•it is the-fiasiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself. — Benjamin Franklin^
VOL- n.—No. 37
,'. Every failure will'teach' a man something if he will learn. —Dickens.
**• second-class mail matter on January 27th. 1921. »t Omaha. Nebraska, nnfler the Act of March 3. im».
Omaha Xwry to Celebrate MandMe Approval Sunday at Auditorium ANTISEMITIC Jewish Organization MOVEMENT IN GERMANY Teddy Brothers, We^l-Known Wrestling INCREASING. in City to Celebrate Berlin. (J. T. A.) In spite of an Acrobats, to Perfotik at "Jewish Press" issued by the Ministry of- EdSigning of Mandate order ucation, prohibiting the wearing of Picnic,Morrie ScMcm^r and Others to Box Or. S. A. Hoffman of Chicago anti-Semitic designs in schools, the Will Be the Principal Speaker! GOV.
Omaha Jewry •will assemble en masse Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. at the city Auditorium to celebrate the approval of-the signing of the Palestine Mandate by the League of Nations. Many of the organizations in the city will take part "in the public celebration. Dr. S. A. Hoffman of Chicago will be the principal speaker of the after-
Swastika, which has become the symbol of anti-Semitism, is being worn by students, and even teachers in the schools and universities. The spirit prevailing in the schools is such that Jewish pupils are frequently placed in intolerable positions, being the objects of mockery and constant persecution on the part of their fellowstudents. A determined effort is also being made by anti-Semitic circles to spread the spirit of anti-Semitism among non-Jewish workmen. The so-called Nationalist Socialist party, which was founded for this purpose, has gained many followers, especially in Bavaria, and demonstrations of an anti-Semitic nature have become a daily occurrence.
Have you ever seen the Teddy Brothers perform ? If you have, you know that they are the-rvery best wrestling acrobats in this section of the country; you know that they can make you burst out with laughter more times per minute than Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin and Bull Montana combined. If you have seen them once, you will «|ertainly want to see them again. And if you have not seen them, your big chance will come on September 17. TEDDY BROTHERS WILL BE ONE OF THE BIG FREE ATTRACTIONS AT KRUG PARK
Then, in addition, there will be many other stunts and exhibitions of aH sorts, as well as games, races, • athletic events and all Ithe park concessions. There will be contests and competitions in which every one can enter and which everyone can enjoy, with prizes offered in all of them. \ MORRIE "KID" SCHLAIFER WILL BEJFEATURED IN A TEN-ROUND BOUT. The committee in charge of the arrangeihents for the fight have been keeping the wires "hot" in the attempt to secure the services of an opponent eligible to mix punches with Morrie Schlaifer. - Wires have been sent to some of the best welterweights in the country, among those whose services are being, sought are, Frankie Murphy, "Cowboy" Padgett, Jack Perry, Frankie Ryan, "Kid" Griffiths and others.
Levy Mayer, Noted Lawyer, Found Dead in Hotel Apartment
Next week's issue of the "Jewish Press" will carry the name of Morrie Schlaiferfc opponent. Several fast preliminaries to the main bout will also be arranged. A ticket to the "Jewish Press" Picnic will buy you a day of real pleasure and entertainment such as you have not had in a long, long time. The free attractions alone are worth the price of the ticket many times over. In addition, you will have a day in the open in beautiful Krug Park, with its csol, shady picnic grounds, its spacious dance hall and all its entertaining devices. ' ':' ~
Attorney for the "Big Five' Packers and the Liquor Interests Left a Large Fortune.
Rabbi Morris Taxon Resigns as Minister Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The commission, which has been instituted by the of Local Synagogues Polish Government in order to work JEWISH RIGHTS IGNORED IN GALICIA.
out an administrative system for Galicia, proposes the establishment of a To Receive $8,400 at Dallas, Tex., Congregation. special Administrative Council which will consist of two sections: a Polish and a Ruthenian section. According CAME TO O M A H A FIVE YEARS AGO. to the new scheme, Galicia will be represented in the Polish Government by a Minister as was the case in Austrij. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon, who hag Afi Eastern Galicia is only provis- been a spiritual leader of the United' ionally administered by Poland, it is Orthodox Congregations in Omaha,. claimed that no definite administra- has resigned to become Rabbi of> tion can be established without the tiltimate consent of the League of Nations.
Welfare Federation of Sioux City Shows Fine Growth in Year Picnic Held in Celebration of First Anniversary of Organization. INCREASED BUDGET AND MEMBERSHIP PLANNED FOR GOING YEAR.
Sioux City, la., Aug. 21.—ApproxiRABBI M. N . TAXON mately 500 Jewish citizens of this Tickets are $1.00 each for gentlemen* a£d 50c each for ladies. city attended the first annual picnic Sheaarith Israel Congregation at ; given by the Federation of Jewish So- Dallas, Texas. His salary there will They are on sale NOW at the following conveniently located stores: . TOOK ACTIVE PART IN ALL cial Service of Sioux City at the be $8,400 per year. <• '; NORTH SD3E DOWNTOWN WAR .WORK. v'r : county fair grounds, yesterday. Negotiations .by the Dallas congre- t The affair, which is an. innovation gation to obtain the service * of Rabbi h Malashqck Jewelry Co., 1514 Dodge St. Fried & Kuklin, 1613 North 24th St. Funeral arrangements^, foy^. Levy in annual Federation meetings, testi- Taxon have been carried on for some ^ WolTs Haberdashery, 1421 Douglas St. Mayer, nationally known lawyer, who SOUTH SD3E fied to the splendid position occupied time until recently a committee from i Daa's^hoe &.CJothing. Ca, 1415 7 •was found dead*last-weekinfhe Hotel ion among Qi& Dallas came in person to influencfe^ Leon's, 1410 Famam Street.'- e kmflr?2iafSfc "" Blackstone, await the_.»o*d «£*Mrs. DR. S. A. HOFFMAN Rabbi Taxon to accept the contract. ^ Haberdasher, 315 South 16th St. he community. Mayer, who is in Europe. COUNCTL BLUFFS He will enter upon his new charges "Jewish Press" Office, 482 SatmdersHenry Monsky and Samuel Schaenoon. Dr. Hoffman, is known as one Immediately upon the discover of Kennedy Building. Central Hardware Co., 606 W. Broadway. fer of Omaha spoke on various phases March 1, 1923. cf the best orators in the country. Dr. Mr. Mayer's death, word was cabled of Jewish social service. Mr. Monsky Since coming to Omaha he has been ~ Hoffman has toured' the entire east to Mrs. Mayer in Paris. emphasized the value of a Federaactively ** identified in all phases of * with Colonel Patterson and Nahum The multirrHionaire attorney and tion to a community, and Mr. Schae- communal work pertaining to the wel-> £ Sokolow in behalf of the Keren Haye- publicist was found lying upon the fer stressed the importance of YMHA fare of the Jews. He has been espe- g sod and is well versed on the Pales' floor when his valet went to call him. and be sure that every member of your familiy attends work for children and young men and daily active in the City Talmud To- j . tine: Mandate. Governor Samuel R. He had been dead for some hours. the "JEWISH PRESS" Picnic at women- He urged Sioux City to un- rah, being chairman of its committee fe McKelvie will also be one of the Coroner Peter M. Hoffman, Corodertake this a t once, and also advo- on education, and in the Sunday L speakers. A musical program has also ner's Physician Joseph M. Springer, cated the employment of a profession- School conducted by the Deborah So* | been arranged for. Dr. Morris L. Goodkind, Mr. Mayer's al social •worker. ciety. . . 1 The meeting will begin promptly personal physician, and three other The local Federation was organized He is a past president of the B'nai I at 3 o'clock and all Jews, whether doctors were immediately summoned. July 1st, 1291, and the 1st annual r e - B'rith. He is on the board of direcZionists of non-Zionists can participort, Just issued, shows remarkable tors of the Jewish Welfare Federation Sadden Death. MEXICO MAKES LARGE pate.'. According to the committee of progress in community organization, and of the YMHA, is chairman of the LAND GRANTS TO JEWS arrangements, there will be no collec- The cause of death was fixed after 'our hundred and fifty members, from local Keren Hayesod committee, and tions, no subscriptions and no ad examination as cerebral hemorrhage. a total population of 650 families, en- a member of the executive committee Sixteen Million Acres of Land Mostly mittance fee. A death certificate was ordered issued. rolled in the Federation during the of the Zionist organization. > Arable, Are Available For Jewish Following is the program for the There will be no inquest. Jewish Relief to Russia Now Totals year, and contributed a total of $15,For Holy Days—Special Call Sent During the war he was appointed I 8 Colonization, a Preliminary afternoon celebration: Mr. Mayer had spent Sunday visitOver $10,000,000 Since 000. Nineteen institutions and functo Presidents and Rabbis by the Governor as a member of the Report States. ing friends in Glencoe. Upon his reBelectibn by Tort Crook Military Band tions of social service are embraced state committee for the thrift stamp of Congregations. By Conrtesy of Omaha Musicians Union turn to the apartment he complained New York.—An additional sum of in the Federation, including national campaign and has done intensive work In vocati on _Kabbi Morris N. Taxon Chicago. ( J . T. A.)