It is the little things that separate .us "front. s n e t e s s - n o t the big ones.'
TVOL. H.—No. 30
The greatest . satisfaction '-in life i s to do good-work.—Hubbard.
•! •econd.dass mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at Omaha. Nebraska, nnder tha Act of March 3. 1878.
Bnte) portc
Permanent Orgastation for New Jewish Co|iunity Center Building is Formed at Meeting
Dr. Walter Rathenau, Foreign Minister of •. Germany, Dies at Hands of Berlin Assassins
Mamie Idler Victor mGirls Papular Contest
Riga (J. T. A.)—While advices Berlin.—Dr. Walfer Rathenau, Ger- j fortune in the sale of the Edison in- received from various sections of the , who was more candescent lamp in Germany, after ha Ukraine tend to confirm the reports man Foreign Mir any other Ger- had conferred with the American in- that the general famine situation is closely identified man with the effol f or the rehabili- ventor in this country and obtained improving, the situation in other since the war, the Continental rights for the manu- sections appears to continue to be tation of his cot by two or more facture. With his millions from the hopeless. To avoid being devoured was shot and Miss Bertha Beiger a Close Secunknown assassins! while on his way sale of the lamp he organized the by dogs, many famine-stricken ond in the Feature Event. Jews. from his resideneefJSaturday morning greater company for the manufac- people, knowing that death by starvaRepresentations to the-Ministry of ture and sale of electrical appliances tion is imminent, proceed to the to the Foreign Office. OVER 5pO CELEBRATE OMAthe Interior were made-by Jewish The Jewish minister was subjected and machinery of all kinds, with the • cemeteries and there await death. representatives following frequent to a hail of bullets, one of them strik- heaviest . capitalization in Germany, HA HEBREW CLUB ANattacks in the German part of.Upper ing him in the throat and passing and the A. E. G. stretched out its They are thus assured of immediate ' NIVBRSARY. burial. Silesia upon Jewish and Polish shop- upward to the brain, while others agencies all over the world. Prices of bread and provisions have keepers. Miss Mamie Adler was awarded the struck him in various parts of the Rathenau's mental agility carried been gradually falling, due as much most popular girl contest prize at body. Hand grenades also were him to many fields of thought. Those as anything else to relief activities proposed At the meeting,, it A permanent organization of the thrown, almost wrecking the car in who have written, critically of his life of the Jewish organizations. Local the Omaha Hebrew club's thirtieth |new Jewish Community Center was that a Board of Directors be elected, which Dr. Rathenau was riding, and have expressed the opinion that he relief workers are better organized anniversary celebration last Sunday, 5 formed at a meeting held Wednesday twenty members of this body to be inflicting further injuries on him. might have gained fame in any one and trained, which has a telling effect when she" defeated Miss Bertha Berelected by the membership and five |evening at the Blackstone Hotel. Mr. ger in one of the closest popularity The minister was shot and insiantly of three of four fields of work if the on the distribution of relief. fWilliam Holzman presided at the members to be appointed by tho contests that has ever been staged in killed as he was leaving his residence war had not drawn him into public Imeeting. Mr. Harry Lapidus read president. Ballots will be prepared the city. in Grunewald, a suburb of Berlin, for service and politics. |the minutes,of the previous meeting and sent to all subscribers. J. J. Freidman Won Over Max Frqm- the Foreign Officein an automobile. While the world was shaking with It was reported tjaat to date fheld several weeks ago, at which kin for Vice-Pweident. It has been established by the police the war, Rathenau was still writing |Morris Levy gave his gift of $50,000 $125,000 had been raised for a new that the shots were fired by two per- books on iphilosophy, elaborating beJewish Community Center building. INSTALLATION TO "BE HELD I towards a new building. sons in a strange automobile, and that liefs and opinions he had formed earTHIS EVENING. The officers elected are William Harry B. Zimman, chairman of the they used automatic, pistols. Chief of lier in his experience and apparently Holzman, president; Harry A. Wolf, campaign will begin active work imAt a meeting of the Omaha Lodge Police Richter personally is conduct- seeking some way out of the chaos. Advises All Persons to Boycott Peri'vice-president; Harry H. Lapidus, mediately toward raising the $300,One book, "Von kommenden Dingen," of the B'nai B'rith held last Thursday ing the investigatiwi odicals. secretary; • LOUIB Kirshbraun, treas- 000 building fund. printed also in English, ran into more evening at the Jewish Community Six Shots Firdi at Minister. All those present at the first meetlurrer. The officers named and the than 65 editioris^aHd others were alCenter, David Greenberg, former viceSix shots were fired and one hand TO CANCEL HIS BEQUEST IMfollowing will comprise the Board ing attended the meeting last night. president of the lodge, was elected grenade was thrown' as the murder- most as widely read. "Impressions," MEDIATELY. of Trustees: J. Simon, H. Monsky, 'ollowing are the names of those "Reflections," "Criticism of the Era" president for the ensuing term. er's car passed Drj|Rathenau's auto- and other books by him were generalN. P. Feil, L Ziegler, Dr. P. Sher, that were present at the meeting: In a spirited contest for the office mobile slowly, according to one acBen Tatle, Dr. N. Mushkin, H. MalCleveland. (J. T. A.) Mr. Alfred M. Kulakofsky, H. B. Zimman, M. of vice-president for the' ensuing count. The assassination occured in ly read and were credited by savants Benesh, a well known local lawyer, ashock, H. Rubenstein, L. Simon, M. Levy, Leo Rosenthal, A. B. Alpirn, with having a wide influence upon the the Place Royale, close to the Rathe- German mind. and vice president of the Cleveland ivingston, H. Wilinsky, J. J. GreenSam Wertheimer. nau villa. ' berg, M. Milder, A. Theodore, C. C. Rathepau was of large stature, be- Lodge of the Order of B'nai B'rith, Dr. Rathenan, who was unmarried, ing nearly 6 feet 4 "inches tall. TTig is in receipt of a letter from James Katelman, Leo Rosenthal, H. A. used alternately as a residence, his resemblance of Lenin in features was Platt White cf Williamstone, Mass., Wolf, Win. Grodensky, Dave Greentown house-in Gninewald and the of- noticed by many persons who had in which he severely criticizes the atberg, Max Fromkln, Izzy Rosenthal, ficial villa situated i u the garden ad- seen both meni titude taken by Harvard University B. Zimman, H. H. Lapidus, Si S. joining the Foreign Office. He also towards Jewish students. Mr. White, Jacobs, H. Monsky, S. M. Levy, D. He was immensely wealthy and the Three Hundred Emigrants From Feder, Dave Blumenthal, A. Rosenhad a country seat'at Freinwald, not value of all the Rathenau interests who is a Harvard g-a'luate of the - Soviet Russia Facing Diffifar from Berlin ;i blum, H. Rachman, J. C. Pepper,~Dr. before the war was' placed in some class- of 1900, writes: cult Circumstances. P. Sher* N. Yaffee, E. Fleishman, "Many Gentile graduates wQl stand The Foreign-Mfnister was a guest estimates at' $1,000,000,000. One -MAMIE ADLER John Feldman, Abner Kaiman, J. J. at dinner Friday night of Alanson B. story was that neither he nor his ad- behind you in the fight against the Constantinopel. (J. C. B.) By Mail.) Freidman, Dave Gross, S. H. Schaefer, pettifogging slovishness of n&i rowHoughton; the American Ambassador. visers knew the exact size of the for. Miss Berger was leading the .field —Emigration from Soviet Russia is S. Kirshbraun, N. P. Feil, H. H. On receiving news of the assassina- tune and that, when it came time to minded yulgafions who dare commit in obtaining-the largest number of continuing under very difficult cir- Auerbach, Chas. LevinjgQR, J. B. tion the American Embassy promptly pay income taxes his lawyers^told, the such a/caddish act in en institution voias^-at the• picnic,: but-workere for cumstances. For the last six months Robinson, Henry . Rosenthal, Wm. hoisted its flag te half-mast. jM>V°TTVn*riTt sfnyrtd;ifTTpf\i!fa tf> t tf o r , ^ i t g o of great, traditions. I have.a library Miss Adler had gathered enough v^tas 1,381. iiew .^arrivals _frpm Soviet Bns-Among" fiie- nreinoersr oF flie -govern- over'the books juff&l^rminV the ex- of modern drama, the most complete on-the" outside to put their canHelzman,. Ju sialiave been' registered in the offices which I had bequeathed didate across. • Miss Adler won in?ttte ment the word that Dr. Rathenau had act amount to "be paid._ of the Jewish Refugee Aid Com- E. Meyer, J/. Gross; University. I will now by forty-four votes. Miss Adler to Harvard been assassinated came as a stunning He had visited the United States mittee, of whom about 300 have no ZIONISTS EXCOMMUNICATED BY blow. Several of the ministers who many times and it-ifcas reported that cancel the bequest, as I have no dedefinite destination, while the remainsire to give my much loved collection CHASSIDIM IN CHECHO- r... had been awaiting the Foreign Minis- his hi admiration di der is bound, for various countries, f or j2 2 ^^ hc U e Ut ^ f to an institution trying to compete SLOVAKIA. ter's arrival for the cabinet meeting such: as Palestine, the United States, the large bujldingif. via;—&iis c'onSfry Prague. (J.~ C. B.—By jnaiL) burst into tears and the meeting was caused the kaiser and other Germans with Henry Ford." Argentine, etc. Permission to land for In conclusion, Mr. White urges a abandoned. them inust be1 obtained on arrival and Thanks to the - energy displayed - by to make changes in the building or- boycott of all Harvard periodicals. DAVID GREENBERG the Zionists, their field of influence Walter Rathenau was born neai they are sometimes detained on board dinances in Berlin. Rathenau said ships for several days until they, are is rapidly growing and can be felt in term, J. J. Freidman defeated Max Berlin September 29, 1867, of Jewish that it would be necessary to build a every phase -of Jewish life in the able to land. Lafely the Interallied Fromkin for the office. Freidman parents. After attending the gym- new Berlin on the roofs of the old nasium he went to the Charlottenburg city to accommodate the growth. authorities hive adopted a rigid at- Chechoslovak .Republic. But it is very was victor by eleven votes. Technical College, and later took titude in connection with the granting interesting to note that some Jewish Harry Trustin, Dr. M. Grodinsky, His restoration of the castle built of landing permission for Jewish circles, . particularly the Chassidic, and Dr. Nathan Dansky were elected many advanced degrees at the uni- in 1799 for Queen Louise of Prussia stand firmly against the cultural acrefugees and the French authorities trustees. Abner Kaiman was elected versities in Strassburg and Berlin, was reported to be intended as a gift especially have categorically refused tivities of the Zionists because of guardian. The officers will be in- where he distinguished himself by his for the empress, but he lived in it Say it Gives Jewg Too Great Reference Over Arabs and Natives. to allow refugees to land in Constan- some disagreements in religious views. stalled this evening at the regular scholarship. He studied philosophy, himself. The work of restoration tinople. Their argument is that the Protests and-declarations are made on meeting. Following the installation physics, chemistry and engineering, was done in great detail. He used London.