February 9, 1922

Page 1


To.be ashamed of being a Jew, is in the last analysis, to be ashamed of your own father and mother.

You cannot build iip ! 0 y a I t y to mankind XX p o n disloyalty to your own kind.

Entered as second re £T .iiail matter on January 27th. 1921: at poBtofflce at Xtoah . © a aska, pnder the Act of March 3. 18TO.

VOL. H.—No. 9


Half of City's Relief Quuia Pledged Following Address of Judge Fisher; MLLevy Offers 5 of Omaha's Total


Nathan Straus* Creed Why He Is "The Grand Old Man .' of Israel.

During my whole life I have maintained that wealth, whether moderate or great, creates an obligation upon the holder to use. it for the "benefit of mankind, and I have lived up to this obligation myself even beyond what I felt was just to myself and my family.. I .have tried to do all the good I could possibly do myself and by my example to inspire others of greater means to use their wealth and influAH Committees Throughout State Rallying to W o r k ence as freely as I do mine for huIndications Strong for Great Oversubscriptions manity rather than for themselves. I of City and State Quotas regret that my fortune is only moderate and that I am not a man of MORE THAN HALF of Omaha's quota for the Jewish large' wealth, only because large relief appeal has been subscribed. With $42,000 pledged follow- wealth would enable me to give more. ing Sunday nighf s meeting at the Brandeis Theater and aft$r Others measure my fortune by what one day's work on the part of the solicitors, indications are that I give. I give what T can "and not the full quota of $75,000 will be subscribed before the end of merely in proportion to -what others the week. From the enthusiasm of the workers and the response who could do more are giving. I would they are receiving throughout the city, it is safe to predict that be ashamed to adopt such a standard. Omaha will not only reach its goal but will over-subscribe by I would be ashamed to give what I now give if I had any considerable a good sum. $37,000 was pledged following of Omaha will start the drive there. part of the wealth which is accredJudge Fisher's eloquent appeal before Fremont, Nebraska City, Grand ited to me.—Nathan Straus1000 people, at the Brandeis Theater, Island and Columbus were other and $5,000 more was secured by cities represented at the state conworkers Wednesday, their first day ference, and each pledged to raise in the field. Chas. Rubens, director more than its quota. At this meeting of Zone 7, did excellent work at the Judge Fisher inspired > the delegates mass meeting in securing increased with his narration of personal expledges from many men and women periences in the relief zones, who had subscribed earlier in the Following are the Omaha workers, evening. ' J and pledges secured here up Jo '-ir'••"- » «i J wr* * tr t I Thursday morning. Additional. lists Morns Levy Pledges 5% orTotaL !Q f c o n t r i b u t o r s ^ ^ p r i n t e d in Sponsor GetThe pledge which is creatang the n e x t w e f i k , a j s s u e o f ^ , . J e w i s h Brotherhood Together Movement Next greatest interest in the city, and p-gcs^ which is most responsible for the Wednesday. AND 'WORKEBS. overwhelming success of the cam- DISTRICT 1*-J. J. GreenberB and Max paigh"/thus f a r / i s that of Morris Fromkin, captains. BACHELORS TO BE DISTRICT 2 and 7—Milton LiTingston, Levy. Mr. Levy has subscribed a Captain; Loyal Conn, Arthur Rosen ERS BY ADOPTION FOR blnm. Dr. Philip Levey and Jos. Wolt minimum of $3,000, with a guarantee DISTRICT 3 and 17—A Wohlner. captain; A NIGHT. of 5% of the. entire sum pledged in Robert H. Kooper, Moe Katleman. 4—Irwin Stalmaster, captain; Omaha. Every subscriber seems DISTRICT Miss Sophye Welnstein, Harry Trastin. Fathers and sons of Temple Israel intent on making Mr. Levy's con- DISTRICT 5--ti... Kneeter, captain; Sain will gather next Wednesday evening Epstein. Louis Turkel. ' not less than $5,000. DISTRICT G—Arthur Friedman, captain; at the first Father and Son Banquet ,L .^-jj^^while ;tbe.'•',• communities David Freeman. ,£—Ma: by a Jewish organization

Reform Rabbis Ask Repeal of Holy Wine Law


Temple Members Plan City's First Jewish Father, Son Banquet

Claim Interpretation of Volstead Act Not in Accord With Jew, ish Religious Law. JOIN WITH CONSERVATIVE GROUP OF RABBIS IN ENDING ABUSE OF PRIVILEGE. Pittsburgh; Pa.—The Central Conference of American Rabbis, in executive session held here, petitioned the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to revoke the section of the Volstead Act permitting the use by Jews of wine for sacramental purposes. The resolution follows: "The Central Conference of American Rabbis, through its*'executive committee, in special; session assembled, declares that the interpretation placed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue upon, that section of the Volstead Act under which Rabbis are permitted to certify to application made by Jews for wine for sacramental use, is not in accordance with the requirements of Jewish religious law. "Leading conservative Rabbinical authorities are in agreement with the Conference that, .according to traditional Jewish law, unfermented wine is permissible for all Jewish ritualistic purposes. "The Central Conference of American Rabbis, therefore, respectfully petitions the Commissioner" of Internal Revenue to retoke that regulation predicated upon the interpretation herein referred to. "EDWARD N. JCALISCH, Richmond, Va., president. "I. E. MARCUSON, Macon, Ga., secretary."

What South Africa Did Omaha Could Save 40,000 Children by its Example. Approximately forty dollars per1 capita is the record made by the Jews of South Africa and Rhodesia, according to a report made by tbej Transvaal Jewish' Relief, Reconstruction and Orphans'" Fund executive committee to the Bureau of Jewish Social Research "in New York. There are 50,000 Jews in these states, and their contribution has reached 400,6^0 pounds sterling. .... • ^^ • If the Jews in Omaha were t© contribute at the same rate, the total would reach the sum of $400,000. Yet the National Appeal 'for Jewish War Sufferers asks but $75,000, scarcely one-sixth the proportion! ; Awaken, Jews of Omaha!


Immigrants "Princes of Louis Marshall Tells Law-Makers In Strenuous Fight en PLEADS CAUSE OF OPPRESSED AND HOMELESS JEWS OF EUROPE BEFORE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON IMMIGRATION Joint Committee of National Jewish Organizations Attempts to Avert Impending Restrictive Measures

Washington, D. C, Ffeb. 1.—Louis Marshall, President of the American Jewish Cormnittee, today, from 10:00 A. M. until 9:30 P. M., appeared before the House Immigration Committee. protesting against restrictive legislation, and. answering the attacks made upon Jewish aliens, at previous hearings before the committee. Mr. Marshall's testimony was massive and covered a great many aspects of the situation. Bernard G. Richards, Secretary of the temporary organization of the American Jewish Congress; John L. Bernstein, President of HIAS; Max Pine, Secretary of the United Hebrew Trades, and Joshua Kantrowitz, representing B'nai B'rith, District No. 1, were also present, but, with the exception of occasional interruptions by Mr. Berastein, Eleven Organizations Respond supplementing Ml> Marshall's remarks, -these did not testify. to First Call for j , With great concern Marshall told instead of being: affected by this apDelegates. j the committee, he and many others peal, made use of it to bring out that

