. The more you leave things to chance, the less chance there is for you.
VOL. n.—No. 13
' The man who feels certain he will not succeed is seldom mistaken.
Entered as -T\r '•-'uss mall matte; on January 27th. 1921, at postoffice at •Nebraska, nnder the Act of March S, 1878.
Legal Difficulties Prevent Removalof Sargent's "Synagog"
Ministering to Russia's Famine Victims
New York (Jewish Press AssociaJacob Zucker, 22 years old, artion.) The Friedmans proved last rived at Ellis Island, New York, a night that man is gregarious when month ago from Jerusalem. He was (COPYRIGHT 1922 BY THE JEWISH CORRESPONDENCE BUREAU.) Allegorical Painting of Decline 225 of them sat down to dinner in ordered deported because the year's Men of Metropolis Have ConHall, 106 West 127th Street, tributed Less Than Half of Judaism Declared Mali- Cariton Palestine quota had long been exat their annual dinner. There were :<USI3fi2fiiUSJ3SrEjSJSiSJSISIS^ of Quota. hausted. cious and Wicked. also 100 others who by marriage Awaiting deportation, young Zuck*» Mr. Baker is . a Director of tell how in America t h e J e w , t h e located in t h e neighborhood of t h e have joined the descendants of PinMASSACHUSETTS L E G I S - cus Friedman, who lived in Poland the American Relief Adminis- Irishman, t h e Armenian and t h e most important ports is another fac- er got out his palette and brushes DRIVE WILL BE CONTINUED TILL $5,000,000 his weather-stained suitcase LATURE SEEKING WAY TO in 1790 and to whom they are all tration, and a member of the 'Mayflower' American work in h a r - tor which makes for prompt and ef- from ARE SECURED and begaji painting life sketches of Organization's staff since its inmony," Mr. Baker said. "This m e s ficient distribution. proud to trace their origin. REMOVE IT FROM BOSthe types of immigrants about him ception, having previously taksage of collaberation is brought by An organization which would unThe Friedman Family Circle, as it New Yerk, March 6.—(J. C. B.) TON LIBRARY. en a conspicuous part in the our workers into t h e remotest cor- dertake relief work in Russia, said in the detention quarters. Imme| is called, was formed to provide aid Failure of New York Jews to make gration official: and others became Belgian Relief Work. This aun e r s of vast Russia," Mr. Baker con- Mr. Baker, needs to establish a maBoston. (J. P. A.) A painting of j f o r s u c h mer nbers of the family as their quota of $5,000,000 for the interested in the boy artist and thoritative interview by one who tinued. m e t mis:fort chinery to cope with each of the John Singer Sargent in the Boston ' une and has grown to Jewnsh War Relief Fund has forced has just returned from Russia's phases of the work. The overhead learned he is a graduate of the J. D. C. Wins Approval. be such a fascinating reunion, that the Committee to continue the drive Public Public Library became an obBezalel Art School in Jerusalem. The famine area throws much needThe fact t h a t t h e Joint Distribu- expense involved in such an operaject of protect to-day when citizens yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph other day young Zucker was admit- beyond the allotted two weeks. ed light on the relict situation tion Committee h a s given §25,000 for tion would - be entirely out of proafter a of various faiths appeared before the Friedman were present Among those who upbraided New ted to the country, having literally as a whole, and its particular t h e maintenance of t h e s t a r v i n g portion to relief distributed by these York Jews for being derelict in their Joint Judiciary Committee of the journey half way around the world, painted his way into the United application to the Jews, both physicians in t h e Volga district made organizations. Considerable energy duty towards their kinsmen, was Dr. Legislature to favor a bill for its re- from Melbourne, Australia. There States. those in this land, who arc calla t r e m e n d o u s favorable impression and money would be wasted in dupliwere also Mr. and Mrs. Isidor FriedStephen S. Wise. In the Free Synamoval. ed upon to give and their orethin Russia. " W e told t h e Russian," cating the essential apparatus, monman with their daughter, Lucille, gogue, on Sunday last, Dr. Wise deThe picture entitled "The Synaren "Over There" whose lot it be said, " t h a t this money w a s given ey and time •which had better be put clared that he would rather leave gogue," one of a series of allegorical from Honolulu, and Mr. and Mrs. is to receive.—Editor by t h e J e w s in N e w York t o save at the disposal of Russia's millions the ministry than feel that he was" studies by Sargent, represents a wom- William A. Friedman from San t h e lives of their physicians," and of starving children. Francisco. Harry J. Friedman came under the necessity of defending en holding in one hand broken law George B a r r Baker, a director of' they g o t t h e point of this informathe short distance from Cleveland. "One cannot imagine what it Jews when they are indefensible. tablets and in the other a broken the American Relief Administration, tion. means for the parents to see their Rabbi Wise pointed out that to sceptre. Behind her is a ruined temh a s j u s t returned from Russia and, i Until now the American Relief children starving before their very match Chicago, New York Jews ple. Xear her is another female figamong1 other things, brought vith Administration had conducted its eyes. To look at the emacicated litwould have to raise $10,000,000. ure, radiant and upright, standing uptle bodies, pot-bellied, ravaged by him the remarkable conclusion that work in the famine districts of the While the men do not seem to on an alter. The first figure is sup'Jews are poor propagandists.' Ihey Volga, but it has now been decided disease—"Some who came to Russia Convinced That Native Soil have been supporting the relief posed to represent Judaism: the secdo not know, he thinks, how to bring to reach out to the Ukraine as well, remarked tiiT.t children were seen Offers Better Prospects workers, the Jewish women of New ond Christianity. before the public's eye the facts The Administration had hoped that playing on the Streets. York appear to have gone over the for Self-Support When we Protests ag-ainst the picture were about individuals of whose qualities , the Ukraine by its OTTO resources top. The Women's Division has came to Russia," said Mr. Baker, made on the ground that it reflected and acts they have reason to !>e would be able to pull through until raised $130,000, $30,000 in excess of SPOKESMAN URGES GIFTS "we saw no children playing on the upon the Jewish religion, and was Will Address Meeting at Jewish next crop, but was recently in- streets, but thank God, they are able its quota, and is now striving to proud, allowing the few who are "malicious, cruel, historically false OF FARM TOOLS BY Community Center in in the main responsible for the formed that the supplies had been to play on the streets today." reach the $250,000 mark. and wicked." AMERICAN KINSMEN Evening. prejudice against the Jews where it exhausted, and the suffering no less Judge Michael J. Murray, a mem- I Urges Cooperation. acute than in the Volga district. An to seize the limelight. ber of the Library Trustees, said he j ORGANIZER OF ACTIV- exists Berlin, March 5.—(J. T. A.) JewMr. Baker told our correspondent Mr. Baker was referring to work agreement has accordingly been conthought the picture should not re- j !S FOR JEWISH NAish refugees who had fled from Rusthat a few days before leaving Rusof the Jews in Russia as well as in eluded between the Soviet authorimain, but the trustees had no legal TIONAL FUND. sia and the Ukraine to Poland and this country and in this way testi- ties in Russia, the Ukrainian Gov- sia he was informed that a number power to remove it. as former trusRoumania are now returning1 to the of food parcels had not been deDr. Bear Epstein, who for the past fied to the efficiency and self-sacri- emment and the American Relief livered to their destination in the countries of their origin because OVER $2,200 RAISED FOR FAMtees had accepted it in perpetuity uneigh# 'Tears has been travelling fice shown by Jews in the relief administration. In this connetcion Ukraine because of lack of trans- they are convinced that the fertile der a contract with the artist and the INE SUFFERERS. : Mr. Baker remarked that the adthroughout Russia, England, South fields. donor. He suggested that Mr. Sargent portation. "I got in touch with the soil of the Ukraine offers better proNorfolk, Neb., March 8.—Norfolk; Mr. Baker feels that the work of \ ministration, when it commenced opAmerica and the United States in might consent to removal. Soviet authorities and told them spects than the countries in which the interest of the Jewish National the American Relief Organization in erations in Russia was unaware that that if those parcels were not de- they sought temporary shelter, Mr. has just completed its campaign for Legal Points Involved. funds for European war and famine Fund, will be in Omaha next Tues- Soviet Russia is doing much to com- Ukraine had its own government Jehudah Novakowsky, head of the The question now is purely a legal day, March 14, B. Handler, president bat anti-Semitism there. In fact, it a n d president. He emphasized that livered within ninety days of their sufferers and has raised $2,229.70. 1 one: How can the panel be legally of the Omaha Zionist Organization is responsible for averting the con- having extended its activities to in- dispatch, the money would be re- Ukrainian Trade Mission to Ger- Its assigned quota was $2,000. Sol turned to the persons in the United many, told the Jewish Telegraphic G. Mayer was chairman of the local removed ? Some members of the ju- announced to-day. flict that would otherwise persist, elude in the Ukraine the AdminisStates who bought the food drafts. Agency today. . The immigration committee,, and Israel H. Brown, secdiciarjr<"«oiHmittee- would have Mr. Dr. Epstein will •» address. aB..i)D.en_ ,qpnfiict . d u e to^ differences, in creed, t r a t i o n w a s now beginning t o work Disturbed a t the possibility the gov- from the Ukraine, Mr. Novakowsky retary-treasurer. " John 1 1 Sargent and the donors release their meeting of members of the local face, Or nationality. This is' best il- "th'eTe witfriTS m«i ^ffcods, the pracRobinson, ernment gave instructions- -Ear- ihi'ee said, had considerable declined and Ben Skalo-vpsky awl Dave Levin were rights under the contract. And the organization on Tuesday evening, lustrated by the method of opera- tice until now having been to acquestion arises whether or not they giving a lecture on present condi- tion of the Administration upon en- cept and forward food drafts from passenger trains for the Ukraine to he expected it soon to cease alto- the solicitors. - Norfolk has t u t 10 can legally waive it. All of the heirs tion? in Palestine. Films of Pales- tering a town. Say there are 3,000 individuals and organizations. The be taken off, so as to transport the gether. Jewish families. A tendency among Jews to engage of the deceased donors, who are bene- t:nian life will illustrate his lecture. children to be fed. The town is di- A. R. A.. Mr. Baker informed the J. parcels. And on February 3rd, Names of contributions folio"-: ficiaries, would have to release their Admission will be free and the gen- vided into three districts of 1,000 C. B. correspondent, has received as- while in London, I received a cable in farming and handicrafts has been John Robinson _ Z&W th*t the 17.000 food parcels had left noticeable since the early part of ,sol G. Mnyer risrhts. And how about the deed of eral public is invited. -• - 1^?