April 6, 1922

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^go .totyraxi is important, To * go straight .' is important.


VOL. n.-4No. 17

Jewish Publication Society Completes 34 Years'Existence

* Don't sit and take comes; go what you

-jnd-claag malj,matter on Januarj 27th. 1921, at maha, Nebraska, wider the Act ot March 3. 187S.


New York (J. C. B.) As a St. 'atrick's Day contribution to the ewish war relief, Deputy County Clerk Thomas. M. Farley, Democratic Hodls Annual Meeting in Phila- leader of the. Fourteenth Assembly District, turned over a check foi delphia to Hear Reports of 654. The money was collected at Past Year. a meeting of the district's Democratic IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS club. Forty-seven persons gave from >2 up to $100 each Nearly every TO BE PRINTED BY SOcontributor was an Irishman. CIETY DURING COM-


Wave of Anti-Jewish Feeling Sweeps Over British Newspapers

Philadelphia.—The Jewish Publication Society of America, at its thirtyfourth annual, meeting held here, on Sunday, March 26, reported a total membership of 15,591. New" York state heads the list of members with 4,040. Every state_in the Union is represented on.: the membership list. Mr. Simon Miller, in his presidential Latest Book by Hilaire Belloc Precipitates Sentiment. address to the society, pointed out that the society has issued more than 120 books and distributed more than LLOYD GEORGE BLAMED l;750,000 copies of these publications. BY ONE PAPER FOR JEWS'

•x -v:-i ^

Tear's Publications. During the -past year the society published Dr. B. Halper's •'PostBiblical Hebrew literature;" the annual Year Book, the feature article of which the biographical sketch of Jacob H. Schiff by Dr. Cyrus Adler; Prof. Malter's "Saadia Gaon—His Life and Works." Mr. Miller announced that the society is about to send to the members a volume by Prof. Max L. Margolis entitled "The Hebrew Scriptures- in the Making." This book will be followed by a volume by Yehoash, consisting 'of impressions of Jewish life 'in Palestine at the beginning of the World War, a work that was originally published' in Yiddish. • Another Yiddish, work which the society will publish in English \vill be Sholern Ash's -j'Kiddush, Hashein," a historical novel of great, power, dealing with a •p^riod^nfrfCpssaeit-'OiitragB* of the Seventeenth <G. entury. . Among" the bookB "that arefto follow are "Studies in Judaism," third series, by Schechter, and Slousch's volume.on "Travels in Northern Africa." .

UNPOPULARITY. London, (J. C. B.) An extensive wave of anti-Jewish propaganda is sweeping over the British press. This is best exemplified by Hilaire Belloc's latest book "The Jews" which, although hardly considered a serious treatise, is excerpted by numerous newspapers, a few quoting huge extracts. Belloc's thesis is that a war between the Christian world and the Hebrew race is imminent, and that this conflict will be precipitated by Jewish "exclusiveness.'' Belloc contends that during the war it was discovered that the monopoly of all things essential to existence was in the hands of a people who did not care who won or lost. Jews are loyal only to the children of Israel. They are possessed of the highest courage, ., generosity r ancj, loyalty,, only for Jewish needs. ate The author opines; •Bia 'two ways, open- for a solution of the problem,—the elimination of what is alien in the Jews, or their complete segregation from the rest of civilized nations. Liberal Papers Concerned. It is significant that even papers which usually poohpooh the possibility of the rise of anti-Semitism in England are concerned over the recent hostile manifestations. The Belfast "Telegraph" makes the remarkable discovery that the un-popularity of the Jews is in a large measure due to Lloyd George's "penchant for Jewish favorites." The fact that he has advanced Sir Alfred Mond, Lord Reading, Sir Philip Sasoon, Sir Herbert Samuel and others, has in the opinion of the "Telegraph" invited the hostility of many non-Jews.




Copyrighted, 1922, Jewish Correspondence Bureau. Note—The author of this article, such a thing at all as Jewish art. It dealing with the Jews' achievements is not easy to answer the question in the plastic arts is a widely known definitely. There has been so much Jewish painter of Germany, who has written on it that the problem has bedevoted at least as much time to the come even more? obscured than it was affairs of his people as to his- art.— previously. First of all, we have to determine what is Jewish art. All the Editor. errors which have been made by those There are ancient prejudices which who have considered the question are appear to be justified only by con- to be ascribed to! the fact that they stant repetition. One of them is the have interchanged!two ideas—art creassertion that Judaism is antagonistic ated by Jews and Jewish art. A work to art, but constant repetition has not of art created by a Jewish artist bemade the assertion any more correct. longs to the spiritual possessions of People are fond of supporting it with our race if it shows qualities which the quotation from the Bible, "Thou belong exclusively to the Jewish soul. shalt make no graven image," and In other words, those works are to be they deduce from it very shortsight- counted as Jewish works of art which edly and very superficially that Jew- have been created by Jews and which ish law prohibits all artistic activity. express the emotions, the passions, the It is clear, however, to every thinking life of our people as only a Jew can person who really studies the Tal- express them-. mud, the Shulchan Aruch and the A Jewish Masterpiece. vast mass of Responsa literature of As an example of what I would the great Jewish scholars that the honor with the" description of Jewish Bible prohibition is only intended to art, I will mention the famous masput a stop to idol worship and not to terwork, "A Son pi an Ancient Peothe creation of works of art on ornaple," by the Dutch painter, Josef Ismental or other aesthetic grounds. On raels, indisputably one of the greatthe contrary, we see that in. the earliest painters of the last century. The est period of our national life applied painting depicts a Jewish second-hand art had already attained a flourish- * , ,

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rue" ires. mity Irish pose


United States Nay Declare for Jewish National Homeland

Lincoln, Neb.—Julius Shapiro, • 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro, of this city, has been awarded first prize in the contest conducted by the Lea.s^ie of Women for the best poster Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, to Present Resolution on "The Cost of the War". He also to Senate at Once. won the prize that Mayer Bros, gave several months ago for the best poster of "Abraham Lincoln". Young ADOPTION WOULD HAVE GREAT MORAL EFFECT , Shapiro is now. enrolled at the ON LEAGUE J&F Nebraska State University, were he NATIONS -\ takes up Commercial Art. Washington, April 8.—Senator Hen* ry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts today assured a delegation of Zionists from his home state that he would present to the senate at once the resolution adopted yesterday by the Massachusetts House of Representatives with a view of getting the United States government to declare itNew York Theatrical Folk Re- self in favor of establishing a national Jewish homeland in Palestine, ta ceive Thanks of Colleagues in accordance with the terms of the : In Moscow. Balfour declaration of November 2, t=S: MORRIS GEST HEADS MOVF- 1917. MENT TO SUCCOR STARVMr. Lodge said that he had disING ACTORS AND cussed the identical question with MUSICIANS. Secretary Hughes last week and that the secretary is now in correspondNew York, (J. P. A.) Five hundred ence with the British government. letters of gratitude from Russian He said that while it was proper that artists and musicians, chiefly of the he should speak to Mr. Hughes first, Grand Theatre, Moscow, to whom he was quite sure that the secretary food packages were conveyed by the would not object to the offering of American Relief Administration, have the resolution. He made arrangebeen forwarded by the distributors, ments later in the day to confer with who received these acknowledge- the "secretary tomorrow morning. ments, to Morris Gest, who raised the The delegation declared that the first modest fund among opera and early adoption of such a resolution J theatre folks .if New York. Mr. would have a great moral effect on | Gest now plans, with the Russian the council of the League of Nations 5 company of Balieff appearing here, which they said must pass upon the % to give a joint benefit for another British mandate over Palestine next A of the famoiiS institutions, so that month. 't. similar help may reach the members of the Stanislavsky Art Theatre in

S00 Russian Artists Write of Gratitude for Americans9 Aid

J ™ , dealer m a street m Amsterdam, siting position among the Jews. It is particularly significant that The Bible describes with lov- ting in front of his shop, which is the Jewish artists of Germany mostly ing elaboration the details of the packed full of old clothes, twisted can- belong- to the camp of the moderns. artistic work which was used in build- dlesticks, umbrellas and all sorts of For example, the painters, Ernst Oping the Tabernacles and later in erect- flotsam and jetsam. This simple sub- pier, Joef Oppenheimer and Eugen ing the Temple. If objectors point ject has been treated without senti- Spiro. The well known etcher, Erich out that King Solomon employed mentality, without any sort of theat- Wolfsfeld, is a professor at the AcadPhoenicians in the erection of t:ie rical posing. The Jew is sitting down emy of Arts in Berlin. Temple, we must remind them that quite simply looking in front of him. The Modern National Gallery in Hiram of Tyre, the Phoenician mas- Yet we find in his wistful eyes which Berlin and other important collections ter builder, who supervised the con- are looking far .into the distance, in in Germany contain the works of struction of the Temple, was the son his solitary self, all the sorrows and Franz Marc, who died at the Front, of a Jewess of the tribe of Naphtali. the sufferings, all tho experience of an important, highly sensitive artist One of the writers of the letters ; our sorely, tried people throughout the It- follows then. from those,^historical -ages, a ray of h©pe "both in line and pigment. '• — shown yesterday was well known here considerations that the" Jewish people for a brighter future. Of this pic—Catherine Geltzer, who danced at Other European Artists. possessed both original artistic abili- ture we may assert with justification the Moscow Opera with Mordkin and batWhile Liebermann has been ties and the desire to put them to use. that it is absolutely out of the ques- tling for modern art in Germany, appeared later in Russian ballet tours. Zionist Conference Urges th6 League of Nations Speed \ This is clear also in the case of the tion that a non-Jewish painter could Ernst Jose£sohn in Stockholm has The letters were in Russian, some Plans for Palestine. Jews of modern times. There is evi- have painted it just as well. It is my been the pioneer of Swedish painting. in French, a few in English; typedence for it in countless wonderfully profound conviction that it is impossi- He had not, however, the good for- written in Russian characters or illustrated bibles and other manu- ble for a non-Jew to express so much tune of Liebermann and did not live scrawled in pencil or penned in vari- Philadelphia.—Zionist delegates from scripts, in the glorious golden and sil- Jewish emotion as we find in this to see himself recognized. He lost his colored inks, on a pathetic assortment more than 25 States met Sunday^ih ver vessels of old synagogues, the work, which is saturated from the reason and died after eighteen years of stationery, from the rough copy an all-day conference at the Hotel architectural beauty of many houses first to the last stroke of the brush of confinement in an asylum in Stock- pads to carefully preserved violet- Adelphia, to promote movements now on foot establishing Palestine as the of prayer, and a host of applied art with the Jewish spirit. It is true, of holm. His works which previously design note paper or a souvenir card Jewish national homeland. This conproductions now treasured, in the Mu- course, that we find Dutch influences were with unfailing regularity reject- of "Le Grand Theatre". ference is regarded as one of the CONGRESSMAN SABATH WARNS seum Cluny in Paris, in the Jewish in this picture as we do in all of Is- ed from every exhibition to which Grand Benefit, Sunday Night, most important held in years, com* JEWS OF DANGER OF NEW museums in Vienna and Jerusalem raels' works. There are particularly they were sent, are now the -most valThe coming benefit, referred to by ing, as it does, just before the con;\ JOHNSON BILL. and in a number of private collec- J strong traces of Rembrandt, but the uable treasures of the museums and tho relief agent, is that arranged for vocation of the League of Nations iM tions. dominating note, and this is the im- private collections in Sweden. starving Russian artists and their Geneva, when the ratification is preWashington.—(J. T. A.) At)—At portant note, is Jewish. In France, too, we had a Jew children at the Forty-ninth Street dicted of the British mandate over The Rise of Jewish Artists. least one Jewish Congressman, Repamong the pioneers of modern art, Theatre on Sunday evening, April 9, Palestine. resentative Sabath of Chicago; is Since the days of the Emancipation i Jewish Artists in Germany. The convention unanimously passed alive to the necessity of taking some when the walls of the Ghetto fell | We will admit without further ar- the great landscape painter, Camille when Balieff's ("Ghauve Souris") Action regarding Chairman Johnson's down, and the Jews were allowed to gument that every modern Jew is in- Pissarro, who has immortalized company will give its performance several important resolutions urgingnew naturalization bill, requiring move about freely, there have been in fluenced by his education and his en- French landscape in his wonderfully under the auspices of Mr. Hoover's support of the British mandate and among its numerous innovations the all civilized countries a slowly but vironment. If this influence is strong- luminous paintings. It is sad to re- committee, with local patronesses, appealing to the United States Govannual registration of all aliens. Conconstantly growing number of Jewish er than his Jewish feeling, he pro- call that he was so poor that he him- including Mmes. W. K. Vanderbilt, ernment to give "public expression'* gressman Sabath is convinced that artists. It is not my place to speak duces works of art similar to non- self had to make the shoes for his Otto H. Kahn, H. I\ Whitney and to its sympathy with the cause. Pro- g the measure in substance will become paganda tending to block the aspire* here of the large and indisputable ac- Jews, which is what happens in most large family of children, and that he many more. a" law in viewj;of the strong combinaStars of Broadway volunteering tion of the Zionists, which is being. tivities of Jews in the sphere of rau- cases. On the contrary, however, attained recognition only after his tion formed by administration leadinclude Ed Wynn at the carriage call, circulated botfh in this country and ife sic and literature. I will admit my- jwhen the Jewish soul is more power- death. In America, there are a number of eri in Congress and the Department self to the splendid achievements of fui than the influences received by the Al Jolson as ticket man, Sam Palestine, was vigorously decried, and AMERICAN M O T I O N PICTURE Jews in the field of plastic and graph-' t i in the land of his birth, then talented Jewish artists at work, some Bernard as coatroom boy, Lenore plans were discussed for enlisting cer» of Laboi..-' ar st Meanwhile/ , Representative Sabath COMPANY FILMING BIBLICAL i c a r t , • - | we are justified in saying that we are of them being originally from East- Ulric, Laurette Taylor and Doris tain non-Jewish elements throughout PICTURE NEAR JERUSALEM ^. has requested the Jewish Correspond Keano as ushers, Lillian and Dorothy the country in the cause. "7 Continued on page 4) It is often asked whether there is in possession of a work which can be ence Bureau; to warn through the j Gish as program girls, Leon Er-rol An American invasion of much in'Jewish newspapers every Jewish non"0 and Walter Catlett as water boys, FILM OF JEWISH LEAGUE OF NATION TARES LOCAL UKRAINIANS HELP citizen to immediately take out the terest took place recently when about LIFE COMING TO , Sam Harris and John Golden backHAND IN CITIZENSHIP MUDDLE ORPHANS. "first" papers* or attend to the final twenty stars of the Fox Film ComSUN THEATER SUNDAY] OF AUSTRIAN JEWRY i stage, living Berlin with the music, Acknowledgment has been renaturalization^ According to statis- pany of America arrived in Jerusalem An interesting plot, full of laughs, Vienna (By Mail—Jewish Press j a n d M m e - A l d a o f t h e Metropolitan ceived here of the receipt in New r in c h a r e o f tics, there diii 100,000 residents of to make preparations for the filming sighs .and surprises, marks "Little Association.) The Austrian Govern-| g distributing flowers. GIRLS' AFFAIR SATURDAY this country yt}io are entitled to final of a spectacular film depicting scenes York of $160 sent to the Joint' DisMiss SriMles of the Ghetto," Shirley; tribution Committee by the local Soment has received an inquiry from NIGHT TO BE WELL naturalization and .are neglecting this from the Bible. The company proDelegation of Palestine Mason's^wew Fox picture, which opens ciety of Ukrainian Jews. The money the secretariat of the League of NaATTENDED. step. The^JoJinson bill requires ev- poses to take the main scenes in PalWorkers to Talk at Swedish Sunday Sfc^ tie Sun theater. -As Eswill be used in the Orphan adoption tions with reference to the many ery applicant for citizenship to know estine, returning to, their studios in Auditorium Sunday Night One hundred reservations have alther AarSnsbn, daughter of a typical work of the Committee, under the complaints made to it against the how to readi write and speak Eng- Rome to complete'the final details of ready been made for the Mother and East Side-tfamlly in New York, littl* "These men and this woman are not direction of Miss Jessie Bogen. J. Austrian Government's treatment of lish "understandingly." Thousands of the picture. Some idea of the vastDaughter Banquet whichywill be given Miss Mason has a singularly appealtheorists; they are actual workers. Sherman is presidentof the local the citizenship of its former Jewish men of'advanced years* will find it im- ness of the undertaking will be obat the Jewish Community Center, ing role. " The supporting ca3t is ex* They have given the best part of their group, and J. Radinowsky is secrecitizenry. In the reply which it made possible to bejbome American citizens tained from the fact that it is proSaturday night. Sponsored by the ceedingly capable, particularly George tary. : years and their strength to the upto this inquiry the government debecause, of the difficulty of learning a posed to employ some 3,000 footmen, Ru Na Club of the YWHA, all the clares that this question was not building of the land which they call Williams as Papa Aaronson, Martha new language;late in life. The only together with 500 riders in one of the girls' clubs of the Association are co- within the province or concern of their land." Franklin as Mama Aaronson, and way of avoiding this danger is by scenes. Other properties will include UNION OF JEWISH ARTISTS operating to make this affair an outGaston Glass, the leading man, Who Thus did Dr. Judah L. Magnes the League of Nations. The governFORMED IN GALIC'IA taking but thfe first and last papers 5,000 sheep, 5,000 camels, herds of standing event in Jewish communal appears as a handsome young phyiicharacterize Berl Katznelson, S. Bament further points to the severe Lemberg. (B ymail—J. P. A.) At before the 'ifcjr becomes effective. goats, etc. The big scene, L e., the and club life here. The banquet will cian. ratz and Mannia Shachat, members of economic condition in which the fight between David and Goliath, will a conference of representatives of be the first of its kind ever given in The story concerns the vicissitudes 1 country found itself and the necessij the Palestine workers delegation, who musical organizations and choires in be taken near the main Jerusalem local Jewish circles. of the Aaronson family, and thjsir jojr RABBI M< N. TAXON ty for adapting its policies to the I will be in Omaha this Sunday. Galicia, a central union of all these Ramallah Road, but historical acTO DRIVER SPECIAL The wives of members of the Adand sorrow as they realise <|n one The delegation comes in the interlocal units was decided upon and crisis, through which the country was is not being strictly adhered SERMON SATURDAY curacy visory Board jof the Association will hand that the mother's sight is failest of the Palestine Workers' Bank, formed. Mr. Alfred Flahn was electpassing. As there had been a cabito, since the scenario provides for a On Shabboi Hagodol, April 8, Rabbi love scene after the battle. Four ed president of this newly formed-or- attend as guests of the girls, and net shake-up the last few days, and and each is qualified through many ing, and on the other hand that the Morris N. Tfctoh will preach a special truck loads of properties have been ganization, having achieved distinc- members of the boys' clubs will act in place of the' former Minister of years of actual experience in Pales- daughter, Esther, is beloved by a pojpsermon a t : £ > m - at the B'nai Israel brought to Palestine, including uni- tion and fame in the direction' and as waiters and "kitchen-police." the Interior, the Antisemite Dr. tine to speak o.n the needs of such an ular young doctor. Then there is the The program includes, > besides re- Wachner, Dr. Shober, a liberal and institution. They will talk at the anxiety caused by the ambition of .DaSynagogue,'it eighteenth and Chica- forms for each of the .3,000 soldiers' management of large syrnph'ony orchestras, which received the whole- sponses to toasts, readings and reci- progressive now holds the portfolio Swedish auditorium Sunday evening. vie, the eldest boy, to become what go Streets. ; His theme will be "Ideal who will take part. ^ . hearted approbation of all music lov- tations by Mrs. B. R. Boasberg and of the Interior, it's hoped in Jewish It is said that they are compelling Papa Aaronson calls a" "box fighter:" Freedom." This time was chosen in Many Advantages. ers in Lemberg. Miss Leah Solig, and musical num- circles, that there will be' a radical speakers and that they bring mes- The boy gets into evil companionship, order to enable everyone to attend This will be the first occasion that bers by the Misses Iva Siegel and change in government policies in this sages of great importance to Omaha shoots a gangster who has insulted Jews. Admission to the meeting is his sister, and causes dire compliilaSeventy-five couples attended the R o s e Dubnoff. Miss Marguerite matter. -''six new members have joined the a large and important production has ::. free. tions. *" ..'.." • "Wise Sunbeams," a group of little been filmed in Palestine, which, apart dance given by the Brotherhood and Rosenberg will be toast-mistress. Additional reservations may be girls that *ew weekly for'the Wise from its appropriateness for the film- Sisterhood at the Blackstone Hotel Miss" Rose Mkikin and Miss Mary Fj3pital under the direction of Mrs. ing of Bible subjects, is prcb-bly un- Saturday evening, April "l.—Ani in- made through Miss Iva Siegel, At- Yabroff left Sunday evening for the The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuklin celeS Nathan. New "sunbeams" include surpassable for film' production owing teresting feature of the,evening w,jjg lantic' 287, up to Friday night. Nebraska University at Lincoln after will give a card party Wednesday brated' their first wedding anniveW'Josephine Monheit, Lillian Habler, to the natural hc-uties of the country the moving picture portraying the Mrs. J. Abramson returned home spending their, spring vacation here afternoon, May 3, at the Blackstone ary Monday evening, April 8, at their i was spentt IIn Elaine Berkowitz, Ruth Kulakofsky and the extraordinary clarity of the members of the Temple when they last Monday after several weeks'stay with Miss Minfein's parents, Mr. and Hotel. The proceeds will go to main- home. The evening were children. * " . Mrs, M. Minfcnfc;^-* •":••: tain a nurse in Palestine v" Adele Wilinsky and Bessie Bernstein, atmosphere. . cards and dancing. ' •\ in .Chicago

