, . Jft is ttie eas- * iestthinffinthe world for a man to deceive him- • self. — Benjamin Franklin.
H.—No.-36 -
Every failure will t t a c h a
if heVfl] learn.
r i
gntefced aa •econd'dasB'mall matter on Janaarj 27th. IB21. at ffli^ggl fiebrarica, nnder the^Act ot March 3, 1878.
Jewish Organizations w City to Celebrate Signing ofMandate Judge Harry M. Fisher of Chicago and Governor McKelvie to Be Here. MEETING AT CITY AUDITORIUM SUNDAY, AUG. 27
3WISH DEPARTMENT j 1 -UNIVERSITY j aw. (J. T. A. By Bail.) The oist University recently estab" i Moscow for students from __,Js Europe consists of six departments, Latvian, Lithuanian, German, Polish, Rumanian and Yiddish. The students are almost entirely such who have remained ior various reasons in Eussia and are unable on political grounds to return to their own countries. Practically all of them are unacquainted" with the Rusian language, and it is for this reason that the University has been established. There are 96 students in the Yiddish department. The department intends to publish a political literary magazine entitled "Self-Help."
Omaha Jewry will celebrate the signing of the! Palestine Mandate by the League of Nations, Sunday, August 27, at .the City Auditorium. Most Of the organizations in the city have joined in the celebration. The meeting will be held at 3 p. m. The committee in charge of the celebration are making plans to have an elaborate program. Efforts are being made to secure Judge Harry.M. Fisher of Chicago to address the audience. Judge Fisher will be remembered by the Omahans as having been here during the War Relief campaign. Governor Samuel R. McKelvie will also address the audience. According to the committee, several other num- 12 Lives Lost When Jewish Boys' Home at Shawbridge, Quebec, bers are being arranged for. Is Destroyed. This day will be declared a holiday so as all Jewish people may participate in the celebration. During the ALL HELPLESSLY TRAPPED afternoon the Fort Crook military Shawbridge, Qne,, Aug. 16.—Ten band will play. children and a man and woman were r There "will be no collections or burned to death in a fire which totalsubscriptions at this celebration. ly destroyed the Jewish boys' home The Council of the League of Na- here. tions on Saturday, July 22, 1922, set The dead: the seal of its approval on the-manThomas Legault,'caretaker, and date over Palestine for the creation his wife; Jean Legault, 7; Marie of a Jewish National Home in accordLegault, 10, and eight orphans ance with the terms,of the Balfour ranging in age from 6 to 16. Declaration of November 2, 1917. Collapse of the building where the Communities throughout the coun- victims were helplessly, trapped threw try are celebrating the declaration of the vicinity into darkness by destroythe ratification of the mauds**. Im- nig a local lighting plant and added mediately after the Teports were to the" horror as rescuers fought sent, Jews on the East Side marched vainly to aid the children. Only th in impromptu parades and marched fact that a majorityof ,t&e orphans until the OTeeJjhonisipf;th'e morning. sleptt'put^ of doors prevented ^ibf1
Morrie Scftlaifer, Omaha's Glassiest Boxer, Will BeFectiuredIn 10 Round Bout at €C Jewish Press9'Picnic, Sept. 17th
Ten Children Loose lives When Jewish Orphan Home is Destroyed by Night Fire
to Receive Leave of Absence All Enlisted Men in Army and Navy Will Have Opportunity to Properly Observe the High Holidays.
Twelve bodies were recovered, "bill some could not be identified. Thrilling Rescues. Stairs were cut' off by fire anc smoke and many children were saveci in thrilling Tescues, being lowered from the third floor-by ropes made from blankets and sheets knotted together. These ropes were hurriedl; improvised as the flames swept rapidly through the structure, puffing withering blasts of heat and suffocating smoke upon the children who hud died around the windows. The building collapsed after the fire had been burning two hours. As the glare of the fire died, dense blackness closed in as there were no road lights near the scene. The only illumination was chat of the firemen's lanterns and the glow from the embers, and in this gloom just before dawn the rescued children were checked Up in an effort to ascertain ho* many perished.
Morrie "Kid" Schlaifer, Omaha's pride and one of the contenders for the welterweight crown, will be featured in a ten-round bout «it the "Jewish Press" picnic to be held Sunday, Septenabef 17th, at Krug Park. The opponent in this bout has aiofc yet been chosen, but plans ar§ under way to secure one of the cleverest welterweights in the country to mix punches with t h e ' Omaha champ. In addition to "Kid" Schlaifer there will be several other bouts with favorite boxers. In addition to "Kid" Schlaifer, the Stunts Committee, under the chairmanship of Harry A. Wolf, has secured many other novel attractions that will make this picnic absolutely and without doubt the biggest and most elaborate affair of its kind ever held in Omaha. Swimming stunts and diving exhibitions, a program of ball-room andsfancy dancing numbers by professional entertainers, song and dance numbers, special athletic events and feats of strength and skill, are but a few of the attractions that will be provided at the picnic. In fact, there Will be something doing all the time. Not a single minute of the entire day and evening will be without some sort of entertainment that will appeal to everyone. All concessions running at full blast, Krug Park's perfect
dancing floor, a special orchestra to furnish the latest "jazz", delightful, breeze-swept picnic grounds, "boxing by topnotchors in the art, and many other free entertainments and stunts—what more could any one desire for a picnic for MOEPJE "KID" SCHLAIFER young and old? t Nothing will be left undone to assure a gala day for the thousands who "will be there. SAVE THE DATE—SEPTEMBER 17—KRUG PARK You won't want to miss the "Jewish Press" Picnic? Tickets at $l-tO for gentleman and lady, will be on sale within the next ten days. Be sure and get yours without faiL Then yoo will know that you are going to attend the biggest, grandest, most elaborate picnic ever conducted in this section of the country. Harry Lapidus,. general chairman -of- arrangements, has appointed the following stockholders of the "Jewish Press Publishing Go." in charge of special activities for the pienic: . - • * Henry Monsky, Dancing; I N. P. Feil, Gate;' f Sam Leon, Program; : Wm. L. Holzman, Prizes; r w —-». Saul TJevey,; Craisies* - - _. .; Philip Sher, Harry Malashock, Tickets; Harry A.-Wolfe Stunts; Herman Auerbach, Organizations; Harry B. Zimman, Athletics; Nathan S. Yaffe, Auto Park. REMEMBER THE DATE AND PLACE KRUG PARK SEPTEMBER 17 ALL DAY
SUBSCRIPTION PRiqE, A YEAR. $2.50. JEWISH OFFICIALS Budapest. (J. T. A.) Full use is being made of the policy of retrenchment followed in executive departments of the government, to dismiss from posts Jews with long and honorable records of service. Two flagrant cases have come to light recently, when one Mr. Romner, a teacher with thirty years of consecutive service was dismissed, and another, B. Chalam, with an equally long record, discharged without notice. Both these men were fifty years of age when the war broke out and both joined the colors. Chalam's son was rejected from the university because of the per cent norm.
Nay Ask Congress to Investigate Action of Colleges Against Jews Representative G a h n , Ohio, Would Revoke Charter Of University. ASKS INVESTIGATION OF ALL INSTITUTIONS.
Cleveland.—A Congressional investigation of the enrollment limitation plan now under consideration at Harvard, whereby a quota would be applied to Jews seeking admission, will be proposed in a resolution to be offered in Congress by Representative Harry C. Gahn of Cleveland. Congressman Gahn believes that the committee assigned to such an investigation should ascertain whether or not such a step would be in conflict with the previsions of the Federal Constitution which guarantee equal rights to all, regardless of race, or lolor, or creed. •Received Appointment While Aiding It is his opinion that the phase of in the Collection of Money the situation, which relates to attendfor Federation. ance of pupils living outside of the WAS NOT A DELEGATE TO THE State in which the college or university in question is located, would enCONVENTION able Federal authorities to take acHarry H. lapidus of Omaha was tion, "I believe Congress should Inveshonored at the Republican State Gonvention which v.-es held at Lincoln, tigate the matter thoroughly and Neb., last Tuesday, by being appoint- from every standpoint," said Coned as a member of the Republican gressman Gahn, "with a view to preState Committee. Although not be- venting universities from barring aping a delegate, he received the ap- plicants from enrollment on race or religious grounds. It seems to me tht pointment. ihe appointment came as a com- this is a serious interference with plete surprise to Mr. Lapidus, as he liberty as educational rights are funhad not even attended tfee conven- damental to the enjoyment of libtion, but with Mi- M. Fanger was erty." Congressman Gahn wrote a letter in the cokcctiosi of money for to the Attorney-General recently askt!'« Jewish Welfaj-p Federatjon. Harry Lapidus is the second Jew- ing whether the character of a univerish person to hold such an office sity that limited enrollment on a race x. Victor Rosewater held this office or religious basis mig-ht be revoked. a member of the committee sev- Assistant Attorney-General OttlnjreP as stated in reply that where such eral years ago.
