June 29, 1922

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*-/H*e „ greatest t satis*J fiction-in life is"

It is the little things that separate us from/ s u c c e s s—not the Wgf ones.

its t



VOL. I L -

WU1 Meet to Form f\ Organization for Community Center


Secretary of Navy Reprimands Editor of Annapolis Book


Jewish Social Workers ansion at Its



Omaha Hebrew Club : Celebrates Thirtieth , Anniversary Sunday

London. (J. C. /B.)—The newlyBerlin. (J.*C.B.)—TJie demand for Wima. (J...T.-A.) —Enrollment;of constituted Board of Jewish Deputies the exclusion of east* European Jews Jewish pupils in the elementary, secis now comprised of 232 delegates infrom Germany, and the^omplete susond-and. university, classes'in the Wilcluding representatives from nearly pension of their immigration was rena district totaUed 5,700, in\MarcK, in the Prussian;Diet by the Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Sharp- all synagogues and parties, it was an- Yearly Budgets •"• for Welfare the total attendance in all schools and Final: Pia^is. and Arrangements ' Over 200 Invitations Issued for newed German National'Party in an interly Rebukes Olmstead for Af- nounced at the monthly meeting to- Movements Averagei $100jOOO, colleges numbering 23,919.; Made'for; Big.'Jubilee. Public Meeting. '• '"'•; '-•-••• pellation charging the government front to Leonard Kaplan. - day. .Community^ President There are 4,030 pupils in 32 Jevrfsh Leading Jewish organizations overfriendship to _ these aliens. elementary shools, 1.02T. in five Jew- ,ARGEV PROGRAM TO BE i Reports. HARRY B. ZIMMAN TO with seas are being askcti by. the/deputies Replying, Deputy Limbertz, socialDECLARES HE FENDS NO wh gymnasia, 893 among the 696 stut ' V "" •' ' ' --• ' :*HAVE CHARGE OF /GIVEN. to support the ejforfc of the League of SAMUEL H> SCHAEFER, LO- dents in, the two, Russian gymnasia, ."• ist, emphasized the desirability • of HATRED AGAINST JEWS. CAMPAIGN. Nations to obt^nk modifications of the besides. 250 students in one Jewish these immigrants fpr thQ economic reCAL ESiEigUTIVE, ATEverything - is set. v Washington.—As. Acting; Secretary restrictions on Jicwish immigration. professional school. * TENBED CONOver two hundred and fifty invita- habilitation of the country, character. Fipal^plaj|s- and. arrangements have Discussion on the previous decision as of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt,'Jr., .FESfeNCE. Others in attendance in the WJlna been'made^ ; *make the tnirtieth an-* tions have been issued for the dinner izing the materialists' Assertions : of the Board to s$nd i n delegates to "deceptive." ' . officially reprimanded Ensign.J. L. : schools are Poles, "White Ruthenians; niversaty Vajlebnition'of the Omaha' and meeting.to be held next WednesOlmsted .editor of The>Xueky.Bag; the/ the general Keren' Hayesod ConferR.. I>—Growth of inter- Lithuanians and Russians. day evening at the Blackstone hotel, Hebrew',C].ub,i picnic a huge success. year book of this year's: graduating ence resulted in thtf proposal being est in Jewish; welfare community cenfor the purpose of affecting a permaAlbert '/-Kaplan, ^chairman, of' • the class at Annapolis, for "cruel and. un- referred back to the Law-Committee. ters has been, so rapid in recent years nent organiiation of the Jewish Compicnic, reports/that ever5rHung."*ha'a; warranted" treatments of .Leonard Advocates of -the Keren Hayescd* are that"'$100,000-.,annual .budgets for exmunity Center building. Among those been., arranged.to/furnish a- good Kaplan, a classmate. ; ' > - ? confident the Boarutirfn participate. pansion wdrk-are, becoming common present will also be the guests who timerto'all..': . - . . . /. ; Mr. Roosevelt told lOlmsted, whose thrqughout^the/. country,: • said Presiattended the banquet given in honor The- picnic' will be, held Sunday:home is in Des Moines, that she had. dent Philip; L. Seman- of Chicago at' of Morris Levy, several weeks ago. afternoon' at • Peony, Park, | Seventybeen guilty of "an action _which casts the fourth annual conference of comHarry B. jEiTpma-n was selected as ij VST«st;" Dod^re -7oa.<i.:^-Large; mtmity centeri.^ecretaries,whicfc bechairman in charge of the Jewish To Appeal To British, Government a grave doubt as to your possession o i automobile-boKses will meet t the carsTo Take Immediate Steps those qualifications essential to _auy gan- a four-day session ^here.t /Within Annual Report Give* ^Detailed at Forty^ninth and Dodge--streets - and> Community Center campaign, to raise On -Mandate. officer in the United. States Navy/? five years. ^Oj,OM/jdOr will be invested; Account of- Institution's the required money immediately. will carry rthe people to: the picnic and he added that "the department in realty, by community centers, he Activities. The meeting Wednesday evening The busses will be. there Philadelphia (J: T. A.) — The 25th will require from you in the-future predicted.' ,Wejfare secretaries from will be the initial meeting at which the. entire -day. • . -, The eleventh annual report of the plans of forming a permanent organ- Annual Convention, of the American evidence of a fundamental change in "Humanitarian in Design, . Elevating all parts^of thVeountry-were-in atten•i the afternoon, a large pro-, in Sentiment and Commendable dance.'-. « ! " • . , Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital, Hot gram vqll? ^e given by local talent.. ization will be discussed. The execu- Zionist Organization wasa opened here your attitude toward your .comrades in the service." ~ •-. * ••• ^ in Policy." under the chairmanship of Mr. Louis Dr. .Henry -Mpskowitz, former civil Springs, Ark., has just been publish- As a- feature; to the afternoon's protive committee members will be atfservice commis_8ioner of New 'York, Lipsky, with 271delegates of 114 ed, and gives a detailed account of. gram, the/committee hjus, secured; the nounced at this meeting. Roosevelt's Reprimand. Washington. (J,, O. B.)—The House and for'.manyVyears'identified with the activities of that institution for Flans to raise the necessary $100,- towns in 32 states attending. Others, the secretary asserted, were serviQes of Prof. Mack's concert* band., The convention' received a message undoubtedly guilty in some .measure Rules Committee Tuesday in Execu Madison House*, discussed the Jewish the year ending March 31, 1922. The 000 more will be discussed. Following the program^' which will tive Session voted six to two in favor settlement; movement "of the last 20 report shows that the hospital treated the gift of Morris Levy of $50,000 from President Harding in which of the affront to Kaplan, which:conbegin at" 3r; o'clock, the Voting contest of granting the Fish resolution, a spe- yars. Thoujjh-the Jewish settlement 752 patients, who remained, in the toward building a Jewish Community under expressing regret, at his in- sisted in perforating the page in the for "ithe.'most; popular girl will ^ e cial rule for consideration and vote moyement'ln-Aanerica during the fcist institution 13,374 days, or on an Center building, fifty thousand dollars ability because of ~ official duties to year book containing his photograph The!: race for: this prize >has on the floor of the House next Mon20 years-was-intimately related with average of 18 days eachj at a cost centered;4oi the itwo following; girls; more was raised by the guests who accept the invitation, to address- the and biography so that it might/be re- day. •/•• Jewish immigration, he said, subject- of $43.20 per patient, or "$2;40 per Misses 1 Bertha : Merger. and, Mamie convention, he says:* were present at the banquet given by moved, but the primary responsibility The motion f o r t h e rule w a s made ively there was little of the Jewish day per patient. "A long-time interest, both sent- rested on Olmsted, Mr. Roosevelt said. Mr. Levy, prior to his going to EuAl-djer; "-Thet"winner in 'this contest by Congressman Simeon D. F e s s of spirit in-settlement work. Its origin imental and practical, in the Zionist In addition, the clinic of" the Leo will receive, a 'round-trip^ticket ct6 rope. The reprimand, as announced in a movement, causes me to wish that formal letter to Olmsted, who is at- Ohio who is Chairman of the Nation- was Christian, in the. light of the N. Levi Memorial Hospital took care Yellowstone National /Park.' of 4,500 persons during the same I might meet the members of the tached to the battleship Wyoming, is al RepuB^can Congressional Commit- idealism front wjiich it sprung. JEWS D E M A N D AUTONOMY Theeveiiiing -will^be spent in danc-f tee. The t w o opposing votes a r e unDr. Moskowtiz declared that the year. These patients came from every * ' Lemberg. (J. C. B. B y Mail.) A organization and express the concern as follows: in. the? large dance hall.'/ A' prize] conference of Jewish national repre- which I feel in behalf of their great "1. Your statement of/May 28'to derstood to be n o t against the reso- usefulness x>f settlement work had not section of the country. Of the '75' waltz, wili;rbeVlield wifli prizes givenf sentatives in Eastern Galicia has just movement." • the superintendent of the ;Naval Aca- lution on i t s m e r i t s h o t only on the ended, but; he- believed ;13iat the^e was patients treated in the hospital prop- to, tlie - b e s t - lgijy and . «entiem«n| The chief event of the first day's demy concerning the treatment of one ground of expediency of present con- greater meed' today*ibr' the type*' of er, 201 -were curedV 2M-improved*. 15 dancer.: ••>Following', is ; the -program^ been concluded here after meeting for three days. Fifty-three Jewish com- sessions was the passage of a re- of the members, of your class in The sideration. Chairman Campbell voted interpretation .which- Jane Addams died. The receipts for; the-year were ior- the»afternoon: made classic^ for illumination of mis- $42§9260; d t h d i t » 4 1 munities w e r e represented.. Dr. Leon solution addressed to the British Lucky Bag, of which you are-editor- in the affirmative. ' *. 1.\Ttal.. Mack's Concert Band. The Committee decided on a . two understood/races." and ;.of economic Reich opened^ the conference in the Government. •' The resolution was in-chfef, has. been, received: and; is 1 ? : 'A^COIBK hours' debate-when^ the resolution groups..'" ivo^ finer *iiiJrtiixcav*oTiP ''oi setname of the Jjast Galician Zionist Or- introduced by Ab. Goldberg, seeond*- satisfactory neither to the; superinn, y j i . 1J Btath -BWtbVlnstftntioit" ^ ^ ^ JUro Bosallne ganixauojo*^-: . ^LIDOU vr r* "the* r"re5v£0ttiQStS' by-MooM.Jiottenbargy; •noVr'sap- tendent of the academy n o r t o ' the* Miss Anne The Leo • N. :Levi Memorial Hospital In moving for: the rule." Represen- be giveni than-the leadership r which A?comJ>an1ed by Kara Bickliu. adopted i s one" demanding national ported by Bernard G. Richards en department ~ 5. Sone-antl Dance Kertle.-.-. ;....„ is largely a B'nai B'ritti; institoiiori tative . Fess, who may. be considered social' workers "Jhad" recently, taken in autonomy ,f or, the Jews in Eastern behalf of the 'American JewlinConEunice Uubin, Ktith ObludelnRer. ' ;' Calls Action Cruel. and is maintained jjartly^ by" the! In as voicing the sentiments of the Recombating the ^recrudescence .of race Esther 8te|nberg, Betty Steinberg. Galicia, on the basis of the Jewish gress. The resolution" cites" the irn^ "2. The department considers, that Ilecl{nyon.. m ..^...,SIl88 Verda Jacobson prejudice," thel/violation.* of some/- of dependent Order of B'nai B'rith and «. 7. Dance and Sonss.:.... ,.. ,„. communal organizations, with a Jew- pression of the Balfour Declaration your action in permitting' the issue publican party- said: partly by. subscriptions from charity .__-...™. ...MISB Hcrmlne Hersnmaa "When -Palestine was entered by the fundamental American principles ish National Council a t their head, on Jewry, the" promise reiterated by of this publication was crueland unAccompanied by Mrs. H. Heruhman. Solo, in.' Ancient Hebrew_ and a Ministry for Jewish Affairs. Allenby, confirmed by the San Remo> warranted. Others, especially your our Allied Armies, the first thought of free speech- and free assembly, -and organization and generous individ 8. Vocal ..., .. Ida Lust^atden HHM».»:..J. : The conference adopted a unanimous Decision, causing Jews to embark on associate editors, are undoubtedly also of the modern- world was the fulfil- even, the . denial -of -ancient Anglo uals.' •Ol Vlolln"-8olo_.., Miss Fannie.Fish Accompanied by MIsb Lillian Chudacoff. ment of an ancient prophecy that Saxon legaFxights. The Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital vote of confidence in the committee heavy 10. Piano Duet Rose and Rebecca Sestal financial obligations, ten guilty in some measure in this mat- Jerusalem, the craddle of religion, The-world, he considered, needed is a free institution strictly and ad 11. VttMn--8plo~^ Dorothy Luatjrarden body for the protection of Jewish thousand Jews entering Palestine and ter, but the primary responsibility I'fgno Solo Ida Lustsarden would some day be restored to the mits no pay patients. It is open to 12. the Jew today? "as never before. Lyrights. 