January 19, 1922

Page 1

VOL. n.—No. 6

• -as second-class mall matter on January 27th. 1921. at ' tO ?e^ at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1819.



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In Prizes Offered Four More States 5wing Into Action in Jewish Center l$250by This : Paper in to Hold Open I Subscription Contest National Appeal for Europe's Suffering; _ House Sunday 600 Leaders Pledge to Raise $7, Public Invited to Inspect Recreation Rooms on Third Floor of Lyric Building

HOUSE EVERY NIGHT THEREAFTER," SAYS CHAIRMAN OF, BOARD. The welcome sign is out at the Jewish Community Center, and every Jew in the city is invited to attend the reception and open-house on Sunday afternoon and evening of this week. The Board of Directors of the Jewish. Community Center announced today, through W. L. Holzman, chairm a ^ that everything was-in readiness to receive the members of the community. "All the new furniture and fittings are in place, all remodeling has been completed, and we want everybody who can to come on Sunday and see what' comforts and facilities we have provided for them. "We want the boys to see the gym, the girls to see our special girls' rest loom, and the grown up folks to inspect the parlor. "We want members of the various organizations to see our lodge and club rooms, and those who are inclined towards reading and study to enjoy our library. •We are planning our official openhpuse day for Sunday," continued Mr. Holzman, "but we expect to keep open house every day, and every evening. We want people to get into the habit of dropping into the Center for rest and recreation any time they are down town, and in addition we plan a series of entertainments and lectures f or the grown-ups."^ ^ through ~*Tne ish. Press" a cordial invitation to every member of the community to be with us-Sunday, from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, and from 8 to 10 in the evening," concluded Mr. Holzman. Other members of the Board appointed by Morris Levy, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, are Harry A. Wolf, Harry H. Lapidus, Henry Monsky, Leo Eosenthal, Isidor Ziegler, and Mesdames W. L. Holzman, K. Kulakofsky and H. A. Wolf, •with Mr. Levy and Dr. Philip Sher, president and vice-president respectively of the Federation, members exofficio. Leo Eosenthal and the Mesdames Holzman, Kulakofsky and Wolf are members of the house committee for the year 1922.



*f Have you clothes which you no longer use ? Send them to the iminigrants on Ellis Island. Have you tojys which, your children have discarded? Send them to the children on Ellis Island." This is the appeal which the Council of Jewish Women is making throughout all the cities of the country, in co-operation with its department of Immigrant Aid. A statement issued by the national executive office of the Council states that there is a great need for winter clothug among the immigrants who are detained on the island. Mrs. Frederick Cohn, president of the local section of the council, today issued an appeal to all women <;f Or*-1-- to help the national ouniii in this very hum—u' ~ian work. "We ask for those tfc'ngs only which yo i yourselves .nnot use, for clothing that *>as beco-.ie outgrown and for toys with--Whir*" your chiU'-^n no longer play. All bundles should be sent to the Jewish Comm ity Center before January 25, and they will be forwarded imiredi tely to New York."

Girls of Omaha and surrounding cities will have an opportunity, of earning vacation money through the big subscription contest to be conducted by "The Jewish Press" beginning January 25th. " Four prizes, totalling $250, are hereby offered by "The Jewish Press" to the girls who are victorious in the contest.. The prizes are $100,$75, $50 and $25 respectively;. The rules of the contest are simple. Any girl, or group of girls may enter. Renewals, as well as new subscriptions, will be counted in the-total. The contest will begin, on January 25th and Will end- at midnight on February. 15th. The subscriptions lists of "The Jewish Press" will be turned over to all contestants at the start of the contest. "The Jewish Press" has many subscribers in Council Bluffs, Lincoln, Sioux City and Des Moines, and girls in these cities are also eligible to enter. Entry blanks for the contest will be found on page 2 of this issue. Contestants must fill out this blank to qualify in the contest. Gut busy today, girls! Enroll in the contest, and earn some handy vacation money.

Arthur J. Balfour Reaffirms Faith in Jewish Palestine Author famous Zio ^ l a at British- Em Washington. STAND NOW WHERE STOOD IN 1917," HE DECLARES. Washington, January 12.—Arthur James Balfour, head of the British elegation to the Conference on the Limitation of Armaments, declared last night at the reception to the Zionist Organization of America, tendered at the British Embassy, that his belief in the success of the Zionist ideal was undijninished, and that the sentiments in favor of a Jewish Palestine were now the same as in November 1917, when he pronounced his now famous Declaration, pledging the support of the British Government to the upbuilding of the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine. "I stand now where I stood then," exclaimed Mr. Balfour in referring to his original promise of the British Government to facilitate tke establishment o! -the Jewish National Home. : , The reception was attended T>y over sixty representatives, Zionists from all parts of the conntry who cariie to pay tribute-to the British diplomat who was the first to proclaim the principle of the recreation df the Jewish Palestine.

British Chief Rabbi Denounces Silence on the Ukrainian Pogroms

One Hundred arid seventy-six cities in; New York, New_ Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island accept Chicago's Challenge at most successful conference so far held. "JIMMY" BECKER'S HARROWING REPORT OF CONPITIONS ABROAD, GAINED FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, INSTILLS SPIRIT OF INTENSE SACRIFICE INTO MEETING Six hundred delegates, representing one hundred and seventy-six cities in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island, have pledged themselves last Sunday tot raise one half of the $14,000,000 relief fund of the Joint Distribution Committee. . : ., In a telegram to "The Jewish Press," David A. Brown, national director-of the appeal, calls this New York zone conference the most successful so far held. By a. rising vote the delegates pledged themselves to accept Chicago's challenge, and to give of themselves and their means until the full amount of the q\jota has been raised. In accepting Chicago's challenge the delegates pledged themselves to exceed their quota by at least 20 per cent. Julius Rosenwald received a splendid ovation from the delegates, according to Mr. Brown, the cheering and applauding for this prince of philanthropists lasting over ten minutes. New York City's campaign for five million dollars will start on February 19. Of the many splendid addresses made at the meeting that of Lieut.

coming. I wish that I could talk to you, not in a large meeting, but in groups of two or thfee, where I could tell you intimately atane of the things that I have actually seen, and some of the things thai I lia've felt. We are asked often wfiy it is that we need so much money at this stage, and I wonder how; many of you realize that there arc today in East-

was receiving- supposedly the best food that it was.possible to obtain. What do you think that those poor people received if that is the food that I got? ' On three occasions (and nauseating as that fact is- to me I am ging to relate it to you just the same) I was served with rat," and I was elad to get it and."as you are talking here

I Here is one who speaks* from the abyss. Feeble her voice, faint and languishing, choked with sobs; yet powerful, comseQIng. For through this one speak thjpee Jumdred and fifty thousand V

Listen, then, to the life-story of Elka Tervitz: "In the village Opalin, 22 kilometers of .Lubomil in Wolhynia, the calamity befell us on the 22nd day of Ab in 1920. At nine o'clock in the morning the murderers, the Balachovtsi, came in and demanded money ojf my parents, who gave them away all their money. Then they proceeded to take my father to the slaughter. So my brother, 26 years old, interferred and said: 'Kill me and let my father; live.' And they replied that this cannot be, but they will slaughter us all. My family consisted of six persons—father, mother, one brother 26 vears old, one sister 19 years old, ai$ot|ier sister 9 years old, and I was then 13 years. They brought us to that accursed place and they started with my brother. Twice they hit him with a sabre upon his head. He stood yet upon his feet. Then they fired a revolver shot upon him. They then took my father. They hit him -wi&ra sabre upon his head, and he fell instantly. Then t3jey< cut my mother's throat, as they do in a slaughter-house. Then they took my sister, beat her with the sabre and, fired revolver shots at her. Then they shot my little • sister. They struck me with a sabre over my shoulder; they picked my shoulders with their bayonets and fired a shot. Then the murderers rode over our bodies. There is yet a cut on my head made by a horeshoe. But, most unfortunately for me, I remained alive, lying among the dead from Friday until Sunday. Then our Jews came ^frbm Lubomil and brought me to that town. There was no physi; " cian in Lubomil, so they took me to Moziev. There I lay for several months in the hospital. Then they sent me to the district hospital- at Kowel. Here I remained for two more months. Then" I Was told that they cannot cure me here, but that I must have Warsaw professors. • "From me, the unfortunate orphan, who has no one to "appeal to, but the well-known American Committee. "ELKA YERVITZ. • • "P. S.—The house and belongings that remained after their / plunder the Balachovtsi burned, and I am penniless and naked."