Harryfl.Lapidus Appointed Member of Republican State Committe at State Convention
charters this-«cti»n cannot be taken by. Federal authorities. Mr. Gahn did not ask for ar opinion as to a possible violation of Constitutional rights in his letter. Investigating of thi« and other phases of the question will be proposed in the forthcoming resolution. » ^ "I believe the investigation itself i' and s searching inquiry into the purposes of so un-American a proposal wQl do much to prevent the carrying WANT IMMIGRANT out of an enrollment restriction plan EDUCATION UNDER PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY which limits attendance of Jewish Boston. (J. T. A.)—A resolution students," even if no program of prehas been introduced, aiming against, ventive legislation is proposed," saifl .he feature of the Johnson Bill ifbw Congressman Gahn. "Publicity is an pending in Congress, placing immi- effective medium in such cases." President Lowell of Harvard favors grant education under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of the application of a quota policy in Labor. The Department of Immigrant accepting Jewish students at Harvard Education of the National Education- and other universities as well. In al Association is fostering this reso- his opinion this is a desirable method lution, contending that education of of reaching an alleged "Jewish probthe immigrant is purely an education- lem."
gates, whidju was helcl at Lincoln the following people were chosen to represent the second congressional district: Harry H. Lapidus, Robert mith, V. C. Haskell, ffird Stryker Anan Raymond, Mrs. Draper Smith Mrs. E. T. Lindsay, Mrs. E. G. McGilton, Mrs. W. T. Graham, Miss Belle Ryan.
Officers-" and enlisted men of the Jewish faith in the United States Army will be given furloughs for the NEW COMMITTEES 1 Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur holFOR YMHA APPOINTED idays, it was announced recently by The following committees to serve the Jewish Welfare Board. for the six months' term, beginning A letter from Secretary of War Leaves Country Temporarily Because August 15, have been appointed by Washington Bureau Reports Polish % Weeks, addressed to Dr. Cyrus AdFred White, newly elected president Troops Attacked Radun Jews. Threatened With Assassination . ler, Chairman of the Committee on of the Y. M. H. A.: by Group That Killed Army and Navy activities, advises Membership Committee:—San; Keber. Kowno. (J. T. A.) Constitutional Rathenau. uiirniau, lielle S.egel, Edward solig, that the following instructions have Maurice Alickliii, ltelweca Azoriu. William ;lauses dealing with a national aubeen issued to the service: Helen ltiefces. Leipsic. — Professor Albert Ein- Alberts, Social Service Committee:—Israel Good- onomy of minority groups in Lith" T h e Secretary of War desires, in stein, originator of the theory of rela- man, chairman, Anne Selieow, Joe Free- uania forming a considerable part of man. Tess Kavieh, Harold Fnrber, Leo order to permit soldiers of the Jewtivity, has fled from Germany tem- Abrumson, Kose Kellmnn. Gertrude Tatle, he population, • "within the limits of . ish faith to participate in the celer porarily because he was threatened Albert Kabinovitz, I'hil Gerejicfc. Intellectual Advancement Committee:— uture legislation," were adopted on bration of High Holy Days (Rosh with assassination by the group that a Kline, Anne Gerellck. Kose Fine, Inal reading by th eSejm. Hashanah), beginning at sundown, U. Grower, Isaac Sternhill. caused the murder of Dr. Walter Constitution:! The first clause provides for the 1 Committee:—Eess GreenFriday, September 22, 1922, and conRathenau, German Foreign Minister, berg, Philip Feldman, I^eon Mendelson. ratonomous administration of all af- al affair and should be conducted un- Courtesy Committee:—Lillian KubcnWarsaw, Aug. 4. (J. T. A.)—Sevtinuing until sundown Sunday, Sepaccording to a letter from Professor stein, Nathan Adelson, Minn Freedmnn, airs relating to national culture, ed- der public school authority and the tember 24, 1922, and of the Day of Einstein cancelling an engagement to JuliH Wise, Harry Kneeter. Lottie Selicow. ucation, charities and mutual aid. To Nation, the State and the local Com- enteen . Jewish pqprom orphans from 1'nUlicity Committee: — Hess Handler. the Ukraine have been equipped and Atonement (Yom Kippur), beginning address a meeting here. Nathan E. Green. Paul Goldstein. Helen this end, members of the minority munity, all three of whom should prepared for the voyage to the Unitat sundown of Sunday, October 1, William Knimnn. ; share in the expense entailed. Efforts to induce the noted scien- Altsclmler, I>nnce Committee:—Lou's Abramson. Iva groups are entitled to elect "repreed States where they are to join 1922, and continuing until sundown, tist to return, in view of the govern- ijiesel, Martha Cohen. sentative organs" for the administrarelatives. The journey is made unMonday, October 2, 1922, that memThe Jewish Menorah society of this ment's success in coping with the sitThe Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. will Your subscription for "The Jew- der the auspices of the joint Disbers of that faith be granted fur- city, which 'is" composed of students uation, are said to have so far proved hold a regular meeting on Monday tion of their .affairs. The right to tribution Committee. loughs for such time as necessary to and former students of the. University unavailing. Receipt of the lettpr was ivening, August 21, at the Jewish impose taxation -upon their members ish Press" is due now. for the maintenance of educational permit them to be at their homes, of Nebraska and the Creighton andf announced by the president of the Community Center. institutions is granted to the various when practicable, or at places where Omaha Universities here, will hold a German Physicists' Association, begroups, as is tbe-right to apply for these celebrations are held, from Sep- picnic and celebration Sunday, AUg- fore which Dr. Einstein was to disthe benefit of 'the minority group tember 21 to September 26, and from ust 20, at Elmwood Park.- All mem- cuss his relativity theory at the o the proportionate sums granted by September 28 to October 4, 1922, pro- bers of the society are asked to he ganization's one hundreth anniverthe state for general educational re vided noninterference with the public present. The picnic is being given sary meeting. It was received soon, quirements insofar as these requireservice is occasioned thereby." for the members, prior to their en- after Dr. Rathenau's assassination ments are-not satisfied -by the srafc rollment in the schools. The practice of sending New Year's Greetings to. frieiide A similar order for furloughs for aid stated that Dr. Einstein had The Menorah. society, was organised learned that he also was listed to be Reprcrentathnes. ot All Organizations or municipal institutions. and relatives through the local Jewish paper Is , general Jewish men in the Navy has been isAsked to Join. Paragraphs relating to the • estabhere just, last .spring. throughout the country. Its advantage over,tiie.old individttat sued by the Bureau of Navigation. kHjed^ and had therefore decided to lishment of special ministries for the The committee of arrangements go: abroad. mailing card is evident in the saving of time, expense and The 'above orders were issued upon 1 A meeting of the local • Keren respective nationalities, and the ri§ .; worry over forgetting a friend. .', . the request of the Jewish Welfare consists of the following: Miss Rose It appears that Dr. Einstein's Hayesod was held Wednesday evening to make official use of their lanMinkin, Miss Lillian Margolin, Sam the Army and d Board, which friends and admirers had beep more at the Jewish Community Center. Greeting Cards in the "JEWISH PRESS" guage, were excluded on the ground ie scientist An election of officers took place that these rights are safeguarded in Navy Departments regarding the Gordon, Sam Beber, Julius Grower, con7e"rned""in" keepings will take this form: J. Rosenthal, I. Sternhill and M. Marforthcoming holidays. The furloughs safe in this manrer than he himself with the following results: President, the declaration the Lithuanian c1 Rowill enable a lar^s number of Jew-1 golin. A number of out-of-town and were doing their utmost to preMr. and Mrs. William R. Abrams and family of Irvin • Stalmaster; vice-president, L. gation gave during the Paris conferish men to- celebrate the High Holy j members and guests are expected. 9765 West Grand Boulevard extend their best vent, or at least postpone, his return Kneeter; secretry, Fred White; and ence. It was contended that it was Days with their relatives at home. wishes to their relatives and friends for » Happy -Considerable comment was caused y treasurer, A, L Kulakofsky. Mr. L. unnecessary, therefore, to incorporSAMUEL SANCTIONS JEWISH and Prosperous New Year. -. . . ' in Geneva early last week by the abSoldiers and sailors who are staNATIONAL COUNCIL sence of Dr. EinsV.in from the meat Kneeter- was appointed chairman o ate these guarantees in th e^ tioned too far away from their homes - Jerusalem, July 28. (J, f. Ai)— the Finance Committee. MAIL THE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN tion. They wfll be guaranteed, it was and disabled veterans not well enough Approval, of the constitution drafted ing of tha members of the intellec Representatives of every organiza- assured, by a special act. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER «. to go to their homes will attend serv- by the Vaad Haleumi, or the National tual committee of the League of Na tion in the city will be requested to This incorporation of • the national The Jewish Press, ices in communities adjacent to camps Council of Palestine Jews, for the tions to begin woTk of organization. send delegates to serve as board o autonomy clauses inv thft Lith . through arrangements made by the r- ' anomous administration of the He had been designated to represent directors for the Keren Hayesod. I constitution is " said ' to set a pi"Gce482 Brandeis Theatre Bldg, - '' ' Jewish Welfare Board both m the community in whicli Jews are the ma- Germany, but did not appear. During tke past yea* $21,000 has1 dent. No other constitution ii eludes Omaha, Nebraska. Dispatches from Germany $oon af- been pledged of which $15,700 was such guarantee*. United States and in the insular pos- jority, is contained ir a coatmunicaGentlemen:— sessions. Rabbis will be sent to con- tjon frojn Sir^ Herbert Samuel, the ter the Rathenan murder quoted pp- collected and seat to New York , ? '-'"*.. " ;— Enclosed find $2.00, for which please i|is^rt my New Year's ljce authorities there as accusing the duct services at posts, where there is High Commissioner.: t GALICIA qSASIDIM BREAK UP leaving $5,300 outstanding. Greeting Card in your Bosh Hashoma <56S3> Number. notorious "Consul" organisation with a large Jewish personnel and which * MANDATE CELEBRATIONS The High Commissioner has in- having marked 12 leading Jewish are not situated near communities, Warsaw. {J. C. B.f—Galicianj FOUR JEWS KILLED and at hospitals where men are too formei. the Council that an ordinance politicians, editors and financiers for NAMEJ IN MINSK POGROM Chasidim are making a concerted efsanctioning the Council and defining assassination. ' ill to vist ths neighboring communiVilna, July 18. (Jewish Telegraphic fort to interfere with Zionist meet- I its powers will be. promulgated Im";:es.Agency).—Four Jews were killed'and ings celebrating the confirmation of mediately following the approval of Berlin, Au^. 4. (J. T. A.)—David ADDRESS: Hi#h Holy Day Prayer Books and other ten persons injured in a the Palestine mandate, say reports ^"rischman, the celebrated Hebrew its tooEMfiin . epaio* amNev/Tear's. Greeting Cards will be Slither and crifc, died at' noqn today- peasant riot against -Jews of Minsk, from Kristinopol, Radziechow, Tartaby ^the,Brijisl}.Ool •^stribctea'by tTie" Jewish-^:n in sen£. y sy advi:cs to local Jewish papers state, kow and Mostygielki ' .T follov.'ir.jr an operation : ce and in the hospitals.-
