February 23, 1922

Page 1

"Moral" supremacy is the onlyone that leaves monuments a n d not ruins behind." — Secre tary Hughes.

VOL. IL—No. 11

Be generous in

your forgiveness of t h o s e who h a v e wronged you.

'"iS >i">i>d-class mall matter on January 27th. 1921. at ^ /gfiijaaha. Nebraska, nnder the Act of March 3. 1878.

Two Meetings of I f e Communal Appeal To Be ¥ nsored Here Within Next Tei.wysbyLO.B.B.



Sisterhoods of 3 States Plan Convention Here



New York Jews Charged With Apathy and Indifference, Raise $1,100,000 at Initial Meeting

Warsaw. (J. C. B.) A military order calling on Polish soldiers of the Budapest. (By mail.—Jewish P. A.) various religious persuasions to chant "Madame Curie, the discoverer of ratheir religious songs after the general dium—is the most brilliant woman in church parade has been published by the world," declared the noted physColonel Unweite, commanding the icist, Professor Mende. Professor Mende lectured here on Temple Women of Iowa, Mis- Polish garrison at Bialostock. The Jewish soldiers have according- Jacob M. Loeb, of Chicago, Accuses Jews of MetroPublic Memorial Services for Edward Simon Will the contributions of Jewry to the souri and Nebraska to Hold ly .been permitted to sing the "Hatikscience of physics. Mentioning such polis of Selfishness and Greed in Evading Be Held Next Thursday Night; Fathers and First Annual Meeting vah" after the general services, and, famous Jewish physicists as Professor in Omaha. National Responsibility Sons to Banquet March 5th at the Colonel's order, the regimental Albert Einstein, Heinrich Herz and orchestra often accompanies the singProfessor Michelson, the Professor N. MANTEL OF OMAHA ing of this "religious" hymn. ORKERS ORDER DOORS OF MEETING LODGE COMMITTEE NOW AT WORK PRE-astonished the entire assemblage by MRS. ELECTED TREASURER OF declaring that Madam Curie was also LOCKED WHILE PLEDGES ARE TAKEN PARING FOR DISTRICT CONVENTION TO of the Jewish faith and that he re- , NEW ORGANIZATION. TO REDEEM CITY'S NAME BE HELD HERE FIRST TIME IN 25.YEARS garded her as the greatest contribuThe first convention of Jewish womtion ever made by Jewish womanhood en ever held in Omaha will meet early Characterizing the Jews of New York as apathetic and inDuring the next ten days the local lodge of the B'nai B'rith to the cause of science and human in December, when delegates and ofdifferent to any needs but their own personal ones, Jacob M. will hold two affairs of community-wide significance, the one the welfare. ficers of twelve Temple Sisterhoods m Loeb, who conducted Chicago's record-breaking appeal for Jewish Memorial Service for Edward Simon, next Thursday night, and the states of1 Iowa, Missouri and Nerelief, opened the New York campaign last Sunday night. '. the other the Father and Son Banquet to be held Sunday evenbraska will come here in the interest In a scathing attack Mr. Loeb charged the Jews of the ing, March 5th. of the work of District 20 of the Nametropolis with petty selfishness and greed and flung the At the same time officers of the lodge are making elaborate tional Federation of Temple Sister- Special Cash Bonuses and Civil challenge of the entire country in their faces. So determined preparations for the convention of District No. 6, which will hoods. Privileges Offered to En- were the campaign workers there present, that New York's be held here at the end of May. The formation of neighboring states courage Immigration. national disgrace would be obliterated • that they themselves The committee announces also that Memorial services for Ed. Simon into districts for the purpose of stimordered the doors locked while pledges were taken following will bring to the lodge room of the non-members are invited to attend. ulating exchange of ideas and ex- INVITATION AWAITS AP- the attack. $1,100,000, 22% of New York's quota, was raised Preparations are now under way to B'Nai B'Rith in the Jewish Communperiences in Sisterhood activities is a PROVAL OF JEWISH that night. ity Center hundreds of personal accommodate the 200 delegates and recent development" In the work of LEADERS. might have been in their places. It Mr. Loeb said in part: friends, both men and women, of the visitors who will come to Omaha for Representatives Sabbath and the National organization. Siegel Make Final Struggle According to the estimate of a re- is only by chance that your foreyoung business man, who in his short j the convention in May. Under the Chicago, Feb. 21. (J. T. A.) Presfathers immigrated west and theirs Against Bill. career made a place for himself in ' chairmanship of Harry Malashock a 12 Cities Represented. ident Obregon of Mexico has prepared liable statistician, at least one-half Yet you are comfortable, while local communal activities that cannot fund of $5,000 is now being raised District 20, comprising Iowa, Mis- a proclamation inviting Jews from of the Jewish population of the na-east. they suffer. You have, while they easily be filled by "another. Short j among B'Nai B'Rith members, which HOUSE EXTENDS PRESENT souri and Nebraska,\ was organized Eastern Europe to settle in Mexico, tion resides in Greater New York. want. You rejoice, while they sorLAW FOR ANOTHER addresses will be delivered by Messrs. ] will be used equally for convention last week at Kansas "City, at which it is learned authoritatively here from Not less than 75 per cent of the row. You laugh ,while they weep. YEAR. Harry Lapidus, Henry Monsky, and expense and for the redemption of time Mrs. Nathan Mantel represented Mr. Paul Rothenberg, a lawyer, who wealth of the Jews is within the con-You scoff, while they pray You fines of New York. That means proArthur Rosenblum, "El Molo Rach- , the pledge made by the local lodge to the local Sisterhood, sin addition to Washington (J. C. B.) Represent- Omaha the following cities were rep- has been invited by the Mexican Pres- portionate responsibility and propor- spend, while they need. You wasje, mem" will be sung by Cantor A. adopt 25 Jewish war orphans. while they starve. Nakedness, disident to come to Mexico City and disMonsky, and the invocation and the The B'Nai B'Rith convention will ative Siegrel of New York and Re-resented: Rock Island, Davenport, cuss the subject of Jewish immigra- i tionate power to meet it. Greater ease, famine and death is their lot. New York has shirked her responsi- How can, how dare the Jews of Greatbenediction will be pronounced by be the first held in this city for more presentative Sabbath of Chicago have Moline, Sioux City, Des Moines, Jop- tion to that country. than 25 years, and will bring to prepared a minority report to be pre- lin, Kansas City, St. Joe, St. Louis, Rabbis Cohn and Taxon. President Obregon's proclamation bility. With all "her power in people er New York stand by unmoved? The Omaha Hebrew Club, the Coun- Omaha many Jews of national promi- sented over their signature dissent- Springfield and Lincoln. will be issued as soon as Jewish lead- and in wealth she has failed to meet ing from the majority report filed Representation of cities to the con- ers signify their approval of this her obligations. In 1918 her pledges (Continued on page 4) cil Bluffs Lodge, I. O. B. B., and other nence. to the War Relief fund were less than Reports made by Mr. Malashock to by Chairman Johnson of the Immigra- vention is on the basis of one delegate scheme. Jewish organizations will be official"The Jewish Press" indicate that the tion Committee, favoring the adop- for each 50 members, together with ly represented at the services. The Mexican government is under- 60 per cent of her allotted quota. appeal among the members for the tion of a bill extending the S perthe 2 members of the executive com- stood to have declared its willingness Again in 1920 her pledges were less Fathers and Sons to Banquet. ., , , . , than 50 per cent of her quota. For Orphans and Convention Fund is cent quota law for another year, it mittee to which each member Sister- to srrant considerable concessions to . . . , . , -,-,,• J-^C The Father and Son Banquet to be meeting with hearty response. is learned. ,.._?_,. .. * T^-,. T ^ this she stands indicted for andifferhood is entitled.. On this basis it is Jewish : immigrants from Eastern Euheld the following Sunday evening in According to authentic information, estimated that more than 100 women ence, negligence and inhumanity. In rope. It is known to be prepared to 1918, less than 92 per cent of her COLUMBUS AND FREMONT JOIN the Jewish Community Center, is althe minority report unqualifiedly con- will attend the Omaha convention. OMAHA AND LINCOLN IN make grants of certain lands for pur- pledges -VM*er- collected and paid in. ready creating much interest and en-Funds for Keren demns the <£ per cent quota law, sayRESPONSE/ TO EU- " poses of settlement, the government iprocity. thusiasm among the members of the Again is 1920, less than 85 per cent ing it is a departure from all AmerROPE'S CALU ..„ Hayesod -Needed at...— also being in.fay«c«lca|tfe^«5g. MexL meeting lodge;- and it is expected' that the atof hef pledges "tterer collected. Ilchffw tcari traditions, has caused great Hardcrttizenship upon* the immigrants- not Jwith-JKJjaJ^ dulcet tones'the East- Nebraska's cities are answering tendance will shatter all previous recOnce, New York Wires ship and suffering in the separation termined to inaugurate a Reciprocity ican directly upon their arrival in the describes such a performance. Among the call of the unfortunate Jews in Day between neighboring sisterhoods, ords for B'Nai B'Rith affairs. Reof families and in numerous other country and upon their declaring the rough-necks on Mr. Dooley's Europe. One after another their and following this decision members An urgent call for funds for the ways, charging also that thousands servation cards have been mailed to of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel their readiness to settle there per- Archie Road, where I spent my youth local men are organizing relief comKeren Hayesod has come to Omaha every member, which must be reof immigrants who had secured turned to the secretary, Harry Silver- in the form of the following telegram vises were denied admission to the will be hostesses to the Sisterhood of manently. and received my early education, it mittees and are getting the funds. Payment to each immigrant of $1 was known as mouth-betting and man, not later than March 2. Boys received by Dr. A. Greenberg, secre- United States because of the quota Temple B'nai Yeshurun of Lincoln on Lincoln is already past the ?18,Monday, March 6. Luncheon will be per day for a period of one year, and four-flushing. In the west we frankly 000 mark, with hundreds of prospects from the YMHA newsboys clubs will .tary of the local committee: system. served at the Temple to be followed freedom from taxation for a number be guests of those B'Nai B'Rith memCiting1 the Armenians as an bu a program furnished by the vis-of years are promised the prospective call it dishonesty. And of these still to see. Names of Lincoln's Have not heard from you rebers who have no sons of their own. things Greater New York stands in- contributors up to Monday night are example, where the operation of the itors. garding February cash quota. Jewish settlers, in addition to guar- dicted. Complete program of the banquet will printed in this issue. law has resulted in indescribable Seven days left till end of month. Mrs.N athan Mantel, of Omaha, was antees of their safety. be announced in next week's issue of At Columbus, on Tuesday night, True, these indictments have not hardship, Representatives Siegel and Situation here alarming. Present been pressed. Till now the Jews of $1500 was pledged at a meeting at"The Jewish Press." Sabath pointed out that the re- elected treasurer of the District, and needs in Palestine necessitate our New York have not been called to tended by 11 people, which was adtention of the quota system is con-also read a paper of State Federation remittance this month at least before the assembly, extracts from answer them. But the west warns dressed by Harry Lapidus and Harry trary to America's past and Amerthree hundred thousand dollars. which are printed on Page 2 of this you that these performances cannot Zimman, of. Omaha. In Columbus, ican principles. The law makes abYour remittance will help conissue. with impunity be repeated in 1922.Harold Kramer has been named siderably to fill quota. Do not solutely no provision for the ad- Other officers elected at the meetThe west and the south, the nation's chairman of the local committee, with mission of those that are persecuted fail to send your cash quota to ing are the Mesdames H. H. Mayer, ARRANGE FOR LECTURE ON Jewry warns you. From Pittsburgh Edgar Howard, vice chairman, J. on religious or political grounds, it reach us before Monday next. Plans Being Made to Transport Kansas City, president, Eugene Mann"JESUS" BY RABBI IN PRESand St. Louis, from Milwaukee, New Levine, secretary, Fred Teller, is stated. Wire reply. Them to Agentine. heimer, Des Moines, vice-president, BYTERIAN CHURCH. Orleans and Indianapolis, from me- treasurer, and Dr. Julian Meyer, While the Jews are not specifically and A. Steinfeld, St. Louis, secretary. Peter J. Schweitzer, Chairman tropolis and city, from village and Moses Share, G. H. Gray, G. W. mentioned in the minority report, the Chapel Hill, N.' C—Chapel Hill, hamlet Warsaw, (J. C. B.)