Urges all Non-Citizens to Become ffatnralized

Palestine Mandate Ratification As

Great Movie Drama Being Hade in Palestine by Fox


termed really Jewish. In the case of 'the overwhelming majopity of our artists it is extremely difficult to point to the Jewish element in their work, as in the case of the great artist, Max Liebarmann, who is the towering figure in the modern German school, as Israels was for four decades the recognized and honored heead of Dutch art. Max Liebarmann, who was born in Berlin in 1847, where he is resident, is the pioneer of modern art in Germany. He brought to Germany the modern conception of art created by the Impressionist movement in France and aided them to achieve their victory in Germany. His masterworks are the greatest treasures of the German museums and private collections, and he is the honorary president of the Secessionists (Independents) and the president of the Academy of Arts in Berlin. Lesser Uri, who was born sixty years ago in the small town of Birnbaum in the province of Posen, must be recognized as one of the greatest colorists in Germany. After a life of denial and struggle he has achieved universal recognition and admiration; and the Berlin Secessionists who have elected him an honorary member have had a wonderful exhibition of his works.

down what after" want.

Ift ne Hundred Mothers and

Daughters Will Banquet



Published every Thursday'at Omaha, Nebraska. p7



^ _ ' *• THE JEWISH PRESS ."PUBLISHING COMPANY. , . • < Office: 482-Brandeia"Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372.

f (

-Subscription . Price, one year.. .— ~—••———•—$2.50 ' -,,: Advertising rates furnished on application.


j. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication-of-The Jewish Press are to be given ttf worthy communal causes. ! ';

Special Recipes for Passover


CHANQB OP vADDKESS—Pleaie trlv« both the old and new addreaa: , .' b» am andBlga yqnr name.

Traditional customs of tile Jewish people include the generons use of walnuts during the observance of Passover Week. Years ago a game was devisefd l>y' Jewish boys of "shooting" walnuts as marbles and the sport was particularly followed during Passover as at that time a bowl of nuts was usually within the reach of the children of the household. The custom of using walnuts in preparing special, dishes at this occasion has steadily grown until now during Passover Week large quantities of California walnuts are consumed in Jewish homes throughout the nation. The California Walnut Growers' Association, the non-profit and cooperative marketing agency through which 4,000 walnut growers dispose of their crops, has issued this year a series of tested receipes for use during Passs'over' Week. A new way to make cake with the use of matzo meal is given as follows: 1 lb. ground shelled walnuts 1 lb. sugar 6 eggs 1 -cup matzo meal 1 lemon i cup chopped dates Cream sugar with egg yolks, rub in rind of lemon, add juice of lemon, nuts, meal and dates. Beat whites of eggs to stiff froth. Fold in mixture, pour in greased baking dish... Bake in moderate oven for 40 minutes. "Jewish Passover Pudding" is the title given the following dish which is also made with matzo meal: 1 lb. chopped shelled walnuts 1 lb. quartered shelled walnuts 3 egg whites J lb. matzo meal 1 lemon Mix nuts and meal with unbeaten egg whites and enough strained honey to make a stiff paste. Add lemon juice. Bake in well-greased baking dish from 30 to 40 minutes in moderate oven. A fig pudding, which will be found delicious and wholesome, can be prepared by the following menu: 1 pt. water . 2 tablespoons matzo flour i cup sugar • . Boil together ten minutes Add 1 lb. dried figs cut in pieces Cook 15 minutes Take from fire—add 1 lb. walnuts and 1 well beaten egg white Pour in molds Serve cold with whipped cream. Other new and different ways to serve California walnuts are: WALNUT BONBONS. Into the white of one egg beaten lightly, mix powdered sugar until stiff. Add very strong black coffee to flavor and slightly color. Drop in halves or quarters walnut meats a few at a time. Drop from a fork on paper. Leave to dry over night. SPICED WALNUTS. 2 cups walnuts 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon cinnamon or 2-3 teaspoon ginger Cook sugar in water until it hardens when dropped in a cup of cold water- Take from fire, stir in the cinnamon and pour over the walnuts. Stir until the nuts are thoroughly coated with the syrup. Spread on platter

tak, "but I go further and surround Ayin club will "oe held Monday it with- a beautiful lawn and pjeasing evening at the home of Harold shrubberies : thal change the appear- Cherniack. ance from' a house to home." The card club "met" this afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. Marcus.

The regular meeting of the Jewish Sisterhood was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. E. Gilinsky.

tired-business-man, Philistine istaste inspired in me by the sight JEWISH CHILDREN. f that book about a people with |t By Shalom Aleichem. whom I have not the slightest ac'Alfred A. Knopf, 20 West Forty- quaintance, written by a man whose s f second street, New York, just pub- name was as unfamiliar to me as his •lished the second'edition of Shalom race. i/Aleichem's "Jewish-Children." Han"I tell you this in order that, no Jiah Berman, the translator of these matter how grossly, perversely Philis*" stories, is already well'known among ine and narrowly American you may » Jewish readers for the excellent man- eel, you may be moved to buy tH'e ner in which-.sHe.is able to render the book and read it and keep it. \t, gave "works of Yiddish writers into Eng- to me, and it will give to you, the ' lish. The Vqo\ published by : Mr. astonished joy than which nothing'is Knopf is j%n:.excellent volume, as a fresher and more living, of"finding"an - study of ;Je^ish -Kfeland human na- old, old friend far froni home-in unture. Sh.alom-VAleichem, the great familiar fili d T h rlold; d old surroundings; .The artist, the >Yiddis3ir Mark -Twain,- to friend-iSvhuman natare,-the HndT am ". -whom Marie ^Twain^nimself once said: full of, the sort 'tha%- :mak'eg. "-your "You shou!drnot;be,..calledrthe Yiddish wheels go around^you'see it r teere in "Mark Twfun'f_V Iv-should- • rather be that far-off' ghetto, "sweet* and '- alive called th%.:Ajmerican Shalom Ajei- and base- and pitiable-and strong and chem," is essentially a student of hu- Weak, and-touching and-beautiful, expian nature< ;. • ; >-. actly the same as in a New^ England The volume ^'Jewish -Children" village'. or. "a Middle Western town. should be-ip every Jewish home and And it is a master who* is telling you in every; schopilibrary. i t makes ex^ about It:": * ceedingljr interesting; reading -for nonJews as well as Jews. It-is an ex- THE CREATOR OF PLEASANT HOMES cellent volume to be given as at gift. L. K. -Shpstak^ is, ..creating homes Dorothy Canfield, author of "The Brimming Cup," writes: "There never with, atmosphere and personality. He could he a completer conquest made is a young man with new ideas and over ignorance and indifference than the courage to carry them out. His is an honest effort to give each •was made over me by the volume of stories called 'Jewish Children,' writ- individual client a suitable environten by Shalom Aleichem. Noticing ment for his particualr needs. the book was both Russian and Jew- Basing the cost upon pre-war profish, I took it up with reluctance, feel- its, but adhering strictly to that ing a perverse, narrow impatience of quality of construction obtained only alien life, sure that I would be-be through personalvsupervisioh,-he gives wildered'by the usual Slavic double- each of his clients a home that will jointed, lightning changes from one combine all that art, science -and-senhigh-powered emotion to another timent has developed. He-is making •without any cause discernible to my it possible for the purchase of these rather dull and skeptical Western on easy payment plans, financing on a uun » »- — r I can-hardly, exaggerate the 6 percent basis-an|jpayable in month. :eyes.



Upholstering, Furniture Repairing, Overstuffed Furniture Made to Order

Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack enter-

Fred i- R. Shaw) Flower Shop. PhoTO' 104. rbe Best of Everything In Flowers and Confection! at Moderate Prices. 545 XV. Broadway. Nrfxt Liberty Theater. COUNCIL BWJFF8. IOWA.

Mr. Philip Romanov will leave Saturday night for New York City, j where he will spent the Passover with his parents.

The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood held a meeting Friday at the Mt. Sinai Social Center. Epidemics of typhus, recurrent and typhoid fevers are raging in the province of Elizabetgrad, a despatch from Charkov states.





The Malasheck Jewelry Co. Diamond and Platinum Specialists 1514 nndge Street. Established 1894. DO URlas 6610.

AMERICAN STATE BANK 18th and Farnam Streets


5% Interest on Time Deposits Present your 4^r Certificates of Deposit and we will pay the interest up to date and renew at 5% for 6 or 12 months.. In our Savings Department we pay 4r'r interest, compounded and added to your account quarterly. AH deposits in this bank are fully protected by the Depositor's Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. The Guaranty Law has been in operation for eleven years and not a single dollar has been lost by depositors. It has provided, by means of assessments on all State Banks with $80,000,000 capital Gtock, for the constant l-ecouping of the Guaranty Fund. We invite your banking business.


AMERICAN STATE BANK D. W. Geiselman, President. C. V. Nelson, Vice-President.

D. C. Geiselman. Cashier. H. M. KROGH, Ass't. Cashier.

FIVE TORNADOES IN ONEDAY! ON APRIL 16, 1921, five separate tornadoes swept across the State of Alabama—all in one day! The toll in loss of life was 52; in property damage, millions of dollars. > Twenty-four hours earlier the people in these windswept areas were going about their daily work. No one knew what was approaching; if they had known they could have done nothing. Thousands living in the paths of the Alabama tornadoes saw their homes demolished in shorter time than it takes to write these words. But they also saw new homes rise from the wreckage—built by insurance. Other thousands saw their homes destroyed, but realized that they had neglected to take wind-storm insurance. On these the destruction fell with added terror. Alabama was not alone last year to suffer from tornadoes. Practically every State in the Union suffered in some degree from wind-storms. Tornadoes will come again this year. No one knows at what point or when; but they will come. Your own property may suffer. You owe it to yourself, and to those dependent upon you, to take no chances. Tornado and wind-storm insurance is not expensive.



Over one hundred guests attended the dance held at Eagle's Hall Tuesday evening. The hall was decorated in various colored streamers and with tropical palms. A special entertainmenrt was given during the dancing!

Mrs. Abe Davidson left last week for a three months trip to Europe.


*< THE JEW AS PRODUCER. :• Orfe of the strongest arguments against the Jew by anti-Semites is their assertion that the Jew does not contribute ;,'directly, .to the store of human achievement. It is claimed that the Jew is only a trader, a handler, a middleman, and not a producer. He is a merchant, a broker, a financier, but not a , mechanic, a miner, or farmer. The Jew, they say, is not a creator; he only markets and utilizes for trade the things already ' made by others. There is a great deal of truth in this argument. The Jew .-•was originally a producer, a tiller of the soil. Persecution and -exile drove him from one part of the world fo the other. He became a nomad, a wanderer> and nomadism is not conducive to the development of an agricultural character. Tillers of the soil must own or be born to the soil. The Jew'was rarely per' mitted to own land. He was compelled by the very nature of .his unstable residence in any one country to resort to vocations that required no firm attachment to- a particular locus. And so the Jew developed "the art of trade, of exchange, of distribution. No sane student of .economic history will deny that the process • of distribution is equally as important as, the"process of produce tion in'our'.'present industrial scheme.- ''•'"?.,< The Hebrew Educational Society held a meeting Sunday evening folBut KerVcomes the Jewish Agricultural "arid Industrial Aid lowed by a dance for its members. Society of America, with a-report that the "Jew right here in America is as good a farmer as ite is, a.'*salesman! Twenjty-two Mr. Harry Lash, of Philadelphia, is years ago there were only "216 Jewish'farmers in the 'entire the guest of Mr. Dave Davidson. . United States, with a total acreage-of 12,029. Today, the Jewish -farm population is over 60,000! And these Jews (take careful1 Mrs. Lew Polsky entertained twennote, Mr. Ford and other Jew-baiters) these Jews are actually ty guests at a bridge-luncheon at the producing crops on more" than 1,000,000 acres of farm land (not Lincolnshire" Saturday, complimenstore space acreage) and the rear estate and personal value of tary to her sister/ Mrs. Edw. Woolf, these holdings are over $100,000,000! Is the Jew a "producer" ? of Milwaukee. High scores were won The work of the Jewish Agricultural Society is probably unby Mrs. Morris Polsky and Miss Rose , known to most Jews. It maintains bureaus that furnish experts Poska. Mrs. Woolf, who has been ^to help the Jewish farmer in. the selection of farm acreage, and honor guest at a number of affairs that gives service in every conceivable branch of farming. It during her visit in Lincoln, returned sends Jewish boys and girls to the best agricultural schools and to her home Wednesday. colleges in the country. It helps install the latest sanitary appliances on the farm. It lends money to farmers to move • their crops. It aims to bring the conveniences and luxuries of DUE TO ILL HEALTH— city life to the pld-time monotony and. drudgery of the farm. Must sell Clothing Store It is in short applying intelligence and business common • sense t 0 d r y # : . ROASTED WALNUTS. in a good location. Will to agriculture,with the end in view of making the Jews' original Bake in Hot overt until shells look brown. These added to sacramental - industry the most valuable to the world. • ; amount to about $2,500. The Jew in America need never apologize for his existence, I wines will be found delicious. Will accept part cash ' 'A great many Jews, ignorant of contemporary Jewish achievenow in their new'home at 804 Comarid balance ori terms ly installments. This is an outstand^nient, have a tendency to mouth the silly accusations of oUr demercial Avenue. ing feature of pre-war days. with good security. —• tractors. Here are facts that might bolster up the weak spines "I not only complete the house £ ">f many lukewarm Jews. They prove that the Jew is a producer. Address: Jewish Press, The regular meeting of the Resh ready for occupancy" says Mr. Shos£ '.—Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle. Box 210, INTOLERANCE Speaking to a bible class in a Baptist church in Washn tthhee president iis a BaptistPresident ^6TOo a1 — Baptist-r-President Harding? Harding; said fsome wise arid timely things last nighi. * *"""And'-the wisest and timeliest thing he said was this: "In. the experience of a. year in tiie presidency. these. has. •to me ho other such unwelcome impression as the manifest '^religious intolerance which exists among many of our citizens. " I hold 5t ;o be a menace to the very liberties we boast and ~>-\ erish." It makes no difference whence it comes, who nourishes it, ; how misguidedly sincere they niay.be,.or;vvho or whatits bbjectj ^-religious intolerance is. a serp°nt in our Eden, and the thing to do with a serpent is to crus.hj its head. Those who work, with whatever self-applauded-motives,, to r .'divide Americans on religious lines, to deepen the abyss between L those who hold varying creeds, to encourage men to hate and - suspect each other because by the accident of birth they adhere i' to different religious sects, are working to undermine American [ liberties and to shatter the unity on which the success of America as an experiment in free government depends. The most hateful thing in America is the spirit that leads men to distrust each other because their creeds are not the same. It is un-American, it is uri-Christian, it is a baneful and sinister '•.influence against which every thinking American will set his face like flint.—Duluth Herald.

