.are content •to' remain Lim the "valfeyi," will -get no news the' mbutaiss.—Macy.
ft W 3
Omaha Jewry Celebra the Signing of Mandate for National Homeland Speakers Voice Thanksgiving That Palestine Restored as Homeland. : OVER THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE ATTENDED MEETING. Over 3000 people attended a meeting at the Auditorium Sunday afternoon in a joint celebration of the formal approval by the United States congress' and the council of the league of ^nations of ±he British .mandate restoring Palestine as the homeland for the Jew. . , ' . The meeting Sunday, is part of a series of meetings being held throughout the world celebrating the ratification of the mandate. The Jews not only rejoiced over the occasion Sunday, but offered thanks to those responsible for the restoration of their homeland. The principle speakers at the meeting "were Professor S. A. Hoffman of Chicago and Governor Samuel R. MeKelvie. The program also consisted of music furnished by the Fort Crook military band, vocal selections and remarks by Harry H. Lapidus, chairman of the meeting and celebration committee. No stigma of "double allegiance" can apply to American Jews who espouse the Zionist cause, Harry H. Lapidus emphasized to the large audience. f i Palestine is our mother country, but America i s the land to which we owe our freedom, happiness and pros• perity," he said. "When the call to serve it.came in the last war, no one responded more loyally, than the
* ' '•
• J
value;of money* go and "•'•
— 1MSllJ.
mail m*lter on January 27th. 1921. at Omaha. JJebraaka. - ondet the Act of March 8. 1878.
Warsaw. • (J. T. A.)—The creation of the bloc of the minorities in Poland in order to r co-operate: during the coming selections has met -with incredulous surprise among Polish politicians. The bloc is confident of obtaining 80 seats in the Sejm out of a total of 405, and, 20 in the Senate out of a total of/110. The Jews expect to obtain a third, and believe that 30 Jewish representatives will enter the new Polish- Parliament.
Labor Lyceum to Bold Public Meeting Sunday in Newly Erected Bmlding Program of Speakers and Music To Be Held For The Public OPEN HOUSE ALL DAY SUNDAY FO? OPENING OF BUILDING.
The Labor-Lyceum of Omaha will hold a public meeting and entertainment Sunday in'' their new building at Twenty-second and Clark Streets. During the afternoon, there will be several prominent, speakers, one of whom will come from the Workman's Circle headquarters in New York City. The afternoon's meeting will begin at 3 o'clock. During the evening there will be a musical concert. The meeting to be held Sunday is •open to the entire public, as is also the musical entertainment which will be held during the evening. The meeting and entertainment is neld in honor of the completion of the new building. The new building has been built by the Workman Circle Lodges, Numbers 173, 258, and 626. The building is equipped with large Jew.? , • •• ; ^ • meeting rooms and has a large dance :Pr«riessor^Hoffman'in his address described "the suffering of European dance hall for. public • gatherings. ;±be-jiew,,
meant to
ilropsno Help to Ukraine Jews
The Spirits of Martyrs. ?I feel hereqthis afternoon," said Professor "Hoffman, "the presence of Peasants Will Benefit—Jews in Conthe.iBpmts^qf, Jewish martyrs who gested Cities Without Means shed their blood, went through unto -Buy. told misery and suffering and gave By Frank J. Price, Jr. their lives that some day Palestine Odessa, Russia.—Jews of America would again be ihe home of the Jews-. "It is not you, not I, nor all of us who have contributed to the work of who are rejoicing today, celebrating the American Jewish Joint Distributhe ratification of the mandate restor- tion Committee in this country are ing our homeland, but we are-joined "warned by Jlr.' J-aseph:-BoBen,>*their in this celebration by those spirits representative here, against acceptwho sit near us and applaud and ing the favorable crop reports from certain sectors of .Russia as. an assurshout their rejoicing. ance that their task has ended. "It seems so strange, this joy, this In a statement Dr. Rosen declared wonderful event should come to the -Jewish people in the darkest mo- that even if enough grain were harvested to provide bread for- every perments in the'history of our race. " I am told by our leaders that from son in Russia the suffering among 1914 to1922 we lost a little less than the Jews would be acute for some 8,000,000, of Jews who died in cold time to come. "It must be remembered," he said, blooded murder, pogroms and massacres. Today, now, while I speak to "that the peasants .in rural districts you there are 310,000 homeless Jews will have the grain. It will, improve in Europe waiting, pleading, to go their condition without question, but fcbmewhere,' anywhere, to a home, a what of the great. majority of the •jflace; "Where Tthey may "live and be Jewish population? These, people flippy. There was darkness in their live in the cities ancLmore congested towns and ' are "without funds with ^hearts." "Now in our darkest moments, as which to buy bread .when it becomes , : t result of the approval by the coun- available. Conditions in Odessa during -the j(Sl ofLithe, league of nations and the -^tediJBtatea^senate of the British coming winter prptfably will be exmandate giving us a homeland these ceedingly bad," Dr. Rosen continued. Sufferers cari~again see the sunlight "There is" no'fueFand-living costs'are breaking through the dark clouds of exorbitant. Even now a pood of wood costs 800.QOO rubles. (Naturally; iJusery." it-will be increased when cold weather McKelvie Predicts Success. sets in." '"' " j; ' Governor 'McKelvie in his address (A Russian pood is 36 pjnznds and predicted the success of Palestine* as 800,000 rubles at: the p r e y i n g rate the Jewish homeland, and said that of exchange is about "27 cents.) not only were the Jews rejoicing in Dr. Bogen.wiTo! has just; ended a the ratification, but all good Ameri- tour of inspection from Moscow to cans rejoined Afeith them. Odessa, is' planning an expansion of "_: "Jews. of America will not leave the relief program which the Joint this country,for Palestine, for here Distribution Committee is carrying on they have never been persecuted. But in cooperation wjth the American Rein countries where they have been Kef Administration,, of which" Herbert made homeless, Palestine as a home Hoover is chairman. will mean much to them. Jews are Budapest,.July .27. (J. T. A.)—A .£ honie-loving people. They wlil set; tle Palestine, where they will make a bill extending the numerous clausus to all educational institutions; has been real nation," said the governor. : ' He said that the Palestine mandate introduced ,by~ Dfeguty "Luday Regpa. was a boon to nations, for nations do If adopted, this Jaw would apply to all schools instead o f being confined, as not want homeless people. A vote"of thanks was given Colonel it is at present, to the higher seats : , Cochran, commanding officer of Fort of learning.,'.„ . - _ _ ; • Crook, for sending the military band : to augment the program. tional anthem. Mrs. Martin SugarThe"'program was started out-with man, accompanied 'by Miss Estelle selections by the military band. The Lapidus, furnished a vocal solo. Miss invocation and the benediction was Rose Dubnoff, on .violin, Oscar Weinstein, 'cello, and Miss Wepstein on made by Rabbi Morris N. Taxon. . Selwyn S. Jacobs led the audience piano gave a trio selection^ * in singing' "America." Miss Sophye "The'-military band' playing the Weinstein then led the audience in "Star Spangled Banner" ciofced. the singing "Hatikwbh," the Jewish-na-
Morrie "Kb?' Schlaifer vs. "Kid" Griffiths in Stellar Attraction at Jewish Press Picnic, Sept. 17th, Teddy Brothers Added Attraction "Morrie" Schlaifer; vs. "Kid" Griffiths. Morrie Schlaifer, Omaha's sen- sational boxer, will mix,punches with "Kid" Griffifhsi>weil known welterweight boxer- in the- stellar attraction at, the Jewish Fress Picnic •' - And every fight fan .will tell you^-that no better opponent for our-own "Kid" Schlaifer could be secured for this JsigLlO,round go. Ev«ry fight fan will- want to see them mix—no lover" and follower of clean sport j«riU want to miss seeing this classic of the roped arena. '
