It is the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself. — Benjamin Franklin.
Every failure will t e a c h a. man something if he will learn. —Dickens.
I* '< z
n.—No. S4
^ ai •eeond'Clan mall -matter on January"21th. 1921. at • at Omaha, NebtMka. under the Art of March 3. lifTV.
Ratification of F y stine Mandate by League of Ji I - ons Narks Great Triumph;Omana Jewry to Celebrate
JEWISH YOUTH RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP. Samuel Samuelson, 19, Central High school graduate and freshman at the Boston Technical College has been awarded a scholarship for the ensuing term. The scholarship is the equivalent to $350. Young Samuelson was an honor student at the Central High School, carrying five subjects. During young Samuelson's absence from home, he had lost both his parents and in spite of all hardships that he had undergone, proved successful! at the end of the term.
IS HAILED American Relief MANDATEAS RATIFICATION VICTORY BY KEREN HAYESOD Harry B. Zimman Workers Aiding City Executive, Odessa Victims to Resign Office
New York, Aug. S.—The national contributors in the shaping of its Administrative Committee of the policies and the management of its afKeren Hayesod has issued a pro- fairs. The Keren Hayesod is a door clamation to the Jews of America, on through which a!l Jews, Zionists and the occasion of the ratification of the non-Zionists, of all shades of religious Palestine mandate, calling upon them opinion and all grades of economic Frank J. Price- of American to join the building of the Jewish position, may enter the Jewish Agen- Rumored That He Will Be cy and share its proud burdens. That Connected With Brandeis Relief Administration Reports homeland. The proclamation, signed •door is now wide open, and shall alby Peter J. Schweitzer, chairman; Stores. Results Most Gratifying. Hermann Conheim, treasurer, and ways continue to be so. 'To all those who have been active SERVED IN CITY OFFICES JOINT DISTRIBUTION COM- Emanuel Neumann, secretary, reads: "The National Administration of MITTEE COOPERATING the Keren Hayesod hitherto, the FOR FIVE TERMS. the Keren Hayesod (Palestine foun- ratification of the Mandate will come New York.—(!l3*te miraculous re- dation Fund) for the United Staates, as a well-earned reward for their It is rumored that Harry B. Zimsults achieved in Odessa by American congratulate the Jews of America up- ceaseless efforts. They will now be man, present city commissioner in relief workers and methods, who in on the glorious public vindication of spurned on to even greater efforts. charge of the building and fire departthe short interval of one month trans- Jewish aspiration in Palestine. The Our slogan must be. 'Now let us make formed it from a city of death to a final ratification of the Palestine man- good!' There is no longer the slightcity of renewed life; and hope are date by the Council of the League of est excuse for any Jew to shrink the vividly portrayed. bj£ Frank J. Price Nations, following the unanimous en- responsibility which is now placed All Jewish organizations and clubs in the city will meet of the Jewish National squarely upon his shoulders. Monday evening at the Jewish Community Center to make plans Many Games and Novelty Affairs Be- of t i e American Relief Administra- dorsement Home by the Senate .and the House of "To those Jews who have not hithtion, in a report •whfch he has sent for the celebration of the ratification-of the Palestine Mandate. ring Arranged For Public erto participated in the work of the Representatives of the United States, from Russia to the publicity departPlans are now under way to hold a public , reception on ' Picnic Keren Hayesod, we say: Lend us your takes this question finally and forever ment of the American Jewish Relief Sunday, August 20. The meeting will be open 'to the entire f support. Make yourselves oar partout of the field of controversy. The Committee;) public. The entire Omaha Jewry is expected to be represented WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF THE Thirty-six days agbu (early in May) Jewish National Home in Palestine is ners in our great enterprise. Let past at meeting to be held Monday evening. B'NAI BTHTH LODGE TO I stepped from a train in the city of now firmly imbedded in the fabric of differences—even past controversies Following the ratification of the again to be diverted to warding off BE GUESTS. —be forgotten. Let us all be animatOdessa with a group; of American Re- international law. mandate by the League of Nations, attacks and insidious propaganda. The ed with one thought: The fulfillment "Through this event, the Keren lief Administration, and Joint Distriorganizations throughout the country enemy had won the day. And so on Plans are well under way to make bution Committee- workers who had Hayesod acquires an new and impor- of the destiny of the Jewish people on Friday of last week cable dispatches the first annual picnic of the Omaha have rejoiced in the celebration. tant status. The Mandate for Pales- its ancestral soil! ? At the meeting next Monday eve- to this country announced with cer- Lodge No. 354 of the B'nai B'rith a come here for the purpose of feeding tine provides for the recognition of a "T« all Jews, regardless of their the hungry children tit Odessa. ; ning committe'es will be appointed to tainty a "deadlock" in the Council of merry time for all. The picnic will past affiliation, or their former attiJewish Agency, and its official collabThe picture that greeted us will the League of Nations, that ratificamake further plans and arrangements be held; Sunday, August 13, at-Krug tude toward Palestine and the Keren. for the celebration. The names of the tion of the mandate vioxlld be post- park. The Women's Auxiliary will be never be forgotten. Once one of Rus- oration with the British authorities in Hayesod, we extend a hand of com* Palestine in the development of the sia's most beautiful cities, world facommittees will appear in next week's poned to September, when the Co«n- tiie special guests of the lodge. radship and brotherhood. We appeal country. The Zionist Organization is mous for the perfection of its streets cil of the League of Nations would issue of "The Jewish Press." Many novelty affairs have been ar- and public buildings and known as the recognized as this Jewish Agency, and for harmonious co-operation of all The Council of the League of Na- meet again. ranged for the morning.and ..afterthrough the instrumentality of the This was.the situation on Friday. noon's entertainment. Members and Riveriera of Eastern. Europe, Odessa is expected to provide for the particitions on Saturday, July 22, 1922, set Jewish Agency, founded by the-jgenius pation of all Jews who aj e interested was cloaked in gloom, as"though someOn Saturday at 9 o'clock (1 o'clock their friends.are invited and are asked the seal of its approval on the man1 of Theodor Herzl, fostered and mainin the practical upbuilding of Pales' HARRY B. ZIMMAN • date over Palestine for the creation London time) the situation had to come early so as all may partici- evil genii had caressed "her people tained through the efforts of the great tine. with a withering claw. of a Jewish National Home in accord- changed. The first intimation of this pate in the many races and games The principal financial instrument masses of the Jewish people, andnow ment, will resign as city commissionei The horror of it all has not been ance with the terms of the Balfour change came in a two-word cable dis- that are planned. There will be races recognized by the nations of the -world to become an official at the Brandeis • patch to the Jewish * Telegraphic for men and women, for boys and exaggerated. The unlighted streets for this purpose at ths time is the and given definite status through in- stores, where he will 6erve as a high i Declaration of November 2, 1917. literally were cluttered, with dead, and Keren Hayesod. ^ts Constitution proThis news came after a week of Agency: "Atmosphere favorable." At girls, for the fat ones and the thin executive. vides for the participation of all its ternational law." anxiety and depression, mingled with 11:30, a cable was flashed across the ones, for the tall ones and the small starvation was striking down its vicMr. Zimman has been a city comtims faster than tihejBtdthonties could hope and-despair. It seemed as if sea: "General terms of mandate ap- ones. missioner for five terms and' once remove their bodies.