Take eare to be an economist in prosperity, there is. no fear of .you being one in adversity.— Zimmerman. .
VOL. H—No. 25
Entered aa •eeond-elarammll!'-matter on Janvsry 27th. 1921, at portofflee at Omaha. Nebraaka. ander the Act of March 8. 18TO.
Yesterday is dead—4 forget it. Tomorrow has i not" come—don't worry; i Today; is nere—use i t — r Anonymous. I
inspiring Plea to Jews to Fight Prejudice With Truth Made to B'nai B nth Audience; Convention Continues Labors for Judaism
Tribiite Paid to Henr}/ Monsky, Retiring President, for Work as Ben ITiith; Other Omahans Honored WitK High Offices in Grand Lodge
Australia Will Not Prohibit Immigration From the Ukraine
Straus Chosen President oi American Congres
Official in Interview States Commonwealth Needs Agriculturists.
Want Recent War and Pea< Gains for Truth and Justice Kept.
Philadelphia.—The American Je\ ish Congress, at the closing sessio: Melboorne. (J. C. B. By Mail.) elected *.the following officers: The "Australian.Jewish Herald" pubPresident, Nathan Straus; vi< lishes an interview accorded i t s reppresidents, Judge Aaron J. Lev resentative, ' by the Australian DiSamuel Untermyer, Rabbi Stephen ! rector of "Immigration, relative to the Wise; executive secretary, Bernard ( possibility of Australia absorbing a Richards; treasurer, George I. Fox. , number of Ukrainian Jewish refugees. A resolution urging more liben Whilst somewhat dubious as to the immigration lawB, especially in regai f persons; unborn and future genervalue of theNTew as an agriculturist, The ?busihess sessions of the i vice, president,-CD. Qreckovsky of ations are menaced by it; Itifjllsroore to literacy, .was passed at the mon the Director was not altogether unConvention were ,. replete ^ with Duluth, Minn.; ..secretary, A. B. See- -funeral pyles and dungeons than does ing session after an address of we ARTHUR ROSENBLUM lenfreund of Chicago j treasurer, Ben HAREY H. sympathetic" plans^ and discussion* relative to Re-elected as a member of the come by Mayor Moore, in which I ' war itself. H. H. Lapidus re-elected as trustee stimulating the work of the Braun of Milwaukee, Wis. You will realize, of course," he Court of Appeals of Dist. No. 6 I. O concurred with the sentiment en Prejudice a Poison. of the National Hospital for Con- said, "that Australia would not be B'nai B'rith, and to furthering Members of the General Committee B. B. at the recent convention it bodied in the resolution. are Robert Lappen of Des Moines, la.; "Prejudice is a poison, insidious sumptives at Denver, Colo., at the likely to encourage the entrance of the cause of Judaism. Increased Omaha. This body passes on all disDefends Emmigrants. membership for the various S. J. Leon of Omaha; Otto Felton, and contagious. It afflicts the mind, B'nai B'rith convention held in inhabitants of the Black Sea coun- puted questions of law or procedure G. D. Bernstein, E. M. Treusch, Ieo paralyzes its function, impedes its Omaha. "My thought has often been," sai tries. Our resources are more or less lodges, a renewed campaign for limited and as a result we have been on appeals from lodges of the Mayor Moore, "that many times thos anti-defamation funds, appro- Keitman, Julius M. Kahn, Judge Phil- development. The probabilities are ip Stein and Henry Monaky. that it will exist forever or untflj we forced to adopt a kind of preference District, and its decisions serve as who cannot read and write are mot priations for charitable and have reached the millennium." Trustee for the National Hospital fitted to enter this country than thos system. British ex-servicemen receive precedents for future action. philanthropic causes, all were Mr. Livingston said: " W e are at Denver, Colo., Harry H. Lapidus of who can,'if the hearts of the forme ' the first preference and then come discussed. gathered here today on one of the are right. Give.me the man.who i the Continental nations. The ComOf special interest to Oma- Omaha. willing to work, -who has a religio monwealth needed agriculturists and lians is the appropriation to the Trustee for the Leo N. Levi Hospi- greatest of our national holidays, Meand is law-abiding, as compared wit ; my own experience has shown that social service committee of the tal at Hot Springs, Ark^ J. J. Slos- morial Day." berg, Jr., of Omaha. Mr. Livingston told the large <:rawd the fellow who can read and writ the Jewish immigrant would not be local lodge of $500 to carry on and do nothing else." its work for the coming year Trustee for the Cleveland Orphan to "fight only with weapons of truth. Encouraging Response Virtually As- persuaded to move into rural districts sures Success of $160,000 but would make his home in the larger He made a plea for the admissio: and the resolution of the grand Home, H. D. Frankel of St. Paul, Slay the victim so that truth may Campaign. cities. of those who with their families hav lodge endorsing the past work. Minn., and B. J. Samuels of Chicago. live and abide forever. Create a Will Deprive Jews of Due Represent- been persecuted in foreign lands, de counter public opinion, Fight propThis is the first appropriation Questioned as to whether the AusMany Attend Banquet. ation in the Next Sejm. daring that the reason some of then of its kind granted locally and Omaha Jewry was fortified with a aganda with backfjre propaganda. COMMITTEES REPORT. tralian -government would prohibit the : CAMPAIGN A.SUCCESS landing of immigrants, the Director had not learned to read and write wa the local committee is highly stronger sense of-responsibility, a no- Fight, not with venom, not to wrong Meeting to Instruct—Council to Ob- probably because they had never bcei pleased with this recognition bler pride and a keener insight into any man, but to further the establishreplied: tain Revision" on.' Ordinances. ment of truth. "We must be in condiThe National Campaign Committee allowed, to do so. of its service. "I do not think so. The Commonmodern Jewish issues Tuesday- night tion for the fight, however. consisting of about 15© Rabbis, all wealth, whilst not desirous of encourThe resolution in favor of less re Commenting on the appro- when more than 700 sons and daughWarsaw. {J. C. B. By MaiL) We stricted immigration was read b; over, the United States and Canada, aging immigrants from South Eastpriation, Dr. Philip Sher, chair- ters of Israel gathered at the Branpreviously reported the anxiety -Judge Gustave Hartman, chairman o man of the social service COm- deis restaurants to-attend the B'nai HIGH LIGHTS ON ' headed by Mr. Louis. Marshall, as ern Europe, does not prohibit immi- have of the national minorities i n Polaid, 'the committee on immigration. 1 honorary chairman^ is noyr busily en grants reaching these shores provided mittee, saidv"We will use this B'rith banquet and dinner dance. "PREJUDICES". gaged to raise the . sum of "? 100,000 particularly i±te Jewish minority,, .on Bbodied a clause establishing a com they come'-up to stanard. money in continuing the social The closing social event of the dis"Public opinion is s greet thing, in annual subscriptions ior.: the Jewawount of tfcfiJW»'*^^ *""*""" fojj the investigation of: emi . service work. We have been trict grand lodge convention was the Ute dccidiif factor in1 hunan life. "The Ukrainian g*op3«i" fee con.of Amer cluded,' "are imore or less totally unish Theological gfation conditions in Europe. Josepl seriously handicapped in the largest Jewish social affafrin the hising- general -election. -.Barondes of-New York branded th< "known^to Australians. ___,.. past for lack of funds. We can tory of Omaha, the entire" "grin "and ;ioner. Nothing can withstand the' ica. According, to these ordinances, the present immigration laws as unlibef&l There are committees being organ think your best course would be to do some real work now.'* one-half of the main dining room hav< power of public opinion. L e u than The National Jewish Hospital at ing been reserved 'lac the guests. The one per cent of I D S think—they ized throughout the United States am formulate some definite' scheme rela- urban "constituencies are .being en- Un-American and highly discrimina . Denver was given an appropriation of speakers were placed along the west adopt the thoughts of others. Canada for the purpose of raising tive to the landing of some specific larged in such a way that they will tory. $1,500 for the year, an increase of end of the grill, beautiful baskets of When the human mind is pre- funds for the Seminary. The work in number of these refugees in Austra- be swamped by the rural populations $30,000 Raised for Congress $500. This action came as a result roses, peonies and daisies covering judiced, it cannot choose between New York City was officially startei lia. And provided the Australian Di- outside them. As a result, the Jews Approximately $30,000 was .raisec with a conference which was held a rector of Migration and Settlement in and other minority peoples who are for the maintenance of the permitof the effort* of Harry Lapidus, trus- the long table. right and wrong." Hotel Astor Wednesday evening. Ma London had the right to select the mostly resident in the towns will not nent congress, in accordance with i tee, whose report on the Hospital Although the" Hon. Sigmund Living"The minority always suffers 17, 1922. immigrants I think we would most be able to obtain their due represent- resolution passed on the opening nighi ' caused much favorable comment, and ston of BJq'omington, HI., past presfrom prejudice. That is the Enthusiastic Response. certainly be able to absorb numbers ation in the next Sejm. The only of the convention. •was the only increase allowed to any ident of B'nai B'rith, was on the pro: penalty o£ belonging to the The gentlemen present at the meetof these refugees provided they were towns which will be entitled to return beneficiary organization. A half dozen other resolutions we« : I gram for the principal address of the minority. BUT YOU MUST EX- ing responded with remarkable en- agriculturists^ deputies independently are Warsaw, evening, Omahans were especially in- PECT IT IF YOU WANT TO thusiasm. Temple Ansche Hesed deLodz, Lemberg and Cracow. In these passed, one congratulating the LithuThe local Ukrainian Jewish Relief anian Constitutional Assembly on -Ms . OMAHANS HONORED AT terested in the tribute paid by Harry BE JEWS." clared its willingness to contribute I Fund has communicated the state- cases, however, the number of depuguarantee of minority rights to the Lapidus to Henry Monsky, the retirCONVENTION. ties has been decreased. Votes cast, "In the heart and hand of every $3,500 per year to the cause of the ment of the'director of Immigration jew is the welfare of the future of Seminary. Mr. Hertz, for the Wash- to the Executive Committee of the which are insufficient to return depu- Jewish people of Lithuania. A freei Many honors were awarded to ing president of the district. Israel. THE JEW MUST BE OF ington Heights Congregation, de- Jewish World belief Conference in ties, will not be added together immigration of Jews into Palestine Omahans at the Convention as a Tribute to Mr. Monsky. throughout the country to entitle the and the.removal of all obstacles calPURE GOLD IF HE WOULD manded that their quota be placed at Paris. tribute to their service in B'nai As_Mr. Lapidus in his well wordec party in question to deputies in ac- culated to retard the growth of the BE TAKEN FOR SILVER, We $5,000. Temple B'nai Jeshurun, B'rith work. Henry Monsky, past tribute said: "Men should get thei; cordance with the total number of Jewish community or hammer the depresident, was presented with an tributes while they are living; me- must be better than our neigh- through Mr. Steckler who represented such votes. This means that most of velopment of. the resources of Palesbors. Our cry should be justice them, announced the establishment of oil painting by Benjamin Samuels, morials would then need not be buii the Jewish votes and most of the tine was also advocated. Anti-Seto all, equality to all." a sholarship of $500 annually and 1st vice-president, on behalf of for dead ones. I wo-ild rather get oni votes of the other minority peoples mitic propaganda was decried and the pledged themselves to raise $5,000 the district grand lodge. word of cheer, one note of praise, one will be entirely nullified. The great- congress took it upon itself to safe* Sam J. Leon was re-elected a line of tribute, one flower while I am William L. Holzman, toastmaster, more in annual contributions. The est optimists do not anticipate that guard Jewish liberties the world ov*>r, member of the general committee, alive, than, mountains of boquets when also introduced President-elect Gusta- Society for the Advancement of Ju- Out of Town Guests Here During the Jews will be able under these cir- carrying put the minority rights prinand Arthur Rosenblum, judge of I am dead." vus Loevenger of S t Paul, the Rev. daism, through its president, Mr. SimConvention. cumstances to return more than six ciple wherever such rights are dc» the courts of appeals. Harry "I have known Mr. Monsky for the Hebert J. Samuel of Winnipeg, Can- mons, declared its intention of raising manded by the Jewish inhabitants. deputies at most. Lapidus was re-elected as trustee past thirty years, and he is not much ada, Benjamin Samuels of Chicago, |5,000. Dr. Norman Salit, of CongreMany out of town guests are visgation Adath Israel of the Bronx, anThe meeting instructed the Nationof the National Jewis Hospital for older than that," continued Mr. Lapi- and A. B. Seelenfreund, grand iting in Omaha' and Council Bluffs nounced that the Bronx Congregaal Council to take all possible steps "We must recognise men that secretary. Consumptives at Denver, and J. J. dus. during the weekj following l i e B'nai Slosburg was elected trustee of the do things, and I think that of all JewThe Hoffman quartet, Miss .Rina tion had united and would contribute B'rith convention jheld in Omaha dur- to obtain a revision in the ordinances Leo N. Levi Memorirl Hospital at ish men in the city of Omaha none Snyder, Mervin Tilton, Philip Krasne, $10,000 per year in annual contribu- ing the first of the week. Following and stated that should the elections has distinguished himself in so many Miss Virginia Fair, and the Brandeisr tions. Congregation B'nai Israel of is a partial list of the visitors that be held on the basis of these ordiHot Springs. Washington Heights pledged itself to nances it will be necessary to organlines of activity as has Mr. Monsky." orchestra, entertained, have been in Omaha during the week: give $2,006 annually to the Seminary. ize a bloc of all the national minori- Local Organizations to Assist On t] Many in the large assemblage 'The committee on arrangements for From Sioux City—J. H. Riaff, Mr. Relative to the Cleveland Orphan The Brooklyn Jewish Center, whose This National Tag Day. ties in Poland—Jews, Germans, White wiped tears of joy and* appreciation the banquet, to whose work its outand Mrs. M. Shapiro, Sol Hurt, N. L. Home, the Convention determined Rabbi, Dr. Levinthal, is chairman of Russians, Lithuanians, Russians and that District 2 and 6 do not disasso- from their eyes when Mr. Lapidus standing success is a worthy tribute, the Campaign Committee, pledged it- Marks, W. C. Slotsky, Dave Goddsite, Ruthenians—to return joint candiThe National Flower Fund day will ciate themselves in the maintenance presented a beautiful platinum watch included Harry Malashock, chairman; self to contribute $4,000. Temple Pe- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Pill, Rose Baron, dates to speak for the minority na- be observed "in Omaha on Saturday, engraved "From B'nai B'rith Friends Sam Snyder, Harry Lapidus', O. Hoech of an orphanage for the two districts, tach Tikvah of Brooklyn peldged it- Mr. and Mrs.\L. J. Heeger, L. ,H. tionalities. night, June 10, and Sunday, June but that plans be drawn for-a new to Henry Monsky", to Omaha's most man, A. J. Leon, Dr. A. Gilinsky and self to exceed its quota of $l,50G, Marx, Mr and Mrs." M. A^her, Mr. The local flower day will be in h Arthur Rosenblum. •' institution which will serve both dis- distinguished- representative. and Congregation B'nai Israel of and Mrs. JT. ""Dorofsky^'Mr. and Mrs. of L. Kneeter. He will be aided by i Mr. Livingston Teceived. an ovation Following is the program: tricts. Brooklyn pledged itself to raise Sam Kroloft," "A.' H." Laaerowitz, R. MENORAH SOCIETY the various clubs in this city. Courshon, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burlsh, In relation to the attitude of the when he rose to address the gather- Irivocation.-.:Rev. Herbert J. .Samuel $1,000. HOLDS ELECTION The money obtained from the Rebecca Courshon,.S. A. Greenstone, District on the question of Zionism, ing on "Prejudice." ^He is the foundof Winnipeg, Canada.' OF OFFICERS of these flowers will go to the J er of the Anti-defamation League, • The surprise of the evening Mrs. A. F. Hoffman, Mrs. S. M. Jafthe' Convention ratified the action of AMERICA By the "Audience At the last meeting of the Menorah ish National Fund and will be j Hoffman Quartette was when Mr. Schneider of Congre- fa, Mrs. M. Marx, Rose Bauman, S. the Constitutional Grand Lodge of which has done as much to- combat Music Society, election of officers were held in the restoration and the cultivation;! gation Beth Elohim arose to announce Rich, A- D. Siks, Max Brodkey. From ".. the Order to continue to maintain an the prejudice to which the Jew is sub- Remarks for the school year beginning next of the soil in Palestine. . ""•• • attitude of , strict neutrality. This ject. President-Elect of the pistrict that he felt his Congregation was in- Des Moines, la.—L. C. Freidman, September. The following were "This is the ninth annual flow«rj Fred Blotcky,'Besse Silberman,Libby sulted by the modest quota that had action on the part of the Order was Novelty Entertainment ..i : day," said L.J Kneeter, "and we .mwK;J elected: S. Beber, president; M. Margtaken as the best means through ARE MADE * HONORARY Mervin Tilton been assigned to it, and insisted on Silbefman, Majfie iBlotcky, Rose Ruthat being doubled. Many other con- binson, Mingon Rubinson, Leonard olin, vice-president; J. RapMn, record- have the assistance of all local which to conserve harmony within the Accompanied by Philip Krasne PAST PR|3SIDESNTS. tributions followed which brought the Hochenberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kap- ing secretary; J. Rosenthal, financial izations for this fund." Order. and Virginia Fair. In recognition of their services lan. From. .Fort Dodge, la.—Miss Sa- secretary; A. Steinberg, treasurer; A. Memorial Services Held. Vocal Solo .Miss Rina Snyder total amount that was needed. to the B'nai B'rith the honorary rah Glazer, Robert Glaser, Jake Pill, Kadner, reporter. The following were TWO PRIESTS SENTENCED TO A Tribute.... An unusually large audience heard Harry H. Lapidus degree of past president of the Mrs. Ben Giater, Mrs. Jake PilL From elected on the Executive Committee: DEATH FOR INCITING EXCESSES j Address TRANSPORT IN PALESTINE the memorial service on Tuesday, _._Henry' Monsky Lincoln; Neb.—Esther Arenson, Rose L SternhilL representing Creighton Riga. (J. T. A.) As a result when Dr. 'Frederick Cohn delivered district grand lodge was conferred Music Hoffman Quartette Berlin. (J. C. B. By Mail.) Messrs. University; P. Trochteriberg, re- the trial held in connection with t Wednesday morning upon Ben Address the memorial address. Prior to this -.__.... "Prejudice" Kitson & Co., Ltd., of Leeds have Poska. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freid of Youngstown, Ohio; Walter M. Apples presenting Omaha University, and A. disturbances which occurred at S h « * | service ah impressive initiation of a Braun, Sol Levitan and Edward Hon. Sigmund Livingston built for the Palestine railway sysclass of 100 candidates for Omaha Lichtig. Mr. Braun has been Past President Dist. Grand Lodge tem eight locomotives of a very pow- of Denver, ,Colo.; Miss Lilliam Cher- Grower, representing the University at the time " the confiscation treasurer of the grand lodge a i d church valuables in that town, lodge was conducted by the local deMusic . Hoffinan Quartette erful typel These engines were re niss of Springfield, Mo.; Miss Bertha of Nebraska Medical College. M. Heiz of New York City; Misfc Ann The Menorah Society is an organSir. Levitan, sergeant-at-.anns for clergymen and two merchants havsn gree team. The monitor's lecture, deDANCHNG cently put into service on that sysVerbin of Fremont,-Neb.; Miss Molly ization composed: of students attend- been sentenced to death for havitjg livered in most dignified and sonorous a number of .years. Mr. Lichtig tem, and are meeting with great sueWerbe of Kansas City; Mrs. W. La- ing the universities of Omaha. Its been concerned in excesses style by Arthur Rosenblum, was the has rendered /valuable service on FOUR THOUSAND UKRAINIAN cess. zere, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. H. L. Ni- purpose is educational and philan- on a pogrom. the general committee. outstanding feature of this service. JEWISH ORPHANS TAKEN Designed primarily for hau'ing. der, Hibbing, Minn. i thropic, doing "their work in conIt will be remembered in this The 1923 Convention will be held in CARE OF IN ROUMANIA without assistance, passenger trains junction-with other Menorah societies nection that the mob gathered Ja, "Prejudice and knowledge are inDuluth in May. Officers and various Bucharest. (J. P. A.) Local organ- on the section of line between I.udd front of the church shouting, "Lst ?ss trustees elected for the ensuing year compatible,'-' said Mr., Livingston. izations have decided to bring over and Jerusalem, a distance of 67 kiloMr. Nathan S. Yaffee returned of other cities. A banquet will be held Saturday defend the chhurc against the Jew*,* "One-cannot exist where the other i 4,000 Ukrainian orphans and to take follow: from the east metres, they are powerful enough ta Saturday "evening - President, Gustavus Loevinger, St. present. Prejudice has brought more care of them here. Part of the* ex- accomplish this task, and surmount where he " wag a delegate to the evening, June 3rd, at the Brandeis at the same time throwing stones, bidPaul Minn.; first vice president, Ben- trial and trouble intoth\s world than penses of the upkeep will be paid by grades of one in forty-eight, which American v Jewish <~ -Congress, , and Tea Rooms, as the closing function of der being restored only after a *'. regiment had been jamin Samuels of Chicago; second any other, thing. I t i s ' n o resjiettor the American "Joint" where he al£&-vuited * i i h ttlathtes. the school year. .„, I are numerous in the district
I r
ft. Y.Jews Pledge $50,000 for Jewish Theological Seminary
Poland Minorities Hove toFight Sew flection Ordinance
Many Visitors in Omaha During the Week
Flower Day Will be Okjerved on Jane 10
-PAGIL^THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE I, 1922. of bur b'ejbved brethern have since our ' last Convention gone to their final reward. As a tribute to their memory Pobllabed ttpry Thursday at Omaha, Ntbrmrta, by we recall their names-today. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. We ^especially ^member the servOffice: '482-Brandefs\Theaire'' Building.—Telephone: Jackaon 2372. ices and the achievements of; our good NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Brother Rabbi Samuel N. Deinhard, oursi of Minneapolis, beloved by all who EDITORIAL BOARD: the i knew him^ a piUar of strength not DR. PHILIP SHER. SAMUEL' H. SCHAEFER, yet OENRY MONSKY, only in his'own community, but in all whic activities for the betterment of the ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year—.-.... shoii Jew throughout the State and the Advertising; rates furnished on application." District. He was taken from us in itL the prime of life and a career of ^ NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicamention of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. greatest usefulness to society was .talk' -" ••'• '"'•:.' '••• • • ••"•'•' ' ' '•/' ' > " ' ' ' • • " ' >"— thus intercepted, but the nobility of i CHANQS OB1 ADDRB8S—PleaM Kir* both the old and new addles*; his character, the splenc'oir of his achievements and the example of his life-will ever be a source of inspirathat:tion to thqse whom he left to comin n plete his work. be { Jew) We recall another brother, whose time presence at our Conventions, at General Committee meetings, and on all 0 THE MEMBERS- OE DISTRICTZit.ihti. beneficiaries. The field of activ- occasions bf B'nai B'rith activity will Tj GRAND LODGE" NO*. 6, I. b. B;.• I ities-in Social Service work in Chicago be missed; that sincere and devoted "Th} B., IN 54TH ANNUAL- CON- is so large that this has come to be friend of men, Israel Cowen, of Chirecognized. by residents of Chicago cago, Past President of this District, al w f VENTION ASSEMBLED: •r-v •* We meet again in "annual convoca* as a permanent institution, and it who departed this life oh the .4th day fon to deliberate and to-Idetermine- would be well to give consideration to of April, 1922. «w best to continue to serve the •the suggested movement for a permaWe of this District, and particularly lse of humanity. At.each session nent home to house. B'nai B'rith So- of this community, especially recall our 'Grand Lodge we designate cer- cial Service activities in that city. 1 our beloved Brother Edward Simon, seco I recommend your endorsement of whose life, though brief, will ever be ain members to advance ,the work *W(^nd the interests of the order. We the Social Service and 'Americaniza- remembered as one consecrated to the "Charge these members who constitute tion work,, of the District, your con- cause of his people. official family,. Kith responsibility tinued support thereof, and an -ade-, We also remember our brothers, the pqlipy and Jthe: activities of quate appropriation for that purpose. perhaps not so well known, but neverDistrict; GrandjLodge /or the year theless faithful servants in the cause. Anti-Defamation League. lediately to follow. ,-17113 responThe activities of the Anti-defama- The names followed. est ibility is a; grave one _»n&:a sacred tion League during the last year, have Eightieth Anniversary Celebration of is . ne, indeed. You areof ,right> entitled been so many and so important as to the Founding of the Order. Jew 0 a report upon the stewardship of make every member of the B'nai e Next year will mark the Eightieth s*-hose so charged, and. in .Recognition B'rith < familiar with the, scope and Anniversary of the establishment of —'-'- that right I respectfully .present, purpose of this branch of the Order's the Order. The Executive Committee r your consideration, this message. work. Unfortunately there are many of the Order is now considering the jS'nai B'rith Philanthropic Institutions of our members, however, and even matter of holding an appropriate celeOur TMstrict Grand Lodge has in more of trar people, who are not mem- bration, although no definite action e past and is at present giving more bers of the Order, who have been has yet been taken. This event, in my vTfr less'generous support to the fol- wholly indifferent to the appeal of the opinion, can be made the occasion for Anti-Defamation League and the I celebrations throughout the District, . b w i n g institutions:* a ^ The Lep N.-Levi Memorial Hospital causes that make its existence, and which will result in immeasurable , mir^ .'ilot Springs, Arkdhsag, maintenance so essential. In short, benefit to the Order. It has been sug„'National Jewish Hospital for Con- the League was created to assume the gested, that on a day certain, during task of combating the vicious forces the coming year, which day need not umptfves of Denver. : .-] ; The Educational League of-CIevc- calculated to inspire hatred and dis- necessarily coincide with the birthday o£ crimination against the Jew. In its of the Order, all ledges in the District, knii, Ohio. I." work, it is guided by the central shall hold meetings attended with Infants' Aid of Chicago, Illinois, Jewish Free Employment Bureau thought that enlightenment, educa- proper exercises and preceded by intion and culture are the most potent tensive membership campaigns, the 'Chicago, operating under the mer bspices of the B'nau B'rith- Council forces, to tender powerless supersti- initiation of large classes to be a tion," ignorance, bigotry and the child feature of the program. P o r k Chicago. I recommend the appointment of a " ' U n i v e r s i t y Libraries at different of these forces, prejudice. Accordingly it has initiated a movement to in- special committee, at this session of -lSj,ioirits.in the District. j ^ T h e B ' n a i B'rith Social Service in- form the world fully regarding' the the Grand Lodge, to consider this sub•^fiWJ.%' It-has:f or. years heeri- our cham- ject matter and repart back its plan c ^tita^on:;in\(^icalgd,"fiun"d:'ib"e^^5J pion and has proved to be' ah espe- at this session, or to the incoming ^^umin'erVCamps. cially stalwart -defender in these, crit- General Committee. , tnajj Reports of the activities of the ical times when the battle lines beI am. profoundly grateful for the rger: of these institutions. , will Tie tween trufh and malicious slander great honor this Grand Lodge conresented to you at this session. They are so_ tiyhtly. drawn. ferred upon me in my election to the ave all functioned well • and desreve highest office in the District. I am We must not minimize the dangers le continued support of this Grand lurking in the increasing volume of even more grateful, however, for the ge I recommend the -usual appropria- anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic propa- privilege and the opportunity thus tions for the several institutions above ganda that seems to be flooding the afforded me to serve humanity and to mail* and the news mediums of the aid in the great work we are doing amed. in and for the cause of Israel. I have Hoi Social Service and Administration, country. Intolerance has done more to darken the pages of the world's endeavored to guide the destinies of ne^'A splendid report is ipade by the history than any, other force. It has the District in a way that would best jj. Director 'of Social Service and'Amercontributed more to the discord, dis- accomplish the purposes of our Order. je^canization, to which report your atcontent and hatred altogether too pre- I trust your judgement will be that ter jention is respectfully called. The Exvalent in the world today, than any my efforts have not been wholly in ipicutive Committee of the Order has other power. There is unfortunately vain. gjfluidertaken to give special attention too much