April 20, 1922

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If yon cannot^ make ^thier l ahead break 'the record. *

Today is the tomorrow y o u worried a b out yesterday •

are •wn rie•uyiitf. lull! •f


VOL. H.—No. 19

Entered B« postofflce at

Zionist Resolution Placed Before Con- I gress by Sen. Lodge

mail matter on January 27th, 1021, at Nebraska, under, the Act of March 3, 1870.

2 Dying," - «. ^lildren to Fathers


in United States.


New Bill Designed To Give Immigrants Right To Legal Aid


Local Organizations Will Elect Delegate To Jewish Congress

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. Laughed on the Street; Seven Days in Prison.

Immigrants On Ellis Island Celebrate 1st Sedorim In America

lets' in nt mi.l lipr.


Cincinnati. (J. T, A.)—Maurice E. Wilna. (J. P. A.)—Jewish laughter Pollak, vice-president of the Pollak Riga, S;, " C. B.) , "Please remind in Public is forbidden. . . In WarSteel Co., has beea appointed Organsaw there are certain public avenues, our fattA*,. \ America that we are ization Chairman of the Cincinnati where Jews are prohibited from dying, a * -^.Jt to save us help must Local Organizations Urge Ap- come infffiediately." This in brief is Measure Will Assure New- Community Chest ..drive. His is a Meeting in Philadelphia to Con- promenading; in Wilna,—where they Hebrew Sheltering Society anC very important position since Mr. must not laugh. the message conveyed by Jewish chilCouncil of Jewish Women i proval of Senator Hitchcock Comers Assistance at Port sider Matters of Vital ImPollak will have to raise over one mildren in many villages on the RoumaFour Jewish students of the eveArrange for Passoveron Measure. of Arrival. portance to Jews. lion, five hundred thousand dollars. nian frontier visited by the J. C. B. ning high-school "Morris WintchevsObservance. PRESENT M E T H O D OF ky," passed this street, in their reMEANS U. S. APPROVAL correspondent, In substantiation of SPONSORED BY CONGRESSturn from school, and dared to laugh LOCAL GIRL WRITES OF their claims on their American faCairo. (J. T.-.A.) ^Among the thirMAN ROSSDALE OF ELECTION BASED ON OF BALFOUR DECaloud. They were immediately arthers, the children often showed the TOUCHING SCENES ty-two members of *:the Commission LARATION. NEW YORK. DEMOCRATIC LINES rested as violators of the law, tried correspondent photographs, worn out AT SERVICE. which is to prepare the Constitution .Every organization in the city has before a court of justice, and senWashington. (J. T. A.) Senator and spotted by long use, which in Washington. (J. C. B.) An im- for Egypt is the Jew Isalam Ktavi The Passover Festival was celebratbeen invited to send representatives tenced to seven days in the city Henry Cabot Lodge introduced a joint some cases are the. only documents portant effort to aid immigrants in Pasha. i ed in the traditional manner by Jewto a meeting to be held next Wednes- prison. resolution in the Senate on Wednes- proving their connection with fathers entering America was inaugurated toish immigrants at Ellis Island, New night, April 26, at the Jewish day, April 12th, expressing the ap- who left them behind. day by Representative Albert B. Genoa. (J. C .B.) The number of ! York, and at the Home of the Hebrew Rossdale, .Jewish Congressman of Jewish experts attending the Eco- Community Center, for the purpose proval of the United States of the Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society New York, who introduced a Bill in nomic Conference s t Genoa is much of electing a delegate to the Amerrestoration of Palestine to the Jewish of America, 425 Lafayette Street, \ the House of Representatives provid- larger than appeared to be the case ican Jewish Congress. people as their homeland. • The resoNew York. More than one thousand ing that all aliens seeking admittance The Congress will meet in Philalution was referred to the Foreign Reat the beginning of the Conference. immigrants and guests were enterat any port or immigration station Besides Rathenau (Germany), Malach delphia on May 21, and many questlations Committee, of which Senator tained at the Sedorim on Wednesday shall have the right of counsel or rep- (Greece), Joffe and Litvinoff (Rus- ions of great importance to Jews the Lodge is chairman. The resolution v resentation by friends and relatives at reads: . . sia), who attend the Conference as world over are on its calendar. Fol- City of Paris Gets Valuable Proper- and Thursday evenings. Miss Minnie Rabinowitz, formerly the inquiries to be held by the special lowing the signing of the peace Favors Jewish Homeland. ty Because Baroness' Daughter Addition To Fourteen Already Stand- boards. The Bill provides also that it delegates, there are amongst the exof Omaha, attended the Sedar service treaties at Versailles, where a delegaperts, Senators Atom aad^Luzzatti Married a Catholic "Be it resolved, by the United ing Makes It World's Second at Ellis Island, arranged for 300 imshall be obligatory upon officials in and Deputies Olivetti an<| Treves of tion from the Congress secured the Senate ^and House of Representatives, Largest Hospital. * migrants by the Society and the charge to advise immigrants of this Italy, as well as Prof. Emil Glueck- incorporation of the minority rights WQRTH 10,000,090 that the United States of America ESTATE Co*uncil of Jewish Women. right to representation. clauses in the treaties, the Congress stadt of Denmark and Sir Philip Sasfavors the esttablishment in Pales- NEW STRUCTURES, DELAYED FRANCS AND INCLUDES "We arrived just as they were 1 adjourned sine die. soon of England. Present Conditions Unfavorable. tine of the national hbmeland for the PRICELESS TAPESTRIES BY WAR AND PRICE INchanting the "Maarov" and their The meeting" in May will continue "At present, Mr. Rossdale stated, the Jewish people, in accordance with the AND WORKS OF ART. FLATION, COST OVER wailing reached our ears long before the work of the previous Congress. inquiry boards conduct their investiprovisions contained in the declaraf $3,500,000. we reached the room, where the The present method of electing gations under conditions which are As a result of a family quarrel foltion of the British Government of services were being held," she has delegates is based upon more demohighly unfavorable to the applicant lowing her only daughter's marriage November 2 ,1917, known as the BalNew York.—Mount Sinai Hospital's cratic lines thn those heretofore fol- thirtyv years ago to a member of one written to local friends. four Declaration, it being clearly un- building program, planned early in for admission, and with little regard "Just before the service began, a lowed, and is designed to make the of Rome's prominent Catholic famderstood that nothing shall be done 1913, was finally completed with the to the immigrant's rights. It is to delegation called on the. Rabbi to Congress truly representative of all ilies the will of Baroness Solomon de which may .prejudice the civil and re- dedication of three buildings, the m&ntain and to protect such rights learn if the food was strictly kosher, American Jewry. Rothschild leaves an estate estimated ligious rights of existing non-Jewish private pavilion, the children's pav- that it is proposed that counsel or for they had refused to eat at noon Matteo Bensman Di^s^On Eve of New j At the meeting on next Wednesat 10,000,000 francs to the city of communities in Palestine of the rights ilion and the auditorium. The ad- friends be permitted to attend hearbecause they were served "chomitz". day, each organization of 50 memYork Debut *f,Colossal * Paris, the Louvre Museum and vari, and political status enjoyed by Jews dition of these to the fourteen build- ings. The Rabbi assured them everything Symphony. bers will be entitled to one reous French charities in •which the in any other country, and that the ings already standing is said to make Immigrants have right of counsel would be prepared throughout Pesach presentative with additional re- Baroness was interested. holy places and religious buildings Mount Sinai the second largest pri- before the Department of Labor in MEMORIAL C O N C E R T TAKES presentatives for every 50 members She was the widow of one of thei as prescribed. and sites.in Palestine shall be ade- vate hospital in the world, being sur- Washington, and not at the port of PLACE OF PREMIER FOR above this minimum. founders of the Rothschilds' French^ "A young immigrant lad of nine quately protected." passed only by the London City Hos- arrival. If the immigrant could enWHICH HE STARVED. Dr. Philip Sher is chairman, and fortune and had vowed she would asked the "Kashes" in a voice clear force his rightts at the latter stage This '.resolution, being a joint one, pital. N. S. Yaffe secretary of the present never permit her daughter, who aban- as a bell, his face shining with fervor. will have to be passed by both houses The final culmination of the con- he would often be spared unnecessary New York.—A Jewish composer of temporary organization, locally. doned the Jewish faith, to enter again 1st Pesach in Seven Years. of Congress, and then signed by the struction program was marked by expense, great loss of time and the European distitnetion died here in obthe luxurious home in the Rue Ber"It was extremely sad—listening to mental anguish involved in an appeal President. well-attended exercises in the Bluscurity last week afte- a year's atruyer, in the exclusive Monceau quar- their stories," Miss Rabinowitz conmenthal Auditorium, one of the build- to Washington, it is contended. ter. tinues. "As we were filling their Several local organizations, includ- ings dedicated. Anticipating objections which antd- tempt to win recognition from the Jewish community. "The diagnosis ing the Omaha Zionist District, the The Baroness, who was 79 years pockets with nuts after the dinner At a cost of almost $3,500,000 the immigratiohists will probably raise friends £ay old,, was a sister of. Lady.JRothsdu|d; and,, giving them apple* to against, the Bill, Mr..Hossdale- pro- was^ heartjfailure,JjEJt his 4art.*feree buildings,w«re-jait-ii|tj:3 ifc^was^despair " ~ J~ • of London. She •was married in away with \hem, an old lady vides! that members of the examining Novel Musical Enterliillinfent* Deentire group of seven wki'^fe have Tie composer was th~ Russian Jew, 1882 and was .left s widow two years and kissed me. It was her first have wired Senator Hitchcock urging been erected several iyears ago, but board shall not be cross-examined by signed by Dea Moines WMh«n. Matteo Bensman, forty-five years of later in 1664. Her only child, a Pesach in seven years, she told me,-*— his support of the resolution. the war and high prices delayed the immigrants' counsel, and that the His oratorio "L Nunciazione" The senator is expected in Omaha "construction. maximum fee to counsel shall be fixed age. Des Moines, la.—A series of opera daughter, Helene, married in 1887, and she looked it, tool In my very was produced in Milau in 1905 and interpretations for children will soon Etienne Gustav, Baron von Zuylen best Yiddish, I wished her all the Friday, at which time a delegation at $25. Finest and Best Equipped in World of leading local Zionists-will call on The Bill has been referred to the won him the international gold medal. be given in Des Moines by Reda van Vievelt, and forsook Judaism best in the world and that next year The late Gustav Mahler in Vienna Rausch Strauss, who has selected upon her marriage which cast a she would have her own Sedar, sur-' While not the largest, the institu- House Immigration Committee, where him to secure his support, according rounded by all her loved ones, and to Frank Dee, president of the local tion's officers boast that the buildings Mr. Rossdale will press for adoption. produced Bensman's colossal sym- Saturday, April 29. as the initial tragedy upon her mother's old age. phony, "Palestine," a work divided date, each of the remaining interare the finest and best equipped in The Rothschild Lome will become from the bottom of my heart, I Zionist Disttict. into five parts, with :». chorus and a pretations, to be given on successive the property of the city, all revenue hope she will! the world. Every modern facility for ballet. It was later produced in sev- Saturday afternoons between 3 and to be devoted to philanthropy, while the cure, of disease has been provided "Many were hard to handle, women \ Children's Play at Muse Theater in the pavilions, and large pathologieral of the principal cities of Europe; 4 o'clock at Hoyt Sherman place, the gardens will be converted into became hysterical and the poojr { Great Success; Will Be and with it Bensman attempted to save the second, which will be given a park for children at the expense orphans show their need for loving } cal and X-ray laboratories have been Repeated Saturday. constructed for the study of disease. Workers In Drive Raise $150,000 In win recognition in America. of the estate. The Louvre is to get care. The look in some of their I May 7. The first showing of "Cinderella", A hint that Mount Sinai would no' • One Hour; David A. Brown Beginning with Humperdinck's the famous collection of enamelled eyes is awful to see. When flash- j ' Prepared for Production of the play given at the Muse Theatre remain a hospital in the ordinary Gives $25,000. "Hansel and Gretel," Mrs. Strauss golden boxes, bronzes, silverware and light pictures were taken, the flash I "Palestine." Saturday niorning by children of the sense of the -word, but would even This spring a symphony orchestra will interpret "Cinderella" by Mas- armorial specimens dating back to startled our Americans, but it didn't I dramatic section of the vocational tually become a post-graduate college Detroit (J. C. B.) In the course of was engaged and the "Palestine" senet on Sunday, May 7; Mozart's the fifteenth centurj. The tapestries, disturb them, for they have been I classes at Long school was a com- as well, was made by George Blumen- an hour, workers for the new Temple symphony was prepared for a con- "Magic Flute" on May 13 and Wag- including those once owned by Mme. through much worse frights. Some » plete, success. The theatre was full thal, president of the board of trus- Beth-El in Detroit, of which Dr. cert on March 18 at Carnegie Hall. ner's "Lohengrin" as the concluding du Barry, will go to the Museum of are shell-shocked cud many show | to capacity for the occasion, and the tees, in his address. Leo. M. Franklin is Rabbi, raised There was not enough money to pay number on May 20. | Decorative Arts. The will is one of scars of saber cuts or from clubs. performers displayed unusual talent. "We believe that the new Mount $150,000 among themselves at a meet- the musicians and the concert was "A special boat carried the New , f The score of the several operas the longest filed in recent years, On Saturday, April 22, at ten Sinai Hospital," he said, "will be ing and banquet held on Tuesday abandoned. Bensman began to starve, will be ably set forth by Mrs. Adel- comprising nearly 200 page!?. York social workers who assisted at t o'clock, the play will again be repeat- able to come! up to the requirements evening at the Phoenix Club. The it has now been found. Finally, by a aide Rehmann Weissinger, a reprethe Sedar, to and from Ellis Island." f ed at the Muse Theater. Boy Scouts set upon it, and will become not drive for the completion of the new desperate effort, he gathered enough sentative of one of Des Moines' well Miss Rabinowitz, who is a sister of J LOCAL GIRL WILL •will - usher, and the Mason School only one of the instrumentalities to building will start Monday and will money and guarantees to enable him known musical families. Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt, will further j Band will play the overture and the take care of the afflicted in this city, last one week during which time to engage an orchestra for the secona GIVE PIANO RECITAL serve the immigrants when they' ••? Mrs. Strauss' recent reading of the exit march. Mayor James C. Dahl- but also take an important place in members of the Temple will be asked time. Miss Sadie Levey, daughter of Mr. come through New"- York railroad opera "Madame Butterfly" has given man will again address the children. research work and teaching." for 5750,000, which sum is to be and Mrs. H. Levey, will be presented stations en route to their final unmistakable evidence of the fact that However, Bensman found that he A comedy film by Booth Tarkington paid in the next five years. in a piano recital by her instructor, destinations. She is with the Travelmust have $200 more for expenses or she is abundantly equipped for the will be shcfwn. Among the largest donors are Cecil Berryman, at the Schmoller & ers' Aid Society. the concert could not be given. He splendid task of interpreting operas On Saturday the World -Theatre LOCAL SYNAGOGUES David A. Brown, who headed the reMueller Piano Co. Auditorium on to children. will show the film made by the Pathe ELECTS OFFICERS cent Jewish Relief drive, and Albert made^great efforts to raise the money While this course of interpretation Tuesday evening, April 25. She will WARSAW JEWISH Film Co. 6f this city, depicting the Election of officers for the Beth Kahn, architect of the new Temple, on Friday, but the notice was too is designed primarely for children, be assisted by Miss Reah Harming, POLITICAL CONTROVERSY work of the vocational classes. Hamidrosh Hagodel, and for Con- Mr. Brown, on behalf of his family, short. The excitement ended in a the four afternoons will be of especial soprano, pupil of Jas. E. Carnal. REACHES LONDON The vocational classes in the gregation B'nai Israel was held at pledged $25,000, while Mr. Kahn, in collapse. At midnight the heart interest to adults, who wish to Miss Levey's program includes j London. (J. P. A.) Noah Priluteschools arfe under the direct super- the respective synagogues Sunday addition to his architectural services, lesion killed him. selections from the works of Schu- ki and Deputy Itzchok Greenbautn, Instead of the concert which he was familiarize themselves with the vision of Mrs. Millard Langfeld, and afternoon. pledged $10,000. mann, Bach, Chojjin, Beethoven, Mac who recently came to this city in the to conduct, as the first exhibition of fundamentals of music and drama of At the former M. Gross was electthe" work is financed by the> Jewish Dowell and Liszt, and compositions interests of . Ukrainian relief, have The new temple will provide sab- r. " " — — * a". ™ . * the opera. Women's Welfare Organization. Miss ed president, with A. G. Weinstein, bath created an impasse in the local Ukby her instructor, Prof. Berryman. facilities *„, for 1,500 ,«. school c - w i *«-,-m.;o« i *nn child-V;M. ias P o w e *s to an American audience, vice-president; J. Gordon, treasurer, Esther ifewman is the present rainian Federation. Deputy Greenren. The temple proper will seat there was held Sunday at Carnegie CONVERT JEWS REJOIN The public is cordially invited. director of; dramatics at Long school. and S. Weiss, secretary. baum proposed that the aid to the 2,200 people. An assembly hall to Hall a memorial concert at which his THEIR FATHER'S FAITH Commissioners for- ihe Congrega- seat 900 will also be equipped .with death was mourned by many noted JEWISH STUDENTS PROGROMShe is author and coach of the playlet Ukrainian sufferers be administered Budapest (By Mail—Jewish Press tion B'nai Israel -for the new ad- a stage 30 feet deep. IZED IN WARSAW via the National Jewish council of "Cinderella". artists and speakers. Association.) The Budapest Reformministration include M. Blank, J. Congregations throughout America Warsaw (By Mail—Jewish Press Poland, which is under Zionist coned Church has just, published its anKatleman, A. B. 'Alpirn, A. Wolf, are reported as watching the proAssociation.) In the evening com- trol, Mr. Prilutzky on the other hand, CHIEF RABBI HERZ MINISTER EINSTEIN OPPOSED nual report for the year 1920, in gress of the local campaign, inquiries mercial high-school, there are staged advocated that all moneys be sent PROTESTS TO LORD BY CLERICAL CZECHS S. Ravitz, O. White and S. Ferer. which it laments the fact, that durhaving been received from a number frequent assaults upon the Jewish through the Warsaw Committee for NORTHCLIFFE AGAINST Prague ^(J. T. A.) Opposition to ing the .current year 45 Christian of cities for details of the drive. students of the school. A section of Ukrainian Relief, controlled by the ORTHODOX ANTI-ZIONISTS Jews again resumed their national Mr. Lewi| Einstem, American Min- •TOST" ATTACKS CHJJRCHILL'S the Polish students has organized it- Folksist party. Ow'ng to this Relief ister to Ghecho-SloyaHa, who has STATEMENT TO ARABS. London. (J. P. A.) Chief Rabbi faith—the Jewish Religion. Accordbeen at jfis post here since DecemLondon. (J. C. B.) Declaring that SCHNITZLER VS. ^SCHNITZLER Herz protested against Lord North- ing to the comments and observations self into a compact and coherent fra- funds are not being sent out at all ber, is: miking itself felt in certain the Jews used the darkest days of , Vienna (By Mail—Jweish Press cliffe's statement that the Orthodox of their official organ^ most of those ternity, who await the exit of the and it expected that it will cause a circles, notably among the clericals the war to secure from Great Britain Association.) A few weeks ago .the Jews of Palestine are opposed to are Jews, who joined the Reformed Jewish students from school, and split in the rank* of the Ukrainian and farmers." Neither the authori- the Balfour Declaration, the "Morn- local police, influenced by the anti- Zionism. The Chief Rabbi declares Church during the Communist Reg- then brutally assault them. The pro- Federation. • tests made by the students to the ties nor ?friends of the American ing Post" scores Winston Churchill's semitic demonstrations staged against that he himself sympathises and col- ime. . •'.-.' dean of the school, have proved New York. (J. P. A.) Mrs. Minminister i r e • able to explain this statement to Jthe Arabs. The issue, it, forbade the production of Schniti- laborates with the Zionist leaders and lers' latest play "Ragen." A vigorAUSTRIAN PALESTINE nie D. Louis, widow of Ad»lf Louis the 'Tost" asserts, is whether the fruitless, and many Jewish students further reminded him that the ZionhdBtili|r, /^hich finds expression in CONSUL A WELLand for more than a generation a have ceased to attend the school. vakbuS^forinfl, except on grounds of Declaration shall be enforced or not. ous protest agaiojst the action of the ist world movement included the KNOWN ZIONIST leader in philanthropic and educaThe Declaration was issued at a police was lodged by the "Lustthea- Mizrachi organization consisting of a anta-semitic, pure and simple. Vienna <J. C B.) Announcement .Berlin. time when the Arabs were Britain's ter," with the result that the edict membership of over a quarter of a (By mail—J. P. A.) A tional activities on the. lower east of the police was rescinded and full million Jews, all of them being Ortho- has been "madei of the appointment Hebrew gymnasium, of the same rat- side, inimd, in 1880, the Louis Down good friends. EPIDEMICS'RAGING IN permission granted for the , produc- dox. It is only three individuals or- «f Dr. Schwartz* a well-known Zion- ing and program as the German gym- Town Sabbath School, died suddenly The "Post" also notes Sir Alfred ELISABETGRAD tion of the play. But now an unex- thodox rabbis in Jerusalem who are ist of Tarnapol, as the Austrian Con- nasiums, is to open here in the near yesterday morning of heart disease at Mond's hint that another country Vienna. (J. T. A.) The relief pected obstacle to its presentation on measures of the American Relief Ad- might be found which would be- the stage in the. prohibition of .its anti-Zionist and it is an error to sul to Palestine; — This appointment, future. The necessary funds for this her residence, 9 Livingston Place, in state or conclude that *" the Ortho- it is saidj is ifttended to establish school have already . been gathered her eighty-first year. The school that ready to accept the> Mandate for ministration notwithstanding, 160,000 production by its . own- author, dox Jews in the world a.- •* opposed to trade relations between Palestine and among the Hebraists and Zionists of Mrs. Louis established developed into Palestine, and says ° that Sir Alfred persons in the district of Odessa are Schnitzler, who does not -desire, to this city. The only remaining thing the larger institution now"" known as actually starving, a radiogram from may nave reference to Germany. The revive the agitations and demonstra- Zionism. On the contrary the hope Austria.' - An -association to permit to be done is the organization of the the Hebrew Technical Sebflol tot and aspiration of all pious Jews is to journalfinally suggests that the commercial relations with Palestine Charkov Btates. This number includes tions which its first production had rebuild and restore the Jewish home- was founded in 'Austria before»the faculty and the other administrative Girls, of which Adolph Lewftritfn is 5,000 children, according to the re- Jews themselves request the Govern- aroused. *. personnel. land in Palestine. ment to alter the Constitution.! 1 president. • • : port.

