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All the beautiful sentiments in ' the world weigh less than a single /lovely action. — Lowell.
If you do not «cale the mountains you cannot view the Elain.
II.- -No. 5
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Ent poa
second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at t Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 187*0.
Vast Audience Lai s Needs for Jewish Palestine Told by Jabotinsky and Patterson Distinguished Men Plead for Wholehearted Support of Americans in Work of •] Palestine Foundation Fund
| 1
New York. (J. P. A.) Mrs. Isaac Gitlin, with her two children who arrived at Ellis-Island was refused admittance on the ground that she came from Polnd and that, the Polish "quota was filled for this month. The present Mrs. Gitlin-was, back in 1906 Helen Koppel, an enthusiastic welfare worker among immigrants; in this country. Mrs. Gitlin took out first citizenship papers here in 1906. She entered the Clara D. Hirsch Home and was graduated with honor. Then she went into the immigration service of the Young Women's Hebrew Association, In 1911, her mother, a widow, died in Poland and she hurried back to Europe to take care of a brother and two. sisters. She became Mrs. Gitlin and was ready to return to America when the war started. Representative Nathan D. Perlman will take up the Mrs. Gitlin's case with Secretary of. Labor Davis.
Ford Reported Ready to Drop Attacks on Jews
ENDORSEMENTS "Dear Mr. Brown:— "I have heard with interest of the efforts being made by your Committee to raise a fund for the relief of Jews in Middle and Eastern Europe. The need is great, and I hope that every success may attend yonr ff-
Challenge to American Jewry Carried in Story of Chicago's Record-Breaking Relief Appeal
j forts.
Last of Defamitory Articles I Yours sincerely, '-.*;. Will Be Issued This ; (Signed) Arthur James Balfour.'* Week. ] Great Britain's Pelegate to the
Chicago Jewry, Inspired by Julius Rosenwald, Raises $ 1,810,000 to Succor Stricken Brethren in Eastern Europe
"Dear Mr. Brown i—* •• "In' every movement for helpiig 2,000 WORKERS PUT DRIVE ^ e suffering men: of all creeds afid Henry Ford is preparing to OVER WITH RALLY TO SLOGAN J i h fellow fll iti hhajre stop his attacks upon the Jews, races, our Jewish citizens "SUPPOSE YOU WERE STARVING" This information was brought vfed with, all other American's in saeto Omaha by A . B. Seeien- rMce and service. I am sore that tfaej "Yisgadal, V'Yiskadash, Shme Rabo:" _ freund, secretaiy of t h e inter- appeal nowf made for the Jews One Million, Eight Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars! "Magnified and Glorifiedl>eHis Great Name:" national grand lodge of the .be respenrfed to not.only by men That is what Chicago has done. I t is a sum that will B'nai B'rith, who addressed the women of their, own race, but by go down in Jewish history. It was in Chicago that the AmerWith these solemn, words- penetrating the hearts and annual B'nai :B'rith day meeting Americans, whose hearts *i*e -touched ican Jewish Relief Committee's nations-wide appeal for $14,000,reverberating through the souls of his two thousandrauditorSi of t h e Council Bluffs lodge with pity for suffering peoples. I 000 for the stricken Jewry of Europe .had its birth. It was Vladimir Jabotinsky ended his talk at the Brafideis Theatre last Chicago that has shown the country how that appeal should Sincerely yours, night. And two thousand souls felt a closer kinship to "the Sunday. (Signed) Josepnus Daniels."* be answered. millions of harassed> tortured'and weary Jews of Eastern and Simultanously with Mr. SeelenChicago started out to di> its share. It would raise $750,000. Former Secretary of the Central Europe than they had probably ever felt before. freund's announcement a copyrighted No more could well be expected of it. If the Jews throughout For Jabotinsky, the artist, had painted a picture of Jewish article by Allen L. Benson wasr being the country did as niuch the entire $14,000,000 would be sublife, of its hopes and despairs, of its triumphs and disasters, of flashed country-wide by the Internascribed. But Chicago is blest with men of larger vision. It has its unswerving loyalty, of its undying faith;—and a history of tional News Service to the effect that been stirred to its depths by the soul-harrowing and hearttwo thousand years Was revealed; Henry Ford has Slaid aside all type j rending facts presented by men who had seen with their OTTO on hand containing anti-Jewish mat-j Pleading for help for the Jews, eyes and heard with their own ears the suffering and the destituter "to turn to/ofiier things." I Who through one tragedy after an- but for others, holding fast to the tion., the pitiful cries for succor and the lamentation because that According So Mr. Benson, the other had held fast to the hope of hope of the future, toiling and dying : succor was slow in coming. Dearborn Independent will carry no I the future, Lieutenant Jabotinsky for the sake of the children, as the Palestine Development Council "SUPPOSE YOU WERE STARVING?" anti-Jewish articfes beginning with' Gets Additional Financial disclosed the relation of American Jew has always done. Century after That was the question asked in the Jan. 21 issue* The issue of Jan. American Jewish Committee, Support. Jews to the problems of their fellow century the Jew has refused to enter 14 is to contain a>long article entitled Jewish Congress Organization, Chicago, and in answering it the sum It showed that it meant it when at Jews across the Atlantic Combining-, into that haven of- physical-safety, Hias" and I. O. B. A. Form? of three-quarters of a million seemed the very, first meeting of the cajmhis explanation of the Keren Hayesod over the gate of which is emblazoned TO E S T A B L I S H CREDIT "An Address to gentiles on the Jew- i ish Problem." %^ i J°tat Committee. ; paltry. "Well make i t a millionr paign committee a quarter of a milBANK IN HOLY LAND. with a stirring appeal for support that, ominous word "Conversion". But 'Well make it a million and a naif!" lion was added to the tentative of war relief campaigns, he character- now the Chalutzim are opening an8 such were the responses and Chicago quota of $750,000 that had been fixed ized the funds raised for these causes other gate which will lead to safety New York, Jan. 9. (J. P. A.) Be- cor^noSenTfer ^ates "tat WILL P R ESBNT CLAIMS was better than its word. xtpon after due consideration of the as- the steam roller smoothing the for our children* -They are- fighting fore leaving for Palestine to establish S ^ t S ^ ^ u f S c^BEFORE SENATE flEARIN^ Chicago's accomplishment is now fact that times were hard and that 8 i n WS l Ied toilsome road that the Jews of the war of the future, as our fore- a Credit Bank there, Sol Bosenbloom, f r T ^ 3 v ' * *^ .Si Washington. (J. T. A.) Represeihistory, but not all of that history Chicago had felt the force of the Palestine- arid Central Europe must fathers fought for us".Treasurer of the Palestine Develop- the J e w i s k p e ^ to co-operate ^ f t ^ . , , th« leading Jewish orgafcextraordinary financial and economic travel. Jabotansky explained the budget, of ment Council and noted Pittsburgh to^-ia a pfaa-^. change the money i z a t i o n s ^ p r e p a r i 4 to om>ose% can be read in the che^k-books of depression more fully than had any the contributors. Much of i t is Palestine Needs' Sweat And Gold, the Keren Hayesod, drawing sparkling: banker, was given a dinner by The basis. restrictive alien legislation proposed graven on the hearts of those who other great city in the country. pictures of Palestinian life and Development Council at the Hotel "The Keren Hayesod", he said "is Mr. Benson'quotes Henry Ford as by Congressman Johnson and others. worked and those who gave. The It showed again that it meant it not a contribution; ix is a voluntary Palestinian needs, most effective of Astor last night. A large gathering saying: .,,/ Representatives of the Americ real story would tell of pleasures when Jacob M. Loeb, commandeered tax. The "Mauser" that the' Kereff "Which, was the description-of the of—tipted "New York Zionists were "I have nothing against the Jews. Jewish Committee, the Organizati|n sacrificed, of luxuries foregone, of to act as chairman of the appeal, Hayesod wants every, Jew to impose annual pjaj^jng^of:-. the bayren. hill- present* Supreme Court Justice W. I would not Ihaacm them nor do I for the American Jewish Congrei sad pi seif-for- moved his desk into headquarters -<w-i i Vif"Rf*li!