February 16, 1922

Page 1


What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other?. — George Eliot.

VOL. n.—No. 10-

Don't say you deserve success t>rove that you

Entered as a 2 . postofflcc at * « .

es mall matter on January 27th. 1021, at V b k under the'Act o l March 3. 1OT8.

Continue Progress Throughout Country Assures Oversubscription of $14,000,000 Within the Next Two Weeks '



Shakespeare Didn't Know Roumanian Anti-Semites Bucharest (J. T. A.) A characteristic story is told of the editor of a well-known literary review, who reected the verses of a Jewish youth but waxed enthusiastic over the same verses under a Roumanian name. The Jewish youth in .the story is one Jacob Levi, a rather unprepossessing individual, who mailed his contribution to the editor, signing his real name. The verse was promptly rejected as unavailable for publication. The youth, nothing daunted, affixed a typically Roumanian: name and resubmitted his poetry to' the same editor, who found them of such excellent literary merit that he read them aloud to his staff and invited the poet to visit the editorial rooms. Levi came, cleared up the question of his identiy, and the editor made his profuse apologies.

Temple Israel to Honor Its Ex-Service Men

"No Pray, N o Sleep," Say Riga Orphans


Balfour Policy

Riga, Feb. 13.—A new type of strike has been inaugurated—this time by children. The Jewish children in the home for pogrom orphans at Kezhitza, in the Kovno district, made a demand for prayerBronce Tablet Bearing Names books; they wanted to pray, but had Tentative Draft of Document Imposes Duly CHI no books, and as these were denied of 57 Young Men to be Commissioner of Holy Land to Effectuate them they started a unique strike, Dedicated Friday. refusing absolutely to go to sleep. Jewish National Honielaii4 The strike ended with a complete PUBLIC INVITED TO AT- victory of the strikers, the superTEND SPECIAL PATRIintendent of the home distributing OTIC SERVICE. prayerbooks the following day.


