It is the easlest thing in the world for a manto deceive himself. J - Benjamin Franklin.
, 35
Every failure t « a c h af man ^something if he wifl-learn. —Dickens.
Entered £ PggtoffloT
lewry Called Upon To Aid Palestine In Its Reconstruction Work World Zionist Executive Issues Manifesto; Keren Hayesod Urges Maaser Payment. FULFILLMENT OF BASLE PROGRAM CELEBRATED
s f rod-class mall matter on January 27th, 1921. at g-. naha, Nebrmtk*,-nniler_the Act ot Match 8, 1878.
Jerusalem,- Aug. 7. (J. C. B.)— That the immigration officials are extremely punctilious • is shown by immigration, figures for the last four months, revealing, the fact that 125 Jewish immigrants, were not permitted to land: because they had not complied with all immigration regulations. ..The immigrants were rejected, it is said, despite the fact that they all had visas.
"JewishPress 'Picnic Sunday* Sept 17; Everyone is Invited to Attend Biggest Everttofithe Year; Save This Date i
- - -=?"
"The Jewish Press" wants you, who are;reading this, to attend its first annual picnic at Krug Park, Sunday, September.17, •• And it wants you to bring your relatives and all your friends with you so that you^anid .they can have the time of your lives.
Hundreds of I. O.B.B. Members Will Picnic at Kmg Park Sunday
Bucharest, Aug. 7. (J. T. A.)—Dr. Lupo, Socialist Deputy of the Roumanian Parliament and leader of the Peasant Party, is leaving here soon for the United States to deliver a Arrangements to Provide Day of series of thirty lectures. Dr. Lupo, as Fun and Frolic for Local spokesman of the Peasant Party in Members and Visitors Parliament, has had occasion to show an -unfaltering desire to co-operate MANY N O V E I T G A M E S AND with the Jews politically. CONTESTS ON PROGRAM;
It also wants every Jewish man and,wdrian, and every Jewish boy and girl in London. (J. T. A.)—The executive Omaha and Council'Bluffs and in all the neigH) oring communities to be Uiere. "The committee of the World' Zionist OrHundreds of members of the B'nai Jewish Press" doesn't want a single person in ill this section of the country to be anyganization and the administration, of B'rith lodge of Omaha, their families r where else but at Krug Park on Sunday, September 17. the Keren Hayesod have published and their friends will attend the picnic to be given by the lodge this Sunmanifestos addressed to Jewry in We tell you, dear reader, and we tell thetworld that this is to be "some" picnic day at Krug Park. general and to the, Zionists in particular, sending/forth a call to all The demand for additional tickets Deputy Mendelsohn Asks Polish MinThere never has been a picnic like it in-Omaha—and many months will come and Jews to rally. to the reconstruction Entrants in Double Tournament has been very large, members of the ister of War to Punish go before there wilt be another one to equal f t committee state. A party of pitof the Jewish Homeland. Assailants. Display, Much. Enthusiasm. nickers is coming from Fremont for The Zionist manifesto, after referRead this advance printing of some of ie attractions, and then you will agree RESIDENTS FLEE FROM AT- the occasion according to Sam Beber,' ring to the Basle program adopted GIRLS DOUBLES AND SINGLES with us: TACKING HORDES. chairman of the committee. by the First -Zionist Congress 25 TO BE FEATURED. years ago, says: Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—Charging Krug Park—exclusively for "Jewish Eresa^V picnickers. Neighboring Lodges Invited' "The League of Nations has unaniForty-eight .players are entered in that the attack on the Jews of Radun Members of Council Bluffs lodge mously recognized the Jewish peo- the YMHA men's doubles tournawas perpetrated by a Polish Cavalry and their friends are especially inAll amusement* devices running full blast to provide joy and merry-making ple's right to reconstitute their home ment, play in the first round of which Detachment of the 23rd Battalion vited as are also the members of the for everybody. in Palestine and has entrusted to started this week. .Both-this tournaGrodno Uhlans consisting of fifty Women's Auxiliary of Omaha lodge. Great Britain -the task of carrying ment and the men's singles, which is soldiers led by three officers, Deputy It makes no difference-if you're fat Games and froltc designed especially for Tickets for the roller-coaster will out this decision. now well on its way to the semiMendelsohn submitted an interpella- be issued without cost to members, as male or female, under 10 or over 60, dr thin, short or taH|- married, single or oth finals, has evoked great interest and tion in the Polish Diet inquiring will be tickets for admission to the contest, competition* or play planned in there win be some kind of a race, game, Basle Program Fulfilled. enthusiasm on the part of the Jewwhether the Minister of War knows ball-room and bathing beach. Admisybe you'll win one of the hundreds advance—especially for you. And, who can "By virtue of this act of interna- ish racquet.wielders of the city. the facts of this assault and whether sion to other-attractions will be sold of prizes. tional law, significant alike for. both he intends making an effort to ap-to members, at special reduced rates. The following teams will play oJf the Jewish people and the community, their matches in the doubles tourna~ prehend and punish the guilty. The There will be a plentiful supply of • Dancing—with a wonderful orchestra. of nations, the political aim. of the ment this week: Deputy drew a vivid picture of the cold drinks for all guests of the lodge Basle program has been fulfilled. The P. Feldman and. TV. Wesley play H. assault which took place on July 8. at the refreshment stand all day. And above all—EATS—all strictly Kosher. Jewish people now has a mighty, Farber and P. Goldstein; E. Sollg and The Cavalry Detachment, he stated, A complete program of games, racnoble task to create its home, not D. Robinson play R. Brown and H. entered Radun astensibly in search es and other athletic contests has NOVEL STUNTS AND UNUSUAL ATTRACTIONS. only for its own good, but also for Robinson; P. X.evey and E. Gerelick pl87 of men of military age. All males, been arranged to assure something and I. Shafton; A. Bablno-vrits and S: |the good of the land,.for. the welfare E. Beber play J. Cohen and.A. Konnn; M. including aged children were driven doing every minute of the day. AtWell tefl you abput them next week—ani^there is an awful lot to telli of its non-Jewish inhabitants and for and A. Green play It. Kooper and M. from the houses into the courtyard tractive prizes will be givei» the "winGreenberg; D. Beber and A. Handler play the advancement o fhumanity. «f the Synagogue. The- military ners. Indications are that this -will H. Zlec and A.-Chesno; D. and L. Format "The League of Nations has recog- play H. Kneeter and Al. Finkel; S. Eptrained the cannons on the town be one of the most successful picnized a Jewish agencyas a body-to stein qnd M. Altschnler play S. Bender while a group of soldiers was beating nics of its kind ever held locally. jjather the forces for and utilize and and A. Svortz; M. and B. Block play S. What we want to dp this week is just to tell you that^The Jewish Press" is going tnd clubbing with the butt of their Brown and L. Falk; J, Maikowitz and J. achieve this task. • • •• Prizes Offered to give a picnic—that we want you there—and? that we ask you not td make any other rifles those Jews who had been htrrdRosenitein 'play D. Chesno and I*. "Article IV of the mandate, reads: Konechy; Abe Finkel and J. Flelschman Special prizes will be awarded to engagement for thftt d&y- Now ed at the synagogue court. Those "'An • appropriate Jewish ' agency" play H. Fonnan. and J. Binstein; J. Grojf-bj»aien included a . seventy-five' year the man and woman securing the shall be rectfenized t as £a public body er . and . S. »Shapiro' play.' H.-v^vio; flgd REMEMBER THBiDATE txT old fcnanr eeueral boys at the age of greatest number of new members in > ^^ for the L-yL/Bi./.---.,^!^-^?--^ of advising and• „co-' . Kaimen. * fourteen and also a few women,. Mr. the lodge. SUNDAY; SEBaSlfflB^jIfcJfSBG^AgK Following-are :±he_scores J operating of Additional tickets may be secured,,, asserted. ' Palestine in such economic, social the second round at the B'nai B'rith lodge rooms in the All of the stodsholders and officers Of H i e Jewish Press Publishing Co.-ar» b±u Qie Jews^WerB^compelled to run and other-matters as^xnay affect the singles: Jewish Community Center, a n d t t of arrangements to see that everybody has a good time.' The cOmmittSe-conwith their hands up, being beaten on B. Rariti beat -M.Treller, 1—6, 6—1, establishment of the Jewish national the park entrance on Sunday. ftiiis of the following" men: Al. Finkel beat W. Wesley, 6—0, the way. They were then forced to home and the interests of the Jewish 6—1; H. Farber-beat J. Cohen 6—4. 8—fl; Following is a patrial list of the Stand in the courtyard holding their population in Palestine and, subject P. Gerelick b«»at J. Blnstein 6—1. 6—1; various games and contests that will Nathan S. Yaffe, Harry A. Wolf, K P. Feil, ." Henry Monsky; -hands up. Shops and houses were always to the administration, to as- M. Block beat S. Bender 6—1. 6—3; X. be features of the day's fun: Herman Auerbach, Hairy Malashock, H^urry Lapidus, ' I Sajn L^pn, looted during the search. The eightyKonecky beat 'F. Eevey B-^3; 6-^0; .sP. sist and take part in the development Goldstein Morris Levy, Harry B. Zimman. IVm. L. Holzman, Dr. Philip Sher, beat M. Green. 6-4. 6—3. three year old dignitary, Israel Mey- Bageltall.-r-UaTrted men vs. Bnclielofg. of the Country. 'Women Vs. GlrU. Samuel Schaefer, Saul Levey, er Cahan, known as 'Cheyfetz Chay- Baseball—Worried The following are matched in theBaseball—W'onwn vs. Men. fan," was dragged from his sickbed Fat Men's Race. third round of play: Zionists Recognized. Once again, these men ask you to plan now to .attend the "Jewish Press' picnic, B. fcavitB plays Al.- Finkel; H. Faroe* -and was about to be taken to the Sack Race. " 'The: Zionist organization, so long plays P. Gerelick; M. Block plays L. for EVERYBODY in Omaha and vicinity at courtyard •when members of his fam>- Boy and Girl WheelUnrreW nod as its organization and constitution Konecky; and I", Goldstein plays tbe winily interceded, sneceding in having Race Combined. ner of tbe Solig—Finkel match. in the opinion of the mandatory Marble Games, SEPTEMBER 17 ALL DAY KRUG PABK the old man left alone. Entries in the girPs singles and Shoe Bare. appropriate,. shall be recognized as Terror-stricken Jews huddled in the Ankle Tag, such agency. It shall take steps In doubles tournament have been excourtyard meantime proceeded to re- Gnecsing- Contests. consultation with His Britanic Ma- tended to 8:00 o'clock Saturday, eveSlipper Kick. cite the "Vidooy," or death-bed pray- Membership Contests. jesty's fcovernment to secure the co-ning, August 12, and are now being MAGYARS ATTACK BUDAPEST er. It was fully six hours before Ball-headed Men's Race. operation of all Jews who are willing received .at the YMHA office. Unless JEWS. superior officers arrived and upon Japanese Tag. • to assist in the establishment of the at least 15-more entries for the Budapest, Aug. 4. (J. T. A.)