- vein Kfive Jewry., ,.The sides outside of! Jerflsalem, By Jewish Mack presided. In his address Justice. .want xua'yb<>d^*|else .to hann them. and announced calmly that a million Independent Order B'; .Chaly^zim,' the pioneers, in Palestine •pupils of all; age? ;on^thfr fift«entfcda^r was not enough—it should.be a mil"toid others* 3ia\se**25j' £ fl to-day have proven themselves, and, of Shevat. ""Hifinaii hearts and built up with a Jewish homeland it here with us, and all of us must Kve .v-., "THEfVODLESS lion and a half or nothing. committee, which ha? appointed did' prove themselves long ago, for throbbing lives are behind every item must 'be build up in an orderly' and together with good will toward each a smaller sub-committee to cooperate That was on 'November 29. Mr. BANQUET." the "sixty Jewish colonies, implanted in the Keren Hayesood budget", he business like way. Unless business ° t h e i U ^ ^f^ f o ^ J e w s ^ n d with representatives of other groups Loeb did not stop to listen to the After Chairman Loeb had ush,-,, + _ f Li in ^ defeating A^^X^ *I.. JZ^ZA can_ be conducted there, there can everybody else. I believe the matter interested and 'supported under the most- ad- declared. • man who said it couldn't be done. the proposed verse circumstances far .overbalance laeut. Jabotmskyfe address was un- be no future to the land. It iswe have printed about the Jews will restrictive legislation, it waft author- ered his 600 guests into the crepe- Instead, Mr. Loeb went right ahead draped banquet ball he said: the public work of the -European tirige^-with- anjr -traces of jrolitical necessary that agriculture,- industry do the; Jews* themselves good as WPH itatively learned. jK Yo« came here expecting to with his plans. He had some of the powers; in the Holy Land before the. ZibnismV- but dwelt-solely .upon the and commerce be conducted in as everybody else, . It was only for Mr. Louis Marshall, representing dine, plentifully, luxuriously. Sud- ablest minds of Chicago to help him. Palestine as it is in other-lands and this reason that I .printed it." war, a work that was carried on, by the American-Jewish Committee; Dr. denly, unexpectedly, and perhaps Julius Bosenwald was the honorary that Palestine can in that way mainthem under the most favorable con-, Stephen S. Wise, the Organization for for the first time, you have been HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE tain a self-sustaining and self- . Marks, Active Comditions. (Continued on page 2) the American Jewish Congress; a disappointed. In place of plenty ADDRESSES. respecting people." representative of the "Hias," and "Sweat and gold arc the essential "It is an everlasting disgrace to munal Worker, Passes possibly one or two others will prob- you find nothing. In place of Among those who spoke .were also needs'*of Palestine, just as Palestine so-called Christian countries that luxury you find bareness. In place Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Miss Ruth Away Wednesday ably appear at the Senate Hearings, :>f is the essential need'- of millions: of more. Jews have been massacred, the symbols «f joy you find it is believed. Jews. The Jew must own the soil just because they are Jews, in the Franklin, niece of Sir Herbert Samuel those of grief. Perhaps you are of, Palestine, and he must purchase last five years, than England lost Julius Simon, Harry Fischel, Louis Omaha's charitable and' religious vexed and indignant as well as Members of Theatrical Profession it inch by inch. The eyes of the soldiers during the war,, and we S. Posner, Captain Alexander'Aaron- organizations lost, a staunch worker At a meeting of the Omaha He- disappointed. sohn, Sol Rosenbloom and Nathan in the death Wednesday morning of brew Club Sunday a committee conWill Pay Tribute To Chalutzim are hungry for the soil, lost nearly a million men." "Well, theq, think of your Straus. Mr, J. Marks, 3156 Lincoba fflvd. sisting of Nathan Bernstein, J. J . brothers and sisters in SoutheastTragedian. as the eyes of Europe's orphans are Col. Patterson. Subscriptions to the Palestine Mr. Marks resided in Omaha forFriedman, Ben Handler, D. Morgenhungry for bread. A green Palestine, ern Europe. Some of them, too, "Jews are undergoing a MacNew York (J. P. A.) The whole a Palestine "With hillsides that are cabbean struggle daily. Every day Development Council were announced. forty years, haying come here at the sterri and J. L. Wolf eon was appoint- have expected to eat, not so plenHarry Fischel pledged $100,000 and age of 14. He took an active and a ed to take steps to centralise the ex- tifully or luxuriously as you, but world of the stage in IVew York will planted and valleys that are sown; is a-Ghanukah for us." gave $25,000 cash. Justice .Brandeis lifelong interest in Jewish affairs and isting public sentiment against the •will .be a Jewish Palestine. The still to eat. Suddenly as you, un- unite to do honor to Jacob P. Adler, ,*•'' Lieut. Jabotinsky. pledged $25,000. Sol ' Rosenbloom was one of the organizers of the Rus- bill. Chalutzim are there, 120,000 of them prepared as you, rudely as you, the well-known Jewish tragedian, in "A Jewish homeland may give with, hundreds of thousands ~ more the world a new message of hu- gave §50,000 and pledged $200,000 sian Synagogue and ot the 24 St. The committee 'plans to work with they have been disappointed. For celebration of the fiftieth, year of - ready and yearning to go, but. they manity. We may yet see a Coun- more in the course of ten years.' A Synagogue. At the time of his death representatives of all national groups them, too, the symbols of glad- his professional career. On the propledge of $60,000 from Mrs. Mary he was a member of the: Board of Di- in the city, accordingtoJ. J. Fried- ness have been replaced bjr those gram of a benefit performance as a need your help." -i cil of Peace sitting in Jerusalem, Fels was announced. A total of arectors of the Jewish Welfare Feder- man, chairman of the committee. •'Chalutzim are real colonists", he so that the! Law may , go forth, of sorrow. For you the disappoint- tribute to him at the Manhattan quarter million-dollars--'Was' pledged, ation, of the B'nai B'rith, the Modem ment is temporary and passing; Opera House next Sunday afternoon said, "building not for- themselves once more, from Zioh." and it was announced, that an • ad Woodmen of America and of th% Odd- four children, Harry and Louis Marks, for them, permanent and lasting. are nearly every man and woman of j Colt Patterson. ditional quarter million would be fellows. Mrs. Samuel Vorzimer and Mrs. Mose You have been denied one meal. eminence in the theatrical profession, "It's Jttst a sheer piece of luck secured before July 1. He is survived by his widow* andYousem. They have gone for days and days including John Drew, Eichard Bonnet, that the Jews in America are in without food. For you this hour Lionel Atwill, Ben Ami, Louis Mann, •America, and not in the hell of of fasting- may mean better health Barney Bernard, Boris Tomaohevsky, Central Europe." : . —at most an hour's discomfort. Cantor Rosenblatt, Belle Baker, Tessa Lieut. Jabotinsky.: IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL FEDERATION MEMBERS th CONTINUE TO WORK WITH For them there has been depriva- Kosta, Al Jolson and Mrs. Leslie 'The better Jew you are tbe.betBRITAIN IN SUPPORT OF tion and want, nakedness and dis- Carter. Monday, January 16, will be the last day on which payments to the Jewish Welter American you are." MANDATE. ease, famine and death. UnderMen of distinction included in. the fare Federation for the year 1921, may be made. Three thousand dollars still outstand: Col. Patterson.. nourished mothers, anemic fathers General Committee are the Rev. Dr. ing must be paid by that date to insure publication of the subscribers name in the annual -"Private initiative and/* .private London, ;(J.C.B.) In the absence and rickety children stalk through Stephen S, Wise, Otto Kahn, Justice rejport book of the Federation. • of Dr. Weizmann in Berlin, his force will be the ultimate builders Europe for lack of sustenance. So Otto Eosalsky, Adolph Lewisohn, Dr. Irepresentative was received today by of Palestine, and the sacrifice and The Federation Boardi at its meeting Sunday, determined to publish in the report you have been assembled here in Leo Borgen and Joseph Barondess. Premier Briand of France; who • is the endurance of the pioneer will book the amounts pledged by every member as well as the payments made on the pledge this way that you might be made The theatrical managers who have ; ..'". .; ;.:*. r * ' .