-J5I children each. A committee is form- surances from t Joint Distribution for the T.Tcraine." 1921, Mr. Novakowsky said. Recent- E. W. Wolfp. NeliKti. ?<ebr trust? Difficulties enter here. 32.).00 receive Pr. Baer Epstein is a graduate of ed of all the men and women of the Committee that they will Ben Sknioivsty KKi.OO ly, however, the new Soviet policy Some on the Judiciary Committee the universities of Heidelberg and town and if any friction arises be- S5.OOO.0O0 for the feeding of children At present. Mr. Baker said, the H Pkaloivfcky & KonK 100.00 Shnfton. Pierce. Nebr 1OO.0U opine that a law making it criminal | P»!»pf Administrate has no facili- reviving Free Trade has somewhat M sr, where he studied medical tween the members of the Commit- in Ukraine. n t^vin noo.oo for such paintings to b e exhibited in j ( h e n i s t r y a n c l philosophy, the latter tee, thp A. R. A. withdraws from I "I would like to add that the feed- ties for cic transport rf clothes, ar- weakened this tendency. But Jews A. J.. K i l l i a n Co._ : 100.00 are convinced that small trade is irI s r a e l Tt. B r o w n . — . . . — 1'tO.OO public places would solve the problem. s u b j e , t u m i e r the famous leader of that town, "and you should see the ing of children en masse is no easy rangements to cover this phase of Roseiitlinl retrievable and they strongly desire S. M. Snx Representative Goleman Silbert, philosophical thought in Germany, miraculous effect of such a step." task. It is a gigantic work, involv- the work being under consideration. to continue their productive pursuits. T,. Iti.v. E d v . l.wvr — tf who anpeared for the bill to remove Hermann Cohen. Dr. Epstein has •r'<>0« Mr. Baker than went on to tell of ing the sympathetic co-operation of Because it seemed to the A. R. A. that American Jews are urged by Mr. Irvine & Paul J. E. K i s l i n p & C o . 40.00 the painting, sUcE-ested that thp State b e e n d e v o t e c j t o the Zionist cause Jewish mothers shaking their fists in all elements." Mr. Baker gave it the first task was to save lives, the 3 ()(KI Joe Paly , tak» the panel by the right of emi- s ; n c e h i g y o u t h > a n ( j w a s for a t i m e the face of the Rabbi and of Greek as hi?- opinion that no private insti- transporting of clothes 'was permit- Novakowsky to assist their Ukrai- •Louis I). Snader 2.>.O0 nian kinsmen by sending machines Norfolk Steam D y e "Works 25.00 nent domain.. Many legal points en- o n e o f t h e i e a c ij n g Zionists in Wilna. Orthodox mothers being guilty of tution or organization is in a po- ted to wait. "Moreover, we have seen Meyerson J->.00 and tools. To do this it would be M C. J. F l e m i n g --"i-W ter h?re. hundreds of parcels of clothing lysimilar boldness towards their sition to cam- on relief work in 2-j.JJ> necessary to establish a central fund K. Golnusky _ — _ So it seems to be a question of law. '•.'•"*' priest. The mothers will not brook Russia successfully. To begin with. ing around in different ports, not regardless of the origin or present O n e Hune Norfolk National Bank ~i.00 to be determined, presumably by forwarded to their destination l»ethe A. R .A. can lruv supplies in any quarrels that may mean the Bros ; ^"-"21! locality of the Ukrainian Jews, since Bnum those who administer it. Ransom & Son 1 -•_>;« death of their children. Over night, large quantities, and through spe- cause of lack of transportation fa- as Mr. Novakowsky explained, very Citizens National Bank — -«.00 cilities. Transportation has been all difficulties are ironed out, the A. cialists who study of where and how (Continued on page 2) few now occupy their former homes. harnessed entirely for shipning of Young Judeae Members to Give MEMORIAL LOAN FUND OF R. A. workers are asked to come to buy. COUNCIL OF JEWISH food and seed grain, which is an A. R. A. Activities. WOMEN TO GIVE CARD Public Purim Program. I $1300 ESTABLISHED BY RE- back, and men and women of all The A. R. A. can command bet- equallv important factor in the savLATIVES AND FRIENDS. groups and shades of opinion work PARTY NEXT THURSDAY The Young1 Judea Council will give I in p of lives." ter transportation facilities than can together in perfect harmony, forgetEntertainment and play for all who a Purim Program Wednesday eve- | Two memorials to the lave Ed. Mr. Baker concluded by stating come is promised by Mrs. Ed. Treller, ning, March 15, at eight o'clock at Simon will perpetuate his name in ting all differences in the task of be made available for any private that he thought it advisable for the chairman of the card party which the Jowish Community Center. Eleven Omaha, and will keep ever fresh his feeding the children of the town. organization. It can command beJews to clear through the Joint Dissides experts to advise it the best The American Relief workers help will be given by the Council of Jewof the Young Judeae Clubs will par- life and his deeds for the commethods of transportation. The fact tribution Committee thus through The Saturday immediately pre- ish Women at .the Blackstone next ticipate in the program. The public munity. One is a beautifully framed foster that spirit of co-operation. ceeding Purim was selected some Thursday afternoon, March 16. "Wherever our boys come, they that the A. R. A. warehouses are the A. R. A is invited and the admission is free. picture of the deceased, a gift of the years ago by the National Council of Provision has been iriade for tables Following is the program for the B'Nai B'Rith lodge, which will hang Jewish Women as the most fitting of plain whist, bridge whist and lotto^ Condition of Chas. Elgutter evening:— for all time in its assembly room, occasion for the institution of the and appropriate prizes will be offered. Reported Improving The Story of Esther reml from and the other is the Ed. Simon annual Council Sabbath service to The committee assures an enjoyable a Meciilah Minnie Flax The condition of Charles Elgutter, Memorial Fund, now totalling $1319. Tableaux:— be conducted throughout the country afternoon to all "who attend. KiiiR AhnBtteruR...\Vm. Kaiman whose arm was amputated six inches The picture was unveiled, and the by local sections of the Council. Moj-ili'cai .....David Ch mint-off Chamberlains -Max Givot fund officially turned over to the VICTOR ROSEWATER NAMED DI- above the wrist Saturday in Clark- PLANS TO EXTEND FACILITIES This date was undoubtedly chosen Y. W. H. A. CELEBRATES ZOTB Hrmnn Irvine RECTOR OF PUBLICITY FOR TO QUARTER MILLION son hospital, is reported decidedly j Human _ 4 be Brookstein Free Loan Committee of the Fedbecause of the part played in history ANNIVERSARY. tjueen Esther -Celia Azorin eration, at the Memorial services for PHILADELPHIA EXJEWISH' CHILDREN. improved today. I by Queen Esther at this season of Queen's Plaids Zena Mnizel New York, (J. P. A.) The foun^ POSITION. Mr. Elgutter's arm was amputated : ....Gertrude White Ed. Simon, held under the auspices the year. Council Sabbath endeav- ing. of the Young Women's Hebrew Hatikvoh Girls—Group _ _ to prevent further spread of tuberNew York (J. C. B.) The organ- ors to impress on all Jewish women lodge last Mrs. Ben IJnndler. Leader of the B'Nai B'Rith B'nal iRrnel—Group _ Announcement was made during culosis of the bone that developed ' ization of the Jewish Education As- the necessity for attendance at Sab- Association twenty years ago was Thursday night at the Jewish Com_ Irvin Stalnvnster. leader the week of the appointment of Vic- following an injury to his arm some sociation for the purpose of advanc- bath service of themselves and their celebrated by a luncheon attended by munity Center. about 300 persons at the Hotel'ComTMnno Rolo Arthur Goldstein Hundreds of people, Jew and tor Rosewater, of Omaha,, former years ago. He fell, injuring his arm, ing and stimulating Jewish education children. modore. Mrs, Israel Unterberg, presI'/nai Zion—Group Ben Cohen, Leader editor of the "Bee," to the position while going to visit a friend in . in New York City and elsewhere is Sonc and Dance Revue Ida Tenenbaum. Gentile, representing all walks of This year's Council Sabbath will ident and founder, reported that durannounced by Dr. David DeSola Pool, Gertrude Winetrob. ERther Cohn. Helen life were present to pay their last of director of publicity for the ses- Clarkson hospital. be the second one held locally, and ing the last year 583,000 persons .Tanker, Sylvia Chait. Rose Baum. Executive Director, who has just resolemn tribute to the departed, and quicentennial exposition to be held in Fairies of Zion—Group _ _... will be observed at Temple Israel made use of the association's headPhiladelphia in 1926. It is rumored Miss Mary Maizel. Leader to participate in the impressive turned from Palestine where for little lewish Youth Wins Local Daughter^ of Zion—Group — this Saturday morning, March 11. quarters, at No. 31 West One Hunthat Mr. Rosewater's appointment ' over three years he represented the Miss Bess Greenberc. Leader service. The entire service, with the excep- dred and Tenth Street. carries with it a salary of $10,000 Newspaper Contest J o i n t Distribution Committee in The memorial fund represents two Reeitnt ions _ _ Bess Handler tion of the sermon, will be conducted per year. Ytranp Jtidnea Juniors—Group Leo Konecky, 18, senior at Cen- Jerusalem. donations of $500 each, from the JEWISH SAGE AND SCHOLAR Mrs. Ben Handler. Loader by women. The exposition, which will be natral High School, was awarded first j The new Association aims to exlocal lodge and from Mr. B- Simon, DEAD. Mrs. Samuel Nathan will offer the Yiddish Folk SongR _...!?adie Drevicb tional in scope, will commemorate the prize of $50Q Sunday in the essay , tend Jewish educational facilities to father of Ed. Simon, and $319, conFlowers of Zion—Group prayer, and Miss Alice Adler of the Prague. (By mail—J. P. A.) Pro130th anniversary of the signing of contest conducted recently by the the quarter of a million Jewish ,„_. Miss Sara Rutmck. Leader tributed to the fund by friends in post-confirmation