"HPf >
T h e greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.
VOL. II.—No. 16
It's better to congratulate oneself than pity yourself.
Entered as second-elasi postofflce at Omaha, Nt
World-Wide Jewish Congress Proposed at Berlin Meeting Zionist Leaders Approve Principle Suggestion for Conference of Jews.
ary -. under the Act of March 3. 18TS.
Freedom of the Press in Poland—for Antisemites Warsaw. (By mail—J. P. A.) A delegation of Jewish merchants visited the Polish Minister of Commerce and transmitted to him the resolution adopted by the recent Jewish Merchants' Congress at Briske, which demanded active measures on the part of the government to curb and suppress the anti-Semitic propaganda of hate. In replying to the delegation, the minister assured them of his profound interest in their well being and the government's desire to help them in every possible way. To suppress the anti-Semitic propaganda, however, he could not. For that would be to subvert and violate the sacred principle of "Freedom of the Press," which the government could not consent to do.
Berlin. (J. T. A.) The proposal to call a Congress of representatives of Jewish Communities the world over interested in the rebuilding of Palestine as the National Home for the Jewish people, has been approved in principle by the Executive Committee of the World Zionist Organization whose meeting was held here. Bernard A. Rosenblatt of New York, American Zionist representative on the Executive of the World Organization, suggested that the Congress be held in New York immediately following the registration of the Palestine Mandate. Dr. Chaim Weizmann. president of the World Zionist Organization, is un- Claims 85,000,000 Necessary to Produce Electrical Power From Hisderstood to favor the World Congress toric River. for the opportunity it would, offer of a reconciliation with the former administration of American Zionism led SCHEME CALLED "JEWS MOST PRACTICAL CONTRIBUTION by Justice Branded of the United TO PALESTINE. States Supreme Court, and Judge Julian W. Mack of New York. New York. (J. C. B.) Pinchus Brandeib, Mack Praised. Ruttenberg, author of the famous General sentiment among members electrification and irrigation scheme of the Zionist Executive appears to for [Palestine, by which it is intended be in favor of a reconciliation with to harness the waters of the Jordan what is known as the Brandeis-Mack to produce electrical power, arrived group, who were praised for not im- in New York late Sunday night on peding the collection in the United the Pennsylvania Estate, accompanied State.-; of; the Palestine Foundation by his secretary, I- Baharov of Jaffa, Fund, with the methods ^of which they Palestine. are not in agreement. Mr. Ruttenberg expects to raise the Zionist control over Jewish, immi- minimum of $5,000,000 necessary for gration to Palestine and direct in- his scheme. fluence over the Zionist Organization, Mr. Ruttenberg stated that his ivJiich_Js_cecogai2ficLixL_the ...Mandate stay j as the Jewish Agency for Palestine, duration, as' he must return to Palesover the Legislative Council, were tine to supervise the work on his demanded in resolutions to be pre- •great project. sented by Dr. Weizmann, who left to London. (J. C. B.) The electrifiattend the Near East Conference cation scheme for Palestine, of which opening in Paris on Wednesday. The policv of the Zionist Organiza- Engineer Ruttenberg is the author, tion to be'pursued immediately f o l - | - s referred to a,, "the; most pract,-
Sir Herbert Samuel May Resign as Palestinian Commissioner
Favor Congress Idea. , Dr. Weizmann, Isaac Naiditch, Or. Mot^kin and Dr. Solaweichik are favorably disposed towards the idea of convening a Congress of all Jews interested in Palestine reconstruction immediately after the Mandate is registered. Among the more important proposals regarding the internal administration of the Zionist Movement was the one that the seat of the Zionist Executive be transferred from London to Palestine. GERMAN
PltOGROMISTS ARRESTED Berlin (Jewish Press Association). The local police arrested in the last three days many of the rioters, who had taken part in the riots and attacks made upon the Jews a few days ago. These attacks were made in the aristocratic section of Berlin, the upper West-Side, on the fashionable street of Kurfurstemdam and its adjoining avenues. By mistake, however, the mob attacked and inflicted serious- wounds upon several bonafide Gentiles,—Russians, and other foreigners, whom they mistook to be^ Jews. It was only then, when the police observed that others Resides Jews are assaulted, that it intervened and cut short the demonstration. It is obvious from the facility, and ease with which the polk halted the demonstration, that it could have averted it altogether, had it so desired.
LIBERAL HUNGARIAN BISHOP DENIED AMERICAN VISA Budapest, (J. C. B.) Considerable .surprise is shown in various circles here over the decision of the American Consul not to visa the passport of Bishop Balthazar, the liberal divine, who lias been a staunch champion of Jewish rights. Bishop Balthazar, it is said, applied for a visa to proceed to America on a lecture tour, and because the Hungarian government is said to have objected to his leaving the country the Ameril witbJieW tfee Vi&s, i can
cal contribution that Jewry has so far made towards the restoration and prosperity of Palestine" by the Duke of Sutherland, who replied to a question by Lord Raglan. The Duke" of Sutherland went on to say that the scheme originally included irrigation as well as electrification, but that the Palestine government did not think the time was ripe for initiating that plan, and therefore was not accepting financial responsibility for its success. Provision has been made, the duke stated, for preserving the interests of the landowners affected by the scheme, and measures have also been taken to protect those that are engaged on this important public utility from raiders and other irresponsible persons.
To Work for Enrollment of Jewish Children in Clubs Young Men and Women Prepare for Social Service Work Through Interesting Lecture Courses. Three new clubs have already been added to the VMHA groups^ through the efforts of the Leaders Training Group, recently organized from the YM & YWHA membership, it was announced at the regular meeting of the leaders last night. An intensive campaign will be started within the next ton days to secure the enrollment of every Jewish boy and girl in the city between the ages of 8 and 18 into one of the existing clubs, or in those to be formed, the leaders also decided.. Details of the campaign will "be' announced in these columns later. At last night's meeting, Leon O. Smith, assistant superintendent of Schools, delivered a short address on "Child Psychology" and talks were made by Max Fromkin and S. H. Schaefer. The group will hereafter meet on alternate Saturday nights, commencing April 15, and will be addressed .it each meeting by leaders in, the fields of child recreation and health. Officers of the Leaders Training Group include Sam Beber, president, Anne Selicow, vice-president, Iva Siegel, secretary, and Fred White,
Jews in the Week's News Copenhagen. (J. T. A.) M. Glueckstaedt, a well-known Jewish banker, has been named by the Government as one of Denmark's delegates to the Genoa Conference.
Slanderous Attack on Jews in Movie Industry Answered
Carl Laemmle Assails "ChrisRumors Current in London tian" Minister Who Blames That Lord Milner Will Cincinnati. (J. T. A.) Mrs. Jessie Jews for Bad Conditions. Replace Him. Adler was appointed Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Hamilton Coun-
REPORTS CHARACTERIZED ty. Mrs. Adler is one of the promi- C H A R A C T E R S IN LURID AS "GOSSIP" BY COLnent Jewish women lawyers of Cin- SCRAPES ARE NOT JEWS, HE SAYS. ONIAL OFFICE. cinnati. New York.—"I am a Jew, but after reading your infamous attack I knowthat I have more of the true spirit of Christ than you have." Thus Carl Laemmle, President of the Universal Film Mfg. Company, one of the leaders in the motion picture industry, answers Charles T. Williams, D. D., who, in a letter to Mr. Laemmle, makes a wholesale indictment against the Jewish race, in connection with Mr. Laemmle's interview on conditions * in Hollywood, which appeared recently in the NewYork Times. The venemou? anti-Semitism of this Doctor of Divinity, whose only claim to be a real Doctor of Divinity, according to Mr. Laemmle, is in the two initials he tacks upon his name is shown as follows in his letter to Mr. Laemmle: "Concerning your published interview in the New York Times, I would | say that the American public is in no need of your opinion on the subject of Hollywood. It is only too well known that this modern Babylon is the great plagrue spot in our national life of today and a Jew, a member of that race which has brought everything it ever touched to its own inLondon (J. T. A.) The rumors Our song of praise to thee we sing. famous level, should be the last adMothers, dear mothers. current in London yesterday regard- ' vocate in this countrty to attempt ing the early retirement of Sir'. Accept the tribute that we bring, any white-washing process. The real Mothers, dear mothers. Herbert Sariuel as- High Commisestate values may have gone up—they Your welcome is so warm and true, sioner for Palestine are characterized have—but that proves nothing—it is as "gossip" in Colonial Office circles Your faith with strength does us imnot the material aspect ,of the place bue, to which the Jewish Telegraphic which is under discussion. Infamy Our best for thee •w§-_gladly do, Agency applied for confirmation. has its satellitees Mothers, "dear nSofSers. • The reports originated in the Pall But this pest of degenerates must be Mall Gazette and Globe, where it These lines, written by Miss Iva cleaned up, for it has become a veriwas said that "Sir Herbert Samuel's stay in the Near East is unlikely to Siegel. will be sung by fifty or more table Augean stable and stink in theJewish girls in tribute to their moth- nostrils of every Christian man and be prolonged." ers, at the Mother and Daughter ban- woman throughout this country—and
London (J. P. A.) Rumors are Pittsburgh. (J. T. A.) Louis Leff, current in political circles, that Sir a city detective for 15 years, has Herbert Samuel's stay in Palestine, been named police commissioner. He as British High Commissioner, is to was honor guest at a large banquet be very short. "Pall Mall" reports last Tuesday night, attended by leadthat Lord Milner has gone to ing Jewish and non^Jewish men and Jerusalem to replace Samuel as Com- women of Pittsburgh^ missioner in Palestine. According to i the "Manchester Salonika. (J. T. A.) M. Malach, a Guardian," this sudden crisis in the banker of this city, has been called relation of the Home Office and the by Premier Cunaries to take the portPalestine administration is due to the folio of Minister of Fisaiice, advices divergence of opinion which has from Athens state. Mr. Malach, who arisen between Samuel, High Com- is now in Paris, hasTbeen called by missioner, ard Churchill, Minister of telegram from Athens to return imColonies, with regard to the budget mediately. of the Palestine gendarmerie. Sir Herbert Samuel contends, that the Palestine government has no funds to meet the budgetary needs, and it | is the duty of the home government j to bear the burden of Palestine policing. Churchill, however, insists that the Imperial Exchequer cannot afford this additional burden at this time. Novel Affair to be Patented Along Lines of Father-Son Gatherings. At the cabinet meeting, held to discuss thLs question, much feeling and heat has been manifested on both INVITATION EXTENDED TO ALL JEWISH GIRLS IN CITY sides and it appears that there is no TO ATTEND. possibility of healing the breach.