• during 1921. /here in' connection with the Near win out/' to feel, in some small measure, united in this tribute to Mr. Adler's Xieut. Jabotinsky. East Conference. Premier Briand v what this must mean to them." genius, ami who are ttaking a more Members of the Womien's Organizations of the Federation, the Jewish Women's Wel"The more I saw of my Jewish denied the rumors which gained circuor less active part in the preparafare Organizatioji, th&Jjunior Welfa^ the Deborah Society and the Daughlation recently, that France had in- soldiers, the more I realized that tions, including David Belasco, who ters of Israel Aid Society, are also urged to pay their dues to these organizations before tended to request that she be entrust- hatred of the Jew was founded getting service, of devotion and in other days made repeated but unJanuary 16th. . ed with the Mandate for Palestine. upon ignorance of his qualities." persistence, of faith and love, of successful efforts to draw Mr. Adler France intends to respect the San Col. Patterson. hope and discouragement, but finally to the English-speaking stage, are: Remo Decision and to 'continue to of triumph. Abraham L. L'rlanger, Morris Gest, sympathize with the Zionist cause, the upbuilding of Palestine as a homefollowing committee was elected with dinner which was held at the Harris $750,000 First Quota. Sam H. Harris, Abraham Levy, EdPremier assured Dr. Weizmann's rep- land for the persecuted Jews- of Omaha Speaker Addreses instructions to begin immediately Emery tea rooms, proceeding the gar and Archie Selwyn, Lee and J. J . Annual Meeting of Des Chicago meant everything it said resentative. Central and Eastern Europe. meeting, at which officers and re- with the work of collecting funds last September, -when it pledged the Shubert, Arthur Hopkins, William Moines Federation As an earnest of the goodwill ex- Patterson Strikes' Spiritual Note. presentatives on the board of direc- here: Mrs. Cora Wolf, chairman; Harris, Jr., E. F. Albee, Martin Beck, isting between France and Britain, Striking the same high spiritual Des Moines. "Jewish psychology, Jew- tors for the affiliated institutions of Mesdames W. Holsman, M. S. Miller, national chairman, David A. Brown William J. Fox and Marcus Lowe. that it would back him to the limit. the Premier pointed to the excellent note Col. J . H . Patterson, at the ish law and Jewish tradition all com- the organization were elected. L. Paul Schaye, Louis > Goldsmith, Jay relations between General Gouraud, luncheon at the Chamber of Com-bine to make a distinctive Jewish Oransky was re-elected president for Singer, R. Kulakofsky, T. Wolfson, High Commissioner for Syria, and merce and at the theater last night, philanthropy necessary", Henry Jlon- the year 1922, with J. H. Brody, H. Rosenfeld, A. Browar, L. Simon, Sir Herbert Samuel, High Commis- urged the rebuilding of Palestine in sky, of Omaha, told members of the secretary. RENEWAL BLANK H. Rachman, Sol Degen, Max Somsioner for Palestine. France will sup- fulfillment of Biblical prophecies. United Jewish Philanthropies of Des Jewish Press Publishing Co., mer. Every Jew in the city is asked Moines, at the annual meeting of the port the Palestine Mandate which Col. Patterson endeared himself organization here Monday night. Local Sisterhood Appeals for to contribute. 482 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Omaha, Kebr. provides for the establishment of a warmly to his Jewish auditors Dormitory Funds. Gentlemen:— Mrs. Wolf urgently requests that Jewish national home, the Premier through his earnestness and sincerity. Quoting Rabbi Akiba, Mr. Monsky At the meeting of the Sisterhood Enclosed is check for $2.50 to renew my subscription to "THE declared that the wealthy carried at Temple Israel on Monday after- all contributions be sent to her at further declared. Modest and sedate, this famous with their possessions that added reJEWISH PRESS" for one year from date of present expiration. 109 S. S6th St. as soon as possible. noon, $1,029.00 was decided upon as As to the Jewish question, M. traveler and soldier, gave the The annual meeting of the Federasponsibility of sharing them with the Briand emphasized the part France reasons for his deep friendship for the quota for Omaha in the drive Name - ~—-. t poor and the unfortunate, and that which the Federation of Temple Sis- tion of Temple Sisterhoods will be took in the negotiations for the recog- the Jewish people. held in Minneapolis on January 19, the existence of poverty was connition of minority rights, and de- "It was your boys who fought with terhoods of the United States has Address t clared that France was always toler- me at Gallipoli and in Palestine", he tradiction of the conception of a just started for a $250,000 dormitory, to and the Omaha Sisterhood is desirand righteous providence. ant towards its Jewish' citizens, both house rabinnical students at the He- ous of raising its full quota before More than 250 people attended the brew Union College in Cincinnati. The that date. at home and in her colonies. (Continued on page 2)
Raise Quarter Million Dollars for Palestine at New York Meeting
Jewish Organizations: to Oppose Restrictive Immigrant Legislatiffli
Jacob Adler, Eminent Actor, to be Honored by Colleagues
franee Loyal to Jewish Homeland, Briand Says
J?AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1922 Ellis Island from Budapest, was among their members for $500.00 for C. Mozer were elected chairmen of This story reveals the popular star as a brutal sea captain who brings moved to make a most eloquent reply the purpose of assisting the National the committee for this drive. Federation of Temple Sisterhoods in down the curse of South Sea savages in the course of which he compared Published everj Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ' the erection of a donnitory to house Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simon left upon his head. The curse apparently the American Jews to the one cruse THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. rabbinical students at the Hebrew Sunday for Chicago. works for years. His redemption and of oil left burning in the darkened Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. peace of soul are not attained until world of today, whose light was ra- Union College. Subscription Price, one year..... «...,—•» •••« Dustin Farnum is coming to the he has gone through a world of diating hope and gratitude to fellowThe Annual Talmud Torah ball is Moon Theatre, starting Tuesday till sorrow. Virginia Valli has the leadAdvertising rate9 furnished on application. ' Jews in other lands. The Soko'ow Reception Gifts were provided for every child, to be held in the near future, accord- Saturday, in his second Fox picture ing feminine role. Bernard Durning ing to Jack London, president of the of the season, "The Devil Within". was the director of this picture. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica(Continued from page 1.) the girls" receiving handkerchiefs and organization. tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. saidi "who taught me the true worth the "boys gloves. Boxes of candy CHANGE! OF ADDRESS—Flense giva both the old tnd new addren; of the Jew. At'one time in the were distributed to all the children. The management of the Sioux City b» iure and also your name. Palestine campaign the entire British These gifts were made possible Concert Course greatly regrets that army depended on the steadfastness through the generosity of the Mont- Jascha Heifetz, the famous violinist, of the Jewish, Legion, which held gomery,. Ala., and Johnston, Pa., Sec-will not be" able to appear at the Authe critical position. And your boys tions of the Council. ditorium in January as was arranged. held the line. They brought victory — j However, they hope to secure his ap to that campaign."-.—^ Danzig. (J. P. A.) The leader of the pearance in the Spring. Somewhere in the soul of man— The Independent Order of B'nai f Speaking of himself as possessing Socialists in this city, Mr. Max Mau, The Mt. Sinai Brotherhood held an be he Jew or Gentile, Atheist or Ag- B'rith is the aposite of happiness— a' "goyische Kopp" Patterson, a in an address held in parliamant at- informal reception, Wednesday evenIs a Happier Home § nostic—there is a religious spark. In the tree of light—the epitomy of ser- Gentile, urged the Jews to maintain tacked the Polish government for i n g > J a n ; j ^ a t t h e Mt. Sinai Social and a Safer Ons $ some beings that spark is a burn- vice. To those who enlist in its ranks, a! united front and to work persecuting Jewish Socialists, paitic- C e n t e ^ ir( h o n o r o f 1 ^ ^ I s a c S on. One of th« most important Ining fire-~in others it is exceedingly who allow its arms to encircle them harmoniously for the common goal. ularly members of the Bund. The D & n c i n g f o l l o w e d the program, fluences working toward a dim—but the spark is there, the burn- -there comes that feeling of ex- '"Palestine is the most beautiful members of the parliamentary body well rounded and happy borne country in the /world, and it can be were deeply impressed by the ading fire to burn brighter, and the quisite satisfaction that "life" is not ii a Savings Account dimmed light to become