-'. ^The cemeteries final ratification of the mandate would proved." This was followed by anserved an unexpired term as mayor, Following the basket luncheon, the were shambles—tneirrijpul living ocbe again deferred. As the reports other cable dispatch at 1:45, announc- evening will be spent in dancing. followingj the death of Mayor'Moore. cupants the ghoul dogs >f: which so came from LDndon, new difficulties ing unofficially the ratification of the It is rumored around the city hall, Following is the committee which much has been writte^'heretofore. mandate. Two hours later, and the were revealed, new obstacles arose, that even.Mr. Zimman's bitterest po- , is in charge of the picnic: Sam Beber, I have seen the removal of bodies and a spirit of doubt and disappoint- official communique of the Council of Dr. Philip Sher, Fred -White, Jack iticaL enemies are sorry to have him \ from a children's hospital where the ment set in. .The chief cause, for the the League.of Nations had made its Copeland, William .Kline, Max Fromp leave a* a. city,, official..„.. During Mr. ; : been* 38. - seemed to lie in the differneces' way across the Atlantic It readV kin, S. EL, Schaefer,.ani San Leon. ., deaths for 24 hours had Sja»a«OROe Fws»ed- Stx -Yeara Ago First Jewish - Tennis; Tumament in Zimman's term of office he has made f k ha which, arose .between,.the, Italian xep-. •-.: -The - Counctt -ofVihe League aof-:Ns-~ With But a Handful. of/Members City Causing Much Enthusiasm "great number. of frteftds' in TStrtn pd- J dling, for other institutions had sent resentative and the representatives of tions has completed its detailed stady* Has Outgrown It* Pnes«lt_ __ ,. . -Among Racquet Wielders. ice and fire departments. urgent appeals for help. The bodies the British and French Governments; of the Palestine and Syrian Mandate!?; Quarters. Mr. Zimman is very active in Jew- ; were carted.away in a truck, and The situation became even more ag- Marquis Imperial?, the* Italian repreMUCH INTEREST IS CENTERED ish affairs and is at present chairman • somehow .or other, as they were gravated when the news arrived of sentative, stated that he had been' auPUBLIC INVITED TO ATTEND IN COMING DOUBLE f the campaign to raise money for i passed from hand tOj hand and the fall of the Italian Cabinet, which, thorized to give his approval/ siffiject PUBLIC CELEBRATION EVENTS. the new Jewish Community Center s in the truck $ r*i.«i.«<«i a trip to a Wispresumably, left the Italian represen- to ther-understandtng with Franfce reSlate Department Calls Attention to consin lumber camp where I had seen' uilding!, During tha war *« I tative on the Council of the League garding the Syrian Mandate. A public reception will be held Interest in the YMHA tennis tourNecessity of Obtaining Amerchairman for. the state war relief. the workers piling logs. Certainly of Nations without instructions from "Discussion concerning the Paleshas steadily increased ican Vise. there was little more sympathy in the Sunday afternoon at the Beth Hame- nament his home government tine Mandate centered nostly about drosh Adass Ycshurim synagogue at throughout the city as the first matchatmosphere. twenty-fifth and Seward streets, in es in the men's singles are being It seemed as if the fates had con- Article 14. New York.—The Hebrew Sheltering In the hospitals the patients were spired against the Jewish people. "The Council is unanimously agreed and Immigrant Aid Soqjety of Amer- in unspeakable distress. The equip- honor of ths laying of the corner played. Thirty-two racquet wielders stone of the new building. Enemies were rejoicing. The strug- that the British Mandate for Palestine ica (HIAS), has received the followare competing for the prize and the gle of the Jewish people was not to and the French Mandate for et—ria ing letter from the Hon. William ment was entirely inadequate, mediThe synagogue which was first or- title that will be given the winner. be ended. Another period of inter- should be confirmed, and enter into Phillips. Under Secretary of the De- cines were not to be had, and to be ganized six /ears ago, now has a Entries for men's doubles are now Special Exemption in Favor of Imminable conflict was to ensue. The force automatically when the agree- partment of State, with regards to the stricken by any of the prevailing dis- membership of over forty and has being received at the YMHA office portin Palestine Wine is .energy of the Jewish people that was ment now under discussion will be regulations concerning aliens leaving eases, such as typhus, cholera or outgrown its quarters in the prr A n t and by Al. Finkel, Web. 1818, and Granted. typhoid was tantamount to a death to be thrown into Palestine with full reached between France and Italy. building and have made plans to build Harry Kneeter, A t 7607. Entries will their countries of origin with the in- warrant Washington, July 27. (J. T. A.)— force for the peaceful development of a much larger building. close at 7:30 p. m.r Saturday, Aug. 5. The importation of wine from PalesPublic session will be held for the «ntioir of proceeding to the United the Jewish National Homeland, was press on Monday, when the members States:— The meeting to be held Sunday Drawings will be made at the YMHA tine for- sacramental purposes will be afternoon will be featured by several on Saturday night, and play will be- permitted under regulations issued by of the Council will record their forRELIEF WORKER, HERE "Department of State prominent speakers. A large musical gin on Aug. 7. mal assent of the two mandates, and LAST SPRING, MARRIED Washington the Secretary of the Treasury today, program has also been arranged for. the British and French' representaPlay in the women's singles and defining the scope of the Willis-CampIN POLAND July 12, 1922. tives will give explanations regarding Following are the officers of the doubles matches will begin on Aug. bell law passed by Congress" last Fall, From Warsaw, Poland, came news the countries entrusted to their care." Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant synagogue: M. Zweibelman, president; 14. Entries in both contests are now prohibiting the further importation of today to Omaha friends of the marAid Society, Like, a flash of lightning, the news riage of Miss Jessie Bogen, director Ben Lindenbaum, vice-president; Joe being received at the YMHA. It is wine into the United States. 