March 16, 1922

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If you have a minute to spare, don't b o t h e r a man who hasn't.

Do not hurry; -do not flurry; nothing good is got by worry.


VOL. II.—No. 14

Entered as »e £ . poBtof&ce at O « «4

Federation Growth Revealed in Monthly Reports of Societies

ABB mall matter on January 27th. 1921, at Vebraska, nnder the Act of March 3. 1879.



An Analysis of Jewish Immigration Into the United States


Jewish Activities In Smaller Cities Started By Omahans

New York. (J. C. B.—More than Detroit. — On Sunday morning, 6oO members of the Congregation March 5, the boys and girls of the Rodeph Sholom joined in the celebraReligious School of Temple Beth El, WHAT "HIAS" ACCOMPLISHED IN 192! tion of the silver jubilee of the Rev. Religious School, B'nai B'rith Committe on Correctional Insti- tendered Rabbi Leo Franklin a surDr. Rudolph Grossman as Rabbi of prise party for his birthday in the tutions in State Created by Lodge and Zionist Work the Congregation at a dinner in the nature of a pageant, written by Mrs. Board. Begun by Local Men. Hotel Commodore. Gifts from the S. S. Weinman, entitled "The FrankThe Thirteenth Annual Meeting of or their breadwinners had to leave ing with an organization advocating several organzations of the Temple TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN FOR lin Year". Dr. Franklin was called the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant this country. We lay emphasis upon anarchistic beliefs,' and not one for were presented to Dr. Grossman, the THREE BRANCHES OF JEWinto the Assembly from his office and Aid Society of America was held on this phase of the situation. The words, NEW MEMBERS—OTHER being a pauper. gifts being so numerous that one ISH SERVICE ORGANIZED was' entertained by fifty-two children, FEDERATION NEWS. Sunday afternoon, March 12, 1922,'reuniting families,' may have become "Those figures speak more eloquent- speaker urged a detective be assigned since it was his fifty-second birthday. at the Hias Building, 425-437 Lafay- tiresome by repetition, but it is a fact DURING PAST WEEK ly than any words of mine can. They A new phase of social service, that Important episodes in the life of the ette Street, New York City. This that the Jewish immigration was a tell the unchallengable story of the to escort Dr. and Mrs. Grossman home. of ministering to the spiritual needs Religious school in which Dr. Frank- was the first annual gathering to take reunion of families. The influence of Omaha and of desirability of the Jewish immigrant, of Jewish inmates in the correctional lin influenced it, and important times place in the Society's new Home, The toastmaster was Alfred D. Omaha's men upon surrounding comthe material in the future, as it has institutions of Nebraska, was added in which the Religious School in- which was dedicated on June 5, 1921. "Out of a total Jewish immigra- been in the past, of good loyal Ameri- Lind, a trustee. Other speakers were munities was felt very strongly durto the already long list of the func- fluenced his life, were pictured by The large auditorium was filled to tion of nearly 107,300 490 were de- can citizenship. Those are the facts, Judge Samuel D. Levy and Rabbi ing the past week in three separate tions of the Jewish Welfare Federa- various groups of children. A capacity and it was found necessary ported. A large number of the de-and they are given here because it is Alexander Lyons. There were musi- fields of Jewish and communal work. tion, at the monthly meeting of the characteristic celebration for each to hold an overflow meeting in the portees were sent back because of ex- our desire that they should be known cal selections by the choir of ftodeph A religious school, a B'Nai B'Rith cess quota. Not one of these Jewish month of the year was presented to synagogue of the building. Board held Sunday. Sholom. lodge and a local Zionist district were far and wide, so that the misrepreimmigrants was deported for imThe Board of Directors approved make up "The Franklin Year". The Mr. John L. Bernstein, President of morality, criminal tendencies or an- sentations and slanders may be run organized respectively in Fremont, unanimously the recommendation of entire school sang a birthday song the Society, occupied the chair. Fort Dodge, Iowa, and Lincoln. In to earth. We ask no exceptions in archistic tendencies. In 1920 the numthe executive committe that a sub- written especially for the occasion, each city the foundations were laid favor of the Jewish immigrant. We The proceedings were opened with ber of deportations was only 12, out committee on Correctional Institu- entitled "Our Guide and Faithful prayer by Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein of 65,000 Jewish immigrants who ar- demand however, that he shall not be for the further development of tha tions be established, and Morris Lev}*, Friend". Rabbi Franklin was deeply of the Institutional Synagogue, New rived at the port of New York, and discriminated against." work started by local men. president of the Federation, appointed touched by the ceremony and with York. At Fremont, Tuesday night, Dr. Mr. Bernstein declared that what is then, too, there was not one deportaas members of the committee Rabbis very deep feeing he offered his Mr. Bernstein presented a general tion for immorality, criminal tenden- needed is "an intelligent and humanFrederick Cohn carried to success one Frederick Cohn and Morris Taxon, of thanks to the children and said that report upon the Society's activities cies or anarchistic tendencies. Why itarian viewpoint of immigration. We of the phases of the campaign now Omaha, Rabbi Jacob Singer of Lin- their tribute to him made his birth- here and in Europe; Mr. Harry Fisch- then, this continued outcry against have no objection to immigration being conducted nationally by the coln, and Samuel Schaefer, superin- day one of the happiest days of his el, the Treasurer, the financial state- the Jewish immigrants?" Asserts Palestine X^n Be DisUnion of American Hebrew Conlaws, but these laws must not be diclife. tendent of the Federation. cussed Only On Basis of gregations in its efforts to bring the tated by an artificially created sentiment and Mr. Albert Rosenblatt, Official Figures Refute Slanders. ment and by hysteria, due to agitation Balfour Declaration. smaller communities of the country Chairman of the Membership CommitWill Keep in Touch With Inmates. Continuing his analysis of Jewish and to misrepresentation of the facts. in closer touch with Judaism. Dr. tee, a report of the membership It will be the work of this commitimmigration into the United States, We of HIAS, are more than anxious JEWISH STATE WILL NOT Cohn organized a Sunday school with growth of the organization. tee to keep in close touch with the an initial enrollment of 25 children, Restrictive Legislation Unwarranted. Mr. Bernstein quoted from the An-to see a carefully thought out immiPREJUDICE ARAB Jewish inmates of the correctional innual report of the Commissioner Gen- gration policy adopted. Hitherto, we and thereby stimulated a keener stitutions of the state, to supply them RIGHTS. At the outset of his report, Mr. Bern- eral of Immigration to the Secretary religious interest in the community. have had what may be termed, a fit with such articles of a religious nastein discussed the 3 per cent law. He of Labor for the fiscal year ended Sam Block and A. Zlotky co-operated and start policy." ture as they may need, and to proLondon. (J. C. B.) Mr. said: June 30, 1920, which contains the with Dr. Cohn in his work in vide for their observance of the JewAfter briefly referring to the Eu-Churchill, Secretary of State for the "Due to an outcry against immi- most striking refutation of the atFremont, and have assumed charge , ish holidays. The committee is alColonies, has issued a reply to the ropean activities abroad, which he grants, the after-effects of the war, ready at work making a census of the Union of American Hebrew Con- and in consequence of a general hys- tacks that have been launched against declared would only continue so long Arab Delegation declaring that while of the local situation. Dr. Cohn will immigrants. Mr. Bernstein as Eu- an Jews would be enabled the deputation as representing a large visit Grand Island on March 27, on number of Jews for whom such servgregations to Meet in New teria of fear that the country would Jewish said: ice will be made available. York i n January, 1923. to cart r their own, Mr. Bernstein section of the Moslem and Christian a similar enterprise. be overrun by hordes of aliens, the "According tothe official statistics, The Board learned that the Jewish quoted interesting activities in regard inhabitants of Palestine and is anxiAt Fort Dodge, Iowa, a city of immigration restrictionists succeeded community in Lincoln had done ex- DISCUSSION TO CENTER ON in having passed by Congress, what there arrived in. the United States to the Society. ous to discuss with them the present some 60 Jewish families, the first cellent .work for the men in instituSTRENGTHENING OF is known as- the 3 per cent Immigra- from July 1, 1920, to June 30, 1921, 803,203 individuals here and abroad proposals for the Palestine Consti- Jewish society ever formed there is tions there, but it was felt desirable AMERICAN JUDAISM. tion Law. We, who believed that no 119,036 Jewish immigrants—52,710 were served by the various depart- tution, he is not in a position to nego- the newly created B'Nai B'Kith to centralize all such work in the tiate officially with a body represent- lodge, organized Sunday by Henry . danger was threatening the United males, and 66,326 females. Of these ments of the Society. local office. Wherever possible the New York.—Many thousands of States from an avalanche of immi- 17,616 were boys under 16 and 17,059 In 26,947 cases $7,264,706.7£ were ing the whole or part of the people of Monsky, of Omaha, president of the girls under 16, or a £otal number of sent for relatives in Europe. work will,be carried on through and Jewish men and women, the largest Palestine BhtCft'"nd official representa- district grand lodge of the order. with flie co-operation of the neighbor- number ever gathered in onJC meeting' tion has%e«r-constrtnte«l as yet. -• 34,761 of tKe Jgvdskimmitfrxiiti; ar31 charter members now comprise the o f ing Jewish communities. to discuss, the religious problems of — »-.-riving at the port of New York, were At the same time, Mr. Churchill Fort Dodge lodge, and indications their people, will convene in Newbenfefitted America, just as America handled by the Ellis Island Bureau. states that €he future of Palestine are that every Jewish man in the Federation Continues Growth. has benefitted them, opposed the Bill. Reports of the various organiza- York City in January, 1923, to formu- We saw in its passage the great hard- years and above was 24,596. The to- 69,296 Jewish immigrants, out of a cannot be discussed on any basis oth- city will very shortly be a member. tions of the Federation submitted at late plans for strengthening Ameri- ship which will be inflicted upon the tal number of-single males was 21,947. total number of Jewish arrivals in er than the Balfour Declaration, since At Lincoln, Sunday afternoon, the meeting attest to the constant can Judaism. The meeting will be immigrants, we foresaw the impossi- Let us analyze these figures and seethis country, were in receipt of some there could be no question of the Gov- Harry Lapidus, Louis Kneeter, and growth and influence of the Federa- the biennial convention of the Union bility of setting up an administrative what they mean. Out of the total service either from the Home Office ernment repudiating its obligations Dr. V. E. Levine, of this city, organtion in the community. Sixty-six re- of American Hebrew Congregations machinery which would function just- number of Jewish immigrants 83,733 or one of the branches of the Society. toward the Jewish people. ized a local, district of the Zionist 8,759 immigrants and wayfarers lief and social service cases were and the National Federation of Tem- ly and righteously. The Bill was a individuals were destined to their husorganization, enrolled 30 members No Prejudice to Aram Rights. were sheltered at the Home. 1 handled during February through the ple Sisterhoods. and perfected the organization. Louis hasty measure and unscientific. The National Jewish Home will not bands and fathers or brothers and 14,146 immigrants were received at central office at a/cost of $1,666, 149 Some of the most eminent Jews in Finkelstein has been made chairman, . "The three per cent law would have prejudice the