Mr. Barney Baron has, returned from New York, where he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baron.

tained the evening club at their home Mrs. Ben Polsky was hostess at a Sunday evening. bridge-luncheon Tuesday when she entertained the members of the Entre The Blossoms of Zion club will Nous Bridge Club, Mrs. Louis Siegel, hold its regular meeting Sunday of F.lbow Lake, Minnesota, and Mrs. afternoon. Edward Woolf, of Milwaukee, were the out of town guests. Mrs. J. Ungar and son Leo are visiting in Colorado. Mr. Louis Orloff, formerly of Lincoln, died at his home in Grand Island, Nebraska, Thursday, March 30. The burial took place in Lincoin A regular meeting of the Junior Friday. Mr. Orloff is survived by h.;; Young Judeans was held Sunday, wife and seven children. March 26, under the leadership of Miss Mae Shapiro, at the home of Miss Anna Letween. An election of officers was held, and the following were elected: Bertha Barny, presiThe Ivre club held its regular dent; Sarah Hill, vice-president; Bes- meeting Sunday last at the Hebrew sie Finkelsteein, secretary; Anna Let- Institute. ween .treasurer; Lena Shapiro, reporter. The following program commitDr. A. M. Helfgott has been aptee was appointed: Hilda Gestein and pointed City Physician for a period Celia Marx. of two years. The club is rehearsing the play "Joseph and His Brethern" which will Miss Rath Galinsky has returned to be given soon. the Chicago University after having spent a week's vacation with her Mrs. Louis Siegel, and two sons, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Galinsky. of Elbow Lake, Minn., who have been spending the winter in Los Angeles, are the guests of Mrs. Siegel's sister, Mrs. "M. Perlman, and Mr. Perlman.


Tel. Webster 2224


Mr. and Mrs. S. Kesselman are


FOR RENT—A furnished room in West Farnam district. Address: Jewish Press, Box 96.


Phone AT lantic 3160.

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AT 284 NORTH 16TH STREET. We carry a complete line of Builders Hardware and Paints. A special price on all dishes before "Pasach" passover*



.AGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 19SS • ENGAGED. Mr. and Mrs. L Berkowitz announce the engagement of Miss Annette Pizer, formerly of Damatler, Alabama, to Mr. Reuben Brown, stfn of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, of Council Bluffs, la.

The ,.ts of 'nt a automobile hike is being palaned for Center. A special Passover program Sunday, April 9. Charles Schlaifer is being planned for Sunday, April evue »i and Isadore Gerelick were admitted 16. .... . tores. into the club. All boys between the S t a t e m e n t *f o:w n e r s h i p , nuinngement,' ages of twelve and fifteen are wel-circulation, iulati t o i h l'ressf etc., off th the JJewish " weekly tit Omnhn, Nt come to attend the next meeting published required by Act of Con press of __... which will be held April 23, at the 24. 31*12. Editor. S. 11. Kehaefer: Mnnnm>r.rpo8e S. H. Scbaefer: IMililiBhers. Th<> Jewfsh 4 C_^_ Jewish Community Center. l'ress I'ulilishliic Co., Omnhn. Nebmska^'"'^

City will leeave Sunday after several prizes were won by the Misc:s Dorweeks' stay with Mr. and Mrs. D. othy Singer and Marion Cohen. The next meeting will be held at the hornet Green. of Miss Mollye Saltzman at Council The Priscilla club'will be enter- Bluffs, la.' tained this afternoon at the home qf Mrs. Sam Rosenberg. YM AND YWHA NEWS.

ter next Monday afternoon at 4:0© o'clock. Following are the officers of the club: Dave Greenberg, president; Louis Bartman, vice-president; William Greenberg, secretary; Harry Rich, treasurer; Fred Levine, sergeant-atIJiss Leola Hams left Tuesday The next Association dance will be arms. Miss Selma Newman of Chicago is evening for Kansas City to remain Owwers: N. P. Fell, Harry l,npMw», Harryfl At the open meeting of tke Omaha the guest of her sister, Mrs. David held a week from Saturday, April 15, Harry Wolf, Hermnn A«er-^ a week. ,* A meeting of the Hertzl Girls was •Mnlnshoclf, Junior Hadassah held last night at Cohen. She will remain for several at the Jewish Community Center. An bach, Morris Levy. W. L. HolssmHii. 1'hlltp YOUNG JUDEAE NEWS. Mi»r, H. H. Zinimiin. Snul I^vy. Sum held Sunday, April 2, at the Jewish the Jewish Community Center, 'the weeks. innovation at the Association dances l>on, N. S. Tnffe nntf Henry Monsk; At the regular monthly meeting of Community Center. Plans were made Omaha, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Malashock enNebrnsks. Known bondholder following program numbers were will be that of members extending the Young Judeae Council Saturday, mortgagees, nnd other security holders tertained twenty guests at dinner at Mrs. Dolly Elgutter will entertain formal invitations to their friends to April 1, it was determined hereafter for the Passover party which will be holdinK 1 per cent or more of totat given:" A reading by Miss Hadier; their home Sunday evening. amount of bonds, mortjnteps. on other a song and dance number by - the this evening from 7 to 10 at a birth- attend. Printed invitations for this to discuss various phases of Zionism. given an Sunday, April 16, at the securities: None. Subscribed lieforo me home of Miss Jeanette Katzberg. • his 3)th day of Mnrch. 1»22. <Se«l.) Misses Esther Coh^n and Ida Tenenday dancing party in honor of her Morton Alpirn returned to the Unipurpose may be secured at the office At the next meeting on Saturday, J. H. Kosenstock, Notary Public. (^y versity of Minnesota Saturday eve- baum; a solo dance by Miss Gertrude daughter, Kathryn. Ten little boys of the Association. April 29, Mr. Ben Kubby and Miss The Hatikvoh girls held a meeting cominiggiOB 'expires January 1, 102S.) ning after spending a week with his Wintroub. The speaker of the even- and girls have been invited. Lillian Rubenstein will talk on the Sunday *at the Jewish Community An art club for boys and girls from Jewish National Fund. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirn. ing was professor Nathan Bernstein, Center. Several recitations •were Mrs. Carl Studna of Kansas City is 10 to 14 which meets on Wednesday FOR RENT—Two furnishwho talked on "The Responsibility of given by Rose Kaplan. The next visiting with her parents, Mr. and afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, has been Mrs. C S. Adelman, of Des Moines, the Jewish Women". ed light housekeeping The Young Judeae Senior Club meeting will take place on Sunday, Mrs. D. Blumenthal. She will remain organized. Miss Lillian Rubenstein, formerly Miss Belle Levey, of this rooms to a couple with$100 has been sent to Palestine will install officers at its regular April 16. city, will arrive today to visit with for the maintenance of the orphan until after Passover. Mr. Studna a student in the Art Department of meeting Sunday, April 9, at the Jewout children. Phone: U n } v e r s i t y o f Qmaha, is leader. her sister, Mrs. Harry Silverman, and Lea Dassah, adopted by the Junior will arrive Sunday to spend the. Market 3317. The Flowers of Zion met Sunday, ish Community Center. A social proPassover holidays here. Mr. Silverman. She will remain for Hadassah. April 2, at the Jewish Community gram has been arranged. At the bi-monthly meeting of the 4 three weeks. Mrs. Adelman recently Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bernstein, who Association held Monday night, a won the first prize of a $100 elecA regualr meeting of the B'nai Miss Anne Selicow and Miss Iva left several weeks ago for the South, trical wash machine in a lemon pie Siegal have recently established the are now in Houston, Tex. They were reading was given by Miss Rose Kap- Zion was held Sunday at the Jewish contest held by the Des Moines Reg- AAA Duplicating Co. at SOI Peters at Hot Springs, Ark., prior to going lan, and the Misses Blanche Altaian Community Center. An athletic comand Yerda Jacobsen gave several mu- mittee consisting of Philip Mandel, ister and Tribune. Three thousand Trust Building. to Houston. sical recitations. The program was Albert Batt, Herschel Soskin, and women participateed in the contest. Both young women are very active followed by a parliamentary drill. Mr. Nathan E. Green left this afterCharles Schlaifer, was appointed. An Mrs. A M. Lesser, who has been in Jewish social circles, Miss Si>gal noon for Des Moines, la., on a busiThe YMHA baseball team will pracvisiting with her daughter, Mrs. Hen- being vice-president and Miss Relicow ness trip. tice Sunday morning at 32nd and ry Monsky, and Mr. Monsky, has re- being secretary of the joint clubs of Mrs. Rubin Ferer, who recently un- Dewey diamonds. turned to. her home in San Fran- the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. as well a6 holding offices in various other or- derwent an operation at the Methcisco. The following officers were elected ganizations. odist Hospital, returned home last at the meeting of the Progresse Club Mesdames Julius and- Joe RosenMiss Selicow is an honor graduate Monday. held Sunday: Hyman Rubenstein, feld will entertain Saturday at of the High School of Commerce, FIRST CLASS WORK. president, John Beber, vice-president; Edwin Katskee, Harry Ravitz, Louluncheon, at the home of Mrs. Julius Miss Siegal was formerly in business REASONABLE PRICES. Joe Freeman, secretary; Jos. lintzis Somberg, Meyer Beber, Edwin LevRosenfeld. with her father. man, reporter; and Wmt Raduziner, Many prominent Jewish women, inson, Abe Goldenbe-g and Harry Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun with Mrs. Dave Feder as the leader, Mendelson left Sunday evening for sergeant-at-arms. Members of the club will take a returned Saturday from a visit to are taking active part in the Mem-Lincoln to continue their studies at J. RICKLIN California. bership Drive for the visiting Nurse the Nebraska University after spend- hike Sunday morning, starting from •Call Webster 6270 ing their spring vacation here with the Jewish Community Center at 8:00 Mr. and Mrs. J. Luttbeg and son Association that is being conducted o'clock. their parents. left Sunday for Glenwood, la., where this week. Many times each day operators are asked Under the motto "We aim' to exthey will make their future home. Miss Anne Keiser entertained for Mrs. Morris Cohen entertained at a cel in all sports" the YMHA Athto "wait a moment" while same subscriber looks the "L. T." club last Sunday at the A son was horn last Wednesday to farewell party Wednesday afternoon Hotel Ebyal. Prises v.ere won by the letes, a Y club for boys from 10 to up a number. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Saltssman. Mrs. at her home in honor of Mrs. Morris Misses Ida Shapiro and Anne Keiser. 13 years, was formed last Monday. Saltzman was formerly Miss Dorrett Reslaw, who left for Denver, Colora- Miss Nettie Abrams entertained at a Boys wishing to join can do so by apSeveral of these little delays added together do. The afternoon was spent in playAdler. ! ing whist. Prizes were won by Mes-prcvio-.-3 n:-:'ing at Phelps Hut where plying at the Jewish Community Cen•low up the service for everyone. Mr. Sam Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and dames Joe Cohn, D, Fleischman, and STARTING SATURDAY Mrs. Rosenblatt, who was operated J. Meitres. The number should always be looked up in on for appendicitis last Monday, is rethe telephone directory before taking the Mr. Loyal Cohn returned yesterday covering. receiver off the hook. after a two weeks stay in New York . . . front • • • Mrs. Toby Jacobs and Miss Sophia City. Fayman have returned from St. JoThe proper use of the telephone by the «ub- h Prizes were won by Mrs. H. S. Noseph, Mo., where they were called by Bcriber helps the operators to do better work. <Jierdeath~of-thelr nrotfcer,- Mrs. Dora rvjtsky. and Miss Stella Trochtenberg STARTING WEDNESDAY Saturday afternoon when Miss Sylvia Fayman. , Levy was hostess to the members of Pauline Frederick in Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stein enter- the Ra Oth Society at Phelps Hut. NORTHWESTERN B II. PHONE COMPANY tained two tables of Bridge at their 1 Mrs. Sol Bergman entertained for in . home Friday evening. >ut of town visitors at a luncheon - Mis. M- Solomon returns Saturday Monday afternoon at the Athletic *from a visit to Cleveland and Chica- club, followed by an Orpheum party; Fourteen guests were present. go.

Social, Club arid Religious Activities

Paperhai$ia$, Plating isd Vtnishiag

Repahng Plaster Work




-One Week-



A Photoplay of Delight


"Genoa and Reconstruction" will be Miss Sophia Fayman has moved • from, the Morris apartments to take Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon subject for Friday evening. On Saturan apartment at the Blackstone. day morning his subject will be "The ? Miss Estelle Lapidus left Monday Fire on the Altar." • for Rockford College after spending a Mr. Isidor Ziegler has returned f week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.from a business trip to New York -Harry Lapidus. She was extensively and Washington. entertained while here. "The Flappers" entertained Wednesday, March 29, at the home of PauMrs. I. Kulakofsky, formerly of ine Selicow, in honor of/Messrs. Lou;, Sioux City, will entertain at her is Somberg, Harry Ravitz, Edwin ^home this evening in honor of her Katskee, Mike Stein, Abe Goldenberg ' daughter, Bernice, and the latter's and Millard Krasne, who are homa .guests; Gertrude' Blank, who are at- for their spring vacation. tending school in Siouc City, Eight Miss Bertha Dworkowitz of Kansas couples will be present. The Ru-Na Club entertained at an JOrpheum party Sunday afternoon v followed b y a tea in honor of Miss "'•Sarah Passovay, who left Monday .with her family for San Jose, California, to make her future home. Miss Passayoy v^rt« presented with a beautiful loving cup, a gift from the club j . fof fihe' active' part she took in its • affairs. { Two hundred children were present t Saturday afternoon at the Jewish 1 Community Center to witness the Jplaylet "Cinderella" presented by the '^dramatic gr^oup of the Long School '^vocational classes. The play was -written by Miss Esther P. Newman. ' The-playlet will.be repeated on the mornings Ijof Saturday, April 15 and .jApril 22;-at the Muse theater/for the "jbenefit of the pupils of those schools 'where the vocational calsses are held, land for the various local organiza:±ions. The- seating capacity of the '.theater makes it impossible for all /public school children to attend. jMayc* Jas. C. Dahlman will deliver ^short talks at both performances. 1 The purpose of the vocational ^classes in the public schools, which *have been sponsored by the Jewish ^Women's Welfare Organization ,is to i instill in the children the ideal of ?r service and the sharing of pleasure, >6ne with another. H»Sn2:nJH::SS5nsaKn:::-»S:-l::H;U:i::Si?S

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qf The Jewish Press r





German Anti-Semitism: Its Flow and Ebb

UNION FUEL COMPANY > Office 209 South 18tb Street

TelephoneJackson 0268



^ • i


The Harry A. Koch Co.


