- I t is the little things
The ^greatest -satis-
that separate • us from. s u c c e s s — n o t the big: ones.
VOt;iL—No. 28
faction in life is to do good work.—Hubbard.
Entered ma •aeood-duc- a*r-matter on •Taniwry 27th. 1821, at portofflc* at Omaha, Nebraric*. cadcr the Act ot March 8. 1879.
Committee to Raise Money Immediately for New Building Fifty-Thousand Dollars Pledged at Banquet for Morris Levy. MORRIS LEVY P L E D G E S $50,000 TO BUILD NEW COMMUNITY CENTER •Plans and preparations are being made to raise One Hundred'Thousand Dollars immediately to fill the remainder • of the fund for the new Jewish Community Center building. The executive committee of the organization' reports that the money will be raised immediately. Following the presentation of the pledge of Morris Levy for $50,000 for a new Community Center building, friends of Mr. Levy who attended the banquet given in his hon'or, prior to his going to Europe, ^raised an additional $50,000. . The announcement of the munificent gift, by many times over the largest single contribution ever made by a Jewish resident of this city, came as a complete surprise. It swept the gathering from, its feet. Men who had given the best that is in'them to the development of Jewish philantropy and social work in Omaha could hardly realize that the goal for which they had striven so long had been almost realized. Every man present pledged himself to labor unceasingly to secure the additional. $150,000, upon which the donation of Mr. Levy is contingent. Complete lists of donors and amounts will be published in next weeks issue of "The Jewish Press."
Prominent to Study Jewish Relief Commiwdon to Carry Out Plan for
^intelligent Help Districts. New York.—(Headed by Dr. Lee K: Frankel, third vice-president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company, a commission of leading Jewish business men, scientists, bankers and social workers, left for Europe, Tuesday, on the Berangaria to study Jewish conditions in the war-stricken countries. The ''other members of the commission, appomted by Louis Marshall, president of the American Jewish Relief committee, are David A. Brown, of Detroit, who was national chairman of the recent war-reMef campaign, which raised $17,,000,000; Dr. Milton J. Rosenau, professor of preventive medicine at Harvard, David M. Bressler, ch&"r<v.an of the New Yotk city campaign that raised over $4,000,000;- Mr. Morris Wolf, prominent Philadelphia attorney, and Herbert H. Lehman, New York banker, chairman of the reconstruction committee of the joint distribution committee, who is already in Paris. The commission which was established at the "Victory Conference" of the American Jewish Belief committee at Detroit on April 9, will study at first hand the further need for palliative relief amon^ the 300,000 orphans and 400,000 refugees, and to -what extent the $50,000,000 . raised prior to the lart camiir.igii has started the Jews of Europe on the road to, rehabilitation, reconstruction .- ntl selfsupport. Reports from the joint distributing committee workers in-Europe indicate decided improvement in many sections of Europe, particularly Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Rumania, but ,bh the other hand there is extreme suiTering and a great need for palliative relief among 4,000,000 Jews in the Ukraine and Soviet Russia.
ONLY ADULTS'lHAY * . STUDY HEBREW Riga. (J. T. A.) Teaching of Hebrew will be permitted by the Jewish Commissariat in Prussian, provided no pupil under 18 is .admitted to the classes, semi-official Moscow advices state. , A campaign among Jewish workers soliciting donations for the Bed Army has been launched by the Jewish S e c tions, the avowed object of, the campaign being to "create a better feeling towards Jews," it is 'declared. Confirmation of reported conflicts between Bed Army soldiers and small Jewish traders is contained in a recent issue of the Communist "Emess."
Omaha Hebrew Club to Bold Celebration Sunday July Second Club Organized in Omaha Thirty Tears Ago Will Celebrate at a Public Picnic
LARGE PROGRAM ALREADY ARRANGED FOR THIS OCCASION. Plans for the public basket picnic, given by the Omaha Hebrey club, in celebration of its - thirtieth anniversary, are well under way, according to the committees in charge of the affair. The picnic will be held Sunday, July 2, at the Peony Park, Seventyeighth and West Dodge road. The committee reports that persons going to the park should leave the street car at Forty-ninth and.Dodge streets and will then be taken to the picnic grounds in busses. Busses will be there the entire day. The feature affair of the day's celebration will be the. popular girls' voting contest, with the prize being a *ound-trp to'eitherEstes Park, Colo., or Chicago. The girls who have entered in the conte*t to date are the Misses Anna Blank, Reva Gilingky "of Council Bluffs, Bertha Berger^Mamii Adler and Rose Fine. The committee reports that.anotfigr prize^will be given to the person that sells .the most tickets for admission to the picnic with the. minimum'being 200 tickets. The winner in tills contest will be awarded .a round-trip ticket to California. During the afternoon, a large musical program will be given. The evening will be spent inrdancing.with prizes to be given to the beBt lady and'gentleman dancer. The Omaha Hebrew club was organized thirty years ago with but twenty? five members and now has a membership roll of over six hundred. The club provides death and sick benefits for its members, and prior to the organizing of the Jewish Welfare Federation it handled many of the charity cases.
Joint Committee Gives S 8 M 0 0 for Latvia How the Jewish population of Latvia, which before the war totalled approximately 157,500, has been reduced by over one-third-is revested in: reports from the. Joint Distribution Committee's representatives in that country, on the basis of which that body has just allocated an additional sum of $80,000 further to stimulate the splendid efforts which-are being made by the survivors' return to a self-sustaining basis. The Jews of Latvia were among the first in all Europe upon whom the war visited its horrors. Hardly had the first great- German offensive against' Russia been launched, when by Czaristic ukase they were expelled from the three provinces of Lifland, Courland and LetgaUen,* which; were directly in the path of the devastating legions led by Hindenberg and Mackensen. -•••-. '; Previous expenditures by the Joint Distribution Committee for relief and reconstruction in Latvia have amounted, to 16,000,000 Lettish rubles. Of this sum 3,000,000 rubles, were paid over to various loan organizations; 2,700,000 rubles went for immediate relief, 1,700,000 rubles - for orphancare. Other large sums were spent for medical aid and sanitation. Of the $90,000 just allocated, $60,000 will go to the credit-loan organization of Latvia and $20,000 for the trade schools in Dwinsk and Riga.
Rome. (J. T .A.) Delegates; to the "Oriental Congress" representing a number of Eastern races, holding their sessions in camera, protested against the-occupation of territories in any form by any of the European powers. The protest is understood to be directed against Great Britain and France to whom territories of the former Turkish Empire have been entrusted under Mandates, although no special reference was made to either Palestine or Syria. The Congress on the whole attractT h e Jewish Press" Is~ the Comed little1 attention, doe probably- to the munity paper. , -, . , fqct that its sessions were executive.