Trotzky Ex-Communicated by Jews at Father's Request "Jimmy" Becker was most responsi- ern Europe some three hundred thou- there are; hundreds of thousands. of


Berlin. (J. T. A.) Leon Ti»t2ky, Soviet Minister of War, has Been eX^ communicated -by the Jewish Community of Ekaterinoslav, his birthplace, at the instance of his aged father, Moses Bronstein, because lid is "an enemy of Judaism and a curse to humanity." . Assembled at the synagogue were all the devout Jews of the plafef, the father formally requesting thai tliS Ecclesiastical leaders place a ban upon his wayward son! The ban of the Soviet leader was accompanied by all the rites attending such grim occasions ,the horn being blown, and the .entire Congregation rising and denouncing. the accused. The aged mother, terrified by the blowing of the rain's horn,^ faitjted jand was revived with great difficulty, jthe accounts

Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Upon the completion of the investigation con-' ducted by representatives of the various ministries into the conditions of Jewish emigrants interned at emigration camps, the release of all refugees Has been ordered, none remaining at the »wosient moment.

Berlin. (J. P. A.) The local Jewish Kehilla at its last, session rtsolved that metal tablets bearing thte names of the Jewish soldiers who fell duri.ig the world war be placed in the synagogues situated in the sections where the men had previously resided.

ble for the enthusiasm and.the success of the conference. Jas. -H. Beck6r, son of a Chicago •millionaire, and still a mere youth, being Just 25 years of age, spent two years in" Poland and the Ukraine for the Joint Distribution Committee and the~ American Relief Administration. ' He gives a picture of conditions gleaned from his actual experiences in the horror regions. Lieut. Becker said in part: Several weeks ago Mr. H. G. Wells, in one of his articles, stated that more people would die this year than in any year during the. war. "Anyone who knows the situation in Eastern Europe realizes that that is only sad reality and not exaggeration." x I dislike very much to talk during times of campaign or at these conferences, because people seem to get the idea that one must exaggerate during theefe times, and I will assure you that it is an impossibility to exaggerate. If I could only convey to yotl 'conditions just one-tenth as bad as they actually are in Eastern Europe) I would be more than glad because I realize that if I could do this, all the money that we needed' and that we" need now would be forth-

sand Jewish war and pogrom orphans.- Of these, we hope eventually to have between fifty thousand and one hundred thousand at the most, only one-third, on the boooks of our committee, and that means these children have nothing between them and starvation except what we can provide for them. What Starvation Really Means. And when I say STARVATION, I don't use your language. I don't mean Hunger, and I don't mean Privation, and I don't mean Want, but I mean STARVATION!!! You have all come from a comfortable Sunday morning breakfast. I wonder how many of you would have felt as if some great hardship had been inflicted on you if you had been forced to eat a piece of horse meat. Do you know that sometimes for a week,— of ten-times for two weeks, and on one occasion for three weeks I had two meals a day coonsisting of one slice of horse meat. No bread, no batter, no potatoes, no vegetables —nothing but horse meat. I was with Mr. Hoover's organization and with the Joint Distribution Committee, with an American organization. I

Leading Young Business Man and Communal Worker Passes Away ^Wednesday. LOSS MOURNED BY THOUSANDS WHOM HE BEFRIENDED. The deep sense of loss which this c o m m u n i t y experienced yesterday in the news of the sudden death of Edward Simon is growing more poignant hourly. Stricken at. the fullness of manhood's powers, 'at the age of 35. Ed Simon leaves behind him a record* of communal and

Orphans Adopted at Rate of One a Minute by I. O.B.B. Members Pledges of $600 Follow Impassioned Relief Appeal by Harry Lapidus.

One Who Speaks From the Abyss thousand times as many cry out to the world for help.

LONDON, Jan. 11.—At the . cond annual conference of the Federation of Ukrainian Jews, the Very Rev. Joseph H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire; called attention to the "astonishing fact in the moral history of contemporary humanity that one of the blackest pages in the annals of man has just closed, and yet the world knows next to nothing of the unspeakable horrors and infinite crimes perpetrated against the Jewish people." Dr. Hertz declared that 1,000,000 human beings had been butchered and that for three ;ears 3,000,000 persons in the Ukraine had been made to ''pass through the horrors of hell," and that hardly a word of these facts had appeared in-the newspapers. The voice of the Jewish community, Dr. Hertz continued, had not been raised as it should have been, and it was humiliating to find the apathy and callousness with which certain secti:ns of Jewry had faced this disaster.

Active Career of Edward Simon Halted by Death

people who would give anything in the world to. receive a piece of horse meat. T » _ . .. Children Who Had Luxuries. Ladies, and gentlemen, I am not appealing for children who are children of lazy pepplf, ,who _are in tieir present condition through "no fa«lt of their own, -I. am appealing for children of people who occupy in their communities just the same positions that you ladies and gentlemen occupy in this and other communities. I am speaking for children who have had of ten not only the necessities of life but the luxuries of life and who over night have.found themselves in this terrible situation. and I.believe that it ought to be the privilege, not only the duty, of every right thinking person to. come to their assistance. . You ask again, "How can we use so much money?" Have you stopped to realjie that there are, outside of the present Russians, some 500,000 Jewish refugees? Do you lenoow.what it means on six hours, - or twelve hours notice, or never more . than twenty-four liours notice to be told (Continued on page 2)

EDWARD SIMON. CHAS. SHIMMEL, NEW MEMphilanthropic activities rarely BER, STARTS BALL I equalled by one so' ; ybu^jf. -RtJLLING. ! Thoughts of what this man It *ook jus£l'6jninutes to adopl 'might have" done tot "tHe of Europe's Jewish orphans at the further benefit of those Ifesft meeting of the B'nai B'rith lodge here fortunate than he, had he been Sunday afternoon. Sixty members of spared .to live his full three the order, many of whom had just score years and ten, but deepen been initiated, pledged $1600 to ap- the tragedy of his early deathi ply on the $2,500 quota of the lodge Friends and acquaintances without in the task undeitaken by the I. O. number mourn his loss. Countless B. B. of caring for 1,000 orphans widows and orphans whom he beduring the coming year. friended in the course of his active political and communal life, are A Complete Surprice. mourners today, unaware of their The pledging of this money came grief, for th'e' influence of his deeds as a complete surprise to officers of radiated into spheres far distance the lodge. The occasion was the an- from himself. * nual B'nai B'rith day of the lodge, at Fought for Mother's Pensions. which 57 new members were initiated. Appeals of whatever kind were to His most distinctive contribution tii have had no place on the program. the welfare of the people of thid The meeting was to have been given state, was his successful fight fot over entirely to the business of the the passage of the Mothers' Pension Law, while a member of the State lodge. Legislature during 1913-15. During However, in explaining to the new this term, too, he sponsored the members the philanthropic work of Women's Suffrage bill, and was a the international order of B'nai B'rith, Harry Lapidus, active worker (Continued on page 2) in the order, drew a vivid and compelling picture of the life of Jews in Central Europe, and urged his auditors to pledge liberally, to the coming relief appeal. Hardly had the applause subsided, before Chas. Shimmel, newly-initiated member, started CITY LAWYERS ASK IT BE SUPthe storm of pledges with the cry, PRESSED THERE. . "Why wait until we're asked? Let's ("The Clilcagro Tribune.") give now!", and made a substantial A document filed in' the Circuit pledge. Checks and cash totalling $500 were given to Harry Malashock, court by attorneys for the city of treasurer of the orphans fund, before Chicago, charges that Parley W* Johnson, local circulator of the Dearthe conclusion of the meeting. born Independent, has conspired With Henry Pord/E. J. Liebold, and W. THREE DEATHS concerned in the publicaIN COMMUNITY WITHIN I.tionCameron, of the magazine to engage in ONE WEEK propaganda against' the Jews which Three deaths occured within the "will prove disastrous" not only to community from last Thursday to this Wednesday. Harry Lincoln, Mrs. the Jews,-but to all citizens of the Jacob Spiesberger and Ed Simon United States.; The document, written by First passed away within the week. Assistant Corporation Counsel James Harry Lincoln, 83, son of Mr. and W. Breen, is ah answer to the bill for Mrs. H. Lincoln, 719 S. 35th Ave., s permanent injunction filed by John* died Sunday, following a brief illson to restrain Chief Fitzmorris from ness. Burial was held Tuesday. Mrs. Minnie Spiesberger, forty, prohibiting by police order the sale wife of Jacob Spiesberger, died Wed- of the magazine in Chicago. Must Not Generate Hatreds nesday evening, following an operation. Burial will be held from the "This propaganda will affect disasresidence, 5114 Underwood Ave., at trously and prejudiciously all citizens and residents of the United States 10:30 Friday morning. who enjoy civil liberty and who only Kovno, Dec 2.—(J. T. A.) A Jew- enjoy such liberties as long- as a spirit ish student of mathematics here has of toleration and mutual amity among; become insane following months of the people continues and rannot posclose study of Prof. Einstein's Theory sibly endue if religions hatreds, race, and group antagoism arc generated, of Relativity. become rife and assume the forms of The young student applied himself to this science by day and nig-ht un- public manifestations and demonstratil he finally realized he was unable tions," the document states. • to grasp the intricacies of the theory. A temporary injunction against the This is said by specialists to have city, obtained by attorneys for Johnson is now in foree. caused him to lose bis mind.

