There is >' no substitute Cor thorough-going, ardent and sincere earnestness.—Dickens.
. , Who^rises. everx time he falls " wifl sometime rise to stay.^William C.Morris.
/Entered,-, «V . portofflo at (ing*
VOL.-IL—No. 32
Nationwide Summer Campaign Launched Keren Hayesod
• mail matte* en January 27th, 1021. at •brisk*, under the Act of March 8. 187V.
Mexican Immigration Offer Favorable Says National Committee
Jsrusalem. (J. C. B.)—The MosJerusalem. ,(J. T. A.)—Two Jewish lem Christian Union.of -Nablus (old watchmen of Beer Tooviah, a Jewish Shochem) is reported to have split colony in the Gaza district, are under over the question of Policy to be purarrest following on the colony sued by the Executive of the Arab- Territory Offered Jews in Lower To Collect Million Dollars in in. which fifty Arabs,- from nearby By NORMAN HAPGOOD. Conference, in view of the pro-Zionist village, of both sexes, took part.' The California Desirable, But Outstanding Pledges to not only with the Russian^nonarchists.J Stokes, Norman .Thomas, William S. decision of the British Parliament. PART THREE. raiders were caught in the act of Needs Irrigation. Palestine Fund. Step up,. Ladies and Gentlemen, and but with reactionary; American organ- U'Ren, Oswald Garrison Vfflard, and The Editor of "El -Sabah," organ of stealing corn. .-After warning: them, American, Defense George P. West W^re well-known the Palestine Arab Delegation, has rethe Jewish, watchmen opened fire, meet investigator No. 25 H.- He has izations like-the ECONOMIC POSSIBILITIES ADMINISTRATION ISSUES Society and the Civic Federation, and * Christians, but,on the other hand? the a leading role in this instalment.. from Nablus after failing to REPORTED AS UNLIMITED APPEAL TO VOLUNTEERS wounding one -of the' raiders in the If .this farce-tragedy had not its put bodies like the Civft Liberties bu- eagle eye of 25 H observed such Jew- turned reconcile the Moslem Christian fachand. , ,« serious side, I should wish for the reau under suspicion.,-jlie crime of ish names a s . Felix Frankfurter, tions. Chicago (J. T. A.) — That the The Deputy Governor of the Gaza New York.—-Taking advantage of style of Alice-in-Wonderland. That .this bureau is that it rigrets to see Ernest Freund, and Morris Hilquit The Phillistine, an Arab newspastretch of land which President Obre- | district has notifiedthe colony that a the political victories which Zionism master of grotesque dreams,- Sir John abstract thought correSwLby imStill 25 H was no tyro. He behaved was won by the unanimous passage of fine will be imposed to compensate "the Tenniel, who draw for Lewis Carroll prisonment in our country,' as before as a real detective should behave. He per, reports that the district's Gov- gon is prepared to offer for the colo- I ernor of Tul Kerem has prevented the nization of Jewish immigrants from | the Hamilton Fish resolution in the Arab for his injury. the pictures we all know of. the White the war it used to be in the three did not send in his visiting card. I formation of a Moslem Christian Eastern Europe' is suitable is the sub- 5 House of Representatives and the Rabbit, the March Hare, and the despotic monarchies overthrown in remember once a female detective, Union at that place. stance of a report published by Paul i overwhelming vote in support of the: Cheshire Cat, would exactly meet our the war. It is headed by a youngish evidently new at.the business, burstPalestine mandate in the House of Rothenberg,' who just returned from I man named Roger Baldwin, one of the ing into my cabin on an ocean liner purpose. Commons, the national administration Lower California as head of a local ? few examples of a man socially and in war-time,. and proclaiming, "I am " In our tale are many elements, that of the Keren Hayesod, headed by Jewish committee examining the ter* v, financially well-placed, whoneverthea detective." "Good," . I said, "sit intermingle and affect one another. Peter J. Schweitzer, issued a proritory. | When last month I exhibited • the less concerns himself with things of down." "No," said she. "Where is clamation to Keren Hayesod workers Mr. Rothenberg war accompanied * the spirit: getting, a s it were, through your luggage?". counter-protocols, that were" fojged and committees all over the country by engineers,-among whom were Mr. f There was no such candor in the to get even with the people who were the eye of a needle. The Ford-Daniels to concentrate, during the summer on Secretary of Council of Jewish WomW. P. McComas, of Los Angeles, an sleuth, 25 H, reported against the Ford-Daniels sleuths. marketing the anti-Jew Protocols, I the collection of outstanding pledges. en Answers Attack of Writer. expert agriculturist and geologist, and Civil Liberties Union a leaflet which expected this month to set forth the Irwin St. John Tucker, one of the "Thank God, One Jew Less," AntiSimultaneously the report is made Mr. Charles Forbes, former superopened thus. prominent liberals of America, was Semitic Official is Quoted. that the cash receipts of the Keren UNFAIR CRITICISM OF AMERI- original forgeries. But other quaint intendent' of the British Colonization doings claim priority and the Protovisited in Chicago, the third week in "Our fight is to help'secure unreHayesod in America are now well CANISM. cols go over to next month. This stricted' liberty of speech, press and April, 1921, by one of the Jew-chas- MILLIONS M O U R N MARTYR'S Company of Mexico. over the $2,000,000 mark, and it is The report follows: month 25 H and the other heroes ap- assemblage, as the only sure guaranty ers. Mr. Tucker will learn first when DEATH. stated that in order to keep in operaNew York.—Mrs. Harry Stern"1. AGRICULTURE. The territory pear in their brilliant role of protecthe reads these lines that a man who of orderly progress; .tion the various activities and insti- berger, Executive Secretary of the comprises 16% million acres of land, " I t is time enough; for.flie.rightful called on him,; and had a long chat Berlin. (J. T. A.)—Documents and tution in Palestine which are support- Council of Jewish- Womeni refers to ing the country against thinkers of nine million of which are arable, the the type of Miss Jane Addams, Col. with him on that April day, was a no purpose of civil government for its assertions purporting to show that ed by the Keren Hayesod ,it will be the essay on "Racial Minorities," remainder consisting of mountains. Howe, and Mr. Justice Brandeis less formidable figure than 25 H. officers to interfere when principles the assassination of Dr. Walter Rathnecessary to collect an additional which' appears in the recent book, Mr. Tucker evidently trusted the enau, Germany's foreign minister, is Many copper, gold and silver deposits Let the reader keep'in hi6 gigantic break out into overt acts against $1,000,000 during the summer. "Civilization in The United States," reported to exist there, and also salt brain in fact that it is not the Jews peace and good order.'—Bj^-Thomas masquerading 25 H. He did what oth- traceable to anti-Semitic agitation No effort, it is stated, is to be made and challenges the contention that the primarily who are. being defended in Jefferson. er authors have done before him. He have come to light from various quar- beds. The country is traversed by to secure new contributors, but the Jews' Americanism, is incomplete. this exposure. Unsuspected by Ford many streams, the main one being showed the visitor a manuscript. On The struggle for freedom today ters. outstanding pledges which, it is re- Mrs. Sternberger refutes tha charge himself, there exists a special law of centers around the activities of the April 23, Operative 124 X sent this the Santa , Dominga which has its While the body of the Jewish minported, amount,close to $3,500,000, are in the following clear analysis of the history that when you start to per- organized workers and farmers. Ev- memorandum to Mr. Daniels: origin in tbe'Sierra-San Peoro range ister was lying in state, and even durto be followed up and that portion Jew's position in American life: At Chicago last week 25 H spent ing the impressive services in the of mountain*, where the waterfall of erywhere that struggle- involves the secute one race or one religion you of them which is now due to be col- "It is surprising to see the Jew i n inevitably begin a crusade against the issues of free speech, free press, and considerable, time with Irwin St. 2,800 feet exists and which generates lected. These pledges, it is said, are our land charged with 'an incomplete principle of freedom itself. Hence al- peaceful assemblage. Everywhere the John Tucker, .and was told by Mr. Reichstag, the chief of Berlin police an excess of 10,000 horsepower, all signed and recorded and the Americanism.' • We gain, an inkling ways the drive against-Jewg becomes powers of organized 'business chal- Tucker that, he had begun a book on was pursuing his investigations in the estimated to. be sufficient to furnish pledgors made fully aware of the ob- of the thought that dwells in the a smoke-screen for a drive against lenge the right of wickers.-to organ- the Jewish problem; and he, showed belief that the assassination was the power and light for entire upper work of anti-Semities. The premises r ligations which have been assumed background of our critic's mind when free, thought. ize, unionize, strike and picket. The 25 H his manuscript of the introduc- wore oi ana-oemiues. m e premises l ~ " . " - ' . — ' • * of clubs and associations with avowed \ peninsula. i# -in Palestine in reliance upon their we read the. following observation in "2.- CLIMATE. The average temI go rather often to Paris. To this hysterical attacks on red* i>ropagan- tion so far as he had written it. He anti-Semitic programs are his article:—the Japanese in the promises. pcrature during July, August and da, on radical opinion o£*a11 sorts, are asked 25 H to obtain him a copy of searched. day, thinkers in Paris divide people United States ar4 much mooe easily in substance a single masked attack the Jewish" Protocols. Mr. Tucker apSeptember is 63 degrees Fahrenheit; Christianized than.,the Chinese, and as pro-Dreyfus and anti-Dreyfus. The Find Suspicious^ Documents. peared to be inclined to place great on the revolt of labor-$nd the farmduring -.November,- -December! and. v are ever less attached to Baddjaism famous case has long, since. lost its That the assassination flf Rathenau January, 35 degrees. Frost and »now credence in the Independent articles, ers against industri*!'original significance of forged • evithan, axe- £he' Jews to tijeir jiatiye an; gvent tor whir at the : incites ai*-" practically .amknawa,. the' heavy Wfleitte faith.' The," incompleteness Of^dtlr dence against a Jew.- It- has"'-ftrasj against Jews should be held respon- rain fall-occurring during the winter great confidence in the pfsonal integAmericanism," it "may lT)e :.inlerredy is since come to stand rather-for the 25 H was highly pleased with himsible .was the assertion made in the months, the summer being comparrity of Mr. Ford. Of course 25 H did acid'lest of liberalism. The anti-Dreyself. A less enterprising brain weuld Samuel Rosensohn Also Leaves to Act due to our preference for the faith, of fusites mean the standpatters, and have thought it irrelevant, since most not reveal his mission, nor did he lead Prussian Diet'by Deputy Heil man, So- atively dry. The air is clear, the our fathers and' our failure to" accept cialist, who declared that officials of skies always blue, and the lunar On the Rutenberg Holding Christianity. This point of view as- militarists and monarchists; the Drey- of the signers were Christians. But •the conversation." the foreign ministry, had exclaimed, light so strong at night that it is Company. A little note of question, a tiny rift fusites, the uncompromising -liberals. 