a fiery flame, an empty dream." Of these brethren lijade the most*prdductive" he said dress. We pay 4% Interest, comif properly kindled. To fan this •=—here today and gone tomorrow—the "The sixty Jewish colonies of Palespounded ouarterly. in our tine are veritable oases in the desert. spark so that it will glpw with love poet said, Savings Department, and deAt the meeting of the "Sisterhood" Ssven million people can live' in the SIOUX CITY. and devotion for mankind, so that it posits made on or before the last Wednesday, Mrs. R. Pepperberg "There is no death, the stars go lsnd where one tenth that number tenth of the month draw Inwill champion the cause of Judaism down ' n >w exist. I look to see Palestine Mr. Joe Baron and daughter of was elected chairman of the committerest for the entire month. in sunshine and in storm—this is my once more the spiritual center of the Chicago, 111., were here for a week tee to take charge of the campaign conception of the religion of the B'nai To shine upon a brighter shore, to raise $525.00 for the dormitory at B'rich—that Order "which has done And bring in Heaven's glowing crown v|orld? from which messages^ of the visiting friends and relatives. the Hebrew Union College at CincinOpen a Savings Acoount With Us Today Jjswish-people, comparable to the and is doing a real service—a service They shine and shine forever more." Rabbi Isadore Isacson of Selma, nati, Ohio. It was reported at this Bible, will a^ain go forth." which in past and present has through The Order of-B'nai B'rith is alive. Alabama, is now occupying the pulpit meeting that $300.00 was made at the All deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors its benefactions, smoothed the path- Those who awaken in its arms of bazaar recently held. of Mt. Sinai Temple. A Community Gathering. * Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska way of life'without ostentation, with- brotherly love and harmony do things;' The meeting last night carried out out hope of aggrandizement, fearless- Do you want to see every Jew in fuljyr the idea lying' behind it—»a Messrs. Abe' Brodkey, Will Good- Mrs. Victor Friend is visiting with ly and conscientiously. America .an ; American Citizen fully communal welcome to distinguished site and Abe Baron have returned to her parents at Salisbury, Mo. Isn't it an empty life that is de- cognizant of.tTie.greatnfeBs of. outi men bringing messages of import Michigan University after a two Mrs. Max Finberg of Grand Island void of happiness? Isn't it a dark governmental institutions? — The to all Jews. Every element of Jewry weeks vacation. is visiting with her parents, Mr. and and gloomy procession that wends its B'ztei B'rith is doing it. was represented in the vast audience, The annual banquet of the Jewish Mrs. M. Chapman. 18th and Farnam Streets way through life's pathway and sees Do you want!to see Jewish prison- and the evening's program was well Educational Alliance has been postD. W. Geiselman, President. D. C. Geiselman, Cashier. not the sun? Are three mealts a ers in penal institutions leave with rounded and inclusive. poned. No definite date has been set. The Messrs. Max Katleman and Al H. M. Kroflh, Assistant Cashier. day, eight hours rest and; clothes to the.hope that "springs eternal in the W, L. Holjiman, chairman of the Sandlovich left for a ten day trip to wear the sum total of all of our striv- human breast," kindled into a bright- committee on arrangements, presided. Mr .and Mrs. Joe Levin returned- New York City. ings? An animal eats, sleeps and is ness that spells the "straight road to The national anthem, led by Mr. Sel-last week from Chicago where they Mr. and Mrs. N. Gundersheimer of clothed by nature. If pur attainments success and future happiness?" The .wyn Jacobs, accompanied by Mrs. spent their honeymoon. Baltimore, Md., are visiting at the are thus I limited, wherein are we anyB'nai B'rith is doing it. Harry Rosenfeld, was sung- by the Mrs. S. Raphael and daughters of home of their daughter, Mrs. Jacob different from the dog, the cat or the audience followed by Hatikvah, led lion? * ;' Do you iwant the fair name of by Miss Sophys Weinstein, ac- New York City were here for a week Singer and Rabbi Singer. visiting their friends* Judaism protected from calumny,' deDo not think that mere membership Miss Ruth Polsky, who has been companied by Mrs. Jacob Malashock. ceit and treachery ? The B'nai B'rith in our Order will, of itself, bring man Barish Bros., who gave up the Ford visiting her aunt, Mrs. Victor GladRabbi Morris J«j. Taxon gave the . per month for a private secretary—getting this service into Eutopia. But, when you see is doing^it. Agency are pleased to announce that stone, returned home Tuesday. Invocation, and Rabbi Frederick Cohn men and women who radiate happi- Do you want institutions founded pronounced the Benediction. A piano they have secured the agency of the FREE after the first ten months? At a meeting of the Bnai Brith on ness because they make others happy, and supported which stamp out the solo by Miss Anna Leaf, and • "Eili Dodge Motor Car. Sunday, plans were discussed for the who realize their duty to their fellow-? dreaded white .plague, which succor Eili" sung by Mrs. Martin Sugarmen, who are active, alert, and ener- the little kiddies, whichs bring back man, accompanied by Mrs, H. S. The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood •': their Near East Relief Drive which will getic in all matters pertaining. to the to health the diseased? The B'nai Kamen, completed the musical pro- last meeting voted to make a drive soon be launched. Saul Arenson and good* ,of mankind and state, you like B'rith is doing it. gram. A certified check for ?5,000, to mingle with them, don't you? And Do you want to be one of God's, representing payments to the Keren in a great majority of cases their champions for right, . justice and, Hayesood on pledges made last fall, enthusiasm becomes your&—their vi- mercy?; Then enlist. If you have, was presented to the delegation at sion becomes your vision—their hap- enlisted, then enter ,the v training the conclusion of the exercises. The Personal Writing Machine 'piness is contageous and you catch camp, take off your coat, stand with Ten Omaha boys who had served it. Why? Because you.have allowed heads erect, and in the words of At* i n the Jewish Legion renewed acwill give you this service in the most satisfactory way—weighs but the hard shell of selfishness to become raham, answer "Here am L" quaintance with their former coma poundsr-does the same work as the big machines. the soft shell of kindness and service. • : SIDNEY G.KUSWORM. ! mander yesterday. These men are Sam Rabinowitz, Nathan Maisel Sam called put the police to turn Priesman, Reuben Levitt, Henry Call and receive a demonstration withChicago's Challenge which the crowds away. - The overflow Solig, Morris Levy, Isidore Cohen, out obligation to buy—or telephone and (Continued from page 1) sought Sinai Centre, filled it to-over^- Henry Holdsberg, Sam Ueligman and our salesman will call. flowing and there were still - a William Crady. , One hundred and fifty people atchairman of the campaign committee; thousand: of the host who stormed Charles Rubens, General Abel Davis, outside the doors, -clamorous to enter. tended the luncheon at the Fontenelle Sol Kline, Iiouis M. Katz, James H. And when that meeting was ovet this afternoon, when Lieut. Jabotinsky gave further details of the work Becker and Harry A- Klein were the $600,000-was pledged./ ,, , Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. The Hunger Banquet. of: the Keren Hayesod. A public vice-chairmen; Moses E. Greenbaum Phone Jackson 4120. ' was treasurer .Marcy I. Berger, Then the footwork began. The reception at the Jewish Community secretary, and Juliet Harris, assistant forces were lined up. The positions Center this evening will complete secretary. And that the Mothers in assigned. The objections were set. the program of the delegation's visit Israel might not fail to do their full The great machine got into motion. here. part Mrs. Joseph Pich was made AIL Chicago, Jew and Gentile alike, chairman of the Women's Division, knew what was being done. Many Chai>ukah Festival PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. having on her staff such able unusual features were employed to lieutenants as Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, let .them know it. The question at Ellis Island Mrs. A. G. Becker and Mrs. Hulda "Suppose you. were starving?" greetOn Thursday, December 29th, at Morris, who enlisted in their com- ed Chicagoans ; at every turn. One OMAHA mands 1,500 Jewish women" whose night—December -7| it was—six Ellis Island a Chanukah celebration contribution to the work forms one hundred! of. the, appeal workers were was arranged by the National DepartPRINTING of the most important features of invited by Mr. Loeb to dine with him ment of Immigrant Aid, of the CounCOMPANY the appeal. at the Hotel Drake. They came pre- cil of Jewish Women, in co-operation VIMIUMft KBOtST R i l l M I ) pared, for a feast, They found a with the Hebrew Sheltering and ImBosenwald Makes His Pledge. famine. They were . ushered into ; a migrant Aid Society. Through the The appeal started oflT with a hall festooned and draped with courtesy of Commissioner Tod of banquet at the Blackstone Hotel,- on funeral black. Bare wooden tables, Ellis Island,', permission was obtained November 29, to which there were dimly lighted by tall candles, greeted to assemble all the Jewish immigrants COMMERCIAL PRINTERS -LITHOGRAPHERS - STEEL DiE EMBOSSERS invited several hundred of Chicago's their amazed eyes.