February 2, 1922

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ya.^e^jS^j^TOiij-pfffi^^TSjf^tySS?'/- :

To be ashamed of being a Jew, is in the last analysis, to be ashamed of your own father and mother.

VOL. n.—No. 8

You cannot build up l o y a It y to mankind u p o n disloyalty to your own kind.

Entered p-VC^nd-class mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at postoffiee i,~'-2S*lia, Nebraska, nnder the Act of March 3, 1878:&•§-:

Interest in Press Contest Growing Keener Council

Bluffs Girls Enter Race for Big Money.



Poles Would Become Colonists in Palestine Warsaw. (J. P. A.) According to the Palestine Bureau in this city, Polish laborers and . artisans have manifested an intei-est in emigrating to Palestine. The Palestine Bureau as well as other Jewish institutions have been requested time' and again for information, with regard to possibilities in Palestine. This sudden Polish interest in Palestine is attributed to the influence of the anti-Semitic propaganda which constanttly emphasises the wealth and power of the Jews. As a result, fancy has been stirred by the thought of Palestine, being once more the land of milk and honey, where they might amass great fortunes.

Prominent Chicago Jurist, With Chas. Rubens and Miss Jessie Bogen, to Address State Conference and Brandeis Theater Meetings

Budapest. (J. P. A.—By mail.) Alexander Chalmes, a young Jewish tailor, has been awarded first prize at the fashion show held jn this city, for the most beautifully designed gown. This artist in woman's apparel was a student of medicine for several Tragic Conditions Among Thousands of Jews In Europe Will Be Describedyears and was near the completion of By Noted Social Workers To Aid Appeal, Which his course, when the anti-Semitic Hungarian government passed restricStarts Monday, February 6th tive legislation against Jewish stuwhich barred him from continuMOTION PICTURES AND FIRST HAND INFORMATION TO BRING dents ing his studies. Not having the means MESSAGE OF URGENT NEEDS OF EUROPEAN JEWS to go abroad, he turned to tailoring as a means of livelihood. His capaciTO CO-RELIGIONISTS IN OMAHA ties in th's line were such that he soon became one of the leading arSunday will be a gala day in Omaha. On that day Jews of this city will be hosts to hundreds of prominent fellow-Jews through- tists in women's modes.

Public Funeral for Corp. Goldware Will be Meld This Sunday

Rabbi Morris Taxon Re-Elected Minister Here for Five Years

Uniermented Wine For Sacramental Purpose

American Jewish Congress . to Come to Life Again


Antisemites Helped Him Find Vocation

Enthusiasm For New Year Narks Federation Neet Reports Show R e m a r k a b l e Progress Made During 1921. MORRIS LEVY ELECTED PRESIDENT FOR SEVENTH TIME.

