March 23, 1922

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The man who is not afraid of failure s e l d o m has to face

VOL. H.—No. sl

It's not what you expect but what you deserve that counts.

Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27th. 1021, at postoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, nnder the Act of March 3. 1878.

Anti-Semitism _« Germany Has Rapid Growth Since 1918





The Chief Rabbi Of The Turkish Empire

War Relief Leaders to Hold Meeting in Detroit April Ninth

Berlin. (J. C. B.) Von Schilling, Warsaw, (J. T. A.) Widespread the editor of the anti-Semitic reacmissionary activity in the camps and DISTINGUISHED HEBREW SCHOLAR VISITS AMERICA IN THE tionary paper, Deutsche Zeitunz, was transit stations for Jewish refugees fined 20,000 marks because he slan- Leaders to Hear Final Report and from the Ukrain is assuming large INTEREST OF THE "ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE" Former Generals Hindenburg proportions which are frankly alarmdered the ex-chancellor, Bauer, saying Honor David A. Brown. that he had accepted graft from Kahn and Ludendorff Help ing Jewish communal workers here. and other Jewish merchants for the OMAHANS ARE INVITED TO Missionaries of various denominations Jew Prejudice. Cincinnati had a most interesting Abyssinia, appointed Haham Bashi, or pable of supporting a population of funds of the Jewish democratic party. ATTEND MEETING. have entrenched themselves at nearB'NAI B'RITH LODGES ARE ly all points where Jewish refugees visitor this week in the person of Chief Rabbi, of the Turkish Empire. 1,000,000 to 1,500,000. He also be- He also contended that the ex-chanFIGHTING SLANDEROUS Fifteen hundred invitations ar© are to be found. They have open- Haim Nahoum, who for fifteen years He resigned this post in 1920 be-lieves that Palestine can be made the cellor had in exchange for this grantCHARGES. going out for a conference of nationed Kahn important commercial concause he was opposed to the decree under the Turkish administration was great Jewish cultural center of the ed reception huts, dining and tea al, state and local leaders in the Haham Bashi, Chief Rabbi of the ' of the Turkish government forbidding j world and that economic success can cessions. The trial lasted three days, Berlin.—Anti-semitism in Germany rooms, are circulating books, arrang- Turkish Empire. He surrendered this alien Jews to vote in kehillah elec- be won by a large number of Jews the entire Berlin press and public fol- campaign to raise $14,000,000,000 fox has been spreading rapidly since the ing lectures, and are attempting to post to take up the broader work of ;tions. For twenty days the Sultan there, but as far as the political lowing the proceedings with the the relief of the Jewish war sufferers, establishment of the Republic. Anti- attract the more intelligent through enlisting the sympathy and financial refused to accept his resignation, but dreams of the Zionists are concerned, greatest interest. The liberal and for a conference in Detroit, on SunSemitism has always been rampant advanced courses. The missionaries support of Jews the world over fort finally had to, as Rabbi Nahoum re- he has no illusions. He says posi- democratic papers today publish edi- day, April 9th, to receive the report among the German aristocracy, espe- have a!so been known to intervene the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the fused to compromise. tively that they are preposterous and torials on the trial and declare that of David A. Brown, which will deal cially in military circles, but since the in cases of certain refugees who had great Jewish educational orguniza- ! the reactionary papers are making iri detail with the tremendous tasks impossible of fulfillment. establishment of the new regime it difficulties in securing American tion, which was established in 1860His Achievements as Haham Bashi. I The cause of the ill feeling between themselves ridiculous by trying to involved in this great and successful has become wide-spread and the only visas for their passport?. Among the achievements of his I the Aram Moslems and the Jews, he make every government which does humanitarian effort. and which has its headquarters in reason why the laboring classes have The conference, which is expected Paris. The Alliance is now maintain- rabbinate are the exemption of rab-I says, is partly due to jealousy, but not please them suspect, by declaring not as yet become impregnated with ing two hundred schools with two binical students from military service I more largely due to the mistakes of that it has unfair dealing with the to last all day, will be held at the the virus is because of their political Hotel Statler, and the last session thousand teachers, in which fifteen and the abolition of the so-called Red ' the Zionist leaders and their utter Jews. opposition -to the reactionary forces. will be a testimonial dinner to Mr. thousand boys and girls are being in- Passports which alien Jews had to | inability to understand the psychology The two great generals of the war Brown, which will be -participated in structed in Palestine and the Near' take out upon entering Palestine, for of the Arabs. The public utterances Hindenburg and Ludendorff, have by hundreds of his fellow-townsmen East, as well as in North Africa. The which later he was thanked by the of the Zionists have been such as to openly embraced the anti-Semitic as well as by all of the out-of-town Alliance maintains three agricultural World Zionist Organization. lead the Arabs to fear Jewish dom: cause. The latter has written a book, visitors. schools, one in Palestine, one in Tu-! Again, after Turkey entered the i ination, and that they will be rele"War and Politics," in which the Jews During the course of the connis, one in Smyrna and a technical war on the side of Teutonic powers, ! gated to an inferior position, and deare villified in the meanest way. He Noted Jew Will Preside in school, or rather a school for manual he succeeded in keeping all the Alli- I prived of the voice in public affairs ference Mr. Louis Marshall, Mr. Felix Famous Court Pending asserts that the Jews were always on M. Warburg and Col. Herbert H. training, in Jerusalem. I ance schools in that country open, al- I to which their numerical preponderSuccessor. the side of France and England and Lehman will outline the program o£ Before the War, the Alliance re- though their funds continued to come j ance justly entitles them. But, Rabbi from France. He likewise took under Nahoum is on the whole hopeful of Over Twenty Members of the YMthe Joint Distribution Committee. that they were waiting for the downceived sufficient support from the fall of Germany, through which they HAS HAD A LONG AND Jews of France, with a very little his protection all the alien enemy a successful outcome of the Paleswith special reference to child-care, and YWHA Have Enrolled VARIED LEGAL Jews in Turkey, who were permitted tine venture, provided the work of expected to attain their aim of domireconstruction, rehabilitation, refugeein New Group. help from sympathizers elsewhere, to CAREER. nating the World. The appearance of welfare, sanitation, credit loans and establishing it as a Jewish cultural enable it to carry on its work, but to go about their business as usual. this book naturally gave much conWhen the United States entered the and educational center is proceeded during and since the War, the wide- | BOYS AND GIRLS BETWEEN the problems of the Ukraine. Plans cern to the Jewish leaders in Ger- Chicago.—No recent event has spread ruin has caused the falling off war on the side of the Allies, he wasi with slowly and the support which it ' THE AGES OF 8 AND 18 will also be presented for discussion many. The B'nai B'rith lodges sum- given greater satisfaction than the of its receipts, and if its work is not . instrumental in saving some of the j is now receiving from other countries for expanding the work of the Joint TO BE ORGANIZED moned the author to court for libel appointment of Judge Julian W. to be materially curtailed, the Alli- buildings of Robert College, an Amer- j is not withdrawn. Distribution Committee. AND LET BY and Dr. Paul Nathan published in the Mack, now of New York, to preside ance must receive support from other ican institution in Constantinople, ] Dr. Nahoum also states that there One of the sessions will be in the THIS GROUP German press a strong rejoinder to in the U. S. court in Chicago in place countries, of which it is most deserv- , from confiscation by the military au- j is a feeling of close friendship benature of an "experience-meeting", the accusations brought forth by Lu- of former Judge Kenesaw Mountain ing. thorities. at which Julius Rosenwald and Jacob ' tween the French and the English, j Over twenty members of the Y. M. dendorff. He points out that many Landis, who retired to devote his enThroughout the war Rabbi Nahoum and that the friction which was and the Y. W. H. A have formed a M. Loeb, of Chicago, David M. His Career. I German Jews have received great tire time to the baseball commissionwas at the head of the Commission Bressler, of New York, Nathaniel Rabbi Nahoum was born in Smyrna, Centrale de Secours (Central Relief caused in making disposition 6f the "Leaders Training Group", which will Spear, of Pittsburg, Eli Frank, of honors during the war for bravery ership. The assignment of Judge j former Turkish Provinces in Asia has hold its first meeting Saturday eveand Ludendorff did not protest Mack, who at present is on the Fed-Asia Minor, in 1874. He received his Commission which distributes to disappeared. ning at the Jewish Community Center Bsltimore, Eugene Warner, of Bufagainst honoring these "traitors." The eral bench, was made by Judge early training in Arabic in Beirut, Jewish war sufferers about one milAmong other interesting statements at 7:30 P. M. This group is being falo. Dr. Cyrus Adler and Jules reply is full of biting satire and George A. Carpenter, senior Federal and in the Talmud at the Yeshivah lion and a half dollars. formed for the purpose of organizing Mastbaum, of Philadelphia, Louis makes the Ludendorff charges ridicu- judge of the Northern district, United conducted in Tiberias by Rabbi David j Rabbi Nahoum has been decorated made by Dr. Nahoum were that while and leading clubs of Jewish boys Fuld of Newark, N. J., Louis I. the Greek government is very favorlous, but it will probably have no ef- States court. Judge Mack will serve Abbu. Later he attended high school with the two higfcest orders by the in Chicago, until .such, timfi as Presi- Jit- Smyrna and the Imperial Law Turkish govenujjeant, and has. like- able to the 60,000 Jews of Salonica, and girls in. various recreational Borinstein, of Indianapolis, among fect on""tie "minds of the people.' i others, will discuss various aspects dent Harding may appoint a perma- School at Constantinople. He then wise been decorated "by* €he Austrian there is some ill feeling among the work. of the campaign, with, .special referThe members of the group will Expose Leaders in Reichstag. Greek inhabitants~ caused "by jealnent successor to 'Landis. went to Paris, where he studied at government and by King M«r.elik of ence to its bearing on the future of seek to enroll as many boys and girls The Jewish Correspondence Bureau ! ousy. The Jewish business portion Judge Mack was born in San Fran- the local rabbinical seminary, gradu- Abyssinia. He has also been made 1 Jewish sociological and philanthropic received information last week of a cisco in 1866 and was educated in theating with the degree of Rabbi. At of Salonica, which was destroyed by in the city between the ages of eight Other debate in the Reichstag ,in which i Cincinnati public school? between the the same time he studied philology on Officer of the Legion of Honor by fire four years ago, has not been re- and eighteen as are available and to efforts in this country. •was established that Hindenburg is years 1872 and 1874. He married and history at the Ecole des Haute? j the French government. built, but this has been due to lack organize them into clubs. These speakers will include James H. Becker the active commander of the anti- Jessie Fox, of Cincinnati, in 1896. He Etudes, and Oriental languages at the He was of material assistance to of means and not to any obstacles clubs will be formed to do whatever and Judge Harry Fisher. Ambassadors to Turkey, Henry Mor- created by the Greek government. kind of work the boys and girls, This will be the first time that the Semitic forces in Germany. Dr. Hertz was admitted to the bar in 1890. Af- Ecole des Lang-ues Orientales. j genthau and Abraham Elkus. leaders in the great relief campaign, vho enroll, desire. the leader of the Independent Social- ter serving as civil service commisSpeaking of the Falashes, the black In 1898 he was appointed Professor ists in the Eeichstag, showed the gen- sioner of Chicago in 1903, he was of Talmud Jerusalmi, Midrash and j The Haham of Palestine. Jews of Abyssinia he said that these Work along this line has already which is just drawing to a