Promises will get you friends, but nonperformance will t u r n them into enemies. Benj.
Let a man contend to the uttermost for his life's prize, be it what it wiJL Browning.
Entered as second-class mail-matter on January-27th. 1921. at postofflce at Omaha. Nebnika." under the Act of Karen 8, 1878.
B'nai B n t P i d g e s Of Omaha And Council Bluffs Prepare To Make Convention Great Success
Social Workers to Discuss Important Jewish Questions
Cash Must Positively Be Secured At Once If Community's Social Service Work Is To Be Cotmued
Jewish Soldiers to Hold National Conference Hay 2 0
Julius Rosenfeld Elected New Head of Chamber of Commerce
Mexkan Government Invites Isunigraiits to Settle There
Jewish Soldiers Keep the Services
P Is
Federation Facing Desperate Financial Crisis, Must Have Eighteen Thousand Dollars
London. (J. C. B.) Sir Herbert Genoa. (J. C. B.) Representatives Samuel, British High Commissioner of the Palestinian Arabs and of the for Palestine, will seek a readjustZionist Organization are expected to ment of relations with the Arabs in seek an opportunity to put their respective claims before the conference National Conference of Jewish Palestine soon after his arrival in or one of its commissions if and when Social Service to Meet in London, it is • learned. The urgency of dealing' with the Arabs is more the question of the British Mandate Providence, June 18. pressing now than before, in view of for Palestine should come up. Moussa Kazim Pasha of Jerusalem, head L O C A L EXECUTIVE WILL the fighting between Mohammedan and the French in Syria and of the Arab Delegation, is accompaS P E A K ON OMAHA'S Arabs Transjordania. nied by his secretary. Dr. Welzmann, PROGRESS DURING the Zionist leader, is expected in a Dr. Ch. Weizmann, President of the TSAR. few days. He will be accompanied by World Zionist Organization, has gone Mr. Leo Motzkin of the Committee of Hundreds of Jewish social workers to Florence to meet .the High ComJewish Delegations, who hopes the and laymen interested in Jewish com- missioner, who arrives there from Conference will take up the question munal work wBl gather from all Egypt to-day. The Zionist leader wfll of Jewish emigration. parts of the U*ited States in Provi- probably^remain a few days to confer dence, R. L, to attend the annual with Sir Herbert Samuel regarding conference of Jewish Social Service, the Paleestine situation. EIGHTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH IS NEEDED June 18 to 21, inclusive. BY THE FEDERATION BEFORE MONDAY NIGHT. A program; of unusual interest, emThis message will be taken to every subscriber of the Fedbracing all phases of Jewish philaniration and to every Jew in Omaha in a three-day intensive drive thropic activity, Jiere and abroad has for funds for local Jewish social service work, which started this been prepared,;andtrill be presented morning. And so desperate is the present financial condition of by leaders in each field. the Federation that unless this message is heeded by the people AB elements of Omaha and Council Bluffs are co-operating Will Meet in Philadelphia' at Call of Special emrnars -has been laid on >f Omaha, and unless every resident of the city does his full duty tomake tiieicbnyentionof District No. 6, I. O.; B. B., which will the United Jewish Veterans. the importance ©f the work being sy the Federation, the Federation will have to suspend all of be held in Omaha, May 28th to 31st, inclusive," the biggest comdone in the smaller Jewish communi- A Member of the' Chamber of Com- ts activities. merce for Ten Years and Served TO TAKE UP MATTER OF OR-ties, and two sessions of the confermunal and social event of the year for both communities. Never before, in the entire history of the Federation, in all as a Member of the ExecuGANIZATION. . ence will- be given over to a discusFrom all sides offers of assistance have come to the comits years of caring for the hundreds of needy and deserving: tive Board During the sion of this work. Samuel Schaefer, mittee in charge to guarantee that delegates and visitors to the widows and children of this city, in all its work for the YM and Past Year. convention will leave enthused with the spirit of cordiality and New York. (J. C. B.) A confer- superintendent of the Jewish Welfare YWHA, for the Wise Hospital, for the City Talmud Torah and ence of representatives of demobi- Federation of Omaha, has been ingood will that pervades the two cities. the Talmud Torah on the South Side, for the Old Peoples Home, Jewish soldiers, including Pales- vited to speak at each of these ses- FIRST JEWISH MAN TO HOLD lor the Cleveland Orphan Home, for the Consumptives' Hospital*, No labor is being spared to make the four days of the con- lized SUCH OFFICE IN THIS CITY. legionaires, has. been summoned sions. On Monday, June 19, he will n Denver, in all its social service and immigrant aid work, was vention replete with activity, not only for the delegates, and the tine to be held in Philadelphia m May tell of the developments in local Jewthe Federation in such desperate straits as it is now. members of the two lodges, but for both communities as welL 20th and 21st, simultaneously with ish social work during the past year, Council Bluffs, la.—Julius RosenMeetings, services and social functions are all being planned for the American Jewish Congress. ONLY THE IMMEDIATE CASH' CONTRIBUTIONS OF on Tuesday, June 20, he will dis- feld, head of .the Continental Furniparticipation by every Jewish citizen of Omaha and Council With the return to this country, and TS SUBSCRIBERS AND THE ENROLLMENT AT ONCE OP cuss the subject of a standardized ture store and prominent member of BluffsEVERY JEW IN OMAHA AS A SUBSCRIBER CAN SAVE more than two years ago, of the first budget for small communities. The Further details of the four-day between the hours of 8 .and 11:30. demobilized Jewish soldiers, a gen- presidential address to be delivered THE FEDERATION. —«, 10.00 program were completed at a meeting There will be dancing and refresh- eral feeling arose that a Jewish,ex- by Dr. Solomon; Lfcwenstein. liead of At the regular meeting of the Mrs. S. Fish....^ A. Mitchell moo of the convention executive committee ments, and the entire eigth floor of soldiers' legion was needed t© perpet- the- New York <£ty Federation, will ^deration Board Sunday the report Jt. Greenberjr -.— 10. W> Max L. Fanger: the hotel will be available to ac- uate all that was best in the spirit deal with "ThesStatus of Federation yesterday. The complete of Samuel Schaefer, superintendent, 3. 10.00 Li. Stem Harry Robinson gram provides for hospitality to the commodate the immense gathering. awakened the members to the crisis moo which had moved the Jewish soldier with Special Reference to the Smaller Mrs. *Belle A. Pollack 10.00 convention and to the communities of confronting the Federation. Sol Rosenberg ^ Council Luncheon on Monday. during the war. This feeling, con- Communities." , A. Iitpsey...-: io.«» tDmaha and* Council Bluffs, by the On Monday morning the first ses- fined at first to those of the Jewish Mr. Schaefer repotted as follows: Harry Segal 10.00 Of particular interest to many A. J Walk IG.Oft B'nai ' B'rith lodges in these two sion of the^convention will be held. soldiers who had served in specific O. Woolfson ft.OO communities'", throughout the country fc.00 "For the first tine in 12 cities, by the Women's Auxiliary" of While the delegates are in attendance Jewish units, spread gradually to the Morris Klein 6.00 will be the pager by Jacob. Billikopf, months we start a new month Jacob Herman..... 6.00 the B'nai B'rith, the Council of at the Monday afternoon session the larger number that had served under 5.00 B. Skurnick of Philadelpbia^n flie subject "Shall with a deficit. On April 30, 5.00 .. Klirs Jewish-Women of Omaha, the Jewish Omaha Council of • Jewish Women the American flag, and in time a Jewish <Jomimuflty Organizations Join 5.0 TJ. Adrene 1922, we . faced an actual cadi Women's Welfare Organization, the will be hostesses to the visiting wo- number of preliminary attempts, were Community Chests?" The place of Goodmuu deficit of $800, and unpaid bill* Jo«. Sisterhood of Temple Israel, and themen.' A one o'clock,luncheon, follow- made and failed..-It, took/,time"JTor Jewish -education in a general cbmamonntmg rto $508. Council of Jewish Women of Council ed by a business^ i ^ meeting of the *Our normal -expenditures' for tional meetings ot the ^Conference M»r .jtnd June will average Be given z£ the Blackstone. This tion of an organization. voted to it, and will be discussed by $4200 each, a total of $8400. •will- be - the • annual - meeting of the : Dr. Alexander DushMn, of New York, We must pay our affiliated inWill Organize. Council, at which -reports of the Louis H. Levin, of Baltimore, and stitutions their semi-annual apprevious year's activities will be .'The^ arrival in this country, of Vla- other authorities. propriations in June. This will dimir-Jabotinsky, the founder, pf the given, and officers for the ensuing cost $4300. We need $4000 for year elected. Every member of the Jewish. Legion, served. to bring the •Health Program to be Discussed. Chancellor States Mexico Is Willing BANQUET AND LUNCHEON the month of July. These figDr. Michael M. Davis, of New Council i s expected to attend and to soldiers and legionaires closer toto Pay Travelling Expenses -RESERVATIONS.ures, together with our deficit bring her friends. . Every women retfier. Shortly after" his arrival Mr. York, editor of the Health Section of Settlers. on May 1st, make it absolutely interested in B'nai B'rith or Council Jabotinsky addressed a mass meeting at the "Survey," the national social The committees in charge of imperative that we collect $18,of Jewish ex-soldiers in New York, work magazine, will give details of work is also invited. the banquet on Tuesday, May 30, OFFICIAL REPORT ISSUED 000 at once. We cannot do and a temporary committee was ima program of health education among the local lodge of the B'nai B'rith, and* of the luncheons during the On Monday evening the delegates FROM CHANCELLOR'S business without funds. convention days, "ntake the folto the Convention will be the guests mediately formed to take up the mat- Jews. Dr. Boris D. Bogen will nar- was elected president of the ChamDEPARTMENT. T h i s Board is today confrontrate the lessons for disaster relief ber of Commerce at an election held lowing announcements relative of Ak-Sar-Ben at the first den show ter of organization. ed with tw* problems. One is The committee in New York mean- f o u n d i n the work of the Joint Dis- Saturday night to reservations: of the season. _The. women visitors New York (J. C. B.)—Official com to collect $13,000 still doe from while busied itself with plans for will be entertained on this evening tribution Committee, of which he has Mr. Rosenfeld, who has been a Accommodations at the banquet firmation of the report that the Mexiold subscribers for the first half by the Women's Auxiliary of the further activities and with the publi- been European director for five years. member of" the Chamber of Com on Tuesday, May 30, are limited. can Government desires to extend of this year. The other is to Omaha lodge at an Orpheum party cation of "Der Yiddischer Soldat," Other subjects to be discussed will merce for about ten years has also Harry Malashock, chairman of every facility to immigrants* who will collect $5000 from new members followed by dinner at the Athletic the instrument of the organization of include The Jewish Settlement move- been on the executive board of the the Banquet Committee, urges all settle as colonists and agricultural and in increases from old memClub. They wiU be joined at the Jewish soldiers and legionaires which ment, methods of Jewish child care, Chamber. Mr. Rosenfeld is the first who wish to be assured places to laborers is contained in a communicaClub by the men at the conclusion has evoked considerable interest in training for Jewish social workers, Jewish man in' Council Blttffs to be- bers, and to get the cash into make reservations immediately. tion from the Chancellor's Departthe office without further delay." Jewish circles. of the den show. prevention of the establishment of come the president • of the Chamber B'nai B'rith members are espement to the Jewish Telegraphic The conference is being called by needless Jewish agencies, and budget- of Commerce. Following this report, a special Agency, the English translation of cially urged not to wait to receive (Continued on page 2) a provisional committee of the Uniting national institutions. Mr. Rosenfeld is an active member meeting of the Board and all Fed-which follows: formal announcement of the baned Jewish Veterans and Legionaires, The Association of Jewish Com- of the B'nai B'rith and a member eration workers was called for last quet, as there has been an un"The Secretaria de Fomento composed of Gershon Agronsky, Jo- munity Center Secretaries will meet of the Temple Israel cf Omaha. Mem- night, and was attended by over 100 avoidable delay in making indiforms the persons interested in seseph Brainin, Samuel Cohen, Elias at the same time as the Conference bers of the organization will enter persons. Following brief talks by vidual announcement. Reservacuring: the exemptions conceded to Ginsburg (Ben-Ir), Alex. Gold, A. of Jewish Social Service. The Na-tain at a banquet' this evening fo: president tions are $2.50 each, and are now Morris Levy, Harry foreign immigrants by the Act of the Kretschmar-Israeli, Arie. Levinson, tional- Conference of Social Work, a the newly elected officers. being received by Harry MalaLapidus, chairman of the finance President of the Republic of January; Report of the Jewish Welfare Board Judah Ruble, Maurice SamueL non-sectarian organization, will meet shock, 1514 Dodge street. Checks committee, and Harry Monsky, every 2, last, that they are to follow the States that Jewish Soldiers EvIn Providence for one week beginning must accompany all reservations. person present rose and volunteered course herein stated:— DEATH PENALTY FOR erywhere Observed the June 21. This conference usually Reservations for the Council of to do everything possible to rescue LOCAL JEWISH "Make an application indicating th« GRAFTERS. Holidays. brings from 4,000 to 5,000 social Jewish.Women luncheon on Monthe Federation. GIRL WIN point -through which they will enter Moscow. (J. P. A.) An unique workers to. its annual' meeting. day, May 29, should be made by Today one hundred workers were SHORTHAND CONTEST the Republic and that of destination, trial took place last week before the Reports already received by the mail through-Mrs. Ed. Trailer, St. in all parts of the city collecting so that the. respective orders for pasMiss Stella Horwlch, daughter of Revolutionary Tribunal for Criminal Jewish Welfare Board indicate that Regis *pts^ I-fore May 26. Price LOCAL BOY GRADUATES subscriptions and securing new mem- sage by the respective Railroad cam Mrs. IL Horwich, and senior at the Causes. Four-Jewish merchants, Droz over 1,500 men in the U. S. Military per plate, $1.00. SCHOOL LONG LIST nin, Sr., Droznin, Jr., Meknanz am bers. On Monday night another be issued; this should be accomand Naval Service and disabled vet- South High School, won first p'.ace in OF ACTIVITIES Friedman, were tried on • the chargi special meeting of the Board will be panied by a Certificate from the ConMrs. Harry Z. Rosenfeld, 105 the State Shorthand contest held at erans- partook .of the Sedarim and N. 40th SU, is now receiving resE. Oscar Weinstein, son of Mr. and of briberyj having given over 600 mil held, at which reports will be made, sul or Consular Agent in their place Passover hospitality arranged for by Lincoln, Neb., last Friday. Miss Horervations for the Sisterhood Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, will complete ilon rubels' gratuities to governmen and every worker guarantees a 100 of residence, testifying to the charac.;x wich averaged one hundred words per the representatives and community luncheon on Tuesday, May 30. committees of the Board. minute. Seven contestants were en- his course at the Kemper Military employees^in order to secure the gov jer cent report. ter of the petitioner and confirming Mrs. Rosenfeld may be reached School at Boonville, Mo., Mondiy, ernment c&ntract for army supplies. tered, each representing a district. that- he is going to the interior of If every Federation subscriber Among the Sedarim carried out by phone at Harney 2031, and Miss Horwich won the district hon- May 29. the Republic in order to establish Droznin; Sr., was acquitted of th and every Jew in Omaha will were -those held at Cristobal, Canal should be called before May 27. Weinstein has served as assistant ors in this district last ApriL Miss himself in an agricultural colony. charge. Moms" Drozniri, Jr., his son realize the work the Federation Zone, at which 145 men were present, Price is $1.00. When the immigrant has reached his at Tientsin in China; at Manila in Horwich is the assistant business editor of the Kemper News during the and Melman were sentenced to be is doing and what terrible reReservations for the luncheon of the Philippine Islands"/ inJ Honolulu manager of the "Tooter," the school past two years. He has also taken an shot, which" sentence was immediate! sults would follow if the Fed- destination he will ask for the active part in school athletics, being a carried out. : Friedman, who merel the Jewish Women's Welfare Orin the Hawaiian Islands and Fort-au- magazine. eration closed its doors, the re- voucher of ibis arrival and the exmember of the football, track andbas- acted in. capacity of a Broker, was sen ganization, on Wednesday, May penses that have been entailed, in Prince, Haiti. ports will be 100 per cent each. ketball teams. He was the composer tenced to three years' imprisonment RABBIS GO ON^ STRIKE. 