—The Earl of Balf our made refugees are of Russian. nationality both sides and we cite here a recent of officers, the lodge will suspend becoming also an accomplished lineven the old candlesticks, inserting his first speech in the House of Lords occurrence in -Bardijov, Slovakia. The guist. and that therefore the Russian Con with the meetings for the remainder his own modern electric bulbs into in circumstances of uncommon intersulate (a remnant of Wrangel' Chassidim of this" city, embittered Of the summer. When he was 26 years old he orthem. The castle is at Freienwalde- est with an unfortunate result The against the Zionists because of a eminent) must undertake the neces ganized a corporation to promote one sport club which the latter recently an-der-Oder. die hards did not treat him kindly sary, steps. It is self-understood tha of his own methods for extracting alZANGWILL CRITICIZES organized, excommunicated all of the During the war Rathenau was cred- and the Government was defeated 60 no Russian official would ever under kalis and works for the purpose were ZIONIST POLICY OF ited with great ingenuity in providing to 29. He had to reply to a motion take to intervene on behalf of Rus- members of the local Zjonist organizaBRITISH GOVERNMENT built in France, Switzerland and Po- war materials, stripping metal roofs tion. When the attention of the Suby Lord Islington condemning its sian Jewish refugees. As a nexample London. (J. C. B.) Israel Zang- land, as well as in Germany. Unof the great difficulties which are be- preme Rabbi in Prague, Dr. Henry will made the following statement to doubtedly he had his father's help in off houses, melting' church bells into mandate of Palestine on the ground —Photo by Hern in gencouraged here it must be state Brody, was called to this, he declared the Jewish Correspondence Bureau: the organization of this first enter- cannon, contriving substitutes for cot- that it violated the pledges given by BERTHA BERGER in an open letter that' this was an ton and nitrates, and accomplishing the Government to the people of Palthat a transport of 24 refugees from "The vote of the House of Lords, prise. Odessa is now being detained here act of fanaticism and intolerance and other feats to supply the armies. estine and was opposed to the wishes was awarded' the first prize trip Emil Rathenau had first made a while not exercising dirept governand, so far^ all steps that have been he also publicly" denounced them. of th^ majority of that people and to Yellowstone National park. As a Meanwhile, the;Zionists in Bardijov mental power, cannot but strengthen undertaken to obtain landing have that therefore its acceptance by the result'of the" large number of votes HOUSE OF COMMONS TO REDEEM SYNAproved unsuccessful. The situation of were not inactive.' They_printed bonds the hands of the many enemies of ZiT council of the League of Nations that were obtained by the candidates, WILL DECIDE PALESTINE GOGUE VALUABLES the refugees on board cannot be de- for large and* small-amounts and de- onism. It will even be welcomed by should be postponed until it was mod- Miss Bertha' Berger was awarded a QUESTION JULY 4iTH Berlin. (J. T. A.) Ben Zion Kate, scribed, in Wbrds and they must'ab- clared that they would pay all of their the British Cabinet, which has long ified by being made to comply with trip to Chicago and return. Austen Chamshown signs of reducing the Balfoir London. (J. C. B.) a Jewish journalist, left for Moscow, solutely be brought to shore to be duties towards the "Jewish community the pledges given by the Government During" the aftrenoon a large-prowith these whether" the " duties be" Declaration to a minimum. The vote where he will negotiate with the So- berlain, replying to a question by cared for. There was a select but not large gram was given, at which Mr. Henry taxes, beneficial works, or what. The will help save the face of the Cabinet. viet-Government in behalf of a group Johnson-Hicks, declared that Church- gathering of peers to hear Lord Bal- Monsky "reviewed-the history" of th« No reference is made in Balfour's ill will defend ithe, policy of the Govof rich Jews for the purchase of the Spotted fever is rampant amongst most interesting part of it is, that four address the House for the first dub, since-its* founding here, thirty the new arrivals. As the refugees are the Zionist secretary Jn Bardijov, ac- statement that the Mandate was as- valuables of synagogues recently con- ernment on the Palestine Mandate time. and the Rutenberg concession on July years ago. The evening was spent not subject to strict hygienic control, cepting these bonds in payment, with- signed to England by virjue of her fiscated by the Soviet authorities. There was a select, but not large dancing. undertaking the creation of a Jewish 4th. and especially as no proper quaran- holds 5 per -cenfci of the amounts in Britain the.responsibility of the trustine statiorts are in existence, there behalf of the Zionist' funds and that National Home in Palestine, or that SITUATION IN RUSSIA IMteeship for a Zionist political pre- RATHENAU MAKES BEQUESTS Jews throughout the worid -pressed is great risfcj of the disease taking. the Chassidim of Bardijov, as this PROVED, DR. BOGEN DECLARES LINDENFELD TO BE dominance where 90 per cent, of the for such assignment. The opposition TO JEWISH INSTITUTIONS created a critical financial situation » : RELEASED 6 N BAIL population was non-Zionist The mangreater proportions. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Dr. B. Bospeeches, on the other hand, in thelocal community} did not protest Berlin.. ( J , T . A.) Walter RatheWarsaw. (J. T.- A.) The police ire date, he said, was a distortion of the gen arrived here from Russia. Hereintention of surrendering Palestine, against this arrangement. nau, it is Jearned,t,has included in his fuses to give information on condisaid to be contemplating the release AMALGAMATION OF TWO mandatory system. A small proporwhich was obtained under this. pretions in Russia, but declares that the under heavy'-baSl of JHarry Lindenfeld, tion of the population would be given last will and ^testament a number of tence. Zionist leaders cry that nothME|BOURNE CONADVISES ITALIAN general situation is improved. He left notorious agent,*whose alleged con- preferential treatment, he declared, bequests to .Jewish institutions. ing is wanted save money, whereas it GREGATIONS PROPOSED An interesting detail has been made GOVERNMENT. TO SUPPORT for Moscow. fession of Ms complicity in the Wall and British authority was to enforce T ANTI-ZIONIST CAMPAIGN was first necessary to obtgin a' solid known, testifying to the deep interMelbournfe* (J« C. B. By Mail.) Street bomb o^trage' stirred the po- the system. The mandate, he assertpolitical foundation. If th|ij; were seest f and ^knowledge which Rathenau Considerablerinterest is being aroused Rome. (J. T." A,) *The Italian palice of two" continents.' REPORTS CONVERSION OF cured, money would then come of ited, would give rise to the most bitter had of Jewish1" matters. When grownhere at the ;propbsal to amalgamate per, "Momento," in Turin advises the RABBI TO CHRISTIANITY; self." ; hostility on the part of Arabs. ; two senior* • Melbourne synagogues. Italian Government -to support the up, he studied the Talmud in Hebrew HEBREW CHRISTIANS JEWISH MI?fiSTE£ DE- , . Mr. Zangwil! conculded his stateThe schema is an outcome of the fi- anti-Zionist campaign. , If • "Agland with the help of a "Yeshivah BoLondon. (J. T. A.) The Reverend ment by saying: "The Zionist leadFENDS' VATICAN INTERESTS PEASANTS AND JEWS VICnancial difficulties of the two co and France will evacuate the Orient,cher." • • ers have surrendered principles to su- Carpenter, head of the Mission in PoTIMS OF ROBBER BANDS London. < J . C B.)\SenatorSchenitions and the fact that as at Italy will replace them and thus gain Rathenau will be buried in the famland, reports that a Rabbi and his zer, ItalyVFoi|*ign Minister, arrived gg perficial successes." I M Berlin, June 28. < j . T. A.) PeasIslam's sympathy, says the paper. family have been converted to Chris- in London-in order to press for the ants as well as Jews have suffered ily mausoleum on* the Jewish ptes*§fit divided neither can afford to tianity. Bishop Bury has -baptized 26 inclusion into, thetMandate of clauses at the hands of "insignificant" robber tery at Schoenhauserallee.' ;*"... support a qualified Rabbi and ChaCONGRESS OF JEWISH I JEWS ASKED TO GIVE Jews in Warsaw and established a safeguarding and, protecting Catholic bands operating in the Ukraine and zan/The position in which Melbourm COMMUNITIES INi PRUSSIA I2,0ao-POIJNP6 SILVER community of ^'Hebrew Christians" in interests in Palestine. Jewry finds itself is a serious one. White Russia, a dispatch of the Jew- RUTENBERG NOT A BOLSHEVIK J Berlin. (J. T. A.) Theffirst' ConRiga. < J. T.