glorious eral up in an address which he deliv- successively Circuit court judge of Homiletics at the rabbinical seminary I Of conditions in Palestine, Rabbi were not of Jewish racial descent. been done in the Jewish Community close, will have met in conference ered in connection with a discussion Cook county, judge of the Juvenile at Constantinople. j Nahoum spoke with considerable re- They become converted to Judaism Center. Many Jewish boys and girls since the memorable one held In about the agrarian laws. He quoted court in Chicago, Judg-e of the AppelIn 1907 he was sent by the Alliance serve. He says that before the Warabout two hundred and forty years are already enrolled in such classes. Chicago on September 25-26 la_t, the general's address in which he late court. First Illinois district, and on a mission to the Falashes, or black the best of feeling prevailed between before the Christian era. They know The leaders will have a separate at which it was decided to g-o on spoke of the "accursed Jewish rfomi- j u d g e o f \ h e U n J t e d s t a t e g C i r c u i t Jews of Abyssinia. In his report of the Jews, Moslems and Christians. no Hebrew; their Bible is written in training class and as soon as a club, regardless of economic and financial M n i l n n ' ' •*** +l-i*_ -m »T» 1 Ctrl* ' . . . . . . . . depression. nation" in the ministry. court. He was assigned to the United the mission, contained in the Alliance More lately, however, there has been Guez, the old Abyssinian language: of boys or girls, is formed, a leader The question of restricting the im- js t a t e s C o m m e r c e c o u r t i n 1 9 1 L H e Bulletin for 1909, he contends that quite a great deal of friction, as the' the language of literature, Amharina, will be assigned to them. The following Omaha War Relief migration into Germany of "East Eu- s e r v e d a l s o a g c h a i r m a n . s e c r e t a r y of the Falashes are not Jews racially, Arabs and Christians fear that they is the language used today. The following members have en- leaders have received invitations to DrO Nahoum is a most interesting- rolled in the leaders training club: attend this meeting: Wm. Holzman, ropeans" is now a burning question in t h e C o m m i t t e e o n Compensation of but Abyssinians who embraced Juda- will be reduced to a subordinate poGermany. When the matter was Soldiers and Sailors and Their De- ism in the days of Ptolmey. sition by the Zionists. There are now personage. He might easily pass for Iva Siegel, Belle Siegel, John Beber, state chairman of Nebraska, Harry brought up in'the Reichstag, the ques- pendents of the Council of National Following the Turkish Revolution about 600,000 inhabitants in Pales- a European, more especially a French- Fred White, Anne Selicow, Anne A. Wolf and Henry Monsky. tion was put by the Socialist leaders, Defense, as umpire of the National in 1908, he was. upon his return from tine, but he thinks the country is ca- man.- -Cincinnati Israelite. White, Lillian Rubenstein, Philip •whether it was not true that by "East War Labor board and member of the Ringle, Nathan Levinson, Louis European" are meant only Jews, since Board of Inquiry on Conscientious Abramson, Ben Kubby, Helen Riekes, NEW MODERN HOTEL TO BE the thousands of reactionary Eussians Objectors. Albert Rabinowitz, Harold Farber, ERECTED AT HAIFA •who found refuge in Germany have Harry Robinson, Margaret Riekes, Judge MackJ like Associate Justice Haifa. (By mail—J. P. A.) Owing not been molested. The Socialist press of the U. S. Supreme Court Louis D. Sam Beber, Israel Goodman, Ed. OVER FIVE THOUSAND to the lack of accommodations, espealso drew attention to the fact that Brandeis, was one of the world leadSolig, and Nathan Green. MEMBERS ADDED IN 1921. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CALLS cially that of an up-to-date hotel, there were in Germany thousands of ers in Zionism, and was at the head Mrs. D. Rosenberg and Mrs. M. Levy many tourists now visiting Palestine, NEW SESSION FOR MAY 21ST Cincinnati, Ohio, March 21.—Thir* Help in Collecting Of Christian Poles who had been brought of the American Federation of ZionFUNERALS OF TWO LOCAL ty-six will not stop to visit the many histhousand Jewish men and forty, Pledges. New York. (J. C. B.) The Exeto Germany by the rich magnates ists until the split came at the CleveWOMEN HELD DURING torical places of interest centering in thousand women are members ot the cutive Committee of the Provisional who -were looking for cheap labor. land convention last year over the and about this city, nor to admire the THE WEEK. Union of American Hebrew Congre-« In a letter received by the Jewish Organization for the American Jewish administration of the Palestine ResMany Arrested. scenic beauty of this vicinity. In the The funeral of Mrs. A. G. Katie- gations and National Federation ot In Dusseldorf a number of anti- toration Fund, when the leaders of Press from Mr. Mark Levy, chair- very near future, however, there is Congress meeting on Sunday after- man, 53, who died Saturday evening Temple Sisterhoods this year, accordnoon, March 12th, in the Hotel PenSemites and reactionaries were ar- the American contingent resigned man of the Jewish War Relief ap- to be opened on Mt. Carmel a large from injuries received in an autopeal at Hastings, Nebr., Hastings and modern Jewish hotel, which •will ' sylvania, decided to proceed with the mobil accident, was held Monday ing to the 1921 report of Charles rested in connection with a plot to their offices. has oversubscribed its quota and not only be a good business invest- election immediately and to hold the afternoon from the residence at Shohl, president of the Union, which massacre Jews and overthrow the more was made public today. Mr. Shohl S. H. SCHAEFER APPOINTED contributions are coming in ment, but will also be a blessing to ' next gathering of delegates, begin- 3009 Cass street. Mrs. Katleman reported that fifteen new congregaRepublic. ning Sunday morning, May 21, in the According to Mr. Levy, the success the community. SECRETARY OF STATE On the occasion of the hundredth city of Philadelphia, where the for- was prominent in Jewish circles and tions with a total membership of of Hastings' campaign is mainly due SOCIAL WORKERSanniversary of the establishment of was a resident of Omaha for thirty- 5,273 became affiliated with the Unioni ! mer sessions were held. to the work of the Mesdames D. Rothe Berlin Missionary Society, it pubthree years. She is survived by herlast year making: this the largreet and Announcement was made during senberg and M. Levy. These womThe announcement was made that BRANCH OF HEBREW lished a report asserting that it was the week of the selection of Mr. ; the modified plan of election previous- husband and five children. They are: strongest Jewish religious organiz** en have canvassed the city for conIMMIGRANT AID SOCIETY successful in the direct conversion of Samuel Schaefer, superintendent of IN MOSCOW ly formulated by the Executive Com- Alice. Maurice, Esther, Jeannette and tion in America. 3,000 Jews. The report also says that the Jewish Welfare Federation, for tributions and are now aiding in the Mrs. D. B. Epstein, all of Omaha. The women's organization added Kowno, Lithuania. (J. C. B.) ' mittee has been adopted in the referthe anti-Semitic movement greatly the office of secretary of the Nebras- collection of the pledges. forty-five new constituent bodies. Tha endum, which was submitted to all Although Hastings' quota it but The Soviet authorities have agreed hampered the Society in its work. ka State Conference of Social Work The funeral of Mrs. Max Mosher, Sisterhoods are now conducting the former delegates. The new form $2,000, they have already raised the to the opening in Moscow of a for the year 1922. of election, as reported by Mr. Leo32, who died Sunday, was held campaign to raise sufficient funds fof WOMAN'S WORK ON The conference is non-sectarian, sum of §2,569. Following are the branch of the Hebrew Immigrant Wolfson, Secretary of the Board of Wednesday afternoon from the family the construction of a students' doix Aid Society of New York, ComSPECIAL EXHIBITION and numbers some two hundred social names of the contributors: residence. Mrs. Mosher took an active misar Litvinoff told Mordechai Elections, will consist of conventions part in Jewish activities and aided mitory at Hebrew Union College, thq I». M. I t o s e n l i e r g _ $3<K).UO Haifa. (By mail—J. P. A.) An workers throughout the state. The Mark I,evy _ 250.00 Makowski, who has just returned to be held in each city, of delegates in the Red Cros/ drive. She is only training Bchool in Ametica fo? exposition of all kinds of woman's next meeting will be held in Omaha, E. N a t lien _ l.'O.(X) Harry Wiseman —_ l-Ti.OO from Moscow, where he preceeded from the various local Jewish organ- survived by her husband; two child- reform rabbis. The selection of a site wofk made for sale, is to take place in January, 1923. T. H. Pizer _ . . . 123.00 as a representative of the Jewish izations, who will in sessions as- ren, Louis and Florence, hex mother and the consideration of architects' I*. Btirewin -100.00 Mr. Schaefer's appointment was S. here the coming week. The work is Brii Sherman „ 100.00 National Council of Lithuania, to sembled, nominate and elect the dele- Mrs. Ray Goldstone of Los Angeles, plans and bids is now in progress, to cdnsist mostly of embroidery; and made by the executive committee of G. Kosenberc _ 7.">.00 A. & A. S. K. C0.00 study the conditions of the Jewish gates to the Congress, in accordance Calif., two brothers, Phili|> of Los Mr. Shohl declared. a coinmittee of Jewish women has the conference. Leon O. Smith, as- H. I>. Samuels TiO.oO immigrants who are returning to with the plan of allotment similar to Ang-eles and Henry of Kansas City, The college now has the largest us Jacks _. TiO.OO been organized to arrange for the sistant superintendent of Omaha JL.u l iKulskofsky _ 30,00 Poland and Lithuania from Russia. the previous system which gives rep- one sister, Mrs. A. Levine of Omaha. enrollment of students in its history, schools, is the present president. Jewish division of this exhibition. Karpe Sisters TiO.OO S t e i n B r o t h e r s <"o. Mr. Makowski visited besides ' resentation to all Jewish communities Internment was at Pleasant Hill thirty-one new students having iO.OO added this year. W o l b a d i ic Krat-h 00.00 Moscow, the towns of Witebsk, ] in the country. COMMISSION APPOINTED L m t t o n & SOUR ... 30.00 PUBLIC INVITED TO AT- WS.m . Jacks cemetery. The Department of Synagogue am | Among-those present at the well_ 30.00 Homel and Orsha, and a number TO HELP ARTISANS TEND B'NAI B'RITH Mr. l>aris 30.00 School Extension has entered upon « ' attended meeting were members from of other places, finding that an ; Mrs. 1>. M. Itosenberg „ 25.00 OPEN MEETING. Jerusalem (By Mail—Jewish Press SAMUEL'S ILLNESS SERIOUS program of greatly expanded activity Harolcl Kamnels 2T>.00 New York as well as from a number .ppalling death rate obtains wherAssociation). Herbert Samuel, the • The Omaha lodge of the B'Nai Dr. E. ('. Foote 23.00 London (Jewish Press Association) increasing the numbe" of circulatinr of other cities. The Executive SecreI... I.. Cady _.._ 23.00 ever refugees are concentrated in British High Commissioner to Pales- B'Rith will hold an open meeting Jack K. Kelly .... Disquieting reports come from Jeruof the pamphlets and magazines 2o.(X) tary of the Organization, Mr. B. G. great numbers. He gathered that X. Clark " ;"0.00 tine, "has appointed a special commis- Thursday evening, March 30, at the F. Richards, reported on the recent _- salem, concerning the jserious nature which it helps, to strengthen the tfft Polenski & Shellaek 20.00 ; the Soviet authorities are favorsion to investigate the- condition of Jewish Community Center. The Ijvlngston Kros. 20,00 J. N. Clarke _ 20.00 ably disposed towards the emi- tivities of the organization, relating of Herbert Samuel's illness. It is re- and knowledge of Jews throughotv factory workers and other artisans, principal speaker of the evening will <•. C. Zinu _. 13.00 gration of these refugees from to work done for the safeguarding of ported that a specialist from Vienna America. This department is no'v Lumber Co. , n order to help them in the sale of be Judge, Willis G. Sears, head of Byers ln.oo Xatlien Levy ______ Russia and were inclined to allow the rights of the Jews in Eastern has been invited to leave for Pales- federating and standardizing th« 10.00 "leir products at home and abroad, the Court of Domestic Relations. W. A. Taylor ...___ 10.00 the American Immigration Agen- Europe and to the" defense of the tine, to treat the High Commission- work of Temple Centers, Young Win. 10.00 rabs and Jews are co-operating in Several musical numbers have also A. Jewish nai>; against continued anti- er, but it is not yet known when and pie's Societies and State Teacher; Gostas '. _,._ 10.00 cy to operate in Russia. • 2 wort of this commission. been arranged for. whether he shall be able to do so. Semitic attacks (Continued on page 2)

