Go on, and make errors and fail and get
Every man «~-woman ever won anything knew how to —dig.— Adams.
up again: . Only go. on.— Anna C. Brackett.
VOL. II—No. 33
Entered ~*"'^sr -ond-clasi mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at uidet ot# ftf March 3. 1K71A. 1879. POBtofflCA CO V*1**"***** MfthHiir* ^ n n f t a v the tfi* -Act Ant A •**)» ft
Omaha's Community Center is Attracting Nationwide Attention
Local B'nai B'rith Lodge to Hold Public Picnic Sunday, Aug. 13
London, July 20. (J. T. A.)—Jacob Jaffa, July J 20. (J.~ C. B.)—The Moser, the ex-Lord Mayor of Bradford, died at his home yesterday at' death is announced of Boris Goldberg, the age of eighty-three. a veteran leader'of Russian Zionism, at his home in Tel Aviv. . . Mr. Moser was one of the early Zionists. The building of the famous Many Games and Novelty AfLetters of Comment Received Active in Russian Zionism since its BRILLIANT DEFENSE OF JEWISH RACE ON FLOOR OF CONGRESS. Hebrew Gymnasium of Jaffa was beginnings, Boris Goldberg, _ who. faire Being Arranged For Upon the Contribution of erected at his expense, as was also comes from Vilna, was one of the Public Picnic Morris Levy and Upon New York Congressman's Eloquent Speech in Favor of Palestine Homeland Resolution j; £ hospital at Leeds in Dr. Herzl's leaders of the famous Russian Cen- \ • Community. memory. He presented to the British WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OP tral Committee or,"Merkaz." The denation Bothenstein's picture of the xeased was a. writer and patron of HeTHE B'NAI B'RITH LODGE ORGANIZATION TO RAISE Jews mourning at the Synagogue. Tarew literature.'-He was a man 'of v TO BE GUESTS. REMAINDER OF FUND ParUament Tandsupon the battle to the anti-Semites and Jew baiters Aside from the lofty inspiration Flags at Bradford are at half-mast great common sense, and because of 1 IMMEDIATELY. field, been found foremost among the of modern times. and the bells tolled while the Lord The Omaha lodge No. 354, I. O. B. I his success as business man, was one and the rich heritage of Jewish genius champions of human freedom and of Mr. Speaker, in all the history of Mayor paid tribute to this citizen by in history, of which we are the direct of the economic interpreters of ZionThe Board of Trustees of the New prejudize the persecution of the Jew having the courts observe one min- B., will be hosts at'the first picnic I beneficiaries along with all the other human rights? " Tl ever given by the local B'nai B'rith jj Jewish' Community Center met Tues- ism. In the year 1920 he acted as races of mankind, Jewish sacred influThe project of fotinding a new Jew- has no parallel. Whether born of hu- ute's silence. lodge Sunday, August 13, when they f day evening at the Jewish Community Treasurer of the World Zionist Or- ences confront and surround each and sh commonwealth- i in Palestine is man wickedness or divine vengeance, will entertain members of the order \ Center and completed plans for or- ganization in London.' His latest Pal- all of us at all times and in all places familiar to all readers of tha daily Jewish persecution is the strangest of estine enterprise was the Silicate facand the womens auxiliary at Krug » ganization and discussed details of the" —at the prayer meeting, in the Sun- press. The so-called Zionist move- all histirical phenomena. When and Park. * . i drive for the remainder of the fund. tory at Jaffa. day school, in the church, in' the- ca- ment has many ardent advocates and where it originated arid what have Members are asked to come early f The New Jewish Community Center been its intensifying and perpetuating able supporters among, Jews and Genthedral, and in the synagogue. • so that they can work up an appetite j organization which was organized folWhen the Chaplain offers' prayer at tiles throughout thef earth. The over- causes are still subjects of grave for lunch by working off a few pounds i lowing the presentation of the $50,000 each day's opening of .this House he whelming majority|of the Jews of doubt and speculative debate. In any in the races which will start at 11 a. • gift of Morris Levy towards building case it represents one of the blackest invokes upon its members the benedic- America, from all that I can learn, are David Greenberg Reports the Follow- m. There will be the races for the » a new Community Center building, phases of human life, for it invariably enthusiastically in favor of it. tions of a Hebrew God and the interfat man and the one-legged men, for ' ing List of Names as Members has attracted nationwide attention. The great world struggle has gvien involves all the elements of ignorance cessions of a Hebrew Saviour. the girls and the boys, for one and j of Committees. Following is a reprinted copy of a and bigotry, of cowardice and cruelty. The three great events of man's ex- a powerful impetus to the movement. all. : letter to Mr. Levy from Jacob BilliI never hear any man engaging in Besides, the national idea and the reistence are said to be: Birth, marriage ligious self-consciousness of the HeCOMMITTEES TO SERVE UNTIL Delegate to Philadelphia Jewish ConDancing will follow the basket wholesale slander of the Jewish race kopf, executive director of the Fedand death. The spiritual if ood, solace, brew race in all age|have been seeds END OF PRESENT TERM gress in May,Tells of Meeting. luncheon.which will be featured by \ that I do not say to myself. You are eration of Jewish Charities at Philaand inspiration of each, of these great .waiting, ripening £gr such an event. OF OFFICE. free ice cold, lemonade which will be either an< ignoramus, a bigot, a delphia, Pa. Mr. Billikopf was forevents are furnished by the Jew. The t has been truly s*!d that— served "by the lodge. And while the i coward, or all combined in one. Moremer superintendent of the Jewish OFFICERS ELECTED TO PERMADavid Greenberg, newly elected hallowing influence of Hebrew scrip- iincc the destruction ef the second temple over, you are an ingrate of the meanNENT ORGANIZATION. terpsichorean artists are strutting to Educational Alliance at Kansas City, tures is invoked when infancy is chris- >y Titus, since the dttbersion of the Jews est type, for you are the direct heir president of the local lodge of the that real syncopated music, the ; Mo., and director in the War Relief throughout tbe world, this ancient people B'nai B'rith, today announced the Plans to form a permanent organ- tened into religious life. Jewish mu- has not ceased to Ion;; fervently for a and beneficiary of all that the Jew campaign. committees for the coming term of younger 'uns will be able to shoot- ' sic, Mendelson's wedding march, furization to defend the rights and name return to the lost Ian*' of their fathers has ever said or done to elevate and the order. The complete list appears the-shoots or take advantage of the * THE FEDERATION OF JEWISH of Jews against attacks were recom- sushsg tbs entrancing accompaniment not to entertain for it•<*:. determined hope, save mankind. in today's issue of the Jewish Press. hundred and one amusements in the CHARITIES OF PHILADELPHIA mended Sunday afternoon by Nathan when bride and bridegroom- meet at f I forget thee. O Jerusalem, park at special reduced prices. ' To describe the horrors and duelGreenberg, who was vice-president 1512 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. S. Yaffe, delegate to the Jewish con- the marriage altar to pledge eternal Let my right hand forget her dinning: The women's auxiliary will be the July 20, 1922. gress, held in Philadelphia May 25 love and to be bound to the duties of Let my tongue cleave to the roof of ties of Jewish persecution would "be of the order during the previous term, guests of the lodge and all have promto narrate the history of the Jewish was elected to the office of president Mr. Morris Levy, my mouth. at the Jewish Community Center. wedded life by the obligation -of Heised to make August 13 a red letter ; c o. Nebraska Clothing Co., arce during 2000 years. Time does not at the recent election. If I remember the* liot; brew sacred law. And, lastly, at evOver 200 people were present at this day on the B'nai B'rith social calen- < Omaha, Nebraska. permit and the occasion does not deFollowing are the names of the ery open grave in Christendom is read U I prefer not Jerusalem meeting. dar. Above my chief Joy. (I\g«Jm cxxxvii. 5. 6.) mand such a narrative. I will only committees appointed: Dear Mr. Levy:— Mr. Yaffe returned recently from the funeral sermon of St. Paul, a Following is the committee which \ This plaintive dad pathetic song quote in this connection Rabbi Ben I have read with much pleasure Jew. Thus the Jew goes with us from MEMBERSHIP—FINANCE (but without surprise) of your magni- the convention and read a report of is in charge of the picnic: Sam Beber, fe was chanted in Babylonian exile more Ezra's "Song of Death," which gives Irvin A. Stallmsster. Chairman; ficent contribution of $50,000. for, the the resolution adopted at the meet- the craddle to the grave as our spiriDr. Philip Sher, Fred White, Jack \ Abiier Kaimau, Vlce-Chairman; Jewish Community Centre Building to ; ing and the activities of the congress tual guide and savior. I respectfully than 2000 years agto, and it finds to- pathetic utterance to the agonizing Alas Froinkin. Copeland, William Kline, Max From- I day a sacred echo in the heart yearncry of his people of all ages to the Abe Sircerman, be erected in Omaha." I say without "The congress means," said Mr submit that every sentiment of decent ings of every Zionist ift the world. A. GreeuberE. \xn, S. H. Schaefer, and Sam Leon. I •surprise, because this munificent gift God of their fathers for protection Dr. Ben Stiller. Yaffe, "that the American Jew, as be- gratitude should prompt us to help is so entirely in keeping with your William Alberts, To high patriotic purposes and to and relief: splendid conception of one's duty to comes Jew'and American, is resolved him when we can, and never to perWilliam Kline.' deep-seated race feelings and impuls- By the torture prolonged ftom^age to age. Dr. Dansky. «.."-,-,'• his fellow-man. to act in a truly .democratic manner secute him at any time. es is added" the relMgeos belief of rnil- By the rnfamy, Israel's heritage, . —Yonr- gift to the Jewish-jCammmuly.. -in the'matter*of guidirrgibls, p ';_ Tire-gratitude 4feat should prompt lions of orthodox w&w-s^thafc- the ntimeIffy £he Ghetto's" piag-ne,- by' ISe garb's BtlHelfeg is indeed an inspiring ofcey Dr. P. Sher, Chairman,; Kabbi Fredrick Gdhn. and. is made most opportunely. It is fairs. Answering those who \ sneer at the adoption of this resolution is born has come for the fulfilment of divine By disgrace. the, badge t>f sfciime. by the felon'4 Kabbi Morris Taion, made at a time when forward-think- mobocracy, we insist with all humility -not-merely of the priceless legacy of prophecy and promise in the gatherHarry Silverman, place. ing Jews throughout the country are that a people which has in some part: spiritual hope, consolation and assur- ing of the children of Israel again into Samnel H. Schaefer. By the branding'tool, the bloody whip. Henry Monsky. giving, earnest consideration to the known for many centuries the respon ance that he has bequeathed through 1 And tbe summons to Christian fellowship. Loo Rosenthal. the ancient homeland. The foundaJewish 'Centre movement as - an iro-' In this poetic .plaint are crowded portant instrumentality for the devel- sibility of democratic and autonomou, the centuries. It springs, too, from tion of this prophecy is found in First Contest to Decide Champions CENTRAL COUNCIL. opment of a generation of Jews who life, is not to be written down a mob the contributions of the Jew to the Deuteronomy xxx: the cruel > memories of a thousand Louis Simon, Chairman; Among Jewish Players Causing J. J. SloshurR, will be a credit to Israel, loyal to the because it prefers that hard and liberties of the human race in every years of Jewish persecution. If any of thine be driven out onto the Much Enthusiasm Througout Fred White. noblest traditions of our people and thorny path of self-direction to the land and time, for the Jew lias been outmost parts of heaven, from thence will L. Kneeter. But only yesterday in private conour faith, and loyal at the same time City. to the highest conceptions of Ameri- primro path of acceptance of favor the child of revolution and the friend the Lord thy God gather thee, and from versation with a Member of this thence -trill he fetci tbee: - And the Lord House, himself a Jew, while discussfrom within or without Israel/' can citizenship. of freedom in every age. _ .Tack Copeland. Chairman: thy God will bring thee into the land ENTRIES FOR SINGLES AND William Kline, Throughout the length and breadth According to Mr. ^ Yaffe, 300 dele- The Mosaic commonwealth was the- which thy fathers possessed, and thon ing this resolution, I'"was told that the Morris Miklin. DOUBLES WILL CLOSE of this coutitry the Jewish Centre idea ocratic in origin and character, but possess it: and He will do tbee days of Jewish persecution had prac\ DENVER HOSPITAL. is making progress. Within the past gates from all sections of the