Lithuania Adopts limited Autonomy lor Her minorities
Prof. Albert Einstein's Life Threateneu,tierleesGermany
Menorah Society ta Hold First Annual Picnic Sunday
Local Keren Eayesod Elects Officers lor Ensuing Term
* I * : \
New Year's Greetings
»*«r~^ e^^e^Sr^ffW^twWR « ^
i»AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1922 Mrs. Max Bfodkey left Thursday The Federation of Jewish Social ty relatives. Rabbi Jacob Singer of- will leave August 26 for a boat trip for Omaha, where she will be the Service will hold its first annual picficiated. Mrs. Jacob Singer played from Chicago to Niagara Falls. guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Arkin. nic next Sunday* at Woodlands Park. "Lohem Grins" Wedding march. The Mrs. M.-Fluegelman, of New Yoi*k bride was attended by MM. David Klein, who served as matron of honor. City, entertained at luncheon last Mr. Harry Alpiriri acted as best man. Monday at Hotel Fort Des Moines as A reception was held from eight- a courtesy to Mr. J. B. Blank and thirty to ten-thirty. One hundred and daughter, Miss Mildred, and Mrs. I. fifty guests were present during the E. Goldman. Mr. D. Siegal wishes to announce he has opened evening. Miss Ida T. Jacobs of the Condon a new and up-to-date bakery. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Apartments has left for Chicago for Etta Cherniss, Mr. and Mrs. Louis a month to study at the University Cherniss, Mrs. Nate Adler and chil- of Chicago. dren. The Misses Pearl Cherniss, TWICE DAILY. GIVE US A TRIAL. Miss Sara Robinson left Monday Clara, Esther, and Helen Cherniss, and Messrs. Harry L. Cherniss, Wm. for New York City, where she plans Webster 5492 1820 No. 20th St. Z. Cherniss, of Council Bluffs, la. to stay indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cherniss and son, Miss Faye Biederman, headworker Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. I. Cherniss, at the Jewish Community Center, reThere are persons who collect books and who love books as Mr. and Mrs. David Kline, Mr. Harry turned home Sunday after a five a fad.' There are people'who love books for the esthetic satisAlpirn, Miss Ida Alpirn, and Miss 1 weeks' trip through the Canadian faction of a large collection of books affords them. In both inCelia Lipp, all of Omaha, Nebr. Mr. Rockies and down the Pacific coast. COUNCIL BLUFFS stances the love of books is of a selfish nature—a hobby in the and Mrs. Perry Arenson, Mr. and Mrs. •i one and a selfish gratification in the other. The collection of J6e Hurwitz, of Des Moines, la. Miss Mrs. A. H. Blank left last week for -GOLDBERG. books by such book-lovers is not a. mesins but an end. Even Goldie Arenson, of Sedalia, Mo., andChicago and Camp Culver, Ind., and have been issued for Mr. Julius Jacobs, of Chicago, 111. when one collects books in order to increase one's khowledge theInvitations Mr. M. Turner wishes to announce to the will bring here two sons, Raymond of Miss Jeanette Goldand information, thus making of the collection a means of learn- berg,marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cherniss left on a and Myron, home from Camp, where Jewish community, that he has installed in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. ing, the love of books is still a selfish one. Recently a great Goldberg, motor trip to Colorado. they have been spending the summer. his store an exclusive Fish Department, and Mr. Harry Rachman, son bookloyer died in iBialystock, Russia, whose love for books was of Mr. andtoMrs. to be known as S. Rachman, of Omautterly 'unselfish. "He: was "destitute at the time of his death. ha. The marriage will take place Mr. J. Davidson is spending several Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Joseph are leavs! He had impoverished himself through his purchase of books. weeks in New York City. Mrs. David- ing for New York City, where they September 3, at the Nine- son and son, Billie, have just returned will make their future home. The name of this man was Joseph Chasanowitz. He was a Sunday, teenth and Burt street Synagogue, from Omaha, where they spent the 1702 North 24th Street. Phone WEbster 2092 y scholar and an indefatigable communal worker. He was a Omaha. Mrs. Mose Cohen and daughter, past week. FRESH FISH RECEIVED DAILY r| • - physician by profession and his practice was large, but his inare spending some time in 2 come was small, as he always rendered his services to the poor Miss Gertrude Marks left for Col- Mr. Max Shapiro entertained ten Mildred, Colorado Springs. ,.T gratuitously, and there are plenty of poor in Bialystock to keep orado for several weeks' stay. couples at a dancing party Friday '•! a. generous and efficient physician busy. But neither his busy Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherman, with evening in honor of his cousin, Mis? ji -occupation nor his scant means prevented Dr. Chasanowitz from The Ladies Aid Society will give a Rose Grushkin, their daughter, Marcia, and son, of Sioux City, la. forming a love for books .which was ardent and passionate, and :ard party Wednesday afternoon, Au» Dave, motored to Iowa City and Chi;: which sprang solely and wholly from his deep love for his people. gust 23, at Eagle's Hall. The public Mrs. M. Weil and Miss Babette cago last week. .;•-•• He conceived the idea of founding a library at Jerusalem which Weil returned Sunday from Colorado cordially invited to attend. 2 should compromise a complete collection of all works on Jewish Springs, where they have been spend;; learning1 and literature and, without stopping to consider the Mrs. H. Carlson and son left for ing the summer. SIOUX CITY | •; • enormousness of his task nor the obstacles in his path, he labored their home in Rhodes, la., after day and night up to his seventy-first year, when he died, to make pending a few days with Mrs. Cart- Miss Anna Foska and Miss Rebecca t l : the national library at Jerusalem the treasure-house of Jewish on's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Saltz- Poska motored to Omaha Friday. Messrs. Lawrence and Ephriam Bathought arid Jewish lore. man. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kaplan, of Omaha, ron left Tuesday for Omaha, where What such an undertaking on the part of an individual means Mr. Max Katkman, of Lincoln, who have been the guests of Mr. and they will be the house guests of Mr. Earl Kulakofsky. is not easily-understood. To collect all the works of the vast and Nebr., Tuesday with friends in Mrs. J. Shapiro, returned home Monrich Jewish literature is a task that would tax the largest and Councilspent day. They were accompanied by Miss Bluffs and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davidson were richest organization. Yet Dr. Chasanowitz, with the characterRose Grushkin, of Sioux City, who hosts at a small dinner party at the istic confidence and hopefulness of the true idealist, undertook Mr. Philip Romanov left Tuesday has been at the Shapiro home. Country club last Saturday evening the task singlehanded and with but small means. At first it was 'or his home in New York City. HE new models that y o u n g m e n will complimentary to Mrs. Wolf, of OkMiss Helen Wessel and Miss Paubut a hope and a dream—a passinate hope and a vivid dream, to lahoma City, Okla. wear at eastern colleges are now ready Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosenberg reline Friend spent the week in Crete be sure,_yet merely a hope and a dream. But Chasanowitz bent turned Tuesday morning after spendfor w e s t e r n y o u n g m e n preparing for the with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wessel, of _i : every effort and exerted every energy upon its accomplishment. Nebraska City, Nebr., who occupy a _! Every cent he could save, every spare moment he had was devot- ng two months in Europe. trip back to school. j ed to the national library. He bought books and begged for Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Berlint, who cottage at one of the parks. ...FOR... a]1 books, he spent all he possessed and appealed to his people for returned from their wedding trip to The Ivre Club held a meeting at DIAMONDS, JEWELRY We've assembled an exteni aid in his noble undertaking. The process was slow and the work Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo., AND the Ivre Club rooms Wednesday eveill insecure. Yet the ardent lover of his people's books was not dis-were honor guests at a dinner folsive early showing in both SPECIAL PLATINUM -J heartened. Work by work, volume by volume did he collect and lowed by a theatre party given by ning. DESIGNING M send to Jerusalem. The interest and support of the Jewish public Messrs. J. Hurwitz and Morris Gots- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirsh and chilsport and semi-conservative see • j seemed lagging, yet with the slow and reluctant aid of other diner. Mrs. Berlint was formerly Miss dren, Jane and Lucille, of Washingmodels. Feature values at— yj idealists, he was able to gather thousands of volums which are Shirley Friedman. ton, D. C , are the guests of Mrs. The Malashock Jewelry Co. today the just pride of thinking and knowing Jews the world Kirsch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Diamond and Platinum Miss Carrie Rosenthal, of Norfolk, Aidein. over. Specialists Nebr., is visiting with Miss Ruth ; To those who were familiar with the life and labors of Dr. 1514 Dodge Street. Krasne. Chasanowitz the sad news of his death came as a great and Established 1894. DO n?tas 5619. •5i: cording to the rale of life laid down in the Decalogue will comply with all the reffuirementa of a righteous, pious blisbea «»cry Thnrsday at Omnba, Nebraika. by and normal life. He will be devoted . JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. to his religion, pure in word and Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. deed, honest, peaceful, kind, merciful NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. and just, fulfilling all the activities Of an upright life, and acting in acEDITORIAL BOARD: cordance with the highest dictates of DR. PHILIP SHER. HENRY MONSKY, SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, religion and ethics. If the people of Israel would be true to their heritage ...$2.50 Subscription Price, one year... ._.....__ they must ibey the commands of the \'.:•:•.'".'•" Advertising rates furnished on application. Decalogue, and with recerent appreSfOT PRINTED FOR' PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from tt:e publlcaciation of their duties and their retion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. sponsibility, they must give to these CHANGS OP ADDRESS—Please glv* both tbe old and new address: precepts the interpretation warranted •••;. . " .;••';•. b « a n t s a n d i i « n r o o r D i m * . • - - 'by the teachings of the prophets and the sages of Israel.—'The Jewish ExAN UNSELFISH BOOKLOVER. ponent.