Judge M a n Mack Appointed to Landis' Place on U.S. Bench



Leader's Training Group tobeStarted by Younger Jewish Set

Bastings, Nebr., Women Aid in Jewish War Relief Appeal

American Hebrew Congregations Growing Steadily

American Jewish Congress will Resume Activities

v! .

•41 '

i»AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1922 the special Zionist Conference. From the beginnings of polyphony. This made at realism. term implies many sounds; in other The speaker cited Beethoven as the there he will go to New York, where words music with more than one greatest musician of all times. He he will visit •with his brother, .Mr. dominating idea. At this time ex- said also, that Edward McDowell is Ed Baron. periments were made to write music the leading figure in American comDr. Baer Epstein, of New York for more than one voice. This is position. called in music, the Gothic style. The lecture was illustrated by City, addressed two hundred Zionists The speaker pointed to John Se- means of record selections portraying at the Hebrew Institute Monday evebastian Bach as the father of music. the various modes and styles de- ning. He is the great mind in the art andpicted. Mr. Dave Goodsite, of Kimball, So. was the first to introduce a suggesDakota, is visiting •with his parents, tion of modern music. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodsite. During the sixteenth century, the The marriage of Miss Rena Radin, advent of minstrelsy in Europe took place.. The first opera was written Mr. and Mrs. Henry Asher, of San daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Radin, I in the year 1600 in the city of Flor- Francisco, announces the engagement to Mr. Max Wasserman, of Estherence, Italy, by Perl. This was an at- of their niece, Miss Ella Hatschek, ville, Iowa, took place Tuesday evetempt on the part of the Italians to daughter of Mrs. M. Hatschek, to Mr.ning, March 14, at the home of the reproduce the ancient Greek tragedy. Herman F. Miller, son of Mr. andbride's parents. Only the immediate friends and relatives were present. Mrs. I. Miller, of this city. Four Styles of Music. Prof. Singer stated that four styles The Mt. Sinai Temple gave a mas- Mrs. Louis J. Heeger and son left of music exist. The classical style querade ball for the children of the Sunday for Council Bluffs where they includes the artists, Hadyn, Mozard, Sunday School, Saturday evening, will bo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Handel and Beethoven; the romantic, March 11, at the Mt. Sinai Social Frieden. Weber, Schubert, Schumann, and Center. The B'nai B'rith Lodge will give a Chopin; the program, Berleoz, Lizt and Wagner; and the Modern, Strauss Mr. Barney Baron left Thursday dance Tuesday evening:, March 28, at and Debussy. In the classical style, for Philadelphia where he will attend the Mt. Sinai Social Center. occured the development of the sonata. In a sonata there are at least two and sometimes more, dominating ideas. It was this style of music that laid the foundation for the modern symphony. In the romantic style, the composition has some definite idea to convey. The lyric element in music 18th and Farnam Streets comes largely from Schubert, the speaker said. Program music, is the type which tells a story and is narrative in character. This style had its beginning about the middle of the Present your 4r« Certificates of Deposit and we will pay the nineteenth century. In the modern interest up to date and renew at 5v< for 6 or 12 months. and futurist style, an attempt is In our Savines Department we pay in'r interest, compounded and added to your account quarterlj.


Published w r y T h u r s d a y a t Omaha, Nebraska, b y

•" **~- »-*

Orphans of the Ukraine

^ THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, pffice: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. ...$2.50 f Subscription Price, one year... Advertising rates furnished on application.

(Adapted from the Yiddish of Michael Aaronson.) Where do you go, my little child? The night is black, the tempest wild; Outside doth rage a bitter frost, And shall we give you up as lost?

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Kit* both tb« old and new address:

sign your name.


In late years we have witnessed, sometimes to our dismay, thftt our sister churches are endeavoring by every means at their command to. win our co-religionists away from the traditional Judaism, and to convert them to Christianity. We grow very bitter when we contemplate the inroads upon our meagre numbers, and yet for the most part it is our own fault. Not one-half of the Jews in any community of considerable size belongs to a religious organization. Not fifty per cent, of the children of religious school age are receiving religious instruction. It therefore seems, that instead of beating our hands helplessly and crying out against the conversionist, that it behooves us to look inward and find our own shortcomings and our own failures. What a noble undertaking it would be for the established congregations of our city to assume the task of bringing within their folds every Jewish man. woman and child. It seems peculiar that "the Priest People," "The People of the Book," should need stimulation to affiliate with a religious organization, but they do. Here lies a constructive bit of work for all of our congregations to sponsor. What a worthwhile active tenter we might have if every Jewish man and woman in it did his and her bit of Jewish work in our community. One of the proudest boasts that can be made by a city,is that which proclaims that every Jewish man and woman in a community is a member of a Temple or Synagogue and that every Jewish child is receiving religious instruction.—Rabbi Samuel S. Mayerberg. pf A GOOD WORD. *"' There have been so many evil things said about us recently . and so many charges made, and so much that smacked of antiSemitism that we may well be pardoned for feeling real good at the nice things said about us by that great editor, Arthur Brisbane in his daily column in the Hearst newspapers last week. Many of us have already read it. To those,'who have not read it, here it is: ; It is said in ancient Jewish writings that what you 1 v give in health is gold; in sickness, silver; after death, lead. ]j\ " Jews that have found wealth and freedom in America, and that have contributed so much 1» the prosperity of America, are now demonstrating their belief that GOLD : is the thing to give. Fourteen millions of dollars are needed, and fourteen millions of dollars unquestionably will be raised to help :-v hundreds of thousands of Jewish war victims in Europe. •• Chicago has already given two million dollars. Philadelphia in one week contributed one million dollars. NewYork City on the opening day of the campaign contributed a million dollars. In Eastern Europe hundreds of thousands of pitiful, thin little hands are stretched out empty, hundreds of : thousands of miserable mothers walk the weary roads, homeless. There is not a human being however cold but would empty his pockets if he could actually see that horrible misery. It takes little imagination to see it, and to give. Next to the ability of the Jews, their charity is the best answer to envious critics. They give more than their share to all charities in war—Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Salvation Army, Knights of Columbus. They have already given forty-seven million dollars to help their co-religionists abroad. Now they will give fourteen millions more. When they start to raise money they RAISE it.—Mr. N. J. Gould, in the "Wisconsin Jewish Criterion."