25 H knew a "Gentile Front" when he sumes ..that' Americanism and Chris••Thank God, there's one Jew less-!' pqssible - to read without artifical. tianity are inseparable. It is a defi- , So-it-is with the Beiliss case. That saw one. Jeanette Rankin of Mon-in the lute, creeps in occasionally.- Is The passenger list of the BerengaPartciularly suspicious documents light. it possible-any of the Sherlocks lied? . nition of .Americanism that , is un- ignorant Russian peasants can be tana; ex-Congresswoman, was viceria, which sailed for France and Enghave been found in the office of an Operator 124 X, who reports the acchairman. Mr. Baldwin was director. stirred up to believe Jewishritual re"3. ECONOMIC POSSIBILITIES, American, for it abandons the cherland on Tuesday, included a number anti-Semitic association, "Soldiers of (a) Timberland. It- is estimated by ished Amreican ideal of tolerance for quires Christian blood is not the main Miss Addams, James A. Duncan, John tivities of 25 H,' finishes his memoranof Jewish passengers on various compoint. The point is the mob-psychol- A. Fitch, Andrew Furuseth, John dum on a note' of doubt. "The infor- the Vaterland," of which General tm- expert engineers that there are 18 people of every creed. munal missions. ogy used by the Tsars to ke«p the Haynes Holmes, Frederick A. Howe, mation contained in this report," he dendorff is the honorary president. billion feet of fire timber. "The very suggestion of the Jew's One of the Stinnes papers in Vienna David A. Brown, Chairman of the Helen Keller, Robert Morse Lovett, adds, "is, of course, furnished by masses in subjection. (b) Fishing. The waters of the virtually celebrates the assassination, Pacific at this point abound in a National Appeal for the "War Relief religious dissent is thoroughly un- • Thus it is that the Ford-Daniels Allen McCurdy, Grenville S. McFar- 25 H." proposing simultaneously the creation variety of edible fish. There are Fund, sailed to join the Commission American. The true spirit of Amer- pseudo-detectives inevitably combined land, Ida D. Scudder, Helen Phelps (To Be Continued Next Week.) of 4n international anti-Semitic great possibilities for fishing industry. recently appointed by the American icanism in the question of religious league. Jewish Relief Committee to study the dissent was clearly and concisely ex(c) Fertility of Soil. The soil is needs of European Jewry. Mr. preessd by our Secretary of State. ARABS WOULD of the finest, finer than in either Interview on Anti-Semitism. Charles F. Hughes, in his plea for Brown's special task, it is said, will BAR JABOTINSKY FROM What purports to be an interview American continents. Corn matures be to investage the operations of the Religious Liberty, at the recent corPALESTINE -with Rathenau shortly before his as- six weeks from time of planting. credit loan banks and co-operative nerstone laying of the National BapJerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The Execusassination is published in the "Joe- Oranges, lemons, figs, dates, suntist Memorial to Roger Williams. 'No loan organizations of merchants and Sayg American Jews Will Build tive Committee of the Moslem Chris- Essay Submitted ..Committee at voe," a Hungarian daily in Vienna, in bananas, English walnuts grow faster one,' stated Hughes, 'should seek artisans established by the joint Distian Union has addressed an urgent Palestine Through Keren which the martyred statesman is re- than in California, Vegetables and Washington by University of tribution Committee in Poland, Lithu- through political action to promote request to the British Government Hayesod. . Nebraska Judges. ported to^nave said that German anti- fruits • mature two months earlier the activities of religious . organizaania, Latvia, Roumania and Palestine. that Vladimir Jabotmsky, Zionist Semitism was on a par with anti- than California crops, There are tions, or should intrude differences of As the head of the "General NecessiNew York.—Just before he sailed leader, who is on his way to Palestine,, Leo Konecky, 19, 1517 South Thir- Semitism in Hungary. Universities in great possibilities for the canning ties Corporation" of Detroit, and or- religious faith or practice into • our for Europe, on the Aquitania last should not be permitted to- enter the ganizer of a number of credit loan political controversies. - The extent week, Nahum Sokolow, leader of the country. The Arab request is based ty-third street, a 1922 Central High Germany, he is reported to have said, industry.' (d) Present population. The northorganizations in Michigan, Mr. Brown to which we manifest what self-re- Zionist Delegation which' has' been upon the sentence imposed by a mili- school graduate, has .won first place apply the percentage form against will make this phase of constructive strain marks our degree of attach- touring the United States for the tary court trying Jabotinsky and his in the Nebraska contest for a $4,000 Jews, and that Germany is no place ern half - of the peninsula has a scholarship offered by H. S. Fire- for a self-respecting Jew. ment to the liberty we "proclaim." past seven months in the interests of .population^about 11,000, the major relief his special study in Europe. Christianity and Americanism are not the Keren Hayesod issued a stirring nineteen comrades of the Jerusalem stone, Akron, O., for. the best essay $ortion residing in two border towns, Rathenau's funeral was attended $»y In Palestine.Mr. Brown will invesSelf-defense,, following the riot in on good roads seubmitted by a high the remainder scattered in the inland at least 3,000,000 persons who interchangeable terms or doctrines. farewell message to American -Jewry tigate the possibilities of the refrigApril, 1920. Mr. Jabotinsky was then rounded the Reichstag during the of territory- 300 miles long and 100 "It is moreover unfair to criticize in which he refers to the Keren Haye- sentenced to fifteen years imprison- school pupil inthe United.States;; erator industry, the study of which Young. Konecky's, essay, "Influence services, while millions throughout miles wide,' most of the natives inhas been entrusted.'to him by the Pal- us because we have a Jewish press in sod as the "Messianic instrument," ment and to be exiled after the exour land and because we have Jewish and expresses the confidence that piration of his sentence. No mention of Good - Roads on a. Community," Germany mourned his death. The habiting this land without title." estine Development Council.Mr. Rothenberg expects to proceed Mr. Samuel J. Rosensohn is pro- religious schools' for the education of j-American Jewry will build up Pales- is made of the fact that Jabotinsky has been submitted' to the. highway martyr's aged mother was escorted*to transportation" committee at .Washthe services by Prof. Albert Einstein. Irom here' to Mexico City in a fevr our children. It is unfair to accuse tine. He gives expression also to his ceeding to London as the representaand his comrads were amnestied by tive of the, Palestine Development us of incomplete Americanization be- gratitude and appreciation of the the High Commissioner and the sen-ington by a University of Nebraska President Ebert, in pronouncing the days in of Senator Council, to c"bhfer with representa- cause a Yiddish stage flourishes here response of American Jews to his tence subsequently squashed by a committee appointed • to judge. Ne- eulogy over his bier, the president of Schleimer and Senor Gumaro Gilabos, tives of the Zionist Organization, and there, when the devotees thereof appeal and states that he had found British Court. Mr. Jabotinsky is re- braska essays.; T^he Washington com- the republic said in a whisper, "I former Mexican Consul-General in mittee .will choose .the best essay sub- bring you the last greetings of our New York ^Cityy where he will negoJewish Colonial Trust and the Jewish have expressed .their cultural assimi- genuine sympathy among ported to be sailing for Palestine from mitted from all-states. people." tiate with the Mexican government lation ni every other direction.". Our also, as evidenced by the fap ^ an Italian port, on July 14. Colonization; Association, concerning Young Koneeky, recently won the and secure a charter. He will then religious schools" areno more unmany cities had conferred upon him the formation. of the Holding ComGeorge Washington, essay contest held FRENCH RABBIS DECRY BIRTH- return to New York to lay the matter pany for the Rutenberg Electrification American than, the religious schools the freedom of the city as a token of CONTROL. under • the auspice's; of the - Omaha before leaders of American Jewry. project in Palestine. The Conference of the,churches., . Both Jew and their respect for the Cause he repre- RABBI WISE TO . l Daily News.He was awarded first Paris. (J. C. B.)—Emphasizing the has been called by Sir Alfred Mond, Christian, as Americans, have every sented. jt VISIT PALESTINE Chairman of; 'the Palestine Economic right and duty, to establish and fosterMr. Sokolow was given an < impres- London, July 12. (J. T. A.)—Dr. prize in this -contest and received the "mortal danger" arising from the deKERENSKY VINDICATES crease in the birthrate, the AssociaCouncil in d*eat Britain. The inter- them. sive farewell reception . on Monday Stephen S. Wise of the Free Syna- $500 prize. , RUTENBERG. tion of French'Rabbis in annual meetests of the' Zionist Organization, of evening, July 3, by a group of Keren gogue, New York, is leaving for PalLondon. (J. C. B.)—Recent ating, passed a resolution deploring America will be represented at this SABBATH OBSERVANCE MADE Hayesod leaders which included, rep- estine in a few days, to make a study BALFOUR TO;PRESIDE. tacks in the press against Pinhas Rubirth control. meeting by the Zionist Economic POSSD3ILE IN UTHUANIA resentatives from the different Zion- of conditions in behalf of the PalesAT-MEETING; DECIDING The resolution recalls that Judaism tenberg, the Jewish engineer who obCouncil, of which Mr. Peter , J. Kowno. (J. C. B. bq maflO-4rhe ist organizations as well as general tine Development Council, of which he PALESTINE MANDATE has always condemned celibacy, con- tained important concessions from the Schweitzer of New York, is a mem- Lithuanian Sejm has been considering Jewish bodies. The affair took place is a leading member. Mrs. Mary Fels, London. (J*;T. A.)