Friday evening, the . Sabbath . between the birthdays of Lincoln and Washington, has been selected as the London. (Jewish Press Association.) The British Colonial New York, Feb. 14.—With the end of the campaign only most fitting occasion for the dedicaOffice has issued the Palestine Constitution with the explanation a. month away, David A. Brown, chairman of the $14,000,000 tion of the tablet which the members that the text is tentative and that suggestions and criticisms from national appeal for the aid of the starving Jews of Eastern of Temple Israel have prepared honthe various peoples involved will be given due consideration by and Central Europe, has just submitted to his advisory comoring the men of the congregation the authorities. Hie details of the Constitution are still incommittee a report which indicates that the complete quota will who entered military service during plete and are being worked out by the High Commissioner ®n& be forthcoming. \ the war. Success of Brotherhood Affair his administration'. "The appeal which was initiated by the American Jewish Fifty-seven young men from the At the outset the Constitution reiterates the Balfoar DeclarLast Night to be Relief Committee is now a united effort in which'the Central Temple served in the war, and with ation in regard to a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. The High" Duplicated. and People's Jewish Relief Committees are actively participating. solemn patriotic services the bronze Commissioner has the full power to cany out the mandate which It is a unified and well-organized attempt on the part of the tablet bearing their names will be for- SENTIMENT FOR ANNUAL England has received from the League of Nations, to govern the entire Jewry of America to fulfil its obligations to the suffermally installed in its permanent po- GET-TOGETHERS SWEEP- land so as to bring about the realisation of a Jewish national home* ing Jews of Europe," said Mr. Brown today. sition in the Temple. Services are land in Palestine. ING COMMUNITY.. From every quarter of the country| couraging. Committees canvassing open to the public, and a large atReligious Freedom. Conserved. «* The High Commissioner is empowcome reports of quotas equalled or the seventeen districts of the city tendance is anticipated. The B'nai The Council can pass no legislation ered to divide the land into districts announce that more than §55,000 had Federation of Five Denomina- B'rith has issued a special invitation The first annual B'Nai B'Rith exceeded. Chicago set the example which tends to limit freedom In reand to control all public lands, includbeen subscribed up to last night. This Father and Son Banquet will be held tions Holds Convention in by doubling its quota of $750,000 to its members to attend the services. ligious activities, or makes sny reSunday evening, Mwch 5, at the ing mines and minerals. He also has Sioux City. and then proceeding to raise $1,- total will be raised when complete Following is the program for the strictions against any race, religion the right with the approval of the Jewish Community Center. 850,000, practically the entire quota reports are submitted by worke:s at evening: or language, The dat© of clect-ion English Colonial Minister to appoint their meeting in the Jewish Com.. Following the success of the DR. FREDERICK COHN OF Regular Friday Evening Servic, Prayer for the state of Illinois. and meeting of the Legislative COUTH Brotherhood Father and Son Banquet government officials End in collaboraOMAHA, NEB., ADDRESSES Boot. The report also embodies two munity Center "this evening. T Organ Solo, "Songs of tbe Allies," Mr. cil will be decided upon hf the High tion with the Colonial Ministry the at the Temple last night, sentiment DISTINGUISHED BODY telegrams from St. Louis, the first At Lincoln $10,000 was p 2dged V. C. Bennett. Commissioner. Dedicatory Address, Rabbi Frederick power to ^p^oint an executive council for tkese congenial affairs is growstating that §186,000 was raised in at the public meeting Sunday night Colin. According to the new Constitution, Acceptance of Tablet, President Isldor ing daily, and it is safe to predict for the land. one evening in that city, and the at which Max Korshack and Samuel Members of five denominations— Ziegler. Palestine will have the following1 A Legislative Council is to be essecond that $25,000 had been added Rosenblatt of Chicago spoke. Fifty Universalist, Unitarian, Jewish, Con- •Solo, "Evening antT Morning," Miss Ce- that every member of the B'Nai Feller. B'Eith will avail himself of the op- tablished, consisting of 25 members courts: Magistrates' Court, District to that sum within two days and workers are combing the cily for gregational and the Society of Friends celia Response. Mr. Morton Hiller. Courts, Criminal Courts, Courts of —took part in the eleventh convensubscriptions, and reports to "The Solo, "The Way of Peace," Miss Laura portunity of being host; to his own besides the High Commissioner, ten the workers pledged themselves to Assizes, Court of Appeals and special Goetz. continue until St. Louis had raised Jewish Press" from Lincoln last tion of the National Federation of Patriotic Address. Brigadier General son or an adopted one two weeks of whom are to be appointed by the courts for the various tribes in the Mathew A. Tinley, Sixty-seventh Infantry from Sunday night. government, they being heads of $400,000. "The quota," Mr. Brown night were to the effect' that Lin- Religious Liberals, held recently in "Brisafle, Iowa National Gnard. country. There will also be special continues, "for St. Louis was original- coln's quota of §25,000 had been al- the First Unitarian Church of Sioux Singing of "America." Choir and ConComplete details of the affair will various departments. Twelve are to Mussulman, Christian and Jewish ity, Iowa. This was the first meet- gregation. : .• ly §250,000 and my latest information most, reached. _ be arranged by the social service be elected by the people and of the Courts which, will devote their activBenediction. Jake Berek, chairman for Fremont, ing of the Federation in a central .is that they have passed that by a Temple members who served in the committee of the B'Nai B'Rith at s remaining three, one is to be nomireports, a total of ovefS2500 to date Western city, and the sessions, which war and. whose cfimes appear upon meeting tonight, and will be an- nated fey the 'Chamber of Commerce ities to matters personal to each re-very-wide margin." ligion, such as marriages, divorces, Maine started its first day with -with" continued enthusiasm in the city occupied three days, -were largely at- the tablet axe: * .'..."'." . . . nffSKced. - in .-next— .•weftk's.,. "Jewish and two by the High Commissioner. vails etc. - -. .. _»*... tended. Press". Members. of the committee These three h&miirees will he voted 25 per cent of its..' quota raised. a n d c o u n t y . : . . ••• < • Morton Hiller. . Kil. Alperson. Hebrew .ma Official I. Jacobson. Leading Jewish divines elected to Samnel Alpeveon, include Dr. Philip- Shef, Rabbi upon by~Eh5" nationalities sot suffiIndianapolis raised §100,000 the open- At Norfolk, last night, John Edwin Kahn. Mortimor Asher, All official orders and notices for Edwin Kirschbrann, Frederick Cohn, Rabbi Morris Taxon, ciently represented otherwise. They Eupene N. Blazer. ing night of its campaign. Prior to Robinson, city chairman, started the office in the Federation include Dr. Dave Moses Kohn. Bloch, public information must appear in will represent all three peoples, ChrisLouis Grossman and Dr. Kaufman subscription, among the Jews with a Leo Rosenthal, Henry Monsky, Harry that meeting there had been conCarl B. Kraus, Max Bloch, three languages: English, Arabic and r Abraham Levey, tian,. Mohamedan and Jewish. Kohler .of Cincinnati, Rev. Henry BerSam Blooh. pledge of $200, and 5 per cent adLapidus, Irvin Staimaster, Harry tributions of $2 ,000 there. Arthur Levy. Jos. H. Bonoff. Hebrew. All of these languages are kowitz of Philadelphia and Dr. Win. For election purposes, there will be Silverman and S. H. Schaefer. Milton Livinsston, I»eslle Burkenroad. The reports from the South are ditional of all that the city will raise. Herbert M a n . Mayer L. Cohn, also to be employed in the law-makRosenau of Baltimore. organized 12 separate electoral comAmong the guests at the banquet Herbert Mayer. Morton Detren, equally encouraging. Virginia has Harry Zimman of Omaha, addressed ing Council, the courts and in public •Reuben Melcher. Benjamin Fanper, Among the letters read was one mittees, each member of which will be the "meeting at which more than trill be members of the YMHA Newsvoluntarily increased its quota from Henry Newman, Joseph Feiler, institution. from Chief Justice William Howard elected by the people of Palestine, §1200 was raised. F. M. Orschel, Stanley Feiler. boy Clubs, who will be adopted out .$100,000 to $150,000. The little town A. W. Prince. Maurice Frank, for the evening to boylese members there being one member for each 200 Each of the three communities Jules Rachman. of Gadsden, Alabama, with only 25 Amounts pledged in Omaha since Taft, asking to be enrolled as a mem- Victor Ganz, Howard Rosenthal. Edward H. Glnck, ber of the Federation, and expressing voters, the number being apportioned (Mussulman, Christian or Jewisb.) can of the lodge. Jewish families and a quota of $250, the start of. the appeal, follow: Gabriel Eothholtz. Harry Goetz. interest in the extension of its activiRudolph Kothholtz, Herman Goldsmith, Jredit Clearing House __.5fi.310.50 More than 100 men and boys at- among the three dominant religious appeal to the League of Nations, if set out t<5 raise that sum and ended Brandeis, George Michael Goldsmith, Frederick Rypins, —-— 0,000.00 ties. Albert Sehuhl. tended the Brotherhood Banquet at communities, according to its num- it finds certain provisions in the ConSolomon Graetz, with $2,500. Victor H. Kreigshaber L e w , Morris (increased from $2,stitution unfavorable to that p&fticu* Arthur Snyder. Lawrence Green, Dr. Frederick Cohn of Omaha ad000.00) minimum __...__ 3.000.00 the Temple last night, and each one ber of adherents. of Atlanta, chairman for the southern Holzman, Mayer Spiesberger, Herbert Harris. Tv'm. It, (increased from lar community. This appeal must be dressed the convention en • "Lifers Leo TJneer. The twelve elected members of the Edward W. Hart. voted it a great success. The affair : ———. 2,000.00 zone, states that Georgia, Alabama, $1,500.00) Harry Weinberj*. Bert Hene. presented to a member of the Legis"Wolf, Harry A. (increased from Highest Ideals". Legislative Council will be elected by Joseph Weinberp, will hereafter be given annually. Chester Heyn, North and South Carolina with a ?1,000.00) ._ 1/>00.00 Bert WeiRR. Fred JJ. Heyn 1,000.00 Kirschbrann & SODS, Inc. Eugene Blazer was toastmaster; Dr. the electoral committees, instead of lative Council who passes it to the Jewish population of approximately Glnck, Clarence Wells, Hugo G. Heyn, 1,000.00 I. t " MEMBERS TO GIVE Wirtshafter. _ 1,01)0.00 Kdward Jas. Goetz spoke -on "What fathers directly by the people. The Legisla- High Commissioner, from whom it is 42,000 will turn in over ?800,000. Milder, Morris 500.00 Alpirn, A. B. PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT expect of their sons", to which his tive Council of 25 will take the place sent to the British Colonial Office 000.00 Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. NEXT MONDAY NIGHT Dr. Philip (increased from son, Maurice, responded with a state- of the present Advisory Ceuncil creat- thence to the League of Nations. Reports from Omaha and the state Slier, $200.00) : : ~ ~ COO.OO A playlet, "Wrong Numbers," will HIAS EUROPEAN OFFICES ment of what boys expect from their ed by Herbert Samuel and will have Jacob, Jr;, (Increased in general continue to be most en- Slosberg, 500 00 be the feature of the entertainment from $300.00)- . fathers. Frank Martin delighted the full power to make laws, subject to Local Zionists Launch 500.00 Simon Bros. Co. ,500.00 which the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. will Swanson, J. TJ. — audience with a sleight-of-hand and the following limitations: Intensive Campaign IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO 500.00 •Wolf, Jos. and Sam present at the Jewish Community "magic" performance. Each law must receive the approval 500.00 THOSE WHO WISH TO COMKosenstock, D. F. and G— • for 1000 Members 400.00 Center next Monday night. The comKulnkofsky, R. of either the High Commissioner or MUNICATE WITH THEIR Re300.00 Kuliikofsky, M. : : 300.00 edy, which was directed by Mrs. B. of His Majesty, the King of England. An intensive campaign for 1000 Goldstein. Abe , LATIVES ON THE OTHER Feil, N. P. (increased from $250) 30(1.00 R. Boasberg, will be given by the Dr. Cohn Receives Thanks of local members for the Zionist or300.00 SIDE. Shimmel, Charles City Council for WelJEWISH STUDENTS CONTRIBUT- Itosenblott, Morris M. (increased 300.00 Misses Ldbbie Minken, Yerda Jacobganization of America will be underfrom $200.00) ... fare Work. ING TO IMPROVEMENT OF Wilinsky, takenby the Omaha District, be300.00 sen and Tina Altschuler, members of Harry — ' . — ~ - — In the interest of the tens of Hiller, Louis — ;— 300.00 the Y dramatic class. It has been The following resolution, introduced COLLEGES, SAYS ginning Sunday. Kahn. Bros. : : . . _ _ — 250.W thousands of American Jews who by James C. Dahlman, mayor and Pred. B : - 250.00 presented with much success before LECTURER. Workers in the membership camhave relatives across the seas and president of the City Council of the 250.00 several neighborhood centers. Kulakofsky, J. H . paign will meet at the Jewish Com250 00 Knlakofsky, Louis desire to be placed in communica2.10.00 Herzberg Bros. Other numbers on the program in- tion with them, the Hebrew Shelt- city of Omaha, has been adopted by PRESIDENT LEHMAN REPORTS munity Center Saturday lught, to New York, Feb. 14. — "The in- Conn. 200.00 Loyal B. tellectual center of the world is with- Lapidns, Harry (increased from 23.00 clude recitations by Miss Gertrude ering and Immigrant Aid Society the City Council: FEDERATION HAS RECEIVED organize committees, district the $200.00) "Resolved, That inasmuch as Rabbi " in-.the grasp of our universities, and Malnshock, $21,000,000 IN FIVE YEARS. city, and make final arrangements 230.00 Epmm, violin solos by Miss Fannie Harry of America, 425-437 Lafayette Frederick Cohn has tendered his res2.T0.U0 Fish, and dance numbers by Miss A —: • no small credit for the improvement Sachs, for the campaign. Membership in 250.00 Street, New York, states that be- ignation as a member of the Welfare Kobinson, J. B. Hermine Hirschman. of the scholarship of the American Ziepler, Isidor (increased from the Zionist organization is §6.00 per New York (J. T. A.)—The resides its European headquarters in 2.TO.O0 Board, after six years of the most The members of the Y. M. and Y. universities will be due to the for- Zimman, Harry year, which includes subscription te markable progress made by the Fed2.T0.00 ~ — Warsaw, HIAS maintains offices faithful and efficient service, this 200.00 W. H. A. extend a cordial invitation H. H. eign students who are entering our Auerbach. eration for the Support of Jewish publication of the « the official in the following cities of Poland, council wishes to express its earnest GroBBr D. B. (increased from $150) 200.00 200.00 to the public to attend. colleges in greater numbers than Epstein Bros. Philanthropic Societies was the suby "The New Palestine". ganization Galicia, Lithuania, Ukrainia, 200.00 Kosewater. Victor :—.\ appreciation of the splendid work ac- ject of a report by Arthur Lehman, As a special incentive to further 'ever before. The largest single Wolf. A _™ 1 : — 200.00 Roumania and of other countries, 200.00 complished by Dr. Xlohn, and regrets Theodore, A. — , element among these, for easily Miller, Danzig, Paris, Libau, Riga, Kovno, exceedingly the necessity of comply- president, at the fifth annual meet- the work of the solicitors and of the M. «S. . . '. - 200.00 TO GIVE WASHINGTON imagined reasons, is Jewish." Monsky, Henry ^increased from organization during the year, Mr. J . BIRTHDAY DANCE Abelli Baranowicz, Korzec, Lem- ing with his request that he be re- ing at the Temple Emanuel. 200.00 Thus spoke Professor Nathan Sommer, Max B. Robinson has offered to pay one Mr. Lehman said that the federa200.00 -.. berg Rovno, Wilna, Grodno, SlonMembers of the Women's Auxiliary lieved of his duties as a member of 200.00 Kaplan, Sam_; Isaacs of Pittsburgh University last Goldstein, im, Tarnopol, Kovel, Balti, Beltz, said Board. Further, that Dr. Cohn tion has collected $21,000,000 for the year's rent for the Zionist meeting lfiO.00 of the B'nai B'rith will give a dance H. 15000 night before a crowded audience in Margolin Bros.. Brichani, Bucarest, Kishineff, has the sincere good wishes of every support of these philanthropic under- room in the Jewish Community 150.00 on February 22nd at the Blackstone Gordon, Dr. M. I— the Wadleigh High School auditorium Milder, takings during the five years of its Center, if 1000 members Ere seemed 150.00 Hotel. Marcnlesti, Zguritza and Pinsk. Hymie Many novelties have been member of this Council for continued existence and that the societies had in the campaign. 1IW.00 Win. •where he delivered the second annual* Milder. 150.00 prepared commemorative of the Rosenfeld, Harry . —. In addition HIAS has the co- health and happiness and that the Hurwitz memorial lecture on "The Weinsrein, A. G. (increased from operation of many Jewish com- utmost success will attend the numer- received ~S3,000,000 more during this Workers in the membership drive 150.00 holiday. $100.00) . _ Future of the Jewish Student in Rnbensteln, Harry (increased from munities and other local organiza- ous other activities in behalf of the period. In the five years prior to include the following: 150.00 $125.00) Pee, S. B. Rohinsoo, X.'Goldrtein, America." Budapest. (By mail.—J. P. A.) The 100.00 tions in its work for the Jewish public good in which he is engaged." j the organization of the federation L.Frank Alpirn, Mrs. A. B. Kneeter. Sol Cohn, Sain Dftvis, IX. Free100.00 University of Keshkemet j only $10,000,000 . was collected by ''America is destined to be the home Block, Jos. man. Dr. O. C. GoMner, S. Robinson, M. lias an- wanderer. This means to say that 100.00 Cohen, L. M. Minken, S. Altaclniler, .1. Sh^kert. Br. A, j these same institutions. of Jewish learning," the speaker con- Brodkey 100.00 nounced that there are still some Jewelry Co. Romm, M. Brnnfle, Bon Handler, ,T. i\ wherever there are Jewish im,100.00 Levy, Mrs. Morris Pri>K'n>nn, ,T. RornflJiek, S. "Weiss, SIPKtinued. The misfortunes of Eastern Gross, M. J. Governor Miller of New York said dames S. Tjintzmfm. 100.00 vacancies for Jewish students there. migrants, HIAS is in a position PIONEER CLUB J. E. KobiOgon, O. C : Europe contributed to the upbuilding Livingston . M i l t o n (increased Goldner, Jos. KoHAnberK, II. Sttlij?, A, That institution also announces the to give them guidance and protec• ; OFFICER DIES at the meeting: 100.00 from $50.00) Komni, Ben Handler and Mis* Monte of a new scholarship in America, and Fe.ler, D . P. (increased from ?50) 100.00 complete abolishment of .percentage tion. "The things that you do are more Grossrann. Samuel N6vitsky> for twenty-four Finkenstein, D. S. ~ 100.00 limitations in several of its courses. just a s . during the second Temple Ktiiakofsky. years treasurer of the Omaha Hebrew efficiently and effectively done than A. I. ..._ .i 300.00 even Hillel the Great was drawn Knlakofsky, Mrs. M. 1___^._ 100.00 club, died last Friday, following a they could possibly be if undertaken Keshkemet is the center of HunKulakofsky, Mrs. R. „;__..„._.„ 100.W from the schools of Babylon, so will Krasne, brief illness. Mr. Novitsky had lived by the State. So that, speaking, if SEEK MISSING RELATIVE Miss Maymie 100.00 garian anti-Semitism. It was there _ : ~ _ . 100.00 that the most horrible pogrom' of PRIZE WINNERS The Jewish Welfare Federation Palestine in the near-future draw Levy. Saul in Omaha for forty years. He was I may, for the State, I want to praise Harry 100.00 IN CONTEST TO BE AN- also a member <jf the B'nai B'rith, the immeasurable value of the work has received an urgent appeal many of its great scholars from Kavich, Herzberp. Mrs. M. ..„. 100.00 Hungary took place, the local Jews Blamenthal, T>. u 100.00 NOUNCED NEXT WEEK B'rith Abrain and the Jewish Welfare that you are doing and to express the from Roumania asking that Mr. America," he ,said. having been subjected to continued Abrahams, Edward (increased Iroin $50.00) . ; ir»0.00 persecutions. As a protest against A most interesting fact' was re- Friedel. M. Due to the fact that many of the Federation. Mr. Novitsky was 58 at view that the State should do nothing A. Redman, a tailor who was -'.._ ; 100.00 to discourage it or lessen its effi- born, in the town of Linen", Kiev vealed in a survey by the Menorah Rosenblnm. J. V : 100.0C this intolerable condition the Jewish contestants in the "Jewish Press" the time of his death. osenthal, M a x I ... lOO.Of students put into effect a boycott of gubernia, Russia, be located. Inciency." Association, namely, that most Jew- RRabinowitz. subscription contest had not turned He-is survived by his wife, three 100 Of A. H formation relative to this man's 100.0f the University. The loss of Jewish ish students in professional schools Katz. in their results up to the time of daughters, Mrs." J. •.Rabinowitz, OakWalter E. Beer, Colonel E. A. Samnel. Rubin,Mrs. Louis...-. „_ 100.0T whereabouts should be communi* patronage has evidently caused a fiare attracted to the newer'profes- A b r a h a m s , H . L . lOO.Of printing this issue, it is impossible land, CaL; Mrs. L. Feltinaa and Miss Glinsburg, Alex..u<ler Kahn, Herman' Xate A _. iflfl.flf nancial crisis in the institution and cated at once to the Federation, sions as distinguished from the med- Spiesberjrer, to announce the winners at this time. Lissner, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, and Leone Novitsky.of Omaha, and three H a r r i s , Martin L . lOtl.flf Lyric Bldg. hence the humble appeal for Jewish Iteichenberpr. I.. S.... . lOO.Or iaeval trio of law, medicine and the Names of successful contestants will sons, Henry and Harry of Omaha, 'Maurice Werthei:::.. were " elected students. ministry. __. . _ . . (Continued cm page 2} be published next week. trustees of the federation. \ and Ben of Sioux City.

