March 2, 1922

Page 1

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"Discord is like a leak in a cistern — drop by drop all the water escapes."

VOL. LL—No. 12

"Say not, "I wiU do nothing", be.caose thtfu canst turt do everything."

g ' a8 second-class mail matter on January 27th. 1021. at ;-%P, at Utnaha. Nebraska, tinder the Act of March 3. 1879.

New Tragedies in Russia Stir Relief Workers



B'nai B nth $5,000 Appeal Started Here




New York (J. C. B.) Under the caption, "For Jewish Relief," the York (J. C. B.) That athletes How Maurice Schwartz Is Building A Home For New York American published an not as a rule good students would Literary Drama In Yiddish editorial from which the following seem to be disproved by the achievefinal paragraph is taken: ment of Natalie Friedman, thirteen, By ELBERT AIDLINE TROMMER "Jews are asking only Jews to daughter of Harry J. Friedman, Vicegive, but it ought to be a pleasure President .of the Carey Printing Co., for every person who can spare a Influential Church Paper Com. Six Cities in State Make Fine who has just graduated from the Local Members Being Asked to "The Jewish peopje in America," metamorphosed. True, not all of the penny or more to join in this salvagmends Rabbis' Action on Hunter Junior High School. Response to Appeal. Redeem Pledge for Adoption Maurice Schwartz, thie director of the Yiddish playhouses have been affecting of a people to whom humanity Wine Question. In competition with 3000 others she of Orphans. Yiddish Art Theatre, told me the ed but at least two of the ten Yiddish owes so much." OTHERS FALLING IN LINE won four gold medals out of the six A B A N D O N M E N T OF ANTO SECURE NEBRASKA'S that were offered to students of the HALF OF FUND WILL BE other day, "are greatly interested in theatres in New York are producing all that tells them, or reminds them none but literary plays, and this CIENT CUSTOM IN LINE school. They were for English, QUOTA. USED TO DEFRAY CON- of traditional Judaism of days gone means a much higher percentage WITH MODERN biology, mathematics and general VENTION EXPENSE. by. That is why a play like the than we have in English theatres THOUGHT. The "Jewish Press" has just re- athletic ability. "Dibbuk" has met with such unprecein this country. Schwartz is also to ceived the following cable through the The B'Nai B'Rith campaign for "Very cordial respect," is due the Jewish Correspondence Bureau, from $5000 to redeem the pledge made by dented success on- the stage of the be complimented upon the actors and American rabbis who have announced, Warsaw: the lodge for the care of 25 orphans, Yiddish Art Theatre this season. actresses he helped bring out by "that unfermented grape juice is an and to defray the expense of the That is also why Peretz Hirchbein's making is possible for them to appear "An epidemic of typhoid followidylls, The Idle Iiin, The Green in good dramas and comedies. Among entirely acceptable ceremonial drink coming convention of District No. 6, ing exposure to cold and starvaFields, The Blacksmith's Daughters, these, to mention but a few, there with which to celebrate the sacramentwas started during the week. Harry Is Making Preparations to Withtion is reported to be raging and other plays of a similar chacracare Ben Ami, Celia Adler, Jennie al feasts of their religion," says "The Malashock is chairman of the comdraw From House. among the Jews of Soviet White ter, have found such enthusiastic auValiere, Ludwig Zatz, Greta Meyer, Continent", a widely-read Presbytermittee raising the fund, and associatRussia. Official reports from diences among our American born Mme. Apfel, Muni-Weisenfreund and ian paper of Chicago, in its editorial ed with him are Arthur Rosenblum, JEWISH SUCCESSOR ON IMMinsk place the figure of the youth who had never before had an Mark Schweid, and many other young columns. The article proceeds as foN Demand an Impartial InvestigaHarry Lapidus, Dr.'Philip Sher, Dr. MIGRATION COMMITTEE disease-ravaged, starving Jews at opportunity to see life as it actually artists, not to mention himself. lows: tion of Conditions in Holy A. Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg, Wm. LIKELY. 1500 during the month of Janu"There is much—though admittedLand. Grodinsky, Rabbi Morris Taxon and is among the Jewish people in the Schwartz is quite a young men, not ary. The dying are housed in countries whence their parents have much over 30, and like Ben Ami, he, Washington (J.T.A.)—Close friends ly not conclusive—evidence for be-> Henry Monsky. damp cellars or, for lack of this "JEWS MONOPOLIZING GOV- Appeals by letter have been made come. It is to be regretted that no too, has been tempted by a number of Representative Siegel of New York lieving that the Jews anciently drank accomodation, even frequently exERNMENT JOBS" IS to every Ben B'Rith in Omaha, ex- such idylls have as yet been created of offers to leave the Yiddish stage appear to be certain that the congress- on their sacred occasions wines not pire on the streets." CLAIM. and devote himself to the English man will secure the appointment of fermented. But through mediaeval plaining the purpose of the fund, based on Jewish life in America." With the added incentive of this theatre. He has declined, however, Federal judgeship in New York, to and modern times at least they have Maurice Schwartz, in the four London (J. C. B.) — The London and its urgent need. Committees message of tragedy, workers in Oma- Times and the Daily Mail, two of will call upon all those members who years he has spent in producing lit- all these propositions and has remain- fill the vacancy of Judge Julius Mayer, used alcoholic .wines. And the deha and throughout the State are re- Viscount Northcliffe's most important do not respond to the letter. cision of these American Jewish erary drama on the Yiddish1 stage, ed on the Yiddish stage in his three- resigned. doubling their efforts to put Nebraska organs, have launched what is. rehas proved himself'.oiot alone a dar- fold capacity—that of innovator, realRepresentative Siegel is known to leaders is not made on historic $2,500 For Orphans. over the top. Never before have con- garded as an anti-Zionist campaign, ing innovator, but„ also one of our istic actor and director. be actually making preparations to grounds; it is an entirely conditions in Europe been as they are following Northcliffe's visit to PalesThe S5C00 will be divided equally, most talented actors, and what is Talking of Schwartz as a director, withdraw from Congress in anticipa- temporary action prompted by a now, and with the critical situation in tine. half to be used for the orphans fund, still a greater rarity in the Yiddish it must be mentioned that had he tion of the appointment, and intends desire to put themselves in line with Russia, which for the first time in The Times, obviously instructed, and half for the convention fund. theatre, a director <Tpf most unusual not distinguished himself as an artist, to transfer his duties and connections, their country's prohibition sentiment. seven years has been accessible for commenced its campaign by publish- The adoption of 25 orphans by the ability. he would still be famous a direc- with liberal immigration, to a suc"Confronted with this example, relief measures, the help of every ing Lord Islington's statement on the local lodgf is a development of the It was during a rehearsal of a new tor. No matter what one may tK : cessor. what are Catholic priests and Jew in America is needed. Episcopalian rectors going to do? Jewish Successor. situation, in which the usual European relief work undertaken play—and new plays by old and well of the merits—or demerits—of this Reports from the state during the Palestine Confidence is expressed that a Jew Will they continue to insist on the arguments against Zionism a r e | last year by the order, and every known, as well as by new authors, or that production at the Yiddish Art week are most encouraging, with brought to light once more. lodge in the country has adopted r-j being constantly put on at the Theatre, the opinion of the public is will be appointed to fill his vacancy preposterous proposition that alcohol more than $27,000 pledged in six orphans in proportion to its size and Yiddish Art Theatre—that Schwartz unanimous when it comes to appre- on the Immigration Committee, the is required in the wine of the mass To Investigate Complaints cities. These are Lincoln, $17,200; means. These orphans were cared got away from the_ stage to give me ciating Schwartz as a regisseur. He or eucharist to give the sacrament Subsequently, articles have appear- for immediately after the pledge for an Interview, or, rather to have a combines the ability of a true artist choice lying between Representatives validity? Of course as long as they Fremont, $3,300; Columbus, $2,200; Albert Rossdale and Nathan Perlman, Nebraska City, $1,550; Hastings, ed demanding that an impartial com- their adoption was made, and the heart to heart talk—for Schwartz, in with the talent of a pedagogue who both of New York. do so insist, the law will protect them mittee be sent to Palestine to inves- payment of Omaha's $2500 is now, spite of his rpally great achievements understands thoroughly how to im$1,500; and Norfolk, $1,200. in their right to have alcoholic wine. It is undf>ntood that Rossdale is Omaha's pledges now stand at $60.- tigate complaints about the disturb- it is explained by the committee, a *ir the Yiddish* stage, is very demo- part his knowledge to the members willing to withdraw in favor of Perl- American religious liberty will not 000. Pledges in Omaha and Lincoln ances in the country, to establish what debt that must be paid. of his company and to make them act man if the latter desires the appoint- fail. But how can the clergy of any cratic and unassuming. secured during the week and up to Palestine costs the British taxpayer as one harmonious whole. The convention, for which $2500 is church retain public respect while ment. Real Drama on Jewish Stage. last night appear on page 2. Com- annually, to fix the amount advanced needed, will be the first held in continuing to affirm that only in Congressman Siegel's withdrawal A Message to American Jews. plete list of subscribers in Fremont the Palestine government, and to as- Omaha in 2-T years, and the com- "It is remarkable," he continued, grape juice aged enough to have would leave only one Jew in Congress, At the end of our conversation I and Columbus are also printed on certain whether the "Jews are the mitee emphasizes, in its appeal, the "what a change has taken place in acquired the poison of intoxication who IE thoroughly familiar with the page 2. Next week's issue of the most undesirable type imported into importance of its being here to the the audiences of our Yiddish theatres. asked Schwartz whether he would can there be found the sacredness uestion. at least of that are like to send a message to the public, ""JewtsETress-"' "witt-carry -the -Bames .Palestine-"... which. the God of heaven is willing ----rity, in-general, and to Hie developThis isJRfcpresentative Sabath of •parttetrfcerry ~ to -tBEgSBgiirit-Jgadm? of contributors in Norfolk and Has- Credence is also givsn in these state- ment of B'Nai B'Rith work in striving to~present"gezmiweTite&afure. to bless? Do they realty in^&riW ments to the report that British govOnly a few seasons ago, before Mr. American Jews ' wha frequent his Chicago, a Democrat, whose future in say that the liquid as He made it tings. Congress Ts^ however, .somewhat conparticular. Wilner and ;nyself opened the first theatre. At Nebraska City Sunday a mass ernment officials ave been completely "Yes," he smiled in reply, "I would jectural, pending the long delayed in the grape is not holy enough for elimiated, their places having been home for literarv drama at the Irvmeeting, attended bvjews only, raised decision of the House Elections Com- God to accept in the service of His ine Placp Theatre, a play lik» the I like you to tell the public that hon- mittee on the contest of his Repub- worship? There is no theological $1,550. John Sarbach has been elected taken by Jews. j 'Dibbuk' would be put on only on ! ors our theatre with its patronage lican opponent at the last election. city chairman, with I. D. Iseman, In justification of its new stand, the reason, even in the most extreme Daily Mail offers the alleged opposispecial occasions, s=uch as benefits, • that they must keep in mind what it secretary-treasurer. Contributions reRomanist theories, for insisting