They who are content to the" valley^ will get no news from the mbutains.—Macy.
' If youM-know-the
value-of; money, go and borrow « some. "-- Benj.. Franklin. j
tis XTn dit QQ . TT JJ..—JMO.
• • •ecood-elaas- mail nutter on Jannarr 27th. 1921. at at Omaha. NebrMfc*. andet the Act or March 3. IS7U.
Describes Plight Seven Million Je in European Countries Dr. Frankel Says More Than 4,000,000 in Europe Must Start Life Anew.
ARABS WOULD BOYCOTT JEWS. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) August 28. —-An economic boycott of the Jews was decided by delegates of the Moslem Christian Societies of Palestine Arabs in conference at Nabhis as the best means of discouraging a Jewish immigration to the country. Arabs everywhere are urged not to trade with Jews, especially being cautioned against transferring real estate to them. ' . The Arab Delegation which spent several months in London, in an attempt to nullify .the Zionist policy, was accorded a hearty reception by the delegates to this conference which is seeking to devise means of defeating the avowed object of the British Government. . _
• New York.—How "to reconstruct their devastated lives is the great problem now facing more than 4,000,000 Jews in Europe, outside of Russia, said Dr. Lee K.. Frankel, speaking as chairman of the special commission sent abroad last June by the American" Jewish Relief Committee, of which Louis Marshall is chairman. In his verbal report to the Joint Distribution Committee Dr. Frankel said that the problem facing the Jews in Europe .affects more than 7,000,000 people in all. l i t t l e is known of real conditions "in Russia; according to Dr. Frankel, who said that 350,000 Jews had been killed in atMembers of the Jewish Women's Organization to Aid Non-Secteriaa least 2,200 pogroms, and that tens „., . Drive.. cf thousands have since died of starvation. : .. TO CAMPAIGN FOR TWENTYDr. Frankel, who i s . third viceTHOUSAND DOLLARS. president of^ the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and who was Many Omaha Jewish Women will welfare director of the Postoffice De- take part in the Visiting Nurse's tag partment wjien Will Says was Post- day, which will be held nert Wednesmaster General, returned several days day. The volunteer workers are ago from Poland. The other members members of the Jewish Women's of the commission, David A. Brown, Welfare organization. David M. Bressler, Morris Wolf, Dr. It is planned to raise $20,000 durMilton J. Resenau and Samuel J. ing this drive.. Mrs.'N. P. Feil and Goldsmith, are still in Europe com- Mrs. R. Kulakofsky are the Jewish pleting the .work. women who are ,among the directors The commission went abroad last of the association. June and spent nearly ^two months In 1921 the staff of nurses numberinvestigating f^the conditions under ing twenty-five made 49375 visit? on which the Jews are attempting to 6,514 patients. This-is an average of figain live normal lives.! England, eight hpxne visits, to each ' patient. Germany, Tia, Poland and plac- Their tically ed o"tHer: countries, in $40,354.87. which the. Joint Distribution Gommitr — « tee has been ictlte, were visited. ice to the" sick poor,^responding Dr. Roienau afld.Mr. ^ o l f are now the calls ^gy th ll iAsd^^'iifc'E in Russia,; investigating-the condi- respond to every call irrespective of tions an*ectmg more'ttian' 3,000,000 race or creed. Jewish ^people. •'• '. j The following are the workers^rith Dr. Frahkel traveled to Rovno, districts assigned to them: visiting in turn Dubno, Radziwillow, MRS. D. P. FEDER, Major. Brody, Lemberg, Cracow and other HBNSHAW HOTEInGalician towns. With Mr. Brown he Mrs. L. Goldman, Capt. Mrs. Xi. Nathan, went to Budapest. Mr. Brown went Miss Kstelle Lapidufc on to Warsaw and visited points in Miss KHnore-Sehrwer, Mrs. Tollman K&plan, Poland, and before his return to this Mrs. X. 4Iala»bocfc, Miss Gertrude Tatle. country he will investigate condiHOTEL— <* tions in Czechoslovakia and Russia. PAXTON Mrs. Lapidus, Capt.
Ten More Days UntH Jewish Press Picnic at Krng P&rk, Sept IT; Boxing, Wrestling and Swimming Exhibitions to be Featured 4
Only ten more days to September 17. ',.. livery Jew in Omaha and in the surrounding cities is counting them—and is planning to make that day a red letter day ia thfc year. For everyone know^ that "The Jewish Jnsss" Picnic which will be held at Krug A 'Park, from nQoh to midnight, on Sunday, Sejifember 17, will be the most elaborate and most enjoyable affair of. its kind ever given intthese parts. Read the list of attractions, again and* be Convinced that you will never before "have had so much real entertainment and amusement crowded into one day as you will get at "The Jewish Press" Picnic. ;
KRUG PARK EXCLUSIVE USB Morrie "Kid" Sehla&ftlt vs. "Kid" Griffiths
Jewish Women to Assist in Collection of Money on Visiting Nurse's Tag Day
Many Students to Enter Universities for Fall Term Over Fifty Young Men and Women Have Enrolled in Colleges.
Mrs. A. Sllverman, Mrs. J. Steinberg, Mrs. A. Greenberg^ CONANT HOTEL— Mrs. N. Mantel, Capt. Mrs. S. Lowenateln, Miss Raphael, Mrs. Paul Schayt, Mrs. A. Hesaberff. ROME ME HOTEI*— HOTEI* M t Capt. Mrs. L. Uraetx.
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss MIS MIES
c . Shames, Arthur Syraona, liaptUf aptUf Untctx, Hartwt Harrtwt FltUh
H, Karlclj,
Over fifty young men and women will leave during next week for uni- FOXTENEIiLB HOTBtr— Mrs. P. -Wolf son; Capt. versities and colleges throughout the Mrs. M. Sptesberger, Mrs. Sidney Meyer, country. Many' of these pupils will Miss Corrtnne J.ew. enter their first year in colleges while 18TH AND DOUGLAS— the remainder will continue their Mrs. Jeo.. Pepper, Capt. Mrs. Henry Hafhtnan. work in the colleges previously atMiss Anne. Rosenblatt, tended. . Mrs. Jules W. Jtachman. Mrs. Clarence Bnrma Several of the students who have HOTEL AND- COBXBHS— been here for the summer vacation LOYAL Mrs. I. Kosenthal, Capt. Mrs. H. Hainan, Have already left for'schooL " Mrs. N Kotliholi, Mm. I. 'Jacobsen, Following is the list of names of : Mrs. I. Levy. students and the schools they will atMrs. J. J. Singer. tend: MBS. R. KULAKOFSKY, Major. William Stalmaster, Sidney CornMrs. "Chns. BchlminelL man, Edwin Lowenstein, Meyer Beber, Mrs. JL li. Wo'oJJson, John Beber," Bennet Cohn, Abe Finkel, Mrs. Harry TniBtin, Mrs. I. .Kaplanf * Ed Katskee, Mike Stein, Millard Mrs. U. Kulakofsky. Krasne, •'. of Council Bluffs; Clyde AND AMES AVENUE— Krasne, of Council Bluffs; Herman ,24TH Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky. Mrs. M. Block, "V Kully,- Harry Haykin, Ben Greenberg, Mr». Dartd" Cohen, • '-. •• Max Greenberg, Helen Robinson, LilMrs. Ed. Gilbert. Mrs. J. A. Gross. Lvlian Margolin, Rose Minkin, Ben ' *' Ravitz, Harry Ravitz, Harry Mendel- 24TH AND LAKE • STREETS— Miss Dorothy Zncker. soh, Joe Stern, Harry Cohen, and MIBS Mlnpfe rM&rgtolin, Mrs. Ben" Tatle,." Louis Somberg, Nebraska University; Mrs. Dave Vlnkel; ' : Isaac Sternhill, Fred White, Sam Mrs.- Leonart- Cherniss, " • •Mrs. A. Komm. . Beber, and Win. Wesley, Creighton University; Helen Reikes, Bess Hand- 1CTH AND CCMINGS— Mrs. J. B., Eoblnson, ler, and Rose Segal, Omaha UniversiMrs. "Wm. 3. eye, Mrs. S. A. Johnston. • , • \ " * ty; Nathan E. Jacobs and John Bafird Quigley, of Council Bluffs, Missouri UXIOV STATIOX— Mrs. B. A. Simon, * + University; Pauline Herzberg, at Mrs. N. A. K\*olt, ~ Wheeling, W: Va.; Max Guttman, MyMrs. Charles'Levlnaonl' r ron Blotcky, Herbert Robinson, Reva 16TH AND HAKNKT.— Mrs. Abo Friedman. . Kulakofsky, and Bernice Kulakofsky, Mrs. L. G. Boldmon. University of Michigan; Ruth WilinsMrs. Ben" Boosberg, Mrs. M. HnndJer; , • ky and Estelle Lapidus, Rockford Col-Mrs. Max-Block.-. , . * . M I B S Julia Tonsem. • lege; Morton Alpirin, Minnesota "University; Oscar Weinstein, Mildred AND DOtJGLAS— Mrs. Sol GoJdstrom, Cohn, Dorothy Goldstein, and Lillian Mrs. Julius KewmajD, Mrs. 3. B. Gidlnslry, Rubenstein, Chicago University; MarMrs. J. Kahnn. tye Weinstein and Miriam Mosher, DISTBICT— University of. Illinois; Abe Kadner, DUNDEE Mrs. Philip Shfer.' University of -Calif ornia; Beatrice RoMrs. Leo Koeenthal, senthal, Goucher- College; Annette : |-~ Mrs. Louis Simon. Fanger, Columbia University; and Sol Mra. Rosenblatt, Harvard University. J
Teddy Brothers - Comedy Wrestling Acrobats SwimmingMxhibitiond Diving Exhibitions * FAST PRELIMINARIESJrO THE MAIN BOUT
Races-^Qamcs-^-Contests—Athletic. Events ALL VABK CONCESSION9r»UNNING FULL BLAST
Valuable Prizes-r-^ncing
all Day