B'nei B'rith Fathers to be Hosts to Sons at Banquet, March 5

Many Leading Jews Elected to Office at Meeting of Liberals

America Destined as Hew Center of Jewish Culture

Jewish P hilanthropic fork




every Thursday «t Omaha, Nebraska, by

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Vlrshbo, 13. ._

MiindellMiiin, S. JJ Goldstein* U

Mnrgultz. S Belcel, M. M — Ilnhu, Win. Belmont Bros White, Asher _ — Max; I' NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- Kaplan, White, J . I I . . _. tion d The Jevrish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. Wezelmnn, Max Iiosentbal, M Chernlss; I. N. .. ...... ^~ CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Pleass give both the old «nd new address J Cohen, Mrs. C. .. '•• - -. • .- - •• ^• •-•_ b» son a n d sign y o n r c a m a . ' _ ^ Frank, A. ........—:—. Block, Dr. Mttx....;.: Fanarow, W; U. ..__^.._~. 1. DEPRESSION; SIMPLE ARITHMETIC AND HOW Gfeeh. Meyer Gidinsky, J . B. — f •'&:'.;: GEORGE DID IT. Fleishmann, Ella A. . i ; I '" "Times-of business depression are the best times to getHirsch, Kadkovich, H. .,— J. :" money for charity"* said Harry Lapidus, chairman of the Fed-Kohlberg, Lashinsky, -M. I? eration - Finance Committee in. his talk at the Annual Meeting Slandel, L. ^ :— Mantel, Mr. and Mrs. N. .-' recently. Is'eveleff, Mrs, It. ~ . Louis ''It i& when yoti have "Zorres" of your owri that you begin Neveleff, Ne*man, Julliia Ih Jo realize the other fellow's trouble", he declared. Ross, Hen Stirling, H. J . That readiest sympathy and assistance comes from those Goldstein, Chas. J . S?hd are the least fortunate finds a practical proof in the action Dubnoff, Xale —1_ Fine, V, — , .... of the Jewish population of Poland. FrJedman, J . i—. .. _ . The two and one half millions of Jews in Poland have gone Cohen, Jacob Julius through a veritable hell these seven years, such a hell as Amer- Altmnn, Berkowitz, I. J. icans cannot, even imagine. Yet when the budget of 117,000,000 Lintzman, Wohlner. Morris. , N : marks for the care of refugee Jews in Poland was cut to 75,-Simon, Plorn.—.._j._«i— 000,000 marks by the Joint Distribution Committee last year, Bienstock. Rosenberg, S. H. . , .Louis ..._ because of lack of funds^the Jewish, residents of Poland pledged LnseroiyitZi L. themselves to raise the remaining 42,000,000. Leihowitz. TJ. S. ™ Eooper; Robert H. . *They made good their pledge. Lewis. Sol Pttul. ; .. i .They paia every dent before the end of the year, and theGoldstein. Newman. .Mrs. A.. :...


refugees in Poland were taken care of!

Freiberg, B Eawett, A :_ Herman • Fourteen million doHars is a- large sum of money. Do the(Tacobi, Kaplan. TolJc-. sjof Eut0pe:rea"lly Seed that ttiuch ? you ask*} J feomberg. Ben. Pinkel. J..._--.--^ -.. Eelniont,. Esther __i. A _.. one;knoW& how many hundreds of thousands of people Jliklln. Itnderman, Harry . need the help of American Jewish funds. No one knows what Flax. S •--.—. SVezelraan, I . . the total number of refugees, of orphans, of pogrom victims, is. SnaplrO, A. No one knows how many Jews need the hospitals, the schools, Kaplan, J ..—: Sam the loan banks, the "bread lines that the $14,000,000 will provide. Klporin, Spivafe. M Wm — No one knows how many Jews there are in Soviet Russia who MonoYitz, Carp. H. -.— . still-pray for relief from famine and disease. Sletson, Sam _..-