425 Lafayette Street, Wants Model State in Interest Of spread throughout the Jewish quar- New York City. of the war orphans' bureau of the Kirschenbaum, secretary; A. Rach- planned to have the final rounds in Special exemption in favor of Pal- , ters in New York. At 6 o'clock the. Jewish relief committee, and Abra- man, treasurer. Chas. Fellman, J. both the men's and women's contests estine wine provides for the submisCivilization and Stability. Gentlemen: Jewish press carried the news with Fellman and L. Micklin, trustees. played off at the YMHA picnic on sion of affidavits by Rabbis with! The Department desires to call your ham Shoban, European director of the August 20. PARIS.—Henry Morgenthau, for- headlines across the front page. Re- attention to the renewed regulations Joint Distribution committee. proper authority setting forth that Results to date in the first round there is an insufficient supply, of Pal* mer American Ambassador of Turkey, joicing took the place of depression. requiring that when an alien leaves Miss Bogen was in Omaha last of play in the men's singles are as estine wine. Importation will be perhas announced that he is arranging Doubt and disappointment were things his country of origin -with the inten- spring. She spoke in Temple Israel of yesterday. Song and joy ruled the follows. to form an international corporation, mitted in quantities sufficient to meet tion of proceeding to the United and at war relief meetings in the Spontaneous demonstrations States, without obtaining an Ameri- Brandeis theater and the Jewish comMarvin Treller won from Nathan the needs;of American Jews. to be capitalized at $50,000,000 to day. $60,000,000, for the purpose of re- followed. Meetings that were origin- can visa from the nearest American munity center. Dr. Philip Levey, first Omaha doc- Green by default; Al. Finkel beat The exemption was granted upon ally called for the sale of shekolim organizing Austria's industry and to The two met when they sailed for tor to enlist for the world war, left Leon Forman, 6—^0, 6—0; Harold representation of the Carmel Wine Consul, he must either return to the show the world that it is possible to were turned into celebrations. They proper consulate to obtain his visa, or Europe in 1917 in a relief unit headed Omaha Wednesday for Vienna, where Farber beat Ed. Shafton 6—2, 6—0; Jo., the largest importers of Palestine prevent the bankruptcy of European were followed by scores of impromptu reside in some other country for at by Miss Bogen's father, Dr. Boris he will take postgraduate general Sam Bender won from Leon Mandel- wine, assisted by the Union of Orthoparades through the streets of the least one, year before his application Bogen, of Cincinnati. operative work at the University of son by default; Fred Levey beat Sam dox Rabbis. One of the grounds of States. East Side in which thousands of Jews for visa may be considered by an Vienna. Before "returning the first of Epstein 6—1, 6—2; Meyer Green won the appeal was that prohibition on Mr. Morgenthau, -who has just re- participated. They knew no weariturned to Paris from Vienna, where ness. Until: the . early hours of the American consulate there. This regu- ONLY ONE SABBATH IN U. S. next year Dr. Levey will visit in Paris from Louis Abramson by default; Abe the import; of wine-. from Palestine New York (J; C. B.)—Magistrate with doctors he met during the war. Finkel beat Ellis Shafton 6—1, 6—0. would cut off one of Palestine's chief he was assured of the co-operation of morning they marched with song on lation will be. strictly enforced in orOther matches in the first round markets of vineyard exports. In their der that the Corisul taking the appliWhile in service Dr. Levey was a Conway ia the Ridgewood, Queens, the Austrian Government, is now their lips and joy in their hearts. are Ben Ravitz plays Herb Robinson; efforts, the Carmel Company and the cation, may have an. opportunity to senior lieutenant on the U. S. Princess Court declared discussing this project with various there is only one conduct' a satisfactory investigation Sabbath, according to the laws of Matoika, the former Princess Alice Will Wesley plays H. Soskin; Joe Rabbis "were opposed by the antifinanciers. PROPOSE UNION OF JEWISH of each applicant in the district in this country, when he Jheld Samuel captured from the -Germans and later Cohen plays Joe Markowitz; Phil Saloon League and other prohibition "There have been many plans sugWOMEN. " which he is known, and where authen- Cohen, a Jewish baker, in $500 bail used as a transport.' This crew cap- Feldman plays Phil Gerelick; Joe organizations. The decision is said gested to help Austria and other broNew York, Inly 27. (J. T.. A . ) - - tic .information concerning him may for Special Sessions. The baker war tured 'the former -commander of the Binstein plays Max Shapiro; Morris to mean much for the Palestine wine ken down countries," he said, charged with having violated the Princess Alice and imprisoned him in Block plays Henry Rosenstein; Ar- industry and'a victory for the orAmericans concluded that it was im- Mrs. Alexander Kohut. "of. New.York, be available. thur Romm plays Leo Konecky; Al thodox Rabbis who succeeded in obIt is, suggested that you may wish Sabbath Law in selling rolls last the steerage.- possible. Oh the contrary, I know chairman of'the Council of Jewish" Rabinowitz plays Paul Goldstein; Ed. taining recognition of the special .European. Committee on to disseminate this information to Sunday in his' store, No. 884 Fresh it is possible; and I am willing to in> Women's needs of Palestine wine which is preSolig plays Dave Robinson. persons concerned and warn all aliens considerable sum of my own I Reconstruction, has been conferring Pond Road, Glendale. HUNGARIAN POGROMISTS vest a ferred by many orthodox Jews. v requesting advice from you concernCohen told the court he had closed FAdNGMILTtARY COURT capital and give my time as a mem- with heads of Jewish women's : RITUAL MURDER LIBEL ing the procedure to be followed m gaiuzations in • several cities of Saturday, but kept open Sunday. In ber of the Executive Committee. Budapest'.(J .T. A-)—Arraigned OFFICIALLY DENIED FEARS POGROMS IN RUSSIA. "What I want to 6ee is a model Europe. She is promoting a plan of coming to th e United States, thai they doing this, he said, he felt that he before a military tribunal on the should "obtain visas before vstirting was observing the Sabbath. London, July 17.j(J. C. B.)—Hatred cooperation that will eventually bring Prague. (J. T. A.) Panic among State made of Austria by outside charge-of complicity in the pogroms, women's / organizations on- their journey to this country. capital. Then it will be apparent Jewish two ye^rs- ago, the accused declared Jews following the accusation that a against the Jews is! widespread among I am/ Gentlemen, ; JEWISH DEPARTMENT TO that the other States of Europe may throughout the world into a closer that they Were under orders, from Jew had been guilty of the murder of the labor aad middle classes of Sovietr Your obedient servant, the Moscow correspondent of union. ; be reorganized in the same manner. SUPPRESS REVOLUTIONARIES Commandant Hejas, and others in a young Christian girl alleged to Russia, For the Secretary oft State, the Daily Telegraph reports. He adds have been killed for so-called ritual command of the;White Guards to ~It is possible within one year Warsaw, July 17. (J .C B.)--The (Signed) WILLlAiTPHILLIPS, purposes, is subsiding after th that the fear of an outbreak of poLodz. (J. T. A.)