And—here's good news for the mothers?--— A COMPLETE LINE OF KOSHER PICNIC FOODS WILL BE ON SALE AT THE PARK ALL DAY AT DOWNTOWN PRICES. To enable the mothers and housewivwetoi enjoy this picnic to the fullest, the Committee in charge has made arrangements tiia£ will make this affair one long to be remembered by them; -*~ | Unusually, it is mother who does all?tifi» work at a picnic. She is up before the sun, cooking and baking, making- sandwkhen and other dainties. Hours,.before the.start, of the picnic, she is all tired from her work; She says she likes it—but it isn't fair to her. NO NEED FOR MOTHER TO BRING THE FAMILY PICNIC BASKET WITH HER ON SEPTEMBER 17. , [ j Eyer^thing necessary for a complete Wjswe lunch for every one in the " at»the-Park,that day* Steiidkrg.Bjtatbgctf DeU(^te^en"will;lianc re-at tfee- Pwoic; Meats: «f W * » l ^ g s ^ b f e ^ o i ^ f f l ^ c d c e s i i ^ i at «ie same prices prevailing downtown. AND EVERYTHING WILL BE STRIC COSHER. : ; ; -.. ; Tickets are going fast. Hundreds of readers of "The Jewish Press" have written to Harry Malashock, chairman of the Ticket Committee, expressing their appreciation of the courtesy extended them in sending tickets direct to their homes. So great has been the demand for them in the downtown stores where they have been on sale for ;fust a week, that Mr. Malashock has placed them in the following &AAi tional location^: SPORTSMAN'S -CIGAR STORE, STEINBERG'S ELICATESSEN* 319 South 15th Street 516 South 16th Street CENTRAL MARKET, Six^h and Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Tickets are now on sale at all of the following conveniently located stores: DOWTOWN NORTH SIDE Malashock Jewelry Co., 1514 Dodge St. Fried & Kuklin, 1613 North 24th S t Wolf's Haberdashery, 1421 Douglas S t Dan's Shoe & Clothing Co., 1415 Douglas S t SOUTH SIDE Leon's, 1410 Farnam Street. Leon's, 4829 South 24th Street Haberdasher, 315 South 16th St. " J e w i s h P r e s s " Office, 482 SaundersCOUNCIL BLUFFS Kennedy Building. Central Hardware Co., 606 West SroadWay. Buy them today for all the adult members of your family, so that ev6ry one will be sure to attend. Tickets are $1.00 each for gentlemen, and150c each for ladies. CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE WILL BE ADMITTED FREE. And do^'t'forget! Only-ten more days until the Picnic. Arrange your picnic party ^nc^, aid get yo'ur tickets without delay, so that you will be sure to attend the .
"JEWISH PRESS" PICNIC S unday, Sept. 17th. Krug Park. Noon to Midnight :«V
of Death, Disappears
New York. (J. T. A.) Max Warburg,' brother of Paul M. "Warburg, •has disappeared mysteriously from Hamburg under the fear that an attempt on his life might be made,*say8 a special table from Berlin to the New York Herald. Friends of the financier admit that he is but of Germany, but will not say in what' country he is Jiving. . 'V . Meanwhile the disappearance of Mr. Warburg is held to be largely responsible for the failure of the overseas week at the Hamburg fair, which Mr. Warburg had organized in the hope of attracting foreign capital. About the time the fair was plenned Dr. Walter Rathenau was murdered, whereupon Mr. Warburg receivejl a letter informing him that he was to be ; the next victim of an anti-Semitic secret. organization. Details of the plan-1 which, were disclosed, showed that tire assassination was scheduled to take place at one of the, n platoed at the fair..
'On receiving this letter, Mr. Warbnrg inmrediately resigned as president~«t-the -Hambarg .Chamber., of Commerce and cancelled all pablic.appearances. His mysterious absence from all the events of the fair which has just closed led to the discovery that Warburg had fled from the country- Mr.-Warburg is the head of the Hamburg-banking house of Warburg & Co. and is one of the most prominent financiers in Germany.
Futurity of Jewish Agency, is Debated at Karlsbad Meeting
Berlin. (J. T. A.) The papers here report new anti-Semitic outbreaks in that part of Silesia which has been occupied by the Poles, especially in Dr. Weizmann Declares Official Kaftowite. Anti-Semitic crowds atAvowal of Friendship .for tacked Jewish passers-by on the Palestine Arabs. ;treets broke into Jewish shops and houses. Jews were driven from ho- MAJORITY OF DELEGATES tels and forced to take trains to GaFAVOR WORLD CONGRESS licia. The pogroms are- said to have been caused by reports in anti-SemitKarlsbad. (J. T. A.) The-first anic papers which declared that the nual Conference of about 100 Z i v i s t ews were responsible for the high delegates from many lands since the price of food. The police did not in- approval of the Palestine mandate tervene at the beginning. It was not was opened on Friday, August 25, until late at night that they took with a Hebrew speech by Nahum Soaction. Late Wednesday new out- kolow, chairman of the executive combreaks were reported. Similar ex- mittee of the World Zionist Organcesses are reported from the villages ization. in the, vicinity of Eattowitz. No The meeting, Mr. Sokolow declared, deaths have occurred, although many marks the twenty-fifth anniversary casualties have been reported. of the founding of the Zionist Organization, which'was called into being by the genius of Dr. Herzl. Few organizations can look back to such a past and such leadership, Mr. Sokolow asserted, as the assembly rose to honor the memory of the departed leader. "The League of Nations has unanimously proclaimed that the JewOtto M. Schiff Comes to America to ish people is alive," he said. "We are Confer with Relief Leaders. entering upon the era of fulfillment DAVID A. BROWN TO HELP THEM under triple auspices, all of which are favorable. . First and foremost, our Otto M. Schiff, nephew of the late faith reposes in the determination of Jacob H. Schiff, has returned to Eng- King George to fulfill a promise made land, after spending some time in by his government. Secondly, we are America, conferring with the leaders armed with the guarantee * of the of American Jewish relief -work. League of Nations, of which we beMr. Schiff, one of the outstanding lieve Jerusalem will ultimately befigures in English life, is the chair- come the'seat. Thirdly, we depend man of the Jewish Relief Appea in upon the Jewish people. This, then, that country. Associated with him is an all-Jewish day of rejoicing. We as leaders in the campaign are such call upon Israel to respond and come men as Claude Montenore, Lione with us." Rothschild, and Lord Swaythling. The address of Dr. Weizmann, as t*We have no very large Jewish president of the World Zionist Organpulation in England—perhaps 260,- ization, dealt with the political implitold," said ,Mr% Schiff before cations of the present Zionist situa,*'41)tftf!Wwill do'everything in tion. "The ratification of the Palesour; power* and raise every, possible tine mandate,", i e said,^'is the fulhofr iuteflft fohnfrsT f i l l t f the th first f i tpeace ^t the th fillment of who have 4one as Basle programi i ). " ~nobly by their stricken* people, should Following the two opening speeches outdo us in their generosit.. and addresses by Menacham Usisch"We are much closer to the Jews kin and Dr. Leon Motzkin, two of the of the Ukraine and Russia, geograph delegates to the first Zionist Conically. The details of the terrible sit- gress in Basle, Dr. Weizmann had uation there come to us fresh, by proposed the following as members of word of mouth, and by living exam-1 the Praesidium: Rev. Dr. Chajes of pies, in the way of refugees. I can- Vienna, Dr.: Schmarya Levine, Rabbi not conceive of any Jew turning an Meyer Berlin of New York, Louis f indifferent ear to the appeal for help. Lipsky of New York and David, Yellin | "I am very glad to have the trem- of Jerusalem. & endous good fortune of Mr. Brown's advice and personal assistance. It is a remarkable thing he has been doing. To have given so much of his valuable time, his untiring effort, and money also, is an example which is The Council Bluffs Lodge Ko. 688, to be greatly admired. We, in England, have watched his work with I. O. B. B., will hold its tenth annual great interest,, and it is very gratify- outing and picnic Sunday at Big Lake ing to us to have him with us, fresh park. The committee in charge of the from his investigations as a member arrangements are planning Several of the American Commission. feature entertainments for the members and their friends. There will be races for the children PALESTINE CONSTITUTION and for the grownups. Rabbi Morris TO BE PROMULGATED Jerusalem. (J. C. B.)—The con- N. Taxon of Omaha will make a short stitution for Palestine, a draft of address. Dancing will be held in the the pavilion between the hours of four which has been approved British Colonial Office, will be pro- and six o'clock. A prize waltz wfll mulgated during this month, it is of- also be held. ' Refreshments will be served throughout the entire program. ficially announced.