—Three inspecting the documents ordered the Hop, Skip and Jump. singles tournament are received beJewish national home.' Bmining Races. stabbed, one injured when thrown prisoners released. The Detachment Broad Jumps. "Fellow Jewsr we have been set a fore that time no matches, will be from-a fast-moving train, and a large Audience On finally left Radun at six in the evegreat and responsible task. At this held. Elaborate Program ..Given «t Cele- number of severe beatings is part of Speakers Addressed v ning. History And Growth Of solemn hour this call goes forth to bration. the harvest of yesterday's assault on all of you to mobilize all Jewish Synagogue. Des Moines, la.—The ne^r Bethel Budapest Jews by Scouts affiliated forces for the carrying out of the reJacob synagog, which is being erect- with the "Awakening Magyars" said construction of Palestine. These Over two hundred people ed at West Fifth street and Univer- to be led by Dr. Morvay, a secretary nessed the laying of the eorheitftone great enterprises and this great burof one of the ministries. Many Are in Bessarabia Waiting for sity Avenue, is nearing completion, den miist be borne in co-operation by of the new^Adass Yeshurim SynaThe Council of Jewish Women and Extensive Entertainment Program and,.will be ready for occupancy for One attack occured on KaiserbadFunds from America. the whble of Jewry. gogue at Twenty-fifth and Seward a number of women's patriotic organPlanned P«r Term. strasse, where Hungarians, shouting the holidays in the fall. "Zionists, we appeal to youtouse streets, Sunday afternoon. The izations of the city have made plans Bucharest. — Since 1919 tnofe The cornerstone of the new syna- foul names at Jewish pedestrians, fell chairman oi "the occasion was bring a series of five educational the four weeks separating us from than 100,000. Jews have escaped from Council Bluffs, la.—At a meeting upon them and beat them. the Jahesconferenz by exerting your of the local lodge No. 688 of the gog was laid Sunday at 3 p; m. An John Feldnwn. Rabbi M. N. Taxon films to be shown here five different Russia across the River Dniester into energies to "the very utmost. Let your B'nai B'ritK heia Wednesday evening, elaborate program consisted of spe- Part of the mob repaired to the and Mr. Harry- A. Wolf a«iresBed times at intervals of once a month, Bessarabia, and they continue to ardeeds and sacrifices show that the Harry Terlmeter, jjewly. elected pres- cial music and talks by "Rabbi ZeicHik, railway depot, preventing Jews from the meeting and told of the history beginning in October. These films rive at the rate of 3,000 a month. Of Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer. of Dea entering the cars. Stubborn Jewish great -moment has found the Zionists will be shown to immigrants for the this number there are about 40,0ti0 ident, appointed the •committees for Moines, and Rabbi Zarchy of Xouis- passengers .were forcibly'evicted from of the congregation. prepared. Gather new forces, secure purpose of Americanizing them in a refugees in Bessarabia, of whom 00 The synaeojufe, which wM'firtt orthe ensuing - term. "The Council Yille-, Ky. An address wag aleo made the station. Three of the passengers, new adherents, give your leaders the way so that they will become good per cent are living peacefully ^ith ganized six'years ago,, now has a Bluffs lodge, • according to the com-by Mayor Carl Garver. • Fleischauer, Winkler and Koen, remeans for the maintenance and delaw abiding citizens. membership «f (rfver forty *hd has friends, wafting for funds to go to stabbed. velopment of the Zionist Organiza- mittee, is planning for an extensive The synagog will be two stories sisted, and The films will pertain to the his-America.. The remainder!, who have Torcing their way into the cars, the! outgrown its quarters in entertainment program to be held tion. We are building upon your enhigh, largely Gothic in architecture. .„«_•!__ • IT— J i.i_ _ * •. - _ * . _ Hnil/iiTt*r n r t _ h&Vfi • made. ttltiC building nand~h*Ve plaaa to tory of the United States. no friends Jn the United States afld thusiasm, your sense of duty, your this fall. Plan's, are "also under way THe.building committee includes M^ roughs, compelled the engineer to build a much l»rget Jmild|fi^. , . Mrs. S. Nathan is chairman of the no funds, have found employment to hold, a picnic" in the* neat futttrei' drive tlffi traitf full speed, broke up feeling of- solidarity, your political Lapifen, H. Pinkelberg, Charles Fen-r Following- are the" officers of Ih immigration committee of the Council intelligence, your seriousness, your Following are the" members appoinfed berg1', AJ Sherman and'M. A. Haskell. the seats, using the broken furniture, synagogue: M. Zweibslmanj president; of Jewish Women. Mrs, Carl Furth either in Bessarabia or Rumania. : - Up until a year ago, the refugees the committees:"f' '" Officers of the1 synagog are:H. Tin- as clubsi then seized one Jewish pas-, labors, your promptitude and your is president of the organization. — . „ „ — „.«,._« Ben Iindenbwm, vice-presldeni^oe sen'ger and hurled him from the winescaping from the Ukraine Werfe very! e actions. By deeds and sacrifices alone Intellectaal kelberg^ president; A. Shermaq, vicea n t dow. 1 B e f o r e d o i n g that," h o w e v e r , t h e y j Kirschenbaum, , s e c r t t a r y ; A . R a c h badly treated on their arrival at Arthur Snyfler.. chairman; will the home be rebuilt." president; I. Adler,' treasurer; ajnd - Arthur Freiden, " Louis. H. Katelraan. J William Finkelberg, secretary. Trus- forced h i m t o r e p e a t three t i m e s , j m a n , t r e a s u r e r ; Chajs. F e l i m ^ i , J . "AGUDAH" EXPLAINS MANDATE Kirchniff by the local bankers, Who poicanda .Committee . declined to cash drafts issued jipon STAND. tees are F. Zarnow, M. Lappen and "Long, live H e j j a s , " t h e n a m e o f t h e j F e l l m a n a n d J* Micklin, <iustees. Henry Nathansou. chairman: ARABS PROTEST WHILE their firms in the United States, on ' Max' Stelnl)6r(r, notorious W h i t e Terrorist leader. j ^~~ "" London (J. C. B.)—The Agudah Julius Cohen. JEWS REJOICE OVER Jack Freiden. the pretense that the counterfoils had Israel did not insist upon the alterBethel Jacob Synagog was organPalestine Arab, to Strike COMMONS' VOTE Social Serrlee and Amerleanintibti*-* ' Jny Cliernlack. i-hairinau; ation of the text, of the Mandate, not been received. In this way these in 1885, first being located up- the railway gendarms arrived .only] Jerusalem. (J. TV A.)—News of Hnrry CbemlsB, after most of the damage had been nor did it demand postponement in bankers used the money sent from ^ at East Second and Ijocust -Arthur K l l the result of the Palestine vote-in,-.the Jerusalem. (J. % A.)—A jfeneral done.' ratification, Agudah leaders now de-America for three or four months streets. In 1894 the present bu(ld^ng Houii of Commons has been received strike of AT»P# in Palestine has bees O. Hochinan, chairman; while the unfortunate victims, to Lrouis H. Kutelmap. . . at East Second and Des Moines sts. ACHAD HA'AM SEES by tihfc Jewish population, with|dfgnir called by th*i Executive^^ Committee ot clare in a memorandum explaining whom it had been sent, were WalkMose Bernstein; ihe action of their • delegates ^during 4 purchased, and was dedicated in fied reserve in which the profouircftoy, Entertainment Commlttte— DIFFICULTIES IN j ' the Arab Conference, for the loih and ing about $he city with their fatnttiefc Sam Strinher'K, qhatrman; August, 1895, I. Goldberg was' presiIs unconcealed. The Jewish press hails ZIONIST TASK 14th of July, on the occasion df the the recent session of the Council of Simon Steinberg. almost starving with drafts for the League of Nations. They declare dent at that time. Va Chernlss • the decision of the House of ComJerusalem. ( J . T . A.)—The most. meeting of the League of Nations in $2,000 or $3,000 in their pockets. that they submitted a memorandum Hoapital— ""'• Charles Silberman will preside significant thing about the approval Paris on-July-15, which is. expected monjs, saying that the political sky as Sol Saltzman, chairman; The conditions were changed for deploring that any organization now'free of all clouds. v. afternoon. The chairman of ^ f o f the Palestine Mandate is the ac- to ratify the British Mandate for Pal- A. Gillnsky. : ' *• the better by the arrival of Max Orphan. Home— should exercise a monopoly over the Puzzled and depressed by the- oiit-1 'Cleveland various committees include Louis knowledgement thus accorded by the estine _ ' ' . : A A l t. h i A. Adelman, Joseph Lipahee. Will Free- nations to the S.ttu Snyder. come. Arab public opinion advises connection of Arif,f, Pasha- El Dejani,.chalririftn of Jewish Agency for Palestine. In view Grundhand in Bucharest twelvo e historic hs connecti j , ;chairman; months ago to open a branch of the. Publicity CommUtee , «teto, Seppj? 1. Silberman and Robert concentrating attention on the! powers the Jewish people with Palestine, ac- the Arabic Executive, has tendered of the "crucial moment" and the Public State Bank'of "Chicago. He Maurice TOlJIusky, chairman; Lapper. T necessity for a United front the of the Legislative Council in which cording to Achad Ha'am, the ceFe- his resignation /because the Nathan Kofrjr. " "h AMb Krasne. the Arabs are to have a majority and brated Jewish thinker" and writer. Delegation sent to L^dori to effect Agudah, it is asserted, merely asked found Jews who had escaped from which is to exercise considerable conLondon, Aug. 4. (J. T. A,)—-The "We have received only H»e ex- - changes in the British policy^ in P*ales- that an opportunity be given after the persecutions of the Soviets walkcial prayers emploring for devine aid draft of the Palestine constitution ternal possibility to work," Achad tine has been without succeps. The the' ratification of the Mandate to so ing about t*»5 streets t l the Rumanian trol over immigration to Palestine. A new protest against-the Declara- to end the Rusaian famine which had. will bejajd before the King at the-Ha'am writes. "Our position is exr majority of the BKecutlve, wWch reconstruct the Jewish Agency as to Capital wjth notes for thousands of tion and the recent Parliamentary de- grippea "the "'Jews of that country* council to be held next week- The trehiely • difficult The whole world failed to agree with the chairman that include representatives of all in- dollars in their pockets yet unable to : buy a loaf "of bread. The excuEe at cision confirming it, "has been broad- we're Teceittd Iff- all 'synagogues Miur« Aons'titutiqn will be contained; in an loolcs to see if w« ^arejready to further remaining of the .Delegation dependent Jewish world organizations casted by the Moslem-Christian Asso- ing the nint of Ab fast f 10rder in Coundr whJdi i$ to 're- ssacrifice in order'to attainr our nait useless, has decided fo interested - in • the- reconstruction of '-all" the" banW was, they hc!d ttot tfcjCeived the jidmccs. •/ ci&titm of Palestine. the instance of the Warsaw rabbis. ceive the king's sanctioiu ""**' Palestine. — • •> " - .* tional life." accept the resignation .