13. Vocal 8olo. . — - M i s s Iva Selj • a hundred thousand contributing to must rest upon you as editor-in-chief. Jewish people. When Britain acceptAccompanied by MISB Cecelia Feller.ing prostrate; as a result of the phil- all who are unable to pay, whether There were present at the confer- its upbuilding." The resolution con3. At the outset of your' career ed the mandatory of the ancient Holy osophy of: national domination, the members of the B'nai B'rith or not ence a number of non-Zionist dele- tinues, that the Jews waited patient- in a service which requires the closest Land, a new impetus was given to the worlc|.needed;the vision of the He- and who are in need of the specia M. BA ^BAB ABOUT gates, among them Dr. Karl Halpern ly for the ratification of the Mandate, co-operation and mutual trust among historic promise. It was quite natural PALESTINE FROM SAMUEL? brewphophetsrfrom Isaiah to Christ; treatment afforded by the institution of Stanislau, president of the Jewish the delay leading to sinister prop- Us members, your conduct- by its that a tremendous sentiment would the qualities lot the Wandering Jew, in connection with the hot springs Flays Bolshevist Bogey and Urges National Council in Eastern Galicia aganda resulting in bloodshed and cruelty to a comrade merits the de- be aroused among the hundreds of whose contact' with the nations of bath with which the hospital is proRi»tenberg Scheme. during the Ukrainian administration. culminating in the vote of the House partment's strongest condemnation. thousands of Jewish people, scattered world hsdibjeen a history of adjust- vided. Patients are admitted only a n A committee Was elected to. prepare a of Lords. This, states the resolution, "4. You have been guilty of London.' (J. T. A.) In an address.; to the four winds of earth, in favor ment to hoitile environment; the upon applications indorsed by their scheme for carrying into effect the gives rise to the fear that the British ation which casts a grave doubt as of the establishment of a homeland befpr.e' charity' organizations or local B'nai rflie*mbers/of both Houses of emphasis' of'THSbrew religious genius, decisions of the conference and con- Government is faltering in its solemn to your possession of those qualifica- where their ancient civilization was and not of Pagan force; the realism B'rith lodge, and must be provided Parliament, presided over by Lord Ce-: voking a second conference. undertaking. The resolution there- tions essential to an officer in • the born and from whence their people of the Jew Ho face practical questions with return transportation. Applica- cii, Sir. Herbert Samuel; High Corn^i fore urges the British Government to United States Navy. Your action is had been either excluded or made not in the heat of chauvinistic nation- tion blanks may be obtained from the mjpsioner. for Palestine, said that PaK take immediate steps for the final neither in consonnce with tjie ideals servile subjects. estjne.'will*be" the' National Home of alism, but in the light of sound moral secretary. POLISH SOLDIER MURDERS registration at the forthcoming meet- of the people of the Unjted States ' Before the Committee went into and economic principles. the, ^ev^ish people, even if it is not^ ; A JEW WHILE AT To Ruse $25,000.00. ing of the League of Nations. The nor in accordance with the high Executive Session, Representatives the tlund; of" hpme extremist Zionists PRAYERS IN A SYNAGOGUE resolution was unanimously adopted. standard of conduct in the service of Fish and Chandler appeared and adThe United States Government has expected. '.Jews are bound to increase;J Warsaw. (J. P. A.) A Polish solMr. Nahum Sokolow in a stirring which you have beome a member. just donated a plot of ground 150x150 in numbers uhtil they become/the' niaj) dressed the Committee briefly in fa- DEMAND AMERICAN PROdier entered the synagogue at Horo- speech emphasized the fact that the 5. You are hereby reprimanded vor of granting the rule, the former TEST HUNGARIAN POGROMS which adjoins the hospital site. jority in-th^ country, he said. The die while the people were at prayer Balfour Declaration. was an inter- for your action in this matter- and emphasizing that ninety-five per cent The interstate conference of the Jewish immigrant pioneers are mak-l, New York. (J. P.*A-> T h f c convenand, without any cause, murdered a national agreement and irrevocable. you are cautioned that the depart- of American Jews are in favor of tion of the Hungarian Jewish Feder- Southern sections of the; Council of ingfgood..-^ Jew, Hirsch Korn, by name, wounded He urged the convention for unity, ment will require from you in the Zionism. That resolution, he saio ation in .sessjqrt here adopted a strong Jewish Women has undertaken to ie - Bolshevik "bqgey,!^ two others and made his escape. declaring that at this" critical mo- future evidence of a fundamental will not entangle America in any way resolution; against the continued Jew- raise in the near future the sum of the IHigh'.Commissioner declared that' The police succeeded in finding the ment a split in the Zionist ranks change in your attitude toward your and it has the approval of the State ish persecutions-in Hungary. $25,00.00 for the erection, of a nurses' the', nupbeu -of"Jewish Bolsheviki ir'_ murderer and placing him under ar- should not be allowed to continue. comrades in the service. Department. home, which the hospital needs urg- the country,.is,more than insighifirj; This: resolution ".was dispatched to rest. "You are directed to acknowledge „. Mr. Chandler who is an old friend the Hungarian: government, and to the ently, and there is no doubt that the capt/ the usual. view of the, JewistJ He advised the convention to appeal to France, Italy and the new Pope receipt of this letter, a copy of which of Zionism made a warm speech which American:Congress which is strongly council's enterprise will be crowned laboring element/being sirnilar to that: of tHe/labdc rparty in England. -i not to lay difficulties in the way of will be filed with your official record." impressed the Committee. There are urged in thecnames."of thousands of with success. TAXATION JOR BERLIN a hundred thousand Jews in his dis- American [citizens of' Hungarian origSir 'Herbert'expressed himself ai i the Mandate at the next meeting of Statement to Press. JEWISH COMMUNITY trict, he declared, and they are over- in to lodge> a strong protest against REVOLUTIONARY JEWS hopeful" o f / an/' agreement bein| the League of Nations. Mr. Roosevelt made this statement Berlin. (J. C. B.) The Board of whelmingly Zionistic, whih is true of reaph^d .betiween'-the..Arabs and tlii .. AND IRELAND CoL Patterson^ remarked that the to newspaper men: the Horthy re(gh:of terror. Representatives of the Berlin Jewish Jewish sentiment throughout the Jews, -who ..come,' to rehabilitate the London. (J, C. B.) "We da-not "A most serious note in thjs in- country. A stronf impression was produdccl community has fixed the taxation for Lords "didn't cut any ice" in Eng.co'unfryi' Hp defended the conc'essioi know," writes the "Morning.Post".in land. The British ' Government, he stance at the academy was struck by uport th^ji^pye's'ent by the speech . f the year 1822 (April, 1922, to March* a "leading article, "if we shall bfi-ac-. granted *:tb:'.Engineer P. Eutenberg Dr. WinkJw-of-H^mfestea^d, Pa., who 1923), at 8 per cent of the income t a : declared, would not break its promise the query in certain pfopIeV minds cused of anti-Semitism, for taking the providing"i'pr, a monopoly in the ;ex as to whether the actiP»'bM been ASKS TO BRING BODIES OF had but rr«ci|^ilyf-arrived from Hunlevied by the State from April to De- to the Jewish people. Mr. Peter-Schweitzer, in reporting, taken because of racial mwjjisv FeelJEWISH RELIEF HEROES HERE gary and rteptmted,-with tearful ear- liberty of commenting on. the circum- ploitation','. of /Palestine's water re cember, 1921. Incomes not exceeding Riga. (J. C. B.) Permission to nestness, the*sforyvof the Jewish, per- stance that advertisements of a Yid- sources,,saying,;it would"be impossi the activities ' of the Keren ing as strongly as I do how ^ - A m e r on 300 marks ard free of taxation. ble to rajs0 capital otherwise than bj Hayesod, stated that $5,000,000 had ican any such distinction as this bring to New York the bodies of Pro- secutions in ^ftt^g'ary that he himself dish theatre in Dublin appear in the a monopoly.'.. Self-determination f6; "Workers' Republic," the Communist been pledged,' of -which $2,000,000 should be, I have gone most.carefully fessor Israel Eriedlander and Bernard witnessed.* 'He''also told of the terRUTENBERQ'S PURCHASE IN th6 Arabs/ would "prevent, colonizatioi and revoluti.uary organ in Ireland. into this phase. I am happy to say Cantor, the Jewish relief workers Tible suffering of the Jewish students GERMANY ANNOYS BRITISHERS had already been, received in cash. of Palestine, Tie declared. ; j that I am convinced that, ba^. though from America who were found mur- who are suffeHng^ dire pefsecutiorii at We are frequently told that anything London. ($. T. A.) The Zionist done by the Jews in Russia is ex: this incident was, no such motive -was dered in the Ukraine, Russia, on July the hands of thei'r-fellow-students: as TO REPORT ON ZIONIST Organization has authorized a state5, 1920, has been asked of the Soviet well as • at-tliSae of the government plained naturally by the wrongs trey; BRAZIL,FOR THE BRAZILIANS; behind it. CONVENTION. ment explaining the purchases of ma;t?n.' (J. T. A.) That pub; suffered under the governments of authorities, by Dr. Boris Bogen, rep- officials," inspired -from above. "The records of the Naval ;Academy The local Zionist organization will chinery in Germany by Engineer P. lie opinion is becoming more insiste the Tsars. But what wrong, we ask, resenting the Joint Distribution ComRutenberg for1 his Palestine Electrifi- hold its meeting Wednesday evening show that in the class of '22, 19 enthatcpijain classes of employmerii have the Jews suffered in the British mittee and the American Relief Adcation and Irrigation Scheme. It is at the Jewish Community Center. tered their faith as Jewish. Certain particularly.. public utilities, banks empire that they should patronize the ministration. If permission to ship stated that the contract amounted to At this meeting a report of the of these men were among the most revolutionary elements in our midst? and:bther semi-official institutions, •%[ the bodies to the United States can> r p y ; | < l t l V A T E AGENCIES only 10,000 pounds sterling, and was Zionist Convention, which was held popular in the class. Fsurfhermore Riga. ( J . . * C ; T B . ) A warning;to The British people have dealt not only reserved;. to,, a" large extent for' Bri^ not be obtained, Dr. Bogen proposes made because p'rices of machinery at Philadelphia, will be .given by a number of our prominent $ffieers in American.•>Jews ;that .parcels sfent justljp but liberally with the Jews, and zilians,"is reported to the Departnieftasking the Soviet authorities to allow were considerable lower in Germany John Feldman, who represented the. the past and at this time §re either the erection of proper memorials over through: private; agencies to persbns yet we find over and-over again, and of Commerce" by Consul General Qau Jewish or of Jewish extraction. Omaha organization." "" than on the British market. in all parts of the empire, evidence lin, Eio^ d.e Janiero. Recently it-wa* "The traditions of our country have their graves. He is understood also to in R m s i i are'dutiable is sounded in of the sinister part they are taking in proposed to- cancel the authorization always been e x e m p t e d by bur i}avy. have requested the authorities to per- the Moscow ?JBinmes" which cites in- these revolutionary movements. The granted a certain foreign bank ti( ' PROTEST LEPER COLONY "JOINT" CLOTHES IN," JEWISH QUARTER We pride ourselves tjjat in tht service mit the families of the murdered men stances pf> fbodt; and clothing; parcels Irish people are not the true authorj operate in Brazil until it should comj . UKRAINIAN REFUGEES Warsaw. (J. C. B.) "Attempts'to there are no distinctions -of race or to visit the graves in the Ukrainian arriving- at -Beval (Esthonia) And of their terrible situation. - They are ply with,the law which requireB/thaj. Warsaw.' (J. C. B.) A hundred town. Odessa"being'held at the Customs creed." like" the Bolshevik Jews, the tools of 50 per cen^. of the employes of fotimillion marks' worth of piece-goods establish a leper colony in the Jewish H0U8,e8. •-; 5 „; ' ; Dr. Bogen came upon the graves Quarter of Krakau -will be strenuousour enemies, who are destroying Ire- eign or Braeilian banks shall be Bra-j; j have been purchased by representaIt is jjdso ^L6Sed in the same pafeer Riga. (J. C. B.) According to fi- while visiting the town of Jarmoliniez. ly opposed by the Jewish Community; ili Eh bk .Exchange brokers mustt alas, land for the express/purpose of ob- zilians. l sl|| tives of the Joint Distribution Comthat at the instance of Dr. Boris Bowho had made representatives to the nal figures now puDh_«»e:i in the Mos- Finding the graves in a neglected taining the power and the proxim'tv be Brazilians.. Further legislatioi mittee,, to cloths Ukrainian Refugees authorities'Jointing to the danger to cow press, 37,570 Jews wereJdUedv" condition, he caused temporary grave^ gen, rations", are being drawn from to destroy Great Britain. And the along-this l}ne may be enacted, as tti domicile4 in Poland. Simultaneously the Jewish inhabitants, as well as the fifty towns in Ukraine; 3,340 houses stones to be erected, the unveiling the American Relief Administration author of;tl»e whole plot, we believe, nationalistdj} spirit is steadily groy a shipment of clothing and piecemoral indignity „. involved- in,--su<3i ;a burner; 1,222 shops, §6 factories: and taking place in the presence of the stores not only:for rabbis,-tut-com- •is Germany^ t . . . . ing, "' •* goods has beto sent to--Kiev»forJ 76& workshops destrojfed;' entire Jewish population of the town. munal Jejviah-wwkere > £eaerally. '*tribv*ion .«ntoiuc Ukrainian Jews.