of an unwillingness on the My official experience has given jjo this Department and'our Director part of human beings to understand . Om l a s accordingly been'reluctant io ini- their fellow-human. The sufferings, me a new and I believe a much y o ^iate activities, depending upon the the tortures and the martyrdoms of broader vision of the true purposes and objects of the B'nai B'rith. The a ^Director of Social Service and Amer- past ages, which resulted from rerecord of its achievements is a splen0 ^ icanization, designated by the Exec- ligious persecution and intolerance; u t i v e Committee to present a definite from race hatred and kindred causes did exemplification of its principles. j ^ s program of action. The process has should warn us of the grave conse- The B'nai B'rith not only teaches the gUg>een slow, and progress has been lit- quences that might follow such activ- beauty and the charm of a life of service, but demonstrates the value to tle. Nevertheless much: has been peq<«lone in both Americanization and So- ities. . When intolerance takes hold, society of the practice of those virreason and logic and the higher ideals j. l;ial Service Work through the efforts which normally control the actions of tues which form a part of its ritual. Yet to me, the most significant lan* individual Lodges in the District men are for naught, and have no guage of the Ritual is the following: Stimulated by our Director. power. npi • The importance of thiswork cannot "The Independent Order of B'nai We must unite against this on- B'rith has.taken upon itself the misover-emphasized. Especially should slaught and in our campaign_against sion* of uniting Israelites in the work as B'nai B'rith be intensely interit, we must draw comfort and.encour- of promoting : their interests, and o p^sted in the Americanization program' agement from the slendid heritage of those of humanity.** t h i s is the Orthe Order. By our activities in our ancestors. We must notendedvor most • important function; to me s department, we accomplish a twoto combat our enemy by reprisal and; unite Israelites to .work for a common i purposed.We serve pur.',fellow- measures of retaliation, b\it; father purpose,.arid~{6-the end of attaining in that he is madetbreajize and by raising the standards of "Jewish a.ca^imoii ideal The' B'nai B'rith a consequence to enjoy the'Dene- life and thus remove all possibility of. LodgeJ^welconies every Jew of every jits that come from a full appreciation the existence of any condition which land," whatever his political faith, a s ggf American Institutions. We serve would lend credence iii. the -, slightest whatever his station in life, however Mir country in that we inake our fel- degree to any of the accusations made fich he may be, or however poor, .ow-Jew the kind of a citizen wh6, can against us. _ whether he be Zionist or not, Re"kssume his share of the fesponsibiHThe-appeal of the League (quite formed or Orthodox, or whatever lanmaies of'government rightfully his," and" apart from the many other; activities guage he speaks, if only he is a MAN grAve enable him . to contribute to the pf the Order) shiciuld be sufficient to of good character, worthy of his anhatjrowth, progress and prosperity of enlist in the ranks, of the Order, every cestry, and imbued with the spirit of kefchis land of; opportunity. :w who. has :any interest* in himself helpfulness, which characterizes the J e | In connection with the".Social Servr and ;the; cause of his fellow-Jews. It work of the Order. Thus qualified he See activities of the District, . Boy's is top plain to require discussion that is invited to avail himself of the privSummer Camp's have been [operated in the work of-the League cannot be ilege and opportunity as one of our — ;hree communities in the-District: carried .on efficiently without funds, members and in our ranks to "labor Minneapolis, Winnipeg and Chicago. and it is .top dear for any dispute that for himself and- his fellow-men"—a un rhey have all been very, successful the League has the right to call upon labor of love and deed. and the appropriations hertaf ore made iever^ Jew whether he be a Ben B'rith Respectfully submitted, h jy the Grand Lodge for the benefit or not, to support its cause financialHENRY MONSKY, th >f these camps, have been fruitful of ly and otherwise, in consideration not President of District Grand w plendid results. In Winnipeg, a per-. only of the principle underlying its Lodge. No. 6, t O . B. B, ! manent building has been "erected. In activities, but in consideration as well, w Chicago, a permanent location for the of the service t h a t i s being rendered ^amp has not been acquired, and it him, a service of. which every Jew is is thought very derisable to give some the direct beneficiary. jonsideration to the idea of establishAmong those present to attend the I recommend the appointment of a er Ing a permanent Boys' Summer Camp Special Committee of this Grand B'nai ' B'rith Convention in Omaha n Chicago. This should have the s£e- Lodge,, to devise . ways; and .means from»Des Moines were Mr. and Mrs. sa pial consideration of your Committee. whereby the Anti-Defamation League B. Slum the Misses Besse and Libbye Social Service activities in Chicago, in its pending appeal and campaign Silberman, Marie Blotcky, and Messrs. lunder the direction of a professional for funds shall receive fullest co-oper- Meyer Silberman, Joe Brody, Robert Lappen, and Rabbi E. Mannheimer.. worker have been very intensive and ation from all Jews in the territory fc of such a commendable character as of District No. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Jack" Goldberg are In Memoriam. " to reflect great credit upon the Order, leaving this week for California, • aside from and in addition to..the.* c - - Eeach roll c«Jl\»emind6tus again JOI- •where* they-wilL-make their future ' eomplislimeot of a splendid service to the uncertainty of* human life. Many
Names of Delegates anclthe Lodges they Represented at the District Grand Lodge No. 6, J. O. B* B. Annual Convention, 1 922, Omaha, Nebraska A. B. Seelenfreund. P. P. Jacob Alter. Albert Aseher. 8. J. Ascber. Karl Brnudeis. Dr. Frefl 'Colin. Max Conhelm. Bnmuel Dansky. a S. ElRutter. O. O. Feltoti. Harry Friedman.
Arthur Rosenblum, Harry Malashock. Dr. Philip Sher.
RAMAH LODGE 33, Chicago, 111.
LINCOLN CITY LODGE 377. Lincoln. Nebr. Dr J. Slnirer, . S. C. Poska.
CALUMET LODGE S02. Houghton, Mich. COVENANT LODGE 569, Duluth, Minn.
The Young Judeae Council will hold their monthly meeting this Saturday evening at the Jewish Community Center. Discussions on the annual picnic for all the Young Judea clubs will be held.
C. D. Oreckovsky. A. B. Kapplin. Samuel Gross.
PISGAH LODGE 34. Detroit, Mich.
SIOUX CITY LODGE 598, Sioux City, Iowa.
Adolpli Freund. P. P. Bernard Glnsburjr. P. P.
GILEAD LODGE 41. Milwaukee, Wis. v
H. Marks- *L. Levinson
E. H. WoUsteio.
Sidney IJJ-OU.
B. S. Mayer. Alex. Mincer. H. M. Sell/man. <*. J. Wollion. 8. Zucker.
Samuel G. Pick us. Nathan Weinberg. 5>
Ohag. L. Aarons. P. P. Ben Brann. ' Henry Oollusch. I.eo Reltraan. Morita Zarne. ,
wood as originally planned. This will give all Y members an opportunity to witness the game, and will provide picnic .novelty. . Reservations will be received until Friday evening, at the Federation office. The X. T. C. Club held a hay rack YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. ride Saturday night, at which forty Mr. Ben Kohn, leader of the B'nai couples were present. Mr. and Mrs. Zion club, together With the memM. Selicow chaperoned. bers of that organization, motored to Valley, Neb;, where they picnicec', The Jewish Press in every Jewish Sunday. home in Omaha. . The Hatikvoh Girls gave a dancing party at the Hancom Park Pavillion, for twenty-five couples, last Saturday evening. The Girls' D Club of Drake University, composed of members who have won distinction in1 athletics held a banquet Wednesday evening, May 31, at six thirty in the Harris-Emery tea room complimentary to the alumnae and three new members.
YM & YWHA NEWS. Reservations for the Y picnie on Sunday are coming in very fast, and indications are that a large group of merry-makers will start out for a day of fun and frolic from the clubrooms. Due to the fact that the Y baseball team plays at Fontenelle Park Sunday afternoon, the picnic will be held there, instead of at Elm-
JOHN HAY LODGE 634. Fargo, No. Dakota.
Harry I^ishkowitz. Sam Snyder.
SAGINAW LODGE 636. Saginaw, Mich.
EMES LODGE 67, Springfield, 111.
Wm. Wolsey.
KING DAVID LODGE 641. Madison. Wis.
B. A- Lanse, P. P.
ADOLF KRAUS LODGE 72. Chicago, 111.
Solomon Levitnn.
WINNIPEG LODGE 650, Winnipeg, Canada.
A. D. Weiner. P. P. Arnold Wolff. Harry H. Krlniky. JOB. A. Golde. Julius M. Kann. iioiTin Augustus.
ANNOUNCEMENT Rev. E. Fleishman
FLINT LODGE 656, Flint. Mich.
'THE MOHL" Moved into his new home at 1342 So. 25th Street, Corner of Woolworth Avenue. TeL Atlantic 6637.
Ben F. Rosenbloom.
Dr. M. LoTitch. S. G. Boettijrnelmer.
DAVID FISH LODGE 430, Chicago. 111.
WAUSAU LODGE 670. Wausau, Wis.
Joseph Welsberg.
1552 North 20th Street. Phone Webster 2196
Paperhanging, Painting and Varnishing Repairing Plaster Work J. RICKLIN Call Webster 6270
COUNCIL BLUFFS LODGE 688. Council Bluffs. Iowa.
BenJ. J. Samuels. P. P. Benjamin Samuels. Gottfried D. Bernstein. Sis. C. Fish. *-
O. HocnmaD. Morris Bernstein. Harry L. Cherniss.
MINNESOTA LODGE 157. St. Paul. Minn.
JACOB H. SCHIFF LODGE 694, Lansing, Mich.
Hiram D. Frankel. P. P. Gustavus Loevineer.
Adolnh Knsitchek.
SASKATOON LODGE 739, Saskatoon. Canada.
BAY CITY LODGE 178, Bay City, Mich.
S. E. Simon.
N. Spiesbenrer. Edw. LiCBtitr.
MENORAH LODGE 769. Stevens Point. Wis.
ABRAHAM LINCOLN LODGE 190, Bloomington, El.
S. M. Shaftom
Sig.- Livingston. P. P.
IRON RANGE LODGE 793, Chisholm, Minn.
JULIUS HOUSEMAN LODGE 238. Grand Rapids. Mich.
Upholstering, Furniture Repairing, Overstuffed Furniture Made to Order
The Malashock Jewelry ft.
Diamond and Platinum Specialists
Tel. Webster 2224
1B14 Dodce Street. Established MM. DO uslas H l l .
AND see
H. L. Nides.
Win. GinsburK. Ern-in M. Treusch.
ILLINOIS LODGE 794. East St. Louis, III.
BURLINGTON LODGE 251, Burlington, Iowa.
Wm. Bensincer.
Bdw. L. Hlrsca.
LOUIS D. BRANDEIS LODGE 833. Regina, Canada.