—A charter AmericaVudieneo. led by Selwyn S. Jacobs of a pain in the back of his head. $2,300,000 for relief work in Russia and Palestinian institutions. (From our New York Correspondent) in all subsequent appeals for war re-1 granting sixteen million acres of land He did not retire immedaitely, and HatikTOh : by Audience, has just been appropriated by the New York. — What amounts to an for the colonization of Jews from Plans for this year include raising lief, anti-defamation and othef Jew* led l>y Miss Sophye Weinstein when last seen alive by bis valet was Introductory remarks Harry H. Lapiarmy of speakers is being mobilized Eastern Europe and detailing the con- Joint Distribution Committee mainly a budget of $20,000 and increasing t h e ish causes. dus. Chairman, of Meeting reclining on a couch reading. He was Jon. Samuel I{. McKelvie, •ddress •-•• 'jit by National Headquarters of the cessions under which t h e grant is for child-feeding. This new appro- membership to 700. Governor of Nebraska clad in dressing gown and slippers. priation makes the total spent by that Keren Hayesod in America and by Vocal Solo Mrs. Martin Sugannan E. E . Baron is president of t h e Fedmade, has been obtained from PresJOINS NEW FIRM »« Some time later he is believed to body in - Russia since 1921 approxiaccompanied by Miss Kstelle Lapidus A. Warshaw, formerly with Leon. I* Selection Fort Crook Military Band have become ill and to have arisen local officers throughout the United ident Obregon of Mexico, Paul W. mately $8,00*0,000, and since the out- eration, with Max Brodkey, general Address. Dr. S. A. Hoffman. States for the coming High Holy Rothenberg, a lawyer of this city secretary and N . W. Pickus, treas- Brothers, a member of the B'nai H of Chicago, III. to move toward the window. On the Days. On these Days when all Jew- who has just returned from Mexico break of the war $10,000,000. Trio Selection— urer. In addition to these the follow- B'rith, has joined the sales organisaway he is believed to have collapsed. Violin The new appropriation, which ex- ing are members of the executive tion of McCaffrey Motor Miss Kose Bnlinoff Collo .. -Mr. Oscar Welustein | As he fell his chin struck against ish Houses of Worship are crowded City, announces. M Sophye O hausts the balance of the budget for committee: B . Baron, J. N . Krueger, I'lnuo Hiss "U'einsteln a chair. Physicians fixed the time of to capacity, the speakers will visit Mr. Rothenberg, who received the Fifteenth and Jackson streets. Benediction di _. .Itiibhi Morris N. Taxon : the Synagogues and, making the rati- original offer two months ago, went Russian relief set up on the basis of J. London, S. Lipman, A. Goodsite, H. He reports good success so far in' Star Spangled IJsiimer. death as about 2 a.m. . by Ft. Crook Military Band fication of the Palestine Mandate the as t h e head of a Jewish Investigation results obtained in the recent $14,- Levin and Max Pill. his new line of endeavor. Internationally Known. text of their speeches, will appeal to Committee to Mexico City, to nego- 000.00 campaign, was made in reMr. Mayer was internationally the Jews to help in the rebuildingof tiate the agreement with the Mexican sponse to * urgent cables from Col. known as a corporation attorney, Palestine by giving to the Keren Government This agreement, Mr. William R. Grove of the American and was reputed to be the wealthiest Hayesod. It is declared by Keren Rothenberg says, h a s been reached Relief Administration and Dr. Boris lrwyer in the world.. His interests Hayesood officials that the results of and the charter signed. The charter, D. Bogen, the directing heads of the Ukrainian Relief Unit for increased Second Year as State Tennis Cham- were legion, extending from legal af- the same action a year ago under comprising 100 printed pages, will be funds to feed and clothe the hundreds fairs of national importance, such as much less favorable conditions were pion. Favorite in YMHA his right against the Eighteen amend- so encouraging that the response this brought by a high Mexican official to of thousands of starving children, and Tournament. The practice of sending New Year's Greetings to friends ment to the formation of scores of year is expected to set a new record Chicago, i t i s said. I t is issued in also for reconstructive work on a and relatives through the local Jewish paper is general the name of t h e Mexican Jewish Colomaximum scale. Albert Finkel still reigns as the corporations and to his defense of in the generosity of the Jewish peo- nization Association, an organization throughout t h e country. I t s advantage over t h e old individual junior tennis champion of Nebraska. J. Ogden Armour during federal* pro- ple towards Palestine. The sum asked for by Dr. Bogen, mailing card is evident in t h e saving of time, expense a n d formed for t h e purpose of exploiting Fiflkel successfully defended his secution of the alleged "meat trust." as being urgently necessary, exceed worry over forgetting a friend. • in behalf of homeless E a s t European / title Saturday afternoon against Mar- He is survived by his widow, Mrs. In a special call which has been the money available to the Joint DisJews, t h e Mexican g r a n t of land. ghal Magee in the finals of the state Rachel Meyer Mayer, and two- daugh- sent out to the Presidents of Congretribution Committee for Russian ReGreeting Cards in the " J E W I S H - P R E S S " ,-r.:^'" tournaments at the Field club, win- ters, Mrs. Madeline Hirsch and Mrs.gations, they are urged to have their lief. In addition to funds for the will take this form: BIALIK'S TRIBUTE TO. ning three out of four sets, 7-5, 6-3,Hortense Low, both of New York. " Synagogues set aside one of the comchild-feeding.program Dr. Bogen has FRISCHMAN. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Abrams and family of 3-6, 6-2. He was senior member of, the law ing Sigh Holy Days for the Keren Berlin. (J. T. A.)—The funeral of asked for money to assist local insti9765 West Grand Boulevard. extend their best Finkel got off a bad start and firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Hayesod. David Frischman, the noted Hebrew tutions, loans, for artisans, instruwishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy machinery and tools, subsidies Magee won five straight games. Then Platt. The woi$ of the Keren Hayesod in critic and litfirateur, wis attended by ments, and Prosperous New Year. for trade-school. According to Dr. the champion realized his predicament Palestine, the call states, played no a large number of ais colleagues, Bogen's figures; the feeding program and, staged a comeback, winning-the ROTHSCHILD FELICITATES MAIL T H E COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN ' small part in the victory of the Man-friends and admirers. The i-rocession first set, 7-5." ,If Finkel had not won PALESTINE JEWS date ratifications. The reference here was one of-the most impressive Ber- alone will require another $1^200,000 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. the first set he ;would have; lost his Jerusalem. (J. T: A.)—Baron J3d- is to the Immigration, Colonization, lin has witnessed since Kathenau's by Jan. 1 next. The Jewish Press, title to the youthful challenger, many mpnd de Rothschild of Paris, founder funeral. The Joint Distribution Committee's : 482 Brandeis Theatre B H g , fans who witnessed the match de- and sponser of many of the Jewish Medical Work, Sanitation, and other Speakers at the bier included Nach- executive did .not feel free, to appro;; ._•'. • activities of the Keren Hayesod clared. colonies in Palestine, has, cabled to which are promoting the Jewish set- man Bialik, the Hebrew poet laureate, priate more than tbiSj$2^06,000 at Omaha, Nebraska. Finkel's victory in the first set ap- the Vaad Leumi expressing the hope tlement in Palestine. Gentlemen:— . who declared that Frischman was the the present time, and this «um has parently put more confidence in him that Palestine Jews', with work and greatest of Jewish authors because been turned-over to -LewiE Strauss, Enclosed find $2.60, for which please insert my New Year's and he captured the second, 6-3, but patience, would' carry the Mandate A second call in Hebrew has gone he was the most humble; he was the acting chairman of the Russian -ComGreeting Cartf in yunr Rosa Hashoma (568S)^Number. through to success. The Vaad Leumi out to the Rabbis of the Congregawas T>eaten in the third, 3-6—the only High-Priest of Hebrew beH&£-letcers. mittee, to be spent according to the has also received a reply from the tions, appealing to them to utilize the Mr. Bergelson spoke on behalf of the best judgment of the Joint Distribuget Magee'won. NAME: ._. The deciding set went to Finkel, king of the Hedjaz rejecting the Zion- opportunity they have on the High Jewish writers of Poland;.Victor J«^ tion's representatives in Russia, but ist claims and declaring that he thinks Holy Days to bring home to the cobson, as a reprseentative of the primarily ;for the feeding of children. 6-2. Although beaten, Magee put up a with other Arabs that all Arabic large masses of Jews the significance Zionist Organization; -and S. BenADDRESS: countries, including Palestine, should of the mandate ratification and the Zion- (M. Gtxtman) .is a representaPATRONIZE ALL OF OUR ADwonderful exhibition. he., placed .under jthe independent rule duty of helping in the rebuilding of tive of the Jewish writers of Pates- VERTISERS. ,/inkel is also*-in the S THEY ARE HELPof the Arabs. PalestineShe YMHA tournament. SUPPORT YOUR PAFBB.