Ford's Weekly Menace to Chicago, Court is Told


jiftfti* *"f1>4 Y?3l

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1922 The command, "Thou shalt have no Editor of the Jewish Press, Omaha. other gods before me," (Ex. 20:3) is F<»r the information of your readfundamental in Christian Science. In (Continued from page 1.) ' Published ivery Thursday *t Omahi. Nebraska* by ers, I wish to call attention to the attributing to God all power and life, . . THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, jrecent death of Saint Saens, who died that every Jew in a certain district here and now, Christian Science rises Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. will have to evacuate? Do you know to the-heights of ^iritual, or religi- December 16, 1921. Camille Saint Warsaw. (Jewish Press AssociaSaens was a French Jew a protege of Burning at the Stake Proposed what it means when old men and old ous, devotion. Subscription Price, one year.. tion.)—Rumors are current in local Listz, the composer of the opera as Solution of Jewish Problem. women and little children and pregAdvertising rates furnished on application. Since it eschews material cause and Samson and Delila," and the greatBudapest. (J. T. A.) A rabid anti- political circles to the effect that the nant mothers are obliged to leave in effect and rests its demonstrations NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicathe hottest summer and the coldest Jewish speech, the like of which has League of Nations will adopt special entirely on spiritual understanding est pianist ami composei of our time. tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. for the protection of homeFor reference see the American Enwinter and travel by foot for hun-not been delivered within the memory lmeasures ess and obedience to God, its followers of any Hungarian Deputy, was made refugees. It is expected that a cyclopedia of Music and Musicians. dreds of miles and carry with them CHANGE OF ADpRESS—Please give both the old and new address: happily find themselves being steadib* «ore and «lgra yotir same. . only what they can carry on their on the floor of the Parliament yester- special commissary will be appointed ly freed from dependence on the phyJ. Richards, 2212 Burdette street. Poland who will render political backs? Yet that is the situation in day, when Deputy Hegedues frankly a*°r i dt o immigrants passing through sical and securely planted on the firm large sections of Lithuania and Lat-proposed burning Jews at the stake as a solution of the Jewish problem. Polish territory. Authorities on im-foundation of Truth and ove. via and certain sections of Poland. Instead of looking to creed and Do you realize that in Russia there The Deputy cited the precedent of migration will be consulted on ways idi the th immigrant. i i t dogma, the inspiration in Christian means offaiding are upwards of one million refugees Tyrnau where a few centuries ago & Science is the substantial one of love who are homeless and shelterless? the Jews were burned by their MaA great danger confronts the Jews means at their command, it presents for God and man. "He hath showed You ask how that is and how such a gyar forefathers. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. of America at the present time in the very forcibly to the Jews of America thee, O man, what is good; and what thing is possible, and the answer is Liberalism in dealing with the Jews Also kindling delivered. various missionary enterprises con- the question as to whether the proJews and Christian Science. doth the Lord require of thee, but to a simple but a horrible one. It is only prepares the way for pogroms ducted by a number of denominations jects are to be allowed to go on unTalk over your building merely because of pogroms. against Christians, Deputy Hegedues The article appearing In our igxue of do justly, and to love mercy, and to to convert the Jews to Christianity. challenged or whether effective measDecember 8, lO.il, entitled "Jews anil problems with us. walk humbly with thy God." (Micah Do you know that there are whole said, and if tht Hungarian people are Christian Science," was a reprint from All the facts point to the conclusion ures are' to be formulated to counteran editorial in the "Detroit Jewish 6:8.) to defend themselves against vioareas in Southern Russia as large as Chronicle." This letter la printed that the danger is a real and immi- act the effects of these efforts. Micklin Lumber & Wrecking Co. lence by Jews, they must turn to merely to give »ur readers a view »f Lester B. McCoun, nent one. The argument sometimes the other side, and without thoiifrkt Every fair and open-minded person the State of New Jersey having but ; anti-Semitism. of entering into controversy upon the 24th and Burdette Sts. a single doctor administering to the Christian Science Committee on advanced that these enterprises have must admit that all these "missions matter.—Editor "Jewish Prtsv" It is remarkable that the Deputy needs of a population during the Tel: Webster 5555 never resulted in any appreciable to Jews" constitute an impertinent Publication for Nebraska. number of so-called conversions has and offensive intrusion on the rights times of epidemic? Do you realize was allowed to finish his violent at- Editor of the Jewish Press, Omaha: no validity. It is probably true, so of the latter to the undisturbed and that there are anywhere from two tack, the admonishing of the SpeakKindly permit me to comment on far as past efforts go. But in this uninterrupted exercise of their re- hundred and fifty to five hundred er who interrupted him repeatedly portions of an article appearing in country these efforts have hitherto ligion. Their mere presence is an of-thousand people who are depending with the warning not to slander the your paper oZ December 8, entitled been sporadic and meagre. The en-fense against the canons of fair play on one single, miserable hospital ? Jewish people, notwithstanding. "Jews and Christian Science." Of 8 Come to the f terprises now under way are aggres- and a decent regard for the rights of Under these conditions, how many Christian Scientists general it is Danzig. (J. P. A.—By mail.) Large sive, well organized, backed by sub-others. The guarantees of liberty of of you can picture the condition of •in stated "they have come to restantial funds, and therefore capable conscience carry with them by neces- the Children? Unfortunately, I can, transports of cement leave this city as a religion, a cult which from of doing an infinite amount of posi- sary implication, freedom from the because I have seen them in these hos- regularly for Palestine. The export the medical standpoint may have certive harm to the morale of Jewish intrusion of efforts to weaken any de-pitals. I have traveled in Southern of this material, great quantities of tain just claims to consideration." children, so far as their relation to nomination by active attempts to Russia, in mid-winter and you don't which are needed for building pur-W l t l s e c l a l poses, is carried on through Jewish \ P reference to those who their own and their parents' religion draw its votaries from their allegi- know what it is to be cold unless you are Jews racially but vho have beis concerned, even if it does not lead ance. The fact that this right to behave made those trips. The railroads merchants in this city. come Christian' Scientists religiously to the conversion of a considerable free from such impertinent, discour- have .been destroyed. One must travel th " J i d e reads, "we regret that a j nuniber of them. Those of us whoteous and unfair attempts cannot be either by sleigh or by wagon. I .wore London. (Jewish Press Associa- c u l* January ZV, V1LL Admission $ 1 . 1 0 t Professor Chaim Weizman (Chnstjan Science) which is esthink that these mischievous and dan- enforced by legal proceedings, does the warmest equipment it was possi- tion.) gerous enterprises can be safely ig- not alter their offensive nature. We ble to boy, th3 heaviest overcoat, has left for Cannes to be present *?ntially physical should seem suff l e n t t o re lace t h a t f a l t h P <J«daism) nored are making a lamentable mis- are not "lost sheep" or any other kind sweater, fur coat and six blankets at the next session of the Supreme " £ j which is essentially and altogether take. In this connection an editorial of sheep, unless we patiently allow and still at the end of a day's trip ! Vl '\ I :•*'!••: :»M«nn'Hcontained in the Moody Bible Insti- these enterprises to go on without would be numb with cold. And yet, Local Zionist and Jewish-political s P i r i t u a l " U 1S t r u e t h a t In this eriod t h e tute Monthly for December demon- making effective and systematic ef- this is the picture that I found when circles entertain the hope that with P strates the activity of the missionary forts to counteract and nullify their I visited these hospitals. I found be- the ratification of the treaty with m a J ° " t y of those attracted to Christ i a n S c l e n c e s e e k h e a l t h a n dt h e a r e ' * projectors. It asserts: "For some baneful work. The statement of thecause the railroads had been de- Turkey at the Cannes conference of m expecting some evidence they time past a feelirg has been growing Moody Institute is not the only evi- stroyed they did not have the possi- the League of Nations, the political ™ght can * " " * i n Proof o f God>s suPremamong Christian Jews and also among dence at hand as to what is going bility of transporting either coal or situation of Palestine will greatly acy here and now. They soon learn, Gentile Christians engaged in Jew-on in this "evangelization move- firewood and as a result they had noimprove. however, that the primary purpose of ish evangelization that the time was ment. The literature on the subject heat and although I left on my coat Is a Happier Home t I was shivering with cold. They were so far as it concerns the present enConstantinople. (J. T. Agency.) 