Men are inexcusable if they do not pursue that which their ^judgment tells them is the most laudable.—Joseph Addi-
I am , always for the r man who wishes to work.; —Abraham Lincoln* * '
Entewd a» «econd-eUMm«U'x(i*tter on January 27th. 1921, at portofflea at Omaha, Nebrmrta, under the Act of March 8. 1870.
TwemMth Annual Zionist Convention at Philadelphia, Pa.
THURSDAY, JUNE 8, -1922.
1, Jewish Engineer is Granted Concession to Utilize Waters
Cape Town. (J. C. B.—By mail.) The "South African Review" published here prints a leading article on the subject of anti-Semitism hi regard to the immigration restrictions Will Celebrate 25th Anniversary THE FIRST ARTICLE SHOWS THE TZAR'S DEAD HAND WORKING Colonial Office Makes Grant to in South Africa. "General Smuts," of Founding of Zionist OrIN OUR MIDST. Famous-Russian Engineer it writes, "denied that the Governganization in America. . a, - . . " _t=_• * < . . to'Harnass Jordan. ment is anti-Semitic, But simulf ** By NORMAL* HAPGOOD. ;, taneously revealed the cloven hoof of JOHN FELDMAN ELECTED (.Utprinted by Special Perml#jnjn.;;*roni Hearst's International.) ,-. i• anti-Semitism by saying, "the Gov- GOVERNMENT GRANTS CORAS OMAHA'S REPRESENPORATION SEVENTY ernment did not intend to apply the TATIVE. YEAR MONOPOLY. ithe Jews more in- idea that .Justice- Braadeis of the: Su- immigration laws in a spirit of hosTsarist reactionaries, the KusElux of which-have Klan, and Ford have been: a motley ury than wouSr have been done to ireme Court might have a private tility to Jews but welcomed the Jew. At a meeting of the local Zionist London.—Copies of the concession ish population so long as it was of the trio in persecution of American citi- hem by ten pogroi wire that they cfiuld tap. organizations held Tuesday evening at granted by the Colonial Office to Enzens. The Ku Klux Klan worked the Jewish Community Center, John The man who Many other Jews will appear as we right class." You do not find General gineer P. Rutenberg for the utilizaites that boast is alone, but Henry Ford worked with he head of the Feldman was elected as Omaha's repioff movement proceed with this. Alice-in-Wonder- Smuts saying that he welcomes Chris- tion of Palestine's water sources are the Russian leactionaries. resentative to the twenty-fifth annual in this country. B: ol and bis asso- land tale of Ford's insanity. But not tians as long as they are of the right now available, says Mr. S. Joynson convention of Zionist organizations of Such an accusation is serious. It dates are working jiot merely for the "ews alone. All" liberal Americans class. So far from disproving anti- Hicks in a statement to the press. America,' which1 will meet in Philar Administration 'Helping. Natives Help will be supported with abundant doc- restoration of the Tsar. Their prin- become "Jewish -fronts." Colonel Semitism it proves it. This is another The concession requires Mr. RutenThemselves—Soviet. Government delphia, June 25. r : cipal plank is that the new Tsar must House worries them a good deal. He case where the onlooker, that is theberg to form a company at the expiruments. Bearing Operating Costs. • Among the questions that will in" Ford does not understand these be a Romanoff.•• None except the sa- s a "Jewish front? '.Detectives "look non-Jew, sees the game better. ation of two years, the monopoly is things. Outside of business, where cred family can.count on a power suf- him. up." . So is- Herbert Hoover a all probability he-placed on the calgranted for a term of seventy years 1 AMERICANS .^FFICERING REhe is a genius, his mind is that of a ficiently absolute.. Later we shall 'Jewish front." The Ford machine endar "are the following: . : and covers ..the utilization of the JorLIEF ADMINISTRATION. child. When we have told the' story, tell you about their principal candi- asis why Wilson Is pro-Jew.' The The registration of the Palestine dan and \Ymrmuk. rivers and their we shall, it is to be hoped, .have done dates. Brasol knows exactly what he whole picture becomes a nightmare, Mandate, and the recognition of the tributaries,; as well as the waters New York. . (J. C. B.) An interest- the service of making less likely an- wants, and so do the other under- like the persecution., manias of the Zionist. Organization as the Jewish hereafter coming under the control of Agency, to co-operate with the Pales- ing account telling how the American other outbreak of this European re- ground Tsarists from Russia. Ford, Tsar's time, the Kaiser's time, the the High Commissioner for Palestine. ' playing their game; has not the first Dreyfus madnacs in •France. And tine Government on all matters relat- Relief Administration-'heips the Rus- actionary trick. The concession empowers the Goving to Jewish interests raises a ques- sian people to help themselves, where Democracies can be as despotic as potion of where he is being carried there is all the :melodrama of detecernment, Mr. Hicks says, to exprotion which has already been alluded to maintaining strict supervision over monarchies. The preservation of free- by forces that make a' monkey of him, tive agencies.- The investigators work Money of Tag Day to Be Used in priate the existing undertakings in Restoration of Land in Palestine. at the last meeting of the Greater distribution of relief, is contained in dom means active intelligence -and ac- using his great wealth and his com. in secret They, take numbers, which behalf of the •Rutenberg' scheme. SimActions Committee held in Berlin last a release of May 16. The report in tive will. When there begin attempts plete ignorance ofjjheir remote and they use instead of. names. Ford's ilarly, lands and buildings, which the ' secretary,-Lie>old, has a number, ALL L O C A L ORGANIZATIONS Government is unable to obtain by March. Shall the Zionist Organiza- part follows: r to stir fires leading to oppression, sinister purposes. 121x. Ford "himself, presumably, is tion make an. attempt to organize the "Seventy thousand -Russians, offi- they must be extinguished in their WILL ASSIST ON THIS agreement may be expropriated in Now turn your attention to page 16 Number One. • Jewish Agency, providing for the in- cered by 150 Americans now make early stages. • FLOWER DAY. behalf of the scheme. of Hearst's International and you will clusion of Jewish groups interested in up the famine army, with which the In all the history of persecutions prepare yourself for one of the most Ever since Ford got off on this parNo other installation excepting by the building of Palestine; or shall a America^ Relief Administration in the originally based on religious differ- dramatic, grotesque and shameful ex- ticular mania,, people have been tryThe National Flower Fund day will private persons, and on a small scale, World Jewish Congress be convened Volga, is saving some eight to ten ences, that have come down through amples of the Ford campaign, waged ing to discover the motive. They be observed here Saturday evening is permitted during the whole of the for the purpose of establishing an All- million lives. As in every other coun- the centuries, there is no more appal- first against Jews, then against any- were familiar with-the general idea and Sunday. Ail organizations in the 70 years, and no concessions tor the Jewish representation to act as the try where it operates, the A. R. A. ling instance of superstition and per- body and everybody suspected of lib- that a great manufacturer-could show city have volunteered to aid on this construction of canals, dams, reserJewish agency. in Russia dispenses' as far as possible jured testimony than the Beylis case. eralism. C. C. Daniels is a New York extraordinary-weakness in public life. national tag day. All workers will voirs, or for, the generation of elecThey had seen'Ford boasting about meet at the Jewish Community Center trical energy may be granted witbrat T h e development of the Keren with American help' using all its re-It is one of the bitterest ironies of lawyer, and a brother of Josephus sources for the purchase of necessary history that one of the men who was Hayesod has disclosed certain flaws in Daniels, formerly Secretary of the bis lack of education, and yet taking early Saturday evening and refusal. supplies and .throwing the burden of a member of the department of Rusbigoted positions- on natters of his- given their respective assignments.* relation to -its status vis-a,-vis the Navy. '.j • • '., Hie concession farther provides, aCThe local flower day load campaign. tory. ; r •" J ; The Keren the overhead on the country assisted. sian Government that helped "to exeZionist. Organization. rding to Mr. Hicks, that collections Employed-'Beteefhre Agency. "The Soviet Government therefore cute the Tsar's despotic hatred .on" an But in all these-errors las heart is in charge of Mr. L. Kneeter. "Tins of SBBtoms duty on imported machinHayesod is the Jewish national treasThis really good-hearted man fur- had been, right. iWhat made the mys- is, the ninth annual flower day and we ery are to be postponed until holding ury;* it is the treasury of the Zionist furnished all transportation within innocent Jew in Russia should' have Organisation for laying the founda- its borders, provides warehouses, been one of the leaders in the attempt nishes a striking example of the man- tery was the-fact that the crusade most do our best," said Mr. company will have made certain profhave secured the aid of all its. There is" nothing in the concesagainst the Jews seemed to need a tion of the Jewish national home. The kitchens and bears all operating costs, to start the same persecution in the ner in which a sound intellect once launched bad heart .as ^ j j j f t p Keren Hayesod is legally a separate including the'payment! of the Russian United States. It is still more bitter heart can be sion requiring Mr. Rutenberg • to -buy ;w.e*k. head. antipathy. Mr. Bs Trifti this national tag-'^feayK^ on racial corporation, maintaining its own -ad- personnel. As they, however, are'un- trony thafin this land of liberty, "How themachinery in Britain only. , • Tk«r money obtained from the wrfe lA; mA ministrative' force, and conductrngy to der the:-control of theiA.; Mr. Enttsberg mayy-nr t&» , owers will go to the Jewish of his scheme, erect dams across the a large extent, a propaganda 'for the pay is transferred-in ^-I&lk to^the e ]S Im-e been found^ fighting for most creditable, and we have no rea- portant emplb^ei. "But fife's of f, 4ad ifl ueed m*h« Jordan, construct a canal at Tiberius collection of funds in which the Zion- Americans bythe-Soviet once a month the same purpose as this minor de- son to doubt i t It is, in brief, that that's all theri is to i t ' He's ist Organization is' one of a -number in advance. - Their' pay for April tective of the Tsar. That this rich he lost his position in the Department machinery going, and you can't stop restoration and the cultivation of the and divert the course of the Yarmuk. soil in Palestine. Many immngrants The interests, of the present users of / ' of factors. Should the Keren Haye- amounted to" twenfy billion -roubles, man's motives are good does not make of Justice because he t i e d to prevent it." have invaded Palestine since last year water are: safeguarded by the clause sod administration and propaganda less than-$5,000 at *he present- rate of the tragedy less. Monarchs have been land*from being stotlen from the "1 think it is R,ogicka Schwimmer and according to the reports of the entitling; them to the quantities of waChippewa Indians in Minnesota. He for collection be consolidated withthe exchange. , flattered into vanity and cruelty bewho made him mid at the Jews," left tiie Methodist Church because he speculated another high-salaried Ford National Fund headquarters, more ter they now use, says Mr. Hicks. "The Russian aid, however, is by fore this administration and propaganda of the discovered that certain Methodist uni- man. "She was a Jewess, you know. money is needed to help the immiZionist Organization or shall it re- a ©means confined to this paid perIn the absence of Mr. Rutenberg, Hired Russians. sonnel. The Americans find many main as it now is? who is in New York, no confirmation If you look _t page 18 of Hearst's versities in the south were being en- She sold Ford ihe.peace-Rhip, which grants in obtaining land. of Mr. Hick's statement is available, At the present time, the headquar- means of also enlisting volunteer as- International for June, you will see a dowed by the American Tobacco Trust is said to have cost him $800,000, and except that the Colonial Office, ters of tile Zionist Organization are sistance. They have been particularly facsimile reproduction of a letter At many different turns in his life Ford never forgave her.. Some one OMAHA HEBREW CLUB through whjch the concession was selocated in London, the Keren Haye- fortunate in securing it from Russian