coun- democratic in function and effect. All shalt 8:00 P. M. SUNDAY, good, and multiply thee above thy fathers. tically passed forever, that the age of Harry Lapidus, Chairman; year or so, vast sums have been raised try attended the convention. One JULY 31. Harry Malasbock. freedom and enlightenment was at for such enterprises in Pittsburgh, in resolution, he said, was adopted to the prophets of Israel were feaiiess And in Amos, ix, 14-15: Harry Friedman. Newark, in Philadelphia, in Kansas thank the United States senate for champions of human rights. Isaial And I will bring again the .captivity of. hand, and that - Jewish persecution City and elsewhere. In the fall, camLEV! MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. my people of Israel, and they shall °»»<i) w a s n o i 0 B g e r a valid motive, a rationMean, racquets will be swunfev paigns for substantial amounts will be passing a resolution favoring the and Jeremiah were the first grea the waste cities and inhabit them: and Dr. M. Urodinsky, Chairman; ° , _. . wicked serves will shoot over the net, al ex se Zltmist Dr. Sol Kavits. instituted in Chicago, St. Louis and adoption of Palestine as a home for revolutionistes of earth. they shall plant vineyards and drink the I ™ ' *«"• *he movement, Irvin A. Stallmaster, and dealers in tennis balls will do a Cincinnati... And your gift is bound the Jews. . . Not only have the Jews been wine thereof? they shall also mate! I w a s astonished to hear him say this. Dr. H. Hirschman. to be an encouragement and an inrushing business, during the next gardens and eat tbe fruit of them. It is a truth well known of all inMr. Yaffe was appointed on the friends of freedom in every age; the spiration to men like Justice Irving IXTELLECTCAL ADVAXCKKBXX. And I will plant them upon their land, telligent men that' racial prejudice two weeks, when the first YMHA friends of freedom of every age— budget committee of the Philadelphia Lehman, Louis Marshall, Felix M. j . J. Friedman. and they shall no more be pulled out of city tennis tournament gets under Harry I.npidus, Warburg, Judge Julian W. Mack, convention. Nathan Straus, New Montesquieu and Mirabeau, Cromwell their land which I have given them, against the Jew has not completely M. Monheit. way. . .Jacob Loeb, Felix Fuld and "other York banker,-was-elected-president. and Macauley, Cavour and Mazzini salth the Lord, thy God. vanished from the minds and hearts Selwyn Jacobs. notable Jewish leaders in this country, Fred White. The tournament, which will decide and Washington—have been friends of gentiles; that political freedom in Rabbi Samuel S. Wise of New York, Patriotic pride, race impulse and reHarry Trustin. who are pinning their hope and giving the singles and doubles champions, Sum Bel>er, BO much personal effort to the Jewish who has visited Omaha several times, of the Jews. What more fitting trib- ligious faith, fed and sustained by an- an enlightened age has not brought Harry Silverman, among the Jewish young men and Centre idea. was chosen vice-president. Nathan ute, then, could be paid, what finer, cient prophecy and promise, are un- with it full religious tolerance and so- 3. M. Malashwk. women- of the city, is open to all To the Jews of Omaha, your gift is Untermyer, New .York attorney, was what mero appropriate expression of doubtedly the great mainsprings of cial recognition; that the Jew enjoys V1GILAXCE. a great boon. It makes certain the elected second vice-president. players. - No entry fee will be appreciation could be offered by th« motive of the Zionist movement. Sub- the freedom of the letter, but is still Win. Holzman, Chairman: success of this movement in your Bahbi Fredrick Cohn. charged. 'Valuable prizes will be representatives of a free Nation than sidiary and contributory to all these under the ban of the spirit. It is not Following "report of Mr. Yaffe, a city, and it guarantees the erection of S. J. Leon. to vote this resolution of sympath offered *for winners in each group. Arthur RoRenhlom, things is without question the cumulanecessary to go to Russia or Rumania permanent organization was formed. your two hundred thousand dollar Harry Lapidas. iwilding, which will welcome within Dr. Philip Sher was elected president, and encouragement to the people of a tive effect of Jewish persecution of to prove this contention. Already 15 male players and 15 Henry Monsky. its walls every element of your com- L. Kneeter, vice-president; N. S. Yaf- race that have always, in Senate and every age from the ancient Egyptians Harry Silverman. women players have registered for (To Be Continued Next Week.) munity; where father and son, mother the tournament. Additional entries fee, secretary; John Feldman, treasand daughter will meet as comrades Joe Jnrohs. Chairman; will be received up to 6:00 P. M. on and friends; • where mutual respect urer. • The following "executive comof the greater privilege of the superSamuel H. Schaefer. and toleration of each other's view- mittee was appointed by the presiSunday, July 30. Entries may be Mathan E. Green. vision of distribution." pomts will be developed; where the d e n t : Messrs. William Holzman, Henregistered at the YMHA office in the BT-UW. The Attorney General's opinion drfferences between the various sec-' . . . . » Jewish Community Center, or with Arthur RosenbVuni, Chairman: ry Monsky, Harry Lapidus, Irvin Staltions of the community, due entirely puts an end to a long-drawn-out Max Fromkin, Al. Finkel, ^Webster 1818. to misunderstanding and geographical master, and A.;Cohn. Wm. GrodinRky. Attorney General Issues New Order fight by various religious bodies, who First Match Between These Two Jew- Martin Sugarman. prejudieet,; will be reconciled; where Drawings will be made on Monclaimed that the elimination of the love of Judaism and love of America, ish Men. For All Churches. CLEVELAND ORPHAN HOUSE. day morning, July 31, by an official sacramental wine dealers from busiand the highest ethical and civic con- CANADIAN GARMENT WORKERS Sam J. Leon. Chninnnn; of the"YMHA. ' Play for the first LOSE INJUNCTJpN CASE; ceptions, will be imparted.- From this ness through the denial of Treasury Harry Malashock, Jersey City, N J." July 27.—Tonight and second rounds must be completed Samnel H. Schaefer. building there will radiate a spirit of -Washington. (J. T. Montreal. (J. C.B.)—The Court of, permits,shut off all legitimate chan- h e n Ch ampibn Benny Leonard and service that will raise the esteem in before the' following Monday, August Ministers and priests duly appointed nels for abtaining proper.wines for wchallenger-Lew INITIATION. Appeal of the Province of Quebec, disTendler face" each which the Jews of Omaha are held, 7. Singles and doubles matches will Sam J. Leon, Chairman: and which will go far toward the solu- missed with.costs.the appeal of the by-the heads of the ecclesiastical ju- sacramental purposes, and forced the o t h e r m o n e : o f the most important Harry SUverman, be played; during the week. tion of many local Jewish and civic International Ladies' Garment Work- risdictions of their churches may su- churches to use spirits of uncertain Arthur Rosenblum. lightweight 'boxing bouts of-the time, problems. The _ tournament is causing much., ers' Union from a judgement of Jus- pervise the manufacture and distribu- standard. RESOLUTIONS. two clean-cut Jewish lads will battle I speak with so much enthusiasm tice MacLennan in the Superior Court, tion of alter wines, in their -specified comment and enthusiasm among th"e Kline," Chairman.: for the championship of the division William about your gift and the purpose for Sam Beber, territories under new regulations beyounger players of the city, and : which made permanent an interim inwhich it is made because I have been Nathan Yaffe. which'Leonard has held for the. past promises to be full of interest and watching the development of the Jew- junction that had been issued against ing considered tonight by Revenue COMMUNIST INTERNATIONALE ish Centre idea throughout the coun- the union and <• its officers, who were Commissioner Blair, in- accordance EXPELS PALESTINE DELEGATE eight years. excitement,. as many of the best POPE'S OPPOSITION TO Boxing enthusiasts throughout the try and I have seen how each com- held.in fault through illegal picketing with an opinion by Attorney^ General racquet-wielders of the Omaha Jewish Riga, July 17. (J. C. B.)—The ExMANDATE LESSENS r munity in which such a building has J country will' await the flash of the Daugherty. community will compete. of the factory of a local manufaeturer Rome. (T. T. A.) It is expected been erected has been raised in its that the Pope will shortly address a The National Prohibition act, Mr. The tournament is a development own esteem and the esteem of its non- j during a strike of workers in Novemthroughout the land Jewish neighbors. letter to Cardinal Gasparri, Secretary of the YMHA summer program of j ber, 1921. Mr. Justice Greenshields, Daugherty held, indicated an inten- the Mandate" conferred upon the dele- • who witnessed two men However, l a m sure that all of.these of State, on the question of Palestine, out-door athletics. tion by Congress to place in the gate of the Palestine Communist Or- i . in a padded ring will also read thoughts, were in your mind when you in delivering the judgement of the hands of the Church itself a power ganization, a Moscow dispatch states, j by which the Vatican's intransigent] Progress of the matches will;l» Court of Appeals, dealt.with the conmade your splendid contribution. attitude toward the recognition of the [ Expulsion of the Palestine Delegate _ I am confident that Omaha may tention of the Union that only peace- whereby it never will be forced to reported from week to week. in tt« British mandate in Palestine will be use inferior products for sacrament whose name is Sar is explained by the count on the cooperation of the Jew- ful picketing took place. r "Jewish Press". .V ' ish Welfare Board when it is ready to modified. nor ever be left without means for fact that at the recent conference of extraction. '"" * * ' whose launch a campaign for the completion I Champion Benny ' Leonard, supplying its needs for sacramental the World Poale Zion Organization The changed attitude appears due of the fuhd for the building—If it your entire State. home is in* New wines. t • • : Sar opposed the demands of the Third to explanations recently given to the OMAHA GIRL will be of any value to the campaign, May God spare yon .for/many years Pope by Sir Herbert Samuel, British and I can arrange my affairs accord- to come, to continue in good health "The intent of Congress is clear," Internationale to. dissolve the Poale RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIPS c o i m t r y . T e n dler r J e w i h 4rives . ingly, I will be glad to pay my long- and in happiness your life of the Attorney General said^ "to abolish Zion Zion Organization, Organization, give give up up the the ^ " w h o h j l i l s f r o m Philadelphia, ifi a for- High Commissioner, in Palestine, in TO UNIVERSITY, promised visit to Omaha -during the "maasim-tovim"—of"'- good and' noble relation to the institution of a naestme program, and incorporate the - . • campaign and tell publicly what I deeds. • the business of the middleman or remer n e D Miss Mildred Cohn, daughter ot tional home for Jews in Palestine. ff know about the Jewish Centre idea With kindest regards to you and tail distributor in sacramental wines, Poale Zion groups into the national j Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, has The Vatican will cease its opposition and whyi in my opinion, it is a move- yours, but the intent is equally apparent to communist parties. Riga, July;!.?.. (J..T. A.)—In order received .notice from the University ment that demands the heartiest coVery cordially yours, if assured that no special favors will permit the Church, if it agrees to The communists evidently believe to "accentuate the social differenciaoperation of every Jew worthy of the JACOB BILLIKOPF. be given the Jews and that the sanc- of Chicago that she has been granted ? assume the responsibility through that the Palestine communists will action in' the Pkraine, the Jewish secname. A similar letter was received from its duly authorized rabbi, minister cept these proposals, the communist. tions of Soviet^Ukraine have1 decided tuaries .will .remain in the care of an honor entrance scholarship to that I In conclusion. I desire to repeat that Miss Cohn graduated your contribution does not surprise Michael A. Stavitsky, director of or priest, fall power to supervise the party in Palestine having been-asked" to strengthen communist, work -among Christians,, to the .exclusion of a. institution. single* Jewish member in the Holy' from the Central High school 1 me at all. It is in keepins with that Field Work of the Jewish Welfare manufacture of alter wines, and it to select another delegate to represent the Ukraine JewisM colonists, It is re- places Conrmission, generosity that has made you beloved June. is my opinion that t i e specific .grant them.:on the Third Internationale.: portedKV and an inspiration to the Jews of. Board.