No one/knows the vast number who will be saved by your

Friedman, Arthur Margolin. Mary — H. __ suppose the Joint Distribution Committee were doing Morrlam, Minken, A. „..A. __;— just one single piece of work—that of caring for the orphans, Monsky, Olesker> Sam for Example—and needed $14,000,000 with .which to do it. Kofftnan. I. — Rosen, Milton ..You still would say that the sum was. large. Fanny ._. • But figure it out. Experts have estimated that there are ll'ubacfc. Shames, B. Shrngo, Wrtx ......-_ at ieast 300,000 .orphans to be cared for. And if the entire Siegel, Blrs, Iu ___-_; Silverman, H — $14,000,000 were divided equally among them each would get Sllverman, J . -jt_...__; the munificent sum of $46.68. • Stalmaster, Louis — — H. ._ And the care of the orphans is about one tenth of allStein, Swarla, Sam J, .that the J* D. G. has to do in Europe. S i l SSirs. i s N. Wilfson,-Wintroub, Miriam — A. ^ Eight-year-old George Sokolow, 1030 North 33M St., had"Weinsteln,Abner . $5,00 in his bank, which he had earned through many months Warsaw, 1'feffer, H. K. . — , „ Potash, Morris of errand running* George expected to run many more errands Bernstein. H. H. . and to make the |5,00 increase so that Jie could.acquire his Jilumenthai, Brookstein. M. . heart's desire—a bicycle* How he had worked and was going to Brofrn, Ben M. Arkin.. Jolitis worjc for that bicycle! Bachman. H. ~ — Anna F . -And then George heard the story of the 300,000 Jewish Baskin, Beber. Mr. I -...__ orphans; i a Europe^ told to his father by one of Omaha's work- Davidson, A. -.-. ;— Friedman.. Sam ers in the relief appeal. Fricdel. Morris Sam > vGeorgo forgot all about his bicycle, forgot all about the Elewitz.John weary months of errand .running that had netted him those Faier, F.ilk. A. __. S. -M. coveted $5.00. He thought only of those 300,000 boys and girls. Gitaan, Givot, VTm. Goldstein, H. _. And George gave his all to the children of Europe. Grodlnsky, Dr. M. Gross, N. Hass, Bernard H. __ Meyer, Lester 2.T.O0 Haykin, A. Meyer, M. 25.00 HelphnjMi, S. S. __ Foreman, S. __._._ Nichols,'Mr. a n d Mrs. Herman * r2"j.OO Fox, Mas:; (Continued from, page 1);_ Paige, Beiij. _ j . ...—;—»—;.._..._ ' 2 <,00 Fanarovr, f^,,.. i_ 100.00 Pxeisman, V>rm, . Vfohh pt; M. G.™ :___: • 2j"i.(K) Feldman. Mrs. John __ Soiiiberg, Nathau. — ; 100.00 Kavitz, Dr. Sol ; . .: Si.00 Jad61)s. E ».Eelpliand, Ji i. 300.00 llayman, Julias Habler, M. B. . Alperson. John 2T..O0 Kdsan, X. H. S. __- ioo.no Itice, Splesberger, Jaie. 2.-..00 Katleman. Morris Homahek,1 J . -_....^... Jtost-nttml, 3Ir. and Airs. ISy.. aoo.oo Kosonberg , >Irs. Ida .. 2.1.00 Kay. Pfiiiip Miiaer Cfilldren . :. .K) Klein, alorris" 100.00 Kosenberp, Jos. —_.. MUdef, Mrs. Morris _—... . : 25.00 Kaplan, M 100.00 Uosenstock, Je33le Hi *.; _.. Kosenblum, Arthur —.; _; U5.00 KosenBtein, M. ^_ 100.00 Corenman. Mrs. I. HubeHsteln, Morris _ 25.0(1 Hchaetet, S, H. Chnit, Hen -_ loo.oo ishostak, L. K. Bubln, Louis i__._. .25.00 Chait, J . ~ 100.00 Schlalfer. I. Wohlner, Ai. _ 25.00 Cohen. M. G. — 100.00 Simon, M. J . —i Wdlf, Mrs. Harry A. 25.00 Braviroff, Leo -^ 100.00 Snitovsky, Harry JS. "Wolf, Justin 25.00 Bi-nJ. 100.00 Snitzcr, J. N. ._.._. SHukeft, J. ^.. 25.00 ISraviroff. Annetta ~_^_._ 100.00 Soloman, M Sugarman. Martin L. 25;<)O Plzer. ..~.~~ Weinberg, Anna... Shatton, Ben — _*100.00 Stalmaster, Irvih _._._ 25.00 Railman, A._. . X. M. fe Y. W. S . Arv._-.. 100.00 Stern, Mrs. M. ~~ _i._..^ . _ . 25.00 Dreyfoos, A --,„ Slobodinsky, Mr.imd Mrs. 100.00 Stern, Chag. „ . 25.00 Klein. Irving w i b e g J^ V' .. 100.00 Yousem, E. waxeriberg. . J.~....'. -. . „„ •>,-, 00 Koitstetn. Shta Mrs. J ..... 25.00 M e y e r , . " . *. ".. ~ . . .g; •-•*'-'" .• ~.-..-— • -,^..^. . 3Q0.00 Yonsem, Mose ...•Wintroub, M. — Chapman, M. E. _ 25.00 L a g m a n ; J . '...- :^ , loo.oo CoUeJij • BavitZ; S. _ i _ i ;_=.iJ.i- i .~. Herm.ia M. 25.00 Goetz. Hafrv .300.00 Bernstein, Jos. ___ Heinsciireiber,-.Ben ' — _ . 25.00 Goeti. Ifraiik...: . Eesnicki N. . :.^_.™. 100.00 UlUUiCULUUI, Blumenthal, A. 25.00 Sehiffer. Morris ^ 1 . A. . Tnxon, jStabttl MorriB N. (Increased 100.00 Belmout, Harry 23:00 $chimiuel. Abe ^ ._^ from £50.00) ._.-. . 100.00 Arkiii. Morris __ 25.00 Kahn. Slpr -..: .: aooroo Bablch, Mrs. D. !Pollocb* Mrs. B. ... 25.00 Loomfs, N. H.-.-._^ ,._^ . ' Rosenberg, I . .... -,... . 7.1.00 Altschuler, A. ™ 25.00 Lah<leasmjin. Sahi '. ..-• 75.00 Altschuler, S. ..._. . .^-_ YalEe, Natbith S".._ 25.00 Horwich,- Mrs. A • • __.: - fiano Goldsmith, MicljnoJi 1_^._ 7 Gfeenber^.-.fiarry •25 00 Rohfold. H; ._.: : co.oo Civiu, MUiirit-e _.:-_ 25.00 Israel, A. ...:.._™^_:._:__.^ . Henben, HJ. .—-— Greehbefg, Pr. A....._^-.. 251)0 Hom-icb, K. —u....~..^__ „ . no oo 2 Bobinaou, Sam Spiegel, S 25.00 _ „ _ no.oo SdJnuelsoh, J . L*~,—'~*~ . Ilorensteliii . Schlalfer, F. -— no.oo 25.U0 Lissicf. Mrs. Grace Hoblnson, Mrs. JV B. no.00 25.00 Laznrus, II. .._;,;: :.„.„. Sbfernthn, V.' .J no.oo 25.00 Krakownki. IT: Sih-erman, A. 23.00 Ransky, Dp; Katban. 50.00 •- Stiss. I. ... "__ 25 00 Goldstein, S ._J__I: no.oo Koramef Bros. —-—'.—-.—,--_. 25.00 Grossman, Mox .1. r>o.o6 Klce. S.-A.— Tatle, Mrs. Kate-.^-.J. .„.:.... Nathan, Louis .:.. . .. S-1SI Chorney no.oo „„ „ Tfeniple Israel SgadaJ- ;Sehool; -L™.., no.oo Zalatuchin, P . . Gltlin, M.~. no.oo 2;..00 Mittlenian, TretlnK, J. „,:._ . :..._.i:.«Sii.OO Mittleinan, Beulah no.oo ' '. Tnrkel, Louis — Silverman, Herman..-.:_..._._. „ . 25.00 Poster, Sam . . Treller, Till. ____•„:: no.oo 1'iok, Charles _..—..::..:.. , 25.00 Finkenateiiv Jacob-; Paperney, Hnx ±.:-±. co.oo London. 'M.. 25.00 Kaplan, IS. -u: i. - _ — _^..:_...^ Zagar, X. ._^._......_ no.oo Melcher. A. 25.00 Newman, J l i J Wintroub. Win, nnd. no.oo Heyn, Frederick' L. ^ 2.".00 Gerber, I . i :_ -.Plotkin.-.I. ana O..... no.oo danger, Mrs; M...~——.-.;^_ .-.-__ 2i"».O0 Gerellek, Jules li. .... • m.an Friedman, Pr. -B.-T.-J— 23.00 Wintroub,- S, H.; r J .j^_i= TiO.OO Bercmnn,- Clarence L; _.^Hachmon, Jrl: 'S. -.;_-_. 25.00 Greenfield, M : 50.00 Gluck,. Ed. -•.—. . '..'..,",'' ... , 25.00 Whitman/ A H. Snltovsky <fc . ^ ^ _ * ftO.OQ :_„ Bernstein.-H;-»..-.'..._^.__.^ Soskin, J . ; . ... KoBbefe- &• Soslciit waiiL;.i__^ ;. TiO.OI) Botbholz, Normtiu i.^..-.—.25,00 Dat|dy, Joe Sellcow. • M.<- _^..™..i v ._.^ 1 —„.... no.on Billings.' B; I'ark™..._i_.:.: . . u 25.00 Gold ware, >S Kneetef.' s. ^^_:.^_...-___—.-__... ai.oo . •H..,..^,-.-r -Kahn i ^;e-vvraah-.u.j:.-_.._^..r_..i.-....* Urossman, B Spiesbertrer, ifayer. '._". . .... ' 25.00 Whitebook, L. _„ Glndstone _ „ -no.oo Singer, J, J. i.... «_.„.._.....„_ fej;oo>i ylctot. (increased from .. 25 00 Colton, Mr. no.oo FelUman. Harry .:.; _: Horwlcbi Mi. Ii.^.=-~.^...:•. 23.00 Cronnse. J. ...._.._*... no.oo Shafer, 1. ^._...._ !_: ScHflye, • P a u t Z^-^-^LL^U—_:—.•_< ; 25.00 Adler, „ ; Popper, .JOBJ p i . - ^ - ( _ i . . . . . ; - i i . . . - - . 50.00 Epstein, TX....:L<-.~....... L..^...,-,™..... 2.100ICuklfn,Mr : !T_._ Horn. Henry; ——7 no-.oo Cohen, Harry....-.....™ -..—^ 25.00 Kus.b ncr, D Ben.._ „ M Netwnari, D . 'M._i__i^.^'——. '..:-—_ nn.oo Bolker, Daye . _, ^. 25.00 Goldstein, Eniher ....„..-_„,.„ _.. . . Rdsecblatt, . M.^ ,-.:-— r -..^. .- n o w Greenhouse, S.- _..^™ 25.00 ltadnian, John^__^_^^ .._^__.^ ^__ Melster, Nat ...._:..^ .—...—:: -.. - fiO.OO Greenberg, Mrs. ..—..^—..-.....u . 25.00 Stalmaster, Mrs. Louis ._.„_, .Xievlne, Dr.-V.. B . ^ . . - - . . _ . ..-...._.... •50.00 .Gre^nberg, J . J i .....™ . 25.00 SoKoloff, MM. Sarah H _ Harris. Herbert J t (Increased'front Goldtvare, Jacob .. '. 2i5.OO Louis _.„.. no.oo GoldWare, Mr. and Mrs. O. P .... 23.00 Sofcoloff, Schwartz, D . . .no.oo Goodbinder. S. \V. -™. |._ Gross. Dernnrd-^.——>25.00 Kirschenbaum, J._..^.._ ._: .... co.oo Friedman, t)r. B. T. .b G i a i k W m 23.00 Newman, Sam" . ...^.._ no.oo Fox, Oscar ......^ .Greene, Harry (increased from ¥23) i . 25.00 Hodes, Sol . .. Handler, B, ,— — no.oo Feldman, John 25.00 Laytou. Sol. . . : no.oo Elgutter,- Mrs. Dollle Goldstein,. X 2."i.00 Kirschenbuuni, jvlas .. „ •no.oo Eizenstadt, C. Heavenrlch, n . S. _.„ 25.00 Marcus, X. . ,-: Blumenthal, Joe . 25.00 Hicks, Lizzie 50.00 Paris, Samuel H; --' Blazer, Eueene — 25.00 Leaf. M ™>00 I Dansky, Sam »~. , Sam 25.00 Cackin, Max.... hrarns^ B. -• — Freeman, Dnrid A. 25.00 Lipr.ey, A. _i.__. B0.00 Freed, Sam . . Bratiroff. Harry _._:_._..— 2.1 JX) Levine, Sam _...;_^. fiO.OO Freeman, Harry . —Cohri, Itabbi Freacrlcli ..u.. .™; .r no.oo F i d l J. Friedel, 25.00 Hart. Hulduh E no no Frledmnn, J . J . _^ I l » , Mr. and Mrs. J. ...__^ —_......_ 25.00 Melcher, SS „ J_ TiO.00 Falk, Jake : : 25.00 Cohan, Robert.... -. • :_. • Jacobs, Morris B. .-.-.<— .-—,._.., no.oo Greenberc, DaWd . 1T>.OO Bliimenthul, Harry : ... ....„„._„ 50.00 Greenfiiild, B, . Jacobs, Mrs. Mlua ~ .. V'5,00 Lewis, J.-.. ..... no.oo Delrogh, H. _._. KaKnri, 51. ~—~—~.---r-^—; Kaplan, Max ...... no.oo BrodUey. Mrs. M. „„ Kaplan. Mi*, and Mrs. A. ....... 2.\00 Ijevy, Ike... __„ no.oo Kntleman. Abe Katelmnn. Mr. and Mra. A. . „ , 25.00 Jacobs, F. ... r>o.o(> Levinfcon, M. ™_. Faler, S a m — - . — — — • — ' - _._ _..^_; "L.'"""' 25.00, Bloom, Sam ...;_„ .„__..._„....„_.... no.oo Posley, Ben -. Bernstein. Nathan —M—-—.. ,«._. I__HI1_25.00 Seiner, Morfis>. __.! . > 50.00 Briiwar, A. M. i_..l _• . 25 00 Diamond, Harry;.... , ._ „ „. Kaken, N. W. =^ — , 2500 Glaser, H. .:..:.:._._.^ ._„ 50.00 Gordon, Jacob.... . .Petches, M. — ' — •••-—-— .—. no.oo H y m a n . M r s . A 25.00 Hertzberjr, Mt ',''•"" -V. ~ __: Karleman, C. C. ^ .. co.oo Green, DaVe ..^1 2500 Flukelstelii, 4 N . ^ _ _ ^ • ,^ Kneeter, Morris L. .-• Mlnfcen, . 23.00 Radinsky, Morris.. 40.00 Chalken, M ~ •Kntlemnn, 8. — Mlfcn Morris 2."!.00 ! F r i e d m a n , L ^ 40.00 Shapiro, H;. ^ _ _ _ _ ^ . _ _ i " " Kaplan, 3 — 25.00 Margolea, Mrs. J_ 40.00 Spiegel, Jjos. _.. , _....1_™ 25.00 Slntzky,' Mrs. H... Moskowltz, Ignatz ... 35.00 Simon. B. A Slomqu; Hubert E. „; J.."!~T,!~™ 25.00 Rlfkin, Mr,..._..™ ,-Welnrann, Jnet . 35.00 30.00 Bernstein. Abo _ 2f».00 Sekar. M. _ Krizelman, "Sam. 30.00 j Berkowitz, Jake".."."" Z' IT_"" 2fi.O0 Sokoloff, Itose . ....... Kcoper, Jacob „ . 25.00 i Bernstein, Mrs. Harry......]. '.~.JZ 25.00 Ueanlck, Jake. Mnlashock, J n k e — 25.00 Horwich, Belle .„. .".... Sol v Meyer, Ernest ~