P. Rutter.burg, Author of Scheme to Harness Jorden, Arrives in 0. S.
lowing the ratification of the Mandate was' the question around which revolved ino>t of the discussion of the conference.
Mother and Daughter Banquet To Be Given By Y. W. Girls, April 8
quet to be given by the girls' clubs of the YWHA at the Jewish ComLeading Jewish Philanthropist munity Center, on April S. oi Chinese Empire Dies! This novel affair, which will be patterned after the popular Father |and Son Banquets, will be the first Sir Ellis ft adoorie Was a Generous •,of its kind ever given locally by Jewish organizations. Donor to Educational UnderThe idea originated with the Runa takings. The death is announced of Sir Club of the YWHA, the senior girls' Ellis Kadoorie, of Hongkong, brother club of the Association. All the other of Mr. E. S. Kadoorie, the well- girls' clubs of the Association have known philanthropist of Shanghai. been invited to join with it in makThe deceased was born in Bagdad in ing the affair a success, and an in1865. He learnt English at the vitation is hereby also extended to school which he attended in that city, all Jewish girls in the city to attend and this knowledge was of great with their mothers. value to him in the highly successful. Reservations, at 75c per plate, are commercial career upon which, in being received by Miss Siegel, presipartnership with his brother, he dent of the Runa Club, who is In subsequently entered. charge of the affair, and at the office The deceased was a generous donor of the Association in the Jewish Comand an indefatigable worker in many munity Center. Reservations will not educational and philanthropic under- be received after next Monday nigrht. takings. The Ellis Kadoorie Schools Miss Siegel announced today. in Hongkong, Canton, and Shanghai were an object of constant interest Two Jewish Deaths Within to him, and the Hongkong University Week; Jewish Merchant Shot and the'Helena May Institute owed! by Hold-up Man much to his unfailing generosity. The The tragic death of Harry Hahn, Anglo-Jewish Association and the 35, 2212 Grace St., at the hands of Alliance Israelite Universelle were a hold-up man, at his store, 414 S. also objects of his support and 10th St., occured Tuesday. The crimfinancial aid. inal has been found to be a police Sir Ellis Kadoorie was knighted character with a long prison record. in 1917, in recognition of his gTeat Funeral services were held from services to the British Colony in the the home Wednesday, Rabbi Morris Far East, extending over a period of Taxon officiating. The deceased is 30 years; and he received a further! survived by his widow, three chilhonor in 1919, being awarded the dren, the youngest of whom is but Medal of Gratitude of France, for six weeks old, his parents, three bavins presented four motor ambu- brothers, Will. Jake and H- J., and a lances to the French Army. sister, Mrs. R. Leshinsky, all of Omaha. Mrs. Lena Pepper ,age fifty-seven, Sol. A. Rosenblatt widow of Morris Pepper, died MonWins Debating Prize at day after a short illness. Three sons, Harvard University Sam, Joseph, and Abe, all of Omaha, Word was received here yesterday and one daughter, Mrs. G. C. Calvert, of the award to Sol. A. Rosenblatt, I of Columbia, S. Carolina, survive. son of Mr. and Mrs. M .M. Rosenblatt of Omaha, and a senior at Harward Palestine Workers to Talk University, of the Coolidge Debating April 9; Public Invited Prize of $100 The prize was awarded The public is being invited to atto Rosenblatt for the best work in tend a mass meeting at the Swedish preparing for the annual debate beAuditorium on Sunday evening, April tween Harvard and Princeton, which 9, at which time a delegation of w-as held last Friday night. Haifa (By Mail—Jewish Press As- prominent Palestine workers will sociation.) Several prominent and talk. Mania Schochett, organizer of the wealthy Jews of this city have purfamous "Hashomer" (the Jewish Dechased a large tract of land adjoinfense Guards) heads the delegation, ing the sea, and intend to erect there and with her are Berl Katznelson and a new Jewish Garden city, similar H. Ehrenreieh.both active workers in to that oi Tel-Aviv near Jaffa. Palestinian r""vt*Tn r**'*J
for this we must thank the Jews:" Mr. Laemmle Answers. Mr. Laemmle's answer, which has been justly headed, "A Jew's Definition of a Christian," is as follows: "I could hardly believe my eyes when I read our letter and then found the initials 'D. D.' following your
"Jacob Schiff Street" \ In Frarrkfurt-am-Main Frankfurt am Main. (J. T. A.) The Municipal Authorities have decided to name a principal street after the late Jacob Schiff, notable American philanthropist, who was born here on January 10, 1847. The Schiffs, whose record is said to be the longest of any Jewish family now in existence, have been residing in Frankfurt am Main since the fourteenth century. As an expression of their gratitude, the heirs of the deceased financier and philanthropist presented the authorities a gift of two million marks to be used for municipal purposes.
Will be no Curtailment Hade in Withdrawals of Wine for Passover
Two-Day Leaves for Seder Celebration to Be Allowed. JEWISH WELFARE BOARD WILL DISTRIBUTE MATZOTH Officers and enlisted men of thfc Jewish faith in the United States Army and Navy will be given two days furlough for the Passover holiday it was announced today,by Dr. Cyrus Adler, Chairman of the Army and Navy Committee of the Jewish Welfare Board. John G. Pershing, General of the Army, Chief of Staff, U .S. A. has, by order of the Secretary of War, issued the following instructions to the ScTvJc£ *
Greater Liberty For Holiday Season. GROWTH OF JEWISH CONGREGATIONS INDICATED THROUGH GOVERNMENT'S ACTION. New York. (J. P. A.) Ralph A. Day, Prohibition Director for New York State, denied yesterday the report from Washington, that there was to be a curtailment of the withdrawals of sacramental wines for the observance of the Passover by the Jewish people, which begins on the night of April 12. O. H. Greager, chief assistant to Mr. Day, has been placed in charge of the dispensing of the sacramental wines, and he said yesterday, that instead of curtailing the supply of sacramental wines the department is more liberal than ever before, and that fully one-fourth more wine is being let out now than this time last year. He explained this partly by the* f act that the Jewish congregations have grown tremendously in the last year. "I believe it is the policy of the department," Mr. Greager continued,
"that all the wine necessary for sacramental purposes be released. Only in a few instances are we cutting down on the amount asked by the rabbis. It is on the basis of the number of families in a congregation that we allow the withdrawal of wine for sacramental purposes.'* Mr. Greager said, that every precaution was being taken to prevent
name. It seems an anachronism that j the diversion of any of the wine to in this day of enlightment such a bit- bootleg channels. ter tirade of narrow-minded abuse
could come from one who claims the Jewish Farmers protection of the sacred initials appended to your signature. in U. S. Says Report "I am a Jew, but after reading your infamous attack 1 know that I I 12,029 Acres Owned in 1900—Over 1,000,000 Acres in 1922. have more of the true spirit of Christ j than you have. If you possessed anyNew York.—Gabriel Davidson, genthing of real Divinity in your nature —if you were really a Doctor of eral manager of the Jewish AgriculDivinity in any sense except that tural and Industrial Aid Society, has you tack two letters to the end of issued a report concerning its work. your name -most assuredly you could The society's goal has been, to quote not have described the Jewish race the report, "to build up a substantial, or any other race as one 'which has progressive and permanent Jewish, brought everything it ever touched farming class in this country." Twenty-two years ago, w-hen the organizato its infamous level.' A Complete Case of Bigotry. "In which way have the Jews created this thing which you call 'a veritable Augean stable?' If you are referring to the individuals mentioned in the newspaper accounts of current and past scandals and if you think they are Jews, you are misinformed or else you are deliberately blinding yourself to the truth. If you have Arbuckle in mind, or if you have the murdered Taylor in mind, it may surprise you to know—or possibly you already know but do not care to admit—that they are not Jews. But have you ever heard any Jew damning (Continued on page 2)
Passover Furloughs Will Be Granted to Jewish Service Men
tion began to function, there were 216 Jewish farm families in the tJnited States. Today the number exceeds 60,000. In 1000 the total acreage owned by Jewish farmers was 12,029. Today more than 1,000,000 acres are farmed by Jewish hands, and the real estate and personal value of these holdings are above $1,000,000.