- A.) Asked to surLondon. (J. C. B.) , Winston that city, it was further reported. There is only one synagogue that is ish Public Committee in Moscow to The "Sunday^ Times'? . points out render 310 puds (about12,400 poundjri gress of Jewish Communities in PrusChurchill,, replying to" an interpolafully equipped and that is St. Kilda. its Berlin office declares, replying to that is rather peculiar that it must of silver byfurther "stripping the syn- sia was -opened here with-about 300 One of the elder congregations had agogues of their valuables,' the Jew- delegates representing about 500 com- GERMANS RIOTING be a Jew-who takes up the cudgels the request of the latter for a full in- tion in the.House of Commons, deneither Chazan or Rabbi. IN UPPER SILESIA for the Vatican. (Remark by J. C. vestigation of reported atrocities. The clared that although he was no tin a munities ' attending. Representatives ish representatives^informed M. "B The general feeling is that the kayev, chairman- of the Petrograd of the government welcomed the conBerlin. (J. T. A.) Martial law B.: Senator. Schanzer, while in Wash- reply in full states: "Our reports position to /give a biography of. Pinamalgamation is impossible. There vention, promising that the Governhas been proclaimed in the towns of ington .at the,Disarmament Confer- show that only insignificant robber chas Rutenberg, he could assure the ^Corifiscatfon ,.;of bands are involved. Peasants have House of Commons that Rutenberg is a general view that the East Mel- Commission . Church Treasures, that it is impossi- ment would subsidize the Association Ratiboi and Oberglogau, following ex- ence, stated to the correspondent of also been robbed. The whole section, was an anti-Bolshevik. bourne Hebrew Congregation, whose the J. C.-B. that he belonged to the of Prussian Kehillahs. The conven- tensive pan-Germans in the ble for them to meet the demand. and members are chiefly immigrants from tion decided to establish a permanent German part of Upper Silesia, during Catholic. persuasion.; Mr.. Schanser is has been absolutely quiet of late nt steps have been taken t^ f H"!? Renew., your, subscription to "The Europe, requires a Chazan; what the Nearly every Jewish family ,ln association of all Jewish Communities which shops owned by Jews and Poles j indeed, of. Jewish-origin, but ther outbreaks." Bourke Street: Congregation requires Omaha reads "Jhe Jewish Press", of Prussia. i Jewish jPres*-. ^ ",. ' j -_ were plundered. - \ Self baptixed.£ ; is a lecture*. . - - .-"
Officers Elected and Executive Committee or Board of Trustees Appointed for New Jewish Community Center.
Warsaw (J. T. A.)—The Minister of the Interior att Kattowitzf having had his intention drawn to articles of an inciting nature appearing, in the press, has issued an order to ,the police chiefs of Upper Silesia calling for a halt in further excesses upon
David Greenberg New President of Local Lodge of B'nai B'rith
Gentile Harvard Graduate Demands Boycott o? Harvard Periodicals
Jewish Refugees Are Without a Destination «
a i
louse of Lords Opposes Nandate for Palestine
1 f
JULY 6, 1922 man Speier, left for Chicago Sunday, ZIONISTS EXCOMMUNICATED BY "CHASSIDIMIlif CHECHOWith regard to the Jewish ques- He will return to Lincoln next January . v- • :.SLOVAKIA^; tion, M. Galvanowsky pointed out that after a year and a half internship in Published avcry Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Prague. <J. G. B.~By , mail.) the, Jewish population in Lithuania the Cook County Hospital. THE JEWISH' PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Thanks to the energy displayed toy and White Russia is comparatively Office: 482 Brandeig Theatre Building.—Telephone; Jackson 2372. the Zionists, their field of influence dense, about 8 to 12 per cent of the Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gold, whose NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. is rapidly growing and can be felt in otal, and owing to its social charac- marriage took place late in May in every phase of Jewish life in theter it forms an important element in Philadelphia, returned to Lincoln FriEDITORIAL BOARD: Czechoslovak Republic But it is very the economic life of the country. day from their wedding trip. Mrs. DR. PHILIP SHER. SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, HENRY MONSKY, interesting to .note that some Jewish From the Jewish standpoint Lithua- Gold was formerly Miss Evelyn Baum jj circles, particularly -the r Chassidic, nia and White Russia are one entity. of Philadelphia. Mr. William Gold ...$2.50 Subscription Price, one year-.. c stand firmly against the cultural ac- Both territories at present are aiming was at home informally Sunday afterAdvertising rates furnished on application. r tivities „ of the Zionists because of at a consolidation of their national noon—three to six in the evening—of NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the pufc some disagreements in religious views. distinctions. White Russia and Lith- his daughter, Mrs. Jos. Simon, honortion of The Jewish Prea» axa to be given to worthy communal causes. Protests and declarations are made on uania are aiding each other in theing Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gold. both sides and we cite here a recent work of reconstruction and their CHANGB OF ADDRESS—Please &tv» both the old and new addreia: Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro and family . b* imn and alia your nam*. occurrence in Bafdijov, Slovakia. The movement for liberation, both from accompanied by Mrs. H. Garson and Chassidim of this city, embittered Russia and Poland, and there is a Mrs. M. Greenblatt, of Chicago, moagainst the Zionists because of a strong tendency for a federation and tored to Omaha to attend the KaplanTO BRING-JEWS BACK TO JUDAISM. club which the latter recently an even stronger kind of union be- Corby wedding which took place July A number of the most prominent Jews of New York met on sport organized, excommunicated all of the tween the two states. There is com- 4. Mrs. Shapiro, Ben and Helen Sha. invitation .of AdolphS.Ochs, publisher of the New York Times, members of the local Zionist organiza- plete national autonomy for the Jews to discuss ways and means of bringing Jews back to Judaism. tion. When the attention of the Su- in Lithuania, both in principle and in piro left the following day for ChicaAmong' the men at that-meeting were Jews whose names are preme Rabbi in Prague,. Dr. Henry practice. Lithuanian Jewry is organ- go where they will spend a few weeks. household words throughout the country in the fields of finance, Brody, was called to this, he declared ized according to,its communities in Mrs. S. Adelson entertained the law, business, and the;• theater but who have rarely taken much in an open letter that this was anthe Jewish National Council which is members of the Yaomi Club at her active interest iri Jewish affairs. Their presence at this meeting act of fanaticism and intolerance and a legally recognized institution whose home Wednesday afternoon. to launch a movement to bring Jews back to Judaism is significant he also publicly denounced them. resolutions are carried into effect by of an awakened realization on the part of all Jews that something Meanwhile, the Zionists in Bardijov the Government departments. In or- Mr. Ben Polsky and Mrs. Lew Polsdrastic must be done to save Judaism in this country. not inactive. They printed bonds der to protect the Jewish national au- ky and Evelyn Polsky motored to ChiIn opening the<lmeeting Mr. Ochs made this frank and im- were for large and small amounts and de- tonomy and regulate administratively cago Tuesday. Mrs. Ben Polsky and portant sttement: - Arfy-. movement which promotes religion is clared that they would pay all of their all questions relating to it, there is a daughter, Shirley, who accompanied conducive to good citizenship. Yet, American Jews, who pride duties towards the Jewish community Ministry for Jewish Affairs appoint- them as far as Omaha, will spend two Reduced from the Opening Season S themselves on their good American citizenship, have been more with these whether the duties be ed by the Premier, but in practice weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. remiss than any other denomination in this regard. They are taxes, beneficial works, or what. The nominated by the Jewish National M. Bessel. Prices—Now allowing 300,000 of their children in New York to grow up with- most interesting part of it is, that Council. The conflict at present in out any religious instruction whatever. It is time that we in- Zionist secretary in Bardijov, ac- Lithuania regarding the Ministry for Mrs. Harry Garson entertained at •t'i stilled into our children the feeling that to be a Jew is not an im- the these bonds in payment, with- Jewish Affairs is only an adminis- a birthday party Sunday evening in ; pediment. The Jew who.stands up for his Judaism, proud of his cepting holds 5 per cent of the amounts in trator similar to the Ministers of Fi- honor of her daughter, Helen. .•JJL faith, invariably has the respect and admiration of his fellow citibehalf of the Zionist funds and that nance or Education, and as such has Mrs. Sam Nefsky and Duke Nefsky n[ zens of every creed." r the Chassidim of Bardijov, as this no place in the Constitution. The left for New York Saturday. -m It is high time that a movement was begun in this country to created a critical financial situation national economy "remains safeguardjsj" bring the Jew back to his own religion. Religion has very little in thelocal community, did not protest ed in the Constitution, but the most ^ place in the daily program of the average young Jew and Jewess, against important point is that it remains in this 'arrangement. Barry H. LapMnt Prei.-Treai. jot In this deficiency both orthodox and reform branches are equally Jo«. Pepper, Vtce-Presldent. actual practice, which is its greatest W. G. Ure. Secretary. joj at fault. There has been an ominous tendency on the part of GERMANS RIOTING security. It ha sachieved a great Jewish young folks to hide as much as possible their Jewish identIN UPPER SILESIA. deal of success, and that is its greatOmaha Fixture & ity.. It was the opinion of most of the attendants at the New Berlin. (J. T. A.) Martial law est argument. Only a feeling of misSupply Co. York meeting that only by instilling greater respect for Judaism has been proclaimed in the' towns of trust on the part of the Jews could itself in the hearts of the Jews would the present wave of anti- Ratiboi and Oberglogau, following ex- see in the decision of the Sejm an COMPLETE STORE AND Semitism be properly combated. OFFICE OUTFITTERS tensive rioting by pan-Germans in the upon the principle of national We occupy We are very happy to see such able and influential figures as German part of Upper Silesia, during attack It was Dr. Solowetisch-K aver 70.000 sauan feet Ochs, Hays, Marshall, Frohman, Mayer, Schiff and others assume which shops owned by Jews and Poles autonomy. Southwest Corner who attracted the attention of world the leadership m this lay movement. Although the official open- were plundered. iMeventb and Uouelas Streets. Jewry to the situation by his regisnaPhone: Jackson 2721 ing of this big movement will take place on the occasion of the tion. The Ministry for Jewish AfOMAHA. NEB. ftext convention of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Berlin, (J. C. B.) A few days fairs remained 'n existence. It is the campaign will be conducted in conjunction with orthodox lead- ago the Zionist Organization of in nohas sort of peril whatsoever. It is ers and will have no official connection .with the Union. Frankfort-on-Main held its general essential fcr the welfare of the counThis is the greatest single item of Jewish news that has come meeting. On behalf of. J)r. S. Ehr- and no one has the slightest in•aa to us this year. Here is a drive that asks no large amount of mann and Mr. Jacob Bosenheim, Mr. try of making an attack upon it. money from us, nothing but our interest in saving Judaism. With Weiss stated that these two leaders tention National in Lithuania is Many Medium Weights, Ideal for J the right kind of leadership this big movement cannot fail.