Zionist Hold 25th


is, ft.

Donates Plot to

Congressman Resolution Considered in Honse


4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 29,: 1922. ^iiraiuiiiuiiiiiiiiunimimiiiiHinnuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinnBimiuuiiiraiiiiiiuiium


Educational Department liHiiminmiiininimiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim^ md slender. Add to this the fact that



Office 209 South 18th Street

Jadwm 0268

^ REDEMPTION By-OSCAR SCHISGALL (Copyright, 1922,-by-the Jewish Writers' Guild. All Bights Beserved.)

she came of a family -which prided Itself: on its scrupulous of orthodox beliefs, and you will readily-comprehend why I chose her as the;guardian:angel who would bring

Harry Klaber to his senses. In the mornng I telephoned to her. Quite cheerily:she greeted me with: is bid ^Hll Frank! You're certainly


"Harry, our friendship enough to warrant our being frank becoming an'early bird!" with one another. You're making a For a while we conversed on inconIndustrial and- Antomtt Antomottr. i ustrial and . INVESTMENT SECURITIES i i Carburetor and IIgnition Repairs. mistake. Forget this notion of chang- sequential matters, and then I said: •Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. Starter Bins; Gear* for i n t o F l y Wbaala ing your religion, old boy. It'p stu- *Now . for 7 the surprise, -. Isabel. 417 Booth Wtn Street. St. TeL J»fh>»D S17I 1415 Telephone!. .Jaafc—.-Ma*- •.». pid—unworthy of you. Be brave, not How'd you like to have dinner with cowardly. I f s cowardly to change. an honest-to-goodness, bona fide When,.oh that amazing evening And if Alice Graham doesn't liV? you movie star V* Y o u r position is several months ago,, Harry Klaber as you are—there are many, many <i Whatfs the joke? Since when do DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT 'coirec^"' and^- should; stamped back and forth across my ither girls/Harry.'' you know t h e elite?" COMPANY. robin and poured out the agonized • '.' be ^itPfPJI1 xt^diiy^ With his chin lowered, he whis"Ah, but I do. Pm serious. Ever M8MA»eK». CAKJt AND SCGAB UNDERTAKERS BRAND complaints of <• his heart, I was DOEGHNTIT8 > OTJ1S SPHCIALTT. every fair minded^ pered: hear of Harold Clabey?" MOVED TO stunned. It seemed incredible that a We Deliver the Real Goods, "But you don't understand# Frank. "Of course, silly! Ask me if l e v e r person. man. could change as he did. ttum* Wdwter 0M» Ton cant understand. I—I'm just heard of : Lincoln." True, I had not seen him for sixcrazy about Alice. I'd do anything ^Well,. Harold Cilabey—whose real years, and many things had oecured name; by the way, is the good Jewish to get her^-tfor my own." to.frfrwnduring thafe tim^- TT^ had-atone-of Harry Klaber—is an oMfiieM "Of coarse you wonLi-anythi tained stardon. as a motion picture: • • • O l • •.• of mine. He's in town,, and if you'd WHOLESALE GROGERS manly and honorable. But nothing actor, and doubtlessly Hollywood had TiVg tohave. dinner' with hina—why, cowardly. Howcaayou expecther to Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phone Jackson 1302: bestowed wealth upon him.; Indeed, just invite'us- over tonight. I l l bring love a coward?" I remember seeing a picture of his home—a magnificent villa, low and She insists, Fraak. And, I prom""Well, of y all—r Why, FranKe, impo*ingr-in an architectural maga- ised. That's why I came to.-N«w York taat?irbe:glorious.! Certamly/T want alone. I knew I'd Jiave a straggle zine. And on. Broadway his assumed TSSfcOor you." to conie with him. Harold Claname, Harold. . Qabey, had drawn with myself, and, f wanted to fight it XPJUMES. GRAIJT/ATE) t bey—Heavens!" t€ thousands of admirers into the thea- without her near me. But she is comtres. But I found i t difficult to be- ing here in a month. I gave her my And fifteen minutes later I telePhone Jackson 3072; Second Floor, Elks' Building. Do sway with drudgery and make lieve that even such fame could af- word that by the time she arrived I phoned* to "Harry at his hotel. His house-work a pleasure by the nse would!—I would no longer—be a Jew. voice somehow imparted a sense of fect bi"m so drastically With Te«r Order-fo* of modern electrical appliances. weariness as he replied: He was a tall man, darkly hand- Then we're to be married." HOECOMB ANYTHING The "Electric Shop* is on the some and of erect stature Now, how- Thoughtfully moving to the win- "Dinner; with friends of yours? Well—all right, I suppose I can. FOOD: :CHEMICAL ground floor of the Electric buildIN THE WRAPPING ever, as he pounded across the room, dow, I started out, whille Harry Kla- . . .. .Oh, Frank, I've been having ing, South-east corner of fifteenth PROJDUCip .CO., INC. PAPER LINE his shoulders were bent, his hands ber stood silent behind me. I could a rotten night! Thought, when I left and Farnam streets.. \ BI»nnt«rtnrer« at gripped each other fiercely behind his scarcely bring myself to realize that you yesterday, that it would be easy - F O O D S AND CHESHCAX.S. back it was the old Harry whom I h a d j t o w a I k jnAVO&ESG EXTKACTS. have the THE BEST Phone Dooslaa MM "I tell you," he cried, "I'm disgust known before dazzlin SIB S . lath St. Phone Atlantio 4Mt a e carried r r i d ^ 5 ^ ^ over ^ t h . But it didn't dazzling ffame ed with it! I go to the East Side him off to California. Never had he s e e m t ( ) toBbig w n e n I actually stood among Jews, and what.do, I find? hinted of the disgust for Jews which o n t h e < j m r c ] 1 s t e p s . My courage just NORTHWEST READY Filthy streets, filthy children, filthy he manifested this evening; he who oozed away—I don't know why—and ROOFING CO. people! The curbs are lined with in vigorous boyhood had shouted • in I came home.. Guess I'd better •wait Beady Booflng over old BhlngleB. pushcarts that throw up a thousand the streets to all who dared to taunt Also aiphalt shingles and bulld-np a week or two before I attempt it roofs. Firs resisting and dnrabls. Douglas 1862 nauseating odors. Old women stand him: "Sure, I'm a Jew—and proud again. I want to regain my—my An work guaranteed. Easy terms. there, unkempt and repulsive, hag of it, see? What ye-gonna do about Phono Harney S374 STEINER ELECTRIC nerve. . . . You'll call for me this gling with the peddlers. Their har it?" Office and Warehouse: S12S I<e»Tenworth evening? AJ1 right. Good-bye." MEAT CHOPPER is uncombed, their clothes are stanied We remained quiet for a long time; (Continued in next week's issue.) AMD COFFEE -MILL. torn, neglected. But do they care and at last I said: -* No! They are satjsfied-rsatisfied "Harry, you're not going to do it. TJSgD SCALES OF ALL with that! Satisfied when all theNot while I can stop •you." KACTTFACTUBERS. MAKES FOB SALE. world jeers and calls their homes th< I turned to meet hfe flaming eyes. ; MEY-MER-CO. Brand slums! Great God, to think fhat In them I saw a challenge that <Iared 510 South 10th Street. Beverages and Syrups. was one of them! . . ." Mrs. Jay Ziegler and son, Junior, of j 319-321 So. 14th St.. and mocked. Omaha. Nebr. Phone Jackson 3332. Fhone Atlantic He. closed" his eyes and stopped fo: "All right!" he snapped. "Try to Chicago are visiting Mrs. R. Adelman. a moment. But almost^ immediatelystop me!" Iten Mrs. Sam Chapman and Mrs. Abe ••SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" continued, And with a short, bitter laugh, he Biscuit Co. and buy them at "And when I enter their syna- snatched his hat from a chair and Robinson were hostesses last Friday afternoon at a theater party at the SNOW WHITE gogues. What do I see there? x whirled out of the room. AQ that the name Des Moines theater in honor of .Mrs. crowd of babbling old men and wome: BAKERIES Late into the night-I sat at the . implies. 319 South 16tfc Street sitting in an atmosphere that reeks table; my chin resting in my hand, Abe Levey of Hollywood, Calif. (Rer- V. g. Fat. g CAW. Phone Douglas 3400. Office.) with the stink of human flesh; their I pondered on the surprising deter916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 Miss Lillian Abramson left Sunday S H ATLANTIC 4522 clothes are a disgrace to any man •with mination which Harry had expressed. for her home in Chicago after a two pride. The women are fat and ugly. It was all for the sake of that Alice weeks'-visit'with Mr. and Mrs. George THY SUJTDOBISN'S nutritions Ham* Had* ELECTRICAL FIXTURES They never think of their appearance. Graham, he had confessed. And IAbramson. -. Ambulance Service APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES The men-wear shoes run down at the know enough about her to make me PIES and COOKIES Equipped with Pnbnotor. Sealed 1B Sanitary Waxed heels, trousers five sizes too large, Mrs. Mose Adler of Akron, Ohio, is dislike the woman. She had already) Blade by Granden Electric Co. All Calls Answered Promptly. Wrapper at Your Grocer. hats dirty and bent. At the rear I been married twice—and divorced visiting Mr. and Mrs. I. Adler. DEPENDABLE ELECTBICAXi UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Sundgren Pie Baking Co. MERCHANDISE. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN see cuspidors that haven't been ' each time. Yet her blonde loveliness, FOOD CO. 1511 Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0681 44th and Hickory. Atlantis S241 Maynard Levich, son of Mr. and 3U1 Fnrmun St. Phone Harney 0392 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. cleaned in months. Their smell is displayed on screens throughout the Mrs. Jacob Levich, has left to attend enough to make anyone sick. But land, had never failed to gain a host Culver Military Academy for the sumof smitten followers for her. Harry, those men are satisfied—satisfied!" mer. . American Suddenly he turned to me, his shak- apparently, was her latest favorite. WHOI.KSAI.lt Carpenter Paper Co. ing finger pointing directly at my Possibly the reason for that was his Mr. and .Mrs. Nate Karpen of OmaWet Wash Laundry Distributors • * * Druggists and Stationers face, his cheeks burning crimson. 2803 Cuming. Harney 0881 newly earned wealth. At any rate, ha are. visiting their parents, Mr. and Western Bond—and High Grade Wl-103-tOS South 10th "Can you blame Alice for not want- she had captivated him, poor fellow, Mrs. Mose K^han, One Day Service. No Extra Stationery *- * ing to marry a Jew?" he demanded. and he had become so desperately in- i Charges. Refinite Soft Water. Mr. and Mrs. Israel dayman of OMAHA. NEBRASKA. "Can you blame her for hating them ? fatuated that now he was willing to Omaha are visiting the former's parCan youblame me for wanting to sacrifice anything, everything for her. Why Buy Tin? ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. dayman. change my religion?" j Ah, well, many men succumb; Marc LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. In Active Practics Sine* 1910. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. Uneasily I twisted in my chair. Af- j Antony is a symbol. SAVES tOO HONKS. Miss Claire Zimmern of New York »7Ui «nd Martha Sta. ter a preliminary cough, I attempted As for myself, I felt that it deMID-STATES WHOLESALE visiting her cousin, Miss Dorothy Dr. Frances H. Turner Manufacturers of Brass. Brooae. Alomlto reply.' Bum and Soft Gray l i o n * Casting*. GROCERS volved upon me, as Harry's oldest and Goldman. Office: Brandeis Theatre BoUdins. You are assured of soft castings, as [ 17th and Douglas Street*. 1117-19 Dodge St. Jackson 3873 Of course," I said weakly, "we all 11m a y say most sincere friend, to reswe machine some from every heat in ) Phoncr Atlantic 383» Mrs. Winnie Kennedy, of Los Anour own shop. Standard she; east lion I have, our, viewsf you have, yours, liar- cue hiffl Jrom the foHy to which he bushings In stock. 4 geles is"visiting hex father, ME. F. ry; I. hawe mine;' and Alice Graham.Lwaslashing. His sadden eversion to MAX OLSEN & CO. proBably ha» hers. But if she . re-I Jews appaled me; it seemed so far HBES—^TDBES—^ACCESSOBXES Whnlnala pi>trlbvtor» to^ r fuses' to: marry yon simple because | removied from the Old Harry Klabwr S€HMIBT S .Misses Sarah and Elizabeth Werbi h aii t n w n . I must s save him before les&y entertained Saturday at a lunch«P TIQr Malta, Select. Bock, Ginger r you are a Jew—well -. W«" taxes- a complete- Uhe-'-rit new CONVTXCE I O B O I OCR "She's right! If I can feel ashamed [ he committed the rashness, I decided^ Afie; Hires Root Beer ring gears, ° pinions, axle shafts and eon at Harris Emery's," honoring Mrs. SINCERITY. of my own people, why l h hshouldn't l d ' but howjro* do that was indeed a probOOM mnd ffnhOHR m 8a.. Hate St. 'springs for almost any mako of car.' Ben*Hurwftz,.Miss Delia Brody and Trust Deportment. Telephone 14Z sheT" • M. D. BICHMAN, Manager. lem. A man of his stubborn spirit is Safety Deposit BOXM. COCHCIX. BJLCFFS. IOWA. Mrs. Abe Levey of Hollywood, Calif. 1318-1530 West Broadway. "That's not tne question, Harry. not swayed by reason. Rather, if he COUNCIL < BIiliJj'JtTS. IOWA. PHONE 444. The real, question is—why should you is to be approached, it is through his The Hebrew Ladies* Relief Society feel ashamed of being a Jew? Be- emotions, because his deeds were, for held. a. picnic Sunday afternoon at RATES cause of what you saw on the East the most part, the results of wild im- Union Park.- In spite of the rain, a for space on this Special Omaha Office: 813 Douglas'Street. • Side? That's nonsense. Besides, you pulses. And so I sat at my table, large crowd attended, and Mrs. M. J. Omaha Phone Atlantic 8556 Page given on application. exaggerate in your excitement All planning, planning. . . . Kainraz,*secretary of the society, was Ford Tranter & Storage Co. Electrotypes * Jews are not like that. 216 X. 16th St. Do you think The hands of the clock on the man- presepted with a silver fruit bowl. K. A. B-OBD" . Branches at Central Mmxket, OnuiiUSA 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 = i Alice Graham . would renounce her tel had already passed two -when I fiPresident and General Manager. Tabla Supply and Food Center. Dick Sheuerman and Louis Ver• Christianity if you demanded that nally evolved a scheme I hoped would Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office Veer, Jr., have left for Wisconsin to KU 8 0 . Main Street. rhono 365, j condition to marrying her?" prove successful. 1 attend'camp for the summer. "I woul'dn't ask such a thing! CLEAN LINEN A woman had conquered him once; There is no reason—" Every moron* a woman must conquer him again. An Ideal Washing. Combination. Mrs. Charles Adelman entertained It yon can tha "But if you did ask, would she ocm- And I knew the one suitable for Tuesday at a bridge party. Estes Laundry Tablets ply?" Wholesale*Fruit and Vegetables | the task. It is no disgrace for me to ...with... "Well, she—" Mils Belle Siegel of Chicago is visadmit that Isabel Schlott once laughEstes Soap Chips 1815 California Street. "Would she?" Phone Donclaa 6£91 and ingly refused to become my wife. She iting her sister, Mrs. Barney Smith. Frowning, he hesitated before an- did not love me, and I cannot feel Water Softener (Combined) Mr: and Mrs. Charles Silverman of swering; but finally he admitted, At all Grocers. anger towards her. We always reOUK NEW LOCATION Detroit are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. "No, I suppose she would not." Corner 19th and Douglas Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 mained warm friends and I trust we Maaonio Templa^Bldg. "Then, Harry, old man, don't say always will. But I thought of herSilverman. Yon will like Our Line * you play the fool. Sncil respect you J because she was beautiful, Of dark ' Mrs. Meyer Cohen and son, Harry, BALDWIN, ELLINGTON. HAMHTON. HOWARD UPRIGHTS. ©BANDS. more if you maintain your princi- complexion, her face possessed a glow have gone to Kansas City and Wich1M.ATER PIANOS. OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. ples." of bubbling vitality. Brown eyes ita to spend the summer. THATCHEH PIANO CO. S419 Cninlas St.. Omaha. Nebraska. BUTTER "Oil, you don't krow Alice!" shone from under a frame of waving, Phone Jackson 30M Made by Misses Miriam and Eleanor Mandel"if she's the sort of c;irl whu won't black hair. She was tall and graceful baum, 'daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Sidrespect you for standing upr-h:, then Rates for Space on ney Mandelbaum, have gone to Camp she isn't fit to he your wife." ' DONT BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page Sandstone for the summer. "Frank!" Shoulders squared, he OIL IS MUCH CHKAPKR We are for given OB application. glared at me. His lips twitched. Let U» Kemov* tha Uoor from Sherman Mercantile Co. Miss Hannaji Abramson of St. Jo- 1307 Howard Sti, Omaha, Neb. Xour tCurnare and Insert a • Spasmodically his fists opened and BERDIE BERGER Wholesale O t o a i SDedalUes seph is visiting at the home of her ATlantic 0340. ULUBRIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNp closei „ 1511 Cnmtni 8 t ' Phom" Atlantic 12« 485 Brandela Bid*. Tel. Jacksoa 237Z brother, Mr- Sam Abramson, en route' Don't forget her next !te* IVunouKti-utlon i l l 8 ^ 18th Stnr* But 1 smiled. Rising:, I walked to .7—DISTBIBDTOHS7—-> ." ' t! his side slowly and gripped his hand; JACK 8PKAT FOOD PKODUCTS. ; • Omaha. Nebiiilia.-" PATRONIZE OUR then I murmured: Snbstribe to "The Jewisfit Press"; 1