Arabs' rights, according sisters in this country. Many married individuals we're assisted through this the United States will atteend the ceased to function on June 30 of this men were destined to their children. the HIAS Home and distributed from to the colonial secretary. While in J. W. Goldfein, secretary, and M. work, 47 immigrant aid cases were convention. Delegates will be sent by year, but by a resolution adopted by 116,566 Jewish immigrants out of a there. the mandate the Zionist Organization Shapiro, treasurer. handled. The Wise Hospital cared for the Jewish communities of three hun- Congress, it has been extended to total of 119,036 were destined to re- 12,953 applicants for first and final is recognized as a public body for adcitizenship papers received the servseven Jewish charity cases, at a cost dred cities between Maine and Cali- June, 1923." latives; 1,781 went to friends and on-ice of the Department of Education. vising and co-operating with the Adfornia. They will include men of inj of $266.65. Less Than Half Percent Deported. ly 689 went neither to relatives nor 2,405 applicants for work were ministration of the established nationThe Jewish Community Center temational reputation, both rabbis Mr. Bernstein then dealt with the al home, the Government is ready, if friends. placed. Board reported a total of 105 meet- and laymen. A delegation of Europ- character of Jewish immigration to "Of the 119,036 Jewish immigrants Mr. Bernstein announced "that as necessary, to insert in the draft a ings, with art attendance of 2558, at ean Jews will also be present. Emi- this country, i n view of the fact that nent government officials will address who sailed for this country, from July another step in our efforts to save the provision for no action to be taken the clubrooms in the Lyric Bldg. durJewish immigrants had been most 1, 1920, to June 30, 1921, only 1,195, funds transmitted by residents in this in Palestine upon the advice of the UNION OF AMERICAN HEBREW the delegates, and an unusual proCONGREGATIONS CONDUCTS ing February. Sixty-six meetings of violently assailed. In this regard he a trifle over 1 per cent, were deport- country to their relatives abroad" the Zionists or otherwise except through CAMPAIGN IN MARCH. Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. clubs and gram of entertainment is being plan- said: ed. Why were they deported? Some Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant the channels prescribed in the final classes were held, and were attended ned. constitution. "There arrived during the year for diseases, some because they were Aid Society of America has been inAll the reform congregations of by 1,517 boys and girls, ranging in 1921, 107,300 Jewish immigrants. This likely to become public charges, some strumental in securing a state charter Cincinnati. Mar. 14.—Thousands of this city are co-operating in the arage from 8 to 21 years. was not a haphazard stream of imJews, scattered in "handfuls" among rangements for the convention. because they did not have the proper fo rthe HIAS Immigration Bank South Side Talmud Torah Hundreds of Children at Talmud small towns and villages throughout Adolph S. Ochs, publisher of the New migration. They were immigrants passports; but not one for being which will begin operations in the Attendance Increasing the land without any form of religious Torah. York Times, is chairman of the spe-who either had to come here so as to 'anarchists or entertaining or affiliat- near future. The South Side Talmud Torah has organization, are now being brought An average daily attendance of 235 cial committee on arrangements. He be reunited with their breadwinners, launched an intensive campaign for within the fold of organized Judaism children during the month was re- and his associates will co-operate with $25,000; New York Public Library, enrollment of children in its classes. by an intensive campaign that was ported for the City Talmud Torah, and Daniel P. Hays, chairman of the New $25,000; New York Zoological SocieUnder the leadership of A. Schlaifer, started on March 1st, by the De200 children at the Sunday School. York executive committee of the ty, $10,000; Hampton Tuskegee Inpresident, every Jewish family in the partment of Synagogue and School The South Side Talmud Torah re- Union of America Hebrew Congregastitute, $10,000; Hampton Normal, South Side is being visited and urged Extension of the Union of American ported a daily average of 35 children. tions. $10,000; New York University, $50,to have the children take advantage Hebrew Congregations, according to A special loan of $200 was made to PHILANTHROPIST'S WILL MADE 000; Jewish Theological Seminary, FUND TO BENEFIT BY of the facilities for Jewish education an announcement made today from this institution to carry it over the PUBLIC; CHILDREN GET LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT $50,000; and Henry Street Settleperiod of depression resulting from BEATRICE, NEB., RAISES EQUAL SHARE. JNEXT WEDNESDAY offered by the Talmud Torah. A the headquarters of the organisation ment, $50,000. marked increase in attendance is al- at Cincinnati.' . the recent packing house strike. $1,000 FOR RELIEF New York.—The schedules in the $1,000 have been pledged by reSeven Inmates were cared for at Cincinnati.—One hundred thousand ready noticeable, according to Mr. The campaign aims to provide the Old Peoples' Home during Febru- sidents of Beatrice for the Jewish estate of Jacob Schiff, banker and JEWISH COMMUNITIES IN dollars have beefl raised by the Na-Schlaifer. Assisting him are the other spiritual leadership for these adary, and $69.00 was received at the Relief appeal, according to reports philanthropist, who died September ALSACE-LORRAINE DESERTED tional Federation of Temple Sister- officers of the Talmud Torah, Messrs. Bath House, conducted by the Daugh- received from that city at the local 25, 1920, prepared for submission to Paris. (By mail.—J. P. A.) The hoods which is seeking funds to build A. Jacobsen, A. Marcus and A. Sil-herents of the Jewish faith by organizing congregations, religious school*, ters of Israel Society. $88.50 dues office. Following are the names of the State Tax Commission in the in-Strassburg Jewish journal "La Juive" a dormitory for' Hebrew Union Col- verman. sisterhoods and study circles. heritance tax proceeding to begin reports that many Jewish communi- lege, Cincinnati, the • training school (Continued on page 2) contributors: JEW ELECTED AS PROTEST Ben Tsnncson _ _..:$ .SiO.OO shortly, fix the value of the property ties in Alsace-Lorraine have become About 150 rabbis and laymen will for reform Jewish rabbis. The total I,onis ' Coldstein _ _.-. 2.10.00 AGAINST THE ANTISEMITIC have undertaken a tour of 600 comto be taxed at $35,257,008. The next completely destroyed. The Jews have J. M. Bernstein 125.00 Local Section of Council of sum to be raised is $250,000. A. Stein _ 100.00 POLICIES OF GOVERNMENT munities before the end of March. estate on which the executors estigradually completed their exodus and Jewish Women Receives J. Sumisli J00.0O When news was received at camno.00 mate a tax will be fixed is $34,426,- cities which a few years ago had They -will speak at mass meetings Badupast (By Mail—Jewish Press Thanks of National Office J.A. ("ernri paign headquarters in Cincinnati that Rernstien 30.00 arranged for this purpose, ' confer prosperous and flourishing Jewish 282. Association.) The Bar Association Mrs. lien Isaacson . 25.00 Mrs. Samuel Nathan, chairman of Mrs. the $100,000 mark had been passed, I.onis Goldstein 2-"><>0 communities are now totally free of with local community group* and of Szenedine has elected Dr. J. RainMr. Schiff's will gave away $1,350,the committee on Immigrant Aid of Mrs. J. II. Bernstien . 25.00 preparations for the construction of Jews. wherever possible effect religious oringer, a Jewish attorney, as its pres000 in direct bequests to organizathe local section of the Council of the dormitory were begun. ident for the ensuing term of a year. ganizations. tions, and divided the residue of his Oberhagenthal formerly had a JewThorpeians to Give Spririf Jewish Women, has received acknowlLetters received by Mrs. Abram Before the balloting several Chris- The campaign is the result of an estate equally between his son, Mort- ish majority in its population, but now Simon, general campaign chairman, Dance edgment of the receipt at Ellis Island tian advocates appealed for the elec- insistent demand from communities there is not one Jew to be found there. imer, and his daughter, Mrs. Felix of the clothing collected in Omaha reThe Thorpeian Athletic club will from sisterhoods throughout the cently for immigrants detained there. give the first of a series of spring Warburg. The amount each wiU re- So it is with many other villages and country, indicate' that the^ Jewish tion of the Jewish candidate, as a having no synagogue, rabbi, or JewThe letter, signed by Miss Cecelia dances a week from Sunday, March ceive, if the schedules are accepted cities. The synagogues are being con- women are working,intently on the protest against the anti-semitic poli- ish religious school, for some form Razovskfo national secretary of the 26, at the Ben Hur Dancing. Academy. in their entirety by the State Tax stantly sold to Gentiles and of the drive. The smaller Jewish communi- cy of the Hungarian Government, as of organization that will afford a formerly great Jewish community in ties are as active as those cities where well as to show the country that the means of observing their Jewish department of Immigrant Aid, states The committee in charge promises Commission, is $16,538,141. Jews must be regarded and dealt holidays and bringing up their childth&t the response to the appeal that this affair will be even more enThe charitable gifts of $1,350,000, Imlingen, one of the largest in the the Jewish population is large. entire province has remained but one with as free and equal d.izens. throughout the country has been most joyable than those given'in the past made in the will, were: ren with a knowledge of their faith Jewish family. gratifying, and thanks the local sec- by the organization. Under the club's and traditions. . Letters and verbal Federation for the Support of JewThe Sisterhood of Temple Israel tion and the Omaha contributors for slogan, "It's a Thorpeian Affair," ish Philanthropic Societies, $500,000; requests have for months poured into PRIVATE CEMETERY FOR will give an elaborate entertainment their generosity. much entertainment for the younger Jewish Theological Seminary of Am- PALESTINE'S NORTHERN BASHFUL "MESHUMODIM the offices of the Union of American at the Blackstone, Wednesday evenerica, $100,000; Union of American FRONTIES UNSETTLED ing, March 22, proceeds of which will Lodz (By Mail—Jewish Press As- Hebrew Congregations in Cincinnati. This branch of the Council has also set has been assured. Hebrew Congregation, $100,000; undertaken to investigate home conLondon. (J. C. B.) The Duke of be turned over to the Hebrew Union sociation). The City Council had deZurich (Jewish .Press Association). Montefiore Home, $300,000; Harvard Southerland, speaking in the House College'Dormitory "Fund. There will cided to organize a special cemetery Co-operating with this movement, ditions of orphans sent to relatives in this country by the Joint Distribu- The Swiss Parliament after a long Universtiy, $255,000; Charity Organi- bf Lords, informed a questioner that be dancing, tables-of bridge and other for the "Religionless." As is well Dr. Frederick Cohn has already ortion Committee and the Hebrew Shel- and acrimonious debate adopted to- zation Society, $10,000; Babies' Hos- the Government was considering the games, and a general -diversity of en- known, these "Religionless" are most- ganized a Sunday school at Fremont, tering Society. The local section is day a bill, making school attendance pital, $5,000; Soloman and Betty report of the Boundary Commission tertainment. Mrs. Cora Wolf is chair- ly assimilated Jews, who have not and Rabbi Jacob Singer, of Lincoln, >-operating in this work, in addition compulsory for Jewish children on Loeb Memorial Home, $25,000; New concerning Palestine's northern fron- man of the affair. the hardihood and brazen-faced ef- spoke in Nebraska City on the 14, o aiding other classes of immigrants the Sabbath and othfl -Jewish holi- York Association for the Blind, $10,- tier, but that no final decision has frontry to accept the tenents of the and plans to speak in Hastings and i .Metropolitan Jdvyseum of-Art, jret- been reached, Norfolk before the end of the month. -< their arrival her»"Jewish Prwi»^ Ada -Bring Results. Christian-Faith.