—Wis- of the Agudas Tisroal were prepared safeguardedautonomy 113 most by the fact that it consin Jewish Chronicle. to" co-operate with eleven sections is in the Lithuanian State to brii^g Upholstering, working for the reconstruction of a about a friendly co-operation between Furniture Repairing, Palestine. Dr. S. Ehrmann the various peoples who inhabit the no : Jews and Christendom the bearers and bringers of Jesus. Jewish Overstuffed Furniture And a third reason, perhaps most and Dr. Jacob Rosenheim are not only country and to make it possible to Made to Order binding of, all, to move Christian among the leaders of the German uphold their distinctive cultu'es. BY DR. : STEPHEN S, 1OXN * SWMSON.PKS churches •" consciously to do "battle Agudas- Yisroel; they also take a ANT STT1.E MAXKK1ALS. wunounui. VALOURS. MOUAIR. TAPESTllY. OMAHA. NEU. prominent part in the Agudas YisInstead of dealing in general terms against existent prejudice respecting roel World Organization. Dr. Ehrthe Jew ought to be found in that Tel. Webster 2224 with the theme, How can a better unCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN; derstanding be arrived at. between consciousness of reparation owing to mann recently, visited Palestine, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Friend anJew and Christian in America?-and the Jew for .nearly nineteen centuries viewed conditions there on the spot. the further, withal identic question, of Christlessness, which have been This step, therefore, may be influ- nounce the birth of a daughter born enced by what he has seen in Pales- Friday, June 30. What can Christian churches do tosuffered by Christ's people. I have said to these young men of tine. offset prejudice? I venture to offer a ua The statemant submitted t() the Mr. and Mrs. A. Poska, whose mar82 concrete example of what one group whom I have spoken: We gave you riage took place in Des Moines, la., in Christendom in our land is doing, light and you have bound us in dark- meeting says that it has now become last week, returned to Lincoln Saturat it has come under my observation, ness; ye have blessed you with Jesus a historical necessity for the collec- day. Mrs. Poska was formerly Miss in order to bring about a finer, juster and you curse us with Christlessness; tive will to rebuild Palestine to be ex- Shirley Abrams of Omaha. we gave you your best, and to us inpressed in a form which without prejunderstanding between Jew and Christian. return, you have done your worst in udice to the distinctive points of view Mr. Maurice Greenblatt, of Chicago, of the .organizations participating, arrived Sunday to join his family and For a number of years, as many as his name. SBi) five or more, the Hartford TheologicNothing could be more un-Messian- and without merging their activities is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Garal Seminary, affiliated with the Con- ci than the attitude of Christendom will permit the establishment of a Eon. !*S3j gregational Church, hag sent its grad- toward Israel, the people of Jesus, common platform for all who are wil Dr. Aron Speier, who has been visnj4 uating class in a body to New York though I do not forget that there have ling to co-operate in the establish ment of a National horn^ for the Jew iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her•jiil in order that its members might, be- been m every generation Christian ©ip fore graduation, familiarize them- men and women who have borne ish people. •M' selves with the city's outstanding so- themselves as the new brothers and Tpu cial and religious institutions. Year sisters of Jesus toward his elder L1THUANIAN PREMIER ON FOR RENT—Five large modJEWISH NATIONAL RIGHTS '•-oj) after year, under the guidance of a brothers and sisters. ern furnished rooms at 1610 Genoa. (J. C. B. By Mail.) M. *" • ; member of its Faculty, the members It is to themselves chiefly and to Galvanowsky, the Lithuanian PreNorth 26th Street \en of the class have come to me in order us Jews only secondarily that Chrismier and head of the Lithuanian Dele1-Dpi ' that they might heat my—word on tians owe it to be Christian, to be -i I'pui what can be done by men in the Chris- the followers of the Jew who com-gation at Genoa, has given an inter Vsxe *»an ministry in our land in order to mended love, who commanded forgive- view to the Jewish journalists here, If you want "THE JEWISH PRESS" THREE ROOMS FOll RENT— [«&) lessen, and indeed to overcome, the ness, who bade men rise to the sub- the interview lasting over two hours. on West Farnam district near The Premier spoke of the frontier )••».JQ prejudice that obtains jagainst-the Jew lime heights of brotherliness. to come into your home each week car line. Call Harney 2445 question which was exercising Lithi'£v[ s s Jew. •• , But, it may be asked, have Jews no uania at the present moment. He also except Sunday and evenings iJ i I have tried to point put-to these without fail—pay your 1922 subscripduty to Christendom? May it not be dealt with the international situation call Harney 5035. I poo young men that a threefold resppnsiasked of us that we, as a corporate as it affected Lithuania, particularly tion AT ONCE. S'BBJ bility rests upon the; Qhristian religious community, be just to Chris- in its relations with Russia and Po[Bxn church or churches, and above' all tians and to Christendom? We may u W A N T E D *— Experienced J i's« P ° n those who are responsible for "THE JEWISH PRESS" gives you be, we are, we have always been Just Oh, that first year of married life stenographer and book- * I jgjg the guidance of Christendom.- . to Christianity and to Christendom when husband and wife beome really keeper. Bright graduate iVM For one thing, Christianity is a the latest and most authentic news of alike, eVen though we have not found might do. Mr. Levinson, aij daughter religion of Mother Israel. it possible to subscribe tfi the Chris- acquainted with each other and disc. o. Star Store, 24th and Jewish interest the -world over. $j Christianity is rooted in the soil tianized teaching of Jesus the Jew.cover the little readjustments that must be made if they are to pull well 1 Parker Streets. y\ whence the faith of Israel; grew. Israel has never been unjust, and in Christianity is directly—and > immedi- the presence of mountainous injustice in double harness. Such a story is EVERY JEW should be informed and ately related to theTeljgion of-Israei, afid'wrong inflicted'upon the'Jew by "WOMAN, WAKE UP" in which whether one hold that completed Christendom, the Jew has not been Florence Vidor stars and which comes should keep informed of Jewish hapFOR RENT—JPurnished Room. Judaism, or with Darmstetter that it unforbearing to the Christian. For to the World Theatre for one week Ideal place for young man starting Saturday. Written by Ben penings in Omaha, in the United States be a Jewish heresy, or s, who nearly two millennia the Jew hasMoore Clay, it is a drama brightened or woman, or will share are unswervingly loyal members of been schooled by reason of the pracand in all countries, of Europe. and spiced with clever touches of house with young couple. the House of Israel, that jt'be-vyidely tices of Christendom in the sublime cpmedy and satire.;': Florence Vidor Call at 2515 Binney St. divergent from the faith'of'Jesus the art of forgiveness. plays the role of a girl who has been Jew. • • . ' ; ; " " "THE JEWISH PRESS" will do this " I f Christendom lias terribly hurt raised in the seclusion of the mounIn any event, Christianity j s , im- the Jew, it has also 1 greatly served tains and knows nothing of the modfor you. YOU CANNOT AFFORD mediately referable to the fijother- the Jew by evoking from the soul of ern world of jazz. ^Married after a f aith of Israel whatever be the char- the Jew •; a • measure' of - forbearance brief courtship, she 4nds her husTO BE WITHOUT "THE JEWISH acter of its relationship .thereto; This -which no people on "earth has ever band's frivolous tastes do not harcircumstance alone and apart from been challengedjto achieve. We were, PRESS." No Springs—Honest Weight everything else->abiding we. would , bej "we; 'shall be just to monize With her quiet, home-loving disposition. And he thinks her too and ineyasable, obligation.uiwn\.the Christendom whatever Christendom be domesticated. Sbji is willing to meet Christian church in relation to, ^ peo-'t o t h e ' ' J e w i -' HOBART ELECTRIC - ••••'•"• hlntiaifway but in "ofder to get him pie directly descended from those who' GRINDERS, CHOPPERS to come' naif way, she • has to go all were the founders and disciplesflf.I s -JEWISH ^EJM CLUB AND MIXERS. the-way before he realizes that marrael. ' ,; ^ ; •;,; ? '' " '• — '_\ . • ':•' SUPPORTS :NEW PREMIER riage is a fifty-fifty'game of give and The second responsibility, that rests •Warsaw«"(JrT.:'A.) President Pil- tate. The way in which she brings Service,and Sales: upon Christianity' i s the Obvious one sudski has appointed Arthur Slivinski, about a- Jack Spratt-and-his-wife ar13th AND JACKSON STREETS which grows- out of the false and, ina democrat, as Prime Minister'of Po- rangement makes "WOMAN, WAKE Phones: its sequelae, infinitely hurtful, teach- land. The new premier will receive UP" one of the season's smartest and ing that Jews as Jews are responsible the support of the Central Bloc, the cleverest comedy dramas. Miss Vidor Toledo Scales - - Doug. 7682 for the manner of the death of Jesus. Jewish and German clubs, consisting is given the support of Louis Calhern Hobart Electri:. Dong. 7896 In all history there has. been no more of 228, as against the 188 members and Charles Meredith. Marcus Hardeep and hurtful injustice that has of the opposition. It is the first time rison directed. ' t h e story also proWe have on hand Used and been wrought by "the "over-ehphasis in the history of 'the ytoiitg Polibh vides such thrills - as an airplane Rebuilt Machines. upon Jews as the" slayers" of" Jejms Hepubiic-that the "rainbrities-" belong cr&hln^into .-a mountain, s a forest g , and the under-emphasis-upon^Jews a s officially to the majority, in the Sejm. i a n d .