Wrsaw. (J. T. A.) Jews arriving rom Posen report that the Jewish population is rapidly decreasing. 5144 have emigrated to Germany in order to escape persecution and have opted Famous Organizer of Branchet 'or German citizenship. Jewish of Zionism in This Country A schools m many towns have been closed owing to the lack of pupils. Towns which previously had a big PUBLIC INVITED TO EVEN ING PROGRAM population now have but SO or 60 Jewish inhabitants. A similar process The local Zionist Organization wflg is to be observed in Pomerania. In hold a public meeting Sunday eve* Breessno the synagogue has even ning at the Jewish Community Cenbeen sold as there were no worshipter. Dr. J: L. Blaestone of New Yittft pers. City will be the principal speaker. He will speak in Yiddish. 6 The local Zionist Organization, ing heard, that Dr. Bluestone visiting\ in Denver, Colorado, witn hif ather-in-litw, Rabbi Kauvar at Denver, immediately made plans to secur Dr. Bluestone to speak here on bA, Resigned "From This Pulpit-Over One return ianp. ' .fYear Ago to Enter in BusiDr. Bluestbne was the first orgw*ness Here. izer of the Zionist Organization i|E America, which was known as thfChoveve Zion. He was also Publishes WILL BEGIN HIS NEW DUTIES of the first publication for ZionismAT THE COMING HOLIDAYS. called New York Hashelamis. He wito Rabbi Herman M. Cohen will re- thrice delegate to the Basil congresri turn to the pulpit, following an ab- organiser of the Sons of Zionism, ants *" sence of over one year. He was re- organiser of the Mizrochi. The meeting will begin promptTe called to the Modern Orthodox Congregation of Beth Sholem at Kansas it eight o'clock. Several other p rs and musical numbers will be Citty, Mo. Rabbi Cohen was Rabbi at this ranged for. The entire public i s J Congregation from September 1919 vited, according to the committee until May 1921, when he left the charge of this affair. pulpit and came to Omaha. He will ie begin his new duties just before the coming New Year holidays. The Beth Sholem Congregation is one of the largest Modern Orthodox congregations in the country and has YMHA Picnic at Miller Park Scere over three hundred members. of Final Matches in Tournament, te During his short stay in Omaha, Rabbi Cohen took part in a number Jewish tennis stars of the city of communal affairs. cross racquets Sunday "when the finikin the men's singles and doubles toaianent$ of tfc&YMHA will be * Matches will be held at Mfller Tftnfand will'form a feature of the lafpicnic of the season to be given The Visiting Nurses Association of the YM and YWHA. Omaha will hold its twenty-sixth promptly at 2:30. annual tag day drive here September Semi-finals in both 13. It is planned to raise $20,000 are now being played off, so it is P. Feil during this drive. Mrs. N. possible to list the players who and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky are the compete for the title Sunday, Jewish women who are among the ever, it is assured that among directors of the association. top-notchess of the game will In 1921 the staff of nurses numberticipaia in the final round, and M ing twenty-five made 49,375 visits followers of the game are invitefl * s on 6,514 patients. This is an average of eight home visits to each patient. witness the last battles in the tout*?" Their expenses during 19212 were ments. Prizes will be awarded t champions at the next regular met' $40,354.87. ing of the'Y, following the picnic > The Visiting Nurses give free Approximately 100 members of b service to the sick poor, responding Association*'will have supper at ^f to the calls either day or night. park. Arrangements are in charge They respond to every call irrespect the following committee: J. C. ive of race or creed. land, chairman; Wm. Kline, Beber, Louis Abramson, Yerda Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—Coordination son, Tina Altschuler and Belle of the activities carried on on behalf Riga, Aug. 2. (J. T. A.)—TS*^ of the Jewish emigration from Eastern Europe is contemplated in a plan hundred passengers perished ~~*"*"" submitted by Mr. IdzM, Bertholdy and ftvfr-car train was burned Dr. Tiomkin, representatives of the Kiev and Schepetowka, a report United Emigration "Committee. With Kiev .states. Included among l t the collaboration of most of the ex- victims were eight Zionist pionee " 8 isting emigration bodies, including six from Elisawetgrad and two fn* Berditchew, who were proceeding *? the Hias, it is intended to so concentrate the emigration work as to elimi join their group on the way to Pal™ tine. nate.
Rabbi Herman H. Cohen Recalled to Bis Former Pulpit at Kansas City
THE DATE IS —SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER. 17. THE PLACE . IS — KRUG PARK. THE OCCASION IS —"THE JEWISH PRESS" 1ST ANNUAL PICNIC. •> • Before the fight, and after the fight, and in fact all day long, from noon till midnight, there will-be other exhibitions, contests, games, races and athletic events of all sorts. Chief among them is the side-splitting comedy turn of the Teddy Brothers, wrestling acrobats, and, several fast and thrilling preliminaries to the Schlaifer-Griffiths bout.
Jewish Tennis Stars to ; Contend for Honors Sunda d •
L Wblf^ tihaBrman of the will welcome all suggestions relative to events, contests and games to be played *t the Park. Mr. Wolf may be reached at ATlantic 3160; Tickets for the picnic have been selling like hot cakes on a frosty morning. Every day the demand for them is increasing. YOU HAD BETTER GET YOURS WITHOUT DELAY, .
Sunday, JSegt,. 17 London, July 27. (J. —-Premier Uoyd George, replying to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency to circulate a message regarding the approval of the Palestine Mandate, wrote that while he appreciated-the offer to broadcast his message,-he had,rin view of the great demand lately for messages on various subjects, made it p. nde to decline all statements'of Outsort. Thanks to the skill and fine feeEng
CHILIiREN' UNDER TWELVE WILL BE ADMTTTEB F R E E. Tickets are on sale at the following locations: "•'!"'* DOWNTOWN . NORTH SIDE: Malashok Jewelry- Co., 1514 Dodge St. Fried & Kuklin, 1613 Nbrttt'-gffibr St. Wolfs Haberdashery/ 1421 Douglas St SOUTH SIDE1 • h Dan's Shoe & Clo&ing-Co., 1415 Douglas St. Leon's, 1410 Farriam. St. Leon's, 4829 South 24th St. - j * Haberdasher, 315 South-16th St. COUNCIL BLUFFS-^ "Jewish Press" •' Office, 482 SaundeisKennedy Building. - , Central Hardware Co., 606 W: Broadway. Buy them Today for all the adult members of your family, so that every one
will be sure to attend the f
Dr. J. L Bluestone Noted Zionist, Will
Krug Park of Lord Balfour, the international difficulties have been overcome and the Mandate became a fact, Major Ormsby Gore told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The task is still great, however, further patience, forbearance and charity towards the still suspicious Moslems being necessary. Jews should cooperate -with their Arab Cousins not for themselves alone, but for the enrichment.of the world, the
, ? "^f^fC
Noon to worthy of the- Jewish people should be of. a very, high quality, as Lord Balfour.expects it to be. Captain-Wedgwood "Wrote: "I congratulate -the Jews on becoming a nation again.. Having m country and a home address may stimulate ihe Jews to greater national effort Pride of race is- preliminary -to pride in common manhood among- -all -self-
Major stated. A national home-to be respecting -peoples.'
New Year's Greetings The practice of sending New Year's Greetings to friends and relatives through the local Jewish paper is general throughout the country. Its advantage over the old individual mailing card is evident in the saving. of time, expense and worry over forgetting a friend. Greeting Cards in the "JEWISH PRESS" will take this form: Mr. and Mrs. William R. Abranfs and family of 9765 West Grand Boulevard «rtend their best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
MAIL THE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEJfBER «• The Jewish Press, 482 Brandeis Theatre Bids* Omaha, Nebraska, Gentlemenj— Enclosed find $2.00, for which plemw Imfrt my New Year's Greeting Card in your Rosh Haehoma <|t|S) Number. NAME: ABDRESS-. _..
i= I' •. a •
PnblUhefl every Thursday at Omaha, Nebrwka, by
§_/ ^ '.'^THE "JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ,§ '< Officer 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. 5
Subscription Price, one yearAdvertising rates furnished on application.
NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the pablicaf The Jewish. Press aretobe given to worthy communal causes. CHANGE OP ADDRE88—Pleate fit* both the old and new address: . - , b* i o n and airo you* OCHM.
•who are,finding salvation in t h e antimaterialistic concepts of Korzybski, Steiner, Ouspensky. In short, t h e J e w i s not only t h e product of his heritage but t h e product of his time. Unusually sensitive, he records a l l i t s chameleon-like changes, its disturbing self-contradictions; and until this sensitive adaptability, this compromise between character and conformity, is analyzed, the "problem" of t h e J e w will remain as muddled a s i t is today.—The Freeman.
International Hymn O'er continent and ocean, From city, field and wood, Still speak, O Lord, thy messengers Of peace and brotherhood. In Athens and Benares, In1 Rome and Galilee, They fronted kings and conquerers, And taught mankind of thee.
J. D. C. Statement Shows Activities of Relief Abroad
of New Orleans and Miss Delia Brody. Mich. From there she will go to Canada to spend a short time with Mrs. Morris Mandelbaum was host- relatives. ess at a breakfast party in Younker's Dr. J. Gruenfeld, who has been Tea room Saturday morning complitouring Europe for the past three mentary to her guest, Miss Gussie months, has returned to the city. Bergson. Miss Cheryl Sandier presided over Misses Miriam and Eleanor Mandelbaum have returned from Wiscon- a formal dinner party Wednesday sin Camp, where they spent the sum- evening a t Harris-Emery's Crystal room complimentary to Miss Esther mer. Gross and Mr. Sam Gross, of Denver. Dick Sheuerman and Louis Verveer, Fourteen guests were present. Jr., have returned from Camp where Mr. and Mrs. Abe Oransky have rethey spent the summer. turned from Chicago, where they have Mrs. Harry Marks and daughter, been visiting friends and relatives. Anna, of Glasgow, Scotland, who have Miss Gussie Bergson, of New Orbeen making an extended visit with their daughter and sister, Mrs. L. A. leans, spent a few days in the city Kaplan, left Saturday evening to last week as the gnest of Mrs. Morris make their future home in Chicago. Mandelbaum.