"What we give and do rather than what we have and keep, must hereafter be the standard of a man's worth in this community," Morris Levy, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation told a capacity audience that out the State who are coming here to attend the state conference in the interest of the $14,gathered last Sunday night at the 000,000 relief appeal, the campaign for Nebraska's share of which begins on Monday, Feb. 6th. Federation's annual meeting. Nearly The quota for this state is $125,000. 1,000 people were in attendance at the At the same time Judge Harry M. Fisher of the Superior Court of Illinois, Chas. M. RuFontenelle. Hotel Ball room to hear bens of Chicago and Miss Jessie Bogen, of New York, will be in Omaha and will address the state reports of the year's work and to conference to help draft final plans for the great work. The conference will convene at the elect officers for 1922. Jewish Community Center at 2:00 o'clock. The report of President Levy In the evening Judge Fisher, Miss Bogen and Mr. Rubens will address a public meeting at formed the most interesting feature the Brandeis Theatre, giving first-hand information of conditions in Europe, and motion pictures of the actual life in the famine regions will be shown. Admission to the theatre is open to Omaha Boy Who Made Supreme of the evening. Mr. Levy, who on Sacrifice to Be Buried With Sunday night completed six years of the public. Military Honors. service as president of the FederaJudge Harry M. Fisher is a leading has been the means of saving the jurist of the state of Illinois, being MISS BOGBN W TALK AT lives of tens of thousands of these AMERICANTEGfON TO CON- tion, presented a resume of communal unfortunate waifs, through the comnow on the Superior Court bench. He developments of the past year, and TEMPLE AND AT JEWDUCT LAST SOLEMN mittee's • financial adoption plan. She has a reputation of being one of the urged co-operation of the community ISH COM3HUNITY RITES. has just returned from a third trip most forceful and eloquent speakers ii| carrying to highest perfection the CENTER. to Europe, in the interest of this Jews of Omaha will gather at the work of the Federation. n America. A member of the exeMiss Jessie Bogen will work, and brings most recent infor- synagogue at 24 and Nicholas streets, Budget Increased Over 100 percent. cutive committee of the Joint Distribution Committee, he went overseas arrive on Fri3ay morning, mation of conditions there. Sunday morning, to honor the mem- From first to last the meeting wag Charles M. Rubens, a prominent ory of Corporal Morris Goldware, who surcharged with optimism and hope ast summer to see for himself what and will narrate her expehad befallen his people there. His riences among the children manufacturer of Chicago, and for died in France in October 1918, from for the coming year based upon the story of tragic conditions in Europe, and women in Central Europe many years an active lyorker in comgreat success achieved by the Federenhanced by his powerful oratory, is at Temple Israel jjriday night. munal * affaire there, , assumed |the ation during the' past year. ..The more convincingffiit"any ." On ISktuScTayvSfternodn she chairmanship cf zone -f--at-*Ise^fc^gfn-; various reports submitted Bhow68"Hfhftt address that has ever been made on will lecture on the war orphan the membership- of. the Federation of the ?14,O0O,OOa appeal.,^ -jAg this subject. problem in Europe following Tiing had been increased 70 percent over head of the organization in the states Miss Jessie Bogen is a well-known a reception in her honor at of Illinois, Kentucky,. Indiana, Minthat of the previous year, and that more than twice as much money had Jewish social worker, and inherits her the Jewish Community Cen- nesota, Michigan, North and South been collected and expended as in ability in dealing with Jewish prob- ter. The lecture will begin Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Nebrasat 4:00 o'clock. 1920. 19 institutions and functions ems from her distinguished father, Miss Bogen will also speak ka, Mr. Rubens has had the opportunof social service are now embraced by Dr. Boris D. Bogen. Miss Bogen was at the public meeting at the ity of developing his talents for or-the Federation according to the tfethe first Jewish woman to enter the Brandeis Theatre on Sunday ganization to the fullest, and each port of Samuel Schaefer, Superintenfamine and war zone of Europe, when night. dent. state in his zone is now thoroughly The public is invited and organized and at work. He will narReports of the Jewish Women's she accompanied her father on his Welfare Organization, Mrs. R. Kulafirst trip in 1917. Since that date her urged to hear each of Miss rate the plans of other communities Bogen's addresses. kofsky, president, and of the Junior entire time and all her energies have in raising funds for relief, and tell Welfare Organization, Miss Sylvia been devoted to the cause of the 300,- tor of the War Orphans Bureau of how Omaha and the state of NebrasKulakofsky, president, disclosed th« 000 Jewish orphans abroad. As direc- the Joint Distribution Committee she ka can raise its quota of $125,000. fact, that the Jewish girls and women of Omaha are strongly organized for social work, and that these two organizations are keeping pace "Witll MODERN ORTHODOX RABBIS NO EMIGRATION OF the growth of the Federation. DECIDE JEWS NEED NO MOST COUNTRIES HAVE MEN FROM RUSSIA Morris Goldware. The Free Loan Society, through its SPECIAL PRIVILEGES Kovno, Feb. 2.—(J. T. A.) EXCEEDED IMMIGRATION Rabbi Morris N. Taxon. secretary C. C. Katleman, reported an illness contracted in the performance Emigration from Soviet Russia QUOTAS. increase of $10,000 in its capital durNew York. (Jewish Press Ass'n.)— Oct. 15, 1927. The membership of of duty. COMPLETE REORGANIZATION OF will be restricted to children The Rabbinical Assembly of the Jew- I the Beth Hamidrosh Hagodel and of New York (J. C. B.) The The public funeral of Corporal ing the year, and# loans made aggre* NATIONAL BODY AGREED under the age of 18 and womish Theological Seminary, with a !the B'nai Israel Synagogue, by a vote Goldware will be the second to begating $14,000. number of immigrants aden, going to join parents or UPON membership of 158 rabbis, which met ' that was practically unanimous, demissible to this country to the. husbands who are naturalized .'held in this city for a Jewish soldier Election of officers for 1922 rein executive session at the seminary I cided at meetings held duringthe week who made the supreme sacrifice "over sulted, as follows: Morris Levy, presend of the fiscal year, June 30, American citizens, Mr. Krainin, New York. (Jewish Press Ass'n.)— building decided that unfermented ; that the Rabbi's record of communal there." The other youth to be so ident; Dr. Philip Sher, vice-president; 1922, and also those admissible a Russian Jewish leader inAt a meeting Sunday of the Proviwine might be used for all religious service during his incumbency was a honored was Corporal Archie Kru- Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Philip Sher formed a correspondent of the for the month of January, were sional Committee of the American purposes by Jews. This decision was splendid index of his fixture deeds, pinsky, of Fremont, who was laid in and Mrs. B. A. Simon, 1st, 2nd and J. T. A. today. given out at Ellis Island. Jewish Congress, called by its execureached after hours of discussion by and that Omaha could not afford to his last resting place on June 5, 1921. 3rd vice-presidents respectively; H. tive secretary, Bernard G. Richards, These regulations concerning The following countries have rabbis from various parts of thebe without him. Corporal Goldware was 26 years Friedman, treasurer; and C. C. Katleemigration from Russia are an a complete reorganization was decidIt is generally exceeded their quotas for imcountry, and will be presented for known that the Rabbi has had several old at the time of his death. He came man, secretary. • appreciable departure from the ed upon. Since the end of the war the migrants admissible during the approval to the Orthodox rabbis of offers from communities larger than to this country from Russia in 1911, Speakers Urge Liberality. original understanding reached activities of the Congress have been reniainder of the fiscal year: this country. and made his home with his brother Following election of officers adbetween, representatives of the Omaha, among them Boston, Chicago, practically non-existent, though never Australia, Africa, Atlantic IsComplaints made by prohibition San Francisco and Los Angeles, and Jos. Goldware, of Albright. He en- dresses were made by Isidor Ziegler, was there so great a need for its World Jewish Relief Conference lands, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungagents that some rabbis were taking a recall to a Columbus, Ohio, pulpit. listed in June, 1917, and saw service Harry Wolf, Harry Lapidus and Henand Litvinbff, representing the stimulus as now. ary, Jugoslavia, Other Asia, advantage of their privilege to issue in France with Butchery Co. No. 344. ry Monsky, each of whom dwelt on Soviet Government, according Magristrate Alexander H. Geisman, Other Europe, Palestine, Poland Following his graduation, Rabbi liquor permits, caused the American He succumbed to pneumonia in the a specific phase of Jewish social to which men and women aboveone of the speakers at the meeting, Portugal, New Zealand, Spain, Jewish Committee to call upon the Taxon held the post of lecturer in American hospital in the village of service: Each urged greater liberalthe age of 46 were allowed to attacked bitterly the restrictive imSyria, and Turkey and Smyrna organization of rabbis to regulate the Talmud at his alma mater for one Nevers, one of the prettiest hamlets ity in money and in service on the emigrate to all countries. migration policy now advocated, exdistrict. distribution of permits and to investi- year, after which he occupied pulpits in France. The body arrived in part of every member of the Federapressing it as his belief that its inGreat Britain has 50,300 to gate this entire matter, in order to in Whiteplains, N. J., for one year, tion to the .cause of Jewish philantent was to injure the interests of the SHAKESPER.EAN THEATER WILL Omaha this morning. come; Germany, 57,706. and remove the stigma of "lawbreaker" and in Columbus for four years. He Services will be conducted by Rabbi thropy. BE FOUNDED BY JEW. Jewish immigrants above all else. was called to Omaha from Columbus. Russia, 18,246. from the Jewish people. London. (J. P. A.) t h e Jewish Morris Taxon and under the direction Musical numbers were given by ArRabbi Stephen S. Wise stated that Since coming to Omaha he has been It "Was decided to appoint a comthere were two things Jewry needed, theatrical director, Paul Davidson, of the American Legion. Burial will thur Rosenbhxm, Mrs. Harry Silver* mittee to confer with representatives actively identified in all phases of man, Miss" Helen Sommer, Miss Belle faith in democracy and the capacity who has just completed the season at be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis communal work pertaining to theLORD BRYCE A TRUE FRIEND of self-government and control. He a Jewish theatre here, has formed a Mr. Harry R. Weinberg, head of von Mansfelde, .Miss Rose Davidson, OF JEWS. within the next month. The purpose welfare of the Jews. He has been said, "If the Jew renounce his faith syndicate for the establishment of athe Legion's Welfare Department, re- Miss Cecilia Feiler and Mr. Harry Of the proposed meeting will be toespecially active in the City Talmud London. (J. P. A.) Several days in democracy, he might just as well national Shakesperean theatre. Mr. quests that all former Jewish service Braviroff. persuade the orthodox rabbis to re- Torah, being chairman of its com- before his death Lord Bryce wrote a go back to Poland and other East Davidson has asked the Government men report at the Court House Sun- The complete report of President gard the question of the use of wine mittee on education, and in the Sun- letter to your correspondent in which European countries and put himself for a subsidy of this project. The day morning at 10:00 o'clock, in uni- Levy appears on page 2 of this issue. for religious purposes in a modern day School conducted by the Deborah he condemned the renewed and in- under control of those royal bandits British press as well as the public form, to act as military escort for the Society. light. tens'fied anti-Semitic propaganda who have persecuted him and broken are warmly supporting this idea. body;. Lodz. (By mail.—J. P. A.) To He is a past president of. the B'nai throughout the world, particularly his nation for centuries." Tfie deceased is survived by the commemorate the twentieth anniverJEWISH COLONIES GIVEN CITY B'rith and a delegate to the 1922 dis- that in England. In his letter, he ! London. (J. P. A.) The official brother witth whom he lived and a sary of his .business activities, the trict convention of the order. He is supports the Jewish demands for GALICIA PERSECUTES ZIONISTS. 'government report of the Jaffa po- second brother and a sister in Russia. wealthy manufacturer, Oscar Kahn, CHARTERS. London (J. P. A.) According to on the Doard of directors of the Jew- minority rights. He states that the Lemberg. (J. P. A.) Reports from grom incorrectly presented Dr. Eder's contributed 50 million mark toward British Government is impartial, various cities in Galicia state that testimony on the witness stand. Ac- JEWISH ART EXHIBITION IN the establishment of a Polish F61yreports from Jerusalem, a number of ish Welfare Federation and of the the larger Jewish colonies in Palest- YMHA, is chairman of the local treating the Jewish question from a the local authorities are continuous- cording to the stenographic report Dr. PALESTINE. technic Institute in this city. ine, among them Rishon le Zion rind Keren Hayesod committee, and a purely humanitarian point of view, ly harrassing Zionists. In many lo- Eder is represented as declaring that Jaffa. (J. P. A.—By mail.) Under Mr. Selwyn Jacolis, who was very Rehovoth have been chartered by the member of the executive committee and hopes that its efforts to solve the calities they are forbidden to organize whereas the Jews of Palestine should the direction of Jacob Firman an exJewish problem in Poland and Ukrai- into societies or to hold open meet- be permitted to carry arms, the Arabs hibition of Jewish art was recently ill at his home during the early part government of Palestine as municipal of the Zionist organization. governments with all the rights of During the war he was appointed nian will be finally crowned with suc- ings. Their cultural institutions are 1 should by' no means be allowed such opened here at which the works of of the week, is reported as conlocal self-government. The newly- by the Governor as a member of the cess. privileges because experience :• has famous Jewish painters and sculptors valescing. closed without even an excuse. created municipalities will now elect state committee for the thrift stamp The entire epistle vibrates with The central Committee of the Zion- demonstrated that weapons in j theof the Diaspora as well as of Pales"their own mayors, city-councils and campaign ai.d has done intensive work sentiments of friendship and sym- ist Organization has protested these hands of the Arabs are too often em- tine are on display. Among1 the exMr. Leo Rosen thai, who _ had been -will most probably have the right in all subsequent appeals for war re- pathy toward the Jewish people, and anti-Zionist demonstrations to the ployed for plunder and murder jwhile hibitors are Professors Schatz of the confined to his home for the past to organize local police forces for lief, anti-defamation, and other Jew- is but another manifestation of his Governor of Galicia but so far no ac- the Jews use the same for-sel-protec- Bezallel School oC Art, K&nstanti- three weeks because of iHhess, has their protector *-, completely recovered novsky, Pann and others. ish aobility of character. tion was taken to better conditions. tion only.