Head of Local B'nai B'rith Lodge Appoints Committees for New Term
N. S. Yaffee Gives Report on American Jewish Congress Held in Philadelphia, Pa.
Aflfloanced; flay to Begin I Next Week; Open to All! I
Clergy to Supervise Distribution of Wine
Jewish Boxers lu Meet in Championship Tight
V '
• - ' •
mer; left Saturday evening to spend thy%ad Bernice Marks, Sara MarkWEIZMANN SEEN AS J?ALY AND VATICAJf AGREE the remainder of $he suipajBjr gt the man, £0ffl#a yandersl^is, Robert MpST BELAY MANDATE TQ PALESTINE MANDATE Kohi, "Maurice Grund, Lloyd Isaacson, i! Minnesota lakes. BATJF?CA London, July 17. ( J . C. B.),-The and 'Ruth Grund. Published •yery Xbxaetay »t Omaba, Nebrwfct. *T Mrs. Abf Ljjyey |i^d brother, Perry ' London, July 18. (J. C. B.)—Lead- Vatican is fully satisfied with the THB "jEWIJlB: PRESS PUBLISHING pQMPAJff, Tbe Alpka Tau club held a picnic ers of thp SlA"gu4as Israel", the mili- ifovjsional draft of the British Man- London. (J. C. B.)^Dubbing Dr. Silvermaji, J?& l a ^ Veek for HollyQflicq: m Brandej? Theatre Building.--Terephone; #ackson 2372.-. Chaim Weizmann, president of the Sunday in honor of Mjss Hannah Milate for Palestine, particularly wood, Calif., »%e« ^ f o r m e r resides. tant orthodox organization, Jiave d as "England's Z O N' Zionist Organization, NATHAJJ-E. GREEN,'Manager. ler find Miss Edith Orenstein. Miss Article XIV, dealing with the rights made another, move to prevent the" p Misses Dorothy" andT Mary Yarows- Miller will leave soon for Chicago, Deman, the London ratification of the Palestine'Mandate of the Catholics to their Holy places, most expensive EDITORIAL BOARD: *'E?pr?ss,'.' directed by Lord fie^yer- ky have returned from a trip to Estes DR. PHILIP SHEU. by the introduction of § jnemorial the Daily Telegraph' correspondent brook" and edited by Bloomenfeld, to- Park and other points of interest in troit and Buffalo for an extended visMONSKY, SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, it, and Miss-Orenstein will leave <or demanding postponement in the con-learns from quarters' flosely in touch day features on the front page a the West, ..|2.50 with t i e Holy See. A report from a two months' sojourn at Atlantic Mandate on sideration of the acSubscription Price, one year portrait of the Zionist leader, with count o Borne states that the .Parliamentary City.N.J. TiT to which .A4vettising ratea futnlghed pa application. Campfire CommissjoH for Foreign Affairs has the legend that he "costs the British have" consistently c the J. 0. picnip & Rivf mpm^M . l W ^ l ^ ^ Miss .Harbense Gutfrew«i bas reNOT PRINTED "FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Pr&fits from the j"»bliea- B. is informed. , Paragraph, IV ofaccepted the yiew of Foreign injgtej taxpayers 2 to 3 millions annually, day evenings After ^tfae picnip they turned from "Detroit, where she has andf is Hkely-to cost that indefinitely." I Won Of The Jewish Press arc tq be givento^wort^ ::commBnal caasea. fjjg draf| Mpidate of Palestine pro- Scl}§nzer that Itaty should at "the attended -the %ig Campfire -Gtmkvel been staying for some mpntbe. tfenerals Wrangel and Korniloff were present session of the League of Nar f for ^ also expensive, but they represented field in thej %$&£.?•- "— - ' isjt Organization as the Jewish tions support the ratification of thea non-recurrent expenditure, while Miss Gertrude Isaacson left SaturPalestine Mandate. is in Waverly, Miss Sarah ^ Agency. Consideration o ^he Weizmann is a standing charge like day night for a two weeks' visit in d pn That the Arab leaders have nofc Iowa, visiting*Lriends. tjjJ pertaining to the Mandates . ANENT A JEWISIf an Army Act, the Express declares, St. Louis. Tuesday at 11 o'clock. I t was then given up the "hope of staying the regMiss Bi has •• : As aresult of -j;he. sjtu&tion at Harvard relatiye t o , thought possible that * Secretary istration of the Mandate is shown by commenting on the favorable decision „ MisaJ5ajyM ill£r - Jia§J^turned from Students, the suggestion"-has- been made that_there, should pel Churchill h ^ ^ repre^enfe ?.nglan|l ? l l the arrival in London .of Presidpnt of the House of Commons with referr from a three T^fc-raQyemenfcjyas.launched: a during the discussion concerning the Michel Latefallah, President of the ence to the Palestine vote. A bior A show for %e i^nefit "of Jljfi Sal- a two weeks' stay at Ottumwa, where founded a a J"Jewish e w s h university. univey a i i y t c gbe was the ljouse guest of Miss couple st of Brooklyn y Palestine Mandate. Th,e proceedings gyrjas.-Pa|estine Oonfress, ^t the graphical sketch accompanies the por- ly Joy Bro^n liiilk i h | l c e Fund was Eiizabetir p of f wee^s ^ ago g in one e of__the ; outlying districts Spiwak. >Ii,ss" Spiwak actrait. -Born in Minsk, studied in f ttfie tfi p ll n B ftfhe andd ;the t f pproponents p t o£ t h e^ t h e announcementt of of plans understood to be" private, but head of a deputation to the meeting pijt on last Wgdnes4.ax a t ^ S Jj^ish companied Miss Miller to Des Moines, ; Switzerland, "Weizmann captured idea receiv|d ^uite i refrained f i d Tie Times demanjdetj id i | d^ i t sQme publicity;. publicity; -.At the ;time.*we discus- of the Council of tfce League of ISa-r Conjmunifey Centgy ujidgr- the. and a "number of parties have been from commenting" upon the proposal because it did not appear sipn. Although lhh the h Council has tions. The deputation will urge full Balfour in 1917," the paper says. nient pf Alber^ f'riejman. A j given in her honorAngry at the House of Commons' t warrantt any notice. ti Ho^eYei 4Fe in rreceipt H ^ Y e r , i we. 4F c p of aa letter numerous mandate^ befpre it, that ndependence for Syria, Palestine of singing, daBcin^, reading. ai}4 ipuvote, the "Times" says that Churchill d The Th writer, it Miss Mi Edith for Palestine has attracted the the Lebanons. in whieh a similar suggesjipn is made. was presejjtied; aj}4 gljsfes w.er$ -Mrs.;-J. M. Meyers and daughter, Safren, of Buffalo, M ^ i , "says: "Wjtb sp la^gea Jewish popular greatest attention because of the Sjpiulten^o.usly, |h§ PelejatipQ of treated the subject "jocularly," secur- sic shown. Thpsg. ^ E p ^ gi|ft jn |he Raciiel, aitf •V'isitin^ rejatfyes in Chiing a division by the simple expedient tion I know ,ii is possible to ra.ise.:enjpBgfi, money to build two reported bbjectforis on tBe "part df Palestine Afa^s is Ina^xsg ' | cago. — -•program w < cplleges which Jewish g h studentsd jJsjiiallaattend." The writer then the Vatican and the Arabs. Italian enth-hpur t h h ffT^ delay l y ratificatipn!. of giving the members the heartiest iffp ' d " pprop,o$es""t'p propo$es""t'p bui|4|hgse andbest best objections concern only the guardian- They have addressed "a memorial tp laugh in a long time. There is somep , $ p b | 4 | g J$ "th§ § ^^ aa mp§t p§ im^W-tent ^ W t e n - and tiling wrong with parliamentary sysi t i ' * ship Pf the Holy' places', which may the — ; situate*} cities to sijit" the" majority of theJewish sopuiation,'* the League of Nations whicl* ftag beeri tem when such a spectacle is possible, '"" ano! '^o;haye p.art of the day "jdevoted to the study Qf Hebrew, be met by approving the Mandate signed Ipy ~a number of the Lbr4s an4 the writer in the Times says. whUe t h e ' ^ shall he. given up to regular as a whole, leaving this mooted members of Parliament, whp disapThe "Morning Postf' is sarcastic college; subjects'^ subjects, ^iss^Sjafren concludes: question, to adjustmfent later. Jt is prove of tftg M | ^ f t i ^ p it its p e ^ tQuoting eulogies of Jews by the Mem~ "Th "The result flt would be that Jewish students would be more thought likely, however, that the obbers Morgan and Jones who, in the attached to; their rejigipn. g^d would jiot eat ham samlwiehe^ in jections "to the French Mandate for form. course of the- debate, asserted the school : ff am;:wftn^s;s|iig;'r§very day at irlighi- School j . Moreover, Syria njay affect the ratification of Je we made the greatest contribution ,_i the sfoqgnt$ wo.iM;Aqt''hg.forc^4 to befea<jl^wardin tlieir studies the Palestinian Mandate, since the ARAB STRIKE AGAINST —- b e c a u s e ^ absence; pii-tHfc JeWi|p. holydays ana Jhe Jewish" 3$™**'spirit snirif. Frepch wpxdd be loathed to vote in MANDATE UNEVENTFUL to civilization, the Post. asks, "How woulqt; oY;cdujse,. prevairiW"'a"Jpwish instttijtipTi. ~ ^ i fayor- of tlje : pne without the "other. Jerusalem. (-J.-C.-B.) "The strike much?'?.. Secretary Churchill is atthe - Jewjsif §oys 'would not tje" afFafd "to |>e ^Sfe .if % The Colonial Office* is in receipt called by the Moslein Christian socie- tacked for saying' that Rutenberg rec'daven* befere t£^kessibjist>ejin." ~"~r'"'' ~r:"'^?f.