.The whale gets . into* trouble -''only when he starts to blow. —Anonymous.
V Ou T J
TT—-Mn 9 7 ' ' •*"*•• ** w> *'
- This day I wiU live as becomes a man. - I will be filled with eood cheer and courage.
Entered as second-das* mall" matter on January 07th. 1921, at portafflceatjOmaha. Nebratka; under the•' Act of March 3. 18W.
Omaha's Venerable Philanthropist Makes Munificent Gift To Promote Local Jewish Communal Activities Donation, Announced On Eye Of Departure For Europe; Is C:4i|ingent Oh Total Fund Of $200,000 Being Raised ASSOTATES IN1 PHILANTHROPIC WORK ACCENT GIFT ON BEHALF OF COMMUNITY AND PLEDGE $50,000 MORErlMI^EDIATELY • ,
Must Guarantee Will Only Pray, Not Study in Synagogues.
Riga. (J. T. A 3 Leaders of the Jewish community; *** Minsk were obliged to mafcesfiS written undertaking that the Syrjago rues will be open only during services, an-.? will not be 'used for studyingVgurposes, it i s reported. 1 This restriction followed a decree issued by 'he People*; commissaries of White Russia abolishing all piivae and public Jewislj sihool=, in addition tp the "chedorim." The order prohibiting stucies in J udaisrr, is reported to be couched in strict terms leaving no doubt that the pursuit of studies will not be tolerated.
Omaha Hebrew Club Celebrates Its Anniversary
Germans Competing for Palestine Trade.
Washington. (J. C. B.) Germany is attempting- to garner Palestine trale, according to rej»orts to the Department o* Commerce from the American Consul in Jerusalem. The j Deutsch-Oriental Line from Hamburg has one steamer per month calling at Club Organized in Omaha Thirty Jaffa or Haifa, or both ports. The Deutrch-Levant Line is schedalad to Years Ago/Will Celebrate run one steamer per week calling at at a Public Picnic, July 2 Palestinian ports. During the month of January. 1922, LARGE PROGRAM ALREADY according to the Consul reports, the Deutsch-Orieatal steamer landed COS ARRANGED; FOR THIS tons of cargo at Jaffa, ranking second OCCASION. to ill lines calling at that port.
Middle Westto Give $4,000,000 to Hungry Jews Oversubscription of A m o u n t Already Given is Reported ' Certain. jOMAHANS AT CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO. '
Chicago,—That the middle wester*. states will more than donate their quota toward: the $14,000,000 relief fund sought by the American Jewish Relief committee for suffering Jews Surrounded by intimate friends and by fellow workers in precedented in ~the history of the n Europe,' was announced at a meetJewish communal activities, Morris Levy, Omaha's venerable community, is just another evidence ing of leaders in the fund at the philanthropist, took steps this evening to achieve the realization of the nobility of character of our honored guest, Mr. Levy has learned road. > •> * f of the dream of his many years of communal activity. Anti-Semitism Appearing in Naval Standard club. Academy Year Book Meets At the meeting were prominent With a pledge of $50,000 to a $200,000' Jewish Community the spirit of real happiness, we re- Attempting to Limit Admittance of The Omaha Hebrew club was organized thirty years ago with but twentyDenunciation. Jewish bankers, lawyers, business and Jewish Students. Center Building fund Mr. Levy struck the spark .thatf a year spect and honor him, because the and now has a memberprofessional men and educators from hence will be kindling in a brilliant flame of community achieve- world always respects and honors AUTHORITIES ARE DENYING five members ship rollrof over six hundred. The club JEW HIGH IN CLASS, VICTIM OF Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, North and ment. , • ALL SUCH STATEMENTS INSULT. provides death and sick, benefits for its South Dakota, Nebraska, Michigan, The occasion was a farewell dinner tendered him on the STATEMENT OF MORRIS LEVY. members and prior to the organizing "Washington, June 14.—Character- Wisconsin,' Minnesota and Kentucky— eye of his departure for Europe, arranged by a1 committee con- Friends: Cambridge, Mass. — Comment was of the Jewish Welfare Federation it i z i n g the treatment of Leonard Kap- the ten stajtes-comprising zone seven sisting of Isidor Ziegler, Louis Kirschbraun and Harry A. Wolf. You are very kind to me. Mora rife here in the student body over At 6:30 sixty friends gathered at the Brande'is Restaurant to kind than I expect and perhaps the announcement; of a restrictive handled many of 13\e charity cases. l a n of Western Virginia, a member of the campaign. Mr. Harry H. Lapidus and Mr. IsiContributed to Campaigns. bid him God-speed, and to wish him that enjoyable vacation more kind than I deserve. The plan for the admission of students to of this year's graduating class at the work that I have been doing in Harvard University^ a plan which in The club'has contributed during the naval academy, in the class year book dor Ziegler, of Omaha, Nebr., attendwhich his strenuous communal activities of the < past six years interest of the community aijd ed the conference. Mrs. H. Lapidus as :president of the Jewish Welfare Federation have, merited the in my official connection with the some quarters was. held to discrimi- past year to many of the Jewish cam- " a low down, miserable trick," Rear and daughter x Estelle were visitors. paigns. Following are some of the for him. Admiral Wilson, superintendent of the nate against Jewsi; Jewish Welfare Federation- has Mr. Lapidus presented to the confound its reward in the pleasure _, Harvard authorities were informed contributions during the past year: academy, announced here today that The announcement of the munifithat it gives me, and demonstraference a check for $34,337.50 in adWar Relief, $500; Jewish Welfare he had withdrawn a letter of commencent gifts by many times over the today that the ,ppbjic as well as the tions of your esteem for- me. are largest single contribution ever Federation, $500; dition to the $10,000 already given as Keren Hayesod, dation which he had addressed to J neither expected nor necessary, for student' body hait Seen in the state- $500. made by a Jewish resident of this * • part of the Nebraska quota. L. Olmstead, editor of the year book. t ment a declara'tioii of policy that by your co-operation with me from city, came as a complete surprise. 1 The feature affair of the anniver$4,000,000 Quota Here. Reported discrimination by the month to month and from year-to spelled discrimination, against Jews I t swept the gathering from its feet, year you have shown your respect in future admissions "to the college. sary celebration; will be the voting of class against Kaplan, of Weston, W. Jacob M. Loeb was chairman, and as it will sweep the entire comfor the causes that are purs, yet. I munity.. Men-who had given the'best the most popular girl contest, with the Va., was scored in the senate by Senamong the speakers were A. L. SaltzJews are the only race mentioned iqajmot adequately express my apthat - is4" in them to the development prize being a round trip" to either Es- atffr Sutherland, TepubEcaW West stein, 'chairman of the Wisconsin corn.in the official announcement which preciation of this tribute. It will of Jewish- philantropy .and Focial ters Park, Colo.,;, or &Mes|8, % . A. Virginia, who said that.. Kaplan had mittee; Charles Ruben, chairman tof -always linger-.with me.as .p.-food. was as- followsjLns •\vorlcv:in" Omaha coulS hardly "realize been '-'stigmatized*' because of his that the goal for which they had memory. It pleases me most "pe-' ^ d wn, ttpjeJL^ "The great increase which has restriven" so'long had been alm&st cause it shows that the community cently taken place in the number of mittee, submitted ^he ftrllpwing-list of race. chairman; D r . Solomon Lowensteih t>? does appreciate efforts in its beSeveral _other senators joined Sen^ York, a n d others. students at Harvard College, as at Weiss, Bertha Berger, Bess' Greenhalf. ator Sutherland's criticism and sugThe quota ' f o r t h e mid-western TRIBUTES PAID TO MORRIS For some time, and particularly the other colleges, has brought up berg, Pauline Selicow, Mamie Adler LEVY states is $3,684,551.22. Reports indiduring the last few years, because forcibly the problem of the limitation and Stella Trochtenberg of Council gesed further investigation. _ Senator "Sutherland presented, a re- cated t h a t more t h a n $4,000,000 will of my connection with the Jewish of enrollment. "Eighteen years ago I first met Bluffs, la. Persons wishing to enter Welfare Federation and its allied Morris Levy in social work. Since be realized i a zone seven. Following "We have not at present sufficient into this contest are asked to call Mr. port that Ensign Kaplan, activities, I have had an opportuthat time he has been 3 constant stigmatized in "the" "Lucky Bag? the a r e figures on w h a t already had been nity to observe and become famil- classrooms or dormitories, especially Kaplan. source of • inspiration and help to academy year book. Although very reported: iar with the needs and the problems freshman dormitories, to take care me in my own communal work." Prizes Will Be Given. near the head of the class, Senato Chicago, $1,354,755.27; Wisconsin, of the Jewish Community." One of DR. PHILIP SHER. of any further large increase. This During the evening a prize waltz Sutherland said Ensign Kaplan's these problems which has stood out problem is really a group of prob$139,843.59; Indiana, $144,917; Ken•"Morris Levy was the first man will be held with' prizes to be given in bold relief in my mind, is the name had been left out of the class tucky, $94,965.89; Iowa, $49,579; Minto grasp the full significance of need for a Jewish Community Cen- lems, all difficult, some exceedingly to the best lady and-gentleman dancer. roll in the publication, while the page nesota, $113,000; South Dakota, $14,complete federation, and what it ter in a building of our own, where difficult, and most of them needing The following men are the present containing his biography had been been lef left 430; North Dakota, $16,000; Michigan, would mean to Omaha. He was the c o n t a i n i n g h i s biography had recreation facilities will be affordfor their settlement more facts than —Photo by Heyti. man to increase his annual subed not only to the boys and girls we now have. Before a general po- officers of the club and will be in j u n n u m D e r e d and perforated so it could $96,334.30; Nebraska^ $44,337.50; a n d scription so that we could have a MORRIS LEVY defacing the book. Illinois outside of Chicago, $98,000. . of all ages, but to the adult mem- licy can be formulated on this great general chafge'of >the celebration: Dr. j fee tt oo rr nn o f f ^^^^ complete Federation." Gb i d t Arthur A t h EosE jj . < S u c h t r e a t m e i l t i s u t t erly unbers of our community as well. A. Greenberg, president; When Mr. Lev., rose to acknowledge ..Pessimistic Advice. HARRY H. LAPIDUS. The work v - have been doing in question it must engage the atten- enblum/vide president; Sol Rosenberg, | A m e r i c a n a n d c a n n o t be too scaththe many tributes-that had been paid "When I first jumped.into t h e h a r "I am pl-oud to be associated with him during the dinner by his asso- rented quarters is an, inspiration tion of the Governing Board and the secretary; Sol Novitslcy, treasurer; A. ingly condemned," said Senator Suthness," said David A. Brown, national to those who are familiar