The "Jewish Press" subscription contest is going over big. Forty girls from Omaha and Council Bluffs are now entered in it, and competition is growing keener each day. During the week the Junior section of the Council of Jewish Women of Council Bluffs entered the race, intent on carrying off some of the big prize money. Latest reports to "The Press" indicate that the girls are getting every possible subscription in the Bluffs. During the week the X. T. C. Club and the Senior Young Judeae Girls decided to join forces in the contest, Record of Present Term Merits and they will be a factor that will Long Continuance, Members of Synagogue Declare. be hard to beat. The combined strength of the two groups comprises forty-five girls, each of whom A C T I V E L Y ENGAGED IN M\NY COMMUNAL is a live wire. AFFAIRS. This move has made the members of the Junior Hadassah unit more Rabbi Morris N. Taxon, for the energetic than ever. Every girl in past foi ? years spiritual leader of the this club is hustling to annex the United Orthodox Congregations of subscriptions for the sake of some Omaha, has been re-elected to that unfortunate child in Europe. The position for a five years term ending club will use its prize money to adopt one'tflT'Ehe i thousands of Je* -^h orphans overseas. jf A dark horse in the race it. , Jtain girl who has not affiliated herself with any group. It is known that she has secured more subscriptions than any other girl to date. The contest is creating great intereBt among "Press" readers, each of •whom is trying to help his favorite group of workers. Prizes of $100, 375, §50 and $25 are being offered.