~.." ' " : " of a i«rge number of appeals from ties designed to demonstrate- to theommended to hang Lenin and Trotz• In the first plac6~rio"one compels Jewistiistuderits to eat hamArabs in; the' Palestine rural"' com- League of Nations "the Palestine Ar- ky. This is not a justification for .the sandwiches at any .college anjifhq. pne hinders them from saying munities ^rging-th'e raficatiop Pf the atbs "oppositHra to~ther-registrationrpf ''murder" of all the Palestine people, tlieir mqrping-praye^.' : "If"^Jew"'WaR||rt0'¥^3^her» he or she Mandate. - Interest at the present the British Mandate for Palestine, has the editorial declares can^ofe'lerye" the die,t$ry '1aws~if the will is.ienly^ihere. And as moment centers around "the Italian thus far-proven uneventful. ' :: "'*"' for-davemngr it is~ain&tlpi':pf"getting up in time. So much for press. While the non-Catholic press 3 general strike began yesterday Jewish Municipality Obtains English JS^y cj^tbps for yeur trip^ at the the specific complam£s*:w.hich:';H^veraothin^-tQ do with college Is unanimous in: demanding" the ^rati- (July 13)" and is continued today ben T r _ltfwesf price you'Jl *jS\Jtt- America. at a11j-"--We:^how of- 5tude^^- aitendin|p>J(Bwsh. institutions of fication of the Mandate,-t§e Catholic ' timid i pr thg'Js^ssipn pfth^s Cpun- Jerusalem. I J . T. A.)—Announge.learning sandwiches and cl$m chowder, es- organs are ° significantly silent. The g -and eiypyihg^liam jpyg pf the Leagup p.f g'aiip.ns Vhjck is ^nent is made of the grant of a loan ^EifPIRE STOCK OF peeially ori^Erev SliabT)osi Tribuna, a government' ••organ, the meeting on. Monday to - consider, of 7Q.O00 pound sterling by the AV ' As tb'tfeer question of t -Jewish a0iy£i"sity,.w€ do not think democratic Azione and tile radical among other things, the approval of $15.00 Palm Beach Suits, S0.QO that the estabushmentofsugh ajtingtitutjon is advisable a t all. Secolo are energetically supporting the Mandates that %fe" still pending. Egyptian Co., an English bank with ih y branches in Palestine, to a Jewish 69.Universities and colleges must bfe.jppe.il to all: students;, irrespec- ratification: $Se.*O'Mbnair Sniff * a t $ 1 5 . 0 0 Repprts frpm iiiffgr/pnt sections of xaety. undertaking to erect a cpmmerv tive "ol cfeed "or raee; We w^nt no., segregation, in learning. -SUM Trapkal S^itp at « l ^ . O ^ the pountry ipdicate' tjjat&n precaucenter at Tel-Aviv ,the autonoJews al-e American citizens in^the-ful]egt_sejiBe of-the word and RUSSIAN JEWS RESIST tions have been taken to prevent dis- mous Jewish municipality Rear Jaffa. $&M Palm$20.OO Beach Suits at $ 1 5 . 0 0 A5Fg>eaWMphj»IF Sflits, p ai'e' entitled. to^alpthe ^ g h t s and "privileges JO£ eifeizenship. *CHEDER* CLOSING ORDER order and to avert a recurrence of the ^SOft *Fr«pical Worsted Suits, $20.06 Our eritife" case -'"against 'Haryavcl; if we Berlin, July }8. (J. T. A.)—A g y7 a ; WPUW go g by jisfault j previous riots against Jews. The $35.08 Topical Worsteds Suits, § 2 ^ . 0 0 t d the th remedy d suggested; ted W have h h i lschools, h l adopted We ouniiarfichial; DESMOINES order calling for the. closing Ooyernment Jias Issued orders prohibknown "as -¥eshvlvath: '^Seyond to go.Spyiet ^ey tthat a t j t . 3& ijja4visable jja4visable to of the . Chejjorium, the tajmudical Wk J V '1L""" gf jngre than " learning" vgintfd flut repeatedlyas The quest for learning," fl'ut repeatedly q ng,as "we w havee .vgintfd .vgintf repeatedly r as schools and elementary Hebrew t a days pf the Miss Julia Chapman left Monday Ail ; if uppenheipier finest l»aj»djsersong during eh intemaiaorial and ti'ansc"en8s 'racial and national lines lines. W We-have morning for Minneapolis, where she schools appears, in the We^er o: t*ao*ii 6im«er egita ln*iwd*dv to sTand bur gi-oundand maice-it clear that neither Jews nor any Minsk. The proposed arrest of thpsj _stP*e. will Join her sister, Helen. On their Arab their fo\other dement of"Amer-ieVs population must be excluded,lor no that disregard this order is an lowers tp conduct themselves decorousreturn home, they will stop for a few PATTERNd other reason than-they are members of any partieulac racial or nonnped, the municipal Bureau p: ly kno^ving t h ' i t ^ y <feorder would •days' visit in Mason City with their de,o $65.00 national group* *. The ^^Fpr4haiyi^University, &n avowedly a g p p y y , y Cathbrother, Garrett. the ^ f i ' b 4 ~ ^ ^ * P oltc institution, institution admifejewisli'Students. admifejeili'Stdet B P j t ffoun- Education and the police being ^ipat Brown Pnjyersity, mprmng ^ t / | ^ ^ f g p "of Omar ij mp with. fh& -cvcrjiSK' trut . ded by baptists, is now al?put^to "have "Je"wa*an3L Catholics as Misses Lillian Fisher and Yetta to which 'aTTa?ge:nTJigber" pf this provision. g memhers of its Board of Trustees. Harvard ha£ Jewish members Caplan have gone to Clear Lake for Uy ^b T ff uneventpassedd off on its B. o^rd pf Observers and Jewish professors. We woiiW not The Orthodox elements are organ a two weeks' outing. izing to resist th£ closjng of thei fully. Jewish shops in the old city - All «iies-for men and young men. desire it to be othei-wise. schools, a. number. of rabbis in the Mr. William Abromson left Tuesday.were closed" for ajskgrt time, which If Jewish students dp not foster- the Jewish spirit it-is their th practical t l suspension i . of f morning for Houston, Texas, on a own fault. Far too<man§* oftfiem are responsible for the slight- province of. Minsk having openly meantt the business in that part of the town. declared that they will defy, thes "business trip. ing of-Jews and. of .the tJewish faith. Here is a <5age in point: That JJjfi Strike is jjai as ^ i At;the Syracuse.Unixersitjt an examination was set for a Jewish instructions. _Rabbj ^orischansky Q: Miss Cecil Tolchinsky is is Chicago tfel4tt Si.&e. holyday. As^-i'esult of the intervention of an orthodox rabbi, HomeL is. fluoted as saying. ^'1 shal h jrisiting relatives. would haye..wished, is-shown byadniver permit Jewish ..Soviet school: _ . Jewish students were permitted to take the exam on another viees from outlying districts where jn this tpWn.", 3 -Qnei imagine thgt' Mrs.. L> S. ta.ube §nd spat Q 3 Q would g i g Jewish young men ajaC ajaCyQUng Th> rabbis' defiance .has already the farmers MHj h&A pi.flpi: MCO5BEI3T APPARKT, FOg MEN AND WOMEN n voul'd have glaptty availed vaild themselves t h l f th women of the concession have beep the guests forgrarited tijen). Only two "Jewish students were absent on the caused the arrest of a few Pf them. j)h wJ»rkiBfri emgloyedjb'j JR^JSTI col- mer's parent?, Mr. and Mfs. C. KraIn Konptop, prpyince of Tchernigoy, anists did not join, the/walkout. -Jewish" Tiolyday. All the'others were present at -the exam. Jewish children were kept in. the Messages, of; sympathy JSJth the . rc^?^.r If Jewish students want to be Jews they can. The estabaims of the Palestine Arabs have been EChcplg, the Weker eays, eighteen lishmentof a distinct Jewish, university^ wijl not make those who hours a, day. . They were taught, it received- from- nationalists in Syria are^in-JewisTi any more "JeVish. Arid the nee.d-it. is alleged, that Bsidfi from the stud: and Mfigppptamia:' * - " — "" 'PPh^h D a i l ^ " Arab |ea"defs*"dp hot "hesltat'e to pt the Toraji ft. Jew has no othe interests. . Jewish sectipps.i accord predict eerious disturbances-when-the not liappiness ^"e'rred'_jh gpe 'of twoingly warned the leaders of the •Arab delegation *ettt«is from London Finding and Losing its adverse tepptt. .' ways or both. They sought'fpr"thpm •YoBhivas and later r gave notice that of Happiness selves instead of seeking to'giysthemrr those who would continue, to support Resolution's, ^pnj^ptlipk that the selves, and they denied 'another free- thefje institutions would have to face Council of t h e . L e a g u e . o.f H»t|ons S. WISE, * thji P l t i ^ jjjdedom, whether friend or <hfld, "parent *B ' i ^ or brother, husbandlor jfeifj?. '; AiuJ in | -. of^ iyiraan ? e } y ^ j p ^ J ^ their eager insistence, upon that selfr Christian societies in 4jferf»i GARMENT UNIONS fcs, of the spirit of ^the achjeveof fulfillment without wluch true ^ happiTO ^eCEPTiTWOthjB BOUI, and in _th'e iefa- ness can never be, b they |prgpt that TSAR AGREEMENT SOVIETS HQLJ> JEWS tipnsHb whjcK hjcK the the fjwt i ' t i self-insistence fails-unless it makes fleetest esjabjisll be New York. .Q. C, "&.)?r-i 4 S JNFOBMERS possible^ and even moves others to, ^fi^f"t returns of tjie balloting of members Riga.-BuljT 17. (J 5 Tthe fullest self-expression. bl to the Communist They who are'truly unhappy, if but of eleven local unions of the Interna- persons belonging 'created |ey§d} First they knew, would find, that their un- tional Ladies' Garment Workers Un- Party and fhe.MaJa.2ipn Party, and Imow the wisdoni-ol of relationships ^ p is^^ frjendr j happiness lies in themselves, _yes, in ion resulted ip favor fjf the agreement twenty-two Bnssjafl| hiwe- been ar?Mh '" lif ff~ no their inmost sglyeg-rrnot in mood nor with the manufacturers. ship' than" "w?Mch life " """offers~ rested by the Lublin authpr/ties. They X ine The vote announced yesterday are accused by Soviet agents of,h.av?3P J°Y ^PX ^ E ^ S ? ? ' ttq q temperament^Jhut. in. that taint of youtlPexpfjct^nt, .": a g e m a - souls more hurtful .th'^n ^tiy other, means that the employes will continue "ing infbhne'd foreign cpuhtrjeg^ of ^ ^y , wpyking fprty-fpur hours a. week un- Cpnfideivti^l, ,mflvenient§ |n * Soviet' turp, tg |f< _ ^ l lfih xet.pr.t.he Japginejs thif Jj-ji namely, selfishnessv-happy .