The Inside Story of Henry Ford's Jew Mania
Move Made to Cut Immigration Quota by Third of Total
Wilna. (J. T. A.) Enrollment of Jewish pupils in the elementary, second and university classes in the Wilna district totalled 5,700, in March, the total attendance in all schools and Congress Committee Receives colleges numbering 23,919. ON THE TRAIL OF THE SLEUTHS. Proposal to Reduce Number There are 4,030 pupils in 32 Jewish From 3 to 2 Per Cent. By NORMAN HAPGOOD. elementary schools, 1,027 in five Jew(Reprinted by special permission from Hearst's International.) ish gymnasia, 393 among the 696 stu- S I E G E L TO LEAD FIGHT dents in the two Russian gymnasia, AGAINST NEW MEASURE besides 250 students in one Jewish professional school. Washington.—<J. C. B.) A big surLast month we told some of the men proceeded to tell me a fact. I do was lapping up refuse from e* Others in attendance in the Wflna prise in the form of a totally unex- most important facts about Ford's per- not suppose he -realized that it was where, using any tale by any crank, v secution of the Jews. We showed now scale "news." He has not a newspa- writing letters b y invitation to any schools are Poles, White Russians, pected and dangerous move against immigration was sprung when at the closely connected it was with* the per- per mi^j|< I hsfe. So when I heard half-wit who happened to breV. into Lithuanians and Russians. meeting of the House immigration •* secution of the Jews carried on in this statement, the new s centers in the papers with, an antirjewish speech. committee it was proposed by anti- * this country by those Russians who my brain began to jump. But the elaborate organization was immigrationist members to reduce are attempting to get a Romanoff undreamed of~by.me, until the proof Paid Agents. ^rom 3 to 2 per cent the number <*f • v back on the throne. We described in was put into my hands. "I have seen," said Mr. A., "the immigrants, admissible according to a general way how the Ford investiTo the philosophic mind, the whole nationality, .under the present immi- Jgators functioned like a 'detective documentary proof that Boris Brasol evil was dramatized when the name of has received money from Henry Ford." gration law recently extended to June agency, they being headed by a broth"What!" I exclaimed. "Are you Ford and" the name of Brasol were 30, 1921. . I er of Josephus Daniels. -The workbrought together. But for the public, Former Des Moines Boy Made Perilings of that organization are more quite sure of that?^ If adopted, this would mean that *" No need for any of us to explain for the untrained mind, the investigas ous Rescue in Glacier Park. fully told in the present article. over 115,000 immigrants would be cut V what that short, statement meant po- tors were * a' godsend. It dramatized i off from admission. In other -words, Since knowing I was to tell an in- litically, although I was the only one the tale. KEPT AWARD A SECRET FROM one-third ofHhe total of approximate- ; side story of Mr. Ford's doings against who fully knew what it meant journalLast month we stopped after makRELATIVES AND FRIENDS. ly 350,000 admissible und»r the pres- * the Jews, a number of persons have istically. ing you acquainted with Mr. Daniels, ent quota scheme during the entire •? asked how I got the material. Politically it meant that history was Des Moines, la.—Herbert Friedlich, year would be barred. It is an easy question ,and I have no repeating itself. • As Brasol was chief head of the group, and brother of Josephus. This month it becomes our former Des Moines boy, son of the late This move was in the form of a .; secrets. in this country of the expatriate Rus- duty to introduce the pseudo-detect- A. Friedlich and nephew of L Friedproposed amendement to be embodied : The time is late December, 1921. sians trying to pat the Romanoffs ives, by their, code numbers, and show lich, has recently been awarded the in the ship subsidy bill now under dis- ; The scene opens in a private dining- back on the throne, it meant that you something of wh^t they thought Carnegie hero medal for unusual cussion by the immigration committee room in a New York club. In the Ford's persecution had, with the logic they were accomplishing. bravery, according to -word which has in connection with the provisions . room are four persons, eating to- of events, Joined with that crusade, just reached relatives here. therein contained that 50 per. cent oif ^ gether. Hired Detectives. centuries old, that the despots of EuThe act for which Friedlich was all immigrants should be carried on One is a distinguished American rope stirred up repeatedly, in order to The affair was operated in New recognized was the rescue of a young American ships. novelist, traveler, and commentator. inflame, for their own purposes, the York at 20 Broad treet, presumably The reason advanced by the advoOne is a Russian, let us call him ignorant religious passions of the dark in the very citadel of international man from a 700-foot cliff upon which he was hanging, exhausted and terri- cates of cutting the percentage from Mr. M., who occupied one of the high- masses. Jewish bankers, and the chief wag Mr. fied, in Glacier National park. It re3 to 2 per cent was that if Congreas • est positions in the Russian governJournalistically, it meant much. C. C. Daniels, an excellent Southern quired more than two hours for the passed the American ship proviso, the . ment, under Prince Lyov, that fol- "Well," I said, "if Ford money has gentleman, but about Jews quite awry Des Moines boy to reach the perilous American steamship companies would ; lowed the overthrow of the Tsar. found its way to* Brasol, I think we in the head. So much, secrecy was con- spot where he could make the rescue. use their influence in Congress to seThe third, whom we may call Mr. shall give Mr. Ford something to nidered necessary," that a set of secret It took the same time to land the help- cure more liberal laws and otherwise ]' A., was at the head of the Constitu- think about. Perhaps w« shall edu- numbers existed in Mr. Daniels' office, less young man upon safe ground. endeavor to stimulate freer immigra- • tional Government at Omsk, until he cate him." designating different individuals. Here Friedlich, who is extremely modest, tion. If, however," the percentage > was overthrown by the militarists and - The Russians,, of course, did not is the list: told no one of his act. Eye witnesses were cut, it would discourage the com- | aristocrats who had appointed Kolknow what I meant, in terms x>f jourreported it to the Carnegie officials. panies from making such attempts. chak dictator; those who enlisted the 120 X C. C. Daniels.^ nalism, but they understood in terms Neither did Herbert tell friends or The real purpose is plain, however: •; support of our government, and .Other 121 X E. 6. Liebold. of human History! Having seen and relatives. And, although the medal Immigration opponents are merely : governments, for that would-be dic122 X -W..J. Cameron. suffered from the dark methods of was presented to him some time ago, utilizing this argument as a pretext tator; 123X F, Hunter Creech. the Tsar, they understood. Natives h e * Warned of "it taipugh for striking a serious blow against > ; 124X Charles "Tf}e fourth is myself,. acting as Well, I started to get that simple an announcement of the aw&rdiafede even the present restrictive law in 125X Wanda Kazfu document, i f I coflfeL. I wanted, merefrom the headquarters of the Carnegie •order to hurt still farther - the'- pro50 D • Braaae'Mf EBiugnHp The conversation naturally enough ly, the receipt for an amount, howfund. spective immigrant. It is understood falll on Henry Ford and his latest ever small that once belonged to Henry 51 D Henry?- J. Q'NiiH. •'rlfriedliohispent most of his boyhood .that Chairman Johnson is a leading vagary. ~. 52 D Henry*. A. Forster. "Ford and came to belong to Boris Brahere. He was graduated from West advocate of the proposed reduction. , 53.D ,John S.,Wise., Jr. "What is the matter with him?" sol. I cared not if it was only a dollar. High school, and went from here to Congressman Siegel, member of j 54 D "C. H. Martin. asks one of the Russians. But I wanted the proof. Harvard law school, where he was an committee, who was present" at the », 55 D P. E. TuthflL I undertake to reply. "He is a great honor student. Began Investigation. meeting, stated that the situation is I 101 A A. M..Jungmta. manufacturer," I explain; "probably, He is now practicing law in Chi- serious and that a strong effort would | I startedan investigation in the 102 A Sam.Smith; the greatest manufacturer who ever probably be made to carry through | 102 AB Operative -under Sam Smith. cago. lived. But he is not only ignorant of town where, according to Mr. A., the the proposed reduction. When an- | 103 A Dr. -Houghton. the world and of history, he is proud documentary proof existed. Then riouncement of this proposal was J 104 A Prof. A. L.. IJrothingham. of this ignorance. He is boastful of there happened what often happens in made, Representative Siegel declared it. Having been a great money-maker, serious investigations. We go after 105 A Henry A- Wise Wood. he and others interested in a just he has been flattered and spoiled un- one thing and we find a nest of other 25 H Albert Baffinof. treatment of immigration would fight S til he has decided he can understand things. 26 H J. F. Lannigan. the move to the last ditch. Further J everything without knowing anything. 27 H Miss Shugroe. I started after my little piece of 28 H Miss-Murray. "Joint" and American Jewish Com- discussing the situation, Mr. Siegel J "This vanity makes it easy to *pull writing that would make the connecstated that the move was the greatest '« mittee to Be Asked to Aid 2» H Miss' De Bogory. his leg,' as we say in choice American. tion between Ford's anti-Semitic ragsurprise to him personally, as he ) Project. ing and the Tsarist anti-Semitic rag30 H . L. C Burton. • One Jewess pulled his aforesaid leg thought that the recent extention of for a large sum, on a moonshine er- ing, and I ran into a whole picture— Presumably a few friends of the rand, and this feat is supposed to have a tale that was farce in its form, Chicago.