• ' >
. • • - •
The "I Will" Man is Here and Says:
i t
"Clean House" All Broken Lines Men's and Young Men's
$25 to $65 SPRING SUITS
$32J50 Year Round Wear
M i i Your Check to the
Jewish Press Pubiis
482 Saunders-Kenrtedy Bldg.
fire, a Bear chase and k i«a fog.
S—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1922 ENGAGED. Mr. and Mrs. I B. "Grossman announce the engagement of i their daughter, Etta, to Mr. Lester Heeger, of Sioux City, la. . No date hag been set for the marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Grossman will be* at home at' 3101 Lincoln Blvd.,, Sunday afternoon to SELIGMAN-WOLR their iriendp and relatives complimenThe marriage of Miss Jennie 'Wolf tary to their daughter and her fiance. "to Mr. Philip Seligman took place Tuesday evening, July 4, at the home Miss Rose Davidson, of this city, is of Mrs. J. Robinson. Rabbi Grodin- at present employed in- the offices of sky officiated. Only the immediate A. B. Seelenfreund, secretary of the friends and relatives of the bride and Independent Order5 of the B'nai'B'rith groom were present. at Chicago, HI.
Social, Club and Religious .: , _ . Activities:
Fifty couples have been invited to Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and children the Zeta Beta Tau dance to be given motored back to Omaha after a 'the night of July 14 at the Prettiest months stay at Des Moines Ja., with 'Mlie Club. Men from Lincoln, Kan- Mrs. Kulakofsky's parents, MT. and sas City, Denver, Sioux City, and Des Mrp. S. Davidson. Mrs. Davidson moMoines will be the guests of the tored with her daughter to Omaha Omaha members. The committee in and will return the latter part of the charge of "plans for the dance includes J week. Mrs. M.-Kulakofsky and Mr. Messrs. Meyer Beber, Louis Somberg,, Joe Kay will accompany Mrs. DavidEdwin Katskee, Millard Krasne, and son to Des Moines, la. ? Nathatt E. "Jacobs^ Miss Annette Lieb entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky have eight guests at luncheon at the Buras their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. gess-Nash Tea Rooms Thursday aftSfcks, of Sioux City, la ernoon complimentary to Miss Nettie Levitt of Des Moines, la. Mrs. Sam Goldstein, of Missouri Valley, la., who has been visiting with Miss Anne White returned Sunday Mr. Goldstenrts -parents, Mr. and Mrs. from Ottmuwa, la., where she visited A. Goldstein, returned home Satur- with her sister, Mrs. Charles Redman, day. and Mr. Redman for three weeks.
Mrs. Charles Leibowitz, age fourtyeight, wife of Charles Leibowitz, died Friday evening at Rochester, Minn. The funeral was held from the residence. Burial was at the Golden Hill Cemetery. She is survived by her husband, three sons, Abe, Louis, and Sam, and four daughters, Marcia, Bertha, Jennie, and Clara, and «ne sister, Mrs. Cohn, of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson entertained twenty couples at a card party last Tuesday evening, in honor of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson, of Nogales, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson entertained at dinner Sunday afternoon complimentary to their cousins, from' Arizona. Covers were laid for twenty-two guests. Mr. and Mrs. L. Moskovitz have moved into their new home at 3230 Myrtle Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. David Feder leave Mr. and Mrs. William Holzman today f or Minneapolis, Minn., to visit have taken a cottage at the Carter with Mr. Feder's relatives for several Lake club for the summer. weeks. Mr. Frank De« returned from ChiMr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky cago and Dayton, 0., today after seventertained at i i reception Sunday eral weeks' stay. complimentary to her daughter, Mrs. Sam Zolat visited with Ed. LevinLouis Spiwak, and Mr. Spiwak, whose marriage took place June 6 in Kan- son during the past week. sas City. Mr. and Mrs. Spiwak have Bernice Kulakofsky left Monday for been visiting at the Kulakofsky home Sioux City, la., to visit with friends. for the past week and will leave She will return Sunday. Monday for Des Monies, la., where Mrs. N. Levinson left Sunday for they will make their per-ianent home an indefinite stay in Grand Island, at 749 Thirty-third St. Neb., visiting with her sister. Miss Miriam Mosher entertained Mrs. M. Barrish of Silver City, la., twelve guests at her home TVednesis visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. day afternoon in honor of Miss Elinore Shrayer, of Chicago, who is Katleman. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mrs. S. Mandelbaum will entertain Browar, and Miss Harriet Rose- the members of the Priscilla club this water, who is leaving the latter part afternoon at her home. Mrs. Frank of the week with her family to make Perlson of Chicago, HI., her mother, their future home in Philadelphia, and Mrs. Wolf of Lincoln will be the Pa. The afternoon was spent in out-of-town guests. games and dancing.
leaving for her home. Miss Gertrude Cherniack visited in Sioux City, la.,' over the Independence Day holiday. Mrs. Sophie Monsky entertained this afternoon for the Afternoon club. Mrs. Sam Harding of Kansas City, Mo., was the honored guest.