Baroness Rothschild Wills Immense Estate to French Charities

Sinai New York, Dedicates Three New Buildings

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I I 1 I

Heart Failure Robs Famous Composer of American Recognition

To Give Coarse of Opera Iflterpertations for'Children

Temple Beth-El, Detroit, Starts Campaign For $780,000 Structure


• »,»

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Miss Mary Goldenson, of Iowa Mrs. O. Hochman will entertain the held a ceremonial meeting at the JewEvening Card club a t her home Tues- ish Community Center Sunday after- State College, Ames, is home for noon, April 16, together with Miss Passover week. day evening. 'Published every Thursday, at Omaha, Nebraska, by 1:::11 Martha Gutfreund, guardian, and THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. SH Miss Reva Gilinsky is visiting at Miss Florence Friedman, assistant Mr. and Mrs. G. Solomon, of DenOffice: 482 Brandefs Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Allen, Nebr. ver, Coio., ere visiting their son end guardian. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. b"!mie C»i»«n, ..$2.50 KOVNO SYNAGOGUES TURNED tion, for the release of antisemitic Subscription Price, one year. Mrs. M. Yudelson will entertain the Mrs. Selma Riegelman, former Des of the Jefferson /paitmcutg . propaganda, by means of special picINTO REFUGEE HOSTELS Advertising rates furnished on application. card club Tuesday afternoon at Moines resident, wife of the late M. Kovuo. (J. T. A.) Most of the tures produced for that purpose. Phelp's hut, Omaha. Riegelman, died Friday in the Michael IfOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- synagogues here have been converted Finding the great majority of the Mv?. M. Poriis, at Cuczgo.. is viition of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. Reese hospital at Chicago. Funoval Mrs. William Castelman of Chicago iting her frJhcr. L. moving-picture industry in the hands into temporary hostels for the Jewish sen-ices were held Tuesday in ChicaCHANGE OF AnpUESS-^Please jly» both the old and ntw tddreuii re-immigrants who are returning of Jews, they are skeptical as to theis visiting with Mrs. B. Harding. ' " ' ' Pf 'wrg pnd ;«lyB yon> name. ' go. Messrs. rhi!h) Snerman, Ab« My-" from Russia, who because of their probability of success, and are thereMrs. Harry Shulkin of Sioux City ers, Sol Kocicenbarg, und Leo Jacobs, fore agitating for the complete exlarge, numbers are unable to find acThe Tau Gamma Iota fraterni.v all of the Stste University of Iowa, is visiting with her father Mr. I. TRAGEDY OR COMEDY? pulsion of all Jewish influence from commodation. held a meeting Friday evening, Api-.i are home for the holidays. Gilinsky. Mrs. Alexander P. Moore, nee Lillian Russell, former actress, The decision to turn the places of the sphere of the theatre. 7, at the Jewish Community Center. having.been abroad!for a few weeks on a mission to find out worship into temporary shelters for Mrs. J. Krasne will entertain the Plans for music -week were the sub- Mrs. D. May, of C'fiesfro, is visitingf all-about immigrants and immigration, has already brought in homeless Jews has been approved by MAJORITY OF DOCTORS IN Afternoon Bridge club Monday. ject .of discussion. her daughter, Mrs. Charles Cobackcr, her report to Secretary Davis. * ' .. PALESTINE ARE JEWS the Rabbis of Lithuania. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Davidson have Mrs, Moore has no love for the immigrants of late years. For the Lithuanian Jews, who are Jerusalem (By Mail—Jewish Press Mrs. Joe Brody is in Chicago visitDES MOINES returned from Hot Springrs, Arkansas, ing her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph HI her report she gays: still in Russia, the Jewish National Association.) The recent census has after a month's stay. Council*forwarded from here a few disclosed that there are at present "The immigration of recent years has been from Stolz. Mr. Marcus Younker and daughters, 150 Jewish doctors in Palestine, a transports of Mazoth and Mazoth : that class of people which arrests, rather than aids, Benjamin Toubes, graduate student third of them beings in the service the Misses Esther and Rachael Younmeal. the development of any nation. When I declare that of the American Zionist Medical ker, returned Sunday from a winter's of the University of Chicago, is The genial, daring, fun-loving Tom most of those now seeking to come here have not spending the Passover holidays with stay in California. Mix is returning here Saturday in his Unit. any of the inspiration of the necessity of the early his parents, Mr .and Mrs. H. Toubes. Non-Jewish doctors in Palestine latest Fox photoplay, "Chasing the The Temple Sisterhood held their ^ settlers from abroad, I am stating facts that impress Moon." He will be at the Moon number only SO. The Senior Hadassar "ave a vaude1 everybody who makes any study of E u r o p e a n regular monthly meeting and lunchUpholstering, Theatre for seven days. "Chasing This is an indication of advance eon Tuesday, April 18, in the vestry ville show Monday evening at North conditions." Furniture Repairing, the Moon," is another Mix thriller, and expansion as the last census, High. The proceeds to go towards • We have heard, this before: the anti-imrnigrationists have and contains an unusual amount of ten years ago, found the; number of rooms of the Temple. Overstuffed Furniture supporting a medical unit in Paless.punded this sentiment and made like recommendations. It is fun and frolic, the story giving Mix Jewish doctors but 35. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Klein, of tine. The attendance was large and Made to Order left to.the leading-public to decide who copied the other. Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.a good program was presented. a fine opportunity to display his darANY STTI-K MATERIALS, - Sure, Miss Lillian Itussell, Being an expert in marriage and ing stunts and to indulge his fondness Sam Goldstein, and Mr. and Mrs. diyprce from first-hand experience, clever in advertising certain for outwinning his foes. Eva Novak Mr. and Mrs. Falk Younker are vis- VALOUKS. MOHAIR. TAPESTRY. Isaac Wallerstein. Tel. Webster 2224 f ape powders and cosmetics, could not but grasp the whole situ- is again his leading woman, and is COUNCIL BLUFFS iting in Keokuk and St. Louis for a Mrs. B. Frankel and daughter, Mrs. few days. ation-in the short time of her trip. Certainly, with such great said to give her usual performance— abilities as this ex-actress possesses, and her .great linguistic with skill plus beauty. The "Seven" club will hold its H. Pfeifer, of this city, have returned accomplishments, shje must have learned the immigrants' side Mix in this story starts In Ameri- May dance, Thursday evening, May home from California where they frbm personal conversation with them in their many and various ca, goes to Russia and finishes in 11, at the Eagle's hall. Many enter- spent several months. languages. Her personal contact with the immigrants of about Spain—where he also finishes his taining features have been arranged Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brody have resixty years ago, her deep study\of the character of the still for. turned home after several weeks stay earlier immigrants and her keen observation of the present im- LARGE LOANS FOR PALESI have at least six good stores, which are well located and in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. The Council of Jewish Women bemigrants, made between" meals during her few weeks' traveling, have an established trade in their various neighborhoods. TINE TO BE FLOATED is." perfect guarantee pf her good judgment. When from her London (Jewish Press Association) nefit card party will be held Wednes- Dr. David Mitchell Blum, interne Owners have reasons for selling. These stores can be hotel window she noticed thousands upon thousands of perse- An official announcement of two day afternoon at the Danish hall. at Michael Reese Hospital at Chicago, purchased immediately. cuted, hunted, robbed, starved, sick and tired suffering human- la*rge financial enterprises in Pales- All proceeds of this affair will be and Morton Blum, student at the state given to the Council. The hostesses ity, she; came to the conclusion that "they have not any of thetine is expected daily. university at Iowa City, are spending inspiration of the necessity of the earlier settlers from abroad. The first venture is purely Zionist for the afternoon are the Mesdames the Passover holidays with their paH. E. Nathanson, H. Monsky, S. and Who can deny the logic of this conclusion? Only an ex-footlight Room 6 and 7, Rogers Bldg., Council Bluffs, Iowa. It is a substantial loan, H. Meyerson. The public is invited rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blum. wizard could penetrate the very inrtermosts of these unfortunates' enterprise. which Baron Edmund Rothschild, the to attend. Telephone 4946. hearts, fathom their ambitions and inspirations. The weekly dance at the Jewish well-known financier and philanthropCommunity Center is being held on ? When this ex-diva says, "I am stating facts that impress of Paris, is to make to the Zi- The Chevra Bnai Ysroel held its Thursday of this week instead of everybody who makes a study of European conditions," she meant ist onist Keren Hayesod. The payment regular meeting Sunday afternoon. Wednesday evening as usual. Special the heartless un-American, immigrant hunters of Messrs. Johnson of this loan is contemplated in theThe following officers were elected and company. In facfthese areno better experts on immigration Karen Hayeson funds, which it is ex- for the ensuing year: J. Katelman, features for the celebration of music than she is, nor have they studied this matter any more than she pected to receive from America. president; M. Marcus, vice-president; week will be given on that evening. did. To both the heartache of the hunted immigrants looked like The second is a loan which the S Freidman, secretary; A Gilinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Frankel have a comedy or a pleasant burlesque. Her report as published in Government is to float treasurer; G. "^hitebook, S. Sliyken returned home from California. the daily press is too well written to believe that she is its Palestine among ' the and non-Jewish and H. Saltzman, trustees. author. We are not far from the truth if we say that if ever population ofJewish Mrs. Libby Adelman has announced Palestine, and to pro- MIT. Leo Krasne will entertain the she were subjected to. an examination in the writing of English vide it with funds the marriage of her daughter, Ruth for its fiscal govAuction Bridge club Tuesday after- Elizabeth, to Mr. Emanuel Schoenour doubt of her authorship would become a fact. Whether her , husband or someone of the Johnson clique wrote it we do noternmental operations in Palestine. noon. berg, which took place March 9 in know and do not undertake to decide. The former Miss Russell JEWISH QUARTERS IN Detroit, Mich., Rabbi Leo Franklin of Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Walton of the Temple Beth El officiating. is only one more pebble in the beach of miry waters, that slander BUDAPEST ATTACKED Corning, la., spent the Passover thfiir betters. Budapest, (J. C. B.) Incessant holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. The couple will leave May 23 for a 1\ Aftdr-the practice of appointing an ex.-actress as an expert propaganda of two month's European trip and after "Awakening Gilinsky. on immiffratiori, we may expect a professional circus horse-rider Magyars" appears tfcs August 1 will be at home in Detroit. to have had the to be^appoftited a^expertiuppn,4h^^ol^j4ki i aiii^,JiQn^tamer- effect^^w^:by.Jhe inci|2rs to, do vi- The Ladies Aid-Society will meet The Ju-Com-Sen Campfire girls upon-the Armenians. With such e x p ^ s l ^ ^ n ^ e a f f p e i p i e against Jews, an attempt Sav- Tuesday afterjngon at the home of wilt learn, the whole truth about everything . . . Seriously we olence askj what shall w^ call this appointment of a face-powder expert ing been made to attack the !Jc*ish Mrs. D. Frei on 'suchr!a mission where <the very lives of millions of unfortunate quarters. A mcb broke into the Mrs. J.- Ungat and son Leo have streets leading to the section thickhuman beings are,at stake—tragedy or. comedy?— .You are subject to suit for personal injury ly populated by Jews, necessitating returned from'^'an extended- trip"The Jewish Tribune." through Colorado. a riot call which brought the polong after the accident happens. lice and after some difficulty the ihob The Junior Auxiliary of the Council With Forbes Robertson the influ- was dispersed. A number of -ar- of Jewish Women will hold its regular BY Protect yourself against this liability by ence is easier to understand, He hasrests have been made. meeting this, evening at the home of the aquiline "beauty .of feature; the One of the world's greatest, colMiss Shirley Freidman. lections of printed Jewish books is to look of exquisite sensitiveness; the LAW AIMED AT be jfound. in, l i e library of Hebrew inner glow, as of a temple lamp; JEWISH PEDDLERS Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Krasne left AT THE the rich, voice; the background of Unjon Cpljege,-!at Cincinnati. Vienna. J. P. A.) The Austrian Sunday for Des Moines, la., where This library now contains 55,000 cultivation. Our response is inevi- Parliament has adopted a bill forbid- they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W lith ding the fu'.ure house-to-house traf- Levitt. volumes. Adolph S. Oko, librarian of table. thai college recently returned fron* They have both in a high degree fic in merchandise. This law is aimed Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Saltzman and Europe after having purchased the the skill of their a r t When War- directly and specifically against the Mrs. H. Schoenwald of Sioux City, collection of Dr. A. Freimann, field is playing people hang upon poorest class of Jews, for it is they la., are visiting with their parents, Council Bluffs librarian of the Staats-Biblipthek at his slightest emotion, because his who exclusively engage in this house- Mr. and Mrs. M. Saltzman. Phone ATlantic 3160. 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. least gesture and inflection is right to-house trade of wares and merchanFrankfort, Germany. This collection Thursday May 11th contains 8,000 volumes of rare and for the portrayal he is building. His dise. During the debate in Parlia- Mrs. J S. Shlank of Sioux City, "INSURANCE AND BONDS TN ALL ITS BRANCHES." received the whole- la., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. valuble books in Hebrew, Latin, Ger- audience is noticing, perhaps for thement this measure 1 first time, the small but vitally sig- hearted suppor c ' the Christian So- Gilinsky. man and French. nificant thing, which goes to make cialists, while tje opposition of the Mr. Oko also acquired the Eduard The Blossoms of Zion club held up a character. None but an acute Social Democratic party was halfBirnbaum collection of Jewish music a Passover party Sunday afternoon an$, liturgy. This collection com- observation could have absorbed so hearted and insincere. at the home of Lillian Steinberg. prises about 10,000 to 12,000 volumes much from life. Only an acute intelChiropodist and Beauty Mrs. Max Cohen will entertain the and pamphlets. It is the most im- ligence could select and give back LIBRARY BUILDING IN Shop JERUSALEM TO SERVE afternoon club at her home next Established 1800 portant and greatest, inside its to us with such exactness the tremendous little things which touch AS WOLFSOHN MEMORIAL Thursday. 15th anil Harney streets. linjitations, in the world. It contains "The Wonder Values of 1922" rhontt Douglas 2333 about 1500 manuscripts of Jewish us so intimately £o laughter or to Berlin ( J . C . B.) The funds of the The Council of Jewish Women will music. As regards the printed Jew- tears. But there is something more, David Wolfsohn Foundation will be meet next Thursday at the home of ish}jmusic, synagogal and secular, the far more, in the power of David used for the erection of a building Mrs. E. Gilinsky, 118 Vine street. to house the National Library in collection approaches well nigh com- Warfield. Phone Webster 6637 pleteness. It contains, besides, the ' Is it perhaps a heritage and a. re-Jerusalem, it was decided here at a The Misses Reva and Sarah. Noddle, conference of the Executors of the shaping of the religious fervor of his nomJewish music which influenced sisters of Mrs., J. Mendelson, have Estimates Given Cheerfully thi- Synagog chant. Further, the Hebrew ancestors,? Not piousness, Fund, including Hans Herzl, son ofarrived from Lithuania and are makcollection j comprises practically, if in the common acceptation of the the late Zionist leader; Jacobus ing their hom,ein this, city. nok;actually, all the books and mon-term, but ^a deeply burning intensity, Kahn; Dr. Katzenellensohn of. Libau, PAINTING, ographs that treat von the subject of a devoutness and faith, that was ex-one of the directors pf the Jewish SELECT YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW, the time Colonial Trust, and Dr. Iishinsky. Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop a Jewish, nrcsic. It also has a wealth emplified in the. old time Jew. CerPAPER HANGING, is growing short. But don't let "haste make waste." of'.liturgical works of the various tainly there is some quality inherent Arrangements have been made with Phono 104. The shrewd buyer never permits a mere low price DECORATING rites or Mirhagim (among them a in the man himself, which accounts Dr. Heinrich Levy, who has left for Tlie Best of Everything In Flowers and appeal to blind him to the great essentials of AND CALCIMINING. number of the greatest rarjfcy), as for his hold upon an audience. And Palestine to draw plans for the Lieconomy in clothes buying. Confections at Moderate Prices.' 1918 No. 25th St., Omaha, Neb. well as the almost complete historical it is because this quality is native brary building which is to serve as S45 W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater. material pertaining to the subject pf and fundamental that he can sway the Wolfsohn Memorial. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. tjewish liturgy. The collection is also us with humor as easily as with AMERICAN LETTERS TO noteworthy for its numerous works -pathos.—Omaha World-Herald. Reputable Make Authentic Style ' PALESTINE^-SIX of ^Hebrew and Judaio-German poetry. Genuine Quality Perfect Fit FRENCH SENATOR WOULD ••".• YEARS- ON WAY Hand Tailoring Intelligent Service EXPEL ALL ALIEN JEWS Jerusalem (By MaUr--Jewish Press an$oj2n§e the opening of the Unlimited Selections Paris. (J. P. A.) During the con-Association.) A large quantity of injjWhat Lies sideration of the question of the hous- mail from America arrived here the 3 Warfield's Power? ing shortage in France, Senator Guar- last week, which had been in transit din delivered a vehement harrangue for six years, Several of the ad$That is the secret of David War- against all alien Jews and demanded dresses of these these letters. have fief's strength? WJien that little that immediate measures be taken to already passed into the, Beyond. Still gray man walks uppn the stage, expel the 50,000 foreign and unnat- others received letters from some clajl usually in mussed and ill-fitting uralized Jews who are now in France. who are already dead. Formerly $40.00 to ?70.00. garments, plain of feature; quiet in He further protested against the per- The reasons for the manner of the 16TIJ STREET, manner, with a voice not' especially mission which had been given to Paris delay of this mail are unknown at See our windows today—Compare our values always resonant, why is it that an audience Jews to build two new synagogues on present. " c y a complete line of Builders Hardware and Paints. arijijwers to his every touch, like an the place of which dwellings could be instrument under the hands of a erected for the use of bona fide POLISH ANTISEMITES. TO BEA special pried on all dishes before 'Tasaeh" passover. master? What is there about him Frenchmen. JOHMA SWO.tl9ON.~tJ COME FILM PRODUCERS WTt.L MOU.MAM. that calls forth that response of af- The diatribe of the bigot and anti- Warsaw (By Mail—Jewish Press OMAHA. NEb, r GIVE US A TRIAL • fec tiQn,43n.cl ^sympathy which goes up Semite, had,, little effect and was reAssociation.) Among the local-antito him from a crowd, as actually as ceived in the silence 'pf contempt semites there'5s to movement'on foot :CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: if it were something tangible? which it so richly deserves. to organize a film-producing corpora-