National American Jewish Committee Revives Activities

had observed the increasing frank op- an overwhelming influx of Jews from PLANS FOR E N L A R G I N G position to Jewish immigration, and that troubled area in Europe was to the shrugging of shoulders and lifting be expected, and America, in self-proSCOPE OF WORK TO BE of eyebrows with reference thereto in tection, has to close the doors.,. Thev ADOPTED SOON. emphasized the view of considering Congressional circles. "The entire world comes to the America's internal welfare, holding New York.—Eleven national Jewish organizations now have represen- Jews for spiritual sustenance," he the humane aspect as irrelevant. Mr. Marshall presented the Jewish tatives in the American Jewish Com- said. "Christ was a Jew; the Disciples mittee and it is expected that otner were Jews; the Prophets were Jews. 'case" with great vigor and skill. bodies will also accept the invitation The Jew of today is the son of Most of the members of the commitof the committee to elect their repre- those from whom the whole world tee seemed impressed, howevei*, more sentatives, a report issued Thursday learns. ' Let no one say the Jewish with his earnestness than his argument. His appeals seemed to leave states. '• • \ \\ people is inferior." them unaffected with the exception of. The basis for the representation k>f "Princes of Thought." Chairman Johnson, who has of late national Jewish organizations in the Describing t i e life of the Jewish committee was laid down several immigrant after Ms entry into the been showing more and more incliyears ago when the by-laws of the United States, he told how, as trustee nation to be liberal. He, however, is committee were amended with a view of the Educational Alliance, he had clearly under the influence of his reto enlarging the general membership. visited its classes and meetings, where strictionist colleagues, and is afraid Rabbis fiUaij|Fwith the United Shortly thereafter, however, the he found men who were peddlers dur- to show too sympathetic an attitude, The remainder of the evening: Mr. W WarBroke trot and conditions ing the day listening by night to lecj!or the campaign- Lincoln, which, iinnf°i The Brotherhood of Temple Israel group, i» conference last week, adopt- in Jewish communal life in America Marshall devoted to a detailed analyT was representet by a large delegation DISTRICT lP^sy Rosenthai tures on mathamatics, astronomy and *_ • • Jr • , „, - Greene, captains: Harry. Wilinsky, Ed. is sponsor for the affair,, which will ed a resolution similar to the one became so unsettled that it was deem- Aristotle. "Yes," he said, "they are sis of the two tentative measures now at the State conference Sunday afterAbrahams. O ed advisable to postpone the carrying C o Ziejrler, captain; be held in the vestry rooms of the 'abve printed. 10—Isidor pushcart peddlers by day, but Princes before the committee, one, suspending noon, has accepted a quota of $25,000,' DISTRICT Morton Hlller. M. - I>. Cohen. Mayer Temple, and which will take the immigration indefinitely, vrith the exSplesbersrer. Ed. Treller. J. Isaacson. out of some of these plans for the of Thought by night." and will conduct its campaign next J. H. Kulakofsky, StanJev, Feller. Her- place of the regular monthly meeting JEWISH BOY, "FRESHV ception of a few blood relatives, and enlarging of the committee, especially week, under the direction of Morris bert Harris, Ed. Wirtshafter, Al. Mayer. Marshall added that, looking at the other, extending the quota law of the organization. .._ t'ROM RUSSIA, WINS DISTRICT 11—Morris Milder and David insofar as the representation of naFriend, state vice-chairman, C. Mozer, these men in their poor garments and Fedor, captains; Harrv Alplra. Under the leadership of Ben Lewis, SCHOOL HONORS tional Jewish organizations was con- their beards, one might not be veryj another year for the benefit only, city chairman; S. B. Aronson, sec- DISTRICT 12—S, Ravitz, captain; J. Katleman, A. J. Miller, Mortis Rosen- chairman of the entertainment comhowever, of blood relatives. He conNew York. (J. T. A.) Public cerned. retary, and Win. Freund, treasurer. blatt, Morris Sherman, M. Fried. M. favorably impressed with them, but Fariger, J. Slosberg, Mrs. S. Kavitas, mittee, a fitting program will be School eleven-in New York city won fifteenth annual their qualities and - the extraordinary demned both proposals unqualifiedly Following the Mrs. K. Tatle. >• l Lincoln to Hold Public Meeting. DISTRICT 1:5—Harry RosenfeW, captain given, features 'of which will be the Peter Cooper gold medals, beat- meeting of the American Jewish progress that the Jewish, immigrant picking out, one by one, the flaws and Dr. B. T. Friedman. Clarence Bergman, addresses of fathers on what they On Sunday evening there will be ing, in scholarship, sixty-six other Committee held last November, it has made in the United States shows injustices. He expressed his utter asDave Rosenstock, N. _P. Fell. held a public meeting at the Lyric DlSTRiCT"°14^Abner' KaimanV captain expect * of their sons, and responses schools in its district. was deemed opportune to put the new.] we must consider something else be- tonishment at the suspension measure, Dr. A. GreenborK. Theater in Lincoln,* at which time DISTRICT The valedictorian, with highest hon- regulations into- effect and a selection sides the appearance and the clothes. which, he said, was nothing less than 15 and 1G—K S. Yaffe. captain by sons on what they look for fro* Rabbi Mrtrris Taxon. John Feldtnan, their fathers. a permanent closing of the doors. Max Korshack, ex-corporation counsel ors in the winning school, is Abraham was made of a number of national Ijoui8 Margolin. . . • Raker and other members of the comUnwarranted Accusations. of Chicago, and Samuel J. Rosen- SPECIAL COMMITTEE— Harry Lapldns. Members of. the Brotherhood who Ochakowski, a Jewish lad from Polish organizations who were invited to Harry y Wolf.-Henry..Monskyi y, Dr. Philip are riot fathers are being asked to mittee argued that it was not a, per"Anyone who is familiar with the Diatt, memoer 01 tne executive comHarry Russia. , Leo Rosenthai. elect representatives ~ to serve as manent measure. Meeting this 6bideals of Judaism," Marshall said, "adopt" boys for the evening, and mittee of the national appeal, will He came to this country two years members of the American Jewish Pledges to February 9. a jolly good time is being looked ago, unable to speak a word of Eng- Committee 1 or a term of one year ^realizes how unwarranted is the ac- jection, Mr. Marshll pointed to the speak. Mr. Korshack has just re- A b r a h a m g, Edward (increased, 100.00 forward to by these "fathers for a turned from a year's work for the * r o m ?50-©r lish. or until their successors are chosen. cusation of Bolshevist tendencies on plain provisions of the bill, providing 50.00 the part of the Jews." "Jews held that it remain in effect until other5.00 night". Joint Distribution Committee in Eu-. Adeison' N." Commenting on this bit of news in The organizations which have al500.00 xope. The meeting is open to the Aipiru', Mri^ Assisting Mr. Lewis in arranging his column in the New York Ameri- ready responded to this invitation sacred all those things that Bolshe- wise decided by Congress. Mr. Mar100.00 t?n 15.00 public, and an overflow house 'is 4J 2°-, Julius— the affair are the officers of the can, Arthur Brisbane, chief Hearst and the representatives chosen by vism would destroy—religion, family shall characterized the percentage 25.00 . -. . . iAUschuler. A._. life, property. One hundred leading quota scheme as cruel and inhumane 25.00 Brotherhood, Milton Livingston, pres- editor, said: expected. [Altschnler. S._ them follow: 10.00 Zionists of Moscow were condemned in the extreme. ident, Herbert Heavenrich, vice-pres"Think that over, as you read at25.00 At Norfolk, John Eobinson has £*£j£ jj$$l r___ American Jewish Historical Society, to death by the Soviets. Trotzky him200.00 ident, , Victor Ganz, secretary, and Throughout the testimony reprearranged a meeting at the city hall Anerb'ach. H. H — tacks on Jews. They win because they 25.00 A. S. W. Rosenbach; Council of Jew- self denies that he is a Jew and told . ,, ... __ —.„.. Babich, Mrs. i>. — sentative Siegel endeavored to rein* 10.00 for all citizens. Harry B. Zimman Baehman. ~ Louis Simon, treasurer. work. Do the same and you won't ish Women, Miss Rose Brenner and a Jewish delegation which called up10.00 BaBkin, Anna P ._ force and help Mr. Marshall's testineed to envy them, hate them, or lie Mrs. Henry Sternberger; Hadassah, 10.00 Beber, Mr. I .—^_ on him to secure lifting of restrictions mony by various questions and state5.00 Beber, Mrs. I. _ about them." 25.00 Miss Alice L. Seligsberg; Independ- against Jewish activities ,that he had Belmont, Harry ments. Representative Sabath, of 2.00 Bergman, Louis ent Order B'rith Sholom, Sol C. Kraus nothing in common with the Jews." 10.00 Bernstein, H.,___....... Council of Jewish Women Chicago, the other Jewish member of 25.00 Bernstein. Jos. -. and Martin O. Levy; Independent Or100.00 Works for Sight Conservation der Two or three of the "extreme re- the committee, was absent, being out Block. Jos.'...:_ Free Sons of Israel, Solon J. 25.00 Blumenthal; A. iL. — A nation-wide movement for sightstrictionist" members of the commit- of the city. : 10.00 Blmnenthal. II. — Liebeskind; National Conference of tee, particularly Representative Ra50.00 Blumenthal, Joe, conservation has been initiated by the Chairman Johnson extended the WILLIAM MAGEE FOR THE 25.00 PAINTINGS OF JEWISH LIFE Bolker. Dave-..-.-^Council of Jewish Women, through Jewish Charities, Fred M. Butzel; Or- ker, of California, continually hacked j privilege to Mr. Marshall of submit5.000.00 SECOND TIME SHOWS Brandeis, Georges STIRS RESENTMENT OF der B'rith At«tham, Samuel Dorf, 100.00 Jewelry-Co.. its sub-committee on the blind. The Mr. Marshall with questions, trying ting later additional written data for FAITH IN THEIR ABILITY Brodkey Brodkey. Mrs. M : : 25.00 POLISH ANTI-SEMITES week of February 18 to 25 has been Leon B. Ginsburg and Morris M. to utilize every point that he scored the committee's information. Brookstein; M. . . 10.00 -. Brown. Ben M. _;__— . 10.00 designated as the period for intens- Green; Order of the United Hebrew Pittsburgh, Pa. (J. T. A.) Mayor Brodgky, N. . ,80.00 New York.—On Monday, of last ive educational propaganda on the Brothers, Meyer Greenberg; Progres- as a justification for restriction. Thus, Burstein, Ben ,,, , 5.00 WDliarn A. Magee of Pittsburgh, a week, on the steamship America proper use and care of eyes and optic sive Order of the West, Samuel Ep- for example at one point of his tes(Continued on page 2) timony, Marshall made an eloquent friend of the Jewish people'. during I there arrived in New York Abraham nerves, and local sections of the Coun- stein; United Synagogue of "his administration eight years ago,' Manievitch, the famous Jewish cil are arranging for the widest dis- Samuel C. Lamport; Women's League plea for the orphans of the Ukraine in the course of which he manifested has again shown his faith in the' Hundreds I?ay Tribute to painter, who has gained a world-wide semination of such knowledge. of the United Synagogue of America, Memory of Morris Goldware reputation. great emotion. 250,000 Jews had been ability and efficiency of Pittsburgh" One of Ms paintings was Mrs. Charles L. Hoffman. Over 300 men, women and children, bought by the French Exhibition in slaughtered in that region, leaving "JEWISH PRESS" CAMPAIGN. Mrs. J. V. Rosenblum and Mrs. H. thousands of orphans who were with- CONTINUES AT WHITE HEAT; He has appointed the following from all walks of life, gathered at the Luxembourg Galleries in Paris. S. Kamen are in charge of this imCLOSES NEXT WEDNESDAY THREE OLD RESIDENTS portant work for the Omaha section out care, and whose condition was beJews to positions of importance in the Synagogue at Twenty-fourth and • Mr. Manievitch iwas born in Russia of the Council and through them arNicholas streets *Sunday morning to DIE DURING WEEK yond parallel, he said. city affairs: and after studying at the School of With but one more week remaining Three deaths in the Omaha Jewish Mrs. Enroch Rauh,, President of pay their respects to the memory of Arts and Crafts in Kiev, went to rangements have been made w Care of Orphans. in the "Jewish Press" subscription the Pittsburgh Section, Council of the late Corporal Morris Goldware, Munich, Germany. Recently he has lectures upon sight-conservation will community were recorded during the The orphans, he went on to say, contest, the forty girls enrolled are be given by every public school teachwho died in Nevers, France, in Octoweek. On Friday, Mrs. Al Dreyfpos| Jewish Women, to the office of Dibeen in Paris. Some time ago an er in the city to her classes during would be adopted by the American on the jump to get every possible rector of Department of Public Char- ber, 1918. Goldware, who was 26 died, following an operation at a exhibition • . of his works in Warsawthe week. Ministers, club leaders and local hospital. Mrs. Dreyfoos was Jewish families throughout this coun- subscriber in Omaha and vicinity. ' ities; Miss Sara Soffel, attorney, to years of age, enlisted with Butchery try, and if Congress was intent upon created a sensation, particularly his other public officials are also being Reports made by the contestants Company No. 344 in June, 1917. the office of assistant city solicitor; 58 years of age. She is survived by resriction it should, in any event, masterpiece "The Destroyed Jewish last night indicate that every girl is requested to make and deliver ad- her husband, and two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Reichman, a member of the Rabbis Morris N. Taxon, Frederick leave the doors open for these victims. State Legislature, to the office of Cohn and Herman M. Cohen officiated City": The anti-Semitic newspaper dresses upon the subject. Louis Hiller of Omaha, and Mrs., J. Members of the- committee, however, up and at it, and that each club will "Dya Drosha" attacked Mr. Manroll up a good total for the big prize water assessor. Several others have at the public funeral. "A flower of The Committee on Blind calls at Chapman of Colorado Springs. money. been named to positions of minor im- youth, who made the supreme sacri- ievitch savagely, because of this tention to the fact that 50,000 peopl; -Mr. H. S. Samuelson, aged €0, Riga (J. P. A.) — The Central From Council Bluffs Teports arc portance. fice so that all of us in America picture. A son of Mr. Manievitch, in the United States have been un died Friday, following an illness of who was a leader of the Self Defense Federation of Jewish Athletic Socoming in of the activity of the JunThe appointment of Mrs. Rauh has might live," said Rabbi Taxon at the in Kiev, was killed defending his necessarily blind; that 10,000 blind several months. He is survived by cieties of Russia, "the Macabbe", ior Council members and {he likelichildren owe their handicap to babies' funeral. "Though born in a foreign two sons, Sam and Julius, and a met with wide acclamation, not only peoples during a pogrom. has requested permission of the gov- hood is that these girls will surprise sore eyes, a preventable disease; that daughter, Fanny. from Jewish men and women, but land, he was a true- American," said An exhibition of Mr. Manievitch's 200,000 eye accidents occur each year Mr. Ben Reinschreiber, 64, for a ernment to hold a national conven- their many friends. from non-Jews of Pittsburgh^ From Rabbi Herman M. Cohen. Rabbi Fredpaintings will be held in New York The Jewish relief appeal now being in the industries of the United States the bishop of the Protestant Episcopal erick Cohn in his eulogy said: "He quarter of a century a Resident here, tion. and finally that 25,000 out of 100,000 died Wednesday following a brief 111- ^ There are at present in Russia conducted is an added incentive for Diocese of Pittsburgh, to leaders in fought for democracy, for the prin- City at; an early date. children who fail to be promoted in ness. Funeral services were held this J more than 600 Jewish athletic so- the contestants to win the money as political affairs, even those .opposing ciples of this country." cieties, besides a scout organization several of the clubs have pledged the New York public schools each morning. The Jewish Women's Welfare orMagee's administration, Mrs. Eauh's As a final tribute to the memory selection for this important city office of their dead comrade, a military es- ganization held their monthly meeting year are left back because they lack Mr. Reinschreiber is survived by having a membership of about 6000 large amounts to the relief fund. The contest closes next Wednesday, has been approved and commended. cort from the American Legion fired Tuesday, February 7, at the Jewish spectacles. Constructive measure: his wife, two daughters, Ethel ReJn- children -with branches in SO cities. February 15, at midnight. Results have been suggested toward assuring All of these bodies are nationalistic schreiber and Mrs. David Feblowitz, Mrs. Rauh is the first woman in a volley over the grave of their Community Center. Mr. Harry Flewill be announced in next week's is* successful results in the local visio: in character, most of them using harty spoke jon> the • Woodrow Wilson "buddy" and Taps was sounded. Bur three sons, I. J., Harry and Williamf Pennsylvania to'"receive such an imcampaigns- — Foundation - • ;——; ial was in Pleasant Hill cemetery. " portant office in a large city. and one brother, Haskellj of Chicago. IHebrew as their official language, _ sue of the "Jewish, Press,"