with it. Faculties, and it is likely to be disMorris Levy in the work of the 1 Cohn, A. Richards and J . Ricklin, t r u s - erland, saying in response to inquiries chairman of t h e committee, " I wajB Jewish Welfare Federation and the ciate in communal" activity, no one It is, of course, limited by the ca- cussed by alumni and undergradutees. that the academy authorities must be anticipated a response as momentous pacity of our quarters and the faJewish Community Center." ates. A large program is being arranged "responsible" and that he could not told by prominent business men t h a t i t A. B. ALPIRN. as his was destined to be. Complete cilities that we possess. It has would b e impossible t o raise $14,000," I t is natural t h a t with a wide-, for> according t o ' information given been my dream and the hope of "It is only recently that I have silence followed the reading of the most of the men actively associat- spread discussion of this sort going, y t h e committee' in charge of t h e assume they were without control of 000. They pleaded t h a t t h e -country D th^e publication. He promised further was experiencing a change a n d t h a t become interested in communal statement of indebtedness to Omaha, ed with me, that in the not far work. Yet this brief association and a desire to repay to Omaha in off future the establishment of on there should* be talk about t h e picnicj inquiry into the case. money w a s scarce. , with Morris Levy and this short some measure for all that it had this most important Jewish Com- proportion of Jews a t t h e college. I Theodore Roosevelt, acting secre"But I knew if I could only g e t t period of activity in communal Elected *° i tary of the navy, was called upon to- story t o them of t h e suffering ofh e munal Enterprise would' be ef- At present t h e whole problem of Dr. Victor fcevine : service has been an inspiration to meant to him—then the silence was fected. limitation of enrollment is in t h e Represeiit TMs District day in a message by congressman countless thousands of orphaned ehilbroken by tumultuous "applause. and me." Having lived in Omaha* the s t a g e of general discussion a n d it at Cpnvehtion. Isaac Siegel, New York, to make a dren, «nd aged m e n a n d women i n LOUIS KIRSCHBRAUN. cheers. -greater, and undoubtedly the bet- m a y remain in t h a t stage for a conAt a meeting. of the local Zionist ( thorough investigation of the indigYet unexpected : and overwhelming ter portion of my life; having enEurope, I would have n o difficulty l i t "Although he worships in thesiderable time." Organization,; which* was held Tuesday nity alleged yesterday by Senator Reform synagogue he is our Mor- as the announcement was, every man joyed at the hands of my fellow succeeding.. H o w well w e have s u c evening at." the Jewish Community Sutherland to have been suffered by ceeded is apparent." ris Levy-he belongs to the entire •at the dinner knew that. it.was typical Jewish citizens here every-kirid- Center organization. • • -jiess, respect and courtesy- that Center,' Dr. VictoY'E: Levine was Kaplan. community." of the donor.'"Fdr,"as eacljj speaker could "be shown to one,' and being, . Community t o Act. RABBI MORRIS N. TAXON. , said publicly, and 'a~s~ each^guest' told e t o Represent this elected a s A Mr. Siegel's telegram said Kaplan -prompted by a desire to serve |his Following the election of officers d i s t r i c t - a t the* Zionists" Convention, i ' C t i had been encouraged by him during "I have been associated with himself, years -of association with community in a way that will t be in Philadelphia, Pa. his time at the academy where he had Morris Levy in mutual business Morris Levy taught them to know substantial and of everlasting ben- H a r r y B . Zimman, honorary vice- which will be held 1 enterprises for many years. His him as a true philanthropist*—with efit, -1 have concluded to devote a president of t h e Jewish Welfare Dr. Levine left Wednesday to attend "overcome serious difficulties." part of the property that-} accu- Federation, urged t h a t t h e assembly the convention:,/John Feidman, also a liberal viewpoint, his tolerance and "I am of the opinion that he came Over Fifteen Thousand Dollars Paid his broad-mindedness, which have a heart and a soul ever alive to the mulated here to the establishment not only talk b u t act—and a c t im- delegate f*om the Omaha district, is out first in his examination," he wrote. on Account by Jewish Residents made him one of Omaha's most needs of his'people and,a purse ever of a permanent institution. ) '••-' of State. mediately t o demonstrate concretely now in Philadelphia. , "No finer speciment of American mansuccessful business men, have all ready to requite that need: I had concluded to make an- its appreciation of Mr. Levy's gift. hood has ever been at the academy. characterized his communal activHarry A. Wolf was toastmaster. nouncement of my intentions this As a result $50,000 w a s pledged A total of $15,758 has been reI look to you to take exemplary acJewish National Flower ities." fall after my return from ipy trip, Each man called ~ upon responded ceived • to " date from Jewish com- . tion." Day.' Nite $285 from HARRY A. WOLF. Europe, but when advised? of, within five minutes. Complete lists briefly, paying ' h i s respects to Mr. to munities ^throughout the state of Nethis dinner, I concluded .$o make of donors and amounts will be "Morris Levy truly exemplifies Levy, acknowledging, • the /. personal T Omaha Community Three Omahans Among Class braska f o r ' t h e - w a r relief appeal, announcement here' and now, published in next week's issue of the, real American Jew. He-is a debt which each*felt.toward him as the Over sixty girls sold- flbwftrs for and accordingly I shall hand your "The Jewish Press". Plans for t h e Wm. • L. •> Holzman, state chairman, Admitted Into Zeta Beta credit not only to our bwn comtoastmaster this statement over the Jewish National' Fund Flower his guide and ,le.ader in communa announced today. Practically all of munity, but to all America. Tau Fratenrity. campaign will be announced later. ? day held here ;last Saturday evening affairs, and testifying to his right my signature, in and-fey which DR. FREDERICK COHN. Those present a t the.dinner were: statement I do subscribe and Three Omahans are among the this money has ' been transmitted to and Sunday. The local flower comto the title "Omaha's "Foremost Jew!'. pledge the sum of $50,000.00 for a A . ' B. Alpirn, H . H . Auerbach, D. "Day after day the benign inmittee -reports that rtnrdugh the aid ] names of the members who were ad- New York" headquarters, through fluence' of Morris Levy makes it- •All spoke of their personal relation- Jewish Community Center Building Blumenthal, Loyal Cohen, Albert of the workers over $285' will be mitted into the Zeta Beta Tau fra- Chas. Rtibens, chairman of Zon* No. self felt through the splendid social ship to Morris Levy in numerous in Omaha, to be paid to the Treas- Cohn, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Herman realized from the flower sale. temity at the University of Nebras- 7, of which includes Nebraska. service work which our community fields of communal ? activity. They urer of the Jewish Community; Cohn, N . P." Feil, D. Feder, I. Glick, Amounts' received from the various ka just after the close of the school is doing." showered no praise—they merely Center, on condition only that with- I. Gordon, J . Gross, Herbert Harris, communities follow: V < in six (6) months from this date SAMUEL SCHAEFER. Annual Talmud Tbrah Picnic to year. The Omahans admitted are stated facts. > ; there shall be raised in pledges J . Heyn, Morton Hiller, W m . Lincoln .........'....:.-..— . ^ O O .tt) Messrs. Louis Somberg, Harry RavBe HeJCWjtoesday AfterAnd then the toastmaster jcalle< not less than $150,000.00 additional. man, Carl C. Katleman, L . KirschHastings : 1,900.00 itz and Michael Stein. The following noon at Kmg Park. reached. Every man present pledg- on Morris Levy. Standing .erect a' June 15, 1922. ~ 1^88,50 braun, L. Kulakofsky, M. Kulakofsky, The annual picnic, of the City Tal-. men were also admitted: Clyde Columbus'- .•-.:...— ed himself to labor unceasingly to his chair, his" seventy-eight .years (Signed) MORRIS LEVY. 1,112.60 R. Kulakofsky H . Lapidus, S. J . mud Torahwill be held Wednesday Krasne of Fullerton, Neb.; Joseph Pi- Nebraska City — secure the additional $150,000, upon which the donation of Mr. Levy is falling, from him as- if by magic, in ....:— - -•... 1,008.45 Leon, Chas. Levinson, S. M. Levy, afternoon, June 21, at Krug Park. zer, No. Platte, Neb.; Samuel Yabroff, Norfolk. contingent. , ... . , a voice clear^andjfilled'With youth- the m a n who lives t o serve h i s fellow- Morris Levy, L . Margolin, H . Mal-The children will meet at the Tal- Wichita, Kas., and Gundell Goldan- Fremont ~~~ 1,000.00 So very soon now, Omaha will take ful enthusiasm and ^heT glorious note men so unselfishly." • Grand Island' .: 950.00 ashock, E . Meyer, H . Monsky, M. sky, McCook, Neb. mud Torah at noon and will leave its proper place among other Jew- of altruistic achievement, Morris Levy ' 340.00 The gathering t h e n proceeded im- Milder, B." Pred, Leo Rosenthal, M a x for the park in chartered cars. The With this class admitted into the Beatrice .'. ish communities throughout the read the statement which is here249.11 country, as a city with a magnificent mediately t o organize itself perm- Rosenthal, I z y Rosenthal, H . Rach- pupils of the Temple Israel Sunday chapter, brings the membership to fif- North Platte , social center, thoroughly modern and with reproduced. ' 130.00 anently, With t h e following officers: man, A r t h u r Rosenblum, F r e d Rosen- school.and of.the Congregation B'nai teen, which according to reports is Alliance thoroughly equipped, radiating comAccepts Gift. - 30:00 Wm. J . Holzman, chairman; H a r r y stock, H . Rubenstein, L. Simon, L. Israel Sunday school are invited to considered complimentary for a new Plainview ..... munal life, and developing Judaism. Henry Monsky, on behalf of those A. Wolf, vice-chairman; Harry L a p Sommers, J . Simon, Dr. Philip Sher, chapter. Friend -»• ~ ' attend the picnic. The picnic will be The evening started not differently .'. — Many affairs are planned by the Chadron than have many others of a similar | present and of the entire community idus f secretary; Louis Kirschbraun, Martin Sugarman, Chas. Schimmel, in charge of tiie Talmud Torah comZeta Beta Tau members here during York -' 26*0 nature. To all appearances, it was accepted the gift-and assured Mr. treasurer. These officers were e m - S. H . Schaefer, J . Slosberg, J r . A . mittee and the Deborah society. the "Rushing Season." ;> The members Havens ..— - 23.00, to be merely a social function among Levy of a speedy fulfillment "of its powered t o select five men who with Theodore, Rabbi M. Taxon, S. Wert* 2100 "The Jewish Press" is the Com- meet every Thursday evening at the Sargent ...-LL.-* friends, honoring one of their number conditions. Mr.-Monsky'said lit part: them will constitute t h e Executive heimer, H . Wilinsky, H . A . Wolf, homes of the membersClarks ..... — 28.0* "Tb<* magnificent contribution, Committee of t h e Jewish Community. N. Yaffee, H . B . Zimman, L Ziegler. munity paper, ' who richly deserved ** be honored.