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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922 ENGAGED. My- and Mrs. H. Weiner announce the engagement of their cousin, Miss Freema Specter, to Mr. Hyman Shwarta. No date bag been set for the wedding. WEPDING. ''The marriage of Miss Jennie Isaacson, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Isacson, to Mr. Nat Castleman, of this city, took place Sunday, Eabbi Frederick Cohn officiating. The wedding came as a surprise to the friends and relatives of the couple as it had been originally planned to take place in the late summer. The young couple are living temporarily -with the bride's mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Siegal, of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting with their uncles, Messrs. Meyer, Simon, and Morris Green, of this city, and D. Coh « . of Council Bluffs, prior to going *° N e W Y o r k C i t y ' Mrs. Morris Levy and Mrs. William Holzman will entertain at a luncheon Saturday at the Brandeis. The Omaha Junior Hadassah Unit will give its first annual dance at the Blackstone Monday, May 15, at which it hopes to raise enough money to adopt another Palestine orphan. The organization has already sent $100 to headquarters at New York for the adoption of Lea Dassah, 7 year old orphan.

several reels of motion pictures. A The Ru-Na Club will meet Tuesday |Mr. and Mrs. Max Mushkin, and a visiting her mother, Mrs. A. DavidJ. if. FRIEUMAN. AtJy.. at the Jewish Community Center. buffet lunch was served. SOS Oiimh* AatlflWrt Rniik Building. student of the University of Mich- son, returned to her home in Auburn The annual meeting of the BrotherXotirt- of Administration. igan, took the leading- part in a •'Sunday. In the County Court of Ilouelas hood will be held Sunday afternoon, Thirty-five new members have musical comedy given by the Junior! Cfr N b k April 30, at 2:30, in the Vestry joined the Association within the past girls at the University. Miss Mushkin • At a meeting of the Hebrew EducaIn the mnllej- of the Estiite of Ch*«a two weeks. .. rooms of the Temple. tional Society Sunday evening, Meyer was chosen from over one hundred Hamricl«onr •Vereaaed : Beber installed the officers for the All imrsons inieresteU in snid estnte are girls. The Association dance held last hereby notified Unit n petition Imp been Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kippur, of coming- year. tiled in said Court" alleging iluit said deChicago, will arrive Sunday to visit Saturday night was an outstanding Mrs. Z. Grueskin left Tuesday for wnsed died tearing no hist -n-lll uiul p r y success. Many of the University of ing for ndntinifitrntion upon her estate, with their daughter, Mrs. Isidor The Temple B'nai Jeshurun will Omaha, where she will be the guest and Hint n lienritjR Mill lie hud on will Nebraska students, in the city for the petition before ronrt on the 18th day «f Ziegler, and Mr. Ziegler. give a benefit bridge Monday after- May, Passover holiday, attended. Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. J. Orkin. JB28, ;ind Hint If they toil »o »pftenr noon, April 24, at the home of Mrs. at suid Ikmrt -en the sold HMi «!«• «f Mr. and Mrs. Harris will entertain Mrs. Fritz Rosenstock were patrons. May, 1882, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest, The Hebrew Loan Fund Society M. Wasserman. the suid Petition, the Court miiy crnnt at dinner this evening, celebrating' The next dance will be given one held a meeting last Sunday at the the Bnnie flnd Krntit. administration of said week from Saturday, April 29. cstiite to Julius Kiiimu'lKon. or some other their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Hebrew Institute. suitable person and proceed to a settleThe Jewish Press in every Jewish ment thereof. Rabbi Frederick Cobn will leave Mr. Gilbert Gendall, Boy Scout exhome in Omaha. I5RTCE CKAWFOKD. The G. S. Club will hold a meet4-20-4t County J f Sunday evening for Ann Arbor, ecutive for Omaha, addressed the ing Sunday at the home of Miss leaders training group last Saturday. Michigan, to address the Jewish Grace Baron. The time will be devoted The next meeting will be held on to sewing. Students' Congregation. May 6. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Meyer have The April birthday club of Mt Sinai i sold their home here and will move Y. M. H. A. BASEBALL TEAM Temple will give a "hard time" party OPENS SEASON SUNDAY at the Mt. Sinai Social Center Saturto St. Louis in the near future to A half share in an established Auto Parts business. The Y. M. H. A. baseball team will day evening, April 22. make their permanent home. play its first game of the season SunA good cash business for the right party, with only Mr. Nathan E. Jacobs returned day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Elma small investment necessary. home today from Columbia, Mo., wood park. Their opponents in this Reasons for selling—must leave town. where he has been attending school. game will be the Brown Park MerLINCOLN He will remain for the summer. chants. The Y. M. H. A. team is enCHARLES LABOVITZ tered in the Southern league of the Mr. L. Kahn, of Philadelphia, . is visiting friends in Lincoln. YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. Omaha Amateur Baseball Associa2034 O Street, :: :: :: Lincoln, Nebr. The Young Judea Senior Club has tion. The "Ivre" Club met at the Ivre postponed the party that was to be The team which Manager Nathan Club rooms Wednesday evening for given Sunday, on account of the Y. M. Green has selected to play for the H. A. Baseball game Ijxat is scheduled Class B honors, consists of the fol- their regular bi-monthly meeting-. for three o'clock at Elmwood Park. lowing men: Sidney Coreman, I<eo Mr. Louis Shostak, of Omaha, is All members who wish to attend the Konecky, Nathan Robinson, William spending- the Passover holidays with game meet at the Jewish Community Wintroub, Leon Mendelson, Arthur his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shostak. Center at 2:30. Svvartz, Robert Kooper, Joe Krasne, William Stalmaster, Leo Weitz, Louis Mr. Irving Kaufman, of Xew York, At the meeting of the Flowers of was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zion held Sunday, April 16, it was Somberg, Reuben Brown. Garson during the past week. decided to have a joint hike with the Miss Ann Waxman is visiting with Hertzl Girls on April 30. Little Miss SIOUX CITY friends in Omaha. Eunice Rosenstein rendered several recitations; the Passover history was Mr. Irving Goldstein, of Chicago, Mrs. Herman Krause, who has been given by Sarah Kurtzroan, and a was in the city for a week as the prophecy was read by Helen Adler. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron. An automobile hike was given by the B'nai Zion on Sunday, April 9. At A meeting of the Hadassah Organthe next meeting of April 23 tryouts ization was held last Monday at the Hebrew Institute. will be held for the baseball team.

Following the reception for Mrs. Wra. Rothschild, who celebrated her one hundredth birthday anniversary Saturday, 'many affairs were given during the week in honor of the visiting relatives who came to felicitate Mrs. Rothschild on her birthday. Mr. Sam Gordon arrived last WedAmong the affairs given was a' nesday from Lincoln, where he is atluncheon by Mrs. J. B. Katz, on Mon- tending the Nebraska State Univerday; Mrs. Samuel Katz' dinner on sity, to spend the first half of the Puesday night; a luncheon on Passover holidays with his parents, Wednesday at which Mrs. Theresa Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon. He had as Arnstein and her daughter, Mrs. Ruth his house guest Mr. Sam Yabroff, also Rothschild were hostesses; and a of the University. They returned to iinner last night at the home of Lincoln Sunday afternoon. Hr» and Mrs. Herbert Harris. Mrs. Katz' dinner on Tuesday was The Mesdames Louis Hiller and In the nature of a birthday party for Selwyn Jacobs will entertain tomorher mother, Mrs. Rothschild. One row at a luncheon at their home. iiundred candles blazed brightly on The Ra Oth Society will hold a *e birthday cake. In a short talk, regular meeting Sunday at the home Sirs. Rothschild wished to all the of the Misses Rae and Dora Wolowitz. guests the same measure of years and love that had been hers. Messrs. Leo and Isy Rosenthal are Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sachs, who attending a family reunion in Dayton, came from Cincinnati to attend Mrs. Ohio. Rothschild's anniversary, returned Mr. Sol Rosenblatt arrived last Sunday Mr. J. B. Katz, of Marion, Wednesday from Harvard University 111., a grandson of Mrs. Rothschild, will return to his home tomorrow. to spend the Passover Holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. RosenMr. Sol Goldstrom returned Sunday blatt. He will return east today. Miss Anne Mushkin, daughter of The Lillies of Zion gave a Passover from a ten week's trip to Europe. "Real Religion" will be Rabbi party at Hanscom Park Sunday, Mr. Goldstrom visited with his father Frederick Cohn's sermon subject for April 16. In Germany. Friday evening. Saturday morning PaperaaBginf, Painting and Mrs. Z. Grushkin, of Sioux City, his subject will be "Like a Tree.' The Fairies of Zion held a public Is spending the holidays with her Rabbi Cohn has chosen this subject Passover and anniversary program Varnishing Sunday evening, at the Jewish Comi Hi sister, Mrs. Julius Orkin, and Mr. in honor of Arbor Day. muntiy Center which was very well Orkin, FIRST CLASS WORK. Mrs. Vella May, of New York, is attended. The following participated REASONABLE PRICES. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky stopping in Omaha for a few days as in the progTam: entertained at their home last Friday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Porothy Cohen. Lil'liie Knrtz. Lillian Rosonlilntt. Sarah Janoff. l«ln Teneiievening in honor of their daughter, Spiesberger. li.-mni. Mirinn and T-illinn Haliltr. Esther Repairing Plaster Work Cohen. Helen Jnnsrer. Esther Welnex. DorJudice, who recently became engaged othy Cobra, Gertrude Kaplan. Flora FellJ. RICKLIN Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Frank, man. Leah Olwrmnn. Oily Gross. Bessie to Samuel R. Brandt, of New York JlBspeJ, Fannie and Itose nudermnn. Call Webster 6270 of Fort Dodge, Iowa, arrived last City. Twenty guests were present. Bessie Bernstein. (Joldie Hirsh. Sylvia j z:: Thursday to spend the Passover Phait. Bessie Il>:ir. Bertha Shapiro. Susie Mr and Mrs. Kulakofsky had as out Finkenstein. Sara Levine. l'eurl Fellman. Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank. of town guests for; tbe_P,asya0'V£r, jfeek and Sara Yafle. Mrs Samuel I. Brandt, and Mr. jSsy^Wi"Redben«-and children, also of Fort Dodge, are also spending the Y. M. H. A. NEWS. Harold W. Brandt of New York. holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Frank. The X. T. C. Club will hold its TegA luncheon will precede the annual ular meeting TueEday, April 25, at the election of Temple Israel Sisterhood, The Misses Ann Gerelick, Pauline Jewish Community Center. Selicow, Esther Brown, and Edith on Monday, May 1, at the Temple. Kenyon will spend the week end in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer, of Fremont. ...FOR... TVo Weeks Starting Saturday. New York City, arrived Sunday to visit with their daughters, Mrs. H. The following three one act plays DIAMONDS, JEWELRY will be given at the regular monthly S. Arnstein, and Mr. Arnstein. AND meeting of the Council of Jewish SPECTAL PLATINUM Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rothschild Women that will be held in the DESIGNING Vestry Boom of Temple Israel Monare moving soon to Kansas City. see day, April 24, at 2:30 p. m.: "Silver Mr. Joe Bonoff left Tuesday night Lining" by Constance D'Arcy Mackay, The Malashock Jewelry Co. "Ashes of Eose" by the same author, j for New York on a business trip. and"Mother's of Men" by Percivalj Diamond and Platinum Specialists Miss Anne Rasnick entertained fif- Wild. Musical and vocal numbers Souls of the Nations at 1514 Dodge Street. teen couples at her home Sunday eve- will also be given, and refreshments death grip in an epic Established 1894. DO Hfftas 5610, ning. will be served. Eeporta of the that epitomizes an era. Mrs. HI S. Novitsky left Monday I Nominating Committee will be given, for Sioux City-1» visit friends. | Mr. Mayer Cohn is spending a few Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ferrer and days in Excelsior Springs, Mo. son, Robert Irving, formerly of St. Mrs. Ben L. Polsky, and daughter, Louis, arrived here a week ago to Shirley Esther, of Lincoln, are spendmake their future home in Omaha. ing the Passover Holidays with Mrs. A son was born Saturday morning Polsky's parents Mr. and Mrs. L. to Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Strauss Bessel. at the Paxton Memorial hospital. Miss Sara Somberg entertained' at Mrs. Charles Redman and son, Le- her home Sunday evening, April 16, lapd Alyin, of Ottumwa, Iowa, will for Messrs. Louis Somberg, Harry . arrive SOJHI to visit with her parents, Ravitz, and The Flappers". Mr. and Mrs. A. White. Miss Ruth Marx, of Sioux City, Mrs. Jack Goldman, of St. Louis, has returned home after a visit \fith :. who has been visiting in California, her brother, Mr. Herbert Marx, stopped in Omaha to visit with Mr. Mrs. Marx. U and Mrs. Morris Perer. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rips announce the birth of a eon, Norman, on Sunday, 'f, . Tfte Ladies of the Golden Hill Sofjj. ciety will hold their next regular April 16, at Stewart Maternity f meeting Tuesday, April 25, at 2:30 at Hospital. : the home of Mrs. M. Lerner. Mrs. Members of the Brotherhood of ! M. Lerner and Mrs. J. Stein will be Temple Israel were entertained at the Tiostesses. the regular meeting last night with Miss Selda Brown left yesterday for JKansas City to visit .with Mrs. WANTED — Experienced Sam Harding for several weeks. salesladies also cashier Tlie Omaha Chapter of Hadassah for General Dry Goods will hold its next regular ' meeting store. Do not phone.— Wednesday afternoon, April 26, at the Star Store, 24th and Jewish Community Center. Parker Streets. Mrs."Ira Rosenblum, and daughter, LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTMATE BEFORE ' Marjory" Ruth, of Kansas City, are the YOU DO YOUR SPRING CLEANING. guests of Mrs. Rosenblum's parents, Harry H. LapIdM. * Pre«.-TreM. JOB. repper. Vlce-PresiaenC Jtfr. and Mrs. H. Gross, and sister, W. G, Ore, Secretary. Mrs. J. M> Malashock, and Mr. Mala-shock. Omaha Fixture &


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Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris will entertain this evening for forty guests at dinner, at the Brandeis Restaurants. ' A special mseting of the Omaha Junior Hadassah will be held Wer'nes. Jay evening, April 26, at the Jewish •n ~ 3oEunSnity Center. 5s

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Council BIuiffs: Towa,

Telephone 4946.