Pittsburg Mayor Appoints Jews to Important Offices

Jewish Artist of WorldWide Repute Visits America

Relief Appeal Brings New Incentive to Contestants








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t _»abUs_e_,«Tery

Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, b y


\ must be rigorously pressed home that an exemption is not a pre-emption of moral obligation. It i s rather «n insistance on a greater sensitiveness to An exemption in national legislation i s class legislation. I am not blind ;o the faefthat our Congress cannot pass any law with regard to health, education or marriage which will not Icit a protest from some religious denomination. On the other hand, be it noted that,a government regulated by majority cannot justify the persecution of a minority."

The Jewish Pedlar

Temple jParty at which $89,00 was cleared, it was decided to donate a "hope dhest" which will be raffled, the proceeds t o go to -the Temple fund.

David . A. Brown Answers This Query in a Forceful Statement Mr. Morris iEriend, C Mozer, MorWhat is to bo done with the $14,This pedlar here beside the dusty road, ,.$2.50 SuBscription Price, one year.. ris Polsky, Barry Arenson, M, Was000,000 to be raised in the AmericanA broken man, a common jack-of-trade, serman, Max Katleman, Kabbi J. SinAdvertising rates furnished on application. Jewish Relief appeal throughout the He lays aside his humble, trivial load, ger, Sidney Poska, Abe Davidson, L. country. David A. Brown, chairman NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaBreslow, John Savalowich, James of the national appeal, in a statement No doubt to count his treasure in the shade. tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal cause.. Samuels, Jack Waxman, Fred Waxissued "-through' the national headA man of homely mould, a dog of earth: CPANGB OF ADDRESS—Please glvt both ths old and new address: man, S. L. Shostak, and Ben Rosenquarters in New York city, said in . . . be tore and alga yonr name. _____ berg attended the Relief Conference Croesus, ride by, and throw him scarce a look; answer to this question: that ~~as held i n Omaha Sunday. .Marked you his gloating o'er his prize of worth?— ^'Specifically, the efforts of the FATHER AND SONS BANQUETS. Not cold he counts; he deeply reads a book. Joint; Distribution Committee, which s Habbi Jacob Singer addressed the The announcement that the Brotherhood of Temple Israel is the agency through which is ISAAC HASSLER. LINCOLN Lincoln Women's club at its last will give a Father and Son Banquet next week comes as very brought relief to the Jews of Europe meeting, speaking on "The History gratifying news indeed to those who believe in the development with the funds raised,-and yet to be The Hebrew Educational Society of Jewish Music." of boyhood, into well-rounded and productive manhood. The boyraised, by the American Jewish Relief Iheld a meeting Sunday evening at the is truly "father to the man", and the tendencies and aspirations Committee, are a t this time con- the Jews of Soviet Rus_ia, not a new a congregation is guilty of negligence of youth find their fulfillment in the deeds and in the ideals centrated in Eastern and Central problem, ibut one with which it has and deceit. Naturally the indulgence Ivre Club rooms. .Miss Mary Yabroff gave several readings and the Sphint FOR SALE—by owner, a sixof the man. • • Europe, where three-fourths of the been impossible to cope until recent- of the law in regard to the use of orchestra played several selections. A room modern bungalow; large Persons who have studied the phenomenum of the increas- 13,000,000 Jews -ojf the war-stricken ly because of the political situation. sacramental wine will lead to many dance followed the program. lot, garage, a nice place for ing number of delinquencies among juveniles attribute i t in a chickens and a garden. Close countries are struggling for existence But Soviet Russia is now open to abuses. To foster and encourage to street cars. Good neighgreat measure to lack of parental control within the home, and against fearful odds. I t is function- relief •ministration, and the Joint these evasions under the guise of Miss Francis Marks of Omaha, is borhood. 3521 Webster St. to the lack of understanding between children and parents that faff iu Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Distribution Committee is going into Judaism and Jewish usage is a crime the house guest of Kiss Rath Polsky. Phone .Harney 3675; always preceeds it. Life to-day is attuned to a faster key than Russia, Rumania, Austria, Hungary, that land a t the express bidding of against the fair name of Israel." was life of a generation or two ago. The attractions and the Palestine, Czecho - Slovakia and President Harding and in co-operation Mrs. Ed. Gugenheim left Wednesallurements awaiting young boys and girls are more numerous Turkey." day for Kansas City to attend the with the American Relief AdministraOn the same -subject Dr. Nathan and more insidious, and the need for a wholesome and proper "The first place in the catalogue tion tinder Secretary Hoover and with meeting of the "State Federation of guidance on the part of the parents toward their children in- of activities,". said .Mr. .Brown, "must the Society of Friends. Closed to the Krass says: "WANTED TO RENT—two fur"Let us give our heart and our hand Sisterhoods. creasingly evident. ••••.., be given to the staggering task of outer world, shrouded in mystery to America; let us support this govnislied rooms by young couFathers and sons, gathered together around a banquet table, providing protection, food, clothing since 1916, no one can Bay how vast ernment; let us lend our moral force At a meeting of the Ladies Aid ple. Apply "Jewish Press", each freed from the business and the restraints of daily, life that and .shelter for 300,000 Jewish war is the problem that awaits us there, and let that flag which decorates this Society Wjednesday it was voted to Box 130. throw an almost insurmountable barrier between them, learn to orphans, bereft oi one or both bfit one of the representatives of the hall be not only the flag of justice give $500.0JO for the War Relief Drive. know each other, and come to find that common bond of admira- parents', either through the war or Joint Distribution Committee who A report was made upon the Speier tion and respect which is inherent within them. The movement because of pogroms, and who have, penetrated that country recently re- and righteousness and peace for started some years- ago has had a nation-wide* trial' and ain many cases, wandered hundred of ports that it is a matter of Twinging America, but the flag of justice and righteousness and peace for _1 the national success. miles away from their native towns, elementary relief to the hundreds of world so that in the days to come, •Every Jewish organization in the city, whether it be com-who have been living and dying on thousands of Jews who have survived nations will lift up the holy Bible and posed of fathers or of sons, would (do well to follow. i the the roads, on unfriendly city streets in that country," he concluded. say to America: example of the Brotherhood of Temple Israel. ind subsisting on roots and grass "Yon are indeed the Abraham of or the" crusts they may find in desertthe nations; you are indeed the great , M.. 25.00 ed houses. Hungry, cold,maked, they Other Opinions , Harry. RELIEF PLEDGES promise; you have become a great 5.00 are growing up without education or Iiouls_ blessing to your own people and to 15.00 Levy, Morris (incre.a«e-d bom On Wine Subject all the world." (Continued from page 1) .-• 3,000.00 moral training, and. they are dying $2,000.00) inlnimum 100.00 Iievy, Mrs. __orrJs___ by the thousands. Two hundred Blumenthal, D. _ Saul-. 100.00 Braviroff, Harry. thousand of these orphans are in t h e The Scribe, of. Portland, edited by — saoo • U e b , Mr. and Mrs. _ ? _ Bravtroff, Leo A good clean stock of Men's Dr. A. Simon of the Washington [; Lintzman, 3. _, 35.00 Ukraine, and it is predicted that 95,- Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, has the followBraviroff, Benj. _ •*«- o n ' I i i p s i l l t z , ' T^. ... , .. 5.00 Berkowitz, I ing to say concerning "sacramental Hebrew Congregation, writing in The 30.00 000 of them -will die before help can iKSSi Iiisslqt. Mrs. Grace Clothing and Furnishings, located Blazer, Eugene. 50.00 • Livingston, Milton S. (Increased wine." Jewish Times, favors strict enforceChait, Ben. be brought to them," he continued. 100.00 from $50.00) : Chalt, " J. _ Shnple Simony right in the heart of a town of about ment. Dr. Simon says in part: moo Lazarus, __._ Chapman. M. E "Next is the problem of some 400,• Lashlnsky, M. 15.00 Cohen, Herman M.. "The rabbi as a wine «eller is a *"The national prohibition law should : Malashock, Harry 250.00 000 refugees who have'fled from the Cohen, M. G.. 12,000 population, 35 miles from "- " • k, Jake • 25.00 libel and a tragedy. No rabbi sells be Btrictiy enforced by its officers and Conn,- Fabbi Frederick2Jr " 15.00 Ukraine and from other pogrom Conn, Loyal B — 250.00 Omaha, established 10 years, a 15.00 lands, driven, out of almost everj- wine. A person who does engage in punctiliously obeyed by the citizens loono> Mantel, Mr. and Mrs. N.. Cohen, L. M. ____. 10.00 voo i Margolin, Mary. the sale of liquor is not a rabbi. Copeland, Jack of our country^ One's personal dis5,00 community > in which 1000' Margolin, Morris they seek That certainly is simple enough. EvCorenman, Mrs. I. good money-maker. Right party 10.00 fioofi i , H , with a law is no justifica• Credit Clearing House _ shelter," said Mr. Brown. "Thousands ery' man and woman is absolutely satisfaction 500.00 j 20JD0 Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. E_ Cohen, Tills. C.; tion for ts deliberate, violation-Our 25.00 of them are living in the "open fields 15X0! Jjeyer. Ernest. can handle with $5,000 or $6,000 Cohen, Jacob ; 25.00 ; Meyer Lesterjustified in refusing to recognize democracy assumes t h a t every citiCherniss, I. N . . ; ; 50.00 or forests, exposed to diseases which §$ :: Meyer, y , M. Dansky, Sam: . as a person of rabbinic standing a ; zens is a potential officer of the law. cash. Address The Jewish Press, 10 00 Meyer, M 25.00 M M Davidson, A. 25X0 Milder children. 