Here i s another Schisgall story. Its theme is the -problem- of intermarriage, and i t is treated with the skill "and felicity characteristid of' this talented young ^ ;Note:

The Harry A. Koch Co.




Leo A. Hoffmann


Groneweg & Sdwentgen


The Brinn & Jensen Company

'Electric Shop*'



Dayton Money Wei Scales and Meat Slicers






Meyer Mercantile Co., Inc.





Checker Cab

Baker Ice Machines

"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.



E. E. Bruce & Co.



N. W. Cor.Eleventh m i toward Sts.



Jewish Press

Frontier Towel Snpply


Steamship Tickets



Kirschbraun & Sons



Social, Club and Religious Activities



meeting Tuesday afternoon at the But several" youngr' Jews who were home of Miss Toby Katelman. present saved,the rabbi;at the risk of their own lives. • 'OLISH HOOLIGANS Cases of violence against Jews on ATTACK BRIANSK RABBI the railways have increased greatly Wilna. (J.-P. A.) Polish hooligans and soldiers, at a railway sta- of ,late. It is becoming more and tion near .Wilha, attacked the' rabbi more dangerous for Jews to ride on of Brians* and tried to ^rall his beard. the Polish lilways.

[ward Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and Mrs.'

and Mrs. A. Goldstein, rf St. J. Rosenblatt, left ^st Thursday; tor j C O U N C I L B L U F F S

