinary circumstances the denial might leave the question open. But in view of the position taken by the Review hitherto in relation to the Jews, this denial can be taken as definite, positive and final. •

"The distrust of the Kuesinii Jews of Bolshevism vrns so intense that the old father of Trotsky, it.is reported, Vrns compelled to curse his son In the Syn"When, In the summer of 1T>18 the Red regime came to an end in Siberia and the Red Guards -were dispersed, the joy of the Jews

Dayton Money Weight Scales and Meat Slicers

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N. W. Cor. ^Eleventh and Howard Sts.


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8*19 Cumins St.,

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Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.



Jewish Press

|S«e DemonstratlpB S10 S<J. lOth- Street.

482 Brandels Blrifr. , Tel. .Tnakson 8373

iHelp Fight "Ford^-R^ad This Page.

TAILORS 528-32 Securities Bnlldinff, I6th and Carnam Sti, Telephone; Jackson gfO6


Leo A. Hoffmann . . . of... Hoffmann Funeral Home.

We carry a complete line of new rin^ gears, pinions, axle Bbafts and springs for almost any mate of car. M. D . RICHMA>\ Manngrcr. 1318-1330 Went Broadway. COUNCIL BI.CFF3. IOWA. PHONE 444.

Vienna. (J. P. A.) The famous Jewish painter, Professor Isidor Kaufman, died here from appoplexy, aged 70.


Joseph Polack & Son Wholesale Dealers In Cutter, Eggs and Poultry. 213 Howard St.

Omaha, Nebraska.

Holland Furnaces

Ford Tranter & Storage Co, R. A. FORD. President and General Mnnngrer. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 034 So. Main Street. rhone 365

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SNOW WHITE BAKERIES (Keg-. V. S. Tat. Office.)


Granden Electric Co.

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Theodore Volz & Son

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taken the patience and the pains to select from the list those names which, in sound at least, appear to be HOLCOMB Jewish. Of the total of 449 names, FOOD CHEMICAL only S3 are found to be probably JewPRODUCTS CO., INC. ish. First among the 449 stands the Manufacturers of name of Rockefeller, with 83,000,000,FOODS AND CHEMICALS. 000. Four are classed as having FLAVORING EXTRACTS. $500,000,000; but among these is only, 818 >'. I6th St. Phone Atlantic 49B4 one Jewish name, and that not of an He says that there are now, andindividual, but of a family, the Gug- 1 NORTHWEST READY have been in the past, a number of genheims. Among 23 names in the ROOFING CO. Jews amongs the leading Bolshevists, class from $400,000,000 to S150,Keadv EoofiEg1 over ola shinples. but never enough to justify the charge 000,000 there is not one that is JewAlso "asphalt shingles and bnlia-up roofs. Fire resisting ana durable. that Bolshevism is a Jewish move- ish. One Jew is named in the §100,All -n-ork guaranteed. Easy terms. ment. In the course of time a con- 000,000 class, and two in the $75,Phone Harney 2374 000,000. Five Jews out of 78 individsiderable number of Jewish moderates Office and Warehouse: 8122 Leavenworth have had to act with the Bolshevist uals are reputed to own $50,000,000. government as a choice of evils, but The names of Schiff, Lewisohn, Rotheir heart is not with the Soviet senwald and Straus, which we are system. The writer believes, that a accustomed to hearing numbered MAXCFACTUKERS. restoration of the old 'regime would among the country's wealthiest Jews, MEY-MER-CO. Brand mean the outbreak of the most devas- are found in the $20,000,000 group; Beverages and Syrups. tating pogroms. It would be an ex- altogether 360 names belong in this S19-321 So. 14th ft., Oniahn, >"ebr. cellent thing if the liberal press of class, and only 24 are Jews. MorePhone Atlantie 2889 America were to give the widest pub- over, in the natural resources and licity to this article.—Jewish Ex- material interests represented by the money figures, such as oil, coal, teleponent. phone, tobacco and sugar, the Jew All that the name is but an infinitesimal and negligible "RICH AS A JEW?" implies. quantity. Also, it is interesting to A book called "Dynamic America recall, that while many non-Jewish 916 X. 16th St. , Douglas 6887 and Those Who Own It" has recently names among the 449 are rarely, if appeared on the literary market. We ever, heard of as philanthropic" disdo not happen to be posted suffi- pensers of their extraordinary wealth, ciently to judge how authoritatively there is not a single one of the 33 Ambulance Service it deals with the subject whereof it Jewish names that does not shine witfe Pnlmotor. speaks. It is of peculiar interest, conspicuously in the domain of either All Calls Answered Promptly. however, because of the list of 449 personal or financial philanthropic, or A. GENTLEMAN names of rich men who are presumed both. The world and America are not 3411JOHN Farnara St. Phone Harney 0392 to own the major portion of Ameri- yet, evidently, in the avaricious grip ca's material wealth. Some one hasof Jewish financiers. The conclusions must be plain enough, to all except Henry Ford et al.—The Indiana Jew-| THtES—TUBES—ACCESSO1UES ish- Chronicle.