-The request Administrative Committee. outside Greater New York Philips, M. Brugger and Carl Kramer, suffering of the Jewish wanderer is is situated the University of comes information for the extension of the right of j Subscribers to the fund are urged implied. that quotas have members of the executive committee. Miss Rose Fine Wins First where North Carolina, has had a stirring been met and exceeded. domicile to about 7,000 Jewish refug- to make immediate remittance to Dr. are These men report positively that the Prize in "Press" Contest. experience which has set the residents running from $6 to $35Pledges The minority report also contains ees from the Ukraine has been re- ' Greenberg, Brandeis Theater Bldg. per capita, Miss Rose Fine has been awarded to thinking that perhaps it is possible, and they are not mouth pledges. They $2000 quota set for Columbus will a criticism of the present law bejected by the Polish government. I ~~ cause it is based on the census of first prize in the "Jewish Press" sub- after all, for the various religious de- wi'l be collected and paid. In some be oversubscribed before the end o£ This means that these refugees must Omaha Hebrew Club to Meet in the United States population of 1910. scription contest, which closed last nominations to exist together in they have already been en- this week. leave Poland, without another place • Jewish Community Center peace. For the first time in the mem- instances At Fremont last night, despite the It is declared that it should be based week. to go in sight. j Beginning March 5. The X. T. C. and Young Judeae ory of the oldest inhabitants, the tirely paid in. If, in the face of all inclemency of the weather, every on the 1920 census. this, the Jews of Greater New York These refugees have been permit- ! The Omaha Hebrew Club, by unaniclubs, which combined forces, have The bill as introduced by Chair- won second prize, with .the Junior pulpit of a church of one faith has attempt to repeat the performances Jew in the city attended the meeting ted to remain in Poland by special mous vote, decided at its last meeting, been occupied by a minister of anoth- of the past, if they do not pledge at which appeals were made by Dr. arrangement between the Jewish to make its headquarters in the Jew- man Johnson in the House is num- Council of Council Bluffs, third. er. Dr. Edward N. Calish of Rich- their full quota or more, if those Frederick Cohn, Harry Zimman and Sejm deputies and the Minister of ish Community Center. Beginning bered 268, and reads as follows* mond, Va., president of the Central Harry Wolf, of Omaha. At the conInterior, the Sejm deputies guaran- with the meeting of March 5, the "That the operation of the Act en-POLISH PREMIER LEARNS FROM Conference of American Rabbis, spoke pledges are not collectable and col-clusion of the meeting $3200 had J titled 'An Act to limit the Immigralected, they shall not escape. They teeing that at the end of three Club will meet in the Assembly Hall JEWS OF EXISTENCE OF from the pulpit of the Chapel Hill shall have to appear before the barbeen pledged. months the refugees would leave at the Center, every Sunday after- tion of Aliens into the United States' MARTIAL LAW IN GALICIA Presbyterian Church at a recent SunOfficers of the Fremont comapproved on May 19, 1921, is extendPoland for other countries. On this noon, at 3:00 o'clock. Lemberg. (By mail—J. P. A.) A day morning service, on the subject of their fellow Jews throughout the mittee are Jake Berek, chairman, A. land, perforce plead guilty and accept ed to and including June 30, 1923." The Jewish Community Center is understanding the refugees received delegation of Galician Zionists was "A Jewish View of Jesus." The church what are called "alien passports," now the headquarters for practically received by the Polish Premier Pani- contained its largest audience when the condemnation of right thinking Zlotky, vice-chairman, Sam Weinberg, giving them temporary leave to re- all organizations in the city, and is The House of Representatives late kowsky in Warsaw. The delegation Dr. Calish spoke. It was filled to men everywhere. Perhaps defiant secretary, John Sonin treasurer, and main in Poland. From time to time doing much to unite the various local Monday passed the Johnson Bill limit- presented a list of grievances against overflowing with members of the they will prefer to plead not guilty Sam Block, Frank Krasne, M. ing immigration until June 30, 1923. Krasne, Morris Zavet and E. Weinextensions of the three-month per- groups. the Polish authorities in Galicia. On university faculty, students and and stand trial. Still they shall not mits have been secured for the refugseeing the document, the premier ex- townspeople. The effect which the escape. No alibi, be i t ever so com-berg, members of the executive com'..'.'..'. ees. The government declines to SAY IT'S TREASON LITHUANIA AN EXAMPLE FOR claimed, "What, all of this for me?" sermon had upon them is described plete, will avail. No defense, be it mittee. Lists of contributors in these cities prolong the permission this time beOTHER COUNTRIES, PREMIER When the delegation told Panikowsky by I. B. Newman, who, on behalf of ever so well prepared, will suffice. TO WELCOME JEWISH cause it says it sees no chance of TELLS JEWISH CONGRESS that'martial.law still existed in Gali- his fellow Jewish students of the No plea, be it ever BO eloquent, will will be published ih these columns CONFERENCE IN POLAND an early departure, in view of the Kovno. (J. T .A.) Declaring that cia and that the Jews were the chief university, arranged for the service convince. No counsel, be he ever so next week. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The notorious refugees' inability to secure the P. Wagrosche is vigorously attacking Lithuania may well serve as an ex-victims in this state of affairs, the and extended to \ r . Calish the invita- astute, can acquit. From South East- Irvin A. Stalmaster, of the local ern Europe, in hordes, cadaverous executive committee, who arranged American vises for their passports. the government for having sent its ample to other countries, in dealing premier expressed surprise, saying tion to speak. men will prosecute them, ratished the meetings at Columbus and FreBoth the Jewish Sejm Club and representatives to welcome the great with minorities, Premier Galwanowski tHat he believed that Galicia had long women will bear witness against mont, is now in Grand Island where "I think the sermon will cause peothe National Jewish Council are look- Orthodox Jewish Conference held here said, Lithuania intends keeping fath ago gone back to civil government. The delegation received the impres- ple here to have a more broad-minded them and perishing children will con- a mass meeting will be held this ing for a way out of the difficulty. now. This anti-Semitic sheet finds with the minority, groups. view of and a deeper respect for demn them. evening. Mr. Stalmsster will spend Immigration to North American coun- that it is treason to Poland to take This statement was made at the sion that the Polish government is Jewry," Mr. Newman states. all of next week in the state in the anxious to conform with the Jewish tries being as prohibitive as it is, any notice of the Jewish assemblies, second session of the Congress of On behalf of these we appeal to interest of the appeal. jiemands, but it is powerless in the Dr. Calish explained to his audithe Jewish authorities are trying to let alone' welcoming them officially. Jewish Communities. you and through you to the Jews of arrange for their emigration to other Dr. Rachmilevitz, second Vice-Pres- hands of the petty anti-Semitic offi- ence that it is not with the teachings Greater New York. Yours is a two- In Omaha, a final meeting of all cials in the provinces who act as they of Jesus, -which are fundamentally countries, especially Argentine. workers will be held this evening, ident of the Lithuanian National fold ta.sk. You are expected to conIn accordance with this new plan, AMBASSADOR GIBSON Ciuncil, opened the Convention, and please, completely disregarding the Jewish, that the jews disagree, but tribute to the limit of your means. when complete reptois will be made. with interpretations of them rendered RECEIVES JEWISH Omaha contributions received since 400 young, able-bodied men and in his speech emphasized the great policy of the central government. by the later founders of a Christian You are expected tv> roust your fellow last Thursday are: WEDDING GIFT significance of the national autonomy, women between the ages of 20 and Jews in Greater New York so they, Simon, B movement distinct from Judaism. .-... .* 000.60 30 left this week from Polish ports Warsaw. (J. C. B.) ~The Central Stressing at the same time the soli- LEAGUE REPRESENTATIVE too, shall give in like measure. If Roseuthal, Ben and Henry... &00.8O for Argentine. Gilinsky. S. E..; : . 500.*> Office of the J. D. C. has presented darity of the Lithuanian Jews and PARLEYING WITH VILNA JEWS only you and they can be made 10 see Head. "Walter M _....500.00 An appreciable decrease in the the American Ambassador Gibson tliose of the Vilna district. ZIONIST ENVOY Thorpelan Athlefic Oluh 35O.#0 Vilna. (J. T. A.) Chairman Charand feel the pitiless persecution of the Zimronn. Hnrry nnfl I. W. (Innumber of refugees from the Uk-with a unique Jewish wedding gift on Greetings received from all parts digny of the League of Nations ConAPPOINTED CHILIAN millions across the sea. Baiting aud creased from ISad.OO)...... „...'... 300.60 raine to Poland is noticed, due, it is the occasion of his marriage to a Bel- of the world included cable messages trol Commission, accompanied by M. Sabro, Mrs. Lottie •...._.;.:.......... 250.00 CONSULIN PALESTINE pogTom, brutality and massacre pur- Gross. -T. A -..'. . 2><O0» said, to two reasons: the strict guard gian princess. from the American Jewish Congress, Lasicz, the Serbian member, has vis- Santiago, Chile. (J. C. B.) Dr. sue them. Homeless fugitives, driven Levlnnon, Charles..—..^... 250.«0 Women's Auxiliary, I. O. B. B Jjixuxt which Polaud is keeping on the fron- The gift consists of the Book of $onists Actions Committee and Ex-ited Dr. Wigodski, president of the Wilensky, who came here as a repre- and wandering, they stagger through Rlotcky Bros *.~ : 200.00 tiers and the improved political and Esther, written in Jerusalem,- atid ecutive Committee, and from National National Jewish Council, and con-sentative of the Keren Hayesod, has Poland and the Ukraine. Maltre^ed Carpenter. I. W. .. 200 00 Tucumnn Bros. „ _ . „ . , 1110.00 economic t/Jtuation in the Scriet Uk- bound in silver; wrought in the BeJla- Jewish Councils of Czecko-Slovalda , ferred for some time about the Jewish been appointed Chilian Consul to Pal- and tortured, this is your own flesh TVeinstcln & Greenberjr • .-•— 150.00 lel work-shops in the Holy City. tod Bulgaria. . „ (situation in the Vilna district. and blood crying out to you. You estine. — ;—~ " ;•: (Continued on page 2)