English Jews to Conduct ¥ Relief Campaign for War Stricken Sufferers
Council Bluffs B'nti B'rith Lodfe BoM Tenth Animal Onting Sundiy
New Year's Greetings
AL FiflVel Wins Y «Touraimttt;TMe Knecter Victonoul in Doubles
The practice of sending New Year's Greetings to friends and relatives through the local Jewish paper is general throughout the country. Its advantage over the old individual mailing card is evident in the saying of time, expense and worry over forgetting a friend. .
Al. Finkel, municipal junior tennis champion, won the nien's singles tournament *cf tlie iTMHA at Miller Park last Sunday* defeating Morris Block in t h m strkitht sets. Scores for all sets weri 6—1. Pickel and Harry Kneeter b*at Morria and Ben Block in the semi-finals of th< doubles tournament,' S-1-^ ^—&> 4—* Y' Members To Entertain Association 6—4, 6—*. Fifty Je*iih players Base Bah Players. participated, in the sihjles and Members of the YMHA baseball doubles rounds during the course of team will be guests at a dinner and t h e m a t c h e s . ...•__•,• \ L dancing party which will be tendered Final matches *ere - fhe feature of them by other members of the YJt the last YMHA picnic «tf the sason & YWHA on next Monday night at which was attended byt approximately the Flatiron Cafe. Members of the 100 members.'- Supper was served d Advisory Board and their wives will to the members Jit tilt park. ; also attend. An entertaining program has been arranged for the Washington: (J. T.; A.) The office of Assistant Secretary of the Departoccasion. '' Reservations may -bei- made- not ment of Labor has fecen approved • by later "-than' Saturday evening . at. the the President, the'ofllcertt>have «*cfttsrre charge «t * » iimnifration j office of the "AssocwtioB ia matters. PrwMfcHt " , J ish Community Center. • _
Greeting Cards in the ^JEWISH- PRESS" will take this form: Mr. and Mrs. William R. Abrams and "family of 9765 West Grand Boulevard extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. MAX, THE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th The Jewish Press, 482 Brandris Theatre Bids-, Omaha, Nebraska. Gentlemen:— . '- Enclosed find $2.00, for which piease inaert my New Year* Greeting Card in your Rosh Hashoma (5683) Number. NAME:
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS.THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1922 Community Center, Morris Stalmaster Press". At present the standing MessrB. J. Letfiii Will Gobdsite, where-Miss Cherniss will teach this was made a second class scout, and as follows: 605 Barney Rubel, and Ben Brodkey mo- year. Tiger — •.• Sidney Katleman was presented with 480 tored to Omaha jgst'week. JEWJSiff PRISONERS Blackbear Miss Minnie Friedman, of Kansas the Tenderfoot badge. The patrols 411 Published everj -Thursday at Om«J>«, » 2 ? l f J_ Eagle THE J E W I S H P R E S ^ PUBLISHING COMPANY. . Budapost. (J. T. A.)—Forty Jews A meeting of the Hebrew Ladies' City, Mo., returned to her home after have been reorganized and are named sentenced. for various political of- Friendship Society was held at the spending two weeks here. She was as follows: Tiger, Eagle, Blackbear. Offieo: 482 Brandeis Theatre building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. fences were, executed by the Rouman- Hebrew Institute last Friday after- accompanied by her cousin, Miss Min- The members of the patrols have ANNOUNCEMENT NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. nie Friedman, of Council Bluffs. shown considerable interest in Scoutian military authorities, despite the noon. Mr. Harry Braviroff wishes craft advancement. The patrols are recent amnesty decreed by the King, ..$2.50 to announce the reopening of The Junior Kensington club met Subscription Price, one year Miss Lucille' Rosenthal celebrated given percentage standings similar says a report today to the local Advertising rates furnished on application. his Piano Studio at Suite 14. her fourteenth birthday by entertain- last Thursday at the home of Miss to that given the ball teams of the Magyarzag. The prisoners are said Mildred Meyerson. Baldridge Block, Twentieth and ing twenty-two guests. NOT'PRINTED "FOR- PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicavarious leagues. This standing will to have been shot one by one while Farnam Streets. At. 8162. tion of-The Jewish ..Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. be changed once weekly and publishproceeding under escort from the Miss Dena Berman has returned to Cub Scout Troop No. 1—YMHA. " "The Jewish in camp at Julawa Forest to her home after spending two months -CHANGS OF ADDRESS—Pleaw &!*• both tie old «»d atm addKM: Thirteen members of the YMHA f tun and il«n roar nam*. KiShineff, where they were to be de- in Minneapolis, Minn. tab Scout Troop hiked from the end livered and released. of the Florence Car Line to Nathan's MASTERS^-NOT MARTYRS. This wholesale massacre, the report Lake, a distance of 6 miles, last One note that needs to be sounded with new vigor from our continues, has outraged the BessaraFriday. They spent the night at the pulpits and* in our Jewish Press is that the Jew is a master and bian Jews, who threatened to expose Lake as guests' of Mr. and Mrs. not a martyr people. Too many of those who would speak for the authorities who condoned the Samuel Nathan. At 5:00 A. M. they Mrs. E . Marcus entertained at a the Jew are accustomed to play upon the single string of his tragedy. An investigation has been were en route to town, starting off humiliation through the ages; his world-wide persecution; his instituted by Prime Minister Bratiano, luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms while it was still dark. They were unending sorrows. True, the Jew has suffered much. Perhaps acting under instructions of the King Tuesday in honor of her sister-in-law, accompanied by S. H. Sehaefer, who Mrs. Max Slosburg, of Los Angeles, he has even been the classic sufferer of history. But one of the who, the correspondent asserts, is has' been acting as their leader this Calif., who arrived here Monday. Jews calamities has always come new strength, and as a result negotiating a foreign loan in which summer. • of his persecution there has invariably been a deepening of his the banking house of the Rothschilds Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky returned Beginning this week, Mr. Jack Jewish consciousness, and a finer appreciation of the part that it is to participate. The Roumanian Tuesday from a short visit at Allen IVE WORDS cover the clothes subject as it Frieden will take charge of the is his to play upon the stage of life. authorities are alleged to have sup- Neb. is understood at Greater Nebraska— THE troop, which meets every Friday Let us then be done with this eternal complaining about the pressed all accounts of the tragedy STANDARD OF THE WORLD"—in fine afternoon at 4:00 at the Jewish Comdiscriminations of which our people are the constant victims. for this reason. Mrs. S. Steinberg is visiting at Extailoring, fine design, fine woolens, m enormous munity Center. Boys from 9 to 12 Let us who would speak to'the heart of Israel give forth as we celsior Springs, Mo. selections and careful store service all combining are urged to join. have a right/to do, a message of cheer and of comfort. Let us to produce for our patrons— The Junior Auxiliary of the Counsound from our pulpits not the tale of our people's calamity, cil of Jewish Women held its firs Boy Scout Troop No. 62—YMHA. but of his victorious achievements in despite of his troubles. At the meeting of Troop No. 62, Let those who wpuld reach the people through the columns of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro and daugh- meeting of the season and install* the press be done with giving their space to berating the petty ter, Helen, spent several days in Sioux tion of officers, Monday evening, a' last Saturday night at the Jewish the home of Miss Freida Goldberg. The Fall season is well under way—and never before have anti-Semites of our day and instead: let them inspire their read- City, returning home last week. The next meeting will be held Thurs 17= w ebeen so wonderfully prepared to serve you. ers with the accounts that may be written day by day of men and women to whom brotherhood is1 no empty phrase and who Dr. I. Bog-en, Mrs. Bogen, and fam- day, September 14, at the home of th< live out their noblest professions in their contracts with their ily have returned to Lincoln where Misses S'Reva and Rina Snyder. IN JUSTICE TO YOURSELF INSPECT OUR VAST they will make their home. They fellows. SHOWING OF Mr. J. Lubkin, -who has been visitIt is our unshaken conviction that the constant harping up- have been living. at Farnam, Nebr., ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam on Israel's sufferings hqs had a tendency to wean away many for the past two years. Freiden, left today for Chicago. a thoughtful young man and woman from our cause- Virile Miss Rae Poska has returned from From World's Standard Makers men, especially of the younger generation do not want to tie a month vacation spent in Colorado. Mrs. L. Gerelick will leave Sunday for a week's stay with friends up with a cause that, represents failure. They want to be affiliated with groups and with causes that have a future and not Mrs. Samuel Katz, of Omaha, is and relatives in Sioux City, la. merely a past. So, it is a failure to count with the psychology of visiting her sister, Mrs. L. J. Herzoff". The Young Judea Senior Club will adolescence, to say the very least, not to sound the note of Is- Mr. and Mrs. A. Altschuler and OTHER GOOD SUITS, $2O, $ 2 5 , $ 3 0 . rael's spiritual mastery, and to be done with that of his martyr- daughter, Helen, of Omaha, motored hold its regular meeting at the home of Miss Tina Altschuler Sunday dom. We do not want mere boastfulnes s neither. It is disgusting to Lincoln Sunday to spend the d V- afternoon.
