July 13, 1922

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Health is the foundation both of judgment and industry, and therefore of success. .

VOL. II.—No. 31






All-you've got, to do is to w ^ a thing, wan{| it: hard, and it's as .





as yours.

Enters.J postoi

uary 27th. 1921, , at •econd-dasB Jamil mmtter on Jan 1879. :< Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act t of March 8 1

Development of Om Federation Praised by Numerous Communities Throughout Country




JEWS OF LATVIA GRATEFUL TO JOINT DISTRIBUHumorous Tales. Anti-Semites TION COMMITTEE. from Jewish Lore Exult Over Mur-

The gratitude of the Jews of LatWashington. (J. T.. A.)—Meyer via to^the Joint ^Distribution CommitBloomfield, a Jewish economist of tee is expressed in a cable forwarded Boston, is being considered for memJacob Eichman, principal of an eastern Hebrew school and the compiler by Joseph Hyman, Joint Distribution bership on a commission to .deal with the Eussian situation, which Presi- of these anecdotes, is a rabbi, an authority on Talmud and post-Talmudic Committee administrator in that dent Harding is understood to intend Hebrew writings, and a Russian who has lived in America only eleven years. country. The cable reads: • ;— 4 T h e representatives of the Central appointing 6oon, according to reports One would expect such a combination to produce pedantic and solemn, i l not downright gloomy, literature. But, as the reader will quickly discover, these and Medical Committees of Latvia, "Thank God, One Jew Less,**! circulated here. sketches are simple, lively and amusing—bits of the folk-lore of a people Officials Are Quoted as. i Mr. Bloomfield has recently re- that through centuries of homelessness has learned like the fellow in the assembled to celebrate the opening of Saying. -» a bath house in Glazmenka which was turned from Russia, where he h$l song, to be attltonte wherever their hat hangs. The group below will form erected with moneys raised in Amermade a study of the economic and so- part of a book by Mr. Richman which is shortly to be published. ica for relief of Jewish war sufferers, B E R L I N NAMES STREET? cial conditions and was last week in AFTER MARTYRED \ and also the Jewish community of conference with President Harding FULFILLING HIS VOW. The debate attracted wide atten- Glazmenka, avail themselves of this STATESMAN. 1 and Secretary Hughes for more than Reb Yudel was anything but tion; wealth and royalty, master and an hour, to whom he is understood to wealthy. A single cow, which sup- serf, men,' women, and children from opportunity to convey their heartiest Berlin, July 10. (J. T. A.)—The r e - | have given a detailed report on Rus- plied milk to his multitudinous fam- all corners of the realm flocked to gratitude to the Joint Distribution moval of the monarchist names from| Committee for its aid." sia. -> 1 the Berlin streets has been ordered by \ ily, was his chief earthly possession. the appointed place. Mayor Magdeburg, who proposes toft Once his wife took ill, and like a As the Emperor arrived at the platsubstitute for them such names ast, good pious man he made a vow that form in the public square where his Omaha may well be proud of its Jewih Welfare Federation, RatheiUBstrasse, EinsteinstrB8Be,Err-J if she recovered he would sell the anihumble opponent was tremblingly and of the high standard of its social service orga^zation. Many bergerstrssse, e t c mal and contribute the proceeds waiting, a prolonged and thunderous communities throughout the country are watching Omaha, intent thereof to a charitable institution. cheer broke forth, with loud cries of on profiting >by its experiences during the past years, if not^in Berlin, July 10.—Documents »r The vow seemed to have a miracu- "Long live the King!" and "Down actually following its.example. • and assertions purporting to > lous effect and a speedy recovery fol- with the Jews!" When silence was This message, together with the congratulatioijs of inrominent show that the assassination of* restored the mighty ruler gazed with lowed. Jewish social workers of the country, was brought Iback to Omaha Dr. Walter Rathenau, Ger-« scorn upon his lowly opponent. His he was duty bound to fulfill by Samuel Schaefer, superintendent of the Jewish Welfare Fed- Re-affirmation of B a l f o u r hisNow Join With Brandeis Groups many's Foreign Minister, is« vow. But the prospect of cutting shabby clothes, unseemly boots and eration, from Providence, R. I., where he attended the annual Pledge Contained in Official off the milk supply of his numerous oarse black hands formed a striking in Rehabilitation of traceable to anti-Semitic agita-| meeting of the National Conference of Jewish Social Service. Palestine. tion, have come to light from, ontrast to the glittering and gaudy Correspondence. progeny alarmed hjm. After long and various quarters. f Mr. Schaefer's report, which was read at the meeting of the profound' meditation he arrived at a .pparel of his royal antagonist. Then: ANNUAL While the body of the Jewish minis-* NEWS OF 33RD The sovereign raised his forefinger. Board of Directors of the Federation Sunday emphasises these POLICY OF GREAT BRITAIN satisfactory solution of the problem. ter was lying in state, and even dur-j" MEETING OF C. C points, but stresses the fact that Omaha excels only in its organ- IN PALESTINE IS AGAIN He led the consecrated animal to The brave Israelite, in reply, pointed ing the impressive services in the i A. R. ization, and that there are still many other things which this DEFINED. the market and took a large rooster is forefinger toward the ground. The Reichstag, the chief of Berlin police { Imperor then held out two fingers, community must do before it will be acknowledged to have the along. There he stationed himself at Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—^Re-affirma- an advantageous point and waited for and his humble subject, with the con- Cape May, N. J. (J. T. A.) With was pursuing his investigations in the \ best and most complete Federation in the country. fidence of an expert debater, held out one dissenting vote, the Central Con- belief that the assassination was the | Extracts of the report, which is of interest to all Jews, tion of the Balfour Declaration is customers. ference of American ilaltbis in their work of anti-Semites. The premises! contained in the White Paper pub"How much is it?" inquired a local ne finger.Then the" monarch draare herewith reprinted: lished by the Colonial Office, quoting cattle dealer, passing his hand over matically stretched out his hand, with thirty-third mnnal meeting- voted to of dubs and associations with avowed \ • . m : fingers spread, and the sturdy smith ratiiy thp arreement with the Pales- anti-Semitic programs are being f The twentieth annual meeting oT\lcaa truthfully say that the success the correspondence between- the Brit- the back of the good cow. §• clenched a fist, in the face of his royal tine Development Council (Brandeis- .searched. ish Government, the Arab Delegation t a me edd here,, "One rubU^t^loomily replied the the National Conference of Jewish ww hh ii cc hh m m ss B B oo aa rr dd h h aa ss aa~ta Mack group), providing for joint acThat the assassination of Rathenau $ ipponent.. The Emperor then, apparand the Zionist Organization, since Social Service, which its a high ^ 55 brought b r o g h t to" such s g Sil S i hih concluded ldd it aa n dd ww hh ii cc ll ll ^ owner. }tion in the "economic rehabilitation was an event for which the inciters | mtly satisfied, extracted a bottle of February 21. i t P i d R I J | sessions at Providence, R. I., on June | p o i n t b y v o u r achievements in 1921 "He must be crazy," murmered the of Palestine, and the promotion of against Jews should be held respon- * ' 22, was distinctive in many waysespecially, is known to every commuThe paper includes a paper of Brit- prospective buyer io himself, "or per- red wine from his pocket; whereupon settlement in that country of any sible was the assertion made in t h e | point of attendance, of quality of the nity in the country in which earnest the robust laborer brought forth a ish policy in Palestine, summarized as haps I misheard tim." such Jews as wish to go there." Prussian Diet by Deputy Heilmann, I papers, presented and of the caliber of attempts are being made to carry on arge cheese. • follows: On repeating Ms inquiry the cattle Joint active participation in the Socialist, who declared that officials^ the various speakers, it far surpassed organized Jewish social work. Every At the end the ruler announced that work of developing Palestine is of the foreign ministry had exclaimed, £ "1. The British Government reaf- merchant was assured that the price any previous conference. Of especial one of these communities is watching his opponent had stood the test ad- predicated upon .the understanding "Thank God, there's one Jew less." "* of the cow was one ruble and he dug firm the Balfour Declaration of Nointerest was the wide range of sub- Omaha, intent on profiting by .ts exvember, 1917, which is not susceptible his hand into his hip pocket to find a mirably. When asked by his Min- that neither party, is committed to Particularly suspicious documents; jects and fields of work that were periences, if not actually following its to change. isters for an interpretation of the any political nationalist program* «he have been found in the offices of an ruble bill. discussed, as indicating the constant % example. Other conjmunities there "But you can't get the cow unless mystic signs interchanged, His Majesanti-Semitic association. "Soldiers of J , "2. The National Home wilf" be expansion of the sphere of Jewish soagreement' states. The Qonfereaa* J ty vouchsafed the^followjnjv, are which have a bigljcr per capita of the VitertwJd," of-which tJenwil 1M-[^ cial service. The meetings of the contributions," others Vwhich ,have a. founded in Palestine. The Jewish peo- you also buy the^^qpster," addedj&e question; *-asr^Is it true calls upon all its members "to-aettveiy dendorff is the honorary president. £\ Conference were - s o ^arranged -that support the economic enterprise of • A 4 ? K theGovem- I "And how much is the fowl - asked that you Jews are' like the stars of the Palestine Development Council. One of the Stinnes papers in Vien-|; j, every one in attendance was enabled greatervane^ of social s e ^ u n c - ^ ~ » "^7*7** heaven?' which'I* implied by raising It is further provided that the Con- na virtually celebrates the assassina-1 ' the puzzled puzzled Russian. Russian. ta share i i this consciousness of the S ' ^ ^ ^ d S S t i T w e t o t ^ n t L s no such aim in view.as to the "One hundred rubles," responded my finger toward the sky; and the ference shall have a representation of tion, proposing simultaneously the | . ! development of the general field of uycun,^^ '•'•.. » . . !,-„-[have Palestine become as Jewish as answer of my worthy opponent was six members in the Council as mem- creation of an international anti-Sera- f i£ the salesman. Jewish philanthropic endeavor. After- functions which they and Omaha nave 1 _ , . _ ,. , is English. in common. But those deviations are England 'No, they are like the sand of the bers at large, the Conference appoint- itic league. The price for the rooster was inndon and evening sessions were given "3. Nor do the Government conthe result purely of local conditions. deed enormous, but in conjunction earth, everybody treading on them, ing six other members to serve on over to discussions of the fundamental Rathenau's funeral was attended by',': New Orleans, for example, which template the disappearance or subor- with the cow.it was a good bargain which he signified by pointing a finger principles, and practices of the major the Central Committee of the Pales- at least 300,000 persons who sur- : ' raises $100,000 in its community of dination of the Arab population, its and the transaction was concluded. toward the ground. functions of our common enterprise, tine Development League. rounded the Reichstag during the l 8,000 Jews lias a" per .capita of $12.50, language and culture. "By showing: two fingers I meant to The ruble Yudel received for the leaving the morning meetings free forThe motion which was made by services, while millions throughout] \ "4. The status of all citizens in cow he cheerfully contributed to more than two and one-half times our assert that there were two Gods, one sp'ecialized groups, such as those enown. But New. Orleans ii a very Palestine will be Palestinian, no sec- charitable institution, as per his vow of good, and one of evil, which my an- Rabbi Isaac Landman of New York Germany mourned his death. The >?; gaged solely in family welfare, in wealthy dommuriity, where fortunes tion will have any other status in the while the 100 rubles received for the tagonist . contested by exhibiting one called for wide publicity to be given martyr's aged mother was escorted to child welfare, in community organizato this resolution upon its acceptance the services by Prof. Albert Einstein. have' been established for many years, eyes of the law. finger, symbolizing one God. rooster he invested in a new cow. tion, Jewish education, etc. by the Development Council at a con- President Eberg, in pronouncing the and with a very small indigent popu "5. The Government intend to fos'"You are not a nation,' I further eulogy over the bier, addressed himvention. lation. Likewise in other commttni- ter the establishment of the full contended by stretching forth my Omaha's High Position. THE SILENT DEBATE. self mostly to the mother. Then turnAnother resolution declares that Before entering into a derailed nar- ties, local needs have impelled the es measure of self-government in PalesThis is a story of the Middle Ages hand with fingers spread, illustrating ing to the bier, the president of the the Conference stands for ft humane, ration of the proceedings of the Con-- tablishment of philanthropic instita- tine, and as a next step, Legislative Just when and where it happened can- how the Jews were scattered all over republic said in a whisper, "I bring just and liberal immigration policy, tion 'But they are united,' ference, I want to state, and to state s and functions, with whose neces- Council with a majority of elected not be ascertained.' But it is charac the world. you the last greetings of our people." and deplores the continuance of the most happily, that if there ever was a sity Omaha has. not yet been con- members will be set up immediately. teristic of the life of the Jews cen countered my invisible foe by making 3 per cent quota law. fist. ,"6. The special position of the tunes ago; their precarious existenci a time when I r.