Industrial and AntomiitlTe.: Ma<-hlnlmt«. Carburetor and. Ignition Repalru. Starter Rlnr. ^rara ft>r( AHtn.FI Wl 417 Sooth Mth Street. ; ; Telephone: Jiu&Mm S5M

INVESTMENT SECURITIES they were called upon to advise him their exploitation of anti-Semitism in (Coiacluded from last week.) First National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0360. Bismarck \yas in his younger days in various specified directions. Among exerting any influence on the broad masses of the people. The masses these Jews was Ratftenau, the father -undeniably an anti-Semite. That was 14i5'BBUfft»* St. T d . Jackion S i l l in accordance with the traditions of of Walter Rathenau, who has recent- of the people are far too enlightened the ' circles among, whom he was ly been conducting 'negotiations in and educated and the working-class Y o u r position is with the masses, in particular, have in the -'brought up. But I do* not believe that London, Paris and Cannes : DAVENRORT DOUGHNUT he adhered in his maturer years to leading politicians of the Allied coun- Social Democratic Party and the correct, and should the convictions of his anti-Semitic tries. There was also James Simon, trade union movement become too be s u p p o r t e d by BRAND UNDERTAKERS BISMARCK8, CAKE AND 8TCAB youth.. There |s no deubt at all in who took a leading part in the work well disciplined politically, not to DOTJGHJiClrS-• OUB* SPECIAI/TT. every fair minded recognise that anti-Semitism is what of excavation in the Euphrates and MOVED TO my mind that Bismarck in his later We Deliver the Real Goods. person. periods . regarded anti-Semitism as Tigris districts, and in Egypt, Max the Austrian Parliamentary Deputy S32« CUMING STBEET. Phone Webster 0M8 sterile and politically degenerate. He Warburg in Hamburg, brother of the Pernersdorfer, that spirited orator, made not the slightest attempt to Warburgs who attained to impor- has defined in the following words: incorporate. anti-Semitism in the "Con- \ tant positions in the United States, "Anti-Semitism is socialism for . ADVO COEFEE stitiition. On the other hand, I know- and aboVe all, Albert Ballin, the di- fools." Actually, anti-Semitism is ... of... WHOLESALE GROCERS of a whole series of utterances of his^. recting head of the Hamburg-Ameri- the bait with which the reaction in ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS Hoffmann FuneraJ Home. Phone Jackson 1302 which demonstrate that he considered ka shipping line, the creator of the Germany had ever strived to win the proposals of the anti-Semites as great Hamburg shipping trade which the masses. They have never entireimpossible. In his distinctive youth- he succeeded in bringing to a re- ly succeeded and in the German Republic of our day they will assuredly ful and , impressive manner he used markably flourishing state. not succeed. to say:, "The anti-Semites think of Ballin beyond all others, and alone REMEMBER Visit Our the Jews as vermin on the German among them all, it must be said, had . There is a new flow of anti-SemV£11I\IIA IlHvi VH (PALMER GRADUATE) body. That in itself is bad zoology. the opportunity of exercising political itism perceptible at the present " But when we come to the means by influence on Wilhelm II. Ballin was moment. The reaction knows that Phone Jackson 3072 Second Floor. Elks' Building. Do away with drudgery and make which they want to rid Germany of wise, rich in experience and at the its decisive hour has come. The Rehouse-work a pleasure by the use this vermin, we find that their ver- same time, immensely tactful in poli- public is fortifying itself. And if With l o u r Order for. of modern electrical appliances'' min powder is thoroughly useless. tical affairs. A book which has re- France does not push Germany into HOLCOMB ANYTHING What. Minister can do anything with cently beeen published on his life chaos by a Chauvinistic and reacThe "Electric Shop" is on the FOOD CHEMICAL IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric buildsuch, proposals?" j shows that Ballin made strenuous ef- tionary policy, if the enlightened PRODUCTS CO., INC. ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PAPER LINE Bismarck's insight, however, in re- ( forts to bring about a timely ap- world and the enlightened French and Farnam streets. Manufacturers of FOODS AND CHEMICALS. gard to the anti-Semitic agitation did ;proachment with Britain, which people know how to prevent su- h a ST. 1112 FLAVORING EXTKACTS. not deter him from making full use \would have obviated what was for catastrophe, Germany will speedily v ^,y»z,; >;/ THE BEST Phone Doogio* 6400 018 N. Iflfb St. Phone Atlantic 49G4 Europe and also for the United bring her progressive Constitution to of the. anti-Semites for his political purposes. He used the anti-Semitic States, economically at least, a dis- absolute realization, and before long, I movement in order to cause an inter- astrous war. When the war did Germany will be an exceptionally NORTHWEST READY I nal conflict in the ranks of the Rad- break out, Ballin strove to bring it progressive modern state in which SKINNER ROOFING CO. BAKING COMPANY ical parties with a view to weakening to a speedy end, on conditions anti-Semitism will have been reduced old shiTijrlrs. Ready Boofinjr over „,•» oouc.LAS.-iee? them. He furthered the developments honourable to all sides, and able to to inssignific Also asphalt ^hlnples ond bu!Kl-«p roofs. Fire resisting and durable. assure the prosperity of the millions which eventually drove Eduard LasAll wort guaranteed. Easy terms. ker and Ludwig Bamberger out of the J who were caught up in the whirl-.- STJEJI&ER ELECTRIC Phone name?• 2574 Art Among Jews Ortli-e »nd WurelioOBe: 'A133 Leavenwortb K National Liberal Party, and mqde the Jwind of death. The military circles MEATCHOPPER Party completely subversive to hi? jaround Wilhelm II. knew how to (Continued from page 1) A N D COFFEE MJLL. will, so that it became a vehicle of, render his efforts innocuous and em Europe. Moses Ezekiel, the high- i the reaction, and even to a certain j made it impossible for Ballin to in- ly gifted sculptor, has gained a great • "USED SCALES: OF ALL extent amenable to. anti-Semitic influ-1 fluence the Emperor to act in the name for himself in America. MA N CFACTCRERS. MAKES FOR SALE. ! MEY-MER-CO. Brand ence. Anti-Semitism raised its head j interests of humanity, and thus the - In Australia, Isidor Kaufman, who , BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 510 South 10^h Street. Beverages and Syrups. again boldly in Germany when the ,world was given a'' place which is died recently achieved great fame'. Phone Jackson 3332.' SlS-Ki go. i « h hi., Omaha. reaction Condoned by Bismarck be-1 disastrous both to ''victors and van- with his masterly, deeply felt and rbone Atlantic S8#B quished. The victors are suffering, came anew a power in the land. lovingly executed pictures of Jewish Iten so are the vanquished. This is what Anti-Semites Remain Powerless. life. The most important and most! "SAY- IT WITH mJ O W K B I S " Biscuit Co. At that period, the spokesmen oi ' Albert Ballin forsesaw, but luckily popular portrait painter of Vienna' and buy them at LOW vulgar anti-Semitism in Germany did not live to see. was Leopold Horowitz. Jehuda Eu- j SNOW WHITE 1 were the Court Chaplain Stoecker, All that the name ROGERS We will return to tracing the poli- stein in Vienna is an exceptionally , • BAKERIES implies. '. ,wh6 . sought to spread anti-Jewish . tical development of Germany and strong talent in the. sphere of color, 319 SauitH \6tti Street. (Re*, r . S. Tat. ' feeling in the circles around the Em- j the future of the German race. Office.) Phone" W)UKlaa "3490. «• and'his coloristic powers have evoked ; 916 X. I6th St. Douglas 6SS7 ! <„ ' V*' £ x 1 peror \yilhelm I, and the Rector Ahi-j •The Present Status of the Jewstremendous applause for his work. In wardt, who worked together with j The Empire collapsed, the Repub- .Vienna, too, there is the important i 8UNDUKEV8 !,•.> Stoecker to inflame the wildest in-; lic was proclaimed, and the new sculptress, Therese Feodorovna Riess, ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Home M stiricts of the mob. At the time,! German Constitution can again be who came originally from Russia and APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Ambulance Service PIES andCOOKIES these closely related and conscience-1 characterized as thg most progressive is known particularly by her lifelike Equipped with Pnlmotor. Grander* Electric Co. Made by Sealed in Sanitary Waxed less agitators—and they had a goodly in the world. All German citizens, portrait busts of prominent members All Calls Answered Promptly. DEPENDABLE El.ECTBICAIi Wrapper »t tour GTorer. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST .lumber of foHowers—caused a series' male and female, over the age of of the Austrian aristocracy. In ZakMEKCHAXDISE. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN ; FOOD CO. i, Sunder en Pie Baking Co. 1SU Howard St. Fhone Atlantic 0SS1 ! of heated, political struggles in Ger-' twenty, have the right to vote. opane, in the Carpathian mountains j ftth and Htckory. . Atlantic' SS41 OMAHA, NEBBASKA. ' many which threatened, indeed, the' There is no restriction or disability, in Galicia, we have the Polish painter. ! 3411 Farnam St. Tbona Harney 0392 j eqdality of the Jews under the Con- not even the slightest, in operation Abrahan^Jeumann, -who has made a ' j stitution, but the anti-Semites were against the Jews. This time the speciality of snoV-covered landscape. ' \ AmeHcan : never able to overthrow the Constitu- provisions of the Constitution have The great contingent of Jewish artCarpenter Pappr Co. WHOLESALE Wet Wash Laundry tion in regard to 'he c'.ebts of the not remained a dead letter, the 'Con- ists, however, has been contributed by j Distributors of Druggists and Stationers Jews. 2808 Cuming. Harney 0881 stitution of the German Republic is Russia, the most distinctive and al-' Western Bond-^-and High Grade 401-JP2-1OS South lOlli , . One Day Service. No Extra a living fact. Irrthe short period most inexhaustible reservoir of the; Wilhelm I; who always strove to Stationery Charges. Vftefihite Soft Water. that the new German Constitution Jewish spirit. The greatest sculptor : attach to himself Bismarck's genius OMAHA, JfEBBASEA. and will power, allowed considerable has been in operation, Jews have at- in that country was Marc Antokolski,! Why Buy Tin? • latitude to the anti-Semitic move- tained to practically all positions in the Ghetto boy of Wilna. LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. ment, and Bismarck used It for hh the State. They have been and are A special place in the history of art ! PAXTON-MITCHELLCO. I In Active Practice Since 1BI0.' SAVBS VOV MONEY. own ends. Rut neither'the one jvr Ministers, Secretaries of State and must be reserved for Isaak Levitan, ' 27th and Martha 6U. Harney 166* ' Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze, AlnmiMrD-STATES WHOLESALE the" other openly support^'! anti-Se- Ambassadors, and what is most sig-J the greatest landscape painter of Rus- | Dr. Frances H. Turner num and Soft Gray Iron Castings. • GROCERS Office: Bratiilel* Theatre Building. mitism. Neither did they allow them- nificant, the Constitution itself, which sia, who died prematurely young, and j Von are assured of soft castings, as ' 17th »nd Douglas Streets. 1117-19 Dodge St. JarUson 3873 •we machine some from' every Beat In has put an end to all sorts of preju- who in his wonderfully emotional and j selves, to be fofed into severing their Pbone Atlantic 3838 our own shop. Standard size east iron dices and iray be regarded as the color-glowing paintings revealed the I connection with Jews. bushings In stock. . : t ) The .man who had charge of the creation of far-seeing and wisej soul of Russian landscape as no other ; TIRES—TCWES—ACCESSORIES ' MAX OLSEN & CO. private fortune of Wilhelm I was the statesmanship, was drafted, defended painter has done before or after him. j ' Wholesale rift<tr>hntoro (or -Jewish, banker, Baron Morilz von and eventually carried into effect, by SCHMIDT'S Up till only a short while ago we j We carry a complete line ot new OCR TREATMENT W l l . l . Malta, Select, Bock. Ginger ; Cohn, to whom the Emperor retained a Jew the then Minister Professor -had as professor in the School of Art I ring pears, pinions, axle shafts and CONVINCE YOC OF OCR springs for Hlmost any make of car. unshakeabie attachment during the Dr. Hugo Preuss. Ale, Hires Root Beer SINCERITY. in Moscow one of the greatest per- | 31. D. BTCHMAN. Mapper. Office and Wureiiouno: WI1 80. Main St. J whole of his life, right up to the day Truwt Department. That the power of the reactiona- trait painters of Russia, Leonid Pas- j tSts-lSSO YFeKt Broadway, Telephone 142 Safety Deposit Bnses. COO'CIZ. B t P F f S . 1OTTA. of his death. And the private for- ries in Germany has not entirely ternak. Among his portraits, which j COt/NC'II. B&PF1T&- IOWA. PHONE 444. ; tune of Prince Bismarck was m the gone is obvious. There is still to- belong to the finest in modern por-! ( h a n d s of the Jewish banker, Qerson day a reactionary party in Germany traiture, are those of the Hebrew j — - RATES —— von Bleichroeder. Onliitia OH(<«: 813 DatiKt&s Street, and in the Constituent States, and as Bialik and Frischmann. \ Omahn Plione Atlantis 2330 for space on this Special | j It was of course highly incon- always, the reactionary party comes poets, Leopold Pilichowsky, whose native | Page given on -.-application. ' vehient for the purposes of anti- before the people with a revival of place is Lodz, and who is now resi-i. Ford'Tranoier & Storage Co. R. A. FORD. ; 3i. l6tU St. SemUism, that these two Jews stood anti-Semitism. The reactionary pro- dent in London, has given us pictures ' Branches at Central Market, I'rpsident and General Ma tin per. JE WISH PRESS I,. so,near to the person of the German gramme ojf this party, which is di- born of rejil Jewish feeling, of the } T»ble Snpply and Food Center. Council HI u IT a <Io\va) Office t 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 4' Emperor and of Germany's political rected against the interests of the 934 So. Main Street. Phone 86? life of the Jews in the small towns • ^ chief. ' Despite all their efforts, how- common people, .is to be made ac- of .Poland.* An important true Jew{ever, the anti-Semites \rere unable ceptable, if not to the people, at ish artist was the unforgettable Sam-! CLEAN LfNEN An Irienl Washing Combination. to destroy the confidence of the Em-,least to the mob, ~by means of the uel- Hirschenberg, whose appealing j Krery tnonnnir Estes Laundry Tablets If TOD pall the pefor and the Chancellor in their two infusion of anti-Semitism. Anti- painting, "Golus," depicting a proces- j . . . n-Uh ,.. trusted financial advisers. When Bis- Semitism has beeen and is the cloak sion 'of Jews wandering through a! Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Estcs Soap Chips Frontier Towel Supply marck was once asked by the raac- under which the reaction seeks to waste of snow, is known throughout and 1S15 California Street. N. W. Cor. Eleventh-aid Reward Sts. QMM, NEF. tioharies<! to see that Baron von Cohn hide its anti-popular policy. Phone DonirlttK 639! Water Softener (Combined) the world. To serve his people he'i should be withdra\\T\ from the ImAt an Grocers. The Future. went to the Bezalel School in Jerusa- J perial Service, he replied in his char- It is highly improbable that the lem to act as teacher. He exerted a I OUH-NKW LOCATION ;acteristjcally blunt fashion: "Leave reactionary forces will succeed by great.deal of^artistie influence there, j Coro<T l'Jtl> unit UutieliiH Street*. You will like Call Atlantic 2364 Sherman Mercantile Co. it alone! Cohn is;one of the best Masonic Temple llltlc. but died after a short while. . \ . . . for... • Our |.)iie Wholesale Grwer* HpeelHltle* Jiorscs..j^i .the. Imperial' stable and I could ^extend; the list of leading .BALDWIN. EM'INr,TUrN.*flAMH/rnN, 1311 Cnmlne St. I'hone Atlantic 12 His Majesty "wjll certainly not sacri•: HOWAHU UrUlGiriS, CiTCAXPS, CHEESE-BUTTERBUTTERMILK Jewish pajnters and sculptors indefiP l ^ T E l t PIANOS. -- ' DISTRIBUTORS BUTTER * fice it to let the sftiti-Semites have OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. nitely. It would, however, be only SPRAT POOH PRODUCTS. Made by — :- THATCHER PIANO CO. a &am|" with it." M19 C^ralni a%\ ' Omaha. Nrbraxfek. tires6me>as th^re is no means, unforOmaha. I'hone .rwligon SflflS •-•' 'Jhe Ri^h of -Win. II. Kirschbraun & Sons • Innately/of reproducing at the' same TO AND FROM. r '" Whei^ Wilhelm II. ascended the time the works of all those artists. Rates for Space* on throne, he found himself under the ALL PARTS OF I think I. can say that these incomDON'T BUY COAL! Rates for Space on this Special Page r this S p e c i a l Page influencc o f Stoecker. This period^ plete and -by^ tio"? means exhaustive ) O i l , •('•»' SlfCir C'Hh'*«'KK 1 g i v n on application. 1 THE WORLD given pa application.' however, 'in his development, was not LP£ IIf> iJeiimve tbe |>»<>r. rroro lines of mine will have given suffi- j \ Your furnace «n<l insert •* of long duration. He liberated him- VAL. J. PETER & COMPANY cient pro<>f that our ancient race has ! f [SLW&mt on nm BURNER •»«; ttmwirl* RI<it. T«|, .fartmon «3Js self quickly from the influence and 1307 Howard St., Oitt^ha, Neb. borne fruit in a field which was hith-| | surrounded himself unbiassedly with See r»-mo.,*<ri.<i.>., 618 So. IO«h Street. erto closed'-to it and that the aehievd-* i ATlanti<3 0340. 482 Brandeis Building. Tel. Jackson 2872. a number of Jews- He.invited, them nients.Qf Jews in a r t need not fear: | OUR AJ>VfiPTiSB lfaf ' io become - his-, intimate friends' and ltb« severest attics "" •' ^



Leo A. Hoffmann

Groneweg & Schoentgen

McCord-Brady Co.

fRTftftPR A fTftR Ethel Tk a1 Maltfcy, D. C.