The Federal Railway Advertising Association Supplying Efficient Advertising for Merchants, Manufacturers and Distributers Omaha Office; 479-81 Brandeis BIdg. Phone ATlantic 4 0 5 4 HE FEDERAL RAILWAY ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION takes this means of announcing to the Working People, Merchants and others of Omaha and vicinity that they have opened a branch office in this city and are now inaugurating a SAFE, SANE, LEGITIMATE and PRACTICAL SERVICE whereby they eo-operate with MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS and DISTRIBUTORS in all lines of merchandise for the issuing and distribution of CARDS and CERTIFICATES to every family in GREATER OMAHA. These CERTIFICATES are VALUABLE and are redeemable at our office for


FREE TRANSPORTATION When returned to us we issue to the holder a CERTIFIED VOUCHER drawn on a Local National Bank, that can be used for the purchase of STREET CAR CHECKS, tickets on any STEAM or ELECTRIC RAILROAD, INTERURBAN LINES, MOTOR BUSES, or for GASOLINE.


TAKE YOUR VACATION ON FREE TRANSPORTATION Almost everybody is planning a summer vacation, but the problem of transportation is most perplexing to some of them. We have solved the problem for you. By patronizing local firms who issue our Cards and Certificates, you can have them redeemed at any time at our office for FREE TRANSPORTATION anywhere.

BE THRIFTY, WISE AND PRUDENT Insist on the merchants with whom you trade that they issue these Cards and Certificates. If your own merchant does not have them, just phone us and we will supply you with the names of firms representing us in GREATER OMAHA. These Cards and Certificates are far betterthan Trading Stamps or Premiums, because you may use them for some- , thing more valuable than mere trifles.

TO OMAHA MERCHANTS: It means dollars in your Cash Register to get in touch with us. Phone us today for information and become a Subscriber for our SERVICE. It means NEW, MORE and PROFITABLE BUSINESS for you. Only one firm in each line can secure our SERVICE. Territory is rigidly restricted. Get busy immediately, as we are almost ready to publish the names of MERCHANTS who will issue our CARDS and CERTIFICATES to their patrons.



I I 1



• "•

PAGE-4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL* 20,-1922 s*iiii(iHiiiiiifiiiifn.|iiiiniiinninri^

l ^ l ^ ^ i ^ ^ i a i - lleptrtiiieiit of The Jewish Press





Office 209 South 18tb Street

Jackson 0268


U U DoDffla* St. t TeI. Jackson 8171




industrial and' AntbmotlTe Machinists. Cnrburetor* and Ignition Repalro. Starter Klnr G«ar» for Anta FIT Wheel* «17 Snnth 13th Street. Telephone: JarJcson-tSSO


conversation < by .explaining- to him some of the important, parts of civil' government, explain to him in a gen{eral way some of the salient features ! of the constitution of the United j States, the policy regulations and any ONE HUNDRED AND FIFDR. J. CONSTAS REPORTS other matters that "might be of use TIETH ANNIVERSARY OF to him in making him a good AmeriTO DEPARTMENT OF FAMOUS JEWISH ECONcan citizen. In this way he would LABOR ON CONDIOMIST THIS WEEK. become a citizen by evolution. The TIONS ABROAD. advantages of such a system as this An anniversary which recalled to There have been lately so many can be readily seen. There would the attention of the world the attacks upon immigrants and particu- be very little encroachment upon his achievements of one among the many lar upon Jewish immigrants, that it time; he would feel that an interest Jews who have made substantial conis refreshing to find a report in was being taken in him without the tribution to the worlds' thought and expectation of receiving something in progress occured on April 19th. This, praise of the newcomers. Some months ago, the Hon. James return, and furthermore the close is the date of the birth, in the year J. Davis, Secretary of Labor, com- daily contact with Americans who 1772, of David Ricardo, an English are interested in his welfare would Jew, who is one of the most promi missioned Dr. John Constas, a well him a spirit of appreciation inent figures in the development of

The Achievements of David Ricardo

Jewish Immigrants Grade Type

•j known physician, to investigate con-, ditions abroad. Dr. Constas has j u s t j ^ d ^aiikfulness.


The Harry A. Koch Co. INVESTMENT SECURITIES First National Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 0360.

Y o u r position is correct, and should b e s u p p o r t e d by every fan- minded person.


In this way thethe science of political economy. ' 2224 CCMING STREET... . * .] ,^?Ehojnex^reJi«tlor."OM».. ; returned to this country and has sub- foreigner would not only be benefited The work of David Ricardo furmitted a report to Secretary Davis but the various organizations would nishes an effective refutation of the on "conditions in certain European have the satisfaction of knowing that charge that Jews are engaged only | countries as affecting immigration to they were accomplishing a work that in undermining# the foundations of (the United States." We. give here would ultimately result in raising the existing social orders, and that they . . . of... WHOLESALE GROCERS* j some excerpts from that interesting standard of true Americanism among are agitating for social chaos. Those his foreign born brothers." Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phone Jackson 1302 who make this charge gleefully point . report: The report concludes with this to Karl Marx or to I<eon Trotzky I was exceedingly "In Germany impressed with the great desire "on characterization of the literacy test: with their theory that the ideal state "I am also of the opinion that the can be achieved only through inthe part of a large number of young . : REMEMBER', ' 'f existing literary test excludes per- evitable class struggle, but they Visit-Our men to come to this country. Most sons who are especially skilled in theoverlook Ricardo, whose theories and of them seem to be of a very high (PALMEP. GRADUATE) studies in many respects serve as grajJe type, especially the " German various arts and trades." ! In view of the fact that a great the ground-work upon which rests the and Eussian Jew. Most of us will Do away with drudgery and make Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 house-work a pleasure by the use acknowledge that this class make deal of publicity has been given to elaborate structure of the so-called With -Your. Order *or of modern electrical appliances. good citizens and are an asset to thethe reports of Kenneth Roberts and "bourgeois" economics, so hateful to Lillian Russell, it is really surprising the social radicals. ! ANYTHING community." HOLCOMB The "Electric Shop" is on the that Dr. Constast report, which was It will be noticed Dr. Constas reThe Ricardo family originally reIN THE ^RAPPING • ground floor of the Electric buildFOOD CHEMICAL ing,. South-east corner of Fifteenth fers to the Jewish immigrant in quite submitted to the Department of La-sided in Italy, but later became! PAPEgLINE „ PRODUCTS CO., INC. and Farnam streets. a different tone than adopted by bor on Jan. 21 of this year, should prominent members of the Jewish Maontnrturem of not have been given to the press. Kenneth Roberts and Lillian Russell. FOODS AND CHEMICALS. community of Amsterdam, Holland. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Discussing the question of distriWith the migration of many Jews • Phone Douglas 6409 v / THE BEST 918 N. lfith St. Phone Atlantic 4964 bution of immigrants, Dr. Constas BALFOUR THINKS ZIONIST from Holland to England, coincident POSITION SAFE with the shifting of the centre ofi says: London (J. C. B.)—That the Zion- trade and finance, David Ricardo's Plans for Distribution Impracticable. ist position has been rendered safe NORTHWEST READY SKINNER "Much thought has . been devoted by Secretary Churchill's statement to father, Abraham Ricardo, two gen-: ROOFING CO. BAKING COMPANY erations after the settlement of the ( to the question of the distribution of the Arabs and that it no longer Ready Roofing over old shingles. DOUGLAS 186? Also asphalt fchlngles ami bulld-np immigrants who arrive in this conn-, stands in need of public champion- family in Holland, went to England roofs. Fire resisting and durable.1 and was naturalized. He amassed a AU wort guaranteed- Easy terms. * try and suggestions "have been made j i p g ( has been made clear by Sir ATSTEJNER ELECTRIC fortune as a member of the stock j Phone IlarnpT 25T4 to distribute them throughout differJ thur J. Balfour, who informed the Office and Warehouse: 3122 L*arenworth MEATCHOPPER exchange and was active in Jewish ent sections of the country according' Zionists that he would be unable to I 'AND COFFEE to their respective vocations. My in- address the Queens' Hall meeting, affairs. David was the third child. His timate contact with this body of peosince, as he said' "Churchill's stateSCALES OF ALL-pie forces the conviction upon me ment requires' no"" comment." In def-early education was designed to preMAKES FOR SALE. MANUFACTURERS. that such a method of distribution erence to Sir Arthur Balfour's wish- pare him for a financial career. At MEY-MER-CO. Brand the age of fourteen his father began 510 South lOth Street. cannot be made practical, for the e s > the Zionist meeting has been to employ him in his business. At Beverages and Syrups. Phone Jackstiri 3332. *'• simple reason that most of the imriii- postponed. 319-331 So. l&b bt., 6m»ba. Nebr. twenty-one, he married a non-Jewgrants coming to this country have' \t i s understood that Sir Arthur ess, Priscilla Anne Wilkinson, which Phono Atlantic 18*9 relatives or friends, with wh ai they Balfour's r'efusal* to appear at the caused a rupture between father and, Iten "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" have kept in touch previous to their j Queen's Hall is due, among other son. Biscuit Co. j -and.- buy them at departure from the old country, and things, to the Coalition crisis. Financial Genius. I SNOW WHITE naturally their desire is to be near! All that the name Compelled to resort to his own inj BAKERIES 3X9them. They therefore choose for JOINT SPENDING TWO BILimplies. itiative, young Ricardo attained (Re*. C. S. Pat their homes the section of the counPhone Douglas 3400. LION KRONEN IN AUSTRIA OflW.l i d ATLANTIC 4522 try in which they are located and en- London, (J. T. A.) The Joint Dis- wealth and a commanding position' Douglas 6887 916 N 16th St. gage in work there or establish their tribution Committee of America has in financial affairs. His supplemen-' tary interests at this time included TKV SVNDOREN'S business there." allocated the sum of two billion AusNutritions Horn* Hade ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Referring to the Americanization trian Kronen for the support of mathematics, chemistry, geology and APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES mineralogy. He was one of the Ambulance Service process, Dr. Constas makes the fol-needy intellectulas, without distincSealed in Sanitary Waxed charter members of the English Geo-! Equipped with Pnlmotor. Maife by lowing suggestion: .Granden Electric Co. tion of race or creed, the Stadt's cor" Wrapper at Tour Grocer. All Calls Answered Promptly. ? UNCLE SAM. BREAKFAST * logical Society. j DRPENDAHLF KI.ECTK1CAI> Americanization. respondent announces, adding that >ir::eHA\nisE. Sundgren Pie Baking Co. FOOD CO.: His first published study in ecoJOHN A. GENTLEMAN 151! Honiinl St. filmic Atlnntlr US81: .Mth and ~H!rUory. Atlantic 6341 "There is no doubt that the so-Herbert Hoover of the American Re- nomics was an unsigned paper on OMAHA, NEBRASKA, 3411 Farnam St. Phone Hartley 0302 lief Administration has approved of called Americanization schools are the bullion controversy, contributed rendering a great service to the for-the distribution scheme proposed by to tho "Morning Chronicle" in 1809. eign born, but when it is realized the Jewish Comihittee, having placed This he expanded into a pamphlet, American Carpenter Paper Co. how few attend these schools in pro- his organization machinery at the which won him the friendship of WHOLESALE Wet Wash Laundry portion to the number of foreigners disposal of the distributors of this James Mills, Malthus, and Bentham, ' * Distributors of Druggists and Stationers fund. located in the particular community, 2808 Cuming. Harney 0881 the leading economists of that time., 431-iK-lOS sbutb lOtli Western Bond—and. High Grade ; it will be seen that they are not acOne Day Service. No Extra Its incorporation into the bullion re• .Stationery;' NOTED ZIONIST ENGINEER complishing the results that are deCharges. Refinite Soft Water. OJiAJHA, NEBRASKA. COMING TO UNITED STATES port of 1810 established him as an: sired and that their scope is only authority on monetary principles. j Pinchus Ruttenberg, a noted hyWhy Buy Tin? limited to the few who find it practHis controversies, from 1813 to! LADY CHIROPRACTOR draulic engineer, famous for his plan Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. ical for them to attend. Some of the PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. to harness the water power of the 1815, with authorities on economics j SAVES YOU MONEY. ID Active Prartire Since 1910. principal reasons why these schools 37th and Morttia.Sts. Barney 1662 Jordan River in Palestine, left Lon- on the free-trade issue, of which" he • MID-STATES WHOLESALE Manufacturers ot Brass, Bronze. Alumiare not more largely attended are: don last Friday for America, accordDr. Frances H. Turner num nnd Soft Gray Iron Castings was a staunch advocate, led- to the GROCERS (1) Lack of time. Most of the forTon are assured of soft castings, as Office: Brandeis Tlieatre Bnlldlns. 111.-19 Police St. Jackson 3873 ing to a cable received by the Zionist publication in 1817 of his "Princiw.e machine gome from, ev^ry. be.a» In 17th nnd DonjflaB Streets. eign born, shortly after th«ir arrival Organization of America. our own shop. Stnndnra size CIST Iron Phone Atlantic S8SG • ples of Political Economy and Taxa- i bushings in stock. ; in this country, are straining all their While coming to the United States tion." From then until his death in j I energies to earn a livelihood,-working MAX OLSEN & CO. TIKES—TCliES—ACCESSORIES in the interest of his plan, Mr. Rut- 1823 he held the dominant position from early- in ''-a morning until £ t e tenberg will assist in the work for Wholesale llli>trtbntor» far in English political economy. SCHMIDT'S t in the evening, and even if a few the Keren Hayesod, wbich has already Distinguished in Parliament. We carry n complete line of new Malta. Select Bock, Ginger ! hours werer-available after work they appropriated $200,000 for the develOT!B TREATMENT W1M. rin? gears, pinions, axle shnfts and CONVINCE YOU OF OUR Ricardo entered the House of - Ale, Hires Root Beer j are so tired: oat that, it is almost im- opment of water power in Palestine. springs Tor nlmost any make of car. SINCERITY. SI. D. UICHMAX. Maunder. Ofilre anil tV.trelmuse: 917 So. Main St. Commons in 1819. There he dispossible for them to adapt themselves Trout Department. 1318-1330 VTent Rroaduay, Telephone MS" tinguished himself by advocating Safety Depoflit Boxes. r. BLUFFS. IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. to any kind of studies. (2) Sus-CO-OPERATIVE PALESTINE PHONE 444. . financial and economic schemes con-1 BUILDING ASSOCIApiciousness. This is a very natural TION ORGANIZED cerned with the public welfare, such j characteristic of the newly arrived RATES j immigrant. Many of the AmericanzaVienna (Jewish Press Association). as the plans of Robert Owen, the pro- j Omaha Ollice: 813 Dotirhis Street. for space on this Special Omaha Phone Atlantic WS&tt j fion schools are held in public schools The International bureau of the "Ag- posals of savings banks and old-age' ' Page given-on • appjication. ' and in churches, probably of a dif- udath Israel" founded a new co-op- pensions. Ford Tranter & Storage Co. Ricardo favored a fairer distribu| ferent faith from which they have erative association for the building 21G N. I6th St. R. A. FORD. , Branches at Central Market, tion of wealth" among all classes than j President nnd Genernl Manager. j been brought up, and oftentimes they of dwelling houses in Palestine. Table Supply and Food-Center. A 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 -| ! have the feeling that they are exCouncil BlnffB (Iowa) Office Shares of stock totalling 15,000 obtained at that time, and advocated. 924 So. Main Street. Phone 365 r pected to affiliate themselves with pounds sterling are to be issued for the principle "of profit-sharing by em- [ ployees with their employers. The that particular church as" a return for subscription, the greater share of CLEAN LINEN An Ideal UBRIIIDC "Combination. the teaching they have received. (3) which has already been underwrit- profit-sharing plans of our own time. Every morning may be regarded in a sense as a deEstss Laundry Tablets Many deceive themselves with the ten. ir TOO rail tbe velopment of Ricardo's idea. . . . with . . . idea that they wilf remain qnly a This society was founded at the and Vegetables Estes Soap Chips Besides his theory of economic disFrontier Towel Supply short time, and upon accomplishing suggestion and earnest recommendaand 1815 California Street. W. COP, Eleventh and BswardSte. OMABA,; NEB. what they want, will retunj to their tion of Messrs. Bialer and Wyadis- tribution, Ricardo promulgated the Phone Doarlas 6291 Water Softener (Combined) native country, and for that reason lowsky, the "Agudath Israel" repre- theory of metallic money, which was j At all Grocers. generally accepted. He was a staunch j Americanization is unnecessary. In sentatives, recently returned from OUK NK1V LOCATION supporter of liberal religious policies order • to . <jffset these objections and Palestine. - Corner lMtli mill DIIIIBIHM Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 and often defended them in ParliaYon will like MllMHlli- Trtjiiilf^lllilg. , to make -up. for the deficiencies of Sherman Mercantile Co. ... for... Uiir Mite •" ment.—The Union Bulletin. • Wholesale Grwera Specinltie* the:, Americanization schools, it has BAI.mi'I.N. RI.I.INUTON. HAMILTON H(»VA1II> (II'ltUiNTS. . (tltANnS. 1511 Cumin* St. Phone Atlantic 1247 occurred" to? me that it would be a PLATE!! PIANOS. NO JEWS IN NEXT BUTTER OMAHA PURE POOD CO. most splendid scheme if the various DISTRIBUTORS BRITISH CABINET Made by THATCHKK PIANO CO. JACK, SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. 24I» Cumin* St.. Oraahn. Nrbraxba. organizations, clubs and societies :""PhunV 'furkfinn 80(1(1, London. (J. P. A.) The MetropolOmaha. Nebraska. throughout thi.. country would pledge t itan Press, discusses the probabilities their individual members to take i t [ that the next BJritish Cabinet will bo. Rates for Space, on upon themselves, whenever opportuncomposed of conservatives arid Union.; DON'T BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page Rates for Space on this Special Page ity: afforded it, of getting in; touch ists. At the same time thfc opinion "OIL 1- MICH <'IIKA|'Klt given oa application. given on application. •" L e i Us Uomnve t n e IifKfr frnni with the forefgu born in their immeis. freely expressed that if the Coi:Your Furn.i<»- Hurt- lfi«en s diate neighborhood and assist them servatiyes should, form the cabinet, ULLIBRIDGE CfL VAPOR BURNER in acquiring^a knowledge of the; laws,; j VAL J. PETER & COMPANY Jews will be conspicuous by their ab: 4XS Itrantlri* Bide* 1>t. .Inrfcson 23TS •Sf* l»*roonH»rm,Iiin OIB So,: IBfh: Strert. cusionis,;= manners, .;,*tcifc of".}th~e; Ai»er-1 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. sence in its coufisels. The Conserva1 482 Brandeis Building. Tel. Jackson 2372. ATlantic 0340. icah peopledrJn. other^^-wor^sr-lpthi? |i tiveparty^ has recenttj- manifested PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS lake'- advantage 6£-\aCfew;..moments'* marked tendencies of anti-Semitis»lfcr

WelDelLver the Real Goods.