\ Food and drink detained at the Isjand to participate in the Chanukah program on the ocLOOSE LCAF DEVICES there were none. Hunger and tragedy professional, commercial financial and industrial leaders. It was into seemed to stalk visibly before the casion of-<the lighting of the fifth this gathering "that Julius Rosenwald eyes of the guests. In a single candle. Four hundred persons gath:CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN =r= threw his well-timed bombshell. .Louis moment i that great hall, with its ered together in the dining room as Marshall, the. chairman of the empty tables, a hall which had re- the. simple but impressive Chanukah American Jewish- Relief Committee, echoed i so often to dancing arid service was conducted by Cantor I. was there. So was Dr. Emil G. merriment, was r transformed. In H.; Weinstocfc of the- Central SynaHirsch. So was "Jimmy" Becker. place of the gay. dinner party to gogue. With eyes that were filled So was David A. Brown, chairman which they had looked forward, the with tears of joy and hope, these of the nation-wide appeal. They guesfa found symbolized the lurking happy men, women and children joinspoke. When they had finished terror of starvation, and were able ed whole hsartedly in the singing of , • Chicago knew why the country'must to visualize with new vividness the th<S Chanukah hymns. Following the lighting of the canraise 514,000,000. They knew the plight of their brethren overseas. need and they knew the remedy. The For a week the appeal continued. dles Dr. Jacob Tarlow of the People's group at the tables was a serious Totals Were chalked up, only to be Synagogue of the Education Alliance,one. They did not stop to figure erased as new figures appeared. Then delivered a. message in Yiddish. Dr. their own financial losses. They only suddenly Mr. Loeb swept the whole Taflow's message so inspired his felt the fate of Europe's Jewry rested board clean. It was decided to con- auditors that one of them, a learned in their hands. And it was then, tinue the appeal for another week. Rabbi who had that day arrived at while their hearts were . still' torn Team members were instructed to rer.o.6. with the thought so vividly presented double their efforts. But the blackto them that their, brethren across | board remained chalkless. The flint. the sea could look nowhere else "for' auditor was pledged to silence. 'His the aid without which they would adding machine clicked, but its totals perish, that Mr. Rosenwald made'his1 remained unread. He sat SphinxNo Springs—Honest Weight Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Chevrolet "FB" wonderfull challenge. I like before it. Mr. Loeb would give Models Models HOBART ELECTRIC VI will give," he said, "at the rate out no figures. No one knew what TouringCar or Roadster $525 TouringCar or RoadsterS975 of one dollar for every seven pledged the total was. GRINDERS, CHOPPERS Coupe or Sedan - - - 875 Coupe or Sedan - - tl575 by all the other Jews of Chicago.! Then came the final rally at the AND MIXERS. Light Delivery Wagon (one seat) - $525 Last year I pledged $250,000. This Hotel Blackstone. Then, and not year I want you to make me give until then, the workers learned the Service and Sales: All Print t. O. B Flint. Mick. $300,000." I unprecedented success that had 13th AND JACKSON STREETS Is it any wonder that with such crowned their efforts. The total was Phones: CHEVROLET MOTOR CO.,.4 Division of General Motors Corp. a stimulus the campaign started with- announced amid a profound silence. Toledo Scales ... Doug. 76S2 a rush that swept aside all the Then the room was rocked with • INTRODUCING OUR NEW PACKAGE CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY petty' objectors, the pessimists who cheers. The $750,000 goal which had Hobarfc Electri; _.„ Doug. 7396 2659 Farnam Street. Tel. Harney 7280. said "It. can never be-done"? | •at first been set was forgotten. Sb Blended, roasted and packed by Five days later a great rally was was the $1;000,000 quota, so was the We have on hand Used and .held which taxed the capacity of $1,500,000. They cheered, and cheered, . Rebuilt Machines. Sinai Temple. I t , was a meeting and cheered again. The total sjood
at $1,810,000, but there are belated check? still coming in. Chicago has*1 triumphed gloriously. Her example is a challenge to the Jews of America. How will they answer her?
^ The Home With a Savings Account
I! American State Bank
Would You Pay $5.00
Watch flight's,:' Newspapers T:
Will"Man Says
Central Typewriter Exchange
to Clothing Prices" You'll say so too
at a New Low Price
McCord-Brady Co.
PAGE 8-7THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1922 ENGAGED Miss Ann Ve&in of Fremont, Neb., commended the members of the local Mrs. Fanny Issaceon announces the will stop here for afewdays to be lodge for their excellent work duringengagement of h e r daughter, Miss the house-guest of Miss Esther Zalk~ the past. "I believe that the Council Jennie Isaacson, t o Mr. N a t Castle- on her way home from Des Moines, Bluffs lodge has more members for man, the son of Mrs. K. Castleman. the number of Jewish families than Miss Isaacson i s a member, of Woany other city in the district," said Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss will' enter- Monsky. men's Auxiliary of the Bnai Brith.
The following officers were elected Tare also underlay- to givfe a large She Wears ISO Pounds for the ensuing term; Isadore Agins- dance which will be given in Eebruof Beads in "Sheba" kee, president; Esther Cherniss, vice- ary. Miss Betty Blythe wears at least president; Marian Cohen, secretary; Stell^ Troehtenberg', treasurer; Jen- Mrs, Sata Freidman left Tuesday 150 pounds of beads in "Queen of nie Katelman, reporter. At the next for Los Angeles, Calif., where she Sheba"—not all at one time, bat meeting plans will be made for awill visit with relatives for several distributed among the twenty-six tain fifteen guests at their hom8.at costumes she has for this production. large open meeting. • . months. A. B. Seelenfreund, secretary of The following officers were elected Mr. and Mrs. A. Moskowitz an- a dinner follew by bridge on Friday "Queen of Sheba" is coming- to the at a regular meeting of the Junior nounce t h e engagement of their night complimentary to their daugh- the International Order of Bl'nai Sun Theatre for two weeks, stalling The Ladies Aid Society held a B'rith, was the principal speaker of Isadore Aginskee will leave WedWelfare Organization which was held daughter, Miss Nellie Ups^pvitz t o ter, Lucille's, birthday. the evening. Seelenfreund told of the nesday for Los Angeles, Calif., where meeting Tuesday afteft\oon at theSunday. It is a Fox super-production. on Sunday at the Jewish Community Mr. Leo, J , Adler, son of Mr. and home of Mrs. S. Cohen. A girl, Elaine May, was born to conditions that are prevalent in war-he will make hi§ future home. Center; Sylvia Kulakofsky, re-elected Mrs. Simon Adler. No date has been stricken Europe and of the work of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Kaiman on president; Madeline Cohen, viper set for the wedding, Thursday morning, January 5th, atthe B'nai B'rith in helping the unfor- Mrs. Sam Preiden is visiting with president; Tobie Steinberg, recording FREMONT NEWS FURNISHED ROOM for Rent. secretary; Florence Shames, financial Mrs. and. Mrs, A- Weiss- entertained the Ford Hospital. Mrs. Kaiman was tunate people across the sea, "There her daughter, Mrs. L. Heeger, at The Misses Jenuette and Sara KruGentleman preferred. Reasonare three important problems that the Sioux City, la. secretary; Rose Davidson; chairman fifteen gaegtg at-.dinner on Sunday formerly Miss Gertrude Simon. • pinsky entertained the LaCartere able, charge. For further inJews of this country twist solve," of social committee; Tillie Kice, re- evening a t their home, complimentary Club at a card party followed by a Mrs. A. Gilinsky entertained Tuesformation call Webster 6730. said