Fre^h Bread, Rolls and Pastery
The New Fall
Sport Clothes
sudden shock. They rightly felt that three score and ten years i were but too short and narrow a span of life for a man who had ""] such a gigantic task to accomplish. But they also felt that he —•"'• had left an indestructable and invaluable legacy, for his example, .; now that he was gone, could not but arouse emulation on the i part of others. g| .''. As the regeneration and rejuvenation of the Jew will conI ;:.-.. tinue to go apace, and our intellectual and spiritual treasures will V receive ever greater and truer appreciation, the memory of *a Chasanowitz will be deeply and devoutly cherished as that of an —: ardent lover of books and a passionate lover of his people.—The Tj Jewish Ledger.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky enertained Wednesday evening at bridge Mr. and Mars. E. C. VerVeer, of in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sher- Richmond, Va;, who have been the man of Allen, Nebr. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. L. Freidman and son, Melvin, Louis VerVeer, left last week for ft for their home in Kansas City their home. after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David Zimmern, of New York Sam Freidman. City, is the house guest of Mrs. Milton Goldman. Mr. Sam Schwartz left Monday for his home in Kansas City, after visitThe Misses Rose and Mignon Rubing here with friends. inson left last week on a motor trip to have been first stated by Jesus. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aginskee will en- to Chicago and South Bend, Ind. GOOD O ENQUGH This is only one of a number of in- tertain for ten couples in honor of Mrs. J. M. Meyers and daughter, stances. The Talmudic law is practi- the Misses Rose and Esther Seligson Rachel, returned Thursday evening dly unknown to all but a small minorFor many centuries the suspreme ity of those who speak about the in- of Tulsa, Okla., this evening and for from Chicago, where they have been •""" code of ethics for a large part of man- adequacy of the Decalogue and the the Misses Leah Herzoff and Martha spending the summer with relatives. •"""! kind inhabiting the countries in which principles of Ethics set forth in the Rabinow of Sioux City, la., who are The Misses Jenny and Delia Brody visiting with Miss Gertrude Kroloff. IJ-] Christianity has been, the dominent have returned from a short trip to religion has been the Decalogue, Hebrew Scriptures. Mrs. L. Kroloff returned last New York City. which was delivered through Moses to Ignorance of the history, developThursday from Lake Okoboji, la. stCJ the children of Israel on Mount Sinai. ment arid control of the Jewish oral Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheuerman The Jewish people have guarded and law, which amplifies and expands the Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman are cherished this brief and concise state- Biblical law, disqualifies any person visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. """" ment of the fundamental law, and from speaking with a show of author- A. Gilinsky. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED — """" have considered it a vital part of their ity about the significance and value of to care for man of about 60. The C. B. A. alumni held a special religion. Christianity has adopted it, the Decalogue or the other precepts of Good home and good pay. meeting last Thursday evening at the along with as much of the Biblical law the Torah. It may be asking too Box 644, Jewish Press, or as it has deemed appropriate to its much from the average teacher and home of Maurice and Arthur Freidcall JA ckson 2372. doctrines, and has accorded it general expounders of the Bible to expect man, Rabbi Romanov gave a farewell acceptance. j them to have an intimate and thor- address. Miss Freida Qoldberg was chosen as critic for the alumni. Now tiiat the times appear to be ough knowledge of the rabbinical law, But before they are qualified to pass ' •[ out of joini, and the signs of the times Miss Minnie Freidman entertained t point to a v ;keriing of the influence an opinion of any value as to the pre- for twelve couple in honor of her YOUNG MAN wants nice L--J'~ °f religion, not only in the beliefs but cepts of the Torah they should at cousin, Miss Minnie Freidman of least know that these have been treat room with a p r i v a t e rafl also in the conduct of a considerable Kansas City, Mo. The following outed by the rabbis according to that family. Call evenings s^II number of the people in civilized of-town guests were present: Misses process of legal development which ATlantic 7826. Ask for ^Pjj lands, .?e lmd from time to time an makes them responsive to the needs Mildred Blank, of Des Moines, la.; Mr. Dubins. attempt on the part of some promi- of later generations. It is therefore Carrie Rosenthal of Norfolk, Nebr., nent Christian thinkers and writers not a question as to what was meant and Mr. Lew Miller of Chicago, 111. to decry the sufficiency, am!, in a few by the Command, "Thou shalt not instances, the applicability of thekill," at the time it was promulgated, Decalogue to the moral life of theWhatever limitations then prevailed LINCOLN people of the present day. They hold might be removed in the processs of WANTED that it does riot go far enough, does time. So the Command, "Thou shal CHERNISS—ARENSON. several experienced not go into sufficient detail, fails to not steal" is not now limited to the salesladies, others The wedding of Miss Esther H. command many positive iacts of vir-plain act of direct larcency. It can need riot apply, for tue, and to forbid many of the offens- in reason and logic, and in accord- Arenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G e n e r a l Departes sound ethical principles. In short, ance with the method of rabbinical Arenson, to Mr. David P. Cherniss, of ment Store. Council Bluffs, la., took place Tuesday they insist on the amplifications and interpretations,- be held to cover a\ evening, August 15, at seven thirty at the restatement of the Conaiiand- forms of fraud and dishonesty. Th STAR STORE ments given on Sinai. fraudulent bankrupt, the man whothe home of the bride. The ceremony 24th and Parker Sts. The great trouble with those who cheats people in business transactions, was performed in the presence of fifadvocate the framing of a new code or fails to pay what he owes, or of basic Commandments- is that they schemes to get the property or money understand little if anything about of any person by dishonest means, is Pred R. Shaw Flower Shop Vhnnr 104. the development of the Jewish lav. fairly and reasonably, within the in Those who are familiar with the Bible Jtenfc and. meaning \ of this Command, rue Best of Everything In Flowers nnd WANTED—Good girl to | ; Confections tit Moderate Prices. know, of course, that the I Pentateuch So,,'tocy the profiteer, or the exploiter, 54B XV. llroadway. Next Liberty Theater. contains many commands of-equal the person "who grinds; the:faces OL work in Jewelry Store, ';! COUNCIL HI.tlFFS. IOWA. authority with those of the Deca- the poof," is within the ban of the who is not afraid to logue, but all too often they ignore Comniaddriient against covetousness. Work and learn the ; this fact, or if these commands are And of course the injunctions against restated in the Christian Gospels, ac- oppressing the poor, like many other ANNOUNCEMENT business. Liberal salary •; cept that as the first and primary injunctions not included in the Decato right girl. . Leibowitz, I Rev. E. Fleishman source, Thus the Command: "Thou logue is equally as binding as the Commandments therein contained. "THE MOHL" shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," The Jeweler, 218 South | Moved into his new home at which adorns and adds lustre to the 15th Street. 1842 So. 25th Street. The sum and substance of the matLaw of Moses, is actually believed by Corner of Woolworth Avenue the majority of intelligent Christians ter is that the person who lives acTel. Atlantic 6637. •i
Many Richly Silk Lined Barry B . Lapldns. Pre«.-Treat. JOB. Pepper, Vice-PresIdent. W. G. Ore. Secretary.