Discrimination Against Jews Suspected in New Harvard University Policy
The Omaha Hebrew club will celebrate its thirtieth annive/sary as an organization in this ,cit /, Sunday, July '? at a public picnic and program which will be held at the Peony Park, Seventy-eighth street and West Dodge
Discrimination on Jewish Ensign at Naval Acadeny is Alleged by State Solon
Make Remittances on ReliefFledget
:*' m :
".'•••.- '. .'. "'•? : " v " : ; . ; .
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Jew, who was bookkeeper in a brick-' It happens, however, that Gouver- Dix as a draming-room actor will repression on Liebold, secretary to Ford, yard near the cave where the body neur Morris did not have the drawing- vise Ms opinion after seeing "Yellow that Liehold boosted him as a writer, was found, was arrested. He was kept room type of hero in mind when he Men and Gold," which comes to the and it was he who persuaded the ed• * Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraika, by in jail eighteen months while the de- wrote "Yellow Men and Gold," as Moon theatre for seven days, beginitors of The Independent to buy and " THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. partment «f justice prepared its case thrilling and colorful a drama as the nings Saturday. publish the Braspl material. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Three Hundred Children Take Part in against him. screen has ever seen. Right from the Of all the grotesque array -who in"The Jewish Press' in every JewSchool's Spring Program. first scene until the hidden treasure On October 8, 1913, almost two creased the flood of "material" in the NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. ish home in Omaha. offices of The Independent, one of the Opeiretta Written by Mrs. Eugene years, after the crime, Beylis was has been safely stored away in the hold of the treasure hunters' ship, EDITORIAL BOARD: brought to trial, before a jury. The most comic will be the obliging genLevi Is Big Feature. DR. PHILIP SHER. tleman who originally offered to sell Tsar's officials spent their time try- there is action and then more action, HENRY MONSKY, SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, ing to prove there was such a Jewish with Dix leading the way. Ford the famous protocol idea. He Lincoln, Neb.—More than twelve ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year... institution as ritual murder. At the was a runaway Russian in Japan. He hundred patrons of the new Prescott Some of the scenes required real Advertising rates famished on application. promised Ford a look at the "original school met yesterday evening in the end of the trial the jury, consisting nerve, along with physical agility of TAILOR NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- protocol." He also promised thirteen open court of the building to witness of six peasants, three government em- the first order. For instance, there is ployees, two merchants and a profestion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy commnnal cansea. new ones, never before published, a the spring entertainment of the school the scene that shows Dix leaping from CLEANING and PRESSING sional man, gave a strange verdict. one cliff to another, across a deep scoop on the journalism of the entire in which some three hundred children CHANGS OF ADDRESS—Pleane gtva both the old and new address: They said that the boy had been killed chasm. It is the port of action that Ladies' and Men's Suits made ' bt i o n and sign your name. planet. Before these articles are end- took part. t_ ed we shall see how the detectives The feature of the program was an in a ritual murder, but that Beylis could not possibly be faked. And to order at reasonable prices. Repairing and Remodeling swallowed this Munchausen discovery operetta, "A SunnySpring Morning," had not committed the murder. Dur- closely following this comes the fight ••1;. TROUBLE AT HARVARD. and passed it on to the Ford machine. written for and dedicated to Prescott ing the trial, the government depart- on the ledge of th ecliff, terminating Work called for 'and delivered. : The newspapers have mentioned a controversy that has In the atmosphere in which Foi\'s school by Mrs. Eugene Levi, a pa- ment of which Brasol was a member, in the villain's being toppled over into 504 So. 16th St. (upstairs) arisen at Harvard University in connection with the so-called detectives worked, there was talk of troness of the school. The musicr.l fined twenty-two newspapers and sup- the valley below. Tel.: Atlantic 6065. "sifting" process, whichis intended to regulate the admission of actual pogroms to come in this coun- setting was composed by Jacob Singer pressed fourteen for objecting to the Anyone who has come to regard students to that institution. It appears from the report that try. Indeed, within Ford's circle there of the University School of Fine * rts. proceeding at Kiev. the charge has been made that the new method has as one grew up the exact symptoms that ex- The operetta was selected from sev- Against this Beylis case state legof is objects the reduction of the number of Jewish students in isted in Russia in the days of the eral submitted to the committee be- islatures, clergymen of all denomina"% the University. In the absence of more definite information com- Black Hundred. Some of those of the cause of the genuine spontaniety and tions, statesmen, politicians, bankers, •''$ ment on the report would be entirely out of place. The fact that Russian Black Hundred who found the originality of the music and words. manufacturers and business men in -;| President Lowell has taken the matter up with the Speaker of United States safer than Russia, nat- The mood of spring was created in the United States entered protest. Tf.e M the Massachusetts Legislature indicates that the trouble is a urally flocked to the Ford standard the opening chorus of "The Tulip," set American state department was preaj serious one, but it also conveys the assurance that the con- They wanted Ford gold; they wanted to delightful waltz music and carried, pared to send a protest to the Rusi*j troversy will be fairly considered in accordance with the fine their old chance back again to fight out through well worked out cho- sian government but the Tsar's gov•§ tradition which has generally prevailed at Harvard, notwith- the Jews; they wanted, also, to ex- ruses of daisies, buttehflies and the ernment sent back word that it could 4 standing occasional outcropping of snobbishness in the frater- press themselves against democracy. finale, the music of which was char- not entertain any such protest. g: nities and other organizations affiliated with the University. The Some of the ideas that came into acteristic and cleverly worked out. 1 'ie Today, nine years later, we have same objectionable^tendency j in other uni- Ford's office were as droll as others Raindrop chorus was exquisitely dain- one of the Russian secret service y has tbeen displayed vfersities feiti f from ti t ti Th f py th i i d t d were vicious. One gentleman offered The Dandelion solo was especial- agents writing for Ford's paper and ^ to of time. The outcomefacts of the and to help Ford for $1,000.a month. The ty. an accurate statement all the, pertinent willincident be awaited ly droll, and there was a touch of real helping Ford bring us to the level of ^ "with interest. The'fair name of Harvard as a centre of liberal, job involved a fine trip to Europe. The humor in the song, "Jack Frost and the Russian Black Hundred. ^ broad and humane.iide^s"is dear to all true Americans. Any prospectus ran in part like this: Such is the sad picture of a mind the Frogs." Many of the little -ctors J discrimination against *Jews would be an indefensible outrage. that in its own proper field is great. revealed real histrionic ability. The Issued Special Printed Papers. *• r=-The Jewish Exponent. SPECIAL NUMBERS ". . . show operetta was directed by Miss Ruth ing these foreign peoples (in th< E. Fetterman and supervised by Mrs. Motion picture patrons who have GIVEN BY admired Richard Dix in earlier GoldFEPERATIQN OF JEWISH LEARNING. United States) from reports by their May Morley, principal of the school. productions, from the comWe Jews spend more money on philanthropy than any other own kinsmen what the Jew is doing The cast of characters was as fol- wyn edy masterpiece, "Dangerous Curve lows: people. It is ingrained in our nature that we must give and give, to undermine and destroy the instituAhead," on through "The Old Nest," Jack Frost, Norman Chase. tion of their native lands. When inWithout any grudge^^without any expectation of any reward. "The Glorious Fool" and "Poverty of Tulip, Harriet Whitman. formation is in hand the Dearborn We take eare pf/our poor, we help our own cripples, we Riches," are du'e for something of a | succor the needy, we;heaLthe sick, we feed the hungry, we clothe Independent would, in my opinion, Frog, William Heller. surprise when they see this versatile Daisy, Corinne McCarty. the naked, we reclaim the fallen, and we spread sunshine and joy find it advisable to make of one of its TO CELEBRATE ITS leading man in his latest pictur3, Dandelion, Browneil Hall. issues each month a "Special Numamong the dark corners of the poverty-stricken children of "Yellow Men and Gold." Lily of the Valley, Alice Randolph. ber," a "German Number," a "Rusour people. In the past Mr. Dix has been called The American Jew, however; is not much of a spender when sian Number," tax "Italian Number," Violet, Jane Holland. upon to interpret a wide variety of Poppy, Bobby Sporel. a "Czechoslovak Number," a "Hunthe question of Jewjsh learning is' at stake. The same philanemotions, in a serious as well as a thropist who will give a million for the starving Jews across the garian Number," etc. These special Rainbow, Eugenia May Levi. comic vein, but he has not been resea, who will contribute, most liberally to the educational institu- numbers would contain a complete Jack in the Pulpit, Robert Ctein. quired to manifest any unusual degree Croruses of Raindrops, Daisies, Tutions of the coloredrPejople, will remain indifferent to the needs statement of Jewish activities in the of physical prowess. of Jewish educational institutions. particular country and should be an- lips, Fairies, Frogs and Butterflies. •v It is a pity. We cannot be beggars