—(J. T. A.) An organiza- the 3 per cent quota law for two ",• Ford Course in .general were unwittragic in its deeper meaning. helped his mind give way on the Jewtion to be known as the Mexican Jew- years had ended the immigration fight Jj tingly "numbered7? by the chief invesish issue. It was his first persecuish Colonization Association has been in Congress, at least until the next I People who heard that I wanted intigators so that they could be referred j tion complex. He is, at heart, all formation on the subject brought me launched here following the publica- session. right, and if he had had any educa- things I had not dreamed of. All I to with secrecy like- real professional tion of President Obregon's letter to tion he would not have fallen into a had to do was to distinguish between detectives. Not' every person on this Paul W. Rothenberg, offering facilipersecution /mania, that all over; Eq- the genuine -and the forgeries, and I list was a Jew-baiting would-be de- ties for the settlement of east Euro- RUTENBERG SCHEME EXCITES ENGLAND. rope is always associated with reac- had had some experience in handling tective. .Indeed the very putting of pean Jews in Mexico. some of them' ori_ the list at all ife as London. (J. C.B.) Pinhas Rutention." such material without being fooled. The new association it is learned farcial as the Whole Ford Crusade. berg, author, of the Palestine electrifi' Such was the way the facts about "Always," said Mr. M. • « For example, Professor FrotMngham. will be a closed corporation, without cation and irrigation scheme, now in organization of investigators came "Always," said Mr. A. stock, and is to be incorporated under New York to raise the capital required Then one of these Russian states- into my hands. I knew Ford's paper (Continued in; next week's issue.) the laws of the State of Illinois. for his project, is attracting wide noLeading in this movement are tice here, the press devoting columns Judge Joseph Shulman, Paul Rothento descriptions of. the project, his perZIONIST RESOLUTION LOCAL ARTIST TO DIRECT MAZOTH DISTRIBUTED INDISberg and Assistant District Attorney sonality, and biography. UP BY JUNE 10 CRIMINATELY. Y CLASS. Rittman. A group of five Chicago Following the /'Daily Mail's" attack Washington. (Ji C. B.) Following ., Members of the YM and YWHA Riga. (J. T. A.) Ma^zoth and other Jews, including Philip Ginsburg, pubPassover foods arriving in the towns are fortunate in securing the services the meeting ;of the House Rules Com- lisher of the "Jewish Courier," will on Rutenberg, the "Daily News," libof Kiev, Zhitomir and Borditschew of Mr. Irving Benolken to act as mittee, ehainniur Campbell informed leave for Mexico within a week. They eral, has published a leading article after passover were given over *"for director of the newly organized art your correspondent that it would be will be accompanied by agricultural, defending his .right to purchase goods Mr. impossible to- suspend the 'rule's to geological and industrial experts. Af- anywhere if the prices are lower than distribution from the general kitchens, class of the Association. non-Jews as well as Jews sharing in Bemolken has established an enviable permit the. Ham|ltbn:Fish resolution ter looking over the ground, it is in England. The campaign against the bounty. Originally destined by a reputation among the younger artists to come up, for a vote in the House planned to complete the arrangements Rutenberg, it says, is conducted by a Jewish Relief Committee inJParis for in this section of the country, and is either this/weei or,'next, the program with the Mexican government. Jew- few sensational newspapers, but has distribution among Jews exclusively, especially skilled in the use of oils. of legisjation_belrig too crowded to ish organizations, notably the Joint no foundation in fact. The paper furthe French Red Cross which forward- Following his graduation from permit any-disarrangement. Repre- Distribution. Committee and Ameri- ther declares that the contract with *° *« can Jewish Committee, it is said, will Germa nfijms provided for the pured the shipment decided after consult- Central-High School, he attended the sentative'£]|SiQjjl^i;tap^^ thoroughly.familiar with the favoraation with Dr. Nansen's representa- Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts be asked to lend their aid to the chase of 9,000 pounds worth of machinery and the explanation made on tive and Jewish relief workers, on the in Philadelphia for three years. This ble to the ffionjst Resolution, saying, Association. behalf of Rutenberg in the "Times" "I will.takj'«are'of it at the very spot, that discrimination in food dis- is the oldest established art school The Association's mission to Mex- makes an altogether satisfactory imearliest opportunity.'", tribution is "inadmissible" under any in America. ico, it is understood, will be conducted pression. ;:T It is learned from' other sources circumstances." " Mr. Benolken's work with his class by Senator Schlaimer of Arizona, a Several interpellations are expected that it is practically certain that the during the summer will consist of resolution .will comeup not later than friend of President Obregon's. in Parliament shortly, concerning the nature sketching in Omaha's beauti- June 10. Many well known Chicago Jews are terms tinder which the concessions has HARDING WELCOMES ,- • — evincing great interest in the project, been granted to Rutenberg. Meanful parks and in the surrounding BALTHAZAR woods. persons close to the initiators say, time, financiaers and business men COMMONS TO DEBATE Washington." (J. Cv B.)^Bishop Julius Rosenwald, millionaire philan- are evincing an unusual interest in the v .' PALESTINE MANDATE Peciderius Balthazar, clerical resident thropist, is believed to be interested project. London. . ( J . / C . B . ) . Sir Herbert of the Reform Church of Hungary, "JOINT" DECREASES but awaiting the outcome of the procalled on President Harding, convey. ITS ORPHAN AID Samuel's statement before members ceedings at Mexico City. FEWER JEWS ADMITTED ing the respects of the Hungarians Wilna. (J. P. A.) Herr Kleppisch, of both House* of Parliament, letting Fifteen thousand dollars for initial TO CANADA to the! Chief Extcutive. representative of the American forth in detail] the present position in expenses of the mission will be raised, . Toronto. (J. T. A.) Of the 11,585 Bishop Balthazar, it will be recalled, "Joint," has arrived here and demand- Palestine, although cordially rebeived, it is expected, at the meeting of the immigrants entering Canada through had considerable difficulty in obtain- ed that the local orphans' committee has not met criticism of. Zionism, in ing a passport, the Budapest authori- decrease its expenditures. The com- the opinion of the Daily Mail, one of newly-formed Mexican : Jewish Colo- Qujtbec during the last few weeks, ties having attempted to prevent his mittee has since held several sittings Lord Northcliffe's papers. Thi Daily nization Association on Thursday eve- only 263 were Jews, figures just published show. » This number represents visit to the United States because of and, forced to obey orders, has ceased Mail hears that i t . i s intended to ask ning. his repeated defense of the Jews and the usual doles to about twenty or- for a debafe in the Hous^ on .the terms a great decrease compared with the denunciations of the Awakening Mag- phans. Henceforth this committee of the _Mand_§te and the Zionist sitRenew your subscription to T h e same period last year, when 1,165 yars. Jews were admitted. ._>—— will give aid only to 150 orphans. uation. Press"
Here is the secohd article in a series that tells the dramatic and comic story of a rich man's phobia and by which we hope to do something to establish the principles of American freedom.
Herbert Friedlich Awarded Carnegie MedalforHeroism
Chicago Jews Act on Obregon's Offer
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday >t Omaha. Nebrai^ca, by
• THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. . Office: 482 ;Brandeis Theatre Bnilding.--rTelephone: Jackson 2372. NATHAN E. GEEEN, Manager. EDITORIAL BOARD: PHILIP,SHER. .SAMUEL, H. SCHAEFER, -$2.50 Subscription" Price, one year. Advertising rates furntehed on application.
NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL- PROFIT—^Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. CHAKGB OF ADDUESS—Please glT« both the oW and Mir k d d c e n : / •••• b* ran and.-sign.your B U M .
Rabbi Jacob Singer has left for the east, where he will attend the -rms^ assembly of the central conference of American rabbis, which meets at Cape May, N. J. As the chairman of the committee on synagogue music, he has edited the revised edition of the. Union Hymnal. • Mrs. J. H. Cohen, of Los Angeles, After a short visit with his parents Calif., formerly of Sioux City, la., in Buffalo, N. Y., he will return is visiting with her sister, Mrs. M. about the middle of July. MushMn, of this city. The Jewish Educational Alliance The Lincoln Chapter of the Ivre held a meeting and dance Sunday Club entertained their visiting Sioux evening, June 11, at the Hebrew City brethren with a interesting program. Institute. A 12 o'clock luncheon was served Mr. Archie- Kroloff entertained at at the Victoria Hotel followed by a a theater party Sunday afternoon, sight seeing trip of Lincoln and its June 11, in honor of his cousin, Miss suburbs. Gertrude Rroloff, of Co. Bluffs. Grand Lodge meeting was called at 3 P. M., where all official important business was taken care of. The following were elected to serve the Grand lodge for the ensuing year: Phil Goldblatt, Joe Rice and Mrs. Anna Poska returned home Barney Rubel, of Sioux City; Dave Tuesday after spending several weeks Davidson, Hymen Bricker and Ben in Excelsior Springs, Kansas City, Shapiro, of Lincoln. A banquet at the Lincoln Hotel and Sedalia, Mo.
Dr. and Mrs. A, M. Helfgott and son left Thursday for Washington, 'where they will visit their relatives and friends. While in the east Dr. Helfgott will attend the Zionist Conference which is to be held in Philadelphia soon.
How shall we use, 0 Lord, Quip precious heritage; *- • The health of Holy. Writ, Thy? Word Bequeathed from age to age; ._ How shall we use the garnered store Of Israel's sacred song and lore! Shall we like niisers hoard The jewels in our care, The pfecious>gifts by sages stored For all mankind to share; The Law, from Sinai's summit hurled, To speak in thunders to the world ? Shall we not sow broadcast The seeds that shall endure, Those deathless flowers, that in the past Burst into fragrance pure. (Whose roots were nourished through the years By martyred Israel's blood and tears.)