—Meeting of the ciders procreation the object of mar- Palestine Government, have caused ber. in commission, with Jewish represen- at the Hotel McAlpin. On the morn- widow of the late Joseph Fels, wfll tatives, Dr. Soloweitschick, Minister ing of July 4, a large t number of join him in Paris and will accompany Council of the League of Nations, op- riage, and large families as God's Kerensky, former head of the Proening at the *Sf James Palace on blessing. Jews, who have always visional Russian Government ,to come for Jewish Affairs at their head, .the Zionists and Keren Hayesod workers him to Palestine. PROPOSE EXPULSION Monday; will have tb^consider tweiity- been distinguished by family virtues, to the defence * • OF JUGOSLAV JEWS question of Sabbath observance for gathered at the pier and demonstrattwo items that - have: been placed on are adjured to faithfully carry out "I have heard of the press attacks the Jews in the country. It has been One and a Half Million Ukrainian ed their enthusiasm for the'leader, Vienna. (J. T. A.)—An order callits agenda by the Secretary of the. the obligations: and tradition of Juda- on Rutenberg's honor," KerenSky, generally agreed that conditions v in Children Starving. just before the Aquitania eaft her ing for the registration of all Jews League. It is expected that the Ses-ism. cables to newspapers here, "and canLondon. (J. C. B.)—Despite all re- sion will last ten days. inthe District of Somber and for the Lithuania are dissimilar to those in moorings. not remain indifferent. I know RuWestern Europe because the Jews in lief measures there are still one and expulsion of all "foreign" Jews, intenberg thoroughly. I know him'as The Earl ' o ^ Balf our, who is the MOSCOW HABINA COMING HERE. Lithuania are living in the country in VD3NNA STUDENTS a half million starving children in the cluding, eveh those who resided in the 1 will preside while Moscow. (J. T. A.)—Permission to a man of irreproachable itonor and FORBIDDEN TO HOLD Ukraine, a report of the Federation British Delegate,, district for periods ranging ten years compact masses. ,. In the towns they : RATHENAU MEMORIAL of Ukrainian Jews here today states. France will be represented by M. Vi- proceed to Europe and America has unimpeachable morality. I consider and above, has been issued by the form a majority and cannot therefore been obtained by the Moscow Habima, it my duty to vindicate his good . . . Vienna. . (J. T. A.)—A meeting in Jugo-Slavian Minister of the Interior. be compelled to close their businesses Hundreds of sick families in the viani. completely on Sunday. The commisnoted Hebrew language players. This name. As my colleague in the ProIt is understood the first question to memory of Dr. Walter Rathenau, the province of Podol are in need of milk The order iB numbered 1738-22. sion has agreed that Jewish shops permission has been granted, it is visional Government, R u t e n b e r g martyred German Minister, planned and other nourishing food, some of be considered, is. that of the undisProtesting against this utterly unmay remain open on Sunday for -six said, on-condition that the players re- proved fearless in the maintenance of bythe Socialist Students' Association posed Mandates, including those for expected order, the Jewish press voicthese sufferers having survived six hours. Most Jewish workers will also turn to Russia within a limited time. order and in adopting strongest measof the Vieima University, was can-^consecutive pogroms. Syria and Palestine. Questions of the es its indignation, asking why the folbe permitted to conduct their work,in The Habimawilt travel together with ures against the coup d'etat of the I celled following the directors' decree, lowers of .Wrangel are permitted to The number of Jews in the province rights of "the "national, niinontiei in He has consistently Poland and Hungary, are next on the | Stanislavsky, director: of the Moscow Bolsheviks. their workshops. The question will be | prohibiting such a meeting on Univerremain in the country while the right of Kiev is 600,000, authentic figures B eerved the Russian cause."^ i Theatre. finally settled jtt of domicile is "denied to Jews. state —-~ > K '.sity premises. . «rder of-buiiness.
Refutes Charges That Jews in United States are Cn-Americanized
Junkers Gratified at the Murder of Foreign Minister W. Rathenau
David A. Brown Sails to Jom M e ? Commission ••••
• • ' : /
- • • • " •
Nahum Sokolow, Zionist Leader, Sails for Europe
I Jewish Boy State Winner in Essay on Good Roads
. Air
'i -M—
THE JEWISH PRESS Published 'vmr Thnrsday at Omabt, Nebraska, by
tf Ignorance in Jewish History
Horsemen Surround Syna, Attentive readers of the Jewish But gojjue, Strip Jews of Their PosAsk. Jews Abroad No* press may wonder at the ignorance i Sack Shops, and Attack Hungarian Nation of the outside world concerning late abbi i* Radin NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Jewish history.' For this ignorance, Near Vilna. EDITORIAL BOARD: to which we have so often referred, New York. (J. C. B.) Sins comDR. PHILIP SHER. we can not blame the general public mitted by individual Jews in HunHENRY MONSKY, SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, Vilna, July 14. (J. T. A.)—Terror too much, in view of like ignorance stricken Jews are fleeing Radio, a gary, although committed by individ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one yearuals, b^SBttM .&«&<& f?.Vi?i2B?, have near-by town^ following the raid yesAdvertising rates furnished on appHcgtten. The average Qentjle, reading only teen stamped upon the whole Jf». ish terday by one hundred" armed horse-:, pur ancient Hebrew Scriptures and race, Bibhop Balthazar Deszo UId imn, p presumably Lithuanians. With NOT PRINTED FQR Vj^Q^4iX^^$X^^SBM.Ssm-i^^VSS Josephus, thinks the final destruction the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, de- the aid i off machine hi guns, the th raiders id tion of The Jewish Press are" to be" "given to worthy communal causes. of. Jerusalem marked the end of the scribing the situation of the Jews in drove the Jews into the Synagogue CHANGS QF ADiDPPBar-Pleas gtTf bqlk. NH ol« and Jews as a pople as well as' a nation. his country as "especially aggravate^ court and there inflicted severe flogl && Bin*. The Jew, however, has the' opportun- from a so-cial standpoint. gins, stripping the Jews of their ity to read the, entire history in the "The ArifeSemites in Hungary have clothing and personal possessions. , THE HOME IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF Jewish Publication Society's " six- been endeavoring to placa the Jews Eighty-year old men were not spared, The home is the foundation of civiliation, and the idea of volume edition, of the monumental in disrepute through their social and while the students of the renowned home building is one of the first thoughts of man. , The home is Graetz. If such perus tax his pa- publicity channels. Jews have also, Talmudic Institute at that place were essential to the perpetuation of mankind and too much importance tience too much, he can ^turn from suffered economically," the Bishop handled mercilessly. The torture was cannot be placed upon the preservation of the home. Civilization post-biblical history to "'the single said, "but ti^e ppoplp"of Hingary are kept up for hours. The home of the had its origin in the first home built by mankind and developed volume of the popular Lady Agnus beginning to lealize that; a Lealthy Radin Rabbi, a scholastic dignitary in accordance with the home conditions. The higher the standard or the attractive took by Rabbi Hecht economic development cannot be ob known throughout Jewry as "Chefetz of Los Angeles. Graetz is especially tained if the high economic qualities Chayin" was dragged from his sickof home life the higher the standard of civilization. It matters not how much one may accomplish in- the field of interesting in the features, for which pf the Jews are not used." "Anti- bed, the raiders removing the pillows science, art, music, business, politics, literature, statesmanship or he has been so often criticized, that Semitism very naturally in Hungary and all objects of value. any other sphere of activity, if his home life is not of a high stand- he gives a series pf biographies. Some also emanantes from the motives of The raiders then repaired to the ard, his great achievements sink into comparative insignificance. of the biographies are sufficiently the jealous," Ihe Bishop said. Jewish quarter and plundered most of It. has been largely due to the great stress placed upon the well known to the world in general. "The 'Numerus Glausus' is still pre- the shops. home by the Jews from their earliest history to the present time True, it hag often not heard of Moses vailing unchanged. We are liberally Repetition of the pogrom is feared that has preserved them throughout the many centuries. When Mendelssohn, the philosopher and endeavoring to deliver the Hungarian by the fleeing Jews who are seeking the dreadful storms of persecution waged against them they found emancipator of the eighteenth cen- cultural existence from this creed shelter in Vilna. The Jews here held their harbor of refuge where the light of family devotion and tury, or Moses. Montefiore, Israel's war. special services yesterday at the Synunity was continually.kept alive within the domestic circle and Old Man Beneficent of the nineteenth "After the fall of Bolshevism th« agogue erected in the memory of the served as an inspiration tp bear the many trials they encountered century. But everybody of intelli- Jews were subjected to a great many gence knows something of such mod- atrocities; the chivalrous Hungarians in the outside world. While it is natural that we all wisli to enjoy as much finan- ern celebrities as dazzling Benjamin will mourn this for a long time to FOR cial prosperity^ possible; let us not be so^absorbed'in the attain- Disraeli, who fought his w a y into the come. A further large moral lose ment of wealth that we liave no time to give to tlje upbuilding of English Parliament and premiership; was inflicted when the Anti-Semitic DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and of Heine, the great, tender, mock- movement fanned the trouble after the home, AND ing lyric poet of Germany,, who sold the Bolshevik reign, which reign had A beautiful house with handsome adornments does not make SPECIAL PLATINUM the home by any megns. Loye, kindness, unselfishness and har- his Jewish birthright for a mess of been inaugurated and executed by DESIGNING mony make the home, whether it be a mansion or a plain little pottage in the shape of admission to Jews as well as Christians, by further cottage. . J - "I ] ' • • ; : . that legal profession which he never cruel atrocities, of preaching forgivesee possessed, but repented in his later ness. Our homes are nq£m,erfely< places of abode where we sleep and eat, but they are the* sanctuaries where we enjoy the blessed com- years; and of Einstein, scoffed at for "The Jews in; foreign lands can Diamond and Platinum panionship of our loved.ones, and should be ruled by the highest his mathematical calculations until help the Jews in Hungary both moralSpecialists finally his "Theory of Relativity" cap- ly and materially. The latter needs standards of morality and religion. 1514 Dodre Street. Pleasure is essential to everybody, and is very beneficial when tivated the world; and of Bergson, no explanation. Moral support may j Established 1894. DO arias 6619. indulged in to a moderate degree, but it is unfortunate that there most fashionable of French philoso- be given by objective criticism of the are so many people \yho are such pleasure seekers that they are phers; and of Freud, best known of j Hungarian situation, and by not unhappy if they cannot have some form of amusement all the modern psychologists. But few know blaming the whole Hungarian nation time. Their home seems entirely void of attraction to them. how, after the destruction of Jerusa- for the lawless conduct of a few. It «. Pre«.