Jewish Congressmen Present Minority Immigration Report

President Obregon Asks Europe's Jews to Settle in Mexico

Nebraska's Cities Give liberally to Relief Fond

Poland Excludes Jewish Refugees From Ukraine


Jewish Students Give City Unique Experience

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922 10.00 unfitted me to further continue my is sold. It usually cosU, we arc told, VIENNA RABBIS MAY jSTRIKE. IO.00 studies at Cincinnati. Among my $4 or $5 to fix up an evening gown. Vienna. (J. P. A.) The rabbis of Morris Friend— _.10% of total logo Classmates at the time were BerkoApropos of the custom of second- this city are organizing a central asPublishes every Thursday at Omabt, Nebraska, by . Jewish Ladles1 Aid Society...., % 500.00 M. Buttwih 10.00 ,'witz, Krauskopf, Phillipson, Aaron, hand dealers to follow tip the death sociation, having as its object the EU Shire 500.00 H. E. Noufse — THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. r>.oo Ken Simon 500.00 J. Bricker.,.._ Kooj comprising the first graduates of the notices in the newspapers and to mail improvements of their economic conC. M. Coff.. Office: 482 Branded Theatre Building—Telephone: Jackson ?372. Miller & Pillne Co , 500.00 Morris PolBky 300.00 JJOO College, who subsequently became dis- to members of the stricken family a ditions. The rabbis' financial status H e r m a n Speler 300.00 ..$2.50 Mrs. Sarah Lehman B.MJtinguished Rabbis. Subscription Price, one year. circular offering to buy the clothing is very unsatisfactory and it is exW m . Gold 250.00 5;00 »'. Mozer U5O.00 The letter of Rabbi Wise is signiAdvertising rates furnished on application. of the departed, Mr. Kosofsky ob- pected that they will demand higher M. Lotnian »_ r>.oo M. Wassertunn.. U50.00 5.00 ficant, indicating the fatherly interest serves that husbands are seldom as Kndge & Uuenzel Co _.. 25(1.00 Mildred Nefsky salaries, and upon refusal of the same ' 5.00 Dave X e f s k y . _ 200.00 Edith Nlsenson NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaof a busy man in a small boy, for at ready to sell the things belonging to they will be compelled to strike. As Waxman Bros ^oo.oo .1. C. Oppenhelmer 5.no tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. D a u g h t e r s of Israel 150.00 Joe Oppenbeimer ri.oo the time it was written, evidently at "h'-h dead wives as widows are to was previously reported, the Vienna Kd. ( i u g e n b e i m J50.00 E. l'oska 5.00 the new year 5637, Isaac M. Wise was . >—• OH A KG K OF AlftDUESS—Mease gtra both the old and ne* itldreii: sell those belonging to their dead Kehilla is nearing financial bankruptMrs. A n n a I'oska 150.00 Ida Salsmnn 5.00 IX inre and »iga yoor n a y . W m . Seelenfreund 150.00 M. Seidman ivoojthe editor of two weekly newspapers; husbands. Thr, sale of secon.. ,d cy, and it is therefore impossible for M. Leabman 125.00 M. Scheureman ;.oo Belford F r a t e r n i t y 123.00 Bertha Simon he was Rabbi of Beni Jeshuran Conclothes is cited t s a pretty good barn.oo her to rneet the demands of the rab_ __ Simon N e f s k y 125.00 K. Slrlnsky PATRIOTIC CELEBRATIONS. 5.00 gregation of Cincinnati; President ometer of business condition:-.. Chi- bis. A. Bablch 100.00 Sam Talerowitz Joseph ine Uzzell February, with its celebrations of the birthdays of Wash- 1'hilllp L. B r e s l o w . 100.00 hioo'and Founder of the Hebrew Unior. cago Israelite. ..... Byron , loo.OO J. 11. Jones, Wytnore. Nebf ington and Lincoln gives an excuse to "professional Americans" Abe Byron 100.00 Frank Wallen. Unadilla, Nebr r,;oo College; actively engaged in perfectClande Hensel ^....^.... 100.00 There isn't a dull moment in "Seven to cry their wares from the housetops. Americanism in our J.J a t Chessen ing the Union of American Hebrew e Davidson 100 00 S. ('. Bassett. Gibbon, Nebr Everybody knows that Years Bad Luck," the Robertson-Cole time and particularly since the war, has become sort of a wizard <;. Klling-er .KM) 00 Klsie Fitzgerald Mark Congregation.';; and the inspiration of Fogeldotl ._ - _..*_^, 100.00 K. Klsteih Twain's real name war, super-special picture which opens at word with which a certain class of our fellow citiens are wont 11. Samuel various movements through America H. It. Friedman... K. L. Leslie 100.00 Victor Friend •. the Moon Theatre for a run of three Clemens, but the origin of his fato conjure. loo 00 Best Laundry Company .. r».oo, jn behalf of Reform Judaism. Ciarsou , 100 00 Marian Sargent mous pen-name is not so generally days, starting Wednesday. Max LinY00 But never was a term more misunderstood and more abused. H. Nathan Gold 100 00 F. I.. Knight ••The letter is given to the Congre- "„ *-»-"-« e - "uc so general.y VOft Henry Kohn Frederick McDonald der, the famous comedian, appears in Ame Pitiable indeed it is to note how many who call themselves 100 H. Labtivitz. .. ._ _. 100.00 Mrs. K J. Douglas, Crete, Nebr. .. ition of Israel as a memorial i n \ h e ^ T ™ a s greatest humorist, the stellar role. The cast is an excel.ino A. C. Rlfkett . ..: Kugeue Levy ,. whose comic romance, "A Connecticut per cent Americans and who never tire of preaching- their patri- H. Marx loom Or. A. Hamilton r. oo hope it may encourage our young men i y u 1011.00 J. II. Kosenstoek in King Arthur's otism, manifest in their daily dealings and in their relations with M. Court," lent one including Thelma Percy, Alta Novicnff 100.00 M. Tavalinsky BOO to follow the footsteps of Merritt, J. 1'epperberg Allen, Betty Peterson, Lola Gonzales, 100.(H) I>r. Adolpbus their fellows, the most adjacent ignorance of every implication of 11. V. l'epperberg _ produced as a special film by William -— 100.00 I?™ Bernstein, Kopald, Miller. Rypins, Fox at the Sun Theatre now, first Harry Mann, Chance Ward, Ralph Kebecea I'oska 100.00 M. Sherman the American spirit. n oo j product of our Congregation, whose Schwartz ... Saudiorlcb 10000 c won a reputation by writing about Mc'Cullough, Hugh Saxon, Cap AnderAmericanism is really an attitude of mind. It has little to Al »....»..John Sandlorlcb 100.00 John Tnlly. Crete, Nebr path from Omaha to Cincinnati was Wm. Kanirp Srhneider 100.00 the people who lived on the Missis-' son, F. B. Crayne and Pudgy the dog. do with birthplace or descent. Elias Lieberman in his familiar J.J. Shapiro 2-JJJ blazed in 1876. .. 100.00 I. J. Kennedy.......' sippi River, and it was fitting that lines entittled "I Am American" expresses the thought as clearly ('.K. L. Shostak & Son ........ 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Beach1.00 Charles S. Elgutter, — (.'. Whltnaeh 100 00 Cornelius Oant _ he should choose a nom-de-plume asus perhaps it has ever been put. Certainly it were well that those Kalph l.fto IHvorsky 100.00 B. Tntttian sometimes President of I on 7">.(HI Mrs. W. W. Ctrtrlea sociated with the river. Blum ... who express their Americanism in brave words and in flag-wav- Henry Harry H. Lspldiw. Pres.-Treai. 1 oo 7 S 0 0 B. Arenson Congregation of Israel. M. B. Davidson Jos. Pepper. Vice-President. _ .50 Pilots o f the river boats, in taking ing, but whose souls are not thrilled with the love of liberty as Ken Polsky 75.OO S. C. Chrlstner. York. Nebr W G. Ure. Secretary. Omaha, February 1, 1922. T5.IH) Sidney I'oska _ soundings, used a jargon of their the soul of the true American must be, should read his lines to K. Hosenbaum T.'j.IM* 7".. 0 0 Omaha Fixture & James Samuels own, which Clemens knew which we here give space. He writes as follows: One State Federations "S.ort Joe Samuels _ "I am an American. 7." 1 HI of their most frequent cries, announcSam Samuels Supply Co. of Sisterhoods* The World's Largest 7SIX) Knbhl Jacob Singer ._ ing the depth of the water, was "By My father belongs to the Sons of the Revolution; 7.">IH) COMPLETE STORE AND K. W. Wolf (H)00 Second-Hand Dept. Store the mark, twain." J. Stninberp ... .. -_ * |. My mother to the Colonial Dames; OFFICE OUTFITTERS (10 01) An idea born under favorable conrkrainian Jewish Society fri.OO "There's a good name," paid ! .