Leo A. Hoffmann



Groneweg & Schoentgen

M^Cord-Braiy Co.

The Brinn & Jensen Company <


"Electric Shop"



Dayton Money Weight Scales and Meat .Slicers





Baker k e Machines

Meyer Mercantile Co., Inc. 'Manufactured in- Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.




£heek& Gab



E. E. Bruce & Co.




















Council Bluffs Savings Bank

Mid-West Aoto Parts Co.



Steamship Tickets






Jewish Press



Kirschbraun & Sons



.1. Remember it is: the busiest wan J that always gets more business. '

• A thing done right today means less trouble tomorrow.


VOL. II.-No. 20


s jnall matter* on . Januarj 2Tth.'l921. at Nebraska, nnder the Act of March 3, 18TO.

Two Thousand AMI f Members and $52,000 Goal o t ^deration for This Year; Appeal Starts Monday -










One Hundred and Fifty Workers, in Thirty Teams, Will Canvas City for at Least 800 New Members






New York, April 25.—Like father, like daughter, is the 1922 version of the ancient adage, as applied by Miss Susan Brandeis, daughter of Justice Brandeis of the United States supreme court, who announced that she had "hung out her shingle" as an attorney. Miss Brandeis has been an assistant in the office of William Hayward, United States district attorney for New York, and has formed a law partnership with Benjamin S. Kirsh, also on Col. Hayward's staff.

Des Moines Leader, Beloved in Relief Work Dies Smiling

Two thousand Jewish Welfare Federation members in 1922! This is the goal which 150 workers, under the leadership of the Federation Finance Commitiee, Harry Lapidus, chairman, have jset^for.themselves in the annual Federation membership campaign Which starts Monday. .. " . % TQiirty"teams of five men each; will canvas every part of the city to secure the 800 new members necessary to bring- the J. L. Sheuerman Succumbs to Federation list to 2,000. Illness Following Intensive ' With" improved business conditions and the "splendid record Public Work. which the Federation made last year in local communal work, the solicitors are confident of every success. WAS ACTIVE IN DEVELOP-

A Statement of What it Spent in 1921 and What it Needs in 1922 "GIVE ONCE TO ALL" Expended Must Have 1—Local Juvenile Aid 1921 1922 2—Local A$ult Aid 3—Social Service and $14,341.00 $15,000.00 Americanization 4—Local Immigrant Aid 5—Wise Memorial Hospital 3,300.00 3,300.00 6—Y. M. i t A. 6,100.00 7,200.00 7—Y. W. H. A. ) 8—City Talmud Torah 4,084.75 5,100.00 9—S. S* Talmud Torah 130.00 780.00 10—Old Peoples' Home 1,075.00 3,300.00 11—Jewish Community Center 350.00 2,700.00 12—CleVelaha Orphan Home 1,800.00 1,800.00 13—LeoNil«evi Hospital, Hot Springs 150.00 150.00 14—National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, Denver 1,500.60 1,500.00 15—Jewish' Consumptives' Relief Society, Denver 800.00 800.00 16—Ex-patients' Home, Denver 300.00 300.00 17—Hebrew Sheltering Immigrant Aid Society 750.00 750.00 18—Transient Relief ) 1,481.95 1.550.00 19—Haehnosath Orchim 20—Palestine Institutions 1,500.00 21—Administration 6,000.00 5,837.76 Miscellaneous 325.00 370.00

El Paso, Tex., April 25.—Inclusion in school histories of chapters that would give thp pupils information concerning the part Jews have played and are playing in American history is advocated in a resolution adopted by the annual convention of the seventh district of the Independent Order of B'Nai B'Rith here today. The resolution provides that "inasmuch as there is widespread ignorf ance as to what the Jew has contributed in American history," the • other district lodges be asked t^ join in a movement to have the general | lodge request the United States comI missioner of education to take steps | to have the new rhapters included in • histories.



Zionists and Antis Express Opinions on Congress Resolution I |

Vera Gordon to Talk for "Boys' Week" Program "Jewish Press" Arranges for. Public Appearance of Fam- . ous Mother in "Humoresque." WILL ADDRESS JEWISH PARENTS <AT COMMUNITY CENTER, WEDNESDAY NIGHT. : Vera Gordon—and boys! Those who saw "Humoiesque" that beautiful film play of Jewish life, will always re^ member the splendid acting of Vera Gordon in the role of the mother. ' Her loving care, her tact, her' sympathetic understanding of the boys in her story-book family brought tears to the eyes of those who sat enthralled by her art. Vera Gordon knows boys and loves them. She will bring her knowledge and her love of boys home to the Jewish parents of Omaha next Wednesday night. By special arrangement with the Orpheum Theater, where Miss Gordon will appear next week, the "Jewish Press" has secured Miss Gordon to talk at the Jewish; Community Center on Wednesday night, in honor of "Boys' Week". "Boys' Week" begins Sunday and

"Omaha is proud of its Federation," munity is fulfilling his just obligation MENT OF CITY ALONG m i Louis Lipsky Says Selfishness said Morris Levy, president, today, to the city's needs. COMMUNAL LINES. . Prompts Reform Rabbis' | "and it has every reason to be. Our As an additional slogan, the finance Opposition. Federation. ls : one of the best in the committee has ' adopted a passage . Des Moines, la.—J. L. Sheuerman, 1 entire country. It includes every local from the 1921 report . of President 43, and a resdient of Des Moines for | DR. D. PHILLIPSON SAYS institution in^fcbe city doing social Morris Levy, which sums up the re- forty years, died here last Wednes• ZIONISM ACCENTUATES work, 6- national institutions, and lation of each O.maha Jew to the Jew- day, following a six weeks' illness.. ALIENISM OF JEWS. those in Palestine." ish Welfare Federation. The slogan Death was caused by endocarditis. $42,325.46 $52,100.00 1 Mr. Sheuerman had earned the ad"But just being proud of the Fed- reads "You are judged by what you Washington. (J. C. B.) The final eration Is not sufficient," Mr. Levy give and do, rather than by what you miration and love of every citizen of his home and state through his un"YOU ARE JUDGED BY WHAT YOU GIVE AND DO, session of the Hearing by the Foreign continued. "It is the duty of every have and keep." ceasing efforts in philantropic He Jew in Omaha to support the FederaRATHER J H A N BY WHAT YOU HAVE AND KEEP." Affairs Committee of the Hamilton Progress of the appeal, together was a tireless worker, and possessed a tion to the utmost of his ability. The Fish Resolution recognizing Palestine Federation touches every Jew-at some with names and subscriptions of new wonderful executive ability which ina sthe Jewish Homeland was held on lasts through' the following Sunday. Eight J^jjiclred New Members—and EVERY angle of his life. "Every Jew should members secured, ^will be printed in stilled his enthusiasm into those asFriday, Dr. David Phillipson of the It is sponsored locally by the Men's next week's issue of the "Jewish sociated with him. He was Des support it." Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati Service League for Boys, of which QI3)Member— Will Carry the Feder-• Moines chairman for the United Federation, • In a special appeal to present mem- Press." speaking against, and Louis Lipsky, the Jewish Welfare A ation Through 1922 War work campaign of 1918, and acthrough the YMHA, is a member.. hers* of the Federation, Mr. Levy general secretary of the Zionist Ortive in drives of every sort during urged that they notify the office of ganization of America pleading for, To Help the Beys. and after the war. the names of any residents of the a favorable report onA th.e" resolution. All during "Boys' Week" programs, city who are not now "members, so , His last words were typical of his RabhiUhillipson sa*ejhe felt he "was sermons and addresses will be deljv-» that the list of prospects for the workenthusiasm ancLspirit. ... . speaking for" a majority of those com- ered throughout the city to parents* JEWISH CONGRESS^ ~*JrrSJBB^ "Let's put it over, boys,*''he whis- avvuin prising the^nreift "iKt&dred synagogues urging them to bSCoffle" T*&tt«r acC A N p j p ^ E T© BB . "This is. hot a "drive" in the orpered. Then he smiled and passed ELECTED ON MAY 10 in „ the Union of American Hebrew quainted with their own boys, and dinary sense of the word," said Harout. Remaining §50,000 Will Be Secured Twelve organizations were repre- Congregations; "and a majority of .the to help boys who have no parents. ry Lapidus, chairman of the finance Sheuerman's end was hastened, it is "Within Two Weeks; S»y« sented at the meeting in the Jewish members of the Central Conference Boys' Week" is a national institucommittee" of the Federation. "It is a believed, by the energy he devoted to - Mrs. Abrani Simon. Community Center last night, for the of American Rabbis when he appeared tion, and the "Jewish Press" welmembership campaign. Every new against the recognition of the Jewish "putting over" the Jewish war sufSays Zionists Must Make Clear purpose ©f electing Omaha's delegate Palestine. He acknowledged, how- comes this opportunity • to help the member that we secure now •will stay ferers' relief drive. cause it represents. to the American Jewish Congress, LOCAL WOMEN URGED TO COMPolicy of Eqnal Rights a member of the Federatoin for years ever, that these constituted a minority Although he had been sick for which will meet in Philadelphia, May The program for next Wednesday PLETE OMAHA'S To Arabs. to come. Every one of the 500 memof American Jews, and that some will include, in addition to a talk by weeks before the campaign ended, he 21. "QUOTA. bers we enrolled last year will be a among them did favor Zionism. refused to give up to his illness until Miss Gordon, several musical select "TIMES" PUBLISHER WILL AID Names of ten men were placed in **>ember this year. * the success of the drive was assured. nomination, but due to the absence of tions and other entertaining features. Cincinnati, April 2.4.—The sum reIN PROMOTION OF "The Federation needs $10,000 more The Anti-Zionist Belief. At last on Jan. 22, when the objecsevera. of the nominees from the W. L. Holzman, president of the this year than it did in 1921. This is quired to erect a dormitory for rab- tive sought in the drive was certain, HARMONY. Dr. Phillipson reiterated the anti- Advisory Board of the YMHA, will meeting, it adjourned until May 10. the absolute minimum. This means binical students at Hebrew Union he obeyed the orders of his physician, Additional nominations may be made Zionists' belief that Jews are nation- preside. that no one,can give less than he gave College in Cincinnati, is within ?50,- gave up and went to bed. Paris (J. T. A.)—Adolph S. Och-s j at this meeting, according to Dr. als of the countries where they are last year/ ikd some will have to give 000 of its completion, through a camOmaha Hebrew Club Program. publisher of the "New York Times," Philip Sher and N. S. Yaffee, chair- born. Jews being an international reWeakened by the energy spent in paign conducted by members of the rk of the The Omaha Hebrew Club is planinterviewed on his return from Paleswo: more. various ligious people, and not a nation. That man and secretary of the meeting-. branches oitiie Federation is increas- National Federation of Terr.ple making the drive a success, he never tine, said he believed it was necesning an open meeting on Sunday, "America is our Zion," and that Ising every day. The YM and YWHA Sisterhoods, Mrs. Abram Simon, recovered. May 7, at 3:00 o'clock, at the Jewsary to make clear that the Zionists rael's mission is to live among the In an editorial tribute to Mr. Sheuare .jgrowiiig; more children are at- chairman of the campaign, announced had no intention of dominating the ZIONISTS TO ELECT OFFI- nations and to spread the truth of ish Community Center, to be devoted 1 CERS AT SPECIAL tending the Talmud Torahs; we have today. Mrs- Simon stated that $200,- erman the Des Moines "Tribune" said: Holy Land, asking only to be God, were among the assertions made to boys and "Boys' Week". The MEETING. "His memory will be an influestablished'; a' beautiful Community 000 of the $250,000 fund sought by program will be furnished by talente* permitted to develop the country on A special meeting of the Omaha by Rabbi Phillipson. Center which is becoming more popu- the National Federation rf Temple ence in Des Moines for many Jewish boys of the city, Dr. A, the basis of friendly cooperation Continuing, Rabbi Philippson asZionist district has been called for lar daily; e have just undertaken to Sisterhoods has been sent inu> cam- years. It is going to be harder Greenberg, president of the Club, with the Arab inhabitants. next Tuesday evening at the Jewish serted that he objected to the resolu- indicated today. Full details of the subsidize e Palestine institutions." paign headquarters by local sister- to be selfish and clannish, and in"My stay has been too brief to enCommunity Center, for the purpose of tion as an American because it was different because of him. It is As in llJfel, the slogan of the Fed- hoods throughout t!:e country and able me to speak authoritatively of electing a president and two vice-pres- a "trap" to entangle this country in program will be announced in next going to be easier to be one peoeration thtt year is "Give Once To that a large number hud exceeded the the manifold aspects of the Palestine idents. Frank - Dee, president, re- Franco-British politics of the Near week's "Jewish Press". All," through which Federation mem- quotas assigned to them. The money ple, with one common cause. We situation," Mr. Ochs said. "What I signed at Tuesday's meeting due to East. In view of the differences of David Beber, 16, a member of tha bers are protected from indiscriminate has been raised in many ways—rang- are going to put more emphasis have seen of Jewish colonization and ill health, and the resignations of Ben opinions among Jews themselves, it is YMHA, will talk on "The Boy in on the things that help everybody solieitationjof funds, This method in- ing from solicitation and campaign of the men and women directing and Handler and Louis Kneeter, vice-pres- not advisable for America to take up Industry" at the "Boys' Week" y sures that-all the social needs of the for individual donations to rummage and less emphasis on what we can participating in the rebuilding of the idents, were also received. cudgels for Zionism, whose worst luncheon of the Rotary Club, at the ourselves grab out of the scramcommunity* are being looked after, "sales, card parties, dances, cakefcountry has been most gratifying. All members are urged to attend. aspect is that it accentuates the alienFontenelle Hotel, next Wednesday. ble. Selfishness is' discounted in and thai tech member of the com- "baking and bazaars. ~» ». We must stand in awe and admiraism of the Jew In the minds of the "We feel that we have made a the memory of bis work, and an tion of the enthusiasts who have MENORAH SOCIETY ELECTS other people, said the Rabbi. active friendliness will be steadily Jewish Professor FiHds Systen r remarkable showing in, the face of thrown in their lot with the eountry $2,000 for Relief Raised by Asked if it was not absolutely nec"PERMANENT ^OFFICERS. unprecedented difficulties," Mrs. more realizable. Tor Control of Plant DitfUt of their forefathers, who have showr essary to open Palestine as a home The three universities of the city "It is a fine thing to have lived 8 North Platte Families Simon declared.. '"We had a great such courage and determination and are all represented in the roll of offi- for persecuted Jews, Rabbi Phillipson educational task of teaching the wo- life well, much finer than tohave are doing such excellent work for its cers elected at the meeting of the Me- replied, "Why not open all countries Proposed Treatment of Boot-Ksf Per Capita Contribution of $250 is men of the country their respons- lived life long. Mr. Sheuerman Will Save T n a s $25,000,000 revival- The Jewish pioneers belong norah Society in the Jewish Communi- to immigration? South Africa is Highest in. State. ibility toward Hebrew Union College lived life well." . Annually. to a tine type who would win distinc- ty Center, Tuesday. open, why choose Palestine?" Mr. Sheuerman is survived by his —the need of adequate housing for tion anywhere. What has already North Platte, Neb.—Jews of North With the adoption of the constituAustin, Texas. (J. T. A.) Professor The Zionist Stand. been accomplished exceeded my ar.ti- tion and the election of permanent ofPlatte Suriday afternoon at a meeting the students •there. We heard the wife and two children. J. J. Taubenhaus, a native of Pale* universal complaint—business concipations. I have been particularly ficers this new communal group is held in the Chamber of Commerce Secretary Lipsky met the argustruck by the prosperous look of ready for work. The following were ments of the opposition with a mass tine, Chief of the Department oK rooms oversubscribed the quota of ditions were -bad—money was scarce. ASK WORK FOR Plant Pathology and Physiology of this city, ib the nation-wide campaign Then too, we encountered other UNEMPLOYED MEN some of the Jewish colonies, and elected: • President, Sam Beber, of material, to which he referred in the Texas Experiment Station an4 meritorious appeals that were drainfor the relief of war sufferers carried In an appeal issued today, the Jew- especially impressed with Tel-Aviv, Creighton; 'Hce-president, Morris the course of his two-hour speech. Agricultural Collage, has added to on by the American Jewish Relief ing the resources of our co-religion- ish Welfare Federation urges that the Jewish municipality near Ja Margolin, Nebraska; secretary, Irving Correcting many misstatements by ists. Yet, despite all this, we have any person needing a man for odd which has been built entirely through Rabkin, Nebraska;' corresponding sec- Professor Reed and others, Mr. Lipsky his already long list of scientific - committee^ The quota for North Platte was already raised $200,000 and within a jobs, call the Federation office. Do. {Zionist effort. It is one of the roost retary, Leo So'senthal, Omaha; treas- said that American Jewry had spoken achievements and contributions a dj#> $2;000, of a total quota of $125,000 fortnight we shall probably have our 5377. There are many Jewish men efficiently administered municipa'ities urer, A. Steinberg, Nebraska; re- through the Jewish Congress. No at- covery of the highest importance toi full quarter million—-the greatest in the city who are available for this in the country. porter, I. Sternhill, Creighton; execu- tention should be paid to the small Texas and the entire South. f or the stlte of Nebraska. money gift of Jewish women to Mr. H.-.H. Lapidus and Henry sort of work,- according to Samuel "Regarding the political side of the tive committee, Abe Kadner, Creigh- minority of Reform Jews, who, he j The discovery represents the resuH thousands ol Judaism. We are confident that the ton; Julius Grower, Nebraska; Philip said, in the last analysis are prompt- J Monsky ok Omaha representing the Schaefer, superintendent. Zionist question, I believe that *r experiments in the field, in the hoik Trochtenberg, Omaha. Nebraska campaign committee wjth last days of the campaign will sweep ed by nothing but selfishness, fearing tion with the Arabs will be avoided SEEK MISSING MAN. house and in the laboratory. He ha* headquarters in Omaha were present on with a rush—that the cumulative that their position as individuals if it is made clear that Zionists have A letter from Russia, addressed to been able to discover the cause an! effects of weeks of work will descend and addressed the meeting. would be hurt. Mr. Lipsky called atno intention to dominate the conniry, FESTIVITY NETS $165 Mr. Louis Sterberg, 2420 Caldwell St~, during these last days." abjts of root-rot, a disease which t Following is a list ofi the contriFOR KEREN HAYESOD tention to distinguished Americans ttacks some of the Texan crop% has been unclai-ned and is at the of- but to develop it oi the basis of butors: ~l: [ who found no difficulty in reconcilfriendly cooperation with the Arabs of the Jewish Welfare Federation. The Sisterhoodof, Temple Israel, of fice as Switzerland has been developed by Visitors at the home of Dave Pred- ing Zionism with Americanism. He and to develop a system for planting Julius jPizer, $650. | Any information relative to the this city, has already* raised $800 of Whereabouts of Mr. Sternberg should collaboration of the French, Germans metsky, in.Pender, Neb., Sunday placed on record the essay on Zionism for its control. Through this treat* H. L Hltschfeld, $350., raised $165 for the Keren Hayesod, roent, the State at Texas will effect its quota of $1,000, according to Mrs. be communicated, to the Federation, and Italians/' 'Joe Hirschfeld, $250. following an appeal by Rev. E. Fleish- by Justice Louis D. Brandeis, char- an annual saving of $25,000,000, com Nathan Mantel, president of the acterizing it as the most compresenMr. Ochs added that he would be man and Mr. John Feldman, of OmaH . L Block, $275. at once. sisterhood. J. H. Stone, $150. pleased to do anything he couid to ha. The occasion was the '^Brith" sive from an American point of view. servatively estimated, to say nothing "Contributions which are still com- ZIONISTS HOLD NATIONAL Rabbi Morris Lazaron of Baltimore, of checking the threatened spread ol L. Lip'fehitz, $100. promote racial harmony in Palestine party for Mr, Predmetsky's soning in -will bring the total to $1,000 Mrs. Julius Pizer $25. a Reform Rabbi, who visited Palestine the disease. Contributors to the fund include: CONFERENCE IN GREECE along these lines. There are hopeful indications tha* •within a very short time," said Mrs. London. (J. P. A.) The first day John Feldman nml B. PH>tl, of Omaha; last summer, preceded Rabbi PhillipAi B. Lee, $100. this discovery will lead to the control Mantel. "However, we urge all woKrnsne, « Council Bluffs. In.; G son, and eloquently pleading for pasChas. Cornell, $100. of Choi Hamaod there was opened in Bukarest. (J. T. A.) The first of the boll weevil. Julius Pizer was elected chairman men, who have not yet done so, to Ksantia, Greece, the national con- B'nai B'rith lodge to be founded in safe of the resolution. Declaring that J. Eius. of Pander: ' ~ Prof. Taabenhaus is a graduate.of ana U»e*Ar*b difficulties were being exagof the rdjief committee,for this dis- send.in their subscriptions at once.; ference of Greek. Zionists, which,is to Bessarabia lias been organized in rialnview;.A. ttorfif. Bortly J. Berefc, of Frejnont; . Mrs. Cora \jJTolf -is local chairman give special- consideration to the orenfielstam and -trict *nd A. B. Lee j A. Karfaaiv ot THDVS : B. MenqelHni an gerated, Tie' said Arabs want a large Delaware, Cornell and Pemaylvi|Jiii ^facy^B. Kishinev anil nanwd "i/Livmrhi" (The R. Boniy. chwartz of o immigration to develop the country. of the campaign- ' iy. off WaJtMJl: WaJtM: Jnck, Schwartz Universities. urer. • ganization of the Keren Hayesod. l l d Krasne Bros o( Oakland. Oakland and Orient)