-T»eU|. H. P People who do not enjoy home lose much that is good in life. lem academics arose in Babylonia and is important to keep in mind that So*. . Pe Tce-Pre«Ment. Peppet. e. Drt, 8ecrettrrW. G. D The automobile and the moving pictures are the most popular at- Palestine which produced the Talmud; some of us have at all times been on tractions for people today, and there are some persons of the or how, in the Dark Ages, Jews and the side of the persecuted Jews." opinion that they are among the greatest factors that undermine Arabians kept alive the lamp of the home life at present, but we believe that they are beneficial if learning; or how in Golden Age of THE RUMANIAN JEWS DRAFT COMPLETE STORE AND they are utilized properly. ' • Jewish glory in Spain before the InNEW CONSTITUTION QFFIGE, PUTFTTTERS Boarding houses, apartments and hotels are thought by many quisition, famous Jewish poets and Bucharest. (J, C. B. by mail.)—The We occupy people to be the most prominent agencies in the destruction of philosophers and statesmen arose; or commission, appointed by Mr. Banu, •rer 10,000 square feet family life, because they destroy the individuality of the human how throughout the Middle ages and Bvnthwest Corner being and foster a spirit of indolence that must prove harmful to beyond, as Schleiden tells, Jewish Rumanian Minister for Religious AfKlcvrnth and Uouslas Streets. fairs, to prepare a bill for submission Phone: tlackson 8724 those indulging in this manner of living. We would not be too physicians and philosophers and QUAHA. NEB. +£ y f e i!2 con14e™jun8r this mode of living, as we are of the opinion scholars have flourished; or how, in to the Rumanian Parliament on the that although there may be numerous persons congregated under our own times, the fires of persecu- subject of the. organization of the one roof, there can be ideal homes hi apartments in the spirit of tion have not been able to extinguish Jewish communities in Rumania, has home makingis there; " -^-^•-/... •^•-fL^.i-:yqi -•! .JL?1:" t , the Jewish thirst" for*" knowledge.— now completed its. draft. The meetings of the commission were held un, O u r home should be the shrine of our happiness and devotion Emanu-El. der the chairmanship of the General Plac ere w e man T o S p • ! «5 %?t all the fcest thaf is in us! Secretary for religious affairs. —Jewish Review and Observer. r IMMIGRATION PERCENTAGE Article 1 of the Bill provides that LAW FAVORS WOMEN, C.I.W. LEADER SAYS the religious and cultural aims of the Jewish populations, shall be looked ing and bargaining and money-getNew York. (J. C. B.}—In an arting is not the natural heritage of the ticle contributed to "The Immigrant," after by the Jewish communal organThe enemies of the Jews" hold it "ewish people. In realty no Jew can the monthly bulletin of the Depart- izations. Article 2 states that there against them that the latter call beat a Britisher or a Yankee in a ment of immigrant Aid, Council of shall be only one Jewish communal or-: themselves "The Chosen People." business deal. As for the "canny Jewish Women, Miss Fiorina Lasker, ganization in each locality, of which They contend that such an assump- Scot" it is said that he can manage Acting Chairman of the Department, the Jewish: citizens in that locality tion is arrogance and reflects upon all three and make them believe that analyzes the effects of the Percentage may become members. Exceptions are all other peoples. In .reply:to this he is conferring a favor upon them Immigration -La,w. Her observations made only in the cases of thp Sephardic Jews and the orthodox Jews in attack Israel ZangwiUjhas. written a while in the act of trimming them. point out that women and children book jn which he shows that there are But for the moment we do not want have been greatly favored by the pro- Siebenbuergen, who are permitted to have their own organizations. Ar"Chosen Peoples" and that.each of to discuss Dr. Crane's estimate of the visions of the law and by other conthese peoples considers.itself selected business, jnan. What interests us is ticle 3 places the Jewish religion pn ditions. Miss Lasker offers the folfor a. specific purpose. fci .other wards, the'admission by Dr. Crane that there an equal footing with all other relieach entity has a misgion. William is. § "Mission of Anglp-Saxondpm" owing interesting facts: gions which are under the protection "The actual reduction in the total of the State, especially in respect to Allen White, as will be s,een, in an ad- vfhich implies a superiority of the joining column, says that business is English-sneaking race pyer other number of immigrants entering the representation on public bodies. It United States since the new law has also provides for the establishment of the natural talent pf Americans. And The fact is that gac}i race has been in operation is perhaps even a central council of Jewish communinow conies Dr. Frank Cj-ane anil disspecific Which no, other greater than was expected, for 8 ties to be situated * n Bucharest. Arcusses the "Mission of Anglo-Saxqnpossesses. And $11 these sj>emonths operation has brought us ondom." While recently jn London,Dr. ?hiracteris,tics andi traite when ly 192,000 immigrants. Comparing the ticle 6 fixes the method of election to' Crane was asked by The Times tp used fpr the common weal constitute the Jewish cpmmunal organiations. numbers admitted during the first The elections will be secret, equal and give his *'opinipn as, to .th^e jnissjpii of ; is termed ciyi}|zation> our months of the present fiscal direct, the,franchise is given to those the EngjisliTspeaking race.!?~ This *"° Our cpmpjaint against year with those admitted during the who have passed their twenty-first what Dr. Crane wrote:Semite and the world in genera} is same period in 1913—the year before "The meaning pf {heEngljsh race, there is a cpnspiracir torpb the the war—we find only 117,611 immi- birthday. The members of the commission inas I take it, is the ar|stpcrapy p | busi- Jew of his partjcula,y contribution to ness. By that I imply government mankind. We have never said that grants during the first period con- clude Rabbis Ulman, Ifiseher and by the best, which is the definition "of we "Th,e Chpsen, People" to the sidered, as against 478,299 during the Glasner and Dr. Eisner, all of Siebenaristocracy; and this further implies exclusion of. all other races. What we second period. In other words, immi- buergen, Rabbis Dr. Washerman and that the best thing in the world is have maintained and whafc William gration was, during the months con- Senator Dr. vpn Weis,seiberg'er of business; and that, the/bes^ land of *"" i White points out is that in the sidered, four times as great as in Bukqwina, Deputy Dr. Adolph Stern, It is interesting to note that Deputy Dr. Filderman, Deputy Bercodomain of religion Jews are supreme 1913. men, the most whplesoine, spunp! a fit integers, of mankind,,are th$fcHsi- and the chpsen. Etifprts have been the effect of the law was to decrease vici, Chief Rabbi Dr. Ifemirpwer and Made, to rob the Jew of this and these the proportion of able-bodied men, for Messrs. ^. Magdpr, N,. Schaig and J. ness men. an unprecedented* proportion of ar- Fikelstejn of Old Rumania. "The earliest man was:the fighter. attempts are by no means over yet. rivals have been women and children." T h "' ""•••'• '""- " ' " Emerging frpm brutejjpmmen "6§d tp ey will continue as long p there fight to |iye, until they/learned, a. fet- is a Jewish people p or until" otherss Social Revolutionaries Get Prison ter way. "H en ee the first great man realize tj^at Jews have a righ,t_ tp BISHOP WEiEPS, Sentence. was the soldier. He still is, to the their development of racial and na-' DESCRIBING J E W I S H extent that we have not shaken off tiqnal-talents." 'jije Sforld has been Riga. '.q. T. A,)—Verdicts of MASSACRES IN H G the heritage of the beast, have not wanting to change "tfie^w;>nd here guilty haye been.pronounced upon Cleyeland. ( j . TrA.j—Bishpp Balp th]e l d (j TrAj escaped the beast law :of competition ii? where all the {rouble j j e s \ f h S i l R l t i thazar Deszo, addressing a mass group pf the Social-Reyolutipn and found superior value of the huAny attempt tp change the inherent meeting here last night," wept as lye aries on trial in Moscow ofl the Soviet man law pf cooperation. . ... traits of any/people p forcibly^ y^ must en- described the Jewish massacres |n charge of counter-reyolutionary actiy. "the secpnd great man was. gender hatred and and consequent consequet ^^ ei t Hungary. <T will rieyer forgive the r I :: gender hatred Hies:' ' \ ' Z "'; '/:'[ ; ~"'^. 'Z .:' marking the advenj; of tlje torture and the agony the anti-Sem? ment which in the last analysis leads p g Those sentenced to prison terms of preqation of the higher efficiency of to bloodshed. The lesson to Be learned ites of my country caused to Jewish various duration include . leaders of : by all peoples is "Mjn^ Vpur own busi- women and children/' the Bishop spiritual forces. . the • Social-Revolutionary Party jri said. ; ness." Let eacl> jrrpup; develop along / "The final great man is th Russia/ Gotz", Gendelman, Ra^er, and The Bishpp was speaking on the ness man. He is 'the heir" pf all-the tys partiqilar genius' for which it has Gerstein. \ ages,' for the simple reaspn thaYtl^e b^en chosen and whic^ it hqs a^predi* ^'Immortality of. the Jewish. Race and lictjpn and let each contribute its; talCulture."- He- quoted passages from ultimate caljing pf man upon e^rth is tolet alt lt will ill the .Bible in puite.; Hebrew, using the ta wp?ki npt to fight, not to pray."' ents to'' the universal tolents; Miss Bertha (Berdie) SephardiCi pronunciatiQn. .Declaring ' Dr. Crane continue? tpsay that th be well with the "world then. Just as individuals cannot fuse comBerber takes this octhat Jews were the-real creators an<j English-speaking race, is Jipt a. con pletely—they can eppperaterr-sp it is. exponents of freedom and demppracy, casion to thank her querinp race, but "the mission o ^nglp-Saxondom (a handy though in- impossible for a malting of nations he vpiced.the cpnviption that the Jews many friends for the accurate term) is to make the world and races. Each is chosen for whaj; would overcome this period of suffercourtesies and kindquit loafing and quarreling, and go it can do best. Realization pf thi ing.' "Hungary's shame and disgrace" g nesses shown her in the will make for permajient peace and to work." will go, <Jown,in. history, ^fhe whqle 1 the greategt of .jiuman' .Bappinefs.' popular Girls Voting We have no fault to find with Dr. Hungarian people are the victims of Crane's Contest pf the Qrnaha ' definition dfinition of the the "mission pf There i g n p ^CB/osen.Pfiople.!'' There the Whi$e Terrorists". The average AngJa-SaxPiidom." w e print it here, are "Chosen Pedjjles'^TftgeWatt Hebrew Club. Hungarian is not anti-Semitic, pe because it ^ e a r s o u t . w h a t w e J e w s said, and, the country was now coming Subscribe to "Tfie Jewish have always maintained—that barterto its, senses. THE JEWIgH PRESS P U B U S B ^ Q COMPANY. £ Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.-rTelephone: Jackson 2372.