Louis, Mo., formerly of this ciyt, an- a three months' stay in California. The Alumni Association of the nounce the engagement of their Miss Ruth Brodkey was hostess;to daughter,' Tobie, to Mr. Jake Seiner* the members of the Acabodo celta last Council Bluffs Sunday school WTII hold its meeting Tuesday afternoon at the son of Mr. this Thursday at her home. Mr. and ana Mrs. Mrs.M. m. Seiner, seiner, of ot «us home of Morton Richards. city. No date has been set for the, * :__ Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher enterwedding. Mr. Seiner is visiting at KAPLAN-CORBY. Mrs. B. Brih.'whb has been visitlftg tained Saturday evening at their home the home of his fiancee. The marriage of Miss Molly Helen for the school set in honor ef Miss here for several weeks with her Corby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith announce Bernice Kulakofsky, whoi recently :te- daughter, Mrs. A. GiUnsky, left Son), Corby, to Mr. Tollman A. Kaplan, of the engagement «o£ their daughter, turned from Berkeley, Califs where day for her home at Webster City* i this city, will take place Tuesday Nettie, to Mr. Louis Millman, son of she attended school. Miss Estate Iowa. \ evening, July 4, at the Blackstone Ho- Mr. and Mrs. H. Millman, of this city. Lapidus, who recently returjaed ftfbm o y The Rescfc Ayin club has suspended *• • tel. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon will of- No definite date has been set for the a p i u , Rockford College, Hi, TO«s the hon- with its meeting during the summer ficiate. wedding. • months. Picnics and outings will The attendance of the bride will be Mr. and Mrs. Smith will entertain ored guest. her cousins, Miss Yetta Wright and Sunday evening in honor of their Mr. David P. Feder will leave fiext comprise, the program during the Miss Mamie Markowitz, of Kansas daughter and her fiance. Wednesday for a two weeks' visit summer period. City, Mo. Mrs. David P. Feder will with bis relatives in Minneapo.lis, Friends of Mr. atotl Mrs. C. Saltzbe matron of honor. The groom will Miss Rose Weinberg left Sunday Minn. ••. inan gave a surprise party last Friday have as his attendants Messrs. Ed- for Des Moines, where she will spend evening in honor of their ninth wedMr. Harry Hirshorn will leave Omaward Solig, Ben Shapiro and David P. the week, after which she will go to ding anniversary. The guests preha Sunday, July 9, for New York, Feder. The ushers will be Messrs. Chicago to spend sometime. sented the couple with a silver tea from where he will sail for Europe. Morton Alpirin, Louis Nathan, Lee set. : Mr. and Mrs. Jess Pfegler will enHe will visit in England, Holland and Schechter, Edward Alperson, Leo Adler, Will Pearlman, Jay Wright and tertain at a bridge party at their Rumania. While in Rumania he will Mrs. S. Cohen, who lias been ill in Morton M. Marcus. Little Miss Eve- home. Sunday evening complimentary visit with his parents who reside an Omaha hospital for the past sevlyn Kendis, of Sedalia, Mo., will be to Mrs. Premier's sisters, Mrs. H. Ba- there. He will be gone six months. eral weeks, is now at her home in the flower girl, and Master Howard randk, and Miss Beatrice Grawoig, of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky have Council Bluffs. Chicago, 111., who are visiting with Kaplan will be ring bearer. as their guest their son, Joe, of BerkeMr. and Mrs. Pregler. Mr. and Mrs. A, Gilinsky have reley, Calif. Mr. Kulakofsky is well turned from a week fend trip to Allen, GREENBERG-KOGAN. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kogan, of Minne- Mrs. I. Ziegler and children re- known here, having lived in Omaha Nebr. apolis, Minn., announce ther marriage? turned last week from Chicago \vh«re prior to going to California ten years The Young Judea dub will hold its of their daughter, Blooma, to Dr. A. they were the guests of Mrs. Ziegler's ago. regular meeting Sunday morning. All Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kippur. Miss Anne Zalk entertained ''The Greenberg, of this city, on June 14, Miss Lillie Kooper returned Mon- Flappers" at her home Sunday, after- members are urged to be present. at Hotel Lemington, in Minnapolis. day from Chicago vrh«r« sh« spent a noon. A playlet, "Flapperdom," writMrs. C. Saltzmah and children left Rabbi Silber officiated. Mrs. Samweek having motored there from Min- ten by Miss Zalk, was presented by today for Lake Okoboji, la,, Dansky, of Omaha, was the matron' neapolis where she attends tto Uni- the Misses Edythe Kenyon, Anne they will remain for several weeks. of honor, and Miss Dorothy Titerman vrsity of Minnsota. She wilt' spend Gerelick, Esther Brown and Anne the maid of honor. The bridesmaids the summer months with her parents, Zalk. A solo dance was given by Miss Miss Sara Lurie, who has been viswere the Misses Delia Bookman and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kooper. Pauline Selicow, accompanied by Miss iting with Mr. and Mrs. Hymsn Gertrude Bookman. Mr. Dave GreenKrasne, left today for her home in Miss Esther Zalk will leave Satur- Sara Somberg. berg, brother of the groom, served as Des Moines, la. Mr. Sam Cornman, of Cleveland, best man. The groomsmen were day evening for an extended trip to The Blossoms of Zion dub held its the Messrs. Sam Dansky, Wm. Grod- Des Moines and Clear Lake, la., and 0., formerly of this city, is the guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wilinsky and Dr. M. Nathanson. Messrs. then to Minneapolis, Minn. F. J. Alkitt, Sol Gottleib and William A number of affairs were gi^en this liam Tenenbaum, and Mr. Tenen- Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Rosenberry served as ushers little week for two brides, Miss Bernice baum. He will remain two weeks. Pbrnm 104. Miss Ethel Kogan was the flower girl. Solig, who is to be married tomorrow Mrs. Harry Novey entertained sevrha Best of Everything In FIow«r« %ni The ribbon bearers were Edna Ger- evening, and Miss Molly Corby, who enty guests at her home Sunday evenConfecttoat at Uoderat* Price*. man and Ida Kogan. is to be married Tuesday, July 4. Miss ing. 545 VT. Broadway. Nkzt Uborty Tbeater. The out-of-town guests were Mr. Sara Faier and Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. and Mrs. H. Greenberg, parents of the entertained at a dancing party for Mrs. Herman Abraham and daughgroom. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Alberts fifty couples Tuesday evening at the ter, Mrs. Clarence Wells, gave a surand daughter, Rosalie; Mr. and Mrs. Hanscom Park Pavillion complimen- prise party Saturday afternoon at S. Dansky, Mr. Dave Greenberg, Mr. tary to Miss Corby. Mrs. Lee Schech- their new home, 8314 Davenport, for ANNOUNCEMENT Wm Grodinsky and Mr. N. Slobodin- ter will entertain at her home this Mrs. Dave Wells. Thirty-five guests Rev. E. Fleishman sky and daughter, Sarah Slobodinsky. evening in honor of her sister, Miss were present. "THE MOHL" Dr. Greenberg and his bride left Solig, and her aunt-to-be, Miss Corby. Moved into his new home at Miss Lottie S. Giventer, who has for California to spend their honey1342 So. 25th Street, moon. After July 5 they will be in Mrs. Morris Milder entertained been visiting in the east for the past Corner of Woolworth Avenue. Omaha to make their home. twenty-five guests at the Brandeis seven months, will return home toTeL Atlantic 6637. morrow afternoon. Tea Rooms at a bridge luncheon PHILLIPS-ADLER. Tuesday for Miss Corby. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Adler, of Los The Y. M. H. A. baseball team deMiss Hannah Kooper will leave feated the Brown Park Merhant team FOR Angeles, Calif., formerly of Omaha, lor several-weeks Sunday afternoon at Elmwood' park, have announced the marriage of tEeiF 3atmady DIAMONDS,JEWELRY* daughter, Beraice, to Lee Phillips. visit with relatives in Chicago, HI. by a score of 9 to 3. The Y team will AND The couple eloped on March 4 and meet the South Side Sokol team next SPECIAL PLATINUM Miss Tiby Lazarus, of Des Moines, were married in San Diego. They will la., will arrive Saturday to be the Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. at DESIGNING reside in Long Beach, Calif. guest of Miss Anne Zalk for several Elmwood park, West Diamond. see weeks. GILBERT-RACUSEST. The marriage of Miss Lena RacuThe Ru-Na Society entertained at Diamond and Platinum sin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ra- a hayrack party at Valley, Nebr., for Specialists cusin, to Mr. Ed. Gilbert, of this city, fourteen couples Saturday evening. 1514 Dodre Street. Established 1894. DO S ( l u SS19. took place Saturday evening, June 17. Mr. and Mrs. M. Finkel entertained Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiated. The couple are making their home at pres- at dinner Friday evening for eight, STARTING SUNDAY complimentary to her home guests, ent at 2015 Fowler avenue. Mrs. N. Weitzman, and daughter, Mrs. G. Sevelowitz, of Atlanta, Ga. H. Marks--L. Levinson POSKA-ABRAMS. and an All-Star Cast in A complete surprise to friends was are proprietors of the Mr. and Mrs. Julius Newman and the marriage of Miss Shirley Abrams, Miss Berta Newman motored to Lindaughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Abrams, coln Sunday to visit with Mrs. Newof this city, to Mr. A. JPoska, of Lin- man's mother, Mrs. R. Snader, and coln, Neb., which took place Tuesday sister Mrs. H. Marx, and Mr. Marx. evening at Des Moines, la., as the 1552 North 20th Street wedding date had not been set. The Mr. and Mrs. Morton Degen will Phone Webster 2196 young couple spent the last week in return the latter part of the week Mark's says: We have the Des Moines, after which they will after having spent sometime in MilA Gripping Drama best trade in town. Why make their home in Lincoln. waukee, Detroit, and other large of the Southland. can't we have Y O U R S ? cities. NAIMAN-SOLIG. Mrs. Minna Jacobs left with Mrs. The marriage of Miss Bernice SoH. Cohn Tuesday morning for the :nnH=H::H::UHn:H:UH:nKn-H:=-:£H:::n:a:nK^^ lig, daughter of Mrs. H. S. Solig^of this city, to Mr. Julius Naiman, of Yellowstone National Park and CaliChicago, 111., will take place at the fornia. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, Miss Rita Mayer is visiting at the Nineteenth and Burt streets,, tomor- home of her sister, Mrs. Herbert Amrow evening, June 30, at six o'clock. stein. TO VOTE FOR Rabbi Morris N. Taxon will officiate. A dinner reception will be served at Mrs. Max Orkin and daughter, Carthe home of the bride at seven o'clock lyne, left Tuesday for Baltimore and for the immediate relatives. New York to remain until August. Mr. Naiman and his bride will spend a week here with Mrs. Nai- Miss Charlotte Hirschberg will be In the Most Popular Girl Contest man's mother, after which they will hostess to the members of the Ra-Oth go to Chicago to make their future Society this evening at Phelps Hut. home. Mrs. Sarah Brandeis Cohn left Tuesday morning for Yellowstone NaThe members of the Junior Hadas- tional Park and the west. sah held a weiner roast last Tuesday Mrs. Dave Goldman left Monday to evening, June 6, at Elmwood Park in spend several weeks in Minneapolis, place of their regular meeting. The Misses Fanny Ruben, Mary Maizel, Minn., and Chicago, 111. While in HH-HH:s::xHH«:H™n=Ha:H::K5:H:n:a3!fe and Sara Segelman, were on the ar- Minneapolis, she will visit with her rangement committee for this affair. brother, Mr. Fred Panor. Mr. Samuel Rosenblatt, son of Mr. Mr. J. B. Katz and daughter, Marion, of Marion, 111., arrived Sun- and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, and Mr. Edday to visit with Mrs. Samuel Katz at the Blackstone. W A N T E D — Experienced Miss Rose Minkin will leave Wedstenographer and booknesday for Des Moines, la., for an inkeeper. Bright graduate might do. Mr. Levinson, definite stay. c. o. Star Store, 24th and Parker Streets. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller have as their house guest Miss Miriam Harris, of Denver, Colo. Miss Claire Zimmer, of New York City, will arMust sell by August 1st. Good thing for rive tomorrow to spend a week at the someone that means business. Will reduce Miller home. stock if necessary. Downtown location. Mr. and Mrs. David Finkel enter- Chiropodist and Beauty tained twelve guests Tuesday evening Shop Established 1800 at their aparjanent in the Drake and Hftrney Street*. Court. Tlje waning was spent in .,18thPhone Doosbt* 8333 . dancing and card playing. *