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$25.00 < o $50.00
COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy •Ter 70.000 square teet Southwest Corner Eleventh and Donclas Streets. Phono > .Tackson 2724 OMAHA. MSB.
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(Qm^ha National Bank Faraam at 17th Street
Capital and Surplus $2j000fi00
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY. AUGUST 17, 1922 \ day from t> two "weeks' visit with her I Mrs. A. Rnbenstein and grand-1 Miss Ida Turner left Tuesday morn- j Mrs. K. Weinberg. She will remain Omaha today from Sioux City, la., paralytic stroke a t the home of her parents, Ml\ and Mrs. Sam Riseman, I daughter, Edith Rabinowitz. returned I ing for Peoria, HI., for a three week ,* here for several weeks. where they were the guests of Miss daughter. Mrs. Ruben was formerly of Elk Creek, Neb., formerly of this I home Thursday after a six weeks' j visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and of Davenport, la., coming here reAnn Mushkin. The Daughters of Israel Aid SoMrs. Abe Kushner. cently to make her home with her visit with relatives in Chicago, 111. city. ciety will hold its regular meeting Mr. Meyer Silberman, of Des daughter. She is also survived by j Miss Celia Greenspun returned Sun- Tuesday, August 22, at the Old Peo-Moines, la., is visiting with friends Mrs. J. Katleman left Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and her daughter, Rose Ruben, of this a month's stay at Chicago, 111., where son, Nat, and daughter, Hermena, mo- day after spending a few days in Fre- ple's Home at 2504 Charles St. here. city, formerly of Davenport, one son,t! she will visit with relatives and tored to Kansas City, Mo., Sunday to mont, Nebr., visiting with Miss Esther Sol, of San Antonio, Texas. Burial Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, of ENGAGEMENTS. friends. spend the week with their daughter, Weinberg. OBITUARY. Norfolk, Neb., motored back to their took place at Davenport, la., Monday The engagement; of Miss Ida Stern, Mrs. Al. Hoffman. Max Ruben, mother of Mrs. afternoon. Mrs. Mayme Krasne and Miss Belle home after having spent the week end H Mrs. Miss Tiby Lazarus, of Des Moines, of Cleveland, O., to Mr. Irvin Bercu, R with Mrs. Robinson's parents, Mr. and " Weinstein, died very suddenly Horwich left Wednesday for a motor ilsd of that city, son of Mrs. M. Solo- la., who has been the guest of Miss Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wolowitz anSunday evening at seven o'clock from PATRONIZE OUK A1)VEUTIKER8. Mrs. E. Jacobs. 3i6n, of this city, was annotried dur- Anne Zalk for the summer, returned nounce the birth of a baby daughter, trip vO visit iriends in Chicago, 111. Jig the past week. The weeding will to her home last Thursday. Saturday, August 12* at the Stewart Mr. and Mrs. H. Roscnthal left Miss Helen Marer, and Mr. Jack Phone AT lantic H031 take place in December. OXE DAY SERVICE Wednesday morning for a motor trip Marer, of Indianapolis, Ind., are vis- 035 North 24th Street. Fifteen friends of Mr. and Mrs.hospital. iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. to Lake Okoboji. Charles Nathan surprised them at Mrs. L. Fitch, of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levy, of Oak- their home Sunday evening in honor Charles Levinson. Thev will remain Old MBttreRHeH Renovated. Made to Order. Miss Esther Weinberg, of Fremont, | f o r t h e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e = land, Calif., announce the engage- of their twelfth wedding anniversary. la., and the Misses Margaret and summer. Box Spring Repairing Our Specialty Nebr., spent Sunday in Omaha as the Helen Reikes returned Friday after a ment of their daughter, Edith Eileen, The friends presented Mr. and Mrs. (,\\- Xt- a Trial. Satisfaction Gnuranteed. Mr. Sam Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and three weeks' stay at Excelsior guest of Miss Lillian Lipp. to Mr. Nathan Miller, son of Mr. H. Nathan with a silver tea setAll Work called for and delivered. SAM ALTSCHULEB. Manager. Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, and Mr. Edward Springs, Kansas City and St. Joseph, Miller, of this city. Mr. Miller is a Mrs. Samuel Gross left Tuesday Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mo. graduate of the Omaha Central High A number of visitors from Fremorning for her home in Los Angeles, Rosenblatt, returned Tuesday from a School. Both are attending the Uni- mont, Neb., were guests of Omahans Calif., after spending a few days here three month's stay in California visMrs. Louis Blotcky and son, Frank, versity of California. Mr. Miller also at the B'nai B'rith picnic Sunday at with Mr. and Mrs. Harry White. Mrs. attended the University of Nebraska. Krug Park. Among them were Mr. left Wednesday for a month's stay Gross was also visiting with relatives iting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wintroub, No date has been set for the wedding. and Mrs. Krupinsky, Mr. and Mrs.at Denver and Manitou, Colo. in New York City. Will Rosenblatt, at Los Angeles, and: B Verbin, Messrs. Louis Zlotky and Miss Celia Marx, of Lincoln, Neb., Mrs. Max Sommers, accompanied Manny Verbin, and the Misses JeanMr. and Mrs. M. Mayerowitch an- spent two week at the Ocean Park i | Have Moved to New Location—Three Doors North— arrived Sunday to be the house guest by her brother, Mr. Ed. Gluck, left ette and Sally Krupinsky, and Roselnounce the birth of a baby daughter, Beach in Venice, Calif. i| of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Thursday for Denver, Manitou, Col- la and Anne Verbin. Marion Matty, Tuesday evening at Mrs. M. Moskovitz, of Kansas City. ,B Julius Newman. orado Springs and Yellowstone Park. their home. Mo., is visiting wtih her mother, Mrs. , 1 Miss Lottie Selicow spent last week Mrs. R. Eliken, of Chicago, 111., who We carry a complete line of Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein and fam-J. Newman, at the Strehlow Apart- ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and daugh- at Fremont, Neb. has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ments. ily motored to Centerville, Nebr., Friter, Sadye, left Mondny on an extended motor trip through Colorado. Mrs. J. Margolis is convalescing at Carl Furth during the summer, re- day to visit with Mrs. Goldstein's Mr. Nathan Skalowsky, of Norfolk, sister, Mrs. Chapman. They •will be gone for two w?eks. her home after having been confined turned to her home Saturday. Nebr., returned to his home after at the Methodist hospital, •where she Mrs. William Metzger returned Mr. Sam B. Jacobs, of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene and spending several weeks with friends had been operated on for appendici- yesterday after a several weeks' stay HSisjaisiaiaiiiMsiajan^^ O., was the week-enii guest of Mr. son, Arthur, who have been touring here. tis three weeks ago. at Manning, la. Jarvis P. Freiden. Mr. Jacobs left in the east and in southern Canada Mr. James Arnstine, of Cleveland, Wednesday on a motor trip to Los Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaplan anMr. and Mrs. Jake Rosenblum • left are expected home the latter part of O., fraternity brother of Mr. Sol Angelas, Calif., prior to leaving for nounce the birth of a son, born Sat- last week and are motoring to Col- the week. 215 South Nineteenth Street. Rosenblatt, spent the week end here his home. A number of affairs were urday, August 12, at the Stewart orado. Known among our well-dressed Jewish Communal Messrs. John Baird Quigley, of Co. with Mr. Rosenblatt. given in tenor of Mr. Jacobs. On hospital. as RESPONSIBLE and ACCURATE TAILORS, Saturday evening Mr. William Levey Miss Helen Sommer returned Mon- Bluffs, la., and Nathan E. Jacobs will Mr. Charles Levinson returned the leave Wednesday for Kansas City and entertained twelve guests at his home Mr. Louis Somberg left' Monday day from Chicago, 111., where she St. Joseph, Mo., prior to going to the latter part of last week from a trip Full Line of Imported and Domestic in 'honor of Mr. Jacobs. Mr. Freiden evening for Chicago, 111., where he has been attending the Chicago Unito Chicago, I1L University of Missouri, where they Woolens in Stock entertained at a stag party at his will spend two weeks, after which he versity during the summer months. attend school. home Sunday evening honoring his will spend a week at the Zeta Beta The Misses Ruth Margolin and Rose i AT ALL TIMES—PRICES REASONABLE Mrs. David Green and children left visitor. Kaplan are visiting with relatives in Tau fraternity house at the UniverMrs. S. Frumkin spent several days FOR A PERFECT FIT AND BROTHERLY COURTESYSunday for a two weeks' visit with 'i Manning, la. sity of Missouri at Columbia, Mo. SEE US FIRST. in Omaha visiting with her aunt and Mr. Sam Wolf returned Friday He was ^accompanied to Chicago by friends at Kansas City, Mo. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Yale Dubnoff. | Mr. and Mrs. N. Brodskv and llaisisiagigsisiaisiafi!^^ ftonl nn-extended trip to New York Mr. and Mrs. "H. Michael, of Chicago, Mrs. Sam Mandelbaum will enter- Mrs. Frumkin left Wednesday for her daughter, Fannie, will leave the latCity. who were the week-end guests here tain the members of the Priscilla club home in Los Angeles, Calif. ter part of the week for a two weeks' at her home this afternoon. MLss Sarah Riseman returned Sun- of Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg. Mrs. Max Shapiro, who has been at stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Miss Irma Gross, of Lansing, Mich., Excelsior Springs, Mo., for the past The Misses Ruth and Helen Blumwho has been visiting with her aunts, month, returned home Friday. rosen, of Detroit, Mich., Who have the Misses Eva and Rose Gladstone, 1352 North 20th St. Tel.: Webster. 2196 . been touring the west, arrived in Miss Lee Rosenblatt entertained will leave within a week for a visit H. MARKS. REV. L. "LEVINSON. MoM. twelve girls at her home last Thursto Colorado. We handle the BEST MEATS that money can buy. day afternoon. Also the FINEST DELICATESSEN. We can furnish ; The Misses Lillian Harris and Ann everything for weddings, and brissan. Also everything ' Messrs. Robert Kooper and Harry for picnics, but the weather. A Fur Purchase Minkin will entertain at a dancing party this evening for fifteen cou- Robinson left Wednesday morning for Chiropodist and Beauty WHEN YOU WILL BUY ONCE YOU WILL COME AGAIN. N O W accomShop ples, at the home of the latter, com- a two weeks' stay at Lake Okoboji. We give special attention to country order. Established 1WK) plishes the replimentary to the Misses Ann and They will also visit at Sioux City, la. We pack R I G H T , and ship in T I M E . 15tb and H«mry Strrrts. Freda Shiloff, cf Sioux City, la., who Mrs. L. Adler and daughters, sults which Phone Dnucla* 1833 have been spending the week with Mamie and Ida, have returned from every woman Miss Harris and Miss Minkin. They Chicago, 111., wkerr they visited with leave for their home tomorrow. seeks— relatives for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Forman leave SatMr. Barney Goldman, of Chelsea, urday to spend a week in Tulsa, Okla. Mass., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Maxine Frosh, of Lincoln, M. Selicow for the week. Neb., will be here to attend the Me- Mesdames S. Dansky and S. K. Alnorah picnic Sunday. She will spend berts entertained Saturday at a one the week with Miss Rose Minkin. o'clock luncheon and bridge at the Mrs. Harry Rachman entertained Brandeis Tea rooms complimentary Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America at her home Saturday afternoon at to Mrs. M. Kogan and Mrs. B. German, of Minneapolis, Minn., who have bridge. ar entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. been visiting with Dr. and Mrs. A. Mr. H. Miller returned home Greenberg and Mr. and Mrs. H. From framework to window mouldings the body is built Wednesday after spending six weeks Greenberg for the past three weeks of steel. It is the first all-steel closed car ever marketed. NOW, during our August P u r Sale, is the at Oakland, Calif., where he attended and who will leave Saturday evening This design anticipates every possible requirement of opportune time to purchase your furs; sefor their home. the engagement of his son.
Social, Club and Religious Activities
at Pasadena, and with Mr and Mrs. j 1
1510 North 24th Street
I Ladie's, Men's and Children's Shoes SHAFER BROS. Artistic
The Best of Furs
alt the Greatest Saving!
lections are at their best, and priees effect a savings which -will not be available later in the season.
The Skins and Pelts are received DIRECT from the AULABAUGH TRADING POSTS in northern. Canada . . . •which, aside from Perfection-in-Skins—extends a Price Advantage by the elimination of the middleman's profits. The beauty of these luxurious skins is enhanced by the subtle creations of Aulabaugh designers — garments charming in style . . . exquisitely made and finished. Come in and view this wonderful showing. Garments selected during this sale will be beld in our vaults until fall—without extra charge.
A tew of our Special August Fur Sale Prices Hudson Seal Coat, 40 Jap Mink Coat, 40 Inches long, exception- inches long, fine qualally fine quality, large ity and - good color, garment Hudson Seal Collar and y o u t h f u l .$325 GuffB $ 4 0 0 at Jap Mink Cape, large Natural Hudson Bay roll collar, tail and Sable Cape, twenty-five paw trim, good value skins, beautiful garment
Black Caracul Cape, 40 Inches, chin collar of Krimmer . . . . . . . $ 1 6 5
Two-Skin Mink Choker, dark skins, natural color $50
Southeast Corner 19th and Farnam
Miss Lillie Furth will entertain at The Misses Mamie and Ida Adler her home tomorrow at an afternoon will entertain this evening at a lawn party for her friends. party at their home for twelve The Ladies' Progressive Society couples. entertained Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. M. Meyerson and son left SunMrs. S. Nitz, who recently moved into day for Manhattan, Kas., where they her new home at 1648 Victor avenue. will visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. GrossThey presented her with a silver man. plate. Miss Mildred Blank, of Des Moines, Mrs. Samuel Guttman will enter- la., is the house guest of her aunt, tain at her home this afternoon at four tables of bridge in honor of her house guest, Mrs. Frank Kropman, of Mason City, la. The Omaha Junior Hadassah will give an invitation dance at the Hanscom Park Pavilion Tuesday evening, August 22, as part of their program for the summer. The committee in charge are the Misses Libby Minkin, chairman, Ethel Reuben and Gertrude Cooper. A number of social entertainments will be given by the club beginning the first part of September when the club will start its membership campaign. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Malashock and son, Jack Albert, left Monday morning on a motor trip to Lake Okoboji. Miss Ann Rosenblatt left Tuesday evening for a visit at Shenandoah, la. Mrs. L. Blotcky and son, Frank, left Wednesday morning for a four week's stay at Denver, Colo. Mrs. A. Monsky accompanied them to Denver. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bernstein Tuesday at the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Bernstein was formerly Miss Sarah Cornman. The J. G. F. Club gave a farewell supper and theatre party for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zidell, who are leaving Saturday for Oklahoma. Those present were the Messrs. and Mesdames Nate Kramer, Bon Newman, Nathan Nogg, and Harold Zidell. Mrs. Dave Stein will entertain at a bridge luncheon this afternocn at the Brandeis Tea rooms. Covers will be laid for eight.
Mr. Sol Brodkey has returned from California and is anxious to meet all his friends at his store 1301 Doug|as Street. AT lantic 6970
No Springs—Honest Weight HOBART ELECTRIC GRINDERS, CHOPPERS AND MIXERS. Service and Sales: 13th AND JACKSON STREETS Phones: Toledo Scales Dong* 76851 Hobart Electri;. Doug. 7396
We have on hand Used and Rebuilt Machines.
commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness— unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long been famous.
The upholstery is of genuine leather — leather that will •wash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable. Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. T h e car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort and protection. Built inside and out to •withstand the •wear and tear'of everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Brothers cars. It is the Business Coupe which business people the world over have been expecting—from Dodge Brothers. Tim price is $980 f.o-b.