31, may be made by calling Harfreight and duties, applying again to The Jewish men in the Army of The following new members have the Secretaria, so that the. awv ney 7332 before May 27- Price Kovno (J. P. A.) — The rabbi of and director of the musical comedy Occupation were not forgotten on presented at the school at its •umiverjoined the Federation since last re&ponding orders can be given to for luncheon i s $1.00; cards 50c Rossoyn, and his associates -declared this occasion. On the evening of sary last January. He is also a mem- KATTOWITZvCOMMUNITY Wednesday: extra. Prizes will be offered at have the amounts he may have paid April 12th a Seder was held at Cob- a strike. They refuse to render any ber of the school band. LEAVES "GERMAN UNION SEW FEDKKATION MEMBERS each table. out for duties reimbursed through lenz, Germany, was graced by judgment upon the many religious FROM MAY 11. Berlin. -{J.CvB:) Announcement the Ofincina de Hacienda nearest to questions incident to small.and pious Mrs. Anna Weinberg... —% 30.00 the presence of the Senior Chaplain 23.00 his residence, and 50 per cent of has been jnide of flie withdrawal of Mrs. Clara KoBerrater. On Sunday afternoon a three hour of the American Forces in Germany Jewish community, do • not celebrate TYPHUS EPIDEMIC RAGES IN L. Lirf . . aw auto tour of Omaha and Council and local Jewish dignitaries. Over the wedding ceremony, and abstain PROVINCE OF HOMEL RIGA the Jewish community of Kattowitz M. L. Cohen 2500 the freight on his baggage and G. Gatombick 20.00 cattle." Bluffs will be made by t i e delegates .100 Jewish men in the Service .with generally from performing any funcRiga. ( j . P. A.) The typhus «!P»- from the union o f German ^ehilloth, 3. Palk 20.00 Fellman and visitors and their hosts of both their families were present as the tion related to their religious posi- demic in Homel is raging with in- on the ground'that Upper Silesia is Harry ...___ 15.00 M. Turner 13.00 now under Polish^ rule. A. WoolfBon tion. Their demands' are pur^y creased violence and fury,—smallpox guest* of the Board. •communities. 15.00 Moscow. (J. P. A.) A commissibh Potash 12,00 A tendency to'sever all affiliations M. A total of approximately 20,000 economic They demand an increase being extremely prevalent. This new In the evening Omaha Lodge No. S. Sugarman 10.00 has been designated to investigate th% B. Stock . 10.00 354 and Council Bluffs Lodge No lbs. of Matzoth, 14;000 Passover in their salary as they, can not satis- outbreak of the disease has been defi- •with Jewish" organizations in Ger- 3. Wilinsky history of the Jewish Workers' Move10.00 688 I. O. B. B., will be hosts to the greeting cards and 3^500 Haggadahs fy their needs with the present salary. nitely traced to the immigrant refu- many are becoming manifest in other 3. Knlakofsky.. 10.00 ment. The members of the commisHarry Frnnkel 10.00 circles in Poland. The B'nai B'rith gees from t^e Ukrainian province, £ 2 communities of Omaha and Council were distributed by the Board. EvMax Gnmat , 10.00 sion, Aster, Froomkin, Rafess, Breg10.00 Bluffs and to the convention delegates ery effort was made to give each LEMBERG IS ONE THIRD JEWISH per cent of the disease being among lodges of Warsaw and Lodz are con10.00 man and Agursky, will meet in«the templating ti&e'fbrjnation of separate Lemberg (J. P. A.) — The last them. and visitors, at a reception at the Jewish man in the Army and Navy 10.00 10.00 near future to frame and to publish a and at Veterans' hospitals .the oplodges whidb," together with those national census gave Lemberg about Blackstone that will truly demonThe mortability rate has reached as J clear declaration of its «im and |urstrate the hospitality of the two portunity to commemorate this im 220,000 inhabitants of which .77;0fl0 high a figure as 70 per cent, and there in Upper Silesia, will constitute a new OrderTff "tlKrB'nai B'rith. or one third, &re of Jewish descent. is no sign of relief in sight. cities. The reception will be held portant festival occasion. • — •Mlnken.
Women's Auxiliary, Council Of Jewish ~Women Of Omalia And Council Bluffs; Jewish Women's Welfare Organization And Temple Israel Sisterhood "To Give Community Luncheons And Entertainments
3 . <::v •'
Published every Thursday at Omaha,, NebrMfc*. pT iTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING .COMPANY*'. Office:. 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: 'Jackson^2372.,
i -.
[ r T j
Mi '.nn we
UKRAINIAN COMRADES Lemberg." .(J. P.: A.) Wirth and Klaeghofer, two Jewish Socialists, were tried together with two Ukrainian Socialists in Sambar, on the charges of criminal sedition. At the trial it appeared that the entire procses was the result of a bill of information filed with the government by the Polish Socialist leaders, Hanich and Stephansky, who accused the defendant of engaging in an unlawful conspiracy against the government. After the prosecution had rested its case the judge granted a motion to dismiss the indictment,—so flimsy was the evidence against them. Though freed of the charge of Bolshevism, they were found guilty of a misdemeanor, — "disturbing the peace on the resting place of the dead," and fined a nominal sum to appease the disappointment of the expectant public.
"Convention Class" Initiation Tuesday. Tuesday's program is replete with :ommunity meetings and social af-42.50 Subscription Price, one yearfairs. Commencing with a general P~ " Advertising rates famished on application." session of the convention in the morning, the afternoon will witness NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—-Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. the initiation of the "Convention Class" of new members now -being OP ADDRESS—Please glva both the old and MW address: secured, and will be followed by imb* aora and sign your name. . . pressive memorial services at 3:30. As Tuesday is Decoration Day, and INSPIRATIONAL READINGS FOR THE HOME. general holiday, an overflow atUnder the above title, a very attractive little booklet has tendance is expected at both cerbeen editied by Rabbi Horace J. Wolf of Rochester, and published by the Berith Kodesh Sisterhood of Rochester, N. Y. It emonies. follows rather closely upon the heels of a similar volume pub- On this day the Sisterhood of lished by the women of Mizpah of Chicago. The booklet con- Temple Israel will give a luncheon tains as itsnanie implies, a'series of very well selected readings for the convention visitors at the for various occasions in the Jewish life. Many of these are taken Fontenelle. The Sisterhood is infrom our liturgical literature; some from the Talmud, and a few viting all women of Omaha and Council Bluffs to attend. from the more modern writers. A volume of this sort: is always welcome. And the fact that On Tuesday evening the Convensuch books should have made thetr within the tion Banquet and Dance will be held t appearance pp littl while hil andd both b t h of,f them th ith a hearty h t at the Blackstone. This will unKourse off a very little mett with {Welcome, indicates how deep is the need for the reparation of doubtedly be the outstanding social POGROM HANDBOOK B volume of inspirational reading for "every day in the year. event of the season in Omaha, and BY PROMINENT AUTHOR Indeed, such a volume has been in course ^>f preparation for the in its sister community. Harbin. (Jewish* Press Associapast several years by a committee of-the Central Conference of luncheon and Card Party Wednesday. tion.)—S. I. Gusew-Arenburgsky wellAmerican Rabbis. To gather the material for such a volume, On Wednesday morning the con- known Russian author, has compiled however, is a stupendous piece of work and it cannot be quickly vention will again meet, and in the a large statistical work concerning feccomplishecL It is definitely believed, however, it will wield a afternoon, the Jewish Women's Wel- the pogroms in Ukraine and White ifcremendous Influence over those who now turn to the literature fare Organization will give a lunch- Russia, most of the material being Df the newer: cults for help and inspiration in their time of need. eon, followed by cards, at the based on personal knowledge. Certain it is that'tHeite'is no help" found in the writings Brandeis Tea Rooms. This affair Was Jewish community workers here, Cf these, newer religious cults, which is not also to be found in originally planned for June 6, but in who have acquainted themselves with Ithe literature of pur own people. The Jewish) liturgy is a. very, order that the members of the organ- the text the book, are desirous of treasure house of inspiration for those who turn to it sympath- ization and their friends might meet publishingof this work in different lanetically and: with, understanding.;'to be hoped, therefore, with the convention visitors, the date guages and negotiations with the that the committee in charge of the preparation of the Confer- has been advanced to May 31. This author, to that effect are now being ence volume wiU be ready to report at the next meeting that change in arrangements was made conducted. progress is being made in the work and that'the completed possible through the courtesy of the manuscript will be ready-for submission-to the members in the Ladies Golden Hill Society, which Hot distant "future. In the meantime;-however, such volumes had planned a card party for May 31, FREMONT NEWS. BS those published in Chicago and Rochester are very welcome. but which has now postponed its af- The Misses Irene Adelson, Evelyn [They deserve a wide circulation. Polaky, and Mrs. L. Polsky, of Linfair to June 14. coln, were the guests of Miss JeanAs in all the other afternoon nette Krupinsky during the past '^ » ZETA BETA TAU AT NEBRASKA. functions of the convention the genweek. r eral public of both communities is
- ? . The Installation or a chapter of a large Jewish fraternity at Hie University of Nebraska speaks well for the Jewry of Omaha bnd Nebraska, and also speaks well for the state. The fraternity, Zeta Beta Tau, is rated as one of the best .fraternities of any denomination in the world, according to Linfcdln papers who welcome "an organization of such character End prominence". ' Zeta Beta Tau contains only the best Jewish youths and Jflen in the country who have made names for themselves or their Jewish faith upon their respective campuses, who have done things which show promise that they will be the leading Uewish citizens of tomorrow. For the fact that Nebraska lads are rated that high means much to local people. A school must have a large number of Jewish students before it is granted a charter of any fraternity. Nebraska's quota of Jewish students testifies that the Jew is ever wanting to Increase his knowledge of books, that he always has been- and always "will be a scholar. Several Omaha people have expressed joy that Zeta Beta Teu was the fraternity that was petitioned by the Nebraska students, because of the reputation which that fraternity brings with it. If it is possible, more Jewish fraternities should be formed at Nebraska. Welcome, Zeta Beta Tau!
The World Needs The s ^ Jews
(Continued from page 1)
It-is unfortunate that some narrowminded people believe the Jews to be" a source of irritation - and ' a menace. These narrow-minded persons in their extreme ignorance are oblivious to what the Jews have conteibuted to civilization.—The Jewish Review and Observer.
The world has always needed the Dews, from the days of the great Jiatriarch, Ahrahanf, to the present time. It was Abraham who gave to taanMnd the monotheistic idea which has been the fundamental principle RABBIS AND PRIESTS OFFER pf two of the greatest religions, CHURCH TREASURY FOR Christianity and Mohammedanism. "RELIEF". It*was the great law-giver, Moses, Riga (J. P. A.) — At the session iwho inspired the world with the first of the "Commission" to appropriate Ideals-of liberty. What would have Church C h h Treasures for the Relief l>een the fate of civilization had it held at Vitebsk, were there hot been for the Ten Commandments present, as invited •* guests, re&nd the marvelous doctrines of justice presentatives of the clergy, who and righteousness proclaimed by the participated in the debate after the Hebrew people of old? It is the report on the condition of the starvBible which is the inexhaustible ing in the Volga region. Th fountain of knowledge in all domains Vitebsk rabbi assured the members pf human development. of the commission of his wholeJewish. philosophers, scientists, hearted support of their program financiers, statesmen and writers and he was seconded in this assurlilayed and are playing a con- ance by the representatives of th< spicuous past in shaping; the destinies Lutheran, Greek; Catholic, and othe pf the Human race. "'. sects, represented at the conference.: The mission of the 1 Jews in the Thanking the speakers for their sup;world, which began';with-Abraham, port, the Commission formulated the father of our faith/ over four plans for immediate execution of thousand years' age^wfll never cease. their program. There is no" field~in tne : developWhen the Commission. arrived at Jnent-of civilization-where the Jews Minsk, it invited .representatives of £re inot needed. Wherever they have all religious cults to attend its sessettled they have<f'pfovecl a potent sions and-deliberations. -Speaking in factor in the development of the the nariie.of all .the religious re-| community. This 'fa^t has never presentatives, Archbishop MeichJsedek been proven ihore strongly than in declared ;t£ileit^.i^adjness'-td Cooperate the settlement of the United' States, with-the v ;cpmmission.-:in- its -work. •where our co-religionists were among "What greater ^eibitntion' ' of true the Earliest colonfsEs* •'• I f was the piety1 and devotion.-' can - there be," Jewish financier, ^Hayrn Solomon^ who, he exclaimed j : "thasr to-'give o f our through his loan ^ of four hundred riches' and treasuresfor -the rtlief j thousand dollars helped to win the Of those'-in nee^i'V ^The actual work Victory for the colonists in the War pf the Revolution. '•'••:., of stripping.' _the' .churchfiB' and synProbably no people in the world agogues oftheirtteasureB is to begin havfc had such clear conceptions of the coming week. philanthropy as the Jewsj: and'their institutions for this purpose rank 100,000 JEWS SLAIN IN UKRAINE. Riga. (J. P. A.) According tb the airionglthe foremost of their kind. latest statistical reports, "the number History and phychology have of Jews killed during the pogromdemonstrated the urgent necessity of wave in Ukraine and White Russia is the Jews in developing the affairs of over 100,000 persons,—approximately the world. • 10 per cent of the entire Jewish popuThe barriers of the ghetto was a lations. . The children orphaned by the distinct loss to those countries in pogroms are 200,000 in number. which they existed, and the sooner If the pogromists failed to cajry out the fact that the Jews are essential their plans of extermination the Jewto the world is acknowledged by ish population, they succeeded at least those who di^ike them the better in., pillaging and plundering Jewish o «oods to^the fullest exteat. will be for all concerned.
invited by the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization to attend. Tho convention will close on Wednesday evening. In order to give our readers best and most complete news of the convention, the "Jewish Press" will issue a special B'nai B'rith Convention number, next week. Further details of the various entertainments, programs and meetings, together with the names of committees sponsoring them will appear in tho special edition. 'CHAD GADYA" THEATER IN WARSAW Warsaw. (Jewish Press Association.)—In- the immediate future there is to open here a new and novel Jewish art theater, the artist and performers of which will be only marionettes. The dramatists Brodersohn, Tunkel, £ogel and Kaganowsky, and the-scenic artists Isaac Bronner have collaborated in the preparations of the proposed productions. The marionettes will represent and symbolize prominent Jewish personalities in the world of politics, art and literature. The quaint and picturesque name of "Chad Gadya" has been selected for this theater,—an innovation In the dramatic world oi this country.
a picnic at Capital Beach for her 2:30 in Younker's tea room. About eighty-five women attended. The prohouse, guest. ceeds will be used for the support of Mr. and Mrs. M. Turkle, of Omaha, war orphans. motored to Lincoln Sunday accompaBoy Scout Troops 39 and 61 prenied by Miss Esther Katleman, who was the house guest of Miss Johanne sented a vaudeville show Thursday evening, May 11, at the Jewish ComGarson. munity Center. Attorney Sam AbMr. and Mrs. E. Rosenbaum sailed ramson gave a short talk, and motion for Europe May 13, to be gone for picture slide: of Camp Mitigwa were three months. shown.