safeguarding and protecting Cat! interests in Palestine. The ''Sunday Times" point*;' that is rather peculiar that it r be a Jew who takes up the cud for the Vatican. (Remark by J | B.: Senator Schanzer, while in W | ingtoa at the Disarmament C o r | ence, stated to the corresponden | the J. C. B. that he belonged to!| Catholic persuasion. Mr. Schanz^f indeed of Jewish origin, but is 1,| self baptized.) ;|
Miss Bess Rykoff of Los Angeles, Calif., who has been attending the University of Michigan, visited with Miss Lobby Freiden, prior -to leaving for her home. JEWISH SEJM CLUB I SUPPORTS NEW PREM | Friends of Mr. Dave Freiden gave •Warsaw. (J. T. A.) PresidentjI a birthday surprise party in his honor Thursday evening. Eight couple were sudski has appointed Arthur Slivir | a democrat, as Prime Minister of | | present. land. The new premier will recjl Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg are the support of the Central Bloc,i| moving into their new home at Thir- Jewish and German clubs, consist | of 228, as against the 188 m«mf ty-first street and Avenue A. of the opposition. It is the first t Mrs. L. Cherniack is visiting with in the history of the young Pc her mother Mrs. Levitt at Des Moines, Republic that the minorities be!! \ la. She will be gone for two weeks. officially to the majority in the E«
Mrs. BL Levich and daughter, Esthyr, of Sioux City, la., arrived JEWISH MINISTER DEMr. H. Miller left Wednesday for Sunday to be the house guests at the FENDS VATICAN INTERESTS COl^CUBLUFFS Established 1882. home of Miss Levich's fiance, Mr. Oakland, Calif., to visit with his son, London. (J. C. B.) Senator-SchenHarry' Braviroff. They will remain Nathan, formerly of this city, and Many affairs were gives during the zer, Italy's Foreign Minister, arrived his fiancee. Mr. Miller will be gone several weeks. past week is honor of Miss Nettie in London in order to press for the for several weeks. Levitt of Des Moines, la., who has inclusion into the Mandate of clauses Mr. and Mrs. Harry Babendir anbeen the house guest of her sister, Miss Marcella Moskovitz, of New nounce the birth of a daughter born Mrs. Hyman Krasne and Mr. Krasne. York City, sister of the well known at the Wise Memorial Hospital June Established reputation will i Dr. Moskovitz, of that city, and Miss Last Wednesday afternoon Miss Janet 28. sure you satisfaction in , Gilinsky entertained for the Misses Eva Volpert, also of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Finkel have as Mesdames Max Sommers and I. DIAMONDS, WATCHES Miss Ida Miller, of New York City, this morning to visit with Nettie Levitt, Sara Lurie of Des Chiropodist and Beauty Levey motored to Des Moines, la., their house guest Mrs. Finkel's moth- is visiting with her aunts, Mesdames arrived Shop and er, Mrs. J. Eisen, of St. Joseph, Mo. B. Stock, E. Jacobs, M. Green, and iliss Ella Fleishman. Both, Miss Meines and Pauline Gilinsky of Trenyesterdayi Established 1890 ton, N. J., at a tea at the Brandeis tfoskovitz and Miss Volpert served SPECIAL PLATINUM WOStl Mrs. Eisen will remain two weeks. uijcle, Mr. B. Shafton. She will visit overseas during the war for the Tea rooms. Miss Gertrude Cherniack 15th and Horary Streets. Mrs. Nate Korte and children leave 1301 Douglas. Atl. 6970.1| Ptaon* Doarlas 2SS3 Miss Anne Resnick is leaving the here for the remainder of the sum- ewish Welfare Federation. They entertained last Thursday afternoon today for Lake Crest, la., where they in honor of the Misses Nettie Levitt, are enroute to California. have rented a cottage. They will re- latter, part of the month to. spend mer. Sara Lurie and Pauline Gilinsky at some time with relatives in New York main until the first of August. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Browar enterMr. and Mrs. Ben H. Miller have the Brandeis Tea rooms, followed by City. tained at their hom« on Sunday gone to St. Joseph, Mo., to be gone a a theater party. Miss Levitt left Miss Janet Gilinsky is visiting r evening for ten couples in honor of month. They will stop off at Atchi- Tuesday for Sioux City, la., prior to Mr. Reuben Ferer, who has been in latives and friends in Kansas City, their house guest, Miss Elinore ion, Kas., and Kansas City, Mo. They Chicago, 111., and St. Louis, Mo., for | Mo. will visit with friends and relatives. the past two weeks, has returned Schrayer, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. David Newman and home. Messrs. Louis Shostak, Sam Wolf, Mr. Dave Freeman is visiting with Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Mr .and Mrs. David Green motored to Robert Cohn, and Louis Lebowitz xiends in San Francisco, Calif. Mrs. A. H. Diamond entertained at Nashville, Nebr., to spend the fourth. visited in Des Moines, la., during the The Beet of Everything to Flower* and a lawn party last evening compliI wish to thank all my friends for the splendid Mr. and Mrs. H. MiUman enterConfections at Modewte Prices. Miss Ida Segciman left Monday for mentary to her sister, Mrs. Henry past week. support given me in the popularity contest which a several; weeks visit with her sister, Barancik and Dr. Barancik, of Chi- Miss Beulah Miller entertained tained twenty-five guests at a dinner MS W. Broadway- Next L4b«rty Theater. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. party Sunday evening in honor of iw-rc Dave TinTO Redman, TJi^mn-n and nrrH Mr. HmiTnnw Mrs. Redman, i cago, I1L, and her sister, Miss Bertha fourteen guests this afternoon at was held under the auspices of the Omaha Hebrew of Ottamwa, la. rrawoig, also of Chicago, Thirty-five | h e r h o m e compUmentary to Miss their son, Louis, and his fiance, NetClub at its thirtieth anniversary celebration held ie Smith. guests were present. Claire Zimmer, of New York City, Mrs. Frank Pearlson, of Chicago, last Sunday. Miss Esther Brown has as her and Miss Marion Harris, of Denver, Mrs. L. Rose of Kansas City, Mo., Dr. Harry A. Foster Dl., is the house guest of her daughs visiting with her sister, Mrs. M. E. house guest Miss Jeanette Krupinsky Colo., who are visiting with Mrs. M. MAMIE ADLER ter, Mrs. Sam Mandelbaum. Republican Candidate for Donovitx. of Fremont, Uebr. Miss Krupinsky M. Miller. Re-Election Miss Florence Wolf, of Chicago, arrived here Sunday to remain here Mrs. Victor M. Ganz entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson, of State Representative DL, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. for several weeks. her Afternoon Bridge club at a bridge Nogales, Ariz., who have been visit9th District Sidney Bloch. Mrs. Bloch will enterluncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nackshon ing with relatives here, left for their .ast Friday in honor of Miss Molly tain for her sister at a luncheon .Saturday afternoon at the Blackstone entertained at a birthday party for home yesterday. Corby, who was married Tuesday Hotel. Covers will he laid for twelve the latter, Covers were laid for ten Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavich re- evening to Mr. Tollman Kaplan. guests. guests. turned from .their honeymoon trip to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mittleman and the Western Coast and have taken Mr. Michael H. Grossman, of NewMrs. Leon Goldman, of New York daughter of "Lincoln, Neb., are visitCity, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. port, Ark., formerly of Omaha, is an apartment at the El Beudor. Mrs. ing with Mr. Mittelman's parents, Mr. visiting with his mother, Mrs. E. Kavich was formerly Miss Jeanette and Mrs. M. Mittleman of this city. Edward Cohn. Grossman. He will remain a week. Shames. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rosewater and Mrs. H. <5roBS- and son, Ralph jfamfly will leave "Saturday for Phila- Miss Pauline -Selicow wilT entersANNOUNCEMENT Harold, left the latter part of the delphia, Pa., where they will make tain Sunday afternoon at her home Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America Rev. E. Fleishman week for Kansas City, Mo., where for "The Flappers." their permanent home. "THE MOHL" an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. they will visit with Mrs. Gross Moved into his new home at . Miss Miriam Harris, of Denver, Miss Gertrude Passavoy left Sat- daughter, Mrs. Ira Rosenblum, and 1342 So. 25th Street, From framework to window mouldings the body is built Colo., and Miss Claire Zimmer, of urday evening for San Jose, Calif., to Mr. Rosen'- him. Corner of Woolworth Avenue. of steeL It is the first all-steel closed car ever marketed. iNew York City, who have been visit- visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Tel. Atlantic 6637. Mrs. J. Miller, of Seattle, Wash, ing with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller, Passavoy will be gone six weeks, This design anticipates every possible requirement of Passawoy will be gone six weeks. is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. •Jeft yesterday. commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness— Miss Bess Snitzer entertained Friday Dave Greenberg, and Mr. Greenberg. unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible Mr. and Mrs. Tollman Kaplan evening complimentary to Miss PasThe Daughters of Israel Aid Soto give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel whose marriage took place Tuesday savoy. Twenty guests were present. ciety will have a basket picnii evening at the Blackstone Hotel, left finish for 'which Dodge Brothers open cars have long Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg returned Tuesday afternoon, July 11, at Elm_ "immediately after the ceremony for a been famous. motor trip to Chicago, HI., to remain July 4 from their honeymoon to Cali- wood Park for its members ana friends. The upholstery is of genuine leather—leather that will two weeks after which they will re- ornia. FOUR DAYS—Start. Saturday t u r n t o make their home with the wash and 'wear. The seat is wide and comfortable. The Misses Anne Verbin, Sallie bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Corby Krupp, and May Solson of Fremont, Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The LON CHANEY tejaporarily- Mrs: Kaplan was before Nebr., spent the fourth in Omaha. H. Marks- -L. Levinson car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window, levers, in hex marriage Miss Molly Corby. are proprietors of the "f windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every N. A. Spiesberger and J. C. SpiesU Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy sailed berger are at Hotel Claridge, at New otber appointment necessary to the owner's comfort jfrojn New York City Tuesday for York City and protection. i Start. Wednesday-FOUR DATS jEurope. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson enterBuilt inside and out to withstand the wear and tear-of Mr. J. Katz and daughter, Marion, tained in honor of their guests, Mrs. 1552 North 20th Street. everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of left Saturday after a week's visit N. Weitzman, and daughter, Mrs. G. fine which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Phone Webster 2196 with Mr. Katz's mother, Mrs. S. Katz. Sevelowitz, of Atlanta, Ga. •.. with . • • A% Mark's says: We have the Brothers cars. ; Thfy will meet Mrs. Katz in Chicago BUCK JONES best trade in town. Why Mr. John Baird Quigley, member ' from which place Mrs. Katz and It is the Business Coupe which business can't we have Y O U R S ? ; children will leave for Frankfort, of the Z. B. T. Fraternity at the world over have been expecting—-from Dodge Brotfaan. ' Mich., to spend the summer. Mr.'Katz University of Missouri, moved to ' will return to their home in Marion, Council Bluffs with his guardians to ~*^The price ia $980 /.^o. b—Detroit }•• reside permanently. HL "
Why Take Chances il Sol BrodkeyV
UP-TO-DATE Kosher Heat Market
A number of affairs are being given for Mr. Joe Kay, of Berkeley, Calif, formerly of this city, who is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Kulakofsky entertained at dinner Monday evening at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohn entertained at dinner Tuesday at one o'clock at their - home: complementary to Mr. Kay. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sacks, of Council Bluffs, la., entertained yesterday evening for six guests at a dinner party at their "home for the visitor. Messrs. Harry and Ben Ravitz, who left several weeks ago on an extended, motor trip to the Western Coast, are now in Los Angeles, Calif. They will leave the latter part of this week for San Francisco, then going through the Yellowstone National Park and Salt Lake City on their return home which is expected the early part of . August. Mr. Samuel Schaefer returned yesterday from Providence, R. I., where he attended the annual conference of Jewish Social Workers. Mrs. Schaefer and son, Louis, are visiting with Mrs. Schapfer's parents at Cincinnati, O.. They will remain during the. sum> zner month?