I 4v



• ? - •

PACE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922 tolerant and humane. Let men seek MEDIEVAL GHETTO THE CENTER that race. ancient synagogue of Prague, the OF ACTION IN "GOLEM" The dreamers of dreams among the oldest synagogue in Europe, a remand they will surely find the common FILM. Jews rearched in cabalistic lore and nant of (--tone and clay which tradiground upon which all can stand, Nobody ever lived in a ghetto like found one ray of hope. If human tion says belonged to the golem, Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by even as the earth bears us all, "while the one pictured in "The Golem", the flesh and blood could not oppose th^ created by Rabbi Loew and which THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. heaven is blue above'." j European picture coming to the power of the armored knights could saved the Jewish people from deLife's highest ideal is to love inOffice: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson '2372. Let all true men join hand to hand, Brandeis Theatre for one week be- not the Jew.', create a super or sub struction in that city. Monday. If the Jews had human beinc; whom the lance of the It is in this ti;:;it that Wegener finitely and be loved. and heart to heart in instituting and ginning possessed a place so rich in art as knights could not injure and whose has staff'! and acted his picture, $2.50 Subscription Price, one year.... encouraging whatever will tend to If men would love one another with that produced by Paul Wegener some strength couk' destroy all those who except thai he chose the most Advertising rates furnished on application. romantic of the legends, one thai half of the intensity with which they elevate and enable the race and send . king probably would have seized it [persecuted the Jews? Dreaming and despairing and hop-carries a love affair between tht I for his palace. Yet the g-hetto built hate; if they would seek out each it God-ward to its goal. J as a stage setting for "The Golem" ing brought the legend to the mind king's courti<r aii-i the rabbi's daugh; NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaA band of brotherhood among na-; docs other's good and noble qualities with give the impression of a home of the peoplf as a reality. So much ter, with the trulcm as the third ition of The Jewish Press are to be giyen to worthy communal causes. anything like the'persistence and the tions would be God's wedding ring on for the Jews in the Middle or Dark so that U this day there lies in the figure. ;; CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give'both the old and new address: ages—does present a picture of their passion with which they ferret out the bridal earth. existence in those days. •j: b« aare and sign your name. those- that are evil ;if they would Paul Wegener, one of Europe's well YM & YWHA NEWS commend one's virtues as they critiscreen actors, directed the A general assembly of all As- known cise one's faults, remembering that picture and took the part of the clay there is no human being so perfect, sociation members was held a t the fifrure brought tc life by cabalistic AT OBERAMMERGAU • ~? A famous thinker of Ihe ninteenth century, in one of his or so imperfect, but what is possessed Jewish Community Center Monday rites. ttiany cynic moods, advanced the theory that sympathy is merely in some degree of both; if they would night, at which all Senior groups of Many inquiries have come regard- and visit twenty-two European cities, including Coblenz. Berlin, and Jthe reaction upon the mental picturing of one's self in the plight utter a casual word of kindness or en- the Y Mere formed into one large : ing not only the meaning but the the Zeppelin Headquarters; also, a trip through the Black Forest purpose of the golem. Its definition .'of''the sufferer. The impulse to help the beggar who extends couragement with the same readiness organization. T Temporary officers is simple. It means an inanimate to us Ms pleading hand and exhibits his soiled rags or his crippled with which they seem only too will- were elected t.s follows: Sam Beber, creation in the likeness of a human A RAVEL TO EUROPE as a member of our personally conducted Party, by the famous Steamer "Orbita", of the Roval Mail limbs is, according to his opinion, the result of the unpleasant ing to heap up slander and pour out chairman; lva Siegel, vice-chairman; being a statue. In Jewish slanjr it Tour Line, "THE COMFORT ROUT}]1'. means a stupid person, a "dummy." impression created in our minds by the piteous sight, that perhaps abuse; if they -would bless as often Anne Selicow, secretary; I. Sternhill, T.r::ve O m a b n . M n y 7 t h in clinrUTf*! \v,:li II.-:i(li|tiiirt..T« (if tlio A m e r i c a n latter word probably is the niott I'ullmans stop-overs nnd sitrhtA r m y <>t <>i-i-ii|>ation a t r i p t l t r m i c l i ••we might ourselves be in the helpless condition brought to our as they blame; if they would be as reporter, with Fred White, Lillian The' SHcinsr p a r l i e s nt C h i r a e o . W.isli nearly correct definition. : ho liormritiil Mose) V a l l e y a n d o n iiicton a n d New York. Sailliii: •in' ui.iipsiic r i v e r Klipin Colotrnc notice. Sympathy then would really be equivalent to pity with just to others as they would have Kubenstein and John Beber, com- As a story "The Golem" is a N.'\v York M a y 12th "i:h -ts f a m o u s CarliPdral nnd bur own selves. others be just to them, as forgiven of mittee on organization. f l i e follow-inc H t i e s a n d p o i n t s of photograph of Jewish despair in the 1 l i m i o v i - r t h p Metropolis of M i d d l e * n p p r i a r i n t p r o s t will be visited i i i T ' t i a n y w l i r r p tlie I ' a r t v will darkest period of the existar.ee of others' faults, failings and follies as, l l a m b t i r ? Berlin Leipslr Dres'jnn 1 The next meeting will be held on •iMiiporarrlv d i s h a n d each m e m b e r Weimar. Nuremborp Mtinirh tli* to visit t r i p n d s o r r e l a t i v e s in o t h e r ' Without going the lengths of discussing this theory or even God knows their own, only too often, Monday evening, Feb. 6, at which I'assion Play a r Ohoratitmorirnii p:!rt« ot lOnropp o r t o c o n t i n u e b i s l-efuting its fallacy, it is undoubtedly helpful at times to visualize need to be forgiven,—what a changed time a program will be given. The I-iml.iu on t h e B o d e n s e e w i t h F r i r i l *';:hi vfiuc t r i p on h i s o w n n a r t . richslinfon. Hpadnnartors of th>' ' Mi .Inlj 1 L'Tth tin 1 I ' a r t y will ntrain REMEMBER the sufferings of others and contrast their dire fate with the world this would be. The most radi- Y chummy clubs, of which there are Zeppplins. a trip ibronsli tlif •i sscmlili in Uriniliiirir t o i n i n t l y u o r . d r o n s B l a c k Korpst Karlsrnli* in.-iki- t h e i v n r n t r i p J u l y 2!lth o n the comforts which have come to us and the fortune which is smil- cal of revolutions would be imme- now six, will continue as before. Hpiileltiprc. T r a n k f n r t Wipshadci tin' *r-.;inipr ' O n l u u . V of t h e H o y a i Kiicleslieiiu o n t h e Ktiine. I'uMt-i z ing upon us. And this I would have all my co-religionists in diately effected. How we should rise, Mail Line America do. Let them picture to themselves the horrible, cruel all of us, instantly, in each other's A very interesting program is an^situation in which millions of fellow Jews in Eastern Europe estimate and esteem! We should be- nounced for the next meeiing of the Feb. 22nd. Blackstone Hotel •will draw thousands of Arneri--:jt \ \ INKXCELI.KD OPPPORTL'Nhold angels where we now see only find themselves at this time. visitors this year. Its the one rn-.it Runa Club, on Tuesday evening, l l Y to visit Europe, the prentest lira w i n s card in Enrope for traveldevils. Where dwelt enmity would be i : ' . s in Germany, some of its most Feb. 7. lers from all over the world Every one who nlans 19'J2 travel abroad .: These poor widows and orphans are your own flesh and blood. amity. Hostility would yield to hosinteresting points, and the should seize tills opport unit v to visit ttniidrous Passion Plav. You travel :They have been forced to pass through" the hot furnace simply pitality. For once we should feel ,as The Association dance, held last E BUILD attractive, Kurope as a member ol our Tour in absolute safety and with every T a r t y and attend this wonderful because they were Jews. No other reason is back of the cruelty perhaps we had never really felt be- Saturday, was attended by over 75 durable, and 1 o \v'"t.'if'Tt and convenience. r t l i c ' o n s drama. under the hot breath of which their souls were singed and their fore, "how good and how pleasant it couples. The next dance will be priced garages. See us for PERSONALLY bodies wasted and defiled. Once upon a time, these now hapless is when brethren dwell together in given a week from this Saturday VAL. J. rETF.IS & CO.. samples and prices. CONDUCTED TOUR StrnniHhip Ticket. Tourists and Foreign unity." sufferers and martyrs were men and women who earned their ivclmtiKP A pry, 1:«I7 Howiird St.. Omaha. night, on Feb. 14. Write fodny for TOUR own bread and often gave of their comparative abundance to Fleusp send us your Tour Booklet "A". BOOKLET "A" Let men unite! Let them put aside others. They had provided schools for their children and they MICKLIN FREMONT NEWS. maintained homes for the aged and the orphaned. They never their dislikes, differences, disagi-ec- Miss Mae LIMBER & WRECKING Solson of Bassett, Neheld out a hand for help to others. But now, upon them has ments; their hatreds, passions, preju- braska, is attending COMPANY Adilrtss Midland College been laid the load which a good Jew always deemed the heaviest dices, suspicions,—whatever it is that steamship Ticket. Tonri*ts 24th and Burdette Sts. here. She is making her home with I separates them from one another, that to carry: They are compelled to ask for aid. and Foreign Exchange Agry. Phone Web. 5555 builds the barriers of race, creed, the Misses Jennette and Sally Kru1307 Howard St.. Omaha. Nebr. . j We must still their hunger. We must send them cover for country or condition, that arrays pinsky while attending school. I brethren in hostile camps where untheir nakedness. And we must do more. We must rehabilitate them; rebuild their homes; repatriate those who have lost their kind words are said and cruel worlds done. Let men remem x>r that homeland. These refugees, strange as it may seem, desire to are their beliefs, opinions, feelings, inreturn to the spots where their cradles, if they had a cradle, stincts,—whatever they may be rocked; the spot where their fathers and mothers sleep the last pleased to call them,—are not necessleep. For even this is denied them, a decent burial and a grave sarily right and just because they are in a Jewish house of life, as we love to name the cemetery. THEIRS, because for long time they entertained them, carefully ;.; Picture to yourselves YOUR lot. You know that you will have nursed and nurtured them. Let men not be left alone to breathe your last by the roadside. You know bear in mind that no one i- always that around your bedside will be gathered trained nurses, skilled right and never wrong, that -ill human physicians and, above all, your dear ones. Over there the sick things are fallible, that neither have no nurses, no physicians. Epidemics are raging; pestilence Church nor State nor Science nor Phiis stalking through the concentration camps in which are huddled losophy nor any system or institution the more fortunate of them; no hospital for them and theirs. conceived by man from Moses to ^ T hat is asked of you, of all of us, in very little. Open your yet Bergson, or from Jesus to Karl Marx, purse. Write your check. The lives of these, your bi*others possesses all wisdom or has a and sisters, are in our hands. Upon us depends whether they monopoly oh eternal truth. Truth is •;will live or die. indeed one, but it has many aspects like the- infinite flashes of iridescent "Will you join the army of the slayers? Will you stand by rainbow light from out the shimmerwhile they are murdered? Or will you help to restore them to ing heart of a gem. Let science be lives of honorable usefulness ? Israel calls out to you. What will less arrogant, philosophy more revbe your answer? Remember, "Sh'ma Yisrael", Hear, Oh Israel! i erent, economics more humble, gov—DR. EMIL G. HIRSCH. j ernments less brutal, religion more



- J»l£E'-S HIGHEST IDEAL. ' An address delivered by Dr. Frederick Cohen at the annual convention of religious liberals, in Sioux City.