Final Rounds of Singles in Y.M.H. A. Tournament To Be Played This Week
Jewish Residents At Radon, Poland Assaulted By Polish Calvary Troops
Boxing Exhibition—Swimn^£Oontests
Lay Cornerstone Of New In Des Mbmes
Committees for Guuncil Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Appointed
Public Witnessed Laying oi Congregation Cornerstone
CooBcfl of Jewish Women to Show Scenes of Educational Films
Over 100,000 Jews L«?e
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRB^S TJiyBSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1922 Miss Sflverstein, of Chicago, HI., Ackermum Chaje, of {ameitown, N. 6hjrftont ftfeesrs. Sam Horn, Morris City, Mo. They vill be at home after ; who has been visiting at the home !D,, and their* son Arthur AcVermann, LiMnian, Lester Meyers, Morton Alp- September 1 with"t&« fcrides parents. of Mr. and Mr». Ben Warding, re•jjf New York City. rfn» Morris E. Jacobs of Omaha and turned this week. • Mrs. L, Levy of Chicago, 111., who Manny Rosenberg of New York City. Mr. and Mr*. Harry Finsod have Mr. Meyer Silberman of Des Moines. has been visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Morris Kubby, of Creston, I»., returned home from a two weeks moMrs. H. B. Nathanson and Mrs. Philip is visiting at the home of Mr. and tor trip to Davenport *nd CenterMany affairs were given during the Freidman, left last Thursday for her ville, la. past week in honor of the Misses home. She was accompanied by Mrs. Mrs. M. Richmond. Sadye Levy, Anne Horn and Baylia Mr. Sam Schwartz, of Kansas City, Mrs. John Bernstein, of Des Freiden and the Messrs. Louis Som- Freidman and son Lester. Mo., is visiting here this week. Moines, la* is visiting her parents, berg, Jarvis Freiden, Nathan E. JaMrs. A. Gilinsky and children Mr. and Mrs. H. Shapiro. cobs and Nathan E. Green, of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky IT* Mrs. Wiseman and daughters, of Miss Rita Mayer, of New York the house guests of the Misses Edith turned from a motor trip to Allen, Chicago, 111., are visiting with relaCity, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. and Anne gletsky. On Friday eve- Nebr. They were accompanied t>y tives here. Jos. Simon and Mr. Simon. Miss ning the Misses Anne and Edith Mrs, Philip Sherman, formerly Miss Slotsky entertained in honor of their Reva Gilinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer formerly lived in Lincoln. guests at a dancing party at their left last week for Chicago to be gone Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson and Mrs. M. S. Trope and gon, Marvin, home. Miss Edith Slotsky entertained ten dayg. of Lswton, Oklg., are spending the Saturday eve-iing for sixteen gnests family and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Finsummer in Lincoln visiting her pa- at a dancing party at Saunders. On kel motored to Schuyler, Nebr,, to rents, Mr. and Mr*. M. Cohen, and Sunday evening Miss Millie Peskin visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Ger- Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop her sisters, Mrs. A. Byson and Mrs. entertained in honor of the Omaha shun and family. Phono 104. Phil. Bysonguests at a dinner party at her home. Mrs, L. Friedman, and daughter, Hie Pest of Everything In Flowers *n4 the second. GoDfeetlOBi at Moderate Price*. Miss Johanna Garson entertained Miss Lillian Goldsmith entertained Miss Minnje, of Kantve City, Mo-, MA W. Broadway. Nftst Mtmvtjr Theater. for twenty couples, honoring the are at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Sam For there is no such thing as disliking a.whole nation, You 3t a bunco party Tuesday evening at COVNOIX. BLUFFS. IOWA. may dislike some of the most of its institutions; you m,ay fight her home honoring Miss Rose Gnjsh- Omaha guests, at a dancing party at Friedman. her house Monday evening. .against its army, But when, you say "I dislike that nation" you kin, of Sioux City, la., Mrs. Han,The B'nai B'rith held its regular Mr. Morris Mandelbanra and son, Ginsburg, of Eldorado, Ark., Miss are paying something incomprehensible. Miss Sadye Levy of Omaha is visitmeeting last night at the Danish For a nation is composed of millions of individuals. Within Morris, Junior, returned last Friday Goldie Arenson, of Sedalia, Mo., and ANNOUNCEMENT Hall. those millions there is infinite variety. And. unless you have met from a two weeks' outing at Lake Miss Norma Frosh, who is spending ing with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. Rev. E. Fleishman every member of that nation, an*d taken a dislike to him or her, VenniHon, Minn. The Misses Sadye and Bess Lipher vacation in Lincoln with her paThe Youn? Judea wiU hold its reg'THE MOHL." it is ridiculous to say; "I hate the nation," shitz entertained at a dancing party ular meeting Sunday. rents. Moved into his new home at Miss Rebecca Erman left Friday, It is ridiculous, but not immoral. It is a human weakness August 11th, for a two weeks' trip to Wednesday evening for fifty guests 1342 So. 25th Street, Mrs. James King, of Richmond at the Soo apartments, in honor of which you ought to combat, but for which you may not be reCorner of Woolworth Avenue. Mrs- Ben Harding will leave Satsponsible. It is a prejudice, and a prejudice is something with- Chicago, where she will yisit friends. Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. the Misses Anne Green, Sarah Faier urday for Saratoga for a visit TeL Atlantic 8637. ; out logic, something that you can seldom control. and Tillie Faier. Mr. and Mrs. A- Brody and sons, Krechefsky. What is the explanation of such a prejudice? Why do peo- Julian and Sidney, and Mrs. Meyer Mrs. Rose Goldftne left Sunday for Mr. Meyer Silberman of Des ple make that statement: "| hate this and that nation or people?' Brody returned to Des Moines Wed- Sioux City, la., where she will attend Moines, la., is visiting with friends There are numerous explanations. Perhaps that individua nesday after spending a few days at the Braviroff—Levich wedding. here. .happened to run up against some bad specimens of that nation- the Lakes. Perhaps he happehed to have an unfortunate experience with Mrs. J. Shapiro has' as her guests some of them. TPhey say that Ford became an anti-Semite be- Miss "/era and Phillip Gottstein of her niece, Miss R,ose Qrushkin, of. cause he. believes that Jaws fooled him on his famous peaee trip. Chicago, who have been guests at the Sioux City, la., and her sister-inBu| it is clear that to hate a people because of an incident in R. M. Propp home for the last few law, Mrs. S. of Omaha. BERLINT—FRIEPMAN wevkg, have returned to their home. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Shapiro enwttjeh a few of its members were involved is ridiculous. The marriage of Miss Shirley ;• O Grperhaps the ^Mke. is an artificially instilled one. p h p s he (JisUliQ in y d n PerP r The Jewish Mothers' Alliance held tertained informally in hono"r of her Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .$he. person in Question has heard repeated so often: '•Thi their regular monthly meeting Wed- guests. Only FivQ More Days of the Don Friedman, to Mr. Hyman BerJlftt n is a nation of.ihiey§g," "That nation is a natipn of nig mg- nesday, August 9, at the Jewish Com- Mr. Ben Simon and Harry Simon, Jint, son of Mrs. A- Freed, took place firarqj," thai; the mm repetition of the senseless remark took ef< munity Center. The business meetChart- Up Sale fejj^-juit as repjtition in advertising takes effect without proof. ing was followed by a social hour, who have been touring Europe, ar- Sunday evening at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Or perhaps the dislike is. Quite unanalysable, like many of and refreshments were served. rived in New York Saturdaygvery summer suit and every fancy pattern our human motives. Mrs. Robert Arenson returned Sam Cohen. Rabbi M. N. Taxon offiwool suit from our spring stocks must be sold ciated. The Misses Marion and Reva However that be, such a diglike is human and forgivable Misses Sara and Minnie Friedman home Friday after spending three at eiiGe-^»nd they're gaing fast-^-don't delay. It should be combated, as a weakness, as a threat to one's in- and Miss Jeanette Lutz have returned months in Portland, Ore., where she Cohen were the bridesmaids. Messrs. Jay Hurwich and Morris Goddsdiner t§lUgenaev But as long as human beings are what they are, they from a two weeks' vacation trip to went to attend the marriage of her ,-^The sale price for Genuine were groomsmen. The couple left on mu.§t blamed for such characteristics. Palm Beach Suits worth Minneapolis. daughter, Cecile, to M/. Jacob Geb- a wedding trip to St. Joe and Kansas 815,00, Diilike of the Jew, or anti-Semitism, is one of these r. ^ _ stein, of Seattle. Wasn., and to visit djces or weaknesses which has recently suffered a sudden growth. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Winnick left her daughter, Mrs. David Cohen and =-for Mohair, T r e p i e a l Monday morning on a motor trip to It is regrettable, for to §ay "I dislike Jews," it is a sign that one's Worsted and finest |20.00 Colorado. They will spend si$ or son, Arthur Leonard. intelligence has been mastered by one's prejudice. Palm Beach Suits. But it is not unmoral. There are so many human weakness- eight weeks touring the West, and Miss Minnie Greenstone enteres, and all of us have such a goodly share of them, that we have are planning to camp out along the tained fo.