. ..for...


not ranting; we solemnly believe that Ford is not fit to be the trustee of such enormous wealth; that he is a dangerous citizen; one who by reason of his peculiar outbursts stows that he is likely to do a great deal of mischief. Perhaps his friend Mr. Edison, can invent something that will correct the kinks in Ford's mental machinery, There must be something loose that needs tightening. And the sober minded opinion of the country seems to be veering in that direction. So we shall open the day's newspaper •with eager anticipation and with the question, "Where will the storm break next?"—The Jewish Voice.

knew no bounds. The deliverers, Czechs and Cossacks, wore received enthusinsm and large sums The National Review of London with of money were collected on their contains a highly important article on behalf. Nor were the Jews inactive in ways, for many .Siberian Jewish "The Jews and the Russian Revolu- . other students took tip arms in the White <-nuse. It had not. escaped theUolsheviks tion: an Inside View." for some time in that the Sj-naerosnes The Review has for years manifest- were breeding sronnds of counterrevolutionary tendencies, and during ed a decided anti-Semitic bias • in the winter of litlS-19 j^-eat precautions against them were taker, in that alwhich but scant attention has been most without exception al! the Talmud given to the Jewish side of the so- schools were closed and not, a few of the teachers imprisoned."


The writer of the article in question-in the course of his inquiry asserts:


Backed by the Sugar Beet Industry.

IIIIIIIlllIllIIIIllllIlllIIIlIlllllllflillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllltllllllllillllllllllllllllllElIIIilllllllllSIlIIIinBIlUIEIl Legality passed on by <:ompetent Attorneys. Our attention has been called to the ent" is advertised in bulletins from fifth day he is going to bring peace fact that Henry Ford has had sent the Ford headquarters as part of the on earth by exposing the Jews, and out/apparently through the Associat- "standard equipment" of Ford cars the sixth day he is thinking about Incorporated. ed Press (though we ourselves have and agents are obliged to force them buying a daily newspaper and on the First National Bank BIdg. Phone ATlantic 0360. ^ot been able to personally see this upon their customers or take the seventh day the nation thanks God item) the lie that the Jewish bankers chance of losing their agency or their that Ford gives us a rest. jlOiiSiaiSlaMSISSIcMS are behind the railroad trouble. Now Jobs. Henry Ford talks about the We believe that the Jews of the Ford can lie all he pleases in his Jews but we don't know of any Jew so country ought to bring this man to Steamship Tickets to and from own paper, for that is what it feeds low that he ever did what Henry Ford book if he begins to make definite Does It Need Cleaning on, but when he starts to use the daily.' has done in this- instance. This is charges such as were alleged this all Farts of the World or Repairing? press.of this country, that is, reputa- 1921 business methods as adopted by week in the daily press. He is beWo assist you In getting patmNOW IS THK T1MT3 TO HAVE porfs and' give yon expert advise ble newspapers, for the dissemination the man who so loved his fellow man coming a menace to the nation and on. Europenn conditions. EXPERTS DO THE WORK. of his slime, then it is time for Jewry that he hired a ship to take a Peace we find no less authority than Samuel You'll Be Surprised tit Our Kat«s. Vi'e help you to jr«t your relato bring this erratic individual to ac- Party to Europe to end the war. SoHarden Church, president of the CarCleaning done by Vacuum withtives in Europe to this country. out causing dirt. We have satiscount. "We have been charitable we want every Jew to remember that negie Institute of Pittsburgh, saying factorily cleaned over 100 furuacos enough to suggest that his campaign the FORD is A CAR WITH A PREJ- publicly that he considers "Ford one the past month. Val. J. Peter & Co. CALL JACKSON 1913. against the Jews has been due to the UDICE!—and anybody who wants to of the five perils of the nation." So it STEAMSHIP TICKETS AXD . TOBEIGN EXCHANGE fact that he is a super-fool, but we advertise that he hates Jews should seems that we are not alone in the FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 1307 Howard St., .Omnhs, Neb. 1914 CnminB Street. are changing our minds to the belief ride in it. For that is practically what opinion that this unsettled individual, We Install Gilt Edg-e Fornawi. rhone AT Intdic 0340. that he is a- malicious man with a it means: today/ Ford is so irritated, who is money mad and who has bevery common mind, who hates the so furiously angry, at the attacks that come mad as a result of too much


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Every mortis neIf yon catt the


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