May 4, 1922

Page 1

The man that everybody likes, generally l i k e s everybody. —Anonymous.

V O L XL—-No 2 1 » V J - I . j-fc.

j.iw. « j .

In this world a man must be either an anvil or i hammer* •—Longfellow.

"JBnteted *s second-class a, ^.jjttei on January ~ 27th. 1B21, at

portofflce at Oui.-iha, Nebr ^ © ader the Act of March 8, 1879.





Federation Drive for $52, Is On; Workers Are Canvassing the Entire City for This Quota

Vera Gordon Talks on "Boy's


District No.6, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, toMeet in Omaha On Sunday, May Twenty-Eight

Berlin. (J. P. A.) Dr. Katz of Lemberg, author of several philosophical treatises, and formerly a student of the Jewish Rabbiner Seminary, in Berlin, has organized here a new religious' society -of "Snper-Religion.Program Held Under Auspices ists." Special temples will be built by of "Jewisk P*ess" in Honor this new sect, in -which the most beauof "BoyfeWeek." tiful of the Sacred Music of all people and ages, will be sung and played OUR BOYS SHOULD BE GIV- alike. This new society,—it is hoped EN ALL OSOUR CARE," to make it universal in extent and SAID MBS. GORDON. scope, knows no 'dogmas,' recognizing "I am still- sr*greenhorn\ thank the unity of all religious life, and accepting the dominant life-principles God; and I am proud of it I" Vera Gordon was speaking, and of ill religions." Sacred dramas and for a moment the -interviewer thought operettes will be a feature of the that something had gone wrong with services to be held in the temples to The convention of District Grind Lodge No. 6, Independe;! his hearing. Verai Gordon, famous be. The 1922 Jewish Welfare Federation drive for two thousand the world over for her portrayal of Many prominent artists of Germany Order of B'Nai B'Rith, which will be held in Omaha May 28 to I members«is on: mother-roles in . the films, stellar have enrolled as members of this new will be the most auspicious community affair of the year, accoi j This is thetgoal for, which 150 workers, under the leadership ing to the plans of the committee in charge, made public today. • attraction at the country's largest society. of Harry Lapidus, chairman of the Federation^Finance committee, Over two hundred delegates and guests, from the centa theaters, speaking a perfect English, British Labor Leader Pleased have set for themselves in the annual Federation campaign. western states and Canada, will attend. Sam Leon, chairman ; proclaiming to all the world that she With Palestine Jewish Co- was still a "greenhorn". Thirty teams of five men each are canvassing thfr city to sethe Reception Committee, has already received more than 1 cure 800 new members necessary to bring the Federation list to operative Labor Movereservations. Headquarters of the convention will be at t "How long have you been in Amer2,000. ment. Blaekstone Hotel. ca?" he asked. The workers began their campaign Monday full of confidence. Every effort is being exerted by the Tuesday, May 30. . "What difference, does it make? Sts. "The Federation needs $10,000 more District M.—Podse and committee in charge of the ConvenMorning—Memorial Services. Captjiin. BANKS TO SUPPLY CAPITAL Even when I will have been here all this year than it did last year," said tion to make it an affair of interest Afternoon—Final Session of Con 15.—27th St. and West: South my life, I will stilLJje a 'greenhorn'. FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMorris Levy, president of tibe F e d e a - District of Dodce-St. and appeal to this community,'and to •ention. . . A 'greenhorn' comes to. America with EOCENE BLAZER. Captain. tion. Our Federation is one. of the MENTS. neighboring cities. The program, as Evening—Dinner-Dance at Black love in his heart for this country, District 16,—Burdette. Grant. Willis Axe., best in the country. It includes evloth to.30tb St. stone. with thanks in' hfe soul for what Miss Rose Brenner Asserts Jew arranged by the committee, includes SAM ALTSCHTLER. Captain. ery local institution doing social several public meetings to which the in Literature of Today Is London, (J. T. A.)—Unreserved ap- America means to him. You native Lucius Solomen, of San Francis and includes six national institutions.*' .District 17^-Parker, Blondo. Grace and proval of the Palestine Workmen's general community is invited. Not True Picture. Patrick. 31th "to -42iid St. vice-president of the Order, has b< born Americ&ns take' your country The slogan for the 1922 campaign WTSt GRODIXSKT. Captain. The tentative program for the con- invited to be the guest of honor Bank has been expressed by Bamsay for granted. You say to yourselves, "You are judged by what you give District 18.—18th to 30th St.. South ot MacDonald, British Labor Leader, in Tuesday evening's banquet. Arran,; 'Nu, I happened to be born in Amer- COUNCIL T R A N S L A T E S vention is as followss Dodce St." and do, rather than by what you have JEWISH HERITAGE IN I>. GRKEXBERG. Captain. a message to the Poale Zion of Amer- ical All right, America, here I am; merit shave been made to accomod Sunday, May 28: and keep," was adopted by the finance District 10—10th. 11th. 12th. 13th. 14th. ica, transmitted through Mr. Kaplan TERMS OF AMERI600 people at the banquet, by us: go ahead and do something for me. loth and 16th. South of Dodge. Morning—Registration of Delecommittee. CAN SERVICE. FRANK DEE. Captain. Kaplansky. The message fellows: the entire eighth floor of the Bla The' 'greenhorn' says, 'Here 1 am, gates; meeting of General As in 1921, the slogan of the Fed- District 20.—JUike St.. and North. stone. "I have just returned from Pales- America; teach tte what I can do 30. S. LTV.INGSTON. Captain. eration this year is "Give Once To Committee. Brooklin.—Miss Rose Brenner, of for you'. ;•-.}. tine where I have seen at first hand Further details of meetings, spe All," through-which Federation mem- District 2L/—Farnaro and Haraey Sts. Afternoon—Automobile tour of Brooklyn, national president of the S. RAVITZ. Captain. ers, etc^ will be given in follow: t i e working of the Palestine Jewish Before a capacity house at the bers are protected from indiscriminate city for Belegates and visitors. issues of the "Jewish Press." 2s,—aoth s u North from Cnii- j Co-operative Labor Movement. Every- Jewish;. Commoner. Center Wednes- Council of Jewish'"Women, urges the solicitation of funds. This method inEvening—Public reception and fornlB to Clnrk. Five committees have been appoi i | thing I saw made me feel that here day evening, Vex* Gordon, the famous need for a new interpretation of the sures that all the social needs of the AL 'WOHLKEB. Captain. entertainment at Blaekstone Jew to his fellow citizens in America, ed to arrange for the convention, w f community are being looked after, District 23.—-21st SU. North irom Cfl* is a great experiment of communal actress, who . has portrayed the in a recent article contributed to "The Hotel. to Taylof, S. J. Leon, general chairman, j : construction being made on truly mother role in a number of plays, and that .«acb .member , of the com- IRYRJ HTAI^MASTER. Captain. * Monday, May 29: Harry Malashock, general vice-chi democratic labor bases, which ought told her audience of the duties of Jewish Woman." Referring to presmunity is fulfilling his just obligationent tendencies in journalism "and "District 24^-22nd. Street. iCalifornia, to Moraiag—Opening of Convention. man. Sub-committees include B receive tfc.e support to the 'city's needs. the mother to Ber boys. Speaking Blondo; 23rd St., Capital to WeUsteri drama, Miss Brenner declares: H, MALASUOCK. Ckptaln. • Afternoon—Second Session of qaet, Harry Malashock, chairm interested ii.; such, work. in the Jewish tongue, Mrs. Gordon . "It has become increasingly'evident •various Jhranches Publicity, S. H. Schaefei, chairm Convention. District' saV—lOfh ^?T.* North of the Federation is increasing every that tSerfe ' h Seftvard* St.• • / KlWMrtiiteai-femt Stela? i&exi -<te KAVE GllEKKBEllG. Caotain. mounted is the supply of capital to take special care of their boys and tation of Judaisa.:. and. thf ^ew to day. The YM and YWHA are growwill be entertained by local womman,- and Printing, Arthur Bos enable work like road-building, drainbring them into manhood to be good ing; more children are attending the District 56.—North l"th. Dodee, to Lak«: America. As we-study the lite'raturfc, enTg committee in afternoon and blum, chairman. North l»fh, Kodce to Lake; age, planting, to be carried on. The Jews and good Americans. Talmud Torahs; we have established, the journalism, the drama of today, S. M. -LEVEW Captain. evening. The general reception commit; "Our mothers should not neglect we are convinced that the Jew we a beautiful Community Center which District SI.—ieth St.. North from Webster. Workmen's Bank is being established Local men's committee 'will be which has been selected as inclus " for this purpose, I believe such a the home and their children to attend there see depicted is not the Jew as D. FREEMAN. Caotain. is becoming more popular daily; we hosts to delegates at Ak-Sar-Ben •of all elements in the community, i social affairs," said Mrs. Gordon. She bank is necessary. It is controlled, I we have known him; and conversely, have just undertaken to subsidize the District 28.—14th. 15th 10th Sts.. Dodjre Den in evening. of Council Bluffs, follows: to am informed, by the same authori- brought tears to the eyes of her the Jew as we know him, and Judaism Palestine institutions." 3. VTA-SENBERG. Captain. Mr. and Mrs. Mow Bernstein. audience, when she told of the suffer- as we love and follow it, seem altoRabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, Progress of the appeal, together District 29.—Down-town' Office BuildlnKS. ties who conduct the labor activities Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Fell. ings that the mothers in Europe were in Palestine today. In this way the gether unfamiliar to the mass of the J. 3. SLOSBERG. Captain. Mr. and Mrs. David Greenberj*. with names and subscriptions of new Mr. and Mrs. 3. 3. Greeaberg, grip of financiers and capitalists will going through; to help bring up their American people.. Several years ago member secured, will be printed in District SO*—Sonth Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herebexit. be avoided and Palestine reconstruc- children. Mr. and Mrs. U. Hochman. I was invited to address the graduatthe next week's issue of the Jewish A. SCHLAIFilR. Captain. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Holsman. Other numbers on the program was tion will proceed under the complete ing class of a large public school in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lspldus. ; Press. I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leon. a piano solo by Miriam Mosier and control of men and women giving the New York city. One of the teachers Following are the names of the Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy. labor shield to the enterprise. If a talk by Rabbi Frederick Cohn. present expressed her surprise that I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock, < workers and the leaders assigned to Mr. and Mrs. M. Monheit. , Rabbi Cohn addressed the large assurance of my interest in the work 'spoke English without an accent.' Nnr Intense Enthusiasm For Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsky, them. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum. is of any use, I give it without re- crowd on the father's duty toward could I blame her for an impression Homeland Marks Well-Attended Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaefer, IHstrlct .1«—£4th St. North from Capitol his boys. serve." I>r. and Mrs. Philip Sher. to Indiana; 25th St. North from Meeting; (Continued on page 2) Cumins to Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. SlosberR. ,Tr.. ) ' MAItTIN L. SUGARMAX. Repudiation of Minority Rights Captain. Rabbi and Mrs. Morris N. Taxon, INCREASED MEMBERSHIP AND Mr. and Mr*. Isidor Ziegler, Evokes Storms of Opposition. District I.—-tfnmilton. Franklin and SewGREATER PROPAGANDA Mrs. David P. Feder. ard Sts.i 24th to 35th St. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. URGED LOCALLY. JEWISH DEPUTIES BOYCOTTING Mrs. 3. M. Malashock. : DAVE BLUMEXTHAL.

Teams of One Hundred^and Fifty Workers Seek at Least Eight Hundred New Members




Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Government contemplates bestowing r upon Professor Ashkenazy the "Polonia Restituta," the highest Polish order, in recognition of his services as Poland's negotiator in the questions of Silesia and>Wilna, it is learned from an authoritative source. The antiJewish press is already showing signs of annoyance discomfiture at the proposed recognition of the Jewish Professor.

lyropam l

Over Two Hundred Delegates and Guests From tl Central Western States and Canada Will Attend This Convention


MacDonald Prases Palestine Workmen's Bank

New Picture of Jew Needed in America, Says Council Head


Local Zionists Elect New Officers; Effect Complete Reorganization

All Lithuanian Jewry is Protesting Against Action of Government

Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity is Formed at Nebraska State University

Captain. District 3—Charles St.: 16th to 36th St. K. S. XAFFE. Cantain. District 4.—CronB Sts.. Coming to Paul; 02th toS30th St. t O t n S HARRIS. Captain. District S>—"West of 30th St.. North, of Dodge St. ABNBR KAIMEX. Cantata. District 6^-North 24th St- Indiana to Tavlor Sts. JOB .GREEXBER.G. Captain. .District 7f-181b St. North., from Clark to Snaulaliifc: 20th St. North from Clark to Si»a Si»auldin«r. ' ldin«r. ' Captain. : I MARGOLIN. MAR Iii 7 h 28t District -».—North 20th. 2 27th. 28th. 29th Sfs~ Davenport to Burdette. Ii. KNEETER, Captain. -District fc—Burt to Cumins; 15th to to 33rd StB. . MAX I'ROMKIN. Captain. District 10.—St. Mnry's Are nnd South. St. V. BRODKEY. Captain. District 11.—Clark and Decatur: 18th to 32nd


District U^-Capltol. Davenport and Chioaco Sts.. 12th to 30th St. B, Z. ROSEXFELD. Captain. .1<L

Cass. California and Webster Captain.


Kowno. (J. C. B.) A storm of-protests, said'to be unprecedented in the history of Lithuanian Jewry is sweeping over the-country in conseguence of the Government's j-ippudiatioh of the guarantee of national rights for the minority groups. " Meetings srerbeing held in all parts of Lithuania demanding' that Ldthuarma wJthi-fiie^ewfi, even as the Jews are discharging -their obligations towards the Lithuanian state. Meantime, the Jewish Sejm (legislative assembly) deputies have -declared that is tantamount to a boycott, and have not participated in the sessions since the Easter recess. The presidium of the Jewish National Council has been requested to summon a plenary. session of the council to consider what further action should be-taken. •

B'nai B'rith Lodge Seeks i Two Hundred New Members

TOltOLDOPEN Two hundred, new B'nai B'rith MEETING IN HONOR members is the quota for which memOF "BOY'S WEEK" bers of the lodge' are working for. The Omaha. Hebrew <31ub. will, hold an opfen meeting Sunday afternoon at thi Jewish Community Center a honor of /'Boy's Week". A special program has been arranged for which will include several speakers and several musical numbers by talented Jewish boys of Hhe city, Dr. A. Greenberg, president of the club, indicatfed today. The meeting will begin promptly at tHree o'clock. .__

h # The'new members.which.

be se-

cured during this ; campaign will be the "convention -<£ass" arid rwill be initiated during the District B'nai B'rith convention, wKich'will be held during the last'of this month. "We must fill this quota immediately," said J. J. Greenberg,' chairman of the membership committee. .Men who are seeking membership to the B'nai B'rith should hand in their names .with members of the committee.

Mrs. Nathan Mantel.

M i s s F l o r a BienstocJc.

! v,

> :,

Intense enthusiasm for the restora- Miss Bertha Leon, ,: Gertrude Levin. i, tion of Palestine marked a well at- Miss Miss Jessie H. Rosenstock. tended meeting of the Zionist District Miss Dora /Wolowiti. Harry Cherniss. of Omaha Tuesday, at the Jewish Mr. Dr. A. Greenbers. Win, sQwdlnsky. Community Center. With many pledg- Mr. Mr. Irvin StalmnBter, es to devote their time and their ener- Mr. Harry A. Wolt. gies to the acquisition of a homeland for the Jews local Zionists effected a complete re-organization and rededicated themselves to the cause. Tuesday's meeting elected J. J. Five Hundred Persons Expected Attend Memorial Services For Friedman, president; N. S. Yaffe, first Civic Leader. vice-president; J. Shukert, second vice-president; and A. J. Miller, secreDes Moines, Ia^ May 3.—The m tary. The election was occasioned ory of J. L. Sheuerman, civic leathrough the resignation of the previous officers. Dr. O. C. Goldner con- who died here April 19, will be I tinues as financial secretary, and L ored at impressive services by m bers of the Des Moines Chambei Goldstein as treasurer. Commerce, Friday. Leaders in J. J. Friedman, newly elected presCharter Members of Zrta Beta Tau Initiated Sunday: Front row, left to rijrht: Edwin Katskre", M. Tf. Rwwbanm. various communal activities in wl Meyer Beber, Harry Diamond, Saul Arenson; Second row: Sam Gordon, Dave Lner, Mlllard Krasne, Abe Gvtdenberc. ident, in a short talk stated that the he was so long active will speak Lincoln, Neb., May 1.—Alpha. Theta the world. The first chapter was es-1 Other members of the new chapter local Zionist district needs a more ac- the achievements of Mr. Sheuern chapter of Zeta Beta Tau, national tablished at the New York City col- are Harry Diamond^ Saul Arenson and tive and and an increased 'member- Plans are being made to accomw university fraternity," was installed at lege in 1898. Today there are 31 Milton N. Rosenbaum of Lincoln and! ship, and intensive propaganda. New at least 500' persons at the meet David Leaver1 of Baldwin, Long.Island, impetus was given the District camthe University of Nebraska Sunday chapters. Charitable bequests were made paign for 1,000 1922 members. afternoon by a ritual team from the Congressman Julius Kahn is execu- N. Y. .,..,.'."...-V... Mr. Sheuerman to seven national J University of Missouri with the aid tive head of the national fraternity, Addresses by the other officers and The installation committee included of Omaha and Council Bluffs alumni. while Louis Marshall and Sir Morti- Howard J.-Green-and Nathan E. Ja- by Rabbi Morris N. Taxon stressed ish institutions, and to the follov local institutions. Des Moines Set Three Omaha and two Council mer Davis of Canada are other noted cobs, Omaha; Manuel Resnflc, St. Jo- the importance of the ratification of ment association, Jewish Feder; the Palestine Mandate by the League Bluffs boys are among the nine that Jews who are influential in Z. B. T. seph; David LeBolt, Springfield, Mo.; Charities, Home for Friendless C have been awarded Zeta Beta Tau. ranks. Stanley' Cytrton, St. Louis; and Her- of Nations, and the necessity for fa- dren, Home for the Aged and the < vorable action by the Congress of the They were initiated at fhe'iieW chapMembers of the new chapter orig- schel Rubenstein, Greenfield, Mo. gregation B'nai Yeshurun. The ter house immediately'following the inally belonging to the Belford club, Lincoln,'Ntfo*.r May 3.-^l?ie follow- United States on the Lodge and Fish sidue of the estate is left to installation. Meyer Beber, Sam Gor- a local college club that petitioned ing Jewish'students here were pledged resolutions favoring a national Jewdon and Edwin Katskee are the Oma- Zeta Beta Tau. to membership in Zeta Seta Tau, at ish homeland in Palestine, now before widow. ha boys, while Abe Goldenberg and Vienna. (J. C. B.) A large t Dr. Phil Wolf son, Sherman Lowen- the chapter ;ii6use; last; iiifcht; Harry both houses of Congress. Milliard Krasne are from' Council stein, Nathan E. Jacobs and Howard Ravitz, .Michlel Stein and Louis SomPublic educational meetings on the of ground has been purchased by Bluffs. J. Green of Omaha and Herman Fried- berg, of Omaha;.^Clyde.Krasne,,Pul- principles of Zionism -Were advocated Jewish Sports Club, the. dedica f Zeta Beta Tau is the oldest and man of Council Bluffs attended the in- lerton, Neb*; Gundell Goldansky, Mc- as being the best possible propagan- taking place on Sunday last, ace | t largest Jewish fraternity in the world stallation yesterday. A formal ban- Ceok, Neb.;"Samuel Yabroff, Wichita, da. The local district meets every panied by impressive exercises. and has upon its roster the names of quet at the Lincoln hotel was held Kan.; Joseph Pizer, North. Platte, Tuesday evening in the Jewish Com- ground and improvements cost 30 f lion kronen, it is staV J j Neb. some of the most prominent Jews in last night. [I