"The Secretary of War desires, in order to permit soldiers of the Jewish faith to participate in the celebrations of Passover, that members of that faith be granted furloughs for such time as necessary to permit them to be at their homes, when practicable, or at places where Seder celebrations are held, from, noon, April 12, 1922, until midnight, April 14, 1922, provided no interference with the Public Service is occasioned thereby." Dr. Adler has also received a copy of a similar order issued to Commanding Officers of all Naval stations and ships by the Navy Department, at the request of the Jewish Welfare Board. Under these orders from the Army and Navy departments a considerable number of Jewish uniformed men will be enabled to celebrate Pfussover at their homes. Where soldier* or sailors are stationed too fa* aw«$ from their homes to permit of this, the Jewish Welfare Board will provide for communitty Sedarim (PaBsover suppers) in towns adjacent to Army Posts or Naval Stations both in tue United States and the outlying possessions, and will wherever necessary arrange Passover services in the camps and stations. Provision is also being made to arrange for the Passover celebration! by disabled Jewish men in the U. S. Veterans' hospitals. Through the co-operation of Com-* manding Officers and Chaplains,' Matzoth, Haggadahs and appropriate greeting cards are being freely distributed by the Board to all Jewish men. '
Can Deliver Packages to Ukraine, Post Office Announce* The opening of the Ukraine for the delivery of parcel post packages has been announced by the Post office. Parcels are now accepted, at the sender's risk, for all places in European Russia and the Ukraine. Only, Turkestan, in Asiatic Russia, is excepted. The maximum weight of parcels is 11 lbs. ' , JEWISH SHIPPING CORPORATION TO BE FORMED IN PALESTINE London. (J.'P. A-) Several wealthy Russian Jews, who were formerly associated with Russian shipping interests, have recently arrived in Palestine, planning to settle there permanently. They brought with them experts and other officials to investigate the prospects of forming a maritime shipping corporation in Palestine, which should connect it with neighboring and more distant lands. The proposed organization will request special concessions from the government, to aid in the development of the shipping industry.
The society's farm settlement bureau gives advice, guidance and aid to those who desire t<~ buy farms and who intend to take up farming as a Hi- work. The extension department maintains a staff of agricultural experts. During 1921 these experts visited 1,499 farmers, held 122 meetings illustrated lectures, demonstrations field days and extension schools. In New Confection Produced and addition to this, advice and aid were JEWS IN PALESTINE Marketed by Local Firm. given to 1,788 farmers who sought HOLD CONFERENCE The new 5ce cream confection, individual consultation at the central Jaffa (By Mail—Jewish Press As-^ "Snowball", which has caused much office. sociation). The Jemanese Jews in comment in Omaha lately is the inThe farm loan department, since Palestine,—the Teymunim, have revention of the Kopp-Freiden Candy its establishment in 1900, has granted cently held a conference here, to concompany. According to Mr. Freiden, a 'otal of 6,154 loans, aggregating sider their economic and material the confection which has been on the $3,805,000, and covering thirty-eight status. There were present at the market only & short while, has al- states. These loans are made on sub- conference elected delegates repreready required the addition of more stantial securities—second, third senting every Jemanese colony in help in the factory. Patent rights fourth or even fifth mortgages. The Palestine. As the result of the conhave ali-eady been secured. rspayment is spread over a long num- ference a number of demands vere F. L. Kopp, who invented the coat- ber of years, and there is no exaction formulated for presentation to the ing for the ice cream ball says that of bonus or commission or payment of Zionist Organization for its immedito the confection will stand all weather renewal charges. The society's losses ate consideration. In addition temperatures. The confection is during the entire twenty-eight years this a national organization was about as large as a baseball and is >of its history have been only a frac- formed to embrace all Jemanese Jews In Palestine tion over 3 per cent covered with, shredded cocoahuts.
THE JEWISH PRESS Pritiishedfc'vcryTbur'sdaj at Omaha, Nehrnska. bj . THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. '^Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Subscription Price, one year $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application.
"I, Rebbe Levy I Steal?" There J was horror in h>?r tones. I LINCOLN "Nu, you diorr't murder and you \ didn't steal! Tell me, Rosele, what! Mrs. Harry Luttbeg and daughter, did you do?" The Rebbetzin leaned Mary Ann, ot Kansas City, are the forward to listen, clicking her lips' guests of Mrs. Luttbeg's parents, Mr. and tongue pityingly. and Mrs. Louis Berkson. Slowly, Rosie lifted fa-sr eyes, then let them fall. "I —I—ate—trefa!" Miss Ruth Polsky is visiting her "Trefa? Xu, you ate trefa! Are aunt, Mrs. Victor Gladstone, at Omayou the only one ? And ho\v did you ha. come to eat trefa?" Was the,ve a bit Mr. Ed Solig, of Omaha, spent tb.of a smile in his faded old eyas ? week end in Lincoln as the guest c," "A girl in school gave me a sandMr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro, (Continued on page 4) Miss Sara Waxman is spending several days in Omaha.
THE SINNER Uy Hadassah
and Mrs. M. Aach Tuesday evening. Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wertheimer gave a bridge-dinner > at the Lincoln Hotel in their honor. Mrs. M. Weil was hostess at an informal luncheon Thursday, and Friday Mrs. M. A. Newmark gave a luncheon complimentary to Mrs. Wessel. Saturday, Mrs. Herman Speier will entertain for the guests.
"And on Rosh ha ohana'v the Lord > But the usually tempting seed of Life sits fyy tie jrivat bo<)k anrl cake was untasted, and she gave it tells the Recording Anfrct the names to Max, wh-> ate it greedily. What to write down; the good are written' was the matter with Rosie, anyway ? u PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicadown for life, the had for death, and j Who gives away a perfectly good tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. those who are neither very good nor seed ca!Ice? Mrs. Anna Poska, Mrs. Morris • " • CHANCiB OP ADDRESS— Please "givt borb the old «tid new Address; very bad have lentil Yom Kippur to; AH ght long Rosie tossed about •*'.•• ! " • • " • • D < ' Bl»n your name. Polsky, and Mrs. Sarah Poska, went repent, for the book is kept open her narrow little bed. Over and over to Omaha Wednesday to attend the until then." So spoke Grandfather.! again she said all the prayers she PASSOVER. \ funeral of Mrs. Lena Pepper. his white board tossed by the light she said the "Shema" on each •- Passover, the Jewish'festival of liberation, known in Hebrew September breeze, his dim, gray, knew; linger, as some say prayers on beads; ,as-"Pesach", begins this, year on Wednesday evening, April 12. sunken eyes fixed iar away on the she recited the Ten Commandments; Starting on this everiinglevery Jewish household in the country stars just coming out overhead. when she could remember no Slanderous Attack Answered eats Ma^tzoth, the unleavened bread. In some households no The evening life of the small city and Miss Elizabeth Sandlbvich entermore, said softly over and over (Continued from page 1) Jeaveh of any character is eaten during the eight days the flowed past them, as they sat before again, "Forgive me! Forgive me! tained the "Bluebirds" at her home Upholstering, festival of Passover is obsex-ved. the little shoemaker's shop on the Don't write me down for death!" the whole Christian race because two Stnday. The afternoon was spend in plai'ing bridge. Miss Lillie Polsky Furniture Repairing, •Among the more liberal Jews of this country Passover main street pf the small city. Grand-1 When the gray tight of dawn was or more Christians have had their ends on Wednesday, April 19. In most Jewish homes, however father was very old. "I*ost a mil- creeping into her window, she fell names in print in connection with won .high score. Mrs. Edward Woolf, Overstuffed Furniture liberal,'a portion of the elaborate ritual built up during the long lion!" explained seven-year-old Max asleep. It seemed only a few scandalous matter? In all my life I of Milwaukee, was an out-of-town Made to Order guest. centuries this feast has been celebrated will be retained. when the question of Grandfather's moments later when her mother have never known the most narrowASY STTT.K MATERIALS. vV The opening evening of the festival, known as Seder night, age came into discussion among the awakened her. "Rosie, get up! You'll minded Jew on earth to demonstrated Mr. anii Mrs. Henry Wessel, of VALOURS, MOHAIR. TArESTRT. will certainly be observed in all Jewish homes. A special ritual children on the street. : be late' for school, Rosie!" Then she such a complete case of bigotry as Philadelphia, who are in Lincoln on Tel. Webster 2224 has been compiled for this service called the "Haggadah". This Then Kosie, so much older at felt the pale cheeks and noted the you have done in your frightful intol- their weddin,g trip, were guests ot venerable volume recites the events of the Exodus by means of twelve, would chide Max and care- feverish eyes. "Rosie, don"t you feel erance. honor at a dinner party given by Mr. qtramt songs and stories,, and endeavors to awaken within the fully explain that he was really only good? Does your head ache?" "Men with the initials 'D. D.' trailsoul of old and young a love of liberty. The ritual of the Seder seventy-five, but that suffering in the Her head did ache, she said,, but ing behind their names have commitstresses