J.D.C. Sends $2,300,000 More to Feed 800,000 Tots
Keren Hayesod Will Stage Ration Wide Synagogue Drive
Jewish Youth Retains His Tennis Title After Hard Fight
^ Year's Greetings
; .,••
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, lsraz Mr. John Baird Quigley left WedThe Misses Gojdie and Helen lnal^'Jews of Hesse the rate was identically the same for both Jews Robinson are spending their vacation nesday for the University of Missouri, where he attends school. and non-Jews, or 38 per 100,000; for at Duluth, Minn. Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, jby Berlinthe rate was slightly lower for . THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. The Ladies Aid Society held its first air. Ben Younker, who has been jews, or 39 against 67 for non-Jews; Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. of a series of card parties Wednesvisiting his father, Mr. Marcus for Vienna the rate for male Jews NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. was 49, for male Roman Catholics 41, Younker, left Tuesday for his home day afternoon at Eagles HalL Prizes were won by the Mesdames H. and for male Protestants 51; for in New York City. EDITORIAL BOARD: Maduff, and Frank Krasne. DR. PHILIP SHER. Bavaria the rate was 38 for Jews, 10.4 A lawn party for the benefit of i HENRY MONSKY, SAMUEL H. SCHAEFER, for Roman Catholics, and 24.4 forthe Hebrew Orthodox Association was Mrs. L. Friedman and Mrs. J. Men..$2.50 Protestants; for the Kingdom of Ba- given last week by Mrs. Saul David- delson are ill at the Jennie EdmunSubscription " Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application. den the Jewish rate was 23, against son. The receipts totalled $160.00. son Hospital. 21 f<?r non-Jews. It will be noted, I NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaThe Blossoms of Zion will hold its however, that these rates refer to Miss Minnie Lipshy has returned tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy cpnunonal causea. Jews living in large cities, and would from a six month's trip to New York, meeting this afternoon at the home CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please glTa^oth. me old mil new •ddteat: probably not be found in like propor- Cleveland, Buffalo, and other eastern of Miss Fannie Michnick. Plans for a b* iure and sign yonr nam*. picnic will be discussed. tions elsewhere. cities. Race and Environment. The Misses Marion and Reva Cohen Miss Rose Handler left last week AN EPOCHAL EVENT. These facts of Jewish demography for Chicago, where she has accepted entertained at Bridge Sunday afterThe history and experience of the Jewish people are full of are not alone interesting in themnoon, Augut 21, in honor of Miss Jean great events. Not "only events "that were peculiar to thie Jew selves; they also form matter for a position. Goldberg, who is a September bride. himself, but events that affected all other peoples of the earth considerable speculation concerning The B'Nai Rev Club held a picnic Prizes were won by the Misses Reva always bore special relationships to the Jew. Yet, there are the influence upon Jews of race and, Thursday evening at Wheeler's farm. Gilinsky, Libby Markowitz, Sarah some events both in Jewish history and in the history of theenvironment, as well as (and by no Brodkey and Mrs. Hyman Berlint. An F,world that stand out most conspicuously as ushering in a new means least) religion. And here it out-of-town guest was Miss Helen epoch in Jewish life and experience. must be said that, important as the Mayer of Indianapolis, who is the LINCOLN | Such an event of outstanding and epochal significance took ordinances relating to food are conguest of her siscer, Mrs. Levinson of ! place last week, when the Council of the League of Nations cerned, they are not the only religious The Misses Jennie and Ruth Evan Omaha. [ratified the British mandate and approved officially toe British influence calculated to produce certain entertained at a bunco party Sunday [policy in Palestine. This event is significant in many respects. vital traits such as those that have afternoon in honor of Miss Ann Bar- The Mogen David Club will hold its ;In the first place, it is an event that bears a certain; relationship been gathered together by Dr. San-mish, of Omaha, who is the guest of regular meeting Sunday, August 27, 4 to the Jewry of the whole world, and in this it differs from ders, following more notable workers Miss Celia Marx. Prizes were won at 10 a. m. at the Synagogue. Plans "[Other great moments in Jewish history in which important things in the same field of inquiry such as by Miss May Shapiro and Mrs. Harry for a hike and other activities will be roccured that were for the most part significant' only to oneDr. Fishberg and Dr. Joseph Jacobs. Ginsburg. made and also an election of officers [portion of the world's Jewry. Thus, the expulsion of Spain, For, besides physical reasons for acwill take place. 'for instance, in 1492, was certainly an epochal event, one of counting for the differences that sub- Mr. Simon Nefsky returned home ! tremendous significance in its heart-rending sadness. Yet, thesist between Jews and ^ion-Jews, last week after a month's vacation at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schoenwald, of ; expulsion affected primarily the Jews of Spain and not thethere is a phychologic element which Atlantic City, N. J. Sioux City, spent the week visiting relatives. They left Monday for Calir Jews of the whole world. This is also true of many other ex- should not be neglected, but which Mr. P. V. Pepperburg and son, pulsions and mass persecutions of the past centuries, except is most often utterly ignored. The Louis, fornia, where they will make their this week from a two ; that the expulsion frbin Spain differs from other expulsions in beliefs and the creed of a man must monthsreturned home. They were accompanied by to the Pacific Coast, also '•its outstanding significance because it is coupled in Jewish his- have their effects upon his life and spendingvisit Mr. Jack Schoenwald. time with Mrs. Peptory, and in the history of all mankind, with the discovery of his liability to disease. Think of the perburg's some mother Spokane. ReMr. and Mrs. Lou Cornblatt, and 'America, which has indeed affected not only Jewish exiles of number of complaints of the nerve turning they visited in Yellowstone Park daughter, Mattie, left Sunday for Spain, but the Jews of the whole world. Events in Jewish his- centers, and it will soon be realized and the Grand Canyon. Mr. Pepperj.tory which affected all the Jews at one and the same time are how the trend of thought as directed burg, who was with them returned their home in California after spendI such events as the redemption from Egypt, the giving of theby religious beliefs enters (or rather home a few weeks ago. ing the summer here. i Law and the return from the Babylonian captivity in the record should enter) into calculation.—The The Talmud Torah held a special | of -happy experiences of our people, and the destruction of theJewish Daily News. Miss Golde Arenson, of Sedalia, meeting Tuesday evening. ! first and that of the second commonwealth in the record of sad Mo., who has been the guest of her • occurrences- And the ratification of the Palestine mandate is JEW T ORUN FOR aunt, Mrs. Saul Poska, for the past The Junior Kensington Club held a 5 most decidedly an event which distinctly deserves to be classLATVIAN PARLIAMENT month, left for her home last week. picnic Monday at Lake Manawa. jjed with the redemption from Egypt and the return from Berlin. (J. T. A.)—Dr. Laski-BerMrs. L. Meyerson and son, of OmaMiss Gertrude Kroloff entertained ^ ^Babyloniatholdi, a member of the United Jewish ha, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.Friday afternoon for her cousin, Miss " The action of the League of Nations with regard to theEmigration Committee, has been Leah Herzoff, and Margaret Rabinow, Palestine mandate is a most significant event, also, from the fact asked to be a candidate in the next Dan Hill. that it means the accomplishment of a world movement within elections for deputies to the Latvian Mrs. H Marx entertained nine of Sioux City, la. The afternoon was spent in playing bunco. Prize was : the narrow scope of one generation. For it must be remember- Sojm. couple at a dancing party Thursday won by Miss Fannie Katelman. ied that, while the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland has evening in honor of Miss Anne Bar• j been the object of hope and prayer of every Jew for the past mish, of Omaha, who is the house Miss Jennie Katelman entertained ^eighteen and a half cepturies, yet, the active steps towards the guest of Miss Celia Marx Wednesday afternoon at her home in DES MOINES £ P , j^ccomplishment of this hope and the movement which took honor of Miss Goldberg, j -upon itself the task of supplementing prayer by work towards Miss Amalia Meyers left Monday Miss Ruth Polsky entertained the whose marriage Jeannette to Mr. Harry ..;-Lthe achievement of the goal dates back only one quarter of a for Waterloo, la., to visit with members of the Mitzpah Club at man will take place Sunday. Rachbridge Wednesday evening. '-century, to the time when the first Zionist Congress was called .Jjy Theodor Herzl. During that quarter of a century many friends. •things of tremendous importance have come to pass. The Miss Gladys Rudston has returned Mrs. Max Lashinsky entertained at Mrs. E. Marcus will entertain this •bloodiest conflict in history has been fought; nations have been home from Cedar Falls, where she a party at her home in honor of her afternoon for Mrs. B. Wiseman, of T ! —"imade and unmade, and the whole map of Europe has beenwas graduated from the Normal sister, Mrs. John Bernstein, who is Chicago. here .visiting Mrs," Lashinsky and her changed. And, while all these things have affected the JewSchool this summer. parents, Mr. and:"Mrs. Joe Shapiro.