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The Milishoek Jewelry Co.
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"Goan of Vilna," invoking aid for the and always by word and deed helped promot ethe Zionist cause. I believe latest pogrom sufferers . that Palestine must and will be re-" Ohio Gubernctqj^al Candidate Always stored to the Jewish people." a ?ionist, He Sayg. Cleveland. (J. T. A.)—RepresenAnti-Semitic Papers in Germany tative Charles h Knight of Akron, Suppressed. who recently announced his candidacy Berlin. (J. T. A.)—Following publifor the Ohio Governorship, while addressing a big meeting here was cation of the Ordinance for the Deasked by Jews in the audience wheth- fense of the Republic, monarchist and er he tad, been a. Zionist before, or anti-Semitic newspapers have either had announced himself a,s one since closed down or given notice of aphe decided to run foe Governor. Rep- proaching suspension of publication. resentative Knight replied, "People In some instances, the Government that know me are aware that I have has taken action against the publishbeen a Zionist for the last 20 years, ers.
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F, at"Elmwood Park. The following The Blossoms of Zion win meet to4for~ AtIantic"City7ThlIadeTplia, ancf "Scala of Chicago; H. Blumberg were elected: Gertrude Ferlis, presi- day at the home of Miss Santora of Baltimore; L. MarkoWednesday at a birthday* partyfor • The engagement of Miss Elise EfiDorothy Washington. witz of Philadelphia; and Leo Ph^tsky; bogen, of Chicago, HLr to Mr. Albert eight playmates of Master Jerohm dent; Esther Ferer, vice-president; Saltzman. j The Hebrew Educaitonal Society of Milwaukee, Cahn, ^r., of Chicago, formerly of this Justin Milder. Mr. and Mrs. Milder Molly Nitz, secretary; Fanny Feldheld a dance at the Ivre Club Rooms city, sqn of Mr. and l$rs. Albert Cahn^ entertained sixteen guests Wednesday man, treasurer; and Bertha Kushner, J Sunday evening. reporter. Council members are the POLISH PREMIER SAYS *:;;. evening in honor of their nephew. Was announced during the past week. Misses Molly Nitz, Jeannette SherMINORITY RIGHTS SECURE ' No date has been set fox the redding. Mr. and Mrs. Max Levine, of OmaMiss Jeanette Krupinsky, who hasman, and Esther Ferer. Mr. and Mrs. I. Epstein, of Chicago, ha, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—The rights of WEDDINGS. been the house guest of Miss Esther the minority groups in Poland are seMiss DciTOithy m., have announced the engagement Polsky during the past week. Of Lincoln, Brown for past several weeks, re^ cure under the new Cabinet, Arthur MEYER-^WOLFSON. of their daughter, Mildred, to Mr. Ben h h b who has been staying at t Lake L k Gk Gko- turned to her home in Fremont, Neb. Slevinsky, the new Prime Minister deTh» marriage of Miss Zenia WoM- bpji, i s visiting with Miss Buth Bernihapiro, of this city. No date has HILLMAN AND SCHLOSSBERG clared in a statement made public Jeen set for the wedding. Mr. ShaEjon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. stein. She will remain here inde3Miss Ethel Greenberg returned RE-ELECTED. yesterday, adding that the Governnitely. Wolf son, of Miami, Pla., tQ Mr, Sidiiro and his mother, Mrs. J. Shapiro, Sunday after three weeks stay in ExNew York. (J. C .B.)—Announce- ment would strictly adhere to the Earl Kulakofsky, son of Mr. andand sister, Helen, who are visiting in ney Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. celsior Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky reMrs. R. Kulakofsky, of Omaha, was Chicago, will be home next Sunday. ment k made of the re-election by a rights guaranteed by the constitution Moritz Meyer of this city, took place turned, Tuesday a,fter a two weeks Mrs. A. Ferer and daughter, Sarah, Premier Slevinsky is about to ask referendum among the members of in the city a week the guest of Lawyesterday at the Commodore Hotel in Mr. and Mrs. Eli Shire and family the Amalgamated Clothing Workers the Sejm for a vote of confidence and returned Tuesday from Sfc Louis, Mo., rence and Ephraim Baron. New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer visit with friends in Detroit, Mich. eft Saturday for Colorado by motor. of Sidney Hillman as President, and well-informed circles helieve that it where they visiated with Mrs. Fever's will make their home in Omaha after Mr. Max Rothschild^ of San Fran- son, Mr. Sam Ferer and Mrs. Ferer. will not be granted despite the aboye The Annual Hebrew School Picnic a several -weeks' honeymoon east. Miss Goldie Arenson and Mr. Joseph Schlossberg as Secretary. cisco, Calif., who has been visiting declaration by which it was intended 23,127 members of the Amalgamated July 16, at was held last Sunday, Robert Arenson, of Sedalia, Mo., are with his. mother, Mrs. William RothThe Misses Lillian Harris and Anne to win the sympathies of the minority participated in the referendum which the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Saul • Miss Celia Gidinsky was hostess to schild, left for his home Tuesday. Minkin left Sunday for Sioux City, Woodland Park. nationalities. was to confirm the election of these Poska. the members of the Acabado Gelta la., to be gone indefinitely. and other officers at the Chicago ConDr. A. M. Helfgott returned last club last Wednesday afternoon at her Mrs. L. Adler and daughters, Mamie, who won first prize in the Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Adler leave on week from Philadelphia where he at- Mrs. Al Speier and Mrs. Jos. Simon vention in May. Seventy-two locals Home. entertained thirty guests at a lunch- took part in the elections, while 52 Omaha Hebrew Club. Popularity Con- July 29 on the steamer America for tended the Zionist Conference. eon at the Brown Betty Wednesday locals obtained from voting, the latteT test, a»d Ids, left Saturday for an Europe. They will visit in the vaf Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilinsky and Mr. A. L. Galinsky and Mr. Maxin honor of Mrs. Nathan Gold. The including a majority of the New York daughters, Adele and R u % left Mon-j extended stay in the east. Maurica rious large cities of Europe including Berlin, Vienna, and Paris. Baiish are in St. Louis, where they afternoon was spent in playing locals who, it is declared, were predpy on an extended motor trip, east; HeTrshhorn entertained at home Frivented from voting because of the day; evening complimentary to her are representing1 Sioux City at the bridge. Tlhey will be gone until September l' j of the executive At at meeting strikes in New York and organization after which they will accompany their mother and sisters. Miss Sara War-; committee of the Menorah Society, Keren Hayesod Convention. Mr. Jos. Gottstein, of Des Moines, campaigns. shavF entertained at the Brandeis Tea daughter, Ruth, to Rockfqrd, HI., la,, was a visitor in the city Monday. • Members of the General Executive plans were made to hold a picnic on The Annual Mt. Sinai Temple i»jjiere she "will enter Rockfard College Rooms Saturday afternoon compli- August 20th. The program comBrotherhood picnic was held last Mr. Sidney Poska motoredjfco Oma- Board elected by this referndum are t£ be the roommate of Miss Estelle; mentary to Miss Ida Adler. mittee plans to have something new Tuesday at Grabbes Park. A base- ha Sunday where he will spend sev- August Bellanca, Ab. Miller M. WeinEapidus. stein Peter Monat of New York, Mr. and Mrs. William Richards, of in games in which girls will play ball game and dancing were the eral days. given leading parts. Prizes will be Samuel Levin, Frank Rosenblum, S. I 1508 Harney St. AT. 4131is Chicago, HI., motored to Omaha last " ME. and MrsI J. fi: kulakofsky en^ features of the day's entertainment. those of 5J Riesman, A. D. Marimpetrie, and S. to the winners not only Mr. and Mrs. Herman Speier left week and will vjsit wjth Mr. and Mrs. t ^ i c d pne hundred guests TuesThursday for Chicago and New York day evening, July 11, at a reception Charles Riseman at the Morris Apart- taking part in the games, but also City. ip. honor of Mr. Joe Kulakofsky, of ments. They will remain" here two to the nicest dresser (among t b girls), the biggest nut (among the weeks. Berkeley,-€altf., wh* left Monday Mr. and Mrs. Sam Springer, of Chiboys), and to the craziest idiotic fool njorning for ids home. Mr. P. Sacks, cago, HI., were the guests at the home I J among either of the sexes. H. Zuber, formerly of Fremont, Council Bluffs, accompanied Mr. Mrs. 11 Cherniack has just returned of J. S. Waxman last week. . The Menorah Society is planning Neb., has moved to Tekamah, Nebr.,|ulakofsky to California. from Des Moines where she has been Tel.: "Webster. 2196 1552 North 20th St. to entertain visitors •who are coming to make his future home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Guggenheim visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Levitt, REV. L. LEVIKSON. MohL H. MARKS. to the Menorah reunion which will ' Mr. Milton Livingston was ill at the and daughters, Adelphine and Marian, who is ilL Miss Erma Wells left for Chicago, We handle the BEST MEATS that money can buy. be held in Omaha soon. Wise Memorial Hospital last week. will leave Sunday on a motor trip to Also the FINEST DELICATESSEN. " We can furnish HI., Caurpusco, and Des Moines, la., Mrs. H. Meyerson entertained New York City, where they will meet j | everything for weddings, and brissan. Also everything Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roberts of New Thursday afternoon for the members ;Mr. and Mrs. D. Goldman, of St. to visit with friends for a month. for picnics, but the weather. York City who have been making of the "Afternoon Club" at her home. Mrs. Guggenheim's father, Mr. Morris i Ion's, Mo., spent Thursday in OmaWHEN YOU WILL UY ONCE Y'OU WILL COME AGAIN. ha with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Browar. The Mesdames J. Bernstein, Max their home here with Mr. and Mrs.The honor guests were Mesdame Friend, who has been spending the I They are enroute to the Yellowstone Shapino, and L. Yousem left last J. Abramson, will leave tomorrow for Sam Harding of Kansas City, Mo., H.summer in Europe. Mr. Friend will We give special attention to country order. arrive in New York August 5 on the We pack R I G H T , and ship in T I M E . National Park. Thursday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., San Francisco, Calif. A. Bercu, of Cleveland, O., and Max Beseng-ana. The party will then leave to remain several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grodinsky an- Greenfield, of Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Gertrude Levy, qf Dfs Moinea,
Speial,€lujb and Religious ivities
Coney Red Hot
1 HOME mm
la., arrived Tuesday evening to visit Mrs. L. M. Conn and Mrs. Ed Trel- nounce the birth of a baby boy born Mr, and Mrs. Herman Krasne en with her aunt and. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. ler returned Monday after several Monday at the Methodist Hospital. tertained yesterday evening at thei A. Levey. days' stay in Keokuk, la., being called Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky and cottage at Lake Manawa. there on account of the death of a family left Sunday morning for a Miss Sara Faier entertained three friend. Mr. and Mrs. William Seff, of New
i 5
Established 1882.