*' One of my ancestors pitched tea overboard in Boston Harbor; Sol Aiilem . _ We occupy ditions develops and extends. The other day in N'ew York city a Clemens. "Mark Twain." H. Arenwon r>o.oo over 70.000 s qua re feet j J Another stood his ground with Warrett; r>4) o«t State Federation is such a move- twenty-one-year lease was signed on S. B. AreiiHon _ SoutliweM Corner !j: And that is the name by which the :>(i (HI Hyuiau Bricker. . ', if | Another hungered with Washington at Valley Forge. Eleventh and Douelas Streets. ••: so. 00 ment. The spirit of unity is growing a building covering almost a square M. P. Cdplnn .. world knows him. f ir My forefathres were America in the Making: 50.00 and such a spirit is most essential. Abe Piividsott . I'hone: >TackHon 2724 ::':' block, to be occupied by a second50 00 1>. Diamond . J , They spoke in her council halls; |:| OMAHA. NKB. jij State Federations are organized in hand department store—a new wrinSarah Friend .... 50.00 »; They died on her battlefields; Ben Gradwohl _ __. . ENGLISH ANTI-SEMITES WOULD 50 (Ml order that National activities may be Mrs. Lena Greenstone kle in industry. The moving spirit of .10.00 , They cleared her forests; REPEAL NATURALIZATION K. H o l l e r . . _.. ~ 50.00 intensified and that more women may the enterprise, Aaron Kosofsky, L. K.intnr .. _ Dawns reddened and paled, no 00 be interested in religion, that SisterLAWS. Max Katleman 5110!) writes, in the American Magazine, Staunch hearts of mine beat fast ac each new star Marvin Levy . r.n mi hoods which have heretofore been London. (Jewish P. A.) A rally For Rent to Select that his business in second-hand clothNate Lieberuian _ _ 5<> 0 0 . In the Nation's flag. isolated may join in the ethical work was held here yesterday by the WomMax Muzer _ 5ll 00 ing alone amounted last year to nearDancing Clubs ('has. Nefsky.. _ .. \) i Keen eyes of mine foresaw her greater glory ; nn 00 of the neighboring communities. Sam Plotkin ly a million dollars, and in enlarging en's League of the anti-Semitic ordo 00 Y The sweep of her seas; Mrs. Sarah l'oska . 50 00 The word "Federation" in itself its scope to department-store dimen- ganization, "Britons." The chairman, Uay Sandlovieh .. i The plenty of her plains; aioo means to league together—to unite— sions he expects to do a business of of the meeting, General Prescott Sain Sandlnvirh ..._ 5(1 (Kl Joe Simon . _ _ ..._ _ ,' j The man-hives of her billion-wired cities. 50.00 and is intended to bring neighboring two to three million dollars annually. Decie, said in his address that the Sam Simon , Every drop of blood in me holds a heritage of patriotism. 51100 States into a closer uhion so that with Al. Speir _ .... __ . country must be purged of the foul 50.0(1 Julius Splgle _, Discussing the "human side" of miasma of the alien Jew, who has i, I am proud of my past. 28th and Famam Sts. more intelligence and more zeal we Sarah nml Anna Waiman second-hand department-storekeeping, recently flooded England. The meetj.. I am an American. Julius W e i l . . _ r!o no! stand together for the traditions we Hall newly decorated. Will Mrs. Sam Wessoll ™___ this tradesman, who is to be the larg- ing passed a resolution calling upon accommodate 225 couples. B. WisJinow. - . . . _ . believe in. est dealer in discarded clothing in the Provident Bdildinger 4 Loan Ans'n. no oo j • j I am an American. There would be a big incentive to world, enumerates his best customers the government to repeal all naturalRent for Night, $25 W. IN"Buttti... _ _ ."ill. 110 f a r l Well ..'. My father was an atom of dust, ization laws granting any privileges Call Atlantic 4251 40.00 i bring together the Jewish women of 1 J. J. Reddv. Max I-eshinsky as the business girl, the poor but My mother a straw in the wind J«>e Shai>iro _.. _ . f.•(.'i.OO *f» '»> J Sister States, for their interests are pretty and ambitious motion-picture to foreigners. :<o o o > M. L. Mozer To His Serene Majesty. :«i oo more closely allied than those of far actress and chorus girl, followed by ( h a s . Labovitz . _ .. One of my ancestors died in the mines of Siberia; A. S. Areuson _. _ ... . 'S> 00 distant north, east, or south. the wives and daughters of postmen, Arensiui H5 (Kl Another was crippled for life by twenty blows of the knout; M. K. Art»nsnn . . •J.-I oo A State Federation would offer policemen, firemen and other civil ^i.niHiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim \ Sam Arenson. . _ •i."> n o Another was killed defending his home during the massacres. Mrs. M. P. Cnplnn _ . . . . _ . . _ . _ more frequent opportunities for the service and municipal employes who . The history of my ancestors is a trail of blood N. Chapman.._ _ •St 00 discussion of Jewish subjects and may be underpaid. Last year KosofMike (,'ohen ... 23.00 To the palace of the Great White Czar. isviio! problems presented by speakers of sky spent a fortune in advertisements Mrs. R. Diamond _. .. J. Korbln ... But then the dream came— "B.OO. prominence from different parts M. Epstein. _. aimed directly at the business girl. The dream of America. I. FinklesttMn ... ._. _ man speeded up to see if he could beat the train to the e country. Lots of well-to-do city people have us Friend ... .... In the light of the Liberty Torch crossing. M. Gnlm .. A State Federation could bring wondered how the shopgirl or stenog2r1.no 1 The atom of dust became a man, s. Caveman .. 25.00 MS and suggestions to rapher, with wages of $15 to $25 a He COULDN'T- r " lumllIn :;t!"p Uersteln as oo new And the straw in the wind became a woman 25.00 a National Federation, for conditions week, manages to dress more expenA. . J. dqldbere Itfi.ori H. Goldberg ±. _ _ ... For the first time. £ The man struck a match to see if the gasoline tank in his auto 25.00 in various States are as different as sively than their own women folk. Mrs. R. (ioldfetn 25.00 Myron Goodman ._ 'See,' said my father, pointing tp the flag that fluttered near, the States themselves, and those who was empty. For $12 or ?15, we read, she may get jE 25.00 v Gordon is oo | are wise will use their •wisdom to ac- a gown or frock which cost originally 'That flag of stars and stripes is yours; * I t W A S N ' T ~ c i n r i n n a t i En<l"'rer. lordon Sisters _ ._ £ d d f h i It is the emblem of the promised land. £voo complish the desired good for their from $125 to $200. Z. t;(.ttlieli _. 2.1.00 Mrs. S.irnh Greenstone .._ It means, my son, the hope of humanity. Therefore a State The man looked down the barrel of his gun to see if it Was 23.00 individual State. 'has. (irossnian _ . .._ Customers of another type are be2Ti.O0 Federation could lend its combined Live for it—die for it.' A. '/.. Hnnley . loaded. 2.Y00 coming rapidly more common. These A. Hirsh Under the open sky of my new country I swore to do so: and locally, l^i.oO effort both nationally Louis Krerbefsky -_ I t W A S — C h R r l o t t e >>*"«. are the •wives of well-to-do men— E. A. Kremer as. no could be more independent, could take ; And every drop of blood in me will keep that vow. 2 m Mrs. H. I.aboritz u women who spend their leisure hours • l a m proud of my future. ^•.-,.oo j sufficient responsibility and thus be Henry I.eabm.in The man touched an electric wire to see if it was alive. at bridge, poker and other extravaS. Levy ._ ; I am an American." ^|!Hi more productive. Max Markovitz gant pastimes. Thereby they conI t W A S " K o d n k r a r k Bulletin. 2"> oo With the true American spirit I 25.00 tract "debts of honor" that they are We can scarcely coneeive of a Lincoln or Washington birth-1 II. liTi 00 know that we are all firm believers afraid to tell their husbands about. The man didn't bother to put on safety goggles, because "there 27i.O0 M. S'tiriebB. ZZ.ZZZ..ZZZday address that could more potently express the spirit of Amer- B.Mrs Nuviroff •r! 'do; »n that "In Union there is strehgth, To meet these obligations one of wasn't any use." ica than Mr. Lieberman has done in the lines here quoted Let the M. I'nastrr . " _.. -Am | a n ( i Federation IS union. these women may buy a frock or l'ollck . _ . !!.» 0 0 I !£rofessional Americans" who believe that only they whose an- Alie There WAS-Snfpt>' xp^sPolsky 'jr. oo; gown from the second-hand man for cestors came to these shores of hospitality in the Mayflower are Maurice 25.00 Sam l'olsky ' From an address delivered by $30 or $40, and inform her husban'd l'oxka 25 OO truly American, take wisdom from these words of an immigrant M. The man touched the blades of an open knife stvitch. '_'."