Ckimter of Ommerce to Holier Hairy tf J. L Shewn*


r i

New Picture of Jew Needed in ton, J>. C, is visitin« her parents, Mrs. M. Salteman left during the The Senior. Hadassah held its Mr. Bramson will attend the annual Week* for Roa3es, Iowa, to • spend monthly meeting Wednesday after- photographer's convention, which will America, Says Council Head Mr. and Mrs.' Louis Eerksoiu



Publishedevery • Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by.

i, -

THE JEWISH^ PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY., {•.Office: 482 Brandeia Theatre Building.--Telephone: Jackson 2&72. Subscription Price, one year...., Advertising rates famished on application. I NOT PRINTED FOR. PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicajn of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. ) j

C S A N G B OF ADDRESS—Please g\v both tb« old and new addresis b». lore and tlgn jonr M M ; -

I A MEMORIAL TO RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. ,. , ! It is refreshing to read in these hectic days of klanism, antijnitism, anti-catholicism and general religious prejudice, the1 fty expression of Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes in 3 address delivered on, the occasion of the cornerstone laying^ of jiational memorial toiJoger Williams and religious liberty. These irds of the able statesman should be emblazoned in letters of Illiancy so that all may. read and understand: 1 "This memorial" said Mr. Hughes, "is at once a tribute and pledge. It is a tribute in the capital of our country, where the devices and ideals of those who founded and preserved the union 2 fittingly memorialized, to one] of their greatest forerunners, j the pioneer who first in America created t h e standard of reHoug liberty. It is a pledge that this principle shall be held inflate." I ,"The conception- of religious liberty is so familiar to us that i find it difficult to is not a natural one, that it one of the late fruits of political experience, and that when st declared it was deemed1 of all doctrines the most pernieious •d dangerous. It is distinctively an American' doctrine, for here e principle first found'.:effective..expression in governmental injtutions." / - ' '• J" : f And yet, over 250 years after Roger Williams founded in jiode Island^ the first government that recognized religious libty as a-fundamentatprinciplei. we still find it necessary to fight j maintain this principle inqur'national- and state constitutions, •ganizations preaching religious hate, demanding that all people wship their God in a particular fashion, foisting-their sectarian citrines into bur public schools, attempting the passage of laws oiting. the expression* of idea? and customs, powerful influences ^t would bring us'batok to the dark ages of oppression, ignorce^ and darkness, abound in seemingly, increasing number. 1 The progress of Religious Liberty has even been beset with re perils and today just as yesterday Eternal Vigilance is still ;e Price of that precious.dream of free men.—Wisconsin Jewish ironicle.

•'WHAT MEANS THIS NIGHT?." || A Picture and a Story -



By I. L. BRIL '


(Continued from page 1) which^she"might very.well' "lave received fronva persual of-'tlwj* stories and sketches:of our own iYlontague Glasses and Fannie Hursts. \ Potash and Perlnmtter Not t i e True Jew. "Fortunately, the Potashes and Perlmutters have not usurptai all the interpretive functions. .Here, again, the council reasserts, itst'Jf as the great interpreter., Just as the council has enabled the immig^-ant Jewess to become an intelligible and intelligent part of her American awnmunity, so itr.has given,to our native born American Jewesses the opportunity to translate their precious Jesrish inheritance into terms of American service. "Rather and rightly, America knows the Jew and Judaism through us as vre appear in street, and train, in shop and theater, at meeting board and conference room. "Thus is made evident at once our opportunity and our obligation. Our» if the privilege of making, manifest to the land we love—that Judaism is still a contributing force to the work of social justice and righteousness, that the,. Jew is part and parcel of American citizenry, contributing through his zeal for justice, his ardor for education, his reverence for law, to all the highest purposes of our country.

3»Tveral .weeks with her daughter, Mrs. noon, May 3, at the Jewish Com- be in session. Henry Carlson. munity Center. Aleph Aleph, a newly organized The Ladies' Aid Society -will give At an organization meeting of the club, will entertain at & dancing party a card party Tuesday afternoon at Drake Girls "D" club held Wednesday May 9, at the Jewish Community the home of Mrs. E. Gilinsky. The evening, Miss Ethel Sherman was center. Dancing from 8;30 to 11:30 hostesses witl be the Mesdames M. elected president, Ellen Meline, secre- o'clock. Mi'.rks, J. Katelman and E. Gilinsky. tary; Mildred Ryan, treasurer; Sara The club is officered by Sara IsaacToubes, publicity; and Miss Sara son as president, George Goldenson, Mrs. B. Brown announces the en- Given, honorary member. vice-president; Ben Green, secretarygr^ement of her daughter, Betty, to and treasurer; and Sherman Rudston, Mx. Julius Berger of Chicago. The Dr. Davis Mitchell Blum win retur-i assistant secretary and treasurer. Miss Rebecca Poska entertained the wiulding will take place in June. the last of the week to Chicago, where The proceedf? of the party will be members of the <Mizpah Club at her he is interne in the Michael used for the purchasing of food for home Sunday afternoon. hospital, after a two weeks' visit with some needy family. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blum. Miss Gertrude Fogelson and Miss DES MOINES Lillie Polsky are spending the week Mrs. Freda Oppenheimer will sail in Omaha as the guests of Miss Jtiss Lillie Haskell is leaving this for Europe next week to spend the Faye Gerelick. wecik for an extended trip through the summer with relatives, visiting in easiu France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. No Springs—Honest Weight Mrs. Isadore Cowen and daughter, COUNCIL BLUFFS Juliette, of Chicago, are visiting at Whittenstein-Mastroski. HOBART ELECTRIC the home of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Mrs. Lena Whittenstein, 1138 West GRINDERS, CHOPPERS The Junior Auxiliary of the Coun- Posner. Tenth, has announced the engagement cil of Jewish Women will entertain at AND MIXERS. of her daughter, Rebecca, to Mr. Saul The Jewish History and Literary a dinner dance next Wednesday Mastroski, son of Mr. J. Mastroski of •evening at the Grand Hotel, in honor Club held a special meeting Thursday this city. Service and Sales: of the brides-to-be, namely the Misses evening, April 27, at the Jewish Com- Mr. Mastroski is a world war vet13th AND JACKSON STREETS Keva Gilinsky, Jennie Katelman and munity Center. The members decided eran, having seen fifteen months acto disband for the summer and begin Phones: Jean Goldberg.' Covers will be laid tive service overseas. e meeting's again next fall. Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 iA>r 40 guests. Miss Stella TrochtenMr. «nd Mrs. A. A. Bramson, Mr. Hobart Electri i _ _ Doug. 7396 irg who is in ccharge of the affair The Junior Hadassah will meet this has arranged for i several feature evening at the Jewish Community Herman Zarnow and Mrs. Aaron of Minneapolis left this morning for a We have on hand Used and entertainments. Center. cross country trip to Kansas City, Rebuilt Machines. The "Seven" club will give its Mrs. Sam Cohen left last week for where they will be guests of relatives. feature May dance next Thursday a few w.sek's stay in Detroit and Mt. evtsning at Eagle's hall. Special Clemens. Miss Frances Cohen has entertainment numbers have been ar- just returned from a month's stay in ranged for. The hall room will be Detroit. decorated for the May festjyaL Mr. Ralph Appel, of Cleveland, The Council of Jewish Women will Ohio, formerly of Des Moines, is vishold a card party Wednesday after- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben noon at the Danish hall. The pro- Appel. ceeds of this affair will be given to the Council. The hostesses for the Miss Goldie 'Winnick left Monday afternoon's affair will be the Mes- evening for seve.ral week's visit in dames J. Krasne, A. Rosenberg, M. Chicago and New Orleans. Marks and L. Kroloff. The B'nai Retv Club held a dance Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Freiden enter- Tuesday evening, May 2, at Mrs. tained the Evening Card Club Tues- Crawford's dancing Salon in the Fine Arts building. About forty-five couday evening. ples were present. Miss Fannie Shyken- entertained Miss Ruth Weirt, of Chicago, is visfor twelve guests Sunday afternoon in honor of Ida Lustgarten and Lil- iting Miss Beulah Brody of this city lian Simon, of Omaha. Miss Tillie Pasternak, of Brooklyn You are subject to suit for personal injury New York, is the gtiest of Miss ElizaThe Resh Ayin club will meet long after the accident happens. Wednesday evening at the home of beth Friedman. Gertrude Kroloff. Mrs. Jos. Goitstein, of Des Moiries, 4 spent 1 few days in. tiie dty as thie guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Sandlovich. Miss Lena Orloff spent Saturday in Lincoln visiting,friends while enroute to Davenport, la., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Chas. Spigle. ' *


"PEOPLES BELIEF" EXTOLLED IN WARSAW. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Praise for the' work of the People's Relief Committee in America, and the spirit in which the funds are collected and administered, was heard at the Conference here of 120 delegates of parents in 48 Polish towns, whose children are receiving instruction in the Jewish Elementary Schools. Sholom Ash, well known Jewish litterateur, was a guest at the Conference. He spoke on behalf of the American People's Relief Committee, declaring the work of that Committee was in no sense philanthropic, being an expression of an attempt to fulfil a duty towards one's brethren. The Conference, which had been convened by the Central Committee of the Federation of People's Schools, resolved' to protest against the alleged Government persecution of Mr. Philip Romanov returned home their institutions. Tuesday from an extended trip to New York City, where he had been visitiong with his parents.

A Seder at Ellis'Island! There is nishtanoh haleylohhezeh mikol haley'jiing;. new in. that. It is a yeailv j log, "Wherefore is .distinguished this hirrence. Yes, it is true thai every jj night from all other nights 1" the lad k under the auspices off the He- in the quivering childish voice asked. l i kv,' S Sheltering and Ii Immigrant Aid Aid "Wherefore is distinguished this night tiety of. America a Seder is given ! from all other nights?" And the im*•'- detained immigrants bri Ellis I s - . migrants can answer "Last year we id.. It i& always a Seder,, but they ;| were separated from our dear ones £ riot the same immigrants at the | last year'we had given up all hope of " " tables' laid with Passover seeing again thosenvho we loved most LINCOLN on this 'earth and 'this year' we have {Look at .this picture of,the. Seder; crossed the ocean, braved the. dangers Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gundersheimer, Vert on "Wednesday evening, April of the sea and are near, to the. portals who have been visiting their daughL fa the year 1922. 6fd men— of freedom." itriar.chal-loo'king,' -What a-iughtthis-fe^^We'can just ter,- Mrs. Jacob Singer, and' Rabbi jandVflothers, young men and young imagine what tips old man thinks of Singer, returned last week to their home in Baltimore.

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Mrs. Sam Friedman, and daughter, Minnie, returned Sunday after spending some time in California. They were accompanied' by Miss Sylvia Sevean, granddaughter of Mrs. Friedman. i - ri A '• •— v -i i T ^ s e r h f f d T f f f i hold Its Tegular SlMfcr^iMrBi "*A*fl.Il«Gft - JVlStyQTi O i -tW .expeefejmt .ielatfv^ifer L6x>£jat of ;?wha6~3iis ^^ldcj^ldrenr^lom he JH.TJ^ ? meeting Wednesday afternoon at the ese wWte-beardedmen i|T the fSre- has never seen,1 are'i -5Se incoming New 5Tork City, formerly!, of Lincoln, home of Mrs. E^ HilL have been visiting friends and relatives here .during the past week. , Mrs. Victor Gladstone, of Omaha, spent the week end in Lincoln as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Polsky. The regular meeting o¥ the Blossoms of Zion Club was held Sunday at the home of Miss Esther Rosenberg. The Misses Francis Polsky, Ruth Grossman, and Gertrude Hill 'were admitted into the club. , The Ivre Club- held its regular meeting Wednesday, April 26, at the Ivre Club rooms. Messrs. Harry Snader and Eli Evnen were delegated to organize a similar club in Des Moines. Mrs. Sheldon Jones, of Washing-

'lit of the picture. They .are going children whom they have not seen r years. They have come to spend 2 evening of their lives with,those jafest ahd: dearest to theiri: They >ked forward to a Seder ;with their dren and they are given the Seder Ellis Island.- ,Look~at these chilpn staring wide-eyed • into the hiera. They are going" to T*e ":the pierican citizens of to-morrow. Fain-^: are waiting for' them outside, ii^ng for' them to be discharged to pni; And the schoolhouse Is waiter 'for1 them—the schoolhouse where jy ^will be transformed into dight-backed Americans; And the •Ik' and the boys are eager to : be» L the new life in the new land. the right side of the picture ireis a bearded man. It is Reuben unin, the great Hebrew writer who $ come to partake with these Jewwanderers, the Lechem Oni, the road of Affliction." For goon these hers and mothers, these wives and se -'children will be embraced by g.1 Ams, will be tenderly cared ; will be taken into good, homes I will be made to feel that their s of affliction are gone and they ire been redeemed ' at last from idage. Chre'e hundred and fifty Jewish imzrants sat down to that Seder at is Island end a little *»»§?»"* Mah 7 asked the "Four Ovnr


from another world: into the new •world. For years he has suffered, raye, not suffered just physically alone but suffered mentally and spiritually, always afraid of the Jew-haters, • ever in fear of a pogrom, frightened lest some ruthless shears should cut off that, patriarchal beard. He has dreamt of the land of freedom, he has hoped to step on the-shores of liberty. At: last his dreams are coming true and his hopes are being realized and s'o>- Seder means for him the, beginning of whatever years of freedom may be spared to him. , I t i s a^wonderful scene, this Seder at Ellis. Island.: There is; it in the whole, wide, world. CONFERENCE OF DRAMATISTS HELD AT KQVNO. Kovno.' (J. P. A.) During the Passover holidays there was held here a convention of all dramatic associations in Lithuania.- Resolutions contemplating the aid of the Jewish theatre and of the amateur dramatic association in particular were seriously considered and unanimously adopted. It was also resolved that Lithuanian Yiddish, be the vehicle of expression for the dramatic associations, thus developing the beauty of the language commonly used by the Jews of Lithuania. _. : -

J. J. FRIEDMAMV Atty.. 303 Omaha National Bai-k Boildlnr. Notice of Administtatlon. In the; Countj- Court «' Dobelas . ; County, Nebraska. In the matter' of the Estate of Chasa SamoeUon, Deceased:. All persons interested in said estate ore hereby notified that ft petition has been filed in said: Court allesintt that said t deceased died leavinjj no last will and praying for administration upon her estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before court on the 13th day of May, 1922, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said ISth day' of May, 1032, at 0 o'clock- A. WL. to contest the said petition, the Court May grant the some and grant administration of said estate to Julias Samuelson. or some other suitable person and proceed to a settle* ment thereof. -•;•:. •• - > _ BUTCE CRAWFQBD. , 4-20-4t • • :•.:'• County Judge.