"The Clothes Standard of the World" F
The Best Values in America
Mr. Sol. Brodkey has returned from California and is anxious to meet all his friends at his store
to be told in season and out of season, by the man who never lifts a hand in- the service of his faith and of his people that "he is proud to be a Jew." What we want is the assumption by the Jew of that moral and spiritual leadership to which he has been destined, and which alone lies the possibility of his self-realization and of a high service to humanity. Let the power of the Jew t6 lead the peoples to spiritual heights be preached in these days when so many are content to drag out their lives amid the lowest and most degrading forms of materialism. Let the world know that the Jew is not a failure despite its taunts and its mockery. But above all, let the Jew himself not feel himself a martyr. Let him be conscious of his high destiny, and in that consciousness let him feel himself a master over men and circumstances.^—"Detroit Jewish Chronicle."
Mrs. Simon Nefsky returned home The Mogen Dovid club will hold its Sunday from Atlantic City, N. Y., regular meeting Sunday at ten o'clock. •where she has been spending the sum- Plans for the celebration of the secmer. ond anniversary of this organization will be discussed. Miss Fay L. Herzog has gone to Panonee City, where she will continue Mrs. Harry Cohn entertained her work in the city schools as music home Tuesday evening at two tables supervisor. of bridge.
1301 Douglas Street. ATlantic 6970
$40 $45
Mrs. A. J. Goldberg was called to Miss Lillian Cherniss and aunt, Mrs. Kansas City Monday by the death of O. Hochman, left for Springfield, 111., her father, Mr. J. Kate.
Mr. J. Newman, of Omaha, was a visitor at the H. Marx home during FOR R E N T : cover an insulating material which the state fair week. 22x132 brick building; would withstand heavy pressures and living quarters upstairs; When; 0 . Heriry worked out a cable prevent _the electricity from escaping. positively the best locaThe NC-4, the first airship to cross code on the association of-familiar words, he neglected to include one the ocean, carried Steinberger's Election in Qolumbus, Nebr. LAVINE-DOBROSKY. combination of noun and adjective trose. Today Mr. Steinberger's inWrite or call G. J. Hagel, The wedding of Miss Rose Dobrovswhich iqne'finds inevitable—the.term vention is universally used by elecky, daughter of Mrs. Sarah DobrovsColumbus, Nebr. Splen"modest inventor." Modest is:, one tricians and electrical engineers. The ky, to Mr. Ralph Lavine, son of Mr. did opportunity for a gift that, with few exceptions, all United States Navy uses it not only and Mrs. L. Lavine, took place last furniture store. great movements share. Of none is on board ships, but also in all the Sunday evening at the home of the wire Army and NaVy stations estabI • this more true than of Louis Steinbride's aunt, Mrs. M. Dobrovsky. Rab;• berger of Brooklyn, N. Y., whose in- lished by the Government. On every bi Kopstein officiated. After a wedI ventions in the electrical field have ship of our Navy that has a wireless ding trip to St. Paul, M m , the couple entitled him to be called the "Jewish plant, about thirty-six different types will be at horns at the Reeves ApartANNOUNCEMENT Edison," whose discoveries have rev- of Electrose insulators are used. On ments. the battleships three hundred pieces Rev. E. Fleishman olutionized electrical engineering and of this insulation is used for the wire"THE MOHL" ( r a d i o telegraphy, and who is neverGORCHOW-BLOOM. Moved into his new home at theless little known except among the less equipment alone. Every teleMr. and Mrs. M Bloom announce 1342 So. 25th Street, electrical engineers whose work his phone man and everyone interested the marriage of their daughter, Sonia, Corner of Woolworth Avenue. j. inventions have made possible and in electricity and the transmission of to Mr. Jack Gorchow, of this city The' TeL Atlantic 6637. t among the government officials who electric power knows the name and marriage took place in Omaha, Nebr., m < have had occasion to praise, their ef- uses this material. at one o'clock Sunday afternoon, | ficacy. When war was declared, Mr. Stein- Rabbi Morris N. Taxon officiating. i This Jewish inventor, whose scien- berger was among the first Ameri- Mrs. L. Gerelick entertained at a reAN ENTIRELY •I tif ic contributions have immeasurably cans to offer the use of his large ception for twenty-five following the NEW AND COMPLETE : " • aided the prowess' and progress of plant to the Government for the mak- ceremony. LINE OF America on land and sea, is like so ing of war materials. One single war many Jewish-American patriots, for- time incident is indicative of the fer- Miss Leah Herzoff entertained four — — eign-born. He came to this< country vent patriotism of the man. On a couples at a dinner at her home last from Hungary many years' ago, andMonday afternoon he contributed $700 Monday evening. In laboratory and workshop has made to war activities in response to an The regular meeting of the B'nai Place Your Order Early |, the contributions which bring him in appeal at the Orpheum theater in B'rith Lodge 58 was held last Tuesday *! the forefront of American patriots. Brooklyn, where he resides. On Mon-evening at the Hebrew Institute. Atft In his youth he had achieved some day -evening he contributed an equal torney Gustavis Laevinger of St. Paul, * success as a portrait figure and land- amount at the Majestic theater. PrePOMPEIAN ROOM resident of the district grand lodge 8| scape painter. Yet he turned from viously at a Hippodrome benefit, he , was the principal speaker. | 1 his artistic career to devote many purchased a program autographed by ^ years to painstaking, toilsome re- President Wilson and President Poinst search'in-the electrical fieltL care of France for $2,500, and during 3 Chief -among his electrical descov- the week donated more than $3,000 jpnuiii^^ * eries (he: has more than two hundred through various other committees for f' . patents | o his credit) is Electrose, a war work. I 7 material^rom which, were made the The man, whom the general public, JT first electrical insulators'which could despite his genius and generosity ~ endure the high voltage required in knows so little, is president and gen- •niii»iMiiiiiinniiipiiiiiiiiuiMiii!iiiiiin modern electrical. qperatioj»r.such. as radio telegranhy and long distance eral manager of the Electrose Manufacturing company, which he organtransmission of power. Th^. great difficulty -of . working ized in 1892, and has retained the with electricity is the problem of get- presidency ever since, and has won ting t* "V electricity -where you want awards at the Chicago and St. Louis it. It seeks always Ito. escape into World's Fairs. Through his untiring the ground^ especially when" it is; car- energy he developed the business to ried in -wires, under - high, pressure. a point where the sales reach the This was one of the difficulties which very respectable figure of a million I will be devoted to the Publication of Classified had to be overcome before the long dollars a year—being the largest voldistance wireless telephone was pos-ume of sales ever attained by any sible and before Charles P. Steininetz concern in the world making and sellcould transmit currents'under a pres- ing exclusively insulators and insulatsure of a million volts. The electric- ing parts. He is a member of the ity always escaped and no one could Institute of Radio Engineers of the find chains sufficiently strong to hold United States of America, the Navy It back. Until Electrose was invent- League, Naval Relief Society,' the ed, the electrical wires were insulated American National Red Cross, and of These Notices Should Reach This Office Not Later from the ground and the electricity many other patriotic • and, welfare -.: . J .'. , /Than Tuesday, September 12th. prevented from escaping by means of bodies, in all of which' he fakes a perinsulators made of glass or porcelain. sonal, active share, playing a mna's The Charge for These Notices Will Be Two Dollars As the voltage required in electrical part with all his vigorous, energetic, per Insertion, Payable in Advance. work grew higher and higher, these buoyant nature. Fill out the blank on front pace and mall Immediatelyglass and porcelain insulators proved Inadequate. The current tore ehrough PATRONIZE ALL OF OUR ADthem and destroyed them. }t was nec- VERTISERS. .THEY. ARE HELPessary that some inventive genius dis- ING SUPPORT YOUR PAPER.