on Sabath appears to be optimistic tion to Zionism by the Board of Jewand performances for organizations means to keep a theatre running, about the favorable outcome and all an intoxicant liquor at the altar of ceived at the meeting follow: ish Deputies and the Anglo-Jewish OMAHA-LINCOLN L U N C H E O N that wished to have this or that particularly one like the Yiddish Art agree that his removal would be God; nothing but precedent can be M. K. AVosselL - * M».i*\ WILL BE HELD NEXT classical work produced. I dare say, Theatre. They must remember that catastrophic to Jewish interests, par- thought to require it. But no ChristW. A. WeineU »««' Association. I D. Ispmnn MONDAY. I the Yiddish Art Theatre has suc- th? entire burden cannot and should ticularly if Siegel withdraws. Weizmann Accepts Northcliffe Hope Goldberg _ ian precedent in that line is so strong Mike GoM — —~ ceeded in creating a new audience, not be piled upon one man. They Challenge as Jewish precedent. And the Jews Joseph Rartinch •l0("1 March will be a busy month for i or, rather, if not exactly new, then must therefore patronize the home of The suggestirns appearing in the Paul Sarhach have let their ancient habit go beTlobt. T. Cohu— Northcliffe papers, that an Enquiry members of Temple Israel Sisterhood. one composed of our intellectvals literary drama to the utmost, nor cause they see it outworn in a new B. Novak — .. Mrs. L. WesRell....Commission be sent to Palestine to At least three large affairs have been who have 'come back' now that they must they postpone too long seeing civilization. Are not Romanists and Rpuben Mnncte'Hon investigate conditions on the spot are planned, each of which will aid ma- can see real drama on the Jewish a play, because it is our aim not to Vlener Bros. (J. and V.) Episcopalians ready to be as good 10.00 J. run one play continuously, no matter welcomed by Dr. Chavim Weizman, terially in the development of the stage. Americans " "The late David Kessler, with how successful 'it may turn out to MOVIES TO BE FEATURE AT president of the World Zionist Organ- Sisterhood's work, and each of which SatnrHav's Temple Service will offer varied forms of entertainwhom I played in the same theatre be, but rather to run a variety of ization, who has written to the Times B'NAI B'RITH AFFAIR. Under Auspices of Council ment to the members and their for a number of years, was my in- literary plays so as to give an opsaying "Zionists desire nothing more RUSSIAN ACTORS of Jewish Women than the fullest publicity." friends. portunity to Jewish playwrights as spiration, and at the same time, inMore than 250 fathers and sons PRESENT YIDDISH Council Sabbath will be observed in On March 6, next Monday, Reci- directlv, my instructor in the drar.-*ic. well as to bring out works by foreign are expected to attend the B'Nai MELODRAMA HERE Omaha at Temple Israel Saturday procity Day between Lincoln and art. It is a matter of common authors." B'Rith Father and Son Banquet at Welfare Groups Combine "Orphans of the World/' a play in morning. The entire service, with Omaha will be observed, with a knowledge that Kessler used to chafe the Jewish Community Center, Sun- four acts, in Yiddish, will be presented in Social Dancing Party the exception of the sermon, will be luncheon and entertainment at the under the burden of chea,) melodra- MUST RESIGN FOR OFFICIATING day night, according to Harry Silverhere for one time only Sunday evenMothers and daughters, fathers and Blackstone Hotel. Some thirty mem- matic parts in which he was forced conducted by women. AT CREMATION. man, secretary of the lodge, who is ing at the Swedish auditorium. The Mrs. Samuel Nathan will offer the sons, will join in old and new dances bers of Lincoln's Sisterhood will at- to appear. I, too, suffered from this Berlin. (J. T. A.) The president of in charge of reservations. Many of prayer, and Miss Alice Adler will at the Blackstone Hotel next Wednes- tend. Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Singer and vowed that as soon as possible the Orthodox Congregation Ohel the unmarried members are adopting play written by M. Segalowitz, and read the Haftorah. "Come to God's day night at the dancing party given of Lincoln, both of whom are talented I would apply all my energy, all my! Jacob at Munich, Herr Frankel, has boys for the evening, Silverman brought to this country by Mr. Leon Gorlehko, the famous Russian Yiddish Temple with Reverence" will be the by the Jewish Women's Welfare musicians, will present an unusual efforts to build a home for literary been obliged to relinquish his post states. actor," is a modern melodrama. In subject of the address which Mrs. Isi- Organization and the Junior Welfare musical number, founded on Tenny- drama in Yiddish." because of his having officiated and The program for the evening is a this play there are a number of song1 Organization. i son's "Enoch Arden." Mrs. M. S. dor Ziegler will make, and Dr. Cohn's delivered an address at the cremation most attractive one and will consist hits that will be heard for the first More Literary Plays Produced. This is the second joint dance to | Miller is in charge of the luncheon, sermon topic will be "Offerings." MTS. j of a member of that congregation. of community singing, led by Arthur time in this city. Schwartz has indeed kept his prombe given by these two organizations, On March 5 a vaudeville entertainJules Rachman will play the organ Rosenblum, with Eugene Blazer at The production will feature Mr. and accompaniments. Miss Laura Goetz the first having been given last ment will be given at the Temple, by ise. The Yiddish theatre has been the piano, a talk by David Sher on Mrs. Leon Gorlenko, Anne Gorlenko j NOTED PHILADELPHIA JEW will give a vocal solo, and the regu- March, and is designed to promote the Temple Players under the direcgood-fellowship and co-operation be- tion of Mrs. B. R. Boasberg. The pro- Three Pioneer Citizens APPOINTED MUNICIPAL JUDGE what sons expect of their fathers, and Madame Rosetta Levenherg, all lar children's choir will sing. with a response by Leo Rosenthal, tween the senior and the junior wogram gives promise of presenting an The entire service is under the auPhiladelphia. (J. P. A.) Governor and an address by Martin Sugar- of whom recently arrived from RusDie Within Two Days sia, where they played in leading Sproul appointed "the noted Jewish adspices of the Council of Jewish Wom- men's branches of the Federation. entertainment fully as enjoyable as M. Holtzman, 58, resident of Oma-Ivocate, William Lewis, as municipal man. Movie comedies will conclude Jewish theatres. They Will be supthat given by the Temple Players last en. All women in the city are invited ported by an all star cast from both December. Full details of the March ha for thirty years, died from heart 1 Judge in this city to take the place of the entertainment. COWS EXCLUDED FROM to attend. the American and Yiddish stage. entertainment will be > given in next trouble Saturday night after a short Judge Bartlett. JERUSALEM. The company is now on a trans-conARAB DELEGATION APPEALS Jerusalem. (ByMail-^T. P. A.) The week's issue of "The Jewish Press." illness. Judge Lewis, who is 37 years old, LEAVES GENEROUS GIFTS He was active in local Jewish or- was bom in Lachovetz, Lithuania, and TO JEWISH INSTITUTIONS tinental tour of the larger cities in TO CHRISTIAN FANATICS Government has notified all dairymen This affair is being presented for ganizations and lodges, and is surLondon. (J. P. A.) The Arab dele- and those owning their own cows to the benefit of the Hebrew Union .Col- vived-by his wife and two daughters, is one of the foremost Jewish com- New York. (J. P. A.) The will of the United States. After Completing gation is utilizing the atmosphere sell them or to move without the city lege Dormitory Fund, as is also the Ann and Sarah of Omaha, and two munal workers in Philadelphia, He Julius Kayser, head of Julius Kayser this tour, the company will play in created by Lord Northcliffe's reports limits. This measure is taken not card party which the Sisterhood is sons, Dr. Harry Holtzman of St. Louis was the chairman of the Keren Have- & Co., who died March 9, 1920, was San Francisco, whence it will embark sod drive; chairman of Law of the filed for probate yesterday. Mr. Kai-for the Orient. on Palestine conditions to infuriate only to preserve the beauty of the i planning to give at the Blackstone on and Paul of Zeigler, 111. Order Brith Sholom. He is also the ser was interested in various Jewish city, but also as a sanitary precaution. March 22. Mrs. Cora Wolf, who is the fanatic Christians. Mrs. Lea Weinstein, 80, a resident director of the Congregation Beth Is- institutions in the city. He left $10,- LATVIA GRANTS ITS At a meeting held by those affected in charge of this affair, states that it Jamfil, one of the members of the of this city for thirty years, died SunMINORITIES NATIONAL AND delegation, in the course of an address by this ordinance, it was decided to will be one of the most elaborate of day night at the home of her son, A. rael and President of the Har Sinai 000 each to the Hebrew Orphan AsyLodge of the Order Brith Sholem. CULTURAL BIGHTS build a new quarter outside the city lum, Mt. Sinai Hospital, United Heits kind ever held locally. ' to the 1900 Club, asked whether all G. WeinStein, 2421 Charles street. brew Charities, Hebrew Sheltering Riga. (J. T. A.) Minority groups the rejoicing among Christians when limits. In the meanwhile the govShe is survived by five children, A. and Immigrant Aid Society and to of Latvia have been declared autonoAllenby entered Jerusalem and freed ernment was petitioned to postpone GENTILE MINISTER G. Weinstein and H. B. Weinstein of CONVERTS PROPERTY INTO the effect of the order for nine the Montefiore Home, and $2,500 to mous in the' administration of their it from Turkish yoke is to have been ENDORSES KEREN CASH TO WORK FOR ZIONISM Omaha; Mrs. F. Cohen of Omaha; in vain, since the Holy City is being months. There are altogether 50 HAYESOD Mrs. M. Stone of Chicago; and A. New York. (J. P. A.) Julius Nes- the Girl's Hebrew Technical School. national and cultural affairs by prohanded over to the very people who families affected by this order. clamation adopted at a second readIn the course of an address on the Weinstein of New York city. She son, a wealthy Boston real estate crucified Christ. ing of the Constituent Convention. Keren Hayes od made recently by the leaves twenty-four grandchildren and owner and a" prominent Zionist sold HUNGARIAN JUDGE SUSPENDED AND TRIED The organizations of these minority at auction 3 million dollars worth of Rev. J. E. Congdon, minister of the two great-grandchildren. THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND FOR POGROM ARTICLE groups are publicly and legally recThe Council of Jewish Women hold FOREIGN JEWS IN GERMANY First Presbyterian Church, of Kansas Mrs. Edith Cohn, widow of B. property in order to realize cash without delay, preparatory to his deparBudapest. (J. T. A.) Supreme ognized. A special law is in process Berlin. (By mail-^J. P. A.) The City, the minister emphasized the Cohn, died Sunday at a local hospital a regular monthly meeting Monday ture for Palestine. Court Justice Foerster has been sus- of preparation, defining the jurisdicimportance of unity if successful reofficial census states that there are at the age of seventy. Mrs. Cohn has afternoon, at Temple Israel. Miss Repended-by the government following tion of these autonomous organizasults are to be obtained. He further not more than 300,000 foreign Jews Nesson haft been an enthusiastic been a resident of Omaha for thirty na SriyHer of Council Bluffs sang a in Germany. Thus is punctured the stated that he could not understand worker in Zionist ranks for many his publication of an article inciting tions, as well as methods of election. number of songs, Mr Martin Sugar- bubble of the "Jewish Menace" which how any Jew at the present .time years. Sha is survived by two sons, years. As soot) as his business affairs to pogroms on Jews. The minority languages whichr are Sam and Isadora,'and two daughters. man gave a talk on "Shylock" and the anti-Semites have so loudly pro- could conscientiously remain aloof ROSP Cohn and Mrs. F. Goodman, all are cleared tip he •will, devote himself The deposed justice will also face recognized in Official use will also be announced shortly. claimed. to the upbuilding of Palestine. a disciplinary tribunal. Miss Bessie Horn, gave a reading. from Zionism. of Omaha-