Mrs. Hattie Harris has returned to the city after an extended visit in the east.
B'nai Yeshurum Temple Sisterhood Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Blotcky and daughter, Marie, left Saturday for Ex- held their last meeting of the year celsior Springs, where they will spend Tuesday, May 16, at a picnic luncheon at Union park. Reports were given the next two weeks. and election of officers were held. Mr. Manass Sheuerman, who was operated upon for appendicitis last Mr. Manass Frankel, a former Des week, is improving. Moines resident, is spending a fewdays in the city. The Gimel Dolid club held a meeting Thursday at the Jewish CommuThe third in a series of opera innity Center, at which they reorganized terpretations for children by Reda and elected the following officers: Raucle Strauss, will be "The Magic President, Joe Bramson; vice presiFlute," by Mozart, to be given Saturdent, Louis Corn; secretary, Joe day at 3 o'clock in Mrs. Crawford's Thomas; treasurer, Isadore Cohen. dance studio. The piano accompaniMiss Ethel Sherman entertained ment will be played by Mrs. Adelaide last Monday at a luncheon at Harris Rehmann Weissinger. Emery's in honor of Miss Ruth Wien, Tryouts for the play of "Hansel and who is the guest of Miss Beulah Gretel," to be given by children on Brody. the Henry Frankel lawn in May, will be held this week. All children who Mrs. Eugene Maimheimer, president of the Temple Sisterhood, entertained last Wednesday at a luncheon at Harris Emery's for the out-going board members.
Takiuhaur Campfire Girls enjoyed a five-mile hike Sunday morning under the leadership of their assistant guardian, Miss Sara Toubes. Junior Hadassah held a mothers' and daughters' bridge party Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center. The proceeds will be sent to relieve suffering in Palestine.
Boy Scout Troops 39 and 61 held a farewell party for their scout-master, Mr. Ray Staples, Tuesday evening, at Miss Irene Adelson entertained the the Jewish Community Center. The Bluebirds" at her home Sunday. evening was spent in playing games Miss Helen Altschuler of Omaha was after which refreshments were served. an out-of-town guest. Mrs. J. Leibson died Tuesday, May The Hebrew Educational Society 9, at the Mercy hospital after a short gave a dance at the Xvre Club Rooms illness. Sunday evening. Mr. Ike Younker of Keokuk spent a The Menorah Society held a picnic few days in this city last week. at Epworth Lake Park Sunday. Mrs. Walter Levy of Dubuque is Mr. and Mrs. A,: Altschuler, Helen visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Altschuler, and Messrs. Ben and Sam Hahn. Theodore, of Omaha;' motored to LinThe Jewish Mothers' Alliance held coln Saturday.. -=***,.• a card party Tuesday afternoon at Miss Ruth Zolat^ entertained at a theatre party Saturday in honor of WANTEDL-A girl or Miss Anne Fanger who is the guest middle-aged woman to of Miss Sara Krechefsky. Saturday take care of Kosher Jewevening Miss BernfiSe Diamond enterish home out of town. tained twelve coupjea' at a dancing Call Harney 4161 or party in honor of \MiSs Fanger, and Harney 1139. Sunday Miss Sara Krechefsky gave
Upholstering, Furniture Repairing, Overstuffed Furniture Made to Order AXT STTLE MATERIALS, VALOURS. MOHAIR. TAPESTHT.
Tel. Webster 2224
haveattended or expect to attend the opera interpretations will be invited to the play, which will be given in costume. Those who wish to try for the parts are asked to phone Mrs. Strauss Drake 1131, Wednesday. The Des Moines Garden club sponsored a tulip show on Thursday afternoon from 3 to 8 o'clock at the homes of Mrs. Meyer Rosenfield and Mrs. Henrietta Pfeifer on Thirty-seventh, south of Grand. The two gardens have some of the finest specimens of tulips in the city and in addition there is a great lilac hedge as a background for the tulip bed. The lilacs are all in bloom at this time. The Garden club members acted as hostesses. Cut flowers were arranged in groups in the solarium. 3. J. FRIEDMAN. Atty., 320 Omha Rational Bank Building. NOTICE OP ADMrXISTKATIOX. In the County Court of Douglas Count;, Nebraska. In thp matter of the estate of Lou McGurdjr Peteraon. dpopnsed. All persons interested in snid estate are hereby notified thnt n petition hns been filed in Rnid Court nllpcins that snid desensed died lenvinjr no last will and praymK for administration upon his estate niid thato rn henrinir vill be hnd on said petition £t e Fnl( ' r(>"tt on the 10th day of June, 1022. and that if they fnil to nppenr at snid Conrt on the Bnid 10th day of June, 19S2 M 9 oVlock A. M., to contest the said petition the Court may prnnt the same and prant ndminidtrntion of said estate to John J. Peterson, or some other suitable person and proceed to n settlement thereor T.RVCE CRAAVFORD. County Judge. J. J. FRIEDMAN, Atty., 302 Omaha National Bank Building. Xotlte of Administration. In the County Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. In the matter ot the Estate of Cbasa Samuelson, Deceased : All persons interested in said estate are hereby notitied that n petition lias been Hied in said Court alleging thnt snia decensed, died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon her estate, and that n hearing will be had on Said petition before court on the ISth Hay ot May. 1922, and thnt if they fail »o noDenr at said Court on the said 13th day of May, 1*22. at 9 o'clock A. M* to contest the gaid petition, thp. Court Jnny grnnt the same and prant administration of sntd estate to Julius Pamuelson. or tome other suitable person and proceed to a settle' ment thereof. BRTCE CRA\TFORD. 4-20-4t County Judge.
WANTED—Orthodox Jewish Women as matron and cook at Jewish Old People's Home. Gall Ha. 3074, Mrs. S. Ravitz.
"Reckless Youth," starring Elaine Hammerstein, the photoplay attraction at the Sun Theatre, starting Sunday, is from a story by Cosmo Hamilton. This bare announcement will be sufficient to describe the nature of the photoplay to most people who attend the theatre or are in the habit of reading-current fiction. Cosmo F-amilton is a great 8iu<lent of present-day social conditions. What he has to say in his books, plays or interviews concerning the troubles and near-troubles of married folks is constanly making the front pages" of the daily newspapers. His remedies sometimes approach the spectacular, as .witness his. recent advice that the ideal • married state would be o.v» in which husband an-i wife occupied separate houses. jlie "Reckless Youth" story, like most other things wn'.ch Mr. Hamiftt-n has wntten is a frank examination and dinmssion of the intim«%e affairs oia;g;ri who h*s a somewhat convential, but entirely* unjustifiaJ, •Uea of the married state and creal«js no end of trouble in following her ide&s. In producirg the story on the pin tore screen the Selznick. company is said to have taken advantage of the many opportunities : presented to clothe it in vivid -action. A particularly realistic scene shows the collision of a private yacht with an : ocean liner.
Keren Hayesod Campaign Subscribers to the Keren Hayesod Campaign are asked to mail their checks to Dr. A. Greenberg, 434 Brandeis Theater Building. The National Headquarters are asking for more money immediately. Let us keep our promises. A complete list of the names of subscribers and the amount they have paid will be published in the "Jewish Press" within a short time.
ANNOUNCEMENT Rev. E. Fleishman "THE MOHL" Moved into his new home at 1342 So. 25th Street, Corner of Woolworth Avenue. Tel Atlantic 6637.
Butf H. Laplflot, Pret.-Ttet*. tot. Pepper,. VJce-Prewaent. W, O. TJre, Secretary.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
We occopj *ter 70,000 cauare feet BaaUnrest Corner EIeT«nth and Uonsla* Streeti. Phene: Jackson S724 OMAHA.
Kosher Cafe at 316 So. 15th St., will serve all kinds of vegetable meals, and also dairy meals.
I *We Buy and Sell
T'S just a step from winter to summer in this latitude, and every man wants comfprfcr--must have it. It's Gf eater Nebraska's business to be ready for your demands. That's why you find here today.
The West's Supreme Showing of
Spring and Summer Suits For Men and Young Men
H. Marks--jt*. Levinson are proprietors of the
UP-TO-DATE Kosher Neat Market 1552 North 20th Street. Phone Webster 2196
Room 6 and 7, Rogers Bldg., Council Bluffe, Tows ' •' Telephone 4946.
ai Ban
HI * * •
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922 1 ENGAGED. Mr. and' Mrs. A. Herzberg are inKinriey Shoe company piled up a ning was spent in playing cards, j left Wednesday for an extended trip art of dog driving, besides engaging score of 6 to 4, with the Y team at Prizes were won by Mrs. L. Rroloffjto Schuyler, Nebr., where she will in fights with wolves, The engagement of Miss Jane Excelsior Springs, Mo. l T T ~ - : i —•"• - and — JMrs. "—J. —•-•"— — , Woolfson, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Mrs. Lew Sommers will entertain the low end of the score. Konecky, and Mr. L. Bernstein. Twenty-eight visit with- " Mr. Lafsky. These actors were John Gilbe' S B * ace of the Y piching staff, struck guests were present, Mrs. Rosenberg i.O. Woolfson, to Mr. David Finkel, tomorrow and Saturday at her home who-plays the leading part of Da Mrs. H. E. Nathnson will entertain son of Mr. and Mrs: J. Finkel, of this at one o'clock luncheons followed by out fourteen men and allowed but was presented with a sterling cake Fielding, and William V. Mong Friday evening at her home for four hits, but errors by his team- knife. city, has been announced during the bridge. the faithful secretary who takes I twelve guests in honor of Miss mates were costly. past week. No definite date has been Fielding to Alaska in search of hi Mr. Nathan Kesselman left Sunday I Eugene Dennis, "The Wonder Girl." The Y team will play the fast Miss Annette Pizer, who -will be- set for the wedding. The Junior Welfare Organization husband when a hideous misapprc on a buying trip to Chicago. come-the bride of Mr. Reuben Brown, held its last regular meeting yester- Social Settlement team Sunday afterMrs. Boriss Cohan, of Chicago, ar- hension drives him to separate hin of Council Bluffs, la., on May 25, has Mr. N. S. Yaffee left yesterday for day evening a t the Jewish Commun- noon at Fort Omaha at 1:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershon, of Wa- rived Friday morning with Mrs. R.self from civilised society. Dori been honor guest at many entertain- Philadelphia as a delegate of the ity Center. The club disbanded for hoo, Nebr^ announce the birth of a j Mushkin, who was visiting her. Mrs.Pawn as Mrs. Fielding, occupyin ments given during the past several local Jewish organizations to the the the summer. daughter born on Wednesday at the CC oo hh aa nn ^ ^ ^ t h h e rb r o t h e r j M r . one of the dog sleds, played a pa« weeks. Mrs. L Berkowitz entertained American Jewish Congress. After the sive part, but one by no means fre Mercy Hospital. H a r r y K u b b y a n d ^ ^a n d h e r H a r r y K u b b ya n d Miss Mamie Silverman, of Dallas, at a linen shower for twenty-four meeting of Congress, which is set from danger. Miss Eugene Dennis "the wonder a n d a u n t - M r -a n d M r s guests. Mrs. Abe Feltenstein enter- for Sunday, May 21, Mr. Yaffee will Texas, is the house guest of her Miss Reva Gilinsky, daughter of girl," of Kansas City, was the guest tained last -week at a dinner party. go to Boston and New York City to cousin, Miss Ruth Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky, has chosen, of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harding during j Driving half-wild malemute dogs, Miss Esther Newman entertained last visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lustgarten have Sunday, June 11, as the date for her her engagement here, ANNOUNCEMENT with a strong strain of -wolf in them Saturday evening at a "kitchen showas their house guest, Miss Rose Sha- wedding to- Mr. Philip Sherman. resulting from deliberate' breeding The Mesdames Morton Marcus and Fellow Zionists of Omaha er" at -which thirty guests were presMrs. Charles enter- f o r endurance in pulling heavy sleds piro, of Chicago, HI. Miss Shapiro Many affairs are being planned for iiars. v a r i e s Saltzman aaitzman will will enterDistrict. ent. Mrs. B. Greenblatt entertained Jay Wright will entertain next Wed- will remain indefinitely. tain her afternoon club Thursday, a t h i g h s p e e d o v e r ^ ^ d i s t a n c e > i s Miss Gilinsky. On last Thursday afnesday at a one o'clock luncheon folat a theatre party. Last Sunday afwill be a special important May 25. no simple task, even for the skilled There Mrs. L. Altaian and daughter, ternoon Mrs. S. C. Freiden entermeeting on Tuesday evening. May ternoon Mrs. C. Canfield entertained lowed by bridge at the Burgess-Nash tained the afternoon card club in her Mr. Lew Cornbleth left Monday for "musher" of Alaska. Far more dif- 23rd, at the Jewish Community at a miscellaneous shower at the Val- Tea Booms in honor of Miss Mollye Blanche, will leave Sunday for Calihonor and on Sunday afternoon Miss Hollywood, California, his former ficult is it for motion picture actors, Center. 