class will read the fessor Isadore Pollack died here rethe Declaration of Independence at Omaha 'Daily News. ! children who are said to be without IIOIHPB of 1022——Kunic-e Roscnsfpin. Ruih lieu of flowers. Haftorah. "Come to God's Temple cently after a short illness. He was Philadelphia. Allen ltiililu. Kuih Obludxinjrer. Bettie The contest, which was open to all \& r , v schools. The order of the services was as S>"inbc-:T. Ksther St^inberK. with Reverence" will be the subject professor for Hebrew Literature and Philadelphia papers are giving public school students, was for the LUlleS of Zion—Group The Association will take steps to follows: „. _ ...Miss .Tena Altsrlmler. I-eader Invocation — Rabbi Frederick Cohn much space to the appointment, car- best essay on George Washington. i coordinate the activities of the various of the address which Mrs. Isidor Semitic languages in the German Ziegler will make, and Dr. Cohn's University of Prague. "L'l.rlft- Sl<*lon<>li Mohncss niul Mrs. Opening Address—Mr. A. Rosenblum rying personal interviews with Rose- Hundreds of essays were submitted.' groups of the Jewish youth at present sermon topic will b;| "Council SabM'G'nuiss. water. ""•"si : nistc Ilnnvitz, Dorothy Unliin. Sacred Song—Mr. Austin L. Vickery Young Konecky is a member of ( w o r idng independently, along conI?f*s*> Knfvlnn. Geririnle Goldenbath Judaism" Mrs. Jules Bach- SLOVAKIA WILL HAVE JEWISH Mrs. Rosewater and her two chil- the Thorpeian Athletic Club. He is •structive Jewish educational lines, '•:TJI. '"'l'trn Weiner. Fred Tlroil- Address — Mr. Henry Monsky man will play the organ accompaniMINISTRY. I-..T- .\-i),!tr Goldstein nnd VTm. dren expect to join Mr. Rosewater a member of the Central High j The Association has already taken Sacred Song— ments. Miss Laura Goetz will give Bratislava. (By mail—J. P..... A.) in Philadelphia at the conclusion of School basket ball team, and is one to v e r Mrs. Grace Poolo Steinberg t*16 Bronx Jewish Institute a vocal solo, and the regular chil- The Zionist leader Dr. Diamoiid'was <IriH-nboriT. the present school year. of the city's best allround athletes. Col-• ig d e s c r i b e d ^ a n « i n s t i t a t e o f Address — Mr. Harry II. Lapidus dren's choir will sing. appointed Minister for Jewish Affairs >!;••: K-oml:in. l*ailpr Hebrew Prayer: "El Moli R o c W n " Vienna. (J. P. A.) The first Jew- present at the dedication ceremonies, magnificent potentialities for Jewish The entire service is under the auin Slovakia. He.Xvill conduct the new•.. . . Ce\h- T-.r:inilr -^Mr. A. Monaty ish university in Rouinania' opened and promised an annual government influence in the Bronx", spices of the Council of Jewish ly created department with a view to ( "if • - « : •i '-a ;iv(j'. Benediction— E?.bbi Mtin± N. Taxon thip week in Bucharest. An official subsidy to aid the university in its Mr. I. Unterberg is President of Women. All women in the city are improve the condition of the . Ana UubutrU and | Miss Fannie Hart — / >onipanJGt representative of the government was work. invited to attei"1 ' the new Association. bis country;
Jewish Refugees Are Returning To Russia, Ukrainian Leader Says
Dr. Beer Epstein, Noted Zionist, In Omaha Next Tuesday
Women Appear To Be Best Workers In New York's Relief Appeal
Norfolk Exceeds Quota In Nebraska Campaign
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J-T* »
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Hundreds Mourn Ed. Simon At Impressive Service
Second Annual Council Sabbath To Be Observed Here Saturday
Omaha Man Appointed To Important Post In East
Jewish Educational Body
«--.- V * :
•I" *•*
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PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922 A PROPHET FROM THE HINTER- pledges to the War Relief fund scarceVerily and in all sincerity, we have LAND. ly reached 60 per cent of her al- reason to be proud of Jacob M. Loeb. lotted quota. In 1920. her pled;, >s H gave New York Jewry precisely Published .every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by : THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Our hats are off to Jacob M. Loeb. were less than 50 per cent of her what it deserves. It is exactly what Never heard of him ? Not living in quota. Now York stood guilty—and we of the provinces -have silently felt Office: 482 Brandeis. Theatre Building—Telephone: Jackson 2372. JEWISH-HUNGARIAN BARON | his mother a Jewess called Melonla Chicago, perhaps you have not. To he pertinently repeated the rough- was long overdue them for their ar ...$2.50 Subscription Price, one year— . .— Cohen. His mother, it was learned every one of the several millions resi- neck phraselogj of Mr Dcjley's Ar- rog-ant sflf-issumption of leadership AND PHILANTHROPIST DEAD Advertising rates furnished on application. Budapest. (J. P. A.) Baron Bela was born in Paris in 1835 of Jewish dent in America's second metropolis, chie Road where he confessed his in complete defiance of the right and Dirstei died here yesterday. The de- parents, Hirsch and Fania Cohen. however, the name of Jacob M. Loeb early education had beon acquired— ability of Hinterland Jewry to share .! NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaceased was formerly named Fishel Hirsh was a "shames" in a synagogue is one to conjure with. He is a high- of "mouth-betting and frur-flushing." it with them. But at last, in Jacob tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. and was a descendant of an old Jew- on Notre Dame de Nazareth and many ly successful type of the American In the plainer and more legitimate M. Loeb, the tribes of Dan and CHANGE OF ADPEBSS—Please give" both tie old and new address: ish aristocratic family always known of the old folks in that section re- idealistic business man who first came English of the unafraid West, it is Menasseh and Gad living this ....... b« lore and sign yonr name. becuse of its charity in supporting' member seeing the little grandson, i-r.to public viiw a few years ago by I called dishonesty. "Go," therefore. the Hudson have found a worthy hundreds of Rabbis and other "Klei the present president of France being his courageous and victorious bat J e jh e adjured his auditors "to the card spoke, man. We hope, for the sake WHAT A TRAGEDY! Kodesh." led by the hand to synagogue.. Oth- in behalf of the school children of] paying, theatre-going, pleasure-lov- oi the starving brethren in the wilderA' Jewish woman living in a hotel on Central Park West ers knew his family who were wealthy Chicago. By his high minded and ing men of New York Bow them reps across the w-ater, they who have and paying an annual rental of $8,000 for her suite gave one DISCOVERY OF UNDERGROUND merchants and pious Jews. strong-fisted ...Uitude against the pro- ,wn in tears and sadness. Rring already found refuge en the oth vr dollar—^-one whole dollar—as her contribution: to the fund now UNIVERSITY CAUSES PRESMilerand's wife, documents show, fessional a.i I industrial politicians, he them to their knee?. Make them romp side of tne Jordan in the Promised being raised for the relief of Jewish war sufferers. A sister-inIDENT'S ARREST. was born of parents called Levy, and literally saved the public schools of cringing, apologetic, bpgging for the of smug and sacrosanct New law of Mr. Julius Rosenwald called the woman up and asked her Lemberg. (J. T. A.) The discovery is the grandchild of a convert, Cohen, that city. This alo.F would have con- privilege to give." And so on, in York will give ample and generous Whether she realized what she was doing. The reply was that by the Polish authorities of a secret who became an organist in a Catholic stituted a triumph sufficient to in- equally stirrir- and stentorian ac- ear. ''one dollar is enough." university organized by the Ukrai- church. scribe his name in Iptters of dazzli.ig cents of which the above is but a j Indiana Jewish Chronicle. Mr. David A. Brown, chairman of the National Drive Com- nians who, since the military occupaand enduring brilliance upon the stray prophetically-suggestive samjnitties, sent back the dollar with the statement: "That woman tion of three years ago, have been dewalls of the Windy City's hall of OFFICERS SAID "Jewish Press" Ads Bring Results. needs help more than the Jews of Eastern Europe. After all, barred from the only university here, JEWISH fame. TO BE DREYFUSES OF they are only starving." has led to the arrest and imprisonTHE POLISH ARMY But when a ?hort while ago the Mr. Brown is right. That woman, who is rolling in luxury ment of Dr. Schurat, its president. Warsaw. (J. C. B.) Commenting Jews of Chicago wer? allotted a quoSand considers a contribution of one hundred cents a sufficient The lectures were given In a suburb on the Jewish Deputy Harglas' de- ta of one mrl'on dollars in the curenough contribution to the relief fund, needs .help badly. May and occasionally in the basement of mand that Jewish soldiers be admit- rent fourteen-ir.illion national relief God help her. president's residence, students and ted to the commissioned ranks of the drive, they drafted Jacob M. Loeb = Unfortunately she is not alone. There are many men and the faculty keeping their meeting-place Polish army, the "Gazetta Warsaws- leader and Cnicago doubled its allotWomen like her. Mr. Jacob M. Loeb of Chicago had some harsh secret from the authorities. Dr. declares that Jewish officers ment. So once again the name of things to say of New York Jewry at the drive dinner last Sunday Schurat refused to divulge the names would be the Dreyfuses of Poland's Jacob M. Loeb was written with inand when one hears of such people as the woman described above, of the students and his colleagues in'military force. Deputy Hartglas' con- creased, if possible, indelibility in one is inclined to agree that his strictures are justified. j tention was that the exclusion of Chicago's grateful memory. Now the It is true that we grow callous to continued suffering. We the faculty. I Jews from the commissioned ranks scene of Mr. Loeb's fame and act-on almost lose patience with those who suffer. Just as we are someAID FOUNDED IN was provocative of much of the hos- has been shifted to New York. And what slow to sympathize with a person chronically sick, we seem IMMIGRANT'SEGYPT tility extant between the various na- when the fxplcits of a man known in fo hate people who are down and out and whom we have to Cairo. (J. P. A.