$200,000 Raised for B. U C. Dormitory b] ei

Wotork ofJewish Colo-

nists in Palestine



2—-THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922 man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltz- week included community singing, Mrs. Minor Silverberg entertained ukulele numbers, a d songs by Messrs. a few friends Tuesday at a luncheon man. Leibo, Isaacson, Sherman, and Fisher. in the Harris-Emery tea room. Mrs. Ellas R. Levitt of Des Moines, la,, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hy- Mr. Morris Samish, and Mr. Isaac Mrs. Edward Dannenbaum enterman W. Krasne. Friedlich will sail May 6 for a four tained Tuesday at a luncheon at the months' trip abroad. This will be Mr. Hypereon Club. The Ladies Aid Society will hold a Samish's nineteenth trip across, and The Jewish Mothers Alliance held a benefit card party Tuesday afternoon Mr. Friedlich's first trip. May 9, at the home of Mrs. E. Gilinsmeeting Wednesday, April 26, at 2:30 ky. Mrs. Hyman Krasne, of Council p. m. at the Jewish Community House. Bluffs, Iowa, formerly Miss Esthyr Plans for a card party for the benefit Mrs. Ben Cohen of Harlan, Iowa, is Levitt, of this city, visited with her of two Palestine orphans were dis-* visiting with relatives and friends. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Levitt. cus;od.

THE JEWISH P u b l i s h e d e v e r y T h u r s d a y . a t O m a h a , N e b r a s k a , b y ...•J •

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. 'Office: 482 Brandeig Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Subscription Price," one .year. Advertising rates furnished on application. NQT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. CHANGS OF MpPUESS—PleaseTgivi jbqth theold^ and i h r i d d r i i l j j

- • ~' • . • • " • ;

N i o w and ifjn your name

Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky and Boy Scout Troops 39 and 61, Jewish 3. J. ntlEIJMAN, AHs-.. daughter, Reva, returned Friday eve- Community Center, enjoyed an overZ02 Omaha National Hunk Bulldincr. Notice of Administration. ning from a visit at Allen, Nebr. night hike Saturday, April 22, to In the County Court of Doutlas Four Mile Creek. On this hike the County, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trochtenberg will boys passed their tests infiremak-In (ho mniter A HIP Kstute o£ Cliasa be at home Saturday afternoon in ing, cooking, knife and axe, tracking, Samuelson, Peccngeri: All persons iruercsU'd in snid estate are honor of the Bar Mitzvoh of their pace, compass, andfirstaid. lieivliy nolilied flat n petition lins been son, Harry. filed in snid Cour, nlleRiiiK tlint said dedied lenvinc no last •will nnd prayTakiuhaur Campfire Girls met inceased ing for administration upon her estnte, nnd that ai henrinpc will he line! on snid the Jewish Community HousevSunday petition before court on the 18th day of afternoon. A business meeting was May, 1922, nnd (lint if they fnil to iippenr at enid Court on the mid 18th day of held and the following officers were 1922, at 9 o'clock A. M.. to contest The Aleph Aleph club will enter- elected: Dorothy Bernstein, president; May, the snid petition, the Court may urnnt s.'ime and frrmit. ndmlniBtrntion of snid tain at a balloon dance at the Jewish Jenny Kirbee, vice-president; Ethel the estntp to Julius SnmiH'lson. or some other Community House, Tuesday evening, Abramson, secretary; and Gladys Ep- suitable person nnd proceed to a settlehment thereof. May 9. Messrs. Ben Green and Jack stein, treasurer. T.RYCE CKAWFOKD. 4-20-4t County Judge. Janieson are the committee in charge.


i J Public Opinion and the American Jew | |


i I . =

Author or "A Vttface . tn Politics", "Public Opinion", etc. . Formerly Associate Editor—"The New Republic".


, Requested to write on the question barely makes that mode of life tolerof a. better understanding between able. When they rush about in superJew and non-Jew in America from the automobiles, bejeweled and furred point of view of a student of public and painted and over-barbered, when opinion, l a m not "unmindful of thethey build themselves French chaadage, "Blessed "are the peacemakers,'; teaus and, Italian: palazzi, they stir up the latent hatred against crude wealth but they should wear tin hats." What anti-Semitism there • is fn n. the hands of shallow people;, and 'America, is. not* ;in vine first instance that hatred diffuses itself. due to'HenryvEordoir to any_£eaTb<e- dermine the natural liberalism of the Miss Pauline Sweitzer has returned lief in the nonsense about .world con- American people, and .cause these to to her home in Chicago after a visit spiracy and the so-called "protocols." ask themselves:—if this is what libhere with her aunt, Mrs. Meyer Cohen. It is not due in any considerable de- erty for the oppressed comes to in Miss Sweitzer is connected with the the end, what is the use of tolerance gree to jealousy or to an'undervaluing Chicago Jewish Charities. MISS VERA GORDON, famous actress who will appear of thfe powers and qualities of theand the tradition of asylum? at a public program under the auspices of "The Jewish A Steam-Heated Slum. Jewish people. I t is not theological Mrs. Sam Loeb, of Lafayette, InPress" next Wednesday night at the Jewish Comor clerical in any considerable part, I waste fao time myself worrying diana, is visiting her parents, Mr. and munity Center. nor economic as it so largely is in about the injustice of anti-Semitism. Mrs. Ed. Wolf, of this city. Eastern Europe. These things play There is too much injustice in the The Independent Order of the B'nai a: role,to:b;a.Bur£fbjn*,!$ifca contribu- world for any particular concern Horsemen of the Apocalypse," the Philadelphia in the near future. B'rith will hold an open meeting Sunabout summer hotels and college fratory; raflier^thain f d ^ ^ magnificent screen adaption of the Mr. Max Pill returned Monday day at the I. O. O. F. Hall, to which ternities^ But the anti-Semitism Ibanez novel, now showing at the 'A Distinction Without a Difference. which has its root in our own. weak- Moon Theatre, reported for duty at from Omaha, where he visited re- the public is invited. ' The fundamental fact in the situa- nesses and failings I do worry about. the Metro ranch location. latives and friends. The meeting will open at 2.30 p. m. tion is that the Jews are fairly disThere will be a musical program. The I worry about the Jewish smart set ( Her face paled as she was shown tinct in their physical appearance and in New York and the Jewish would-be the scene. FREMONT NEWS. speaker of the afternoon will be the in the spelling of their names from smart set. They can in one minute "I—I can't do it," she exclaimed. Miss Rosella Verbin entertained for Rev. Mr. Deitrich. the run of the American people. They unmake more respect and decent hu- "It's exactly what I have passed eight Saturday evening at her home are, therefore, inevitably conspicuous. man kindliness than Einstein and through, and in this very spot. 1 at a bunco party in honor of her The Sigma Delta Phi fraternity, : It follows that the vices of civiliza- Brandeis and Mack and Paul Warburg couldn't live through it again for guests, Miss Anne Gerelick and Miss recently organized at Drake Univertion stand in the Jews as under a can build up in a year. Edith Kenyon, of Omaha. The other sity, has just been accorded official worlds. recognition by the University Counmagnifying glass. And a very great I worry about upper Broadway on The girl had passed through this out of town guests were the Misses cil. The ten charter members are deal, I believe much the greater part, a Sunday afternoon where everything identical Pauline Selicow and Esther Brown, scene when the of ordinary anti-Semitism in America that is feverish and unventilated in country was of Omaha, and Miss Mae Solson Messrs. Jack Klimowsky, Milton evacuated by French was by Frankle, Abe Marcovis, Norman is simply the startled recognition of the congestion of a city rises up as a civilians preparatory to the decisive of Bassett, Nebraska. Chapman, Jack Robinson, Louis Anevils that are not so recognizable warning that you cannot build up a battle. With members of her family Sunday af.ternoon the Misses sher, Marquis Press, Harlan S. Milled, "when they occur in people of less dis- decent civilization among people who she fled before the advancing Gertinct characteristics. We all see more have lost their ancient piety and ac-mans. The past re-awakened by theJennette and Sally Krupinsky enter- Albert Levict, and Nicholas Friedeasily what is wrong" in the other quired no new convictions, among peo- production was so keen that the girl tained at dinner in honor of their man. This is the first Jewish organig-uests, the Misses Pauline Selicow* zation to appear at Drake. fellow than we do in ourselves. Thus, ple who, when they are at last, after could not act, but ran away. and Esther Brown, of Omaha. The while the Jews are not sharper trad- centuries of denial, free to go to the out of town guests were Miss Mae Miss Beatrice Loeb is confined to ers than the Greeks or'the Scotch, and land and cleanse their bodies, now "Grand Larceny," the new photoSolson, of Bassett, Nebr., and theher home %vith a fractured ankle. while there are not among Jews more huddle togther in a steam-heated play at the Sun Theatre, starting Misses Anne Gerelick and Edith blatantly vulgar rich than among oth- slum. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shloss are spendSaturday, is a Goldwyn offering that Kenyon, of Omaha. er stocks, sliarp trading;and blatant ing a few weeks in New York City. Abuse of Freedom. vulgarity are more conspicious in the That is the real problem of the Jew presents a phase of modern life that Jew because he himsslf is more con- in America, the problem of his use ofmany are all too familiar with. It PARENTS—hear Miss Vera A dance was held at the Jewish tells the story of a social parasite Gordon talk Boys" at theCommunity Center on Thursday eveJhia opportunities. Andraa ... ^ j Jewish. "CO " Center ning, April 20. A program for music 5 ing;:in a Jewish? ^eeEly^to Jews .1 say by,^ieHC^serftfrHenry FprtL 'Mr. Ford that there is very serious danger of siSe-the^p"ale of the law. The robber Wednesday ni of property can-be put in prison, and is at bottom a rather kindly man. Onfailure. the man he has injured can obtain tjie record he is one of the very last That the Jew i$ not the only one some legal satisfaction. But what , ^ ^ . _ ._ ~ , , .»# persons in:, the world from whom one who has not made the best, of his opTi would have, anticipated sijch cruel ab- portunities is, of course, obvious. That balm is there for the man who hasi | C O U N C I L surdity, as that which was perpetrated he cannot wholly help himself is per-been robbed of his wife's love? That is the situation raised in At the last regular meeting of the in the JDearborn Independent. What haps true. But in the long reckoning "Grand Larceny," and superbly pre- Blossoms of Zion club which was Mr. Ford's idea? no excuses will be of any avail, nor \ Recording to an authority whom I any comparisons. The Jew is con-sented by an excellent cast of Gold- held last Sunday ^afternoon at the Synagogue^ the following program regard as absolutely trustworthy, it spicuous, and unless in his own con-wyn players. committee was appointed, Rose1 Shywas this: Mr. Ford is against war. duct of life he manages to demonken, Annie Moise and Toby KatelHe does not know any history nor has strate the art of moderate, clean and LINCOLN man. The club had accepted the chalhe any knowledge of social facts. He generous living, every failure will lenge from the Mogen-David club for persuaded that wars are made by magnify itself in woe upon the heads debate on the following question, "Reinternational bankers. He heard that of the helpless and the unfbrtunate. the ^ of a g born the\ interncfiqiqal bankers were Jews. The Jew will have to display far bet- on April 19. Mrs. Mittlemafi was for- solved that the Task of Leading Jews Out of Exile today is greater than the Sol; he went for the jeiys in order to ter taste than the average if he is to merly Miss Helen Arenson.' Task which confronted Moses." . h^€ the international bankers who, he discount for the purpose of sympaThe debate will be held May 28. Mr. Lou Wessel, of Chicago, spent : liiibiuglit, make war. Thafs childish. thetic understanding with the rest of The Blossoms of Zion club will uphold : Friday and Saturday in Lincoln visitOf course it is. the American'people the fundamental ing friends. Mr. Wessel was at one the affirmative side of the question ' "But the childishness of Henry Ford fact that he is conspicuous. time publisher of the Capitol City and will be represented by the followis iiot the point. The point is thai What the American Jew needs to Courier. ing members: Toby Katelman, Rose •wh^n he discovered that the root of develop is the habit of self-criticism. Shyken, and Lillian Steinberg. The •yil was not the Jewish bankers, but If the spokesmen of the Jewish peoMr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer, of San negative side will be upheld by Isagrid currency, he worked himself up ple would devote one-half the energy Francisco, spent several days in Lin-dore Perimeter, Abe Katelman and Distributed by into as-great a passion for fiat money they now expend in answering attacks coln visiting friends and relatives. Maurice Freidman. as ever he had about the Jews. He to attacking the evils that stare evand is striking at an evil in our eryone in the face, they would make Mr. Carl Greenstone, who has been mi5S E s t h e r K r a m e r a n d brothers . society which he only dimly compre- a real contribution to the unity of making his home in Sioux City la., T Hends, and in the general darkness he American life. But judged by their for the past ; zr has returned to 1°Seph fnd S ? 1 f ^ ^ T o e 8 i y . f w™ CITY REPRESENTATIVE happened to stumble on the Jews. The public utterances, they seem to meLincoln. Russia toI.make theirofhome with Mr. and Mrs. Kramer this city. Jewish international bankers hap-, supersensitive to trivial prejudice in 1544 No. 19th St. Web. 5362 peged to be more easily visible to hisnon-Jews and extraordinarily insen- Mrs. L. Orloff, Mrs. Chas. Spigle, lintjrajned eye than the non-Jewish in- sitive to the faults of the Jews. They and daughter, June, of Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. S. Saltzman will have Iowa, and Mrs. Jos. Stiefler, of An-a "PJdgin Ha-ben" Friday in honor of ternational bankers. are hypochondriac and morbidly de- derson, Indiana, spent Sunday in their son, at the home of Mr. SaltzPhone Webster 6637 fensive about their critics, and indul- Lincoln. • :• When Crudity Spurns Culture. Estimates Given Cheerfully This faculty; for catching attention gent and complacent about what the Mr. and Mrs. Lew Polsky are Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop father more easily than do other races Jewish people is and does. is part of the heritage of the Jews. Races, not cursed with a sense, of spending a few days in Omaha. Pbonn 104. K is too big a fact, to complain about inferiority, do not shrink from criti- Miss Sara Waxmaa entertained the The Best of Everything In Flowers nnd PAINTING, Confections at Moderate Prices. ofr to ignore. It is a fact which-ought cism. They initiate it. They beat members of the Entre Nous Bridge PAPER HANGING, S« W. Hroadwny. Next L.lbi>rt<r Theater. to enter into the consciousness of ev- their critics to it, as did the prophetsClub at a bridge-luncheon Tuesday. DECORATING COUNCIL RLtlFFS. IOWA. ery- Jew in the "determination-of his of the Old Testament. They wash ! ; AND CALCIMINLNG. their dirty linen in public, if you like, Mrs. M. Ilittleman,, and daughters, conduct in life. Because the Jew is conspicuous, he is under all the great- because they know by a kind of in-Beulah, and Mrs. S. Sosenbaum, of 1918 No. 25th St., Omaha, Neb. er obligation not to practice the Vices stinctive, wisdom that among earth- Omaha, spent the week end in Linof : bur civilizationi He needs more bound men the distinction is not be-coln visiting Mr. and Mrs, H. Mittlethan anyone else to learn; the classic tween those who have duty linen man.' Chiropodist and Beauty Greek virtue of moderation; for heand those who have not, but beShop tween those who wash themselves cannot, even if he wishes to, get away Established 1800 with criticism and those who do not. 15th and Harnrj: streets. unscathed with what less distinguishPhono Donjrlni 8333 able men can. / • . •••. They, know, too, that what counts in BTsTai B'Rith fcodge No. 598 held No Springs—Honest Weight the long run is not what is said about * For that reason the rich and vulgar a meeting' Tuesday evening at the ! you, but what, in the dephts of your and, pretentious Jews of- our ; 'big Hebrew Institute. Fifteen new memHOBART ELECTRIC American cities are perhaps the own candor, you feel about yourself, bers were initiated. A program was When the American jews are really GRINDERS, CHOPPERS . . . F O R . . . greatest misfortune that has ever begiven and refreshment were served. AND MIXERS. fallen the Jewish people. They are able to feel that they are working DIAMONDS, JEWELRY the real fountain of anti-Semitism. and trading and living in a.manner The boys and girls Young Judaean AND 1 Service and Sales: They are everywhere in sight, and their own profoundest instincts can Clubs held a joint weiner-roast in SPECIAL PLATINUM approve, they "can whistle at Henry : though their vices may be no greater Stone Park Wednesday evening. DESIGNING 13th AND JACKSON STREETS than those of other jazzy elements in Ford with light hearts.—The Amerisee Phones: The Ivre Club gave a formal dancthe population, they are a thousand can Hebrew. ing party at the Mt. Sinai Social Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 times more conspicuous. Center Thursday evening. About fifty Hobart Electri: Doug.7396 Realism of Ingram Picture /Moreover, they dissipate awkwardDiamond and Platinum Terrified^ War Refugee couples were present. Specialists ly.- i t happens that the Jews, for We have on hand Used and Louise* Bippert, the little French good or evil, have no court or country1514 Dodre Street. Mr. Sam Lipman was elected as Established 18M. DOiutlu M19. Rebuilt house gate to the •American. Jewish house ttradition of high living, and lit girl engaged in a, part for- the? Rex delegate