Tour Party £Passion Play







ANNUAL MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION:— I t becomes again my duty, and it is my privilege, on the occasion of the annual meeting of the members of the Jewish Welfare Federation, to report upon the progress made and the work accomplished during this year of my stewardship. Although. I have been privileged on six different occasions, during my six years incumbency as President of your organization to make the annual report, or present the President's message, I must confess that never before have I deemed the privilege as great because on no previous occasion had I to report such magnificent progress in our work, and such splendid co-operation on the part of the "whole community. After many years of continuous effort on the part of our workers, an effort continued in spite of many discouragements, we have come to realize the fervant hope and ideal of the men and women in the community whose first thought is "Communal Service", viz., a " F E D E R A T I O N " in actuality and not just in name. You will be pleased to know that the "Old Peoples' Home" and the "City Talmud Torah" are now affiliated and beneficiary institutions of our Federation, and with their affiliation, the Federation had under its wing, every existing Jewish philanthropic institution in the city of Omaha, and although these two institutions are affiliated under a trial arrangement, we have no doubt of .the permanency of the relationship. We are now truly in a position to say to the Jewish. Community, "YOU MUST GIVE ONLY ONCE FOR ALL". We are now in a position to really ascertain the "Social Service" potentialities of this community, and to determine who does his duty and who fails thereof. There is no more the opportunity to evade responsibility and escape the: obligations that are justly incident to membership in the Jewish Community, and we shall hereafter, be judged by "what we give and do, rather than' by what we have and keep." I t is not my purpose to present to you figures and statistics 'which will be found in other reports that will be presented a t this meeting, but I cannot refrain from calling your attention to a few significant and "noteworthy achievements in this year's history; of the "Federation". The numbeij of subscribers for 1921 is 1,152 as compared to 675 for 1920, and the aggregate sum collected for 1921 is $45,635.46. One would have thought such progress and such increase in budget, although very necessary, well nigh impossible in the course of one year, but the strength of the foundation upon which we built, the soundness of the principle underlying our Federation, the splendid work it is doing, and the well organized effort i t made, in our drive for funds, all combined to make for this success. No little credit, however, is due to the untiring and efficient efforts of the Chairman of our Finance Committee, Mr. Harry Lapidus, whose principal recreation during the year 1921, was organizing and directing the work of securing pledges and thereafter of collecting, them, for the Federation. i k e establishment of the "Jewish Community ,

Center" in leased quarters in the Lyric Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, is an event of importance to the community. Those of you who have had occasion to visit the "Center", already know what a splendid addition to "Communal Efficiency" these headquarters are, and the great number of activities that are accomodated there. Not only do they furnish meeting rooms for many Jewish organizations, but they afford facilities for "adult recreational activities", community meetings, lecture courses, entertainments and the like; they furnish a COMMON MEETING GROUND for all classes of the Jewish Community, and thus stimulate better understanding and harmonious co-operation in all communal endeavor. They house the Y. M. H. A. and the Y. W. H. A., and furnish facilities for all their activities and thus serve the youth of the community, and result in "communal benefit" in so many ways that it is to be hoped we will in the near future, revive our plans for a "JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER" in our OWN HOME. I extend a most cordial invitation to all of you to make the fullest use of the Reading Room, Parlors, Meeting Rooms and other facilities of the JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER. Now just a word with respect to our Social Service activities and relief work. Under the direction of our office, Mr. Samuel H. Schaefer, Superintendent, and Miss Jessie H. Rosenstock, General Secretary, and our Relief Committee, and with the aid of the_ Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, the Junior Welfare Organization, and the Council of Jewish Women, this branch of our work has been most efficient. I invite your careful reading of the annual report to learn and appreciate the large scope of our Federation's activities, in this connection, and all the many other phases of its work. Let me bi-ing another circumstance to your attention: One of the National institutions threatened to make individual collections, pursuant to its policy, to discontinue its relationship with all Federations. Your Federation, faithful to its pledge that the SUBSCRIBER in Omaha, would not be called upon by private philanthropies, persisted in its position that this institution, like all other recognized worthy beneficiary institutions, must receive whatever support it obtains from Omaha, through the medium of the "Federation", and after considerable correspondence, and after a meeting of our Board with the Executive Secretary of that Institution, our contribution was accepted and no separate collection was made, and again did the "PRINCIPLE OF FEDERATION" prevail. We make the appeal to our subscribers and to every member of the Jewish Community to uphold our hands in this work, to respond to no individual and separate campaigns or appeals for funds in connection with work comprehended in the program of the FEDERATION, and then shall we continue to merit, even to a greater degree, the i*eputation we now have, for a "FEDERATION as complete, as thoroughly organized and as efficient as any in the Land". Respectfully submitted, "MORRIS LEVY, President. . \

Your Children, Blood of Your Blood,

Your Children, Blood of Your Bloods



Sheltered and Protected


HEAR Judge Harry M. Fisher ». Tell you, how 300,000 Children of the Superior Court of Illinois >l o s t

Miss Jessie Bogen Director of the Orphan's Bureau of the Joint Distribution Committee

Chas. M. Rubens of Chicago

their mOtherS a n d fatherS

Tell you how they live and how they die ) Tell you how you can save them ] and teach them to smile again







The Campaign Begins Monday, Feb. 6th




Social, Club and Religious Activities • The Confirmation class of the Omaha Talmud Torah, held a regular meeting on Jantuary 29, at the Synagogue, !|8th and Chicago street. A lecitatkm was given by Bertha Siporin, andi a piano solo by Libbie Zire. Miss Bess Greenberg, an active member of the X. T. C. and the Young Judeae Senior Club, has been chosen for the leading role >n the play "Allison Makes Hay," which will be given by the March graduating class of the Omaha Technical High School. The Women's Auxiliary of the Bnai Brith will hold a "kid" party Thursday evening, February 9, at the Jewish Commun^y Center. Mr. Paul Siever of Minneapolis, Minn., spent a few days in Omaha with relatives. Mr. Siever was formerly of Omaha. "The Flappers" met at the home of Anne Gerelick, Sunday, January 29. They will entertain Saturday at the Brandeis Tea Room. Mr. David Denenberg will leave next week for Chicago, 111., where he w'll remain for a week. Mr. S. Kneeter left Sunday night for Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago. Before returning home he will spend a week ir Exelsior Springs. Mrs. Irvin Marsh of Fremont, Xeb., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Fogel. Mrs. Marsh was formerly Miss Laura Fogel.