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TL M. AND 'S. W- M. A . 2O3VS. MQKDAIT'S WOKivS TSAKSLATED the press and "will soon 'be leaity for 3ttr, candors. iE. .Aggrsnoff, of 33nmx' Over imE .hundred members a t Hast -week after spending3Q*»T0 -AIRABIC circulation. In his preface, the transCity, Ha,, announce the -.engagement ^winter anonths in 2sFew TTork, "Wadi- tended t h e •'3' "daros last Saturday Jerusalem. (J. P. A.,) An Aiab lit- lator extols the -.philosophy and per• of their daughter, Jlanny, tto 3ffir. -.Jo-^ ington, and W-heeling, "WEHI a i g i t at fiffi Jewifih Conanmntty 3Hr. and Mrs. S. Agranofi announce terateur has just completed Tiis trenB- fionailis* of Mordau, urging all Arab seph Givot, ion" of THr. anS Mrs. A. Center. These flanceE are ^iven the engagement of their "daughter, lation of Dr. Moniai3!B-^wflrfc& into compatriot* .to read carefully his JMx. and MTB. Benjamin D. Givot, of this city. The -wedding Benu-monfluy lor all T members of Fannie, to Mr. Joseph Givot, son of Arabic. The first volume is now on works. •fintertained JLWUUL^ guests at & iax&-> "will take jplace in June. good standing. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Givot, of Omaha, aay iiarty Sunday evening, April 30,* Nfibr. A reception was .given Sunday a t their home in ihonor of the iourth The Tegular meeting of the T. M. Habbl Tiederitik Cohn addressed; TVTTR. Damd m a birthday of thBir daughter, Esther. ; and TL. W. M. A. ^was aeld Monday t tiie home -of Mr. and Mrs. Agranoff announce the ^Engagement of thBir; i h e Social Workers' Club a t its ie-; evening a t the -Jewish Community ip honor of their daughter. daughter, ^HthErlEaiiline, tolffr. Mer-! •gular meeting Monday. S i s subject Miss PauKne Abraham, of ; Center. jSlbert Habinovitz was elect-* man Jff..Jahr, of INew Toik City. Both; -was "The Human Touch in Charity. go, "is the ^uest of her sister, Mrs. EdThe Ml. Sinai Sisterhood held s. Ed athletic airector ifor the comingTffiBB Mewman and Mr. 3ahr are grad-; S e Tvill,sneak on 'lEathers and Sons ward meeting Friday at the Mt. Sinai season, and a e i s mating plans for orntes Tif Columbia University- Missi :at the JEathsrs and Sons hanquet of Social Center. ^Refreshments were a tennis tournament t o be neld soon. Given by KETCman was quite active in drama-; •the iEiwanis Club of Gouncil Bluffs Mr. and Mrs. D. Sherman are. spendserved. ing this week in Excelsior Springs. , The fEollowing; jrrogram was given, tics "WME !in JNew TToik. Mr. Jahr is this evening. a recitation T?y Miss Gertrude "White •on t h e faculty -at t h e Collfige of Medi-i j Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Dimsdale, of Mrs. Meyer FridstEin arrived Tues-.t •rine<st t h e University of ^Nebraska in- Mrs. M a s Oxkin, and daughter Car- day from Chicago for a visit with aer; and a recitation l>y Israel Goodman I Los Angeles, Calif., avere in the city and a parliamentary* drill by all. lyne, of 3JOS Angeles, will arrive* SatOmaha. 2HD date lias Iseen set Sox the a week •visitinjr friends and relatives. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bergman. "wedding. . • urday t o join Mr. Orkin, and spend Mrs. Fxidstein was formerly Miss' the Bummer here. KEWSThe HadaHsah Society pave a linen Evelyn Bergman. | The Thorpeian Athletic dub held its -PQSKA—:ASRAMS snrrwBr "Wednesday evening at the A steady growth in the jnember. . , at the . . « regular meeting "Wednesday evening Hebrew Institute ior the benefit of Mr. and Mrs. M. Horwich, «of £o.; Mr. and Mrs. D . j&hrams -announce -ehip and activities of Temple a t its club rooms. Election of officers Palestinian Jews. Omaha, have returned iErom a month's the engagement of their daughter, brotherhood, -was reported at the anstay in Chicago, where they ralebrat-| for the ensuing, term -was held with Shirley Sarah, t o 3Ir. Abe 3. iPoska, The G. S. Clnb will hold a meeting a, auial meeting held Sunday at Temple ed their sixtieth "wedding anniversary!1 the following TBEUlts: President, "WilI d d N d ! liam off Idncdm. -No date i a s been set lor HsraeL 2sew officers -elected for the with their children. Cherniss; -viee-p>eBident, 2. Sunday at the home of Miss Bebecca Uoth and Farnam StreestB. dcoming year mnlndfi Ben Lewis, presthe "wedding. lievinaon; secretary, J . Xrestul; treas- CouTEhon. ident; Eugene Blazer, xice-president; Mrs. J. Mflder entertamed Tuesdaj- urer, S. FxeidaT; Teporter, "William Victor Ganz, recording secretary; X.. a t a luncheon at the Urandeis Tea Wmtroub; custouian, L. Millman; Mrs. E. Myers, of Omaha, Nebr., -KUEE Uerriice Diamond of the NeTICKETS S1.00. GOOD MUSIC. liraska llnroersity -will .spend thB 35. Goldman, ^financial secretary; Louis Sooms in honor of a e r daughter, Mrs. sergBant-at-armE, A. Meyers and Ben was in the city for a few days as Tveek -end ihere -visiting with TVTTKK Simon, treasurer. New directors are Ben Taxman, of Hansas City, Mo. Ellis; trustees," M. Micklin and D. the guest of Mrs. A. Ginsberg. forget it's -fli* last Wg dance «f -Fanny ievinson, -and Miss liuth Zolut, Stanley ISeiler, Louis Sommer, Her- Covers were laid for forty-five guests. Swartz; athletic director, Paul £onec3>ert Heavenrich and M. L. Cohen. the season anfl it's a Thorpeian affair. also -of the University of ^Nebraska, The annual election of the Sister- TSFTVJII Tdsit -with Miss IXenia IPerlmutter. The club will give its farewell dance Mr. and Mrs. W. Solomonow and hood of Temple Israel was held MonInese out-bf-town girls vdll be ex-, ifamily left last Thursday for of the season..Sunday, May 7, at ILelday, May 1, in the Testry 3£tram nf tensively entertained while iere. The -vdlle, Nebraska, to make their future the Temple. Those elected are Mrs. pmes Dancing Academy. A special -first of these entertainments "will Ire iiome. N. Mantell, president; Mrs. Cora entertainment features has been ar.a party t o Tie. given Friday evening FIRST CLASS "WOEE Wolf, vice-president; Mrs. J. Singer, ranged for by t h e committee nndiarge "by M i s TLevinson at her home ifor Miss Mollye Saltzman -was -hostess SEASONABLE PEICES. recording secretary; Mrs. A. Hens- of the affair. -eight couples. On Saturday evening to the "L. T." Society at her borne berg, corresponding secretary; and BASEBALL. Miss Perlmutter will entertain eight Sunday afternoon, April 30. Prizes Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, treasurer. The The Y. M. H . JL baseball team couples a t her home. Miss Helen were won by the Misses Ida. Shapiro election was preceded by a 1:00 J. EICKLTN Dorothy o'clock luncheon. defeated the South Side Sokols SunAitsdhuler "will entertain Saturday and Mollye Sattzman. Large Beception Hall, Parlor, Dining Boom and Large Call "Webster €270 a t the nest meetday afternoon at Miller park by a. afternoon at the Urandeis Tea Hooms: •Singer will Kitchen on -first Hoar. Three nice Bedrooms and Bath i'o'r the out of town guests, and on ing which Trill be i e H Sunday, May 7. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segal left last score of IB to 8. The Y team colon second floor. TuD lot, good neighbors Close to lected their big lead in the first two Sunday afternoon,.Jttiss Anna Janger Many entertainments are being week for Chicago and New York school. Block to cars. Good buy. Only ?5,500, worth innings of play "when Swartz nit a -will entertain at a. theater party. given ior Miss Eva 3Fenberg, of Des an indefinite stay. more money. Phone HArney 1759 or JAckson 1209. home Tun with two men on the Moines, Iowa, who is ^visiting with Mr. Mrs. Sam Felhnan returned home baseE. Swartz collected two aome Miss "Hajttie Greenberg, whose and Mrs. M. Ghasson. Mr. said Mrs. WALTEE BOWEN, 502 Peters Trust Buiiaing. -wedjding to Mr. S^m Glickson, of Chasson entertained Thursday eve- Monday from the "Wise Memorial Hos- runs during the .game. ILonecky, Devils Lake, N. D., -will take place ning at their home for twelve guests. pital, where she was ill for two star pitcher for the Y team, held fee May 15, will have as l e r brides- Miss Minnette Margolin entertained months. opposing players a t ease. maids, Stella Herman, and .her ten guests at her home Monday eveThe Y team will play against the Mrs. Julius "Weil, of Lincoln, toiionr sisters, the Misses Molly, Anna, aing in honor of Miss Peiiberg. gether with .her two small sons, will Christ Child Center team next SunStarts Saturday Belle, and j3ess- Ureenberg. A -number Thursday evening Miss Sose Guttraan arrive Saturday to visit with her day afternoon a t 1:SD P . M. a t Fort of affairs are being given for Miss will entertain a t her home, and on mother, Mrs. Carrie Livingston. They Omaha. The Christ Child team i£ at Greenberg. Miss Stella Herman Friday evening Dr. A. Goldstone will will remain for ten days. present leading fte league. entertained thirty guests last Sunday entertain a t one of t h e local clubs. in Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell enterafternoon. Miss Esther Solomon will fabricc sponsored by ctonoitite the Bnessp of im 1 spso y spring s p g TashJon authorities o exiierienced taiiar—up-io-clate Inbrice -wlUch nrp now ou mate In the'liueetet Sho< Elle Fleishman left Friday for tained thirty guests at their home give -a picnic breakfast next Sunday IJeduced prleeB on tailoring lor -both men and wojivsn—prices witiiin the reiic otf al)—are ofiered for spring. "Washington to attend the first na- Sunday evening in honor of their --morning-; Sunday afternoon TVTTK \ ~We do cleaning and pressing—Work 'called -far and delivered. Schlaifer will entertain, and on May tional convention of the "Women's daughter. Fay, who recently anWET NOT TAILORED'CLOTHES AT PEICES 11 Mrs. Charles Xopald will be Overseas Service League. She will nounced her engagement. MOKDAY, MAT IDTE OF visit in 2sew Tork and ^Boston, rehostess, for jiliss Greenberg. Come and see the greatest Si YOUNG JUDEAE NEWS. turning on June 1. Second Floor, Jfith A fightmg IOVE picture Hart ever S and Howard StreetB 1 The meeting of Junior "Welfare Sara "Warshaw, at the piano, made. Mrs. D. Swartz entertained at a -with Mr. Dave Fogel, on the saxo'Organization which was to be -held Given by the Omaha Junior this Sunday, has been postponed Barmitzvoh party Sunday evening at phone, gave several musical selections Hadaasah Unit. (To -maintain •<i Jrerihome?£or fifty guests in iionor of for the members of the Toung Judeae ' indefinitely. Palestine "War Orphan). i e r son, Ehilip. The evening was Senior Club at is Tegular meeting BlACESTQIfE HOTEL. Miss Elsie GDstz will entertain | spent in playing cards and dancing. Sunday at the Jewish Community Priday afternoon at her .home for In honor of their eighth wedding Center. Miss Hose Lazarus gave sevseveral nut of town guestE. -anniversary, Mr. .and Mrs. J. Eisen eral "readings, and also -violin solos. entertained at a surprise party She -was assisted iby Miss LiBian Messrs. Edwin ILatskee, and Ed Chudacoff, at the piano. Xevinsbn "will spend the "week end in a t their home Sunday eveninr by their The "Young Judea Junior Club will Omaha. They will bring; -with them iriends. The evening was .spent at a s . their Chouse guests Messrs. cards and prizes were won by the hold its regular meeting this Sunday Gundell Goldansky, Perry Goldstein, Mesdames 3. Lorkis and M. J. .Simon. afternoon at the Jewish Community Dave 2oiat, and Dave JNfefsky of the Mr. and Mrs; Eisen -wirra presented Center. with a floor lamp. Kebraslca University. Starts Saturday Mr. Maurice Block returned from J; Flora Hollander, of Oklahoma H. Xaplflra. the Famous Stage Success New York Tuesday after attending . Pepper, -Vie City, OkLu., arrived here last Satur-' the national conference of art museum IK. G. Da. Beeutaxj. day to make her liiturfi iome. directors. The 3£ellom School "Vocational Class The Deborah Society will "hold its present the last ^program tD l>e regular meeting nest "Tuesday a t 2.30 this year by the Public schoohr p. m. at the Jewish Comuiuniiy 'CenVocational-Classes, on SaturdayafteTter. 3todn a t 2:30 P.. M. at the ifewish 'We vaiuuy §! IPeBturmg r our 704)00 musTe teat .Cpminunit3^ Center. A one act play- Mr. and Mrs. -J. l o r t i s -"entertained 1 xarvras STOKE, JANE TJOn p H E FEDERAL BATLWAY ABVEETJBING ASSOCHA.TION takes fiU £ let will be ; the feature of the after— ten guests at a card party Fridtty fr! "v"_AK, "WAIILA'CE B E E E Y . I this means of announciiig to ihe Working People, HerchaiitB anfl A X'hone: Jadaon 7 The playlet "was coadhed by seveniug at their home. Prizes were others of Omaha and vicinity ±hat they have opened a. teanch OMAHA. 3TEB. Mrs. U. 3t. Boasberg, dramatic jwon by Miss Lillian Dubnoff and Mrs. office in this city and are now inaugurating a SAFE, S&SsEE, O1GITMax Wezehnaii. " 'director Df Kellom Scnotil. DffATE and PBACTJCAL :^^,1ZICE ^herBbylhgy co-operate va£b HI21-

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m3 wfitr Fkcme Alflaniic 4&34


CHANTS, MA2vDEA€T UliEBS and ISQ5TJEIBTJT0ES in all lines tf ?mer{frynflree for Ihe issuing and distribution of CAEES anflliJbife'lSIilCATES ±D every family in GEEATEE 'GOSLAMA. These CEETIFIGATES are "VAiLHABLiE and are Tefieemable s t nnr nffice for

Aaron tBegreda, of Nashville, Miss Bhinche Altman 3ias. a s 3ier , is the ^uest of her mother, Mrs. Inrase guest .Miss Ida Sosna, of Slock B. Blotcky. She "will remain a month. 3sland, I1L David Newman entertainen Mr. and Mrs. A. <D. Givut spent) i£he week.'iend i n :Sioux City, la,, t o the members iof the Priscilla Ctob :at -attend the engagement TT£ their son, iier home last Thursday afternoon. Prizes -were "won Tjy Mrs. Sam GoldJJoe. stein, of Missouri 'Valley ,the out cT •"Browning" -will sbe Habbi iErederick town guest, and Mrs. Julius 3£ayman. vCohn?£ ]frrhrrr> rfor IFrriday evening -at Mrs. Dave Levine Tsill l>e hostess -next TEempLe "Tempi. On -Saturday morning Thursday afternoon for this igmup. 3hE will lecture :on '"The 32ihicE of the' JEathETB". ' Mrs. Hugo tBraadeis, of New Turk City, "is spending .a few -days acre a t JMrs. JMortinier Afiher, of Sioux the Hotel P-ontenelle. Iowa, returned -home Saturday: • .a "two -weeks stay i e r e ;rotth Jier Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky left \Mri .and !Mrs. iS. l?«mym Sunday evening for ^Excelsior fiSpringB ^was formerly 3Iiss; t o Tie gonetwp weeks. 32adfllyne Senyom ; ifJSxB. Jiilins iEbaeainan left yfisterJStcy ^noniing iar ZNew Uork tCily ±o; attend the ^wedding uf i e r aiifiee, Miss 33oxa SommerfielH. -3Iariy aaBEairs ^are Ijeing gflarinfifl i o r 3BEJEB Jeairette iSfaames, -who "is t o 'be "jnairied June fi, tto 3Ur. 2 a n j Eavich. The Srst affair will be a hriSge given '] "by ]ffiEB fiophys "Wiiinstein -at her ' 3i|nne Sunday afternoon. Thirty will he present.

3Ehe Omaha Junior Hadassah will 2irild itfi angular :by-mDnthly meeting :Jffl5± "Wfianesasy «VEnins a t t h e Jew-

T^tien a-fiturnefl ±D US we Issue to the holder a drawn on a Local l^atipnal Bank, "Qiat scan be used for liihe ipurdiase of ST-KKKI' C^JCSECKS, ti^Ets tm any FTHfeAW or MtMCT3EIC -EAILEDM), INTSXBIBAN ONES. MOIPGE BUSES, nor for ; : GasGiiNi;. ^ ;


^XjiTt t i l v r 7 H o n v u i i x t c l r i ^ t • 11n.7fr yuU. »i>^ UVCT tilt: HmVilTPlfl jff •oSStsmX

A H WO =D!N"'C IE M E WiW IREC IEL lEleiahinan "THE 3IQHL" 3Ioved into ^HTC aiew lonuc a t 1B42 Bo. ,2301 ^Street, tS. Wndlwozfli JfcvemiB. TeL Atlantic'BBoL

Almost everybofly IB ^plHnning; a summer "vacation, hut "the jprohteni of transportation is most perplexing to some of "them. W* have ±he problem for yon. 35y patnmiziiig local firms "who &sue our and <GHrf8ffiBte&, you can have 13iem Tedeemed at say tnne aat TOTT fSfice fnr l^EEE !ISA35Si^lETMION anywhere. • ;.,. -

BE THRIFTY, WISE AND S D V strnplc sod easy it is! ths lone distan .


'Miss Hose Ulinkin will be "aome to-. aay irom the Nebraska "DnivErshy to attend "pi-e-medic" day at t h e Ne-•braslia Medical College l e r e . .She' •will spend the "w-eek end with aer; parents. 3ir. and Mrs. M. Minkin.



SVDH& •unnccBssary watte, ddsyB find

Insist on flifi mfirchants yCarfls janfl Certificates. If your ©wn menamnt tdoeB aiiit Hans itbam, phone u s rand -we "will supply yon Tirifli the Tiames aff STrrnf .^Ep us iin GEEA1EE niWrAl::r& Thffw Gards ^anfl Cfelffica^Kl jafflg S "than ^Prii33ffi|r Stamps or IPremuims, becaus£3^n3nay'xise' flifijn3Drs£nK£w ihing anore valuable "than fmsre tfanfles. ~

TO OMAHA MERCHANTS: I t means flolterE in your Cash 3&figister "to get in ifeamih with -us. Phone u s "today J£ax -inToninitnm janfl Tjecume ;a Subscriber Jar oui'



you. Only une linn 3n «ach line can secure siur ffl^, 5s lignfly TffitnctetL *Get ^msj mnneomfeely, BE -we are almost tfeo inflflfflh the Tiam^ nf IKEBtMAl^rTS ~who -w5H iiBSue «mr 'CAEDS and -< '.»:K'^I f<*nT.ATrK>« ifo ftw patrons.

•S iHHr \ 8Tin W>



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a. *

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*I *• i

*I *:



• * 1 X .


THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1922 iinuiiiimimu \s «

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

artmetit of The Jewish Press


«. :


Me Says It. With Music


ONION FUEL COMPANY Telephone Jackson 0268

Office 209 South 18th Street





Industrial' And Automotive Macldnlfta. Carburetor and' Ignition Repairs. Starter Blur Gear* tor Auto Fly Wheel* 417 Booth 13th Street. - . Telephone! Jackson SSBft





Tel. Jadu«m




We Deliver the Real Goods.




McCord-Brady Co. Our .", .