: . • #

South America to investigate the resentatives of the American Belief possibilities of immigration to Argen-' Administration of which Herbert tine, Brazil, Chile and other South Hoover, U .S, Secretary of Commerce, American countries. The delegation ' is Chairman, and Dr. Fridjhof Nan513 will pay particular heed to working sen, the League of Nations Relief Di20.00 conditions in the agricultural indus- rector for Russia, and the authorities 2o!oo MIZRACHI AND REFORMERS CZECHO-SLOVAKIA FAVORS tries of those countries, since there of Soviet Ukraine thereby the two or20.00 BOYCOTT POLISH RABBIS' HEBREW SCHOOLS are groups of laborers here who wish ' ganizations are to take over the feed20.00 20.00 CONFERENCE to emigrate and areo interested in iing of 7 million children and adults : Bratislava. (Jewish Press Associa20 00 20.001 tion, by mail.)—Keports from Uzhet in the Ukraine ,it is learned authoriWarsaw. (J. T. A.) Following the farm work. harod, the capital of Carpatho-Russia government recognition of the newly tatively. 20.00 which state that the Commissioner founded Orthodox Association, a conThe clearing centers for the ad20.00 Education, Fesek received a ference of the members throughout Historians Claim 20.00 of ministration of the relief among the 20.00 deputation of Jews of Carpatho- Poland has been called, which opened 20.00 starving Ukrainians; will be at Kiev 20.00 Russia who presented to him their here today. Columbus Was Jew and Odessa. 2O.(K7 20.00 plans for the establishment of a ; About 100 Rabbis belonging to the Born in Portuga It is understood that the terms of 20.00 chain of Hebrew schools throughout Agudath Yisroel and Chasidic circles 1S.00 the agreement with the Ukraine are 1S.00 the province which will substitute the are participating in the conference,] Lisbon, Jan. 20.—Christopher Col- similar to those drawn with the Gov35.00 Hungarian schools now existing. The 15.00 while the adherents of the Mizrachi umbus, discoverer of America, was ernment of Soviet Russia, the same 15.00 15.00 commissioner was very enthusiastic and Feforrri Rabbis are staying away. born in Portugal, the Portugese acad- principles and methods being applied 15.00 about this -plan and pledged the j The aim of the conference is said emy of sciences was told yesterday in both countries. 15.00 this to be, among other things, to reestab* by Patrocinio Ribeiro. a member. 15.00 government's support toward 35.00 j lish the authority of the Rabbis be15.00 movement. It has been a historically accepted 15.00 Carpatho-Russia was previously longing to this Association, but who,fact that Columbus was bom in 15.00 larrf H. LapMlos. PreB-Treat. 15.00 Jos. Pepper. Vice-President. it is asserted, are not recognized by Geno, Italy. The statement of Senhor 15.00 Under Hungarian rule and is now Y? G. Ure, Secretary. a clear majority of Polish Jewry. Ribeiro comes on the heels of an an15.00 a province of Czecho-Slovakia. 15.00 These Rabbis are also endeavoring to nouncement by the Rt. Rev. Mgr. Rey Fisfruie &. 35.00 15.00 modify the status of the Jewish Ec- Soto upon his arrival in New York 1 5 (VI Poland Anxious For Co. representative who is 15(10 recently that Columbus was a Jew. Understanding With Jews clesiastical 15.00 COMPLETE STORE AND recognized by the Government. It is 1.1.00 Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The govern- desired to have the Ecclesiastical The prelate said that this was proved OFFICE OUTFITTERS 15.00 by documents discovered at the home 15.00 ment seems anxious to arrive at an We occupy Head chosen from the ranks of theof ancestors of Columbus in Spain. 15.00 OTer 70.DOO sannre feet 15.00 understanding with representative Orthodox Rabbis and not from South Rest Corn«r i 15.00 jHe said Columbus hid the fact that 15.00 Jews here, judging by unmistakable amongst the leaders of the "Jews of ond Dumrlns Street*, he was a Jew because of the deport15.00 indications. Mr. DovnarowiCz,, Min- the Mosaic persuation/V who now r h o n e : .farkson 2734 15.00 ation of people of that race from OMAHA. NKB. 15.00 ister of the Interior, has invited Dr. form a part of the Ministry of Reli15.00 Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella. 15.00 Thon, Messrs. Gruenbaum, Hirsch- gion. j!:n:n:::S::::::i::::::i:::;;i. ! J:;:::::::i::!:;:!::::::j:«:i !!!!! «i 15 00 horn and Rassner, four Jewish Sejm deputies, to confer with him on the TO FEED SEVEN MILLION CHILi£oo general political situation and also re- PALESTINE LAKES TO GO DREN AND ADULTS IN • 15 00 For Rent to Select TO JEWISH COLONIES 15.00 garding the Jewish attitude towards UKRAINE. 15.00 the Vilna elections. London. (J. P. A.—By mail.) The Riga, Jan. 24. (J. T. A.) An agreeDancing Clubs 15.00 Palestine Government has given the ment has been concluded between rep35.00 12.00 Jewish colony of Petach Tikvah con32.00 POLISH GOVERNMENT 12.00 trol over all of its neighboring lakes. WILL PROSECUTE 12.00 12.00 • bodies of water, although unANTI-SEMITES derThese 32.00 government supervision until now 12-00 Warsaw. (J. P. A.) It became 28th and Farnam Sts. 12.00 were not only unexploited and unused, 12.00 known recently that the Polish MinChiropodist and Beacty Hall newly decorated. Will 10.00 but were allowed to become stagnant Shop accommodate 225 couples. 10.00 ister of the Interior has asked the 10.00 Prosecuting Attorney to take up the and polluted and grow a menace to EstahliBhed 1890 Rent for Night. $25 10.00 the communities about them, being ISth and Harnpy Streets. 10.00 case against those responsible for the Fhonn Dotifrlas E333 30.00 Call Atlantic 4251 J. J. Reddy. breeding-places for disease-carrying 30.00 "Razvoi" Conference. The conference 30.00 was called in order to study the Jewinsects, such as the malaria fly. Now 30.00 that these lakes are in the hands cf 10.00 and the culture and to use that in30.00 the Jewish colonists, it is proposed to 30:00 formation for anti-Semitic purposes. 30.00 j undertake energetic steps for their 30.00 j purification and utilization, so that 30.00 FIRST YESHIVA ESTABLISHED • instead of a inenace they will be a 30.00 30.00 IN BELGIUM. 30.00 blessing to all the neighboring com10.00 Antwerp. (J. P. A.) For the first munities. • 10.00 30 00 time ih the history of Belgium, a Yeshiva devoted to the study of Tal-| COURAGES TOBACCO-RAISING 10.00 mudic wisdom and learning has been 10.00 ! London (J. P. A.) The tobacco here. A number of students ; industry is about to become one of 10.00 nrolled for the courses, the most dominant means of support §7,500X3 Cash Investment Will Make Someone most of these being refugees from IOOO - Independent for Life. Ukraina and Russia, who despite all in the colonies of Palestine. Up till for sale five brick fiats containing 70 rooms, located 30.00 suffering and persecution are anxious now many of the colonists hesitated 10.00 to adopt the raising of tobacco bewithin valking distance, in a district that is enhanc10.00 to resume the study of Jewish laws 10.00 cause of the high tax rates prevalent ing in v.Jue. and traditions. These young men are 10.00 10.00 being cared for by benevolent socie- in Palestine upon such industry. I t 10.00 For the man or woman who can operate successfully 30.00 ties and charitable institutions of Bel- is now announced by the government a rooming house, not a better opportunity is available 30.00 , that it is ready to lower the rates courses 30.00 gium, -while pursuing their than th£ proposition offered here, as this property can for all those engaging in this in10.00 here. ii: iruTO easily be made to .produce a revenue of £1,100,00 to rustry. This announcement together 10.00 Sl,200.00 per month. 10.00 with agitation for the development iil 10.00 10.00 UKRAINIAN RELIEF COMMITTEE , of this industry which has long been ] The price of the property is $3S,750.00, and to a 10.00 lij J O ASSIST EMIGRATION TO conducted here, and in which Dr. 10.00 responsible party will sell it with as low payment as PALESTINE. AND WEST10.00 Benderly of New York has played an $7,500.09 cash, the balance can be paid in monthly pay10.00 ill ERN COUNTRIES. ' 10.00 important part, has influenced many •i ments the same as rent. 10.00 ii Bucharest. (J. T. A.) The finding of the Jewish colonists to begin in 10.00 10.00 of facilitiesj* for the emigration of ii The buildings are thoroughly modem, each one equiped earnest the raising of tobacco, and it 10.00 with a separate heating plant and can be run as single 10.00 Russian Jews to Palestine and west- is hoped that this will be the be30.00 units if desired. of a new industry in 30.1)0 ern countries was decided upon at a ginning 30.00 conference of representatives of a ; Palestine. 30:00 To parties who feel themselves capable to handle this 30.00 number of reliefcommittees for the 10.00 meritorious proposition will be furnished any further Ukrainian Jews. 10.00 Warsaw. (Jewish Press Associainformation by applying1 at the offices of 1000 Reports presented at the conference tion.)—The Immigrants' Aid Departltj.00 10.00 showed that 30,000 pound sterling had ment of the local Jewish Labor 10.00 Collected and distributed Organization sent a delegation to 30.00 been 10 00 amongst Ukrainian refugees, as well ii! 30.00 II: 30 00 as large quantities of clothing. 582 Sauriders-Kennedy Building. in .m Phone Atlantic 3160. L'5.00 2T).(X) 20.00 ^0.00 20.00 20.00


Ben Hur Dancing Academy

An Advertisement That Carries a Message of Opportunity to theSmall Investor

H. A. Wolf Company

Margolin, Morris ...' io no Ilechter, Ben 10.1H) Kobinson, M. :_.:..; 10 no ltotiinson, Mpyer 30.00 Kubenstein, Elli&tt ^ _. 30 00 Savatl, M. 1000 Schiffer, Jos. 10.00 Shames, Mrs. B. . 30.00 Snltoveky, Sam 10.00 Shatiuck, ft : _. 30.00 Klmpiro, Mrs. a t 30.00 Termin, Sam . 30.00 Werner, M . _„ 30.00 White, M.