New Fall Suits
Jewish New Year Cards
Brandtis Printing Co.
1 New Year's Greetings I "7he Jewish Press" I
of Thursday, Sept. 14fh
New¥eaz's Greetings for5683
a new MM Out" first Filling Station opens Saturday (tomorrow) and will be ready for jour patronage on the northwest corner of 25th and Farnam Streets. Your credit is good. Open your account today. Get a fill of our Quality Products.. " They Satisfy." To every patron on Saturday we will giv« a one-pound can of our U. S. Motor Cua grease. For your convenience, a special attendant will fill your radiator, supply distilled water for your batteries, put air in your tires and dust your windshield. Visible measure pumps have been installed, and a special drainage pit for Fords is ready for use.
These Products Sold Under "The Shield of Quality" TNT, the POWERFUL Gasoline, gives more power, more pep, more miles with less gas. TRANSMOLINE, our famous 2ln-1 Ford Oil, STOPS CHATTER by softening transmission bands and thoroughly lubricates the motor. TOP NOTCH, our 100% Pure Pennsylvania Lubricating Oil. TOP NOTCH GEAR LUBRICANT, our special greast, will not freeze at 20 below zero, will not throw off from gear teeth nor channel. Same body for use In summer and winter. USOIL, a medium grade and efficient oil for all motors.
Come in today. Ask for a coupon book —it will keep an accurate record of your gasoline and oil expenditure.
Also Sold at These Garages
Service Garage, 17th and Davenport Streets. Electric Garage, 40th and Farnam Strets. €&ss Street Garage, 18th and Cass Streets.
Creig-hton Garage, 17th'and Davenport Sts. Elkborn Garage, Elkhorn, Nebraska. Pappio Filling Station, Papillion, Nebraska.
i v
ENGAGED. THORPEIAN NEWS The club will issue its first call for ! .Mr. and Mrs* A. Levey and Mr. and Mrs. BL Chernoff, of Den- after spending three weeks with «oh, William, returned Tuesday The Thorpeian Athletic Club football next week. ver, Colo., announce the engagement friends and relatives at' Chicago, ID. from a motor trip to Sioux City. A series of twenty dances will be elected its officers for the coming , of their daughter, Katy, to Mr. Jack given at the Kelpine Dancing year at its regular meeting WednesMrs. David Newman left Tuesday • Miss Anne Gerelick returned Friday 3. Weinman, of this city. Academy. day evening at the Swedish Auditto spend ten days at Lincoln visiting after spending a week in Sioux City, orium. The following were elected: la. Miss Sarah Solomon and Joseph with relatives. president, Abe Meyers; vice-president, Try to remember that it is just as Solomon returned home Sunday after ~ KOCHMAN-GOLDBEEG. Mr. Max L. Holzman returned home M. Micklin; secretary, Joe Krestal; Mrs. Max Frank is visiting with The marriage of Miss Jean Gold- a two weeks' stay with their aunt, friends and relatives at Boston, Mask. Wednesday after spending the sum- treasurer, S. Friedel; trustees, H. easy to be polite as it is to be grouchy berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mrs. Ben J. Gershun, of Schuyler, mer in Europe. He spent several days Girstein, L Osheroff, and B. Abraham- and that it costs more to be grouchy Nebr. Mr. Leon Hoffman, of Forth Worth, Goldberg, of. Council Bluffs, formerly in New York City prior to returning son; S. Green and S. Hershorn, than it does to be polite. Tex., who has been visiting with re- home. of this, city, to Mr. Harry Rochman, sergeant-at-arms; William W. WinMr. and Mrs. L. Altaian enter- latives here during the week end left . son of Mr. and Mrs. S- Rochman, of troub was elected reporter and tained at a dancing party Wednes- for his home. WANTED Dr. and Mrs. Sol E. Ravitz returned . this city, -was, solemnized. Sunday custodian, Nate Robinson at athletic day evening at the Hanscom Park last Wednesday from a four weeks' A G G RESSIVE evening at the Beth Hamedrosh Hadirector. Mr. Joe Rice, of Sioux City, la., wedding trip to California. Pavilion for their daughter, Blanche, godol-Synagogue, Nineteenth and Burt SALESMAN The following five new members who leaves the latter part of the spent the week end in Omaha visiting streets, before the presence of one for following among Mr. Sam Snowsky, of Sioux City, were admitted into this organization: week for an extended trip to New relatives, having motored here' from hundred friends and relatives. Rabbi Groceries. Chicago, HI. la., is visiting here with relatives. York and into Canada going to Marcus Krasne, Sam Stern, Izadore Morris N. Taxon. officiated. The Address: Box 476 Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec She Mrs. Max Brodkey, of Sioux City, Sokolof, Dave Lazerowitz, and Joe bride's attendants were Miss Anne Miss Edith Rosenbaum returned Jewish Press is leaving with Dr. and Mrs. M. Rochman, sister of the groom, as maid Thursday after spending six weeks la., returned Monday to her home Davidson. Brodner, of this city, formerly of of honor, and the Misses Doris Horin the east visiting with friends and after visiting with her daughter, Mrs. New York City, as their guest. FolJ. Arkin. shack" and Jennie Katelman. The relatives. lowing the dancing party Miss Altgroom had as his attendants Mr. Reu. . . FOR... man will entertain at a lunch at her Mrs. S. Frank and Mrs. I. New Mr. and Mrs. A. Rice spend the FOR RENT : ben JJ. Brown, best man, and the DIAMONDS, JEWELRY home in honor of Miss Elinore week end in Oakland, Nebr., with. Mr. are in Chicago, HI., having been Messrs. Sam Peltz and Sam Schwartz 22x132 ' brick building; Schrayer, of Chicago, HI. AND called there due to the death of their and Mrs. I. Krasne. of Kansas City, Mo. Flower girl was brother-in-law, Mr. Martin Oberliving quarters upstairs; SPECIAL PLATINUM Ida Kshberg, and ringbearer, Celia The Misses Sophye Dee and Fanny felder. A number of visitors from Des DESIGNING positively the best locaKuklin. Supper was served after the Moines, la., spent the week-end in Levinson left Thursday for an insee cereminy, followed by dancing at the Omaha. Among them were Messrs. definite stay at Lincoln to visit with tion in Columbus, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block, of nome{,of the groom. Write or call G. J. Hagel, Jules Russell, Joe Swartz, Lou Fried- Miss Ruth Zolat Fremont, who have been spending the Mr< Rochman and his bridfe left the man, Joe Kaplan, Joe Lipshi, Lou past two weeks in Chicago, HL, reColumbus, Nebr. SplenDiamond and Platinum Miss Molly Kruger, of Sioux City, turned to their home. same 'evening on a ten days' motor Seimberg, and Dave Gram. They did opportunity for a Specialists ,, spent a few days in Omaha last a., trip to Chicago, 111. motored back to Des Moines Tuesday 1514 Dod*e Street. furniture store. week visiting with Miss Bernice Mrs. A. B. Alpirin and daughter, morning. Established 1894. DO oxiaa Ml*. lulakofsky. Eva, are expected home today after Miss Esther Miller has returned from-an extended trip to the east. Miss Belle Valentine, of Ames, Iowa, Mrs. R. Snader just returned to her spending three months in CaliforniaShe visited friends and relatives at who was the house guest of Miss home in Lincoln after visiting a week Miss Esther Brown returned TuesChicago, Milwaukee, and New' York Martye Weinstein for the past three with her daughter, Mrs. Julius New- day after spending several weeks at Phone AX lactic UQ3L OXE OAT SEBV1CE 033 North 24th Street. weeks, returned to her home last man, and Mr. Newman. Mr. Ed City... Sioux City, la. Tuesday. A number of affairs were Miss Anne Rich, of Rock Island, given complimentary to the visitor Newman was also a visitor at the Mattresses Made to Order. :: Old Mattresses Benorated. 111., is visiting at the home of Mr. during her stay. Miss Martye Wein- Newman home during the past week. "The Jewish Press" is the ComBox Spring Repairing Our Specialty and Mrs. J. Fregger. stein was hostess to ten at her home Mr. A. Davidson, of Des Moines, munity paper. Give Co a Trial. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All Work called lor and delivered. SAM ALTSCHTJLER. Manager. Monday afternoon, August 21. Miss L, spent several days here, havMrs. J. A. Solomon and daughter Annette Fanger entertained at luning accompanied Mrs. Davidson, Ai-line Marie returned Thursday after a seven, month's stay at Los Angeles, cheon at the Brandeis tea Rooms Fri- who left with her daughter and day afternoon for four guests. Miss mother, Mrs. Saul Levey, for Colorado Calif. Dorothy Goldstein entertained at a Springs, Colo. Mr. Davidson returned Chiropodist and Beanty Shop Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segall enter- one o'clock luncheon and bridge Sat- to Des Moinea. Established 1890 tained at their home Sunday evening urday, August 26, at the Brandeis Messrs. David and Edward Brown 15th aa* Harary Street*. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Tea Rooms., Miss Bess Stalmaster Phone DCMISU* Z33S entertained Monday ' afternoon, left Saturday evening for a two Milder. We beg to announce to the Jewish public of Omaha and weeks' stay at Los. Angeles, Calif. August 28, at the Brandeis Tea vicinity that we have again opened an UP-TO-DATE FISH Mrs. William L. Harris, who has Rooms at a luncheon. MARKET at 1202 North 24th Street (inconnection with' Mrs. Tollman Kaplan will be been spending the summer at ChicaMrs. F. London Grocery Store) and are equipped with hostess to the members of the Ra Jo£ Pepper, Vtee-PresMent. tanks to handle all kinds of Live River Fih Daily. We will Miss Jeanette Gidinsky returned go, H14 has returned - home and is W. S. DM. Seeretarj. also have a free delivery system to any part of the city. Tuesday after a summer's stay at Oth Society at her home Sunday now a t the Blackstone -Hotel. Phone us and your order will be taken care of promptly. afternoon, September 17. "Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. • L. M. Cohn left A special meeting of Council of Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg motored Saturday for a four week's stay at Jewish Women will be held Monday, COMPLETE STOKE AND to Elk Creek, Nebr., Thursday for the California. September 11, at the Jewish ComOFFICE OUTFITTERS 1202 North 24th Street. Phone Webster 0296 week-end. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Joseph, munity Centex for the purpose of We occupy A Full Line of LIVE FISH for Holidays. 70.000 •anavt" feet of Los Angeles, Calif., spent several A daughter was born to Mr. and ejecting delegates to the Kansas City Mail Order Given Prompt Attention. days in Omaha last week as the Mrs. Max' Levin Saturday, September Convention which will be held in OcEleventh and Do«cla» Street*. guests of Mrs. Joseph's sister, Mrs. 2, at the Stewart Maternity Hospital tober. n » n : Jacks** 8324 M. S. Miller, and Mr. Miller. Mrs. Levin was formerly Miss Stella OMARA. KKB. Bessel, of this city. Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn Mrs. David Green and children rehave* moved into their home at 5105 ondat3r*from a-ikree-weeks' Webster St. " ~ - -" stay at Kansas City, Mo., with reProprietor of A meeting of the Deborah Society latives. ' will, be held Tuesday, September 12, Mr. .Harry Ravitz was operated on at two' o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. Important matters appendicitis Saturday morning at the Wise Memorial Hospital. will be discussed.