His. excellent library and art works in- his tastefully decorated home, complete the picture of this unusual young man, raised in the atmosphere Irving Berlin, a Singing Waiter in a simplest, most effective way. Chinatown Joint Fifteen Years Ago, "I gues I write more failures than of East Side gangs. Now the Moat Successful Song any other song writer, but that's be- v Broadway always put Irving BerWriter in America. Work Did cause I write more sdngu than any lin down as a keen business man beIt, Also an Uncany Genius of them. I write about 300 songs cause of his success as a song writer for Hitting the Popular a year, but I throw most of them and a s a publisher. But Broadway Fancy. away. About 20 of them I submit became quizzical last year when the to my publishing^ house. And ofaforesaid Mr. Berlin in conjunction By BERNARD A. BERGMAN. course only a few of those catch on.". with Sam H. Harris built the f 1,000,000" Music Boox Theatre on Forty(Copyright. 1922, by the Jewish WritWhich is the secondhand probably, fifth, street and staged there the ers' Guild.. All Rights Reserved.) the most important reason for Mr. most elaborate review that New York Bernard A. Bergman, the author of Berlin's success. A genius a t strik- had ever witnessed, with a payroll of this extremely interesting interview, ing the popular fancy would mean $22,000 weekly. But Broadway was is one of the most brilliant and versa- nothing at all, if he did not have wrong, for in spite of its tremendous tile Anglo-Jewish journalists in thesuch a tremendous capacity for work. country. - His interviews with Lord Once he wrote down nine rules for expenses, "The Music Box Review," Northcliffe, General Diaz, Sir Philip is still packed to the doors, and Mr. Gibbs, Al Jolson, Ed Wynn. and other successful song writing. The finalBerlin is in Europe with no financial celebrities, have attracted nation-wide one and the one he emphasized most worries. Not that he would have attention. He is the Managing Editor was work, work, work. worried anyhow, for he confessed to of the Jewish.Tribune and co-founder with Maximilian Hurwitz of the Jew- "I do all of my work at night," me that he expected to lose a conish Writers' Guild.—Editors Wote. he continued, "beginning shortly af- siderable slice of his fortune, just • Neither Henri Barbusse, Sir Philip ter dinner and sticking at it until because he wanted to stage the most Gibbs, Will Irwin, John Dos Passos four or five o'clock in the morning." beautiful musical show that America not Frederick Palmer is the author This explained the effective manner had ever seen. Incidently, "Say It Kent the. most powerful protest against in which his piano was' silenced with With Music," has sold so many copies Ltfae horrow and futility of war. The paddings and feathers, so that it (it is the big hit of the show) that [•most ringing declaration, the strong- gave forth but faintest tinkle. "It Mr. Berlin.will not even have to re!est stand against the inhuman prac- wouldn't do to pound away at allturn second class.


The Harry A. Koch Co. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 0360.

Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.

Leo A. Hoffmann Hoffmann Funeral Home.



FOODS Groneweg & Schoentgen WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302

lMThiaJ Mthj X

tices of modern warfare was written hours when my neighbors want to "several years before Versailles. I t sleep and rest I. might even be And while he was a joint-producer (PALMER GEADUATE) in "The Music Box," he appeared was given to the world shortly after disturbing someone who is ill, an VlllltVI I l i t V l Vll (PALMER GRADUA r •« Do away. with drudgery and make American entered the war and itsailing woman or a sick child. That' nightly in it, continued as the active Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 house-jvork & pleasure- by the use author was an American sergeant of would be pretty rotten of me, so Ihead of his publishing house, and With Soar .Order for never let up on his song-writing. He of modern electrical. appliances. infantry. The sergeant's name was have my piano silenced this way," merely went to bed a little later in and he gave a demonstration. ANYTHING , . HOLCOMB The ^Electric Shop" 13 on the Irving Berlin and his passionate outthe morning. Perhaps that will proground floor of the Electric buildburst was entitled: "Oh, How I Hate IN THE WRAPPING FOOD CHEMICAL Irving Berlin is a good example duce a second to "Oh, How I Hate to ing, Sooth-east corner of Fifteenth to Get up in the Morning!" PRODUCTS CO., INC. of that vague something or other Get up in the Morning." At any rate PAPER LINE and Earnam. streets. Msnulactnrero of Mr. Palmer may write of the futil- we call "Americanization." And his two days before he sailed, he sat FOODS AND CHEMICALS. songs, too, he likes, to describe as 1112 HARNEY ST. ity of waging war to bring about indown and wrote another song, "Some FLAVOKU.G EXTRACTS. Phone Douglas 6409 ternational peace as he did in "The"typically American," the product of Sunny Day," which his company be018 N. 16th St. Phone Atlantic 4964 Folly of Nations;" Mr. Irwin may that same force, which moulded him lieves will be another big hit. He describe the terrible destructive de- into manhood. Born in Russia, he would not discuss it. "I can never NORTHWEST READY vices to be used in "The Next War;" was brought as a small boytoNewtell what will be popular," he said. SKJNNER Sir Philip Gibbs, Henri Barbusse and York by his parents. He never went "I didn't think 'Alexander* would ROOFING CO. BAKING COMPANY Beady Roofing over old shingles. John Dos Passos may cry out withj to school, that is to a school sup- make a hit. I had it lying in a DOUGLAS-1668 r*«oe i-iom. Also asphalt sbingles and butid-np plied by the state. His was a broader all the sincere passion of their condrawer for a year and merely roofs. .Fire resisting and durable. All work . gnaraDtg^d Easy terms. victions. But they do not touch the and more sweeping education. An brought it out by accident. Neither STEINER ELECTRIC " ' Phono Haro<T'S574 man on the street. That gentleman education in life and living. For ev- did I expect 'Oh, How I Hate to Get Offle* and Warehouse: 3XSS iearenworth MEATCHOPPER eryone of the Berlins Jiad to pitch in continues on bis uninterrupted way, Up in the Morning' to sell. So I've AND COFFEE MILL. 'watching .for .the baseball score and! and work as soon as they were abla. quit making predictions. All I can summing up his case against war by jPovery of the worst kind was their do is write what I think will become tfSEI> SCALES OF ALL whistling the celebrated refrain of lot. Isving was musical and singing popular and just keep on writing." i MAXITFA.CT li K E R £ . MAKES FOR SALE. Irving Berlin's diatribe against re- was the way he chose to lighten the MEY-MER-CO. Brand The fact that Irving Berlin still j family burdens and to keep up the veille by the dawn's early light. 510 Soatk iOth Street.'BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Beverages and Syrups. wears the same size hat is sufficient | supply of fuel. Less than 15 years Phone Jackson 3332. And there you have the secret of ago, he was trying to support his answer to the question whether he! 319-321 Bo. 14th St., Oman*. >"ebr. Phone Atlantic M8» Irving Berlin's, unprecedented success. -widowed mother, his small brother still provides for his family as he He never took a course in mob psyIten and his sisters in a "joint" in China- did when he was the star performer "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" chology for his education consisted town, where he was, a "singing wait- in "Nigger Mike's Joint." After his Biscuit Co. sod bar Ik^bi st LOW FARE largely of extension courses in life er." His earnings were derived from first big hit, he brought his family SNOW WHITE 'A and human nature as a member of >the coins his customers threw him as from the East Side to a fine big ROGERS All that the name BAKERIES graduate, classes in certain obscure' he sang and served^ them their beer. home uptown, and the story goes that implies. 319 South 16th Street. CALL v •1 1 (Re*, r . 8 . Pmt. corners of the East Side, but he < Phone Donglas 3A0CL ; Two years later he.'^ad jumped over- he was so affected by the happiness \ B Office.) ATLANTIC 4322 knows the crowd, and how to appeal < night into fame and fortune with his of the occasion that he broke into j 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 to it, as few others do. He's a sim-first big hit, "My Wife's Gonetothotears, had to run out into the night j TBV SCKDOBEN'8 ple, unaffected young man who can Country." That was in 1909. In as soon as he had showed the folks ,_ Satritlons. Horn* Had*' ELECTRICAL FIXTURES speak in simple, unaffected language 1913 .came "Alexande'r Ragtime around and could not come back until APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Ambulance Service f*IES and COOKIES to the millions. He's "one of theBand," the first attempt at the syn- the next day. And there is not a Equipped with Pnlmotor. -Sealed tn Sanitary Waxed - Hade by crowd".who knows how to appeal to copation which has now swept the Friday night when he is in NewGranden Electric Co. Wrapper a t Tour Grocer. Ali CaHs Answered Promptly. UKCLE SAM BREAKFAST DEPENOABI.K EI-ECTRICAlthe crowd's fundamental passions and country and most, of Europe and York that does not find him at his MERCHANDISE. Suhdgren Pie Baking Co. FOOD CO. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN feelings. 1511 Howard St. Phone Atlantic <M8I mother's for the regulation Sabbath which is responsible for so many of Zitti ntfd: mukoTT. " * Ji'Atlantla 15S41 OMAHA, JfEBBASKA. S<U ranum St. Phone Harney 0393 "Oh, How I Hate to Get up in the our present-day ills, as the reformers meal. Morning!" is a striking example of tell us. "Jazz," they call it. But I tried to get him to say something Irving Berlin's genuis in. appealing don't make a mistake and call it about the people who lay most of American to the crowd by striking a universal "jazz" within hearing of Jrving Ber- the world's ills at the feet of "jazz" • ' WHOLESALE Carpenter Wet Wash Laundry chord of sympathy. This song, which lin. "It's not jazz," he will say, —beg pardon, syncopation.' I tried Druggists and Stationers Distributor* "af he wrote as part of "Yip, Yip, Yap-"it's syncopation. It got the name several times but he only smiled and 28OS Cuming. Harney 0881 Western 'Bond—and High. Grade *Ol-*PJ-tO5 S o u t h - l o t h - . . hank," which earned over $80,000: of "jazz" from orchestra leaders. It's talked about something else. I made One Day Service. No Extra ' Stationery for the soldiers of Camp Upton, gave a distinctive form of music, a typical- one last attempt as I was leaving Charges.. Refinite Soft Water. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. - • his own personal feelings in the ly 'melting pot' form I call it, forand got the same smile again. "What Why Buy Tin? matter, a protest against that it's derived from the music of many shall I say about the 'reformers' who Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. LADY CHIROPRACTOR rookies' terror, the bugler. About countries, of many centuries. ^^° U> '1 assail your music so bitterly," I inPAXTON-MTCHELL CO. I SAVES YOU MONEY. In Active Practice Since 1919. 4,000,000 other American soldiers had find syncopation everywheref^fir the STtk and Martha 8U. Harstj l ^ t . sisted. MID-STATES WHOLESALE Manufacturers of Brass. Btonxe, Alnml- , the same feeling. So had their fami- music of the old masters, in the Another smile and tlrcn—"Oh, just Dr. Frances H. Turner num and Soft- Gray .Iron -Castings. ! . GROCERS lies. 'coon' songs of th« South, in th» 'say it with music'." Office: Brandeis Theatre Building. Ton are assured of•• soft castings, as ' 1UT-1I'Dodge St. Jackson 3873 17th »nd Douglas Streets. we machine some from every beat In Recently I met Irving Berlin at his folksongs of Europe. This modern Phone Atlantic 3836 oar own aiop. Standard siza east Iron b b b far stock.. home and we talked about his American syncopation is merely a MAX OLSEN & CO. songs, how he writes them and his blending of them all, a gathering to- SAMUEL WILL NOT RETIRE, IS TIKES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES REPORT. early struggles. He was to sail for gether, mostly _by Russian Jewish Wholesale Distributor* for Eui-ope the next day as he planned boys who have grown up on the East London; (J. C,- S.) The rumors SCHMIDT'S We carry a complete line o l new OCR TREATMENT W I I X Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger' stayirig three months in Italy to Side, of all these divine melodies. concerning Sir Herbert Samuel's rering gears, pinions, axle shafts and COWVIliCK tOV • OT OVR write a successor to "The Music It is an Americanization of . their tirement as- High Commissioner for springs for almost any make of car. • Ale, Hires Root Beer SINCERITY. M. D. RTCHMAN. Manager. Office and Wnrebonne: 917 80. Slain St. musical background, blended with the Palestine are dismissed by the Box," that marvelous review which Trust Deportment. "• Telephone 142 1318-1330 Went Broadway, Safety Deposit Boxes. was the talk oi New York this sea- music they-ve acquired from their "West-minster Gazette" which de• COUNCII. BLUFFS. IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. ' PHONE 444. son. I was impressed by his mod- experience. It's 'typically American' clares . it - understands there is no esty, his shyness, his desire not tojust as they too are products of that truth in any of them! The "Daily RATES I talk about himself. It's not what melting pot we "call Americaniza- Telegraph," too, states that the High Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. for space on this Special Commissioner's stay in England will Omaha Phone Atlantic 1556 you expect from the author of tion." application. J Page-given onpp be brief, he returning to Palestine in].'. "Alexander's Ragtime Band" and Ford Tranaier & Storage Co. You might get the idea from Mr. the early part of June. about seventy other song hits. But 516 X. 16th St. ' R. A. FORD. " Branches at Central Market, President and General Manager, I was reminded of a striking descrip- Berlin's discussion Of the highbrow During his absence from Palestine, Table Supply and food Center. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 182 Brandeis Brandeis Bid. •• ii 182 Bid Jackson . i « - i » ~ 2372 «»-»•» i" tion of him appearing in a recent that he is a man'-^of poor tastes. the powers of the High Commissioner 934 So. Main Street. Phone MS j magazine article which told that he And you might further get the same will be in the hands of Sir William j .had'worn a seven' and one-quarter idea from the fact that his early Deedes, Civil- Secretary. General TuCLEAN LINEN An Ideal Washing Combination. hat when he was a singing waiter in years were spent in the disgusting dor, • formerly commander of the Every morning Estes Laundry Tablets a Chinatown dive and that some and degrading slum's described above. Royal Irish Constabulary, is not beU TOO call the . . . with . . . • But he is not. That he is the quiet, ing considered as successor to Sir fifteen years later when his songs Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Estes Soap Chips Frontier Towel Supply were about , the one thing that the sober, modest, young; man he is (aHerbert, it having been announced ana 1815 California Street. N. W. Cor; Eleventh and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB. nation of the world had in common, sensational success at 34 and wealthy that the General will be in command Phone Dongtas 6*91 Water Softener (Combined) the same" size hat stillfittedhim. beyond the wildest dreams of his of the new Palestinian militia, and At all Grocers, ','1 don't mind what people say youth) gives striking^proof of hie nothing more. OCR NEW LOCATION: -••-•• about my songs," he told me with marvelous moral ^strength and wilJ. ' Corner l a t h auil D o u g l a s Street* Call Atlantic 2364 You trill like Sherman Mercantile Co. EXEMPTION FOR IMMIGRANTS . Masonic TempU Bids. a smile. "I" realize perfectly well Our Line—Wholesale Growers Specialties TO CANADA. that they are not. art. I know my BAItDWI.V. ELLINGTON. HAAirtTON 1611 Coming St. Phone Atlantic 1247 HOWARD CPRIGH'iS. GRANDS CHEESEBUTTER-BUTTERPIILK Montreal. (J, T. A.) Beginning lyrickgare. atrocious in thefc; rhymes I'LATER PIANOS. . BUTTER DISTBIBCTOK8 May 1, immigrants desiring to enter OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. arid their metre, but I'm not writing JACK SPBAT FOOD PRODUCTS. THATCHER PIANO CO" Made by — „„ Canada, will not be required to show for the few. I'm writing for the t*19 Cnmlng « . , Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha. Nebraska. Phon« Jackson SOOfl as being in possession of $250, an masses, for the crowd, I write what Kirschbraun & Sons official announcement states. the people want, what • they underKates for Space on Other parts of the Order in Counstand, what hits them and hits me. DONT BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page Rates for Space on this Special Page cil restricting immigration remain in ,And I have no ambitions to be a OIL IS MUCH CHKAPEK given on application. Let V* Ueniore ibe. Door from given on application. force. To make effective enforcejhighbrow, for I want to remain with your Fn'rnnce-' and tntert a ment of the Order possible, the Otthe crowd, -to be of them and with VAL. J. fETERfc COMPANY ULLIBRiDCE OIL VAPOR BURNER 488 Brandris Bid*. Tel. Jackson 837* them. Yes," h* repeated, "Borne of 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. tawa Government has decided to send -1 < M Domoaslnrflon CM So.M0tb Strmt. consuls to Poland and Roumania to my verses are pretty rotten but I ATlanilc 0340. supervise the issuance; of visas at make no claims at being a poet. I'm 482 Brandeis Building. Tel. Jackson 2372. * PATiCONIZE the ports of embarkation. attempting to get over an Idea' in the AaVERMSERS. '


The Briiiri &f jfchsen "Electric Shop"


Dayton Honey Weight Scales and Heat Slicers



Meyer Mercantile Co., Inc.

"Manufactured in Omaha"


Checker Cab

Baker Ice Machines

a Ba


E. E. Bruce & Co.

Council Bluffs Savings Bank

Mid-West Auto Parts Co.





: ' • ; ; : ."• : V

- r . I O r . . .


/ '



uteamship 1 ickets












'Jewish Press



I 1

.- Eyery , failure teaches a - mair \ something, of^iie will onlyDickens.



.Trifles m a k e perfection, b u t perfection is no trifle.—Angelo.