10.00 30.00 10.00

r..oo n.oo fi.OO n.oo n.oo r>.oo n.oo n.oo n.oo Ti.Ort

n.'oo n.oa r,.m n!oo n.oo n.oo n.oo n.oo n.oo

Lipshitz. 'N. L.Z~ZIII~'

Levy, Harry moo Layton, Ben

30.00 •. ; 10.00 Jiicobson. M. 10.00 Habler, J, .'—. Jackson, Phil _. 10.00 ; 10.00 Frank, M. ; 10.00 Grodlnsky, Mrs. H. 10.00 Glnsburpr, Ida _ ; ; 10 00 Frnnk, L 1000 Friedman. II. Fnnger, Mrs. L. 10.00 „. 30.00 Dorinson, It

Hirsch, Mrs. D. Burn stein, Hen ... Copeland, Jack Kooper. Hannah „ Faler, Mrs. Sam Lipp, Mra. E Kelly. Tom ;.., Bernstein, Ifee : Adelson, Mrs. B Leivis, Sidney R. _. Felciman, l'htl Bernstein, Itose : Grunprer. N Tomin, S Forbes, I Friedman, Mr.: SokolofT. Georcre. J r Young Maccabeas Club.... Abrahamson, J Finkenutein, K. M Levine. M. . Polonsky, M. . Rointner. Helen muo Stein, Mrs. A.; L: .. 30 00 Freed man. Abe 1(1.00 Rknrnick. B 10.00 Conen, M 30.00 Elzenman, V ; : Levinson, Lcuis 10 00 Rosenblatt. Sarah .10.00 I London, Mrs. N 10.00 .Whitman. II. L 30.HO Smeai], Mrs. D. 30 00 Kubin, Robert 30.00 Hart, Fanny L 3O.')0 Rothschild. Mrs. Louis.... 30.00 Herman, .Tacob _ „ 30.00 Adelson, N 30 DO Beber, Mrs. I. , 3D.00 fihnnritz, C. JO.OO Allen, Enrl 30.00 Rnyder, Kenneth M -..-. _. 30.00 ! Herpmnn, Louis 30.00 PtinUmm, Plnminer P 111.00 •• Dubnoff. Dora 10 00 ' Greenberg, Froil H.W Green beri?, Morris ... fi.00 A Friend 6.00 McShnne, George _ .— c.dO A Friend Glusguer, John I'. . COO 30.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 30 00 30.00 30.00 10.011 lO.Ofl 10.00 10.00 10.00 3U.U0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.1)0 10.00 10.00 10.00 1(1.00



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PAdE S—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IB, 1022 YOtJftG JUDEAE NEWS. | THOttPEAN NEWS handed them Wednesday evening, the'she visited with her relatives, Mr. The Lilies of Zion had a Chamishoj The basketball team has come into Y team is now tied with the t and Mrs. H. Shulkin. She is now in 3'Shvat party at the home of Miss J its own through the last two victories, Thorpe'lan Athletic club team and the Webster City, la., visiting with her Ruth Obludziner, Sunday afternoon. and the prospects for finishing in World-Herald team for second place. grandmother, Mrs. Barney Brin. They will hold their regular meeting second place are very bright. The The Y and the Thorpeians will play The Afternoon club met Wednesat the Jewish Community Center 13 to 5 victory over the World-Herald next "Wednesday evening. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sunday, February 19. All girls under team and the 30 to 1 score of the The Thorpeian team had an easy Mary Meyerson. twelve, years are eligible for member- De Molay contest have shown the time with the B. A. I. team, defeating ENGAGED. Thorpeans at their best. The whole ship 'in this club. it by a score of 23 to 2. Bernstein Mrs. Ben Gershtm of Schuyler, Neb., The Reverend and Mrs. J. Fleischteam, including Captain Bernstein, and Corenman were the stars for is visiting with her sister* Mrs. Mary er announce the engagement of their Meyerson. : daughter, Sadye, to Mr. Louis Finkel- A regular meeting of the Young Corenman, Freiberg, Levinson and the Thorpeians. stein of Oklahoma City, son of Mr. Judeae Senior Club was held Sun- Wintroub, have been playing a brand Mr. and Mrs. P. Saltzman are and Mrs. R. Finkelstein of this city. day afternoon at the Jewish Com- of teamwork that has been seldom COUNCIL BLUFFS spending several days with relatives excelled this season. munity Center, following which the No date has been set for the and friends in the Bluffs. members attended the joint program Since the get-together banquet held wedding. The first dance and entertainment a few weeks ago at the club rooms, of all the Judeae Clubs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Perimeter will be a new spirit has been noticed among of the year will be given by the Jew- at home Sunday afternoon in honor Miss Laura Givot was hostess to ish Sisterhood, Tuesday evening, at twelve guests at her home Sunday A Chamisho Oso B'Shvat party was the membership, and a more active Eagle's hall. The proceeds of this of the Bar-Mitzvoh of their son, Isaafternoon. The afternoon was spent given by the Flowers of Zion, Hertzl participation in the social and ath- dance will go to the maintenance of dore. in playing cards. Prizes were won by Girls, and Daughters of Zion Clubs letic affairs of the community is fore- the City Talmud Torah, which the the Misses Ethel Reuben and Belle Sunday, February 12, at the Jewish casted for the-future. At the next Jewish Sisterhood has been fostering Miss Leah Krasne is visiting with Community Center, Refreshments meeting step of a definite character for the past year. Under the direc- her brothers at Oakland and Fremont, Rosenthal. Neb. appropriate for the holiday were are to be discussed. tion of the Sisterhood, the Talmud Ida Shafton, Pauline Shapiro and served and games played. The Rebecca Azoun participated in the ISeniors, Juniors, and Hatikvoh girls Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lang are leaving Torah has doubled its membership, Mr. Joe Krasne left last week for public debate which took place at the joined in the program with the above Omaha for Ashville, North Carolina, and the proceeds of Tuesday's dance New York city, where he will remain High School of Commerce Tuesday mentioned clubs and the following to niake their future home. Mrs. M. will be used in extension of Jewish for several weeks. evening. Miller entertained informally for education. took part: VIrs. Lang on Tuesday afterndon at The Resh Ayin club will hold its LINCOLN A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. 1. Talk on Chamisho Oso B'Shvat by ler home. . first regula? meeting this evening at j Mrs. B. Handler. Louis Glassburg at the Wise Memorthe home of Miss Dorothy Aginskee. iho "'Mizpahs" are giving a dance, 2. Vocal Selections by Miss Symanek, ial hospital. Mrs. D. Livingston i£ visiting her This club, which has just been organ- Tuesday evening, February 21, at the accompanied by Mary Moscow; ' aughter, Mrs. Julius Weil, of Lin- ized, has a membership roll of twenty- Lindell Party House. Proceeds will Miss Esther Neiman of Minneapolis 3. Dance by Celia Brbdy. „ ~_ . two. All boys and girls in the city go for the adoption of a Jewish oris the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. 4. Playlet, "Here and There". The oln, Nebraska. ', Erman. over the age of fifteen a t e eligible phan. cast was composed.'of Elsie Harwich, Celia Weiner, Anna Rubadk, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Lipp will "be to membership. At a meeting held The Temple Bnai Jeshurun was al-Dr. S. E. Ravitz, graduate of the Clara Weiner, Sarah Kurtzman, at home Sunday, February 19, from last week the following officers were most completely destroyed by fire University of Nebraska College of to 5 and 7 to 9 in honor of the elected: Ernie Nogg, president; FanRose Saltzman, and Ethel GreenMedicine, and formerly connected with sngagement of their daughter, Miss nie Shyken, vice president; Jeanette Monday. No definite plans have beep, berg. the Medical Staff of the Union PaiJelia Lipp, to Harry L. Chemiss, Gilinsky, secretary; Albert Goldberg, made regarding the rebuilding. cific Railroad, has opened an office treasurer. Leaders 6f the Various clubs met f Council Bluffs, Iowa. Miss Lillie Polsky entertained the at 728 City National Bank Bldg. "Bluebirds" Sunday afternoon. Miss Tuesday, February 14, a t t h e Jewish Mrs. H. • Saltzman entertained six• Miss Mamie Cohn of Buffalo, N. Community Center to make arrange- The Council of Jewish Women are teen guests at dinner at her home .to have a Purim card party a t the Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. ments for the Purim program. Experienced Jewish Cook Blackstone Hotel on Thursday, March Monday in honor of Mrs. S. A. Adler Newman. . The B'nai Israel will meet Sunday, 6, at two o'clock. Mrs. E. Treller, of Los Angeles and Mrs. A. P. Saltzand Cateress available for Mrs. Rose Newman, who was oper- February- 19, at the Jewish Com- chairman of the entertainment com- man of Sioux City, Iowa. weddings, parties, enterated on several weeks ago at the munity Center for tryout for the mittee, announces whist,. lotto, and tainments, etc. Call Doug. Mrs. D. Fox entertained Tuesday Wise Hospital, is convalescing. Mrs. debating team. 9414. bridge for the entertainment of the evening for Mrs. A. P. Saltzman, Julius Rayman, also at the Wise Hosguests. Mrs. S. H Schoenwald, and Mrs. H. pital, is convalescing. Y. M. AND Y. W H. A. NEWS. Karlson, of Sioux City. The Progresse and Yowoheas clubs The fourteenth Jubilee of the Jew- will meet Sunday afternoon, and the The Dramatic Class of the Y. W. Board and Room wanted ish Workman's Circle was held at the Runa and X. T. C. clubs will meet on H. A. .will give the play "Wrong Mrs. Henry Maduff will entertain by young woman. West four tables of bridge at her home Numbers" at the Druid Hill ComOmaha Musical hall Sunday evening. Tuesday evening. Farnam district preferred. munity Center this evening. The Saturday honoring Mrs. A. P. SaltzAnnette Riklin, Lillian Robinson, Adress Box 132 the Jewish Harry Cohn, Lillian Fish and Sara Members of the Cub Scouts hiked cast includes the- Misses Yerda man and Mrs. H. Schoenwald, of Press or call Jackson 2372. Sioux City. Jacobsen, Tina Alschuler, and Libby Riklin participated in the program. five, miles last Sunday, accompanied Hinkin. Mrs. B. Bpasberg coached by their leader, Mr. John Beber. The Ladies' Benevolent Society held he play. The Daughters of-Israel Aid Soits meeting Tuesday afternoon at the The Y. M. H. A, Juniors, under the ciety will hold their regular monthly FOR SALE—by owner, a sixhome of Mrs. R. Hoffman. leadership of Mr. Irvin Stalmaster, On Thursday, February 23, a t a meeting.. Tuesday afternoon, February room modern bungalow, large lot, garage, a nice place for 21, at the Old Peoples Home, 2405 met Monday evening at the Jewish one o'clock luncheon a t the Y . W . Miss Reva Gilinsky left Saturday Community Center and'held an elec- C. A; Rabbi Frederick^ Cohn has 'chickens and a garden. Close Charles St. evening for Fort Dodge, la., where tion of officers. The following were been asked to discuss Zionism before to street cars. Good neighborhood. 3521 Webster St. elected: Max Alschuler, president; the Local Chautauqua Circles under Miss Celia Richards of San Jose, Morris Reiss, vice president; Dave Phone Harney 3675. the auspices of the Tennyson NOTICE. California, will visit in Omaha next Beber, secretary-treasurer, and Dave j Rabbi Grodinsky wishes to week following an extended eastern Bleicher, sergeant-at-arms. Jacob Chautauqua Circle. announce to his friends that he trip. Miss Richards will bo the house Stein and Morris Reiss upheld the Mr. Edward Snader^ of LinCbln, has a full line of Matzos and guest of Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. affirmative in a debate -with Hymie who is attending the Clothiers' ConPassover goOdc;*. Phone 650 and Goldman, and Harry Braude, who upleave your orders. Miss Jeanette Sherman will be held the negative side of the question, vention here, is visiting with :Tiis honored guest at a birthday party to Resolved that professionalism is sister, Mrs. Julius Newman.