«r tallies of bridge Thursday no right to be severe on any one who Buffers from this particu- way. penheimer fine M o h a i r evening complimentary to Miss lar variety. iBnd Tropical Worsted Esther Arenson, Miss Rose Grushkin, Mrand Mrs, Leon Gpadman But the wrong comes in when people permit this weakness returned, from a ghoit trip to Chica- of Sioux City, la., and Miss Goldie guits WBrth $30.00. to master their sense of justice. And they can do this in two go. Arenson, Sedalia, Mo. Entire Stock of. Jews as a whole. Instead of Mrs. Mary Gottstein and son, The Ivre Club gave a picnic at )? to *"*$&* Jews, which is natural, t though absurd, a man Hirsch, of Chicago, accompanied by Brace's Park Sunday afternoon and! | to a r. The Jews are disloyal, the Jews are swindlers, the Mrs. E..M. Propp of_this^city, mo- evening. About forty couples atFancy Pattern -will say: .,; >emoney-hunters," M'hich is unjust as well as absurd. tored to St. Joseph, Missouri, Mrs. tended. J ews_are money That too is another human weakness. Men dislike a thing Gottstein was formerly Miss Mary Spring Suitf Mrs- John Bernstein and sons of T h t t i causes, and then find reasons beyond his con- Sheffel of this city. ior- unanalysable Des Moines, Ion a, are visitors at the trol, and then, to justify his state of mind, attributes to the woman all sorts of virtues and graces whieh nobody else can see. In Miss Liljian Fisher and Miss Yetta home cf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sizes for All Men. th,e same way when we desire to do something for obscure rea- Caplan have returned from a two, Joe Shapiro, and also her «feter Mrs, 1 FOR EVERY HOME sons, we set about finding the m.0§t farfetched justifications weeks' outing at Clear Lake. I All Price,—We Have Yours. Max L IQl" }v> Pantft-^now 8 3 . 5 0 The Aleph Aleph club held a midNow it does not matter, or it matters little, when you praise summer Sunday evening at 18x18 §200 SIOUX CITY a person undeservedly, because you happen to like him. But it the Jewishmeeting Community Center. Plans Pric«» of otb«r size* RS request. is ja serious immorality to slander someone because you dislike were discussed for a large carnival BRAVIROFF—LBVICH I other entertainment to be given So that, if you should uhappen' to dislike a nation, the most or Over three hundreds relatives and within the ne*t few weeks. have a right to say tf: l dislike that nation," Even that is friends attended the wedding of Miss & Wrecking Co. 1 Q Miss Frances Cohen and Miss j Esthyr Levich, daughter of Mr. and s| Lumber 12V But n it• is Jinfinitfilv more ™ wrnnor +n let lof your Trn.i-u dislike .J<BWI,~ lead i«_ J v«n iw« _n * ^ ™°p ns to 00511IGT 4PPABEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN s 24th and Burdette St». Flprence Gottlieb have returned from Mrs, H. Levich to Mr? Harry Bravi- •T you into alle c sorts of extravagant and unprovable aceusationa. WEbster SS55 nd B ? t ° . " " i " ? ^ way in whieh aj»ti»Semitism finds vent^, Chicago, where they have been roff pi Omaha, Sunday evening at the vicious than spending their vacationHebrew Institute. Rabbi H. Koppstein bound up with the Jews Mildred Chapman returned of this city and Rabbi Martin pf New to one's last week from Mason Cjty, where York City officiated at the ceremony. Th? bride had ajs her maid of honor y «fc y u must. 'if you them, Do not asJert to all ghe has been spending the summer. Miss Rose Shafton of Omaha. Mr. ^ Wiwat and i and Eight TaWubawis Ca.mpfire Girls Leo BravirefC, brother of the groom? they are an inferior people, or a superior g will leave Sunday, Awffust 13, for acted a s best ft Wi this and that The Messrs. BarM? iu unpleasant char. Camp Hantesa, at the Ledges, near ney Rubel, Nathan Levich, Archie; y m m b d r i d * Baone, Iowa, for a week's outing, Kroloff, Harry GoJdblatt. Lester is human Heeger and Harry Alprin avted as y that wiUand forgivable. Mr. Jamieson is leaving for a ushers. Little Marcella Leyich acted two weeks' vacation trip to Chicago. as flower gjrl, while little Elaine Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shloss have re- Mushkin acted as ringbearer. Following the wedding the newlythe opinion that the time had come, turned from a trip in the Canadian weds left for an extended wedding Roekies, the major part of their especially in America, when women's Women are now eligible to become service in the synagog md to Juda- time being spent in horseback riding trip and will make their home in ra,hbi«, according to an innovation ism generally should be rewarded by at .Field, Canada, at Banff, and at Omaha after September 1. Among the out of town guests that attended made by the Hebrew Union College of giving them all the recognition that Lake Louise. the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. M. opening deposit tHat Cincinnati, the only school in Amer- the other sex possesses. Mushkin of Odabpde, Ja.,Mrs, E. Jaica fox the education of reform rab-r A minority of the faculty thought starts a savings account— cobs, Mrs. M; Green, Mrs, E. Meyfers, bis. Arrangements are now being otherwise, This section of the faculMr. and Mrs.'Ernie Meyers, Mrs, B. made at the College to accept young ty, it iB said,.v,as .Jed by Proi. J, Q. the first dollar—is the founwomen as applicants for admission, taviterbach. Because of thip division The marriage Of Mis,s Anna Golddation upon which you can following the approval of this step of opinion pf the faculty the Board of of Des Moines, la-, to Mr- Aly e Boad f , a, made at the Central Conference of HOUSEKEEPER WANTED to build an enduring structure Governors sqaght the. opinion of the care fop man of about 60. American Rabbis, at their annual ses- Central Conference of American Rab- bert Arenson, pf this city, took place Good home %nd good pay. Box sion held last month "qfc flape $Lay, bis, which includes virtually all the in Oniaha Tuesday morning. for future happiness, peace 644, Jewish Press, or call Ja. Nt J» CHERNISS—ARENSON 2372. rabbis who are officiating in. the \\\>r of mind, and financial The marriage of Migs Esther ArenCredit for this action muBt b> given, eral Jewish pulpits and members oJ Miss Martha Neumark, nqw a student the profession who are in son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry independence. h College, daughter of Prpfessor cognate fields, All of the alumni pi Arenson, to Mr. David Cherniss, of at the Bluffs, Ja-, will take Pavid Neumark of the faculty, Wom- the Hebrew IJnion College are memTuesday evening, August 15. en have almost from the first days of bers of "the poivference.'. 9 ^ ^ furnished the college been enrolled aa students At the cpn|erence GOULD—HUFFMAN room in Jewish home. Call Cape The boy who *fim* ^ in Bpedal course but none has eve? May Prof.' Announcement has been made of the. oppp,At. 6065. save* will succeed" been permitted to graduate as a rab-. ie. principal objection being the marriage of Mr. Morris Gould, hi. Miss Neumark, who has had. that the ordination of women as r»b* formerly of Lincoln, to Miss Celestine strong rabbinical aspirations,- finally bis. was in opposition to the "practices Huffman, of Kansas City, Mo. Mr. succeeded in arousing to a definite-do-j o{ Jewry in the past" and theifeel ings arid/Mrs. Gould are visiting relatives FURNISHED ROOM for Bent cision the proponents of the-plan of the,majority' of .world 4ewry at in th"?\.city. They will make their present. hom'e'in Xansas City. for man ct girl. Call Webamong the faculty and Board of Gov7 ster 6664 or call at 8586 SewFftrn*m«t *7tb Street Those whq favored the innovation? ernors of the College, who have had Miss'VRaie PoBka left Sunday for ard St. the subjects under discussion for the • however, • referred to the significant D«nv«» mid Colorado Springs to be Capital and Surplus changes that reformed Judaism has past year. ' wrought in traditional Judaism, and gone several weeks. Realizing the Importance of the insisted that the ordination of women \ MB5.-Ifirsh Fogelson and MISB Doidea and the value of the arguments rabbis was less radical than any of Fogelson left - Tuesday for FOR RENT-^-Two well fur* advanced of vhe important part wom- the other changes that thg last half Sioux City, la. lushed rooms 'in West Faxv en are playing in Jewry's affairs at century has seen introducednam District. Married CpUple present, the board sought advice from The opponents were forced to admit Mr. a and Mrs. M. Actyirmann had »* preferred. Call Harney 8911. had »* the. faculty. A majority Q' the learned i t di tyma " the wqmen thf" Mrs. past Elsie' two. t without being men composing the faculty were of j that had played an important part ra,bj>is, in the $h,ei,r weeks,gPigts their during daughter, affairp of intrenetlonal and particular-' lyf'Xfoeirtciv Jewry recently. Anipn^ the other i»Jgn» bf progress made by pobjlihed fTPr? Thursday at Omsb*. Nebntka, by women wai» Oiat they are now counted THE JEWISH PRESg . PUBLISHING COMPANY. in the number required fdx a Jewish Brenriell? Theatre Building.—Telephone; JacksQp 3872. Officp: servjee; wjiich until recently was not the calse." They teach in' the religious NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. schools; they sing in the choirs. Their EDITORIAL BOARD: sisterhoods are active adjuncts to the DR. PHILIP SHER. congregations. They not only are adHENHY MON8KY, J3AMUEL H. SCHAEFER, mitted to membership in Jh§ congreSubscription Priw. one year.,,,,r,,1,m,I,,,..,..«M,,,M,.i.iwtM.,i. gations, but are.frequently found in • ' Advertising ra^a furnished on application. ______ the Beard pf Trustees, it was pointed out also that women have been known NOT PRINTED FOR PER8ONAV PROFIT—ProfltB "from the publicato occupy pulpits in cases of emertion °J The Jewish PreM ar* to be given to worthy communal cansei. gency. CBANG1 Of i.DDUH8S-.PI««M gjw botb tbe old as* mm »««««•; bf sure apd «!|P roar DUM. After a prolopged debate on the subject, the conference declared that "In view of these Jewish teachings, ANTI-SEMITISM, COMMON SENSE AND JUSTICE. and in keeping with the spirit of our When a man says J "I dislike the English," or "I disjike the age, we declare that women can not French," or, "I dislike the Germans," he. is saying something justly be denied the privilege of orwhich is ridiculous in the first ptacs, and nest to meaningless in dination."