Seelenfreund, "and these are 1— porter; Ann Weiss, sergeant-at-arms. to Miss Jeanrieitte Snames and her, ATHLETICS luncheon &$ their home pn New Year's The Refugee Question, 2—The Im- day evening for the card club. Twelve Eve. A program concluded the meeting. fiance, Mr. Harry Kavich. The Y, Mr H. A. and Thorpeian migration Question, and 3—The Prob- members were present. The next meeting will be held the first Sunday in February. At a meeting of the Deborah Spr Athletic club basketball teams were lem of the War and ' Pogrom OrAt the last meeting of the Jewish ciety held Tuesday a t the. -Jewish defeated Wednesday evening by thephans," Seelenfreund, who has made Sisterhood, plans were made, by World-Herald and Council Bluffs several visits to Europe in the interAt Temple Israel on; Friday; eve-. Coji«nun.it.y Center, t h e following offiwhich the members may give socials High school teams respectively. The est of the B*nai B'rith, told of his cers were elected: Mrs, D. S. Finkenning r Rabbi Frederick Cohn -wiH^pfSk" and the proceeds of same shall go defeat for both Jewish teams, places experiences in the devastated regions. on "Jews in- Russia." His subject atejn, president; Mrs. A, G. Katleman, i NORTH SIDE to the funds of the Sisterhood. The the Y. M. H. A. in third, position and Other numbers on the program infor Saturday morning will be "For- vice president; Mrs. Schlaefer, treasHarney 7476 th* Thorpeians in forth place. Wed- cluded, Harry Lapidus, who spoke on first, of these socials was given by urer; Mrs. Grounse, secretary. tune Telling.". nesday night's games ended the first behalf of .the War Sufferers, '.nd Miss Mrs. D. Fox, last Wednesday evening : half of the schedule. Mr. and Mrs. • J. J. Slosburg enter- Miss Edith, Newman of New York Riria Snyder .who gave several vocal and which resulted in ?4.25 being ad1618 North 24th Street, City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. The fast World-Herald team found tained Tuesday evening at a family selections, accompanied by Miss Janet ded to the Sisterhood treasury. Plans We' sell all kinds of the dinner followed by' cards for Mrs.AVron Stern. Sh© will remain for the Y players off form and snowed Gilinsky at the piano. A whistling best and freshest m e a t s them under by a score of 24 to 6. sold by George Tilton held the auWilliam Slosburg of Los Angeles, several weeks. JANUARY 29, X922 and smoked fish. Good The feature game of the evening Calif. dience in full sway. He was accomKEL-PINE DANCING ' Miss Irma, Gross returned to Lans- was the Thorpeian-Council Bluffs panied by Philip Krasne at the violin service and cheap prices. ACADEMY. Mrs. A. M. Lesser of San Francico, ing, Mich., after spending, the holidays game. At the start of the game the and Miss Virginia Fair at -.he piano. Calif., as visiting with her daughter, here, with hey father, Mr. David Thorpeians with Corenman in their Mrs. Henry Monsky and Mr. Monsky. Qro§s. lead piled up six scores to their op- Karl Brandeis, state deputy for the WEEKS poonents* one, hut the Bluffs players B'nai Brith lodges in Iowa, returned Starting TWO Sunday, January _15th The Petite Bridge Club met at the Mrs. J; J. Friedman will entertain soon found themselves and with the to the Bluffs Friday,'after having or. WILLIAM VOX home of Mrs. I. Wintraub last Mon- twenty chUflrfnt «t her ;home oh' SatT aid of "Buster Owens" took the lead ganized lodges in Ottumwa and Fort ores sots day evening. Prizes were won byurday afternoon a t a; birthday^ party from the Thorpeians and defeated Podge, Mr. D. I. Cohen and Mrs. Mar Kap- for her daughter, Linda= them by a score of 8 to 6. The Hebrew Educational club held lan. , Miss Sally Krupinsky, who has its regular meeting Monday evening THE MOST KAOT Messrs. Bud Fogelson and Milton been visiting here with the Misses OPENS NEW OPTICAIj at the home of Phil Trochtenberg. n u WOMAN, Jacob C. Copeland, former Central Rosenbaum of Lincoln spent New Ann and Byrdie Selicow, left Monhigh school student, will open the Years here with Mr. Louis Somberg, day for her home in Fremont, Nebr. Copeland Optical Company at • 1612 •Who/attends the University of NebPlaces this beautiful The regular meeting, of the Coun- Harney street. Copeland is well raska. G r a f o n o l a in your cil of Jewish Women will be held on known in social circles in this city. Gorgeous The Confirmation Class of theMonday, January 30, at the Jewish He is a graduate of the Northern Beyond home. This model, vn\y Words Omaha Talmud Torah held a regular Community Center instead of Janu- Illinois College of Opthplomology. Af$85. Other model* at weekly meeting on Sunday, January ary 16th as listed in the bulletin of ter his graduation from this school^ $100, $125, $150 and Now Through Monday 8, at the 18th and Chicago street Temple Israel. Copeland was connected with the Co5175. synagogue, at which Miss Sadie Belumbian Optical Co. Mr. and Mrs. S, Finkenstein left Select and Boy ber was elected assistant reporter. Sunday for Hot Springs. Ark., where A few records. Pay f t Mrs. David Langman,-who was vis-they will spend the remainder of the COUNCIL BLUFFS to bind- the contract TUESDAY to SATURDAY iting here with Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm winter. and we will deliver this Kulakofsky for several weeks, left B'NAI B'RITH DAY. beautiful machine at DR and Mrs. M. I. Gordon have for her home in New York City on Over 200 people were present Sunmoved into their hew honje in Dun-day evening at the largest B'nai once. Begin paymenti Sunday. NOTE—The costumes vrorn by dee.' -L February 15th. B'rith day celebration that has yet 11 Miss Betty Blythe are historically ' Mrs. M. Goldenherg, who recently correct and only prudes will be J>eeh held in the Bluffs. The history Mrs. Pi H. Kooli&h and family will returned from Los Angeles, Calif., offended. The Columbia Grafonok was given a surprise party by sev-leave Wednesday for their home at of the organization was told by O. . . . w i t h . . . PRICES—Matinees _ tk«n 1h« eral friends a t the home of Mrs. H. San Franciscp, Calif. Mrs. Koolish Hoehman, chairman of the evening; Evenings ,~ "This organization started in CounDUSTIN FARNUM — ttt wrtmnatic »top. MMIn>Ur will visit with hey sister, Mrs. E. S. Taxes Included. Rothkop on Monday evening. Forty It has mnmr Pappenberg, at Los Angeles before cil Bluffs eleven years ago with thirty guests were present. members and it now has a memberleaving for her home. shii> of 137," said Hoghman. Miss Alyce Leibo of St. Paul, Minn., Mrs. C. H. Liebowite left Wednes- * Henry Monsky, president of Disis the house guest of her sister, Mrs. .January Records Now on S«ls S. Gary Bialac Many affairs are be- day^ for an extended trip through the trict No. 6, in which Iowa is included, east. ing" planned for Miss Leibo.
Social, Club and Religious Activities
Columbia Grafonolas Down
"The Birth of * Nation"
The Misses Hilda and Effie Frieda -' The regular meeting of $he Brothman. entertained thirty guests com- erhood of Temple Israel' will be hild plimentary to their sister Bess, who next Wednesday'night in thej vestry *^ returned recently fronv an" extended rooms, of the Te.rn.ple. visit in Chicago where she served as Rabbi and Mrs. Morris N. bridesmaid a t the wedding of h e r announce the birth -of a daughter, cousin, Miss Jane Thomas to Mr* Gloria Estelle, at Mr. Carmei Hospi• Benjamin Fine. tal, Columbus, Ohio.
Fred K. Shaw Flower Shop Phone 154. , ; XTie Best of Eyerylliltjg la Flowers and Confections..it Moderate Prices, 545 TV. Broadway, Next Ml»«*;r Theatre. COUNCIL BLPFFS. IOWA,
Miss Charlotte Kolmitz of Seattle, I T BUY SAFE Thorpeian News. Wash., who was formerly of Omaha, will visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. Ler- On Wednesday, January 4, the 1 election of officers vras held ner for a few days on her way to New regular : York City. Miss Kolmitz was A s -and the following officers were eiectOur guarantee and our word is sistant District Attorney of Seattle ed for the ensuing term: William A1-' as good as a'bond. during t h e Wilson Administration. berts, president; Joe Lockis, vice We have satisfied hundreds of Mrs. J . Krasne and daughter Ruth of president^ Isadore Osheroff, secre-. your friends. tary; Ben Abrahamson, treasurer; Fullerton, Nebr., and Mr. and Mrs, H. Wisman of Hastings, Nebr., who Paul Kbnecky, athletic director; wiJI be the house-guests of Mr. andMaurice Micklin, /• reporter; Sam 1511 Dodge Street. Mrs. Lerner and Mr. and Mrs. J . Laf- Green, Louis Freiberg and Sam: SteinPhone: Douglas 5619-—berg, trustees J Abe Myers and Milsky of Schuyler, Nebr., who will visit with Mr. and Mrs. J . Lewis, will a ton Simon, sergeant-at-arms. The new Athletic Director has enrive on Sunday to welcome and tp help gaged a gym for the basketball team entertain for Miss Kolmitz.