from Brasol. This letter was written he showed a willingness to sacrifice told him the peace-ship was all a ELECTS NEW OFFICERS sod Headquarters are likewise situat- doctors who .up to the advent of the to another Russian, who is also in the himself and his own welfare for lib- Jew trick, and it made him mad." At a meeting of the Omaha Hebrew cured authorises its publication. ed in London. With the registration Americans, were finding it very diffi- United States, endeavoring to help eral principles, We question noneo: A tribute to .the sanity of American club held Sunday afternoon at the of the Palestine Mandate and . the cult to live and almost impossible to build up Ford machine. His name this. Perhaps it makes our story newspaper writers is .found in the his- Jewish Community Center, election of recognition of the Zionist Organiza- continue their work with the available is General Spiridovitch. He h,as been even sadder. tory of the staff of Ford's Dearborn officers for the ensuing term took tion as the Jews agency would it not facilities. The American medical staff in Detroit. He was an honored guest Daniels was at the head of Ford'; Independent. •» When Ford started his place. The following were elected to be desirable to transfer the Zionist therefore set itself the" task' of finding at the Ford plant. He marveled at detective agency in New York, a typ paper, he went; to the Detroit News office: Arthur Rosenblum, president; headquarters completely to Palestine, help for its colleagues. They secured the wonders of the institution and ical detective aggregation, silly an< and hired E.. G. Pipp, the editor-in- Dr. Nathan Dansky, vice-president; leaving" in London only such branch thousands of dollars for food packages then told the Ford editors all about dangerous. No story was too wil chief. Pipp took with him to the In- Sol Rosenberg, secretary; A. Cohen, Feeding of Undernourished Children Abroad Begun on April 30. for the local doctors. the Jew problem. The pamphlets for these detectives to ignore. Thej dependent the .pick of the writers in treasurer.; J. Shukert, first trustee; offices as are practically required ? "And now the A. R. A. has hit on a which Spiridovitch issues in Chicago muckraked everybody who was a Jew the office, old-and trusted friends and J. Waxenberg, second trustee; Sam HERBERT HOOVER SUBSTANTIplan for using refugees who find against the Jews even now find their or was suspected of being a Jew. They contemporaries.; But life in the Inde- Altschuler, third trustee^"'"^ ATES REPORTS OF ADthemselves in" strange towns with Way to Detroit. When General Spir- held solemn arguments about whether The officers elected will be installed pendent offie.c'wa» difficult to enfiure. MINISTRATION. " nothing to do, as a sanitary army to idovitch read this letter,*" he was nocertain people were or were not Jews. Ford's business men. were constantly July 14. The club is making plans clean up streets and public places. As doubt especially impressed by Bra-T>ey delved into the Shipping Board "butting in" with, wild ideas. It was for a public celebration of the thirNew York.—An Odessa cabletoths they are all receiving American food, sol's boast, appearing in the first par- ajid the War Finance Corporation betieth anniversary of the founding of American Relief Administration, Herno place for sane journalists. Organizations To Meet To Attempt they do the task gladly." . agraph, reproduced: "Within the last cause Jew s were at the head. They the club in Omaha. bert Hoover chairman, substantiates t o Veto New BilL year I have written three books, two became- terrifically excited over the (Continuedjin next week's and amplifies the Jewish Telegraphic A RESPECTABLE VOLUME AMERICAN. PALESTINE Agency reports concerning the extenFREE IMMIGRATION IS URGED. ON HIRSCH LECKERT IRON WORKS ASSIMILATION PREACHED sive program for the feeding of chilJEWISH S*IIEflBNTS Moscow. (J. P. A.) A memorial Jerusalem. (J. C." B.) This factory TEN JEWISH GRAJfc ^ BY CHECH JEWS dren and adults in the Ukraine, made REPRESENT SCHOOL Toronto, (J. C. B.) Every Jew . UATES AT TECHNICAL volume dedicated to the memory of is now engaged- in "the ?nanufa?ture possible by ti>e allocation of a lar£e ••=• DEBATING TEAM in .Canada is ' urged to wire to the C. B.—By mail.) Prague. (J. HIGH SCHOOL Hirsch Leckert, assassin of the Govof various classes' of machinery, thThe South Side fiigh sfchool hafe the ernor-General of Wilna Von Wahl, fund by the Joint. 'The American Reparliamehtary member of his district Among the graduating class of the Against the Jews of nationalistic ori" j eluding pumps,, presses, e t c It also lief Administration's release, dated protesting the new immigration:'* Omaha Technical High School this entation who, at. the last elections, first honor of havirfg had a Jewish has just been issued here. Lenin and ' | carries *v"* •~"~«s May 16, quoting the Odessa cabV-, debating team to represent th« sfchool. in a communication issued by concentrated about 80,000 votes (alseveral other communist bodies partiJune are the following . ten Jewish reads: ' The debating-team was composed of Canadian Jewish Congress. i Forty hands are employed and include students: Anna Horn, Rose F^llman, most two-thirds of the Jewish votes), cipated in this work, which also con"Feeding of the starving and underFree immigration is urged in theboth Jews and Arabs. It has been Ida Shafton, Marguerite Greenfield, one part of the Jews preach the ne- the following Jewish students: Ben tains biography of the deceased as interests of Canada itself since a found from experience that the Jews Ruth Herman, Eva Swartz, Joseph cessity of assimilation into the Czech Kazlowsky,- Sadie Gorenman,. Harry well as valuable history of the nourished children in the Ukr»int>, Russia, was begun on April 30 by the larger population would result in a make the better fitters and smiths, Marks, Harry Roitstein, and JSdward of German nations. In the party of Oland and Minnie Fried. '"This team Bund." is one of the'beA debating teams that American Relief Administration in the Czech-Jewish Assimilants, organreduction of; the present high tax- while the Arabs make the better Ruback. r I have ever coached,'?' said W.. H. conjunction with the Joint Distribuized in the Union of Czech Jews, a ation.! llie Jewish constituencies are foundry men. The rate of pay varies Miss Fellman and Miss Herman EXPULSION OF JEWS Deaver, coach" of'the debating team. tion committee. • serious dispute developed during the accordingly advised to bring pressure from 25 piastres to 90 piastres a day. have been chosen in the cast for the IN WILNA REGION "Col. Wm.E.' Grove, who arrived last few months because the president to bear; .upon their representatives in The raw materials used are princi- class play "Quality Str^fft |hat will Wilna. (J. P. A.) Hundreds of in Russia recently to take charge of AGAINST Parliament, with a view to securing pally steel, pig iron and coal, and are take place tomorrow f and Saturday and some of the members of the com- A POLISH Jewish residents of Wilna region are the work, immediately set about ta> mittee are non-confessionists. . The a modification of the new drastic re- imported from England, which is now evening at the Omaha Central High facing the danger of expulsion and ganizing the kitchens with all possible opposition, led by the writer and auWilna. (J. P. 'At)' . Tie local Polish the return to 'Soviet Russia. strictionb limiting immigration to able to compete as regards prices School Auditorium. ; They will hold their banquet Mon- thor, Adalbert Rakous, asks for re-government, hjts. issued a decree" to This relates to those of the Jews speed, as the need in every section is farmers) agricultural laborers and with Gersaajiy. day evening at the Happy 'Hollow forms, declaring it as paradoxical if the effect .that all. physicians and who served the Bolsheviks when the so acute, and on April 30, 10 days bemaid-servants. Club. On Friday, June 16, they will a Jewish organization is representa- lawyers,.who Baye.riot declared their latter invaded these regions. Most of fore the original opening date, "700 A new resolution amendment to the POLISH POLICE OFFICERS children were receiving their first' fi*e tived by individuals who, nationally intention'of becoming .Polish citizens receive their diplomas. Immigration Bill introduced in the! A JEWISH S these are not Bolsheviks, but took meal in a public kitchen consisting of and religiously, have nothing, in comshall forfeit t^eir right to practice. Dominion Parliament provides that _ AT A BANQtiET employment with them out of necesmon with the Jews. The dispute was This decree will affect unfavorably sity," and it is for the commission of cocoa, noodles, beans, rice with nifik apply in writing to the Wilna. (J.'P. A.) At a blnquet VATICAN APPREHENSIVE . . and grits! By May 9, 7,000 'chlldl** to be "ended by a special" convention a great maiiyj)?. the\Jewish proffesABOUT PALESTINE ) ImmigrationDepartment before leav- arranged by-the local JeWisV Ihtelwhich was called for a few weeks ago sional men .who. for obvious reasons, this "sin" that the Polish government were being fed and it is expected that ing the* country of origin. ligencia, in'honor'of the Jewisn" d*eaf London. (J. T. A*). Replying to but as the opposing party left the wants to expel them now from their 16,000 will bV provided for during the The iioyer of this bill, which has mute painter, Minkowsky, Polish po- questions in the House of pommons, convention, the dispute still remains didn't wish to declare their allegiance native towns. week.' Within two weeks it is planned to Poland, ".:-:"- : . : . . . , passed-oh first reading, claims that lice officers ••-entered and took charge Mr.' Harmsworth, u»4fT Secretary of unsettled. to feed 250,000 children, which n«fiit is intended thereby to prevent in- of affairs. They forbade the speak- State for Foreign Affiftrs, said it was ber will be increased until the 'maxiFEISUL CONVENES B'NAl . t T justice to immigrants who are fre-ers to make more than ten minute true that the Vatican was apprehensmum of 850,000 is reached by •J«t$' MESOPOTAMIAN ASSEMBLY INFORMATION BUftEAN quently being excluded at the Can- speeches,' and 'also demanded that all ive about the' protection of Catholic SEEK MISSING MAN. —;;IN PALESTINE speeches be translated into Polish. interests in Palestine^ but the^ governadian tfort of arrival. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Advices have One of them^even spoke about a Pol- ment had no official information conImportant letters from ProsJerusalem^ '•{J.. P.' { ) A.) The Inde- been received here from Baghdad that ish-Jewish understanding. cerning the 'mission in England of fcurov, for Isaac Weisbart or Weis- pendent JEWISH COMMISSARIAT REBB'nai B*rith *ri i of A Amer- Emir Feisul, the Mesopotamian ruler, WILNA JEWS WILL p i ' BUILD A ESTABLISHED IN MINSK Those present were enraged at the Patriarch Barlassini of Jerusalem. band, have been received, at-the ica has h opened a special information who recently proclaimed his intention Wilna.' (J. P. A.) The local Riga. (J. C. B.) Announcement is effrontery of the police, but had to Asked if: the Patriarch had been office of the Jewish Welfare Fed- bureau here,, for furnishing of free to secure full independence for - his seen by a representative of the Goy eration. Any information relative country, had convened the National ish Art society, has decided to made of the re-establishment in Minsk suppress their feelings. advice for all the new arrivals in the The painter Minkowsky. is &>nsia'- eminent or whether, the Govarnmen to the whereabouts of this man Assembly, numbering 100 members, a permanent home for Jewish tbJfet-> of the Jewish Commissariat of White l a n d . 1 .;• : : ~ ~ : .-.<." • = • - ' < -• commission,, comrepresenting various religious com- ricals. A Russia which had been recently abol- ered a leader. in his: &eld, anft. is ja cared to to contradict Bajlassini's al- should be communicated to the A technical techn To the newly arrived immigrants, t d engineers, ig munities of the Irak province and in- posed of ished. The newly opened Bureau will brother of the" formers-Vice Minister legations, Winston Churchill said he Federation at once. of architects archte and ,fc fc*s as well a* t&~:the temporary visitors, cluding five Jewish members. would inquire. he in dugs"*ft£^ Communist Loads. Minkowsky. ._™i_-.: w, ^ i ' z ; : been employed to draw up' plans,' • this officer * i h .jfove invaluable. * Budapest (J..T. A.) The internment camp at Zalaegerszeg, the scene of so many depratiyes perpetrated upon the prisoners, 'particularly the Jews, is about to be closed, if an official communique is to be trusted. The decision to dijsband the camp is apparently due to ..the recent hunger-strike in which, a majority of the inmates took part.