Britain's Pledge to Jewish People Stands, Churchill Tells Arabs

Three Hundred Cities to Send Delegates to Religious Convention


Organize Jews In Small Communities For Judaism

$1,350,000 Bequeathed to Charity by Jacob Schiff

$100,000 Raised for Dormitory by Sisterhoods


THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday « Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.-Telephone: Jackson 2372.

JEWISH CALENDAR Ro»h-CIioelcsc:i Nissan _.Tllor8.. Mnr. HO Passover (Pesacli) Thnrs., Apr. in « Passover {Seventh D<kj-)_^ Wed., April 25 Kosli-CIioUrscli lynr , Sat.. Apr. May 18 b'Omer ..Toes.. May 28 Koslt-Cli«Mles"ch Si van Sun.. 2 Sliubuotli (Confirmation Day) Fr.. June .Tune 27 Rosh-Chodescli Tnmmuz Tiies.. July 23 KosIl-CIiodcsch Ab W«l.. 3 Oast of Ab ThnrR.. Uosh-ClioiIescJj Ellul Fri.. C633—102S. Sew Year's Eve..'. Frl., Sept. •-

' amination. The technician makes his CHALUZIM TO PURIFY DISEASE-BREEDING LAKES report to the nurse every mornLondon (Jewish Press Association). ing. . In order that the quality of the milk may"-IJcTUip'to the standard, Near the Jewish colony, Zi '.iron JacMrs. Solomon is, interesting herself ab, there are two lar lakes, which