I see you are quite naked, too; The wintry blasts they pierce you through; Sans shoes, sans clothes you go about, A shame to those that turned you out. Was it a mother's heart of stone That set you to wander forth alone? Have you no one in your distress, No one to love you or caress? And from the child you hear this cry: "Alone in this great world am I, An orphan helpless here below, And so I wander to and fro. "You see how feeble is my tread; For days I haven't tasted bread; My heart is heavy, my limbs are sore, And must I suffer forevermore ?"


Be strong and brave, poor child, don't cry, We shall not suffer you to die. Orphans, wretched and oppressed, Sans shoes, sans clothes, and never at rest.

59c Interest on Time Deposits

O orphans bred of slaughter-lands, Our Nation stretches forth her hands, With fond embrace and rapture wild, Adopting you as her own child.

Harry H. Lapldm. Pres.-Trea*. Jog. Pepper, Vice-President. W. G. Cre. Secretary.



Mr. Rartlett Mr. ltwls II. It. Rollins .nciii l>illenl>ach _ C W. Wilson J. A. Cnt<>s Mrs. l . m y I'.ulion 1 >r. V. Tien.' Hnth MrtJrath llal Minor Kil. K, I,;mRe <i. 1.. KishPr I.. A. Spurlock _ I>r. K. K. Mtirr .._

1.(10 1.1X1 1 (Mi I.OO 1 (HI 1.00 1.1X1

Rabbi Singer Traces i Musical Progress

We occupy ore* 70.000 sauare feet Sootbvcit Corner Eleventh and Oonclas Streets. Fhone: Jarkson 272* OMAHA. NKB.

"Music is the expression of the art iii ......................... ...„ !;; impulses in man in terms of organ" ""•' 1.1X1 Prof. Jacob 1 ( M l ized sound relations," Singer told the freshmen in the Uni1.1X1 versity of Nebraska Tuesday morning 1 (Ml 1.00 in a lecture on "The Development of l'r. Thof I.tchtncr 1.00 Music." The speaker traced the progJ. FINKENSTEIN, Prop. J. K. Shermnn 1 00 l>r. J:IS (ialwnr '.... 1.00 ress of music from its primitive stage Miss Marjznret Koehler 1.00 H. K. Kiitefeldi 1.00 up to the modern or futurist style We can supply you M. I. Johnson . .. 1 0 0 of today. (fertruile ("rowley l.l>0 with everything you A. V. llrnttiin . 1.00 Hymnology owes its origin to the F. V. r e r l l n g want in the line of MeClafin _ Greeks, according to the speaker. St. Miss F. MrClnfln , 1.00 I.ucile Urnrrntgnn 1.00 Ambrose of , the-fourth century and PASSOVER FOODS. J. W. Brown .._ _ 1.00 century l>r. Kice 1.00 SL Gregory of t h e sixth SclKle Cafe ..._ _ i.oo selected certain scales from the Greek Hena (inrtner _ 50 McCarrey .."0 theory, which served as a basis for OMAHA CONTRIBUTIONS FROM European church music. In the middle ages music became more and more MARCH 9—23. & Jerome Heyn - jfioo.oo a n ecclesiastical art. Like other disJ u d s o n ..._ _ 600.00 . , , , , • (\ihn _ - I.TO.OO putations, whenever the school difThomiis Kilpatrirk & & Co. 150.00 ! r___j * ! , , , Hpci<?inn of thp rhnrrh a l15000 i f h h Tel. Web. 6512 1114 No. 24th omaha Coi.i storage ( o _ loo.oo il e r e d > t n e Qecision o i zne cnurcn ai


Live Fresh Fish Daily


Curt an & Jeffrey Co _ I'arific Storage & Warehouse Co

i>r. i). s. Hoffman

50.00 | vrayS prevailed. 50.00; ±, .


O. X. Tovrnsend _._.. _ . . no.oo 5.00 IT. J . S. tjoctz K. K. Fiesler . Sol lierprn.-in ."IO.OO James (Jllilca _.. .".00 M o r t o n I.. I >epen .riU.OO (Continued from page 1.) Dr. (Jeo. 1,. Wagner '. .1.1)0 Sidney Meyer _ 30.00 Chns A. J.oveH il.llO Jncoli Jacobs 30/10 Mrs. Mary D . MeElhinne'y ..._ _... 10.00 _ ..... r>.oo Ifnai Israel _ — McClelland Dunn Motor Co. _ 30.00 John Stanley _ 2.->.00 Mrs. R. C. Nelson _ n.oo Mil hlin Lumber Co G e o r g e Lovell _ _... "10.00 2T..00 n.(Hi Samuel Friedman "W. G. F a u l e y 10.00 Henry Spotts "i.(KI J. \Ym." Lowm.-in & Co _ Fregger A n d e r s o n Shoe Co. 10.0<) i' _ r./»i Jake Katleman Hoeppner & Uerling lo.oo Jos.-ph II. Still -Ti.pO r..(K» I n . U o r s k y Rutherford Brothers' 10.00 K. & FS. Ire Cream Co. Thos. R. Calhoiin _ _. ri.lKI' M e y e r K l e i n ©atic Johnson _ 10.00 IT. John S. Mann.00 A r t h u r RolliB'-hild ~ G i o r g e Rlnderspacher 10.00 •J.-..00 _ n.(M)', M. A . W o l o v r l U K e n n e t h CJedney 10.00 l'r. J. R. Shively 25.(10 n.uo I II. <;. FleiKhman B . S. Koebler 10.00 Jas. A. Knumlers 25.00 X.. J . Siekman _ . _.._ _. 10.IM) Dick llpye r. DO A. I'onoff . 2." 00 ' , S. 1.. Morris E . K. Daiily 10.00 Thpo. Sims 25.00 I (Jihlis Clothlnj: Co _ •0<>!S. T r p i i n k . C. II. Jones 10.00 (Mil Herbert Koi>|K"l""~."Z!I~"...l_J_ 20.00 H a s t i n g s Fuel Co. 10.00 CoAvton Coal Co _ _ IVrith i\00 I i h .Trs. T "".'.™l~"ZZZ".~r~~" 1500 Knights of Columbus _ 10.00 E. 1>. Kinsel _ _ •""i Hohert 11. <',roite _ l-'.OO I W. G. Blackman 10.00 <;. Otter Stewart & Smith ••00 I Paul Steinweiiulcr 10.00; Louis A. Kiniipy 10.00 Hoy J. I'pterson _... "O i Phillip Sokoloff _ 10.00 Chris Messner _.... 10.00 10.00 •IK) 11. Marks Gaston Music Co _ _ 10.00 Cushman & ISrphm 10.00 .00 Hastings Milling «'o J. CJrpenhprR 3ibrs H. Lerl (('hicngol _ 10.00 10.00 >.(K) Morton F.lirenreiih William Mailgett — ;\oo Currier & McCullough 10.00 Coulter (iroceiy Co. •>.oo Al>e Milder Elizabeth Kehn n.oo 10.00 (M) (!eorp;p F. Enpler Mrs. J. H. Bryans "i.oo A. Lemliach . 1 (Ml K. R. Deputy Hat Co. ...10.00 Erick Johnson 5.00 IT. C. II. Spider <in 'i.OO Queen City ("ufp Max firunat " 5.00 Dr. J. T. Steele _ 5.00 5.00 _ Vim Dr. George Hansen r>.oo Strnnil Theatre I. ZurkolT _ 5.00 IX) __. Dbtors- Shaufelberger „ — .1.00 Judge Karl 1>. Iieghtol Ph. Seligm.nn _._. voo George Stromer n.oo IT. J. I!. Mcl'herson ..._ I'niteil Grocery Store "l.lMI C 11. Hansell : 5.00 voo Guarantee Electric Co. _ 1.00 IT. Mabel M. Pixon 5.00 -.Edgerton & Hamilton _..._.. 1.00 J. B. Kline r>.00 Kipp Cigar Co _. Dr. C. E. KWdcr , "..00 _ G. Alontogbmery 5.00 C. I. Van Patten ,..FOR... voo y U Rys . 5.0(1 IT. J. V. I'.eghtol ..._ voo HofT Brothers A. H. Brooke .'. 5.00 5.00 -. _ 5.00 J. W. James H. Hockmhn 1.00 _ AND "i.CO W. C. Ulenkoivski J. O. Rohrer n.oo Thomas Rosenan 5.00 William Westering voo 5.00 IT. Ella P. Sumners Tom Davidson — voo _. Ji.00 IT. 1>. C. Sneller Harold K)ng voo _ _... 5.00 Ceo. Kimball. Jr. J. E. Addis , voo 5.W) Mrs. Ellen LittHeld O. E. Stfrt -... see n.oo _ _ 5.00 Hastings Jonns Parior g <Jas Co n.oo 5.00 H. J. E. WtllitB Sims n.oo 5.00 Twidnle Shoe Co Dr.' O^ H. Hahn ^ n.oo 5.00 H. M. Vnstine Marti-Matier -Co. ...'..... n.oo 5.00 Kenioji Shop. Co Dr. R. G. Cressman Diamond and Platinum njU. Dr. A. B. Hopper 5.00 P. II. Fuller Specialists H. F. FavJnger ..; _ 5.(io Thomas Frnhm . * _ 5.00 Perry J. Stephens — _.. . n.oo B. R. Damerell ..._ ^ -. n.00 Street. 1514 Xd Deines . : . _ . .._ r..oo Mrs. II. E. Scnultz _ 3.00 DO ngrlns 5619. Establlnhcd 18S4. A)ex:F. Meyer —• ._. n.oo •<". S. AV~nIlaee 3.00 : Charles Win ges fi.oo Knri Knuf -..3.00 Di I« D". Gnrage ~ .1.00 f a s h over _ , '. _ 3.00 C. A. Thompson ..... n.oo Percy R. Renner 2.50 George B. Isaman _ n.oo Judge Turhyville _ . 2.50 James Xursen n.oo A. S. Howard 2.50 Dr. E. J. Lnttn r>.oo M. F. Aildlemnnn 2..r>0 Sorry S. Dungan r>.oo >Hss WhitJipl 2..T0 n.oo H. F . Mt-Ciilla JV C. Lee 2.50 n.oo H. f . Havprly ...J. F. Frye ..„...-.._ 2.50 n.oo K. I'. MOore Mary N. Forsythe 2.00 n.oo l>ean T;ner Stiner"& Boslaugh 2.00 n.oo Mrs. Jivmos Glaton Dr. H. J. Foster 2.00 n.oo C. M. Dominy Dr. J. A. Colfer *_.. 2.00 n.oo Miss Phplmaii Fred P. Olmsteacl . 2.00 n.oo N II Jones Hastings Business College 2.00 n.oo K. n. Stevens Lawson. Hardware Co. . . . _ . . _ 2.00 n.oo William P. Mead J H. McOrath Hardwnre Co. 2.00 n.oo I>r. C. C. Keith 2.00 J.- H . Riffe — i : r..oo 2.00 C. C. Massey ~i & Jones n.oo Profllt 2.00 A. F. Cameronl V. \J. Johnson n.(K) "Haynes Brothers — ~ 2.00 Men's HiRh-Grade Suits, $ 1 9 . 5 0 Id. A. (Jreen n.oo F. G. Johnson H-«bVrt Jacobs (Cinn.) 2.00 Young Men's Models $17.50 n.oo Dr. W. J. Black Hastings, Ice Co. — — • 2.fK) _. r..oo Mr. (J. H. I,ehr Boy's Knee Pants Suits 87.50 2.00 *•. A. Bloom ~ Boy's 3 to 8 Suits 85.00 n.OOJJolm HerberR ..._l_.;~;_..;__l.__-i;Z_; 2.00 5.00 i H. L. Manstteld 1.40 Df. C. K. Strublec _ . Raincoats, Garbodine Style. n.00 Dr. Calbreath 4.00 Dr. J. M. Hahn : all sizes 85.95 1.00 5.00 J. I. Weiler Boy Feist 1.00 Caps, $1.50 values „ $1.00 n.00 W. Arvanotte : tTnited Grocery Co. _ 1.00 n.00 A. I. Rundall Pickens & Bratton ~_ 1.00 n.00 H. D. Newman .... Wi H. Cushing -. 1.00 ">.00 J . L . D a v i d s o n Carl R. Mattison.Co..._ 1.00 n.00 it. B. Martin C E. Hlgenbotham .-.„ 1.00 2.50 Conrnd Melnlnger TVilinun "Wntsoa 1.00 5.00 Dr. G. H. Hunt __ John P. ModRett — 1.00 •5.00 Carl McCleery Hi C. Anderson 1.00 5.00 Claude 8hermnn U e e , Haggard — 1.00 n.00 Mrs. Charles Doyen — H. fi. Welch 1X0 n.00 Hazel Alfred Borley Transfer CO. 1.00 5.00 H. Knight yK C. StAffllta -.»..-