Social, Club and Religious Activiti<
The Malashock Jewelry Ce.
Jewish For the
Comings HoUdayi Prices Very Reasonable
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Omaha Fish Co.
Mrs. B. Blotcky and daughter, Miss Esther Blumenthal entertained at three tables of bridge at Anne, are visiting relatives in New her nome last Thursday afternoon. York City. Prizes were won by the Misses Ann Zalk and Estelle Lapidus. Messrs. Barney Rubell and Joe Levine, of Sioux City, la., motored into Omaha to spend the week-end as the guests of Mr. Morton Alpirin. Mrs. Sadie Mayer and son, Alfred, are staying at the Loyai. Hotel for ' the winter. Miss Anne Berlovich, of Des Wanes, la., who spent the week-end here; as the guest of Miss Esther Zalk, .returned to her home Tuesday.
WANTED several experiencedsalesladies, others need not apply, for G e n e r a l Department Store. STAR STORE 24th and Parker Sts.
Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction.
Staple Groceries and Fresh Fish Also a supply of My Famous Home-Made Dill Pickles.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenstein and children, of Gainsville, Tex., are visiting at the Blackstone with Mrs. RosSistein's brothers, 'Messrs. Davt and Gus Rosenstock.
Messrs. Lou Zlotky and Manny Verbin, of Fremont, spent the weekend in Omaha and motored back Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss have taken an apartment at the Mason. The Omaha Junior Hadassah Unit will bold its annual Tea Sunday afternoon, September 10, at two thirty at the Blackstone Hotel. All active ahd prospective members and their £rfends are cordially invited to attend. A program for the afternoon has been arranged. An election of officeix.for, ^he-following
From framework to window mouldings the body is built of steel. It is the first allrSteel closed cat ever marketed. This design anticipates ,every possible requirement of commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness— unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible to give the Coape that same lustrous baked-on enamel finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long been famous. The upholstery Is of genuine leather—leather that will wash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable. Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort and protection.
It is the Business Coupe which business people the world over have been expecting—from Dodge Brothers.
The Brotherhood and Sisterhood Jit Temple Israel are planning a series of dances at the Blackstone. Hotel.
Miss Irene Adelson of Lincoln, Nebr., motored to Omaha Labor Day to spend the day with Miss Martye Weinstein.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended T<
Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Brothers cars.
Mir. Morton Hiller is in California visiting with bis parents.
Mrs. A. Friedman, who has been visiting with relatives here returned to her home Tuesday with her husband, who joined ber here the latter pax* of the week. A number of aitairs were given in honor of the visitors. Mrs. L Hurwitz entertained at a dinner party Labor Day and Mrs. N. S. Yaffe entertained at a reception the same evening.
1702 North 24th Street. Phone Webster 2092
A complete stock of
Don't Wai Until the LastMinut Select then
The price ia $980 f. o. b. Detroit
"Everything all right at tha office, Jones?" •'Xbafa good—Yea, I'm having a .fine rime."
Away From Home! Ho matter where you go—whether oh a vacation, on a far away visit, or just a short automobile trip, the telephone keeps you within easy reach of your place of business. c
Many businessmen spend considerable time away from the office. The telephone makes supervision possible from any distance. The Blue Bdl Sign to practically every, where. It is easy to talk to your place of bust* * ness irom wherever you may be and leva tba progress of affain.
iBaney •* 28th S* Baracr «1Z3
33-35 Fourth St. C»uicU Bluffs 6»1
PRINTING OFFICE SUPPUl STATIONERY! 118 So. !7thStreeg Opposite Medical] Arts Bldg. Now being erectec
Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencil Ledgers Filing Cabinetss 3
smuggled across on a farmer's wagon i the^treet filled -with "What "do you' mean—queer ? " " "On; you know. Not. like the rest for the heavy toll of two rubles. These of approval. "I couldn't stand it. It hurt, of usl No—no spirit, .no enthusiasm; Russian soldiers knew their duty, but Tou've always—well, sulked. Even for twenty-five kopecs, they knew pained to see these men who I loved j going , out to kill others I loved at camp you never joined the rest of enough to look away. l » Y O8CAK O MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON "After some time I reached Berlin.! equally well. I was filled with disus in" our fun. Here we are about to (Copyright. .1022. by the Jewish Vrrlter'rJGuild. All. Rights Iteserved.) ! go over the top, something we've all And from.that day I traveled fargust for this European civilization, NEARBY COMMUNITIES. ^waited for; and you-'-sit there talking Paris, London, Antwerp, Vienna, and I departed. CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. (To be: concluded next week.) blackness filled the dugout, pierced as if you actually hated to go to those Rome, everywhere. Wherever I came U I This is a profoundly moving I remained for a time. I studied the 'damned murderers over there." only by the dot of red'at; the tip ox _|f jtale about a dreamer of the Ghetpeople of the various nationalities. "I do hate it." the cigarette. . ^j"^lo.: It tells of the earfhly pilINVESTMENT SECURITIES 1 tried to understand their ways of "You do? Why, Block, that's al"What time is it?" asked the mah, ! Ilgrimage of Herman Block, who .thinking, their habits. And Simpson, Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. most treason!". 'his voice low and tremulous. Thefd [Foriike Abou Ben Adhem, loved his do you know I like them all? Undcr"Then I'm a traitor." followed a long silence. Then, froiii - •*• - • • • |"ltffellow men He , visits many Olice more ensued a long, embar- ifeath exteriors that differed slightly, the other corner of the shelter, came ' quitlands and feels everywhere at Many large Omaha industries have a hesitant -answer. — - - ~ • . rassing silence. But this time Herman they were all essentially the samt— been saved from a shut-down by the [grahome. Then comes* the World WAS AND KEEP WELL "I'm riot sure; looks like—like hair Block broke it. He crushed the ci- human beings. And a great change quick shipment of 8,000,000 gallons of Ibre|War with a flood of fierce pasgarette under his boqt'ajjd leaned for- came over me. I used to consider my- Fue| OiTintb Omaha, by-the U. S. Oil •agasions and hatreds in* its >, wake. past, two." A 'RULE OF HEALTH self a citizen of the United States— Jcoufilock flees fro mit to the remot"An hour and a half longer. And ward! Now there was, a note of tolWorks, • according to 'Mr. Morris FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY I was proud of it, too, in a way. But | A Jest part of Africa, only to be then—'•'' -He did not finish,- but h!s eration in his tones. Milder, president of the company in some curious manner bounds of na1819 California Street. "You don't understand me, do youj •'One of America's Great Hotels" gwi^ver.taken by. it even there., > He companion murmured: Mr. -Milder returned from Chicago tionality assumed a silly aspect as I Simpson?" iwilMnally finds' place andjbrbther"Then we dash oyer tne top, across went from pne people to another. To yesterday where he personally direct"Not at "all." , , jgHbjjhood in No Man's Land, on Flana field of holes, and—the fun begins." ed, the shipment of sevn-alt hundred ''Care to hear why I feel as I do? me it seemed that I had become of thousand gallons of oil. The eight wStJiiiers Field. It-is'a-powerfully "Fun?" There came a short, hars I the world. I belonged everywhere— • portiramatic narrative, told with a laugh. "Great'fun—for those who Itil help pass the toe?' EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE | and nowhere. In Paris I took great million gallons of Fuel Oil were ''Certainly. Go ahead." 