AMERICA AND PALESTINE. We hear, O Lord, these voices, One of,4h e speakers at the Jewish celehration on Sunday emAnd hail them as thine own, ihatically disavowed for his people a" divided allegiance in their They speak as speak the seraphim •fiforts forts to aid in the restoration of Palestine. America, he pointed Who guard thy silent throne^— th land l dthe h rights i h t to which h i h Big Sums Appropriated for Relief of it, is the where they found freedom, and One God, the heavenly Father; jll men are entitled. The speaker was born in Russia, and enRefngees and Orphans in One king, the Lord above; ured all the oppression sustained by the Jews in their unhappy Europe. One Kingdom and Humanity; Miss Cheryl Sandier has as her Jtuation under the czar. He also is aware of the unpleasant preOne holy Law of Love! house guest Miss Esther Gross, of icament of the Jews in Russia under the present regime. Having The Joint Distribution Committee Denver, Colo., who with her brother, listed of the joys and privileges of American citizenship, he has of the American funds for Jewish w a r The tribes and nations falter Mr. Sam Gross, motored to Des lo thought of forfeiting his present status to join in the quest of sufferers issued t h e following stateIn rivalries of fear, Moines enroute to Minneapolis. Mr. Chiropodist and Beauty he restoration of Palestine. ment this week showing how contriThe fires of hate to ashes turn, Gross is the guest of Mr. Sam LipShop But he and hundreds of thousands of others like him are butions by American Jews a r e helping To.dust, the sword and spear. ton. Established 1800 ISth and Harorjr Street*. dy to give good dollars to assist their less fortunate brethren sufferers in Palestine, Turkey, RouThy word alone remaineth; Phone Dong-la* 8333 Mr. and Mrs. E. Leiserowitz have Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, escape from the hard conditions of life they must now bear, mania, That word we speak again; returned from a three months tour d'to begin in Judea the building up of a new home for an old Lithuania and Latvia: O'er sea and shore and continent, to Europe. The extend of the relief rendered ^ where its glories were the light of the earth in Solomon's To all the sons of men. me. That is what Keren Heyesod means. No question of loy- by the Joint Distribution Committee Miss Ruth Kohn, of Houston, Tex., JOHN HAYNES HOLMES. :ty is involved, only a willingness to help in a practical way toin Palestine ranks second only t o is visiting Miss Mildred Chapman. ^complish a great benefit for some Jews who can not come to the that given to Poland and Russia. The activities which a r e still bein gcarried Miss Ida Grund left Saturday evenited States. on there include every form of relief ning for a fortnight's visit at Detroit, The Jew has proved his loyalty to America from the very rsfc. In colony days, and through the formation of the govern- from emergency aid to t h e most highent, down until today, the Jew has had a great and honorable ly developed reconstructive measures. About a year ago, when emergency e work, of giving the republic its permanence. Immilare in the FOR relief was discontinued in all coun^jrants'from'Russia, the speaker have added rants'from'Russia such as th k referred f d tto, h dd DIAMONDS, JEWELRY — - ^ the industrial and economic life of the nation by their energy, tries where i t was possible to place LEVITAN—BRODY. AND The Ivre Club held a meeting Monial, thrift and othei' desirable qualifications. I t is but natural our activities on a functional basis, One of the outstanding events of SPECIAL PLATINUM iey should burn to help those escape from the bondage they are it was found practically impossible to day evening at the Hebrew Institute. this week's social calendar is the marDESIGNING ree from, and this yearning does not mean they are less loyal effect this transition in Palestine. The The following officers were installed: riage this evening of Miss Delia > the country of their adoption. It only means that they, no country always had a large number Mr. Barney Rubel, president; Mr. Brody, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. see of aged people, dependent for support Louis Agranoff, vice-president; Mr. Brody, to Mr. Leo Levitan, of New fnger oppressed, seek to free others.—"Omaha Bee." upon European philanthropy. N o w Philip Levich, secretary; and Mr. Eli York City. that t h e Jewish communities in E u -Rabinow, treasurer. Diamond and Platinum A number of social courtesies were ic's paradoxes, but they are both typ- rope have become impoverished, these SpedaSftts 1301 Douglas Street. extended the bride during the week The G. S. C. Society entertained at ical-and significant. They are mis-old people must look-to America for 1514 Dodcn Street. preceeding the wedding. On Sunday the Davidson tea room Monday eveEstablished 1894. DO ngla* 5619. ATlantic 6970 leading in the way that all generali- support I t w a s , therefore, found r." By Louis Untermeyer. ning for Miss Bertha Herzoff, a bride- a family gathering was held at the ties are misleading; one might as necessary t o appropriate a further to-be. 4Such extremists as the -Harvard auhome of Mrs. As and Mrs. M. Brody jorities and Mr. Henry Ford have well base a philosophy on such scat- sum of $17,000 for immediate relief with Mrs. Harry Brown as one of the [ ' Imbined (unconsciously! • one is in-tered and inconclusive evidence, asto cover the period from April to Sep- Messrs. Leo Blank and Joe Miller hostesses. Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. fnod to believe) > to. aggravate in attribute the Orientalizing of Amer- tember of this year. motored to Denver, Colo., last week. I. Brody entertained at a family dincountry the old and highly com- ica (a theory that is finding many The Joint Distribution Committee Mr. J. Arkin, of Omaha, was in the ner. Following the dinner Miss Brody icated Jewish problem. Anti-Se- supporters), to Christopher Colum- has been contributing $12,500 p e r and Mr. Levitan met their friends at is again furnishing texts and bus's grandfather, a Portuguese Jew. month to the American Zionist Medi- city last Sunday visiting friends and' an informal reception at#the Brody ia for grateful editors; race- The truth is that the Jews are a re-cal Unit organized jointly by it andrelatives. home. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. fnsciousness is once inore a "burn- markably adaptable people, and it is the Zionist Organization of America, Joseph Brody gave a dinner compliMessrs. Barney Baron, Max Barish, this gift for adaptability that they and which for the past five years has mentary to Miss Brody and her fiance A. Goodsite, and H. Levin motored to >^!3 issue," fanned Jjy those profes- to >nal Zionists whose metier is mar- owe their continued existence. The maintained all the hospitals and dis-Plankington, S. D., last week for theand on the same day Miss Ethelyn ^rdom; all the peculiar Jewish vices Egyptian could do nothing with his pensaries in Palestine. This arrange- purpose of collecting funds for theCohen presided over a luncheon party n ascending scale from sharp deal- ritual away from the Nile! He ment will be continued until Novem- Federation. in honor of the bride to be. in private to loud-speaking in cursed an inflexible word and died. ber of this year, pending the report Miss Faye Biederman entretained Rabbi and Mrs. Isaacson and family blic),are being freshly exposed in The Greeks, the Romans, the Assyr- of the Joint Distribution Committee's a few friends at a luncheon at Harhave returned from Green Lake, Wis., iteynity, houses and country clubs, lans lacked the gift or the trick of representative who has made an inris Emery's Tea roomjast Thursday where they spent the summer. maintaining their spiritual.integrity vestigation-of the activities of the await, with ironic confidence, the as a courtesy to Miss Gussie Berg-son, s that seventeen Gentile children, while seeming to surrender it; they unit. In addition to an appropriation The monthly meeting of the Mt. broken by civilizations before of $10,000 for six months has been Sinai Temple Sisterhood will be held ye been ,sacrificed upon -our santhey refused to bend. But the granted to the Shaarey Zedek Hospi- Friday at the Temple Social Center. _ina Passover;' tables. ,. Unlass the ANNOUNCEMENT tomobile business should fall into Jews endowed with the technique of tal, one of the most important instiMr. Harry Braviroff wishes b clutches of the mythical f'monop- persistence, gave up everything and tutions of its kind in Jerusalem. Mrs. Barney Baron entertained the to announce the re-opening of (following the advice of one of their tf of Jewish baikers,." nothing would Misses Bertha and Sophie Bloom, Arrangements bene — - — —**-» ««*«.s,i. . Kwuuxig n u u i u , . — * ~ — --**,«• i n i i o i i g c u i c n ^ a .have ,+iavt uciic vviiauiii" his piano studio at suite 14, re udia e brides-to-be, at a dinner at her home irprise us; less than an enthusiastic P * d leaders) lost their soul, 1 mated whereby the Joint Distribution Baldridge Block, 20th and Fara ries of pogroms,/beginning i n De- h fheerful regularity, in order to Committee is to work in close co- Wednesday evening. nam Strees. save it. They told themselves that lit and with the _ Palestinian ht. j supported _t , vigorously . . via . ar- save it. Thotr +M#i 4.1 — i „ . _, I operation .. . . . govr London. (J. T. A.)