all the time. We, as nounced beforehand and efforts should Jews, should have had by this time, Jewish colleges of high be made to reach with this issue the A small boy, Audrey Yuchinsky, ilH. Marks--L. Levinson standing, Jewish ujiiver§ities, as seats of Jewish and general largest possible number, particularly legitimate son of a woman of the learning, and many other secondary educational institutions, the leaders of the foreign people (in streets of Kiev, and associate of chilare proprietors of the financed and supported by Jews, as Jews; conceived and created the United States) with whose coun- dren of underworld families in the by Jewish intellects, Jewish genius und Jewish energy. try the issue deals". town, was found stabbed to death in a 78th Street and West Dodge Road The future will not judge us either by our political triumphs, Another drollery came from Brook- cave in a brickyard near the town. or by our wealth and prosperity. It will record our achievements lyn. In a printed letter head "The Chief of Detectives Minschuk, of Admission $1.00 in the spheres of learning and intellectual enrichment. Patriotic American Patriot," naming Kiev, went to work on the case and 1552 North 20th Street. As Jews, we have failed to build up any great intellectual Charles W. Wood as manager, this ] established in his own mind the fact Phone Webster 2196 centers, where Jew and non-Jew could enter with the same law is suggested for the consideration that thieves, of whose operations the Take Dundee Car to 49th & Dodge & Bus Mark's says: We have the respect he'enters Harvard, Yale and the University of Chicago. of Mr. Ford and his editors: boy had knowledge, had killed him. best trade in town. Why —Ufpilla. "Be it enacted by the Congress of Minschuk was working up his case, will be provided to P a r k & Return, Bring can't we have Y O U R S ? our United States; That on and after preparatory to arrest, when suddenly your Lunch and Family, Lunches also s o l d the passage of this BILL, it will be the "Black Hundred" in Kiev, disUNLAWFUL, for any person or per- covering that the Yuchinsky boy had at Park. sons, male cr female, white or colored, been a Christian, sent word to SchlegThe Inside Story of Henry Ford's Jew-Mania native or foreign born, to hold any lovitoff, minister of justice, under Paperhanging, Painting and This Series Is a Strike for American Liberty—We Expose Mercilessly National, State or Municipal Govern- whom Boris Brasol was employed in Just What^This Misled" Plutocrat Has Done. ment Office, either ELECTIVE or the secret service at the time, that Varnishing THE FIRST ARTICLE SHOWS THE TZAR'S DEAD HAND APPOINTIVE, for pay or otherwise; they believed the boy had been killed • WORKING IN OUR MIDST. or having any Voting Franchise what- by a Jew and drained of his blood for FIRST CLASS WORK. soever; or own any Real Estate, or ritual purposes. I.V - B y Norman Hapgood. REASONABLE PRICES. transact any Business whatsoever; or ••; • (Reprinted by Special Permission from Hearst's International.) Police Chief Imprisoned. own any Bonds, Stocks, Securities, Schleglovitoff put his men to work. Repairing Plaster Work Mortgages, etc.; or to hold any Meet(Continued from last week.) J. RICKLIN ent, thus helping him finance his cam- ing or Meetings, or Service or Serv- He took the affair out of the hands Call Webster 6270 paign to put the Romanoffs back. ices whatsoever, not consistent with of Minschuk and the Kiev police. Min\ Newspaper Staff Resigned. schuk, who had* his case ready against "Liebold (Ford's secretary) had There is plenty of energy in the ac- the r-ace of God; or any Teaching or the murderers,, protested—and was been down to Mexico where Ford ex- tivities of Boris Brasol in the United Teachings other than the Teachings of sent to jail for a year. Mendel Beylis, pected to start a tractor plant," says States. He is a young man, born in Jesus Christ; or enter our United Mr. Pipp. "Somebody jn the office 1885. When Russia blew up he was States from any other country wh?/Harry H. Lapldn«. Prw " NOT ~~~~ FIRM BEJn. Penper; Vice-Prerident. who had'been to Mexico, mentioned a absent from his country. So far as soever; WHO ARE W. G. Vn. Secretary. is known he has never returned. He FOR RENT—Three rooms. Call LIEVERS IN ALMIGHTY GOD OUR change . in relations between the became vice chairman of the volunDouglas 5474 or inquire at HEAVENLY FATHER, AND HIS prijssts and the government 'Oh, I Omaha Fixture & tary association of Russian Army and SON, OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, 2124 Burt S t or at 709 No. understand all that,' said Liebold. i Co. 16th St. Jew money lenders in Eurppe induced Navy officers in the United States. JESUS CHRIST, and THE CONSTICOMPLETE STORE AND the Pope to order his priests in Mexi- The safest place for a Russian army TUTION OF OUR UNITED STATES. HI OFFICE OUTFITTERS or navy officer during the Russian The PENALTY for Violation of co to do so-and-so'." We occupy revolution was the United States. Brathis Law, will be, from one to five Everything that was the matter OTer 70,000 lauare feet sol, instead of using a sword, used a WANTED—To send two childyears in Prison and Confiscation of Southwest Corner with the world could be laid at the ren to a farm for the sumEleventh and Douglas Street*. doors of International" Jews. These pen. He introduced the fake proto- ALL the Real Estate and other Prop, Fhoao: Jackson 2731 mer. Address box 566 JewJews were trying to start another war cols to the United States Govern- erty and Business, in which he, she OHABA. JTEB. • ,. ment secret service. He told the or they, have any interest whatsoever. ish Press. References needed. in the world. They didn't want good United States what we ought to do Any Law inconsistent herewith is times to come back. Theydidn't want business set right. Mr. Pipp says: about Russia and we have been more hereby declared Rescinded, and Null From the tropics where it serves mankind the year "When I went out to run the Ford influenced by emigrant Russians than and Void. 'round—comes north for the summer—gives you WANTED—Experienced Salesby solid sense. Here is the sort of paper I took seven from my old staff "By the passage of this Bill, it lady who is experienced in thing he wrote in 1919, which our unlimited cool comfort. with me-r-men and women who had AUTOMATICALLY APPLIES RETOffice Work. Star Store at government readily believed: been with me from five to! fifteen ROACTIVELY to each and every 24th and Parker Sts. Ask Upholstering, years each. One by one-, they became "Under the heavy blows of Admiral person in our United States at the for Mr. Levinson. disgusted with the situation, with the Kolchack the Bolshevist line is crum- time of its passage." Furniture Repairing, sort of work demanded of them; one bling along the entire Eastern front. "PRAY CONGRESS: SAVE OUR The Last Word Overstuffed Furniture by one, <£hey started to pull out of The great Russian artery, the Volga, UNITED STATES FROM ANTIWith Good Made to Order in Summer FOR RENT—Furnished Room. the organization. When I began to is on the verge of being captured by CHRIST INVASION." Ideal place for young man ANT STtLB MATERIALS, Dressers. realize fully that the situation out at the Omsk government. General DenClothes. or woman, or will share house The Beylis Case. MOHAIR. TAPKSTRI. Dearborn was an impossible one for ekin's troops in the South of Russia • with young cople. Call SunLet's spend just a minute on the me, four of the staff had left met I are threatening the existence of the day morning at 2515 Binney Tel. Webster 2224 The finest texture in the catalog of woolensBeylis case. The Tsar who wag bewas the fifth to resign; and .one more soviete. The Finnish, and the Estho-. Street. rich, exclusive -weaves, models by Kuppenheimer hind it all is gone.: It seems now like has gone since. ; ' nian armies under Yudenitch are at an indescribable dream., Even after in. a Jiost of sport styles, serai-conservative or v "The two men who were the most the very gates of Petrograd. The all the horrors and injustices of the conservative. All sizes. bitter of our eight in denouncing Ford, Polish drive under Pilsudski is men- Great War, to which we have become acing the Bolshevists from the west. only too accustomed, this Beylis case who had the most ridicule to NEBRASKA SPECIAL about his ignorance of history and The Roumanian army is battling the brings a sense of terror at what men, other things, are the twp who havij Red Army along the entire Bessara- stirred by. madness, may do and jusgone on taking his money, and are bian border. The dawn of theViown- tify to themselves. engaged in helping to spread hatred fall of the Soviets is rapidly approaching. against the Jews. We Offer "It is not only the right but it is "The hopelessness of.it. all was that . . . F O R . . . Extra Pants to Match, $4.00 the supreme duty of the American | j Ford was eating up all the. stuff that DIAMONDS, JEWELRY was coming into the office, like the people to give their open snpport to SEE OUR FARNAM STREET CLOTHING WINDOWS. talk about the Jews and the Pope in the Omsk government. To liberty SPECIAL PLATINUM through dictatorship, is the motto of Mexico. He took all qi it that was DESIGNING dished out, and resetted more and the Omsk government. The Government of the United States ought to more any expressions of sanity." see [t wasn't long before adventurers, recognize immediately the Omsk govThe Malasjicck Jewelry Co. detectives, criminals, were, offering ernment." Diamond and Platinum The Omsk government was euphony their services to the Ford machine. Specialists Reactionaries also, and these in some for Kolchack and we did support him -JAekson 0889 j Or Call at 15 Street. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: strange forms. Brasol.is reactionary- with men, money and moral approval. I Yard—JAckso Bftabllnbc DOnelaa MID. -*JAokson 0080 I 219 So. 13th Street Brasol had entre to the Ford inner in-ehief. He was among those whose in-chief. He a ng writings appeared in The Inde;i%nd- circle. He made such a favorable im-
at the Prescott School
SUNDAY JULY 2, 1922 Old Fashioned
Omaha Hebrew Club 30th Anniversary SUNDAY JULY 2, 1922
U P -T O - D A T E Kosher Neat Market
Tropical Worsted Suits Zephyr Weights, Sturdy, Long Wearing Quality
Kuppenheimer Tropicals
Cool Palm Beach Suits
IHUBSDAY, 5tJNS 15, 1922.