MINNEAPOLIS LODGE 271. * Minneapolis, Minn.'
•D. B. Kliman.
Rabbi C. Darld Matt. Dr. Cbas. Kauch.
TRI-CITY LODGE 837. Rock Island, 111.
GRAND PRAIRIE LODGE 281. Champaign, III. Monroe Lowenstern. DES MdlNES LODGE 330. Des Moines, Iowa.
• J. GeHerman.
MINOT LODGE 842, Minot. No. Dakota. J. IJ. Kypen*. A. Frieden.
Eugene Mannheimer. F. P. 3. A. Blum. Robert Lappen. IJ. H. Cohen. M. B. Silberman.
THEO. ROOSEVELT LODGE 844. Superior, Wis. Dr. IJ. M. Harris.
SIOUX LODGE 847. Sioux Falls, So. Dakota. J. B. Kat*.
CHIPPEWA VALLEY LODGE 334, Eau Claire* Wis. Joseph Brodjr. .Simon Rosenberg.
EVELETH LODGE 895, Evelefh, Minn.
OMAHA>LODGE 354, Omaha. Nebr.
Solomon Sax.
Henry Monsky. P. P. Dr. A. GreenberK. Sam J. Leon. J. J. Greenbers. Harry H. Lapldug. Rabbi M. Tazon. Wm. GrodlnskT.
,T. .T. Slosbers. Jr.. J. HertaberR.
Mrs. Louis Davidson will entertain Miss Delia Brody spent last week in Chicago visiting friends and rela- in honor of her mother, Mrs. Meyer Davidson and sister Mrs. Henry Cotives. hen,' of Chicago, 111. . 1 Miss Mildred Cohen, a student of Mrs.. Nate Frankel is visiting in the Grinnell College, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chicago and Grand Rapids, Mich. Mose Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Davidson and A new girls' club, called the A. W. daughter, Mary, are in Kansas City G. F., was organized last week at the visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Levitt. home of Mrs. F. Neer, under the leadMrs. Anne Werblosky and daughership of Mrs. I. Barman. . Members of the organization are Anna Bar- ters, Sara and Elizabeth, have reman, president; Evelyn Goldberg, sec- turned from New York City where retary-treasurer; Elizabeth Lambe, they made their home for several Hestia Barman, Elizabeth Oppenheim, months. The girls spent the year Lucile Hockenberg, Birdie Ginsberg, in the study of music and of dancing and Helen Ginsberg. The next meet- under master of note. ing will be held June 4 at the Jewish Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Seeman enterCommunity Center. tained Sunday afternoon and evening Mrs. Abe Levy, of Hollywood, Cal., in honor of their son, Ralph, and his is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. bride, formerly Miss Mabel Warren of St. Louis, who are spending a few M. Silverraan. days of their honeymoon in the city. Miss Belle Barman entertained Monday evening at a linen shower at her home honoring Miss Lambe whose marriage to Mr. I. Dubansky takes place soon. Fifteen guests were pres- Chiropodist and Beauty ent. , Shop
Is Your Property Protected I ainst I FIRE O TORNADO • Are Von And Family Protected Against ACCIDENT O
FORT DODGE LODGE 935, Fort Dodge, Iowa.
Mrs. Bessie Leveson and daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. Ginsburg have returned home from California, where Helen of New York are the guests of Mrs. S. Davidson. they spent several months.
Mrs.. M. O. Kahn spent day in St. Paul. '
UP-TO-DATE Kosher Neat Market
Jester Rice. M. Raid.
PROGRESS LODGE 113. Peoria, 111.
are proprietors of the
Established 1890 lfttta and Harney streets. PbOB« Dnaflaa SS33
AAA DuplicatingCo-
| I |
H. A. WOLFXOMPANY I Fifth Floor Saunders-Kennedy Building. Tel.: ATlantic 3160.
SOUND LOGIC MEN! Select Your Season's Clothes Supply Now
You want what you want—-NOW is the time to get it. The rush is on for Comfort Clothes— YOTJR suit is here. Magnificent Showing of the Wonder Values of 1922 in
Sport Suits Featuring every -variation ofVthe new belt effects, newpocket ideas, aew two, threa and four-botton taodel*.
° '•
$35.00 Unless you «ee 'what Kuppenhelmer, Society Brand »nd Faihion I Tark bare produced this eeason—yon are missing the style hits S ol the year—they're here. ]
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. • '" We occupy wrtr 70,000 squat* feet Saothweat Corner Eleventh and Dangla* Street!. Phone: Jack ton !724 OMAHA. NKB.
OF COUBSE YOU CAN BUT HEBE HSrry H. LipMtm. P M . - T B I I . Jo». Pepper, vice-President. W. G. Ure. Seereury.
A Godd Suit at $20 or $25 Get an Extra Fair of Pants at $5.00. SEE OUR lTAttNAM STREET WINDOWS TODAY.
301 Peters
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1922. The Mesdames Max Granat and Moines, la., to visit. From Des visit In Kansas City and Excelsior entertained at a birthday surprise stone Saturday afternoon. A playlet Harry Duboff will entertain at the Moines she will motor to Chicago, 111. Springs. party Tuesday evening in honor of written by Mrs. Samuel Katz was home of ths former for twelve guests They will return home within a Marvin Treller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jennie Leibowitz at her home. presented by Mrs. Katz and Mrs. Friday evening complimentary to month. Edward Treller, arrived Tuesday Eight couples were present, The Isadora Ziegler. Mrs. Rosewater Was Miss Bertha Heiz, of New York, who Mrs. J. D. Kendis and daughter, morning from the Kemper Military club presented Miss Leibowitz with presented with a traveling suit case is the house guest of Miss Flora containing all the toilette articles in Evelyn, of Sedalia, Mo., are the Academy to spend the summer a Ukelel*. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kosowsky announce Bienstock. a tortoise shell. Mrs. Rosewater guests of Mrs. Kendis* parents, Mr. months here. the engagement of their daughter Mrs. M. Bernstein has as her together with her two children will GITTELSON—FRIEDMAN. and Mrs. I. Pearlman. Mr. Kendis, •M- „ . •., ~ -o . ~. . i house guest her sister, Miss Sadie leave at the end of the school year Bose Lillian, to Mr. David Fredkin, • Miss Bess Friedman, daughter of Miss Effie Friedman, daughter of of Chicago, 111. The wedding date Mr. and Mrs. I. Friedman, of this who is at present in California, will Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Simon enter•, „ , . . _ , She „ for Philadelphia to join Mr. RoseFelson, ef, _ Winnipeg, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. L Friedinan, of this has not been set. city, arrived in New York City Tues- oin Ms family the latter part of tained at Dinner Sunday evening at i will remain -for the summer. water, wiia was recently appointed to ti surprised her relatives and day with her brother, Arthur, whom June and remain over the Kaplan- their home. the position of director of publicity The engagement of Miss Sadie she met at Washington, D. C, where Corby wedding, which will take place friends by her marriage to Mr. Harry Max L. Holzman, son of Mr. and Mr. J. B. Katz, of Marion, 111., for the, sesquicentennial exposition m Gittelson, of Minneapolis, Minn. The Alisky, of Kansas City, Mo., to Mr.he is connected with the Interstate sometime in July. Mrs. William L. Hoizman, will sail, spent several days in Omaha. to be held in Philadelphia in 1926. ceremony was performed by.Rabbi Samuel Kadner, son of Mrs. M. Commerce Commission. Miss Fried|Ju!y 1 f o r Mr. B Pred returned from a s e v Europe with the Culver | Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zuber, of Frederick Cohn at 7:30 Saturday, London, of this city, was announced man will be permanently connected Mr.' and Mrs. D. Blumenthal will Unit. They will make a two month's Fremont, Nebr., announce the birth May 27. Only the bride's .younger during the past week. Mr. Kadner in the offices of the Educator's As- eral days stay in Chicago. be at hothfe to their friends Sunday tour there. of a baby boy born Tuesday mornsister, Miss Hilda Friedman, and Mr. was formerly of Omaha. No definite sociation at New York, having Mrs. M. Loewenstein, who has been afternoon, June 4, from three to fivfe, The members of the "S" Club will ing. Mrs. Zuber was formely Miss and seven to ten in the evening in Saul Brilliant of Minneapolis were date has been set for the wedding, formerly been located with them here visiting with her son, Sherman Betty Cohn, of this city. present when the marriage lines were in Omaha at their branch office. honor _ of their daughter, Marian's Lcewensteiri, left List week for spend the week end in Atlantic, la., Mr. and Mrs. H. Levich, ofSioux as the guests of Miss Irene Ringread. Mr. and Mrs. Gittelson left for Mrs. Victor Rosewater wag honfcr confirmation. On her way east Miss Friedman year's stay in Europe. City, la., announce the engagement of seldt. guest at a farewell luncheon given Minneapolis immediately after the visited in St. Louis with her sister, marriage and will reside at 506 Aid- their daughter, Esther, to Mr. Harry Mrs. L. L. Goldberg, and Mr. Gold- Mr. and Mrs. Marx, of Sioux City, by sixty of her friends at the Black"Jewish Press" Ads Bring Result*. Mrs. M. London left Sunday for Braviroff, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. la., are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. rich Avenue, North. Braviroff, of this city. Miss Levich berg, and also stopped off at Chica- Herbert E. Marx. They will remain Kansas City, Mo., to visit with her two sons, Sam and Nathan Kadner, is a graduate of the Sioux City High go to visit with relatives. HERSHORN-ADLEK: several weeks. formerly of Omaha. The marriage of Miss Ethel Adler, School, and Mr. Braviroff is a gradu- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Levinson will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Adler, tp ate -of the Omaha Central High be at home to their friends and re- Mr. and Mrs. H. White, of HollyJlr. Maurice Hershorn, son of Mr. and School and the Institute of Musical latives Sunday afternoon from three wood, Calif., formerly of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Max Simon an|Mrs. H. HershOrn, of this city, will Art at New York City. No definite to five and Sunday, evening from arrived Monday morning to visit with nounce the birth of a soa born Thursday, May 25, at the Stewart Hospital. take place Sunday evening at six date had been set for the wedding. eight to ten in honor of their daugh- Mm. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. lo'clock at the home of the bride's parMr. Myer Friedstein, arrived Saturter, Jeannette's confinnant from S. Ferer. They will remain a month. The last two performances of the season with the fctats. Rabbi Morris N. Taxoii will of- • Miss Bertha Heiz, of New York Temple Israel. day to join Mrs. Friedstein and sons, greatest of all Yiddish Stars ficiate. Only the immediate relatives City, who has been visiting with her Many entertainments are being Robert and Donald, at the home of |©£ the couple win be present. Mr. cousin, Miss Flora Bienstock, has Mrs. Ike Levy and Mrs. Max Som- given for Miss Mollye Corby, who Mrs. Friedstein's parents, Mr. and I Hershorn and his bride will motor to been extensively entertained while mer returned from a two weeks trip •will be a July bride. On Tuesday, Mrs. Sol Bergman. I Chicago for their honeymoon to re- here. Miss Bienstock entertained in- to Des Moines, la. June 6, Mrs. I. Pearlman will enterMrs. M. Holzman and daughters, fmain indefinitely. Upon their return formally Friday evening at her home tain at her home at a one o'clock Mrs. Lew Deveer and Mrs. Morris luncheon honoring Miss Corby and Estelle and Anne, left Omaha Satur| they will live temporarily at the home for twelve guests complimentary to of the bride's parents. her, cousin. The evening waa spent Joseph, of Des Moines, la., spent also her guest, Mrs, J. D. Kendis. day evening for S t Louis, Mo., to in dancing and music Mrs. Maxseveral days in Omaha this week. The Mesdames J. Marcus and J. make their future home. Granat and Mrs. Harry DuBoff will ERMAN—COHN, and her son and daughter, The Priscilla Club will be enter- Scharfe, of Co. Bluffs, la., will enterMiss Celia Kara returned Sunday Mr. and Mrs. N. Erman, 221 Col- entertain fifteen guests Friday even- tained this afternoon at the home of tain at a one o'clock luncheon and morning from Kansas City, Mo., will appear bridge honoring Miss Corby on Mon- where she visited with relatives for J;lege, announces the engagement of ing at the* home of the former in Mrs. Sam Mandelbaum. day, June 5, at Brandeis tea rooms. their daughter Rebecca to Mr. Harold honor of Miss Heiz. ' a month. MONDAY EVENING, W. Cohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miss Heiz together with her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wells and Mr JUNE 5, Mrs. M. Tatle and daughter, Cohn, of Chicago 111. Miss Bienstock, will leave on Friday and Mrs. A. Hene have moved into The members of the "S" Club their new home at 3314 Davenport Gertrude, will leave Sunday for St. The wedding date wlli be announced next for a trip to California, where Joseph, Mo., where they will visit in a great Musical Comedy | later. The engagement was first an- they will attend the Shrine Con- Street during the summer months with Mrs. * nounced to a group of friends gath- vention and visit with friends and Miss Freda Meyer is convalescing ered at the Erman home last Sunday. relatives. They will be gone for at her home having broken her armTatle's daughter, Mrs. J. Leibowitz, and Mr. Leibowitz. They will also several weeks. after a fall. PEROWSKY—KUSHNER. . Mrs. Ross Perowsky, 4218 Center, Mrs. Harry DuBoff will entertain Miss Fanny Newman, of Chicago, announces the engagement of her ten guests at the B:-andeis Tea is the guest of her brother, Mr. daughter Goldie to Mr. Harry Kush- Rooms on Saturday afternoon in Joseph Stone, and his family. Mrs. SEVEN DAYS ner son of Mrs. Dora Kushner of honor of Miss Sylvia Kulakofsky who Stone entertained yesterday afterStarting Saturday. Cedar Rapids. The wedding date will is to be married to Mr. Lewis Spiwak noon at the Fontenelle for twelve in be announced later. the latter part of June. Stewart Edward White's honor of her guest. and again on TUESDAY EVENING they will appear in Famous Story Among those who will attend Mrs. Julius Rayman returned SunJACOB GORDON'S best play, RUBINSON—ERBSTIEN. Mr. and Mrs. T. Rubinson of 648 the Shrine Convention at San Fran- day from a two weeks stay in Kansas Starting Sunday Thirty-second street hayte issued in- cisco will be Mr. and Mrs. City and Excelsior Springs, Mo. vitations for the marriage of their Joseph Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Tickets on sale at box office at the prices of 75c, Mrs. D. Hirsh and children left daughter, Inez Sarah; to Mr. Ir\viig Harry DuBoff, Mr. and Mrs. Dave $100, and $1.50. I. Erbstien of Rock Island 111. The Whitebook, of Cedar Falls, la., andlast week for Devils Lake, N. Dak. to visit with her father, Mr. S weddiiig will take place in the par-Dave Freeman. with ROBERT McKIM Glickson, for the summer. lors at Hotel Savery on the evening and an All-Star Cast. Starting Thursday The Misses Rose and Mignon Ruof June 13. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Apples and U Miss Rubinson is the inventive for benson, of Des Moines, la., where the children, of Denver, Colo., are the A Fair of Silk Stocking a number of prenuptiai courtesies pre- house guests of Mrs, J. H. Kulakofs- house guests of Mrs. Cora Wolf. They . . . witn.. • ky during the B'nai B*Hth Convention. fH ceding her wedding day. [MfsrHarry will remain for several months. Frankel will entertain at a bridge Mr. D. Hirsh will leave Sunday party on June 1 in the Harris-Emery morning for San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and two tea room and Saturday, June 3, Miss where he will probably make his fu- daughters left yesterday for Des Rose Rubinson will preside over a ture home. luncheon in honor of her cousin. Mrs. S. Davidson, Mrs. I. Davidson and Mrs..Anna Dobrin, of Minneapolis, Mrs. L. Ginsberg will also entertain Minn., who has been visiting here with in honor of the bride elect. her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Erman, and Miss Rubinson will share honors Dr. Erman, left Tuesday evening for •with Mrs. Bernard Bernstein of New Minneapolis where she will spend a York City, who is the guest for Mrs. few weeks before going to Iron Seppy I. Silberman, at courtesies ex- Range in Northern Minnesota, to retended by Mrs. Dave Oransky and main for the summer. Mrs. Ellis Levitt on Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weinstein enJune 5. tertained for eighteen guests at their Covers were laid for one hundred home last Saturday evening in honor and thirty- women at the luncheon of their first wedding anniversary. given by the Council of Jewish Wo- The guests presented them with a Subscribers to the Keren Hayesod men at its annual election and in-handsome gift. The evening was spent in cards and music. stallation of officers at the Blackstone Campaign are asked to mail their Hotel Monday afternoon. The openchecks to Dr. A. Greenberg, 434 E. Oscar Weinstein arrived home ing prayer was given bjr Mrs. Sam Decoration Day from the Kemper Brandeis Theater Building. Nathan. Mrs. M. Bernstein, president Military Academy from where he reof the Council of Jewirh Women of cently graduated. The National Headquarters are asking Co. Bluffs, la., then gave the address of welcome to their guests, the out Mrs. J. Goldware entertained, last for more money immediately. Let us of town women attending the B'nai Monday afternoon at cards and tea keep our promises. B'rith Convention. A large pro- at the Brandeis Tea rootts in honor gram was presented consisting of a of Mrs. J. Herzberg, of Fort Dodge, A complete list of the names of subgroup of songs by Miss Cecilia Feiler, la. scribers and the amount they hare accompanied by Mrs. H. Rosenfelc}; readings by Mrs. B. Boasberirr:aCri • Miss Sara Ruback left Saturday paid will be published in the "Jewish companied by Janet Gilirsky.' evening for Denver, Colo., where she Press 0 within a short time. remained several daya returning WedEntertaining numbers "were given by the Co. Bluffs novelty entertainers nesday morning. composed of Philip Krasne, Mrs. S. Rachman and her daughter, violin, Virginia Fair, p'ono, and Anne, and Miss Rachman's fiance, Mervin Tilton, whistler. Reports* of Reuben Brown, arrived home Sunday the officers and committee chairmen evening after a two week's stay at v were given and then the election of Excelsior Springs Mo. Officers took place with the following results: Mrs. Frederick Cohn, honor- Mrs. A. Weiss, who underwent an ary president; Mrs. Carl Furth, operation yesterday morning at the" president; Mrs. M, S. Miller, vice Wise Memorial Hospital, is convalescpresident; Mrs. J. P. Cohn, recording ing. * secretary; Mrs. A. Silverman, corresponding Becretary; Mrs. M. L. Mr. and Mrs. Max Miller will be Wolfson, treasurer; and Mrs. J. S. at home Sunday afternoon and evening to their friends in honor of the Rachman, auditor. confirmation of their son, Stanley.
Social, Club and Religious Activities
Mr. and Mrs. H. Friedel announce engagement of their daughter, to Mr. S. Weiner. The wedding has been set for June 18.