—Teaching rethey were a stubborn and uncomfort' iles in t h e Dearborn Independent, ernment in the vast public health able people; they had no place in a campaign for t h e prevention of dis-•»gion to children or minors in Rus— • M r , G. K. Chesterton. " Bat while we Jews suffer, from our godless and - degenerate world; their eases in that country. F o r the main- sia is punishable by imprisonment not awed antagonists, we a r e embar- speech was a fiery refusal t o con-tenance of the unit and laboratory excee*- _ rfoar, according to Ar- Nicely furnished front bedjsed—-and actually, hurt-r-far more form; they defied the encroachments necessary to carry out the plan for a ticle 161 of the new Pend Code of room with small private ™ our tolerant interpreters. N o se-of modernity. Yet their final gesture period of two years, the sum of $70,- the Soviet Government, reading as : was, a shrug, and with a wry resignaJIB T;r\3M:nx follows: family. Good neighbors of explanations h a s . ever been 000 has been appropriated. tion in which pity and irony fought "Teachers in Government or private hood. Call Harney 4718. ' ' itten, and' this paper is-probably ijn -p ->in p s schools, giving religious instruction I exception, that has not been a for mastery, they accepted the terms 400,000 JEWISH DEAD IN 2000 of the moment. to children or minors, are liable to POGROMS, JEWISH DOCTOR 3ge-podge of general^, misstatepunishment not exceeding one year's "The Jewish Press" is the ComFROM RUSSIA SAYS I t i s this facility of compromise nts and special pleading, of disinanity paper. Paris. (J. C. B. by mail.)—On July imprisonment." •ted facts and still more distorted that has enabled the J e w to identify erences, of—to continue the tempt- himself with every movement of life 5 a meeting was held here under the •; alliteration—prejudice, polemic to perpetuate itself. Instead of be- Presidency of M. Sliosberg at which X platitude. Mr. Hilare Belloe, the ing the proverbially unadjustable unit, Dr. Gran, who had just arrived from , est of our friendly .analysis, has he shifts his ground whenever his Soviet Russia, reported regarding the o fthe Jewish population in s - itten a book that is: a. candid proof position grows untenable; he h asituation Soviet Russia. Dr. Gran is one of the learned that the Ipecies that lives is p . ^ t h eforegoing statements." I t i s ™11ed succinctly ;"The-Jews," a n d isthe one that is variable. So one finds founders of the Jewish Sanitary OrManuta crammed with" contradictory gen- the Jew, not as his critics perennially ganization "Oze," and is in Europe num Cities, half truths and absurd sug- insist, in one characteristic attitude, on a mission from the "Oze" to gain the support of Jewry in Europe and weDmaation3 a s a President's- message to but occupying a place a t evrey exAmerica in its work of combating the ""' " " igress. Time and again; Mr. Bel-treme. I would ask the essayists who -ofunsanitary conditions under which the proves for us that;Itre.axe an in- delight in such subjects as "The Jew Jewish population is now living in imiable race, tbatsvre. refuse to ad- in Politics," "The Jew as Racial,"Soviet Russia. He is also authorized t ourselves to cultures other than "The Jewish Spirit in This or That," by the Soviet Commissariat for own. "The Italians assimilated to think, before they round their per- Health to inform medical circles reLambards; t h e Greek t h e Slav; iods of the blandly conervative Adolph garding the general sanitary condiD a d a n h a s absorbed even the S. Ochs while they are using the dia- tion. The Mohammedans of the Volga jfngol; b u t t h e Jew has remained bolic; Leon Trotzky to point a moral; district, too, among whom Dr. Gran %ct. We cannot change bur 7 spots, to remember that Henry Morgenthau, is well known and highly popular be22nd and Clark Street J H l t t i s plain. •• Yet we are ^informed who-whitewashed Poland, was in the cause of'his work in Samara, have ™~lt Spain, by t h e mere mechanical service of- the Wilson Administration entrusted him with a mission in their of religious 'conversion, has at t h e same time as Walter Lippr name for help directed to the Mohamso much intermarriage that, mann; to read the smooth superficial- medans of the wilole world. ElCCohe time, to quote'Shane Leslie ities of Fanny Hurst before they Dr. Gran stated that 600 places pother confused apoldgigt), -"hard- label the dark introspections of Waldo with a population of 2£ million Jews Frank a s exclusively "Hebraic;" t o j ait archbishop or grandee in the have lived through 2,000 pogroms. B I L L I K E N S are more than compare the casual raillery of Simeon ihsula but carried a, Sememe, taucl Some places have endured as many Strunsky's essay with t h e excited nijust shoes for children. rhich may accountffor a good deal 28 successive pogroms. About {the atrt and theology of• Spain." tensity of those of Paul Rosenfield; as BILLIKENS protect the child's 400,000 people have been killed, or A belong to jio one-nation^ we ex-to reconcile. the divergence in poetry have died from wounds or sickness health — eliminating foot ills. New Building jss ourselves only. Granted again, of the affirmative rhapsodies of following on'^he pogroms. There are BILLIKENS are made of sea few pages later, Mr* Belloc James Oppenheim, the flippant grace- about 200,000.orphan children, about lected leathers — lasting wear. among the leaders in, British notes of Franklin P . Adams, t h e60,000 to lOOiOOO- violated women, r ernments, a Prime Minister (pis- twitching and almost tortured ironies about 60 percent, of whom are inBILLIKENS are built on foot 3i), a Lord Chaneeiior (Herschell), of Maxwel Bodenheim. form lasts—feel good all over. fected with-veneral "diseaseI • Master of the Rolls- (Jessel), a In the spiritual conflict, t h e Jew BILLIKENS BILLIEENS com,^ Mayor (Montefiore), and, ma-is no more unresponsive, _ no less NO 1U> £.VJ$A FOR ready to follow t h e varied" colors-of for Boys ;ic climax, a Viceroy of India (IsMARRIED JMEN TRAVELING for Girls BAI.D1 s)'. We adhere, leech-like, to ourhis age. He, too, has witnessed the r-jr:-- ^ ""WITHOUT WIVES •; HO\1 Billikens for Misses and Children. codes and customs, Mr. • Belloc smashing of old ideals -and,. lonely a t ; ' Warsaw, £ufc\4. jjfj;T T.. :A . ) M a r 1 having lost his God, is searching, with rges in /his opening; w? are rarfed men' desiring to- proceed to the Greater Shoe Section—Main Floor North—Main Building. ;as well as religious non^conform- the rest of the world, i o r a new faith. United States without their wives, . Yet Mr. Belloc recognizes the Here, too, h e i s experimental; he will not receive the visa of American Ish origins of such. spiritual frequently allies himself with ultra- consular officers in Poland, it is ofJkesmen a3 Browning, Matthpw' Ar-. reformed services, with Ethical Cul- ficially announced. This1 Tule will be Charles Kinksley and even—a ture societies, with—naively enough enforced also where the wife had OMABA. NEB." fJ Semitic satire—the founder of —Christian Science. Possibly meta- agreed to the temporary separation [intemat'onal Christian. eeci, -Gen- physics is to be the future substitute from her husband. A number oi apCORRECT APFAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: for religion; and so, at heart a mys- plications for visas^have already been I Mofes (nee Moses): Boothv • Jhese are only a few of pje crit- tic, he is among the first to join those refused on thdt ground.
Mr. Sol. Brodkey has returned from California and is anxious to meet all his friends at his store
The Nalashock Jewelry Co.