I with readings and Sara Janoff with day evening, June 28, a t the Jewish home of her sister, : MTE. A. Byron."; er, Gertrude Gilinsky, Rebecca Bern- Smith, of Trenton, N. J., attended the The debate «n &e subject, "Resolo" dances. The public is cordially Community Center. This organizastein, Mae and Rose Sherman, brides- Sherman-Gilinsky wedding and will solved, that the task of leading the tion recently sent away $200 towards Mr. and Mrs. Morris Polsky have maids, dressed in Rainbow colored visit with relatives here for two Jews »ut *f exile today is greater ; invited to attend. the maintenance of a nurse in as their guest Mr. Henry Yanow, of gowns and carrying large baskets of weeks. than the task which confronted Dr. J. N. Lande returned. Saturday Palestine. Hollywood, Calif. flowers, entered the well decorated Moses," between the Mogaa Dovid morning after a nine months' stay in The Messers. Arthur Snyder, Many affairs have been given ia and Blossoms of Zion Clubs was held the.east attending various medical Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, who iias Mrs. Morris Greenblatt and child- hall. Charles Feldman, Jarvis P. Freiden, honor of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Brandeis institutions. He was at the John Hop- been spending the past four weeks ren, Florence and Samuel, of Chica- Henry Sherman, Barney Rubel, and and son Paul, who will leave to- Sunday afternoon at the Synagogue. MILLMiLN-LONDON. kin's School at Baltimore for two at Davenport, la., returned Tuesday go, arrived in Lincoln Sunday to be Nathan E. <Jreen acted as ushers. morrow to make their home in Phila- The Blossoms of Zion who upheld the The marriage of Miss Fannie Lon- months and six months at the Chil- morning. Mrs. Max Ruben, mother the guests of Mrs. Greenblatt's Little Evelyn Nathanson carried the delphia, Pa. Mr. Brandeis was a affirmative won the debate. The don, daughter of Mrs. Froma London, dren's Hospital at Washington, D. C.of Mrs. Weinstein, and Miss Rose sister, Mrs. Harry Carson and Mr.ring arid Faye Klass dropped the flow- prominent social worker and took an debaters of the twe teams wesne: Affirmative, Rose Shyken, Lillian Steinto Mr. Benjamin Millman took place He also attended Dr. Abt's Clinics at Ruben, sister, returned with Mrs. Garson, ers along t i e bridal path. The wed-active part in the Council Bluffs B'nai berg, and Toby Katelman; Negative, tile Michael Beese Hospital in ChiB'rith. Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg Weinstein to make their future home Mrs. Saul Poska entertained the ding march was played by Miss Janet Sunday evening at the tpiae of the Maurice Freidman, Isadore Perimeter, here. bride before the presence of Eeventy- cago. members of the Naomi Club at her Gilinsky at the piano and Mrs. Mau-entertained in their honor last Sun- and Abe Katelman. five immediate friends of the couple. The Alumni of Temple Israel are rice Gilinsky on the violin. Following day at a dinner. On Sunday evening home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. H. Rothkop is leaving this Rabbi Morris N. Taxon officiated. giving their dance and reception to a honeymoon trip through Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. L. Brandeis entertained. Miss Anita Glickman left with Mr. summer in Sunday to spend the Mr. Hinsh Fogelsen and Miss Sarah the couple will make their home at Mr .and Mrs. S. Steinberg entertained and Mrs. Jake Marcus for Sioux The out-of-town guest was Mr. Jake this year's cpnfinnants Wednesday at ariin-npTMonday evening. Mr. and London, of Fremont, brother of the evening, June 21, at the Blackstone. California to visit with her sister, FogeHson are spending their vacation Allen, Nebr. Mrs. M. Brandeis entertained Tuesday City, la. bride. The couple left for Minne- No cards are being sent out but all Mrs. Ellis Goodman in Sacramento, at Hie Ozark Calif. afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. P. Saks The following out of town guests apolis, Minn., to remain a week. Alumni and their friends are invited. Mrs. Al Goldberg and Miss Ella have been visiting in the city and entertained Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Krasne and family Upon their return they will make Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy and Poska entertained the members of the have moved into their new home at their Lome temporarily -with the Mrs. H. Stine, of Beatrice, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weil, of Lincoln, Entre Nous Bridge Club, Tuesday have attended the Sherman-Gilinsky Miss Jeanette Gilinsky entertained 242 Park Avenue. wedding: Mr. and Mrs. P. ShuMn, bride's mother. spent the week with Tier parents, Mr. will spend the week end with Me afternoon at the home of the latter. Tonca, Nebr.; Mr. •and Mrs. J. Shul- Monday evening at a Bunco party in and Mrs. Wolf Krasne. While here and Mrs. N. Mantel. Mrs. M. Greenbl&tt, of Chicago, was kin; Mr. and Mrs. L. Shulkin; Mrs. R. honor of her cousin Miss Pauline FINKEL-WOLFSON. she was also the guest of Mr. and the cnt-of-town guest. Rosenthal; Mrs. M. Selegman; the Gilinsky of Trenton, N. J. On Tues- Fred fL Shaw Flower Shop Miss Martye Weinstein returned The marriage of Miss Jane Wolf- Mrs. Aaron Shafer. evening Miss Gertrude Gilinsky Pbon* 104. Monday afternoon from Ames, la., Mr. and Mrs. Lew Polsky enter- Misses Rebecca and Mollye Bernstein day son,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shafer and where she attends Ames College, to of Sioux City, la.; Mr. and Mrs. H. also entertained in honor of Miss The Best of Everything In Flower* and Wolfson, to Mr. David Finkel, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Manowitz and tained twenty couples at their home Shulkin of Fort Dodge, la. Confection! at Moderate Prices. Pauline Gilinsky. Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkel, took place j family motored to Fremont Sunday spend the summer vacation with her Sunday evening. The guests were MS W. Broadway. * ) « t Uborty Theater. • * I C M If-XT Tt \AI ai^+^' . . . . • '. ~ * _ Mr. aiylJ Mrs. H. B. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson left entertained at cards and dancing. COCNC11- OLC7FFB. IOWA. The graduation exercises of the bride's parents. Rabbi H. Grodinsky to spend the day. stein. High scores were won by Mrs. BenSunday school were held last Sunday for Colorado Wednesday. officiated. Only the immediate rela- Mr. Meyer Silberman, of Des Rabbi Morris N. Taxon will con- Polsky and Rose Poska. Mrs. M.afternoon at the K. of P. halL Foltives of the couple were present. Moines, la., visited in Omaha during firm the following eighteen pupils Greenblatt and Mr. Henry Yanow lowing the program certificates were the past week. given to the following members of the from the Sunday School Oass of the were the out-of-town guests. Mrs. J. -B. Hobinson and Mrs. J. graduation class: Isidore Perlmutter, Omaha Talmud Torah Sunday afterKooper left Sunday for Sioux City, Miss Sophye Weinstein entertained noon at the B'nai Israel Synagogue Miss Agnes Gordon left Thursday Rose Shyken, Lillian Steinberg, Dola., to visit with friends for several informally at her home Sunday eve- at Eighteenth and Chicago Streets: for Des Moines, la., where she will rothy Saltzman, Anna Moise, Nathan ning for several out-of-tewn guests. visit with friends for a few days be- Gilinsky, Charles Goldberg, Arthur weeks. : Bella Goiaberjr. Nellie Marks. Twelve guests were present. fore going to Chicago, HL, for the Freidman, Morton Richards, and MorAdeline Greenberc Lillian Miller. Elmer Gross. Alice Minfcin. Mr. Arthur Symonsleft Sunday for summer to take work at Chicago ris Freidman. Honor certificates were Grossman. Freda Novey, the east to join Mrs. Symons, who Miss Anne White will leave tomor- Mollye University. Rose Katzman. Mamie Perlnmn. issued to the following pupils: Class Krakovsky, Sophia G. Spar. has been visiting with relatives for row morning for several weeks stay Bessie Sophie I. Lezek, Anne Stain. Ix, Leo Fonarow and Clarence Yudelat Ottumwa, la., visiting with her sisJoe idssitz. Mamie Temia. several weeks. Frieda Weiner. n. First class, Morris Nathanson ter, Mrs. Charles Redman, and Mr.Rose Handel. The following program will be Mortin Adler. Second class, Ruth I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ross moved into COUNCIL BLUFFS and presented: and Rae Bernstein and Hellen Steintheir new home at 3417 Hamilton Estimates Furnished Miss Charlotte Lewis, of Rock Is- Bemarks berg. Third class, Mildred Meyerson, .Dr. P. Bher street during the past week. SHERMAN—GILINSKY. March_— land, HI., will arrive tomorrow to visit Processional Miriam Katelman and Leo Nogg. THE C0NF1KMANTS The marriage of Miss Reva Gilins- Fourth class, Ida Hoffman and Toby Mrs. Dave Redman and son, Abin, with Miss Bertha Leon for several Opening Bl' Prayer.