LOS T—One Gold Cameo Ring. R e w a r d . Call Jackson 1918.
FOR HENT—Large desirable room for young couple. Will share home. Located in Minne Lusa Addition. Call-Kenwood 2968.
HENRY J. BEAL Republican Candidate for
COUNTY ATTORNEY He has been a resident of Omaha since 1886, was educated in the schools of Omaha and is a graduate of Creighton College of Law. He has had four years' experience in this office as Deputy under Abel V. Shotwell, present County Attorney. He is a property owner and taxpayer in the City and County.
Charles S. Elgutter
• «• « FOR • • • *
Municipal Judge
The Mtlasuock Jewelry C*. Diamond and Platinum Specialists 15U Dodffe Street. EptabSahed IBM. S O v l u M19.
T H E PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE FOR THE PEOPLE'S COURT" Candidates' names for Municipal Judges appear on a separate ballot. Vote such ballot at the polls. Two to be elected.
mt S8tk\6*' cr 0X23' ~
comrcni BLUFFS; i l l SS-3S Frartk St.
CMUCU BlofXa 691.
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, inert/*" », gliiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiHninniiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiii
artiE iiniiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu | pallid. Not at once did Harry notice the girl' in the other automobile. He appeared nervous, and as he presented me• to - his fiancee, who smiled with the languorous ease taught by the By .OSGAR SCHISGALL f Telephone moving picture studios, he glanced MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON Office (Copyright, 1922,.by the Jewish Writers' Guild. All Bights Reserved.) Jackson 0268 209 South 18th Street anxiously at the massive brown doors NEARBY COMMUNITIES. of the-church. CHO1CB FTRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. ."Ready, Frank?" he asked tremuP. MELCHIORS & SON Harry and Isabel murmuring to each lously. . (Continued from-last week.) MACHINE WORKS " His acknowledgement that he had other in a secluded corner of the mu- . "Yes,"-I answered. "Are you?" Industrial and Automotive MaeUnlste. weakened at the crucial, moment sic room, I felt certain that-my far- , "Certainly . I—" Abruptly he INVESTMENT SECURITIES Caibnretor and Ignition Repair*. cheered me during the day; there still fetched plans were nearing material- stopped, his eyes, staring in amazeStarter Bins; "Gears for Auto Fly Wheels Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. 411. Bomb mn^Street. remained hope pfr steering him.back ization: If only he would fall madly in ment He gulped. And turning, I H U Dang-las St. TeL Jackson S i l l Telephone! Jackson £584 to the wiser course. . found.Isabel behind me. love with this Jewish' girl— She stood stiffly erect, her chin He was not really a cad. I knew And that evening we dined with the family of Isabel Schlott. Her parents, him too well to believe that. But raised, her lips twisted in a sneer. Y o u r position is I DAVENPORT \D(JUGHNUT being moderately" richj . resided in a Isabel's personality proved irrestible. And before her steady gaze Harry correct, and should ~- .COMPANY. rather pretentious - apartment. over- And perhaps he was beginning to trembledl : b e . s ' u p p o r t e d by UNDERTAKERS BrSSEABCKS, CAKB AND BtTGAB "So, Mr. Klaber," she said softly, Hooking, the Hudson—rand the habits realize the pettiness "and falseness of BRAND DOUGHNUTS OTTB. 8PEC1ALTI. every" fair minded Alice Graham. From' one of her let"you'suddenly find yourself above MOVED TO of the inhabitants of that neighborWe,Deliver the Real Goods. person. hood differ vastly from those on the ters which he blushingly showed me such'low people as we Jews, don't COTUNG BTBEET. -. - •Phono-yTebBter -O94S other side of the city. But Mr. Schlott, at luncheon one dayj I caught a you ? - You are about to make the a stocky little man, wore a stiffly glimpse of the real Miss Graham. great change, I see. And also to—to trimmed beard; and this, - with the Shallow, hackneyed love phrases filled become a husband. I congratulate fact that his wife covered her 1 gray the page; phrases as vulgar a s they you.. I came to pay my respects." She • • • OI • • • hair with a wigi caused Harry to weie obviously unmeant; phrases to bowed slightly. "Our friendship has WHOLESALE GR0CEES play^on the vanity of a weakling. And been a great condescension on your scowl disapprove! "when -we entered. Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phone Jackson 1302 Ten minutes after he had been pre- these,, I think, Harry began to read in part. I am very grateful. Good-bye, their true light. Mr. Klaber. If your future wife were sented' to the vivacious Isabel, hownot here, I would call you a contemptever, his dislike was forgotten. As be Than came the fatal morning. conversed with her over the dinner At nine o'clock Harry rushed into ible .coward. Good-bye." HBHKHHIBtt Visit Our She swung around on ber heel.. A table, I saw bis lips part in the first my loom with a telegram waving in moment later her automobile was rollsincere, heartfelt smila he hadrerinced his hand. since arriving in ftew York. And I "Look!" he cried. "She's c o m i n g - ing away. In choked silence Harry Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 Do away with drudgery and make felt a glad thrill at the sight of it. Alice! Her train arrives at one this gaped after her, his mouth open. He house-work a pleasure by the use attempted to speak, but could not. In During the meal he made a slight afternoon. Frank, old man, this is the With Tour Order for of modern electrical appliances. mistake in raising his knife and day—the dayj I'm going to meet her the end it was Alice Graham who ANYTHING HOLCOMB The "Electric Shop" is on the searching about, his plate for butter; —and at half past two I want you broke the spell. IN THE WRAPPING ~ CHEMICAL ground floor of the Electric- build"Who's the kid?" she asked, her but a quick nudge of my elbow, ac- to be at the church on the corner of ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth brows arched in two great crescent?. PRODUCTS CO., INC. PAPER CINE *.." companied by a hardly perceptible Fourth Avenue and Thirty-seventh and Farnam streets. ..Manufacturer* of shake of my head,'informed him of his Street. This is the day, Frank, old "You do pick queer friends, Harold. FOODS AND CHEMICALS. Such a common, ordinary little error. He continued admirably, as fellow!" .FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Phone Donglas 6W9 * though he had always subjected his Dully I gazed at him, for though Jew—" 91S M. 16th St. Phone Atlantic 4964 THE BEST It was all she said. Harry's chest dinners to the most stringent Jewish he spoke enthusiastically, I instinctrose in a great gasp. His fists dietary laws. ively felt that his joy was assumed. NORTHWEST READY Smoothly and pleasantly the rest of "This is the day," I murmured. j smashed together as he fought to reROOFING CO. the evening passed; Isabel played the "Yes, this is the day. Are you going I strain a shout. But he managed to hiss: • Ready Roofing over old shingles. piano for a time, while we sat about to be a fool, Harry?" Also asphalt shin pies and build-up "Shut up! That little Jew, as you in easy chairs, listening to the rip"A fool! Why, how can you—" roofs. Fire resisting and durable. Douglas 1862 call her, is the finest little girl in the AU work guaranteed. Easy terms. pling notes which, flowed from her Quickly I sprang to his side. STEINER ELECTRIC \ Phono Barney 2574 fingers like Tackling water.. Later, "Let me meet her, Harry. Ill talk world!" His hands twisted around Office and Warehouse: SiZt Iieavenworth MEAT CHOPPER to the music of a phonograph, she to her." I pleaded earnestly. "May- my arms as he begged: "Frank, old " SELL. boy, I can't—go through with this! and Harry danced. In all, it proved be I can make her see^—" a delightful occasion., "See what ?" He gripped my wrist You understand! I'm too weak. You SCALES'OJ1, .ALL <;. —you explain it to Alice—as you , What pleased me most was the hap- "Are you crazy?" L MA£ES FOB SALE. MAXUFACTCBERS. piness in Harry Klaber's eyes "when"No, I know what I'm" saying. May- promised you would! Do it, Frank, MEY-MER-CO. Brand do it for me! I'm going after that ever he spoke to Isabel. She, I must be I can make her see that you don't 510 South 10th Street. Beverages and Syrups. confess, appeared^ proud jof the at- truly love her—any longer. That it dear little Jew!" Phone Jackson 33j32»— «» 3U-SS1 80. 14th St.. Omaha. Nebr. He sprang into the automobile in tentions of so notable a man as Har- was just an infatuation. That you Phone Atlantic 888* wmch old Clabey; indeed, she even encour- intend to marry her for the sake of he-had come, and in an instant, "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" aged intimacy. But of this I felt glad, honor. That you love TsabeJ Schlott. h e w h i r l e d around the corner. Arms j Iten iy .theHf a t : ,' • for it aided my plan. And then, Isa- Maybe she'll have the decency to un- akimbo, Alice stood speechless. | Biscuit Co. bel and Harry were both dear friends derstand. Let me meet her, Harry." ju " w e » . " she finally ejaculated. ] SNOW WHITE AD that the name of mine; in a way, I loved them, so "You—you—Frank, I'm surprised!"! < W e "i oSittiiigtif Afreet. . implies. BAKERIES that I was more elated than disturbed. Butevenashegasped/lsawthepaini "Suppose," I suggested, "we drop' Phone Douglas 3400. CALL (Bet'. F, 8. Pat. . . . There lies a subtle satisfac- in Ms eyes, and I knew I had told m t o a C 0 2 y t e a r o o m ! ^ ^ of- Then ; Douglas 6887 Office.) 