Barney a t 28tk S* Haraer 0123
33-35 Fwat-tk E«. , Council Blitte «»!,
ducatiqiigti Department of The J
§f •
have been unsurpassed by those of any other race. To carry healing, both spiritual and physical, to the COAL - COKE - HA&DCOAL nations seems to have been the peculiar mission of the Jew. To -s MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON Telephone preserve the body on earth and to . .Office Jackson 0268 NEARBY COMMUNITIES. save the soul in heaven have been 209 South 18th Street 1 the chief objects of his care and • CHOICE FTRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. 'iff Brilliant Defense of Jewish Race on Floor of Congress jiff solicitude in history. In human history as a whole the P. MELCHIOKS'& SON The Harry A. Koch Co. New. York' Congressman's Eloquent Speech in Favor Jew has had less formidable competiMACHINE WORKS of Palestine Homeland Resolution INVESTMENT SECURITIES tion in medicine than in any other Indnstrlnl and Antiimutlm Machlnliits. (Reprinted from the Congressional Kecord of July G. 1022.) Carliuretor ami Ignition Kennlrn. Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555. science. He was the physician par is now with the Starter 'Ring <)ear» for Auto Fir Wheel* excellence of the Middle Ages. A 411 South ISth Ktreet. OMAHA SIGN CQ. Telephone I Jurlmon tSM superstitious reverence attached to high can be said, no help too great his healing powers, so much so that JEWISH ACHIEVEMENTS AS Y o a r position is A GROUND FOR GRATITUDE can be rendered to the children of when he became a convert to Christhe race that emerged from the tianity he was rejected as physician, PA4 DAVENPORT DOUGHNUT correct, and should | plains of Mesopotamia in the twi-because it was supposed that the As Religionist HCO1VIPANY. be s t r p p o r t e d by of BRAND In the religious'triumphs of his- light history and from their LilU- change of religion had robbed him !BU UNDERTAKERS UiSMARCKS, CAKE AND SUGAR every fair minded DOrOHNBTS OUB SPECIALTY. of the secrets of his art. Francis tory the Jew has been, ^comparable putian kingdom in Palestine sent MOVED TO We, person. We Deliver the Real Goods. and supreme. In the beginning God forth a religion not only for the I. King of France, refused to employ S2t« CCMINO STREET. a converted Jew as court physician -. Phono Webster. OMS " appointed him his - vicegerent on earth but for the universe. earth, clothed him with"*" authority j All praise, all honor, and all grati- for this reason. Thus closely were Leo A. Hoffmann i plenipotentiary in divine affairs, and tude > t o t h e J e w for the gift of the Jewish genius and the science of revealed to him his oracles; with in- j Bi ^ le » whose Mosaic code is the most medicine identified in olden days. ADVO COFFEE • • • Ox • • • retractions to teach them to his own ' potent juridical as well as spiritual The practice of medicine was an •A.*!. WHOLESALE GROCERS ADVO FOODS ADVO JELL all future agency in the universe and whose integral part of the religion of the Hoffmann Funeral Home. and to transmit' them, to Phone Jackson 1302 t I Gospels are the most perfect flowers ancient Hebrews, who regarded generations of men. The three great monotheistic faiths °t all the religious literature of the [health and diseace as emanating from of mankind are * Judaism, • Christian-! world. The Bible is everywhere to', the same divine source. "I kill, and ity, Mahometanism. The second i s ' b e found—in the jungles of Africa,''I make alive; I wound, and I heal," Visit Our V 'REMEMBER-' c derived from the first and the third > while crossing burning deserts, andsuggested to the Hebrew mind the (PALMEK GRADUATE) origin of every malady to which the from the other two. -All'had their[ amidst Arctic snows, V11&&W£ JLlnVfl V l l (PALMEK GRADUATE "Electric Shop" origin in Judean hills;'all their birth! t h iNs o s^P e v e r P^ts to sea without flesh was heir. Medicine, then, was The Brimi ^ Second Floor, Elks' Building. Phone Jackson 3072 and inspiration in the Old Testament sacred treasure. It is found in a sacred science; its practice was a Do away with drudgery and make Gonipaiiy: house-work' a pleasure by the use of the Jews. divine calling,, and the physician was ij th the cave of the hermit, in the hut of f th h t ie With XOBC Ordeir for - ' of modern electrical appliances. The mountains and valleys of ^ peasant, in the palace of the the messenger of God. The strength HOLCOMB ANYTpffNGr Palestine are dotted with. Jewishl^ng, and in the Vatican of the Pope, o fthis sentiment may bo imagined The "Electric Shop" is on the Its e FOOD CHEMICAL when it is remembered that the Bible synagogues. Christian temples, a n d &™ precepts furnish elements ground floor of the Electric buildIN THE WRAPPING of PRODUCTS CO.. INC. identifies the blood with tho soul ing, South-east corner of Fifteenth Mahometan masques in which native morals and manliness in formative PAPER LINE and Farnam streets. rianatactorrm of worshippers and pilgrims . from all U f e t o Jubilant youth; cast a radiant (Genesis ix, 4). The Talmudists reFOODS AM> rHKMItALS. the world kneel"at the shrine of the c h a r m a b o u t t h e strength of lusty gard blood as the essential principle : 1112 HARNEY ST. i'LAVOKING EXTKACT8. of life (Hul 125a). Hebrew prophets. 6409 man hood; and when life's pilgrimBl» SiV ICUi St. Phone Atlantic 4944 Fhone age is ended, offer to the dying) Time forbids an enumeration of On the top of Mount Sinai— patriarch who clasps it to his bosom all the kings, emperors and popes Says Disraeli in Tancred—• •» a sublime solace as he crosses the who had Jewish physicians. Just a NORTHWEST READY are two ruins, a Christian cburrli and a Mahometan nioHuut:. In Ibis the great divide and passes into the few may bs mentioned by way of ROOFING CO. Rtiblhnost sti»ne of' Arabian jrlory, twilight's purple gloom. This noble illustration. Maimonides was court Israel and Jshimiel alike' mined their ISendJ Routing over ol<1 pblnjrlcs altars to the great God pt Abraham. Also «si>'.inlt nhin^les and I>til1i]-up book has furnished, not only the most physician to the Turkish Sultan Sarijofs. V'ire resisting and *lnr.ihle. JAckson 1862 Montesquieu likens the • Jewish enduring laws and the sublimest ladin and, according to the Arabian All wort e'laniirteed. E:i6j- terms. Phon^ Ilurnry S5T4 religion to the trunk of an old tree religious truths, but inspiration as historian Al-Kitti, he declined a • STEINER ELECTRIC that has produced two branches well to the grandest intellectual similar position offered him by I I'tttrr and Uairhontic: 8122 1/eavtnwortli MEATCHOPPER which cover the earth. These triumphs. It is literally woven into Richard Coeur-de-Lion, afterwards AJfD branches are Christianity and Ma- the literature of the world, and fewRichard I, King of England. Queen hometanism. Again he compares books of modern times are worth Elizabeth of England had as court .>-TJ'SED- SCALES QB1 ALL ' MANrCACTl'nERS. Judaism to a mother who has given reading that do not reflect the senti- j physician Rodrigo Lopez, a Spanish ''-"' MAKES FOR SALE. ,.., MEY-MER-CO. Brand birth to two daughters that have ments of its sacred pages. All honor j Jew. Farragut, a Jew,' , u c n. i t u i < * g m , a o c » , WaS COUTt I Beverages and Synips. 510 South 10th ^ turned upon and covered the aged to the Jew who wrote it and gave physician to Charlemange, Jacob BAKER ICEMACHINE CO. 319-331 So. Itth M.. Oiraiin. Ncbr. Phone-Jackson? parent with wounds: • it to us! . i Ben Jechiel Toans, a Jew was phyPhone Atlantic £889 I d religion julve est un ricux ' All praise, all hpnor, and all grati-1 sician to Emperor Frederick III, of trono qul a prod alt deux bnwchrg Iten tude to the Jew for the gift of the i Germany, and received from that qiii out courert toute la terrv. je ""SAY1T WITH FLOWERS" Tons dire le Mabonietisuie et le ChrixTalmud denned by , Emmanuel j monarch the order of knighthood. Biscuit Co. | tlanisme: nu plutot t"est une mere and buy them at LOW j qul a rngendrv deux lilies qui I'nnt Deutsch is "a Corpus Juris, an enj Elias Montalto, a Jew, was physician I nrrablee <le inille t'^'^s. Lettres I'erSNOW WHITE All that the name cyclopedia of—civil and penal, eccle-jto Maria di Medici. King Charles 1 K.ilies, L.X.) implies. •319. South si^th Street. BAKERIES It must be remembered that Ma- ' siastical and international, human i IV, of Denmark, had as court phyPfione Douglas ^ ( J d . ^ (Re*. C. S. Fat. and divine." I sician Benjamin Musafia, a Jew. ] ' hometans do not reject Moses and ATLANTIC 4522 916 N. 16th St. Douglas 6887 Office.) We appreciate the message and) A complete list of popes and potenj the Prophets; nor do they reject of the Talmud its contents | tates who employed physicians of Jesus. Mahomet believed and tanght mmissive that Jesus was inspired but not u s t b e l o v e d a i ^ contemplated' in!Jewish blood would be too long to Nutrition* Horn* Mad ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Ambulance Service divine. Mahometans class Jesus the light known litettture and his-j read. ' And let it be understood that APPLIANCES & SUPPLIES PIESarfc Eq Dipped with Pnlmotor. among the great prophets of Jeho- tory. As a literary production it is,' r -pea and princes had no monopoly Sealed in Sanitary Waied Made b r '.'