The Brinn 6c Jensen Company

'Electric Shop"




Dayton Money WeigHt Scales and Meat Slicers

Never Mercantile Co., Inc.

Baker Ice Machines

Manufactured in Omaha"


Chei&ker Cab •?«••'%•.••'


E. E. Bruce & Co.

Council Staffs Savings Bank

Kid-West Auto Parts Co.




uteamship lickets


Jewish Press




An'optitnist is

one-'who' makes the, t best ,of it .whep he gets the' worst of it.

;V©L>IL—No. 18'

From the mistakes of others a wise man corrects his own.

•: Entered as second-cl* POBtofflee at Omaha,

U matter on January 27th. 1921, at ta. under the Act at Mur^^ 3. 1878.

"Greatest Total Ever Attained In Any Fund-Raising Campaign" Rewards Efforts Of Thousands Of Workers

CONFERENCE PASSES IMPORTANT RESOLUTIONS RELATIVE TO DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS AND ORGANIZATION OF JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE (Special Report to "The Jewish Press.") Amjd the unrestrained enthusiasm 6^700 men and women, leaders of American Jewry, who gathered at Detroit Sunday at the Victory Conference, to hear final results of the $14,000,000 appeal for Jewish war-relief, David A. Brown, national chairman, announced on oversubscription of almost $2,000,000, with estimates of a grand total of $18,116,836, when all states will have finished their campaigns. Among the states which have not yet reached their quotas, Mr. Brown mentioned Nebraska as still short $25,000.00 of its quota. This, according to Mr. Brown, is the greatest total ever attained in any fund-raising campaign ever had in this country. It represents a per capita contribution of $5.80 by the three million Jews of the United States, made during a period of economic depression, as against a per capita of $3.00 in 19171918, and $4.00 in 1919-20, when prosperity was at full tide.




RELATIVITY IN THE MOVIES. Chicago, (J. T. A.) A motion picture film 6,000 feet long, -which will explain Professor Einstein's theory of relativity, has been completed in Germany and will shortly be exhibited in New York and Chicago. This information is conveyed in a wireless and copyrighted dispatch from George Witte, Berlin correspondent of The Chicago Daily News, which is printed in that newspaper to-day. Mr. Witte in his dispatch aays: "Six learned European professors got together and wrote a scenario for a motion picture, that will explain to the world's masses the intricacies of the Einstein theory. With several hundred other persons I saw the movie last night. It will reach New York and Chicago by the end of this month. "The film is 6,000 feet long. Eighteen months were required to get it into shape. It consists mostly of drawings and trick pictures."

Students of Three Local Universities Form Menorah Group

Joint Distribution Committee, and that meetings of the Committee be held in various sections of the country. It was announced at the conference that the People's Relief Committee had co-operated throughout the campaign with the American Jewish Relief and the Central Relief Committees, and that by special consent of the J. D. C, the People's Relief Committee would conduct a million dollar campaign for tools during the month of May. How the Funds Will Be Spent. Distribution of the funds of the present campaign along functional

Creighton, Omaha and Nebraska Medical School to Have Joint Chapter.


Dr. Wise Plan For Rabbinical School Opposed


Sam Beber, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Beber, 3126 Chicago street, Tuesday received the highest honors in the Junior Class of Creighton law school, with a grade of 97 for the semester. Beber has won the highest henors for the last three seInvestigators Find That Hebrew class mesters. Union College is Meeting Fred White, 19. son of Mrs. M. Needs of Situation. White, 1917 Webster street, was also last Tuesday when he rePLAN FOR CO-OPERATION honored ceived the third highest mark in his BETWEEN m&. C. AND class. White is a freshman at the FREE SYN4&0GUE Creighton law school. PROPOSED. Both boys are prominent in Jewish That there is no need for the es- activities. tablishment of another:,, college for the training of Reformed Rabbis in this country, is the finding of an investigation conducted by officers of the Hebrew Union College, at Cincinnati, and continued in a lengthy issue yesterday. The investigation was made following an announcement, last May, by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, of the Free Synagogue of New York, that he- contemplated the establishment of a "Jewish Institute of Religion" for the training of men for the Liberal Jewish Ministry. This college is contemplated as an adjunctof the Free Synagogue of New In March of this year Dr. Wise announced that he would undertake a tour of the country'during April and May to raise funds .for the new college. The report, which has been submitted to Dr. Lee K. Frankel, chairman of the Free Synagogue committee, points out: First, that the Hehrew Unio,n College fulfills all the1, needs of the situation, its training being adequate, its faculty distinguished, its location ideal. .i L econd. the-; Hebrew Union College ',.'_. . , . ... .. .". is now an historical institution; , , •, , , , itsj graduates number over two hundred


Entire Federation Board Votes Against Necessity of Purchase of Children's Sheltering Home Representatives of Community Organizations Agree That There Is No Evident Need For Institution


Two steps,, marking a further development of the local JewPalestine Mandate ish Welfare Federation, were taken by the Board of Directors of the organization, at its meeting last Sunday. Practically every Ratification Urged organization in the city was represented at the meeting. One was the appropriation of the sum of $1,000 for the year By 26 Organizations tion. 1922, to be used in subsidizing Palestinian philanthropic instituNational Jewrish Groups Demand Registration of Palestine Mandate at Geneva Conference. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE JOINS IN APPEAL TO LEAGUE OF NATIONS.

New York. .. (J. C. B.) A resolution urging the approval and registration of the Palestine Mandate at the forthcoming session of the Leagne of Nation* to be held at Geneva, was approved by representatives of Jewish national organizations representing every element in American Jewry, at a conference held on Sunday afternoon at the Hotel Astor, New York city. The resolution adopted calls attention to the fact that as a result of the delay in the ratification of the Mandate, a propaganda of violence 1 "" i " u < l v S a *"" ' obviously aimed at the nullification

The other was a motion, carried unanimously, to disapprove and discourage the establishment a sheltering home for Jewish children, which is now contemplated by the Jewish Sheltering Home Society of this city. This step was taken following a series of meetings between the above-mentioned Society and the Federation, at which the Federation pledged support of the project if the need for the establishment of such a home were proven. The minutes of the Executive Committee of the Federation, on page 2 of this issue, show that no investigation to prove the necessity of a children's sheltering home by its advocates had ever been made, but that despite this they were determined to establish such a home.

Discussion, during the meeting, on eration does, and will provide women the Federation's stand in this matter, who will care for the Children, in disclosed the fact that the Federation their own homes, during such a NATIONAL SOCIETY STIMis now car: g for children in private time." ULATES JEWISH STUDY homes, and was prepared to con- In a letter addressed to Federation AMONG COLLEGE STUtinue caring for them in the same members, Morris Levy, president, DENTS AND GRADurges all subscribers to support the way UATES. "Institutional Life Not Normtl." Federation in its position on this "The placing of children in in- matter, and to prevent the erection of Thirty-two Jewish" young men, all stitutions, taking them away from an institution in Omaha, for which students of the Universities of Oma>. their mothers and from their family there is no evident need. ha and Creighton, and of the College circle, is unfair to the child and to Palestine Institutions Cared For. of Medicine of Nebraska State Unii of the Balfour Declaration, creating the mother", said Harry Lapidus, in The action relative to Palestinian versity, met Sunday afternoon at the I in . _Palestine . the Jewish • , • »National ».. , speaking on the motion. "Mothers' institutions is the last step in the ff Jewish Community Center and organ- occupying. the Vast majority of the Some, has ensued, thereby jeopardiz- pensions are proyidfcd i>y the counties process of forming a complete v Fedized the Omaha chapter of the Inter- leading Jewish pulpits of America; ing the life and. property of Jewish so that widows can keep their child- eration of all Jewish philanthropies ^ ^ , ^Jeijiate, : Menorah , Society. Sam its claim to. tho-H^ttitade of American residents in" Palestine.. . Th.e" rgsplu- ren with them. The new Cleveland in the city, and is in accord with the -"•"' 'Bebfer is temporary president, and Israel is based on achievements not % for Russian relief" . tion expresses the ' earnest hope of Orphan- iflome will be built on the Federation's pledge to its members by a raging,-sea, was presented to 3Ti •Paul Goldstein, temporary secretary. to be set aside easily nor to be dis25% for orphans and child care. American Jewry that the Leajrue of cottage plan, with eight or ten that they Ehall be called upon but him. Cost of the painting was de- 12Vj% for general reconstruction. posed of lightly. f l t l iii ((schools, Both are students at Creighton. 10% for cultural activities Nations at its forthcoming session to children in each cottage, so that even once each year for contributions for frayed b y ' popular subscription universities, etc.). This Society, which has chapters Third, that the Hebrew Union Colr be held at Geneva, will finally ap- children who have no mothers, can Jewish philanthropies. Appeals for >% for medical units. throughout the country. Harry A. •G in 73 colleges in the United States lege represents a large financial in% for refugees and repat riat ion. Wolf, of Omaha, attended the meet- t>%% for administration and general ex- and Canada, and numbers some 5000 vestment in excellently equipped col- prove and register the decision of the get some of the benefits of family Jewish religious, nationalistic and Allied Council announced at San life and family training. Further, fraternal activities, and war relief, ing and banquet, representing the pense. Jewish university men and women, lege buildings, an unequalled library, Chairman Brown, whose unfailing Remo, conferring on Great Britain there is not one mother in the city are not included in the scope of the state of Nebraska. has for its purpose the promotion of and that it would soon have a dorwho would not rather have her Federation's work. An outstanding feature of the persistence during the campaign was Jewish cultural ideals, and the mitory. All of these are necessary the Mandate over Palestine: This applies The resolution which wnfl children in their own home, even especially to the Keren Hayesod and meeting was an address by Louis one of the great factors in its stimulation of study and research features of a college, and are the re- unanimously has the nnprovnl of rhr national JewSsh orenniznrions: though she was forced to be away Zionist appeals. Marshall, of New York, in which he success, announced that, contrary to along lines of Jewish lore and Jewish sults of many years of painstaking following * The Amorirain Jewish Committee; 7,lonist urged, that the organization of the general expectation, he would re- ethics. Onrnnir.ation of America; Independent from them through illness, than in The following report of the Federaeffort and immeasurable sacrifice. Onler Urith Abraham; Union of Orthodox an institution of this sort. The Fedgreat comlnunity of American Jews, man in charge of the work until tions activities for March and for Rabbis of the Vnited States and Canada The report concludes with a plan Four Classes of Membership. order Sons of Zion: Mizrachi: Ponle Zion secured during the campaign, be every dollar pledged in the drive had the first quarter of this year, was The Omaha chapter will include for compromise, whereby, if it is es- Progressive Order of the West; Indepen been collected, and that all state and contdnued'for the purpose of promotWestern Stnt : Hnilass:\h given by the superintendent, S. H. three classes of membership: (1) all tablished, the new college would be- dent Order of Knbbinicnl Collece of Amering a greater realization of Jewish local chairmen and committees would university students, as active mem- come an activity of the Union of Faculty Schaef er: ica: Jewish N-tionnl Workers Alliance T Federation of -visa Farmers of Amer cultural life in this country, and that do likewise. Local Relief. vritli, Hebrew Speakinc bers; (2) alumni who had been American Hebrew Congregations, and irn : Histoclrni the machinery of the present drive, Organisation ' America: Independent A total of $1,233.99 -was spent durco-ordinate with the Hebrew Union Menorah members during college, as Onler Rrith Sbolom ; Order Brith -brawith its perfect organization of zone, hamUnited XynneORne of America: Feding the month, and three new dependCollege, and that joint funds for both either active or associate members; eration of Itiiseian Polish Jews: United state and city chairmen and coment families of ten persons were addRoumanian Jews of America: Federation (3) alumni who had not been Men- colleges shall be raised. mittees, be used in future appeals. of Ukrainian Jews: Hebrew Shelterinc Children Will Be Quizzed In All ed. The total number of individuals orah members, and college students and Tmmijrrant A'd Society : Zeire Zion of J. D» C. to Be Enlarged. ^morion • Federation of Baltic and T,ithncared for by this department is 140. who had not graduated, as active In Branches Of Stu anian Jews:- Federation of r>pssnriibi:in Since January 1 a total of $3,910.82 The spirit of friendly rivalry beJews: Federation of Galieisn Jews: Fed members. Honorary membership may Curriculum. eration of Hungarian Jews. has been expended in this work. Spetween New York and Chicago, which Per Capita Contribution of J$240 Is be conferred on any individual who Pledged for Fund. Is COMMUNITY URGED TO BECOME cial Passover allowances totalling became manifest early in the camhas attained distinction by a unPublic Debate on Wine Question $214.00 have been made to our deBETTER ACQUAINTED WITH paign,- was utilized to effect a more SMALL COMMUNITY SECURES animous vote of the Society. I Next Monday Night at the pendent families. representative selection of the perINSTITUTION. It is expected that many local HIGHEST HONORS IN Jewish Community Center. sonell of the members of the Joint .Social Service. . college graduates will affiliate themChildren of the City Talmud Torah STATE DRIVE. "World Theater" a Rare Combination Distribution Committee, which disSeventeen social service cases were selves with the Omaha chapter. The "Resolved, that sacramental wine will participate in a public examinaof Beauty and Comfort. burses thi funds raised for European With a per capita-contribution of next meeting will be held April 25 handled during March, 4 juvenile and is essential and desirable for the tion, Sunday afternoon, April 16, at relief anil which had heretofore been almost $240, the Jews of Grand Island at the Jewish Community. Center. 13 adults. During the first quarter composed, almost entirely of New have responded most nobly to the Permanent officers will be elected. VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTOPLAYS proper observance of the Seder 2:00 o'clock at the Beth Hamidrosh year 27xases have been handled, com- * service", has been chosen as the Hagodel Synagogue, 19th and Burt prising 8 children and 19 adults. No TO BE SHOWN AT POPYorkers. ' As a result of the meeting, Jewish Belief appeal in Nebraska, subject for debate at the next meet- Streets. ULAR PRICES. not only, will Chicago be represented campaign for which is being contin- j J f l d e a c a u b w m One hundred children will take Jewish children • appeared in Juvenile. ing of the YM and YWHA, next h state's ' quota off $$125,000 2000 | on-the J.;D. C, but other sections of ued until the Court during this period. "The Social Anniversary With Pnblic Saturday will witness the opening Monday evening, at the Jewish Com- part in the examination which wil Service Committee twill, take- care of the coilntry will have voice in its is secured. Program Sunday Night of the World Theater, Omaha's new- munity Center. This timely subject be the first of its land held in two the Jewish soldiers stationed. in and managenient. The conference re- Under the leadership of S. N. WohlThe Fairies of Zion will celebrate est vaudeville house. The World has been selected" as appropriate for years. All branches of study will around Omaha for the Passover holicommerified that 25 men, not residents back, chairman, and David Kaufman, of New" York City, be added to the secretary-treasurer, seventeen men in their second anniversary, under the Realty company operators A the Sun, the Passover week. Bess Greenberg be covered. days. ••'.•' ^ In urging the public to attend, the 3 Grand Island have contributed a to- leadership of Miss Mary Maizel Sun- Moon and Muse, have erected and will and Isaac Stemhill are the affirmative Immigrant Aid. "» ' tal of $4,075, securing for their city day evening, April 16, at the Jew- control the World Theater. Harry- debaters, and Lillian Rubenstein and Board of Education of the Talmud ImprefeSive'..'Services at Wise Seventy-]tw6' cases requiring ssf-ist• Goldberg is president, and Sam Gold- John Beber will argue the negative. Torah, of which Rabbi M. N. Taxon ance in helping relatives in Europe Hospital Graduation, April 20; the highest honors in amount raised ish Community Center. Public Invited to Attend. per person thus" far secured in any A Passover Pageant, written by berg, secretary-treasurer, of the Irwin Stalmaster, Max Fromkin and is chairman, makes the following were handled by the office during S. H. Schaefer wiil be judges; I. F. statement: Mrs. Ben Handler, and coached by World Realty company. \ With a class motto of "Character, community of the state. March. During the first three months Miss Maizel, will be presented. LeadEvery effort has oeen expended to Goodman will preside. The public "The object of this public examina of this year, 196 European relief Confidence, Courage, Competence," Following are the contributors: tion is of a dual nature. R. X. "VTohlbnCh ....S2.Doo.oo ing parts are taken by Lillian Ha- make it not only a theater of beauty, is invited • to attend. eight ybung women, the class of 1922, David TTiO.OO Kaufman "First, it tends to encourage th< cases were handled, of which 60 rebler, and Lillian Rosenblatt, with solo but one of comfort and enjoyment as 200.00 Will fcft graduated from the Nurses' 33. A. Nnglestock. quired drafting affidavits, 48 money 200.00 dances by Sarah Jonoff, Ida Tenen- well. The lobby of the new theater First Mother-Daughter Banquet pupils themselves, who give the bes: transportation, and 88 transmission of W. Stern Training School of the Wise Memorial A. 200.00 Ed. WotHmch _ that is in them, and sacrifice the ' 200.00 baum, Helen Janger and Esther is of marble with decorations "f ivory, Great Success; To Be Given Hospital, one week from Thursday, Enill Wohlboch. — Max Greenberger 100.00 periods of recreation in order thai food drafts. blue and gold harmonizing with the Annually. ZZ *SOJ5O\ Cohen. The history of Passover wil J. Bravermaii -April 20. Wise Meihorial Hospital. Max Feinberg they may receive a wholesome re *>•{*> i be told by Dorothy Cohen. Music color scheme of the main auditorium, Graduation exercises will be held at Sam Greenberger This past month the Hospital cared ligious education. It is true enough and is especially equipped to take Sara Hester One hundred apd ten mothers and r>o!oo will be furnished by Libby Kovitz. Tempi* Israel at 7:30, followed by H. Knvitcli 5000 for 12 Jewish charity cases, at a cost that Omaha Jewry through tb care of the crowds conveniently. The ' The program will start at 8:15 daughters attended the banquet at Telt dancinf at the Blackstone Hotel at 9. Oscar 50.00 sharp and everybody is cordially in- spacious foyer is heavily carpeted in the Jewish Community Center last medium of the Jewish Welfare Fed- of $282.55. The total number of JewSol. Zveltel S5.00 At fne Temple, Dr. C. A. Roedter Art Smnckler blue, and marble stairways on either Saturday, given under the auspices eration, is contributing liberally ish charity.'cases cared for 3inceJanr 25.00 vited to attend. Hnrry Smuckler _ and „_... 25.00 and ft h Cohn will pronounce the Wm. Stein.__! : side lead to the .mezzanine and bal- of the Ru-Na Club of fhe YWHA. towards the maintenance of this uary 1 is 27, at a total cost of $820.70. behedidtion-V Dr. O.S. Hoffman will cony promenade above. The auditor- Every one present. voted the affair institution. However, the children Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Dr. Victor Levine» confer the diplomas. There will be WalthM, Neb., Raises $650 ium is ideally designed. Wide, invit- so successful that it will probably demand more than ordinary financial In this field, that of juvenile recreLectures in Alabama. ing and luxuriously upholstered, evety for Jewish Relie.f Appeal Several > mtlsical numbers, including, ation, the past month witnessed a Dr. V. E. Levine, professor at one of the 2,500 seats afforc's a per- be made an annual function. Boys assistance. They are craving for our great amount of activity at the club Six hundred and fifty dollars is reoffcallBolos by Mr. V. C. Bennett, orfrom the YMHA served at the tables. direct interest, or so called human ganisi of:Temple Israel; a vocal solo ported by Walthill, -Neb ,<as its con- Creighton College of Medicine, lias fect view of the stage. rooms, and a steady growth in the Talks were given by Anne Selicow, touch and personal contact. by Harry Disbrow, and a-trio for vio- tribution to the Jewish Belief appeal just returned from a ten day trip ;.o number of boys and girls, and young Bess Handler, MrE.' Harry Lapidus - "Second, this examination affords Arthur Hays of Chicago will be lin, Cello and organ,~-by Miss Helen now being conducted throughout the the south, where he attended tie anmen and women, affiliating themand Mrs. Harry Wolf. Mrs. S. H. patrons and sympathizers of the Somttler, Miss Belle von Mansfelde state. Five Jewish families comprise nual convention of the Ame-iean chief organist at the new show house, Schaef er • responded • to - the toast Talmud Torah an opportunity to ac- selves with the various clubs. Fifty~Walthill's Jewish community and each Chemical Society at Birmingham, Ala. with Ernest Nordin, orchestral directand Mr. Bennett. or. Arthur Frudenfeld, foir.ierly of "Our Girls". - Musical selections were quaint themselves with the. methods five meetings of Y. M. H. A. jrroups, The Board of Trustees of the Wise contributed to the cause. Following Dr. Levine read a paper before thf Council Bluffs, is manager. First run given by Miss-Rose Dubnoff and Miss and the results of the institution. with Ja total .attendance of 1,226, and , convention on Biological Chem-Jlry the contributors: Memorial Hospital cordially invites are ..S 200.00 B. -MandelKtam 'and "Mrs. B. R, Boasberg It will prove that all money expended IB Young Judeae groups, totalling 350JX) and Nutrition. He also addressed the photoplays and vaudeville from the Iva Siegel,H. Bordy 1 the Jhiblic to attend the graduation A: - Breitman. 300.W students and faculty of the University Pantages circuit will be shown. Pop- recited. Miss' Marguerite Rosenberg by the institution is a real investment 640, met daring March. Special fea~. 100.W) exercises and the dancing* at the S. Bordywas toastmistrcssl which renders largest dividends," ular prices will prevail. (Continued on page 2) n«™ , „! ' . „ • M0.0Q C f A l i Blackstone Hotel. ..-