Social, Clirt> and Religious Activities

be given Saturday, February 18, a t harmful. The Y. M. H. A, Juniors' the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sherman, 127 No. 34th~ St. basketball team would like a few more games this season with any Ten couples have been invited. Jewish teams averaging about 100 pounds. For appointments call Al. Miss Jewel Silvermentz was enterHandler a t Harney 6853. tained at a surprise miscellaneous shower given by Miss Anne Winer • The first meeting of the Bible at her home. The evening was spent class, under the auspices of the in playing games and dancing. Council of Jewish Women, was held Twenty-five guests were present. Monday afternoon at the Temple. Rabbi Frederick . Cohn gave the inMrs. Harry White, accompanied by troductory lecture, speaking on tin •her. son, Robert Max, returned, to Book of Psalms. The next meeting her home .in Ottumwa, Iowa, after will be held Tuesday night, February spending two weeks here with her 21, at the Jewish Community Center. mother, Mrs. J . Alperson. The class is open to the public.

ATHLETICS. All hopes of a pennant winning team for the Y. M. H. A. were shattered Wednesday evening, when the Y team met defeat at the hands of the HcKenney Dentist team by a score of 14 4o 13. With the defeat

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"Judaism and Americanism" -will be Rabbi Frederick Cohn's lecture topic at -the Temple Friday evening. Saturday- morning his subject will be "The Ten Commandments."


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Temple Israel will hold a con- :•: gregational supper, Friday evening at six o'clock preceding the regular service.


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Sixty members of the Women's Auxiliary of the B'Nai B'Rith froliced as children at the "lad party" given by the organization at the Jewish Community Center last Thursday. Children's games were played, and lollipops formed the refreshments.


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Miss Lillian. Mokofsky will return to het home at Fremont, Sunday, after a two months visit with relatives at Silver Creek, Nebr., and with Miss Lena Bordy of Columbus.


Miss Lillian Harris entertained at A regular meeting of the Hadassah a valentine party Tuesday evening will be held Wednesday, February at her home. Twelve couples were 22, a t 2:30 at the Jewish Community present. Center. . Junior Welfare Organization is planning a tea at the Brandeis Tea Rooms on Saturday, March 4, from 3 to 5 o'clock, to which all young women in the city are invited. An interesting program is being planned for the afternoon. Reservations should be mailed to Miss Flo Shames at 203 City Hall.

Fred R. Sha\*> Flower Shop

Ruth Zolat was a guest at this enter- Cape Town state that th* *fft«tiea tainment. against immigration long waged in South Africa. has finally been Miss Francis Marks of Omaha re- crovmed with success. A bill w&s turned home Saturday. A number of passed requiring the immigrant upon affairs were given for her during her entrance into the country to possess visit in this citv. enough capital to carry him through the first six months of his etay in COLUMBUS. NEWS. the country, thus insuring fstasetf Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bordy and against becoming a burden t© the children, Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen- communitj, until he becomes acthai and children, of Clarks, Nebras- climated and succeeds in finding occu* ka, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mokofsky and pation. Thus more DEC haven of reSam Bordy of Silver Creek spent Sun- fuge to Jewish immigrants seeking to day with S. Bordy and family. flee from persecution, is closed.