^ind -someiim«s,The-terrible oittimes, -un^ der a system, of wejk-work. Accord- Russia.';, ' " c." 7 .:.''• conl|rE^je'"s" in? that WMGIIr^' most selfish, ;ttiose who look upon life ing to President Schlessinger, the new th* «rorkers the as a conucopia, .which,. if_itjfaUa to agreement; po, purer joy satisfy their-qjianpeasable hunger and sarae.privlleges ih.ey.Aaye;heretofore rb.y^hJ-0nd'prpaT their ,insati^bje.i«y»r4c.8,.has- cheatecji ejjoygd., Tfee tradicals objected ta. a itewns. xenfahiT^hJId and *fn' this' rela"*1 and robbed them. !!Phe, sejifish arp clause in. the agreemeptcwhioh provided: f§r a com.miEBionto aTiquipe ipto there is. npwmeasure4*g?cl}a!ng6 ofbound to be unhappy"for, save in the i h flstry; ^T*ey also ^n>For thg' Kappisess- lies ^liQjiy'J.ij SPECIAL PLATINUM — rarest case^ thereftiujt? be j;]ash and thjs.ragr«ement;.of'.the joy of giving, save in l|ipse jpj " -DESIGNLNGT collision between the orbjt of self-cea- testei ittnilPO|J§lKe "for yau to have evgrything: JB i t s . ppwer tragic e?pectipria where theje i^^calr trednes4^n£L.theJife orbit of alicen*'an anchor to windward" that to put down irresponsible, shop strikes. culated e"3J5hange" rather than'unme^Sr tredness. Th§1 §1woyjdwae y j e not-raade notraade to "Th "rTh§ vptg; shows thai t h j intemaured'and inimeasurable bounty.'' " will fceep . yoir ~s»fe' Vif you mipistev tp me, seTtliat, "insisting upf «ffl?eragre;faUy sustained :by X^st"~of the human reiatipn'slnps on ijjch jnmistrations, I am sure/ tp "bfif .Platinum yielding happiness in the ; 6aid:, Jfr. gcWftsunhappy atifhat I esteem tjje f?fii«r^ ;tfe.% nwmbershjpj-'J r account, in^-trufli first, As the marriage £W"gep> j:" S^, tfpuble jnake^s. iwVe ?ftj!ieJw^:ijt^^l: 8819. tienship wherein -happiness lies be5§niBlf tsly: roQj»d,- and I irmst cause given in the-fullest.- Happiness' happ jness, »hap. gained the posses-is JQBver t o ne-gotten but ever .to bp n, of one. of tjie keys that, Jpck;.thf given. So many look to others .for jeyeipiarred gate t p ' % e Temple pf rjf.'F happiness instead of touching the life1 Happ'- * • • • • • > THINKS VATICAN I N >mess. of others to any by happiness. This ".--> LEAGUE /WITH ARABS V. is oft-times the great-difficulty, .and '•' LondonP'July i8. <J.'T. A.^-The Copitel wA Surplus f ' SOVIETS' problem in marriage.--That marriage ah Fixtiire A ehristia» *HefaId" "holds that despite 1 iVhich each looks to the other Riga.": ( j . Tl A.} Rabb^ m• the he assuahces of religious liberty Supply C-o. g y In j \ ftappines,s-^-the; happiness which chansky of Hpmel, accused by n^emh nil COMPLETE STORE AND eapJj pan give the other but neither is" bers/ qf the Jewish section of the^obtaining' under the British Mandate ill in Palestine, the Vatican seems to fye'e tQ seek of the other or at the'Sovietit Government of haying taken be in league With the A.rabs to upset lil.: We *ccup7 70,000 sgoan feet "part in "counter-reyolutibpary activi-'the British Administration. Such ::: •Wheneyer happiness fai in these ties" will fa.ee a reyqlutiqnary-tribu-{ things have -W«n known to happen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, lu^'5n"r|IatipiisHips, it' iis nal next weefe." The .trial follows s o t before, the "He.raTd declares, Cath- 1 1 1 ' and investigation by-the Hpmel'olic priests ha.yiqg these * hav'ee been misconceived i stigation conducted by [ie. British HI r-j , - J ^ - • ! < - " - • •*• regim? \n \n Irlaiid. Irlaiid authorities of theilabbi'4 theilabbi.'4 ^ctiviti^s ' regim? qpd; because they who find"
Attend the July CleanHouse Sale
— * ^ ' » .- ••-' * - t .
i ••
p ^ ^ r s
Government always regarding Pales- MUCH 4 P O ABOUT BUT ^ for Atlantic Ctty,2J. J. Mrs. Ncfdcy A N D U O T BUSINESS, JEWS - S E R ^ S WHEREABOUTS tine as excluded from area- o f '* man. who has been in the east all summer WILL BUILD UP PALESTINE Arab independence. London, July 18. (J. C. BO-^rThere Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf and son, Sam, will return with her husband. is much conjecture in London about London. (J. C. B.) PubHc spirited Mi?p Emily Ee|man will leave the left Wednesday afternoon for an ex.the whereabouts of Pinchus Eutengrst gf next w^fc fojc Torpnto, Cana- tended trip throng! the east. -Rabbi Jacob.: Singer has returned Jews, actuated J>y sentiment, are MOVE TO FIGHT CATHOLIC berg ftrho returned from America or ready to undertake enterprises in da, where she will yjsit with relatives home after attending the Rabbjnical OFFICE H,OLDINg the Aqtiitania which sailed frQiuNeire The Misses Lilian, Harris and Ann Conference at Trenton, N. J., and vis- Palestine upon terms that are not for several months. She will stop off Washington. (J. T. A.)—Announce- York on July 4th. The Daily Mail at Detroit, Mich., and Chicago, HI Minlfin will return Sunday after iting with his parents. commendable as business propositions SHAMES—MESSER. ment is made here of the formation declare^ that bis whereabouts is spending spyersl weeks in Sioux. City, to -other capitalists, | h e Duke of Mi." Charles .JL Shames, son of Mr. of the "National Patriotic Council" shouded in mystery, none knowing a. " "' ' ' Mrs. Harry "Garson "entertained at Sutherland stated in the House of B. Shames, returned this morning with the object of .combating ppilitff ?1 where he has gone. This papei bridge Saturday afternoon complimen. _ . . . . from $ Lords jn reply to Lord Sydenham. from" Chicago, accompanied by"' TUB Mr .and Mrs. Jay Wright announce tary to her guest, Mrs. S. Stlefler, of Degen and daughter, Replying to Lori Raglan, the Duke office holding by Cathplics. This new- ''understands" that he has gone north • bride, who wag Miss Corinne Messer, Tuesday, Omaha. been in Honolulu, ;he birth of a baby girl-born buy Machinery. Conjecturei J decjared that $be Palestine High ly-formed organisation will cooperate daughter of Jfr. and Mrs. M. Messer, Srith the evangelical protective socie- similar tp this one are circulated *• uly IS, at the Wise:Memortai Hosfor home. Commissioner was not in power and pf Chicago. The marriage, held Mon: Mrs. Lew Polsky had as her house never had been in power to grant ty, established for similar purpose. pital. ' "*•'eisewhere. All the time Mr. Rirtenday, came as a. surprise to relatives : Miss Pearl Rosenblatt left last SunI guests last week flie Missgs Pauline concessions without reference to the The Council makes the startling berg is quietly attending to hU ! and friends here. % Mrs. J. A. day for" an extended^trip to the east York and, daughter, a n d j ^ g S c hatz, of New Yo claims that the majority of political affairs at the headquarters of the i Marie, who haye. spent the who werg enrojJte to California. Mrs. Colonial Secretary. Mr. Shames is a graduate of Cen- visiting with- relatives in Boston and offices in the United States are held Zionist Organization on Great Regarding .Mayor Aferameon, Govsummer months in LOB Angeles, and Potsky entertainio! at a dinner jn their tral HigK SSiool ahdf is secretary and New Yodc City?"' by Catholics. The office-holders are. Russell Street ernor of a district in Southern PalesSan Frawsco, Calif., a r e expected to noritnr Tuesday evening. general manager of the Food Center. vhsse prigia and re-in excess of their proportion Hn the The Mesdames M; Yousem and J. return the latter part of next week. He was formerly aWpciaj^ wfth the ligion many questions babe yeen put population, it is declared. United States Rubber Co." in isTgw Abrafiarason Entertained at a bridgeThe Mjssie? E)lf abeth and T^llie Pplin both_ houses ^f Parliament, the Miss Anne "Weisse entertained a£ a Justification for the Council's aims -York, "where he met his brjde. Mrs. lumcl}eoHat the Burgess-Nash Tea picnic -Wednesday evening a.% I£TBg sky entertained the "Bluebirds" at a Duke of Sutherland replied that the lies in Catholics superior allegiance SSSfflS.iast Thursday complimentary Shame*" is -a. '-graduate of-the UniGovernor w«s born in. Palestine of ip the Pope wbich is subversive to Park for ten couples in honor of Miss versity of Chicago. They will rnake to Mrs. J. Harding, of Kansas City, Elinore Schraygr, .of Chjcago, who is i parents. His religion, he good American citizenshipj theje§jlgrs > r Mo.