15 Christian Science is to spiritualize ripe for a forward movement in one 1 and a Safer Ons day to bring the gospel of Christ to terprise is large, and is constantly obliged to seal the windows in order officers who have been here since the ^ t ^ f ^ ! j " ^ ' ! * ^ J ^ ^ f l " to keep out as much of the cold air growing, and therefore he who runs debacle of General Wrangel were arOne of tfre most important Inthe lost sheep of the house of Israel. as possible, but they had neither soap rested by the fluences -werklng towaTd a to- Science textbook, "Science and Health the British police here, to "Hitherto a hindrance to greater may read. well rounded and happy home nor disinfectants and as a result, the public Jew-baiting. They ; *" i t h K e y *° t h e Scriptures," by Mary day, for progress in that direction has been Argument with those who are back is a Savings Account. Jt odor was so awful I could scarcely d of making an attempt to B a k e r Eddy' a r e t h e s e *ords: " the lack of proper training on theof these various moveme..ij is pract h e start a pogrom with their cries of the spirituaMzation of thought and remain five minutes at a time and We pay 4% interest, com*Piritualiration of thought and part of missionaries to the Jews, tically ussless. A combination of arChristianization of daily life, in conpounded quarterly, in our yet, when I went around from bed to 'Kill the Jews and Save Russia!' rogant assumption of superiority to both Jewish and Gentile. Only com-* Savings Department, and detrast with the results of the ghastly bed—and when I say bad, do not paratively few have been fully equal all Jews, and anything they may say, posits made on or before the think of a bed such as you have in Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Intena- farce of material existence; it is tenth of the month draw into the difficult task, which on thewith absolute ignorance of Jewish c hast ty a n dp u r i t y in c ntras with your modern hospitals—of a white terest for the entire month. tional Jewish Athletic Ascociation, , f ' ° * intellectual side calls for a knowledge teacmngs and ideals renders these enameled bed, immaculate white known in most countries as the "Mac- the downward tendencies and earthof-Hebrew, of Jewish history, Rab- people impervious to any argument sheets and pillow cases—that isn't cabeans," is planning to hold a sports w a r d S r a v i i a t i o n o f sensualism and binic literature and the Yiddish dia- from the Jewish standpoint. Neither Open a Savings Account With Us Today what I mean. I think of wooden Olympia here. Invitations have been ™P»«ty. * * « * r e a " y attest the lect, not to mention Messianic pro- can those who support these "movehorses, across, which ,are stretched d i v m e o r i g i n a n d o p e r a t l on of Chrisextended to Jewish athletic and sports phecy with its Jewish interpretation ments be appealed to. They are perbare boards. No mat&resgesv just-at AH deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors aiiij the refutation of it from the sistently misled and misinformed by orga^iiitiops |(W w*rld over. Inter- taan Sc 'ence." best a gunny sack filled with straw, Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska est among Jews here in the forthiChristian standpoint. Of course, an men in whom they place implicit and perhaps one thin blanket. And coming meeting is great, and the local trust. Therefore the only method of 'evangelical background is essential BUY SAFE meeting these efforts that promises when I went around from bed to bedcommunity is expected to erect a speto it all. I would see two, three, four, up to '£The Moody Bible Institute has the any results is, as we have frequently five children in a single bed. No milk, cial stadium. background, and has long desired to pointed out, the multiplication of no proper food-stuffs, I would go I add a Jewish department to its eriu- agencies for Jewish religious educa- from ward to ward and would often 18th and Parnam Streets Rome (J. T. A.) Deputy Luzzato Our guarantee and our word is tion in every locality in which the cataonal work, but the opportune see children with one arm cut off, or as good as a bond. has lost his seat in the Italian ParD. W. Geiselman, President D. C. Geiselman, Cashier*. missionary enterprises are to be | I time has not seemed to arrive till We have satisfied hundreds of M. M. Kroflh, Assistant Cashier. found. Not by quarreling and con-! a leg cut off, one with an eye gouged liament following the bankruptcy of; your • now." friends. i The editorial then proceeds to de-tention, which have never been Jew- | out, with bodies having dozens of the great financial institution which 1 ••t-1,.t,.T->-M..t ,j^M.;-M..!.frM"M->>!"M"H ^ 'tail the steps which are being taken ish methods of displaying religious wounds inflicted during these mas- was headed by him and two other Jews: Olivetti and Bondi. The to enable the Institute to engage in loyalty, but by instruction and study sacres. bankruptcy of this house, known as And Even Now. this work, and makes a plea for can this danger be averted. The in1514 Dodge Street. the Ilva, involves hundreds of families struction should be in the form which And ——Phone: Douglas 5619 you ask me why I tell you funds to help it along, I • The Institute is located in Chicago, Jewish children are anxious and will- about these hospitals, these pogroms, and millions of lires. " and is an aggressive and influeptial ing to receive. And it should have and Kitaigorod.—Because they are institution. In adding its resources back of it the moral influence of bad, unusual ? Not at all. I am tellto those of the missionary enterprises teachers who know how to attract the ing you about the average case in to the Jews which at least three of young folks and make them willing average Russian communities today. the leading Protestant denominations participants in the course of instruc- There are hund reds of worse pogroms than than I have told you are now undertaking with 'arge tion.—The Jewish Exponent. about, but I am trying to tell you about the average case, in the average A Friend of Children. ACTIVE CAREER I hereby enter "THE JEWISH PRESS" Subscription community. I could go on taking to He was a 32° Mason, pastOF EDWARD SIMON you for a number of hours about conContest (January 25th to February 15 h, 1922) and HALTED BY DEATH president of the Omaha Hebrew ditions in Eastern Europe, but it agree to abide by the rules g-overnii g the award (Continued from page 1) Camp, Modern Woodmen of America would merely be a recital of one horof prizes. ani has served as vice-president of rible event after another, one series staunch 'supporter of the Honest the Omaha Hebrew Club. He was of horrible crimes after another and Elections legislation. He introduced one of the founders of "The Jewish there is no object in that, but I do NAME: : and carried to passage the AntiPress". Active in social service work, want you to realize this, that while ! Shark Loan Bill. his time and energies were always During the war he was an out-at vhe disposal of. gome one in we are talking here, while we are ADDRESS: j- standing figure in the appeals made distress. He was f specially interest- wasting words, old men and old womIf entering as representative of a club or organization give (then, and was especially active in ed in and cpneerned with the welfare en and little children are dying, are name of same here the United War- Work Campaign of .of children. He was a powerful and starving, are rotting, for the lack of food-stuffs, and if there is one mes1918, before his own entry. into the spirited public speaker. . sage that I want you to take away, service. Practically every Jewish Club A graduate of Drake University it is this: "Suppose your children boy from this city who was under arms remembers tlie many ' gift Law School, at Des . Moines, Ed were starving? Suppose you were $45.00 Suits and J40.00 Suits and packages which came to him, all col-Simon pracitced law in Omaha for starving?" Overcoats, f six years, and was active in city Overcoats, lected and distributed through the now at now at and state politics. Retiring from almost unaided efforts of Ed Simon. this field, he became associated with |60.00 Suits and Renewals, as well as new subscriptions, will be counted in totals. $50.00 Suits and An Intensive Jewish Worker. his brothers, Jake, Louis and Max Overcoats, Overcoats, 49C I SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED His best and most intensive work Simon, in the wholesale grocery now at now at ..._ «P(&U.l Mr. Ted Waxman of the Lincoln BY CASH OR CHECK. was done in Jewish causes. No Jew- business. $75.00 Suits and Grain Company has been elected $65.00 Suits and Minimum subscriptions for First Prize ($100.60) 800 ish appeal was made, in which Ed He is survived by his parents, Mr. Overcoats, C ^ 9 CA Overcoats, Minimum subscriptions for Second Prize .($ 75.00) 225 Simon did not take a prominent part. and Mrs, B. Simpn, 129 N. 33rd St., vice-president of the Lincoln Grain Exchange. now at *«I/&«UU now at Minimum subscriptions for Third Prize ($50.00) i.....l50 Eleven years ago he organized the three brothers and four sisters, Mrs. Rabbi Jacob Singer addressed the Three Other Groups From Other Good Makers: Minimum subscriptions for Fourth Prize ($25.00) _ 75 Council Bluffs lodge of the Independ- Abner Kaiman and Mrs. Morris members of the Hebrew Educatioril $25.00 Suits and I 130.00 Suits and ent Order of B'rtai B'rith, and wasFrieden of Omaha, and Mrs. Harry Club on Sunday evening in the interThe contest ends at midnight, February 15th. A f A p A ! Overcoats, CIL fin its first president. From that time Block and Mrs. I. Hirshberg of est of the $14,000,000 European relief $1Z.5U I now at $1O.UU on her became a leading figure in Houston, Texas. The funeral will drive. $35.00 Suits and E'nai B'rith work in this city and be held at 10:30 Friday morning A Temple benefit party will be givOvercoats, C17 throughout, this entire district. It from his parents home, following en on Monday evening, 'January 23, PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. now at $1 I . was Ed Simon who was most re- public services at 9:00 o'clock from at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman SPECIAL NOTICE —DURING THIS SALE NO C. O. D.'s. sponsible for raising the $8000 con- Stack and Falconer's parlors. Speier. The evening will be spent in SO APPROVALS, NO KEFUNDS. ALL SALES FINAL. tributed by Omaha for the Antiplaying cards and in dancing. A LIMIT OF TWO SUITS AND ONE OVERCOAT TO A Defanation League in its fight against SOVIETS EXECUTING The children of the Sunday school CUSTOMER. POSITIVELY NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. ; Henry Ford's anti-Semitic propaganPOGROM MAKERS of Temple Bnai Jeshurun will stage A SMALL CHARGE MADE FOR ALTERATIONS. da. He, too, was a leading worker Reval, Jan. 15.—(J. T. A.) Peas- a carnival at the Temple on Thursin' securing the $5000 loaned by ants whose participation in the recent day evening, January 7. . tuius Omahans to European; 'Bnai B'rith pogroms at xv-aygorod, provinces of COMPANY i3th.*r,d Mrs. Carl Weil and son, Billie, left ; members .^suffering from 4he war. A Kiev, has been established, have been on Sunday, for Houston, Texas, where FARNAN smonK uaotsr u n u w m e lEwum member -':<Sf; every important com- tried • and sentenced to be shot by athey will spend a month with Mrs. IMuyUS UMI ml JOHN* »W*M»OH.>"» ,jtRNA M AT nrrfenTH STmittee of the B'nai B'rith.at some revolutionary tribunal at Winitza, a Weil's mother, Mrs. A. S. Fo*\ OMAHA. period of his activities, ,he was onereport from. Kiev states. 67 Jews Mrs. David Turnbalt of St. Louis, CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN of the outstanding figures of the are reported to have killed in Mo., was the house guest of Mr. and COMMERCIAL PRINTERS-LITHOGRAPHERS - STEEL DIE EMBOSSERS local lodge,- . . — — - -• the massacre. boose \x.Ae pevices ' *^rs. Morris Polsky.