War Relief Contributions






In the thirteenth century is found

High-Grade Clothing from The Primrock Stock of St. Paul, Minn., at 60c on the Dollar.

J. HELPHAND Clothing Store 314 North 16th St.

AMERICAN STATE BANK D. W. Geiselman, President. C. V. Nelson, Vice-President.

D. C. Geiselman. Cashier. H. M. KROGH, Ass't. Cashier.

$10,000 VERDICT This is what happened to a client of ours on account of an automobile accident. He did not worry or loose any sleep as our Auto Liability and Property Damage policy protected him. ARE YOU PROTECTED?

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H. A. WOLF CO. 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.


No doubt

Will sell it at a sacrifice, as I have to leave for Europe at once to bring my folks over. If party credit is all right to take over some debts, it can be handled with about $4,000.


Clothing Sale

We invite your banking business.



The Naiashock Jewelry Co.

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$2()oo to $4500

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Gaberdines Utility Rain or Shine Coats, tans and $ 1 0 0 0 tO $QJ%00 grays, full or half belted 10 OU CHESTERFIELD TOP COATS, S 2 0 to $ 5 0





ENGAGEMENTS. Edwin Katskee, Abe Goldenberg, Torah by the score of 14-6. The At the regular meeting of the MoMrs. Meyer Freidman left Tuesday Wednesday ,honoring Mrs. "Mot Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Edelstone of Harry Ravitz, Meyer Beber, Louis main-stay for the Cubs was Harry gen Dovid club held Sunday after- afternoon for Chicago, 111., where she Aach, of St. Lauis. FollowingChicago announce the engagement of Somberg, Edwin Levinson, Harry Rich, who was responsible for 6 of noon at the Synagogue, the follow- will visit with friends for two weeks. luncheon Mrs. Samuels entertaioel their daughter, Miss Violette Edel- Mendelson, and Harry Cohen, will ar- their scores. The guarding of Bar- ing officers were elected for the enher guests, at a matinee. Mrs. A i c | The newly organized club of young is the guest of Mrs. M. Aach of ( stone, to Leslie L. Burkenroad, son rive Friday from Lincoln, where they nett Abrams also featured. The main suing term: Abe Katelman, presiof Mr. and Mrs. M. Burkenroad, of are attending the University of Ne- score getter for the Confirmation dent; Isidore Perimeter, vice-presi- men of the city will hold its first en- city. braska, to spend their spring vaca- Boys was Fred Levin, who scored 4 dent; Joyce Freiden, secretary; Al- tertainment and dance, Tuesday evethis city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wessel, points. bert Fox, treasurer; Maurice Freid- ning, April 4, at Eagle's Hall. A Philadelphia, arrived in Lincoln Tues Miss Edelstone is a graduate of tion here. GILINSK Y-FREIDEN special entertainment feature has The wedding of Miss Edythe Frei- Chicago university, and Mr. BurkenThere ace a few vacancies in the man, sergeant-at-arms. Installation been arranged for the evening. day to be the guests of.Mr., Wes A daughter was born Monday at road of the Nebraska university. of the elected officers will be held at deh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. sel's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' S. Wes the Wise Mem6rial Hospital to Mr. Cub Scoot Troop No. 2 which meres the next meeting. Freiden, to Mx. Maurice Gilinsky, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wolfson of Miami, and Mrs. S. Ross. The Mesdamss J. Sharf and H. sel. I Monday after school. For memberMarowitz entertained at a surprise son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky, of Fla., announce the engagement of ' ship come to the Jewish Community The Evening card club met Tues- party last Monday evening in honor The "Ivre Club" will give a dancl Mr. and Mrs. B, F. Margol'a, of Center Monday after school and ask Council Bluffs, la., will take place their daughter, Zenia, to Sidney day evening at the home of Mr. and at the Lindell Hotel Tuesday ev«f of Mrs. E. Marcus. Sunday evening at the home of the Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Lincoln, will arrive Saturday morning for John Beber. Mrs. J. Krasne. ning, March 29. to spend a week in Omaha. bride's parents. Rabbi M. N. Tax- Meyer,:_ of Omaha. Miss Wolfson THORPEIAN NEWS. on will officiate. After a short wed- spent Several months in Omaha last Mrs. Abe Davidson entertainel Mr. Philip Romanov spent the LINCOLN Mrs. Louis Goldsmith, who underThe dance given last week in honor week-end in Sioux City, la. three tables at bridge last Mondaj| ding trip to Minneapolis and St. fall atf the home of Mr. and Mrs. went an operation, is now at home of the basketball team by the club Paul, Minn., the c»uple will make Phillip Wolfson. Mr. Meyer has just convalescing. The Hebrew Educational Society Miss Elizabeth Polsky won fit members was well attended. Athletic their home in Council Bluffs. returned from a visit at the home of The next meeting of the Council held an election of officers at its reg- prize. Mrs. Edward Woolf, of Director, Sam Friedel, gave out of Jewish Women will be held Tues- ular meeting Sunday evening. Those waukee, Wisconsin, was an out his fiancee. Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. elected are: president, Gertrude Fo- town guest. LEVY-LINCOLN The regular semi-monthty dance of 'eb rr so :n z e me <J als *° th* f ° ' l o ™ g Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Berg of Minthe YM. and the YWHA. will be held S i d Paul Konecky, George Bernstein, E. Marcus. The marriage of Miss Eva Lingelson; vice-president, Elizabeth Announcement was received 'of a n S Freberg Ccrenman Sam Freiberg, coln to Mr. Arthur Levy took place neapolis, Minn., formerly of Omaha, Saturday evening at the Jewish S i d n e > ' C Sandlovich; secretary, Mae Shapiro; engagement of Miss Evelyn Baum, The Blossoms of Zion club will William Wmtroub. Friday, March 17, Rabbi Frederick announce the engagement of their Community Center. A special enter- j I s a d o r e meet Supnday afternoon at the Syn- treasurer, Irene Adelson; sgt.- at- Philadelphia, to Mr. Nathan Gold, Cohn officiating. The couple have daughter, Sarah, to Mr. Max Feder tainment has been arranged for this land Nathan Robinson. arms, Ben Shapiro; and the council Lincoln. No date for the weddinj The BIG Thorpeian dance will be agogue. left for a wedding trip in the east. of that city. No date has been set dance and all members are urged to members are: J. Polick, Jack Chesen, Mr. Kenneth Byron, vf New Yorj given this Sunday, March 26, at the Upon their return they will make for the wedding. Tillie Polsky, and Max Shapiro. be present. The Junior Auxiliary of the CounCity, is visiting his brothers, Mess j Ben Hur Dancing Academy at 28th their home at 4910 Dodge street. cil of Jewish Women will hold a Mrs. M. Tatle will return today afMrs. Mollie Arenson died on Thurs- Philip and Abe Byron. The Yo-Wo-Heas held a regular and Farnam Sts. social meeting this evening at the day, March 16, at the home of her ter spending a week in St. Joseph, meeting Sunday at the Jewish ComSILVERMAN-MARCUS home of Miss Freida Goldberg. YOUNG Jl'DEA NEWS. daughter, Mrs. Saul Poska. She is The marriage of Miss Laura Mar- Mo., with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. munity Center. The age limit of the The Installation of Officers party survived by six sons and -one daughclub has been raised from sixteen to The Council of the Jewish WonfSn cus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leibowitz, and Mr. Leibowitz. that was to be given this Sunday by . , card party was held this afternoon ter. Marcus, to Mr. Louis Silverman, son The Junior Hadassah will hold its seventeen. The club now has a membership roll of thirty. Plans Mr. S. Samuels entertained at a , the \oung Judeae Senior Club will be at the home of Mrs. E. Marcus. The of Mr. and Mrs. S. Silverman, will third of a series of card parties at take place Sunday evening, Rabbi the Blackstone Hotel Sunday after- been made for a hike to Childs Point postponed until the following Sun- hostesses were the Mesdames G. luncheon at the Lincolnshire last , day, April 2, on account of the card Krasne, J. Sharf and E. Marcus. Taxon will officiate. noon. They will attempt to raise the on April 3. $100 needed to keep the orphan, Lea The regular meeting of the YM. ' party that the Junior Hadassah will LINCOLN—SEDOFF. this Sunday MIMEOGRAPH AND Daffah, of Palestine, whom they have and the YWHA was held Monday hold Blackstone Hotel, afternoon at the The marriage of Miss Finnette SeFred R. Shaw Flower Shop adopted. There will be tables for evening at the Jewish Community CIRCULAR WORK. doff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Phonf 104. ' The Lillies of Zion gave a masChiropodist and Beauty whist and bridge, and prizes will be Center. The following program was Sedoff, to Edwin Lincoln, son of Mr. Anne Selicow—Iva Siegel The Best of Everything in Flowers aod Shop given, song and dance numbers by the querade purim party Sunday afterConfections at Moderate Prices. and Mrs. H. Lincoln, of this city, took offered at every table. Established 1S00 301 Peters Trust Building. noon, March 19, at the home of Miss 15th and Harney streets. Misses Eunice Rosenstein, Ruth Reuplace Sunday, March 5, at the home Tel. Atlantic 8610 Pbone Dniiela<< 2333 Miss Estelle Lapidus will arrive | ben, Betty SteinbeTg, accompanied by Ruth Reuben. Dance numbers were 545 W Broadway Next Liberty Theater COUNCIL BLITFF8 IOWA of the groom's sister, Mrs. M. Chai- here March 30 from Rockford ColDorothy Reuben; vocal solo by Miss given by five members of the club, kin. Rabbi Taxon officiated. Only lego to remain until April 4. Iva Siegel, accompanied by Miss So- Ruth Reuben, Eunice Rosenstein, relatives of- the bride and groom Betty Steinberg, Ruth Obludziner, j •™H:;UH:::nnHH:HH:H:HHHH:::::H:HU::::::::::::::::::H::::: Miss Etta Grossman entertained | phye Weinstein: and an address on were present. and Esther Steinberg. eight couples at a surprise party at "The Panama Canal" by Mr. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. D. Brodkey enter- her home Sunday evening in honor Holzman. DON'T FORGET-BIG SPRING DANCE The Flowers of Zion club held an tained Saturday at the Eighteenth of her cousin, Miss Mollye Gross- The following committees vrere ap- installation party March 19, at the and Chicago streets synagogue in man. The evening was spent in play- pointed: home of Rose Rosenstein. Stump GIVEN BY honor of the Barmitzvah of their son ing bunco. ATHTKTir COMMITTEE — FM. RoMsr. speeches were made by the newly Edwin. Seventy-five guests were lTnrnM FnrJwr. Nntban F. Orefn. .. present The out of town guests were Mrs. B. Izenberg entertained twenNntlian T-evinson. sml ISI-IIPI (loodmnn. elected Olticers. SEVEN DAYS Mr. J. Rubenstein of Chicago and Mr ty-two guests at a linen shower Sun- COURTESY COMMITTEE- Isulore Ohpr mnn, T ^ H > Altrnmson. ]*hil *iHr*>lirk and Mrs. Max Barrish of Sioux City. day afternoon at her home, in honor COUNCIL BLUFFS titrtrndt" P:issa\oy, Mars.iret Itifkes SUNDAY EVE, MARCH 26, 1922 I'.orth:i Hoffman. Sunday evening forty guests were of Miss Laura Marcus, who is a bride The X. T. C. club held its regular . . . in . . . present at a reception given by Mr. of this week. meeting Tuesday evening at the Jew- | At the last meeting of the Resh and Mrs. Brodkey for their son. ijbn Hur Dancing Academy Ayin club, which was held last j Mr. and Mrs. S. Gold ware enter- ish Community Center. Election of Thursday evening at the home of j 2STS AND FAKNAM S T R E E T S . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaef er and tained at a purim party at their officers was held for the ensuing-term: I Miss Fannie Shyken, plans were; son left Monday for a short stay in home Tuesday evening, March 14, for AnneSelicow, president; NettieSmitn, made for a public entertainment to! Excelsior Springs, Mo. their sons, grandchildren, and fami- Selicow, president: Nettie Smith, be held some time in April. The T ORCHESTRA. GOOD TIME ASSURED. ly. Covers were laid for thirty. vice-president; Pauline Selicow, secre- club which was recently organized,; ALSO Mrs. M. Seiner and Mrs. J. Kohn Each guest was given a present by tary; Helen Riekes, reporter; Tobbie ; "IT'S A T H O R P E I A N A F F A I R . " now has a membership roll of over j Second Round were hostesses at a linen shower last Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldware. Steinberg, sergeant-at-arms. The next Wednesday in honor of Miss Rose meeting of the club will be held forty. The next meeting will be held Hi "THE LEATHER PUSHERS" lEigfiiHiLTaiJMSfcyiiiii!^^ I next Thursday evening. NoodbelL Fifty guests were present. Miss Blanche Altman, who has been Tuesday evening, March 28. The afternoon was spent in playing east for several weeks, is now viscards. iting relatives in Des Moines, Iowa. At the last meeting of the YMHA :i|i::U:::H:

Social, Club and Rqligious Activities

AAA Duplicating Company





Messrs. William Holzman, Harry Lapidus and Henry Monsky spent Sunday at Grand Island, Neb., in the interest of the Jewish War Relief appeal. Mr. R. Kulakofsky returned Sunday after a week's stay in Chicago. Mrs. Kulakofsky and son, Earl, will return in about ten days.

Juniors plans were made for a base-

Mrs. Oran Rips and son, Marshall ball team. Loeb, who have been spending the winter here with their mother, Mrs. The Cub Scouts (Y. M. H. A.) Mary Swartz, left this afternoon for Basketball team defeated the ConDallas, Texas, where they will join firmation Class of the City Talmud Dr. Rips.

Word has been received of the sudden death of Mrs. Ben Edelman, of New York City. Mrs. Edelman is Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon for the mother of Mrs. Hugo BrandFriday night will be "Isaac M. Weiss eis. and Reformed Judaism." Saturday Mrs. Morton Alpirin, who is atmornii g he will lecture on "Wise of tending the University of Minnesota, Heart." will; arrive tomorrow to spend his A regular meeting of the Ra Oth spring vacation with his parents, Mr. Society was held Sunday, March 12, and Mrs. A. B. Alpirin. at the home «f Miss Jeanette Marcus. Mrs. E. Rosenstock, of Sioux City, Prices were won by the Misses Flora la.,, is visiting with Mrs. Adolph Bienstocfc and Dora Wolowitz. The Brown. She will remain fgr a week. lanct meeting- will be held Sunday, The Ladies of the Golden Hill SoApril 2, a t the home of Miss Sylvia ciety will hold their regular meeting Levey.



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From the Famous Stage Play by Winshell Smith.

Tuesday afternoon, at the Jewish

Mrs. Ben Somberg entertained Community Center. Mrs. Av-JSiIver-, m forty-fiye guests a t a 1 o'clock lunch- map and Mrs. L. Turkel will be host-1 eon at the Athletic club on Wednes- es,isjes. day, March 15.

Miss Rose Minkin and Miss Mary Yabroff, of Wichita, Kansas, will arrive in Omaha Friday from Lincoln, where they are attending Nebraska University. They will remain for a •week.

Miss Martha Weinstein, who is at- g tending Ames College, will arrive in ] Omaha Wednesday to spend the week, end. I

Mrs. D. Brodkey left Monday eve- 'j ning for Sioux City with her father,! Mr. J. Rubenstein, of Chicago, and j her sister. Mrs. Max Barrish, and Mij, Barrish of Sioux City, whom they will visit. She will remain until Saturday evening.