"DON'T DELAF $15.00
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$12.50 $32.50
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PRESS ]mUR3pAy t AUGUST 10. 1922 ENGAGEMENTS . | Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein will Miss Ella Gr~-Es>, of Lansing, Mich.,1 Mrs. A. Pradell entertained at cow, secretary; Betty Fine, assistant Delegation, the Emir Shekebar asMr, and Mrs. Joseph I. Margolin j be af home Sunday evening, August arrivec Saturday IT visit for several- luncheon at the Athletic CJub in ,2cretary; Bess Handler, reporter; serted tnat he attached no importance. announce the engagement of their j 13, to receive their friends from weeks with her flints, the Misses Eva honor of her mother, Mrs. H. Zieg- ( Sam Beber and Phil Gerelick, serto the decision, and that Syria intenddaughter, Mary, to ttr. Max Mo*er». seven to eleven in honor of the enrand Rose Gladstone, man, who is leaving for Washington, geant-at-arms. Plans are under way ed to become independent in spite of son of Mr. and Mrs. l/L, L. Mozer, of gagement pf their daughter, Miss Mr. David Green returned Sunday D. C-, to visit her daughter, Mrs. S. j to hold a banquet in honor of the it Lincoln, Nebr. No date has been set Seiphye, to Mr. Max Fromkin. Mr. The farewell reception to the Arab after a ten days business trip at Chi- L. Wasserman, and Mr. Wasserman. baseball team. or the wedding. Morris Fromkin, of Milwaukee, Wis., Delegat.on arranged by the National cago, III, Mrs. A. Gr-eenberg entertained at a will arrive in Omaha Sunday to atARABS TO PROTEST Political League which welcomed the BAVITZ—OLAND bridge luncheon Tuesday at her home Miss Inna Gross, who is in charge tend the reception. A number of othMr. and Mrs, I. Klein and family MANDATE DECISION Delegation to London several months Over four hundred friends and re-of the practice louse in connection er out-of-town guests are expected to have returned from a two weeks stay complimentary to her mother, Mrs. London. (J. T. A.)—Undismayed ago, was attneded by a number of latives attended the wedding of Miss With the domestic science department arrive the latter part of the week to M. Kog-en and her aunt, Mrs. B. Gerat Colorado "Springs and Denver, Colo. by the decision of the Council of the anti-Zionist-Lords and M. P.'s, include Molly Oland, daughter of Mr. andat the University of Michigan, is attend the reception. man, of Minneapolis, Minn,, who are League of Nations approving the Mrs. M. Oland, to Dr. Sol E. Ravitz, spending several weeks with Omaha Mrs. A. Scheebtman, of Chieago, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. British and French Mandates for Pal- ipg Lords Sydenham and Islington. 'son'"of .Mr. and Mrs. S. Ravitz, of relatives, Miss Gross was formerly Mr. Nat Wright, of Springfield, D.I., III., formerly Miss Elsie Stern, of this H. Greenberg. estine and Syria, certain Arab leaders this city, on Sunday evening, August a household arts teacher at Central who has been motoring from there city, arrived the latter part of last have expressed an intention to con- "The Jewish Press" in every Jew> Miss Charlotte Hirschberg enter-; 6, at the Blackstone Hotel. Rabbi H. High ScjiooL is visiting at the home of bis parents, week to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hartinue their demands for "independ- ish home in Omaha. tained eix tables of brides Monday Grodinsky officiated. The bride had Mr. and Mrs. George Wright He ry Stern for several weeks. evening in honor of her house guest, ence." as her attendants her sister, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S. Yaffe and will be here for two weeks. This form of intransigeance made Miss Pauline Newman, o | Chicago, Miss Annette Silverman, of Chicago, Omaha's Ideal Vacation Spot. Jtelle Oland, Miss Molly Ravitz, sis- children returned Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Grace Goldstone, of Kansas HI., is the guest of her sjfter, Mrs, 111,, and Mies Louise Schoenberger, itself particularly felt at the luncheon ter of the groom, and Mrs. David from Sioux City, la., where Mrs. BOATING, BATHING, also of Chicago, formerly of this city. tendered in honor of the Syrian DeleCohen. The grooms attendance were Yaffe and children spent a week with City, Mo., is visiting with her parents, Edward Brown, and Mr. Brown. F I SHING, DANCING. gation. Deploring the League's DePriaea were won by the Misses Jea»his brothers, the Messrs. Dave and friends. Mr. Yaffe joined them the Mr. and Mrs. Morris Meyer. Mrs. H- Shapiro has as her house nette Marcus and Louise Schoen- cision, Mr. Al Husseini, chairman of Picnic Grounds Harry Ravitz, and Mr- David Cohen. latter part of last week. Miss Esther Berlovich, of guest Miss Harriett Bernstein, of berger. the Palestine Arab Delegation to Chicken Dinner Country Style The ughgrs were the Messrs. Ben London, declared that he was not disA daughter was born Sunday to Moines, la., who has been visiting Portland, Ore. A number of affairs Ravitz, Harry Oland, Irving Steinwith Miss Esther Zalk, returned to are being given for Miss Bernstein. Miss Annette Leib was hostess to couraged by the ratification of the Mr. and Mrs. A. Weirer a* the Methberg, Paul Steinberg, Louis Nathan, her home yesterday. Mrs. Shapiro entertained at a danc- the members of the Acabado Cellta Palestine Mandate, his intention being Mike Chasson, L. Whitebook, and odist Hospital. Mrs. W«=iner was ing party Thursday evening for eight at her home Wednesday. to carry the appeal against the Counformerly Miss Anna Greenbsrg. Mr- F. Kropman, of Mason City, la., couples at her home in honor of her Moe Steinberg. Little Miss Helen cil's decision to the next meeting of Ken. 4S07—F6 Messrs. Herman Levin and TheoMrs. B. FinkeJ. of St. Joseph, Mo., will arrive Sunday to be the guest of visitor. The Misses Betty and Rose Whitebook was the flower girL the Assembly of the Leagne of NaFive Miles North of Florence Fine entertained eighteen guests at dore Runfdorf, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,tions on September 3rd at Geneva. Among the out of town guests were and son, Lester, are vititing with Mr. and Mrs. S. Guttman. Rates Reasonable and Messrs. Hyman Davidson and Mrs. A. Hertwnan, and children, Na- Mrs. Finkel's sister, Mrs. M. Finkel, Phone for Reservations. Speaking on behalf of the Syrian Miss Minnie London, of Fremont, bridge Saturday afternoon compli- Norman Chapmtn, of Des Moines, la., omi and Melvin, of St. Louis, Mo.,and Mr. Finkel. Nebr., is visiting with her grand- mentary to Miss Bernstein and Miss were the guests Wednesday of Mr. Blanche Altman, who has just reMary Dockterman, of Davenport, la., pMr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Lohrman mother, Mrs. F. London. turned from an extended trip to Calir and Mrs. J. EL Rulakofsky, having Mr. L. Finer, of Livingston, III,, Miss Mrs. Nathan Korte and children fornia. Prizes were won by the Misses motored here from Des Moines, Dpekterman, of Davenport, la. returned from Sioux City, where the former two were the la., after visiting wkh relatives aiid returned Sunday from a month's va- Annette Fanger and Ethel Reuben. S Louis, i Miss Nettie Goldstein, of St. guests of Mr- and Mrs, S, Davidson. friends for the past ihre.5 weeks. cation at Lakecrest, la. M°., Mr. Sol Brodkey, of Los AnMr. Joe Bonoff has returned from geles, Calif., formerly of this city, Miss Dorothy Zuoker entertained YM AND YWHA NEWS. Mrs. A. Herzberg returned Tues- a buying trip in New York City. Mrs. Rubenstein and Mrs. Mandel? twelve girls at a bridge luncheon day from Atlantic City and New A refular meeting of the YM and son, of Chicago, 111. Dr. Kangeser, Sunday afternoon in honor of. Miss York City. Mr- and Mrs, H, Gerber have taken the YWHA was held Monday eveand Mrs, S. J. Malashock, of St, Jo Marie Racusin, whose marriage takes ning at the Jewish Community Cenan apartment at the Milton. seph, Mo. Mrs. Sam Goldstein returned to her place Sunday evening. ter. Election of officers for the ensuMr. R. Kulakofsky and daughters, ing term took place. The following Dr. Ravitz and his bride left for an home ii. Missouri Valley, la-, Monday Miss Beatrice Grawoig, fiance of after visiting with Mr. Goldstein's Bernice and Reva, returned Thursday were elected: Fred White, president; extended trip to the Pacific Coast and Canada. They will be* at home Mr. Nate Sherman, returned Satur- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A- Goldstein. from Lake Okoboji, where they spent lva Siegel, vice-president; Anne Seliseveral weeks. Mrs. Kulakofsky and aftej September 1 with the grooms day to her home in Chicago, 111., after parents with whom they will reside visiting with her sisters, Mrs. A. H. Miss Anne White entertained at son, Earl, who were with them at the Diamond, and- Mrs, Jess Pregier for luncheon Tnesduy &t the Brandeis Tea lakes, will remain there for two weeks temporarily. is exactly th« rooms for the Misses Blanche Altman, longer. the two months. l i n e sise. who returned the latter part of last FBEDKIN—KOSOWSKY (5 feet 7 inches) Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman and Dr. J. N. Lande and sisters, the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kosowsky children left Saturday for Lake Oko*- week from an extended trip to the Western Coast, Elinore Schrayer, of Misses Grace and Rose, returned Satat tke style M announce the marriage of their boji. urday evening f rom a several w*eks Chicago, 111., and Estelle Lapidus. daughter, Rose Lillian, to Dave FredSTEINWAY motor trip to Colorado. Mr, and Jqj?, which took place Sunday at the Mrs. Simon Galitzki and children, Mr. Benno Zucker arrived Friday Mrs. Abe Skaloeky, of Denver, Colo., We claim the Kurtamann to be the very greatest piano valnt b home of the bride's parents, The of Topefca, &ans., eire visiting with from Berlin, Germany, and is at the accompanied them to Omaha to be the world today. It hai the proper length of string, most !