—TkKtj^gujsts were present. Miss Goldie Areason, of Sedalia, MTJ., steited, was always .Christian, and fais of the Council say. They deny, how^S£^&§ji" t]fe l:f B i d A visiting ynlh. Mf. arid Mrs. A. M. ipents. Miss Bessie Wrenshienk, of Kansas Browar, an<J Miss Rose Sherman, who who has been visiting her aurit, i f rs. name always Abramson. ever, any intentions againsf {he Cath«H olic religion, only directing effort pity, Mo., who has been visiting with is the guesifpf Miss /eanettf Gilinsky, Saul Poska, went tp -Omaha-WednesQuestions put to Secretary Churchday to spend a few days with her Miss JRese Wefnberg returned Sun- Mrs. M. London for the past t^o of Council Bluffs," |a. ill in the House ef Commons by Ma- against Catholic potijacal influence. uncle, Mr. A. EjBg. day after a fpur w^eks stay in the f § § i J # Sunday y f§§r St. Joseph p jor Qrmsby-Cow, eUcted tfee reply Leading masons of the country are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levison aneast- She attended the Hai Resh Na? £fo.,.|fr|o.r tQ returning |P her home. that. the Arabs dislike the word behind the Council. George Fleming nounce the birth of a baby girl-born tional Gei^cjave at Mfl^gcukee, Wis v "Mandate" out d pure ignorance. He Moore, pa&t Grand Commander of the Miss Edith Rosenbaum left Sunday Wednesday,- luly i9, at -a-iocal hosnd 4 4 t Chicago; 111., and d also l ^ ^44>> Jt AT,41§1 added that no pledges had been made Scottish Site Maeoary, Southern for a several weeks stay in the east. pital. )es MoiiSes, la. to the Palestine Arabs in 191&, the She wUlbfr^hg-guest of relabel | n '~M6¥*Esther ' Mrs. Wm. Schwartz and Mr^-^jjd Mrs. D. Greenberg tave New-¥o*k-<3i*y"and other-places inthe is the-guest of Mrr- anjf "Mrs. Ben l§ffr Wednesday mpfmgg #py * » ex- Harding. Sfiewflf-visit here for scyovedinto their new i e m e at 8207 past. tended. ^ i p t& California to -visit with eral'^reeks.'1 "Mrs. ^Eeyer - Freidman St.; L'_..-.i :. _ . ..5 § ^ Evening, Bridge Club entertained in honor of Mi§s §ilyer1 < Mrs. 3. Katiemaial&as as her house were' entertained* by Miss TSlenore stein a£V luncheon-at her homp Tuesguest. |fe § f r i T o | ^ g j s , Schrayer-at-tiie-hpme*of Mr. and, Mrs. Misg Aon Faager has as her house • d a y # M r s > p. *(£ousem entertained last "-Tatle" arrived Saturday A. M. Browar lastr Sunday evenlpg. pg guest,. Miss EMe ¥o&K of laacoln/ Thursday at z luncheon r 6 " ' F PiiafW?* M B b ;,_jjS^} y X g ? j |b by M Mr.-Meyer Beber e station-to-ftatio^ service from "8:30 p. m. to 5jhe-*sF being extensively entertained $p remain a week. Jliss Fanger will! Miss Martye Weinstein. Miss ^ h l f l day, ratej from id while hfte.,_ Mrs.:IKatlftmaTi. enter- Aanetta Faager will -entertain the at her home *bis afternoon}} -MJss-Sose-GiHman;^ with to 4:39 ft. pi»feout one-fourth. tained live guests at the members of the bridge club Sunday for twenty guests complimentary and-"^»rsr-Maiii left ^ j . ' - afternoon compli- evenjgg_aj her home; Miss-fosjca,.-:. _ Tie ?tatjen't»-statie« roentary to her visitor. Mry. Mgei»g rate, which is considerably MrTandMrs.~Eugene S o '.Mp.ai'd Mrs^Airtgur Levey left "the -a card party lower thaa for St. Jtfseph, M(j."t are. *f£|ting with 5|r. rSuhday afternoon at her home f o j Mr. and Mrs. A., Gilinsky enterpersoa service, applies RosenblatV'6 v 6igeei>'Mr|: igeei>'Mr|: L^ui Harrfs eraj day^.in.©.es"HoJB§s, J Miss Tatle. The' Mesdames Morris tained tiie Eveanag "OvSt Tiresday eveyou will talk to-anyese wiio and Mf-; J Sk^ris." c Th§y remain Miss Gertrude Cooper will enter- sing-. Mrs. H. Bercu, of -eieveland, may be- at the telephone hereofor~several we^eks." •at gi -lawa party Tuesday evening a£ tain *his afternoon for twenty guiists O., was-fte honored guest '-'callefir thp jgtjfir'fi .name in . Miss Tatle'§ , 't^PfS Moines at her home for the Misses Gertrude To keep tn touch with home or buamess, Philip Freid.honor. . _.,...Ia^.is, Yfsif4ng; with. Miss $Iary Mos- LeiEeyy of Des Moines, Rosp Sherman, to get iniormation 'qui3ily, to" "avoid expen: an4 s§p peturjied. from.: their of Allen, Nebr., *nd Sylvia Freidman, il Miss Anne. Resm'ck entertained cow- t^-reasein-feere-severai- weeks.mptp? t r i p t s J^apsas City. •SSmber.of affairs are_b.ejng giyen fp: of Clevelaad,-O. ' ^Sunday g at her home compli? MisslGjees.. Mjs.5 Wliai} Rjibensteii d Freidmentary to the Misses Sophie Kantor ToUmaa Kapjan reMr. and NORTHWESTERN BELL ientertaineC Jriday. eVep^g at dinner mafi are viStting'at thie"ppn ^ d £ TELEPHONE CPMPANY at her honi£. Miss Rose Miakin en turned Tuesday evening from their ' - - - - wedding, trip, . t £ ChfeftgB,. HI.., and : firsTX i/j&pifi Jpft Sunday for EXT ter^iBpdten^ Sainrd^y evening at Reva and Gesteide- Gilinsky left -celsior Springs^ Mo., "to "remain sev-- bunco- party- atr be^iome. - OH Sup- JIadison, Wis. . f k g y will .make their day evening.Miss Rgse Cohsn enter- home with Mrs, Kapiaji^s p.arejrts, Ml- Sunday for Lak4 Okobtfi to stay- two weeks. . • tained eix-eouples-at-feeir-boBac-. -Mis and Mrs. J. Mrs..Joe Wolf and daughMrs. F. H^ftznian and children, "Miss Sjtelja T^c^tgnbejg will re^ ^ i a y from «vgj»||»g a^r her home €©r Miss Gfeen t fer, •Jaomi and Melyin, "of St. Louis", Mo., i Saftqrday ^Eet speadjng a week trip -in-the east. and -Miss' Id^t' Cohen, of Sioux City, lrived'Wednesday to ylsjt mifh Mrs. in Mjnneapolis,. j :j&as., gfith friendj. l '""•'• " • • " • ; ': Hertzman's sister," Mr|. S/Rayitz, aad Mfllex arid cfcfldreH, of la. - A party was gire^ at the J. KateJ^ U ^an^ Kan's.,, who wgjre j e visiting g Thc members of the Priscilla Club Mr. Ravitz. man home "Monday'" eveniag." The ir "Hnlef'B pafents,~Mr. pafents~Mr anjl will be- entertained, this afternoon at yith* Tilxir Mies Sadye Levey -eaierfcained at a i a XV Jlorfoffi,; J l f f f i iheJjflin^S'M&Dkvid'JGifian | ^^ ^ r XoV party-at feer heme Wednesday Esther 1 Aaha L&zarous, ITebr:, wieSeljiey wiBTvi'sit with Mf. Mis. William Hazne-aad daughter, in honor «Liier cousin, Miss of rSi TstJe, 6T CEica| ^ ' i B ^ i ppoTtOT:eturn- eftUt, are aj;:^he Cbieaga Beach, at ertraiie-Xevey, of Oes S e i n e s , la., go.' and Mrs." * of "St. " Chicago, DL, foe th« month. ybo is- visiting -afr -Hie-tevey home.M o . - ; ••"''••• • Mr. ani_ Mr?..-Payjd P« Feder re; Jpg Jacobs refcaHied- jPriday The. fi-'nai B S t k «£eting -was ke?d after % wgefe'g visty with Mr, a»4-Mrs. turned Monday after several weeks stay in MinneSpoiTsTMinn., with rela- August 2, / o r N Wednesday. £?'e3an'g^t D i w e i HalL 4 RobJm«P a f HtrfoHr Jfebf ' where he wilj fail. July tives. grot^ers offer tp the bufiise^s public of Amerifa " the* U. S. S. Reliance. _ge. Mifeb T ipcnla ^ Miss J*ay J -N«br., 5pecialite_in «peE aa entirely pew principle in Coupe body constructjiofi. workja Shop. s fe "wiffi"ier_aun^ WssiJB* &h*x y h» li T>?.' ^Diamond/ jretunol -t« her is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. SamuelFropj framework |Q window roouldingi the bpdy is built Katr, alid-MisB eatita-Herrog; iff visiting with- iiet"cousin, S4rfi,"i)pllie ELaifittakJt is the $r§^ sU-ste^ doseg car <ver marketad. ; w MiC Gundell "fiel|anfiky,^f Denver, gutte*. "*'" "'• _~Thi» -d«fii^n astictpatfts every possibla requirement of : : : l wno ti fe^Bf M Mr.E4 Colo., cotnmercial traveL "Tt ihsuVes™unusuaT^gui«tness—'• uated wia -Katskec lor -the-- past -several Jf ftg Mrg..J. J, -Friedman, and Previous t o jBrJoant unnsuaTgrace—unusual starninaTlit has made jtpos^ble_ children, will Jeaye theUatter part of ho,spttftl,JD¥r d i d »t:Harr tcTgive the Cpupo that same lustrous bakfidrQil engmel ? L an^'daughter, gadje fiih for which Dodgs Brothers open cars have Mr. .Louis Kirscfibraun-left Satur.^ Mujhjgn. _is_ a . gradpatfi. of tt> € l i f aad ether femous. wiJI day far am -extended -trip to the Cana- Cenrtla High school and the dian IJopkifs and Lake Louise. He efc p siiy of ^ 0ie remainder of the cummer The upholstery is of genuine leather—leather that will j An g lace for will return by v a y of Los Angeles, who ~ls " look : fqr~ ~p~ LL~~j»y?sH ^ 4 % e i ? ^ ? ^ e a t I s ^14? and cpmfortable Calif. ' lajrtac" -room. €all compartments are accessible and spacious:The TgtJe apd daughter, Ceri 'St. Miss Annette Fanger entertained sgturned Monday^ evening? from car 4$ Equipped w&h a heater, dorae li^it, window levers, xte$$-gujsts- • Saturday at a one a tyro, months visit in Excelsior windshield cleaner, cscd tires,-Yale deor locks, and^prjf^ - of p'clo"cl£.funplj§08 . and bridge at her V- M*. S.p*jajFS,-3fansas City, and St. Joseph, Omaha, were visiters iR-the-«itylSEt Other appointment necessary ~te- A e owner's c"ff?jpT^ aome. 1£Q._ ^fcile in St.. Joseph they visited week,-"'- '-^ -'" -'•-—- «• -••=-" wit}} I^rs. Tatler§ daughter, Mr?. J. •vs Leikr«tnn»«d Meaiday afterMisg Ana Qerdojj. Ifift Sunday lor Leibfiwitzrand Mr. Leibowjtz. noon from Deg _MoinegL Ja-j where she and crat
Social, Club
M*- aa4 Mrs. J. Katie-
and Religious
Coney Island
Red Hot
Half Rates After 8:36 P.M.