The Maltshock Jewelry Co.


"My Old Kentucky Home"

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JIELP WANTED!' . Oast your vote for BERTHA BERGER the most popular girl in contest A HEBREW CLUB Peony Park.

Sunday, July 2,1922


SUNDAY, JULY 2, .1922...

PEONY PARK 78th Street and West Dodge Road': Admission $1.00 Take Dundee Car to 49th and Dodge and Bus will be provided-to ParJ| ajid Return. Bring Your Lunch and Family. Lunches also" sol^"ati5P|u*k. PRIZES FOR THE BEST DANGERS. MOST POPULAR GIRL VOTING CONTEST." ••




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Sunday, July 2,1922

Omaha Hebrew Club Picnic


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PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 29, Saturday at the World- theatre. No, story, written by "Helen Hawkins, is Miss Mason will not appear as a for- cleverly developed along lines that lorn and pathetic figure, (in which embrace both light comedy and seriPublished every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by she so often hag gripped our hearts); ous moments. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. The direction of the picture was in but .her ' character, as a charming Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. young hotel stenographer alone in the hands of Harry Beaumont, who ' To this document is forged the Mrs. Henry: Kohn. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. the world, and the sequel of her mat- also directed Miss Mason's recent sucname of "D. Rodionoff, Secretary." Mr. 120 X, Miss Ann Waxman entertained for rimonial venture, are likely to enlist cessful photoplay, "The Ragged HeirThe person who tried thus to turn 20 Broad Street, "\ -EDITORIAL BOARD: their own methods against the Jew- the members of the Mizpah club at keenest sympathy just the same. The ess." New York City. DR. PHILIP SHER. SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, HENRY MONSKY, baiters was acquainted with the do- her home Thursday evening. Dear Mr. 120 X: _ ings of the Ford operators. He Subscription Price, one year_ . Miss Minnie Krechefsky spent the July 10th, relative 4© 123 X's work at thought he would add the authentic- past week in Crete; Neb. Advertising rates furnished on application. ity of a document to his narrative. To Washington stating &at certain inThe picnic, which was to have been i NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT^Profits from the publics* formation/will be forthcoming the fol- a Russian, supporting his view of the ' tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal lowing week. Can yoa advise me if facts with a few sound and carefully given last Sunday by the congregaanything definite has transpired as a made documents is often one way of tion Tifereth Israel at Bemis Park, CHANOB Or ADDBESS—Please glv both MM old u l - M W addma; bf ran and •iga TOOT aim*. result of their activities, and oblige? helping the truth. And not to Rus- has been postponed a week, and will 'sians alone. Those; Frenchmen who be held July 2. 121X. forged the documents against the Jew, Miss Sara Friend is visiting relaA WISE DIAGNOSIS. Although/the course of history had Dreyfus, thought they were patriots. The gentlemen who foregathered recently in the city of prepared several, fake protocols, it When the United States government tives in Nebraska City. New York to lay plans for the forthcornirig celebration of thje seemed wise to a "certain enemy of finally became convinced that the Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Greenstone and {Fiftieth Anniversary of the Union of America Hebrew Congre- Ford to prepare some fake protocols most important among the "Sisson Miss Marie Courshon of Sioux City, Igations struck the proper keynote when they adopted as their of his own. He had heard, in all documents" were forgeries, I noticed la., motored to Lincoln Friday and slogan that the cure for- the ills of Judaism is More Judaism. probability, being a Russian, of the no rush to undo the work the forgeries will be the guests of Mrs. S. Green.These gentlemen in fine "spirit limited their invitations to this famous Serigus Nilns protocols, from had done. stone. meeting which was to^make preliminary plans for the great which Ford printed excerpts, and with The next counter-protocol bears the gathering next January- not merely to those identified with con- which Hearst's International will deal date of March 23, 1921, and lets its • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finsod mogregations affiliated with the Union, but they extended the in its next issue. • tored to Sioux City Sunday for a few imagination run as follows: courtesy of an invitation to rabbis and laymen representing days. Forged Protocols. Urged Pogroms. .every phase of Jewish* religious life. Their emphasis accordPRESENTING the combined achievements of ingly will be not upon Reform, but upon an unadjeetived Juda- Americans may^not ajl know that a "The conversation first turned on Mrs.. Harry Carson and Mrs. S. the best clothes makers in America,- Greater NeNefsky were hostesses to the Entre protocol is only a secretary's repdH of the subject of pogroms. E. G. Liebold ism whose sole claim td recognition is that it is loyal to the braska is pointing the way to new-found delights ideals for which the faith of our fathers stands and that it is a meeting. These counter-fakes have stated as follows. That he was the Nous Bridge,cliib Tuesday afternoon sponsored by Jews who are sincere. It is not surprising^ there- a certain distinction, because they are secretary and authorized agent of at the home of the former. Mrs. Max in comfort clothes. fore that the gathering last itfeek was one of ,th©*most represen- written about men m the United Henry Ford and before he left D e - Katleman and Miss Sara Waxman States. In Russia, the forging of troit he was in conference with Henry' won high scores. Mrs. M. Greentative that has ever been held anywhere. Super Quality Tropical Worsted of Chicago was an out-of-town Rabbis and laymen, - professional and business men, were documents, back and forth* has, long Ford and .that Mr. Ford expresse blatt Suits a feature, and priced at present and unanimously pledged their support to a movemen been a recognized move of political his desire to see pogroms at the ear- guest that promises to accomplish much for the unity of Israel in argument. The police forged against liest possible datei He further states The "Bluebirds" entertained ten Hand-Tailored Air-O-Weave and America and for the heightening and the deepening of the Jewish the revolutionary elements and the that he wished all the officials pres- couples with a picnic supper at CapTropical Suits are priced at consciousness among bur-people. The attitude taken by thes revolutionists forged against the gov- ent at this~ conference shall get i ital Beach Tuesday evening. ernment It was like any other intouch with all the K. K. K. and mak men is a forceful and a timely rebuke to those of our co-religionKup^enheimer and Campus Togs ists who believe that they; can overcome prejudice and misunder- dustry. But with us il is compara- arrangements as to when such po- Miss Norma Frosh has returned Finest Palm Beach Suits, at standing by denying or hiding their, ancestral faith. It is proper tively new. If Sergius Nilus thinks groms shall start in New York City. from Iron Mountains, Mich., where he is a protocolist, let him censider, He further stated that as far as h at this time to proclaim in no uncertain terms that only that she taught kindergarten. Palm Beach, Mohair and TropiJew can hope to gairi the respect of the non-Jew who is self- if he is still alive, or if he ever ex- was concerned he favors pogroms on j cal Suits; exceptional value at respecting and who in his own life seeks to work out the fine isted, whether a little American skill Jews even tomorrow. The quicker the ORT REPRESENTATIVES and snappiness do not add zest to the better. He further stated that he was ideals for which through centuries his fathers dared to liv VISITS JEWISH \ Genuine Palm Beach Cloth Suits. protocol game. This counter-protocol a member of the Ku Klux Klan. . . . and die. COLONIES IN RUSSIA (The e x t r a p a n t s at $4.00) in the most important of the F. H. Creech stated he favors pogroms It is true today above all times in the past that the cure brings Berlin. (J. T. A.) A telegram from Ford-Daniels operators. It forges this year if it possibly can be done. for the ills of Judaism is more Judaism. This is especially a Bukarest stated that Mr. Joffee, a Panama Cloth Sfuits; gray and . . C. W. Smith stated as follows: representative of .the Ort, arrived on proper slogan for the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, along as follows: sand shades; wonder values at "March 18-21. That he saw the time for pogroms the 19th of May in Charkow. He visfor this organization above all others sponsors the synagogue as the representative institution in Israel, and the synagogue is the "Protocols •Protocol of the confer- long before this, and that he favors ited the Jewish colonies and distribuDon't buy a summer suit until you see the expression par excellence of the religious life of the Jew. Build ence of saving the United States and pogroms also at the earliest possible ted seeds among them. The spirits of savings and satisfactions here. the world. All present the following date and hs will organize a group of • up the synagogue to the achievement of its supreme possibilities the colonists are much improved end people: Chairman Boris Brasdl, C. C. men to go to a church and steal a Tal- good hopes are entertained for the fu • and the Jew will have little to fear. SEE OUR SUMMER CLOTHING WINDOWS|, The men in New York seem to recognize this as seldom be- Daniels, F. H. Creech, Charles W. mud and that if he is caught he will ture. ENTIRE FARNAM STREET DISPLAY. Smith, Dr. Houghton, H. De Bogory, with his group start a pogrom on the t ",\ fore. We may well look forward to the January meeting of the '5J Union for which they are preparing, as a milestone in the on- D. Gordinko. Chairman Brasol: 'I Jew." WITH SHIRLEY MASON. 