Entered aa secc "oa' poBtoffiee at Om "

mail matter; on January 27th,-1921, i t

Many New Members jiing Federation In City Wide Drive; Old Members Increase Pledges


ive New Professors at * Hebrew Union College


Spirit That Will Make Success Work of Local Nan U. S. Senate Passes The Here is the spirit that will make the Federation a success year. Here, in the words "I don't believe that being away Will be Featured on Resolution Favoring this from home justifies a fellow in shirking his responsibility", is a and an example for all Jews. A Jewish Homeland lessonLiving May Festival Program in a city, enjoying its liberties, sharing its privileges,

Cincinnati. — The Faculty of the Hebrew Union College, at Cincinnati, will least five new members when the academic year opens next growing with.its growth, places on each resident of the comfall. Four of them were elected "at Unanimous Passage Follows munity a responsibility to help his community prosper. If he is Story of Iphigenia At Aulid a meeting of the Board of Governors Agreement of Foreign RelaDramatized by Charles S. a worthy citizen he will not want to shirk that responsibility; last Tuesday afternoon. Probably tions Committee on Senator Elgutter. . ; he will welcome it. Quota Of Eight Hundred New Members Will Be another will be added before next Lodge's Resolution. To all* residents of Omaha who are not now members of PRELUDE OF PLAY TO BE ear's sessions begin. Secured Without Fail, Reports the Federation,* to former Omahans who read this paper, and PRESENTED MONDAY, The new members are: Israel Bet- FOREIGN RELATIONS COMto Jews throughout the state, we recommend an earnest perusal . Of Workers Indicate tan, D. D., to be Professor of Homi- MITTEE OF HOUSE TO MAY 22. this letter. If they are true Omahans and real Jews they letics and Midrash; Abraham CronMEET AKD ACT ON of will follow the example which it sets. Some years ago, Charles S. Elgut« THE RESOLUTION SLOGAN IS. "YOUAREJUaGED BY WHAT bach, D. D., Professor of Sociology; Henry Slonimsky, Ph. D., Professor ter wrote an original dramatic comON MAY 16. YOU GIVE AND DO, RATHJER^HAN BY FALLS CITY, Nebraska. of Jewish Education and Ethics, and position on the story of Iphigenia At Louis B. Wolfensen, Ph. D., Professor Aulis. The play was printed for priWashington. (J. T. A.) The ResJewish Welfare Federation, : WHAT YOU HAVE AND REEF*" vate circulation and submitted for of Hebrew and Cognate Languages. olution declaring that the Government Omaha, Nebraska. review to eminent critics. The play the United States favors the estabThe Federation campaign for 800 new members is going The teacher chosen at a former meet- of stood the test of their scrutiny and lishment in Palestine of the National ing is Jacob L. Mann, Ph. D., ProGENTLEMEN:— over-^and going over big! was in line for .consideration at the Home for the "Jewish people, was fessor of History. I have just received my copy of "The Jewish Reports from the thirty teams canvassing the city point Drs. Bettan and Cronbach are grad- unanimously, without discussion, New Theatre, New York City. 1 to a complete success in this great campaign. Press", and note that the annual Federation driv« for uates of the college in which they will adopted by the Senate, last WednesThere has just been completed, by, In addition many old members of "the Federation have teach. At present the acting Presi- day. funds has already opened in Omaha. a talented .young composer of Omaha, voluntarily, increased their subscription of 1921,. to help ; care dent of the college, Dr. Julian Mor- Prompt passage of the Resolution Wallace Wheeler, pupil of Andre I don't believe that being away from home justifies for the increased needs of this year. genstern, and members of the Fac- followed the meeting of the CommitCaplet, Director of the Paris Opera a fellow in shirking this responsibility, so I am All workers will complete their | ae per capita contribution is as ulty Englander, Frechoff and Marcus tee on Foreign Relations of the SenHouse, a musical interpretation of the therefor enclosing my check to cover in full my subcanvass by Sunday, and expect to high as it is. This shores that these also are graduates. atee, which met in the morning, and text of the play that has promise of scription for this year's activities. This is 100% report to the Federation Board at itsnew members appreciate the. work unanimously' agreed/ to report the a brilliant future of operatic compomeeting that the quota has been that the Federation is doing, and are Lodge Resolution favorably to the more than I was able to give last year, and I hope sition. Within a few weeks the people reached. * anxious to support it to the best of Senate. of Omaha will have an opportunity of to be able to substantially increase my quota next Three teams had made partial their ability." Although Senator Lodge had previhearing the initial rendition of the year. reports of their vrork to the Fed- 'I want to urge the community ously indicated that he would ask for music of this play. With best wishes for the success of your cameration office up to last night They now, through these columns, to con unanimous consent for adoption, the Under the auspices of the Woman's brought in 100 new members with an tinue supporting the Federation. ease with which the Resolution was paign, I am sincerely, Club of this City, and as part of the passed came as a pleasant surprise average contribution of $14.50. need every dollar we can get. program of the present May Festival, AARON DAVIDSON. "This work is most gratifying," need every Jew in Omaha as there will be presented at the BurMeeting in Philadelphia to Consider even to Senator Lodge himself. The unanimous vote of the Senate was obsaid Morris Levy, president of themember of the Federation. We want gess-Nash Tea Rooms on Monday, Matters of Vital Importance to tained within four minutes, soon after Federation, today. "If all our-other them to remember our slogan, "You May 22nd, the Prelude of Iphigenia, the Jews. ' Senator Lodge entered the Senate "BOY'S WEEK" given by a complete symphony orteams bring in reports that are asare judged by what you give and do, PROGRAM HELD BY chestra, under the musical direction encouraging; the drive will be a rather than by what you have andMEETING IN MAY WILL CON- with the Committee'jS favorable reHEBREW CLUB port. of Robert Cuscaden and under the success.*^ I am especially glad that eep." TINUE THE WORK OF THE Over one hundred members of the baton of Wallace Wheeler; also a The Resolution as .adopted reads as New members secured up PREVIOUS CONGRESS. Omaha Hebrew club attended the rendition in song recital of the love follows: Wednesday night, and increases in "Boy's Week," program given last duet of th'e play, with Miss BeyrI Bursubscriptions follow: . At a meeting of representatives, of "That the United States of Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Com- New Yorlc Workers for Palestine ton in the role of Iphigenia and Mr. all local organizations in the citj^, ljgl^ America favors the establishment MEMBERS. munity Center. "The Jewish boys of Fund Sparred by Senate Lawrence Dodds in the part of AchilWednesday evening at the Jewisn in Palestine ofiine National Home Silm Zlcgman Omaha are asked to come to the Jew50.0C Action. ~~ " Heyn les. This production should prove of for the Jewish people, it being 25.0C Community Center, Nathan S. Yaffe H.- Shapiro—! ish Community Center to hold their great interest to the people of our 25.0C was elected as a delegate to the AmerMax Buchman clearly understood that nothing meetings and to make this their -cen25.OC 8. Iu lio-wenitein.25.0C ican Jewish? Congress. shall be done" which, may prejudice ter," said Harry Lapidus in an ad-HALF MILLION DOLLARS RAIS- community, as it will introduce in Chas. - Goldstein— 25.OC public recital, the finished work of two ED IN FIRST TWO WEEKS Banker of,Madison, Wisconsin, is Al- Herbert Marx~— the civil and religious rights of The Congress will meet in Phila25.00 dress to the audience. Dr. A. _ GreenMorton L. De^en. Omaha men. ' OF APPEAL. ways One of Most Popular Fig23.00 delphia on May 21, and many questM. Splesburger non-Jewish communities in Palesberg acted as chairman of tKe meet23.00 Max^ • Schwartxi :. rnres aj^Annual.Gatherings^ • tine, and l^fc-tt»>koly places and Edward F. Trefz, eometime-pastor 25.0& iionsof .great importance to Jews-the ing. * The' -following ^program" was 25.0 K. Winereligious buildings and sites in New York.—The news of the un of Kountze Memorial Church, had given: 25.0C world over are on its calendar. Fole "KEEK DREAMING S U C C E S S lien Tatle 25.0(1 lowing the signing of the peace treaPalestine shall be adequately proanimous adoption by the Unitec this to say of Mr\ Elgutter's 25.0C Tocal Solo...- Mrs. Martin L. Sugannan States Senate tif the resolution favor Harry Bothkop T-OU ARE FIGHTING tected." dramatization of the famous legend: 23.0C ties at Versailles, where a delegation AccompjpUed by Miss Cecelia Feller.' A.1 Stoler » FAILURE," HE SAYS. 2O.OC Address _....—_ .Harry .LaDidus ing "the establishment in Palestine -Manuel Priesroan— from the Congress secured the incor"I was not surprised at the culture, The following members of the Sen15.0C Piano Solo Miss E. Lnstparten Jacob Riklln 15.1 poration of the minority rights ate Foreign Relations Committee were Address Kabbi M. N. Taxon of the National Home for the Jewish refinement and scholarly thought oiE' Martin Whltebook.. 15.« Violin Solo ....Master Samuel Carmel One of t i e most interesting person- Jos. Bonoff clauses in the treaties, the Congress present: 15.0C Accompanied by Miss Marc. Liiliansrope people'" reached the thousands o: Iphigenia, with its purity of style that Rubin.. 10.0(1 ages who •will attend the convention R. Address Henry Monsky workers who are campaigning for enhanced the interest of the interestNathan E. Green adjourned. Senators Lodge, McCumber, of District IGrand Lodge No. 6, I. 0. S n u 1 Iteikes. the Keren Hayesod in New York at ing drama. Personality effects pro10.0 The meeting in May will continue edee, Johnson, Moses, Kellog. McCorWei sberg _ B. B., which will be held in Omaha, Sophia Fayiqan. io.a the work of the previous Congress. mick, Hitchcock, Williams, Swanson, the height of the drive, and reports duction. The fine spirit always eviMaurice Greenfield— May 28 to 30 inclusive is Mr. Solomon Mra. 'Weitz 10.O from the campaign headquarters stat dences itself in whatever the brain or The present method of electing Pomerene, Pitman. Senator New, 10.0 Max Faier -Levitan, of Madison, Wis. io.a delegates is based upon more demo- absent, recorded his vote as favoring that the news evoked the keenest hand cunningly devises. Iphigenia is Aaron Davidson 10.0 Mr. Levitan has not missed a single B. Miroff.cratic lines than those heretofore fol- the Resolution, Senator Wadsworth of enthusiasm among the workers. Th< a relief in this age of hysteria, neu10.0 Mayme K s i p 10.0 district convention in twenty years J. C. Copeland lowed, and is designed to make the New York was also absent, but is unLondon, Paris and Berlin Will Be the Chairmen of the various districts, a' rotics, realism and red light spectacu10.01 Leon and at each has been one of the most Bertha 10.0 Congress truly representative of allderstood to have favored the Resolua special meeting, unanimously decid- lar. It comes like a breath of fresh Nat Castleraan Financial Centers of this Bank. 10.0 popular figures. His life story is one Flora Bienstock American Jewry. ed u> extend the period of the drive mountain air through the smoke and tion. 10.0 E. "Woolfson..* of dramatic success against adversity. Mrs. Clara Cohen — 10.0 The Foreign Relations Committee Berlin. (J. C. B.) The immediate in order to take advantage of th<soot of a grimy community of litera10.00 FriedJnnn A recent writer in the Wisconsin Harris 10.00.1 Louis Mlllraan of the House is expected to meet and organization of a Jewish Emigrants' added interest which the adoption o: ture. One reads it and dreams to see 10.00 News gives the following story of his M. Minkin 1(1.00 B'nai B'rith Membership act on the Resolution on the 16th, Bank was decided at the three-day the Senate resolution aroused among it placed upon the stage. N. Shnkert . life and his philosophy: 10.00 C. SharewltE-~ when Chairman Porter returns from conference here of representatives of the Jews of the city. source of the play is Euripedes. 10.00 I). Kolnick " H e arrived about forty years ago W. D. Brown Drive for 250 Members is on Pittsburg. If passed by the House, the various organizations interested Mr. Morris Rothenberg, Associate The"Thestory IO.OO ~ deals with Iphigenia and 10.00 as a lad from Russia. To-day, Mr A. Plotkln the Resolution will go to the Presi- in the problem of Jewish emigration. Chairman of the New York campaign, the tragic events involving the house io.oo Harry Slutzky The membership drive of the local Levitan is President of the Commer- Maurice 10.00 -Finkenntein „ The capital of the Bank is to be LJ>0,- said: "We are deeply grateful to the of Agamemnon, a favorite theme with 10.00 lodge of the B^iai B'rith is in full dent for his signature. Isaacson cial National Bank of Madison, one of 1'aul 10.00 Max Levin The representatives of the Zionist 000, of which L. 20.Q00 is said to be Senate and to the American people the Greek dramatists. It is moderswing, and members of the member5.00 the leading banks of the city; forty B. Morris Cohen. r>.oo ship committee are obtaining new Organization of America in Washing- available. for whom it has spoken. The Jews nized and adapted for the twentieth years in which to work up, step by Max M. Stein5.00 members each day to fill the conven- ton at the time, Louis Iipsky, general It was decided also to liquidate the Horbund . of America can show their gratitude century stage. The idea is entirely step, from, a poor immigrant withou' Harry 5.00 Jos. Elkin MX* tion class quota of two hundred and secretary, and Ab. Goldberg, of theParis Bureau of- the Central Emigra- in one way: by supporting the Keren original and the work is that of a friend or money, to a position of fi Max Cackln S.00 Administration Committee, issued a tion Committee, - making London the Hayesod. Let the Jews of New York master. The genius of the author, or Panl M. GoUUteiiu. _ _ 5.00 fifty. nancial leadership; forty years in Belle HonviaS? _ _ n.QO statement expressing the appreciation formal and financial center, and Ber- set the example." should I call him playright, is mar. According to J. J. Greenberg, chairBezmnn . which to rise from absolute obscurity A. __ r..oo ; K. Kaplan of the AmericanJews over the Senvelous. I would not be surprised to _. n.oo lin the center, for practical work in man of the drive, the quota must be to become one of the most wide! B. Zlslin ..„ 5.00 ate's -action* Raised in Half Million witness its execution by a commenFirst Two M. Cheskinsky : behalf of the immigrants. Regulation 5.00 filled within a week, so as the new Tcnown and respected men in the city r..oo Weeks. surate talent upon our much bedrag;of emigration of Jews from Soviet INCREASED SUBSCRIPTIONS. members will be in the convention of Madison. To his friends, his sucgled American stage to its edification 1922 1921 Russia and negotiations with the FORMEROMAKAK WINS class, which will be initiated during Further reports state that the first cess is no mystery. They know him Ed. Abrahams S 50.00 $ 25.00 Soviet authorities will be conducted B'NAI B'RITH HONORS 15.00 the convention here this month. All two weeks have brought the sum of and atmospheric cleansing. H. Azorin_ they know his life and if-'fchey were t Kngene 10.00 50.00 35.00 Blazer. from the. Berlin office. "The dialogue, scenes and acts ^ are members of the lodge are acting as ON PACIFIC COAST $500,000 in cash and pledges. This 1X00 put into one sentence the secret of his Abe Epstein __ 12.00 50.00 committees to help fill this quota. 40.00" S. Flnkencteinthe work of one who must have * The Conference . decided to send a money, it is reported, has not been The many local friends of M. J. success, it would probably be "Work D. 15.00 10.00 D. A. Freeman 20.00 delegation to Russia probably consist- gathered throiugh a few large con- complete knowledge of drama and Finkenstein, of Los Angeles, were 15.00 hard; no one has a corner on doing Victor Ganx. 36.00 2&00-, Louis Harris. pleased to learn daring the past week ing of Adolph Held, representing the tributions, bu\ through the persistent mastery of the science of staging. To 25.00 things." 10.00 Morton Hiller._ 25.00 CHARBIN JEWS SEND moo, Archie Jacobs. of his election as president of District Hebrew Immigrant. Aid Society of efforts of the thousands of volunteers me the chief virtue of the play is the 25.00 Mr. Levitan in an interview was J. Jacobs. 20.00 FOOD AND CLOTHING 25.00 Grand Lodge, No. 4,1. O. B. B., at its America, Dr. Jochelman of London, who knocked at the doors of many lofty style, yet nowhere pedantic, the Jake Katlemnn. 10.00 asked what advice he would give to a J. 100.00 FOR UKRAINE ORPHANS annual convention recently. 50.00 B. Katz. , and Mr. Erroikin, of the, Committee of more thousands of Jews and secured keen vision of the human soul, the 250.00 starting out in life.. 200.00 Harry ' Lapidus 25.00 Charbin. (J. P. Ai) The local com12.50 Max L Jewish Delegations .of Paris. $25.00 and $50.00 contributions, which splendid conception of the truth of Mr. Finkenstein is a former OmaHe replied: 250.00 200.00 Harry Malashock. Another delegation will proceed to represented, in most cases, a large patriotism and love. I am quite sure 15.00 mittee for relief of Jewish orphans han, having many 10.00 relatives and Newman "Make up your mind what you want Julius 35.00 has sent out a new transport of 25.00 Newman & Kahnfriends here. He was graduated from Warsaw to "unite and co-ordinate the sacrifice on the part of the giver. that the old Greek spirit has been 25.00 in this world, and keep trying until S. Reikes 20.00 15.00 clothing and food for the pogrom or- Central High School about 1 10.00 L. K. Shostak . twenty different emigration activities, this The work of these volunteers is being caught by its author. He has made you win , your goal. Remember, Chas. Stern 25.00 12.00 phans in Ukraine. This transport of 25.00 delegation to' include Dr. Leo Motzkin reinforced by the organization of a valuable contribution to literature, years ago. 10.00 Tretiak though, thiat a man who buys success Jos. 50.00 trains is directed to Charkov,and.the -25:00 Louis Turkel and Mr. Latsky.. numerous public meeting and parlor even if the play is-never presented. -with dishonesty is making a losing distribution will be supervised by Miss Dr. Klee of Berlin and Rabbi KoAMMUNITION EXPLODES meetings in all parts of New York "I make this assertion and I believe bargain. INeyei admit defeat. Keep that the critics of the future will bear valsky of New York are to-day pro- City. ON JEWISH CEMETERY; dreaming 'success while you're fight- POGROM IN CHECHO-SLOVAKIA. Rubashevo and Mr. Riefman, commume witness, that in our western literaTWENTY-FOUR. HURT ceeding to Riga to'take up with the ing failure. Don't be afraid to make Vienna. (J. P. A.) " A Tecent disap- nal welfare workers/ who "have* already left for the Ukraine to acquaint ture/nothing has been contributed of Latvian author^tiees questions conmistakes. \ No one can be right all of pearance of a Christian girl, in BeDantzig (J. P. A.) — Munitions the time.; A man whoisalways right luss, Checho-Slovakia, gave the anti- themselves with conditions. hidden on the Jewisfcr cemetery at cerning ' the trans-emigration of Rus-JEWISH EDITOR ATTACKED BY more real value, true art and lasting EMIGRANTS. merit, than Iphigenia." is too bijg a fool to know; when he's Semites there, an' opportunity to fan Glivitz, Upper Silesia, exploded, kill- sian Jews. Simultaneously, Dr. Tiompkin has.'been authprized. to estabWarsaw. (J. P. A.) G. Weisbart, wrong. Don't wait for opportunities; flames of Jew-hate into actual attack. 2,500 JEWISH NEWSPAPERS , ing 11 French sol and grievouslish points of Contract at Constanti- editor of the "Emigrant," a Warsaw IN WORLD SINCE 7667. ly wounding 13 make them yourself. Remember, Spreading the rumor that Jews were nople, the* Balkan countries, and other publication, was warmly received and PROFESSOR STRAUSS AGAIN Charbin. (J. P. A.) Abraham though, that there's a difference beresponsible for the girl's death, using The French andant, of the VISITS PALESTINE. g, . 7i greeted enthusiastically by the emii d her blood for ritual purposes in conJ Eirschnitz and Mandel Probst have army of occupation in this district, places. tween pursuing opportunities and nection Budapest (J. P. A.) — Professor grants and employees of the "Workwith'the'Passover feast they jiist completeed a bibliography^ of all received information that the Gerchasing Adolph Strauss, famous Jewish ers' Emigration Verband," when he "Most failures are due to faulty led the rabble to assault and pogrom- Jewish newspapers and magazines, mans secreted munitions on this Menorah Society to Give a Dance scholar and scientist, is again to last came there to' investigate condiize the local Jewish population.: The all languages and lands which have at the Close of the valuation,of the things in life. Learn cemetery and he therefore sent a leave for Palestine, whence he has tions obtaining there. to dispense with the petty pleasures city police was,unable to cope with hid existence, at one tune or another, detail of soldiers to confiscate it School Year. so that y6u may wm l i e great pleas- the rioters, and" had ho xall for the since 1667. The number of" Jewish Failure to take precautions in The Menorah« society of Omaha The Polish officials who came with but recently returned. Preparatory to his departure, he is ures. I t is onl; a coward who isaid of the-gendarmerie in the neigh- newspapers listed exceeds 2,500.- - handling it resulted in this disastrous held its regular* meeting. Tuesday him to the conduct and investigation, boring cities, v ' Mr. A. Kirschwitz is a well known explosion. afraid to teay, 'I can't afford i t ' And evening at the f Jewish Community were received by Dr. Schiffer, a depu- organizing a special company to still it is the lack of courage to say When the girls'body was found, ex- journalist, editor of the "Fan East" As the result of the explosion, the Center. Plans are under way for aty of the Seim, in another room; this distribute diverse home-industrial those words that prevents many amining: physicians, attributed her and Correspondent . of the "Jewish cemetery looks like a crater after a large dance which will be given gave the emigrants and employees products of Palestine. capable man from winning the big death to an act of self-destruction; Press Association." Mandal • Probst, volcanic eruption. Graveyards, tomb- Friday, June, 2. The place where their opportunity. They attacked and Professor Strauss is a leading success. The mob, however, is dissatisfied with his collaborator, is an ex-soldier in stones and other noticeable marks in the dance •will'take place has • not soundly thrashed the intruding jour- scholar in Arabic literature • and "But the thing I should like best to so prosaic an explanation, and fear is the Austrian army, who had been the cemetery were all opened and yet been'decidecj upon. -Jfcbbi Fred- nalist and threw him out of the build- history, and he numbers many Arabs i. ^ress on every young man is: Char- felt for the safety of the Jewish popu- made capture by the Russian army broken down, presenting an un-erick Cohn .delivered an address on ing, iwith a- warning never .to come among his pupils, admirers lation. * - ^ daring the last war acter is.the best coUatas"3-" "Reality and Judaism". — <• —„ there pleasant and-ghastly sight. friends.