in the conduct" of" the dairy, and en- have thus far bred disease and spread abling the owner, to make such im- pestilence,—especially that of Mala...$2.50 Subscription Price, one year provements as will gradually bring ria, in this entire section of the Advertising rate9 furnished on application. the dairy into line with modern re- country, now it is proposed by the quirements. For the present, all Zionist Organization, to transform [-••. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicathe babies recsiving . milk are, these lakes into sanitary and healthI tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. as it were, the babies of the A. Z. infecting water-bodies, which shall be i CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please g\v both the old and new addresi: M. U. Infant Welfare Station; that an ornament of beauty to the comI be inre and sign yonr name. is to say, the babies that were born munity, as well as a source of power in the Rothschild Hospital, and who and productivley to its inhabitants. | PURIM New York.—Purim of 1922 marks from there- have been followed up Over l,C00 Chaluzim have already I The appointment of a rabbi as Minister Plenipotentiary to the tenth anniversary of Hadassah, in their homes, and the mothers in- commenced this dangerous work, i,the modern Persian Empire by President Harding has lent un- the Women's Zionist Organization. to bring them to the Station. which is expected to take several lusual significance to the festival of Purim, which was celebrated Entering upon a second decade, the duced There" are no more than 150 babies months. jthis week. The origin of Purim is traced to ancient Persia. 138 Chapters of Hadassah, and the under supervision. When good for| Shushan, the capital of ancient day and Teheran of our 30 Junior Units, bodies of Zionist tune us, and s-nds us some ALLENBY'S MOTHER SENDS ^modern era, are as far apart in atmosphere as they are in time. women only, dedicate themselves other favors woman or agency interested in GIFT TO COLONISTS [Still the fact that a Jewish Ambassador from the United States anew to the tasks toward the rebuild- milk distribution, we shall be able to sojourns in this land where the scenes and stirring events ing of the Jewish homeland so hap- make the Station at the Rothschild Jerusalem (By Mail—Jewish Press •narrated in the Book of Esther are located, is bound to stimulate pily begun, in the hope that the sec- Hospital as complete as the one in Association). Lord Allenby's 91-yearreflections on the romantic history of the Jewish people. ond decade shall find them stronger the Inner City. At the present time old mother, sent to the colonists of *. The ritual of the Purim feast consists in reading the Book in number, in achievement and in the milk distribution at the Roth- Rishon-L'Zion, as an expression of of"Scroll of Esther, either in the original or in translation. In high purpose. All over the country schild Hospital is meager. All we her esteem and regard, the portrait of her son, painted by one of Engancient days the reading of the narrative was accompanied by the Chapters of Hadassah are in the to depend upon there is a small land's foremost artists. In her let^.unrestricted comments of the congregation, gathered primarily midst of membership drives and cam- have contributioin from a Pales- ter accompanying this gift, she exifor the purpose of hearing the fascinating story read from the paigns to raise money for the Had- monthly ;inian women's organization." pressed her profound pleasure and pulpit. The mention of Queen Esther and Mordecai was an assah Medical Organizaztion in Pal' occasion for applause, while the trickeries of Haman were ridi- estine, (Formerly American Zionist Through the Palestine Supplies De- gratitude to the colonists for their partment, Hadassah provides all its sincere and cordial reception of her culed and reviled by any noisy instrument. Medical Unit.) ; This semi-mirthful treatment of the Biblical story, reflected Miss Henrietta Szold, the origina- hospitals and clinics with linens; and son, during his tour of Palestine. the triumph of truth and righteousness over tyranny and vile tor of the Hadassah organization, has in addition provides linens and cloth•oppression. There is no occasion for the Jews of modem Persia been living in Palestine for the past ing for the 3,000 Jewish War Or- ANTI-ZIONIST AGITATION MENto find elements in the story of Esther reminiscent of their own two years, and has devoted herself phans in Palestine who are maintain- ACE TO ANGLO-AMERICAN ed by the Joint Distribution Comhlot. But in all other centuries the Jewish people discovered in to interests of Hadassah there. mittee with the co-operation of the JEWISH FRIENDSHIP, DECLARE the career of Esther and Mordecai and in the plotting of Haman In the THE LLOYD GEORGE ORGANS nearly every vein of activity in Hadasf-ah Junior Units—groups of 1 against them, a reflection of their own afflictions. Then, as is Eretz Yisrael Hadassah pulsates. By young girls who last year secured London (Jewish Press Association) the case even in our own day, the Jewish people were beset by means of a large and elaborate Of entire English press, the paopponents and daily their lives were threatened as they were scheme of Medical Service, Hadassah the financial adoption of ISO of these persthefriendly to Lloyd George are ophans. Jin the story of Esther. cares for the population of Palestine the only ones defending and supportIn America, the Chairman of Ha• In the Biblical account the Jews of Persia were fated to be the cities, in the colonies, and even dassah is Miss Alice L. Seligsberg, ing Zionism. Condemning the agita•'destroyed. The date set for this terrible execution of men, in on the roads where the Halutzim who was one of its founders, and tion as destructive of the highest inI -women and children, was the thirteenth day. of the twelfth (immigrants) are working, extending who escorted the American Zionist terests of the British Empire, they "I month according to the Hebrew calendar. Through the mirac- aid to them through the field hos- Medical Unit to Palestine, served sound a note of warning against the v ulpus intervention of Esther, Queen of Persia, the Jewess selected pitals. Not only has Hadassah been of this pernicious propa;by Ashasuerus as his wife, and Mordecai, her uncle, the Jewish concerned with "curative" medi- with it for one year and then stay- continuance ganda, which could have no other reed another year to organize the Or| people were spared this murderous destruction. cine, but by establishing two Infant phan work for the Joint Distribution • " In this triumph the Jewish people read an answer to their Stations Hadassah has en- Committee. Jown afflictions. They felt assured that, however sad their lot, Welfare gaged in "preventive"' work also I God would vindicate them and remove the bonds of oppression. FOR RENT—One or two mod; ' ' The joyous celebration of this feast of Esther was never Miss Szold writes: ORTHODOX JEWISH ARTIST ern rooms in a private fam"In our hospitals we have always hmodified even in the darkest period of Israel's career. The bitter IN VIENNA DEAD had, of course, a children's departily. At. 1777. I experience they had to endure gave them greater reason to Vienna (By Mail—Jewish Press i[Observe this festival in a spirit of merriment in order to counter- ment, and in all our clinics, equally Association.) David Kahan, a welljact the sadness of their own lot and revive their lagging faith in of course, we have had consultatiions known painter and extreme orthdox, ] Gpd who shielded them against the attacks of the implacable foe. to which mothers brought their sick died here last week, having attained children, but it is only a matter of six months since we have been able the age of 61 years. The deceased achieved special disto arrange consultations with mothtinction by his genius of portraiture; ers for the benefit of their well chil(Continued,from page 1.) dren, to teach them how to keep among Jews he was doubly popular, Upholstering, were collected atj the last meeting of well. because of his strict piety and reFurniture Repairing, | It was said from this very pulpit the society. "One such station we established lijrious devotion. All through his jTecently, by one to whom associations Overstuffed Furniture The Jewish Women's Welfare Orlife he observed every principle or '< had made the place dear, that this is ganization reported a total member- in connection with the Rothschild orthdoxy, never failing to attend the Made to Order \ holy ground. This is holy ground, ship of 870, with'dues of §166 collect- Hospital system, another in the Old synagogue for the morning and AXY STTT,B MATERIALS. 1 should be to us surely, whose every ed at its last meeting. This organiza- or Inner City, in which we have in evening prayers, during the week^ VA LOCKS. MOHAIR, TATESTKT. ; association is that of God. This is tion also reported excellent progress operation a complete little clinic sys- days, as well as during the Sabath Tel. Webster 2224 5 holy ground in so far as we make it in the public school work which it has tem; a daily general clinic for in- and holidays. | so. been conducting. All cases for relief ternal diseases, a daily clinic for eye I We have builded an edifice of brick are investigateed by the committee of diseases, and a drug store. Six months ago we added an Infant Wel| and stone. We have shaped in into this organization. fare Station, consisting of three ! the likeness of a holy place, and we ...FOR... Welfare Girls Sew at Hospital. room?, a waiting room, a weighing l have consecrated it to God. When we DIAMONDS, JEWELRY Fifteen infant gowns were made by room and the doctor's consulation Jhear the peals of the organ, the singAND members of the Junior Welfare Orroom. At' both places, the Rothschild i ing of the choir, 'the reading of the SPECIAL PLATINUM I scripture, the words of help and com- ganization during the month, the Hospital and the Inner City, we DESIGNING Board learned, and were turned over , found what had been all over the l fort spoken by our Rabbi, it all chant? see First ClaKs Work. J one glorious refrain, "Come to God." to the Wise Hospital. Three new j world, that milk control and distriReasonable Prt<*e». members were secured, and dues of bution must go with these consulj But do you realize how little this $24.00 collected. Seventy guests were tations between mothers and doctor?. fall means, without you? It is but a Diamond and Platinum I framework, a structure, a ladder present at the luncheon given by this For milk we had no funds. FortuSpecialists I poised upward to point the way, a organization on March 4, and over nately, the wife of one of the govCALL WEBSTER 6270 1514 Dodge Street. 150 couples attended the dance given } ladder upon which you may climb. ernment officials, Mrs. Harold SoloEstablished 1894. DO nglas 5G19. •, .You are the raison d'etre, the reason jointly by the Junior Welfare Organ- mon, interested herself in this mat* for it all existing. You, it is, that ization and the Jewish Women's Wel- ter, and has contributed monthly sufi breathe into it the heart and soul fare Organization on March 8. ficient milk to supply milk for from The Deborah Society reported two 25 to 30 babies. She also gave the \ which makes it a living influence in j your lives. Religion, if it be only a new members and dues collected total- equipment for the milk kitchen. The I system of worship, means nothing, ling §36.50, which are paid over to the A.Z.M.U. is contributing to the place 1 yrithout you worshiping. If it is just City Talmud Torah. (attached to the Infant Welfare Sta-j Harry Lapidus, chairman of the tion just described), an American i ft religious spectacle you want, why | just as well go to the lecture hall, the finance committee of the Federation, trained nurse, a Palestinian pupil •I theatre or the concert. The holiness annouced that the committee would nurse as her assistant, service, drugs, j and sanctity of a service is not com- conduct a campaign for 600 new raem- etc. Our physicians in the Infant ! mensurate with the quality of the i bers of the Federation during the Welfare Station prescribe the milk I singing or the greatness of a sermon; ' week of April 2. A budget of $50,000 and ortter to what degree it is to be I it depends upon the earnestness and for the year's work was approved by modified for each baby- In certain fervor and sincerity of you who pray the Board. v cases the physician--also prescribes Following is the financial report in the benches. for the mothers. -In the kitchen, unfor the month of February: der the "supervision of. the AmeriThis discount is only allowed to people mentioning You do not get your religion here. Cash an Hnnri, Feb. 1. 11I22.._ J2.074.00 : can trained nurse, who had a great you bring your religion here, here to UECEIPTS this advertisement. deal of such -experience in AmeriSubscriptions ... f2.S."Ui.2." your place of worship, here to find Contributions.. _ 150.41 ca, the formulas are made up from • calm and repose and "aloofness." .You Flower Fund CALL JACKSON 1440. 1941 VINTON STREET 01.50 59.17 the pasteurized milk and distribut: know, we always seem to feel nearer ed. She and her assistant, the pupil 3.143.33 to God, to infinity; when we are alone Total Receipts .-; and quiet, a little removed from the $5,218.23 nurse, follow up all the cases in their J J DIRBl'RSEhomes; and induce the mothers to be | distracting practicalities and trivialMEXTS regular in their attendance at the Local Relief $1,280.98 | ities of life. Outside, we live in a Transient consulations held in the Infant Weli .world of excitement and bustle, of a Relief 70.00 427.T53 fare Station. The milk, by the way, j million pygmie cares and pygmie sor- Administration.. Coal 202.25 comes from a dairy in the neighbor4.80 rows. We got so submerged some- School W.ork..._ hood of Jerusalem. A specimen is times we can scarce see light. Shut Trust City Talmud 425.A0 sent every day to the laboratory of the door a little while on all this con- T. Torah_ M. H.. A :.. 475.00 the Rothschild Hospital for exfusion. Rise a little higher, think' a South Side Tal05.00 mud'Torah little more deeply, feel a little more Jewish Com- . 18th and Farnam Streets sincerely. Do not come to your Tem- raunlty Center 185.00 its joys and sorrows, is brought beJewish Comple expecting to have your religion munity Center fore us to illustrate "the way of the (Loan) .....'... !.'. 700.00 served to you on a silver platter, Daughters youth with the maiden." Professor of Israel Aid Sowhich you have paid for with the Jastrow divides the collection into 300.00 ciety 4.203.3G twenty-two songs, and to them he has price of your attendance. Do not come expecting everything of your Balance, March I, 1022.. ...% 924.87 given descriptive and enticing titles Temple. Teach your Temple, your such as "Love's Ecstacy," "The Congregation, to expect something of in our Savings Department we pay 4% interest, compounded and BOOKS WORTH READING Saucy Damsel," "Love's Longing," added to your account quarterly. "Love's Garden," etc. We read them "The Song of Songs," "a collecyou. AH d e p o . i t . in t W bank « • M l y ^ r o t e r t e d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ here in their perfect poetical form tion of love lyrics of ancient PalesBring to your place of worship a anty Fund of the State of I*ei|)™B*J*-t ^ g W l e dollar has been lout and taste the rich flavor of the origmood of reverence, of respect, of un- tine," by the late Morris Jastrow, Jr., in operation f % * * ™ Prided by means of assessments on all State inal. Analogies with the love songs ? rthe con8tant reC P S derstanding and of sympathy, and I has been published by J. B. Lippinof ancient F^ypt and of modern Arathe Guaranty Fund. promise you, you will take away with cott Co. of Philadelphia. We Irtvlte : your'Banking business. Prof. Jastrow's last \vork is a com- bic poetry are brought forward by you that blessed solace of God's comProf. Jastrowf in his study of the fort, that uplift that a glimpse into panion volume to his "Gentle Cynic" origin; and growth of the "Song of (the Book of Ecclesiastes), and to his infinity alone can give. "Book of Job," all three having been Songs"—all with a view of bringing D. C. QBISKLMAN. Cashier. D. W. GEISEI.MAN. President. •Address delivered by .Mrs. Isidor chosen for popular presentation be- the character, the charm, the simplicH. M. KROGH. Ass't. Cashier. C. V. NELSON. Vlce-rrcs, Ziegler at the Council Sabbath serv- cause of their outstanding character ity w these ancient lyrics "ore cleara^ literary masterpieces and because ly and more vividly to the modern ices at Temple Israel March 11. of their human appeal, .Jn the "Song reader, for whom the, volume is Intended " J e w i s h Press'' Ads JJring Results. of Songs" love in its varying moods,

Hadassah Celebrates', its Tenth Birthday

8"Come to God's Temple •\ With Reverence" *


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suit than the alienation of the sympathies of Jews all over the world, especially of those of America, — a consequence pregnant with danger to the interests of England. Furthermore, the honor of the English people is pledged to carry out the full spirit and intent of the Balfour declaraticr., and England cannot afford at this time to dishonor its plighted wore. Ou'.side of the Lloyd George pre- , such as the "Daily Chroniclr, ' "Globe," etc., the entire English. press is still filled with hostile, anti-Zionist articles—the product of a vigorous Arab propaganada conducted hei e.

uknfT published an article in which he says that lie was very impressed by the change he found in the attitude of American Jews are now taking towards Bolshevism. While previously democratic meeting would not have been possible, it is now FUCcesE-ful, and crowds are supressing boishevist rowdyism. On his arrival h^ w:-s welcomed by representatives of the %'l)aj ," which published an interview v, itn him. On former occasions the 'Forward" would have greeted him with storm, but this time it wfxS silent.