•'' All Calls Answered Promptly. Wrapper at Yonr Grocer. Gran den Electric Co. the medical skill of the Jews. j vah, but deny that he was a man-a masterpiece—strange, weird, and!upon p UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST DEPENDABLE ET^ECTKICAI. UI c ue ut a Sundgren Pie Baking^Go. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN FOOD CO. ^ . ) God by immaculate MERCHANDISE. conceDtion " I —^ masterpiece neverthe-1 Their beneficent deeas enrich the Hth and Hickory. Atlantic SXil 1511 Howard St. Phone Atlantic 0681 Phone Hnrney 0392 3411 Farnam St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA.. 'Mahometanism rests upon the double less. It is a sort of spiritual and ! pages of all history. Maestre Belrnal, basis of Judaism ancT Christianity, intellectual cosmos m which the brain ship physician ami Marco, ship Paganism enters as an element but growth and soul burst of a great race surgeon to Columbus, were both cannot be considered Ss a basic f o u n d e x P r e s s i ( > n d u n n S » thousand, Jews. Suffice it to say that in all v American"^ Cai CarpenterPapet Co. WHOLESALE t years. As an encyclopedia of faith ages and in all lands, from the hut principle. Wet Wash laundry and scholarship it reveals the noblest of the peasant to the palace of the We follow— Distributors of Druggists and Stationers 28QS Cuming. iiarti<ey ^ 8 8 1 thoughts and highest aspirations of kng and the Vatican of the pope, they Says the Koran— -Western Bond—and High Grade 401-i0S-!03 South 10th . . One. Day Service.' i No Extra a divinely commissioned race. Whathave crept silently in to minister to Stationery '%the roll pi on of Abraham, the orthodox, Charges.^Refihite Soft Water-' ever the master spirits of Judaism who w a s no Idolater. AVu tieljeve in the sufferings of humanity. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. . • . God ami that .which hnth lieen sent in Palestine and Babylon esteemed And it may be confidently asserted down unto Abrulmin mid I«bmoel au<l Why Buy Tin? Is:uic and Jacob and' the tplbes. unit worthy of thought and devotion was that the modern Jew as physician is that which w m delivered unfo Mcisea LADY CHIROPRACTOR Buy Bird- Brand Coffee in Tubes. devoted to its pages. It thus became not unworthy of his people's illusnml Jesus, and Unit which w i n delivPAXTON-MITCHEL£ 06. J I PA ID Active Prurtlre Since 1910. SAVES VOO MONET. ered unto the prophets from the Lord. a great twin messenger, with the jtrious past. While the Jews cannot 17th and Martha 8t: Harnry I0n .' We uinke no distinction between any MID-STATES WHOLESALE Manufacturers o£ Brass, Bronie, Al'nml- , Dr. Frances H. Turner ot them, and to God wo are reslcnod. Manul Bible, of Hebrew civilization to all j justly - claim monopoly in the trinum and Soft Gray Iron Caitlnps. (Koran, chap. 2.) n HID " GROCERS Ottf<*e: HniiKlelR Thentre Rnltdinc. the races of mankind and to all the umphs of modern medicine, every Yon i Yon ore assured of soft - aigting*, «s ! 17th und DoURrlns StreetN. JU7-19 Dodge St. Jackson S873 we ttt we mashlne some from every} heat 'In j Mahometans contend that the Pen-centuries yet to come. To Hebrews race having its great ornaments and Phone Atlantic 3836 our o) our own shop. Standard atee.caBi iron I tateuch was the moral and legal code ' it is bushil the great storehouse of in- lights, yet it cannot be truthfully debnsblnga in stock. X • "!: I ! of men in the early ages of the' formation touching the legal, polit- nied that they are most worthy MAX OLSEN & CO. world; that when Jesus Christ ap-|ical, •Tl'BKS—ACCF.SSOHIES p | a l , and religious eligious traditions of their among the disciples of Aesculapius, WhoUnal* lilntrilmtora for peared the law of Moses wa«. super-' fathers in many lands and ages^ To of Hippocrates and Galen. SCHMIDT'S seded by the Gospel^; and that with'the biblical critic of any faith it is ' It may be safely asserted that beMalta, Select, Bock. Ginger OCR TKKATMKNT WILL We enrry a complete line ot m w , CONVIXCK YOU OF OCR Ale, Hires Root Beer ( the coming of Mahomet the Koran'an invaluable help to Bible exegesis, fore the Great War the medical derln.-; penrs. pinions, axle shntts and.'1 SINCKKITT. spriufrs for almost any make ot car., Office »n«T Wnrehoasrs.Bn So. Hnln St. j displaced them all and became the'And to all the world who care for partment of the University of Vienna Trust Department. M. l>. IMCIHIAK, Mnnnfrer. Telephone 143 Satety Deposit Boxes. final guide of men. This book they j the sacred and the solemn it is a was without a superior in the world. 131K-1330 Went Brnadwnr. COUNCIL IJLUFFS. IOWA. COUNCIL BI.UFF8. IOWA. j declare to be the completion of the priceless literary treasure. I Students from every continent flocked PHONE 444. F3 j law, since no more divine revelations j As an historical factor the Talmud in great numbers to this celebrated j RATES are to follow, and they worship, has only remotely affected the great school of medicine. Suffice it to say, Mahomet as the last and' very great- ]currents of G 'J for space on this Special Omaha Office: 813 Douelas Street. Gentije, history. But to as a final tribute to the skill of the Omaha riione Atlnntio ,8536 f Page.given on application. ; est of the .prophets that, have re- Jjudaism it has b$en the cementing • Jew as physician, that twelve of the vealed the will of Bod, to man. Fcrd Tranter & Storage Co. bond in every time ;of persecution and ' professorships of this famous univer210 If. 16th St. Brunches mt Central Market, . R. A. t ' o n o . may be added that there are, threatened. dissolution. . It was car-jsity were held by the Jews in 1900. loble Supply and Fooi Center. President and Generhl Mnnngor. 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson 2372 » I... V r-ound numbers, abtm, ,565,000,000' ried from Babylon to Egypt, northern Council BlnlTw (Iowa) Oflkw I t*M 934 So. Mnln Street. Phans SW ;ians, 24O,O0q,Q0fl q, -Mahometans 'Africa, Spain, Italy, France,, GerJEWS PROTEST MOSLEM LIBEL. ^ Jewg oil theI earth,-;a Irriany, and Poland! -Arid when threatCLEAN LINEN tb,tal of 820,000,000. These numbers encd with national and race destruc- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The Nationi. Kvery tnontinjp An Ideal TVashlnjr ComhlnRtlon. a*e in'the aggregate only a^put one- tion the children of Abraham in al Council of Palestine Jews has If yon call the Estes Laundry Tablets cabled to the king of Hejjas protesthalf the population,of the globe, but every land bowed themselves above . . . with . . . Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables ing against the calumny emanating Frontier Towel Supply they represent the progress, en- its sacred pages and caught thercEstes Soap Chips from certain Arab quarters that the 181S Cnlirornla Street. :•Eleventh apd Howard Sts. OMEA, lightenhicnt, and civilization of man- from inspiration, to renewed life and 811(1 - Phone Dooicltis 6291 Zionists intend to occupy the Mosque kind. higher effort. Softener (Combined) |The Jewt. is thus the founder. and .•The Hebrews of .every age have of Omar .in Jerusalem. Jews wish At all Grocers. ifcier of the great spiritual held the Talmud in extravagant nothing more than to work together OUR NKW. tOOATION Call Atlantic 23G4 Corner ' I'Jtli HII<1 llnuirluH Wreeta. . . . ^i^the. Jw;man race r whose reverence as the greatest sacred with the Arabs, the message [says in r T ;c MiiHoiiir Tcnilil* Hide. You will like 1 cbrner^storiiej- M ^ebre>F: prbiphecy and heirloom of •-theirs race. Their part; Our LineAf.nWI.N. BM.IMJTDN. HAMILTON CBEESE-BUTTER-BUTTERMILK a^d whose 'gbrgequs 'dbrnes are' the supreme affection for it has placed! nowAitii it PU f o u r s cm ANUS. I'l.A^ Kl! IMAMlS. OMAHA PUKE FOOD CO. ffeims ^of;i Jesus 'and M^Komet to it above even, the Bible. It is a n ' RABBI AS KEMAL1ST BUTTER TO AND FROM adage with them.: that "the Bible is ENVOY TO WASHINGTON THATCHKK PIANO CO. M1B Cnmlng 8t_ Omulin. NrlmiHka. • Rlnde h.? — Plimir. .ln«'Hnnn (M ,AJ1 rnankintj; should be profoundly salt, the Mischna pepper, the Ge- Constantiiiopel, Aug. 2. ( J . T. A.) ALL PARTS OF Kirschbraun & Sons —Rabbi H&im Nahoum, forme* Chief grateful to ihe Jew for the preiiious mara balmy spice." • THE WORLD JVIore than any'other human agency Kates for Space on Rabbi of Turkey, will be appoinied gift of rnonothelsm,'-which" is the this S p e c i a l Page DONT HUY basis of 'all' these faiths, and every has the Talmud been instrumental in representative to Washington, an an- VAL. J. PETER & COMPANY Sherman Mercantile Co. jrlven oo application. oil l > «•• < " nation should help restore- hijd- to Wis creating that strangest of all political nouncement in" the local press states. 1307 Howard St.. Omaha, N e b i i f :iic | f .i n » Ui'iii'Kf : .(Itwrn f phenomena—a nation without a -The Chief Rabbi whose title under, Yum K ancient homeland, : in ;:whicli monKi u i ' f »»' i' 'i ' l I riM«Tt ATJanlSc 0340. Phone 4tlnntto IM7 1.111 Ciimlne t Jewish Press country, a race without a fatherthe Sultan was MHaham Daschi" has otheism flourished in priBtine glory ULUBRICGE flfl. VAPOK PURNER j—JHSTI:IKI;TOK.H ' • 4KS Itrtitulrlp Hide. . ,Trt. • JnrUno.B ,:* • ••; V- ; ,,.v;; ••'••.. •_ :•..-.- just \ retujfnea";(fro.m a • visit >to the.j. ^'d>Jn\^;mo:r^'\:cp'mtwt;:-\1S^-v':'poIy^ land.. n»ni«i:iMrnllun CIH Ho Ifllh Ifllh «'«•»
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As Physician.
][Jnite4 Spates. He js prqc,eedvng.
finfs'. m " mediciAe. h.ero -to J|.nato)ic.
/ OnraIu»«--.N*'l>riMslii»,>