> 0 0 Saul I'usku _ s. N. Mantel, a t the organization that it cost 5200. Such women are 25 (!0 A. Uaskin . „ Russian. Jew.—Detroit Jewish Chronicle. ••io!) J meeting of District 20, State SisterH always cautioning second-hand salesNEVER AGAIN RPI HopenberjJ 2.".00 hoods, Kansas City, Feb. 13. I. ladies to give a certain fictitious price Insure with 23 IK) 10.00 S. Kospiifelii . .. .. as the value of the garment that they 23 oO Omaha Relief Subrcribers | tlhen. u A 10.INI ' Kinil Snlzman 2YOH iniMI <I>. Sanillovlrh _. _ _ are buying—if any man ever comes Letters to the Editor (Continued from page 1) f£™ Vman"ZZZZZZZ— 25110 10.IH) j Klif-ab.-Ui Sandi'«vjoh 23.00 in to ask about it. — • DemoratBky, Wm 10.00 'Albert Sohwimmer _ ! Sommer, Louitt _ 2"> 00 325.00 (Juttman, S., Jr 10.00 Ken Shapiro _ _ AN INTERESTING SOUVENIR. Phone Atlantic 3160. 582 Saunders Kennedy Bldg. Brownr. A. M _.. 1 23 00 100.00 Chasson, H. M. Every bit of clothing the second'..ZZ 10.00 May Shapiro _. _ _.. ... Somberg Abe -...ZZ 100.00 Hlrschman, Mrg. H Editor "The Jewish Press": 17 I 10.00 <"hiiK. Simon -. _ Bolker. A. Insurance and Bonds in All Its Branches. hand dealer buys is cleaned, repaired Kxi.no Oross. Mrs. B _ 2 '"" 10.00 I. Stein .. Kopald, Charles . ~~ H;!;;!0,! A framed tablet, the gift of Mr. and, if necessary, remodeled before it Hershorn, Max ZZZZZZ 10.00 Abe Whittenberc i w y Dr. P h t i i : ; : : ; : : Chanson. Mr... _ ~ 10.00 • I. W l s h n o v _ ... 25.00' Charles S. Elgiitter, was accepted by rillllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiltllllltililllillllllllllttllllllllll Bros 10.00 A. A. Yosem _ .. Meyer, D SI Zl-ZZZ.Z 27' i to the trustees of Congregation of Is10.00 American Old Line lnsurnnee Co Cohn. Madeleine I _ . _ "Z"' Sehaye, Paul _ 100 00 10.00 H. Mulder.. _ _ _ Sj'Jw r a e '» Omaha, which now hangs in the Mnndelson. S '. _ lotltw Oreenfield. Henry 10.00 A. 11. J,<nve. Deleran, Wis _ BUY SAFE Williams. Mrs Clara _ 10000 Baum, David 10.00 W. X. VT.-iltnpe. ••iim' trustees' room of the Temple. The . Levy, Isaac and M. H...... ZZ"" 7H.00 _ er n, Mrs D Gross. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 75.00 £}l' 4rl UJJ tablet contains the following letter of j (ioldberg. ' <. Morris -ZZZ'ZZ 10.00 Jacob North ......&r Polaek, Jog, and Wm r b e Mrs. J. A D now) (Stine, Sam Goldstein _ 10.00 Judpe A. Morrisoey Cohn, A 25.no: ijjaac M. Wise in his own handwrit- j ]o.0O ; Louis I'erlmntter. . . 50.00 Levin, Ackerman H -ZZZ hn'm Swengil,A II. _.. C 10.00 ! Nate Karpin is'oo' ing, and is accompanied by a note of Ivainen, Herman S 50.00 Markowitz. M. _ . " " I Our guarantee and our word is in no j^^^Z^ZZ^ZZZZZ .Tacoljson, I | : | i explanation from the donor. 50.00 Kuback. Louis. ._ " ~ lo.oo as good as a bond. LaJterowitZ. Arthur . no.00 ! Fish, Mrs. Sam 10.00 I Pauline Friend Linsey Bros _. _~ .. 50.00 j Kirschman, Jacob 1 We have satisfied hundreds of 20 00 10.00' I'rof. T. Asrnes Gordon OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN Shamberg. A. J """ 50.00 I AVlntronb. Max ."" 20 00 10.001 I.. Stein your friends. Harris, L ZZ' fiO.OO Preisman, Samuel 20 00 ISRAELITE AND DEBORAH. 30.00 • Kdw. Warner — Ackerman. L , fiO.OO Olventor. Sam _ , 21100 10.00 I Ed. Snader .Morpan, .Toe ..• _ Z'" *i.fK)' Novey. \V. ' _ 20.00 Isaac M. Wise, Editor and Proprietor, 10.00 1 John Roth 20.00 Kraus, Edw. J.^ ZZ Z 40.IM) Stgal^ Wra.. - - . • • - - — — 10.00 Arthur Robinson 169 Elm Street. 20.00 10.001 M. Flerman 40.00 Bernstein, Jacob Katlcman, J _ 15.00 10.00]1 Harry Snader ._ Cincinnati, September 12, 1876. 30.00 Lewis. B. 1514 Dodge Street. 23.00 nansky, H 15.00 Block, Elihu Z "1 'ZZZZ" " " 10.O0 B. Shapiro 25.00 Nitz. S............ "' 33.00 Friend Chas:— ——Phone: Douglas 5619—— "I "Z I••" ' Bernstein, Harry 10.00 I Win. Wolff 25.00 Ravitz, UAre E 15.00 "~ Himmeistetn, Joe *-ZZZZ "Z" 25.00 JO.OO I>. Wolff Wishing you good health, you and 15-00 Lazerowit7.. Philip Burkenroad. Leslie _ ~ . 10.00 llnth Tolaky 25.00 15.00 GolOner, c. H. " Wolfaon. O. P L. " ~ • yours 3 Jiappy year of health, wealth I,, frieden • 10.00 25.00 Bernstein, I. 15.00 Dworsky, Harry '_ ' ~ KMK) Ti. Lotman 23.00 Slobodlnskv, M. 15.00 and prosperity, I must tell you that Dansky. II. Z" Z 10 00 Dr. I-onis I. Bogen, Fnrnam. Nebr. 1500 Wohlnec H.. ZZZZ' ": 25.00 _t s-ZZZZ. Z 10.00 W. Whitfieid 25.00 Frumkln, L -15.00 I was right glad to hear of you, alCoin. SI. L _ _ 10.00 E 7.. Scorj: Oraetz, Leon 25.00 Blend. L : _ _ "_"'_; prn H anon though I am very sorry that you are Bprnnrd 10.00 M. Aaeh Aretss, A ^__^.j J Oreenfltlil, BessH fi.OO Mrs. S. Adelson -... 10.00 not robust enough to come back to 23.00 Coleman, Wlilte, J .; "I Thomas B... fltll B D.OO M. Avner 30.00 25.00 nehfelfl, Lenn Bezindri. A "J L~Z ' \ . 5.00 Sarah Baum 30 00 us, which I hope will soon be the 25.00 Feltlraan, S_.__ Ferer, R , 5.00 I-. II. Bner ...... in.no case. I have frequently inquired and 25.00 AVhttebook, Mrs. H. J. Vengrovitch. H..-.: • " 5.00 Jack Chapman . . 25.00 Cohen, Harry 10.00 Hpfnsteln, Sam .^.L . : I 5.00 I. IJ. Tohen 23.00 Ferer, A. B Shane, 3" '. : 10.00 knew all abbot you before your letter , 5.00 Davp Davidson 23,00 CllllriHk-y, K.,. Fried, A. S ; 'ZZZ _ _ ; "" " """ n.00 M. Epstein moo come. Manage so as to forget noth25.00 Colien, Sam , . Slayer, Alfred . ZZ 5.00 ; Ike EHIH 10.00 ing, and you will always be -welcome 25.00 Kothenberfc. Sftm SeJrneider, Abe. : ]" _ " 5.00 Hnrry Kinsod 10.00 25.00 Itoblnsbn, Jak<S -;. . Harry.._ Z S.00; Ben Fopelson 10.00 to me and your other friends here. 20.00 Marks, Lewis.' Joe , _ Ktibenxtein. H . ^_ ^. 5.00 B. Follester.... 10.00 20.00 GoftdBtrtder, Ben ;. . Yours, Katjs. F...; -..ZZZZZZ ZZ 5.00 , Sara Frost IO.OO 20.00 Adler. A. .. _ _ T..O0 Dr. Gradwohl Farl>er.-Mr. and Mrs. 10.00 20.00 Frieden, Win.. UY a Corona on our Isaac M. Wise. I-imsky. Ike Z __ 1 5 00 H. U. (iohlofsky :.. 10 00 •Tjlcobson, H 20 00 $5.00 a month plan. 55.00 Joe Goldstein 10.00 Drevich. H 20.00 JJoIdstrom. Harry........ _"._, Envelope postmarked Cincinnati, Frnnkel, Harry ..._ _ _ _ 5.00 ; J. Keller * Phone us NOW tor a free 10.00 Schwartz. Sam , 20*00 Mittleman, Max _ . " " n.ftO i Al. Morita _ 10.00 September 29, 3 p. m. *** Cohn, Hyman...-.-.: ..20 00 Schwartz. A demonstration. 5.00 : Nathan Mozer 10.00 Pihmonil. A n n a H..^ . . _._ 2000 Koskey, A. D. Adressed t o : Mr. Chas. L. Elgutter, 5.00 M. A. Newmark 10.00 Tessler. I • 2000 Meyerson. Central Typewriter Exch. Art 1 ~_ _ _ ~_"""" 5.00 1 I. Polsky 10.00 200 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. Itrffts^ J . II ™.~. 20 00 Minkln Mrs. n.oo ii Itose V io.no Piirilmnn, Morris in'oo Kaplan, L _„Max....^. ;. ZZ 1912 Farnam St. JA. 41S0 T. RofienthnI r».oo in.op (Explanation.) Txtttz. X. II .- '. .... 1500 Cohen, Harry., Z Z Mrs. D. n.m 10.00 Korney. B .—.>.._ .... 15 00 •Davidson. Anroti It is the Hebrew Union College I .1.00 I. Sehuchmnn — ., 10.110 DJoogatch. J . 15.00 niivjdsoii. MJke . -. 1 : 5.00 Mrs. JJ. E. Schwart*man in.no__ which Rabbi Wise had in mind when KMII, C. T..~: -. - -— 15.00 Alexander, Morris _ . . Sam Sinjrer, 2.00 lo.on Klchmnn. S —..:.: 15.00 iiioTPhZ...ZZ...ZZZ.ZZ..ZZZ 10.00 innn' writing the letter of September 29, 15.00 F. B. Sidles Gbod 1)i ader; if.....~.: . 15.00 1876. The College was just beginning New York. (J. P. A.) Abraham moo O. F. ITcillKer. Bethn-ny Wohlner. Paul...... _ — 15.00 the second year of its existence^ havSleffelmnn, L ~ . ilvoo Ochakowski was awarded the highest' TM. looo ing been established September 1875. 10.cn h o n o r offered by his school a t the Kd Wells. Mr. ni O. A. Cranopr Frank, • Sara.......:—-.—•.— 1000 I attended the College from January 1000 g r a t ^ u a * i ° n exercises yesterday, in Ashley PftWltt Held. J. C .... 1000 .Teary OMAHA. NEB. 10.001 Public School 11. Abraham, who Clark •WhUebook, II. X. :— 10.00 to June 1876, and had returned 10 Lincoln Tent & Awning Co... 1000 came here two years ago from Rus- J. H. My let CaBtelman, Nathan for the summer : CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN io.no Omaha, my home, 10.00 Frfedmnn, Harry,. Mrs I,. K Steven* io.no vacation. Rehfeld, M.i~—i—-— io no sia, was the valedictorian for his Mm, Kmlly HornberRer. Fnytnan, Mies io.no 10.00 Class, which consisted of 69 graduates. My youth (15), and inexperience Greenberg, E ... 10.00