19th and Farnam Sts. All Corby, who is to be a June bride, and fornia for an indennitte stay. ley of Sweets. Mrs. D. Strauss enS'Reva Snyder will entertain at home, to remain several weeks. Up- no matter how well drilled they may th€ members of this district are Mrs. Al Hoffman, of Kansas City, urged to be present at this meettertained at a theatre party WednesMiss Bernice Kulakofsky, who hasbridge party at her home for twelve on his return to Council Bluffs he be in many difficult activities* Mo. Covers will be laid for twentying. Do not fail to attend. day afternoon for six guests. Mrs. been attending the University of Two actors in "Shame," the specBy order of to Miss Gilins- will enter in business. Jour guests J. B. Robinson was hostess Thursday California at Berkeley, will arrive in tacular William Fox special at the J. J. FREIDMAN, Pres. evening at her home, and on Sunday! Miss Lottie Hirschberg will enter- Omaha Saturday, to spend the sumMr. and Mrs. H. Kramer are nowMoon Theatre, starting Saturday, H. J. MILLER, Secretary. afternoon Miss Bertie Brown will en- tain twenty guests in the Palm Room mer vacation with her parents, Mr. The evening card club met Tuesday living in the Oakland Apartments. were obliged to learn the difficult tertain at a miscellaneous shower and of the Fontenelle Hotel Sunday af- and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosenberg, and' bridge. S. Snyder. ternoon at a luncheon and bridge H. D. Rosenberg, of Hastings, Nebr., The Daughters of Israel Aid party in honor of the three- June Mrs. A. Gilinsky and daughters, will leave May "27, for Europe to see ...FOR... Miss Sylvia Fox, of New York brides-to-be, the Misses Mollye Cor- Society will hold a regular meeting Reva and Jeannette and Mr. and Mrs. their parents whom they haven't City, who has been making her home by, Sylvia Kulakofsky, and Jeannette next Tuesday, May 23, at the JewANNE SELICOW IVA SIEGEL DIAMONDS, JEWELRY in Omaha for the past two years Shames. AND ish Old Peoples Home, 2504 Charles Maurice Gilinsky returned Tuesday seen for twenty years. They will refrom a motor trip to Allen, Nebr. main for about three months and will with her sister, Mrs. B. Ross, at St. SPECIAL PLATINUM visit in all the large cities of Europe. A son, Irving Joseph, was born to 3028 Davenport St., plans to leave DESIGNING Mr. Abe Topkis of Wilmington, YOUNG JUDEAE NEWS. within the next ten days for an ex-Mr. and Mrs. Reuben; Harris on Del., who has been visiting with Mr. A son wag born to Mr. and Mrs. see At the regular meeting of the tended stay in California, and then Wednesday, May 10, at the Fenger MIMEOGRAPHING Arthur Snyder, left for his hom« last M. Fanarow last Tuesday. Young Judeae Senior Club held at Hospital. she will return to her home in New CIRCULARS the Jewish Community Center Sun- week. York City.' On her way to California Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky are Diamond and Platinum Mrs. Charles Redman, and son, Le-day, arrangements for a hike that PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS Miss Fox. will stop in Denver and The evening card club met Wednes- now in their new home at 750 AveSpecialists land Alvin, of Ottumwa, Iowa, who will be given Sunday, May 21, were Salt Lake City for a short stay. day evening at the home of Mr. and nue D. 1514 Dodge Street. Phone 301 Peters has been visiting with her parents made. The members will meet at the Established 1894. DO netaa 6010. Mrs. P. Saks. ATlantic 8610. Trust Bid*. Mr. and Mrs. A. White, for the past Jewish Community Center at eight Mrs. H. B. Weinstein left this week Mrs. Sidney Lewis and daughter Mr. and Mrs. S. Gross motored to to visit her mother, Mrs. Max Rubin, several weeks, left Sunday for hero'clock. home. Excelsior Springs Sunday. Mrs. and sister, Rose, in Davenport, Iowa. At the last meeting of the Flowers Gross wHl remain for several weeks. After a short stay there she will go Mrs. Ed. Treller and Mrs. Cora to Chicago to visit relatives. She Wolf entertained yesterday at a of Zion, the Hatikvoh girls were in- Mr. Gross returned this week. "will spend about a week there and luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms vited to witness the program which was as follows "A Prophecy" by El- Messrs. Sam Steinberg-, Harry and then she will leave for Boonsville, for several out-of-town guests. sie Hurwitch, of the Hatikvoh girls. Will Cherniss motored to Chicago Missouri, to attend the commenceSeveral songs were given by Anna last week. ment exercise in which L her son, Os- Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. White i: i car, who will complete his course at have taken an apartment at the Pittler; a piano solo by Susie Lezak; A surprise was given by the "AfE make it a rule to satisfy our clients so they in turn can | Vivian Stien, danced; and Dinah JTemper Military Academy May 29. Theodore Terrace. ternoon Club" to Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein read a prophecy. tell others. |j Rosenberg Monday evening. The eveMrs. Morris Ferer, and son, Robert Mrs. Arthur Symons is visiting her YM & YWHA NEWS. Irving, are leaving for California t o aunt at Keokut, Illinois. E court constructive suggestions and criticism for the benefit | visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Leaders Training group will Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop -.r. of the service, we endeavor to render. [I! Mrs. S. Kriselman returned Sunday H. Smookler. They will be gone fo meet at the Jewish Community Phono 104. Center Saturday, and will be ad••• after a weeks stay in Rochester, several months. Ihe Beit of Everything In Flowers and dressed by a prominent social worker. Minnesota. 1 May We Serve You in MAY? Confections «t Moderate Prices. The Mesdames I. Rosenthal and MS W. Broadway. Next Ubortr Theater. Efforts are being made to secure Sol Goldstrom entertained Thursday 582 Saundors-Kennedy Bldg. Mrs. S. Rachman and daughter COUNCIL BLOFF8. IOWA. Mr. Maurice Block to conduct the Anne left Sunday for Excelsior for several out-of-town visitors. Phone ATUtrtic 3160. art class, for membership in which Springs to remain for several weeks. Mrs. Joe Herzberg, of Fort Dodge, fifteen applications have already been "INSURANCE A N D BONDS I NALLITS BRANCHES." U: Mr. and Mrs. H. White and family Iowa, is visiting with Mrs. Dave made. •nHHUHUnnnH:n>:n!H::n:i:-:n!i:»m:iH!i:n:i::::iH:nU:::H:::n:iii:nnii!i will arrive next week from Holly- Stein. She will remain for several The regular meeting of the YM wood, California, to visit with Mrs. weeks. Mrs. Stein entertained last White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Thursday at the Brandeis Tea Rooms and the YWHA -was held Monday at a one o'clock luncheon followed by evening at the Jewish Community Fere!. Many entertainments are bebridge in honor of her guest. Center. Plans are being made for a ing planned in their honor. picnic which win be given on SunMiss Stella Trochtenberg -will be day, June 4. The Ru-Na club provided Miss Nettie Lewis entertained at a STARTS SATURDAY surprise rparty Sunday evening at her hostess to the Ra Oth Society Tues- the program for the evening, which home in^honor of Miss Fannie Finkel. day evening, May 23, at 7:30 p. m.consisted of a recitation by Bessie Fourteen couples were present. Priz- at Phelps Hut. Flax and several*dance numbers by es were-won by Miss Fanny RosenMr. and Mrs. A. Finkenstein, and Sophye Rosenstein and Lillie Haykin. berg, and Mr. Jack Flejshman* son, left Sunday for an extended stay Rabbi M. N. Taxon gave an address. Mrs. Philip Nathan, and daughter, in Excelsior Springs, Mo. The Ru-Na club will give a hike The Picture with Esther, left Saturday for St. Joseph, Mr. and M*s. A. Jacobsen announce Sunday for its members. and Excelsior Springs, Mo., to spend the birth of a son born at the St. At a meeting of the B'nai B'rith several weeks. and Joseph Hospital Tuesday. juniors held last week at the Jewish •2 Miss Dorothy Singer was hostess Mrs. J. ArMn had as her house Community Center, election of ofto the members of the "L. T." So-guests last Week her mother, Mrs. ficers took place, which resulted in ciety last Sunday at her home. Prizes M. Brodkey, of Sioux City, la., andthe following being elected: Hershel were "won by the Misses Marion Co- her aant Mrs. J. Goodsite, also of Soskrn, mayor; Hymie Goldman, vicehen and Dorothy Singer. The next Sioux City. mayor; Philip Mandel, secretary; meeting will be held at the home of Morris Falk, treasurer; Joseph Silver,The Misses Miriam Ruback and reporter; lsadore Weiner and Jacob M3ss Ida Shapiro. Faye Klein entertained at a bunco Stoler, sergeant-at-arms. Mrsi'Davc Redman, of Ottumwa, party for six couples last Sunday la., and son, Alvin, are visiting-.for evening- at the home of the former. BASEBALL. several' weeks with Mrs. Redman's The YMHA baseball team met its Mr. and Mrs. A Richards announce parents; Mr. and Mrs. L. Segelman. second defeat of the season when the the birth of a son, Yale, born last 1 Miss -Sarah Weiner has as HerSaturday, at their home. house -.guest Miss Sara Rosen, of Mrs. L. Rosenthal and daughter, Portland, Oregon. Many- entertainBelle, left Saturday for a short stay ments are being planned in honor of in southern California. They will Miss Rosen. first go to Los Angeles. With Miss^Selda Brown returned SaturFIRST CLASS WORK. Mr. Nate Earpin, who for three "day from Kansas City after spending ELAINE ' Epic of Romance REASONABLE PRICES. years has been manager of the Panor severaf'weeks with her aunt, Mrs. HAHHERSTEDi Sam Harding. Miss Brown -will leave Shoe company in Lincoln, has been From the Story sometimes this week to spend several appointed to act as general manager of the Panor Shoe store in Omaha. by weeks with her sister, Mrs. Sam J. RICKLIN Cosmo Hamilton. Block, "of Fremont, Nebraska. Call Webster 6270 The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Mniund Mrs. Irving E. Cassmait will hold their election of officers have taken an apartment at the Ra-Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. leigh. K * Miss Martye Weinstein won first Rabbi Frederick Cohn will lecture on G. Bernard Shaw's play and book prize by originating a school yell at called'"'Sack to Methuselah" Friday Ames college for the annual May evening. On Saturday morning his Festival held there. She also gave subject will be "On the Mountain a solo dance at the May Festival. Top." i Miss Jeannie Shanholt, of New Miss,Ann Fanger returned Wednfis-; York City, arrived this week to spend day from Lincoln after spending a the summer months visiting with her week jhere as the house guest of Miss sister, Mrs. H. S. Kamen. Sara Xrechefsky. Miss Fanger was extensively entertained while in LinF O R RENT—To young coln. T married couple or two
Social, Club and Religious Activities
AAA Duplicating Co-
The Halastock Jewelry Co.
5 l~
The tire mileage is unusually
Big Double Program
Paperfaanjiag, Piintifig and Varnishing Repairing Plaster Work
"Reckless Youth"
Martin Johnson's
Estimates Furnished Carefully
A concert and package party will be given by the Ladies' Labor Lyceum club Sunday, May 21, at 7:30 p. m., at Twenty-first and Cuming. Mrs; Joe Kaplan of Missouri Valley, I £ , formerly of Omaha, was operated at the Wise Memorial Hospital this-"week >__ Over sixty couples attended tiie dance given by the Omaha Junior Hadassah at the Blackstone Hotel, Monday evening, May 16. Balloons ltrffledai
girls, several furnished rooms. Owner willing to share the home. „ Call at 2045 North 19th* Street.
Chiropodist and Beauty Shop
Established ISOO (5th and Harnry Street*. Douglas 1333
c Car, 1085.00; Rotitttt. $880.00! $1^95.00; Conp*. ^1,410.00; £ Car, Str*et Buitatai Cir, f9TQ,00. t)Et,iVEftED I N
J. Zangvell and W. Crade Prop.
OXAHA7JTEB.N Oaraer at Z8<>> 8* • fiaraer 0123-
33-33 IN..HH St.