Monheit's Chiropodist and Beauty Shop '
Established' 1S90 15th unit1 Hnrnry Streets.
Service is the all important factor in line of insurance.
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A Bona Fide Reduction of
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Full particulars as to: rates and policy \
contract gladly furnished upon request.
H. A. WOLF COMPANY 5S2 Saunders-Kennedy BIdg. Phone: Atlantic 3160. INSURANCE AND BONDSIN ALL ITS BRANCHES.
I'lione DoDKlas 833J
Mr. I . Stein of Chicago is visiting with his-sister, Mrs. S. Silverman. He will-remain for one week. Mrs/ C. B. Leaf and daughter, Ann, will leave Sunday for Los Angeles, Calif., where they will make their future home. Miss Leaf was formerly connected with the Orpheum Circuit/
' " 'OFTHE "
Harry H. LapWuB. Preg -Trea«. JOB. Pepper. Vlee-Preildent. w . G. Ure. Secretary.
I "il
COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy over 70.000 square feet Southwest Corner Eleventh and Uouclns Street!. • . r h o n r : Jackson 3*21 OMAHA. inn*.
1612 Harney Street r Hi
Optometrist Opticiarii—
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Used Truck Sale We are Offering at Real Bargains GOOD Used Trucks
Mrs. Philip Orkin of Sioux City, la., is visiting here with her sisters. She will remain for a "week. **• lij •" |s|
All Types of Bodies ALL MAKES
JONES OPPER COMPANY "Phone: Harnev 0635.
On All Our Traveling Goods and in Some Instances More Buy the world's famous Harimann al a lower price than ever offered before.
Mrs. SL L. Mandelbaum was hostess to a meeting of the Priscilla Club on Thursday afternoon, ' MissTibie Lazarus of Des Moines; la., left for her home last Monday after spending the winter holidays here with Miss Ann Zalk. .
Our New Location. 1514-16-18 Dodge St. . Phone Donates 1623.
Whenever a plate giass claim is made, adjustment is effected! without delay.
to practice in ,and the prospects are Miss Esther Blumenthal returned very bright for a victorious team. last week from Kansas City, Mo., I Members and friends are. urged to where she spent the holidays with'her attend the.games, which are held at sister, Mrs.- Karl »Studna • and Mr. the'Y. M. C. A., every Wednesday Studna. night. ;
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
2558 Farnam Street.
And when you purchase s Hartmar.n Wsr^robt Trtmk you arc linking your judgment with thoK»ar,tls of *ati»f:*d aaen and America's lesdi:;? retail *n:r.k de*lcr».
Don't be misled or confused by inferior salesmanship rcgardinff the reliability of the
HARTMANN The fact that there sre more H t n m i n n Wa*dreb* Tnmh» sold than the combined sales of *'u other trunk* is evteknt that they f;:h'iI2 every rcquirr-rflpnt of th* traveler, sad » t urgently ask yea to Kiskc 'his cofr.parifor< 2'cewelf.
Choose as follows: ? 47.50 Kartmann Wardrobe Trwnk* row
62.00 Harimann Wardrobe Trunks now
S5.00 Hartmann Wsrdrobe Trunks now G7JGO 3C5.OO Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks n o * . . . . . . 8O.O0 115.00 Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks i»«tr 92.00 EXTRA SPEC!AL— Fall sir.e cJo**d top Evaasviiie Wardrobe Trunk, vras f 37.50, now 25.00
Freling & Steinle—* 1603 Faraam Sireet
Hera IS
'- !' f
THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT. fol^
COAL - COKE - HARDCOAL Office 209 South 18th Street
Jackson 0268
1415 Douglas St. Tel. Jackson 3171
We Deliver the Real Goods.
The Brinn & Jensen "Electric Shop" Do away with drudgery and niake Company^ house-work a pleasure Jiy^ the use WUS Xour Ordsr tor
Backed by the Sugar Beet Industry.
Copyrighted by The Star Publishing Co. Reprinted by permission of the "New Orleans States"
Industrial and Automotive : Machinists. * Corbnretor and Ignition,. Repairs. Starter Kins Gears for Auto Fly Wheel! 417 South 13th Street. Telephone: Jackson 4550
rhone Webster VMS
Scottsbluff and Morrill County
9 % Nebraska District Warrants
of modern electrical appliances.
The "Electric Shop" is on the ground floor of the Electric building, South-east corner of Fifteenth, and Farnam streets.
Phone Douglas 6409
Dayton Money Weight Scales and Heat Slicers
SERVICE ipirstNational
USED SCALES OF ALL MAKES FOR SALEs 510 South 10th Street. Phone Jactaon 3332.
IBankd Omaha
MAXIWALKER, Inc. The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. •'GARMENTS CLEANED 1.1KE THE TOT3CH .OP A -. FAIEX.* , ;, ' THOXE KENWOOD 0203. 8410 AMES ATEKCE.
"SAY m WITH FLOWERS'* and buy them at
Hade by
319 South 16th Street. Phone Douglas 3400.
TBV SBNDGBEN'S • Nutritions Home Blade
Carpenter Paper Co:
Distributors of
Sealed In Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Your Grocer.
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery
Sundgren Pie Baking Co.
and Hickory.
Atlantic 58*1
X7th and Martha Sts. Homey 1662 Manufacturers of Brass. Bronze, Aluminum and Soft Gray Iron Castings. Yon are assured of soft -castings, as •we machine some from every heat in our OTTO shop. Standard size, cast iron t>nsMn£S in stock.
* •
Best Home Cooking' a t Very S e a s o n able Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Mis. Sophia Mandel, Prop. SIR South Fifteenth Street—Up Stairs.
'EAT mustiators ^-^
and Vegetables
N, W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. ODB NEW LOCATION Corner 10th and Douglas streets. Masonic Temple Bide. Onr Line BALDWIN. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. HOWARD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS, PLACER PIANOS.