-as proud to ally myself fronted. But no community in the A resolution authorizing the Con" 'Your sins are as red as wine,' I with the Jewish Welfare Federation country, a n d j say this not merely in Zionist Executive (as the Jewish and perilous surroundings. ference in co-operation with other orAn Emperor having heard of the reproached by producing a bottle of of Omaha, it was at this Conference. a spirit of local pride, but as voicing Agency for Palestine) does not enganizations to protest against those the statements of people who are fatitle it to share in any.degree in the superior intelligence of the Jewish that beverage. "They are as white as Literally, from all sides, I was greetgovernments that are not living up miliar with other communities, no government of the country. race issued an order directing his cheese,' refuted the Jewish champion ed, as the representative of that comto their promises to the Jews was Jewish subjects to select one of their munity, Which more than any other in community in the country can com(Continued on, page 4) Announcement Stirs Press. also adopted, instructing the Execu- Bat Soviet Opposes Zionism Because pare with Omaha in the high state of number to debate with His Majesty Powers Won't'Permit Workthe country, has most nearly reached tive to enlist the offices of file GovPress comment on this statement through the medium of gestures a state of perfection in its Jewish so- its organization. And this is after all ers' Jewish Palestine. ernment of the United States in safevaries according to the nature of the Should the disputant fail to comprecial work; From the most unexpected the foundation for real and positive guarding Jewish rights. paper. Thus, the Times regards the hend the import of the imperial gessources, from men who have long community service. Embracing as we Vienna. (J. T. A.) There is no " The resolution that women cannot statement as a step forward but not tures he would get a hundred lashes do, every element in the community, been acUvo in Jewish philanthropy Jewish question in Russia, anti-Semit- ; justly be denied the privil?ge of orcompletely satisfactory because mere and wnbse experience gives their every institution, every organization, ism having been, done away with by If no one appeared to debate with dination was carried by a vote of 57 verbal assurances cannot allay the and 'every field of social' work that opinions; great weight, from neighborScrensky and Lwow, the leader of the * the wise monarch a cumbersome tax Lester Livingston, Mrs. Sam Finken- against 11 after a lengthy debate. misgivings aroused among the Arabs. ing communities .and from those on operates our Jewish community^, we Provisional Russian Government, Dr. * would be imposed on all the Jews of stein and Jacob Wezelman The Conference also decided to es- Bolsky, secretary of the Russian SoThe Morning Post says, that the the kingdom. have the materials *for the attainment either coast, I was asked to convey io Buried on Sunday. tablish under its control a Federation viet Embassay here, told Jewish newsthe Jewlrih community of Omaha sin- of perfection in those branches in Government has made two' promises The people of the unhappy race of Religious Schools, headed by a to two different people, but has choswhich we do not as yet excel, and for cere congratulations on its standards were in deep despair. Not one of Death took a heavy toll in the Jew- Board of Experts for expansion and paper men. Russian Jews would be en to honor the pledge which it has the creation of such new activities as of communal"work and best wishes for them was desirous of undertaking ish community here during the week, improvement of instruction of the more welcome if they were to assimmade to the Jews. 1 a successful continuance of that work. may in time present themselves. ilate. But under present circumstances such a hazardous task. When it three funerals having been held on Jewish youth. the Jewish language and culture are seemed certain that they would have Sunday. Youth, middle age and ripe The Federation Movement. not only tolerated, but frequently enThe first general session of the con- themselves changed rad— J. within to pay burdensome taxes a Jewish old age were victims. Milton Livingston, 23, who died in Finkenstein's funeral. Burial took couraged even, he said. He added that ference concerned itself ,with the."i>ta- the past twenty years, and that or- blacksmith volunteered to save his tus of Federation With Special Refer- phanages, whether they are still oper- people by meeting the "king in silent an auto accident in Miami, Okla., place at the Beth Hamedrosh Hago- Jewish'art was highly appreciated ated on the old congregate plan or controversy. wherever it appeared. In the Ukraine, Thursday, was buried Sunday morn- dol cemetery Sunday afternoon. ence to Smaller w Cominunities," emthe newer cottage plan, are now nothJacob Wezelman, age 87, died at his he said, there were many Jewish miding from the home of his brother, Milbodied in the presidential address de\ Ad- . Rabbis Defend Russian Archbishop; ton. Rabt»i Morris Taxon delivered home at 1217 Davenport St., Sunday dle schools. In view of the fact, Dr. $ Keren tfayesod Supporters Will Meet livered by Dr..Solomo.n^Lowenstein o t ing other than boarding schools. vocates of- the home finding ; system, the eulogy. . A n unusually large num- morning from infirmities and old age. Bolsky regarded Sholom Ash's recent ~ N l i t Wednesday Evening. Riga. (J. T. A.)—The Union of New York. , Dr. Lowenstein isexecur, on the other hand, maintained that ber of mourners attended the serv- The burial was held at the Golden statement concerning the Soviets' un- * Rabbis of Mohilew have intervened tive director of the .New York City their methods brought: to the child friendly attitude towards Jews as "as- '^ Publifr memorial services for Dr. federation which embraces 91 instiwith the Soviet authorities in behalf ices. The deceased was born and edu- Hill Cemetery Sunday afternoon. : Mr - Wexelman has lived in Omaha tounding." " ' Theodbrfe Herzl will be held at the tutions. He maintained that.the fu- that intimate contact' with' and ex- of Archbishop Constantine of that cated here,-graduating from Central for the P«st forty years and was one With reference to the Zionist move- '• BethHatriidrosh Hagodel synagogue ture of Jewish social service in this perience in family life which is the city, imprisoned for refusing to sur- High school in 1916. He was em"birthright of every child.' This disnloved as ^'representative of the «* **« "West charter members of the ment, Dr. Bolsky confirmed that the render valuables of the church or the ployed Sunday evening, July 16, at 8:00 country was positively dependent .on a representaticussion can be made almost endless, famine victims. o'clock. :: Similar services will be held the growth and expansion of the FedUxdted Artists^ Motion Picture Cor- Omaha Hebrew Club. Surviving him Soviet Government was frankly op- ^ but it was the opinion of the conferon the iame date throughout the en- eration movement. The Rabbis explained that they are poration in Kansas Cjty at the time are his wife, Ruth, three sons, Israel, posed to the movement. Its opposience that so long as orphanages extire coutttry. : • ' in dutj bound to take up cuddles for of his deatht ~ B e is survived by his of this city, Maurice, of St. Louis, tion was based .oh the conviction that ist they will be filled. New Methods of Child Care. a religious leader of another faith, mother, Mrs. Carrie Livingston and Mo., and Max, of Los Angeles, Calif., the Jewish worker will not find "eco- ' Dr. Hferzl .died in 1904, following My opinion is that with the 'spread despite the fact that Archbishop Con- by two brothers^ Milton of Omaha and two daughters, Mrs. Molly Segelman nomic'freedom" in Palestine. While " Among the subjects discussed at ten yeaift of constant activity in beand Mrs. Anne Slobodisky, of this aware of the modern, humane and so- •• half of Zionism. Rabbi Morris Taxon Monday's session .was that, on of solidarity among the Jewish com- stantine was in the Czars days, a Alvin of Chicago. ? munities of the country, evidenced notorious Jew-baiter. arid Hdrryn Lapidus will deliver ad- ^Changes in Methods of Jewish Mrs. EllalR^ Knkenstein, age 55, city, and one sister, Mrs. Lea Mel- cial principles underlying the Paleswife of,Mr. §am. Finkenstein, died at mick, of St. Louis, Mo. He is also tine reconstruction movement, the Sodresses and Rev. A. Monsky will re- Child Care in the! Past Twenty through the growth of the Federation movement, and with the increasing de- OTTO KAHN AND MAX WARBURG her home Saturday, July 8, after sev- survived by thirty-four grandchildren viet authorities are persuaded that the cite El fHolorachmim. John Feldman Years" which "'was'- -in \ reality sire on the part of Jewish communiAllied Powers will not permit the EXPECTED IN THE HAGUE. eral months' illness. Mrs. Finkenstein and three great grandchildren. is in charge of arrangements and merely a continuance of. a discussion ties to care for local needs locally, Jews to put them in practice. What . which had been started at previous was a resident of. Omaha for the past will preside. The Hague. (J. T. A.)—Max Warthat the sentiment for boarding out On next Wednesday evening, July c&nferences. The question concerned children within the community will burg, widely known Jewish banker of thirty-three years. She was a mem- Rabbi Held as Counter-Revolutionary. the powers are after, Dr. Bolsky said, Riga. (J. T. A.)—Rabbi Borishans- is a market for their wares. For this 19, local supporters and contributors itself with the best methods of caring' become stronger. This movement will Hamburg, brother to Felix M. War-ber of the various organizations of ky of Homel, to whom the Commun- reason it-is held that an economically for dependent children, and whether this city. Besides her husband she is! to the Keren Hayesod will meet at be further strengthened through the burg of New York, is expected here the Jewish Community Center to hear this care shall be given-.in institu- availability of proper homes for chil- on the 11th. He is due to arrive with .survived by three daughters, Mrs. J. ists are accusthned to refer as the free Palestine is "impossible." Dr. Bolsky deplored the counterMr. M. J. Slonim of St. Louis. Mr. tions or in private homes under a dren which will result from limited Otto H. Kahn of New .York. An- Adelson, Jennie, and Bertha, and four •*Jewi8h Patriarch Tichon," has been revolutionary activities of certain arrested on alleged counter-revolucarefully supervised boarding out syssons, Mannie, Abe, Harry and Dr. Ii> Slonim. is in charge of the southwestimmigration and its tendency towards nouncement of their arrival has led to ern district of the Keren Hayesod and tem. Representatives of institutions the stabilization of Jewish family life. the circulation of rumors concerning rine Finkenstein of Grand Island, and tionary activities. The RakbL is ac- Jews, particularly leaders of the~Menprivate deals with the Soviet Delega one brotherrMf. Philip Stein, of Los cused of having openly preached re- sheviki Party, of the type of Mtetoff j has made many friends here during maintained that the methods of child and Abiahamovitch. care employed in institutions have Angeles,-Xalif.,-who attended Mrs. sistance to Soviet ordjaa |tion (Continued on.page 2.^' visit*