— Frieda Weiner ""Happy Youth" ky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gi-Katelman. who have been visiting with Mrs. Red- weeks. CONFIKMATION CHOIR Sophia J . Spar linsky to Mr. Philip Sherman, son of Valedictory. man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. SeDuet Mr. and Mrs. B. Sherman of Allen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gflinsky and gelman, for the past three weeks, re- Mrs. D. T. Becker, and children, of Piano Kose Katzman and iloDye Grossman Mitchell, S .D., who have been visiting Nebr., took place Sunday evening daughter, Pauline and son, Albert I turned to their home in Ottumwa, la. THE FLOEAL, SEKVICE with Mrs. Becker's mother, Mrs. E."Toe Floral Crown" .Mamie Temin at Eagle's hall in the presence of over Mr. Herman Horwich left Saturday B. Rosensteck, returned to their home '"The Crown of a Good Name" four hundred guests. Rabbi Frederick for Denver, Colo., to visit with his last Saturday. Nellie Marks Cohn officiated. _AHce Minkin 'Honor** . ^brother, Mr. L. J. Horwich, and Mrs. "•Father's Lore"_ "Gems"-Mollye Grossman Miss Gilinsky selected her sister, Miss Bess Frannel, of Rock Island, 'Wisdom" inne Stain Horwich. He will remain several --Mamie Pearlman Jeannette, as her maid of honor, while "Mother's Love"HI., is visiting with her brother, Mr. Chiropodist and Beauty weeks. "Rererence" Frijeda G. E. KoTey Shop "I}eadexn of Duties" T.iTHnn SOUer Mr. Israel Sherman, brother of the D. Frankel, and Mrs. Frankel. | Phone WEbster 1 0 8 7 - 1521 No. 19th St. Solo . . . Selected groom, acted as best man. As Miss Established 1890 Mr. N. Slobodisky and daughter, Iva SiejreT. 15th and Harncy Strrrts. Mr. J. J. Freidman. Rina Snyder sang "At Dawning," the Sarah, left Monday for Minneapolis, Mrs. Max Orkin is visiting in Sioux Address Piano Solo—'The Moraine Prayer" Phone Doogrlas 1333 City, la. Misses S'Reva Snyder, Gertrude CoopJoe Lissetz. to attend the Greenberg-Kogan n Presentation of Certificates... —. weddi g that took place Wednesday Rabbi M. N. Taxon Mrs. A. B. Alperin and daughter, "Father See Thy Suppliant Children" evening. Eva, will leave Sunday morning CONFIRMATION' CHOIR. Prophoy Elmer Grose for California. They will spend several Oass Rose Mandel Miss Elizabeth Hart is home after weeks in San Francisco and then they Closing Prayer having spent the past two years in will go to Venice, Calif., to remain BASEBALL Beatrice, Neb., where she had super- for the remainder of the summer. The Y. M. H. A. baseball team vision of the Spanish and French DeMr. and Mrs. John Robinson and defeated the Payne's All-Star team partments at the Beatrice High Sunday afternoon by a score of 12 School. During her stay in-Omaha, family, of Norfolk, Nebr., motored to to 10. Corenman for the Y team Miss Hart will teach Spanish and Omaha Sunday to stay several days was responsible for seven of the French at the University of Omaha. with Mr. and Mrs. E. Jacobs. runs, in the third inning with, bases A number of Jewish students are loaded he knocked a home run. Mrs. Benjamin F. Margolin arrived returning home from the various col- The Y team was strengthened by Sunday from Lincoln to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ross. She leges to spend their summer vacation the addition of Louis Somberg, of here. Morton Alperin returned home Nebraska University. The Y team will remain several weeks. this morning from the University of will play the Star Furnace team Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wintroub enter- Minnesota; Martye Weinstein re- Sunday afternoon at the Muny Beach tained fifteen couples at a picnic din- turned Monday afternoon from Ames diamond. ner Sunday at Krug Park. College; Estelle Lapidus returned today from Rockford College; and Max Miss Anne Selicow, who underwent an operation on appendicitis Monday L. Holzman returned last Saturday LINCOLN morning at the Swedish Mission Hos- from the Culver Military Academy. Mr. Holzman will remain only until pital, is improving. Mr. A. Joseph Nef sky has returned the later part of June as he will leave Miss Tillie Rice entertained the July 1 for Eurppe with the Culver from the Wharten School of Finance "Flappers" at a picnic supper Sunday Unit to remain there for several at Philadelphia, Pa., and wQI spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. months. evening at Elmwood Park. and Mrs. Sam Nefsky. Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal and Mrs. A. Pradell entertained Thursfamily will motor to Kansas City, Mo., day at a one o'clock luncheon at the Miss Ann Fanger, of Omaha, spent where they will visit with their daughr Brandeis Tea rooms followed by a the week end in Lincoln as the house ter, Mrs. Carl Studna, and Mr. Studna. theatre party* at the Orpheum com- guest of Miss Elsie Poska. They will remain for several weeks. plimentary to Miss Molly Corby, who Miss Lucille Cohen entertained ihe "Bluebirds" Sunday afternoon at the Mr. Morris Potash spent Sunday at is to be an early July bride. Lincoln, Neb. The following three pupils were ommitted from the list of Omaha The out-pfctown guests, who attend- Technical High School graduates; ed the Kavich-Shames wedding, that which appeared in last week's issue took place last Tuesday evening, have of "The Jewish Press": Nathan returned to their homes. Miss Corinne Adelson, Nellie Ferer, and Anne Wesses returned to Chicago, Mr. Robinovitz. Charles! H. Shames, Miss Messer's fiance, returned to Memphis, Tenn., and Mrs. Morris Palais and daughter, SEVEN DAYS Mrs. L. A: Shames left for La Salle, Josephine, left last week to spend STARTING SATURDAY the summer a t Arverne, Long Islaind. Gonvernor Morris1 Famous ni. Tale of Adventure Miss Fannie Hart leaves Saturday Miss Sophye Weinstein entertained for Boulder, Colo., where she will take at a luncheon Saturday afternoon at jjj a summer course at the University the Brandeis Tea Rooms in honor of Boulder. She will also visit- rela- of Miss Corinne Messer, of ChicagOj tives in Denver and other Colorado HL points^ Mr. A. B. Finkel? recent graduate of the Omaha Central High School, Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkel entertained with RICHARD DIX left last Week for Blair, Nebr., to tEirty guests in honor of their son, and HELEN CHADWIC&. David,"and his fiancee, Jane Wolfson, remain with hif brother, Mr. Max Finkel. He will return to attend the w^pse marriage took place the followCreighton University in the fall. ing day. ' _ ' . - • ;Mr. Harry Braviroff will present Mrs. Dave Goldman will leave the following pupils from his classes June 26 to visit with her brother, insa jnano recital Wednesday evening, Mr. FredjB. Panor at Minneapolis, June 21, at 8:15 at the Schmoller & Minn. Mueller Auditorium: Sylvia- Bern- Messrs. Robert Cohn, Louis Shostak, Btein, Sara Levine, Iibby Kovitz, Eth- Mike Shermany Louis Lebowitz, .'and*jjj $UBKMDi Conpe. «t«O.eO: Tonrlng Car, $985.00; Eoadeter. el Greenberg, Annette Fogel, Marian Join Faier have taken a cottage for Business Cat, $1,086.00; Street Bacioeu Cax; GOLDWYN REVIVAL WEEK Sunday * and Monday Blumenthal, Henry Veylupek, Grace DXLirXBXD IS OMAHA. Dansky, Freeda Bolker, Ed., Rosen- the summer at the Diets Club. Watt, Molly Grossman, Gertrude Co- The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Tuesday and Wednesday hen, Frieda Adler, Helen Weiner, will' hold their next meeting WednesLON CHANEY in Hi Pearl Dansky, Rose Reif, Julius Gold"THE PENALTY" ner, Lillian Lipsey, Irma Wells, Al>,.jCOUJTCIL St. , at 28th Sf SS-35 ANNOUNCEMENT bert. Finkel, Ethel Simon, Rose Spiev Thursday and Friday gle, Florence Levey, Emma RotkovRev. E. Fleishman kovitz, Elsie Stalmastcr, Lillian Chu"THE MOHL" dgcoff, Mary Shames, Ruth Green, I. * Moved into his new home at Saturday and Sunday Max Rosenblatt, Ruth Kendis, Sara 1342 So. 25th Street, "THE OLD NEST" Weiner, Esther Faier and Ann Hur- Corner of Woolworth Avenue.Tel. Atlantic 6637. witz. Jeanette Levinson will assist
Social, Club ana Religious Activities
J J. Zangvell and W, Grade Prop,
AN N c u N
A Business Coupe
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Case Grows to Second Dreyfus Affair, Press in Poland Declares. Office Warsaw. (J. C. B.) A strong MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON Jackson 0268. 209 South 18th Street. movement is on foot in the Jewish Corre-. throughout the world. • Even nuw the (Copyrighted, 1922;; Jewish NEARBY COMMUNITIES. j relations between large sections of press that the government immedispondence Bureau.) _j CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS., •the Arab population and the Jews, ately undertake the retrial of the case P. MELCHIORS & SON An appeal to the', wealthy Jew not [ especially those born in Palestine, are of Rabbi Shapiro. B. KORNEY MACHINE WORKS Rabbi, Shapiro was executed by th t to be guilty of a "tragic betrayal of <&*** friendly. Industrial and AotomotlT* Machinists. Polish regiment which entered Plotzk INVESTMENT SECURITIES Notwithstanding the difficulties '. -ft Carburetor and ftrnittah -Repairs. the future" of the Jewish race—writStarter Ring O«ir» for An to Fly "Wheels Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. by the war, unsatisfactory financial after the' Bolshevik invasion. 