—Frequent disorshoot Jews to kill , <• after the corporation xs organized to government's political department has Under Secretary. make Austria a paying commercial ders ir. the city parks, during which Attempts of the attorneys lor the searching investigation instituted by groms is increasing. established a special Jewish departUnemployment among Jewish tai* the police of Polna, a town in BoJews have been mistreated by memproposition. I stake whatever financial ment to combat the revolutionary defence to account for the depravities reputation I have on this statement bers of the Roswoj Party and other Riga. (J. T. AO—Unemployment "movement among Jewish workers in of the accused on the grounds of pa- hemia. The police report states that lors in the province of Witebsk. is It is not true that Austria is hope- anti-Semites have caused the Mayor among Jews is described as "unprece- Poland. The new department will be triotism and religion were frusirated the girl had been murdered by an assuming menacing proportions, it is lessly lost All that is needed is to appeal to the Warsaw Government dented? by M Merejhin.^eadinj; Jew- expected to-keep the government in- by the president of the court declar- ordinary' criminal, the accusation reported, three thousand unemployed disinterested initiative to put her on to take steps to assure the .safety of ish Communist, writing in the Mos- formed concerning the activities of ing he would not permit inciting of against'the" Jew "being entirely un- having registered so far and more • the Jewish population. workshops being closed daily.* founded religious prejudice in his court. cow "EmesB." her feet." " * Jewish socialist parties
Council of World Powers Given Format; Approval to Establishment of National Homeland for the Jewish People; Action Construed as Victory for Balf our and Zionists
For Members and Friends
Laying of Cornerstone for Jewish Tennis Tournament Adass Yashnrim Spagogne WeU Dnder Way; Complete First Round^ This Week to be Beld Sunday Afternoon
Hias Notified of Renewed Regulations Effecting Aliens
Dnion of Orthodox Rabbis May Import Palestine Wine
Henry Morgenthau Plans to Re-Organize and Aid Austria
Dr. Philip Levey Is To Study In Vienna
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,1922 Mrs. Nate Karpin and sons, Harold Mrs. Charles Cobacker is in ChicaZIONIST ARAB PARLEY and Jack Willard, are leaving for go, as the guest of her mother. RENEWED. their home in Omaha after a visit of London, July 27. (J. C. B.)—A new Mrs. R. M. Propp wa* at home to six weeks with Mrs. M. Kohan. •Published »»ery Thursday at Omaba, Nebraska, by Airs. D. K. Bergman, of Lu^k, Wyo., move toward negotiations between the r • THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Thi chief force of opposition to is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arab Delegation and the Zionist Or- her freinds Thursday afternoon comMiss Martha <3utfreund left last Office: 482. Brandeia Theatre Building.-*-Telephone; Jackson 2372.the Mandate comes from the Vatican, S. Fogeison. ganization on the basis of cooperation plimenting her daughter, Mrs. N. I. week for a trip to Chicago and to Baskind, of Chicago, and Mrs. Mary which ever since its promulgation and the upbuilding of Palestine, is NATHAN E.' GREEN, Manager. has shown unfriendliness* to theMrs. Harry Gmsburg, of Eldorado, on foot, it is learned from a usually Gottstein, who are visiting at the Gary, Indiana. Propp home. EDITORIAL BOARD: Balfour Declaration and its implica- Ark., "is visiting at the home of her reliable source. Miss Sarah Meyers returned MonDR. PHILIP SHER. tions. The ostensible reason of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Follester. SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, !NRY MONSKY, Miss Sara Sherman has returned day from Waverly, Iowa, where she attitude of the Roman Catholic from Sioux City, where she has been spent the past two weeks. .$2.50 Miss Minnie Greenstone returned Subscription Price, one year_ Church is anxiety for the Holy Monday from Council Bluffs, where visiting for a few weeks. Advertising rates furnished on application. Places. It is what we would term:she had been visiting at the home of 1 1 Miss Anna Lazarus is visiting "a good platform.' For the safety; Miss Francis Nogg. NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaRabbi J. Shapo, formerly of Knox- friends and relatives in Omaha. and integrity of the Holy Places is | .Won of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal cause*. always a sure appeal to passionate Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garson mo- ville, Tenn., delivered a sermon and : CHANGB Of ADDRESS—Pleae« *1T» both tbe ol« •»« i w " Jucomsen Campfire girls are enjoylecture at the Tifereth Israel synabigotry and unbridled faiiatism, tored to Omaha Sunday. L_ b» s u n and sign your naro*. • ing a week's outing at Camp Hantesa, No Springs—Honest Weight gogue last Friday evening at 8 o'clock and- those are sentiments which the at the Ledges, near Boone, Iowa. They Mrs. Lew Polsky entertained three and Saturday morning at 8:30. Both Roman Catholic Church has ever are accompanied by Miss Florence HOBART ELECTRIC "OUR COLLEGES AND OUR JEWS." known how to exploit in its own tables of bridge Sunday evening in talks were in English. Friedman and Miss Josephine Guthonor of Miss Goldie Arenson, of SeGRINDERS, CHOPPERS Just as surely as love and its credit and gain are in the soul interests. And we doubt whether the Jiof the lover, so hatred and its blame and loss are in the heart fear expressed is real. It is difficult dalia, Mo. Tuesday afternooi. Miss Miss Delia Brody, whose marriage freund. AND MIXERS. to believe that the Vatican really Gertrude Fogeison was hostess at a to Mr. Leo Leviton takes place the I!of,the hater. Rabbi and Mrs. Eugene Mannthe_administration When President Lowell of Harvard speaks.sadly of "a rapidly iiijta that, wwith _ _ _ _ theatre party honoring Miss Arenson. last of this month, is in New York heimer i u i „„ Service and Sales: and Mr. Max Schloss are mobuying her trousseau. She is accom•growing anti-Semite feeling in this country, he makes himself f P a l c s t i n e u n d e r tte Mandate, the Mr. Leon Nefsky and Mr. Saul toring in Minnesota. 13th AND JACKSON STREETS panied by her sister, Miss Jennie I1 too easily the fluent spokesman of that anti-Semitism.. Places will be any less secure Arenson motored to Omaha Sunday Brody. Phones: To America and democracy, standing for essential equality Holy Mrs. J. Sidemah and son Irving, from degradation than they -were for the day. Toledo Scales ., Doug. 7682 - and human decency, not the Semite but the anti-Semite consti- under who have been visiting at the Robert the Turk. What the Vatican Misses Essie and Libby Aliber and Mr. and Mrs. H. Marx and family j tutes a national-problem and a national menace. Lappen home for several weeks, left Hobart Electric Doug. 7396 does not like, and what it intends Miss Lillian Rothschild left Sunday and Mrs. R. Snader Just returned from At the. worst, the Jew .is—only a Jew. Like beauty and to thwart if it can, is the rise in the Tuesday for their home in Chicago. motor for Chicago, where they will truth, he is his own' best excuse for his existence. His last per- status of the Jewish People which an extended motor trip through Kan- by We have on hand Used and spend ten days visiting friends and Miss Marcia Sherman returned last sas and Missouri. They spent several formance and his present average apology. will acrue from the establishment of weeks in