—By mail.) The tional groups in Poland, the Hinterland succeeded at last in help continuously. first annual convention of the "Assopenetrating the parochially opaque The story is told of a lady who coming from a charity ball ciation to Aid Pale?tinean Emigrants NEW POLITICAL JEWISH PARTY and obtuse walls of New York's selfwas accosted by a little girl asking her for alms. "Why I just as held here last week. During the IN HUNGARY FORMED. sufficiency, may be said to nave danced for you," the lady indignantly exclaimed drawing her last year, the first of its existence. Budapest. (J. T. A.) Under the won for himthey a renow that Is not onexpensive cloak around her shoulders. this association extended aid to 1~8 leaders of Wilhelm Warjoni, the Jew- ly deservedly national but universalWhen thousands of miles separate the applicant and the Palestinian emigrants, who were ob- \ ; s h ex-Minister, a new political Jew- ly immoria.1 as well. Yet this is ;he giver it is difficult for the latter to visualize the plight of the liged because of various reasons to ; , h p a r t y has b ' e e n formed( known as latest and thus far crowning prize former. What we do not actually see we are slow to credit. leave Palestine. A small part of them "Einheit." Leaders of the party with which the name of Jacob M. In fact we don't want to believe it at all. "It isn't true," we remained in Egypt. declare that its object will be to Loeb is now justly enwreathed. shout. "The poor have no bread to eat; why don't they eat restore Jewish equality in Hungary, To be sure, i. was a prize involuncake?" exclaimed Empress Marie Antoinette when she was told ARABIAN EDITOR SYMPATHETIC CALL JACKSON 3260. 1401 DOUGLAS STREET. t h u s "inaugurating a new epoch in tarily offered. It was wrenched 'ro.n that the people were starving. TO JEWS ASSAULTED. ( t h e h i s t o r y o f Hungarian Jewry." the very teeth of a grudging and Marie Antoinette is not to be envied, nor is that woman in London. (J. P. A.) It is reported pertinacious modore. Two thousand that eight thousand dollar suite on Central Park West. When from that Abraham Krim, the POLISH ANTI-SEMITES of that prou<l city's wealthiest Jews ^ miiiuimiuiiiimiiiumiiiHMiimimimmmiMiimiiimuimimiiiiimimimiiiiu people starve and there is a refusal to aid them to secure a piece editor Haifa of an Arabian publication, symSTUDYING TALMUD! were there assemblei to launch its of bread, there is danger brewing for all. Hunger knows no pathetic with the aims of the Jewish (J. T. A.) In compli-1 drive for an und°r-a K.lment of five Warsaw. laws, no matter how those who suffer it have become accustomed people has been attacked by several ' a n c c the resolution of the Ros-! million dolkrs. M1' Loeb had been to lack of food. There is the resentment against those who have. unknown Arabs has been severely Convention, the party's leaders ; invitPH to do the verbal "launch"The poor will always be in your midst," cauntioned Moses t h e LaW-giver and AVe dare not refuse to give. jwounded, having been dealt four h a v e e s t a b l i s h e d c o u r s e s i n Talmud-1 ing." And he took dvantage of hi = I n t h e Question of Jewish relief we w a n t those who will b ' " h e "*? * , . . . . , i c a l studies and "Ethics of the Fa-] opportunity with an add.-ess destined Fire can be guarded ag-ainst and fought. Temoved to e hos rtal in iiot give t o r e m e m b e r t h a t if Jews do not help, t h e r e will be J* P * c n t . l c f t h c T S " by way of furnishing anti-'.to live a s a cin^v n American As a rule it gives you an opportunity to move, Tt a veritahlr • 2 little if a n y help for our people a t all. This holds t r u e of relief | c o , n d ! t l O n ; . When_ questioned.^ stat- S e m i t e s with an additional weapon i=h liter-fur* ed that his assailants told him they t o boycott the Jews. at least, part of your property from its path. S not onlv in thf th^me. but \~ and of all problems affecting Jews. 1 were punishing him for his opposition | program of the courses inin trenc —nt and cle-\n-rut g p g a nt cle\nrut plonnnre. Thousands of miles and oceans are between us and those You can build dykes to keep water within bounds. 1 on the other side, but the distance in reality means nothing. to the Arabian nationalist aspiration ^ c i u ^ e s i e c tures on a variety of topics. It hnnp-s thp mind visions of an Amn> And its rise can be foreseen and guarded against. s such as "The Jews' Struggle Against from the hintprland of TeVoph la-TiThere are no longer any distances. The war annihilated them and movement. the Christian World," "Universal irp the complacent p!utoc-ats of and brought us together. If we could leam to fight together, FRENCH JEWS TO FOUXD Even death usually gives warning through illness, E 'Jewish Policy;" "Communism and proud Samaria It recalls a Jerpmi. h we must also learn to live together and for one another. affording opportunity ,o call a physician and S MILLS IX PALESTINE j u r f a j s m ; " "Jewish Political Influence ' rehuVir.? the cocksure na'^oh? of _-.n ' " I care not," is no longer even self-satisfying. There is no London. (J. P. A.) Several French p ] j ; " "Jewish Capital and inviolable Jerusalem: and a Jonah I § i n o a n ( | ward it off. j§ glory in indifference. There comes a time when we are lashed with the same whip. Indifference is infectious. It spreads like Jews have organized a corporation L a b o r i n p o i a ^ . " The final course warring the pleasure-bent mobs of a | = a-contagious disease unless prevented. It eats into our vitals like with a capital of five million francs jw i ] 1 d e a j w jth ' methods tr be used decadent Nineveh. It reveals a bril-! = a cancer. We should surrdund ourselves with every safeguard to construct a chain of, mills in Fales- 1-n Adding Poland of the Jews, the | Hant flash of the fearless J'accuse of [§• The Palestine government has a modern Zola against the cleric and and the best preventive is participation in the sorrows of our tine. a n n 0 U ncement says. already chartered this corporation and military imkers of ante-bellum j If you knew a tornado wore to come your way 3 fellows. it is expected that it will commence POLISH IMMIGRATION QUOTA France combined with the fire of an j EE This thought must be driven home not merely at this operation to-morrow—WHAT would you do? 5 in the very near future. REPORTED INCREASED ancient Pericles before the slumber- j — moment, but at all times. There are too many in our midst You could not guard against it. 5 refusing to share the communal burden. They must be shamed YIDDISH PROHIBITED IN CHINA Warsaw. ( J . T. A.) Replying to ir.g Athenians and the blunder oi i j ; the representations of the Warsaw a Cicero against the followers of a{ = —if that can be done—into helping to bear the common Harbin. (J. P. A.) The last ses- Government, the United States State You could not fight it when it came. s treacherous Catiline. respon?ibflity. You could not move your property out of its path. E of the Jewish Kehilla representa- Department is understood to have Such classic memories of bygone An eight thousand dollar suite and one dollar for the help- sion tives in this city was disturbed by the notified Polish authorities, through •Orator> were doubtless distant from You could not build dykes to keep it out. j | less Jews of Europe! What a tragedy! It is the theory of the entrance of police who demanded that Mr. Tokolowski, Polish immigration ^ the mind of Jacob M. Loeb. Yet, ''Survival of the Fittest" carried to its greatest extreme. You could not call a physician to at least j§ business of the meeting be con- attache in New York, that the num- , despite Ks modesty in the unacademic , _ We care for no one and one cares for us. God help us, for the in either Chinese or some Eu- her of Polish immigrant admissible parlance of the hoi polloi, he de- ' = temporarily defer it. E in that way lies the destruction of what we are pleased to call ducted ropean language, Yiddish being pro- to the United States in 1922 will b e j i ; v e r e ( j t ^ e g o o d s . New York, he r e - ! | civilization.—"The Jewish Gazette." hibited by the authorities. Dr. Kauf- considerably in excess of the number WHAT YOU CAN DO 1 minded his sturefied hearers, contains man, the president of the Kehilla, previously admitteed, the United Charlotte B e v e r l y _... 1.00 at least >ne-half of thp Jewish popNORFOLK CONTRIBUTORS TO I>r. Rrennan...CALL § . 1.00 asked the cause of this action and Government recognizing that Poland ulation of the nation. Not less than i BELIEF FUND Travelers Hotel 1.00 j was told that since there are many is, by reason of her territorial ex- 75 per cent of the wealth of AmeriO. B . Mnnville 1.00 | W. X. I>aw8on (Continued, from page 1) •^ ; Bolsheviki among the Jews, the police | p a n s i o n > e n t i t l e d t o a m o r e liberal can Jews is to be found within its John Krneger ].oo|were obliged to keep informed of | q u o t a Jack Koenlgstein H 2.".ou Ur. S i m o n s confines. Yet with all hpr boasted Phone Atlantic 3160. 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. E 00 Nebraska State Bani _... 25.00 C. 0 . Seder ' their activities, and it was therefore \ Dan Craven 20.00 pelf and power, New York has shirkMrs. Jennie Beverly 20.00 Insurance and Bonds in All Its Branches. 5 OMAHA CONTRIBUTORS TO necessary for all meetings to be con- STATE DEPARTMENT INSTRUC- ed her responsibility. In 1918, !<=r M. G. MnthewSon 20.00 RELIEF FUND ducted in some language which they Butterfield & Co .. 20.0" TIONS TO THE WARSAW Ilurlifntf Tnrst C» .-* 20.00 could understand. CONSUL DISREGARDED "Win. Trnnos. 14.00 (From March 2 to March 8.) Home Keleher._. , 12.00 Dr. Kaufman protested in the name IS CHARGE. Merchants Cafe ,. 12.00 O mil ha H f b r e w Club _ $ 500.00 of the Kehilla against this action of Oirfor Pharmacy •12 00 Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The charge . . . FOR . . . I!, (increased from V. tj. Jonea. Millboro, {So. Dakota 10.00 ?2oO.OO) TrOO.OO the police and sent copies of the pro- is made by the "Emigrant" that the J-oti Schcnzel 30.00 DIAMONDS, JEWELRY 123.00 test to high Chinese officials and to American Consul at Warsaw is conE. W. Sass _ 10.00 Sachs, Martin 11. X,. Rosenthal 10.00 Wlntroub. Morris AND 50.00 the various European consuls in the sistently disregarding Jnck Farber. Humphrey, Nebr 10.00 instructions .T0.0O SPECIAL PLATINUM Ur. E. Ii. Brush . 10.00 Fiedler, I city. from the State Department referring 30.00 <•!. K. B n r n h a m ; 10.00 Solip. E<1 DESIGNING 2r>.00 Snlter Coal Co 10.00 Clancy. C. H to immigration matters. _ 23.00 H a r r y Lodor „ 10.00 see dacha. CJ. Theo A 2T>.00 OLDEST JEWISH ACTOR Dr. Mnllo'ng _.._ 10.00 Sachs, Instances are cited of the consul P a i r Svor«f..u_ . 10.00 •\Vine. .Tnke 2.-..00 DIED ON WAY HERE having received instructions from _ 10.00 Wine, K 2TUIU Eiehelberger Lumber C o 10.IX) JUekes, S Harbin. (J. P. A.—By mail.) Abra- Washington tq vize passports of Evati* fi .-Brown-..-..£. Miller, Knthnn.. 10.00 25.00 Diamond and Platinum I>rs. Gaillwis & Howard 2.1.00 ham Fishsohn, the oldest Jewish actor women and children 30.00 Oknm. H._ of American C. .T. -Hultrc..--_•. -.......—.. Specialists 10.00 who c a m e h e r e f r o m ussla on h i s
—, j I
But a Tornado NEVER Gives Warning—and what if it did?