REACHING THE JEWISH STUDENT. « During the last* few years, a number of our national organizations have sought |n a more or less systematic manner to bring to the Jewish students in our colleges and universities the message which Judaism has to teach. For a long time, it was O let our fathers preach held that the Jewish student has no sympathy whatsoever for LINCOLN Thy glory and Thy fame; religion and that he would rather forget than remember that he O let our tender mothers teach belongs to the Jewish faith. Their babes to lisp Thy name; However, the activities of the Central Conference of AmerThat Israel, in the coming age, ican Rabbis, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the May share its precious heritage. Jewish Chautauqua. Society and the Menorah Society have abso—IDA G. MORRIS. lutely proved the falsity of-this argument. -The Student Congregation movement has steadily grown during tile past seven Mr. and Mrs. M. Weil and Miss for Boys, at Harrison, Me., until Babette. Weil left Thursday for Coloor eight years.' Beginning at the University of Michigan, where July 1, after which they will attend rado Springs where they will spend the first Jewish Student Congregation was established, it has DES MOINES Highland Nature Camp at North the summer. spread throughout the entire country so that today there is Secago, Me. scarcely anywhere to be found a great university attended by STEIN-MARKS. large numbers: of Jewish students, that is without-a student Mr. and Mrs. A. Stein announce The B'nai Rev Club held a picnic Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tinsod motored congregation. ' , , , the marriage of their daughter, Ethel, Sunday near Grimes, la. Ten couples to Omaha Sunday. This is particularly true where the college or university is to Mr. Manford Marks, which took were Present. Mr. Al Sandlovich and Mr. Max situated far from a... great -city where a regularly established place June 15 in Denver, Colo. After Katelman motored to Des Moines, la., congregation exists.: The Jewish Chautauqua Society is bringing an extended trip through the west Sunday, returning Tuesday. They its message to an ever-increasing, number of earnest men and Mr. and Mrs. Marks will return to SIOUX CITY were accompanied by Mrs. Sandlovich women who attend the summer sessions of the colleges,/and Des Moines for a short stay. and two children and Mrs. S. Englethe Menorah Society, not "merely through its splendid magazine, Mr. Abe Brodkey, son of Mr. and but in particular through its,/chapters situated in all the great Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rissman are Mrs Max Brodhey, has returned from man, who will be in Lincoln for seats of learning in this country, is spreading - the cultural the parents of a' son born Sunday. the University cf Michigan, where he several days and then leave for Coloideals of the Jew. i" attended school during the past year. rado where they will spend the : mainder of the summer. All this work is of the utmost importance to the future of The Aleph Phe Club held a dance Judaism. The men and women now in their student_jyears will Thursday evening at the Golf and Mrs. Julius Arkin, of Omahe, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. Morris Polsky, Ruth be the leaders of the Jewish life of the days to come. If at Tennis Club. Sixty couples attended. was visiting here vriih her parents and Bernard Polsky and Mr. H. this time their interest in matters Jewish is properly stimuand relatives. Yanow motored to Omaha Friday for lated; if they are made now to-appreciate the importance of the Milton and Sidney Oransky have congregation in organized Jewish life, and if now they are made returned from the east where they Miss Grace Baron, daughter of a few days stay. Miss Ruth Polsky Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron, was mar- remained in Omaha as the guest of acquainted with the magnificent part that the Jew has played have been attending school. ried Tuesday evening to Mr. Irving Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gladstone. in the outworking of civilization and in the shaping of ancient and of modern culture, there is little doubt that instead of Mitt Nettie Levitt is visiting with Goldstein, of Chicago, 111. The Mr. Henry Yanow left Sunday for ceremony was performed by Rabbi becoming scoffers and cynics and skeptics—as "unfortunately so relatives in Council Bluffs. many of the men and women who have graduated from our The Sunday School of the Jewish J. Kapstein at the Mt. Sinai Social his home in Hollywood, Calif. colleges in past years—they will become ardent and loyal sup- Community Center held their annual Center before one hundred fifty porters, of Julaism and upholders of the ideals which it sponsors. picnic members of the family and intimate Wednesday at Union Park. WANTED — Experienced friends. The service was held at We believe that they who have at heart the interests of Saleslady who is expeJudaism can do no better than to support those institutions that Mrs. Joseph Mintr, of New York, six o'clock followed by a reception rienced in Office Work. have to do with bringing the message of Judaism to the stu- i s visiting her parents, Mr. and and dinner. Star Store at 24th and dent. To the importance of this problem, such organizations as Mrs. E. Cohen. Parker Sts. Ask for Mr. Ruth Galinsky, daughter of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Central Mr. and Mrs. Sam Abramson have Mr.Miss Levinson. and Mrs. A. Galinsky, has been Conference of "American Rabbis should in particular be alive. gone to St. Joseph, Mo., to attend There is no form of activity which they can undertake which will the wedding of Mr. Abramson's chosen an aide for the year 1922-23 at the University of Chicago. more fully repay itself in telling results than the support that sister. they give to work of this character.—Detroit Jewish Chronicle. R O O M WANTED—with Mr. Will Goodsite, eon of Mr. and board by young man. Mr. Albert Younker spent the Mrs. A. Goodsite, returned last week week-end in Chicago and Indianapolis. rom the University of Michigan, West Farnam District concrete action. In other words, Abstract Religion where he completed a four year preferred. Box 424, c. o. ^ life constitutes the relig- Miss Lillian Davidson has returned etued course in the Finance and Commerce Jewish Press. Valueless ** &.Jis =ba& hem truly, observed: =frpm Godfrey, Til;; ~£Ke tats Department.
i. -*
"TherV is 'no 'warrant in Judaism been attending school. In view of a reaction, against forms for regarding religion as more holy and ceremonialism and even observ- than life, or life less holy than re- Mr. Marvin Laver has returned ances, our English brethren have ligion, or, indeed, thus to differenti- from Chicago, where he is a student been discussing the "spiritualizing of ate between the one and the other." at Rush Medical College. religion!" In connection therewith This over-spiritualizing of religion, Mr. Julius Brody, son of Mr. and ^ the Rev. J. Kabinowitz, a Manchester of placing religion as something Mrs. A. Brody, arrived home Friday, rabbi, had this to say: apart and separate from life, is not from Harvard, where he has been "It is a mistake to over-spiritual- making for religious values at alL attending school. His cousin Mr. ize religion. Over-spiritualize religion, It has the effect rather of destroy- Sidney Harrin, of Chicago, will acmake of it an instrument of the ing the very religious principles to company him as his guest for a mind instead of the heart, and at which so much higher regard is fortnight. the slightest obstacle it will ex- attached. perience a set-back. The Greeks Take, for instance, the ceremony Miss Hortense Davidson, daughter taught the holiness of beauty, and of confirmation, upon which Reform of Mr. and Mrs. L. Davidson, left in the end their teaching was neither or Liberal Jews lay so much stress. last week for Camp Weedmere,: in - holy nor beautiful. Christianity They consider this the keynote/ of New York, where she will spend the Arose from the desire of its founder Shevuouth instead of the giving of summer. _to destroy ceremonial and to spirit- the Torah on Mount Sinai. They ualize instead the religious idea, but play upon the emotions of the child- Mrs. Muahkin and daughter, June, he failed. And, in spite of his de- ren and their parents, and call this of Ottumwa, la., are the guests of nunciation of the ceremonialist, the Judaism. It is' because of this ex- the former parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pharisee and the formalist, his dis- cess of emotionalism that so many Hiram Burnstein. Mrs. Mushkin will ciples reintroduced sign and symbol, thousands of Jews in this country be remembered as Miss Lillian Burnand Christianity today is as far re- have flocked to the Christian Science stein. moved from the Christianity of the Church and it is this which is re- Mr. J. A. Blum left Monday mornNazarene as this century from the sponsible for the "Jewish Science" ing for Iowa City, where he will century in which he was born. 'Lib- movement in this country. spend a few days on business and - eral' Judaism, too, has under-esti- Religion without ceremonies and will also visit his son, Morton, who mated the strength, of ceremony and observances is absolutely meaning- is attending the University. xitual, and has over-stressed the less. The abstract, no matter how spirituality of religion. Has it suc- spiritual, leads nowhere. Religion, Miss Ida Grand motored to ceeded? You have only to glance and particularly Judaism, insists Muscatine with friends for the weekr at the history of the 'Liberal' Move upon deeds expressed in certain defi- end. xnent in Judaism to become con nite forms. Without these ceremonvinced of * its disappointing failure ies and observances religion is simi- Miss Mary Goldenson has returned As there was no short road from lar to the man who avows great love from Ames, where she attended Iowa Egypt to Canaan for the Israelites for his wife and children and fails State College, to spend the summer so there is no" short road to the to contribute to their support. Such with her parents here. Jewish goal. To be a Jew you affection is a huge joke. Spiritual- Misses Adel and Corinne Schwartz must travel by the longer road ity is all very nice, if it is followed left last week for the east* They will every stage of which is marked by by action. We commend this to visit their uncle at Camp' Wigwam duty, by sacrifice, by self-denial, by those who object to ceremonies and effort, and by tenacity. To be a observances in Judaism. Abstract ANNOUNCEMENT Jew you must be ready to face religion is valueless. Rev. E. Fleishman yery sea of troubles, though the en"THE MOHL" emy at your back may be menacing ORGANIZE RELIEF FOR JEWISH Moved into his new' home at you. To be a Jew you must train REFUGEES ON THE DNIESTER 1342 So. 25th Street, yourself to be uplifted "by ceremon- Berlin. (J. C. B.) Dispatches from Corner of Woolworth Avenue. ial, to. be edified by the .observance Bukarest report that Dr. Victor Ad^ Tel. Atlantic €637. of Sabbath and festival, and to "be ler, who represents the Jewish World exalted by religious devotion. This Relief Executive, as well as th^ Naninay b e the longer road "for Jewish sen Committee, arrived on May 17 in " endeavor and* Jewish hone, but in Tiraspol on the Russian side of the the end it is the shortest and the Dniester, while Dr. Hellmann, another surest." representative of the Committee, La£ TAILOR The point is that many people— remained in Bendery, on the Roumaand this is true of Jews as well as nian side in qrder to [ organize the CLEWING and PRESSING of Gentiles—want their religion to transport of the relief provisions Ladies' and Men's Suits made be something apart from their daily across the Dniester. to order at reasonable prices. lives. They fail to realize that there Dr. Daniachewsky, a representative Repairing and Remodeling can 'be no religion which is not life of the Ukraine Red Cross, is expecte.1 Work called for and delivered. itself. Life and religion are insep- to arrive soon in TiraspoL Relief 504 So. 16th St. (upstairs) arable. Our religious concepts are work will be jointly conducted by Dr. Bot mere abstract ideas; if they are Adler, Dr. Danischewsky and repreTel.: Atlantic 6065. 0 t ll y value at all they result in eentatives of the Nansen Committ* , an <~
H. Marks- -L. Levinson are proprietors of the
UP - TO - DATE Kosher Neat Market 1552 North 20th Street. Phone Webster 2196 Mark's says: We have the best trade in town. Why can't we have Y O U R S ?