Excelsior Springs. relatives. Rebuilt Machines. week from a several weeks' visit in 1 The Jew is self justified in his purposes, and his practices. In a Jewish National Home in Palestine. Sioux City and Iowa City. (lAmerica and elsewhere, the best Jews, of course, are easily on This, indeed, has been the tradMrs. Mary Gottstein and daughters, -ri a par with the excellence of their country. The rest readily hold itional Vera and Phyllis, and son, Hirsch, of policy of Rome toward our their own with the average for orderly living and constructive Chicago, are visiting at the R. M. People, and it is distressing to find participation in the life of every land. r But in America, however desirable a citizen the actively antir that at this time of day is is not Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Golder announce Propp home. Jewish non-Jew may be, he is certainly guilty of spiritual treason, very much different in essence from the engagement of their daughter, Mrs. N. I. Baskind and son, Myron, what it was in the dark ages. It to our fine professions of democracy. Jeanie Sadie, to Mr. Louis Slotsky^ of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. Rightly he feels the need of apologizing for his wrong atti- shows how little has been the pro- son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Slotsky, of Baskind's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. tude. And naturally he feels the need of justifying his sub- gress of Roman Catholicism towards this city. Mr. and Mrs. Golder will M. Propp. - normal inhumanity by trying to shift the responsibility to the the light of tolerance. Lord Balfour, entertain at dinner followed by a rein his address to the Council of the Miss Harriet Herschberg returned victim of his self-conscious superiority. ception Sunday afternoon from three Sunday from a two weeks' vacation Thus President Lowell becomes the unfortunate mouthpiece League last week, did not hesitate to five for the immediate families. trip to Cleveland and Chicago. - of this obvious inferiority in- saying: *There is, most unfortun- to show the absurdity of the alleged ately, a rapidly growing anti-Semitic feeling in this country, fear in respect to the sanctity of the Mrs. Alta Sterling and Miss Nellie Miss Esther Berlovich is in Omaha , causing, and no doubt in part caused by, a strong race feeling on Holy Places. He said:— Cherpakov entertained Miss Esther Doubtless, a wave of anxiety has Levich, who will be married sojm, at visiting at the home of Miss Esther | the part of the Jews themselves." I In contrast, please hear the typical American, beautifully invaded a certain section of public a miscellaneous shower at the home Zalk. j Christian, and thoroughly human voice of President Meiklejohn opinion, .which fears a repercussion of Mrs. Sterling. Thirty guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. Brody and sons, in the religious domain. This sur- present. of Amherst: Julian and Sidney, left last week to ' "I have reached the conclusion that there is only one real prises me infinitely. How can one motor to Radison Inn, Christmas I must clean house—the hot days came too late vice, hatred, and only one virtue, love. Hate wishes to destroy; believe that religious interests can be The Zionist Organization held a Lake, Minnesota. this year. Now you need the cool clothes and love would create. Where hate comes in, life fails. Where endangered by the transference of meeting Sunday afternoon, July 30, we must have the room—our loss is your grain. I love comes in, life is same." authority from a Moslem Power to at the Roof Garden. _• Neither Harvard nor Columbia, nor any other public edu- a Christian Power, especially when The Maccabean Chapter of Young Hanry H. Lspldns. Ptw.-TxeM. PAY S 9.OO—for a $15.00 Palm Beach Suit here. i cational institution, has the right to draw social lines of ex- this Christian Power is Britain? No Judeae held an informal party Thurs*•£ Pepper. Vfcw-Prerftoit. j elusion. Power has shown, itself more fair in day evening at th« home of Archie W. O. Ore. Secretary. I A college is not a social club. Its students may, as individu- regard to different religious beliefs; Kroloff. Dancing and refreshments PAY S15.OQ—for a $20.00 Mohair or Tropical Suit here. [ als, be as snobbish as in their, folly they choose. no Power known has done more to predominated. ,' But the college as, such has the responsibility of culture and ensure justice and avoid wounding PAY 82O.OO—for a $30 Fine Tropical Worsted Suit here. COMPLETE STORE AND ' of democracy to recognize only aspiring human beings, eager different opinions. Britain has had Mrs. A. -Newman, of Omaha, Nebr., f for the advantages and the satisfaction of higher education.— great experience in these questions. was entertained last week by Mrs. A. OFFICE OUTFITTERS PAY 825.OO—for a $35.00 Finest Kuppenheimer Tropical : New York American. We occupy R. Levich. The world will admit that it has Suit here. ' trm 70,000 aansre feet proved its generosity to most diverse Southwest Corner Mr. Barney "Baron and sons, LawElerrntb and D«OKU» Streets. religious opinions. Britain i s a rence and Ephraim, will motor to LET US NOT GIVE GOP A VACATION. Phones Jackson 2734 The masterpieces of Palm Beach Protestant country, and in no CaOMAHA. VKB. Now that vacation time is here, and those individuals fortun- tholic or Protestant country are Omaha Sunday. clothes making from the House ate enough to be able to do so, hqstle away to rest and recuperate, ............. of Knppenheiraer, now it is perhaps timely to say a word about giving God a vacation Protestants and Catholics more free. The Hadassah Society will hold a picnic Sunday, August 6, at Woodland J 1 as far as saving him the "trouble" of listening to prayers during In these circumstances any fear for Pajk. the transference of the guardianship P a y 3 3 . 5 0 for high grade the summer is concerned.. ...FOR... of the Holy Places from a Moslem PALM BEACH PANTS NOW. We insist that God does not need a vacation. This being the Mr. Dave Goodsite, of Kimball, So. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY to a Christian Power is devoid of case, we do not see why we should give him one. Dakota, was in the city last week visAND Here's a real opportunity, men, to pick up the ! Just because we want to get away from the heat arid from foundation. iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. SPECIAL PLATINUM When Mr. Bourgeois subsequently best cool clothes made at a radical reduction. 3 those individuals that we see the rest of the year, does not justify Goodsite. DESIGNING i our trying to get away from God. It is just as essential to pray spoke, he, significantly enough, said see not a word about the Holy Places. Messrs. Abe and Ben Brodkey moin the summer as during the rest of the year. He doubtless felt that the plea for _ Religious services should be arranged and conducted even in tored to Lake Okoboji last Sunday. delay on that score had been de^ summer resorts. Diamond and Platinum In fact, we venture to add that some people need religion molished by Lord Balfour.—The Jew- HEJJAS* FOLLOWERS RIOT IN Specialists HUNGARIAN PARLIAMENT. even more in the summer while on their vacations than at any ish World, London. 1514 Dodgw fttreet. other time.—The Scribe. Budapest (J. T. A.)