Phone WEbster 1 0 8 ? - 1521 No. 19th S t •"• *****
tiouirciE BLUFFS,
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THURSDAY, MAY 18,4922 IIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllll^JllllllillllliilHIIflU
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giiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiim dustries the Jew did not go, and no' industries have brought more discord into our national life. God alone knows how many anarchists were created in the miserable working conTelephone / REPLY OF RABBI RUDOLF I. COFFEE, MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARfti^TS C>N Office ditions in steel furnaces and coal Jackson 0268 ' 209 South 18th Street TEMPLE SINAI, OAKLAND, CALIF., TO ARTICLES NEAfiBY COMMUNITIES mines. Look at West Virginia toWRITTEN-BY W. H. SMYTH, EDITOR OF day, a disgrace to civilized times. CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESV* Tl .- THE "BERKELEY GAZETTE". Now, turn to the clothing industry, P. MELCRIORS & SON where the Jew has worked marvels. MACHINE WORKS J There is nothing personal in this in Nevada, where I have no figures, Twenty-five years ago, the secondIndustrial and Automotive Machinist*. INVESTMENT SECURITIES letter. Nor are these lines a criticism there are Jewish fanners in every hand store was seen in every city. Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantiv 9555. Starter Bin* Gran for Auto Fly Wheel* of Mir. Smyth for any of his recent state of the Union* The story of Today, it has almost disappeared, 417 Sooth ISth Street. writings. Rather shall I seek to point with all its dangers to health and Jews taking, over the non-productive Telephone! Jackson U80 ' ' 1418 J)ouclns 8k Tel. Jackson Sin out certain fallacies which are held farms of the thrifty Yankee farmers progress. "The needle of the Russian by many people in this and other in the southern tier of Connecticut Jew has revolutionized the clothing communities concerning Jews and counties, deserves wide publicity. It industry." For a nominal price, evY o u r position is DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT Judaism, Persons who are otherwise proves that after 2,000 years of ex- ery one can buy a new suit or a new correct, and should COMPANY. well educated, are harboring: miscon- ile from the soil, we still have the dress. Instead of grinding and opbe s u p p o r t e d by UNDERTAKERS B1BMAKCKS, CAKE AMD 8CGAK BRAND ception which should long ago have native instinct for farming. Travel pressive steel corporations, the largDOUGHNUTS OUR 8PECIAI/EY. every fair minded been utterly cast aside. MOVED TO to Petaluma, in our own state, and est cloth factories have bonus plans We Deliver the Real Goods. Mr. Smiyth writes at considerable see what Jews have done to the''egg for their workers and allow their emperson. SS34 CDUDIO STREET. "•"" Phone Webster QMS length trying to prove that Jews are industry. I met a dozen fine and ployes to share "in the profit. Into % wanderers. Granted at once, Jews sturdy Jewish students in Fresno last his business relations, the Jew brings have been wandering and homeless. summer, who intended returning to a heart of flesh. Steel operators But why? Because Christians have Palestine after they had acquired the have a heart of 6teel and coal opera• • • OX • • • i been so very un-Christian in their technique of farming along scientific tors a heart of stone. WHOLESALE GROCERS conduct as to drive us fronv pillar to lines. Take Aaron Aaronson, that The trouble is, too many people Hoffmann Funeral Home. \i Phone Jackson 1302 post for the greater part of-the past wonderful type of the new Jew in still .believe Shakespeare's definition sixteen centuries.'If professing Chris- Palestine^ who discovered the of the Jew. Others are accepting tians force people into exile, why Bible wheat and-has shown us how statements of ''Judaism which were blame the latter for wandering? And to add tremendously to the sum total written centuries ago by anti-Semites Visit Our ; to trace this trait back to. Abram-^- of wheat crops* President Roosevelt and apostate • Jews. The misconcep- I (PALMER GRADUATE) later Abraham—in the Bible is only called him to the White House for tions about the Jews would be ludi-' VUlllVl llXl V I Wit to strengthen the above point, since a two-hour talk. Alas, that he should crous, were they not so tragic in I Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 Do away with drudgery and make Abram left his father's home because have been killed near Brussels two their power for harm. "Rich as a, house-work a pleasure by the use he will no longer submit to idolatry. years ago in an airship. Give the Jew" is almost a proverb in every- i •• » W i t h T o u r ' Order l o r of modern electrical appliances. We have wandered the world over, Jew a chance, and he deserts the day conversation, yet the richest men ANYTHING' < ' The "Electric Shop" is on the almost, because we preferred exile, slums and the big cities as quickly in America are all non-Jews. Who HOLCOMB FOOD CHEMICAL IN THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric buildprison, the stake and homelessness to as he can.. . owns the railroads, the steamships, ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth k PRODUCTS CO., INC. surrender of our faith. ' Instead of the telephone companies, the telePAPER LINE The Jew^ is accused of never underand Farnam streets. Blanntaetnrera «t thanking the Jew for having borne taking any heavy labor. Surely not graph companies, the street car lines FOODS AND CHEMICALS. the torch of religious Jight and edu-in the past How could he? Living and the public utilities? I cannot FLAVORING EXTRACTS. cation through all ages, even to acPhone Douglas .6109 for centuries in miserable ghettoes, think of a Jewish name in these con918 N. 16th St. Phone Atlantic 4964 THE BEST cepting exile for its possession, we thanks to the cruel edicts of those nections. Instead of the rich Jews, • are blamed for never setting in one professing the religion of Jesus the there are thousands of Jews in every | land. NORTHWEST READY Jew, the Teal followers of Jesus were big American city who are but Well, we now have a homeland, denied every advantage which would sligrhtly removed from the bread line ROOFING CO. thank God. Blessed America shelters have permitted them to develop phys- of want. Ready Roofing over old shingles. Also asphalt shingles and build-np us with warmth and love. How many ical strength. First, we are . preroofs. Fire resisting and durable. Too many respected Gentiles still Douglas 1862 AU work guaranteed. Easy terms. Jews are leaving America? Save for vented from gaining physique to do hold us responsible for having killed STEINER ELECTRIC Phone Harner tSl* a. mere handful, who wish to aid in heavy work and then we arc blamed their Lord. They forget that Jesus Office and Warehouse: SVtt I<eavenwortl> MEAT CHOPPER. rebuilding Palestine, and too neglible because we do no manual labor. This was a Jew by birth and all his life CbFPEE MILL. to mention, no Jew is_ thinking of argument' in blessed America is also professed • the ' Jewish religion. He leaving for his old home. Italians • falling away. The Jew is entering was tried before a Roman court and SCALES OF: A L t Greeks, Poles, Slovaks and foreigners into every-trade and industry. He is put to death by the Roman governMANCTACTX'KEKS. MAKES' EOR SAliE. . • from nearly every land in Europe are raotorman and policeman, he is mail ment, for crucifixion was a Roman MEY-MER-CO. Brand returning to their native hearths. carrier and - carpenter. He is hotel and not a Jewish form of punishment. ,51tl.South 10th Street. Beverages and Syrups. How many Jews are leaving Ameri- porter- and bootblack as well as Despite all this, we are still the ^Phone. Jackson 3332.319-321 So. 14th M , Omaha. Kebr. ca? Now, the pilgrimage of the Jew banker andrmerchant. Leave the Jew "Christ-killers" of the world. We Phone Atlantic 5889 as a wanderer is ended. alone and he becomes, in many re- receive no credit for having given "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Iten Just one additional, word on this spects, just like his neighbor. But, Jesus to mankind; only insult and and bay them, at subject. When Abraham wandered, just as long as there are people to death for continuing the religion he s Biscuit Co. as,,the Bible states, it adds that "he single himubut for attack, and accuse lived. But suppose that certain inSNOW WHITE AC that the name built there an altar to the Lord." him of the very things which per- dividual Jews put Jesus to death,' implies. 319 South 16th Street. BAKERIES Every place Abraham visited on his 1secutions have made him, just that Which they did not. Why blame all I CAM. Phone Douglas 3400. (Ke». tT. 8. Fat. journeys was the better for that long will ;h&; be apart from others the Jews of all | g e s for it? Who Office.) Do«gks 6887 916 N. 16th St. m ATLANTIC 4522 visit. And every land, where the and "a peculiar nation." thinks of blaming the wonderful Proj Jew has lived, was benefited by that , -TR1' SUIO>GBEN,'8 j Does America need the Jew? I testant religion because one of its Nutritious HdrnVMad* stay. Look at Spain since her driv- say most positively, "yes." We are members killed the immortal AbraELECTRICAL FIXTURES ing forth the Jewish population.! now in the- midst of a most colossal ham. Lincoln? Who is so foolish as APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES On August 2, 1492, the Jews were; and shockingly stupid • coal strike. to hold the whole Catholic church Equipped with Pulmotor. Made by 'Sealed* to Sariftary Waxed Wrapper at Tour Grocer. expelled from Spain, one day before j There is absolutely no excuse for it. responsible for the death of the sweet - All Calls Answered Promptly. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST IXECTKICAt Co\umbus set forth to discover aj Were the lamented T. R. in the William McKinley because one of its FOOD CO. Sundgren Pie Baking Co. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN MERCHANDISE. 1511 Howard St. rhone Atlantic 0681 Western passage to the Indes. Then,' OMAHA, KEBK&SKA. «4th«and Hickory. ' Atlantic K41 White House, the insolent operators sons was the murderer? Yet, mil- Sill Farnam St. Phone Harner it was at the height of its power.! would ere* •• this have been called tolions of Jews have suffered, and this j Today, it is calling—but in vain—j account. The coal is the worst man- very day millions of Jews in Europe for Jews to settle and help rebuild aged industry in our land. The min-are living on the bounty of the AmerAmerican WHOLESALE that land. Poland is endeavoring t o ' ers are shamefully abused, and live ican Jews, because they prefer death Wet Wash Laundry ' Distributor* of repeat that stupid act, and has' in the most vile huts and hovels to surrender of the holy faith. Druggists and Stationers ,' 280S Cuming. Harney 0881 bounded her Jewish population with imaginable. • Having lived for nine .Western Band—and High Grade ««l-*0S-M5 South lOtn V . Mr. Editor, there -are two conflictOne Day Service. No Extra Stationery unspeakable harshness,- driving them years in Western Pennsylvania, I ing streams in American life, con- • Charges. Refinite Soft Water. OMAHA, KEBBASKA. away by the thousands. -Expel your speak from personal, observation. In tending for supremacy. One is in- j Jews and you invite national decay,' all my life, I have never seen a fluenced by Ford, the Ku Klux Klan I Why Buy Tin? would seem to be one lesson which' Jewish coal miner nor a Jewish coal and the like, stirring up religious LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. history teaches. j operator of any importance. If Jews, hates and bitterness. The other j PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. In Active Practice Sine* 1910. SATES SOD HONEY. -ndJ7th and Martha 8ts. Homey I66> It would take too long to relate the \with a little intelligence had directed stream is represented by a great j MID-STATES WHOLESALE roi manntactniers of Brass,' BroDse, Almslwonderful gains which our blessed the business end of coal, conditions University at Berkeley and other > num and Soft Gray Iron • Castings. GROCERS Office: Brandeis Theatre Building. Yon are assured of Bolt castings, as country has receivea" from Jewish im-; would not -today be so dangerous to kindred schools of learning which! 17th and Doagrlaa Streets. 1113-19 Dodse St. Jackson MM (we machine some from every heat In Fhone Atlantis 3836 migrants. Here is one Julius Rosen- the very existence of our govern- teach truth, "for through truth shall I our own shop. Standard size east Iron bushlnga in stock. . . • wald of Chicago gave $1,000,000 to ment. If you wish one illustration ' arrive at world "betterment. Those [ MAX OLSEN & CO. the War Relief Drive to aid those of mismanagement, where there are Americans ' who seek truth, should TIRES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES Jews who were suffering vfrom po- no Jews, look at coal. Wholesale Distributor* for give up their preconceived notions of groms and persecutions. His individSCHMIDT'S If you seek for another, where the Hews' and Judaism, as taught in j OVK TREATMENT WILL . ual' act set a new mark in philan- records are even worse, take steel. biased Sunday; Schools and by igWe carry n complete line of new CO2CFIXCE tOV OF OCR Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger ring: gears, pinions, axle shafts and > SINCERITY. thropy. There are many..Christians No Jew. is working at those over- norant preachers. Let them rather, springs for almost any make ot car. Ale, Hires Root Beer Trust Department. much richer than Bosenwald, but that' heated furnaces in< Pittsburgh. And follow the writings of that scholar SI. D. RICHMAN. Manager. Office s>nd Warehouse:. 917 So. Main St. | ' Safety Deposit Boxes. 1318-1330 Went Broadway, princly gift has been the means of- the steel magnates, such as Carnegie, and gentleman, Professor George F. j Telephone 143 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. COUNCIL BLUETS. IOWA. PHONE 444. encouraging'wealthier men to doj Friek, Schwab, Gary, and the rest, Moore,.whose recent writings in the' likewise. Another illustration is that have no Jewish partners. With what Harvard- Theological Review merit RATESof a man who spent * his early days result? This is the one instance in the widest attention. He thoroughly; Omaha Office: 81S Sowclaa Street. for space on this Special in San Francisco. Judge Julian W. the United States of a great-indus- riddles the polemic writings of Chris-j Omaha Thone Atlantic S566 Page given on application. Mack. It is impossible to estimate try which, has defied every effort to tian authors who penned most un-' Ford Transfer & Storage Co. 218 N. 16th St. the wonderful blessings he conferred unionize the laborers. The miners scientific and utterly untruthful facts Branches at Cental Market, R. A. FORD. Table Soppt? and Food Ceatoc. on America during the war. Going lost their fight in 1892 for unions, about the Jews for thealogical purPresident and General Manager. 482 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 Conndl Bluff's (Iowa) Office from camp to camp, he personally in- but the operators' candidate lost the poses. Yet, sad to state, these pa924 So. Ualn Street. Phone 80S terviewed thousands of conscientious presidential election that November. pers have for years been accepted objectors. A Jew, whose fathers have These steel magnates could beat their, as'historical truths. This breath ofi CLEAN LINEN 'for'centuries suffered every torture poor laborers, and have to this dayj fresh air from a great Christian and ] Aa Ideal Washing; Combination. Every morninr U yoo call the for the sake of conscience, is, pecu- kept them down. What would thej noble American will surely begin the Estes Laundry Tablets liarly fitted to grasp the;psychology country say if Judge Gary, the presi- downfall of Gerin*ra-made theological ...with... of the conscientious objector. Instead dent,' utterly indifferent to public doctrines which aimed more at JewEstes Soap Chips 181S California Street. of sending men to j»il by the dozens, opinion, .were a Jew? That industry baiting than truth. and Phone Don*las tsn Water Softener (Combined) Judge Mack secured the consent of Still continues the seven-day-a-week At all Grocers. many who'do not shoot to killf to en- schedule. What do these big "cap- The Jew has been the torch bearer of religion for hundreds of years. As < ' OUB MEW LOCATION list in the hospital division, '<*, work tains of industry" care for their Bishop Henry C. Potter of New^ Corner 19tb ond Douglas Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 Masonic Temple Bide. on the farms, or do some equally nec- hired help or humantiy ? You will like . . . f o r . . . York, just before his regretted pass- J " . —*—Onr Line essary war service which did not'disBALDWIN. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. Over against these pictures, it is ing on, so finely said "Every country; HOWARD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS. turb, their religious scruples. refreshing to.remember that Jewish gets the kind of Jews it deserves.") • PLATER PIANOS. The Jew is criticized because he is women in New York formed the first Bait and persecute us and we sacri-! BUTTER OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. THATCHER PIANO CO. a city dweller and does not settle in' labor union for the protection, of fice our noblest selves hi order toj — Made by — 2419 CnmloB St.,, Omaha. Nebraska. Phone Jackson 8066 the farm sections of America. There! womeni If ignorant men protest that defend our lives. But, grant unto u s ' is truth in this' But how can an im- Jews are not producers, we reply a chance to secure life, liberty and j Rates for Space on migrant, ignorant of our language that the ablest union labor leaders the pursuit of happiness and then the j DON'T BUY< COAL! this S p e c i a l Page settle away from those speaking his, are Jewish. Who led the fight in Jew will rise full statured, giving to Sherman Mercantile Co. OIL IS MOCH CHEAPER given on application. tongue ? He must temporarily, at Illinois for shorter hours for women America the very best flowerings of 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. T*t Os Remove the T»oor from Wholesale Growers Specialties Xonr Furnace and Insert a least, live among his own, and there- but Agnes Nestor? In New York, his historic soul. ATlantic 0346. ! 1511 Cumin* St. Phone Atlantic 1S47 UHJBRIDGE Ott VAPOR BURNER 483 Brandeis Bldr. Tel. Jackson *3TS fore takes up his residence in the Rose Schneiderman was leader. The DISTRIBUTORS large.'cities. However, an unwritten most respectful man among the union BeToemoMtratlon 016 So. IStb Street. JACK SFBAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Renew your subscription to "The chapter in our Jewish history is the workers in New York today is Sidney Omaha. Nebraska. A s c r i b e to "The Jewish Press". wonderful-exodus:to-the farms. Save Hillman. Into the coal and steel in- Jewish P~—" PATROKIZE OUR ADVERTISERS.
Rabbi Coffee'Answers W. H. Smyth
Leo A. Hoffmann
Groneweg & Schoentgen
The Brinn & Jensen "Electric Shop" Company
Dayton Money Weight Scales and Meat Slicers
Never Mercantile Co., Inc.
Baker Ice Machines
Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
Checker Cab
Ambulance Service
Granden Electric Co.
Carpenter Paper Co.
E. E.Bruce & Co.
Dr. Frances H. Turner
Council Bluffs Savings Bank
Nid-West Auto Parts Co.
Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables
N.W.C»r. Eleventh 1M Howard Sts.
Frontier Towel Supply
Steamship tickets
Kirschbraun & Sons
Jewish Press
-W' $ * ; > • " •
-•> V
s Extend a Cordial
Goniprising 59 Loclges in thgiStates of Illinois, North and South ©ajcota, Minnesota, 1%brasfeat; Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan, - the Provinces ^oi Quefeec and Mai^toba,i4n
. •
• ^
v ••1
- " These lodges made disbursements to various^ Jewish philanthropies- during 1921 amounting to $77,400. !} The district grand lodge disbursed during the year for Jewish philanthrophy $36,980. t.
357 European War Orphans have been adopted by the District and its 'constituent lods
$20,000 was paid to the Cleveland Orphan Home by the District Grand lodge, exclusive of donations rnade by individual lodges Other institutions and causes aided by the B'nai B'ritK lodges include, The National Jewish Consumptives* Hospital at Denver, The Leo N. LevrMemorial Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark.; European War Relief, Boys* Camps, Free Employment Agencies, Jewish Social Service, and local philanthropies in 57 communities.' ", zz s.
Disbursements of the Lodges in District No. 6 aged in 1921, $ 9 . f l lor Each Member in the District
v; •
Through : :,*- .-»* r 4 .
~ -.V.,, -:-'----^
-: %
* . i
^President Harding and Vice-President Coolidge Endorse Palestinian Movement ft.THt
Omahan Graduates from Missouri University Howard J; Gieen, Central High school graduate, "now of Kansas City, was graduated from the School of Business and Public Administration of the University of Missouri recently. Green gained many honors while at Missouri. He was a member of the varsity tennis ttam and played an important part in'University politics. He is a member of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.