The American Jews, Mr. Milliukoff declared, iinbued with American ideals and unaffected by Bolshevist propaf^'.na'ia. Louis Marshall, the wriipr, says, was one of the first to JEW ELECTED TO ROUMANIAN SENATE realize the political insignificance of London, (J. T. A.) Dr. Weissel- the l^oi=h«'vist movement. bcrg has been elected in Bukovina as a member of the Senate. He beWANTED—A men with some longs to the Jewish Nationalist parexperience in the clothing ty and has for years taken a very and jewelry business. Must active part in the political life of the have a few thousand dollars. country and was before the war the Call ATlantic 4493. Box 210. vice-Mayor of Chernowitz. The Jewish Socialist Leon Geller, was defeated in the same elections. JEWS TURN FROM BOLSHEVISM, M1LIUKOFF DECLARES London, (J. C. B.) In the Jewish Tribune which is being published in Paris by the Vinaver Group, Mili-



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If you knew a tornado were to come your way to-morrow—WHAT would you do? You could not guard against it. You could not fight it when it came. You could not move your property out of its path. You could not build dykes to keep it out. You could not call a physician to at least temporarily defer it.

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1922 A regular meeting of the Confirm- Children's Entertainments ORPHAN ADOPTED IN Messrs. James, Isaac and William ation Class of the Sunday School was Feature Celebration of COUNCIL BLUFFS MEMORY OF LOCAL MAN Arenson, of Sedalia, Mo., were callLINCOLN held Sunday afternoon, March 18, at Purim Here ed to Lincoln last week by the serithe Synagogue, Eighteenth and Chi- Entertainments and celebrations of Over 200 people attended the eighth uabbi Jacob Singer gave an ad-ous illneas of their mother. cago streets. annual, entertainment and dance, dress at Nebraska City, Tuesday, unusual hgh quality marked the obwhich was given by the Agudas March 14, in connection with the Na- Mr. Harry Lapidus, Dr. V. E. LeMrs. M. Meyerowitz, who is ill with servance of Purim here during the Achim Sunday evening _at the Danish tional Jewish Campaign for religious vi-? and Mr. Louis Kntster, of Omaweek. Hundreds of children and pneumonia at her home, is reported hall. The following program was organization. He will speak at Nor- ha, spoke at the Zionist meeting held their parents gathered at synagogue, Mr. Edwin Kirschbraun is in Pitts- to be out of danger. g,._ -i pv e v e n j g a t tne jvre iu]j given: a piano solo by Helen Stein- folk on Tuesday, March 28. temple and community center to hear burgh on a short business trip. berg; Musical Reading by Fannie rooms. The Daughters of Israel Aid Soci- again the ages-old story of Queen Shyken, accompanied by Rose Shyken, Mrs. Wm. Seelenfreundt entertain'Mrs. J. J. Friedman will enter- ety will meet next Tuesday afternoon, Esther, and to rejoice in the downMiss Dorothy Gordon has accepted ed at bridge Monday afternoon in and Violin solo by Philip Krasne. tain at her home next Thursday for March 21, at the Jewish Old People's fall of Haman. a position to teach Spanish anfl Lahonor of Mrs. D. K. Bergman, of the members of the Priscilla club. Home, 2504 Charles street. At the Jewish Community Center tin in the Horton High School at Lusk, Wyo., and Mrs. Arthur RoMr. Louis Freidman of Kansas last evening the large assembly hall Horton, Kansas. Mrs. Lewis Dworkowitz, of Kansas Dr. Baer Epstein, who addressed a was filled to overflowing by an City, Mo., is visitng wth brothers senblum, of Omaha. City, left Tuesday for her home, aft- large audience Tuesday evening at enthusiastic audience, that was enterhere. Rabbi Singer will give a musical The Misses Ann and Sarah Waxer a two weeks' stay with her sis-the Jewish Community Center on "Zi- tained for two hours by children of reading, accompanied by Mrs. Singer, man entertained eight couples at a onism," will return to Omaha at thethe eleven Young Judea Clubs. Mrs. ter, Mrs. David Green, and Mr. The Mogen Dovid club entertained dancing party Saturday evening in Monday evening, March 20, at the request of the Zionist district and Ben Handler directed the entertainGreen. the members of the Blossoms of Zion honor of their house guest, Miss Ann home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Friend. show the remaining two films of hisment, assisted by leaders of the club Sunday afternoon at a Purim Rosenblatt, of Omaha, who came The proceeds will go to the DormiMrs. Belle Pollack and Mrs. Dol- series of Palestine Pictures which various clubs. This is Samuel Kraushnar, aged 6, party at the home of Charles Goldtory fund of the Union Hebrew Collie Elgutter will entertain twelve were not shown Tuesday evening. The European orphan, who has been berg. The next meeting of the to attend the basketball tournarrent. lege at Cincinnati. On Monday night citizens of the guests at a one o'clock bridge lunch- films will be shown Sunday evening, Mrs. D. K. Bergman, of Lusk, South Side celebrated the holiday in "adopted" by Mrs. L. Rosenblum and Mogen Dovid club will be held Suneon Tuesday at their home. March 18, at the Nineteenth and Burt traditional style at the synagogue, children, in memory of their husband day afternoon at the Synagogue. Wyo., who has been visiting her parThe Ivre club held its regular meetStreets Synagogue. ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Fogel- ing Wednesday, March 15, at the Ivre 25th and J streets. Following the and father, L. Rosenblum, of this : Mrs. Harold Cirlin, of Chicago, city, who died last August. Sammy's Miss Reva Gilinsky will entertain son, returned home Tuesday. Mrs.' < ab rooms. Louis Messer and Ben left last Monday for her home after Miss Ruth Kushner will leave Sat- reading of the Megillah, the children mother and father both died of cholSunday afternoon in honor of Miss Arthur Rosenblum, of Omaha, who' Polick were taken in as members of of the South Side Talmud Torah a two weeks' stay with her sister, urday evening for an extended trip era, when he was an infant. He ie Mrs. Prank Greenberg. Mrs. Cirlin to Chicago and New York. While in presented an entertainment, and were now living in Lemberg, and through Edythe Freiden, bride to bo of Mr.has also been a guest of the Fogel- the club. son home, returned Wednesday was formerly Miss Lucille Osherov. Chicago she will visit with an aunt given Purim presents by the Ladies' the provision of the Rosenblum be- Maurice Gilinsky. AuxiliaryThe program was in charge and cousin, and with her brother, Dr. The marriage of Miss Ruth Samquest has been placed in school. Mrs. J. Krasne will entertain the Rabbi Frederick Cchn's subject for Edwin Kushner, formerly of Omaha, of Mr. A. Schlaifer, president of the ter to Mr. Henry Wessel, took place Mrs. Rosenblum and children have Evening club Wednesday. lecture on Friday night - -will be who is now attending the Chicago Talmud Torah, and Mrs. A. Silverman last Thursday at Philadelphia. Mr. also ...ade the "••llowing memorial do"Spring." "The Calf of Gold" is hisCollege of Osteopathy. In New York president of the Auxiliary, arranged Wessel is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam nations to local and national philansubject for Saturday morning. she will visit with her sister, Mrs. for the distribution of Shaloch thropies: Cleveland Orphan Home, The Council of Jewish Women card Wessel, of this city. party will fee held Sunday evening at Irving Kahn, •• formerly Miss Fern Moness. The synagogue was filled $60; Jewish Consumptives' Relief SoMr^s. Edward, Sternberg, of Lin-Kushner, of Omaha. the Danish halL The public is in- Miss Helen Altschuler of Omaha, I to capacity for the occasion. The folciety, Denver, $70; Omaha Talmud vited to attend. coln, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. lowing children participated: spent several days in Lincoln as the Torah, §65; Congregation Beth HamMorris Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. M. Seiner entertained Miller. Abrnham. r«renman. Susan. Special Interest Given Each guest of Miss Irene Adelson. idrosh Hagodel, $32.50; Congregation ! I-eihowiti. Unxtur. Solomon. Joseph, The Blossoms of Zion club will at a dinner party at their home TuesCnlick. ltcisp. Wnlner. Norman. " A Board meeting of the Council of Individual Scholar B'nai Jacob, $17.50 ; to the Keren meet Sunday afternoon at 3 p m. Corenman. Dorothy, Colick. Hnrry. Jewish Women will be held Monday day evening for twenty-five guests in Collck. Fannie, Blumpiithal. Kussel, Hayesod, $30, and the Old People's at the Synagogue. <;oldenb*TC. Zola, Max. afternoon at the Jewish Community honor of the sixth birthday of their Wnlfson. Home and the Jewish Welfare Fed^ohlaifpr. Sam. DOUGLAS 1973 Orttnnn. Martin. son, Leo. Bniimer. Louis. Srhlaifer. Charles. Center. eration, $5 each. The Ladies Aid Society met Chiropodist and Beauty Oannr. Max. Schlaifer. llymaii. Soorpln. William. Koslofsky. Arthur. Dr. H. L. Levine has left for Blan- ' Gerelick. MIOCEL BLDG. Wednesday afternoon at the home of Shop The Council of Jewish Women will Handeltnan. Irving, Israel. JEWISH SELF-DEFENCE hard, Iowa, to make his future home. Soorpin. Sam, SrhlalfiT. Arthur. Mrs. B. Markovitz. Established 1800 hold a card party, preceded by a PREVENTS POGROM 1 5 and Harney Canar. Louis. Walner. Harold. 