der of Rathenau:

Social Workers of Prominence, at Annual Convention, Send Congratulations to Omaha Through* LocalSuperintendent


Reform Rabbis Favor Ordination of Women in American Polpits

Declaration is Not Subject to Change, Britain Announces


Is No Jewish Question in Russia, Envoy Says

Death Takes Three Members oi Community During Week

Memorial ServicesforDr. Oerzl to be Held Sunday

' - - •'


'• .




group fife m America, and on the those stuns among the various Jews ard of giving is higher than that of 'it w a s h ' s strain.that made itself the specific problems of relief, child cultural- tendencies through which Communities 6i the country. Unfor- the non-Jewish element in the city, it fett throughout ptactically all the dis- care, transients, etc* "' But its major, those adjustments make themselves funate'y, the study had not been com- is highly inadvisable for the Jewisft cussions of the conference. Jewish emphasis isT being plaiied, not on these, felt. Published vren Thursday at Omah«, Netnfaiia, JWr, . r=: pleted up to t|ie time'trf- the present federation to join the Community Social service is in a second period of but on the adjustments of Jewish THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Conference arid definite action, was not Chest,. Fotttinately for us here, the adjustment. Its bases are now shifts i Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—^Telephone; jacksoji 2372. possible. However, preliminary fig- movement for the establishment of a ing from those which are purely NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. ures proved that the expense of col- community cTiest itk OWaKa is still philanthropic and relief-giving to those which are cultural and definitely lection of the national institutions in dormant. EDITORIAL BOARD: constructive, just as fifteen years ago Mr. Abelman's pape* recommended cities not federated runs from 25 per Tel DR. PHILIP SHER. SlONSKt, &. SCHAEFER, 1552 North 20th St. i ^FVTTVSON "Mohl cent to 52 per cent, with an average the establishment of state boards of they shifted from a variety of forms L of relief -work into a unified form of control with full power to combat the of approximately 40 per cent; H. MARKS, -L E y i ^ S O N ; W o n l ...?2;5O Subscription Price, one year.. community relief service. This newer On Tuesday I was asked to discuss rise of needless arid duplicating philanWe handle the BEST MEATS that money can buy. Advertising rates, furnished on application. a paper on "Standardized Budgets for thropic agencies. The discussion on change, •which recognizes more and Also the FINEST DELICATESSEN. We csn ! NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publics- Smaller Communities." I raised the the paper however differed from this more forcefully the place of the averjtton of The Jewish Press' are'to be given to worthy commtmal erases. furnish everything for weddings, and bnssan. point that we could not hope' to have view-point, the sense of the confer- age, normal, unhandicapped Jew in Anything like standardized budgets ence on the matter being that a uni- the community program, will mean a cnANGB O* ADDRESS—Pleaw ftT« both tb« 614 and B«w «<Jdret«} Also everything for picnics, but the weather. until-we had a more standardized fied public opinion adverse to thenew Judaism in America. j -' I * suffe *nd tlga ronr nam*. WHEN YOU WILL BUY ONCE YOU form of organization for communities. agency offers the best medium of The National Conference of Jewish \ WILL COME AGAIN. control. I stressed the contention that comService is earnestly striving to direct We give special attention to country orders. r| THE JEWISH WOMAN IN t H E TtJLPIf. plete Federation is the only method and to guide these new forces. It still The section meeting on Jewish We pack EIGHT, and ship in TIME. ] No matter what the objections may be, the action of the Cen- whereby we can hope to attain such Education brought out the increasing must, of course, concern itself, with tral Conference of American Rabbis in endorsing the ordination and until, the time importance being placed upon Jewish ttmmtm:t: tmmmtttt ««itf Jewish women as Rabbis will receive the hearty approval of standardization, when all communities shall be feder- education and Jewish culture in modil right thinking American Jews. With the removal of all civil in the same degree the only pos- ern community life. The splendid poPrimaries: July 18, 1922. estrictions on womentoythe enactment of the Women's Suffrage ated sible for community budgets sition occupied by the Talmud Torahs :in Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, her general must standard be a per capita standard of con- in various cities of the country is a si DA|iimination of all ancient shackles in the field of commerce, the tributions. sign of the renascence of Jewr 'f brofessions, and practically every pursuit hitherto the ex- Other sectional papers of interest hopeful No Springs—Honest Weight ish education in America. Indeed, this gjjlusiye proyiflce of. the "male,!"afiy other action by the American to us here include that of Jacob BilliRepublican Candidate movement, together with that of the rabbis would have bee^ out of harmony with the spirit of the HOBART ELECTRIC — - for kopf on |the subject "Shall Jewish Jewish Center movement, will bear ^ge and a step backward for the Jewish people. We congratulate GRINDERS, CHOPPERS Community Organizations Join Comfruit in a reawakened and a more -he Central Conference on taking this official step at this time. County Commissioner AND MIXERS. vigorous Jewish consciousness on the Jt might have begii pdstp'ofteS and tabled in an evasion of themunity Chests,' and that by Max Abelman on "Prevention of the part of our young people. direct issue. While it was ait entirely logical step it was neverFOURTH DISTRICT Establishment of Needless Jewish Service and Sales: theless courageous. .; y . • What effect the presence of women in our pulpits will have Agencies." 13th AND JACKSON STREETS "Vote for Him. You Won't The Community Chest. - an Jewish congregational life is conjectural. That it will tend FOR RENT—One or two Phones: Make a Mistake. is Undoubted. But will our In his paper, which was really a ; co some Stirling up p r e s s e s furnished rooms to single Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 'rebitzen" have any greateF Influence on iis for more enthusiast history of the relation of Philadelphia men or a young couple. Hobart Electri: Doug. 7396 -—tic attendance at synagogue service and greater participation in federation to the community chest of A Tax Payer in Douglas County Call at A. D a v i d s o n , Jewish affairs? We hope so. We,surely need some new ideas that city, Mr. BiUikopf brought out for 36 Years. 1556 North 19th Street. and new features' in our synagogues. The pathetic attendance the point that where the Jewish standWe have on hand Used and