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"The Jewish Press '

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1922 Airs. H. Ziegman entertained on be the Mesdames, A. Gilinsky, L. Miss Molly Saltzman returned Koolish and will make their future ATHLETICS Monday afternoon at cards for Mrs. Bernstein and ML Bernstein. Saturday from Sioux City, la,, where home." William Slosburg of Los Angeles, she has been visiting during the past ATHLETICS. Mrs. Wm. Slosberg of Los Angeles, The Hebrew Educational club will two weeks. Calif. Prizes were won by Mrs. B. The YMHA and Thorpeian Ath- hold its regular meeting Monday Calif., will leave for her home on Ross and Mrs. G. Wineberg. letic club teams stepped up another evening at the home of Marian Monday after having spent sevc al Miss Carrie Rosenthal of Norfolk, weeks here with her sister, Mrs. A. notch towards the first position in Cohen. Officers for the ensuing term THORPEIAN NEWS. Nebr., is visiting with her relatives Rosenberg. the Commercial league at the Y. M. will be installed. The basketball team has shown a in Council Bluffs and Omaha. C. A. Wednesday evening, when both COHN-LEWIS teams defeated their opponents. The wedding of Miss Sarah Lewis, Miss Libby Minken will entertain complete reversal of form in the Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Krasne reThe Junior Auxiliary of the With the victory of the Y. M. H. A. turned last Wednesday from their Council of Jewish Women will holdj daughter of Mrs. J* Lewis and Mr. 12 guests at a bunco party at her last two games losing a hard fought If you want to hear some David Cohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- home on Friday evening compli- one to Council Bluffs by an 8 to 6over the Western Electric team by wedding trip and are now making its regular meeting this evening at real music come and hear seph Cohn of Ottuma, Iowa, will be mentary to her sister, Miss Rose score and winning from the McKen- a score of 19 to 6, the Y team and their home in the Oakland Court. the home of Miss Freida Goldberg. solemnized on Sunday evening, Jan- Minken and Miss Mary Yabross, who ney Dentists by 16 to 4. The benefits the World Herald team are tied for Mrs. Krasne was formerly Miss of gym accomodations are beginning second place. Mrs. P. H. Koolish and children uary 22 at the Blackstone hotel in attend the University of Nebraska. Esthyr Levitt of Des Moines, la. to tell as evidenced by the great will leave o. Monday for Los Angeles the presence of two hundred guests. The Thorpeian Athletic club easily Mrs. Harry Cohen entertained for California, where they will .'oin Mr. Rabbi M. N. Taxon will officiate. defeated the McKenney DentisJ team Mr. Edwin Kirschbaum left on teamwork in the last game. The new administration has set out by a score of 16 to t, the Thorpeians Mrs. F. Liberman Saturday at a one Miss Lewis has chosen the follow- Friday for Los Angeles, Calif. with the intention to do things. Short moving up into third place. o'clock luncheon at the Brandeis at the ing attendants: Mrs. Joseph Lewis, Mrs. Flora Rosenstock will enterEj eeches by the new officers as well Renaissance rooms, followed by an matron of honor, Miss Bess Cohn, maid of honor, and the Misses Mollie tain at bridge at her home on Satur- as other members at the last meeting The B'nai Israel Basketball team Orpheum party. day afternoon. stressed greater co-operation and a defeated the Cass Athletic Club at January 29th Oland and Sarah Toubes of Des Mrs. J. R. Marcus entertained more active term for the non-parti- the Jewish Community Center last Kelpine's Dancing Academy Moines will be the bridesmaids. Mr. Sunday afternoon for twelve guests Joseph Lewis, the brother of the Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich is con- cipating in the club's activities. Paul night, in an exciting contest, by a at a bridge party. Konecky, the new athletic director, score of 34 to 24. bride, will be the master of cerem- fined to her home by illness. has outlined some athletic activities onies, and Mr. Joseph Lewis of Des The outstanding star of the game Mrs. J. Krasne entertained the Now Playing Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wiseman and the first to be a handball tourna- for the B. I. was H. Segelman, Auction Bridge club last Thursday Moines will act as best man. The Messrs. Aaron Lewis and Dr. Sol children, Ida and Albert, motored in ment in which the membership is tocaptain of the team, who made eight afternoon. Mrs. W. Slosburg of Los Ravitz will be the ushers. Master last nig-ht from Hastings, Nebr., to engage en masse. Members who where baskets, while Nitz and Adelson Angeles, Calif., was the honored Alfred Shanberg will be the ring be the house-guests of Mrs. Wise- absent at the last meeting should featured at guard. guest. man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. arrange to attend next Wednesday, bearer. MIMEOGRAPH as the entertainment committee has Many out-of-town guests from Olander for several weeks. a pleasant surprise in store for the Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Des Moines, Ottumwa, Davenport and and club. Muscatine, Iowa, are expected to be News has been received of the Phoiw 104. CIRCULAR WORK Presented by Win. Fox death of Mr. Herbert Rosenthal of At the last regular meeting of the present at the the wedding. the Best of Everything In Flowers and YM & YWHA NEWS. Jewish Sisterhood of Council Bluffs, • Mr. and Mrs. Cohn will leave for a Philadelphia on Sunday. Mrs. RosenConfections at Moderate Prices. The love romance of the 322 Peters Trust Building. Thirty-five girls, aged from 10 to plans were made for the annual' 545 W. Broad way. Next Liberty Theater. three weeks' wedding trip to Chicago thai was formerly Miss Martha Hadra most beautiful woman the 14 years, are members of the Junior of this city. I Tel. Atlantic 0944. COCNCU. BLCFF8. IOWA. dance, which will be given Tuesday and Ottumwa. world has ever known. Girls Gym Class, of the YWHA, evening, February 21. Proceeds of Complimentary to Miss Lewis, Miss Mollie Oland entertained twenty •The Priscilla Club will be enter- which met for the first time last this dance will go towards the upguests at the Brandeis tea rooms at tained next Thursday afternoon at Thursday afternoon at the Jewish keep of the City Talmud Torah. The Community Center. Miss Bessie second of the series of card parties a luncheon last Saturday. Mrs. Jo- the home of Mrs. J. Gilinsky. Greenberg is director, with Miss which is being given by members seph Lewis was hostess to sixteen of the SiEterhood, was held Wednesguests at a bridge-luncheon at the Rabbi Frederich Cohn will address Ethel Greenberg, pianist. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fontenelle hotel last Thursday. Many the ioung People's Society of the The Progresse and Yowoheas Clubs B. Harding. friends surprised Miss Lewis at her First Central r-i^greji.tionai Church, home last Tuesday with a miscellane- 36th and Harney, on Sunday evening will meet Sunday afternoon, and the S«ven DRTB Starting Saturday tj: X. T. C. Club will meet on Tuesday at 5:30 on "Zionism." ous shower. A public card party will be given ZANE GREY'S night, at the Jewish Community Wednesday afternoon for the benefit Mrs. Chonfarber and Mrs. A. Herz- Center. Mrs. Carl Studna of Kansas City, of the Council of Jewish Women, at Mo., is visiting here with her parents, berg left for Columbus and Cleveland, Hi the home of Mrs. A. Gilineky, 725 Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal. She will Ohio, to visit with their son andThe Cub Scouts of the YMHA Mynster street. The hostesses will brother, Mr. Chonfarber, for several ha\ donated their entire treasury remain for two weeks. Places this beautiful weeks. "rr«- TTerzberg WJJ* then leave (5.00) to the Jewish Welfare Federa- Q r « f « n o l a in your Mrs. M. Goldenberg entertained for New York City to join her hus'home. Thl« model, onfy tion. Twenty-five nine to twelve several guests at a bridge-luncheon band, Mr. Herzberg. $85. Other models at year old boys belong to this club, at the Fontenelle on Wednesday. $100, $125, $150 and under the leadership of John Beber. Mrs. J. J. Slosburg, Jr., entertained ::: Chiropodist and Beauty 1175. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taxman and son at a bridge-luncheon at the Athletic Last Sunday these Scouts hiked to Shop A romance of outlawry •« Marvin'of Eldorado, Kansas, will ar- Club on Wedi day, complimentary Camp Gifford and back. They meet Established 1SD0 m Select and Buy in the border country. **' Iff rive on February 1 to be the guest of to Mrs. William Slosburg of Los every Friday afternoon at the Jewish 15th and Hnrnry Xtreeta. A few records. Pay $1 fhonr Doairlax 3333 Mrs. Taxman's mother, Mrs. J. Mil- Angeles, Calif. Community Center. There are t» bind the contract der. vacancies for five additional members. and we will deliver this Mrs. Carrie Livingston will leave beautiful machine at A regular meeting of the Hatikvoh on Saturday night for Chicago to atAt the meeting of the Runa Club once. Begin payments Club will be held on January 22 at tend the wedding of her son, Elvin of the YMHA on Tuesday night a February 15th, 4sJ •- -— the Jewish Community Center. Each to Miss Conine Hornbein, which is contribution of $5.00 was made to girl is requested to bring a thimble, scheduled for January 5. the Jewish Welfare Federation. This • some needles and a spool of white club was organized a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kadner, forThe Columbia Grafonola thread, to hem handkerchief squares merly of Dallas, Texas, are the guests The first Association dance in the Has many ticltuire features, sraonx them the "for the hospitals in Palestine. ton-set automatic stop. Stops automatically At this meeting an election of of-of Mrs. Kadner's" mothfcr, Mrs. Lon- new hall of the Jewish Community when the selection to finished. It has many ficers will be held. All girls between don. Mrs. London entertained at her Center will be held on Saturday •>ther exclusive features. the ages of 15 and 17 are invited home on Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. evening, January 28. Kadner. to attend. YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. January Records Now on Sale In the afternoon of February 1, A regular meeting of the Fairies On Sunday afternoon, the Ra-Oth Society will meet at the home of Rabbi Frederick Cshn will discuss for of Zion was held on January 8 at Miss Esther Zalk. The guests of the American Association of Univer- the Jewish Community Center. Ida honor will be Miss Rose La Salle of sity Women at the Burgess-Nash Tenenbaum and Flora and Pearl Cleveland, Ohio; Miss Alice Lebo of Auditorium, "Hungry Hearts," by Fellman furnished the entertainment. Our New Location. Ruth Black was admitted as a Minneapolis; Miss Dworsky and Mrs. Anzia Yezierska. 1514-16-18 Dodge St. ^ M l i ^ Phone Douglas 1623. Carl Studna of Kansas City, The Council of Jewish Women have member of the club. In place of the monthly club party formed a class in "Parliamentary Mrs. Sam Brown entertained on Law," which meets every Thursday which was scheduled for January 22, Sunday afternoon at a handkerchief morning at 10:30 at the Jewish Com- it was decided to devote that afternoon to dressing dolls for the shower complimentary to Miss Rebec- munity Center. Hadassah, for distribution in the ca Bercovici whose marriage to Mr. Anyone desiring to join classes in hospitals and orphan asylums in Herman Wise is scheduled to take place on February 22. The after- English, which are conducted by the Palestine. All young Judeans are Freling & Steinle Are Commanding the noon was spent in playing cards and Council of Jewish Women, call Mrs. invited to attend and are requested Attention of All Luggage Purchasers in to bring dolls, whether old or new, prizes were won by Mrs. Ann New- N. Mantel at Harney 5711. man, the Misses Rae Bercue, Rose Ed. Levinson, Mike Stein, Harry some material, several needles and -OFFERINGVegal and Rebecca Bercovici. Ravitz and Louis Somberg, students a spool of thread. A program has been arranged and refreshments will Mrs. Julius Raymon is confined at the University of Nebraska, are be served. For further details phone visiting with their parents. They arto : her home by illness. rived Thursday following the comple- Bessie Haspel at Douglas 5214. tion of their mid-term examination, The Women's Auxiliary to the Omaha Lodge No. 354, I. O. B. B.and will return to Lincoln Sunday Throughout t h e e n t i r e s t o r e i n selling: has arranged a dancing party for night. America's best Traveling Goods a t exactly Washington's birthday evening, FebMrs. A. Davidson was given a surruary 22, at the Castle Hotel. prise party last Tuesday at her home in honor of her sixtieth birthday. Miss Esther Brown was hostess to Twenty-five guests were present, and ''The Flapper's Club" on Sunday, many telegrams were received from January 15. out-of-town relatives On Friday, at the Temple, Rabbi Miss Florence Sommers *of ChicaFrederich Cohn will speak on "Reli- go is the house-guest of lier sister, gion and Reality." His subject for Mrs. Joseph Silverberg. She will UY a Corona on our Saturday morning will be "The remain for several weeks. Compli$5.00 a month plan. Phone us NOWfora free Redeemer." mentary to Miss Sommers, Mrs. d—--onstxation. will entertain next At a meeting of the Bnai Israel held Silverberg Central Typewriter Exch. 3* at the Jewish Community Center on Wednesday night at an Orpheum 1913 Farnam St. JA. 4120 party. Wednesday evening, January 11, the Are included in this special selling following were installed as officers of A regular meeting of unusual event and conservative purchasers are the club: Isidore Soskin, president; merit was held by the Women's Service is the all important factor in this William Kaiman, vice-president; Da- Auxiliary to I. O. B. B. Lodge last seeing the wisdom of buying this world vid Chudacoff, secretary; Edwin Ru- Thursday, at the Jewish Community line of insurance. famous wardrobe at its JoWest price. back, treasurer; Maurice Fine, repor- Center. The club had as its guests ter; and Joseph Nitz, sergeant-at- a number of Jewish girls who have Whenever a plate glass claim is made, adarms. Dancing and the serving of recently come to America, and Miss justment is effected without delay. refreshments concluded the meeting. Ella Thorngate, Director of American$ 47.50 Hartfiann Wardrobe Trunks now .$40.00 62.00 Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks now ..... 50.00 Mrs. J. M. Malashock left on Sun- ization in the Public Schools. The Full particulars as to rates and policy 85.00 Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks now. 67.50 day for Kansas City, Mo., where she meeting opened with the singing of contract gladly furnished upon request will visit with her sister. She will al- "America" by the visitors. The 105.00 Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks now. 80.00 entertainment was furnished b;~ Miss so visit in St. Joseph, Mo., with Mr. 115.00 Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks now.... 92.OO Ida Lustgarten, who sang two numMalashock's brother and sister. EXTRA SPECIAL—Full size closed top Evansbers, and Miss Anna Hurwitz. who Harry H. Lapldus. Pre«.-Trea«. •• JOB. Pepper. Vice-President, •: Mr. Mprris E. Schlaifer, who is now recited "Spring's Awakening", Miss ville Wardrobe Trunk, was f 37.50, now. 25.00 •liiiiiiiiiimiuiiniiHii W. G. Ure, Secretary. s: iii Austria, has been re-appointed Dorothy Lustgarten, a young vielinist For your convenience a small deposit of $5.00 diplomatic clerk to the American of marked talent played two solos Omaha Fixture & !|i will hold the trunk you desire until wanted. Legation at Vienna, which position and Miss Ruth Levey read a review Supply Co. he held during 1919-190. of "The Jew In America." The COMPLETE STOJRE AND meeting was arranged by Miss Ella OFFICE OUTFITTERS Mrs. Max Studna is visiting wfth : 583 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. Phone: Atlantic 3160. We occupy her daughter, Mrs. William Milder, Fleishman. " pi •Ter 70.000 sauare feet and Mr. Milder. Soatbvest Ceraer INSURANCE AND BONDS IN ALL lTg BRANCHES. 1803 Parnam Street—Here 15 Years. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will leave Elewnth add I>onclas Street's. . Mrs. H. S. Novitsky will give the on Monday for Kansas City* ._Mo.y Phone: Jack*»n S734 pi third of her series of afternoon teas where she will visit with her sister. OSIAHA. NKB. - at -her horns on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. T. I. Leavitt for several weeks.