—Parliament BstabUshcd ISM. DO attai 5619. CORRECT APPABEL FOB MEN AND WOMEN was thrown into a turmoil yesterday Jewish immigration can be reduced to a minimum, if that is de- when it was invaded by membe'rs of trenches are eligible. Only recently the Awakening Magyars who came a .distinguished German general, sired, by making human lives, wo- to demand the release of Captain men's honor and men's possessions speaking at a meeting of this asHejjas, the notorious leader of the sociation, praised the valor and safe from mob depredation in the In a recent issue w e ' commented patriotism of the Jewish soldier. semi-civilized states of Eastern White Terrorists. The turbulent visit upon the situation in Germany rela- Still this charge continues to be Europe, and more especially in those to Parliament followed an unsuccesstive to the Jews in consequence of heard. created Dy the Allies since the ful interview with Count Bethlen who declined to release their leader. the interview the Jewish Corres"Last but not least is the propa- Armistice. The League of Nations The Magyars rushed to the press pondence Bureau had with Dr. Georg ganda of Henry Ford. Ford's anti- is responsible for these hell-holes and gallery and inflicted severe beatings Michaelia, the former. German Jewish books, in German transla- upon it rests in great measure the on the journalists of the liberal and Chancellor, now in this country., We tion, circulate by the million, and moral responsibility for the crimes socialist press. Jewish journalists return to the subject after haying there are many in Germany who be- committed by its proteges. Of these and those suspected as Jews were read in the Jewish Tribune an in* lieve with him that the presence of the greatest burden of guilt rests, the special victims of the Magyars' terview with Mr. Oswald Garrison Jews in high office in Berlin, Rome, sad to say, upon France and, though wrath. The journalists were powerYillard, editor of The Nation, by Petrograd, and elsewhere is proof of perhaps in somewhat less measure, less as the invading band numbered Mr. Maximilian Hurwitz. an international Jewish conspiracy upon great Britain. Our own country about 150 men. The spirit of the Mr. Villard has just returned' from to, sell out the Christian world." is not entirely undeserving of re- invaders was shown in cries emitted Germany and so can apeak of affair* Mr. Villard also visited Austria, proach for standing idly by while by some of them, of: "Give us Jewish there with first hand knowledge. He Hungary, Poland an<i Serbia. Every- these crimes against humanity are Wood to drink." said: where, with the exception of Serbia, being committed and making no at"The situation i s very bad. In he found similar conditions. "In tempt to prevent the continuation of Germany there is a tremendous wave Poland," he said, ?'the position of a these outrages.-The Israelite. of anti-Semitism, while in Bavaria, Jewish girl is particularly precarithe hotbed of German reaction and ous, all avenues of earning a liveli- ZIONISTS INVITE ABAB monarchism, there is ground forhood being barred to her." And so Chiropodist and Beauty COOPERATION; ARABS DEShop fearing an outbreak of pogroms. NOUNCE "ZIONIST pANGEB" the interviewer comes to the conErtabllrted I80O "The murder of Rathenau waa due clusion that "the Jew always pays." Jerusalem! (J. T. A.)—A procla- 15th and Harnry Btreatsv in large measure to his Jewish origin, This is the tragedy of the position mation addressed to the Palestinian Phone Dong-laa SSSiT Ag was the attempt upon Harden, 1 of the Jew. He pays and pays with Arabs, to reject the British Mandate and the inclusion in the 'murder list his money, with his blood. There is because it "enslaves" the Arabs has of Max Warburg, the banker, and no let-up. There will be no let-up been issued by the Executive of the Theodor Wolff, the editor of The until the Jew himself so "changes his Syrian-Palestine Congress. Steps to Berliner Tageblatt. Only a few status that the nations of the world be taken by the- Arabs "in defense weeks ago I visited Wolff's home In will realiae that the Jew has the against the Zionist danger" are Berlin and found it barricaded like power t<? protect;hims*ifi : . enumerated in the manifesto. The a fortress." first step proposed is to be an Arab Asked as to the reason for this NEW POLISH Q Congress to be convened immediately violent outburst of ania-Jewish feelORDINANCE ADOPTED after the return of the Arab DelegaIng, Mr. Villard replied: PETROLEUM COKE, Warsaw, July 27. . (J. T.;A.)—The tion from London. "There are several causes. To be* new election ordfnajic_« .was passed on (We Asklen fuel) $ 1 5 . 8 0 Simultaneously, the Vaad Haleumi, *g!n with, there has been a rast Influx the third, reading, in. the Sajrii in the or Jewislj National Council of PalesSPADRA, <?i Sast European Jews in-Berlin--" form originally drafted,.limiting both tine, invites the Arfibs to cooperate (tote t.4 Eg) $18.50 BO much so, th'atr GeTftians :often tW number ©I Deputies and" polling with the f Jew* for the good of Palesr FIANHLIN COUNTY refer to Berlin jestingly ^s "berfin- districts and utterly, disregarding the tine. at 17th Street ILLIHOK UWf, y And these' Jews, 1 mtlst; -tell alternative proposals urged by the Th« VaadrLeun^ has cabled felici(Lump Eg. Nut) $ 1 2 . 0 0 you, are not the best specimens of representatives *of the .minority tation* upon the adoption of the Manyour race. date to Lloyd-George, the fiari of Balgroups. . • "Again, the: Je\ys are "accused of Far from dispairing, the minorities four, Secretary' Churchill, the Presi1 profiteering and of having served have decided to coordinate their forces dent of the League of Nations, Baron only In the non-combatant branches and by a Joint ballot are hopeful of Rothschild, and the Zionist leaders of the army,, such as the quarter- electing 120 Deputies out of a total of Weizmann and Sokolow. Office—JAckson 0889 Sir Herbert Samuel, Palestine Highmaster's department. To reduce this 440. Yard—JAckson 0080 Elections for Deputies to the Sejm Commisfoner, has congratulated jth« latter charge, a Jewish war veterans' or call at office, 219 So. 13th St* association has been formed to which will be held on.October 29, Senate! Palestine Zionist Executive upon the Merchants Natt Bank BIdg. men who. actually fought in. the elections-.being fixed for November 5* happy, consumption of the Mandate.
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Only those who cultivate the habit of saving reap the reiJ of. opportunity.
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Social, Club and Religious Activities
. BRAV1BQFF-LEVICH. The marriage of Miss Esthyr Levieh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Levich, of Sioux City, la., to Mr. Harry Braviroff, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Braviroff, of this city, will take place'Tuesday evening, August 9, at tW Hebrew Institute at' Sioux City. Babbi Kopstein, of Sioux City, win i Officiate. Mr. Braviroff will leave the "latter part of the week for Sioux GSty.
ENGAGEMENTS. The engagement of Miss Sophye Weinstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, to Mr. Max Fromkin, son of Mr. David Fromkin, of this city, -was announced during the-past week. Both are graduates of the Omaha Central High School. Miss Weinstein is very active in Jewish Social -work. She is president of the Omaha Junior Hadassah and the Ra Qth Society. In 1921 she was princiP»l of the Deborah Sunday School. Miss Weinstein is also an accomplished musician. Mr. Fromkin is a graduate of the Creighton College of X<aw, and is engaged in the practice of law here. No wedding date has been set.