15th and Harney Streets. Phone Onngln* 2333 luncheon today at the Blackstone Ho- Mr. Sam Horn left for San Francis- Solomon. Sarah. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The courAt Temple Israel, on Sunday after"Jewish Press" Ads Bring Results. tel. co Monday night for an indefinite stay noon, children of the Sunday School ageous, prompt action of the Jewish youth prevented a serious excess in yjjygjjajgjgjgjgjgigfiiygigjjajaj^ The Mesdames Leo and Isy Rosen- ith his brother, Mr. Morris Horn, Jr., presented a varied entertainment, the town of Kosowo near Slonim, of that city, who has been visiting thai will entertain at a one o'clock under the direction of Miss Madeline reports state. The trouble started luncheon Saturday at the home of with his brother, Mr. Morris Horn, Jr., Cohn. The following program was when drunken Ukrainian peasants beDON'T FORGET-BIG SPRING DANCE Horn. +he latter. given: | gan accosting Jewish pedestrians, Prayer Lillian Previrh shouting, "Beat the Jews!" A numGIVEN BY Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosburg re- The Misses Esther Zalk, Ann Gere- Purim "The Egg" Audrey Sugannan • Japanese I>nn<v ..... (Veil Snvder ber of Jewish jjouths came to the lick and Esther Brown spent the week turned Tuesday morning from a two "Sunday Evening Tea" Gwendolyn Wolf defence of the more helpless and weeks' visit in Chicago with Mrs. end in Lincoln. I>:inr? Beverly Miller Bemice Yonsem with the help of the police ,the hooliTwo Weeks Slosburg's family. Selma Berkosritz Dr. Philip Sher returns tomorrow "Naughty Zell".. Lillian Harder gans were driven off. Starting Sunday .. Katherine Elgntter Mrs. R. Snader, of Lincoln, is vis-after spending several days with his Minuet Ten casualties on both sides are SUNDAY EVE, MARCH 26, 1922 Louise Ziegler A Rex Ingram Production iting with her daughter, Mrs. Julius family in Reading, Pa. '•Compensation" Mary C.oldner reported. Daii<-e _ Frances Melcher Newman, and Mrs. Newman. Solo Zerline Somberg idi^*. Mr. Reuben Brown has been con- Violin Dialogue—"Mr. Ford Seeks a Job at Ben Hur Dancinsr Academy Oscar Mayerowitx .Mr. Brenjamin S. Granat recently fined to his bed at his home on ac-Edison's 1'lant" Warner Galombick Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop 28TH AND FARNAM STREETS. arrived from New York City to make Leonard Marks j Phone 104. "At the Matinee" .... Frances Simon Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. his home with his brother, Mr." Max Playlet — 'The Fallen Idol" | The Best of Everything In Flower* «nd The semi-monthly meeting of the Dora M. Granat, and Mrs. Granat. . Louise Rosenthal i JAZZ ORCHESTRA. GOOD TIME ASSURED. Confections at Moderate Prices. Marie __ Betty Furth Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. will be held Gwendolyn Marion Blumenthal ' MS W Broadway Next Liberty Theater i Mrs. H. Rothkop entertained Tues- next Monday evening at the Jewish Miss Si>riggins Sylvia Bernstein] COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA "IT'S A THORPEIAN AFFAIR." i day afternoon at her home for sixteen Community Center. Mr. Wm. L. HolzI Starring ALICE TERRY i guests in honor of Miss Edythe Frie- man will give a short talk on the Rex Ingram, in the filming of eiajciagijgaaaiGi^ deti, who will 'soon become'the bride Panama Canal and life in the Canal '•Turn to the Right," his latest production for Metro, adapted for the of Mr. Maurice Gilinsky. Zone. The following musical numi) screen by Mary O'Hara and June Mr. Sidney Meyer returned Thurs- bers have also been arranged for: Mathis from the John Golden stage Vocal solo, Miss Iva Siegel; song and day morning after spending a two success by Winchell Smith and John week's vacation in Miami, Florida. dance selection, Miss Ruth Rubin; vio- E. Hazzard, has managed to assemlin solo, Miss Fannie Fish. ble an unusually brilliant cast withMr. and Mrs. George Wright, formerly of this city, have returned The Association dances, given every out in one instance disturbing the Seven Days from California to make their home other Saturday night, are increasing balance of personality. in popularity. Last week's dance was The golden beauty of Alice Terin Omaha. Starting Saturday attended by over seventy-five couples. ry, the sly humor c*f the two lovMr. Loyal Cohn returned to Oma- Misses Anne White, Mary Moscoe and able crooks, played by Harry Myers ha Thursday after a two weeks' stay Lillian Rubenstein, and Messrs. Louis and George Cooper, the treacherous Abramson and Harry Robinson, were old Dean as portrayed by Edward in New York. the committee in charge. Mr. and Connelly, the excellencies of the re-in* Mr. Morris Levey will entertain Mrs. Martin Sugarman and Mr. andmaining others, all leave the specSaturday evening at the Athletic Mrs. B. R. Boasberg chaperoned. tators with equally vivid impressions. club for. ten in honor of bis sister, The next dance will be given one But, as Ingram himself puts it, Miss Sadye Levey. week from this Saturday, March 25. "Laughter plays the star role." i|j Every side of "Big Bill" Hart III "Turn to the Right," come to theHi and the whole of the Frontier Mr. Isadore Abramson left Tues- The Runa club and the X. T. C. club Da96|j3naTHEiis West. Sun Theatre—for two weeks, start- £ day evening for Chicago were he will will meet Tuesday evening. ing Sunday. make his future home. The "dramatic class, under the diMiss Ethel, Reuben entertained rection of Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, is retwelve guests a t a bunco party at hearsing "A Maker of Dreams" for her home Sunday afternoon. A prize forthcoming presentation. The playwas won by Miss Libby Minkin. let, "Wrong Numbers," with members Mrs. J. Abramson left Tuesday for of this class in the cast, has been given before practically every comChicago, to spend several weeks. munity center in Omaha, stid has rrfet Mrs. Victor Ganz entertained six- with a hearty reception. teen: guests at her home Wednesday The fast Y. M. H. A. Jur.iors wound' afternoon. up the basketball season Monday flattie Miss Thelma Levin will give rijght with a victory over the North a\ birthday party Monday afternoon Omaha Boosters by a 28 to 13 score.' at her home for eighteen guests in The accurate basket flipping and honor of her eleventh birthday. good team work puzzled the Northerners throughout the entire contest. -Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lack, of Hen- The Y'S Juniors "have organized af rietta, Okla., announce the birth of blaseball team, and we are looking, a^: daughter. Mr. Lack was' formerly fpr future games. Call Al. Handler oi Omaha. Harney 6853. ; j*The "Flappers" entertained at a YOUNG JUDEA NEWS surprise party Wednesday evening The new officers elected at the last ^ at the home of Miss Ann Gerelick jm i i honor of Miss Ann Zalk, whomeeting of the B'nai Israel club are •vdll graduate from the Omaha Tech- as follows: President, Arthur Goldnical High School this month. Covers Stein; vice president, Albert Batt; secretary, Sam Swartz; treasurer, were laid for eighteen. Harry Grossman; sergeant-at-arms, At the fifteenth wedding anniver- (bharlfes Lieb; reporter, Herschel Sos-. _ sary of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Green, kin. Piano selections were given by' jj Box Springs and Mattress prizes were won by Mesdames Sam Ben Cohen and Arthur Goldstein. InIVfendelbaum and J. J. Friedman. The stallation of officers will be held SunSlip Covers a specialty gentleman prize was won by, March 28, at the Jewish Com-, JY J. Friedman.. The members of munity Center. the Priscffla Club presented Mr. and Mrs. Greeji with a dozen silver salad There are several novel and unLET US GIVE YOU AN ESTMATE BEFORE forks. usual ' situations in "White Oak," YOU DO YOUR SPRING CLEANING. William S. Hart's new Paramount Sedan, $1,595.00; Coupe, $1,410.00; Touring Car, $085.00: ttoadster. $050.00: Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky with picture which comes to the Moon Panel Business Car, $1,083.00; Street Businesa Car, $070.00. their son. Earl, left Sunday for Wash- Theatre Saturady. One of the most: DELIVERED IN OMAHA. ington and Boston. thrilling and splendidly portrayed! :Mr. Daniel Korn, of New York City, scenes in the reproduction of the. Iejt Wednesday for his home, follow- famous "Circle of Death." An entire ing a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Morris tribe of Indians in full war regalia J. P. Batt and S. Soref, Proprietors. comsrciL BLOTFS, IA; Levy and Mr. and Mrs. William Holzr attack the biggest and-richestwaA; JfEB. 33-35 Fosrth 6«ilarner at 28«h 8* man. Mrs. Korhi who accompanied gpn- train out of Independence, Mo., Cnnncil &b W Haracr 0123 him from New York, will remain in in the year 1852. The train has Phone Webster 1086. 2022 North 24th St. Omaha for several weeks, visiting been betrayed to the Indianr by four; •wife her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris white traitofs who are with ho emi- -1 < * Levy. grants.