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artment of The Jewish Press D& Dushkin then gave a descripof the manner in which the SaDWXLLylDn J L W O KJt I KJUJ\ I jji maritans celebrate their Passover. He By Dr. Berthold Stern in the American Israelite. jji said that while in Palestine he was ji asked to participate in a Samaritan Telephone .Office celebration, and saw the entire tribe MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON Jackson 0268 209 Sonth 18th Street If you take the trouble to glance of their children, the Jews occupy : take all their possessions, their tents, . NEARBY COMMUNITIES. at the map of Europe you will ob- an important place in the develop-. their donkeys and household belong: CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. serve in the uppermost northwest ment of modern Sweden. Formerly, ings, and make the pilgrimage to the P. MELCHIORS & SON corner three countries, Denmark,! most of the Jews who emigrated mountain top of Gerizim, where are MACHINE WORKS •' Norway and Sweden. These countries to Sweden, were business men; it the remains of their ancient altars, Industrial and AntomotlTP Machinists. played a big part in the early history j was, therefore, natural that their ,.The Pascal lamb was there sacrificed _ .; INVESTMENT SECURITIES 'Carbnretor and Ignition Repairs. Starter nine Gears for Auto Fly Wheel! of the world. The birth of the Eng- ; children should be tradesmen and and eaten in the very same manner First National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0360. 417 South" 13th Street. lish people is traced back to them.' bankers. But today, the greater part in which the Jews practiced the cus1415 Douglas St. Tel. Jackson 3171 . Telephone: Jae.kson !550 Today Norway, Denmark and Sweden1 of the Jewish immigrants are artisans torn 3,000-years ago. compete for first place in the ranks and their children manufacturers. The Fellahin Jews. of civilization. j Many Jews have been government . Y o u r position is Dr. Dushkin then described the secDAVENPORT DOUGHNUT The largest of these countries i s ' officials. These are appointed in correct, and should ond tribe' of modern Palestine, the •; ; > • • • • ' / - • • . . . C O M P A N Y . . . , ^ Sweden, which has an area about Sweden without respect to political Fellahin or Arab Jews. He explained UNDERTAKERS '•',.. be srn p p o r t « d by : BI.S51AISOKS.. OAKEr-ANI> 81JGAK four times as great as the state of, opinions. ' I cannot remember one that a small community of these comBRAND C SPECIALTY. every; fair minded MOVED TO Ohio while containing only about! case in which & Jew was refused We: Deliver the Real Goods. pletely Arabized Jews is to be found one-fourth more of its population, j office by reason of religion or race. in-the .village of Peklin in northern person. 5854 CCMINO 8TKEET. • '• j .. -phone -Webster. 0M3 Ecclesiastical circumstances in There are, also,- among the Jewish paiestine^Clalmme to have Sweden are vastly different from population, many artists and scientific :o n t h g ^ f m nt h ( , d f Titug those of the United States. I t must men. '' and Bar Kochbas", these Jewish peas- , A fine characteristic of the Swedish' a n t g s u r v i v e d ^ be remembered that all of the people e « • Oi • • • Roman onslaught, • speak' the same language. They are Jew is his great willingness to help t h g C r u s a d e s a n d ^ e "TTrkishTegime' WHOLESALE GKOCESS Hoffmann Funeral Home. all Lutherans with the exception of; in the support of all charitable in- a n d j j y e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g t Q ^ s d a y Photic Jackson about one hundred thousand." The. stitutions and a collection will seldom n e V er having left their homeland. entire country is divided into parishes ' be made without the Jews being the. The Karaites were the third of the each parish having a clergyman who most liberal donors. 'group described by the lecturer. Havis chosen and paid by the 1 people of| In my opinion, the Jews, in Swe- i n g b r o k e n B w a v f r o m t h e rest' o f REMBMBEE /' Visit Our that parish. Salaries are regulated (" den, today, feel they have a real j e w r y 1,000 years ago, the Karaites (PALMER GRADUATE) by law and the clergyman musThave home in that country. Zionism hasd e n j e d the validity of the Talmud and a diploma from a .university. spread but little among them. Many determined to live according to BibDo away with drudgery and make Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 The dissentees—by this word I Christians are the most eager Zion- JJ ca 'j j a w s o r i j v > p r . Dushkin said in ; house-work a pleasure by the use : With TLOTIT Order for mean to designate those -who do not ists for they believe that the Jews S p e a ^j n g o f this tribe: of modern electrical appliances. follow the Lutheran faith— -, are' must assemble in Palestine before «j spent a Sabbath in one of the : ANYTHING HOLCOxMB The "Electric Shop" is on the forced to pay half as much, as re- the Messiah will come and judge. Karaite homes in Jerusalem and had IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric buildFOOD CHEMICAL v gards taxation, as the Lutherans Marriages between Jews to suffer cold and eat cold food with ing, South-east corner of. Fifteenth PRODUCTS CO., INC. PAPER LINE themselves. It may seem peculiar Gentiles are not infrequent. and Farnam streets. the rest of the family because of, Mannfaetorers of that the dissentees have not objected children of these marriages are their insisitence upon, carrying out FOODS AND CHEMICALS. to this;" but not when we remember J probably, most often, educated as literally the Biblical injunction^ *Ye! FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Phone Donglas 6409 Thone Atlantic 4964 that the "clergyiiQan has also to j Lutherans. j shall burn no fire in your dwelling j « 8 S. 18th St. execute many civil offices for the One'cannot say what the future places'." government. | will bring but I think that the Jews, The Yemenite Jews. I NORTHWEST READY The Lutheran religion, alone, is in'Sweden will uphold their standard.! The Sephardic Jews were described SKiNNER ROOFING CO. BAKING COMPANY taught in air the public schools but I liope that the same may be said next as the exiles from Spain who Kead.T KooEnp over old shinfrles OOUOLAS 186? the children of the dissentees are'of every Jew as was said of a created a Yiddish of their own, the Also asphnlt shingles and build-up roofs. Fire resisting end (Tumble. not made to take part in- this in-'pious old Jew in a little town in Ladino language, which is a Judeo-: AH wort: guaranteed. Easy terras. STEINER ELECTRIC struction. One also may easily j Sweden: " T h i s Jew is the only Spanish that they speak among themPhon^ HarneT S.*>74 Office and Warehouse: S122 change his religion if he will. t Christian in the entire town." selves unto this day. MEATCHOPPER Briefly, the difference in religionf_i ,. TT~—' , ' "The sixth tribe is that of the o AND COFFEE MILL. matters between the United States' L/eSCIlbeS N e w \L Yemenite Jews from southern Ara-! and Sweden; is: in Sweden the govUSED SCALES OF ALL bia," the speaker continued. A quarernment works in conjunction with' ter of a century ago, during the perMAKES FOR SALE. SIAJCCFACTUREKS. a single church, the Lutheran; in! Dr. Alexander M. Dushkin of the iod of great persecution in Yemen,' MEY-MER-CO. Brand 510 South 10th Street. the United States the government is Keren Hayesod Bureau of New York, a Palestinian Jew by the name of Beverages snd SjTups. . Phone Jackson 3332. recently theoretically separate from every •w n ° J y returned to the , Yabnieli Y b n i e i made a pilgrimag' pilgrimag to Yemen S19-321 So. 14th fct., Omnha. Kebr. t f Pl h ' Thone Atlantic 2889 religion. .. *'y J United States from Palestine, where'and called his oppressed brethren to lien- - The dissentees of Sweden have full h e spent 18 months in educational ac- follow him to the new Palestine. They freedom in following their own faith. I tivities, characterizes the Jews of Pal- followed him as a Messiah, humble Biscuit Co. The Mormons, for instance, have to e s t i n e " T h e Twelve New Tribes in Is- and unassuming man though he was. SNOW WHITE obey the civil law of the United rael." . j They found desolation and difficulties, All that the name BAKERIES The Dry Cleaner of North Omaluu; v?• ^ Historic Romance. [but they have resolutely set themStates; so also the dissentees i n ! ! implies. Hiti R (Re*. l \ S. Pat. •CABMESTS CI,EANEI> t l K E T H E ,TOECH 'OF 'A'.VAtKVJ* ^" Offiee.J Sweden. All dissentees, too, are "Beneath the copstant devotion .to selves to the task of eking out their j . '••"- PHOSE KENWOOD 0203. SilOrAMES AVENBE. . a 5 ., .. v •-. e S16 k 16th St. Douglas 6887 treated'in the same manner and all *^ specific problems of immigration, livelihood there rather than to enjoy have the same rights. I should judge house building, irrigation, engineering comparitive ease in the land of their ELECTRICAL FIXTURES that,, practically seen, if the entire an ^"so forth, which must occupy the oppression. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" population APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES of the United States had m i nds of the Jews when they nowj T h e Bu<;haran Jews and buy them at ! the same religion, conditions there t h i n k o f PaI estine, sight should not i Made by "As a bridge between the Sephardic Equipped with. Pulmotor. would riot be unlike those in Sweden. b e l o s t o f t h e wndrousr historic ro- tribes and the Ashkenazic or German- : PErEXDABI.E FT UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST AH Calls Answered Promptly. MF.KfHANMSE. ., T „ , FOOD CO. The Jewish question in Sweden is mance that is shaping itself almost T, ,. , T 319- South 16th Street. 15U Howarci St. Thone Atlantic 0S81 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN i , . , , « , ,. , . : Polish Jews are the Jews from BuchaOMAHA. NEBRASKA. not only a question of religion; it is ^. Phone Douglas 3400. / miraculously m the Palestine of to-ra in southwestern Russia. Most of 3411 Farnam St. Phone Harney 0333 also a question of race. In over- day," Dr. Dushkin said at a lecture them were well to do, but they left, looking this one would see the matter in Detroit, last week. The lecturer their homes because of that mysdescribed the various , . . , ,-r,,^,-, TBi' StJNDOBEX'S incompletely. In Sweden the problem *then vividly , , . . . -r, , . . tenous urge toward Palestine which T Nutritious Bom* Made of Jews now living in Palestine l.s , , . ,. . of race really only existed. in thetypes J J I J xv *. «T> i iT characteristic of so many Jews. In Distributors of J years 1838-1840. Anti-Semitic out- and declared that "Palestine Jewry T . ., , ... , , , manSealed In Sanitary Waxed bursts have all failed because of the 2 8 0 8 Cumir^, Harr,^ OaS? Western- Bond—and High Grade . •„ . ,. . ,. . Jerusalem sions in-a they section builtcalled themselves to this day Wrapper at Yonr Grocer. •Stationery fine education and deep humanity of represents a living cross-section of the Bucharian section. The regime of Sundgren Pie Baking Co. OSIAIIA, JiEBBASKA. the Swedish people; also because of Jewish history." the Bolsheviki, however, destroyed •t4th and Hickory. Atlantic 6241 the good behavior of the Jews themIn sketching the new 12 tribes of their economic resources in- Buehara selves. Israel as he 'saw them, Dr. Dushkin LADY CHIROPRACTOR PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. The' Jewish population of Sweden said that one visiting Palestine today sell, their, beautiful . ,, , , homes and „themof S;th a n d Martha S t s . .•• Hnrne? 16G2 centuries In Active Practice Since IPIO. uj. the me prophecies uiuuiietiKS lureu/ia centuries , most , . of . . -were . ,. i is 6,000. Prior to the world war it .,, , . ., , . , . and them compelled to Mannrnctnrers of Brass. Bronze. Alrnnl4.1. 4. A -T * T i -ii selves to live in poor frugahtv. WHOLESALE ago that the exiles of Israel will i ,-T,, . , *., , « : .. hnra and Soft Gray Iron Castings. can see with his eyes the realization ._ . . . , . . . . . _ _ * . . _ A was only 4000. .So the war has . , ., , . ., . . , "The ninth of the new 12 tribes is • You are assured of soft% castings, as Druggists and Stationers ,, . _ _ +i, caused some 2000 Jews to seek homes again be gathered m their ancient' Office: Bramleis Tlieatrp Bnllding'. we -machine; some from every bent in 17th »nci Douplns Streets. homeland. The first and oldest tribe „. . , , . , , , . „,, our ovm shop. Standard siie cast Iron 40l.i03.W5 South 10th -. . , in peaceable Sweden. Most of these, • ' -h i i.. * i. i Phone Atlantic SS36 * -v J u r > Zionist colonist and his sons. When buBhinjrs in stock. . , . • . t, as those who had settled there earlier, in Palestine to be described by Dr. . in 1881 the famous May Laws of Rusare from Poland. The first JewishDushkin was the Samaritan. TIRES—TC13ES—ACCKSSOK1ES sia drove thousands of Jews to Amer-' Why Buy Tin? ' The Samaritans. settlers in Sweden came from Holland ica, tne Chovevei Zion, the Lovers of Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. "The Samaritans, of whom 150 fam- zTon," began' t o " turn"' their" eyeV to and England. At present, more than SAVES IOC MONET. We carry n complete linfi nt new half of all the Jewish population live ihes still remain in the Holy Land, P a l e s t i n e ^ o n e ^ ^ aannootthheerr the OCB TKBATSIENT rinjr pears, pinions, axle olmft" Bn<l COJJVIXCK VOC OF OCE MID-STATES WHOLESALE desire to associate themselves as one established in in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. springs for almost any make of car. Jewish coIonies were SIMCEBITY. GROCERS as. I> HTVnstAS. Jl»na/n-r. of the tribes of Israel, although their J u d a e a a n d G a l i l e e . These colonists, About one-third live in the cities of Trust Department. 131S-13S0 XVfM Broadnny, IU7-IB Dodge St. Jackson 3873 Jewish origin is doubtful," Dr. Dush- m o s t rf w h o m w e r e c o l I e g e a n d p r o . Safety Deposit Boxes. Jorhenburg and Malmo. BLCFFS. 1 IOWA, m o s t rf w h o m w e r e c o l I e g e a n dp r o PHONE 444. kin said "They still cluster around f In the smaller towns throughout kin said. "They still cluster around f e s s i io n a l l men> II e f t everything to go : MAX OLSEN & CO. Sweden, one scarcely ever finds a their ancient sanctuary, the moun- t o P a l e s t i n e . T h e y a n d t k i r sons are Wholesale Distribators for 1660 E s t . 18OT. gathering of more than ten to twenty tain of Gerizim, \vith its Biblical as- h a r d , r o r k ' e r s a n da r e determined, in Phone SCHMIDT'S families. Very few of the Jews live sociations The .Samaritan remnant s p i t c o f p l i y s i c a l obs tables and the in the of Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Joseph Polack & Son l the town t f Nablos, Nablo or or suspicion of neighbors, to develop in the country. The greater part of lives Shechem." Ale, Hires Root Beer Wholesale OPRICTB Sn nutter, their homeland. X. ISth St. them are reformed. The Synagogs Eces nnd PonHry. Office and Warehouse: .91? So. Main St. hes at Central Mutte*. have been built only in the three Telephone 142 Stqjplr oad Food Center. The Russian Gerim. CODNCIT. BLPFFS. IOWA. Omatin, Nebrasba. 1S13 Howard St. above named cities and in Norrkop"A curious tribe that may be found I German Jewish ing. The temple in ^Stockholm, the. intermingled with the colonists, par-' Banker Makes Large most beautiful in the country, is a ticularly in Galilee, is the Russian CLEAN LINEN Omnha Office: J?13 Dowdftfl Street. masterpiece of architecture, v Education Grant 'Ger' or converted Russian peasant Omalio Piione Atlantic S,wO Every morningr II yon call the Most of the Jews who emigrated who embraced Judaism and followed Ford Ti-ander & Storage Co. Berlin, January 28, 1922. J. T. to Sweden were poor, and all their A.) R. A. FOKD. ' Herr Hugo Herzfield, a the religious teachings to the full, by\ Preslden! nn<3 Genera! Mnnnper. lives had a hard, economical strug- prominent Jewish banker handed immediately proceeding to Palestine, i 1815 California Street. * Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office gle; but they are as a rule indus- President Ebert -a gift of five The Gerim are rigid observers of all! Phone DonglBB 6391 ttt S«. BtaSn Street, Phone 866 Jewish laws and customs and are j trious, thrifty and sober and so often million (5,000,000) marks, to reach a relative prosperity. For the promote study and research among more Orthodox thafi the strictest ODB NEW LOCATION Corner lOtb tind Douelas Streets. ! most part, they are very eager to the German youth who would Jews." Call Atlantic 2364 ( An Ideal Washing Combination, SCasonip Temple. Bide. • - Sherman Mercantile Co, give their children a good education. otherwise be obliged to drop their Estes Laundry Tablets ...for..'. The last two tribes described by the Our Line-^— Wholesale Grt--crs 8pecla!ti«» BALDWIN. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON .. witb .. One will very seldom find a Swedish studies for Jack of means. speaker were the Chaluzim, the pio1S1I Cnmlnr St. Phone Atlantic 134? HOWARD UPRIGHTS GRANDS, Estes Soap Chips Jew of the third generation'who has neers who recently arrived in Pales1. PLATER PIANOS. President Ebert has designated DISTRIBUTORS nnd OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. has not, forsome time, attended tine from Russia and Poland, and j .TACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. THATCHER PIANO CO. that the. bulk of this fund shall Water Softener (Combined) 2419 Caming St., Omaha. Nebraska. high school. the Western Jew. Omaha, Nebraska. Phone Jackson 306G At ai! Gfocers. be applied to the higher education Jews, not living in a large town, of sons of workingmen. find it very'= difficult to' obtain reHarbin. (J. P. A.) The Chinese - Rates for Space on You will like ligious instruction for their children. DON'T BUY COAL! Government has chartered a Jewish this S p e c i a l Page They must often send them away OIL. IS Ml'CH CHEAPER bank to be established by a group of given on application. Let D» Keinove the- Door from from home and this entails great TAILORS Jewish merchants in this city. Most Yoar Furnace and Insert >a BUTTER expense. But h|re, as elsewhere, the of these merchants have come here 52S-J2 Securities Bnildlne, — Made by — ULUBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER 1 16th and Farnam Sts. from Russia, seeking to escape the 482 Brandets Bldjr. Tel. Jackson 2375 - more difficult it ' is to obtain a thing 8 M Demonstration 818 So. Wtb Street. Telephone: Joeksos S706 terror of pogroms and have settled the more determined one is to have Q CALL it. Thanks'...tp^the,.great care that here permanently, endeavoring toPATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS m m ATLANTIC 4522 build up the Jewish community. parents have given to the education PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS








The Harry A. Koch Co.




Leo A. Hoffmann


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Ethel Tl. f flaltby, D. C.

The Brinn & Jensen "Electric Shop" Company - <




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Palestine Tribes

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E. E. Bruce & Co.

Dr. Frances H. Turner

id-West Into Parts Co.



Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables % W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB.


Theodore Volz & Son

Jewish Press



Checker Cab

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