This Series Is a Strike for-American Liberty-1-We Expose Mercilessly, With Documents, ; Just What This Misled Plutocrat Has Done.
American Relief Workers Russian Famine
Rational Flower Day Will be Observed Here Saturday and Sunday
Million to be Fed by Joint and Art
Canadian Jews to fight Immigration Ban
-iMsi SSSiSt22£itiiiiS
JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922. day family lifei&ax. fcest be; solved by providing adeqtjate recreational' and educational facilities for the children, . PqbHslw0. « m y Thursday at Omaha, Nebra»*a» &T_,, supplementing this by personal servTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. , ice in special'cases. This we are-atOffice*: 48& Brandeia Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2872. tempting to d o through the measures outlined-above. ^ NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Your committee has won the wholeEDITORIAL BOARD: some respect and cordial co-operation DR. PHILIP SHER. of non-Jewish agencies, the Juvenile SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, HENRY MONSKY, Court and the* Board " Education Subscription- Price, one year. especially availing themselves conAdvertising rates • farnfshed on application. stantly of the-service of the committee as a- whole and of the individual I NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaI tfon of Tha Jewish. Pyfaa ate to be gfven to worthy communal cansea» members. Respectfully submitted, CHAHGB OF ADDRESS—Pleaie glrm both fit* old u l M « address; i___. bf «o*e and sign your name SOCIAL SERVICE COMMITTEE, l5r. Philip Sher, Chairman. r • - „ Rabbi Frederick Cohn. CONFIRMATION. ifst* Leo Rosenthal.-
FeJinan.eJa H e fng—Hannah t i g a H P srasnuin, n u i n Osna Perasnuin, _,^_ .— .Btmnee—i-Hannaa. Pe Dix rswsky, -BwIynRubin; Dixie Hughes. k B I R b in; i Ubth Hilda Pearlman, KUz&beth Peresmaii. MaryiLonise Both, Katharine Robertson. Gwendolyn Simons. Blanche Tatjs. edyn S J i S d i Janice—Sadie KHmowsky. K H k y Sylpfcette Polka—Evelyn Eubhi. Hannah. Peresman, Osna Yerows'ky. Reading—Violette Tarowskj'. Fallings Leaves—Ruth Falling LeavesRuth Rlegettnan. Rlegettna. Patilioe d dayman, Lenore L X/ipsey, Xi llJlllan llJllla BosMrs. Allan Epstein and daughter, ley. Hannah Ferman.
were included in this year's graduating class at Drake University. They ace as follows: Dessie Wolf; Louis D. Ansher; Mandel Elman; Rudolph Elman; Nicholas Friedman; Laura Lipshie; and Ethel Sherman.
Phyllis Irene, of Chicago, are visiting at home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson. Mrs. Robinson accompanied her daughter here from, Chicago where "she was visiting. The members of the Treble Clef Club entertained their husband's at an evening party Saturday at the home of Mrs. Harry Frankel.
Spanish Doll—Rose Robinson/ Sonia Rosenbaum, Evelyn Miller. Fannie Garsh, Eileen Goldman. Spring—Bernice Marks, Esther Tx-iseroritz. IincQe Morse, Helen Barley. Mildred Leiserowitz, Mary Hyma>i. Mnmrka—Therege Berlovich. Libbie Nesr, Graee Egbert*- Jeanette Pere»raan. SaA; Tatz, Sophie Corn, Frances dayman, Rorothy Marks. Wood Nymphs' Revel—Sara Sandier, Bessie Swart?, Sara Grund.
the following subject: Resolved, that the task o f leading the Jews out of exile .today is greater than the task which confronted Moses, next Sunday, June 11, at the Synagogue at 2:30 p. m. The public is invited. Mrs. Maurice Grossman, and daughter, Libby Sara, of Manhattan, Kans., are visiting with Mrs. Grossman's mother, Mrs. L. Meyerson, of thiu city. Mrs. Grossman was formerly Miss Lena Meyerson. She will remain indefinitely.
bring their children. A good time is in store for all. Miss Reva Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, 908 5th Ave., returned from California Monday night. Miss Cohen spent the last two years in Los Angeles and vicinity visiting with friends and her return home was a complete surprise to her parents and relatives as she was not expected until sometime in August, her plans being for several weeks stay with friends at Lake Tahoe, Calif., and Kansas City., Mo., but owing to the illnes of her mother, who is confined in an Omaha hospital, came directly home, stopping only a few days in San Francisco en route.