^Social Club and Religious Activities

Grace E. Dennison Piano Studio





The; tire mileage is unusually high


Let us do your furniture Repairing and Refinishing

American Upholstering Co.



PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1922 ^riiiiiiiiii.Hfiiffifiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiun



Educational Department of The Jewish Press


neighbor as thyself," and declares this command of all-embracing lo~e COAL - COKE - HARDqOAL to be the fundamental principle of the Jewish Religion. It therefore forVery recently, Mr. E. H. Sothern, and repelling colors that he does. But bids every sort of animosity, envy, Telephone Office MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON the eminent actor, represented his that does not alter the indisputable malevolence, or unkindness toward Jacltson 0268 209 South 18th Street widely critcised conception of Shy-fact, against which Mr. Sothern bas- anyone of whatsoever race, nationaliNEARBY COMMUNITIES. lock on the local stage. The latter, in es his defense, that Shylock, as ty, or religion. It demands justice CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. Mr. Sothern's portrayal, is an ex- Shakespeare drew him, is still not and righteousness, and forbids injusP. MELCHIORS & SON ceedingly harsh and repulsive char- the individual, but the Jew, as the tice, improbity, fraud, taking unfair MACHINE WORKS I acter. He is pictured as a veritable public conceived him then and un-advantage of the need, the heedlessIndustrial and Automotive Machinists. INVESTMENT SECURITIES i human monster, utterly unworthy of fortunately continues to conceive him ness and the inexperience of a fellowCarburetor and Ignition Repairs. Starter Rln« Gears for Auto Fly Wheels First National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0360. ! the human consideration and even today. To that public, Shylock is not man as well as usury and the in417 Sontb ISth Street. a Jew, but the Jew. He is not an VU5 DiuEias- St. Tel. Jackson 3171 ' dignity with which other actors of Telephone: Jackson J550 jurious employment of the powers of the past generation had clothed him. individual ,but the representative of the fellow-man. For this, Mr. Sothern has been a religion and the type of a race. Judaism commands holding a felY o u r position is | sharply challenged, especially by cer- And this is where Mr. Sothern errs. low man's honor as sacred as one's DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT V " • correct,, and should He errs precisely where ShakesI tain Jewish critics. The complaint own. It therefore forbids degrad- -COMPANY. peare erred. For in the public mind ' is made that such a portrayal, apart be s u p p o r t e d by ing him by evil reports, vexing him UNDERTAKERS nlSMAJlCKS, CAKE AND 8CGAR from its artistic accuracy or historic of today a.-- in Shakespeare's da/ with ridicule} or mortifying him. TJOCfrHNCTS, OCR SPECIALTY. every fair minded MOVED TO BRAND inaccuracy, is needlessly helping to Shylock the individual and Shylock Judaism commands respect for the We Deliver the Real Goods. person. 2224 CCMTKG STREET. the Jew are fixed and inseparable. feed and aggravate an already deepreligious convictions of others. It ".-%.' Phone Webster "0843 rooted anti-Jewish prejudice to which Shakespeare himself—Mr. Sothern's therefore forbids aspersioi or disre• the drama itself, as unacted litera- well-mean* protest notwithstanding— spectful treat:, ent of the religious ture, has very materially contributed. so conceived and embodied him. When customs and symbols of other reWith a sensitiveness which, in this he speaks of Shylock, it is not as ligions. • • • vl • • • r instance at least, is as commendable Shylock a man of Venice, but very j Judaism commands the practice of Hoffmann Funeral Home. as it is unusual, Mr. Sothern has ac-plainly Shylock a Jew of Venice. He charity toward all, clothing the naked, WHOLESALE GROCERS cepted the challenge in the form of a is not merely a money-lender but a feeding the hungry, nursing the sick^ Phone Jackson 1302 letter to the New York Times. He Jewish money-lender; and that, too, comforting those that mourn. It therecontends that Shylock, as he repre- in spite of the fact that there were fore forbids limiting our care to oursents him, is precisely as Shakes- plenty of contemporareous money- selves and our families, and withREUKUGCR Visit Our peare conceived him. He is a villain, lenders who, though not Jews, were holding sympathy when our neigh(PALMER little short of a fiend. He is not a quite as rapacious and blood-thristy bors suffer. loving father. He is not a kind mas- as Shylock; and in spite of the more Judaism commands respect for laSecond Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3022 Do away with drudgery and make ter. He is a bloodthirsty usurer. He specific fact that in the original story bor, each in his place shall take part house-work a pleasure by the use With Volir Orclrr for is thoroughly and irretrievably bad, from which Shakespeare derived his by means of physical or mental la- j of modern electrical appliances. unredeemed by a single virtue that plot, the heartless usurer was a Chris- bor, in the work of the community HOLCOMB ANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the might even appear to make him pas-tian and not a Jew. The plain tho and strive for the blessings of life FOOD CHEMICAL ground floor of the Electric buildIN THE WRAPPING sably human. But in thus portray- unpleasant truth is that Shakespeare, by busy, creative activity. It therePRODUCTS CO., INC. ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PAPEK LINE ing him, Mr. Sothern denies that he in order to meet the prejudice of fore demands cultivation, developManufacturers .of and Farnam streets. •FOODS AXD CHEMICALS. is portraying a distinctively Jewish his public, needed a money-lender who ment, and active employment of all EXTRACTS. 1112 HARNBY ST. character. Shylock, he says, is notwas a villain; and the only "goat" he our powers and capabilities. On the 918 N.FiAVOKDfG 16th St. Phone Atlantic 496* BEST 610D *h»»f» the Jew, but a Jew. He is an indi- could conveniently use to satisfy that other hand, it forbids inactive en- j vidual and not a type. Nothing of- prejudice was the same villain which joyment of life and idleness confident i fensive about Judaism or the Jew istoo manv authors unfortunately find j of support by others. I NORTHWEST READY \ % SKINNER intended or said. Why, then, Mr. it to their purpose to use today— I Judaism commands absolute truth- ! ROOFING CO. V* BAKING COMPANY Sothern asks in returning challenge, the Jew. Ready Roofing over old shingles. I fulness; our yea shall be yea, our nay, TR«oe » « « DOUGLAS-1062 Also asphalt shJnglea and build-up should Jews object to such a repreIf any doubt remains as to whether nay. It therefore forbids distortion roofs. Fire resisting and durable. I mentation any more "than monarr-V^ the popular mind is conscious of any of truth, deceit, hypocricy, doubleAll work guaranteed. Easy terms. Phone Harney 5574 [ should object to King Richard III, distinction between Shylock the indi- dealing, and dissimulation. STEINER ELECTRIC Office and Warehonse: S122 Leavenworth the merciless murderer, or Highlandvidual and Shylock the Jew, it is con-j Judaism commands walking hum?V MEAT CHOPPER er? to Macbeth, the treacherous clusively dispelled by recalling the bly with God, and in modesty among • AND COFFEE MILL. regicide, or colcred people to Othello, manner in which the audience re- I men. It therefore forbids self dej the wife butcher?" ceives those stirring lines intended to | ceit, arrogance, pride, presumptuUSED SCALES OF ALL MANXJFACTCBERS. MAKES FOE SALE. There is no doubt a goodly modi- reveal the sheer humanness of the ousness, boasting and disparagement MEY^MER-CO. Brand Jew, "Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath of the merits of others. cum of truth in Mr. Sothern's reBeverages and Syrups. 1 510 South 10th Street. Judaism demands peaceableness, joinder. Certainly no one will not a Jew hands?" and so forth. 1U-S21 So. 14tb St.. Omaha. Phone Jackson 3332. Fhone Atlantic M*9 | charge him with a deliberate desire When Shylock Speaks these words placability, mildness, benevolence. It ! to foment or encourage any exist- they invariably touch the human commands the letum of good for evil, Hen ing prejudice against the Jew. Norspark in his composite audience and to suffer rather than inflict injury. 'SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Biscuit Co. will any but the squeamish question compel its applause. But he wins ! It therefore forbids taking reand buy i them at . LOW FARE SNOW WHITE the _purity of his dramatic and artistic that applause not as an individual or venge, nursing hatred, bearing a All that the name ROGERS purpose. Least of all, will any butas a human being, but as Jew. Forgrudge, abandoning even an adversary BAKERIES implies. (Reg. 17. S. Pat. the morbidly sensitive be inclined to in those lines the intelligent, sympa- in his helplessness. 319 S^uth 16th Street. ' 04 LI. Office.) Phone Douglas 3400. dispute his personal' sincerity of mo- thetic man realizes there is concen- I Judaism commands chastity and 916 K. 16th St. Douglas 6887 ATLANTIC 4522 tive? And yet we believe that Mr. trated the whole human tragedy and sanctity. It therefore forbids disi.. Sothern is both right and wrong in agony of the Jew. There the Jewsoluteness and relaxation of family ELECTRICAL FIXTURES TKV his argument. He is right where speaks ou* of the very fullness-of a ties. , Nutritious Horn* Made APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Ambulance Service \ Shakespeare was right, and he is heart protesting against the ageJudaism commands the conscienPIES and COOKIES Equipped with Pnlmotor. wrong where Shakespeare was long brutality of his human kin. tious observance of the laws of the Grander* Electric Co. Made by Sealed In Snnitary Waxed All Calls Answered Promptly. DEPENDABLE ELECTRICAL wrong. j So, we think, Mr. Sothern errs, state, respect for and obedience to Wrapper at Your Grocer. UKCLE SAM BREAKFAST MERCHANDISE. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 1511 Howard St. Phone AtlanHe (681 FOOD CO. Sundjsrren Pie Baking Co. I When Shakespeare penned the char- I despite the unquestioned sincerity of the government. It therefore forbids 3411 Farnam St. Phone Harney 0393 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. 44th and Hirkory. Atlantic 6841 I acter of Shylock he had no living his personal and artistic motive in de- rebellion against governmental ordinance and evasion of the law. fending his portrayal of Shylock. And personal model directly at hand to be guided by. Jews has been banish- | when the Jew of today objects as he Judaism commands the promotion American ed from England several centuries be- ! does to The Merchant of Venice, he of the welfare of one's fellow man, Carpenter Paper Co. the service of individuals and comdoes not object to what is univertTIIOLESALE Wet Wash Laundry fore, and had not yet been permitted Distributors of munities in accordance with one's abil- ' Druggists and Stationers to return. Shakespeare, therefore, sally recognized as a mighty work ity. It therefore forbids slothful in- : 2808 Cuming. Harney 0881 Western Bond—and High Grade did not write from any first hand of dramatic genius. He is fighting, difference to the common weal and j One Day Service. No Extra IJI-iC'o-tOJ South loth . . Stationery knowledge of the Jew. He knew him 1! not a play, but a base and ignorant selfish exclusion from the societies , Charges. Refinite Soft Water. OMAHA. NKISUASliA. merely as his environment knew him slander. He is resentful, not of instituted for charitable purposes and j —a creature formed out of an imagi- , Shakespeare, or Mr. Sothern, but offor the betterment of mankind. Why Buy Tin? a stupid and unfortunately deepLADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. nation distorted and poisoned by therooted prejudice. Judaism commands that its adherIn Active Practice Since 1910. PAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. age-long prejudice of a religiously SAVES VOC MONEY. 1 ents shall love and serve the state to 27th anil Mnrtlia Sts. Hurney IOCS MORRIS M. FEUERLICHT, PAX TON ANP hostile world. MID-STATES WHOLESALE . Frances H. Turner .Manuracrnrers ot Bjass. Bronze. Alarnlin the Indiana Jewish Chronicle. which they belong with devotion, projium :md Soft Gray Iron "tastinsrs. GROCERS Office: Brandeis Theatre Building. And Shakespeare, being an artist, mote its national interests with all , Yon are assured of soft castings, as lttta and Douglas Streets. 1117-19 Dodge St. Jackson 3873 was no moralist. He was not interive machine some from, erery heat ID Fhone Atlantic 3836 their hearts and might, and willingly onr own shop. Standard size" cast Iron ested in the contemporary prejudice sacrifice property and life for its honbushings io. stock. TIRES TUBES—ACCESSORIES or, welfare and liberty. MAX OLSEN & CO. | against the Jew. Even had there been a Jewish Anti-Defamation w holesalp nistrlhntors for Judaism commands sanctification of League in his day to bring it to his SCHMIDT'S the name of God through acts, and it We carry o complete Une of n«w notice, he probably would have paid OCR TREATMENT W 1 I X Tins gears, pinions, axle shafn «nd Malta, Select, Bock. Ginger bids us to exert ourselves to hasten ' CO3JTOTCE TOP OF OVB. spring-s for almost any make of car. no attention to its protests because Ale, Hires Root Beer S1NCEBITT. the time in which men shall be united M. D. KICHMAN. Manirer. Tb»re Is Ladies Auxiliary of the :1 he did net com eive it to be his busiOffice and IViirrlinuw: 917 So. Main St. 1318-1S30 West Broadway, Trust Department. ronprpjrntion. B'lini Moshe. located at in the love of God and the love of Telephone 142 COUNCIL BMJFFS., IOWA. Safety Deposit Boxes. ness, as -in artist, to preach to his ISeniibien and Gnrfield streets. Detroit. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. one another. pflOXB 444. • The women meet regularly and pivo generation against anti-Jewish or any tlielr time nnd efforts to "helpinjr IhP —Pipp's Weekly. widows nnd orphans, the sick and the "ft other kind of prejudice. It was his (Ustrpsseil.. Thf.v distributed morn tlinn RATES Omaha Office: 813 Donjr|a» Street. » primary purpose to present the Jew$1,600 to tlir> needy the pnst yonr. besides CENTENARIAN IS DEAD ATOmaha Plione Atlantic .S5M n irrent deal of work done hy them. for space on this Special 0 precisely as the age in which he At pnoli moptinjr they have repnlnr BROOKLYN INSTITUTION Ford Tranter & Storage Co. exercises, and atnonsr them is the rendPage given on application. lived and the audience for whom \ e injt of tho teno,hin(rs of Judaism as folBrooklyn, N. Y. (J. P. A.) KalK. A. FOHP. l>y the members of the orcnnisntlon. 216 N. 16th St. conceived him. That is whylowed President nnd General Manager. It is rend at Pitch Catherine. There was man Rosenberg died at the age of Branches at Central Market. I JEWISH PRESS | wrote he gives to Shylock, a3 to his other a piiiilir meetine one nijrht Inst week, at- one hundred and five years in the Taote Smpply and Food Center. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Qfflce . by Ke+eral Hundred men and 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 ' charcaters, at least enough of those tended 924 So. Main Street. Thone SM women, nt which the reenlnr exercises Brooklyn Hebrew Home and Hospital won- emu. ihrouirh with, nnd thnt is how for the aged, at Howard and Dumont tjualities of common humanity which the writer learned of this splendid set ot would enable his audiences to identi- principles. avenues. He had been in the instituCLEAN LINEN An Meal Wanhing ComWnaHon. fy and accept him as real. Without Innsmnch as Iliere has been a KOiieral tion for about four years and so far Estes Laundry Tablets Every mormnir attack on all that is Jewish in this such identification and acceptance, his counlrv. whether religious or otherwise, as known had no relatives. At times, tf you call tbe . . . with . . . asked the privilege of reririntlnc the character should obviously have miss- we Estes Soap Chips set of principles, and are pleased to let he talked about the Civil War, say-, Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Frontier Towel Supply ed fire and jeopardized the success of our non-Jewish renders know what is ing he had served with the Union and actually taught nmonsr the Jewish neople. 1815 California 8treet. Water Softener (Combined) the play itself. On the other hand, The sef of principles with heading: follow: forces. He had been in this country Phone Donrla* «391 At all Grocer*. had he attempted to be didactic and about seventy years, having been invest his character with virtues "RELIGION AND PATRIOTISM"^ born in" Poland.which his public did not or were : OUK NEW LOCATION The whole history of the Jews is You will like Corner 19th and Douirlan Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 Sherman Mercantfle Co. unwilling to recognize, he would have a history of the paramount influence NO JEWISH REPRESEN• Stusonlr Temple Bids* ... tor... Wholesale Grwexs Specialties endangered his reputation as an art-of religion upon patriotic conduct. Our Liner-— • TATION IN HUNGARIAN -1511-Ctunlnr Bt. Phone Attantte 1847 BALDWIN. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. ist. In other words, "the public be HOUSE OF MAGNATES The ideal of national life is the " HOWARD PPRIGBTS. GKANDS. BUTTER DISTRIBUTORS . ' 1>LATER PIANOS: pleased"-was quite as much the slo-free development of all that is best Budapest (By Mail—Jewish Press Made by — ? OMAHA PUjtE FOOD CO. ''JACK SPBAT FOOD PBODtJCTS. gan of the theatre of Shakespeare's in the individual citizen, the equali- Association.) During the considera^THATCHER PIANO CO. Omaha. Nebraska. 2419 Cumin* St.. ! Omaha. Nebraska. day as it appears to be of the theThane Jackson. 8Q66 Kirschbraun & Sons ty of all in respect of duties and tion of the new bills relating to the atre today. And Shakespeare, artist privileges in the state, the liberty reform of the ^ Upper House, th$ and genius tho'jie was, was not above of the individual, in matters of re- House of Magnates, several depuJ Rates for Space on Rates for Space on this Special Page that slogan. Hence, whether we like ligious conviction and creed. DON'T BUY COAL! ties demanded that representatives of this S p e c i a I Page given on application. it not, "this was the Jew that ShakOIL IS MUCH CHEAPER given oa application. The principles of Jewish ethics are the working-cUiss and the Jews be Xet Us Kemore t h e Door from espeare drew." added to its membership. At the ' "• • Your Furnace a n d Insert a as follows: • Speaking vvithin the limits of LBIIBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER Judaism teaches the unity of the instance of the Minister of Justice,j. 482 Brandeis B i d e Tel. Jock ion S37S LBIIBRIDGE OI 8 19th St dramatic history, therefore, Mr. human race...We have'all-one Father, who declared his opposition to these f Tel. Jackson 2372. Building. Seft"Oem«B»UaHoji W8 So. 19th Street. SJbthern is no doubt correct in de-one God has created us. picting Shylock" in Judaism commands: ''Love thy without further discussion

Shylock, E. H.Sothern, and the Jew



4 \

The Harry A. KochCo.




Leo A. Hoffmann



Groneweg & Schoentgen

'rady Co.

The Brinn & Jensen Company


"Electric Shop"



, Dayton Honey Weight Scales and Heat Slicers

Meyer Mercantile Co., Inc.

Baker Ice Machines

Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.




Checker Cab


E. E.Bruce & Co.


r Delicious


Judaism nnd Its Real Meaning

Council Bluffs Savings Bank

West Auto Tarts Co.



• •


N. W. Cor. Eleventh -and Howard Sts.



Jewish Press





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