at 6 P. M. was followed by an evening of entertainment and dancing. at the Ivre club rooms. The room was decorated with the Ivre colors blue and white, and beautiful floral decorations added to give it a wonderful effect. The next convention will probably be held in s W x City, la. Mrs. M. Leabman and Mr. S. E. Schaff are spending their vacation in Philadelphia and New York with relatives.
Chiropodist and Beauty Shop Established 1890 15th and Harncy Streets. Phone Douglaa 2333
Service and Sales: 13th AND JACKSON STBEETS Phones: Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 Hobart Electri; ^ _ Doug. 7396
We have on hand Used and Rebuilt Machines.
™ = : = ^ ^ ^
acation I lme p
Are You Protected While on that Trip?
111 Hi
Our "Tourist Policy" covers you against fire and burglary on your personal belongings while you are on your vacation.
C O R O N A D O APARTMENT for Rent and new furniture for sale. Call Jackson 0377.
Wanted—A man with some experience in the clothing anq Jewelry business. Must have from two to three thousand dollars cash. Will guarantee good wages and interest for the investment. Call AT-lantic 4493.
H. A. Wolf Company 582 Sawders-Kennedy BJdg. Phone: ATlantic 3160. INSURANCE AND BONDS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.
(ji Hi
ill iBniaS:^
SUNDAY JULY 2, 1922 Old Fashioned
Omaha Hebrew Club TO CELEBRATE ITS
Thin Clothes That Stand Up Greater Nebraska Prices Are Lowest Selections Are Largest Quality Is Better— FEATURING
Kuppenheimer WORLD FAMOUS
Hand Tailored Cool Clothes
The new price for finest tailored Palm Beach Suits made by Kuppenheimer.
The new price for Air-OWeave Mohair Suits made by Kuppenheimer.
The new price for Zefirette Tropical Suits made by Knppenheimer.
The new price for finest Tropical Worsted Suits made by Kuppenheimer.
78th Street and West Dodge Road Admission $1.00
Palm Beach Suits $11.00 md $15.00 E^tra Pant* to Match at $4 Q0
JCa^e Dimdee Car to 49th & Dodge & Bus will be provided to P a r k & Return, Bring you? Lunch and Family, Lunches also sold, at Park,
NEBRASKA SPECIAL j NEBRASKA SPECIAL Value Mohair Suits— I Value Tropical Suit*— S15»ndS20 i $ 1 5 and S 2 5 QUR FARNAM ST. SUMMER CLOTHING WINDOWS
• • ' • ' • •
> "
fAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THUK5DAY, JUNE ZZ, T»zz. Mr. and Mrs; heT sister, Mrs. Hyman W. Krasne COLLECTIONS FOR THE man and daughter, Mrs.;G."Sevel6witz,T Sylven and Irving, left: Monday to JEWISH NATIONAL FUND turned last Friday from Minneapolis of Atlanta, Ga. A number of affairs spend the summer with Mrs*. Block's and Mr. Krasne. She will remain COUNCIL BLUFFS | here JERMITTED IN POLAND where they spent tiieir honeymoon. for several weeks. are teing planned in honor of the sister, Mrs. Will Rips, and Mr. Hips, Warsaw. (J. P. A.) The highest at Medicine Park. visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Jt. E. Rosenfeld have Mr. Lester New, who has been Polish court has decided that the cirNinety invitations have been issued as their house guests, Mrs. RosenMr. and Mrs. J. Gross announce Miss Tillie Rice will leave Friday feld's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. visiting with his parents, Mr. and cular order issued by the j Polish govor the dancing party to be given this Mrs. I. New, will soon return home. ernment, forbidding collections for evening at the Hanscom Park Pavil- the birth of a baby boy born Friday, for Sioux City, la., to visit several Thormari^ of Cleveland, O. weeks with relatives. the Jewish National Fund, was unJune 16. lion in honor of the Misses Ann Horn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilinsky and constitutional. Collections for the A. number of affairs were given Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finsod, Mr. and Rose FeTlman, both members of son, Albert Smith, who have been Fund will therefore be resumed. during the past -week for Miss Molly The Daughters of Israel Aid Miss Anne Zalk will be hostess to Corby, a July bride. On Friday, June the present graduating class of the Society will hold its next meeting "The Flappers'* Sunday afternoon at Chapman, and Mr. Goodman, of Lin- visiting here, left for their home at oln, Nebr., spent Sunday with Trenton, N. J., Wednesday morning. 16, Mrs. L. Harris entertained at a Omaha Technical High School. DRAWBACKS GRANTED BY Tuesday afternoon, June 27, at the her home. friends in Council Bluffs and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack entertain1 o'clock luncheon and bridge. Cov- Mrs. Soninberg returned last week Old Peoples Home at 2504 Charles PALESTINE. Mr. Rubin Ferer left for the east ed the card club Tuesday evening at Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) To encourers were laid for twelve guests. Prizes from New Orleans, where she attend* Street. Mr. Sam Schwartz, of Kansas City, on a business trip. He will remain were won by the Mesdames J. Corby ed. a wedding. Mo., arrived Sunday to be the guest their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. age the development of manufacturindefinitely. Dr. and Mrs. H. Hirsciuaann have Mr. and Mrs. M. ing industries in Palestine, the Govand S. Kaplan. Mrs. E. Marcus of f Mr. and Mrs. J. Katelman. Mr. M. Gilinsky. Council Bluffs entertained at bridge Miss Anne Selicow, who underwent moved into their new home at 804 Miss Pearl Wiatroub was hostess Schwartz is the fiance of Miss Freiden of Omaha entertained in ernment has adopted regulations altheir honor last Monday evening. Monday afternoon at her home at an operation on appendicitis last Mon- No. 86th Ave. during the past week. to twelve couples Sunday evening at ennie Katelman. lowing drawback of duties to be paid on the re-exportation of certain prodwhich forty guests were present. day morning, June 12, at the Swedish Edward Rosewater will leave next her home complimentary to Miss Tuesday Mrs. L. Nathan entertained Mission Hospital, arrived home Tues- Sunday to attend summer camp at Sara Cohen, of Pueblo, Colo., who is Mr. and Mrs. Guitel announce the Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman re- ucts manufactured from imported mabirth of a daughter, born Jute 13. turned Wednesday from their honey- terials. Imported among them are at bridge for twenty-eight guests. day. Harrison, Me. He will join his Tisiting with. Miss Wintroub's sister, moon and will visit here with the tobacco and soap. Mesdames J. Scharf and J. Marcus enparents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rose- Mrs. Hoffman, and Mr. Hoffman. Mrs. J. Slank, of Sioux City, who bride's parents Mi. and Mrs. A. tertained Wednesday for thirty guests Mr. Dave Miller, of Canada, arrived water, later, in Philadelphia* where has been visiting at the home of her at a bridge luncheon at the Brandeis here Monday to join his wife and the Rosewater family will make their Mr. Max Morris will leave Friday parents, Mz. and Mrs. B. Gilinsky, Gilinsky, prior to going to Allen, family. They will make their permaNebr., where they will make their for Cleveland, Ohio, where he will Tea Booms. Mrs. Edward Alperson ...FOR... permanent home. Mrs. Rcsewater visit with his daughter, Hattie Mor- is now visiting with friends at Kansas future home. will entertain Saturday afternoon at nent home here. and her daughter will leave for ris Preuke and will also visit re- City, Mo. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY the Brandeis Tea Rooms at a 1 o'clock Mrs. A. J. Shamberg left Sunday Philadelphia the first week in July. AND latives in Akron, O. M Morris, will Mr. Max Katleman and Mr. Al Renew your subscription to "The luncheon followed by a theatre party. for Chicago to spend two weeks with SPECIAL PLATINUM her sister, Mrs. Victor Krelstein. Mrs. A. H. Blank and children remain -until after the Eummer Sandlovich, of Lincoln, visited in Co. Jewish Press". Mr. Mose Krasne, of Oakland, Neb. months and then will visit his daughDESIGNING motored here from Des Moines, la., Bluffs Sunday, on their way to Des is attending the Shrine convention at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wolf and daugh- Thursday and remained here until ters, Juliet and Mollie, and Mrs. Moines. see San Francisco, Calif. Mr. Krasne is ter, Gwendolyn, of this city, and Mr. Sunday. Morris Levy, of Minneapolis. Minn. Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop The Habshodc Jewelry ft. the only Jewish member of the local Meyer Silberman, of Des Moines, la., Mr. Abe Goldenberg left ThursPhone IU. Shrine Band. left Tuesday morning on a motor trip Mr. Harry Weinberg motored here Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberg an- day for Colorado, where he will make Diamond and Platinum The Best of Everything in Flower* and Specialists to New York City. from Des Moines, la. He remained nounce the birth of a son born Satur- his home. Confectlona st Moderate Price*. Miss Flora Bienstock, who left sev day at the Clarkson Hospital 1«* D*4*e Streat. Miss Helen Robinson returned home here several days. Establish** UM. TJOnflM Mil. eral weeks ago to attend the Shrine Monday from the University of MinMr. and Mrs. Wm. Perlmutter an- 545 XV. Broadway. Next liberty Theater. COtTNCIl. BLUFF8. IOWA. convention at San Francisco, Calif., nounce the birth of twin girls ThursMr. and Mrs. Arnold N. Browar "rffoRPEIAN NEWS. nesota. Before returning, home she now at the Alexandria hotel at Los visited a week in Sioux City with have as their hou^e guest Mrs. The regular meeting of the Thor- day, June 15, at the Mercy Hospital. Angeles, Calif. Browar's niece, Miss Elinore peian Athletic club was held Wednesfriends. Mrs. Harry Schoenwald motored Mr. Natham Levich, of Sioux City, Schrayer, of Chicago, in. Miss day evening at the club rooms. Plans with friends from Sioux City to Mr. and Mrs! Walter Apple, of Denver, Colo., who have been visiting with la., who has been attending the Con- Schrayer will remain during the £um- are being made to hold a picnic Sun- spend Sunday with her folks, Mr. and day, July 9, at Elmwood Park. All Mrs. M. Saltzman. Mrs. Cora Wolf, will leave for their vention of the Ivre Club at Lincoln, mer months. members are urged to make arrangeNebr., is visiting in Omaha. home Sunday. The Omaha Chapter of Hadassflh ments for this picnic. Miss Nettie Levitt, of Des Moines, Miss Beatrice Grawoig and Mrs. will hold its last meeting of the Mrs. Morris Levy left Tuesday la., is visiting in Council Bluffs with summer Wednesday, June 28, at 2:30 evening for New York City. Mr. Levy Henry Barancik, of Chicago, are visitBASEBALL. We Offer ! at the Jewish Community Center. win leave Sunday to join Mrs. Levy. ling with their sisters, Mrs. A. H. The»Y. M. H. A. baseball team was Max L. Holzman will accompany Mr. Diamond and Mrs. Jess Pregler. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen enter- defeated last Sunday afternoon by the Levy to New York City. Grawoik is the fiancee of Mr. Nate tained ten couples at their home at a Star Furnace team by a score of 14 Sherman, of this city. surprise party in honor of their son, to 3. The Y team was handicapped Bernardt Wolf arrived home this by a crippled lineup. Miss Mamie Markowifcs, of Kansas Bennett, who recently graduated The second round of the Souther week from an eastern^echool to spend Upholstering, from the Omaha Central High School. his vacation here. City, Mo., is the guest of her cousin, Furniture Repairing, league begins Sunday, with the Y. M. NO A S H - N O SMOKE—NO SOOT I Miss Molly Corby. She will remain Mr. Bennett Cohen will enter the H. A. team to play a double-header Overstuffed Furniture Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosburg, Jr., until after the Kaplan-Corby wedding University of Nebraska in the fall. against the Brown Park Merchant and children left this morning for Los that takes place July 4. Made to Order Mrs. Jess Pregler will entertain team at Elmwood Park West Dia Angeles, Calif., and adjoining resorts A>"T STILE MATERIALS. Office—JAckson 0889 Or CaU at to spent the entire hummer. Mrs. A. Saxe left Thursday with the members of the Priscilla Club mond, 3:30 p. VAIXMTRS. MOHAJft. TAPESTRT. today at her home. The out-of-town Yard—JAckson 0080 219 So. 13th Street her three children for Philadelphia TeL Webster 2224 Justin Wolf leaves this week to Pa., to visit with relatives for some- guests will be Mrs. Pregler's sisters, "The Jewish Press" In every Jewvisit with his grantparents at Phila- time, the leaving for Atlantic City Miss Beatrice Grawoig and Mrs. ish home in Omaha. telphia, Pa. to remain during the summer Henry Barancik, of Chicago, HI. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lipsey are the months. Dr. Victor E. Levine is visiting parents of a daughter born Monday with his parents at New York City. Joe Marks returned Wednesday morning, June 11, at the Methodist evening from Blair, Nebr., where he Mr. Sid Morris was host to eight Hospital. spent a week with relatives. couples at his home last Tuesday Mrs. Louis Wohlner entertained at Mrs. Ben Ross and children left evening at a birthday surprise party a dancing party at her home in Al- Sunday to spend the summer in the given in honor of his cousin, Herbert bright Sunday evening in honor of her They will stop off at Robinson. The evening was spent at sister, Miss Reva Cohen, who re- east. playing bunco and dancing. Prizes turned several weeks ago after spend- Columbia, Ohio, to visit with friends were won by Miss Anne Zalk and Mr. and then go to Philadelphia, Pa., t ing the last two years in Los Angeles, Harold Farber. Calif. Twenty-eight guests were visit with Mrs. Ross' sister, Mrs. B. Glassman, before going to visit with Mrs. Mayme Block and sons, present. Mrs. Ross* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Sarah Rosenblatt will return, Fox, of Avenel, N. J. They will tomorrow from the Presbyterian Hos- also visit with relatives in Coney pitals where she underwent a alight Island, Long Beach, Waterbury, Conn., and New York City. operation. |
Social, Glut
ous Activities
Mrs. H. Fleishman will entertain Mr. and Mrs. M. Finkel have as tomorrow at a bridge luncheon at her their house guests Mrs. N. Weitzhome. Mr. and Mrs. A. Eisler and son, Victor, and Mr. Malmick and Hm?ry m d Ben Ravitz left Monday on an extended motor trip to the Western Coast. They will stop off at Denver, Salt Lake City and other large cities while en route to California. They will be gone for six weeks. 'Mr. Sam Jacobs, of CimeUmatr, O., visited in Omaha during tfcs- p«fc week. Mrs. J. Katelman entertained last Tuesday at her home for eighteen guests at a bridge luncheon.
Conway Tearle
H. X«pMni. Pret.-TreM. Pepper; Vlce-Pieriflent. W. G. Ore. Secretary.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy ^=. wvtt 10,000 sauare feet S h Corner Eleventh and Donglas Streets. Fbone: Jackson 8731 OSUBA. KKB.
A Business Coupe
From the Famous Red Book Story STARTING WEDNESDAY (Four Days)
Conservative changes in the body design of all other types
From the Saturday Evening Post Story by Sinclair Lewis.
Mrs.M. Bercovici left Tuesday evening for Tulsa, Okla., to visit with her daughter, Mrs- H. Wise, and Mr. Wise. She will remain a month. Mrs.r Harry Levy and daughters, Blanche and Minnie, left Sunday- for Excelsior Springs and Kansas City, •where they will spend several week*. - , . - • ' . . '
" i ,
" -
Miss Dena Goldstein spend the week in Lincoln visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Wojf, and Mr. Wolf. Mrs. L. D. Heller returned from a . Short visit to Des Moines, la. Friends of Miss Bernice Solig, who is to be married soon, -will entertam at breakfast Sunday morning at Elmwood Park. Mrs. Frank PerlsoB, of Chicago, will arrive Sunday morning to be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Mandelbaum,' and Mr. Mandelbaum.
Skilled Employees Linemen, repairmen, operators, accountants ^—all these and many other skilled men and women, are necessary to furnish telephone service. The telephone business is perhaps the most highly specialized and has most sensitive machinery, of any industry which serves the public.
The Board of the Wise Memorial Hospital wfll gjve a 'dance at the Blackstone. Hotel this evening compl^tnentary to the nurses and th* alumni of the Hospital.
Not only the best of equipment and welltramed .employees, but a capable management is. essential to provide the kind, of service you and the kind we want to furnish you.
Mrs. Moritz M«y«r and children, leave for Chicago today to visit witfc Mrs. MeyerV dxighter, Mrs. Coha.
liqnv we handle your calls, t»sw we keep our. records and otherwise operate our business* wJIl be interesting to you. We shall be glad to e^pljun everything if you will make it a point to call at our office.