ME j f




*T*Ut Jewish te'mples and synagogues, all, over the country have probably prompted the rabbis to appeal to their dynamic sisters to save the whole structure of congregational life. i What a wonderful opportunity for the modern Jewish woman of ability, of culture^ of sympathy, and of good common sense! ••-.Jtt is said that but for the women religion, would have died long stgo. How woman could have'maintained her passion for religion jdespite all the dhains of sex prejudice' that bound her is a psychological phenomenon. The pious Jew thanked God in his Jdaily prayers that he Was not born.a woman. The woman? She [thanked God she was perfittitted t o breathe, that's all. The ^.jJewish woman had no standing in the synagogue of olden time. ITeri ^men was an ecclesiasticrlegal ''rmnyuh" or quorum for the holding of services, but nine men and a thousand .women cquldn't Uf davan minchah" Unless another male person W&s coralled into _ the fold. The Reform Jewish rabbis of America have decided Ibhat a continuation of "such sex autocracy is wrong just as much Sea:! in the pulpit as in the state legislature, - S There isn't anything: sweeter or nobler than the Jewish £;i mother; With her self-sacrificing devotion to her family and J e w i s h ideals? she m6re than her male consort has kept the fires f^**fof Jewish idealism burning. With all the respect and regard that 5;? Tttnere man can haVe for woman, we welcome them heartily to the full possession of our last stronghold. May their inspiring influence in the home radiate with added luster and brilliance in the American Jewish pulpit;—Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle. some of the figures:;qttoted by Mr. Seinan relative io amounts raised for Jewish Community Center buildings by various cities throughout the coun1 (Continued from page 1} § j | On Tuesday the Conference was in- try, i am happy to state that, Omagfijormed of the methods employed by a ha's proposed- $300,000 fund for a m group of Jewish philanthropists in Jewis5 Community Building compares ~__NeW York City to spread health edu- inost favorably with sums raised by • cation to all the Jews of the metrop- other eoriimuriities of similar siie. blis. Dr. Jacob Goldberg;' director oi While speaking of the development PP[(the moveitient, told of the traveling of the recreational idea for communiclinics and health stations maintained, ties Mri Seman mentioned several outjjvith their corps of physicians arid standing instances of labor organizanurses, ,6f lectures given in public tions having raised funds totalling in schools,"1'of Yiddish pamphlets distrib- many instances millions df dollars to utedj arid other measures of education provide' recreational and educational in personal and communal hygeirie. facilities for their members. This is . i. Training for Jewish social"workers truly a remarkable development in Cfland the establishment of schools for Jewish social service when we reJewish social work was again dis- member that until very recently the ^cussed. Figures relative to/.the rapid bulk of the money contributed for so. turn-over of workers in the "field were cial work had come from the wealthy brought to the attention of the Cbn-and was expended upon other classes ference. as was also the inadequacy of the community. The more recent i , of-the present ndn-sectarian schools tendency is thSt these funds be raised p .of social work, to fill the need con- by all the people so far as possible, HtjStaritly, apparent in Jewish social and that the structures be made as jkai^ervice. A resolution was adopted self supporting as possible. lot? c a l l m S f o r a one-day conference of The National Organizations. we nJewish social workers to-be held in Jj fall to evolve ways and means for Other general meitiriss of the the establishment of a training school Conference were devoted to the conp Jewish social workers. The inabil-' sideration of business and reports. Of ity to supply trained workers to fili the latter the oiie of especial interest e ever-increasing needs in the field to us is that on Budgeting National s an almost insurmountable obstacle Organizations. Last year the Confer• the, development 6f organized Jew- ence undertook a study of the Nationish communal life in. America, and al instifrJtioris to determine if possible ould be remedied as soon as possi- how much money the^e institutions needed each year, and to allocate " ' ' ; " ' ' ' ' "' The Jewish Community Center . Movement. ' : On Tuesday evening ike .Jewish FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT iohunuhity tJeiiier movement was dis,, Qcfassedi Judge Irving Lehmahvof New Vote for I'York outlined the development'of the SY. M. H. A. movement and its grad,^ evolution from an organization if'jnihistermg solely to young men into jjji'a movement appealing to all groups j Democratic Candidate for .ki ,._e community. Philip L. Seman '•|of Chicago, head of the Hebrew InRAILWAY COMMISSIONER i/stitute of that city, the largest comLincoln, Nebraska. Illmttnity center organization of'.. its SJSkind in the country, spoke- on the "Jewish Center Idea and Its Program, if special interest to us here. are - FOR RENT-^Niceiy furnished -! ••: iopra! witli private •. .family.. All modern; Close in. .Very r reasonable.. Gentlemen pre: W. G. Die, Secrietatr.; K| ferred. ;An elegant place for man-who is • lodkirig-for -a Omaha Fiitiifip^& | good room.—Call rAT lantic Siipply Co. I ~ 6il2 or at 2112 California St.

Federation Development


Rebuilt Machines.


Working Circle Branch 173 ^—^_ AT —

LAKEVMEW PARK Wednesday Evening, July 19,1922

The campaign1 of

C H A R L E S S. ELGUTTER For HUIBCIPAL JUDGE has the active support of the following: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Louis Simon, Edward Treller, Louis Kirschbraun, Sol Goldstrom, Sam Leon, Harry Lapidus, Henry Monsky, Harry Zimman, William Holzman. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Henry Rosenthal, Harry Malashock, Arthur Rosenblum, Dr. Philip Sher, Harry Wolf. Albert Cahn, Martin Sugarman, J. J. Friedman. SECRETARIES: Max Fromkin, Fred Heyn, Sam Beber, Fred White, Dr. Max Kline, Stalmaster. ruuie, Irvin xxviii ouumaster. (Political Advertisement) (Political Ad^

PRIZE WALTZ (1st and 2nd Prizes) FREE ADMISSION TICKETS can be secured at the following places:

Adler-Forbes Bakery._ _ Fried &' Kuklin's Meat Market L. Wolk/s Barber Shpp J. P. Crounse Fish Store. Globe Boot Shop_^

1722 North 24th S t 1613 North 24th S t 1404 North 24th St. 16th and Izard Sts. 1614 F a f n a m S t



' fflflBS


Candidate for (he Republican Nomination for the ~: U. S. Senate

Republican Candidate for

has expressed himself many times as strongly opposed to any propaganda that stirs up race feeling or religious prejudice.


mm roll ~

17TH DISTRICT Boundaries: Dodge to Lfcavenworth Streets, and from 24th Street west to City Limits.

• -

He believes in Fair Play, regardless of Race, Creed or Religion.

AIDED JEWISH REFUGEES Congressman Jefferis, while in Washington, has aided more than 100 refugee J e w i s h families in gaining admission to this country from war-torn Europe.


David Diamond

GOMPI^ETE STOHB:AND r'vA OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy •ver 7(MM0 sauaw ,f«et BoOtbWMt Corter t l e v e n t h add DOORWS 6<»eei«. •Tacksoo OUAHa.


WANTED—A M a i " foi>^ the Clothing and Jewelry. Busi. . ness. Must have some moSey as a bond. Good proposition for the right patty, Cati I.Friedrain, AT lantic 4493*


I Will"Man Says: Regardless of cost, and Greater Nebraska customers double the bttying power of their fnbnejr*"

*rhous0nds of Men's and Young Men's




mg AT HALF PRICE to All broken "lines must go, and go at once. YouTi find suits from a score of leading maketa in Mftdfeds of patterns afid all sizes for men and young> ftienV

:Buy a year's supply of clothing in ihe '*I Will" Man's Sale* SEE THE "I WlIiLM MAti'S WINDOWS.

His Experience and Record in Washington Makes Him Well Qualified for the Senate. UNSELFISH CIVIC WORKER


The Omaha Daily News, an independent newspaper, m its issue of June 8, 1919, printed this Wonderful tribute to Mr. Jefferis r "Even before he entered public life, in the technical sense, Mr. Jefferis was considerable of a public man. For years he has been much in demand as a : public speaker and as a worker on civic affairs for which he has received no monetary consideration. Public committees that have called for men of ability and willingness have, had the habit of calling on "Big Jeff" for service. .They got it."