4peJ*orn story teller's skill andwritstay home and shout about glorious WHOIJESALE shipped, into Omaha during the pas UC.NDRT. pride in boasting o f Italian art and "All right," said Block. "Listen to "fTsaten in faultless English.—Editvictories r I wonder if they think wo WTipre your clothes come home three weaks. Druggists and Stationers , music In Borne I painted the beauNote. . •...•.-*cleaner and last longer. enjoy sticking a bayonet Into an- a dreaming idealist at whom you'll "Special representatives of the U. 401-403-405 South 10th Street ' ties of Paris as gloriously as I coofd. -AT lantlc- O3KO. 1507-11 Jackson St. probably laugh in a half hour. In the other man's flesh." S. Oil. Works ha\q been stationed at II A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. | a corner; .of the ..dugout,. - "Oh, come," encouraged the stead- first p k e , I suppose you know that. I liked the world, I was rich enough various .oil centers for some time - " - • - - • j to roam about, and consequently I wes hj[ lifted a match to his cigarette wtih ier voice. "That's what we're here I am a Jew. •speeding thousands of cars of" oil toOmaha Office: 813 Dowrlas Street. I happy. Previously internationalism Simpson coughed. h trembled b l d ^pitejmsly. ^ i t l The Th for. Inat's war." f ^il^ that Omaha, Phone Atlantic £556 ward;6maha," i l r . Milder said. "Many quickly- "I j had been merely a word to me. Now "Yes,"' he mumbled ' "I know—I "know—" ,4pubtle yellow flamej weird as it stabbe-1 of Omaha's largest industries ap- Ford Transfer & Storage Co. Phone 104 j I became an internationalist myself. The Best of Everything In Flowers and '•~D'rk heavy darkness, illumined a long, A pause; the light of the cigarette know." pealed. to us to rush the Fuel Oil here R. A. FORD. ^Remember that as you listen; and Secretly—by that I mean within my to save them from shutting down." Confections at Moderate Prices. President ahd General Manaprer, Jpaoin. face with, [cheeks unnaturally did not move. Finally came the qu»sCouncil Blnff-B <Iotva> Office 345 XV. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater you'll comprehend some 'things more heart, within the privacy of ray and sunken! The' .deep eyes tion, slowly and uncertainly: The V, S. Oil Works sold 3,400,000 934 So. Main Street. Phone S65 COUXCIt BLUFFS. IOWA. "3ay, Block, what's, the matter with dearly." Herman Block clasped his thoughts, 1 renounced my American gallons of Fuel Oil to the Nebraska g . ; ghastly in; the sickly.light; Jbeetl yet, as they peered .intently oyer you,anyway? You're a queer sort of hands while his eyes gased intently j citizenship. It seemed too narrow a Power Company: 1,000,000 gallons to through the darkness... | thing for me. And so I was an ar| h an un- fellow." flame, they glowed with the Street, car company; 2,400,000 I used to live on New York's East dent, dreaming internationalist. The cigarette was lowered as the |hastural brilliance. Ajshaft of- smoke gallons to the Cudahy Packing ComSide," he said. "Most-of you people j "And theif one day I received a ter-' pany; 500.000 gallons to the Water Distributors of . ' o u t the light. Again that-hea\ y smoker asked: Ol'R TREATMENT W1X.1. imagine' that living there means one i rible shock. " It was in the summer Board; 1,500,000 gallons to the Ford tOXVINCE YOr OF OIK Western Bond—and High S1XCEKITT. is a pauper. Well, forget it, Sfmp- of 1914*. I was in' Berlin. It happened Motor Company at Detroit and furGrade Stationery Trnirt Department. son. Tm pretty rich. When my fathr so suddenly that I could scarcely be- nishes oil for fifty water and light i Omaha. Nebraska. - M I X us BO • XOUK Safety Deposit Boxes. er died, in 1911, he left me twenty lieve what I saw. Germany went to plants in Western Iowa and Eastern thousand dollars and a prosperous war! Nebraska. "In the streets of Berlin I heard dry goods store. So you see, I was , j , T H E CAREFUL WELDERS ''Besides this we furnished disti'late rather sound financially. But, as you men preach hatred for other men. oil and pjacert our Lil'libridge Heatf "JTel. JA. 4397. . , ' Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson. St. just learned, I was a queer chap. They shrieked hatred against the ing Burners in 210 homes of this 1 "Manufactured in Omaha" Didn't live like other men—practical- Russians- —the Russians whom I knew city." ly and laboriously. Rather, I floated and loved; against' the English, the The U. S. Oil Works, although WHOLESALE PAPER, above life, gazing down upon it from French, the Belgians. And I, Simp- practically a new concern, has made BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Temptation.Besets You STATIONERY, ETC. : some lofty cloud of dreams, and pity- son, I who ^belonged to all these peo- rapid progress.' Its office, labora'• When' You ' E n t e r * ihg the millions I saw. scurrying here : pie ,went' almost' mad! It was as if tories, wholesale plant and compoundDistributors for CAND4ES, J l ,\ and there' in a frenzy to .accomplish; one member of your family flew' at ing rooms are located at Seventeenth Pink Tip Matches — . • LUNCHES. —nothing. Funny, those people. the threat - of • another" and you were and Nicholas Streets. Its huge storNorthern Toilet Tissue Their vision is sor-sp narrow. They powerless to separate them. Oh the age stations are located at Eleventh ••s 1112 Harney Street see only themselves, their own affairs, corners groups collected and vied with andi Seward and Seventeenth and ATlantic 6409 their own emotions. To everything: each othei* in originating the great- Nicholas Streets. Large tanks, wlrch 16th-' and^Farriam- Streets else they -are blind, hopelessly blind. est number of hateful appelatives for hold'300,000 gallons, are located at • * * But 111 try not to be too their enemies. There were Jews these two points. |V Crystal Candy Company cynical. --*-•• ' among them; too; I could not under-The U.S. Oil Works is the out: "Well, when my father died, I i stand how one Jew could urge the. I 16th and Capitol Ave. growth of the Northwest Petroleum dcath couldn*fclceep that store "going. Sim°* another. But there they were, Company and now has forty-six emCOCXCXI. BIOTTS. IA. ply couldn'-L It wash'finTne. I was lP° or » deluded men, seeing no farther ployees. * , t h a n sickened by the vejy thought of j their noses, following in the Service is Our Motto The first of a series of Gasoline 'standing behind a counter all day,! s t e P s oi a- vainglorious man like so Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent. FilJJng Stations of the U. S- Oil BISCUIT CO. haggling over handkerchiefs and un- many children, desiring nothing so Wqrks, to be known as T N T Filling much as each other's blood. And beSnow "VSTiite derwear. I was sickened-by the sight c 8 U s e J h a d Station, is now being erected at the of' painted girls and pampered boys 'earned to love those men, Bakeries Noithwest corner of Twenty-Fifth because I-'had forgotten that they passing my door throughout the day, (B*r. P . ' 8 . Pat. and Earnam Streets. Many more of . Office.) flirting with each other and feeling were nationalists, something within these stations are being contemplated. -jEveryjEnpigm Kind-_ BUTTER and EGGS satisfied. It was all so stupid! And me was crushed, broken. As I sit The company now deals in Gasoline, here tonight, I can analyze the" emoof Insurance so I sold the store, found I had someCouncil Bluffs, la. tions I-experienced then. It was the Gerosine," Distillate, Fuel Oil, Lubri- 200 W. O. XT. Bide. Douglas 0380. ; thing like, sixty thousand dollars, and cating Oil, and various kinds of greas. . fit COUNCIL. BX.UFFSmisery of the idealist who sees life 'sailed for Europe.' esMts products are under the tradetWe pay 4% interest on'- saving j "I went to Russia first. My pass- mocking his fancies. I was in a marks of T N T, a Gasoline; Top and Time Deposits. . frenzy while I remained in Berlin. It port helped me and '$or three months Noteji, a Pennsylvania Motor Ofl; '! JA clcson 1862 Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent. I lived in Berditch'eff. : That was one was unbearable! So I left. And after Transmoline, a lubricating ofl for Made b y I of the towns where Jews were per- smuggling myself into Switzerlnad Ford motors and transmission bands; UNDERTAKERS UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST • mitted to reside unmolested. I grew I finally went back to London. 