Northcliffe Papers Launch Anti-Zionist Campaign in England

Congressman Siegel Expected ToReceive Federal Appointment

Sisterhood Plans Affairs to Benefit Dormitory

Expect Over Two Hundred At Father, Son Banquet


Other Faiths Urged to Copy Jews'Example

PACE 2—THE JEWISH PJtESS THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1922 Bof»lr Anriptfp Knv'.rh Tom floyil Re Hi I'erklns

THE JEWISH PRESS Pnbltahtd evety Thursday at Omnti*, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brtmdeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Subscription Price, one year....... Advertising rates furnished on application.


ln! l!ro« nf*1 Ahnrr





llenry IKIVP

I.iiiiil .. & Kon RrhnfT

(iiilzmcr <;roc<-ry I T . A. II. I/Piisclien .... f n u i k I'nwpll .f. II. I m l e A. J. r i i l l l l p s • i. II. U'nllprs (lurry Blliotl

NOT PRINTED F0fi PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the pabllcation of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. CHANOH OK ADDRESS— Plwme ptr« Imtb the old Ind new t* inrs and iJgn joat name.




AllHTt ...

.1. W . Klllntt l>r


Mrs. M. Brodkey entertaineS at her io«>T Bernard of the German stage. In We sit around the table like cold- City. The Misses Dorothy Guggenheim and Bernice laeberman assisted home Thursday afternoon in honor blooded frog3, Who live out their lives in the watery the hostess in serving. of her daughter Mrs. J. Arkin, of movies. bogs; Omaha. Paul Davidson, the well-known EuMr. and Mrs. Albert Speicr anropean screen director, saw great pos- Well! if we have fallen on watery nounce the birth of a daughter, He- The Hebrew Speaking Club he'd days, sibilitles in Lubitsch a s a creator of | thfiir regular meeting, Tuesday evenLet us, too, like them, croak a paean moving picture spectacles, and in in praise 1 y17 inducted him into that work. Miss Esther Arenson returned home ing at the Hebrew Institute. Of water, dear water. His success was almost immediate. Sunday from Omaha. j Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pill announce the

' r.'.iMjlDlB ! he was induced to go into the

A Iv VdlllPi-

I'. N S l c v r n s i l l l J 11. .Min-R 1'. I I . l l n l u l f

It was Lubitsch who discovered Even Jehudah Halevi does not dis- The Daughters of Israel will ^ive aj engagement of their daughter. Rose, Pola Negri, who was a t that time an dain occasionally to air his humor in .0 Mr. Louis AgTanoff, =on of Mr. and unknown cabaret singer. Her charm witty lines like those on "The Grey dance, March 14, at the K. of C. Hall Mrs. S. Agranoff, of this citr. A reThe proceed? will go toward the "War and her talent, combined with his Hair": ception was held Sunday a t the home Relief Fund." j directorial skill, made "Carmen or of Mr. and Mrs. Pill in honor of their ""! (»yp sv Blood" one of the best-known One day I oh*arvcd a gray hair in my daughter. head, pictures in tho world market. Then followed "Passion," "Deception" and I plucked it right out, when to me it The Jewish Educational Alliance thus said: i hold a meeting Sunday evening, at the "One Arabian Night," all of which Thou mayest smile, if thou wilt, at thy The Mt. Sinai Brotherhood gave a Hebrew Institute. After the meeting ho directed. 1 dance Wednesday evening nt the treatment of me, In "One Arabian Night" Mr. Luan entertainment was held followed by Social Center. I a dance. bitsch played the "clown," one ofBut a score of my friends soon will make mock of th"e. tho finest screen characterizations seen in America. He is 29 years old. Ben-Zeeb makes rich fun of a miser —The Chicago Israelite. in the following lines:


to happen with the who when they returned to the "VVJint is j . Col i l l s nlicr fnovement for the American Jewish United Stales, delivered their reports, JI H. I nN . yI n iW liiinl uonarreps? Since the fateful Philn- and with the adjournment of the Con- C. C l l n n l v (Hilly I . ;lelphia session, when the first Con- gress sine die, withdrew to a large Krii'tiil I'nnl I'.'xr I I . Kii|«ll.-y extent their personal responsibility gress adjourned sine die, it has been M. ltot>crl iinn subjected to the vagaries of Jewish for the further activities of the Con- V. l , m b » l n e i ' r I'.lllliTP life, rising and falling, manpuvring gress. This took away from the Con- Ml nii7.fl IjlTIIROII llro*. gress a great deal of its authority. Olio MtT/. | for place and opportunity in t|io A miser once dreamed he had given It. created confusion, It made it scheme of American Jewish * 'n 11 I In rm« away tions. No one doubts the validity |of difficult for who assumed sub- Win 'l-lili Some bread to a beggar he met on the . II. Mmjlli She principles upon which the move- sequently responsibility in the dev-W (Chicago Israelite.) |>r. TU-Blntr way. ment was founded. There is theelopment of tho Congress movement K o i f c r l y I ' h l l l l p R One usually associates the works of In terror he awoke ,and he solemnly <ipo II. Uriiilwr same need for it now that there was t» wjeld an influence that would in- II. I I . r » \ i i n ... Jewish medieval writers with all that swore ... . 9t the time when it flamed into life. spire1 general confidence. This J(l(> I H ) \ V I I .1 V Mnrilml is serious and profound. Theology, That the rest of his life he would It is said that even the pallid spectre handicap must be overcome. It. canShi Itlcli philosophy, Bible, law, and grammar t! roil f •'« l slumber no more. V Sf the Congress acts as a restraining be overcome, At a small meeting II. Mlcsdlvr K I are the subjects of which they usually Rl l i k n Influence upon anti-Semitic govern- held * in NewYork Inst week, Dr. I oliimlina P n i n l r "" treat. Hut thoy had their lighter mo- AN INSTITUTE FOR THE ments abroad. It is also a check Wise reiterated his faith in Jewish V. V K l l t n . IHI I ments—some of these learned greyf K . I> . - v l l n . . RESEARCH OF CANCER TO upon unlicensed activities of honpeople. It was decided at this meet- Tcinv imp MuKi'liPiiroR beards—to which we owe some fine BE FOUNDED IN PALESTINE representatiVe Jewish organizations ing to step forward with confidence T. \V. AiUms . Men v« .i i "o ! specimens of Hebrew humor. Berlin. (By mail.—J. I'. A.) A at home, lint a strange paralysis and proceed with the arrangements l l . I In irrwnn l mi wealthy Jewish merchant of Mecklen( o r l I t l i o . l p afflicts it. I t has not yet overcome for the holding of elections. Those .1 A . I ' o l l l i " One of the wittiest of their number burg has donated, a large portion of the confusion that was created when who are now vested with responsibili- l l r v \V I U l n U l T t no was the. celebrated Biblical commenta- his wealth for the purpose of foundll.lo. r it adjourned without date and im-ty in the Congress movement, should I'r.-.l tor, Ibn Kzra, who, like so many men l,otl)(a <!ltir ing in Palestine a scientific institute vy . . mediately was resurrected. Theretake advantage of tho opportunity .I,I n h nII WI ,'•» I mi of genius, could never succeed in earnHtlui I IHI were those who believed that the that confronts them of raising tho l l l m l i l ' i i l I'riitf «*». ing a livelihood. Whatever he touched to investigate the cause and remedies 1 IK) l'rixl (inlii'rnip.vrr movement would come to an end with Congress to a position of authority turned to brass. But he made clever for cancer. This donation has been fun of his misfortune in the following given over to the Zionist committee the closing of the doors of the first and influence. It may bo that the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR witty lines: j for the founding of a Hebrew Unisession. Its record was made and enthusiasm for it has subsided, but versity in Jerusalem where 'here will To the Editor: placed in the archives, and that was that enthusiasm can be rea\Vakened In vain I labor, all my toil is vain, be department for scientific research. Allow me to correct the statement the end of it. But inasmuch as itby conservative and responsible Kor never can I boast of riches' gain; represents a natural development in action. We do not doubt that it in the last issue of the Jewish Press The fates have frowned upon me, American Jewish life, and expresses would now be possible to bring to- that "the first convention of Jewish since my birth, a need which still persists, it con-gether tho Congress ami make the Women over held in Omaha, will be And failure is my portion here on tinues to live. It suffers from the beginning in the establishment of aheld in IVcembcr." In 1R08 during earth. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Polsky. who have handicap that whatever moral author- permanent American Jewish Organ- the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, the been spending the winter in Los AnNational Council of Jewish Women ity there was in it was given over ization in accordance with the views Were I to take the notion in my head geles, returned home Tuesday. held their mooting here. All the N'ato the committee that was ,«mt toof the original promoters of tho To deal in shrouds, the cerements of tional officers worn here, including the Peace Conference at Versailles. movement.—Tho New Palestine. At the recent mooting of the memthe dead. Trrp. Mrs. Henry Solomon, and Secbers of Temple R'nai Jeshurun it was Then to establish how ill-starred am I, retary. Miss Sadie American. Also voted to build a new temple. No many delegates from the larger cities. No man who lives on earth would ever building site has as yet been selected. die; At that time Mrs. Alexander Polack r>on S n l l r Kr«i|'ln»k v was president of our local section, Or should I try to make wax-candles Mr. and Mrs. Chas Shire announce OMAHA MIBB .Inillli•tin Krupinokv pay. ."•'m Mrs. Charles Rosewater, vlce-presiM 111 II..u.lII.' \i.||.in the birth of a daughter. Jane Ellis. From Fplirnnry 2.T to Mnrili I M iv ?IJJ!j dent for Nebraska, nnd through their The sun would shine by night as well * 2T.n 00 Mloo Svl.lil Karl Drown . ^ '-NMIIMI as day. Mrs. J. Spei:el of Salina, Kansas, p \ H Illil £'""j efforts was the \ . C. J. W. induced r H.IBPII Mr. ItlOIHI SPIIVVU is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles t IMI (III . . INI I to meet here. u . Morrlp II K Who would expect Ibn Gabirol, the Kerpr. An run urn no .1M m .Hwihnrt Simon. .i!U!l IWidr>: (he regular business sosi.evi-y. *. M. author of that sublime composition, Trim i M n r v A i; ..rniiin WlrtRhnftnr. tiiltvnnl ,-,(! IMI .1 Ki• s k i n ' "". sinns we bad a banrjuet and tea. "The Kcter Malchuth," to take a Unrris. U I,. . . . . 50 mi .1 t i l l IT'= A \ 1 l*fiinp The "Sisterhood" held their meet• Minimum, II. I" ._ "" The Omaha Woman's Club was hos-fling at "Volstead" and to have writnn no MiSK II.uutiuluip _ _ ing Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Si f li«iii'li>. Mil iti <if-l r>u mi tess to all womens" organizations and ten a rollicking wine song parodying .Inimlis, A t r M p . mi .nn M. T Sam Nefsky. The ladies were exU-..UT. IT. nn no all meetings wore held in its beautiful the meanness of a wealthy host LINCOLN Krpstnl. A . Til) IMI tended an invitation, through the S i i l i i m n , 10 club room?, then the First Congre- nained Moses? ^ no no Vmni IVIminry rn trt Mnrrli President, Mrs. Gertrude Guggenheim, 'i'illlp. HPII M gational Church. We ha«l one lar>re ! Hllverniiin. Marry '.Ti IMI I ' I I M H . M t i y p r . N « M V Y . » r f c t ' l t v to atteried n luncheon in Omaha on S u m N p f i i N v . . 1'itlli. I.imU public meeting at which we gave a Full sweet of a~,truth is the sparkle •Ti IMI fliiii'lro, II. y Monday. March 6. to be given by the of special invitation to our Omaha WornJtprkinvilz. J>;ivp v mi.' *'l"tliinir an tni inoi Omaha Sisterhood. AVnJf. Mrs. Cum It ii r n hi) in flub. Our speaker was Rabbi I " « t surely we miss this blessing di.Sorlptv Hti:lii|pi>. I'"IIUPIHP a m i Jpiuipltp Z7\ IMI en-s Hnrklpy tomiBky. l'lili 2r. IK> \V vine. Mr. and Mrs. X. Lieberman received wind Emil Hirsch of Chicago, and never 2A !KI I "'HHPr K. I'urkpil Mttnsky. MII. i'fiiMl '•>'""»'iy flpniipr. And how can we waken a song or a informally Sunday afternoon compliS p p n l . II has anyothrr speaker before the .>.-. nn Hnrnh KI>CT.|».III Till (*\ iliiiiliplt, M 2"i IMI Ii '^•*'*'*! laugh mentary to their house guests, Mr. ltrfckt .hinib ... . . :ini«i Omaha Women's Club created the •>'-. mi' American Auto 1'arts J Hep. Km nfc .. _. _ ' ° " tko Kill. .. .. When we find that we simply have and Mrs. Harry Hene of New York 2K. 1 K1; wonderful impression that he made. TiPrtipr, M _ . .. Hr K. » . l-'iunpy nothing to quaff Jtoiisiiers. Itpiij 20.(M) I'll 111 II l l n l m "-I'XI showing the learning and character of I Iuli Mtink, .tufcp 2 0 IMI Ml?pah But water, mere water? .Inlui II Mnorp \;f>nn the educated Jew. .insknlek, MSIIIPIPIIIP mm Mr I <• I'hllhrl.k Kn-iitii Si>,i"ty Harry H. Lapldnt. Pres Treat. {•ftim! At our banquet the speakers bo; 1 ."< IM) V .1 Sriwvpr Muslim its. Miitnii _ . The banquet has little contentment to Jos. Tppper. Vice President. : s I' W a l l o w . i;\i>tpr, Nnl> l."> I D I \\ ftiwipin. Al>i> \V<V\ 'des the otTicers. were Susan B. AnW G. L"rc. Seeretnrj. ; I. II \lll»l>:lllKtl I'_' IMI bring, MitakiVrifs. M » \ M. M Ai-ki'nii:iii 12.1*1 Mrs num thony. May Wright Sowell and Mary Hi>tir»(f, .to«i>iih I I . . Bears little incitement to joke or to 10 m l II I) l i n m i t r l i Omaha Fixture & I Hl.>.'k. Hitvi' Iv to'IMI (iiM-nrd Andrews. I feel it is due us linn I TViW'r, Ktnulpr s _ . ., sing. in IMI I .P. Sinhr Wblfpbonk. Mnrtiii !!!!»! P*on««'rs who blazed the trail to make Supply Co. i 1o on A| Tolnml When the potions we hoped to our fu.Alpirti, 1sml»r Iin d no IH) I 1 ' n r l riiilp V Ki " •«• this correction. COMPLETE STORE AND i Hnlhimler. tr . . . .. . ' 1 1 ture would fall in IMI I I" " " V o l s U v .^••liimnipl, Alit-am H . _ Very tru'y. ; mi OFFICE OUTFITTERS \ K»p|\n Hi'liMJ. H . Turn out in the end to be nothing a t 1 IK1 ii> nn T. S. Allon Frtimkln. Max . . _ .. . . . "A PIONEKK.We occupy i Ira K. Atkinson