4M 8onth ISth Street. ten by the British Jewish statesman situation, high prices and the general "The government had postponed the 1415 Douglas St. XeL Jackson 8171 Telephone! Jnckson tSSO who has seen the excellent example of | disturbance of trade, the admir.i^tra- trial of Rabbi Shapiro in the winter the; Haluzim in .Palestine—is con- tion works well and the revenue al- for technical reasons, and nas not vinced that the British Government ready exceeds that secured by theeven now displayed any inclination to Y o i| r position is DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT will not be deterred by Arab out- Turkish predecessors. When once the have the: retrial commence. correct, and should COMPANY. , . " , . . . . ... . . British Mandate is accepted and the • The Jewish press in Poland deBISMARCKS, CAKE AND SUGAR UNDERTAKERS be s u p p o r t e d by rages, firmly believing that co-opera- P a l e s t i m a n l o a n h a s b e e n floatedf w e clares that the case of Rabbi Shapiro CGHITDTS ODB 8PECIAI.TY. every fair minded MOVED TO tion between Jew and Arab is the have every reason to expect an all- is growing out to a second Dreyfus We Deliver^ the Real Goods. BRAND basis of the development in the "Land ( round improvement in the condition case, and demands that the governperson. SKI CUMING STREET. ' . "~ ~ P h o n e " W e b s t e r . 0 9 4 3 . . . . of Immense Possibilities," which is t o . of the country owing to the increase ment should cease to postpone the be the scene of a new act in t h e , o f PW*«*ive work of which so much trial any longer. , , ,, , . . T,,.^ remains to be done: Harbors commuADVO COFFEE drama of world history.-Editor. reafforestation, drainage, BieatioBSt • • • OI • • • irrigation and housing. In a e.i lc'ry APVO JELL '"' ADVG FOODS On reconsidering .after an interval rich in. natural resources these great' Hoffmann Funeral Home. WHOLESALE GROCERS. of many months the deep impression tasks offer a large field for profitsMr,' L H. Adler and Mother, Mrs made upon me b^ngr visrt Phone Jackson 1302 i n y e s tment and ought strongly u> I. H. Adler, left for San Francisco to tine, I find myself.n^ore and m o r e T ^ , e a l o u r leadm e n o f feus_ attend the Shrine Conclave. convinced that the human material ^ ^ A s t u d rf w h a t h a s a l r e a d 1 BKKEHBEB Visit Our which, we have at our command f o r | b e € n d o n e b t h e o l d e r c o l o n i s t g i s At the last meeting of the Council j (i the restoration of a National Home. „ c a l e o l a t e d t o ^ i r e c o n f l d e n c e (PALMER GRADUATE) VlIIIWI l U i v l UU fPALMER GRADUATE) of Social Agencies Mrs. Sam Wein-! of the Jewish Race is excellent and and I--nn ^ ^ f u t u r e o fJ e w i g h e f f o r t p a ] . plentiful, and that our most unmedi- e g t i n e T h e c o l ( J n i e s o f R e h o b o t ( N e s stock was elected president for the | Do away with drudgery and make Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 A coming, year. Mrs. Weinstock left house-work a pleasure by the use ate necessity is generous help, fman-! ZZ ii oo nn aa a n d R i s h f o ri n s t a n c e > a r e "With Xonr-Order" for *" of modern electrical appliances. cial and personal, from the better sit- , i y i i l l u s t r a t i o n s o f t h e h a p p y „,.„ Wednesday "for Providence, R. I., to attend the annual National Conference ANYTHING / OUg h o m e g w h i c h w work HOLCOMB The "Electric Shop" is on the uated of our people.- After what I OUg h o m e g which of Jewish Social Service. EAT \ IN. THE WRAPPING ground floor of the Electric buildFOOD CHEMICAL saw personally, both of the older pio-I a n d i n t e l l i h a v e c o n j u r e d > a si t ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PRODUCTS CO., INC. PAPER LINE . Mr. Louis Oransky and Rabbi Eu- ' neers who created-, the flourishing • o u to f ^ d e s e r f c mfh M and Farnam streets. Manufacturer* of Jewish colonies" in Palestine, and of 1a n d e n c o u r a g e m e n t s i m i l a r > - n d e v e n gene Mannheimer left Saturday evenFOODS AND CHEMICALS. 1112 HARVEY ST. ing for Chicago to attend the Victory the enthusiastic young Haluziw, vho results c a Q fee a c h i e v e d FiAVORING EXTRACTS. Phone Douglas 0400 have thrown themselves heart .and .t h n ; u & h o u t t h e l e n ^ h a n r ] b r e a d t h n f banquet at the Standard club. 9t8N.-16th 6t. Phone Atlantic 4964 THE BEST soul into the development of the an-,P a l e s t i n e , j t . I t i ga l a p d o f The following boys are home from cient home of our people, I should j i m m e n s e p o s s i b i l i t i e S ( i n s p i t e of the college for the summer: Harvard, regard any failure to help and en-, ^ ^ 1&A flf i itt g re. NORTHWEST READY g re30}1Teea Benjamin Rosenbaum; University of courage them on tiie part of their SQm from ROOFING CO. m i g r u l e I t i g a Pennsylvania, Hyman Davidson, Sam wealthier brethren here and m Amer- I lorioug Ready Roofing over old shingles. QUAKER BAKING COMPANY , e t doy^ fe c e n t u r ; e s Lipton and Aubrey Perowsky. ica as a tngic betrayal of the future I o f Also asphalt shingles and build-up lect roofs. Fire resisting and durable. Douglas 1862 of thfi race In spite of the relative | f o r e s t g a n d n e y e r Turks cut down ,the All worfe guaranteed. Easy terras. troub,ed ant . The Temple Sunday School held STEINER ELECTRIC slowness with which, help is coming. Phonr Harney 3574 ^ slaughtered the cattle their annual picnic Monday afternoon Office and Warehouse: S122 Leaven worth MEATCHQPPER from this source source II cannot imagine, ftema n d never troubled t o lace at 4 o'clock at Greenwood Park. AND COFFEE'MILL. that those wealthy Jews, who a ; ^ r ^ c oel o n i e s ^ ^ Mr. Sidney Jacobs, of Chicago, is among^the leading supporters of char- f e r r e d conclusivelv h o w prodac. USED SCALES OF ALL visiting relatives in this city. .ties throughout the cmhzed worid i v e ^ ^ fe ^ Euy MAKES FOR SALE. MANUFACTURERS. will be deaf to this national appeal o d s a r e ied t o The board of the Jewish Community MEY-MER-CO. Brand and leave to the rank and file of Jew510 South 10th Street. Center met there Monday evening ry to show, not merely a spirit of Co-operation Needed. Beverages and Syrups. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Phone Jackson 3332. personal sacrifices, but to provide, as Omaha. Kebr. It is clear to me that co-o'jeration elected the following officers for the 319-321 So. 11th »t., coming year: President, Mrs. Meyer Phone Atlantic 2889 they have already done in Amenr-i. will be the ba^is of development in Roseiifield; first vice president, Mr. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" the bulk of the sinews of war for th • Palestine. Fortunately that system Jake Iten A Lihce; second vice president, Mr. great campaign upon which we have h a s already begun to induce Jews and and buy them at Biscuit Co. M LOW Louis Davidson; secretary, Miss JenITEf+S K v ^ entered. The presence and the ex- ( At first the Arabs nie Younker; treasurer, Mrs. Mose combine. ROGERS | ample of members of this wealthier (w e r e s u s p i c i o u s and feared that their SNOW WHITE M All that the nsme Cohen. class in Palestine would unquestion- j a n d w a s g o i n g ^ b e 319 South 16th Street. implies. teken f r o m \ BAKERIES m CAIX ' . Phone Douglas 3400. ably produce a great effect upon the t h e m a n d g i v e / t o t h e Jevra> a n d t h a l (Sec. C. 8. Pat. \ £ Mrs. Maurice Becker and son, Mau| ATLANTIC 4522 • Office.) ^ Douglas 6887 leaders of the Arab population, and )i n general they r<vere likely to be treat- rice, left Monday for Wellesley, j 916 N. 16th St. enable them to realize the immense je d a n f a irly. Many of the Arab leadMass., to attend the graduation of | fLi SKNDCKKK1S •. » -. advantage to themselves of having the e r s w i t h whom-I spoke, however, con.Nutrition* Horn*- Had* their daughter and sister, Ruth. I devfetopment of the country taken seri |f e s s e d tbsit t h e S e s u s p i c i 0 Q s had beon ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Ambulance Service PIES andCOOKIES ously in hand by,Jews enjoying a dissipated and that they were now Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frankel have APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Equipped with Pnlmotor. Sealed lnv Sanitary Waxed Hade by world-wide reputation for business an xious to assist in the dev jlopment gone east to attend the graduation : Wrapper at 'Tour Grocer. All Cans Answered Promptly. Granden Electric Co. UNCLE SAM BJtEAKFAST •sagacity. If I could persuade this' of the land as they recognized that it exercises* of their nieces, Kuth RosenDEPEND A KliB ET.ECTKICAIi Sundgren Pie Baking Co. FOOD CO. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN MERCnANDISE. section' of our fellow countrymen of would be to their own advantage. field and Helen Frankel. ' t4ih and Hickory. Atlantic 6241 OMAHA, NBBBA8KA. 1511 Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0681 Pbone Harney 0392 3411 Farnam St. the great opportunity awaiting thsm, This co-operation of the two races The Sunday School of the Jewish and of the fine material which they is of good omen, not merely from a have under their hands in Palestine material standpoint, but as a hopeful Community Center held its last ses. American for a work which would do credit, not commencement of reconciliation be- sion on Sunday, June 11. The followCarpenter Paper Co. ing, children received certificates for only to themselves but to our whole Wet Wash Laundry tween Mahomedanism and Judaism. Distributors o l Druggists and Stationers race,"I would regard'it as the happi- This itself is but a part of what I good attendance and diligence: Eve28O3 Cuming. Harney O881 Western Bond—and High Grade est result of my. tonr.in Erez Israel. regard as one of the great moral lyn, Eta Duckstein, Rachel Meyers, 4flt-iM-»63 Booth 10th '.: : One Day Service. No Extra Stationery; ~--Theodore Siegel, Sara Soldat, Joe Siltasks of our people, namely, to act as Charges. Refinite Soft Water. OUAHA, NEBKASKA. ; Toured Palestine. vers,'Helen Soldat, Irene Cohen, Timediators between the civilizations of bie Bassman, Abe Beechen, P"uline Nothing pleased me more during the West and East. Throughout t i e Why Buy Tin? my tour than to'see a large influx vicissitudes of its long history the dayman, Jack Covich, Bernice Marks, Bay Bird Brand Coffee in Tabes. LADY CHIROPRACTOR of Jews into Palestine from many Jewish race, comparatively few in Franklin Oberstein, Martos Levine, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. BAVKB rOO HONEY. In Actlvr Prortice Since 1910. •Anna Goldberg, Evelyn Miller, Harry parts of the world with the object of J7tb and Martha eta. Hartley 166» numbers, occupying a very sfall terMID-STATES WHOLESALE Manufacturers of Brasg. Broaxe, AJoml- , Or. Frances H. Turner promoting its economic development. ritory, has played a role in the spir- Covich, Blanche Soldat, Frances Beenam and Soft Gray Iron •- Castings, i .GROCERS -. Office: Brandels Theatre Bnlldlnr. You are assured of soft castings, a s And in spite of temporary drawbacks itual and intellectual development of chen and Lenore Oppenheim. 1117-U Dodge SW Jackson 3813 " 17th and Douglas Streets. we machine some from erery-heat In due to« ill-inspired agitation, I am Phone Atlantic 3836 our own shop. Standard s l w east Iron humanity, immeasurably disproporbushings tn stock. Miss Ire^ne Hirsch has returned sure that this.tendency will continue tionate to its size and material reMAX OLSEN & CO. and presently increase. Labor, and sources. I am confident that there, from New York whert he has been TIKES TCBES—ACCESSORIES Wholesale Distributors for particularly skilled labor, is as neces- still awaits for it as great a spiritual staying at Columbia University. SCHMIDTfS sary for.the development of Palestine effect as any that has rendered its Bertha Loeb, of*Albia, spent Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger as is capital itself; and from this path illustrious in the ODB TREATMENT We carry a complete line ot new Thursday -in the city to atten<I the COJTVnfCK TOC OF OCR Ale, Hires Root Beer point of view the admirable work and of the ideas of the East and We;t and ring gears, pinions, axle shaft* and . • SINCERITT. graduation of her granddaughter, MaOffice and Warehouse! 917 So. Main St. springs ,fgr almost any tnnke of car. excellent example of the Haluzim is in the eventual Cnification of the Trust Department. Telephone 142 Mri). RICHMAN. Manager. daline Loeb, -from the public schools. COUNCIL -BLUFFS.'- IOWA. Safety Deposit Boxea. most encouraging. The fact that a whole human race into one great 131K-lS.tr> We»t Broadway. I COUNCIL BLUFF?. IOWA. considerable proportion of these family inspired by mutual resiect aid Miss Helen Younker has returned PHONE 444. young men and women, who are now ! home from Denton, Tex., where she affection. Palestine itself, which is I RATES f RATES doing hard manual labor on the roads is a teacher of French in the Lniver:» f o r STlflP.P nn fhia Snoniol I and fields, have come, from comforta- regarded as a Holy Land by the leadOmaha Office: 818 Douglas Street. for space on this _r ing religious races of civilized hu- sity. Omaha Phone Atlantic SSJS6 ble-homes and have had the benefit manity, is particularly happy as the Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ferman, of j Page given on application. Ford Tranaier & Storage Co. of a university education, justifies our center from which to radiate such 816 N. 16th St. Branches at Central Market, R. A. FOED. IEWISHPRESS sanguine hopes for the future of our ideas. Even today I venture to '.hink Webster Sity, motored to Des Moires OnubaUSA Table Snpply and Food Center. President and Genera) Manager. . last week and spent several days wills people in their old home. 182 Brandeift Bid. Jackson 2372 that its history < and archaeology ex- Mr. and Mrs. M. Frisch. Coiaicil Bluffs (Iowa) Office 924 So. Main Street. - Phone 368 When once it is realized by thecite greater interest than those of any other part of the world and make Mr. and Mrs. Leon Goodman have Arats that outrages will completely CLEAN LINEN fail to influence the British Govern- a wider appeal to the emotions of the gone to Chicago to visit relatives. morning? An Ideal Washing Combination. : If yon call the ment and the Palestine Administra- bulk of humanity. From this point Estcs Laundry Tablets Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Levitt, of . . . with . . . tion towards a reversal of their pol- of view I must confess that I roioi'e Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Frontier Towel Supply Estes Soap Chips icy, and when the Arab population at the reviving interest in its archae- Kansas City, Mo., are visiting Mr. and 1816 California Street. W. JCor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB, come to recognize the benefits of the ology and regard the hopes of fresh • Mrs. S. Davidson. and Phone Dourlas 8291 Water Softener (Combined) admirable. administration conducted discoveries in the country beyond the Mrs. W. Covich, accompanied by At all Grocers. by the High Commissioner and hisJordan as a welcome asret in the mis- her daughter and son, Jeanne and OCR NEW LOCATION sion of our people. staff for. the protection of Arab der Corner''IDtbnnd - DOUEIBS Street*. Call Atlantic 2364 Sam, left Monday morning for Sioux AIuHonlc Temple Bide. velopment and ttoe'reiteration" of Arab Thus, while I am confident tt-at the City, la:, .to attend the Lazriowich-j You will like Our Line— material future of cur race in Pelssculture, they will iaceept the inevitaBALDWIN, ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. Robison wedding. They expect to • CHEESE-BUTTER-BUTTERMILK ble and: unite with the Jewish branch tine can and ought tobe secured, I r s t a y ( f o r a t w o weeks' visit. HOWARD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS, PLAYER PIANOS. OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. of the same great race in advancing have no desire t o see it converted BUTTER •* THATCHER PIANO CO. ' 1419 •TO AND FROM the common interests of the two close- into a new Manchester of Semitic Cnralnr St.. Omaha. Nebraak*. — — Made by — . . The^Hebrew Ladies' Relief Society Phono Jitckiion 8066 ly related peoples. This harmony b • Black Country.' I imagine it rather ( will hold a picnic Sunday, June 25, at ALL PARTS OF Kirschbraun & Sons tweeh the two races will certainly be as the scene of a benificent new act Union Park. THE WORLD promoted by "the'responsible leaders in the drama of world history- in j . Rates, for Space.on DON'T BUY COAL! of the Jewish people* who fully rec- which the spiritual compatriot.- of Na-1 The following officers were elected YAL. J PETER & COMPANY this S p e c i a l Page OIL. IS MUCH CHEAPER Sherman Mercantile Co. ognize what a large stake the Arab3 than the Wise will hold out friendly at the last meeting of the Junior Hagiven on application. Let Ue Keraove the Door from 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Wholesale Gr»»-er» Specialties Your Furnnce and Insert a have in the country. The latter have hands to all their fellow creatures dassah to serve through the comiag 1611 Cnmlnc St. Phone Atlantic U « ATlantic 0340. everything to gajn from the improved LUXIBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER and preach with" all the old fervor, and year: Frcsdent, Ethel Sherman; ~?ce DISTRIBUTOK8— 482 BrnndrU Bldf. Tel. Jnrkion %2,'A methods of; cultivation and • industry let us hope with move effect than president, Lillian Goldenson; secre- j gee Demonstration D18 Bo. 19tb Strret. JACK. SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. introduced bjr the'Jews and supuorted ever fctfore, the great Gospel of the taryf Belle Silverman; treasurer, Mar ir- \ • Omaha, Nebraska. , by the enthusiasm of the Jewish r "•ibscribe to "The Jewish Press". Brotherhood of Mai* I.<M/» Sherman. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS.
The Harry A. Koch Co.
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.^cGord-Brady Go.
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m i f f APR AfTflR Ethel Th: a ] Mdthy, D. C
The Brinri 6c Jensen Company
[Electric Shop"
Dayton Honey Weight Scales and Meat Slicers
Meyer Mercantile Co., Inc.
Baker Ice Machines
Manufactured in Omaha"
Checker Cab
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Bid-West Auto Parts Co.
oteamship 1 ickets
Jewish Press
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*li ti l i .