the notion that each one is to regard himself as if he old home across the sea had made sho would go to school. No, her ted crimes, but who has ever sought himself came forth from the house of Egyptian bondage. him seem so old. But together they throat was not sore. Put she didn't to crucify all Doctors of Divinity for ; ^ Additional effort^ have been exerted by the Central Con- would sit with him by the hour, want any breakfast. She had to be what the few have done. You sign ference of American Rabbis to make this festival of Seder more listening to his tales of life in at school very early—she had to your name with the initials, but your appreciated among the younger generation of American Israel Eastern Europe, of Talmud lore and study. Her mother shook her head letter shows that you would crucify j 18th and Farnam Streets and to this end a new edition of the "Haggadah" is being pre- Old World folk tales. | as Rosie ran out the store door, her the whole Jewish race because in j pared which will retain the salient features of the ancient ritual Hut now Rosie sat downcast, her books under her arm, an hour before times past and present a few Jews I 5% Interest on Time Deposits Mid omit only such fragments as are obscure and inapplicable eyes wide and frightened. The hand school could possibly open. have not lived upright lives. j to otir day and generation. "You are judging when you have But .it .vas to Rebbe Levy's house that slipped into Grandfather's was no right to judge. You are casting that Rosie went, rushing up the cold and trembling. ! Many Jewish congregations and organizations are planning Present your 4 ^ Certificates of Deposit and we will pay the a stone when you are not without sin, interest up to date and renew at 5'f for 6 or 12 months. to celebrate Seder in their own institutions. While primarily a "Grandfather," she whispered, "is narrow stairs, bursting breathlessly for have committed a sin ag-ainst j least for the home there is no traditional objection to an institu- every one who did a sin written into the little kitchen where Rebbe the you very cloth you wear in uttering In our Savin.es Department we pay Ar> interest, compounded and | and Rebbetzin were having their tion,; symbolizing as it does a larger family? gathering about a down for death?" added to your account quarterly. such un-Christlike, unfounded, unGrandfather shook his head jud- morning coffee. festive board and reviving common memories. truthful statements. "Rebbe Levy, oh, Rebbe Levy!" iciously. "Who can say—God is the All deposits in this bank are fully protected by the Depositor's . Originally Passover was an agricultural feast. At a later Judge "I am not attempting to 'whiteShe threw herself upon him and Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. The Guaranty Law has -He sees righteously. If one period it became dissociated in part from its primitive nature truly repents, and tries to make good burst into deep, racking sobs. been in operation for eleven years and not a single dollar (has wash' anybody or anything. I am and was identified with an event in the early history of the been lost by depositor?. It has provided, by means of assessments what he has done, he is given a "What is it?" He started to his simply telling the truth as I know it. on 'all State Banks with $80,000,000 capital stock, for the constant ; Hebrews which invested the festival with the new and highly My conscience is clean and my heart chance." I feet. "Rosele, what is it ? Who recouping of the Guaranty Fund. significant spiritual message of liberty for all mankind. is sick? Tell me, what do you is clean. Can you say the same for In the synagog the note of Spring is reflected in the assigned "To make good ? What do yoa want?" yourself?" We invite your banking business. mean?" she quavered anxiously. j scriptural reading from the Song of Songs wherein the worshipper In a letter to The Jewish Tribune, Word by word, between choking "If one steals, all must be given ' is reminded that the winter is over and gone and the song of the AMERICAN STATE BANK back!'1 He .--troked her brown curls sobs, Rosie asked her questions. the Universal office stated that Dr. turtle-dove is again heard in the land. Williams "appears to be a retired "Rebbe Levy, in your books you can tenderly. "If one has grieved anThis joyous note is not sounded to the exclusion of the hisD. C. Geiselman. Cashier. D. W. Geiselman, President. as we cannot identify him ; torical association of the Exodus of the Children of Israel from other, he must ask forgiveness. Each find out everything. The Rebbetzin clergyman, C. V. Nelson, Vice-President. H. M. KROGH, Ass't. Cashier. • said so! Dear Rebbe Levy, look it with #ny church." Egypt. The purpose of the Passover is to recall to mind the one knows his own sin." , many miracles which were wrought in" behalf of the House of "•But some thini?.-*, Grandfather, uj>—what does it say? Will I be Jacob.by the never slumbering Guardian and Keeper of Israel. you can't make K°i>d! They didn't written down for death? When the Throughout the festival of Passover the historical circum- hurt any ono e!.-.e. What do you Angel writes in the book, will I be j Paperhanging, Painting and stance of this delivery from Egyptian bondage is vividly revived Ho then?" There were tears in her written down so? Honest, Rebbe' Levy, I didn't mean to do it! I j voice. The old man put his arrd and the scenes reviewed where the kindred of Joseph were deVarnishing ! didn't know! Won't God understand? graded to slave labor in the very country upon which their illus- around her. trious ancestor had showered richest blessings. Their enslave- "Are you a 'ye.-hibah bochur' that I said all the prayers I know and I FIRST CLASS WORK. ment of body afflicted likewise their souls. They sank into the you a>k such questions? What have am afraid, Rebbe Levy! If I am REASONABLE PRICES. gi'ievious thraldom of despair. you to do with sin? Would my written down for death, who will This is what happened to a client of soul was as spotless! Let sinner$ take Maxie across the car tracks ^, .The deliverance from Egyptian tyranny assured them that ours on account of an automobile accident. Repairing Plaster Work tneu~-supplications had been .heard on High. The memory of this worry. You—you will be written when he goes to school? And I have J. RICKLIN redemption reminds 'the modern Jews that they too must be on down for life! Run away now—and to help my mother all the time, Call Webster 6270 their guard against oppression and work with all their might for j play! It is not well for little people 'cause she ain,'t strong! Tell Him He did not worry or loose any sleep I not to put me'down so, Rebbe Levy! the eventual triumph of humanity over the tyranny of injustice' to think so deeply." as our Auto Liability and Property Damage Quietly Rosie stole away, but not j Maybe He'll believe yjHi that I didn't and iniquity. policy protected him. Passover has inspired the Jew to trust in the eventual reign to play. She sat Vy the little upper! do it on purpose!" \ The old man held her close and window, watching how one by one the of righteousness. stars came out—how quietly the waited for the agonized sobbing to moon held her place among them— die away. "Rosele," he murmered, ARE YOU PROTECTED? how still the air was. True, children "little Rosele! Who has frightened Tuesday, April 4th were playing on the street, and then little RoseW What child of Israel Eagles Hall, Co. Bluffs. came a rumble of the early evening talks like this? Stop crying, Rosele!" Slowly the crying stopped, and For several years the Chicago Trib- of crowded leaders and imperialists traffic—but she was not a part of the with wet, frightened eyes she looked little world below—she was a sinner, une has been featuring the questions in business and politics. up at him. "It's awful to do ,a sin, and on Rosh ha Shanah she was to and answers obtained by "An InquirINSURE WITH The World War was not fought in be written down for death! Rebbe Levy! I know it! But I ffig Reporter."response to the wish of the people. The tears came and she sobbed didn't mean to. And now it's soon The Inquiring Reporter accosts at Had the masses involved been consoftly. Who would dry her mother's Rosh ha Shanah—and the Book will iranddm five Chicago people every day sulted, had they resorted to plebiscite of the week in whatever part of the to register their verdict, Flanders' dishes—and mother wasn't strong! be open—and—" The sobs threatened J. FINKENSTEIN, Prop. city he may chance to t>e and asks Fields might bloom with poppies, not Who would take Max to school, Max to begin again. Then Rebbe Levy spokr, tenderly, but sternly. Phone AT lantic 3160. 382 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. who was careless on the car tracks? them for an expression of opinion on nourished by human blood. We can supply you "Rosele, whom did you kill?" Who would do.her father's errands in some pressing topic or current event. \ When the masses speak on «freat She looked up hastily. "Oh, Rcbbc with everything you These questions range from the questions of life and death, the in- the little shop? Surely he couldn't "INSURANCE AND BONDS IN ALL Levy, I didn't kill anyone!" Tidiculous proposition, "Do you be- fluence of the Bible is revealed. They afford to pay a boy! want in the line of ITS BRANCHES." "Nu, how much money did you "Rosie!" came a call from below. lieve there is a North Pole?" to the are followers of Aaron, loving peace PASSOVER FOODS. steal?" He smoothed the wet curls "Go now with them things to Rebbe sociological query, "Should Women and pursuing it and illuminated by from her forehead. Smoke?" the vision of that far off era when Le\ y—only just now came the herring If there is any topic in heaven or nation shall no longer lift up sword he wants. Like a good girl, go!" Like a good girl she went, not earlh that the Inquiring Reporter against nation nor iearn war any daring to come into the light for has not aired, it is not recorded in our more. fear someone would see her misty philosophy. The Bible has inspired men and eyes. Rebbe Levy only lived around Chiropodist and Beanty Recently five people .selected at Shop random were asked: "What Book Has women to lead lives of industry and the corner, and she loved to go there. thrift. In those homes where pasEstablished t800 TeL Web. 6512 1114 No. 24th But tonight she .did not want to meet Influenced You Most?" s sages of scripture are read daily, the his keen old eyes—he was wise—per- 15th and llnrnry Street*. Three of these five said: "The homely virtues are inculcated. Fhon», Douglas 2333 haps he would see through into her Bible."" .