Medieval Jewish Humor



Tour Party £PassionPlay AT OBERAMMERGAU and visit (wenty-two European cities, including Coblenz. Berlin, and the Zeppelin Headquarters; also, a trip through the Black Forest. 1 RAVEL TO EUROPE as a member of ovr personally conducted Tour Party, by the famous Steamer "Orbita", of the Royal Mail Line, "THE COMFORT ROUTE". Omaha. Mny 7th In chartered with Ilendonartprs of the Americnn rmimnns stop overs nnd sijrhtArmy of Occupation a trip through fcppine nnriipfi nt Chlraco. Wnslithe lioiintifiil Mospl V'allev and on .riCton and NPW York Saillnc '.IIP maiestic rivpr Ulipin Colocie New York Mny 12th with *ts famous fnthpilrnl and The following rities and points ot Hannover the Metropolis ol Middle «npprlor tnrprpst will be risifei] (ifrniiinv where tho I'nrtv will Ilnmbiirs Berlin Lrinsic Presdon 'pnipnrnrelv riisl.aiul each mein''er Weimar. Nuremberg. Munich thp to visit friends or relative* tn other Piission Plajnt (Jhernmmenrau parts of Knrope or to continue hie I, on the Modenspe with Frii-d sicht-sppinc trip on his own nart. rlchshafen. Hpadaunrrers ot HIP On July 27th the Party will niinin Zeppelins. n trip thronsrh the assemble in Hamburg tn jointly wor,drnu« Black Korest Karlsruhe make HIP return trip July 2'ilth on Heldelbcrc. Frankfurt W'iesbnden thp steamer "Orduna" of the lioynl' Kiiilestipim on the Uhine. Coblenz Mail l.iui'.


\ |



^••Invtirlz. Vh. „ Alirahniiipoit, I.... _ . . . Kktituils. A .. fi'oper, A AVuIf. Minnie I I . . . lipvlnp, !) _...-._.. AVUfctn. 1 , _ K«r?.iti:in.

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Fnlon MrB. Sara Nnpoinniok,ft...._.. BnrBOn. If.

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'Carl Kranipr A- San ISO 01) Virst National llnnk .... 100 00 <Vn(. XnMnnitl Hunk . 100O0 Nam Knx-irh 100 00

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Hnrwilj •n llrns. . .1.


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. A s 25.00 C A .Ool. Slatp Bank T On 25 00 R 25.00 Snieop Rower Co 2.VO0 Ool. P.IPI & S(<? 20.00 ThurstOTi Hotel 20.00 Oomifi. National R«nk F Stsro Bk Bank _.. .Tohn U. T>nv<"hen 20.00 S t 4 h O JIH H i 10.00 10.00 Kvans Olinic ..._ io<yl Sam Wtfnfiteln lO.Ofi 10.00

j n e Monovit?. . - . f»am MokofsVy >IIBS Uuby Kavich.; Sa>n RoRpri •. M a x . Trat-htenberg J webmnii _... A. M. KrapinSky ,T, AVolf ..,

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._.„..— ._.„ Share _ FJPV.IIW RWVT°MSil"'Z~Z;"I"Z;; S.O0JH-. .vr. Al>ts. Co. ..,..^. ....-.,—,... S.OO K.OO


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s.oo Barnej- VfiTWfsKTv.™-.— ..—


X.ithanipl Mrs. MOP Sharp 10.00 A. Du & Son 10.00 Henry s Oo.. .... ift.OO Ool. mlry 1000 . & "C. Co.





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K. \Veiuhfitg' Kr A. nody,..^. ..i...._. B



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all. But water, yes v a t v -


5.00 5 IV) Ktln'l Unwpn. Auburn. NPI>. . ft 01)




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«T. A.

11 it 7,i 1 I>pllnrt, Vnlr II Kn«(pli\ I in.-i'ln Krosl A. linrlnpr _ S D Uy,\o _ . It M. l.pavilt l'r. r I" I,n.I.I Lincoln 1'nivpr ('» \pl»rnRka School of • "liris HookP W. A K t^porin* 11.

5Oll U. T. KnnVo n.OO Or Knfp 5.00 i Annn K Vocko r\no KtbPl \Vnri*»l

Hrnvrn, Tlenbon H.

Name Address

fct»Bm«hll» Tlckft. Tonrtxtn Anil Foreign Kxrhnnsre Agry. lSOT l l o n n n l St^. Omalin. Nf<br>


in. oo l)r B. V. Bnilpy in on ftlslp 1'ppoon . i\no o . KiwMir.

DntjsroflT, 11 I.miiPl\ Mi'R. M.....I. WtolPr. Ti-nilorp...._ fcfttinson, .Tack

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TRAGEDIES Th* man speeded up to see if he could beat th? t ~ i n to the crossing. H e C O U L D N ' T -Columbia Ctato. The man struck r. match to see if the gasoline tr...'.. was empty. I t WASN'T""*-'"" 1 1 1 1 3 1 ' Enquirer.

& fthgM* ..... l?fos. .;.....«..^.^*_*.-__...._»


.-iim' To the Kditor: %!*'! Enclosed find check for $2..S0 for Good Moses of 0I4 caused the waters subscription to t h e Jewish .- IMI year s to flee , niMi .-> n o Press. 1 find your publication t o boAnd let all his people dryshod o'er the excellent. You are providing a sea; rvoo need in this section of the land. But Moses, our host at the precedent ,imi Respectfully r» i*) frowns. f\ o n (Signed) Rabbi Jacob Singer, !V00 Lincoln, NeVir.

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Europe's Most Famous Film Director}

And us, his poor guests, he unflinchingly drowns In water, cold xrater.

Tho oyos of the American film in- , dustry have tx*en focustni on Ernst I 200,00 Lubitsch. tho young German director,; 125.00 who moro than any other foreign ; 100.110 mak«r of pictures has ostablishod j 05.00 himself as a man of. international ! 30.00 reputation. He has recently arrived ; .•ift.rtl from Europe and is now in New j svoo 50 Oil York. Ho brought with him the film | 50 00 of "Pharaoh's Wife," his new picture j .TO 0 0 no.oo The parents of Ernst Lubitsch in- 1 » 25.00 tended that he should be a cloth mer- ( 25.00 chant. The boy, after his course in 25.00 25 00 the Gymnasium at Berlin, from which 25 00 25 00 he came with the equivalent of a 25.00 25 00 jrood hij?h school education, was put 2-5 00 to work in his father's store in Ber25.00 25 00 lin to sell linens and woolens. The 25.00 25.00 elder Lubitsch had gained a compe2500 tency in the textile trade. The son,1 25.00 25 fW however, felt that he could -not get 25.00 2A.O0 along in life without being an actor. J.VO0 Finally he was taken up as a pupil 25.00 2A.O0 by Vktor Arnold, one of the leading 20.00 15.00 comedians of Germany. By this time 15.00 Lubitsch had made such progress that he

the consent of M* family

i<vfHV to go on with, what he considered his \t oo! career. He became a super in the 2«<^.Max Ecinhardt productions. moo, 10.0A: a small part in "Sumurun, : which j 16 filled •"rith credit. seveTid 3000J . ^ ^ csme ***** o f lAJoft hant success in comic Hebrew narts, jtifitt which made Labitsch a




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The man looked down the barrel of his c*>n to ssc if it was loaded. It W A S - " "




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The man touched an electric wire to sec if it was alive.

It WAS~ K o < l a k r " r k BuIletin The man didn't bother to put on safety goggles, because "there wasn't any use."


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The man touched the blades of an open knife switch.