100.00 threaten to become epidemic; The vender of wine. A congregation emDavis, Samuel H . . "National legislation which cannot l Milder, Morris. _*_ 1.000.00 Joint Distribution Committee has a Box 126. Delrogh, H . . _ _ — ploying such a person as a minister in justice be applied to all citizens, g"oo MUder, Mrs. Morris100.00 Dorinson, R ; 15.00 ' Milder, Hymle _ 150.00 great medical unit in Europe, which Dubnoff, Yale is using its corpfcfate vowels to de- irrespective of creed or class, betrayE 2.00 MUder, Wm.. -160.00 Dubnoff, D o r a - . _»0.00 is grappling with the epidemics of ceive and defraudf^-he public a n i any 0500 Miller, II. S . _ Eizenstadt, C. 10.00 typhoid 10 00 Minken, A Elewitz, Snm_ and typhus which are board of trustees f u s i n g such a per- an inherent weakness. An exemption 40.00 2500 Minkin. Morris. Elgutter, Mrs. Dollie — .._ 10.00 decimating the ranks of these hap- son to be in an official relation with is a confession of its nation-wide In20o!oO Monsky, A-.. Epstein Bros. 10 00 1 Monsky, Henry (increased from applicability. At the same time, it Faier,":Johc. _ 200.00 less refugees, and which, unless 30.00! ?150.00) , Falk, A 20.00 ^ 00 ; Mozer, Abe , Fanger, Mrs. I». checked, may cross the Atlantic The '••-•35.00 1 0 00 Moskowitz,' I g n a t z . Fiinarow, "Dora20.00 one great yearning on the part of <>0 00 Morgan, L . . ^ F.anaro-w, W, 15.00 Feder.JD.jp. (increasea from $50) lSo'.OO i NeTeIeff, Mrs L. these refugees is to^ return to their 15.00 I Fell. N. P . (increased from $250) 300.00! ^eveleff. LouU. 25.00 25 oo' Newman, Sam Felilman, John 25.00 native heaths, and there, on the ruins, 10'00 ! Nichols, Mr. and Mrs.-Herman Feldman, 2_*s. John15.00 begin life ;anew; ~ The problem of 15 00 • Newman, ,T"H"- . Fine, P . 300 00 • Olesker, Sam ; •— 10.00 Finkehstein. D. S _ repatriating these hundreds of thous50.00 1000' Omaha Fixture & Supply Co Foreman. S. i 25.00 10.00 • Paige. Benj Fox, M a i : ands is one of the most difficult that 50.00 25 00 Paperney, M»x_ ____________ Fox, Oscar 10.00 awaits solution at the hands of the 500 Pfeffer, H. E - Frank, L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.00 25 00 Plotkin, I. and O - Freed. Sam Yci- can have all the Jewish news x»f all foreign countries 25JD0 Pollock, Mrs. B _ 100.00 Jewish people—-how great can best Freeman, David A. •^delivered to you eveiy morning. Zangwill has said that we • 25.00 Potash, MorriB . Freeman, Harry __ be realized from the fact that 50 per 1$ a Happier Home 4 25.00 are ths "nerve system of the Diaspora". We keep you in 25.00 Preisman, Wm, . :— . Friedel, J... I r.18.0010 00 Hadkevieh, H. -~J. ;—: -. cent, of all the housea belonging to FriedeL Morris touch -with Jewish affairs in every center of the globe. and a Safer One 100.00 12 00- Kavitz, S._ Friedman, A r t i u r _ _ _ 5^00 iKavifz,' Dr. Sol 2500 the Jews 'in Europe have been deFriedman, TT. One of tbe most important lnYour subscription to our service would include, in addition 35.00 Hayman, JUIIQB 25.00 stroyed, and that in Rumania, GalFriedman, J . , '; 25.00 Rechter, Ben tluences working. toward a 5*00 Friedman, J. J . •", to da^ly news Iralletins, a weekly digest of public opinion 10.00 Reinschreiber, Ben— 100.00 icia, Eastern Poland, Southern Russia Friedman, Sam . well rounded and happy home on Je.ish affairs in this country and abroad. 5 00 Resnick, N.100.00 Frank, M — ._ Is a Savings Account, 25.00 and Lithuania, the destruction has 25.00; Rice. S Friedman. Dr. B . X,. 20.00! Robinson, J. B 250.00 attained to 90 per cent. Fleishman, Ella.—__ Louis Marshall has written us to say * . . . . I have found 20.00 Robinson, Mrs. J. B. _ 50.00 We pay 4% interest, comFrank* A __your service useful in my work during the past year. It has 25.00 j BobinBon, M. "Besides," _aid the leader in £he 5.00 Folk, Jake . pounded quarterly, in our given me information not otherwise accessible in short notice, 1.00! RobinBon, Meyer. 5.00 A, Friend :-... .. appeal, "the task of repatriation Savings Department, and de20.001 Robinson, Saial. 50.00 Gidinsky, J . B _ _ except at great exnense. Your digests, too, have proven inter-( 10.00:' Soffman, I. 10.00 carries with it not merely the restorOilman, S. N :— posits made on or before the esting and instructive." 5.C0 Eomanek. J . . Ginsburp. Ida —: 23.00 tenth of the month draw In10.00 Romm, Dr. A. _ - Glvot, Wm 50.00 ing of the refugees to the places of terest for the- entire month. ; 1,000.00 I Hosen, MiHo___ Gll k c^ , ~r 10.00 their origin—or in the case of those Write us a short note and we will supply you with a week's 300.00 I Rosenberg, I Goldstein, Abe75.00 trial service^gratis. 15.00 : Rosenberg, Mrs. Ida.. Goldstein, Chas. J ,_ 25.00 who shrink from returning to the 150.00' Rosenberg, Jos. Goldstein, H 2500 10.001 Rosenblatt. MorriB M. (increased places where they witnessed so many Goldstein, H Open a Savings Account With Us Today _ 300.00 50.001 from $200.00) _.. Goldstein, I . . JEWISH CORRESPONDENCE BUREAU 100.00 Jiorrors, of settling them elsewhere— 25.00 j RoBenblum, Arthnr_. Goldware, Jacob. 150.00 but also affording, them the means 25.00! Rosenfeia, Harry.— Goldware. Mr. and Mrs. O. P.. 25.00 i Rosenstein, M, 25.00 JEWISH TELEGRAPH AGENCY, Inc. Goodbinder. S. W.—--__. AH deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors 500.00 with which they can rebuild their 20.00 , Rosenstock, D. P. and G Green. Meyer • 100.00 2H.0O; Rosenthal, Mr. and -fra. Isr_ 114 Iifta Avenue, New York. Greenberg, David—-_ ~. : .Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska 2.00 ; Ross, Ben.. Greenberg, Fred , . 15.00 homes and of the means of gaining :; i 25.00 Bubacb. Fanny. Greenberg1, Mrs. — -'• • ISIS'their own livelihood. 25.00 . Rabenateln, A.... Greenberg, J . J— Greenberg. Morris. 1.00 Ruben8tein, Elliott 5.00 . fit is "to the."''everlasting'credit"-of Rnbenstein, Harry (increased from Greene Harry (Increased from 50.00 i $125.00) 150.00 these Mpless brethren of ours," Mr. $25.00) . __ 25.00 Rubenateln, ilorris. 100.00 Brown Baid|; "it ia to the everlasting Greenfield, B ; : —— __ 100,00 25M: Rabin, Greenhbnse, S ... , ''—•—__. a , Louis __ 25.00 credit of the Jewish, name—that these Gross, Bernard : ———;— tk J 50.00 Rosenstock, Jessie H . . 18th and Fan-am Streets 250.00 Gross, D. B. (increased from $150> 200.00 • Sachs, A.... 80.00 fhonsand-fold sufferers refuse to stay •Gross, M. 3. ____— ,——_ 100.00 SamuelBon, J.__. D. W. GelMlman, Pr«*ident. £». C. Gelselman, Cashier. .-_•••• 6 . 0 0 on the breadline; that they demand Grodinsky, Wm 50.00 Savad, M. „ . _ 25.00 Grodinsky, Dr. M. _ —; 10.00 Schaefer, ' S. H . . H. M. Krogh, Assistant Cashier. __ 50.00 the opportunity to become self-supGrodinsky, Mrs. H . . 5.00 i Sehlaifer, P.__—. Gladstone, Victor _ _ 25.00 : Schiffer, JOB 5.00 Gross, N.._. 10.001 Sctlaifer, I.____ __. 25.00 porting as speedily.as •possible.^ frM_T.UT-l_M.T*.t.t^^ Handler. B _„ 50.00 50.00" Sellcow, M "This brings us to $b.e third phase 100.00 j SSaftofa, Ben___. Harris. Herbert E. (increased from 10.00 of the work—the establishment of a - 525.00) :—_-—_—_--—. •50.00> Shames, B . . _. 5.00 Hass, Bernard H— '-.... ••-':•-— 10.00 shames, Mrs. B . . ' 10.00 3.00 system of jcredit loans •which will Shanritz, C. , Haykin, A. , — - _ - — — _ — 50.00 Sher. Dr. -Philip ^increased from Heavenricb, H. 8.._ : : enable the smalt merchant and manu10.00 ? 2 0 0 . 0 0 ) ....__.__ ' - • - • • __ 600.00 Helphand, S. 8 : — 250.00 Sherman, D. _..-... 50.00 facturer to resume business again; Herzberg Bros.100.00 Rhimmel, Charles ..._ 300.00 Herzberp. Mrs. 1L. __.... 300.00 Shostak, XJ. • K. 25.00 the artisan to regain possession of Hlller, I i 25.00 Sbxago, Max. 10.00 the tools of his craft and again beHitler, Morton : •*r 100.00 2000 Shnkert, 3. Hirsch, -A. 5.00 . Siegel; Mrs. - Ii._. Hlrsch. Mrs. D _.-.—,—-t~~-._^, ; 10.00 come: a jproducer; the day laborer to ! SUverman, A; ._. Holzmnn. Win. L. (U^reasett/iroin 50.00 earn :Msr daily bread S-» the sweat ._ 2,000.00 Silrennaiv Ef^$1,500.00) „ 10.00 10-00 Silverman. J . HorenBtein. I - — 10.00 of his brow. Already tais credit loan 25.00. ;gtmon Bros. Co/_ ;__. 500.00 Horwlch, Belle— 25.00 Simon. M. J..... _...- . — 25.00 system is in. operation in Polaiid, in Hurwitz, - I . 10.00 siobodinsky, Mr. and __rs7 K.•_«... 100.00 Rumania, in Luthuania and in PalHorrvle-, ' E 10.00 , slosberg-. .Tacob, Jr;;. " • (increased Handler, M. B - 25.00; frnm J30000>: 500.00 estine. But if it is to be a real Haspel, H __. Setvice is the all important factor in ttds 5.000 ., siosberjr, Mrs. J. -.. 100.00 Habler, .T factor in restoring the Jews of Eu-j ^PJW , Snitovsky, Harry ~ 25.00 HaWer, M. B line of insurance. 1JnW W . Snitovsky, Sam . 5.0O Israel, A no . Snitzer. J. N, 25.00 rope to a basis of self-support, if it Jacks-?, Phil—__'•• 2 5 . 0 0 is to be a real means of giving back Soloman, M...Jacobs, E .—~ 25.00 _ „_ Stolmaster, Irvin _ Whenever a plate glass claim is made, adJacobs, Morris p.-_—5 10.00 to them that self-respect which they -°° Stalmaster, Louis.. Jacobson. M.-.__— ji .'•Jacobs, 10.00 Stein, H : -. have all but lost on the breadline and Mrs. justment is effected without delay. 25.00 Stern, Mrs. M. . Kalian, M. 25.00 before the soup kitchen, the funds Stern, Chas :.__ tS K a i n Bros -_"__. 50.00 __. Kaplan, Mr. ana Mrs. A. 100.00 which may be loaned out in the work Rngannan, Martin ull particulars as to rates and policy 600.00 i Kateltn'an* Hi. .and Mrs. Swanson, J. I_ —.. of rehabilitation and econmic recon- j 5.00 Katleman, C. C._. in nn I ShattUCk. B contract gladly furnished upon request Katleman. Morris, io.on struction must be commensurate with J0-™ I Swartz, Sam _. Karich. Harry — 50.00 the great demand," he said. f , Schaye. Paul Kay, Philip -—13.00 • Somberc. Ben.: 10.00 Kirschbraun & Sons, inc.. • "' " M r s . „._ "And now there is the problem of Sommer Bros — 50.00 Klein, Morris™ •i~ - w THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. 4 Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson .2372.