not only in a general way, but in a specific manner, yet, the possibility of establishing a Jewish Homeland in Palestine, for Mr. and Mrs. Saul Davidson left Mrs. James King, of Richmond, Va., Fred R. Shaw Flower Shop Pbanr 104. j which the League of Nations has now paved the way, assumes last week for Kansas City and who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. The Best of Everything tn Flovrers and for the Jew a more significant character than all the other Albuquerque, New Mexico, to visit L. Krechefsky, left for Sioux City Confection* at Moderate Prices. relatives. They expect to return in specific relationships which the changes of the past twenty-five Sunday where she will spend the 543 W. Broadway. Noxt LltH-rty Theater. a 1* ^ years have brought about. For it means the fulfillment of anabout ten days. •sveek. She was accompanied by Miss COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. " ~ \ j age-long hope and dx*eam; it means the promise and possibility Mr. and Mrs. David A. Skirble, of Minnie Krechefsky. of ah intellectual and spiritual center; it means the possible or Canonsburg, Penn., spent a week in [jprobable of our Gypsy-like existence; and it means the Mrs. Jack Chapman entertained at OH! permanentend city visiting at the home of cards Sunday evening in honor of her solution, in great part at least, of an old and difficult the their sister, Mrs. L. Toubes. problem that has confronted the Jews of every land. guests, Miss Etta Grossman, of Oma;• Zionists all over the world and those who'are in a position Mr. Morris Samish has returned ha, and Miss Grossman's fiance, Mr. 1OO >o. 16th St. Tel. JA ckson 3128 Opposite rost'Office. . ; to appreciate the significance of the Zionist victory for the whole from his European trip. Lester Heeger, of Sioux City, la. TUXEDOES, Latest Models __ Jewish people are jubilant and are celebrating the great event Rose Goldfine has as her S25.OO to $40.00 of last week. And well may they celebrate, for the period of Mrs. A. Weiner, of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. r mourning that has so long been observed from the seventeenth is in the city visiting her daughter^ I &>ests l a s t w e e k Mr. and Mrs. S. FOU SALE OR FOR RENT. Levine, of Sioux City, la., and Rabbi qbf Tammuz to the ninth of Ab, in order to keep green the sad Mrs. Falk Younker. and Mrs. Martin, of New York City. memory of the destruction of the Jewish commonwealth almost '• nineteen hundred years ago, has now been turned into a period Miss Sara Sherman was hostess Wednesday evening Mrs. Goldfine ' \ of rejoicing over the redemption of the Jewish people from the to twenty-five girls last Wednesday entertained in their honor and Thursdark and dreary goluth by the means which have been placed evening at her house as a courtesy day evening Mrs. H. Fogelson enter__ during that period within the reach of the Jew to re-establish to her guest, Miss Annette Kraks- tained for the same guests. __ his lost homeland rjid national center.—"The Jewish Ledger." man, of Sioux City, la.
The Merchant National Bank OMAHA, NEBRASKA.
OVER FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE BUILT ON THE SUCCESS OF THE Y O U N G B U S I N E S S M E N IT HAS HELPED. Saving is simply spending less then you make. Lay the foundation of your success by opening a saving account today. FRED P. HAMILTON, President. B. H. MEILE, Vice-Pres. O. T. EASTMAN, Vice-Pres. S. S. KENT, Cashier. H. D. BENTLEY, Ass't Cashier. B. B. WOOD, Ass't Cashier. J. P. LEE, Ass't Cashier. C. M. FIXA, Auditor.
radley new fall T HE Bradleys are
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Knitted SlipCver Sweaters
Knitted Coat Sweaters
$7.50 to $15
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SPORT COATS, $ 3 . 0 0 TO $ 8 . 0 0 . Boys' Coat Sweaters. S3.OO to $ 7 . S O Boys' Slip Overs at.. . $ 3 . 0 0 to $ 7 . 5 O Boys* Sport Coats at. S 2 . 5 0 to S4.OO
Children's Sweaters,
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$000 <£
Main Floor—Main Aisle—Sorth of Elevators
John Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Z. Snader and Mr, and Mrs. M. H. Cohen and daughter, Esther Jane, of Norfolk, P. daughter, Atleen, are in Colorado Nebr., and Julius Newman, of Omaha, Jews in regard to certain illness, and Comparative Data M Man i .and Celia Marx, of this city, who was we find that typhoid fever is less, Springs. a um x! Concerning jews in Yon measles and scarlet fever about the we i Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Iince and visiting m Omaha, all motored to our J Bame, but whooping cough consider- family left last week for Colorado spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sj Relation to Non-Jews bush ably less with our people, So with Springs and Estes Park. They were H. Marx and Mrs. R. Snader. ~! A useful chapter on comparative tuberculosis the rate among Amster- accompanied by Miss Florence Mendel, """"" """Tidata concerning Jews in various coun- dam Jews was 128.9 per 100,000, as of New York City. 5 tries in relation to non-Jews has been compared with 212.32 among nonCOUNCIL BLUEFS •j contributed in a small treatise by Dr. Jews, while among Jewesses the rate Mr. Stanley Friedman has returned | J. Sanders, of Amsterdam, says The was 97.2 as against 181.39 for non-home from a trip to New York City. Mr .and Mrs. Philip Sherman, of | Jewish World of London. He shows Jewish females. The majority from Allen, Nebr., left this morning for Mr. and Mrs. A.Sherman aro their home in Allen, Nebr. | that the Jews of his city do not ex- cancer has been found to be virtually ihibit pronounced longevity over non- the ame for Jews as for non-Jews, spending a week at Excelsior Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman en«Jews. In 1909, he found that the pro- some forms of the disease affecting Springs. tertained Friday evening in honor of J portion of Jews over the age of sixty Jews in a notably higher proportion Mr. S. Raphael left Saturday mornI was 3.86 per cent, against 3.39 perthan non-Jews, and some, on the con-ing for the east on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cornblatt, wko left last Sunday for California. j cent, for non-Jews while for Jewesses trary, showing themselves much more He will return in about ten days. j the proportion was 5.32 against 4.52 prevalent among those of other faiths. for non-Jewish females. The death Diabetes on the other hand, is almost Miss Blanche Teitle, of Albia, is I rate for Jews is, however,, greatly a Jewish complaint. Taking the com- a .visitor at the H. Waldinger home. lower than that of nonrJews every- parison for Amsterdam, it shows 23.50 Miss Helen Younker spent the where. Thus the rates per,thousand per 100,000 for Jews, as against 9.92 week-end in Ames, la. are given as follows: Prussia—Jews for non-Jews; and for Jewesses 45.5, Proprietor of 13 8, non-Jews 17.4; Bavaria—Jews and for non-Jewish females only 9.82. Miss Lillian Friedman entertained 12.7, nonJews, 20.5. European Russia Liability to alcoholism is, as is well- a few friends at a luncheon Monday —Jews 18.1, non-Jews_32.5;: Hungary known, less among Jews than among in the Harris Emery Tearoom as a --Jews 17.0, non-Jews 27.2; Frank- ' non-Jews, and < ' Dr. Sanders -: thinkscourtesy to Mrs. David SMrble, of 1702 North 24th Street. fort—Jews 12.6, .non-Jews 15.4; that the best evidece of this is:to be Canonsburg, Penn. Phone Webster 2092 Galida—Jews 19.3, non-Jews 27.5. In found in the comparative immunity Amsterdam the male Jews experi- of Jews from cirrhosis of the liver. Misses Rose and Mignon Rubinson enced a mortality rate of 12.0 land the theY3.1 per 100,000 being the v mortality have returned from a two week's
Omaha fish Co.