Miss Esther Arenson and her mother returned to their home in Lincoln Monday after spending the past two weeks at the home of Mrs. Cherniss. The Hebrew Ladies Aid Society Miss Arenson is the fiance of Mr. Dave held their meeting and card party Mr. Sam Saltzman spent a fewCherniss. Miss Reva Gilinsky is the inventive Tuesday afternoon at Younker'a Tea days in • St. Louis, Mo., during the The Confirmation service when; our children make public pro- •-•^•- Harry Silverman. of a number of social affairs that are room. past week. fession of their belief in the teachings of our reKgion, should be a ]';},' Rabbi Morris Taxon. Miss Delia Freidman is spending a being given. Miss Gilinsky will be Samuel Schaefer, Secretary. service that elevates and consecrates all who participate, the parThe Temple B'nai Yeshurum held married Sunday evening to Mr. Philip few days with her aunt Mrs. GrossThe Ladies Aid Society held their man and Mr. Grossman en route to regular meeting Thursday at the ents, relatives, friends and the congregation no less than the chil- Alma Rubens, who is the featured its closing exercises Saturday morn- Sherman of Allen, Neb. dren themselves. player in "Find the Woman," a Cos- ing for the religious school with the Mrs. Al Freidman entertained her her home in California. Several af- home of Mrs. H. Trochtenberg. children's Flower Service as part of The superb exercises marking Confirmation Day have de- mopolitan Production released by Par- the last regular Saturday morning club Monday afternoon in honor o* fairs have been planned in her honor. The Evening Card Club were enteris a descendant of Peter Paul Miss Gilinsky at the Hotel Fontenelle. veloped gradually in the last one hundred years. Since this in- amount, Miss Sara Kesselman and Miss Jen- tained Monday evening at the home Rubens, the famous Flemish painter. choir service. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. M. Solonice Katelman will leave Sunday for of Mrs. Henry Maduff. stitution became an established feature of the Jewish Temple, By a peculiar coincidence there was Treasury in the Trunk," a one mon entertained for$tiss Reva Gilin- Kansas City where they will visit rethere are few synagogues, or temples in which the Confirmation placed in one of the settings in the act"The play, was the feature of an enter- sky and for the Mesdames Ma vrice latives and friends for a couple of ceremony is not one jof the outstanding events of the religious picture—a drawing room in the home tainment given by the children of Gilinsky, Nathan Nogg and L. Hetger. weeks. ...FOR... year. Formerly the children of the Confirmation class were re- of the character interpreted by Miss B'nai Israel Sunday School at the Mr. and Mrs. A. Aginskee entertained Rubens—a bronze statuette of the Synagogue Sunday evening. The pro- on Tuesday evening in honor of Miss The Sunday School children will DIAMONDS, JEWELRY quired to answer questions from t h e catechism, and to be able to great painter. Gilinsky and Miss Gertrude Cherruack, hold their annual picnic Wednesday, AND gram was in honor of the festival of 1 pass a fair examination in Biblical history and kindred subjects* The actress, while not an adept at Songs reading, and recita- who recently returned from schoo at May 14, at Lake Manawa. All MothSPECIAL PLATINUM The confirmants are not given a formal examination in most syna- handling the palette, is thoroughly at Shabuoth. tions were given by the Sunday New York City. On Wednesday aft- ers are requested to fix a basket and DESIGNING gogues at the present time, as a part of the Confirmation exercises, home in any art museum; indeed, she School classes. Vocal number by Mrs. ernoon, Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky and see spends much of her spare time in Miss Jeanette Gilinsky entertained at .although they are presumed iio-have a fair knowledge of the hisSonia Leibson closed the program. the Metropolitan Museum in New Members of the play cast were: Edna a bridge party. Mrs. S. Cohn en+; •:- Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop tory and the teachings of theirreligiohT The feasonthat they are York City. tained her club at her home this aftPhone 104. not required- to take an"exammation £t this time is^causei the In "Find the Woman," Miss Rubens Rubinson, Nathan Wiseman, Lillian ernoon in honor of Miss Gilinsky. Diamond and Platinum Xhe Best of Everything: In Clowert and Ancher, Lea Marcus, Ida Levine, and Specialists impression should not exist that Confirmation is in any sense a plays a part well suited to her out- Sidney Shane. The play was preConfections at Moderate Prioea. ISI4 Dodgre Street. Ernest Nogg, son of Mr. and t<'rs. MS W. Broadway. Noxt Liberty Theater. graduation; that on the contrary it is a purely religious service standing talents. She i& seen as So- sented under the direction of Miss M. Nogg, is the only Jewish student Established 1894. DO uglai 8619. COUNCIL BLCFrS. IOWA. Carey, a concert singer, who be- Frances Ancher. and signifies the introduction, of our children into the full respon- phie to graduate from the George Washfriends a girl from a country town sibility of religious life, Mrs. D. N. Wolfe returned Saturday ington High school class of one hunjwho is in New York to try to make After confirmation the. religious education should continue. l h e r w a y o n the stage. The two young to her home in Denver, Colo., after dred and fifty-one graduates. Parents who permit their children to drop out of the Sunday women ar? strangely involved in a a visit with her jsister, Mrs. Herbert Mrs. L. Heeger and son, who have . been visiting with their parents, Mr. School as soon as they have been confirmed, make a great mistake. murder mystery,, one of the most sen- Joseph. sational in Tears.. I t is known that Any study that is dropped completely at the^age of fourteen or Mrs. Louis Ver Veer and Mrs. Mor- and Mrs. S. Freiden, left today for about the time the victim was killed ris Joseph spent last week in Omaha. her home in Sioux City. S fifteen will'leave h&rdly a trace upon the mind. How can we ex- in his office a woman was seen leavpect our children to remember the lessons they learned in their ing the room by way of a. fire escape. Mrs. Emma Strasburger ,of Alba, is Miss Dorothy Aginskee left today Sunday School if they nevee-again look at a Bible or a Jewish text Thus it is up to tb epolice to "Find visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Wolf. for Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Reva Gross entertained for six couple at book on religion after they have been confirmed. The subjects we the Woman." Mrs. Ed Dannenbaum was hostess her home Monday evening in honor .VArthur Somers Roche wrote the study in school must be reviewed from time to time or they will story for Cosmopolitan Magazine and at two parties this week in honor of of Miss Aginskee. be entirely forgotten. The religious instruction imparted in the Doty Hobart adapted i t to the screen. her son Henry, who is a member of Sunday School is of extremely doubtful benefit unless the pupil It was directed by.Tom Terriss, who the graduating class of Hanawalt The ResH Ayin club will hold its meeting next Thursday with A, builds up upon the foundation of religious knowledge that is laid also directed "Boomerang* Bill" with School. On Wednesday Mrs. Dannen- regular Miss Faye Hirsch at the Hirsch cotbaum entertained the principal, Miss Lionel Barrymore. Eileen Huban, in the Sunday School. Post-Confirmation classes would be better Nellie rWarren and the teachers who tage at Lake Manawa. attended if the parents and Ifre,children understood these facts. well known on the speaking stage, have directed her son's schooling in Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky an important role, as have George Our ancestors never regarded thefr'religlous education as definite- has the grade schools. The following eve- left today for Sioux City, la., where MacQuarrie, Norman Kerry, Harrison ning Mrs. Dannenbaum presided over they will attend the Agranoff-Pill ly completed.. Through their entire life they studied the litera- Ford, Ethel Duray and Henry Sedley. a lawn at her home, when the wedding. ture. They perceived that the spiritual wealth of our sacred litera- The picture will be shown at the Sun teachers fete and graduating class of thirture is practically inexhaustible. It is absurd to think that a child theatre, beginning Sunday. teen were entertained. The hostess Mr. and Mrs. Don Friedman an1 %-•*<5f" fifteen' of'sixSee'n lias gotten ^erything possible^ otrt of the Of the.many picturesque restau- wa« assirtedr-by jthe-Misses Madeline nounce • the engagement of. their study of religion. The time will come when in all of our Sunday rants of the mining days.that have Saverude and Vivian Viele. daughter, Shirley, to Mr. Hyman BerWE FURNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. «J Schools we shall have classes for persons of all ages, and these been handed down to posterity in fic- The Hebrew Ladies Relief Society lint, formerly of Omaha. No date has one has been visualized on the been set for the wedding. PERSONAL SER\1CE WITH EACH 3 classes will be attended not only by a mere handful of the faithful, tion, screen under the uncomplimentary held their regular monthly meeting but by the bulk of the members of the families of our congrega- name of "The Greasy Spoon." The Sunday afternoon at the sixth ^street Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Brown have \ POLICY—LARGE OR SMALL. > v J returned from their honeymoon in Synagogue. tion.—Kansas City Chronicle. makeshift food emporium of Little New York and Chicago, and are now Butte, Mont., features in "The Deuce The Junior Hadassah held their last of Spades," Charles Kay's photoplay, meeting of the year Tuesday evening at their home in Council Bluffs, la. Fifth Floor Saunders-Kennedy Building. '.^ at the Moon theatre. The action of at the Jewish Community Center. The Mogen Dovid and the Blossoms the story centers, in humorous fash- Election of officers were held and of Zion clubs will hold a debate on .' vft TeL: ATlantic 3160. V ion, around the acquisition of this res- plans for a summer picnic discussed. taurant by Ray, obviously an unsoSiillllHIIIIIIlHIIIiiiHIIUllllllllllllIllllllliritttllltflllfttlllHHHHHHHHHIIHHimmilg phisticated Bostonian who has come The Zionists met Sunday evening at west to make his fortune. the Jewish Community Center to elect "The Greasy Spoon" was repro- a delegate to the National Conference Chiropodist and Beauty 1 duced at the studio upon exact de- this summer. Mr. L. Oransky was Shop scription of one of the Nevada res- chosen to represent this group. Established 1890 15th and Harney Streets. taurants furnished by an old-time The Senior Hadassah held their last Phone Doasla* 2333 mining man who is a permanent resiEditors Note—The . following YMHA, and as such has the recrea- dent of the Hollywood screen colony. regular meeting Wednesday, afterreport of local social service work tional and preventive forces of the It supplies the location for a lot of noon at the Jewish Community Cenewish community at his direct com- humorous episodes in the picture, in- ter. Plans for the coming year were •was endorsed by resolution of mand. In addition, the committee on cluding the incidents in which the discussed. the Convention last.week, and an social service of the B'nai B'rith is star tries his hardest to make a match appropriation of $500, was made are proprietors of the Mrs. Robert Lappen entertained at also the Social Service committee of for the pretty girl who is hiB assistto the local lodge to increase the a luncheon party Monday at one the Jewish Welfare Federation. The ant at the restaurant. scope of the work during the o'clock at the Harris