Congressman Jefferis, as a member of the, Graham committee, investigating war frauds, gathered much valuable evidence, which will be used by the Department of Justice in. prosecuting -war profiteers and those who practiced fraud on the government during the war period, lie has spent many months examining witnesses and taking testimony. This testimony will be of great value to the governmental authorities in securing indictments and convictions. Newspaper reports recently said that the work of ferreting out the war profiteers already is under way.

HE knows for Nebraska---He works for Nebraska




PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1921. for sixteen guests complimentary to with Mr. Coffman's parents, Mr. and luncheon yesterday-afternoon at her Frieden, financial secretary; Max Lincoln they will motor through Kan- dren are spending a few weeks at the Mute Eleanor Schrayer of Chicago, HL, Mrs; M. Coffman. home f or Mrs. Orblitt Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg, treasurer; assistant moni- sas and Missouri, and will stop off at Ozark mountains. who. is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. A. Silvermatt entertained at a dinner tor, O. Hoekman; Nathan Nogg, guar- Excelsior Springs, St. Joe and Kansas Mrs. I. Goodrich of Plattsburg, New party yesterday evening at their dian; HiSnry Nathaiisdn, Sam Stein- City. They will be gone a month. Arnold Browar. The afternoon was Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finsod, Mr. and -spentrin playing bundd; Prize* were York, is the guest of her daughter, home. Tomdrrow evening Mr. and berg and Herman Meyersftn, trustees. Mrs. Jack Chapman and Mrs. M. won .by the Misses Anne Ackerman, Mrs. L. Greenberg, and Mr. Green- Mrs. M. Steinberg will entertain at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poska gave a Chapman spent the week-end in Mr. L. Gilinsky and Miss Janet dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Omaha. AMce Adler, Rhra; Zie? and Gladys berg. She will remain here a month. dinner. Gilinsky left Sunday for Sioux City, Mrs. A. Poska, who hare just returned Meyer. Miss Schrayer was presented Frederick Cohn and daughMiss Molly Bonar, of Chicago, 111., Mrs. Harry Garson was hostess to i '-. Miss Minnette Gross left Saturday to spend a few days. 'with a gtiest gift from their wedding trip. The out-ofter, Miss Madeleine, are visiting his who has been Visiting with her aQnt, for Excelsior Springs and Kansas thirty-five ladies Saturday afternoon town guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. p sister, Mrs. Ray Dimond, Providence, The Blossoms of Zion held their Abraras, Mrs. S. Abrakmson, Mr. and in honor of her sister, Mrs. M. Green- ' , Miss Rita Mayer of Lincoln, Neb., Mrs. Ben Livinsky, for the past two K. I. City, Moi, to join her mother, Mrs. M. regular meeting at the home of Miss is visiting With her sister, Mrs. Her-weeks, returned to her home Tuesday Mrs. I. Abramson, Mr. Sol. Abrams, blatt, of Chicago, and her mother, Gross, who has been in Excelsior Toby Katelman. morning. bert Arnstein, and Mr. Arnstein. the Misses Lee and Sylvia Abramson Mi's. S. Greenstone, who left Sunday ,vMr. and Mrs. Morris M. Rosenblatt Springs for several weeks. Miss Gross for Chicago". Mrs. Greertblatt and the ] and. daughter, Anne, returned last Miss Sylvia Friedman, of Cleve- will be gone two weeks. Mrs. H. Schoenwald, of Sioux City, and Nettie Abrams, all of Omaha; Mr. children, Florence and Samuel, have Miss Carita Herzog of Lincoln, !j and Mrs. A. Abrams of Council •geek after a six weeks' nibtor trip to .Neb., Will arrive here Saturday morn- land, O., arrived Friday morning to Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn have re- and Mrs. H. Perlson, and son, of been guests at the home of Mr. and ? Boston, wher^ they attended the grad- i«g to be the guest of her aunt, Mrs be the guest of. Miss Ray Bercu for a turned from California to spend the Rhodes, la., are spending a few days Bluffs, and Mrs. E. B. Hassel of Mil- Mrs. Gafson for the past month. * waukee, Wis. aataon^of their son, Sol, from Har- Samuel Katz, and her cousin, Mrs*. month. Miss Bercu entertained for remainder of the summer in Ofiiaha. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Saltzman. vard,University. They were accom- Dollie ~ "" Elgutter. ~ She will be here two her guest Tuesday afternoon at a : Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenstone of Mrs. S. Caufman, of Minneapolis, bunco party at her home. paniedihome by their, son and his weeks. Omaha are the guests of Mr. GreenMrs. M. Cohn and children left Minn., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. roommate at college, Mr. Eiriahuel j . stone's mother, Mrs. A. Ellis. Miss Rose Guttman left Friday for Tuesday for her home in Colutnbus, Herbert Marx, and Mr. Marx. Miss Helen Robinson has as her Bosenberg, of New York City. Mr. a two weeks stay in Mason City and Nebr. house guests the Misses Lena Lipman, Rosenberg will spend the remainder of Miss May Fteshinan entertained the Miss Sally Krupinsky, of Fremont, Ida SackS; Sadie and Bessie Lapsehutz, Clear Lake, la. Mr. Samuel Guttman, the summer here. Miss Rose Lloman of Osceola, la., "Mizpah" club at heT home Thursday of Sioux City, la; A number of enter- Jr., plans to spend the week-end at Nebr., will entertain at a picnic Sun- is visiting with Mi's. M. Gilinsky. evening. day at Valley, Nebr. She will have a Clear Lake. • 'Fifty couples have been invited to tainments are being ^iven for the visnumber of Omahans as her guests. attend the first Zeta Beta Tau Fra-itors. Miss Helen Robinson enterMiss Shirley Friedman has as her Election of officers was held by the Miss Ida Hoffman will leave Saturternity dances Friday eVeiiing "at the tained Monday evening at her home day for Atlantic, la., to visit with her Miss Martye Weinstein entertained house guests the Misses Elizabeth and "Ivre" club on July 8 at the Ivre club PETROLEUM COKE, Field club, instead of the Prettiest for fifteen couples complimentary to cousin, Mrs. Ann Sherman. yesterday afternoon at Phelps Hut Bertha Goldenberg of St. Joseph, Mo. rooms. The following were elected: (The M d * Fuel) $ 1 5 . 5 0 Mile club, as first stated in the "Jew- her guests. Miss Bertha Berger enfor her aunt, Miss Rose Rubin, and A number of affairs are being given H. E. Bricker, president; J. Chesen, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kischbraun Miss Janet Krupinsky, of Fremont, in their honor. Miss Friedman en- vice president; Joe Goldstein, secreish. Press.** Carl Lamp's Orchestra tertained July 4 at a picnic for eight SPADRA, couples at Nathan's Lake and again and children motored to Minneapolis, <Iebr. will furnish the -music. tertained at a picnic at Lake Manawa tary; J. Pollack, financial secretary; (Grate ind Eft) $ 1 6 . 5 0 entertained Saturday afternoon for Miim., yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. The Misses Marion Cohn and Ralph Dv&rsky, treasurer; Louis M6S-' FRANKLIN COUNTY " A novel bridge club has been organ- fourteen at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Alexander Riibel, of Minneapolis, who Miss Estelle Lapidus will entertain Friedman entertained at a bunco party ILLINOIS LUMP, ized for the summer months by six Miss Anne Selicow entertained Friday have been visiting at the Kirschbraun ;he members of the "Sunday Evening last evening at the home of the lat- ser, inside guard. Couples of the school set. The first evening at her home. (Lamp Egg Nut) $ 1 1 . 5 0 home. ridge Club" at her home Sunday ter. The guests expect to leave for Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shire and chilmeeting was held at the home of Miss ivening. their home tomorrow morning. Dr. and Mrs. H. Barandk, of ChicaSadie Levey. Prizes Were won by Mr. and Mrs. Setwyn Iacobs will Mr. A. Markowitx is visiting with Miss Estelle Lapidus and Mr. Nathan move into their nevf home, 3525 Far- go, 111., have recently returned home ANNOUNCEMENf after visiting with their sisters, Mrs. Mr. A. Goldenberg of Colorado. E. Jacobs . The members of this club nam St., next week. Rev. E. Fleishman A. H. Diamond and Mrs. Jess Pregler. include the Misses Estelle Lapidus, "THE MOHL" Mrs. Philip Freidman entertained Mrs. Dave Goldman returned SatMr. L. J. Millet, of Chicago, spent Annette Fanger, Esther Brown, Sadie Office—JA-ckfon 088? The regular meeting of the Ra-Oth Moved into his new home at the "Afternoon Club** at a luncheon urday after several -Weeks visit in he week end with Artuur Snyder. Levey, Martye Weinstein and Elinore Yard—JA-ckfon OOSO 1342 So. 25th Street, Society that was to have been held at the Fontenelle Tuesday afternoon. Schrayer, and the Messrs. Nathan E. Minneapolis, Minn., with her brother, Sunday, July 16, at the home of the Mr. Millet is a fraternity brother Corner of Woolworth 1Avenue. Or Call at 219 South 13 Street Mrs. Sam Harding, of Kansas City, Mr. Fred Panor. Tel. Atlantic 663 ?. Green, Millard Krasne, Nathan E. JaMisses Yetta and Esther Nathan has f Mr. Snyder at the University of was the honor guest. Mnois. Mr. Manue\ Schiffer, of St. cobs, Meyer Beber, William Levey and Among the out-of-town guests who been postponed until further notice. i»aul spent Sundty; at the Snyder Louis Somber g. attended the Kaplan-Corby wedding ill Miss Martye Weinstein entertained ome. Mr. and Mrs1. B. Mandelstam on July 4 at the Blackstone Hotel anc jji "Don't Forget Joe. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Boasberg and a group of college girls at her home nd son, Phil, of Walthill, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Handler have tak- who left the latter part of last week last Wednesday. The afternoon was pent Monday and Tuesday with the Mr. and Mrs. • Jos. Greenstone of are Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rosenbloom, Sioux City, Ife, returned home after en an apartment at the Justin, 136 Mrs. H. Schwartz, all of Kansas City, spent in playing bridge. The Misses nyder family. spending several days at the home of North thirty-third street. Elinore Schrayer and Ruth OppenMo., Mr. and Mrs. B. Schwartz, of Mrs. H. Marowitae entertained the Mrs. S. Greenstone. heim Long won prizes. Friends of Dr. and Mrs. A. Green- Des Moines, la., and Mrs. S. Shapiro, Afternoon Club" at her home Mr. and Mrs. H. Marx and family berg are planning a dinner dance and and Messrs. Ben and Harry Shapiro, Mrs. O. C. Goldner left last Friday Wednesday. . . . FOR . . * jjj and Mrs. R. Snader ana Mr. Harry reception in their honor at the Bran- of Lincoln, Nebr. Miss Mamie Mar- with her two children, Miriam and Mr. and Mrs. M. Yudelson an- Snader all motored to Omaha last deis Tea Rooms Thursday evening, kowitz, of Kansas City, cousin of the Leonard, for an extended trip to visit July 20, in recognition of Dr. Green- bride, who also attended the wedding, relatives in the east. They will be nounce the birth of a son on Friday, Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Newman. Afteif returning to berg's, activity in local organizations, will remain here during the summer gone until the early part of Septem- uly 7. ber. especially in B'nai B'rith work. Invi- months. Bailiff District ^ | Miss Jeannette Gfiinsky entertained tations have been issued all members . Mrs. M. Solomon has as her guest fifteen couples at her home in honor Court 18 Years Hi Mrs. H. Hirschman was surprised of-~that organization. Harry Maia- her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Bercu, and of her cousin, Miss i'auline Gilinsky, sBock J s chairman of the committee Soft, Bdbby, Of Cleveland, O. Mrs. Monday afternoon at her new home f Trenton, N. J., and Miss Rose REPUBLICAN—July 18, 1922. I by the "Wednesday Bridge Club." The ::: and Beauty on arrangements. ::: SolemefTwill entertain this afternoon club presented Mrs. Hirsehtnan with a Sherman, of Allen, Nebr., who are Chiropodist Shop Slogan—^"Everybody on the Job." ill visiting with Miss Gilinsky. Miss buffet set. iff. Nathan E. Green is confined to complimentary to her daughter . Egtabllshea 1800 Phillips left yesterday morning for ISth and Hftrney Street*. ———————-^——————— 5|| his home on account of illness. Twenty-two members of the Omaha The picnic of the Ladies Loan So- Chicago where she will spend the Phone Donctas S&S ::: Miss Janet Gidinsky left the first Junior Hadassah witft Mrs. Ben Han- ciety that was to have been held July week and then return to her home ^MHH3SS:3s3H:ssK«a»53:£^ dler as chapardii held a bathing party of th§ month for Kansas City;. Mo., 16 has been postponed to August 20 Trenton. _ to be goneHhe remainder of the-srafl^ Stfirday a t Sandy Point The Misses because of the three penitential weeks mer. *" ——^—^- — ->*- - * Id* Sa<3*s -and" Sadie aud^Btesie Lfp--" Immediately "preceding TisfiaDOv. A regular meeting * of the B'nai schntz, of Sioux City, la., who are B'rith was held Wednesday evening, The local Workmen's Circle, Branch visiting with Miss Helen Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. B. Grossman have as at which the following officers were 173, will hold i t s fdufteenth anfiual and-Miss Sylvia Friedman, who is vis- their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. D. installed: Harry Perimeter, president; picnic and dance at Lakeview Park iting- with Miss Rae Bercu were the Orblitt, of S t Louis, Mo., Michael Maurice Gilinsky, vice president; Jay Wednesday evening, July 1&, 1922;out-of-town guests. The Misses Anne Grossman, of NewpoTt, Ark., and Mr. Cherniack, recording secretary; Jack Two grwe waltzes will be a special Greenberg, Annette Fanger, and Rose Lester Heeger, of Sioux City, la., who Fine formed the arrangement com- is the fiance of their daughter, Etta. feature df the" program. Many affairs are being given in their Fred R. Shaw'Flower Shop mittee for this affair. A number of affairs were given-.tot honor. Mr. and Mrs. D. Specter enDodge Brothers offer to the business public of America Pbsno ,104. Miss Shirley Altschuler of New Yoflt Mr. and Mrs. Harry. R: Milder an- tertained Tuesday evening at dinner an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. Che Best of Everything in Flower* «ntf City, wh& has been visiting with her nounce the birth of a soii last Friday for ten complimentary to the guests. Confection* 4t. liederat* Price*. brother,^ Mr. S. W. Altschuler,' arid afternodn at the St. Joseph Hospital. Mrs. I. Goldstein entertained at a From framework to window mouldings the body is built 546 W. Broadway.- N u t Liberty Theater Mr&' Aitscnulei* for the past thr*6 of steel. It is the first all-steel closed car ever marketed. COUNCIL ULHEF8. IOWA. Miss Yetta Wright entertained at a weeks. She returned home during' This design anticipates every possible requirement of •»« latter part of last week Miss bunco party Sunday afternoon at her commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness— Minnette Margolin entertained a t a home complimentary to the Misses at her home last Wedfa^ Dorette and Helen Kendis, of Los unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible Republican Candidate for Established 1882. W party paty a guests were Re-Election t ana n att Angeles, Calif. to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel lay evening for ft forty guests Present. two iunch&ons at the Brandeis Tea. finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long State Representative Rooms Complimentary to her cousin, Miss Sose Minkin returned Tuesday 9th District been famous. Kiss , Altschuler. The Misses Aose. after a week's stay in Des Moines, la. Guttiflfth and Lillian Margolin each»hd The upholstery is of genuine leather—leather that wul The Misses Fae and Rae Chapman, Tntertsined at theatre parties fox the irlier wash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable. Established reputation will inof Centervilie, la., are visiting with /isiiofc i are — Experienced sure you satisfaction in Carrying compartments are accessible and spadous. The their sister, Mrs. Abe Goldstein. stenographer and bookinning Mrt. E. B. Hassell of Milwaukee, car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, DIAMONDS, WATCHES t keeper. Bright graduate Mrs. F. 8. Cohn together with her Wis., formerly of this city, is visiting windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every and, might do. Mr. Levinson, i northwit& her-parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. daughter, Mrs, Jack Cqffinan, and 1 other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort SPECIAL PLATINUM WORK c o. Star Store, 24th and has & small son, Sheldon, returned the latGtftim She is being extensively enand protection. < Parker Streets. ; 1301 Douglas. AtL 6970. Jx* major ter part of last week from Minneapotertained while here. fer towns, lis, Mimn., where they were visiting Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of ThS Misses Lillian and Celia Marfiie inland everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of cus-left Saturday to spend several g and 100 line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodgft : weeks in Chicago and on the lakes. iatives int0 ilRENT-^A nice furBrothers cars. Xtle." A daughter, Leonie Lesbie, was born nished room in private * proceed to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Borsky Mftndayj home.; Call at 702 North It is the Business Coupe which business people the ^ a few July* 3,*at the Paxton Memorial Hos23rd Street, or call ATworld over have been expecting'—from Dodge Brothers. » Senator pital. '. Silabos, lantic 7331. The price it $980 f. a. b. Detroit , ieral in Mrs. E. A. ReifSchneider &11 negoInland, have returned from a two jbvernment w~eeT£s' visit lit Sidney, Neb. Twill then B Minnie Kneeter left Saturday, — Jewish young ^he matter , - , - ! * for an extensive trip to the 1 Jewry. .21 to 25» to learn East, stopping at Chicago and Cleve( the selling business and Ianu*iO.i before going on td New York •• 33-3S.Fe«rt* S*. ... i r at *8th Sf. 1TES CoucU Blotia eWf if* 0123 City* r She will be gone for several take charge of territory weeksi later assigned. Nominal Seat atMr- R- Schlases and son.returned jpay while learning. See nhas RuTuesday rooming from St. Paul, IS?ho obMr. J. Barenbaum at Minn., and Chicago, 111., where they vomthe spent two weeks. Henshaw Hotel Sunday ) caused he Pro* Mrsi H. J. Goodstein left yesterday from one to four p. m. J.o come for Denver, Colo., to make her future HbSLe. Twehty-f ive f riehds and relaattacks livei surprised Mrs. Goodstein at her itensky, home Monday evening at a party givFOR xl canen in her honor. They presented her DIAMONDS, JEWELRY • • . • FOR . • . . with an electric grill. im'ai AND Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jacks of Hast* S and SPECIAL PLATINUM ' ings, Neb:, announce the birtfi of a \sider DESIGNING.. boy, on Sunday. Mrs. Jacks was Non-Political "Wood see formerly.Miss Jennie Spigle of this "THE PEOPLE'S CANDDDATE city.>

Social, Club











Dr. Harry A. Foster

Sol Brodkey's


Henry J. Beal Republican Candidate' for


Charles S. Elgutter Municipal Judge

The Walashock Jewelry Co.