The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah •will meet Wednesday afternoon, March 29, at the Jewish Community Center. Important communication from New York has been received. All members are requested to atRabbi Frederick Cohn will go to tend. Grand Island, Nebr., on Monday, March 27, to . rganize religious acMrs. Edwin Alperson is ill at the tivities. This is a part of the camWise Memorial Hospital. paign of the Department of the SynMr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosburg, Jr., agogue and School extension work have as their house guest, Mrs. Slus- of the Union of the American Hebburgs's brother, Mr. Max Barren, of rew Congregations. Chick;go. A delegation-' composed of the United Workers Organization of PalThe Temple Players will present a group of playlets and dance numbers estine "will visit Omaha Sunday, in the Vestry Room of Temple Is- April 9, and will address a mass rael on Thursday evening, April 5. meeting at eight o'clock sharp at the Watch for the program of this af- Swedish Auditorium. The speakers fair in the next issue of the 'Jew- for the delegation are Mania Schackj ett, worker of the famous organizaish Press." tion "Hashomer"; Berl Katznelson, •Mr. and Mrs. Harry White, of Ot- leader of the organization "Ahduthtumwa, Iowa, formerly of Omaha, H'Ovovodah"; and A. Barhez, leader with their son, Robert Max, arrived of the organization, "Zeire-Zionr" last week to make their future home Miss Agnes Ross spent the week here. end in Lincoln as the guest of Mr. The Yo-Wo-Heas will entertain at aT&a-'Mrs. B. F. Margolin. the Branaeis Tea Rooms Saturday Mrs. R. Ferer, who has been ill afternoon. for the past two months, underwent Mr. Loyal Cohn left Tuesday for an operation last Tuesday at the -Sew York.Gily* Methodist Hospital. '

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artment of The Jewish Press

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Restoration of the Holy Land