Emery tea room, work is further co-ordinated with that coming year. For seven daye, starting Saturday. honoring Mrs. S.' Slate, of Chicago, of the Council of Jewish Women. As who is the house guest of Mr. and Herewith is a brief report of the a result of this close co-operation with "A Poor Relation," the latest Gold1552 North 20th Street. _^ major activities of the Social Service all the social agencies of the com- wyn feature comedy, starring Will Mrs. Joe Slate of this city. Eight Committee for the period from May munity, the pre-delinquent .child is Rogers, will be presented at the guests shared in the luncheon courtesy Phone Webster 2196 COMING from every point in the Middle 1, 1921, to May 1, 1922. No attempt brought into contact with force's that World theatre for seven days, begin- which was followed by a theatre parMark's says: We have the will be made to cite Individual cases; tend immediately to restore his be- ning Saturday. The picture is the ty. West-—coining to clothes headquarters. best trade in town. WhjT rather a resume of the. outstanding havious to normal. can't we have Y O U R S ? Every man knows that we're prepared film version^* the stage play of the The Jewish Community Center gave phases of our work will be given. These measures have proven their. same name that has been successfully, with every conceivable comfort suit style its annual aesthetic dancing and draPerhaps; the beat, indication of the •Utility so far as concerns dei^lquent perfprmed ifqr.lthe past thirty-one and cool fabric. Smart colors, supreme matic art recital Wednesday evening, successful development of opr: work is and pre-delinquent children. T i e great yearsv. It brought fame to its author, quality from leading, makers, and every the attitude of-the committee'itself body of normal children,. however, Edward E. Kidder, as well as to the May 81, et Crocker school. About size under the sun. toward i t This is especially-true in needs care and attention aa well, and late Sol Smith. Russell, who created sixty children took part. The program is as follows: cases involving, juvepiles: -Whereas in their behalf, the B'nai B'rith, the title role and acted it for many Just Like A Gypty—Hnby Clark, Irene previously the committee, had" prided through'the efforts of "this committee,; years. Cohen, Poreen Chapman, Mary l/ouise Epnn, Naomi Hamberger, Mftble Smuleson, itself on its work-in'Juvenile Courts is furnishing leaders for' various club' FIRST CLASS WORK. Will Rogers ia an ideal "poor re- Mildred Tobls. Blanche Boblnson. on its constant .attendance at Court. activities~ofItKef YMHA, All. of the lation." As a quaint and shabby phil- Pox Trot—Adolph Neer, Lenore Mpsey. REASONABLE PRICES. Blue Danube waltz—Elisabeth Larsen, -% hearings, and the results it accom- male leaders, are members of the local osopher who fathers and mothers two Dorothy Hand-Tailored Palm Beach Suits, at Weil&nd, Beatrice Marxer, Gladys plished -with, Jewish delinquents who lodge. The- lodge has, in effect, orphans, though he himself has noth- Anders. Beading—Bertha Cora. were wards pf the court, ;now the com- adopted the YMHA' and i s sponsoring ing, the cowboy; star will bring laugh- Jan—Dorothy Marks, Sara Markman, Cool Mohair Suits, $25 Tropical Suits, $30 and $35 Frances Beechen, Sylvia Zarnow. J. RICKLIN mittee congratulates itself .onrv the immorally. : At the recent father-son ter and tears to all who see him. The Naughty Girl Polka—Dixie Hughes, Call Webster 6270 Pearlman. Elizabeth Pcresnian, fact that its less.andTless banquet YMHA boys were guests of part of Noah Vale might have been Hilda Mary Louise Roth. Katherine Hobertsen, B'nai B'rith members who were themGwendolyn Simons, Blanche Tats. needed in the Court, and that jts-work born with him. The Pursuit—Evelyn Bubin. has become preventive; and • construct- selves"."boyless,'? some 50 under-privThe story is simply; and virtue tri- Hussar Dance—Bessie Grund. Sara Sandier, Pearl Betterman, Sara Grund, Besive, and has ceased to be merely cor- ileged "boys attending at that time. umphs over $ciieming villainy, but sie Swarti. rectional. This change in view-paint This- close co-operation of the local only after many'trials that are both Readings—Mabel Smuleson. iaillan Bogley, Ruth Riegelman and Blanche Bobinis warranted by the fallowing figures: lodge and the YMHA has elicited the amusing and pathetic. •on. " . following comment from the Jewish Dutch Dance—Ruby Clark, Doreen Chapthe total number of children, appearman. Irene Cohen, Mary LouUe Egan. Naing in Juvenile Court for this period' Welfare BoaTd; the national YMHA omi Hainberger, Mabel Smuleson, Mildred No Springs—Honest Weight Tcbis, Blanche Robinson. was 960—an average of 80 per- month ageneyr EXTRA PANTS TO MATCH, $4,00 Naiad—Bessie Grund, Libbls Keer, Sara —the total number of-Jewish delinMarkman, Sylvia Zarnow. ^^^^ HOBART ElijCTRIC "We are especially interested quents for the same period was 19— 4. J. FRIKDMAN, Atty., GRINDERS, CHOPPERS for t^«:ffPalm Ifeach" label, the genuine, in evory suit Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, of Omaha, in the wholesome co-operation an average slightly greater than 1 320 Omha National Bank Buildlnr. 1 • ' ••• - . . , .-,••••• w e .s e l l . .. • • • •.' - •-.-. '. ' NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION: arrived here-Thursday to spend a that exists between the B'naiAND MIXERS. per month ; of Douzlas County, month with her parents, Mr. and In the County Court B'rith and ttieYMHA in'Omaha. Nebraska. The reason for the appearance in In the matter of the estate ol t o n McMr«; S. Davidson. .'".'.'.,.Tbjfe ia exceedingly commendaSEE OUR FARNAM STREET CLOTHES WINDOWS Service and Sales: Gnrdy 7eter*an, deceased. Court of less than 2 per cent of. Jewb l e / ' . . , - '•, -•:'•:••-•• ' ':.. ."• - •: All persons Interested in said estate are 13th AND JACKSON STREETS ish cases from a community that is 6 ~ Miss Gertrude Cphen, a nurse at hereby potifled that » petition has been in said Court alleging that said deper cent of the total population of th< We know of no other instance where. the-;^utheran Jloapital, hag gone to filed Phones: seaced died leaving no last win and praying for administration upon his estate, and city, 18 to be found in the close co . such: close co-ordination exists. Chicago for.a.month's graduate work that Toledo Scales ™^-. Doug. 7682 a hearing will be had on said -petition ordination of the work of the combefore said court on the Wth- day • ( Jane, Our adult work presents a "problem at Michael Reese Hospital. Hobart Hectri: — D o n g . 7896 1983, and that if they fail to appear at said mittee with that of the Jewish Wel- differing from that which we have in Court on the said 10th day of June. 1MZ, Miss Helen Chapman haa returned at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest the said petifare Federation of Omaha, the YMHA juvenile work, but we are attempting We have on hand Used and home after a two week's stay in Comm- tion, the Court may grant the same and and the Talmud Torahs.' Your secre- to meet it through the appeal of the p a n t .administration of said < estate to and John J, Peterson, or some other suitable Rebuilt Machines. : CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND "WOMEN • tary Is the executive bl the Jewish children. We feel that the solution I person and ^fe^®^*^* Welfare Federation - and-_ of the of many, of the social ilia ia.present.'_ A number pf/Jewish, young people .County, Judge.
r 4
The Nalasneck Jewelry ft.
Is Your Property Protected J ft- Against^ Ift
FIRE O TORNADO • i Are You And Family Protected Against 1 A ACCIDENT O I* i;
Report of die Social Service Committee of Oinaha Lodge No 354 I.O.B.B. to jthe 54tK. Annual Convention of District No. 6
H. Marks- -L. Levinson
U P -T O- D A T E Kosher Neat Market
They're Coming for Comfort Clothes
Paperhanging, Fainting and
Repairing Plaster Work
Genuine Palm Beach Suits I $11 and $ 1 5
Menorah Societies of Omaha and Lin- The Misses Shirley and Fanny Ru- next picnic will be given sometime In end in Des Moines where he joined his of Mrs. S. Greenstone while in Lin- •; back are visiting with Mr? and Mrs.the middle of July. coln. . r wife and children who are visiting comtoattend .the graduation of Max v Mr. and Mrs- Mike Gold, of Nebras- L. Kaplan a t Sioux City, la. They with Mrs. Sandlovich's mother Mrs. S. Klein from the Nebraska Univeraity. ? Mina Freedman, Bertha Abrams Engleman. ka City, Nebr., and two sons, Morri* will return home Sunday. and Elizabeth Shrago »re among the and Joe, leave today for Nerw York to ORTHODOX PERSECUTE " new member* admitted to the RuNa Word has been received of the death Miss Dorothy Gordon will leave spend several days, thence to Europe BACKSLIDERS, IS CHARGED' club at its meeting Tuesday night Sunday for Boulder, Colo., where she I * where they will spend the summer in. of Mrs. Becker, M Philadelphia, Pa., Warsaw. . (J. C. E.) That the or- \ mother of Mrs. Henry Rosenthal. Mrs. This dob is p*^nw"ig & cupper meet- will attend the University during the travel. Mr.Gold will visit his mother - KAVICH-SHAMES. thodoxy is becoming more and more > V * summer session. in Poland, whom he has not seen for Rosenthal hag been in Philadelphia ing in a park for its next affair. The marriage of Miss Jeanette rwiiitjmt and . is organizing special 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. Messer, of Chica- many years. They will also visit in for several weeks* Shames, daughter of Mr. B. Shames, groups in every town and village of Mrs. Harry Stein of Omaha, is the The regular meeting of the YM and io Mr. Harry Kavich, was solemnized go, III., announce ^ e engagement of England, France, Germany, and BelMr. Max Hothschild, of San Fran- YWHA will be held Monday night, guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Poland to -compel backslidersto'ob- 1 ruesday evening, June 6, at thetheir daughter, ^Cbrinne^ to Mr. gium. serve the Sabbath, is the charge made ' eisco, Calif., who was unable to at- June 12, at the Jewish Community Mozer. Some of the-bride, Rabbi Morris Charles H. Shames, son of Mr. B. in the "Volkszertung," the organ of \ ' tend the one hundredth birthday of Center. An excellent musical proThe leaders of Young Judea. will N. Taxon read the marriage lines Shames, of this tnty. Mr. Shames entertain at an Orpheum theatre par- his mother, Mrs. Win. Rothschild, is gram will be given. The Ivre Club held a meeting at the the Bund party. The Bundists com- {' Ivre Club rooms Wednesday evening. plain that the orthodox are interfering * before the presence of the immediate is formerly of Omaha and now re- ty Saturday afternoon, followed by now in Omaha visiting with his mothThe Ivre Conclave which was to have with individual freedom by closing the ' t relatives of the couple. A wedding sides in New York City.. The engage- tea at the Brandeis Tea rooms, com er. He will remain indefinitely. YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. been held here May 28—30 has been shops of those who would keep their '. reception for the guests followed the ment was announced at the wedding >limentarytoMiss Bernice Solig, who At the regular monthly meeting of postponed. places of business open on the SabDuring the aomraer months servceremony. Mr. Kavich and his bride of Mr. Shames' sister, Jeannette. s visiting with her mother, Mrs. Hanthe Young Judea Council held Saturbath. The paper also prints a report "left immediately after the ceremony Solig. Miss Solig was one of the ices will begin at 7:30 on Friday even- day evening at the Jewish Community The Hebrew Educational Society from Si«dUez that the local "Chevra . Mrs. J. Rabinowitz, of Oakland, leaders of Young Judea before leaving ing at Temple Israel. There will be Center it was