President Harding Endorses Work of the B nai BYith
Canada Passes New Immigration Bill
. ;/. I a n Yery glad to express1 ny apyroral and hearty tyqpthy for the effort of the Palestine Toundatian Fund, In tehalf of the restoration of Palestine as & Homeland for the Jarteh people. I have always Tiered "with an Interest, vhleh I think 16 quite as nnoh practical as aanttaental, the proposal for the rehabilitation of Palestine, tod th» restoration of a real Jewish nationality, and X hope the" effort now feeing oarrled on In this and other countries In this tehalf nay meet . I ana fttllutjseuura of snooess. \
American Citizens Entering Canada Must Show that Their Labor or Service Is Required.
Very slnoerely.
Montreal. (J. T. A., May 22.) New immigration regulations virtually limiting immigration to Canada to farmers, agricultural laborers and domestic servants have been announced by the Department of Immigration today, become effective immediately. The chief characteristics of the new requirements are tests of fitness and occupations of the would-be immigrants, rather than the money test, which is abolished except for Asiatics. Farmers coming with enough money to settle on the land, agricultural laborers and domestic servants will'te admitted. The wife and family of present legal residents in Canada, able to care for them, are also to be admitted. British subjects, too, will have to satisfy the immigration authorities that they have sufficient means to maintain themselves before they are admitted. A new passport regulation requires that immigrants (except Britishers from he United QKingdom or any self-governing Dominion, and Americans from the United States), shall carry a passport issued in and by the Government of their own country. It is further provided that immigrants coming from the Continent of Europe shall have their passports examined and vised by •» Canadian Government Immigration Officer stationed on the Continent of Europe. All others requiring passports must have these passports vised by a British consular officer. It is provided that a fee of $5 is chargeable for Canadian examination and vise of passports. Asiatic immigration, except nationals of a country in regard to which there is in operation a special treaty agreement must have $250 to land in Canada.
"I hope that all America will catch the spirit of B'nai B'rith in campaigning against ignorance, intolerance and defamation, against all the movements aimed to rend the concord of American citizenship. Fraternity, helpfulness and service must be the abiding purpose of our people, and the compensations that come to this consciousness of helping one's fellowmen contribute more to the happiness of self than success, distinction and all the. other triumphs of life."—Warren G. Harding.
New "fork, Hay 24.7-Natkmal DENIES SUSPENSION OF EeadqttSrters of the Keren Hayeeod CATHOLIC PRIVILEGES n America, 50 Union Square,' New IN PALESTINE ifork, reports the receipt of a letter London. (J. T. A.) The assertion from President Harding endorsing made by the Catholic Patriarch Bar*,he Keren Hayesod and wishing it the by Dr. Rudolph I. Coffee Selected lassini of Jerusalem, in the course of •fullest measure of success^' SinralCalifornia Women's Clubs to his recent speech in Rome, that Cath!aneou*ly a letter has been received L~ad Fight. olic privileges in the Holy Land had :rom Vide < President Coolidge, likebeen suspended under the British Adwise expressing the hope that the Oakland, Calif.—Dr. Rudolph I. ministration, was categorically denied people of the United States will lend by Captain Wood, Assistant Secretary *:heir aid tb^ the plan of the rebuilding Coffee has been selected by the Califor the Colonies, who characterized knd preservation of the Jewish Home- fornia Federation of Women's Clubs to lead the fight for a new marriage the assertion as "untrue," expressing land, i law. surprise at so responsible a Catholic 1 Both these endorsements which' At the convention held in Berkeley dignitary making so unwarranted an lave aroused intense- satisfaction assertion. Mr. Woods also denied imong the* workers }8f the Keren by the Alemeda district of the clubs a resolution was adopted urging the that the Palestine Administration was tTayesdd, who are at present condactintroduction of a bill in the Caluorpartial to any race or creed. .ng large campaigns! ih--N#w^5fork, A Vatican notice published in "II -Philadelphia and other cities, arrived nia legislature compelling all persons Mondo," quoted in dispatches to Lonit a tuna when the first complete applying for marriage licenses to cerdon papers, declares that Patriarsh jtatenifent qf the receipts and expen- tify a clean bill of health. Barlassini's lecture, even if exaggerditures Of the Keren Hayesod, both Dr. Coffee, who is a rabbi of the ated, proves that "Zionism imperils ]n America and Palestine, was issued First Hebrew Congregation of Oakthe position of Catholocism in Pales' py_ Peter J. Schweitzer, chairman of land, addressed the convention and tine." Protestants in Rome and in :he National Administrative Commit- made a plea for eugenic education. In the course of his remarks, Rabbi London are also said to oppose a priviee. - i ' Goffee said, referring to the marriage ileged position for Zionists. • The message from Yice President laws: poolidge toithe Keren Hayesod'work"We are very careful of property RED SOLDIERS KILLED ODESSA ers reads as follows: ' rights, but neglect the most importRABBI, WITNESSES DECLARE. T "Thrtn1gh|thousands _of years the Riga (J. T. A.) — The inquiry Jewish people have preserved a sense ant of all,-human souls, and -what is '.'»f nationality" amid disintegrating in- infinitely worse, the unfit are perordered by the Soviet authorities into fluences grid a fine scholarship i pe- mitted to procreate their kind. the incident leading to the death of culiarly their own. They have conMarriages Made Easy. Rabbi Feinberg of Odessa has so far tributed to the economic success of "There is absolutely no law to preappeared to disclose that the Rabbi Svery country of which they have vent the unfit from marrying. In fell at the hands of Red Soldiers. |ieen a part, and at all times- they plain language, we are utterly indifIt is said that the soldiers, coming as ARABS SEEK INDIAN "iave Been earnest supporters of the ferent to the alarming increase of representatives of the Government to MOHAMMEDAN'S AID '•ause of liberty. The i proposed plan insanity in California, and take no confiscate the Synagogue treasures Y|urnisBed to the Jewish people an op- steps to curb it. There is a- movo to Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Su- for the famine sufferers appeared to preme Moslem Council of Terusalem —I ] ")ortunity to devote these great qual- abbreviate the Ten Commandments, want to steal the valuables. The "ties to tfie upbuilding grid; preserVa- but why omit all those important has decided to send a delegation to Rabbi is said to have attempted to 'don of their own Homeland and in words, which exactly explain venereal India. .The official explanation of prevent the theft, and was killed in Jheir owfl sphere, and lifeel sure that diseases that God "visits the sins of the aims is to collect mooney for the ;he peopU of the United States will the parents on the children to the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem, but the rioting that ensued between the lot fait to give that earnest and sub- third generation ?' I would have those it is understood that the delegation soldiers and the worshippers. stantial aid which will be necessary words burned into the soul of every has also political aims. It is supposed that the delegation will try to JEWISH CONGRESS IN FAR EAST f it is* id meet with a-full measure man about to marry. Chita (J. P. A.) — The organizaarouse public opinion in India for the ! "Why not deny parenthood to those anti-Zionist aims of the Arab popula- tion committee of the Jewish Condiseased parents whose offspring will tion in Palestine. gress has sent out circular instrucnever know a day of good health? tions to all Kehillahs in the east, IN PALESTINE Befdre, we thought ORGANIZE. g that a baby born ANTI-ZION CAMPAIGN IN ITALY. concerning the election of delegates (J. P. A') The Jewish blind was & Curse Of God. Now, we Rome. (J. T. A.) Your corre- to the Congress, and the manner of jvomeni of Palestine have organized a know that it is cursed in the. par- spondent learns that the Arabs have their election. The leading question central union of all Jewish women, for ents. Why hot deny parenthood alto- taken steps to develop a strong ant! pressing for consideration at the _J the purpose of safeguarding the poli- gether to unclean and unhealthy Zionist campaign in Italy. The "Os- convening of the Congress will be the tical gains made by woinen, and of souls? servatore Romano" started a special effectuation of national autonomy, helping1 them morally culturally, and Health Education Needed. column devoted to Zionism and Pal- which has been given to the Jewish "Visit the Court house of any coun- estine, the paper emphasizing that population in this land which was Ms baterially. The program: formulated nw !ind plans adopted are ambitious in- ty in California, and discover that the Balfour Declaration can be made formerly a part of Russia. deed, aild much of permanence is marriage is a very easy matter. If effective only by England using mili•we; jioped i6t from the activities and con- no legal barriers prevent, almost any tary force. The anti-Zionist attitudft SYNAGOGUE CONFISCATION ributidng of this new factor in" Pales- man and woman' over 2i years old taken by the Agudas Israel, the paper CAUSES TWO DEATHS ie may secure a wedding license. The declared, proves sufficiently that the Riga. (J. C. B.) Two persons couple are asked about their parents' Jewish people are opposed to /ion- were killed and four wounded in a residence, their occupation, age and ism. CORNfiJtSTONE FOR riot in a Minsk Synagogue following color, but not one single question TfliOLOGICAL SEMINARY 'BTtatlCAGO about their worthiness to be parents. The epileptic can marry, the tubercuChicago (J. T. A.) and the moron may join in unand ptrfions attended the ceremony lar holy wedlock. »f the laying of the cornerstone of he neWly established ..Hebrew Theo- "Bear in mind that nature produces 'after its kind;' Good and healthy ogical Seminary, an institution for souls, when mated, produce sound and Jabbis and teachers! AH • local Rabbis clean offspring, but the reverse is md leaders of Synagogues and insti- equally true. Why add to the-meotalutibns1 attended. ,?15»P00 was -raised ly unfit, the diseased and th4-degenn casft 6n the spot for the building erate in this state? Are not our ttxeVfieavy enough? "Let tHe wonjen Of California proSOCTAttST MAJORltt test against thli rieedTefes felly."Have ON R|GA COUNCIL every man and woman, seeking marRiga. (Jewish Preajp _Association.) riage, certify under, oajfch to their -At the last municipal elections, the good health. Let the be so ocialists swept the city, electing a- changed', and immediately, a campaign lear majority of the council over of education'will result." he opposition of all other parties. )f the Council men elected, 34 are JOURNALISTS IN PALESTINE Socialists, 17 are members of the FORM POLITICAL CLUB 3erroa« Party,, five are of the Na- Jerusalem. (J. P. A.) A political ional Jewish Party, and three rep- club, to include all Jewish journalists esent the* Russian Patriots* Party; permanently stationed here, has been Organized with the object of considering unitedly all questions of universal CANDY, CIGARS AND Jewish interest. This club will be TOBACCO Warsaw. (Jewish Press Associa- kept informed of all doings,-by the National Council of the Zionist organion)'—Jonah M. Zlotnick, rabbi of 411 So. 15th St. Phone Jackson 9832 >lotzk, one of the leading spirits in ization, serving as a medium and he Polish "Mizrachi" died last week. clearing house fDr all news of univerr sal interest. In addition to this the E <feath is' an irreparable loss to club will establish a reserve fund to "Mizrachi" movement to which care for the material interests of the li'Uftg contributed BO; touch of his Jewish journalists. _, - ' --
Rabbi Urges New
Marriage Laws
••' • • • - • .
B'nai B'rith Delegates
Baseball Headquarters
FREE-MASONS CALL FOR PEACE "BETWEEN ARAB AND JEW. Jerusalem. (Jewish P. A.) The vice-president of-the Egyptian FreeMasons came here, and issued a call in the name of the Grand Lodge of Egyptian Free-Masons, calling upon the Arabs and Jews of Palestine to live to-gether in peace, and co-operate in the endeavor of common service. Attention is called in this published statement to the examples of Canada and Switzerland, where diverse peoples and nationalities work to-gether for the common wealth of their fatherland. A special appeal is made to the Arabs for a tolerant and sympathetic attittude towards Jewish aspirations. Emphasis is laid upon the great capacities and talents of the Jewish people, and the desperate condition of the Jew in East-Europe. "In the name of humanity and the historic traditions and interests of the Arab," concludes the appeal, "do not regard with hostility the aims and aspirations of the Jew. Deprive not the land of Palestine, your common fatherland, of the Jews genius for organization and achievement."
an attempt by Jewish Soviet officials to "have entered the Synagogue during prayers, provoking the worshippers who tried to prevent them from carrying out the confiscation. Two of the worshippers were instantly killed, and four Communists seriously injured in the fight. JEWISH SOLDIERS ARRESTED AND FREED Jerusalem. (Jewish Press Association.)—All the Jewish soldiers in the ! English army stationed here were placed under arrest, but were freed J immediately. The arrest was made because they refused to obey orders for participation in a military parade held on Saturday, they giving as their excuse a promise alleged to have been made to them before their enlistment, to the effect that they shall be permitted to observe their sabbath rest. Two Jewish non-commissioned officers have been reduced to the ranks because of their insubordination.
ALBERT flNKEL DEFENDS HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP Jewish Youth Repeats Performance of Last Year—la Also City Champ. Albert Fin:el, 2533 North 20th St., successfully defended his Central High school tennis championship title by winning the final round of the High school tournament last week. Young Finkel has displayed an even better brand of racquet wielding this season than ever before. His games are being watched with much interest by local tennis sharks. He will defend his city junior tennis title at the annual junior tournament this summer. Finkel won last year's tournament after completing a hrH rchedule. He is paired with Leo Konecky in the doubles of the Central High school tournament. They have already reached the final round. When buying mention "The Jew. ish Press" advertisers.
Keren Hayesod Campaign Subscribers to the Keren Hayesod Campaign are asked to mail their checks to Dr. A. Greenberg, 434 Brandeis Theater Building. The National Headquarters are asking for more money immediately; Let us keep our promises. A complete list of the names of subscribers and the amount they have paid will be published in the "Jewish Press" within a short time.
"The Jewish Press" in every Jewish home in Omaha.
The Federal Railway Advertising Association Supplying Efficient Advertising for Merchants, Manufacturers and Distributors O m a h a Office; 479-81 Brandeis Bldg. Phone ATIantic 4 0 5 4 *~^: f-pHE FEDERAL RAILWAY ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION, takes I this means of announcing to the Working People, Merchants and "*• others of Omaha and vicinity that they have opened a branch office in this city and are now inaugurating a SAFE, SANE, LEGITIMATE and PRACTICAL SERVICE whereby they co-operate with MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS and DISTRIBUTORS in all lines of merchandise for the issuing and distribution of CARDS and CERTIFICATES to every family in GREATER OMAHA. These CERTIFICATES are VALUABLE and are redeemable at OUT office for
FREE TRANSPORTATION When returned to us we issue to the holder a CERTIFIED VOUCHER drawn on a Local National Bank, that can be used for the purchase of STREET CAR CHECtCS, tickets On any STEAM or ELECTRIC RAILROAD, INTERURBAN LINES, MOTOR BUSES, or for GASOLINE.
TAKE YOUR VACATION ON FREE TRANSPORTATION Almost everybody is planning a summer vacation, but the problem of transportation is most perplexing to some of them. We have solved the problem for you. By patronizing local firms who issue our Cards and Certificates, you can have them redeemed at any time at our office for FREE TRANSPORTATION anywhere.
BE THRIFTY, WISE AND PRUDENT Insist on the merchants with Whom you trade that they issue these Cards and Certificates. If your own merchant does not have them, just phone us and we will supply you with the names of firms representing us in GREATER OMAHA. These Cards and Certificates are far better than Trading Stamps or Premiums, because you may use them for something more valuable than mere trifles.