*• young couple are on a honeymoon Mrs. Galitzki's mother, Mrs. Fannie home of his brother, Mr. N. Zucker, their guests for several weeks. Bponsive action and a depth and character of tone quauty that trip to Chicago and will make their Greenberg. whom he has net seen for thirty is delightful. Buy a Kurtzmann and sara $475. home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs, A, Bonoff have moved years. Mrs, Sam Mandelbaum will enterinto their new home at 4811 Farnam Many fine musicians now using the Kurtzmann right h>re in Omaha. tain the members of the Priscilla Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Symons, for- St. EOSENBLUM—SCHANFARBER Club at her home Thursday after- merly of Chicago, 111., have taken an : The marriage of Miss Evelyn neon, August IT. OLD PIANOS TAKEN IN TRADE Mr. Joseph Meyer has returned apartment at the Hunter Inn. Schanfarber, daughter of Mrs. from a business trip to Memphis, Schanfajbet, to Mr, Max Rosenbjum Mrs, M. Gross will return Sunday Mp Lillian Harris entertained 419 South took place Sunday, August 8, at "Chi Tom a month's stay at Excelsior twelve couples at a dancing party at jTenn. 16th and 16th St. cago, HI, Rabbi Schanfarber, uncle Springs, Mo. Miss Minnette Gross, her home Tuesday evening compli1301 Douglas Street. Miss Clara Schreibman returned Howard Omaha, Net. of the toride, ?f!&d the marriage lines, who was with hep mother at Excel- mentary to Miss Petty Zelinsky, of Thursday after spending several ATlantic 6970 Mr. Hesenlrtum and hjs. bride are now sior Springs, returned last week. Sioux City, la-, who js visiting friends wqefcs at Cheyenne ,Wyo-, with relaon an eastern honeymoon trip. Up-; tives and friends. Miss Bertha Leon entertained Sun- a.nd relatives here for a week. on theiiuretarn ±hay.will make their day afternoon at her home for the A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Miss Betty Seliasky, who is visithome in Lincoln, Nebr. members of the Ra Oth Society and Mprris Lipp Thursday. Mrs. Lapp was ing here from Sioux City, Ja., is beMiss Louisa Schoenberger, of Chi-formerly Miss Rose Newman. ing extensively entertained. Miss cago, who is visiting with her sister, Charlotte Brookstein was hostess at Hi, and. Mrs, H, Racusin "announce, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubenstein will a dancing party Thursday evening. the marriage of their daughter, Ma= Mrs. J. Berkowita, Miss Esther Berovich, of Des Moines, la., who hasleave Saturday evening for the east. Eight couples were present. Miss Ida rie, tg Mr, David Blacker, son of Mr, heejn visiting with Miss Esther £a They will meet Mr. and Mrs. Harry j Minkin entertained Tuesday at a and M M , I, Blacker, of this city, Miss Annette Silyerman, of Chicago, Wilinsky in New York City, from bunco party for Miss Selinsky. A which will iake place Sunday eveill,i who is visiting with Miss .Lottie ning, August 13, at the home of the, Hirschberg, and Mrs. F. Madeaback, which place all will motor baek to prize was won by, Miss Dena Goldstien. bride, Only the immediate relatives of Pittsburgh, Pa., who is visiting Omaha about September 1. Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America of the couple will attend. Rev. E, with Mrs. D. Frankel. Prizes were an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. Fleishman wjll officiate. Won by Mrs. Tollman Kaplan, and the Misses Lottie Hirschberg, Libby From framework to window mouldings the body is built Mj. and Mrs. J. Crounse, Jr., an? and Mrs. J. M. Malashock. of steel It is the first all-steel closed oar ever marketed. nounct the birth of a baby son born Tuesday, August 1, at the Methodist This design anticipates every possible requirement of Mrs, J. Rabinovitz, of Oakland, Tel.: Webster. 3196 1552 North 20th St. B i f i " ' commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness— !a!if., who has been visiting with her H. MARKS. REV. L. LEVINSON, MohL Onueual grace—unusual stamina. It has njade it possible Frederick Cohn returned mother, M?S. §>. Novitsky, for the We handle the BEST MEATS that money can buy. to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel f?on» ^ nwmth's trip past three months, returned to her Alsa the FINEST DELICATESSEN. W? catnfurnish Colm, who ac-home today, Prior to returning to everything fer weddings, and brissan. Also everything finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long e.&8t, for picnies, but the weather. father, i§ etUl visiting her hofnf Mrs, Rabinovitz will visit been famous. in Denver, Colo., ajid Los Angeles, in the east. I WHEN YOU WILL BUY QNCE YOU WILL COME AGAIN. Calif. The upholstery is of genuine leather—leather tiwt We give special attention to country order. Mi§8 SBth Bernmn entertained We pack R I G H T , and ship in T I M ? . Miss ftuth Wiptraub entertained wash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable. h h e p Saturday evening a f three at her bome Tuesday afternoon at a Carrying compartments are accessible and spadou*. The tables of whisc in honqr of Miss Nina birthday party in honor of Mis§ An^ car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, ^hoetak, of Lincoln, Nebr., who is vis- nette Leib. The afternoon was spent windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, andievery iting with Miss Herman, in playing bunco. Prizes were won other appointment necessary to the owner's Mies Esther Kesseiman, of Newark, by the Misses Dorothy Reuben, Gerand protection. N. J., wlil arrive Sunday to be thetrude Romm, and Celia Gidinsky. houBe guest of Miss Jennie Pitlor for Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tearaf three weeks. Miss Pitlor will entereveryday use, it retains the Bame lightness and beauty of tain thirty couples at a dancing party line which you are accustomed to look for in. Dodge Wednesday evening, August 10, at the Hanscom Park Pavillion in honor Chiropodist and Beauty Brothers cars. * pf Miss Shop
Social, Club and Religious Activities
H' t
This Beautiful, New Style M
Mr. Sol, Brodkey has returned from California and is anxious to meet all his friends at his store D
A BusiNes5
The price /s $980 / . o. A. Detroit
Mr. David Rqse.nstock returned Saturday morning from a three month's trip to Europe. Mr. iEose •tcck viBited with hi§ parents Jn Germany.
• Miss Rosaline (Goldstein entertained ten at a theatre party Tuesr 4ay afternoon in honor of .Miss Elitfore Schrayer, of Chicago, I1L
The Walashock Jewelry Ce.
Diamond and Platinmr} Speelaiists
By •'service" we mean not only prompt, accurate work by our operators, but courteous business relations, speedy repairs, accurate bills—in short, complete satisfaction in ^our every dealing with us.
* io%* Dogre Street. Establishes 1894. DO urias
We believe that we are giving good sarvice; bill we-realize,that our service is good only if
Harry H. L»5!<io».
it satisfies our patrons,
Omaha Fixture& Supply Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil B.osenstock. of Sioux City, la., spent, thewsek end. here i s " tha guests l>£ Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rosrsnstock.
The men and women^rhp make up the; organization of the Northwestern B^U Telephone Copip^ny »rc doing thfir best to give a service that w»U be thoroughly satisfactory to telephone users.
MisB Louise Schonberger has beeji visiting her sister, Mrs. J. BerkowitE. Miss • Schonberger. formerly of thif (jity, is now living in Chicago. Mrs.-D. B. Gross and children, -faave been spending the summer tjhe seashore in New Haven, Conn., returned Sunday morning, : The Misses Yetta arid Esther Nathan will entertain the members of the Ba Oth Society at their home. Sunday, August 20.
It is the Business Coupe which business world over have been expecting—from Dodge Brothers,
Established 1890 lfith and Bawnrr Htroets.