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Katleman, S. Katleman,_ Abe Lackow, Jjaserowitz, I^ayton, Ben Xeibowitz, JJ. S, Xevensky, Ben_—

. Stirllnfr, H. J 15.00 ^ Shapiro. Mrs. M. 5.00 Tatle 50.00 WIntronb, Miriam _ 10 00 - Mrs. Knte ,, KabbI Morris N. (increased DOOOl bbi M , T from S50.00). __ __ 100.00 : Wlntroiib, Win. and Phlneas.. Wohlner. . . 100.00 Temple Israel Sunday School 50.00 Wolf, A. Al —„-... 200.00 Termin. Sam — —— . ' w Theodore, A.. 1 Tretiak, J...... Wolf, Mrs. Harry A. .'__.""__.".' 100.00 Turk el, ~ r^Volf, Jos. and S_m — . RKI.Ot) 50.00 Wolf, Justin•___ _-..!__'._~_I"'~" 100.00 ion.00 Weinsteln, A. _. . 18.00 WaxenberR, J... .„ ZZ™ 10.00 R:OO Warsaw, Abner 40.00 , Welner M . ; _.._."_ 10.00 25.00 , weiner, M. A 20.00 5.00 35.00 YM.\ e ^WHA™__I__~Z_Z__"~~ 100.00 5.00 . Weinman. Jack „ . . Weinstein. A, G. (increased from Yousem, B . __._. . 25.00 150.00 Yousein, Mo8e_.._ $ioo.on) •. _ _ „ •_. __. • 25.00 •• S.00 'Zagar, S . . . _..: 50.00 5. W o n . N. 10.00 Ziecier. Isidor 300.00 j ] 50.00) _ _.(i-creased" from ssn.no 15.00: WiUnsky. Harry.-.. 400,00 Zimman, Harry. 50.00'Wlntroub. JJE 2S0.0P