voted ontobuy a half for an extended wedding trip to will meet Sunday evening at the Ivre Kadisha." had refused to officiate »t , no Saturday morning services throughCalif., arrived here Wednesday to for the easttoenter an art school. California and the northern part of Dunara of Lgn4 in Palestine to help Club rooms. the funeral of & Jew, who had shaved out the summer months. Canada. The out-of-town guests were spend an extended visit with her fill out Omaha's land Donation quota. his beard. Mrs. Sam Block, of Fremont, Nebr., the bride's two brothers, Mr. L. A. mother, Mrs. Sam. Novjtsky.. The Meaorah Society ©f the UniMrs. L Ziegler and children left •The Fairies of 25on will hold its and Mr. I. H. Brown, of Norfolk, spent Shames, of La Salle, I1L, and Mr. versity of Nebraska elected the folMiss Flora Bienstock and Miss the week end in Omaha with their Friday for Chicago where they will regular meeting Sunday afternoon at Charles H. Shames, of New York lowing officers for the coming year: visit with Mrs. Ziegler's parents, Mr. the Jewish Community Center. City, and Miss Corrinne N. Messer, Molly Corby won prizes at the re- mother, Mrs. M. Brown, leaving Mon- and Mrs. Julius Kippur. President, Sam Gordon; vice-presigular 'meeting of the Ba Oth Society day for Chicagotospend several days. - of Chicago. dent, Sam Kretchefsky; secretary, BASEBALL. held Wednesday evening at Phelps A number of affairs are being given The Y. M. H. A. baseball team met Rose Minkin; and treasurer, Harry Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus leave for Miss Molly Corby, who is to be Hut when Mrs. H. S. Novitsky was « GIYQT—AGRANOFF. Upholstering1, Cohen. -The marriage of Miss Fannie Agra- hostess. The out of town puest was today for Rockford, HI., to spend sev- an early July bride. Mrs. David P. its third straight defeat last Sunday Furniture Repairing, noff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miss Bertha Heiz, of New York City, eral days with their daughter, Estelle, Feder will entertain at a 1 o'clock afternoon at the hands of the Naples Mrs. Harry Arenson and Miss EsBank team. The Y team is now in Overstuffed Furniture ho is attending Rockford College and Agranoff, of Sioux City, la., to Mr. who is visiting with her cousin, Miss luncheon and bridge at the Brandeis ther Arenson returned home Monday then the three leave for Chicago and Tea Rooms on Tuesday, June 13. Cov- the fourth place. Joe Givot, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bienstock. from Council Bluffs, la., where they Made to Order The Y team will cross bats with have been visiting with Mrs. J. Cherreturn to Omaha next Thursday. D. Givot, of this city, was performed ers will be laid for forty guests. ANT SrriiB SiATERlAZ.S. Dr. A. Greenberg will leave SaturSunday evening in Sioux City at the Twenty guests were present at the the Payne's All Star team next SunVAIiOTIRS. MOHAIR. TAPBSTKT. niss. Mrs. J. Agrans, and son, Ben, have luncheon given by Mrs. I. Perlman day afternoo* at Thirty-second and Hebrew Institute. Rabbi Kopstein day for Minneapolis, Minn. Tel. Webster 2224 returned home at Sioux Falls, read the marriage lines in the presMr. and Mrs. J. Klein and Mrs. M. „ , to their , ,. last Tuesday afternoon a t her home Dewey avenue at 1:30 p. m. Mr. Harry Lehman, president of the ence of one hundred guests. Dinner Slobodisky of Omaha, were the guests last week: after spendmg . _ , Jewish Federation and of the S. P. C. aSo..Dakota, month m Omaha wath Mrs. Agrans ( f w M i s C o r b a n d Mrg P e r i m a B s was served followed by dancing. AfD Ken(K whfl A., of Dayton, O., accompanied by Mr. aster, Mrs. M. Brown, and son, Bert ter June 10 the young couple will reJoseph Herzstam, of Dayton, visited fa side in Sioux City. Among the outby the Mesdames Harry Fleishman during the week with Messrs. Isy and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roffman have as of-town guests were the parents of The Messrs. Loais and Ben Ellis, of Leo Rosenthal. their house guest Miss Sara Cohen, David P. Feder and A. B. Alpirin. the groom, and their children, Max, Omaha, are making their home in of Pueblo, Colo. She will remain a Maurice, and Laura Givot. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaefer, and young Lincoln. YM AND YWHA NEWS. Mrs, S. Babior and Mrs. B. Garrop, son, are leaving the latter part of next month. Miss Cohen will be extensiveOyer 90 young men and women at•and Mr. and Mrs. N. Nitz and family, week for Cincinnati, O., where Mrs. ly entertained while here. The first tended the first Y picnic of the season Mr. Al Sandlovich spent the week alUof Omaha, motored to Sioux City Schaefer will spend the summer at entertainment that has been planned at Fontenelle Park Sunday. Two for the visitor is a dancing party to to. attend the wedding. the home of her parents. She is plan- be given Sunday evening for fifteen mammouth trucks, furnished through ning to return to Omaha about Sep- couples at which Mr. and Mrs. Roff- the courtesy of Simon Bros. Co., took tember 1. Mr. Schaefer will accom- man will entertain. the merry-makers from the ClubSPIWAK-KULAKOFSKY. pany hertoCincinnati, going on from rooms at 10:00 o'clock Sunday mornAs a total surprise to parents, there to Providence, R. I., where he Mrs, H. Wohlner and daughter, Syl- ing and returned them, exhausted •relatives, and friends, comes the news will attend the annual conference of via, left Sunday for several months from a day replete with fun, frolic of the marriage of Miss Sylvia Jewish social workers. He will re- stay in the east where they will visit and "eats." Jake Copeland was chairKulakofsky, daughter 3£ Mr. and turn about July 1. with relatives. Mrs. B. Wohlner en- man of the committee which arranged ONE WEEK -Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky, to Mr. tertained at a farewell party Friday the affair, and made it a success. The Starting Sunday. Lewis Spiwak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. White and family evening complimentary to Mrs. H. D. Spiwak, of Ottumwa, la. The couple eloped Tuesday, June 6, to of Hollywood, Calif., formerly of this Wohlner. ANNOUNCEMENT Kansas City, Mo., where they were city, who are in Omahatospend sevMr. and Mrs. Louis Albert entereral months, have taken a bungalow married. After the ceremony they Rev. E^ Fleishman tained last Sunday evening at their at 5111 Burt street. Started en- their eastern honeymoon, •THE MOHL" home for twenty-five guests in honor i will be at home July 1 i n D e s Moved into his new home at of their little daughter who celebrated i Miss Rose Grodinsky will leave 1342 So. 25th Street Moines, la., where Mr. Spiwak has June 17 ior an extended stay in the her first birthday. Many gifts were Corner of Woolworth Avenue. established a business. The marriage east. presented to her. j TeL Atlantic 6637. Adapted from Arthur of the couple was to have taken Seiner Roche's Great Miss Baylia Frieden left Wednesplace Tuesday, June 27. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld en day for Sioux City, Ia^ to attend the Mystery Story. 1 tertained at a dinner party Tuesday Agranaff-Pill wedding which will take ROBINSON-FELDMAN. The wedding of Miss Ida Feldman evening for gix^oupleg at their home. place this evening. She will return to Mr. Louis Robinson took place Sunday. w. Crc. Secretary. Mrs. Henry Monsky and children Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Laura Givot will have as her the bride's sister, Mrs. N. Wintroub. left Saturday for San Francisco, house guest for several days Miss Rabbi M. Grodinsky officiated. The Calif., where they will spend th e sumFaye Leavitt, of Passadena, Calif. COMPLETE STORE AND .0 out of town guests were Mr. and aier months. Miss Leavitt is enroute to New York OFFICE OUTFITTERS Mrs. Ben Robinson and children and City. Miss Mollye Werbe, of Kansas City, We occupy Mr. Samuel Goldstein of Lincoln, Neb. 70.000 toast* feet ~ Mo., who has been visiting with * Ctmr Miss Tillie Rice will be hostess to »nd Dangtas Streets. Miss Sylvia Fox, of New York City, friends here returned to her honn "The Flappers" Sunday afternoon at Phone: Jackson £724 who has been with her sister, Mrs. Wednesday. her home. OUAHA. NEB. Ben Ross, and Mr. Ross for the past Mr. and Mrs. Morton Degen anc Friends and relatives gave a surtwo years, left Saturday evening for Miss Corrinne New will leave Satur, prise party Sunday evening in honor Los. Angeles, Calif., where she will day to motor for Chicago, HL of Mr. and Mrs. M. Frieden, who celevisit. * friends and also attend the Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt anc brated their twenty-fifth wedding an.Shrine Convention at San Francisco. Miss Fox made many friends while daughter, Ann, left Wednesday morn- niversary. The guests presented them here and has been extensively enter- \ ing on a motor trip to Boston, Mass., with a silver percolator set. tained for the past several weeks, j where they will attend the graduation Mrs. 'Ross entertained at a farewell of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenblatt's son, Sol, party Saturday evening, for her sis- from the Harvard TJnrversity. They STARTING SATURDAY YOUNG MAN wants board ter. Thirty-five guests were present. will remain in the east for six weeks. (Seven Days) and room. North part Mrs. S. SUaifer entertaintd last TuesMr. and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein enof town preferred. Call day afternoon at an Orpheum: theater Webster 3103. patty :in honor of Miss Fox. Mrs. D. tertained at a dinner party Saturday Rothenberg entertained at a bridge evening for seven couples at their card party and luncheon at the "Bran- home. deis, Tea rooms Saturday afternoon, Mr. Morris Feldman of Chicago, HI., and Mra. M". Drevith entertained ten formerly of this city, spent several WANTED __ Experienced in at a dinner party Friday evening hon- weeks in Omaha visiting relatives. Saleslady who is expeoring Miss Fox. rienced in Office Work. Mrs. A. Ricklin, who has been ill at Star Store at 24th and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fried and the Clarkson Hospital for this last Shootin' Straight at Parker Sts. Ask for Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bernstein moved three weeks, returned home yesterday. Tour Funny Bone. Levinson. into their new home at 3033 Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Sol Degen and daughstreet during the week. ter, Hazel, will leave tomorrow for Miss Esther Newman is visiting in San Francisco, Calif., from which Lincoln, Neb., with friends. place they will sail for Honolulu the latter part of the month. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs announce the birth of a baby boV on Monday Mrs. Mary Gilinsky has as her morning, June 5, at,the Ford Hospi- house guest her daughter, Mrs. Ed. tal.. Ostrem, of Minneapolis, Minn, She will remain several weeks. Miss Helen Rose, of Chicago, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Norman Mr. Herman Jahr, fiance of Miss Newman. She will remain indefi- Esther Newman, leaves today for nitely. New York City, where she will, be an Mr. and Mrs. A. Liebowitz left interne at the Mt. Sinai Hospital- and Sunday morning for St. Joseph, Mo., will .also visit hjs parents who* reside Jo attend the wedding of Mr. Lieb- at New York City. ,
Social, Club and Religi g ous A Activities
| j
ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. N. Slobodisky announce the engagement;:- of their - daughter, Rose, to Mr. L Plotkin, son of Mr. D. Plotkin, of this city. Many affairs are being planned in honor of the bride-to-be. No date has been set for the wedding.
f l M n h f l
ITT n t i r
Estimates Furnished Carefully
J. Zangvell and W. Grade Prop.
Phone WEbster 1 0 6 7 - 1521 No. 19th St. g
Omaha Fixture & SupplyCo.