| =
Tbe Malashcck Jewelry Co.
Norfolk Flour Mills .Norfolk., Bootery E. W. &it.z...v-: C. V. Hulac.—, Hewer Jew^lCy Store.
Henry" KJu£..-/. J. B. May lard : 1} '• E£e'6 i . « — Herbert Bluochel C. P. Farrish..u.__.—
G. D. -Rritterfleld i. TYooInorth Store —. .7. W. M.inS. _^_u_^-_•»:: Besse Miner Harrls....;,
.w -w
_.__^_ Nortell— Jttagfr N J. S. JMnthewson ScBUrr: & Stemson 51. ft. *?«!*•.. S. E. Mart In ; Fred D. Wolt ..— MUtlestndt BooterieC. H. Stewart H. S. OVerdeker. M.oxley & Allen. Bernlce Levin Jobn & ThenhnusIi. P. Basewulk Mr3. Chag. Pnul i. Mrs. Lena Jriffe ; W. C ltolnnd E. S. Spilth p X. welch ... II. H. Winter _ Herman Gereke. Dr. Waters : Norfolk Xat'I. Bank .Employees Mans Paint Co.»_ .. Frrtnk Ivowry. ^.——u^^ l ^ l J^orTvij? ;• J. A. Ball/infyne. Oreen Room Caf P r . Blcldiecoiri._ Otto Woesner. H. J. Robinson K r ei i en n H Hard Krenzien Hardwire Co K J o h i Paulson Josephine. Paulson.^ B. B. K Sft n nnb . . f c . ^ j W. E* W W A: E Durlnnd St C. H. Maas. J r . . . . Frank Hnmm H. B. S t o r y Hugo Beverly-
6.00 5.00 Peltz, Sam . o Cam. Krail _ 5.00 Kosenblnm, Islilor Sam B.00 Schwartz, . o Rosenblatt. Jnck _ 5.00 Knlmnn. Abner H n.oo (ire<n. S. S „ ; Sfoler, I o.OO S n s s m a n . Ii—... 5.00 I Ilosenbliim, JInttle 5.00 ' I'tahins, Morris U.._ tiOO 1 ftreen, Nathan E fi.00 Klekes, Carl .._.. 5.-00 Klein. .T n.oo F i n k e n s t e i n , Abe.. 5.00 Melches, Snmiiel... n.oo Jtochmnn, H
n.oo aoo
Stark, 15. 1' „... IJergor, Louis lSenisteln, I). W.. Ii M J J. J.... Steinberg. H Hrnude. M
_ _...
I declarants.
way to America, died in his 84th have deferred action, thus flouting year. the instructions of his superiors, the Until the day before his death, paper asserts. Fishsohn appeared in various roles asIM.OO ].->,00 sisted by his son Misha, also an artist. 15.00 minate « before his death, i t is 15.00 Barry H. LapMtrg. « : 15.00 told, he sang Goldfaden's song FlackJOB. Pepper. Vice-President. 15.00 \V. G. Ure, Secretary. 10.00 er Feierel Flacker." 10.00 Mr. Fishsohn spent several months 10.00 10 00 in this city preparatory to leaving for 10.00 10.00 America. COMPLETE STORE AND 10.00 10.00 OFFICE OUTFITTERS 10.00 JEW REFUSES CABINET PORT10.00 We occupy FOLIO. orer 70.000 sauare feet 10.00 Southwcrt Corner 10.00 London. (J P. A.) The Greek rep10.00 Eleventh and Douglas Streets. 10.00 resenative at the League of Nations, Phone i .lacktan S724 1 O-JJ«» i the Jew Malah of Salonilti, was inOMAHA. r.'.oo vited by the Government of Greece to r>!oo accept a ministerial office. Mr. r 00 r e f u s e c ' *^ e ° ^ c r o n ^ e ground that
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
5.00 „ 0.00 SuBarman, S ;".00 Alpirn, H. F.._ 5.00 Y: M. H. A. Juniors.. 5.00 T. Tohy _. fi.00 S _ 5.00 H....,. 5.00 ri.00 ; 5.00 Kolnk-k, Jop 3.00 SOvinsky, W m 3.00 • Haniler. <Ye"r"' s. '.."V.."!Z"1..1'I"1._"...1Z1" Kiwi he preferred t o r e t a i n h i s place in t h e 3.00 Ool(7Kfein .".00 TLeague „„„ _ ofr Mo*;™««. Nations. 3.00 i e KRfein. l , Al>r.I 5.20 Siern. 'aim Mr.. 2.50 Israrl. Jipfdm 2.00 2.50 MILERAND OF JEWISH EX1.00 2.50 Zacek, Thomas... TRACTION. 2.00 2.00 LASKER FAMILY GIVES $50,000 Paris. (J. P. A.) It was dis2.00 2.00 TO CANCER FUND. covered through birth-records that 2.00 New York. (J. P. A.) The Lasker both Milerand, the president of 2.00 1.00 3.00 family has donated $50,000 to the France, and his wife are of Jewish 1.00 American Society for the Control of parentage. The, records show that 1.00 1.00 Cancer in memory of Harry M. Las- Milerand was born in Paris In 1859. 1.00 ker, who died of cancer March 13, His father was a Frenchman, the pro1.00
The consul is said to
2T>.00 25.00 2.-..00 2T..0O 25.00
Paperhanging, Fainting Varnishing First Class Work. Reasonable Prices.
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THE POPULARITY of tweeds is world-wide —the suit of rough and ready tweed offers a stimulating change from sombre worsted and serge —the suit of tweed is indispensable to every man who buys clothes for good appearance sake.
NOTICE Mr. Ben Seldin wishes to announce, that he has with him Rabbi B. Levitz, of Columbus, Ohio, and will carry a full line of Kosher Meats. Tel. Council Bluffs 1785.
Wonderfully Attractive Showing New Spring Styles in
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$35 and 40
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Sec l-'arnam Corner Window.
prietor of a liquor establishment, ana
V ¥>•
Social, Club and Religious Activiti< Fifty guests were j ^sent Sunday evening at a surprise party given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wintroub by their children. "The Flappers" entertained at an Orpheum party followed by a tea at the Brandeis Tea Kooms on Saturday, March 4. Miss Ann Verbin, of Fremont, was the guest of Miss Esther Zalk during the past week. Members of the Priscilla club were entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dave Green. Mrs. J. Goldsmith, of Chicago, who -~as visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jacob Jacobs, and Mr. Jacobs, left Mon<" morning for California. Mrs. Jacobs entertained at her home Thursday fo,. twelve guests in honor of Mrs. Goldsmith. , Miss Florence Newman, of Detroit, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Max Simon. She will remain for three •weeks.
ENGAGED. Mrs. I. Schanfarber announces the engagament of her daughter, Miss Evelyn Schanfarber, to Mr. Max Rosenbhnn, of New York City. No date has as yet been set fo rthe wedding.