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Suits, Top Coats and Gaberdines ROM extra quality worsted suits for men to young men's and students' models in specially designed suits. From oxford vicuna Chesterfields to Gaberdines and novelty weaves in Spring Top Coats—an amazing value demonstration awaits you at Greater Nebraska today at $25 and $35. «







x'AGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1922 The Junior Welfare Organization ill give a one o'clock luncheon on aturday, March 4, at the Brandejs .'ea Rooms. A good program has >een arranged for the afternoon. Miss Flo Shames is in charge of reservations.

Mr. T. £". Dobris, of Minneapolis, requested to bring thread and needles I Mr. and Mrs. I. Krasne and daugh- Nathanson, Marion . Katelman, and powerful • problem -confronting every was the guest Sunday of his sister, to make handkerchiefs for the or-ter of Oakland, Nebr., are visiting Ida Hoffman. married woman and every young girl phans in Palestine. Mrs. J. M. Erman, and Dr. Erman. with their parents Mr. and Mrs. M. in this country.' It is a problem that The Blossoms of Zion held a meet- is big and vital and near to millions Krasne. At the meeting of the Young JuA Valentine party was given at the ing Sunday afternoon with their su- of people in the little country villages, home of Miss Edith Kenyon by thedeae Junior Club which was held Miss Marion Cohen left Friday for pervisor, Miss Fannie Katelman. Miss and the big towns. "Flappers." Covers were laid for ten. February 26 at the Jewish Community Gretna, Nebr.j where she will visit Lillian Steinberg was elected presi"What Do Men Want?" is a vivid Ann Zalk also entertained "The Flap- Center, Miss Bess Farber gave several with her brothers. dent; Rose Shyken, vice-president; portrayal of a cond;» on in our Amerrecitations followed by charades by Members of the. dramatic class con- pers" at her home this week. Dorothy Saltzman, secretary; and NOGG—BROWN The Resh Ayin club will meet this Fannie Micarney, treasurer. A recita- ican life that is adding thousands of the various members. The wedding of Miss Ruthe Brown, ducted under the auspices of the Jewevening at the home of Anita and tion by Tobie Katelman and a reading names to the appalling list of divorce Mrs. S. Robinson, who has been at ish Women's Welfare Organization at daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. the Wise Hospital for the past week, At the meeting of the Macceabees Martin Gluckman. by Ida Hoffman formed the program. cases that threaten to undermine our Brown, to Nathan Nogg, son of Mr. Lake School will furnish the program is reported as improving. held at the Jewish Community Center, for the vast monthly assembly of all home life of today. The Junior Council will meet this and Mrs. M. Nogg of Council Bluffs, "The Ideal Six" met at the home Sunday, February 26, a mock trial Mrs. Wm. Holzman, who with Mr. was evening at the home of the Misses will take place Sunday evening at the students in the public school recreaof Mrs. Henry Madoff Tuesday eveheld. i Esther and Helen Cherniss. Blackstone hotel, Rabbi Morris N. tional classes of this organization. Holzman has been visiting in Cuba ning. Prizes were won by Mrs. S. "Jewish Press" Ads Bring Results. The meeting will be held Saturday af- and Panama, returned today. Mr. Taxon officiating. Rosenthal and Mrs. Madoff. Miss ATHLETICS at the Jewish Community Holzman is expected Saturday, havMiss Frances Nogg, sister of theternoon Mr. and Mrs. D. Freidman enter- Edith Slotsky, Sioux City, won the The Y. M. H. A. and Thorpeian Center. In addition to the dramatic groom, will be the maid of honor and entertainment several musical selec- ing been detained in New York. Athletic club teams played their last tained for seven guests at their home guest prize. Morris Linsman will be the best man. tions will be given. Harry Ravitz, Louis Somberg and games at the Commercial league Sunday evening. The Misses Edythe Freiden, Mollye Clyde Krasne returned Monday to the Wednesday evening. The Thorpeians Ralph Levine of Sioux City, la., The question which Lois Weber Teacher of Singing Horwich and Faye Gerelick will he Miss Charlotte Herschberg has just University of Nebraska at Lincoln, finished the season in third place spent several days in the Bluffs visit- asks and answers in "What Do Men Residence Studio: the bridesmaids and the Messrs. returned from a trip to Chicago and after spending the week-end in and the Y. M. H. A. finished fourth. Want?" her latest screen sensation, 211 So. 33rd St. Harney 205"; ing with friends. Maurice Gilinaky, Norman Brown and the east, where she has been visiting Omaha. The Thorpeians were defeated by showing at the Sun Theatre, is a Charles Feldman will be the grooms- with relatives and friends during the The Afternoon bridge club met the fast Councils Bluffs High school men. The ushers will be the Messrs. past month. Tuesday afternoon at the home of Y. M. H. A. NEWS. team by a score of 12 to 7. The Y Jarvis Freiden, Ernest Nogg, William Mrs. Simon Whitebook. The semi-monthly joint meeting of team met defeat in a hard fought The Ra-Oth Society will hold its Racusin, Nathan Horwich, Lawrence Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. will be held game against the World-Herald team Messrs. Ben and David Kubby have next meeting at the home of Miss the Krasne and Harry Perimeter. Little next Monday evening at the Jewish by a score of 13 to 10. arrived from Cicago, 111., to make Bernice Waxman will be the flower Jeannette Marcus, on Sunday after- Community Center. A program has their home here with their uncle, M. girl and Irving Nogg will be the ring noon, March 19th. been arranged. D. Richman and brother Harry Kubbearer. After a wedding trip Mr. and COUNCIL BLUFFS Mr. A. M. Lesser, who has been by. Both boys were formerly of Mrs. Nogg will make their home temvisiting here with his daughter, Mrs. More than seventy-five couples atOmaha. porarily in Omaha . tended the Association dance held last 'i he Junior Auxiliary of the Council Henry Monsky, and Mr. Moonskv, for The out-of4own guests attending the past month, left Wednesday Saturday nig-ht. The next dance will of Jewish Women held its annual bunThe children that vpr*1 the wedding are Mr. and Mrs. Sam morning, for his home in San Fran- be given on Saturday, March 11. co party and entertainment Sunday prizes for the month of February in Cherniss of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. H. cisco. The Y. M. H. A. Juniors Basketball afternoon at the Eagle's hall. Over the Talmud Torah classes were Morris Waxman and daughter cf St. Louis team won by forfeit from the Benson seventy guests were present. Miss and Misses Gertrude Fogelson and Mr. Dave Rosenstock is spending Junior High School team. The Y. M. Ruth Bernstein gave several solo Tillie Polsky of Lincoln, and Mrs. the week end in St. Paul. Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop H. A. Junirs claim the Jewish Junior dances. Greenstone and daughter, Minnie of Phono 104 Club Basketball championship. Games Miss Blanche Frank returned toMiss Edythe Slotsky of Sioux City, Lincoln, Nebraska. Hie Best of Evervthtnjt In Flowers and day from an extended visit to Toledo, may be booked through Captain, A. Iowa, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Contortions »• Moderate Prices Handler, at Harney 6853. Many affairs were given during New York, and Chicago. Charles Saltzman. On Tuesday Miss M.I W It roadway Nozt Liberty Theater the week for Miss Brown. On The following clubs will meet dur- Mollie Saltzman entertained for Miss Mr. Victor Rosewater left WednesIOWA Saturday evening Miss Faye Gere- day for Washington and New York. ing the coming week: Progresse and Slotsky at a luncheon followed by an lick entertained for twelve guests Yowoheas. on Sunday afternoon, and Orpheum party. To help turn the great wheels of industry, at a formal dinner party at her Mrs. J. Goldsmith, of Chicago, is the X. T. C. and Runa Clubs on TuesA son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henthere is perhaps no single instrument that comhome for Miss Brown and forvisiting with her sister, Mrs. J. day evening. ! ry Karlson Monday at the Mercy hosMiss Edythe Freiden, who is to be the Jacobs, and Mr. Jacobs. pares with the telephone. bride of Maurice Gilinsky. On MonTroop 2 of the Y. M. H. A. club pital. day evening Miss Frances Nogg en- Mrs. Paul Schaye returned from scouts- meets on Monday afternoon The telephone keeps the factory in constant Mrs. G. Whitebook returned last tertained for Miss Brown at a danc- Chicago after a ten days visit with under the leadership of Mr. John Be- week from a visit with her son Dave touch with the jobbing house, with the homes of ing party at Hansrom park. Over her mother, Mrs. S. Wexelman. ber. There are vacancies for ten Whitebook at Cedar Falls, la. its employees and officials, and with distant seventy guests were present. Mrs. Miss Clara Feldman will entertain boys betwe* n the ages of 0 to 12. Saturday to Wednesday cities, towns and villages. Mrs. B. Harding returned Friday Harold Zidell entertained this after- at her home Sunday afte;moon for Wm. Fox Presents from Excelsior Springs, Mo. noon at an Orpheum party which was ten guests. Of all modern conveniences for saving time and YOUNG JIDEAE NEWS. followed by a tea at the Brandeis effort, none perhaps is worth as much for the money The following officers were elected Mrs. Harry Monsky entertained the Mrs. L. Heller has received word Renaissance rooms. spent as is your telephone. that her niece, Miss Helena Heller, of at the Young Judeae Senior Club Sun- card club Tuesday afternoon. Miss Celia Richards, of San Jose, Los Angeles, has been selected from day: Anne White, president; Gertrude The evening club met Wednesday California, arrived Monday to visit a large list of applicants to sing in Tatle, vice-president; Mary Moscow, evening at the home of Mrs. S. Freiwith Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. She will Shubert musical comedies. Miss Hel- secretary; Lillian Rubenstein. assis- den. with WILLIAM FARNUM PHONE COMPANY NORTHWESTERN B spend the week-end at Sioux City as ler went to New York some weeks ago tant secretary; Fannie Dubnoff, treasA bitter lesson of the In guest of Miss Dorothy Rruger, re- to further her musical education. She urer; and Esther Potashni«~k, reporter, j Mr. and Mrs. G. Whitenook are now evil and peril of idle 111 turning to Omaha Monday. She leaves visited recently in Omaha< and dur- with Mollye Grossman, Ruth Bern- in their new home at 15 South Eighth gossip. next Thursday for Kansas City prior ing her stay sang at the Rialto Thea- stein, and Lillian Rubenstein, council street. members. Sarah Rosenblatt, Celia to her return home. ter. Kurs, and Hannah Filvan, were electMiss Annette Pizer is visiting in 'Hie Junior Welfare Organization ed members of the executive comKansas City and St. Louis. ' hold its monthly mating Sunday mittee. afternoon at the Jewish Community Miss Rose Gladstone is confined to A meeting of the B'nai Zion was Center. tier home with illness. held Sunday, February 26, at the JewMiss Verna Singer, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Mryme Krasne is cherishing a ish Community Center. All boys beJ. Singer, is ill with scarlet fever az piece of Polish money that came to tween the ages of twelve and fourher this week from her aunt. Miss teen are requested to attend the her home. Gitel Theodore, of Poland. The roin next meeting which will be held on One Week Starting Sunday A daughter was born Monday to has been a keepsake in the familv for March 12. Special plans are being A LOIS WEBER Mr. and Mrs. Harold Feil, of Cleve- many years, having been carried by made for the program and an excelPRODUCTION land, Ohio. Mrs. Feil was formerly Mrs. Krasne's grandmother through- lent entertainment for this meeting. Miss Nellie Elgutter, of Omaha. out the period of the war. The Flowers of Zion will hold an Mr. and Mrs. Jules H. Rosenbaum Dr. and Mrs. H. Hirshrnan enter- election of officers at their next meetare spending a few days in Kansas tained last Friday evening at briHge ing which will be held at the Jewish City. in honor of Mi'cs Esther Neiman, of Community Center, Sunday, March 5. The Biggest Heart Mrs. Alma Hirsch is now in Pitts- Minneapolis. Mrs. Frank Krasne A meeting of the Hatikvoh Girls Drama of the Year. DODGE BROTHERS burgh after an extended visit in Des entertained Wednesday at a one will be held at the Jewish Community o'clock luncheon, followed by bridge Sedan Moines and Cleveland. !•?•••••?:??••••?;••?••••••• at the Burgess-Nash tea' rooms, in Center on March 5. All members are A regular monthly meeting of the honor of Miss Neiman. Jewish Women's Welfare Organization will be held at the Jewish Com- Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon submunity Center on Tuesday, March 7. ject on Friday evening at Temple Israel will be "Building the Temple." Mrs. Walter Fleischer and twoOn Saturday morning his subject will children,•of .Philadelphia, are expected be "Offering." here soon to visit with Mrs. Fleischer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Miss Leah Solig recently arrived Kohn. from England to make her home in Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. M. Schech" Miss Anne Sigal entertained at a er. Before coming to Omaha Miss George Washington birthday party Solig visited with relatives in Madiat her home Tuesday evening. Twen- son, Wisconsin, and Chicago, for two ty guests were present, and the eve- months. njng was spent in playing games and dancing. Mr. Edw. Blumenthal of New The Junior Hadassah entertained at York presents the three ema costume party for members and Mr. and Mrs. B. Taxman, who are inent European Yiddish Stars their friends at the Jewish Communvisiting with Mrs. Taxman's parents, ity Center February 16. A "musical Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder, will remain for ten days,'after which Mr. Taxing operetta" and valentine games were will return to his home in Kansas the features of the evening. Prizes City, while Mrs. Taxman will go east for the best costumes were won by Miss Betty Fine and Miss Rae Bercu. to visit with friends there. Together With an All-Star Cast in the Greatest Success This organization meets on the first f-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller returned Wednesday of every month at jthe Monday from Colorado Springs. Jewish Community Center.