The tire is
Keren Hayesod Campaign
owitz's sister, Mae. Mr. and Mrs. N. Miss r Marion Verbin,. of Kansas W. .Naken also attended the wedding. City, Mo., is the guest ~cf her -cousin, Mrsi-Lois Bloteky. Messers. Louis Somberg, Harry Ravitz, Michael Stein, Meyer Beber The Golden Hill Society will hold Sam Gordon and MtUard Krasne have a card party June 14 a: the Brandeis returned from Nebraska University Tea Booms. Prices wiH be awarded to gpend the summer here. at each table and refreshments will be served. Miss Flo Shames entertained SunMr. Dave Green returned the latter day at a bridge luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel honoring her sister, part of the week from a business trip Jeannette, whose marriage took place to Chicago. Tuesday evening. Covers were laid Mrs. A. D. Givot, who was in Sioux for twenty-five guests. Prizes jvere City to attend the marriage.'af her won by the-.Misses- Esther Nathan, son, Joe,toMiss Fannie Agranoff, will Flora Bienstock, and Stella Trochten- remain in Sioux C^y until after the berg. Miss Corrinne Messer, of Agranoff-Pill wedding which takes Chicago, whose engagement to Mr. place this evening. Charles Shames was announced during -the past • week, ^shared .-honors. , A. joint reunion' of •all-the>M*enorah member* ig being gLumed. by, the •witii Miss Shames s£ &
Subscribers to the Keren Hayesod Campaign ate asked to mail their checks ti> I>r. A. Greenterg, 434 Brandeis Theater Bunding. The National Beadquarters are asking for more money immediately.' Let us keep our promises. ••
A complete list of the names of subscribers and the amount they have paid will be published in the "Jewish Press* within a short time.
Sedtn. tUMUM: Coapc $1,410.00; Touring Car, Wfe.00: Booster. *050.00 ( * Psosl Bmtaeu Car, IO.i085.00; Street Bu«ineBB Cat. $970.00. DBWVKKED IN OJU-SA.
s-39 Fvmn* s*. ,
C U M B Btatte Ml
.** - *... - * • "
K + " Sv
: artmettt of The
Press imiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniitiiiiinnHiiiif
some new. political alignment. The' Jew is despised and hates his neighbors while sharing his miseries do not share their friendships, although all are -equally' beggars in misery they Telephone MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON • By Charles B. Lyons. Jackson 0268 •fc.. look-upon the Jew as in some way the NEARBY COMMUNITIES. cause of "God's curse and take out CdOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. (Copyright, 1922; t by .the . Jewish the' agricultural districts are in the their bitterness against fate in continuous, petty persecutions and freP. MELCHIORS & SON Writers' Guild!', All Bights Re- interior of Mexico, on high plateaus, MACHINE/WORKS where the temperature is moderate quent bloody pogroms. served.) In Mexico the Government, I am Industrial and AutomotlTe Machinists. all the year; the land is exceedingly INVESTMENT SECURITIES Carburetor and IrnlHon Bepalrs. • Before war > Mexico, there fertile, and with proper irrigation told on the best authority, will deed Starter Bin* Gears (or Auto Fly Wheel* Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555, 411 South IStta Street. were about 15,000 Jews .in that coun- yields several crops a year. There land to a colony of Jews to be paid Telephoner Jaekson*tfiS try. The large majority of' them is always plenty of water and, even for in 25 yearly installments, grantwere German and •Austrian, the rest without irrigation, one crop can be ing also an extension of five years being Roumanian, Turkish and "Syrian raised during rhe-rainy season. The before payments need begin, so that Y o u r position is Jews. The'formeri-vrere engaged in Obregon Government has Leen in settlers can pay from the proceeds of cpriect, and should trade and many maintained fine-shops power two years; it has put down all their crops after they have developed their farms. The State of Morelos, be s/u p p o r t e fl -by UNDERTAKERS in the capital; -the-latter eked out a armed revolt, and except for small hazardous' livelihood - 4>y peddling outroppings of banditry in outlying only four hours from Mexico City, one e&ery: fair minded j MOVED TO BRAND of the richest valleys in Mexico, with districts', the country is quiet, and through the provinces! Although the person. « 2 4 CDMBIO STREET. a year round climate like that of the ili h h iis Roman R C o l i apparently as free from hold-ups and prevailingchurch there was no anti-Jewish feeling. In- robberies as any country in the world. Adirondacks in August, would be Certainly no one would carry glad to receive colonists on these deed, a number of -Jews" stood very : mor.ey as carelessly through the terms. The head of the Agrarian high socially. • The'; "king - of the • • • ul • • • movies," who introduced the cinema streets of New York as I saw people Commission in that State showed me his -maps for the division of lands into Mexico, is a Jfew- of" Austrian carrying it in the streets of Mexico Hoffmann Funeral Home. WHOLESALE GROCERS origin. 'During the~v»rr6iis; revolu*- City. Merida and Cuernavaca. There among the people, and assured me .that there was plenty for all who Phone Jackson 1302 itiohs which have taken-place-since the carrying .>f D«i,s of silver and 1910, most "tof the^fbr^gnere Tesiding gold without any guard, and quite might want to come. Morelos is a 1-inMexieo- left: thafcrci6unfryv and its evidently without fear of theft, is an fertile valley, with mountains tower> industrial and ... prosperity everyday sight. In Mexico City I ing six thousand feet above it on all 4 (PALMER GRADUATE) ;htrve suffered in<proportion. Today saw one clerk- carrying" a trayful of sides Streams flow down these i Mexico is-anxious'for the .return of pesos. It was a large tray, heavily slopes- and ensure sufficient water for Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 Do away with drudgery and make i foreign enterprise, and it is known loaded with the silver rnency now uni- all farming purposes. In addition house-worK a pleasure.,by' the use | that Carranza, - just-before his death, versally usa.l throughout Mexico, to an endless variety of fruits and of modern electrical appliances. I was giving thoughtful' attention to where paper currency is no longer vegetables,. Morelos has prefect clithe. idea of irmtirig^Jews; from" Rus- trusted, and he needed both hands to mate and soil for sugar cane. Until HOECOMB The **Eiectric- Shop" .is'-.on the ground, "floor of l i e Electric buildsia to establish colonies. This pro-, hold it. Anyone of the numerous the Zahata revolt twenty-seven sugar FOOD CHEMICAL ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth ject has alsa been -given study by the J passersby might have grabbed a cou- cane • plantations covered the entire PROPtTCiS CO., INC. and, Farnanv streets. • r ple of handsful of money and run off State.. present administration Jttannfactnrer» of In slavery times, and it must not The writer of this article has re- without danger of pursuit, since the FOODS ANB CHEMICALS. be forgotten that the revolution of the cently returned from > two inonths' carrier would have had to hold on to - • FJCAVOKIKft EXTRACTS. last twelve years has been against THE BEST 9iS 3i.?mh St. ; Phone-Atlantic 4SH trip to Mexico, and he presents many | his tray. Yet he only smiled at the this slavery, the population was kept interesting facts ' dealing with inter- look of' amazement on my face and in ignorance. It has been only in the nal conditions in th|t"co.untry, show- passed on. NORTHWEST READY last few years tnt.t any effective caming its adoptability for pjanned, or- : Opinion of the Mexican has been paign for schooling has been under-" ROOFING CO. ' derly and judiciously fiiwnced^colon-1 founded large on adventure stories Beady Roofing over old shingles. taken. TKis year the central governAlso asphalt shingles and build-up ization by Jews from Eastern * n d [laid in the wild, semi-settled desert roofs. Fire resisting and durable. ment of Mexico will spend forty-nine Douglas 1862 All work guaranteed. Easy terms. Central Europe.—Editor's Note. Rands adjacent to - Texas • and New million pesos (one peso is 50 cents, Phone Haraey S574 '• . «•« . | Mexico. As in the^tales of our own American), for education, and the Offlee and WarahonM: S1Z1 I>aTenworth Where are the nomad Jews of Eu- [wi id west of twenty^five years ago, States will increase this by one hunrope going to settle? Driven from • the quick action deiteanded by fiction dred -million pesos. In every State their homes by the of war and J readers always assured a highly capitol committees are busy designing race prejudice, their can find no live- sp i C ed series of surprise attacks, sehoolhou'ses. In every hamlet vol. I MANCFACTUKEBS. lihood in. Europe;-the .United States J fjghts, villainous machinations and unteer workers gather lumber and j MEY-MER-CO. Brand has closed its doors to all but a few;; vengeance. The rocky wilderness and plaster and erect schools. All Mexico ] Beverages and Syrups. Palestine has given homes and a fair the foreign customs of Mexico supis' awake to its need for knowledge. I 3U-321 So. 14tb St.. Omaha. Jt'ebr. prospect of., prpsperity to several plied free rein to the inventing and. Phone Atlantic S889 There is a dearth of teachers. If the \ thousands; but, .without the expendi- building up of localu color. The traJews: come to colonize, they undoubtIten "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" ture of large additional sums for the of the quick tempered, un- edly will supply a large portion of a s purchase of 4 | * ^ Biscuit Co. artd" buy .them at . trustworthy Mexican-.was soon estab- the new teachers. Mexico's pulse is ' well as for irrigation projects, Pales- lished. quickened; its people have been freed SNOW WHITE K ROCHERS All that the ntme i tine cannot support many more. Certainly in my trip through Mex- from "a degrading slavery. They need j implies. SAKERES These unfortunates must gravitate ico, from the peninsula of Yucatan, help and encouragement; help in edu- ' Phone Douglas 3400. (Be*. * . ' 8. Fat. to the. countries where there is an . through' Vera Crtr, Mexico City, eating their masses, encouragement ' Offlee.) 