Madame Sarah Adler
Norma Talmadge in "THE SAFETY CURTAIN"
the tire mileage. is unusually high
Keren Hayesod Campaign
Twenty-one boys and girls will be Mrs. Leo Rosenthal and 'Mrs. confirmed from the Temple Israel Israel Rosenthal are in Chicago to Sunday morning,' June 4, at 10 attend the funeral of their niece, the daughter of Mr. Sidney Singer. o'clock. The following are the names of the J. j . FRIEDMAN, Arty., children of the confirmation class: S20 Omha National Bank Building. NOTICE OF ADM1NISTKATIOX. Sylvia Bernstein, Marion Blumenthal, In the County Court of Douglas. County, Leon, Frankel, Betty Furth, Fearl Nebraska. In the matter of the estate cf I>ou 31cGoldberg, Irving N. Heller, Dora Gurdy Peterson, deceased. All persons interested in said estate are Kirschhraun, Seamon Kulakofsky, hereby notified that a petition has. been Caroline Levi, Jeannette Levinson, filed in said Court alleging that said dedied leaving no last will-and prayLeon Mandelson, Lillian Rita Mantel, seased ing for administration upon his estate, and a hearing will be had on said petition Stanley Miller, Melvin Mpnheit, that before said conrt on the 10th day of Jane. Bernard Schimmell, Elsie Stalmaster, 1933, and that if they fail to appear at snid Court on the said 10th day of June, 1923, Florence Wolf, and Sarah Yaffe. at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest the said petition, the Court may grant the same and administration of said estate to Mrs. A. Silverman Jeft'for Kansas frant ohn J. Peterson, or some other suitable
City Mo., and Minneapolis, Minn., to person and proceed to u settlement tiered. BBXCE CRAWFORD. remain a month, „_ . Countr Judge.
Also Paperhanging Estimate^ FiirnisKed Carefiilly |t5fi$.0u; Coop*, fl,00.00; Touring Car, $085.00: Roadster. *850.00< Panel business Car. $1,085.00; Street Business Car, 1070.00. DELIVERED IN OMAHA.
J. Zangvell and W. Crade Prop.\ Phone WE bster 1087 - 1521 No. 19th St.
0X4KATi Omrmmr «t *Stk g» HwktrOias
vormciL BLTJTTS, u ; 33-3S Fmrt* St* , Cauell BlUta 081
£5? * ' . )
< numrimiuiiim Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman entertained Sunday at their home in honor of the "Briss" of their son, Milton.' Forty guests were present.
Office1 209 South 18th.Street
-Jackson 0268
TeL Jackson STO
JPhon* Webftei,!TO«
McCord-Brady The Brinh & Jensen Company
"Electric Shop"
TTItfc Tottr Order for
Phone Douglas 6400 ._
Dayton Mony Scales and Meat Slicers STEINER ELECTRIC >IEAT CHOPPER AND COFFEE RlitL.
.. t ^ , -_ Z.
SCALES OF ALL FOR SALE. South lOt^Street. Phone,Jackson 3332.
•' " *' ' " ~
Checker Cab .:.-. CALL
The Sunday School Graduation exercises will be held Sunday afternoon things, but the longing did not last— at the Odd Fellows' Hall at 2 o'clock. now all this would torment her and The public is invited to attend. make her unhappy. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cherniss expect to She felt herself choking. And she leave for Colorado next week. could not speak. The Rabbi took her silence for assent, and soon she was, Many affairs are being given and snuggled warmly in the car, by his are being planned for Miss Reva Gilside. Her finery, which before had insky, a June bride-to-be. Miss Leah entranced her, was not loathsome to Krasne entertained last Thursday afther. She wanted ..him to see her as she ernoon at a theater party, followed by was every day; in her shirtwaists, her a tea. at the Brandeis tea rooms. Mrs. hair coiled tightly—she wanted him E, Marcus entertained last Thursday to see her as Fanny Finkelstein, buy- evening" for twenty-four guests in er of gowns-r-she wondered whether honor of Miss Gilinsky. Mrs. B. then he would have insisted on taking Harding entertained Wednesday afther home. Her face flamed with the ernoon at abridge party. Mrs. H. E. thought of the deceit of it alL Sud- Nathanson entertained this afternoon denly'she faced her companion. for thirty-two -guests. On Saturday "Rabbi F e l d . I w a n t to tell you—" afternoon Miss Frances Nbgg will enBu1;r Rabbi Feld was "writing, in a tertain at the Brandeis tearooms. On small, leather-bound notebook, "What Sunday 'afternoon Misses Revs and is your address, Miss Finkelstei Gertrude. Gilinsky will entertain ,at and you won't deprive me 'of the their home at a bridge party. pleasure of writing to you?" The Council of Jewish Women held Fanny forgot what had been foremost in her mind, and answered its final meeting for the year last Wednesday afternoon at Eagle's hall. calmly: Following the report of the year's "83 Essex street." work, election of officers for the en"Essex street ? That is the Ghetto, isn't it?" The Kabbi's eyes shone in suing term took place, which resulted the darkness. "Do you know that in the following being elected: Mrs. when I first saw you tonight I felt M» Bernstein, president; Mrs. Sam somehow that you were real, that Snyder, vice president; Mrs. H. Maroyou had lived among real life, that witz, secretary; Mrs. A. Gilinsky, you knew and understood things as treasurer. ' they are." Miss Gertrude Cherniack returned Oh, didn't she, though! Fanny home Wednesday from New York smiled cynically. City, where she had been attending "You weren't superficial — your the Harriet Millicent Mills school. She manner didn't suggest just bored po- will remain for the ummer. liteness. I felt,j keenly, your sincerity and your .interest in everything. Miss Helen Chapman, who has been You're different, if you don't mind visiting with Mrs. H. W. Krasne, will my telling you." leave for her home at Des Moines. "No, go on-^go on," exultingly thought his listener. "I* felt through all your conversation that you had known suffering, for only one who has known it can come out on top^-the true person. It Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabinovich have', is after one has suffered and strug- returned .from Los Angeles, Calif., j gled that he iftsbetter able to apprespent the winter months. ciate the blessings of God. God does Mr. Dave Goodsfce left last Saturthese things to test you, to make you great. And it is the people He loves day for Omaha, where he will be the to whom He giyes greatness. Great- guest of Mr. send Mrs. J. Arkin.
The Harry A. Koch Co, INVESTMENT SECURITIES Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555.
T o o r position is correct, and should b e « ? u j u p o j t e d by evei^v fair; minded person.
Leo A. Hoffmann . . . of... Hoffmann Funeral Home.
CHIROPRACTOR Second Floor, Elks' Building.
pteoiptrcfs co., INC. Atanntactnrcirs. o t .
Phone Atlantic 4964
NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO. Read; Boofin? over old shingles. Also asphalt shingles and build-up roofs. Fire resisting and datable. All work guaranteed. Easj terms. Phono Harney 2574 Office and 'Warehouse: >1%E Xjeavenwortb
Never Mercantile Co., Inc. MANCFACTCREKB.
MEY-MER-CO. Brand Beverages, and Syrups. SU-UL So. U t h 1st., Omaha. N«bt. Phone Atlantic Z8S0
SUPERIOR DOUGHNUT CO. All that the name implies.
had never seen—good to look at, yet ness—not necessarily in the eyes of The Ziozu'st Organization held a Douglas 6887 916 N. 16th St. without a trace of conceit, calm, quiet, ; the world—but greatness of heart, of meeting Sunday at the Hebrew Instiinteresting; such was her mental cal- j mind, of soul." I i F a n n y again, a g a i felt lifted into realms tute. 1 Fanny ! —i_*..-_ culation. -1TTV-. While IL the «_..»_•• Rabbi, *. though ' Nutrition* Home's Had* Mr. Max Pill and his youngest son, j J inwardly—"I must have been asleep of ecstacy. The Rabbi spoke in soft, rich tones—calmly, with certainty. Ben, will leave today for New York J I all these years." Equipped with Pnlmotor. Sealed in Sanitary. Waxed Made hr j Fanny was radiant Her hair, which And his words bewitched her. He City, from which place they will sail j All Call* Answered Promptly. Wrapper ut Yonr Grocer. . 'UNGLE SXM BREAKFAST : she had piled high, caught, in the was tellirg her that she was great— for Europe June 15 on the "Majes- j Sundgren Pie Baking Co. FOOD CO. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN I soft glow of the roae-shaded lights she, Fanny Finkelstein, who had just tic."^ While in New York they will \ 3411' Farnam St. Phone Hartley 0392 <4th and Hickory. Atlantic 6241 ' OMAHA, NEBRASKA. J and the gleam of the silver, sudden felt deceitful and mean and ordinary. attend the graduation of Mr. Pill's glints of gold, and if Fanny could He was telling her that God loved her. eldest son, gdward, from the UniverShe had never thought of this before, sity of Columbia. The trio will spend have seen it, she would have said: American and over her again as earlier in the three'months abroad visiting in Rus-! "Oh, it'B like in the book!" WHOLESALE Wet Wash Lau nd ry The minutes flew. Never had Fan- evening crept the feeling of content, sia, Germany, England, France and • - Distributors ct Druggists and Stationers A 2803 Cuming. Harney 0881 Palestine. ny felt so peaceful, so content, so of peace. if, KWestern Bond—and High Grade 49I.403-I03 Sooth 1Mb . . They had reached her door. comforted—as she did there among One Day Service. No Extra Stationery Archie Herzoff, son of Mr. and ', the quiet beauty, the charm., and the In the dimness of the hallway the OiUUA, NEBRASKA. Mrs. M.' Herzoff, gave a piano recital t presence of these kind friends. It j Rabbi clasped her hand—and was last' Thursday at the Schmoller & ne Wily Bny Tin? was with a start and a pang of re-' B° LADY CHIROPRACTOR Fanny flew up the stairs to herMueller Piano Store. Bay Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. gret that she rose and sajd: PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. In Active Practice Since 1010. SAVES rOC MONEY. room. And without removing her . The .Mt. Sinai, Sisterhood held a "I really must be goingt" t i t h and Martha 8t». •Harnej.lt^S "I will see you home," calmly im- clothing sank down on hfer bed, andmeeting last Friday afternoon at the Dr. Frances H. Turner MID-STATES WHOLESALE Manufacturers of Braes. Bronae, Alqiplnnm. and Soft Gray Iron; Caitfngi. GROCERS parted the Rabbi. burned her flaming face in the pil-Mt. Sinai Social'Center. Office: Brandeis Theatre Bnildlnr* Y«w ire assured of -soft castings, as Kth «•<! Dbo*la» Stre«ts. 1117-10 Dodge St. Jackson 5373 we machine some from eVory 'beat' tn Fanny, who for several hours, had lows. Phone Atlantic 3836 oar own shop. Standard site cart Iron The Ivr'e club'gave a stag party Fanny ,Finkelatein \yas administer^ forgotten that she was jiving in a bashings in stock. • ' ' •* last, Wednesday evening a t Hotel WAX OLSEN & CO. I world where people? said, "111 see you ing a chamois to her Finkelstein nose, Martin in honor of Mr. Louis Agra,home," who had been existing in a .which today seemed almost Grecian. Distributor* tor f realm of dreams, where- .one. didn't ,In dark; blue, her hair piled high, and noff, who is to marry Miss Rose Pill SCHMIDT'S 1 OCR TREATMENT Wlt-I. Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger (worry nor had cares or responsibili- •,in her eyes, a tender glow , she-seemed in the near future. COJTV1NCK TOD OF OCR j tiesr—suddenly felt her heart sink, j stately. Ale, Hires Root Beer SINCERITY. Eleven boys and girls will be conOfflce ond Warehouse: 91? So- Mnln St. ~j She came down to 'earth, crashingly. j Rose Lord stared at her, and whisTrust Department. Telephone MS' ' - -' firmed at Mt. Sinai Temple under j a'ee her home? TmVman, who had j pered to a saleswoman near her: Safety Deposit Boxes. l COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. j opened to her, for the first time in "Say, that girl has what I c a l l - Rabbi Isadore Isaacson. A public reher life, and such a short time, too, atmosphere! Ain't it funny I never ception'will be held Sunday afternoon lUustsutors -r— RATES—— I vistas of romance—had shown to her noticed it before?" And she contin- at the Temple Social Center in honor ven of the confirmants. Those who will —-In his voice, hjs words, his eyes— ued to stare. for space on this Special realms where Neumann's Ladies' While Fanny..smiled at her pleas- be confirmed are Sarah Talmy, Eph- j Page given on application. riam Baron, Alice Schulien, Rose j ! Wear Shop did not exist—and how— ing image in the kindly mirror. 216 K. 16th St. Shulkin, Theodore Koolish, Irving Branches at Central Market, it was all to be shattered! Table Supply and Foed Center. Dryfoos, Shearld Cohen, Saul Resnit182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 I j "I knew it—I knew i\," Fanny's sky, Milton Baleatein, Harold Emline heart cried within her. "Jt was too and Leon Galinsky. good to last—it was too good—I knew CLEAN LINEN i t But I've got to make it last. It's The Junior Council held its last Every mormng got to!" i\ if yon call the nieeting.of: the season Thursday evenAnd Fanny, smiling, looked up at ing at the home of Miss Sara Kesthe Rabbi. «> Frontier Towel Supply selman at - which twenty-three 1815 California Street. "No, thank you. I realty don't care members Rabbi Jacob Singer and Mr. Sydney j were present. An Phone Doostas 6291 to trouble you." - ,* election of officers took place Poska' were^the Lincoln delegates to "Trottble! Why, J ^ j s iinjtefstein, with the following results: Rina the'B'nai B'rith Convention. Among) OVK NKW LOCATION it's indeed a pleasure. Please :iei; me Snyder, president; Esther Cherniss, the Lincoln visitors to the convention Corner lUth.nnd Doujrlas Street*. Call Atlantic 2364 come." " .;••/« nL. v;"':. • vice president; Rose Pill, secretary; are the Misses Rose and Rebecca PosMasonic Tcmpli- Bide Our Line r -.- - . ,. . . Fanny lowered her eyes. All right. | Libby Markowitz, treasurer; Jennie ka and Mrs. J. Singer. BALDWIN, Er/LINGT(WBAJUir,TON. HOWARD OriMGHTS. GRANDS, JEIow could she refuse when he asked; Katelman, reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman an* PLATER PIANOS. •3ike that. That's the way. things' OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. iy>unce the birth of baby boy born Mrs. M. Saltzman returned from THATCHER PIANO_CO. .^Tonight she wag a princess, Sil» Cnmlr* St.. . Omaha. Nebraska. Sioux City after- spending some time May 24. Phone Jncfcson 8066" ""V'.: speaking words of gold—tomorrow Mrs. Robert Arensoir will leave she'd be Fa^ny Finkelgtein, shouting with her daughter. Sunday for Portland, Ore., to attend above the noise to Broadway, "Just " Rates for Space on DON'T BUY COAL! the marriage of her daughter, Cecile, VAL.J. PETER & COMPANY step this way. I l l show you what we ! this S p e c i a l Page • OIL IS .MUCH CHEAPER have." ' v * , Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop to,Mr. Jacob Gibstem, of Seattle, 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. . given on application. Lei Us ICoiiiove tlie Poor from * Fiion* 104. Wash., on. June l l . Miss Arenson Vour - Furnnre anil fnMN. a ATlantic 0340. But. even that thought was not as The Best of Everything In Flowers and has made her home for the past two | l.'onfertlons nt M««Jprate Prtoea. LQ1IBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER 4»2 ISrnndrla Blrijr. Tel. Jnekion 2372 hard to bear as^that she was deceivyears with her sister, Mrs. David E. j " ing Wni.^ How foolish she had been Mr. \V. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater. Cohen?'and"Mr.~Cohen, of PortfSmd;f Sea Dflntflsint ration HO So. iqftfi Btrtrt. to'corae.TAf least before gSfe;.was* caar ~ " ' "COtTNCll- nCITFFlB. IOWA. Or. ' ' ' SulMciri$e jo* "The Jtwish Press". tent—she ltmgedj'- sometimes, f o r ; , „ &-VTEQNIZE OUR ADVERTISERS;"
Ambulance Service
FOODS Groneweg & Schoentgen WHOLESALE GROCERS Phone Jackson 1302
(PALMER GRADUATE) Phone Jackson 3072'
,. i
Baker Ice Machines
Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Iten Biscuit Co.
SNOW WHITE BAKERIES (Be*. V. S. Pat. - Office.)
1511 Howard St.
Phone Atlantic 0<81
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Carpenter Paper Co.
The Blossoms of Zion held a picnic Sunday afternoon at Fairmount Park.
- Phone Douglas 3400.
(Continued From Last-Week.)
Fanny's eyes flashed." "Yes, thank you. I'll come." Wait till she-told Rose. Dinner at Mrs.. Norberjr/s. "Oh, you are a dear. Gobd-by then till 8 o'clock. Ill send the chauffeur for you!" The chauffeur! Oh! Wait till the neighbors saw her. . UNDERTAKERS "Mine heart! Oh! Be quiet. Oh, which dress! What will Rose say? MOVED TO Wait till I tell Rose] ..And all at jttt ccanNG STREET. once, too, everything comes like that, so good—all at once.' Oh, let's see— maybe thia blue?" She held the dress up to her face. "No! Maybe this green? No." She went to the case where hung- therimported, most -expensive gowna. And extracted .therefrom, an exquisite orchid chiffon, in its ' folds glimmering; . fairyrjike, threads of silver. And in its belt was nestled- tenderly-a -roee- of lustrous velvet, .its color matching that in Fanny's cheeks. • Fanny, hardly breathing,- stepped Do away with drudgery and make iouse-work a pleasure by the use into the dress, and faced herself in of modern electrical • appliances. the mirror. [ "Fanny," she beamed. "And to The "Electric Shop" is on the think .that .never before—*\ ground floor of the Electric building,,South-east corner of Fifteenth Her glance fell to her feet. Of andvFarnam streets. ; ; course she must, have silver, slippers. She ran to the floor below where, in gleaming array, stood the coveted slippers in cases. Fanny selected a pair, leaving her money in their place, and returned to the gown's department. Oh, a wrap-—of course she'd need that. And Fanny,, with an inborn love for beauty, chose a voluminous wrap of moleskin, the fur soft and luxurious. She placed carefully,. feverishly, her newly acquired possessions in boxes and hurried in breathless excitement—home. At twenty minutes to eight Fanny entered the. waiting limousine, waving to awe-stricken lookers-on; at tea minutes to eight ahe was ushered I in^o, the luxurious, irving-room of the "SAY-IT-WITH FLOWERS" •Norberg home,.-where Mrs; Norberg, gracious and charming,""* received her and buy them-at , guest. And at the appointed hour she found herself seated beside the j Rabbi—a man, the like pf which she 319 Sdnth 16th Street.
Industrial and Automotive Machinists. Carburetor and Ignition Bepalrs. Starter Bin* Gears for Ante Fly Wheels ' 41) South 13th Street. Telephone! Jackson tfiOO
(Copyright, 1922, by the Jewish Writers' Guild. All Rights Reserved.) This is .a beautiful story- about a Jewish department store saleslady. The author i s a Buffalo Jewish newspaper man.—Editor's Note.
COUBCD Bluffs Savings Bank
Wholesale-Fruit and Vegetables
N. W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. ; ;
• •
>teamship 1 icket s
" .
Jewish Press
MJHest Aoto Parts Co. We carry a complete line of new rln? gearo. pinions, axle 'shafts and springs f<- almost any make of oar. M. D. RICHMAN, Maunder. 1318-1330 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. PHONE 444.
Omaha Offlce: 813 Donrias Street Omaha Phone Atlantic 2586
Ford Tranter & Storage Co. R. A. PORD. President and General Manager. Ccnacil Bluffs (Iowa) Office 824 Bo. Main Street. Phona MB
An Ideal Washing Combination.
Estes Laundry Tablets ... with...
Estes Soap Chips and
Water Softener (Combined) At all Grocers.
You will like
^Cirschbraun & Sons Sherman Mercantile Co. Wholesale « r w r s SoedalHea -1I CnmlnK St. P h o n » Atlantic ,1247 DISTRIUUTOKS JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Omaha. Nebraska,