non-Jews 14.5; among "females the of Jews from'this complaint in Am-motor trip through Illinois and WiseompTaint in'"Ammortality of Jews was lOiLand-non-s sterdam as. against 4.96 for non-Jews. consin. Jews 13.2. This aggregate result in The figure for Vienna for Jews was Mr. and Mrs. L. Ginsburg and mortality is almost certainly produced found to b e ' 8 per '100,000 "as comMrs. TV RuBiftson left last week for by the very much smaller child death- pared "with- 24 for- non-Jews, ^and in a three .weeks trip to Mt. Clemens, rate among Jews. " . XIracow~4.9 for Jews .-and 8:4'for non- Mich., 'and .'Cfiicagbf ' Jews. The data- - for - 'suicides will Infant Mortality. Miss; DjeMaJBrody, whose marriage Thus, infont mortality (of-children prove surprising to those who think nnder the age of one year) among that death by self-violence is excep- to Mr."-Ijg6 tevitan takes place Jews (male) in Amsterdam was 101.4 tional among Jews. In Amsterdam August - 31, was honored Tuesday loer thousand, while for non-Jews it the rate for Jews was 11.34 as against afternoon at. a bridge party given * high as 123.7. Among female 8.35 for non-Jews, while among Jew- by Mrs. Irving Erbstein and the f - - ^ w S 80.0 and 9 8 1esses it was 6.56 as compared with Misses Rose and Mignon Rubinson vs. Dr. Sanders proceeds to 2.59 female non-Jewesses. Statistics at the home of their mother, Mrs. how Jews compare with non- from other centers tally. Thus, for T. Rubinson.
A complete stock of
Staple Groceries and Fresh Fish Also a supply of My Famous, Home-Made Dill Pickles.
The Hudson Coach Has the New Motor
See it today. It combines the two biggest Jaims to interest in many years. A'jeautfful closed car costing less than 6% above open models, is offered in the Coach. / And now it adds the wonderful new Hudson motor. Tt festevis Hudson's long leadership to
a higher standard of quality than ever. Performance is •wholly altered—a glorious sense of motion, free as flight. It eludes description. It brings afresh the zest to motor for its own sake. It is a revelation even to Hudson owners. Be our guest on your first ride. Let the Coach and the new motor for themselves. " —
PAGE a—TffiE
ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. Philip Epstein ^announces the engagement of his daughter, Elta, to ; Mr. Richard Ruback, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis R u b a c k > o f t h i s c i t y N o date has been set for the wedding.
Maurice, and Mrs. M. Trustin left spending the summer in Europe, YM AND YWHA NEWS. be a dance that is to "be given TuesJerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The 458 Wednesday on an extended motor trip sailed Tuesday from Antwerp and will Over 100 members attended the day evening, August 29, at the Hans- Jewish immigrants admitted to Pali to St. Paul, Minn., and Chicago, 111. arrive in Omaha Thursday, August regular Y meeting held on Monday com Park Pavilion. estine during the month of July repi* 31. evening at the Jewish Commnnity sent the smallest number recorded foi Mrs. O. C. Goldner and children reCenter. Despite the heat there was the last four months. It shows i turned Sunday from a month's stay Mr. H. Levey left Saturday eve- much enthusiasm and a great amount THORPEIAN NEWS. in the east. ning for California to join Mrs. Levey of business was transacted. A special meeting of the Thorpeian progressive decrease in immigratioT WEDDINGS. since April, when the number admitand daughter, Sadye, who have been Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohn announce the The last Y picnic of the season will Athletic Club will be held at the JewMessrs. and Mesdames J. P. Cohn, summering there. They will arrive PLOTKIN—SLOBODISKY. engagement of their sister, Miss be held on Sunday, September 3, at ish Community Center on Wednesday j ted numbered 880, the number The marriage of Miss Rose Slobo- S t e " a Herman, to Dr. Oscar H. M. S. Miller, M. Herzberg returned home for the high | May being 799 and fcr June 530. Miller Park. Details will be planned evening, August 30. disky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N j Greenberg. No wedding date has Tuesday aftej spending two weeks at at a meeting of the picnic committee, Glenwood, Minn. Mrs. Ruth Rothschild and children, Slobodisky to Mr. Isador Plotkin, so* been set. Jeanne and Robert, together with headed by Jack Copeland, to be held of Mr. D. Plotkin, of this city, will Mr. and Mrs. L. Moskowitz enter- Mrs. T. Arnstein and Mrs. J. Sonin- this evening. Finals in the Y tennis The engagement of Miss Erma tained at a dancing party for their take place Sunday evening at six at tournament will be played off at the the home of the groom. Rabbi Mor- Franklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. son, Bert, at their home Wednesday berg will leaTe September 1 to spend picnic. the winter in California. ris N. Taxon will officiate. Only the M. Franklin, to Mr. Joe Osheroff, evening. Ten couples were present. A membership campaign, which has immediate relatives of the couple will son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Osheroff, of ARTISTIC TAILORS, 215 SOUTH 19TH ST. Mr. Samuel Schaefer and Mr. Hen- as its goal 500 senior members before Miss Tillie Rice reutrned to Omaha Sioux City, la., has been announced attend. ry Monsky were in Sioux City, la., January 1, will be conducted beginduring the past week. No date has Wednesday after having spent the Mr. Plotkin and his bride will leav, ve been set for the wedding. summer months in Sioux City, la., as the guests of the Sioux City Wel- ning September 15. immediately after the ceremony on a fare Federation. with relatives. le) several weeks motor trip to CaliforTroup 62. nia. Miss Belle Valentine, of Ames, la., Mr. and MrsSol Degen and daughFull Line of Imported and Domestic Woolens in Stock. -•••» Mr. Sidney Robinson, of Walthill, There are vacancies for at least 10 is visiting with Miss Martye Weinter, Hazel, returned Sunday from At all times—Prices reasonable. boys in Boy Scou Troop 62 of the Nebr., is visiting with his parents, their extended stay at Honolulu. For a Perfect Fit and Brotherly Courtesy—See Us First. N, The Messrs. and Mesdames A. stein. A number of affairs are being Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson. YMHA, according to S. A. Rice, Troop Herzberg, Paul Schaye, W. Isaacs, planned for Miss Valentine. Mr. Louis Hiller, and son, Richard, Scoutmaster. The troop meets «very and M. Langfeld motored to Lincoln Miss Rose Hertzberg entertained who have been motoring through Saturday night at 7:30 at the .;%vish On account of the celebration of at her Sunday to spend the day. home Sunday afternoon at the Palestine Mandate, which will be three tables of bridge in honor of Lake Okoboji, Duluth, and Chicago, Community Center. Boys from tHe ages of 12 to 15 are urged to join The wives of the membtrs of the held Sunday afternoon, the Omaha Mrs. Louis Freed, of Dallas, Tex., are expected home this week. now. Hebrew club will not hold its regular Board of Directors at the Wise Memoformerly Miss Ethel Specter, of this Mrs. D. Haley, of Kansas City, Mo. At the last meeting four merit rial Hospital will entertain ten nurses meeting this Sunday. city. Prizes were won by the Misses spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. badges were awarded to Fred Brodof the hospital at a picnic at the home Mr. and Mrs. Louis Richards and Gertrude Levine and Molly Gross- C. Furth. She was accompanied home key, and two to Dave Forman. These Mr. D- Siegal wishes to announce he has opened of Mrs. B. A. Simon. Mrs. I. Rosenby her little daughter, Ruth, who two boys were also made first class children, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis man. a new and up-to-date bakery. that is in charge of affair. spent the summer here. s=onts. Gilbert Rosenblum, Morris Cohn, of Minneapolis, Minn., motored Mrs. D. Blumenthal left Tuesday Givot and Dave Brodkey became secMiss Baylia Frieden entertained at to Omaha last week and spent several for Kansas City, Mo., where she will Mr. and Mrs. A. White have moved bridge at her home Tuesday evening, days here with Mr. and Mrs. J. S visit with her daughter, Mrs. Carl into their new home at 4728 Wakely ond class scouts. Dt complimentary to Mr. Nathan E. Ja- Schlaes and Mrs. Ida Richards. A Studna, and Mr. Studna. Street. TWICE DAILY. GIVE US A TRIAL. f The Young Judea Senior Club held cobs, who is leaving for school in number of affairs were given for the Missouri this week. Prizes were won visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziev Dr. and Mrs. O. S. Hoffman re- its first meeting of the summer TuesThe Misses Tillie and Sarah Faier by Miss Elinore Schrayer and Mr. entertained Sunday evening at their returned Tuesday after having visit- turned Tuesday from a trip to Chica- day evening, August 15, at the JewNathan E. Green. go, 111. ish Community Center. A series of home. Miss Ella Fleishman enter- ed friends in Sioux City, la. social affairs will be given during the tained at luncheon at the Fontenelle