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;\:pr<&duc.tipn'*.qf Us of the, physical grace that just IniTOtt;-.:^(


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PAGE'S—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922 Hattie Greenberg, who recently an- last June, has returned. Itfiss Genti3 her 1st. Members of Temple Israel nights, have organized under city nounced her engagement. The after- visited with relatives in Philadelphia, Board entertained him at luncheon government plan, with a mayor and on 24th and Cuming from which place Greenberg, parents of herfiance,Dr. they will start on their hike. A. Greenberg. ^ noon was spent in playing bridge}. New York and Atlantic City. She yesterday. councilmen. Max Altschuler is stopped in Chicago en route home. The Lilies of Zion will hold a reguwith Morris Reiss, Dave "The Jewish Press" in every JewThe Alamito Dairy Company is ofEvery Jewish parent should mayor, lar meeting Sunday, April 30, at the ish home in Omaha. Beber, Meyer Green and Marcus fering prizes of $50.00, ?35.00, $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Treller are spend- hear Vera Gordon.at the Jewand 510.00' to the four Women's "Or- ing a few weeks in Excelsior Springs, ish Community" Center next Falk, councilmen. Dave Blecher is Jewish Community Center. chief of police. The Y Jrs. baseball Your subscription for "The Jewganizations of Omaha and Council Mo. Miss Bluma Kogan, of Minneapolis, Wednesday night. The Council of Jewish Women held Bluffs who bring the most members, team defeated the Farnam school ish Press" is due now. is vititing with Mr. and Mrs. H. its regular monthly meeting Monday children and friends to its plant durnine, last Sunday afternoon. I. The Temple Israel Sisterhood will Dr. Frederick Cohn returned yesafternoon in the Vestry Room of. the ing the month of May, from the 1sthold its annual election on Monday, Goodman is leader of the group. terday franr'Ann Arbor, Michijran, Temple. Miss Dena May Wiliiams of to the 27, inclusive. May 1, in the Vestry Room of the where he addressed the Jewish StuBASEBALL. the Omaha Central High School preTemple, at 2:30. A luncheon will dents' Congregation. Miss Lutie Stearns will be at the j The Y. M. H. A. baseball team met sented the students of her expression be served at one o'clock. Reservations its first defeat of the season last class in three one act plays. Several plant during this period to conduct for the luncheon may be made with Mrs. Charles Redman, and son, Lemusical numbers were srivev. by thethe parties through, and will lecture Mrs. M. S. Miller, at Walnut 0273. land Alvin, of Ottumwa, Iowa, arrived Sunday afternoon at Elmwood. park, on "Two Wonders of the World." Kvcry fabric sponsored by spring fnsliion autliorilios demands Uio finesse ot nn Misses Leona PerUs am} Jeannette Sunday morning"-to visit with her when the Brown Park Merchant? ••xptrloiiriMl tailor—up-io-ilme fiitirirs which are now ou sole in the Kneptpr Shoi*. Organizations interested are urged team gathered ten runs to the Y Mr. and Mrs. S. Davidson, of De-; parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. White. Ili'iliir<"(l primps on Itiilorinc lor iiolh HHMI mi'l women—p'rliH'8 within'the reach Leibowitz, on the violin, accompanied of jill—jirp oflVrvO for spring. team's nine. Konecky, pitcher for the by Miss Jeannette Ca*s. Miss Dorothy to call the Alamito Dairy, Do. 0409, Moines, arrived from California We do cleaning and pressing—Work called for and delivered. at once. Y team, struck out ten men. Corenyesterday to be the guests of their Steinbaugh sang a group of songs, Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. NEWS. WHY NOT TAILORED CLOTHES AT PRICES man, first base man for the Y team, daughter, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, and and a piano solo was given by Miss. At the regular meeting of the OF "HAND-ME-DOWNS" Miss Eva Alpirn is ill at the Neknocked in seven of the nine runs. Mr. Kulakofsky. Jeanette Cass. The nomin-itinjr comRu-Na Society held last Tuesday at braska Methodist Hospital. The Y team will meet the South mittee submitted the following as canMr. and Mrs. M. Herzberg are inthe Jewish Community Center, Miss didates for election at the annual Mrs. Sam Sternberg, of Lincoln, is Excelsior Springs They will remain Bess Flax was elected vice-president. Side Sokols Sunday afternoon at 1:80 P. M. at Miller park. Konecky, meeting to be held May 29: Mrs. Carl the guest of her sister, Mrs. Louis The members of the club will hike ace of the Y pitching staff, will for about ten days. Furth, president; Mrs. M. S. Miller, Greenfield. to Irvington, Nebraska, on Sunday, be Manager Green's choice on the vice-president; Mrs. Frederick Colin, The Rev. and Mrs. E. Fleishman May 14. mound in this game. The Misses Charlotte Hirshberg have moved into their new home at honorary president; Mrs.' J. P. Cohn, financial secretary; Mrs. A. Silver- and Bertha Leon won prizes at the 1342 So. 25th StThe semi-monthly Association YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. man, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ra Oth meeting held Sunday at the membership dance will be held this The Young Judea Senior Club will Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon O. P. Wolfson, treasurer; and Mrs. home of the Misses Rae and Dora Saturday evening at the Jewish entertain at a party for its members Wolowitz. The next meeting will be subject for Friday evening will be Community Center. Harry Rachman, auditor. Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Comheld at the home of Miss Sophye "The Return of Peter Grim". OK ORPHEUM 1 CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE munity Center. A social progTam Mrs.- J. H. Goodstein l a s as herWeinstein on Sunday, May 7. Saturday morning his subject will be The regular meeting of the As-has been arranged. guests, Mrs. Edward Silver.nan, Mrs. "When May Follows". sociation will be held on Monday Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferer left SaturSam Stein, and -daughter, Pearl, of evening, May 1, at the Jewish ComThe Hatikvoh Girls will hoW a hike Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn returned New York City, who are visiting here day evening for Excelsior Springs, munity Center. An excellent pro- Sunday, April 30. EVERY MGHT at 8:15. MATINEE DAILY at 2:15. for several days before going to Den- Mo., where they will remain for twoSunday from an extended stay in gram has been arranged. Excelsior Springs, Mo., Keokuk, la., weeks. The Fairies of Zion had a Passover ver, Colo., Mrs. Goldstein entertained and Chicago 111. The Leaders Training Group will and an installation of officers party for her guests Tuesday evening at a Mrs. H. S. Novitsky returned last meet one week from Saturday, May at the home of Anna Bender. The Brandeis Theatre party and at the Thursday from Sioux City, where she Mrs. C. H. Spiegal, of Davenport, story of Passover was read by Anna 6, at the club-rooms. Brandejs Tea Rooms. Ten guests spent several days. la., formerly Miss Sylvia Orloff, of Bender and several dances were given were present. On Friday afternoon this city, together with her daughter, The X. T. C. Club meet Tuesday by Helen Bernstein. Mrs. Sam Cohn will entertain for the "The Jewish Press" invites June Theo, are here for a short visit. evening, and discussed current topics. guests at a matinee party at the Or-the public to attend a program Mrs. Spiegal's mother, of Grand The Flowers of Zion and Hertzel pheum followed by a luncheon at the next Wednesday night at the Island, Nebr., will meet her daughter The newest club to be fostered by girls will meet Sunday at nine o'clock Burgess-Nash Tea Rooms. Twelve Jewish Community Center. here and together they will leave for the Leaders Training Group is the guests, will be present. Mrs. L. BlotJ. U. G., of which Miss Helen Reikes Mrs. Carl Studna) of Kansas City, Davenport to visit with Mrs. Joe cky will entertain Saturday afternoon is leader. Members at the first meetHolland, formerly of this city. Mo., left Sunday for her home after at a luncheon at the Fonteneile Hotel, ing held Sunday include Alice Ginsspending the Passover Holydays with K i\s followed by bridge. Covers will be The Wise Sunbeams held a picnic burg, Sadie Beber, Leonora Perlher parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenlaid "for ten guests. mutter, Eva Cohn, Dorothy Klein, last Saturday, following a hike to thal. Bacon's Farm. In a recent sale of ar- Ethel Reikes, Ethel Greenberg, Nellie The Vocational Classes of the pub- Mrs. Harry A. Trustin entertained ticles made by the girls, $6.80 was Snitzer, Lillian Chudakoff and Rose if: I lic schools will close their work for at bridge on Saturday, April 22, and realized. This money will be used to Rosenstein. The club will meet on NOW P L A Y I N G the year with a program on the first Monday, April 24, at her home for purchase material for garments which May 7 to elect permanent officers. In: (Eight More Days) Saturday in McyT at the Jawish Com- her sister, Mrs. Will L.- Rips, who the members will sew for the Wise i jn The Y Jrs., meeting on Mondavi munity Center, at 2:30 p. m. The pu- spent the Passover holidays with her Hospital. pils of KellQm School, under the direc- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler. Mrs. tion of Mrs. B. R. Boasb rg, will fur- Rips left Tuesday to visit in Kansas .rap-; r.s;»£is ';r;;^p-;;c-,s ?iyi:$ 6 E*C lyc Mrs. M. Gross is ill at the Wise FOR RENT—One or two furnish the program. Each school Arill City, Mo., and Tulsa, Okla., before Memorial Hospital. nished rooms to a young also hold a picnic, an annual affair. in returning to her home in Duncan, ::: 1 couple, or two single men or Mr. and Mrs. John Feldman will Pupils who have excelled in their Oklahoma. She was formerly 3Iiss women. Call ATlantic 6876 leave Monday for Excelsior Spring to wqrk, ^especially in sewing, will con- Sarah Mae Adler. or call at 2512 St. Mary's remain several weeks. tinue their instruction thi^-o-.-.; the Avenue. summer at the teachers' homes. A regular monthly meeting of the Mrs. J. Arkin entertained at a Matinees: 15c to 50; Some 75r and $1.00 Saturdays and Sundays This Saturday a luncheon will be Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza- bridge party on Friday, April 21, at Nights: 15c to $1.00; Some $1.25 Saturdays and Sundays. given at the Brandeis Restaurants for tion will be held Tuesday, May 2,her hepne in honor of her sister, Mrs. teachers and directors of the Voca- at 2:30 P. M. sharp, at the Jewish Z. Grushkin, of Sioux City, who is tional Classes and the members of the Community Center. A special pro visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Arkin. Omaha School Board. gram will be arranged for this meetMr. and Mrs. J. Ban entertained at ing and every member is urged to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock antheir home last Wednesday in honor nounce the birth of a son on Monday, attend. of Mrs. Ban's brother, Mr. Hyman April 24, at Stewart Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mittleman, of Shwartz, and his bride-to-be, Miss

Social, Club

and Religipiis Activities

Reduced Prices Offered] on Fine Fabrics—Distinctive Tailoring





"The Four Horsemen"


Prizes will be awarded at every table at the card party to be <riven by. the Omaha Chapter of Kadassah on, Wednesday afternoon, May 3, at the Blackstone Hotel. The proceeds

Lincoln, announce the birth of a Freema Spector. Fifteen guests were daughter on Thursday, April 20. present. Mr. Mittleman was formerly of this The Omaha Junior Hadassah held city.

its regular bi-monthly meeting WedMrs. B. Kushner returned Saturday nesday evening. Plans for the dance will go to maintain a nurse in Pales- after a five months' stay in Newthat this organization will give May tine. The Nurse School in Jerusalem York City. 15 were discussed. The Misses Sophye is financed entirely by the National Weinstein, Libby Minkin, and Ethel Hadassah. Mrs. Aaron Berbeda, of Nashville. Reuben have been appointed on the Tennessee, is the guest of her mother, arrangement committee for the dance. •Mr. J. B. Katz is spending a few Mrs. D. Blotcky. days in Excelsior Springs. Mr. Dave Rosenstock leaves toMrs. David Newman will entertain morrow to spend the summer in EuVera Gordon was the ideal for the members of the Priscilla Club rope. He will return about Septemmo&erHor &ftumoresque". Hear this afternoon at her home.

her, talk . on "Boys" Wednesday,.


Starting Saturday.

"Grand Larceny ...

The Entire Stock of

with . . .

Claire Windsor <and Elliott Dexter.

IJ5 :::


Mrs. Nate Bernstein, of Missouri Valley, la., is the guest of her v A surprise party was given Sunday, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Pregler. April 16, in honor of Miss Ida Minldn, at. her home. Eight couples were Miss Rose Gentis, daughter of Mr. present. The evening was spent in and Mrs. S. Gentis, who left Omaha games and dancing. Miss Esther Brown will entertain atj her home Sunday afternoon for "The Flappers." [Mrs. N. Brodsky is confined to her hpme with illnes. I Miss Eva Senberg, of Des Moine?, la., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. Chasson. *Mr. and Mrs. M. Siegal, of Los AngSles, California, who have been visiting relatives here during the past •meek left Tuesday for St. Paul, Wn" n^sqta. j&Ir. Dave Gross left Omaha Tuesday tq sail for Europe May 3 on the "Empress of Scotland." Prior to sailing hi will visit with his daughter, Miss I'rma Gross, who teaches at a college ct Lansing, Michigan. Mr. Cross v n j niake his home in Budapest, Hungary, •w|th relatives. J 3 The Confirmat: - Class of the City Talmud Torah held its regular meetr ing Sunday, Apr* 23, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, :18th and Chicago s%eets. Following the resignation of the former vice-president, Mi-s Lillain Miller'was elected to'that office. TJie Cl'asS Wll hold a hike May 14. 5

!Mr. John Corby i s ill at his home.

SMr. and Mrs. E. Meyer, Jr., announce the birth of a daughter yesterday, at Sioux City. Mrs.:Meyer was formerly Miss GoldyeGinsburg, oif Sioux City. |,Miss Nettie Abrams entertained twenty guests Sunday afternoon; April 23,^t.her.home.in.lionor<.of Missi

Hebrew Neighborhood Just Like New

Upholstering1, Furniture Repairing, Overstuffed Furniture Made to Order



Tel. Webster 2224

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COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS w e wcupy orer 70,000 sauare feet SoBtbjrMt Corner Eleventh and noDclaa Street*. Phone: Jackson 2734 OMAHA. NKIi.