Engagements the guests of Mr .and Mrs. A. B. AlMr. and Mrs. Fred Goodmai an- pirn. iounce the engagement of their Miss Rose Guttman entertained aughter, Sarah Goodman, to Mr. Monday evening at the Brandeis Harry Rosenthal of this city. Restaurant in honor of Miss Eugene Announcement is made of the en- Dennis, the "Wonder Girl," who is gagement of Miss Celia Lipp, daugh- visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Lipp, to David Abbott. Harry Cherniss, son of Mrs. Etta Mrs. S. A. Adler of Los Angeles, Cherniss of Council Bluffs, la. No California, formerly of Omaha, ardate has been set for the wedding. rived here Saturday to be the guest Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Manevitz an- of her daughter, Mrs. Saltzman, and nounce the engagement of their Mr. Saltzman at the Morris Apartdaughter Ida Lillian, to Harry E. Har- ments. She will spend several months ris of Des Moines, Iowa. The wed- here. ding date has not yet been set. Miss Mildred Campbell, a graduate Mr. and Mrs. N. Matter of Kansas of the Boston Conservatory of Music, City, Missour1, announce the engage- who is the prima donna of a musical men', of their daughter, Mildred, to company that will appear here next Adolph Lipsey of Blair, Nebr. Mr. week, will sing "Aili Alii" at Temple Lipsey was formerly of Omaha. Israel, Friday evening, February 3, just before Dr. Cohn's lecture on "If Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoffman an- Winter Comes." Services begin at nounce the engagement of their 8 p. m. daughter, Lillian, to Sam Robuck, of Dallas, Texas. The wedding will take Mrs. H .S. Novitsky will give a plac^ in the late spring. birdge tea Saturday afternoon at her home in honor of Miss Sylvia KulaMrs. M. Goldenberg was hostess at kofsky, who has recently announced a one o'clock luncheon at the Fonte- her engagement. This is the fourth nelle Hotel, Thursday, January 26th. of a series of teas which Mrs. NovitsCovers were laid for forty-two guests. ky is giving. Prizes were won by Mrs. H. Rothkop, Mrs. H. Myerson, and Mrs. Kurncy. ' Mr. L. Wintroub, who has been ill with pneumonia at the Nicholas Senn "If Winter Comes," by Hutchinson, Hospital, is much improved. will be the subject of Rabbi Cohn's lecture on Friday evening at eight Mrs. Harry White and son, Robert o'clock at Temple Israel. Saturday Max, of Ottomwa, Iowa, is visiting morning at 10:30 he will lecture on her mother, Mrs. J. Alpersoft. "Humbling Onesself Before God." Miss Rose Fine will give a bunco Nathan Horn, formerly of Omaha, party Sunday afternoon at her home who now resides in California, is visin honor of Miss Blanche Altman, iting 'riends here. who is leaving for Rockford to visit Miss Rose Bloch entertained at her Miss Estelle Lapidus. Twelve guests home Sunday evening for six couples. will attend.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosenbaum have Mr. Paul Jacobson has been confined moved into their new home at 2731 to his bed at his home on account of Titus avenue. illness. Mr*. E. Fleishman entertained eight A regular meeting of the Junior een guests on Sunday evening in \yelfare Organization will be held honor of Mr. and Mrs. N. Kadner of Sunday, February 5, at the Jewish Dallas, Texas. Community Center, at 3 o'clock sharp. A good prog/am has been arranged Mrs. Edward Kohn, wife of the late and all member- are urged i.- attend. Edward Kohn, died at Wise Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sunfield and sister, Miss Dorothy Sunfield, have moved from Iowa to make their home in Omaha. M'ss Pearl Silverman of New York City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edward Newman. Mrs. Newman gave a luncheon for twelve guests at the Fontenelle followed by an Orpheum party.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Sommer entertahied twelve guests at dinner Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosberg. Mrs. Sam Sommers gave a bridge luncheon at her home on Tuesday, January 31.

Teacher of Singing

"THE GOLEM" strides among ordinary film dramas like a giant among pigmies, now terrible as all the passions of earth let loose, now • tender as a child's caress. A strange, inspiring, beautiful thing! Resembling nothing you've ever seen before. Sweeping into its mighty scenes whole multitudes of living men and women. Driving into yoSir memory forever the more-than-human, less-than-human "GOLEM",—the most compelling figure in screen history. Not merely a photoplay; an event in the life of Omaha—• in the life of Jews everywhere.

"A marvellous production of incalcuable educational value every Jewish person should see."—Mrs. Nathan Mantel, President Temple Israel Sisterhood. "Beyond words to describe."—Aaron Davidson, "Omaha Daily News". Eight Days Starting Saturday



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Monclair Addition



"It is a wonderful opportunity for the public to sec graphically and most beautifully and artistically portrayed an ancient historical Jewisjh superstition . . . . that of—"The Golem"—the Jewish Frankenstein."—Rabbi Frederick Cohn.

Residence Studio: 211 So. 33rd St. Harney 205'.

! ovrn a lot on 32nd Street, close to Lincoln Blvd., and will sacrifice if sold at once. Intended to build, but unable to do so. Will sell for $1,600 if quick sale. Size 47x120 feet. OWNER. Harney 3923.


with RUSSELL SIMPSON, Robert McKim and Little Pat Moore. Inspired by the paintings of Frederic Remington. I H:


"I Will" Man Says

Established 1800 15th and Harney Streets. Phone Douglas 2333





Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Fleishman entertained Thursday evening at a Valentine bridge party. Covers were laid for twenty guests. The out-of-town guests were M>ss Janet Wexelman and Mesdames C. Stoddard and R. Lowell of Chicago, 111.

Our guarantee and our word is as good as a bond. We have satisfied hundreds of your friends.

$30.00 to $75.00

Suits and Overcoats


Going Now at

1514 Dodge Street. ——Phone: Douglas 5619 —

DODGE BROTHERS announce s substantial reduction in the prices of their cars effective January 1^,1922

$15.00 to $37.50 Harry H. Laplflns. Pres.-Treag. Jos. Pepper, Vice-President. W. G. Ure. Secretary.


•=! Hi •••

Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block of Fremont and Mr. I. H. Brown, of NorI ::: folk, Nebraska, passed through Omaha Sunday on their way to New York I III where they will spend several weeks. The Young Judae Junior Club will hold its regular meeting at the Jewish Community Center on February

Cecelia J. Feiler

Confections at Moderate Prices. 54;', W. Broadway Next Libert? Theater COUNCIL IJLCFFS. IOWA.

Chiropodist and Beauty Shop

Miss Edith Abrams, of Detroit, is visiting here as a guest of Mrs. Daniel Greenberg.

' The Young Judae Senior Club held Its regular meeting Sunday, January 29, at the Jewish Community Center. Three new members, Tess Kavich Clara Feldman. and Bertha Siegel were admitted. The next meeting will be held Sunday, February 12, at the Jewish Community Center.

Thirty ex-service men, students at the government vocational school at Bellevue, were entertained at an j Orphcum party Sunday afternoon, by \ members of the B'nai B'rith auxiliary and of the Overseas Women's Service League. The affair was arranged by Miss Ella Fleishman, a member of both organizations. In the evening the young women chaperoned an entertainment and dance at the school.

The Best of Everything In Flowers and

Hospital, Wednesday morning, February 1, at the age of 77. Mrs. Kohn is survived by two sons, Isador and Moses Kohn, and a daughter, Mrs. Norman Rotholz, all of Omaha. Mrs. Kohn was a sister of the late Edward Rosewater and Dr. Charles Rosewater, who died recently. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon, at her home at 1045 Park Ave. Burial will be in Pleasant Mill Cemetery.

Miss Blanche Altman will leave in Miss Rose Singer was hostess to "•; about ten days for Rockford, Illinois, the "L. T. Club," Sunday, January 29. A where she will visit Miss Estelle Lap- Prizes were won by the Misses Mollie \ j d u s who is now attending Rockford Saltzman and Rose Singer. Ft College. Mr. and Mrs. Feinberg of Kansas Mr. and Mrs. D. Baum announce the City, Mo., arrived here Sunday to be birth of a daughter, Monday, January 23rd.

Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, wife of I. Kulakofsky, 2105 S. 10th St., died Wednesday at a local hospital following a brief illness. The deceased was 50 years of age, and had lived; in Omaha fo- 30 years. She is survived by he* husband, two sons, Dr. ! Barney and Herman, and four daugh- I ters, Mrs. D. C. Goldware, and the Misses Hannah, Fannie and Bessie Kulakofsky. Burial was in the Beth Hamidrosh Hagodel cemetery this afternoon.


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^EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OFTHE JEWISH PRESS - THE JEWISH CAMPAIGN OF DEFENSE AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF HENRY FORD AND OTHERS WHO ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEFAME THE CHARACTER OF THE JEWISH RACE. The advertisers in this department are Leaders of their respective lines and are co-operating with us in th'is endeavor. They are entitled to your patronage. SEE THAT THEY GET IT.



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Office 209 South 18th Street


SIGNS 1115 Douglas St. Tel.' Jackson 3171


We Deliver the Real Goods. -.