Mrs. A. ,H."r Diamond has as her house guest he"r niece, Miss Bernice Diamond, 6f U&coln, Neb.

Diamond and Platinum Specialists 1S14 DodKe Street. Established 1894. DOnglM M19.



s' names for Municipal Judges appear ... separate ballot. Vote such ballot at the polk. Two to be elected..

UlU a

..Miss Harriette- Fleishman entertain^





ar HimmiiHiiiiiifHifiiiiimtniimnmiffs


are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Altschuler and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rabinof of Madison, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. COAL - COKE - HARDCOAL Nathan and children, Blanche, Frances and Betty Doris, of Marshalltown; Telephone MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON Mr. and 'Mrs. * Sam Bernstein of St. Office Jackson 026S 209 South 18th Street NEARBY COMMUNITIES. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Jake Friedman -". By ISRAEL ZANGWILL and family of Marshalltown; Mr. and CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. Mrs. J. H. Friedman of Chicago; Mrs. P. MELCHIORS & SON The. absolute political necessity of This cannot but have interfered with Mose Adler of Akron, O., and Mrs. I. : B. KORNEY MACHINE WORKS creating, a Jewish land .of .refuge_was the contemporary collections for Zion- Nathan of Texas. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Industrial and Antomottv* Machinists. for many .years proclaimed'by the ism, also on a charity basis. But sums Miss Dora Caplan is visiting friends Carburetor and Ignition • Repairs. . obtained from investors for construcJewish Territorial Organization, of Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. Starter King Gear* for Auto Fix Whesto ?vhich I had the horror to be» Presi- tive .purposes will no$ only, not inter- and relatives in Chicago. ' 417 South 13th 'Street. 1415 Dwglas St. TeL Jackson 3171 Telephone i Jackson SOW dent. It is not, .however, through fere with, charity, contributions but Misses Mary and Dorothy Yarow'adhesion to . this . Organization or should be much larger. The financial sky left last week for a trip to Denthrough any communication with or weakness of Zionism resides in the fact ver, Colorado Springs, Estes Park and Y o u r position is from me/ but through the sheer pres- that its leaders have obtained no solid Yellowstone. DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT correct, and: should sure- of practical necessity, that the foundation of territory upon the de/ COMPANY. be-siipported by Mr. and Mrs. I. Washer and Harold American Jewish philanthropist, Mr. velopment of which funds may be proUNDERTAKERS BISMARCK8, CAKE AKD StJGAR BRAND DOUGHNUTS OCB SPECIALTY. every fair minded misingly invested. Paul W. Rothenberg, seems to have and Sidney Oransky are motoring ti MOVED TO been driven to conduct' negotiations We Deliver ;^tiie Rear Goods. New York. Will Present Difficulties. person. SK4 CUMTNG STBBET. with the Mexican .authorities with a \.PJiono Webster *O9*S Mexico, of course, i s a sub-tropical Mr. M. L. Sheuerman, who has been view to the establishment in Mexico country and the tract in question will seriously ill for some weeks, is now of a great area for the reception of not be an easy one to colonize. But back at his office at the Sheuerman ADVO COFFEE Jewish immigration. ' to refuse the offer, if it is a genuine Woolen Mills. • • * OX • • • one, and if it can be constitutionally 64,000 Square Miles Secured. WHOLESALE GROCERS ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS Misses-Sara and Minnie Friedman, Hoffmann Funeral Home. It will be seen a t once that the guaranteed, would be a greater madPhone Jackson 1302 offer alleged t o have been"obtained ness than even the refusal of that Helen Chapman- and Miss Jeanette bjr Mr. Rothenberg of;64,000 square tract of land in British East Africa, Lutz left Saturday night for Minnemiles along the American-Mexican from the mere rise in whose land- apolis, where they will remain two »J border for the reception of Jewish values Zionism could now have' been weeks. :i ' "Visit Our immigrants, approaches' the formula financed. (PALMER GRADUATE} 99 The language of Mexico—one of the Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sandier are of the Jewish Territorial Organizathe parents of a son, born Wednesday, tion much more nearly than did thegreat culture-languages of Europe^—is Second Floor, Elks* Building. Phone Jackson 3072 Do away with drudgery and make conception of President Diaz. Presi- not one which offers any obstacle to July 5, at Congregational Hospital. house-work a pleasure by the use dent Obregon's original concessions to incoming Jews. Indeed, the contract Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schloss left this With Xbur Order for of modern electrical appliances. colonists issued by him in April, 1921, between the Jewish people and theweek for a trip through the Canadian HOLCOMB ANYTHING ' The Electric Shop" is on the contains no special inducement to Spanish language has never been Rockies. EAT FOOD CHEMICAL broken, and in the Levant Spanish ground floor of the Electric -buildJewish immigrants, whom it does not IN THE WRAPPING ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth Mr. Dave Rubinson, accompanied by PRODUCTS CO., INC. even mention. For the general im- still flourishes in the shape of Ladino. PAPER LINE and Farnam streets. ' . M.nnt^tHfiiri of migrant, also for the individual Jew, A nucleus of Ladino-speaking Jews his sister, Miss Rose, left last week FOODS AND CHEMICALS. for a motor trip through the East. might indeed be planted among the .better conditions can be had from 1112 HARNEY ST. 1XATORXKO BXTSACTS. first immigrants. Less favorable to Brazil or the Argentine, as they can Phone Douglas 0400 •18 K. Utli 8t. * Fhoaa Atlantic 4M4 THE BEST Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Rubinson entercontinue, I believe,' to' be had from the Scheme is the fact that Mexico is tained at a 5 o'clock dinner Saturday a Catholic country. Canada where grants of 160 acres per evening at their home, 1106 East Sevman are still available. Mexico, we NORTHWEST READY I had hardly finished writing the enth street. may.assume, in competition with so ROOFING CO. many, other, lands' of the future, above, when I had a visit from my Ready Roofing over old shingles. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shames of Chicago QUAKER BAKING COMPANY Also maphalt shingles and build-up reaped no very encouraging results old friend, Hamlin Garland, the fa-have announced the marriage of their roofs. Firs resisting and durable. Douglas 1862 All work guaranteed. Easy terms. from its President's pronouncements, mous American author and traveller, daughter, Rose, to Mr. Sam Aliber, STEENER ELECTRIC Phone Haraey S574 and it is probable that the new invi- who, from his considerable acquaint- son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Aliber, West Oflto* an* Warehouse: S12X I^sreaworth tation specifically addressed to Jew? ance with Mexico ^feared that the re- Second street. „ MEAT CHOPPER"': is a sequel to the failure of the gen- gion offered the Jews must be the ^ MILL. eral invitation. This need for immi- arid Central Plateau, to which one Humorous Tales "USED SCALES OF ALL grants—a need which, under Lord climbs at once after crossing the Rid 11 MAKVFACTOBXBS. MAKES FOE SALE. Grande whih constituted the boundary Northcliffe's reminder "is being real(Continued from page 1) MEY-MER-CO. Brand ized even by rich countries like Aus- between the United States and Mexi- bp flaunting his cheese at me." 510 South iOth Street. Beverages and Syrups. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. tralia and. New Zealand—provides the co. There are a few springs on the The blacksmith's interpretation of Phone Jackson 3332; ro-xti so. uth st-. best conditions for Jewish Territorial ascent, but as sotm as one gets high the mighty contest was as follows: i Phone Attentte 388* negotiations, the Jews coming'in not up in the plateauftone reaches at sev- "The King hinted with an upward Iten "SAT IT, WITH FLOWERS" as beggars but as representatives of eral thousand feet a great expanse of movement of the finger that he was hot-dry land, subject to dust-storms aitd boy thdn'at '' the capital and labor necessary to Biscuit Co. going to string me up, and in return LOW FARE build up their. peculiar province and not even irrigable, overgrown I sent him to hell. SNOW WHITE ROGERSAll that the same | whose development will also enrich with cactus (prickly pear) and sage"He then threatened to gouge both implies. 319 South 16th Street. BAKERIES the country in' general. It may bebrush—a desolate-looking country in my eyes, which he expressed by showPhone Douglas 3400. which nothing is to be seen save a (Bec.-V. ••«. Pat. said that if Mexico is really willing ing me two fingers, and I graciously ATLANTIC 4522 Offlee.) 916 K. 16th St. Douglas «8W to set aside a territory, of 64,000 rare hacienda where a few cattle are told that it would be 'an eye for an square miles to be administered by a raised by a scanty population of eye," which I made very clear to him TB? SCNDGRBN'a • Nutrltlori» Horn* Mode Jewish company, its demand that the herdsmen, chained to the land by the by showing one finger. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES immigrants adopt Mexican nationality peonage system. -Some of the cattle Ambulance Service "Then His Benign Majesty ex• APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES PIBS and COOKZBS constitutes no contradiction to themay be< met, wandering about, half- pressed a desire to slap my face, Equipped with Pulmotor. 