</ No book has been so intimately the soul! How would he feel when he None of ^these were professional students of theology. They were confidant of all peoples as these out- knew the pin there! He always stenographers ant} clerks. And as is pourings of the spirit of ancient Is- kissed her forehead and called her, .his wont, "theC Inquiring Reporter set rael. This book has touched the heart "Rosele"—ha would never do that The right spring overcoat is a joy forever down exactly what was told him. One of the lowly. To the broken and con- again when -he knew! ; and you'll find it here at money-saving "••_ is therefore; led to conclude that thistrite of spirit it has whispered comThe Rebbe was not at home—so minute fragment of. society voiced fort, and 'it has offered consolation the Rebbetzin said. He had studied prices. The models that our celebrated the oginioiv.of the American people to. the afflicted and the stricken. In long that day and was tired, and makers alone know how to produce— who japk the Scriptures first among the night of sorrow, sympathy has so had gone for a walk. Always at values that are distinctly a GREATER books. ;That the majority among radiated from these pages to men this season of the year so many A. money making Grocery Store NEBRASKA achievement. thent look; upon the Bible as "in- arid women jri statliest mansion or people came to him to ask questions spired" dpes not alter the fact that humblest home. It speaks to every about this and about that—to find and Market. to^all the 'readers thereof, it is still man in his own j idiom. Each in his out if one might eat a certain way absorbs a portion of its humanitheir guide; in life. ty. It is man's, universal heritage, chicken, to determine the degree of The influence of the Bible is no universal because it contains univer- guilt one had and the fitting penance Located in the heart of the city, No doubt longer ^challenged. "Modern civiliza- sal appeals and' echoes the sob and —all manner of things they asked. the best location in town. tion has drawn its inspiration from thrill of universal man. And often he had to read hours in his that collection of books whose ideal big< books in order to answer. From this book humanity has Will sell it at a sacrifice, as I have to leave is to make plain the ways of God to 'Ut says about sins in his big learned that to love God means to man. for Europe at once to bring my folks over. If books?" asked Rosie, wistfully. These civilizations of Europe and love man and to deal justly is to be party credit is all right to take over some debts, "About sins?" the Rebbetzin America -which have come under the merciful, and to share one's joys is to lessen one's Wrdens.—The Union echoed. "About everything. Is it it tan be handled with about $4,000. influence of the Bible have cultivated Bulletin. not the Law and the sayings of the & rtgard for their brothermeh. The rabbis—their names be blessed! Any war record of yesterday might be question he can answer! He is a Riga (J. T,. A.) Yiddish has been cite3 in rebuttal of this statement. The exemplification of western civil- granted standing as an official lan- Rebbe! Such a one as those who ization as in the years 1914 to 1918 guage in districts where Jews con- are known for a thousand miles in leaves one lit doubt as to whether stitute- / n V majority of the popula- the old country!" "He is out?" A sudden surge religion, hiuch less the Bible, had any tion, making its use permissible in Goyernmem institutions, Courts of of daring swept through Rosie's souL influence on the \yorld at all. NORFOLK, NEBRASKA. As the events of those gruesome Law, "etc., a report from Moscow "I am sorry!" OMAHA NEU "Nu, come tomorrow." The fat years recede, it becomes clearer that Etates. In the provinces of Minsk and Vitebsk Yiddish has been reclittle Rebbetzin smiled down at her. the carnage was not a mass move: CORRECT APPAREL FOR ME& AND WOMEN ment, not-the willfull design of all ognized as an official language for "Always he says, Rosele is a fine little, jdrl. See, here is- a seed cake " the people, but the plot and ambition some time.
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GERBER-KRISELMAN. Community Center. An election of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg re-| On April 9 the Thorpeians will give Sisterhood will bo held Wednesday Miss Jennie Katelman returned The marriage of Miss Bertha officers was held, the following being turned last week from their wedding another dance at the Ben Hur. A afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. last week from a three weeks Btay Kriselman to Mr. Hyman -Gerber will elected: President, Miss Sophye Wein- trip to Chicago and Kansas City. They i silver loving cup, donated by one of Gilinsky. at Kansas City, where she visited • take place Sunday evening at thestein; vice-president, Bess Stalmas- will make their home temporarily in the members of the organization, will I with her fiance, Mr. Samuel Schwartz home of the bride's brother, Mr. S. ter; secretary, Ethel Reuben; treas- this dty. be offered as a prize to the couple j The Bi-monthiy card club met and relatives. Kriselman. Rabbi Taxon will of- urer, Belle Rosenthal; and reporter, ajudged the best dancers in the fox-1 Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Estelle Lapidus arrived Sun- trot. The big dance of the year will be ficiate. Only the immediate friends Libby Minkin. A letter of condolence Mrs. H. E. Nathanson. held Tuesday evening at Eagle's hall. and relatives of the couple will be was sent to Miss Esther Katleman by day from Rockford, III., where she is ENGAGEMENTS. college, to spend the spring Mrs. L. Chemiack returned last According to members of dance compresent. the organization. The bi-monthly attending . Mr. and Mrs. John Corby announce w-eek from Des Moines. la., where she mittee this affair Will be tht grandest meetings of the organization will \ acation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malathe engagement of their daughter, had been called by the illness of her that has yet been given in Council The "Wise Sunbeams" with Mrs. hereafter be held on Wednesday in- shock entertained in her honor at an Molly Helen, to Tully Kaplan. Miss Samuel Nathan as leader, is the new- stead of Tuesday. H. Kutler, who had left this mother, Mrs. J. Levitt. Orpheum party Tuesday afternoon, Bluffs. The hall will be decorated Corby has been an active member of est of the children's clubs to be and Miss Ann Weiss will be her hos- country over a year ago for Russia, with various colored streamers and the Jewish social circles of this city, formed in the city. The club is comMrs. I. Jacobsen will entertain to- tess on Saturday afternoon at theto help bring back his relatives, re- Mr. and Mrs. B. Brin left Tues- novelties will be given away to the turned to his home in Council Bluffs day for their home at Webster City, merry makers. A special program and is a graduate of Central .High posed of girls of the Sunday School morrow afternoon at her home for Brandeis Tea Rooms. Saturday morning. During his stay la. has also been arranged for. School. The wedding will probably Class of Temple Israel conducted by thirty-two guests. YM AND YWHA NEWS. abroad, Kutler had sent back eight take place in June. Mrs. Nathan. It is engaged in sewThe next dance will be given two of his relatives. Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld entertained The afternoon card club will meet ing for Wise Hospital. The first Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. Weinberg left last Thurs- meeting of the club was held Tuesday Tuesday afternoon at the Brandeis weeks from this Saturday, on April Fred It. Shaw Flower The Junior Auxiliary of the Coun- Mrs. E. Marcus. 15, instead of on April 8, the regular day for Des Koines, la., to spend sev- afternoon at the Jewish Community Tea Rooms for ten guests. Phone 104. date, the change being made to per- cil of Jewish Women entertained last eral weeks. The Omaha Junior Hadassah will mit as many of the Y girls as pos- Thursday evening for twelve immCenter. The following officers were The next regular meeting of the The Best of Everything in Flowers and Confections at Moderate Prices. hold an open meeting Wednesday eve- j sible to attend the Mother-Daughter igrant girls, at the home of Miss Junior Council will be held next .Miss Sylvia Levy will be hostess to elected: Ethel Ackerman, president; ning, April 5, at the Jewish' Com- ]Banquet at the club rooms on April 8. Freida Goldberg. This meeting was Thursday at the home of Miss Shirley 54." \v OrMidway. Nnxt Utwrtj Theater. Rose Fielder, vice-president; Janet the members of the Ra Oth Society COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA Nathan, secretary; Frieda Bolker, munity Center to which the public is the first of its kind to help the Freidman. at Phelps Hut Surday, April 2. The YMHA has entered a team in immigrant girls acclimate themselves treasurer; and Hermine Green, cordially invited. A prominent speakMrs. Walter A. Fle-pr-er and chil- Sergeant-at-arms. Lillian Lipsey and er has been secured. The purpose of»j the Southern League, Class B, of the in America. dren of Philadelphia, Pa., will arrive Nioma Cohn are also members. The the meeting will be to increase the j Amateur Baseball