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were Mrs. Chas. Dickinson and Mrs. Ellis Gundershcimer of Baltimore, Maryland.

Jackson 0268



Municipal Securities


Exempt from Fedoral Income Tax. Mr. Dave Davidson, A. L. Galinsky, o u r list i n c l u d e s i s s u e s of cumin u n i t i e s i n Nebruskii HIJ'I Imva. L. Weinberg, Barney Baron, and Dr. An appropriate investment for "Thrift Week" funds. P. MELCHIORS & SON M. O. Helfgott attended the Iowa On the day that Henry Ford putting forward that scheme he hopes State Convention for the Fourteen MACHINE WORKS ordered the discontinuance of the to make the people believe he has Million Dollar Relief Appeal. The Industrial and Automotive Machinists. Carbnretor and Isnitlon Repairs. articles in The Dearborn Independ- opened up the way for the govern- local appeal will not start here until Starter Rlnc Gears for Auto Fly WheeU ent attacking the Jews he arrived ment to furnish money with which the latter part of March according 411 Sonth 13th Street. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Telephone: Jackson M50 at the offic .1 of his publication some- ', to finish the project for him without to Mr. Davidson, district chairman. what earlier than is usual for him.much cost. The Mt. Sinai Temple's basketball but some time after his staff is sup- Also he hopes to make a ladder Y o u r position is posed to be there. of it with which to climb into the team won from the First Methodist correct, and should by a score of 10 to 7. He went straight to the office of Presidency of the United States. UNDERTAKERS his editor, W. J. Cameron, but found Ford's method of stopping the be s u p p o r t e d by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron announce that Cameron had not arrived. attacks on the Jews is not unlike every fair minded MOVED TO the engagement of their daughter, He went into the adjoining office, his action in many other matters to Ir l r v i n person. 2224 CCJUNG STREET. * S Goldstein of that of his secretary, E. G. Liebold. pertaining to his business or pro- Grace, Chicago. A reception was held at He did not have to go in to see that jeets generally. the home Sundav afternoon. Liebold was not there, for he could He was not entirely pleased with see through the glass partition, but the method of campaign waged The Hadasah Society will hold a • • * *Ji • • * he went in, looked about and soon against the Jews, did not like some public card party, Tuesday, February was in Cameron's office again. who had been tied up to his anti- 7, at the Sioux Apartment Hotel. Hoffmann Funeral Home. He waited for some time, bobbing Semitic organization, felt that it was Distributors A Senior Young Judaean Club has into Cameron's office several times, getting him nowhere, and from, his and was waiting there when Cam- own words thought he could ac- been organi?ed recently under t h e eron came. complish more for himself by "work- direction of Dr. M. A. Helfgott. The Visit Our "You're late, aren't you?'' was his ing" the Jews into backing his ^following officers were elected: Archie ; Kraloff, president; Ruben Miller, I greeting to Cameron, and before his scheme instead of abusing them. vice-president; Archie Herzoff, se- { editor could answer added, "I want It is his custom to think such cretary, and Benny Gejlfand, treasurer. Do away with drudgery and make you to cut out the Jewish articles." Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 house-work a pleasure by the use things out for himself, talk them | A t the last meeting the following ( And again before Cameron could were of modern electrical appliances. voted in as members: Sol Gold- ' answer said, "Put all your thought over with Mrs. Ford and then give and time to studying and writing his decision without any warning smith, Isadore Robinson, Lawrence The "Electric Shop" is on the HOLCOMB Baron, Manuel Herzoff, Ben Hei-zoff, ground floor of the Electric buildabout this money question. The Jews to those about him. FOOD CHEMICAL ! ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth are responsible for the present money The discontinuance of the attacks and Leon Dabrovsky. PRODUCTS CO., INC. 1 and Farnam streets. standard and we want them on ouron the Jews must have been a welManufBrturers of The Zionist Organization will hold FOODS AND CHEMICALS. j side to help get rid of it." come order to Cameron, whose heart FLAVORING EXTRACTS. By that time Cameron was squirm- never could have been in the work, | a meeting next Tuesday evening at 918 >". lfith Pt. Phone Atlantic 4064 ing in his chair and caught his I judging by his many expressions t n e Hebrew Institution. favorable to the Jews before he be-' breath to remark that the Jews would Mrs. Max Barish entertained at Iten gan to write articles against them. j not take part in any such plan. NORTHWEST READY And it must have been a like dis- her home last Tuesday, in honor of I "We can get them to, we can Biscuit Co. ROOFING CO. appointment to Liebold, who wasMiss Mollie Ryckoff of Los Angeles, 1 work them," said Ford. Ready Roofing cvrr o)i] shingles. SNOW WHITE Also asphalt s<hing:lps and build-np i Cameron told Ford that anti-Jew- much of Ford's inspiration in Ford's California. The afternoon was spent roofs. Fire resisting and durable. BAKERIES in card playing and a light 'uncheon I ish articles were then on the press j anti-Semitic cause. All work guaranteed. Easy terms. was served. (Res. V. S. Pat. rhone Harnpy 25T4 j and more were prepared. Office.) Office and Warehouse: 3122 Lcavenwortb While Ford has had his financial j Ford told him he would have to let those on the press run but to notions some Iu cut out" all the others, and Ford them to one side ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ing his hobby of attacking the Jews, left. e Council Blults Jewry will assemle APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES the reports are that he is riding his en masse Sunday evening at the MAXCVACTCREttS. MEY-MER-CO. Brand Cameron naturally wondered why fiat money hobby much harder than 'meeting to be held at Eagles hall BEPEXDABLE EtECTRICAX. Beverages and Syrups. Liebold had not given him some he ever did his Jewish hobby. He for the benefit of the war-relief. MERCHANDISE. 3I9-3?l So. l l t h M., ' Omaha. » b r . 1311 Howard St. Phone Atlantic warning of what was to come. Their used to bring the Jew into nearly Several prominent speakers of Chicarhone Atlantic 2889 every subject, but of late he has go and Des Moines will address the desks are so that Cameron and dropped that to a great extent and meeting. Slides of pictures of the I Liebold face one another while at blames the present money system existing conditions in Russia will be {the desks, looking through the glass for nearly everything in terms much shown by O. Hochman, chairman of j partition. of North Omaha. stronger than he ever used against the evening's program. The entire' All that the name As the minuter flew by Cameron the Jews.—Pipp's Weekly. THE TOCCH OF,.A- FAIRY." implies. public is invited to be present at 2*10 AMES AVEXCE. could see Ford bobbing in and out this meeting. There will be no adof Liebold's office, finally taking a Douglas 688: 916 N". 16th St. mission charge. seat, determined to wait until the "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" secretary came. Tlie Council Benefit card party, "Where in hell have you been all There was a meeting of the Brotherand buy them at Ambulance Service morning?" was Ford's greeting to hood, Wednesday evening, at the Lin-which was to have been held several Equipped with Pnlmotor. ROGERS Liebold, and before Liebold could coln Hotel. Madame Gibroy Scott weeks ago, will be held Tuesday AH Calls Answered Promptly. afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. 319 South 16th Street. answer proceeded with: " I have told gave several vocal selections. P hone Douglas 3400. Gilinsky, 72,'J Mynster street. HostJOHN A. GENTLEMAN Cameron to cut out the articles about The "Ivre" Club gave a subscrip- esses for the entertainment will be 3411 Farnan) St. Phone Harney 01 )2 the Jews." tion dance Sunday evening at the Liebold started to remonstrate club rooms. Twenty couples were the Mesdames, L. Bernstein, M. THV SCXDCJRES'S Bernstein and A. Gilinsky. The when Ford insisted with " I want present. Nufrifioos Homo Mode public is invited to this card social. ;>> American ? Jewish articles stopped and all PIESandCOOKIES the Proceeds of same will go to tho the time and attention given to Wet Wa^h Laundry Miss Esther Arensqn is visiting at Council of Jewish Women. Sealed in Sanitary Waxed Wrapper at Your Grocer. handling the money question." Vinegar-Pickles-Cooperage the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kline 2 8 0 8 Cuming. Harney 08S1 Liebold prides himself and some- of Omaha. Sunderen Pie Baking Co. Pure Food Products One Day Service.' No Extra The annual dance of the Jewish e4th and Hickory. Atlantic (5241 times brags that he can invariably P/ione Wong-Ins 4607 Charges.) Refinlte Soft Water: 20th and Pierce St., Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Nate Carpin and sons Sisterhood will be held Tuesday : "anticipate" what Henry Ford wants, that when Ford springs a scheme left for Omaha this week where they evening. February 21, at Eagle's hall. I he, Liebold, has figured out a waywill make their future home. Mr. Proceeds of this dance will go to the LADY CHIROPRACTOR Carpin will ba manager of the Panor Talmud Torah. Many novelty features ID Active Practice Since 1910. to carry it out. Also, it was Liebold Iiest Home Cooking at Very Reasonwill be vriven at this dance. able I'riccs — Satisfaction Guaranteed. who had instilled much of the anti- Shoe Company. Semitic poison into Ford's system, Mrs. Sophia Mandel, Prop. Oftue: Branileis Theatre Bnildine. The Hellenie Chautauqua Circle The Blossoms of Zion club held its 171!i and noijplas Streets. and he didn't want to see the cause Slfi South fifteenth Street—Up Stairs. Pi met January 24 with Mrs. J. Stein- regular meeting Sunday afternoon' Phone Atlantic 3836 ATLANTIC 4522 so dear to him go glimmering. berg. The guests of the afternoon at which time the following program "Oh. we can do both," said Liewas given, "Abie the Shabboth Goy", bold, "I have been thinking about by Toby Katelman; "The Fourth it and have it all figured out, we TIRES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES Commandment", by Dorothy Saltzcan " OUR TREATMENT man; "The Difference in the Keeping CONVINCE TOTJ OP OUR But Ford didn't want to hear SINCERITY. We carry a complete line of nev of the Sabbath", by Rose Shyken. more. BRAND ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and Trust Department, "No, we can't," he said, "the Jew- springs for almost any make ot car. Safety Deposit Boxes. THE BEST M. D. HICHMAN. Manager. Mrs. B. Harding, Oakland Court, ish articles must stop and Cameron 1318-1330 West Broadway, entertained this afternoon for the COUNCIL BLTJFFS. IOWA. must So to work on the money PHONE 414. members of the Afternoon Card club. question."