Seventeen Citizens of Grand Island Give $4,075-tojewish Relie!

Lv*. •

leviie" itures. entity Fewish irposft nbers, id, Jo-

Total For Jewish Relie, Be In Excess of S18, "Victory Conference" Is Told

In non-sectarian appeals made during the war, -when enthusiasm and optimism were rife and prosperity was rampant, the largest amount of money ever raised per capita was $1.30. Chief honors were awarded by Mr Brown to North Carolina, whose total of $147,000 represents a per capita of i$50.00 from, every Jewish man, woman and child in the state, •with. Connecticut, which has raised $360,000^00, or two and one-third limes its original quota, ranking second. Brown Given Testimonial. The meeting which lasted all day Sunday was followed by a testimonial dinner to 3Ir.

'•- Th* uts of ent a

Public Examination of Talmud Torah Students This Sunday Afternoon

World Realty Company Builds Fourth Theater Here; Opens Saturday




Published every Thursdaj «t Omaha, Nebraska,"by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Subscription Price, one yearAdvertising rates furnished on application.


NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica-

tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes,


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THE NEXT MAN'S GOD. We who Were Ranked out of whatever rut we happened to be in in 1917 and 1918 and sent to a cantonment and to France ; may have come back with a "cootie or two that wouldn't delouse, \ but we also came back with a broader outlook. We learned, for ; one thing, to respect the religion of the man at our side, whatever it happened.to be. . We may have been Protestants or Cathtolics or Hebrews; it made no difference, and it made no more difference ,to .the chaplain whp was officially handed the job of Being" our spiritual father and brother. •'•••-' The chaplains, in fact, were the exponents of this religious liberalism. Rabbi Lee J. Levinger, one of the twelve Jewish NEW WORLD THEATRE WHICH OPENS SATURDAY. pastors assigned to the A. E. F., and a member of the Legion's ritual committee, in a recent book, "A Jewish Chaplain in This is really a wonderful sight tendance at meetings of groups and who had recently slandered and liFrance," writes this description of the chaplains of the 27th belled both Sir Alfred Mond, Brit- Division assembled in their Quarters, following afternoons spent to-night. We see here before us that organisations. ish Minister of Labor, and the well spirit of home life for which the Talmud Torahs. in burying!soldier dead: known artist Goetz, will be obliged L



Every evening vre gathered about our grate fire and relaxed from.the grim business of the day. If we had allowed ourselves to dwell on it, we would have been incapable of carrying on the workr it. was .so ghastly, so full of pathetic and horrible details. "We sang, played checkers, argued on religion. Imagine us singing the: "Darktown Strutters' Ball," or discussing the fundamental principles of Judaism and Christianity for several hours! The five - of us were all of different creeds—Catholic, Baptist, Christian, Christian Scientist and Jew.

^ One of the members of this group was Father Francis A. Kelly, former National Chaplain of The American Legion. Another passage from Rabbi Levinger's book merits citing In this connection: "" i.

A Catholic priest told us briefly what we should do in case we found a dying Catholic in the hospital or on the field, with no priest at hand. Then I was asked how best the others might minister to a Jewish soldier in extremity. I repeated to them the old Hebrew confession of faith: Shema Yisroel adonoi elohenu adonoi echod, "Hear, Q Israel,, the .Lord is our God, the Lord is One." I told them to lead the boy in reciting it. or if necessary, just to - say it for him, and the next morning when I brought dawn copies :,. 'of - the words I was deeply touched- by their eagerness to , ' know them.

This tolerance, this reciprocal respect for another's, belief, fls spirit of the Legion's spirit. It was.not demobilized, but goes j marching on as the .Legion itself goes marching on to its ;-great destiny. :' .. •x But, unhappily, this spirit is:not universal. .Not all America went to war, "so that not all Americareturned with a broader outlook. Outside the Legion .voices-have been raised in an effort to make the Legion the vehicle for~religious bigotry. Not a single scrap of-evidence, is. available to sUow.that they are befog heeded. Even the most stupid, mongrel finds in time that he is barking up the wrong tree,—American Legion Weekly.

Minutes on the Sheltering Home Question •Resolution adopted, at the meeting of the {Executive Committee 'of'the Jewish Welfare Federation, April 2nd, 1922: ;• > WHEREAS, at a meeting between the Executive Committee of the Jewish Welfare Federation and a committee representing the Jewish Sheltering Home Society* held March 9 the Executive Committee guaranteed to the above-mentioned society that if the latter could prove to the Federation that there were ten children in Omaha who were properly qualified to be admitted into such a Home as the Society contemplated establishing, that the Federation would then undertake the establishment of a sheltering home for Jewish children, said-institution to become an affiliated organization of the Federation', on the same basis as are the other affiliated institutions; and WHEREAS, it was reported to the Federation on March 30, by'. Mrs. S. H. Katz, president of the Jewish Sheltering Home Society, that the membership of the Society at its regular meeting held subsequent to March 9, had voted in favor of the purchase of a building as soon, as possible, without further reference to the proposition made by the Executive Committee of the Federation:; and WHEREAS, this report is this day confirmed by the committee representing the Jewish Sheltering Home Society, meeting in joint session with this Executive .Committee, and .WHEREAS, it is evident that no investigation of the sort contemplated in the original proposition of March 9, has been 'made, BE IT-RESOLVED, that it is . the sense of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Welfare Federation that the" time ; is not opportune for the establishment of a sheltering home for Jewish children in Omaha, and V > '^E;''^.^|^^Bm]R' : ''RESOEyBD f that this Committee go on record as being* opposed to the establishment of such an institution; at this time, and the Jewish community of Omaha be advised to this effect." ; "Hie resolution was unanimously "adopted. At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Welfare Federation, held April 9, the above resolution was upon motion duly made and seconded, unanimously endorsed and "accepted, and its recommendation ordered approved.

"OUR GIRLS' v Delivered by Mrs. ,S. H.~ Schaefer. "-' at the Y. W. H. A. Mother-Daughter Banquet, April S. If I should properly respond to a toast tonight, one of two things should happen: Either this should be a mother-son banquet, and my son should be here or my son should have 1>een a daughter. But we'll consider him a daughter for the time being, and imagine that v

be i" Tn

I don't suppose that any young mothers' can tell what they expect of their children. It is so little a time since they themselves were children that it is. extremely . difficult for them,to project themselves into the future.. It is much easier to think of the past. You will probably hear to-night from women who are more competent than I to speak on what the relationship should be between mothers: and daughters. And some of the girls will tell what they believe to be the proper spirit between daughters and mothers. Let me speak, if I may, just on girls—on Jewish girls.

Jews are so justly famous. We see exemplified that spark of love and adoration of child for mother that has kept the Jewish race alive through centuries of persecution and religious intolerance. I do not mean to imply that in other nations and in other races love between parents and children has not been evident. It would be strange, indeed, if this were so. For the laws of Nature would be violated, and the world could not go on. But the sanctity of the Jewish home has been the subject of countless testimonials to the faith and fidelity of the Jewish daughter and of her Jewish mother. In what has this fidelity consisted ? Certainly in nothing more than in the daughter's following of her mother's instructions and precepts. But times change, and sometimes we wonder if today the mothers are not compelled to follow their daughters example. Certainly in the matter of style this is so. Let us mothers hope that only in the length of our skirts are our daughters having us follow them. Daughters can do no better than to stick to their mothers; to follow them as Ruth followed Naomi. "Whither thou goest, I will go—". As we think of Ruth and Naomi, let us pause for one moment and give thanks to that group of girls who have linked themselves together for mutual benefit, and who have styled themselves with a combination of the two names—Ruth and Naomi — and who have made possible this gathering, the Ru-Na club of the Y. Let us mothers give thanks that there is a YWHA in this city, an association that can foster the spirit we see here tonight—and resolve in all ways to help our girls remain our girls, through tho Y.

Federation Report (Continued from page 1.) tures of the past month were: A Purim program given by the Young Judeae clubs for' the general public, attended by almost 400 persons; the formation, among the young men and women of the Y of a leaders' training group, to promote the spirit of social service work among the members. As a result of this, several new clubs will be organized in April, among them an Art club and a Campfire group for girls. The meetings of the Leaders' Training group are addressed by experts in the field of child recreation and psychology, and the members of the group receive valuable knowledge in these branches. The girls' clubs of the Y. headed by the Ru-Na club, the senior group.have planned a Mother-Daughter banquet for April. This affair will be the fi^ffc of its kind ever given locally by Jewish organizations. ' Since January 1 a total of 205 meetings- of young people's groups have been held,; with an attendance of 4,953. -. The Jewish Community Center. The Center continues-in popularity, and its establishment has done much to centralize Jewish communal activities locally. Thirty-six meetings of adult organizations were held in March, attended by a total of 1,888 people. Notable during March |was the Ed. Simon Memorial meeting, the Father- Son Banquet, both sponsored by the B'nai B'rith, the monthly meeting of the children of the recreational classes conducted by the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, and the use of the rooms by the Boy Scout leaders for training school purposes for scoutmasters. In the first three months of 1922, 104 adult meetings, with an attendance of 4,128,-have been held at the Center. ' Totalling the juvenile and the adult groups, we find that there have been 309 meetings, with a total attendance of 9,081, held during-the first quarter of this year. Those figures do not, of course, include those people who use the CeniQE^exciUEive of. their at-

The Talmud Torahs, one in Omaha and the other on the South Side, report increasingly good attendance. The City Talmud Torah had an everage daily attendance of 325 children during the month; on the South Side, 35 children attended daily. On Purim the children of the South Side Talmud Torah gave a public entertainment in the synagogues, which was attended by several hundred people, and which was said to be the best of its kind ever given on the South Side. Old People's Home. This institution reported no changes in its personnel er in the number of inmates cared for during the month. Transient Relief. Forty-seven applied for aid during the month; $101.50 was expended in their behalf. During January, February and March a total of 91 transients were helped, at a cost of $194. Free Loan Fund. Twenty loans, totalling $2,715, were made in March. Since January a total of 42 loans, amounting to $5,675, were made.

to serve his sentence of six* months in state prison. This sentence was imposed upon him some time ago, but it was not until a few days ago ttiat the Court of Criminal Errorg and Appeals, to which court he had appealed from his conviction, affirmed the judgment and sentence of the lower court.

LINCOLN Mrs. Harry Stern, of Omaha, is visiting with h e ^ parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Mozer. The Temple B'nai Jeshurun has been sold and plans are under way for a new Temple to be started within one month. Mrs. Ben Polsky and daughter, Shirley, are the guests of Mrs. Polsky's parents, Mr. nr.d Mrs. T. Bessel, of Omaha.

Mr. Morris Friend, Mr. Ben. Simon, the tatter's son, Harry, left Friday for New York City, whence they will sail on April 24 for Europe. BAKERS LOCKED OUT IN JAFFA They will remain abroad during the Jaffa (By Mail—Jewish Press As- entire summer. sociation). The local bakery owners have declared a lockout upon all of Miss: Sarah Waxman entertained their employees, as they desire to the "Mizpah" club Sunday at her reduce wages and at the same time home. to lengthen the hours of labor. The At a meeting of the "Nebraska City Council of Del-Aviv has offered good offices in the dispute and Academy of Science" et Wesleyan through its efforts: the whole contro- University on April 21, Mr. Joe versy was submitted" to a specially Kramer, graduate scholar in Botany elected arbitration court for decision, of the University of Nebraska, will the lockout being terminated in the speak on a phase of Botany in which he is interested, and Mr. Saul meanwhile pending its dicision. B. Arenson, instructor of Chemistry at the Nebraska University, will JEWISH RECRUITS IX PALESTINE speak on "Oxidation Potential of Jerusalem (By Mail—Jewish Press Organic Compound." Association). Several Turkish conscripts, of Jewish extraction, came recently to Palestine, and complained ...FOR... bitterly of the Turkish government's DIAMONDS, JEWELRY attitude and policy to the Jewish AND population. In the province of AnSPECIAL PLATINUM gorad, the government confiscated all DESIGNING the possessions of the Jews, pillaged the synagogues, and conscripted the see Jewish youth for participation in the The Malashock Jewelry Co. present war with Greece. Diamond and Platinum Specialists ANTI-SEMITIC LIBELLANT 1514 Hodge Street. OF ALFRED MOND Established 1894. DO u?las 5619. SENTENCED TO PRISON London (Jewish Press Association) The well known anti-semite Spencer,



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Number 240 This genuine Victrola is equipped with all Victrola' -features including albums. You'll wonder how we can sell it for $115.00. Come in or phone us for a demonstration in your home. We carry a complete line of.:Jewi sh aiid - English records.