TO OMAHA MERCHANTS; It means dollars in your Cash Register to get In touch With us. Phone us today for informatioti and becom* a Subscriber for our SERVICE. It means NEW, MORE and PROFITABLE BUSINESS for you. Only one firm in each line can secure our SERVICE. Territory is rigidly restricted. Get busy immediately, as we are almost ready to publish the names of MERCHANTS who will issue our CARDS and CERTIFICATES to their patrons. . . .
A ROSE FOR BEAUTY A Story for Shabuoth—By Emma Ehrlich Levinger
Zebulun to come very soon," she called over her shoulder, for she feared that on the morrow a dreamer like her lover might go back to his studies and forget all about her. Nathaniel did not forget the night he gave Beauty her rose—at least for several years, for how can one expect a pious Jew and a great scholar always to act like a heathen poet? But Rachel remembered even after the rose Uaves had withered into dust and, her own daughters, only. a. little less beautiful than she had been in her youth, passed under the marriage canopy.
THE B'NAI B'RITH By Art Meyer. What does it mean for a man to be true Toward a cause that is ager old, When the rack and the stake have made him turn His metal to that of gold?
issued here, under the initiative Of REFUGEES TO BE EXPELLED well known Jewish scholars and comFROM BIALOSTOCK munal workers. Biftlostock. (J. P. A.) The police refusep. to extend the time for the JEWISH EDITOR SENTENCED local residence of the Ukrainian refuTO PRISON-AS. BOLSHEVIK gees, and is making all preprations to Wilna. (J. P. A.) Ghauvel, for- carry out the edict deporting all refmerly of the "Arbeiter Leben" was ugees,—^affecting about 100 Jewish sentenced to one and a half years' families. imprisonment" for propagating bolshe* A special delegate has been sent to vist ideas. The time spent in jail be- Warsaw, to interest the Jewish depu» fore trial, however, will be deducted ties of the Seim in the plight of the from his sentence, and he will be ob- unfortunate pogrom victihis, and to liged to serve "but seven months more seek a cancellation of the orders proof his sentence. mulgated by the police. Chauvel's attorney served notice of an appeal taken to .a court .of appelats JEWISH SOLDIER FALSELY appelate jurisdiction, succeeding in ACCUSED OF TREASON obtaining ChauvelV release on a bail Lemberg. (J. P. A.) Joseph Lib* bond of 1J million marks. zat, a Jewish eoldier, in the Polish Army was recently tried oh th* JEWISH 'BOARD OF HEALTH' IN charge of having preached bolshevism PALESTINE. to his fellow prisoners, when they Jerusalem. (J. P. A.) A Jewish were made captives by the Bolshevike. "board of heatlh" has been organized The process proved to toe a fare*. here, and the Zionist organization has There was no evidence whatever to appointed as its representatives oh warrant the serious charges made the board Drs. Zalotchisty of Berlin, against the soldier, and an acquittal and Drs. Zalkind and Kugeler of verdict was directed by the presiding justice. America.
What does it mean for a man to find (Copyright, 1922, by Elma Ehrlich considered little less than a sin, that the page over which Nathaniel leanA brother who understands, Levinger, all rights reserved.) Zebulun had no answer at all and left ed. A moment later she was gone, When a friend in need is a friend inbut the rose, breathing of spring and In the days when the name of him speechless with horror. deed Now it was Shabuoth again, which youth and sunshine, lay like a softly Rashi filled the heart of every pious And extends to you both his hands ? Jew in France with pride, the Ghetto f meant that springtime had come to flushing ruby upon the holy words. folk, although they walked in the> Le Mans, not only to the estates of What does it mean to have gone from Nathanial Keeps the Rose. x narrow ways of the towns, still found the nobles and the princes, where the home Rousing himself slowly from his -it possible to welcome the Festival of trees leaved and budded in the golden dreaming, Nathaniel picked up the To a city where all is new? Shabuoth as joyfully as a bridegroom sunshine, but to the Street of the flower. He looked at it curiously, To be able to enter a house where Jews also, where the children of greets his bride. They had forgotten each for he had been far too busy studythe clean smell of the open fields, Israel returned in spirit to the home- ing the word of God to learn to Is a brother to every Jew? but when the days of the former were land and dreamed of long ago love His handiwork. Another time Twenty-Seven Will Leave Central High—Majority to Attend Neover and Shabuoth brought spring- pilgrimages along the sun-warmed and he might have tossed it aside; It means that a man has learned at braska Next Year. time and hope, the exiled Jews greet- roads of Palestine. And Rachel, but he remembered that on Shabuoth ed j the holy day with rejoicing and opening the latticed window of her flowers and sweet-smelling grass and And this is not a myth— flowers and songT True, they no chamber, sang for sheer joy as she young trees are brought to the very Twenty-seven Jewish students will That the friend in need and the longer journeyed along the paths of looked out into the street below and altar and that a pious Jew may enjoy be graduated from the Central High friend indeed Is a brother call en Ben B'rith. .- Palestine, singing as they went, their listened to the twitter of the little their beauty. So he murmured the school in June. Of this number thirarms filled with offerings from their birds, a-building in the eaves. prayer to be recited when a man teen have chosen to go" to Nebraska own fields, brought to lay upon the Her merry eyes grew suddenly looks upon a beautiful object; then University, four to Creighton in GERMAN GENERAL JOINS ANTI-SEMITE FIGHT Omaha, while the remainder will ataltar at Jerusalem; but now after grave. "Spring 1" murmered Rachel, turned again to his study. Berlin. (J. P. A.) General Daimtend the different universities centuries of exile, the children of "and the birds are building their But he did not throw the rose ling delivered a special lecture, In Israel spread sweet-smelling grass nests and preparing to care for their away. It was still in his hand as throughout the country. Upon the floors of their synagogues little ones. But I have no home of he went from the House of Study The.Jewish students have taken a Stuttgart, on the subject, "The Jew and turned their bare houses of my own, although my father is very that night and passed below the number of important parts in school in the German Army." In the course prayer into bowers of" fresh spring- good to me. All of my girl friends window where Rachel, a rose still in activities at Central this year. Those of his lecture he condemned in the havei wedded and are happy in buildseverest language the unblushing and blossoms.her hair, looked down upon him. Then who have taken part in athletics have shameless anti-Semitism, w^ach would ing their homes, while I am still left names that are indelibly written Tn Le Mans—there even today the for a second time that day, the obligation traveler sees the remains of the old like a wild bird who fears the cage." daughter of Reuben the merchant, on the school's honor roll. Among make for nought the sacred y And now her eyes brightened as they of national duty and responsibility. those are Leo Konecky, basketball Street of the Jews, which still bears did an unseemly and immodest thing. its ancient name although, for many fell upon a youth passing slowly She slipped down the stairs and fol- and baseball star, and William Stal- "It is a vile and infamous outrage," down the street on his way to the master, baseball. Two of the girls, he exclaimed, "to hound and persecute years no Jew has dwelt within its lowed Nathaniel and when she reach- Mildred Conn and Beatrice Rosenthal, Jewish invalids, who have sealed with synagogue. For she recognized him boundaries—in the little city of Le blood on the field their devotion to for Nathaniel, an orphan youth of ed his side called his name. She - Mans dwelt Reuben the merchant whom even the oldest men along the had not forgotten that such boldness have helped to publish the school pa- their fatherland. To say naught per. and his only child Rachel. Rachel, Jews' Street spoke with great would brand a modest Jewish maiden against Jewish widows whose, props being motherless, had long since be- respect. Nathaniel was poor and alone with everlasting shame; but she was The following named have indicat- of life have made the supreme sacried their college preference as follows: come the mistress of her father's in the world; he had neither the determined to speak with him and she fice,—to fail to pay homage and tribhome and was wise beyond her years gold of the money-lender and merch- was too impatient to devise another University of Nebraska, Harry Ro- ute of respect to the mothers, who senstein, Sol Rief, Besse Haykin, Ida in all the matters of the house; her ant nor the greater gold of eloquent plan. Stern, Myron Blotcky, Harry Finken- gave their sons to the country, is to father's wealth was the envy of even speech. But the men who remained Nathaniel stared at her with eyes stein, Max Guttman, Ben Ravitz, Wal- commit treason to all that is in GerChristian hearts in Le Mans; yet had in the House of Study from early suddenly awake and almost unman honor and life." she been heavy of hand and slothful morning until far in the night, loath consciously repeated the prayer ter Schimmel, William Stalmaster, The general further stated that in Joe Stern, Victor Eisler, Leo Konand without a dowry, still Rachel to rest even for a moment from their which the rose had called from his his army corps Jewish soldiers dis; would never have waited long for a reading of the Torah, these scholars lips. For now that he looked upon ecky. languished themselves by their faith' suitor. Her face was like a rose in declared that Nathaniel was a lad of a girl's face he found her very fair. University of Omaha, Bess Hand- fulness and loyalty. ler, Rose Segal. its fresh beauty and more than one great promise, a shining light of She seemed like a rose to him in her Dr. Hubert, President of WurttemCreighton, Milton Abrahams, Her- berg, maiden in the Street of the Jews had learning, even in that day when to fresh, young beauty, and he stared and many other prominent man Corenman, Abe Finkel, David statesmen were present, lending to ; . t o confess that if the Jews ever be a student was greater than to helplessly from the flower he held Gross. the gathering and lecture a semi-offi" ( descended to the follies of their be a king. in his hand to her flushed, shamed Chicago, Mildred Cohn, Agnes Ross. cial character. Room 6 and 7, Rogers Bldg., Council Bluffs, Town J\ Gentile neighbors and crowned one of face. Rockford, Ruth Wilinsky. Nathaniel had never raised his Their number Queen of Beauty, the Rachel spoke at last. "Give me Ann Arbor, Reva Kulakofsky. Telephone 4946; BIBLE PUBLISHED daughter of Reuben would have eyes to Rachel, nor, in fact, to any back my rose," and she held out her Illinois, Miriam Mosher. other maiden. When he stepped IN PALESTINE. surely worn that diadem. Goucher, Beatrice Rosenthal. from the dim day of the synagogue hand. "It is mine," she added, as Jerusalem (J. P. A.) — A new he did not answer. "I dropped it t h e "Shatchen" Comes. Washington, Beulah Miller. into the bright sunshine of the Jews' de luxe edition of the bible is to be Wellesley, Harriet Rosewater. So it was little wonder that Zebul- Street, his eyes ever sought the this morning in the synagogue." Then Nathaniel found his voice and un, the marriage broker, came often ground and he walked like a man in to the house of Rachel's father, there a dream, his lips moving noiselessly answered, not like a pious student of COLUMBUS NOT A JEW. . to sit and ijhafr with Reuben ovef the as though he still murmured passages the Torah, but like a poet: *That is Blrlin. ' < J. PTA.f general' Hans \ red wine and present the name of from his beloved Torah. No recluse why I want to keep this rose." Maraht, a man distinguished in the / first this suitor and then that for shut in a monastery cell, no holy Invites Nathaniel to House. field of science and historical research, the rich man's approval. And he hermit, revered by the Christians, Rachel glanced nervously toward named, one after another, the most ever lived more remote from his her father's house; she must not be challenges in an article written by worthy young men in the whole city, fellowmen than did Nathaniel, the seen standing here in the street him and appearing'in the local "Pa. - youths of proud names and wealth, j outh upon whom Rachel, the Beauty talking to a young man; yet she was cific Zeitung," the current assertion or scholars" of promise, lads any man f the Jews' Street, now gazed withldetermined that Nathaniel would that Columbus was of Jewish parentage. might have" been proud to choose for ihining eyes. '^know just why she had sought him "The names of his parents 'Jacob' a son-in-law. But at every visit, so boldly. Israel's Betrothal Day. and 'Susanna'," writes the general, Reuben the merchant did a thing so "You must give me my rose," she "are by«no means satisfactory eviAn hour later when Nathaniel sat shocking that few Jews believed repeated firmly. "It was the most Zebulun at first when he sought to in his familiar corner, swaying to beautiful rose I had and it should dence of his Jewish paternity. As a matter of fact, such names were in and fro as he fed upon the honey spread the scandal about La Mans: have been placed in the synagogue his day commonly used by Christians of the Torah, Rachel, standing beinstead of deciding upon a husband with my other flowers." as well as Jews. His own name for his daughter, he would actually fore her mirror, decked herself in "But tomorrow it will be withered," 'Christopher,' however, which never her faireBt garments, even slipping call her into the room and discuss urged Nathaniel. "Why do you want was used by Jews, indicates his genthe matter with her. No wonder about her neck and arms the golden it back?" tile origin. ornaments her mother had worn upon Zebulun was heard to declare that "I do not want it at all," con- "It is true, though, that among his her wedding day. And in her glossy Reuben must either be in his dotage fessed Rachel. "I only wanted to voyagers on that fateful voyOr else ha was bewitched by his own braids she thrust a red rose before talk with you. Now I must not see fellow age, there were many1 Jews, of the she joined her father. daughter's beauty I Reuben, looked her over with you alone again for—oh, many, many financial backers of his trip, Louis De "Nay, my father," Rachel would proud eyes. "Why are you dressed days. But ask Zebulun the marriage Santanal, a Jew, contributed more declare at (every interview, "nay, the with .such splendor, my daughter?'' broker to come to my father's house than half of the money necessary to young matt may be worthy of a tomorrow and talk with him. My defray the expense of his expedition. queen but I do not care to marry he asked, noting the jewels. father will not mind your being poor, him." And then she Would run "Is it not fitting to deck myself because you are already such a great like a bride, when I go to the laughingly -from the room, leaving scholar," she ended shamelessly. Reuben to chuckle over his glass and synagogue on Shabuoth," answered For a great scholar Nathaniel Paperhanging, Painting and Zebulun to, declare that the end of Rachel demurely, "since this day is showed himself very slow of it. "You the betrothal day for Isreal?" From the world was surely coming when mean that you will marry me?" he Varnishing Jewish maidens were allowed to pick a vessel upon "the table she drew stammered. forth a huge cluster of crimson roses j and choose.'among their suitors like Rachel nodded. "Now give me FIRST CLASS WORK. the heatheir ladies who actually gave and lilies. "See, I take these to back my rose." REASONABLE PRICES. make the synagogue beautiful for their lovers, favors to wear before "Why? You said you did not care the eyes tt all men 6ven before their our festival." for it." They walked to the synagogue toRepairing Plaster Work betrothals. gether, Rachel chattering all the way But her fingers had already closed J. RICKLIN "True, true," Reuben would nod, as though she wished to make up about the flower. "I will give you Call Webster 6270 smiling in i. his beard. "And it is for the time sha must be absent this instead," and she drew tho right for jtjther. fathers to choose, from nim, away up in the women'sjleister rose from her hair. "Tell husbands for their daughters, and it gallery, during the services. But is fitting tKat other Jewish maidens the man was silent, thinking how obey. But;: my Beauty is not like much she looked like her mother on other women; she laughs and sings her day of betrothal, before the and plays f,rom morning until night marriage sheers had shown her of but her dark eyes are like her her crown of glossy hair. ' ~ mother's and I can trust them to see So they passed' from the bright clearly. A M why should I be in warmth of the street into the cool haste td Baiire her wed when she is dimness of the synagogue. And hot yet seventeen and a child in so there, bending over his desk, sat many ways?" Nathaniel, his lips moving, his eyes "A child!; Zebulun was now really aglow with happiness. Rachel was horror-stricken. "Do we not pity only a simple women, unlearned in even a dbwqriess maiden who has not the Law, but she knew that at that come beneath the marriage canopy moment Nathaniel was not thinking Estimates Furnished Carefully r) before her sefsnteenth year? Do not of the spring sunshine outside or it yield to her whims, I beg you, else roses and lilies or a maiden's face. r Beflftn. W O S h Conpe, fl.410.00; Tourist Car, $083.00; RdadsUr. $950.00: F«B« ButiseM Car, $1,088.00; Street BusifieM t a r , $070.00. '*' neither your •gold or her beauty wiT And she knew at that moment that 1 '. bring her a husband in the end." DELIVERED IK OMA&A, she wanted Nathaniel to lay aside his Springtime at Le Mans Again. dreaming for a little while at least But Reuben only laughed, dGcla*. and love her as well as the Torah to ing it would make him happy if which he' had given every hour of Beauty never thought of taking a his young life. COUNCIL BtUFFS/XJu husband until he himself-no longft Rachel hesitated as she stood 33-35 Fowtfc St. . «t *6tH S* 01S3 A w i d l Blotto 091 needed her and lay at peace in the there her arms filled with the lilies Housft of Life be^de Rachel's fair and roses she had brought to make mother. Which was such a shocking the synagogue beautiful for Shabuoth. Phone WEbster 1087-t 1521 No99th St. wish for a .Jewish fatheir m,, ;tho» Then a;lqok of: detMn^tionvfo^M days, when to-remain unwed wa bright eyes, she dropped a rose across