Miss Ruth Bernstein has as her house guest Miss Jennie Wolf, of Lincoln, Nebr., who arrived Monday evening to remain here for some time.
If oqr service does not Mtisfy yon in every way, we shall appreciate jt greatly if y o l «H let us know.
We occupy 70,000 matte feet Southwest Corner »Pd llouchu Streets. OMAHA,
' • * *
. V^
t*» urns •»» i i w
Educational Department !l!illlllIIIIUIIUIIIIIIIUIIIinillllllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllilllIII!U!IlllllllIHllllllllllll||[|jlil||||IUI^^
also prompt us, and with the sub-] ject of the gratitude of all the nations of the earth towards the Jews COAL - COKE - HARDCOAL for immeasurable benefits received. I want now to d#eal briefly. I want MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON to state why I believe that the na- ' Telephone' Office Jackson 0268 tions of the earth are under a heavy -^ 209 South 18th, Street NEARBY COMMUNITIES. debt of gratitude to the Jews and CHOlCS FITIST MORTGAGE REAL ESTA.TE BONDS. Brilliant D e f e n s e o f J e w i s h Race o n Floor o f C o n g r e s s ;;|| why they, should all co-operate in the reestablishment and maintenance of P. MELCHlbBtS & SON New York Congressman's Eloquent Speech in Favor r a homeland in Palestine for the Jews, MACHINE WOBK5 of Palestine Homeland Resolution and in doing this I must of necesINVESTMENT SECURITIES Industrial «h«l Antomoti*» Machinists. (Reprinted from the Congressional Record of July 6. 1022.) - Carburetor and'UnltlonJlepalrs. sity attempt to define the just cause Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. is now with-the Starter Bine Gear* for A a to Fir Wheels of gratitude and to describe the real 417 South 15th 8tr*et. »n»»t»t»mnnim?i»»i OMAHA SIGN CO. Telephones Jackson tOBO attributes of true greatness. I ours where they go and where they I -respectfully submit, my col(Continued from Last Week) stay ? Who are the Jews, anyway, leagues, that, the true benefector of Y o u r position is Palestine is about the size of Bel mankinds the really great character gium, which has a population of 7,that they should be claiming the DAVENPORT. DOUGHNUT correct, and should 600,000. If the plans of Rottenberg s P e c i a l attention of the congresses of history, is not necessarily-the king , ' > COMPANY. r. be s u p p o r t e d by BRAND for the redemption of the barren and and parliaments parliament of the nations of on the throne, who, perchance, may UNDERTAKERS "BISMASICKS.! CARK "AND SCGAR every fair minded earth. have nothing upon a brainless head -DOUOHNT/TS OVTR SPBCIAI.TI. waste" placesof the'country around MOVED TO person. We Deliver, the-Real Goods. Jerusalem, through electrification and| m My reply is that the Jews are thebut a tinsel crown, nor the vulgar . . --MM CPMINO —Phone Webster 0048 irrigation, by utilizing the waters of ost extraordinary people that ever conqueror on the field of battle the-' Jordan and the Yarmuk are sue- inhabited this earth and that they whose only title to greatness may be' cessfiil, and there is no earthy reason' h a v e been throughout all history the in the fact that millions of human ' COFFEE to believe that these plans will not chief benefactors of mankind. Their beings have been slain through him.' • • • OI • • • succeed then Palestine shquld be able achievements and benefactions have The true benefactor of mankind, the WHOLESALE GROCERS >ADVO%L1V ADVO FOODS to sustain a population as large as >n every age been out of all propor- greatest character of all the race, is . Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phone Jackson 1302 I tion to their numbers. TFhey have he who has contributed most substanthat of Belgium. r ( numbered and do not nowtially to the sura of human happiness A. successful culmination of the nnever u m b e r more tha ffionist movement would' probably n one per cent, of [ and human good in the proclamations and realize, in time, an. emigration of 7,-l tmh eo sht uomfa n ^ t^ y e t * has taken of the revelations of true religion, im of other Visit Our • in the writing of good books, in the) BEJIEMBER e the 000,000 Jews from other lands, as the! the! (PALMER GRADUATE) cent kee a n d discovery of remedies for disease, in vllllWl IlrlV1 Vll innate love of the average Jew for'*** o u t- wto P *P with them N o w ee rr ee ddoo i n o u t w hh aa tt tthhee w N o the founding of universities, libra\ y Sthe cradleland of his race, coupled o^t hd y S Phone Jackson 3072 has contained and exhib- ries, hospitals and asylums, and in' \ Second Floor, Elks' Building. Do away with drudgery and make with glorious and thrilling memories i t e der s urace ch those acts of personal service that \ house-work a pleasnre by_ the use of long ago, and the hard' lot of dynamic energy in small ; With Vonr Order for .* of modern electrical appliances. misery and grinding toil now en-, compass. Somebody has said that alleviate human suffering, promote HOLCOMB dured by many o r them in different o n e J e w i n t o w n creates a sensation* human joy and elevate and ennoble ANYTHING The ^Electric Shop" i s on the a riot a n d three a FOOD CHEMICAL human life. > parts of the world, would be a **« « revolution, ground floor of the Electric build. IN THE WRAPPING PRODUCTS CO., INC. powerful incentive to join the new ^ man like this not only deserves The French people evidently acted ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth PAPER LINE ,. Mannfactnrera of and Farnam streets. settlements in the East The tide b u t always commands special atten- according to the test of true greatJTOPJJS . AND . CffEMIC.VLS. of emigration is already beginning t i o n a n d respect not only from in- ness, that I have just described when, , "riiAVORINO EXTKACT8. 1112 HARNEY ST. to flow strongly that way, and many dividuals and groups, but from con- a few years ago, at a popular elec-; 918' til' lWh St. Phono Atlantic 4964 Phono Dnuclns 6409 flourishing Jewish colonies already grasses and parliaments as well. | tion to determine which were the This fundamental notion of race three greatest names in French his-j exist in Palestine. NORTHWEST READY There is no reason from a physical achievement is one' of the great tory, they voted Pasteur first, Victorn reasons for national legislative Hugo second, and Napoleon third.' ROOFING CO. viewpoint why Jerusalem and the Ready Roofing over old shingles. surrounding- country should not be- approval of this resolution, There are''no gorgeous tombs, fit for Also asphalt shingles and build-up come the seat of a prosperous and Another cogent political reason is dead deities, for Pasteur and Hugo,' roofs. Fire resisting «nd durable. JAckson 1862 All work guaranteed. Easy terniB. successful State. The popular notion t n a t an overwhelming majority of such as holds the ashes of the CorsiPhono Harney 1574 approximately 3,000,000 Jews h P l i i l h ^ b <*« 3000000 of STEINER ELECTRIC can in the Invalides. No Arc de Office and Warehouse: S12I teaTtnworth that Palestine is altogether^ barren country, not capable of yielding rich America desire t h e passage of this ;Triomphe is erected to their memory MEAT CHOPPER1 : " : harvests, is a mistaken one. Its resolution and we'should certainly and to perpetuate their deeds. But r AND CQFFEE\WbW appearance is barren only during the Pays o m e l i t t l e respect to the desires j the sane French* judgment declared ^SED* SCALES OP ;ALL dry season, when the grasses-which o f s o important and resptabfe an( the physician and the writer greater MANCFACTtJKEKS. cover the greater part of it are dried element of our population and citizen- than the warrior, and proclaimed the -.,' WAKES MEY-MER-CO. Brand shi up and the herdsmen retire with their P. especially when the action con- discoverer of the remedy for rabies Beverages and Syrups. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 510 Soufh 10th Street. flocks of sheep and goats to the templated can do iio possible harm' and the author of Les Miserables 31>-321 So. 14th St., Omaha. Kebr. t ot h e Phone Jackson 3332;' loftier mountains. The alluvial lowbalance of the country. -greater than the victor of Austerlitz Phone Atlantic SSSB • land to the south of Mount Carmel B u t h o w d o y ° a know, you may and Marengp. that Iten Under th}& test of greatness the' majority of American is as ; fruitful as ever," "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS r, and a it t only y Jew is the greatest man of all this Biscuit Co. this d an honest h "i d J e w s d e s i r e t h e passage of and buy them a t needs "vigorous LOW FARE ministration, underand the. plans adfor resolution? I candidly admit that (world, and to him should go out the J SNOW WHITE All that the name didl d i t electrification and irrigation, devised t ^ l6 th ia ?s b e e nI no-'-direct. referendum | deep gratitude, and unstinted praise implies. o nt n e s u b e c t BAKERIES by Ruttenberg, to create in Palestine J among the Jews them'{of all the nations, for he has been 7 selv s (Be*. tJ.' 8. Pat. Honei Douglas 3400 a land of intensive farming as well e > hut I. learn from the hearings} the unchallenged leader of the race ' Douglas €887 Office.) 916 N. 16th St. De r as a centre of industrial activity. fc> e the Foreign Affairs Com-i in religion and a close and dangerous, 1 There is no reason why Palestine naittee that there was an American competitor-in every form of i&fel-j TK1' should hot be to the eastern Jewish Congress held not very long lectual triumph. { Nutritions Hnnw Made ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Ambulance Service Mediterranean what Belgium is toa&° a t Philadelphia at which j In the British House of Lords reAPPLIANCES & SUPPLIES Equipped with Polmotor. the North Sea, a perfect Tjeehive of delegates representing some 360,000 cehtly Lord Balfour, author of the ] feealed in Snnltn'ry Waxed Jewi ! ' " . • . "• M a i l e b y •' '-•''"-'• All CaUs Answered Promptly. Granden Electric Co. [ industrial creation and commercial s h voters adopted a resolution Balfour Declaration, delivered a Wrapper at Your Grocer. OEPENDARLE EIVECTKICAI, UNCLE SAM BSEAKFAST . JOHN A. GENTLEMAN j Output, by a practically unanimous vote inpowerful and impassioned speech in j Sundprren Pie Baking Co. i r n n n CO. fi\ ?