The Harry A. Koch Co.


Leo A. Hoffmann


Harle - Haas Co.

McCdrd-Bfady Co. KEMEMBEB'

The Brinn & Jensen Company Tour Order for


1112 HARNEY ST. Phone Douglas 6409

Dayton Money Weight Scales and Meat Slicers STEINER ELECTRIC MEATCHOPPER AND COFFEE MILL. USED SCALES OF ALL MAKES FOR SALE. 510 South 10th Street. Phone Jackson 3332.




Baker Ece Machines

Manufactured in Omaha'




Granden Electric Co. "




Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors of

Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery OMAHA, NEBRASKA.

PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. , 37th anil Martha Sts. Barney 1663 Manufacturers of Brass. Bronze, Aluminum and Soft Gray IFOD Castings. Yon are assured of soft; castings, as we machine some from every heat tn our own shop- Standard size cast iron bushing's in stock. ,

Meyer Mercantile Co., lnc






Dr. Frances H. Turner

Council Bluffs Savings Bank

Mid-West Auto Parts Co.

TRAM • , . „ , ,


TRIMBLE BROTHERS Fruit and Vegetables .-W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB. ••'•••••••


Corner 19tb and Douglns Streets. - Masonic Xetnpln Diiljr. '.'•' ——Our hino BAM7WUN, ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. HOWAItD UPRIGHTS GKANDS. PLAtEU PIANOS.


Call Atlantic 2364 OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. 4419 CumliiE St..

Omaha. Nebraska.

Phono Jackson 3060

DON'T BUY COAL! OIL IS MUCH CHEAPER Jjrt Us Uetnove the Door from • Your Furunce and Insert JS

LULIBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER Sen Demonstration Cilfl So. llttb Street.

Rates for Space on this S p e c i a l Page given on application.

Jewish Press 482 Brandeis Bide.

Help Fight Ford—Read. This Page.


Of late months Ford had been riding the anti-gold-standard hobby very hard, although he has had the notion in his head for a t least three years to the certain knowledge of the writer of this. Ford has a double purpose of putting forth the scheme of paper moneyHe wants Muscle Shoals and wants i f badly, and his campaign indicates and his words reveal the fact that T>y

Est. 1891.

Phone Jackson 1680

Joseph Polack & Son •Wholesale Dealer* in nutter, E(tg» and ronltrj-. 1213 Howard St.

Omaha, Nebraska.

Tel. Jackson 2373

Why Buy fin? Buy,-Bird, Braid Coffee in Tabes.

The regular meeting of the Jewish Sisterhood was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. Brandeis. The Auction Bridge club met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed. Schonberger.

Omaha Otllce: 813 Douglas Street. Omaha phone Atlantic SS36

Ford Trailer & Storage Co. R. A. FOBD. President and General Mansiger. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 934 So. Main Street. l'bone 363



Checker Cab




An Ideal Wanning Combination.

Miss Sarah Kcsselman returned Saturday from Minneapolis, Minn., where she. had been visiting during the past month with friends and relatives.




Estes Soap Chips

Holland Furnaces


"Make Warm Friends"

1117-19 Dodge St.

Jackson 8873

Estes Laundry Tablets

Water Softener (Combined) At all Grocers.

MAX OLSEN 8c CO. Wholesale

Distributors (or

SCHMIDT'S jMalta, Select, Bock, Ginger Ale,.Hires Root Beer

OlHce and Warehouse; BIT Sn. Main St. Telephone 142 COUNCIL IU.UV1TS. IOWA.

You will like


Kirschbraun & Sons

2S08 Cumins; St.

Phone Douglas 4736

Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale ttr<~-ers gperlnltles 1511 Cuminjr St. ' Phono Atlantic 1847 DISTRIBUTORS JACK 8PKAT FOOD PRODUCTS. • Omaha. Nebraska.

Groneweg & Schoentgen 216 >'. 16th St. Branches »t Central Market, Table Supply and Food Center.

CLEAN LINEN Every mormnfr (I you call the

Frontier Towel Supply

WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302

E. E. Bruce & Co, WHOLESALE

Druggists and Stationers ' 40Li03-<05 South Mth .'.

1815 California Street. Phone Douglas 6201

flow About Your Furnace? Does It Need Cleaning or Repairing?

SOW IS THK T1MK TO J1AVB KXPEBTS DO THE WORK. Vou'll Be Surprised at Onr Bntes. Cleaning aone by Vaciinni without causing <Urt. We have satisfactorily clianed over 100 furnaces : the past month JACKSON 191S.

FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING CO. i 19U Cnminc Street. f We Install Gilt Bdjre Furnace*.

Theodore Volz & Son TAILORSS?8-33 t>rcuritles Bulldlne, 16th and larunm Sts. " : Telephone: Jackson 8.704--/


Alwnys Ask for


Help Fight Ford—Patronize These Firms.

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