Sol Lewis Music Shop


24th and Parker Sts. Webster 2042


The Zionist Organization held a meeting Sunday at the Hebrew Institute. The Mesdames M. Sltalvasky, B. Mendelson and A. Hurwitz were hostesses at a luncheon given at Hotel Martin, Saturday afternoon, April 8, in honor of Mrs. Joseph Pickus, a bride of last month. The afternoon was spent in playing cards. The Ivre club gave a private dance at the Sioux Apartment Hotel, Thursday evening, April 6. Twenty couples were present. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky of Council Bluffs, la., were guests of Miss Rose Pill during the week end.

Mrs. A. Goodsite returned Tuesday from Freeman, S. D., where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrc. H. Mausanson. Messrs. Sidney Robinson and Ted Mandelstam of Walthill, Neb., were here during the week visiting friends and relatives. Rabbi Isacson of Mount Sinai Temple returned Monday from Fort Dodge, la., where he assisted in organizing a Sunday School. Watch for



AMERICAN STATE BANK 18th and Famam Streets

5% Interest on Time Deposits Present jour 4'r Certificates of Deposit and we will pay the interest up to date and renew at 5V<- for ti or 12 mon'hi. In our Savincs Department we pay 4rr interest, compounded and added to your account quartcrlj. All deposits in this bank are fully protected by the Depositor's Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. The Guaranty Law has been in operation for eleven years and not a single dollar has been lost by depositors. It has provided, by means of assessments on all State Banks with $80,000,000 capital stock, for the constant J'ecouping of the Guaranty Fund. We invite your banking business.

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ON APRIL 16, 1921, five separate tornadoes swept across the State of Alabama—all in one day! The toll in loss of life was 52: in property damage, millions of dollars. Twenty-four hours earlier the people in these windswept areas were going about their daily work. No one knew what was approaching; if they had known they could have done nothing. Thousands living in the paths of the Alabama tornadoes saw their homes demolished in short 2r time than it takes to write these words. But they also saw new homes rise from the wreckage—built by insurance. Other thousands saw their homes destroyed, but realized that they had neglected to take wind-storm insurance. On these the destruction fell with added terror. Alabama was not alone last year to suffer from tornadoes. Practically every State in the Union suffered in some degree from wind-storms. Tornadoes will come again this year. No one knows at what point or when; but they will come. Your own property may suffer. You owe it to yourself, and to those dependent upon you, to take no chances. Tornado and wind-storm insurance is not expensive. INSURE WITH 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.


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Semi-Conservative, Conservative and Some Sport Models.

We can supply you with everything you •want in the line of PASSOVER FOODS.






jrAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1922 ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. H. Racusin announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie, to Mr. Dave Blacker, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Blacker, of this city. No date has been set for the wedding.

Social, Club and Religious itSes MRS.

ROTHSCHID'S ANNIVERSARY ,Ths 100th birthday anniversary of Mrs. William Rothschild will be celebrated at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alexander Pollack on Saturday between the hours of 3 and 6 in the afternoon. and 7 and 9:30 o'clock in the evening. Mrs. Rothschild will be assisted by her five daughters, Mrs. Pollack, M-F. Samuel Katz, Mrs. Mattie Jacobsen and Miss Annabel Rothschild of Omaha, and Mrs. Louis Herzog of Lincoln. There will also be assisting her grandchildren, Mrs. Dollie Elgutter •of this city, Mark Pollack of Havana, Cuba; Mrs. Frank Rubel of Minneapolis and Mrs. Emanuel Kinslef of Chicago, children of Mrs. Pollack; Jay Katz, son of Mrs. Samuel Katz, and the Misses Fay and Carita Herzog, dughters of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herzog. The great-grandchildren who will assist are: Mark Pollack, jr., Robert and Elenita Pollack, children of Mark Pollack; Kathryn Elgutter, daughter of Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, and Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun, daughter of Mrs. Frank Rubel. In addition there will be Frank, Charles and Jack Kirschbraun, children of Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun of Omaha, representatives of the fifth generation. Mrs. Charlotte Levy of Sioux City, 80, youngest sister, of Mrs. Rothschild, will come for the event as will also Mrs. Emma Hattenbach of Sioux City, Mrs. Herman Grossman of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Saxe of Cincinnati. Mrs. Rothschild came to Omaha thirty-seven years ago with her husband, who died here shortly after they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1890. They were married at Sulzbach, Bavaria, and came to America on their honeymoon. Local friends of Mrs. Rothschild have presented here with a victrola and a large selection of records.

dren Falk and Ruth Greenberg are the new program supervisors. This club is planning a Passover party to be held this Sunday afternoon at Hanscom Park. Members are requested to meet at the Jewish Community Center at 2 sharp.

The engagement of Miss Fay Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. Arthur Mitchell, to Mr. Louis The Association Dance, to be held Schweedleson, of Co. Bluffs, was an- this Saturday night, will be a Passnounced within .the past week. No over party. A unique program has date has been set for the wedding. been arranged by the committee in charge, and appropriate Passover reMr. and Mrs. B. Berkowitz, of freshments will be served. Mv. and Joliet, 111., announce the engagement Mrs. Louis Simon will be patrons. of their daughter, Jennie, to Mr. All patrons for the Association Isadora Abramson, son of Mr. and dances have been furnished through Mrs. J. Abramson, of this city. the co-operation of the Council of Jewish Women. Miss Edythe Silverman, of Detroit, The Leaders' Training Group will is visiting her sister, Mrs. Samuel meet at the Jewish Community CenGoldstein. ter Saturday, night. Gilbert -Gendall, Miss Celia Kurs left Sunday even- local Boy Scout Executive, will ading for Kansas City to remain several dress the meeting. Weeks. The regular semi-monthly meeting The Council of Jewish Women will of the Association will be held Monhold a Board meeting Monday after- day, April 16. In addition to the denoon at two o'clock at the Jewish bate on the wine question, several Community Center. additional entertaining features are Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Saltzman have promised. moved from the Morris Apartments to take an apartment at the Coronado. Mrs. David Newman will entertain the members of the Priscilla Club at her home on Thursday, April 27. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn arc spending a few days in Excelsior Springs and Chicago. Mr. Louis Rasnick, who has been at the Methodist Hospital for five weeks following an operation, is now at home convalescing. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky and son, Earl, returned home Saturday evening after a stay of several weeks in the East.

Members of the "Seven Club", who gave the dance Tuesday evening, April 4, at the Eagle's hall, are making plans to hold another dance in the early part of May. According to the members, this dance will surpass the previous one in variety and quality of entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passer announce j the birth of a son, Tuesday, April 4, at the Mercy hospital. Mr. Philipp Sherman of Allen, i Nebr., will spend the Passover holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky.

Mr. David Green left Sunday for The Blossoms of Zion club will hold Chicago on a business trip. He will a Passover program and entertainreturn at the end of the week. ment Sunday afternoon at the home Miss Anne Zalk returned home of Lillian Steinberg. Tuesday evening after several weeks Mrs. Sam Freidma^t and daughters, stay in Des Moin.es. Minnie Freidman and Mrs. A. Siven, Mrs. M. Solomon returned today and the tatter's daughter, Sylvia, refrom a month's stay in Chicago and turned Wednesday from an extended Cleveland, where she visited with her visit to California. „ children. The Ideal Six will meet Monday Thirty guests were present at a luncheon and bridge party given Saturday by Mesdames Joe and Julius Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Rosenfeld, at the home of the latter. Phono 104. Mrs. Charles Levinson has been aprho Best of Everything to Flowers and pointed chairmaim of the card party Confection! at Moderate Prtcea. that the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah MS W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. will give on Wednesday, May 3, at the Blackstone Hotel.

-Miss Laura Givot spent the week e.nd in Sioux City, la. The Women's Auxiliary of tho B'nai B'rith "will meet Thursday evening, April 20, at the Jewish Community .Center. Mr. and ^Irs. D. W. Deegen, of Pittsburgh, Kansas, announce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Deegen was formerly Miss Geraldine Marks of Omaha. The Misses Ruth Pearlman, Ann Sigal and Josephine Stern entertained at a dancing- party Monday evening, April 10, at the Fontenelle Hotel, in honor of Miss Dora Horshack, who is' leaving,'1 soon for Rockford, 111. Twelve1 couples were present.

YOUNG JUDEAE NEWS. The Young Judeae Senior Club installed officers at its regular meeting, Sunday, April 9, at the Jewish Community Center. Leona Pearlis, violinist, accompanied by Sara Warshaw, at the piano, gave several selections. Little Miss Helen Bernsteein danced. This club is planning a 'Tesach Party" to be given on Sunday, April 23, at the Jewish ComMr. Harry A. Wolf returned Tues- munity Center. day^ from Detroit, where he attended the."Victory Conference" of Jewish The following were elected to ofRelief-Workers. fice at the regular meeting of the Pupils of the City Talmud Torah Lillies of Zion, held Sunday afternoon have organized a baseball team, eligi- at the Jewish Community Center: Ida bility to which is based on excellent Babior, president; Ruth Reuben, viceclassroom work. Eddie Green is cap- president; Tobie Goldstein, secretary; tain, and" games may be booked Marjorie Kaplan, treasurer; Rose through him at Webster 2760. Minken, reporter. Julia Zucker, Mil-

S Shirt Sale I

Mr. Ferdinand Adler, age seventysix, died at his home at 2029 Dodge street" last night. He was born in Bohemia and came to Omaha hi 1877. He_ was in business here for thirtysix years. Mr. Adler was a member of Temple Israel and the B'nai B'rith. He;-is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. B. Alexander, of Cincinnati.

Mr. Henry Monsky returned Tuesday; from a visit to Chicago-and Milwaukee,' where he went in the interest of B'nai B'rith -work.

100 dz. DRESS SHIRTS— valued up to $2.00, OO



The evening card club will meet A club of East Des Moines boys Monday, April 17, at the home of was organized Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. April 9, at the Jewish Community Mr. Mose Krasne of Oakland, Neb., CenteT, -with the following officers: is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Sam Isaacson, president; George Goldenson, vice-president; Sherman Mrs. M. Krasne. Rudston, secretary; and Ben G. Green, treasurer. The name chosen for the club is Aleph Aleph.


Mr and Mrs. T. I. Rubinson, of this city, announce the engagement of their daughter, Inez, to Mr.' Irving Erstein, of Rock Island, 111. No definite date has been set for the wedding

Phone Webster 6637

IH Seven Days Starting Saturday j-i

Estimates Given Cheerfully



. . . in . . .

I Si:

"The Barnstormer"

I :::

ALSO Round Three

1918 No. 25th St., Omaha, Neb.

The Leather Pushers

Community Center will present a The Senior Hadassah Des Moines song and drill program. chapter, will present a benefit "Iz" Bernstein's Minstrel Revue" vaudeville at North High auditorium will be one of the evening's features. on Monday, April 17, the proceeds of which will be used for the Palestine The Tau Gamma Iota fraternity medical unit. met Friday evening at the Jewish Through the courtesy of the Drake Community Center for the purpose Girls' Athletic association several of initiating three new members, scenes of '•Tinsel," the musical Leon Levich, Joe Waltiinger, and, Jocomedy presented by the Drake girls seph Tolchinsky. several weeks ago, will be given. Miss Ethel Sherman, who composed the music, will be accompanist. ' Watch for ANNOUNCEMENT A dancing number will oc given OF DATE by Miss Alice Rubinson. who will be assisted by Misses Minnie Schneider, Ida Rudstone and Sadie KlimTHE CLUB MAY DANCE ofsky. Music will be furnished by I COUNCIL BLUFFS. Miss Irene Toubes, pianist, and Mr. |

We announce the opening of the

OSOFF'S HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS STORE ^ AT 224 NORTH 16TH STREET. We cany a complete line of Builders !*• Hardware and Paints. A special price on all dishes before "Pasach" passover.






American Upholstering Co. J. P. Batt and S. Soref, Proprietors. ONE






Phone Webster 108ft

2022 Worth 24th St.


Upholstering, Furniture Repairing, Overstuffed Furniture Made to Order ANT S T I I E MATERIALS. VALOUKS, MOHAIR. TAPESXRT.

Tel. Webster 2224

Hordes of Lions Turned Loose on Helpless Thousands.

WO First! Many times each day operators; are asked to "wait a moment" while some KibMriber looks up a number. Several of these little delays added together slow up the service For everyone.

SAT. at 12 o'clock

J. RICKLIN Call Webster 6270

Box Springs and Mattress Slip Covers a specialty Ik-.-

Chiropodist and Beauty Shop Established 1890 15th and Harney Streets. Phono Ooaftas 2333

314 North 16th Street.


ill i

Let us do your furniture Repairing ?.nd Refinishing


J. Helphand Clothing Co.


• ; ;


"Omaha's Finest Playhouse


Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.

Repairing Plaster Work

Sol Sheuerman is visiting rein Minneapolis.


Harry H. L»pidu». PreB.-Tre*». Jos. Pepper. Vice-Presldent. W. G. Ure. Secretary.


The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will give the annual Seder at Temple Israel Sunday morning at **n o'clock for the Sunday School cWSren. The Seder will be conducted oy Rabbi


5d dz. DRESS SHIRTS— valued up to $3.00, £ 1 for... .„ ; «P 1 • * SILK SHIRTS BROADCLOTHS—$10.00 <J» value _..,.. v f SPECIAL LOW PRICES on Men's and Young Men's Suits of well-known Brands. You Can Save Money ...at...

Paperhanging, Fainting and Varnishing

-Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Spiesburger spent severaf days in Denver: last week. _

evening in the vestry rooms Temple.


Mrs. Harry Silverman |entertained at her home last Saturday in honor of her sister Mrs. C. S. Adelman, of Des Moines, who is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Silverman.

Max Sommer is ill at her

nesday Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cornbleth and of the daughter Mattie, arrived from California and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. Rosenberg. latives

The Lommed Tess Club entertained at a dinner Friday evening at Harris-Emery's in honor of the two new officers. Miss Sara Friedman, president; and Miss Lillian Fisher, secretary-treasurer; and two new members, the Misses Sara Toubes and Mrs. C. S. Adelman is visiting with Rose Blockman. The after dinner her sister, Mrs. Harry Silverman and hours were spent in playing bridge. Mr. Silverman, of Omaha. The Jewish Literary Society will The Senior Hadassah held a meet- hold its next meeting Thursday eveing Wednesday afternoon, April 5, ning, April 27, at the Jewish Comat the Jewish Community Center. munity Center. The following program was given: Piano solo, Miss Dessie Wolf; readMr. and Mrs. A. Weinstock have A checker tournament will be start- ings, Master Robert Kohn, and a returned home from California, ed at the club rooms in two veoks. dance solo by Miss Minnie Shneider. where they spent the winter. All interested are urged to leave their Mrs. Eugene Lyons, of Kansas Mrs. M. Strauss has returned from names at the office. City, Mo., is visiting relatives in this a winter's stav in California. The Y.M.HA. Jrs. opened the base- city. The Plymouth Men's Club Bible ball season Sunday with a defeat over Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer has Class was addressed Sunday morning the Monmouth Park team, iS to 4. Al Handler's pitching for tne Y was started a series of Friday evening effective. Games may be booked lectures on Well's "Outline of History," which are proving of great through Al Handler. Harney 6853. FURNISHED ROOMS for interest to many. The Y. M. H. A. baseball team will rent at 2522 Chicago St., The Junior Hadassah met Tuespractice Sunday morning at the Cenday evening at the Jewish Communitral High School field. for one or two men. ty Center. The results of the membership campaign were announced and Miss Lillian ' Goldenson's team was declared winner. Entertainment A benefit card party will be given was furnished by Sarah and Bessie FOR RENT a most beauWednesday afternoon, April 26, at Grund, and refreshments were served. tiful decorated five room the Danish hall, by members of the flat at 3109 Mason St. Mrs. Will Ehrlich, of St. Joseph, Jewish Sisterhood. The hostesses for Mo., spent last week in the city visInquire at 3107 Mason the afternoon's affair will be the iting her sisters, Mrs. M. Schloss and Street. Mesdames S. Meyerson, H. MeyerMrs. Leon Strauss. son, H. E. Nathanson and H. Monsky. Mrs. S. Joseph has returned home Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky refrom California. turned last Friday from their wedding trip and are making their home temMrs. H. Shneider returned from porarily with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lincoln, Nebraska, where she has Gilinsky. been visiting relatives.

•Miss Bertha Dworkowitz, of Kansas City, has left for her home after spending several weeks with Mr. and The annual election of officers of Mrs. D. Green. She was extensively the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will entertained while here. be held at the Temple on May 1. "Song of Songs" will be Rabbi Messrs. Louis Somberg, Harry Frederick Cohn's sermon subject for Ravitz, Edwin Katskee, Meyer Beber, Friday evening at Temple Israel. Willard Krasne. Edwin Levinson, Abe Special music for Passover will be • Goldenberg, Harry Mendclson, and played. On Saturday morning his Harry Cohen arrived Wednesday f roai subject will be "The Heart Awake". the Nebraska Uhiversity to spend the Miss Beulah Miller is visiting her first holidays of Passover week with cousin, Mrs. Julius Weil, of Lincoln. their parents. They will return Saturday evening* Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, who have returned after a year's tour - The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity will give around the world, are now at their /*• its annual May party for the Sunday School children of Temple Israel the home at 2103 J Street, So. Side, to all their friends. Their daughters, first week of May at the Temple. Yetta, who has been in California, Dr. James Goetz returned yester- and Hermina, who has been in Des day morning from a business trip to Moines, during their absence, have also returned home. New York Citv. Mrs. home.

evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The Temple Sunday School chil- by Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer on Theodore Livingston, violinist. Tha S, RosenthaL dren will have a Seder-Supper Wed- "How We Get Our Bible." Camp Fire Girls and Boy Scouts of


The number should alway* be looked 8p in the. telephone, directory before tairing the receiver off the hook. The proper use of the telephone by the fOb•criber heip> the operators to do better work.