2224 Canting St. "And, Sinlpon, when-1 reached Lon- Usoil, a. general lubrication oil, which FOOD CO. , to know 'the people there and to like is cheaper than Top Notch; Tractor me Phone JAckson 1226 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. ; them: • They possessed^' simplicity, a £ » « * * » * « f . « » * • * Oil and greases. erazed. Hatred burned sincerity that fascinated: me. Some-{ L . The.U. S. Oil Works delivers oil *"** » 1 h a d s e e n ;how I felt that I was one of them. I : h rdevastate ° u g h . l t s Germany. One night I and gasoline to private homes and it Popular Priced Auto Painters |"belonged'-,to"them Just as I had befilling stations, and ships into many Pullman Beds, Clotted Body Bnildinff. sat in a -restaurant and a young soli longed' to the East Side. After asurrounding states. i-time I became kndwn'in- the town; I dier boy rose and delivered a speech The public is invfted to visit the against the Germans. It was an aw"If Its Worth Anything , was one'of the people! I liked them (Omaha's Newest' Sport Goods Store OMAHA PILLOW::-.;06." plant at" any time. ful thing—almost bloodthirsty. But J and they liked me.' I understood —Have It Insured." Fenther lnattreageR made from your 3525 I^eavenworth St. ATlantic 0701 the people applauded and shouted and own feather;. Cool in Summer—^Wana f them • * • . ' In Winter.. Cost less than felt" beds. somebody hugged the soldier. It was : Cotton Mattresses made oyer In hew I "But my intention had been to. travticks at half price of new beds. . j el, and so-eventually I departed for too much. I jumped up at my table Some' laundries use. Caustic Soda 1907 Cuming St. JA. 24673 '.Moscow. That-was T a mistake, for and shouted, 'What's the matter with (common, lye) , to save expense. It all you fools? Do you really think I 1806 Hai-ney Street Jews are. not permitted to live there, Wholesale does save expense to the, laundry, but the Germans are -villains? They're ! I'hofie' AT Ian tic 0901 l There are exceptions, of course—ex1 ^ Fruit and Vegetables adds expense to the housekeeper,. . -"TniTel Without Trouble" | J . C. Crew. . Ed.rBuc<Iick. ; cxptiohs" "which make one doubt hu- • not! I know! I livod with them, j h e American Wet WashLaundry N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. 1' A: Store Managed'' and \Hun' Palmer's Steamship Agency < inanity. "For example, a-Jewish sol- I know them! They are people like H •• by Men •who i*iar the Game. you—humans! You are damning at 2808 Qzming Street does not use j.dier nqay remain in.that d t y as long Steamship and Foreign Travel 1 G. L . R E E V E S Specialists. • as he is in serrice. When his term yourselves before God!—all of you I Caustic, bt»t instead juses plenty of p.... . . " R A I H O " , . • f,: expires;1 he is giveri: three days to You are talking like murderers! goqd white soap and soft water for ". Phone Jackson: 0710.HMD JIarney gt. OJUUA. NKIJB. 4 • 'Everything for. the! Athlete. clear out. And a prostitute may re- You do not uhderstandl" . . . . . preserving and whitening the clothmain within Moscow," /provided she Well, -Simpson, a fist crashed into ing. 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. ^possesses her yellow ticket Jewish my face and, broke two teeth. ATlantic O34TO. "Let There Be Light" .P.roB^tefesiare'ar'accep1iable as any Someone kicked me. There was a VIENNA KEHILLAH AIDED BY JOINT. "others/ it seems. HuW'*Poor girls! yell. And" before I could turn the 109.No. 16th St.- , T«V jAelfson 8128 <u£on' me. . I w a s ' beaten Vienna.} July 17..(J. C. B.) The loIf they desired to, study at the unir i • Opponlte Pout-Office. • Ittustnttots dragged out cal directors•• of. the Joint Distribution T U ; X E D O E S , ; latest Model* yersity at Jiloscow, the price of their S25.0O to S4O.OO , • i street and flung me into the Committee of New York have come to . American Walnut 3034 . tuition was a yellow ticket: The city | "?£ FOR, SALE OK FOB KENT. . g11 eT required it. The girls.had no choice. ^ ' Police rescued me, I suppose, the'aid of the Vienna. Kehillah by votr Wet Wash Laundry Vduiafdn't know such things existed, and I spent three weeks,in a hospital. i n ^ a subsidy of $10,000 for the sup2803 Cuming. Harney 0881 Only, the 'fact that in name I was p<jrt ..of the, educational . institutions did "y6u, Simpson?" One Day Service. No Extra , Kaplan Auto Parts €o. still an American citizen saved me u n der the Kehijlah's Jurisdiction, Charges. Refinite Soft Water. from prison, ~ ™ •»»•_.7__ T».i.:n_ii I _ — *V_ . .•••• '2111 X i c h o l n s Street The Vienna Kehillah is on the verge F. S. MOREY, Prop. "Well, It's t r u e / When I reached feed cars boujrht, 8ol4.,and .evha "After that I left London,; a disof disruption because of lack, of funds - New pears, and axle shafts forKynajor . Phone. Webster 0820 .. Moscow*, a Tittle man at the station illusioned man. I went to Paris. and the disseh"tion"befween:the; eletold me that I would be unable to seTires, .Tiibes and Accessories Rough Dry Family Wash List cure a room at any hotel, because of And, God!-the-war^feyer awaited me meptsof the different^.parties!.Cwho". Y o u r position is Below AVboleBiile" Prices. my religion. My passport had al- THERE I I stood at the window of threaten to organize separated comcorrect, and should "EVERY KNOWN KIND" ready run past jts time limit, so that my room in the hotel. In the street munities. . be s u p p o r t e d by telow me a band played LA MARI Vafi really 'in a sad predicament— Abner H. Kaiman SEILLAISE and a' regiment, re- MECCA 'PILGRIMS ASKED every fair minded an outlaw in more ways than one. 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034 TO FIGHT. MANDATE plendent in blue, marched by- -toperson. The short'fellow a£ the station—he London, August 4. {J. C. B.)— was-a Jew. I believe', though, he kept ward Germany^ Women cheered and Eighteen hundred Moslems arrived wept, Children waved flags. Some PAXTON BILLIARD |ARTISTIC TAILORS,* 215 SOUTH 19TH ST. the fact secret—informed me that, fool shouted 'A bas leg Bodies!' and for the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, were I discovered, I would-be run out; PARLOR says a report to the London Times. of town. It was evening and I felt I The pilgrims were cordially wel• • • 01 • • • NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor tired. So I hired a carriage, told the i comed by King Hussein of the Hed1516 Farnam Street. Banement. Hoffmann Funeral. Home. driver'to keep going until five the [ Phone JA ckson 4136. jaz. It is learned that the Moslem next morning, when a train left for i pilgrims from Palestine are endeav'-' Full Line of Imported and Domestic Woolens in Stock. the border, -and passed a wretched' oring to enlist the ^support of 4he '.;: ^ At all times—Prices reasonable. ,; •„ •* ^ night sleeping Jn th". .creaky wagon. j pilgrims from other c.ountnes'''in tJTe Electric—Commercial " " For a Perfect Fit'and Brotherly Courtesy—See-Us First. ]5 Nearly- y erer^ Jewish' family In Yonr subscription for "TV Jaw. "Nextjnornih I leife.^for. the Ger^J 1118 J W 18tk St^-Weister 0729; campaign against the -Palestine JMJ&-Omaha reads "The Jewish- Pfen". ish Press" is due now. man border, where, by the way, I was date. ' '
Citizen of Me World
Omaha Industries Aided by Immediate Supply ofFuel fii
The Harry A. Koch Co
E. E. Briice & Co.
FRED R.SHAW Flower Shop
Council Bluffs Savings Bank
Carpenter Paper Co.
Baker Ice Machines
The Brinn & Jensen Company
rs! National
First National Bank
rLove Haskell Co.
Made With" Milk •'
City National Bank
McCiprd-Brady Co.
Omaha Sporting | Goods Co.
. . .
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False EcoHomy
uteamship 1 ickets
• • •
• - : • ' • } • : • . : . ' :
Dundee Electric
Emerson Laundry
Leo A. Hoffmann
Known among our well dressed Jewish Communal Workers as responsible and accurate Tailors.
Omaha Sign Company "Builders of Better Signs"