Why Take Chances?
I wish to thank my friends for the sup-
port given me in the primary election several weeks stay at Lake Okoboji. York City, spent Tuesday and Wedtables of bridge last Thursday evening at her home complimentary to Mrs. B. Fleishman entertained ten Mrs. L Berkowitz received ward nesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Miss Esthec Levich, fiance of Mr.couples Friday evening at her home from Hungary of the death of her Sam Snyder. Established reputation will inHarry'Braviroff. ni honor of Mrs. Morris Cohn and sure you satisfaction in father, Mr. Samuel Greenberger, age Mrs. M. Greenfield, of Los Angeles, daughter, Eva, and Mrs. M. Giventer, seventy-fiye. Beside his daughter he _ Mr Michael H. Grossman, qt_ Newr r DIAMONDS, WATCHES Calif., arrived last Wednesday to who left Tuesday evening for several port, Ark.. andMr. and Mrs.JX Orb- weeks'- stay- ni Kansas City and Ex-is survived by two sons, Sam andmake an extended visit with her sisand jittj of St. Louis, Mo., who have been ceslsjor springs, Mo. The out-of-town Max, of Grand Island, Nebr. Republican Nominee for County Attorney ter, Mrs. Ben Kooler, and then she SPECIAL PLATINUM WORK yisitdng with relatives- here^TOturaed' guests were Mrs. D. Finegold, and will go to Chicago. Mrs. Dora Chait and son, Max, left 1301 Douglas. AtL 6970. daughter, Kate, and Mrs. G. Pitlor, Sunday evening for New York City Mr. Philip Sacks left Monday mornwhere she will visit with friends for Mrs. Mortqn Degen entertained at of New York City. ing for California on a business trip. a month. Juncheonl*Saturday. ' Mr. Nate Spiesberger is in New Mr. A. Smead and Mr. Philip FreidMr. M. Richman returned from Chi-, man and sons, AxtHur ancf Jfbrris, left .Miss Edith Kenyon will leave Sat- York City. nrday f<jr § twg weeks visi£ with ier, Mr, and, MriTTJen "have, taken an cago, where he visited with his niece, Monday by auto for Kansas City and Mrs. Boris Cohan, and Mr. Cohan, other western points. sister, |ilrs. jjjortimer Asher, and Mr. apartment at the El Beudor. who left Sunday for Philadelphia, Asher, at Sioux City, la. Mrs. Meyer Friedel, who was oper- Atlantic City, and New York before Mrs. M. Yudelson and son are home Mrs. B. Blptcky "and daughter, ated on appendicitis last Thursday at sailing for Europe August 1st on thefrom the hospital. Anne, sjnd son, Paul, motored) to Lake the Nicholas Senn Hospital^ is con-Aquitania. Mr. and Mrs. Cohan will Okoboji last Sunday. * valescing. ' The Misses Esther and Helen Cherbe gone a year and a half visiting France, Belgium, Rumania, Germany, niss left Sunday for Denver, where 5 of the Priscilla Club Dodge Brothers offer to the -business public of America Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cohn, of Stock- Russia, Poland, and Palestine. While they will remain for two weeks. will be entertained by M?s, J. f. ton, Calif.j are visiting with Mr. andin Berlin they will attend the wedan entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. Fried.raan at her home this afternoon. Mrs. Carl Furth. ' ' Mr, A. Markowitz returned after ding of their cousin, George RichFrom framework to window mouldings the body is built Mr. and Mrs. Mose Steinberg, and Mrs. Joe Kay, of Berkeley, Calif., man, whose marriage to Miss Irma spending his vacation with Mr. Abe of sJteeL It is the first all-steel closed car ever marketed. Messrs. Sam G a s m a n and Paul whq has been visiting for the past Nodel takes place in the Hotel Goldenberg, of Colorado. This design anticipates every possible requirement of Steinberg left yesterday morning for month with his parents, JJE. and Mrs. Strausberg, Sept. 3rd. Mrs. Cohan a three weeks motor trip to Excelsior was formerly Miss Ida Kubby, of Mrs. Charles Lebowitz left for Hot commercial "travel. It insures unusual quietness— M. Kulakofsky, of this city, left for Springs, and Kansas City, ~MoT Omaha. Springs, Ark., to remain a month. unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible his home Monday morning. to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy and Mr. Mrs.. F. London left the latter part The Sunday Evening Bridge Club finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long and Mrs. Henry Cohn, of Lincpln, q fthis week for Atlantic, Ga., to at- held its second meeting Sunday even- Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop -Nebr., motored to Omaha to visit with tend the marriage of her niece, Miss ing at the home of Miss Estelle been famous. Pbon* 104. Mr. and Mrs. N. Mantel, while enLapidus. Prizes were won by Miss Ida Goiflstein. ~ rhe Best of ETerythlne In Flowers and route to Osakis, Minn. The upholstery is of genuine leather — leather that will Sadie Levey and Mr. Lou Somberg. Confections at Moderate Prices. Dr. J. N. Lande, accompanied by The next meeting will be held with 545 W. Braadvay. Next Ubarty Theater. wash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable.' Miss Gertrude Eomm . entertained his sisters, Rose and Grace, left for a Miss Elinore Schrayer at the home Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The . COUNCIL BLCFF8. (OVPA. the members of the Acabado Celta at of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brpwar. tour to Colorado. two car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, herho'me Thursday afternoon, July 6, Mr. and Mrs. Krizelman entertained windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every BASEBALL. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Fellheimer at a Barmitzvph party in honor of other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort ANNOUNCEMENT Will return Sunday from a visit to their son, Max, at' their home SaturThe Y. M. H. A. baseball team and protection. day afternoon for fifteen guests. Milwaukee, Wise dropped to fifth place in the Sputhern Rev. E. Fleishman : league as a result of the defeat handMiss Clara Scfireibman left Satur"THE MOHL" Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of Miss Anne Rosenblatt entertained Moved into his new home at day for several weeks visit with rela- ed to them last Sunday afternoon at at a bunco party yesterday afternoon everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of Elmwood park by the Kinney Shos """'• 1342 So. 25th'Street, at her home complimentary to the tivse in Cheyenne, Wyo. line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Comer of Woolworfii Avenue. company team. The score being 13 Misses Elipnore Schrayer of Chicago, • '. T«L Atlantic 6687. Miss Sara Brodkey entertained at to 7. The Y team wiU play the SoBrothers cars. Bernice Diamond, and Rose Sherman, a bunco party at her home Sunday cial Settlement team next Sunday of Lincoln, Nebr. Twelve guests were It is the Business Coupe which business people $ » afternoon for sixteen guests compli- afternoon at Athletic Park. present. mentary to the Misses Dorette and world over have been expecting—from Dodge Brothers. Leon Mendelson, shortstop on the " " " " The Misses Pearl Brqwn, Florence Helen Kendis, of Lbs Angeles, Calif. Y team, was elected as manager pf The price is $980 f. o. b. Detroit , Lewis, Gertrude Romm, Martha Hur- Prizes were won b ythe Misses Yetta the team to succeed Nathan* E . Grgen, f who resigned. Green was alsp manwitz," and Gertrude White spentTithe Wright and Bunnig Kulakofsky. Established 1890 ager of the 1921 Y. i t H."X b ^ week at Camp .Brewster. 15th and Hkrney Streets. Mr. and Mrs! X Rosen and,daugh- team. Phone p U $1 M- A The Mesdames Louis and. Herman^ ters, Betty and Rosalie, motored SunGoltfstqith will leave Friday to visit day for a two weeks stay in Rock IsYOIJNG JUDEA 1*EWS. at tiie home of MTJ. aad Mrs. Good- land, 111., wittj, Mrs. Rosen's parents. At the last meeting rf t h | Hatfflfrycph 1 coujrerc BIUFFS, LC man' Pjll at Fort Do^ge, li." Girls an election of officers wa,s held. ZSfh Sf Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Wolfson and 33S-3SU E*«rtfc *«fcl SU SU ^^ W23 «t»l Spiesberger will leave The "meeting took place Stind§y, J l COUBCU Blnlla «t»l Mrs. E. Frederic entertained at her Mrs. Mayer Sunday' toT motor'to "Chicagdr" On the " T d * f first of August they Vvill meet ^Ir. The Misses fiorotEy Letween and and Mrs.'Sidney Meyer, wip w^llhave Jean Evnen, of Lincoln, Nebr., were returned from their honeymoon and the house, guests of Mr.-and Mrs. J. will motor back to Omaha." Gordon last week. PETEOLEUM COKE, Weight .The Misses tfprolhy and Ida Sha- No (The Ashless Fuel) $ 1 5 . 5 0 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Rosenblum are piro entertained at a surprise party at planning, to leave Satardaytm: a trip their home Sunday in honor of Miss SPADRA, """"" ROSAET ELBCTRie to California. They expect to beigone Bose Singer. -Tipn couples were|>fe£(Orate and Egg) $15.50 GRINDERS, CHOPPERS about three or four weeks. During fiit. -Th^ putrpf-tojfn gufstg" we^e FRANKLIN COUNTY MIXERS. their absence their home in Dundee Dr. J. i j . Lande, of Washington, D. C., HIJN6IS LUMP, will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hp- formerly of^thip ci^r, and Mf ?grs. M; Service and Sates: race. Rosenblum. ttump Egg Net) 8 1 2 . 0 0 Wolfson, of JKansas City, Mo., and f. Fpgejson, pf Lipcpln,\Nebr. P AND JACKSON STBEETS Miss Bessie Azorjn entertained ten were e vpon by. b Miss Mi Grace G L Lande and Phones: guests Saturday afternoon in honor Mr. Ted Cohen. Toledo Scales, -' ; Doug. 7 ^ 2 of the Misses Helen and Margaret Hpbaj*E{ectri: ^ Doug. 7396 Riekes, who are leaving for Hot Miss Esther Zalk returned Sunday Springs, Ark. -Two traveling' giftsafter a two weeks stay in Des Moines, Office—JAckson 0889 w*re presented td them. A prize for la. She brought with her Miss Esther We have on hand TJsed and Yard— J A ckson 0088 the best charade' was won by Miss Berloviteh, of Des Mqines, to be her j Machines. or call at office, 219 So. 13th St., Y Bessie Greeriberjg. house guest. " . [ " " •' * Merchants Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Sol Brodkey's