More than $25 was contributed by individual members of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization to the Woodrow Wilson Foundation at the meeting Tuesday, following a talk by Mrs. Hester Bronson Copper. Miss Florence McCabe, superintendent of Mrs. Jake Blank and her mother, the Visiting Nurse Association, spoke Mrs. E. Meyer, entertained Thurs- on the work of her organization, and Mr. Harry Wolf discussed phases of day at a bridge luncheon. the work of the Jewish Welfare Mrs. Isadore Reese, formerly Miss Federation. Miriam Davis, is returning to her home in Wilmingham, Deleware, afTHORPEIAN NEWS. ter spending two weeks with her On Thursday, March 16th, a dance parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Df.vis. will be given at the Hanscom Park Mr. Arthur Friedman, son of Mr. pavilion in honor of the basketball and Mrs. I. Friedman, left Saturday team. The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. night for Washington, D. C, were are cordially invited to attend he has received an appointment by In addition thereto, and as a part the Government in the office of the of the new activity of the club the Interstate Commerce Commission. first of a number of public dances will be held on Sunday, March 26th, T Mr. and Mra William W einer were at the Ben Hur Dancing Academy, at home Sunday evening to fifteen at 28th and Farnam Sts guests. The evening was spent in playing cards. YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. The South Side Kensington Club At the election of officers of the contributed $15 toward the $400 that "Flowers of Zion," held last Sunday, the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah has Ethel Greenberg was elected presipledged to the nurses' training dent; Minnie Flax, secretary; Sara school of Jerusalem. Kurtzman, treasurer; Rose Rosenstein, vice-president; and Eva Cohen Miss Sadie Grawoig, of Chicago, and Dorothy Kline program superwho has spent several weeks here visors. A committee was appointed with her sisters, Mrs. A. H. Diamond to make plans for an installation parand Mrs. Jess Pregler, has returned ty which will be held at the Jewish to her home. Community Center. Miss Baylia Frieden returned today At the meeting of the Hatikvoh from Sioux City, were she has been girls Sunday, March 5th. plans were visiting for the past two weeks with made for an installation party which Miss Rose Pill. will be held Sunday, March 12th, at
A. has been organized but a sh . while, daughter, Ceeile, to Mr. Jacob Gibi is planning to give a play for the stein, of Seattle, Washington. Miss public in the near future. I Arenson has made her home the past The Association will give its first two years with her sister and brotherMarch membership dance at the club Miss Gertrude Kroloff entertained in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David E. Cohen, rooms, this Saturday night. | for eight guests at a surprise party' of Portland, Oregon. Sunday in honor of Miss Anita Gluckman. The afternoon was spent At meeting of the Hebrew Eduin playing bunco. The prize was won cational Society, Si .iday evenin , bv Miss Fannie Katelman. nomination ~ officers was held. The Agudas Achim club will hold its annual dance and entertainment VILLAGE LIFE. Sunday evening at the Danish hall. The "location ma"" for Johnny A special program has been arranged j Mrs. Edward Woolf and son. Kol- (Torchy) Hmes " 'Bu-n 'Em Up' by the committee in charge and will lie, of Milwaukee, are visiting Mrs. Barnes" compam arrivn in a • all include the following, Miss Rina Woolf's sister, Mrs. Let* Polsky, and town in New .lersey to arrange for Snyder, Miss Fannie Shyken and her aunt, Mrs. D. Sandlovich. the tak'ng of some scenes. ApPhilip Krasne with the "Whistling proachi.ig a ..rroup of station loungers, Mrs. 1. Bogen, of Farnam, Nebr., he inquired in turr for the Town Trio". Dancing will follow the program. There will be no admission returned to her home Sunday after Hall, for the Mayor, Aldermen, Chief spending several days with her daugh- of Po'ice r.d the Chief of the r i r ? charge. ter, Ida Ruth, who is attending the Department. Mrs. B. Harding entertained for university. "None of ci. are around, stranger." fourteen guests Wednesday afternoon replied yre of the lou?.gers. "You Mrs. S. Greenstone, Miss Minnie at an Orpheum party, followed by a see." h° added ironically, "the best tea at the Burgess-Nash tea rooms, Greenstone, and Miss Gertrude Fogel- brains of the town leaves for the city in honor of Mrs. Max Wezelman, son, are visiting in Omaha, where en. thp 8:05. ' "Burn 'Em Up' Barnes" formerly Miss Gertrude Castelman, they we ' to attend the Nogg-Brown will show at Moon Theatre 7 days. Miss Lola Isaacson, bride to be of wedding. Start Saturday, and is a special auto Nathan Castelman, and for Miss Mrs. S. M. Fogelso.i has as her week attraction. Edythe Freiden, bride to be of houseguests, her daughter, Mrs.David Maurice Gilinsky. SIN THEATRE K. Bergman, of Lus' , Wyo., and M -,. In spite of her youthful appoaranre Arthur Rosenblum, of Omaha. Wedj Miss Jennie Katelman left Sunday and tender age, Elaine Hammerstein, for Kansas City, Mo., where she will nesday afte;noon Mrs. Fogelson entertained at bridge complimentary to visit with friends and relatives. her guests. I ' The Ladies' Aid Society will meet Mrs. Roy V. Pepperburg was hostWednesday afternoon at the home of ess at a luncheon at the "Lincoln! Mrs. B. Markovitz, 519 Seventh ave. ' shire" last Wednesday, honoring Mrs. yioe Krasne of Oakland, Nebr., 1 Harry Hene and Miss Edith Hene, is spending the week with his both of New York Citv. parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Krasne. Mrs. M. Poska, an old resident of Miss Zelda Marks is confined to Lincoln, died at her home last Wedthe Jewish Community Center. nesday. She is survived by her husher home on account of illness. At the last meeting of the Dauerhband and four sons. At the last meeting of the Resh ters of Zion, Ida Tenenbaum was Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arenson anelected president; Esther Wiener, Ayin club held last Thursday evennounce the engagement of theii ing, plans were made for a Purim vice-president; Dorothy Cohen, secretary; Libbie Kovitz, treasurer; and Masquerade party which will be held Lillian Rosenblatt, reporter. A com- Tuesday evening at the home of Miss I = ! mittee of five was appointed to make Jeanette Gilinsky. The club which arrangements for a Purim party.
One hundred women attended the reciprocity day luncheon that was given by the Sisterhoods of Lincoln and Omaha, at Temple Israel Monday at i2:30. The feature of the program was the musical number "Enoch Arden" by Tennv^on, presented by Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Singer, of LinMiss Celia Richards, of San Jose, coln. California, is leaving Thursday for Kansas City, prior to returning Mr. Louis Blotkey returned Sunday home, after spending several weeks after a two weeks' stay at Excelsior with Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. Springs. The Ra-Oth Society will hold its Mrs. Dave Green has as her guest next meeting at the home of Miss her sister, Mrs. Lewis Dworkovitz, of Jeannette Marcus on March 12, inKansan City. She will remain for stead of March 19, as was previoustwo weeks. ly stated in the "Jewish Press." Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. News. Mrs. Mil lard Langfeld entertained Miss Lee Abrahamson was hostess The regular meeting of the YM her Sunday School class at a fudge to the "L. T." last Sunday. Prizes party Sunday afternoon at Temple 1s- were won by the Misses Anne Keiser and the YWHA was held Monday evening at the Jewish Community real. and Lee Abrahamson. The next Center. Following a recitation by Mr. tnd Mrs. Dave Green will en- meeting will be held March 19th at Miss Dorothy Rubin, Harry Lapidus tertain Sunday evening in honor of the home of Miss Nettie Abrams. gave an address on "The Jewish their :ltfteenth wedding anniversary. Miss Martha Weinstein, who is Welfare Federation". Coveri will be laid for twenty-five The following committees were apattending Ames College, spent the guest So past week at home, due to the death pointed for the ensuing term: Social Serrirr: Fn"l White, rlmirmnn ; Mr. rind Mrs. J. J. Slosburg left of her grandmother, Mrs. Leo Wein- Harold Fiirtwr. II. Knwicr. Eilwin Altsrhuler, How Fine. IJM>y Minfcin. S.irnh Sunday evening for Chicago to visit stein. Passnvoy, Tess Knricli, Oprtrude iiilinskj" and Lillian iMiluioff. Mrs. 31osburg's sister, Mrs. M. HarAt Temple Israel Friday night Constitutional Committee: T.illinn Rnrisonchairman ; I'at'e Kinkei nnd Leon Rabbi Cohn's subject will be "The henstein. Mendelsohn. Intellect nal Advancement Committee: Faith of the Jew". Saturday morning Mr, and Mrs. H. Monsky entertainIsrael ^Jootimnn, «-hairtnan: Helen Reikrs. ed fout guests at their home Tuesday his subject v ill be "Council Sabbath Tenla .T.irohson. Lonis Kurairk and Tina AltHchnler. evening. . Judaism." Membership and Finance Comm'ttee: Misfl Blanche Altman, who went east several weeks ago, is now visiting 'With relatives in Rock Island, Illinois.
Dave Stein, who has been connected with the ' ns Motor Company for the j . - - four years, is now with the O'Brein-Davis-Coad Motor Company, dealers in Dodge cars.