N. S.Yaffee Elected as Delegate to American Jewish Congress

Senate Resolution Stimulates Keren

A ffnii B'rith Convention

fer Solomon Levitan


To Establish Jewish Emigrants Bank Soon

•.?**•; V s \ .

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•Ski *tu.

-PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 11,1922 of our committee as the Hon. Henry Rooms, last Thursday, at a one o'clock' A. Davidson entertained the members dren, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mokofsky, Morgenthau, Abram I. Elkus, Oscar luncheon followed by bridge. Prizes of the Entre Nous Bridge Club and daughter, of Clarks, Nebr., Mr. M. Straus, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise were won by Mesdames P. Grossman, Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Polsky. and Mrs. Sam Bordy, and son, and ^' FublUt«a vtaj Thursday at Omah», Mr. Abe Bordy, of Silver Creek, were M. Marowitz, Max Wolfson, and I. and Rabbi Teitelbaum." THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Karpin and two Sunday guests of their father, Mr. Rabbi Wise states that Mrs. Dur-Grossman. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone; Jacksoti 2372. sons, of Omaha, motored to Lincoln S. Bordy, and family. yea has not sought the advice of any By Jessie Cohen, Miss Beatrice Gilinsky returned Sunday and spent the day at the Subscription Price, one year-.~-~-_——....•..'....' -•••• -.$2.50 Jewish members of the committee exEditor, Review and Observer, CleveMiss Fan Lipschitz, of North Platto, cept himself, and has refused to fol- home Friday after spending some home of Mrs. S. Greenstone. t " Advertising rates furnished on application. land, Ohio. time east. will visit here a few days at the home low his advice. Rabbi Wise believes It has frequently been said there is that she "has the intention of weenMr. Ben Shapiro and Eli Evnen of S. Bordy, then «he will go to FreS NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaMrs. Joseph Marks, of Chicago, spent a few days in Sioux City last tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. no necessity for so many Jewish pa- ing the child away from her religion spent the past week with Mrs. J. Men- week where they attended the mont and Omaha. pers as exist at present. This idea is and inducing her to embrace another ! \T CHANGE 0 9 ADDRESS—Please girt both tb« oM «nd new address: delson here. Mrs. Marks left yester- Shrine Convention. incorrect. A quarter of a century ago, religion." b« ran and rtfn roar turn*. Mr. Simon Bordy and Mr. Sam day accompanied by Mr. Dave Menwhen the Jewish population in this Kavich are spending a few days in The Jewish National Orphanage, delson. The Ivre Club had a meeting Omaha. country was much smaller than it i s now, one or two national Jewish pa- according to the papers, took steps The ladies' Aid held a card party Wednesday evening at the Ivre Club pers would have been sufficient, but to ask Mrs. Duryea to surrender the Tuesday afternoon at which Mes- Rooms. in our large centers of Jewish popula- child to Rabbi Wise when they learn- dames J. Katelman, M. Marks, and E. ...FOR... BY. A DAUGHTER OF JUDAH. Miss Ann Fanger, of Omaha, is tion, -with their numerous Jewish or- ed that Esther was not being brought Gilinsky were hostesses. Prizes were DIAMONDS, JEWELRY ganizations, a local Jewish paper is up according to the agreement. Rabbi won by Mescames B. Harding, H. the guest of Miss Sarah Krechefsky. A star of guidance o'er Life's troubled ocean, Wise says the child has not been surAND Many affairs have been planned fos an absolute necessity. Marowitz, and M. Meyerson . A sunbeam flashing tempeskclouds in twain, her. SPECIAL PLATINUM It is exceedingly important that the rendered, and that he has received The wafted fragrance deepening, soul-emotion Mrs. S. Cohen, who underwent an work of the temples, the Council of from the orphanage authority to take DESIGNING The benediction won from heights of pain. Jewish Women, the B'nai B'rith, the over the custody of the child with operation at a hospital in Omaha last see Columbus News. Temple Sisterhoods, the Federation of power to consent to its adoption only week is reported to be improving. Mrs. Sam Weinstein, formerly Miss A voice familiar with melodious calling;* Jewish Charities, the Young Men and by persons of Jewish faith. Mr. and Mrs. S. Snyder visited at Rose Bordy, will leave Sunday for A solemn adjuration from on High; Young Women's Hebrew Association JEWISH CAPITAL IN PALESTINE. Diamond and Platinum Walthill, Nebr., and Sioux City, la., Creighton, Nebr., where she will make A veiled and tender glory, earthward falling and the various philanthropic and Specialists her home. Jerusalem (J. P. A.) — The last during the past week. From unseen altars, 'neath eternal sky. educational organizations and institu- year has witnessed a noticeable in1514 Dodge Street. Established 1894. DO nglas S619. tions become familiar to the public, Mr. and Mrs. N. Bordy and chilflux of Jewish capital in the industrial Mrs. S. Freiden visited with her Pathetic memories of a father's blessing, and while some may look upon the life of the country. New commercial daughter, Mrs. L. Heeger, at Sioux When thornless roses crowned the lifted head; society columns with disfavor, they enterprises, with a total capital in- City, la. The gentle touch of mother-hands caressing, aarry H. Lapldn*. FreSj-Treas. also have their value. vestment of a million litres sterling, JOB. Pepper, Vice-President. Ere cypress paths to desert-wanderings led. Mr. Philip Sherman of Allen, Nebr., These publications keep us in touch W. G. Ure. Secretary. are the direct product of Jewish is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. not only with local, but also with naAll conquering joy of new-found inspiration, capital. Gilinsky. Mr. Sherman is the fiance tional and international Jewish activThat healing balm pours on the longing breast; This does not include the many of Miss Reva Gilinsky. ities. It is largely due to these pubThe life ennobles that in consecration lications that financial aid is rendered industrial enterprises which are now COMPLETE STORE AND FIRST CLASS WORK. Keeps evermore the day of holy rest. ..-., -£. to our brethren in distress in this in process of realization, such as the OFFICE OUTFITTERS REASONABLE PRICES. country, or in foreign lands when oc- Agricultural Bank, Labor Bank, We occupy Ruthenberg's General Electric, etc. •var 70,000 sauara feet alone 265 Jews died of disease in the casion demands. _ _ Bonthwert Corner Nor does it include the as yet unIt is the publicity given in these Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arenson have course of three weeks. The whole Eleventh and Donclai Streets. invested capital which many Jewish announced the engagement of their J. RICKLIN Phone: Jackson 2721 place gives the impression of a dying papers that enlists the interest of the public in the work of our institutions immigrants have brought with them daughter, Esther, to Mr. David T. OMAHA. STS3B. "> Call Webster 6270 town. Our first work was to organize [ i The Chief Justice of the United and organizations financially and per- for business purposes. Cherniss, of Council Bluffs, la. I States Supreme Court is paid fifteen committees composed of representa- sonally. tives of the local population and the Mr. and Mrs. Arenson were at I thousand dollars a year. The Moving When the communities contained refugees. The committee got into home to their friends Sunday after| Picture industry will take a man out comparatively few Jewish people it touch withthe local Soviet, which aidnoon and evening in honor of their | of a twelve thousand dollar job and was very easy to reach them by pered it in many ways. Two suitable daughter and her fiance. ! pay hiin one hundred and fifty thouThe Junior Auxiliary of the Council sonal solicitation, but now such a j sand dollars. The baseball magnates buildings were placed at the disposal Mrs. Anna Poska, Miss Rebecca thing, is well nigh impossible in ourof Jewish Women entertained at a ._> took a Judge off the federal Bench of the refugees in place of the dinner dance Wednesday evening in Poska, Jack Waxman, and Sid Poska large cities where the numbers are so and paid him fifty thousand dollars noisome barracks into which they had great and their residences so scat- honor of the brides-to-be namely the motored to Excelsior Springs Sunbeen huddled previously. Food was a year. In the matter of payment tered. Every community has its own Misses Jean Goldberg, Reva Gilinsky day. They will be gone for three for public service Uncle Sam's gen- collected by the Jewish National matters of local interest, its own ac- and Jennie Katelman. Covers were weeks. erosity may be judged by the cut of Council in Kovno and sent out to the tivities to chronicle, its own aspira- laid for thirty-eight guests. Novelty refugees. his Yankee whiskers. He is so stingy The Misses Irene Adelson and tions and accomplishments to record. souvenirs were given to the guests. that he pinches the very tail of the "In Moscow, the refugees are Jews Evelyn Pol sky, and Mrs. Lew Polsky This is an age of publicity and proMiss Shirley Friedman, who has eagle that appears on the dollar. His who have concentrated there from paganda and there is no agency more ieen ill at her home for the past week, spent Friday and Saturday in Fremiserliness towards his post office various Baits of Russia and the Ukmont as the guests of Miss Jeannette fitted to do this work than the Jewish is improving. employes is an international scandal. raine in the hope of obtaining visas Krupinsky, and then motored to newspaper, which reaches far more { It seems that the Congress of the from the Lithuanian Embassy. Most Omaha Sunday. people than either personal efforts or Messrs. Harry and William Cherj United States, typical of the nation of them are in possession of docuwritten communication. niss left Sunday by auto for a two The Mesdames Morris Polsky and i as a whole, is made up of "tight ments to prove their Lithuanian oriPublic meetings are not always as weeks trip to Chicago. gin. A considerable percentage are | wads" -who prefer to see men starve largely attended as they might be, [ "while giving their service to the na-even able to speak Lithuanian, which and it is the newspapers that do the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schoenwald, of ANNOUNCEMENT Lift the latch on your^telephone^opr^anci at tion, rother than that they should be under the Czarist was almost an unwork of propaganda for our various Sioux City, spent Sunday here. once you step over the threshold bif.distance: and' Rev. E. Fleishman known language. There is no doubt paid a living wage, based organizations and institutions, and to greet jgpur friend or business associate wherever "THE MOHL" Mrs. A. Abrams entertained her upon living' conditions as they are and that Jews are, discriminated against fulfill these functions properly they he may be;-?' *•* .• - Moved into his new home at by the authorities, non-Jews obtainclub at Shaws Parlor this afternoon. not as they ought to be. It is signi• e> must have the liberal financial and 1342 So. 25th Street, ing wisas without any difficulty, while ficant ii Corner of Woolworth Avenue. How simple and easy it is! personal support of pur Jewish popu- Mrs. Georges Krasne entertained charge "against the Jews being "close" Jews rarely succeed in obtaining lation. Tel. Atlantic 6637. orty-one guests* at the Brandeis Tea And yet how effective and businesslike! and "stingy" that th,e Jew is the best them. It is offered as an explanation Advertising in these local papers is that it is intended to give preference jpayer in the world. Check up the By using the long distance telephone you may of great benefit to the advertisers, be" I . wages paid to workers in large stores to the peasant class. The greatest cause they are usually read very care- Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop save an expensive and tiresome trip. - You'miay ~—f or factories controlled or owned by part of the Jewish re-emigrants be- fully and are not immediately desave the inconvenience of traveling. \ You .may Phone 104. "•"IT Jews and you will find that Jews in- long, of course, to the town popula- stroyed. »fbid- unnecessary waits, delays) and possible The Best of Everything In Flowers and IJ|fc variably pay more. Compare what tion class. The Beth Hamedrashlm disappointment.; You may, conserve valuable Confections at Moderate Prices. | Jews pay to their religious leaders in Moscow are overcrowded with the time that will mean the success of a social "plan 5*B W. B t W w i r . Next Liberty Theater. or business transaction. * with what ministers of other faiths re-emigrants. There is a Committee COUNCIL BLCFFS. IOWA. •*•, receive and the Rabbis receive a vastly which looks after them, at the head Whenever you want to reach anyoae^any^ I larger income from their congrega- of which are Rabbis Moise and Fuchs, where, any tfync the long distance telephmfe ^^•. tions. If Jews were in the majority -who are extremely active on their is the best and quickest way. • •: of both houses of Congress the offi- behalf. This Committee took charge of the foodstuffs which we brought Rabbi Wise Objects to Mrs. Duryea ~^~! cials in responsible positions wouldAdopting Armenian Refugee C?fi receive compensations commensurate and distributed them. It is also enChiropodist and Beauty deavoring to combat the epidemics Seen in Movies. j-Tvith the value and importance of Shop NORTHWESTERN B EPHONE COMPANY * raging among the re-emigrants by Established 1800 ~ y their positions. Yes, the Jew deand Hkrncy Streets. New York. — Little "Alice in UStfePboos i j - mands service; he wants producers, shifting them wherever possible from Douglas 1S33 thp Beth Hamedrashim into decent Hungcrland," whose picture in the but he pays. Even Ford, with all his boasted generosity, is a piker when dwelling-houses. The Jewish Nation- movies so many have seen as a hunit comes to paying his executives com- al Council is submmitting a special gry little Armenian refugee, has got pared to what Jews pay under similar petition to the Lithuanian Minister into the courts and will appear beconditions. We have personally test- for the Interior, asking it to permit fore Justice Daniel F. Cohalan in the ed the payrolls in high class stores the re-emigrants to enter Lithuania. Supreme Court to have it decided "The position of the re-emigrants whether she is to remain in the cuscontrolled by the Gentiles with the Upholstering, in centres like Moscow, Witebsk, etc., tody of her foster mother, Mrs. Florpayrolls of stores controlled by Jews Furniture Repairing, TIRE GMFGCO. terrible as it is, is comparatively faence Spencer Duryea of 20 Gramercy and we have found that the Jew alvorable when considered in the light Overstuffed Furniture Park. The action is brought by Rabways pays more. And another interDistributed by Made to Order esting feature from a psychological of the experiences of the re-emigrante bi Stephen S. Wise, who says that f? standpoint is the fact that the Gentile who are still on their way, wandering the child is not being brought up in ANT STYLE MATERIALS. VALOURS, MOHAIR. TAPESTHT. will give his employes more "trim- about in the distant parts of Russia, the Jewish faith, according to the CITY REPRESENTATIVE mings in form of "group insurance," famished and faint, without any kind agreement made by Mrs. Duryea. Tel. Webster 2224 Alice, whose right .name is Esther "community singing," "social welfare of shelter or aid, however poor." Web. 5362 1541 No. 19th St.




The Local Jewish Newspaper's Value to the Community

MAY 14

The Malashock Jewelry Co.

Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.