' ' 5
a .a
PAGE:4~THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JULY 20,'1922 wiiimiiiiMimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiim^
artment iim
told him he had to end his trip and come and talk it over with me—so he came' home." Her face contracted a little. "A fine home he came to, with me runEURLICH LEVINGER. MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON Telephone ning around like a girl fifteen years Office (Copyright, 1.922, Jackson 0268 :Elpa Eurlich Levinger. All rights reserved.) NEARBY COMMUNITIES. 209 South 18th Street old from morning to night and not even a frying pan in the house to CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. I met'her in theffijih. rtujrk^t one gather. "Such eyes and such natural make him an egg for his lunch. I Friday morning, appropriately dress- curly hair—she's going to be a regu- had a hard time of it to get it all P. MELCHIOKS & SON ed in a very suit lar vamp when she grows up." y short Wackv^attiing ^ out of him, but I did. He cried like MACHINE WORKS "I hope not," I said with perhaps a baby," here she wiped her own eyes, fll flesh-colored silk ilk stockings t k i i aiid d pumps INVESTMENT SECURITIES Industrial and Automotive HnehlnUta. Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. just a little too much emphasis. ' 1 "and said he wanted to spare me all with high heels.. She .never went in Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555. Starter Bin* Gear* for Ant« Fly Wheels bathing until' late in the" afternoon hope shell'have something better to he could and if he only could h_ave ill 8oath ISth'street. 1416 Douglra Ht. Tel. Jackson. 3171 Telephones Jackson tSM when our commuting husbands came do with her time—a home and a hus- gone off quick like his poor father hotne from the city; but, as she ex- band and babies." selig and left me well-fixed to enjoy Bell's "cheeks flushed under their myself. Just thinking of me—and I plained to me during the first hour Y o u r position is of 0)ir acquaintance, > it wag^ just as coating ol-powder. "You know some never thought enough of him to cook DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT correct,, and should easy r to put her- swimming clothes on smart guy last summer called me the him a home-made meal when he was COMPANY. *rbe*supported by when up, ~»tid t^en,«he was Vamp of Edgemere," she told me with home between trips!" BRAND UNDERTAKERS &I8MAB (3KS. OAKS AND 8CGAK D0TJGH?fCT8 OUR. SPECIALTY. affected lightness. "Just because I'm dressed f6r the water for the "rest of every fair minded "That's why I'm telling you all this MOVED TO r not a crepe-hanger and like to iaugh —confidential, you understand me— the day. We Delifver the Real Goods. person. tXU CDIDNO BTBJSBT. "' • Pbona Webster O94S "I'm not buying any .fish today," and dance around with the boys once strictly confidential. You told me last she confided to the world -at.; large, in- in a -while: As long as my husband \ your.sister-in-law was crazy to cluding the brawny fiah merchant and don't care, I don't see that it's any-get a bungalow near you, and if she myself in her all-embracing smile. body else's business," with a defiant wants to sublet mine I won't charge • • • OX • • • 'My husband's on a trip—tailor to the toss of her fuzzy head. her a cent extra/and it's all in grand WHOLESALE GROCERS "And just seem pretty well satistrade and the best- man* they got in condition, egpec%illy the kitchen. I Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phone Jackson 1302 his line in his territory!—TO I -aint ffed with ^ e lift' you-re living," 1 want you to give me her address right got the heart to coolTfor myself. • But commented. away." ' I just wanted to see whai,you~ have. . * Her eyes under the touched-up eye"You're^ going to give up your bun-' I get tired, manicuring, my nails all brows grew not a. little wistful. "God, galow." w Vteit Our day an& it don't, take me more'rr a I hate• Jt, she bnrst out and the sin- "As soon as I can. Max's brother minute to shampoo-my hair since I cerity, of her tone robbed the words ain't well either and he's got a clothVllllll/i ilfivl Vll (PALMER GRADUATE) got it bobbed. W e l f t a , ta," witfi an of their" melodrama. "Just running ing store in Yanktown, North or Phone Jackson 3072 Second Floor, Elks' Building. airy wave of the handand a vampish around with a lot of fellows that like South Dakota or some place, and he's Do away with drudgery and inake to paw me' over and tell me stories always wanted Max to buy a partglance over one plump; bare shoulder, house-work a pleasureby the use :,:-•: if "With Tour Order *or''~ ' • ..; of modern electrical appliances. "I guess 111 go down to the station as smutty-as 111 let 'em—and then nership and handle the selling end. ; and see if I can get a copy of 'Snappy when they^want a change they run off That's what poor Max has been crazy HOLCOMB " ANYTHING £ The "Electric Shop" is-ion .the Stories' to read on the beach> I got and marry some little fool who don't for all this time—a quiet sample life, FOOD CHEMICAL ground floor;of the Electric-build. IN THE WRAPPING * to do something' to pass- away the. know enough to .come in out of the but he was scared I wouldn't leave ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth r PRODUCTS CO, INC. PAPER LINE :T ' rajn. Sometimes I wonder if they're New. York;." time. * ~ • and Farnarn; streets. ' Manufacturers of . This was around nine in the morn- worth working so hard to keep, any"And are you willing?" I was FOODS AND CHEMICALS. ing;" by nine in the "evening Belle how; I have to laugh and play the amazed at her calm, expecting tears rtAVOKLN'G IXTBACT8. Phone Donclns «*09 THE BEST Leven had more than 'enough: to do monkey for 'em just to keep 'em arid hysterical larcentations. •IB J l . l«th St. Phone Atlantis « 6 4 laughing, and play I'm not much to keep her busy. Surrounded by all For once her pretty, silly face the eligible bachelors of Hotel Edge- moro'n twenty myself so they think looked -beautiful in its womanliness. NORTHWEST READY mere on the Sea (you pay donble for I've got a kid's pep; and they prefer Max never needed me before and I ROOFING CO. the view of the ocean although no- me to a regular flapper 'cause I'm never had a baby to fuss over," she Ready Boofins over old shingles. Also asphalt shingles and bnild-np body seems to stop playing cards married and they think me more in- said simply. "But now I'm going- to A roofs. Fire resigtlng and durable. Douglas 1862 long enough to look' gt i t ) , she sat teresting. But sometimes I'm so sick take care of hirr right and cook What A11 work guaranteed. Easy terms. of the whole darri business I wish I Phono Harney 257* STEESTER ELECTRIC upon the sands and held her little he likes and make him go to bed early, OBes and Warehonset tiXt I*arenwortB court. Or she would hold high car- was dead, only I know Max would every night ant see that he don't get MEATCHOPPER f nival on her own bungalow porch, miss getting my letters every day and exited over nothing. I don't want AND COFFEE MILL. gayly strong with Colored paper Ian- Waning around to shows and restau- you to think I'm glsft Max ain't well," t h she heand nd" her h r swains wafn and and ra^Ms with %ie between, between trips." trips" terns, where as-she rose to go, "but I'm mighty | 7 •AOTTFACTtfREKS. *1 should think your husband would glad to have something to keep me ) a few—a very few!—rather'utfcttracMAKES FOR SAKE. /I MEY-MER-CO. Brand tive female friends would dance to the try- to- leave the road and you twobusy for a while and keep me from ! Beverages and Syrups. 510 Sonth loth Street, f seductive wailing of a tiny vjctrola. ; could be awful good chums," I sug-making a fool of myself 'cause I don't j 3U-3S1 So. 14th St., Omaha, Nebr. Phone Jackson 3332. j f gested. _ . • • ' One night when they danced so have nothing better to do with my j Phone Atlantis S88> for a trveling man time." noisily that my baby, ju§t .wouldn't go ' - * It s to 4 established off the road when Iten IT WITH FLOWERS" to* sleep I paid Mrs. ?ell6 an informal hS* e call. ' She was graciousness itself. ! ' s Max's age," she informed me. Biscuit Co. CHRONICLE SAYS ZIONISTS and buy them at "Shut off the noise, boys," she called " A n d I wouldn't get so-lonely and do REVOKED BASIC PRINCIPLES SNOW WHITE All that the name to her friends as/she closed the whin- s u c h foolish-things if I had something real t o implies. BAKERIES South lotV Street. ing instrument witKa bang, "and take occupy my mind. I guess you Leading Zionist Weekly Asserts Zion9 CALLj tnink >n putting J»hane DiroglM 3400. ' : (&**• JL' s. Pat. me over to Permutter's for a pine- i I * Putting on when I'm foolist Leaders Are Camouflaging <RBee.) 91« N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 H-H ATLANTIC4522 apple float. I ought to be on a diet," ing with-your baby or some of the Surrender of Principles. and making & she told me, as she walk^ down the j ° t h e r street toward my own bungalow, one f u s s o v e r 'em. But I wish a lot I London. (J. C. B.)