Social, Club and Religious Activities


Cecelia J. Feiler

Running the Factory



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Sunday Eve.

Mr. and Mrs Leon and Anna Gorlenko and Miss Rosetta Levenberg

.'.Mr. Norman Rotholz is confined to L. Silverman, who has formerly been hjs home on account of illness. connected with the L. G. Dovj- company and the Orchard and Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goldman, company, has recently opened a new formerly of St. Joseph, Mo., are makestablishment at 1141 North 18th St. ing their home in Omaha. Thev have Mr. Silverman is now doing the work taken an apartment at Theodore for the Blackstone Hotel.Terrace.


Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Korn, of New York, will arrive here soon to visit with Mrs- Korn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy. f'Miss Ruth Levy left Tuesday evening to spend the week-end with her brother. Dr. Simon Levey and Mrs. Levey in St. Louis. and Mrs. S. Krizelman entertained Sunday evening at their home infhonor of their sister, Miss Bertha Krizelman, who has recently announced her engagement. The evening was spent in 'games and dancing. Thirty guests were present.

F O R R E N T — centrally located room. Y o u n g man preferred. Box 152. "Jewish Press" or call JAckson 2372.

Monheit's Chiropodist and Beauty Shop

Established 1S90 10th and Harnvy Streets. Phono Douglas £333

ORPHANS of the WORLD Melodrama in Four Acts by Segalowits. This is one of the greatest Yiddish Plays that has ever been produced. PRICE: 75c, $1.00. Buy your tickets in advance at Bitels Kosher • Delicatessen Store, 310 North 16th St., and Hertsberjr's Grocery Store, 1417 North 24th Street.

SciJr;n, $1,595.00; Coupe, $1,410.00: Touring Car, J9S5.00; Roadster. $050.00; Panel Business Car, $1,083.00; Street Business Car, $070.00.

FOR SALE-Gent's Furnishings and Shoe Store. Good clean Stock, Fine LocationMust sell on account of sickness, Small Investment needed. A d d r e s s : Box 147 Jewish Press or Call JAckson 2372.






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ONCLE SAM HEALTH FOOD X l n . l * (>.r

tion in the various legislative bodies; the fact that he had for some time (Special Washington Correspondence.) participation in administrative and been holding under consideration a legislative branches of the govern- plan of appealing to the Lithuanian Copyrighted, Jewish Corr. Bur., 1922. ment, and the establishment of a spe- .Tews of this country, and less directWashington, February 16.—After a cial Jewish Ministry for Jewish af- ly, the Jews of America as a whole, most eloquent description of Lithu- fairs; the right to employ the Jewish for support of the Lithuanian Govania's friendship toward its Jews, as language at public meetings, in the ernment Third Loan, he campaign shown by its intention to confer mi- press, in the theatres, school, in all in behalf of which is now bei^g connority national rights upon them, and legal documents, in government of- ducted in thc United States. He told the complete absence of anti-Sem- fices; right to observe the Sabbath of his intention to confer with Lithu- | itism, Dr. Waldemar Carneckis, Lithu- and Jewish festivals and other tenets anian Jewish leaders in New York for anian Representative in Washington, of the Jewish religion, "not inconsist- that purpose, and since the interview was asked to explain if possible, why ent with obligations in connection he has held such a conference at the Poland, a near neighbor of Lithuania, with defense of the country in the Waldorf-Astoria, attended, according and the Ukraine also geographically maintenance of public order; autono- ; to the report?, by about forty men, intimate, manifested such an entirely my in internal affairs, as religion, so- where it was decided to organize a cial service, educational and cultural national federation of Lithuanian different attitude toward the Jews. development; education in Jewish Jews and resolved to wholeheartedly "t can offer no explanation whatever of this situation," replied Dr. elementary schools, to be obligatory, support the Lithuanian Loan, e universal and free; the units of au- j It is interesting to await the un- j 1 Carneckis, as he shrugged his shoulC ders with a smile. "What you saytonomy to be the local communities, [ folding of the above plan to enlist concerning the enmity of others the same to be considered as organs j Jewish financial cooperation. Dr. against the Jews, particularly on theof the government, with the right to ; Carneckis stated that in all probabilpart of Poland, is quite true, and isenact obligatory measures applicable ' ity as part of this work some promifamiliar to anyone who has followed j to their co-nationals and to impose nent Jewish leader of Lithuania will ! special taxes upon them." ' come to the United States for propa-