Miss Ann Weiss entertained this comin season. The first of these will Mr. A. Zlotky, of Fremont, Neb., Monday for the visitors. Mr. and The meeting of the Ra Oth Society •was visiting with friends in the city Mrs. H. Fleishman entertained at that was to be held at the home of afternoon at her home in honor of Phone AT lantic 8631, OXE DAY SEKVICK 935 North 24th Street. this week. Miss Elinore Schrayer, of Chicago. the Misses Yetta and Esther Nathan their home Monday evening. this Sunday has been postponed to Miss Angelus Herzberg returned Mr. "William Levey entertained at Old Mattresses Benovated. Mrs. Carrie Livingston is visiting Thursday, August 31, on account of Mattresses Mode to Order. this week from the Minnesota Lakes. his home Saturday at a stag party, in Lincoln, Neb., with her daughter, the Palestine Mandate Celebration Box Spring Repairing Our Specialty complimentary to Louis Peskin of Mrs. Julius Weil. Gire I s a Trial. Satisfaction Guaranteed. jtT© Sunday. Mesdames M. Kahan and Sam All Wort called for and delivered. SAM ALISCHULER, Manager. ,aJit Sioux City. Those who attended Fleishman entertained at a bridge Miss Irma Wells returned the first were John Baird Quigley, Jarvis P. Mrs. S. Pizer and children, Rosahne , . ~ . , . ., , . Jr Freiden, Clyde Krasne, Michael Stein, part of the week from a month's trip and .j Marvin, TU,—^ of ^ Sargent, e • Nebr., XT-V_and __J luncheon of the former inSaturday honor at of the thehome Mesdames Millard Rrasne, Nathan E. Green, at Des Moines, la. Mrs. M. Lipschutz, of Sioux City, la., Harry Kavich and Charles Shames, Meyer Beber, Edwin Katskee. and Naare visiting at the home of Mr. and who were recently married. Covers 12 Miss Tillie Seglin entertained at than E. Jacobs.. Mrs. J. B. Robinson. were laid for thirty guests. Prizes dinner at- her home Sunday, compliMiss Lottie Selicow will entertain were won by the Mesdames M. L. Miss Minnie Wolf will leave the mentary to the Misses Rose and Anne 1552 North 20th St. ' Tel.: Webster. 2196 Seligson, of Tulsa, Okla. at a bunco party at her home Satur- Wolfson and M. Glassburg. latter part of the month to visit in H. MARKS. BEV. L. LEVINSON, Mohl. day afternoon. Pittsburgh, Pa., for several weeks. Miss Esther Brown left today for "We handle the BEST MEATS that money can buy. Mrs. J. J. Richards, of Tacoma, Also the FINEST DELICATESSEN. We can furnish Miss Rita and Mr. Julius Mantel Sioux City, la., where she will be the Mrs. D. B. Gross entertained Fri- Wash., and sister, Mrs. Friedman, of everything for weddings, and brissan. Also everything day evening for thirty guests at her Chicago, 111., are visiting with Mrs. will leave Sunday to visit at Lincoln, guest of Miss Elizabeth Masey. for picnics, but the weather. Ida Richards. They are stopping at Nebr. home complimentary to her brother, WHEN YOU WILL BUY ONCE YOU WILL COME AGAIN. Your subscription for "The Jew1301 Douglas Street Morris Fromkin, of Milwaukee, Wis., the Fontenelle Hotel. Mr. Henry Monsky left today for ish Press" is due now. We give special attention to country order. who returned Sunday after spending Miss Madaline Cohn returned Mon- San Francisco, Calif., to join Mrs. We pack E I G H T , and ship in T I M E . AT lantic €970 a week here and in honor of her day after a two months' visit in the Monsky and children, who have been SSt brother, Mr. Max Fromkin and his east with relatives and friends. visiting with Mrs. Monsky's parents, fiance, Miss Sophye Weinstein, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lesser, for the Mrs. M. Fromkin, of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simon, of past two months. They are expected Calif., who spent the week here with Chicago, 111., will make their future home within a month. Chiropodist andJEJeauty Mrs. Gross. home. here. Shop A daughter •was born to Mr. and Established 1S00 Mrs. Frank Perlson left Saturday Miss Esther Shapiro entertained at 15th and Harney Street*. Mrs. J. Rosen thai on August 12. Fhoiw DonElas 1333 a bridge party Tuesday evening at her for her home in Chicago after visiting with • her daughter, Mrs. Sam Miss Gertrude Levine entertained home in honor of Miss Esther Kastleman, of New York City, who is visit- Mandelbaum, for the past two months. for ten couples at her home Saturing with Miss Jennie Pitlor. Prizes day "evening in honor of Miss Mina Miss Pauline Cohn, of Lincoln, Neb., Shostak, of Lincoln, Nebr., who was were "won by Mesdames Fan Brown ...FOR. .. is the guest of her cousin, Miss Lu- visiting with her aunt, Mrs. A. Theoand Max Bernstein. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America -edlle Greenberg. dore. Prizes were won by Miss Helen AND an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. Mr. Morton Hiller left last week Miss Blanche Frank entertained for Robinson and Mr. Jack Fleishman. SPECIAL PLATINUM for California to spend several weeks. two out-of-town guests at her home From framework to window mouldings the body is built DESIGNING Miss Corinne New arrived home Miss Rosella Klein entertained Sat- Saturday evening. of steel. It is the first all-steel closed car ever marketed. see after spending two months in Chicaurday afternoon at luncheon at her This design anticipates every possible requirement of Miss Irma Gluck, who has been go, m. home. Covers were laid for twelve. commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness— making her home with her uncle and Mrs. Joe Cohn, of Chicago, 111., is Diamond and Platinum aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenblum, left Miss Anne Mushkin, of Sioux City, unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible visiting with her pr rents, Mr. and Specialists la., is spending the week-end in Oma- this week to make her future home in Mrs. Moritz Meyer. to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel 1514 Dodge Street. ha as the guest of Miss Bernice K.u- Chicago, HI. finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have Jong Established 1881. DO nslas S6XB. lakofsky. Mr. Max Holzman, son of Mr. and been famous. Miss Bessie Horn returned Monday Mrs. W. L. Holzman, who has been Mrs. B. Perelman left Thursday from a two weeks' visit with her sisThe upholstery is of genuine leather—leather that will evening with her daughter, Ruth, for ter, Mrs. Harry Levine, and Dr. LeI jjj*lH!-gi'/jj^A*V{J!fej^L^j^^ wash and wei The seat is -wide and comfortable. vine at Blanchard, la. New York City, to visit with friends. Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The They will be gone two months. Miss Sara Somberg is the house car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, guest of Miss Jennette Krupinsky at Miss Nettie Goldstein, who has windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. Fremont, Neb. Miss Krupinsky. enother appointment necessary to the owner's comfort tertained Sunday at three tables of Seiner for the past two weeks, rebridge in honor of Miss Somberg. and protection. turned to her home in St. Louis, Mo.
arid Religious
Known among onr well dressed Jewish Communal Workers as 'la responsible and accurate Tailors.
Fresh Bread, Rolls and Pastery
Webster 5492
1820 No. 20th St.
Mr. Sol. Brodkey has returned from California and is anxious to meet
all his friends at
his stOTe
The KaJashock Jewelry Co.
Mr. Joe Jacobs, who has been ill at Mrs. Ernie Meyer entertained for twelve couples at the home of Mr. the St. Joseph hospital, returned to and Mrs. E. Meyer on Thursday even- his home Monday. ing in honor" of her brother, Mr. TeMiss Florence Newman, of Denver, vey Ginsburg, of Sioux. City, la.'/who Colo., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. is the house guest of Mr. Lester Jack Silver. Meyer. The out-of-town guests were Miss Anne Mushkin and Miss Marie Mr. and .Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky and Chipickove, of Sioux City, la. the Misses Faye Gerelick and Anna Pill motored to Fremont Sunday to Mr. Louis Peskin, of Sioux City, spend the day. " : la., spent the week with"Mr. Nathan £. Jacobs. Miss Betty Furth entertained at her home Friday afternoon honoring Miss Jeanette Marcus left Saturday her cousin, Ruth Haley, of Kansas for a two weeks' stay at Chicago, 111., City, Mo., who has been spending the visiting with relatives. summer at the Furth home. Miss Ruth Galinsky, of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman and sop, Isu, i s visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Anna Davis. A number of social affairs are being given SOT Messrs. Lawrence and Eptiriam Baron, of Sioux City, la., who are visiting with Mr. Edward Meyer. Mr. Meyer entertained for his visitors Saturday evening at his home for six couples. Mr. Earl Kulakofsky entertained eleven couples Sunday evening. Mrs. J. Blank entertained at a theater party Monday afternoon. Mrs. E. Greusldn, of Sioux City, la., is visiting in Omaha with her sister, Mrs. J . .Arkin. Mr. Harry -Frankel returned this week after- spending his vacation in Colorado. '?," Mr. and.Mrs. J. Rosenblum have returned from » motor trip to Colerado.