HANDLEMAN-BELVER. Mr. and Mrs. M. Belver announce the marriage of their daughter, Jennie, to Mr. Abe Handleman, of this city, on Sunday, August 6, at the home of the bride's parents. Babbi Grodinsky will officiate.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Winer announce the engagement of their daughter, Anne, to Mr. Michael Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. Winer will entertain at a reception Sunday evening, August 6, at their home from seven to nine - in honor of their daughter
FINKELSTEIN-FLEISCHER. Miss Sadye Fleischer, daughter of Bey. and Mrs. J. Fleischer, will be njarried to Mr. Louis Finkelstein, of Oklahoma City, Okla., son of Mr. and Mrs.' R. Finkelstein, ef this city,' Sunday at four o'clock at the Bnai Israel Synagogue, 18th and Chicago Sts. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon will officiate. A dinner for the immediate family will be served at the home of the bride. The couple will leave the same evening .for Oklahoma City, where they will make their home.
Miss Gertrude White entertained the members of the Acabado Cellta Society at a picnic at Elmwood Park Wednesday evening.
ed at a bunco party Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Max Orkin and The postponed meeting of the at the home of Miss Kate Goldstein. daughter are at the Hotel Gotham in Mogon Dovid Club will be held SunTen couples were present. New York City. day morning, August 6, at the Synagogue. A hike will be held soon. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Grossman enterMiss Helen Bernstein, of Chicago, tained at dinner Thursday evening in 111., formerly of this city, is the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marcus and honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bosen- guest of friends here. Miss Bern- family left Sunday ."or the Ozark blett, and son, Perry, of St. Joseph, stein is a junior at the University of Mountains, where they intend to reMr. and Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun Mo., who are visiting with Mrs. main until the em1, of the summer. and children returned Sunday after Rosenblett's sister, Mrs. Louis Harris, They will stop off for a few days in a several week's stay in Minneapolis, and Mr. Harris. Kansas City, Mo. Minn., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Meyer, whose The Blossoms A Zion will meet this Miss Bertha Leon will entertain the marriage took place Wednesday, July afternoon with Miss Lillian SteinBERLINT-FRIEDMAN members of the Ra Oth Society at her 19, at New York City* Mr. and Mrs. The marriage of Miss Shh-ley Fried- berg. O. Philip Wolfson» and Mr. and Mrs. man, daughtetr of Mr. and Mrs. Don home Sunday afternoon. Miss Frieda Goldberg entertained Mayer Spiesberger arrived here MonMiss Gertrude Levey, of Des day, having motored from Chicago. Friedman to Mr. Hyman Berlint, of last Saturday a. bridge at her home Moines, la., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Meyer will reside at Omaha, Nebr., will take place Sun- for the Misses Sylvia Friedman, of day at six-thirty at the home of the Cleveland, O., and Minnie Greenstone. with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. the Blackstone Hotel. bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey, for the past two weeks, reS. Cohen. Rabbf Morris N. Taxon Mrs. A. Gilinsky and children are turned to her home Tuesday. Mrs. H. A. Bercu, and son, of will officiate. Mr. Berlint and his visiting -with her daughter, Mrs. Cleveland, O., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Kulakofsky en- with her mother, Mrs. M. Solomon, bride will spend a week in Denver Philip Sherman, at Allen, Neb. after which they will return to Countertained at dinner at their home for month, left cil Bluffs to make their home. past tor the COLUMBUS NEWS. six Tuesday. Wednesday evening for Chicago, Mr. and Mrs- Carl Leeser, and Mr. Samuel Katz left Sunday for where she will join her husband and Mrs. Lou Heeger and small son redaughter, of Omaha, spent the week Lincoln, Nebr., with her nieces, the be the guest of Mrs. M. Katz, sister turned to their home in Sioux City, end at the S. Kavich home. Misses Carita and Fay Hersog, of of Mr. Bercu. After a short stay Iowa, after spending a week here. they will leave for Cleveland, O. that city, who have been •visiting here, Mrs. Simon Bordy and children, of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldberg anthe latter with Mrs. Katz and Miss Macey. Nebr., and Mrs. N. Perlis, of Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosenbaum nounce the engagement of their Carita with her cousin, Mrs. Dollie entertained six couples Monday daughter, Frieda, to Mr. Meyeron Omaha, spent a week with Mr. and Elgutter. * evening at their home complimentary Goodman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. S. Kavich. Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg have to Miss Ruth Rosen. The evening Goodman, of St. Louis, Mo. Miss Miss Sarah Hurwitz- returned Suntaken apartment number 105 at the was spent in dancing. Goldberg- is active in the Council work day from North Platte, where she Austin, at thirty-eighth and Davenhere and at Jie Sunday School, being Mr. Nate Spiesberger returned a member of the Junior Council. Mrs. had been visiting with Miss ftosella port Sts. Monday from New York City, where Goodman, mother of the groom, is Lipschitz for the past month. Mrs. Isador Ziegler and children he spent several weeks. visiting at the Goldberg home. returned Monday from Chicago, 111. Mrs. Nathan S. Yaffe left Monday Mrs. M. Saltzman is visiting in where they have been visiting for the past two months with Mrs. Ziegler's for Sioux City, la., to visit with Sioux City, and with her daughter in Rhodes, la. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kippur. friends for eeveral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenberg will receive all theij; friends and relatives at their home at 120 So, 30th St. Sunday, August 6, from two to five, and seven to nine in honor of their son, Dr. A. Greenberg and Mrs. Greenberg, who were recently married.
Miss Elizabeth Kavich left for Macey, Nebr., where she • wil visit relatives for, several weettfc Miss Elizabeth Nathen entertaine* eight guests at a swimming part: Sunday evening at the Platte Bivei followed by a luncheon served a the Nathen home later in the evening Rome, July 27. (J. C. B.)—Luig Luzzatti, former Prime Minister o Italy, has been elected President o the Italian League of Nations Union
MR. SOL BRODKEY has returned from California and is anxious to meet all his old friends at his store.