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Office 209 South 18th Street

A Story for the Passover

Jackson 0268

By Elma Ehrlich Leyinger




The Harry A. KochCo.


Spring came very late that year, her mother's tender eyes and gentle poor homeless wanderer we must sucIn all the city of Prague no man re- j voice, asked him: "Father, why does cor for his sake. Make haste, my INVESTMENT SECURITIES membered so cold an April, an April j the empty chair stand at your siJs ? ' husband, and overtake him and bring l'irst National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0360. of chill winds and little sunshine, even I "We always place a chair at thehim in out of the storm, lest this 141S DoacLna St. XeL Jackson 3171 flurries of snow that toward sunset Passover board for the prophet Eli- Passover bring us evil instead of good and misfortune will enter the door grew into a steady downfall, covering jah," answered Menachem. " f o o r position is the shivering trees and hushing the "And the needy and the helpless we have closed upon a needy brother." DAVENPORT, DOUGHNUT that they may also come in and eat Without a word Menachem went to streets with a soft, white correct, and should narrow COTV!PANY Counters and market peo- and be satisfied," murmured his wife. the door, opened it and looked out inblanket. be s u p p o r t e d by UNDERTAKERS BISMARCKS, CAKE A S D SUGAR But Menachem did riot hear her. He to the night. The wind scourged his ple" and dragged beggars, meeting in every fair minded DOTJGBNTJTS< -oxm, SPECIALTY. MOVED TO ! the great market place of the city, i was already reciting the portion that face with an icy blast, but he did not BRAND We Deliver^ the^ Real" Goods. person. swore that never had there.been such ushers in the service for Seder night. hesitate. Without a word he plunged 5221 CCMCINO S T R E E T . The evening passed. Outside the into the snow that he might overtake a spring time; behind the high gates of the Ghetto, the Jews who had just wind—there was never such a wind the wayfarer and bid him welcome to swept and purified their houses for before in April—blew great whirls of his warm fireside. ^ COFFEE. the Passover, warmed their hands be- snow against the panes. But within Those who remained about the ta• • • OI • • • fore their grateful fires ere they the house of Menachem the fire ble dared not speak. Was this not ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS Hoffmann Funeral Home. donned their white garments and satburned brightly and the candles shone the night of miracles for Israel and WHOLESALE GROCERS down at the Seder table to keep the upon the table piled high with rich had not father told son for countless Phone Jackson 1302 r food and rare wines. Then came the generations that some day the wan- j ancient feast of •their fathers. The poor folks among the Ghetto moment for the youngest child, now dering prophet of the homeless people dwellers," and there were many, (for grown drowsy, but still eager to dowould indeed pause beside a Passover ftTEUff B M HTCTt. Visit Our the days were cruel days for the Jew, her part, to open the door. She flung table and drink the wine and leave (PALMER GRADUATE) it and many knew not how to earn their it wide, rubbing her eyes sleepily; his blessing ere he departed ? So they bread because of the hard laws which j then turned to her 'at her, her voice waited in awe and dread for MenaPhone Jackson 3072 Second Floor, Elks' Building. Do away with drudgery and make chem to return with the guest he had house-work a pleasure by_ the use met them at every turn), shivered in i ringing with ioy. 1 ' - With Xour Order for their rags or the humble garments ' "Father—Elijah lias come!" she sought to turn out into the night. of modern electrical appliances. , He came back at last, his hair and some generous soul had given them trebled, HOLCOMB ANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the in honor of the festival. But they beard white with snow, his eyes terBut Menachem frowned in his FOOD CHEMICAL IN THE WRAPPING ' ground floor of the Electric buildrible with fear. He said not a word knew that on one night at least they | beard; he shook his head almost angPRODUCTS CO., INC. ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PAPERLINE would not be hungry, for the rich men i rily. At the door stood a man white- and they dared not question him. and Farnam streets. Manufacturers of of the Ghetto of Prague had given I haired and bent and broken, leaning With lips that trembVd he sought to FOODS AVD CHEpIICAI.8. 1112 HARNEY ST. them matzos and fruit and fowl and j on a traveller's staft. Snow glistened read the rest of the sen-ice; but his FLAVORING EXTRACTS. ^ ^ THE BEST 1 Phone Douglaa - 6409. ' B18 N. lfith St. Phone Atlantic 4964 sweet wine to every man of family ' on his moldy fur turban and on hisshaking hands dropped the richly decorated Haggadah and the words that he might keep the Passover and < ragged cloak. A brggar, whining and sit at the head of his own table on {importunate, come to disturb them at seemed to strangle him. But his NORTHWEST READY Seder night like a prince in Israel, j their feast! Menachem spoke harshly. youngest little daughter had the courV$~SKINNER KOOFING CO. age to climb upon his knee and seek %t*^" BAKING COMPANY And those who were alone in the' "Who are you and why do you Ready Roofing over old shingles. TBAOC ««R» DOUGLAS - 1 8 6 2 world, orphans, or young scholars, or come?" he asked, bidding his wife, to learn what troubled him. Also asphalt Bbinplea and build-up roofs. Fire resisting and durable. the very old who had lost all their j who had already risen, to keep her "Father, father," she begged, "tell All wort guaranteed. Easy terms. us what you saw out in the darkkin, these were made welcome in theplace. Phone Harnej- 2374 STEINER ELECTRIC Office and Warehouse: 3122 Leavenworth The unwelcome guest did not an-ness?" homes of their more fortunate brethi. MEATCHOPPER ren. Treated as honored guests, they ; swer. He only shook his head sadly And Menachem answered her in a 56 MILL. sat in their places before the fair J and pointed one trembling, gnarled voice ragged with fear: "I saw nothing—nothing! The snow is deep and white cloths spread with the symbols , hand toward the empty chair, 1 USED SCALES"'OF 'ALL MA XTTFA CTL'RERS. my foot prints are plain from our of the feast, and repeated. in their J "He wants to sit in Elijah's chair," MAKES FOR.SALE. MEY-MER-CO. Brand door and back again, But I saw no j turn the joyful words with which the, cried the, youngest child. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. footprints where he Beverages and Syrups. 510 S«/uth 10th Street. walked away \ Jew greets the holiday of freedom for j Her father laughed shortly. "We 319-331 So. 14th M.,* Omaha. Nrbr. Phone Jackson 3332. •' his ancestors. So in the homes of all have no room for beggars," he said, from our door." I Phone Atlantic 26£B Then they all fell silent with a \ the Jews of the Ghetto of Prague, "Go to the rabbis house. I have given m Hen even the very poorest,"the weary ones I y share that no Jew need go hungry great fear for they felt certain that "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Biscuit Co. tonight nor want for shelter." it was no mortal wanderer they had of Israel found peace and plenty for and bay them at The stranger stood silent, his back turned away from their Seder table. f LOW FAFtE a single night and sang with joyful SNOW WHITE bent beneath a heavy burden he car-But at last Menachem's wife broke j All that the name voices of the return to Zion. ROGERS BAKERIES implies. ! But in the house of Menachem, the ried, which seemed like a peddler's into wailing. 319 South 16th Street. (Beg. C. 8. Pat. | « . -CAUC "Alas!" she cried. "Your hardness ' Office.) Phone 'Douglas 3400. rich money-lender there was no guest. pack. Douglas 6887 B9 m ATLANTIC 4522 Perhaps if the hard laws of his day Menachem's wife pulled the sleeve of heart has at last brought black j 916 N. 16th St. had allowed Menachem to follow some of his white robe-. "Tonight we dare misfortune upon the heads of our in- ' TBV SUNDGREN'S ' ELECTRICAL FIXTURES other calling, his heart would not not turn a stranger away," she whis- nocent children. For you have turned Nutritious Home Hade have grown as hard and cold as thepered. "Bid him welcome that he Elijah the prophet away and he will j APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Ambulance Service PIES and COOKIES yellow pieces of metal which he i may sit beside us and share ourPass- surely curse us instead of bless." ! Equipped with Pnlmotor. Granden Electric Co. Sealed in Sanitary Waxed But no misfortune came upon the ' Made by AH Calls Answered Promptly. wrung from the hands of his debtors. over." Wrapper at Your Grocer. DEPEXDABT.F, ELECTRICAL UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST and Menachem turned house of Menachem. His son fulfilled MERCHANDISE. Gold had grown to be his God, and "Be off!" , - Sundgren Pie Baking Co. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0681 FOOD CO% the promise of his youth and became ' angrily upon the visitor. "Now, chilhe loved it better than, even his wife «4th and Hickory. Atlantic 6241 3411 Contain St. Phone Barney 0392 OMAHA. NEBRASKA, ' " " _ and his children, his son whom they dren, let us go on with the service," a scholar famous even in Prague; his \ daughters married worthy husbands J called "the little scholar" from one he told his daughters and his son, and Menachem and his wife lived to ! striving to speak calmly. But he was end of the Ghetto to the other, his American bless their children and to rejoice in j much troubled im his heart, for the three fair daughters, the eldest alWHOLESALE Carpenter PaperCo. most ready to stand beneath the Chu- look the stranger had given him hadtheir beauty and piety. Yet Mena- ( Wet Wash « =*•> Distributors of Druggists and Stationers pah, so lovely a maiden that it wasshaken his very soul. Then the oldchem never lost the look'of a man, 2808 Cuming. ». Western Bond—and High Grade 401-403-105 South 10th '. . more than her father's dowry which wanderer had turned away, plodding who fears to look behind him as he j One Day Service. No Extra -Stationery wandera down a lonely road after I brought many suitors to her hand to from the room and bent low, as, Charges.; RefinKe Soft Water. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. sunset. Although his wealth increased j though bowed beneath the woes of the house of Reuben, the marriage year after year, he was more miserahomeless Israel. broker. Why Buy Tin? LADY CHIROPRACTOR ble than the poorest beggar in all the "Menachem," cried his wife, rising Bay Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. Tonight they sat around the Seder In Active Practice Since 1010. Ghetto of Prague. And now the poor ! PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. 6AVES XOO 1IONEX. table, Menachem and his family, and pale and frightened. ''I cannot let know him for a friend and never iMth and Martha S U . H a r o e y 166* you turn this stranger from our Dr. Frances H. Turner MID-STATES WHOLESALE the festal tapers shone upon rare Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze, Alumifeared to knock upon his great, boltOffice. Brandels Theatre Building. hearth. Jt is Passover and we must num and Soft Gray Iron. Cartings. GROCERS linen and almost priceless silverware 17th and Douglas Streets. Yon ore assured of soft castings,'as doer, knowing that it would be 1117-19 Dodge St. Jackson 3813 Phone Atlantic 3836 •we machine some from every heat In and the 'high golden cup filled with open our doors to the poor and theed opened to them, for Menachem never j oar own shop; Standard'size east Iron homeless." wine and set apart for Elijah the boshing*.in stock. Menachem did not answer. The again turned the needy from his door- j prophet. Legend has it that on Seder TIBJ3S—TUBES—ACCESSORIES MAX OLSEN & CO. stranger had closed the door softly step. Nor did he cease to hope that night, the prohpet wanders , from Wholesale Distributors (or beggar with the pack upon his j house to house, pausing a moment be- behind him, yet an icy blast seemed the SCHMIDT'S shoulders would come again that he We carry a complete line ot new to flood the room. The candles upon OCR TREATMENT W i t t side every table where Jews gather to Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger rlns pears, pinions, axle shafts and CONVINCE YOU OF OCR might ask his forgiveness and gladthe festal cloth wavered and flicksprings for almost any make ot car. SINCERITY. keep the Passover. So a goblet of Ale, Hires Root Beer M. D. IUCHMAN, Hanaircr. den him with his bounty. Especially ered; the fire blazing upon the hearth Office and Warehouse: 911 So. Main St. Trust Deirartraenr. wine is set aside for him and an empI318-IS39 West Broadway. Telephone 142 Gatety Deposit Boxes. on Passover, when Menachem's COtTNCII. BXIIFFS. I O W \ . ty chair placed beside the chair of thesank to hissing little flame. It was haunted COUNCIL BLTOFS. IOWA. PHONE 444. eyes turned over to the open master of the house that the prophet as though Winter or Death had come door as though he still hoped to see may find a welcome whenever h* may uninvited to the feast. I —RATES I come. And not only little children, Menachem turned as white as thethe stranger enter and beg for a seat Omaha OfHre: 813 DonElas Street. his table. . . But although he lived Omahu Phone Atlantic 2556 » ror space on this Special who with shining eyes hear the tale shroud-like garment he wore. In the at to be a very old man, Menachem Ghetto it was whispered that he was Ford Tranoler & Storage Co. I Page given on application, i of the deliverance of Egypt, hope to never saw the wanderer again. 216 X. 16th St. something: of a skeptic; but even his K. A. FORD. see the good prophet enter- the door Branches at Central Market, President and General Manager. bold heart quailed as he turned his Table Supply and Food Center. Conneil BtunTx (Iowa) Office kept open for his coming. Often their Dnak 924 So. Main Street. rhone J6S I 482 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 ! elders wait also, their tired eyes eyes from the frightened faces of his BARONESS MATHILDE wife and children toward the frostROTHSCHILD NINETY alight with hope, trusting to see his YEARS OLD face, for have they not long believed whitened window pane which the CLEAN LINEN An Ideal Wnshinr Combination. that after Elijah comes the Messiah stranger had passed but a moment beFrankfurt am M-in. vJ. C. Bureau.) j Every morninp Estes Laundry Tablets If yon coll the fore. And though he tried to laugh, himself, he who will surely redeem Baroness Mathilde Rothschild, oldest ...with... he trembled as the youngest child member of" the Rothschild family, Israel for all time to come. Estes Soap Chips Frontier Towel Supply '*. : Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables wailed accusingly: "Father, father, it celebrated her 90th birthday yesterand So the house of Menachem, money1815 California Street. Elijah you sent out into the day in the presence of her children Phone Dovxias 6S91 N. W.Cor/ Eleventh and Howard S t s . r Water Softener (Combined) OMAHA, NEB. lender of Prague, was duly cleansed was and relatives. Many delegations repAt all Grocers. and garnished for the festival; the storm!" "Nay, nay, little one." comforted resenting philanthropic institutions table was set for the feast, and OCR NEW LOCATION around it sat his wife and children the mother. "Not Elijah, but some and Jewish communities, called to You will like Comer JPtb and Douda« Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 Sherman Mercantile Co. pay their respects to this popular decked in rich garments, for he was SInsoulc Temple Bide. Wholesale Grwers Specialties member of the famous family. Our i-lne—— a man of great wealth. But no guest 1511 Coming St. Phone Atlantic 124? BALDWIN, ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. HOWARD UPIUGHTS. GBANDS. CHEESE-BUTTER-BUTTERMILK sat at his table, for Menachem BUTTER DISTRIBUTOR S PLAYER.PIANOS, - . PALESTINE MANDATE thought that he had done more than JACK 8PKAT FOOD PRODUCTS. ' Made by • OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. THATCHER PIANO CO. TO BE RATIFIED IN APRIL his duty. Had he not given a handful Omasa,' Nebraska. 3419 Co mire St., Omaha. Nebraska. Phono Jnclison 8066 Kirschbraun & Sons London. (By mail—J. P. A.) Proof .his'.cherished gold to make cheer TO AND FROM fessor Roppord, the director of the for the'.Passover for those who could Mandate division of the League of Rates for Space on not buy matzos and wine for them- ALL PARTS OF Rates for Space on this Special Page DON'T BUY COAL! Nations declared to a representative this S p e c i a l Page selves ?, THE WORLD given on application. 5 OJJ, IS MUCH CHEAl'ER of the Zionist Organiaztion that the given oa application. MenacBem sat, upon the heaped I * t Us K e m o v e t h e Door from Palestine Mandate will be ratified at Xour Fornnce and Insert a cushions of his great carved chair and VAL. J. PETERS COMPANY the next session of the League in opened his Haggadah, beautiful with ULL1BRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. 482 Brandela Bids. Tel. Jackson S37S April. The ratification could not take See Demonstrutta* SIB'So,' 10th 'Street. .many. scenes of the Passover f tory, ATlantic 0340. 482 Brandeis Building. Tel. Jackson 2372. place until now because America and that "he might begin the service. And. Italy had not given their approval. the youngest child, a* girl of "four, with PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. .'-Industrial and Automotive. Machinists. Carburetor and Ignition Bepnlm. Starter Ring- ©ear» (or Auto Fir Wheel* 411 South 13th Street. Telephone:' Jackson S55O




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