Palestine Mandate
Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Brothers cars. It is the Business Coupe which business people the worjd over have been expecting—from Dodge Brothers. The price is $S80 t. o. b. X>etroit
w Umrmcr «t
ANNOUNCEMENT Rev. E. Fleishman
"THE MOHL" Moved into his new home at 1342 So. 25th Street, Corner of Woolworth Avenue. Tel. Atlantic 6637.
Hnrrj B . lapldus, Pre«-TreM. Jos. repper. Vlce-PresWent. "W. G. Ure. Secretary.
No Solicitation, No Subscription, No Collection, No Admission Fee
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy over 70.000 square feet gootbtreKt Corner Eleventh anil Ooudafi Streets, r h o n r : 4ack«on STS* OMAHA. mm.
Early and Get a Good Seat as
33-35 Fourth S*- \
CoucU BluIXa W\
PAGE £ l T H E JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1922 ilt:tl(iitIKIII[5iE[!l!*ltll(rtnHlkllttH(IUIItllKIIItUIIIIHI!l! ..•_.-.J.-.'
i '.
:iniii|!iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniHuiiiiu.ii!iiiiiiuiuiiiiuiiuuiuuiiiiiiiiiniinHiiiiHii"linuu In this Dr. Houghton, who figures in the United States secret service, as one of tho venders of the Protocols, and as the family physician of C. C. Daniels, one more direct connection is made between the Ford or- j Telephone « - Office Jackson 0268 ganization in its anti-Semitic crusade, 209 South 18th Street and tfie^other drives that were beirj?; made against the Jews. The detective P. MELCtOORS'& SON • - - B} Norman Hapgood I who is listed in the Ford organization as No. 124 X makes a report in which MACHINE WORKS he Indn>trtalVMi<l'Automotive Machinists. PART IV.- - • - • | Translation of the opening of one says: . ^ Carbarrtnr unil Ignition Rrpalra. is now with tKe Starter Rlnr flrnro for Auto Fly Wheels' Of all the follies in the Ford Jew- of the Protocols was written on sta- "Mr. Sidorkin also says that Mr. ; 41* Sontb.lMh Mrtvt. Mania.it is.not easy to pick the sil- ' tionery of C. C. Daniels, head of the Brasol, the translator of the Small, .6MAHA SIGN co. Telephones Jarkson tASO liest. Some might select the "Gen- group of Ford's sleuths in New York. Maynard Publishing Company's edi-1 tile front." An argument could be j The plan put forward in these forg- tion of the Protocols, is possessed of inade for that part of the story. It eries is a plan for upsetting the world. much valuable information on the ] DAVENPORT DOUGHNtJT included President Taft,» Dart of Mr. ( The idea is to take" all possible steps subject of Jewry in Russia, and may COMPANY. Harding's administration, and Presi- J to interfere with our civilization, so know something about it in this city, j UNDERTAKERS BtSMAlfCKS.! CAfcE AND SJKX4K 1 dent Wilson. It depicted- Wilson', that finally it falls of its own weight. He also says there is another copy MOVED TO hanging on a secret wire to get the It hopes to abolish all authority so of the Russian translation of the ProWe Deliver the Real Goods. orders transmitted from- the Jewish that a new aristocracy may take its tocols in New York City and that to SK4 COMINO HTBEET. 004S-~— ' Political Trust by Mr. -Justice Bran- place. In Mr. Ford's Independent this the best of his information it is now deis. Such a bit of farcial thinking nonsense was sprinkled along- in bits. in the possession of A. W. Avinoq, of Napahonk; New York." must rank high, but we incline to give Here is one of them: The people who are mixed up in "In this divergence between the first place to the famoas- Protocols. Why does this particular, dream at- Gentiles and ourselves in ability to these. enterprises contradict each' tain' the blue-ribbon?"-, 1—Because it think and reason is to be seen clearly other with extraordinary facility. The ' thie documentary, evidence of the the seal of our election as the chosen M?* Avinoq referred to in this detec- j whole world-conspiracy, so that when people .and higher human beings in tive's report heartily denies the pos- I the insanity of this claim* is under- [tsmtrasir with the Gentiles who have session of any unprinted copy of the Protocols. • stood, the whole case crumbles; 2— merely instinctive and" animal minds. ~" ' Visit Our. BEME3IBEB About six months after the Small, because' the forgeries are so half- They observe but they do not forsee tf 9 witted; 3—because when they began ' and they invent nothing, except per- Maynard edition came out, it was fo!to figure as the basis .of. Mr. Ford's : haps material things. It is clear from lowed by an edition of Dr. Houghton, > Do away with drudgery and make nightmare, they had already, in four this that nature herself predistined which was excellently printed, richly i noose-work a pleasure by the use covered, and elaborately illustrated. It [ languages, run 'their' childish course. us to rule and guide the world." •With Torir Order, for ••» of modern electrical appliances. And again: "Usually it is the climb- bore the fantastic name of The Proto- ! Before we observe Mr.'Ford swalANYTHING « The "Electric Shop" is on the lowing this antique bait, let us answer ers, careerists, and people, generally cols of the Wise Men of Zion, and was ! .ground floor of the Electric build" IN THE WRAPPING the only serious point made in the( speaking, who are not serious, who called the Bedcwith Edition. Mr.' v ing, South-east'corner of Fifteenth course of these exposures by^the other most readily join secret societies, and Ford's weekly quoted freely from this j PAPER LINE ' and Farnam streets. j side. It is argued that Mr. Ford has we shall find them easy to handle and edition. When Dr. Houghton got into finan- , stopped his persecution. "But this through them operate the mechanism cial difficulties. Prof. A. L. Froth- I Phono Douglas <M0Ostatement is an entire mistake. When of our projected machines." Also this: "Peoples of all opinions ingham of Princeton, wrote to one of no amount of padding >yould produce any 'more newspaper articles, Ford and of all doctrines are at our service, the Ford investigators, a merr.ber of | put this material in,book form and is , restorers of monarchy, demogogues, the Daniels organization of near- j not* selling that book "all - the way • socialists and other Utopians. We detectives, as follows: "Mr. F. Hunter j from -Dan to Beersheba, from Dear- j have put them all to work- Every Creech. Dear Sir: I have had no in-1 born to Key West." We also under- j one of them, from .this point of view, tercourse with Dr. Houghton for at ] r stand that he is still gathering "ma-; is undermining the last remnant of least six months, since his failure to • jSTEINER ELECTRIC authority, is trying to overthrow all carry out any part of his agreement. terial." ? ,, MEAT CHOPPER^ want it clearly understood that existing order. AH the governments Like the rest of the -eventful tale, AND COFFEE MILL. ' this chapter shows Mr. Ford's illin- have been tormented by these actions. whatever was agreed to between us B formed mania leading him* along the « t we will not give them peace un- was upon his initiative, and after reUSED SCALES OF ALL lines trod by the men who are work- til they recognize our super-govern- peated urging. Naturally I have not MAKES FOR dunned him about his delinquency. ing -hard in this country to put back ment." on the Russian, throne a Eoi»anoff as j The now dead,pTsar could have You volunteered the statement to me, i 510 South 10th S^riet. Phone Jackson 3332.; ~ found these extracts in a book that 'We are'trying to settle up Dr. < Tsar. One day a'Russian army officer. during his revolutionary troubles of Houghton's rather complicated busi- j walked into the office, in the Grand j 1905 was hot off the presses in hisness troubles, financial obligations,t IT Wltfi FLOWERS" Central Station, New York, of Dr. I °wh home town of Tsarski-Selve. etc., and expect to do so before long Harris Houghton, who at that time | Probably that consolation actually as he is too valuable a man to drop.' This is the substance if not the exact had charge of the New York branch was offered to him. words. " I naturally suppose that 'we' of the American army secret informaThe «xtent to which forgery was a -319 SOTM ^ t h f Street, Vmeant yourself as Wise Wood told me CAIX tion .Work here, and displayed a copy vested industry in^ Russia before the Phofie Douglas 3400. 