THATCHER PIANO CO. Fbone Jackson 306S
First National Bank Bldg. The more brutal, ignorant and a banquet with the devil, James I. The brutality, ignorance, superstisuperstitious they are, the more so- (afterward King of England) had the tion and cruelty that history reveals called Christians hate Jews. Once torture applied to the wretched wom- belong not to any one people or any superstition robbed, tortured, and an, and took much pleasure in put-one religion but to the backwardness burned them. Thai; is stopped, out- ting appropriate questions to, her af- and savagery among human beings Does It Need Cleaning side of Russia and a few other places. ter the racking* had been duly pro- accentuated after barbarism had wiped out the ancient civilization, earlonged. • • or Repairing? But the hatred goes on, t NOW TS THE TIME TO IIAVB "It then came out that the two ly in our era. , The average Jew knowing little KXFEBTS DO THE WOEE. When you read about the horrors about his people, tells you that Jews hundred crones^ had baptized and Yon'Il Be dnrprlsed at Oar Bute*. drowned a black cat, thereby raising of the "Auto da Fe" where Jews and are hated for their religion. Average Cleaning done by Vacuum without musing dirt. We have witlKChristians have the same erroneous a dreadful storm in which the ship others were burned alive wholesale, factorUy cleaned over 100 furnace! that carried the King had narrowly you read oi brutality in a Catholic the past month. idea." \ CAIX. JACKSON 1913. Jfews centuries ago spread knowl- escaped being Wrecked. "Upon this country. When you read of the phyedge that kills superstition. Their Agnes was condemned to the. flames. sician Servetus "for two hours rosted < FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 1914 CnmlDR Street. leaders were educated when others "She died protesting her innocence, in the flames of a slow fire, begging Install «U* Edge were grossly ignorant. Superstition, and piteonsly caHingr on. Jesus to nave for the^ove of God that they would i was. profitable, and Jews interfeired mercy on her, for Christian men put on more wood, or do something to end his torture,'* you read of a would not." ' with- it. burning at Geneva, in Switzerland, That accusation was believed,; and Y o u r position is They; traveled all over the worid^ studied and' wrote learnedly on medi- it meant death to any man to deny ordered by John Caivin, the Protest correct, and should cine and other sciences when Chris- it. Only a few years separate: us tant sincerely convinced no doubt that! besupportedby tianity's only cure for disease was a from King James, his black cat andthe smell of Servetus' burning flesh' every fair minded his witches. Many today half; be- was highly acceptable to God above. miracle. person. Men turned each other because they The Spanish Jews knew well what lieve ik witches and others consult were savage beasts. They hated ana was going- on among 'their co-reli- spirits and turn tables. Do you wonder that Jewish lead- burned Jews because they feared their gionists beyond the Euphrates. As Cabanis says: "They-were our factors ers of thought were hated when they superior knowledge, their business} and bankers before w«s knew how to endeavoured to replace such nonsense cunning which outwitted them and .i • » • OI • • • because it was necessary to condemn reafd: they were also our first physi- with scientific truth? Not for their religion, but for their them in order to steal their money Hoffmann Funeral Home. cians." with good grace. knowledge, Jews were hated and While Christ, taught that the first And bear in mind, the lower order joint of the\thumb was under/the per- burned., As the late Mr. Jacobs points sonal care of God and other parts of out.in one of his books, while the Al- of intelligence among the Jews was, the body supervised by other divine bigenses, semi-.Christians^were burned as superstitious and as full of hate personages, Maimonides, Jewish phy- alive for denying the divinity of as among any other people. Their two greatest names are Maisician to the Sultan Sajadiri, in Egypt Christ (Ex-President Taft, a Uniwas writing "On Poisons and Anti- tarian, would have been burned in monides, otherwise Rabbi Moses Ben Second Floor, Elks' Building. dotes," creating new Hebrew works those days), Jews, denying the Chris- Maimon, and Spinoza. Spinoza ranks tian religion absolutely, from top to with the greatest of human intellects. to translate the words of Greek philosophers and scientists, writing "On bottom, were permitted to go their Both of these men the Jewish church HOLCOMB Natural History" and *Ori Asthma," ways, subject only' to certain disabili- authorities formally excommunicatties and intermittent persecution. ed. They would have done much more FOOD CHEMICAL with many philosophical works, inPRODUCTS CO., INC. cluding his famous '/MoreH • Nevo- In fact religious authority held that than excommunicated them had they! Sfaniifaetarer* of ihim'*- a "Guide to the Perplexed," it was important to.keep the Jews dared.. But Spinoza, fortunately, was FOODS AXD CHEMICALS. safe from his coreligionists under the alive, fairly plentiful and miserable, as that endeavored.to make the Old TesEXTRACTS. their existence v*proved the truth of Dutch Government, although not al- 818 K.FLAVOKES'G tament clear' to human reason. 18th St. PhoBe AUantie «»«* Biblical teaching." Besides, they were ways safe from his Christian surJews, while others stayed at home, the most efficient • tax gatherers the roundings,- and Mammon, or "Ramvisited" all peoples and taught them kings-could find, they alone under- bam," was safe with his Sultan in NORTHWEST READY all:-They dweltfreefrpm*persecution stood business, and each great Chris- Egypt.—The Jewish Ledger. ROOFING CO. among the Arabs, taught them arid tian as a rule took care to keep his 0Ter Heady Roofing "'* BhJnsles. learned from them. In the early "Age own Jewish physician while forbidAlso asphalt shingle* and bolld-up No Immigrants to U. S. from roofs.' Fire resisting; and durable. of Faith" Arabs, in knowledge, were ding little Christians that luxury. All work guaranteed. Eaay term*. Poland, Roumania and Czechoas far ahead of their Christian conFh«w> B a t m r tFA The "crime" of the Jews was the slovakia Before Next July. temporaries as a modern scientist is OfHce and Warehouse: 8122 te«Temrorth establishing of schools such as that Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Amerahead of an African bushman. With their knowledge and teach- of Salerno, niti^ hundred years ago, ican Consuls have received instruc-! ing ,the Jews annoyed temporal and and the great school of Montpelier. tions not to vize passports to emispiritual power itt the Middle "Ages, They'said With Afinarrion the Moham- grants coming from Poland, Ron-' MANUFACTURERS. ^ mania or Czecho Slovakia, it is aujust as in our', day they annoyed the medaiu MEY-MER-CO. Brand . "They are the elect of God. His thoritatively learned. The quota for Czar with their preaching of liberty Beverages and Syrups. best and most useful servants whose those countries has been filled, and in Russia. 319-321 So. 14th St., Omaha. Neb*. lives are devoted to the improvement none will be permitted to proceed bePhone Atlantis £889 Jewish doctors because they did of their national faculties." fore July, 1922. It is understood, cure, were called magicians, many And that was treason to Goct and however, that about 20,000 would-be were burned. Zedekias, for instance, physiciairto the French' King, Charles the king at a' time when established immigrants in the border lands are the Bald, "was asserted to have de-« power, realized that thinking is. dan- eligible for the America visa upon All that the name presentation of affidavits from relavoured at one meal, in the presence gerous—for established power. implies. Many young people and a few old tives who are citizens of the United of the court, a wagon load of hay, 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 together with its horses and driver.1 will ask. "What book can I read for States, these visas to be charged to the Russian quota. When the Christians had reached further" information?" Read "A history of the Warfare that highly interesting stage of creof Science with Theology in Christendulity, another Jew, Isaac Ben Soleidom," by Andrew D. White, late pres- Morning Post Prophesies More Ambulance Service -man, in Egypt was writing "On Food ident and professor of history at CorEquipped with Fnlmotor. Pogroms in Palestine. and Remedies," "On the Pulse," "On All Calls Answered Promptly. Fevers," "On Melancholy," "An Ir*-nell University. London (J. P. A.) The antiJOHN A. GENTLEMAN troduction to; Logic," «tc/. The titles Read Buckle's "History of Civiliza- Semitic "Morning Post" is unrelenttion in England." Read any good, 8411 Farnam St. Phone Harner 0392 of these works show- the clearness of ing in its attacks upon Jews. In non-sectarian history of the Middle a correspondence from its representthought that inspired them. Ages. ative in Egypt, the newspaper says Jewish physicians were iorbidden: American that Egypt is very much dissatisfied to treat Christian "paUents, or to have TIRES—TUBES—ACCKSSOBIE8 with growing Jewish influence in Christian employes.;:""• If you taink the Wet Wash Laundry Palestine. The Arabs of Egypt as human race backward now, which it 2808 Cuming. Harney G881 well as those of Palestine will, the certainly is, read.theKhistory of the One Day Service. No Extra. We carry a complete Bne of new ring gears, pinions, axle stiafts and paper threatens,- adopt proper measmiddle ages, and the very earliest Charges. Refinite Soft Water. springs for almost any make of car. ures to combat this influence, if centuries of Christianity. The old M. D. BICHMAX. Blannirer. 131S-1S30 West nrondwny, England does not change her Zionistic crone that brought a corpse, to life by COUNCIL BLCFFS. IOWA. policy. LADY CHIROPRACTOR lashing it with a snake will interest PHONE 444. In Active Practice Since 1910. you. And the story, much later of In addition to this article the King James and the witches will ex"Morning Post" also prints an editorDr. Frances H. Turner Phone Jackson 1680 Eat. 1891. plain the hatred of Jews whose scienial calling the attention of the British Office: Brandeis Theatre Bnlldlnc 17th and Donplns Streets. tific men explained phenomena by taxpayer to the fact that his money Phone Atlantic 3830 Joseph Polack & Son natural causes. Read this: is being used for militaristic purposes Wholesale Dealers In Batter, in Palestine and calls upon him not "When it was affirmed that Agnes and Poultry. to allow the government to squander Sampson, witth two hundred other 1313 Howard St. Omaha, Nebraska. his funds in Jewish interests. Scotch witches, had sailed in sieves from Leith to North Berwick to hold OCR TREATMENT TTIT,T. CO>"%TVCE voir o r OIK Omaha Office: 8t3 Douglas Street.
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