916 N- 16th St. Douglas 6887 excess of land for the needs of their j Cuernavacs, and upiiorth to Teaxs, I in developing their natural resources. • population. If the mpyement is unor- found a race that seemed to me more They have no false pride; they invite TBV BtJNBGBBN'S y KatritloQ* Horn* Had* be in-1 gentle than any I had seen anywhere, outsiders. . They are not trying to ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ganized, the suffering creased by luckless migrations tto d des- To my knowledge-ihe Mayo Indian hold their riches for themselves; they APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES. Equipped with Palmotor. ert lands. Guided by rumor, .thou- o f Yucatan has not Ms equal for quiet offer the same opportunities as they • ' Sealed in Sanitary . Waxed All Calls Answered Promptly. Wrapper at Tour. Grocer. sands will gather tb,<eir few belong- submissiveness. Of coarse, as with ke'ep" for themselves. I DEPENDABLE IXECTBICAX. Sundgren Pie Baking Co. ings and 9pend their^Btitren||h and j aii untutored people, the Mexican has JOHN A. GENTLEMAN MERCHANDISE.' The Jews need these resources. AtUntie SMI i*th arid mekory. 1511 Howard S t fbone Atlantic 0881 resources to tray^lhy to. lands' where little imaginative sympathy for the They have energy and they have EuSill Farham St. Phone Harney 0392 there is only space and welcome for pain of others. At a bull-fight the ropean training. They can help in hundreds. Death .and 'disease accom- crowd sways with what appears the the building up of the free society of panies them in all their journeyings, crudest of tempers,! shouting gleeful- Mexico, and can secure for themselves American and each extra mile of road will be ly when the bull gores a horse with peace and-prosperity. Industries also Wet Wash Laundry marked with the blood, and bones of unusual viciousness .<or when the ma-, will be built up in Mexico in the next | Druggists and Stationers 2803 Cuming. Harney 0881 the despairing. Grants of land to tador pierces the bull's lungs and he generation. Commercial houses will ] iOt-102-105 South Uttb . . One Day Service. No Extra straggling families will be haphazard bucks in the death* agony with the develop. In all those the genius of Charges. Refinite Soft Water. F t will il f aa^ the motion and the cadence -of a one-step. Fortune will smile oji a few they the Jew will insure his participation. will prosper on JertiVBrfanns. pthers Yet'the same individuals who make For the pioneer will be the profits. Why Buy Tin? ill start t a h p l ^ ^^ ^g l on bbar- up this audience, will, take their serawill LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. ren soil or in arjd country, continue a pis off their own shoulders on chilly FEDERATION OF POLISH In ActiTe Practice Since 1910. 8AVEH, VOO HONEY. few years and thenVposs on; an un- nights and throw them around their JEWS CONVENES MID-STATES WHOLESALE dogs. The point is that these people, necessary incremeht'to the ever swellGROCERS Offlee: ' BrandeU Theatre Bnlldlnt. like ourselves, are a complexity of rNew York. (J. P. A.) The Fouring lists of the dead or missing. U17-U Dadc* 8 t Jackson 3873 Mth and Doo*U» Streets. teenth Annual"Convetrtioii of the Fedemotion characteristics, of ugly and Phone Atlantic 3830 . Unnecessary,-.! .sayi-because a two eration, of Polish Jews was1 opened beautiful, of evil and of gobdibut far months' trip through Mexico has conhere, on Sunday at the Institutional WAX OLSEN «c CO. vinced me', thbtithel wanderings of less than in us has the veneer of edu- Synagogue on W. 116th street. TIKES—TUBES—ACCES8OBtE8 cation • covered their manifestations; Whnleaal« Dlrtrlbntor* tor ' 'many Jews; migfit iend th^e. With ' Two* hundred a»d eighty delegates, and their actions consequently show 16 SCEMfDT'S jtjhe co-operation of ti . American Malta, Select, Boefc, Ginger {jews, thousands of families could find" more fire in hatreds and more gener- representing 184 societies, were presOCK TREATMENT WILL W« carry a complete line ot new CONVINCE IOC OF OUR osity" in kindness. Writers have chos- ent; Rabbi Goldstein of tire- synagogue ring gears, pinions, axle shafts snd Ale, Hires Root Beer r SINCERITY. homes and* tin hope of almost immesprings lor almost any make of car. O03c« UnH Wsrehonse: 917 8o. Main St. en to tell of picturesque rampages, opening with prayer. Trust department. diate v ecdnomie. £ indepehdenc«. • For Telephone 14» M. D. RICHMAN, SlanaRer. The president, Mr. Rosenberg, hi and have neglected or understressed Safety Deposit Boxes. COCNCIt BLUFFS. IOWA. 1318-ISSO West Broaawnr. the benefit of those>who are tjred of their simple beneficences. COUKCII. BLtTFFS. IOWA. his opening message, called upon the PHONE 444. contributing to relief funds* 1 add Federation" to support as far as posthat American Jews can help bfst by Nevertheless, the immigrant to sible, the Keren Btayesod for the uparranging plans for colonies-wi|h the Mexico need have n c fear of raids and building of the Jewish homeland in for space on this/ Special Omaha Office: 813 Donsrlas _-Mexican Government/ and that finan- pogroms. The Mexican has no race Palestine. 'He also called on fhem to Omaha Fbone Atlantlo S556 Page given on application. cial i l assistance need t comparatively- prejudices. Side by side, in Mexico, support the three institutions with Ford Tranter & Storage Co. 116 N. tttn St. on the friendliest of terms, live.In- which the Federation is closely idenvery Slight. R. A. FORD, Branches at Central Market. dian, half-breed, Spaniard, Chinese,; tified—the Lebanon Hospital, thi» Day Table Supply and Food Center. Presiaent and General Manager. I 482 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 ? • I know that wheri thp Obregon GovConncll Blnffs (Iowa) Offlee ernment first publ|sBed its invita-:on German, American. Yet among the Nursery on Montgomery street ,ar-d 9t« So. Main Street. Thone 86S natives there is^ little consciousness of j to colonists the H.i t A. '•$. appointed the Benioth-Jacob Home on Tenth a committee to investigate. Judge race superiorities or inferiorities. In- street. CLEAN LINEN An Ifleal Washing: Combination. Sanders visited Mexicq, and in his re- terbreeding and intermarriage are Every morningHe' was followed by Congressman It TOO call the Estes Laundry Tablets port discouraged the nfews of Europe both common, < and no positions of Siegel, who called upon those present . . . with . . . trust in business or government have from emigrating.; .to.'.."Mexico.'--. His gg; .M _, to -support- the Zionist Institutions as Frontier Towel Supply Estes Soap Chips barriers against the foreigner. t t e t f i statements of Conditions as summarwell as to fulfill their duties as citiand 1815 California Street. ' Phone Donflas SSM ized in an issue of the Jewigji Tri- native has been enslaved and expl oit " ? z e n s • o f this land. Water Softener CCombined) bune of recent date is^ undeniably ed by foreigners, since the discovery j At all Grocers. _ (Federation w a s sharplv caSieA true; but, in my opinion, he has neg- of the country—by the Spaniard, by_ ^ M£6uxii b y s o e delegates for lack M£6uxii b y som lected to consider the most crying the French, by American commercial rf a c t i v i t y . B u t a ^ ^ handed in Call Atlantic 2364 ^ ^ handed in j You win like need of the Jews of Europe, namely, interests; and yet his welcome to^the b y t h e c o m m i t t e e sea iected ...fur... to consider for farm land, and consequently his individual foreigner is always cordial; ^ presidential report showed that ^ ^ ^ i v i t y rests ^ y ^ j j , survey failed to cover the possibilities his interest in new arrivals is genuBUTTER OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. of establishing agricultural communi- ine and friendly; and in his endeavor;<.v al-local societies and should _ Blade by ._ ^s er ^ o f t h e n. 2419 CnmlRl 8t n Omaha, Nebraska. ties. He concerned himEeJt wily with to help them in whatever tasks they the discomforts awaiting' immigrants mayunder take he lives up to his organization. to a tropical country; the backward country's reputation for hospitality. Rates for Space on industrial and cozmnereial conditions What better opportunity exists for this S p e c i a l Page " Warsaw.' (J. T. A.) Five.hundred which ^ould <leave tbo casual laborer the Jewish refugee ? In the war. torn Sherman Mercantile Co. given on application. immigrant without 'opportunity for countries of Europe, where he now thousand/marks have been voted by 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Wholesale Or-er. Specialties work, and the lack of organization as exists only by grace of relief organ-, the Warsaw community to assist Is1511 Cumin, St. PH««. *tu«H- « ATlantic 0340. resuit of twelve yearp cf revolution. DISTK1BOTOFS—-' izations, the destruction has been unjrael Belkind^ the well-known Pales4X3 nramlrls Bids. Tel,. Jackson 837* JACK SrBAT FOOP PBODOCT8. TheBe difficulties make Mexico an versal, and whatever commerce and tinian pioneer in the training and Omaha. Nebraska. unfit hav«w-for th» Jndtgtritl worker trade is carried on, is always on the, settlement of Ukrainian pogrom or-J -Subscrtbe-to^The Jewish Preset. and his family. On'the. other hand, verge of being totally destroyed by phans as farmers in Palestine T
UNION FUEL COMPANY Office : 209 South 18th Street
The Harry A. Koch Co.
ti. h
We Deliyier "the Real Goods. •
" Phone 'Webster* 0948
Leo A. Hoffmann
Tke Brinn & Jqnsen Company * Wit bXonjr, Order ,tor
Grcneweg & Schoentgen
Dayton Money Weight Scales and Meat Slicers STEINER ELECTRIC '.-.MEAT CHOPPER ? : " vAND; EflL SCALES OF MAKES FOR SALE: 510 South 10th Street. Phone Jacksoii,i382.,
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Baker Ice Machines
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Checker Cab CAX<I<
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PAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. 27th and ttnrtha Sts. Harney IMS Manufacturers of Brass," Bronxe< Alum! . num and Soft Qray Iron C . l o u j u s .agsnred., of soft ;cMt)ngs. >«e machine some from etfeTT.''Wist inT our own shop. Standard size east iron, bushings in stock. ' ; ' '»
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Ambulance Service
Granden Electric Co.
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Dr. Frances H. Turner
Mid-West Auto Parts Co.
yVholefsaie Fruit and Vegetables . Cor. eleventh aifd Boward Sis. OMAHA, NEB. OVK NEW LOCATION ' Corner * t h and l»ouclu» gtrerts. Slnxonlr Txmplr Blitf, Our Mne-^— BALDWIN. ELLINGTON.:HAMILTON HOWAUD CHIiaiHTS. OnAN»8. VI.AYKU TIANOS.>l ' - -
THATCHER PIANO CO. rhotlB ilnrknon S0fl8 - -
Us Uemove the Upo/ from
Your Fiirtinre »nrt- nisert a
nemn-.iMnitlmi 5I« So. 10th 8tr«*
Jewish Press
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