Paperhanging, Painting and Varnishing



Repairing Plaster Work



To Every Door —Everywhere

Wants Little Alice 'Reared as Jewess




siaux cmr

1 I

Carl Riekes

Razon, was in the Jewish national orwork" and the, like while r tlje Jew pays for service direct by" putting LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. phanage in Constantinople when Mrs. MORE money, in the PAY ENVESioux City, la., May 9 ,1922. Duryea took her into Armenia to take part in thefmoving pictures beLOPE.—Jewish Voice. Jewish Press Publishing Co., ing made for Near East relief. Mrs Omaha, Nebr. "' Duryea was connected with the relief Gentlemen. The Position of Jewish work. After the picture was, made you will find money order Re-Eniigrants in Russia of Enclosed $2.50 to cover, the subscription for Mrs. Duryea wanted to adopt the dark-eyed pretty girl, whose acting Kowno. (J. C. B.—By mail.) M. 1922 for "The Jewish Press." had contributed so much to the sucMakowsky, delegaite >of the Jewish I "certainly enjoy reading your pubcess of the picture. Her application lication, and you have my vote for National Council in Lithuania, who was indorsed by.the Near East Reheaded the Relief Expedition to the it's success. lief, which certified as to Mrs. DurVery truly yours, Jewish re-emigrants in Soviet Russia; yea's character and financial standin an interview with the J. C. B. said (Signed) ROSE HENDLYN. ing. In a letter attached to the pathe principal aim of the expedition had been to provide relief for the re- TomMix^ the_5?illiam Fox star, pers and signed by H. C. Jaquith, emigrants who were held up at the gives thrilling entertainment at the! managing director pf the relief assofrontier on account of the dispute be-? ilodn Theatre, Saturady, where he ap- ciation, and C V. Vickery, general tween Latvia and Lithuania. At thepeares in his latest picture, "Up and secretary, is the stipulation that the same time, it had concerned itself as Going/? a story: of the Canadian adoption shall be "under the consen far as possible with the relief of the Northwest. Mix seems equally clever and advice of such Jewish members large masses of re-emigrants scat- at all sorts of out-of-door work. In J. J. ntlEDSIAN, Atty., tered throughout various places in this picture he gives a fine exhibition SOS Omaha National Bank Building-. of handling a canpe, shooting through, Soviet Russia. Nstic* of Administration. In the County Court of Douglas "In the towns of Weliki-Luki, S the rapids like an Indian. County, Nebraska. becz 5akolinki and Moscow, we iound The picture has many features\$o Jn the matter of. the Estate of Chasa a large number of refugees, 6ome of commend it strongly. The; story is Samnelson, Deceased: All persons Interested In said estate are them sent back from the Russian-Latr excellent, the-scenery beautiful, and hereby notified that a petition has been vian frontier, some whom the Lithu-r Mix, of course, is always 'Hip and go- filed in: said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and prayanian Embassy refused to grant visas ing," " ing for administration upon her estate, that a hearing will ba had on said for Lithuania. In Weliki-Luki there Eva Novak plays opposite Mix. Oth- and petition before court on the 13th day o are over 3,000 Lithuanian and Polish ers in the cast are William Conklih, May, 1932, and that if they fail to appen at said Court on the said 13th day o Jews, in Moscow over 3,000 and in Sidney Jordan, Tom O'Brien, Pat May, 1922, at 9 o'clock A. M* to contesi the said petition, the Court may grant Witebsk over 4,000. There are con- Chrisman, Paul Weigel, Carol Hollo- the same and grant administration of sale siderable groups also in other places. way, Helen Field, Marian Feduche estate to Julius Samuelson, or some other suitable person The s&nitary conditions are appalling. anji Cecil Von Anker. Lynn Reynolds ment thereof. and proceed to a settleBRTCE CRAWFORD. Sickness is rempant. In Weliki-Luki directed the picture..

I 1 I I I 1 I I I P



Cumtx Judge,

Smashing Value Spring Suits

25 -'35

We Buy and Sell

WORTH $40.00 AND $50.00.


V A L U E S that men have not seen in many years, are here today the result of our enormous purchase from the Levy Bros.-Adler, Rochester consolidation. Springs Suits at $25 and $35 with all the fine details of hand-workmanship far which these two great clothing makers are famous.

We Loan On City Property

Spring Suits at $25 and $35, styled to the minute of fabrics that are the best that America produces. Scores of smart patterns.

• I



A Triple Guarantee of Satisfaction in Spring .Clothes at a Saving of One-Third!

J. M. PASSER Robin iff

7, Rogers BIdg., Council Bluffy low* r~y Telephone 4946. * fti






Social, Club and Religious Activities

1 The "Flappers" wiU be entertained' On Sunday, May 14, the Hertzel ] Sunday by Miss Anne Gerelick at her M s will have a meeting at the ihonie. ewish Community Center.


an all day sewing and covered dish bansky is an east side business man. has been in existence for sixty years. «—» luncheon. The entire public of America will The weddi date has not been set. surr'v flock to see this picture for 8=B* The Aleph Aleph Club held a balof New. Miss Tillie Pasternack many reasons. It certainly is hisloon dance Tuesday night at the Jew- York, the guest of Miss Elizabeth torical as well as dramatic, entertainish Community Center. A portion of Friedman, was the guest of honor at ing and touching, and already other the proceeds of the dance is to be an evening party Thursday night at parts of the world are clamoring to given for the aid of some needy Jew- Miss Lillian Neufeld's home, 1011 see it. Australia, Africa, Europe, all ish family. Twentieth. are begging for a sight of this reTwenty guests participated. The markable picture. Two groups of Campfire girls from evening was spent with games and the Jewish Community Center, Taki- dancing. Nearly every Jewish family whawi, and Jucomsen, enjoyed a May Omaha reads "The Jewish Press" morning breakfast Saturday at Union Although only released within the Park. past few days, the Blazed Trail ProMr. and Mrs. S. Davidson have re- duction, "Ten Nights in a Barroom," turned from a winter's stay in Cali- which shows eight days at the fornia. Sun Theatre, starting Saturday, has struck the note of phenomenal Reda Haueh Straues will present success. It really seems as if the Kosher Cafe at 316 the opera "Cinderella" by Massenet public of America were waiting to see So. 15th St., will serve at the second in a series of opera in- this picture with its heart interest and all kinds of vegetable terpretations for children Saturday human emotion story of the immediate afternoon at 3 o'clock at Hoyt Sher- past. meals, and also dairy man place with Mrs. Adelaide RehWe are living so quickly nowadays meals. mann Weissinger playing the piano that the events of today are soon forscore. gotten. Not so with *Ten Nights jn a Barroom," which is a classic of literThe Junior Hadassah society will ature, of the stage and the screen. It entertain at a mother and daughter silver bridge party Sunday afternoon, May 14, at the Jewish Community house, 804 Forest. are proprietors The girls who are sponsering the of the affair include Misses Lillian RothsMONDAY, MAY 15TH child, Rose Rothschild, Ethel Sherman, Marcia Sherman, Rose Lipton, Gertrude Adelman, Jeanette Lutz and Sara Toubes.

Miss Mary Chapman, daughter of Miss Rae Abram&on left last week The Daughters of Zion will hike Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Chapman of Easton for Montreal, Canada, to visit. She i Florence on Sunday. The girls boulevard, has chosen May 15 as the will remain indefinitely. will meet on 24th and Parker Sts. at date for her marriage to Mr. Ben9:30 A. sharp. jamin Hurwitz of this city. Thirty-five guests were present at Glickson—Greenberg. The wedding will be a quiet affair, The Hatikvoh Girls will hold a The marriage of Miss Hattie Green- a party given Sunday evening at the taking place at the home of the bride's home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Abramson. meeting Sunday at the Jewish Comberg'to Mr. Sam Glickson, of Devils parents. munity Center. I<ake North Dakota, will take place Mr. Reuben Brown will leave SunA number of courtesies have been Monday evening at the bride's home. day for Excelsior Springs to stay A regular monthly meeting of the planned for Miss Chapman. Saturday Babbi Morris N. Taxon will officiate. several week3. Young Judeae Council was held noon she was the guest of honor at a Miss Greenberg will have as her Saturday, May 6, at the Jewish Com- luncheon party given by Miss Irene matron of honor, her sister Mrs. Sam Messrs. Milton and Leon Rosenmunity Center. Election of officers Fisher at the Harris-Emery tearoom. Kneeter. She will have as her brides- baum, of the Nebraska University, Miss Helen Chapman, entertained will be held at the next meeting. maids her three sisters, Bess, Mollye, spent the week end in Omaha as the fifty guests Sunday afternoon at a and Belle, and Miss Stella Herman. house guests of Louis Somberg. The Young Judeae Senior Club will miscellaneaus shower for the brideMr. Jack Lazar will be best man. hold its regular meeting Sunday at to-be, and Miss Katherine Joyce preMrs. D. T. Becker, and children, of the Jewish Community Center. Miss Greenberg has been honor sided Tuesday over a prenuptial courMitchell, So. Dakota, will arrive toguest of many affairs given during tesy complimentary to Miss Chapman. YM AND YWHA NEWS. the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam morrow to visit with her mother, Mrs. M. Schloss and Miss Marie The semi-monthly membership Kneeter entertained at a dancing par- Mrs. Flora B. Rosenstock. Schlosa are in Chicago. dances will come to a conclusion this ty, Tuesday evening in her honor. FifThe Council of Jewish Women held ty couples were present. a Board meeting Monday afternoon month and will be followed by three Mrs. Alfred Livington, of Chicago, picnics for Y members during the Miss Esther Solomon entertained at at the Jewish Community Center. has been visiting Mrs. Nate Frankel. summer. a picnic breakfast Sunday morning. Miss Blooma Kogan, who has been The second last dance of the season Mrs. C. Van Durn will entertain • Mrs. Sam Platt, who has been visSaturday afternoon at the Brandeis visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Green- will be held Saturday night, May 13, iting at the home of Mrs. Robert Lapberg during the past month left last at the Jewish Community Center. Tea Rooms for the bride-to-be. pen, left Sunday night for her home week for her home in Minneapolis. The regular meeting of the Associa- in Chicago. Miss Sophye Weinstein entertained Miss Ethel Reuben will leave tion will be held Monday evening, Mrs. Oscar Strauss is visiting Sunday afternoon at her home for Saturday for California where she May 15, at 8:00 o'clock." An intereestthirty-five guests in honor of Miss will visit for several months. friends and relatives in St. Paul. ing program will be given. Jeannette Shames who will soon beMr. and Mrs. E. Leiserowitz will The X. T. C. club hag donated a Rabbi Frederick Cohn will talk on come a bride. The afternoon was sail on May 25 for a three month's beautiful sewing basket for use in the "For Self and Others" Friday evening spent in playing bridge and whist. Brizes were won by the Misses at Temple Israel. On Saturday morn- girls room at the Center. This club trip abroad. Given by the Omaha Junior 1552 North 20th Street. Mollye Corby, Esther Nathan, Sylvia ing his subject will be "Mothers' is planning a hay ride early in June. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lambe announce the Mrs. Herman Brown is in St. Louis Hadassah Unit. Levy, and Mrs. H. S. Novitsky. Day." engagement of their daughteer, LilPhone Webster 2196 visiting her mother. The Y tennis tournament will start Color scheme in hearts were carried lian, to Mr. Israel Dubansky. Miss Mrs. Dave Levine will be hostess to on June 1. All contestants must regMr. Albert Lauer, of Chicago, is Lambe is a graduate from the Joseph out in the decoration and serving. BLACKSTONE HOTEL. When buying mention "The Jew* the members of the Priscilla Club this ister at the Association oflce not later visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. The feature of the afternoon was Medijl high school, Chicago. Mr. Duish Pfess" advertisers. than May 20. afternoon • Lauer. the center piece representing Dan Cupid who was surrounded by thirty Jack Copeland led the YMHA Jrs. Miss Ann Fanger is visiting Mr. Isadore Rubinson, who has been ribbons which dropped from the chan- Lincoln as the guest of Miss Sara on an eight mile hike last Sunday. ill, is improving. delier. Krechef sky . Miss E. Benjamin, of Kansas City, BASEBALL. Mrs. Y. Schonberger is visiting with Many affairs are being given for is visiting her niece, Mrs. Sam Shloss. The YMHA baseball team defeated Mrs. Charles Redman, of Ottomwa, her daughter, Mrs. J. Berkowitz fo the Christ Child Center team Sunday Miss Anne Berkowich spent the K: la.,, who is visiting: with her parents, a few weeks prior to her return to afternoon by a score of 13 to 8. With week end in Davenport, la. Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. White. Mr. and the victory last week, the Y team is Mrs. Morris Ferer entertained SaturMr. and Mrs. Murray Marks, of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosburg, Jr., en now in second place. Sid Corenman, day evening at an Orpheum party tertained sixteen guests at a dinnei star first baseman for the Y team was New York City, are visiting Mrs. B. followed by a luncheon at the party followed by cards last Tuesday elected to Captain the team during the Joseph. r Brandeis Tea Rooms. Mrs. John evening at their home complimentary coming season. Mrs. Joseph Brady, who has just reAlperson will entertain this evening to Mrs. Sam Adler, of Los Angeles, The Y team will play the Kinney turned from a three weeks' visit in at an Orpheum party, and Mr. and California, who has been visiting ir Shoe company team next Sunday afMrs. H. N. Ferer entertained Tues- Omaha for the past several months. ternoon at 1:30 p. m. at Thirty-second Chicago, entertained informally Saturday afternoon in honor of her guest, day evening1 at the Brandeis Tea and Dewey avenue. Miss Greenebaum, of Chicago. Mrs. I. Levy returned Friday from Rooms. Six guests were present. Detroit, Michigan, after an extended Mrs. Abe Frankel opened her home OBITUARY. At the regular bi-monthly meeting visit there. Friday to the Auxiliary of the WomMrs. J. Beitel, age sixty-two, widow "INSURANCE AND BONDS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES." J: of the Omaha Junior Hadassah held The pupils of the Kellom Schoo of the late Mr. J. Beitel, died Satur- en's and children's hospital board for ;; last night at the Jewish Community :: Vocational Classes will hold their an- day morning, May 7, at the home of ::::::p:n:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::£::::::£n:£::;::::;:™:::rcs^^ Center several committees were apnual picnic at Miller Park Saturday. her son, Mr. M. Beitel. Burial took pointed. Bess Stalmaster was appointed chairman of the intellectual Miss Violet Edelstone, of Chicago, place at the Golden Hill cemetery committee, Sara Segelman, chairman HU fiancee of Leslie L. Burkenroad, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Beitel is of the membership committee, Fanny was in Omaha last week as the house survived by three daughters, Mrs. Rubin, chairman of the courtesy com- guest of her fiance's parents, Mr. and M. Gossick, Mrs. J. Castleman, of mittee, and Mrs. Ben Handler as the Mrs. M. Burkenroad. She left last Tulea, Okla., and Mrs. J. E. Kuklin; and one son, Mr. M. Beitel, of Omaha. advisor for the club. Miss Sara night for her home. STARTING SATURDAY Mrs. Beitel has been a' resident of Abrams was elected temporary secUp and at 'em Mrs. Nate Rose, of St. Paul, is the Omaha for nineteen years. retary due to the absence of Ethel guest el Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun. Jteuben. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Werthiemer re- ACHOD-HAOM VISITS in The Jewish Womens Welfare Or- turned this week after an extended GOVERNOR STORRS ttl ganization will give a card party trip, visiting with their sons, Howard Jerusalem. (J. P. A.) AchodWednesday afternoon, June 7, at the and Sam at the Northwestern Mili- Haom, famous Hebraist and author, Blackstone Hotel. The public is cor- tary Academy. took his afternoon tea at Governor dially invited to attend. Storrs' home, during his last visit The Council of Jewish Women are here. Miss- Stella Burtman, of Fullerton, planning a luncheon for May 29 to Governor Storrs is extremely unAdventure gets him into trouble Hebr., is visiting with Mrs. R. A. entertain the ladies who will come with popular with the Jews, being regardbut—he gets into love himself. Bleicher. the delegates to the B'nai B'rith Con- ed by them as an anti-Semite and vention. All members in good stand- enemy of Zionism. Mrs. R. Elkan, of Chicago, is visit- ing will be expected to attend. Ing with her brother, Mr. Carl Fprth, §nd Mrs. Furth. She will remain for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roffman returned several weeks. Monday after a weeks' visit in Denver, Colorado. Messrs. Millard Krasne, Edwin Eatskee, Louis Somberg, and Harry Mrs. Alexander Pollack is visiting Ravitz, spent the week end in Omaha. in New York City, with her son, Mr. No Springs—Honest Weight Mark Pollack. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Treller, and Mr. HOBART ELECTRIC STARTING SATURDAY j»nd Mrs. M. Herzberg, returned SunMr. and Mrs. Julius Kippur, of ChiGRINDERS, CHOPPERS day after a two weeks stay in Ex- cago, who were visiting with their (Eight Days) AND MIXERS. Jcelsior Springs, Mo. daughter, Mrs. L Ziegler, and Mr. From the Famous Book Zi^gler, left for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bergman, of Service and Sales: Kansas City, Mo., are visiting with Miss Rose Minkin returned to the 13th AND JACKSON STREETS Mr. and Mrs. N. Mantel. Mrs. Berg- Nebraska University after spending Phones: man ''was formerly Miss Fannie Er- the week end with her parents, Mr. Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 man, of St. Joseph, Mo. and Mrs. M. Minkin. She had as her house guest, Miss Louise Neenheuser, Hobart Electrii Doug. 7396 The Misses Bernice Diamond and also of the University. ;Euth Zolat, of Lincoln, returned home There Are Tears, Sobs, We have on hand Used and Sunday evening after spending the Mrs. J. B. Katz returned to her Smiles and Laughter. Rebuilt Machines. Sfeek end in Omaha. They were ex- home in Marion, Illinois, last Thurspensively, entertained while here. day, after several weeks stay in Omaha. I •• The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity gave a Inarty Sunday afternoon for the SunYOUNG JUDEAE NEWS sday School children at Temple Israel. The Flowers of Zion -will hold h.Mrs. S. S. Oppenheimer, of Spokane; regular meeting Sunday, May 14, Washington, left Monday after visit- at the Jewish Community Center. ing with Mrs. A. J. Cohn, of this city. She will visit in Reading, Pa., before The Fairies and Lilies of Zion wil ^returning to her home. hike to Mandan Park Sunday. All Mrs. M. Herzberg entertained at a girls will meet 9:30 A. M. sharp at luncheon Monday at the Brandeis Tea 24th and Cuming Sts. Rooms for several outpf town guests.


H. Marks- -L. Levinson

Don't Forget


UP-TO-DATE Kosher Neat Market


it a rule to satisfy our clients so they in turfe can W1 E tellmakeothers. E court constructive suggestions and criticism for the benefit


of the service, we endeavor to render. May We Serve You in MAY?




is unusua







Miss Ida Spsin, of Rock Island, 111.; left Monday for St. Louis, Mo., to i-visit friends. Miss. Sosin was the l o u s e guest of Miss Blanche Altman while visiting in Omaha. Mrs. Goodman Pill, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldsmith. Mrs. Pill was formerly Miss Jeanette Goldsmith. Miss Sylvia Kulakofsky returned Sunday after a weeks' stay in Ottumwa, la., where she visited with her fiance's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spiwak, .-. . . . .--•--- -

Also Paperhanging

WANTED — Experienced Saleslady who is experienced in Office Work. Star Store at 24th and Parker Sts. Ask for Mr. Levinson.