^'j The Adjustable Jew
Public Invited to Meeting Sunday Evening, 8 o'clock sharp
Jewish Community Center
Dr. Bluestone will lecture on
Accomplishments in Palestine
BILLIKEN Happy Feet lor Kiddies
Meeting Rooms For Rent
Special Arrahg&ffi£iit Afaqfe For Weddings
Can WEfester6990 or WEbsterO616
PAGE 3—THE 3EWISH PRESS THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1922 the past three months, returned to Miss Annette Silverman, of ChieaL following men have been entered in ish Women have secured a Rabbi Miss Gertrude <Joodman, of New Omaha Friday and is staying at the go, HI., who has been visiting -with the meet, W. W. Wintroub, D. Ohesno from the United Hebrew Congrega- York City, is the guest of Mr. and home of her sister, Mrs. B. Eoss and Miss Lottie Hirschberg for several and J. Rosencranz. tion at Cincinnati, Ohio. Services Mrs. M. Mozer. Mr. Ross. during the High Holidays will be weeks, left the latter part of last week Mrs. Max Finberg, of Grand Island, for her home. She will visit in Den- BOY SCOUT TROOP 62—YMHA. held at the Eagle's hall. Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards enterNebr., is visiting her parents, Mr. ver, Colo., prior to returning to Chi- Four new members to the troop tained Sunday at dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Freiden of and Mrs. M. Chapman. were enrolled at the meeting held at cago. the Misses Rose and Esther Zelickthe Jewish Community Center last California, and Mrs. Sam Freiden Mrs. Al Sandlovich and children, PLOTKIN-4SLOBODISKY. son, of Tolsa, Okla., and Mr. Nathan Messrs. Louis Shostak and Robert Saturday night, through the efforts and son, Dave, returned last week Stanley and Jean, arrived home Sun. The marriage of Miss Rose Slobo- Richards, of Oakland, Calif. from a motor trip to Sioux City, la. Cohh spent Sunday at Lincoln as the of the membership committee, Fred day from Colorado, where they have disky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. guests of Mrfl Shostak's parents. Brodkey, Morris Stalmaster and Sam The first meeting of the season for been spending the summer. Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux City, They Slobodisky, to Mr. Isadore Plotkin, Fraegger. The recruits are Hare Id the Jewish Sisterhood was held this were accompanied by Mrs. S. Engleeon of Mr. D. Plotkin, of this city, la., is visiting at the home of Mr. and evening from a two weeks' stay at Over thirty couple attended the Katleman, Sydney Katleman, Joe afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. man, of Des Moines, la., who left for took place Sunday evening at the Mrs. E. Meyer. A number of affairs her home Wednesday. are being given for the visitor Mrs. oung Judea dance Tuesday evening Binstein and Chas. Ruben. Ed Kaplan Gilinsky. home of the groom. Rabbi Morris and Jos. Cohen were made second N. Taxon officiated. The groom and Ernie Meyer entertained Monday at .t Hanscom Park. Messrs. Leo and Lawrence Krasne class scouts. "Every member get a Miss Miriam Frosh returned home his bride left-immediately after the Srandeis Tea rooms complimenreturned Wednesday from New York last week after several weeks spent member" was the slogan adopted by Miss Ruth Sternberg, of Chicago, is tary to Mrs. Levich. Mr. and Mrs. ceremony for a western honeymoon. ***"* *~ " ~ *-—•-'City. in Canada on a Chautauqua tour. the guest of her sister, Mrs. Louis the scouts last week. Upon their return they will make E. Meyer entertained Tuesday eveKahn. ning at their home. Mrs. J. Blank their home at 610 No. 27th St. The Misses Ruth Zolat, Sara KreCouncil Bluffs lodge No. 688, I. O. entertained Wednesday in honor of Dr. Nathan Mushkin, who recently B. B., will hold a picnic at Big Lake, chefsky, and Maxine Frosh have rethe visitor. turned home after spending the past graduated from the Sinai Hospital at WEDDINGS. Sunday, September 10. week in Omaha. RACHMAN—GOLDBERG. Mr. Sam Schwartz, of Kansas City, Miss Maxine Frosh, of Lincoln, New York City, has opened his offices Aaron Richards, son of Mr. and The marriage of Miss Jeanette Nebr., who spent last week here as at 731 City National Bank Building. will arrive today to visit with his fiMrs. Harry Ginsburg, of Eldorado, Mrs. A. Perimeter, left Tuesday for Goldberg* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the guest of Miss Rose Mitilcin, reancee, Miss Jennie Katelman. Ark., returned home Wednesday after Mr. and Mrs. Etgn J. Gershun and San Jose, California, to make his J. Goldberg, of Council Bluffs, la., for- turned to her home Friday. spending the summer with her daughter motored out last Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cherniss re- future home there with relatives. merly of. thsi city, to Mr. Harry Rochparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Folester. Omaha for a couples of days to visit turned today from their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Alex La^hinsky anman, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. RochMrs. Harry Shulkin of Fort Dodge, with their folks and relatives. at Denver, Colo. Mrs. Cherniss was man, of this city, will take place Sun- nounce the birth of a daughter born The Hebrew Educational Society Iowa, visited here for several days day evening, September 3, at six Monday at the Stewart Hospital. met Sunday at the Ivre Club Rooms. Miss Baylia Freiden will entertain formerly Miss Esther Arenson, of with her father, Mr. I. Gilinsky. Lincoln, Nebr. o'clock?at the Beth Hamedrosh HogoMr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg are at at bridge Saturday afternoon at her dol Synagogue, 19th and Burt Sts. Exelsior Springs, Mo. Mr. Greenberg Mr. Harold Cherniack underwent home REPARATION FOR PALESTINE Rabbi Morris N. Taxon will officiate. left Saturday evening to join Mrs. an operation on appendicitis Friday WAR DAMAGES. Mrs. L. B. Heller and daughter Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The extent A number of social entertainments Greenberg, who had been there for Regina, left Wednesday for Des at the Mercy Hospital. Miss Mae Shapiro left Sunday for were given for Miss Goldberg during a week. Moines, la., where they will spend Mr. Sam Hoshberg and mother left a two weeks stay at Des Moines, of damages suffered by inhabitants of Palestine during the was is being the past several weeks. Mrs. Morris Tuesday for New York City to make Iowa, and Minneapolis, Minn. The Omaha Junior Hadassah held the week end. investigated by an official of the LonPeltz and Miss Dora Horshack enter- its first dance of the season Tuesday their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Finkel entertained Saturday, August 12, at the evening, August 22, at the Hanscom Miss Minnie Krechefsky has re- don Government now in Jerusalem. Mr. Nathan Kesselman returned turned home from Sioux City, where Damages to Jewish synagogues and Brandeis Tea rooms at a bridge lunch- Park Pavillion. Fifty couples were tained Wednesday evening at whist for ten couples. Prizes were won by today after spending a few days in to individual property holders will be eon. The following day Mrs. Meyer present. she had been visiting. Miss Tobie Steinberg, Mr. Ben Levine, Chicago. examined with the view to fixing the Stern entertained at a picnic supper Mrs. Herman Krause, of Auburn, reparations, it is stated. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Braviroff re- and Miss Lillian Schiffer. • for Miss Goldberg and her fiance. The Mrs. Ben Hirsch was operated FriMisses Marion and Reva Cohn enter- turned Tuesday after a three weeks' Mrs. D. B. Gross entertained five day at the Jennie Edmuson Hospital is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Subscribe to "The Jewish Press". Davidson. tained at bridge at their home Sun- motor trip to the Minnesota Lakes children Monday at her home in honor is convalescing. day, August 20. Miss Jennie Katel- and Lake Okoboji, where they spent of the fith birthday of her little man entertained at three tables of their honeymoon. Mrs. Braviroff was daughter, Naomi. Mr. and Mrs.Louis Marcus and Phone ATlanHc 8631. OXE DAT SERVICE bridge Wednesday, August 23, at her formerly Miss Esthyr Levich, of 935 North 24th Street. family returned Wednesday after A number of affairs are being given spending the past month motoring at home. Miss Anne Rochman enter- Sioux City, la. for Miss Helen Marer, of Indianapolis, the Ozark Mountains and Kansas tained sixteen grils at whist at the Old Mattresses Renovated. Miss Faye Gerelick will leave this Ind., who is spending the remainder Mattresses Madee to to Order. Order. .Brandeis Tea rooms Saturday, and City. evening for Minneapolis, Minn., where of the summer with her sister, Mrs. SMiss Molly Saltzman entertained Box Spring Repairing Our Specialty she will spend -several weeks with Charles Levinson, and Mr. Levinson. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Mrs. Ben Cohen, of Harlan, Iowa, GITR In a Trial. Tuesday at her home at three table's d Miss Alyce Leibo. SAM ALTSCHULER. Manager. AH Work called for and delivered. Miss Anne Weiss entertained Thursday and niece, Miss Ida Kozberg, of of^bridge. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and daugh- afternoon at her home at a bridge Miss Merriam Konecky accompa- ters, Mrs. Sam Zlotky, of Fremont, party for Miss Marer. Prizes were relatives for a few days. nied byher aunt, Mrs. David Konecky, and Sadye, returned home Tuesday won by the Misses Estelle Lapidus, "Light Wines and Beer" is Platform of Otto A. Sinkie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky will leave returned last Sunday from a trip to morning from a two week's stay at Annette Fanger, and Helen Levinson. Sunday to stay over Labor Day at "Candidate by Petition" for County Attorney Miss Sarah Somberg entertained York City and the Catskill Denver, Colo. Allen, Nebr., with their daughter, of Douglas County. twelve at bridge at her home Tuesmountains. Mrs. Phillip Sherman, and Mr. Otto A. Sinkie favors "Light Wines and Beer". He believes that Miss Sarah Segehnan will leave day afternoon. Miss Helen Levinson Sherman. Miss Mildren Gross, of New York- Sunday morning for a two week's entertained Wednesday afternoon for candidates for office should announce specifically what they stand for. City, is visitiilgwith her sisiter, Mrs. visit at Ottumwa, la., with her sister, twelve at her home at a bridge lunchThe Mogon Dovid Club held a To vote for Otto A. Sinkie is to say that you want the Volstead Act Sam Leavy, and Mr^ Leavy. Mrs. Dave Redman, and Mr. Redman. eon. Sunday evening Miss Levinson regular meeting Sunday under the modified so as to allow Light Wines and Beer. Take advantage of will entertain thirty-five couples at new leadership of Mr. Philip Trochyour opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman and Miss Ann Berlovitch, of Des a dancing party for her visitor. tenberg. The next meeting will be children arrived home Saturday from Moines, la., arrived Tuesday to spend MR. SINKIE has been practicing law in this state for six years. He held Sunday, September 3. The club two weeks' stay at Lake Okoboji. is a graduate of the Kearney State Normal School and of the State the week as the huose guest of Miss Mrs. A. Friedman, of Sioux City, held a hike Tuesday. University of Nebraska and of the University of Chicago Law School. la., is visiting with friends and reMrs. David Newman will entertain Esther Zalk. latives here. Mr. Friedman will join The Council Bluffs Section of Jewthe members of the Priscilla Club at The Golden Hill Society held its her here the latter part of the week. her home Thursday afternoon. meeting Tuesday, August 29, at th< Miss Minna Silverman, of New home of Mrs. George Wright. Twenty * Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Givot had as their house guests their niece Mrs. York City, who is visiting her sister five members were present. B. Mailer, and Mr Mailer. Mrs. Maiin Sioux City, la., motored to Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gross, of Gales ler, who was formerly Miss Monia to visit with Miss Merriam Konecky. burg, HI., who are enroute to Califor Reuter, came to this country two Mrs. Max Somiriers and brother, nia, will arrive Sunday to spend th weeks ago. The young couple left for Mr. Ed Gluck, arrived home Thurs- day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Chicago where Mr. Mailer will enter his senior year at the university of day after a three weeks' stay at Colo- R. Kulakofsky. Illinois. rado. Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America The Jewish Women's Welfare OrMrs.. Lou Blotcky and son, Frank, ganization will hold its first meeting Mr. Abe Kadner, who left several an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. are at the Idaho Springs, Colorado. of the summer Tuesday afternoon, weeks ago for the Pacific Coast, is From framework to window mouldings the body is built now in Los Angeles where he will Mr. Arthur Rosenblum returned September 5, at the Jewish Com- enter the University of Southern Caliof steeL It is the first all-steel closed car ever marketed. Thursday from a five week's vacation munity Center. The work accom fornia. This design anticipates every possible requirement of trip through California and Colorado. plished during the summer will bi commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness— Mrs. Rosenblum, who accompanied her given in detail at this meeting. THORPEIAN NEWS. unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible husband, will remain in Cheyenne, The Thorpeian Athletic club held Ms. and Mrs. A. Theodore have as Wyd.v for a few days visiting with their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sid- a special meeting Wednesday evento give the Coupe that same lustrous beked-on enamel relatives. finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long ing at the Jewish Community Center. ney Shostak, of Lincoln, Nebr. The club will incorporate under the been famous. Mr. arid Mrs. J. M. Malashock reMrs. Pritkin, and son, Meyer, of turned Friday from a two -week's Pittsburgh, Pa., arrived Friday and laws of the State of Nebraska. Mr. The upholstery is of genuine leather—leather that will J. Gavenman, government surveyor, motor trip to Lake Okoboji. spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. H. gave a talk on "Progress". The club wash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable. An important meeting of the Jew- Lapidus. They are enroute to Den- will enter several men in the A. A. Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The ish Women's Welfare Organization ver, where they will make their home V. meen Saturday afternoon. The car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, •will be held Tuesday, September 5, at with Mrs. Pritlrin's daughter. windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every the Jewish Community Center. A Mr. and Mrs. Julius Weil, of Linother appointment necessary to the owner's comfort speaker has been arranged for to coln, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Harry HI LapMom. PMt-Treu. and protection. cpeak and the election of the two JOB. Pepper, Viee-Prerident. Weil's mother, Mrs. Carrie LivingsW. Q. Ore, Secretary. financial officers will be held. ton, and Alvin S. Livingston, of ChiBuilt inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of Morris Goetz will enter the Ne- cago, is also the guest of his mother. everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of braska State University in Septem- Dr. Julius EL Miller, Rabbi at the ::: line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge ber having just completed his high Temple B'Nai El, of St. Louis, Mo., is COMPLETE STORE AND Brothers cars. school course. During his high school the guest of his sister, Mrs. LivingsOFFICE OUTFITTERS ton and his brothers, Messrs. M. S. term he attended^ summer school to It is the Business Coupe 'which business people the We occhpj •TCT fo.ooo Muare .feet enable him to finish "the regular four and M. N. Miller. world over have been expecting—from Dodge Brothers. Sonthwest Corner course in three years. Miss Ann Rosenblatt returned FriEleTenth and Dooslas Streets. Phone: Jackson £734' The price ia $980 L o. b. Detroit The Acabado Cellta Club of the day from a ten days' stay at ShenanOMAHA. NT5B. Central High School gave a'picnic doah, l a HK?™??..??:! at ^Valley, Nebr., Sunday for the Mrs. William Rothschild is convalmembers and friends. escing at her home after a three . weeks' illness. Mr. Morton M.- Marcus accompanied COUlTCiE BLUFFS; 0MHl7J 83-35 Fonrtfc St. by^his brother-in-law* Mr; Nat E. Miss Molly Harwich left last SaturCouncil BlIl 99 Aaraer at 28th S* Weight, left on a motor trip to* Des day for a month's stay at St. Louis, Umimer 0128 Proprietor of Momes, la. Mr. Marcus will spend a Mo., where she will visit relatives and fewj days with Mrs. Marcus' sister, friends.. Mrsl *B. Schwartz. X The Misses Esther and Yetta NaMrs. B. Ross, who has been visiting than will be hostesses this evening 1702 North 24th Street. witji her folks in the east for the past at their home to the members of the Phone Webster 2092 two^months, returned home the latter Ra Oth Society. part of last week Mrs. Belle Alexander Pollack reT]ie Council of Jewish Women will turned home Wednesday after spendhold a special board meeting at ten ing the past four months visiting in o'clock Friday morning at the Jew- New York and Chicago, 111. ish ^Community Center. Mr. Sol Rosenblatt had as his house Mrs. J. J. Richards, of Tacoma, guests for several days the Messrs. A complete stock of Wash., and sister, Mrs. M. Friedman, Emanuel Weisebuck, of Rochester, N of Chicago, 111., who have been visit- Y., and James Arnstine, of Cleveland ing- with Mrs. Ida Richards for the O. Both are fraternity brothers of past week, left Friday for Chicago. Mr. Rosenblatt. Miss Ann Greenberg left last WedMr. and Mrs. Harry Mittleman and Also a supply of nesday for a three weeks' visit with daughter, Marion, and Mrs. Robert, friends at Chicago, HL- _ My Famous Home-Made Arenson, and Mr. Saul Arenson mor Bliss Sylvia Fox, who has beTen vis-1 tored to Omaha Sunday to be the .Pickles. . . . " ' with' friends in Cilifdrnia for guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mittleman,,
Social, Club and Religious Activities
For the
Coming Holidays
it te
t. I have received t a very beautiful aline of .ry. Jewish New Yeai% Greeting Cards xl
Prices Very Reasonable
to •Sd
as K-
re nt re ur of de re he nd
Don't Wait the Last Minute Select them I
Mail Orders Promptly Attended
ur the tral
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Omaha Fish Co.
Staple Groceries and Fresh Fish
PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY I 18 So. 1 7th Street Opposite Medical Arts Bids. Now being ere J fed
*t_»' ' '_
*"">' •.. ."-IT-"**, **•'•'.•,"
'•' C
C '
./ / , - . .