Do away with drudgery and make house-work a pleasure by the use events. Such hatred of the Jews is I of modern electrical appliances. inconceivable to me, as to most Lithu"According to the terms of this ganda purposes. anians. For centuries great numbers declaration, the Jews under Lithuj The "Electric Shop" is on the of the Jewish people have dwelt anian rule, have been enjoying the Relief A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Accepting j ground floor of the Electric build! amongst us, but we have always been privileges set forth. Of course the j F o O ( ] D r a f u F o r Ukraine. ing:, South-east corner of Fifteenth and Farnam streets. the greatest of friends. In the 15th exact lines of demarcation between | N > ww k ( J T A } ^ ^ ^ j century the (Irand Duke (sovereign's the authority of Jewish institutions title) of Lithuania invited the Jews and of the general civie agencies of tion with M. Mereshin's statement r**- i to settle in the country, and we have government and definition of the priv- ported yesterday from Riga, tho been living together on excellent ileges are not as yet specifically for- American Relief Administration has . ., • , . . . authorized uuun'iurn the m e *nr»>i>n Telegraphic Jewish terms ever since. ..^.c,.,., but thus far the Jewish . . f , , . , , , ,. . . c , Agencv to issue a statement that ;ne i "I do not want to assail the Polish population has been fullv satisfied f . : . . . . .*, , , ," ,. administration is accepting foon character, but having been brought up with the status developed, pending a , , , . , . . . , , i . . . ., drafts from individuals and organiza' myself among Jews, even to the oxpermanent arrangement. It is well _ . ! tent of being familiar with Yiddish, known all world , ,. over the ., . , .that ,the . or tions for Russia. the Lkraine, White Russia South While the adminis and knowing the Jews' habits and ,Ministry of Jewish affairs, provided psychology, I am obliged to express j by the declaration has been set uptration is conducting its relief •>>.the opinion that the fault lies not iand is in operation; and as a matter clusively in the famine areas alon:^ with thc Jews, but with Poland, or iof fact, the Minister of Jewish Af- J the Volga, they have an arrangement any other country who oppresses and jfairs, Dr. Soloweeik. is still engaged with the Ukrainian authorities permitting the distribution of forvi oi, hates the Jewish people." in the plans for the permanent legis! Dr. Carnockis has been acting as lation with respect to the system of food drafts of individuals or organizations in America. As an examp>. ' ! Lithuanian representative in Wash- Jew ish national autonomy." j the administration cited the M.-rI ington since lust fall. He ha.« alnonite Society of America which hai Will Carry Out Terms ' ready achieved distinction in his own sent relief to the Mennonrte Societ:e"1 have been a colleague of the ! country, having been Minister oi" Theodore Volz & Son Communications in the Lithuanian men who head the government of in U/kraine, the distribution of whicl, ! Cabinet prior to his departure for Lithuania, and I Hnow that the terms "was administered by the A. R. A. i TAILORS • America. of the declaration will be fully carried XtS-SS »rrurttlr* nnllttlne, out. The Lithuanian leaders fully ap- ANTI-SEMITIC MINISTER CARAs an associate of thc statesmen 16th and Fnrnam St». RIES JEWISH COIN AS Trt»phon*i Jnpknon S706 now at the helm of Lithuanian affairs ' preciate the right of the Jewish miCHARM. | nority to the autonomy which they he speaks therefore with added au- j Budapest. (By mail.—J. P. A.> expect and the leaders do not question thonty. j Count the Hungarian Minister The interview with Dr. Carneckis , this ripht. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" We are determined, as a matter of °f Foreign Affairs, who is a prolook place in the office of the Lithu- ' and buy them at principle, t.i treat the Jewi.-h. as well nouncej anti-Semite. al«a\ s wesr.anian Kurrau. housed in a fine old j :is thc White Russian r^nd Polish miabout his neck an amulet given him sumptious mansion near the George ' by thc orthodox rabbi of Clauscnbersr. Washington and American l'i\iver>i- , noritj with the ntmoj-t justice." 319 South 16th Street. ties. In appearance the Lithuanian ' Dr. Carneckis then declared he Rabbi Moshe Klausner. The minister Phone Douglas S400. representative reflects credit upon the ,would telegraph to his homegovern- firmly believes that this coin biesseii diplomatic service of his country, be- jment in Kovno for a report on the by the rabbi has kept him from harm TKI sr\n«Rirx*s ing a man of distinguished bearing, j present status of the question and ex- .during all the years of the war and s to receive a reply within a few j cherishes it as a most valuable treasNutrttJoni Mont* Mud* of refinement of manner, and days"I am sure that reply will set ure. This was relateovi by the minisPIES and COOKIES personality. Ho impresses you also in J with respect to the ter himself to a deputation of Jews all fears at with his earnestness and sincerity, pi at Your Grwvr. matter," he said. who visited him to protest ssrain.-: and one «Ws not have to converse Sundgren Pie Baking Co. with him long t<" discover that ho is Dr. Carneckis then took occasion to the antisemhie acts passed by his 4«»h nn.1 Hl.-l.orT. Atlantic a fine type of European culture, who call attention to the fact that a larg*. department. The minister in reply at the same time embodies the best portion of eastern and southeastern produced the omulet to prove that at qualities of a Lithuanian patriot. Dr.' Lithuania, including Wilna. w;vs in heart he WSLS no* ar.tti-Jow-ish. and Carnockis is a man evidently in thepossession and under military occupa- explained the welfare of the nation WnCtl.KSAI.K early forties, dark complexionod. j tion of the Poles, who had invaded sometimes demanded law s which did mjjjrists and Stationers • wears a pointed black beard, and ;u ithat region, known as the "Wilna ter- no! suit all the Jews. South 1Mb . . first glance reminds you somewhat of !ritory" more than two years ago. un'. \ our own Dr. Wetzmann. i dor the leatiership of the notorious : CATASTROPHE THREATENS ; i General Zoligowsky. "It is therefore f JEW^SH COLONIES IN RUSSIA \ I Promises National Rishls. j understood." he said, "that the Lithu- jj T o w i o n Why Bur Tin? y ,< j p A - > T v^ -Daily' BUT Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. j l>r. Caroockis oxpresse-d his sur- !anian Government is in no way re- 1 Telegraph** jr. today's issue published SAVKS v o r IIOXGV. '. prise at the report that the Jewish ,sponsible for the condition of the Jews !a j ^ p , ^ o n ^ ^ distress.5ntr siraation a lih ! i MID-STATKS WHOLESALE [ national right clauses were on- i Jewish agriculrurai cx»3onies in in this Polish occupies! territory. of GROCERS daujrewsi. declaring that it was news j Yekaterinoslav and St. to him that any responsible author- 1 When one reads reports of oppression ^ . The colonists hsv«. in against the Je\r s in the WUna ternitio-s in Lithuania had called into ques- i their storen p r lory.'he must know that the Pt>}es\m > tion the granting of national rights > dos:jwy*Ci. and and jiot Lithu3Ria«s, are responsible MAX OLSEN & CO. to tho J»w\ish minority. eat*'e and horsses I>(Mrthnt«r> for for it. In unoccupied Lithuania—that "Whatever the nature of these rubeen taken away by :.he rovSCHMIDT'S portion which oux braw seldiers have mors. I wish solemnly to declare my ' s of rtosrroniists. Foesus* of sufiwssfully dofend«3 against Polish Malta, Select, Bock. Ginger conviction -•»««! lo *>xten<i my uJ.most schools were oonspoS^ed to close Imperialism. Jews not only are never assvrancc that when tht> permanent a cosripiete exiinctiori of these Ale, Hire* Root Beer Main the objects of anti-Semitism, which is t«4 Lithuanian Constitution is ratified, it , Ofttrt-corxcit nirrrs. IOWA. (PS is imminest unless characteristic of the Polish occupied I wiU ocn'ain a clause in every way i wlsef be »«rr>tory. hut enjoy the national au! fullilUnji the declaration of my srov- i tonomy K> which I have referred, a ornmoiu. wa<V in August, 13U>. ' status thos* Jew-* resuient in the W53- JEWS WOUNDED IN WARSAW •n .grant**! promising to confer national rights. na territory have not . — „ _ _ - by . ', u»r»T <v : Of course yvu know," ht? con- |the PoJos. ' and Vegetables tinuoii. "tl\o provisional coa«tituiio« J Dr. C«.rneckb wferned U> Uw pro-) Warsaw. <J. T. A.) A iarpe nnn> a»iopt>tNi on April *, li^ld, contains $ho ; tcs? against O>> Polish military ec-" be^ of Jew^ \reiv atiacied &3sd sevfollowing: "AH the diijtens f>f th# • ion which the Lithuanian Gov-eral \wsn&?d in a rk»t «iu«evi by a State, invspectiv* of sex. nationality. • Leasrue of mob of Jew-iwdters who or ivligion. shall be equal before :he •Nations, but as vet the League has thc r$rilh*rawn*f Ha33 where Call Atfantic 25 law-. Tlwsv shall lx> no privileges of Jtaken no satisfactx^r\- actaoa. altftoash WIT of Jewish inasii" e.3a&s- The dodaratkin of thc soSatioms. to take P^a«room with August, sp«aik«\}y woogniiXKi, in a*i- jSivci, WiJna, ^ ardent Uthaar^ian had be*r. erf3«d off h*d Jkite tStet o= 1 OMAHA PURE FOOD CO, dttion, trffir sp«!a5 rigfet to caharal ; capita, I* ,Wla«,i ^ 13* Jew*.the I^^sed »«* wtad, ^ r i ^ t h j



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with Dr. Carneckis, Lithuanian Representative.)


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