—The Jewish Kntrltlon* Ham* Had* ELECTRICAL FIXTURES of her chubby arms thrust through could have had one or two of 'em,Chronicle, virtually the only Jewish Ambulance Service APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES -I'd mine, "but my hubby.says heiikes me f«y*ow. A little girl,- maybe—I'd paper which has held out consistently with Pntanotor. Sealed In Sanitary Waxed ' Made b y S '., have-dressed her awful sweet. Once for the maximum Zionist demands, in j AD Calls Answered FMmptly. Wrapper at Your Grocer. the way I am, so. I should worry. to hav J w a s UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST e a baby but some- an editorial today declares that the j DEPENDABLE: ELECTRICAL You wont come with us ? Well, good JOHN A. GENTLEMAN Sundgren Pie Baking Co. FOOD CO. i, ; mn JtERCHANBISE. night, and I hope the kidil go to sleep ? went " w n m M B d I've given up acceptance by the Zionist Executive 1511 Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0681 «4th and Hickory. Atlantiii 6*41 SUI Farnam 8*. Phone Barney 03M OMAHA. N E B R A S K A . i| now. They're a terrible nuisance, aint * hoping. But don't you think I'm en-of «Winston Churchill's defintiion of joying myself all the time you hear "National Home" as formulated in the they, but we got to have them." and making a goat of recent white.paper, gives Zionism an This wa.s the beginning of our mmes elaughing American l do friendship, if Belle might be said to y * * n on the beach." altogether different aspect from what Carpenter Paper! Co. . WHOLESALE W e Wet Wash Laundry entertain such a warm feeling for' had'reached her bungalow by had been hitherto envisaged. Dlstrjbntors of j Druggists and Stationers 2803 Cuming. Harney 0881 her own sex. The o,ther women o f . t h l 8 time- A short, bald-headed man Acceptance of this definition conWestern Bond—and High-Grade Wl*i(ffi-MS Sontft 10th </-. One Day Service. No Extra our bungalow colony shunned her con- w f a o had been stretched out in the stitutes more than a revocation of the Stationery } Charges. Refinite Soft Water. sistently; the younger^nes pretended! ***** hammock rose painfully to hisbasic principles of Zionism, the ChroOMAHA. to shun her on strictly moral grounds.! f e e t and came to meet us with out- nicle editor, who was one of Herzl's "Not that there's anything really ^ r e t c h e d arms. Belle flopped upon first followers, declared. It is a revoWhy Buy Tin? LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. bad about her," confided my. left hand , his shoulder. cation of the principles of Judaism. In AetlT* Practlea Slnra 1*10. PAXTON-MTTCHELLTCO. \ .!""'she shrieked in accents of S A V E S XOTJ M O N E Y . When Herzl first called the Jews neighbor, Mrs. Ke»wlman one after-' S7th and Martha' fit*. HanuV 166S 1 MID-STATES WHOLESALE Mnnufactnrers of Brass. Bronwi , Alnml- . noon when she dropped in to ask me ' S^nuine Joy, "I drin't think you'd be Home, hi saim was the antithesis of num and Soft Gray Iron Casting!. I GROCERS Offlcr: Brandeis Theatre Bnlldln*. the exile. He had hoped to bring Iswhether I'd seen the plumber, sent for h o m e f o r a month yet." Yon are assured of soft castings, as I 17th and Donclas Streets. As so&n as the necessary introduc- rael at rest instead of-eternal wanderJackson 8813 to repair our showers, and lingered we machine some from every I heat In k tUl-U Dads* St. Phone AUantle 3836 our own shop. 'Standard alls cart iron.I tions were over I hurried home. But ng. Churchill's statement that the for a spell of gossip. "At least I bashings In stock. • : • ; ' ' tf never heard nothing. But the waya half hour or later Belle tapped at British Government accepts the ManMAX OLSEN & CO. XIKES TUBES—ACCESSORIES she paints and powders—just like a my screen' door. Her eyes were sus- date for Palestine an the understandWholesale Distributors for piciously red* but there, was a look of ing that the Jews will be allowed to young girl when she's-been married SCHMIDT'S OUR TREATMENT almost ten years!—and the ways h e I steady purpbie in her eyes that set up a community falls short of the We carry a complete line ol new CONVIHCK TOU OF OTJB Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Herxlian principle. ring gears, pinions, kxie shafts ana flirts with everything in pants, it t st*"*1** »«• StNCERITT. springs for almost any make, of ear. Ale,. Hires Root Beer would be a shame for the Goyjm if we "I dont want to talk'on the porch," The .Chronicle insists that this Trust Department. M. » . BICHMAN. Manager. Office And Warehouse: 917 So. Halo St. Safety Deposit Boxes. 1S18-1S30 West Broadway. ' Telephone 143 wasn't all Yehudim around here. Her she said; "Too many smoosers "Zionist renunciation" of the previous COUNCIL BLUFfSi IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. around," with a slight elevation of rHONE 444. aims is a vitally serious mattertothe poor husband-thinks nothing's too good for her and gets her a bungalow her voice'for the benefit of our neigh- Jewish people, being - more serious RATES than Churchill's renunciation of those with electric lights and bathtub and bors. "Let's come inside!" Omaha Office: t l S Donirlas' Street. for space on this Special everything and tells her to ask her "I just got to get it but of my sys- principles. ~ Continuing, The ChroniOmaha Phone Atlantic «558 Page given on" application. women friends down here while he's I *"»'" i**l™*} o n • " «l *»j * ; " l e d cle accuses- the Zionist 1 eaders of Ford Tranter & Storage Co. " away on his traveling trips. But she heron the living room daybed.'"You camouflaging the Zionist surrender of » « N. leth St. lectretypes E. A. FORD. ^tmmt Ccstsal l a m . oser asks a woman except the clean- saw my • Max—didn't you ? How didprinciples to, the exigencies of the Snpptjr and Food Center. President and General Manager. you think-&e looked?" Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office British Government, by "trumpeting 1 482 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 I ing and washwoman. Yes, she's honBJ« So. Main Street. rhone MS .--Sometimes*one wishes to be spared estly top lazy to wash but them pink the recent favorable vote in the House silk'lingeries things she always wears embarrassing questions. But for once of Commons as a Zionist victory. If CLEAN 1JNEN nights when she's out of her bathing Belle was supple and didnt insist up- the Mandate passes in its present An Ideal Washing- Combination. Every morninr suit and she eats all her meals at the on a reply. form, • the Jews should understand U yon call to* Eetes Laundry Tablets "I know he never was much to look what it now means, the editorial con• hotel when her husband's, away and • . . . with... at," she confessed;"but his looks'suit when he's home, too, if he Jets her. cluded. Estes Soap Chips MIS CUUonila Street, And the way she flirts w}th every- me so that's all there's to it. But I and Fhon* Doasrlaa atM body from the iceman to the "Ttotel- never saw him look so sick in my Water Softener (Combined) SOVIET SANCTIONS "HEHOLUZ." clerk and that fresh Jap fellow in the life.. I'm trembling all over yet frotn At all Grocers. Moscow. (J* C. B.)—The Soviet place where they roll baUg for prizes the scare he gave me." Government has permitted the "HehoODR NEW LOCATION aint fit to mention between ladies. Corner 19tb and Doaslan Streets. Can Atlantic 2364 luz" (Palestine Pioneer Movement) to You will like He t o teke o u t AIOBonlo Temple Bldr* But what are you going to do about *>*«* _ ...for..". ' •" • —Our Line hold a meeting during July. Keprer life insurance when he was in Chicago sentative's from all parts of Russia, BALDWIN, BLLINGTON.^HAMILTON. HOWARD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS. B 'last week "cause his nephew's just where there are reported to be ten '. P U K E PIANOS. "Nothing!" I responded and the..j starting BUTTER out and wouldn't give him OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. thousand young men and women in • TO AND FROM THATCHER PIANO CO. lady: agreed with me. — — Made by . . . any any rest. And they turned him down don *4I» OwnloK 8t^ Omaha. Nebrsiks. Phone Jackson 8008 It must have been in August when g a J d h i s a rte r i e s was hard and every- training for Palestine, are expected to i ALJL PARTS OF I met Belle in the store—in her' thing like that. He didn't believe this conference. Permission to hold' THE WORLD Rates for Space on bathing, habit, of couriel—her round their doctor at first, so he went, to a this meeting appears to indicate that DON'T BUY COAL! face almost buried behind her glass of bunch pf specialists and they told him the Movement has been sanctioned this S p e c i a l Page Sherman Mercantile Co. BCH OIL IS M CHEAPER chocolate soda. She pointed, me at the same thing. He didn't want to lei despite the pronounced opposition of 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. given on application. Wholesale GnweTS Specialties the counter tnd raved after her fash- on a word to me at first—you know the "Jewish Sections". ATlantic 0340. 1611 Cumins St. Phone Atlantic 1547 ion over the' snapshots the clerk how Jews always are good husbands OIL VAPOR BURNER —DISTRIBUTORS— y 482 Brandeis Bids'. TeL Jackson I37t PATRONIZE ALL OF 'OUR AD- j handed me. . JACK SPBAT FOOD PRODUCTS. 016 Bo. 1Mb Street. h l d ' t ^but they warned him he wouldn' VERTISBRSr- THEY ARE HELPOmaha. Kebrasba. : • "Your babys .some doll, believe me," ^ovetf a y year if he didn't quit th ING SUPPORT-YOUK PAPER. " Sdbscribe'to-'The Jewish Press" remaxked as we strolled home to- road Jight away. And then his nephew PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. h
The Harry A. Koch Co.
Leo A. Hoffmann
Groneweg & Schoentgen
McCord-Brady Co>,
rniRftPR AfTflR Ethel Thia'J Maltby, D. C.
The Brihn & Jensen Company /
1112 HARNEX Sf.
Dayton Money Weight Scales and Meat Slicers
Never Mercantile Co., Inc.
"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
• • } « - .
Baker Ice Machines
Checker Cab
Granden Electric Co.
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Dr. Frances H. Turner
Mid-West Auto Parts Co.
Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. COL Eleventh and Howard Sts. OMAHA, NEB. :
Frontier Tiwel Supply
eamship tickets
Kirschbraun & Sons
Jewish Press