Ed. Solic. chairman; Belle Siesel. Ger[rmlp Tatle. Albert ltnl>inoviti. Esther I'avidson. Sidney Meyers and Herb
Professor Nathan Bernstein addressed the members of the X. T. C. and Runa Clubs at their joint meeting Tuesday night, speaking on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rothschild "Education". have taken an apartment at the St. Sam Epstein and AI Handler have Regis. been elected captain and manager
On account of Purim, the Deborah Society will hold its next regular meeting at the Jewish Community Center on Wednesday, March 15, at 2:30, instead of Tuesday. The question of affiliation with the Women's Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Korn, of New League of the United Synagogue of York City, arrived yesterday to visit America will be discussed and voted upon. Every member is urged to at- I Mrs. Korn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy. tend this meeting. The Junior Welfare Organization Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bernstein left I gave a one o'clock tea at the -day morning for Hot Springs, Brandeis Tea Rooms, Saturday, and Houston, Texas, to remain March 4. Covers were laid for ,ral months. seventy. A program consisting of Miss Jennie London left this week a vocal solo by Miss Irene Simpson, to visit relatives in Los Angeles. She vocal solo and dancing by Miss •will also visit her sister, Mrs. S. Hermine Hirshman, a violin solo by Smith, in Oakland, California, Miss Sara Fish, and fancy dancing by Miss Ann Rosenblatt, was given. A special luncheon will be served 130 couples were present at the at the Blackstone Hotel, Thursday, dance given by both the Junior and March 16, preceding the card party Senior Welfare Organizations on to be given by the Council of Jewish Thursday, March 8, at the BlackWomen. Those wishing to make restone Hotel. servations telephone Mr. Schimmel at Harney 0945. Miss Lillian Lipschitz, of Fremont, Nebr., is visiting Miss Frances Mrs. D. K. Bergman, of Lusk, Wy- Greenspun. oming, is visiting with her sister-inlaw, Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum, and Mr. Mrs. Ben Rechter, who underwent Rosenblum. an operation at the Ford Hospital Monday, is better. Mr. H. Friedman has removed his office from the Baird Building to Mr. J. B. Katz, formerly of this 1710 Dodge St. city, is spending the week end in Omaha. A special meeting of the Junior Hadassah was held Tuesday evening, Mr. Sidney Meyer is spending his March 7, at the Jewish Community vacation in Florida. Center. In the future this organizaThe Friday Literary Club will meet tion •will meet bi-monthly, having one business, and one social meeting each tomorrow afternoon at the home of month. The program at the last meet- Mrs. Herbert Marx. ing consisted of a reading by Dorothy Miss Ella Fleishman has been electReuben, and solo dances by Rebecca ed Omaha delegate to the national and Mary Garrop. The next meeting convention of the Women's Overseas will be held Wednesday, March 22, Service League, to be held in. Washat the Jewish Community Center. ington, May 1—3. Miss Fleishman The Junior Hadassah is planning served overseas with the Jewish a Card Social Sunday afternoon, Welfare Board. March 26, at the Blackstone Hotel, proceeds of which will be devoted The entertainment which had been to the maintenance of a Palestine planned by the Temple Players for orph> .i. The committee for the af- March 15 has been postponed until fair consists of the Misses Esther April 5. Katleman, Sophye Weinstein, Mary Over 200 men and boys attended Maizel, and Ethel Reuben. the B'Nai B'Rith Father and Son Mrs. C. J. Goldstein and her Banquet held in the Jewisb Comdaughter, Miss Marian Goldstein, left munity Center last Sunday night. Sunday for an extended trip through Talks were made by David Sher, the east, spending some time at At- Harry Lapidus and Martin Sugarlantic City. Their return is indef- man. Arthur Rosenblum and ISugenc inite Blazer led community singing.
respectively of the Y. Juniors baseball team.
charming Selznick star, whose latest screen play, "Why Announce Your Marriage?" vrfll be shown at the Sun Theatre f >i one week, beginning Sunciay, and has some very interesting ideas on the "home beautiful." In this new plaj Miss Hammerstein plays one of the contracting parties to a secret marriage who attempts to live in a studio apartment separate and apart from her husbnd, but Miss Hammerstein says that reall> is not her idea of an ideal home at all. "Though I spend most of my time •c' the studio," says Miss Hammerstein, "I am naturally a home lovii 1 ersoi and I take the greatest pleasure in gpttin things for m> home and i making it into what I consider the proper background for my activities."
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Educational Department of The Jewish Press
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which I command thee this day, shall l v e r y t h i n g b u t r e t a i n s n o t h i n g . t h e mind constantly the.r mtellectuai FOOD CHEMICAL be upon thy heart; and thou .halt | , , f u n n e , „ w h j c h c a t ( . h e s n o t h I h e stud.es worthy o* a n < J capabjht.es. PRODUCTS CO., INC. teach them diligently unto thy chil- ( r e t a ; n s n ( ) t h i incorporation ,ntc.the curriculum a r , t h e ..gieve,, w h j c h Manulnt't orprp of dren and shalt talk to them when thou , c a t c h e s t h p i l ] u s t r a t i o n b u t i t p reading, writmg, Torah, M.shnah. HeFoon« A\n OIKMICAT.S. sittest in thy house, and when thou jt h p m a J n s u b g t a n c e 0 thro h > brew grammar, poetrv, Talmud, ph,FLAVORING EXTKACTS. .wi „ ,w, .h ^k ; h^ fant walkest by the way. and when thou InnA 918 N. llith St. Phone Atlantis1 4951 a n d tXia t h p ,.„.;„„„„.„ f a ,n s „„.„,. losophy of religion, logical optics, astronomy, muliest clown and when thou rlsest up. i l l u s t r a t i o n s a n d a c c i d G ntals but re'And thou should write them upon the tains things worth having. All of sic, mechanics, medicine and metadoor-posts of thy house and upon thy w h i c h s o u m l s t o t h g m o d e ] . n physics. Pupils are urg-ed to keep NORTHWEST READY . -;SKINNER gates." Even in the earliest days, B t r a n g e l y l i k e t h e w i s d o m o f J o h n their souls ami bodies pure, to spek ROOFING CO. V,~ ' BAKING COMPANY reading, writing, some arithmetic, hisinformation on topics of which they nid shin pi ^P Kpad v Fttofin;: O\>-T ..Strive » «to ^ ^ rB«oE~ ~ « o . DOUGLAS 186? says Akibai Striv Also asphalt shin^l*1* nufi Imilil nj» know little, to consider learning as tor>". law and singing found a place m a k e t h e ] < ? s s o n a g r e e a b I e b y c ] e a r r<n-is I i rf rpsisi in^ a nil (inraeUworth while for its own sake, to All v o r l j:u:irantpril H:isv terms in the somewhat unsystematic train- j Plmne Huntf y 2.» 7 4 eschew the idlr moment, and to show ing th.t was given in the home and ; The Jews of antiquity exercised Office and Warehouse: HI 22 Leaven worth , in religious assemblies in Jewish com- !e\ery care in the selection of their their teachers a reverence more profound than that accorded their parmunities. I teachers. To be a tutor in Isreal one Education as a Function of the State. had to possess a masterv of his sub- ents. _, _ , . , Alone among the neighboring tribes 1 he Reformation and the I ounterp H g h a dt o b e MAvrFArTl'KKns , . Reformation which swept over th° the Jews did not practice the exposselecting „, . . . , . B MEY-MER-CO. Brand erf warni _ , Christian nations during the sixure of their offspring. A reverence young. Teachers . , , Beverages and Syiiips. teentn ann .seventeenth centuries for childhood was verv natural in a wh<) from g taxation—a boon , , ., , "'ere exempt , , , 3I9-S21 So. 14th St.. Omulia. » b r e movecommumty which held that no child • ^ Plionf Atlantir S8£9 m o d e r n c o m m u n i t i e s w o u I d d o brought to the leaders of thes ments a dawning realization of the Iten was so unworthy that it could not be w e ) ]t<> ^ ^ ^ them_ prime importance of universal educataught the Torah. Here, then, we find t o m a r i ] v r e f e r r e d t o a f Biscuit Co. 'SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" ^ tion and of the childhood period. For the anomalous instance of a tribal • , , , ,, and buy them at SNOW WRITE . , , ofOf theinterest people,to the modern student of 20 centuries or more the Jews had All that the name BAKERIES been preaching and attempting to put people declaring for universal nemoimplies. <Ket, I .V Put. cratic education. I education is the pedagogic wisdom into practice a faith in childhood and 319 South 16th Street. That the ancient Hebrews recogniz- ^ ^ Phone Douglas 3400. c h teliMd i n t h eT a l m u d . , ; the educative practice. Luther. 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 ed education a: a legitimate function • ,,„ , , , , . , . . in Melancthon and Reuchlin had before 6 , , . ,, , To speak aloud what is being learn- them a body of pedagogic doctrine ELECTRICAL FIXTURES of the state is revealed bv the empha. _ ,. . ., „ ,,„, , TH1. SCNOGREVS and an object lesson in its pfficacv. >utritiou» Home Unde APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES , ,. • . ed, fixes it in the memory. The adAmbulance Service clearly on stones placed on the highsis placed upon public Instruction, i 100 times.", The . value of " questioning .. . , Thev were not slow to rea'ire its I; quip lie it with Piilmotor. ways RO that thrv might be read by values. Throutrh 'hem. through seems to of have '>een recognized from , , i-vantages reviewing a r e unlimited. Sealed In Snnitary Waxed Ml ('nil* Answered Promptly. t)Ei'i:\T>\tiM; K I . W T K I C A I J all. "The men, the women, and the tli" agency of th" Catholic orders, 'lie Wrapper lit Your Grocer. The law was to be engraved verv : the , . • first. , . . "Whoso . . is ashamed , , . , .• to ..,ask | MK-::niA\i)isii. little ones" weie assembled at state! It is better to review 101 times than 'Christian world came into no.^spssion b I..11 Um.iinl St. I'hone Atlnutir 0081 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN Sundjrren Pie Baking Co. questions, learns nothing." On the j intervals at places of worship. Here Atlantic- 5»U of a bodv of truth roearriine prhi<-n44th and Hickory. Plione llarney 0o02 3411 Ftirnnm the law was read to them. In time, proper attitude toward the pupil, the I :tion to v"h'rVi it has rlunp t«*Tiarir-n>=H". the word Tomh, which originally \ teachei is comselled: "Let the honor Jews Distinguished in Sciences. as thine own, meant "law," began to connote "in- I1 of the pupil be to thee ^ : ^ s- American '• -,i -^M That Jews have been distinguished i and the honor of • hy colleague as struction." in philosophy and medicine, in music j much as the reverence for thy teachWHOLESALE A people so occupied with ethical er, and the .everence for thy teachei and in literature, in pure and applied i e 0 6 ^uminfrr Harney X)881 Druggists and Stationers and religious teaching, with a body | as much as the reverence for God."science and in their generous encourOne; Day-Servicel' No Esrtra «l-iO3-:O3 South intli . . of written law and with the general ,n _..,,. , . . .. «,T, , . agement of learning may be a just Charges,.;Refmite Sdft Water: ,. . .. . . . , , not. ! Of the Biblical injunction 'Touch not cause for racial pride. Philo, Spinoza. of, doctrince could , , . . , . , . , I Mine anointed ones, and do mv prophhelp but dlsco^er a peaagogic creed. *ets no harm," . „ the ., Talmud _, , , comments " . Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Heine. PisWhy Buy Tin? ! One find?, accordingly, scattered raeli, Bergson, Einstein—it does not LADY CHIROPRACTOR thr the "anointed ^nes" are the Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. . throughout the ^ooks of Wisdom and reall m a t t e r h o w lon t h el i s t i s ; f o r In Aetive Practice Since 1918. school children, the "prophets," the \ >' * SAVES IOC MONEY. the Talmud frequent • reference to the teachers | their gift is. in every instance, the Dr. Frances H. 1 urner MID-STATES WHOLESALE I relation bet'veen master and pupil, The organic bond between expres- haPP>' e"dowment of an individual. GROCERS OiBcp. Brandeis Theatre BmldinR. ; to the efficacy of particular methods True, their contribution is an enrich17th and DoligliiR Streets. 1117-19 Dodge St. Jackson 3878 sion and impression was recognized Phone Atlantir S83K of study, to school rewards and punment of the world's culture. But to nishments, to the position of the even in those remote days, "droat discover why the Greek with his art TIKKS—TVBES—-\rCESSOniE8 teacher in the community, and to mat- is the study of the law, for it leads to and philosophy, and the Roman with MAX OLSEN & CO. ac'ion." Since ' ''ication was to ters that in ou own day would be his genius for law and order and orWholesale Distributors for called "psychological.' The Book of t' conduct there was a constant en- ganization and statesmanship have We carry » oomplele line ot new SCHMIDT'S OITR TREATMENT riu^ ppnrs. pinions, nxle stmfts anil Proverbs stresses the importance of deavor to make their training practi- "vanished from the face of the earth," Malta. Select, Bock, Ginger CONVINCK VOC OF OCR springs for almost any ranfte ol car. "Not theory, but action, is the habit:: "Train up a child in the way cal. SrNCKRITY. SI. I> KH'KMAN. Mnnuirer. " . f I'.. „ " I J : "^ T while the Jew is still here as vigorous Ale, Hires Root Beer . , ,j , i i . " chief thing, declares the Mishmah. i:!lK-13SD West nroadnny, Trust Office and Warehouse: 917 go. Main St. as ever, one must look to their educaCOVNCIL BI-l FFS. IOWA. Safety Deposit Boxes. he should go, and even when he is Rearing the child always contemplatTelephone 142 PliOXE 444. • tional contribution. COUNCIL ULDFFS. IOWA. old, he will not depart from it." On ed preparations of trade or callii-j m ; the importance of discipline and the to be followed later in life. All pu- To the world's educational wealth —— RATESI j value of reproof as a mode of guid- pils, rich as well as poor, were obliged the Jews have contributed the civic Omnha Ofilce: 81S DouRlas Street. ance the Book declares: "He is in the Oniiihii Phone Atlantic 2556 ' th B k d l "H i i th tw receive vocational preparation: ideals of individual worth, self-defor space on this Special way of life that heedeth instructermination and responsibility. Ford Tranoler & Storage Co. "As it is your duty to teach your son Page given on application. tion; but he that for3aketh reproof While recognizing conflicting claims K. A. FORD the Law, teach him a trade," and SIG >'. ieth St. erreth;' and again, "Whoso loveth President and Cenprnl Mannpret. Branches at Central Market. again "vvho;oever does not teach h: i and a hierarchy of purposes in eduCouncil BIHITB down) Office knowledge loveth correction; but he Table Supply and Food Center. a trade," and . gain "whosoever does cation, Israel was first and for many 482 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 924 So. Mnin Street. Phone 366 ; that is brutish hateth reproof." not teach his son a handicraft teaches centuries alone in championing the i Education Compulsory Before Chrissupremacy of character-formation in him to be a thief." tian Era. CLEAN LINEN that hierarchy. "Democracy in eduAn Ideal Wnshine Conililnntlon. Estes Laundry Tablets . In the Talmud the Am haarez, the cation" is a new phrase, but its meanEvery m o n n n c Continue Love for Education. If you call t h e . . with . . untutored man, is made to suffer civA thousand years after the destruc- ing was throroughly understood in Estes Soap Chips il disenfranchisement and social os- tion of the -emple saw many changes Mosaic times. The dwellings of Isaac and and Jacob were at once home, school, Itracism. Hence there could be no .. the fortunes of itinerant Jews. 1815 California Street. Water Softener (Combined) Phone Douglas 6391 j "comrr.unity without its school," and their fidelity to the educational-re- state and church. The Jewish "conAt all Grocers. j men were fort idden to live where ligious ideal they remained unshaken. ceptions of God, man, righteousness ; there was no provision made for in- I. Western Europe we find the i and duty are easily seen to be far You will like struction. ! amalgamation the Arabic and Hellen- nobler than any that had previouslyCall Atlantic 2364 Sherman Mercantile Co. been formulated among the other In striking contrast with the G i r r ; culture wit:, their own. Mainu . . . tor . . . Wholesale G i w c r s Specialties conception of the pedagogic we find ' ides attempted to reconcile, Ar.istotel- people of the Orient," says Professor 1511 Cumliie St. Phone Atlantic 1247 BUTTER the regard for teachers that recog-'•ian philosophy with Hebraic tradition- Graves. Through them a new facDISTRIBUTORS -. Slnde by ' — OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. riized them as the protectors of the al learning. In Northern Europe tor, the development of moral personJACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. ality, was introduced into education. 2419 Cnmlnff St., Omaha, Nebraska. town. The upkeep of the sehool be- books of manners (e. g. Elassar's . Omaha, Nebraska. ,came everybody's business. As early Conduct of Life") were addressed to as 70 B. C. Simon Ben Shetach estab- the masses of the people^—this at a ROUMANIAN CONSTITUTION TO Rates for Space on GUARANTEE JEWISH RIGHTS. lished a state system of secondary time when the entire literary output Rates for Space on this Special Page this S p e c i a l Page Bucharest. (J. T. A.) The Roueducation. Attendance was compul- of the age of chivalry was intended given on application. given on application. manian Government has decided to insory, though the home and private for the nobility. tutoring vere o.epended upon to pre- Brought into contact with Western corporate the clauses relating to equal fare boys for these schools. About culture, the Jews of the Middle Ages rights for Jewish citizens, including 482 Brandeln Bids. Tel. Jackson 2372 ' a century later Joshua ben Gamla soon became pre-eminent in the fields equal franchise, in the constitution Tel. Jackson 2372. 482 Brandeis Building. {amended the law making it compul- of medicine and astronomy. Salerno, now pending, an announcement in the sory for children to enter school at the center for medical studies, came semi-official "Vitorul" states. . ADVERTISERS,*
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The Jews were first among an- the age of six. very early under the influence of Jewcient peoples to formulate an eduUpon the community was imposed ish teachers and lectures were frecational ideal. The aim of education the obligation of providing teachers quently delivered in Hebrew. It was I was vitalized by being merged in- ' and the prevision was so generous altogether the usual thing to find a separably into the religious and ethi- that we may blush and envy these an- Jewish physician in an ecclesiastical cal fabric of their lives. Thus were cients. Or teacher fcr every twei.l., or secular court, so that Charlemanire they enabled to realize at once what five children; an assistant when the and Charles the Bold were not estabWestern Europe has had to learn | number rose to forty; another assist- lishing a new precedent in their sethrough tedious centuries of groping ant when the number reached fifty. \ lection of Farragut and Zedekiah as experiment and through repeated fail- Well might Jose, hus boast, <fOur chief j court surgeons, ure, viz.: that there can be no edu- 1 care of all is to educate our children," 1 Illustrative of the pedagogic precation which possess qualities en- and again, "From the earliest con- cepts observed by Spanish Jewish abling it to survive unless the primary sciousness they have learned the laws teachers during the Middle Ages are objective is character-formation. I so as to have them, as it were, en- the following rules, set down for their Identifying education with religion, I graven on their souls." Philo bears guidance by Judah ibn Aknin of Raras the Jews did, carried with it signi- | similar testimony, as did Theophras- celona. To be effective, the teacher ficant implication?, not the least of tus before him when he described the should be thoroughly familiar with his subject. There should be no hiwhich was the recognition of educa- Jews as "a race of philosophers." [ atus between his practices and his tion as a birthright: a common priviPsychology and Instruction. ', precepts. His attitude toward dislege, and an obligation to everyone. It would have been strange, indeed, . . , T . . . . ,, . , . , „ , . , . , ciples should be that of th; father Education thus becomes a if with all this emphasis upon educa- ! r , ... . . . ., T | toward hi? sons. It follows that he function of the family; and a portion tion and religious training, the Jews ' . . of the Deuteronomic law, which was , , ,. _•• j -L. i • w 'il exact no pav for his instruction. ,, incorporated at an early date in the thad " e r T h e # TT ..... . , . . ' .„, ,, • r u t h gnot o f discovered y a , t Q t hsome t e a c hpsychologic 1 -<• ......... * - . 1 . - —,-u~_ TX.~ H e W l 1 ' n ° t permit daily prayer, enjoins the father to in- !T•—•i., Y u u himself ? ' * , to ? ?become a l m u d r e c o g n i z e s f o u r types of men- ' ^ f * u lls struct his children: "And these words :i Ttalitv—the ."sponge' . _ „ „ „ • ».u;^ P .P , cheerfully. bear m Q,it,._TKo Kewi,a m u m ,ou™iu^ , . He . .should . ,,
The "Electric Shop" is on the ground flopr of the Electric building, South-east comer of Fifteenth and Farnam streets.
The Harry A. Koch Co.
of the Teachers' Training Academy of New York.
By DR. JOSEPH COHEN, Principal
U15 llouelns St.
The Jewish Contribution To Education
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