•-.'••- \ MERCHANDISE. FOOD 1SU Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0981 S411 Farnam St. Phone Harney 0392 •14th and nickory. ' Atlantic 6341 !• An enlightened political manage- dorsing the Zionist movement. ' favor of a homeland for the Jews in NEBRASKA! l4 ment would not 'only rekindle the seems to me that the indorse-1 Palestine. In a cable from London) olden Jewish love of-agriculture, but m e n t o f iiie Zionist movement by *njto the New York Herald of Thurs-| American Jewish congress, composed day, June 22, I find the following ••- American | would reyivd the ancient jdories ofo j Phoenician commerce through the f delegates who were elected by theparagraph: .. Cetrperiier p^per ] Wet Wash Laundry ports of Acre and Jaffa/which would V o t e s o f 360,000 American Jews, is An interesting feature of Iiord Bill- I Distributors o j 2803 Cuming. Harney 0 8 8 1 very Druggists and Stationers four's speech wag a long and eloquent give an outlet to all th eworld. good proof that the Jews of One Day Service. No Extra Western Bond—and High- Grade «9l-iC2-tO3 South tOtli .-. passage dealing with the tribulations All the spiritual and intellectual America very generally favor the of the Jewlsli race, their va1naT»le Stationery Charges.; Refinite Soft Water.elements would certainly be present pending resolution, contributions to art, philosophy. O1LAI1A. M v in the building and perpetlating of personal observations and in- - science, mid religion, uncl the muga new Jewish commonwealth in Pal- vestigations also convince me that a gestiun tjjut Chr|8tfii(lnm should take Why Buy Tin? LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird Brand Coffee in Tubes. eetine. The Bible and the Talmud l a r Se majority of them favor it. the cbnuce of jrh'ing the Jews a In Artirr Practice Since 1910. liome where, in peac« and quietness, PAXTON-MlTCHBLi< SAVES yon MOSEY: would again be their religious guides * represent a district in New York they might develop their culture and t>Ui bnd Miirilio St», Dr. Frances H. Turner MID-STATES WHOLESALE and the charters of their freedom. c i t v ™ which at least 40 per cent, of traditions. { Manufacturers of Brass. Bronie,''Almnl- , the Oilier: Brandel* Theatre Bnll GROCERS niim find Soft Gray Iron VCsitflKTi. ' A Maccabean soldiery would defend people are Jews. They represent The sentiments attributed to Lord 17th and Donslas Streets. Yon are assured of soft castings, ;.«.• '.. J a c k s o n SOTS .ta node* 8t. Phone Atlantic 3836 we machine some from every-•*£*((*:-'h> V their national frontiers. A Jerusalem i n a high degree the wealth, culture , Balfour by this cabled dispatch are,' our own shop. Staudnrd sise enit Iron I an parliament would be heard to echo d refinement of American Jewry. i n m y h u r n b i e judgment, the most bushings In stock. I the splendid eloquence of new Dis-x hav<* talked with hundreds of them | j u g t a n ( j p o w e r f u i p i e a that can be MAX OLSEN & CO. TIKliS—TUBES—ACCESSORIES raelis, Gambettas, and Castelars. and have received letters from htm- m a d e f o r j e w i s h r i g hts to a distinct WhnlrnnlF IMi»trihtiT«n for Some new Josephus would* record the dreds^of others, and an overwhelmSCHMIDT'S nationality and a separate home, OCR TEKATMKNT W1M, growth of the expanding State, and *nS majority have expressed them- namely, that his sufferings and tribuWe carry a complete line of new Malta,, Select. Bock. Ginger CONVINCK TOfe. OF OCR rlns pears, pinions, HJcle shafts and SINCERITY. fth'e melodies of Mendelssohn and selves in favor of the resolution be-! l a t i o n ? ( w n i < j h j j , a v e s^ght to deAle, Hires Root Beer springs for almost any make of car, Trust Department. Meyerbeer would cheer and sanctify f o r e u s - O n this point the opinion of scr ibe jn the course of my remarks, M. D. KICHMAN, Manttfcer. Offlrr and Wnrrhnnwi 911 So. llnlii St. D r Safrty Deposit Doxea. 1318-I33O Wrnt Broadway, Telephone 142 ^ the domestic circles of happy homes. Stephen S. Wise is the valuable ^ ll s . his spiritual and intellecwe a COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Such a • " COUNCIL Ijr.DFKS.•».««•..»..*• IOWA. A commonwealth Or republic, testimony of an expert witness. The t u a l triumphs, which I shall now PHONE 444. PATFq_ ft is a consummation most'devoutly to following telegram, signed by him, attempt briefly to describe, entitle w : c u 'i . u^-wished if jJewish genius ana arid--civil-, &s o sent c wjisaeu n e w i s n genius, c i v u - . ""•" ' during the hearings on the him. to special consideration and Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. ' kindly treatment at the hands of theOmaha Pltone Atlantto 2G5S i Ulf-Tenps for space on t h i s Special | izations are to be lost, as is now measure: WorPLztcs nations of the world. Ford Tranter & Storage Co. Page giyen O H application. »Soared, in some great maelstrom of j Kesret impo^ibie to appear before £16 N. 16th St. Electrotypes (Continued next week) Branches at Central Market, R. A. FORD. TTT* TjT/ T^T 1 P'/? F? *V'St' ' I w a r : and in the readjustment of the; Porteigu Affairs Coiuinittce meeting
The Harry A. KochCo.
Leo A. Hoffmann
Groneweg & Schoentgen
MbCofd-Brady Co.
fBIRftPRAPTftR EthelTfeial Maltby, D.C.
The Brinn & Jensen Company
"Electric Shop"
Quaker Bread
Dayton Money Weight Scales and Heat SUcers
Meyer Mercantile Co., Inc.
Checker Cab
'Manufactured inOmaha"
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Council BlufIs Savings Bank
I 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372] S m e n t "of "Lc^* ."f ^ ""
Friday morning. Earnestly hope for favorable action liy committee uu your reriolullon which represents the sympathies of the American.' people and meets the hopes of the vast majority of American Jews. STKl'HKS' WISE.
Table Supply and Food Center.
W^ANGEl-'S HAND IN JUGO5*""""vT .™-.,'r"1.'^'- ™ *'* "• •• , :Why.sho,u!d.not the nations of the SLAVIA . j world join in 'such'an'*'.enterprise if CLEAN LINEN . Belgrade. (J. T. -A.)—That the the Jews desire it? Every• Iringdom dispersed officers of General WranEvery morning. If yod call the of the earth has tried its hand at gel's army are continuing their antiexterminating them and has failed. I am proud to say that this bril- Jewish agitation on Jugo-Slavian soil Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Frontier Towel Supply Why should they not now change the Hunt Hebrew clergyman is one of my|is the cbnyietion voiced by the Jewish 1815 California Street. t -CSeventli and Howard Sis. CMABA. KEB. programme for awhile and extend to constituents and that I number him press of the country. They point out Phone Dotutlae 6891 '| the patriarch of the tribes, th3 oldamong my best personal friends. that the "^lovoye Vremje," a Russian man of^the ..centuries, a : kindly and I am well aware that no consider- organ transplanted to this country, is helping £hand;? England will turn able number of American Jews will not- bnly> inciting the population orit NKIV LIM'ATIHN Call Atlantic 23G4 •* Cornrr lUlh M •a liuimhiK Mrrrti. P^LcstmW over- to the Jewish people ever go to Palestine to live, «ven if against the Jews, but is exerting some MIINO lllr T f mpl» I U U B . ' . for . at the,'proper time. ' Can we nota permanent homeland of their race influence in Government circles. This, - Ill 1 i.'iiip—N< !'|*UN HAMII/I'IIN BAi'.nwiN r afford—does not a solemn obligation is established there. But if they the."-Jewi6hj press declares, accounts COEESE BUTTER-BUTTERMIIK . u«nV'AIM> IT Itl (;|ITS (iitANliS. resjt upon via as a free and Christian desire.a refuge arid an asylum in for the unfavorable attitude the Govr OMAHA PUKK POOD CO. I'l. A\l .K people, to 'Ie"rid sympathy and support the land of their fathers for their erhment has frequently assumed toK Hh PIANO CO. THATC *4I9 Cnmlnc Omuliii. •kHnn xonit to the millions of struggling Jews suffering co-religionists , scattered wards the Jewish residents. As to theIM.. who desire to link their lives and throughout the earth, i t is our duty conduct of the demobilized officers of fortunes ,to the land of their fathers to pay some attention to their wishes Wrangel's camp, it is alleged that Hates for Space on . and with the early memories of in the matter of the passage of this while they are collecting funds for soi;<;NT ni'Y COAL! this S p c c i a I Case their race? ^ '• resolution. called relief purposes from Jews as V A L J . PETER & COMPANY OH. I " « • < •> I'llKAI'KH Riven O" application. r • Let ''* I!'""'"11'1-1 " i f I'!"1' from In the beginning of my speech I . But why.should wo give legislative w e ua s non-Jews, their hostile agita1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Vniit Kriniiii-e n|nl !'""<T.f » Jewish Press sanction, even in the mild form, of a statcd that our sense of justice and tion continues, ATlantic 0340. LiLLIBRICGE dlL VAPO BURNER 1K2 I t r u i i d r l t . IWU«.-.-. Trhv our sentiment of freedom should-j mere resolution of sympathy and enlfl h l«|h - < l r t
id-West Aato Parts Co.
President and General Manager. Conncll Bluffs (Iowa) Office 924 So. Main Street. Phone S65 An Ideal Wanning Combination.
Estes Laundry Tablets . . . with . . .
Estes Soap Chips and
Water Softener (Combined) At all Grocers.
You will like
Steamship Tickets
When buying taefttiotf 1"Tlte ;J«
-* i
Kirschbraun & Sons Sherman Mercantile Co. loll Cnmlne St.
Ptinnr Atlantic 1247
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