7' ward progress of our beloved faith.—Detroit Jewish Chronicle. will now introduce to you Mr. Rodio- When Mr. Daniels was shown copies William Fox is presenting Shirley noff, as he has important matters to of these fake protocols, his attention Mason in another of those dainty, telfus about' Mr. Rodionoff r 1 have was directed to a paragraph which powerfully appealing roles with which '3 just arrived here from Japan on the ran thus: this star has become so closely idenOMAHA. NEU. request of Mr. Liebold. I report upon tified under his management This "C. C. Daniels-stated that as far as my arrival to Mr. C. W. Smith. Now CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN I want to tell ydu a little of the pro- he was concerned he also approved time the photoplay is "Very Truly pogroms should Yours," and it is due to open next tocols as you all know we had a. little with Mr. Liebold; that rr b t t d 66A ibl and d be started as ^s66A as possible trouble in Russia from 1900 to 1905 with the Jews and Masons. We, the that we shall kill a few thousand Jews .^ . By NORMAN HAPGOOD. Russian Secret Police, thought it ad- in the United Sfates and especially in •• (Reprinted by Special Permission from Hearst's International.) visable that we get something written New York City, and he further stated about the Jews and his tactics. We that he favored pogroms on all of the Here is the second article in a series that tells the dramatic therefore selected our Great Friend rich Jew bankers." and comic story of a rich man's phobia and by which we Mr. Daniels naturally showed rightwho has written these protocols. Afhope to do something to establish the principles of American freedom. ter we had distributed them in Rus- eous indignation. It is hard for him, vanity and personal desire for revenge sia, it created a big sensation espe- or for Mr. Ford, to realize that their (Continued from last week.) In a letter bearing the stenograph- at being made ridiculous. Neither do cially among the Zionists. Of course, victims also feel righteous indigna[ [er's check mark of F. H. C , presuma- I hold any brief for the 'authenticity' you understand we have not got any tion. Mr. Ford, Mr. Brasol and Mr. bly Mr. F. H. Creech, who is number of the Protocols, though I have plenty such thing as the Jewish protocols, Daniels think I am persecuting them. 133 X, William J. Cameron, the ed- of material relating to various forms written by a Jew or in Jewish, but I Persecutors have, no taste for being jitor of the Ford weekly, with the of the Jewish 'peril'—'if you know got a man at my office in Japan, that persecuted. what I mean,' and believe in open dis- man is a very educated man, and he "numbered reporters," learns this: "Confidential. AJso received this cussion of real phases of it. 1 de- is writing up for me in Hebrew these Renew your subscription to "The week a letter from Professor Arthur spise monomanias, hate lying propa- protocols which we will be able to Jewish Press". send you.'" | Frothingham of Princeton, New ganda, am devoted to a pitiless unJersey, of whom you know, in which veiling of important groups oi facts This reference to Rodinoff has its that bear on public and international purpose. The individual who forged he said: Established 1882. " 'I heard last night a most peculiar conditions, am against disruption and this particular protocol knew Rodio- j thing—that the riot and attack of the for reform." noff and was annoyed at his associaWhile dozens of apparently sane tion with the Ford-Daniels machine, Union club, ostensibly Sinn Fein—was Teally instigated by Jews who stayed men fell for the mysterious nonsense, so he undertook to discredit him as an in the background. I was told of the there was also plenty of misgivings honest protol-produeer; and he also man who has the proof of this even and some inquiries, among those who undertook to sell his masterpiece to Established reputation will intd the main investigation. The person were approached. One J. F. Jennings people who were opposed to the Ford sure you Satisfaction in who has the proofs is in a position to sat himself down on the thirteenth campaign. It finally found its way • day of September at the hour of 11:21 into my hands. Not being quite so know." DIAMONDS, WATCHES Professor Arthur L. Frothingham a. m., and made up his mind that he credulous as Mr. Ford and his underand is a member of the Princeton faculty. wanted to know the truth about lings, I sent ths copies of the protocol SPECIAL PLATINUM WORK Charles W. Smith, operator 124 X. He both to Lieutenant Brasol and Mr. I was curious to know whether a telegraphed about it; he didn't wire to 1301 Douglas. AtL 6970. Daniels because I thought it might •Princeton professor Teally believed "that a crowd of people, coming out of any Ford factory underlings. He "get a rise" out of them, to see that a large Roman Catholic cathedral and reached out for Mr. Ford himself, in not all the protocols were on one side. However, knowing there is dynamite attacking a club across the street, pet- a telegram which said: Be Sure to Vote for "Henry Ford, Dearborn Publishing in this series, I took the precaution of haps fifty feet away, was led by Jews. BERTHA BERGER Company. Advise if Charles W. Smith requiring and receiving back from So I wrote to him. As to detectives, at the is your representative. Reply collect. them receipts declaring categorically or semi-detectives, I long ceased to be 30th Annual Celebration that I presented the protocol definitesurprised at the beliefs of any of J. F. Jennings." Mr. Ford never answered this tele- ly as a forgery. of the them, from William J. Burns down. But I had an idea that Princeton gram. He has people hired for such OMAHA HEBREW CLUB. Another extract from this protocol professors were not so easy, and I [ purposes. Whether Mr. Jennings ever ran as follows: "Mr. Smith (said): did not believe that Mr. Frothingham learned the identity of Mr. Smith is "The best way to do with the Jew and was fairly represented when the Ford not known. In one corner of the tele- the Roman Catholic is to first fight operators pretended to make him one gram in handwriting is this state-, t h e J e w a n d u s e t h e R o m a n C a t h o l i c | of their organization. My suspicions ntent: to help us fight the Jew, and after we "Mr. Daniels. I am sending this to have succeeded in starting a pogrom i were correct. P rofessor 'Frothingham Upholstering, | answered' my request for information you without answering it, to handle on the Jews here in New York we as you like. I don't like sending wires will clean them out from here.'" fias follows: Furniture Repairing, | "I was waiting to answer you on the around promiscuously giving identifiAnother extract runs: "Dr. HoughOverstuffed Furniture ^ point you raised as to the source of cation to strangers." The initials ton: . . . 'I agree with Mr. Smith Made to Order * j, the attack on the Union, club until I signed to this statement are W. J. C, and with Mr. Liebold and that we shall those of William J. Cameron, editor of AXT STTLB MATERIALS. I £ could look through my files. But, start pogroms o n the Jews at the earVALOURS. MOHAIR. TAPESTRY." j ^having been 'laid up' with a cold for Mr. Ford's weekly newspaper. liest possible date. You understand Tel. Webster 2224 I | the last few days and my secretary beFeared Being "Double-Crossed." that it is no easy job to uproot the , f ing off on a holiday, I will just say a In other words, Mr. Cameron nat- big Jewish bankers here in one day. .' •.. few words words in inre. re. II hav« hava no: nn real renl evievi- urally feared being "double-crossed." It will take them some time before ^, few > dence as to the attaek being pulled Knowing that his employes were pry- they can get them out of our way. ^ off by Jews. I cannct imagine hew ing about everywhere, he feared that But after we do get them out of our SR7 H. Lapidu. Pre«.-Ttea«. Jos. Pepper, Vlce-Presweat. •j. anyone could have got the idea that hostile detectives, hired by Jews, way we will have no trouble at all in W. G. ere. Secretary. j,this was my personal opihion, because might be carrying on counter-espion- proceeding with our other work.' B. ^it is not. I merely read/soon after age. Gordinko: 'In Russia I experienced Omaha Fixture & !v,the attack took place, that the Jews A counter-protocol — forged, of Supply Co. Swere really barit of i t I do not re- course, like all of them—will appear COMPLETE STORE AND ^membep where I read it. I have some- in this -tale immediately. OFFICE OUTFITTERS |thing on file about it, and. if I come We reproduce a letter from the H: We occupy ^across it I will send it op to you if it most private of Mx. Ford's private Republican Candidate for •rer 70,000 »qrare feet Re-Election famounts to anything. _ secretaries. Mr. E. G. Liebold is writ* Saathweat Garner Eleventh and DonsUs Streets.. "As for Henry Ford,-1 never .took ing to Mr. Daniels. The letter i s reluinuirai State Representative Phone: 4acltson 7J24 |much stock in hfe I-know produced on 3£|gfe i a of the July issuer OHAHA. NKB. , iwhat was at the back qf it—injwred of Hearst's International, so. here * e


give it as it would have appeared had and helped many pogroms on- the Mr. Liebold used the numbers, instead Jews, and I found it a success for a LINCOLN of merely every-dsy names, as the or- government or for a big corporation ganization- did in matters, deemed suf- to have the Jew and the Gentile all *i_ temple Benefit Bridge was given ficiently important. V:-. / - • r- split up.'" Thursday morning at the home of

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