'Sealed In -Sanitary W^e Made by i '. "Wrapper at * Yoor 'Grocer. All Cans Answered Promptly. Granden Electric Co. Territorial interpretation of "autono- wold and half starved. On either which intention he signified by strechUNCLE SAM BREAKFAST mous basis." .The main function of slope of the Plateau the land is fer-ing forth his hand with his fingers DEPENDABLE XXECTBICAXi Sundgren Pie Baking Co. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN FOOD co: MERCHANDISE. this "autonomous basis" is to secure tile, but the general character seems spread, ready for action, to which I 34th and Hickory. Atlantis Mtt 1411 Farnam 8*. Fhone Harney MM 1611 Howard St. Fhone Atlantic MM OMAHA. NEBBA8KA.* —df this be indeed the unnamed tract the continuity of the immigration. r. _ _ humbly replied that I'd break his neck If at any moment the immigration in view—to confirm my apprehension with my powerful fist. When His "1 • • . . --. , ; . ; - • ; : ; ; could be stopped by non-Jewish au- that the territory offered would not Highness saw that I stood my ground American thority, the whole scheme would be prove easy to colonize. On the other he graciously offered me a drink of •w Carpen ter Paper Co. WHOLESALE a bucket with a hole in it. Before hand it must be remembered what the wine, and I reciprocated his kind in- j Wet Wash Laundry ""•' DUtrlbutors © « ' . ' ' Druggists and Stationers colonization on so great a scale is en- Salt Lake region looked before the vitation by offering my cheese to j 2803 Cuming. Harney 0881 Western Bond—and High Grade 401-103-IOS South IOth V . One Day Service. No Extra tered upon, its whole future must; be Mormons took it in hand, or the site him." ! » Stationery ••: j • of Sydney when Australia was yet a Charges. Refinite Soft Water. assured and the country a t , large OMAHA. NEBRASKA. . must acquiesce in and sympathize convict settlement. To sum up, it is A CHIP OF THE OLD BLOCK. .Of th(: Why Buy Tin? with the idea that ultimately one ofa proposition not to be lightly enter^.of soci ' t . "Anything to eat?" asked the LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. stahtly its provinces or states will be a Jew- tained, not to be lightly rejected. weary traveler of the village inn >AXTON-MITCHELL CO. I SAVES VOTJ MONEY. In Active Praotlca Since 1910. ish province or state. This point service. HaroeV keeper, arriving late at night. stfc and service Vl u lt MID-STATES WHOLESALE Scalling ifnctureTB of Brass. BronsevAlnml-. would have to be embodied in a charDr. Frances H. Turner "Sorry, sir," replied the owner of S.Tpwi«;h q, and Soft Grny Iron CastlDRS. PAX TON -AND GROCERS DES MOINES ter binding all future Presidents or Office: Brandeis Theatre Building. yjcwisu b^ aagurea o f goft castings, as the tavern, "but my wife is already 11X7-19 Dodge St. Jackson 887S 11th and Douglas Streets. *tne fall tochine some from eTery heat In Parliaments. Phone Atlantic 383* asleep, and I know nothing about the GALLAGHER ROSENBERG-GOLDFARB. Will Direct Immigration. kitchen. I have a room for you, —for Mr. and Mrs. P. Rosenberg an- though; right near mine." MAX OLSEN & CO. It is gratifying to note that the j t y to TIRES—TCHES—ACCESSORIES Wholesale Distributor* for Territorial idea has made such prog- jrounce t h e marriage of their daughAn. hour later the proprietor of the the ever-iru ter, Rose, to Mr. Paul Goldfarb of SCHMlDrS ress as to seem no longer unnatural hostelry was aroused from his slum; is an OCK TREATMENT W i l l . Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger whether to Government* or to Jewish New York City, which took place in ber by- his terrified wife. "Listen, We carry a complete line, of nnw CONVINCE ¥OTJ OF OCB to the ring gears, pinions, axle shafts and - Ale,-Hires .Root Beer philantropists. When;? after the po-June. SINCEBITX. Sam," she whispered in terror. " springs for almost any ,make of car. ish com Office and Warehouse! B11 Bo. Main St. Mrs. P. Rosenberg and her daughgroms of the eighties, the first panicTrust Department. The guest who had been assigned to M. D. IUCHMAN, Manager. Telephone 142 should, Safety Deposit Boxes. 1318-1330 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. stricken streams began to pour into ter returned recently from an extens- a room adjoining theirs was heard COUNCIL BLCFFS. IOWA. -ble. PHONE 444, America, one farseeing man, Judge ive tour of Europe, including France,, through the tin wall pacing up and Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Ru-.-down the room, muttering menacingSulzberger .exhorted that the immiRATESI gration instead of being chaotic mania. The past year was spent vis- ly: "If I don't get something to eat for space on_this Special I should be towards some definite ter- iting relatives in Rumania. While in I'll do the same as my father did." Omaha Offlee: 813 Doniclas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic S8M Page given on application. Bucharest Miss Rosenberg met Mr. ritorial center. His advice was disThe hotel keeper jumped out of bed j Ford Tranoier & Storage Co. .cussed, regarded, but had it. been followed, Goldfarb, where they became engaged. and started cautiously for the strangJEWISH PRESS R. A. FORD. .{York' o there would by nowJjiave grown, up fer*s room. Timidly he opened the j President and Genera] Manager, . w Mr. and Mrs. Mose Roamie have 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 jY. M . H . CeaneU Blnffs Uowa) Ops* .automatically a Jewish aggregation announced the engagement of their door and peeped in. The hungry j f l evoliifo •M So. Main Street. Phaae MS which would have maj|e on* of the daughter, Mollie, to Mr. Ralph Burg- guest, with hair dishevelled, looked | ministering wild, |Ie kept on striding across the! United States a Jewish. Stite. The heimer of Kansas City, Mo. CLEAN LINEN a irioveml room repeating the threat. ; present generation of philantjjiopists, Every monunr An Ideal Washing Combination. in', the co U yon call the Miss Faye Biederman, headworker as embodied in these Chicago Jews, "Tell me, please, what is it that Estes Laundry Tablets of seems. to have learnt by experience, at the Jewish Community Center, left your father did?" finally ventured the with...; Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Frontier Tiwel Supply stitute of and to be unwilling to encourage pro- Sunday morning for a four weeks* host courageously. Estes Soap Chips . 1815 California Street. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB. miscuous and planless settlement. The trip through the Canadian Rockies, "My father," declared the violent and ,, Phone Doniclas «*»! kind in Water Softener (Combined) and down the Pacific coast, returning man. "My father when he got no organization they propose to form in Jewish. At all Grocers. the State must not be a philanthropic by way of Utah and Colorado. She supper went to bed hungry." Of sp< OUR NEW LOCATION was accompanied as far as Minneapoone in the narrow sense. The exploi19th unil Douglas Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 Masonic Temple Blllg. tation of a great stretch of territory lis by her mother, Mrs. Augusta Bie- Czarists Planning Anti-Soviet Coup. You will like '•'';' . . . f o r . . . .. • Our-Llne Budapest.* (J. T. A.)—Encouraged affords a basis for the foundation of a derman, who will remain' there visitr.D\VIM, ELLINGTON, HAMILTON. CHEESEBUTTERBUTTERMILK financial territory who^e risks will be ing her daughter, Mrs. S. Goodman. by the Rathenau assassination and DPRIGHTS. QRANDS. OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. fully covered. Cecil Rhodes founded Mrs. H. Wolf, who has been very the blow to the German Republic,. TO AND FROM BUTTER THATCHER PIANO CO. Russian-Monarchists residing in Cen- j Rhodesia with less than a million S41» CntnlDc St.. Omaha. Nebraska. — — Made by ill, left last week' with her daughter, Fhone Jackson 8086 tral Europe arid' the Balkans have sterling. The trouble^ of land compaIda, for Rochester, Minn., for medical been called to a conference here to ALL PARTS OF Kirschbraun & Sons nies everywhere come :from the dearth attention at the Mayo Hospital. Rates for Space on consider the steps that are to be taken of labor. A Jewish immigrating land THE WORLD DON'T BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page company would be provided with this An interesting • celebration of this preparatory to '^assumption of power Sherman Mercantile Co. n i l IS MUCH CHKJfPER given on application. asset from the start. A Jewish labor week was that of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. in Russia." As the next step, the VAL. J . PETER & COMPANY Jv* Hemove the D M t l n n i Wholesale Grmer* Specialties 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. force turned upon any country is real- Nathan, who celebrated their golden Monarchists, including Generals BisYour 6'urnnce snd ln*ert a 1511 Coming St. Phone Atlantic 1147 ATlantic 0340. ly a P^ctolus—a stream of gold. wedding anniversary on Tuesday, July kupsky, Butyenko and Poltarik, de, VAPOR BURNER DISTRIBUTORS 48S Brnndelii Bide Tel. Jaekson 137* cided to convene a world congress of • American Jews have noble collected 11. i ' . JACK SPRAT FOOD PRODUCTS. 019 So. lOtb Street. . . * Omaha* Nebraska. . . 18 million dollars for the relief of > A number of .out- of town guests are monarchists for the* restoration of;the Subscribe to "The Jewish Press'! Czar's-regime. • • Jews .in the stricken, lands of Europe. here-for the-celcbration. • Among-them PAXEDNIZE OUR








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