The Jewish wedding of the good old days has disappeared along with a great many other things to which Telephone MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS OX Office we had become accustomed. Time Jackson 0268 BY THE HON. SELDEN P. SPENCER, UNITED STATES SENATOR 209 South ISth Street NEARBY COMMUNITIES. was when the festivities connected FROM MISSOURI with a wedding were regarded as enCHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. titled almost to the dignity of reP. MELCHIORS & SON (Following is the full text of an their land that I gave to their fath- ligious ceremonies. Nowadays there address of Senator Selden P. Spencer ers. Behold, I will gather them out is very little that is Jewish accordMACHINE WORKS Industrial and Automotive Machinist*. ' delivered recently at a Zionist meet- of all countries and I will bring them ing to the Din in many weddings celeINVESTMENT SECURITIES Carburetor ami Ijrnltlon Repairs. ing in Washington. Senator Spencer again into this place, and I will cause brated between persons who belong to Starter Ring Gears for Aotn Fly Wheel* Fi::t National Bank Bldg. rhone Atlantic 0380. 411 South 13th Street them to dwell safely and they shall the House of Israel; and the customs ' is one of the leading members of the Telephone: Jarhnon tr>50 Republican party. He is not only a be My people, and I will be their that lent simha to the occasion are believer in ^he triumph of the Zionist God." gradually falling into a state of incause, but as a devout Christian he ! This was not the mere utterance nocuous desuetude. Y o u r position is DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT believes in the Divine Purpose of its of Jeremiah; it is expressly recorded correct, and should ;: -OOMPAN.Y.fulfillment. The address of Senator that Jeremiah was not speaking for There was certainly plenty of good be s u p p o r t e d by cheer at the old-time Jewish wedding, '-B1SMARCKS. CAKE AND SUGAR UNDERTAKERS Spencer is imbued with a spirit of himself, but that he was the "instruBRAND fDOCfiHNCTS' OCR SPECIALTY. and the culinary art was lavishly erery fair minded love and friendship for the Jewish ment" through which the word of the "MOVED TO We D'eliver f the Real Goods. person. people and is indicative of the friend- Lord came, in the days of Jeremiah, drawn upon. A Jewish wedding has 5?24 CCMISO STREET. always been much more than a fam. Phone .Webster 0843 I ly attitude of official Washington to- the son of Amon, King of Judea, in ily affair. Even people who led se1 I wards the Zionist movement.'* the thirteenth year of his reign. Who cluded lives could not escape the gen< shall say that it is not a part of the eral interest of their section of the I ADVO COFFEE With the deepest interest I, an ! fulfillment of this definite prophecy community when the timp to stand • • • vl • • • ; American and a Gentile by birth, and that Eliazer Ben Jehuda had re-estab- under the Chuppah arrived. This WHOLESALE GROCERS ADVO JELL . ADVO FOODS one whose faith is in the risen Christ lished the ancient Hebrew language time-honored canopy is all to often Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phone Jackson 1302 —the earthly son of a Jewish woman in Palestine? Who is so blind as not discarded nowadays by folks who ! and the divine son of God—eagerly to see that the utterance of Great think that ancient institutions are a bring to you, my fellow Americans, Britain which I have quoted was badge of inferority, although those who are of Jewish birth and to whom, i made largely through the instrume.i- who understand the correct relations REMEMBER Visit Our as a race, are committed oracles of tality of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the of things know full well that the very (PALMER GRADUATE) and to whom pertaineth the great Jewish chemist, of England, opposite is true. Liturgy and literaThe Brinn & Jensen "Electric Shop*' God, adoption and the glory and the cove- who has made England his debtor by ture have, however, enshrined it as Phone Jackson 3072 Second Floor, Elks' Building. Do away with dvudgery and make ! nants and the giving of the law and his great achievement in chemistry a perpetual symbol in Jewish cereCompany houSe-work a pleasure by the use the service of God two convictions of during the war, and who, like Esther monial life. With the Chuppah much With Your Order for of modern elcctri'-a! appliances. I conscience and judgment in regard to of old, properly used, his great influ- of the old-time wedding liveliness apHOLCOMB ANYTHING The "Electric Shop"' is on the the great cause under whose auspices ence to advance that which was near- pears to have departed. FOOD CHEMICAL IN THE WRAPPING est to his heart? Why was it that ground floor of the Electric buiidwe are met tonight. PRODUCTS CO., INC. The Jew? have always been a soing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PAPER LINE One of these convictions has to doAaron Aaronson was held to discover and Faroam streets. ftlanutartnrers of ciable people. The stock jokes that the wild wheat which has transformed with the attitude of the American FOODS AND CHEMICALS. 1112 HARNEY ST. people and the American government the agricultural possibilities of Pal-picture the Jew as stingy and sordid FLAVORING EXTKACTS. have not been borne out by his actual Fhone Douglas 6109 918 N. 16th Pt. Phone Atlantic 4984 THE BEST to this movement. The other convic- estine? tion has to do with the revealed will These are landmarks that indicate i s o c i a I life - T h e p e l i b e l s a r e i n f a c t of Almighty God on the question. the path which God has sun-eyed, but the very reverse of the truth. The NORTHWEST READY Of all nations on the face of thewhether they had happened or not.Jew has ever believed in comfortable ! SKINNER globe, the United States should bo and in spite'of any nation or of a ll living and rational enjoyment. There ROOFING CO. 1 c a nb e n e i t h e t h e d r a b BAKING COMPANY old shinfrlrs Ready Eoofin? over first and foremost in the sympathetic nations combined, it still remains true ' avidity of the TBAOE — p . OOOCtAS-186? AJso asphalt shinpl^s fiTifi build -up 1 recognition and the cordial co-opera- that the purpose of God in regard to stiff ascetic, nor the unbridled license roofs. Fire resisting and dura nit-. OF All work puaranteed Easy terms. Epicurean where the true spirit tion to advance the desire of the Jew the return of his chosen people to ooff the JPlion^ Harney STEINER ELECTRIC to repeople Palestine, because, if for Palestine, is bound to be realized, and J e w i s h family and social life preOffice and Warehouse: 3122 Learenworth vails T h eJ e w likes t oenjoy himself MEAT CHOPPER AND no earthly power can prevent, by so j ; • no other reason, there are in the AND COFFEE MILL. ! United States more than one-fifth of much as an hour, the fulfillment of but if he is true U) type he does not consider it real enjoyment unless his j the 15,300,000 Jews who live upon God's plan. 1 1 •; USED SCALES OF ALL family is able to take part in it. this earth, and because liberty and MANCFACTIKKRS. 1 •••'• MAKES FOR SALE. The Jews come naturally by their justice, which is interwoven with the CHURCHILL SLAMS MEY-MER-CO. Brand ! love of dancing and their social fesBAKER ICE MACHINE CO. purpose and activity of this move- ' BOLSHEVIST CHARGE 510 South 10th Street. Beverages and Syrups. tivities have given evidence of that ment. are the very principle upon | AGAINST ZIONISTS Phone Jackson 3332. 319-321 So. Hth M., Omaha. Kebr. ' which our Republic re>ts. i Phone Atlantic 2&8S London. (J. C. B.) Replying to fact. The Bible gives ample testi1 Iten There can be no valid reason why a question in the House of Commons, mony that their ancestors were not strangers to the art, and that it was "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Biscuit Co. those of Jewish birth and heritage, Winston Churchill, Secretary- of State employed in their religious ceremonies LOW FARE and buy them at whose hearts and consciousness in- for the Colonies, declared that the SNOW WHITE cline them to the return to the prom Jewish immigrants to Palestine from fr°™ t i m e immemorial. And the same AH that the name w a st r u e o f ROGERS BAKERIES ised land and to again live upon the September 1920 to December 1921 inmusic in Biblical times, implies. 319 S.mth 16th Street. • CAIX (Re». f. S. Pat. soil of their fathers, should not be eluded thirty-three percent, from Po- The discontinuance of music in worOffice.) Phor.e Douglas 3400. encouraged and helped in this great land, fifteen percent, from Ukraine, ship after the destruction of the sec- 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 ATLANTIC 4522 five percent, from Roumania, eleven ond Temple did not destroy the love ; desire of the ages. 1 No American Jew will ever be com- percent from the Ukraine, three and of the people for it. TKV SUNDKRKV9 ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Nutritions Homo Made pelled to leave this country against a half percent. British and two per- There are other phases of Jewish APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Ambulance Service social life which have not been so elehis wish. His place here is complete- cent American. PIESandCOOKIES I Equipped with Pulmotor. Granden ElectricCo. _ . _ . . , Churchill took occasion bating. The passion for card-playing Made by ly established;, his identification with '• Secretary Sealed In Sanitary Waxed All Calls An§wered Promptly. NT>Am,K EI.ECTKICAL Wrapper at Your Grocer. • UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST American progress, his patriotism and to smatter the Bolshevist bogey inso- is n o t peculiarly a Jewish trait, but MEUCnANDISE. FOOD CO. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 1511 Howard St. rhone Atlantic 0681 Sundsren Pie Baking Co. home life, his success in industry and far as it attaches to Zionism, which that it has become all to prevalent OMAHA. NEBRASKA. i4th anil Hickory. Atlantic 6241 3411 Farnam St. Phone Harney 0392 in trade, have inseparably interwoven is given currency by the Morning amongst Jews is certain. The praci him with all that is best in our coun- Post and its associates. "It is a mis- tice of oratory y has grown as a factor I try. take to think that the bulk of Jews in Jewish social life to an alarming j On the other hand, every American is saturated with Bolshevism," Mr. extent in recent years. An endless Carpenter Paper Co. WHOLESALE Jew who desires to return to Pales- Churchill said. "Bolshevism is for-; outpouring of speeches greets us on Wet Wash Laundry Distributor! of tine and to lead a Jewish life in that eign to Zionism, which is in turn vio- nearly all occasions. And should not Druggists and Stationers 2 8 0 8 : Cuminjg. Harney 0 8 8 1 Western Bond—and High Grade holy place, must have every help ! lently denounced and persecuted by the old adage. "Shoemaker, stick to 401-102-10; South 10th . . One Day Service. No Extra Stationery your last," lead some undeveloped which the American people and theBolshevists. Charges.; Refinite Soft Wrfter. ; OMAHA, XEBBASKA. Ciceros to remember that success in American government can give him to bring to pass his desire for its! FIRE SWEEPS GRODNO MARKET, business or politics does not neces- . Why Buy Tin? fulfillment. What is so true of the Grodno (By Mail—Jewish Press sarily qualify one to make speeches LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. United States must be made true of Association.") A mysterious fire, the,°n all occasions?—The Jewish ExpoIn Active Practice Since 1910. SAVES VOC HONEY*. 27th and Martha Sts. Barney 1662 every other nation of the world. Theorigin of which is unknown, recent- j nent. Manufacturers of Brass. Bronze, AlumlMID-STATES WHOLESALE Dr. Frances H. Turner nnm nnd Soft Gray Iron Castings. governmental position cannot be bet-ly swept the business section of( GROCERS Office: BrandefK Theatre Bnilcllng. You sre assured of soft castings, as SOVIET RUSSIA TRADES WITH 1117-19 Dodge St. 17th and DOURIIIS Streets. Jackson 3873 ter expressed than it was stated by Grodno, Battaria Place, destroying we machine some from every heat In Phone Atlantic 3S36 LODZ. our own shop. Standard size east Iron the Hon. Arthur James Balfour, in the houses on both sides of the j bushings fn stock. ! 1917, when, speaking for the British street, and causing a loss of over j Lodz. (J. P. A.) Gurtschakoff, the TIRKS—TUBES—ACCESSORIES MAX OLSEN & CO. Foreign Office, he said: "His Maj-$100,000,000 mark. Among the build- ; representative of the Soviet GovernWholesale Distribntors fop ment eral lar ec o n {esty's government view with favor ings ing* destroyed were the great ^d de-- ' «f ' e ' h a- s c l o s ie d s e v7 SCHMIDT'S W> carry a complete line f>f new the establishment in Palestine of a partment stores of Krinsky, Becker, t r a c t s « f P u r <* a s e h e ™' ™der the OCR TREATMENT W11VL Malta, Select, Bock. Ginger rins gears, pinions, nxle shafts and terms of which immediate export to National Home for the Jewish people Rabinowitz, Kuriansky, etc. CONVINCE YOr OF OCR sprinps for almost any mnke of car. Ale, Hires Root Beer SINCERITY. Russia of manufactured merchandise, and will use their best endeavors to 91. D- BICHMAN. Manneer. Office and Warehouse: 917 So. Main 8t 1 I31K-1S30 WVst Broadway. Trust Department. is to begin. This has reacted favorTelephone 142 facilitate the achievement of this ob- FEWER JEWS IN GALICIA— COUNCIL BLFfFS. IOWA. Safety Deposit Boxen. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. upon the local trade market, and 1'UONE 444. i ject." CENSUS REVEALS 1 France, Italy, Greece, Holland, Lemberg. (By mail—J. P. A.) Ac-thousands of Jewish textile workers, i Siam, Japan and Chinayhave already cording to the figures of the last cen- who "were recently unemployed, have ! RATES : Omnha Office: 813 Douglas Street. already resumed their positions. Omnha rhone Atlantic S556 t | for space on this Special : agreed to this principle, and largely sus, the number of the Jewish popu-- Though the details of these con- j through the invaluable assistance of lation in Galicia, especially EastFord Trail*! er & Storage Co. f Page given on application. | statesmanship and ability of him whoGalicia, has diminished considerably. tracts are unknown, it is understood, R. A. FORD. 216 A'. 16th St. is t h e est o f h o n o r a t t h i s President nnd Genpr.i) Mnnnper. Branches at Central Market. JE WISH PRESS 11 S^ meeting *T - Jewish population now const- that part of the .merchandise is to be < f toni nt N a l ) u m Table Supply and Food Center. Council Bluffs down) Office Sokolow, President of tutes only about 8 per cent of thesold on credit, and that the payments , 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 I & > 924 So. Main Street. 1'hone 365 .^^^ n ^ h j the Zionist Executive. His Holiness, entire population, whereas before they are to be partly in Polish currency j and partly in Russian gold. j the Pope, announced the same gen- constituted over 13 percent. CLEAN LINEN ! eral attitude by the declaration: "I The causes for and the reasons of An Ideal Washing Combination. All that heart throb and delightful Every tnorninp view with entire sympathy the Jew-this sad phenomenon are too well Estss Laundry Tablets tf yon call tbe comedy which made the play, "Turn . . . with . . . ish efforts for the regaining of Pal-known to speak of here. to the Right," one of the most popuEstes Soap Chips estine." It is the aspiration of a Wholesale^Fruit and Vegetables Frontier Towel Supply and lar offerings of the stage has been great people, in which Americans WEALTHY JEWS OF 1615 California Street. N, W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. OiTOA, NEB. have Water Softener (Combined) preserved in the screen version which Phone Donslas 6291 the warmest sympathy. BUCHAREST EMIGRATE At all Grocers. TO PALESTINE last Sunday began a two weeks run More than all this, this desire of the ( Jewish people to prepare for the re- London. (J. P. A.) Several wealthy at the Sun Theatre. And in addition OCR NEW LOCATION ' Corner 19th and Douglas .Streets. tdrn of their race to Palestine is inJews of ^(Bucharest came to Jerusalem there is the added beauty which only You will like CW Atlantic 2364 .: Masonic Temple Bide ' Sherman Mercantile Co. can be attained in pictures which last week to establish their home direct line with the revealed purpose Out Line Wholesale Gtwera Specialties BAMJWIJ*. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON, of Almighty God. No power on earth there. They brought with them all makes this motion picture of John 1511 Coming St. . Phone Atlantlo 1217 HOWARD DPBIGHTS. GRANDS. CBEESEBUTTER-BUTTERMILK tan stand in the way of the Divine their capital, amounting to millions Golden's success by Winchell Smith PLATBE PIANOS. BUTTER DISTRIBUTORS ••' • Made b y — Will. That which God, "Who hath of marks, an" intend to engage in the and John E. Hazzard one that no OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. THATCHER PIANQ CO. measured the waters in the hollow of commerce of trade, especially that of lover of the artistic and dramatic 2*19 Comi nff St.. Omaha.' Nebraska. Omaha. Nebraska. •'••.r h o n e Jac'-gon 3066 Kirschbraun & Sons j his hand and meted out heaven with import and export. It is singular, will wish to miss. the span and comprehended the dust that they possess- nq. interest or- in- It pictures a story whose appeal Rates for Space on of the earth in a measure and weighed clination whatever towards agricul- has been testified to by millions of DON'T BUY COAL! Rates for Space an! this Special Page this S p e c i a l Page the mountains in scales and the hills tural endeavor, having rejected the theatregoers and Rex Ingram, whose Oil- IS MUCH CHEATER given on Application. given OB application. I * t Us Hemove tbe Door from in a balance," wills, cannot be pre-repeated suggestions of the Zionist productions' "The Four Horsemen of •Your Furnace and Insert a executive to found new colonies here. the Apocalypse" and "The Conquer- 4 »|if|pi TClX/'fQf-f vented. LOIIBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER . Jewish Press ing Power," as the leading! I #rank him They are now building a new suHe has declared his prophetic puring Power,",rank him as the leading 1 Ht* J til VY | 0 0 « 2 Brandel, Bl,lg. Tel. Jackson 2372 Sea bemonttrntion Slfl So. 10th strrrt. pose in no uncertain sound, when burb, hsre in Jerusalem, where they director of the silent drama, has fully482 BraiufcU Buildine. _ Tel. Jackson 2372. through tne voice of Jeremiah he are to live in the comfort which their lived up to his reputation in this latest 'Metro ! •'said, "I will brin^- tiiettt again into means afford'* PATRONIZE OiJR ADVERTISERS.

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