Association. Tryj outs for places on the team -will be At a dinner party held Monday tomorrow for a visit with Mrs. Fleish- club will meet every Tuesday after- membership of this organization. held Sunday morning at y:00 o'clock evening, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky er's parents, air. and Mrs. B. Kohn. noon at the Jewish Community Center A -"surprise party was given Tues- at 32 and De^ey. Games will be announced the engagement of their j at four o'clock and expects to have Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Schaefer and every girl in Mrs. Nathan's class en- day evening at the home of Mrs. D. played every Sunday afternoon on daughter Reva to Mr. Philip SherGreen by the "Bridge Club" in honor municipal diamonds. son returned Sun.'ay after a week's rolled at the next meeting. man, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Sherat the of Miss Bertha Dworkowitz, of Kanstay in Excelsior Springs, Mo. man of Martinsburg, Neb. Miss sas City, who is visiting with Mr. and S10.00 was voted by the X. T. C.Gilinsky is a prominent club member Mrs. M. Passavoy and children, So- Mrs. Green. Eight couples were club to the Jewish Welfare FederaMrs. L. Baum was hostess to fifty and has taken a number of parts in guests yesterday at her home at a phye, Rena, Rebecca, Stella, Aaron, present. tion at the meeting held Tuesday. benefit plays given by the younger Elizabeth, and Sara, are leaving Sun16th and Chicago Streets. linen shower in honor of Miss Bertha Jewish set. No date has yet been I day to make their home in San Jose, Mrs. Harry Wilinsky, Mrs. Morris Kriselman, who v,-ill be an April YOUNG JUDEAE NEWS. Delegation consists of the following prominent leaders of I set for the wedding. California, where Mr. Passavoy has Rosenstein, and Mrs. Ed. Abramson bride. Palestine Jewry: f The Herzl Girls will hold their regbeen established since September. Mr. were called to Chicago by the death ular meeting Sunday at the Jewish Mania Schockett, organizer of the famous "Hashomer", which I Miss Evelyn Marks returned today Mrs. Emanuel Simon, nee Miss Elva Sam Haligman, fiance of Miss Sara of their brother-in-law, Mr. Al Cohn. gave the Jews prominence and prestige. Berl Katznelson, leader of I Community Center. from Chicago University to spend the Solig, and daughter, of I-^adison./Wis., will accompany them. the organization "Ahduth-H'Ovovodah"; and H. Ehrenreich, secretary/ They left Sunday evening. of the Palestine workers for America of which Dr. I. L. Magnes] arrived last Thursday to visit her The Young Judeae Council will spring vacation with her parents. is chairman. One hundred fifty persons attended hold its regular monthly meeting Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon mother, Mrs. Hannah Song. She will Mrs. Henry Karlson and son will subject for Friday evening is "The the third of a series of card parties Saturday evening at seven o'clock leave Friday for their home at remain for two weeks. Outline- of History," the widely dis- given by the Junior Hadassah Sun- at the Jewish Community Center. Rhodes, la. A regular meeting of the Jewish cussed book by H. G. Wells. Satur- day afternoon at the Blackstone HoWomen's Welfare Organisation will day morning his subject is "April tel. Prizes were given at each table. THORPEIAN NEWS. The regular meeting of the Jewish be held Tuesday, April 4, at 2:30 p. m. Fool." One hundred couples attended the Children of the free vocational dance given last Sunday at the Ben at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schimmel en- classes being conducted by the Jewish Hur Dancing Academy. A ballon Mr. Martin Sugarman returned tertained at dinner for twelve guests WoTien's Welfare Organization, un- i contest was one of the novelties of the Sunday, following a short vacation at at the Blackstone Hotel Monday eve- der the general direction of Mrs. Mil- i affair. Excelsior Springs, Mo. lard LangfeJd, will be entertained | ning. Saturday afternoon at the Jewish ' MiSs Blanche Altman returned Mr. Julian Harris, of Chicago, is Community Center, by pupils of the Friday morning after several -weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. ...FOR... Long School dramatic class. These sf Seven Days Starting Saturday .stay in the east. and DIAMONDS, JEWELRY Harris at the Blackstone. pupils £rill present a pteylet "CinAND , Miss Martye Weinstein, who spent Mrs. M. Herzberg is visiting with j derella" which was written by Miss SPECIAL PLATINUM the week eend here .with her parents, her mother at Wheeling, West Vir- I Esther Newman, classrdirector. Miss Newman also coached the production. DESIGNING Mp»-and Mrs. B . Weinstehv has re- ginia. I AT 224 NORTH 16TH STREET. OF THE Mrs. Wm. L. Holzman is director of see turned to Ames College. Rabbi Frederick' Cohn resumed vocatretjal classes at Long school. We carry a complete line of Builders Tuesday from Grand Island, Nebr., At the last assembly of the classes, The meeting of "The Flappers", Hardware and Paints. where he delivered an address Mon- in March, pupils of Lake School furDiamond and Platinum which was to be held Sunday, March day ^evening before the Jewish Com- nished the program, with Mrs. David Specialists A special price on all dishes before "Pasach" passover. 26, was postponed due to the severe . . . from . . . munity in the interest of Xhe Syna- Greenberg in charge. Mrs. Nathan 1514 Podge Street. illnes of one of the members. _ Established 1894. DO oiclan . 5619. RALPH CONNORS' gogue and School extension -campaign Mantel is director at Lake School. Famous Story of the of the Union of T American Hebrew Mr. Joe Rice and Mr, Abe AgranCanadian Northwest. Congregations. The campaign aims oft, of Sioux City, sperif the week to §iimulate the religious life of tlie, end in Omaha as the guests of Mr. Jewish Community. , " and Mrs. S. A. Rice. One hundred fifty persons attended Tuesday, April 4th Miss Anne Zalk left Saturday for the dance and card party given.'by the Eagles Hall, Co. Blu^s Des Moines, Iowa, whero she will Sisterhood last -Wednesday evening remain for several weeks. at the Blackstone Hotel for thi benefit of the Dormitory Fund. About A regular meeting of the Junior $400 was raised. Hnrry H. Lap!dn». Pres-Treat. One Week Starting Sunday. Welfare Organization will .be held Joe. Per.per. Vice-President. W G. Ure. Secretary. The "Flappers" entertained Friday Sunday, April 2, at the Jewish ComROBT. W. CHAMBER'S munity Center. This organization is for Miss Anne Zalk prior to her trip ! planning to have an open meeting to Des Moines. ! soon. No definite date has been set. Miss Libby Minkin will entertain i COMPLETE STORE AND at an "April Fool Carnival Party" i OFFICE OUTFITTERS Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld will enterSaturday evening, April 1, at her j tain twelve .guests at a luncheon at home, in honor of her sister, Miss • We occupy over 70.000 square feet The First Amei'ican her home Saturday afternoon. Southwest Corner Rose Minkin, and Miss Mary Yabroff, •
Social, Club and Religious Activities
Palestine Workers Delegation Open Meeting Sunday April 9, 1922| SWEDISH AUDITORIUM
We announce the opening of the
The Kalaskck Jewelry Co.
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Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Temple Israel will give a dancing party Saturday evening at the BlackBtone Hotel. Several unique features are being planned as surprises for the evening.
of Wichita, Kansas, who are spending , their spring vacation here. Thirteen couples will be present. The Junior Hadassah held its regular bi-monthly meeting Wednesday evening, March 22, at .the Jewish
Mrs. Abraham Davidson and daughter, Mary Deborah, of Des Moines, is--visiting with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Kulakofsky. She will remain a week. • Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher have moved into their newly built home at 118 So. 51 St. All members of the Council of Jewish Women are urged to submit names of candidates for the coming election of the local section to be held in May, to the nominating committee without delay. All names so submitted must be endorsed by five Council members, according to Mrs. Frederick Cohn, president. At the last meeting of the sfeurtion the following nominating committee was appointed: Mrs. N. Manjel, chairman, and the Mesdames Harry Wolf, Harry LapJdus, Ed Treller and A. Silverman. Mrs. C. T. Neal spoke on "Proportional Representation." Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein entertained at a one o'clock- luncheon last Friday at the home of Mrs. Kirschbraun. Covers were laid for twelve guests.
DUE TO ILLNESS — owner must sell good clothing store in good location. Address Jewish Press. Box 174.
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Mrs. Daniel Korn, of New York City, will leave for her home next Tuesday after spending • several Men's High-Grade Suits, $ 1 9 . 5 0 weeks with her parents, Mr. andYourig Men's Models -$17.50 $7.50 Mrs. Morris Levy, and with Mr. and BoV'&Knee Pants Suits Bo^iS 3 to-8 Suits $5.00 Mrs. Wm. Holzman. ' Raincoats, Garbodine Style,
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Sedan, 51,505.00; Coupe, $1,410.00; Touring Car, 5SS5.OO; Roadster. $930.00; Panel Business Car, $1,085.00; Street Business Car, 9970.00. DELIVERED
AUTO CO. O3TAHA, JfEB. nter at 28th S* Ilamer 0123
COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. 3S-3R Fonr«l| 5*. ! Blutfa B l t f 0*1
r "• J
• ,
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MARCH SO, 1922 ^muiumuiiiiimmiiiiiimmiimuimimumimmiiiimiimit
Educational Department of The Jewish Press
ii!»!,«.m.H!.nmi.i..m...i.iH ^^^^^'^Hl^^ ^il^^^ ^^^^^'^HV^ ^^^k^ ^Vl^^ ^ ^ B ^ ^MM^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ m ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^flk^ ^fll^^ ^^^^^ ^MV^ ^MH^ ^HB^ *^^*(
UNION FUEL COMPANY Office 209 South 18th Street
Telephone Jackson 0268
German Anti-Semitism: Its Flow and Ebb
The Harry A. Koch Co.