Jewish Students Graduate in June
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Tel. Jackson 2371
By Freda R. Bienstock
By Jules Goldburg. 1 MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON . Prejudice against the Jew is often Bella was a beautiful, vivacious time writing and kept to his room the result of a misunderstanding of NEARBY COMMUNITIES. girl of seventeen when she met and for days. his real nature. If the character of loved Majurice Schvarts—a'youth of CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. The time was drawing near when nineteen—quiet, hard-working — who the oldest son should graduate. The Jews from oppressed countries has at the time of their marriage was a parents who were getting old, now deteriorated, it can be pro.»erly fifteen-a-week - clerk J in- the town's decided against going to the gradua- charged to persistent persecution, will unfailingly deteriorate the INVESTMENT SECURITIES f only dry goods store. tion. That money should go toward which character of any people. Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555. J At twenty-five Bella was the moth- fixing Isidore's office in grand style. As the Jew is often charged with er of three beautiful children who re- So they waited impatiently and lonequired all her time"* and * energy, some for the coming of their success- being clannish in the community in robbed her of her youth', and made ful son, the one who was to be a which he lives, he should carefully Y o u r position is her a drudge. But Bella did not comfort and happiness in their old avoid standing aloof in exclusiveness, in a little world of his own, for it is complain, for was it-not a mother's age. correct, and should in the comirunity in which the Jew task to minister to her childrens' About a week before he was due to lives be s u p p o r t e d by that the lasting impressions are BRAND needs, and were her children (God arrive they received a letter from e^ery fair minded made to the good or hurt of Israel; bless them) not worthy of it all? him. Unsuspecting Bella opened it. and alwavs remember that your Jewperson. How she worshipped those children Her eyes widened a bit at the first ishness will be none the better for and how she sacrificed herself for paragraph; she read a bit further— your aloofness. This does not m^an them! What dreams-she wove about the letter dropped from her fingers of course, that the Jew should in turn her two boys and-one girl! • Cheer- and she stared unseeing, her mind intrude where he is not wanted, fully she deprived1 herself of necessi- going back over the days when she which some do, to the disgust and dis • • • • OI • • • WHOLESALE GROCERS ties in order that-the-children'should and her husband had been young and dain of the non-Jew. 1 Hoffmann Funeral Home. have every desire fulfilled. She and full of life. . . . How they sacrificed Phone Jackson 1302 her1 husband ~ would 'talk long in the themselves for the children! This • There are some Jews, particularly night in. low'tones, (for fear the ba- was the result. -He had written, to of the prosperous class, who ^are loud, bies would wake) of what each one tell them that he had changed his vulgar and boistrous in public places would be and how.famous each child mind—he did not want to come back and have'a'complete disregard for the would become. Both were determined to a "one horse town" to practice. rights of those about them. These (PALMER < that all three should be thoroughly His professors predicted a big career unpleasant characteristics always create a feeling of dislike. There is often educated—each should be offered a for him. He must stay in Boston -f,.i -> for criticism of the Jew Second Floor, Ellis' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 college education—there was to be and prove their predictions correct. justification because of his lack of reserve, perno discrimination, although Bella was Besides, he had engaged himself to sistent forwardness and excessive secretly convinced that her first born a nice Jewish girl with a lot of zeal.' HOLCOMB was the brains of the family, while money and she "refused to let him go EAT FQOD CHEMICAL The Jew is often charged with beher husband worshipped his little back to a small town. And he signed PRODUCTS CO., INC. daugther Ruthie. himself "your loving son". . . He who ing crafty, untrustworthy and undeManufacturers of pendable and lacking in a fine sense Ihe years flew,by—Maurice's boss all unwittingly had just thrust a of business scruples. These are terFOODS AND CHEMICALS. disc and by dint of, scraping and knife into his mother's heart! FLAVORING "EXTKACTS. rible things to say against an ancient 918 N. ICtb St. Phone Atlantic 4064 skimping Maurice was enabled to buy Maurice and Bella managed to ac- and honorable people, and the whole THE BEST the store. .This necessitated more custom themselves even to this and race must suffer the burden of sucn sacrifice, for bills had to be met and began to believe that they themselves charges. It is, of course, a grave inNORTHWEST READY borrowed money repaid. But "for had desired it. Isadore would never justice^—this indictment of a whole ROOFING CO. the sake of the children" it was best have done it had they not urged him people because of the acts of a porBeady Roofing over old shingles. QUAKER BAKING COMPANY that Maurice should work a bit it was his duty—they repeated par- tion—and it is a charge that ?vr. Also asphalt shingles and build-up roofs. Fire resisting and durable. harder now, in order that later on rot fashion. Besides, was not Harry Jew should seek to correct by right Douglas 1862 All work guaranteed. Easy terms. the income should be . larger. As still left to them? living and square dealing. Phono Harner 2574 Office and Warehouse: 3152 Leavenworth Bella said "when the children grow But Harry, who had been selling up (long. life to them). they need poems and stories to different maga- Today, as it has been for centur.xs, more so we've just got to have more zines and papers had long had a de- wherever the Jew has dwelt, he must to give them. Our children ain't or- sire to remove himself from this be eminently virtuous and useful bedinary children, you- should know, cheerless and monotonous atmos- fore he is ordinarily appreciated ar.d MANCFACTCrREKS. Maurice, so we must give them ev- • phere. He dreamed of New York, welcomed.. Prejudice against the JewMEY-MER-CO. Brand can' only grow upon his failings. ery advantage." I and finally with only a written good- Every good Jew, therefore, has a reBeverages and Syrups. BAKER ICE MACHINECO. True to promise, the first born took bye (he was afraid they would try to sponsibility and a duty he cannot 319-821 So. 11th bt.. Omaha. N>l>r Phone Atlantle S8S9 prizes and swept all before him at prevent him) he left at night to es- shirk. He should be as Atlas, and grammar school. ' He was * always tablish for himself a career in New carry upon his shoulders the honor Iten A first in his class and time after time York. Like- three quarters of the and integrity of his people, always B i s c u i t Co. d his mother shed tears of joy at the small town geniuses, he was swal- bearing in mind that all Israel must ~;d • ITEN6 . % school assembly when her darling lowed up in the millions and strug- suffer for the sins of the individual. SNOW WHITE | All that the name piped up in a shrill voice some little gled, as the millions do, writing home implies. BAKERIES W(".PRODUCT " c . To be smart in an imprcpr- sense, poem cr essay. only when he, needed money. (B«*. V. si Pat. ^ clever, crafty and selfishly alert, is Office J Ai high school too he continued 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 So Maurice and Bella were left not going to "help very much in overhis prize winning until it became j alone. From Boston now and then coming prejudice; in fact, it will inquite usual but never ordinary to came echoes of their son's fame— crease in Just the proportion that ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Bella. once he came back to visit his fa- high principles are lacking. Material Ambulance Service APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES At last the day of days, came—her ther and mother—once mii»d you! rewards for cleverness are usually Equipped with Fulmotor. sor> was to go to college in Boston. and he never' even suggested their greater, but for the Jew in particular All Calls Answered Promptly. Granden Electric Co. What bitter tears were shed at his coming to his wedding. Private, he it is better to have a good character DEPENDABLE KLECTRICAL JOHN A. GENTLEMAN MERCHANDISE. departure, but what glorious hopes said, it was to be very private (very than to be clever. 1611 Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0681 3411 Farnam St. Phone Harney 0392 for the future! He was to be a private certainly if his own mother The Jew fully realizes, living m a doctor, was Isidore,.and was going to and father were not to be there). hostile world, the value of financial study at the best college in the But they thanked God he was so success and economic independence, American world! successful—he was a wizard, so the but is that success is not won by honWet Wash Laundry The first few weeks were very hard papers said, a men of tremendous orable means, the Jew will be subject 280S Cuming. Harney 0831 for Bella. She was so unusual to be- promise. . . . to bitter criticism by his enemies, for ing separated from her son. She One Day Service. No Extra which"'the whole race is inevitably So the parents lived on in the consoled herself with the thoughts deserted house", beset over with grief condensed. Charges. Refinite Soft Water. that at the conclusion of his college and frantic with loneliness. Ruth : The fact is patent that democracy *J career he would return to his native was very busy with her family, the and education, particularly in the two LADY CHIROPRACTOR town to succeed the present doctor, miserable old people had no one to greatest and most powerful nations Io Active Practice Since 1910. who had already signified his desire turn to. on earth, England and America, are to retire. Dr. Frances H. Turner Maurice died suddenly and only v«ry slowly but surely breaking down Office: Brandeis Theatre Bnildinc Meantime her daughter, Ruthie, Ruth came to the funeral. She did the barriers of misunderstanding and 17th and Douglas Streets. had developed into a beautiful, slim, not • even pretend to weep—she had race prejudice, and are giving a Phone Atlantic 3836 greater, measure of justice to the Jew black-eyed, black-haired princess with been engrossed in her own household 1 a clear olive skin and a small firm and has so edged herself out of her and'greater socie and political con. TIRES—TUBES—ACCESSORIES mouth. She was a passionate reader parents' life that she had hardly any sideration. The day is slowly but all through high school' and although remembrance of the father that had surely .approaching when the whole she took no prizes, she : always main- worshipped her so. The doctor sent world will pay homage to a race OCR TREATMENT WILL We. carry ,a. complete Une ol .new CONVINCE rOTJ OF OCR tained a creditable ^standing and was a letter of condolence signed "your .whosfe disciples inspired the New Tesrtng gears, pinions, axle shafts and SINCERITY..' springs for almost any make of car. tament and created the Old, and who a girl with high 'Meals' and a' large loving son," explaining his, inability Trust Department. M. D. RICHMAN. Manager. have suffered long and terribly foi Safety Deposit Boxes. mind. 1S1H-1330 Went Broadway, to attend because of pressing pro- ages is an unjust world. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. She was now attending the state fessional duties. The third child r O N E 444. normal school and was to be a teach- Harry had not even bothered to send • But we will not wail and whine, for er. Although Bella was not old fash- regrets. He at least was no hypo- to exhibit our wounds -ill only give Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. ioned, she was secretly beset with crite! And Bella was left entirely added gratification to our enemies. Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556 We will be up and doing, with a stout fears that her girl would become so alone in the dreary house, devoid Ford Tranaf er & Storage Co. £16 N. I6th St. educated as to prevent her marrying. alike of human form and voice, ex- heart, to win that which we value Branches at Central Market, , R. A. FORD. most—justice and fair play. And we Her fears, however, were proved cept when a kind hearted neighbor Table Supply and Food Center. President and General Manager. will win.—The Urpila. false by Ruthie's marrying the As- came to visit the broken old woman, Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office sistant Professor in the biology de- Whose mind, the neighbors whispered, 924 So. Main Street. Phone ttS partment>-a Gentile, and besjdes, a was rapidly going (not of us be it AMERICAN COMMUNITS CLEAN LINEN man who could hardly.make a living. said). ' BARRED FROM RUSSIA Every morninr An Meal Washing Combination, How could he expect; to support a .Constantinople. (J. C. B.) Miss If yon call the So she sat day after day in the Estes Laundry Tablets family? But Bella was heartbroken Mowshowitz of New York has not ...with... Frontier Towel Supply at this Unexpected blow; ehe did not dining room, gazing on the wall cov- been admitted to Russia, although she Estes Soap Chips ered with pictures of her fled chilr 1815 California Street. cast off her daughter. /She comforted showed * a certificate that she is a and Phone Doogla* dren, her faded eyes filled with hot her husband and prevented him from member of the Socialist Communist Water Softener (Combined) tears of anguish. In her pitiful voice showing his antagonism-.-'toward the party of America, and intended only At «U Grocers. newly married couple. Indeed the made monotonous by suffering she to visit her parents in Odessa. would mutter over and over again, parents did the handsome thing. They ~~ You will like -*. furnished a house for them near the with eyes fixed on the pictures— TEL-ABAB TO ENLARGE ITS "Papierene Kinder" . college and gave .Ruthie a bank acBORDERS. count of a handsome' sum, although » Jaffa. (J. P. A.) Tel-Abab, JewBUTTER TO AND FROM they could not bear to visit her home 1 ARMAGEDDON UNAVOIDABLE ish garden-city of Palestine, has just • Made b y , and partake of the sin of a treife IF JEWISH PROBLEM received a loan of 70,000 pounds ALL PARTS OF house. Kirschbraun & Sons REMAINS UNSOLVED sterling, from the Anglo-Egyptian' THE WORLD The third child,- a quiet dreamy, London. (3. T. A.) The Rev. Lang- Bank, for the purpose of building 150 lad was the only one left at home. ston, lecturing in London on the new home's within the confines of the VAL.J. PETER & COMPANY Sherman Mercantile Co. He declined to go to college saying world* situation, declared that the ; c i t y . \ '• . • • / , 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Wholesale Gr«er» Specialties that he did not approve of the pres- Jewish question will remain at the The city-administration has also ATIantic 0340. 1511 Cnmlnjr St. Phone Atlantic 1847 ent methods of training! Although bottom of all unrest until the Second voted a resolution to build a new synhis father raged and h|s mother Advent. * Before the Jewish question agogue, and to impose a special tax j DISTRIBUTORS JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. stormed, he could'not be induced to is finally solved, it might lead once upon the landlords of the city, to de-1 Omaha, Nebraska. ~hange his mind,, and so he spent his more to Armageddon. -fray, the expense of building it, . 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