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Mrs. J. Kohn, of Chicago, left for the Y team but one game behind first T.. Mi. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. Over $100 was pledged by members her home after visiting in Omaha. position. The. fast Thorpeian Athletic club of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. for the Mrs. Kohn was formerly Miss Lillian team toyed and played with the De Jewish relief appeal at a meeting of Myers. the organization, Monday evening, at A special services Vill. be held at Molay team and defeated them by a score of 30 to 1, the lone tally comthe Jewish Community Center. Temple Israel Friday evening to deThis organization, which has been dicate the beautiful bronze tablet ing on a foul. The Thorpeian team formed from the union of all clubs erected by the congregation to com- will be strengthened by the addition ENGAGED. •within the association, met for its memorate those of her sons who of Chesno, former Illinois University Mrs. Pauline Idzal, of Chicago, has first business session Monday and player. The Thorpeians are out for announced the engagement of Jier elected the following officers: Sam served in the late war. Rabbi Fred- revenge against the fast Bluffs team. daughter, Miss Florence, to Mr. Sam Beber, president; Iva Siegel, vice erick Cohn will dedicate the tablet.; Bloch, of Omaha. No date has been president; Anne Selicow, secretary; President Isidor Ziegler and Mr. Morton Hiller will respond. Colonel set for the wedding. Anne White, assistant secretary; John Matt Tinley of Council Bluffs will Beber, treasurer; Nathan E. Green, deliver a patriotic address. There will ; MARRIED. RAISE HALF OF RELIEF QUOTA. reporter, and Herbert Robinson and be special patriotic music. Mr. and Mrs. L. Friedman announce Helen Altschuler, sergeants-at-arms. Over one hundred people attended the marriage of their daughter, The organization will meet on al- Mr. and Mrs. Lorkis have taken the war relief meeting Sunday evenJeanne, to Mr. Louis L. Goldberg, of ternate Monday evenings at the Jew- an apartment at the Wayne. ing at the Eagle's hall. Slides of conSt. Louis, Mo., on Friday afternoon, ish Community Center. ditions in Europe as they are today February 3i at the home of the T>rides Mrs. Sadie Grawoig, of Chicago, were exhibited by O. Hochxnan, chairaunt, Mrs. S. Thomas, of Chicago. The Junior Girls' Gym Class has who has just returned from an ex- mtn of the evening's program. SpeakMr. -Goldberg and' bride will make been divided into two groups, one un- tended stay in Twin City, Minnesota, ers of the evening were J. Rosenfeld their home in Omaha at the El Bendor der Miss Ethel Greenberg, meeting is spending a short time here with and O. Hochman. "Council Bluffs apartments. on Wednesday afternoons, and the her sisters, Mrs. A. XL Diamond and Jewry subscribed over $6,500 last other directed by Miss Bessie Green-; Mrs. Jesse Pregler. Mrs. Grawoig was Sunday evening and we^expect to raise Miss Ann Ackermann, an active berg, meeting on Thursday afternoons. guest of honor at a bridge party given our full quota of $12,000 by the end member of the X T. C. and the Young by Mrs. Pregler at the Brandeis of the week," said O. Hochman, chairJudeae Senior clubs, and her fiance, The Boy Scout troop, No. 62, has Restaurants, Tuesday afternoon. Many man of the city drive. Mr. Herman White, motored to Lin- resumed its Saturday night meetings, other entertainments are being coln, where they ^were married on under the direction of S. A. Eice, planned in her honor. The Jewish Sisterhood of Council Tuesday, l>yEabbi Gordon. Mr. and •scoutmaster, and Max Fromkin, asBluffs will hold its first dance of the Mrs. L. Ackerman, parents of the sistant scoutmaster. A novel costume party will be given year at Eagle's hall, Tuesday evening, bride, motored Tvith them to; attend by the Junior Haddassah, Thursday, February 21. Proceeds of this dance An association dance, for senior and February 16, at the Jewish Com- will go to the City Talmud Torah. the Twredding. Mr. White«nd!iis bride Intermediate members, will be held munity Center. Prizes will be award•will speind their honeymoon in Kansas this (Saturday) evening. The Coun- ed for the best and funniest cos- At the last regular meeting of the City and St. Louis. _ cil of Jewish Women will chaperone tumes, as well as for games. A mu- Jewish Sisterhood, which was held at v sical operetta and a fortune telling the home of Mrs. Karl Brandeis, the Miss Celia Greenspan returned the^affair. following officers were elected for Tuesday from a two weeks' stay with The Y. M. H. A. Jrs., formerly the booth win be the main attractions. the ensuing term: Mrs. S. Snyder, friends at Fremont, Neb. Newsboys' clnb, has been divided into The Misses Effie, Bess and Hilda president; " Mrs. L. Cherniack, vfce v Miss Eose Bordy, daughter of Mr. two groups by its leader, Irwin Stal- Friedman entertained in Iionor of president; Mrs. A. Gilinsky, secreF. Bordy, of Columbus, Neb., *was master. The new group, called B'nai their sister, Mrs. Li Goldberg, at a tary; Mrs. S. Whitebook, treasurer. married to Mr. Sam Weinstein, of B'rith Jrs., meets on Wednesday even- miscellaneous shower Sunday afterOmaha, Wednesday evening at t i e ings, and the Y. M. H. A. Jrs. on noon in the Palm Room of the Fonte- Over thirty guests were present at Nineteenth and Butt streets Syna- Monday evenings. Boys from 12 to 15 nelle Hotel. Covers'" were laid for the public card party Tuesday afternoon held at the .home of Mrs. A. Gilthirty guests. gogue. Eabbi Taxon officiated. , A are eligible. insky. The hostesses of the afterdinner and reception at the home of A regular meeting of the X. T. C. Mrs. E. T. Kavich followed the cere- Club was held Tuesday, February 7, Miss Shirley Abrams entertained noon's social were the Mesdames L. mony. The bride's only attendant was at the Jewish Community Center, for nine girls at a card party SunMiss Tess "Eavicb, when Fanny Hurwitz, Tess Kayicn, day afternoon at her home. Prizes were won by the Misses Marie Simon, Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Miss Bertha Dworkowitz of Kansas and Clara Feldman were admitted in- and Rose Swartz. Pbow lftL City is visiting, her aunt and uncle/ to the <Jub. rhe Best ot Everything In Flowers «od Confections at Moderate Prices. Mr. and Mrs. David Green. Miss Idell Mrs. Dave Newman entertained YOUNG JUDEAE NEWS. , Friedman entertained twenty guests 548 W Brnadwax. N«zt Liberty Theater. The Young Judeae Council lield a Wednesday atrher home for the memCODNCIt BLI7FFS. IOWA. at her home Sunday evening complibers of the Priscilla Club. regular meeting Saturday evening, mentary to Miss Dworkowitz. February 4, at the Jewish Community ATHLETICS. ;A daughter was born to Mr. and Center. Basketball dope went "bluey" Mrs. Fred Bosenstock Monday. A Chamisho Osa B'Shvat party and Wednesday evening when fans witThe regular meeting of the program is being planned by the nessed the defeat of the Council Deborah Society will be held Tuesday, Flowers of Zion, Hertzl Girls, and Bluffs High school team at the hands February-14, 1922, at 2:30 SHARP the Daughters of Zion clubs on Sun- of the fast Y. M. H. A. team. The at the Jewish Community. Center. Mr. day afternoon, February 12, at the Council Bluffs team has gone through the Commercial league with ten Herman Cohn will be the speaker at Jewish, Community Center. tnis meeting. The Flowers of Zion and the straight victories and the same team | One Week Starting Sunday, g has defeated all local high school |Mr. Sanv Cphn, formerly assistant Hertzl Girls will hereafter hold joint teams; in fact, the defeat handed ANNA Q. NILLSON in superintendent•' of the 'nBrandeis program meetings once a manth.iThe them Wednesday night was the" first stores, has accepted a position as as- first joint social meeting will be held defeat of twenty-three games. The sistant superintendent of Hayden Sunday afternoon, Febrnary 26, at score was 18 to 8. The victory puts Bros. Mr. Cohn was associated with the Jewish Community Center. the Brandeis stores for twelve years. At the last'meeting of the Hatikvah BUY SAFE p . Sam Salzman entertained iris Sunday, January 26, an election of officers was held and the following Tuesday afternoon honoring" her 4 mother, Mrs. Sam Adler, of Los were elected: President^Rebecca SeThe greatest of all human 1 ;« Ahgeles, California, * who is visiting gal; vice president, Celia Gidinsky; interest photoplays. secretary, Gertrude Perliss; treasurer, Our guarantee and our word i* Mr. and Mrs. Salzman. i; 'elia Azorin; reporter-, Ida Minkin; as good as a bond. ; We have satisfied hundreds of • A dinner was given. by Mr. and with Ida Minkin, Celia Gidinsky and Mrs. A. Somberg, Sunday evening at Gertrude Moskovitz Council members. your friends. their home in^honor; of thei* tenth An installation party is being planned. wedding anniversary. Covers were The next meeting will be held Sunday, laid for twenty-nine guests. The February 12, at the Jewish Communi1514 Dodge Street. guests presented Mrs. Somberg with ty Center. -—Phone: Douglas 5 6 1 9 — K beautiful silver dish. Officers for the Daughters of Zion On Monday evening Mrs. Somberg will be elected at the next meeting of I Four Days Starting Saturday entertained for twenty guests. She the club on February 19 at the Jewish also gave a one o'clock luncheon for Community Center. 0! WILLIAM DESMOND in fourteen guests on Tuesday. ' The Zionist organization will celeFor sale in Montclair adThe confirmation class of the Tal- brate Chamishoso B' Shevat at an dition on 32nd Street, the mud Torah held their election. of offi-. open meeting Sunday evening Februfirst lot north of-NJiL- irorner cers at the 18th & Chicago streets ary 12, at 7 o'clock, at the 19th and of 32nd Street and Lincoln Synagbgue, Sunday, Februarys 5. The Burfc streets ' Synagogue. ' RefreshThree Days Starting Wednesday I) Boulevard. Paving \paid. Worth $1800.00. Want offer. following were elected: Anna Stain, ments appropriate for this celebration with WILLIAM RUSSEL M For sale by owner. Harney president; Bertha Siporin, vice-presi- will be served. Mr. M. J. Slonim o£ 3923. Also lot on Boulevard. dent; Joe Lesrezt, secretary; Daniel Philadelphia will be the principal $2,000.00. Greenhouse, treasurer; and Sadie speaker. Mr. Sol Cohn is in charge Beber, reporter. V of arrangements. The regalar meeting of the Sisterhood was. held Monday afternoon, :F^)ruary 6, at 2:30 at Temple Israel, Mrs. F. H. Cole gave a talk on Drinkwater's "Abraham Lincoln/' Chiropodist and Beauty Shop jiirs. J. Goldsmith,vof Chicago, is Established 1800 visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jacob 15th and Harnry Streets. Phone Docglas 2333 Jacqbs, and Mr. Jacobs. 1^.,