Lincoln Relief Subscribers


Chan. - lieeenthat Willard E. Stewart.Kdna M. Flimey-:_ Sam Letween ...,_.»..

10 00

Ben Hur Dancing Academy




i I

s & i





»j_ **%.«».



jir.i/ir i rt,



"I Will" Man Says

Final Cleanup of

Men's Overcoats






$30 to $65,



$15 to $32.50



PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922 ENGAGEMENTS THORPEIAN NEWS. Mrs. Dave Newman returned Sun- home Tuesday in honor of Mrs. A.dance will be turned over to the City next meeting will be held March 5 Ginsburg of Chicago. The afternoon Talmud Torah. Mr. and Mrs. M. Oland announce $350 was pledged by members of day from a trip to Chicago. I at the home of Miss Lee Abrahamwas spent in card playing. the engagement of their daughter the club for the Jewish Relief ApMrs. G. Newman* of Chicago, is the Miss Reva Gilinsky returned Tues- son. Mollye, to Dr. S. E. Ravitz, son of peal at the last meeting, followTh3 B'Nai B'Rith Lodge held a guest of her sister, Mrs. Morton day afternoon from Fort Dodge and FREMONT NEWS. Mr ahd Mrs. S. Ravitz. Miss Oland ing talks by President Wm. Alberts meeting Tuesday evening at the HeSamuels. Webster City, la. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Block enteris the Secretary of the Omaha and Phineas Wintroub, both of whom brew Institute. A banquet followed tained thirty guests at their home Canning Co. Dr. Ravitz is a graduate have been working in the drive. This Mrs. H. S. Arnstein entertained the meeting. The Council of Jewish Women will Sunday evening, February 19. The of the University of Nebraska College sum represents pledges of but 25 of twelve guests at bridge Saturday afhbld its next regular meeting next evening was spent in playing cards WISE—BERCOVICI. Mrs. L. Baron and daughter are in Thursday afternoon at the home of and dancing. Mrs. Sam ZIotky and The wedding of Miss Rebecca Ber- of Medicine and is a member of the the members and it is expected that ternoon. Mrs. M. SaTtzman. covici, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Alpha Omega Alpha. No date has considerably more will be secured Miss Ann Verbin won prizes. Master Bernard Schimmel gave a Chicago insiting friends and relatives. from the members who have not Bercovici, to Herman Wise, of Tulsa, been set for the wedding. birthday party Wednesday afternoon. The Mt. Sinai Basketball team won Mrs. H. Schoenwald, who has been pledged. A dog which cannot understand Oklahoma, was solemnized yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kriselman anAnother get-to-gether meeting, in February 22, at his home at the from the First Presbyterian team by visiting with relatives here for the English and answers to the French at five o 'cloak at the home of the nounce the engagement of their sisBlacks tone. Seven couples were pres- a score of 14 to 3. past two weeks, left Sunday evening language only was used in making Bride. Rabbi M. N. Taxon officiated. ter, Bertha, to Mr. Hyman Gerber. No the form of a banquet, will be held ent. for her home in Sioux City, la. at the club-rooms on March 1, next important sequences in "Flower of the Miss Bercovici had as her bridesmaids, date has been set for the wedding. The Jewish Educational Alliance Wednesday night. The Mogen-Dovid club will hold North," the Vitagraph special producMiss Rose Davidson, and Miss Rose Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, H. S. Kamen,, will hold a meeting Sunday evening, tion based on the famous novel by Segal, cousin of the bride. The and B. F. Lewis gave the playlet "The February 26, at the Hebrew institute. its meeting Sunday afternoon. Miss Dorothy Zucker entertained James Oliver Curwood, which will be Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. News. groomsmen were Moe A. Bercovici for twelve guests Sunday afternoon Maker of Dreams,*' last night for the An elaborate program is being arThe Ladies Aid Society held a card shown at Moon Theatre, starting Satand Jake Bercovici, brothers of the at her home in honor of Miss Ruth ranged. The first public program of the members of the Scottish Rite. party Wednesday afternoon at the urday, for four days. bride. The bridal gown was re- Brown, who will soon become the Association was given at the Jewish Mr. Morris Levy entertained six The Ivre Club held its regular home of Mrs. D. Fox. . For that reason Henry B. Walthall modeled from the gown worn by Miss bride of Mr. Nathan Nogg, and Miss Community Center Monday night, and and Pauline Starke, and other memBercovici's mother at her wedding. It Edith Frieden, who will become the was well attended. Participants in guests at the Athletic club Saturday meeting Sunday, February 19, at the The Jewish Sisterhood will hold its Hebrew Institute. An election of of- next meeting Wednesday afternoon at bers of the company brushed up on was of pink brocheyed charmeuse bride of M:. Morris Gilinsky. the program included the Misses Her- evening, February 18. ficers took place and the following the home of Mrs. S. Goldberg. their linguistic abilities, and commine Hirshman, Gertrude Romm, draped with pink georgette crepe. The Miss Mollye Horwich and Mrs. NaRabbi Frederick Cohn will lecture menced to speak French while on veil was pink tulle with silver laced than Kramer are giving a tea at the Libbie Minken, Yerda Jacobsen, Tina on "Judaistic Politics" at the Temple were elected: Esack Gruskin, presiThe Blossoms of Zion club will hold location. In fact through the greater corsage. One hundred guests were Brandeis Tea Rooms on Saturday af- Altshuler, Sarah Janoff, Jennie Liebo- Friday evening at eight o'clock. His dent; Peter Heeger, vice-president; Joe Rice, secretary; and Barney Ruits meeting Sunday afternoon. Elec- part of the time French was the witz and Helen Reikes. present. The out of town guests were ternoon for twenty-five guests in subject for Saturday morning will be bel, treasurer. In was decided to bold tion of officers will take place at this language used by the entire company. Mrs. M. Wise and Mrs. Clarence honor of Miss Brown. "The Jew's Revenge." a banquet in the near future at the meeting. The Ru-Na Club gave a costume Sletyas, of Chicago, mother and sisparty Tuesday evening at which Mrs. M. Feinberg, of Kansas City, West Hotel, where the officers will be ter of the groom, and Mr. Lew Hoodin YOUNG JUDAEA NEWS. Lawrence Krasne returned Tuesday prizes were won by the Misses Belle Mo., left Sunday for her home after installed. of Tulsa, Okla. Mr. Wise and bride At the last regular meeting of the Siegel, Bess Flax and Gertrude Pasa- having been the guest of Mr. and from a three weeks trip in the east. will be at home in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Daughters of Zion held on Sunday, Mrs. A. B. Alpirin for three weeks. Marion Cohen was hostess to after March 5, at No. 27 Lucerne February 19, at the Jewish Com- voy. Teacher of Singing COUNCIL BLUFFS theMiss L. T. Club Sunday, February 19. apartments. Residence Studio: The second February membership Mrs. Feinberg was extensively entermunity Center, election of officers 211 So. 33rd St. Harney 2051; The bride is a member of Junior took place. The following were dance will "be given at the Jewish tained while here. The Junior Auxiliary of the Coun- Prizes were won by the Misses MolWelfare organiz; tion and the Women's elected: Margaret Margolin, pres- Community Center this Saturday eveMr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun cil of Jewish Women will give a Bun- Ive Saltzman and Marion Cohen. The Auxiliary of the I. O. B. B. Mr. Wise ident; Sylvia Bernstein, vice-pres- ning. Members of the Association are visiting in Los Angeles, Califor- co party Sunday afternoon at Eagle's is connected with the First National ident; Ann Ruback, secretary; Sarah and their friends are invited. hall, followed by an entertainment. nia. Bank of Tulsa and is a member of the Morgan, assistant secretary; Ruth The Jewish Sisterhood held its third The Yowoheas Club gave a supper ATHLETICS. Masonic Order, the Elks, and the I. Wintroub, treasurer; and Bessie Feldannual dance Tuesday evening at the party yesterday at the Jewish ComThe Thorpeian Athletic club basket0. B. B. man, reporter. Sarah Morgan and Eagle's hall. The proceeds of this munity Center. ball team evened its score against Sylvia Bernstein were appointed as %PILL—GOLDSMITH. the new program supervisors. Miss Minnette Gross was admitted V.c Y. M. H. A. team when it deThe marriage of Miss Jeanette Dorothy Weiner was admitted into to membership in the X. T. C. Club feated the latter team Wednesday Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Goldsmith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the club. at its last meeting. Ida Hoffman is evening by a score of 11 to 7. The Pbon* 104. Louis Goldsmith, to Goodman Pill, of now reporter in the place of Rebecca game was closely played, with both Tlie Best of Everything In Flowers ana Fort Dodge, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. teams on the defensive. At the The Kensington Sewing Club of Azorin, resigned. Confections at Moderate Prices. Pill, took place at the home of the end of the first half the score was So. Omaha gave a surprise party 545 W Broadway Next Lllx-rt; Theater bride's parents, Tuesday afternoon. In the absence of Irvin Stalmaster 5 to 2 with the Y team in the lead, COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiated. The Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. A. Silver- from the city, Mr. Wm. Kline is act- but the Thorpeians came back strong wedding was a surprise to all the man, in honor of her thirteenth ing as leader for the YMHA Jrs., in the last half and overtook the friends and relatives of the coupl» as wedding anniversarysmall lead. and the B'Nai B'Rith Jrs. the wedding date had been set for Both teams play their last game of The first anniversary program of March 5. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. White rethe season next Wednesday evening. the couple will make their home at the Ladies Free Loan Association turned Wednesday evening from their The Thorpeians who are now in will be given Sunday evening, Febr Fort Dodge. ruary 26, at the Swedish Auditorium honeymoon at Kansas City, and are at s cond place play the Council Bluffs present with Mrs. White's parents, High school team and the Y. M. H. A. ANY STYLE MATERIALS, VALOURS, MOHAIR, Miss Alyce Leibo left Sunday for at eight o'clock. A program has Mr. and Mrs. L. Ackerman. Mrs. team will play the World-Herald TAPESTRY her home in St. Paul, after visiting been arranged, which will be followed White was formerly Miss Ann Acker- team. Now and Thro Next Week. by dancing. William Fox presents with Miss Faye Gerelick. man. Telephone: Webster 2224 Dr. Victor E. Levine and Mr. Louis Mrs. Arthur Brandeis returned to Mr. Morris Lin?man returned MonWork Guaranteed :: Estimates Furnished SIOUX CITY Kneeter, of Omaha, addressed a meet- her home in New York after visit- day from New York City, where he ing of Zionists in St. Joseph, Mo- ing here with her sister-in-law, Mrs. had been for the past three weeks. Reasonable Price. The Macabfean Chapter of the last Sunday, in the interest of the Herman Cohn. The Friday Literary Club will meet Young Judean Club held its regular Keren Hayesod. with Mrs. Herbert Koppel tomorrow. meeting Tuesday evening at the HeThe Omahans report'an active orMrs. F. Gold, of Milwaukee, is ganiation in the city, under the spir- the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Miss Kate McHugh will lecture on brew institute, A program followed -M-M"!' I"I 'I"K"I"I"H' I-H-'H-H -I-M Z1 I X H - X - M l !••»• i' M' 11H1-X-l •!•. Galsworthy's drama, "The Pigeon." the business meeting. ited leadership of Mr. J. Kranitz, pres- Harry Fellheimer. (in Bang Arthur's Court) ident. Mrs. A. Krueger entertained at her Mrs. Flora Holiner of Oklahoma PRICES They were entertained during their Matinees, S5r: Evening*, 50c Mr. Selwyn Jacobs, City Chairman City, arrived Monday to spend a week stay by Mr. and Mrs. M. Gold. Children. I5c here with her son Mr. B. F. Boasberg, of the War Relief, is in Chicago. Let's get the Old Sunday and Mrs. Boasberg. The Jewish Women's Welfare OrNight Dancing Crowd ganization and the Junior Welfare Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller are visitMrs. Harry Rosenfeld is ill at her Organization will give a subscription ing with Mrs. Hiller's sister, Mrs. J. home with the grippe. Back with Is a Happier Home dance and card party at the Black- Chapman at Colorado Springs. stone Hotel March 8. BRODKEY'S Mrs. A. L. Weinstein and Mrs. B. and a Safer One Mr. Joseph Simon, of Lincoln, A. Stein entertained twelve guests at Miss Baylia Frieden left Wednes- spent the week end here. One of the most important InSULTANS OF a luncheon at the Brandeis Restaufluences working toward a day for Sioux City where she will rants this afternoon followed by a irell rounded and happy home S YNCOPA TION visit with Miss Rose Pill. Mr. W. J. Miller, of the Proportion- theatre party at the Orpheum in Saturday to Wednesday. is a Savings Account. Mrs. J. M. Erman entertained at al Representation League, will speak honor of Miss Esther Neiman of Min- At Keep's Academy We pay *% interest, combridge Friday afternoon in honor of at the Council Chamber, City Hall, neapolis. pounded quarterly, in our Starting Sunday, on Thursday, March 2, at 8:00 P. M. iH: Savings Department, and deher guest, Miss Esther Neiman, of February 26th, 1922 Mr. Jack Dee has returned for a posits made on or before the Minneapolis. Twelve guests were |1 tenth of th« month draw inBy Jas. Oliver Curwood present. Mrs. Meyer Friedel enter- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock are three-weeks trip east, having visited terest for the entire month. in Dayton, St. Louis and Chicago. moving into their new home at 52nd tained at a theatre partty at the and Farnam Sts. this week. Wednesday to Saturday Brandeis Wednesday afternoon in Mr. Louis Blotcky left Saturday MAX LINDER in honor of Miss Neiman. Six guests Open a Savings Account With tTs Today for Excelsior Springs and Kansas Mrs. Joe J, Greenberg and mother, City, Mo., to stay for two iveeks. were present. "SEVEN YEARS Mrs. A. Hyman, of Minneapolis, are Chiropodist and Beauty All deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors ;; BAD LUCK" Shop •. The children and friends of Mr. and at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. Bert Hene returned home A Established 1800 Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska Also Mrs. J. Koskey surprised them SunTuesday, February 21, after a nine 15th and Hartley Street* day afternoon at their home in honor A program meeting of the Council week stay with her parents, Mr. and Phone Douglas SS33 "AFTER MIDNIGHT" of their wedding anniversary. Twen- of Jewish Women will be held Mon- Mrs. I. Sroasin, of Alexander City, ty-five guests were present. day at 2:30 at Temple Israel. Alabama.