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Large Reception Hall, Parlor, Dining Boom and Large Kitchen on first floor. Three nice Bedrooms and Bath on second floor. Full lot, good neighbors. Close to school. Block to cars. Good buy. Only $5,500, worth more money. Phone HArney 1759 or JA ckson 1209. WALTER BOWEN, 502 Peters Trust Building.


In conjunction with six other select Orpheum acts

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High Grade Dunlap Shoes, tf»Q from $10 to $15 values, at « P ^ Hats, from $4.50 to $6, ac . . . . Beau Brummei and Arrow Shirts, $2, $2.50 and $3.50 values, at .

QCn $ 1 1C C1 AQ v O t ,^LlU^ ^1.40

$19.50, $21.50 Caps, valued a t $2.00 and $2.50, a t . . . . 95c, $1.25 Pierce Knit Ties, $1.00 and 1.50 values, a t 39c, 69c

Morris M, Rosenblatt 1312 Farnam Street -*

Watch for the Big Sale Signs




Educational EJepartment of The Jewish Press Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii c

HISTORIC PUBLICATION SUSPENDS. Btsrlin. (Jewish Press Association.)—"Das Judenthum", one of the By MILES M. GOLDBERG. oldest Jewish publications in GerTelephone MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON many, eigthy-six years old, has •-• O f f i c e •• Yisgadal, Ve-Yiskadash, Shmai Rabtime we recite the Kaddish we think Jackson 0268 209 South 18th Street ceased to exist. NEARBY COMMUNITIES. boh, these are the opening lines of of the departed soul and it must be The magazine was first founded the sacred Kaddish said in memory the pleasure that Maeterlinck deCHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. of the dead by Jews for their loved scribes that corresponds to redeem- by Prof. Philipsohn, who was sucP. MELCHIORS & SON ones throughout the world. Perhaps ing the dead from the suffering of ceeded as managing editor by Gustav MACHINE WORKS no prayer in \ the Jewish Book of Gehenna, for it is reasonable to be- Karfelem. Upon the latters death, Industrial and Automotive Machinist!. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Carburetor and Ignition" Repairs. Books is so universally known as lieve that if we give no thought to Prof Ludwig Geiger assumed manHoward and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 0360. Starter Bins Gran for Auto Fir Wheel* agement, to be followed by Dr. Katz, the dead they must be lonely, Inj is the Kaddish. From time Im411 South 13th 6treet. who directed its policies till the end. Tdcpbonn: Jackson «880 memorial it has been recited by deed. 1415 Douglas St. Tel. Jackson 8171 This magazine rich in tradition Let us continue to observe the crfd the sons or other members of the and historic sentiment, was published family at the death of a parent, and tradition and give thoughts to the Y o u r position is it can be said without fear of con- i dead as often as possible. This can by Rudolph Ma«se, Press pub'isher of DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT tradiction it is in use in one of its, best be accomplished by reciting the the "Berliner Tageblatt" and other correct, and should COMPANY. various forms m|j-e often in the Kaddish for the dead daily. It is leading papers in Germany. be s u p p o r t ed by UNDERTAKERS IJI8MARCKS. CAKE AND 8TJGAK BRAND Orthodox'-ayjiagogfe than any other j only a small thing to ask, yet It may Rudolph Masse, the founder of the DOtOHNDTS OUB SPECIALTY. every fair minded MOVED TO insiilution bearing his name, died 1 : mean so much for the loved one who We" Deliver the Real Goods. form of prayjj. i person. two years ago. His heirs, who are tXti COMING STREET..,,•• • Phone W e b s t e r OMB The Kaddish has a remarkable his- has passed to the Great Beyond. far removed from things Jewish, cid tory. Originally it had no relation to The Kaddish Music. not want to continue the life of this the regular Jewish form of prayer | The music of the Kaddish is unlike magazine, with which their father j and still less to the dead. It was j1 that of the famous Kol Nidre. It is was so intimately associated. • • • OI • • • [most generally recited by the r e a d e r i ^ a i °* in more of a monotone and WHOLESALE GROCERS after Scripture readings and after rerL?1"?1"*1 . ,••*_*„ T REUNION ,Q^ THE ROTHSGHILDS. Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phone Jackson 1302 ligious discourses. Its style is unique fit » more informal in structure. In ma Frankfort-on-Main. (By Mail J. P. and in its five forms .it has an a w e - | » y *****»• *** Europe, especially inspiring effect whenever recited. m ^ s s i a ^ R o l a n d , the Chassln or A.) All the Rothschilds came here to i most common form of the K a d - l ? ™ t o r would use-a few ftemes of a attend a family reunion held in honor Visit Our BBMKMBER dish is the full Kaddish 'recited ' folk song and this would be deve- of the ninetieth birthday of Baroness Mathilda Von Rothschild. It is estimourners. (PALMER GRADUATE) loped and many runs and original tr ii When the full Kaddish is-recited P*88***58 ad ^ed. It was not uncom- mated that all the Rothschilds gathered here represented an aggregate by the mourners in the synagogue, J&Pf Second Floor, Elks' Building. Do away with drudgery and make house-work a pleasure by the use Yehe Shmai Rabboh is responded in day sung by the Chassm to the words wealth of ?250,000,000,000. With l o u . : Order, for The celebration of the Baroness' of modern electrical appliances. unison by the congregation. J t w j of the aered Kaddish. In birthday was staged in the seclusion said by the wise men of old that' « 3 1 one of the melodies used HOLCOMB ANYTHING The "Electric Shop" is on the fre u and intimacy of the family circle, culthis has the power of influencing the', ? , f « y was the Marseillaise/esFOOD CHEMICAL ground floor of the Electric build• IN THE WRAPPING heavenly decree in ones favor or o b - ; P e a f v ciaractensfac m Lorr^ne. minating in a special family dinner, ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PRODUCTS CO., INC. RAPEJRXINE G d and Farnam streets* Bburafacturera of taining forgiveness. f ™* * o m e of the Chassins at which all the Rothschilds were (FOODS AND CHEMICALS. adapted Hebraic melodies and now one present. FXAVOBIJfO EXTRACTS. Different organizations of the city, Forgiveness for the Departed. j seldom hears the Kaddish sung to , ( THE BEST 918 > . l « h St. Phone Atlantic 4064 Fnone Douglas 6400, both Jewish and Gentile, sent teleOriginally, the full mourners' Kad- ^ g t u n e o f a popular melody, grams of felicitation to the aged bardish was recited for the dead at the, I n r e c e n t y e a r s t n e me lodies used close of the seven days' mourning pe- jh a v e become m o r e f o r m a l In struc- oness and the municipality of koenNORTHWEST READY SKINNER riod only for men of great promi- t u r e BJt^ t n u s m o r e n e a r i y allied to igsteim, near Frankfort, has elected ROOFING CO. BAKING COMPANY her as an honorary, free citizen of nence or Jewish scholars. After- m e lody according to modern concepT * « * ««„„ DOUGLAS-I Read; Roofing over old shingles. Also asphalt ehlnples and buUd-np wards, not to put other Jews to tion. It is not uncommon even now the community. roofa. Fire resisting and durable. shame, it was recited after each buri- for a Cantor to improvise his melody All wort guaranteed. Easy terms. al. It is recited only in the presence ^ h e R o e s a i o n g . Majestic or pathe- A NEW BUSINESS SCHOOL TO Phonp narney 2574 STEINER ELECTRIC Office u d Warehouse: 3122 Xjeavemrorth t ic tunes are the favorites of the old BE FOUNDED IN JERUSALEM ol a group of at least ten men—a MEATCHOPPER minyon—and it was declared in the fashion singers... Without exception ^ $ 0OFFEE MILL. past that unless the responses were t n e Kaddish is always sung In a min- Jerusalem (Jewish Press Association.) Several local philanthropists' intoned properly it would not have o r ]<ey f the desired effect of whining forgive- j Celebrated Jewish composers like apd community welfare workers have' MANUFACTURERS. %AKES F O E S A I S . ness for the departed soul. I Sulzer and Lewandowsky have adapt- decided to organize a Jewish busi- J ness school here in Jerusalem. ] MEY-MER-CO. Brand Tradition tells us that the power of e d several melodies to be used in 510 Soufli 10th ^Street. Beverages and Syrups. At the first meeting of the com-1 redeeming the dead from the suffer-' chanting the Kaddish that are truly Phone Jackson 3332. 31»-321 6o. 14th St., Omaha. Nebr. ing. of Gehenna was due to the reclt- representative themes. They have mittee organized for this purpose,' Phone Atlantic 2889 the importance and need of such an ation. ofthe^ Kaddish by the sons of brought a definite, form to this comIten "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" the. deceased. It is a wellrknown position and some of these settings instution was stressed and emphasizBiscuit Co. and buy them at fact that the greatest desire of the are compositions, that will stamp ed. Many parents, in tune with the; spirit of the age, are desirous tnat I SNOW WHITE Jewish mother and father of long ago them as Jewish classics, AU that the name BAKERIES -was to have a male heir so that he: As ..in nearly all typical Hebraic their children rrceave a commercial | implies. training, to equip them for the in- j (Be* r. 8. Fat. OAXI. could say the. Kaddish when one of music, the melody is soft and touchPhone Douglas3400. Office.) terrelated complexities of modern' the parents died. If, perchance, no' ing and when the*Kaddish is sung by 916 N. lftth St. Douglas 6887 ATLANTIC 4522 male child was born this was consi- the Cantor it never fails to make a life.- In addition, there is a vast un- • dered an imprecation of evil by the deep impression. There rs some- explored field of opportunities, fo?{ TBV SCJTDGRBN'SELECTRICAL FIXTURES Nutrltlons B o n * Mad* parents and prayers were offered to thing about the Kaddish that is those receiving such instruction, in' APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES the organization service of the new, Ambulance Service PIES and COOKIES j invoke the good will of the Master sacred to the Jew, old and young governmental departments here fa ! Equipped with Polmotor. Sealed In Snnltary Waxed Grander! Electric Co. {in Heaven. Not infrequently and foralike, and when sung to the tune Blade by " AU Calls Answered Promptly. Wrapper at Your Grocer. Palestine. B ELECTRICAL I various reasons a scholar or some of the Sulzer composition hardly a UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST MERCHANDISED Sundgren Pie Baking'Co. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 1511 Howard St. Thone Atlantic 0681 • FOOD CO. one versed in Jewish learning was face is tearless. 44th and Hickory. Atlantic KJ41 S411 Farnam St. Phone Harney 0392 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. engaged; by the family to say Kad- Since time without recollection 100 UKRAINIAN ORPHANS TAKEN TO PALESTINE dish during the period of mourning. nearly all the sacred prayers and pasWarsaw. (J. T. A.) With the The full Kaddish was recited ori- sages in the service used by the OrAmerican ginally three times- daily by the thodox Jews were chanted. Some of arrival here of Israel Belkin, a' WIIOLESALE Carpenter mourners for twelve months. The these melodies have become famous, Palestinian pioneer and founder of nter Paper Co. Wet Wash Laundi-y Druggists and Stationers custom now is to recite it thrice daily as the Kol Nidre. Because of the fact an agricultural school near Jaffa,' Distributer* Of 2 8 0 3 Cuming. Harney 0 8 8 1 for a period of eleven months. I t is. that there was no set melody for the removal of 100 Jewish orphans i Western Bond—and High Grade 4tl-i03-405 Sontb 10th V . One Day Service. No Extra from the Ukraineto Palestine will :•. Stationery. also recited on the anniversary of the Kaddish and. that a different Charges. Refinite Soft Water. OHAHA, NEBRASKA. the death—Yahrzeit—and Yahrzeit popular folk melody was used in the1be effected/ Arrangements for the mourners have precedence over all j various European countries, there Is transfer of this group of orphans to Why Buy Tin? other mourners in saying Kaddish. no one melody that can be traced j Palestine were made last year, but • LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tabes. This is the custom in Orthodox, back as the original Kaddish tune, I in the absence of the Britsh visas,' l a Active Practice Since 1910. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. SAVES r o c MONEY. 33th and Martha St». Harney 1662 circles, but in the Reform Temples j Various scales were.used in the Kad-j the orphans could not proceed. Per-j MID-STATES WHOLESALE Dr. Frances H. Turner Manufacturers of Brass. Bronie, Almnlthe Kaddish is recited by the rabbi dish settings, according to- the me-mission has now been given to the ' GROCERS nnzn end Soft Gray Iron Cartings. Office: Brandeis Theatre Bnildinr. British consul at Warsaw to vize the Xou axe assured of soft' castings, as [ l"tli and Douglas Streets. 1117-18 Dodge St. Jackson S87S and the mourners repeat It after him. lodic conception of the singer, and •we machine same from every heat In \ I children's passports. Phone Atlantic 3836 * * only in recent years has an effort our own shop. Standard size cast Iron I bushings in, stock. I Its True Significance?., been made to standardize the meloSTRIKE ,OF AMERICAN "FRUIT WAX OLSEN & CO. TIKES—TCBES—ACCESSORIES Just what is the true significance dies used in. singing the Kaddish. GROWERS" IN PETACE Wholesale Distributor* - for of the Kaddish? Does It really havt That the Kaddish will continue as TIKVAH UNSUCCESSFUL SCHMIDT'S the , power of redeeming the dead one-of'the most sacred orders in the We carry a complete line of new OCE TREATMENT WIT.T, Petach Tikvah (By Mail — JewMalta; Select, Bock, Ginger riui gears, pinions, axle shafts and from the suffering of Gehentia or is Orthodox service cannot be doubted CONVINCE IOC OF OUB springs for almost any make of car. SINCERITY. Ale, Hires Root Beer it the same thought expressed "by and no matter what tune the Cantor ish Press Association.) In the large M. D. RICHMAN, Manngrcr. Office and Warehouse: 917 So. Main St. American Fruit Cannery, built here T^mst Department. ISIK-ISSO Went Broadn-ny, Maurice Maeterlinck, the author, in will use the Kaddish will ever hold Telephone 142" Safety Deposit Boxes. COUNCIt BLUFFS. IOWA. by the "American Fruit Growers, one of the scenes of his fairy play, PHONE 444. its place as one of the most sacred cotmon. BLUFFS, IOWA. Inc^" there broke out last week a "The Blue Bird" ? When the children and solemn prayers for all times. strike for high wages. the Land of the Dead they are RATES I visit « The strike, was unsuccessful, howOmaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. met by-their- Gaffer Tyl and Granny Omaha Piione Atlantic 3558 for space on this Special f Tyl and these lines are spoken: :"We ALIEN JEWS TO ever, as the employers could threatBE DEPORTED Page given on application, ten and cow them with the use of Ford Tranter & Storage Co. are always here, waiting for a visit 21< X. l«th St. R. A. FORD. Wilna. (Jewish Press Associa- Arab labor, which costs much cheapfrom those '. who are. alive.;—They Branches at Central Market. JEWISH PRESS President and General Manager. TMto Supply and Food Center. come so seldom!" "When were you tion.)—The provincial government er than-White-labor. Besides this, Conncil Bluffs (Iowa) Office 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 here last?" the old' folks askt and has issued orders to deport all the strikers were by no means unit934 So. Main Street. Phone S68 when the children do not answer, "alien. Jews" now found in the ed in their demands. The sole result of this unsuccessGaffer Tyl continues: "You thought province. CLEAN LINEN An Ideal Washlnr Combination. All who cannot produce satis- ful, abortive strike is the first for' us.—Well every time you think of Every moraine Estea Laundry Tablets factory evidence of their birth within If yon call the mation of a cohesive workers' or•_s, we wake up and see you jagaln.-r...with... Yes, we get plenty of sleep while the pale of Wilna, are arrested by ganization, which it is intended to Estes Soap Chips ' Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable^ the police, and deported to the strengthen for possible future conWaiting for a thought- of the living and 1815 California Street. flict with their employing interest. to come and wake us.—Ah, it is good Lithuanian border. Phone Douglas 6291 Water Softener (Combined) Though the orders had not yet to. sleep when' life is done.—But it is At all Grocers. pleasant also to wake up from time been put into execution consternation JEWISH SUEETY CORPORATION prevails among all the refugees bere. OUR MEW LOCATION to time." OF PALESTINE ORGANIZED CaU Atlantic 2364 Yon will like Corner 19tb - and Douelns Street*. Sherman Mercantile Co. Berne (Jewish Press Association.) When the seekers of the Blue Bird Masonic Temple Bid*. Wholesale Grovera Specialties ——Oar LineA Jewish Assurance Corporation to ask about their dead brothers and BIXDWIN. ELLINGTON.-HAMILTON, 1511 Cnmlng, St. Pnonn Atlantic 1217 operate in Palestine exclusively, was sisters,. Gaffer Tyl immediately reHOWARD OPKTGHTS. GKANDS, DISTRIBUTORS BUTTER PLAY.EB PIANOS. organized here last week. It is to plies: "Here they.are I As soon, as OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. JACK 8PBAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Made by •— have a capital of 4,000,000 Swiss THATCHER PIANO CO. you think of them, as soon as you 2419 Coming 8t* Omaha. .Nebraska. Omaha. Nebraska. _ .--'PlUme Jackson SOW • Francs, and will -ultimately engage speak, of them, they are there." TO AND FROM in all branches of surety activities When the children are about to in the field of. business for the presRates for Space on leave', the grandparents beg of them: ALL PARTS OF ent, however, it will confine itself DONT BUY COALt Rates for Space on this Special Page this S p e c i a l Page 'iCome back every day. , It's our only THE WORLD : OIL IS MUCH CHEAPER ^ to Fire and Burglary Insurances. , given on application. given on application. pleasure* and it's such a treat for us r_ t tjg Keinove the. DoOr "from , One of the largest surety compaYoul Fornnco- and Insert a when your thoughts visit us." nies of Germany is interested and j This, then, must be the real pur- 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. ULUBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER 483 BrondeU Bid*. Tel. Jackson 3372 associated in this new corporation,' pore of the Kaddish, to have a Sea Demonitrntlnn « B 80. 19tb Street. ATlantic 0340. and a prosperous future is antici-' 482 Brandeis Building. Tel. Jackson 2372. thought'for the dead often and wake pated . •... . thaw from tb*> death sleep. Every.)











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