; 1
Colorade where .she. .will, jaia i e r
Matsrg, ^iagFy-aRd Ben Ravitz retej> Dprpjiiyj,. who^haslbeea-jstte^ turned Monday evening fram f\H PY* sghj>ol a t Boulder during t h e summer. tended-Motortrip to California.' Mjgs Mifmette M a r g i n motored to Sioux City, Iju, "Friday tp ^tay for Mrs. ffiKey:Fp,feIso1n an othy •J'dgiff^oTi "§re" ^eijdJng a "few k#: Women's Auxiliary y of the L Q. ^everai'VS^ekll*-?7':" ' • ' weeks in C f i ^ *"*' v .»Ifc held a'picnic and bathing party Mr. and M^ysNaibaa Gold and Mr. g w i f f yPoint ; P t this" afjerpoon' p t" jjgwiffy;, the arrangement committee; consisted of and Mrs. L. Speier, of Lincoln, Nebr. •A N ^liss JejiJRnfitte] Marcus, chairman, and motored to-©raaha*tast week "and are JRANKLOi COUNTY vif iting with Mr. and M-HLHerbert the Misses Sarah; F b B f e Arnstein. -,» man, Gertrude i and iet£a~SInger. Miss Flora Bjensteckj who has been -Suit*''/ r ^>5^^" • — Waolworth A x e n u c Miss Rose Guttinaii "will return visiting with friends in California, is h.ow* Sunday afteta three weeks visit expected home in August. Misp Pertha "j ^TJJC Heid, of'New ^°rk* C^y7_ cousin of iljt Magcn CityVd* C|PS.r Lake, la. Miss" BiensVock, who has also been jn MrsJ!S'ctof"Mr Gwi has. AS -hercauiqrni§ will returpTto Omahp with 4 Office—JA-cks«n-088« c tini^g pnpst. for tlie-weefc-eBd,- Miss Yard—JAckson 008«Sara-Iittman, Mr. WilHam-Meteger, age fifty Bank il_ Fitch, ef fioujjcil Bluffs, la., eightj died at his home Friday, July and the*Misses "Margaret and Helen 21.. Burial took glace at Iteikes left _ Yrjday foi- Excelsior Hill Cemetery Sunday afternosn. Hp NeaWy ' evfery Jewisfe" roif Springs, Mo., to be gone for several is guryjved hy. his. adfe, -Matiildar «ae Oinaba reads ""The Jewish Press". weeksiT" * ^ brother, Sam, of New T two sisters^"Mrs. Molly Fisher, of New -Mrs:' . ; • RoSEfiBef g returned ^und_ay City, and. Mrs. Jake Schlank, of ffom MlKnggpoTis,'HInnl', ;where she. Ok}a. vjsit£d relatives and friends for the past two weeks. Miss^ Ida Telgner jwil} enteriajn ai Website.. 219S St. The Misses Pearl Wintroub and Ida a misceliaReoiii'sliowfii'- Sunday after^ L» LEVIXSOhf,-M noon 8t Phejps'Hut fer-Miss Marii Cphn will return Sunday after spendRacusin, whose wedding t« Mr. Davii * "rWe.-JmiTdle ifcfie' BEST MEATS-^tSfeF'jwonej/ _=cr___ caji buy". a-w«ek in Sioux Cjty, la. ; Als>-thT FINEST • DELICjtTiCSSfiNi i-We Blacker will-tafceT)lac"e the* earlypar ..— . . everything for weddings, *i$nd .brissag^- AU Horn entertained__s_ixteen of August. .;-• . . lyzvzz-- -. •- for-pi€iucs,"butZthe .Keather. guests at a"b*unco party at her home Miss Anne Weisse entertained Fri • ^ r a P B N J F O U ; ^ ^ ^ ^ - " - - © ^ ^ : ^ © ^ WILL COJ4E Sunday^ afternoon - Complimentary to t i e Misses Rae and-Fay Chapman, pf |day evening at i e r home at a bunco "We"give special attention to*country dntfrviIle;Ta.; who are visiting "with I party complimentary .to .JMisj. Qer ' ' " H J , aHd-ahip " Mo4n?5,t».,who Mr. and MTB. A: -SoHtftfif,-«4 f o r tru4e-L¥vByrDft>es Mo4n?5t»
use, it you wte -vceustomed t o look for in Dudga ~-— c*rs. "-' • , ,
"Tt js-
\ , _^_ ^^^v..1
usiness Coupe which business peppl« r have been wpectiqg^from Dodgi "*-"* •#
. * • ! • •
'J*' • ''%
THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922 uitiimmu
Educational Department: of The Jewi IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillUt^ President • Wilson was in control of i THE INSIDE STORY OF the international Jews ? The psychology is easy, Once you get going. HENRY FORD'S JEW.MANIA So this idea traveled and traveled
in the brain of Ford and naturally THE STRANGE ADVENTURES OF NO. 25 H wound up' with his agents trying to Office Jackson 0268 209 South 18th Street By. NORMAN HAPGOOD. prove the. Jewish influence of Colonel (Continued Prom Last Week.) back with pleasure all their lives, to House and President Wilson. As the worst of all Jews, in Mr.have heard and seen this pioneer in For weeks, the detectives tried to P. MELCHIORS & SON Ford's brain, are Jewish bankers, it one of the great' sciences, it was trace .out a private telephone line MACHINE WORKS is not strange that the sleuths were something to be looked upon with leading from the home of Justice Industrial and Automotive Machinists. excited about the : famous dinner suspicion, because Mr. Einstein hap- Brandeis, one of the two greatest Carburetor and Ignition Repairs. which Otto H. Kahn gave at his honie pens to be a Jew. brains of the United States Supreme 8tarrer Bine Gear* for Auto Fly Words 41? South ISth 8tr*et. to the Prince of Monaco on the eve- The Dearborn independent got into Court. 1415 Denzlas Bu, Tel. Jockion 8171 - ' Telephones' Jackson tSOO ning of May 2, 192L This function the game and told us that the Ein- Where was this private telephone engaged the attention of Operator 123 stein theory amounted to nothing. It line supposed to lead? Consider this, X. On the morning of the next day, has not yet told us that, because Watson. A telephone has two ends. he made a report to .Daniels- It was Jesus was a Jew, Christianity The other end of this telephone was DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT a grand report. Operator 123 X ac-amounts to nothing. supposed to lead to the White House. COMPANY. UNDERTAKERS tually named all of the guests present. That Mr. Ford did not intend his And in that.White House the PresiB1SMAB.OKS. CAKE AND-80GAR ~ DOTJGUNOTS ' OTJB SPECIALTY. Several of these guests, boldly de- campaign against the Jews to de- dent lay broken and gravely ill. MOVED TO We Deliver the Real: Goods. clares 123 X, are known to be in favor velop into a general Campaign Around the home of Justice BranM t i COMING STREET. . , .Phone., Webster. 094S, . . . of the cancellation of all war debts. against liberalism is probable, and deis the detectives were sneaking. Just think of that! indeed is indicated by the fact thati Daniels himself has told one of my There were newspaper editors at most of the anti-liberal material col- friends: the dinner ,the report 'alleges. I hope lected by his trailers failed to find! "We thought we had a pretty good j it is not libelous to repeat that among its way into the Dearborn Indepen- lead - to the White House from the them were Frank A.. Munsey, owner dent, j Brandeis home. Our theory was that j of the New York Herald and the Eve- But that it is impossible to excul- this wire lead to the White House." ning Sun; Arthur. Brisbane, of the pate Ford and his publishing com- At this time, Josephus Daniels, Hearst newspapers; Herbert Swope, pany entirely from encouragement of brother of C. C. Doniels, was a memexecutive editor of. the New Yortk this campaign against liberals is ber of- President Wilson's Cabinet. BE3OBMBEB Visit Our World; and Louis Wiley, of the New shown in Hearst's Internationa] for We offer a portion of a report to York Times. The report says so. I August, where his special secretary, Daniels, from an operator in Wash-! t( have not had time to ask Mr. Brisbane Liebold, encourages the Daniels ag- ington,on this wire-seeking. We as-; Do away with drudgery and make if the international Jewish bankers gregation to go after one of the most sume, being more Sherlock Holmes house-work a pleasure by the use succeeded in persuading him that he valuable spiritual leaders in the coun- than Watson, that the "our friend a.yvith Yoer Order fop of modern electrical appliances. and Mr. Hearst are wrong, and I am try, a Christian, Rev. John Haynes J" menas "our friend, the Justice.") " ANYTHING right, in our views about the value Holmes. "Mr. Carr" was often applied to The "Electric Shop" is on the ground floor of the Electric Buildof war-debts. IN THE WRAPPING Now let us glance at an episode mean Mr. Ford—a merry pun. You ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth Judge Julian Mack, of the Federal that shows how these evil examples Bee: Mr. Carr—Mr. Ford-Car. The PAPER LINE and Farnam streets. Circuit Court, is a distinguished figure fit together and spread. Technically, report on this wire-seeking enter\ in the judiciary. His excellent repu- Ford, is, of course, responsible only prise reads: tation is founded only in part on his for what is done by him and his em- The detectives were busy a good Phone Douglas 6409 judicial standing. It is founded in ployes, but from the point of view long time over this fancy of the sick part also on his work for the concilia- of higher politics and history he must President in the White House, with tion of labor and capital, and in part be judged as having set loose a mali- one end of the telephone at his ear,' on the active role he has taken in the cious force that added, fury to simi- while he received influence from the ( Zionist movement. This admirable lar forces already in existence. One Supreme Court Justice at the other American citizen puzzled our detec- of Mr. Ford's contemporaries and fel- end of the secret 'phone. An ordin- I tives a good deal. They put their low-warkers against liberalism, in- ary person, who was neither a detecSTEINER ELECTRIC heads together. cluding Union Labor, was Leslie tive nor a Jew-maniac, coud have MEATCHOPPER When the judges of one circuit Frey-Shismareff.. In the town of found out in eleven minutes that Mr.' AND COFFEE MILL. court tdke their vacations, judges Scranton, Pa., in the heart of the Brandeis had no secret telephone a t ' from elsewhere take their places.' coal district, this person with a hy- all. Nay, more, he had not even the ^ SCALES._ OP- These arrangements are made by phenated Russian name is conducting ordinary personal telephone. He 1IAKES FOR SALE. agrement. Now, Watson, why did a weekly newspaper known as the used, and uses, only the house telethis Chicago judge appear so often in Gentile Tribune. It is apparently in- phone of the apartment building in 510 South 10th Street. New York? Hah! Why did he? This | tended for distribution among the which be has his apartment and his Phone Jackson 3332. must be looked into*— carefully,' dissatisfied coal miners. In this office. But if human sense had at stealthily, with numerals. They j weekly, Leslie'3 Frey-Shismareff has any moment been shown, the bottom "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS' sleuthed him in New York. They attacked many of the liberals in the would have dropped out immediately and buy them at sleuthed him in Chicago. Admirers of > United States, including a number of the great campaign against the Babe Ruth have all heard of Judge | of those who have been mentioned m Jews, which Mr. Ford is still keeping ROGERS j Landis. Judge Landis is a good man j the Ford detective reports. In al- up. He has run out of "material,", 319'SatitirifffIi Street. at headlines. Let us see, thought the \ most every number Henry Ford and bless his innocent heart, but his pubPhone Douglas 3400. sleuths, if we can work out a compari- j his campaign against the Jews and lication still advertises every week ATLANTIC 4522 son between the Jew Mack and theagainst liberalism are praised. In- the valuable stuff that the paper has, j Christian Landis. cidentally, not a few numbers con- collected. • TRY 6UNDGREIT8 Nutrition* Ham* Had* This would be of special excellence tain articles addressed to coal miners, The same Russian "Black HunPIES and COOKIES because Mr. Ford's paper charges telling them not to listen to men ondred" influence that was coaxing Sealed in 8anltary Waxed baseball frauds, along with Benedict' soap boxes and not to give any heed Henry Ford against American libMade by ' Wrapper at Your Grocer. Arnold's treachery, to the Jews of all I whatever to men who attempt to tell erals was at the same time working UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Sundgren Pie Baking Co. FOOD CO. ; the ages. them about the labor situation in thehand in hand with American reacJtth and Hickory. Atlantic 0141 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. writes William \ mines of America. This Russian edi- tionaries.- We find Henry A. Wise So Mr. Daniels Cameron, the editor of Ftfrd's paper, tor points out that every person who Wood, famous as a standpatter of under date of September 9,1921: stands on a soap box and tries to tell the so-ealled "100 per cent American "Dear Mr. Cameron: the American miner that he is being type," sending copies of the Lusk Carpenter Paper Co. WHOLESALE "Enclosed find report of 124 X on abused is in all likelihood a Jew who Committee report on socialism to F. Distributors of r Judge Mack. My judgment is that \ is only trying to upset affairs in theHunter Creech, the Washington Ford Druggists and Stationers 124 X ought to go to Chicago and | United States. Frequently it is point- operator. We find the American De-! Western Bond—and High Grade 401-4P3-M3 South lOtlt >.> Stationery ! cheek up Mack's record there, and, at ed out that thousands of striking coal fense Society, bulwark of American \ O I U H A , NEBKASKA.the same time, make comparisons be- miners are sitting in their homes, standpattism, sending to their mem- j tween his record and that of Judge | satisfied that the coal strike, so far bers copies of* the famous faked Rus- i Why Buy Tin? Landis. I would like to have advice as they are concerned, is of Jewish sian Protocols, which were prepared Boy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. on this before sending him to Chica- j origin and of Jewish maintenance for for an American publishing house by PAXTON-MITCHEL?CO. I SAVES VOW HONEY. associates of Boris Brasol, well, go. If he goes to Chicago. If he the furthering of Jewish aims. 27th and Martha Sts.: Barney 1061 . MID-STATES WHOLESALE known to readers of this series a s ' Manufacturers ot Brass. Broaae, AlamI- , But let us not postpone longer the leader goes to Chicago, would you like to num and Soft Gray Iron .Castings. GROCERS v of the Tsarist emigres. | Yoo are assured of soft castings, as J have him stop at Dearborn to talk most important of all thefieldscov1111-18 Dodge St. Jackson SS73 we machine some from every beat In This same Brasol is an officer in' things over with you?" Dictation [ered by our sleuths,; namely the naour own shop. Standard slxe-cant iron bashings in stock. • tion's capitol, Washington, D. C. Of two Russian societies that found j mark CCD-WK. MAX OLSEN & CO. While the sleuths were busy mak-' the Washington operators, F. H. money wherewith to bail out of the] Wholesale Distributors for ing Woodrow Wilson a tool of a Jew j Creech, a Washington lawyer, and C.Tombs prison, in New York, lastj SCHMIDT'S of the Supreme Court, and through; w - Smith were the chiefs. - Smith spring,. the Russian Cossack Seme- j Malta,, Select, Bock, Ginger him of the Jews ruling the world, ; . w a s on ce a star government detec- nov. With one hand Brasol assists' Ale,-Hires Root Beer they had time to keep track of other i tive » wIw had worked with Daniels, Henry Ford; with the other he asOffice and Warehonsei 911 So. Main St. movements of cosmic importance. For, when Daniels, as a government em- sists Ralph Easley, of the most per- \ Telephone 142 COUNCIL. BLUFFS. IOWA. example, I happened to go to a din-' pl°ye> had, under the Department of sistent and sly persecutors of liberalner myself, at which the principal ad- i *he Interior, investigated the Chip- ism that we" have in our free country. xlress was made by Dr. Weissman, j pewa Indian land question in Min-We "find, Brasol writing articles for j RATES 'attacking Liberalism and the head of the World Zionist organ- (nesota. These chief detectives paid Easley, j for space on this Special Semitism alike, and we find Easley ization. It was a spiritual and high-\ small sums to assistant "operators" later promising that he will cut from] I Page given, on application. Sninded address in German, and I was [which sums they reported in their Braspl's material all the anti-Semitic so enthusiastic' that I was glad, as personal expense accounts, parts. Brasol works in and out of the next speaker, to say what I could' T h e y proceeded straight to the top. this series, and next month he looms | 482 Brandeia Bid. Jackson 2372 about the 6,000 years during which Having the promise that President large, as the Protocols are to be the the Jewish ethical spirit has embodied Wilson was a Gentile "front," they topic of that article. Here was trickitself in some of the -most permanent had to prove it and they took steps ery and mystery in good measure. rnoral writings that literature posses- j t o doso One Russian ^ had made a half-deal ses. It never occured to me at the One of the most logical pieces of with Mr. Daniels to sell him thirteen Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables time that sleuths were around trying; information that came their way was new'Protocols! Right in the midst to turn this great ethical movement j when they visited a certain mild- of the negotiation, this man of mys\l W. Cor. Eleventh and Howard Sts. * OMAHA, NEB. into a crime, nor did it occur to me' mannered little man who lived in tery .departed from the United States, that any detective - who might be Brooklyn. Their quest was not in giving this" short warning: wandering around the place would be| vain. From him. they received the OUR NEW LOCATION an employe of Henry Ford. The let- convenient "information", that the "Mr. Charles Wallace Smith: Corner 19th and Douglas Streets. Call Atlantic 2364 MasonJn Tempi* Bids. ter; reproduced in Hearst'sInternition- [son-in-law of Colonel House, Gordon "I am leaving today, April 15, for . . . f o r . . . —-Our Llne~— • al for August, however, will show that Auchincloss, was a Jew. This. gave Seattle, where I arrive on the 20th. I BALDWIN, ELLINGTON. HAMILTON. HOWARD UPRIGHTS. GRANDS. the Zionist movement was not over-'a scientific foundation for what was am.taking the Fushima.Maru. Please PLATER PIANOfe. OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. looked by our "high protectors of otherwise reasoning that the philoso- telegraph-everything that has to do THATCHER PIANO CO. «U» Coming St., Omaha, Nebraska. phers call deductive reasoning, Christian civilization. with business to the Fushitna Maru. Phone Jackson 8068 Unhappily for me,; I "was not able • If it had only'been true that Mr. Write in Russian words with English to hear Mr. Einstein:, who spoke Auchincloss was a Jew, it would have letters. Miss de Bogory will do this Rates for Space on about the same time/ I had wanted been clear that Colonel House was a for you.'.! I must know definitely DON'T BUY COAL! this S p e c i a l Page to hear him, having_a . curiosity to Gentile "front" Granted that, the about, and receive, the agreed amount OIL IS MUCH CJIKAPKR given on application. get an impression of what may bestep to the President was simple, for monthly. Greetings to Mr. Daniels. Xiet (?• Itetuore the Door from Your {Turnnre and Insert a the greatest scientific mind since all through the war, as well as be, . "D. K0W0N0FF." ULL1BR1DGE OIL VAPOR BURNER 482 BrandrU Bid*. Tel. Jackson 1371 Darwin. This same letter will show, fore, the world had been taught to Koa Demonstration 918 go. 19tfa Street. however, that.again I was mistaken. identify the beliefs of Mr. Wilson rDid- the detectives permit Mr. \ *• * Instead qf; its-being a- noble occasion, with those of the distinguished citi- Kodipnoff to. dn>p.jattt^f aii; occasion that people might look zen' from Texas. Why suppose that They did; sot. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS,
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We carry a complete line ot H ring gears, pinions, axle shafts tot springs tor mlmost any make ot cat.M. D. RICBMAN. Manage*. 1318-1S30 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. PHONE 4U.
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