MACHINE WORKS Indnstrtul and AntomottTr Macnlntnta. CnrbnrMor and (irnltlon Repairs. Starter Klne C.mr* for AIIto Fly Wheels : 411 South 13th Street. Telephone: Jsokson £550
INVESTMENT' SECURITIES Perhaps no one is more competent man political life, nearly always with ( were enabled to partake to a considerto discuss this question than Dr. Paul success, at least with partial success.' able extent in the upbuilding of GerFirst National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0360. Nathan, a leader of German Jewry, a The Stein-Hardenberg Constitution' many. This sphere was that of Parclose student of German history. He was not earned fully into effect. It liament, and the two Jews who partraces the political vicissitudes of the was held up and hindered and discred- ticularly distinguished themselves in Y o u r position is i Jews in Germany and arrives at theiked as a "Jewish Constitution on the j it were Ludwig Bamberger and EdDAVENPORT DOUGHNUT important conclusion that in the newFrench model," although there is not j uard Lasker. correct, and should ; ; •„ GOMPANY. German state "anti-Semitism will be the slightest evidence of any Jewish In the years immediately following be s u p p o r t e d by UNDERTAKERS BlSMAkckS.CAKE &SD SU BRAND ' reduced to insignificance."—Editor. influence in reg-ard to it. The reac- 1866, after 1870 and right up to the DtJXJG"H?TCTS" O U K B P E C I A L T Y . every fair minded MOVED TO tion was victorious on almost every end of the seventies, the legislative We 'DeSVer<the Real Goods. person. The Jews have for two thousand point. The result was that social and construction of Germany was effected, SK4 CLM1XO STREET. '• - ' Phone Webster 0943" years been persecuted, maltreated, also economic life in Germany was , In these years the activities of Depurobbed and killed because they are broken, and dissatisfaction and indig- ties Bamberger and Lasker were by JewB. They have managed to endure nation became rampant and grew to no means inconsiderable. Lasker ex/ ADVO COFFEE it all and survive till the present day. such an extent that the ground was erted the utmost influence on the . . . of... WHOLESALE GROCERS There are other peoples, too, whoprepared for the Revolution of 1848. structure of German legislation, parFOODS ADVO JELL ^ADVO Hoffmann Funeral Home. have had to undergo periods of terror ticularly in theformulation of the The Revolution of 1848. Phone Jackson 1302 and suffering. But there is no par- The Revolutionary movement of penal code and private rights, and allel in the whole of history to thethis year, which commenced full of Ludwig Bamberger was of decisive as- , development of Judaism. We have promise, ebbed before long. The peo- i sistance in drafting the economic legnever had to record anything similar pie were unable to hold the rights i Nation, and above all. that part of It . REMEMBER Visit Our to the endurance which kept a people which they conquered, and the reae- j relating to currency. He must be rec»t alive and together, not merely tem- tionary forces were successful after \ ognized as the person who helped to porarily, but for centuries, and en-an interplay lasting for a period of j create the conditions which developed | S e c o n d F i o o r i E l k s - Building. Phone Jackson 3072 Do away with drudgery and make abled it, despite all calamities, to economic life. He is one-of house-work a pleasure by the use emerge from them all, and continue only a few months, in depriving the t!hGerman I With TEonr Order for', German people of all the liberties o s e w h o m a d e economic life in Gerof modern electrical appliances. ' its life and maintain its place among which they had managed to gain in >'™any flourish to a degree which it HOLCOMB ANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the ; the civilized nations of the world. jt n e j r campaign? Now" we have the w a s impossible to imagine previously. FOOD CHEMICAL IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric build- | With the commencement of the js a m e g a m e t h a t w a s p l a y e d b e f o r e I During the whole of this period, the PRODUCTS CO., INC. ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PAPER LINE i nineteenth century and the influences ja n d a f t e r 1 8 2 o repeating itself. Pre- German reactionary Junkers fought Manufacturers ot and Farnam streets. 1 which the French Revolution exerted Icise\y [n accordance with the formula |t o o t h and nail against the modern FOODS AND CHEMICALS. 1112 HA^NEY ST. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. on the modern civilized nations, the employed in the period following the ' political and economic development in 018 >". 16th S(. Phonf Atlaiitir 4964 Phono Douglas 6409 Jewish question assumed a new form. Wars of Liberation, tne reactionary Germany. They ranged themselves in Massacres of Jews on a large scales forces are claiming today that the regular die-hard fashion against i took place only in Russia, Rumania Revolution of 1848 was not brought P r i n C e Bismarck and only when he NORTHWEST READY and the Asiatic and African coun ' about by the spontaneous feeling of returned to the policy of his reactionSKINNER ROOFING CO. BAKING COMPANY tries. In the so-called civilized ! indignation animating the German ,ar>" Political past was hi, reconci'.iaReady Roofing ovpr olrt s h i n p V s DOUGLAS I8t>? there were attacks on the Jews o ' people, but was instigated by Jews, J t i o n w i t h t h e Conservatives slowly Also asphalt RhtiiBles nutf huildi;i> Puifs. Kin* rpsisline and (Inrnhh* a n d various degrees of violence, but Poles and Frenchmen who incited I gradually brought about. BisAll work guaranteed Kjisy terms marck slaughterings were never again RePhone Harnpy 2.">74 the Germans to revolt against their! severed his connections with STEINER ELECTRIC OtBc-e a n d W n r f h o n s p : S122 I.eBVenwort sorted to. That sort of thing wa^ipft hereditary Princes. Yet among these ! Liberalism, and as soon as this beS?j MEAT CHOPPER ' to the Czarist Empire and the smaller "hereditary" Princes there were quite c a m e thoroughly clear to them, the AND COFFEE MILL. Rumanian State, and more recently to a number who owed their crowns ana - anti-Semites once aeain raised their the newly risen Polish • Republic and their coronets to none other than N a - ' h e a d s - W i t h t h e oPPos1"™ of the 1 USED SCALES OF-ALL MANrFACTTJtERS. South Russia. forces of the state to the Liberal poleon I, who was in the eyes of Ger. MAKES FOR' SALE/ MEY-MER-CO. Brand The Jewish Question in Modern Form man feudalism no more than a rev-I-party, anti-Semitism assumed the cenBAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Beverages and Syrups. ter of the state as at the beginning 510 South 10th Street. The development of events in Ger-olutionary upstart, a successful ad319-3S1 So. 14th M.. Oirniha, N«»br of the century. Phone Jackson 3332. many was closely similar. The esventurer. Phone Atlantic 38S9 (To Be Concluded Next Week.) \ tablishment of modern Germany beOnce again reaction won in GerItea gan with the end of the War of Lib- many after 1848, and again the Jew"SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Biscuit Co. eration which overthrew Napoleon 1, ish question was brought up in orThe Sinner and buy them at LOW FARE who had destroyed the old state sys- der to make the liberating, progresSNOW WHITE (Continued from Page 2.) tem of Europe. Out of the ruins sive movement distasteful to the GerAll that the name ROGERS BAKERIES implies. wich." The words came huskily. "And grew slowly a new Germany in which man people. (Rut. r. s. rat 319 South 16th Street. \(^3 CALL the Jewish question reappeared in Then followed the years when un-she said Jennie Leibowitz grave it to 916 N. 16th St. Office.) Phone Douglas 3400. Douglas 6887 m m ATLANTIC 4522 modern form. der Bismarck, Germany and especially her—that it was veal. And afterThe Prussian Army, which fought Prussia gradually rose. In his early wards she told me—that it was pork ELECTRICAL FIXTURES tfRV against Napoleon I, already contained years Bismarck belonged to the feu-'— a n d s h e laughed! And no one Nutritions Borne Made ' APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES j a considerable number of Jews. And dalistic reactionary party in Prussia, knows—not rny mother neither. And Ambulance Service PIES and COOKIES on the evidence of the investigations He was, however, not merely a re-' Grandfather said how some are Equipped frith Pulmotor. Granden Electric Co. , • Made by Sealed tn Sanitary All Calls Answered Tromptly. I of the then Prussian Ministry of War, actionary Junker, but a statesman of j written down for life—and some for PEPKNn.MILE EI.KCTRIC/tX Wrnpper at Your Grocei\ U3SQLE SAM BREAKFAST Mt":ri!AM>ISK. genius. He recognized early that the j death—and—" these Jews carried themselves as JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 15U Slowurcl St. Phone Atlnntlc 0681 Sundcren Pie Baking Co. FOOD CO. Prussian state could be developed to "Rosele"—the old man