Social, Club and Religious Activities


Bernstein, Mi Bernstein and A. Gilinsky. Prizes were won by the Mesdames B. Harding and S. Rosentbal. The proceeds of this social will be given to the Council of Jewish Women. ' According to members of the organization, more of these socials will be given during the coming season, -

rooms, followed by an Orpheom party. next social meeting of the club will The Ladies' Eight will meet Tues- be held Tuesday, February 16, at the day evening at the home of Mrs. C. home of Miss Jeanette Goldberg. Saltzman. Miss Freida Goldberg entertained twenty-four guests at a bridge party Sunday, in honor of Miss Rebecca BereoricL




Mr. and Mrs. J. Levitt of Des Ike Feblowitz is confined to his Eeb. 22nd. Blackstone Hole! Moines, la.,, (who have been visiting home on account of Hlneas. „ here with their daughter, Mrs. Hy- Mr. Ben Hirsch is in Chicago, HI., man Krasne,left Sunday evening for where he will remain for several California, where they will remain for days. Vice P**»!i!*tit. several mentis. The Ideal Six met Friday evening Hi The Bi-monthly Card club met at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. C Saltz- IK Omaha Fixture & Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. man. Prizes were won by Mrs. Cohen i Supply Co. and Mrs. Herman Xrasne. and Mrs. H. Schoenwald. COItPLETE STORE AND Mrs. M. Bernstein left Wednesday The Junior Auxiliary of the CounOFTICK OtTTTTTTERS evening for New York city, where cil of Jewish Women held its regular she will remain for several- weeks. meeting last Thursday evening at the home of the Misses Reva and GertThe Evening Card club will meet rude Gilinsky. At this meeting plans this evening at like home of Mr. and were made for a bunco party to be Mrs. Phil Saks. held February 26 at Eagle's hall. The Mrs. Harry Schoerrwald of Sioux City, la., and Mrs. Henry Karlson of Rhbades, la., are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Saltzraaa. Miss Molly Saltzman entertained «n Wednesday in honor of Mrs.'Carry Schoenwald and Mrs. Harry Karlson at a luncheon at the Brandeis Tea



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at a New Low-Price

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Service and Sales: 13th AND JACKSON STKLKViS Phones: Toledo Scales Dotqf. 7682 Hobart Electri • Doag. 7896

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'^Abrahamcliocoln" i s the subject that Dr. Frederick Cohn has chosen for his lecture on Friday evening at the? Temple. On Saturday morning his-: subject will be "Stand Still and "See? the Salvation of the Lord." The Bible class of the Council of Jewish Women will hold its first meeting, Monday afternoon, at two o'clock at Temple Israel. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will conduct the class. His first lecture will be on the Book of Psalms. * •v

UY a Corona on our B $5.00 a month plan. Phone ua NOW for a free demonstration.

For Rent to Select Dancing Clubs

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28th and Farnam Sts. Hall newly decorated. Will accommodate 225 couples. Rent for Night, $25 Call Atlantic 4251 J. J. Keddy.

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Department of The Jewish Press





Office 209 South 18th Street





MUNICIPAL WARAANTS Schools — Electric Light — Water — Paving and Irrigation Warrants. «. <• Short and Long Time. CALL ATLANTIC 0360—FOR DETAILS

BY DR. M. SEILINSON. (Special Koine Correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.)