Sol. Brodkey Diamonds Watches Jewelry
Miss Elsie Poska, who was the 1301 Douglas St. AT. 6970 house guest of Miss Ann Fanger for the past week, has returned to her home in Lincoln, Nebr. A number of affairs were given for Miss Poska while here. Miss Fanger entertained at bridge for twenty Thursday evening. Prizes were won by the Misses Dorthy Zucker, Pearl Tatle, of ChicaMr. and Mrs. Nathan Wiesman The Junior Kensington Club met go ,and Miss Rae Bercu. Miss Fannie Miss Fannie Hill, of Lincoln, Nebr. Levinson entertained at the Brandeis spent the past week here as the house and family are motoring through Monday afternoon at the home of RAVITZ-OLAND. Tea rooms Saturday afternoon in guest of Miss Ida Greenberg. A num- Minnesota and will spend the month Miss Marion Katelman. Hfkt marriage of Miss Molly Oland, honor of Miss Poska. Miss Helen ber of affairs were given in her honor. of August at their cottage, Tepse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Oland, Altschuler entertained at a theatre The Misses Marguerite Greenfield, at Lake Okoboji INVITED TO ATTEND THE Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop to Dr. Sol E. Ravitz, son of Mr. and party Sunday afternoon. Ida Stern, and Xenia Perlmutter enMr. B. Pred is in New York City, CELEBRATION OF LAYING OF CORNERSTONE Pbnna IK. tertained at a picnic supper WednesMrs. S. Ravitz, of this city, will Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Kamen day evening at Lake Manawa for the where he will remain for abent ten' flic Best of Everything In Flowers and take place Sunday evening, August 6, OF THE Confection! at Moderate Prices. at the Blackstone Hotel. The bride announce the birth of twins born at visitor. Miss- Greenberg entertained days. will have as her attendants, her New York City, where Mrs. Kamen at a dancing party Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. J, Rosen and children KS W. Broadway. Nffftt litmty sister, Miss Belle Oland, Miss Molly has been visiting with her parents, for her guest. returned Monday after a several Ravitz, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Shanholt. weeks visit in Bock Island, I1L, vritk Mrs. Harry Levy and daughter, David Cohn. The groom's attendants Mrs. M. Kogan, mother, and Mrs. Sylvia, returned this morning from Mrs. Rosen's parents and friends. will ba his brothers, the Messrs. Denver and Colorado Springs, where Miss Ann Ackennan entertained Harry and Dave Ravitz, and Mr. B. German, aunt, of Mrs. A. Greenthey spent two weeks. Miss Levy will four at the Brandeis Tea Rooms at berg, arrived Friday, July 28, from Twenty-fifth and Seward Streets David Cohn. Messrs. Ben Rs.vitz, Children's Bobbing, 25c leave sometimes next week for Chica- luncheon Saturday complimentary to Shampoo, sun-dried outdoors, 50c Harry Oland, Irving Steinberg, Paul Minneapolis, to visit at the home of go to spend several weeks. Marcel and Bob Curls $1.00 Miss Elinore Schrayer, who is the Steinberg, Louis Nathan, Mike Chas- Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenberg. They Sunday, August 6, 1922, at 2:00 P. M. sharp. Individual Expert Attention. will be here a month. house guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. son, L. "Whitebook, and Moe SteinMiss Charlotte Hirschberg returnee Evening and Sunday Service. berg will be the ushers. Little Miss Speakers arranged for. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Levich and Sunday after an extended trip to Browar. Helen Whitebook will be flower girl. children of Sioux City, la., spent sev- Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Hirschberg Miss Sylvia Friedman, of Cleve- S. W. Cor. 16th and Howard Sts. Dr. Ravitz and his bride will leave eral days here, visiting with relatives was accompanied to Omaha by Miss land, O., whe has been visiting with At. 4819. Ha. 2890. the same evening • for an extended and friends. Annette Silverman, of Chicago, ID IMWEIHilllllllllll trip to the Pacific coast going to who will be her house guest fo: Miss Rae Bercu for the past month, left Wednesday evening with her LOB Angeles" and San Francisco and Miss Sarah Somberg will entertain several weeks. aunt, Mrs. H. A. Bercu, also of then to Canada. They will be at four tables of bridge at her home SatCleveland, for a short stay in ChiMr. and Mrs. H. L. Goldstone, and home after September 1. urday honoring Miss Elinore Schrayson, Louis, of Kansas City, Mo., are cago. er, of Chicago, 111. here to spend the remainder of the A number of affairs have been Mr. J. Helphand has returned fremMrs. L. Alttnan and daughter, summer with Mr. and "Mrs.'14. Meyer. given for Miss Oland during the Blanche, returned Tuesday evening a two weeks' stay at Lake Minpast month. Miss Belle Oland enter- Irom an extended three months trip The Acabado Cellta Club entertain- netonka in Minnesota. tained at a dancing party at the to the western coast. They visited in Hanscom Park Pavilion on Tuesday San Francisco and Los Angeles, Calif., evening, Iuly 11; Mrs. David Cohn and other large cities on tht entertained at luncheon at the Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America Brandeis Tea Rooms Saturday, July Miss Estelle Lapidus entertained an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. 22. Miss Molly Ravitz entertained at twenty-seven guests at bridge Monher home Sunday afternoon, Iuly 30. day afternoon at heT home. From framework to window mouldings the body is built Mr; and Mrs. M. Oland entertained The honor guests were the Misses of steeL It is the first all-steel closed car ever marketed* Tuesday evening, August 1, at their Gertrude Tatle, who has just returned This design anticipates every possible requirement of horns for the bridal party, arid Mrs. from an extended trip to Excelsior commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness— A. Herzrnan, of St. Lonis, Mo., Mrs. Springs and SL Joseph, Mo., Gertrude unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it pos«ldw A. Silverman entertained at her home Levey, of Des Moines, la., Sylvia Mpnday evening, July 31,. at dinner Friedman, of Cleveland, O., Rose to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel for Miss Oland and her fiance. Sherman, of Allen, Nebr., and Elinore finish for 'which Dodge Brothers open cars have long Schrayer, of Chicago, HI. been famous. Miss Sadye Rotholz, formerly ofj Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barr, of St. Omaha, now living in Oakland, Calif., OUR money is the result of sucThe upholstery is of genuine leather—leather that will Paul, Minn., arrived Tuesday to spend arnred Wednesday, to visit with her cessful effort—the effort, perwash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable.. a week with their nephew and niece, ojjtle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mr. and Mrs. David P. Feder. haps, of years. You do a very Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The Rotholz, 1045 Park Avenue. She will important thing when you decar is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, remain for about ten days. posit money in a bank, and
Entire Omaha Jewry
Beth Hamedrosh Adass Yashurem Synagogue
Hot Weather Specials
Salon L'Charme
Hiss Goldie Green, of Des Moines, Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg have la., will leave this afternoon for taken apartment 105 Austin Apts. at Sioux City, la., to spend the week 38th and Davenport streets. Teleep^ wjth Mr. and Mrs. S. Rahinow, phone No. Harney 4915. prior to returning to her home. Miss Green was the guest of Miss Mary Moscoe for the past three weeks. Mips. Georgia Moscoe will accompany WANTED Jewish boy about Miss Green to Sioux City. Miss 18 to 20 yrs. old who can Helen Altschuler entertained at a drive a Ford and work in one o'clock luncheon Saturday at her general. One who is willing, strong, bright, honest and home for Miss Green. A number of steady. Phone Jackson 1317, (rtfier affairs were given for Miss syenings Harney 3771. Green during the past three weeks. The members of the Sunday Evening Bridge Club were entertained by Miss Annette Fanger at her home Sunday evening. Prizes -were won by Miss Esther Brown and Ifc, Nathan E. Green. Miss Esther Blown will entertain the members at her home Sunday evening, August IS.
Mr. and Mrs. Sain Hornstein will vtertain at a kitchen shower at their home Friday evening in honor Miss Jennie Belver, who will become a bride Sunday. The YM and YWHA will hold an election of officers Monday evening at the Jewish Community Center. A surprise party was given in honor of Miss Florence Levy at her home Saturday evening for eight couples.
windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort and protection.
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Has An 'Interest" in You 1603 f a n a * Street
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