918 N. 16th St. ATLANTIC 4522 tion in playing Cupid. nim tho "Mnt» j him the truth. truth. " N o f i,» he ifoMoi-a/i declared. I'» try to explain." Yull have to do some explaining! TBV SUNDGBEN'S When I left him at his hotel door, "I'll meet her. You be\at the church Nutritious Horn* Had* after midnight, he gripped my hand at half past two, see? And watch Yes, sir, some explaining!' ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Ambulance Service PIES and COOKIES somewhat more fervently than was me break away from those East Side I did. APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Equipped with Pulmotor. Sealed In Sanitary Waxed Made by slum-livers! You just watch me!" necessary. Wrapper at Tour Grocer. All Calls Answered Promptly. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST' "Good-night, old man. Had an ex-| Reaching for his hat, he darted to 1 Sundgren Pie Baking Co. DEPENDABLE ELECTKICAIi FOOD CO." cellent evening. And say, that Miss the door. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN MERCHANDISE. tith and Hickory. Atlantic 8241 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. \' 1511 Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0881 "You damned fool!" I said. And h e l l S4U Farnam St. Phone Harney 0382 Schlott — Isabel — she's quite a — snarled something indistinguishabi^ " Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lince and famcharming young lady, eh-7" as he slammed the door behind him. III. ily and Mr.' and Mrs. Minor SilverAmerican It is useless to dwell minutely ,on From that moment I acted purely berg ! and family motored to Clear Carpenter Paper Co. WHOLESALE the next few weeks. Of course, for on impulse. It seemed to me that the Wet Wash Laundry Lake to spend the Fourth. Distributor* .of . , . . Druggists and Stationers Harry Klaber and Isabel Schlott,. that only one who could still save Harry 2 8 0 3 Cuming. Harney 0 8 8 1 , Western Bond—and High Grade. interval palpitated with joyful excite- was Isabel Schlott. And so I went to 4SI-102-IOS Booth 10th V . Milton Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. One Day Service. No Extra Stationer/, p V ment. It was not long before they her home and in the. privacy of the Mose Cohen, has gone to attend CulCharges. -RefinKe Soft Water. OMAHA.HEBBA8KA.' dispensed with my services as chap- library I confided the "entire story of ver Military. Academy for the sumeron, and amused themselves trotting Harry Klaber to her. When I fin- mer. Why Buy Tin? Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. >about the city in search of pleasure. ished, she sat pale and motionless,] Miss Mildred Chapman is visiting LADY CHIROPRACTOR PAXTON-MITCHELL'GO. \ But I sensed the progress of their ro- staring at the floor with .wide eyes. SAVES SOD MONEY. ID Active Practice Since 1910. Mason ,City, where she » t k and Martha fits. Homer 186S . mance, and, really, I plumed myself Then, of a sudden, a great sob esManufacturers of Brag*. Broaae, Atnml- , MID-STATES WHOLESALE will remain all summer. Dr. Frances H. Turner on the fact that I had diverted his caped her. I caught her hand. nnm and Soft Gray Itoa Castings. I GROCERS YOD are assured of toiti castings, as ! Office: Brandeis Theatre Building. mind from constant thoughts of Alice 1117-11 Dotl*e St. Jackson 3878 "Isabel, you're the one person who The Jewish Mothers' Alliance held we machine eoma from erery heat .in 17th and Douglas Streets. Grahamv • Phone Atlantic 3838 our own.- sbop- Standard sits 'east Iron can do anything for him. He loves a picnic Sunday at Union Park. bushings In. stock, •..••r , J3e-corresponded with her; he ea- you, Isabel. I'm sure of it. His marMAX OLSEN & CO. Miss Silvia Perowsky is in Los Angerly awaited her arrival; but some- riage to this Alice Graham is simply Who! Distributors lor geles, Calif., visiting Miss Rose CoTIRES—TCBES—ACCESSORIES how 'that, eagerness waned daily. As one of duty. He feels he owes it to t SCH M I D T ' S . hen, '. a former Des Moines girl. his determination to renounce Ju- her. But from what I know of the Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger 'for OPB TREATMENT WQ.I. rdaism for the girlr—well, he prattled woman, she does not deserve a debt Mr. and We carry a complete line ol CONVINCE rOTJ OF OXJB Bernard Cohen- spent .:•' Ale, Hires Root Beer ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and SINCERITY. about it whenever we two were alone. of honor—so great. Shell pretend to the Fourth at Lake Okobojf. "Ones and Warehouse: 017 Bo. Main St. springs for almost any make of car. Telephone 142 Trust Department. But as long as he confined himself to be terribly broken by his refusal, nat* M. D. RICHMAN, Hanarer. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Safety Deposit Boxes. 1318-1330 Went Broadway. talking instead of eating, I did not urally, but she'll probably forget him Mrs. Moses Cook of Wabash, Ind., COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. mind. as soon as another man comes her i s ' visiting her sister, Mrs. Nate PHOITE 444. RATES? Then one morning he strode into way. Isabel, it's up to you. Do you'Frankel.- .1 for space, on this Special i i my room before I had dressed. Throw- care for him enough to—help ?" ' 'Mrs. Joe Gottstein and daughter, Omaha Office: 813 Dowrlas Street. jing his hat on the bed, he spread his She waited a long time before venOmaha Phone Atlantic 8556 Page given on application. I legs in-the middle of the chamber and turing Gretchen, • and • Miss Marie B*>tcky] a reply; and at last, with irhave gone to Colorado Springs for the j Ford Tran^i er & Storage Co. 816 2M. 16th St. solemnly addressed me: repressible tears running down her V Branches at Central Market. '"^ E. A. FORD. summer.* Table Snpply and Food Center. "Frank, I've reached a decision. I cheeks, she nodded. President and General Manager. 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 I , can't work up enough nerve to walk Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office "He told me," she iaid, "that—that Raymond and Myron Blank, sons of 82* So. Main Street. Pn»ne « 5 into "church and—have" the thing done he Was very friendly with Alice Mr: and "Mrs. Abe Blank, have gone —while I'm here alone. I simply ham. But that was all. Nothing to attend Culver Military Academy CLEAN LINEN can't. So I'm going to wait for Alice. about—about marriage-—or changing for the summer. Every morning An Ideal Waahinr Combination. If yon call the The day she comes 111 undergo two his religion. - Is he ashamed of being Estes Laundry Tablets *.. - Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Miss Carrie. Younker of Norfolk, ceremonies. Shell be with me. Give!a Jew?" . . . with . . . me strength, you know. First, 111 "He made himself believe it, but •Va:, is visiting relatives in the city. Estes Soap Chips California Street. become a member of her church. Sec- he's not. It was only for the sake of Miss Younker has charge of the JewPhone Dourlas and ondly, well be married. And, Frank, that woman that he determined to—^ ish Charities in Norfolk. Water Softener (Combined) you're best man, one of the witnesses, to do it. But you'll help change him, "- Mr. and Mrs- Mose Cohen and At all Grocers. OUB NKW LOCATION and everything else. Understand?" won't you?" Corner lDtb and Duutrlgi Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 daughter, Mildred, are spending a few AlaHonlo Tempi* Bide. _ . . . for... Throwing a dressing gown about You will like ? "What can I do?" ——Our Line—— weeks at Lake Okoboji, where they myself, I sat on the edge of the bed. "Just come with me when I call for BALDWIN. ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. haye' a cottage. HOWAKD UHKIUHTS. GUANOS. ''Of course I understand, H a r r y - you at two o'clock. Come with me to PLAYER PIANOS. OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. naturally. But—a—are you certain the church. Speak to Harry when he Mrs. S. Weinstock returned home THATCHER PIANO CO.. BUTTER 2419 Coming St.. Omaha. Nrbriuikm. .yoii want to change your religion— arrives—sa.y anything. And see wh?t Friday from Providence, R. L, where Phnnn Jiiclimin S006 — — Made by . now?" t she has been attending • the national happens." "What do you mean—now?" conference of social workers. "I will," she promised. Rates for Space on "Isabel, you know.", At quarter past two Isabel and I DON'T BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page ' -Misses Leah and De Vorah Zion Oh! He bit his Up, then glared, sat in an automobile in front of OIL If HWH- CHKAI'WB given oa application. left Saturday' for Qttumwa to join Sherman Mercantile Co. Let O» Kemove ttie Hoor from Up defiantly.' <*Well, what about Isa- church. And at twenty minutes to Your Furnpce nml limert a Miss Mary Mjller of Des Moines who 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Wholesale Gravers Specialties bel?" three another machine brought Harry is visiting, there. ATlantic 0340. 1511 Cnminx 8t. Phone Atlantis 1247 UtCIBKIDGE OIL VAPOR BURNER 4K2 ltrandrlo Bills- Trl. Jarklon S37» 1 smiled. and the blonde, beautiful creature -DISTRIBUTORS Seo OMiionHiratlpn Otfl Sn. lOlh Strict "tOh, nothing," I answered softly. Miss. Lillian Friedman is in Omaha known as AJice Graham. , I, stepped JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. Another ^veefc passed, and when I out to greet them, but Isabel remained visiting;Mr .and. Mrs. Edward'Bar-_ Omaha, Nebraska. called' at the -Schlott; nome to find seated, her hands shaking, her cheeks rick, former residents of Des Momes. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. Subscribe to "The Jewish Press1
Leo A. Hoffmann
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'Manufactured in Omaha' BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
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