•Social, Club and Religious Activities


Cecelia J. Feiler



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Mr. and Mrs. Julius Furth, well The Priscilla Club was entertained Mrs. Wm. Mock is the guest of known as former residents of Omaha, her daughter, Mrs. Fred Rosenstock. this afternoon at the home of Mrs. left Tuesday for their home in ChicaSamuel Rosenberg. go after spending a week with Mr. Mr. Harry Weinberg of Lincoln and Mrs. Carl Furth. The visitors were returning after having spent the arrived yesterday to spend the week end with his mother. BOARD AND ROOM Wanted winter in California. The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity will Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky is expected home this week after a vitit to Kansas entertain at a dance Saturday night City, Mo., and Hot Springs, Arkansas. at the Athletic Club.


by young woman in refined Jewish home. Address Box 132 The Jewish Press, or call Jackson 2372.

Mrs. Louis Nathan entertained the Mr. Irving Klein entertained inRa'Otb club Sunday afternoon at her formally at his h6me last. Saturday home.evening. Mrs. Frank Greenderg eritertaiffed Sunday evening at her home in honor of her sister, Mrs. Harold Cirlin, of Chicago, formerly Miss Lucille Osheroff, of Omaha. Twenty-five guests were present. Miss Ann Greenberg entertained for twelve guests Sunday afternoon at her home in honor of Mrs. Cirlin.

Miss Corinne New is pfenning to leave soon for an extended stay in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. Traxlei' and son, visited with their daughter, Mrs. Herbert Harris and Mr. Harris this week while enroute to California.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Pred, who have Mrs. M. S. Miller returned Saturbeen in New York City for the past day from Lincoln, where she spent two /weeks, will return the early part a "few days as the guest of her niece, of next-week. Mrs. Julius Weih Mrs. Samuel Wertheimer has been Mrs. Ike New,, of Council Bluffs, confined to her home for two weeks who has been ill -at her Lhome, is on 'account of illness. convalescing. -7 '_ Mrs. Samuel Katz has left for Marion, Illinois, to visit her son, Mr. Mr. Henry Monsky left J3atur.day J. B. Katz. She will remain for five for New York. He will return this Sunday. or six weeks. Friends have received word from An innovation in Temple, affairs 'Mr. and Mrs. William Holzman that will be the Congregational suppe^to they will return the latter part of be held Friday evening preceding the •ext-week after-having spent—two; services. • Congregational Suppers had heretofore been held on fflk in Cuba and Panama.

FOR RENT—one or two modern rooms in private family. With or without garage. Call AT. 1777.


No Springs—Honest Weight HOBART ELECTRIC GRINDERS, CHOPPERS AND BOXERS. Service and Sales; 18th AND JACESON STREETS 'Phones: Totedo Scales _ _ _ Doug. 7§82 Hobart. Electri J _ _ Doug. 7396

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Uptown, Up-to-Date Grocery Stock For Sale. Requires no baying of fixtures. Buyer can remain in same location. Rental cheap. Reasons for selling. Write Box 145, care of Jewish Press, or call Jackson 2372.


D. W. Geiselman, President. Cashier. D. C. Geiselman, < H.i. M. krogh, Krogh, Assistant CashU Cashier.

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McCord-Brady Co.