Estimates Furnished Carefully

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Sedan, $1,595.00; Coup*. *l,«0.00: Touring Car. J985.00; Koaditer. 1930.00; Panel Bnsiuess Car, J1.0S5.00; Street Business Cat, J870.00. . DELIVERED IN OMAHA. '• ""

I F O R B E N T — F u r n i s h e d bedTOom in Miller Park district to couple or two girls. Very reasonable. Will share kitchen if so. desired. Call Kenwood 0926 or Douglas 3207 and ask - for Mr. Blasser.


J. Zangv^land'W. Grade 1

Phone WEbsjeril087-1521 No. 19th St.

mn fm wm ^


T at 28th S* Haracr 0123



33-35 F*«rfh St. 'Cornell B f «




. THURSDAY, MAY 11,1922



With Bow and Arrow

leaned forward and captured one of Izzy's hands. "What do you do when COAL • COKE - HARDCOAL you play alone in the park like this?" he questioned. "Gee," commented Izzy, surprised A Story for Lag B'omer by Elma Mzzy wriggled. "Aw, nothing," he out of his usual sophisticated boreEhrlich Levinger. Telephone Office confessed. "Just run on the grass dom, "what are you doing with bows Jackson 0268 209 South 18th Street (Copyright, 1922, by Elma Ebrlich and arrows?" and roll down hill when the cops Levinger, All Rights Reserved.) The old man held out the little red ain't around, and, maybe, climb a The day had begun-like all other bow and the sheaf of arrows. "You tree." P. MELCfflORS & SON "But what do you play ? Don't you days for Izzy Finkelstein. Long be- want them?" he asked with a strong B. KORNEY MACHINE WORKS do as we boys in the Cheder used to fore even a ray of sunlight picked its foreign inflection. Industrial and Automotive HachlnlsU. do on our way to the woods—pretend' . Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. cautious way into the bedroom where Now Izzy was more certain than Starter B i n s <3«ara for Auto Fly Wheeli you are a soldier or a pilgrim and—" he slept with his two older brothers, ever that the old fellow was "nuts." 417 Sonth 13th Street. Izzy stared at him and the old man 1416 Douglas St. Tel. Jackson SKI Telephone I Jackson MM he had dressed and eaten his break- People didn't usually give things stopped as though abashed by the fast in the kitchen, likewise dark and away in Harlem! He took the gift sunless for two thirds of the day. Izzy somewhat cautiously. "What are you youngster's look of adult amusement. "I don't care for them kid games," he had learned from his physiology les- doing with'em?" he asked again. DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT said loftily. sons at school, that growing children "You speak Jewish?" Izzy nodded COMPANY. "Maybe if you stay," the old man need a great deal of light and air and and the old man slipped into the UNDERTAKERS BJSMAKCKS. CAKE AND SUGAR simple, nourishing food; but light and easier tongue. "I have kept these for spoke almost draftily, "maybe I can DOUGHNUTS OCB SPECIALTY. MOVED TO air are rather costly luxuries in Har- many years, ever since I was a little tell you many stories, stories I heard We Deliver the Real Goods. 8Z84 CUMIXG STREET. lem, far beyond the reaclt of a bent boy like you. My old rabbi gave them in Cheder. And I have brought a litPhone Webster ;08tt tle feast along," and one shaking hand little tailor with five children to keep to me on Lag b'omer." rummaged in the pocket of his overin clothes and shoes; and as Mrs. Fin"What's Lag b'omer?" Izzy, sit- coatt. He drew the bundle out triumkelstein did all her own housework, ADVO COFFEE ting on the grass now, trying to fit phantly. "Sausage," he announced, including the washing (when she got an arrow to the bow, asked the ques- "and cakes and this—" and he waved to it!) one could hardly blame her ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS tion with his usual indifference, al- a little bottle before the boys hungry for allowing eight year old Izzy to though he liked to hear the old fellow eyes. "At home we had wine which eat when and what he chose. Soon talk. His slow, gentle speech sounded our mother made us for our feast in this bright spring morning when Izzy, very pleasant after Mrs. Finkelstein's the wood—but this grape juice will be halfdressed and unwashed, began nervous rasp, Father Finkelstein's good. And you will say the brocha— prowling about the dim kitchen, his BEMESTBER Visit Our no, I forget you do not go to Cheder. mother merely mumbled something harsh scoldings. if. "A Jewish child—and he doesn't But I will say it and then we will eat about Morrie taking the last roll when he went off to school, and went on know what Lag b'omer is! You don't and I wil teach you how to shoot the go to Cheder?" Do away with, drudgery and make little bow, the bow I carried in the house-work a pleasure by the use washing the supper dishes from the "Nix for mine. I woudn't go to woods on Lag b'omer. Please stay," night before. Her uncombed hair fell With XourrOrder 'for , of, modern electrical appliances. about her discontented face; her once school either but pa licks me when he he pleaded as another child might i ANYTHING l i e "Electric Shop" is on the pretty figure, rendered shapeless by catches me staying away. I don't like have done, "for I often want someground floor of the Electric buildIN THE WRAPPING lack of exercise and too frequent it. Did you like going to school when body to play with me." ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth The strangely assorted pair spent V PAPERLDJE maternity, showed almost grotesquely you was little?" and Farnam streets. "Not always. But always on Lag the rest of the day together. Their bloated in her soiled housedress. Ten years of married life had changed a b'omer—when I did not go," con- part of the park was a lovely spring6409 Phone laughing rose-faced girl into a dispir- fessed the queer old man with a time wilderness of opening trees and ited drudge with dull «yes and a rasp- twinkle. "That was our springtime fresh-smelling grass still virgin and ing voice; you can see dozens of her holiday. Our rabbi told us what it untrampeled by the summer excursionists. They spread the feast upon kind in Harlem leaning from half- meant—it was that day—" "A Cheder's a Jewish school, ain't the rocks and ate and drank while opened windows, too much in a rut even to gossip with the' neigibors in it? What's the use of learning a lot Izzy's old friend told him marvelous of stuff that don't get you nowhere?" stories, tales of his own boyhood and the streets below. Izzy suddenly quoted his big brother Now she spoke drearily above the Sam on the subject when their father legends of his people. Izzy had alSTEINER ELECTRIC splashing of the greasy dish-water. had suggested the question of Sam- ready grown blase at the movies: he MEATCHOPPER "You're going to be "late to school uel's being barmitzvah. "And why was no longer thrilled when mounted AND COFFEE MILL. highwaymen pursued the film hero for again." did the teacher give you a bow and he knew hereoes always escaped, and Izzy, stuffing a hunk of rye bread USED SCALES OF "ALL arrows when you was little?" he rein his jacket pocket, began to look for peated his question, a look of real in- he had long ceased to tremble at the MAKES FOR SALE. an apple. "I should worry. Say, ma, terest dawning in his shrewed, un- woe4?1 if heroines who eventually dried thei^r iears to the sound of wedding aint there a apple around?" 510 Sonth 10th Street. childiike eyes. bells. And he was bored beyond Phone Jackson 3332. "Guess Sam took two—I told him "Long ago we were our own rulers measure,, at the stories his teacher to leave you one. Take a niekle." and dwelt in.our own land." The old Izzy bit into the proffered delicacy, man's voice had taken on the chant told in school, stories of senseless "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" then began to lace his shoes. His of the synagogue; his body swayed creatures called nymphs who became and buy them at LOW FARE mother, pausing to pick up a grimy to and fro. "Then the Romans came sunflowers and boys who saved whole cities by thrusting their arms in the dish towel, gave him a mingled glance ROGERS of irritation and concern. Even in her and drove us forth. But we have wall when the dykes broke, although 319 South 16th Street worried preoccupation she could see never forgotten* On Lag b'omer we what a dyke was Izzy never knew and HI ATLANTIC 4522 Phone Douglas 3400. how white and thin the little fellow in the old country set our children had never cared to know. But these looked and for a moment she took free from their schools and sent them stories, somehow, were different—or out into the woods and meadows that was it just because it was so very time to yearn over her youngest. TBtT SUXDGBBK'8 they might remember the day and the Nutritions Sam* Hade "Don't you go to school today, Iz- struggle against Rome and dream pleasant after a satisfying quiet meal lie at full length upon the sunPIES and COOKIES zy," she offered, "and when I get my that some day we would go back to towanned grass and listen to the twit• Sealed in Sanitary Waxed Matle by dishes washed I'll take you over to the Wrapper at Tour Grocer. Palestine again. And they carried tering of the birds which filled the UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST health station. You aint looking well Sundgren Pie Baking Co. And pleasantest and FOOD CO. and maybe the nurse lady '11 give you bows to remind everyone of the Bow pauses? of Promise in the sky and of Rabbi—" strangest of all was the thought that J4th and HIckDry. Atlanta 6141 OMAHA. NEBBA8KA. a spring medicine or something." But little Izzy with the city child's Izzy grinned with a sophistication overstimulated, impatient mind had here somebody really wanted and needed him, for the old man -wasn't beyond hig years. "Naw, she won't. She'll talk like last year and tell me already grown weary of this talk of to • busy like his father or mother to Carpenter Paper Co. WHOLESALE . to drink a quart of milk a day and ceremonies and of rabbis. He stood talk to him, or inclined like his brothDistributors' of ' Drnggists and Stationers keep my window open at night." He up and began to shoot his arrows. ers and sisters *o snub him as the Western Bond—-and High Grade knotted his shoe string and finished "Ah, they ain't much good," he ex- youngest and tell him to run away. 401-iQZ-lK South lOUi ... : v. Stationery his toilet by ranrpng his hand through claimed disgustedly. "Everyone of The boy wished that the day would never end; he sighed regretfully when OUAIIA. NEBRASKA. his tangled curls. "Bye, ma," he 'em breaks on me." "They are very old—like me," tXcthe old man munnered something called from the doorway. Why Buy Tin? old man answered with his air of paDown in the street the spring sun- tient sadness. "They break easily about mincha and rose to go. Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. The boy sai<* nothing until they PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. I shine lay warm upon the dingy doorSAVES YOU MONEY. when you handle them roughly, my stood pn the curbstone waiting for the 27th and Martha Sta. _ Hartley 1062 steps and dirty window'panes. In the ^MID-STATES WHOLESALE Manufacturers of Brass. Bronte, "Aliimlson. But we old men who are no upLown Fifth Avenue rush of taxis gutter, an adventurous sparrow anm and Soft Gray. Iron Castings, GROCERS yon are assured of soft castings, as ;' chirped blithely; on the corner an or- more use in the world, even if we are and limousines to subside a little. He 1117-19 Dodge St. Jackson 3873 vri machine some from every heat in ' our own shop. Standard size cast Iron gan grinder turned out a merry dance handled roughly in America, we can- felt very .shy with more than a child's bustlings In stock. ' > tune. Izzy's feet, shod in hand-me- not die, even when our hearts are instinctiveness shyness, for he was MAX OLSEN j& CO. also oppressed with a strange feeling down shoes several sizes too large for broken within us." Again Izzy felt sure the neighbor's he could neither name nor recognize. Wholesale Distributor* tor him, fell into an instinctive jig. AlSCHMIDT'S though he woufd have been the last gossip about the old recluse on the For the first time in his neglected, Malta,/Select, Bock, Ginger person in the world to realize it, third floor of their building was true; starved life, somebody had been very Ale, Hires Root Beer spring had invaded his city-soiled lit- it was said he never went out except kind to Izzy and he felt grateful. Office and Warehouse: 91? So. Main St. But all he said was: "I aint never tle soul and held it prisoner. "Hell," to go to mincha service from which Telephone 143 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. grinned Izzy with the impishness of he returned with a few bundles on his had a day like this before. When they a boy who knows the joy of a for- arm, his scanty provisions which he give.away wood in the park I can go bidden swimming hole in clean, pleas- cooked himself in one corner of his some Saturday and get you a load. mnstzators •' RATES — I ant woods, "hell! I ain't going to dark little room. And the rest of the I ain't got nothing to do, anyhow." for space on this Special | school on no such weather as this. I'm day, ran the gossip of the stairs and Then, supporting the trembling old Half'Tones Page given on application. I going to see what the park looks the street, he sat in his one chair, arm: "I guess we can cross now if we Electrotypes swaying back and forth, like the old hurry." like." They crossed between rushing maProm Avenue A to-Central Park is bearded men Izzy had sometimes i 482 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 ! but a step to an active'youngs'jier in- glimpsed in the basement of the chines; for the first time in his life, Izzy, used-to dodging flying cars, betent upon playing hookey, although school near his home. "What made you come out today came confused. Perhaps, he was it had proved a somewhat longer journey to the gray-bearded old man Izzy when you never go out in the day- hampered by the thought that the *safety of his feeble old companion found perched up among the rocks time?" he asked. "On Lag b'omer I am a boy again," depended upon him. The policeman like a guardian spirit of the wilderWholesale Fruit and Vegetables ness. . A very old man, still wearing answered the other, smiling. "Today who questioned the morbid crowd that his shabby winter overcoat, a battered we old men are children when we re- gathered so quickly could find no member, but you poor children in satisfactory explanation and turned derby upon his noble white head. "Oh," said Izzy after one of his America are old men for you do not with a shrug to wait for the amquick looks, "you're the old man from know how to dream." Suddenly he bulance. "I guess they can do someCorner lOtb and Uouslus Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 thing for the old man," he remarked Masonic Temple Rld|r. downstairs. The one they say is gone ««•(or... Our Unet—with an experienced air, "but the nuts," ha added to himself in a politeBALDW1N. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON, k id—" HOWAKH OI'RIGHTS. GRANDS, ly suppressed footnote. PLATER PIANOS. He was right. By the time the The old man nodded and motioned OMAHA PURE POOD CO. THATCHER PIANO CO. 1 white —coated internes arrived, the Izzy to a place .on the'rocks beside 8419 Canting St., Omaha, Nebraska. Phone Jackson SOSO old man from the third floor of Izzy's him. Izzy hesitated for a moment; I tenement had begun to stir and look his was not a sociable nature, for beRates for Space on { about him. But Izzy did 'not move. ing one of a family of seven in a DON'T BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page After the first really nappy day in his three-room Harlem flat does not imO i l 1* MUCH CHKAREK given on application. sordid, neglected life, he lay very bue a youngster with a love of comLet- 0* Remove the Door from your Furnace and Insert a quiet, a strangely contended smile on pany; he would have turned away to ULUBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER 483 Brandeis Bide. Tel, Jackson 8371 continue his solitary prowling among 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb,, his sharp, little "face. The descendant j Rea Demonstration D18 So. 1Mb Street. of Bar Kochba's soldiers lay at peace j the rocks, had his attention not been ATlantic 0340. with a bow and several broken arrows held, by the singular objects in his old in his nan***neighbor's hands. . PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISE^*1




The Harry A. Koch Co.


INVESTMENT SECURITIES Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 0360.

Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.


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The Brinn &• Jensen Company



n Scales and Meat Slicers





Electric Shop"




Checker Cab


E. E. Bruce & Co.

I Mat

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N. W. Cor. Eleventb and Howard Ste.



Jewish Press

Steamship Tickets


Leo A. Hoffmann • • • Of • • •

Hoffmann Funeral Home.


FOODS Groneweg & Schoentgen WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302

; D. C.


Phone Jackson 3072

Second Floor, Elks' Building.



Phone Atlantic 4964









B e a d ; Roofing over old shingle*. Also asphalt shingles and build-up roofs. Fire resisting and durable. All work guaranteed. Easy terms. Phone Harney 2574 OSee and Warehouse: 3122 Leaven worth

Meyer Mercantile Co., lac. MANTTFACTir&EKS.

MEY-MER-CO. Brand Beverages and Syrups.



Baker Ice Machines

"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.

S19-SI1 So. U t h St., Omaha, Kebr. Phone Atlaatie M8B

SUPERIOR DOUGHNUT CO. All that the Mine implies. 916 N. 16th St.

Douglas 6887

Iten Biscuit Co. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES (R«r. 17. 8. Fat. Office.)

Ambulance Service


Eqnlpp«d with Pnlmotor. AU Calls Answered Promptly.

Granden Electric Co.


Farnam St.

Phone Harney 0392

DEPENDABLE EliECTBICAI. MEKCHA"VDISE. 1511 Howard St. Fhone Atlantic 0681

American Wet Wash Laundry 2808 Cuming. Harney 0881 One Day Service. No Extra Charges. Refinite Soft Water.

LADY CHIROPRACTOR In Active Practice Sines 1910.

Dr. Frances H. Turner Office t BrandeJs Theatre Bnildinc 17th and Donglas Streets. Phone Atlantic 3836 TIKES—TOMES—ACCESSORIES

Council Bluffs Savings Bank OCR TREATMENT W I U COAVIJTCE TOV OF OCB SINCERITY. Trust Department. Safety Deponlt Boxes.

Mid-West Auto Parts Co. We carry a complete line ot new rln? years, pinions, axle shafts and spring-s for almost any make of car, M. n . RICHMAN, Mnnacer. 1318-1SS0 Went Brondwajr, COUNCIL. BfcCFl'8. lOVTA. PHONE 444. Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street, Omaha Plione Atlantic 2356

£16 K. 16th St. Branches at Central Market, Table Supply and Food Cents*.

CLEAN LINEN Every morning; if yon call the

Ford Tranter & Storage Co. R. A. FORD. President and General Manager. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 924 So. Slain Street. Phone 865 An Ideal Wanhlne Combination.

Estes Laundry Tablets . . . with . . .

Frontier Towel Supply

Estes Soap Chips

1815'California Street. Fhone Donfftaa 6*81

Water Softener (Combined)

and At all Grocers.

Sherman Mercantile Co.

Yon will like

Wholesale Gr—ers Specialties 1511 Coming St. Phona attantlfl 1247



BUTTER Made by


Kirschbraun & Sons

Rates for Space on this Special Page given on application.


482 Brandeia Building.

Tel. Jackson 2372.

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