Lopez are Jews. There is, however, petitors. This last source is perhaps no prominent Jewish figure in Italian the most important and most powerful of all. There is the conflict beart. MACHINE WORKS tween the largest metal concern in Industrial and Automotive Machinists. The Jew in Italian Politics. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Italy, Ansaldo (Berrone Bros.) and 8tarter Rln«- Oeari *«"" *•>** *** Wheel* The Italian Jews play an impor- the Banea Commerciale Italiana, with First National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 03*0. 417 South ISth Street. tant part in politics. This is explained a baptised Polish Jew, Toeplitz, at its Telephone i Jackson tB50 by the fact that in this sphere they head. Between these two groups there have traditions, since Jews devoted is a fight to death and there is no themselves to politics long before question of moderation in the choice Y p n r position is DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT their emancipation. The Italian lib- of weapons. Toeplitz is frequently correct, and should COMPANY. erators, Garibaldi, Mazzini, CaVouiy reminded' of his Jewish origin and UNDERTAKERS • be s u p p o r t e d by There is hardly another country in •BISMAKCRS, CAKE AND SUGAR found in the Jews their truest friends s SoUfiHNBTS OUR SPECIALTY. Europe in which the Jews have in so and helpers. The famous thousand there 'is even a special anti-Semitic MOVED TO ~ every fair minded daily published. The chief editor of' We Deliver the Real Goods. relatively 6hort a period attained so expedition of Garibaldi had several person. 8824 CCMING S T B E E I . , r THE BEST ,. . '. - Phono Webster 09tt important a social position as in Ita- Jews in its ranks, the no less famous the paper, however, has finished his career in prison as the result of an ly. In order to appraise this com- Venetian rising was led by the Jew paratively rapid rise at its real value, Daniel Manin.. Among the Irreden- attempt to. blackmail Toeplitz, and ADVO COFFEE SKINNER we must above all, bear in mind two tists, the names of Venezia and Re- with the successful conclusion of the campaign against Ansaldo, the news- ; BARING COMPANY • • • of... facts; first, that as recently as fifty vere are well known. The Jew, ArADVO JELL ADVO FOODS DOUG LA* years ago there was a regular Ghetto tom, was one of the most devoted fol- paper itself was recently closed down, j Hoffmann Funeral Home. Of • course, the recent crash of the in Rome and the Jews were deprived lower of Cavour. Mazzini, in parof: all citizenship rights, and secondly, ticular,, found his most faithful Ilva, which was headed by Jews, naturally did not pass without some that the Jewish population in Italy friends among the Jews, and his last effect on popular opinion. is altogether about 50,000 only and refuge was in the house of the JewBEMEMBEK ' Visit Our this with the newly added districts of ish family, Natan. At present there At the same time that the Antiti which Trieste alone brought in about are ten Jews in the Italian parliament Semitic daily conducted its activities, 4,000 Jews,-and the addition of the and twenty-one in the Senate. They one of the most important Italian Do away with drudgery and make African Colonies (where there are belong to all parties (except the Second Floor, Elks' Building. Fhoae JwkwM Wit housework a pleasure by the ose about 10,000 Jews), no more than^O.l Catholic) and the Nationalist groups, periodicals, the "Vita Italiana" comWith Xonr Order tor menced a vigorous anti-Semitic camof modern electrical appliances. per cent of the total population. It too, count Jews among.their mem- paign. The publisher of the periodiANYTHING is another question what price the bers. The majority of the Jewish de- cal, an ex-Catholic priest, Giovanni The"Electric Shop"' is on the HOLCOMB ground floor of the Electric buildItalian Jews have paid from the nat- puties, however, belong to the So- Preziosi, conducted his campaign also IN THE WRAPPING FOOD CHEMICAL ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth tional Jewish and to some extent eveu cialist party, in which several of them outside his periodical, by writing in PAPER LINE PRODUCTS CO., INC. { and Farnam streets. from a general standpoint, in order (Treves, Doneti, Modigliani) play a the newspapers, especially in the M«n«fwlmrer» of to gain their present social position. leading part. They are not to be "Giornale dltalia" and the "Idea Na. FOODS AND CHESf ICAX.8. 1112 HARNEY ST. • FLAVORING EXTRACTS. The fact remains, however, that they found in the Communist grouping nor zionale." lie also published the ProPhone Douglas 6400 BAKER ICE PIACH1NE CO. 0M X. Mtb St. Phone Atlantic 4M* who as recently1 as sixty or seventy do they play any important part in tocols of the Elders of Zion which years ago were petty- shopkeepers the Communist party outside parlia- were sent out gratis to journalists, without any rights, occupy today a ment. The fact that the majority of prpfessors, senators, deputies, etc. Iten NORTHWEST READY prominent position in the life of the the Jewish deputies are Socialist gives For some time, however, this camBiscuit Co. ROOFING CO. Italian state. no indication of the general political paign has subsuded, finding its object Beady Roofin? over old shingles. SNOW WHITE Also asphalt shingles and build-ap There is something very strange jp o s itiot in Italian Jewry. The ma-of establishing an anti-Semitic moveroofs. Firs resisting and durable. OF BAKERIES about this Jewish wealth in Italy. It jority of the Jews belong much more ment in Italy unattainable. None of AH work guaranteed. Easy terms. STEINER ELECTRIC <B»*. C. S. Fat. Phonr Harney SS7« is not divided in equal proportions to the bourgeoisie than to the Social- the Italian political parties have any Offlw.) MEAT CHOPPER OSIee aad Waruhonw: 312S L among all the Jews and when it is ist parties. As Liberals, Democrats, anti-Semitic aims and their daily AfK>>COEFEE MILL. said that the Rome Jew is three times Radicals, etc., they have attained the parliamentary and general procedure as rich as the Rome Christian, it highest positions in the State. Jews Is on the whole free from ^sntt»jewjsh ; USED SCALES OF- ALL EJ^ECTRICAL FIXTURES means that a minoritty of the Jews have repeatedly teen ministers. We feeling. The Catholic party is no ex-: MAKES FOR SALE.APPLTAKUES^sn^rPPLTES UANUFACTCREBS. have, accumulated great wealth, while have had a Jew as a Prime Minister ception to the rule and its attitude in' MEY-MER-CO. Brand Granden Electric Co. 510.South 10th Street. , a larger part of them are living in, (Luzzatti). Natan was for a long this respect is excellent. The only, Beverages and Syrups. similar and even worse conditions time Mayor of Rome, Barzilai was one party which sometimes makes use of Phone Jackson 3332. Omaha. Kebr. 1511 Howard St. H w w A Mantle than _the. Christians. Under no cir- of the representatives of Italy at the anti-Semitic phraseology is the Fapist | SU-321 So. l l t h M., Fbone Atlantis 2S89 cumstances should it be imagined that Peace Conference^ The highest posi- party, but there it is the result of j all Italian. Jews are rich. If we take tion in the Italian judicature is occu- the personal influence of the leader of the Jewish population of Rome, which pied by Lodovico" Mortara. These are the party, Musselini, and of his oris t!he largest in Italy (about 12,000) a few examples only. If we look into gan, the "Popolo dltalia." The Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. we see that a large part of them are the figures regarding the most imAll that the name . '•GARMENTS SC1^EAKED X.1KC THE TOUCH OF A FAIBT.*1 . implies. living in distressing poverty. At the portant personages in Italy we find In comparison with the general PHONE KENWOOD 0202. S4HT A5IES;4TEXTDi5.: . { > ^ j '^ railway station there is a crowd of that Jewish names occur fifteen to feeling of "the overwhelming majority 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 poorly^clail people clamoring around twenty times as'frequently as those of the Italian people, these sporadic anti-Semitic attempts • may be com' you, asking you to engage them toof Christians. 1 pletely ignored. In the daily life of f "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS'^ show you the sights, offering you the Italian and the Jews they have This social rise of Italian Jewry various small mementos, postcards, and hny them at Ambulance Service : Made by change. It must mosaics, etc. All of them are Jews. would obviously have been impossible made no perceptible : Equipped with Pnlmotor. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST ROGERS be made clear, however, that thej If you visit the Old Ghetto in Rome in an atmosphere of antagonism or AU Calls Answered Promptly. FOOD CO. 319 South 16th Street. > which is still inhabited by thousand* suspicion and, indeed, the Italian peo- tolerance of the Italians' exists only OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Phone- Douglas 3400. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN of Jews, you will see that.the people ple show a vast amount of tolerance towards the Italian Jews. Their atM i l Farnam St. Phone Haniey 0393 titude to foreign Jews and to the there are living under awful condi- to the Jews living among them. This tions, poorly clothed and dirty. They was demonstrated in > particularly Jewish national movement is a much . THK SDNDGKKX'S are engaged injpetty coster-monger- striking fashion during the war and more complicated affair. Here we Nutritions Home Made Carpenter Paper Co. American ing and old-clothes dealing, and their past-war period, when Jews occupied find contracts and definite sympathies Distributors ot and antipathies. The attitude of the PIES andCOOKIES the highest posts in the ministry for homes are just dilapidated hovels. Wet Wash Laundry Western Bond—and High Grade ' , Sealed In Sanitaryk Waxed War and the Ministry for Foreign Italians towards the Jews could perVinegar-Pickfes-Cooperage 2 8 0 8 Cuming. Harney 0881 Wrapper a t . Yonr Grocer. I • Stationery : Affairs, and counted'officers in hun- haps be best summed up by saying Pure Food Products Ghetto Jews Are; Poor. One Day Service. No Extra OMAIU, NEBRASKA. Sundgren Pie Baking Co. Phone r>oncl»« «S«? dreds, without any question being that they wish and would welcome As far as material conditions are Charges.; Refinite Soft Water. 44th and Hickory. Atlantic 0 S « the Jews as completely Italians, los20th »nd Fierce S t , Omaha. NebraalnV raised regarding their numerical parconcerned, the Ghetto in Rome is no better off and perhaps even worse off ticipation in the-swar or the need to ing their identity entirely in ItalianPAXTON-MITCHELL CO. than the Ghetto 'of Eastern Europe. keep special observation on their ac- ism and retaining only a slight coverLADY CHIROPRACTOR S7tii and Martha Sts. Harney 1668. l a Active Practice Since 1910. To make matters worse, .there is a tivities. Italy was entirely free from ing of Jewish distinctiveness which Best Home Cooking: at Very ReasonManufacturers or Brass. Bronze, AlumiLOW FARE able Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed. num and Soft Gray Iron Castings. the objectionable after-war discus- will be regarded as something valutotal lack of any social work or enYon are assured of sott castings, as. Dr. Frances H. Turner Mrs. Sophia MandeL Prop. lightenment activity on the part of sions regarding the number of Jews able within the bounds of Italian we machine some from every heat -In Office: Braadel* Theatre Building. culture. oaf own shop. Standard size cast iron SIR SODlh Fifteenth Street—Up Stairs, at the front. The separation of State 17th and Douglas Streets. the wealthier and- more intellectual B| CMX bushings In stock. . Phone Atlantic S836 Jews.. There i s no trace of the Jew- and Church in Italy (the Jews are re• H ATLANTIC 4522 ing learning of Eastern Europe. These garded only as a religious body) has Why Buy Tin? so completely entered into the menTIKES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES Buy Bird Brand CoCFee in Tubes. people are left completely., to them- tality of the Italian people that they selves and their Intellectual level is SAVES TOO IIONEIT. have not the slightest interest in the lamentably low. s OCR TKKATMENT TTTI>I> MID-STATES WHOLESALE We carry a complete line of new 'Mosaic faith", of their Israelite felCONVIXCE TOE OF OCR ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and GROCERS ...In the mam streets of Rome, we low citizens, and generally they igSrNCiEKITT. springs for almost any make of car. 1U7-19 Dodge St. Jackson 3813 see -the palatial banks where Jews— nore the Jewishness of their MinisM. D. RICHSIAN. Manager. Trust Department. BRAND 1318-1330 We*t Broadway. Safety Deposit Boxes. Toeplitz, Bondi, Luzzatto—have their ters. It is necessary, however, to add COUMCIt BLUFFS. IOWA. great say. The Ghetto Jews, how- in this connection that most of the PHONE 444. WAX OLSEN & CO. ever, gain nothing from' all this fi- Jews in Italy do -everything possible Wholesale 'Distributors for, nancial: power. ; not to remind the Italians that they SCHMIDT'S Phone Jackson 1880 Est. 1891. The second class in which the Jews are Jews. Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger typ occupy a-prominent position, is that Ale, Hires Root Beer Joseph Polack & Son including the liberal profession, the Office and Warehouse: 617 So. ttato St. 116 S . 16th St. QutitiNSA WHOLESALE GROCERS Wholesale Dealers In Baiter. Anti-Semitism Fails. Branches at Central Market. Telephone 113 civil service and scholarship. ProEcps and Poultry. Tab** Sopply and Food Center. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. -IOWA. Phone Jackson 1302 Repeated attempts have "been made portionally, the Jews "provide the 1213 Howard St. Omaha. Nebraska. recently to introduce anti-Semitism state with four times as many higher ; officials, as the non-Jews, although into Italy, especially with regard to CLEAN LINEN among the minor officials they are the Bolshevist movement. These att Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. Every morning1 tempts,' however, have not been sponOmaha Phone Atlantic 2556 only a third as many. In the liberal U yon call the | Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables professions', theyare four to six times taneous on the part' of the Italian Ford Tranter & Storage Co. Frontier Towel Supply Dnisgists and Stationers as numerous as the non-Jews (univer- population but were artificially inR. A. FORD. flf W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB. sity 1815 California Street. President and General Manager. professors and medical men) and troduced, and on the whole, have niet 4O1-4C2-4O5 S o n t b 11Mb . . Phone Donglas 6291 Council Bluffs (Iowa) Olfle* they are as much as nine times as with little response. Of course ,one 934 So. Slain Street. Phone 385 or other of the Italians have been inmany as journalists and lawyers. - , - O O B N B f f LOCATION fected by the various catchwords Corner 19tb and Douslas Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 Slasonlc Temple Bldgr. Many Jewish Scientists. about Jewish finance or Jewish ComTheodore Volz & Son ... for... An Ideal Washinc Combination. rOu'r Line In science, the Italian Jews play an munism. As a movement, however, BALDWIN, ELLINGTON. HAMILTON TAILORS Estes Laundry Tablets CHEESE-BUTTER-BUTTERMILK important part and the names of anti-Semitism has not struck root in HOWARD UPRIGHTS GUANDS, PLATER PIANOS. 028-32 Seruritle* Bu*l(lin)f, OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. Ldmbroso, Volterra, Loria, Luzzatti, Italy. In as far as it exists, it pro"Make Warm Friends" Estes Soap Chips 16th Hnd r»rnon> Std. THATCHER PIANO CO. e419 Cnmlng St., Omaha. Nebraska. Mortara, Ascoli, Poa, and Lev! Civita ceeds from three main sources: from and Telephone.- .Tarkson £796 J208 Coming' St. Fhone Donglas 4726 Pbonn Jackson 30GG belong to the best in the Italian uni- foreign influences, especially in EastWater Softener (Combined) At all Grocers. versities. They are represented to a ern Europe, in Poland and to some Rates for Space on somewhat smaller .extent in literature, extent in Germany, especially their; AIIVH.VS Asli for I DON'T BUY COAL! Sherman Mercantile Co. this S p e c i a l Page although Allessandro d'Ancona countpropaganda chiefly in the newspapers You will like DKEIBUS' OIL IS MUCH CHKAI'EB Wholesale Grt—ers Specialties given on application. Let Us Remove the Dpor from (ed. in his time as one of the best in the form of articles and reports 1511 Cumlne St. Phone Atlantic 1247 BEN HUE CHOCOLATES Your Furnace and Insert a . (literary critics, and the two most from abroad; from Catholic influence, D1STR1BTJTOKS DREIBUS CANDY CO. BUTTER ULLIBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER 483 Brandeis Bids:. Tel. Jackson 2372 popular, if not the most important principally in relation to the Zionist JACK SPRAT FOOD FRODTJCTS. fitade by — OMAHA. NEBRASlvA. See Demonstration 016 So. 19tb Street. Omaha, Nebraska. novelists of present-day Italy, Guido movement, and from the conflict beDa Verona and Annie Vivanti, and tween the various financial groups, Kirschbraun & Sons PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS.. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS the well known playwright Sabatino headed by Jewish and Christian, cgm-,,



Copyrighted, Jewish Correspondence Bureau, 1922. An article of unusual merit giving k bird's eye view of the social, - political, financial and religious position of the fifty thousand Jews in Italy and its African colonies—a' statement of fact without color, comment, or bias. • •


The Harry A. Koch Co.



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E. E. Bruce & Co.

Holland Furnaces

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