* '
(-••'^• mt to be put in touch with Ford of: a ., _ . jj;; the t h ,."possession Poe , Rqs*iaWj Gjffipaiiir agents he had no need of writing the ' anti-Jewish propaganda , institution with headquarters near Harbin, Rus- letter. Boris Brasol, through Miss sia. "Near Harbin/Russia/'.is a per- De Bogory and Dr. Houghton, was One of the most interesting plants fect setting for this type of melo- in touch with Ford supporters ALL in Omaha is the Carpenter Paper MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON •drama. --Rodionoff hinted clearly the time. And they were in touch Company's building located in this NEARBY COMMUNITIES. with him. enough to-be understood that for a city since 1887. It is perhaps the largCHO1<J£ FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. And while this contact with the consideration he-could pbtain for Mr. est concern of its kind in the west Ford forces existed, Boris Brasol at i ] Ford photographic copies. - and has" branched out until it has || Nowi No.-124 X, Mr. Smith, once the same time was in contact with the eleven.-branches in principal cities. By Norman Hapgopd had such' •»' serious place in the secret National Civic Federation, a crowd The Carpenter Company employes 125 INVESTMENT SECURITIES work of the United; States* Govern- of standpatters who represent every- persons in the Omaha 9 story buildInvestigator Creech" wrote to Mr.dionoff is impressed with !his sincerity " Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. thing reactionary ni American life. ment that I hesitate.to! speak of him ing and each-floor is devoted to the Ford's editor, Cameron, aa follows: and dependability. We all believe •with any lack of respect. Neverthe- Ralph Easley, of this Federation, was multiplicity of activities necessary to . "It occurs to me that-it would be that he has what he says he has. less; ft fe a'fertt, too; .that he sent dependent upon Brasol for his infor- the administration of a large wholequite valuable if we 'had a, photo- Would not recommend a visit of Roback to the Ford * organization a re- mation about affairs in Russia. sale paper business. Manufacturing, graphic copy of the Protocols in He-dionoff to Dearborn for several reaAt a certain date Easley began to printing, sales and office executives, WAS AND KEEP WELL port in which He said,. X am inclined stns." NOJ 103 A did not, "for. several J for. brew and: place same in bur files be cautious. Brasol wrote for Easley, to".believe RoflionoffV story relating storage and shopment departments A* RULE OP HEALTH against .investigations we'.might.,en- reasons," jwish Rodionoff to see Mr. to the Protocols.^ This m a y set the and Easley sent this information to present a beehive of industry to the counter in the'future': Operator 103 Ford. Therefore, Rodionoff endeavFRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY reader's mind to wondering-how many members of the Federation. A pro- jreporter. Mr. Issac W. Carpenter A was especially assigned/- to deal ored to break through the guard of ' "• '•• -ISM^CoIMeriila- Street., "One of AmeS^'s, Great Hotels" to Mr. Ford himself* things secret service investigators in test was sent to the directors of the started the present business with one |iwith this Rodionoff. No; 103; A;, you No. 103 A~to get Federation, because of the anti-Senigeneral areinclined to. believe. carload of" paper in 1887. Now they •? will remember, was the same Dr. His letter was turned over by the itic stuff which Brasol was putting - Hbughton, formerly of*'the\ United manufacturer to investigator 124 X. The results in money did not satis- into his material, arid Easley was in-have branches in Sioux City, Des g Moines, Lincoln, Billings, Mont., No. 124 X. has- appeared in this story. fy Rodionoff.- He suddetily decided he States Secret' Service. This; 1$8 AJre- He also had been a Government in- must get more. He "wrote a letter to structed to edit all' anti-Semitism Butte, Mont., Salt Lake City, Denver, EFFICIENT and KESPOXSIBLE t ported that' Rodionoff had shown pa- vestigator, and his name is C. W.Natalie De Bogory, the Russian lady from Brasol's material. Kansas Citty, Mo., Oklahoma City, WHOLESALE LACXBRY. -? pers that he had worked for theSmith. Mr. Smith sent for Rodionoff who had been in the office of 103A The Jew-hating of Dr. Houghton Houston, Tex., and Los Angeles. They Where your clothes pome home Druggists and Stationers cleaiier and last loncer. Tsar's government. He quotes. Ro- immediately. during the war, telling her. he wasappears to have been sincere a s well a h o e w n intereste- m the- Federal En\ T lantir 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St. 401-403-405 South 10th Street dnmoff- as ^ sayingy "thatrhe- h a s . the- Rodionoff went to the offic*-.o£.No.-j>aving New York, and would sail as energetic During the war, while velope Co., Victor Bag Co., Wisconsin, H A. .TACOBBERUER. I'res. originals of _the; Protocols inpHebjew 124 X. ' He told him a stbry.Wfc air 1 from Seattle for Japan" on August he was in military intelligence, he and the Messenger Paper Co., Chica- i took it upon himself, according to in- go, 111.. The function of the Carpenand that these wereV -the originals? the detail necessary to a „ picture^ in 22nd. H e did' .sail on <the day named. Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. which were" in tKeppssess^on,.*of;Se5ge fiye. reels. Rodionoff described him- His' departare~: produced consternation formation ' which I' have from one of ter, Co., is. tp sell to the trade the best ' Omaha Phono Atlantic 3556 hissubordinates, to investigate Jacob Nilus. The.twenty-four,that haye been self as. actaally acquainted-wrth.Serge in the New-' York- office, s Miss'. D e Bbpaper-and paper products in the UnitThone 104 • Ford Transfer & Storage Co. published in; thisl eountrjr,, continues Nilus, the Russian publisherfvhtt'fosfc gory wired to him that his.departure' Schiff, Otto Kahn, Felix Warburg, ed States, The B<?st of Everything in Flowers and R. A. FORD. Dr. HojigHtottj -reporting. W,his supe- put the Protocols on the market would make' i t quite .impossible to the Rothschilds, Guggenheim, Samuel According to Mr. E. H. Hoel, manConfections at Moderate Prices. President and General Manajrer, riors'," "are 'the originaP. Pfotjjspis Nilus, according to Rodionoff,. was a conclude thejj* arrangements. Rodio- Untermyer, the Rev. Dr. Magnes and ager, the disbursements of his com343 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater Council Bluff* (Iowa) Office COOCO. BLUFFS, IOWA. Phone S65 hich were.gotten up at. thejBasle Mason of the Russian order, and flu- noff sent his answer baek to No. 124 j t h e R e v - Stephen Wise. In fact, this pany amounts to one half million dol- 924 So. Main Street. inference in 1897. Tliere ha%:sihce ently spoke-eight-languages, including X, as -follows-: «I explained clearly informant says that Dr. Houghton, as lars a year- in Omaha and is a vital leen written thirteen more which had Hebrew. One of the most important that if was impossible to postpone my an American army-officer, told this part of Omaha's business assets. ver been published! All .of .thepe he jof these details was that the original departure. My conditions are follow- informant and others attached to his Among the products handled by this ias in the original Hebrew:»iEwry- Protocols in Hebrew are at present in ing: During six months T will furnish office, to investigate any Jew as long mamouth organizations are: EnvelDistributors of OrR TRKATMT5XT WILL ne who has come in contact with Roopes, wrapping papers, bond paper for CONVINCE YOV OF OIK Western Bond—and High you exclusively with material agreed as he was prominent. SINCERITY. "The first big case I investigated all office,' domestic and printing work, Grade Stationery upon. You to advance monthly fifTrunt Department. for Dr. Houghton," runs a statement cover papers, gum tape, bread wrapOmaha, Nebraska. Safety Deposit lioxes. teen hundred American dollars payUBT OS DO YOl'B \ WELDING able in Yokohama specie bank. You by this informant, "was the airplane per, stattioriefcy and school supplies, j paper dishes, hags, book paper, shoe to pay for material already furnished. investigation. "J was ordered to proceed to Stam- strings, ticket board, inks, congoleum Rodionoff." . ^ CAREFUL WELDERS At the same time that he sent his ford, Conn., and investigate Gutzon and a thousand other paper and fiber 1501 Jackson St. Tel. JA.,43.97., Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace telegram he also sent a letter No. 124 Borglum, with reference to his activi- products.' The Carpenter Co., repre"Manufactured in Omaha" X, repeating his money terms and ties with airplanes and was instructed sents about 100 different mills and factories as jobbing agent and' feato see if I could make a connection saying, "Miss De Bogory is already BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. WHOLESALE PAPER, translating- my material, and I hope between Borglum and Jacob Schiff." tures among other papers their own ' Tempfetioa Besets You STATIONERY, ETC. brands, kjiown to the trade as, Ne• An early contact of Di I you will find such satisfactory to .When You Enter braska Bond, Certificates Bond and J with the Russian crowd that led him Distributors for you." Western Bond. Mr. Hoel states that into protocolingwas with Miss De CANDIES, * ICE CREAM, Pink Tip Matches — Absolutely no doubt seems to have business is showing a noticeable imLUNCHES. •', existed even yet about the Hebrew Bogory. Six months after we had Northern Toilet Tissue provement not only in Omaha but in gold mine in the neighborhood of gone into the war, Dr. Houghton took Ker his the outside branches. He believes that 1112 Harney Street Harbin. For, while: Rodionoff is in > 7*° office,/-It was through a general improvement will be shown h e r t h a t Dr ATTantic 6409 Seattle, waiting- to sail, we find Orer- ' " Houghton came into conin all phases of business this season ! t tact a c t with t h tthe h e "Black B l a c l c Hundred Rus ator>Nol24X suggesting to the oorr ^ " Hundred Rus- and looks for a speedy return of pre16th- and Farnam rStreets ator>No.