4 of the Protocols to a Russian girl who Revolution is not ^realized . by ..most that you had full charge of all the ATLANTIC 4522 was working in that office. Americans*. It certainly was not real- work in the East. This will explain - TR1' SCIfDGRKN'S Next month I ^hall give a document ized by our government, when that what I wrote you and probably will ' jH?triUoa» ,1IOIM of "great importance, prepared by the government promoted the Sisson doc- take away any • feeling of surprise you may have felt about my letter." American' War Censorship against'[ uments. Those of our- readers who are The Wise Wood here mentioned is Sealed In Sanitary Waxed Mode by • Senator La Follette, as ultimately •' acquainted with the French language Wrapper at Your Grocer. Henry A. Wise Wood, the well-known UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST furnished to the Ford agencies. 1 might turn back to the Revue des protector of the United States civilSundgren Pie Baking Co. v FOOD CO, _ - . »tth -and;- Hickory. Atlantic Bttl In trying to peddle the Protocols, Deux Mondes for May 1st, where they; ization against radicals, listed in the . . ; OJLVHA, NEBRASKA.. the Russian officers treated them [will find the notes .made by the French Daniels office as 105 A. Mr. 105 A mysteriously as smuggled out of Rus- Ambassador to Russia in the early was for a long time the leading spirit sia. This mystery made a weird im- months of 1917, .when the Russian in the National Security League. pression on various anti-Jewish cru- peasants, soldiers, and workers were . WHOLESALE These matters were well under way saders, including the Ford secret in- preparing to throw off the incubes of Distributors of " Druggists ami Stationers vestigators. In truth i t was on a level incompetent despotism. The simple •when there appeared on the scene the Western Bond—and High Grade Ml-tOJ-105 South lotli •. -. with the ordinary marketing, of gold' method taken by the reactionary man who could furnish any number I . Stationery bricks. The so-called Protocols were ministers, to make the Tsar and of Protocols of any type. The purOMAUA, NEBRASKA., ,' . freely, on sale in Russia. ^Anybody; Tsarina believe the country was still chaser had but to make known the could carry them out. They are freely loyal, was to have masses of letters brand preferred. Mr. Rodionoff was / Why Boy Tin? on sale in Germany in the German forged, full of ardent support. Despite taken by the Ford employees with Buy Bird. Brand Coffee in Tubes. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. | SAVES KOD MONEY. language; in France, in "the French the fact that these letters were in complete, seriousness. He presented 27tb and Martha 6t». flarjjcy |60S' ; language; in England, in the English practically the same language the himself as part owner of the original MID-STATES WHOLESALE •Manufacturers ol Brass. Bronte, AlumI- , nuffl and Soft Grqy Iron CASttas*. ' GROCERS monarchs of Russia, swallowed them. Protocols in Hebrew, and declared he language'. Too are assnred of soft cvtln|?s. v a s 1117-19 Dodge St. . Jackson 5873. we machine some frotn every beat In According to. the reports later Their credulity is more explicable was the possessor of thirteen new onr own shop. Stanford »I*a cast iron Protocols. He was the champion : reaching the Ford investigators, sev- than is the fact that a great genius bushings ID stock. - Protector of the world. eral people in Dr. Houghton's office in manufacturing,, in the free country MAX OLSEN & CO. of the United States, should have were employed in making copies of Wholeania Olitrlbnton for the so-called translation. One of these lapped up the childish Protocols near- SAMUEL PLEASED WITH SCHMIDT'S TEL AVIV PROGRESS persons was the wife *pf an. officer ly two decades after they were' first Malta, Select, Bock, Ginger Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—Admiration forged and published. who was prominent onPershing's Ale, Hires Root Beer Office and Warehouses 917 80. Main St. staff. The folly of reviving in 1922 in the for the industrial and commercial enTelephone 142 terprise of Tel Aviv, the Jewish muOn the intelligence or lack of intel- United States these notorious docu- nicipality sear Jaffa was expressed COUNCIL OLvvra. IOWA. ments is made alt the more picturligence of our secret service I do not by Sir Herbert 3nmuel the High .wish to 'generalize. . It would not be esque by the f acf that the original RATES? Commissioner, after a tour of inspeclibelous but. it .wouljOe rash. That forger, not trusting his own powers of for space on this Special; I service contains "foojs. It if.so cohr invention j made a^mere1 adaption of tion t o a number of industrial concerns and sites where building conPage given on application. Jains men of- excellent jg judgment. an old document having nothing to do struction is progressing.' bl the h most important mem- with the Jews. Much of this old-mateProbably <f r ----- _ Aron Shamash, a Sephardic Jew, rial, as is now widely known, is to be bers of the secret service realized that been appointed Assistant Director 182 Brandeis Bid. Jackson .2372 found in exactly the same words, in a this Protocol basis to Jewish persecur French work of fancy, called "A Dia- of the Custom House at Haifa. A retion ;was utter nonsense. port from. Jaffa states that Isaac Hoz, n a ( j logue in Hell between Machiavelli and These" "'governmental agents a police officer with three years' servMontesquieu." It was published at some advantage over Henry Ford, for ice on the force, has been dismissed. - Henry did not begin to read the Pro- Brussels in 1865. William Donat, the Czecho-Slovak tocols until; extracts from, them ap-. Anybody moret than ,eight years old Consul to Palestine, has arrived* from. peared in his own newspaper. The who had given attention to the "subPrague. Before " his departure Mreditor of his newspaper was at least ject of forged, documents would be sane enough to leave out some of the able to tell, by i h e foolishness of what Donat was received by President Masmost imbecflic parts of, the' Protocols. we have quoted above, that these saryk, who, expressed the sympathy OUR NEW LOCATION These particular* parts- might haVe famous Protocols were forgeries of of the Ciecho-Slovakian Government Call Atlantic 2364 Corner ltfth «nd DnuKltm Streets. with the Jewish National Home, Mr. put eveii Henry on his guard. Hosouie Tempi*' Bldg. the weakest nature. If he. were two or Donat stated on his arrival. ...for . . . Our M n e — For example, take this,, put into the three times eight, and had the inforBALDWIN. EIXJNOTON. 'HAMILTON. •- HOWAItn UI'KIGHTS. GRANDS. mouth of. the supposed author oft these mation accessible tq everybody, he EXPECT CHANGE IN LITHUAIM.ATKR 1'IANUS. NIA'S JEWISH'MINISTRY;" would' see how suitable this type of OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. documents: THATCHER PIANO CO. t419 earning St.. Omuhn. Nobranha. "We will continue to direct thought forgery was to the. habit of the Rus- Kovno." (J. T. A.)—Dr. Solowecjik, rhoni> Jnrknon »POa into all the. intricacies of fantastic sian Tsarists. As was stated in thethe Jewish Minister,.-has left forf-<a theories, new and supposedly pro- comment of one distinguished Jew, three months' vacation. Dr. BnAzkais Rates for Space on gressive. Surely we have been com- Nathan Isaacs, Professor of Law inhas been appointed to serve itt his DON'T BUY CO A LI this S p e c i a 1 Page pletely successful in turning the wit- the University of Pittsburgh, and absence as Minister, for Jewish- AfOIL is iivvii. VUKMWn. given oo application. less heads of the Gentiles by the word formerly a captain in the Intelligence fairs. Dr. Brutzkus' appointment £«t U# Heiuove tl.e Imor from 'Progress.'" • • Yoor Burnare and lu»er* • Division, of the U,njted States Army, came from the President of the.Re10 r e " public, which gives rise.to tfie belief Ofth'ese Protocols the Ford .people; what all this Protocols dre* ' tnXBRIDGE Ott VAPOR BURNER 4X2 iSramUItt ntil-^ T r l . JTnrkwrn 4371 learned there,were.twenty-four in ex- dnced to sane English, amounts lo in Jewish circles that Dfc Solowecjik's istence, l i t e r they raised the esti- is: ^'Beware of progress. I t is a vacation 7 presages a change in the mate to thirty-seven. Jewish scheme." . 'ATBONIZE OUR
Henry Swallows OldBait\
The Harry A. Koch Cu INVESTMENT SECURITIES Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555.
Y 6 u r position is correct, und should be s u p p o r t e d by eveiT fair minded person.
Leo A. Hoffmann . . . of... Hoffmann Funeral Home.
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NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO. Ready Koofinjr over old sMncles. Also asphalt shingles and build -up roofs. Fire resisting and durable. A!) work guaranteed. Easy terms. Phoiw Hartley 2574 Clitic* and IVarehonse: S12I l«avenworth
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