Social, Club and Religious Activities


ENGAGED. Mr. and Mrs. L. Segelman announce the engagement of their daughter, Ida, to Mr. Abe M. Shrago, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shrago of this city, formerly of Sigoumey, Iowa. No date has been set for the wedding.


Rcnnaissance Frolic Dance

" "The Queen of Sheba"


Bess Greenfield

Public Stenographer

Columbia Grafonolas


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"The Last Trail"



A "Live-Wire" Department Store Established for 30 Years, the leading store at Fullerton, Neb good clean stock, splendid building, running full blast, and a money maker Draws trade from a fifty mile territory, men of good character and well rated, can handle this proposition on $ 1 5,000 or $20,000 cash Get busy if you want a good paying profitable business.



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Freling & Steinle



EDUCATIONAL BiPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS • •>: THE JEWISH. CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME. THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in this endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT.

The Jew And The Gentile


Dousing St.

Tel. Jackson 3171


We\]Belim' the Real Goods. 5 ' T" Phono Webster 0943

Boys We Can Be Proud Of

Every time Henry the Ignorant leaves his factory to speak about things of which he is ignorant he Telephone makes himself more ludicrous. BeJackson 0268 Harvard University had in its gradA Christian boy was found mur- ing asked by newspaper reporters dered in an'apple orchard near Kishi- last week for the reason of his vicious uate departments three of the youngnev, Russia, in 1903. The Bessarabetz, attacks upon the Jewish people, he est students that have ever reached those schools, and all of these boys a Russian newspaper, immediately de- said: P. MELCHIORS & SON clared the boy was killed by Jews for MACHINE WORKS "It was the Jews themselves that were Jews. William J.' Sidis, a t the sacrificial purposes. . There followed convinced me of the direct r elation age of 15, was a mathematical expert; Industrial and Automotive Machinists. Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. one of the worst massacres of Jews between the international Jew andA. A. Berle, Jr., ws a graduate of Starter King: Gears for Auto Ply Wheel* that has stained Russian history- war, in fact, they went out of their the college at 16 and at 17 was doing ' 417 South 13th Street. Telephone: Jackson Z500 graduate work in economics; Norbert _ Later the murderers, the boy's uncle way to convince me. Wiener, a graduate of Tafts College and the orchard care-taker, confessed "You remember the effort we made at 14, was, at the age of 17, finishing their guilt—they were both Russians to attract the attention of the world his third and last year in the Harand Gentiles. to the purpose of ending the war The "Dearborn Independent," the through the medium of the so-called vard Graduate School. UNDERTAKERS Two of these boys are of foreign personal organ of Henry Ford, the peace ship in 1915. On that ship were pacifist-philanthropist, has been car- two very prominent Jews. We hadblood. Sidis is the son of Dr. Boris MOVED TO rying on a cruel and vicious propa- not been to sea 200 miles before these Sidis and is of Russian extradiction, ganda in an attempt to prove that two Jews began 'telling me about the as is also young Wiener, who is the there is a world-wide secret con- power of the Jewish race, how they son of Professor Leo Wiener, of the spiracy of Jews to gain control of the controlled the world through their Harvard department of Slavic lanworld by creating international dis- control of gold, and that the Jew, and guages. Wiener's mother is of Amercord by using underground revolu- no one but the Jew, could stop the ican descent. tionary and anarchistic methods, and war." All three are so far beyond other by disorganizing and ruining the credboys of their age in their mental deIf Jews did what Henry claims they it and currency systems of all navelopment that there is no ordinary said it is quite clear that they were tions. The "Dearborn Independent," standard to measure their accomplishand other anti-semitic organs such as making a tool of him and he did not ments. None of them had yet Visit Our the "London Morning Post," have know it. Besides, his "Dearborn In- reached the age of the average Freshbased their arguments on the famous dependent" has made so many Jews man and yet every one of them fai i( "Jewish protocols" first published in of perfectly good Irishmen that, as- actual work accomplished has far ex1903 in Russia, which purported to be suming that some people really did ceeded all but the brightest Seniors. Do away with drudgery and make say to him what he says they did, house-work a pleasure by the use secret records taken from the conEach is the product of specially deof modern electrical appliances. claves of The Wise Men of Zion, a these may be Jews of Henry's crea- vised systems of education applied in ' tion. Jewish organization. The authenticThe "Electric Shop" is on the Henry the Ignorant further said to very early youth. William Sidis had ity of these papers was doubted ground floor of the Electric buildmost of his early training from his the newspaper reporters: shortly after their publication. ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth "We've got a five years' course in parents and entered the Brookline and Farnam streets. That these "protocols" are a for- sight, and we are going to tell the High School at the age of eight. At gery ,a huge conspiracy to implicate people, among other thirds, some ten he was ready for college and en- | the Jews and form a basis for per-American history that they don't tered Tafts, where he remained for a secuting them in Russia, has been teach in the schools. We will show year. At eleven he entered Harvard definitely proven within the last few indisputably that one of the great as a special student in the college, for weeks by the finding of a book -writ- factors behind the Civil War, that his development along mathematical ten in 1865 by Maurice Joly. in a brought it on and made peaceable lines had been carried on somewhat I veiled attack against the despotism ' settlement of the issues impossible, to the detriment of other studies, and i of Napoleon III. The fictitious au- was the Jew. And that isn't the whole he did not fill all the requirements of thor of "protocols," supposed to be story, either. There will be more the college in other lines. one Sergei Nilus, simply paraphrased than that." But in mathematics he did create a this old volume, using such passages stir among the learned students of the So the Jews were responsible for as suited his purposes. The fabricascience at Cambridge, and the offhand tion of the "protocols" is proven by the Civil War? Well, the profound way in which he tossed about adknowledge of American history which the parallel similarity of these two everybody knows Henry possesses vanced theories in the fourth dimenvolumes. should make it £asy for him to prove sion was one of the sensations of the Thus the basis of attack against it. Henry evidently aspires to addcollege world. Since then he has fedthe Jews has been punctured and the to his reputation as an automobile- lowed up his mathematical studies to guilt apparently rests with the Secret maksr and as a peace-maker also that a certain extent, but has also made Police Agency of the late Tsar Nicho- of a history-matcer. He has already an attempt to even up his learning. las II, who forged the "protocols" in proved his pow^r as a peace-maker, For example, he took Freshman Eng- \ an attempt to give them a substantial and we predict that his aptness for lish, though he expected to get a dereason for massacring the Jews. making history,.will be demonstrated gree at the end of the year. of North.Ontaha.J Furthermore, anti-Semitic papers in in the same way as his aptness for 1 Berle's development was not so preTHE TOEC1I "OF A' FAIRY>» i j the United States have pointed to making automobiles is demonstrated, cocious nor so one-sided. He passed t 5410 AMES AVENUE. Bolshevism as a direct example of that is, his course in history will ap- all his entrance examinations for Harthe Jewish attempt to overthrow law peal to those who want cheap things vard at the age of thirteen and was . and order. A survey of Sovietism and -will run and rattle for a while fourteen when he entered. In his first; •'SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" proves the falsity of this charge for until it will break down and then— year he was on his class debating team and buy them at against the Yale Freshmen, and as a J Bolshevism, the spiritual dynamic as it will be junk.—Jewish Ledger. Senior at fifteen won an important' distinguished from the mechanical ROGERS prize essay contest, writing on "The ' agent, is a negation of every virtuous 319 South 16th Street. Strategic Importance of the Siege of principle which mankind holds in NEW MONARCHIST PLOT Phone Douglas 3400. Boston." reverence and is fostered mainly byCHARGED TO JEW Gentile Russians—not Jews. Norbert Wiener in his short career Berlin. (J. T. A.) An alleged disTK"V SUNDGBEN'S The false accusation against the covery of a new monarchist plot, en- has smashed more degrees than either Nutritions Home Untie Jews carried on by the 'Dearborn In- gineered by a "well known German of his youthful rivals. He took the dependent" is as dangerous to the Jew," with the co-operation of great degree of bachelor of arts from Tafts Sealed In ' Sanitary - Waxed! peace of this country as any Bol- industrial Jewish interests, is made by College in 1909 at the age of fourWrapper lit Your Grocer. shevist propaganda circulated in the "Deutsche Zeitung" here. This teen. In the following year he purSundgren Pie Baking Co. America. Race prejudice, no matter "well known Jew," the paper says, is sued graduate studies at Cornell Uni«4th and Hickory. Atlantle 5241 what the nationality or color may be, seeking to interest members of the versity without taking any degree, has no logical place in the life of old ruling house in a scheme to re-however, and won an A. M. at HarAmerica. There is nothing in our store the Hohenzollern monarchy vard after another year of graduate history which even remotely justifies But— study. He has made a special study Best Home Cookinc a t Very Reasonthe fear that our citizens of Jewish of philosophy and mathematics since "It is far better to suffer under able Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed. birth will be less ready than their I the Republic a few years longer than he has been at Harvard and it is in Mis. Sophia Mandel, Prop. Christian neighbors to give their to restore the Kaiser by a Jewish act these fields that he did his special t 316 South Fifteenth Street—Up Stalr». whole-hearted support to a continu- j of mercy," the "Deutsche Zeitung' work for his doctor's degree.—Jewish ance of American ideals. Let us says on behalf of monarchist circles. Ledger. stand by what President Roosevelt called "the historic-American position of treating each man on -Iris merits JEWS GIVE GENTIRES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES as a man, without reference to his EROUSLY TO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FUND creed, race, or*irirthpl.ace.'ft This the We carry a' complete line of new Dearborn Independent" has failed to New York (J. C. B.) Jewish rlns gears, pinions, axle shafts and springs for almost any make of car. do, rather has i t attempted to poison friends are- among the first to con•••j THE BEST Sf. D. KICH&IAN. Manager. the wells of public information and. tribute generously to the two million 1318-1330 Went Broadway. COUNCIL' BLCFF8. IOWA. foster American hatred against three dollar building fund started by the PHONE 444. million of our best ' citizens.—The Knights of Columbus, according to SKINNER Arizona Daily Star. Bishop Dunne, Auxiliary Bishop of BAKING COMPANY New York, who opened the building Eat. 1891. Phone Jackson 1680 DOUGLAS-1862 campaign exposition in the SixtyNew York (J. P. A.)—The will of ninth Regiment Armory. The Bishop Adolph I. Namm, head of Brooklyn Wholesale Dealers In Batter. said that he had received two checks, department store, was filed on Eggs and Poultry. one for $5,000 and the other for probate yesterday. Mr. Namm be1213 Howard St. , Omaha, Nebraska. $2,500, from prominent Jews. queathes $10,000 to the Brooklyn Federated Jewish Charities.