^ 124 X. suggesting ganization' that a new offer be made sians" who interested Dr. Houghton war- conditions. to Rodionoff, this time dealing not and the American "Secret Service in Crystal Candy Company ' with any photograph*, but with the i t h e » * * « » • of th> protocols, She 16th and' CapUol Ave. ' investigated prominient Jews, and a actual originals; corxcrc BIXHTS. IA. Statement which I have at hand from In dealing- with such spurious matService is Our Motto ter as the'.Protocols the Ford secret an investigator in Hough ton's office o a 5 ithat n a t "some some O If her e r I nfriends n a s wwere e re Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent. service agents were-bQund to be made I ^ / " ?, , Everyone wBo has seen the new the victims of intrigue. They forced L i e j u t ? n a n t Brasol.-Count Sasnovsky Wallevitch was on their enemies to mate use of forged Ia n d Wallevitch." • w .,w»,i. — - Paxton Billiard Parlor, completely renovated by Mr. Nick S. Wranic, say documents and spurious letters. N o J Houghton s staff by n o w t h a t that it is undoubtedly the most up to v Bakeries Mr Ford m u s t ,(Re».%. ». Pat. tice the similarities to, and the dif-h l s :e to f date Billiard Parlor in the Middle ferences from, the- letter -reproduced' * ."P™**" <* *he great dffice.) Every Known Kind BUTTER and EGGS lsh c 1K in Hearsts.? International for Septem™sP *y " " a melodramatic west. . A feature of this recreation of Insurance forgrey. Next month we shall give place is the new exh&ition pit, said to Council Bluffs, Ia. ber. There is no doubt in "my mind Doutfas 03S0. j that* this i s questionable/ even though him a flagrant illustration of the way be the only one of its kind in the Unit- 209 VT. O. W. Bids. of COUNCIL BLUFFS ed States. A.pocket billiard table, the ! i t is signed with a- faithful-looking his J lapped the anti-liberal" war persecuWe pay 4% interest on Saving latest standard professional table t signature 'of- Rodionoff: tions. We have-in Our possession in- built by, Brunswick-Balk-Collender and 'Time Deposit!. . i March 17th, 1921. formation about Senator La Follette Co., is set down several feet below Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. JA ckson 1862 Mr. C. W. Smith, • Made bythat should never have left the ar-the floor level. Lighting facilities, UNDERTAKERS 20 Broad Street, New York City. UN CLE SAM BREAKFAST chives of the American Government. floor- covering and every detail is Dear Sir: Referring to "our recent 2224 Cuming St. FOOD CO. Henry Ford is a Pacifist, Robert La .calculated to give the exhibition playconversation, I am .so f oitunfcte as to Phone JAckson 1226 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Follette is a pacifist. Yet here we ers the greatest, comfort and efficienhave in-, my possession Valuable ma- j find the money of one used in the at- cy during their work. The Paxton was terial about Zionist work in Russia' formerly the DeLuxe Billiard Parlors, tempted h m t w and other countries abroad. More- \ ^ w n o f the o t h e r and is-located at 1516 Farnam Street, Popular Priced Auto Painters over» I have .very valuable documents in the, basement. Wranic has in- Pullman Beds, Cloned Body BnlldlnrPROTEST PALESTINE in - Russian language. . I cart get phostalled a new soda fountain and is IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS tographs from the origijiaJs, or the "If Its Worth Anything offering his patrons the best of drinks, :'originals themselves .if .they are wantOmaha's Newest Sport Goods Store fountains - specials and merchant's OMAHA PILTLOW CO. Vaad Leumi Submits Objections to —Have It Insured." ed, of the Zionist "Protocols which Feather mattresRen made from your lunch. A direct wire furnished daily 2525 Leavenworth St. AT lantle 0701 Severe Immigration Regulations own feathers. Cool in Summer—Warm j are now being wj-titen-by- a JEW in baseball' scores. > The parlor is equipt and Discharge of Jewish jn W'lutf.r. Cost less than felt vbeds. I Japan^ - These documents are of colosCotton Mattresses made over in new with. 25 Circassian walnut Brunswick Employees. ticks at- half price of new beds. t sal importance. In the^ Far East I tables-and all, interior fittings are of 1907 Cuming St. JA. 2467 ' have' rriy -Workers with? whose assistJerusalem. (J. C. B.)—A memo- the same material. The English game Wholesale 1806 Harney Street < ance the above mentioned material randum complaining of the discharge of Snooker: has been introduced here Phone AT lontlc, 0081 Fruit and Vegetables [.could be translated into Bhglish. . . of many Jewish officials from govern- by the-Paxton; the Snooker table is "Travel Without Trouble" ! For this work-1 need a fund of $3,000 ment' service avowedly in the interests much larger .than the regulation size J. C. Crew. Ed- Burdick. N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. A Store MnnaR^d anilV R u n ; I would like an ap-of economy, has beeir handed to Sir pool table and requires greater skill Palmer's Steamship Agency {a month. l>y Men whu I'lay the/Qii^iie' Steamship and Foreign' "Travel | pointm'ent for a' conference of all our Herbert Samuel by a deputation of in playing. ' It is said to be a very G. L. B agents of the Russian National SoSpecialists. the Vaad Leumi or National Council fascinating' game. According to Mr. Phone Jackson 0710. . 1009 Harney St. I ciety and Mr. Ford|s agents. I be- of Palestine Jews. Sir Herbert, replied Wranlc,"a number of new exhibition Everything-for the Athlete. -ljeve- that-.such a conference -should • ' < OMAHA.' NEBB. that" whil6 he'saw-Nothing in the dis- players wiU ; be .brought to Omaha to 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. j^take place-about/March;- 20; f'fittvd missal 'of these employees to warrant meet local contenders and the schedATlantic 0340. ^already'communicated*wiih'ilr. Boris the "suspicion tha't the removals.'were ule of match games" "will be ftall of "Let there Be Light" I Brasohand 'other -agents and -insfcractdue to any nationaf friction, he would live coirterts." The seating gallery for ed • them 'to be at your ^office on -the investigate the matter.' spectators will accommodate about 109 No. 16th St. Tel. JAckran 312* | above mentioned date at about eigh; Opposite Post-Office. In' particular, th'e1 Jews'resent the 400 persons.' Mr. Wranic states that TUXEDOES, Latest Models o'dlodk in the Evening. •American removal of Mr. Mibashan, the Jewish he'has built up his business with the $25.00 to 840.00 i There is" little - doubt that such a Vice-Governor of Tiberias. .Walnut 3034 " " " ' idea of furmsihing a high' class recreaU SALE OK FOlt KENT. Wet Wash Laundry meeting rwould ihave bepn ' just the Objections to the severe immigra- tion hall for folks who appreciate 2803 Cuming. Harney 0881 | thing Rodionoff desired j but that he dean.; sportsmanship and decent surtion regulations resting in the rejecOne Day Service. No Extra wrote-, such a letter "orriKSC such a tion of many Jewish : immigrantsand roundings. Billiards, Pocket billiards Kaplan Auto Parts Cp. Charges. Refinite Soft Water. meeting was held, I Every chaluzim will be embodied in a new and Snooker aif brd probably the high' 2111 N'leJiolan Street ' ' 'i Ford sleuth who had. met him hadmemorandum about to be submitted est typetib? iiidbor sport and accord• ' F . 8. MOKKY. Prop. Used cars h,p.ugh.t,-. sold, mid exehnnfred. New jreors. aiiil :ixle shafts been' takerf in by him, and had made by the Vaad Leumi to the High ing to^Mr.^ Wranic, the fellows can for any inhnlor' Phone Webster 0820 excellent reports to his* superior re- Commissioner. Tires, Tnbos and ' Acc-essorles bring their ladies with them to the Y o u r position is Rough Dry Family Wash List garding.1 Km, and there was no need exhibition matches or playing individ^ ., -Below< W^olesiile Prices. correct, and should "AVERY KNOWN KIND" "of the' anti-Ford forces making use KOBFANTY HELD BESPONSIBLE ual games. Mr. Wranic is well known be s u p p o r t e d by i a t av'letter which looks like a forgery. in Omaha and was formerly employed FOR SILESIAN RIOTS. Abner H. Kaiman 1 The" Black' Hundred jBorijs Bragol, sup- Warsaw, July 17k (J. T. A.)—Albert for five years with the U. S. Internal every fair minded 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034 porter- of the Beilis murder trial, Korfanty, the new Prime Minister Revenue Department His parlor d e person. lawyer of' the Russian school, finger- who has formed a cabinet in the face serves the. whole hearted support of 1 print expert-and detector of forgeries of the opposition- of President Pilsud- every Omaha follower of the rubber PAXTON BILLIARD in' the1 Russian" government, would skyy is regarded as unfriendly to cushioned table game. ARTISTIC TAILORS, 215 SOUTH 19TH S PARLOR probably not have let himself be led Jews. He is said to be responsible for . . . of... NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor into sitting down with Ford agents. the recent excesses perpetrated 151C Farnam ; Street, ltanement. ANNOUNCEMENT He met Ford agents elsewhere. At against Jews in Upper Silesia. Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phone JA rknon 4136. Vlea'st one of-hfsf close friends "and sup- I The" Jewish deputies find themselves Rev. E. Fleishman porters worked-in the -office of C. C. in opposition to the Korf anty Minis. .-'..-> "THE-MOHL" Full Line of Imported and, Domestic Woolens in Stocjcj Daniels amd was on the:Ford-Daniels' try; They have joined with the social Moved into his. new .liome a t ' At-all times—Prices reasonable. 1342 So. 25th Street, •-psyrolL • - -' democrats and peasant party in fightIn I \ Y«iur subscription for, "The'Kearly \ every [ Jewish For a Perfect Fit and Brotherly Courtesy—See _Us_First, Corner pf Woblworth. Avennft. ^ - I t ; the- forger of thi* r latter - h a d - ing against the assumption' of the TeL Atlantic 6637. . , - . ' . now. wanted to prove'that Boris' "Brasol: government by foTrfahty. ' "
an Asset to Omaha
\ HenrySwallows Old Bait j
E. E. Bruce & Co.
FRED R.SHAW Flower Shop
" -
; -•
Carpenter Paper Co.
Baker Ice Machines
The Brinn & Jensen Company
Council Bluffs Savings Bank
.• I
b t National
' - * , : • •
Bankot Omaha
New Billiard Parlor . Now OpenforPublic
First National Bank
Laxre Haskell Co.
01 Made With Milk
City National Bank
NcCprd-Brady Go.
Omaha Sporting Goods Co.
Dundee Electric
John Feldrhan
Emerson Laundry
Known among ojj£wjll dressed Jewish Communal Workers as responsible and accurate Tailors.
Leo A. Hoffmann