ucational Department of The Jewish Press





209 South 18th.Street

Jackson 0268


The Jewish Situation In Roumania



But again, said Dr. Gaster, there An unusually optimistic view ex- Zionists are claiming or the basis is a reverse side to the medal: it is pressed. j~of that conception. not all honey. The Deci-ee Law by ; BY DR. MOSES GASTER. I Jewg should Remain. In a special interview for The Jewish The million Jews who are in Rou- which the Jews become emancipated must first become part of the conCorresp9uilen.ee Bureau. Copyrighted 1!)21 by The Jewish Corre- mania, Dr. Gaster proceeded, will stitution. Promises to that effect spondence Bureau. have to remain in Roumania, and have been made from the highest The Haham, Dr. Moses Gaster,' everything possible should be done DAYENPQRT DOUGHNUT who has just returned to London to make them fully at home there, quarters and Dr. Gaster has no doubt G0MPANY. from a visit to his native country, The cry for minority rights is op- that they will be fully kept. Some UNDERTAKERS BISMABOKS, CAKE AND SUGAR Roumania, has favored the J. C. B. posed to the interests of the Jews, surviving anomalies will also have to DOCCfBOftJTS " OOB SPECIALTY. MOVED TO with a statement on the position of, for if those rights were acknowl- be removed. But a mantality which We Deliver the Real Goods. the Jews there. edged, what might happen ? The has swayed the Roumanians in the •224 COMING STREET. ' -Eh'ono Webst-er 0943 At the outset, Dr. Gaster made it I Jews form a small percentage of the old kingdom for close upon fifty clear that he did not go to Rouma- total population of the country. They years, can neither be created nor nia on any Jewish mission or on any : might be restricted to a fixed num- changed within the twinkling of an ADVO COFFEE j work connected with Jewry. He was ber of a few Jewish deputies in eye. There is plenty of anti-Semitism in the country, and the Jews ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS invited to Roumania by the Rouma- Parliament, corresponding to their have to complain and may have to nian Government and the Academic percentage of the population, and complain for some time to come, of authorities solely in his capacity as ! thus their full political activity, their a Roumanian scholar, whose books I enterprise into the national life, as many act-- of hardship and oppreson the language and literature are! far as official posts and many other sion. The difference, however, lies in the standard works on the subject, I things are concerned, might be cir- the fact that these acts will be ilVisit Our BEHEMBEB j and whose textbooks are the basis of cumscribed and they might finally legal, the high handed dealings of t( Roumanian Education. In the capac- find themselves cooped up in a self people who take advantage of their ity Dr. Gaster visited Roumania and made minority Ghetto. The policy, position and abuse their power. BeDo away with drudgery and make his reception everywhere was of the insisted Dr. Gaster, is a mistake. The fore, the Jews lived practically outhouse-work a pleasure by the use of modern electrical appliances. Yonr Order for most magnificent character. The king Jews are not a mfnority people, side the law, and it was not easy to being abroad, he was received by the ; Their separateness from the rest of get redress for any wrong done. The ANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the Crown Prince, the acting Premier the Roumanian citizens is on cultural country, moreover, is still suffering ground floor of the Electric build" ' I N THE WRAPPING and various Cabinet Ministers. His and religious grounds and not be- from the consequences of the war, ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PAPER LINE and Farnam streets. train was met by the local Governors cause of any possible allegiance to which has destroyed every sense of and Mayors, the foremost people any other state or in the mainten- morality and loosened the sense of 1112 HARNEY ST. came to pay him honour, crowds ance of an older state of things. In honesty. There is, besides, military Fhone Douglas 6409 lined the road to see him and flags cultural and religious affairs they rule of an open or disguised kind in were hung out in his welcome. The have a right to autonomy and have various parts of Roumania, but when Crown Prince was so much impressed obtained it. In some provinces, such the waves subside and the Roumaby the importance of Dr. Gaster's '• as in Bukowina and Transylvania, nians grasp still more fully the great lecture that he personally requested they have the right of assessing the problems, which await solution owing Dr. Gaster to place the manuscript, Jewish population for taxes to main- to the complete change which has of his lectures in his hands, with a! tain the Jewish institutions, and the taken place, Dr. Gaster has every view of publication. j taxes are collected for them in the reason to believe that the lot of the STEINER ELECTRIC Jews in Roumania will be as happy MEAT CHOPPER ™ • a nBright • t.1 cSpot < * *• i ordinarv Roumania For Jews. ., .;. way by the government a one as that of the Jews in Western „_ i, ^ , authorities. • jAND COFFEE MILL. Wherever Dr. Gaster went, how-1 Europe. ever, he tried to find out the position I ^ demand that the state should. i n TjgSD^ SCALES OF ALL !of the Jews. He visited every part' addition, support schools in which MAKES FOR SALE. of the country freely, Old Rouma-' t h e language o f instruction shall be New York Jews Charged nia, Bukowina, Transylvania and Hebrew or Yiddish, was characterised 510 South 10th Street. (Continued from page 1) Bessarabia; he met and spoke with b>* D r - G a s t e r a s a t l e a s t a blunder, Phone Jackson 3332. The How dare they be blind to the sight the representatives of the Jewish' government raises no objection to such schools of hollow-eyed, narrow-chested men, parties with the Rabbis, and with ^ i n g maintained by the Jewi?h bent and broken before their time ? common people themselves. In his community itself out of Theodore Volz & Son LOW FARE | honour special services were ar- : its own funds. The great diff.cul- How dare they be deaf to the moans TAILORS however, in the language ques- of the once radiant daughters of Is;: ranged in Kishineff, Czernowitz, etc., ty, t i o n s a i d Dr 038-32 Securities Building, and he preached in many synagogues! !! j e w s' i n t h e s e " G a s t e r ' i s t h a t t h e ™el, defiled Jand ravished? How dare CAXL 16th and Farnam Sts. be ~indifferent the plaintive Surrounded on every side by counProvinces are demand- +1they "~ *" ""*to "-—Telephone: Jackson 2708 t h a t t h e lan a e wails of motherless, starving chilATLANTIC 4S22 g u ? of instruction ; tries in which t' - Jewish populations ! s h o u l d b e are suffering terribly, notably i n German, Hungarian, He- dren? b r e w o r e v e n Yl Undernourished mothers, anaemic Hungary, Poland and the Ukraine, I 'ddish. They are not "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Dr. Gaster emphasised that Rouma-, so m u c h J e w i s h Patriots as patriots fathers and rickity children stalk and buy them at nia is the one bright spot for the o f t h e <-°« ntries of their previous through Europe for lack of susteMade by Jews in Central Europe and the Bal- citizenship. The Roumanian state is nance. Hunger and pestilence are ROGERS -UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST kans. The Jews, he stated, have ob- i n i t s transition period and cannot rampant. Misery and devastation are FOOD CO. 319 South 16th Street. tained their full rights. On prin- risk t h e d a n S e r of disintegration in everywhere. Infection, scrofola ar.d OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Phone Douglas 3400. ciple, all legal disabilities against t h i s f a s h i o n " ^ J e w s m u ^ recog- tuberculosis abound. Stripped bare !them have been removed and they, n i s e t h e * ° o d intentions of the Rou- a "d sick, for them there ,s neither TB1' StTNDGREN'S are on absolutely equal terms with m a n i a n Government and help it to dress nor drugs. Cold shivering and Nutritions Horn* Made the rest of the Roumanian citizens. b r i n * a b o u t t h e formation of a con-, *amished, for them there is neither Carpenter Paper Co. fuel nor food. Over there they are PIES and COOKIES The attiude of the Government to- sol idated Roumanian state. Distributors of crazed with hunger. Here in Greater Sealed In Sanitary Waxed wards the Jewish population is most Government Leads the Jews. Wrapper at Your Grocer. iWestern Bond—and High Grade New York the din of dishes is daily friendly. The legal position of the Dr. Gaster instanced the case of Stationery Sundgren Pie Baking Co. in our ears. The sight of wasted Jews in Roumania is comparable only the Jewish refugees from the UkOMAHA. NEBRASKA. 24th and Hickory. Atlantic 6341 i food is nightly our eyes. The ; to that of the Jews in England or raine as an example of the manner; J e w s o f G r e a t e r before N e w Y o r k eat> s o m e j America. They are fully en-, ,,. «•„,„, UK u n » . a n government in which the ™ Roumanian Government g l u t t o n o u s l y ( a l l comfortably, three jfranchised citizens of the country.] is striving to do its utmost for the m e a l g o r m o r e e a c h d a y O v e r t h e r e PAXTON-MTCHELL CO. 37th and Martha Sts. Barney 1662 | It is essential, however, continued suffering Jews. It is sufficient to t h e y ^ o n t h e ^ of cannibalism. WHOLESALE Manufacturers of Brass. Bronze, Alumi! Dr. Gaster, that the Jews should rec- contrast the treatment of those D e s p e r a t e indeed they must be when, num and Soft Gray Iron Castings. Druggists and Stationers You are assured of soft castings, as ognize the fact of now being Rou- refugees who crossed into Bessara- a s w e a r e ^^ t h e y e a t t h e i r r a t s I we machine some from every heat in 401-103-405 Sonth 10th manian citizens. The Roumanian bia with the treatment of those who b o i l e d D o e s t h a t Aisgust y o u , cause our own shop. Standard size cast iron busbings in stock. Government is anxious to avoid the went over into Poland. The Rou- y o u t o s h u d d e r , m a ke you keck at the pitfalls of the former Austro-Hun- manian government, said Dr. Gaster, banquet of which you have just parWhy Buy Tin? garian Empire, that cockpit of con- gave the refugees all possible facil- taken? Well, it's the truth. Go from Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. j tending petty nationalities into one ities to enter the country and helped h e r e a n d shout it o u t frorn t h e h o u s e SAVES SOV MONEY. state. Nationality, proceeded .Dr. thousands of them to emigrate. It topS L«:t every Jew in Greater New p y MID-STATES WHOLESALE Gaster, is one thing and race is anGROCERS encountered great difficulties but was York know and realize that while he other. Nationality to-day denotes 1117-19 Dodge St. Jackson 38".S political membership of a state. The not deterned from its purpose. In ( j s gorging himself with delicious and Jews are ethnologically, culturally every way the Roumanian Govern- j delectable viands, his brothers and sis- j and religiously one people, but they ment proved most considerable. Dr. ters in Central and South Eastern j MAX OLSEN & CO. belong politically to various nations, Gaster further stated that to his Europe are either starving or, in de- ' Wholesale Distributors for that is, they are citizens of different knowledge, there are no refugees spair, are reeding on loathsome boiled AFlatttic SCHMIDT'S I states. Politically, there is now no from the Ukraine in the Bukowina. rats. Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Jewish state of which they are mem- There are a number of Jews in the| A U o f t h i s i s o f n o c o n c e r n to the' selfsufficient Jews ! Ale, Hires Root Beer bers. Dr. Gaster finds some danger Bukowina which came over during ss hh ee i tt ee rr ee dd ss nn uu gg an dd self-sufficient Office and Warehouse: 917 So. Main St. the war from Galicia and Poland, but Greater New York. All of thisJJ o f th f G l i i d P l d b t in the attitude of some of the youthTelephone 142 COCNCH, BtCFFS. IOWA. ful new Zionists who confuse nation the local administration refused to i e a v e s oblivious, obdurate and obtuse enter them in their books as mem- N e w Y o rk untouched. It is inconceivwith nationality, Jewish as well as bers of the communities. In consethat there are i t is true> Roumanian. They are told' that Pal- quence, most of them are not offi- ja b l e > t ju t Greater New York who c"| e w s n estine has become the Jewish state, cially registered as members off the h Yuiow, have never heard of this and if only sufficient money be forth- local Jewish communities and the n oj t . The trouble with New York dr ve , Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables coming, all these Jews will be able Roumanian Government has no en- j e w s j s that they do not know their go there. Obviously, said Dr. tries of their settlement by which neighbors. N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. OHABA, NEB. to They do not want to -know Gaster, that is incorrect and mis- to recognise them as residents of the them unless they are of their set. Of, leading. Apart from-everything else, locality, and thus difficulties have \\ the Jew can least afford to there is not enough robm in Pales- been created by them for the Rou- a m e n f OCR. NEW LOCATION the snob. Victims ourselves of j Corner 19tb and Douglas Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 tine even for these Jews alone, be- manian administration. Alasonlc Temple Bldcr. I discrimination and prejudice. There ! . . . for... sides which Palestine is by no means : —^—ODP-Line Dr. Gaster explained the hostility i s no such thing as a Jewish aristoBALDWIN, ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. yet the Jewish state. It is wrong, CHEESE-BUTTER-BUTTERMILK he HOWARD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS. himself on the part of cer- crat. There can be no aristocracy continued, to make the Jews bePLATER PIANOS. tain Jewish spokesmen in the Buko- among us but the aristocracy of-souls.: OMAHA PURE POOD CO. lieve otherwise and cause them to THATCHER PIANO CO. 2419 Oamlnc St., Omaha. Nebraska. __- — wiha by the fact that he exposed the We Jews are to be rated by our iniPhonft Jaoknon 8000 neglect their vital interests in the' dangerous folly' of their doctrine of pulses, not by our vocation, not by I 1 countries which are their homes. Dr. political minority rights based on an our fathers and mothers," or'by the Rates for Space on (iaster quoted in this regard Dr. Weiz- unwarranted interpretation of the country from which emigrated. If DON'T BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page man's recent letter t o ' Mr. Samuel Balfour Declaration. The mass of Jews have noble impulses they are Oil. Id MUCH CHEAPER given on application. Untermeyer in which he disavowed Jewish people in Roumania, he said, noblemen ,no matter what they do, Let U» .Remove' the Door rrom Vour Furnace 'and- Insert a any interest in Jewish affairs out- are content with the conditions in who gave them birth or whente they LILL1BRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER side Palestine, and thus himself gave the country now, and the whole noise came. This drive knows no social dis482 Brandets Bide. TeL Jackson 237! 'Boa Demonstration OIB.So. 10th Street. the death blow to this claim of Jew- is being made by a handful of poli- tinctions. It knows only full stomachs , ish nationality outside Palestine and tical shouters, who prefer to fish in and empty ones, the well fed and the starving -rssr-"-^to the minority - rights which the troubled water" PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS.

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Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.




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Checker Cab


E. E. Bruce & Co.




Ethel TL a" Haltby, P. C. (PALMER GRADUATE) •

Second F,oor



Phone Jackson 3072




•Manufarturers of FOODS AND CHEMICALS. 'FLAVOR rXG EXTRACTS. 918 S. lGib St, Phon* Atlantic 4984



Ready Roofing over old shin pi ^s Also asphalt sbinjrles and build - UT> roofs Fire resistinc and d urnolfAll work guaranteed Ensy terms Phone Ilnrnrjr 2574 Office and Warehouse: 3122 li«artnirnrtfi


Meyer Mercantile Co., Inc. MANCFACTl KKRS.

MEY-MER-CO. Brand Beverages and Syrups.

All that the name implies.



(Rer. r. S. Pat



Douglas 68S7



Ambulance Service

Grander) Electric Co.

Equipped with Pulmotor. All Calls Answered Promptly.

PEPENDAUI.E ELECTRICAL MEIU'IIAMHSE. 1511 Howard St. Phnne Atlantic 0681


•:.x. American > Wet Wash Laundry 2 8 0 8 Cuming. ; Harney 0 8 8 1 One; Day Service."No Extra Charges..: Refinite Soft Water.

LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Since 1910.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office: Brnndeis Theatre Bnildir.e. n t h nnd nougrlas Streets. Pbone Atlnntic 3836 TIRES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES

Mid-West Aato Parts Co. We enrry u complete line ot new

Council B I A Savings Bank OCB TREATMENT WILL CONVINCE YOU OF OCR * "SINCERITY. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.

rins cenrs. pinions, n.vle shafts and springs for almost any make of car. SI. D KH'HMAN. Slannirer. t31X-I330 Went Broadway.


BLrrrs. IOWA.

PBONE "444.

Flione Jaclison 1680

Est. 1801.

Joseph Polack & Son Wholesale Dealers In Butter.

216 >'. 16th St. Branches at Central Market.. Table Snpply and Food Center.

ERRS and

121S Howard St.


Ford Trammer & Storage Co.

Frontier Towel Supply 1815 California Street. Phone Dona-las 6291

•RATESfor space on this Special Page given on application.


Omaha. Nebraska.

Omalm Office: 813 Douglas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic S536

Every morningr If yon call tbe

, ]

R. A. FORD. President nnd General Mnnafrer. Council Bliiffn (Iowa) Office 8S« So. Main Street. rhone 385 An Ideal Washing Combination.



Jewish Press

ianifetored ia Omsha"

Iten ^ iscuit Co. m 'NOW WHITE I f


3411 Farnam St.

laker Ice Machines BAKER ICE KACHENE CO.

319-321 So. 14th M.. Omaha. Nebr Phone Atlantic 2nt-9

MS N. 16th St.


Estas Laundry Tablets ..

n-ftb . . .

Estes Soap Chips and Water Softener (Combined) At all Grocers.

182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 j

Sherman Mercantile Co. Wnoleaaki Gr«-ers Specialties 1511 CnmloB St. Phono Atlantic 1247 DISTRIBUTORS JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Omaha, Nebraska.

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Kirschbraun & Sons



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