took bravely as their Christian genius. i4th and Hickory. Atlantic SS41 her 3U1 Farnam St. riinne Hnrney tK)95 To OMAHA. NEBRASKA. not dispose of the legend that Jews are be a leading power in Germany only ! little hands in his. "When one bad soldiers, I have published a series by being prepared to make conces- d o e s not do a wrong purposely, it of statistics relating to the Jews as sions, and generous concessions, in the is no sin! The sin belongs to the soldiers, not only in Germany, but in modern spirit. Thus it was Count one who fooled you! And does the Carpenter Paper Co. WHOLESALE all the states of modern Europe and Bismarck, the chief Minister in Prus- Holy One, blessed be He, write down Distributors of 2808 Cuming. Harney 0881 Druggists and Stationers in the United States of America, and j sia, who proceeded immediately after the names of the children, who know : Western Bond—and High Grade 6ne,*'bay. ;Service. Wo-Extra South 10th . . these show that the Jews of various 1866, following the expulsion of Aus- not what they do? Nay. Be comStationery countries have completely fulfilled in forted; you have no sin!" tria from Germany, to the creation of OHAHA. NEBRASKA. military, as in other matters, the ob-a constitution which for that period She threw her head back and closed Why Buy Tin? ligations imposed on them by the and particularly for Prussia must be her eyes. A sight that seemed to LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. lands of their birth. These facts be- characterized as exceptionally pro- come from witl jin her heart, came In Active Prartire Since 1010. PAXTO^-MTTCHELL CO. SAVES VOC MONEY. ing recognized, voices were heard in gressive. sobbingrly forth, | "Rebbe Levy," she 27tb and Martha Sts. Horney 1662 J MID-STATES WHOLESALE Germany immediately after the War ] Manufacturers ol Brass. Qrpqze, Alumicried. "O, Rebt e Levy!'' And now Dr. Frances H. Turner Bismarck'-s Policy. num and Soft Gray "Iron^CastinRs. GROCERS OHic-e: BranileiK Theatre Buildingof Liberation, asking that the Gershe cried naturally, gratefully, her Bismarck gave equal and secret ; Ton are assured of soft castings, ns ITHt Bml DoiiErliis ftrerta. lll*-I9 Dodge St. Jackson 3873 man Je^s should be granted all rights franchise to all Germans, ami we hadhead on the old man's shoulder. "You Tre machine some from every heat In rhone Atlantic 3836 ' our own shop. Standard'size catt Iron ; equally with the other citizens. are sure, Rebbe Levy?" she whisperbashings in stock.. / a constitution which made it'possible TIKES—TIIHKS—ACCESSORIES The Germany of that time was not also for Jews to attain to any posi- ed. ; - MAX OLSEN & CO. yet ripe for such a liberal constitu- tion in the state. It proclaimed com"Am Isure? She asks me! Am Wholesale IliRtribntorB for tion. Even the attempts of the Frei- plete equality of rights In the eyes I, or am I not the Rebbe, Rosele?" SCHMIDT'S We carry complete line ol new OCR TREATMENT herr von Stein to bring about the ex- of the law for all German citizens And he laughed. And the Rebbetzin riti^ ^real's, pinions, axle shafts and Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger CONVINCE VOC OF Ol'B springs for almost any make ol car. tension of the privileges of modern without exception. As citizens there brought in fresh coffee and hard little SINCERITY. Afe, Hires Root Beer M. l>. IMCHMAN. Mann5IT. Office and Warehnime: 91? So. Main St. state institutions to the Christian popISIH-1830 Wrst Brondwny. [JTOHS covered with poppy seeds, and Trust Deuartcienf. were to be no longer any distinctions Telephone 142 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOIVA. Safety Deposit Boxes. ulation of Prussia, were only to a between Jewish Germans and Chris- sweet butter. And Rosie found herjCOfNCIL. BLUFFS. IOWA. rilOVK 441. slight degree successful. They were tian Germans throughout the whole self eating, and once she smiled, If&UStZ&tOFS keenly contested by the forces of feurather tearfully, at the Rebbe's joke. RATES ? dal reaction, who made use of a extent of the German Empire. Omnhn Office: 813 Doaelns Strett. Then the Rebbetzin filled her This is how it was on paper. ActEngravers Omnhn Phone Atlantic 2356 for space on this Special § weapon which they have continued to pockets with little seed cakes, and, ually in practice, however, it was Tar Half-Tones Ford Trander & Storage Co. Page given on application. employ up to the present day. They from being the case. Rosie and Rebbe Levy went back to Coior&lates R. A. FORD. tried to persuade the people to be- Even after 1870 the number of Jew- Rosie's house, although Rosie said 216 X. 16th St. t'rpsidpnt nnd General Mnnnper. Branches at Ontral Market. } JEWISH PRESS I lieve that modern state development ish officers in the German army was she bad to go to school. But the QhVBA Table Supply and Food Center. Connr-ll Bluff* (lowft) Olnc* 182 KU6I Brandeis uiHUUCia Bid. DIU. Jackson .jacjvauil 2372 £O4£ A was not in consonance with the Ger024 Sn. Main street. Phono 365 Rebbe had his way, and then he 9 insignificant. The Diplomatic Servman character, and that the modem ice continued to be completely free; pf told the whole story to Mother and CLEAN LINEN political ideas Europe were un- all Jews, and no Jews were appointed Father and Grandfather, and said An lilciil Washing Combination. Germanic, a French, a Jewish Inven- to administrative posts in the German jsome stern things about little people Every morning Estes Laundry Tablets If yon call the tion, designed to undermine and de-Empire or in the constituent states. who think too much. Rosie wondered . . with . . stroy the German state. Estes Soap Chips The higher judicial positions, too, if she were being scolded, but Mother. '.• Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Frontier Towel Supply and Reaction After Napoleon. | were closed to the Jews. They were cried and Grandfather put his hands; 1811 California Street. Water Softener CCombined) on her head, and said he knew she'd Phone Douglas 6391 After the Napoleonic wars, when i permitted to attain only to the lower W. Cpr. Eleventh aid Howard Sts. OKAHA, NEB. At nil Grocers. be the mother of Rebbes. j the down-trodden Prussian state was ' rungs of the judicial ladder, they Then the Rebbe said that the early | to be re-erected by the Reform legis- I were at liberty to become advocates, OUK NEW LOCATION frost had caused the trees to turn ; latlon of Stein and Hardenberg, varij A few Jewish scholars obtainedjposiYou will like Cornrr JUtb mnl 1»OOKIO« Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 Sherman Mercantile Co. pus Reactionary classes and individ- tions in the Universities, but'their most beautifully down by .the little MiixnnU- Teni|il«- Illil*. Wholesale Or««er» Specialties ;-— uur l.tiiu—•r— creek that flowed by the town. And uals submitted petitions to the men- j numbers were comparatively small. 1511 Coming St. Phone Atlantic 1241 BAUJWIN,JElJ.lNGTVIi. HAMU.TON. CHEESE BUTTER BUTTERMILK tally immobile, frigidly antiquated HtnVAUIi UPRIGHTS.' GHANDS. BUTTER That theoretically the German Jews he and Grandfather and Max and DISTRIBUTORS I'LATKlt PIANOS. Mnde by OMAHA PURE FOOD CO* Emperor Friedrich Wilhelm III of had all the doors to social activity Rosie were going to take a walk, JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. THATCH EH PI ANO CO. 2419 , Coming St.. Omaha. Nebraska. Prussia, in order to demonstrate to thrown open to them by Bismarck, is there and see—they'd just forget Omaha. Nebraska. Kirschbraun & Sons V , Thorn* JUIJUBOD 3Q06 him in passionate terms that the leg- j a fact. To think, however, that the school and go walking, and eat seed J I. islation propose by the Freiherr von Jews in the days of Bismarck were cakes. .Stein and the Minister von Harden- enabled to enter through these opened Rates for Space on And Rosie danced happily and said Rates for Space on this Special Page •J. DON'T BUY COAL! berg would annihilate the splendid doors into actual social life in theshe didn't mind now that Rosh ha this S p e c i a l Page given on application. C OIL l » » 1 « < " CfllVAl'KK edifice of the old Royal Prussia, and way that after the necessary prepara- Shanah was coming—-she wasn't given 03 application. " L*t II* 'Keinovg the Utior, from transform it into a modern Jewish tions all other cifizens could, is to be;^fraid. .And with one hand in Rebbe '•'•i Vniir Furnnre ami Insert a state on Jacobin lines. That is theunder an illusion. !• Levy's and the other in Grandfather's,! tiLUBRIDGEOIt VAPOR BURNER . 4K> RrnndrU BIilc. Tel. Jackxon 237S tune which has always been struck Tel. Jackson 2372. she went out to read God's hand- ; Jews Ripe in Parliament. 482 Brandeis Building. s£.n«mo».rt«itlai £i!6 8IK IPI* ;8*T«*.writing in the autumn leaves.—(The | up by the Reactionary band at de- J In one sphere, indeedi a number of ( cisive rfloment& in Prussian and Ger- Jews of exceptional political capacity, ArlO OUR ADVERTISERS^
Leo A. Hoffmann
Croneweg & Schoentgen
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