UNION FUEL COMPANY Office 209.South 18th Street




McGord-Brady Go. i


13ieBrinn & Jensen Company "With • Yonr Order for


1112 HARNEY ST. Phone Douglas" 6409 "

Day ton Money Weight Scales andMeat Slicers STEENER ELECTRIC J '. MEAT CHOPPER AND COFFEE MILL. USED SCALES OF ALL MAKES. FOR SALE. 510 South 10th Street, i ?Phone Jackson. 3332.

Electric Shop"










Carpenter Paper Co. _ t.

Distributors of

Western;Bond—and High Grade Stationery* " • OMASA. NEBRASKA.

PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. S'th and' Martha Sts. Hnrney 1663 Manufacturers of Brass. Bronze, Aluminum and Soft Gray Iron Castings. You ate \assnred of soft castings, as we machine some, frnin every .heat In our own shop. Standard size cast Iron bushings In stock.




Mid-West Auto Parts Co.


Joseph Polack & Son



Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables : Cor. Eleventh: and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB.

E. E. Bruce & Co. WHOLESALE



CaU Atlantic 2364


Oil. IS JJUCH CHEAPER ••• Iiet Us Keraove the Door from Your Furnace and Insert a '

LILLIBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER See Demonstration 010 So. 19th Street.


401-103-105 South 1Mb -,-.



Theodore Volz & Son

Ojnana. Nebraska. '.

• «•

Druggists and Stationers

TAILORS 628-32 Securities Bnlldinj, 16th and Farnan Btf. Telephone: tfaekiqn S706

Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.

Jewish f^ress 482 Brandels Bldg-.

Help Fight Ford—Jtaid This

Tel. Jackson 2378''


A]way* Ash for



Omaha Office: 813 Dowries Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic 8556


Ford Tranter & Storage Co. R. A. FOBD. President and General Manager. Conncl) Bluffs (Iowa) Office 934 So. Main Street. Phone 365

BONDS AND WARRANTS Exempt from Federal

An appropriate investment for "Thrift Week" funds.


How About Your Furnace? Does It Need Cleaning or Repairing?

>OW IS THK TIME TO HATE EXPERTS DO THE WORK. Vou'Il Be Surprised at Onr Kates. Cleaning done by Vacnnin without cmising dirt. We hare satisfactorily cleaned over 100 furnaces tho past month. CALL JACKSON 1013.

FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. 1814 Cnmlnir Street. We Install GUt Edce Furnaces.

Sherman Mercantile Co. > Wholesale Grocers Specialties 1011- Coming St. Phone Atlantic 1247

. . . wfth . . . .



Water Softener (Combined) At all Groceri.


Why Buy Tin? Boy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. SAVES M>U MOKE*.


Kirschbraun & Sons

Val.J. Peter & Co. STEAMSHIP TICKETS AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE 1307 Howard St.. Omaha, Neb. Phone AT lautic OS 10.

Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.

Leo A. Hoffmann • • • OX a • •

Hoffmann Funeral Home.

Harle-Haas Co. : Distributors

f HIR A P R A f TflR £thelThia!Maltby,D.C vllllWl lYHvIUIl

(PALMER GRADUATE) Phone Jackson 3072

Second Floor, Elks' Building.



Phone Atlantic 4964


Baker Ice Machines

'Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Iten Biscuit Co. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES

Ready Roofing over old shingles. .Also 'asphalt shingles and build-up roofs. Fire resisting and durable. All work guaranteed. Easy terms. Phone Harney 3574 Office and Warehouse: 3122 Leavenwortn

(Bee- U. 8. Pat. ' Office.) ;

Meyer Mercantile Co., Inc.



MEY-MER-CO. Brand Beverages and Syrups. 319-321 So. 14th St., Omaha. Kebr. •Phone Atlantic 2889

Granden Electric Co. DEPENDABLE ELECTRICAL MERCHANDISE. 1511 Howard,;St. Phone Atlantic 0681

SUPERIOR D0UG9NUT CO. All that the name implies. 916 N. 16th St.

Douglas 6887



Equipped with Pnlmotor. All Calls Answered Promptly.

JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam. St.

Phone Harney 0393

American Wet Wash Laundry


2808 Cuming. Harney C881 One Day Service. No Extra Charges. Refinite Soft Water.

Phone Donglas 4607 SOth and Pierce St., Omaha. Nebraska.

LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1910.

Df. Frances H. Turner Office: Brandels Theatre Building. 17th and Douglas Streets. Phone Atlantic 3836

Council Bluffs Savings Bank OCK TREATMENT WILL CONVINCE YOU OF OCR SINCERITY. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.

816 M. 16th St. Branches at Central Market, Table Supply • o d Food Center.

CLEAN LINEN Kvery morninc if TOO call the


We assist you In Rotting pussports anil give you t-spert advise ou EuroHenu conditions. We tipfp you lo Cft your relatives in Eurojte to this country.

Vinegar-Pickles-Cooperage Pure Food Products



Checker Cab £•





FOODS Groneweg & Schoentgen

Estes Soap Chips


Steamship Tickets to and from all farts of theWorld

2308 Coming S t . Phone Doaglas 4736

Estes Laundry Tablets

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' Jackson S 8 » :

Frontier Towel Supply 1815 California Street. Phone Dong-las 6281

WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302 MAX OLSEN & CO. "Wholesale Distribntora for

SCHMIDT'S Malta, Select, Bock. Ginger Ale, Hires Root Beer Offlee and Warehouse: 917 80. Main St. Telephone 14? COUNCIL BIiCFFS.*lOWA^

Help Fight Ford—Patronize These Firms.


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