Rabbi Fredeil:k£5n and daughter, Madaline, *vill <^;>r Owiday for the. east. Miss Pauline Merfierg, w »° h a been attending -sehts/1 at Wheeling West Va,, a*jiye<\ hene to spend th summer mon-hs A ;**. ier parents.
, !* lags*.
BtmOm Y-» ,-l **
j j
THURSDAY, JUNE 22, l»zz.
ewish Press
How Many Jews goto College and Why? By^HARRY SCHNEIDERMAN Editor of the American Jewish Year Book.
»• University of Pittsburgh, Pitts^^ i j ... burgh, Pa. _ 12.2 J i Trinity Gollejre, Hartford, Conn....l2.2 | Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass 11
MUNICIPAL-BONDS AND WARRANTS ON Thus the cities which have the largNEARBY COMMUNITIES. est percentage of Jews at colleges are CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. New York, Boston, Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Hartford P. MELCHIORS & SON A sentence contained in an an- Petersburg and Odessa, and to 5 per and Cambridge (Boston). Compare MACHINE WORKS nouncement recently issued by an of- cent within the Pale of Settlement, it this list with the eight cities leading Industrial and AntomottTe Machinists. INVESTMENT SECURITIES ficial of Harvard University, dealing was actually over 4 per cent at the Carbnretor and Ignition Repair*. Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. with the large increase in the enroll- capital, and in Odessa it was 11.9 perin Jewish population: New York, ChiStarter Rln»- Rears for A a to Fly Wheels cago,' Philadelphia,* Cleveland, Boston, 411 Sonth 13th Street. ment' in that institution, has aroused cent in 1880 and as high as 27.5 per Telephones Jackson t850 Baltimore, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and a great deal of comment The sen-cent in 1899. it will be seen that the tendency of tence which has become the storm cenThe situation in the United States Jewish college men is to enter the ter of debate in university circles, in was surveyed in great detail by the Y o a r position is DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT the press, and in the legislature of the Bureau of Jewish Social Research of institutions conveniently situated near correct, and should their homes. COMPANY. , State of Massachusetts, reads: "It i sNew York City in 1920. The results be s u p p o r t e d by From the point of view of absolute BISMAKCKS, CAHE AND.8CGAB UNDERTAKERS natural' that with a widespread dis- of this study are reported in Volume DOUGHNUTS - OUR SPECIALTY. numbers the institutions ranked as every fair minded cussion of this sort going on, there 22 of the American Jewish Year -MOVED TO BRAND We Deliver the Real Goods. follows in 1917-18: should be talk about the proportion person. ttU CCMIUO BTBEET. Book. The investigation covered the Phone. Webstar 0948 > • of Jews at the college." •The inference school year 1918-1919, and embraced New York University 2,532 that has been drawn by many per- 51 universities, 88 colleges and 17 proCollege of City of New York. 1,544 sons }s that, in endeavoring to arrive fessional schools, a total of 106 insti_..". 1,476 at a solution of the-problemof over- tutions. Those had an aggregate en- Columbia University University of Chicago 761 • • • Ox • • • crowding at the college,-the subject rollment of 153,085 students, 102,043 University of Pennsylvania 598 of limiting the proportion of- Jewish male.and 51,041 female. The total Hoffmann Funeral Home. 502 WHOLESALE GROCERS students is likely to be considered. number of Jews was 14,837, of whom Hunter College University of Pittsburgh 443 Phone Jackson 1302 Why this should be so. has not been 12,081 were male and 2,756 were fe„ 385 stated, and it is not the purpose of the male. Upon these six figures alone Harvard. University . 322 present writer to attempt any analy- may be based interesting deductions. John Hopkins. University "Visit Omr _ _ _ _ „ 317 sis of the reasons which probably un- First, Jews constituted 9.7 per cent of Cornell University 310 derlie the vague pronouncement. The the entire enrollment, whereas only Tofts College (PALMER GRADUATE) VlHHUl AftV1 VII fPALMER GRADUATE> University of Michigan 297 incident has, however,.aroused an in- 3 per cent of the population of the : Fordh'am University 290 terest in the minds.of.many thoughtSecond Floor, Elks' Building. Do away with drudgery and make Phone Jackson 3072 269 house-work a pleasure by the use ful persons in the general subject of United States are Israelites. The gen- j Western Reserve University _ j\ \ With I o n Order -for of modern electrical appliances. 266 Jews at universities—their number, eralization that Jewish students are Temple University comparatively three times as numer- University of Illinois 264 ;\\ ANYTHING- r f their proportion to the total enroll1 The "Electric Shop'* is on the HOLCOMB ment, the paths of study which they ous as non-Jewishstudents is not fair, ^ tS THE WRAPPING ground, floor of the Electric buildFOOD CHEMICAL however, because the institutions seV In a recent article in the New York ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth pursue, whether these paths diverge \ PAPER LINE PRODUCTS CO., INC. and Farnanr streets. , from the general highway, and related lected were such as are situated in orEvening Post, Mr. John Palmer GaHmnnfactnren of phases. It is the purpose of this ar- near considerable centers of Jewish vit, an able and sympathetic student FOODS AND CHEMICALS. population. A fairer comparison i s of naturalization matters and of colticle to deal briefly and as objectFLAVORING EXTKACTS. Phone Donclas 6400 ' THE BEST ively as possible with a few of these possible in New York City, where I lege conditions, states: "There has '918 N. 16th St. Phone Atlantic 49M there were 6,385 Jews out of a total I been a great, almost sensational inmatters. enrollment of 17,291 in Adelphi, City, crease recently in the number of Jews Several prefatory observations of a and Hunter Colleges and the three at Harvard, I have no official figures, NORTHWEST READY general nature will illuminate the sta- Universities—Columbia, Fordham and but excellent reason for believing that .ROOFING CO. tistical discussion to follow.. It hasNew York. Apparently Jews consti- 10 per cent in 1920 became 15 in 1921, Ready Roofipg over old shinjrle*. ' Also asphalt' shingles and build-up universally been remarked that Jews tuted 37 per cent of the student body, and 20 per cent at present." The exOF Douglas 1862 roofs. Fire resisting and durable. have a special craving, and aptitude although they were only 25 per cent' planation of this increase, assuming All work guaranteed. Easy terms. STEINER ELECTRIC for intellectual pursuits and for pro- of the total population, many of them j that it is "sensational," and peculiar PhoiMt Harnfy 2574 MEATCHOPPER fessional vocations. This tendency is, having but recently immigrated and . to Harvard only, in all probability is Offlce and Warehouse: Slit I/eaTenworth AND COFFEE MILL. to some extent, due to the desire of too old to enter the universities. It' the simple one that discriminating Jews to avoid the necessity of work- would therefore be conservative to'Jewish college men in the East are USED SCALES OF ALL ing for others—a result of the diffi- assume that Jews, show a tendency, attracted to "Fair Harvard" by its 1 MAKES FOR SALE. MANTJFACTCREBS. culty to secure employment because of for entering the iigher institution of good name and by its splendid reputaMEY-MER-CO. Brand racial discrimination. The trend of learning, 12 per cent in excess of their 510 South 10th Street. tion for learning and liberality. Beverages and Syrups. Jews toward going into business for proportion in the general population. Phone Jackson 3332.. This good name has been won and j 31S-3S1 60. 14th h t , Omaha. Kebr. themselves is another phase of the maintained by the achievements of j Phone Atlantic S88» same phenomenon. But there is an- Second, whereas among the non"SAY I I WITH. FLOWERS" other and more compelling reason for Jewish students, the proportion of fe- Harvard alumni and their contribulien and buy jhem i t the bent of Jews for higher educa- males was one-third of the total, it tions to American life. That Jewish Biscuit Co. tion. Jews have always held scholars was scarcely one-fifth among the Jew- alumni have helped to add glory to SNOW WHITE in great'honor and respectT Although ish students. This phenomenon is the name of Harvard cannot be quesATI that the name 3id South 16th Street largely ascribable'^o the fact that tioned, for among a long list of these BAKERIES •— implies. this tradition has to some extent been *;- " '• ••' C A I I . • • • . : • Douglas 3400. are e un (Bex. C- 9. Pat. with few exceptions the institutions I *° ^ f° d such names as Bernforgotten in this country,- well-to-do ATLANTIC 4522 Offlce.) Douglas 6887 916 X. 16th St. parents gladly give their daughters for women are not near the large hard JBerenson, art critic; Leonard in marriage to impecunious scholars cities, although social ostracism in Bloomfield, philologist; Meyer Bloom- ' T B £ SXJNDOBBN'S Nutrition* Horn* Had* and to struggling professional men some of the more exclusive women's field, authority on vocational guidELECTRICAL FIXTURES whose scholastic careers hold forth colleges also plays, its part. The chief ance; Louis D. Brandeis, jurist; "MorAmbulance Service APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES ris 'R. Cohen, professor of philosophy; the promise of success in their, chosen cause, however, hag .already been reSealed. In Sanitary Waxed Made by Equipped with Pulmotor. Isador H. Coriat, neurologist; Albert Wrapper at Tour Grocer. ferred to—the tendency among Jews fields. Necessity may force, or opAll Calls Answered Promptly. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST ' DEPENDABLE ELECTRICAL Sundgren Pie Baking Co. portunity may lure many into com- —especially recent comers—to favor Ehrenfried, surgeon; David A. i l l i s , FOOD CO. ,r MERCHANDISE. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN *4th and .Hickory. . ; Atlantic 6141 mercial or industrial fields, but these the higher education of men rather lawyer; Abraham Flexner, educator; 1511 Howard St. rhone Atlantic 0681 O3&AHA, NEBRASKA, i -" 3411 Farnam St. Phone Harney 0392 Simon Flexner, pathologist; Nathan than of women. always cherish the desire that their Frank, lawyer and ex-congressman; offspring shall not be manufacturers In the course of the discussion, Felix Frankfurter, professor of law; or merchants. TJie boys should be which the Harvard announcement Herbert J. Friedman, lawyer and pubAmerican WHOLESALE rabbis, physicians, lawyers, dentists aroused, a prominent editor who is an lic worker; Isaac Goldberg, critic and Wet Wash Laundry Distributors of • Druggists and Stationers or accountants; the girls should be alumnus of that institution, and who translator; Alfred F. Hess, clinical j 280S Cuming. Harney 0881 Western Bond—and High Grade 401-iOS-lOS South 10th •.-. teachers, although it must be re-refers to himself as *'an upbuilder of professor of pediatrics; Ralph HorStationery One Day Service. No Extra marked that until recently higher ed- the value of the Jewish race," allege! ween, athlete; Henry Hurwitz, editor; — OMAHA,^NEBRASKA, t ' Charges. Refinite Soft Water. ucation for females was not ehcour-, that there exists a "tendency of theHorace M. Kallen, professor of philosagedwith much ' enthusiasm., The Jews to concentrate in Harvard." This ophy; - Arthur Lehman, banker andWfiy)Bny,Ti'n7 Jewish, fathers who toil and moil in suggests- the next interesting ques- philanthropist; Walter Lichtenstein, Bay Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. LADY CHIROPRACTOR factory and mill, the" Jewish mothers tion: What institutions do Jews pre- librarian and university professor; PAXTON-MipCHELL CO. SAVES SOV HONEY. In Active Practice Eln« 1910. 27th and Martha Sts. Harnejr ISO* who are mere household drudges, sacfer to attend? In a general way, Walter Lippmann, author and editor; MID-STATES WHOLESALE Manufacturers of Brass. Bronie, AlumiDr. Frances H. Turner rifice themselves joyfully and unnum and Soft Gray Iron < Castings. GROCERS just as among non-Jews, the prefer- David Gordon Lyon, orientalist; JuTon are assured of soft castings, a s Office: Brandeis Theatre Building1. U17-19 Dodre St. Jackson 3818 grudgingly that their sons and daughence is dictated by convenience. Thus, we machine some from every heat In lian W. Mack, jurist; Paul J. Sachs, n t h and Douglas Streets. ters may secure a liberal or a pro-for example, we find that during the professor of fine arts; Gilbert Seldes, our own stop. Standard: size east Iron Fho'ne Atlantic S836 bashings in stock. . * fessional education.. .The fact that scholastic year covered by this study editor; Lee Simonson, stage director; MAX OLSEN & CO. their children are attending a college —and i t is not likely that the elapse Marcus C. Slpss, jurist; Joel E. SpinWbolesaU Distributors far TIKES TtTBES—ACCESSORIES or a professional school makes'these of four years has brought about any gam, authority on comparative literSCHMIDT'S parents feel raised above the plane of great change—43 per cent of the to-ature,, and Jacob Warshaw, professor Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger sordid commercialism,' and the dream tal number of Jews enrolled in theof Romance languages. ' OCR TREATMENT We carry a complete tee o t new Ale, Hires Root Beer CONVINCE TOP OF OtTlt ting pears, pinions, axle abafls and of their; children becoming respected 106* institutions, or 6,385 out of the SINCERITY. Office and Warehouse: 817 80. Ualn St. springs for almost any make of cat. Telephone 148 and useful professional men and total of 14,837, were attending six in H. D . R1CHMAN, Manager. Trust Department. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. 8atety Deposit Boxes. 1S18-1S30 Wen* Broadway, The tuneful alumni song, entitled women casts a roseate glow upon the the city of New York. Five of these COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. reality of their hard toil and their six institutions also head the list ac- "Fair Harvard," concludes with this FBOMS 444. ;i solemn adjuration to the Alma Maweary drudgery. It may, safely be cording to percentage of Jews to the RATES postulated that it is this idealism of total number enrolled, leaving out the ter: for space on this Special Omaha Office: 813 Donirias Street. Jewish which is,largely ac- professional colleges, such as medical, "Let not moss-covered error; moor Page given on application. » countableparents Omaha Phone Atlantic «5B8 for the strikingly dispro- dental and technical schools not conthee to its side, Ford Trariof er & Storage Co. portionate* quota of Jews at universi- nected with a university. This fact 218 N. 16th St. As the world on truth's current K. A. FOKD. Branches at Central Market. ties. is so significant that a list of the inTable Supply and Food Center. glides by; i82 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 President and General Manager. This disproportion is to be found in stitutions where the-concentration of Be the herald of light, and the bearer Council Bluffs (Iowa) Offlc* every country where Jews are admit- Jews i s greater than at Harvard is •24 So. Main Street. Phone 368 * of love, ted without".restriction-to institutions given below: Till the stock of the Puritans diel" CLEAN LINEN of advanced learning. In Prussia, for >• Percentage of An Ideal Wa»hinr Combination. Every morning; Isi there any "error" more overexample, in 1902-3 the proportion of If 7 0 a call the Jews to Total Estes Laundry Tablets grown with v"moss" and more antiJews who attended "the universities Institution. Location. Enrollment. thetical to "truth," to "light" and to was 54.75 per 10,000 of the Jewish College of the City of New York, Estes Soap Chips 'love" than "the two-thousand years 1815 California Street. population, whereas the proportion of and New York City _.„„.„. 78.7 old error of' Jew-hatred ? Has the Phone Douglas «2»1 Water Softener (Combined) Protestants was 8.37 and of Catholics New York .University, New York "stock of the Puritans" dkd? A t . all - Grocers. 6.51 per 10,000. The number of Jews City . .........47.5 OUR NEW LOCATION at Prussian universities showed but Hunter College j New York city..~38.7 ; Call Atlantic $364 Corner 1Mb and Donclas Street*. Masonic Trmple Bide. little tendency • to increase. It wasFordham University, New York • ••for • • • ' CONFIRMS PALESTINE MAN— Ton will like ' Our1 Line-— 1,313 in 1886-7, and"ir465 in' 1899- City BALDWdN. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. ~ 23.2 DATE RATIFICATION DATE HOWAUD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS, 1900. It is also interesting to note Columbia University, New York . PLAYER PIANOS. ' London. (J. T. A.) Confirmation that down to the sixties of the last OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. City ...... . _. 21.2 of reports that- an extraordinary BUTTER THATCHER PIANO CO. century Jews were debarred from the Tufts College, Boston, Mass..........l8.9 2419 Cumins St., Omaha, Nebraska. . •• Made b y . meeting of the Council of the League Phone Jackson 3008 . Prussian institutions and that the ma- University of Chicago, Chicago....l8.5 of Nations will be held on or about the jority of ambitious students who John Hopkins University, Balti15th of July to approve finally of the Kates for Space on wished to enter then.,found it necesmore, Md. ......_..,„..—...........16.2 British Mandate for Palestine was DON'T BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page, sary to become baptised. In Austria, Western Reserve OIL 18 MUCH CHEATER University, contained in a statement to-night by i given on application. Sherman Mercantile Co. j > t Us Keniove the Door. from where the Jews were scarcely 5 per Cleveland, O. 14.6 'Austin Chamberlain in the House of, 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. l o u i Fumnce and Insert a Wholesale Gr«*er» Specialties cent of the population in 1900, they University of Pennsylvania, PhilCominons.. Mr. Chamberlain declared' ATlantic 0340. 1511 Cumins St. Phone Atlantic lilt contributed over 16 per cent to the en482 Brandelt B i d e Tel. Jaekcon 2372 adelphia, Pa „ _14.5 also that the Council of the League ' —DISTRIBCTOES—— rollment at universities in 1902. Even Temple University, Philadelphia, See Demonstration M« So. 1Mb Street. considered the Mandate question at JACK 8PBAT FOOD PRODUCTS. in Russia, where the enrollment of Pa : —14.<£ its last meeting, but deferred action Omaha, Kebraslca. Jews was limited to 3 per cent in St. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. Office 209 South 18th Street
Jackson 0268
(Copyright, 1922, by The Jewish Writers' Guild.
Air Rights Reserved.)
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